roseation · 4 years
Hi! I really don’t have much of an explanation other than my muse for Kale has died almost completely, and I don’t see it returning anytime soon. She’s a great muse to mess around with every few months just to mess with my friends, but as far as keeping it alive... it’s just not gonna happen lol. 
I don’t wanna say I’ll never come back. I might! Who knows? But really, I’ve moved on to other things. It’ll also bring me some peace of mind to put this blog to rest properly and thank the fandom for the time I’ve had in it, while I was here. It was a lot of fun! I put a lot of love and work into Kale and her pages, and it brought me great joy to bring my portrayal to you all. Thank you for letting me share her with you. 
Arrivederci, all - happy holidays, and stay safe through these trying times. <3
- FEM.
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roseation · 4 years
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independent / private - selective / heavily canon divergent               KALE from DBS and BROLY from DBZ/S                          written by FEM and CLOUD
art credit: IrminZull
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roseation · 4 years
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Cute little Kale
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roseation · 4 years
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Some nice shots of Kale
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roseation · 4 years
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@berscrker​ said:
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roseation · 4 years
my discord is fine wh--
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roseation · 4 years
damn girl what those claws do? destroy? thats awesomeeee i love it
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roseation · 4 years
berscrker replied to your post “for trying to silence me tumblr has a formal invitation to Catch These...”
kick their ass, honey.
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loml gave her formal blessings. tumblr, prepare to die.
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roseation · 4 years
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for trying to silence me tumblr has a formal invitation to Catch These Hands from any time between 12pm to 4pm est. 
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roseation · 4 years
          her feet skidded to a stop on the ground, leaving a disruptive trail in the dirt a few feet long. she adjusts her jaw from a striking punch in retaliation to her own, and meets eyes with him across their field of play. quite the backhanded compliment, but a compliment none the less. words of praise during training were nearly unheard of, despite their development in their relationship. but she knows she’s improving. they both know. and god damn, it showed. it was rare to see her so geared up and ready. 
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        “ then that’s your fault. ” she simply states, confidence beaming with a grin. throwing punches aside, she enjoyed the banter that followed in between the breaks. kept her grounded, in a way. he wasn't actively trying to kill her, and that was a nice reminder. in a moment, kale surrounds herself in a powerful aura, calling forth even more energy that she was more than happy to use against him. 
         “ i’ve got more, too! i’m nowhere near done yet! i’ll show you -- i’ll show you how much better i’ve gotten! ” she shouts to him, already setting herself up to a higher standard. 
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       “I expected a little less from you, but there are more games to come…”
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roseation · 4 years
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Googles “street fashion” and arbitrarily slaps outfits on dumb saiyan kids.
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roseation · 4 years
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        oh, baby. how romantic! come at me whenever you feel like you’re ready to be humiliated. 
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@roseation​ it’s date night. fight me. bitch.
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roseation · 4 years
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give this a like / reblog if you wouldn’t mind interacting with a dbz/s mixed broly? 
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roseation · 4 years
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roseation  Guess who’s back.
d a d
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roseation · 4 years
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Hey guys! There is a little collection of the last week for you~
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roseation · 4 years
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this has been done before but do i care? no
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roseation · 4 years
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“Why not? Come on. It’s just a little trainin’. Caulifla’s out like a log and I want to fight you again.”
         AH, JEEZ. HE wasn’t going to relent, was he? 
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kale heaves a heavy sigh through her nose and mentally cursed caulifla’s poorly timed after-dinner nap; onyx-shaded eyes even taking the time to do a once-over over her shoulder to her sister’s sleeping form before pitifully glancing back towards shallot. she wasn’t in the mood to fight anyone. but regardless------
she stands, brushing off her skirt before straightening up. she does a measly stretch before getting into some kind of fighting stance. 
     “fine. ” she’s the one to relent this time, even puts on a sympathetic smile. “ let’s go. one round.”
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