#I keep thinking these are gonna be snippets and they keep getting so long lol
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Link's Parents play Breath of the Wild Pt2!
(@goosekee @artisticgamer)
Summary: Ten years after the Great Calamity, Link's parents have to save their son from death while also fighting to save the princess.
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The Great Plateau - The Sheikah Tower
Tilieth gathered all the Hyrule herbs she could from her small garden outside of their home, mashing them into a paste with a mortar and pestle. Abel had gone on patrol - having Link outside the shrine, exposed for the entire world to access already left him on edge, let alone seeing him slowly bleeding to death. They had done what they could to stop the bleeding, packing wounds and applying pressure in other areas.
Link didn't awaken through any of it.
Tilieth pulled back the gauze on some of the wounds, seeing blood oozing but not pooling as it had been. Was that enough to help him? To save him?
Goddess, please don't let him die.
With trembling hands, Tilieth applied the herb soaked dressings to the wounds and then sat vigil at the bedside.
They'd spent ten years trying to protect their boy, and after all that...
Footsteps caught her attention, and she immediately grabbed the nearest weapon she could find, knowing full well she probably couldn't hold off an intruder with the cooking knife she'd grabbed.
She'd die trying, though.
Abel entered, pale and exhausted, and held up a hand to appease her. "It's just me, Til."
"Anything?" she asked breathlessly.
Abel shook his head. "The great tree in the center of the plateau got knocked clean over by the Hinox's little rampage, but aside from that and--and the shrine, the plateau is no different than usual."
He paused a moment and then stepped towards the bed, asking, "How is he?"
Tilieth sat back down in dismay. "He's bleeding less, but he's paler and... and he won't wake up."
Abel was silent and still as a statue, his face dark. He slowly reached out, his hand resting on Link's forehead, and then he took a deep breath, walking away. "I'm going out."
"Again?" Tilieth asked, rising. "Link needs us, where are you going?"
"To find some way to help him!" Abel argued. "I'm a knight, damn it, I can't just stand here and watch him die. I won't. There has to be something."
"You think that's what I'm doing? Just watching him--" Tilieth cut herself off, her throat closing up.
They'd already lost so much. They'd lost her father, their daughter, their country...
She couldn't lose Link too. He'd been her ray of sunshine, her last hope. She'd been able to live here on the plateau and find peace and happiness because she knew he was safe and would someday wake up.
Abel sighed and walked back to her, pulling her into a hug. "You know that's not what I meant. But I..."
Tilieth sniffled and then got a hold of herself as she felt her husband tremble. Pulling away, she put a hand on his chest, unable to meet his gaze but offering what comfort she could. "I know."
After a moment's pause, she stepped away and reached for the strange device that had been sitting forgotten on the table. "Here. Maybe you can make this work. It might be able to help. I'll keep an eye on him."
Abel patrolled the entire perimeter of the plateau once, twice, three times. On his morning hunt he'd found a couple bokoblins and picked them off easily, but that was what had awoken the Hinox in the first place.
Well. The fire he'd started had awoken the Hinox.
He wished he'd died in it. He wished he'd died in the calamity. He wished anything that he hadn't been on the plateau today to ruin what little chance Link had.
Pausing from his brisk walk, he sat on an fallen tree, staring at the Sheikah slate helplessly. His reflection stared back at him, chiseled and worn and weary.
And... a yellow spot?
Abel rubbed the screen of the slate. The spot was still there.
What was that supposed to mean?
Sighing, he hung the slate on his belt and started walking back towards the house. There was no point in hiding from the sight of his son dying right in front of him. And it wasn't fair to leave his wife suffering alone.
About halfway back he glanced at the slate again, curious if the strange spot was still there. It was.
But it had moved.
Squinting, he noticed more details on the dark surface. Strange dark blue grid patterns with uneven borders and--
Wait a second. He knew these borders, these shapes. They were like the maps of Hyrule.
"A map?" he muttered to himself. Since when did the slate display a map?
And that yellow spot, then... a point on the map? For what?
Abel turned, and as he did so he saw the spot move as the map reoriented to his movements. This was bizarre.
Exiting the forest, Abel found himself at the edge of the plateau, nearing some ruins of stone outposts that had once lined the plateau's perimeter. The stairway they had climbed to get up here had long since collapsed along with these structures. A few guardians, the husks of what they once were, lay dormant.
Well. At least these were dormant. There were a couple that still caused problems. Abel enjoyed cursing at them on bad days.
Looking at the map again, Abel finally realized that the yellow point correlated with the small Sheikah structure that was buried in the earth.
Ah. Well I suppose that makes sense. It probably hones in Sheikah technology.
Wait. Sheikah technology. Abel had always thought this was just a little gazebo structure, but if there was technology on it, then perhaps it could help Link!
Approaching the structure with bated breath, the former knight examined the area, and it quickly became apparent what had been attracting the slate. A pedestal stood in the middle, an orange glow indicating that it was awaiting activation.
On the pedestal was a slate shaped indentation. A mechanical click sounded, and in small letters beneath the indentation were the words Place the Sheikah Slate in the pedestal.
Examining it, he slowly did as instructed, marveling at the technology and praying that this might provide some help for his son. The pedestal immediately reacted, taking the slate and flipping it over before rotating it. A bright glow emitted, and then more words appeared.
Sheikah Tower activated. Please watch for falling rocks.
Abel blinked, bewildered. "Tower? Falling wh--WHAT THE HELL--"
The entire earth shook as if a talus were arising nearby, and then Abel was slammed to the ground as the earth beneath him shot upward, pushing him into the sky. When gracity had finished smashing him into the ground below, he caught his breath, slowly sitting up and gasping at the sight.
How did--when did I get this high up?! He could see all of Hyrule from here, and--
What were those spires in the distance? Was that... was that what he was...?
Looking around, Abel found that the little Sheikah styled gazebo was not, in fact, another piece of rubble from the calamity, but an entire tower humming with energy. Abel stared at the pedestal, mouth agape in awe and shock.
Distilling local information... the pedestal announced.
The overhanging stone above the pedestal started to glow blue and sang with power, making Abel take a hesitant step back. A tiny little droplet of what almost looked like water dripped off the stone and landed directly on the slate, which glowed blue in response, before the pedestal essentially seemed to spit the slate back out into its original position, awaiting him.
Hesitantly, the former knight pulled the slate from its slot and saw that the unmarked map was now filled in the region of the great plateau, showing contours, trees, water, mountains, and the location of the shrine and the tower.
"All of that just to draw the regional map?" Abel muttered. That seemed like an awful lot of damage and danger for something he could have done with pen and ink. Maybe there was more to it.
More to the point, though... how the hell was he going to get down from here? And how was he going to explain the earthquake he'd just caused?
Tilieth was going to kill him.
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sensitiveheartless · 6 months
...Somethin' please!
Hiya, thanks for the ask! :D This is the fic which I started writing a while back and then completely forgot about (the non-descriptive title I gave it did not help lol) — but basically it's a very silly college AU where Albatross comes up with a very stupid plan for Chuuya to get kissed for the first time at a dorm party. (Dazai has known Chuuya since they were both fifteen and is internally Seething over the entire situation)
Here's a rather long snippet to give the proper vibe:
Chuuya sighed, and thumped his head back against the wall of the closet.
Worse than the indignity of it all was how boring it was. Time felt like it crawled by even slower when he couldn’t even check the time on his phone.
Like anyone was going to come in, anyway. What kind of weirdo would be desperate enough to kiss someone who was blindfolded? And to kiss Chuuya, no less. He wasn’t exactly known for his sunny disposition. They’d probably be too afraid of him kicking them.
Chuuya shifted restlessly. He could just leave, he knew. Ditch the entire party. It seemed pretty lame so far, and it wasn’t like Chuuya wanted to be kissed…
…Alright, maybe he was a little curious, just to see what all the fuss was about.
But only a little. It was just that he hadn't ever gotten a chance to fool around during his high school years, not with how quickly everything went to shit—and even after Adam found him and things began to look up, Chuuya had been far too busy trying to put his life back together to bother with dating.
Still, this seemed like a pretty stupid way to lose his first kiss. Why the hell had Albatross thought this was a good idea?
Ugh. Whatever. He would give it another couple of minutes, and then he’d leave. Yeah. No one was gonna come in, anyway.
Of course, at that exact moment, the closet door creaked open.
Chuuya stiffened, glowering even though the other person wouldn't be able to see it. Raucous sounds from the party outside filtered in with the mystery person, at least until the closet door latched shut once again with a gentle click.
…So there were people desperate and weird enough to do this?!
“Hey,” Chuuya said, just to break the silence. He could hear the other person breathing, hushed and a little fast. Were they nervous? “Come to take a shot at it? Honestly, I think this whole thing is stupid as hell, but I’m not gonna stop ya.”
The other person’s breathing did something funny, but they didn’t move. They had to be standing quite close to Chuuya, considering how small the closet was, but the two of them weren’t touching at all.
After a moment of expectant silence, Chuuya frowned. “Oi, are you really just gonna stand there?” he asked, blindly reaching forward. “Who are you, anyw—?”
Before he could get out the last word, Chuuya found himself pulled abruptly into the person’s arms. Contrary to his expectations, however, he was not kissed—instead, he was crushed against the other’s chest, his cheek squished against what he guessed to be their collar bone.
Chuuya blinked behind the darkness of his blindfold.
This person had snuck in here, just to…hug him?
If it could even be called a hug, because it certainly wasn’t like any embrace Chuuya had received before. Nothing like the brisk but warm hugs he got from Adam, or the awkward one-armed hugs from Shirase, or the enthusiastic bone-crushing squeezes from Albatross whenever his friend got overexcited.
If anything, this grip was possessive, and seemed almost desperate with the way the person’s fingers dug into the curve of Chuuya’s spine, keeping the two of them plastered together. They were quite a bit taller than Chuuya, and their embrace was so tight that he could barely keep his toes on the ground.
It was annoying, but also kind of…interesting.
Chuuya tried to focus on the feeling of the fabric pressed against his cheek. Knitted, slightly scratchy material—with cables? A wool sweater?
It was certainly warm. Chuuya felt like he was burning up.
…He had really never been held like this before. Like the other person couldn’t bear to let him go. For the life of him, Chuuya didn’t know what to make of it.
After a few stunned moments, Chuuya squirmed a little. The arms around him loosened at once, allowing him to move his own hands up between them and brace himself against the mystery person’s chest.
Chuuya raised his chin towards where the other person’s face must be, and cocked his head to the side challengingly. “What? Was this all you wanted?” he asked, tapping a finger against the person’s chest. “Maybe you misunderstood the game, hmm? I thought you were supposed to ki—”
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wigglebox · 4 months
'he said now it [15x18] doesn't need to be addressed'
that's not what jackles said. that's like, a smallllll snippet of the entire thing. he essentially, in my opinion, said the Testament aka cas' Declaration and proof of love [i find it interesting he corrects himself from confession to testament by the way when we all call it the confession, he calls it a testament, which is astoundingly amazing] stands as it is, and that their love for each other is going to basically be understood when they're reunited. They don't need to have a sit-down chat or long-winded therapy discussion about their feelings.
We, the audience, also know where they both stand with each other. This concept that they'll get Cas back and he won't know that Dean loves him back is astounding to me. Jackles is saying essentially that they're each other's people, that they found each other, that they keep finding each other, and that when they reunite, both of their feelings will be understood.
And that dean understands. When they reunite, it will be understood that dean understands. He didn't say there wasn't going to be reciprocation, just that Cas' words don't need resolving.
Aka, what's changed from previous answers he's given? From "let's talk about that goodbye" to now? I'm being mostly serious when i say, i think they've outlined that scene or have a rough outline on how that scene is going to go and he's trying to give an answer without giving away the store lol.
I say this because this was a pretty detailed answer, in my opinion, and him calling Cas' words a testament instead of 'the confession' also makes me think there have been some conversations.
i know that assumption is wildly speculative because who knows where they are in the continuation process behind these scenes but given the fact that it's actually quite useless to even have a continuation unless they follow up the destiel arc and finish up that storyline, i do think it's been top of mind for everyone involved. Yes, including jackles. Don't even get me started on him correcting that fan who shouted subtext with text.
he was being thoughtful in his answer and trying to find the right words, in my opinion.
The half-jokey way I'm going to end this is: Dean is gonna run up to him and give him a big ol' hug n' smooch.
Joking... but also not joking at all haha.
But Dean's also a man of action and his love can be seen through those actions and if a man is going to hope universes and try to potentially jailbreak into The Empty to get me (if that's what they wind up doing which I thnk they are) that's love in my opinion as well. He's done that also twice in Purgaytory, ignoring an easy way out until he found Cas, putting his own well-being at risk, and also ignored a time limit and risked getting trapped in there because he couldn't find Cas so...
Suffice it to say, I also think in general, you just gotta give the man some faith and just see what happens.*
(*but also, it'll never be 100% how we wrote fics or speculated in our head, nor should it be; storytelling is an art and science, and you can predict some things, but you have to also go with the flow with others).
There's absolutely no hard concrete evidence anywhere that 15x18 won't have a follow-up in continuation, and no, Jackle's purcon answer doesn't fall under that either. in my opinion.
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diazsdimples · 9 months
Fuck It Friday!!
Tagged by @theotherbuckley @wikiangela (go check out her new Christmas fic!!!) and @steadfastsaturnsrings please go read all their wips right now!
Today I have a bit of Buck and Eddie's first meeting for the Single Dad's AU!! This bit is a work in progress and will probably be tweaked a bit so would appreciate some feedback (please be nice lol, it's been a long week)
Snippet under the cut (it's a bit long but what's new!)
Buck’s standing outside Carrie’s classroom when he notices the new guy.
It’s not weird, okay, but Buck knows all the parents of kids in both his daughters’ classes and he’s positive he hasn’t seen this guy before. He wouldn’t forget someone so perfectly handsome quite so easily.
The man looks a little apprehensive as if this is the first time he’s done pick up before (and maybe it is, Buck doesn’t know the guy and he’s not about to judge), and Buck instantly remembers what it was like for him when he picked Carrie up from her first day of school. All the moms had flocked him like hungry chickens and grilled him about why he was there, who was his kid, where was his wife, questions that he got all too often as a single dad, but it didn’t make them any easier to answer.
He figures, if this guy is going through half of what Buck went through on his first day of pick up, he’s gonna need a friend.
Buck takes a breath before making his way over to where the guy is standing. He’s hot, that much is blatantly obvious. He’s not overly muscular but the muscles he does have are beautifully toned as though carved painstakingly out of marble. He’s got a light dusting of stubble on his jaw and his hair is fluffy and is styled into what Buck reckons the guy hopes looks like a casual quiff. His hair and eyes are both dark, like melted chocolate, which is unfortunate because that is exactly Buck’s type. In summary: he’s a fucking god.
Buck can definitely be normal about this.
He clears his throat nervously before taking another step closer.
“First time at pick up?”
The guy’s head flicks up so fast Buck swears he can hear it click. “What was that?”
“Is this your first time at pick up? I just – I haven’t seen you here before, not that I’m keeping track but I know most of the parents here, so I was just curious when I saw you and –“ Buck swallows. He’s rambling, like an idiot, and the guy is looking at him with an expression that looks to be a mixture of confusion and amusement, as if he can’t quite figure out if Buck’s a threat or just some dumbass that won’t shut up.
“Sorry, I swear I’m not weird, I’m just –“ Buck holds out his hand. “I’m Buck. Well, Evan, but everyone calls me Buck.”
A wide grin spreads across the guy’s face and Buck heaves a sigh of relief as he takes Buck’s hand, shaking it firmly. His hands are warm and calloused, a sure sign of a man who’s good with his hands. Buck tries very very hard not to think how good he might be with his hands.
“Eddie,” the guy replies, his teeth flashing as he smiles, “Eddie Diaz. Yeah, first time at pick up. Yesterday was actually my kid’s first day here but my Abuela got him.”
Buck leans against a pillar and him and Eddie quickly strike up a conversation. It’s clear the poor guy’s frazzled as hell, Buck learns quickly about how Eddie’s new to town (to be fair, Eddie doesn’t provide all this unprompted, Buck’s asking him a load of questions and Eddie indulges him with answers), how he’s been struggling to find somewhere for his son, Christopher, and how he’s trying to navigate life as a single dad. Buck can certainly sympathise.
“Yeah, I get you, when Carrie and Lily’s Mom died, I had no idea what I was going to do, but we worked it out. They’re such great kids -”
A flash of recognition passes over Eddie’s face. “Wait, you’re Carrie’s dad?”
Buck pauses, mid-sentence. “Uhhh, yeah?”
Before he has a second to breathe, Buck’s being pulled into a bone-crushing hug, and it knock the air out of him. He makes a surprised “mmfff” into Eddie’s shoulder and he pats his back, a little bemused, until Eddie releases him.
“Sorry,” he says gruffly and Buck swears he sees the slightest hint of a tear behind Eddie’s eyelids. “It’s just – Christopher told me how she stood up for him in class yesterday and he was so happy, he’s never had a friend like that before. You’ve done an amazing job with her, man.”
Buck can’t help but swell a little from the praise. “Yeah, she’s a great kid, I’m so lucky she’s mine you know. And she told me all about Christopher yesterday, she’s so excited to have him in her class. Apparently, he’s her new best friend.”
Eddie laughs loudly at that, the noise warming Buck’s chest and spreading through his fingers. “Yeah, well, that’s seven year olds for you.”
(No pressure) tagging @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @rainbow-nerdss @loserdiaz @malewifediaz @thewolvesof1998 @jesuisici33 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @housewifebuck @disasterbuckdiaz @callmenewbie @cal-daisies-and-briars @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @smilingbuckley @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @fruitandbubbles @watchyourbuck @fionaswhvre @evanbegins @buckbuckgoose @bucksbackwardcap @aspecbuddie
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mustbemosstaken · 1 year
I know this has been said before but the people bringing it up in the art stream has put it back in my brain (Also please keep in mind this is very /lh and just my opinion based on how I interpret the story of Fable SMP as a viewer):
Y’all don’t want a Rae villain arc, you want an arc where Heyhay can play a villain. A villain arc for Rae would go against literally all of the character development that has been established for Rae.
And you can’t even have the argument of like “oh well the angst of if he’s corrupted and then comes back later to see how he hurt people” because WE HAD THAT. WE HAD LIKE A WHOLE ARC OF THAT WITH THE WARDEN.
Even outside of the Warden, you’ve got that whole Among Us AU where we get to see Rae being evil?? We have villain Rae guys what more do you want?!? Villain!Rae is a fun idea for an AU, but narrative wise it does not work in canon at all-
I agree that Heyhay would play a great villain, and would probably find a way to make Villain!Rae really compelling. But Rae has been built up in such a way that to have him suddenly “go on a villain arc” would just like,,, wreck any of his previously established arcs?? At least from my interpretation of Fable so far, the overall arc with Rae as a character, regardless of gods or anything like that, has always been about a man coming to love himself through learning to love other people, and through that, a lonely man finding a family. S1 Rae at the very beginning is a lonely, broken man with no regard for himself or those around him, driven purely by research, who is forced to take a mentoring, and then pseudo-leadership position, and forced to care for and eventually come to love the people around him, who he now views as his family. A family he never got to have beforehand.
That’s why the relationship with c!Jamie is so important to Rae in canon. Jamie is the first person where Rae really had to step up and be there for someone else. Thats why he cares so much about c!Athena, because Rae really had to find it within himself to save them and be there for them. That’s why Banner Fam, or the Breakfast Squad, or even eventually Broters means so much to Rae because he didn’t have that family when we started the story. To have him go on a villain arc and hurt the people around him would narratively break all of that. It would pull apart all of those relationships at the very foundations, and it would be really hard to repair them from a storytelling perspective.
The only way I could see it being done is if Rae was to go “evil” to protect the people he cares about, but as long as those characters are still in the picture they’re the kind of people who wouldn’t let Rae do that to himself. Hell, the man had a full breakdown because he punched his best friend one time, you think he’s gonna murder someone or something?
And like,,, it’s not even like we don’t get to see snippets of these things in canon. We get to see elements of Rae losing himself to anger and desperation in order protect others. We get it when he replaces his eye in S2 and he goes all mad scientists, or when he yells at Ulysses in S3 because he genuinely believes he needs to step up because this man is a threat to his family. Hell, we even see the angst of “his family thinks Rae is evil and is scared of him” because THATS LIKE MOST OF C!JAMIES ARC IN EARLY S2???
Season 2 really is a treasure trove of theoretically “villainous Rae” content. His betrayal of Aax’s trust with the eye surgery, the Jamie memory arc where they do view Rae as evil, delving into more and more dangerous and morally questionable Telchin medicine to help c!Athena, and then the entirety of the Warden arc where he’s actively hurting those around him and taken over by an evil goddess, like it’s all there. We have that guys!?!
This ended up way longer than I thought it would lol, but I don’t know, I just constantly see people in the fandom and in HeyHay13’s twitch chat being like “oooh villain Rae we desperately need villain Rae in canon” and I just personally don’t get the appeal from a storytelling perspective. Maybe I’m just too caught up in wanting characters to be happy lol. Let my poor little meow meow have peace and love his boyfriends and not have to be evil again.
Anyway, uh… TLDR Mosstaken doesn’t like villain!Rae except for when he does I guess lmao /j
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prettygirlstothefloor · 6 months
Cowboy Carter Review
sorry if i write a lot. i like to yap lol
Ameriican Requiem- i'm a huge sucker for a sitar so i was gripped in from the beginning. i grew up on country music (mainly 90s/early 2000s) and so when she showed up at the CMAs and performed with the chicks it was a childhood dream. but as a person who liked country music around the time 9/11 happened, it's only become even more racist since. the way they treated her that night even though she was one of, if not THE, best performer of the night was so upsetting to watch. even as the best artist on the planet, at the top of her game, she's always going to work a million times harder than any of her peers. i'm so proud of her being able to make a song like to this to put her thoughts out on the whole night that night.
Blackbiird- obviously everyone has heard this song before. i was unaware of the actual backstory to the song since i don't follow the beatles too much (i like george harrison but that's about it lol). i was not aware that the song the song was written for black women during the civil rights movement. i assumed the song was mainly written by john lennon who to my knowledge was kind of a grifter when it came to his activism. having this song come right after ameriican requiem is so poetic.
16 Carriages- shockingly i was able to avoid hearing this song in full until tonight. i tend to only do one single per release and so texas hold em was the one. this song is so heartbreaking because i think about all the kids in the entertainment industry who can probably relate to this song all too well
Protector- these songs she makes for her kids... i'm gonna need her to stop. not because they're bad but i straight up can't listen to blue and probably this song because i want a mom like this 😭
My Rose- i hate that this is an interlude. it's so beautiful and not to be dramatic should've been 10 hours long
Smoke Hour • Willie Nelson- idk what to say about this one lol
Texas Hold 'Em- i love this song. the only problem i have with it is it sounds too clean. like the production sounds too clean. maybe it sounds better on the radio where the quality is lower than streaming but its definitely a song that needs to be played not so isolated.
Bodyguard- there's something in this song. she channeled carole king for this on or something. it's so good instantly a top 20 if not top 10 song of hers through her whole discography.
Dolly P- once again idk what to say about this one its too short to say anything
Jolene- i mean i think the same way about her version as i do about dolly's version. why are we getting mad at these women when we should be getting mad at the men?? take away that beyonce is beyonce for a second. if she was a normal lady and this girl was unaware her man was taken, isn't that more on him than anyone? he's letting it happen.
Daughter- her voice in this song is insanity. the control she has is unmatched truly.
Spaghettii- the beat omgggg. i know this would hit so hard in a mashup with "my house" i'm obsessed.
Alliigator Tears- just from hearing snippets of the country music that's on the radio nowadays, i think this might be one of the few songs from this album that they will eat up. i'm not saying that as a diss at all. i love this song alot especially after a second listen.
Smoke Hour II- i guess i can add on here a random tid bit. i made a country playlist in preperation for the album to come out. i made it on valentine's day. tell me why i named it KNTRY. i didn't even know the "radio station" she has on the album was called that lol.
Just for Fun- i don't listen to lana del rey anymore. i had a small time during last year where i did but then she got real messy again and signed that letter thanking joe biden. that being said this song sounds identical to "norman fucking rockwell". which is a compliment because both are good songs. keep jack antonoff away from beyonce though. that's the good thing about beyonce is she doesn't sound like everyone else which he makes everyone do (yes i am a fan of him but i'm critical of his production lol)
II Most Wanted- i'm sorry i've never been a fan of miley cyrus (except for the song she did for black mirror and that one EP she put out). i want to like this song because i like aspects of the song but it being a miley cyrus song with a beyonce feature is not want i want.
Levii's Jeans- this is also a collab i'm not a fan of. i actually enjoy post malone but i would've liked to see them in a more upbeat song.
Flamenco- idk how to take this song. it's stunning as usual. my thoughts on the lyrics though is she's kinda talking to fans maybe like the OG like destiny's child fans who have started to leave because she's starting to experiment more with her sound and they miss her old sound. i would love to know her take on this song in particular. because i know so many artists who decide to change their sound throughout each release are terrified of losing fans because they're so stuck on a certain sound.
The Linda Martell Show- another one i can't say much on since it's an interlude
Ya Ya- now.... remember what i said about bodyguard??? easily top 10. idk where on my ranking but it's there. the interpolation of "these boots were made for walking" and "good vibrations". there's something about that old soul rock sound that gets me every single time. i know that it doesn't sound anything alike but "freedom" has that same vibe, where it takes alot from old 60s blues soul rock. this is gonna hit so good on tour!
Oh Louisiana- i will say i really like this interlude. second favorite out of the ones with actual music
Desert Eagle- another song she chose to make extremely short when it should've been hours long... come on B
Riiverdance- its a fun and cute song. i think the beat is good but i think i like it more on my first listen.
II Hands II Heaven- i'm hoping this will finally click for me. im seeing everyone really love this song but idk whats not clicking for me. i'll definitely keep listening to it though maybe someday.
Tyrant- someone said this is the thique of cowboy carter and yeah i can definitely hear it. it's a sexy song and it's a fun song. definitely like it alot more after a second listen
Sweet • Honey • Buckiin'- her sampling "i fall to pieces" in this song is so special to me. i do want someone to take this "honey" and add it to the end of pure/honey though i wonder if it would sound any good. i think sweet and buckiin are the best songs out of the three of these.
Amen- i love how this really rounds out the album, calling back to the first song. it feels and is a very emotional song. don't know if i'll go back to it only because i think it could make me cry lol
overall, i think it's a solid album. if we're comparing the acts, which idk how you can because they're two distinctly different sounds, i would probably still go with renaissance but there's still so many solid songs on this album that are now some of my top faves. usually i rate out of 10 but it feels too low tbh, so i'm rating it out of 100. it will definitely grow on me just like renaissance did. 89/100.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Dependence Pt. 5 (Roy!Sibling x Roy Family)
Alternatively Titled: We Ain't Angry At You Love, You're The Greatest Thing We Lost I am getting this lyric tattooed on my body I'm dead serious
Characters: Kendall, Roman, Shiv, Connor, Logan
Word Count: 1,879
Inspired By: You're Gonna Go Far by Noah Kahan
Tag List: @locke-writes
A/N: All I have is the snippet to listen to and it makes me sob every time. I'm thinking of moving 1k miles away from my family, from my home, from everything, and every bone in my body wishes they felt the way this song feels. Every nerve in my body wants them to feel this way. I hope they'll miss me that much. Anyways, it reminded me of Baby Roy and the Succession finale. Yes I did cry while writing, what about it lol!! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
Dependence Pt. 1 / Dependence Pt. 2 / Dependence Pt. 3 / Dependence Pt. 4
Being The Youngest Roy Would Include: Pt. 1
Being The Youngest Roy Would Include: Pt. 2
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You’re gonna go far, he says into you, his arms tight around you. You try to stop yourself from crying. Again. Sniffling into him, into his shoulder. Everything about this moment makes you want to turn around. To call the whole thing off. But then, how can you call off an entire lifetime? Your bags linger at your feet, everything you could fit into two suitcases. You didn’t start out like this, the day didn’t start out like this, but as it progressed, as things fell into place, you realized there was no place for you. In their lives, of course. Connor promised you your old room again, if you ever wanted to visit. But this place, this apartment, this city, it wasn’t yours anymore. It wasn’t home. You’re not sure it ever was to begin with. You remember to call me when you land, okay? An,whenever you need someone to talk to, I’m always here. He has this shake in his voice, the kind that tells you he’s doing his very best to keep himself together. Composed. You can’t say anything, the words getting caught in your throat. Instead you just nod, sobbing into his sweater. He holds you tighter, rubbing your back. When he stops, he cups your face, meeting your teary eyes, wiping your cheeks. Pops would be so proud of you. He wouldn’t. He never was. But at some point you have to stop chasing something that never existed, something you can never have. You smile for Connor’s sake. Maybe he really believes it. Maybe he’s just saying it. Either way, you’re glad you went to him. You’re glad you told him. You’re gonna so far, you have no idea. He sighs, as if the words have been sitting on his chest for a long time. As if this is the first time in your life he’s felt real, genuine relief. You want to be held a little longer. You want to be loved the only way a father, a father by choice rather than blood, could ever love their child. Without conditions, without restraints, without a ceiling or a floor. Infinite. Beautiful. You’ll have to let go eventually, part ways, but for now he holds you like he did when you were an infant. Never could he have imagined the life you’d live. It was a fantastic surprise. You were a fantastic surprise. 
You continue to awe him every single day. 
You catch him at the bar, nursing a martini. Your hands begin to shake, but you settle them at your side, sitting beside him. You can do this. He wasn’t expecting you, sliding his drink away from you. You’re okay, you’ll be okay. You can be around it, you have to in order to say goodbye. He notices the luggage before you have the chance to say anything. Going somewhere? You bite your inner cheek. Yes, actually. He turns to you. His stitches have opened, the wound bright and red. Angry. You try to read his expression. There’s a hint of fear. He saw you in that bed, screaming, crying, begging not to be alive anymore. You knew he meant it out of love, but you couldn’t face it anymore. You couldn’t be looked at like that anymore. If you wanted a fresh start, a real one, you had to get away. You had to find somewhere with people who saw you for you, not your mistakes, not your darkest moments. Somewhere inside him, he understood that. Somewhere inside him, he wanted the same thing. Leaving for him wasn’t an option, though. Is that so? What does Mummy think about that? He sips his drink. You don’t want to roll your eyes at him. You don’t want to be annoyed with him. You’re not sure how long it’ll be before you’ll see him again. I, I didn’t tell her. I’m not telling her. He lets your answer settle for a moment. You’re not sure what he’s thinking. You never have been sure. Roman could be so unreadable, so unpredictable. You keep talking, trying to fill the silence, a lump developing in your throat. You’re speaking so fast, almost hysterical. You have to explain yourself. You have to explain yourself or you’ll die. I have to get away. I’m not sure for how long, I just, I can’t be here anymore. I have to stay sober and I can’t do that here. It’s not because of you, because of any of you, I want you to know that. I’m, I’m sorry if that upsets you or makes you ang- But he interrupts you, leaning over, hugging you. Not as tight as Connor. It’s as if he’s afraid to touch you still, afraid to hurt you. Gentle. You feel his muscles tense then relax. Whatever you gotta do, you do. Just don’t scare me like that again. You promise him it will never happen again. 
It won’t. It doesn’t. The hurt from home doesn’t follow you, wherever you go. 
You can’t reach the other two. You try calling, the deja vu twisting your stomach. The last time you tried to reach them, the last time. . . No. Stop it. This isn’t that. You’re better now. Shiv picks up, waiting for you to talk. You don’t care what happened. You don’t care what went down in that boardroom. You don’t care that he’s CEO now, that you lost. She’s your sister. The same sister that comforted you after nightmares, who iced your bruises, who wanted the best for you from day one. Whatever happened couldn’t change that. She gave you so many chances, time after time, and you let her down. You let everyone down. She still cares, she always would. You would, too. The words come up, out, before you can stop them. How much you love her, how much you’re going to miss her, how badly you need this, how much you wish you could be with her right now. You hear her take a sharp inhale in, a shudder in her voice. I’ll come and visit, yeah? Wherever you end up, I’ll be there, okay? You nod. Yeah, yeah of course. You can feel your eyes well up again. She was your big sister, the only maternal figure you’d ever known. It wasn’t your mother who shushed you to sleep at night, holding you close. It wasn’t your mother who gasped at the bruises you gave yourself in a fit of rage. It wasn’t your mother who climbed into that hospital bed with you when you were sick and scared and didn’t want to fall asleep alone. It was Shiv. You're Shivy. Your sister. Do you have everything packed? Always fretting, always worrying. Yes, Mom. You laugh. You know she’ll be a good mother. Maybe she doesn’t think so, maybe Tom doesn’t, but you do. She took care of you your whole life. She’s still trying to. You um, you have your chargers? Extra socks? Do you need me to- I’ll be okay, you interrupt. You’re both quiet for a moment, taking one another in. You can feel her wanting. Wanting to reach through the phone and kiss your cheek, to hold you so close your hearts beat at the same time. Wanting to keep you there forever, not wanting to let go.
She always knew this day would come, though. You’d always had big plans. You could never be confined like the rest of them. 
You couldn’t reach Kendall. It went straight to voicemail. So you sat in the lobby of Waystar, trying to figure out exactly how to put it. Every thought in your mind, every thank you and I’m sorry and forgive me and I forgive you. Everything that’s ever sat between you two into a compact, meaningful message. You didn’t want to worry him, that was the last time you wanted, for any of them. You sat and watched everyone pass by. They were celebrating the new owner, one of the biggest deals they’d ever made. Some on their way to get drunk, others drunk already. Too much champagne. Finally, after a long time, you called again, listening to his voice play the message. Kendall, it’s me, you start. What next? You’re sorry. You’re sorry for putting them through all that you’ve put them through. The alcohol, the drugs, all those scary nights where they didn’t know where you were, if you were okay. All those nights where you weren’t sure where you were, if you’d make it out. You were sorry for calling him that night, for putting the blame on him if anything happened. You were sorry for blaming him. For not being the baby sibling he deserved. He deserved better, he expected better. I’m uh, I’ll be out of town for a while. You forgave him. You forgave him for all those outbursts, all those times he hurt you and Shiv and Con and especially Rome. You forgave him for turning into your father, the man you despised, the man you feared, the man you loved. I’ll be okay. I won’t, I’m not, I’m clean. I’ll stay that way. You loved him. You loved him despite the fear, despite the outbursts, despite the narrow path he chose to take. You loved him, and love him, because he’s your brother. He begged for you to stay awake, stay conscious. He wanted you to live even when you didn’t. That night, he looked like a ghost. I’m gonna miss you. A lot. Thank you for taking care of me, for loving me, for being there, you want to say. Thank you for being the best brother you could given the circumstances. Thank you for protecting me from him, from everyone. Call me when you can. I love you. Bye. 
This isn’t some magic answer to your sobriety. This isn’t a cure. Hell, it might be you running away again. Who knows? But you can feel it, finally. The anger, the rage, the wrath. That burden starts to feel less heavy day by day. It won’t disappear completely. You’re a Roy, it’s in your blood, in your genes. But it gets easier to carry, to hold, to take with you everywhere. You don’t want to cave in, not as much. Sure, a strong drink would help, but you made promises. You made promises you’d like to keep. Promises to yourself and to your family. You’d call Connor when you landed, wherever that is. You’ll tell Shivy, too, so she can come and visit. You’ll check in with Rome and give Kendall another call. Hopefully this time he picks up. Hopefully this time you can have a real conversation, you can talk to him, really thank him for all that he’s done. But you know your place is not here. Your people are, they always will. That mausoleum will be waiting for you like it waits for them. Eternity you’ll get to spend by their sides. Now though, now you have the choice. The choice to get better. The choice to get away. The choice to be free. You’ll see them again, you always will. They’re your brothers, your sister, the people who raised you. You’ll see them again despite the distance.
They can’t get rid of you that easily.
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wikiangela · 11 months
Weekend WIP Game
tagged by @jesuisici33 <3
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more)
1. WIP List:
alive shannon
sick eddie
buddie coffee shop
new buddie chris' school
bi eddie
buddie death cast fic
cheating fic
untitled natalia fic
buddie 2x01
5+1 nicknames
coffee buddie
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
alive shannon with 20k words so far
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
alive shannon, since it's kinda a canon rewrite and I still haven't decided to which point it's gonna go, we'll see when it'll feel right to end it haha
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
once again, alive shannon haha - it's just so fun to explore what all those dynamics could've been, and giving Eddie and Shannon some closure, and I love exploring Shannon's character, too, speculating on her thoughts and motivations, and diving into everyone's heads, and I'm so excited to see it all develop!!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
I think it's either alive shannon or the cheating fic alive shannon bc I've never written s2/s3 buddie and I wanna get their characters semi-right, and I don't remember a lot of details so I need to get on with my rewatch lol - and also writing Shannon's and Eddie's feelings on their relationship and how it all ended is not easy haha and the cheating fic bc it's so not my thing but a song inspired it and it got stuck in my head and it's happening haha and I hope I'll make it make sense haha
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
tbh all of them - some more, some less, but there are moments, especially lately, when veeeery often I'm just like: everything I write sucks wtf
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
@giddyupbuck agreed to beta the alive shannon fic, and I spam them with snippets if I'm in doubt and it's sooo helpful fr ily <3 and I'll need alive shannon beta-read bc it's gonna be so long, and I keep changing my mind about things bc of how many ideas I have, so I just need someone else to look at it and tell me if everything makes sense haha - and Ro's helped me so much with some previous fics so they have my full trust with my baby that is the alive shannon fic haha
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
all of them at some point lol - a few of these are actually on hold bc of that - I will get back to them tho!
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
as of now there's no ocs in any of these, but we'll see haha
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
cheating fic and maaaaybe coffee buddie (if I'll ever get back to this one) - no actual smut in my wips yet atm
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
buddie death cast fic - if you've read 'they both die at the end' you know why lol this is not gonna have a happy ending
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
so far I'm loving everyone in alive shannon so I guess let's go with that haha
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
oh I am so bad this - but maybe let's say buddie coffee shop au bc i think it's the only one where I put even a little bit of focus on the setting lmao
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
alive shannon, been thinking about it and making notes for months before I started writing, and I don't think i've ever been this invested in a fic
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
alive shannon - - like I said, it's my most precious baby, and I'm so excited to not only write it but read it, and I hope it's gonna be as good as it is in my head, and I hope I'll make the story make sense with Shannon there, but also keeping some important buddie moments from canon hah
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
not sure if i've ever dreamt about a wip, but i do get new ideas in my sleep sometimes lol
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
alive shannon will have switching povs which i rarely do, so it's gonna be a challenge to write three distinct voices - and diving into Shannon's head and feelings and motivations will also definitely be hard
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
I think sick eddie - he's so ridiculously stubborn and difficult istg haha or buddie coffee shop with how fucking awkward buck's being
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
yep, once again, alive shannon - it's as much a buddie fic as it is a shannon fic, so it's not exactly outside pov, bc I'm just excited to focus on her equally as much, on how she's settling into their lives, becoming a better mom, being involved in Chris' life - she's gonna have as much focus as buddie sns it's not easy, bc it's alternating povs and once I get stuck in Eddie's head it's hard to leave, but so far it's been fun
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs
uhhh, I think I share like everything lol okay, so maybe: alive shannon will definitely go at least up until s4 and will include Eddie dating Ana 👀 purely bc I want a buddie-shipping Shannon to be like wtf eddie??? also, there will be more than one mcd in the death cast fic and coffee buddie was loosely inspired by a small thing from luke cage lol
no pressure tags: @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @eddiediaztho @housewifebuck @lover-of-mine @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @hoodie-buck @monsterrae1 @ladydorian05 @forthewolves @honestlydarkprincess @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley @weewootruck @thewolvesof1998 @disasterbuckdiaz @loserdiaz @underwater-ninja-13 @giddyupbuck @hippolotamus @eowon @callaplums @spotsandsocks
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Things have been a little hectic (and I'm exhausted) so take a spicy snippet to fill the time! Hopefully its at least somewhat decent lol
Luke's Spicy Snippets (7)
Pairing: Pirate AU! Soap/Roach/Ghost
Tags: Trans! Roach, breeding kink, cross dressing, spitroasting, rough sex, begging, implied revenge fuck (? Kinda), implied kidnapping, implied overstimulation
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"Fucking frills," Soap cursed under his breath. His face was a rosy pink color and his breathing was labored. Still, despite his cursing and frustration, he didn't stop moving his hips. He continued to pound into the man in front of him. "Should fucking cut that thing off of you."
His words earned a muffled moan from the man beneath him and a desperate chuckle from the man in front of him. "Now, Soap," Ghost cut off with a brief moan, "If you did that, we wouldn't have anything else to put him in. He'd have to walk around the ship naked."
"That doesn't sound so bad," Soap slapped Roach's thigh, "Keep you wet and ready for us, eh Bug? Would certainly make it easier to keep you, fuck- oh shit, full."
Roach could only answer with a whimper, after all, with the combination of Soap's cock bullying his cunt and Ghost fucking his mouth, he certainly wasn't going to be able to get anything even remotely coherent out.
"Fuck," Ghost tilted his head back as the sensations of Roach's tongue circling his cock and his cheeks hollowing out around him grew to be overwhelming. He allowed himself a few more moments of fucking into Roach's waiting mouth before he pulled back, preventing the arousal building in him from snapping.
A thin line of spit connected Roach's mouth to his cock and the young aristocrat didn't move to break it. His mouth hung open and his eyes were filled with a low haze. Ghost chuckled at the look. "Can't waste a fucking drop," he knelt down in front of the desk that Roach was bent over on, Soap still fucking into him harshly, "No matter how tempting painting your face is."
One of Soap's hands moved around Roach's waist and he began to rub harsh circles onto his clit, pulling desperate whines from Roach's mouth and causing him to start struggling slightly against Soap's hold. Ghost acted quickly, pinning his wrists down to the desk even as he begged, "Please, oh god, God too much! Too much! Fuck I- oh, ah, I can't!"
"You can," Soap taunted. He was getting closer and closer to his breaking point. With his hand abusing Roach's clit, the other man had started to clench around him, his cunt was practically sucking him in and his walls were fluttering tightly around him. The feeling was fucking phenomenal and very quickly pushing him toward his finish. "That's what happens, when silly aristocrats try to trick us." He chuckled to himself.
"I mean," Ghost gave a similar chuckle, "did they really think we wouldn't realize who you were?" He stood up and pressed his hips forward, rutting his hard cock against Roach's cheek, "Fucking pretty little thing like you, you were doomed the second we spotted your ship." He tilted his head back and gave another moan, releasing one of Roach's wrists to grab at his hair. "Fuck, now we're going to keep you."
"You're never- shit, fuck so fucking tight, never going back to those fuckers," He leaned down, pressing his chest flush to Roach's back. The fabric of the dress Roach was wearing rubbed at his nipples, adding to his pleasure. His mouth moved to trace along the exposed skin of Roach's shoulders. "We're keeping you, and to make sure no one will take you, we're going to leave our mark."
"No one will want an aristocrat if they know he's been fucking used." Ghost agreed with a grin, "Oh, you're going to look so- fuck, so fucking pretty with our children."
"Gonna stuff you full," Soap agreed, "Make sure it takes. Keep, ah, ah, oh fuck, keep you bouncing on one of our cocks until you can't take any more." Roach answered their words with a long moan of his own, his cunt clenching around Soap's cock and sending him tumbling forward. "You like that don't you? Like being our fucking cum dump."
"Likes the idea of being our little fucking carrier," Ghost taunted, "He'll let us fuck as many kids into him as we want, so long as he gets to have a cock in him."
The words pulled another moan from Roach and, this time, when his cunt clenched tight around Soap it sent him tumbling over the edge. His hips stuttered as various curses left his mouth, even as he came he continued to fuck into Roach, his cum providing a sweet slide as he fucked it deeper into the whimpering man beneath him.
Finally, after several moments he stopped. He kept his hips pressed flush against Roach's cunt and took several long and deep breaths, his tongue licking over Roach's skin as he did. When he finally pushed himself up, he had a bright grin on his face. "Well Simon, your turn."
He slowly pulled himself out of Roach, his fingers prodding at the whimpering man beneath him, pressing any of his cum that dared to drip out back into him. "Please," Roach whined at the feeling, "please, please let me come!"
Ghost slapped Roach's thigh as he rounded the desk. He was quick to take Soap's place at their shared captain's desk. He pressed his cock against Roach's dripping entrance, rutting at him for a few moments, "Come on now, don't you want to be good for us? Don't you want to be good for your," he slid inside of Roach with one harsh move, pulling a moan from both of them and a chuckle from Soap, "captains?"
He didn't move as Roach squirmed against him, whining and pleading without saying a word. "I don't think we heard an answer, Bug." Soap slipped around to the front of the desk, where Ghost had been previously. He pressed his spent cock against Roach's lips, "Answer, don't you want to be good for your captains?"
"Yes," Roach finally answered, his face a bright red. "Yes, yes! Want you to fuck me full, want you to," he paused for a moment before shyly adding, "want you to breed me! Please!"
Ghost immediately started moving his hips at a hard pace, his hand quickly moving around to begin torturing Roach's clit in the same way that Soap had done. The result was a continuous stream of moans, whimpers, and pants from Roach, his face a rosy red and his eyes completely glazed over as pleasure was wrung from his body. That only changed when Soap grabbed tight to his hair and forced his mouth open so that that could slowly feed his cock into the man's mouth, a moan pulling from his throat.
"Thats it," Ghost leaned down to nip at Roach's earn and whisper to him, "Get Soap nice and ready to fuck you again." His hand on Roach's clit moved away before coming down with a harsh smack, pulling a sob from Roach's throat at the stinging pleasure, "We're not stopping until you're stuffed and dripping. We're not stopping until we know that it takes."
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @maggiemayhemnj - thank you!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
Ten. I was cross-posting everything for a minute there, but I lost steam and now I only post here - except for Aphelion, which I am co-writing with @something-tofightfor. That still gets posted in both places.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
68,449 - not counting Aphelion. My tumblr word count is... a lot higher.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Right now just Pedro Pascal characters.
4. top five fics by kudos?
Gonna go by notes on tumblr instead because that's where most of my stuff is:
Bes'laar Din Djarin x F!Reader (based on artwork by @stealyourblorbos!)
Survivor Blues Joel Miller x F!Reader
Forever Din Djarin x F!Reader
The Cold Offends Me Oberyn Martell x F!Reader (The Viper & The Wild Thing universe)
Point of No Return Ezra x OFC Clara
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to all comments because I appreciate them SO MUCH MORE than I can accurately convey. I love hearing from people about what they liked or what shocked them or what made them feel things, and I really love the chance to sort of have a micro mini chat about it in the comments. That being said, sometimes I completely check out and miss a whole batch or a whole fic worth of comments goes unresponded to for far too long. And I always feel bad when that happens, which sometimes results in me responding to things WAY after the comments were left, to the point where it wouldn't surprise me if the person has already forgotten the fic/what they wrote... but I haven't forgotten how much it meant to me that they read and commented on my work. So even if it's 6 months to an eternity late, I intend to respond to them all.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It Pours From Your Eyes Joel x Tess
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like most of them have happy endings, but we'll go with A Little Christmas Magic - Frankie x F!Reader as perhaps the fluffiest happy ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten non-fic specific hate directed at my writing before, but that was a few years ago and it hasn't happened since. Which is cool because the fewer people wasting their time and energy on being unnecessarily mean about things - let alone about stories about silly little fictional guys - the better.
9. do you write smut?
I do, but I do not consider it one of my strong suits, and I typically only include it if it fits with the overall story though a few times I have written smut just to be filthy as a challenge... and as a treat.
10. craziest crossover?
I've been slowly spinning a True Detective x Tim Rockford crossover like a rotisserie chicken for months but I've only managed to jot down a few unconnected snippets thus far. And a title. It's gonna be called (maybe, if I ever actually write it) Flat Circle, Twisted Game.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but if I did I would be absolutely PISSED. And I can't say I'd be nice about it.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but that would be cool AF.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I am currently co-writing Aphelion with @something-tofightfor and it is so much FUN.
14. all time favorite ship?
In all honesty it's probably Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt. I was straight up ready to stop watching Parks and Rec if they didn't end up together.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
lol what kind of passive aggressive, self-doubt feeding question is this? I'd like to finish them all and I try like hell to believe that I will.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think it's probably describing natural settings? But maybe dialogue. Idk.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. Also keeping the momentum to finish things in a timely fashion, but mostly smut.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I try to only use it when it makes sense or when it benefits the story and not just as like... a novelty or an afterthought.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Teeeeeeeeeeechnically? Like first one I ever made content for? I guess that would be the Twilight series. But I will not be sharing where to find that here. And if you find out where it is, you take that knowledge to the grave with you, you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME, FRIENDS?
20. favorite fic you've written?
Even though it's nowhere near done, I love and am so very proud of Survivor Blues. But then again, even though it's a few years old now and I feel like my writing has grown since finishing it, Point of No Return will always have a very big piece of my heart.
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to play! Please tag me so I can see your answers!!
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metalmewtwo-kxb · 9 months
Pokemon story/art/ask-blog for Benta the Mewtwo
Set in an apocalyptic future where most humans have disappeared and only pokemon remain. And the world is not as it had once been.
Benta, a pokemon who has existed for a long time now, has wandered the crumbling cities and empty roads looking for others who might share his ideals of rebuilding what is left of the world. Perhaps even track down the humans, if there are any left. However, the pokemon all seem to be at odds, more focused on hoarding land and food for survival. Many more are feral and vicious.
As others may find out, he is no ordinary mewtwo, and he might very well be the only one of his kind in a world full of ghosts. But is he the only wanderer? Or are there others?
And is it possible to save this future?
⚠️ Under Construction ⚠️
⚠️ Comic Pages 9-12 In Progress ⚠️
⛔️ NO NSFW ⛔️
General Itinerary (in no particular order) :
🧩 rp reply (if/when I have any)
- Thinking I'm gonna limit myself to one a day with these (or as often as I can manage) since I'm a very tired goose with limited internal motivation lol. I love role-playing! It just takes some thinking and energy. If I ever have more than one thread at a time, I'll make a weekly schedule 📅
✏️🖍 asks and/or art responses
- the art side of these can take anywhere from a day to a few days, depending on what I do exactly style/complexity-wise. Obviously can't do art replies all the time, but sometimes I could get inspired to do something other than text replies! 💕
🎨 comic art
- For the main story! The style for this is different and more uniform than what I'll be using for asks, so it definitely takes longer. I don't typically post until I'm done with a illustration/page set, so it can take a long heckin time. If one part one is 8 pages, I'd say it would clock in at two or three months before it's posted (as long as I'm not sick or somethn). I'm okay with posting peridoic snippet updates from my favorite panels though!
Temp. Edit: I've lowered the number of pages in each part to 4 since I need an easier goal to reach at a time. There's still 24 total! I just need simpler intervals. :T 🖼
Beyond this I have work and need me time, but always thank you, and I appreciate the interest! Benta is one of my comfort OCs so I'm treating this blog about the same. I want it to be a fun and cozy space while I build the apocalypse story lol.
#️⃣ tags
This is a list of tags to search on my blog for my art (which will update as they come up):
- ;mun - my general babble, updates, and so on
- ;poké art - all posts involving pokemon sketches and drawings
- ;pokedex - posts pertaining to the story's pokemon and their lore. These pokemon are usually "new" species, not those that are already well known. However, sometimes special pokemon characters will make an appearance
- ;rp - written replies to roleplays. Kind of recommended since some lore will likely only appear in these, and they can be a fun read for those that like to do so (the rp partner's name will also be included in the post's tags) 👍
- ;response - ask responses! Chances are they contain art and scribbles. And maybe not, depends on how I feel
- Benta - self-explanatory, posts containing content of my mewtwo OC Benta (this does/should include roleplay threads and asks, so it's more generalized and not very concise)
- ;UntilTheEnd - the comic and main story for Benta and other characters that we'll meet along the way! (Set in an alternate universe, so don't expect very much anime/game continuity lol)
- ;drabbles and chapters - more written content that can either have something to do with an established AU or with context of the main story. Typically smaller snippets, but potentially a longer chapter set. I'm a faster writer than a drawer, but I enjoy both- so this is just another means of keeping up fun content 🫶
💬 About the mun:
Age: 28
Pronouns: she/her/they/them
Occupation: A menace to modern society :V *cough* artist/writer/author *cough*
Hobby: Literally just bothering my sister and siblings like a sneaky little gremlin.
Pokémun-sona: Zoromun. Info post -> here
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More is tba!
Thank you for the visit, and have a wonderful day!
(main -> @ draconic-hydra )
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oldsargasso · 8 months
Kenta sitting there and waiting with Kim is so cute to me, Kim’s “are you fucking kidding me” look is HILARIOUS, and oh my god Kenta just tell him you want him to grab you by the collar.
That’s a really good point, especially when it comes to their relationship with Kim. It’s easier to accept someone’s flaws when it’s not you they’ve hurt, and when they didn’t target you specifically. Like how long does it take Kim to process what he went through? Does he have dreams about Winner standing over his body? There’s a level of physical trust that has to be built up from below zero. Winner went out of his way to beat on Kim when he was down (and maybe part of him was bitter that Kim hadn’t embraced him as a teammate, and angry that the person who always turned him into a kicked puppy was so easily reduced to nothing, like “You’re supposed to be better than this. Get up,” kind of complicated, misplaced, nasty feelings). 
Another thing I’ve been thinking about in regards to guilt and penance is Kenta and Dean’s relationship, and the way Kenta pushed Dean down the wrong path? I don’t think Dean would particularly blame him—it was his own choice (unless it turns out that Kenta knew Charlie’s death was gonna be faked and let Dean take the fall for it. In which case there would be a lot of anger, since Dean was already upset about being blamed for something he didn’t do).
But I think Kenta would probably blame himself (when does he not), since Dean would never have done anything if Kenta hadn’t suggested it, if Kenta hadn’t seen him as a set of dominoes ready to topple over. I think it’s something they’d probably fight about and would tie into Dean’s issues with wanting Kenta’s respect.
Oh yes Winner you are such a martyr it is sooo terrible to have to sit there and watch all of that glorious action; whatever would they do without you? 😆
Oh Dean. He’s never not gonna make me hurt. I am NOT ready to talk about him and Alan again ahdjfjfja it is so tragic!!!
How DO they all get together SHFJFJF THAT’S SUCH A GOOD POINT. It’s honestly probably very messy and convoluted, given all of their histories and Winner’s resistance to even caring about anyone. I think things would happen between some of them more easily than others. I will think some thoughts on this. 
I am. Not Optimistic about all four of them surviving. LOL. 😬😬😬 But I am prepared to fully ignore some things that happen and and live in canon divergent land ahdjfkfj. I had the SAME thought about Dean, like oh at least he’s safe behind bars! (The episode may have aired by the time this gets posted so I may already be in “lalala ignoring this” land”)
WAY HAS A CAR DEALERSHIP AS A SIDE HUSTLE 😭😭😭 Winner at least podiums during the races, so maybe he gets a modest amount of winnings? Idk how racing works BUT I do think he has family money. Like he absolutely has those entitled vibes, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes from a racing family as well. 
THE SAME GYM, THE SAME LOCKER ROOM, AND THE SAME BAR. Like I know the city is not that small, why are they always up each other’s asses hmmm (homo reasons)
I just keep imagining all the ways it would go down. it's so dependant for me on how well Kim and Kenta knew each other BEFORE. did they meet that singular time Tony came to watch a race? or was Kenta doing like, personal assistant type stuff and helping Kim get settled in? I can't get past the look they share as Kim is taken away it's SO charged and speaks to a bit of an established relationship (of any sort). but yes Kim should grab Kenta by the collar. both of his shirt and the one Kim's gonna give him.
oof I feel like we haven't discussed Kim's trauma from being held captive and beaten up at all, how have we missed this!! it's definitely the way Winner went about it, bitter and vindictive exactly as you say. like when we first meet Winner and Kim in the gym they're aligned together but very quickly Kim is like "um no" - we see him very much against Winner employing dirty tricks but he's also aggressively not on team Winner before that even. if only we had gotten a handful more scenes of Red Racing before everything kicked off! the guys in the garage Winner's drinking with seem to support him, so he's not the worst all the time. but yes to everything you said! there is a huge gulf between where they have to come from to where we most often place them all together. I guess that's the more difficult part of their story and not half as fun to discuss as them all navigating an actual relationship lol.
wasn't it Kenta who sabotaged Babe's car the other time? he got caught on the cameras but literally only by Kim, who's locked up at the time Charlie's car gets sabotaged. couldn't he just. do it again?and also HOW did Kenta know to go to Dean for that? (my headcanon is Winner introducing Dean to Tony as a like, here's a guy who could be on our team kinda thing. like someone had to know to exploit Dean.) anyway YES. Kenta would blame himself and him taking all the blame of it is taking away Dean's agency. because he DID make that choice - he didn't think it was going to kill Charlie but it was always a risk, car racing is not the safest sport at the best of times. it would tie in very well with the age-related respect issues; Kenta reducing Dean's role in it all is akin to treating him like a child, like he doesn't know enough to know what he did was bad. so far Dean's the only one who's faced actual consequences for his actions!
honestly I can see it starting with any permutation of the four of them lol. I often default to it happening WinnerDean + KimKenta -> all four (after various mixing of three of them) - probably the only way I can't see it happening first is WinnerKenta lol. although that would be the most toxic way to kick of this toxic polycule.
Winner is the one I'm most nervous about since he's a true villain in the piece but I'm Very Concerned about a Kenta self-sacrifice play. but yeah I will be joining you in canon-divergent land if anything actually happens to these four. BEYOND what already has lmao we gotta get Dean out of jail.
(SOMEONE has to write winnerdean fic we are starving. I gotta stop using all my words and energy on these asks lmao but I'm having so much fun)
we have now discussed rich kid Winner in our third simultaneously occurring pit babe-related conversation on this website lmao. at some point in the near future I am gonna go through and collect all the exchanges we have had and put them all together.
FOR REALLL though, x hunter seems to despise Winner yet at no point was anyone like "should we go somewhere he won't be?" of course not. surely I am not the only one who believes one of the reasons Winner hates Babe is because he got rejected by him.
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transboysokka · 11 months
This is a big ask so don't feel like you have to, but would you be interested in pitching some summaries of the fics you have up on Ao3? I know there are summaries up there, but I like the casual way you have with words and you say fuck a lot and I dunno yeah
omg this is so funny bc i know the exact way with words you're talking about and of course im not gonna pass up a chance to promote my own work hehe YOU GOT IT!
i have 20 atla fics so I'm going to recommend them in order of... least to most kudos??? to try to trick people into reading more of my stuff? lol idk
I'm 99% sure all of these are Zukka fics...
The Last Five Years - ok actually this is a bad place to start bc i don't think im gonna finish it. it just really didn't take off but um its a The Last Five Years AU with really fucking sad Divorced Zukka
Do Not Stand At My Grave and Cry - this is i think my newest one, it has trans zukka and it's a bit angsty with a fake death but i also think it's kind of fun. it's the idea trans people have of ''who's going to care if my family puts the wrong name on my gravestone?" but there IS a happy ending
A Problem Halved is a Problem Shared - im gonna be honest i dont fucking remember writing this one lol but it says dialogue-only and it WILL be angsty bc it is about zuko and sokka dealing with different issues they have
One Last Time (and its sequel The End of All Things) - Actually OLT is definitely one of my faves I ever wrote. It's my canon-compliant take on um... *cough* Sokka's death, referenced in Korra. It's SO angsty but it has one of the most visceral scenes I've ever written and I DID cry writing this. TEoAT is the happy ending Divorced Zukka deserved with bonus Iroh but you WILL cry reading that too. BUT i cant fucking recommend these ones enough!!!!
If I fade away (the awful things we do to make the head go quiet) - VERY dead dove. trans zuko needs to pay a MASSIVE price to get home to the Fire Nation after Ba Sing Se, and it's not his choice at all. I love this but READ WITH CAUTION
In Which Sokka is Supportive Ally Boyfriend Goals - I am dead serious i like dont remember this one at all but i know it has trans zuko!
Nourishing the Flame Within - not the best written tbhtbh BUT it does have two very important Zukos in it that I hold to be universally true: trans zuko and eating disorder zuko
bad idea right? - okay this is DEF one of my faves lol its about divorced zukka but they just cant stop messing things up and sleeping with each other even though theyre not together anymore lolol
Keeping it in the Family - lmao OKAY SO this is the ONE version of zukka that im like 'ok all u z*tara folks, maybe zuko WAS with her and it obvs didnt work' and then he hooks up with sokka instead and its GREAT but oops now we have Family Drama
Scars of Trust - bro im not gonna like i barely remember writing this one but i remember I LOVE IT and it's about sokka who has been dating zuko a while but he finally learns that zuko is trans? its great
Playing the Long Game - eh, i don't love it, but I'd say it's worth a read. it was my first longer fic in the fandom. it DOES have a great Zukki evolution though if you're into that, and a nice mystery!! Also some whump and angst bc of course
Keeping Score - I liked this one! It's just little snippets of times Sokka has survived assassination attempts, because we always hear about it happening to Zuko, but Sokka gets them too. Angst obviously
It Was Cruel and It Was Wrong - wow, a dead dove fic, yes. It's basically like "If I'm Joo Lee and you're Joo Lee, then who's flying the bison?" Yeah so Sokka and Zuko are both brainwashed by the Dai Lee and Suffering but be careful because this gets DARK
Mother - Izumi has two dads but she feels bad she doesn't have a mom. But guess what, her dads don't have moms either!! She's very happy to find that out! Wow Izumi, way to have some sympathy.
Impact - It's about Zuko taking a longer time to recover from an assassination attempt than he'd want, and Sokka being loving and patient with him! I wrote this when I had a bad concussion for like three weeks and so it's pretty like. Medically accurate lol
Scratchy - Short and sweet. I don't remember this one much but I know that it is fluffy and involves turtle ducks!
Hidden Pain, Shared Love - Another short and fluffy one. It's about the first time Zuko sees that Sokka has problems with his leg sometimes?
Zuko and Sokka Get Engaged in the Most Zukka Way Possible - okay i actually really love this one because it's on brand and cute and also i made it fucking angsty because oF COURSE
Zuko Amongst the Dragons - yes so what if zuko was raised by dragons and met the gaang but he was super feral? and what if shenanigans ensued? AND what if sokka and zuko fell in love anyway????
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scoonsalicious · 4 months
man i miss Pocket x Buckybaby🤍
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Major x Bucky are like the older wise version of Pocket X Buckybaby. Pocket and Buckybaby (as the nickname) are the babies. Our babies.
Reading unusable just made my heart swell with emotions. The snippet of Unbroken LEFT ME BROKEN. I can’t.
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As much as I enjoy Major x Bucky, Pocket x Buckybaby is tattooed in my heart.
Btw I just saw someone said they’re team Lebron😂, and i think it’s because Major kinda looks like the ‘mean’ girl in Lizard’s POV. (If we switch Lenovo as reader, gahdamnn, everyone would be pissed at Major)… or they just love chaos AHAHAHAHAH.
Major does have flaws but subtle, and not the Pocket level kind of flaws. I can tell Major is not perfect. I have a feeling that she’s actually insecure of her own appearance and action but always keep her head high due to her divorce, something like that la.
I get it why it bothers some readers because we haven’t yet to see her bad bad moments. Plus, we were introduced with Major being the ‘baddie’/‘independent’ woman from the beginning. It is a drastic change from Pocket to Major. Not to mention this reader and Bucky are like rabbits 24/7😂 We’re seeing majorly of their body/physical chemistry here before it starts going to the emotional chemistry. (Might I also remind people that things would be crazy after Major and Bucky is officially in a relationship because that means war for Lebron?😂We’re still in the introduction on its way to rising action!!)
Also, we’ve been seeing more on Bucky’s and Lenovo’s POV (especially Bucky). It’s refreshing after Unwanted but I do hope we get to see Major’s POV soon because I’m starting to get attached on Bucky😂 I feel like I’m Bucky. Not only that, but Mother Pookie great mind too. I can’t wait for whatever she’s planning on WFLT.
Anyways, I feel like I haven’t done this for a long time but I wuv you Mother Pookie🩷🩷🩷. Here is your kitten smooches to boost your day!!!
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PS// There are new pics of Sebastian Stan (at the Cannes event i think). He so cute. Too fucking cute. I want to pinch his cheek!!! HE SO CUTE LIKE A SMOL BLACK KITTY. I just wanna pet him.
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(This is how I see him in the pic)
Me too, Pookie. Me, too. It's why I'm struggling with WFLT; I keep wanting to run right back to them. Pocket and her BuckyBaby are, always and forever, my babies, just like you said. So, I'm eager to get to Unbroken eventually. Even if, for now, I'm just jotting down little snippets here and there as they come to me.
Major and her Bucky are indeed more mature individuals, lol, which might be why it's harder to write them, because my brain just wants to jump to the most dramatic, angsty shit possible, but I am like 'NO! These are adults!'
Lizard is where I will have to get my drama out, lol. Girl's gonna do some crazy shit. Like, not full-on Cunthrage-evil, but more real-world crazy. Like, if you were friends with her on socials, you wouldn't interact, but you wouldn't block her, either, because the drama is too good.
Major's not perfect. She's got some combat-related PTSD we're going to explore, and though she would probably never admit it, she's insecure about Bucky's relationship with Lily. I know we're focusing a lot in these early chapters on Major and Bucky's... well, sexcapades, really, but I wanted to establish them as being crazy for one another, and to kind of really showcase how quick of a change this is for Lily.
But as you said, this is the RISING ACTION, lol; we'll get there!
But, I, too, love chaos. (Actual photo of me climbing the ladder of chaos below)
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I love you so much, Pookie! <3 I hope you and your kittehs are well!
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corazondebeskar-reads · 7 months
wip wednesday!
thank you for the tag @janaispunk 🖤🖤
step one: post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet
ok so some of these are really rough and have no titles and I didn't include things like "of rage and ruin" because that's already got a priority order, but here are these:
"I'll take care of you" mini-series
very dark!Din x f!reader
yes, I have a problem, and I'm turning it into a mini-series. no snippet yet, but here's a teaser
You meet the Mandalorian for the first time in an alley. You meet the Mandalorian for the first time in your home. You meet the Mandalorian for the first time in a bunker. You… aren’t sure how you met the Mandalorian, anymore. But you know, now, that no matter how far you get, no matter how much you forget, he’ll always find you.
patrol partner!Joel
ft. switch!Joel but mostly sub!Joel x f!switch!reader
You pull off with a soft pop and look up at him, setting the cool, damp cloth back over his cock. His hips jerked when it made contact, the cool breeze through the window exaggerating the sensation. “How’re you feeling, baby?” you say. “Frustrated, ma’am,” Joel grunts. You smile. “Thank you for being honest. Do you need a break, or do you want a little more?” “More, please,” he says immediately, cheeks flushed. You don’t respond, running your hand across his stomach while you let him squirm from the chill. Not after long, you move it and take him back in your mouth. He gasps and moans, muscles tightening and straining against the ropes. When you shift to warm his balls with your tongue, he whimpers. You take that as a sign to pull back and replace the cold cloth.  “No,” he says, desperate and breathy. He squeezes his eyes tight against the prickling of tears. “Please.” 
Joel grimaces. “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll just have to figure something temporary out.” You stop and put your hands on your hips. “We? What is this we business?” “What’re you gonna do, keep wandering through the woods on your own? I’ll help you.” “Why would you want to do that?” You’re on alert again. “Didn’t you say you had to get back to your brother?” “He’s not goin’ any place. He knows I can handle myself out here. Why, you got somewhere else to go?” His eyebrow raises. It’s really infuriating. He fucking knows you don’t. “Oh, you know. So many places to go, things to do.” He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure.” “Well, I haven’t even started my taxes this year.” You fix him with a look. Fuckin’ try me, old man.  But Joel just laughs. “You’re right. Finding somewhere safe from Infected is way less important than taxes. My bad.”  “It is. It is your bad, Joel. I could get arrested for tax evasion.”   “Right,” he shakes his head. “You’re more afraid of the IRS.”  “Yeah, we are talkin’ about the American government here. You think the fuckin’ apocalypse is gonna stop them from getting their money?” Never mind that the world ended twenty-two years ago. You know he’s letting you play up the bit because he thinks you’ll let your guard down.  You’re hoping it works in reverse.  “Alright, well, let’s find you somewhere safe to do your taxes.” “Agreed. You’ll go back to your brother and I’ll find the nearest H&R Block.” 
"the art of decay"
(a working title for the sequel to "the art of breaking"; don't hold me to it lol)
“You get wet from that beating earlier?” he asks. You nod, even though he’s already reaching down between your legs and shoving his fingers in your cunt. He brings back his shiny hand and strokes his cock.  “Look at me, baby,” he says, shifting onto his knees so when you open your eyes, you’re faced with his fist pumping away at the red, angry head. “Coulda been you. Shoulda been, but bad girls don’t get what they want.”  You whimper. It really does hurt your feelings, but you know you have nothing to say for yourself.  “Open. Maybe you’ll get lucky, and get some fresh.” You obey immediately, squeezing your eyes back shut as soon as he starts to cum. A little bit lands in your mouth, which you hold open.
step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on
no pressure tags: @kewwrites @tightjeansjavi @milla-frenchy @aurorawritestoescape @covetyou @toxicanonymity @mountainsandmayhem @alwaysmicado @ozarkthedog
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rowrowronnie · 5 months
hi!! I love how you draw scouts sm omg. I was wondering if you had any additional lore on your scoutbot??
also if folks wanted to write about him/the concept would they be allowed to? Like if they did that thing where you go “for (username here)” on the fic. Gifted it to your ao3 and wrote it was your concept in the authors note.
omg it’s been a million years.. scout bot my beloved!!
i actually do have a bit more lore on scoutbot, i was gonna make a comic a long time ago, but eventually scrapped it cause 1) it was too long, and 2) some of the writing’s a little too on the nose lmao. here’s a little snippet from my notes:
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so there’s that! i think there was also a bit i wanted to do with spy where he finds out what engie’s done, a whole confrontation between the two, but i honestly can’t remember what i wanted them to say to each other lmao
originally, when i first came up with the idea, scout was just gonna be like a speedy delivery guy in a future au (he had these big wheels on his shoes in his og design when i first sketched him, and those were supposed to act as rollerblades), but i decided to change some stuff around!
the basic stuff is just: engie gets silly and spirals into his religious delusions, killing scout and rebuilding him in his image, making him into “god’s angel.”
the main idea of it all was gonna revolve around scout finding his lost humanity, discovering what it means to be a person again, the beauty of living, etc (i actually have a completely separate robot oc that i based him off of because i Love Love Love the trope of rediscovering humanity and subsequent love for living, lol)
that’s all i can remember? i only really wrote down the comic script stuff!
also omg.. if people want to write about scoutbot i will actually Die that is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for this concept, like actually i Will Die!!!! go ahead!! i give full permission!!!
and i do have an ao3, but i like separating my fic stuff from my fanart stuff (i also wanna keep it private for now!) if folks wanna write anything and still wanna credit, i’m alright with ppl tagging this tumblr!!
i appreciate you asking tons!!! thank you so soso much for this ask, it’s so incredibly kind and nice to see the enthusiasm for the hc and character stuff i’ve made!! 😭😭 again, thank you smm!!!!!!
edit: i just remembered i had one more thing on scoutbot:
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yeah! that’s mainly it i think!!
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