#I know Gravity Falls since I was a child too
mayisgoingnuts · 1 month
I may be a stinky teenager, but I've loved a specific show since I was at least 7. The show in question is Gravity Falls. If anyone knows anything about it it's that one of the main characters didn't want to grow up. While the other wanted to grow up too fast. In the end, they realize that they can still be childish but still be adults. The creator even said it himself, "growing old doesn't mean growing up." Which I tell myself daily. I don't know if this will mean anything but I hope it helps <3
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inkskinned · 9 months
she's three years younger than i am, and i put on cascada as a throwback, cackling - before your time! i've been borrowing my brother's car, and it's older than dirt, so the trunk is like, maybe permanently locked. when the sun comes through the window to frame her cheekbones, i feel like i'm 16 again. i shake when i'm kissing her, worried i won't get it right.
in 2003, my state made gay marriage legal. where she grew up, it wasn't legal until 11 years later - 10 years ago. if legal protections for gay marriage were a person, that person would be entering 5th grade. online, a white gay man calls the fight for legal marriage boring, which isn't kind of him but it is a common enough opinion.
it has only been 9 years since gay marriage was nationally official. it is already boring to have gay people in your tv. it is already boring to mention being gay - "why make it your entire personality?" i know siblings that have a larger age gap than the amount of time it's been legally protected. i recently saw a grown man record himself crying about how evil gay people are. he was begging us, red in the face - just do better.
i am absolutely ruined any time my girlfriend talks about being 27 (i know!! a child!), but we actually attended undergrad at the same time since i had taken off time to work between high school and college. while walking through the city, we drop our hands, try not to look too often at each other. the other day i went to an open mic in a basement. the headlining comedian said being lesbian isn't interesting, but i am a lesbian, if you care. as a joke, she had any lesbian raise their hand if present. i raised mine, weirdly embarrassed at being the single hand in a sea of other faces. she had everyone give me a round of applause. i felt something between pride and also throwing up.
sometimes one thing is also another thing. i keep thinking about my uncle. he died in the hospital without his husband of 35 years - they were not legally wed, so his husband could not enter. this sounds like it should be from 1950. it happened in 2007. harassment and abuse and financial hardship still follow any person who is trying to get married while disabled. marriage equality isn't really equal yet.
and i don't know that i can ever put a name to what i'm experiencing. sometimes it just feels... so odd to watch the balance. people are fundamentally uninterested in your identity, but also - like, there's a whole fucking bastion of rabid men and women who want to kill you. your friends roll their eyes you're gay we get it and that is funny but like. when you asked your father do you still love me? he just said go to your room. you haven't told your grandmother. disney is on their 390th "first" gay representation, but also cancelled owl house and censored the fuck out of gravity falls. you actively got bullied for being gay, but your advisor told you to find a different gimmick for your college essay - everyone says they're gay these days.
once while you were having a hard day you cried about the fact that the reason our story is so fucking boring to so many people is that it is so similar. that it is rare for one of us to just, like, have a good experience across the board. that our stories often have very parallel bends - the dehumanization, the trauma, the trouble with trusting again. these become rote instead of disgusting. how bad could it be if it is happening to so many people?
i kiss my girlfriend when nobody is looking. i like her jawline and how her hands splay when she's making a joke. there is nothing new about this story, sappho. i love her like opening up the sun. like folding peace between the layers of my life, a buttercream of euphoria, freckles and laughter and wonder.
my dad knows about her. i've been out to him since i was 18 - roughly four years before the supreme court would protect us. the other day he flipped down the sun visor while driving me to the eye doctor. "you need to accept that your body was made for a husband. you want to be a mother because you were made for men, not women." he wants me to date my old high school boyfriend. i gagged about it, and he shook his head. he said - "don't be so dramatic. you can get used to anything."
the other day a straight friend of mine snorted down her nose about it, accidentally echoing him - she said there are bigger problems in this world than planning a wedding.
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fluffykiddosstuff · 1 year
stanford and stanley pines fighting for you (headcanons)
i just played swooning over stans and...help i'm so obsessed with these two now..here is littles headcanons for them when they are both in love with you :-)
warnings : swearing (thank you stanley), gn!reader, using they/them pronouns, mention of child abuse
context : the kids are gone, the grunkles are on adventures, so to their surprise when they came back for a month, they saw you in the living room (stanley almost hit you with a stick if ford and soos didn't got him), soos explain to them that you got banished from your home and came to the shack late at night under the rain. Pitty hitting them since they know damn well what a lonely life is, they let you stay and life goes on..well not as they expected...
stanley pines :
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at first he tries to deny what he feels, you are friends, right ?
if you laugh at his jokes, swear with him against things he dislikes (tv-shows, young people ect..), and that you help him annoy poeple by stealing and other things ? My man is head over heals
you can see he start to grow fond of you when he wants to protect you even more than before, especially since he knows what is gravity falls made of
when you where gone for shopping with soos, he decided it was time to annonce it to his dear twin brother
he would talk about it while watching a romance movie with ford (even tho he said he didn't wanted to watch)
"you know, i start to kinda like them..but like like them you see.."
the pills doesn't pass well when ford says he likes you too
stan is definitely the most childish one
"let's make a bet sixer ! the first to got a date with them wins !"
he likes to come in while ford tries to show you something or even tries to speak to you
he even broke down ford's clock so he would be late to your weekly monster's chase
he still as limits of course, ford is his twin brother after all, and it's only little jokes that doesn't harm anyone right ?
will definitly show off with his boxing skills or by putting a nice suit (for exemple the one in the gif) while you all go out together for a party or something, will try to do sport everyday but heh, he is a little bit too old to do those things daily..
gives you his jacket when you are outside with him, even if you aren't cold, when he sees ford's face when he smells his cologne on you while you both work on something, i'ts worth it
gives you flowers and little gifts, puts them on your bed for you to find when you come back
verbally says what he thinks about you, while ford can't even say two lines in a phrase when all he wanted to say is that your outfit was pretty
stanford pines :
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he mainly start to realise he likes you when you helped him with his reasearches for a creature, he is amazed by how much you are interested in his work and doesn't hesitate to take you as an assistant and answer all of your questions
man did he regret telling stan's about his feelins for you, now his life is a living hell (sometimes he thinks about going back in the other dimension by how stan can be extremely annoying, really)
you only get free time with him when you are both in the forest to hunt monsters, you talk for hours about many toppics
smarter than stan, he tries to make you more open around him, asking you about personnal stuff and trying to comfort you when things gets too hard for you to tell, he even experienced to make hugs (bc my dude is awkard) and he purposelly hugs you in front of stan while you are crying about something related from your abusive parents, bonus point if you say : "oh ford..what would i do without you..", he would look at his twin, sticking out his tongue in a proud grin, revenge is a plate you eat cold they said
when you are all watching a show on the t-v and that it's his turn to choose the movie, even if he is dying to watch a documentary, he puts an horror movie and sits next to you, watching you take his hand as a loud noises his heard or hugs you if you are too scared
when you both work and you pass out on a table, he first puts his long jacket on you, and if it gets too late, he takes you in his arms to put you in your bed, all while him and stan are having a "who is gonna look the more angry at eachother" contest
when stan swears , he likes to take him back, especially if you don't like that either (or if it's not the right moment or the right place to do those) of course it doesn't stop him for saying : "for fuck's sake" or "fucking little nerd" while you laugh with ford
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thicctails · 1 month
I C R A V E more gbc au stuff: particularly with Bill: were the twins aware of Bill before gravity falls? what do they tell the twins about bill once they get there? how does bill and his parents even go about reconnecting?? I want to know more about the direct aftermath of the reunion. It's not hard to piece together Bill and Fords relationship from the journals: did they read into it the wrong direction or smth? Like Bill fucking traumatized Ford: Euclid and Scalene's estranged long lost son fucking severly traumatized and manipulated a realtive of their adoptive kids: there's gotta be more complex feelings there? Does Bill blame them for his medical trauma? do Scalene and Euclid regret that? did they have differing opinions on it back when? also like, now Bill is legit insane: what with him having been percieved insane or a ticking time bomb of insanity before how do they feel about that? do they have differeing opinions?????
Ask and ye shall r e c e i v e
Both Scalene and Euclid were under the impression that Bill died when Euclidea inevitably collapsed in on itself. They told Dipper and Mabel that they had a child, but never went into much detail, as it hurt too much to talk about.
(You can imagine how fucking gutted they were when they saw images of him all around the Shack. Journal 3 was just a big fat gob of salt in their open wounds)
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Reconnecting for them is like a healing an infected wound: you have to cut out the rot, grit your teeth for the burn of cleaning it out, work to keep the infection away, and accept the fact that there will be a scar.
Bill is so fundamentally broken and mentally unwell that not even the Axolotl can really fix him. The best he can do is help Bill get to a point where he can begin again in a different form. But getting to that point is the real trouble. It's rotten work, a path laden with pain and suffering and hurt feelings, but it's the only option worth fighting for.
Scalene and Euclid feel immense guilt for the mistakes they made raising Bill. They allowed themselves to be pressured into trying to make their gifted son normal, and everyone they ever loved and then some ended up paying the price. Bill may have started the fire, but their misguided good intentions handed him the match.
Bill himself is a whirlwind of emotions. He is unexplainably relieved that his parents are alive, but that also means that he can no longer possess a false bravado and pretend he intentionally slaughtered his entire dimension. His past is red and blue and in his face, and the voices have only gotten louder since he saw his mother's heartbroken face. Not only that, but they have, in his eye, replaced him with two of the people destined to destroy him! They look at Shooting Star and Pinetree with all the fondness they used to look at him with, and it makes his insides burn.
They also are constantly setting off each other's triggers, like some kind of sick oroborus of trauma. Bill's powers often manifest as pyrokinesis, which isn't great when your parents are still living with the horrific injuries caused by said fire. On the other side of the coin, Euclid has been soothing the twins with gentle TV static since they were little, since his preferred method of manifestation is screen-based technology, (whereas Scalene prefers music and books) which has caused Bill to spiral into a violent panic attack more than once.
As for Ford... well, neither Cipher parent is fond of him, as i've stated, but while they don't know the entire story of how his and Bill's time together was, they know enough to know that it ended in violence and misery, and they are not so heartless that they do not feel pity for the man and disgust towards their son's actions. They make it very clear to their eldest, when they can stand to speak to each other, that he is to never possess another member of the Pines family.
He only breaks that promise once, though it was for a good reason. Gideon needed a good beat down, and Pine Tree was too hurt to make that jump without help.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
LOOK. This post is for a huge joke. Pardon me for God's sake
Bill can control people's bodies? He takes over their minds and does shit.
What if he took over a person's body to find out what physical sex is?
He still wouldn't understand what's so interesting about it. BUT! After that a reader was born lol
Bill somehow finds out about it and when he meets the reader he dramatically screams "I AM YOUR FATHER/MOTHER (he takes a second to try to remember whose human body he was in for effect)!!!! YOU WERE CREATED BY ME! YOU ARE MY CHILD!!!"
The Pines family is already on automatic in horror looking at Bill, then at the reader, thinking their a traitor, but then all beginning to question the reality of what's happening
What if! Reader gets powers since they’re technically Bill’s kid? I just like the thought of that for some reason! Reader who’s bill’s kid but has powers, it’s not the least weirdest thing in Gravity Falls in comparison to their parentage.
I can just imagine you’re hanging out with the Pines family, having no recollection of your father/mother as they were never talked about but there was obvious signs that they weren’t…normal to say the least. Other than that you weren’t all too miffed about not knowing who they were as they clearly had no intentions of staying even if they did.
So imagine while your on your phone, Mabel is doing some arts and crafts, Stan was watching tv while Dipper and Ford were comparing notes they both made about their latest monster hunt, Bill just appears out of nowhere and was about to say something sarcastic but his eye landed on you and all he says is;
Bill: You! *points at you* I am your creator and you side with my enemies to kill me! I did not raise you like this at all!
You: who the fuck- you didn’t even raise me! Who the fuck are you!
Bill: your mom/dad! You’re grounded forever for interacting with the enemy!
Mabel is looking between you and Bill much like everyone else. ‘You’re y/n’s mom/dad? Is this a joke because it was a bad one. How can you be y/n’s parent! You’re a triangle!’ She cries.
Ford furrows his brows. ‘Unless he’s possessed someone during this time.’
The pines family just all looked to you and you couldn’t help but feel a little upset at how quick they were to suddenly become suspicious of you.
You: why the fuck are you looking at me! I’m learning this just the same as you! What? you’re thinking that I was playing coy on Bill’s order? *scoffs* typical.
Bill: *appears on your shoulder* it’s just me and you kiddo. You don’t need these losers. Parent and child, ruling over Gravity Falls side by side, we could make this a family business!
You: piss off Dorito chip. I don’t owe you shit.
Bill: like a chip off the old block aren’t cha! *playfully punches your shoulder*
The pines family: ????
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theoryofthemultiverse · 2 months
Hoyo‘s Doctors as Dads🧸
Synopsis: Do they want children? How would they be as dads? What hobbies would they have with their children?
Characters: Baizhu, Dr.Ratio, Il Dottore
A.N: Oh yes!!! Beware though I made this pretty realistically what I thought their decisions would be based on a few presented factors. Also very sorry I didn’t post anything, I feel like my writing is getting worse :.)
C.w: Reader is implied to carry the baby, also Dr. Ratio‘s part is a lot longer than Baizhu‘s and Dottore‘s (sorry I can’t do all men justice equally ):
-🧸<🍼> 🧸-🧸<🍼> 🧸🧸<🍼> 🧸🧸<🍼> 🧸🧸<
He definitely wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. He would love to raise a child with you and teach it all about the world and make it into a lovely human being.
So his parenting style would support that! He would want to be there for his child no matter if there are emotional troubles that it can’t cope with or experiences to be made in reality. He would in general be very patient with his child and have a good mixture of strictness with gentleness.
He also detest shouting at it, as well as scolding too harshly so he really tries to not do this to make sure he doesn’t damage the relationship with his child. Nonetheless, the child knows when his tone gets stern that it did something wrong and better listens to what its father has to tell them.
As for what he would do together with them, there are a lot of things. Surely he would like to teach the kid a little bit about medicine even if it ends up not wanting to do that for their profession. He thinks it’s good to have some basic medicinal knowledge. He would also take them for some walks and hikes in nature when going out for herbs.
Dr. Ratio🎓
Getting Children is admittedly not really on his radar. He is so focused on work that he tries his best to be there often enough for let alone you, so if you two were to get a child he would have a lot more time to invest into it and sacrifice work time to be here for you and the baby. Especially since he wouldn’t want you to be the only one to need to invest their time into it.
And while that might not be the end of the world, it would bother him to have his pretty good work-life balance smashed together by a little human. Since he is also pretty content with the relationship only being between the two of you.
Yet if you were to listen to his reasons and be able to make a few sacrifices on your side, he would maybe be willing to give you a child. In your pregnancy he would then be there for you to the best of his abilities and care for the little human inside you, yet you can see there is a bit of distance.
But that distance also gets less after the baby is born and has features of him and you. He would fall in love.
He then would be more of a stricter dad. He has read a lot about parenting in books prior yet still wouldn’t fuss to scold the child occasionally if it did something really wrong.
What he would do with the child largely depends on the child’s personality. If he notices the child likes learning and asks him questions about every kind of science then he would be over the moon. If the child turns out to be hating school and academics however.. be prepared to watch him try to cope with that.
If the child would be willing, he would indulge in every childlike imagination with them, explaining the physics of a flying ship, floating water in zero gravity, you name it. If the child is completely disinterested though. He will have a hard time to bond with it, since there is only an emotional component left which is very important and which he could fulfill just fine, but there is no shared passion between them then.
So all in all, he would probably be against getting a child. The chances of him and it not connecting are too big to him to want to try it out because even if you try it and it doesn’t work, he doesn’t want a child to need to suffer under it. He also simply isn’t interested in the major life changes that come with it and admits that he is not cut out to be a parent which is fine too isn’t it?
Il Dottore🧪
You want a child? He would give it to you, what’s the harm in it after all? Most that it would have in store for him is another human he could teach some things about lab work.
But other than concerning himself with it when it comes to work be prepared to raise it on your own. Dottore may be willing to give you a child and help you with giving birth and be there for all the pregnancy related things, but he would more do the minimum rather than the maximum.
But if you agree that you are okay with the minimum and occasional bonding moments he‘d have with the child then there you go!
Maybe he would also deploy one of his clones from time to time to entertain the baby (but please make sure it doesn’t end up in an experiment then :).
If you ever really have all hands full nonetheless and all the clones are with him in an experiment you will get the lucky chance to see Dottore strapped with your little one to the chest walking around the lab with the clones. Which surely is questionable but boy does it look kinda cute.
They all would probably get so distracted by the baby after some point tho that everything is about it and work is forgotten.
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Pines Headcanons [Happy Birthday, Grunkles]
I cannot believe I just now got reminded of this- holy shit. Unfortunately, I'm not an artist so have these headcanons instead about Stan and Ford
Stanley ‘Lee’ Pines
He’s bisexual. This is not up for debate (/lh). It just made sense for him 
Stanley is ambidextrous. He can write and utilize both his left and right hands. This was something he self-taught himself in after the portal accident 
On the power of ‘I said so’, Stan does have some level of book smarts but instead of math or science- it’s creative writing. He’s got the talent for it; however, he rarely - if ever - shares these stories with anyone
Stan has some form of neurodivergency. Young Stan definitely gives the impression of ADHD but also I feel he’s got dyslexia- don’t ask me why. This is canon now
He does have scars from the time he spent on the run and doing his sales. I’m not sure what they are exactly, but just know he has them 
Stan knows martial arts. Other than boxing, I feel he would’ve taught himself in other forms of fighting- like the ones done on the streets and it’s a weird mix of martial arts and free-style fighting
He can be a bit of a poet, but for the most part- Stan prefers show-and-tell as his love language. He will present his partner with gifts, and makes sure they understand he’s there for them 
He’s kind of protective over his partners, and definitely has gotten into fights in an attempt to protect their honor. It’s ill-placed sometimes but he’s not about to let some bozo mess with them
Stan always sought his father’s approval. He attempted multiple times to perfect his studying skills before the science fair accident, but apparently Old Pa Pines didn’t seem to notice and the rest, well, it was already history
He fantasized of being a pirate when he was a kid. This is where the whole thing of going on a seafaring adventure with Ford came from! Unfortunately due to canon events, this soured out but he held onto a photograph he and Ford took in front of the beach as a memoir
He’s very much not a big fan of vegetables
Stanford ‘Ford’ Pines
He’s arospec and ace!
Ford absolutely loves puzzles. Why? It just weirdly fitting for his character
He definitely has C-PTSD following the events of Weirdmaggedon
Autistic Ford? Autistic Ford. There is no way he doesn’t have it- I said what I said
Before he got involved in the strange and paranormal, one of Ford’s main interests was actually crystals and rocks! It felt weirdly fitting for his character, and here we are
Ford is more of a cat person. At one point, he rescued a cat-adjacent creature from an auction and named her ‘Nova’. Of course, it’s far from a cat but well, we’ll get to that later
He would be into LARP if it exists in the Gravity Falls canon. Like, that man is a nerd and already enjoys the show’s version of Dungeons and Dragons, there’s just no way he wouldn’t participate in LARP
He does have scars from his time in other dimensions for thirty years. He’s very secretive about them and doesn’t let anyone see- not even Stanley
Ford deals with the aftermath of a burnt-out gifted kid- like, he was the prodigal son and got all the right honors, scores, all of it but as he got older- the more he struggled, the more he felt like something was missing. As the golden child, he was brought up with the notion he would be important but then got smacked in the face when he realized none of it truly mattered
He had a lot of issues adjusting to his new life in Gravity Falls, Oregon after he was brought back from the portal. Ford’s triggered fight-or-flight response would kick in with unexpected situations- like, he’s definitely pulled a blaster/space gun
He likes hot chocolate
Ford enjoys cuddle piles, let’s be honest here. Once he gets more comfortable, he begins making nests with the rest of the Pines family
He’s protective of his family!
I’ll try and come up with new headcanons soon, but since I took too long releasing this- given I got sick unfortunately, I decided to post a smaller version 
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Hsjaksis this idea has been in my brain for so long but imagine demon heeseung who watches little church girl y/n ever since she turned of age, he's smitten,he wants her but also knows that her purity is too strong and he can only touch her body if she gives him permission,so he has to use deception. Pretend to be someone else to earn ur trust, making u suck on his fingers by telling u that it will earn u god's grace. Overall heavy on corruption if u catch my drift. He will slowly prepare you for himself cuz u r oh so sweet and innocent completely unaware of the pleasures of the human body
”A Test of Will.”
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WARNINGS: Unprotected sex, slight breeding kink, corruption, deception, demonic HS x Y/N. Stealing y/n's virginity, possessiveness, secret admiring, cursing, I think that's it.
I apologize it took me so long to post. I got super jet-lagged after our flight back home the other day. But without further ado, here is (sorry it's not proofread) the one shot, "A Test of Will." REQUESTED.
Begin Read:
For as long as you can remember, you loved and praised God, taught to submit into his will whenever he desired or called upon you. As a young girl, you wanted nothing more than to become a bride of Jesus and yearned to remain everlasting and pure. It was a life you loved and respected, being the daughter of a pastor and the wife of a devoted homemaker. From the moment you understood speech, and emotional love, it had always been ingrained in your head to please him and only him.
So, you did.
The first moment you realized the importance of your obedience to the Holy spirit was after you turned seven and your family coordinated your Baptism at the local church, one your family had been attending for years. Donning all white, looking as angelic as the Renaissance paintings, you gained holiness and rebirth as God's child, watching as everyone gathered around and sang praises and cheers. It was a joyous event that displayed your conformance to the standards of God's holy will. Among the chanting choir, one particular guest lurked from above, watching with intrigue. Despite being uninvited, he remained to observe the Holy ritual while being unheard and unseen.
He hovered high above, over the large grand fountain, and watched as the priest gently dipped your frail body in the water, allowing you to rise and take your first breath. Seeing how you smiled delicately, accepting your dedication to fulfilling God's will, creates a smirk in defiance to form gracefully on his dark lips. Now, this ritualistic occurrence was not unique to him, but he could care less, for the event wasn't the reason for his stay. It was you that he was interested in. Your innocence appealed to him, and the strength of your devotion, especially at such a young age, what an enchanting young girl you were. Perhaps he'll possess you and devour your soul while you sleep, letting you die while he tucks your spirit away for safe keeping.
Spreading his wings wide, they rested against the cathedral ceiling; the darkness of the spikes and bat-like features looked as if it smeared the face of the great mother Mary and baby Jesus, tainting their warm faces with the hue of black and blood red. His lithe frame is sharply adorned in an all-black suit with fingerless gloves, while his hair is stained royal purple. Gravity did not affect his demonic nature; no one would have been able to notice him even if he decided to become visible to the mortal eye. He took on a perfect stance of a straight stand, parallel to the roof of the ceiling, with arms carelessly crossed and a raised hand stroking his lips by the lead index. Chuckling, he becomes amused and admires your happiness in becoming one of them, another tribal animal that falls into the pretenses of spiritual love and devotion, neglecting the nature of your mortal existence and desire. That won't do for him, considering he can only devour your spirit when it is strong in faith.
Years have passed since then, and the hellish guest permanently remained in your life, unbeknownst to you. It was enjoyable for him to watch you grow, molding into a prideful young woman. He admired your dedication but grew infatuated by your stubbornness. You had no problems remaining vigilant in keeping your chastity, but it wasn't easy. As you came of age, you longed for a sense of touch and physical companionship. Most times, you continued to plow through life with your dedication strong and steady, yet some moments you questioned if you were doing enough, feeling complacent with your current path and therefore drifting in thought, wondering if there is more to life than just serving the Lord.
It had hit you hard upon graduating high school, you realized that your greatest wish was to do more, thus furthering your motivation to stay on the current course. Especially after observing your peers, watching them take part in dating, following the natural courses of love, marriage, and family life. You did everything you could to take your mind off it, from actively volunteering in holy community services to leading Bible study every day, but none of it gave you the strength you needed to stay engaged with your dedication to God. Unfortunately for you, he had sensed it and took great delight watching as you tried fighting off your instinctive desires as a mortal woman.
There were times when his invisibility was clicked on or off, depending on his mood, yet it didn't matter for each time that he was present, he remained undetected. Whether it was appearing as the air itself, or disguising as one of your friends, teachers, or even your parents, he gained interaction to hear how lovely your voice became with age. He had found you peculiar upon discovering you as a young girl, but seeing how you grew into the dedicated young woman you are today, he was obsessed. Who could have ever thought that demons could gain affection and desire for humans? It wasn't natural nor was it normal, but there is a first for everything, including him. The last straw was when he lay, relaxing himself on your bedspread, watching as you remained oblivious to his unobtrusive presence. Figuring you were going to conduct your normal routine in changing inside your closet space, he relaxes on your bedding, already knowing that your inclusive habit was due to your shyness in changing out in the open, despite being nestled in the privacy of your room…or so you thought.
It's true, that you have made a habit of changing in discrete areas such as your closet or your bathroom, but time has an effect on everyone, even God's most dutiful child. Sure, you were still fruitful and pure, but as you matured, you found it nearly silly
you weren't as shy as you were before. You were a fully, blossomed young woman who helped and loved her family and had prospects to attend the university of your choice in the oncoming months, all with the attending hopes of joining a nunnery and becoming a bride of his holiness.
His brow raises when he notices you undressing. Shifting his gaze, he looked confused for a moment as you broke out of your traditional habit, and stripped off your clothing delicately until you reached full nudeness. It takes a lot for him to become shaken, it's never happened before, but you accomplished a feat that many, including the demons of Hell, found impossible to achieve. There he lay, iris expanding and glowing red as he noted the suppleness of your soft skin, how you tenderly removed your skirt, blouse, and the undergarments that cradled your luscious breasts and the simple white lace that protected the heart of your core. It was at that moment for the first time since he discovered you, he realized that he was not just intrigued, but obsessed with having you. His infatuation develops into something deeper and stronger upon seeing your bare form, he had to keep you, shower you with his darkness, and hide your lightened heart away for only him to admire.
"Y/N, come here sweetheart, and meet the new priest who has graciously volunteered his services to our church."
You had just returned from your college orientation and noted an unfamiliar umbrella staged by the front door upon entry. Your steps were timid, but you approached the living room steadily, catching sight of your mother and father both speaking to a tall figure, with his back facing you. Your mother catches your entry and bids you to introduce yourself, and you had every means of doing so gracefully, until he turned around.
"Y/N, this is Father Ethan, he has come from far away and is blessing our church with his devotion and preaching of God." Your father added on, continuing your mother's praise of the rather young-looking man that stood before you. He had dark, shiny black hair, was lean, and had a handsome face; for a priest, he was unlike any holy servant you had ever seen before. He was Asian, though you couldn't pinpoint which national region his ethnic background came from, and didn't probe to ask as it would have been too rude. You smiled sweetly and finally gulped faith before emitting your first words in greeting him.
"It's…nice to meet you, Father Ethan. My name is Y/N…."
"Well hello, it's very nice to finally meet you, Y/n. Your parents were spending the last hour boasting about you."
Looking over to your parents, Father Ethan displays a sly smirk as he crosses his arms and swings his body before returning his gaze to your direction. Your parents nod with approval and gleam proudly. You couldn't be entirely sure but there was something strange about your meeting with Father Ethan; there was an unusual level of attraction that you felt towards, and from him.
The next day, you carried out your diligent duties in leading Bible study for the younger age group. Walking in, you immediately became aware of the stark emptiness inside; no one was around, yet the candles were lit. Making your way down the aisle, you looked around and peeked between the benches, only to find that the main hall was just as empty. You stood before the holy cross, admiring the small statues and chalices that decorate the platform where the priest conducted his prayer and Biblical lecture, when suddenly a deep voice emerges from behind you. "You're here for Bible study?"
Sharply turning, you set your eyes on Father Ethan. He stood straight and tall, wearing a casual black suit with a white undershirt, partially unbuttoned. "Oh, I'm sorry Father, I didn't know you were here."
"Pay no mind, and no need to apologize." he slyly smiles in response.
Surrendering a faint nod, you smiled sweetly before clearing your throat. "Are the children here?"
"Oh you mean the ones you're leading for the lecture? I'm afraid not, everyone had prior engagements set in stone and couldn't make it."
Stroking his chin, he flares his infamous smirk once more, locking his gaze and finding you heavenly and delectable.
"You know…y/n….your diligence and faith towards God is astonishing."
"It is?"
"Mmhmm…I wonder if there is anything you wouldn't do, all in the name of your love for him."
Your eyes slightly widen as you lean in, enhancing the value of your statement. "There isn't…I would do anything to show my loyalty and to become closer, I intend to be a bride of God."
"You want to be a nun?"
Nodding, you shifted your gaze to the side upon feeling his gaze examining you with intrigue.
"Interesting." Walking towards you, his hand reaches down and gently cups your cheek. Just as he expected, your skin was soft and supple, the strands of your hair grazing against his knuckle felt like silk threads, and you warmed his coldness in an instant. "Hm…pretty."
You were taken aback by his statement, as he displays a devious smile. "No-no…it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you…in fact, I'm here to help you to get closer…"
"Closer to God?" your eyes began to water, yet you couldn't help it, you became curious by his rather bold statement. Chuckling, he bites down on his lower lip and steps back. "You wanna see proof?… You wanna see a miracle…y/n?"
Nodding once more, you watch as he takes one of the empty chalices in his hand and flicks it. The chime of the brass echoes through the main hall and into the massive foyer. Presenting it to you, you gently cradle the cup in both hands and become stunned upon seeing that the chalice was filled with blood-red wine. "I-is….is this?…. How?" You snapped your gaze over to him, curious for an explanation as you were quite sure the chalice was empty a moment ago.
"Are…you an….are you an angel?… Father Ethan?"
"Something like that." tilting his head, he continues to flash his devilish smile before whispering once again, "Something….like that."
Looking down at the chalice, you smile softly. "Can I ask why you're here?"
Playfully rolling his eyes to the side, he shrugs his shoulders before emitting an answer. "Just here to help preach his desire."
"….What is his desire?"
"You really want to know?"
Snapping his hand forward, he snags your wrist and rapidly pulls you close, pressing you chest to chest. "First…." he softly lets out into your ear before he slowly licks the nook of your neck.
"Father! W-what…!"
"Shh….I said…everything is going to be alright…don't you trust me?….If you don't, I guess I can leave and you'll be forever marked in his eye as someone who went against his will…."
Gasping, you desperately voiced out your objection. "No! That's not true! I would do anything for him, even if it meant giving up my happiness. That's how much I love him."
"Huh…that right?" Rolling his tongue, he tilts his head and peers his gaze into yours. "You know what would make him happy?"
"….No…would you tell me?"
"Its easier if I showed you…come here."
Gripping your shoulders, he straightens your posture and squares you up with his frame. He leans in and places a soft and sensual kiss on your neck, stirring a vibrating sense to riddle deep inside your gut. Giving you the thrill of passion, he presses his parted lips against yours and harshly breathes out, coating your skin with the warmth of his exhale. Slowly, his tongue trails through his mouth, feeding its way through your lips and smears his saliva over your tongue and cheek. Your brows furrow in fear and worry, but slowly transitions into delight once you reminded yourself of how Father Ethan was bringing you closer to God, or so he says. No one could blame you, after all, seeing his talent with what he did to the chalice was proof enough that he was not an ordinary person. But what was he exactly?
Your thoughts were interrupted when his grip changes, holding your firmly by your waist while he buries his tongue deeper. As soon as you let out a gasping moan, he takes things a step further by smoothing his palms over every curve of your body. Hesitant, you try to push yourself away, yet his hold on you remained strong and he continues to shower you with the passion of his sinful touch. "Stay close to me, I promise I'll show you heaven."
"O-okay…." you faintly whispered, unable to make any sense of what was going on. You knew that what he was doing was a sin, something your parents had warned you to avoid. However, when he began feeding his hand under the hem of your dress, and smother your neck and chin with his dangerous kisses, you faltered at the sensation, keeping in mind that you were displaying your loyalty to God and his will.
"F-Father Ethan…I…I can't breathe…" you whimper as he forces your head to tilt back, allowing him a wider range to lick and nibble the skin on your throat. "It's okay, I'll fix that in a second." He mumbles.
Turning you around, he was abrupt and rough with his movements, he could tell that you didn't seem to mind, at least it didn't sound like it. Since he started to rub your inner thighs, your pitch sounded more pleasurable and less fearful. Either you were too trusting towards him, or you were melting at the feeling of being ravished by his hands and mouth.
Piercing your entry, you gasped in shock upon realizing that his hand had made its way under your panties, taking advantage of your partially exposed cavity. "Wait! Wh-what are you doing!?" you gasped out, placing your hands on his shoulders as he inserts his fingers, lifting you upwards in the process. "Dont worry…its all in his will, remember?" Father Ethan smirks as he burrows his face into your neck, groaning against your skin. "You wanna be closer to heaven, riiiiight?" Gripping a handfull of your hair, he forcefully tilts your head to the side and bites, "Ah! That hurts!" Resetting your position, he looks down at you under heavy lids, his smirk completley gone but the lust in his eye remains. "Tell you what, if you're good, I'll show you my wings."
You looked up, completely bewildered. "You have…wings?" He nods his head as he pets your hair, it was at that moment you were convinced he really was an angel. Sensing your instant will and obedience, he ignores in confirming the validity of your submission and instead, turns you around while ripping your dress in half. Shredding off your undergarments, you cover yourself as you stood fully nude with his frame pressing against you from behind. "Did you know that you've been lied to all your life?" kissing your back, he leaves a lengthy trail down your spine as he plasters his lips onto your skin.
"W-what do you mean?" You ask in all earnesty, trying to refrain from releasing your desperate moans of pleasure as you relish in the sensation of each kiss. With his lips pressed onto your lower back, he grips the back of your thighs before mumbling against you, giving a slight tickle. "God would never demand that his creations to be so ignorant as to dismiss their instinctive will to learn the life lessons of pleasure, pain, and happiness. It's what humans are meant to do in their short lifespan." Biting down, you felt the sting of his demeanor on the back of your shoulder. "I'm sure he appreciates the spiritual faith in his name, but what good is flesh and blood if not without the practice of tasting, feasting, and desiring the need to touch and be touched."
Counterattacking his resolve, you whimper your words, trying your best to maintain composure. "Flesh and blood is all but a facade, its our will that remains everlasting and true."
Chuckling, you feel his teeth against the back of your neck as he responds in amusement. "Hmph…that right? Well then princess, let's see if we can break that will of yours."
He wastes no time and begins to insert his lengthy shaft into your womanhood. Even though you hadn't given him consent, you weren't resisting to the act, so long as he kept his promise in bringing you closer to God, among other things. True, you wanted to be closer, you wanted to see Father Ethan's wings, and you wanted to enter heaven, but there was also the longing built up within you that desired for him to do more. The feeling of his thickness filling you became the most painful and pleasurable sensation you've ever felt; you nearly questioned how you could have gone so long without experiencing it, when a quick thrust on his part pinched you with sharp pain.
"Ugh….it-it hurts! F-Father Ethan…."
"Call me Heeseung baby." Be breathes out in a low groan.
Noting your perfect pronunciation, he showers you with praise as he continues to lick your neck. "Very good. You have a gift of tongues, don't you?"
Fully leaned forward, he coats your back with his chest, sealing his muscle as he stuffs his entire girth in between your wet folds. "Ready to see Heaven?"
You hesitated for a second, but nodded as your body shook vigorously from the immense pressure. "Alrighty then." he smirks, just as he starts his thrusts back up. "Wow…you're fucking perfect, aren't you?"
He starts slow, but picks up the pace as he continues to pump his lengthy cock in and out of your entry. The bulging tip harshly taps against a sweet spot that lays dormant inside of you, something you never knew existed until now. In and out, he steadily increases the pace, the sound of your skin wrapping his, squelching as he thrusts ferociously with the hidden intentions of staining your internal spirit with the darkness of Hell. He goes faster, your body jolts forward as he slams his cock deep inside each time, with his thighs slamming against your own and his groin popping against your derriere. Lost in the whirlpool of erotic pleasure, your moans were interrupted as you felt his fingers crawling up, around your neck, and onto you chin. Tapping his finger against your lips, he lets out an indiscriminate tone and smirks out another one of his chuckles. "Open." Bidding to his demand, you part your lips and watch as he slips his index in and rubs the inside of your cheek. "Good girl…"
Just as you started to question his claims, his voice punctures your thoughts when he asks you, "Can you see them?"
Never losing his momentum, he continues to pump his cock, disrupting the tightness and elasticity of your feminine virtue, jerking your body back and forth from his performance. Confused by his formulation, you were about to bid him to elaborate when suddenly you saw the glowing of spheres surrounding your bodies. Thrusting, your body motions forward and back as he pulls you by the hips, making it nearly impossible for you to admire the majestic beauty of what appeared to be stars, encircling you.
"I told you, didn't I?…I'd show you heaven…"
Seeing the evidence of what you could only surmise as divine intervention, you submit fully by extending your arms overhead and plastering your forearms against the wall, spreading your legs even more and allowing him unbarricaded access. Arching your back, you perk your rear cheeks upward, wanting to see and feel more.
"Yeah? Bet you wanna see more, don't you?" he scoffs in between his growls. Nodding, you bend and submit every inch of your will and begged him to do more. "Huh….if only everyone you know could see you right now….what would dear mommy and daddy think if they were to see their precious daughter getting fucked…hmm?" Following his words, he speeds up his thrusts as he firmly grips the center of your throat. "Keep yourself steady baby….you feel so fucking tight like this."
Following his instructions, you keep yourself arched as you feel his thrusts going in deeper and harder. His fingers rubbing the side of your neck as he holds you down, pinning you against the wall while he takes advantage in fully penetrating you. The more he did, the more you saw. Soon the entire hall was filled with the glowing spheres; you watched as they fluttered around and looked too beautiful to be real. They had to be angels; small and delicate cherubs that were enhancing the legitimacy of his claims.
In between your pleading moans, you faintly smile as you felt wholesome in seeing what others could not, all due to giving yourself up to this man. Letting him continue, he delightfully takes you in and punctures your entry for hours, painting your skin blue, purple, and red by his licks and nibbles. He kept going and going, your body became numb and the pleasure wore off, the only thing you could feel at this point was prickling pain and sting, yet each time he sensed your weakened state, he taunted you with his words, teasing as he scoffs them out. "Are you giving up on me? Should I stop?"
You shook your head every single time, maintaining your stance so that you could continue to be closer to your faith, to which he would respond with a chuckle, and a dark decree. "Gonna fucking break you to pieces, girl."
You barely had enough time to process his word's let alone respond, all due to his last and final effort in increasing his speed. "Oh fuck you feel so good…going to make me cum."
With tears staining your cheeks, you shook your head as you helplessely leaned your head against the wall's surface, already having done too much to suddenly stop now, not that he would ever let you. Punching your internal gut, he goes faster, deeper, and harder. Your breasts bounce fiercly as your hair flies forward, your skin tainted red as he drags his nails and digs them in. Reaching your breaking point, a sharp, stabbing sensation pierces your clit as overstimulation takes effect from the constant throbbing of his cock. "Please! No more! I-I cant!"
Your scream was all he needed to hear before he releases, fully submerging his cock deep as he groans into your ear. "My little slut...you feel me turning us into parents?" Filling you, your walls become stained by the creaminess of his seed, the warmth of it all eases you inside and out. When he was finally done, he slowly exits, releasing his grip and letting you drop to the floor. You whimper as you lay weakened, your womanhood destroyed and beaten, and all he did was stand feircly tall as he smiled deviously. Grabbing hold of his cock, he slowly strokes it as he watches you faintly struggle up. "How pretty…I'm going to have fun keeping you all to myself."
Looking up, you tearfully watch as his blackened hair turns purple, his eyes glowed dangerously red, and his lips darken. The white spheres around suddenly turned black, formulating into wild shapes of various demons with jagged teeth and elongated tongues that practically reached the floor. Beyond frightened, you gasped out a series of whimpers as you used your arms to back away, only to meet with the wall behind.
"What?…Scared?" he chuckles, taking his steps closer to you. "Didn't I promise to show you my wings? My pretty...pretty....pretty wife..."
Furrowing your brows, you looked at him mercifully when he abruptly stretches his neck. From left to right, a series of cracks could be heard as he hovers his chin over each shoulder, his lids remained partially shut, revealing the rolling of his eyes towards the back of his head; with a subtle groan, he releases his bat-like wings as they extend high and wide. Covering your mouth, you gasp in horror as you begin to sob hysterically. What have you done? Who was he and just what did you allow him to do to you? The entire afternoon spent with him taking away your purity.
"Y-you're….you're not an angel…." you muttered out, watching as he reopens his eyes and tilts his head. Gazing at you with a smirk that pitied your oblivious state of mind, his eyes drift and takes in the miraculous sight of you from head to toe. He loved how broken and helpless you looked, trapped against the wall as you attempt to cover your breasts and bring your closed legs in. With a pleading tone, you asked with sweet innocence in your voice as your eyes pushed out fresh tears. "A-are you….the Devil?"
Smirking, he takes in a final step and kneels down before you, leaning in for a kiss. Holding your head steady by a fistful of hair, he gently pulls your head back, and whispers before sealing your fate eternally, having special plans in store for when he brings you back home with him, leaving you unfound and forever a mystery in the world you were born into.
With a deep tone, his lips brush against your own as he responds…
"Something like that…"
Taglist: aiden2001 , heeseung-min , lathan1510 , rayofsunshineeee
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busket · 1 month
gravity falls rant, cw sexual assault and harassment
seeing the gf fandom do a full 180 on billford is so odd to see and kind of infuriating because I had so many nasty rumors and lies spread about me in 2015-2018 because I liked them as bitter exes. a callout google doc was made and I never read it, but I know it framed me as a creep and an abuser. all because I thought a cartoon nerd and a triangle had a fascinating dynamic that was dark and compelling
in 2017 or 2018 someone sent like 70 messages to my curiouscat just repeating RAPIST RAPIST RAPIST RAPIST over and over again. I'd never even had sex at that point, and I had just cut my dad out of my life for actually being a pedophile and a rapist. so that was traumatizing! that really hurt me!
I also know it was because I had a NSFW account where i drew porn (i was an adult, i was clear i only wanted adults following me. and I still do draw nsfw, I'm not ashamed of that now but these folks made me ashamed of it for years) that included some porn of trans men, like Stanley or Stanford as trans men (NEVER together bc I've always been staunchly against incest or pedophilia ships) and these people framed me as a transphobe and a transmasc fetishist
well obviously I'm a trans man now and I didn't know it at the time but those drawings were a way to explore my own relationship with gender. I even look like Stan and Ford now, obviously i latched on to them as trans men because I wanted to BE them. but I believed it when people called me a piece of shit, I assumed all trans people would despise me too and I'd committed a horrible sin and it forced me back in the closet for another 5 years.
the people doing this were teenagers at the time, a few I thought were my friends/mutuals, and they made that part of my life kinda miserable. I was already miserable with other shit going on in my life. I ignored most of the harassment to make myself uninteresting and to avoid the possibility of becoming a lolcow but it involved anonymous messages both on tumblr and curiouscat, I even got a few emails just mocking me. even in 2019 when some people were like "oh yeah she's moved on to moomin, this is what her art looks like now, I can't look at it without thinking about how much she loves rape :/" which was NEVER true!!! I liked Ford and Bill as bitter exes but it was always consensual in my mind.
Anyway I don't ever expect or even want an apology. I'm sure they don't realize what an effect that harassment had on me during literally the darkest years of my life. to them they were just teasing a weird girl on the internet for fun, or very seriously warning their friends against whom they'd been lied to about being an abuser, but I was a closeted trans man trying to finish college, my home life was abysmal and abusive, I hated myself, i hated my body, my only friends were online, and when I'd log on for some escapism I was met with another message like "hey, you should block this person. they're saying some really cruel things about you on their account. I know it's not true but it looks like some people are believing it."
gravity falls was so important to me as a show since oregon is my home and it felt so authentic to my own childhood being interested in cryptids and going camping and visiting shit like the Oregon vortex as a child. but the fandom was the worst I've ever been in. it ruined my enjoyment of media online for years. so idk. I guess I feel somewhat vindicated but it would also be nice to get those years back and not be harassed and bullied online about something so stupid and unimportant
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depression-pie · 1 month
Okay these ideas have NOT left my head so here’s two new Gravity Falls AUs inspired by @acerobot’s fanart of a Wandavision-esque Billford AU
The FIRST idea goes as follows:
Ford doesn’t stop working on the portal after Fidds leaves. He and Bill work together to take down the barrier around Gravity Falls, Bill putting together some half-assed excuse to justify why they would need to do it.
They get the portal started up and Bill starts the apocalypse, BUT he puts a new barrier around the town essentially shielding it from Weirdmageddon instead of containing it. He removes Ford’s memories of the betrayal, and since the town is safe from the chaos, Ford doesn’t realize anything is wrong.
So he and Bill have this little domestic life in their cabin in the woods, and he’s completely oblivious to the fact that outside the town is the end of the world.
But now Gravity Falls is considered somewhat of a safe haven for survivors, so people start moving there to get away from all the chaos, and Ford is reunited with his family, who immediately realize something’s wrong.
Will he realize what his husband’s been up to this whole time? Who knows
Because what if Bill trapped Ford in a fantasy bubble during Weirdmageddon. A fantasy version of Gravity Falls where everything is perfect, he’s not fighting with his brother, he’s still friends with Fiddleford, he has a perfect little family and a perfect husband and a perfect life.
And he doesn’t even question it, because the fantasy starts replacing his memories with new fabricated ones, fake memories of his perfect life with his perfect family.
Until Stan and the twins show up, and they’re terrified because they just witnessed Bill start a literal apocalypse and yet there he is, smooching it up with Ford of all people. And he acts like it’s all normal and fine, because to him it IS normal, but they all know it’s not.
Ford is confused why his family is acting weird, not realizing that they’re not the fake family he’s gotten used to, the fake Stan he talks to all the time, the fake Dipper and Mabel who are best friends with his fake kids.
And they almost want to stay too, because they want to live this perfect life, but they know it’s not real, so they do what they can to escape and rescue Ford.
And when they finally do burst the bubble, Ford is absolutely RUINED because he realizes it was all a lie, his perfect family, his perfect husband, his perfect kids weren’t real and he doesn’t know what to do with himself because he misses them.
Even though they’re not real he still has some of the fake memories, going on fake monster hunts with them, teaching them how to play the fake piano, watching them play with their fake friends and the fake Dipper and fake Mabel.
And even though it was all a lie he misses it and he’s heartbroken over the fact that, even though they were never real, he’ll never get to see that perfect family ever again.
And I’m sure when they face off against Bill, Bill tries to rope him back into it, promising to bring back their perfect family and their perfect life, promising that it could last forever if he gave up the equation.
And even after they defeat Bill he’s still plagued by dreams about that life, and he’s fucking ruined over it, and this ends one of two ways.
Ending 1: He finds out the kids from the bubble were actually child versions of the real kids that he and Bill had that he didn’t know about, and so he tries to create the relationship he should’ve had with them if Bill hadn’t kept them apart.
OR Ending 2: Like Mabel’s dream boys, the fake kids somehow survive the popping of the bubble (and even the closing of the rift), though they’re very confused about what happened, and Ford winds up finding them and taking them back home (though I don’t think he’d tell them what happened to Bill just yet).
Holy shit that was a lot of words. Can you tell which plot I’ve spent more time thinking about
Thanks @acerobot for inspiring this. This was all your fault
Also here’s what I think Cassie and Aaron (the kids) would look like if they were Dipper and Mabel’s age
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I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE your Reverse Falls HCs from what I've seen :). I would love to ask more about so much aspects haha.
What is Reverse Ford's main goal in this universe?
What is Ford' and Stanley's backstory?
Mind sharing some info about Reverse! Dipper and Reverse! Mabel?
HOKAY. i will use this ask to talk a little about the reverse stans' backstories because i have Some Ideas. as always full answer under cut bc its got images and rambles galore
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in my mind, the gleeful family association with magic & the supernatural starts with caryn's phone psychic business, and ford having "The Gift" while stan ABSOLUTELY doesnt. but in real terms that means just having a really strong intuition and being able to guess well. (at least thats what filbrick and caryn thing. ford genuinely thinks he has some semblance of psychic ability and so does his mom, but they just havent properly honed it yet) and so ford is the preferred child for that, instead of his smarts really. ford is also obsessed with the supernatural still, but it's more focused on the magical aspect.
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ford and stan's relationship ends up being close because stan is the only one who believes ford about magic. i mean there are other reasons but thats very important to ford
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ford, seeing how stan has always had his back by believing what he says about magic, offers to try and "tutor" stan into having The Gift. drilling him for hours by holding up cards and making him guess, stuff like that. but yknow, since both of them are kinda clamoring to inherit their mom's business, stan kinda ends up relying on ford for everything, and theyre taking on almost a mentor-student relationship when theyre Literally Brothers.
instead of west coast tech, the scholarship ford is being offered is for a famous performing arts school after his teachers saw him take the leads in school plays year after year. they tell him a scout will be at their school's talent show, and ford decides he's going to put on a stage magic show (with stan as his assistant). this time, not only is stan worried about ford leaving, but also, since they've both been working towards a really similar thing (performing for a crowd), he's really worried he'll never get a chance to show off that HE has skill, too! ford brushes him off about this saying that he'll put a good word in for stan when he's at performing arts school and stan is like "ok." and agrees to be his assistant.
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in the middle of ford's show, he goes rogue, trying to show the scouts that he can be just as skilled as ford is, and completely screws up the trick he ends up performing. ford doesnt get that internship, ford is furious, so is filbrick, stan gets kicked out, you know the rest.
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ford goes to backupsmore and double-majors in both theatre and whatever he majors in in the show. he plans to move to gravity falls because of its high ratings of weirdness. after stan got kicked out, instead of becoming a traveling salesman, he becomes a street magician who doubles as a pickpocket. stealing peoples' watches and stuff. he runs around all over the place
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ford digs up four mystic amulets once he gets to gravity falls and stays there for a while, and is like "oh man i can USE these". so how i imagine the amulets to work is that they're kinda like, a conduit through which you can learn legit magic? like casting spells and stuff. but he probably only needs one so he keeps the other three in his house (and that's how the kids eventually find the others)
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and of course thats how he starts up the tent of telepathy!
but he wants more. he wants to make the world pay for ever calling him a six fingered freak. and he wants to prove to the world that his magic IS real. he can't just lie sequestered in gravity falls forever. so he goes hunting for more answers about gravity falls' weirdness, and how he might be able to get more POWER to make a show so good the entire world will see... and that's how he summons will cipher! will tells him about the portal, and how itll open up a dimension of weirdness into his own, and ford accepts on those terms, looking out just for himself. then he asks fidds to come help with the portal, fidds walks out on him, he shackles will to him in a deal, but they both realize they don't have the manpower to run the portal. reluctantly, ford calls stan up, telling him to come and that it's important.
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...but of course that doesnt go well. stan initiates a physical fight and ford ends up getting sucked into the portal. will is left alone with stan, who tells him he can buzz off because HE certainly doesnt want him around. stan works for the next 30 years to get ford back because he wants ford to finally be the one who has to suck up to HIM and owe HIM something.
at some point, mason and mabel's parents become unable to take care of them and give them to stan. he reluctantly takes them in, but soon after, not only do they find the amulets but also journal 2, and they end up reactivating ford's deal with will, getting passed down to the "next of kin" after stan rejected it. AND THATS SORTA WHERE THE SHOW STARTS. THUMBS UP.
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ghostywastaken · 22 days
Ford headcanons pt2. Just random ones.
#1: he is either pansexual or aroace, he doesn't know which one.
#2: almost was blinded in his left eye from how much blood was coming out of it so frequently. (Which is the result of bill possessing him)
#3: he once got bullied to the point where he was rushed to the hospital for a concussion and a broken arm, stanley tried to protect him.
#4: he has faint scars from his childhood on his body from his abusive parents. (His dad was more abusive, ford was absolutely terrified of emmbarrasing his dad or doing something that displeases him. HIS DAD WAS THAT BAD. So both ford and stan got into the habit of pleasing everybody out of coping from the trauma 🙁)
#5: shermie was born in the backseat of stans car. Why? Because there mom didn't think that she was in labor until her water broke, so ford and stan drove her to the hospital on the way shermie arrived. Ford was in the backseat with his laboring mother while stan was in the front driving nervously. Keep in mind that they were 17 or 16. Ford helped and will never unsee that memory of the day shermie was born! (Based off a comic I found on here.)
#6: he has a kid that he kept a secret from everyone, he placed he or she on a doorstep during his paranoid stage and took off. He felt that he couldn't be a father so he left them on a doorstep, he of course felt horrible about it but he didn't want bill killing them as a five month old. (I'll possibly make a au or fanfic off of this headcanon! Atleast both stan and ford have a secret or unknown child of theirs)
#7: he was kidnapped by fiddleford when fiddleford was apart of the society of the blind eye still, fiddleford thought that ford should unsee what he has seen about bill and all about gravity falls. It didn't work. Fiddleford couldn't do it so ford escaped never trusting fiddleford until they saw eachother again during weirdmageddon.
#8: he made a 'cult' for bill cipher as a way of praising and worshipping him as his own personal lord, this was when ford really became loyal to bill. Bill appreciated this and gave ford more information that no one knew, ford made 'shrines' too like the one in the basement.
#9: he dreams about bill still after weirdmageddon, it terrified him but he knew bill could never harm him again.
#10: ford tried destroying the book of bill in multiple different ways, burning it, throwing it away, burying it, etc. He even fed it to waddles and gompers.
#11: ford is OBSESSED with Greek mythology. He is incredibly fascinated by it, he kind of relates to persephone since he had basically the same relationship with Bill.
#12: mcgucket was clueless about bill at the start but after a while he got suspicious than he found out, bill tortured mcgucket extremely psychologically out of jealously and hatred. (Bill wanted ford all to himself.)
If you want more gravity falls headcanons tell me! I'll create more. I don't take credit to making all of these, some people came up with almost the exact same headcanons or aus.
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seiya234 · 4 months
*hits fantasy blunt* what if Henry grew up with Mabel and Dipper, that would be weird, right, anyway thank you to @soulsinshadow who inspired this and @marypsue who i'm pretty sure i texted about this once or thrice.
The year after the Transcendence, Wendy’s dad got a call. Tyler had picked up the phone, gone pale, then turned to Wendy and said “Go get your Dad- now.”
Dad had never gotten in the habit of carrying a cell- the service in the forest was too spotty, even after all these years- so this meant Wendy had to get in the golf cart and start looking for him.
Tyler was still on the phone when they got back an hour later. He handed the phone to Dad without even a peck on the cheek.
Her father listened. Two minutes in he said, “Yes, of course, bring him here.” He looked at Tyler, who nodded. “Talk to my husband. He can handle the logistics.” Dad practically threw the phone at Tyler, then rushed outside. Wendy went to go follow, but Tyler gently grabbed her arm. “Honey, not right now.”
Outside, her father screamed out load, a roar that shook the windows of the house. Wendy turned to look outside the kitchen window just in time to watch her father uproot a twelve foot pine tree, throw it to  the side, before collapsing to the ground, deflated.
From behind her, finally off the phone, Tyler said. “I’ll take care of him Wendy.”
(left unspoken was ‘That isn’t your job anymore.’ Wendy appreciated it more than she ever could say.)
“Why don’t you get the spare room ready, if you please?”
“For how long?”
Tyler looked outside, at his heartbroken husband. “For good, I think.”
Two days later, Wendy’s cousin Henry came from the hospital to live with them.
It was a weird time, a limbo time.
There were two Stans now. Soos decided to leave town for a bit, to see the world and move in with Melody (though Wendy had a feeling they’d both be back). She figured out that while boys were fun to play with, really though, she liked girls. Tambry and Robbie were still going strong which she was pleasantly surprised about. She still worked at the Shack but the wind had gone out of Stan’s sails which meant the wind had gone out of the Shack’s sails and it all felt sad and diminished.
Above all, there was a Mabel and Dipper shaped hole in town. They should be in Gravity Falls- hell, even as someone as insensitive to all this weird magic shit as Wendy could feel the ache of the town, the loss sucking like a black hole.
But they would be back. She knew it.
And then there was Henry.
No one told her how Henry had ended up in the hospital, and Dad had actually pulled her aside to tell her not to ask. As someone who had been the deputy adult in the house for many years, Wendy was a little miffed at first to not know, but that died the day she met her cousin for the first time, all long limbs far too skinny, and hollow eyes and little round burns still healing.
(Years later, Wendy finally found out what Rita and Arnold had done, to send Henry to the hospital and them to jail.
She gave Dipper a snickers bar each, to make it look natural.)
Henry was a Corduroy all right: red hair, freakishly tall, looked good in plaid.
He read. A lot. He was at the library every other day practically. It was summer vacation, but Wendy had a feeling Henry would do okay in school. He probably wouldn’t have a lot of friends, but neither would he get teased. He was surprisingly good at the house chores, slipping into dish and living room rotation seamlessly. Thankfully he wasn’t a weird fundie like Aunt Rita and Uncle Arnold- Kevin asked the first week if they needed to say grace, for Henry.
Very quietly, but very firmly, Henry said, “No.”
It was the first thing that he had said since he moved int. He proceeded to not say another word for the next eight days.
It was okay. Wendy could be patient, when she wanted to. As a child she would wait for hours, hands outstretched, until birds would finally land on her fingers and eat the seed cupped in her palms.
This was just basically a larger bird.
He read. He helped Dad with the trees, even though it left him pale and shaking with exhaustion when he got back to the house. He took long walks in the woods by himself- sometimes as the mood took him because he would occasionally forget to put on his shoes before leaving. He began to speak, though still only a sentence or two- simple, polite, phrases, nothing more.
But she waited, and she waited, and final, one day as they were cleaning up after dinner, Wendy casually said, “You don’t have to go out with Dad, you know?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Out in the woods. I mean, Dad won’t say no to the help and you get a cut of the score but-“
“Wendy, I apologize for interrupting, but did you say that I get… a portion of your dad’s pay?”
She couldn’t help but start a bit. “Uh yeah? You’re out there helping, of course dad will throw you a bone. He doesn’t get paid until next week but I’m pretty sure you’ve earned at least a hundo-“
“… hundred or two hundred dollars.”
“Oh.” It was odd, for someone as big and tall as Henry, to have a voice so soft and quiet. “But… I don’t have to?”
“Nah.” Wendy was going to go on a bit more, but then she looked at Henry, looked at how pale he was.
Realized that he wasn’t shaking and sweating when he got home from lumberjacking because he was tired.
“No one is going to force you to do something you don’t want to do here, Henry,” she finally managed to say.
“The Bible says to honor thy mother and father.” Henry paused. “The brother of thy father I guess but the point still stands.”
“But do you still believe that? Like, really?”
He was deadly quiet. But finally he said, “No.”
Without warning, Henry got up and went outside- again without shoes.
But he began to talk more after that.
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honeybeefae · 1 year
Forgotten Ties (Eris Vanserra x Reader) PT. 2
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Summary// After seeing Eris and subsequently running away, you make sure to board up your entire house as soon as you arrive. You didn’t want him, didn’t need him, wandering around. However, when did fate ever listen to what you wanted?
(PART TWO IS HEREEEE!! I am literally BLOWN AWAY at how much you guys wanted a part two and I hope you enjoy it! And be on the lookout for a possible part three?))
Part One / Part Three / Part Four
Playlist for Story
WARNINGS: Angst, Talks of Trauma & Abandonment, if you like drama this is GIVING it
You had never been more grateful to be home than you were now. Helena was still chattering up a storm, watching as you deadbolted the door and shut all the curtains to the windows. It felt like your entire world, this safe haven you had built for the two of you, was shattering and you couldn’t stop it.
“Mama?” She said softly, watching as you tried to take in deep breaths. “Mama, are you okay?”
“I’m, I’m fine.” You said between pants, a hand over your heart as you angrily wiped away the tears threatening to fall with the back of your hand. “I’m okay. We’re okay.”
“Who was that man? I liked his hair!” Helena giggled, running her fingers through her own. “It was like mine!”
Her comment had you stopping in your tracks to look at her. Your poor, sweet innocent child. She had no idea the gravity of the words she spoke nor the importance of the man with the red hair. You squatted down to her level, holding her hands gently as if she were made of china.
“He did, didn’t he?” You smiled brokenly. “Just like yours. The prettiest head of curls in all of Prythian.”
Helena grinned with all her teeth, a dimple popping out on the left side of her cheek as she threw her arms around your neck and snuggled into you. You squeezed her just as tight, lifting her into your arms. 
“I love you, mama. I had so much fun today.” She whispered into your ear. You felt your heart mend at her words. 
“I love you too, darling. Let’s go get a bath and bed, hm?” You pull her back so you could kiss her cheek, leading her into the bathroom to start your nightly routine.
If there was one thing you could thank the Mother for was how easily Helena slept. She had been a great sleeper since she was born. You had late nights and early mornings, of course, but overall she was perfect. The bath had been quick as you kept having to look over your shoulder, still not feeling completely safe, and the bedtime story had been the same.
As you reached the door of her bedroom she called your name, asking about the red-headed man once more. You knew she was only curious. She had seen maybe a handful of people with red hair like hers in her entire life, so it was only natural that she wanted to meet him. Especially since he was with Rhys and Feyre, two people she knew well.
However, you didn’t want to entertain the thought. He was going to know nothing of her or of you. You weren’t going to put her in harm's way and meeting Eris was one of the most dangerous situations you could put her in. 
You had brushed off the question with a promise to go out again tomorrow, shutting the door quietly and leaning against it with a heavy sigh. The living room and house were dark, the moonlight barely peeking through the covered windows. Fire danced on your fingertips as you lit the lanterns scattered around the room, gathering a pillow and a blanket and making a place for you to sleep on the floor.
It had been a couple of hours since your run in but you knew him and you didn’t trust him. You sat there, staring at the door while drowning in your thoughts, and struggled to stay awake. 
A quiet knock woke you up, making you bang your head on the table as your hand slipped from underneath your head. You glanced toward the clock, noting you had only been asleep for a few minutes before the interruption. 
Another knock followed after you didn’t answer and your heart dropped into your stomach. It was Eris, you could smell the scent of embers and leaves, and you knew he could smell you as well. You looked towards your daughter’s door and squared your shoulders. 
Whatever happened, you weren’t going to let him hurt her. You would kill him before he had a chance.
Your steps were quiet as you approached the door, standing up on your tiptoes to peek out the peephole. Eris was standing there, his face clouded with some unknown emotion as he raised his hand up to knock again.
“I am only going to say this once before I physically remove you myself. Leave me alone.” You ordered with your fists clenched tightly by your side. “You have no business here.”
“You and I both know that is not true, Y/N,” Eris replied softly. He was speaking slowly like one would do when talking to a cornered animal. “I will not harm you. I give you my word. I just want to talk.”
A low, unamused snort came out of your nose. “What good is your word to me? It means nothing. Get the hell out of here.”
The air moved around you as you felt a soft breeze, your mouth snarling in anger when you realized he had winnowed into your fucking house. You move quickly, grabbing a blade from the cabinet beside the door, and lunging at the shadow a few feet away from you.
Eris easily caught your wrist, the dagger inches away from slicing his throat. “You haven’t changed a bit, little fox.” He hummed, the corner of his lip tugging up in a smirk. 
“Then you should remember I always strike twice.” You grunt and raise your knee up as high as you could, nailing your target between his legs. He immediately let go of your wrists and stumbled, groaning low in his throat.
You took advantage and pressed your foot onto his chest, pinning him as he stared up at you in equal parts awe and fear. “I told you to get the hell out of here.” You growled, holding your weapon so tight that your knuckles were now white. “You’ve got one more chance before I bury this down your throat.”
“Y/N, please,” Eris pleaded, holding his hands up in a show of surrender. “I need to talk to you about what happened, about our daught-”
The heel of your foot pressed painfully hard into his rib, making him wince as you narrowed your eyes. “She is not yours. Do not even dare speak of her, do you understand me?”
Before you could react Eris had conjured a rope of fire, wrapping it around your leg and pulling until you fell flat on your ass. He used another to seize your wrists which made you drop the blade. Whatever upper hand you thought you had was disappearing quickly as he made quick work of tying you up until you were immobilized. 
“Gods, you are so fucking stubborn.” Eris snapped, his amber eyes turning molten with anger. You watched him, pain blooming in your heart at the look on his face. It was the same way he had looked at you the day he had left when he had cast you aside in front of his brothers.  
“It seems you haven’t changed either.” You murmur, frowning.
Eris paused, his shoulders rising and falling as he caught his breath. He studied you for a few moments before his face softened ever so slightly, the bonds around your wrists and legs burning just a little less.
“I’ve been looking for you.” He said quietly, kneeling before you. “Ever since I became High Lord, the very same day, I sent out men to find you.”
You roll your eyes, not believing any lies coming from his mouth. “I’m sure you did. And probably every other whore you’ve fucked along the way.” You sneered. “Tell me, is this some grand plan for a concubine? Is there a home being made for all the women you’ve bedded to stay in? How sweet though I must decline. I’m not in the habit of fucking leftovers.”
“It was only you, Y/N!” Eris snapped. “Ever since the mountain, ever since I met you, it has only been you. I wanted, needed, to fix things and find you. I’ve spared no expense, no time in trying to get to you.”
“And I find you of all places here, in the fucking Night Court, with a child,” He stops suddenly, looking around until his eyes land on a door covered with various stickers and crayon markings. “My child. My daughter.”
The air was still as he clenched his jaw, letting the fiery bonds around your body fizzle out. You gingerly rise to your feet, your gaze never leaving his body as he stood as well. 
“Don’t take her from me, Eris.” You beg softly. “Don’t hurt her.”
“Hurt her?” He repeated, astonished. “Do you truly think that I would harm a child? An innocent soul?”
All of the anger, hurt, resentment, heartbreak, and sadness that you had squashed down since under the mountain came surging forward like a tsunami. It had you seeing red. 
Who was this man that suddenly cared about you? About your child? What sick, twisted game was he playing that you weren’t catching on to? You couldn’t take it anymore.
“You did hurt an innocent soul, you fucking bastard!” You shouted, shoving him backward with all of your might. Tears ran down your face as a sob broke through your screams of fury. “You left me. You hurt me. I worshipped the ground you walked on, I built novels out of what little words of love you gave me, I loved you.”
Eris stood there, feeling like he was two feet tall as you unloaded on him.
“The mountain was brutal to us all. It left us all with scars and you made sure that mine would never heal. Do you remember what you said to me when I came to find you after Feyre freed us? How you treated me in front of your brothers?” You asked, nostrils flaring as you angrily wiped away your tears. “Fucking say something!”
“I couldn’t let them know who you were, what you meant to me. Y/N if they knew-” He tried to explain but you laughed incredulously and threw your hands up in the air. 
“I don’t even know why I’m listening to you at this point, Eris.” You run a hand through your hair, shaking your head in disbelief. “I tell you how you hurt me, what you did, and all you can do is make excuses?”
“I’m not trying to make excuses, I’m not.” Eris defended, frown lines appearing atop his forehead. “I know how much I hurt you. Do you not think I’ve lived with that regret every single day since? I told you I cared about you.”
“You’ve got a real fucked up way of showing it, High Lord.” You snarked, crossing your arms. “This is why Helena will never know who you are. I won’t let you break her heart too. She’s too good, too pure for this world already and I won’t have you destroying her-”
However, all of your threats seemed to go over his head as he blinked slowly, glancing towards the door once more.
“You named her Helena?”
You paused in your ranting, watching him. “I did.”
“I remember you saying that that’s what you’ve always wanted to name your daughter,” Eris murmured, looking down at his feet. “You said you had it picked out since you were a child.”
“It felt right.” You replied, some of your anger fizzling out. “And it still does.”
“Y/N I know what I’ve done to you, the things I’ve put you through, I can never make up for it.” He spoke urgently, his voice sincere. “But I did things for a reason, I had to protect you. And now that they’re gone…”
“I didn’t need protecting from them, Eris.” You sighed. “I needed protecting from you. You are the one who did this to me, who made me who I am. How do you expect me to just forgive and forget that?”
“Pretty words and apologies aren’t enough to sway me. I don’t want to be burned by you again. I barely survived it the first time.” 
“I’m not asking for you to forgive me. I’m not asking you to come live with me. I just want you to give me time, give me a second chance, let me be your-” He began but stopped as the door to Helena’s room slowly creaked open.
The two of you shared the same shocked expression as she blearily walked out in her nightgown, clutching her stuffed fox close to her chest. “Mama? You woke me up…”
You bent down and scooped her into your arms, hiding her away from Eris as you shushed her and kissed her head. “I’m so sorry, my love. I was just talking with someone. How about we go tuck you in, hm?”
“Who were you talking to?” She asked, trying to peer over your shoulder while you desperately tried to keep her still. However, she was too quick for you, wriggling around until she was out of your arms and staring at Eris.
Her eyes widened and a bright grin graced her face as she looked at him, pointing towards his hair. “It’s you! The man with the red hair!” 
He gave her a genuine smile, bowing slightly. “It’s nice to meet you, Helena.”
“What’s your name?” She asked but you shut him down before he could answer, shaking your head. 
“Helena it’s very late and we have a busy day tomorrow, remember? We’re gonna go for a walk and ice cream? Let’s leave the man alone.” You tried to gain her attention back though it was impossible now. She was entirely fixated on him.
“But-” Helena tried to argue and you gave her a pointed look, giving the same one to Eris as she sighed and started walking towards her room. 
You let out a breath of relief, pointing angrily toward the door and giving him a look that said, ‘If you don’t leave by the time I’m done I will finish what I started.’ He rolled his eyes and turned around only to pause when he heard Helena call for him.
“Do you wanna come with us tomorrow, sir?” She smiled, cocking her head to the side. “It’s just me and Mama but you can come to! Mama can buy you ice cream!”
“I really don’t think he-” You began only to glare when Eris interrupted.
“I would love to join you tomorrow, Helena.”
She squealed in delight and immediately ran back to her room, blowing you a kiss before shutting the door and bouncing back to bed. You waited a minute to make sure she was tucked in before spinning around on your heel and raising your finger at him. “Eris, I swear to the Gods-”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” He smiled, vanishing into thin air and leaving you dumbstruck in the living room.
Taglist: @clairebear08 @capbuckyfalcon @azriels-mate123 @icey--stars @theviewfromtheotherside @goldenmagnolias @cmay25 @katherine-2007 @feiwelinchen
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mizuski-pirat · 10 months
Ok. You know how I said probably no worded posts until new year? Yeah well fuck that. Ramble time.
I saw a post earlier about cc!Missa and therefore his character having a fear of the sky (like being afraid of falling into infinite space or having celestial bodies falling on him etc. a very bad/angsty fear to have but that's besides the point. Ground dungeon skelly man afraid of the exposed open [don't have a link to post sorry -_-]) I honestly have no idea how accurate that is but I have not stopped fucking thinking about it since.
And then I saw this post based on HC Phil and I just. I need to explode real fast. (https://www.tumblr.com/crepusculum-rattus/675364500235567104/who-keeps-trinkets-of-old-memories-along-his)
Phil gets why Missa would be afraid of the sky. It's very understandable honestly, the sky's infinite and distant nature is almost terrifying at times. Sometimes, when he still had his wings, he flew and flew until he couldn't see the ground anymore and the air was so thin it got hard to breathe. Surrounded by infinite and blue like that, too high up for even the clouds, it felt like the sky was swallowing him whole. Like there was nothing in the world but you, the horizon, and your adrenaline keeping you from feeling the cold in your fingertips. Phil loved it.
Unlike Missa, he lives for that feeling of being so tiny compared to the immense expanse of something so much bigger than himself. For being so far from anything recognizable. So far above it all. When surrounded by such complete nothing in every direction, even despite (or maybe because of) the distance from the ground, there was nothing that made him feel more free. Without the presence of ceilings or gravity to restrain him and keep him down. Some days, he almost didn't feel alive if he didn't brush oblivion. (Queue that clip of o!Phil void surfing) He lives to feel the wind in his wings, ruffling through his feathers like cold, gentle, caressing hands, that turn aggressive and tearing when he goes fast enough to feel his skin being pulled against his body, and nothing feels better.
In his deepest, wildest, dreams he lives in a world with deities powerful enough to rival the sky and the celestial bodies Missa fears so much. They shape the very world he lives in and paint Phil as a simple ant in comparison. And he loves it (even if they simultaneously scare the shit out of him. Then again that is the whole point of this post).
Phil is, as Rose correctly stated, a "Child of the sky". He exists to be far above the world, against the void. On the border of utter nothing. He is both the opposite and the compliment of Missa. He is the sky to his ground. The light to his dark. The complete open to Missa's enclosed caves (and petting zoos). Phil isn't afraid of the things large enough to be incomprehensible. But he might get better than anyone else why Missa would be.
So if Missa ever finds himself swallowed by an unforgiving sky, then he has Phil to swoop in to save him on angels wings as vast as the void itself
Is this anything?
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goggles-mcgee · 4 months
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I have a Winx Side Blog now if those who are interested wanna follow there too! It's @feelsl1kemagic
Here's Stella! I know I said she'd be up yesterday but it was a looooong day at work.
Design wise, I stuck to the colors of her main outfit but did add a lot more jewelry as it ties in to Solarian culture, and it is part of her power drawbacks. In total, she has five piercings, two in each ear and a nose ring only on the left side. Her earrings are of the Sun, Moon, and Stars and are an heirloom, much like the ring of Solaria. They represent the union of Solaria and Lunmōna as King Radius and Queen Luna are not the first marriage between the two kingdoms. It is tradition to give the firstborn daughter the jewelry when she leaves home.
Stella was given the set when she left to go to Alfea the first time, but her ears were pierced when she was 7. Her nose ring is also part of tradition it symbolizes her move from child to woman, and she got it when she was 16. She, of course, wears the Ring of Solaria as she is its guardian. Her necklace holds a piece of starlight that is supposed to help her in case she is anywhere without light, be it from the sun, moon, or stars, as without any kind of light, she feels weak and can fall ill. The anklet she wears actually helps regulate her gravity if she's not in Solaria or Lunmōna. Without it, if she may just float a bit or a lot or even just crumple to the ground due to the anklet regulating her gravity and gravitational pull. Without it, she could attract anything not secured, and it varies, so it could be small things like rocks or dropped pens and such. Other times, it could be cars or even people.
Her transformation, as you may have noticed, has two different versions! She has a Solar and Lunar transformation due to her power and because of her situation in Solaria. Her having the two transformations is because of her father and mother fighting, in her subconscious she can't help but view her powers as separate things thus she has two. When it is daytime she will transform into her Solar version and when it's nighttime she will transform into her Lunar version. This stops when she comes to terms with her parents divorce and stops viewing her powers as opposites.
• Her hair changes from its golden color to a more platinum blonde on a cycle as it reflects the moon cycle.
• She is very big on Astrology.
• She still has her old dolls since they were her first models for her fashion designs.
• Her full name is Stella Celeste Solevega, after her parents divorce it becomes Stella Celeste Solevega-Aylandra
• She loves Earth reality TV...like a lot.
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