#I just think. I just think it would be nice for Neji to find comfort in Gai
hraishin · 2 years
everyone always talks about Gai and Lee's father-son relationship but we should talk more about Gai and Neji's father-son relationship because you can't tell me Gai saw a boy who like him lost his father at a young age and whose father was also wronged by the village (in Neji's case more by his clan than the village as a whole but it still stands) and NOT have silently adopted Neji in contrast with how loudly he adopted Lee
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How would Shikamaru,Neji, Sasuke react to Vampire s/o
A/n: i love vampires! Thanks for the request! I’m going to try a new format so bear with me. I also think this is the first time i wrote about Shikamaru. I’ve made shorter bullet points but with more concepts.
Characters: Shikamaru, Neji, Sasuke
Warning/content: mentions of blood, biting, gn reader, blood kink(maybe?),did I miss anything?
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Shikamaru Nara
♥ At first he didn’t know what to think, he always thought vampires were fake. After he found out he didn’t start treating you different, he didn’t care, like at all. It was very surprising for you. ♥
♥ He understands when you don’t want to go outside, contrary to popular belief you don’t burn in the sun, you just get a very uncomfortable rash. And hey if you don’t go outside then he doesn’t have to either.♥
♥ Since Shikamaru sleeps quite a bit and well you don’t, he’ll just wrap his arms around your waist and not let you up. He really loves holding you but will deny it when in company of his teammates; he has a reputation to uphold after all. ♥
♥ Does he let you bite him? Yes, yes he does, he knows you need nourishment and he doesn’t want you near anyone else, you’re his after all. But secretly he finds the feeling of you sinking your teeth into his neck arousing. ♥
♥ You really try to be careful whenever you’re feeding from him because you really don’t want to hurt him. He means too much to you. However there has been times when you went a little overboard and made him dizzy. He wasn’t very happy about that but he couldn’t find it in him to be mad after seeing how remorseful you looked. ♥
♥ If you don’t drink blood for awhile, you get moody and Shikamaru can’t help but tease you, knowing that his attitude might just get him pinned to the wall. ♥
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♥ He’ll be honest, he was kinda freaked out at first when he found out you were a vampire. He didn’t want you to feel bad but he felt uncomfortable. He knew it’d take some time to get used to. ♥
♥ Neji finds you fascinating, despite his original hesitation he couldn’t help but want to learn more about you and your experiences as a vampire. Once he got over his discomfort he’d ask to see your fangs like I said, he was fascinated by you. ♥
♥ Like Shikamaru he’s very understanding when you need sleep and how your sleep schedule is less than orthodox. He likes when you stay with him at night when you’re usually awake and just lay in bed with him while he sleeps. It makes him feel safe. ♥
♥ Does he let you bite him? At first it was a resounding absolutely not, as much as he loved you his fear still ran deep even if he didn’t show it. Before he got comfortable, your fangs made him nervous but after an awhile he opened up more to the idea and finally let you bite him. He enjoyed it much more than he’d confess.♥
♥ He understood your nature and the fact you could get a little too passionate sometimes and accidentally bite too hard. In order to not upset you he tries to suppress the pain he’s feeling but it’s evident all over his face. He was relieved when you apologized and licked the excess blood away. ♥
♥ As a vampire you definitely have mood swings, he’s fairly good at handling them by keeping calm and not turning it into something bigger than it needs to be, he gets that you can’t control it. ♥
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♥ He definitely wasn’t as freaked out as Neji, it intrigued him more than anything. Wasn’t a big fan of the idea of being bitten though, he’s seen horrible things so he didn’t mind you being a vampire. ♥
♥ He learns to appreciate your culture as a vampire and humor in your deep seated hatred of most vampire media for obvious reasons. He didn’t get much sleep at night so it was nice to have someone to stay up with him.♥
♥ As I mentioned, he enjoys your non existent sleep schedule because he doesn’t like to be alone at night. So the fact that you can stay up with him is amazing and relieving to him. It doesn’t matter what you two do together he just wants to be with you, no matter how much he denies it.♥
♥ Now the pressing question; does he let you bite him? Surprisingly yet unsurprisingly yes he does but not without hesitation the first few times, he’s not sure how he feels about the feeling of his blood leaving his body, it’s not like you’re rough with him but it’s still sharp objects piercing the skin. He gets that’s how you eat and is happy to supply.♥
♥ Now, he has a very high pain tolerance so truly you can bite him as hard as you want to an extent. Just *not* his curse mark, that’s a big no no for obvious reasons. But let’s say you bit him a little too hard, he’d flinch but wouldn’t say anything. He loves you and wants to help you as best you can.♥
♥ When you get grumpy, Sasuke can’t help but be amused by this development. Now he wouldn’t purposely try to make your life harder however when he gets the chance to tease you he will. It’s a way of showing affection.♥
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A/n: I hope this was okay! I tried a new format so tell me if you like it better than my other one and I’ll keep doing this one. Thank you Anon for the request I definitely had lots of fun writing this.
Tagging: @ssailormoonn @your-sexual-curiosities
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ayyyez · 2 years
Headcannon asks (2 of ??):
Domestic vibes w/ Sakura, Shisui, and Neji. What kinds of homey activities would each of them do w/ a partner? Any sort of ways they like to unwind at the end of a day? Like cuddles in bed, making tea and relaxing, *cough* sexy stuffs *cough*. Either canon, modern au, or etc.
Love your works as always, I read them and am like 'wow my friend is so talented wow look at what she did'. K byyeee
a/n: ohhhh is that a Mr Shisui I see? Some good choices I see here. Of course I can do these for youuuuu <3
Tags: domestic vibes, fluff, kissing, suggestive content at end of each nothing to detailed
Characters: Sakura Haruno, Shisui Uchiha, Neji Hyuga
Sakura Haruno
Definitely someone who needs to be convinced to relax sometimes as she has a tendency to overwork herself but also bring her work home. She honestly just doesn't stop! You need to pull her into the zen environment for both your sakes.
That being said she definitely is someone who finds comfort in the simple things with you. A nice cup of tea and a cuddle after a long day are exactly what she needs to unwind. Also can she bitch about people please? She needs to have a good vent. The two of you can vent if you need too as long as you listen to her she'll listen to you 100% you're a team.
It's a bonus if tea has some sort of treats with it. It's partner downtime AND treat time. And if you made them? Her heart MELTS. Even if you just bought them she thinks 'My partner did this for me?' Absolutely touched.
So that was the part you indulged her and she has recharged no it's reversal time. Wants to pay you back and help you unwind. She wants to cook you dinner (doesn't mind cooking it together) but loves to spoil you. Likes company when cooking. The talking continues, helps her to unwind honestly.
Is a taster through the process of cooking and loves to ask for you opinion too. 'Hmm I'm not sure, do you think this needs to be more spicy?' Holds the spoon out to you. Still gets warm over the idea of being domestic like this. Cheeks blushy as you taste her cooking. Appreciates your opinion no matter what it is.
Asking for seconds is the way into her heart honestly. The fact you like her food is just ahhhh. Tell her things you like about her food? Will jump you right there and then. Smooches and hugs. All over you. 'I appreciate you so much.' Just being seen makes her feel loved.
Big on bathing with you to unwind. Loves the intimacy of it and just holding and being held by the one she loves. Washing each other and carting her hands through her lovers hair is the dream. Ultimate relaxation until it's not and leads to other things.
Sometimes the path to unwinding with Sakura leads to the ultimated unwind in the bedroom. Towels forgotten on the floor, robes open, hands exploring and kissing so hard that you feel so hot. Maybe the bath should have waited until later.
Shisui Uchiha
Mr active, can't sit still for too long, go go go needs to be coaxed and sometimes bribed into relaxing, honestly. He's just so used always doing something that his mind is like always racing and going so he's following it for the ride. It takes you for a fun ride too.
That being said he does have his exhausted days and mornings where he likes to just cuddle. Cuddley mornings with Shisui aren't all docile and sweet though. Sometimes they're pinches and tickles and giggles.
It's biting your shoulder affectionately and nibbling your ear to get a chuckle out of you and watch you flail about while he holds you tight. It's laughing until your stomach hurts, the blanket long forgotten and kicked to the end of the bed while the sheet twists around each of your limbs.
It's rolling around the bed until one of you (or both if you cling to each other tight enough) falls out of bed. That's when it's time to call it quits. 'Mmm maybe time to get out of bed.' 'I think we just did.' 'Touché.' He kisses (then nips) your nose.
Unwinding in the evening for Shisui I can see being something like watching you prepare dinner. Watching the repetative motions of chopping and mixing just really helps him relax and unwind. But he can't watch for long he has to join in and help.
Not just help out but make it fun too and be an absolute nusance in the process. Flicking the bits of cooked rice that stick to his hands at you when he is put in charge of moulding the rice balls. Attempts to smear the rice vinegar goo on your cheek but you flinch in time with a gasp just as the tip hits your skin.
'Oh this is war!' You declare and he's gone, running around the kitchen in a circle giggling like a child as you chase him with the mayo based sauce. He relents of course and grabs you by the waist. It stops you but not enough as you smear a good goop over his face.
Instead of wiping it off he just smooshes his face against yours and shakes his head gently. The two of you scrunch your noses and laugh. It's a mess but it's fun. And you can taste the sauce on his lips when he kiss you. It's good.
Dinner is almost forgotten as the two of you kiss and kiss. Making out on the kitchen floor. You push him back onto the conveniently placed rug a few feet away and latch yourself onto his neck. He moans, hands coming to pull your waist down against him. Onto him. Mmm this is good.
He laps the remainder of the sauce from your face, his hands exploring up your shirt, fingers splayed over the skin of your back. You push his own shirt up. Kissing down his chest. Down, down further until mm and there's a delicious moan pulled from him as his hands find your hair.
That's when the pot boils over and your remember dinner. Shit. Gotta get up and turn the stove off before you finish.
Neji Hyuga
Mans has spent his whole life chasing that zen but there's always something in the way. There's always something giving him the BIG STRESS lmao. He needs to unwind and you really gotta be the one to help him out before he snaps.
Big on the tea and definitely has his own routine of coming home and drinking a cup just to detox the day. Likes to just have a bit of quiet at first. Has gotten into the habit of making one for you if you're home too, a sweet invitation for you to join him in his bubble. He wants you in his world.
After that he doesn't mind talking. Wants to know about your day, doesn't mind sharing his. Little bits of small talk that lead to the deep intimate talk. Just existing together in a way he never thought he would with another person is intimate for him and it makes him feel so sappy.
Kind of leads him to the physical side of things. Wants the touches and the cuddles. Kind of just falls against you in his PleaseHoldMeSoIKnowThisIsReal Neji way. And you do. It's cuddle time. Sometimes that's all it is. Just cuddles and gentle affirmations.
Other times it's a little more. It leads to kissing. Soft at first. Just gentle reminders that the two of you love each other and aren't going anywhere. But when they deepen. There's a fierceness in them a spark ignites and suddenly he's back against the couch and you're on top of him.
It's almost like your down right ready to devour him. You're kissing his jaw, his neck and he is moaning your name. His hands are in your hair. You both want more. Need more. Crave more.
It leads to more sometimes. Other times it's just a quick burst of passion and nothing more.
Afterwards the two of you continue the night together. A little closer than before. Cooking dinner with extra touches than necessary. Stealing extra kisses between prep steps. Grazing touches as you pass the utensils at the table.
There's no way you can shower alone after that. Everything in an evening like this remains close and together. Right up until the moment the two of you fall asleep in bed, limbs wrapped around each other. Completely content and taken by each others presence.
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sssusuki · 1 year
Would just like to announce to the JJ fandom that I never realized until my fourth (FOURTH!!!) Playthrough how similar each character is to eachother.
SPOILERS FOR SOME ROUTES! (Not Kai's and Neji's obviously because I haven't done them yet—)
Fugio is obsessed with Chichi and has been for a very long time now, and yet besides this he had never been found out until the very end and when Fugio goes to repent, we never know how his feelings are resolved or if he ever loses interest. Sou's whole reasoning to going to Univeil was because of Kisa, and the others don't realize his feelings towards Kisa until after Oh Rama, Havenna and that's why Mitsuki is originally chosen as Al Jeanne, because they realized the extent of Sou's feelings for Kisa and wanted to atleast make it a bit less obsessive until that was thrown out the window by Sou figuratively trying to throw the performance. In the end he learns how to control himself and not discount others for Kisa similar to how Fugio repents and invites Jire with him, the very man he was fighting with when courting Chichi.
Miguel is IN LOVE LOVE with Rukiora, that much is obvious. In Fumi's ad-libbing of Miguel, he speaks of spending his nights awake thinking of Rukiora before he is forced to sleep. Alongside this, Miguel puts in flippant flirting with his true feelings to Rukiora. This completely mimics Fumi and how it's revealed that he has wanted Kisa the entire time and how he was mixing stupid flirting with his real flirting. And you know what happens in the end? Miguel gets enough money to move back to his home. Fumi graduates and gets a place to live in for the Tamasaka theater, not including how he resolves his family situation after Oh Rama, Havenna just like how Miguel went back to his family. Except Miguel didn't get the girl and Fumi does.
Shirota... oh my goodness the implications. Rukiora is probably the only character who genuinely doesn't know Chichi's lies and still cares for Chichi. She will go out of her way for Chichi, as shown in singing another song because of Chichi, and even gets mad at herself when she feels betrayed for Chichi lying to her. Shirota, while not such a happy go lucky person like Rukiora, he cares for Kisa immensely. He gets protective when Minorikawa gets a little too comfortable with Kisa and always accounts for Kisa. He is the person who is constantly watching her and making sure she is okay, as shown in the summer when he noticed she wanted to swim but for some reason couldn't and so instead they both find shelter in a nice cave that reflected the water. Another similarity is how Shirota feels betrayed by Kisa in at least two of the affection events, but still cares for her. He feels betrayed because Kisa doesn't trust him even though Kisa has helped him, and so now he wants her to rely on him. He is upset she can't trust him, similar to how Rukiora feels betrayed because of the lack of truth with Chichi. However, both end the same with Rukiora and Shirota forgiving Chichi and Kisa and it ends happily. The final scene with the priest even makes sense as well! Shirota forgives Kisa, like how Chichi is forgiven by Rukiora, but Kisa and Chichi continue to lie. However, now with the way it's framed, with Shirota knowing Kisa's secret and being okay with her lying, it feels more like Rukiora knows and actively accepts this fact about Chichi like Shirota who knows Kisa's secret and still lets her lie. He no longer feels betrayed by this fact, and he even admits after the performance that he knew for awhile, but was more hurt by the fact that Kisa didn't trust him with that information, which puts Rukiora into even MORE perspective. Rukiora says when Miguel lies about the Bakuu cookie being Mugwort flavor that at least he was being honest, indicating that if Chichi came out with the truth instead of having it forcefully come out, Rukiora probably wouldn't have felt so betrayed. I could go forever on this character haha
Suzu, while I haven't completed his route yet, is almost an open book in this. The biggest thing of note is how his feelings are kept so far away from Chichi. Jire cares for Chichi, loves her even, but never actively shows it until it blows over in his face. So far, Suzu seems to have liked Kisa for awhile, but has constantly pushed it down and away, constantly keeping it out of his— and by extension Kisa's— reach. Similar to how Jire doesn't let Chichi know his feelings till the very last moment. Also interesting to note the dynamic of both Jire and Fugio, because they are complete opposites to Suzu and Sou but if you look a little closer they are very much similar. Fugio is a showman first and foremost, but underneath lies heavy love and even heavier obsession, and that is Sou. Despite Sou being awkward and shy and nervous, in the final performance he can break out of it and become someone he is confident to be, and that is a showman. Now Jire, Jire layers his feelings with other things, hides and squashes it because he doesn't want to have hive feelings blown back into his face by a rejection because he knows he has nothing to offer Chichi, and that is Suzu. Suzu however is bright and cheerful and definitely shows his emotions, yet he also buries them. He likes Kisa but can't admit it to himself, he suspects Kiss is a girl but can't come to terms with that. He layers these feelings with training and cheer and jokes, because at the end of it all he is scared to lose what he has with Kisa. He cares for her, likes her, and doesn't want to ruin that friendship with her during Oh Rama, Havenna. It's also really interesting how often Jire and Fugio butt heads, especially because Sou and Suzu aren't like that unless you count the Fall Performance, which is where I bet Neji definitely got inspiration. However if you take into account how both of them like Kisa, and both of them are first and foremost worried about Kisa when they have a falling out, it makes a bit more sense. Anyways I love all of these kiddos and I will do something more indepth with Suzu when I finish his route (HOPEFULLY SOON!!!!)
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alybur635 · 9 months
NejiNaru it's a pretty cute & sweet couple, but Im curious, Why do you like this shipp & amoung the other Naruto's ships it's your favorite one?
*heavy breathes*
I like them a normal amount as you can see. And yea they are my favorite ship, my otp, the ship ever to me!
Why do I love this particular Naruto ship? Well my brain latched onto this ship first before I even considered the other Naruto ships I liked (like kakagai), no joke. Them being a bit of a rare pair brings me pain tho cause half of the time i feel like I'm talking into an abyss w/ like 4 other people about em but what can you do haha.
NOW for the reasoning for this ship? I for one think they complement eachother in a way that isn't overbearing, if that makes sense? Neji's more stoic mellow personality blends nicely with Naruto's more upbead louder one in an almost perfect manner. Like yea those clash a bit, but not in such a way that hurts the relationship.
Both of them would also just get eachother in terms of curse marks and what they brought for the two. And I find that the mutual understanding over that and the support they would give eachother endearing. I mean c'mon Neji being there for Naruto so he wouldn't have to feel lonely or judged solely because of the tailed beast? Naruto comforting Neji and reminding him he's more than what his clan and mark dictates him to be? Reminding him that his destiny isn't set in stone? A tier stuff to me!
I mean Naruto was the one who opened Neji's eyes and pulled him out from his own darkness. Neji himself during the Sasuke retrieval arc literally tells him that and is shown having a great regard for Naruto and what he's done for him, you cannot tell me the Neji didn't at least have a bit of a crush on him.
I love em okay? They would absolutely understand and support eachother whenever needed. I can just *see* the vision and I almost feel my explanation isn't quite enough to convey why I love em sm,,,
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edai-crplpnk · 6 months
i wanna know your thoughts on the kankuro rarepairs you don't really write for or even talk about much, so any prompt(s) of choice for kankusai, kanklee, and/or nejikank?
Ooh those are hard.
I never write Neji because, I don't know, I dont have him figure out and I haven't found the angle through which he would interest me. (I'm not saying he isn't interesting! But we haven't clicked yet.)
I do really like Kankurou and Tenten as a friendship, so I'm thinking maybe when Kankurou is in Konoha they spar every so often? Neji lives AU. Kankurou doesn't know Neji much, just to the extend that he's part of the Konoha 13 so they are vaguely appointed. But maybe he sees him around at times and I mean, he's a little pretty. He could ask Tenten if he's free. She might be excited about the gossip potential of seeing all of this unfold so she encourages it.
Or maybe Neji's having a rough time because of som clan shit or idk and Kankurou asks Tenten "Is you're teammate okay? He's been looking stressed out lately." and she explains a bit and Kankurou goes for a chat and offer a spar to Neji to distract him for a bit. After all Kankurou's not foreign to councils and heirs bullshit haha.
I had never thought about them and it's a bit hard to imagine I think because I ship GaaLee too much haha. (But then again I do ship KankuShika extensively, so that shouldn't stop me.)
I imagine Lee being over in Suna and sparring with Kankurou, and he's very enthusiastic about it because he is who he is, giving advices and praising Kankurou for good moves while they spar. And it's pissing Kankurou off that Lee is so much better than him that he has the time to do that while fighting 😂 Lee would be like "That was a great parade Kankurou-san!" while counterattacking with no struggle and Kankurou feels a little taken pity on. Lee is genuine, of course, but well, it's not rubbing Kankurou's ego the right way. He needs to come back to Lee for something he can win this time and flatter his self esteem with a bit. Maybe that thing is flirting, who knows?
I have an AU I have never written for yet that among others includes KankuSai. It's mostly a BDSM smut AU with Kankurou as a Dom. Sai's non-binary and not super experienced. They're the one of Kankurou's partners that he is the most gentle with. It's mostly a work of proving them that they are very much desirable and that there is no need to overpass their boundaries and do things that they're not comfortable with or that make them dysphoric to find ways to 1 feel good themselves 2 make a partner feel good.
For a more canonverse thing, I can actually also see it with Sai being the most proactive one in them getting together! Trying to hit on on Kankurou and his technique is probably... You know. Sai. At times too blunt, at times convoluted in an obscure way because he's read that in a book. And at first Kankurou is wondering if he's just making fun of him and is pretty confused by the whole thing, but eventually he decides to give it a try. After all he does have that much to loose. At worse it'll be weird between them but it's already weird, so. And it goes well! Sai is actually a bit funny and nice an interest, even if his communication is not always easy to understand. So they do it again and eventually I suppose become a thing.
Thanks for the question! Two Kankurou ship I haven't posted about but would like to are also KankuHina and KankuSaku 🤔 I should also write more KankuChou.
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lavender-long-stories · 11 months
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Spoilers for Lavender Letters Chapter 1
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It seems like we joked a little too close to the sun, my friend.
For context to anyone reading this Nari (@nikandrros) came up with the concept of this story while talking about Hidan and Hinata's relationship in Lavender Clouds. I have done several Akatsuki Character x Hinata stories since and the question was basically 'When is Hidan getting one?'
We started joking about it until I had too much plot for it to be a joke anymore. Everyone, thank her for her unhinged.
I know I already told you but I'm going to say it again: RATED M FOR MURDER!!!!!!!
This is a tag on originally a tag on the AO3 story because I thought it was funny. It's not rated M for mature themes, just the murder.
I love and I live for every single Neji you write because all of them are such grandmothers
Neji is the nosey older brother we all need in our lives.
"She had long since learned to read chicken scratch, or maybe he just got better with time." Yes, give me Hinata getting snarkier and snarkier after every interaction with Hidan, I so want to see it.
Hinata on a new brand of done with his shit before the ever meet in person.
I love Hidan's character because being either canon or fanon, I never know if he is insane or very, very sane. It fits him being insane if you're thinking about it like a normal person, but it also fits his personality to be very aware of everything and decide to go apeshit just because. Is he actually insane for thinking what he is doing is okay? This is a nice topic to think about and analyse, I think. Anyway, I stand with Hinata's canceled husband.
Hinata's canceled husband. XD
I actually like to think I got a nice blanced of Hidan being an unhinged weirdo and endearing as a male lead. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it.
I think it's cute how Hidan waits for Hinata's letters like a dog waiting for the owner.
He wants attention too. Murder boi wants his letters damn it.
"He didn’t really care how she looked. It would make the mental picture more complete." Peak long-distance relationship dynamic, if you ask me.
Is this my long-distance relationship trope fic?
1. She already knows the worst of him, everyone knows the worst of him, but at least she isn't actively trying to fix him. And this is something I always say means love, that when someone knows you at your worst and about how horrible you can be and still chooses you, it means something. Not having to impress or scare someone off really lifts something off of you, I think. It's nice to be seen and tolerated, if not accepted.
I don't really like the 'I can fix him.' I very much prefer the 'he will fix himself when he find something worth it' or 'I love him the way he is. even if he is a pain in the ass'
They talked a lot. A lot, a lot. They talked so much Hinata could print a fucking book if she wanted. And Hidan just let it happen ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It seems the prude girl is getting to you, Hidan.
At what point did he think he was in too deep?
"Kakuzu liked one thing in life, money. It’s what got him in prison in the first place. An embezzlement case. He wasn't embezzling. He killed the man embezzling from him." Can't say he was wrong so I won't say it :D
Embezzlement -> murder pipeline
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Lavender Letters Pairing: Hidan x Hinata Rating: M for Violence and Strong Language
Description: Hinata signs up for a prison pen pal program and is assigned to Hidan, a serial killer known for his brutal murders. Hinata becomes friends with him despite his crass nature. And, oh yeah, they kill her father.
Tags:  Romance  |  Fluff and Angst  |  Hurt/Comfort  |  No Relationship Abuse  |  Happy Ending  |  Alternate Universe - Modern Setting  |  Prison Pen Pals  |  Serial Killer
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sasukesun · 2 years
it does sound like i said sakura and jiraya are on the same level as gaara and i don't think sakura is a true friend at all. but i am confused about how exacly to label jiraya or sakura because naruto does have some moments with them and likes them, at least jiraya, his death was a big loss to him even if he was treated badly. they do kind of hang out with him a lot in the manga and i wouldn't say he feels nothing toward sakura, it's kind of hard to explain. sasuke, iruka and gaara are the most genuine bonds he has with sasuke being the most important
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lol okay anon, no problem. i understand that it’s difficult to explain, i find it so too… i think naruto has more consideration for sakura and kakashi because they are on the same team, but when you pick on meaningful interactions it really looks like naruto has better relationships with other people. my personal favourite that isn’t sasuke or iruka is sai tbh, it’s not only hilarious but it has some genuine nice moments, when they talk about bonds and all, when sai has the consideration to acknowledge that they rely on naruro too much, unlike sakura and kakashi. even though naruto treats konoha people basically the same way, keeping them at certain distance, not letting them get involved and taking responsibility, even though he had to change people’s minds about him, i just see that it’s more interesting or more genuine with shikamaru and neji for example than with sakura tbh. naruto and neji have their own moment in part 1, we have shikamaru working together with naruto, comforting him after jiraiya’s death, also acknowledging that they rely on naruto too much, while in sakura’s case… he saved her multiple times and became the village’s hero… it’s just generic to me and they have no nice bonding moments, like really meaningful personal stuff and basically what unites them is sasuke. and there’s also the overall jealousy she feels towards him. honestly i’m just talking more of the same i’ve discussed in this ask. i don’t see them as friends at all, comrades is a better word. and despite sai, shikamaru and neji being comrades as well, i see a more interesting and genuine relationship between them and naruto than between sakura and naruto and more potential (i hate this word but i have to use it here) of evolving their comradeship to friendship as well. now kakashi… i believe it’s kinda similar to sakura in the sense of naruto having to prove himself and caring about him but better because kakashi isn’t jealous of naruto and you can see at some point that he genuinely believes in him and is proud of him… i would say kakashi is this weird distant uncle to naruto
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feather-rose · 1 year
Nice pants.
(Cafee Konoha.)
Sai: Um, do you know where I can find a phone booth?
Ino: Oh Yeah! There's one towards the toilets's section, through the hallway.(Points up the back and right behind the couch to where Neji was sitting with the basketball while Sasuke was trying to read a red book, Little Women with a frustrated frown. While Shikamaru was sipping a his coffee far away from the couch, onto his own table.)
Ino: Need a coin?
Sai: I've got one, into my sock, here.
And brought up his leg onto the the edge of the couch, where it left Neji quite and nearly surprised as his eyes went wide.
The guy was wearing short shorts but with no underwear!
And that was quite close to his eyesight here. Oh man!
He pushed or more leaned himself to Sasuke's back in order to avoid Sai's 'private parts.'
Which the last Uchiha had found odd as he dropped his book and sighed, annoyed as he felt an sudden pression to his back.
Sasuke(Annoyed): What are you doing? Just because your cousin married my best stupid friend, doesn't mean we have to be that close..(Shoves him away with a push as Neji quckly shuts his eyes with disgust.)Get back to your side--Oy yeah--Hello!
The idiot had finally caught it.
Oh man! Seriously? Sasuke's eyes were petrified by the sight as he waved off Sai or more his junk. Now I know why Hyuuga went onto my back..
The guy had no underwear! Oh crap!
Sasuke: Hi, I'm Sasuke.( Shakes Sai's hand, as he was grinning, wide but uncomfortable.)
Sai(Totally confident): I'm Sai!
Neji: Neji..And you're the guy with no underwear on..
Shikamaru: Shikamaru, dude.
Sai: Nice to meet you, guys! (Then walks away to go to the toilet. Leaving the boys snickeredly laughing.)
And to Ino whom retrieved her coffee and exchanged a weird look towards the three guys laughing.
Ino: Man, what are you laughing? What's going on?
Shikamaru wipped off his eyes while Sasuke and Neji kept on laughing like idiots.
Ino: Um, guys..
Shikamaru: No worries.
Sakura(Leans over Ino's ear as she held cabaret with two coffee mugs and whispered.):If Sasuke and Neji are laughing together in the same room, I'd be worried if I were you, Ino. I'd think the world would be ending..
And leaves to see the costumers, much to the boys delight.
Sasuke(Gives a teasing puch onto Neji's shoulder, when he heard Sakura's reply.): Hey! We're not making a war, right?
Neji: Not with you, though! You wouldn't last! (He wipes off a tear from his eye.)
Sasuke: Not you, either!( And he cracked even harder!)
And the boys kept laughing, too much for Ino's confused sight as she sat down between the two guys who were holding theirs stomachs as they were in pain.
Ino(Looking confused, still): Why, you don't like Sai?
But the two boys kept laughing on her question.
Ino: Guys--
Shikamaru(Waved off with a hand, still grinning.): Calm down, Ino. There's no need to be tasty!
Neji and Sasuke: No way!(They laughed off again! A Hyuuga and a Uchiha laughing together. The world had gone insane!)
Ino(Getting impatient): Guys!
Neji(Tried to calm down as he put a hand over his chest and tried to sound a bit serious, now.): I'm sorry. We're sorry..It's just that Sai isn't concealed through the shorts area as one may hoped...You get it, right?
Ino(Suspicious): What the heck do you mean?
Sasuke: I'll show you..(Still grinning.)
Sai walks in the scene, much to her shock.
Sai: Hi ya! (Walks again back to the scene and sat onto the sofa at Neji's left side.)
Sasuke: Hey, Sai. Could pass me up the cookies?
Sai: Yeah, sure!( Lift himself up and lean over the table to the get the cookies as Ino blushes hard at the sight when she watched him stretch out his legs. While Sasuke thanked him with a smirk.)
Sai: So? Wanna game?(Getting too much comfortable here much to everyone here.)
Neji: Sure.(As he looked away when his fingers made the ball move.)
While Ino was too stunned to say anything back as she looked away with a hand to cover her mouth.
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narhinafan · 1 year
No matter how many years have passed I still can't not say that I do not hate the Tenchi Bridge Arc but most of all the missed opportunity to develop NaruHina it was the perfect Arc to develop their relationship further obviously a few changes would have to be made for it to work but I do think it would have improved the arc tremendously cuz in my opinion I don't think the arc is good at all but I'm mostly talking about the wasted opportunity of developing NaruHina. Imagine for a second Hinata went with team 7. Kishimoto could have developed their relationship so much easier and effectively and one way you could have solidified Naruto and Hinata's relationship is having her see him transform to his four-tailed state.
Let's say Naruto accidentally hurts her in this state and she gets captured this would make Naruto feel even worse when Yamato scolds him for using the nine-tails power because because he harmed Hinata. Having her be captured would also raise the stakes of the arc and when they get reunited they have a moment where Naruto is scared that she would reject him this could have built their relationship even further where she reassures him that she already knew or it doesn't matter to her.
You can even give them a few moments here and there in the Arc and afterwards as well. I'm limited what I can type because I can't because I know you don't want to read an essay but I feel like this Arc could have easily helped them get closer and with Hinata learning about his secret early on
Tenchi Bridge is my least favorite Arc in all of Naruto but there's other reasons but such a waste opportunity not to develop Naruto and Hinata's relationship here I will never not think that.
I know what you mean, do you remember the anime ending which has Hinata hugging four tails Naruto we could have gotten that. Honestly I think it would be hard to include Hinata since I still want Sai in the picture, but it is possible since we saw a team of five ninja sent out before.
Hinata could have gone for recon and the Byakugan would help keep taps when Kabuto was approaching the fake Sasori. Also I feel Hinata could have helped with Sai as she would understand him a lot better then Sakura could.
At the same time it would have been amazing to see a scene where Naruto hits Sakura away, but he stops when he is about to Hinata. Since Hinata has only ever been nice to Naruto and was the one that uplifted him with her proud failure speech years ago I can totally see her having a untouchable position in his heart that even Dark Naruto is fond of her as one of the only people to never expressed any form negativity towards him. Plus it would be a great way to foreshadow Kurama's negative emotion sensing as Hinata even when facing an out of control Naruto would still be pure and not have a shared of negative emotions towards Naruto hence four tails Naruto stops as he doesn't feel any threat from Hinata and she calms him down. A scene I really loved to see is Naruto hugging him around the neck like the ending, but instead of her instantly burning like Orochimaru's snakes Naruto's cloak quickly powers down so while she still gets burned its not nearly as bad cause Naruto doesn't want to hurt her.
Also her finding out about the Nine Tails would have been a great way for them to get closer or at least have Hinata talk to Naruto about it. I always hated how Kishimoto just brushed off and have everyone just get told about his secret and the miss opportunity for bonding and comfort from many of his friends. Like I could see Sakura having doubts about Naruto or unsure after finding that till Ino or Hinata talked sense into her. Naruto could have had a talk with Hinata where he gets accepted despite the fox and he can show his weaker side to her just like before the Neji fight.
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animeomegas · 2 years
I feel like Neji, Itachi, Shikamaru, Barbatos and Lucifer would appreciate a massage when they're pregnant from their alpha the most.
Yes, they absolutely would!
Neji adores getting his feet rubbed. He will happily doze or do some reading on the sofa while his alpha rubs his feet. The pregnancy takes more of a mental toll on Neji more than anything else. He tracks his health meticulously, every calorie, every movement of the pup, every glass of water, everything, and that starts to weigh on him. But a nice foot massage? Yes, that takes his mind off things for a while. (Although there's a 1/5 chance that he'll get turned on seeing his alpha kneeling at his feet, soooo)
Itachi... hmm, I think he'd like a back rub more than anything else. His pregnancy is brutal on his body; he always feels sick and achy, he's exhausted and he loses a dangerous amount of weight. I just get the vibe that he'd prefer the closeness of cuddling and back rubs more than anything else. Also, he doesn't feel as guilty for falling asleep while getting back rubs because that's kind of the point of them, they're supposed to feel comforting, but he feels guilty if you go out of your way to set up a massage and then he falls asleep.
Shikamaru. He milks his pregnancy for everything it's worth, so his new addiction to massages should come as no surprise. And he wants all different sorts: head, hand, feet, back, shoulder etc. He's never sated. If you complain he reminds you that he's permanently changing his body and going through immense pain for you, and the least you can do is support him, and he wants you to support him by giving him a massage.... now....
Barbatos loves massages. Not that you'd be able to tell, the way he refuses to let you give him one without a serious battle. He always thanks you for the offer but turns it down?? But he loves them?? Make it make sense. I think once he's so pregnant, even he has to start toning back on his work, that's when he's most willing to say yes. If you do convince him, he finds it very pleasant and he says so, directing you to the parts he likes the most (normally his shoulders and back.) He always repays the favour in some way, no matter how much you tell him he doesn't need to.
Lucifer, if you're far enough into the relationship that he's carrying your pup, will agree without hesitation with a smile and a quiet 'thank you'. The pregnancy wears on him more than he'll admit, but a nice massage lets him turn off his brain and feel relaxed for a little while. He's very picky about the scents for the oils you use though, so if you don't have one he likes, he'll turn it down. Shoulder and neck massages are his favourite. They can hurt sometimes, but he feels 100x better after you finish.
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
Ppg Naruto, Neji and Sasuke ( maybe along with itachi too) with canon Naruto, Neji and sasuke
Or canon Neji, Naruto and Sasuke with Reina, Kushina and Mikoto
Kushina and Naruto:
“Mom, mom, it’s okay,” Naruto said. “You don’t have to cry.” He gave her a wobbly smile. “I turned out okay, didn’t I?”
“Yes you did, and I’m so proud of you, but…but you shouldn’t have been all alone through all that!” Kushina hiccuped, both arms thrown around him. “Even if Minato and I couldn’t have been there for you, you should’ve had people…oh, I am going to kill Jiraiya—”
“Pervy Sage isn’t that bad,” Naruto defended Jiraiya weakly.
The look on Kushina’s face could have felled an S-rank ninja.
“Pervy Sage? Are you telling me that pervert— I swear to god, if he ever touched you—”
“No, no, nothing like that!” Naruto said hastily. “He just likes to peep on women, that’s all!”
Judging by Kushina’s answering expression, that really wasn’t helping Jiraiya’s case.
“It looks like I’m going to have words with your godfather,” she said, a tight smile on her face. Thank god she hasn’t listened to Minato and had asked Sakumo to be Naruto’s godfather instead. “But anyway, let’s talk about happier topics! How do you feel about ramen?”
The tight knot in her chest loosened a fraction at Naruto’s answering beaming smile. It was nice to know that some things, at least, never changed.
Mikoto and Sasuke:
Mikoto’s never been much of a crier. She’s well aware that on her team, she’s considered the unemotional one. The logical one. She’s the strategist of the group— it’s her job to make decisions without letting feelings get in the way.
Right now though, an alternate (sadder, lonelier, grief-stricken) version of her son in her arms, she can’t seem to stop crying.
It’s ludicrous and she hates herself for it, hates herself for not being able to make things right, hates the alternate version of herself for not being able to protect either of her sons, hates herself for not being able to take away Sasuke’s pain.
“I’m sorry,” she says, even though it’s her belief that apologies are almost as useless as tears. “I’m sorry for not being able to be there for you.”
She feels his hands settle on her back, pulling her into a hesitant embrace.
“You’re here now,” is all he says.
It’s not quite forgiveness, but…it’s a start.
Reina and Neji:
As he looked at the woman who was his…mother in another lifetime (and how strange, the concept of having a mother. He’d never known his), Neji felt something heavy settle in his stomach like a stone.
“Is…is something wrong?” He asked, hating how hesitant his voice is.
Did I do something wrong?
He’d been ecstatic— beyond ecstatic— to see his father again. To talk to him again. To hear him say he was proud of Neji, of the man and shinobi he’d become, that he was so happy to have him as a son.
Then he’d turned to Reina, and Reina…Reina had taken one look at him and her face had closed off, expression eerily blank save for the sudden coldness in her eyes.
Reina blinked, the ice in her eyes thawing as she turned back to look at him.
“What? No!” She exclaimed. “I was just—” Her eyes flashed, before she took a deep breath. “I was just…preoccupied by my thoughts for a moment. Forgive me.”
She smiled hesitantly at him. Neji studied her face carefully, unable to find any trace of that terrible, ice-cold fury from before.
“Let me start over?” She asked, voice gentle. “I’m Reina. You can call me Reina or Mom, whatever you’re comfortable with. I…I am so, so happy to meet you, Neji.”
Neji swallowed. There was an uncomfortable ache in his throat.
“It’s good to meet you too,” he murmured, tongue feeling heavy and awkward. He frantically tried to think back to Tenten’s lectures on social niceties and what you were supposed to say to people when you first met them. “Would— would you like to get lunch together?”
“I’d love to,” she said warmly. Neji felt his shoulders relax a fraction. “But first things first.” Her gaze drifted upwards. “How do you feel about getting that seal off your forehead?”
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Team Gai Week Day 2
A New Path Forward
Prompt: Bonding
Characters: Hyuga Neji and Maito Gai
Words: 1143
Edited by: @kyu-pine 💜💜💜
He’d lost.
Against all odds, Hyūga Neji has lost his chunin exams fight against Uzumaki Naruto. A nobody with no Kekkei Genkai or special talents. His head was still reeling. No matter how hard he tried to make sense of it, he couldn’t. Even that terrifying red chakra he had seen leaking out of the other boy's body didn’t explain how he had lost. If anything it only left him with more questions. 
“Don’t allow one lost battle to weigh on you so much,” his Sensei settled into the seat at his bedside, placing a bag by his feet while he got comfortable. “We all lose battles. Even the best Shinobi can find their match in unexpected places.”
The words sound nice, but they do little to mend Neji’s broken ego. The only thing he could think of was training. Improving himself so that this kind of insult never happened again.
“Neji,” there’s a harshness in his Sensei’s voice that he doesn’t expect. A tone that forces him to forget about everything weighing on his mind and focus on the older man. “I mean what I said. All you will do by dwelling on it is drag yourself down.”
“It’s easy for you to say,” he bit back with a little more force than intended. “You’ve been the underdog fighting to prove yourself. I’m not an underdog. I’m a genius and genius’ don’t lose.”
No response followed. His Sensei simply sat there staring at him with kind eyes. Not a single judgement passed his lips even after Neji’s harsh words. He knows that there are things his Sensei wants to tell him, but he kept them to himself for the moment. Allowed Neji the opportunity to vent. Scream if he wanted, and oh how wished he could take up that silent offer. It would feel so much better than trying to ignore the shame swirling around inside of his chest.
“How do you do it?” he asked, shoulders slumping in defeat.” How do you keep going when it feels like everything is against you?”
His family.
His clan.
His village.
No matter how much praise they threw his way for his genius, it all felt empty. Like they weren’t seeing Neji as he truly was.
A kid standing on his own against a world that always seemed to be against him. Pushing him down, ensuring there would always be something in his way to stop him from reaching his full potential no matter how hard he tried.
Finally, after what felt like hours of silence, his Sensei gave him an answer. “I keep going because no matter how many people stand against me, I always have my friends behind him,” leaning forward a bit, he reached out and set his hand upon Neji’s knee and offered him a kind smile. “People who pushed me forward even when I doubted myself.”
It was difficult for him to imagine his Sensei ever doubting himself for even a second. The man exuded confidence at all times of the day no matter what obstacles he was facing.
“It must be nice,” there’s bitterness in his words. A wave of anger that was not directed at his Sensei, but at himself. “I don’t have anyone pushing me forward.”
Gai squeezed his shoulder. “You’re wrong,” when Neji scoffed, he gave his head a shake and chuckled. “You have people who support you, Neji. You just have to notice them.”
“Name one,” realizing his mistake, he quickly raised a hand to silence his Sensei. “One that’s not you.”
Never one to turn down a challenge, his Sensei laughed. A joyful sound that helped Neji relax just a bit. The muscles in his shoulders loosen for the first time in days, even with the weight of his loss still hanging over his head. 
“Tenten,” he answered when he was able to reign in his laughter. “Also, Lee.”
The Hyūga rolled his eyes at the mention of Lee. “He has no reason to support me. All I’ve been to him since day one is…well, a bully.”
A terrible feeling settled into his chest. Nothing like the disappointment of loss or the anger he felt towards the main branch that had settled into his heart long ago. This was a regret. A feeling that burrowed deeper and deeper into his soul the more he thought of how he had treated Lee over the years. Always pushing him down when he tried to stand up.
Reminding him of his ‘place’ in the world and telling him to give up on his dreams of becoming a strong shinobi, even long after Lee had started to prove himself capable in battle.
“You have been,” his Sensei agreed, giving his shoulder another reassuring squeeze. “Lee has never held that against you, though. All he wants is your friendship. Something that comes with that friendship, regardless of if it was accepted or not, is support.”
Friendship. It wasn’t something he was experienced with. All of his life he had been focused on training. Becoming as strong as he could and learning Clan techniques that he never should have had access to. There was little time left at the end of the day for him to make friends.
“How-” he paused, weighing the words in his mind until he found the right ones. “Would I still be able to make friends? With Lee and Tenten?” perhaps even others if they were open to it.
“You can, but you have to start by wanting to be their friend,” his Sensei’s words hit harder than Neji thought they would. “But before that, you should focus on recovering from your match. Once you’re in prime condition we’ll pick up training again. There’s a lot we have to work on to ensure you don’t lose to Kakashi’s students ever again.”
Unsurprised by his Sensei’s rivalry-induced tunnel vision, Neji relaxed into his bed and sighed. If there was the smallest hint of a smile tugging at the edges of his lips, neither of them mentioned it. “And after training?”
“We’ll have a team night,” his Sensei answered with lightning speed. “It will be easier to work on your team bonds when we are relaxing with some food.”
“Mmm, I’m sure it is,” for the first time since his team was formed, Neji found himself looking forward to their next bonding activity. Not just as an excuse to get away from the Hyūga compound, but as an opportunity to properly bond with his teammates. To make friends. “You should head back to the exams, Sensei. I wouldn’t want you to miss the excitement because of me.”
Rather than getting up from his seat, Gai-Sensei sank back into it with a cheerful hum. “I will,” he promised, leaning to his right and picking up the bag he had brought in with him. “After some Dango.”
Toss A Coin To your Writer 💜💜💜
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hello!! Well this came to my mind and would be interesting to put into words.
Something that her fans were right is that she hadn't to accept Rock Lee's confession and love. For them a No was No, which is hilarious becase their princess didnt do this with sasuke lol but anyway. After Lee saves Sakura in Death Forest, she changes her attitude towards him and started to be nice , she even defends him when Naruto said something aboout bushy-eyebrows. Even more, i dont actually remember scenes where she is rude against him after that incident in the forest. She tried to encouraged him and most of the time she was "nice" with Lee. In the Hospital in part 1 she was going to visit Sasuke and she also thought of Lee, so she gifted him some flowers too.
-All of this I speak from the anime canon, manga i dont remember tbh. Also in movies I remember her being nice with Lee too- So, what's my point and question? Why is she so bitchy towards Naruto? While she is nice -or try to- with Lee (which he fucking deserves this treatment of course) , why she is still so ungraceful towards Naruto? Naruto saved her much more times than Lee, but still she can be nice with him. I get that when you are confident with someone, you tend to "insult" more lets say. But i get that feel when naruto is around of shikamaru or the other guys. We know how he and Sasuke treat each other ♥ But still, i dont get this with Sakura. Even more, did she ever defend Naruto? From other people I mean. If she could change her attitude for Lee, being almost a good friend.
I always think about this @melody-of-lost-souls 🤔🤔🤔.... Why is she bitchy towards Naruto alone??
There is this hard fact that every author with just half a braincell knows, that is, 'IF YOU WANT A CHARACTER TO BE LIKEABLE, MAKE IT BEHAVE NICER TOWARDS THE MAIN CHARACTER'.
To be honest, I started to like Sasuke because of that very fact 'He was extremely nice towards Naruto in his own way' and later I started to adore him because of his own backstory. But the first spark was because of Episode 3, Orphan insult scene.
It seems Kishi never had that intention to make Sakura be an honest friend with Naruto even in The Last movie. So, ummm.... Yup.
Like you said, Sakura changed her attitude towards Lee and she encouraged him when he was wounded after fighting Gaara. But anyways, she again went onto being a bitch in the Kage Summit Arc, by leaving Lee on the road without any care!!! So... That's what you can expect from her🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ But that's not the point of this post. Is it??
Point to be noted : Sasuke and Naruto insulting each other shows their comfort level with each other. Sakura harassing Naruto is not the same thing. Never.
I think she spoke for Naruto before Sasuke twice. One, In the forest of the Death. Two, Under the Bridge. But it doesn't matter.
She should've defended Naruto from Sasuke's attacks in Orochimaru hideout like Sai.
She should've worried about Naruto's wounds after Naruto came back like an Egyptian Mummy from fighting in VoTE in part 1. Instead she was worried about Sasuke alone.
She should've fought Sasori for Naruto's safety sake instead of getting information about Sasuke.
She should’ve stayed with Naruto when he went with Karui to deal with Sasuke’s Akatsuki activities. 
She should've stood up for Naruto in her final confession like 'Sasuke-kun, if you touch Naruto, I'll have to kill you eventhough I love you'... Yeah, she wouldn't stand a chance against Sasuke. But her character would've shined a lot.
So, Nope. She defending Naruto couple of times but letting him down countless other times doesn't matter.
After thinking about all the possibilities,
Sakura is the reflection of the Villagers' mindset. That is, The object of Hatred who should be treated like pest.
She definitely gave me that vibe in Episode 3. She literally treated him like a plague and I wanted to slap her so hard ever since. But even after the Pain Arc, I mean after Naruto became a Hero by making peace with Nagato, she still behaved like a Worst Bitch.
If she truly represents the social dynamics of the Villagers, she should have become a good friend like Shikamaru or Neji long back. But she didn’t.
So, we can safely eliminate this possibility.
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Well, This is from Chapter 3. So, I think whenever Sakura makes a move on Sasuke, Naruto accidentally comes in between her one-sided ‘duck dreams’ and spoil her party. It seems this has been going on for a long time. So, she just hates him for that. 
I found this ‘coming between’ thing twice in part 1. The first time was when Naruto stole the ‘First Kiss’ of Sasuke.
Second time was when Naruto was about to fight Gaara.
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Here, Sakura was fretting over Sasuke’s cursed Seal and when Naruto asked her a question, she responded with a ‘Devil Face’. I mean is there any need to get angry at this time? There’s a monster standing before them and all she worries about is her poor ‘Sasuke-Kun’ and not even bothered about her surroundings, because Naruto will do the dirty job. All she can do is touch and worry about Sasuke. 
Well, In reality she is the one coming between them and she never realized that. What a self-absorbed Trash!!!
Naruto receives something from Sasuke that she never got from him, not until the very end and even today. That is, Attention. 
I noticed this in the Manga. Surprisingly, I guess none of the SNS bloggers brought this very cute panel up for discussion. It’s not in the Anime though!! 
This is from Chapter 3 page 6. (Geez!!!! Chapter 3 is a Gold Mine for SNS)
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As you see Sakura was watching Sasuke up close like a Fruit Cake. It seems, Sasuke doesn’t give 2 fucks about her or anyone!!!
Now Let’s go back to Page 5 and see what happened earlier.
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Naruto has been intensely throwing knives from his eyes. And you know what!!! Sasuke noticed it and asked him ‘What?’. To which Naruto asks, ‘What do you mean what?’. LOLLLLLL.
This is their First official conversation in the Manga.😍😍😍😍😍
Sakura looking at him with love doesn’t get any reaction and Naruto’s angry stare get his attention. Well, this is not an one time occurrence!!
In the Same chapter, it occurred again
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This panel screams, ‘Why pay attention to Naruto, when he is not here?’. Kishi established this dynamics in freaking Chapter 3 and it never changed towards the end. LOLLL.
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Even during Chakra Training, Sakura climbed the tree very easily in the hopes that Sasuke would appreciate her or notice her with admiration. But he was never bothered about her achievements even by a bit, but he paid attention to Naruto when he found out he was slowly catching up to him🤭🤭🤭.
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I always find this scene very funny and cute because just like before, Naruto throws Daggers at him visually and Sasuke was like, ‘What did I do this time?’. 😍😍😍
And this is after getting the pass to participate in Chunin Exams
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Well, I don’t have to add the scenes from Orochimaru Hideout, Bridge scene and War Arc, Do I?
And the best part is Sakura knew that Naruto gets his attention. So, her jealousy is probably the reason for her to treat him so badly. Just like how she treats Ino. Since Naruto plays dunce in front of her, she takes advantage of it and used him like a Tooth Brush.
This is also one of the reason for her to treat him badly.
Because Lee never came in between Sakura and Sasuke. It was Naruto, the whole time. And that's why she was like a bitch to Naruto.
Kishimoto in his own words,
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I mean, Come On!!!, Sakura is nothing compared to Naruto's power level, strength or jutsu varieties to consider him as a rival in these departments. Still she is considering Naruto as her rival.
In what????
The only thing that connects them is their obsession towards Sasuke's Acknowledgement. And Kishi himself is hinting at a love triangle with Sasuke as the central figure.
Does it means Naruto also loves Sasuke and Sakura was jealous of it???🤔🤔🤔🤭🤭🤭🤭.
Well, that makes more sense. 😂😂😂. Because I can think of no other reason for her to be a bitch towards Naruto.
Curse You, Kishimoto!!!!!!
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nejibaby · 3 years
Pairing: Neji x Fem!Uchiha Reader
Summary: There are a lot of terrible things that have happened to you as an Uchiha that you wanted to forget. But with Neji’s help, you’re able to move on and move along. Things have started getting better for you, however, once the Fourth Shinobi War was declared, time seemed to start running out.
Word Count: 2.1k
Memories - Part 1 | Deja Vu - Part 2
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A/N: I didn’t exactly follow the plot and somehow it turned so angsty 🙈 Please let me know your thoughts~
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There are memories you hold so dear that you refuse to have them tainted no matter what. Most of those memories are of the times you spent playing or training with your brother Shishui, his best friend Itachi, and Itachi’s brother Sasuke. Those times were the golden days for you; the best of the best, if you may.
Conversely, there are also memories that you just wish would disappear. They’re the memories of incidents you wish didn’t happen at all. They’re the type of memories that you push at the back of your mind, because you believe that if you think about it or even spare a single second for it, then it’ll be more real. Because you’re in denial. You’re in denial not only about the death of Shisui, but also of the Uchiha clan.
But then there’s a single memory you have that always stands out. It’s a memory that you both want to forget and remember.
The tragedy of the Uchiha clan had changed the only survivors — you and Sasuke. You had already started changing a little because you had to deal with your brother’s death, but seeing the horrible scene in the clan’s district had been the icing on top.
Your drastic change had been evident on the day you came back to the Academy after you were discharged at the hospital. What once was a girl full of life had become an empty shell.
The moment you sat down entered the room, people had started talking. Mostly it’s just about asking someone else if you were an Uchiha or if they know about the clan’s misfortune. They were meaningless chatters so you easily drowned them out.
But there was a comment that had reached your ears. “Why is it such a big deal? People die anyway, it just so happened her clan died on the same day.”
The comment kept ringing inside your head but then someone beside you spoke up, “Don’t you have anything else better to do than talk about someone else’s life?”
He was met with silence so he continued saying, “People die everyday, it’s a fact. Some die because of illnesses, some because of old age, some because of poverty, accidents, or murder. As shinobi, we can die in the line of duty. But that doesn’t make death any less painful to the one left behind.
“If your family is alive, then good, but maybe use that brain of yours because logic says not everyone gets to be as lucky as you.”
Naturally, you want to forget about the unsolicited comment of your classmate, but you want to remember that among the students inside the room, one boy had stood up for you. Quite frankly, you needed his saving that day. Otherwise, you would’ve beaten yourself up for mourning too long.
And when you realized who that boy was, his words weighed even more. Because Hyuga Neji was a boy notoriously known for thinking that everyone’s fate is predetermined from birth and that luck plays absolutely no part in it.
“Not everyone gets to be as lucky as you.”
And for a hot minute he had abandoned his belief as he stood up for you.
It sounds hypocritical if you think about it.
But maybe just as he had saved you, you had opened his eyes just a little bit and helped him see that his beliefs were skewed too. In a way, you had helped each other, at least you hoped.
It’s because of that day, that memory, that you find yourself gravitating towards Neji.
It isn’t attraction at all at first, more like genuine curiosity about him and his life. But you didn’t get to know him further until the Chunin exams where he had disclosed the way of their clan. It’s at that time where you understood why he acts the way he acts.
You can’t help but wonder about how two clans with almost similar circumstances— both with kekkei genkai, both living in Konoha, both considered to be one of the strongest clans in the shinobi world— could have completely different ways of living. One clan is almost completely annihilated, while the other has slaves of their own blood. And if you’re being completely honest, you aren’t exactly sure which is better.
You have gotten the urge to talk to him after hearing his story, although you really didn’t know what to say. But then the chance never came up because of the chaos orchestrated by Orochimaru.
After the Chunin exams and the attack of Orochimaru, you hadn’t heard of Neji for a while since you’ve been tasked to help with the repairs of the village. And when you did hear about him, it was terrible, terrible news.
Sasuke left the village to seek power from the very person who just wrecked havoc in Konoha. His leaving alone left you in despair. What Itachi was to Shisui is exactly what Sasuke means to you, and him doing such a thing without even letting you know makes you feel like a failure both as a friend and as a family.
The news didn’t end there, however. Apparently the squad that Shikamaru had led to retrieve Sasuke had been severely injured and were on the brink of death — one of them being Neji.
You remember feeling guilt and regret burning your skin. You remember the shame of not being able to save Sasuke from the darkness and not being able to help the retrieval squad in any way. You blame yourself for the horrible things that happened.
Since then, you have made it a point to visit the squad in the hospital every day, making sure you apologize and thank them for their service. But admittedly, it’s Neji that you always stay with longer.
It’s not that you aren’t comfortable with the others, they’re really nice and easy to get along with. But they always have other visitors with them, mostly their team members and relatives. Neji, on the other hand, didn’t get as many visits since his other teammate, Rock Lee, was also injured because of his fight with Gaara. So Tenten and Guy sensei would switch visits between the two every other day.
Besides that, his clan members rarely ever visited. And you didn’t want him to be alone in such trying moments, especially when you didn’t get to do anything to prevent this from happening.
As closed off as Neji is, because of your constant visits, you have found a way to worm yourself into the walls he put up. And by the time he’s discharged from the hospital, you somehow became close friends.
From that moment on, you find yourself coming to Neji on times that you’re in despair and in doubt. You trust him enough to tell him your stories, worries, and fears because he doesn’t judge you. And he does the same with you.
Neji listens when you want him to listen, and talks when you need him to talk. He’s quite level headed and very much rational, and because of that he gives the best advice.
With him, you find yourself healing and growing. With you, he finds himself learning to forgive.
Neji easily makes you see things in a different way; a different light; a different perspective, and helps you become a better shinobi and a better person in general.
For you, Neji has such a comforting aura. While he’s sometimes cold and stoic around others, with you, he softens up. With you, he’s gentle; careful even. And it’s because of this that you find yourself admiring him more and more.
But before anything could happen — before you could even confess — the Fourth Shinobi War was declared.
Just like that, time seemed to start running out. And you have lost all hopes of being together with Neji as a lover rather than a friend.
The war is awful. Quite frankly, it overwhelmed you too much, too easily. The bodies lying on the floor with dried out blood reminded you of the massacre of the Uchiha clan. But the only person who’s able to calm you down and help you move along is Neji.
The both of you fight side by side, always nearby Hinata in case she would need help. When the night comes and the enemies cease their attack, it’s your turn to talk Neji into relaxing a bit because he’s started straining his eyes from too much use. And because it’s you who asked and it’s you who’s there with him, he knows he and the rest of the Allied Forces are safe, so he rests.
But somehow chaos ensues and in the middle of it, you both get separated. You’re worried deeply, but you trust his skills and his strength, and you know you’ll be reuniting with him again.
And reunited with him you did. But when you have found him once again, he’s blocking out the Ten Tails’ attack with... his body.
With desperation, you transported to his side as quickly as you can. Summoning your last bits of chakra, you use Susanoo to protect him, Hinata, and Naruto. The last thing you remember is the look of relief on Neji’s face, but before it could morph into worry, you have already blacked out.
By the time you have woken up, you’re in Konoha’s hospital. The first thing you see is Neji resting his head on the side of your bed, peacefully sleeping, looking as angelic as ever.
Your body aches with every breath you take, even more so with little movement. But you didn’t let that deter you from weaving your fingers along the Hyuga’s hair. He stirs almost immediately and then he opens his pretty eyes. He sits up upon seeing you.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” You softly ask.
He doesn’t respond to your question. “You’re awake,” he sighs in relief. “You’re finally awake. Let me go call Lady Tsunade and Sakura.” He stands up.
But before he can even take a step, you grab his wrist. “Stay,” you mumble.
Neji looks at you, reading your face. But then he nods and sits.
“Is it over?” You ask.
“Yes, the war’s over.”
“What happened after?”
“It’s a long story… but tell me, how are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling fine. My body aches, but it’s not a big deal.”
“What do you mean it’s not a big deal?!” Neji looks upset that it takes you by surprise. “Do you remember what happened? Didn’t you know you almost died?! You almost used up all your chakra to use Susanoo! That’s so stupid and reckless!”
His aggressive tone effectively gets you angry. “I did it for you!” You snap. “Of course I remember what happened! Even if I want to forget, the memory is branded in my mind! You fucking wanted to use your body to shield Naruto from that attack, didn’t you? How is that not stupid and reckless? Huh?”
Neji’s chakra flares up as he clenches his jaw. Yet, he doesn’t speak.
You breathe out, trying to calm down. You rarely ever fought with Neji and he’s never really raised his voice to you. With your body still tired and aching from the war, you didn’t want this conversation to escalate further so you try to diffuse the situation before it blows even more out of proportion.
In a low voice, you speak, “I was so scared, Neji. I didn’t want to lose you. I’ve lost everyone I’ve ever loved.”
A tear falls down from your eye and Neji’s heart breaks at your forlorn state. “I don’t want to lose you too. I can’t…” you squeak. “I love you so much, I can’t lose you.”
Neji’s breath hitches at your declaration. He could hear his heart drumming against his chest.
You love him?
He doesn’t know if he heard you right or if his mind is just playing tricks on him. It happened before. He’s loved you for so long… and there have been plenty of days he dreamt of hearing you say you love him too. And right now he isn’t sure if this is the reality or just another one of his dreams.
As if you’ve read his mind — like you always seem to be able to do — you repeat your words. “I love you, Neji.”
It’s the confirmation that he needs. And hearing your words knocked the wind out of him. “I… I…” he starts saying.
But you’ve taken his stuttering and his pale, panic-stricken face as a sign of an incoming rejection, so you look down instantly and say, “It’s fine if you don’t like me the same way. I just hope we can still be friends after—”
“No, I… I love you too,” he breathlessly confesses before you even finish your rambling.
Your head whips up after the words left his lips. You stare at him, unbelieving.
And just as you did a while ago, he repeats his words with conviction, “I love you too.”
A smile makes its way to your face, and when he smiles back, you immediately know this is a memory you won’t ever forget.
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happyocelot · 3 years
For Day 6: The Last movie appreciation! I love the idea of an oblivious Hanabi, and thus this missing moment one-shot was born.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35441995/chapters/88609150
FFNet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13998133/6/Sunny-Days
Hanabi narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the pair in front of her walking along the frosty trail. Nee-sama was dressed so very fashionably, in that beautiful black dress that really showed off her curves. And she was holding hands with Naruto.
Which must have meant that...but no, nee-sama was wearing that dress because that deranged moon guy who'd ripped out Hanabi's eyes had made her, not because she had taken Hanabi's advice to heart. And they had just gone through a traumatic, life-or-death mission to stop that deranged moon guy from crashing the moon into the earth. Naruto must have just been holding hands with her sister to comfort her...not because they were actually...together or anything.
Hanabi nodded to herself. That explanation made sense.
Because nee-sama was too shy and Naruto was too stupid. It had been that way for years, and that wouldn't have changed just because of one lunatic moon man obsessed with ripping out people's eyes.
Then Naruto leaned over and planted a huge kiss on nee-sama's cheek, totally out of the blue. Bizarrely, instead of her usual blushing and stammering act, nee-sama simply beamed at him, her white eyes more radiant than Hanabi had ever seen in her life.
She blinked.
"Ugh, get a room, you two," Shikamaru grumbled, trudging along the slushy, snowy trail. "I don't wanna see you doing any funny stuff. If Temari finds out, I'll get an earful from her and that'll be..."
Sakura scowled and punched Shikamaru on the arm lightly. "Shut up, Shikamaru, I've been waiting for this to happen for years. Don't take this away from me."
Meanwhile, Sai was vigorously sketching the entire scene in between sighs and mutters of "troublesome" and "I won the bet with Ino."
Nee-sama didn't seem to notice. Or care. Neither did her...friend. They were just friends. Right?
Okay...it was kind of weird. And inexplicable. But they had just gotten back from an even weirder mission, so Hanabi could excuse all of these older people's odd antics.
Nee-sama shyly wrapped both of her arms around Naruto's and beamed yet more brightly at the look Naruto gave her. A look that was also inexplicably quite bashful.
That was very strange. But there had to be another explanation other than the most obvious one.
"Naruto nii-san, have you seen my sister lately?" she asked him early the next morning over breakfast. "I want to get my kunai doll back from her."
Naruto looked up from the instant ramen that he always seemed to be eating all the time. "Hinata's gone to get some water from the stream." He grinned at her, kind of like he was her age, and Hanabi found herself grinning back.
She wished that her sister would finally get the guts to confess to Naruto. He seemed fun and silly, a perfect match for nee-sama. Plus Neji nii-san would have been annoyed with Naruto for something or other, if he were still alive, and that would have been nice to see.
"But I think that frog kunai dolls look better, ya know?" He pulled one out of his pocket and waved it at her teasingly.
Her eyes narrowed. "They are not. Mine are the best."
He stuck his tongue out at her, and nee-sama came back from collecting water to find Hanabi and Naruto engaged in a ferocious snowball fight.
"Hanabi, what are you – "
Nee-sama yelped as a snowball hit her right in the face.
Naruto held up his hands sheepishly. "Sorry, Hinata, but you got in the way so fast and I – "
He also yelped as he got a taste of his own medicine. Nee-sama huffed silently, her breath coming out as a fog, and though her lips were downturned, her eyes crinkled with subtle mirth as Naruto feverishly brushed off the snow cascading down his front.
Hanabi gave her sister an admiring glance. Nee-sama sure was acting strange, all confident and happy and playful. She didn't have any explanation for it, other than the obvious one, but he was an idiot and she was shy, so Hanabi just had to keep guessing.
The rescue team was totally exhausted after half a day of nonstop walking to Konoha. They would have flown the whole way, but Sai's chakra still hadn't been completely replenished for anything more than piloting the ink birds for half a day, and the winter winds were so cutting and cold, and Hanabi was still a genin, and the team had decided to take it easy on the way back home.
They still had one more day to go, and Hanabi had barely spent any time at all with anyone on the team besides that snowball fight, much to her chagrin.
Traveling was boring. She wanted to talk to someone.
Sakura was really nice to her, periodically checking up on Hanabi and making sure that her eyes were all right after all that the moon man had done. But Sakura was one of the most exhausted of the bunch, having used up so much chakra on healing her teammates' injuries, and had clocked out for the night.
Sai was also nice to her, but he was way too busy piloting the ink birds and was obviously tired and sleepy, just like Sakura.
And then that left everyone else.
Her own big sister had practically gone missing for the past few hours with Naruto (she still hadn't gotten her kunai doll back, a fact that made her growl in frustration).
"Is something bothering you, kid?" asked Shikamaru's languid voice from across the campfire. "You sound like Ino after someone wakes her up from a nap."
"Where is nee-sama? She's been gone for hours, and I still haven't spoken to her properly." She scowled as she felt her empty futokoro, devoid of her toy kunai, but decided not to mention this to Shikamaru. She had some kind of reputation to maintain after all. She'd been giving off "super serious heiress" vibes for years and she couldn't stop now. "I get that she needs a breather from the scary mission and all, but come on, she could say hi to me once in a while."
Shikamaru stared at her blankly. "Uh...Hinata...doesn't need a breather, Hanabi. And she and Naruto won't be coming back for a long time."
She squinted at him. "What do you mean?"
"They were holding hands."
"I don't see what you're getting at, Shikamaru-san."
"Showing their affection in public, which is troublesome and uncharacteristic for Hinata?" he continued.
"Uh-huh. So?"
"And now they've gone missing for hours. What do you think is happening?" Shikamaru stared at her expectantly, as though he was letting her win an extremely easy shogi game on purpose.
"Naruto nii-san wants to show nee-sama his frog doll kunai and convince her it's better than mine?" she guessed.
Shikamaru blinked at her in disbelief.
"What?" A tinge of defensiveness crept into her voice. It was a good guess! What was Hanabi supposed to think of their strange behavior? They weren't together or anything.
"I...am tired. Good night," he said flatly, retreating to the tent.
She stared after him, trying to decode something, anything, from his repeated mutterings of "troublesome" and "oblivious."
Hanabi sighed and also made her way back to the tent. She supposed she'd find out the truth someday.
Until then, well...at least nee-sama seemed happy, and Neji nii-san would have been pleased at that.
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