#I like this design alot better then what I did last year
avirxy · 2 years
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me 🤝 werewolf lore
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ganondoodle · 21 days
(idk if anyone wants to keep hearing my opinions on totk book stuff but-)
apparently it says that rauru DID have kids, multiple even, which yeah... is kinda necessary for zelda to even be connected to them so much so that sonia can SENSE a blood connection (which, even with all the excuses with magic, is just a little too far for me to suspend my disbelief bc its over, OVER, ten thousand years worth of generations that seperate her from them that one lil touch of the hand can sense that (feels more like an attempt to make you care about them or .. see them as zeldas "better" parents just bc they exchange a few nice words, i never got the feeling they were 'better' parents and its also kinda disrespectful to her actual parents, like sure rhoam wasnt the best but i wouldnt call rauru better just bc he was polite)- i could see maybe the light power of hylia or sth but since its the coolest dude that ever lived rauru now that had it which still doesnt make sense and makes me unreasonably annoyed and she can sense BOTH of their powers in her? nah) the fact theres NOTHING about them in the game itself is just so ... no way they planned any of this
i dont think theres anything they can do or say that wont make be believe they either
are making it up alla 'fix it in post' mentality trying to hastily explain stuff the game never bothers to do to try and appease fans or let it appear as if they thought about it at all
something went really REALLY wrong during development, which kinda seems likely given how the game turned out (im sorry i cannot let go, its not just the writing, the game design too and how little was changed in the map while being so damn expensive, i dont know how people dont feel scammed q_q)
given that they (allegedly) spent the last entire year of development on polish (where??? where????? huh??? like it would make it more understandable (EXCEPT for the price) if there was alot of trouble, which was also bc it got delayed and ... turned out like this, but they dont want to say it, especially given their reputation, with that quote i have heard way too many times 'a delayed game blah blah') i just??
are they just gonna go and do it like they did with kashiwa (kass)? "they uuuh where flying around the whole time ony cool sonau tech maschines, you just dont see or hear from them ooooorrr they were uuuuh out of the country at the time" (sending invitations to other continents to join their glorious kingdom ;) )
(bet they are also gonna say they did all the stuff like ... moving the shrines around (lol?) and lifting the islands up into the sky- which is still weird bc ... didnt they also say they were living in the sky before coming to the surface?? so where?? did they park all their islands on the surface and the mystery kids had the keys so they had to repark them back into the sky after they returned off camera?? xD also why are the islands so different as an environment if they where from the surface? like even the STONE up there is different- and if they were first in the sky then on the surface and the nback in the sky .. why is there not a single yellow tree or grass in the past- you cant really argue that it changed bc they were up there so long bc .. nothing else changed, the suddendly and totally always there sonau buildings are largely in prime condition, only some slightly moldy, and what we see of the glorious past looks barely any different from the present, aside from like ... some standard trees shuffled, no castle yet and that glowy uwu filter DESPITE that stupidly long time frame between it)
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#ganondoodles rants#idk if others feel like that too but i cant shake the feeling there was something that either went horribly wrong during development-#-or the entire thing was neglected the whole time which is why its so .. i hesitate to even call it bare bones#...which is WILD given that its the supposed sequel to their best seeling zela game#like wtf where you doing#i get that the pressure can be immense but imo it wasnt that hard to make a sequel to thats better than totk#like i think it was harder to make totk like it is NOW bc it scraps and throws away so many things you could have easily used-#-as sequel material#its all so weird to me#my tin foil hat theory is still that they saw the success of the mario movie and immediately shifted everything to make more movies#bc it made so much money#and a movie is easier to make than a good game#so totk or botw2 at the time got the short end of the stick#which is why everything feels like .. so ... bare bones .. untested .. unfinished .. non sensical...#like an alpha build that got enough visual polish to look like a full game when its still an alpha build at its core#some main ideas like the abilities implemented and the basic map layers#mechanics functioning but untested on how it feels to play#like the sage controls and arrow fusing and ... contradictory game mechanics that dont work together#like the bulding WORKS but its clunky and underused- everything can be cheated so easily you dont even feel good cheating-#-bc it feels like the teacher just allowed you to mark your test with a green circle and you still got an A (or however USA grades work)#despite not even reading the questions- why attempt to solve a puzzle if you can just skip it#and how they tell you to be creative with it yet creativity gets punished and only efficiency is rewarded#which completely undermines the entire thing#...theres so much more you know i have ranted about it all before#ALSO rauru and sonia seemed like a rather newly wed couple to me- not one that had multiple kids that never appear-#since it only mentions rauru ..... if its only his then ... that doesnt explain anything bc zelda needs both sonia and rauru dna#................do sonau leave eggs to incubate somewhere heavenly or sth#watch out the springs where built to hatch rauru eggs bc they need the gods holy blessing bc they are oh so holy to hatch
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nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Danganronpa Manga Rant- Leon and Sayaka:
@yukiteruakari told me about a Danganronpa Manga edition, and OH MY GOD!!! Thankyou so much for this bro omg.
I'm only up to "Junkos" impaling, but it's so much better than the one I have.
I'll put some screenshots below, and the link too because so far it's translated to English.
Why the Manga is better, what it could do for the fandom:
It gives Sayaka and Leon so much more development as characters and seeing as Mondos case is next we might get to see what they talked about in the sauna. (<- there are so many fan theories for that one, and I'm excited to finally get more lore.)
It's hard to be a Danganronpa fan in 2024 because it all happened 14, 12, and 7 years ago. So like... Spike aren't going to just start explaining more lore on twitter randomly because they feel like it, Danganronpa is done, but this manga helps us understand the killers motive.
If ALL of the fandom read it I'd probably assume the "Mondo Brother Killer >:(" cliche that some of the fandom define him as would be gone, because it has his POV instead of a Monokuma flashback and a shitty animated clip of him doing it "for no reason" other than being "strong-strong-strong-strong-strong" (from the canon game and animation 2014.)
LeoXSaya Rant, Manga>>>Animation:
And yes, Sayaka was revealed to be a bit more of a "snake" (she isn't btw) but her motives were humane and we only thought she wasn't because Makoto is the protagonist and wouldn't think bad about any of his friends.
It also gives Leon haters a reason to stfu and enjoy his character design and small role while it lasts, and it's better than playing his FTEs because he's just gloating about picking up chicks and being better than everybody at Baseball despite hating in from what I've seen.
Also, the art is just BETTER.
The dialogue is just BETTER!
They gave Sayaka a reason to invite Leon over. Because in the anime and game yes it's "wow Sayaka is so hot" on Leons part, but wouldn't that mean Leon would've been the person to invite her to HIS room instead?
But in the Manga they explain her thought process, anybody who hasn't read it will probably just go "Sayaka's dumb for inviting a STAR ATHLETE to try and kill!" but she's smart because if she had killed him she already had an alibi. "We were friends! We bonded over music and drank tea together!" or something... saying that, Sayaka couldn't WIN because Makoto knew about the room swapping ofc. And she'd leave evidence and whatnot.
*Sighs* The Animation Butchered Our Boys...:
I hate the anime alot, but the thing that PISSED ME OFF THE MOST (about 1-1 of the animation) WAS LEON'S REACTION. He was having a mental breakdown, which was fine and accurate... probably good as well instead of him screaming "stupid" then losing it halfway through the word and realising his fate quietly.
They give him a moment of remorse.
"I didn't want to... I mean she... she was tring to... kill me... right? I just... didn't know what else to do... okay...?" (quote end)
but then he gets mad.
I don't know about you, but on first watch this ruined it for me. "He's just screaming now..." like... it makes me mad for almost no reason.
He was about to have a very humane moment of "I didn't have a choice..." he's looking down at the pedestal thingy in the court, he's defeated, he's sad, he's been caught. He's in despair.
Then he yells at the others "you would've done the same thing in my shoes!"
And you know what the writers did instead of making him cry after that? Anything... would've been better, but this is the dam animation we're talking about...
He did have a choice...
The manga gave him a choice, he tried to save Sayaka. Then he ended up killing her, ON ACCIDENT. That line alone contradicts the fact of any of that happening, he and Sayaka had just bonded hours earlier.
Like, this is my opinion and I've never heard anybody talk about this before, BUT THE WRITERS NEEDED TO WRITE LEON BETTER!!! The game wrote Leon fine, but the animation was a second chance at giving him development!
I liked him trying to escape the court room though. That was a nice touch that I don't think was in the game.
Like, the scene made me so mad on re-watch and I can't pinpoint why!
Like instead of this: https://youtu.be/CbQ6McYz7U0?t=59
(Good animation though imo, the closeup expressed his emotions nicely-)
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Anyway, that's my rant of the day because why not.
The game itself had issues, but compared to the animation it was just so much better, and makes me want to give it a 7/10 instead of a 6...
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skullytotheark · 6 months
Hi Hi!
I don't usually share my art here BUT lately i've been growing more comfortable w/ ppl seeing my art [as u can tell w/ latest creepyhornets entry]
So I wanted to share My some drawings i did for my fanfic series!
Click more for Art!
[i have alot of readmores on my post so i can navigate my account easier LOL]
Tobias Rogers / "The Colorado Axeman"
Age: 19 [current/present age in fanfic]
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As you may remember from the last time i shared his design, His jacket is heavily inspired by the reboot buttt I did eventually change it to better fit his 'colour pallet' [or colours i associate toby with heavily]. Now having a slight 'foresty' colour pallet associated with him in this canon
At this stage Toby is struggling alot w/ his own thoughts on Slender to the point he regrets Becoming a proxy in the first place. After returning to his old burnt down house Toby finds a old metal box that contained his sister's jacket. To this day Toby wears the jacket as asort of comfort and kinda like a pass me down jacket as memories of once were begin to haunt him, Along with 'unsuspected guests"
Age 16 / year one proxy: [Past Toby]
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For a very good while i've been struggling w/ a 'year one' toby design but within time the og hoodie grew on me, So i gave him the og hoodie but I removed the blue hood. As you may know, Toby was much younger when he became a proxy in my au. Spending most of his time homeschooled within a tense household
At this stage Toby had just killed his father and narrowly escaped, Unknowing hypnotized Toby believes that he owes Slender his LIFE to the point he's willing to serve Slender with every order.
Chernabog / 'Eyeless Jack'
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Ever since Chernabog joined Slender as a proxy or servants of sorts. Chernabog or better known as eyeless jack dawns a somewhat iconic / original inspired design. A black jumpsuit along with a balaclava underneath his iconic mask [also i'm still VERY new to drawing plus size characters [im also kinda proud how it came out] and kinda hc him to be slighty plus size. Mostly cuz i wanted him to have a unique silhouette comapired to other characters. That and I also think it'd add to intimidation if you just see this 6'7 silhouette in the darkness watching you]
Some time after agreeing to work for the Operator / Slenderman, Chernabog better known as Eyeless Jack. Roams inbetween towns collecting fresh meat not only for the Operator but for himself with his new boss's permission.
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I know you've probably seen this but I really like how this came out for being a slightly rushed doodle, Featuring The Operator and my Oc Grimace! Grimace has his own little entry into my fanfic series and will have entries featuring him every now and then!
The Idea for The Operator's design in my au is kinda to be more tree like! In this image the tentacles Slender is known for comes from the roots at the base of his feet [at his feet?? I mean idk if he has feet or not at this current point. I mean he might] he also appears somewhat statue and organic like, As if a human was kinda made from bark, roots and what not. I also just really love drawing Slender like this it's funny
That's all I think i can share for Creepyhornets so far But i've been really happy with how some of these drawings are coming out. I dont say it much but i'm extremely proud of the process i've made with this year even though i only just started spending time on practicing how to draw. If I showed u before & after of my art you'd def see alot of progress
Anyway that's all for this post! I'll try to draw some more creepyhornets related stuff eventually! Hopefully draw more of these two since I'm happy with how they came out with my latest drawings
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naughtygirl286 · 17 days
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So while we were away we did go and see the Boarderlands movie. Now I want to see this being I not to long ago finished the first game and I recently started the second (I have Borderlands: The Handsome Collection so I'm currently playing the Pre-Sequel) I new about the series for a while but never played it then it was suggested to me by a friend who described it as "Mad Max crossed with Star Wars" So a few years ago I picked up all 3 games for cheap and started playing them. and I have to say I really enjoy the first game and that is why I was interested in going to see the movie. also yes there was a collectable goodie for this which is kinda crazy and you can see it here.
Now as for the movie itself I know alot of people didn't seem to like it and it received a bunch of negativity but I can honestly say I enjoyed it. I thought it was a fun, crazy, wacky adventure. I do feel that it tried and at times did capture the the feel of the games but its rating kinda held it back being it was a PG-13 movie I think if it was rated R it would have been able to be more like the games being the games are more adult themed M rated games.
Another thing I think that hinders this movie is the time frame. like I said I thought it was great I did enjoy it and I thought that they did a good job in somewhat condensing it into a movie but I feel that is one of its problems the games are so big and so expansive that it kinda doesn't do the over all story justice to fit it all in like a hour and 40mins. I mean its cool to see it all on the big screen but personally I think Boarderlands would have worked better as a tv series similar to Fallout and The Last of Us. That way you wouldn't have to compromise on story for time I think you could have gotten maybe 3, 4 or even 5 Seasons out of the games.
Now one thing that this movie really has going for it is the production design!! its like wow!! that is one thing I can is truly awesome about this movie is everything looks in game accurate. I actually said in the first like 10-15mins "OMG! this looks just like the games!!" the world they created looks perfect! the costumes, weapons, vehicles everything is I think in game accurate. true some of the casting choices are a bit odd but for people like say the character of Marcus who is played by Benjamin Byron Davis he looks and sounds like that character if you are familiar with the character you instantly know that's him. even the crazy "psycho" characters are perfectly recreated in live action for this movie and they even have all the different versions of them to which is totally crazy and yes the ever lovable and wacky Claptrap is perfectly recreated in this and is just like he is in the games. Although apparently voiced my Jack Black I don't find he sounds anything like Jack Black.. To me he just sounds like any random in game Claptrap like when he voiced Bowser in the Mario movie you knew it was Jack Black but in this he just sounds like any normal Claptrap.
but other then that I thought the movie was great I enjoyed it. like I said it was fun, crazy and a little weird. Sure it has some shortcomings and might not be what die hard fans would have wanted but I would say if you are interested in watching it or just curious then go for it and give it a watch and make up your own mind about it. If you don't like it then you don't like it but I don't think it was as bad as people will lead you to believe.
Also there is a lil silly mid-credits Claptrap thing.
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hedgypipes · 1 year
Monday was a great time for me personally because it was my 19th birthday, one of the things during that day was go with my parents and family to John’s Incredible Pizza and eat some Brunch there for the most part.
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Some of the things I ate there were chicken and pizza with potatoes. I also did check some of the things and while some of the things stayed the same like the design and rides, alot of it has changed after me not coming to there in a long time with some of the rides attractions like the mini golf, bumper cars, and laser Dodge games feeling empty with 1 or 2 people rarely being there at all. The birthday rooms looks more like a place to integrated at by cops for a crime rather than a place to celebrate your birthday with family and friends but that’s just my opinion. The Toon Time Theatre is a great place where I used to go and eat at all the time, watching cartoons, shows, and movies in there (when they had Old Boomerang on there) when I was little, but don’t go to there due to them changing it a bit, replacing some of the old pictures of cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Yogi Bear, Woody Woodpecker, Scooby-Doo, Bugs Bunny and pics of the mascot bear with movie and tv posters that are alright for the most part but it’s something that you’ll usually see everywhere else, unlike the older pictures and posters which makes them more Special and unique in some way and also some of the colors changes and what they play on the big screen in “Toon Time Theatre” doesn’t interest me like it use to, so yeah, that’s why I don’t usually go there anymore, maybe someday I’ll revisit that, but for now, Nah, it ain’t for me anymore.
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I honestly did have a even better fun time playing some of the arcade games there, including Pac-Man but with a giant screen and has multiplayer, Space Invaders Frenzy that also has a giant screen and has multiplayer as well, an arcade verison of Crossy Road, a game machine where u catch popcorn balls to earn points that I love playing as a kid, an Arcade ripoff of Flappy Bird, Hot Wheels: King of the road, a Minion whack a mole game, Super Alpine Racer, Cruis’n Blast, a game where you stack up shapes to make a big tower, and Big Bass Wheel. I also did competed with my nieces and nephew on the Hotwheels arcade game with me winning every single time with one of them either winning only a single round of the game or they didn’t, probably the former. I wouldn’t say the same thing for me and my dad playing the arcade version of connect four however. We completed on there a lot with him on there with him winning almost every single time, much to my dismay but I wasn’t TOO bitter and jealous about it, at least I have fun managing to get a full win in the last round and there so it counts! After that, me, my dad, and my mom went to the Photo Booth to get our picture taken and it came out great, so we and especially mom loved it! After that, I went to play one last game in the big arcade area there, The Twister Arcade Machine or as I like to call it, “Twister: Body Torture Arcade Edition”.
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I had a bit of hard time to keep up with what spots it was trying to tell put my hand or feet on with some of the spots being really hard to reach and touch without making a mistake to the point that I lost to the game a few times until I won all of the rounds because I was both flexible and also being very a lot more careful to not make a mistake, thank god I’m still flexible and able stretch my arms and legs a bit longer after all these years! 😅😮‍💨
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After that, Me and Mom went on the “Typhoon” Simulator Arcade Ride since that was one I could use the last of my points on my card and we have a blast on there, flying with a toy plane that goes around a big city on the screen, a good time overall with mom having fun on it too! 😁 After that, we decided we were done playing around here and leave, but before that, I took some of the pics of the arcade games that doesn’t work anymore so that I could look at it and show it to all of you who are reading this. Looking at them now, I feel sad 😞 about how they don’t work like they used to anymore with ones that u can’t scan your card on, have a hard time trying to get your points, not function at all, or just be entirely turned off. I wish the people at John’s incredible Pizza would give them away to people especially me or refurbish them so that many people could replay them again or play it for the first time ever but I doubt that’s ever going to happen since 1: they have been getting rid of some of their old stuff as of lately concerning that I remember there used a be an broken Ice Age Ice Hockey near by but when I come back to it on my birthday, it and the rest of the stuff on it was suddenly gone, 2: even if they did decide to sell it or give them away, there will be a big catch like a high price that neither me or my family could ever afford or something to add to their collection of games and equipment, 3: I wouldn’t even know how to fix, repair, or refurbish it and my parents would definitely be against that, especially if it means that I have to pay someone to do it for a very large amount of money, 4: it would be hard for me, my family, and staff members to carry it into our car, fit it inside or on top of it, and especially fit all of them or at least one in our home or the garage with the stuff that we already have in there, and 5: I don’t think they’ll care about all of it since and also because of the fact that there are less people working than before the pandemic, they’ll probably be stuck in ruin until someone gets rid of them, sigh 😔. Hopefully Namco and Konami and many other will bring back DDR, Time Crisis, and many other arcade series like these back into the spotlight with new console and arcade games, remake/remasters, ports, and collections in the near future! But I still have fun after that. After me and my family got home, some of them left to do some errands and I was just going to the good times I have in my room, finally watching Nimona on Netflix for the very first time on my own! Well I was before one of my nieces came while I started to watch it and she decided to butt in and watch it with and while i could’ve watched by myself and told her no thanks, after saying please 🥹, I changed my mind and decided to let her watch it with me while also trying ignore her and tell her to not say any spoilers m she might tell me unintentionally or not due to my other niece warning me that she likes to spoil things a lot all the time, jokes on them however since I read a lot of times during my years at high school!!😏😏
After getting a final birthday meal that my dad got me from my restaurant one of my old childhood friends work at, I enjoyed eating the meal I have while watching the movie with my niece which wasn’t gonna be as bad as I thought it would be even though she ask too many questions and sometimes annoy and bugged me more than she should have, I still love her at the end of the day tho. After all of that, we finish the movie and we both loved it (well mostly me since she didn’t 2/3 of the movie for some reason).
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My mom did got me an ice cream cake during the time I and my little niece was in the middle of watching Nimona. Hopefully I will finish it one of these days tho. Overall I would give my my 19th birthday a 9/10 for even if a few things I wanted to do didn’t go the way I wanted to, I still have fun regardless of the outcome and heck, I even got a gifts as well to including some candy and letters from my nieces, air pods pro from my mom, and Kirby’s Return to Dreamland; Fire Emblem Engage, and SpongeBob: The Cosmic Shake as well, it was honestly it was just a great day to be me!
Happy Late Birthday to Me yay!
Also: NIMONA is 10/10 and BLUE SKY NEVER DIES!!!!
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avorbl · 5 months
Avor's Watchlist
May has begun and this year all weeks but one are short work weeks so expect to see me catching up on alot of series I missed while I was obsessed with other things.
Currently Airing
23.5 _10/12 I should have dropped this because it never really caught me and the framing of the Aylin incident made me skip through the last episode
25 Ji, Akasaka de _4/10 Love the colours, the pining, the Japanese Blness of it
Be Your Star _6/20 THere are apparently 20 episodes to rgis and I dont no what it wants to tell me
Beauty and Mr. Romantic _6/50 I like the general vibe chaebol intrigue a hidden child? child exploitation but the start of episode 7 is a hurdle
Boys Be Brave! _6/8 each set of episodes gets better and I really want these boys to work it out
Ghost Yankee _3/8 Fun ghost drama about the things worth living for
Kare no Iru Seikatsu _5/8 Love me a slice of life romance
Kimi to Yukite Saku: Shinsengumi Seishunroku _3/8 The theatrics got me. this shippable group of men is more likely to open a gay bar than start a rebellion
Only Boo! _6/12 Cute Fluff pretending to be more
We Are _6/16 THe dark/light brigade of friendship and couples
What I am catching up on
Celebrity Danshi wa Te ni Oemasen _3/10
Gym Affairs _8/24
Never Twice _6/72
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble _9/12
Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart _7/8
Sweet Stranger and Me _7/16
The Love You Give Me _17/28
Unstoppable High Kick _15/167
Still on my watch List
Fermat no Ryori _3/10
Fight for My Way _0/16
Given _1/6
I Feel You Linger in the Air _1/12
Kore wa Keihi de Ochimasen! _2/10
My Lovely Liar _5/16
One Spring Night _2/32
Qing Qing Zi Jin _20/40
Sell Your Haunted House _3/16
She and Her Perfect Husband _18/40
The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim _2/12
The Uncanny Counter _3/16
The Undateables _1/32
Finished in the last two weeks
1000 Years Old 01.05.24 8,5/10 True to its free flowing style a lot was left in the air but it was fun to follow along
Seven Days: Monday - Thursday 03.05.24 8,5/10 Ice and Fire
Unknown 04.05.24 9,5/10 All the things happening in Episode 12 were necessary to wrap and resolve this plot. I just wish they would have given themselves more time for that. There were a lot of interesting points I wish they dwelled on longer. Maybe by cutting the health and the return of Le to the gang
Seven Days: Friday - Sunday 04.05.24 9/10 An improvement on the first one. It really needed them to completely misunderstand each other.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha 05.05.24 8,5/10 Why did they have to pack one episode with all this heavy stuff?! 15. 05.05.24 Overall this was very good and enjoyed it, but some story lines where oddly timed
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!: The Movie 05.05.24 9/10
Tsuge & Minato 05.05.24 8/10
Love Is Like a Cat 06.05.24 5/10 Romance stayed away from this Dog Cafe just like any sensible cat would.
A Shop for Killers 09.05.24 8,5/10 I dont know how I feel about the ending
To the X Who Hated Me 09.05.24 7/10 Worringly close to life
Silent 10.05.24 9/10 The music and audio design is compelling. I do love the Minato character he thought through and consistent. 5. 01.05.24 It's so heartbreaking. There is this whole cast of people I want to be happy and the series has a lot of work to do to achieve that. Why belabour the point that Nana is only teaching people sign language out of romantic interest and as a persobal gift. In a show about hearing and deaf getting together this exclusionary attitude feels weird as the representative attitude of the life long deaf character. 8. 09.05.24
Memory in the Letter 11.05.24 5,5/10 Predictable progression so far. But in what world is Kyo 45-47 5. 04.05.24 Making handwaving gestures at solving the issues while trying to obfuscate them with the casting choice really leaves me with a bad taste
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 11.05.24 8,5/10
You Are Mine Special 11.05.24 8/10
Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai VS Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko 2 11.05.24 9/10 Someone in the production for this series of drama specials has a thing for uneven teeth 1. 11.05.24 It works better as a second season
Blue Boys 12.05.24 7,5/10 two people navigating their homosexual awakening with the internalised homophobia 2. 25.04.24 This works as an ending even though i am hoping for an happy ending 4. 12.05.24
Lonely Girls 13.05.24 7,5/10
Bad Buddy 13.05.24 9/10 Slowly peeling away all the layers for this reveal 1+ 5. 07.05.24 There are some wobbly bits and some high points overall very good
Dropped in the last two weeks
My Stand-In 10.05.24 /10 Extended flashback, my beloathed 3. 10.05.24
0 notes
elagrume · 2 years
El's blog
Dear El,
you’ll be older when you read this. By a day or a year or two, I don’t know. Do you still get excited about film the way you were when you wrote your application letter? Or the first time walking out of the first class? It was exciting because it just all felt so…cool, and I knew I was in the right place. I was hungry too. Hungry to know more, hungry for knowledge and experience. I want to find out as much as possible, it all seems so interesting.
I don’t want to lose the design stuff we learned à Cotton. Keep cultivating yourself, les démarches creatives that you learn about- might be useful when approaching film making?
Dear El,
Read my first script! Really excited!. I can’t wait to read more and understand how to write them myself, I want the tools. Discussing it was fun too. I understand more of where university courses are going to take me.
-In apparte: as I’m writing I’m listening to Billie Eilish’s song The 30th. She speeds the rhythm when she sings the part when she overthinks. There are more instruments, there’s a buzzing too. To me, overthinking is like that: extra thought/sounds/music that stops me from thinking rationally- “ What if…” . Listening to that part of the song reminded me of what we were taught in the editing lecture last week: 10% is rhythm. Hehe, I'm learning!!
I haven’t got much to say about the course yet, I think I need to put more pieces together and have done extra projects to write anything worthwhile for later. 
See you around.
Dear El,
You’ve got two shoots coming up next week. What did you learn from the previous ones?                     
-Have a script before shooting. Helps keep on track; that way we know exactly what we’re doing. I like having the space to improvise though, and make some stuff up on the spot with things we hadn’t thought of because we weren't on location. For editing it’s better to have a script though. Organised chaos kind of thing.
-For the rule of thirds, the subject doesn’t have to exactly be “on the lines”. In our exercise we were focussed on that but I’m not sure if it worked out quite so well, I don’t think I was ever properly “on the lines”. During editing I noticed how there were alot of diagonals in our visuals, which for now is not to my personal taste. (Just an idea: playing with diagonals with colour, criss-crossing on subject. I’m thinking of warm colours like pinks and oragances. Weave subject and background. It’s only a visual idea, there’s no deeper meaning to it yet. As I said, just an idea…)
-So far I haven’t been behind the camera. I’ve been volunteering to star in our exercises and I don’t want to do that anymore. I don’t learn much on the technical side of things, like lens choice or which buttons to press. I’ve learned that I should still check the footage even if I’m in front of the camera. I trust those I work with, but I’m good at noticing details like if the horizon line is tilting slightly, and asking to see the footage means I can point them out whilst we shoot rather than in post. However, having been in front of the camera gives a good idea of the kind of information for a director to give. For example I was asking Ethan and Rebecca for instructions on how to walk or what facial expressions I should do. They would say that what I was doing was “just fine”, but then watching myself on screen I thought of the instructions I could have given myself. Another reason to go over the footage.
So far those are my top three but I’ll go back to writing once I’ve gotten my hands on a camera.
Recent watches: Blond by Andrew Dominik, Moonlight by Barry Jenkins, Killing Eve by Lisa Bruhlmann, The Social Network by David Fincher
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cierrabiscuits · 4 years
Koutaro Bokuto x Fem Reader: Eligible Bachelor
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 Summary: Some of the MSBY team are scheduled at a charity event and are auctioned off for dates, you being the manager go with them. The team is well aware of your crush on Bokuto and put a plan in motion. What’s the worst that can happen. 
 Words: 5.1K
 Warnings: Angst if squint, happy ending, MSBY 4 being sold as dates for Charity.
 Authors Note: Hello! This is my first time posting a fic so go easy on me, I hope you all enjoy it and get a good laugh out of it like I did! This is part of a collab with @ambershaydeoffical! Please support all the talented writes who participated. 
Update: I made a route for Sakusa! Find that here
Update: I made a route for Atsumu! Finda that here
“Alrighty boys are you ready to go on in?” You said staring at the four well dressed men  behind you.
 “No, and I want to go home.” Sakusa adjusted his black facemask. He wasn’t keen on coming to this event whatsoever.
 “Sakusa I know, but I really need you! Besides what would you be doing anyway? It's Valentine's day and you're as single as single gets. Live a little. Maybe you will find your Mrs.Clean tonight! Ya never know!” You said as he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
 “Omi-Omi don't be that way. Our lovely manager here worked hard to get us this opportunity, and it's benefiting a charity you scrooge.” Atsumu smacked Sakusa’s back.”I think your just upset because you know all the ladies are going to bid on me.” The blond setter smirked at the very pissed Sakusa who just glared at him.
 “NOoO It's going to be me who gets all the bids. I still have my tan from Brazil and I’m alot cooler than all of you.” Hinata piped up, proudly adjusting his tie that had little volleyballs on it. 
 “Well if we don’t get our asses in that building, aint none of y’all getting any bids, besides I’m freezing to death,” You said rubbing your arms. The dress you wore done little to protect you from the cold night. 
 “Take this please, I don’t want to freeze to death. I like you warm and alive.” Bokuto, who's been oddly quiet, spoke up wrapping his grey tux jacket around your shoulders leaving him in his blue button up. You could smell his cologne on the jacket, you could drown in this and wouldn't complain. Your cheeks ran hot and you managed to let out a “thank you” through chattering teeth.
 “Okay let’s get going.” You said wrapping the jacket tighter around you as the boys followed you like baby ducks. Bokuto walked up beside you while the two boys bickered over who would have the most bids in the back, Sakusa wanted no part in it and stayed to himself. You look at Bokuto  who seemed nervous. You decided to hype him up a bit before he went into emo mode. “Bokuto you are going to have some gorgeous high profile women coming after you tonight, I’m jealous of them.” You didn't lie, you had the biggest crush on Bo, ever since you took the job as the MSBY manager. You never have a frown on your face next to him- until now. You knew he’d have a woman, that's not you, by his side tonight. You’d bid on him until your bank went in the negative but you don’t get paid like the women at this event do.
 “You wait and see, I’ll have the most beautiful one by time the night is out.” Bokuto said, smiling at you. You felt a pang of sadness creep on you, if he only knew. 
 The warm air of the ballroom felt nice against your cool body. You gave Bokuto his jacket back, you secretly wished you could keep it forever. You took in your surroundings, the ball room was filled with women in designer dresses and you could see the small stage in the middle of the room. 
 “Guys I have to find the event coordinator and see what time you guys need to get on stage. Please be on your best behavior, there are cameras everywhere. Atsumu keep the drinking to a minimum, Shoyo for the love of God go to the bathroom now, Omi keep these fools in line and you better be nice to people and last but never the least Bokuto, If you dance please be careful, I don’t want to take you to the ER again because you hit the Cha cha slide too hard. And with that I’m out. I’m counting on you guys.” You said giving them a thumbs up as you got lost into the sea of people to hunt the event coordinator. 
 “Thank you so much Y/N! Everyone is looking forward to the auction. We have some models and a couple pop stars who will be in the line up as well as a few volunteers . I want your boys to go at the end, as they say ‘always save the best for last’.” The coordinator spoke over the bustling crowd. She went over the rules and where they needed to go and what time to line up. You soaked in all the information the bubbly coordinator was giving you. “I have to go let the rest of the people know the game plan. Please have your guys here and lined up in half an hour. Thank you again!” And with that she disappeared into the crowd. Now here came the hard part.
You scanned the large ballroom to find your heathens. Sakusa would be the easiest to find because he is most likely on one of the four corners in the building. Hinata was most likely with Bokuto, and Atsumu was a wild card, he could be at the bar, maybe even on the dance floor trying to impress girls with his dance moves(That suck by the way). You recall the time you found him passed out in a bush drunk off ass at a gala last year. You make up a game plan, you would get Bo and Hinata first, then find a hopefully sober Tsumu and lastly get Sakusa (you figured it best not to drag him around the ballroom) You spot Bokuto’s tall figure next to a snack bar, and as you figured Hinata was with him. They were both stuffing their mouths with meat kebabs and other foods like wild animals, they sure love to eat you thought. 
 “Bokuto,Hinata, they are getting ready to line everyone up, wait for me over there.” You said pointing towards an area that was not  too terribly crowded.
 “HEY HEY HEY Y/N try one of these things, they are so freakin good.” He shoved a cake pop in front of your face. You took it from the gray haired boy.
 “Thank you Bo, but we really need to go.” You took a bite from the cake pop. “Wow that is really good.” You said finishing it in one bite. You heard some snickers from a group of girls, they made a smug comment about you eating it all at once. You normally would throw hands but you had an image to uphold. You shouldn't let it bother you but it did.
 “Hey don’t let that bother you, besides I like a girl that can eat.” Bokuto said, patting your head. He is literally the human version of sunshine. 
 “Thanks Bo. But really we need to get the move on, I still have to hunt Tsumu down. Can you and Hinata wait for me over there.” You said pointing to the area again.
 “Roger that.” They said unison. 
  “I’ll be right back.” You said going back into the crowd. You checked the dancefloor first and he wasn't there(You were relieved he was not.). You made your way to the bar and found him surrounded by women who were mesmerized by his thick accent. You waved him down and he nodded and turned his attention back to the group he had attracted.
 “It looks like It's time fer’ me to go, make sure you all bid for me. I’ll be a waitin’” He said getting up and following you. The women he had been entertaining giggled as he walked away.
 “Look at you being a player. I didn’t expect that from a man who yells at girls when they cheer for him.” You leaned into him so he could hear you over the crowd.
 “I’m just tryin’ to raise some money, it's strictly business. My heart belongs to volleyball for the most part.”He said winking at you. He truly is just a fool in love with the sport. 
You led Atsumu to the group and went to retrieve poor  Sakusa. You looked around for a few minutes and felt a tug at the back of your shirt. You turn around and see Sakusa towering over you. 
 “This is new, I’m used to finding you sulking in a corner.” You said staring into his black eyes. 
 “I watched you gather everyone up, I figured I would come on over to make it easier for you.” He began to walk towards the rest of the group.
 “I guess being 6’4 has its perks huh Omi? You're like a watchtower.” You said looking up at the tall spiker.
 “Yeah, guess so.”He said playing with one of his dark curls.
 ���Okay we have everyone, so you guys are going last, I’ll leave who goes first to you guys. Now let's go get lined up.” You lead them to the stage and let them line up. Atsumu insisted on going first, Hinata would go after him, then Sakusa and lastly Bokuto. 
 “You owe me some umeboshi after this.” Sakusa said, taking his mask off and putting it in the pocket of his tux.
 “Sure thing. I'll even throw in a thing of nice smelling hand sanitizer for the trouble.” You crossed your arms and smirked at him.
 “I’ll hold you to that.” He said, filing behind Hinata.
 You looked at Bokuto who appeared to be a nervous wreck. He had a small layer of sweat on his forehead and his hands were shaking slightly. “Hey it's going to be okay, I’ll be right here.” You said pulling out your handkerchief and dabbing the sweat off his forehead. “You're amazing and dare I say you're the best looking one.” You said making him blush.
 “Ummm HEY.” Atsumu said glaring at you, obviously butt hurt from your comment. Sakusa was unamused and took it upon himself to kick Atsumu. That gave you the opportunity to turn your attention back to the nervous male beside you. Before you could comfort him the loud speaker cut you off.
 “Ladies and gentleman, would you please give your attention to the center stage, the date auction will begin momentarily.” The coordinator announced causing everyone to tense up a bit.
 “Come on guys loosen up a bit, I’m going to be in the front taking pictures for our instagram page. So show off a little! Show them you are proud to be a part of such an awesome volleyball team!” You hyped them up one last team. “With that being said I want a group picture so bring it in guys.” You said pulling the camera and ushering the athletes into the frame. “Say cheese.” Atsumu wrapped his arm around Sakusa who didn’t have the chance to push him off, Bokuto gave Hinata bunny ears. It was a chaotic photo, but It caught their true essence. 
 “I want a picture with you before you go Y/N. Pleaseee.” Bokuto gave you puppy dogs eyes and you couldn't deny him.
 “Sure Bo. Atsumu here.” You handed him the camera and got beside Bokuto. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him. You could feel his muscles through the tux that fit just a little too good. 
 “Aww you look like a cute couple.” Atsumu teased as he brought the camera up to snap a picture. You couldn't make a comeback as embarrassment washed over you. You looked up at Bokuto who had a blush adorning his handsome face.
 “Y/N I’m going to do something, don’t get mad.” Bokuto said, picking you up bridal style before you could even protest.
 “That’s what I’m talking about!” Atsumu said, snapping more pictures. 
 “Bokuto put me down, I'm heavy!” You shriked  gripping onto his tux.
 “No you're not. I could carry you around all night like this if you wanted me to!” He smiled down at you! You felt your face light up like a Christmas tree. No matter how big or small you were, Bokuto always made you feel like a princess. 
 “As much as I’d love you to, we gotta get this ball rolling.” You said as he gently placed you back on your feet. “I’ll be taking that.” You said snatching the camera from Atsumu who was smirking. He seemed to be hiding something from the way he was acting. He is definitely sus you thought. You waved the boys goodbye and made you way to the front of the crowd. You got the camera ready as the spotlight of the stage flickered on. 
 “Thank you all for coming out tonight! We hope you are ready to see the heartthrobs we have lined up for you!!” The announcer said setting the tone. “Valentine's day is all about love and being with one another. So if your single, ladies, pull those yen out and let’s get to business!” The crowd cheered and applauded as the auction began.
You didn’t pay much attention to the men coming on stage, your only worry was the last 4. You scrolled through the camera to see the pictures Atsumu took of you and Bokuto. Bokuto had such a wide smile on his face in the pictures, your smile was just as big, even though your face was full of panic in the one where he effortlessly picked you up. You’re pulled from your day dream when you heard the announcer’s voice.
 “We have some special guests tonight from the MSBY volleyball team! We’ll start first with Miya Atsumu!” The announcer said as Atsumu walked on the stage like he owned it. He flipped his hair and looked at the group of women he serenaded earlier and blew them a kiss. You got lucky and snapped a picture of it, he may be annoying as hell but he knows how to get women. He had about ten women fighting over him, his bids kept going up and up. After a cutthroat battle he was sold for roughly  200,000 yen. He smirked and walked off the stage. You couldn’t help but chuckled to yourself, he’d be one of a kind if he didn’t have a twin. 
 “Up next we have Hinata Shoyo!” She said as the tangerine headed boy shly walked on stage. He looked confident for the most part and he thankfully went to the bathroom before this. He had on one of his classic charming but cute smiles. You could hear girls behind you talk about how cute he was. His skin was glowing under the spotlight thanks to the Brazilian sun. His bids went up high, he ended up being sold for 120,000 yen. He waved at the audience and bounced off the stage.
 “Let’s welcome our next bachelor who just so happens to be the tallest one tonight, Sakusa Kiyoomi!” You watched on edge as Sakusa walked out, he didn’t seem nervous but he wasn’t all that interested either, he stood in the middle of the stage like a statue. To make matters worse he wasn’t smiling. You grabbed his attention for a moment and smiled as wide as you could and pointed at your face, you felt like one of the psychotic moms from toddlers and tiaras but you had to do something or he wasn't going to get any bids. You mouthed the words “Smile please” at him and he finally took the hint. He had an awkward but cute smile on his face finally. You relaxed a little and resumed taking pictures. His bids began to go up and quick. Sakusa looked at the exit of the stage and smirked at someone and turned his attention back to the crowd. You could only guess he was looking at Atsumu who was probably pissed at how high Sakusa’s bids were. Sakusa was sold for a whopping 500,000 yen. You know Tsumu’s ego was damaged beyond repair right now. Sakusa bowed and left the stage. 
 “Now let’s end this night right! We have one more contest so let’s welcome Bokuto Koutarou to the stage!” You felt your heart drop and the announcer said his name. You had to watch someone you loved dearly be bid off to some rich girl who would probably steal him away. You tried to knock away negative thoughts but you couldn’t help it. He looked sinfully good when he walked on stage. What nervousness he felt was gone and now it’s nothing but his overwhelming confidence. He carefully watched one specific area of the crowd. You snapped pictures of him (a lot of them being for your personal collection) as he walked around the stage flexing and showing off. His eyes met yours a lot and he seemed to be smirking at you. But his attention always went back to the one area of the crowd. You heard his bids go up, one particular girl was bidding for him like her life depended on having him. Her voice came from the direction he kept starting at. He looked nervous when anyone but her called out a bid. You began to get ate up with pure jealousy, you wish you could take him off the stage and run away with him right then and there. The bids kept going up and up and the girl that kept bidding on him got him for 150,000 yen. He looked ecstatic. He looked at you and smiled before he went off stage. Your heart dropped and you wanted to leave, but you still have work to do. 
 “That concludes the auction tonight! If you won you can meet up with your bachelor over here on the left.” The announcer pointed towards the group of men. You made your way to find the guys so you can take more pictures and let them know where you’ll be when they get done.
 “You guys did awesome!” You said running up to them. They gave you a soft smile. You notice Bokuto was MIA. “Umm guys, where is Bo?” They hesitated for a second but your conversation was cut short as the boys dates for the evening came up.
 “Sakusa was it?” A well dressed man walked up to the tall volleyball player. You noticed a small girl clutching his dress shirt. She couldn’t be any older than 8. “This is my daughter, she wanted someone to dance with her but in all honesty I’m trying to make some business deals while I’m here, keep her company for me.” The man patted his shoulder and slipped some extra money in Sakusa’s shirt pocket, leaving him slacked jawed. 
  “All the umeboshi your heart desires, a big box of the nice face masks you like, and whatever else you want, just please be nice to this poor girl. She looks sad.” You whispered into Omi’s ear trying to persuade him a little more.
 “I didn’t come here to babysit, but I guess I can.” He said low enough that the girl couldn’t hear. Omi peered down at the small girl, she actually had moles on her face kinda like he does but on the opposite side.
 “Umm hi.” She said looking up at the tall man. She seemed nervous. You nugged Omi in the side to get him to say anything.
 “When was the last time you washed your hands?” He asked the girl and you could have choked him. The girl giggled at his statement.
 “I wash my hands all the time! Look my mom even bought me this!” She pulled out a small key chain with a rabbit on it, attached was a small bottle of hand sanitizer. “Would you like some?” She said opening the cap. Sakusa held his hand as the small girl poured some into his hands and she gave herself some as well.
 “Good.” Sakusa said, pulling his mask from his pocket to put it back on. The little girl grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. You knew this was way out of his comfort zone, but he was still doing it. 
 “Omg your hair is so cute! Can I touch it?” You whipped your head around to see a young bubbly girl talking to Hinata. 
 “Umm s—s sure.” He said nervously as the girl ran and hand through his hair. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. The poor baby seemed so embarrassed. The dance floor was filled with couples and the girl dragged Hinata to the dance floor before he could even get her name. You turned to Atsumu who looked like he had seen a ghost.
 “Young man I’m getting my money's worth tonight so let's go dance.” An old lady who you thought resemble Baba Yaga from spirited away stood in front of poor Atsumu. 
 “Yes ma’am.” He said, forcing a smile.  He looked at you pleasing eyes that screamed “please save me Y/N”. You shook your head at him.
 “Pay attention to me boy, I paid good money for you.” The old lady said whacking Atsumu with the cane she carried.
 “Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.” He said walking with the old woman to the dance floor. You had to turn your head and laugh, between Sakusa getting stuck babysitting a kid and Atsumu being stuck with a senior citizen after talking all that smack, it was priceless. You guess them ladies Atsumu talked to must not have liked him that much.
You searched around for Bokuto to make sure he got his date for the night, you were also curious who she was and how pretty she was. You felt that jealousy creep back on you. This was going to be a long night. You finally spot Bokuto talking to a drop dead beautiful girl, she looked familiar but you couldn’t quite place her. She and Bokuto seemed to be having a good time, she was laughing at something he had said. Your heart shattered. You look back up to see Bo making eye contact with you. All you could do was smile and get lost in the crowd before he could see the stray tear falling down your cheek. You needed to get outside for a bit, you felt like you were suffocating. You fought the crowd and finally made your way to the exit. You pushed the metal door open. The cold night felt good against your hot skin. You walked down a path in front of the building and tried to collect yourself. 
 “Another year alone and single.” You blurted out to yourself. You find a small bench and decide to sit down for a bit. The night sky brought a sort of comfort to you. The stars twinkled and the moon casted a peaceful light. The cold was getting to you but you were afraid to go back in. You mentally couldn’t handle it. 
 “PARKOUR.” You felt your soul leave your body as you saw a shadow jump over the bench you were sitting on. You flinched back ready to fight off the attacker only to be met with Bokuto standing in front.
 “BO you scared me to death!” You said inhaling a deep breath and clutching your chest.
 “I’m sorry my parkour was so awesome it scared you.” He said, taking his jacket off and draping it yet again around your cold body. Your nose flooded again with the scent of his cologne. It’s calmed you down in a bittersweet way. “But angel what are you doing out here, you’ll get sick if you're not careful.” He kneeled down a bit and pulled the jacket around your cold body more. 
 “I could ask you the same things Mr. Parkour, you have a beautiful woman in there waiting on you, so stop wasting your time on me.” You said trying to hold it together.
 “Well I’m more concerned with the real beautiful one sitting right in front of me.” He said grabbing your shaking hands. Your eyes went wide with what he said.
 “Bo I’m confused?” You said looking into his golden eyes.
 “Well that woman you saw me with is not really my date, yes she did bid on me, but she was never my real date. She is actually the guy who owns our gym's daughter! She agreed to bid on me, but in return she wanted a date with Atsumu’s brother and he agreed to do it! The team helped me do this so I could be with you tonight, but I guess it didn’t go as smoothly as I planned. I’m sorry I made you sad.” Bokuto sat beside you on the bench,
 “Bokuto are you low key confessing to me?” You looked over at him and he smiled and shook his head. 
 “Yes and let me do this properly.” He cleared his throat and held his hand out for you to grab, which you gladly accepted. “Y/N please let me be your date tonight and from here on out please!”  
 “So like boyfriend and girlfriend Bo?” You said wanting to make sure you got the message right.
 “Yes Y/N, please be my girlfriend. All that flexin on the stage was for you baby!” He stood up and flexed again making you laugh. “But in all seriousness, I freakin love you. So what do you say Y/N?” 
 “Yes. I would love nothing mo-“ Bokuto cut you off by lifting your body into his strong arms. You giggled as he swung you both in circles. He slowed down and seen you finally smile again
 “Now that’s a pretty sight, you're not going to be sad on my watch anymore. Now we better get back inside before we freeze to death!” Bokuto wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two began to walk back. “Wait I have something for you!” He dug through his pockets and pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to you. You opened it and there was a necklace with a small owl charm and a “B” charm next to it.
 “Bo this is so cute! Can you help me put it on!” You said handing him the necklace. He struggled to get it on but finally got it. The silver was cold on your skin, but you didn’t mind at all.
 “Omi actually helped me pick it out, believe it or not. He said if I would have went alone I would have got something stupid.” Bokuto said, sliding the jewelry box back into his coat pocket. You hate to admit it but Sakusa going was probably a good thing. 
 “Bo I really love it, thank you.” You said leaving up and kissing his cheek. “Now let’s go back, I’ve got to check in on everyone.” You walked into the ballroom with your arm hooked around Bokuto’s bicep. 
You scanned the room to see if you could find any of the guys and the only one you could see was Hinata laughing with his date. They seemed to be hitting it off pretty good. “Bokuto let’s go get something to drink.” You both walked towards the bar, you see that girl who bid on Bokuto sitting next to Osamu. They both seemed to be having a good time.
 “Thank you again! The planned worked Y/N is my girlfriend now!” Bokuto walked up to them and showed you off. 
 “I’m so glad!” The girl said, clasping her hands together. “You are a cute couple.” 
 “Speaking of a cute couple.” Osamu chimed in and pointed towards his brother Atsumu who was being dragged around by that old lady. “I may have given her some free Onigiri vouchers and a few hundred yen to bid on him.” The twin laughed at his brother's despair. 
 “Your evil, but I like it.” The girl said as they clinked their drinks together. 
 “You guys enjoy it, we still have to hunt for Omi.” You bowed and clung back on to Bokuto. 
After circulating the ballroom a few times you finally find Sakusa and the little girl sitting at a table. Sakusa looked dead tired and the little girl was stuffing her face with cake
 “Omi you look like a tired dad.” Bokuto said bursting out laughing at his teammate. 
 “I see your plan worked.” Sakusa said, looking at the necklace through tired eyes. 
 “Yes it did now this cutie is all mine.” Bokuto said peppering your cheek with kisses.
 “How disgusting, when you grow up don’t date idiots like him.” Sakusa looked at the child who just nodded her head. It was hilarious to see Omi so out of his element. “That was directed at you Bokuto not Y/N.” 
 “Omi, he is a idiot but he is my idiot.” You patted Bokuto's back. 
 “Omi-Omi let’s go dance some more. I like this song.” The little girl tugged on his jacket. 
 “Fine.” Omi sighed and followed her dance floor.
 “Now that we know everyone (for the most part) is okay let’s dance!” You said leading Bokuto to the dance floor.
 You danced to every single song and Bo didn’t break anything when the cha cha slide came on. He swung you around all night without a care in the world. 
 “Let’s end the night with something nice and slow.” The Dj said putting on (Insert your favorite slow song)
  “May I have this dance pretty girl?” Bokuto asked, holding his hand out to pull you closer to him.
 “The Macarena may have wore me out, but I guess I have enough wind in me for one last song.” You teased wrapping your arms around his neck. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and began to slowly dance you around the room. 
 You see that little girl struggling to keep up with Omi’s big steps as he attempted to dance with her, he was at least trying you thought. Hinata was slow dancing with his date of the night, they both seemed comfortable and content with each other. Atsumu was still with that granny but he seemed to have accepted defeat as he danced around with her. Osamu danced with the gym owner's daughter and made it a mission to kick his brother when they got close enough, he even messed him up enough to cause the old to hit him with the cane again. You felt Bokuto's grip tighten and he dipped you down enough to finally kiss you on the lips. He pulled away and brought you back up to continue dancing. 
“ I love you Y/N.” Bokuto spoke softly in your ear. 
 “I love you too.” You said as the song faded out.
   “And one more thing Y/N” Bokuto said, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “I told you I would have the most beautiful girl here.”
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violetnotez · 4 years
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Its Chirstmasssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!! I finished this up all last night, so I hope this is at least coherent! 
This is for the BNHA Hangout Christmas Collab! Here is a link to future masterpost for the fics for the event!
。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★
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Shoto x reader | one shot
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warnings: cussing
Synposis: When Shoto realizes you’ve been particularly lonely without him during the holiday season, he decided to get you an extra special gift
the music collection | buy me a ko-fi! | requests open for haikyuu+jujutsu kaisen
。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★
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“Shoto-do you really have to go?”
You asked, a pout on your lips as you gazed at your boyfriend.
You were still cuddled up in your shared bed, the heat from Shoto’s skin already dissipating out of the sheets.
You pursed your lips, sitting up crossed leg as You watched him slide each button of his shirt sleeve into their slots, his washed, bi colored hair slightly wet from his shower.
“You know it’s not fair to look that good and then just leave,” you gave him a fake, stern look, earning a small smirk from the man.
He continued working up the shirt, looking sleek yet-well-delicious.
Shoto was just too handsomr for his own good-sharp jawline, perfect skin, piercing bi colored eyes, not to mention his amazing body….sometimes you had to wonder how you were able to get such a flawless man to end up with you.
He finished with his other sleeve, peeking a look at you as he slicked his hair back with his right hand, the strands mixing and framing his face perfectly,
why’d he have to look that good?
“It’s not as if I want to leave, dear-but I do have work,”
You cuddled deeper into the sweatshirt you were wearing, your hands dissappearing in the sleeves.
“But you’re always working-you cant take one day off?”
Shoto chuckled at your obvious neediness, making his way over to where you were sitting. He leaned across the bed to be in front of your sulking form, brushing a piece of your bed head from your face as he laid a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Evil doesn’t take a day off love,”
“Why do you always have to be so-so stoic all the time,” You giggled, playfully placing your hand on his chest and pushing him back.
Even though you and Shoto had been living together for over a year now, it never ceased to amaze you how much the man worked. After working at an agency after UA, Shoto had been incredibly busy-and being the #3 hero, you could see why. If it wasn’t a late night call, he was patrolling, interviewing sidekicks, training, teaching students on their hero studies, interviewing with magazines….he always had something to do.
You couldn’t get mad at him though-he had warned you in the beginning, but you were also accustomed to the hero life as well- well, somewhat.
You had gone to UA to be part of the hero suit course, and had become suit designer for the top heroes (hence how you met Shoto). You witnessed day in and day out how difficult it truly was to be a hero, even if you weren’t one yourself, so you didn’t mind when Todoroki was gone all the time. Yes, it got lonely at times, especially during the holiday season, but you made sure to keep a smile on for him.
“Don’t forget, I did take Christmas off,” Shoto gave you a small grin, his bicolored eyed searching to please you.
You smiled back, your heart thumping out of your chest as you poked him gently in the chest.
“After I asked you too,” you corrected, a teasing tone in your voice.
-And thank god too, I would have so lonely by myself,” you tried to chuckle at your remark, making the situation light.
Shoto knew you too well though-something about your voice didnt sound as happy and light as before. When you joked with him, your laughs were more cheerful and your smile was brighter-but something about you right now felt strange...as if you were holding something back from him.
Shoto’s grin turned into concern, his digits cupping your cheeks gently and guiding your eyes to look at his.
“Have you been feeling lonely lately?” He asked bluntly, your eyes growing wide.
Man-you couldn't hide anything from him.
You chuckled nervously, looking to the side, guilt beginning to fill your chest.
“I-I, no, it’s fine, really, I was only kidding,” you chuckled, your voice taking on a higher pitch.
“You don’t seem to be kidding,” Shoto bite the side of his lip, trying his best to make eye contact with you, “if you want to tell me something, you don’t have to be afraid.”
“Be afraid of the number three hero-“ You rolled your eyes playfully, a soft smirk on your lips, “-never.”
Shoto gave a small grin, worry still in his eyes. He knew something was strange about you lately, the way you seemed to be always craving for him. He hated to admit it, it boosted his ego somewhat to have you were so desperate for his touch- but he knew it wasnt healthy for you to be always missing him.
With him being a pro hero, he had quite alot more duties than most could imagine- which sadly left little for him to indulge in his own personal life. Shoto felt deeply lucky to have someone like you who understood his busy schedule, never batting an eye when he had to cancel yet another date or leave you by yourself on countless nights...but it still left a gnawing sensation of guilt sitting in his stomach.
“Im fine Shoto,” your voice broke into his thoughts, your tone gentle and sweet like a sun kissed cloud, “really.”
Shoto sighed, his thick lashes fanning his cheek. You were stubborn at times, especially when you wanted to reassure him-which only affirmed that you really werent feeling all that great as you said you were. But Shoto didnt want to push it any further- maybe you were really okay, and he was overthinking it….and he was going to be late if he didnt leave soon-
“Go kick some ass for me, kay?”
you gave him a wide smile, placing another quick kiss on his lips.
Shoto blinked a few times, a rush of adrenaline filling his body as he felt your skin against his. His lips tingled from the agonizingly quick touch-he took it upon him to give you a deeply intense kiss, the rush making you breathless.
Shoto pulled away, his eyes having the rarest glint of mischief as he stared back into yours
“Of course love,”
。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★
“Ya ready Shoto?” You grinned, your body snuggled into your comfiest pair of pajamas and your fingers warmed by a hot cup of cocoa.
Christmas Day has finally came, and thankfully, Shoto kept his promise-he would be staying the whole day with you with no interruptions.
You were just so excited to finally have one day to selfishly love your boyfriend, and on a holiday too!
The room almost felt surreal-it was early morning, the Christmas tree you two decorated light up like a Star, class Christmas music playing in the background, homemade cookies littering the apartment in a sweet aroma and the room in a romantic warm haze of lights.
It just felt so unbelievable perfect and comfortable, Shoto looking sheepishly excited and nervous.
“I think you should go first,” you smiled up at him as he sat down next to you, black coffee snuggled into his hand (in a DynaMIGHT mug, of course gifted to him by the hero himself).
Shoto bit his lip, seemingly trying to hide a smile as he set his mug down on the coffee table.
“Not to be rude love,” he grinned, his hands gently grabbing a large box from under the tree. The paper was a shiny golden hue, snowflakes on the paper reflecting like glitter from the lights on the tree. He slide the box against the wooden floor, being strangely gentle with the contents.
“But my gift cant wait.”
Your eyebrows were knitted together, a confused grin on your lips.
The box was pretty big-what did he get you now?
Shoto never seemed to give you endlessly expensive gifts, having no concept of what was considered fancy or exorbitant- trips to places you could only dream of, hefty amounts of clothes and jewelry, merchandise from your favorite shows...hell you had to talk him out of buying you a car one time-this guy would drop anything to get you whatever you wanted.
And that made you guilty as hell whenever he did-so what did he give you this time around?
Your mind was racing as you looked at the box, trying to read whatever he was thinking about on his face.
“I swear to god Shoto if you bought me that expensive gaming system-“
He chuckled at your obviously guilty face, shaking his head as he smiled.
“No, no it’s nothing like that-“ he said, giving you a mischievous grin, “I think you’ll like it much better than that.”
You blinked a few times, your mind going completely blank.
What could be better than a PS5, Xbox, or Switch?
You looked down at the box, feeling strangely nervous as you obeyed Shoto’s wishes, slowly opening the top lid….until it rustles.
The box.
Moved on its own.
You squeaked out in surprise, your hands slamming the barely opened lid back down and looking at Shoto for help.
He had never seen you look so adorably confused in his life, a rosy hue on his cheeks as he looked at you with a loving expression.
“It’s okay,” he whispered reassuringly as he wrapped his hands nervously around yours.
You felt him guide your hands up, you both now lifting the lid off the large box.
Shoto took it and placed it gently on the ground, sitting back to watch you look into the box.
The box rustled again, your mind so utterly confused….what could make a box do that?
“Shoto I-“ you tried to ask, but all he did was nod to the box, signaling for you to just look.
You did as you were told, getting on your knees to peer inside…
A gasp left your lips, your heart beating out of your chest as you looked inside at the sweet little baby kitten playing with their bowl of yarn in the box.
“Hi baby,” you cooed in awe at the little baby, your hands scooping them out and snuggling them to your chest.
They were so soft and warm, their fur as white as a snowball with rosy pink paws.
“Oh my god-Shoto-you really didn’t- are they really-?” You were in such a state of shock, you couldn’t seem to form any coherent words as you looked at your sheepish boyfriend.
“I-I didn’t know exactly what to get you...but after seeing how much you missed me throughout the day, I thought it was fitting to get you a companion for when I’m gone,” he smiled, his digits nervously fidgeting in his lap as he waited for your approval.
You petted the little creature on your chest, it’s big doe eyes staring at you with such confusion you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Shoto…it’s perfect,” you smiled at your boyfriend, leaning in to plant him a kiss on his lips.
You giggled at his expression, clearly not expecting your show of affection as his cheeks turned a fiery red.
“I-I’m glad to here that,”
。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚★
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
First of all, why did wake up to Miss Baekhvuns plagiarism era. 😭
Second of all, I had a dream that you might find interesting, don't remember the details but it involved Hwa singing my fave Baekhyun song - UN Village. Safe to say I have lost my mind...
Oof, that edit hurt a bit. And please, post all the Seonghwa WIPs, I crave death. Doom at Your Service is too good, really took me by surprise. 💔
Stop, because I also had Maid Sama in mind, hahaha (I'm re-watching it rn 👀). I'm a greedy Shinestar, but I think Yunho would be interesting as Usui, one of my friends is YunHwa biased and she told me there are not enough Yunho fics. Btw anime, I watched Fena the Pirate Princess last year, it was so-so but I need Seonghwa as Yukimaru.
Another anime that is kinda similar to Kamisama Kiss and dear to my heart is Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits but I actually re-watched it recently and now I like Ginji (he's like Tomoe but not a tsundere just good boy vibes uwu <3) more than the main guy Odanna, oops. Not surprising, cause me getting older is like that Drake meme: bad boys 🤚🏻 good boys 👍🏻lol - DV 💖
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First of all, why did wake up to Miss Baekhvuns plagiarism era. 😭
Second of all, I had a dream that you might find interesting, don't remember the details but it involved Hwa singing my fave Baekhyun song - UN Village. Safe to say I have lost my mind...
excuse me. ur making me loose my mind in my uni rn WITH THAT SCENE IMAGINED u would never hear from me if hwa ever dropped a un village cover, ill deactivate.
no but hear me out, fashion designer hwa x assistant or rival fashion designer reader 😭😭😭😭🔫 with that song playing in the back FBWNBFENFHKWHDKW
Oof, that edit hurt a bit. And please, post all the Seonghwa WIPs, I crave death. Doom at Your Service is too good, really took me by surprise. 💔
IT HURT ALOT 😭😭😭😭 esp the “even if we are in different worlds, i will wind you…my soo” 😭😭😭🔫🔫
BRKWHDKEBM ill disclose like two of them bc the rest r a surprise
1. do u rmr the romcom movie “the proposal” with sandra bullock + ryan reynolds HRKWHDKW the fake dating 🤌🏼🤌🏼✨
2. tutor hwa x senior reader ofc ofc we love to see it
RIGHT DOOM AT UR SERVICE WAS RLY GOOD but u know what was even better the “m a n e r” and the response from joo ik (soohyuk) WHERE HE PURRED
Stop, because I also had Maid Sama in mind, hahaha (I'm re-watching it rn 👀). I'm a greedy Shinestar, but I think Yunho would be interesting as Usui, one of my friends is YunHwa biased and she told me there are not enough Yunho fics. Btw anime, I watched Fena the Pirate Princess last year, it was so-so but I need Seonghwa as Yukimaru.
FBANDBMSDBMS PLS MR USUI 😩😩 king,,, i am also a greedy shinestar and wanted to do hwa but i think ill go with yunho too 😭😭
👁👄👁 OH ILL WATCH IT AYO omg have u watched pretty rhythm aurora dream + yumerio patisserie????? they’re sO good and u can bet ur ass hwa watched them too <3
Another anime that is kinda similar to Kamisama Kiss and dear to my heart is Kakuriyo Bed and Breakfast for Spirits but I actually re-watched it recently and now I like Ginji (he's like Tomoe but not a tsundere just good boy vibes uwu <3) more than the main guy Odanna, oops. Not surprising, cause me getting older is like that Drake meme: bad boys 🤚🏻 good boys 👍🏻lol - DV 💖
RHWKHDWK THANK U FOR THE REC BC I NEED THEM IN THIS 6 HR BREAK 😭😭😭😭 tomoe is like hongjoong in a nutshell towards seomghwa ☺️☺️☺️ LMFAOOOO NOT THAT MEME FBFBFBFB
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inviouswriting · 3 years
Hi, I just read your no list and want to understand why you won't write Asmo? He's fictional it shouldn't affect you the same as a real encounter.
A few warnings at the top for narcissist talk, and trauma.
I have chosen not to write for him to not romanticize an unhealthy relationship, the same way I won't touch Belphie or Satan really anymore (except the stray headcanons)
It shouldn't affect me, but it does. And I've said it in a previous venting post on here. That the true level of narcissists is horrible to endure. They're manipulative, they only care about themselves and their needs. They toss a few bones to their partners, but until you have encountered one, and gone through the grooming they do to mold you into their plaything. No one can really understand what I've gone through.
There is a tiktok somewhere that explained it best, that break ups with narcissists is not your "normal" because you are unlearning the behavior, the brainwashing, relearning how to even come to terms with being "alone" what it takes to actually overcome the trauma involved.
I have also mentioned I have PTSD from it, my encounter was never normal, this guy paraded around trying to convince women to join a "harem" sort, he tried to convince me polyamory was a great thing. (Why you won't see me write this outside of the ff14 pairing I've got with moonie, because she gets the trauma I endured.)
I don't hide the domestic abuse, it's in my bios, it's all there. I am a SA victim. I was groomed a certain way in how to act and be at all times, because this pitiful person held two things over me. Financial restraint, and my child. I couldn't get out of it for 7 years because I was so dependent on him, and that was how he got me to be so obedient.
I have alot of trouble with self-worth still, I don't see myself the same way, I see myself broken, I see myself continually holding onto this "one thing." He was a true narcissist. He was proud of what he had done, the friendships he tore down to make himself better, he sabotaged ALOT of friends to keep me isolated.
So I refuse to write for someone that reminds me of that. The gaslighting, the tantrums, the yelling, the being "forced" to do things I didn't want to, just so he'd leave me alone. The "promises that things will get better if I just listen to him."
I hated him for such a long time, but was stuck.
Narcissists should never be glorified. They're horrifying to endure and I hope no one has to go through the magnitude I did.
"He's fictional" but he brings memories I don't like.
It's like... you're holding onto a pan that is on fire. The metal is burning your hand, you know you need to let go, but you don't want to drop it because then you'll make a mess. Then you'll get scolded for dropping something, get punished for something not your fault, that is just a circumstance from burning yourself, while the burns on your hand get ignored and you are reminded how "you can't do anything without me."
Narcissists do this method. They find a major insecurity, prey on it, break you down till you are a shell of what you were, then reshape your mind into what "They" want. Compliant and obedient. Because they make you think "no one else is going to be better. You can't get out of it because so many years now. there is a child involved, you're strapped for money, not thinking the system you're on is designed to get you out of it.."
Asmo reminds me of all that. He's manipulative, he pours on the "honeyed" words well, if you ignore him, it's "your fault" for a bad time, he gets mad if you spend time with others, yet canonly he's out there with everything and everyone.
It took me 6 years so far to slowly piece myself together. One of my really really good friends who has been there every step of the way, reminded me that holding onto the baggage does harm to myself.
I know, it's that burning pan all over again. I know I need to let go because it's unhealthy, it hurts, it burns, it isn't good, it will leave lasting damage for holding on so long, that the damage can be permanent if I let it keep going.
That is PTSD, you know it's bad, you know it doesn't do anything but cause damage.
So.. I made the choice in not participating in it. I can't romanticize something that left me so broken, and nearly ended me. I wouldn't be here today without the people who remind me "it's okay to fall apart, that it isn't my fault that I finally let go and made that mess." That there are the few people who mended bandages, the ones who weren't there are no longer in my life.
Narcissists should never be romanticized. I will die on that hill too. There is nothing amazing about being manipulated and abused that way.
It's nice to fantasize about something, there are those who do him justice, who make it work, I can't because the trauma is too much. Until you've been screamed at, over a wallet he misplaced before a guardian ad litem appointment when they arrived and knew there was tension. Or had someone pin you down with their whole dead weight till you "give" into what they want because the way you're pinned down is slowly suffocating you. Or my personal favorite... after having my legs scraped up after tripping, being made to walk home instead of going to the urgent care across the road to get patched up.
I have to unlearn all of this.
I guess narcissism is dead sexy.
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annakie · 4 years
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So I decided to squeeze in a ME3 (only) playthrough to finally do MShep and an Engineer in ME3.  I started this guy many years ago and never went very far with him, despite really loving the character design.  BTW, I captioned all the screenshots above if you wanna clickthrough. So (re)meet Aldis.  I tried to do his initial facial design off of Aldis Hodge, though I’m bad at creating/mimicking faces I think he still turned out as one of the most attractive mSheps I’ve ever seen, if I can say so mysellf without sounding too braggadocios. :) When I made him, there were a couple of goals I wanted to accomplish... Obviously, just finally do ME3 with a MShep.  I did ME1 and ME2 with one even longer ago, but I romanced Liara in those and I really wanted to see a MShenko romance, to see the more gradual “Hey let’s get together” in ME3 instead of the “let’s reaffirm our relationship” like with my FemShep.  I also wanted to do a more renegade playthrough, since it’s been many years since I did my Femshep Shakarian Renegade playthrough.  He is still the “I’m nice to my crew, and I’ll try a diplomatic approach but my tolerance for bullshit is near zero.”  And last, I’m just gonna wear a bunch of the dumb armors I almost never wear and just try and do things different in other ways than my main FemShep. Since the next time I do a full trilogy playthrough, it’ll be with my canon femshep in the Legacy and there may not be the possibility of mods then, I wanted a heavily modded run to see all the mods again, plus the improvements since my last ME3 playthrough about a year and a half ago.  So this time I’m playing with:
Lights Effect as the FX mod
Girl Plays Game Hair Mods as DLC (Maleshep’s ”Macho” is the specific hair mod.)
Project Variety, which, btw means no Thanemod or Backoff. because they’re incompatible.  Project Variety adds SO MUCH to the game, several of which are highlighed in the screenshots above.
Expanded Galaxy Mod (I have no idea how I can ever play without this mod again, gonna make the LE playthrough so hard and bland.)
Spectre Expansion Mod... also one I don’t ever want to live without in the future.
I have MEHEM installed because... yeah.  I still don’t feel like not having a happy ending.
So of course Citadel Epilogue Mod to close out the game.
ME3 Recalibrated to fix all the lore and errors that need fixing.
And Better Journal to make quest descriptions better.
Casual Outfits for MShep.  There’s also other new casual outfits installed for MShep and I don’t know where they came from, but I do love them. (See pics for more.)
Priority Earth Overhaul Mod to make the endgame even more epic.  The creator also made Immersive Thessia which is sadly incompatible with Project Variety so for now I’m not using this... maybe a future playthrough will swap out PJ for Immersive Thessia, ThaneMod and BackOff again.
Omega Hub for extra Omega content post Omega-DLC, really looking forward to seeing the improvements in this one.  It was just a fun 10-minute diversion last time I played through.
Ark Mod for extra missions that bridge the gap between ME3 and Andromeda.
Better Dreams for awesome and non-annoying dreaming... getting rid of The Kid as much as possible.
Alliance Warpack for more Companion outfits.
Citadel DLC Redone so most companions wear unique casual outfits during Citadel DLC
ME3 Opening Remaster to make those few seconds of the opening a little more epic.
Miranda Mod to have Miranda on the Normandy and give her cool stuff to do after Horizon.  Also if you’re a Miranda Romancer gives her a better ME3 romance.  Also better clothes.
Respawn - Mission Overhaul IDK why it’s hidden on the Nexus, but I had an old download I’m using.  Makes combat more difficult by giving the bad guys more varied powers.  A nice change of difficulty without making it crazy on normal.
Allers Redone to put Allers in a decent outfit.  Still don’t know if I’m going to bother talking to her, though I did put her on the ship.
A Lot Of Videos 4k - I’m a 4k gamer finally.... I want what I can make look good... look good.
I’m NOT using ALOT this time -- I didn’t want to not be able to easily fix things should some mod installation be wonky.  I figure the Legendary Edition is gonna be my big “Take ALL THE PRETTY SCREENSHOTS!!” time... this one is just for fun, and enjoying the mods and my pretty, pretty mShep.
Hey the new post editor SUCKS because I’ve run out of space for new paragraphs but I can add new bullet points.  Anyway, I’ll probably make a few more screenshot posts as I progress through the game.
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Hi! You often give alot of insight into anons like this and your my fave CM blog so that's why I'm here! So I'm finishing up the last seasons (and lord it is hard to get through) and they just introduced Max and I cannot stand her. She was just so rude and it felt like she had 2 different personalities the entire time she was on screen. And I worried that this meant I was like hating women because I don't like other female characters like Maeve, JJ, Hailey, and Seaver. But then I started thinking and I honestly think it's cause these Characters are women poorly written by men. But then I wondered how they created likeable Characters like Emily, Kristy, Blake, Tara, and Penelope (leaving out others like Savannah because they're under developed in my opinion) I don't know what's the difference in the writing for these Characters or of there isn't any at all and I'm just being hateful in a way. What are your thoughts?
Ah, I think about this a lot. Thank you for thinking I’m interesting enough to answer this, also!
I think you’ve really hit the nail on the head with the writers doing a poor job at most of their female characters. However, I think it’s possible (and very common in this fandom) for people to dislike any character Spencer showed an interest in, which is also problematic and rooted in internalized misogyny. To me, it all comes down to why you dislike the characters.
(A LOT More Below - Bit of a Rant)
The first step I took when reflecting to see if this was my problem was rewatching and seeing which female characters I loved. Along with the ones you listed, I also found a number of side characters I greatly enjoyed, including Lila, Austin, Dr. Linda Kamura (from Amplification, the anthrax episode), Einstein, Megan Kane, and a few other random case characters. So, right off the bat I found multiple characters who Spencer showed an affinity for. I also greatly enjoyed Cat’s character, although I found her to be underdeveloped in canon (Fanon has done a good job, IMO) and often contradictory in her character design.
If you didn’t like any of these women, and your reason is related purely to Spencer’s reactions to them, chances are you might be suffering from a bit of jealousy rather than improper character design - not that you need to like them all (or the ones that I like), but because they are all very different. You should, theoretically, find something to enjoy about at least one of them.
But the CM Writers have a TERRIBLE habit of writing women that are easy to hate.
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There’s a bunch of controversy I see over Haley Hotchner, but the truth is that they wrote her to be hated. That was her sole purpose. Her character’s decisions were poorly thought out and she was shown to be malicious 80% of the time. This was intentional. She was written to personify the trope of the nagging housewife. If you dislike her, you have done nothing but follow the narrative.
That being said, you should also criticize why they wrote her this way. Because it didn’t make any sense. She married a prosecutor - a dangerous, time consuming job. She had Jack when she knew he was with the BAU. Why did she randomly change her tune? Why did she suddenly demand he gives up on his dreams that she was fully aware of for years? I’d argue they wrote it like this to further the narrative of “the wife who traps you with a child to force you to do what she wants” which is garbage writing. I wish people could look at the potential she had if they hadn’t written her like... that.
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Maeve, I find, is problematic on multiple aspects and I’ve talked about it before. Her narrative was poorly thought out because as soon as they pitched the idea of a long-term love interest for Spencer, everyone (most notably Gubler) rejected it. They didn’t think it was necessary for his character, who already had a lot going on with the ignored plot lines of his drug addiction and mother.
There were multiple problems associated with her character that were never addressed. The fact she essentially just took advantage of a patient because she was bored, she seemed to “correct” his interests and show annoyance when he disagreed with her, she lied about having a fiance, she was shown to be considering breaking up with him... there’s a lot.
Her character is poorly written. It had a lot of potential, but they just kind of stopped caring once they decided to kill her off. She had more faults shown on screen than redeeming qualities. For many, they liked her because they see there was a potential that we’ll never see (fair). But for people like me, we interpret it as a idealized fantasy of what could have (but probably wouldn’t have) been, which is not healthy for Spencer.
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JJ is an interesting character because you can feel the constant struggle between AJ Cook and the writers. They really sabotaged JJ at every step of the way. I’ll be honest and say that I think there are some reasons to hate JJ, but they aren’t the reasons I see most often. Almost all of the JJ hate I see is surrounding the idea that JJ is an evil, manipulative, jealous bitch. But.. she’s not. Even in Truth or Dare, when she pulls that asshole move that was wildly OOC for JJ (in my opinion), she isn’t shown to be jealous or cruel about it.
I think she’s the most likely target for people who’s hatred is driven from jealousy or disliking conventionally attractive women and assuming them to be bitchy by nature of looking “beautiful.” I think Lila Archer* also falls into this category.
But as I said, JJ was also written with a lot of flaws. I think it’s fair if you don’t like her character or the way she treats Spencer, but I also hope that you similarly criticize the whole team in the same way, and don’t just pity Spencer because he is smol uwu babie who needs protection.
(* Yet another reminder that I ask everyone to not message me about J Depp or Amber Heard. Reactive Abuse is an extreme trigger for me and I will block you if you try to get me to talk about it)
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Seaver got a lot of hate based off one line of dialogue. I think it was a bad line. If they had left it out, there would be essentially no reason in my mind to dislike Seaver. I used to dislike her a lot, but the more I rewatch the show, the less she bothers me. She was just a young student who wanted to learn about her father/herself. She was MASSIVELY underdeveloped because they kicked her off just as quickly as they invited her in.
NO character was developed that quickly. Her scenes were a bit cringey and the plotlines were bad, and her character was mediocre. I don’t think she deserves the hate she gets. She is a lukewarm character.
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I hate everything Max’s character represents. She was introduced to show that Spencer could be trained to be “normal” and it’s anti-autistic bullshit. She had no personality besides “I hate my low-brow job as a teacher and couldn’t be fucked to change it until a man told me I was smart.” She was cracking high-school-clique jokes while her family was about to be murdered. She immediately abandoned said family to make out with her boyfriend who just admitted to enjoying kissing the woman who tried to murder her family.
Her character makes absolutely zero sense. I do not understand how she is so liked. I really don’t (other than the fact that RLC is absolutely wonderful).
If they had left her character out, I think we would have been better off for it. We could have seen Spencer wrestle with defining himself by the women in his life and learning to love himself (without just replacing those women with... another... woman...)
That being said, those who cling to Max for hope of a happy ending for Spencer... I felt that. Fanon and fanfic can solve all character deficiencies. I believe in you.
So, yeah. I’d say if you’re worried about why you dislike women characters, you’re probably on the right path. I’d just reflect on why you dislike the characters you do and whether they are written as misogynistic stereotypes. It makes complete sense to reject characters written for the purpose of making you hate them, but we should all pour one out for the brilliant actresses that had characters with so much potential if not for men ruining it.
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mechamastermind · 4 years
Piecing it together
So this is a better formatted version of an idea I came up with during a reblog, but this one is more well put together and honestly less cringey, I wrote the other in a fit of excitement, but I believe it to hold some merit, but here we go. 
This is my entire thoughts on Neon J, including what I think to be his secrets. 
First off, the facts 
Neon J was a toy maker, Fact. 
During the 1010 boss battle after Neon J has been defeated he exclaimed about the things he did in an event called the “Border war”, he was deployed to mountains. He’s had military service, fact. 
He exclaims about the things he’s done in the name of NSR with some regret, “The things i’ve done in the name of the NSR!! I would not wish upon my worst enemies!!” Fact. 
He clearly has a face and lungs, at least believes he as them as he says as much about himself, but this much cannot be confirmed as we do not see the “Blood he spills from his mouth.” but i’ll get into that later. 
He mentions how he has been changed, with somberness in his voice “Oh, what have I become... I have... changed so much.” 
He talks about home as if it was another location “Home? I remember what home was like...” and continues to speak about it as if he’s no longer there. He also speaks of “His people” which is a very vague point as we do not know what his “people” are, but with the context of how he’s speaking it’s safe to assume he’s actually not from Vinyl city, but i’ll get into that later. 
He mentions his deployment to the Azkar faction, in the year ‘68. which I find ESPECIALLY INTERESTING, Azkar faction, not Vinyl city. And furthermore through the ridges of Kewan. Further going on to mention how cold it was, “The chill was enough to brittle the spirit of any battle hardened warrior.”
He then mentions mountains, and how he only had a parachute and compass in his pack. 
Sadly that’s the last piece of dialogue we get from him, but I think enough has been said for me to piece together something of a narrative, so here it goes. 
I believe Neon J is a war veteran, that much is obvious, but there’s something deeper here. I believe he was a human before this border war, a full blooded human, and in fact was a simple toy maker. until this Azkar faction came and started this “Border war”, now I do not believe that Neon J lived in Vinyl city itself, at least not at first. What I believed happened was he lived in a nearby territory, that was then invaded by this Azkar faction... or... was the azkar faction? It’s hard to determine, but he clearly has some passion and love for the NSR empire, so I believe the NSR came to his people’s aid, much like a world war 2 situation, where it was not the NSR vs the Enemy, but rather the enemy invaded and NSR came to their aid. 
Neon would then volunteer to join the military, he’s patriotic enough that I believe it wasn’t just a draft. He would join the navy. if we take a look at his attire I believe it’s obvious he was in the equivalent of the Navy. His Limo is a battleship afterall. but I think it goes deeper than that. I think he was a part of the NSR equivalent of the Navy Seals. and I’ll go into my reasoning here shortly. 
He clearly is a decorated soldier, as he has some medals on his coat that he wears to this day. 
I think the way he is designed plays a big part into why he’s a navy seal equivalent. Looking at his modern day design, he’s clearly very slender and elegantly designed, not some front line combative unit, and his radar face determines that perhaps he has devices in him that can determine distance, since he has a lack of eyes, he might have a spotting device like many sniper pairs have. Yes, sniper pairs. Snipers are deployed with Spotters who use their equipment to watch where the sniper hit, and adjust for their aim in the unlikely case they miss. I believe Neon was transformed into being both the Sniper and Spotter, built in with spotting equipment, his radar, and of course expert marksmanship. 
It would also perfectly explain his deployment location, ridges and mountains are perfect locations for snipers, not front line soldiers. 
So he’s a navy seal sniper fighting in a cold environment during a border war. 
but there’s more, I believe he was at some point fully human, and that his “Changes” that he regrets, are physical changes to his body, either done as attempts to save his body after severe injuries, or upgrades performed by the NSR to increase his combat effectiveness. Either way, his body has not become accustomed to the augmentations even all these years later. He mentions his blood, his mouth, and his lungs, as he coughs at Zuke. but we do not see any of these things, and taking a look at his design, no matter how cartoony it may be, you cannot tell me that he has a head, there is no way, that is a flat radar monitor on top, imagine fitting your head into a flat screen or laptop monitor. I believe he is suffering from a severe case of Phantom limb syndrome. Now i’m no expert, I will not claim to be, but I do believe it’s possible for a human, who’s been augmented to the point of no return, to still believe they are performing normal human things, like bleeding, coughing, possessing lungs and a mouth, when it is shown otherwise. 
I believe he has a highly decorated deployment record, but here i’ll get into a point that’s more speculative, as I have determined his kill count potentially, and it will shock you. 
in our world, the sniper with the one of the highest kill counts, was a man by the name of Simo Häyhä, a finnish sniper who had 505 confirmed kills, during his deployment in a winter war. 
A sniper deployed to a frozen environment? Sounds familiar if you ask me. 
but it goes further. 
With all his augmentations it’s safe to assume that Neon J, with his spotter equipment, is twice as effective as the best human, it’s just safe to say a robot is at least twice as good as any human, especially a military grade android/cyborg. and what do you get when you multiply 505 by two? 
Pretty crazy right? actually yes, at the moment I have no way to confirm his actual number of kills, but I think 1010 is a fair bare minimum for his kill count, and would warrant a regret like “I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemies.”  
it’s also stated that he was deployed for several years, so having a kill count like 1010, for an augmented robot soldier sniper with built in spotting equipment, is reasonable I believe. 
I will now summarize my points. 
Neon J (If that is his real name) was a humble toy maker from a neighboring territory that was absorbed into the NSR empire after the NSR came to their aid during a border war. He signed up and joined the navy seals equivalent of the NSR as one of their best, if not their best Sniper. over his deployment to the frozen ridges and mountains, he sustained damage, and this most likely was the source of all his augmentations as he slowly was modified with spotter technology built into his hardware. No longer needing a spotter on his sniper deployments, he became more and more like an assassin, possibly holding down entire choke points or taking out high ranking members of the opposition during his many years, potentially 1010, but that’s just a rough estimation and a fun number to say. But more importantly, I think he’s suffering from a form of Phantom limb syndrome, where his mind and body have still not entirely adjusted to his augmentations, as he mentions his blood and face, despite both very clearly not being there, and I would not leave it up to the cartoony design of the game, you cannot fit a face into his radar, his radar which I believe was his primary sniper augmentation, as it took over the place of his spotter partner for him, and allowed him to go solo. He was highly decorated when he came back, but was not the same man he once was. as now, the war has been built into him, and thus, he treats everything like combat, even his own sons are like soldiers, he cares for them immensely, but every aspect of his life has now become ingrained with his service as a navy sniper, the outfits, the themes, his mannerisms, even his limo is a battleship. and seeing as the NSR has only been around for a decade or two, it’s safe to assume this is just a few years after his deployment, so him battling with the changes made to his body, the things he did for the NSR (Which could range from simple sniping, to full on solo assassination missions) and him still coping with no longer being in the military, is not only reasonable, but it explains alot. 
If I think of anything else, i’ll make a follow up post, or edit this one. 
but for now, let’s show him some more love, as he still seems to be fighting his own wars, internally. 
Have a lovely day, and stay safe soldiers. <3
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pandemique · 4 years
your art is so pretty ;-; it makes my day seeing it.. can i ask, did it take a long time to get your art to where it is now? and was it a hard process? i wanna get better at art but i dont know how ;-; call me aku! i think ill be asking alot/praising you about your art lol
aku thank u sm ;v; i’m really touched..
um shhshshs to be fully honest i started drawing last december-ish...... just for this blog because of brainrot lmaOoo.... i think that’s kinda obvious if u scroll through my #demi doodles tag and see my sad first posts :’D
although!!! i did tryhard middle school art class a long time ago and i vouch, if u really get into it, u can learn a lot :> i think starting early even when i didnt continue painting afterwards still means a lot, bc since then i always saw art with a more critical & appreciative eye and i guess i still learned through osmosis?? LOL
that being said, the bulk of my learning really was done these past lovely brainrotty months, so don’t sweat it if u start late :) my dad is 58 now and my recent enthusiasm in doodling afflicted him too so now we’re learning together <333 and i adore what he makes already
i made a tutorial for my own painting style here aku nonnie, but there’s so many other resources available online elsewhere for learning too :> here’s my own personal tips for quick improvement below the cut ‼️
firstly i am seconding the ‘general painting tips’ section of the tutorial i linked :>
particularly about which fundamental concepts of art/drawing that u should really explore if u wanna improve quickly! (ex. for drawing humans, learning proportion and gesture is much more useful than detailed anatomy!)
focused practices on areas of art u wanna improve in >>>>>
figure out precisely where u need to improve and focus on solving those issues. smth i like to do is to doodle without reference, find similarly-composed but much nicer art that does the specific thing really well, and then compare & analyze what i’m missing or could do better
in general, looking at other people’s art that u like and figuring out what exactly u like abt it is great! at least thats how i improved in the years i didnt even touch a sketchbook
VARY the art u make as much as possible! even if u have a certain favorite style, in the learning process its important to explore as much as possible. this includes varying the subject matter (draw hoomans a lot? try nature or backgrounds!), the art styles (realism is important to try! but so is stylization!!), the media (i learned SO much so fast when i switched from traditional to digital!), and more!!
comics helped me bc i was forced to make things i don’t naturally love to, like those damn flowers T_T in general incorporating things u need to focus on into projects u love (comics for me, maybe character design for u?) is a great cheat to making the process seem easy :>
ask for feedback!!!!!!
use MANY references every time u draw!!!!!
but ofc nothing beats drawing often. its okay to just draw what u like so u can keep going—i’m personally 100% brainrot fuelled and it did me wonders lol. in the end putting in the hours is what will give u a strong grasp, and its also what u need to develop a style. frequent ‘disposable’ but thoughtful doodles >>>> sparse ‘masterpieces’
be kind to your art. know it is already amazing now, but you WILL keep improving. i believe in you
that’s all i got off the top of my head! it seems kinda overwhelming when i ramble about it this way lol i’m sorry :’> but these are all just lighthearted tips to make drawing more fun! in the end, what’s important is that you are having fun creating. brainrot and tumblr is DEFINITELY my secret :) good luck aku i’m rooting for you!
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