#I like how a gel pen draws on this paper
carrie-tate · 23 days
A bunch of drawings with Mizu/Sero
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(I had to draw this)
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Literally how they started dating (they were already close friends at that point and it was a natural next step) + Live Bakugou's reaction
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alteredphoenix · 2 years
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[Wolf and Pup]
A girl from the Federation and the Canid Lord of the Empire. Both are curious about the other, but none more so than Lazui, who takes in the sight of Michelle sitting between his paws and wonders.
#tales of luminaria#armi's art#traditional art#traditional sketch#tbh i don't think this is lazui's default color scheme#but i used a screenshot i found off JP ToLumi twitter as a reference where he is white w/black highlights#so i'm okay with him looking this way#you can see the gel pen between them b/c i had more butterflies drawn in#but i thought it looked distracting & would detract from michelle reaching up to touch im#you don't know how bad i wanted to draw doggo toe beans :V#but that meant either a big sheet of paper - which i don't have - or downsizing him - and i wasn't going to do that#so big doggo claws was a compromise#it's hard to say what michelle thinks of the divine beasts#but i'd wager it's healthy considering the wildlife shapes form the core of her artes#and wolves her most powerful#so i wonder: what would she think of lazui?#he's an imperial-aligned beast - but that doesn't stop her from being compassionate to ppl that would be considered her enemies#i think on the one hand she would feel very compassionate for him#b/c she had to have gotten the idea of expanding her summoning artes from *somewhere*#and it's not like she left the village until her 1st ep#so the only thing i can think of is she got the idea from books & maybe the wolf served as inspiration#so not only compassion for him regardless of his faction but also respect b/c he is a wolf#and as wolves are keystone predators they are deserving of that respect#idk how lazui would feel about the federation or if he approves of the war or removed from it#but if nothing else i think he would reciprocate that respect to her - from one predator of an opposing faction to another#curious too b/c maybe of the whole 'we're enemies yet you show consideration to me' angle but ultimately respect
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ghostmaldo · 7 months
ꨄStardew Valley Headcannons: Artist farmer leaves a sketch for their love interest to find ꨄ
This took me so long to write, I’ll cry if this flops, but its fine ;-;
I might draw out the poses honestly… gives me something to do hehe Xp
No warnings, fluff, comfort, GN!Reader
Ask box: Open 💙
ᡣ𐭩 Penny ᡣ𐭩: Ooooh this sweet child, I just want to take her away from all of her troubles-
~It’s been a long day for Penny. She’s been spending most of the day tutoring Vincent and Jas, taking them out into the wilderness and to the library. Standing outside for a moment while the rain pelted the library rooftops. Of course, eagerly chatting with farmer while they ran around town doing their usual chores.
~ Between all that of course she’d have a altercation with her mother. Nothing she can’t handle but that dosen’t mean it dosen’t hurt any less. So, she practically dragged her feet back to her camper (RV? Whatever that thing is called).
~She reaches out for the handle of the door, then she stops. What this…?Her eyes blowing open slightly as she sees a neat envelope sticking out of the crack in the door. She see’s her name written in a sparkly gel pen as she retrieves from the door. Her heart starts to beat a bit harder in chest…
~She carefully opens the envelope. The scent of a sweet smelling perfume pulls at her heart strings further. Someone must have put a lot of thought into this little gift…for her…?
~Unfolding the paper from inside, she takes in a sharp breath. It’s a portrait drawing, of her sitting in fields. It’s gorgeous… It looks exactly like her… Penny marvels at each pencil stroke. Even the little smudges at the ends of the paper catch her eye. She almost feels like crying. And a single tear does fall when she sees the signature at the bottom.
From: (Farmer)
~The farmer, as if one Que, appears behind her. “Oh you found it! I was worried it might-“
~She can’t hold herself back from throwing her arms around the farmer and hugging them tight. The farmer returning the embrace happily. Penny didn’t know how the farmer knew, but she needed to see this after the kind of day shes had.
~She frames the drawing and keeps it in a special place her mother can’t find. Often looking at it when she needs a pick me up and instantly she feels a little better about life.
ᡣ𐭩Shane ᡣ𐭩 Disclaimer: Due to my own personal experiences/triggers I’ve been warned by my friends I shouldn’t play his route and I’ve only really picked up things here and there so it may not be perfect, but I still want to include him as he is still very deserving of affection. That being said, this is where farmer and Shane have a few hearts between each other and he dosen’t hate them entirely ^^
~Another late night walking back alone to his Aunt’s house from the saloon. His head is swimming with all the beer in his veins, swaying from side to side on his feet as he walks. Eventually arriving to his doorstep, through his blurry visions. He makes out his name on the front of his door. “Shaaane… thats my name.”
~His a bit confused at first. Reaching out to touch the letters of his name written in the sparkling gel ink. That’s when realized his name is written on an envelope of some kind. The confusion on his face only deepens. What kind of joke was this? He certainly wasn’t laughing.
~He grumbled as he fumbled with opening the letter. Revealing the picture of himself with his chicken Charlie… He blinks… and blinks again… He stares at the picture for a long time. His drunken mind unable to process what his looking at. At the bottom of the page he reads:
“From (Farmer)”
~He feels a tightness form in his chest. He almost wants to be angry the farmer left this for him to find… Yet… he thumbs over the thin strides of ink forming his face.
~After several minutes of just standing there holding the drawing, he carefully tucks the drawing into his coat pocket. Wondering inside and briefly forgetting about it as he throws himself into bed to sleep off the hangover. The farmer somehow finding themselves into his dreams.
~He won’t bring up the drawing for a few days I think. Not exactly knowing what to say. It isn’t until he sees the farmer one random afternoon buying supplies from Marnie that he catches them before they leave.
“Uhh, thanks for this.” He takes the folded piece of paper out from his pocket, unable to look the farmer in their eyes. “It’s nice…”
ᡣ𐭩Maru ᡣ𐭩
She’s having her afternoon sit near the saloon. Enjoying the warm air and peaceful chirping of the birds near by. Penny usually does by to sit with her sometimes, but she’s pleasantly surprised to find the farmer waving at them. A brand new battery pack in their hand, instantly she perks up, wondering if perhaps…
~ It is! She’s overjoyed to receive another battery pack from the farmer. Maru already knows the exactly project she’ll use it for. She waves the farmer good bye as they have other things to do.
~Once they’ve gone. Something feels different… about this battery pack. Sitting back down and inspecting the object more closely. She noticed theres something attached to the battery. An envelope with her name written on it. “Hmmm?”
~Cursorily, she thumbed the letter open. Using the upmost of care to unravel the drawing inside. Her eyes went wide with surprise. A drawing of her at the clinic writing something on a clipboard. It was so… life like. Just by looking it over, Maru could tell it was done with care. She smiled fondly. A loud, she read: “From, (Farmer)
~Quickly, she hurried after the farmer, hoping they hadn’t gotten to far. Seeing them about to head back to their farm, she blitzed it. Hugging them from behind as she reached them. “Thank you farmer! This is the best!”
~Another one to frame it and place it somewhere special. Considers it one of her most prized possessions.
ᡣ𐭩Sebastian ᡣ𐭩
~Lizard blinking at 10am in the morning. Sebastian reaches to turn the alarm off on his phone. He groans and grumbles for a few minutes before deciding to sit up and move over to his computer. He placed his fingers on his keyboard, the abruptly stopped when he felt a strange sensation on the pads of his fingers.
~Tilting his head, he spotted… an envelope His name written in a neat sparkly cursive. Ugh… he hoped this wasn’t a joke from his mother. He carelessly ripped the envelope open, though he was careful with the contents inside. Unfolding the paper, his eyes landed on a drawing of him… one of him working on his motorcycle. One of the corners of the page reading: From (Farmer)
~Sebastian.exe has stopped working-
~He takes a slow deep breath in, heart beating wildly inside his chest. He found the gesture to be so… sweet. Sebastian admires the piece for a long while before he can focus on anything. He places it somewhere safe but where he can still admire it within his working space. It’s all he can think about for the entire days (And probably for several days after)
~In the evening time, he purposely places himself near the mines so he can show his appreciation to the farmer. He waves them over as soon as he sees them. He becomes a little shy rubbing the back of his neck nervously, but he does want to say something. “Hey, I found the drawing on my desk… Thank you… That was very kind of you…” Will hesitate to go in for a hug but if farmer meets them halfway he will gladly embrace them.
ᡣ𐭩Leahᡣ𐭩 Disclaimer#2: I haven’t tried to romance Leah yet and I know the very baseline of her personality so I apologize (again) if this one isn’t perfect but also still wanted to include her.
~Leah’s been inside her small home for most of the afternoon working on her latest project. Deciding to take a stroll through town to take a small break and stretch her limbs out. She opens her door and catches the glimpse of something fluttering downward and landing on her door mat. An envelope? What could this be?
~ Inspecting the object, she traces her finger over her name. Some of the glitter from the Gel pen rubbing off. She can’t hide the smile that creeps onto her face. She’s a bit giddy over receiving something so mysterious and thoughtful!
~She opens the letter and finds the portrait of herself inside. She’s smiling happily with her house in the background. Lead is amazed by the penmanship. Her eyes glaze over every detail, her heart swelling with emotion. At the bottom of the page is a signature: From (Farmer). She lets out a happy squeal and lightly presses the drawing to her chest.
~Quickly, she runs inside to find a frame for the piece. Placing it on a special place on her wall where she can easily admire it. Then she takes off into town as originally planned. Now with a new motive in mind.
~She’s happy to find the farmer running around town. Lead quickly catches them and pulls them into a warm hug. “Farmer! I didn’t know you could draw! I love the gift you left for me! We should have drawing sessions together!” She’s just so happy and excited to have someone to relate too and the gesture was so sweet to her.
ᡣ𐭩Sam(son) ᡣ𐭩
~Okay, okay, so his already well into his morning routine before he notices anything. He comes back into his room to retrieve his skateboard when he then notices something tapped to it. An envelope with his name written on it. He eyes cursorily as he picks it up. Honestly having no idea what the letter could possibly be about.
~Opening it up, he find the drawing of him on his skateboard. A really well done drawing of him on his skateboard. “Wow.” He grips both ends of the paper and takes a moment to admire it. Eventually finding the signature at the bottom corner of the page. From: (Farmer).
~He breaks out into a wide smile. He can feel the warmth of his own face and his heart swoons. He places the drawing on his dresser before taking off without his skateboard. He briefly pauses outside, having mean to have grabbed it. But his brain is spinning so much he just waves off the skateboard and takes off on foot to see if the farmer might be wondering around somewhere.
~And his right. He catches them coming out of the community center. He approaches them with a smile thats returned to him. “So, when did you have time to sneak into my room hm?” He teases lightly, and they share a laugh together. “Hey but really, that was really nice of you. You’re really talented!”
~Another one to become shy when he goes in for a hug but once he feels the farmer wrap their arms around him, his content.
~He’ll stick around a moment to catch up with farmer, inviting them to hangout with him and his friends sometime at the saloon. He gives them one last hug before letting them get back to their work. The whole walk home his smiling like his on top of the world.
~ Tapes up the drawing somewhere in his room, his mom asks him about one time and he blushed the whole time as he explained the farmer gave it to him. Mom finds it sweet and teases her son about it.
ᡣ𐭩 Haleyᡣ𐭩
~ Haley opens the door to her shared home and finds the farmer standing there, mud and all, trying to place the envelope of the frame of her door. They stare at each other for a moment before he nose scrunches up as she notices the mud caked around their boots. “What are you doing?” She asks a bit dryly before she notices her name inscribed on the letter.
~”Oh! Is that for me?” She plucks the letter from the farmers hand before they have anytime to explain themselves. They stand there awkwardly as she doesn’t hesitate to rip the letter open. Revealing the drawing of her with her camera. Her face turns into one of surprise, a little oh leave her lips. it’s a bit hard to tell at first if she likes the drawing…
~Then she smiles gleefully. Spinning around with the drawing still in her hands and hugging it to her chest (not so gently as Leah but the drawings fine ^^). She goes to hug the farmer but stops when they realize they’re still covered in mud. So, instead, she gently lays her hand on their shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
~”You made me look so pretty! Thank you! If you maybe… clean up a little maybe you can join Emily and I for dinner?” The farmer happily agrees. At dinner time is when Haley hugs them properly now that their clean. Even going as far as to compliment the shampoo they used. “So much better now that all the mud is gone!” (It’s a compliment, I promise)
~At dinner time, the farmer can see Haley’s placed the drawing in a frame and has it in her living room where everyone can gaze upon her beauty capture by the farmer.
ᡣ𐭩 Harveyᡣ𐭩
~”Alright (Farmer), just take this medication as directed and make sure to stay hydrated okay? And try to be careful in those mines!” Harvey’s gives the farmer a friendly smile as they are discharged from their clinic. Linus having brought them him when he found them exhausted in mines some time during the day. He was glad to see they were alright and hoped they found some time to get some rest.
~As his going to finalize his paperwork and pass it on to Maru, he sees an envelope on top of his other paperwork… when did that get there? He read his name on the letter, lightly pulling it from his clip board. He rest up against the counter, pulling the drawing from inside. A drawing of him taking a stroll through the patchy area in town. It’s so lovely… it takes him a moment to realize it is him. “From… (Farmer)”
~His so touched by the kind gesture he just stand there for a long time. Maru has to come find him to notify him he has Marnie waiting for him and he quickly has to tuck away the piece of paper in his coat. Clearing his throat and desperately trying to compose himself. “Sir your face is a little red are you okay?”
Stutters out a: “O-Oh yes! I-I’m fine just a little warm is all.”
~His a little distracted throughout the day and he can’t seem to stifle the rapid beating of his heart. His already thinking of something he can give to the farmer as appreciation… but he can’t seem to find anything he deems would speak his gratitude… Oh well maybe…!
~After locking up the clinic for the day, he catches the farmer out of the corner of his eye. He hollers for them and smiles brightly as they approach him. He lightly scolds them for not being in bed and resting, but quickly forgives them when they show him the bottle of water tucked away in their overalls (Or however farmer may carry this item ^^)
~”Oh and thank you for the uh… letter you left me. That was nice of you…” Is a blushing red mess and his nervously fiddling with his hands. “Um don’t worry about the bill this time. I’ll take care of it… just this one.” His startled when the farmer hugs him out of nowhere. The scent of the earth coming of their clothes makes his mind go a little blank., though deep down he enjoys the interaction.
~Has the drawing carefully tapped onto his clipboard so he always had it with him.
~Emily’s happily bursts through the doors of the saloon for her shift. There dosen’t seem to be too many patrons yet as she walked over to the other side of the counter. Gus appeares suddenly and catches her attention. “Hey! Secret admirer left this for you.” He claims with a wink as he slides over an envelope to her.
~”Oh! A secret admirer?” She looks at her name on the letter fondly. Closing her eyes as she holds it up above her face, almost if she were trying to conjure a face of who would have left this for her. The anticipation becomes too much as none of the faces she makes seem’s right. She impatiently opens the letter and finds the drawing of her dancing elegantly inside.
~She gasps and her eyes double in size…. Then promptly screams in absolute delight, jumping up and down on her feet. Gus shaking his head and smiling in the back ground while he prepares for the salon. “Make sure to read the bottom left corner.” When Emily hears this, she seizes her jumping and looks back at the drawing. From: (Farmer)
~ It’s at that exact moment farmer walks through the front doors. Emily sequels happily upon seeing them. Immediately running to practically jump into their arms. “(Farmer)! This is so sweet, I love it so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She gives you a tender kiss on the cheek that has farmer melting. Me too farmer, me too.
~Invites them to have a drink at the bar while she works. Every so often coming over to talk with them. Anyone can tell she has an extra pep in her step and her eyes are dazzling every chance she speaks with the farmer.
~ Frames the drawing and places it in a special spot in her room. Frequently picks it up and talks to it as if it the farmer themselves.
~Elliot is peacefully taking his afternoon walk, his mind a bit busy with thinking about his writings. On his way back, he crosses paths with the farmer. Seemingly in a mad dash to get where they were going, though they do wave at each other and smile before they disappear from his sight.
~Upon returning home, he instantly spots the envelope on his door. “My, my, what is this?” He says to himself, gingerly picking up the letter and delicately prying it open. Inside, is a beautiful drawing of him at his piano. A hushed gasp leaves his lips. He covers his mouth with his finger tips as his in pleasant shock. His eyes travel all over the drawing until he finds the signature at the bottom. From: (Farmer)
~He shakes his with a smile on his face. “Oh, that farmer.” He speaks lovingly. He takes the drawing inside where he sets it on his piano like a sheet of music. Theres something brand new brewing in his mind. He sits himself before the piano, fingers tapping away at the keys experimentally. Until theres a new song dancing on them. It’s not long before his scribbling notes on blanks sheet music.
~Before the sun goes down, Elliot decides to take one final stroll through town. In hopes to find the farmer still running their many errands. Lucky for him, he finds them doing just that. Snagging them as gently as he by the arm, he playfully swings them around. “There you are (Farmer)! If I may have a few moments of your time.”
~Sits them down on the nearest bench and shows them the song he wrote for them. (Yay swooning yet?) Together they sit and chat long after the suns gone down. Invites them over the following day so he can preform said song for them. “For your art of me. I was touched by it (farmer), allow me to show you my appreciation.
~The drawing sits on one side of his piano much like sheet music
ᡣ𐭩Abigail ᡣ𐭩
~Abigail is wondering the valley late into the evening. Hitting all of her usual spots and now headed for the graveyard. It’s a pretty normal evening when she first arrives. Then theres something laying on the ground that catches her eye. An envelope with her name on it, sitting in the middle of a gravestone. “Ooooh, spooky!”
~She reached for the envelope and looks over the writing. She turns it over a few times to see if there’s anything else mysterious about the object. When she dosen’t find anything more, Abigail opens the letter. Finding a drawing of her playing her instrument in a majestic looking manner. “From: (Farmer)”
~She holds the drawing up to the light to admire the details closer. She’s so touched by the gesture. She has half the mind to run over to the farmers house right now. But decided to simply find them in the morning. By the time she gets there, they’ll be long asleep.
~Best believe as soon as she wakes up for the day shes at the farmers door knocking. When they open the door, she dosen’t waste a second in throwing her arms around the farmers neck in an embrace. “Thank you so much for the drawing! It’s beautiful! I had to come over and say thank you!”
~She’ll stay awhile and chat with the farmer before heading home. But not before she invites them over to possibly have a game night or hangout at the salon.
~Frames the picture and has it in her room where she sees it at least once each day.
~His outside throwing the football to himself before deciding to come inside. His grandparents are out and about at the moment, so he decides to sit at the kitchen table. Once his settled, he noticed something on the table. White envelope sitting undisturbed with his name on the front.
~Thinking its a note from his grandmother, he opens it without a second thought. His face drops when he sees the drawing of him inside. Football in hand. He gawks for a moment, totally caught off guard by the illustration. At the bottom he finds the infamous signature: From: (Farmer)
~He smirks at the discovery. Leaning his head into his palm while still holding the paper with admiration in his eyes. His ears momentarily perk up as he hears a familiar voice outside. His granny, and behold, the farmer themselves!
~Alex quickly gets up from his chair and quickly makes his way outside. Nearly running into his grandmother, she walks inside with a happy, knowing smile on her face. Chasing after the farmer, he catches them just in time. “Running away when you’ve left me such a charming gift?” His smirking but his mostly playing around.
~ Chats with the farmer and manages to slip in they should come over for dinner with him and his grandparents. To which farmer gladly agrees.
~While Alex was away flirting with the Farmer, his grandmother finds the image on the table and decides to place it on the fridge. Alex dosen’t have the heart to move and honestly its the perfect place for it.
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vmbrq · 10 months
PERSONALLY, i feel like if billy loomis falls in love with you, like GENUINELY (or as close to love as he can get, considering his character), he will be obnoxious LMAO
it’s different from his flings, where his pursuit is purely sexual and doesnt require much effort due to the brief nature of the hookups. like yeah, he’s still flirtatious and charming, but there’s something more juvenile and playful about his behavior when he’s around you. i think he’d feel a bit lighter when he’s around someone he’s genuinely interested in without any ulterior motives. there isn’t that pressure of maintaining that dazzling, golden-boy personality that draws everyone in. you don’t mind when that more boyish, teasing personality he’d buried out of anger toward his mother starts to shine through the cracks.
you just like him. plain and simple.
he’ll tug on the ends of your hair or flick balled-up pieces of paper at you and then proceed to feign ignorance when you turn around. he’ll drink exclusively from your water bottle, even if his own is sitting nearby. he’ll color the pad of his finger with a gel pen and then casually smear the ink all over the skin of your wrist, just because he knows it annoys you. he’ll pop up at your window when you’re distracted and slam his hands against your windowsill with a shout, effectively startling you, and then slip inside, all giggles and grins, to silence your complaints with a kiss. he’ll purposefully hold things of yours above your head if you’re shorter than him or far behind his back if you’re as tall or taller than him, forcing you to get close to him if you want your belongings back.
he’s just so SKFNFKDNFSKSN
that’s just how i feel
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jamieprimack · 6 months
Finally finished my gold-painted illustration of Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss
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Materials used: ink, watercolors, gel pens, and metallic acrylic paint pens on 9"x12" Bristol paper
If you'd like to watch the watercoloring and gold painting process (and see how shiny the gold is irl), I shared a process video on my TikTok here:
You can find the video on my Instagram too :)
Next up, I'll be drawing someone from Hazbin Hotel ^^
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always-andromeda · 2 years
aaaAAA valentines prompts are here!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) weeee please spare some white chocolate truffle for love of my life dwayne? thank you dearest, compliments to the chef (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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– 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐦
𝐃𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: aHH okay this was super cute!! I hope you enjoy this one, anon!! also lmao, yes, the title is a song. it's from Yellow House and it always reminds me of Dwayne. <3
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Dwayne is aged up to be high school senior, pure fluff, bits of Dwayne being a little pessimistic guy, nothing else I can think of!
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First period hadn't even started yet and already you could tell that Dwayne was itching for the final bell. He sighed, folding his hands together and resting his chin on top of them. You watched him peer out from under his curtain of dark hair at a few students around you both exchanging cards, candies, and little stuffed toys. 
"Doing okay there, Dwayne?" you asked as you unloaded your textbook and your binder.
He threw you a sideways glance and replied blankly, "I'm a ray of sunshine." Whatever modicum of patience he usually had in school was drained entirely by Valentine's Day.
"Oh, yeah. You're looking especially chipper today."
This time, Dwayne turned to look at you fully with his brow furrowed.
"It's a joke."
"Have you seen what's been going on today?"
"Uh, yeah, it's a holiday," you shrugged.
"It's bullshit. It's an excuse for fucking candy and card companies to make a killing," he sneered. "Because if you don't buy your boyfriend or girlfriend a stupid piece of paper that says 'I love you' then you're obviously a bad person, right?"
You scoffed, "Not exactly."
That earned another scowl from Dwayne.
"Listen, I get what you mean. It can be superficial and overbearing sometimes, I guess." You struggled to conjure the right words to explain yourself in a way that Dwayne would understand, "But...it's nice sometimes, ya know? It's nice to have someone show that they thought about you."
"Please," Dwayne dismissed. "It's not about thought or care. It's all...bullshit social transactions that no one is gonna give a shit about after we graduate anyways. It's just...dumb."
Placing a hand over the top of your binder defensively, the more Dwayne spoke, the more you found a lump forming in your throat. It made it even harder to speak as you choked out, "Dumb?"
"Yeah. And...gross," he huffed with an air of stubbornness. He'd never been particularly fond of the holiday; the unnecessary drama of couples asking each other to be their Valentine and the gossip that came from rejections for days afterwards. But...you thought...
With a new wave of frustration, you flipped open the cover of your binder and pulled a card out from the inside flap. You slid it across the top of the table in Dwayne's direction. "Then there's a stupid card for you, Dwayne. Happy Valentine's Day," you added bitterly.
Dwayne froze. Already, the cover threw him off. There was the haunting phrase of the day written out in your handwriting and above it, a drawing of a bouquet of flowers in glitter gel pens. Slowly, he opened the card, finding more of your handwriting hiding inside.
I know this is super cliche. And you're probably going to roll your eyes at me when you read this. Promise me you won't hate me too much. Or at least promise me you'll spare me the embarrassment and forget this immediately after you read it. I just had to try at least once. But I really like you. Will you be my Valentine?
With your head hidden in your folded arms, you could only guess what you and Dwayne looked like to the rest of your classmates. Already, you were anticipating how that scene would get spun. Everyone talked about how you and Dwayne were bound to end up together, seeing as you're one of the only people that would willingly hang around with the reclusive guy. And one of the only people that he would actually let hang around him.
Your first thought after that was to think about Dwayne. He didn't like being the center of attention. Being talked about like this would be the most aggravating thing in the world. And god, it frustrated you that even when he was being a jerk, you still worried about him.
Then you felt a poke on your shoulder. You raised your head and found Dwayne, still looking at the card and tracing the flowers on the cover. But this time his hand was on the table, open with his palm facing up. Inviting you to grab it. Which you do, quickly.
"I'm sorry for what I said," he muttered.
You sniffed softly. "That's okay."
"I like the card."
“And I'll be–" Dwayne paused. "I'll be your Valentine."
The exhilaration inside you flared so intensely that you couldn't help but squeeze his hand in return. And Dwayne also couldn't help the tiny smile that formed on his lips when he felt the warmth of your sweaty hand enveloping his. Maybe both of you could be right about Valentine's Day. It was gross. But...nice. Very nice.
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sylenth-l · 1 year
Hey, what pens do you use to draw? And do you start with a pencil sketch before you start using the pen or do you jump right into using ink?
Hey! I use all kinds of pens actually: gel pens and fountain pens most often. I've written about my favorite gel pens some time ago, btw. Recently I've started using oil-based ballpoint pens a lot though, both for sketching and doing cleaner line art. It's a bit tricky, because they don't work well with alcohol-based markers, but I think I'm starting to get used to it. I love how the lines they produce look softer, similar to pencils, so it's very easy to do a colorful lineart with smooth gradation.
Normally I do a rough sketch of the basic shapes with a light colored marker or oil/gel pen, rarely pencil. I don't like using pencils at all tbh, so I try to avoid it as much as possible. If it's something complex and I'm not sure I can handle this w/o lots of erasing, I prefer doing a rough sketch either on a separate piece of paper with a pen or digitally, and then transfer it into the sketchbook/other paper through light table. I hope someday I'll be able to jump right into drawing with ink and not regretting every single line I do, but it's a loooong way to go from now 😅
For fun, here are some sketches/lines I have left done with different mediums: 1 is colored pencils + fountain pen, 2 - markers + gel pen, 3 - oil-based ballpoint pens.
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Warning: unedited scans!
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barbatusart · 4 months
how do you make your art so expressive and fluid-looking? do you have a technique or is it just how you've trained your hand? I try to get my figures more fluid but they always look so stiff! even practicing figure drawings...maybe because you draw so fast that helps? idk man...any advice? thank you!
thank you first off for such a compliment!!! fluidity & shape are the things i prize most in visual art to the point where ive given up gunning for "correctness" in favor of chasing the preservation of motion lol. gonna put my response and my Full Visual Art Journey to where i am now under the cut as it's an image-heavy one and a bit long winded (shocking for me to be long winded i know LOL)
so i absolutely used to have the exact same problem many years ago of my stuff being too stiff, ie my sketch would be loose and fun but my inks would be nervous & tight & not as fun to look at as the sketch
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this is a super old thing from 2011 when i was still on my anatomy journey (you can tell cus the sternum and nose are, uh, interesting LOL) but you can kinda see what i mean - the sketch underneath is fun & has movement as sketches do, but these little fineliner inks are so visually Nervous. the issue for me at the time was that i was subconsciously exactly that: nervous of messing the picture up, and that fear of making a mistake telegraphed loud & clear to my inks. using fineliner tools 100% did not help me either, as microns & the like have little to no "give" to them; you put the pen to paper and you get what you get, and you have to sit there & meticulously build the line up to get any kind of lineweight.
i was ultra dissatisfied with my output so i made 2 changes a few years after this: i stopped doing pencil sketches and started just doing straight inks, and i swapped to a brushpen
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these are from 2012 or so & some of the first things i did in straight brushpen inks with no pencil, and theyre a total mess but they are LOOSE AND FUN! i had 100% no idea what i was doing with the brushpen and had no control over it because i was so used to the thin lines pencil & microns gave me, so everything i made was sloppy & out of control as i was struggling to keep control of the tool, but honestly it was absolutely freeing for me. now i had the looseness of the sketch right there at the forefront. the issue was though, how could i get enough control of the brushpen to make something that wasnt so messy? even if i had freedom, if i got too wacky with it, itd just turn into a black ink mess. i was completely done with pencils at this point and didn't want to go back & risk losing this looseness & freedom, and then i realized like - what if i just do my straight ink sketch like this & then figure out a way to go back in & "carve" into it to clean it?
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enter the next tool in the arsenal, the white gel pen. this was my first experiment with it & it was legitimately a complete game changer, because now i could slop on my inks as much as i wanted & go right back in with the gel pen & literally carve out the black lines to as crisp as i pleased while still preserving the motion & energy of the ink sketch. i noticed even with tons of layers of gel too there was no way to fully get rid of the ghost outline of my corrections, so at this stage i leaned into that quality even harder & changed from white paper to exclusively brown
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at this point i wanted to showcase loud & clear to myself exactly what i was cleaning up, i LOVED how this looked. i even went a step further & got some really translucent red ink for a second brush pen (had to fill the cartridges with the red ink manually in the sink lol) so i could do an even sloppier red sketch underneath, half precise slop on black ink on top of it, clean it up with the gel, go back in with the black, forever and ever and ever
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and like this was an absolute physical mess of material but it was beyond fun. id completely given up on anything being clean or correct, because i could always clean it & correct it & have a blast showcasing the journey of start to finish as preserved in the materials. i basically gave myself permission to like, be imperfect, treat inks like clay, & draw with complete abandon like a kid again
eventually utrecht stopped making the kind of brown paper i loved (these brown paper books were HEAVY DUTY & could take so much punishment, when i was done with a book id legit flip it over & start drawing on the backs of the pages) & then all the available material physically couldnt handle the amount of medium i was putting on my pages, like legit the paper itself was just ripping & dissolving lmao. so at this stage i got an ipad (i could never wrap my head around a tablet & not looking at my hand and the tool touching the artwork) & pivoted from trad to digital in like uhhhh 2018ish & just did the exact same techniques of slopping inks down, carving with the eraser, going back in with the inks, carving more with the eraser, and so on. and now since it was digital & i never had to worry about my paper literally melting underneath my brushes LOL i could just go forever on one thing
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early attempts while learning the new medium in my fury road era
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tail end of the SAD SACK roughs in like 2019ish (SAD SACK really was what got me locked in with my digital technique & how i wanted to attack it)
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tail end of the SORTIE roughs from like 2021, at this stage i think my style got so fuckin crazy because i wasnt worried about my pages getting destroyed anymore so im like Violent with the ipad lmao, that & it got Really fast bcus since i wasnt bothering with correct anymore & had no medium-being-destroyed barrier i could just gunshot-speed get these down
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and then most recently DE RERUM NATURA from like january of this year which i think showcases what im currently doing pretty accurately
this got long whoops lol POINT IS: i dont worry about being correct (because i can fix it later), i dont worry about being neat (because i can clean it later), and i skip the sketch stage entirely by slop-inking & eraser-carving interchangeably, which lets me fix and clean all i want while preserving the energy & action of the first marks. plus, going straight inks all the time i think trained my hand & eye to A. put down the marks i want correctly in the General Space of where i want them, and B. do it faster & faster lol
after all this my advice to you is this: swap to a new tool! try a brush, try paint, try a medium you have no control over but something that forces you to improvise and remember whats so fun in the first place about making a mess on your canvas of choice. remember that any mark you make, you can tweak, fix, carve, shove around, whatever. i think a lot of people get stuck in the rules they have set for themselves with art (i know i did!) and we tend to forget that there are no rules. try & remember that feeling of being little & just going wild on paper without any care whatsoever about being Right. go for it, because you can always tweak it - even inks arent permanent 🤓
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bobakittysblog · 2 months
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Hey there! Been a while, but! I am back!! Enjoy this drawing I did! I did it over like two days on two sheets of regular graph filler paper! I used a gel ballpoint pen in black for the octopus and I used a fine point gel pen for the blue of the ocean surrounding the octopus.
Also I will be accepting name suggestions for the octopus! Feel free to comment any ideas!
And another thing, I’ve been doing shark drawings digitally on procreate but I have no idea how to get a drawing I did on procreate to here lol so bear with me while I try to figure that out lol.
Anyways I hope you enjoy and I look forward to any name suggestions!🫡
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Been figuring out about my orientation quite a bit lately and I believe I might be AroAce (or at least on both the Aromantic and Asexual Spectrums). I will explain
While I do enjoy the idea of being in a more intimate relationship, I don’t want to fully commit to it for now (I kind of only have these feelings for fictional characters if that makes sense (like in the fictional world, I’m on the Aromantic Spectrum and Omnisexual, but in the real world I’m Aro-Ace)).
Anyways, I had fun coloring the drawing in and I love how it turned out ^^
Character used: Crossfire (any pronouns)
Materials used
Master’s Touch sketchbook (Paper)
Artist’s Loft Fineliners (Lineart)
Ohuhu Alcohol Markers (Color)
UBRANDS Gel Pens (Accents)
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Doodle Boy (Blue Lock)
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AND BOOM! We've got ourselves some good ol' Bachisagi! :D I was talking to a dear friend of mine (you know who you are :D) and the next thing I knew- here we are! It's not exactly how we discussed it (honestly it's been so long since we really talked about it I forgot what the original idea was) but I'm proud of it and I think you're gonna like it too!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13 @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @riisada
Summary: Bachira has a knack for drawing and doodles away in his notebook. For all his talent in drawing the people around him however- he can never quite capture his boyfriend.
Bachira grew up surrounded by paint.
The smell of acrylics. The faded stains on his mom’s fingers and clothes when she finished up for the day. The endless paintings of monsters and fields alike she created in her studio. Growing up, he loved sitting by as his mom worked, leaning on his soccer ball with wide eyed wonder.
“You know, Meguru. I have extra supplies- why don’t you join me?” She invited him once, warmth in her smile and green splashed across her cheek.
“Really? I can?” He was on his feet in seconds, running over to her as she pulled down an old sketchbook and pencils, all varying shades of the rainbow.
“Of course you can, baby. Come on- let’s draw some pictures.”
The pack of gel pens seemed to call to him when he looked- glittering in the fluorescent lights of the drug store.
“Hm? What is it?” Rin blinked, raising a brow when Bachira seemed frozen to the spot. “Do you want them?”
“What? Oh- Oh no. Nah, I just…” He looked at them again, brows furrowed. “I don’t…”
“...” Rin looked at him, then at the pens. Then- with a sigh, he walked over, picking up the pack and a pad of paper sitting below. “If you can’t afford them, I’ll pay.”
“Huh? Oh no- I can-”
“And if you can, I’m still paying. You want them, even if you're too stubborn to admit it.” Without looking back, Rin carried on his shopping, grabbing a bag of chips on the way to the cash register.
Bachira stared after him, eyes feeling strangely wet. Then he smiled, shaking his head and following. “I’m gonna draw you extra pwetty, RinRin~”
“Call me that again and I’m keeping the pens.”
Bachira tapped an ocean blue pen against his cheek, tongue poking out as he looked down at the paper. Isagi looked back at him.
Well- doodled Isagi. He didn’t quite capture the other boy right- the hair looked smooth and glossy, and his features were all in the right places. There was just something so…lifeless about it. The face was there, but there wasn’t any soul behind it.
Surrounding this particular doodle were others- poses of his fellow and former teammates alike. Chigiri, a human lightning bolt, streaks of pink flying behind him as he dashed across the page. Kunigami, standing tall on the Blue Lock building, a cape fluttering behind him as he struck a superman pose. He even drew Nagi, curled up in a gray futon with purple checkered print.
Aryu striking one of his magnificent poses. Tokimitsu’s nervous but kind expression. Rin melting into water. They all came so easily to Bachira, like he could pluck the image of them out of his mind and smooth them on the page.
And yet…
The door slid open. Bachira shoved the notebook beneath the pillow just as Isagi walked in, a towel around his neck. “Man, if there’s one thing I like here, it’s the baths! I feel so…refreshed.” He spoke between a yawn, cracking one of those impossibly blue eyes open to watch Bachira. “You good? You look like a deer in headlights.”
“Isagi~” Bachira schooled his features into a relaxed expression, grinning as he rolled onto his back, securing his notebook beneath the pillow. “Come cuddle with me.”
Isagi wasn’t one to pry. If he noticed Bachira’s sudden shyness around his notebook, he didn’t say. None of the team seemed to, if the dribbler were being honest. He’d get a few curious looks his way as he scribbled, but no one formally asked what he was working on or for a peek. It was something Bachira appreciated and grew bummed by. There were other pages he was willing to show, just…not these.
Another Isagi. Another frustrating attempt. He just looked so wrong! Every sketch had something amiss; his eyes were dull in this one, his nose was shaped weird in that, his smile was missing that versatility in it all around. It was just…off!
“Bachira, we’re heading out to dinner-” Isagi poked his head in just as Bachira nearly tore the paper out. “Whoa, what are you doing?”
“Huh? Oh!” Panicked, Bachira tried to shove the notebook away, but it was too late. Isagi was already across the room, resting his hands gently over Bachira’s.
“Dude, relax. I’m sure what you drew isn’t-” Isagi looked down and- paused. Staring. Bachira felt his heart rate accelerate as Isagi took in the slightly crumpled paper, eyes following every line and shape and block of color. His face was unreadable, further worsening Bachira’s anxiety.
“Bachira…these are incredible!” Isagi looked up, eyes shining as he grinned. “I didn’t know you could draw so well!” He looked back down, smoothing out the paper as he took in the doodled version of himself. “Dude- I look so cool! That..sounded kinda vain, huh?” He flipped the page, blinking when he found more of his face. “Oh wow…”
“D-Don’t look at those!” Bachira tossed himself over Isagi’s lap, hiding the notebook under him as his face burned. “They’re all wrong! Every single one!”
“Wrong? What’s wrong with them- I think they’re great.” His boyfriend poked lightly at his back, trying to peek around him. “And I’m not just saying that cause it’s my face.”
Bachira made a soft noise of distress, burying his face in Isagi’s thigh. Isagi frowned, noting the mood. “Bachira? Are you okay? Oh jeez, was this one of those private notebooks? If so, I'm sorry for prying-”
“No, it’s not…it’s not that.” Bachira sounded muffled, but Isagi could make out his words when he leaned down. “They’re terrible, all of them! I can’t draw you!”
“...I mean, I only got a glance but, Bachira, they look good.” Isagi offered gently, playing with the strands of hair along Bachira’s neck. “I don’t understand- how are they terrible?”
“They don’t look right! None of them really look like you!” The strokes seemed to calm him down some, but Bachira still sounded so…sad. “I didn’t want you to see them until I had you down pat, but…I don’t know why- you’re just too perfect!”
“Pfft!” He hadn’t meant to laugh, but Isagi found himself snorting at the word choice. Bachira gave him a mild pout as his boyfriend pressed his free hand over his mouth. “Sorry- sorry; I’m just not used to hearing someone call me that.” He dropped his hand, smile remaining. “But seriously- you don’t need to draw me perfect. The fact you drew me at all is such an honor! It’s perfect as is.”
Bachira didn’t look convinced, turning away and keeping his pout. Isagi reached up, gently poking his shoulder blade. “Bachira.”
“No.” Bachira huffed, pouting more even when he squirmed. “I don’t want it.”
“Do you really mean that?” When Bachira didn’t respond, Isagi poked him again, making him squirm more. “If you don’t want this, roll out of my lap.”
He paused, waiting. Bachira didn’t move.
“Figured.” He teased, switching to gentle clawing, running his hand across Bachira’s shoulder blades. The dribbler twitched in response, starting to smile despite himself. “You love it when I tickle you. Now- I’m not gonna stop until you let me see that notebook of yours!”
“Noohohohohoo! It’s ehehhembaahhaharassing!” Bachira whined, kicking his feet as Isagi carried on his tickly touch. “Iihihiihihiisahahahahgi!”
“Don’t try to lie- I watch you, you know? I see how pouty you get whenever none of us ask about your drawings! You want to show me!” Isagi pressed in, earning a proper bout of laughter from the smaller boy. “You want to show everyone your work!”
“Ahehahhahhaha! Dooohohohohn’t saahhahahy it ohohoohohutloohohohohud!” Despite his protests, he felt his heart do a little skip knowing Isagi was watching him. He tried fighting back, poking at the brunette’s ribs with quick fingers. “Thahahhake thahahaht!”
“AH!” Isagi yelped, nearly falling over. “Oh you’re slick! Come here!” He wrestled him on the bed, tossing the notebook out of the danger zone as he dug a hand into Bachira’s armpit, earning a squeal. “You’re really gonna get it now!”
“EHEHEHEHEHHEHHEHESAGIHIHIHIHIIHII!” Bachira howled, flailing on the bed beneath his boyfriend. Isagi just HAD to go for the spot right along the back of his pits, tickling both them and his dreadful shoulder blades at once! He’s too knowledgeable- Bachira unintentionally awakened a monster. “PLEAHHAHAHHASE IT TIHIIHIHIHCKLES!”
“That’s the point, buddy.” Isagi cooed, leaning in and pressing a loud smooch into Bachira’s cheek. “You gonna keep shitting on your amazing art or am I gonna have to destroy you?”
“AHEHAHAHHAHA! DOOHOOHN’T THRHEHHAHAHTHEN MEHHEHE WITH A GOOHOHOHOD TIME!” Bachira squeaked out, making Isagi guffaw. It wasn’t long before they were both laughing, side by side in the messy bed as they gasped for air between giggle fits. “Yohoohu’re toohoohohoo good at that!” Bachira fake whined, pinching his boyfriend’s side.
“Ehe! I learned from the best.” Isagi smiled at him, eyes soft and warm and god he looked so kissable right now-
“Mmph!” Isagi made a noise of surprise when Bachira leaned in, capturing his lips with his own. It didn’t take long before Isagi returned the favor, melting against him. “What was that for?” He asked when they eventually broke apart.
“Felt like it.” Bachira grinned before his smile dampened, a shadow passing over his eyes. “Do you…really mean it?”
“About? Oh.” Isagi blinked, shaking out of his brain fog. “About your art? Absolutely!” Reaching back, he pulled the notebook over, handing it to Bachira with a patient smile. “You don’t have to show me now- but I do think your work is amazing. There’s so much…you in it, you know? Like- just that one piece alone- that’s what the artsy folks call it right? A piece? Anyway- looking at it, I could feel you in it- like you were using your soul as ink. I know it’s me- but I felt like we were one in that moment.” He smiled a bit awkwardly, scratching his cheek. “That sounded really pretentious now, didn’t it?”
Bachira couldn’t speak. He couldn’t find his voice. His vision suddenly grew very blurry.
“Bachira? Oh my god- I’m so sorry! I meant it in a good way! Please, don’t cry.” Isagi sounded panicked, reaching out and wiping the tears falling down his boyfriend’s face with his thumb. “I’m sorry.”
“N-No, no it’s not-” Bachira sniffed, smiling through the tears. “I’m so happy…I’m just-really, really happy right now.” Isagi’s face relaxed, and he leaned in to kiss Bachira’s wet cheeks. “That means more than you know, Isagi. Thank you.”
Isagi smiled, cheeks warming with pride. He leaned in to kiss him properly before starting to sit up. “We should get dinner before they close the cafeteria. Care to join me?”
Bachira laughed, sitting up and putting his notebook back in its usual place. “I’d love to.” He took Isagi’s outstretched hand, letting himself be pulled up and escorted, hand in hand. “And I love you, Yoichi.”
The other looked back at him, eyes dancing. His smile nearly split his face from how happy he looked. It never failed to take Bachira’s breath away. “I love you too, Meguru.”
Later that night, Bachira finally drew his perfect Isagi- smiling the way he did in that moment.
Thanks for reading!
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esmiara · 1 year
How do you get such good pictures of your sketchbook art?! What is your secret?
(You have beautiful art.)
There isn't that much going on. I merely push contrast and luminosity to the max when modifying pictures inside the default gallery, then annihilate saturation to make it pure black and white. Depending on the piece or lighting, you might need to use and adjust various modifiers to get a good final result.
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Drawing with a black gel pen makes it so the black is deep and is caught very well by contrast filters. Using a ballpoint pen is pure pain to edit in comparison... it disappears in a blink ugh.
At the end I also like to edit some parts with the built-in white pen. If it's too annoying or inaccurate, I just go back manually on the real paper and use a real white posca to edit it. Overall you can't modify a lot but that's way more than enough. There is no way i would get those clean lines with a single non edited picture ahah!
(and thank you! <3)
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arcadekitten · 1 year
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Hello Arcadekitten!!! I read the Stellamb wedding post(s) and it got me wondering about how Stella’s wedding dress would look like… I absolutely love Sweet No Death, so I knew I had to make some artwork of it!! And, because I absolutely suck at explaining things through text, here is my interpretation of Stella’s wedding outfit in traditional art! ✨💫🌟
Materials Used: Mixed Media Paper, Ink Fineliner Pens, Alcohol Markers Gel Pens, Paint Pens, Highlighter and Mechanical Pencil
Time Took: 1 week
I don’t know if you’re okay with people sending fanarts and stuff to you, but I absolutely love your work and well, I’m quite proud of this piece (even if I probably shouldn’t be lol) as I worked extremely hard on this and wanted to share it with you! I hope that’s okay ❤️
A little artist “#Deep Dive tm” because I put WAY too much effort into the tiniest details and I am NOT gonna let them get overlooked 😤 /jk
-Stella’s dress is made with her signature colors rather than white, because I felt that with her being a Star Witch and all, a species that mostly has extravagantly colorful clothes (in my humble opinion) she felt that just going with plain white on what is possibly the most important day of her life would feel… well, a bit redundant, so she opted for a more ‘colored’ ballgown, with lacy gloves and a pearled veil and all. The local tailor and dressmaker is a bit confused, but Lambchop is definitely not complaining! ;) 💕💓
-(Well, that, and I also felt that the color blended WAY too much with her skin tone and changed it, but that’s my little secret hehe 👀😉)
-In my mind, Stella can make her hair look like it has a small galaxy within it! With actual moving stars and little twinkling lights. ✨💫✨⭐️🌟I think that she usually saves it for special, grandiose occasions, buuut since she’s not the kind of person who would THROW a grand, special occasion, she never unveiled it before her wedding day! (Poor Lambchop’s heart nearly gave out on the spot right then and there! 😭❤️)
-I didn’t add her usual Star hair clip because she already has like… 10 stars in her design already lmao /lh ⭐️
-As you can see, her bouquet’s… cloth? Fabric? I’m not sure what to call it… thing? The stuff that her flowers are wrapped in are Lambchop’s colors! Thought that it would be a neat visual detail… also, I can totally imagine Stella requesting that specific color scheme from the local florist! 💐🌷🌸
-Speaking of flowers… I decided to color in one of the moon daisies a little bit… differently hehe ;) It’s a small reference to the beginning of the game, where we see Stella change the color of the one rebellious moon daisy, from orange to lavender, except this time… she keeps it and uses it in her bouquet! 💖💗
-I like to think that it symbolizes Lambchop versus the rest of the townspeople… and Stella’s way of acknowledging him as a “real person”, at least compared to the others… one who is different, one who is unique… the one that she’s going to marry 💍🩷
-(it’s so absolutely sappy when she tells him so that he just couldn’t resist kissing her right then and there)
-And finally… (this is the last one I promise) I cut out the entire drawing to make it look like a potion bottle, partially because Stella is a witch, and partially because I had this cute lil idea that she stores all of her happiest memories into a magical bottle and takes it out whenever she feels sad, so that she can ‘experience’ it again and feel happier. Of course, with Lambchop by her side, she never really has to use it!💞🩷💗
-And yes, I also made the bottle have Lambchop colors as well 🐏 Just a nice little thing tying em together more visually… ❤️
…And I am SO SORRY for ranting!!! I worked incredibly hard on this piece (traditional art is NOT my strong suit, lol) but I wanted to make something special for one of my favorite games and one of my favorite game devs! So here it is, and I hope that you like it! 🤞❤️😁
(P.S: Any ideas for Lambchop’s wedding design?)
Oh my goodness this is BEAUTIFUL!! The artwork itself is just stunning!! You took so much time on it and it really shows, especially with all your attention to detail in it(and I LOVE hearing your explanations for some of the choices you made!! They're just so darling!) Everything about this is stellar and I'm in love with it, thank you so much!! ♡ ♡ ♡
Also I TOTALLY AGREE Stella would not wear white for her wedding!! Color all the way!! ♡
As for Lambchop's outfit...I think I've got it envisioned in my head but I haven't quite drawn anything for it yet! Top hat, definitely. I think his suit isn't black. Probably brown! Bowtie on the neck. His pants are more like shorts and are cut juuuuust above the knee! Still wearing long socks with garters. He looks incredibly dapper--as he should!! It's his wedding!
Hopefully he at least looks good for the photos before he decides to get any mysterious red stains on his outfit. (It's fine. Stella could clean them with the snap of her fingers, but still!)
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spideycatt · 1 year
Pretty n' Pink || 42!M.M x BlackFem!Reader
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New school, new people, new relationships
Word Count: 1.8k (wow!)
Song Recs: Talk that Talk // TWICE, RUN2U // stayc, Big flirt // lil hero, Super Bass // Nicki Minaj, Into you // Ariana Grande
Warnings: Crude language, bullying (me projecting (≧◡≦)), Miles is an asshole for 1 second, BLACK reader, 80% angst 20% fluff
Not rlly warnings: Reader is small n chubby, making out, we’re gonna act like they don’t have to wear blazers all the time lol
Lmk if I missed something!!
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A/N: I spent so long writing and editing it was insane. I've been writing since June 26 (* ̄▽ ̄). Literally writing one day, rewriting the next, writing and rewriting, writing and rewriting. AND I'm still not sure if I'm fucking w/ the results... but I'ma still post it cuz mama aint raise no punk!!
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Moving to a new school in the middle of the year is never easy for anyone. You cried while packing up, you cried on the ride to New York, you cried while unpacking, and cried on the way to your new school, Visions Academy. Saying you were scared was an understatement.. You only moved because your mom got a new job at some science place, but also because you were horribly bullied at your old school.
Everyone made fun of you for the way you dressed, pink hair-clips all over your colorful braids, hello kitty sweaters and fun makeup looks. You once wore some cute leg warmers to school, what happened to you that day made you vow to never wear them again.
You knew you wouldn't get made fun of every time you left the house, but man going to school made you want to cower in your house forever.
But alas, here you are putting your up hair with your favorite heart-shaped claw-clip. You sniffled lightly as you line your lips and put on your Fenty lip gloss. You wipe your tears away, careful not to mess up your lashes. Grabbing your light pink messenger bag, you sling it over your shoulder and walk out the front door, making your way to school.
The more you walk the faster your heart beats. You weren't as nervous as you were when you first moved here, but you were still feeling a little anxious as you walk onto school grounds. Sighing when you realize there was no time to set up your locker, you try to hype yourself up as make your way through the sea of students to get to your homeroom.
Luckily, the school required uniforms, so even if kids were to make fun of you it shouldn't be that bad. You only had some cute accessories here and there, and a white cardigan with hello kitty over your heart.
You weren't even halfway to the class when someone bumped into your shoulder, causing you to drop all the books you held in your hands. You take a deep breath looking at whoever this boy was, trying to calm yourself down.
'It's ok, it was probably just an accident. You're fine.'
"Watch it, pinkie pie!" He yelled behind him as he walked away, laughing with his goons following behind him. So much for an accident.
'"Wow, how original." You spoke to yourself, trying to ignore all the stares you were getting as you picked your stuff up.
You rush to your class, already wishing the school day was over. And just your luck, the bell rang signaling you were late.
You made it to class a few seconds later, drawing everyone's attention to you. You walk over to the teacher's desk with your head pointed down, speaking softly.
"Hi, I'm y/n I just transferred."
The teacher looked at you uninterestedly, before speaking loudly.
"Class, this is y/n from, Georgia? Was it? Doesn't matter, she needs time to adjust, so everyone be nice to the poor girl. You can go sit next to..." She trailed off, looking around for a place to seat you.
"Sit next to Miles. Miles raise your hand."
You looked up to see a boy with two long braids raise his hand in the back of the class, honestly looking quite bored. You nod as you scurry to the empty seat next to him, taking out a piece of paper and your favorite gel pen. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Miles staring at you.
"What?" You whisper at him, trying not to draw more attention to yourself.
He blinks at you. "You the girl who dropped her books earlier?"
"Does it happen a lot or something?" You scoff at him, drawing cute little doodles to match the lesson title.
"Nah, I guess that was a dumb question." He replied, looking forward.
"Why do you ask anyway? Trying to rub salt in the wound?" You argue, looking at your hello kitty-themed nails.
"Miles, y/n. Please." Your teacher interrupted, making the class snicker.
You hide your face in your hands, silently groaning before Miles slid a note your way.
'Sit with me at lunch?'
You glared at the paper, crumbling at and putting it to the side, giving your full attention to the lesson.
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You made it through your first few weeks without any more bumps, and it was now a new month. Miles had become your only sorta-friend at this school, which you were grateful for. The boy was nice to you, unlike everyone else, who give you strange stares and whisper about you like you aren't there.
The calming melody of Apple Cider by Beabadoobee played softly in your headphones as you grab your lunch tray. Thanking the lunch lady before turning around to look for where you should sit today, you suddenly remember Miles had asked you to sit with him on your first day, in which you never did.
You start walking around, subtly looking around the cafeteria for the tall boy with long braids. You spot him quickly, watching him roll his eyes at something the boy in front of him said. Strolling to where he was, you bite back a smile when he turns around and notices you.
"What brings you over here, hm?." He smirked, standing up as you approach the table. You try to ignore how he towers over you.
"Well, I have nowhere else to sit." You shrug, looking at his friends who watch quietly. "Uh, hi.." You wave awkwardly, looking back up at Miles who smirked softly at you.
"You shy, chiquita?"
"Shut up."
His friends laugh, making you swallow thickly. 'Are they laughing at me?'
"Yo, pinkie!"
Someone shouted from the table, chuckling as you look up with fear in your eyes.
"Remember me you little cunt?"
It was the boy from your first day. You look up at Miles, silently pleading him to help you, and of course, he stayed quiet.
"Hey, I'm talking to you." You hear from beside Miles, the boy looked down at you with an angry expression. You didn't even realize he walked up to you.
"S-sorry." You whispered, looking at your pink converses.
"Yea you better be fucking sorry you fat freak." He said, pushing you into the ground, resulting in your lunch landing all over the floor. You try to stop the tears as everyone gasps and goes silent.
"Dude, chill." Miles finally speaks up.
You shake your head, "No Miles, it's fine. Have a good lunch." You say with a slight whimper to your voice, standing up to leave the cafeteria.
You sob, looking for somewhere to cool down, ignoring Miles calling your name.
"Pinkie! Wait!"
You steps falter, flinching at the nickname. You sigh deeply, wiping the tears off your face.
"What do you want, Miles."
"I'm sorry about him, he's been an asshole since like, 2nd grade." He huffed out, slowing down as he caught up to you.
You hummed.
"But you just sat there, so what does that make you?"
His silence answered for you.
"Right. This sucks, honestly, I thought we could've worked out." You say, walking off with a lump in your throat.
You kind of expected him to say something more, you don't know why, but you did. But all you were met with was silence.
You gasped as you feel Miles grab your hand and drag you into an empty classroom.
He closed the door harshly behind you guys, breathing heavy as he looked at your tear streaked face.
"What are you doing Miles— WOAh-" You stutter out as he hoists you up, putting your back against the door so you could be eye-level with him.
"Forgive me pretty girl.." He breathed out, rubbing your plush thighs with his thumbs.
"Miles, put me down."
"Nah ma I don't think I will."
"How... how do I know you won't hurt me..?" You whisper sadly, feeling the waterworks coming again.
"Trust me, I won't, baby." He moved to wipe away the tear that's fallen on your soft cheek, before moving in to lock lips with you.
You wanted to move away, you really did. But you trusted him for some reason, kissing back. The kiss got heated fast, you lock your legs together behind Miles as he pins you harder against the door, gripping your thighs harshly as he pulls away to speak.
"Let me treat you right, ma. Please. I'll take you out, I'll buy you anything you want. Let me protect you." He breathed out against your neck, making you sigh. You nod your head. Bringing his head up to connect lips again.
You sigh into his mouth as your tongues slide over one another, gripping onto his broad shoulders to keep yourself grounded. He turns around to place you on a desk. Hands roaming everywhere as he took your sweater off your body and unbutton your shirt a little to mouth at your collarbones. You let out a quiet noise as he moves back up to your lips, pushing you to lay on your back.
He caught both your wrists and wrapped one of his hands around them, pushing them onto your chest as his tongue seemed to move even deeper into your mouth. Man he was a good kisser.
You seperate with a string of saliva connecting your plump lips to his when the bell to go back to class rings. "Miles, lets go." You said as he places his head into your cleavage, sighing disappointedly at the fact that you guys had to go back to class.
He ended up buttoning up your shirt for you. Glancing at you every now and then to look at your swollen lips, smiling as he helped you off the desk and walked you to class.
You make it through the rest of the school day, smiling softly to yourself whenever you think of your heated moment with Miles.
You had Miles' hoodie on due to a giant stain on the side of your favorite sweater, playing with the strings as you write down some notes into your binder.
Everyone stared at you but you found yourself not caring anymore. Maybe you made the right choice.
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You didn't expect to go to this new school and acquire a bodyguard for a boyfriend but here you were weeks later walking out of campus with Miles trailing behind you. You could've sworn you saw that one boy glaring at you from afar, but honestly, as long as Miles was with you there wasn't a problem.
"Hold on baby." Your boyfriend stopped you, kneeling on the ground to tie your shoelaces and fix your leg warmers. Honestly this was a whole new experience for you, never having this affection given to you by someone outside your family.
Miles pressed a kiss on your thigh as he finishes tying your shoes, standing up to fix the ribbon on your ponytail.
"Miles, you're acting like a mom right now." You say giggling, looking up at your boyfriend with heart eyes.
"Gotta make sure my baby lookin good." He replied quickly, leaning down to kiss your cheek. He pulled "C'mon, I saw a nice jean skirt I wanna see you in."
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moltengarnet · 9 months
The Mario Kart 10 roster, Jan. 2024
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Copic/Blick/Prismacolor Marker, Tombow Brush Pen, Pigma Micron Pen, Crayola Colored Pencil, and Jellyroll Gel Pen on Strathmore Drawing Paper. Ideally, I would have used mixed media paper but I didn’t have any large enough for this project. This was a large piece.
More details below…
The colored backgrounds signify the weight class of each character.
The number of characters is intentionally similar to the amount of playable characters in my favorite Kart Racing game, Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled.
I had this idea that some characters’ sleeve lengths would change based in the temperature of the track, kind of like how Mario has short sleeves in Super Mario Sunshine instead of his usual long sleeves.
Toadette would turn into Peachette when doing tricks and after winning a race, which is why I put the crown on her.
Each character has a partner, just like Double Dash. I’ve always wanted another Double Dash game, so this would be one. All of the characters are paired up with the character next to them, so Mario + Luigi, Peach + Daisy, Wario + Waluigi, and so on. The exceptions are the characters on the right of the list, who are paired up top to bottom. It’s Dino Piranha + Orbulon, King K. Rool + Captain Sugar, and Jimmy T + Mona. Maybe they’re the secret characters?
Little Mac, Zelda, and Samus were chosen as the only crossover characters because they’ve specifically interacted with Mario in either their own games or his. (Punch Out, Super Punch Out, and Super Mario RPG)
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eroswmorals · 1 month
Hi, I'm gonna rant abt going to an art store so there's a lot to read lol
I went to an art store and I thought I'd be able to calmly walk in there, find the sketchbook I wanted, look at pens, and walk out.
But I was wrong. Because I'm autistic and art is my special interest.
What ended up happening was that I walked in there, got distracted by this trinket that attaches to a pencil and it has an eraser and a sharpener, told my brother about it and started infodumping on different brands he should use if he wants a pencil sharpener, and embarrassing him cus I was getting too passionate. After that detour, I zoomed down to the back of the store where the sketchbooks were, and they didn't have the type of sketchbook I like! I like hardcover spiral 8.5x11 in sketchbooks, they're perfect for making comics cus they have plenty of space, and they're good for bigger drawings. They even had the brand I liked, but they had all of the sizes and types EXCEPT my very specific favorite type. I was getting a little too upset, so I asked one of the (very patient) people who worked there to see if they had any and I just couldn't find it. And still, it wasn't there. I continued to zoom around and try to find a replacement, but it was either too small, the paper texture was off, the paper wasn't secure enough in the spiral, or it was too expensive. I ended up settling for a smaller version of what I wanted, it was only 5.5x8.5 in. Then, (since I'm not finacially independent yet and need him to access my money) my dad walked in, thinking I was ready to check out. He found me in a state of panic/excitement, flapping my hands and getting all worked up over the sketchbook issue. He was looking at me weirdly, so I decided to go look at the pens because I need a new red pen (I love red pens, a bold red as an accent color is very appealing to me). I wanted a felt tip pen instead of a gel roller pen since the ink doesn't get as blocked up, so I decided to go and ask the store people again for help. And of course, I was incredibly excited and overwhelmed, so my speech was all jumbled but I got my question out and one of the people showed me the felt tipped pens. I cannot explain to you how fucking excited about pens I got. It was bad. I chose three pens, and I proceeded to the checkout where my dad was waiting with his face in his hands. Like he was apologizing profusely and he was very embarrassed. The cashier was understanding though, she said it was good that I was excited (I'm sure she thought it was weird though). Anyway, I'm very excited about my new pens. They're nice and juicy and ready to draw and that makes me insanely happy :))))))))) Not happy about the sketchbook though, I'm very particular.
That's the end of the rant lmao sorry
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