#to me that gives [them] absolute status // PROMO
cskv11 · 2 months
What lore predictions do you have for the b.o.b?
I really hope we find out wtf is going on between him and the Axolotl tbh
I really hope this ages well 😭
When it comes to his personal lore (as in origin story) I believe non of it will be true; he'll dramatize every detail he's physically able to, and he won't even try masking it. We'll be able to see his lies, but the truth will come out to be real clear when we'll read between lines (as in "liberated my dimension" means " Arson is my middle name and everyone that once knew me can confirm that I love burning people). The codes and ciphers Bill will leave hanging around the pages will contain heavier lore drops, but really decontextualized, and will be mostly gossip.
He will definitely give us some juicy lore about all these "higher" beings (?) that the Gravity Falls cast has encountered throughout the series, like Time Baby and Jheselbraum. Maybe he'll introduce us to someone new characters! But the thing about unreliable narrators is that you never know where the lies end and where the truth starts, so it'll mostly be a competition on who he trash-talks about more hahaha.
Of course, OBVIOUSLY, the Axolotl will be there. Not only because of his apparent connection with Bill, but the way Alex has portrayed them both in the promos he's posted on Instagram, makes me believe there's absolutely some deep things going on between those two. Personally, I feel like he sees the Axolotl as some kind of hypocrite and coward. He's envious the Axolotl is respected while Bill is plainly feared and "betrayed" constantly. There will be a bunch of pages dedicated to this guy - half of them just insulting him, the other half explaining how they met (while insulting him, of course). He'll make sure to let us know he's infinitely better than the Axolotl, in all aspects possible.
The Henchmaniacs! They will be there! Tho, I don't know if this book is supposed to be set before or after the events of Gravity Falls. Depending on what part of the timeline the book covers, there'll be more or fewer detriments directed at them. He'll explain the nobodies they were before joining him and how they came to him, dragging on the ground, searching for divine enlightment and loyal servitude. And he, as benevolent as he is, gave them the blessing of being his henchmen. If the book is located after the events of Gravity Falls, this will be flooded with irony (or maybe he's totally oblivious and doesn't actually care they made him a statue saying he's the worst).
Weird anatomical and physiological facts about himself! He knows what we crave, and he'll give it to us. We'll regret ever thinking of wanting to know how his eye-mouth-tongue operates! This will be extensively graphical, and there will be illustrations and schematics of it! I hope!
He'll explain to us what the hell he meant when he said he eats his own exoskeleton! (WE'LL KNOW WHAT'S THERE BEHIND HIS EYE???? IS HE SOME KIND OF MR KRABS BLOB OF FAT AND MEAT UNDERNEATH HIS very jazzy triangle OUTFIT?)
He'll take credit for an innumerable quantity of cults and important historical events he claims to have influenced, participated in, or fully provoked! Ford gave us the info he had about Bill's global influence, and Bill's going to expand on it and give us his side of the story! (Maybe he'll explain more stories like the one document Ford had that talked about "Billius Cipherus"?)
He'll tell us how he got his powers cause he ain't convincing anybody saying he just popped into the Universe like that. Sweet lore. He'll give us clues he had a sibling (<- I hope). He'll justify killing his family and explain the atrocities they commited against him. Maybe there really is some deep trauma buried in there? We gonna see tear marks when (if) he talks bout his family? Man, I WISH
Enchants, curses, summonings and all that stuff. They will be there.
And I'm gonna end this here cause I already have written too much and probably won't be able to correct any grammar mistakes I've made cause I'm ecstatic:
You know he'll be there, you know half of the book will be about this poor babygirl, and he's gonna act tough, pretending he doesn't care bout nuthin but YOU KNOW THERE WILL BE DEEP IMPLICATIONS THAT THESE TWO WERE MORE THAN "STUDENT" AND "MENTOR". HE WILL TRY TO HIDE IT BUT WE KNOWWW WHAT THESE TWO LOOSERS WERE, WE KNOWWW THEIR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETT and I'm gonna be drooling about it –I won't sleep I won't eat, I won't drink, my brain will be picturing these two lil mfs wishing each other a good night ASHDHHSHS
Anyway, this is it for now, I apologize for any grammar mistakes that could cause potential brain damage! Thanks for the ask!
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bogleech · 1 year
how do you feel about the alien designs in Independence Day
They were a solid concept! Their true form is kind of a generic alien by now, but the idea was that they were in fact also the "greys" who had been abducting people as they studied our world, so you can see how they work as such but were still given a more original look with their cool saucer-shaped heads and tyrannosaurus fingers.
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For some reason there are very few images online of the aliens that aren't the action figures, the more recent collectibles, or promo images for some new media. This statue makes it look like the little guys had mouths? They absolutely did not have mouths.
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Giving them these huge biosuits was a fun way to have their little tiny pitiful greys and also a scarier more original Gigeresque design. The idea that inside the big terrifying alien is its true form, just a little embryonic guy where its brain should be, wasn't necessarily invented by this movie (things like it kind of generally cropped up in science fiction here and there) but I can't name a specific instance of the EXACT same setup prior to this. It's also a design that, while meant to be completely cool, always read as a bit comical to me because I absolutelly cannot help but read the back of the suit's head as a huge ridiculous "hairdo."
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laura1633 · 7 months
Max Verstappen and his brand
I'm not sure why I wrote this (and its very much just my opinion and apologies if there are any inaccuracies, I am thinking out loud) but here it is...
I wouldn’t call this a rant, more just random thoughts based on certain opinions I have seen about Max’s “celebrity status” or “personality” and people somehow using this as a reason to suggest he’s not that popular or couldn’t really be the face of F1 (not that Max would actually be bothered about that)
I think these days there are very much two parts of F1 - the racing and the show. Which is fine, I’m not someone who would ever think less of someone who came to the sport through DTS and I wouldn’t suggest that these people care less about the racing. You can come into the sport any which way and be as passionate and invested as the next person and I fully mean that - the sport shouldn’t be gate kept, I love F1 and I love it when other people come to the sport and fall in love with it.  But still - I think its fair to say that in recent years the popularity of the sport has exploded and with it there seems to be a lot more attention on the driver’s personal lives and building them up into celebrities as well as being sportsmen. 
The thing is, Max is not someone who chases after celebrity status. He’s not always hanging out with celebrities or going to trendy events etc. He is a driver who is passionate about the racing. That is clear if you look at his criticism of the Vegas GP. During the run up to the race he was very critical, for example he wasn’t shy about saying he felt like "a clown" standing up on those stages at the opening ceremony. He also didn’t hold back when giving his views on the disaster of FP1 and fans being kept out, he literally said he “would tear the whole place down”. To understand what Max loves about F1 you only need to look to the speech he gave where he very eloquently described the emotion and passion behind racing and why it is more important than the show. Even then there were headlines in certain corners of the internet describing it as a rant as if he is completely wrong or out of order to give his opinion. 
Max is very honest and is all about the racing and what is best for the sport. Max’s brand is not based on celebrity it is based on racing which I think some people either fail to see or just flat out ignore. Look at his involvement with Team Redline or check out Verstappen.com Racing if you need proof of how invested he is. 
Also I found this article which I had never read before about the feedback he was able to given when testing a GT3 car recently - HERE
To suggest Max isn’t popular because he’s not seen hanging out with celebrities or not trying to build a brand outside racing is ridiculous (and this is not me having a go at any driver who wants a brand outside racing - that is also fine of course!). The man was responsible for bring fans in to the sport in droves during the 2021 championship battle. He also has fans who literally travel around the world to watch him race - he has grandstands in multiple countries that sell out and through his website he offers ticket packages etc. His rise in popularity also resulted in the Dutch GP coming back on to the calendar. 
Max has been instrumental in pushing the sport forward - but he does that on track. 
Despite all I have said above - if you have ever watched Max in interviews or filming the marketing promos for Red Bull you will see he is far from boring. People who think he doesn’t have a personality have probably never spent time actually watching him. Now I know not everybody likes every driver and that is fine but I can’t help feel that people decide they dislike Max without ever really knowing anything about him.
I saw a post from someone calling 2023 uninspiring and it was one of the strangest takes I have seen on 2023. Max absolutely smashed record after record and completely dominated and picked up wins even in difficult and changeable circumstances. How is that uninspiring? I bet if their favourite driver had been the one picking up those wins they would have been hailing it as an amazing season. Yes we all like to see our favourite driver win but to say another driver’s record breaking win is uninspiring is laughable.
Essentially Max is not chasing after celebrity. He is someone who has a very successful brand centred around racing and likes to keep his personal life private as much as possible (most of the stuff we see is actually from Kelly’s posts not Max’s).
If alongside all his racing stats his legacy is that of someone who was outspoken and a defender of the most important part of F1 - the racing - then I think that is amazing.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
There is something that makes me a bit sad and is the lack of Ferdie/Hob during Promotion, he's not even part of the official poster and I get it they probably didn't think he'll be as loved as he was for someone that showed just half an episode but still wish we could get a bit more promo because as everyone else he did an amazing job.
Ferdinand did an incredible job, yes, and I would personally like to kiss him on the mouth for taking one look at the script and going "ah yes, time to play this as gay as humanely possible." The writer who did the interview the other day said that they didn't necessarily plan on Hob/Dream being romantic, but the actors had so much chemistry and they just went with it instead of resisting it. So yes, they were just like "what the hell, this is a show for the gays, just let Ferdinand and Tom make sex eyes at each other!" And I for one salute that decision.
Anyway, that same writer used both the Dreamling ship name and the words "fan favorite" to describe them, so they're clearly aware of the reaction and how nuts people went for them from half an episode. If Netflix wants to stop driving me to become a supervillain and renew the show for s2 ANY FUCKING DAY NOW, hopefully that would impact how they write it going forward. Because the people are Hungry. So Hungry.
Also: a) Hob is a supporting character in half an episode who doesn't appear again after that, there was no reason to put him on the promo, and b) you younguns need to remember that official/canon/Voice of God recognition, while it is always nice to get, has absolutely zero impact on what fans can and do enjoy, transformative works, and the whole process of fandom. People get so hung up on the idea of Official Status as the only marker of what's the Right thing to enjoy, and just like, I am over here as a Fandom Old going "shh, it doesn't matter!" I was shocked (and delighted, ofc) that someone on the writing staff openly acknowledged Dreamling and called them a romance, but I would be just as happy aboard the good ship SS Dreamling if they hadn't ever mentioned it or essentially confirmed it was intentional at all. Fans, especially queer fans, are so unused to getting Official confirmation of queer ships (which is why they have started relentlessly bullying and harassing creators for it instead, but I digress) but for a long time, it wasn't even thinkable at all.
Anyway: yes, Ferdinand is great, I am very happy that they both actively leaned into romantic Dreamling and admitted that they did, pre-release promo means nothing anyway (as does any other Official metric), fandom can do what they please but should try not to be dicks, and NETFLIX I AM NO LONGER ASKING. I AM ON MY WAY TO THROW BAGS OF FLAMING DOG POOP AT YOUR HOUSES UNTIL YOU GIVE ME SANDMAN S2.
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freaoscanlin · 2 years
Hi, I don’t know if I’m too late but the for the fic meme thing - Chapter 01.docx- was really intriguing to me. I mean also the friendship calculator.
Definitely not too late! The friendship calculator was a Stardew Valley thing because I was tooling around with some challenge runs (Get the statue of perfection as fast as I can was that particular one). As for Chapter 01.docx, I just opened it and it turns out it's a restart of a story I've been tooling with on and off for years but have never posted publicly. And I've been writing on it for so long that attitudes in Hollywood (where the story takes place) have majorly shifted about queer actors. So the story doesn't entirely work anymore, but it was a hell of a lot of fun to kick around. Going to change some names and post a bit of it under the cut.
“They’re replacing you with a goddamn nobody.”
“I hear she’s cute. And I’m not being replaced.”
Greg gave her a quit-the-bullshit look. “You took a cut to take this role, they should be pandering to you—”
“Nobody says ‘don’t you know who I am’ anymore,” Marisa told him. “It’s not a good look.”
“That’s beside the point.”
Marisa gave the script a look that contained absolutely nothing of what she felt inside. With most actors and their managers, the dynamic would have been reversed. Greg by all rights should have to break the news gently to her that things were not going her way. With another one of his clients, he would have had to sit them down and explain that this industry was fickle, and fast-paced, and could instantly change.
But Marisa had been in the tabloids before she had even articulated her first words. She would have been, even without her chosen career path. She’d inherited her first name from her very famous sitcom-star-turned-pop-singer, and her jawline from her football superstar father. Luckily, on her it had softened somewhat, giving her a good structure and cheekbones that makeup artists regularly cooed over. The ice blue eyes came from her mother, but the poise—that had been earned over a long lifetime surviving in an arena where it took beauty, connections, and luck to make it through every perilous day.
Which was why she gave Greg a small smile. “I saw this coming weeks ago.”
“Of course you did.” But he didn’t sound surprised as he dug into his breakfast burrito.
“I also don’t want to break my contract,” she said.
“Of course you don’t. Most people would be demoralized, but you—you just shrug.”
Marisa ate another bite of omelet. She had to be at the studio in an hour, and her driver would be there soon to collect her, no doubt. And it had been sweet of her manager to invite her to breakfast before what was guaranteed to be a long day of filming. Even if he thought she should be more disgruntled about what was soon to happen.
She was getting replaced.
Oh, not physically. Her contract on the show Sci-Fi Super Show stipulated exactly where her name fell in the cast sheet order, and that wouldn’t change. But after months of every entertainment journalist taking potshots at the forced romance between her character and the show’s lead. Trent Gomez, whose blue eyes smoldered in every promo still, regularly hit all the Top 100 lists. So did Marisa herself. Together they had, as one particularly puzzling review had put it, the chemistry of a wet paper towel.
Marisa had seen that writing for weeks: the romance would need to be retooled or one of them tossed. And since the show was literally named after Trent’s character, she doubted it would be him.
“Let’s look at it this way,” she said. “Fewer kissing scenes.”
“There’s a fucking silver lining,” Greg said with a snort.
It really was, and not for the way he thought. Marisa gave him a light smile. “My writing’ll get better now that I’m not the potential girlfriend. Bet you twenty bucks.”
“I stopped betting against you when you were thirteen, you all-knowing heathen.” Greg snorted and finished his burrito.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 2 years
Thoughts while rewatching 4x01 - 4x04 -
Episode 4x02 - this does include thoughts that span the whole arc - so spoilers ahead.
Not at all hard to figure out why the trailer couple would get divorced – both are a bit unhinged – and not in a “I am going to save the love of my life way”
I love how the white dude was able to just say “Naw, I don’t feel like pulling over officer”. Like – it really is a great example of policing in the US.
The lady is crazy – I am not looking forward to seeing her again in 4x05 – especially since I think this is what makes her question her judgement in 4x05 – causing her to decide to resign.
Texas sure has a lot of cops that just like to hang out in their gear with their guns – for a “party” – this is about the Mile Marker 23 scene – it was all performative to have that many resources there – first part of this arc that makes the cops look super stupid.
What is the age of retirement for active duty firefighters? They tend to keep the characters at a similar age to the actor playing them – Judd being 40ish like Jim, Paul being in his late 30’s like Brian. It seems like TK, Carlos, Grace, & Marjan are the same. I am not sure about Nancy & Mateo –
I love Grace & Tommy’s relationship – I love the chicken clucking conversation
I love the way they call each other out – but, always with love and actual advice or a well-served look.
I do like the way the director used the actors in the loft dinner scene – telling each actor different information to keep them all on their toes – it worked so well.
AT NO POINT DO I DOUBT THE LOVE BETWEEN CARLOS & TK – I just think a lot of this storyline could have been made cleaner – but when the primary goal is to find a way to blame TK – this is what you get.
An 8 WEEK wedding – that also needs to have a divorce preceding it (but only one of them knew this), Iris demanding to meet said unaware fiancé – like TK was at a job interview for a job he already thought he had – and his fiancé is just like “Oh its totally cool – you just aren’t allowed to have reactions or try to make this impossible wedding happen even though I am the one that put us in this position by my complete inability to address my own problems.” – like this was to set up the blame game.
They could have done the kidnapped storyline without the married part – or still kept the married part – but put the blame where it actually goes – on the guy that kept his legal status a secret from the man he agreed to marry.
Do they think they are making Owen look like anything other than incompetent at any aspect of his life with the exception of being a firefighter?
I thought the chemistry between Tommy & Charles was pretty good – but DAMN – the chemistry between her & Rev. parks is insane (I do know that they played a couple in a different show).
Tommy is so fucking stunning – like absolutely stunning. I don’t think I will survive when she wears the other black dress we saw in the promos – I am hoping it is in 4x07 which, by the title, sounds like a Tommy episode.
I love the Tommy/Owen scene in 4x02 – so fucking much – it’s my #2 scene of the episode – so perfect
The dialog – their expressions – their platonic chemistry all gave us this hilarious scene – but – please don’t take relationship advice from this man.
“I’m so flattered” followed by “You weren’t in it.” Was so needed – like, I love it so much.
Gee, who called Donna Burton being the body in the closet from the 4x04 promo? – oh yeah, me. (& I am sure plenty of others, but I knew there was a reason to say her name in 4x02)
Ronen’s acting has been fucking amazing this season (Rafa’s too, but a lot of people are so focused on Rafa that Ronen’s is overlooked). His eyes can break your heart or heal it on their own.
The facial expressions on these cast members are priceless - as someone with a very expressive face – I really appreciate it. You see how they feel a lot of the time, even when the dialog doesn’t give us that information.
The heartbreaking realization that he could be seen as a project to Carlos – or honestly, even worse, his life’s work – God that procession of expressions through out that scene was beautiful – and I FELT IT
I feel so bad for the Rev, thinking he was on a date with a gorgeous woman – only to find it was with the gorgeous woman, her best friends & their child, along with her daughters – he handled it so well.
I love the looks that Grace gives – she was giving them for me
The situational awareness that Owen Strand possesses is at a negative level – and keeps getting worse.
The loft scene is my favorite of the episode and one of my top 5 over all Tarlos scenes. The communication is beautiful – but tragic when we find out that TK was sitting with these thoughts since the day before – making him question everything – as they probably should have. –I think his question to Carlos was very valid.
I like it when people can realize that they aren’t broken – I like that Carlos showed us his vulnerability with this – that he actually responded to TK’s questions instead of joking or brushing them off.
Still can’t get over Judd being so oblivious to the fact he was part of the 3rd, 4th, & 5th wheels on his best friend’s date with their pastor. Or Grace’s response when she realized how clueless he was.
I love Grace calling her out – it was so funny & needed.
I like that one of the over all themes of 4x02 was humor – since most of the humor in the next 2 episodes were fairly unintentional I think.
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neopuppy · 1 month
i also think this album promo was terrible more than usual even that’s why i wasn’t expecting how good of an album it will be (one of their best imo). other than gas, i really loved no clue, rain drop
likeeeee they were releasing promo at the same time as enhypen(who we all know I adore and worship) and it was straight up perplexing how different their promos rolled out😭 considering both were full albums and not minis😭 you would think 127’s was a mini in comparison.
like that fucking cheap corny AI statue video SM posted… 😐😐 please, their absolute disregard towards fans and idols fnenxnx I cant standdddd it. I try to be as normal as I can but I really do love some of these nct members a whole lot and to see them whither away in that company is so sad. they deserve to be treated like the successful group they are that has brought in more money to SM than any other group has atp. instead they’re making a mockery of them.. smfh.
I give the album 7/10, I don’t think they have or will ever top Regular:Irregular for me, that was like PEAK 127, still hits. still get chills when the intro plays.
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theprivatearchives · 2 months
12th June 2021 
It really doesn't matter what Ranboo or Corpse or Dream look like... there's no way they'll top Wilbur Soot. ^-^
"I got a-l-l-l-l the boys simping for me right now." -Karl Jacobs being selfaware XD
Back when I was watching the IRL KarlNap streams live, I watched the one where they're going over the cards and assessing them, and I was like 'hmm... Karl's hoodie is pretty cool" but I didn't think much of it at the time. Now I've just realised it's the fricking MISS YOU CORPSE hoodie!! That hoodie is more iconic than pretty much any merch I'm aware of, and I absolutely adore it.
It's amazing how things come full circle when you follow a trail of fandoms.
Watching some older Technoblade lore VODs and Quackity starts spouting -sh** about Technoblade having to pay for his "war crimes" and go on trial and etc. and I'm just watching as my blood boils, thinking about the trash moves Quackity has made in the past and how he's super guilty but he's talking like Techno is the bad guy. I hate Quackity pretty much. (Don't get me wrong, I hate him like any character who's actions I deplore and who is a filthy villain in my sight in any story. Don't hear me saying I hate the CC. That's another story lol.) Anyways, Technoblade was like, "sounds like BeEs" and so now I'm even more convinced I should be a Technoblade fan lol. I live for two days on the dream smp. The day that Dream gets his happy ending, and the day that Quackity gets the negative retribution he deserves.
Yikes! Karl's been tweeting @_Corpse to play with him again. That man (Karl) really does momma-bird us with delightful content all the time! He's a special one. <3
I just popped in to say that I'm currently catching a Karl & Corpse gaming stream LIVE! Let's goooo! I usually can't see them live. Two of my favourite streamers. <3
I felt like crying when Corpse and Karl were saying goodbye. I didn't get too many dishes washed until after the stream finished and I put on a Technoblade lore VOD Lol
by @.ibti! @.valkyraelovebot
Most iconic thing corpse ever did? "independent, no label, no agency, no paid promo, from his bedroom"
https://twitter.com/CATGIRLSHIT/status/1402769913765376000?s=20 The knife video on this made me lose it. So funny.
One day I'll look back at this time and think about how legendary it was... https://twitter.com/CORPSEGENIUS/status/1402360582200758281?s=20
This thread is basically my substitute for Twitter lol. I do kinda wish I had twitter. But you can't sign up without giving your phone number so I drew a line at that.
What do you do when you want to write fanfiction, but the people or characters you want to write are people you don't think you can write accurately because you're not them?
I want to write Dream but he deals with things by quipping and Karl but he's constantly joking and genuinely super funny all the time and I am about as funny as doing dishes.
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roseation · 5 years
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AT THE TIME,          she’d build herself a wall of          make-believe in order to retain          her SANITY.                                             AND SO SHE DID -                                 until her inner pleas were granted.
                                                              IF NOBODY WILL JUDGE ME,                                                                                              THEN I WILL.
read info before interacting. promo art credit to @impulsd
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sparklyslug · 2 years
Thoughts on Steve being an Aragorn-type character, and do any of the other ST characters give you the lotr feelings?
I’d love to hear your ST/Lotr thoughts!
WHOA WHAT A GIFT OF AN ANON MESSAGE! Expound upon random LOTR/ST thoughts? Don't threaten me with a good time, sheesh.
(Promo moment: @greenlikethesea and I wrote a fic about Steve and Eddie going to see the Fellowship movie release, and having talks about what character they see themselves as, you can read it here)
STEVE AS ARAGORN: Look at Aragorn, Son of Arathorn, and tell me he isn't the reluctant babysitter of this bunch. But also, he is brave, he is adept as a warrior (LISTEN just because Steve gets his ass handed to him a lot of the time doesn't mean he CAN'T FIGHT, it unfortunately just means other people can fight better, this is not untrue for Aragorn as well), he has a deeply romantic heart and his most personal goals are aligned towards that: he just wants love, kinship, family, even with all these "bigger" dramas and goals happening around him. He inspires loyalty in others, his family background is WOOOOO COMPLICATED but that hasn't left him incapable of extending compassion and love to others. Aragorn is also a certified wifeguy, so jot that down too.
And there's the way that Aragorn is kind of in between two places when it comes to his identity. He is someone who was born with a sort of status, but is very much betwixt and between two worlds. He was raised very aware of his heritage, but can't access it. He was brought up in Rivendell, but he is not an elf. He is part of the Dundedain rangers, but they're a wandering bunch and though they do rally around him at the end of the saga (I get why the movies didn't have the scope to bring in more of the rangers, but DAMN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL TO SEE THEM) he operates alone a lot of the time. Steve similarly across the reach of the series is frequently operating alone, especially in s1 and s2 when he's fully in his own bubble of the plot until he connects with Dustin and then further in s3 with Robin. Steve is kind of of a "normal" popular world, but also increasingly divorced from it. He's an outsider on multiple levels: he's not really a part of the world of status and popularity he once embodied, but he is also not easily accepted by your Robins and your Eddies, who know who he is enough that they can't initially see him as one of them, even though he's not really the guy he used to be either. There's a lot of distrust of Aragorn, especially in Fellowship, and it takes a lot of slow plodding on his part to really work his way into the group.
I also was literally having this message exchange with @andropogonfalons yesterday, and he said something that absolutely has haunted me: that Steve wears the legacy of being the king, of literally being King Steve, with a lot of doubt, a lot of complicated shame and uncertainty. But it's a mantle that he'll pick back up when it's necessary (facing down Billy comes to mind first, there are other examples I'm sure), and I think as the series goes on and the situation calls for it he finds ways of occupying that kind of power of King Steve (the confidence, the leadership, etc) on his own terms, so it becomes less of a burden on him and more something he can apply his own skills to, to shape into being the type of king he wants to be, feels he can be.
JONATHAN AS BOROMIR. what you need to know about me is that I AM A BOROMIR GIRL, OKAY? I fucking love that guy, so never think that anything I say about him is at all with a feeling of disrespect because hooooooooo my emotions. Jonathan, like Boromir, had to grow up too soon. Had to shoulder the burdens of his entire family's expectations and needs, without getting a lot of thanks for it (even from his mom, in early s1 especially, it is heartbreaking). He is clearly Lonnie's "preferred" son, and he fucking hates that, it is no kind of privilege or honor to be so obviously the favorite. In his mind if Lonnie can't be a father to Will, he sure as shit is no kind of father to Jonathan. Likewise, he points out in s1 that Lonnie only ever wants to push his interests onto his sons, without regarding them as people, who they are and what they want or enjoy for themselves. BIG OL DENETHOR VIBES THERE. The way Boromir is so protective of the hobbits, specifically good to them and literally laying down his life for them-- gOSH. Boromir is the ultimate big brother, in his life and for the Fellowship, and that's Jonathan.
EDDIE AS BOROMIR. Okay like I said I have a lot of Boromir thoughts and feelings they can't be contained in one person. I think if there's any one person in the show who cuts himself no slack at all for his one moment of human weakness, it's Eddie. No one can resist the ring, and no one could have helped Chrissy in that moment, but Eddie can't see that. He can't let himself off the hook for that in any way, and his guilt and shame over that one lapse in "strength" defines his further choices and ultimately leads to his death. Ha! Fuck!
EDDIE AS FARAMIR. So while I think maybe Eddie would cast himself as Boromir, I think it would be for all the shameful fuckup reasons, and not giving himself (OR BOROMIR) enough credit for Boromir's essential kindness, his strength, his nobility, his ability to lead in a way that's different than what Aragorn does but is no less powerful and inspiring. And these qualities are all also shared by Faramir. No one expects anything from Faramir. No one looks to him for great deeds or saving the day, they're just like-- there's Faramir, off in the corner, with his books and his learning and shit, he's no warrior, whatever. But Faramir has the capacity for greatness in him, and has in fact been expressing leadership and power the entire time, just not in ways the people around him can see it. Faramir is likewise pretty hard on himself, doesn't really recognize his own qualities either, because he's spent long enough being told that they don't exist. Power has no appeal to Faramir, being one of the few men (few BEINGS, damn) who specifically can resist the ring, and who easily yields up his Stewardship of Gondor so Aragorn can be king with like a, yeah no big man, it's all yours. Power is not a motivator for him, he just wants to do what's right, and look after the people under his command, the people he cares about. He is also someone who would say he has a cynical heart while spouting the most romantic shit imaginable, and if you want to just like, think about his courtship of Eowyn with me and cry, that would be nice.
ELEVEN AS GANDALF. A powerful being whose origins are largely unknown to the people around her, she has otherworldly gifts but really mostly wants to spend her time with her goofy hobbit friends, being a part of their normal lives and holding their safety as being basically on equal importance to the safety of, like, the world. As long as the Shire remains, hope remains. As long as Hawkins remains, hope remains, etc. Gandalf is literally Tolkien's analog to more or less angels, and yet with all that ultimate cosmic power he really wants to spend his time in the Shire mostly using his powers for party tricks and smoking weed. It's not only a preference, I think it's something like a need. When you have all that otherworldly power, when you are so apart from the rest of the people around you, you need that anchoring force of like, the hobbits who just think you're cool and funny and trust you even though you're kind of weird. El's relationship to the Party has again and again anchored her back into her humanity, bringing her back from the edge when she's teetering over a line towards some truly dark places. There's also connectivity in how she loses her powers (the death of Gandalf the Grey) but then comes back even stronger (Gandalf the White).
WILL AS FRODO. It's not just in the haunted big eyes. Frodo gets caught up in a global conflict beyond his understanding and certainly beyond what he's prepared for. Frodo certainly has more of a choice than Will does, at least in that he is presented with one at all at the council of Elrond, but Will makes choices too when it comes to fighting off the Mind Flayer's possession, continuing to help his friends. He pays the price, arguably higher than basically any of them, his role in the events not just a physical burden but an emotional and mental strain that chips away at him. I don't know what s5 is gonna be, obviously, but if it's more Will-centric I can envision (EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES ME V SAD) some variation of the yes, we did save the Shire-- but not for me conclusion for Will. Sometimes the price is too high, and even if you pay it and you win, there isn't always a way to just come back from that and live "normally". Also: haunted big eyes. Also: he is gay.
MIKE AS SAM: I really started this by going "will is frodo but mike is nOT SAM" and the more I thought about it the more I was like, fuck, yeah no that actually really works. The stubborn loyalty, the drive to get shit done while everyone else is kind of standing around going ????what do we do. Mike has an essential core of decency, and if he is the heart of the party then the heart of the party is absolutely Sam. Also, if Will gets his Frodo conclusion to the show, then I can see Mike being the one who is able to settle back into normal life, marry Rosie Cotton and raise a family. Not out of any lack of love or respect for Will and what they've been through (I don't ship it, but I do love the complications of the childhood best friendship that as you grow up gets strained and confused but no less loving) but just because he hasn't suffered in the same ways, and carries different burdens differently.
LUCAS AS MERRY, DUSTIN AS PIPPIN: the comparisons aren't always that deep and like, I feel like the show is genre-savvy enough that it consciously knows this. Four hobbits, four buddies, it just works. The carefree two of the bunch who get swept up into the broader action, without any specific skin in the game other than their desire to help and protect their friends. Merry, the more mature of the two, seeks to grow up a little into the conflict they're thrust into, through his service to Theoden and further heroism particularly (so the Rohirrim are...Hawkins basketball?? Hey maybe. Jason in this case is certainly not Theoden, because I love Theoden and Jason can kick rocks, though they certainly both know their way around a rousing motivational speech, fuck, wait okay maybe in this case Grima is like, the forces of classicism and privilege and prejudice whispering in Jason's ear and warping his worldview? NO STOP HANNAH WALK AWAY). Dustin is presented as comic relief, but he has his own journey of maturation while still staying true to himself (NEVER CHANGE DUSTIN HENDERSON) and also goes about collecting big brother mentor figures and protectors like nobody's business.
NANCY AS LEGOLAS, ROBIN AS GIMLI. Okay admittedly this was started as just a haha! who's left! kind of thing but also THE MORE I THINK ABOUT IT-- Nancy as the heir to a family situation that she's not really comfortable with, is very much OF her family but doesn't really connect with it and honestly from the events of Fellowship on, like, if Legolas even goes back to Mirkwood it's not for long, and he certainly doesn't ever take up his father's throne. The badass sharpshooter with a dry sense of humor and a SHARP sense of what's going on, not that anyone listens to her pronouncements of doom when they REALLY REALLY SHOULD BE. Robin as Gimli is just fucking funny okay, she's got no filter and she'll say what she needs to say but also fuck with her at your peril because she's got a core of iron. And, also, a soft spot for the ladies (three strands of Vickie's hair?? oMG AN HEIRLOOM A TREASURE) and also something something axe as a historic symbol of lesbianism.
VECNA AS SAURON. Okay yes this is a little bit of an easy reach, but I am thinking specifically of Sauron in the fall of Numenor (reaching for that Silmarillion lore now babyyyyy), and Vecna as Henry Creel: the seductive beauty, the easy way of getting others on his side and influencing them, the ability to persuade that despite his obvious and known allyship to the forces of extreme darkness (Sauron to Morgoth, Henry to being a proto serial killer who murdered his mother and sister), he is still able to win the confidence of others enough so that they keep him around, thinking he's controlled but really enabling his acts of future villainy, just with more subtlety. We just get the quickest little bit of how Henry became One, but the fact that he not only went through that training process but also was kept on as an orderly? BREMMER WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?? Clearly the trust wasn't absolute (tasers, yikes) but also clearly this is someone who was otherwise able to interact freely with the kids at Hawkins lab, under serious watch but otherwise able to operate with impunity within those confines, just as Sauron was. Even El tries to appeal to him as though he can be redeemed, which speaks as much about her as it does about him honestly, but despite everything he's done she really seems to believe he's not a monster. Serious Sauron behavior. And then, yeah, easy reach time, when his ultimate villainy is revealed he is robbed of the ability to hide it behind a beautiful exterior and can only be seen as the monster he truly is. If this is the way anyone finds out that Sauron used to be a hottie bo bottie before he was a disembodied eye, I consider it my great honor.
20 notes · View notes
softforklave · 4 years
The Big Klave Fic Rec
Reginald Hargreeves does everything he can to learn about the Umbrella Academy’s powers, but Klaus is the one who finds out why they have their powers. No one expected the answer to be “we’re fallen angels” but here they all were. This is for my lovely @cemeteryklaus I hope you enjoy this! You will not run out of klave fics on my watch ;)
I have excessively been reading klave fics since s1 came out in February 2019, when there was only one page under the Klaus Hargreeves/Dave tag on ao3 (before our King shared his full name on Twitter). There are currently 2056 fics on ao3, and I can (un)fortunately say I have read almost all of them (what am I doing with my life?). Klave has been blessed with so many talented writers, so this is quite the list. Many of them have written more than one fic (some even over 50!), and since they are all amazing, it would take ages to list them all. Therefore, I have decided to recommend authors who have written two or more klave fics and linking to their the umbrella academy ao3 works page. Go read all of their works, and I can guarantee that every single fic is wonderful! And dont forget to leave kudos and comments, our writers deserve all the love and appreciation that we can give them! 
I also highly encourage people reblogging with their favourite fics, if you want to show the writers some more love or if I have forgotten your favourite fic (you can also dm me if you want me to add it on)! I have tried to @ the authors, but sometimes it can be hard to find the right blogs. Please let me know if I have tagged you wrong, forgotten to tag you or dont want me to tag you, I will remove the @ at once! I will try to update this as I continue to excessively consume klave content (though this is limited to ao3 and tumblr), so please come back to this list for more recommendations. Happy Reading! <3
Authors (2 or more klave fics)
A - B
a_nybodys /// accidentallyanoctopus /// actuallymaxie ///admirabletragedy @admirabletragedy /// aelisheva /// AliNear /// Allandnothing /// allthempickles /// Ama /// Anglophile_Rin @anglophile-rin /// aubrey_writes /// aye_of_newt @aye-of-newt /// bacondoughtnut @spookybeez /// Becca_Hay /// Bendy_CA @apocalypse-gang /// bennybentacles @bennybentacles /// blazeofglory /// Bluebacchus @bluebacchus /// bluetigerlillies @frogsarebxtches /// brionylarkin @brionylarkin 
C - E
CaptainAmericaoftheTardis /// CharryWotter /// covenofthearticulate @codenameseance /// CowgayKermit @cowgaykermit /// crisecardiac @thistlemoth /// Cyane /// Dancinbutterfly @dancinbutterfly /// dandelyre @dandelyre /// deargalileo/// deathishauntedbyhumans @deathishauntedbyhumans /// discohargreeves /// Doctor959 /// Dog_Bearing_Gifts @dogbearinggifts /// Drhair76 @handcoversheart-76  ///  dyllpickless @dyllpickless /// electric016 @electric016 /// Eternal_Peace_Is_Overrated @flowercrownsandbooks 
F - K
Faetality @faetxlity /// forestdivinity (ForestDivinity) @forestdivinity /// forthekidswhoaintgotnosoul @prime8svevo /// FrazzledSquidz G33kinthepink /// ghostbythesea @gay-poster-child  /// goldieknocks @goldieknocks  /// Hemitreunited @hermitreunited /// hippieklaus @hippieklaus /// hujwernoo /// iamnotalizard @lizard-overlord /// ilikeshipment @theseance1968 /// intheflowers /// Karturtle (karturtle) @karturtle /// Katplanet @katplanet /// KawaiiCommunism @kawaiic0mmunism /// KindaCool @kindasickkindacool /// klausmoon 
L - P
lastyoungrene-gay-de @lastyoungrene-gay-de /// livid /// LiviJoyann /// livtontea @zontiky /// loves_buckybarnes ///  Lyviel @justatiredghost /// Majure @fanthings /// Mars_and_Moon /// mieczyhale @mieczyhale /// momebie (katilara) @charmingpplincardigans /// noodlerdoodler ///  MusicLover19 ///  Nyctae /// obscurityofphylum /// ohmygodwhy @gaycinema /// Opal_Lakes /// @opal-lakes /// ophelibob_writes @a-human-pippin-took /// Papapaldi @wykart/// perceptuallydisorganizedwriter ///  PickledBeef  @pickledbeefwastaken ///  polarkai /// princejoopie @princejoopie /// punk_rock_yuppie
Q - S
queenbaskerville /// QueenOfAllCorgis /// rumbleroarsslumberingcubs /// Scalliwag @sscalliwag /// seancequeen @seancequeen /// sehn_sucht @sehn----sucht /// SerpaSas @queenbeyondthewalll  /// Shadowscast ///  Shamefulshameless @shameful-shameless /// Sharpworksamurai/// shipNslash /// Siriuspiggyback @cowboyklaus /// Smallswritesstuff @mychemicalxmen /// smile_it_will_get_better @smileitwillgetbetterbitches /// softforklave @softforklave (shameless self promo) ///spookyfbi @spookyfbi  /// stuckinmybook /// Squintern @chinchillinator ///  squishitude @squishitude /// sunriseseance @sunriseseance /// sunshineklaus
T - Y
tealeavesandtrash @carry-on-my-wayward-hobbit /// thefangirlingdead @thefangirlingdead /// TheMadHatterOfficial /// thetreasuerhunter @yeah-klave /// tjstar @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky /// TobiBooneTheSmallSpoone @tobiboonethesmallspoone/// TotallynotRemus @totallynotremus /// TwistedIllusions @courtneytarynofficial /// twosidedcoin /// VeteranKlaus @veteranklaus /// wildeism @knifecatklaus /// writer_inthe_dark /// yukiawison /// zweebie 
Fics (authors with currently only one klave fic)
Placeholder by Ace_Chey (mrs_sakuma) @cheydoesfandom
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A FIRST DRAFT WIP, EXPECT MISTAKES IN SPELLING, GRAMMAR, AND TIMELINES after NaNo I plan to edit and republish a cleaner, more complete version in 2021 ~~~
When Klaus sees the news that their father is dead, they’re feeding their seven-month-old daughter, Grace Kelly Katz, one year sober, and finally back on T (prescribed this time). Their siblings still haven't met Dave, let alone Gracie, and Klaus can't bear the thought of introducing them, not now, under these circumstances, so they go alone. But when the family reunion becomes complete with Five's sudden and bizarre arrival, not from 45 years in a wasteland, but directly from the lunch he ran away from 20 years ago, they realize things are going to get more complicated and they might not be able to put it off any longer.
Words: 58,217 Chapters: 36/? Status: Hiatus
Snapshots of a Life Well Lived by Ace_of_Spades_400
One week into Vietnam and the briefcase is broken. Klaus is never going home. He's just going to have to make the most of his life here, now.
Words: 13,960 Chapters: 3/3 Status: Complete
Run for miles just to get a taste by Agf
Dave comes back to 2019, and Klaus has some memories best exorcised with new ones.
Words: 1,666 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Not a Replacement, Never a Replacement by AndThenHeGotKnockedUp
Klaus hasn't piloted a Jaeger in years. He hasn't wanted to without Ben. He's spent all that time wandering far, far away from anything having to do with the Academy and kaiju.
Unfortunately for him, the world is ending, and Luther doesn't give him a choice.
(Pre-Klave! Will have a follow up in the future.)
Part 1 of the UA PacRim Fusion series
Words: 2,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
soldiered together by Anonymous 
"... I was foolish enough to follow him all the way to the front line."
Words: 2,993 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
know tenderness by applepandowdy
Klaus wished, more than anything, that they had just had a bit more time.
Words: 1,266 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
whatever words I say, i will always love you by ariya167 and bigembarrasingheart @ariya-167and @bigembarrassingheart
Dave kissed Klaus first, but Klaus kissed him back.
Words: 921 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
if i could choose anything in the world (id pick you every time) by aseriesofessays @macroglossus
"Would you have come back?"
He thinks about a farm.
Words: 588 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Boy and The Ghost by Astheroid 
“Look for me. Promise me Dave, promise you’ll look for me at the Umbrella Academy!”
Dave never knew what those words meant, the parting words of the man he loved, and they made absolutely no sense.
Until thirty-four years later when he found his purpose.
“Our world is changing. Has changed. There are some among us gifted with abilities far beyond the ordinary. I have adopted six such children. I give you the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.”
or story of ghost Dave finding thirteen year old Klaus and swearing to protect him from all evil.
Words: 4,494 Chapters: 2/? Status: WIP
new year, new me (things always turn out how they’re meant to be) by Astronomical_Aphrodite @aesthetic-antheia
When they travelled back through time, Klaus wasn’t expecting to be the only one who remembered. 
Part 1 of maybe by next January
Words: 80,770 Chapters: 18/20 Status: WIP
Five times Klaus dies in Vietnam and comes back, and One time Someone else does by BabyPom
Klaus can't seem to die, at least not permanently.
Words: 1,169 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How The Hollyhocks Bloom by batcavemasquerade
In which Klaus Hargreeves, a retired pacifist, is dumped headfirst into the Vietnam War. Klaus never comes home and his brothers and sisters claw their way back to him, one by one, after the end of the world.
AKA: The siblings go back to the 1960s to regroup and to get a few measly moments of goddamned peace and quiet, and find Klaus serving in the Vietnam War, different and sober as can be.
Words: 24,035 Chapters: 16/20 Status: WIP - Chapter 16 is the new chapter 1. For the rewrite, read from 16 and upwards.
i hope you know you're my desire (i hope you know you're the one) by beezran
It must be fate when Dave puts his hand on Klaus’ cheek right as Klaus starts to ache for his kiss.
Kiss me.
His touch makes Klaus stand up straighter and edge closer to him.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” Dave says, and even with all that they’ve been drinking, Klaus knows it isn’t that what’s talking.
“Kiss me,” Klaus actually says it. He can’t take it back, and he doesn’t want to when Dave is looking at him like that.
Dave’s breath ghosts over his lips and Klaus keeps repeating it in his head like a prayer.
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.
Or he might have said it, he’s not sure when he’s so caught up in the feeling of Dave so close to him.
Words: 22,708  Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Arcane Incidents of Anoxia by Bellovebug
Klaus dies.
Klaus dies, and Dave can't breathe.
He forgets what it's like, the feeling of oxygen entering his lungs, the sensation of carbon dioxide exiting them.
He remembers, though, the stories Klaus used to tell. He remembers that joke he'd made about that briefcase he always carried around being a time machine. He remembers the tall tales of a family of superpowers, a less than stellar father. He remembers the stories he'd spun out of thin air, of time travel and a disappearing brother and a talking chimpanzee and a robot mother.
(He remembers the true story he'd told about seeing ghosts.)
He only learns once he opens that mysterious briefcase under Klaus's cot that all of the stories were true.
Every one of them.
Words: 22,075 Chapters: 4/? Status: WIP
life is full of pain, i'm cruisin' through my brain by bigembarrassingheart @bigembarrassingheart
Bullets whizzed past his ears, and he would have screamed but he already was. Klaus grabbed Dave’s face, stroked his cooling cheek, rested his head on his shoulder like he did when they had nights alone. There had to be some life left in his body. In any second he would feel the heave of his chest. He had to.
Klaus takes a pit stop before going back to the future.
Words: 1,188 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
found by burlesquecomposer
Klaus’s right hand is Dave’s favorite one to hold. As long as they embrace hello, Dave says, they’ll never have to say goodbye.
But war is a bitch, and Dave is the one who gave him an excuse to charge into it head-on.
Words: 2,628 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
You Drew Stars Around My Scars by caliibee
“Does it hurt?” Klaus asked softly, running his fingers over Dave’s face and down his neck. He trailed down his chest, mindful of the deep-set wound that always sent a shock through his heart no matter how many times he’d seen it. Dave caught his hands and brought them back up to cup his face.
“No, not anymore.”
Words: 792 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Umbrella Academy: Winter Soldier by chiquitasdave and ratsbaby (orphan_account)
Luther lands an uppercut to the jaw, sending the soldier flying, and Diego’s moving before he even lands. His grip on Klaus tightens and his mouth opens to say something, anything, to pull him back to the safety of the car they crouch behind, but Klaus beats him to the punch. He leans forward to better watch the action, to cheer his brother on (or clean up his remains, depending on how this goes), and stops cold as the soldier pushes himself to his feet again.
Klaus' first thought is that he’s beautiful. Klaus’ second thought is that he knows him.
The threat of danger is sensed and signals fire to tell the brain, no, not yet! We weren’t meant for this! He can’t take it now! The body reacts to stop him, but Klaus steps forward anyway. He ignores every impulse because he knows him, because love makes him stupid, because he has to.
Klaus takes another step forward.
‘Who the hell is Dave?’
Words: 13,120 Chapters: 3/10 Status: WIP 
I Could Not Be At Rest, I Could Not Be At Peace by CosmicJourney @cosmictapestry
With the apocalypse delayed, there's now ample opportunity for Klaus to open up to his siblings about his past. There's also ample opportunity to try and conjure Dave. Unfortunately, one of these has to take precedence over the other.
(Season 1 AU)
(Sequel to "I'll Find Sleep, I'll Find Peace")
Words: 52,274 Chapters: 10/10 Status: Complete
Sick Of Losing Soulmates by CrazyAngel
"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences."
Back in 2019, things are the same but also different. The Hargreeves have messed with the timeline way too much and some things clearly aren't the same — like giving the chance for Klaus to meet Dave again. Klaus knows nothing about reincarnation or if it was really he and his brothers fault for this, but he'll take the chance anyway. Even if this Dave is blind now.
Part 1 of the Right Back Where We Started (Again) series
Words: 26,417 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Admist the Chaos by crazynadine 
Ten months. Klaus spent ten months in Vietnam, fighting a war he didn't belong in, falling in love with a man he didn't deserve.
The long and convoluted tale about how a time traveling junkie and a disillusioned solider found love amidst the chaos of war....
Words: 87,700 Chapters: 10/10 Satus: Complete
The beginning of something by DoctorProfessorSong @doctorprofessorsong
The Hargreeves siblings find themselves in a future they barely recognize. Their father is alive. Their home is occupied by a mixture of strangers and familiar faces calling themselves The Sparrow Academy. None of them are friendly.
But it's all going to be okay. Five has a plan to restore the timeline. The rest of the siblings just need to sit tight and lay low. Just don't wander off. How hard can that be?
A continuation of the story from S2 because I am impatient for more. This one is gonna get real dark but I promise I am going to give the Hargreeves a happy ending.
Words: 52,548 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Complete
take me out, baby by downpours @fourhargreeves
For someone who spent a decade running from the debts he owed, Klaus spent an alarming amount of time trying to recompense Dave for loving him.
Words: 6,802 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Your Song by eithergayorgayer @yerbluues9
"And you can tell everybody, this is your song."
In which Klaus can play piano and sing and decides to serenate Dave who is watching from above.
Words: 3,578 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Hands by GoldenBones
Late at night after the disco when everyone else is asleep, Klaus kneels at Dave’s bunk and whispers a silent prayer into Dave’s hands. In a rare moment of peace against the harsh Vietnam winter, Klaus holds Dave’s hand against his face and tries to sleep.
Words: 1,640 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Ink and Dirt, Eggs and Orange Juice by HappySeaNinja
It’s a quick job on an overcast day, in and out, smooth like coffee, and the only hitch is in his voice when he says goodbye. There’s dirt under his fingernails, ink on his stomach, and a lingering shot of whisky on his tongue.
Really, it’s all that’s left.
Non-linear moments in Klaus and Dave's relationship across seasons 1 and 2. Please don't read unless you've watched all of season 2 as there are spoilers.
Words: 4,631 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
oh love, i'm there in memories by hellchoirs
"If only there could be an invention that bottled up a memory, like scent. And it never faded, and it never got stale. And then, when one wanted it, the bottle could be uncorked, and it would be like living the moment all over again."
Words: 1,536 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
To Have a Home by heterophobe
Dave Katz is a simple man. He values kindness, honesty and strength of character. As someone who is queer and homeless, he also has a fairly substantial distrust of law enforcement.
This is why—when a twig of a man, with kohl-lined eyes and a vibrant pair of purple tights, sprints across the alley-way he’s seated in, skids to a halt at the corner of a dumpster, and balls himself tightly out of view from the street—Dave doesn’t make a move to flag down confused-looking uniformed officers that follow him into the mouth of the alley.
It’s also why—when said officers approach him, and ask him if he’s seen anyone come by—he takes one look at the man’s pleading eyes and shakes his head mournfully. “No, sorry officers.”
As told through a series of non-linear snapshots, Dave and Klaus come to know one another.
Words: 3,346 Chapters: 2/15 Status: WIP
Dream A Little Dream of Me by idkpeachystuff
"Klaus, thinking back, had always thought that was a strange term. Making love. He wasn't actually certain why. Sex had always felt like...well, sex. Fucking. Nothing entirely special or intimate that he felt had the effect on his heart like nearly everyone had made it seem it should be. And despite how utterly and disgustingly cliché it sounded, that was of course until he met Dave."
Klaus wakes before Dave on their last morning together, on a weekend out in town that is, leaving him with one of his only options to remember everything that had happened the night before and realizing that he was deeply in love, and no matter what, he was never getting out
Words: 3,015 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
projected stars across the night sky by iheardarumor (sonicraptors)
The best nights he’d ever had in his life were spent at his side.
Words: 1,496 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Late Shift at The Umbrella Café by intravenusann @jeffgoldblumsmulletinthe90s
Klaus and Ben have the afternoon shift together almost every day. But not every day are the customers as nice — or as hot! — as this new Dave guy.
Or, in other words, a story where Klaus gets his life together enough to get a boyfriend.
Words: 45,563 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
Need Some Advice by Jenni4
Niki wasn’t used to anyone asking her opinion, so she was surprised when Vina walked into work with an extra energy drink and slid it to her. “Need some advice.”
Niki raised an eyebrow and opened the can and took a big gulp. Vina had been sitting next to her at the call center for exactly two days now. “What makes you think I’m qualified to give anyone advice?”
Vina shrugged out of her jacket and took her seat. “You seem to have your shit together.”
Niki almost choked on her laughter at that one. “That’s so far from the truth but…”
Words: 5,192 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Farewell by JuliusQuasar @juliusquasar and LittleRit @littlerit
Day 20: Shipwrecked
Part 10 of the LittleRit's MerMay Fills 2021
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
a life so demanding by kaijugore @kaijugore
"He was still carrying the war in his heart, how was he supposed to talk about that?"
Ten months. 304 days. 7,300 hours. 438,000 minutes. It would never ever ever be enough time.
Part 1 of the i am (not) afraid to keep on living series
Words: 1,861 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
the sugar rush, the constant hush by kamisado 
The scars across his body mark a treasure map of mistakes. Tiny shrapnel scars and rosy-red roadrash, a lifetime of being thrown to the ground by Academy training and the real world. The ivory line tracing across his jaw, almost invisible. The tattoos and the traintracks, the pockmarked puncture wounds scattered like a horrifying constellation across his body.
He’s so tired.
[a klaus s1 character study]
Words: 3,801 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
By The Firelight by keatches @klauzoleum
They share a long look, their lips still tilted in small, secret smiles.
“I’m Dave.” He extends an open palm, skin callous but inviting. Klaus reciprocates with a clap of his own hand against his.
“Klaus.” He tilts forward as the bus jolts, trundling them away to disaster. The briefcase knocks against the heel of his boot, but Klaus absentmindedly nudges it aside.
The five significant times Klaus spoke to Dave. The one time he never will again.
Or, how they fell in love.
Words: 14,681 Chapters: 6/6 Status: Complete
in midnights, in cups of coffee by klausgraves
Dave is just trying to keep his bookstore open, and the stoned hottie that keeps wandering in and talking at the air really, really isn't helping.
Words: 7,316 Chapters: 3/? Status: WIP 
Sehnsucht by KimbaSprite @pokemonmasterkimba
Day 26: Longing
What was supposed to be a casual night out takes a turn for the weird when Dave encounters a mysterious stranger stranded on the beach. His sister keeps telling him he needs to meet new people and make connections, so why not with Klaus? Even if he is so attractive that Dave feels he may get sick from nerves alone.
“Hey, my eyes are up here. Careful, or you may get lost in them.“ He looks into Klaus’s eyes as instructed and hmm. Yeah, wow.
Klaus bites his lip in a way that is definitely attractive, and Dave wonders if he realizes what he’s doing to him. Probably. Probably. Klaus seems like the kind of person who knows just how powerful they are.
All at once Dave finds himself sympathizing with old-timey sailors; he could see himself risk drowning just for the chance to exist in the same space as Klaus.
Words: 8,585 Chapter: 1/1 Status: Complete
I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise) by LaceratedLullabies
But whatever apocalyptic future Dave found himself in couldn’t be worse than the present. His world had already ended. - On February 21st 1968, Klaus Hargreeves dies in Vietnam. A heartbroken Dave follows his last connection to the man he loves: a time-travelling briefcase. 50 years out of time, Dave has to deal with a changed world, his aborted grief and a tortured Klaus who doesn't know him yet. Oh, and the impending apocalypse.
Words: 13,851 Chapters:7/? Status: WIP
I Will Follow You by lostonthisisland @distilledspirit
After Dave's death on the front lines of the Vietnam War he's pulled through time to witness important points in Klaus' life.
Was going for a 5+1 format, but it's a bit looser than that. So, in other words, 5 times Dave sees Klaus and 1 time Klaus sees Dave.
Words: 6,693 Chapters: 2/2 Status: Complete
i get down on my knees and pretend to pray by marinersapptcomplex @wavesknowshoress
He was quiet, for once, standing silent and breathing in the air around him. There were tears in his eyes.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 1/1  Status: Complete
Soulmates by Meilena
"Klaus was twelve, as high as a kite, and in fact, did know why his soulmark looked so thin and light."
Everyone has a soulmark, which is where the name of their soulmate resides on the skin of their left forearm. Klaus has one too, only his is a little different.
Words: 853 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
(Feels Like) Heaven by Melivian @melivian
When Klaus wakes up in the afterlife, he can't believe his luck.  Somehow, despite his checkered past and wobbly moral compass, he's made it into the Good Place, where he'll spend eternity with his dream soulmate in a dream neighbourhood.
Only there are two problems. The first is that he's pretty sure the architect of this neighbourhood has the wrong person. And if she catches on that Klaus doesn't belong with all the heroes and philanthropists here, he'll be sent to the Bad Place.
The second is that for the residents, this dream is starting to feel a lot like a nightmare...
Part 1 of the I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door series
Words: 23,496 Chapters: 5/28 Status: WIP
Hello, Goodbye by michaelfalls
His eyes stare where Klaus can’t see. His soul goes where Klaus can’t follow.
Words: 2438 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
come on, baby by myeyesarenotblue @myeyesarenotblue
“Dave, my sister has powers,” Klaus says, matter of factly, bobbing his head up and down, “She’s had powers this whole time but my asshole father decided she was too-” and he looks down at the notebook, does finger quotes with one hand, “- 'uncontrollable' and 'dangerous’ to use them.”  
“As in- superpowers? ”  
“Yeah,” Klaus says, and then- “I have to tell her," and then- "Wanna come with?"
Words: 5,081 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
your fingers weave quick minarets by nerdsandthelike @nerdsandthelike
According to Five, they have an apocalypse to stop in the future and here Klaus is fifty years too early trying to get in the pants of some probably straight GI who Ben keeps reminding him looks like Luther before the protein shakes. Because he’s not Allison, Klaus decides to put that particular observation waaaaaayyy to the side.
Words: 6,615 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
My Heart Is Playing Hide-And-Seek (Wait And Count To Four) by nessbess (orphan_account)
Klaus had spent what felt like a lifetime searching for Dave after he died in 1968. But Dave found him first, long before that. Klaus was five years old the first time he appeared.
Words: 11,908 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP 
Five and Dave's Life Changing (Life Saving) Field Trip by neuronary
The little boy, who Dave could now see was not as little as he’d first thought, shoved a tin mug at him. “Drink this.”
Dave drank. It tasted sickly sweet and slightly citrus-y. “Who are you?”
“Five.” The boy’s scowl deepened at Dave’s confusion. “Klaus’ brother.”
Or, Five saves Dave's life to stop Klaus from moping. From Dave's perspective, a very grouchy, sleep-deprived twelve-year-old kidnaps him and he finds it much more entertaining than he should.
Inspired by Lyviel's 'Fixes to the Timeline'
Words: 1,728 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
breathy on the bits by Nucci @maundering-marauder
“So Fivey, tired of the school boy chic?” Klaus asked with a manic grin, “Because do I have so many ideas for you.”
“As long as it’s warm, I don’t really care.”
“Warm, check” Klaus noted, miming checking a box with his finger, “Any other demands?”
“No sequins,” Five replied and blipped out of the room.
Or, Five’s tired of wearing the Academy uniform and Klaus offers to help. As is wont to do with the Hargreeves, emotions and miscommunication ensues.
Words: 8,702 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Collision of Your Kiss by orphan_account
Klaus spends ten months in Vietnam.
Dave is why.
Words: 4,505 Chapters: 1/1 Status: discontinued
pieces (skin to bone) by orphan_account
The first time Klaus dies, he is thirteen. He dies again at seventeen, eighteen, twenty-four. By his fifth death, he has resigned himself to the blackness that awaits him. Not that he much cares: anything would be better than this, even blissful oblivion, even floating in blackness until his mind decays, and, like Five, he starts seeing people where there aren’t there, falling in love with a mannequin or a fleck of dust in his eye.
Dave won't come to Klaus, so Klaus decides to go to him.
Words: 2,128 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the mountain of the crouching beast by patrocluus
Dave catches his eye later, when they’re sitting next to each other in the bumpy truck, men jostling into each other on all sides; the corner of his mouth quirks up a little, just enough to make Klaus’ heart jump in his chest. He doesn’t remember the last time someone looked at him like that: like they have a secret to share, and that secret is the most important thing in the world, even if that world seems to be ending around them.
Or: It's 1968, and deep in the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, Klaus meets a man who feels like home.
Words: 8,203 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
in the january rain by phcbosz
And all Klaus has left to prove that any of it happened and wasn’t just one fucked up dream is a pair of bloody dog tags, a tattoo on his arm, and the taste of ash sticking to the roof of his mouth.
Words: 5,226 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing to the Rhythm of a Different Drum by PlaneJane
Klaus escapes from one terror, and finds himself in another: the A Shau Valley, Vietnam, 1968.
"They kissed at midnight, breath heavy with liquor, the first brush of Dave’s lips making Klaus weak at the knees. Giddy at the gentle way Dave took his face in his hands, like Klaus was something precious."
My Klaus and Dave backstory, because the show didn't give me enough.
Words: 1,498 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His name was Dave by punkspiders
Klaus reflects back upon his time both in the Vietnam War, and with the man he loved more than himself.
Words: 1,654 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
How Not To Propose by RhubarbDuck
His life follows a monotonous routine: wake up, smoke, go to the same shitty grocery store, space out for eight hours and occasionally stock shelves, more drugs, rinse, and repeat.
His life was, at some point, a little more exciting (if exciting meant going on a week-long bender and waking up in a cell with the worst headache he ever experienced). After a couple weeks in jail and the threat of a rehab that he could never attend, he met Dave. Honestly, Klaus couldn’t remember his life before Dave. Dave was kind and understanding and way too put together to be with a fuck up like Klaus, but for whatever reason he seems to love Klaus- or at least he tells him so twice a day.
American Ultra AU
Words: 19,824 Chapters: 5/? Status: WIP
The Moments We Had by RosyPages @thesevenumbrellas
A series of moments between Dave and Klaus as they fall in love during the war.
Words: 2,044 Chapters: 3/8 Status: WIP
In the Dark by runrarebit
So they're back in the past, they're thirteen again, Ben is alive, Vanya doesn't remember, her siblings are suddenly treating her differently, better, and all of a sudden she and Klaus are bonding- Klaus who is still trying to be clean and sober- except things are never easy, are they? There’s their father to contend with, once more alive and at the height of his power over them, and there’s secrets, always secrets, always in danger of getting out, and after their father decides that a clean and sober Klaus is a Klaus that can resume his training Reginald Hargreeves just might not be the scariest man walking the halls of the Umbrella Academy- even if only one person can see him.
The thing about Klaus is that, even trapped, in the dark, he is never alone. Never alone. Never. And the past he's been running from ever since he was a small child might just now be something he can’t escape from.
Words: 61,243 Chapters: 18/18 Status: Hitaus
well, the clock says it's time to close now by rythyme (pugglemuggle)
The first time Klaus falls in love, it's in the middle of a war. Fate really does enjoy cruel irony.
Or, a series of vignettes from the ten months Klaus and Dave spent together in Vietnam.
Words: 3,788 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Fancy Seeing You Here by Saccha @sacchariwrites
Dave miraculously survives being shot in the chest, and is present when Klaus gets in a fight at that vets bar.
Written for EnKlave Fest.
Words: 1,891 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Valentine’s Day in Vietnam by salvador-daley @salvador-daley
A hungover Klaus awakes after a night in the arms of a young man from Dallas
Words: 1.7k Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
In the Dark of the Night by sassmaster_tiresias @i-will-fong-you
The flashlight is still on, peeking out between the folds in Dave’s comforter, and Dave remembers how frantic Klaus had been to turn it on.
He remembers how he couldn’t even really see Klaus when he’d first woken up, his beautiful face obscured by the darkness. Then, he remembers the Christmas lights in Klaus’ room—strung in a haphazard zig-zag up the wall beside his bed, the soft glow that was present every time Dave had been in that room.
“The lights,” he says.
Words: 2,437 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
War is Hell by sauropod @occult-criticality
Klaus' hands were still filthy with dried blood and muck as he fumbled at the clasps, the combination lock on the top. Desperate, blind hope had his heart going a mile a minute. The dial still read that seemingly random set of numbers it had the first time he opened it on the bus, what felt like a lifetime ago.
“Please.” Klaus choked. “Please work.” He opened the briefcase.
Words: 80,813 Chapters: 21/? Status: WIP
New and Familiar by Snabby
If you told Dave a year ago that he had a loving (if a bit crazy) boyfriend, in a relationship which he didn’t have to hide, he wouldn’t have believed you. Although that thought isn’t as crazy in comparison to being in the future and the fact that his boyfriend, can not only see ghosts but was raised in a crazy cult-like superhero family.
In Dave’s opinion, the oddest thing out of the whole family is Five
So he was a little shocked and confused when Five popped in front of him.
“I need you to get a decent fucking cup of coffee” shoving his little finger in Dave’s face
Or Klaus and Dave pretend to be Five's parents so the poor little dude can get coffee
Words: 1967 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
It's a Piece of Cake to Bake a Pretty Cake by StardustInYourEyes
Prompt: Flour fight in the kitchen Klaus and Dave's attempt at making a cake
Words: 2,535 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i just wish that you were here, now by sapphictomaz
Immediately after the Season One finale, Klaus finds himself back in 1968, and is forced to so some soul-searching while dealing with the rest of his siblings and the memories he has of Dave from the first time around.
Title from "Wish You Were Here" by Marianas Trench.
Words: 4,055 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
face to face (and a thousand miles apart) by shadowlancer_95 @shadowsofmoonracer
His strides were long, and shaky as he stumbled through the darkness, relying on the barest threads of memory to Allison’s house. The cut on his lip stung in the cold night air, his throbbing cheekbone a mere shadow of the agony in the hollow cavity where his heart used to be.
Klaus, after his second (and most disastrous) meeting with Dave.
Words: 1,799 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
i wore his jacket for the longest time by sharkhette
So, maybe Klaus wasn’t in his right frame of mind. Maybe he hadn’t been for a long time. But Dave was dead, and that meant Klaus should be able to conjure him, one way or another. The traditional method of cleaning up his act and sitting around to wait hadn’t worked, so it was time to get imaginative.
Klaus just wants to see Dave again, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen, no matter the cost. Includes conversations with Ben, Diego, God, a surly preacher, and gratuitous references to certain MCR songs.
Words: 7,252 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
His oxygen belongs to Death by Sophiethegeek
He can almost taste their bloodlust on his tongue, feel their rage heavy in his breastbone. They’re bad today, and it’s safe to say he’s having a very bad day as a result. Each swipe is sending icy pain across his skin, making him shiver. God, he’s cold.
He closes his eyes, pretending not to hear the faint roar of the snarling, crying, screeching mass around him. Why did he think sobriety was a good idea? Christ on a cracker, this fucking sucked.
Or: After hopping around time, and returning to the day of the apocalypse that never was, Klaus falls apart slowly, then all at once.
Words: 91,661 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Love You, Sugar by spaceysev
There’s a reason Klaus can’t listen to Total Eclipse of the Heart anymore, and it’s got everything to do with the only man who was ever allowed to call him Sugar.
Words: 3,828 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
musical preference by sourcheeks
“Of course you don’t like country.”
“I never said that,” Klaus replied diplomatically, even though it was true.
Words: 227 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Wings of Feathers and Wax by TerezFox8989
A look at the morning after their first time.
Hell, he always considered it a personal victory if he could put a name to a face after, which had suited him just fine. Sex had always had a means to an end, he used and was used; drugs, food, sleep, alcohol. But never this...not mornings after wrapped up in each other talking about family.
Words: 1,534 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
One Night in Saigon by terracotta_heartbreak
They're drunk, they're in a Saigon Hotel, and Klaus is smoking on the bed, but that's nothing new. But it's such an odd thing to be alone together, that doe-eyed strange man who never made sense here, and the soldier who'd fallen for him, for all those eccentricities. How are you meant to make sense of each other in the 60s, in that musky haze of war, drugs and the sounds of political blues rock?
Words: 2,011 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Just One in Thousands by TheArchaeologist @ancientstone
Take the idea that Five is followed by all his victims from his time at the Commission, and take the idea that Five is responsible for Dave’s death, and what do you get?
Pain is what you get.
Words: 1,351 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Dancing with a Ghost by TheBestofEverything
"Would you like to share this dance with me?" Dave asked quietly.
"I'd love to," Klaus smiled as he took Dave's hand in his.
(Klaus is finally sober, and he conjures Dave.)
Words: 664 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Bad Enough for You by thehoundisdead
Dave can be bad. He doesn’t want to be but he can. He wants to spoon Klaus; to gather him up tight enough against his chest to hold all of his pieces together, to let him relax for once. He wants to take a bath with him and shampoo his hair and make him breakfast in bed and wrap him up in his softest blanket. But that’s not what Klaus wants, at least not yet. Dave has a strong suspicion that Klaus has never been treated softly by a partner. So, bad boy.
based on the song bad enough for you by all time low
Words: 8,757 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
The Way Light Swallows Shadows by TheSevenUmbrellas (RosyPages) @thesevenumbrellas
Dave is a vampire hunter who has never hunted a vampire in his life. Klaus is a vampire made for a war that ended before he was even born. When ten years of peace are put at risk after the death of a hunter, they’re both faced with the possibility that maybe the war isn’t over after all. Separated from their respective sides, Dave and Klaus have no other option but to depend on each other to get home before a war can tear their lives apart.
Words: 5,932 Chapters: 2/24 Status: WIP
Tag, You're It by totallyevan @totallyevan
Dating in Vietnam was never easy. Klaus and Dave have to watch out for everything, but thankfully they know their way around the system. Things escalate quickly and the only witness is the moon.
Words: 11,116 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
something so magic about you (so tragic about you) by Tremble
Snippets of their live in Vietnam or Dave slowly finding out that Klaus is nowhere near ordinary. --- This was originally suppose to be a 5+1 thing, but uh that didn't happen. oops
Words: 6,625 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
21.02.1960 by Uglyfrogboi
It was funny how time worked, how it was both only a couple of weeks ago yet it was also exactly nine years in the future. Why is he mourning a day that hasn’t technically happened yet? It’s a simple answer really, that was the day he thinks he last felt anything other than that horrible, thick, smothering, emptiness that seems to follow him around. Today, nine years from now, is the day that his world ended.
How Klaus deals with being dropped in the past, ten days before the anniversary of Dave's death.
Words: 3494 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
you're getting on my (optic) nerves by untrustworthyglitch 
Klaus Hargreeves is many things. He's a former child superhero, an estranged brother, a drug addict, a frequent flyer at the local rehab facility. He can talk to the dead and never seems to die and loves a good thunderstorm.
He's also blind, but he wasn't always.
Part 1 of the blind!klaus (hazy, but hopeful) series
Words: 6,375 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
Scarlet Song by UrsaCentum(phantomviola) @flecket
Klaus isn’t a big fan of Hell.
drabble written for TUA AUgust 2021 Day 25: Angel/Demon
Part 6 of the Ursa's AUgust Fills 2021 series
Words: 100 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
never felt so high (think i'm coming down) by wewhofightmonsters
“Dave,” he whispers, and he leans down to press a kiss, light as a summer breeze, to Dave’s forehead, “Dave, I’m a fucking idiot. I love you back. I love you back.” And as he says it, he knows it to be true, and that small, closed up part of him that has languished in the dark and the constant haze of drugs, unfurls and stretches out towards the light. “I love you back,” he says again, in wonder.
(Klaus and Dave, and second chances)
Words: 24,536 Chapters: 8/? Status: WIP
Curl Conditioner by wormbcy @nastyworm
Klaus tidies up his supplies and puts it all back in the cabinet, and then hums to himself in thought.
"Hey Dave, space for another in there?"
Words: 6,524 Chapters: 1/1 Status: Complete
would it be enough (if I could never give you peace) by ZJpotter
The Hargreeves' and their sixties love. 
Chapter 2: Klaus, bugs, and the definiton of home. 
Words: 2,909 Chapters: 2/2  Status: Complete
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Did u watch the RWBY panel earlier today? If so, thoughts? If not, then ignore.
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Hello! I was not able to watch the panel (out all day), but I did just watch the teaser and game trailer. Btw, an upload of the teaser is here if anyone, like me, was having a bit of trouble finding it.
My thoughts... my first thought was confusion about why I wouldn't have much to say about it (don't I always have things to say? lol), but that became clear once I actually watched the vid. Why is our teaser a PoV reenactment of everything we've already seen? Yes, of course this won't be all we're getting in terms of promos, but imo RWBY has continually struggled with the early content they release, a trend that has become more and more worrisome as fans ask exactly how much of each volume they have completed and when. The only thing we learn from this, plot-wise, is that Ruby was still conscious for most of her fall through the void. It's a rather... non-teaser of a teaser, 99% of which is just rehashing what we already knew.
I find first person cinematography to be really awkward, but that's a personal preference, not an objective knock against the choice. The blinking cutting into the visuals, listening to Ruby's constant whimpers, and trying to figure out if such-and-such shot actually works from her PoV (like throwing Neo in the void) takes me out of the story, rather than drawing me in, but for those who are more emotionally attached to Ruby (as I once was) will likely really enjoy it.
Why is Neo transforming into everyone Ruby knows? She uses her semblance to a) actively trick people (pretending to be Oscar) or b) cruelly play on their emotions (pretending to be Nora against Ren). But what is she trying to accomplish by cycling through Ruby's teammates when Ruby knows she's Neo and they're both already emotionally compromised? They're supposedly falling to their deaths! Is this just supposed to be Neo's version of panicking? I find it a strange characterization choice and I'm inclined to blame it more on the teaser itself. Meaning, they wanted a non-spoiler moment that included more characters, but since it's Ruby's PoV and she's not currently near anyone else on the island, better have her relive the fight we already saw and then have Neo show a bunch of other characters.
I'm already seeing people claim that without the slow motion Yang fell too fast for anyone to do anything. Nah. C'mon. RWBY is built around superpowered characters and even putting their unnatural speed/reaction times aside, Blake did do something. Blake nearly caught her! Ruby was written badly in that moment, standing like a statue and then having a non-reaction to her sister's "death." The constant crying we hear in this teaser? We saw none of that in Volume 8. This teaser is working to make the fight look better than it originally was.
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Interesting that Ruby's own vision changes when she's using her silver eyes but, again: why didn't she set them off? Unlike the above where the teaser makes some aspects look better, this makes that moment look worse. We now know that Ruby was absolutely hanging there, listening to Cinder monologue, her eyes poised to save her... and just didn't use them for currently unestablished reasons.
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Something something Pyrrha turning into gold dust when she died.
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Given the difference in color below Ruby, it looks like everyone fell through some sort of portal-esque thing.
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And their fight separated them a fair bit, which explains why Ruby didn't wake up with Neo on the beach. There's some logical continuity!
Does anyone know who's calling Ruby? To me it sounds like Ruby's own voice, but it's distorted enough that I'm not sure. Honestly, that's the one part of the trailer where I #feltsomething lol
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I'm liking the giant flora and two suns! We knew they were in a different realm, but it's nice to have that confirmed. Right now, I'm reading this as evidence of this being the Gods' world. They're MASSIVE compared to other people, so it would make sense that they came from a world where everything is bigger too; normal sized for them. Plus, two suns, two brothers, everything in balance, etc. etc.
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Where did Ruby's emotions go?? We just spent nearly two minutes watching, as the fans are already saying, her having a panic attack and now it's like... nothing? She wakes up in a new world, having just "died," and all she does is give a little frown and march determinately into the woods? No moment to collect herself? No crying? No calling out to see if someone is there? Like her sister? No checking if Neo is still around and a threat?? Please, media Gods, don't let Jaune be the only one reacting to Penny and all the things that have just happened to them. Giving us voice over of Ruby's emotions in a recreation of the plot cannot be a stand-in for getting them originally and after the fact.
I don't have much of anything to say about the game except it looks boring and it's super weird to have them going on buddy-buddy missions for Ironwood post-Volume 8 lol. Unless friends tell me otherwise I think I'll stick to playing WoW ✌️
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calzona-ga · 3 years
SPOILER ALERT: The story includes details about the April 1 episode of Grey’s Anatomy.
After a string of intense and heavy episodes marked by tragedy, including the deaths of DeLuca as well as Bailey’s mom, Grey’s Anatomy delivered a hopeful one-hour tonight. The biggest development came at the very end, when Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) was taken off the ventilator and was able to breathe on her own. She was “helped” by two old friends who tragically died nine years ago, her sister Lexie Grey (Chyler Leigh) and Mark Sloan (Eric Dane) who visited her on the beach and made the case why she needed to fight to live.
While Leigh’s return was revealed in the promo at the end of last episode, Dane’s appearance was kept a surprise as his Mark joined Meredith and Lexie on the beach. As the trio chatted, Mark shared that he talks to his daughter Sofia, as well as her moms, Callie and Arizona, all the time. Mark and Lexie also showed a lot of affection towards each other, and when Meredith asked if the two were still together, Mark said, “On your beach it looks like we are.”
While Meredith kept saying how much she loves it on the beach, Lexie and Mark talked about what they miss about being alive and urged her to choose life. “Don’t waste one single minute,” Mark said in their final conversation before Meredith was taken out of the coma, possibly ending the season-long beach motif, conceived by showrunner Krista Vernoff, which also featured visits from Patrick Dempsey’s  Derek Shepherd and T.R. Knight’s George O’Malley.
Elsewhere in the episode, there were positive developments all-around. The two main medical cases had happy endings, including one where the doctors at Grey Sloan Memorial faced a Sophie’s Choice situation with one ventilator left and a mother and her daughter both in desperate need to be intubated. Teddy was on the mend, Owen and Koracick almost reconciled. And, along with Meredith’s successful reentry after she was taken off the machine, Winston proposes to Maggie at the end of the episode, and she said yes.
In an interview with Deadline, Dane spoke about how his Grey’s return came about. He took us behind the scenes of filming the beach scenes with Pompeo and Leigh, shared his take on Mark and Lexie’s relationship status and the duo’s pivotal role in giving Meredith strength to cling onto life when she is taken off the ventilator. He also discussed the remarkable longevity of Grey’s Anatomy and his return to production on his current series, HBO’s Euphoria.
DEADLINE: When and how did you get approached about returning to Grey’s Anatomy?
DANE: I was in Shanghai, filming a movie, a Chinese production for that market, a historical piece, and Krista reached out to me and said, hey, I’d like to talk to you about something, let me know when you have some time. I said well, I’m in Shanghai, China right now, let’s talk right when I get back. I don’t remember the timeline, I know I was in Shanghai in August. She explained to me what was happening in the story, and she said, we want to put Mark Sloan on the beach with Lexie Grey.
DEADLINE: What was your reaction? Did you like the idea?
DANE: Yeah, I thought it was a great idea. I thought it made sense, considering the circumstances.
DEADLINE: What do you mean?
DANE: I mean, if you’re ever going to bring Mark Sloan back, I guess with Meredith in a coma, it’s a good way for her to see him. So, it wasn’t a tough sell, and it made sense.
DEADLINE: Tell me about the filming of your scenes. You got to spend time with Ellen and Chyler, the crew. How was it going back into character, revisiting your past and reuniting with old friends?
DANE: It was like I’d never left. It was a great day at the beach. It was great to see some of the familiar faces and same crew members, and we didn’t skip a beat. I love those people. I spent a significant portion of my life with those people, I’d do just about anything for them.
DEADLINE: What did you, Ellen and Chyler chat about in-between takes?
DANE: Masks, Covid. I hadn’t seen Chyler in a while, but Ellen I stay in contact with, and just, how are the kids? Kids are good. Small talk. There wasn’t a lot of time in-between takes because of the protocols and how we had to set it up. So, once we got going, it was almost like a runaway train.
DEADLINE: And it was easy to go back into character?
DANE: Yeah. I mean, look, I created Mark Sloan. It was not that difficult for me to get back into character.
DEADLINE: What did you think about Mark and Lexie playing such an important role in giving Meredith a will to live and a reason to fight as she soon thereafter started to breathe on her own?
DANE: Well, Mark Sloan and Lexie Grey are embedded in the DNA of that show, and also literally, Lexie and Meredith share the same DNA. So, I think there’s a connectivity there and reminding her that, gone but not forgotten, we’re always around if you need us, and it’s too early for you to stay on the beach.
DEADLINE: And there was something comforting, I’m sure, in you reassuring fans that Mark is OK…
DANE: Sure. Absolutely. You see that everybody’s okay and happy; it allows you to want to come back for something.
DEADLINE: .. And that Mark also is watching over his daughter.
DANE: Yeah, whether she’s listening to me or not. You always have somebody looking over you. I lost my father at a very early age, and I feel like he’s watching over me in some capacity.
DEADLINE: When Meredith asked whether Mark and Lexie were together, you said “On your beach, we are”. What do you make of that, does it mean that they’re happily together in our imagination?
DANE: I didn’t dig too deep into that. I sort of took it as like, not in your imagination but the way you’re seeing it in your subconsciousness, wherever you are right now, whatever state of being you’re existing in this coma, fever dream, whatever it is, I guess that’s (Meredith’s) projection of perfection. Mark and Lexie are together forever, and I’m sure Mark and Lexie aren’t too bummed about it either.
DEADLINE: What is your vision of Mark and Lexie, how you think that their story continues in the afterlife?
DANE: Mark would’ve found Lexie. He would’ve found her eventually.
DEADLINE: Since you left Grey’s Anatomy, you did one successful series, The Last Ship, which ran for five seasons, and now you are on a second successful series, Euphoria. Meanwhile, Grey’s Anatomy is still going. How do explain the longevity of that show which continues to be going strong 17 seasons in?
DANE: Well, I think there’s a lot of factors but at its core it’s just a great show. People connect with the characters on that show. It seemed to have found a whole new generation of viewership. Shows typically will grow up with a generation, an audience, and eventually that audience will either outgrow that show or move onto something else. But with Grey’s, there’s always been an alchemy in that cast, a dynamic, a chemistry which keeps people showing up. The writing’s good. Krista, Shonda (Rhimes), Betsy (Beers) and now Debbie Allen’s exec producing the show. They’re so good at understanding the tone of that show and finding characters that people will invest in, and what that translates to is season 17.
DEADLINE: Is there anything you miss about Grey’s?
DANE: Well, I’ve maintained contact with a lot of the cast members. An answer somebody would give you, had they not, would’ve been I missed the people, but I’m still friends with all of them. So, there wasn’t really anything to miss.
DEADLINE: Are you going back into production on Euphoria soon?
DANE: In mid-April. We’re actually started now on Season 2. I think I don’t start shooting for a couple weeks, but we are. I’m sure we’re going to get this out as soon as we can. We’ve set a pretty high bar. I’m very proud of that show, everybody involved is very proud of that show.
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kinnie-moment · 4 years
SoKi hcs because they are criminally underrated idc
These mfs have so much trauma LOL
Kids always paranoid about becoming a kishin like Asura
Also has nightmares about being kidnapped…… that could not have been a fun experience. I’m sure he wakes up practically trembling. 
And Soul is of course still torn up over the black blood and the little demon
#bestievibesonly 😍😍
Soul feels. So inferior to Kid. LIKE HES A MF DEATH GOD HE DID SERIOUS DAMAGE ON THE KISHIN and Soul thinks he’s just some guy
But Kid always notices and knows exactly what to say to Soul. He has a very proper and elegant way of speaking, and that translates into compliments
But when it comes to them getting together!! Its a funny story i will pretend its cannon
It was a school dance. Soul found himself on the balcony as usual, but this time it was Kid who came out to greet him and ask if he was okay
He figured Soul would be dancing with Maka since they came to the dance together, but after speaking to Soul for a minute or to he suddenly realized it wasn’t like that
Eventually, he got Soul to spill that he wanted to dance with someone, he just didn’t think they’d say yes
“I think you should ask them, Soul. Surely they’ll accept it if you approach it properly.”
“Okay pretty boy, wanna dance with me?”
Yeah Kid nearly fell backwards of the balcony 
So much?? Just happened???? Being asked to dance??? BEING CALLED PRETTY BOY??????????
He suddenly realizes he forgot to respond so he quickly mutters a small “y-yes.” and Soul thinks it's hilarious.
Kid gets flustered very easily but we’ll come back to that later
Anyways they dance and!!!!! Turns out Liz set the whole thing up and basically told soul that kid liked him LMFAOSKB
As for general relationship hcs:
Kid calls Soul the sweet and tender pet names like “love” and “dear”
But also stuff like fruitcake and dumbass. Lovingly, of course
Oh my god they probably call each other the f slur bye
Soul calls him stuff like “pretty boy” and “kiddo” and Kid rolls his eyes and pretends like he hates it
One time Soul called him some dumb shit like “alive the offspring” and got slapped in the face. He doesn't regret it tho because Kid’s small giggle was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. He’s down bad yall.
Kid gets flustered. So incredibly easily. And it's super obvious bc mf is so PALE
Soul could whisper something slightly outta pocket and Kid is bright red in a second
Its very funny everyone teases him for it <33333
Tfw ur literally a death god but can't handle holding ur bfs hand
However, Soul can get just as flustered. He's only slightly better at hiding it
Kid has definitely shot Soul in the balls before. Just bc he was being obnoxious 
“If you damage anything down there it’s a loss on your part, remember that.”
Soul gets an extra shot in the face for that one
Very chill relationship. They really don't need to constantly drown each other in affection, sometimes just sitting in silence together is enough
Just stuff they'd do even if they weren't together, like sneaking out to the basketball court late at night
“If I win I get to move all the furniture off center” “If I win you shut the fuck up”
I know i said they don't have an incredibly over the top relationship, but there is a lot of reassurance needed with these two
Soul has like,,, the insecure jealousy. He knows his bf is like the hottest guy ever. He knows his bf possesses an immense power and a high status. It seems ridiculous that he’d settle for a guy like soul
But he did. And Kid doesn’t regret it, no matter what Soul thinks
God im just jumping around w these but… onto pda and physical affection!
At first, Kid isn’t big on physical affection. He’s never really gotten it before so he’s like ????? what even is that
He discovers how nice it can be one day when he’s beginning to spiral. Instead of trying to talk to Kid, Soul just gently pulled him closer and rubbed small circles into his back until he had calmed down and Kid was like. oh. oh okay.
So needless to say, he’s very big on affection now. When Soul hugs him he doesn't feel like a god anymore. He doesn’t feel the stress of living up to his father. He can just sink into the feeling of security. 
Soul loves to give Kid hugs from behind. Just to flex that he’s taller. Even tho its only by 1 inch
He talks mad shit for a mf that's literally 5’3
They both give me the vibes of….. clingy when sleepy. Kid practically clings to Soul when he’s asleep, and if Soul attempts to get up Kid will just whine and pull him back while he’s in this half asleep state
He’ll never admit to it though.
Soul loves to watch Kid fight. He's just so graceful with each move and it's incredibly badass.
Kid loves to wear Soul’s hoodies around the house. Again, he’s only 1 inch shorter but Soul wears looser clothes so it definitely fits a bit big on him
Soul loves when Kid plays with his hair
Kid loves it to, but at the same time he’s so insecure about his hair he usually prefers to forget about it completely 
But if he's had a hard day is he really gonna say no when Soul offers to hold him and rub his hair????? No absolutely not
Who the fuck would say no to that
Ugh i love them
Pov homosexuality 
Oooo u wanna be my friend and talk to me about them so bad ooooooo kid kinnies wanna give me validation so bad ooo
Also im only doing self promo bc there’s no SoKi content out there but!!! I have tons of SoKi content on my ao3 (kinnie_moment) and i’m slowly uploading them to my wattpad (kinnie_moment_asf) so feel free to check those out if u want more content!! I love these two sm i doubt i’ll stop writing them anytime soon
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Umm what are your thoughts on Magnus thinking Raphael doesn't need him anymore
Y̴̖̳̏͐̓͝͝͝O̴͉͔̪͙͎͌̋̊̽̚Ü̴̦ ̵̡̧͍̙͎̤̓͜F̵̺̹̼̫̳̻̖̓̈́̎Ơ̵͈̟̘̼̲O̴̤̻̭̻̟̺̖͗̆͌͒͆͊͂L̴̨͚̝̟̙̥͆̏. you absolute idiot. my thoughts on magnus thinking raphael doesn't need him anymore??????????????? C̶̨̛̖̘̜̟̪̱͗̈́̓̑̋͛́̽͛̃̑̈́Ą̵̢̣͕̥͚̩͔̗̤͙̺͝ͅN̷̢̜͇̪͖̫͓̦̟̰͎͈̫͔̹͌̓̏̐̔̊̽͝ͅ'̵̩͇͐̅͌͋̕T̵̡̡̼̰̼̯͇̝̗̼̫̝̺̝͖͑̀̒͛̈͘͜ͅ ̷̧̘̬͕̯̘͇̹̳͔̑̓͜Y̷̨̥̙̻̣̯̦̓̏̏̂̒͐̕Ơ̸̭͔̤̤̮̙͇͙͇͙̩͐̌̂̈́̐̇̌̌̕̚͝U̴̢̡͙͕̖̥̗̔̿̒̓̉̓͌ͅ ̶̺͚̯͙̘̦̻͚͒͒̍͗̌̚͜͠S̶̢͆̉́̋̈́́Ȩ̵̪͚̹͉͉͉̼̱͖̏ͅĘ̶̛̞̣͚̲̳̻̪̤̲͎̳̠̻̎̊̽̀̉̑͝ ̴̧̛̫͖͍̺͙͓͈̹͕͛͊͊̓͋̄͑͗̉͆͠͝T̵̡͍̱͍̙͈̞͍̪̭͌̄͂̎͑͂Ḩ̴̧̫̪͖̫̞̞̀̔̾̿̃͗̋͐̌͊̀̕̚È̴̢̨͓̞̠̲̱̠͉̾̀ ̴̢͇͈̣͙̝̭͔̰͔̫̦̈́̀͘Ṁ̶̡͓̖̭̩̱̗̗̘̯̖̹͖̳̭̙̺͋͐̈Ḭ̷̢̧̢͔̙̪̣̞̣͙̘̑͌̈́̐̾̅̆́̆̑̃͋͒͒̎͠Ş̵̱̘̰͓̫̦̺͚̙̹͚̗͎̭̠͆̀̏͐͋͗̈́T̷̢̡̡̛̪̝̟̻̠̼̦̦̰̦̗͓̣͌̌̐̋͊̐̔͛̕Ą̵͔͉̜̪̦͓̗̤͇͖̘͓̱̰̜̈͒̍̊͂ͅK̵̛͈̜̱͉̜̖͈̈́́̒̀̐͒́̂̔͆̾̏̂͂̕̕E̸̡͓̣̪̮͉̮̻̹̰̒́̾̋ ̴̡̮̝̝͇̫̮̭̞̦̘̙̥̥̗͒̿͝ͅY̷̡̨͙̝̰̗̗̫͛́̕͜͠͝Ō̵̬Ų̶̡̖̗͙̞̲̺͖̣͉̜̿́͒͆́̏̚͠ͅ'̵̮̭̗̙̘̰͍̥̣̪̩̖̦͂̀̋̆̓̉́̅͜R̸̼̤͙̞͚̼̤͆͛͌̄̈́̑͘Ê̸̡̢̩̳̤͙̳̘̲̞̦̳̻̩̔̐̄͐̑̒̿̒̽̈́̌͒̏̚ ̷̛̮̂̈̽̄̇̆̍̄͂̋̒͛͝͝͝M̶̧̢̛͙̮̣͎̮͍̝̪͔͎̘͔̐̊͐̄̃́̄̄͋̆̕͜͝A̵̧̮̙͖͓̭̯̘̪̿͊̌̉̆̄̈́̾̅́͆͋́̾̓͝K̸̘̩̯̼̣͍̠̝͈̤̮̝̻̬̿̈́Ǐ̶͖̹͈̫͙̀͛̀̆͆͊̿͘̕͝Ṋ̸̨̨̗̰͖̳̝͉͑̏̀̀́̂͗͌̽̈G̸̢̰̟̜͎̪̬̞̲͔̘͍̋̆. not only is this one of my favorite angsts ever, nay! you just posted self promo bait!!! i have a whole ass fic about it (link). and you know what the worst part is???? im gonna make a huge ass answer to your question anyway!!!! do you understand how naive you were now??? do you have any idea what you have unleashed?????
ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. so i think the saddest part about this is magnus' assumption that like... if he isn't useful, he isn't desirable. which we know is 100% how magnus rolls (therapy-needing icon) and would particularly ring true in raphael's case because like... magnus took raphael in when raphael was at his lowest. their relationship was started off by the fact that raphael needed him. and that makes it even harder for magnus to shake that feeling off
like, don't misquote me, it's not raphael's fault and that is not how he sees magnus at all. and i don't think magnus singlehandedly saved raphael or whatever; raphael had to build his own network of ppl and resources to get over his addiction and get back on his feet and build himself back together, as anyone does. no one can carry a burden as big as singlehandedly taking care of any one person, nevermind one in the state rapha was in. but the fact remains: raphael and magnus met when raphael was at his lowest, and they built their relationship because magnus helped him
and magnus knows raphael's got this whole repentance thing going on, he knows that raphael feels like a monster and a burden and like his debt to magnus is unmeasurable. and that makes him second-guess everything about their relationship, imo, because like... raphael probably feels like he has to keep magnus company, he has to do as he says or whatever, because he has a debt
and to some extent it's nice that magnus is like... aware of that imbalance, which is inherent to that situation, but then i think it becomes pretty much... being convinced that raphael doesn't like him and only puts up with him because he has to since he owes magnus
and when magnus "adopted" rapha, magnus was at a particular fragile point. i'm pretty sure rapha was the first person magnus ever let into his life, fully, enough to really know him and his insecurities and his true self, after camille. his other friends - catarina, dot, ragnor, elias - all knew him from before. and we know how after camille magnus locked his heart; yes, he was referring to romantic relationships, but when you are constantly afraid of falling in love with someone in case they will abuse you, you can't fully build platonic relationships either, because there is that wall that is there, a certain level of intimacy that you won't allow yourself
and with that i don't mean that romantic relationships are inherently more intimate or deeper than platonic ones! i mean that to build any sort of intimate relationship, romantic or platonic, you need to be able to allow yourself to be vulnerable, and magnus was obviously not allowing himself that, because he was scared of being vulnerable after it was used so viciously against him the last time he opened up his heart
but magnus is still too caring of a person to leave someone in a state as bad as raphael's - no sire, battling addiction, alone in the streets, probably no knowledge of the shadow world (this is probably where i should add my mandatory disclaimer that i'm not following book canon and i don't care how it went there, i'm talking about the show), no clan, no family, basically no one - alone, so of course he's gonna bring him in for a night and feed him and try to find a way to help him
but then you add to that two facts: 1- magnus is hopelessly affection and touch-starved and desperately needs company; 2- there is not many places raphael can actually go to
so of course magnus lets raphael stay. and it's for his own sake as much as it is for his, because again, magnus is starved, and he is at a point of his recovery where he needs to let people in, even if it's slowly and in a relatively safe situation - like, what can raphael do to hurt him? okay, there's a few things, but still. it's just easier to let yourself be vulnerable when the person you're allowing to see it is someone you've seen equally as or even more vulnerable. especially if they have no connections to people you know, as it is in rapha's case
PLUS, he empathises. i've said it before and i'll say it again, raphael and magnus have so much in common. from background (immigrants, brown, downworlders, one is bi the other is ace which are two groups known for their ties and solidarity with each other, trans if you go by my headcanons which i will because this is my blog and i do what i want) to coping mechanisms (both clearly deal with their problems on their own and try to avoid letting other people help them as much as they can, even if in very different ways - magnus creates a persona so he can be surrounded by people and not let them in too close whereas raphael doesn't let them get close from the get-go), to some of their personal psychological issues (this unbearable responsibility they carry on their shoulders, like everything and everyone is dependant on them and it is on them personally to help everyone they find: see raphael and how involved he got with simon and the way he talked about the other vampires/the clan even before he became clan leader, and magnus and Literally Everyone That Came Into His Path; the feelings of monstrosity they both feel due to their downworlder status and their past; the guilt; the self sacrificial/giving til it hurts tendencies; etc), to a few personality traits (similar sense of humor, both natural leaders, both pretty bold in their own ways; they also have many differences in personality but they are quite compatible/similar in other ways as well).... i could go on. i'm not saying they are Literally The Same Character (that'd be bad writing anyway, and there are notable differences such as raphael being way more recluse than magnus, their different moral codes, etc.) but there is a lot in common, which results in a nice dynamic in which:
they have fun with each other (think "because you're totally unbiased"; that was clearly a tease, neither of them were really upset by it, raphael looked at magnus expectantly like he expected magnus to laugh and magnus just glared at him in a clearly playful way)
they care for each other deeply (think every interaction we got between them or that included them talking about each other to a third person lmao i think this one is undeniable)
they trust each other incredibly (think raphael being tortured and going to magnus before he went to his own clan, then staying at his house, he obviously feels comfortable and safe there more than anywhere else including his own supposed home; and i wish we had gotten to see more of raphael taking care of magnus as well but of course the writers always forgot magnus had friends and family beyond shadowhunters lmao, but still, i think it's undeniable that the trust goes both ways because of the sheer difference in the way magnus treated raphael as opposed to other people who came for his help, including downworlders like simon)
they are openly affectionate with each other in a way they aren't with most people (think them hugging or the way magnus casually touched raphael's face like it was perfectly normal. that is like, the only s3 raphael scene i claim lmao)
hmmm where was i going with this. man i should really get checked for ADHD or whatever
RIGHT they built a nice relationship. which magnus craved!!! he really really needed someone he could be affectionate with, someone he could trust, someone he had fun with! and again, it's not that he didn't have that, but it was the first time he was building a relationship like this again from scratch after camille. plus, i'm sure camille pushed him away from his friends because that's what abusers do, and i'm sure magnus also pushed them away to some extent because again, being vulnerable was hard. but with raphael there was no escaping it. like, he was living at magnus' house
and he needed that! and i think raphael and their relationship had such an important catalyst role in magnus' recovery from camille. not that raphael saved him - again, that's not even possible - but the way their relationship was constructed was essential for magnus to start opening up again. without it i really doubt it would have been possible for him to open up to alec, and i think their relationship and history is extremely overlooked and underrated by the fandom
but like... the fact that he was in such a vulnerable emotional state to begin with, plus the fact that their relationship was kickstarted by the fact that raphael needed him, will obviously lead to him thinking that raphael only puts up with him or whatever because he needs him/feels indebted (because magnus knows at this point that raphael is not the kind to use people, but he also knows that raphael already acts like his mere presence in the world is something he has to make up for it's the catholicism so of course he's gonna feel like he needs to make up for magnus for such a huge gesture. anyone who's not an asshole would, but like, particularly raphael). cue magnus like, probably feeling guilty for getting so attached to raphael because he's an idiot
and like of course raphael feels indebted and grateful but he also does genuinely in fact like magnus (for all the reasons listed above) and also like, he did in fact also need more connections, he had just lost all of his previous ones. but most importantly he does care for magnus and loves him immensely even beyond all that magnus did for him. and he does see magnus as a person and knows about his struggles and vulnerabilities because it's impossible not to when you live/have lived together, and he just... cares and empathises
but also raphael obviously thinks he's a burden to magnus because duh, and i don't think magnus ever really told raphael how much taking raphael in helped him, how much it meant to him and his recovery, how he was doing it for himself as much as he was doing it for rapha, because 1- he's scared of being so open and vulnerable; 2- he's scared of making raphael feel even more guilty; 3- he's stupid and i think part of him assumed it went without saying
like he was always so openly affectionate with raphael (maybe even too much in his eyes, maybe he was scared of being too attached, putting too much on his shoulders, it's not this traumatized kid's job to deal with his issues for fuck's sake) and magnus has always worn his heart in his sleeve and he feels everything so deeply i think he sometimes forgets that it's not actually plain for everyone to see and feel. particularly not non-warlocks, since it's kinda implied that warlocks have some level of sensitivity to each other going on. plus raphael is autistic af so he can't tell what magnus is feeling if magnus doesn't fucking say it, and he has a terminally low self esteem that i assume would be even lower by that point (due to, you know... the general shitshow state his life was in), so of course he doesn't assume he's as important to magnus as magnus is to him, particularly not when he is literally burdening him (in raphael's eyes). so he thinks it's obvious but it's Really Not
so we have like a lot of misunderstanding angst with both of them wanting to get closer but thinking they are imposing on the other and pulling away, and both of them taking the other pulling away as a sign that they aren't comfortable and aaaa
so like i think that rapha would mention moving out so he can get out of magnus' hair, and magnus is all crestfallen because he's so not ready to be alone at home again, but he can't be selfish and hold the kid back just because he has shit he needs to deal with, right? it's not fair
and then like lowkey spiralling afraid that after that he's going to be alone again and raphael won't want to see him anymore, or worse, that he'll force himself to out of pity or guilt, and magnus will just be a chore to him
and raphael feeling like magnus wants to get rid of him and will want him out of his hair and aaaaaaaaaaa
and magnus of course is all put together and excited about it, "yes, my boy, don't worry, i'll help you move" and playfully tilting his head and being all excited and getting into chop-chop mode because as long as he can make himself useful he can avoid thinking about how he's gonna be alone again. and rapha of course taking this as magnus being eager for him to leave
and just doijasiodjasoij they're IDIOTS. i think this would be more or less resolved by raphael because at the very least he has to thank magnus for everything he's done and tell magnus that he means so much to him, that he'll always be thankful. and magnus again is all put together, all "it was nothing, my boy" but rapha pulls him into a hug and suddenly they are Not Letting Each Other Go. like it's tight and maybe they're both shaking a little because Badly Repressed Emotions and they're just. so unwilling to let each other go for what they feel like will be forever because they are sad and dramatic. and raphael even wonders for a second if he's like, super strengthing magnus into the hug by accident, but even when he tries to let go magnus doesn't even notice and is still hugging him tight, so he's like. okay. guess i can stay for a little longer then. and keeps hugging him
and lol i have half a mind to be like "and then raphael ends up staying because neither of them actually wants raphael to leave so what's the point" and actually i think i might be going this route for this particular hc. but of course eventually raphael does leave because you know... kids grow up and all daihdsaioj and i think that they still have some things to resolve, particularly from magnus' side? i think raphael is more in touch with him than the other way around, even if mostly we've seen him coming to magnus for help, but like... that trust is there, you know, and we didn't see a lot of the opposite
i know s3 raphael was fake anyway but like i imagine him finding out that magnus lost his magic and he had no idea or that he lost his home and being like "why didn't you ask for my help?? our help??" because you know all his other friends would have wanted to help him out too, and magnus is just. he doesn't want to be a burden. he feels like if he is, he's going to lose anyone. he needs to be there for them
and it's so much bullshit of course and raphael is pissed - not at magnus, he couldn't be mad at him, but just pissed in general. and he draws magnus in for a hug and tells him that he can always come to raphael, whenever he needs, and raphael will drop everything to help him. the clan is doing okay (especially post-valentine and impending doom and all, you know, they can take care of themselves lmao. like look of course raphael is a very involved leader but you get what i mean, they won't die if he goes help magnus with something) and he has second-in-commands he trusts anyway. and he doesn't want magnus to hide his problems for him and not come for his help and aaa
just.... rapha being like "you think i wouldn't do anything i could for you? anything to make sure you're alright?" and magnus being like "you don't have to" and raphael going, "you didn't have to do it for me either. but you did" "you don't owe me anything" "i do, but this is not about that. magnus, you're my family" and magnus tearing up because it is so immense to him to be someone's family, something he almost can't grasp
and magnus slowly learning that no, raphael doesn't need him, but that's not important because he wants magnus in his life anyway. and they can always rely on each other, no matter what, even if they aren't dependant on each other - and that is a good thing :)
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princessmadafu · 3 years
37 bleedin’ pages!
I have condensed them for you and left out most of the bits that the nasty evil British Press have already covered. Feel free to skip any boring bits.
Dax Shepard: Welcome, welcome, welcome to Armchair Expert's Experts on Expert. I'm Dan Shepard. I'm joined by Monica Mouse.
Monica Padman: Hi.
There follows some heavy marketing of towels and stuff...
DS: Now please enjoy Prince Harry. We are supported by Brookelinen. My favourite hotel quality sheets to get into and writhe around in the nude. [...] They're impeccable. They're decadent, they're soft, they're absorbent. Brookelinen was started to create beautiful high quality home essentials that don't cost an arm and a leg. They're so confident in their product, they come with a 365 day warranty. So give yourself that comfort refresh you deserve and get it for less. Go to Brookelinen.com and use promo code 'expert' to get $20 off with a minimum purchase of $100. That's Brookelinen.com and enter promo code 'expert' for $20 off with a minimum purchase of $100. That's Brookelinen.com, promo code 'expert'.
Pretty ironic really, as Harry wades into fake news and how advertising algorithms are ruining us...
DS:...It's like the algorithms on the internet. You can't compete with that, a human.
PH: You can't if you have the awareness of what it's doing to you. And the fact that it's learning, which is scary. And advertising has been going on for hundreds of years, but done really responsibly. The difference here is targeted ads. If ads have always worked for companies, you can put on the TV, you can walk away, you can come back, your involvement is switching on switching off or changing the channel. Whereas now with algorithms is there, it's just feeding your habits. And it's also reading through your emails and everything else. So it's getting to know you, like, it gets to know the decisions you're gonna make before you make them, then it creates this echo chamber of no pushback, of no context of nothing. It's just perpetuating and feeding the bias and the habits that you already have inside of you, which is terrible.[...]
Harry needs to learn about AdBlock and Ghostery and VPNs and Tor and DuckDuckGo and Smartpage and all the other clever little ways the computer-literate have of ridding their lives of unwanted advertising. I haven't seen an ad in years. The only person feeding my habits is me. It’s called personal responsibility. Maybe Harry still needs a Nanny but most grown-ups don’t. Oh wait, I forgot, the “Meghan&Harry Show” fans are all kids.
PH: [...] It's a computer. It's like, who wrote the algorithms? You guys did? Probably all male and all white.
Oooh, let's be sexist and racist, Harry! Did you ever hear of these women or are they too scary?
Then they discuss Naked Vegas (this guy Dax has a thing about nudity) and Harry in Afghanistan. And discuss a calendar of naked men that DS and MP put together - their favourite male bodies. What a good job it's only gloating over naked male bodies and not naked female bodies. It's apparently acceptable, for some reason. Harry doesn't know who the guys are.
DS: Monica makes this for me every year and it's a calendar of all my favourite bodies of friends.
MP: And they're all men.
DS: They're all men.
MP: And they're all gorgeous bodies.
And is Harry nervous talking about mental health? He shouldn't be, he's been banging on about it for years.
PH: Yeah. Was I nervous? No. Not so much nervous. But I guess on this particular subject around mental health. Yeah. For me, it's always a, unfortunately, today's world is quite a sensitive subject, not just for the people who are sharing. But ultimately, the subject matter itself has to be handled with care. [...] It ends up getting weaponized by certain people.
Weaponised by certain people? Like him and Markle, for instance. Neither of 'em has any talent so they weaponise their mental health. Big big mental health bombs loaded with word salad to lob at their own families and cause huge distress. Not nice, Harry.
PH: That's how I've always felt when it comes to projection. I mean, hatred is a form of projection, right? [...] We're not born to hate people. So it manifests itself over a period of time. And of course, it can come from unresolved pain, or being hurt continually, as a young kid or through adult life. But ultimately, there's a source to it. There's a reason why you want to hate somebody else.
Like his dad, his brother...
PH: And actually have some compassion for them. Which is really hard when you're on the receiving end of this, like, just vile, toxic abuse. But the reality is, is you say, flip it. [...] Every single one of us wherever we are, wherever we come from, there will always try and find some way to be able to mask the actual feeling and be able to try and make us feel different to how we are actually feeling, perhaps having a feeling. Right, because so many people are just numb to it. That was a huge part of the beginning of my life, which was like, I rejected. I said, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm fine.
And now he's moved on to promoting his new mental health stuff with Oprah, The Me You Can't See...
PH: So if you are making that conscious decision to say: You know what, it's not self serving, but I want to share my story. I'm being asked to share my story to hopefully help someone or loads of other people. I'm probably going to get trolled. I'm probably going to get attacked by the same people that were doing anyway. If I'm willing to make that decision, surely that comes from a place of courage rather than weakness?
Or possibly naivety. Harry is only wanted for his money-making title and royal status; he has no mental health qualifications, he's not a mental health professional, he's not an expert, all he brings to the table is the glamour of being a prince of the BRF. Which he quite clearly hates. Markle is lining her pockets from their self-indulgent mental health whinge fest and he's too dim to see it. There follows the bit about the spectrum of upbringing that the press is covering nicely so I can skip the next few pages - the bits where Harry says he doesn't see that talking about his own issues is complaining, and “it's the job, right”, how he never wanted the job of being royal, and his therapy and how “massively self-critical” he is (yet still can't see that he's not being honest with himself), ooh and sharing his hatred of the British press - that's a good bit, let's skip to page 18:
PH I think the biggest issue for me was that being born into it, you inherit the risk, you inherit the risk that comes with it, you inherit every element of it without choice. And because of the way that the UK media are, they feel an ownership over you. Literally like a full on ownership. And then they give the impression to some of their, well, most of the readers, that that is the case. But I think it's a really dangerous place to be if you don't have a choice, but then, of course, then people quite rightly will turn around and go. So what if you didn't have a choice? It was privilege? [...] Page Six of the New York Post, they took pictures of my son being picked up from school on his first day [...] But I guess my point is the way that I look at it, especially now living here one hour outside LA. Like it's a feeding frenzy here. We spent the first three and a half months living at Tyler Perry's house. You let us stay. And the helicopter helicopters, the drones the paparazzi cutting the fence like it was madness. And people out there -Their response was, Well, what do you expect if you live in LA? It's like, Okay, well, first of all, we didn't mean to live in LA. This is like a staging area before we try and find a house. And secondly, how sad that if you live in LA and you're well known figure, you just have to accept it. The first security we had, I said, Well, where's the safest place? Inside. Just because I'm a well known person, you can't go outside anymore. [...] it's really, really sad. And of course, their argument is - the paparazzi and everybody else - is like all if you're in the public space, then it's absolutely fine for us to do it. So what is our human right as an individual and as a family, you're saying that if the moment we step foot out of our house, that it's open season and free game? What? Because of public interest?. There's no public interest in you taking your kids for a walk down the beach. Nothing...
And on and on it goes... He should've stayed in the UK then. The Cambridges are managing very nicely, thank you. They take their kids for walks on the beach, and we'd never seen them until they released their anniversary video the other week. Harry's clearly envious of William; Harry's mad wife is vitriolically envious of Catherine. Oh and I’m pretty sure it’s the mad wife who keeps phoning her go-to paps when she needs to be in the news again.
PH: [...] I believe we live in an age now where you've got certain elements of the media redefining to us what privacy means. There's a massive conflict of interest. And then you've got social media platforms, trying to redefine what free speech means. Why - I wonder why you're doing that. And again - so this has been happening for 15 years now. And we're living in this world where we've almost like all the laws have been completely flipped by the very people that need them flipped so they can make more money and they can capitalise off our pain, grief, and this sort of general self destructive mode that's happening at the moment [...]
He doesn't get how hypocritical this is, does he? The Markles are the ones capitalising on their grief, pain and the rest of it. And no-one would be interested in them without the royal bits because they have nothing else to offer. Failed actress and used-to-be-a-soldier wrapped up in festering bitterness.
Blah, blah... went shopping in a supermarket... saw lots of chewing gum... blah, blah... Archie on the back of his bicycle... girls want to be princesses... You don't need to be a princess, you can create the life that will be better than any princess or it's something along those lines... she said she expected [the press] to be fair... Pages and pages of how he hates the British press...
PH: [...] And especially when you can't defend yourself so yes, I think when you marry into it, especially when it's one Princess Diana's sons there is a certain amount of 'okay what I'm actually letting myself in for?' But very few people actually know - apart from the Brits - how toxic that element of the of the UK press is.[...]
We're up to page 24 now, if you're still with me. Oh here it is, Harry's unconscious bias... What’s the betting the mad wife has scripted this bit for him?
PH: [...] So going back to the whole sort of travelling around the Commonwealth, I thought I knew, right, having been able to travel that much and meet so many and such a diverse group of people. I thought I understood life. Especially bearing in mind most of the countries I was going to were, most of the communities are going to were people of colour. But then I was really shocked once I started doing therapy. And that bubble was burst. And I started doing my own work, really - a lot of work - and started to uncover and understand more about unconscious bias. And I was like, wow, I thought since I screwed up when I was younger, and then did the work. I thought I then knew. But I didn't. And I still don't fully know. It's like a constant working progress. And every single one of us has it. [...] Everyone has biases, of all sorts. But I think it's a really important point, especially now, after everything's happened in the last year and a half, like the world is changing, the younger generation are driving it. And you've got to like a multi-racial, cultural sort of movement happening, which has never happened before. But unconscious bias is the way that I understand it, is, again, it's not something that's wrong with you. Right? And you don't have to be defensive about it. That's the thing. No one's blaming you. But the moment that you acknowledge that you do have unconscious bias, what are you going to do about it? Because if you choose to do nothing you're continuing to fuel the problem, which means that you're then heading towards racism. Whereas unconscious bias is actually something that is inherent, unfortunately, in every single one of us. But that it is possible to educate yourself to be more aware of the problems and therefore be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
Markle's got him well-trained on this one, hasn't she. I wonder if he's read anything critical of the unconscious bias movement, or just repeating what he's been told to. Oh and then he goes off about being in the army...
PH: I loved it. I love wearing the same uniform as everybody else. I love being treated the same. I love the expectation of if you want to get that job, or you want that promotion, or you want to finish this race, it's all on you. There's no special treatment, you're not going to get any help. If anything, you're probably going to get treated the opposite because everyone thinks that you've had an easy life. And everyone's always helped you get to where you are.
But...but...but, Harry wasn't treated the same, there was special treatment, he was helped to get to where he was. He scraped a couple of poor quality A Levels and got admitted to Sandhurst because he's a prince. Good old Wikipedia says:
In June 2003, Harry completed his education at Eton with two A-Levels,[22] achieving a grade B in art and D in geography, having decided to drop history of art after AS level.[23] He has been described as "a top tier athlete", having played competitive polo and rugby union.[24] One of Harry's former teachers, Sarah Forsyth, has asserted that Harry was a "weak student" and that staff at Eton conspired to help him cheat on examinations.[25][26] Both Eton and Harry denied the claims.[25][27] While a tribunal made no ruling on the cheating claim, it "accepted the prince had received help in preparing his A-level 'expressive' project, which he needed to pass to secure his place at Sandhurst."[25][28]
PH: And then suddenly, like - while I was at school, I hated exams. And I promised myself I'd never do exams again. Then I joined the army of which is full of exams. I still promised myself I'm never gonna do it and then I end up flying Apache [...]
Gods, it's getting boring. Even the interviewers are zoning out. Still ten pages to go. Wish I hadn't started this, I could be out weeding. Weather's nice, not too windy... Do I deserve a quick G&T yet?
PH: Or worse, was they turn around and say, right, because last week, you're out the front. This week, you got to carry his bergan, I'm like - what, 30 extra pounds? Nooo. But it was, it was the most normalising experience or job that I could have ever hoped for. And then going to Afghanistan twice [...] And someone said to me very recently, from the moment that you're born into today's world, life is trauma, so the sooner that we actually acknowledge that but but [...]
A-a-a-a-and he's back on the mental health thing, PTSD or PTSI,
PH: Post Traumatic Stress Injury is like: Well, that makes sense, because I just saw my mate get blown out. But the other piece of this is, what we need to remember is, the lot of the recruiting that we do in the UK, comes from certain cities and certain homes, where there's childhood trauma. So what we collectively have already got inside of us, the trigger of seeing something happen in Iraq, Afghanistan can be the trigger. So everyone goes: Oh, it's because they were on operations, and because they saw their makeup blown up. It's like, no. [...] So that's what I've been working on for years, for the last five years, which is like, and it started in therapy of like, I don't want to lose this thing, because I think it's, I feel so connected to my mum. [...]
They move on to parenting, which the press is rubbing its hands over... Harry blaming everyone but himself and his saintly mother - Charles, HMTQ, PP... "They f*ck you up, your mum and dad". But not the mum bit. He can't push his mum off her pedestal.
https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48419/this-be-the-verse if you don't know Larkin's poetry. How much more? Nearly there. Monica loves The Crown and doesn't realise it's fictitious.
DS: [...]Well, Harry, I've really really liked talking to you. You're very charming. You're very intelligent. You're handsome, and I can't wait to see your torso.
MP: Thank you so much for coming.
DS: So I just want to remind everyone that May 21 on Apple Plus, you should check out Oprah and Prince Harry's 'The Me You Can't See'. I have to imagine it's similar to her book, which I just read, which is absolutely incredible 'What happened to you?' So everyone should check out 'The me you can't see' on Apple plus May 21.
And still Harry won't shut up... Shut up, shut up. Cut his mic. You don't have to read this last bit, they've already wound up the interview...He still won’t shut up.
PH: Yeah, we're moving from the physical to the emotional, right, physically. At the beginning of this pandemic, people were panicking. And there was that fight or flight like, ahh what do we do like lockdown, survival? Yeah. And now that the vaccines have been sort of, we're getting to the point where more and more people are being vaccinated, we're now in the emotional phase of what I read in the New York Times article was called languishing, which is really interesting. It's like the is the middle child between flourishing and depression. You just feel flat, and it's not depressed. It's definitely not flourishing. You lack the energy and the will, the motivation, all that kind of stuff. Because you're kind of sitting there going - Well, what happens next? And I think it's really important that we talk about languishing. And it was coined by someone I can't remember who but I think it was the journalist who wrote the story was Adam Grant. No, he didn't come up with it. Someone else came up with him, he wrote this, the most amazing article about languishing and the fact that how important it is to be able to talk about it because - look when it comes to mental health, we need to realise and accept that every single one of us have mental health. There's varying degrees, as we said, you've got the mental illness, and then you've got the sort of the awareness and the work that you can put in, like, Where do you want to be that we shouldn't just sit there and go: Oh, mental illness is once we are literally on the floor crawling around in the foetal position needing help. But for me, I don't think I need therapy anymore. But I wanted. And when I say therapy, I mean, actual therapy, sitting down having a discussion with someone. But I also mean like, nature, like going for walks, like throwing the ball for my dog down the beach and stuff like that. There are certain things around the world that are free, some you have to pay for, but ultimately go searching for the things that make you feel good about yourself. Like that's the key to life, get rid of the bad stuff, get rid of the hate, and just focus on the good. And your whole life turns around from that. I hate this idea. And I was one of them. I fell for it. Right? I didn't acknowledge that clearly what happened to me when I was 12 years old, losing my mom and all the other pieces that happened, the traumatic experiences that happened to me since then, I didn't acknowledge them, when perhaps - maybe I need to deal with this because if I don't, how the hell am I going to be a decent father to my son and my daughter? Like that awareness, I didn't have then. But again, we've got what - 40 experts as part of this series, and the Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, she's absolutely fantastic. And she was talking about this concept of mental health being sort of public health, right. Because the services are so limited. There's not enough money. The problem is actually immense. How can we all help each other rather than this: 'Oh, once I'm broken, or once I'm suffering, I have to go here.' And there's not enough rooms or spaces for the amount of people or the for the need, when actually you can get ahead of it, and work on the prevention by sharing and being more vulnerable with each other, and being able to process this grief or this loss, or this trauma that every single one of us have experienced and will experience. So anyone who's sitting there going: 'I don't have a problem, and I never will have a problem.' Well, you probably are already contributing to the problem, because you probably got your blinkers on, you probably created your own echo chambers. So I think it's a that, that's certainly what I've experienced for my own process, my own journey, my family and my friends and everybody else is. Anyone who thinks, oh, we're fine. You're the one who's like, willing to talk about it. It's like, yeah, I'm willing to talk about it and talking about it. And the financial element as well. We're pouring money into on the downsteam, when it's like, Can we just focus upstream? Yeah, we focus on one thing, like to me listen to Oprah was what was one of the reasons that this whole thing started was two of the biggest issues that we're facing in today's world, I think, is the climate crisis, and mental health. And they're both intrinsically linked. Basically if we neglect our collective wellbeing, then we're screwed. Basically, because we can't look after ourselves. We can't look after each other. We can't look after each other, we can't look after this home that we all inhabit. So it's all part of the same thing.
DS: Prince Harry, I don't say this lightly. I love you. Thanks for coming. This was great.
M: Thank you so much.
PH: Thank you very much.
Wish I'd done my weeding.
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