#I love SH but dang
youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
Just attempting to get all the playable characters revealed onto one post
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Matthew Farrell - American P.I. and the resident character who can turn into demons to fight
Emilia Dawson - Cyborg woman who works for British Intelligence
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Suseri Otsuki - Teenage Japanese spirit hunter (also seems to round out the main trio with the first two)
Vito Andolini - Italian conman/blue mage with a shady past
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Goliath - Actually Frankenstein’s Monster
Candy Nation - American school girl with possibly too much pluck
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Luca - Ukrainian werewolf boy with the cutest transformation
Roxane Archambeau - Singer and dhampir part-time demon hunter
This is definitely shaping up to be a successor to Shadow Hearts. I just hope it improves rather than wallowing in that. I will remain cautiously optimistic!
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theloveinc · 4 months
thought abt dabi buying you skincare. Hold on. HOLD ON.
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DRABBLE: True Love and Tribulations
"And so the fairies sought out the Princess's True Love to break the curse."-Sleeping Beauty
A renovation gone wrong leads to the Prefect falling down Ramshackle Dorm's basement. Or the basement's basement, because they were not aware of a much lower floor underneath.
There's so much magic condensed below ground that even they, a non-magical human, can feel the cracklle of magic in the air, giving them goosebumps as they wander around to find a stairway to get back to the top. Grim was of no help because he left earlier to run some errands for Yuu. And their mobile was broken upon impact, along with their body were it not for the stack of mattresses they fell on. Too bad their phone had to bounce down to the cold floor. The Ramshackle ghost were on a vacation too, leaving Yuu truly alone to navigate the dark.
And there they find themselves into a secret room with a spinning wheel.Their intuition told them to run, however the threads, snakelike, ran after them, grabbing at their limbs until they're dragged into the room. Malevolently, the sentient threads pull wrap around their hand, pulling it closer until a finger pricked itself on the sharp spindle.
They immediately fall into slumber.
That's how the NRC staff found them, snoozing on the cold hard floor.
Ofcourse, Crowley was to blame for all this. Long ago, he had purchased a replica of Spinning Wheel from the Legends of Old, for educational purposes ofcourse, yet unfortunately the dang thing was cursed. It began attacking students and was fortunately subdued before it can make any further damage. After the incident he discarded it somewhere where he forgot, which just happened to be the Ramshackle dorm.
"That's a lot of yapping, how do we solve this?!" Complained Grim, worrying about his henchment. Who will feed him now? How can he attend class without them, he doesn't have hands for taking notes!
The NRC staff stared daggers at the Headmage, with Professor Trein giving him the sharpest glare.
"Well, if I recall correctly-"
"Whaddya mean correctly? Are you unsure, wahhh you're useless!" The cat monster interfered.
Crowley bit his retort back. "Ehem, as I was saying...from the incident from many years ago, the professor who met the same fate as our dear Ramshackle prefect was able to recover..."He paused for dramatic effect."Only after his spouse arrived and gave them true loves kiss!"The headmage reveales, clapping as if the solution was so easy."So that's it, we just need to find their true love!" He cheered.
The NRC staff groaned in frustration.
"Where do we even find their "true love"", Professor Crewel asked, saying the last word as if it tasted vile on his tongue.
"Are you aware that the students in our insitution, although talented are..."Professor Trein trailed off.
"Foolish, untrained and unmannered?!" Crewel continued."Do you positively think the Prefect could have found romance when they are surrounded by such unruly, pups? I don't think the student body have a molecule of romance in their bones, just a penchant for trouble."
"Hey now, let's give credit where there is due. They're not all bad."Sam added, "however, I see what you mean..."
Vargas nodded.
"Well, we'll find out once they get kissed and wake up."Crowley said, twiddling his thumbs.
Longer amount of silence...
"Are you...are you expecting to leave it by chance? What, thats an AWFUL IDEA, headmage!"Trein exclaimed, massaging his temple. "Are you telling us that you'll just let ANY student allegedly their true love to try to wake them up...by KISSING THEM?!"
Crowley went quiet.
He truly did not think that through.
In the end, they kept the whole thing a secret while trying to find ways to cure the Prefect. They made excuses about the Prefect's whereabouts to the student body. Unfortunately, they forgot to make their excuses match so soon, the jig was up.
Dorm leaders, upperclassmen and the Prefect's friends demanded an explanation.
To cut the whole thing short, the NRC staff went along with Crowley's plan to find Yuu's "true love" with the caveat that any one willing to try to save them must prove their worth, with pieces of evidence and even testimonies, which shows that there is a certainty that he and the Prefect had something special. Ofcourse this is cross-examined by Grim and the Ramshackle Ghosts because they know the Prefect the most.
The whole thing was taken with utmost seriousness, courtesy of Crewel and Trein, that anyone who joins in the Trial for fun, not taking seriously, gets demerits and an extra detention.
And so here is our Dear Prefect guarded by their own Council of Elders Proffessors, sleeping until Prince Charming passes the trial.
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e-vay · 3 months
See, with this newly revealed information for Sage and Aurora's friendship, love it btw, how did Shadow and Aurora's first date go? Who asked who? Where did they go?
I'm so happy to hear you're a fan of the Luminescent Ladies! 🤩 The first date was very casual, but a hit! Shadow is the one who asks Aurora out and they go to a café and end up spending hours together.
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Since I've never fully written out the full Shadora story, bits and pieces of it exist here on my blog but sometimes the details change. But here's a very rough version of how I envision their first date going:
(If you're familiar with my story, you can skip the text in blue)
Shadow has spent the last several decades taking odd merc jobs in deep space in the hopes that he'll run into the woman he fell for years ago, but he never finds her. Rouge eventually convinces him to head back "home," and since he's never failed a goal before he decides he has to replace it with a new one: Get to know and enjoy the planet Maria always wanted to visit. So he heads back and that's where he meets Aurora (she does not know him yet, as she meets him later in her life via time travel). He's pretty certain Aurora is the woman who saved him years ago, but since she doesn't seem to know him he thinks maybe she's been reincarnated or something, he isn't sure. He wants to know her better and find out.
Since Shadow's new goal is to better acquaint himself with the planet he abandoned decades ago and since Aurora knows her hometown like the back of her hand, the two decide that she will be his guide (his 'guiding light' if you will 😉 ) around town. (Shadow doesn't need one. He's the ultimate life form; he's plenty fine exploring on his own. But he considers this an opportunity to do some recon to get to know her better). It mostly starts fairly professional even though Aurora does flirt with him a lot (she can't help it, just look at him!) but Shadow quickly becomes fond of her, and he decides he wants to pursue her romantically.
As they are going to bid each other goodbye after one of their tours, Shadow asks "You have a recommendation for every kind of activity in this town, correct?"
A: "Yeah! What is it you're looking for next?"
Sh: "Something... romantic, but humble. Where one might go for a first date."
And at first Aurora is internally thinking "Dang, so he is interested in somebody." But she dismisses that thought because it's none of her business who Shadow spends his time with.
She's gotten to know him a bit by now so as she's pondering ideas she's taking into consideration that he doesn't like loud, busy scenes and would likely enjoy somewhere more intimate, and she remembers him mentioning that he likes coffee. So she suggests this quaint little café that's on the edge of town.
He says "Very well" and surprises her by taking her hand and asking "Would you accompany me there tomorrow afternoon?"
She's shocked but enthusiastically agrees. He offers to "pick her up" at her house so they can go together, but since even as an adult Aurora still lives at home with her parents, she knows that if Sonic answers the door he will be very wary and likely follow them to see what's going on. She doesn't want the date to go awry before it's even happened lol So she convinces Shadow that she'll just meet him at the café.
Aurora is VERY nervous as she has basically no experience dating. She's only had a "boyfriend" once when she was a very little kid and that was really more of just a crush when she was too young to be dating anyway. She also has no idea why Shadow would be interested in her because she thinks she's pretty boring compared to him. (She even briefly thinks "Oh no, what if this is a prank!?")
But upon meeting him at the café he makes it very clear this is a date, bringing her flowers and being a real gentleman by getting her chair for her and all that jazz. Initially she is super self-conscious but Shadow quickly makes her feel really giddy (Ex: SH: "Wow, you look-" A: "Too bright?! I can tone it down! I just have to bend the light to make my clothes darker-" SH: "I was going to say 'lovely'. Please, don't dull your light for me." A: *Can't help but glow more*)
She very quickly gets swept off her feet haha.
They end up losing track of time and even continue to hang out on the outdoor patio after the place has closed and enjoy the sunset together. Before he gets the chance, Aurora over-enthusiastically asks if Shadow would like to have a second date with her and he warmly says yes.
For the record, I'm always open to y'all's ideas of how Shadow and Aurora's first date would go down. If you want to write your own version of their date and it's completely different, I'd still love to read it :)
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chiipay · 13 days
Omg I love your works!!
So basically I really want the 'protecting you' scenarios (like the reader is getting harrassed and our bllk bfs throw a punch) of Rin, Karasu, Nagi and Barou (and anyone else you want!!!) Thank you 🥰🥰
Okay (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ I'm suck at this scenarios so I'll try my best (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
You and Rin are just strolling in the supermarket to pick up some groceries since you kinda ate everything in the fridge as it was for 'emotional food therapy' you said to Rin. He didn't budge about it and just grabbed the back of your shirt and dragged you to the supermarket with him.
The thing happened when he left your side for a minute because his teammates called up on him there and he had to shoved them to the other side because they seem to be bugging you in his eyes.
You were just strolling down to find some ice cream for Rin- bending your body a bit to grab out from the cooler. A whistle from a guy behind you was heard making you shudder and alert of it. You quickly stand up properly and twist your head 90° (jk) to face the guy. You thought about slapping him but you somehow met with an unconvincing entrance of Itoshi Rin already grabbed the collar of the guy shirt-
You quickly step in and drag Rin away from the poor guy who now looks anxious while you mutter a small apology to him somehow you felt bad. As you drag rin away from the scene, Rin looks towards the guy while lifting middle finger to him as he grumbles a lot of curse words making you drag him with you even faster-
"I'm gonna kill you- gonna hunt you- fuck you- kys- go die- commit suicide- don't stare at her- fuck you- fucking disgusting- die die die-" you have to put your hand on rin's mouth so he wouldn't try to curse the poor guy whole generation.
Dang- you just wanted to see karasu at practice today- why is this happening to you..ughhh-
Some guy came up to you while you were navigating about the location karasu gave you. The guy kept bugging you to have a ride with him in his vehicle but even with so many refusal he seems to not be getting a hint. You were thiiiiissssss 🤏 close to hit him with your purse.
" come on, it will be fun-"
He whistles at you making you infuriating even more.
You walk even faster on the sidewalk completely ignoring the guy who kept giving offers to you. You didn't even realize his vehicle stopped as he stepped out of his own vehicle and started to walk up to you.
You noticed the guy a minute later before you started to run for your life while that same guy chased after you. ' OH SH-'
You bumped into some hard chest making you look up instantly and met with the so-called crow head. Karasu smiles cheekily at you and looks at the guy who chased you who's now just standing in front of karasu.
" thanks for assisting her, sure you got some business to do aren't yah? "
Karasu put his hand on the guy's shoulder. You didn't know what was happening due to karasu holding you close to his chest. But you could hear the guy slowly walking away leaving you and karasu alone.
" sorry- yer good? Thought you got lost in the forest for a sec."
" you did a shitty job on sending a location-"
"my bad. Let me treat ya some goods kay?"
You weren't a big fan of football but somehow Nagi managed to drag you into one of his games today. You have lost when he started to give you a puppy eyes look. It was his cheeks you think that your defense got lost there. Bro has chubby cheeks you could not resist.
You sigh deeply as you look towards nagi from your seat. Yeah he's good at playing it- it's not like you are mesmerized by his goal when he trapped the ball perfectly and tricked his ally thinking his going to pass it- yeah you definitely aren't mesmerized by it.
" hi- is this seat taken?" A pair of eyes came into your vision as the guy asked you.
"oh- uh no.." you shake your head a bit. The guy smiles towards the answer and happily sits next to you making you try to distance yourself away for a bit---🤏
"that guy is good right? That number 10, nagi. " The guy leans a bit towards your side making you anxiously getting nervous asf.
" Huh-? O-oh oh yeah number 10? He's very good at trapping.. he's a good player." You nervously laugh a bit. It's kinda funny to talk about your partner to some stranger. You talked to him for a bit while making a conversation about football which you weren't interested in but still managed to answer because Nagi used to ramble it to you. While talking, you didn't notice Nagi sending death glare at the guy you were talking to from afar.
You stop talking for a bit as you look back to the field to seek for Nagi just to find him looking at you while pouting from the very far. You got confused as Nagi lifted his hand and pointed to the seat next to you making you look at the side and see the guy who looked at you too. It took you a second, before you widened the hit as you looked at Nagi again and shook your head lots of times while making an explanation in a sign language.
Nagi looks at you for a bit before returning back to his teammates clearly ignoring your demure. Oh no. Looks like you gotta prepare yourself when you get back home..
" here- try this on." Barou who is lending his jacket to so you could be covered properly.
Barou who would blame the society who can't keep their eyes to themselves. Barou blames his own kind for not being able to keep their hands off someone who's uncomfortable with touching. He's mad for sure. He put his jacket securely around your waist before neatly settling it jacket's hands into a pretty bow.
It wasn't your fault and Barou knows that. Barou almost put up a fight with some guy on the street when the guy started hitting on you.
"...sorry" you mutter in a small voice as Barou leads you to sit on a bench.
"it's not your fault. Don't be sorry." Barou who's treating you carefully not wanting to upset you from what happened earlier. He felt like he was the one who should apologise to you for not being there.
"...i wanna go home.."
" mhm..got it. Want me to carry you? It's already late, no one is here so we can have the night for ourselves." Barou who softens his voice so you wouldn't be scared by him.
"...that would be nice..." He slowly reaches his hands before making it way to your back and under your thighs and lifts it up.
" do you want something along the way? There would be a convenience store nearby." You shook your head and Barou hummed in response. Barou who carries you as you slept peacefully under his care. Barou who would punch the guy that bothered you if he ever saw him again
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physalian · 6 months
What No One Tells You About Writing #4 (100 Follower Special!)
Have you got any that deserve to be on these lists? Don’t be shy! Send ‘em over.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
*This list contains mentions of assault, #4
1. Zero cursing is better than censored cursing
I made the mistake in the early days of writing a self-censoring character, and every “curse” she said just took the teeth out of the rest of the statement. I’m talking gosh, darn, dang, etc, not world-specific idioms a la “scruffy nerf herder” or “dunderhead” instead of “dumbass”.
Look to any American TV show that so, so badly wants to use f*ck or sh*t but has to appease the sensitive conservatives who still somehow believe strong language is worse than graphic violence and horrifying psychological damage. For shame! Your characters can be angry without expletives, so rework your sentences to include equally damning insults that don’t resort to potty mouths if you’re concerned about ratings.
Or go full-throttle into the idioms of the world or the time period like Pirates of the Caribbean. Or just… don’t. There’s zero modern cursing in the Lord of the Rings adaptation and not a single sentence that censors itself. The dialogue is above vulgarity and feels more *fantastical* that way anyway.
2. “Yeah, you aren’t the target audience.”
It’s kind of hilarious seeing the range of reader reactions to two characters I intend to have a romantic relationship. Some will go “I ship it!” after the first page of them together… and another will go “wait, I thought they were just friends” up until they kiss. Sometimes you might be too subtle, other times it might be better to just accept that you can’t rewrite your entire book to please one naysayer.
When I’m pitched a fantasy adventure book that turns out to be a by-the-numbers romance where no one is allowed to be a peasant and every important character is royalty in some way, with a way cooler fantasy backdrop, I get severely disappointed. That doesn’t mean the book is bad, it just means I’m not the target audience.
3. There is no greater character sin than making them boring
Unless you live in the wacky world we find ourselves in where any flaws whatsoever are apparently harmful depictions of so-and-so and not at all written with things like ~nuance~. I will gush over your heinous villain committing atrocities because he’s *interesting*. I will not remember Bland Love Interest who’s a generic everyman with zero compelling or intriguing traits or flaws.
There’s another tumblr post out there that I cannot find that says something like this, and I believe the post goes “his crimes are fiction, my annoyance is real”. Swap annoyance for boredom and you get what I mean. So, I don’t care what your character does so long as they’re memorable. I will either root for their victory or their doom, but I do need *something* to root for.
4. The line between “gratuitous” and “respectful” is actually very thick
Less what no one tells *you* about writing and more what no one tells screenwriters. Y’all do realize you can write a character who experiences assault without actually writing the assault, right? Fade to black, have them mention it in their backstory, or have the horrific aftermath as they come to terms with it. An abrupt cut to this devastated character when it’s all over and they’re alone with themselves can be incredibly poignant and powerful. This goes with anything sensitive, especially if it’s not coming from experience.
If you want to write it or film it respectfully, romanticizing assault, for instance, is when it’s framed as if either character has earned or “deserves” it. If the narrative in any way argues that it's justified. The victim might have "earned" it for any of the BS reasons we use in the real world, or the perpetrator might've "earned" it because of temptation, desire, pressure to assert dominance, etc. Representation is important, but are you “representing” to shed light on a misunderstood and maligned topic, or are you doing it to satisfy a fetish or bias in yourself?
5. Don’t let your eyes get bigger than your stomach
Fantasy has no limitations, which means you can dig way deeper into the well of your worldbuilding than you realize, until you look up and realize you’re stuck down there. I have never seen a more obvious inevitable disaster looming than the pilot of GoT season 5. Why? Nobody has any plans. They’re all just led around by whatever side quest the writers throw them on, twiddling their thumbs until the writers deign to pull the trigger on the White Walkers.
To the point that what should be a major character can skip an entire season because his arc is meaningless. Everything in the last half of that show was one big “eventually” while the story toiled around in an ever-expanding cast of characters and set pieces (seriously, it’s hilarious how jarring the extended version of the theme music became compared to the pilot episode to fit all these locations).
When you have too many directionless characters, too many plot elements, too many ideas you want to fully mature and get their due spotlight and then somehow combine them all together for a common foe in the end, writing can get tedious and frustrating very quickly. Why, I imagine, the book series remains unfinished. Fantasy is great for being able to create such complex worlds, but don’t be the snake that eats its own tail trying too hard.
6. No one cares about your agenda if you insult them to push it
This deserves its own post but here we go. Peddling an agenda is a paradox: those who agree with you won’t need to be preached to, and those who you want to persuade will instead reject you further because they feel belittle and disrespected. This is why so many recent “strong female characters” fail on both sides of the aisle. Feminists see an annoying caricature of the movement they’re passionate about. Antifeminists see an insufferable, shallow, liberal mouthpiece when they just want to be entertained. You have failed both sides, congrats.
The answer? Write a strong, nuanced, well-developed character. Then make them a woman. I know this has been said before but this BS keeps happening so clearly the screenwriters aren’t listening. Entertain me first. Entertain me so well I don’t even realize I’m learning.
7. Today’s audiences won’t react the same way as tomorrow’s
Sometimes genres or tropes get oversaturated and need a few years to cool off before audiences are receptive to them again—teen dystopia, anyone?—that doesn’t mean your story is inherently bad because it’s unpopular (nor does it mean it’s amazing because it is popular).
You should always write the book you want to read, not the book that chases trends. I can pick up a well-written teen dystopia I’ve never read before and enjoy it. I can continue to ignore Divergent because it has nothing to say. Write the book you want to read, but then accept that you might make no money because no one else wants to read it, not because they think it’s bad. And, who knows? You might get a boom of chatter months or years down the line when readers stumble upon an uncut gem.
8. Your characters don’t age with you
Depending on how long you’ve been working on your world and what age you were when you started, the characters, concepts, morals, and story you set out to tell might no longer reflect who you want to be as an author when all is said and done. Writing can take years, some of which can be incredibly turbulent and life changing. I wrote the first draft of my first original novel in my freshman year of college. Those characters and that draft are now unrecognizable and has left a world I’ve poured my heart and soul into in limbo.
I’ve slowly creeped up my characters’ ages. My writing has matured dramatically. The themes I wanted to explore in the height of the 2016 election are just demoralizing now. That book was my therapeutic outlet and, as consequence, my characters sometimes reflect some awful moods and mindsets that I was in when writing them. But nothing in that world grows without me tending to it. It’s not alive. Despite all the work I’ve done, there’s still more to be done, maybe even restarting the plot from the ground up. When I think of what no one told me about writing, staring at characters designed by someone I’m not anymore is the hardest reality to accept.
If you think I missed something, check out parts 1-3 or toss your own hat into the ring. Give me romance tropes. Mystery, thriller, historical fiction, bildungsromans, memoires, children’s books, whatever you want! Give me stuff you wish you’d known before editing, publishing, marketing, and more. 
Also, don’t forget to vote in the dialogue poll!
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kathaynesart · 2 years
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I'm turning Future Leo years old tomorrow (39) so to celebrate I drew fLeo going through all the trials and tribulations I've been dealing with at this age. Also thought it'd be a fun opportunity to put him in some of my outfits. He understands my pain.  
TED talk about aging and fLeo below here.  Just my thoughts as I was drawing all this.
So 39.  Seems like a big number that I’m sure feels so far off to many of my followers.  I thought as much too.  The oddest thing is I never felt much different from who I am now to what I was like at 25.  But then I hang out with 20 something and realize: oh… there was a change.  But what?
I will say this. A lot of people have told me that your 30’s will be the best years of your life and honestly I would have to agree.  In my experience (as well as my friends) something happens to you in your 30′s.  A calmness takes over. Not in a bad sort of way, but in a way where you no longer have any F’s to give.  All those things that used to stress you out and work you up sort of fade into the background and you’re left with this immense sense of freedom.  You finally come into your own and enough people have come and gone from your life that you realize that you don’t have to strive to meet everyone expectations even the ones you once set for yourself.  Again I’m sure it’s a little different for everyone but this has been the overall experience of many I’ve spoken with.
Life is messy and as you age you get a better sense of what matters in the mess.  Because we have only have so much energy to give, 30 something’s have to focus their energy on what really matters.  It helps you hone in on the important things.  For many in my age bracket, that is child rearing.  For me, a single cartoon loving cat lady, it’s my personal projects and my self betterment.  No one option is right and there are many many more than the few I just mentioned. It’s just about finding those things that really matter to you, and letting go of what society told you should matter.  
I’ll be honest, I literally got into this fandom because of future Leo.  Not necessarily because I “kinnie” him but because it was so wonderful (if even for a few minutes) to see a character my age not treated as some sagely old dude or antagonist, but the actual hero with a whole batch of flaws yet somehow still cool.  You don’t get to see that much anymore in media geared towards younger audiences and the response to him from the fandom was so dang heart warming.
Middle aged characters can be cool, goofy, imperfect, and still be figuring their sh*t out.  I know I still am.  I thought by this age I’d have everything figured out. That was the point of growing old, right?  But you don’t.  You never do.  But you can learn to come to terms with that, and realize that the important thing is to just enjoy the ride the best way you can.  
Thanks for helping me on that journey.
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midheavenastrology · 2 years
🎉🧁Super rando 🎉🧁Astro Observations 🎉🧁
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🍥I do not recommend dating someone who has ur chiron sign- in one way or another they will hurt you unconsciously and trigger you 😔😔😭😓🫣of course this is good in a way because all trauma is meant to be healed ❤️‍🩹🩺🩻but you have to be with someone who is conscious of the hurt they are causing. The chiron person is only really meant to surface these hurts not heal them. Think about it: ur chiron sign is literally embodying the wound that u have so to date that sign is like dating a walking red flag 🚩
🍥People with prominent Jupiter aspects to their ascendant, sun, midheaven will naturally just emit light ! ✨🌞🌻 u shine ! U so sparkle ! Jupiter expands anything it touches, so imagine having sun 🌞 aspecting Jupiter: big energy, big beam of light !!! They also have the loudest, biggest laughs lmao- this is me and everyone always tells me they love how much I laugh at everything/have the biggest guffaw- sound like a dang donkey🐴 sometimes srry not srry 🥲🥲🥲
🍥Someone with a lot of mutable placements absolutely needs fixed energy to ground and stabilize them 😇🥺when it comes to synastry. Especially when it comes to moon sign compatibility. Mutable moons are legit the most moody 🌝😩🌚Cardinal can work too but sometimes feelings will burn out quickly 🐒🔥🌪️💦
🍥However with that said: have y’all ever dated ur opposite moon sign ??? Because that sh*ts fire 🔥
🍥Be careful who you meet romantically during mars or Venus retrograde ⏪⏮️these are past lovers that come back to try sumthin, sumthin out again. Like I went on a dating app 🤪during mars ☄️retrograde and had a super casual fling that burned out super quickly💥💥💥but not with some big lessons. The seggs will be ahmazing because youve fucked around before lol 🍌✨ are the lessons worth it tho, who knos 🥲
🍥Libra and Taurus placements will always be attractive ! trust ! Venus blesses them in some way or another 🌸💅🧖‍♀️ pretty privilege y’all ✨Scorpio and Aries placements will always be sessy, trust ! mars gives them sexy privilege 🍌🍆🌶️ if u got both in ur big three, boy r u trouble 😈
🍥I read somewhere that when you’re embodying your true soul essence you take on ur vedic/sidereal placements: literally have been feelin my triple fire 🔥 placement in vedic ! 😬🌶️🔥
🍥Neptune+mercury placements ….you literally manifest when you speak so be careful what u wish for 🫶 it’s because Neptune: higher spiritual plane, angels 👼, ancestors and then mercury: communication: u are literally speaking to angels mmkay 🥲✨🫶
🍥If you lack fire 🔥 in ur chart, u tend to run V cold 🥶 like ur probs the friend who has cold hands and feet constantly ! Me 🙋‍♀️
🍥Too much mercury in ur chart or air placements can make u constantly in ur head: like u can’t detach ur mind from ur body and soul. It’s gonna be hard 4 u to meditate 🧘‍♀️ tbh. I recommend breath work 4 y’all, so u can get more in tune with ur body/or working out, running, moving ur body 🕺💃🏃‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🤹‍♀️
🍥biggest flirt placements of the zodiac goes to Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius- if u have all four shidddd…I hope ur significant other is ok 🥲 honorable mention: Pisces (but it’s cus we fall in love like 5 times a day…doesn’t mean we actually know how to flirt tho..we’re just sweet lovers by nature) Aries, Gemini, libra and Sag are the ultimate smooth talkers of the zodiac 🥵
🍥biggest non flirts of the zodiac goes to Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus. Ur flirting style is basically being mean, uninterested or cold. Earth+ Scorpio is very self contained, they like to keep it together and flirting feels stupid and petty. When in a mood, they don’t want to talk to anyone unless there’s a reason for it..like what do u want ? Tell me what u want, set a date and make a plan. Also lez be real: their main love is cash money 🤑
That’s all y’all 🍭🎨🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️💅💅💅💅💅☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️🧋🧋🧋🧋🧋🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
Hope y’all have a magical day 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Thanks for reading+scoping !! 🥰
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myoongiverse16 · 1 year
Hi theree, can I request a Hunter x female reader where the reader want to cuddle but hubter doesn't wanna cuz it's hot and his senses and stuff, but he eventually gives in? Sorry this is so cringe😆
Can I Be Your Pillow?
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A/N: Thank you so so much anon for my first request! I’m sorry it took so long! Life has been super crazy! 🥹 I hope you enjoy!
Summary: You and Hunter have confessed to each other but nothing has happened. You don’t have your pillow you love to hug anymore. Hunter takes that as an opportunity to get closer to you.
Genre: Fluff upon fluffffff
Warnings: some mutual pining, cuddles and kisses 🥰
Mando’a key: Osik=Oh Sh*t, Di’kut=Idiot, Dank Farrik=Dang it
It was a normal day on the Marauder. Normal meaning multiple missions that put your lives at risk. But that’s just how it was being in this squad and you knew that. It’s what you loved about this weird group of people called a family. You loved the danger, adventure, and company of others. But there was one in particular whom you loved spending time with the most. 
You couldn’t help but fall for the stout and stoic man. As much as you loved his build and attractiveness, the reason you were head over heels was because of his soft demeanor on the inside.
You couldn’t help but notice the wall he built when you first met, that slowly crumpled away as you got to know each other. He became more vulnerable around you, showed more care when you were put in danger, and gave you words of affirmation when you felt inadequate. And when Omega came into his life, you fell for him more as you saw him care for someone as though they were his own. 
When you both finally admitted your feelings for each other, it was more of just a mutual “liking”. After that, not much happened. This saddened you because from all the research and daydreams of romance in your head, you pictured already kissing and hugging Hunter. 
To your dismay, none of that had happened in the two weeks since you’ve confessed your feelings for each other. Also, you were confused as to what you were anymore.
Were you still friends? Were you more than friends? Were you dating? Were you not dating? If not, did you want to be dating? You had no clue and you didn’t really want to bring up the awkward conversation of formally asking him if you were in fact a couple. You were torn. So, you made small attempts to flirt with him. 
It started with you subtly brushing your hand against his when you handed something to him and when you walked alongside him. Then you would nudge him and smirk at him. For some reason, those didn’t phase him.
So you tried verbal attempts. You threw in some, “looking good sarge.” As well as a few winks and you often put your hand on his shoulder as you stood over him when he would sit in the cockpit. None of that had worked.
However you did notice one thing, he would flinch and stiffen up every time you touched him. It was very subtle but you noticed it.
This confused you. Did he not like you anymore? Was it something you did or said to him? Did you make him uncomfortable? Gosh, that was the last thing you wanted. But, surely he would confront you if he didn’t feel the same, right? 
Hunter all this time had watched you from afar, even before he had confessed his feelings to you. Too afraid to touch you, afraid his senses would get in the way of a potential relationship. So, he observed. And gosh, did you radiate a scent that drove him crazy. When you had looked at him and touched him, he flinched because he was petrified. 
But, he secretly loved it. That feeling, the brush of your hands, the nudges, made him feel nervous and fiery. It got much worse when you started to flirt with him verbally. You never noticed but he would turn and become a blushing mess. His hands would get sweaty and everything would just become so kriffing hot.
He could sense how you felt about him from those stupid attempts to flirt that actually worked. He was just too much of a coward to admit that he felt the same way. How much he wanted more. Until one fateful day.
You had just finished an excruciatingly painful mission that caused you to be on the run constantly and all you truly wanted was to rest.
But, once you laid down on your bunk, you knew something was missing. You had always had an extra pillow on your bunk, but since Omega had arrived, you had lended it to her. This pillow was purely used for snuggling and it was gone. 
You sighed, sat up, and pursed your lips. Looking around the Marauder, everyone was fast asleep on their assigned bunks. Everyone except the Sergeant you had come to adore. 
Dank farrik.
Letting out a huff, you quietly made your way to the cockpit, as to not disturb the other sleeping figures. As you had thought, Hunter was sitting in the pilot’s chair watching the blue streaks pass by. 
“Something on your mind?” Osik. You rubbed a hand behind your neck as Hunter spun his chair around. You cleared your throat.
“Yes, actually,” you bit your lip. “I-I was wondering if you had um, a spare pillow?” You mentally slapped your forehead at your stuttering. You had worked with this man and his crew for almost 6 months now and you were nervous? Di’kut.
Hunter raised a brow thinking the same thing. Does she not like me anymore?
“Sorry, I gave mine to Wrecker,” he furrowed his eyebrows. “How come you need another one?” You looked down shyly. 
“Well, I, you see…” you sighed. “I need it,” You looked up at him. “To fall asleep.” He nodded his head. 
“Oh.” There was an awkward silence. You sighed and was about to leave the room when Hunter cleared his throat and stood up abruptly.
“Hey,” he bit his tongue, contemplating.  “Could I be your pillow?”
Your eyes widened. Where the kriffing hell did that come from?! Hunter even surprised himself with that statement, he didn’t think he had the guts to ask you. 
“S-sure.” You mentally facepalmed at your stuttering yet again. He smiled at your response.
You spun around and walked to your bunk, your body warming up as you could feel Hunter’s presence behind you. You stopped at your bunk and turned towards him. You bit your lip.
“How do you plan on doing this?” He chuckled nervously. You noticed a hint of blush creeping up his face. 
“Well, I, uh,” he cleared his throat. “I figured that you just needed something to, uh, hug. So, I am offering myself as that something.” You stifled back a laugh at his awkwardness. You smiled.
“Well, okay.” You plopped on to your bunk and shifted against the wall, making sure there was enough room for Hunter. Hunter stiffly laid on your bed, looking up at the ceiling.
By now his senses were out of control, you were right there. You smelled amazing, as always, and he could feel the heat radiating off of you. This made him sweaty and he couldn’t bear to look you in the eye.
You on the other hand were just happy that Hunter finally made some sort of move on you. You played with your fingers then finally turned to him. 
“So….” You smiled nervously. He turned to you and chuckled. 
“Umm…how do you want to do this?” He asked. You giggled.
“I was actually about to ask you the same thing.” Hunter breathed a laugh and smiled. Gosh, you loved that smile. The laughing ceased and you stared at each other for a few awkward seconds.
That is until, surprisingly, yet again, Hunter made the first move. He hesitantly reached his arm towards yours. He began to gently stroke your forearm, getting used to the feeling of touching you. You watched in wonder as he moved his hand to your waist. He finally looked up at you and you stared into his dark brown eyes.
He smiled and pulled you closer to him. You were shocked, your dreams were practically coming true right before your eyes. You gently placed your head on his chest and looked up at him in astonishment. He looked down at you. When you thought nothing could get better, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your lips. You reciprocated and he placed his left hand on your face to gain better access. 
When you two finally pulled away, your faces were both completely red and hot. You stared at him for a few seconds then placed your head in your hands and breathed a laugh. Hunter chuckled.
“What is it?” You peered behind your fingers and smiled. 
“Nothing, I just wasn’t expecting that.” He laughed. He moved your hands away delicately and placed both of his around your face. 
“I actually wasn’t planning on this either,” he frowned. “I’m sorry I’ve been kind of distant. I just wasn’t sure how my abilities would deal with being so close and intimate with a person,” he paused and smiled. “But now I know that it makes me feel incredible.” Your smile widened. 
“I understand, thank you for telling me.” Hunter looked at you with complete adoration.
He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you. He held onto you like there was no tomorrow, but at the same time held you like you were the most precious thing on the planet. He leaned down and whispered in your ear.
“Thanks for letting me be your pillow.” You could hear the smile in his voice. You were very satisfied that you found a new pillow to cuddle. 
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py-dreamer · 7 months
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Hey! 1500th post woo!
Yea so I know Azure canonically kinda grooms Wukong (and the monkie kids to-) but STILL
Like, MAN do I love me some big papa lion.
And you know what in fanfic, we can have that! Here, he didn't groom anyone! He has hiss-hiss noodle baby and his big bird to kis-
And in 'Of Blood and Bones' we get that! Yay!
(and a bunch of angst on the sides!...less yay!)
So, Azure is the jade emperor here and is doing (I hope) a rather good job at it, but he's very busy and stuff and in the fic, Mei is always trying to get her baba to rest (I think...it's been a while since I read the early chapters) and oh yeah! Turns out the dragon heiress got adopted by the Jade emperor and his consort themselves!
Hooray! (Way to climb the social ladder ig)
I have a headcanon that Mei would hang around Azure's neck like one of them taxidermied fox scarves the scary rich ladies have in movies... but...alive (obviously) or for my hinduism mythology nerds, the snake Shiva wears around his neck like a necklace
...or to my papa's pizzeria nerds, the live mink around Krystal's neck
Anyways, Azure's fluffy mane make a great resting place and Mei loves to stay close to her Baba! So win win! It also acts as a way for her to unhinge her scary snake jaw if someone tries to drag him away for even more work.
Since Azure's so busy, at times when his arms are full I think like sometimes he lets his instincts get the better of him and nom the child up (Lions do pick up their cubs by the scruff) but at times his aim isn't the best and just grabs her abdomen and just settles for it
He looks so frazzled and Peng has to step in to roast their himbo husband and help fix things up
Inkyfeathers I imagine would be just like Ratchet and Optimus from TFP: I will follow you into every battle with only mild complaining
(Hell, I wonder if the aquirement of Mei was just like:
Peng: Azure, what the hell are you doing now
Azure: I assure you love, I have absolutely nothing to hide. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend to-
Peng: Hold on, your majesty. Last I checked, your shirt didn't look that lumpy
Azure: it just got ruffled up, that's all. No need to make a fuss about it-
Peng: And shirts don't move either.
Azure: wait, we can talk about it-
Mei: ('u')/
Peng: Azure, mind telling me why there is a dragon in your shirt)
And Boy, as much as I want to open up a dang KFC on Peng's corpse, Inkyfeathers just does SOMETHING to me that I can't resist
There's not much to say about their designs, I wanted to give Azure a more royal purple is all!
(click photo for less sh!tty quality)
^^ Link to the great fic!
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 6
Previously on TGCF…
This is gonna be epic!!!
Cw: Past homicide
-That’s Yong’An in its heyday 
-Fang Xin
-It’s Qianqiu’s assistant from Eps 1-2!
-Young Qianqiu is literally me in my Freshman year of High School during the first semester
-His butterfly shaped mask
-Writing the Laozi 10 times has the energy of making a kid stay in class and write a sentence over and over on the chalkboard till they’ve learned their lesson (Literally every Simpsons opening)
-He doubled it
-Imagine if Piandao talked to Sokka like that when beginning his sword training
-Man wonder who voices Young!Qianqiu?
-I mean the move could also get you hurt if you’re careless
-This is the Ancient Chinese version of the trolley problem, same analogy though
-I like to think this advice was taught to Zuko and Sokka when they were learning swordsmanship
-See, trolley problem esque
-Good advice to not intervene
-More dead bodies
-Oh no and that was his Dad
-That’s when the survivor’s guilt set in
-I can see why Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are perfect for each other, they both have a freaking high kill count
-Just like when Bruce Wayne lost his parents
-What did he say?
-He’s not a monster
-That was during his second ascenscion
-That’s gonna be a bad outcome
-“I wish to be stripped of my divinity” Literally every fangirl’s brain drifted to something else when he said that.  Just look at Kictor and Stitch
-Doesn’t seem like he earned it at all
-He just wants to get out of the drama
-If there was a modern AU, you know Shi Qingxuan would make an awesome and wealthy defense attorney
-There’s the Amongus quote
-Dang no answer
-There’s Prosecutor Pei Ming, that’s a good nickname.
-He made a solid point
-That’s the result of the Fang Xin trial with XL on house arrest and a restraining order from Taihua
-He made another enemy
-Aaaa pickle jar, better believe it Qingxuan
-How is she going to get air???
-That upset Qingxuan, Feng Xin, and Mu Qing
-The interior looks hollow in Xie Lian’s palace
-That’s coming out of Qingxuan’s pockets
-He deserves the apology hun
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-He’s doing it, he’s doing the iconic old time Put your head between your arms against a flat surface like a Disney Princess!
-He still has the dice
-It’s snake eyes!
-Hi Mu Qing
-Stick it to Jun Wu, Mu Qing
-I know right, it did NOT seem like a healing spell at all
-Wonder if I can conceptualize a similar healing potion for TOH MTC…?
-You just had to ask him that didn’t you?
-Hi Feng Xin
-A guest who invited himself inside
-Welp he really was honest
-Seriously, Mu Qing you couldn’t have felt bad for his house arrest
-Xie Lian’s trying to mediate again
-Mu Qing’s response had bite to it
-One Punch!!!
-Fist Fight!  Fist Fight!
-“You’re a hypocrite, you’ve always looked down on me, but you’re not better than I am!!!”  Oh my gods, Lucien Dodge freaking delivered!!!
-“Enough…” Oh man, Xie Lian’s emotions
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-The Junior Officials witnessing the Generals fisticuffs:
Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!  Feng Xin!
Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!  Mu Qing!
-“Did it really have to come to violence?” Yeah it pretty much did. - Iroh, dragon of the West, the Waterbending scroll
-Mu Qing: Fine I’ll break your face
Feng Xin: Not if I break yours first!  It’s too late to beg for mercy!  
That’s what I translated to the best of my skills during Xie Lian’s internal monologue
-He’s like a parent that’s disappointed with his two kids constantly at odd
-Don’t worry, hon what’s really gonna help them is Couples’ therapy, and I’d hate to be that therapist
-A dramatic sound effect!
-I can’t wait to write the Gaang’s reaction to the Wraith Butterflies
-That was a cool shield spell
-I love how the butterflies are easily dodging Xie Lian, but are charging toward Mu Qing and Feng Xin to scare the sh*t outta them
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-He’s gonna hold one of the butterflies, he’s holding one of the butterflies, yeah too late man AND HE’S NUZZLING THE WINGTIPS WITH HIS NOSE Cue keyboard smash! WAE TESDHGFYFJ. RYGJ GUFTDRSSDFAEGRRESVGTGTRS DFGSTRWG EIEEEIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!! I always love this joke, no matter how old it’s gonna get in my reaction posts.
-Yeah he’s just going
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-The real reason this episode took so long to air last year was that the animators had to get the waist snatch scene past censorship to spite their censor companies for not having Xie Lian fall into Hua Cheng’s lap in Eps 4-5.
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-Xie Lian: Hello Again, Literally me: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (This is the same noise Eleanor Shellstrop made when she was gifted a Shrimp Dispenser in The Good Place)
-They’re just backing up
-You two had one job!  Looking at you Feng Xin and Mu Qing!  I see ya
-He’s just tugging his sleeve as they’re walking
-Man, it’s like Hua Cheng took Little John’s advice from Robin Hood 1973 to “Climb the palace walls.  *Tosses out Gross Carrot* Sweep him off his feet, carry him off in style.” - Little John, Disney Robin Hood (1973) (Best Disney film hands down, freaking fight me if you dare)
-That must’ve hurt his ears
-Y’all had one job
-Feng Xin is just worried
-*Hua Cheng has entered the chat*  Like a goat!
-The subtle eye contact and expression he shared with Xie Lian!
-Some of the 33 gods he defeated are also in the chat
-That shook the veils
-Won’t that be pain in his mind?
-Looks like he saved you yeah
-A flashback from Ep 5!
-Touchstarved!  Touchstarved!  (Try prying this headcanon from my cold dead grip!)
-And here you’re about to see Howard Wang’s best performance in the series so far
-Best apology I’ve ever heard in media
-It healed that fast
-Petition to have James Cheek voice an iconic lead character in a Shakespeare play?
-Aw, they were actually both at fault for what happened
-You can actually feel Hua Cheng’s Shame
-E Ming: Noooo…. You hurt him!  I hurt him!  We hurt him! AAAHHH!  *sobs*
Season 2 has fed us once more!  I’m still busy with writing the Scrap Immortal and the Avatar.  For writing inspiration, I’ll be busy rewatching Avatar:  The Last Airbender
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missmaywemeetagain · 3 months
Pink Scarf Alternate 1954 Flashback - Exclusive now available for Sweethearts & above! Join HERE now to read!! 💗🧣💗
I've got a little treat tonight for my Pink Scarf lovers out there! Here's a flashback from 1954 that I started before I decided I didn't want Reader (Beth) and Elvis to see each other again until '55 with Jack involved. (Please forgive me if I've played with the historical timeline a little here, as well.)
I think it's a fun little vignette of what might've been if they'd run into each other sooner. And I'm 100% a sucker for some 50's E in the PS Universe! 🥰
Anyway, enjoy this little foray on this lovely summer evening! Otherwise, I'm knee deep into the draft of Chapter 11 of Broken Glass, so hopefully that will be out soon(ish)! 😘
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 *He's so damn cute here in summer of '54, I can't stand it!! 🥹
Sneak Peek!
Summer 1954
The sweltering early summer heat follows Elvis into the homey diner, the sweat trickling down his neck as he hauls a box of parts inside for Herb, the senior electrician, who ordered them. The bell on the door tinkles with his arrival, but he doesn’t see anyone save an older gentleman reading the paper at the counter and a couple of kids in the booth in the corner.
The box is heavy, but he hesitates to set it down, not wanting to dirty a table. He strides towards the register, hoping to get the attention of someone, anyone, who can tell him where to drop this box off.
“Um, hello? Herb? Anyone there?” he clears his throat and calls out. “I-I’m here from Crown Electric to drop off some parts.”
“We’re back here, son! Come on through the kitchen!” he hears Herb’s voice call from deep in the building.
Hefting the slipping box up in his arms with a huff, he backs his way through the wooden swinging half-doors to the kitchen. Maybe it’s because he’s too damn hot and this box is too damn heavy, but he doesn’t think to look for anyone on the other side. He certainly doesn’t expect anyone to be backing through opposite him.
He nearly jumps right out of his skin when he feels the warmth of another person bump into his back and shoulder as he starts to swing the box around. The high-pitched equally surprised yelp of, “Oh, my lord!” behind him has him spinning towards the sound. The momentum of the heavy box in his tiring arms propels him forward and the box starts to slip precariously in his sweaty hands. He feels the clash rather than seeing it and then hears the crash of splintering ceramic on the tile floor.
“Oh, sh—dang it!” Elvis catches the curse before it comes out his mouth and then mercifully manages to stop the box from tumbling into the person by bringing up his thigh under the tipping box, slowing its descent before lowering it ungracefully to the floor with a grunt.
Looking down, he sees the ponytail of the waitress kneeling beside him, already trying to clean up the mess of shattered plates and food now strewn across the kitchen floor.
I’m such an idiot, he thinks.
“Oh, Miss, I-I’m so, so sorry! I-I-I wasn’t lookin’, and here, let me help with that,” he rambles, kneeling down next to her to help clean up the mess.
“No, I—it’s fine,” you say, exasperated, and he recognizes that voice instantly.
Holy hell, it’s you...
Join HERE to finish! 💋
Taglist Pt 1
@sassanoe@thella @suspiciousmidge @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle@carolinesbookworld @juggernort @aesthetic-lyss @stitchattacks @donnamarie23
@be-my-ally @whositmcwhatsit @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @thatbanditqueen @powerofelvis @from-memphis-with-love
 @precious-lil-scoundrel @stylespresleyhearted @prompted-wordsmith @crash-and-cure @elvisgf @lookingforrainbows @fic-over-cannon @godlypresley @ab4eva @whatstruthgottodowithit @elvisabutler @amydarcimarie@idontwanttoputanything @callieselvisobsessed @captainamerica1235-blog  @xenaspace3-blog 
@simplyamberj@claire-elvisgirl@everythingelvispresley@louisejoy86@deniseinmn @madelynpresley
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bananasfosterparent · 6 months
Update on my current runs!
Silkina the Bard Waveservant -
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She got the Volo eye (not pictured) and has been helping her friends while looking for a cure. This is my first "good" solo run, so it's a lot of content, more than I'm used to! Definitely going slower than my usual, but still a lot of fun! Also never realized how funny Karlach is lmao. Just getting to the goblin fight so we'll see how it goes! Very excited to get Wyll's party scene!! Silkina is sassy, but kind and really an outlier among other waveservants because of it. Well, she's really good at connecting with others at least. Despite it being odd, since most Waveservants (especially clerics) are quite standoffish and introverted, Silkina focuses on making her outgoing nature work for her, sharing the might and fury of Umberlee with her words (and music).
Also.. after getting the Volo eye and almost everyone disapproving, I noticed Wyll didn't.. but he didn't have a ! either. I had her talk to him anyway and he was like "Welcome to the one eye club! A woman with one eye is very intriguing c:" and I giggled.
Efeniti (Spawn Astarion ending AU run) -
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In the exact same place it's been for a few weeks lmao I have not touched this playthrough. I AM SCHTALLING. I know what you're thinking... because I'm an AA fan... but really, I just can't emotionally handle the break down scene after he brutally stabs Cazedor. Or the brutal stabbing. I am really not ready for that. I have my own feelings for why and what it makes me experience, but maybe if I actually go through with it this time, I can talk about it (it's not that bad, I'm just procrastinating).
This version of Efenity is who she would be if she hadn't lost the woman who was like a mother to her. If she had been able to have a somewhat normal life and become a private magic teacher in the upper part of the city. She's much kinder and able to temper herself much better.
Efenity (Canon AA romance run #whatever) -
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This is idk like the 5th time I've played as Efenity. I've lost count 🤷🏽‍♀️ Most of these runs, I only got to Act 3 and only 2 I've gotten to the final fight and couldn't win it after trying over and over. This time I plan to finish it!!! I want my epilogue, dang it! I killed Minthara this time, at the party. There was a leftover from EA with a voiced Tav scene. If you killed Minty and the goblins at the party, that night or morning after(?) there's some conversation and Tav says something in the cut scene! ANYWAY... I tried it and it didn't happen 😭😭😭 I either did it wrong (I attacked before Minty had her murder cutscene) OR they patched it out of the game! I could go back and try it again, but I barely won that fight and it took me SO many tries (mostly due to needing to long rest).
But! Regardless! Even though I didn't get that cool voiced Tav scene... I have added Efenity killing Minthara and the goblins at the party to her canon story. Because it just makes sense that she'd do that. Originally, she just uses her to get to Moonrise but I scrapped that. While Efenity just sees the tieflings as collateral damage, she knows Shadowheart was struggling with that whole ordeal which did bother her... she cares for SH and she is her first real friend. And with Minthara insulting her for not wanting to sleep with her, on top of it...
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Efenity was like OKAY. Time for you to go, ma'am.
Solenia Omraebra, the Drow Cleric -
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I've only had her for about a week and I love her. She's also been through at least 6 different hairstyles 😭 Solenia is my newest Tav, a Drow and cleric of Eilistraee! She's very studious and scholarly. I don't know much about her beyond that yet. Still working on her backstory and whatnot, BUT she is good to a fault. She wants to save everyone, in every way that she possibly can. Even those she probably shouldn't get close enough to, to try to save. Even those she is told are irredeemable. She's romancing Gale! She's just getting through Act 1 stuff and almost to the goblin camp!
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2n2n · 3 months
it's so sick n twisted that Nene-chan truly agrees with early Hanako's callous assessment of her lack of thought or discerning.... he-- really does think she's dumb, here... I'll always point out, how out of pocket this is to say to someone!!!
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she gets so humbled even then.... brutal for a damn 15 y/o girl to go through. Her desperation is so pathetic... this poor thing... her own desire to romanticize her delusions, it spares her humiliation or acknowledging her lack of experience, knowledge, interactions....
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apparently Hanako is the only way out of that 😩?! n-nobody else would be mean enough to say it, would they....
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SOMETHING DEVASTATING ABOUT NENE-CHAN CALLING HER PAST MINDSET 'AN IDIOT'!!! sh-she's just ignorance, she doesn't know what love is supposed to feel like!!!! everyone go easy on her 😭 SHE JUST DOESN'T... KNOW HOW TO GO ABOUT.... BECOMING LOVED!!!! it's sad!!!!!!!! I PITY HER!!!!
I feel like Hanako shoving himself into her life is like, "ah dang I better get in there while I can, before someone else takes advantage" it does just feel like, super inevitable that some guy would take advantage................ that's like why Hanako is inevitable after all.... she does need some sort of chaperone to not wind up cornered in a room...... so she really does need crazy possessive ghost boy keeping everyone's paws off of her ? i-it's so valid, but it's like an Amane is writing the story to justify his actions............... it's valid in a twisted way where the yandere made the universe.....
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justwinginglife · 28 days
Not a request!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Okay what should I call you? Wing?
But I really wanted to share something..
Like I wanna feed my delusions after having a brainrot of this anime called Windbreaker because I gotta sip a Soshiro content or two before I continue dealing with people and all but yes I have said enough.
The Alchemy is so on hit when Olympics is a hype but what about applying that song to Soshiro?
Cheers chanted, cause they said There was no chance, trying to be The greatest in the league Where's the trophy? He just comes running over to me Touch down Call the amateurs and Cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby I'm the one to beat
Like what ifff Soshiro finally promoted as a Vice-Captain while y/n or reader or you, is like been supporting him in his cadet and officer years. He's been training with others and himself to the bone, working hard just to meet the expectations of Mina. Like we know that's his lifeline and he's working and working and working. Of course there will be some breakdowns and self doubts but like you're there and cheering him in your ways. When his suit finally hits to 90%+ of unleashed combat thingy, he didn't know that at first. Maybe he's too focused on fighting? Like what he did with his number 10 and hitting 100. Even he got told that he did, there could be a voice inside of him telling that he's satisfied with his Platoon Leader role as long as he can serve Mina. Soshiro knows that he's a candidate for Vice-Captain but self-doubt here and self-doubt there. There are a lot of Platoon Leaders and capable of having that Vice-Captain role so like he's "Ih I don't know about that..." But when Mina marched her way to him and announced that he's going to be Vice-Captain, he's just waiting for the captain to finish telling what he's going to do, announcing his feats and that. When she did, Soshiro just instantly running towards you and hugged you. Like a typical kdrama romance thing or smth, he spun you around and whispering sweet murmurs of thank yous while you're there, confused. You've been supporting him despite those criticisms or with his up and down self-esteem either you know his struggles or not completely and it's like he's running towards to his wife giddy and telling her that he got promoted and stuff.
"I'm a Vice-Captain now.", "Oh wow holly sh' you deserve that." Like dang we don't need our spouses to become an athlete or sort to have this "These chemicals hit me like white wine" moments. Our bae have goals to achieve and instead of "This happens once every few lifetimes", there's a lot to come when it comes to Soshiro. What if your strict parents finally give her blessings to him? Ey? Ey.🤺🤺 I mean— Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
Hope you have a good day luvie!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Omg hello again bestie! I go by Hannah. Also, I always love hearing your thoughts! This was a very sweet interpretation of the song, which btw is one of my fav songs on the TTPD album, I totally have The Alchemy stuck in my head now that we're talking about it! LOL. And I love the idea of Soshiro just running up to us any time he has an achievement, like it's the first thing he does, and it's so adorable. I want to shower him with love so bad, I wanna tell him he's enough, I wanna tell him I'm proud of him and he did good. Like my baby needs to hear that, he needs to know he's done enough, he's done his best. Sweet baby Soshiro, I love you. Thank you for blessing me with your thoughts.
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wesleysniperking · 6 months
Sanji saying goodbye to Zeff and his chef buddies always makes me cry (Chapter 68). 😭 Ugh. I need a tissue. How Sanji was trying to act all cool and indifferent leaving his adopted dad and uncles behind, but when Zeff says goodbye , “Hey Sanji, keep your feet dry!” And suddenly, a switch is flipped inside Sanji, and he starts to cry like he’d been wanting to. ‘Cause he’ll miss everyone.
Dang. It just does something to me. That was when I started to look at Sanji, and understand why he was meant to be a SH. And not only that, it made me think about the time I was cooking a meal for my mother (I think it was Spaghetti), and I was unimpressed with the meal I cooked, but she liked it. And she said you know what makes a meal good? It’s not simply getting the ingredients down and following directions, but it’s love too. Love makes a meal even better. And I had an epiphany.
Sanji really fits that. I’d had an epiphany.
(Currently rereading the manga)
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