#I just want to let Mipha kick ass and take names
olivethetreebitch · 2 years
I lied, sleep has decided to abandon me.
Fuck it.
Agender Wild, goes with whatever pronouns doesn’t give a FAUK.
So I think the resurrection chamber stoped his body from aging, like, completely. Like time stoped for the body.
Like I absolutely love the elderich soul aus where Wild is not Link, but just inhabits the dead man’s Body??? Like that’s my fucking bread and BUTTER. MMM all the good flavors.
So Wild was not aware that she is in fact, part Gerudo due to a permanent curse on said body, the curse would eventually fade due to use over time but it never happened. Link went back first.
Wild, before being born, finds and kicks Ganandorfs ass, rightfully taking the triforce of power for itself (another headcanon is that only a Gerudo “male” or in other words “one of Ganon’s linage” (because all the males have been Ganon, so it’s another name for a male Gerudo) may hold the triforce of Power)
So. Wild has both the triforce of power and courage, basically sacrificing his timeline body to seal and break down the Malice (not to completely destroy it but anything helps) and becoming a spirit for a full 20 min before they wake up as Baby.
[cue epic music]
Also the Gerudo do not know about Wild’s existence, momma had some issues with the currant social norms that Gerudo were expected to hold so they left to travel.
Wild in this is actually a year younger (physically) then Zelda, so heheh there’s that.
Literally Wild is just the peak of the meme
“On god…
…..Please shut up….
Every fucking time. Also is the peak of ADHD.
Uhhh Wild knows how to play a multitude of instruments, and knows a lot of languages (all the native languages and common, even some from outside the kingdom)
But he did not know Hyruleian until she met the chain, and they all took a turn trying to teach the gremlin…….
They have the most complicated and messy dialect of everyone. Flora tried to figure out where it is from, but couldn’t place it. Eventually Wild told her.
Wild refers to the 100 year old Zelda as Flora as she really learned how to stand on her own, and became a little (older?) sister to them. The currant young Zelda hasn’t quite fit into the role yet. (Maybe another name? Probably not. It’ll be a character growth thing. She needs to break through the trauma to even start assessing the damages)
Another thing on the Fierce thing: after the bbeg was defeated, there was this time where the entire group ended up in the holy/god realm as Time was getting the rundown the Chain met Hylia face to face, yes she’s their other mother other then Malon. Legend is like that grumpy kitten that’s sulking. He gets a hug don’t worry.
And because Wild is a priest, she can talk to any of the gods their close to, which includes the main three, Hylia, Time, Fierce, and the other Priests. (Sometimes Sun if he concentrates hard enough)
Which means when the king is digging into Zelda, Wild is over here side eyeing Hylia like “Bruh what do I do-“ and she’s like “Kick his ass” “not yet”
Wild is determined to help Zel in any way it can, be it through giving her flowers, reviving Terico (the egg, no I don’t know how to spell it), and just generally trying to make her life easier.
Wild also wants desperately to kidnap Zel and let her not only sleep, but actually teach her how to tap into the goddess.
(Healing first, then trust, then building up magic reserves, then doing actual shit)
Wild: [aggressively but also tenderly big siblings Zelda into having better mental heath]
Wild: I’m supposed to be the sad one! You get your own script!
Wild loves the champions, ace wild strikes again when it comes to Mipha, she kinda reminds him of Hyrule. So like….. no. Deruk is like a brother to him and he cares about- Urbosa he respects and reminds her of her mother. Rivali Wild has decided is not worth the energy at this point, and exclusively calls him Ravioli.
Ta daaa
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c-aureus · 3 years
Checks watch: Ooh, look at that. It’s time for another rant. So. Wall of text incoming. So, has it occurred to anyone else that, of the 6 Zelda fighters that are in Smash Bros. Ultimate, 3 of them are Link, 2 of them are Zelda, and one is Definitely Not Captain Falcon? Here’s another fun thing to think about: Technically, we haven’t had an entirely new Zelda character introduced to the game since Melee was released in 2001.
TWENTY YEARS AGO. Yes, I’m aware that Toon Link came with Brawl in 2008 (which is still 13 years and 2 entire games), but even so. Toon Link was a direct replacement for Young Link in that he is a smaller, faster Link. Besides, they’re still the same character, with the same moveset. What I’m getting at here is that... I honestly think that the Zelda series has been kinda neglected for fighters in recent years/DECADES. Especially considering the saturation of certain franchises that shall not be named. And, it’s not as if the series is lacking characters. I honestly think that Midna deserved to be playable in Brawl, and Ghirahim deserved to be in 4. Sadly, at this point, I think that their moment has kinda passed, and they would never get in now. Especially since both are assist trophies. I’ve heard that apparently Toon Zelda was intended for Brawl, but even so... this is just worsening the problem of having not enough diversity. Like, the Zelda series has some amazing characters, that have definitely deserved spots. But, they’ve been passed over for some... underwhelming picks, let’s say. (Yes, I’m salty.) In case it’s not obvious, what I’m getting at is that I want more Zelda reps. Specifically, ones from a somewhat recently released Zelda game that, uh... was pretty good, y’know? Obviously, I’m talking about Triforce Heroes. Jokes aside, I’ve wanted a BotW rep in Ultimate since it was announced. I do not consider Link to be a specific BotW rep, since I think that he more represents the Zelda series as a whole, since his moveset, appearance, etc. are the same between incarnations. Aside from his clothes, and the remote bomb, he could be literally any other Link. And, if/when the next big Zelda game and Smash Bros. game come out, he WILL be any other Link. I honestly think that BotW was momentous enough of a game to warrant its own dedicated rep (or 4, in a Pokemon Trainer style format). This feeling is given infuriating hope by the fact that the Champions are not assist trophies, nor background cameos in the Great Plateau Tower stage. In fact, the only manner in which they feature is as 2* support spirits. I mean... I can’t be the only one who thinks that they’re better than that, can I? So, yeah. Champions for Smash. It makes sense in so many ways, which is why it’s going to be so crushing when they inevitably are not announced. I mean, I’d even accept a Mii costume, but I’d wager we’re not getting that either. Lol. Fuck me, I guess. To elaborate, between the 20 (or 13) year drought of Zelda reps, the significance of BotW, plus the design and nature of the Champions, as well as the fact that they have not been deconfirmed, or have barely any presence at all in Ultimate, I genuinely believe that this is a fitting, and awesome, character to have in the game. Alas, I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen. Although, if, by some unfathomable luck, it did, then I would never complain about Byleth, Corrin, Roy, Chrom or Min-Min ever again. Either way. Praise Sakurai. He has done such an incredible job with Ultimate, and that will always deserve recognition and praise. It sounds entitled as fuck to think that you can demand your favourite/preferred character(s) to be in a game that you love, however after seeing other people being genuinely ecstatic to get their favourite/preferred character in the game, there is no harm in wanting to experience that same kind of joy for yourself.
(Provided that you don’t start sending death threats about it. That’s trashy as fuck.) None of the (new) characters announced for Ultimate (or even Sm4sh) have really been ‘for me’ in the sense that I was hyped beyond words at their announcement, so I’m kinda just really holding out for a miracle, here. Alas, not everyone can be pleased, so there will always be those who will be disappointed. And, alas, it’s the hope that really kills ya. Can’t wait for the final DLC character to be a Gen 8 Pokemon. Sigh.
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corpsentry · 4 years
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ao3 mirror
fandom: age of calamity, botw rating: g starring: prince sidon and mipha note: spoilers for both games
"You know, Daruk’s my idol,” Yunobo says. He pumps his fists in the air like a kid at a fun fair in line for the big pirate ship ride. “They say he was the coolest Goron there ever was. Plus he had a beard. I think beards are awesome.”
“Great,” Sidon says. He stops peeling the mandarin in his hands for long enough to look up blankly at him. "Mipha was my sister."
the age of calamity, side b.
The thing about time travel is, even if someone stands in front of you and tells you point-blank that there’s a way to bring your dead sister back to life, you’re probably not going to believe them.
“I don’t believe you,” says Sidon.
“Okay,” Teba says patiently, fluffing his feathers with an absent glide of his wing. “Try harder.”
Sidon stares at him. He tries harder, though he’s not sure what that entails and so doesn’t end up really doing anything. “I don’t get you.”
“Which part don’t you get?”
“I get to see Mipha again?”
Teba’s eyebrow twitches. “Let me put this as simply as I can, Prince,” he says, a little too loudly. The soldier stationed at the bottom of the staircase turns to look at them. “We’re going to go back to the point a hundred years ago at which the four champions were killed in their divine beasts. We’re going to save them. We’re going to make sure they defeat Ganon before he can send Hyrule into ruin. And then we’re going to leave.”
By now, they’ve caught everyone’s attention. It’s been a long time since a hundred years ago, but here in Zora’s Domain it still feels like the events of last Tuesday, to be recounted over salt tea and fish skewers, to be mourned over an empty coffin. Everyone’s staring at the big white bird with the angry eyebrows, a little curious, a little apprehensive. For what he’s worth, Teba is indifferent. This much will not faze him.
Sidon twiddles his thumbs behind his back, where Teba cannot see them and the guards at the bottom of the staircase can point and laugh all they want. To be honest, he heard nothing. His heart stopped when he heard ‘killed in their divine beasts’, at which point a watery monster punched its way into his skull and crushed his brain. The monster is nothing concrete, nothing crystal-clear, just what little Link has told him, bits and pieces of a history he was prevented from taking part in. It’s been several months since the kid dragged his beaten-up body halfway across Hyrule and kicked Ganon’s ass, though they’re still feeling the after-effects of that particular calamity today. Mipha’s statue still looms over their heads, a reminder of what it means to die alone and far away from home.
“So,” Sidon starts, hearing his voice echoing in his ears like metal slicing through air. “What you’re saying is, I get to see Mipha again.”
Teba looks like he wants to grab one of the guards’ spears and stab Sidon in the face, but for what he’s worth, he reigns it in. “Yes.”
“Okay.” He grins. “I’m in.”
He tried to fight a lynel when he was fifteen. The domain had been overrun with monsters who had arrived for the pre-party to Ganon’s return, including an outstanding number of wizzrobes, several moblins, and a tall, intimidating figure which spat electricity from its pink-tongued mouth and whose name he couldn’t recall. While his father, the king, and his sister, the princess, breezed through the area like a lightning strike, reclaiming keeps and stabbing moblins with silver teeth so their generals could forge a path ahead, Sidon reveled in the wonder of being left unsupervised at four a.m. in the morning. And then heard the familiar, haunting roar of a lynel. And then decided to go and say hi.
It was a mistake, of course. The lynel was so tall he couldn’t make out the gear on its back. Its face was all squished up, like a birthday cake that had been stepped on, and its horns were too big for its thick, blocky nose. This was funny for all of five seconds. Then the lynel extracted a bow from that unknowable space behind it and aimed the sharp end of an arrow at his face, and it became a problem.
“H-h-h-hi,” said Sidon, holding up his Kid Spear, which was strictly for Kid Use Only, and had the offensive capabilities of a stick.
“RHOOARHGHHGHH,” said the lynel.
He jabbed the Kid Spear at the lynel’s leg. The lynel spat at him, though probably unintentionally, as it seemed preoccupied with the arrow it was trying to send into his face. It was stuck. The big scary lynel’s bow was stuck.
Emboldened by the stupid scary lynel’s broken bow, Sidon decided to try again. “Please go away, Mr. Lynel,” he said in his best and most charming Kid Prince voice, twirling his Kid Spear like a sweet jellyfish skewer.
“RHOAHOARHAGHOGHHHH,” said the lynel, who sounded significantly angrier than before.
“I understand,” Sidon said politely, and then closed his eyes and sent a prayer to the goddess Hylia (the way he had been taught to since he was old enough to speak, the way every child in Hyrule knew that there was a place for them to go to after they left this world behind). He braced for impact, which he hoped would be of the violent sort, earth-shattering and brisk enough to break his bones and leave nothing breathing in its wake. He was fifteen, not five. This was Ganon’s era. Every living creature in Hyrule knew this, the way their ancestors woke up and knew which direction the sun would rise from. Not if, but when. When the Calamity strikes. When your people die. When the knight emerges from the woods with the sacred sword in his hand, and saves you all.
But none came. When he opened his eyes, and he did so reluctantly, adrenalin coursing through his veins like thunder, the world was pitch black. In place of the cool blue moon was his sister, her ceremonial gear glittering darkly, the Lightscale Trident glowing like a star in her right hand.
“Holy shit,” whispered Sidon the kid. Mipha stabbed the lynel in the face.
She hugged him when it was all over and they had put the moblins and the wizzrobes and the electric moblin (so that’s what it was! Terrifying) back to sleep. Their father was upset, but he was frequently upset at Sidon and so it didn’t bother him as much as it could have. Sidon was not Mipha. It was all right if he got things wrong, as long as his sister never did. Coincidentally, the Hylian princess had been in the area at the time of the attack, accompanied by a knight with blue eyes and a Sheikah warrior who looked like she would throw a knife at a fish for sport. It was a good thing Mipha had been at home, and not visiting one of the other tribes or hunting for crabs near Lurelin. It was a good thing she had intervened when she had, lest the pre-party become the real thing.
“Thank you,” said the Hylian princess, trying her best to smooth her brow and failing. She looked anxious, though she had only come to pass on her father’s word, though the word that she had brought was victory.
Mipha smiled at her with a face full of sun. “It is my pleasure.”
He wishes the egg could talk. If the egg could talk then Teba would have less reason to talk, and if Teba talked less then Sidon would have less of a raging headache, which which would make him less of an asshole, which would make their discussions go much more smoothly than the janky, sputtering mess they’ve been all week.
“As I was saying,” says Teba, continuing whatever train of thought he picked up on their way up to Goron City and then dumped unceremoniously by the side of the road. As he does this, Death Mountain spits a chunk of lava out of its steaming gaping top, which lands a few inches shy of his breastplate. He hops backwards without missing a beat and begins fanning himself with one wing.
Riju stops fiddling with the diamond circlet in her hands for long enough to give him a look of inquiry. “As you were saying?”
“I can’t wait to see Daruk.” Yunobo scratches his arm. It makes a sound like two large boulders grinding together. Riju drops the circlet.
“You’re only going to see him for a short while,” Teba comments over the sound of the egg blowing its top at Riju and Sidon plugging his ears with his fingers. “No point getting all worked up about it.”
“You’re just as worked up yourself,” Riju counters. Patricia barks. Teba flinches.
This is true. There are two things Teba won’t shut up about. In ascending order of importance, they are 1) when they should depart for the alternate timeline in which they will prevent their respective ancestors from getting their spirits trapped in giant mechanical monsters for a hundred years, and 2) how incredible Revali is. Because Revali was the most powerful Rito warrior that ever walked the land (or flew over it, or blasted bomb arrows at it, whatever). Revali singlehandedly invented an entire style of aerial combat which involves launching yourself into the air with an updraft that defies the laws of the universe and then setting your surroundings on fire. Revali killed god.
Teba looks like he wants to go back to his wife and kid in Rito village. Good for him. Not all of them have bodies to put in coffins. “I just want to meet him once,” he says quietly.
Yunobo laughs, and it sounds like two extra large boulders grinding together. “Me too, brother.” He picks up the diamond circlet from the floor and puts it on his head like some kind of weird hat. “I’m going to tell Daruk how great he is. And then I’m going to go home.”
One time when they were much, much younger, before he woke up one morning and Mipha was three times his height, one of the guards brought back some durians. The durians were misshapen and spiky and smelled intimidating, though Sidon wouldn’t go as far as to say that the smell was unpleasant. The guard had obtained them from a merchant in the Faron region. He hadn’t meant to purchase them, but they were the last of her stock and she said she could only head home once she had sold everything. He empathized her.
At first they tried to open the durians with their hands, but this only produced several pricked fingers and left ominous and eerily substantial bloodstains everywhere, so someone brought out a spear, almost drove it through the table, and someone else brought out a carving knife. Halfway through the spectacle of watching one of the guards, who was thirty-seven and enjoyed collecting glowing stones as a hobby, attempt to de-spike an entire durian, the crowd parted abrutpyl.
“What are you all doing?” Mipha put her hand absently on Sidon’s head. He had been watching the ongoing debacle out of some kind of morbid curiosity, standing on tip-toes so he could peek over the top of the table, though now he had apparently been relegated to armrest.
“Trying to open this durian, your highness.”
Mipha laughed. His sister’s laugh was a delicate, heartrending affair, like trying to pull weeds from the bottom of a lake without breaking them at the stem. The weather at home was always more or less divine, but whenever Mipha laughed, Sidon swore it blasted a hole right through the clouds. If there were no clouds, then the hole appeared in the fabric of the sky instead. Mipha, at her brightest, was a walking catastrophe of sun.
Still chuckling a little, like she’d been made privy to a secret that none of them knew about, Mipha stepped up to the cutting board. “You have to do it like this,” she said cheerfully, digging her fingers into a seam in the durian’s shell like she’d been dealing with danger all her life.
Cue gasping. Cue the horrors of childbirth.
The durian was sweet. It was also a little goopy, but Sidon was no stranger to things which stuck to your fingers and refused to let go (he was one of those objects when it came to his sister, who he could rarely be found more than an arm’s length away from on any given day), so he felt for the little spiky fruit, and decided that he would make an effort to bring some back home when he went traveling himself in the future. While he examined the inside of the durian’s shell, which had been hollowed of fruit and had the texture of rough sandpaper, the guards crowded around Mipha and demanded that she share her secret to not getting stabbed to death by the fierce and terrifying durian. But either she didn’t know how to explain it to them, or they weren’t very good at listening, because she remained the only one capable of cracking open a durian with her bare hands for many, many years, up until she died while fighting a watery manifestation of Ganon inside the divine beast she had been told by the king of Hyrule to pilot to victory’s end. Then it was someone else’s turn to take over.
Painkillers for fish are a tricky affair. To begin with, charmingly little research has been conducted into the biology of the fish-person because the Zoras simply aren’t interested in how their bodies work, and while others have offered to do so in their place, among them several enthusiastic Sheikah researchers and one Hylian with a thing for huge glowing orbs, his people have never cared enough to give their consent. It’s a unique kind of apathy, one which stems from a place of privilege, or denial. They are, as a general statement of fact, very good at both.
“This will help.” Yunobo hands him a rock roast. Where did Yunobo get a rock roast from? Sidon frowns. They’re in the middle of the desert.
“Thanks,” Sidon says. Smiles. Kind of, like, holds the roast up to his mouth and gives it a sniff. It doesn’t smell half as good as durian. He puts it down.
It takes him several days to make sense of the convoluted sequence of events that Teba presented to him that day on the front door of the world he had rebuilt from scratch, surrounded by mystique and glamor and promising, in a breath of cold air, to bring his dead sister back to life. This makes it sound like he’s finished making sense of it all and will thus never be confused ever again, but if he’s to be entirely honest, he still doesn’t get it. He wants to. He’s scared to. He won’t look Teba in the eye.
“We should get going soon, don’t you think?” says Riju, who is twelve and somehow more put-together than all four of them combined. She pulls another book from the shelf and leaves it on the pile on the desk.
Yunobo shrugs loudly. “Doesn’t make a difference when we leave, does it? We could leave for Hyrule in twenty years, and we’d still end up at the same place.”
“But I want to save them,” Riju says earnestly. The pile behind her has been growing all afternoon, and will soon overtake her in height if she is not stopped. Mission preparation looks like archaeological excavation when you’re traveling backwards in time, and not forwards to some yet unknown destination. Ancient Sheikah records. Research journals. The writings of people who were obsessed with the events of a hundred years ago despite having no personal investment to speak of, and whose words carry with them a hint of reverence, even as they choreograph the funeral song of the old king. This is all that’s left of those ruins, aside from Link, who they’ve all quietly decided to keep uninformed of the current proceedings. Hyrule itself has been kept in the dark. No need for them to know about the maybes and the what-ifs and the could-have-beens. No need for more people to go crazy.
Sidon shuts the book in his hands with a thud. “But why?”
Riju’s eyes go wide. Drama queen. “Why what?”
Sidon opens his mouth, closes it, and opens it again. There’s a heat rash on the back of his neck which he can’t quite reach on his own. The elders had warned him about the desert, but the charm he received from Link has proven to be effective in all areas except for maintaining good skincare. He blinks dumbly at Riju, who has begun to flicker like the glassy surface of a pond. His eyes hurt.
“I mean, why do you.” His eyes hurt. His throat hurts. There’s something large and horrible stuck in his chest, and he can’t get it out. “Why do you want to save them?” There’s a durian in his rib cage. It must have lodged itself there when Teba glared at him like he was an idiot as he came face to face with the cruel reality of the universe, and it dawned on him like a dead body falling out of the sky that he would get to see Mipha one last time, and then he would have to come back. To a Hyrule without her. To the stupid stuck-up world that had to try again and again and again, coughing up blood and dragging itself through the dirt on bruised knees, before it could defeat the monster. “It’s not like they’ll come back to life,” he says, each word a silver knife in his mouth. “They’ll stay dead here. They’re already dead.”
Riju has let everything go, including the diamond circlet, the topaz earrings, and three volumes sheathed in gold. Yunobo’s mouth is open so wide, you could stick your head inside and take a look around if you leaned in close enough. For the first time since he met him, Teba is at a loss for words. His chest rises and falls erratically, his hand on the bookshelf quivering, his eyebrows doing a little dance on his forehead. He’s sweating. Of course he is. They’re in the desert.
Riju, Hylia bless her soul, is the first to speak.
“It’s the spirit of things,” she says softly. She looks sadder than any twelve-year-old should ever have to look. But then and again, Sidon was barely old enough to hold a spear with both hands when his sister died and everything went to shit. Then and again, everything goes away eventually.
Sidon stares at her helplessly for a moment, gulping the humid air of the library like a fish out of water, then gives up and walks out of the room. He spends the rest of the afternoon blowing bubbles in the pool beside Kara Kara Bazaar while the other three continue their work, and then buys a durian from one of the vendors and hacks it open with his spear. You can’t crack open a durian with your bare hands, unless you’re Mipha, in which case you can do anything. It’s a good thing, then, that she’s gone.
When they were children and they got into trouble, his father would always scold Mipha far more harshly than Sidon. Mipha was the older sibling, after all. She should know better. This dynamic remained firmly established between them even as Mipha grew into her role as princess, future ruler, and eventually, champion. Of course, the reprimandings grew less stern, but Sidon had a penchant for winding up in places he wasn’t supposed to be in and Mipha had a penchant for being with him whenever this happened. He secretly resolved to pay her back when he got older and was finally able to stand up to his father, and therefore explain that most of the things they got into trouble for were his idea. He would be the one to weep at his father’s feet while his sister looked on with a horrified expression, and in that moment she would understand how much he loved her.
Then she died. You can’t tell the story of Mipha without this part. Mipha was a humble, kind girl, and then she died. Mipha could crack open a durian with her bare hands, and then she died. Mipha was the pride of their people, and then she died, and she died, and she died.
You can’t change the past with the wave of a hand. You’re not a bird. You’re not a fortune-teller. You’re a fish-person with an empty coffin for a sister, and in a few weeks’ time, you’re going to save her specter.
“...What if I brought her back with me?”
“Hahajustkidding. No way I’d do that. Not a chance.”
“Um. Do you need painkillers?”
“Thanks, but they don’t work on me. I’m over a hundred years old, you see. Us Zoras, we’re different.”
The day before departure. They’re back at Zora’s domain. It’s raining. Teba is running through a checklist of items to bring with them which is so long, he has to hold it above his head to prevent it from touching the floor. Riju is feeding Patricia mandarin peels.
“You know, Sidon.”
Sidon looks up from his mandarin. “Mm?”
Yunobo grins at him. “Daruk’s my idol,” he says proudly. He pumps his fists in the air like a kid at a fun fair in line for the big pirate ship ride. “They say he was the coolest Goron there ever was. Plus he had a beard. I think beards are awesome.”
“Great,” says Sidon, as enthusiastically as he can, because he genuinely wants to be happy for Yunobo who is finally going to meet his idol and has clearly dreamed about this moment for some time. He wants to be happy for all of them. He fucking wants to. This is a rescue mission, not the imprisonment Princess Zelda walked into in Hyrule castle, not the hundred-year nap Link took on the Great Plateau. This is a happy ending, even if it’s not theirs.
Daruk the idol. Urbosa the warrior. Revali the bird. Sidon pictures them in his head, the way Link described them to him once, his voice carrying across the water like beams of light.
“Mipha was—”
He stops peeling the mandarin in his hands, his nails still embedded in the soft skin of it, the white-tinged flesh peeking out like a wound. Outside, the rain keeps falling. A river of tears from the sky.
Yunobo tilts his head to the side. “Mipha was?”
Mipha was the pride of their people. Mipha was the first person he wanted to live forever. Mipha was the only one he knew who could crack open a durian with her bare hands, like she was peeling open the heart of a monster, only to reveal that it had been something soft and scared all along. Mipha was a flesh-and-blood person. Mipha was the light of their world. Mipha is an empty coffin with a name inscribed on the lid, a house with the lights off, a memory drenched in ocean.
Yunobo prods his shoulder, though he barely feels a thing. “Mipha was?” he repeats kindly, herding him along to the end of the line, to the boat at the edge of the water.
Sidon puts the mandarin away. He stares long and hard at Yunobo, and hopes that his eyes will convey the wound his body no longer knows how to carry.
“Mipha was my sister.”
Let’s say you’ve been entrusted with the future of your kingdom. There’s a bad guy coming, and everyone’s scared to death, so you learn how to pilot this big robotic elephant which shoots turrets of water like a machine gun, and you get really good at it, and when the bad guy arrives on your new friend’s birthday suddenly you can’t do it anymore. You’re trapped inside the giant elephant. You’re bleeding out all over the floor. Your chest hurts like something awful, and your vision is beginning to blur. Sensing your despair, the monster closes in on you, wielding that big blue trident like fury. It holds the sky up over your head, and as it does so you close your eyes. You send a prayer to the goddess Hylia (the way you have been taught to since you were old enough to hold your little brother in your arms, the way every child in Hyrule knows that there is a place for them to go to after they leave this world behind). You brace for impact, which you hope will be the gentle sort, a slap to the wrist that’s conclusive enough to break your bones and leave nothing breathing in its wake. You’re twenty, not five. This is the end of all things as you know it. Every living creature in Hyrule knows this, the way their ancestors woke up one day and knew that this world would come to ruin. Not if, but when. When the Calamity strikes. When everyone you’ve ever loved dies. When you walk into the mouth of the elephant, and the elephant changes its mind, and decides to keep you in its belly forever.
None arrives. You open your eyes slowly, hesitantly, fear a living memory in your bones, but you are not faced with the stinging end of a trident. In its place is a boy almost three times your height, his eyes glittering darkly, the spear in his right hand shining like a star.
He is not your brother. But, Hylia bless you all, he is.
So what can you say, when the evil has been defeated and you are standing on the balcony of the castle, smiling up at him through tears while this big overgrown baby stares at you like you’re the answer to the universe, except:
We’ll definitely meet again, won’t we?
He flinches, but you don’t ask, and he doesn’t say why. He pulls you into an earth-shattering, bone-crushing hug. It’s a beautiful day to be alive, the sun shining like sin, Hyrule’s beaten but stubbornly breathing carcass laughing up at you from the fields below. He takes your hands in his. He’s shivering. He’s shaking from head to toe.
Of course, he says in the kindest, saddest voice you’ve ever heard, though he has only come to pass on someone else’s words, though the word he has brought is salvation. From now on, I’ll always be by your side.
: : : : :
You smile at him with a face full of stars.
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Can we get Sooga (and maybe Kohga) babysitting lil Tulin????
“We came as soon as we saw your message.”
“Yeah, it was urgent! Where’s the fire?”
Teba turned as he saw Sooga and Kohga dash on into his home. He nodded at them.
“Yeah. Sorry. Was gonna ask Mipha, but she’s with her boy toy. Figured I’d trust you two instead.”
Teba took a step to the side, showing his son, Tulin, who was currently sitting on the floor, writing in his journal. Kohga cocked his head to the side, before shrugging.
“What? You want me to tell him to beat it? He a freeloader or what?”
“No. I need you two to chicksit for me. I’m taking Saki out, and I need someone to watch Tulin.”
Saki walked in just in time, adjusting her feathers.
“Teba, are you ready dear?”
“I’m ready, so long as these two are. So, how about it you two?”
Kohga was about to say ‘fuck no’, when he saw that look in Sooga’s eyes. He WANTED to do this, because he was a moron. Ugh. He sighed, before nodding.
“Fine. You two go and have fun, we got the little guy.”
Saki clapped her hands together, before leaning down to kiss Tulin’s head.
“Be good for Kohga and Sooga, my little nugget.”
“But not TOO good, kiddo.”
Teba patted his head, and Saki chuckled at the sight. She turned to the two yigas.
“Now, Tulin is supposed to be in bed by nine. No playing with Kass’s girls, as they’re supposed to be in bed, and they get into all kinds of mischief. That’s about it! Have fun you three, stay safe!”
Teba held his arm out for his lady, who giggled as she accepted it. Once they left, Sooga turned to Kohga.
“You didn’t want to do this. Why did you say yes?”
“Because YOU wanted to. And don’t look at me like that, you idiot.”
“I love you so much.”
“Tell someone who cares, moron.”
“You guys are weird.”
They both turned to look at Tulin, who was looking at them oddly. Kohga motioned to him.
“So...the fuck do we do with his white lookin’ ass?”
“Stop swearing, for one. It’s not good that he gets a pottymouth so early on. Two, we should properly introduce ourselves.”
Sooga walked over to him, kneeling down as he held out his hand.
“It is nice to meet you, Tulin. My name is Sooga, and that’s Kohga. How are you?”
Tulin put his book down, in order to stand up, and shake his hand properly.
“Hello! And good day!”
“What manners! And a good day to you too, little one.”
“My dad said good kids make good greeters!”
“God that’s a weird saying.”
Kohga sighed as he walked over to Teba’s hammock, before jumping into it, and getting himself nice and comfy. So comfy, he fell right to sleep. Sooga softly sighed. He loved his husband, very, very much.
“So. We have three hours until your bedtime, what would you like to-oh. You’re practicing your penmanship?”
Sooga looked over to the notebook on the floor, and Tulin nodded.
“Yep! Kheel has really pretty handwriting, I want mine to look good too! I wanna surprise her!”
“Huh. Why, if I didn’t know little one, I’d say that’s rather romantic.”
Tulin’s blush shone through his feathers, and he shook his head.
“N-no. She’s my friend, that’s it.”
“Uh huh, I see, I see,”
Sooga sat down next to Tulin, looking at the notebook.
“Regardless, I’d love to give you feedback. My father practiced calligraphy, I think I have a proper position on the matter.”
Tulin handed him his notebook, and Sooga skimmed through the pages. He nodded in approval.
“This is very nice! Have you shown your father?”
“No, just mom.”
“Why is that?”
Tulin shrugged, reaching up to grab his book again.
“It’s just a mom thing. Flight range and arrows are for me and dad, writing is for me and mom.”
Sooga nodded. Such a sweet, talented little boy.
“You have a good bond with your mother, little one.”
“Dad calls her a ‘worrybeak’, but yeah, I love my mom. Are you close with yours?”
Sooga froze. For a moment, he recalled her. Recalled her hair, her eyes, her smile. Her tears, her screams, her pain. His father holding onto her hand, his father scolding him for choosing to leave, using his mother’s name like a curse. A curse that cut into his hide like a-
“Yoohoo? Mr.Sooga?”
He suddenly snapped back into reality as Tulin waved his wing in front of his face. He cleared his throat, shaking his head.
“We...were. But she is no longer here.”
“Oh. I’m super sorry. What about your dad?”
“My father...wanted me to leave the nest, so to speak. But it’s fine. I’m loved enough.”
Tulin followed his gaze to Kohga, who gave his ass a good scratch. Tulin snickered, and Sooga couldn’t resist a small chuckle as well. Tulin put his book away, In order to look at his blades. The little rito was clearly very interested.
“Did he give you those swords?”
“No. Master Kohga did. Have you ever wielded a weapon before?”
“A bow and arrow, but never something cool like swords!”
Sooga thought about it for a moment. This child DID seem rather mature, despite his small size. Not to mention bows were just awful for up close combat. Against his better judgement, he decided to give the little one a gift.
“Would you like a present, Tulin?”
“YES! Please!”
Oh the way his little eyes shone in excitement. He pulled out something from his back, and placed it right into Tulin’s awaiting wings. A Vicious Sickle. Tulin looked it over in his hands, clearly in awe. Sooga chuckled, lightly patting his little bird head.
“It’s a light, easy to use weapon, with enough practice. It’s a wonderful starter weapon, and it never hurts to have extra protection. You will soon be the man of the house, you must learn to defend what is yours.”
“Woah! SO cool!”
Tulin was so excited, he started waving the damn thing around like a madlad. Even someone as calm as Sooga felt slightly panicked; for the only thing more dangerous than a blade, was an inexperienced hand. He grabbed onto Tulin’s hand, barely keeping himself from being cut.
“It IS cool. But what’s cooler is knowing how to use it. Would you like to learn?”
“Yes!! Please teach me! Please please please!”
“Very well. I should hope to be a good teacher to an eager student.”
Sooga held onto his hand, showing him the proper way to hold it; tightly, with the blade angled for a downward motion.
“Okay, I think I got it. Like this?”
“Perfect. Now, it’s a limber weapon, so if you need to move it in your hand, feel free to do so. Just be careful, it’s very easy to cut yourself. Now, let’s try to get a feel for it, shall we?”
Sooga stood up, and brandished one of his swords. He gave Tulin a moment to get his stance ready, before he let Tulin come at him. Course, he was very easy to block, but the point was so Tulin could feel comfortable holding it.
“Good, good. Side to side motions, just as you are.”
“It’s...kinda heavy, my arms hurt.”
“Suppose for your size, it’s not as limber as it is intended to be. Do your arms really hurt, or can you keep trying?”
“I...can keep trying, I think.”
“Good, a true fighter keeps going. Swing at me again.”
He noticed Tulin had to use almost both his hands as he swung. Poor thing was struggling. Light as his weapons were, Tulin was small. Determined, but very tiny. Still, he did rather well, all things considered. He blocked another blow rather easily.
“You aren’t uncomfortable around weapons. Good.”
“It’s usually bows, but training with my dad is a LOT like this.”
“Good of your father, teaching you to be comfortable with such a vital tool.”
He was about to do a mock swing, just to see if Tulin could dodge, when he saw Tulin was already weary, panting and even sweating a little. For living in a peaceful village, and armed with a bow and arrow, this WAS a lot of practice, especially from someone who was essentially a stranger. Sooga put his weapon away, and knelt down to Tulin.
“Why don’t we take a break? A weapon is useless without a body.”
“Okay...can we eat? I’m hungry.”
Sooga nodded, letting Tulin take the weapon, and sneak it into his own hammock. Tulin helped him find the cooking pot, and in a moment, Sooga had a fire going, and a few ingredients to throw inside.
“So, what are we hungry for?”
“I dunno, what can you make?”
“I suppose I can make poultry curry.”
“Oh! Yes! Do that one!”
Sooga nodded. He had no issues cooking the rice, and the chicken appropriately, and as soon as it was done, he handed a bowl to Tulin. Tulin dug into it hungrily, before slowly ceasing his eating. Sooga cocked his head down as the child stared at the bowl.
“What’s the matter?”
“I don’t like how it tastes. Super bland. I don’t wanna eat it.”
“God fucking dammit, Sooga, I can smell your shit cooking in my dreams.”
They both turned to look at Kohga, who had just woken up. He got out of the hammock, and walked over to the pot, taking the soup ladle to help himself to a taste. He then used it to smack Sooga on the back of his head.
“You. Cannot cook. I’d rather eat wet sand, at least THAT has salt.”
“I thought I was cooking it right-”
“Yeah right to hell. Fuck shit, move. What even is this?”
“Poultry curry.”
Kohga looked at him as if he had just gone insane.
“You’re...feeding chicken...to a baby chicken. That’s fucked up, Sooga.”
He was about to bitch at him some more, when Tulin nudged the bowl against Sooga. Kohga turned to look at him, and the little one was whimpering.
“Please fix it, I’m really hungry.”
“For the love of- fine. But only because I hate it when Sooga cooks.”
And Kohga did not disappoint. Not only did he fix Sooga’s awful poultry curry, he made the tastiest, sweetest egg pudding Tulin had ever tasted. The little one had two helpings of each, burping as soon as he was done. Kohga chuckled as he saw just how content the little guy was.
“Look at you, hungry fella. You need anything else, kid?”
“Uh huh. Can I please have some warm milk?”
“Sure, sure. I’ll make it just how my mom made mine.”
Tulin peered over as Kohga not only poured milk onto the pot, but cane sugar, courser bee honey, and even ground up some Chickaloo Tree Nuts. It made for a sweet, fragrant drink that Tulin accepted gleefully. He took one sip, and started kicking his little legs around wildly.
“This is SOOO good! This is WAY better than when mom makes it! Your mom is super cool!”
“She really was, she really was. Glad you like it, kiddo. Your turn, Sooga.”
Sooga didn’t LOVE sweets, but who was he to refuse such a treat from his Master? He accepted his own cup, took a sip, and found himself recalling...the good times. The times where he stood with his mother as they sipped tea, the times where she would get rid of his dirty, wet clothes, in order to get him warm and dry again. There was...only good in this drink, honestly. Sooga nodded, trying not to dwell so much on what was.
“I agree with Tulin. This is excellent. I’m surprised I’m just now trying it.”
“Eh, I only make it if I really need to go to bed. I usually make them with banana cookies-”
“Can you make those next time, please?!”
Tulin was practically giddy at the notion of more treats, and Kohga found it amusing. He patted Tulin’s head, nodding.
“Sure. Next time I’ll bring some over, just for you kid.”
“You’re SO cool!”
“I mean, I know that, but thank you.”
Kohga chuckled. He helped himself to his own drink, sighing in content. A nice, cold night, warmed by a nice fire, and some warm drinks. What more could one want? Sooga chuckled to himself, realizing he had downed nearly half of his cup. No wonder he was feeling so calm, so still.
“Thank you. I don’t think I’d know how to handle a hungry child who didn’t like my food.”
“That's why I’M the cook between us. Your food is so bland. I had half a mind to-”
He went silent, and Sooga saw why. Tulin had finished his drink, and had passed out, right into Kohga’s lap. Kohga struggled, clearly not knowing how to handle this, before groaning, and just patting the bird’s back, lulling him further into sleep. Sooga sat there for a moment, watching them. Kohga didn’t want children, but...they did like him. Found enough comfort in him to fall asleep on him, to cherish the plentiful meals he made them. Sooga even turned to look at his face, and caught him smiling oh so fondly at the little bird. Kohga seemed to catch his grin, and huffed.
“Hell you looking at?”
“I’m just. Seeing how wonderful you are with Tulin...and it really, really makes me realize; you’d make a wonderful, wonderful parent. You act so standoffish, but you...truly love taking care of children and-”
“God don’t you start that shit with me, Sooga.”
“I’m just saying! Family life might be for you! How do you know, you’ve never tried it!”
“Shut the hell up, you absolute fucking idiot.”
Sooga stopped for a moment as Kohga leaned into him, still keeping his hand on Tulin. Sooga looked down at these two, and was confident, more than ever, that he wanted a family. This feeling, that he was feeling right now, was something he desperately, terribly wanted. He wrapped his arm around Kohga, letting the dancing fire illuminate his features. He kissed the top of his head, softly sighing.
“I...love you. I love you so terribly much.”
“Sooga! Kohga! We’re ba-oh!”
Saki immediately silenced herself as she saw the little cuddle train that was happening here. Teba walked in behind her, chuckling at the sight. He nodded towards Sooga, who was too busy protecting them to sleep.
“Teba, Saki. How was your date?”
“Oh it was lovely, we went out to eat and everything. Quite sweet, honestly. Here, let me put him into bed, I’d hate for him to get a cramp, laying on the floor like that.”
Sooga, despite how it hurt his heart, let Saki take Tulin, and put him into his own little bed. Suppose that was his cue. He got up, carrying a sleeping Kohga in his arms. Teba nodded at him.
“Thanks for watching him. Hope he wasn’t too much for you two.”
“Not at all. You have a very wonderful, and very honest boy. You should be proud.”
“I am, I am, honestly. Especially if he made an impression on you.”
“I...hope this isn’t too much, but may we stay? I just, really wanted to-”
“What is this?”
They both turned to look at Saki, who was holding the vicious sickle in her hand. Teba winced, before shaking his head.
“yeah...I think staying is a really bad idea.”
Sooga looked at Saki, and shrugged.
“In my defense, he was excited to receive a present.”
So Sooga and Kohga weren’t ready to be dads.
Just yet, anyway.
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 31
Link hated Zelda’s ‘sit and wait’ plan. He didn’t enjoy sitting around and waiting for anything, especially when hero work was involved. It was in his nature, now; he wanted to do everything he could to keep not just Hyrule safe, but Aryll, Rusl, and his friends. Now more than ever with his little time left. His father’s appearance occupied much of the day before, but now that things had settled, his mind raced with thoughts of the Yiga Clan. What were they up to? What was Dorian up to? Were Paya and Purah safe? Would the shrine have the answers they needed? And what if they didn’t? Would he have enough time to stop the Yiga Clan?
All the unanswered questions and all his worries weighed heavily on his mind and the anxiety of it all only made him feel sick to his stomach. His friends seemed just as agitated as he was, and they even took to acting out like misbehaved children. Revali and Kit occupied their time by teasing the goats, and running for their lives when the goats had finally had enough. Daruk seemed to be more concerned with staying out of sight of Talon’s three hounds, who always seemed to sniff him out and chase after him in search of affection and treats. Riju kept Mipha and Urbosa on their toes, often wandering out to the far back side of the pastures to use her power in hopes of finally being considered one of the Champions. Aryll was the most behaved among them and took to helping Talon with the animals and other various chores around the ranch.
For lack of anything else to do, Link joined his sister as she happily made her way to the barn. The animals had all been fed and were let out for the morning, and Aryll was all too eager to muck the stalls and clean around the barn. She cranked the volume on the dusty radio in the barn and danced and sang along with the music without a care in the world. When they were finished, they made their way to the back pastures where they found their father cooing to one of the horses.
Aryll perched herself on the fence beside her father and grinned. “So, that’s where Link gets it from,” she said. “You’re a sucker for little fuzzy animals.”
“No,” Rusl started. “Just the ones that could kill you with a single kick.”
“You know.” Aryll straightened proudly. “I could teach ya how to ride. I’m the best. Way better than Link. I win every time we race.”
“Oh, yeah?” Rusl raised a brow at his daughter. “I’d like to see that.”
Aryll hopped down from the fence and made her way over to her favorite horse. She climbed onto the horse’s back and kicked him forward. “Let’s do it!”
Link crossed his arms. “Get down,” he hissed. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Well, you know what?” she said. “You can’t tell me what to do anymore.”
Link sneered at her. “Yes I can. You’re not going out, and that’s final.”
“Hey, fuck you,” she barked. “You’re not my father.”
Link turned a helpless gaze to his father and Rusl laughed.
“No, no, you’re doing great,” he said. “You really have the Dad thing down pat.”
“Fuck you,” Link muttered.
Rusl hopped the fence. He patted the horse’s neck, then climbed easily on it’s back.
“What are you doing?” Aryll asked. “You need a saddle. You don’t even know how to ride.”
Rusl grabbed mane and pressed his heels into the horse’s side. The horse moved forward, and Rusl directed him around in a circle. “Ah, I think I’ll be fine.”
Aryll narrowed her gaze on him. “You can ride?”
“I guess we’ll find out,” he said. “Let’s go.”
Link stepped in front of the gate as Rusl leaned over to open it. “Will you quit it?” he hissed.
“Stop being such a party pooper,” Rusl said with a grin. He kicked his horse on and Link had no choice but to step out of the way. As soon as they cleared the gate, Rusl kicked his horse again, and they broke into a gallop.
Link muttered under his breath. He whistled sharply for his own horse and climbed on as Aryll, too, galloped out of the pasture to follow their father. Link kicked his horse forward and hurried to catch up with them.
To his surprise, his father was well in the lead and had managed to stay on. But Aryll was not messing around, and she urged her horse faster still until she caught up to Rusl, leaving Link to bring up the rear. When they reached the tree line, they slowed slightly, and just as Link caught up to them, Aryll pushed ahead. She veered off the normal path, taking the other path around as she usually did to jump over the fallen trees that blocked the path. Rusl followed close behind, and he and his horse easily cleared the logs behind Aryll.
Back on the main path, Rusl caught up to his daughter once more, and the horses galloped neck and neck until they broke out of the tree line and across the meadow. They didn’t stop until they reached the top of the hill, turning the horses as they waited for Link to catch up.
“Wow,” Rusl said sa Link finally reached them. “You weren’t kidding. He does suck.”
Aryll crossed her arms. “Yeah, but not that much,” she said. “He was holding back.”
“So, what’s your excuse?” he said, turning to his daughter.
“Me? My excuse?” She scoffed. “What’s your excuse? How the hell do you know how to ride like that?”
“I grew up on a farm,” Rusl said simply.
“Since when?” Link asked, narrowing his gaze on his father.
“Oh, I dunno,” he started. “Since I was around ten I guess.”
“Your parents had a farm?” Aryll asked eagerly.
“Hell, no,” Rusl said. “My parents were trash. They went to jail when I was eight and I was bounced around in foster homes.”
Aryll frowned. “Really?”
“I was a terrible child,” he continued with a grin. “I stole and crashed a car when I was nine. Among other things.”
“I guess that’s where you get it from,” Link muttered to his sister, but Aryll was not amused.
“I wasn’t the one driving!”
Rusl narrowed his gaze on her. “You crashed a car?”
“N-no,” she stammered. “Cremia did.”
“Because you were all drunk,” Link said.
“You what?” Rusl sneered.
“Hey, shut up, you weren’t there!” She quickly tried to turn the subject back to him. “I’m way more innocent than you were.”
“I would hope so,” Rusl muttered. “That’s how I ended up on the farm. No one wanted me around.” He smiled. “But there was this woman who apparently loved to take on all the trouble kids and put ‘em to work. Her name was Telma. And she didn’t take shit from anyone.”
“I don’t believe it,” she said.
“Not everyone had a perfect childhood like you did,” Rusl pointed out.
“Perfect is a stretch,” Aryll said. “I’m pretty sure the government would have taken me away if they knew I lived on peanut butter and banana sandwiches and pizza.”
“But did you die?”
Aryll smiled. “So, Telma. How come we’ve never met her?”
“She died when I was twenty,” Rusl said.
“Oh.” Aryll hesitated. “So, you were a troubled foster child who lived on a farm with Telma and learned to ride horses.”
“And then what?”
Rusl sighed. “And then what?”
“Clearly we know nothing about you,” she pointed out. “And I know even less about Mom. I want details.”
Rusl paused to think. “There isn’t anything else to tell,” he said. “I joined the service when I turned eighteen. I met your mother when I was twenty-two. For some reason, she agreed to marry me, and we had two pain in the ass children together.” He grinned. “The end.”
“Wow,” Aryll muttered. “Some life story.”
“It wasn’t that exciting.”
“That can’t be true,” Aryll said. “Something exciting must have happened. Like a top secret mission when you were in the army!”
Rusl hesitated. “There were a few times the Yiga Clan ambushed us,” he said simply. “When we were in Faron.”
“What was in Faron?” Aryll pressed. “A secret Yiga Clan base?”
“No,” Rusl said. “But we lived there for a while. After Link was born.”
“You did?” Aryll frowned. “Why did you leave?”
“Because the Yiga were after Link,” he said. “Impa promised us she could protect us in the city, so that’s where we went.”
Aryll considered this for a moment. “The Yiga Clan attacked you guys?”
“But you made it to the city?”
“More or less.”
She narrowed her gaze on him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Your mother made it with Link,” he said.
She narrowed her gaze on him. “What about you?”
“We had a convoy across the kingdom,” he said. “They were with one of the Sheikah and I tailed behind. There were quite a few of us to throw the Yiga off in case they were following us. But they found your mother and Link and tried to drive them off a bridge.”
Aryll’s eyes widened. “No way. You’re full of shit.”
Rusl narrowed his gaze on his daughter. “The Yiga don’t fuck around,” he said. “I’ve told you they’ve been a pain in my ass for years.”
Aryll hesitated. “So, what happened?”
“Your mother got away safely.”
Rusl sighed. “I drove my car into them and we flipped off the bridge.”
“And you lived? ”
Rusl laughed. “No.”
Aryll blinked at him. “What?”
“We fucking went into the lake,” Rusl said. “No one lived.”
“But… you’re alive.”
“By some dumb fucking luck,” he muttered. “Dorian saved me.”
“Wait. And the Yiga Clan dropped it? Just like that?”
Rusl shrugged. “Guess they figured we all died. Link included. And in the end, that’s what they wanted.”
“Unless Dorian went back and told them the truth,” Link said. His gaze was narrowed on his father.
Rusl shrugged. “Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. Regardless, it kept them quiet for a while. They spent the next few years preparing for Ganondorf and opening the portals around Hyrule.”
“That was them?” Link sneered.
“Well, who else would it be?”
Link hesitated. He pulled his gaze away from his father. “We should have dealt with them ten years ago,” he said. “If I had known -”
“There was nothing you could have done,” Rusl said. “And I certainly wasn’t going to let you try to stop them. Not after you barely survived Ganondorf. The Master Sword needed to be returned before the Yiga Clan could get their hands on it. And that’s the best thing you could have done at the time. You were safe under Impa’s ward; the Yiga Clan weren’t getting their hands on you as long as you remained in the city.”
“That’s how they found us?” Aryll asked softly. “Because we left the city?”
Aryll hesitated. “So, after everything you did for us, we fucked everything up.”
“It was bound to happen sooner or later,” Rusl said with a shrug. “Link would have eventually found out about the Yiga Clan and he would have gone out to try to stop them. There was nothing I could have done to prevent that. Even faking my own death, apparently.”
“You did that… to stop Link?”
“I was their captive,” Rusl said. “I was MIA. Roham had no choice but to tell you I died. And you were better off believing that. When I got out, I couldn’t go back. I would have brought the Yiga Clan right to you both. And there was no way I could have come back and explained what had happened. Link would have learned the truth, and he would have gone after the Yiga Clan. He would have walked right into their hands, which is exactly what they wanted.” He shrugged. “I don’t even think they bothered to look for me. They wanted me to go back. Anything to lure Link to them. I didn’t have a choice if I wanted to keep you both safe.”
“They got us, anyway,” Aryll muttered.
“Yeah, they did,” Rusl said slowly. “And that’s why I came back. You were in too deep. If I wanted to protect you both, I couldn’t stay in hiding. I knew Link would try to take them on himself, so I had to stop him from getting himself killed, again.” He turned to Link, emphasizing the last bit, but Link rolled his eyes and turned away.
“This is all fucked up,” Aryll said. “No wonder Link doesn’t trust anyone.”
“Welcome to your fucked up family,” Rusl said. He turned his horse around to head back into the forest.
“I don’t know if I’d say you’re fucked up,” Aryll started. “But certainly unique. I don’t think anyone could top a hero brother and a father who came back from the dead.”
“You’d be surprised,” Link muttered. “Give it time. Something else is bound to pop up.”
Rusl grinned over his shoulder. “You really don’t want to get any deeper than you already are.”
Aryll frowned. “How much deeper can we get?”
“Depends on how much of the truth you want to know,” Rusl said. “Hyrule is built on secrets. Hylia even has her own secrets.”
“How so?” Aryll asked, her gaze narrowed on her father. “She’s a Goddess. How can you possibly know she has secrets?”
“It’s our job to know,” Rusl said. “Hylians are the embodiment of Hylia.” He glanced at his daughter. “Maybe you haven’t noticed, but we’re not like everyone else.”
Aryll hesitated. “Well, yeah, I guess.”
“That being said, we’re not exactly like Hylians once were, either. The bloodlines have changed through the generations. There are very few true Hylians left. Even those that remain do not carry the same power that Hylians once had.”
“What are you saying?”
“Hylians are dying out,” Rusl said frankly. “The Sheikah are dying out. And once we do, so will Hylia. No one believes in her like they once did.”
Aryll frowned. “So, what secrets does she have?”
Rusl glanced at his children. “It’s not important,” he said after a moment.
Link narrowed his gaze on him. “It sounds important.”
“It’s not,” Rusl insisted. “The point is, this war gets deeper with every rebirth of the hero. With every generation, Hylia’s powers weaken.”
“What does that mean?” Aryll pressed.
“It means that Hyrule is coming to its end,” Rusl said. “Not in our lifetime, but soon. The Hylians will be extinct, and as a result, the spirits of the hero will not be reborn. Ganondorf will rise and Demise will return to power.”
“So, what’s the point of all of this if he’s going to get his way in the end, anyway?” Aryll sneered.
“That’s not for us to decide,” Rusl said. “Whatever happens in the end is beyond our control. All we can do is buy Hyrule time. We stop Ganondorf every time and hope that somewhere down the line, there is a way to break the curse.”
“You’re leaving the entire future of the world up to chance?” Link sneered.
Rusl turned to him. “What do you think you can do about it?”
“I wouldn’t stand around and do nothing.”
“The Sheikah have been trying for years,” Rusl assured him. “No one is standing around and doing nothing.”
“What in the hell did we do to deserve this damn curse, anyway?” Aryll muttered.
“The Goddesses took everything from Demise,” Rusl explained. “This world belonged to him.”
Aryll blinked at her father. “That’s… that’s not true!”
“It is. Whether you want to believe it or not. He was originally intended to keep the Triforce safe, but he abused that power. That’s when Hylia stepped in to stop him and sealed him away.”
“The Triforce belongs to Demise,” his father said, his voice strong. “It has since the dawn of time. We’re here to return it to its rightful owner.”
Link stared blankly at him for a moment, then narrowed his gaze. “What are you talking about?”
“Hylia has covered this truth throughout the ages. That’s why Sheikah have abandoned the royal family. That’s why the Yiga Clan exists; to bring back the truths of this world.”
Link searched his father’s gaze desperately. “You can’t be serious…”
“The Goddesses thought they sensed evil intent in Demise, so they took the Triforce from him and entrusted it with Hylia instead. They wrongly accused him and sealed him away. That’s why Hyrule has fallen to his supposed curse. That’s why Hyrule belongs to Demise.”
Link’s stomach knotted sickeningly. The conversation he had with his father was so vivid. He had brushed it off as a hallucination at first… but was it real? Was this his father’s plan all along? To push himself into their lives, regain their trust, and send them to their deaths?
“Hyrule doesn’t belong to him,” Aryll insisted. “Not if he had evil intent.”
“You’re right,” Rusl said. “But that’s how it was. That’s why things are this way.”
“And there’s nothing we can do to prevent this?” Aryll asked softly.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about,” Rusl said.
“But we should be worrying about it,” Aryll said, raising her voice. “We should be doing something!”
“The Sheikah have dedicated their lives to this,” Rusl said. “If there’s a way to change Hyrule’s future, they will find it.” He looked over his shoulder, noticing then that Link had fallen behind. His horse was grazing happily, and Link’s forehead was creased as he stared at the ground, deep in thought.
“Look,” Rusl started. “I’m sorry I said anything. I wasn’t going to because I knew you would try to make this your problem. But I promised no more secrets.”
Link looked up and met Rusl’s gaze. No; it couldn’t have been real. If it were, then they would have already had this conversation. Rusl would have remembered - would have known that he said what he said to Link - and never would have showed up in their life like he did, otherwise Link would have taken him out himself. Link would have known him to be a traitor. It was only logical, then, that his conversation with his father was a hallucination. Still, it didn’t explain how he could have imagined such a conversation when he never knew this information to begin with.
“What’s wrong?”
His father’s face was creased with worry.
“You told me this,” Link started. “When I was there.” His brows furrowed and he looked down at the ground. “Except you were working with them. You tried to get me killed.” He hesitated. “If it were just a hallucination, how could I have known that?”
His father didn’t seem fazed by Link’s words. “It’s part of who we are,” he said. “It’s a subconscious kind of knowledge. Like the power of the Triforce. You really didn’t know it was there until you needed to know.”
“The voice of Hylia,” Aryll said softly. “That’s what they say, right? That only Hylians can hear her. We just don’t really listen anymore, do we?” She frowned. “We’re responsible for our own demise.”
“Maybe, maybe not,” Rusl said. “Even the Sheikah can’t know for sure what the future holds. There’s almost always more than what meets the eye.”
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goldenworldsabound · 6 years
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Little biographies of each of my SIs below - post inspired by @benobiships​!
From left to right
Fandom: Breath of the Wild - with a few modifications. Unbeknownst to most people (my SI included) the Champions didn't die - they got put into resurrection chambers, complete with puzzles to unlock and discover them. Is She Me?: This is one of my SIs who is a bit more of an OC than exactly being me, as far as personality goes. Like me, she thinks she's kind of clever (and to a degree she is), she's silly, she can come off a bit clumsy sometimes, and is sometimes lacking in the commonsense department. Her interests are pretty different than mine - she's fixated on the old Sheikah tech that's around, and desperately wants to get into a shrine. She's fairly in tune with the spirits and other mystical beings in Zelda-verse, because she's a Chosen One like Link/Zelda (though her role is much smaller). She's also hilariously weak like myself and doesn't know when to quit (also like myself). She can become easily hyper-fixated by ancient things, which is not so much like irl me. Role: My SI grows up in Kakariko Village. While people are nice enough, and Impa kind of takes care of her, she always feels like an outsider. She is not a Sheikah herself, and that is obvious. She often goes to visit the other Sheikah out in Hateno and Akkala, to learn about the tech and everything. However, she becomes frustrated with not being allowed to research certain things ("the shrines are for the Champion, don't touch them"), so she runs away. Impa knew that she was a Chosen One, part of the legend, and panics a bit that she's run away. But unfortunately, Kakariko cannot spare to send anyone to find her, with the Yiga Clan's returned presence. And thus begins her journey to ultimately resurrect all the Champions (starting with Urbosa, followed by Mipha, Daruk, and Revali). She later meets Link (and Zelda once the world is saved). F/O(s): Romantically, Urbosa and Mipha (sometimes as a polyamory, but typically a V if anything). Platonically, Daruk, Revali, Link, Zelda.
Tags: Modern History (Urbosa x Wendy), Rainfall in the Ruins (Mipha x Wendy), botw aesthetic, Urbosa, Mipha
Fandom: Star Trek TOS Is She Me?: Very literally. She is me but through time travel shenanigans she ends up in the future (Star Trek is the future!!!) on the USS Enterprise. She even used to watch the Star Trek tv show! Very literally me. Over time as she becomes a science officer and computer specialist of the future, she diverges from me a bit, as her time on Vulcan helps her calm her emotions, and she learns to defend herself a little bit. And Starfleet grows more discipline in her. Role: Once she orients herself to being spontaneously transported to the future and gets through the grieving of losing everything, she starts trying to learn and grow on the ship, with the story that she is McCoy's niece (Everyone kinda knows this isn't true but opt not to question it). Kirk and McCoy take it upon themselves to take care of her while she acclimates, and Spock gets roped in as well. He kind of knows she has a crush on him, but he doesn't really know what to do about it or how he feels, although over time he figures out both of those things. He helps teach her about technology and science in the future, and she is kind of like his apprentice. Eventually they confess their feelings to each other. After some time, it is decided that it is too dangerous for Wendy to stay on the ship long term. Now that she has acclimated to being in the future, they want her to go to school on Vulcan and properly train for Starfleet/Science Officer duties. She is super scared to be away from everyone but ends up doing it. She and Spock bond before that. She goes to school, makes some friends, some shenanigans happen (including a traumatic event of someone else trying to break her bond with Spock), and then the Enterprise comes back to pick her up after some time. F/O(s): Romantically, Spock. Platonically, Kirk and McCoy (who waffle between familial and best friend depending on the day tbh), and the entire bridge crew. Amanda and Sarek are her in-laws and she loves them like family.
Tags: Love is Fascinating (Spock x Wendy), Uncle Kirk, Uncle Bones, Spock, Star Trek Aesthetic
Fandom: Fantasy setting Royalty AU - an AU entirely of my own creation, in a fantasy setting that allows for magic, different sentient species, etc. Crossover with all faves and their verses. Is She Me?: She looks like me, but in fancy dresses. Our personalities are fairly different though. She's a very magnanimous Princess, who is very brave and very selfless, and also has a really amazing magical power. She speaks politely and well. She is physically weak like myself, and despite her interest in learning to defend herself she is not permitted such things. We both really like to read and learn, even if that interest turns out just to be a hobby. Notably, she is a great diplomat and speaker, though she doesn't really enjoy the former (I wouldn't say irl me is GREAT but is okay, though I do not enjoy it also) Role: She was an orphan as a child, taken in by the Sheikah, who make up the elite royal guards. Once it was noticed I had an amazing magic power, to make massive unbreakable shields, the King and Queen scooped me up and I became the Princess. I grew up and was trained, and eventually I chose for myself four elite guards, who also became my secret lovers. It was an unusual move, but being beloved by the people, it was allowed. The King and Queen clearly think of me more as a pawn than as their child, so it was important I surround myself with people who really cared about me. My power has protected the city on numerous occasions, and the elite guard I chose have protected me even more times than that. F/O(s): My elite guards and primary lovers are Spock, Urbosa, Akabayashi, and Shizuo, as a polyamorous clump of sorts, centered primarily around me. Impa is a secret romantic lover as well (childhood friend who became leader of the Sheikah tribe), though outside of that group. Mipha is a Princess from another Kingdom who I am publicly romantically involved with - while we both consider it temporary (as in we won't get married), it's great fun and keeps away the other suitors. She sometimes engages with my elite guard as well. There will be platonic faves appearing as well.
Tags: Royalty AU, Royalty Aesthetic
Fandom: Durarara!! (x2 focused) - in this AU I am part of the yakuza as well. Is She Me?: She is the most like an OC of any SI. She is an outlet for feeling powerless - she is angry, she is strong, and she gets shit done. She swears a lot (which is true to me irl) and talks shit, and delivers on those promises to hurt them when people wrong her. She's the aggressiveness that I feel inside me, but that irl me would never consider executing. She's terrible at introspecting and talking about emotions (not like irl me at all). However, she does have a secret love for Poke'mon and plushies (irl me loves Poke'mon and plushies...). And also magical shield powers that she has weaponized. Role: She was an orphan American child who somehow ended up in Japan - she was adopted by the head of a small yakuza that co-existed with the Awakusu-kai in Ikebukuro. While she considers herself Japanese and Japanese to be her first language, she does speak English, and she is often accused of being a foreigner because she looks that way. Her adopted grandfather (she sees him that way, not as a father) does not force her into the yakuza - she joins on her own. She loves to fight, and being his granddaughter is given a lot of free reign to do what she wants within the boundaries of the small yakuza. She goes to high school at the same time as Izaya/Shinra/Shizuo/Kadota. She catches a lot of shit for being a woman, but she kicks enough ass that eventually she makes a name for herself - the Crystalline Angel. In addition to just being badass at fighting, she discovers early on that she has a special power - to generate shields. But she learns that she can form these shields into any shape, including razor sharp blades. When she's serious about using those powers, it's hard to beat her. Her primary job in the yakuza is to watch over prostitutes and make sure no one is causing them trouble, and if they are, she kicks an entire ass. Ultimately, her grandfather passes away, but he cuts a deal with the Awakusu-kai (who he was on good terms with) to let her join them. The other executives don't take her seriously for a while, but she shapes up and proves herself to them. There's a lot of shit talking, and she falls for Akabayashi almost immediately - and he falls for her instantly too. F/O(s): Romantically, Akabayashi. Platonically, Shinra and Celty, and sort of Izaya. She would really not call them friends, but they have a storied history and she wouldn't say she hates him either. Platonically also all of the Awakusu-kai execs - Aozaki, Shiki, and Kazamoto. She and Kadota were friends in high school, but haven't spoken since then.
Tags: Sharp Lines and Soft Edges (yakuza!SI x Akabayashi), yakuza si, yakuza aesthetic, durarara aesthetic, Akabayashi
Fandom: Durarara!! Is She Me?: Yes, with a few modifications. She is me, but after I graduated college I moved to Japan to work there. And I speak Japanese relatively fluently. This means I discard a lot of the life experiences irl me had. Personality wise, we're generally pretty similar - kind and smart, but ready to lay down some sass at my friends. A little absent-minded at times. Differently, my SI here learns to fight fairly well, and also has magic shield powers. Role: She moves to Japan and almost immediately runs into trouble (depending on which F/O she's with, the trouble varies). She quickly learns that the city is full of bad people and unusual people, and finds herself making friends with the unusual people. In the verse where she dates Shizuo, she helps calm him down, and Izaya takes an interest in messing with her to mess with Shizuo. Things got complicated very fast. In the verse where she dates Akabayashi, she doesn't much learn to fight, as the yakuza protects her once her relationship with Aka is serious. In that verse she joins the Dollars before she finds out Akabayashi is in the yakuza, which is how she discovers her shield powers, despite not really knowing how to fight. F/O(s): Romantically, Shizuo or Akabayashi (not ever in the same verse). Platonically, Celty (BFF!) and Shinra are big friends of hers, as well as Anri being like a younger sister to her. She's also on good terms with the van gang in both verses.
Tags: Street Signs and Snuggles (Shizuo x Wendy), Red Devil’s Honey (Akabayashi x Wendy), durarara aesthetic, Shizuo, Akabayashi
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ticcytx · 8 years
(And various things in the south east zones)
Going to meet the Zoras
it’s been 4/5 days of gaming, and I finally decided to go for the Zora Domain, after I basically unlocked and rolled all over the beach zones. This game and the nature is so pretty I can’t just stop to look at them sdfgdf. Too much things to explore and see, help.
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ALLERT ALLERT ZORA ARE SO PRETTY??? HELLO DUDE PRINCE??? dang I love their design in this
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HE IS SIDON PRINCE OF ZORA I love him oh my god he does the sparkle when he smiles I LOVE HIM.
Zora domain is soooo prettyyyyy aaaaah omg omg I love everything in here I want to buy a house here, can I please, I want to live here forever ;0;
And also oooooh I really appreciated that old zoras remember Link and thEY HATE HIM, dang this is sad and awful, Link really did a bad number in the past uh. I bet the whole story will be heartbreacking ;0;
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Omgg she is so cute. Oh no. And of course she was in love with him, all princesses zora are....
I love zoras.
Also looking at the map, I read some of the names of places and: mountain Ruto, Lake Lulù, lake MIKAU, Laruto and Rals, omggg everything is just a giant reference (also thanks to me being a huge zelda nerd I recognized immediately the location of the zora helmet, aha nice try game)
First guardian, Ruta
Plot plot, we have to give a kick to elephant robot so it stops to drown everything around. And oh my god “go fight Lynel to get some thunder arrow!” ARE YOU CRAZY I saw that thing 500 miles far in another zone and it had 2k of life and he shoot everything at me I’M NOPE.  I will try again when I will have like... a mastersword and several hearts because right now I can’t. Oh ok I just have to take the arrows around, nice, Metal gear Link.
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hello you are creepy.
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Lmao he is giant compared to Link, sdfdgdf he is taller than the most of other zoras too... guess it runs in the royal family uh.
Omggg this fight was so cool, good thing I had with me 200+ arrows, how you are suppose to do anything in this game without arrows.....
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HELLO YOU ARE CREEPY, why this game is so creepy sometimes. Ok the whole elephant dungeon thing got me a bit by suprise? I forgot I was playing a Zelda game, of course there are dungeons and bosses.
Oh no the ending, oh no my feels, oh no.... Mipha ;0; she is so cute, I hate this game already damnit.
hard guessing time: there is no way Zelda is actually all nicely alive and in one piece, I smell already a super sad bittersweet ending.
Exploring around, no plot, just random discoveries
I don’t really know how to tag the spoilers here, it’s just about things I found south-east zones, soo... I will try to be less specific I can?
first: I found where I had to put the dragon scale, and now I have a new weapon I don’t want to break. :°°°D I hanged it in my house it deserves a pretty place.
second: you can ride THESE
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he is better than my normal horses... rip with the sun tho, it was nice as long it lasted.
third: So I menaged to get round the hyrule field tower and I killed one of the half broken guardian, it’s a small victory but I WAS SO SADISFIED take this jerk. I have no courage at all to fight a real guardian though sdfhj they are scary.
Also tip for the hyrule field: take a pic of the wandering guardian, set the radar on them and then you know when one is around and how to avoid it.
Four: I found a blue hinox some days ago and I kicked his fat ass, let me brag about it for 5 seconds
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This is the closer I will ver get to this damn place, I saw flying guardians and I’m already nope. Sorry Zelda, I prefer go hunting for mushrooms.
MORE MEMORIES stop here if you haven’t found them already and if you want to avoid all the smallest spoilers.
.ok I did my best.
So the painter in Kakariko gives you directions and hints about these places, that’s cool!! thanks to him I found a couple of them.
He sent me first in the snowy mountain door, the second last one, and the nearest to kakariko.
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why this game is so pretty™
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I DON’T THINK I WAS SUPPOSED TO SEE THIS ONE SO EARLY?? Damn it painter dude, why you sent me there, these are spoilers (???) omgg tho the Gerudo champion is really wow I never saw her.
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these are two different memories, but I laugh to see Zelda walking around with the tablet taking pic like a turist sdfg like “don’t worry we aren’t lost I gOT IT”, and Link just walking behind like “... we are lost aren’t we.” Omg why Zelda lines are always so malinconic, what happened to you girl.
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sdfsdgfdhgfhgf “look at this pretty frog!” omg Zelda PLEASE
I love this game so much I can’t stop playing someone please send help
Alsooo if you have zelda amiibos, tap them, they are worth! Mostly the Link one.
Now I should go to the death mountain, but I think I will go on the weast, to see what I’m mis-
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ANOTHER DRAGON FRIEND!!! he was too far I couldn’t reach him NEXT TIME!! *shakes fist*
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ryttu3k · 7 years
Robo-Syrneas, vaporwave-Syrneas (can't remember their proper name, whoops!), and Modern AU Link! ☾ - sleep headcanon★ - sad headcanon☆ - happy headcanon■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon☮ - friendship headcanon♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon♒ - cooking/food headcanon☼ - appearance headcanonൠ - random headcanon
For reference, vaporwave!Syrneas is the one in these pictures, and modern AU Link is my BotW daughter (with a few changes, since I drew this pre-canon). For robo!Syrneas, going to go with the AU where, between cycles of Xerneas being awake and active, Kalos builds a robot version in their image to maintain the land.
Sleep headcanon: Robo!Syrneas - well, robot, haha. That said, they’re solar powered, and so usually take advantage of that fact to go into sleep mode at night. It’s useful both for maintenance and for appearing more… organic, I guess?
Vaporwave!Syrneas - he gets energy from living energy, so living in a city, he literally doesn’t sleep. He’s a little more low-energy at night, but there’s still plenty of activity around the place to keep him going, so no sleep there.
And Link is just a regular human who needs sleep like anyone else, and while she’d rather be up and about and doing things, she does like sleeping in XD
Under a cut, this gets long!
Sad headcanon: Robo!Syrneas - just going to go with Robo - is, well, lonely. There’s no one else like them in the world - there are other robots, but they alone were modelled after a god and given this huge responsibility. Friends would be very nice!
Vaporwave - let’s go with that - isn’t so much sad as angry and frustrated. The world used to be so goddamn lush and now there’s concrete everywhere and it’s uncool. He used to be a deity of forests, now he’s a deity of, well, weeds, and it’s kind of a downgrade, y'know!
And Link (no name change there, whew) is a resiliant, tough teenage girl, but she still has those moments of insecurity; her father still very much wants her to join the army eventually, he thinks she could be brilliant in it, and she just. Wants to be a chef.
Happy headcanon: PLANTS MAKE ROBO HAPPY. FLOWERS. SUNSHINE. BEING OUTDOORS. Like tbh even if they weren’t programmed to replace Xerneas they’d probably still end up as a gardener or something.
Vaporwave also loves plants and sunshine but it’s more of this sense of almost like? Smug satisfaction? Like “fuck you concrete my plants can kick your ass”, haha.
Link is made happy with food. Please give her nice food. Or cookbooks and ingredients, it’s like food with some assembly required. And she actually enjoys assembling it, so there is that!
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Robo lives outside :D Don’t worry, they’re waterproof! They just sort of roam from natural environment to natural environment, and take shelter anywhere necessary during bad weather.
Vaporwave also roams a lot, but he does at least have a sort of home. …It’s an abandoned mall that was once very classy and had marble statues and shit, and then it was industrialised and got full of neon, and now it’s abandoned and full of plants. Somehow, the muzak is still playing. Plantwave af, basically!
And Link, again, has the most normal home - she lives in an apartment with her father near the military base where he works. Her room is full of photos (mostly taken by Zelda) and a general colour scheme of blue and white, with lots of potted plants and… usually a few plates, bowls, and glasses that she needs to take to the kitchen :|
Friendship headcanon: Robo has plant friends :’) Honestly, no, it’s a pretty isolated life, and they don’t communicate with a lot of people, unfortunately!
Vaporwave has one friend, and that’s Diantha/Diancie, who’s sort of a sibling, too. They’re familiar with the other fairies (the Tapus and Magearna), but honestly Magearna legit wigs him out because she’s an artificial fairy what is this fuckery and the Tapus have their own territories to protect.
Link makes friends easily and happily - while Zelda is her best friend, she’s also really good friends with Mipha and Sidon, Riju (who’s like a little sister), Yunobo (who she babysits sometimes), and sees Urbosa, Daruk, and Kass as older siblings, almost. She, uh, doesn’t get on well with Revali, too much of a rivalry going on there, haha.
Quirks/hobbies headcanon: Look, don’t tell anyone, but Robo actually really enjoys reality TV. Shhh.
‘Fucking with humans’ isn’t really a hobby for Vaporwave, it’s more a career description ;D But really, he’ll often go to human-habitated areas and sometimes? Play tricks? Mostly benignly, but he is a fairy, I mean come on. Trickery is in their blood.
Link is sporty! She likes horse riding, she likes archery, she likes swimming, running, climbing… always on the move, basically. She’s on the school track team, although there’s sometimes a bit of legal fuckery in interscholastic meets because not all the schools accept her as part of the girls’ team even though she’s been on puberty blockers since she was eleven and is now on estrogen and doesn’t have any ‘too masculine’ characteristics and is short af so why can’t she compete with the girls, huh? Totally rude.
Likes/dislikes headcanon: Robo loves plants ;D But really, they’re kind of singleminded in that they weren’t really programmed for much else, so it’s like PLANTS ANIMALS NATURE some other stuff NATURE PLANTS bits and pieces NATURE ANIMALS PLANTS. The bits and pieces do have individual likes and dislikes that have nothing to do with their programming, though; they like reality TV shows, especially interior decorating stuff, and the smell of coffee, and they really, really dislike cars. Not because they pollute, but because they’re too noisy! >:(
Vaporwave likes the wilderness. Which mostly no longer exists in this AU. He tends to watch nature documentaries to feel better, then gets upset at the lack of them, and it’s. Complicated. So that would be both a like and a dislike, probably! For more straightfoward likes - coffee and food.
For Link, see lead image :D
Cooking/food headcanon: Irrelevant for Robo. They’re solar-powered! They do like the smell of some foods, though, especially coffee.
Vaporwave doesn’t need to eat, but enjoys doing so, he just hasn’t bothered to learn how to cook. He tends to trick humans into giving him nice foods, stuff like that, since, well, being a nature fairy doesn’t really pay that well, haha.
And Link’s greatest love :’) Her father taught her the basics, and she taught herself the rest, out of cooking shows, cookbooks, and her own intuition. Her favourite ingredients to work with are fruity dishes and mushroom dishes, although she also makes a damn good risotto, and a fruit cake that Zelda would go to war for.
Appearance headcanon: This is easier with visuals! For robo!Syrneas, just pick and choose from this tag tbh it keeps changing. The usual standards are a floral-print sweater, shorts, and gumboots, though. They range in colours and patterns but that’s the general theme, and they like modifying their appearance with floral decals!
Vaporwave is linked above. He always covers his eyes, though, since… well, fairy. It doesn’t show so well in the pictures, but he has rainbow strands through his hair, like random hair that’s just the colour of Xerneas’ canon horns.
And Link… Link is short :’) Why is everyone else so tall. Why. Riju, get over here and stand next to Link so she feels tall. She also usually has hair clips, thanks to Zelda. While she does like pretty dresses, since she’s so active, she’ll usually default to pants and t-shirts she can run around in, and saves the prettier stuff for more formal occasions.
Random headcanon: *collapses face first on the post*
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thegeminisage · 8 years
zelda blogging which is so deeply super spoilery, possible the most spoilery it’s ever been, so if you haven’t THOROUGHLY explored the central-north part of the map DON’T read it
aww some of these gerudo wear glasses! love it
i like the music here too but i kinda wish it had been the same melody from oot ; ;
omg riju is tiny!!! is she still young?!
aww her relationship with buliara is sweet they obviously care about each other a lot
AAAAAH THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT MY SWORD lmao maybe i should have gone to get it after all
oh my god a sand seal that gives you words of wisdom for food
ooh i get a free accessory for giving this lady some flint...hmMmMMmMMmmm
topaz i guess bc i'll probs need lightning protection soon? but no, i'm getting a helm...
haha sapphire to go with link's eyes?
ruby bc the flame armor is the ugliest and i wanna wear something else? LOL
went with sapphire iin the end MAY I NOT REGRET IT...
ooooh i shoulda been saving my gems....Dang
i mean, at least i have the 10k i need for the great fairy, but there's so much cool stuff here and i can't bUY ANY...
ah no i did get some opal and amber earrings :3
swim speed up and the ithers are just extra defense
"apparently the accessory maker and the teacher of the relationship class were both in a tragic love triangle, and now they are both single" nintendo this is an all women society please give me lesbians i BEG of you
ok, i need 1 ruby and 5 topaz to finish buying one of everything here. i'll remember
hahahahaha "you've gotta take your time when selecting gems and voe" wise words, lady
omg i found a bar but im too young to drink. nice, nintendo
lmao you can tell one of the ladies you're over 100 and she doesn't believe you dxkfjhg
ok so the hideout of the yiga clan is apparently to the northwest of here so i get to RIDE A SAND SEAL or surf behind one i guess. tbh im a little worried i'll break all my shields :/
i got a gerudo one that i really like!! goes with my scimitar and golden bow!
aww can i not wear accessories along with normal armor...? that sucks
LOL SEAL PUNS the options when talking to the sand seal lady are full of em im dying
wow i can't get this shrine unless i wind sand seal races which i can't do with the divine beast out LOL
jesus those sandstorms look so huge and terrifying...especially since i know they'll disable my map
i wanna explore but tbh i better just stick to the plot and away from those bad boys
oh JESUS i went to an outpost where they're monitoring the beast and it's. so big. and so loud and big and. so scary. oh my god, it's huge
oh FUCK i got too close and it started targeting me so i ran away and thankfully it stopped...definitely gonna take it easy on the exploration if i can help it
oooh no no no why is the air turning green out here...dnw dnw leave me and my map alone!!
uh, and where is my fucking seal...? i left it right HERE
ugh i had trouble mounting the one from before when i stayed in the monitoring outpost do they like leave if you stay gone a long time...? fml
awww this old gerudo never found the lovers pond ):
ugh i see so much stuff i wanna check out but im too scared to get off the seal for long :/ ESPECIALLY if i get stuck in a storm i'll want a way out
oh wow the air is so hot here even my gerudo outfit is useless
tbh, maybe that's a good thing, if i'm eating food i can wear armor with actual defense...much as i love these clothes they're great for getting your ass kicked
ok no seriously WHY does everyone from the yiga clan drop bananas..............
i know that everyone talks about how cool it is that this game just plops you down in the world and lets you figure it out for yourself without hitting you over the head with the instructions
but i just found a bow and some torches in a circle of lit torches with some obviously flammable banners nearby, so
i found the missing gerudo soldier!
"all i've ever seen them do is patrol and eat[in red text] bananas" LMAO WHATS THE DEAL MY DUDES
theres some bananas here on a table wtf do i do throw them at them?? lmao
dude pranced right over to it and pocketed it lmao
nooo i missed a chest...maybe i can get it on the way back out ;_;
this is so funny dkjfgh fck
urgh i wish i could just...snipe them from here. it'd be so EASY
im actually not even totally sure which direction to go, im all turned around
ok, one stationary guy at the door maybe i have to move him?
i couldn't even fight they one-shotted me and mipha's grace didn't kick in! that isn't fair at all
at least i can get the chest i missed
lol and i cant save in here. perfect.
ok yeah im gonna have to look it up bc as far as i can tell this room has no exit all the hallways just circle back around into it
apparently i CAN fight them...? they're just really hard?
this walkthru is so unclear lol there's a hidden door i can find with magnesis on the right-hand wall WHICH RIGHT...
WAIT fuck i finally see the exit
ah ok. wrong room for the hidden door.
master kohga!! he just...knocked himself out with his own attack. lmao ok
fuck this is SO FUNNY he is so funny
i love it even his bones cracked
isn't what he used to be, apparently
wow this is a boring fight he has a lot of hp and he's so far away the only way i can attack is arrows
and now arrows aren't working anymore...? obviously i'm doing something wrong
maybe i can reflect the rocks back at him
ok google says to drop his things on his head
this undertale naruto motherfucker im crying i love him
"pretty soon you'll be gone! and not just from my line of sight!" i'm CRYING
fuck the ball rolled on top of him and made him fall
what a fucking legend i'll never forget you master kohga i promise
aaaand thunder helm retrieved
but i gotta rescue that missing gerudo!
ah good her cell is empty!
lol im skipping sooo many shrines rn...i'll come back to them later i swear
oh NOOOO i got a memory!!!
urbosa the prankster!!! witht he power of lightning at her disposal!! protective of princess zelda!! i'm dying!!!
also im sad so zelda's sealing power mjst be what she used to seal ganon away but apparently in the past she couldn't make it show up for her whole life...?
aw no poor riju the helmet is too big on her
(give it to meeeee)
ok it's time for the divine beast bit but before i do jack or shit im going to upgrade my armor as much as possible rn
ugh you can't enhance the gerudo clothes...geez
aaah riju is talking!!! i always get so surprised!!!
i did it!! tbh i had a really hard time keeping up with her...a dash was too fast but regular speed was too slow
ohhh wow it's really walking around while on it
oh man. it's so big. it's so big
oooh you rotate the insides of this one!!
i get the feeling now i should've done more shrines in this area afterall, they have the same sort of electricity theme and they would've been good practice 
okay that was...easily the hardest beast so far
i had to use a guide TWICE and i could barely understand the instructions, PLUS i got two terminals by sheer dumb luck
oooh boy okay a lightning boss im assuming here we gooooo
LMFAO i suck so much at this urbosa was like "there is valor in dodging"
thanks zelda i missed your captain obvious statements
geeeeez i just barely got it
oh EW that never gets any less gross
ohhh my god
oh my gOD?
she mentioned nabooru from oot BY NAME holy SHIT this continutity between games!!!
and "calamity ganon once took on the form of a gerudo that makes this all the more personal" jesus fUCKING christ
i feel so bad for ganondorf the man like
he didn't ask for this shit anymore than link or zelda
and at least they get to win most of the time he always loses and even when he does win he's hated, his win brings ruin
where's the fic where the only way to end the cycle is to become friends with him huh
or like, frankly: the true enemy isn't ganondorf but the evil that takes hold of him
when does he get to be the hero and fight it and smash it to little bitty bits!
oh lord and the blood moon as soon as i get back
do people like, see these towers popping up and beasts moving around? does it scare the shit out of them or make them hopeful?
anyway i hope now i can explore with less sandstorms
oh boy time to ride into a sandstorm gee i sure hope i dont get lost
LOL and first thing i run right into a camp of enemies just bc i was trying to stay in a straight line!!!! jesus
lovely! i am now hopelessly turned around in a sandstorm. i literally don't even know which way i came from
my sand seal is also STUCK lol
ah i passed through it! i'm right where i need to go!
i'm. i'm 500 short. oh my god
nothing i can't earn with 10 minutes of cooking, tho
huh...? she only asked for 1k...?
i could've SWORN i read someone asks for 10k at one point!
god what if i've been MISINFORMED all this TIME
ooh this one is orange and green
FUCK "i know what you're thinking...can't we just skip to the part where she enhances my clothes?" FUCKING PLAYED
holy FUCK just found my first molduga...i have to KILL one of these for a quest? jesus christ!
ohhh that actually wasn't too bad at all once i figured out the strategy...i've had more trouble with lynels and hinoxes
i'll be honest, the interactive map take a bit of both fun and "work" out of exploring...i look at empty areas and don't wonder "ooh whats over there" but think "ah i can just glance at that bit"
which should make me feel like my Pure Enjoyment of the game is being compromised, and i guess it does a little, but
i wasn't kidding when i said the need to explore was a bit compulsive so it's mostly a relief
ah from up here i see the sandstorm...i think it rotates around the desert? so, it's very possible to avoid and survive even if you do get stuck
anyway i missed several shrines but the quests for them are so complex and i am so Sick
of the desert. even worse than rain tbh
now the question is what to do next: master sword or rito beast
lowkey wanna wait until i get all four beasts before the sword, but
i know you do all four beasts and then ganon and that's it, so if i got the sword then it wouldn't help me for long
plus i'm a little tired of fighting the temperature and changing gear/eating food all the time, so......i guess i'll go check out the forest
maybe i'll see dinaal! i've only seen him once from veeeery very far away
im getting aaaaawfully close to hyrule castle i Dont Like This
lmao every time i catch sight of the divine beasts in the distance, the fact that i can SEE them from THIS far away, blows my fucking mine
they are SO BIG
im getting a much closer look at that flying thing and i'm almost CERTAIN it's a divine beast
just. jesus christ. so BIG
ohhh my gosh i can see the giant pink tree from here *_*
or maybe it's brown, maybe the deku tree is dead lmao
lol straight up skipped the bottomless bog and the enemies at the bottom bc i glided in from death mountain
whoa this tower has rock all over the top??
ah maybe it's so i can't glide to the big tree in the middle lol
not the lost woods if i don't get lost!
lol jk i got on top of it and there was a super cool sword here
aww rauru hillside...im sad
BRO im in the lost woods but its just playing the maze shrine music, i was so hopeful for saria's song
zora's domain having the same music set me up with false expectations t b h
omg if i go too high i die!! i can't follow my higher-ground instict here!!!!!
which is pretty cool but if all i have to do is wander around these woods with my map ON to find the master sword i am gonna be disappointed
even gerudo desert turned it off sometimes
ohhh okay if i wander off the path i also die i can't just go wherever i gotta follow torches i guess
mkay i googled it bc i got stuck and couldn't see anymore torches and it's wind direction! neat
see i feel a little bad about not figuring that out for myself but like...it's not Fun to die over and over bc you can't solve a puzzle. so #realgamers can shut the hell up lol games are for fun
the ember thing is SUPER clever tho and like i know this game is so like, praised bc it stops holding your hand, but i would have appreciated a TINY obscure hint
i did get as far as carrying a torch but i thought maybe i was burning off the fog or smth
omg i found korok forest!!!
there's my sword
said "oh" out loud
kinda wish the quest had been more, idk
mmm not yet. not yet. i'll talk to some koroks first
haha and the very first one tells me to go get the sword all right all right
man. i always remember now that fi's been in there since the ages of skyward sword, sleeping
tbh i kinda miss her 
even though she's way more annoying than navi could ever DREAM of being
for all we complain about compaions, they're a zelda staple and it feels lonely without them
i know not having one makes for a stronger game, i do, but...
really though. the master sword quest was SHOCKINGLY easy. i know i looked up the ember thing but geez it's the first truly disappointing this about this game
and my brother told me they made you work for it lmao but that was. not even close to Work. i've had more trouble at bokoblin camps
like. fucking weak. tbh. i'm so sad like i can't believe this game let me down
and like at first i was like "ok if link gets his memories back with the sword i'll give them that, that's pretty sick"
and i straight up burst into tears
"i have watched over hyrule since time immemorial" i know i know i was there i know i missed him so much one of the very first major zelda characters i ever knew i know technically he hasn't been there since the very beginning but he was my beginning
and i didn't even think i cared about him that much emotionally but i also welled up the first time he spoke old hylian in wind waker
oh god link's not WORTHY of the sword yet yes okay i'm here for this i knew this game wouldn't let me down
idk why i never considered the big pink tree might be the deku tree like i joked about it just a few minutes ago but i didn't seriously consider it so i was so surprised
and all the koroks running around and i know i KNOW they used to be kokiri it's almost like i came home, Really Home, the forest was where link began for me, not hyrule proper, he was always a child of these woods
ohhh my god i gotta mop up my face stream is soon!! jesus fuck
oh god now he wants me to pull it again
what if i'm not worthy? what if i am?
i don't have long left to play but i CANNOT leave it here, jesus christ
okay. i'm gonna try. i gotta try. courage!
oh my god it takes your LIFE?
and he said enough when i was down to my last quarter of a heart!! i'm gonna cry i was so close link tried so hard but he wasn't ready yet
i could eat food to max out my hearts but where's the fun in that........
ok. ok. i need to. step back a moment. fuck.
there's hestu! oh my god buddy you finally made it home!! me too pal me too
im gonna save and quit here before i talk to him tho bc like. i gotta stream. but Wow. god Damn
LMAO I LIED JK im playing a bit more after stream
i talked to the trial korok and "do all the shrines here, it's based on the trials the legendary hero himself did" im crying!!! thats some History!!!
oh my god the koroks are so CUTE??
oh no this is so precious they've been waiting for him
sdfgsfdg "nooo vegetarians everywhere nooo that's my face" i wish i had thought to taka e a snap of that but i cant get him to say it again
aw omg they set up little stores and they only have one of many items please please i'm so proud of them
they set up a little bed for me!! they don't even want my money to sleep there!! i'm sleeping in a tree again, just like i was in oot ;____;
tbh it's so fitting that i did the scary mysterious thing of trying to pull the sword at night and i'm meeting the koroks in the brightness of day
i saw a shield resting on this rock and i had a tiny heart attack like OMG THE HYLIAN SHIELD?!?
ok. ok. i did the trials. i'm gonna see if i can get the sword now??
lol i have the same amt of hearts im not leaving to find a goddess statue and i was trying to boost my stamina anyway but maybe the food boost will help? unless they dont let me use it, we'll see
aaah no it DOESN'T omg
well, maybe one more heart container will do it...?
ugh i don't wanna go back and do the desert ones
me: already fast-traveling
Great, A Sand Storm, Just What I Wanted
fuck i stopped by town and there's a secret club that sells gerudo clothes for men
LOL why.........do they think dudes will feel weird looking pretty? come on
they said there's a high demand so i choose to believe there are lots of gerudo transmen. anyway back to the forest i got two more heart containers i pray it's enough i was SO CLOSE before
she's been fighting 100 years and she has so much faith in link
more importantly she heard the sword speak to her im crying fi is in there fi and zelda/hylia meet again
her smile is like the sun, i would do much to feel its warmth upon me again ME TOO PAL im weeping my poor brave daughter i promise i'll save her i promise i promise
it's almost 7am but that was worth it. that was W O R T H I T
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bi-apps · 4 years
Not Accepted - Maribelle Beuton
Original Character Application
OOC Information:
Name/Age/Timezone- Nessa / 25 / EST
Activity Level- 6
Ships/Anti-Ships- Uhhh none atm? I’d like Remus tbh but like yeah I care more about chemistry and so on
Did you read the rules? Yeah my dude
IC Information:
Character Name- Maribelle Beuton/Cardon
Age/Birthdate- 21 / October 29th
Faceclaim- Phoebe Tonkin is my #1, but also Blake Lively or Ana de Armas
Label- The Vengeful
Loyalty- Neutral / Fuck this shit
Former House- Ravenclaw
Occupation- Embroiderer at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions
Blood Status- Half-blood
Patronus- Leopard
Boggart- Her mother’s body and Pierre
Traits- - Best Traits -
Intelligence: Maribelle learns quickly and knows a large array of things. She could have been an Auror, a Cursebreaker, or anything else alike it, but under such a vigilant stare she knows she couldn’t be able to do what she needs to, so she decided to go for something simpler. Plus, if they knew what she was, then they’d never let her in.
Creativity: From making dresses, painting, drawing, to writing, she just enjoys making. Creating. She likes making things that make other smile, and it’s one of the few moments anyone can see a softness to her.
Confident: She knows what she’s worth, wolf or not. She’s still a witch that can and will kick your ass.
- Worst Flaws -
Vengeful: She can’t let things go. She remembers too well, and keeps track of what people have done to her to use in the future against them.
Distant: She likes to keep people at an arm’s length, even those she knows don’t really know her.
Harsh: Life is seen very black and white to her sometimes, and either you agree with her or you’re wrong. It’s quite simple to her.
Key Points-  I wrote a bio cause I don’t know how to control myself https://docs.google.com/document/d/14A4o6IOPixmxb_yhNSbSpZ65Osdod-Cv-ADBITYJy0k/edit?usp=sharing
Was born in France to Elodie Cardon. She had been unfaithful to her pureblood husband due to his cold personality with a muggle man.
Once her husband found out he began looking for her as she ran
She managed to hide in london with her muggle lover but not for long
When Maribelle was fifteen her family sans muggle man was attacked by a pack of werewolves hired by Victor, they killed Elodie and bit Maribelle.
Maribelle apparated home and called whoever her head of house was who called Dumbledore and thus they helped her and hid what she was. Since Remus was already as the shrieking shack or out with the marauders I imagine they got her another place far from everyone on the full moon and etc etc since she’s in her 6th year and shes against not graduating
She graduates and comes to appreciate the wolf within and once graduated begins working as a seamstress for Madam Malkin and is like YEET at the war
Connections- Anyone who wants one is more than welcome to have one! I’m also open to any being added! Maybe Sybil Trewlaney, Septima Vector, and Ludo as friends? Maybe Ludo as an ex? I DONT KNOW!
Extra Info- See Bio?
Para Sample-
When Link’s mother died it had been an unceremonious funeral, what was left of her group and his father. It’d been private, kept only to those closest to her for the ceremony, and in the end it’d been just him and his father by his mother’s grave, sitting quietly as the sun set.
It was private, they had space to mourn, and cry, and just be silent as they stared at the headstone that now represented a mother, wife, and accomplished Knight that died for her Kingdom. It felt calm despite the pain, and then there was today.
Hyrule Castle was enormous, decorated in black cloth that hung on each wall, table, and Knight alike with the symbol of the Crown on it in gold. He’d been here before, a couple of times, but he’d never gone anywhere but the Knight’s quarters, and it was certainly grandeur Link had never seen and was not used to. He’d been to the Zora Domain once, only once, and while it was much larger, it was open and somehow that made the place look less daunting, and of course, Princess Mipha had shown Link all around the Domain when he wasn’t training with the Knights and they’d gone off on a quest somewhere for something. Hyrule Castle on the other end felt cold, large, and somehow not… welcoming.
It was a funeral, it was to be expected, but it still made Link fidget with the ends of his black clothes as he walked along the halls behind his father that gave commands on keeping the Castle safe due to so many people coming to visit and pay respects. It was strange, so different from the funerals he’d attended, which were more than a child of eight should have attended at such a young age, but when his father was a Knight, death became more of a companion than a shadowy figure looming in the distance.
This was… once more, grand. Public.
“Urbosa should be arriving shortly, make sure to guide her to the Princess’ quarters, she’ll want to see her,” Link’s father says, voice firm and heavy, making Link look up and tilt his head, confused by why he sounded so tired when the day had just begun.
“Yes, Sir,” The Knight beside him says, nodding once and bowing his head in respect before running off to do as told, Link staring after him, imitating the bow.
“Link,” His father says beside him, making him jump slightly and look up with a sheepish smile. “I need to to be safe today, a lot of people will be coming, and I need you to also be on your guard, I will be attending to several guests, making sure everyone is doing as they must, can I count on you, little solder?” He asks.
“Yes!” Link says standing up straight and bowing like he’s been taught, though no where near as practiced at the others, he still managed to look respectful, making his father chuckle under his breath, ruffling his too long dark blonde hair.
“Good, now, make sure not to get into any trouble,” His father says moving down to one knee, a mischievous glint in his eye. “And if you do, don’t get caught,” He says poking Link’s nose who giggles shaking his head.
“Dad, I won’t get into any trouble,” Link says back rubbing his nose, though the fit of giggles doesn’t stop. “I promise.”
“I believe you,” His father says standing back up, saluting his son who mirrors him. “Now go on, I have to go meet Princess Mipha.”
“Can I see her later?” Link asks excitedly, his father already beginning to walk and chuckle at his son’s excitement to see the Zora Princess.
“I don’t see why not, take care, son,” His father says and disappears behind a pair of large doors towards where everyone is arriving.
Link smiles, watching his father go before turning moving to a nearby window. Outside people gather and as his father said, Mipha has arrived, smiling kindly like a Princess always should - or so he thought whenever he imagined a princess, someone soft and good and beautiful.
He sighs, leaning his chin on his arms on the edge of the window, Link hoped he’d be able to swim as well as she did someday, maybe even impress her, though she did seem to be surprised with his agility with a sword and spear.
(etc etc this goes on but I think that’s enough XD also yes it’s present tense but I know this is probably past tense so yeah)
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of Hyrule | Chapter 12
Link's body ached in places he didn't even know could ache. His legs in particular. There were light bruises in the places where Impa hit him, and his thighs burned from the seemingly endless squats she made him do. He could barely get himself out of bed the next morning, and the walk to school was unbearable as he dragged his feet along. During first period, he let his head rest on the desk, sighing dramatically when Mipha pressed him for information.
“What the hell is wrong with you? You've been whining all morning about being sore.”
Link groaned and closed his eyes. “Please kill me.”
“What did you do last night? Run three miles?”
“I wish.”
Mipha narrowed her eyes at him. “Were you playing laser tag with Riju again?”
Link sighed and shook his head.
“You did,” she accused. “You totally pulled a muscle playing laser tag. That's so lame.”
Link smiled. “I swear, I wasn't playing laser tag.”
“Then what's wrong with you?”
Link opened his eyes and hesitated. Perhaps he should have used Riju as an excuse. He didn't really think that through. To his relief, however, their teacher entered, calling for their attention and offering him just the distraction he needed.
The day continued on without further interrogation from Mipha, and he was too tired to keep up with his usual antics, particularly annoying Revali. His behavior, however, did not seem to strike his friends as unusual. In fact, they seemed relieved that he and Revali were not bickering, and no one cared to indulge Link by addressing his complaining about his sore body. He didn't feel like coming up with a lie, but he would have appreciated some sympathy from them.
His sore body made for a perfect excuse when it came to the end of the day, however. He found Mipha in the hallway after the last bell of the day, standing at her locker as she retrieved her bag.
“What's your plan?” she said as she swung the bag over her shoulder.
“Going to bed,” Link said with a yawn. “And icing my thighs.”
Mipha rolled her eyes. “If it wasn't Riju, it must have been Aryll.”
Link nodded. “Yup. She kicked my ass.”
“She's a little girl.”
“She has a hard kick.”
Mipha grinned. “Alright,” she said with a shrug. “See you tomorrow.”
With a perfect cover in place, Link was able to sneak out the back of the school and make his way around to where Zelda and Paya waited. Like his friends, Impa had no sympathy for his deteriorated condition and showed him no mercy as they continued his training. When she wasn't hitting his legs and correcting his stand, she was making him do squats and lunges. He lifted weights and did more push-ups and pull-ups than he ever imagined. It seemed he was doing everything but learning how to fight with a sword.
To his relief, however, their training session was shorter than the previous one, but he couldn't help but notice that Zelda had done nothing but watch and laugh at him.
“Why am I the only one suffering?” he hissed at her as they left the shrine for the night.
“Because you're the one with the sword,” she reminded him.
“So? What's your deal?”
Zelda shrugged. “I'm sure Impa has her own plans in mind for me.”
“I hope you suffer,” Link sneered.
“Hylia forbid you have to do a little exercise.” Zelda rolled her eyes.
“I've never lift more than a pencil,” Link said. “And even that's a bit much for my liking.”
Zelda pressed her palm against her forehead and shook her head, smiling. “I'm sure all the other heroes weren't nearly as lazy as you are.”
“You know what?” Link started. “I bet they were. I bet they were too busy sleeping and eating and fucking around to give a shit about some stupid destiny.”
“I'm sure that's exactly what happened,” Zelda said.
“Yeah.” Link nodded and grinned. “Hyrule needs a hero? Too bad; I'm going fishing!”
“That's the spirit,” Zelda muttered.
“Princess kidnapped? I'll get to her after I bowl a perfect game.”
“No one wanted to get involved in that shit. Ganondorf? No thanks.”
“Guess we'll need to put out a new ad,” Zelda said. She moved her hands across her as she spoke. “Wanted: Hero. Requirements: Must possess Triforce of Courage and know how to wield a sword. Duties include, but are not limited to, fighting monsters and defeating Ganondorf. Must not die. Payment: bragging rights. Please send resume to Zelda, Princess of Hyrule.”
“I don't think you'll get a lot of takers for that.”
Zelda smiled and shrugged. “Anything's gotta be better than you.”
Back at home, Link noticed the light on in his father’s bedroom. When he peered around the corner, it was Aryll he saw, laying on his bed with her feet in the air and a picture frame in her hands. She was singing to herself, and Link recognized it as the song their mother used to sing to them. It was the same song that played in her music box.
“What are you doing in here?”
Aryll pointed at the picture, not looking up. “I like to look at this picture,” she said happily. “See how happy they are?”
“That’s because you weren’t born yet,” Link said with a grin.
“Be quiet,” Aryll hissed at him. She fell silent for a moment. “Daddy doesn't get happy like that anymore.”
“That's because you were -”
“Shut up, Link!” Aryll snapped at him.
Link put his hands up defensively. “I'm just kidding, okay?”
Aryll sighed and turned back to the picture. “When is Daddy coming home?”
“I dunno,” Link said softly. “I'll come home early tomorrow, okay?”
“It's okay,” Aryll said. “I know you're busy with stuff.”
Link pinched his lips together. “I can take the night off tomorrow.”
Aryll put the picture frame down on the bed and turned to him with a smile. “Okay.”
“Come on,” Link said, waving her forward. “Go to bed.”
“Can I sleep with you tonight?”
Link sighed. “Fine,” he said, turning down the hall towards his room.
Aryll replaced the picture frame on the nightstand and jumped off the bed, hurrying after Link into his bedroom. She jumped onto his bed and shimmied under the blankets with a sigh as Link crawled over her, laying on top of the blankets with his hands behind his head.
“So,” Aryll started. “I was thinking we should name our dog Richard.”
Link raised a brow. “That's a weird name.”
Aryll giggled.
“We're not getting a dog!”
“Don't make me kick you out,” he warned her.
Aryll made a zipping motion over her lips. She turned over without another word and closed her eyes.
Aryll was awoken by two sounds; Link’s snoring, and his phone vibrating on the desk nearby. She elbowed Link annoyingly, but all he did was turn over in his sleep, his limbs sprawled in every direction. She got up and looked at the phone, smiling when she saw Mipha’s name on the screen. She slid her finger across to answer it.
“Hi, Mipha.”
Mipha checked the clock on her nightstand. It was only eleven, but she didn’t expect Aryll to answer. “Hey, Ary,” she said.
“Link’s sleeping.”
“Of course he is,” she said with a sigh. He was not one to stay up late doing homework like she was, but she had at least hoped to catch him in the middle of a late night video game marathon. But it didn’t matter; she really didn’t have a good reason for calling. She would have said something about their assignment, but he would not have any answers for her. Mostly, she just wanted to hear his voice.
“Guess what I had for dinner every day?” Aryll said.
Mipha smiled. “What?”
“A peanut butter and banana sandwich!”
“That sounds… weird. Was it good?”
Aryll nodded. “Link made it for me. Daddy said it was Mom’s favorite.”
“Oh, yeah?” Mipha hesitated, wondering how much she remembered of her mother, or if she even knew of the anniversary of her death. “Do you miss her?”
“No, I don’t miss her,” she said. “I don’t remember her. But I know Daddy and Link do.”
“Yeah,” Mipha said, frowning. “I’m sure they do.” She leaned against the wall on her bed and turned her gaze to the full moon out hr window.
“It's okay, though,” Aryll continued. “I don't need a mom. I have you to do all the things moms do.”
Mipha smiled. “Of course you do,” she said.
“Yeah. You told me boys have cooties, remember?”
Mipha laughed, and Aryll continued on.
“And I have Urbosa and Riju. I have, like, three moms! That's way better. And Urbosa can do my hair like her's and Riju's. I want my hair to look pretty like their's.”
“I think we can arrange for that,” Mipha said. “How about Saturday? You can hang with us girls.”
Aryll grinned excitedly. “Okay! Me and you and Urbosa and Riju.” She paused. “And maybe Link, too? So he doesn't feel left out.”
“I guess Link can tag along,” Mipha said playfully.
“Okay, good. Mipha?”
“Yes, Ary?”
“I'm glad you're friends with Link. We're friends too, right?”
“Of course we are, silly. I like you better than Link.”
Aryll grinned. “Good, because I love you, Mipha. And I love Urbosa and Riju and Daruk and Link and Daddy.”
“I know, Aryll.”
“And don't forget Link loves you too.”
Mipha blushed. “I'm sure.”
“And he loves everyone and Daddy loves everyone and I bet Mommy did.”
“The world is full of love, Ary.”
Mipha laughed. “Go to sleep, now, okay? Its pretty late. But I'll see you Saturday.”
Aryll nodded her head. “Okay! Bye!” She pressed the red button on the screen and placed the phone back down on the desk, humming the song from her music box once more. She jumped back onto the bed, taking a moment to yank the blankets out from under her brother, and settled in beside him. Her voice was soft as she sang in the darkness.
“Youth, guided by the servant of the goddess, unite earth and sky...” Her voice trailed off and she yawned.
Link watched as his sister fell asleep beside him. Her breathing slowed into a steady rhythm, and after a few moments, she turned over and snored lightly. Her hand moved across the bed, resting on top of his, and she sighed softly
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of Hyrule | Chapter 26
Friday night, and Revali's party was well underway. And it was just as big as Revali promised. It seemed as if the entire school, and even students from schools outside of the city, all around Hyrule, were at the party. There was a bar outside beside the pool, inside, and kegs everywhere Link looked. Smoke came out of the upstairs windows, and the stoners hung out on one of the balconies, hanging dangerously close to the edge. The music was so loud that Link could barely hear himself think, and the bass practically rattled his bones. It was a wonder no one called the cops simply on the noise alone. But really, Link was unimpressed.
“Damn,” Link muttered. “I didn't know Revali's parents were this loaded.”
“Clearly they're not very smart,” Daruk said. “Did they really think he wouldn't throw a rager the moment they left down?”
“This is not a rager.”
“The whole damn school is here.”
Link shrugged. “That's not a rager.”
“Every chick here is trashed and their either getting fucked or throwing up in the fucking bushes. I'm pretty sure the druggies are doing lines upstairs in Revali's parents' bedroom and hanging off the balcony high as a fucking kite. There's an actual DJ here. There's a waterfall in the damn pool. Should I continue?”
Link shrugged again. “This party's weak.”
Link,” Daruk started frankly. “If you were hanging off a cliff and Revali was throwing a party, I'm sorry man, but I'll see ya at your funeral. Unless Revali threw another party. Then, you know, I'll send flowers or something.”
“You're a good friend.”
“I know.”
“So, if there are all these drunk chicks, why can't I get laid?”
Daruk laughed sharply. “There isn't enough alcohol in the world, man.”
“Dude. Wing-man. Where is the support?”
Daruk sighed. “Fine.” He scanned the backyard quickly, then gestured for Link to follow him. He made his way to a group of girls and smiled his most flirtatious smile. “Excuse me, ladies,” he said. “I see you're having a lovely time, but perhaps I could ruin that for you. Have you met my friend Link?”
The girls turned their gazes to Link, but Link was sneering at Daruk.
“Aren't you friends with Revali?” one of them said to Daruk.
“Friends is one way to put it,” he said.
She smiled. “So, is he single?”
Link groaned and stormed away from them. Daruk trotted to his side, laughing.
“Come on, man, they were way out of your league.”
“I could get them,” Link muttered.
“Okay, for real this time,” Daruk said as he made his way to his next target. He pushed Link unknowingly towards Mipha and Urbosa. “Hey, have you met Link? No? He's a catch.” He stopped short as they turned to them, their brows raised. “Oh, hey guys. I definitely can't trick you into getting with him. Sorry man, you're S.O.L.”
“You're the worst wing-man.”
“Wing-man?” Mipha repeated. “What do you need a wing-man for?”
“To get laid,” Daruk said, as if it were obvious.
“Go away, Daruk,” Urbosa muttered. “You're drunk.”
“Nah, not yet.”
“Did you have any luck?” Mipha asked, avoiding his gaze.
“Does it look like I did?”
“I'm empty,” Daruk said. “Who needs a drink?”
Mipha and Urbosa both shook their heads.
“Tight asses,” he muttered. “Let's go. You're my wing-man, now.”
“Why should I be? You didn't do shit for me.” But Link trudged after Daruk anyway as he made his way towards the house.
Urbosa shook her head. “Men.”
Mipha turned her eyes down at her feet. “Hm.”
“Oh, come on,” Urbosa said. “Link's not going to pick up any chicks.”
“I don't care what he does,” Mipha said.
“Mipha! You're the worst liar!”
“No, I'm not,” she muttered.
Urbosa rolled her eyes. “We've been over this. Why don't you just, like, tell him.”
“There's nothing to tell him.”
Urbosa looked at her skeptically.
Mipha sighed. “It doesn't matter,” she said quickly. “He doesn't see me that way.”
“You don't know that.”
“He likes Zelda,” she said.
“What the hell would she see in him?”
Mipha narrowed her gaze at Urbosa.
“He's great,” she said quickly. “So dreamy.”
This time Mipha rolled her eyes. “Stop talking.”
Urbosa smiled. “Come on, I'm messing with you!” She scanned the backyard; now it was her turn to play wing-man. “What you need to do is make him jealous.”
“I don't think that will work,” Mipha said.
Urbosa shrugged. “Go flirt with someone. And if it doesn't work, maybe you can at least get laid.”
“No, thanks.”
“Come on, Mipha. Have some fun for once. Do something daring. Live!”
“I'm here, what more do you want?”
“You're not really here, though.” Urbosa pointed. “What about him? Or him? What does it hurt?” She pulled at Mipha's wrist and dragged her towards one of the guys she pointed out. “Hey, there. Have you met Mipha?” She pushed Mipha forward before turning away and calling over her shoulder. “Okay, bye. I have to help Daruk!”
Mipha blushed and smiled sheepishly at the attractive guy before her, cursing Urbosa in the back of her mind.
Urbosa made her way into the house, pushing through the crowd until she found Daruk and Link.
“Where's Mipha?” Daruk asked as he took a sip of his drink.
“Flirting with some guy,” Urbosa said with a shrug.
“What guy?” Link asked, narrowing his eyes at her.
“I don't know, some guy. Who cares?”
“Oh.” Link shrugged. “Weird.”
Urbosa rolled her eyes. “What a bunch of idiots,” she said, shaking her head.
“Me?” Daruk asked.
“All of you.”
Daruk handed her a red plastic cup. “Alcohol will make you feel better.”
Urbosa scrunched her nose at the offer. “I have too much respect for myself to look like that.” She gestured to a group of schools dancing seductively and stripping out of their clothes.
Daruk watched them and nodded. “You're right. You are a high class, respectable woman. But I might see boob if I stick around.”
“Really, Daruk?” Urbosa hissed.
“Fine, come on.” He lead the way out of the house and back outside. Link trailed behind them, overall disinterested with the party, yet curious to see who Mipha was flirting with. It didn't take long to pick her out in the backyard. She, too, had a red plastic cup in hand, and was laughing to something the guy before her said. Even from a distance, Link could tell he was more muscular and taller. Why did they always have to be taller?
He narrowed his gaze, watching as he leaned forward and whispered something to Mipha, his hand on her waist. Mipha stepped back and laughed uncomfortably, but his hand stayed on her, seemingly trying to pull her closer.
Link made his way to Mipha, pulling at her arm, causing her to stumble backwards away from the other guy. The guy sneered at Link.
“Come on,” Link muttered.
“Is there a problem?” he hissed at Link.
“Yeah, there is.”
“Relax, man. There's plenty of bitches to go around.”
Link pulled Mipha further away. “Classy,” he muttered. “I bet you win them all with that charm.”
“Why don't you get the hell out of here and keep your nose out of our business?”
“I don't think she's interested.”
“I think she can decide that for herself.”
“You know,” Mipha said quickly. “I think I should just get going anyway.”
“Fuckin' whore,” he muttered.
Without another thought, Link spun on his heels and let his fist fly into the guy's nose. He took a step backward and grunted in surprise, his hands flying to his face.
“Say it again,” Link spat. But this time, a fist made contact with his face, and he stumbled backwards with a grunt. He fell back against a body, too small to be Daruk's.
“Take it somewhere else,” Revali hissed as Link bumped into him.
“Fuck off,” the guy said to Revali.
“Uh-uh,” Revali said, pushing Link aside as he stepped forward. “You fuck off.”
“Or what?”
Revali blinked at him for a moment, dumbfounded. “Or I'll kick your pathetic ass,” he sneered.
“I'd like to see you try.”
Revali jumped forward, but Daruk grabbed his arms, pulling him back.
“Come on, man,” he said. “Ignore him.”
“Yeah, man,” he taunted. “Really. All over one bitch.”
This time it was Daruk's fist that flew forward, nailing him in the chest and sending him flying back nearly thirty feet. He landed hard on the ground, shouting in pain as he clutched at his ribs.
“What the fuck, man?” Revali hissed at Daruk.
Daruk stared at his hand, his mouth gaping in shock and horror at what he had done.
Link pressed his hand against the bruise already forming on his face. He looked up at Daruk, meeting his confused and horrified gaze. Link, however, was not surprised. Zelda had predicted that there were others with some sort of powers that could aid them in their war against Ganondorf. Urbosa was the only other person to know about everything, but Link had never expected that Daruk would be another to have unique powers.
“Wha-what just happened?” Mipha stuttered out. Her pulse was racing from the drama that had just played out so suddenly. She began to sweat as her heart raced even quicker and her head spun.
Urbosa was at Daruk's side, pulling at his arm. “Come on,” she said softly to him.
“Did I do that?” Daruk muttered. “How did I do that?”
Link felt Mipha's hand against his cheek, but he pulled away.
Her brows furrowed as she tried desperately to focus on Link. “Are you alright?”
“Fine,” he grunted. He watched as Urbosa pulled Daruk away, talking to him quietly at the edge of the yard. After a few moments, Daruk narrowed his gaze on Link, as if he didn't believe what Urbosa was telling him. He turned his attention back to Mipha, doing his best to ignore the pain. “Are you okay?”
Mipha hesitated. “Actually,” she said slowly. “I don't... I don't feel right.” She swayed lightly on her feet, her face whitening.
“Mipha,” Link started, but she stumbled forward against him. Link caught her in his arms, shouting her name, but she did not respond.
“What happened?” Urbosa was suddenly at his side, kneeling down and inspecting Mipha.
“I'll kill him,” Link snarled. “If he fucking drugged her, I'll kill him!”
“Only one way to find out,” Urbosa muttered, taking Mipha from him.
Link jumped to his feet, his blood boiling, but Daruk held him back. He scanned the yard, finding the guy quickly, but Revali had beaten him to it, his hands around the guy's throat.
Link turned quickly as Mipha vomited on the ground. She groaned and fell against Urbosa.
“Get her out of here,” Revali muttered as he rejoined his friends. “Pretty sure that guy just called the cops on us.”
“Fuck, man,” Daruk muttered. He scooped Mipha up easily in his arms. “Are you coming?”
“Captain's gotta go down with the ship,” Revali said.
“That's idiotic,” Urbosa said, rolling her eyes. “But I won't argue. Let's go.”
Without another word, they hurried toward the streets to their parked cars, leaving Revali to deal with his out of control party.
“We should take her to the hospital,” Daruk said.
Urbosa shook her head and pulled open her car door. “She's fine. She threw everything up.”
“Sure, she's fine,” Daruk grunted. “Totally fine. She doesn't need a hospital.”
“Don't take me to the hospital,” Mipha muttered from Daruk's arms. “Please. I'm fine.”
“Well, what do you want?” he said with a huff. “Home?”
Mipha shook her head. “My parents will kill me.”
“She can come to my house,” Urbosa said. “I'll keep an eye on her.”
“I'm coming,” Link said.
Urbosa rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said. She waited as Daruk helped Mipha into the back and Link slid in beside her, then started the car and pulled away from the curb, peeling out into the street and away from the party and any evidence that they had been there.
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 33
Zelda stood at the edge of the circular drive as Paya approached. Being under Dorian’s and likely her father’s watchful eye left her unable to find opportunities to sneak away and discuss her plans with Paya and Teba, but she hoped being far enough away from the palace and other buildings would them out of range of anyone - or anything - listening to their conversation.
“Did you learn anything?” Zelda asked.
Paya shook her head regretfully. “Not much,” she said. “Aunt Purah doesn’t think it will be able to help him. She believes that Kohga was able to completely alter the purity of his spirit. It will take much more than just a simple healing shrine to fix it.”
“What about the spring?” Zelda asked, growing desperate. “The Goddesses? They must be able to do something.”
Paya nodded. “I believe they will have the best chance,” she started. “If they are willing.”
“We have to try.”
“We will,” Paya said. “But I believe we will need to deal with the Yiga Clan, first. As we expected, they were waiting for us at the shrine. They knew we would be investigating. Of course, I think they were disappointed to see that you and Link were not there.” She met Zelda’s worried gaze and quickly reassured her. “They were no problem for Aunt Purah and I,” she said. “But I believe it would be in our best interest to destroy the shrine to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands.”
Zelda hesitated. “But couldn’t it be of use to us?”
“No more use than a modern hospital or even my own healing powers,” Paya said confidently. “At a time, it was a necessity. But that no longer applies.”
“How do we go about destroying it, then?”
“I believe the Champions will be able to handle it,” Paya said.
“Don’t you think that’s just what the Yiga Clan want?” Zelda said carefully. “They’d be walking right into their hands.”
“Perhaps,” Paya started. “But there’s no one else that can take care of it. And you don’t trust Grandmother or Dorian to ask for the aid of the Sheikah.”
Zelda sighed. “We should try the spring, first,” she said. “Link does not have a lot of time left.”
“That may be,” she started. “But good luck trying to convince him otherwise. He’ll want to take on the Yiga Clan, first.”
“I know.” Zelda hesitated. “I know Teba won’t let me leave. Will you go with them?”
“Of course.”
Dorian stepped out from around the corner. He held his gaze on Zelda, who regarded him strongly, though her face had whitened slightly. He said nothing as he moved passed her and Paya, leaving them alone once more. He made his way into the palace, trotting up the grand staircase to the second floor and towards Roham’s office. Roham did not greet him when he entered, but his hard gaze met Dorian’s.
“They plan to destroy the shrine,” Dorian said simply. “This will be our chance.”
Roham’s expression softened slightly. “Fine,” he said. “Let them. But be waiting for them. Take Link in now while you have the chance.”
Dorian said nothing further and left Roham alone in his office. Roham turned his gaze back out the window where he watched Zelda and Paya walk across the grounds, deep in conversation.
“And what about Rusl?” Paya asked.
Zelda hesitated. She kept her eyes on the ground as they walked. “I don’t know,” she admitted. She met Paya’s gaze. “Do you think we should be concerned?”
Paya held her gaze on Zelda’s for a moment before looking towards the horizon. “It’s very easy to put them all together,” she said after a moment. “Rusl, Dorian, and your father. They’re all involved, and they have been for a long time. That can mean so many things. If they were all involved in Rusl’s faked death, then there’s a reason for it. Something they are hiding. We could naturally assume that means Yiga involvement, too.”
“What could my father possibly gain from that?”
“It’s very possible Rusl and Dorian are going behind his back, as well.” She paused. “Or Dorian is going behind their backs. Or Rusl.”
“Right,” Zelda muttered. “The possibilities here are endless.” She sighed and pressed a finger against her temple. “We can’t trust any of them, is what you’re saying.”
“Actually,” Paya started. She sighed and her shoulders relaxed slightly. “I think we can trust Rusl.”
Zelda narrowed her gaze on her. “How?”
“I believe Rusl plays a bigger role in this than we realize,” she said. “He may be keeping secrets, but I believe there is a good reason for that.”
“But you have no proof.”
“No,” Paya admitted. “I don’t.”
Zelda nodded. “I’d like to think we can trust him,” she started. “But.” She sighed. “Move forward with the plan. Destroy the shrine. Then seek out the spring. We need to do everything we can to fix Link. I’ll do my best to keep tabs on my father and Dorian.” She met Paya’s gaze. “And keep an eye on Rusl.”
“And if I find proof he’s working with the Yiga?”
“Kill him.”
It was late in the evening when Paya made it out of the city and back to the ranch. The air snapped as she appeared in the drive where the Champions had gathered in drink and conversation. They turned to her as she appeared and grew quiet.
“Nice to see you, Paya,” Revali said dryly. “I’m guessing you’re not here to hang out?”
“No,” she started sheepishly. She briefly met Rusl’s gaze, then pulled away uneasily to address the group. “Actually, I’ve got orders from Zelda.”
“Finally,” Daruk said, punching his palm with a fist. “Let’s fuck up some Yigas.”
“You will,” she started. “But we need to get to the shrine, first, and destroy it.”
Daruk’s shoulders slumped, and Paya smiled apologetically.
“Queen’s orders,” she said.
“Destroy the shrine?” Urbosa repeated. “What for?”
“It’s of no use to us,” Paya explained. “It won’t help Link. But it could be useful for the Yiga Clan, and that’s the last thing we need.”
“Then shouldn’t we try the spring?” Riju asked. “I mean, we’re kind of pressed for time here, aren’t we?”
“And if I’m gone before the shrine is destroyed, you’re all fucked,” Link muttered. He ignored his father’s hard stare.
“We don’t need you to destroy a shrine,” Revali hissed.
“I can’t believe we’re going to destroy a shrine,” Mipha muttered, shaking her head.
“Zelda’s right,” Link insisted. “We do it now. And then we fuck up the Yiga Clan.”
“And how do you expect to destroy this shrine?” Daruk asked with a raised brow.
Link grinned. He still had some left over C4 in the car. He couldn’t wait to blow shit up.
“I don’t like that look,” Aryll muttered.
Link moved to the car and threw open the trunk. The Champions gathered behind him, staring at the C4.
“Where the fuck did you get this?” Revali said.
“I know a guy,” Kit said with a grin.
“The fuck does that mean?” Daruk muttered.
“We weren’t interrogating anyone,” Kit said. “We were stocking up.”
“For Link’s suicide mission?” Urbosa said, her eyes narrowed on Kit.
Kit threw his arms in the air defensively. “Hey, I knew nothing about that.”
“You know,” Daruk started. “Roham already wants your ass. You’re not exactly in good standing with the kingdom. This doesn’t help your case.”
Link shrugged. “What have I got to lose?”
“I like it,” Revali said with a grin. “This is the most ballsy thing you’ve ever done. Let’s blow some shit up.”
“From hero to anti-hero,” Riju said excitedly. “Chaotic good. I like it! Kicking ass, escaping the law, and still saving the day!”
“The Yiga Clan will be expecting you,” Paya said. “They’ll be waiting for you. You cannot let your guard down.”
“Even better,” Link said.
“What’s your plan?” Rusl asked, narrowing his gaze on his son. “Waltz right in and hope some meeseley C4 will work?”
“Do you have a better idea?” Link sneered.
“Of course he does,” Daruk said, crossing his arms. “He’s trained for this. We’re not.”
“I’m trained,” Link said. “Trained to kick ass and take names.”
“You swung a sword around and hoped for the best,” Revali said.
“It worked, didn’t it?”
“You got gutted twice,” Mipha reminded him.
“Well, obviously,” Riju said. “It wouldn’t make a very good story if there wasn’t a little drama. Just wait until this hits the big screen!”
“Really, Riju?” Urbosa said in an exhausted tone.
“Link needs to get paid!”
Link nodded. “Yeah. I have yet to see any benefits from my heroic actions.” He crossed his arms. “This kingdom is ungrateful. Maybe I should let the Yiga Clan bring Ganondorf back.”
“You’re a wanted criminal,” Daruk said. “You’ll be lucky if you don’t see jail bars for the rest of your life.”
Link rolled his eyes.
“Is this how you idiots work?” Rusl chimed in. “For the love of Hylia, it’s a miracle you were able to stop Ganondorf in the first place.”
Riju nodded. “They do more bickering than anything else,” she said. “It was way worse in high school.”
“Ganondorf would have this world in chaos if it weren’t for us,” Revali said. “Link would have been dead a long time ago without us.”
“That’s not true,” Link muttered.
“Do you know how many times I’ve had to save your ass because you were careless?”
“You think so,” Link started. “But if you weren’t around being a pain in the ass, I bet we could have even taken out the Yiga Clan.”
“And you would have been gutted a third time.”
“No, but I would have let them kill you.”
“And without me to save your ass, you’d be dead. Again.”
“Oh, yeah? Well then why don’t you do all the hero work, then, since you’re so fucking good at it?”
“If I was the hero, we would be far better off. But unfortunately, Hylia didn’t seem to appreciate my worth.”
“Because you have the spirit of an arrogant jackass.”
“At least I don’t go running around on suicide missions and getting gutted!”
“I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“Let’s go, Hulk! I’d like to see you try!”
Urbosa sighed loudly. “Stop it!”
“Holy fuck,” Riju muttered. “You both have big dicks now simmer down.”
“We’re all gonna die,” Rusl muttered.
Mipha turned a helpless gaze to Daruk, and Daruk grinned.
“You mean you didn’t miss this?”
“Are we going to blow shit up or are just keep acting like sixteen year olds?” Kit said.
Link slammed the trunk closed. “Yeah, grow up, Revali.”
Revali grinned but said nothing further.
“So, what’s the plan?” Daruk asked. He turned to Rusl expectantly.
“No way,” Rusl said. “You fuckers are on your own. I want no part of this messed up group of heroes.”
“Well, that’s encouraging,” Mipha muttered.
“Link will get us all killed if you don’t talk some sense into him,” Revali pointed out.
“What’s your plan, then?” Rusl asked his son.
Link shrugged. “Walk in and blow it up?”
Rusl pinched the bridge of his nose. “For fuck’s sake,” he muttered. “I should have been the one staying home and sent you into the army instead. Maybe you’d be a little damn smarter.”
“I certainly wouldn’t have had to fake my own death,” Link muttered.
“No, but we would have had to come rescue you,” Revali said.
Aryll raised a hand in the air. “I did it. I rescued Link from the Yiga. Just putting that out there.”
“Can we not start this again?” Urbosa muttered.
“Look,” Rusl started. “The Yiga Clan will be expecting you. They’ll be waiting for you. You’ll be lucky if you even get near that shrine.”
“So, what?” Daruk asked. “There’s only one way in. There’s no getting around that.”
“Urbosa and Revali will be your best options for the front lines,” Rusl said. He turned his gaze to Daruk. “And you protect your healers. And Hulk. The Yiga Clan may have already gotten their hands on him, but if they see an opportunity to get at him again, they’ll take it.”
“What about me?” Riju asked. She jumped up excitedly. “Do I get to be on the front lines, too?”
“No,” Urbosa hissed. Riju frowned.
“Ha, ha,” Kit teased.
“You, too,” Rusl said.
Kit pouted. “What? Why?”
“You’re useless.”
“So are you!” Kit pointed out.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m not getting involved.”
“You’re the only one who knows what the fuck they’re doing,” Revali said. He shook his head. “Nice try. You’re not sitting this out.”
“Link’s useless, too,” Riju said. “Why does he get to go?”
“Because there’s nothing anyone can say to make him stay,” Rusl said with a sigh. “You should know this by now.”
“So, what’s your excuse?” Revali said. He crossed his arms. “Shouldn’t you be willing to fight and defend?”
“The difference between you and I,” Rusl started, “is I use my damn head. I know when I’ll be useful and when I won’t be.”
“And if shit goes south, you’ll have a much better plan to get us out alive than we could,” Daruk said. “Besides. I won’t let your ass get fried. Not this time, anyway.”
Rusl shrugged. “It’s not my call. I don’t run this circus.”
Link stared at his feet, feeling their gazes on him. He didn’t really want his father involved. It wasn’t worth the risk of losing him again. He hated to admit it, though, but Revali had a point. His father was much better prepared for this sort of mission. He really didn’t have a plan at all, and he knew he couldn’t be so careless. But plans… they just weren’t his forte. His plan was to get in, cause destruction, and get out, and keep everyone alive in the process. That was always his plan. And at times, it was a weakness. A hinderance. He only wanted his friends to stay alive, at whatever cost, which more often than not, only blinded him and made him careless. He knew he needed their help, but he wished he was strong enough to be able to do things on his own. He worked better that way.
“I don’t care what you do,” Link finally said. He met his father’s gaze. “But if you have no faith in our abilities as heroes, then maybe you should tag along on the fun.”
“Alright,” Revali said, clapping his hands together. “Enough wasting time. Let’s do this!”
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 32
“Why did you tell us all of that?”
Rusl glanced at his son. They had made it back to the ranch, and Aryll had hurried off to help Talon with the evening chores. Link leaned against the paddock fence, watching as the dogs chased the goats, nipping at their heels.
“Because it’s something you should know,” Rusl said. “And I promised no more lies, remember?” He shrugged. “You wanted answers. Well, that’s why things are the way they are. That’s why you and Zelda have a responsibility to keep Hyrule safe, no matter what the future may hold.” He leaned his elbows on the top of the fence and turned to his son. “You don’t really believe that it’s all for nothing, do you?”
“No,” Link said. “You’re right. We buy Hyrule time. We fight until the end.” He sighed. “If I’m gonna be used, it sure as hell won’t be for nothing.”
Rusl straightened. He glanced over his shoulder as Revali made his usual loud entrance with Kit and Daruk following close behind.
“There you are,” he started. “We’ve been looking for you all damn day.”
“He wasn’t,” Kit said. “In fact, his exact words were, ‘Don’t tell Link I got the good stuff.’”
Revali grinned and flashed two cigars. “I saved you both one, alright?”
Rusl frowned. “That’s it?”
“Do you know how much these cigars cost?” Revali sneered.
“You said you had the good stuff,” Rusl said. “In my day, we didn’t waste our money on fancy cigars.”
“Oh, alright, I see how it is.” Revali crossed his arms and turned to Kit. “My stuff isn’t good enough for the dead guy.” He turned to Kit. “Why don’t you whip out your stupid tin for these two losers? They’d rather get high like little girls.” Revali shook his head. “No one appreciates a damn good cigar anymore. Well you know what? I’m not sharing my whisky with you idiots.”
Link snatched the cigars out of Revali’s hands. “You’re rolling in dirty money,” he said as he handed a cigar to his father. “You’re not high class because of that.”
“Then give ‘em back. They were bought with my dirty money.”
Link shrugged and lit the cigar. “I’m already a criminal.” He sucked in, then blew out smoke. “Which means I guess I can work for you now.”
“Yeah, about that,” Revali started. “Now that you’re not some innocent little hero, you’ll only raise more suspicions. You’re out.”
Link frowned. “You can’t take back your offer,” he said. “I want those six numbers.”
“Six numbers?” Rusl repeated. He turned to Revali. “You know he can’t even flip a damn burger, right?”
“Fortunately for him, his pathetic college dropout ass doesn’t need any reputable skills for this job,” Revali said. “The only requirement was to keep his nose clean, and he couldn’t even do that.”
“That wasn’t what we discussed,” Link pointed out. “All I needed to do was sign my name on all your sketchy documents.”
“Well, I don’t want your name on my documents anymore,” Revali said. “And I don’t think you could even sell that signature of yours anymore. You couldn’t even sell your damn blood.”
“Sperm,” Kit pointed out.
Revali rolled his eyes. “Like anyone would want his damn babies.”
“This is nice,” Rusl said. “You’re all fucking twisted.”
“I’m kind of an expert on heroes,” Kit said. “I’ve been serving them alcohol and helping them drown their problems for years. You don’t know the half of it.” He exhaled smoke. “And those sperm-bank babies are probably the only grandkids you’ll get.”
“Charming,” Rusl said. “Your mother had money on you and Mipha. Guess she’ll be disappointed.”
“Oh, they’re a thing,” Revali said. “You can rest assured that if anyone will settle for Link, it’s Mipha.”
“Watch it,” Link sneered.
“Right,” Rusl said. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
“I guess she has kind of been avoiding you since you got back,” Kit said.
“Why’s that?” Rusl asked.
They fell silent for a moment. Rusl looked between them warily. To their relief, they silence was interrupted by Riju’s voice as she bounded around the corner. Her eyes lit up when she saw Link and she bounced to his side as Mipha and Urbosa rounded the corner behind her.
“There he is,” she said, draping an arm over his shoulders. “We sent these idiots out looking for you but they never came back.” She looked Revali up and down. “I guess they thought it was more important to drink and smoke.”
“Bait,” Revali said simply. “Bring alcohol and Link comes running like a good boy. And now he got a treat.”
Riju ignored him and turned her attention back to Link. “You know, this hero business is way more exciting than our laser tag games.”
“No,” Link said simply. “Go away.”
“Hear me out,” she said. She pressed a finger to his nose, sending a light shock through her fingertips. Link lunged toward her, but she jumped out of his way with a laugh.
“Will you give it a rest?” Urbosa said, putting a hand on her hip. “You’re not a part of this.”
“Oh, but I am,” Riju said with a grin. “Just you wait. I’ll have my moment, and ya’ll will be in my debt!”
“She is deadly with a laser gun,” Link said dryly.
“You’re not helping,” Urbosa sneered.
Riju crossed her arms and turned her attention to Mipha.
“What do you want me to do about it?” Mipha said, meeting her expectant gaze.
“Be on my side,” Riju pleaded with her. “I don’t care what you gotta do. Withhold sex. Guys will do anything to have their stupid dicks touched. Even name me a Champion!”
Mipha’s cheeks reddened, but to her relief, Link came to her rescue.
“You know,” he started, “it’s not even my call. Zelda’s the boss. Take it up with her.”
“Yeah, no need to give Link any grief,” Revali said. “If it weren’t for Mipha, no one would touch his dick.”
“Really?” Daruk shook his head. “Are we in high school again?”
“Do they talk about their dicks regularly?” Kit asked.
“Revali has to remind us daily how big his is,” Riju said.
“He over compensates with money and fancy cars,” Link added.
“You know what?” Revali said. “I’m gonna let that slide, because I’m above this immaturity.”
Urbosa pushed her sister along. “Look what you started. Are you happy?”
Riju grinned. “Just like the good ol’ days.”
Mipha hesitated, meeting Link’s gaze briefly before hurrying to catch up with Urbosa and Riju as they made their way to the house. She paused when Link called to her and waited for him to catch up. They stood alone on the edge of the driveway in uncomfortable silence for a moment before Link finally spoke.
“I’m, uh, sorry I haven’t… I mean. I wasn’t trying to avoid you. But I was. Because. You know. But I’m sorry I left like that. And I know you don’t trust me. I don’t trust me.” He sighed. “I don’t know what to do here.”
“Yeah,” Mipha said softly. “I don’t know, either.”
Link frowned. “Mipha… I’m sorry. It wasn’t -”
“I know,” she said quickly. “I know.”
“You shouldn’t be near me. No one should be.”
“We can handle it,” she said. “You need to trust us to handle it.”
“But I don’t trust me.” He met her gaze. “I can’t be responsible…”
“We won’t let it come down to that,” she said. “Link… We’ll get through this.”
He didn’t feel as confident. But he missed her. So much had happened over the last few days; it was all just a chaotic blur. He needed her reassurance. But he didn’t trust himself around her. Around anyone. He was sick to his stomach just thinking about how easily he could have ended her life. He couldn’t live with himself if he did that, even if it wasn’t him. But when everything seemed to be falling apart around him, she was the only one that made everything better. He needed her.
Mipha pressed her lips against his gently. She lingered for a moment before pulling away and meeting his gaze once more. She hesitated, then her lips pulled into a smile. “So, what do we do when this is over? I mean, no offense, but I don’t want to live with your dad.”
“You’re just assuming he’s not gonna take off and fake his death again,” Link said. “He has no legal rights to that house anymore.”
“Kicking him out?”
“He would have done it to me.”
Mipha’s smile widened. “I was really enjoying the fact that I didn’t have to listen to my neighbor’s pizza guy fantasy every night. The material was really getting old.” She made a face of disgust. “And who gets pineapple on pizza?”
“Don’t hate it until you try it,” Link said.
“Come on, Mrs. Hero!” Riju called from the door. “We’re ordering pizza!”
“I’m not trying it,” Mipha said with a grin. She kissed Link one last time before joining Riju and Urbosa in the house.
Link shoved a hand in his pocket as he watched the door close. He absentmindedly fingered the ring box he still carried with him. He didn’t exactly have a plan as far as proposals went, but he certainly didn’t expect to get kidnapped by the Yiga Clan. Naturally, that set his plans back. Even more now that he was aware of the very short timer left on his life. He let the end of his cigar drop to the ground as his friends joined him once more.
“You oughta put a ring on that before she has the good sense to leave your sorry ass,” Rusl said with a grin.
Kit snorted loudly. “He’s had that weight in his pocket for years.”
Rusl turned to his son and raised a brow. “For real?”
Link sneered at Kit. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“This guy,” Kit said to Rusl, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at Link. “I’ve been tellin’ him the same damn thing. He doesn’t have the balls.”
Rusl shook his head. “I don’t believe it.”
Kit moved toward Link, shoving his hand toward his pocket, but Link lept back, shooing his hand away.
“Get the fuck outta here,” he hissed.
“Stop being such a girl,” Kit said with a grin, chasing Link around and reaching for his pocket. “Let use see it.”
“That’s what she said,” Revali giggled.
“I don’t have anything,” Link insisted.
“Liar. I’ve seen it.” He finally succeeded in pinning Link’s arms and shoved his hand into his pocket, pulling out a small, black box.
Rusl’s eyes widened, but at that moment, the door opened once more as Riju poked her head out. Link shouted at Kit who yelped, juggling the box in his hands before Rusl snatched it and closed his fingers around it, hiding it behind his back. Alerted by their shouts, Riju, Mipha, and Urbosa stepped out and turned their curious gazes to the men.
“What’s going on?” Urbosa asked.
“Kit tried to get in Link’s pants,” Revali said with a grin.
Link glared at Revali.
They chose to ignore this, disinterested in their shenanigans.
“What kinda pizza should we get?” Riju asked.
“Does it really matter?” Daruk said.
“Pineapple it is,” Riju said with a grin. Mipha groaned loudly and headed back inside the house. When all three were safe inside, Rusl pulled the box back out and opened it, peering at the ring. Link snatched it out of his father’s hands and shoved it back into his pocket.
“He didn’t even buy that,” Rusl said. “Cheap bastard.”
“That’s true love, man,” Kit said. “Stealing a ring for a lady.”
Link muttered under his breath. “I didn’t steal it.”
“You sure as hell did,” Rusl accused. “And I want it back.”
“Hey, you’re dead,” Link snapped. “You get nothing.”
“You know how much that damn thing cost me?”
Link rolled his eyes. “Guess you should have kept it with you.”
“Wait,” Daruk started. “You’re giving Mipha hand-me-down rings?”
“I can’t do anything right, can I?” Link sneered.
Kit shook his head. “Are you so surprised?”
“It was Aryll’s idea,” Link said quickly. He crossed his arms. “She says it’s romantic.”
“Right,” Daruk said. “Because you’re real smooth in the romance department.”
“At least I get laid,” Link said.
Revali raised his hand. “I do. I get laid.” He turned to Kit and grinned.
Kit sighed. “I don’t.” He turned to Daruk.
“I… have been a little busy keeping all of you alive.”
“And you’ve been dead,” Revali said to Rusl. “So, that makes two of us. Except Link doesn’t count because He’s only had sex with Mipha.”
Kit snickered and Link elbowed him sharply in the ribs.
“Oh, right,” Revali said. “And Zelda.”
“Zelda?” Daruk said loudly. “The fuck? When was that?”
“Nothing happened,” Link muttered.
“I can neither confirm nor deny this,” Kit said. “However, I could name several others.” He paused. “No, wait, I can’t. And I don’t think Link ever got their names, either.”
“Knock it off,” Link hissed.
“Seriously?” Revali said. “We all leave and you turn into some Playboy? Where was that guy? I could have been friends with that guy!”
“Anyway,” Kit said. “We should warn Mipha so she can make her escape before he pops the question.”
“I’m a hero,” Link said. “I saved Hyrule. Why do I still have to deal with this shit?”
“Because,” Revali said with a grin. “It wouldn’t be the same, otherwise.” He stretched his arms over his head and yawned loudly, then made his way toward the house. “Someone has to stop them before they order pineapple pizza.”
“So, what’s the deal with this job?” Kit said. “How do I get into that applicant pool?”
“There’s no one in the world that could be that desperate,” Daruk said.
“Oh, then you don’t know me very well,” Kit grinned. “In fact, I can’t believe I haven’t thought to sell my blood or sperm.”
“No one wants your children,” Link said. “There isn’t enough money in the world to get a woman to have your children.”
“Harsh, but fair,” Kit said. “Babies are real chick magnets, though. Could I borrow yours once in a while to pick up chicks?”
“Oh, dude, me too,” Revali said.
“I can’t be trusted with a baby,” Link said. “Never mind the two of you.”
“Well, get used to it,” Kit said. “Because if she’s dumb enough to marry you, she’ll be dumb enough to want your babies.”
“No babies,” Link growled.
“Well, I might as well go back to being dead,” Rusl said. “I only came back for the grandkids.”
“Everything was much simpler before you came back,” Link muttered.
Rusl grinned. He draped an arm around his son’s shoulders. “Someone has to keep you dumbasses out of trouble.”
“We did just fine before,” Revali said.
“Besides the fact that Link took a sword to the gut,” Daruk reminded them. He shrugged. “But, sure, we totally know what we’re doing.”
“Dumbasses,” Rusl said. He waved an arm around. “Dumbasses everywhere.”
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 29
The Champions were gathered at the ranch once more, standing outside of the barn. They were in the midst of a heated argument about their next move when the air stirred. There was a loud crack as if lightning split the ground, but there wasn't a storm cloud in sight. They turned to the source of the sound only to see Link on his hands and knees, gasping from the wounds that marked his body. To their surprise, he was not alone. Rusl stood above him, looking down at his son, his face pale. Their silent gazes moved between Rusl and Link before Daruk finally spoke.
“What the fuck?” he muttered.
Mipha hurried to Link, dropping to her knees beside him. Link tried his best to push her hands away, but she pushed back harder – easy enough to do in his weakened state – and began to heal him as quickly as possible.
“Where have you been?” Daruk hissed.
Link winced as Mipha worked, looking up to briefly meet Daruk's gaze. His eyes narrowed. “Working.”
Daruk scowled at him. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“Saving the world,” Link growled. “Kicking Yiga ass.”
“It looks like you're the one that got your ass kicked,” Kit said.
Link spat blood at the ground. He pushed Mipha away, getting to his feet before she had finished healing him. She searched his darkened blue eyes, catching flecks of red still in them. When he turned his eyes to her, she tore her gaze away.
“So,” Revali started. “Are we going to address the giant fucking elephant standing right fucking there?” He gestured a hand to Rusl.
Their gazes moved back to Rusl. Link stared blankly at his father, almost as surprised as the first time he saw him, as if he hadn’t expected him to be there. His face creased in disbelief and confusion. And then, after a moment, anger, as his brows furrowed together. “You,” he hissed. “You lied to me.” It wasn’t a question. His teeth grit together. “You lied to Aryll.”
“I did what I had to do,” Rusl said sternly. “To keep you both out of this mess.”
“This mess?” Link sneered. “Aryll was eleven years old. I had to tell her her father died.” His nostrils flared. “Is this a joke to you?”
Rusl, too, started to grown angry at his son’s accusations. “Do you think I would have done this if I had a choice?” he hissed.
Link bit his tongue in an attempt to remain calm. Already, he could feel the darkness start to cloud his mind. He had to stay in control. His eyes flashed threateningly dark and he pulled his gaze away from his father. “Fuck you,” he hissed before walking away.
Rusl watched as his son disappeared into the barn, then turned his attention back to Link’s friends. They stared at him with a mix of emotions, though Revali,
Daruk, and Kit seemed to regard him with disapproving stares. His brows furrowed angrily, and in a huff, he turned and marched away in the opposite direction.
“He faked his death,” Kit said bitterly. “That’s fucked up.”
Urbosa frowned. “He wouldn’t do that without good reason,” she said. “There’s more to this than we realize.”
An uneasy silence fell over the group. Mipha stepped away from the group and hurried after Link. She found him in the barn where he was pacing angrily and cursing under his breath. He paused when she stepped over the threshold of the barn and met her gaze. His shoulders dropped, his stiff posture instantly relaxing as she approached him.
“Where’s Aryll?” he asked quickly.
“She went out back with Talon to help him fix some fencing.” Mipha hesitated when he did not respond. “Are you… alright?” She didn’t necessarily mean it in regards to his father’s sudden appearance. She studied his eyes carefully, but he seemed to be back to normal.
“Fine,” he muttered. While the darkness seemed to remain at bay, his emotions ran wild.
Mipha pressed her lips together. “She’s worried sick about you,” she said softly. “Goddesses, what the hell were you thinking?”
Link sighed through his nose. “I thought I could take care of everything myself.”
“How did that turn out?” Mipha said dryly. “Will you stop with this impulsive shit already?”
The corners of his lips tugged into a small smile. “I know,” he started, and the smile quickly disappeared. “I’m sorry.” He pulled his gaze away. “I wanted to do what I could before…” He didn’t need to finish the sentence.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Mipha said.
Link glanced at her. He was not as confident as she was, but he didn’t bother voice his thoughts further with her. Though, if one good thing came out of it all, it was that Aryll would not be alone if something were to happen to him. At least she would have her father, no matter how much he hated him in that moment.
Rusl leaned against the paddock fence on the other side of the house. He put out his cigarette on the wood post as Kit approached with two bottles in hand. He stood beside Rusl, popped open one of the bottles, and offered it to Rusl. He took it wordlessly, but offered a nod in thanks. They drank in silence for a moment before Kit finally spoke.
“So, back from the dead,” he said with a grin, but Rusl did not appreciate the joke. Kit’s grin quickly disappeared and he stared into his bottle. “You know,” he said after another moment. “I met Link and those stupid ass friends of his five years ago.” He smiled lightly at the memory, then chuckled. “They came stumblin’ in, barely after noon. The kinda guys I get at that time aren’t the kinda guys I thought they were.” He shook his head and drank his beer. When he finished, he continued. “Nah, these guys were dressed to the nines, lookin’ all fancy in their dumbass suits.” He shrugged. “Figured it was some kinda bachelor party still drunk from the night before, yanno?” He used his bottle to point in front of him, as if he were gesturing to the three men that entered his bar. “But I recognized them almost right away, of course. Who wouldn’t, right? Hyrule’s heroes. Except Link - he didn’t have that same dumb baby face I used to see on the news. Sure, he may have grown up a little bit since then. You know. Definitely not maturity wise.” He snorted and grinned, glancing over at Rusl, but Rusl did not meet his gaze. His eyes were hard as he stared at the ground, listening to Kit ramble on.
“Anyway,” Kit continued. “I was ready to totally exploit the hell outta them, you know? Come to my bar - Hyrule’s Champions drink here! What better way to take in new customers?” He took another sip of his beer. The bottle barely had a chance to leave his lips when he spoke again in a tone that suggested he had heard the most interesting thing in the world. “Turns out,” he started, “they had just left your funeral.” Kit let his words hang in the silence between them for a moment. He stared ahead, but felt Rusl’s gaze on him.
“He never left my bar after that,” Kit said softly. “For five long years, I had his beer cold, open, and waiting for him at his usual seat in the corner. Mostly, he’d just sit and stare at nothing. But sometimes we’d talk. Sometimes, we’d drink. Sometimes, we’d waste the night crawling around the city looking for something to distract us from life.” He paused. “Five years,” he repeated. “Five years I watched him drown.” His brows furrowed and he turned his gaze to Rusl. “That damn kid’s a mess, you know. I think the only thing that kept him going was Aryll. He did everything he damn well could for her. To make her life as normal as possible. Isn’t that what everyone deserves?” He turned his gaze away and finished his beer. “He sure as hell didn’t get that.”
“Do you think I need to be reminded that I’m a shitty person?” Rusl sneered.
“Nah,” Kit said, shaking his head. “I’m sure it eats you the fuck up.” He hesitated. “I just hope to hell there was a good fucking reason for putting him through all that shit. He deserves the truth.”
“I know,” Rusl said softly. He pinched the bridge of his nose, then hung his head.
Kit shrugged. “But I’m just a bartender,” he said. “I bring beer when times are tough, and sometimes offer a little wisdom.” He finished his beer. “If you’re gonna be back from the dead, at least be there. Stick around for a while.” He tipped an imaginary hat at him before leaving Rusl alone once more.
Rusl stayed where he was for a few minutes more, finishing his beer, before finally deciding to find Link, who he had admittedly been trying to avoid since he stormed off. He always hoped he could be reunited with his children again, though this was not the way he had imagined it. He couldn’t blame his son for being so angry with him, however. At the very least, he owed his son an explanation.
It didn’t take him long to find Link. Though it was still daylight, the barn was dim and cool. He shuffled inside without greeting.
Link glanced over his shoulder, but seeing it was only his father, he turned back to the stall where hungry goat eyes looked up at him. He tossed in the flakes of hay and closed the door. “What do you want?” he muttered.
“I’m sorry,” Rusl said. “I know things haven’t seemed fair -”
“Fair?” Link snapped, turning to face his father. “What would you know about fair?”
Rusl sucked in a breath in an attempt to remain calm with his son. “Look,” he started, but Link cut him off.
“No,” he snarled. “You have no idea what we’ve been through. There’s a damn gravestone with your name on it. You don’t get to talk about fair. You were gone. You left us alone. I gave up everything. I took on everything. I raised Aryll. I stayed up with her every night when she cried. I covered her ass when she got suspended from school. I worked a hundred damn hours so she could have a friggin place to live. And you think you can just come back from the fucking dead and everything will be the same?”
“Nothing will ever be the same,” Rusl hissed. “That’s what you don’t get, Link.”
“Then why don’t you enlighten me?” Link snarled.
“The Yiga are hunting you,” Rusl said. “They’ve been hunting you since the day you were born, and they won’t stop until they have you.”
“Well, I hate to break it to ya,” Link started, “but they already got their damn hands on me.”
“I know,” Rusl said through clenched teeth. He turned his gaze down at the ground. “I did everything I could to keep you and Aryll safe,” he said. “That’s why I was gone. I was tracking them down. I was trying to eliminate the problem, following Roham’s orders, but they got to me first.” He hesitated. “As far as anyone knew, I was dead. I should have been dead. I was there for years before I got out.” He pulled his gaze away. “I couldn’t just walk back into your life after that,” he continued. “You were better off believing I was gone.”
“I was, or you were?” Link hissed.
“What would you have done?” Rusl snapped. “If I came back?”
Link narrowed his gaze on his father. “I would have destroyed them.”
This seemed to be exactly the response Rusl expected. His shoulders relaxed slightly. “And that’s why I didn’t come back.”
Link stared at his father. He opened his mouth to speak, but his sister’s voice caught his attention.
Link moved his gaze passed his father to where Aryll stood in the doorway of the barn. Her brows were furrowed as her gaze fell on the man that stood between her and her brother. After a moment, a wave of realization washed over her face.
Rusl hesitated, meeting Link’s angry gaze. He turned to look at his daughter over his shoulder and smiled at her. “Hey, Ary.”
Aryll ran to her father and jumped into his arms. It didn’t matter how much bigger she was since Rusl had last seen his daughter; he let her jump on him all the same and wrapped his arms around her. Aryll buried her face in her father’s neck and sobbed.
Link’s clenched jaw relaxed for the first time that day as he watched his sister and father together. Rusl kissed her forehead and she pushed herself away to examine him, as if to make sure he were real. Unlike Link, she didn’t once question her father’s appearance, but simply treasured the fact that he was alive and back in their world.
After a moment, Aryll turned her gaze to her brother, but Link’s hardened expression had softened. Aryll was grinning, wider than he had seen on her in a long time. However, her brows furrowed when her brother did not seem as overjoyed as she was.
“What’s wrong?”
Link shook his head. “Nothing.”
Aryll held her gaze on him a moment longer. She knew when he was keeping things from her, but in that moment, she didn’t particularly care. Her father was alive. Her family was whole again. She turned back to Rusl, grinning once more, though her vision had started to blur. She hugged him tightly again and cried quietly against him.
“Damn it, you’re not ten years old anymore,” Rusl said as he kissed her head.
Aryll laughed lightly. “Yeah, Dad, duh.”
Rusl pushed her away and this time, he seemed to inspect her. “Goddesses, I missed you grow up.” He wiped the back of his hand across his eyes.
“It wasn’t that exciting,” Aryll said with a grin.
Rusl frowned. He let his fingers brush her hair out of her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Ary.”
She hugged him again. “I know,” she said. “I forgive you.”
They didn’t pull apart until Link stepped around them, and without a word, left them alone in the barn.
Aryll stared out the doorway of the barn and frowned. She sniffed and wiped at her own tears. “Why… what… What’s his damn problem?”
“He has every right to be mad at me,” Rusl said.
Aryll’s brows knit together. “No, he doesn’t. Why can’t he just be happy? He’s a fucking idiot.”
Rusl smiled. “Um. Language.”
Aryll’s expression turned suddenly guilty, and Rusl laughed.
“That’s what happens when you leave me with that idiot,” Aryll muttered.
Rusl frowned. “Why aren’t you mad at me?”
Aryll met his gaze. “Because I know you didn’t have a choice.” She turned her gaze back out the door. “Just like Link.” She sighed softly and met her father’s gaze again. “He knows that, too. He’ll come around.”
“I’m not so sure,” Rusl said. “I’ve kept a lot of secrets from him.”
“Link thinks he can save everyone,” Aryll said. Her voice softened. “He’ll die trying.”
“Yeah,” Rusl muttered. “That’s what I’ve been trying to prevent.” He sighed. “I’m pretty sure the last conversation we had -”
“Was about my summer reading project before I started middle school.”
Rusl smiled. “You hated that book.”
“I set it on fire.”
“Link let you play with matches?”
“Please,” she said. “He didn’t let me do anything.” She shrugged. “You know how that goes. I turned into a rebellious teen.” She grinned. “I think I gave him a few strokes.”
“No wonder he’s so bitter.”
Aryll frowned. “Yeah.”
“You can go back to being six years old, now.”
“I would love nothing more,” she said. “I’d much rather be coloring or something.”
“Painting my toenails?”
Aryll grinned. “I’m guessing you didn’t miss that.”
Rusl hugged his daughter once more. “I even missed the stupid peanut butter and banana sandwiches.”
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 28
“What do you mean you can’t find him?” Zelda hissed. The Champions stood before her, looking equal parts guilty and worried. After searching for Link most of the morning, they opted to return to the city, hoping he had gone to talk to Zelda. Zelda’s reaction, however, proved how wrong they were. Hyrule’s Hero was officially missing in action.
Daruk cursed under his breath. “Son of a bitch,” he hissed.
“You were supposed to be keeping an eye on him,” Revali sneered at him.
“Shut your beak,” Daruk barked at him.
Mipha’s phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket. Aryll's name flashed on the screen and she answered it quickly. “Hey, what's up?”
“Mipha,” Aryll sobbed softly. “He's gone, Mipha. He left!”
Mipha's heart stopped. “What do you mean he left?”
Her voice shook as she spoke. “He left. He just left. Just a note. Gone.” She sobbed into the phone.
Mipha's eyes darted quickly around the room. “Okay,” she said softly. “Okay. Just stay there. We're coming.” She ended the call and stared at the floor for a moment.
“Mipha?” Urbosa asked carefully. “What happened?”
“He planned this,” she said softly.
“He went to the Yiga Clan,” Paya said. “I’m sure of it.”
The others nodded, sharing in her conclusion.
“We need to go,” Daruk said. “Now.”
“Listen to me,” Zelda hissed. “We can’t talk about this here. I don’t know if we can trust Impa, or even my father for that matter. Just bring him back alive.”
“It will take a day’s drive to get to the desert,” Mipha said. “And at least another day to walk through the desert, assuming we don’t get lost in the process.”
“That’s too long,” Revali said. He turned to Paya. “Can’t you poof us there?”
Paya hesitated. “I can,” she started.
“But, I can really only get you to the desert. Too close to their hideout, and they will be able to sense you all.” She shook her head. “And I can’t do it here in the city, either. Not without my grandmother knowing. I can meet you back at the ranch, but it probably won’t be until tomorrow.”
“We’d get there in the same damn time if we just drove,” Daruk said.
“We’ll be better off with Paya’s help,” Urbosa said.
Zelda nodded. “She can guide you through the desert. But right now, we’re under close watch from Impa.” She turned to Paya. “Meet them at the ranch tomorrow. Bring Link back.”
“I don’t like this,” Kit said, crossing his arms. “The longer we wait -”
“I know,” Zelda hissed at him. “But we don’t have a choice right now. My father has his men out hunting him right now. We can’t give him an clues that we know where he is. Understand?”
It wasn’t ideal, but the Champions agreed. At the very least, they would have time to prepare themselves, as they were sure infiltrating the Yiga Clan to find Link would not come without its battles.
It was near noon when Link finally reached the edge of the desert. He drove as far as he was able, stopping at the closest point he could get to the given coordinates. He continued on foot, taking the most direct route possible. The desert heat proved to be just as unbearable as before when he, Mipha, and Aryll made their escape. But he was determined to get as far as possible before the night brought on its chill.
To his relief, he was able to get through the desert before nightfall, now that he had a better sense of where he was going. The sun was just beginning its descent when he made his way over the mountain range and into the familiar valley where the Yiga Clan hideout lay.
He kept to the shadows as he walked along the cliffs, examining the area below. From the height he was it, it was nearly impossible to see just how to get in to their base. Not only that, but he didn’t have a very good layout of the base, either, except from what he could barely recall from their earlier escape. He didn’t have a clue as to where to plant the C4, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to scope the base so freely, searching for the perfect spot.
He thought, then, that his best bet would be to at least plant C4 near the entrance to the base. Worst case, he could block their way out, and with a little luck, threaten the integrity of the structure and cause a cave in. Of course, he would likely die in the process, but that was of little concern to him. He simply wanted to do as much damage as possible while he still had the chance.
Link set forth, beginning his descent down the cliff. The approaching night, however, left him straining to see as the dark settled upon the land. He was already hot, tired, and dehydrated, which didn’t help in the situation he put himself in. So it shouldn’t have surprised him when he stupidly tripped over a clustering of rocks and tumbled down the rest of the slope of the cliff. He groaned when he finally stopped rolling and struggled to push himself upright. He cursed himself for being so stupid, but he knew he couldn’t stop to rest. Time was not on his side, and he was too close to them now.
He got back to his feet and looked around. He couldn’t see much in the dark, but the light of the moon was enough to show him that he was off his original course. In fact, he had rolled down much further than he originally thought, and upon further inspection, he realized then that he would have to climb out of the hole he had apparently gotten himself into.
He quickly realized, however, that the hole was not merely an empty space in the ground. Instead, he seemed to be somewhere within the Yiga Clan base. He immediately recognized the banners that hung on the wall bearing the Yiga Clan emblem. The room he was in was open to the night sky, though covered by an overhang which offered the perfect covering for anyone who may have stumbled upon the valley. No one would have looked twice, as it seemed to move seamlessly with the rest of the landscape of the valley. But by some dumb luck, his stumble brought him right into the space between the overhang and the ground, sending him into the round room below.
Even better, he seemed to have gotten in unnoticed.
He wasn’t about to take advantage of his luck. He quickly set to work, scanning the room and working diligently to place the C4 he carried with him around the room. With enough there, he could easily cause a cave in and block one way out.
When he felt satisfied with his work, he decided to press on and explore the rest of the base. However, there didn’t seem to be any notable way in. He pressed himself against the wall in hope of keeping out of sight, should a Yiga soldier wander by, and he quickly inspected the room further. He noted the bottom corner of one of the banners fluttering lightly. With no breeze, that could have only meant that there was a space somewhere. He quickly moved to the banner, keeping himself pressed against the wall as he examined it. He lifted it carefully, but there seemed to be only the wall behind it. He pressed it carefully with his hand and noticed it give slightly. He slipped under the banner, pressed both hands against the wall, and pushed his weight against it, and the wall gave. It turned slightly and opened, and he quickly slipped inside.
To his relief, the next room appeared to be empty as well. It was smaller and seemed to be a sort of storage room. Various crates lined the walls, and a few weapons were laid out on some of the wooden tables. He eagerly selected one of the blades, then continued forward to the door on the other side of the room. Again, he pressed himself against the wall and peered around the corner.
The next room was not empty. In fact, it seemed to be a barracks of sorts, where many of the Yiga soldiers were gathered. Some were sleeping soundly, while others chatted amongst themselves. A radio came to life at that moment, and they fell silent as they listened to the staticed voice.
“... activity at the southern cliffs.”
The Yiga soldiers quickly sprang to their feet, grabbing their weapons and moving to wake their comrades. They hurried out of the barracks, leaving the room empty.
Link hesitated, waiting, listening. There was no way he could be so lucky. Clearly they were alerted to his stumbling down the cliff, but he didn’t think they would all up and leave the base just on that. He was sure that they were simply hurrying to their posts to keep guard around the base should he get in. Moving forward through the base would prove to be even more difficult with the entire Yiga Clan alerted to his presence.
A hand suddenly gripped his wrist hard while another moved over his mouth simultaneously. His arm was yanked backwards behind him, and for a moment, he thought his elbow would snap under the force. He shouted at himself internally for not noticing the damn Yiga that snuck up behind up. He struggled for a moment, but he was pushed forcefully into the wall, and a boot kicked at the back of his legs. His knees weakened slightly, almost buckling out from under him.
“Don’t make a damn sound,” an all too familiar voice hissed in his ear. Just as soon as his father spoke, his grip loosened on his son, and Link spun around to meet his father’s gaze.
“What the fuck,” Link muttered.
Rusl’s gaze narrowed on him. “The fuck did I just say?” He hissed.
Link continued to stare dumbly at his father, his mind racing.
“Idiot,” Rusl spat. He started to pace before his son. “I fucking knew you would be here. I fucking called it. And here you fucking are. This is fucking suicide, you know that, right?”
Link watched his father pacing, his mouth hanging open. It had to have been another hallucination. It was the only explanation.
“Snap out of it,” Rusl growled. He pushed Link back against the wall. “I would rather not have to drag your ass out of here, got it?”
Link nodded stupidly, still at a loss for words. No, that wasn’t completely true. He had many words he wanted to say to his supposedly dead father. Too many words. He didn’t know what he wanted to say first.
Rusl gripped Link’s shirt and pulled him forward. “Let’s go,” he hissed. “Get your head in the game or we’ll both be dead.”
Link opened his mouth to speak, but only uttered intangible nonsense.
“I’ll answer everything later, alright?” he said in a frustrated tone.
Link swallowed. His gaze hardened on his father, and he raised his gun.
Rusl’s eyes narrowed on his son. “What are you doing?” he hissed.
“You’re working with them.”
His gaze softened for a moment. “Don’t be an idiot,” he said. “Why would you think that?”
Link hesitated, the doubt flashing across his face in a moment of weakness, but he quickly regained himself. “I saw you,” he said through gritted teeth. “This is all you’re doing. You tried to have me killed!”
Rusl stared blankly at his son, then his gaze narrowed once more. “You really are an idiot. Put the fucking gun down; you’re not gonna kill me.”
Link’s expression softened as he studied his father. His arm relaxed, and he lowered the gun slightly. He didn’t know what to believe anymore. There was a chance that his encounter with him was just a hallucination. But was that a chance he was willing to take? Could he trust his father after all the years of lying?
He lowered his weapon completely, though his expression still showed that he was torn between his decisions.
“I don’t know what you think you’re doing here,” Rusl continued. He pulled his gaze away and looked around them. “But it’s suicide.”
“I know.”
Rusl glanced at his son angrily. “We don’t have time to waste,” he said, stepping forward. “Let’s move.”
Link followed his father as they ran as quietly as they could, keeping close to the wall and peering around corners as they navigated the Yiga base.
“Where are we going?” Link hissed.
Rusl pressed his back against the wall as he heard voices. “We’re getting out of here.”
Link readied his weapon. “No way,” he whispered. “I’m not done here.”
“Well I am,” Rusl snapped. “I’m not letting you do something stupid.”
Link opened his mouth to argue further, but his father suddenly threw himself against him and they both fell to the floor as a blade rushed passed, striking the wall behind them where it stuck. Rusl was pulling him up suddenly and they broke into a sprint to dash across the round room where Link first stumbled in. But as they neared their exit, Yiga foot soldiers flashed before their eyes, blocking their path. They quickly circled around them.
Link and Rusl stood back to back, their eyes darting around them as the Yiga soldiers closed in. Link could feel the familiar sensation of the darkness creeping up on him, clouding the edges of his mind. But instead of fighting it, he willed it to take over. If there was any chance of getting out alive, it would be to risk the change and give himself the power he needed. But before he lost himself completely, he used the last of his consciousness to push his father down onto the ground, praying silently that whatever happened after that, his father would be smart enough to stay out of his way. And then he was gone.
Link’s eyes flashed red. His gaze shot up to the Yiga soldiers around him. They were no longer closing in, hesitant as the change took over. They stepped back cautiously, and Link sprang into action. He thrust his palm to the ground, causing the world to tremble beneath their feet. The ground exploded suddenly, the force of the attack sending the Yiga flying backwards. Many of them, however, were quick to return to their feet, and they lunged at Link with everything they had. The first few Yiga came at him simultaneously with their weapons. Though he was quicker and stronger in his darkened state, he couldn’t possibly avoid their quick and sudden onslaught. He reached for the closest Yiga as they dropped on him, ripping the blade out of his hand and throwing him into the ground with a great force. He spun on his heels as a few of the other blades sliced across his body, but he brought his own blade with him, slicing upwards at his attackers. The Yiga that took the brunt of his attack dropped to the ground, then quickly sprang backwards as his blade came down once more on the other Yiga that had lunged at him.
When the first round of Yiga soldiers had cleared out of the way, the rest were quick to step in, relying not on their weapons, but instead resorting to their own powers. They rushed at him with incredible speed, and Link could only manage to avoid the first two before their hidden blades struck him as they rushed around him. Link thrust his palm to the ground once more, but the Yiga were quick to dodge his attack, lunging backwards and throwing their palms out toward him.
Their unified assault came in the form of tiny, shadow-like daggers that rushed toward Link suddenly. Unable to avoid the attack, the daggers tore through him, bringing him to his knees. But as he stumbled forward, he thrust his arm to the side, and the shadowed daggers came to a sudden stop as if hitting a wall. They dropped to the ground and instantly disappeared. Link pulled himself to his feet, but the darkness was starting to weaken. He thrust his palm out in one last attempt to pull all his power through him, and the Yiga soldiers were sent flying backward against the far wall. With his other arm, he mimicked their shadowed attack, and they dropped to the ground. Those that survived disappeared quickly, leaving Link and Rusl alone for the moment.
The darkness subsided suddenly and Link dropped to the ground. Without the energy from the dark power pulsing through him in his enhanced state, the wounds he had suffered became more severe, and he gasped from the sudden pain that washed through him.
Rusl dropped to his son’s side, pulling him upright. He caught him as Link drifted briefly into unconsciousness, and he groaned as he came to once more. Rusl pushed Link’s hair out of his face and searched his eyes, but they had turned back to their familiar blue. His eyes closed and his body fell limp in Rusl’s arms.
“No! Come on, kid,” he muttered as he held his son. “Stay with me.” His gaze hardened as Link returned to a conscious state and Rusl dragged him up onto his feet.
“I don’t even want to fucking know right now,” Rusl muttered, allowing Link to balance himself on him. For the moment, it seemed he would stay conscious. Hopefully long enough for them to escape. “Can you move?”
Link nodded weakly and pushed himself away from his father. He stumbled slightly, but otherwise moved forward, and Rusl quickly followed. They quickly made their way out of the Yiga hideout and into the valley of the desert, but their escape was cut short once more as several more Yiga soldiers appeared to surround them.
Rusl pushed Link behind him. His fierce gaze moved around the Yiga soldiers as they began to close in. There was nothing either of them could do to defend themselves, now. Their fate was at its end.
Dorian stood in the shadows of the high walls and mountains that surrounded the Yiga Clan hideout. His brows knit together angrily as he watched the Yiga soldiers surround Rusl and Link. He cursed them under his breath. “Fucking Hylians,” he muttered to himself. “You both will be the death of me.” He raised an arm, his palm out in their direction, and in a snap, they were gone.
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