#the fanfic was good. i was just lead astray by the tags
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beevean · 11 months ago
Hey I found your post about the Castlevania shipping somewhat unlike you, in the past I have seen you defend nsfw art of Sonic characters who are minors, or brushing of shipping kids with adults but you're clearly upset at problematic power imbalance and noncon tropes in shipping adults. I just wonder does that mean you have changed your mind on the topic ???
Alright, I can see why it seems that I'm being a hypocrite. I'll try to explain myself in the best way I can, even if I question your wording.
I don't hate power imbalance and noncon/dubcon at all. They're some of my favorite tropes, and I am not particularly shy in talking about it :P and it's precisely because I an fascinated by them that poor writing incenses me and I can't stop thinking about it. However, this is the part I have to highlight: poor writing in official products, because comparing a very popular Netflix show written by a respected professional who got paid and promoted for his work, with a 20 kudos fanfiction written by some nameless teen for free, is disingenuous. One has tremendous reach and the other has not.
In the responses in that post (I'm assuming you're talking about this one - hope it's this one because otherwise I'd look dumb lol), I eventually said "I have more respect for the fans who just find the abuse hot". There are thousands of fanfics that are irrealistic when it comes to abusive dynamics, that are literally nothing more than fetish fuel - and that's fine. I wouldn't read them, I would appreciate if people did more research, but they're harmless. Disgust is not harm and in this I have not changed my mind.
My problem with that particular ship is not necessarily the "noncon" part (which is not even noncon: it's dubcon, it's deliberately murky). It's that the noncon part, and not even in a porn fic but in an official product that is praised for the depth of its writing, gets brushed off, because the writing was rushed and made artificially more "wholesome". The dissonance of morals is too big for me to ignore, and the resounding success that it got from its audience even more so - not even from the "step on me mommy" crowd or the "wow I love toxic relationships, they're so fucked up <3" crowd (hell I'm one of them), but from the people who genuinely agree with the story that "yes, this is cute".
I wouldn't care so much if this was just a non-canon ship. There are plenty of popular non-canon ships that make me angry because I think they have a terrible dynamic and I don't understand the appeal. I don't care. But this is not a ship, it's not just some dozens of fans findind two characters hot: this is a story. And this changes everything.
I believe that an official product, that is incidentally praised by nearly everyone, should have been more responsible with its messages. Not in a "fiction affects reality" way, but in a "this story is terribly written, I try to understand why I seem to be in the minority in thinking so, and the justifications are eerily reminiscent of real life abuse apologism" way. I'm not saying that NFCV fans will watch the show and think "oh boy! my eyes have been opened! maybe if I, a woman, raped a man into slavery, he'll love me too!"... but let's be real: unlike the boogeyman of incest, female-on-male abuse is still widely misunderstood. Rape that is not "man violently forces himself on a woman he doesn't know" is still widely misunderstood. The show had the chance to challenge those misconceptions, but instead, it only confirmed them. The fact that it happened mostly out of shoddy writing makes it even worse, because there is not even full authorial intent.
I can safely say that the overwhelming majority of people who draw porn of Tails are well aware that sexualizing real kids is wrong. This sort of moral cannot be influenced by porn, because it's too rooted in our consciousness (people who sexualize real life kids are born that way and it's a completely different topic). Those people have their own reasons for drawing that kind of porn. I don't want to know them, I don't want to see them, please keep it in your corner and tag your shit, but it's just tasteless fanart at worst and I don't care. I grew up in a much edgier era when genuine graphic torture porn was written for no reason other than to shock others, so I don't really bother to wonder why someone would write or draw something disgusting. As long as it's avoidable, it's fine. It's harder to avoid a popular official product that is always touted as an example of excellent writing and also happens to be the adaptation of a franchise I've grown to love, considered superior to said franchise to boot.
It doesn't help that there is proof of the writer in question being a prolific sex pest whose crimes eerily match its writing. So in his case, I do wonder why he wrote certain things.
Just as a note, I don't really talk about it here, but I used to be a fierce anti-Twilight back in the day, and it was for similar reasons: I was appalled at that series' sexism and misanthropy and abuse apologism and I thought it was a real issue, because I think widespread stories ought to be more careful with their themes than fanfics and fanart. Not even necessarily to "teach" a lesson (NFCV is for adults anyway, it's not meant to be educational), but... well, as respect for your audience, you know?
And as for the people who don't see any issue... again, I don't want to assume anything about their morals. Maybe for them it really is just an intriguing ship. But I would like to at least urge someone to think about what they're saying, because when you say "no, he wasn't raped, merely seduced, and anyway he deserved it for being stupid, and he got a good deal out of it so why did he have to ruin such a beautiful relationship?", now that is the thing that could affect real people, not shipping a 12 yo and a 15 yo cartoon hedgehogs.
tl;dr: official stories and ships/fan content have different impacts and I judge them differently. This also happened to be about a topic I very much care about.
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darlingdreames · 1 month ago
*knock knock* *peeks around door* Hi, all! I’m showing up 14 years late with a Starbucks, but I am here!
I haven’t been on Tumblr in a minute (like a long time) but I do consider myself an OG because this place used to be my home. Literally the only site I’d visit for hours at a time. I’ve cycled through many fandoms (with no side blogs) and now I’m back with an OBSESSION with INCEPTION. Particularly the dream husbands Eames and Arthur.
I don’t know how this fandom or this ship has escaped me for so long, but I am balls deep in it now. I’ve been reading Inception fanfic for about a year now, and I would love if anyone has any recs! Also, if you have recs of blogs I should follow that will inundate me with Eames and Arthur gossip/lore/gushing/nonsense I’d be forever grateful!
Stuff (fic) that is my jam:
The Psycho Heroes series (A/E) by FiaMac - For realzies, I’ve read this series probably 15 times already in the short time I’ve been in the fandom. It is my absolute FAVE.
The Day series (A/E) by RurouniHime - I’ve also read this series many times, particularly UnDays. Ugh, so so so good.
The Trembling of the Migratory Birds (A/A/E) by eretria - I’m not opposed to some threesome action as long as Arthur and Eames are somewhere in the mix and oh ho ho this fic is a doozy.
Meant To Lead A Man Astray (A/E) by kyrene - This was so fun to read and hot af so I do go back to read it occasionally just to get my mind off of a bad day.
I Seem To Be A Verb (A/E) by Aja - A Notting Hill AU. Like omfg as if I need to say more. Fucking magical is this fic.
Presque Vue (A/E) by rageprufrock - No words. Just ugh *chef’s kiss*
Aaaaaaanywho, those are just some of the MANY fics I have bookmarked on AO3. If anyone thinks there is Arthur/Eames fic I should read or even Arthur/Eames/Other or even Eames/Other (particularly another Inception character) please, gimme ALL the fic recs.
The tags I most search for in Inception fics on AO3 are: #hurt Eames, #possessive Arthur, #protective Arthur, and of course #Arthur/Eames.
I hope there are still some of you out there that want to gush about these stupid dream husbands in love! ❤️
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thebibliosphere · 4 years ago
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[ID: a gif of John Oliver the comedian splaying his hands wide and saying, “Welcome to whatever this is…”]
Hello! My name is Joy Demorra, I’m an official 2x International Best Selling Author, Vampire Romancer and Shitpost Producer Extraordinaire, and yes, I am the vampire nipple erotica editor who just wants to rest , thanks for asking!
You may know me from such posts as the infamous Crucifix Nail Nipples (x), Robin Williams Punching Death Eaters Dream (x) or one of my many, many, many vampire shitposts, chronic illness/advocacy posts, or my ADHD posts. However you found me, I hope you enjoy your time here. Please have patience if you are sending me messages either here or somewhere else on the Internet. I am but a humble smut peddler, peddling my weres. I am also multiply disabled with at least one genetic disability and several chronic illnesses and mental health issues that make keeping up with a high traffic blog very difficult. I never expected to become a hub for shitposts and chronic illness/ADHD resources, but here we are!
If you ever get tired of seeing my personal health posts, you may wish to blacklist the following tags: ‘#chronic health tag’ & ‘#chronic health tag: teeth’, that way I can bitch and moan into the void and you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to.
Due to Tumblr successfully tricking me into becoming a professional author, I have several hundred ongoing projects at once, most of them vampire themed. 
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My international best selling debut novel, Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites is available for purchase on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and several other places still updating as I type. It was supposed to be a short paranormal polyamorous satirical romance featuring a vampire, a werewolf and all other manner of creatures that go bump in the night, but has since morphed into a paranormal polyamorous gaslamp fantasy romance series with potentially 5-6 books planned. Don’t ask how, I do not know. Also yes, ha ha, I’m so bisexual I couldn’t even pick a genre. 
The series follows the antics of three main characters, a disabled and partially deaf werewolf known as Nathan Northland, a 400yo mad-scientist-dandy-styled vampire named Vlad Blutstein, and Ursula, who goes only by the mysterious moniker, The Lady Ursula. It’s set in a pseudo-regency-steampunkish gaslamp era, and the characters inhabit a world much like our own, excepting of course the fantastical ideas of magic being real, vampires living among us, and government bodies being held accountable for their actions.
The book will also be available in paperback, and will also come in two editions: one with the sex scenes for those who like a little bite with their fangs, and one without, for those who like a little bit more fluff. Links coming soon! There’s also already a fandom tag, which is #Phangs and #Phangdom and because I’m a weak creature and easily lead, AU fanfic on my Ao3 under original works, most of which is Adult 18+ in nature.
You can read more about my other ongoing works by clicking on my blog Welcome Page (x), and also at www.joydemorra.com for any upcoming news and announcements. Alternatively you can subscribe to my Newsletter (x) which I do promise I’ll update soon.
Given the nature of my work, if you are under the age of 18, I do ask that you respect my boundaries and refrain from interacting with anything on my blog that is labelled 18+
I try very hard to keep my blog as safe for everyone as I can and respect your boundaries. No mean feat when you’re known across the Internet as “the crucifix vampire nipple lady” :P
If you need me to tag something for trigger purposes, no matter how silly you think I might think it is, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. Also while I do try very hard to be conscientious of the things I do and say, sometimes I will inevitably make mistakes or misspeak, and it is important to me that it be brought to my attention so I might correct my behavior and apologize. So please don’t be afraid to tell me when I’ve got my head up my ass. I make no pretenses at being a good person. I’m just trying my damnedest not to be an awful one.
Other places you can find me on the Internet include:
Patreon! (x) where things are about to get a drastic shake up.
Twitter (x) where I occasioanlly yell at clouds and retweet all the funny and poignant things you lot say.
Facebook (x) where I mostly hide and don’t interact with anyone because it’s Facebook, but will be more active once book stuff starts going live.
Twitch (x) where I occasionally stream surviving the apocalypse in the frostbitten world of Frostpunk.
Ao3 (x) where I post my fanfic, sometimes even of my own work because I am weak-willed and easily led astray.
I also have a Ko-fi (x) where I cross post my Patreon work for anyone who doesn’t like Patreon. It also functions are my general tip jar, so if you like what I do here and would like to help me keep doing it, tips are deeply appreciated though by no means expected. I do what I do on tumblr primarily for love, and I’ll keep doing it for as long as I can, for as long as I’m capable.
Thank you for reading this far, and remember, take care of yourselves and each other. You’re more important than you’ll ever truly know. 
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zemossunshine · 3 years ago
Sunshine- Chapter 1
This is a dark fanfic!!!
Pairings: Zemo x You  Bucky x You
Summary: Falling in love with a villain. This will start sweet and then go very dark.
Tags: Explicit. Mature. Not for minors. Dark. Angst. Knife play. Depression. Suicidal thoughts. Self Harm . Vomiting. Nightmares. Sleepwalking. Torture. Smut. Broken Bones. Blood. Injury. Violence. Rough Sex. Rape. Kidnapping. Spanking. Unhealthy Relationships. Mental Health Issues. Anal Sex. Orgasm Delay. Fear. Blow Jobs. Sexual Violence. Suicide Attempt. Reference To Domestic Violence. Sleepwalking. Memory Loss. Gen Violence. Threats. Manipulation. Manipulative Relationship. Murder. Death. Loss Of Parents. Implied Alcohol Abuse. Threats Of Rape. Non Consensual Drug Use. Emotional Manipulation. Gaslighting.
Warning for this chapter: Knifeplay
I wish somebody would have told me. That I'd end up so caught up in need of your demons, that I'd be lost without you leading my astray. Guess that I’m a fool, for the way that you caught me. Lyrics owned by Lewis Capaldi.
You had your instructions from Fury. You were going to be his eyes at the Raft, you were never any good with field work. Fury knew you were a good judge of character. It was a chance to help people and for as long as you could remember, that’s all you ever wanted.
“Try not to punch Ross, I’ll check in soon.” -- “You're a liability!” Ross was hot red in the face. He was pacing his office. You could only assume he was referring to the fact you weren’t trained. Well not exactly trained, not in the same way Hill or Fury were and not enough to be a guard. You were never really good at hiding your emotions, you felt your chest rise and you swallowed down a shaky breath. You tried to focus on a pen on his desk. Distract your face from giving yourself away.
“Not even trained, you won't last a week.” He was towering over you; you could almost feel his frustration washing over you. You cleared your throat you desperately searched for the confidence you know you have. You know you can help, you just had to convince Ross.
“Sir as you know I have been given full clearance; your men can train me. I won't be wearing that." You scoffed waiving a hand in the direction of a guard. "Nor will I carry your weapons. You have to meet the conditions set out by the United Nations and they sent me here.” You felt it as your face contorted, you always had a hard time lying but Fury asked you to be here and you owed him. He got you all the clearance you needed, how? Well, how does Fury do anything? He gave you a purpose, a job suited to who you are. Fury always had a way.
“They think you can read minds; you are no hero.” Ross was glaring down at you, he wanted a reason to say no, to keep things the way they were, all under his control. You could tell he had suspicions about the real reason you were there.
“Hence why my name isn't on the Sokovia accords, I'm not enhanced, you know that.” You were calm, it wasn’t a lie. You weren’t enhanced, Fury checked.
“You’re naive.” You could hear the venom in his voice, you sighed, resigned yourself to the fact you know you couldn't win this one. Maybe one day you could be friends with Ross, not today though. Not that it mattered, you would be working here regardless.
You were huddled over the tablet in a coffee shop. OK, on paper (well screen) what you were reading was harrowing, awful, inhumane. But you knew words couldn’t tell you about a person, not really. People change when they are in pain, you had seen it more times than you cared to count. They just needed hope, a glimmer of light, a reason to move forward. When a person was happy you could almost feel the glow radiating from them. Standing in that glow, feeling that shine, it was everything. You couldn’t get enough of it; you were drawn into it.
You glanced up and back down to the screen. Holy shit. He was beautiful, beyond beautiful. Eyes like a clear ocean, dark hair, tall, just the right amount of stubble. He was wearing a blue long-sleeved t-shirt that fit him just right. You couldn’t concentrate beyond that; you might just melt if you looked over him any longer. You had forgotten about that date you arranged, you got here hours ago just to kill time. You felt a flood of white in the pit on your stomach. Safe. You knew this man.
"James Barnes?” You just needed to check, had seen pictures of him, but they could have never done him justice, your eyes were bulging. He was literally breath taking. He cleared his throat.
“Erm yeah, I can go if you like, I get it.” He looked solemn and immediately glanced at the door. Don’t leave.
“No, no, sit, just didn't expect it to be you.” You were smiling, beaming, you hoped it was inviting and not crazed. You patted the table, willing him to listen.
“Actually it's Bucky.”
“OK Bucky, it’s nice to finally meet you. Where are my manners?” You rushed it all out, he made your heart flutter. You stood and hugged him, hoping to ease the tension, or you just needed to touch him. His muscles were rock hard under the clothes, you exhaled audibly, he must have heard it. He tried to return the embrace, but he sort of patted your back with one hand. He was rigid, not completely, brushing up on him should have stirred something inside of you, and it did but you just wanted him to sit and relax. Relax? Drag him home right now.
“Sit please, what would you like?” You were on your fifth coffee, you were buzzing. You were sure it was the coffee. It’s not the coffee.
“Erm, just black coffee, but I'll get it.” He was looking all around the coffee shop, he seemed on guard ready for something, you had no idea what it was. He walked to the counter still looking around, glancing at the exit, at people, you didn’t like that. You were supposed to be nervous on a date but not on edge. He set the cups down in front of you, he knew what you were drinking. You were amazed, then reminded yourself he was a super soldier. Bucky finally sat down opposite you.
“So what do you do?” He looked like he had asked this question a hundred times, like he was on auto pilot, tired of the same routine, just get the date over with.
“Actually, I start a new job tomorrow as a prison guard, well sort of prison guard.”
“So, you like things to follow order?” Bucky looked even more uncomfortable than before, if that was possible. His shoulders slightly raised and was looking into the black of his coffee, he was bracing to leave.
“Not really, more like redemption.” your voice didn’t waiver, you were assured, it’s what you truly believed. Bucky visibly relaxed, shoulders lowered slightly, he smiled, the first smile you had seen from him. Woah. You could hear blood rushing to your face, your heart beat a tiny bit faster, you thought time might have stopped. You could stare at that smile forever.
“Hey are you ok?” His smile was gone. He saw that, probably heard it too.
“I'm great.” and you really were, more than great. You already knew what he did, so it felt pointless to ask. You wondered if you could just sit here and look at him. You would be happy with it, but something told you he wouldn’t.
“Do you like your job?” You weren’t even aware you were talking; you were just thankful that some words fell out of your mouth. And more thankful they weren’t a detailed description of the things you wanted to do with him.
“I don’t really know anything else.” he shrugged, it made your heart ache, you hated to see people in pain. You reached your hands across and placed yours over his, he snatched the vibranium one away. You didn't react, you smiled, and squeezed the one he left behind. Reassurance. Well at least you hoped it was.
“You must love the internet?” You knew he didn’t exactly come from this time and you knew not everything in this time was perfect, but surely, he found something about this time that he liked, that made him happy.
“I don't really know how to use it.” Bucky was still glancing around the room, he was still on edge, was it the date? Surely, he dated, even in his time. You immediately stood up and moved your chair next to him. People were almost always at ease around you, so this was different. You got your phone out and scrolled until you found something light-hearted but funny, he giggled you could feel the heat radiating off him. Your heart picked up again and he glanced at you. Oh, he can hear it. Time was a blur after that, you don’t know how long we were there, you didn’t care, you were both laughing, you blushed a lot. Your phone rang, it was Fury, well unknown but it was Fury. You couldn’t answer, not right then! You noticed the time on the screen. Shit. You started your new job in four hours, well the journey there anyway. It must have shown on your face.
“Let's get you home.” Bucky stood up and guided you to the door, careful not to touch you, but you were very aware he was behind you. There was still a hint of a smile on his lips.
“I only live five minutes from here, I’ll be ok.” Bucky’s face dropped. That wasn’t a good sign, you took the hand he didn’t snatch away before, interlaced his fingers with your own and started walking. You just had to make it five minutes without jumping him. Jump him.
“Can I see you again?” Bucky looked uncomfortable again but had a hint of hope.
“Yes!” You were sure you answered before he finished his sentence. Absolutely yes, yes, forever yes, please yes. He kissed you on the cheek, turned on his heel and walked away. Everything stopped, just for a second, you forgot to breathe. You could hear your heartbeat pounding your ears, it almost hurt, your body was humming, you were glowing, that glow you craved, it was addictive.
You slept the entire way to the Raft, yesterday was the most excitement you had in a long time. You were sure there was a smile on your face even in your dreams.
“These two won’t wear the watch.” Ross wasn’t even looking at you, he held them out expecting you to take them. You waited, why would the people here need the watch? They were monitored constantly, and so were you, you wore the guard's version of the watch. It didn’t even look like a watch, just a thick black bracelet. Ross knew you weren't satisfied.
“It administers a shock if they misbehave.” Ross said. You immediately felt sick, you were not about to ask someone to wear something that could hurt them, you turned away.
“It monitors health too.” Ross huffed out. He knew that you wouldn’t say no, you hated the very thought of causing someone pain, but it kept them safe too. It was a compromise; one you didn’t like. Asshole. You would find a way to get that shock removed, it wasn’t going to be today but you would.
The first person just wasn't ready. You weren’t even sure they knew where they were. You wanted to reach out, to try something, anything, but there was a slight red in the pit of your stomach. Danger. You would come back, again and again. Give them hope, a chance. Onto the next- Zemo.
You glanced up, he had books, interests, you smiled. Hope already. He was sitting on the edge of his bed reading. He hadn't noticed you or was ignoring you. He was clean, he even shaved, he took care of himself. Which is more than can said about the other people here. You waited for a moment and closed your eyes just for a moment and soft white fluttered in your stomach. Safe. You touched your watch to the glass and it slid open, you stepped over the threshold. The glass slid shut behind you and obscured, it gave you rare privacy with the people here. One of the conditions you asked Fury for.
“Hi, this watch monitors your health, could you put it on for me?” Your tone was light, hopefully friendly. Zemo eyed you curiously, he ran his eyes all over different parts of your body, the lack of armour taken him aback. He placed the book down gently and stood up. He stepped towards you and his eyes fixed at your hip, just for a second longer than anywhere else. It’s where you placed a small knife, a compromise from Ross. Ross knew you wouldn’t carry a gun, too lethal. You didn’t budge under Zemo’s examination of you.
“I forgot my manners; please will you wear it?” You tried again. Zemo smiled, possibly the most menacing smile you had ever seen. You tilted your head at him. You weren't scared, you were interested, intrigued. He was so sure of himself, it rattled you, it was almost overbearing. It’s not what you expect in a place like this.
“No? Ok.” You walked past him and sat on the bed, you needed to get out from under his gaze. You started scrolling through his files on the tablet, no interests were listed, no food preferences, no likes, nothing. You let out a frustrated a breath. Fucking Ross.
“Is there something else I can get for you? I can see you like to read.” Honestly you were shocked he was even allowed books; it wasn’t like Ross. It was however another indication that Ross would compromise, even with someone he considered the enemy. Although Zemo wasn’t enhanced. Maybe Ross’ compromises were strictly for those he knew he could kill if needed. You shuddered at the thought.
Zemo stepped towards you and very gently put his hands in your hair, it was remarkable, tender. He slightly tugged your hair so you were forced to look up at him, under his gaze again. He had a darkness clouding his eyes, you wondered if anyone else could see it, but you doubted anyone else here got this close to him. He trailed a finger along your side, down to your hip and removed the knife with a speed you couldn’t quite believe. Shock rippled your face; he held the knife to your throat. He meticulously traced a perfect horizontal line there, he was toying with you, but he didn’t press the knife in, no pressure, just a threat. There was slight glint in his eyes. Your body should be screaming, you should be running, trying to escape. But it never came, your breathing was normal, your muscles relaxed, you waited.
“You have incredible resolve.” Zemo’s voice was whisper, slightly husky with an accent, it was calming. If there were any tension in your body, it would have vanished right there. You pushed your head forward quickly and heard the distinct sound of metallic hitting the floor. Thought so. Without missing a beat, you bent down and pick the knife back up. Zemo’s hands are still in the air, where you were just moments ago.
“You dropped this, I believe you were about to kill me.” You offered it back, no fear in your voice, a sly smile on your lips. You felt smug. Zemo started to circle you then, he was searching for something, you held as still as possible, but his eyes were unnerving, not frightening, you just felt exposed somehow. He stopped suddenly and placed his hands one over the other in front of him. He held himself with tenacity, he had decided on something, he was certain. Which he inexplicably managed to express by just standing there.
“You can read minds.” Zemo said it with authority, a statement, a fact.
“No, just trusting.” You tried to match his gaze. No hope of that. He remained where he was, his eyes were boring into you, it was excruciating. You hadn’t said enough, he was demanding an answer. It was astonishing, you felt like you had to give in to him, there simply wasn’t any other choice.
“Let’s call it a gut instinct, I don’t believe you intend to harm me.” It was the only answer to give, it was the truth. It was that easy and simple. I just know. You placed the knife back at your hip.
“Then why hide your weapon?” Zemo scoffed.
“I’m not the only person in the room.”
Next Part: https://www.tumblr.com/zemossunshine/664308299208048640/sunshine-chapter-2?source=share
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queermil · 6 years ago
Since you're the person I come to for fic recs and also the person whose fics I completely adore, I have a question for you... Do most fandoms have the fic quality we do in RNM, or is this a rarity? Cause I'm new to this and if you'd ask me a few months ago what fanfic even was, I’d have thought it was 12 yr olds writing about Twilight or something (no offense to 12 yr olds writing about Twilight!) but I have discovered some seriously good fics and crazy talented writers in this fandom!
oh my god, anon. okay. first, thank you. both praises mean the absolute world to me and i’ll keep doing my best not to lead you astray.
the secondly will take a bit longer. on the one hand, this is the most involved i’ve been in a fandom since my harry potter roleplaying days, and even then i was very on the sidelines fic-wise. that said, i have ingested an overwhelming amount of fic in various fandoms. so while i’m probably not top tier in that regard, i’ve at least got a varied sample group.
you’re not alone in your perception of fanfiction! tons of people, dare i say the majority of them outside of tumblr/fanfic platforms, probably have preconceived notions of fanfiction that would change drastically should they ever find themselves engaging with it.
but my answer would really boil down to this: yes, this level of quality can and has been achieved in other fandoms. absolutely. how could it not be, when the people whose work you’re reading have written for other fandoms? i think we’re very lucky in that RNM has attracted a large number of good writers, and more than that, decent and prolific writers. you get good stuff and you get a lot of it. we’ve also got a smaller sample size at the moment. harry potter has millions of fics spanning two decades. there’s going to be some schmoop in there. the RNM ao3 tag only has 1737 fics!!
but as always, fandom tends to be what you make of it. if you read every single fanfic produced for a fandom, you’re going to get hit with the good and the bad. if you only read fics recommended to you by others, well…. you’ll probably only end up reading the top tier stuff. trust me. i read everything in the malex ao3 tag.
tldr; yes, absolutely. however, i have to give special love to my RNM family because you’re right; the fanfic that this fandom produces is of an astounding quality. i’m just trying not to be completely biased about it.
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cedarmoons · 6 years ago
Not an ask meme question tbh but it's something I really wanted to ask because I admire your writing (ditto to video's writing if they see this (hello btw)!): how did you get over your fear to post writing things on tumblr? Sharing my writing scares me so much that I don't really write outta fear. I miss it a ton so I wanna start again & share with folk but the idea is scary. How do you do it?
First of all, thank you!! I’m so glad you like my writing! :’)
Second, I would say tumblr is a fucking terrible platform for writing, though some fandoms (dragon age) are way better about reblogging/supporting their fanfic writers than others (the arcana). I’d highly recommend posting to ao3, because ao3, while the arcana fandom isn’t necessarily active on there either, it has an infrastructure built to support and nurture writers!! I want you to get as much support as you can, anon!
But to get to your question as to how I get over my fear to post my writing on tumblr: 
I’m a massive hoe!
more writing advice under the cut :)
I think the mantra “don’t write for others write for yourself uwu” is, to a certain extent, complete bullshit. Sure, I love writing my stories and sure, I love my characters, but I also want other people to love my characters and read about them. I want other people to want to read about them and their stories. So what do I do?
I keep writing, and I keep posting, and eventually people will start to notice. It can get really discouraging at first; my first arcana stuff on tumblr got, like, 3 notes. I seriously considered leaving the arcana and going back to the same solas hell I’d been in for the past three years until @4biddenleeches fuckin’ reblogged one of my oneshots and added a whole paragraph of nice comments in the tags AND commented on ao3!! She saved my arcana fandom life!! She’s the real MVP yall, without her I would have written like 3 things for the arcana and that would’ve been it.
So that’s my answer: I’m a hoe, and I want people to read my stuff. Writing fanfic isn’t fun for me if I don’t get to share my work w/ others and I don’t know that other ppl are enjoying my work alongside me.
But I am curious as to your reasons as to why you’re afraid to post to tumblr. I can think of a couple reasons why this might be, though I don’t know your reasons specifically. So, I’m going to be using a fictitious presumption that you want to write Nadia and/or Asra-centric fic for the Arcana fandom as opposed to fic for the Dragon Age fandom.
Is it because you think no one will read it? 
First of all, if this is the case, TAG ME, 🅱️LEASE, I WANT TO READ UR STUFF!! (esp. if it’s nadia or asra content... feed me... i’m starving)
In all seriousness, this is a totally understandable concern. This partially feeds into how hostile tumblr as a platform is for fanfiction and other writing, but it can often feel like your work is being ignored, especially if you’re in the Nadia or Asra tag and your beautiful fanfiction keeps being drowned out by meme posts about how Julian is disaster hottie husband material (I’m joking but really people please stop putting Julian-only stuff in Nadia & Asra’s tags, we know u want notes but pls we’re starving!!). 
But there’s a whole complexity that goes into posts that show up or get attention, including whether or not there’s external links, formatting, length, etc. It really just takes a lot of tinkering to find that “fit” or to decide that you don’t care, which is also a valid take.
The only advice I have for this would be to keep writing. The more content you put out there into the void, the more likely you’re to be noticed, to get feedback, and to gain a following. @kauriart has an excellent tumblr-fanfic-centric advice post here. And if worst comes to worst, if you tag me, I’ll read your work and possibly shove it in all of my friends’s faces!!
Is it because you don’t think your work is up to snuff? 
Again, I would continue to encourage you to keep writing. The best way to improve is to practice. I hated my Asra characterization in my first few chapters of handle with care, and now he comes very naturally to me, because I’ve written like,,, 100,000+ words about him ://// press f for respects re: my wrists
Also, keep in mind that you are always, always your own worst critic! What you may think is absolute garbage may be what someone else thinks is 24-karat gold! If you really hate a piece you’ve worked on, that’s totally fine -- shove it on a google doc somewhere (DON’T DELETE! There may be lines or paragraphs you like & that you can cannibalize for later work! Internet space is infinite!) and start again, thinking about what you can do different, how you could improve what you’ve already written, etc.
There may be another reason you’re afraid to post your work on tumblr, in which case I invite you to send me another ask so I can give you advice, or even send me an IM! But my advice mostly bubbles down to this: keep trucking along. good things come to those who wait. your dues will come; the forest always knows what it owes. :)
last but not least: pray to aphrodite, patron goddess of fanfiction. she will not lead you astray, sweet writer.
(if u post anything u better tag me anon 🔪)
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thran-duils · 8 years ago
You Won’t Lead Me Astray
Title: You Won’t Lead Me Astray (Good Deeds, P2) Pairing: Reader/Lucifer!Cas Summary: Lucifer and the reader meet again! Setting up the next part of the story. Words: 914
Part 1 | Masterpost  || Fanfic masterpost
It had been days since you had seen Lucifer and he was clouding your thoughts. It was confusing for you to see him in Castiel’s vessel and seeing Lucifer act the way… well, that he did. Castiel was not inclined to flirting and human tendencies but Lucifer… despite his stay in the cage, seemed to be on them. He was interesting. You missed Castiel something fierce. He was one of your best friends and having him close – regardless if he was up front in the vessel or not – was comforting. And Lucifer… not a friend… but something else intriguing entirely. And dressed up in Castiel’s vessel, he was definitely aesthetically pleasing.
You didn’t even realize how far you were letting your mind drift as you sat on your floor, your papers sprawled around you. You had been working on a case and had just lost yourself in thought. And apparently all that thinking about Lucifer had called him.
The second he started talking, you jumped whipping around to face where the voice was coming from.
“I hope you’re not thinking I would come here and help you do… whatever it is you’re doing with all that boring crap.”
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You relaxed, realizing it was him. And then immediately blushed because he had heard you think about him, wishing he was here.
Brushing a piece of stray hair behind your ear, you cleared your throat. “No… I was just…” you trailed off and looked up at him and saw him regarding you curiously. You blushed further and he no doubt noticed. Clearing your throat again uncomfortably, you finished. “Lonely. Sam and Dean are gone.”
Lucifer looked amused. “So. You have to call on the devil for company.”
Shrugging, you muttered, “I guess so.”
“Well, Princess, I am flattered,” Lucifer remarked sitting on your bed, looking down at you. You cocked an eyebrow in surprise and he sighed, “I’m surrounded by idiots 99.9% of the time. So, thank you for the welcome break.”
“I would assume you would think I was an idiot too,” you replied, starting to gather up the papers to put them back in the file. You were tired of staring at them. Sam and Dean hadn’t called in hours and they wouldn’t get an assessment of the case until another two at least when they reached the destination and interviewed some people.
“You don’t seem too fond of humans.”
“Humans are far better than demons.” You snorted and he questioned, “What?”
“They consider you their father.”
“A lot of parents are not pleased with their children.”
“I suppose.”
You finished putting the papers in the folder and pushed yourself up off the ground.
“Well, if you need some reprieve, feel free to hang out here,” you offered, turning your eyes to him again when you had stood up straight.
Lucifer looked amused. “Any reason Sammy and Dean-o didn’t take you with them?”
Your expression fell a little bit and you narrowed your eyes slightly. “I actually turned down going. It wasn’t them.”
“Why do you care?”
Shrugging, Lucifer answered, “Sam just seemed pretty protective of you when he saw you outside with me. Wondered why he would be okay with leaving you here.”
“This place is pretty secure.”
Lucifer threw you a smirk, “Right.” His tone was sarcastic. “So, why’d you turn it down?”
“Needed time to myself.”
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Nodding in acknowledgement, Lucifer pushed himself off the bed and approached you. “Binge watching Netflix? Playing games on your iPad?”
You found amusement in this. “Are you falling prey to that boredom trap?”
“There are some games I do enjoy.”
“I keep getting interrupted before I find ones I do like.”
The way he was looking at you was making you feel daring. You acted on your instincts. “Need some pointers on which shows to try? We do have a TV you know.”
Lucifer leaned in close and you smelt the musk on his neck. “I might take you up on that, princess.”
“Find yourself some new cologne?” you couldn’t help but to ask.
Lucifer smirked raising his hand and running it down your cheek. “Do you like it?” You didn’t answer him and he smirked even broader, leaning down towards your face. His eyes were searching your face and he simpered, “You don’t have to answer me. I can feel it radiating off of you.” He gave you a mocking frown, “Now, don’t hurt my feelings and tell me it’s only because of this meat suit. Or… worse… your little foot soldier.”
You sensed a bit of jealousy to his tone and for some reason, you were encouraged by it. He didn’t seem happy about the fact you might have a liking for his younger brother.
“Can it be all?” you inquired, your voice even, keeping eye contact with him.
Rolling his eyes, Lucifer responded, “I don’t like sharing the attention.”
“Course not. That’s a pain someone with siblings always deals with.”
“You’re obviously entertained.”
A smile grew on Lucifer’s face and he chuckled a little bit. “This little banter we have going back and forth is quite adorable.”
“I’ve been told I’m adorable before.”
Lucifer’s eyes roamed you and he met your gaze again. “I’m sure.” Your lips parted a bit, staring into his eyes. He kept eye contact for a few second before he cleared his throat. “Anyway, lead the way. I’ll take you up on that Netflix recommendation list, princess. I’m sure you won’t lead me astray.”
Castiel Tags: @prince-halfblood, @splendidcas, @klaineaholic, @letsthedogpackandthecats, @alexastacio, @winchesterforever12 @seirensou  @tacos-and-trenchcoats @the-amaranthine
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thebibliosphere · 5 years ago
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New decade, new follower milestone, and the theme going forward is “that ADHD mood” (x) apparently.
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, I figured it was getting annoying every month, but 40,000 seems like a good number to welcome all the new folk, post some updates, and say how thankful I am for everyone who has been with me over the last half decade since my blog went viral and turned my life upside down in the best way possible. I know most of you came for the funny shitposts and found yourselves with an unexpected frontrow seat to watching someone repeatedly nearly die from an unknown illness, and I know that can’t have been much fun to watch, but thank you for being here and staying with me. Your support and kindess has been invaluable, and I am sincere when I say you are part of the reason I am still here, both on this blog and in this world. Without your compassion and support over the last five years I know I wouldn’t have made it, and for that you have my eternal gratitude and I will spend the rest of my life trying everyday to pay it forward. Thank you.
And now that I’ve got the serious/sappy stuff out the way, on with the fun stuff!
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[ID: a gif of John Oliver the comedian splaying his hands wide and saying, “Welcome to whatever this is...”]
Hello! My name is Joy Demorra, I’m an official 2x International Best Selling Author, Vampire Romancer and Shitpost Producer Extraordinaire, and yes, I am the vampire nipple erotica editor who just wants to rest , thanks for asking!
You may know me from such posts as the infamous Crucifix Nail Nipples (x), Robin Williams Punching Death Eaters Dream (x) or one of my many, many, many vampire shitposts, chronic illness/advocacy posts, or my ADHD posts. However you found me, or whatever brought you here, I hope you enjoy your time here. Please have patience if you are sending me messages either here or somewhere else on the Internet, I am but a humble smut peddler, peddling my weres. I am also multiply disabled with at least one genetic disability and several chronic illnesses and mentalh health issues that make keeping up with a high traffic blog very difficult. I never expected to become a hub for shitposts and chronic illness/ADHD resources, but here we are!
If you ever get tired of seeing my personal health posts, you may wish to blacklist the following tags: ‘#chronic health tag’ & ‘#chronic health tag: teeth’, that way I can bitch and moan into the void and you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to.
Due to Tumblr successfully tricking me into becoming a professional author, I have several hundred ongoing projects at once, most of them vampire themed. My most well known is Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, which you can read more about here (x), or pre-order on Amazon now (x)!
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[ID: A screencapture of my Amazon storefront page showing Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites as  #1 Best Seller]
The book will also be available on iTunes, Kobo, and various other digital outlets, as well as being available in paperback, and will also come in two editions, one with the sex scenes for those who like a little bite with ther fangs, and one without, for those whoe like a little bit more fluff. I just haven’t gotten round to doing my admin work yet :) There’s also already a fandom tag, which is #Phangs and #Phangdom and because I’m a weak creature and easily lead, AU fanfic on my Ao3 under original works, most of which is Adult 18+ in nature.
You can read more about my other ongoing works by clicking on my blog Welcome Page (x), and also at www.joydemorra.com for any upcoming news and announcements. Alternatively you can subscribe to my Newsletter (x) which I do promise I’ll update soon. I just had some fairly intense health stuff to focus on for the last few months that took priority, for which you have my apologies and my profound thanks for your ongoing patience and support.
Given the nature of my work, if you are under the age of 18, I do ask that you respect my boundaries and refrain from interacting with anything on my blog that is labelled 18+. I try very hard to keep my blog as safe for everyone as I can and respect your boundaries. No mean feat when you’re known across the Internet as “the crucifix vampire nipple lady” :P
If you need me to tag something for trigger purposes, no matter how silly you think I might think it is, please let me know, I will be more than happy to do so. Also while I do try very hard to be conscientious of the things I do and say, sometimes I will inevitably make mistakes or misspeak, and it is important to me that it be brought to my attention so I might correct my behavior and apologize. So please don’t be afraid to tell me when I’ve got my head up my ass. I make no pretenses at being a good person. I’m just trying my damnedest not to be an awful one.
Other places you can find me on the Internet include:
Patreon! (x) where I will soon be launching my “How To Write Fiction With ADHD Without Losing The Plot” series, something I have been working on for quite some time and am incredibly excited to be sharing with you!
Twitter (x) where I occasioanlly yell at clouds and retweet all the funny and poignant things you lot say.
Facebook (x) where I mostly hide and don’t interact with anyone because it’s Facebook, but will be more active once book stuff starts going live.
Twitch (x) where I occasionally stream suriving the apocalypse in the frostbitten world of Frostpunk.
Ao3 (x) where I post my fanfic, sometimes even of my own work because I am weak-willed and easily led astray.
I also have a Ko-fi (x) where I cross post my Patreon work for anyon who doesn’t like Patreon. It also functions are my general tip jar, so if you like what I do here and would like to help me keep doing it, tips are deeply appreciated though by no means expected. I do what I do on tumblr primarily for love, and I’ll keep doing it for as long as I can, for as long as I’m capable.
Thank you for reading this far, and remember, take care of yourselves and each other. You’re more important than you’ll ever truly know, and you make the universe a better, brighter place simply by being here 💖
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