#I love crows and ravens
thereseuwu · 16 days
Hehe, have this
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this is where I got the idea from
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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what if there was a plague doctor that was so so so cute (and was also secretly a bird themself)
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squash1 · 3 months
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the agenda in question:
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rude of my mutuals to be little gay people who live in my phone and not little gay people from real life. I want to make you little trinkets and thingies
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Vincent Price as Count Sforza
F-Troop; V is for Vampire (1967)
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softandwigglybones · 7 months
I love corvids. Please share with me your favourite corvids
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Everyone talking about dottore and the segments turning into cats, but never into crows/ravens😞 imagine them cawing at you just to annoy you while zandy just sits on your shoulder completely unbothered
OMG SO CUTE... at first, it would be a bit unnerving to be surrounded by so many corvids looming over you, but you'd get used to it rather quickly. (After all, you've already dealt with being surrounded by a lot of Dottores.) Unfortunately, cawing right into your ear is a lot more aggravating than constant meowing. Your food also gets nabbed quite a few times from one of them swooping in out of nowhere... However, although they're resistant at first, they are still very much receptive to your, and only yours, touch. Small head pats and him nuzzling his beak into your finger. Pecks you affectionately. Threatens anyone who gets too close with less than affectionate pecks. (Pantalone, who found out about the situation, only laughs at the Harbinger's pathetic display of aggression.)
(On twt once i saw a video of a lady giving a crow a tummy rub with a pen... it reminds me of this. He starts squawking the moment you stop even though you're busy trying to find the antidote. 🙄 the audacity) You would also feel so proud the moment one of them actually lands on your stretched-out arm all majestically. Zandy though, is very small compared to the rest of the flock... he remains perched on your shoulder or on the top of your head in all instances. Poor little guy is overwhelmed by all the other segments towering over him. 😔 You end up missing how soft their feathers are but, you just go back to cuddling the black fluff Dottore always wears on his shoulder.
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palilious · 10 months
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I fell in love again All things go, All things go
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kazbiter · 1 year
ronan lynch and kaz brekker r living proof that you can be widely regarded as a swagless cringefail loser and still pull the most beloved and crushed upon character in ur universe they r my national heros
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yellowplumfruit · 4 months
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margareturtle · 8 months
My fav thing is Aftg bringing fandoms together since The Raven King
First was The Raven Cycle fans
Now with The Shadowhunter fans
(The way the next shadowhunter series is also gonna center a blonde x black haired boy ship)
The Marauders fans are on their way I’m sure
(Tell them Jerejean is a potential Jegulus variant and they’ll be right on board)
Also Six of Crows naturally became part of the Bird Book Trinity
And here we are
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dark-ethereal-visions · 8 months
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makenna-made-this · 13 days
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A triple BAWKmission for someone over on kofi of a fish crow, pied raven, and piapiac doing a shenanigan~ I'm still offering these fun little bird doodles for anyone who wants to see their (or any) bird BAWK-o-fied~ Proceeds go to helping me pay my bills and further spoiling of my already spoiled chickens<3
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matchamabs · 1 year
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been a while since i animated anything. kinda not happy with it? but i did realise i think im more adept at layouts than characters lmao. this is actually part of a lil animation practice project im doing for shits and hopeful skill improvement. 
if ur on phone for the love of god click for quality
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manikas-whims · 1 year
Another week to go before the release of Shadow and Bone Season 2.
Until then, go watch Lockwood and Co, and help increase its chances of renewal, just like we worked hard for SaB 🙏
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rybonucleic-ket · 1 year
hyd on a scale of corvid
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