c-aureus · 3 years
Checks watch: Ooh, look at that. It’s time for another rant. So. Wall of text incoming. So, has it occurred to anyone else that, of the 6 Zelda fighters that are in Smash Bros. Ultimate, 3 of them are Link, 2 of them are Zelda, and one is Definitely Not Captain Falcon? Here’s another fun thing to think about: Technically, we haven’t had an entirely new Zelda character introduced to the game since Melee was released in 2001.
TWENTY YEARS AGO. Yes, I’m aware that Toon Link came with Brawl in 2008 (which is still 13 years and 2 entire games), but even so. Toon Link was a direct replacement for Young Link in that he is a smaller, faster Link. Besides, they’re still the same character, with the same moveset. What I’m getting at here is that... I honestly think that the Zelda series has been kinda neglected for fighters in recent years/DECADES. Especially considering the saturation of certain franchises that shall not be named. And, it’s not as if the series is lacking characters. I honestly think that Midna deserved to be playable in Brawl, and Ghirahim deserved to be in 4. Sadly, at this point, I think that their moment has kinda passed, and they would never get in now. Especially since both are assist trophies. I’ve heard that apparently Toon Zelda was intended for Brawl, but even so... this is just worsening the problem of having not enough diversity. Like, the Zelda series has some amazing characters, that have definitely deserved spots. But, they’ve been passed over for some... underwhelming picks, let’s say. (Yes, I’m salty.) In case it’s not obvious, what I’m getting at is that I want more Zelda reps. Specifically, ones from a somewhat recently released Zelda game that, uh... was pretty good, y’know? Obviously, I’m talking about Triforce Heroes. Jokes aside, I’ve wanted a BotW rep in Ultimate since it was announced. I do not consider Link to be a specific BotW rep, since I think that he more represents the Zelda series as a whole, since his moveset, appearance, etc. are the same between incarnations. Aside from his clothes, and the remote bomb, he could be literally any other Link. And, if/when the next big Zelda game and Smash Bros. game come out, he WILL be any other Link. I honestly think that BotW was momentous enough of a game to warrant its own dedicated rep (or 4, in a Pokemon Trainer style format). This feeling is given infuriating hope by the fact that the Champions are not assist trophies, nor background cameos in the Great Plateau Tower stage. In fact, the only manner in which they feature is as 2* support spirits. I mean... I can’t be the only one who thinks that they’re better than that, can I? So, yeah. Champions for Smash. It makes sense in so many ways, which is why it’s going to be so crushing when they inevitably are not announced. I mean, I’d even accept a Mii costume, but I’d wager we’re not getting that either. Lol. Fuck me, I guess. To elaborate, between the 20 (or 13) year drought of Zelda reps, the significance of BotW, plus the design and nature of the Champions, as well as the fact that they have not been deconfirmed, or have barely any presence at all in Ultimate, I genuinely believe that this is a fitting, and awesome, character to have in the game. Alas, I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen. Although, if, by some unfathomable luck, it did, then I would never complain about Byleth, Corrin, Roy, Chrom or Min-Min ever again. Either way. Praise Sakurai. He has done such an incredible job with Ultimate, and that will always deserve recognition and praise. It sounds entitled as fuck to think that you can demand your favourite/preferred character(s) to be in a game that you love, however after seeing other people being genuinely ecstatic to get their favourite/preferred character in the game, there is no harm in wanting to experience that same kind of joy for yourself.
(Provided that you don’t start sending death threats about it. That’s trashy as fuck.) None of the (new) characters announced for Ultimate (or even Sm4sh) have really been ‘for me’ in the sense that I was hyped beyond words at their announcement, so I’m kinda just really holding out for a miracle, here. Alas, not everyone can be pleased, so there will always be those who will be disappointed. And, alas, it’s the hope that really kills ya. Can’t wait for the final DLC character to be a Gen 8 Pokemon. Sigh.
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