#I just love a grumpy muse with exactly 3 friends they care about and would die for
myhiraeth · 8 months
Husk going from
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to shielding the others (with his wings, a detail I'm crazy about)
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is peak development IMO and I can't find anyone talking about so I'm just gonna bring it up myself lol
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meluiloth · 1 month
Interesting Questions for MUNS (and writers):
I was tagged by @saephrond to answer these fun questions about writing - or roleplaying, which I've now learned more about thanks to them - and even though I'm very late, I've finally had time to get around to it!! I'm going to answer these questions from the writing perspective, using Culfin as my muse!
1. Would you say that ever since you started writing for your muse you have become more similar to your muse? In what ways?
Quite the opposite, actually - in many ways, Culfin's personality and experiences are referenced loosely on my own. His story has elements of mine in it, which I think adds a lot of depth; after all, they say to 'write what you know', and I find doing that is very helpful.
2. Do you self-project yourself into your muse? If so, then how?
As mentioned above, I definitely do - not to a degree where Culfin is a self-insert, but there are elements of myself in him: his awkwardness in social situations, his eagerness to find a direction in life, his tendency to form strong opinions on people based on first interactions, his determination to look on the bright side - those are all traits familiar to me.
3. Do you regret writing any of your past muses?
In some cases, yes; there are characters who essentially 'haunt' me just because I know I'll never have the inspiration / motivation to write for them, and characters I have written for that I've since lost interest in. I don't regret the experience developing them gave me, but I do regret the character.
4. Would you like to become more like your muse some day?
In some ways, yes; Culfin is a very active character who knows what he wants (even if it might not be what he needs in the long run) and stubbornly chases after it, so I would love his sense of direction. However, he also completely lacks self-esteem and tends to be on the naive side, which aren't traits I would like to exemplify.
5. Do you agree with your muse's decisions? Why or why not?
As the writer of his story, I know exactly where most of Culfin's decisions will lead him; some of them I strongly disagree with, even though they are integral to his story, but others I fully agree with. The ones I disagree with are the ones he makes out of the desire to please others rather than himself, or that he makes despite some major red flags that he chooses not to see. The best choices, though, are those that he makes with his own heart in mind; choices that are neither selfish or self-sacrificing, but where he truly takes into account his own worth.
6. If your muse came to life, do you think you would get along with them?
That's a good question; in some ways, we would get along well, but there would be a lot of factors that could make being friends with Culfin difficult. We're both very intense people who feel things very deeply, so there could be a lot of butting heads there. That and he doesn't really have a filter, so he says and does a lot of things that come across as rude or embarrassing. (Actually, this question is fun because I did write a self-insert character into Misfit who does interact with Culfin for a bit! You'll probably know her right away if you read it!)
7. Would you say that your attitude changes when you get 'into the zone' of writing your muse? (ex: when you write for your muse do you begin to sort of talk like them? do you find yourself feeling grumpy after? etc)
Culfin's mannerisms are quite different than mine, including his way of speech, so when I write I kind of have to deliberate over what he would say or do in any given situation, and how he would do it. It's not hard to write him, per se, but I do have to think about it a bit: writing Culfin involves a lot of trial and error.
8. Do you like to tell people that you like to RP on tumblr? If not, then do you think you'll tell anybody?
I don't have a lot of experience with roleplaying; there are a very few people I've roleplayed with (on Quotev) which has been awesome, but I tend to be careful with that element of connection in general, since I always prioritize internet safety. It's really fun, though, and I might find a way to get into it in the future!
9. Has your muse taught you anything about yourself and/or the world?
Writing Culfin has taught me that patience is key. This isn't a lesson I've learned through his story, but through the actual writing process - I've been working on Misfit for about three years now, and progress is slow, but I'm very proud of what I've done and where the story is going, and I always need to keep in mind that rushing is not the solution. There is no time limit on creativity.
10. After a writing slump, how do you manage to get your muse back?
I engage with my story in ways that aren't exactly writing - whether that's making art based on it, adding to or looking at the story's moodboard, listening to the playlists (I have two: one for the actual storyline and one for writing ambience), or talking about it with my friends! Sometimes inspiration comes naturally to me, other times I have to hype it up by drawing energy from other sources.
Thanks so much for challenging me with this questionnaire, @saephrond - it was so fun, and I definitely had to stretch my mind to answer these!!
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shrinkyclinksfest · 3 years
That's a wrap!
Thank you all so much for another successful run of Shrinkyclinks Fest! Altogether the works add up to 150K words of new Shrinkyclinks content and six new artworks! We want to thank all our wonderful writers, artists, promoters, promoters, readers, and supporters. We will see you all next year!
Without further ado, the Masterlist:
Title: Nazi Punks Fuck Off [Shrinkyclinks AU] Creator: bleedxblack Medium (fic, art, podfic, etc.): digital art Rating: G Prompt #: 22 Warnings: N/A Summary: Local punk Steve Rogers goes to see his hardcore vocalist boyfriend, Bucky, perform with his band, Widow. Friend and guitarist Natasha took the first photo of them after the band had finished their set. Steve took the following photo himself while he watched his friends and lover play on stage.
Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33271081
Title: Steve has hot guy problems Creator: HeyBoy Medium (fic, art, podfic, etc.): digital art Rating: T Prompt #: 33 Warnings: N/A Summary: For the ShrinkyClinks Fest prompt: Meet-cute at the gym! Smol Steve is determined to work on his cardio and fitness. He reluctantly goes to the gym, feeling intimidated but ready to spit fire at anyone who so much as looks at him twice. He is going to get a good workout, damnit. Ignore the clunkheads. Ignore the gym rats. Ignore the super hot guy with long hair and stormy eyes who always seems to be using the equipment near Steve. That wasn't so bad! Now we can shower and go home. Wait, hot guy is also in the shower and… he's singing. WAIT hot guy just exited the shower and now he knows that I know he was singing!.
Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33271468
Title: asthma attacks, fire escapes, and chai Creator: beemotionpicture Medium: fic Rating: gen Wordcount: 6,657 Prompt #: 9 Warnings: none Summary: It happens because of his asthma of all things.
As soon as he feels short of breath he starts rooting through his messenger bag for his inhaler. Steve has a moment to think aha!and then fuck,before he’s losing his grip on the thing and it’s skidding across the pavement and into an alleyway.
He freezes when he realizes he’s not alone.
Steve hears a muffled sound coming from behind the dumpster, but that’s not what makes him look; no, it’s the metallic scent in the air which, with a creeping feeling of dread, he hopes isn’t blood. He looks. It’s blood.
And there’s a man sitting right in a puddle of it, leaning heavily against the brick wall and clutching his side with a metal hand.
How Steve finds an injured Bucky, nurses him back to health, and takes down a HYDRA agent while he’s at it. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33272239
Title: Highway Ghost Creator: Neonbat  Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 15820 Prompt #: 31 Warnings: Usual WS Bucky warnings Summary: Steve hated long drives, it was too easy to zone out, especially when you’re full of cook-out food and good times. Having someone fall out of nowhere right in front of his car wasn’t exactly something he’d ever consider a possibility. He had enough excitement already from his job as an ER Nurse. Except, where most people would have been laid out on the asphalt, the man dressed in black got up without a scratch and insisted medical care wasn’t needed. The fuck was his life?  Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33283738
Title: He "Accidently" Picked A Hot Roommate Creator: rufferto Medium: digital art Rating: G Prompt #: 48 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve needs a roommate. He thinks he will never find one but then he meets Winter Soldier Bucky who needs a place to stay while he recovers. Steve offers him the room immediately and it turns out Bucky is a great roommate. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33279370
Title: special delivery Creator: @glim / glim Medium: fic Rating: Teen + Wordcount: ~6,000 words Prompt #: 30 Warnings: n/a Summary: Written for shrinkyclinksfest, Prompt #30: Steve Rogers has always been prone to sickness, but summer colds are the absolute worst. What he wants is a huge bowl of chicken noodle soup and some ice cream. What he gets is a food delivery guy who’s so built and hot Steve chokes on his tongue. That’s why he keeps ordering long after he’s recovered and how he finally gets Bucky Barnes into his apartment and his bed. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33343828
Title: When the Pool Closes Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy  Fic Rating: T Wordcount : 1858 Prompt #: 36 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve just wants to enjoy a day out in the sun by himself. That’s not too much to ask. Except it is, apparently. With such fair skin, sunscreen is a must, and there’s no way he can reach his entire back. He’s just going to have to find someone to help him apply it, and if the guy is ripped… Well, it’s not Steve’s fault that he’s got good taste. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33341596
Title: To the Future and the Past Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy  Fic Rating: T Wordcount : 1465 Prompt #: 40 Warnings: Major character death Summary: Maybe a funeral isn’t the right time to admit to a gay love story, but Bucky doesn’t care. That’s what Steve wanted, and Bucky’s never been able to say no to the love of his life. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33358726
Title: A Shot Across The Bow Creator: Author: Becassine Artist: Call_me_kayyyyy  Art Rating: G Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 18382 Prompt #: 52 Warnings: Blood/Injury, Implied/Reference Abuse, Reference Slave Trade Summary: Bucky Barnes is a Pirate Captain, and one accustomed to getting his own way. When fate drops Steve Rogers in his path one lonely evening in Tortuga, his life is forever turned upside down. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33265450/chapters/82597747
Title: Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet Creator: Girl_Back_There Medium: Fic Rating: Mature Wordcount: 6214 Prompt #: 45 Warnings: Some Homophobic Language, Instances of Sexual Harassment against women Summary:Bucky doesn’t know how his mother managed to Jedi mind trick him into dropping off Becca at summer camp this year, but she somehow did it. Despite his grumpiness at the unreasonable hour in which he was wrenched from his nice and cozy bed, Bucky is glad for this time with his little sister. Becca spends their time talking about the activities she got to do last summer that she hopes will be back again this year, all of which was organized by Steve Rogers. After she came home from Camp Marvel last year, all Becca could talk about was Steve Rogers, one of the counselors for her team, The Howlies. Steve Rogers was an amazing artist. Steve Rogers participates in all of the competitions despite his asthma, scoliosis, heart arrhythmia, and various other medical issues. Steve Rogers totally drinks his respect women juice. Bucky would be worried about his sister may be developing a crush on this Steve guy, but after meeting him, Bucky is more preoccupied with the crush he's developing on Steve. So preoccupied in fact, he ends up signing on to be a camp counselor for the summer. Link to work:https://archiveofourown.org/works/33339220
Title:  The Way To A Man’s Heart Creator: Author: HaniTrash Artist: Kocuria_visuals  Art Rating: T Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 11852 Prompt #: 53 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve Rogers, skinny Brooklynite, is a college student who makes old recipes and posts videos of them on tiktok. When Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier and Avenger, sees one, he's instantly hooked and becomes Steve's biggest fan. What follows next is a story of food, flirting, and a very unlikely pairing. But much like Steve’s unusual recipes, what shouldn’t work often does… Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33312223/chapters/82722664#workskin
Title: Maybe A Muse Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy Medium (fic, art, podfic, etc.): fic Rating: M Wordcount: 2871 Prompt #: 28 Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary:  When Bucky Barnes needs extra money, he’s appalled that his best friends think he should become a model for the art department on campus. Shy, nerdy, and socially awkward, he’s not sure that’s something he feels comfortable doing. Still, he needs money, and he likes the idea of becoming someone’s muse. The problem is he had no idea two things would happen. First, one of the students in the class is exactly his type; second, he has to model nude. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33393928
Title: Be My Breath Creator: Goosenik and clarkestetler Medium: Fic Rating: Teen and Up Wordcount: 44,575 Prompt #: 48 Warnings: N/A Summary: For the Shrinkyclinks Fest 2021 prompt: Steve needs a roommate. He thinks he will never find one but then he meets Winter Soldier Bucky who needs a place to stay while he recovers. Steve offers him the room immediately and it turns out Bucky is a great roommate.
Basically: Bucky moves in with Steve after he escapes from Hydra, and Steve begins the long process of helping Bucky remember how to be human again. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33275848/chapters/82626394
Title: Tap-Tap Into Your Heart Creator: huntress79​ Medium: Fic Rating: T Wordcount: 5k Prompt #: 6 Warnings: none, except for one blink-and-you’ll-miss-it mention of animal death  Summary: When HYDRA finally fell, the Soldier was lost, in more than one meaning. And for the next several months, he, more or less, drifted from one former safehouse to the other, always avoiding to stay too long in one place. Until he comes to Brooklyn - and finds a new purpose, again in more than one meaning… Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33416524
Title: I'd be selfish but never with you Creator: Lacunalady on Ao3 Medium: Fic Rating: E Wordcount: 20k Prompt #: 32 Warnings: No archive warnings apply Summary: Prompted with: "Arranged marriage AU. Steve is a prince and Bucky is a newly crowned king of the neighboring country having conquered/overtaken the last ruler. In order to keep the peace between their countries, Steve's father decides for them to wed. Steve is reluctant for several reasons but mainly because he wants to marry for love and the fact that Bucky has a reputation for being exceedingly ruthless in battle (aka the winter solider)" by Bangyababy on Tumblr! Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33424936
Title: Just Peachy Creator: Erosanderis Fic Rating: N/A Wordcount : 1266 Prompt #: 34 Warnings: N/A Summary: Steve Rogers was not looking forward to meeting his soulmate. Ever since the day he was born, he had the worst possible words on his forearm. So of course he would meet them at work. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33412060
Title: Knocking Boots with Sugar Creator: buckybarnesdeservestobehappy  Fic Rating: E Wordcount : 4095 Prompt #: 29 Warnings: N/A Summary: In between summers at college, Steve Rogers wants a new adventure beyond his lonely life in Brooklyn. He ends up in West Texas working on a dude ranch where Bucky Barnes is a long-time employee. When Bucky offers to buy Steve a drink, they end up drunk on tequila and making out in public. For the rest of the summer, they're inseparable. As the summer draws to a close, Steve realizes he doesn't want to leave. Link to work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33499603
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writer-ish · 4 years
grace (Mason x f!Detective)
Some of you may know my new co-obsession (along with @playchoices) is @seraphinitegames‘ The Wayhaven Chronicles and one (1) grumpy Greek vampire in particular.
Anyway, this little drabble was in my head after completing the Book 3 Demo for the millionth time and now you all need to be subjected to it as well. Enjoy? (Takes place sometime after Book 2, but before “that scene” in Book 3)
tags: @utterlyinevitable , @ethansramsey , @otherworldlypresents , @aworldoffandoms , @raleighcarrera , @ejunkiet , @starrystarrytrouble , @terrm9 (reply or dm for add/removal!)
Pairing: Mason x f!Detective (Grace Bennett) Length: 3.2k words | Rating: T (Language) Summary: A detective and a vampire try not to catch feelings for one another OR denial is not just a river in Egypt. 
“It only ever works if one of you cares more than the other.”
It was something Tina had said once, in a rare, cynical moment, fresh off a break up.
The two of them had gone out for drinks post-patrol one night and, as the evening wore on, Tina’s mood had descended in direct correlation with the growing number of empty glasses around them. Still, it hadn’t been until the cigarettes came out that Grace had really known they were in trouble.
“Trust me, Gracie.” Her friend had punctuated her words with haphazard gestures, cigarette wobbling precariously between two fingers, a fine dusting of ash drifting down to the table. Taking a drag, she’d released a thick plume of smoke from her mouth and nostrils before continuing.
“There’s no such thing as equal when it comes to love. There is always the giver and the receiver. The one who cares more. Who loves more. And—”
At this, she’d pointed the glowing ember at the end of her cigarette right in Constable Grace Bennett’s face.
“—You better hope it’s them and not you.”
Former Constable, now Detective Grace Bennett hadn’t thought about those words much in the subsequent years. Relationships weren’t really her forte, after all. There had been the disastrous two years in college with Bobby — in hindsight, one could hardly attribute “love” to anything that had happened between them — and, more recently, a few first dates that sometimes turned into second dates before fizzling out completely.
Hardly the stuff of romance novels.
So it was unfortunate that Tina’s old advice had chosen to rear its ugly head in her mind now, of all times, when Grace had found herself in a—situation where love was the absolute last thing she wanted to consider.
It wasn’t that she didn’t care about Mason. Of course she did.
What else would you call almost incurring the wrath of an entire civilization of ancient Estonian mirror creatures at the expense of saving his miserable life?
It was just that things were...
Leaning against her beat-up silver hatchback, she willed the pounding of her heart to settle as the night spring air enveloped her in its cool breeze. She took deep and even breaths in and out of her nostrils, contemplating just how complicated things were, exactly.
First of all, wasn’t dating a colleague generally frowned upon?
Grace had never broken that rule in all her years on the force and she hadn’t had any intention of doing it as a detective, either, never mind as part of her mother’s top secret supernatural government agency.
Not only that, but what if said colleague had also made it abundantly clear, in more ways than one, that they weren’t looking for anything exclusive or serious in any capacity?
Had, in fact, made it a point to preface almost every sexual encounter with some variation of those very words?
And to even further complicate matters, what if said commitment-phobe colleague also happened to be supernatural themselves? More specifically, a vampire who was a few years shy of his centennial?
What then?
And yet — bear with her, here — let’s say, said commitment-phobe centenarian vampire colleague also looked at her as though she were the only human on this planet that he gave a damn about, the only one who could make his smile curl up on both sides, the only one who warmed those steel-grey eyes into molten embers, the one who—
Her train of thought cut off abruptly as she heard the doors open to the police station. There was a thick fog cutting the night air, the warmth of the day lazily giving way to the coolness of the night, imparting an almost dream-like quality onto an otherwise ordinary parking lot.
Grace waited, peering through the haze, until the object of her musings appeared. His unruly dark waves swung around his cheeks, just barely brushing his collarbone as he stalked towards her, hands buried deep in his pockets. His shoulders were hunched up close to his ears, which she knew was scant protection from the cold he must be feeling.
Her heart inadvertently gave a little pang at the thought and she could’ve sworn she saw his gaze narrow slightly as it happened.
She continued to take him in while she could, eyes lingering on the crystal around his neck that seemed to glow from within, a warm cerulean pulsation, before drifting over his leather jacket, burgundy henley, and worn-in jeans, half-tucked into his partially laced boots.
“Thanks for waiting,” was the first thing he said once he was in ear-shot.
Any passer-by might have thought he was sincere: Thanks for waiting for me by the car. For not leaving when you could have. Thanks for offering me a ride.
Grace, however, understood the sarcastic undercurrent of his words. Thanks for leaving me in there to deal with your mother and the rest of the agents. Nate’s disapproving glances and Felix’s gleeful ones. Thanks for ditching me.
There was never any true bite to his words, though, not anymore—even the borderline derisive ones. Instead, he stopped about a foot in front of her and straightened, his full lips quirked slightly, an unlit cigarette dangling between them. She had to crane her neck to look up at him and his grin grew wider.
“Ready to go, sweetheart?” he murmured, taking the cigarette out of his mouth.
She cleared her throat, unable to stop the blush from creeping up her neck. 
Even after all they’d been through — all they’d done — she still couldn’t prevent the slow crawl of heat that always seemed to accompany his presence.
“Yeah,” she said gruffly, turning to open her door and hoping maybe this time he hadn’t noticed.
One glance at the way he rolled his lips, hiding an ever-growing smirk as he rounded the back bumper of her car to go to the passenger side, told her that there was no chance she had been that lucky.
They got in quietly and she started the ignition — on the third try, ignoring his snort and slow headshake — before they were off.
“You know,” she said after a beat, even though she kicked herself for always being the one to break the silence, “I don’t think I need a babysitter anymore. Things seem quiet now.”
Mason scoffed.
“Things are never quiet,” he replied bluntly. “There’s just the hurricane or the eye of the storm.”
She felt his eyes on her after a moment and she held her breath, waiting for him to continue.
“Why? Getting sick of my company, sweetheart?”
“No!” she blurted out quickly—too quickly. “It’s not that, it’s just—I mean, I feel bad for you, to be honest. I’m sure there’s other things you’d rather be doing—”
“There’s nothing — and no one — else I’d rather be doing right now.” He’d said the words casually enough, as though completely unaware of the tumult they would cause within her system, his head still tilted languidly against the headrest of her passenger seat as he watched her.
“Well—” She fumbled for words. “That’s—I’m glad.” Nice one.
He chuckled low in his throat. “What is it about you being flustered that just gets me going?” He shook his head. “I’ll never know.” 
She couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped her. “I hate it,” she admitted. “You make me feel like my brain is constantly short-circuiting.”
“I’ll take that compliment.”
She took her eyes off the road briefly to look over at him. Sure enough, he was still staring right at her with a little smile quirking the side of his mouth up. She couldn’t help the return smile that she felt crinkling up the corners of her eyes.
His face changed slightly, smile dropping.
“Jesus, sweetheart, keep smiling at me like that and you might need to pull over.” He fiddled with a fresh cigarette before popping it in his mouth. She waited a beat, but the lighter never came out.
“We’re here anyway,” she said, pulling into her apartment complex and finding a spot easily. “You’ve officially completed your chaperone duty.” She hazarded a glance over at him. “Did you…” She cleared her throat. Be bold, Gracie.
He’d already turned his whole body in his seat, one hand braced on the dash, the other elbow digging in beside his headrest. He watched her carefully, amusement dancing in his eyes.
“Did I?” He pretended to mull over the incomplete question. “The answer is most likely yes, I have.”
He leaned closer until she could feel the warmth of his breath swirling in the space between them. No longer imbued with the scent of burning tobacco, instead it had a sweetness to it, a freshness that reminded her of an unopened pack of cigarettes before they had been tainted by a flame.
“I have, I would have, and I certainly will again,” he continued, leaning forward even closer.
Grace bit her bottom lip and his eyes shot down to it immediately, seemingly transfixed by her tooth caught in the flushed redness of her mouth.
“Finish the sentence, detective,” he murmured, eyes still fixed on her, the cool grey seeming to emanate with a glow all its own.
“Did you want to come in?” she breathed, her own eyes darting down to his mouth in return.
His hand cupped the back of her neck, fingers tangling in her dark hair as he pulled her towards him.
“Always,” he said against her lips before capturing them with his.
Grace felt herself drowning in the moment, the same rushing vortex of emotion she felt every time they kissed. She’d thought it would get easier — that it had to — that it wouldn’t feel so all-consuming, so vital each time.
But as his lips slid over hers, tongue stroking and tasting and always drawing more and more from her, as she carded her fingers through the tempting obsidian waves of his hair and tugged him closer still, the desire to devour him too persistent to ignore—
She knew she was in deep. Too deep. She cared—too much. And there would be no getting out this time — at least not with all her vital parts attached.
* * *
Mason never thought he would like anything more than fucking.
It was intrinsic to his very being, the combustive need for release at all times — not just sexually, but entwined within his very existence. A need to be released from the hold of his senses, from the overpowering strain of existence—the sounds, the smells, the sights. All of it.
His desire to remove himself from the harshness of reality was a constant endeavour — and sex just happened to be the easiest and most pleasurable way to do it.
But he had to hand it to his little detective.
The sex was good, that was for sure. No doubt about it.
But the kissing—
In his almost one hundred years on this planet — at least the ones he could recall — he couldn’t remember ever being this affected by goddamn kissing of all things.
It had to be the little noises she made. Murmurs and moans against his mouth that he wasn’t even sure she was fully aware she was doing.
Or the way she pulled at him, drawing him closer each time so she could press her body against his, feel the length of her torso flush with the entirety of his.
She reminded him of a little burrowing creature, nuzzling at his jaw and neck, gripping the collar of his shirt, squirming to get under, over, inside him.
He squeezed her tightly — moderating the full extent of his strength, obviously, but still forcing her to emit a small breathless gasp at the feeling — and pulled her across the console towards him.
“Settle,” he murmured against her ear, dragging her fully into his lap. It was an effort — her legs kicked the dashboard, the radio, and the glove box before she could tuck them under herself as she buried a giggle into his shoulder.
“This car is not made for that sort of lateral movement,” she informed him, shifting to try and get comfortable.
“Oof,” he grunted as her knee hit his midsection. “God, you’re heavy.” It was patently untrue, but he knew he’d get some sass back for a comment like that and he found himself eagerly anticipating it.
She didn’t disappoint. Leaning back, she braced her hands on his shoulders, a lock of dark hair obscuring half of one of her hazel eyes. A street lamp illuminated her cheeky, exasperated grin as she tilted her head and regarded him.
“Is that so?” She wiggled around purposefully and he groaned in unspent desire as her perfectly round bottom found all the right places in his lap. “Would you care to file a complaint?”
“Christ, no,” he muttered, pulling her towards him once more. “Let’s get out of this aluminum death trap and go upstairs.”
Kicking his door open despite her protests to be careful, he tightened his hold on her and lifted them both out of the car, bracing his legs on the pavement as he stood.
He knew she was anticipating that he would release her, drop her to her feet and continue forwards to her apartment, likely with her trailing behind — his long strides swallowing up the pavement much easier than her shorter ones — but he found himself enjoying the steady, rapid beat of her heart against his shoulder, the comforting heft of her in his arms. He found himself hardpressed to let her go.
So he didn’t.
She let out a gasp that dissolved into a laugh as he hefted her higher up and over his shoulder, unable to stop himself from giving her ass a playful slap as he carried her to her door. She kicked her legs ineffectually, thumped his back lightly with her palms as she squirmed. He only held her tighter against him.
“Stop moving, detective,” he ground out, the cigarette dropping out of his mouth as he turned his head to bite whatever part of her was closest to his cheek.
She yelped as his teeth made contact with the side of her upper thigh, hard enough that she’d be able to feel it through her jeans.
“Keep it up and it’ll be harder next time,” he promised, carrying her effortlessly up her steps. He paused at her front door. “Keys?”
“They’re in my pocket,” she grumbled and he made a big show of patting her bottom — both sides, thoroughly — before pulling them out of the pocket with the obvious protrusion and unlocking her door.
He let them in and kicked the door shut behind him, then took two strides into the small space and deposited her unceremoniously on the couch.
“Geez,” she spluttered, moving her hair out of her face. “What are my neighbours going to think?”
“Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but with the noises you’ve been making lately, they’ve already drawn their own conclusions,” he drawled, crossing his arms and regarding her with a half smirk.
She just shook her head at him, her eyes glittering with mirth—and something else, something less easy to discern or define. 
Before he could decipher it further, she threw him off with another question:
“What’s gotten into you tonight?” 
Her tone could have been accusatory in nature, but instead there was only a mild sense of awe and a greater sense of amusement. Regardless, it still took him aback.
What, exactly, did she mean by that?
He admitted to himself that there had been a certain feeling of—levity, about him tonight. An air of calmness, of — dare he say — happiness, at the thought of walking out of that station and seeing her waiting for him. Of knowing that he got to go home with her. To hold her. To taste her. To fuck her.
And then to leave her.
“Into me?” He regarded her warily, before moderating his reaction and his tone. “I’m more concerned with getting into you tonight, detective.”
“I have a name,” she retorted, sitting up and smoothing her shirt out. “You haven’t used it once since we left the station.”
Yeah, she had a name. He knew she had a fucking name. Grace. How ironic.
“Call me Gracie,” she’d said to them once and he’d almost puked.
What in the everloving fuck was someone like him doing with someone called Grace? “Grace” meant kindness. Charity. Good will. “Grace” meant mercy.
Mason had never had, nor had he ever wanted, anything to do with mercy.
And this girl—woman in front of him tonight, was the embodiment of her name. Everything kind. Everything compassionate. Everything merciful.
He crossed his hands behind his back so he wouldn’t have to look at them.
“Are we doing introductions again?” he snapped and then immediately regretted it when he saw the stricken look on her face.
All of a sudden, everything felt too overwhelming, his senses in overdrive as he lost his grip on her presence, her heartbeat. Instead, he felt a tidal wave of unwelcome sensations: the smell of the toast she’d made that morning, some flowers she had in a vase that were on the cusp of dying, the light he’d turned on when they walked in shining right in his eyes, the conversation and heavy footsteps of the people in the apartment above them— 
Compulsively, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, placing it between his lips, ready to light it.
Her eyes followed him, watching him closely. He didn’t know if she realized that something had changed in his demeanour or not, but her gaze on him made him itchy, too, in a different way.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he bit down hard on the cigarette, crushing the filter.
“Should I leave?” he muttered, feeling his shoulders hunch. Knowing he looked and sounded petulant and hating himself for it, but being unable to moderate his emotions enough to lift up the necessary shields.
She continued to regard him silently, those all-knowing hazel eyes, wise beyond their years, stripping him down to his scars — external and internal.
He suppressed a shudder.
“I’m going to shower,” she said eventually, “and wash off the grime of the day.” She gestured around the apartment. “Feel free to stay and get comfortable.” Then, she swallowed hard and met his eyes briefly, before looking away and shrugging. “Or go. It’s up to you.” She walked towards the bathroom, tossing her jacket on a chair as she went. “I’ll be a few minutes.”
The bathroom door closed — and locked, decisively.
It would be so easy to just bounce. Two steps to the door and then minutes before he could make it back to the warehouse. To his own bed. To the rest of his unit. Where things were easy and no one would ask questions. He could even go to a bar. Find another warm and willing body to lie with. One with a sensible and meaningless name, like Michael or Jennifer, whose eyes would be as empty as their head and who would smell all wrong and who he’d leave behind without looking back even once, because he didn’t give a shit about them.
It would be so easy.
So fucking easy.
Mason heard the shower turn on.
He thought about how she’d feel when she came out of that shower — thought, too, about her skin flushed and damp, only a towel wrapped around her, just because he couldn’t help himself — knowing that she’d given him an opportunity to stay and he’d chosen to go. 
He found himself caring, for the first time, about how his actions might affect another person’s feelings. 
He looked at the front door. Then he looked at the couch.
And he sat down.
Thanks for reading! I have a smutty part two planned, let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in. 😅
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expensiveglasses · 3 years
Charming Finale
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Summary: Prince Jungkook was as infuriating as he was beautiful. In line to one day be king, he requested your guidance in the ways of his people. In turn he will make you laugh, give your family fine gifts, and become an invaluable friend. Unfortunately, he will also make you fall in love with him. But the most unfortunate thing of all was his betrothal…to Snow White
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Fantasy, Angst, Snow white/au
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7659
Warnings: The first few pages of this chapter deal with the fall out of OC’s decision, so there’s confusion, hurt, anger, etc. This story ends happily, but the first part of the chapter is a little more emotionally painful so be aware. . .
It’s not true what they say about death. The black doesn’t remain. You were surrounded by swirling shades of violet, fuchsia, and azure. Lights bursting behind the shade of your quickly cooling eyelids. Your limbs were stiff but your vision was alive and swelling. There was a consciousness you’d never known death could hold, that allowed thoughts and dreams to roam openly.
Visions of yellow daisies erupting left you breathless when suddenly there was an explosion of color and you were gasping for air, eyes shooting open and blinking in the confusion of the aftermath.
Fingers tingling and breast heaving, your vision finally came into focus and your gaze shifted to the figure leaning over you. “Jungkook?” You breathed.
Jungkook’s eyes were red, cheeks swollen with tears and you watched in surprise as he lurched forward, burying his face in your chest and crying. “I thought I’d lost you!” He wailed. “How could you do something so stupid? I need you, you’re everything to me!”
Your breathing was shallow, evening out with the life that was filling your chest. “What about Snow?”
“I could not wake her.  Only true loves kiss can break the spell.”
“How did I wake up?” You asked softly.
“I kissed you.” Jungkook murmured, his tears slowing with his exhale as he lifted himself from you.
You took a deep breath as you tried to allow your thoughts to settle. “You…kissed…me?”
“I had to try.” He whispered, “I love you.”
You watched his face carefully as you took deep breaths. Your body felt heavy from death, like you’d slept too deeply and woken suddenly.
 “Help me sit up?” You asked softly and Jungkook complied, helping you to sit up against the trunk of a tree.
You were still in the forest and morning light was seeping through the openings of the trees. “How long have I been…asleep?” You asked delicately. The dwarfs stood behind Jungkook’s kneeling figure, faces the picture of relief.
Jungkook frowned, eyes dimming. “You were missing 3 days. The dwarf’s found you this morning and I came as soon as I could. I thought I’d lost you.” He repeated weakly.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled. “I thought I would never see you again and couldn’t bear the thought of it. It was a very selfish thing to do, I admit.”
“Yes, it was.” Jungkook scolded and you stared in surprise. “Death is a very permanent solution to such a temporary problem. You can’t just have a tantrum when things don’t go your way. Even if I had been able to wake Snow you would have recovered from the disappointment. We all recover and move on with our lives, that’s the way of things.”
“I thought you said you loved me, why are you yelling at me?” You muttered into your lap.
“I do love you,” Jungkook sighed, “but I’m mad at you.”
You nodded, clasping your hands together. “I understand.” Silence descended and you blinked in thought. “What will happen to Snow? Will she remain asleep forever?”
Jungkook paused, blinking down at you before pushing his hair from his brow. “I find in my sorrow I neglected to tell you everything. Snow is alive and well.”
Your eyes jumped up to his, eyebrows knitting together. “But you said you couldn’t wake her.”
“I couldn’t.” Jungkook affirmed, “But it turns out the huntsman could.”  
“Oh.” You breathed.
You supposed you shouldn’t have been so surprised; all the signs were there. You had just been so consumed with Jungkook and his destiny that you hadn’t paid much attention to what could have been happening between Snow and Diterich.
“Perhaps we could make our way inside.” Doc smiled and you glanced over Jungkook’s shoulder to return the gesture. “We are preparing supper and have warm blankets. It will take some time to recover from the effects of the poison.”
Jungkook stood suddenly, sliding his arms under your legs and around your waist to hoist you into his arms. “Please, lead the way.” . . The fire was warm and full as Jungkook placed you in the large chair in front of it, taking the proffered blanket from one of the dwarfs and spreading it over your body. You felt a bit too warm as you sat there, watching everyone prepare the food but Doc insisted you stay exactly as you were so that the heat could help you sweat out the remnants of the poison; much like a fever.
“What now?” You asked softly, holding onto Jungkook’s hand while he sat on the floor beside you. “Your father will be extremely unhappy about this turn of events.”
“I imagine so.” Jungkook mused, staring into the flames. Silence engulfed the two of you and you chewed on the inside of your bottom lip in thought. Even now, with Jungkook at your side and Snow awake from another’s kiss, there were no guarantees Jungkook’s father wouldn’t still insist on them marrying.
 They were betrothed, after all.
“I suppose it’s unreasonable to think you could be with a commoner.” You murmured, bottom lip trembling despite yourself. “I understand if you have to go.”
Jungkook turned to look at you sharply. “I have no intention of leaving you. I thought I lost you twice, I will not lose you again.”
“But your father!” You insisted, sniffing and rubbing a tear from the corner of your eye.
“I don’t care.” Jungkook said, lifting onto his knees and sitting in front of you. “You own my heart; totally and completely. I can’t continue without you and I refuse to do so. I’ve tried to do my duty my entire life and now I want to do something for me.”
“How selfish of you.” You smiled softly, a gesture that he returned, lifting your hand to his lips and leaving a soft kiss.
“We’re all entitled to a little selfishness sometimes.”
“Well come now,” Happy beamed, patting his belly cheerfully, “the supper is ready and we should have full stomachs before such heavy talk.”
“Stay put and we’ll bring some over to you.” Doc hummed, ladling some of the stew into a wooden bowl and handing it to Grumpy to bring to you.
“Thank you.” You murmured, taking the bowl from him and he offered you one of his rare smiles, patting the top of your hand.
“You really scared us, girl.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, “I really am. I didn’t realize how many people my decision would impact.”
“You have many people that love you, dear.” Doc smiled, bringing a bowl to Jungkook and sitting down across from you with his own. “Sometimes we don’t see what’s right in front of us, but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. We’re glad you’re safe.”
“I would miss you.” Bashful blushed and Dopey nodded his head vigorously.
“I would miss you too.” You smiled.
“Well, tuck in. Sleepy, could you bring the bread?” Doc called. The other dwarfs came with their own bowls and a loaf of bread that everyone divided between them.
Conversation was light and jolly as they talked of music and celebrations.  The bread was warm and buttered, melting on your tongue and the stew was hearty and filling. By the time you’d finished your food you felt full and as though you’d sweat a river. 
Jungkook looked at you, chuckling. “You’ll need to wash yourself.”
“How preposterous. Commenting on my state in such a way.” You tutted, attempting to push the blanket from your lap before Doc pushed it back up, insisting you wait.
“We’ll prepare a bath for you. We’ve sent for your mother; she will help to bathe you.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary!” You insisted, face warming.
“My dear child,” he said softly, holding your hand in his own and speaking gently, “you’ve been dead for 3 days. You’ll need the help. Would you prefer one of us help you bathe?” He chuckled.
Jungkook looked positively mortified, “what an outrageous jest!” He said, gesticulating wildly, “that would be completely improper.”
“I see your sense of humor remains stiff and serious.” Grumpy commented offhandedly, shuffling from the room.
The dwarfs settled back into their conversations; comfortable by the warmth of the fire. Shame filled your chest as you stared down at the prince, still sat on the floor beside you, fingers locked around yours. His face was puffy and red from crying and your heart thumped uncomfortably at the thought that you’d caused him so much pain.
“Jungkook.” You murmured and he looked up at you, eyes wide in inquiry. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking…I just assumed that you’d be able to wake her and I would be forgotten…I couldn’t…I just couldn’t handle it. I’m so sorry.”
Jungkook hurried to his knees, rubbing the tears from your cheeks with his thumb as he soothed you with gentle words. “I know. I would have missed you terribly. I did miss you terribly. I was nearly out of my mind with grief when we found you.”
“I’m so sorry.” You said once again, watching his dark eyes flicker across your face; surveying him so close you could hardly believe you were here and now. “And…I love you too.”
Your heart jumped nervously at the proclamation. Even though he’d been the first to say it, it was terrifying to say out loud. The nature of your relationship was altogether forbidden and yet you craved him, yearned for him, loved him.
 Anyone but him would never be enough.
Tears sprung from your eyes once more; unbidden and heavy in their tracks across your cheeks.
“I know.” He whispered, nodding and stroking your cheeks once more. “It’s such a tragedy that our first kiss was while you were sleeping, don’t you think?”
You watched as he smiled, eyes crinkling at the sides. His tone of voice was playful and you pouted at him. “Don’t tease me if you mean nothing by it.” You chastised.
He grinned, glancing around the room quickly before leaning forward to press his lips against yours. “Better?”
“That was too quick.” You breathed, reaching forward and pulling him back to you by the nape of the neck. He was warm against you, hands resting on the arms of the chair to your side as he tilted his head to fit comfortably against your mouth.
“Your mother has arrived.” Doc called from by the window and you pulled away from the prince quickly, glancing towards the door.
Jungkook stood, moving closer to the fireplace as your mother entered, eyes sunken and dark. The guilt floored you once again as you took in her expression; the fear, confusion, anger. She glanced around the room, eyes darting towards the prince.
“Your majesty.” She croaked, head bowing slightly before she moved towards you.
Your chest seized as she came to sit in front of you, eyes filling with tears and you couldn’t have felt smaller. “You stupid girl,” she whispered, hands shakily moving to grab yours resting on your lap. Her tears flowed freely now. “Are we nothing to you? Your father and I? Are we not deserving of your thoughts?”
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered, bottom lip trembling.
Her head fell into your lap, shoulders shaking with her cries and you felt the flames of tears licking at your throat. You didn’t feel like you deserved to cry now; not when you’d caused so much pain. It hadn’t even crossed your mind how many people cared. You felt foolish for ever having doubted.
Your mother raised her head, standing and wiping at her cheeks. “Will someone be kind enough to help me bring her to the bath?”
The prince immediately stepped forward. “I would be honored.” He said softly.
 They both helped you to move slowly to the bathing room, your arms around their shoulders and you felt like your chest might burst open from shame.
Jungkook helped you to sit on the stool by the bath before excusing himself, closing the door behind himself. Your mother worked to undo the bindings of your dress, sliding in from your form and you shivered. She’d not bathed you since you were a child and your mortification continued to mount.
“So, it’s the prince then?” She said as she unfolded a cloth and sat it on the edge of the tub before helping you to stand and step into the water. It was warm and smelled sweet like lavender. Your bones sunk heavily into the wooden basin. “He’s the one that you’ve been going to see?”
You glanced up at her, chewing your bottom lip before nodding and staring down into the water. Your mother sighed. “I suspected as much.”
“You suspected?” You asked in surprise.
“I’m not daft child.” She remarked and your fingers twisted together under the water. She bent into a squat, dipping the cloth into the water with you and using it to gently scrub your skin. “I saw the way he looked at you that day he came back. Why do you think I insisted you wear your best dress to the castle?”
“Surely you could not have foreseen this.” You said softly.
“Certainly not.” She agreed, “Though I did hope you could raise your fortune higher than we ever could.”
“Mother,” you sighed, using your fingers to trickle water across your arms, “to marry a prince…it’s a feat I’m afraid my station in life makes me incapable of.”
“Perhaps.” She agreed, scrubbing down your back. “But his devotion is clear, my child. If I am not mistaken, I believe he will fight for you.”
She moved to the front, scrubbing carefully and you watched her work, eyes blurry with tears. “I’m so sorry mother. I was so unfair to you and father.” She looked up at you, pausing her work as you cried, “You’ve given everything for me; given me a good life and I repaid you with so much sorrow. I will spend my whole life apologizing.”
Your mother tutted, lifting your chin with her finger and you looked at her blurry face. “The best apology I could get is your happiness. My dear, a mother always forgives and loves her child. Promise me you’ll fight for your future.”
“I promise.” . .
“Would you like stew?” Happy asked as your mother helped you to settle back in the chair by the fire. 
“I am a mite hungry.” She smiled, accepting the bowl from his hands and a hunk of bread. 
“What will happen with Snow now?” Sneezy asked, standing beside the hearth and prodding into the fire with a poker. “The queen is dead; Snow will have to ascend to the throne.”
You glanced sharply up and Jungkook who reached out to squeeze your shoulder. “All will be well, I’m sure. I will take care of things.”
“We need to return home as soon as I’m finished.” Your mother said from the chair by the fire. “Your father is expecting us. He wants to see you home.”
“Would you like my help escorting you?” The prince asked. “It’s a bit of a walk in her state.”
Your mother bowed her head as thanks. “I will accept the help as far as the fields. Any closer and my husband will see. I’ve told him that you were injured, Y/N, but he does not know the true nature of what happened. It will remain this way. As soon as we leave this cottage, we will never speak of it again. It’s for the best.” 
You nodded quietly, quickly thinking of a plausible injury while she finished her food. When everything was ready, both Jungkook and your mother hiked your arms around their shoulders once more, helping you from the cottage and carefully into the forest. 
The walk was quiet, despite the racing thoughts of your party, and you moved slowly so as not to weaken yourself further. When the three of you had made it to the fields, you paused and Jungkook stepped away from beside you. 
“Thank you for your help, your majesty.” Your mother said softly, bowing her head once more. 
Jungkook himself bowed, to the surprise of your mother and you smiled. Ever the gentleman. “The pleasure was mine, ma’am. Y/N…” he paused, glancing at your mother before continuing. “I will speak with my father tonight. . .
~Jungkook’s P.O.V~
The king was in the study when the prince returned that evening. He sat in a comfortable chair by a roaring fire, book in one hand and glass of red wine in the other. He nodded as his son entered, closing his book and waving him over into the seat in front of him. 
“I’m glad you’re here.” He said, setting the book and his glass of wine down on the small table beside him. He waited for Jungkook to seat himself. “I was wanting to speak to you about your betrothal.”
The prince nodded, hands ringing together in front of him. “I was hoping to speak with you as well.” He said, leaning forward onto his knees. “About Margit.”
“Yes, very sad affair this. The death of a monarch so suddenly; it’s quite a tragedy.” The king said; morose.
“The queen was trying to kill, Margit.” Jungkook said lowly.
The king looked over at him, gaze calculating. “There’s no need to be so moral with me, son. I know the details. We’re not here to talk about the evil queen, but of your betrothed. She’ll need to be married before she can ascend to the throne.”
“Yes,” Jungkook nodded, straightening slightly, “I wish to speak to you about that as well.”
“Good, then we are in agreement. The marriage should take place quickly. We will of course have to take time to prepare and send invitations. We have many people who will need to come from far so the earliest we can progress would be a fortnight.” The king blathered and Jungkook cleared his throat to gain his father’s attention. 
“If I could father, I would like to say something.” He took a deep breath at his father’s wave of approval. “You know I respect you and that I love this kingdom. I love this kingdom so much in fact, that I’ve done a lot of thinking and I wish to break the betrothal with Margit.”
“You wish to what?” The king spluttered, back ramrod straight in his chair. “You wish to break the betrothal?!”
“Yes, father.” Jungkook continued. “Margit is a wonderful woman and she will make a very good queen…of her own kingdom. We have discussed it and neither of us wishes to marry the other. We are not in love with one another.”
“What does love have to do with anything?” The king roared, eyes bulging from their sockets. “This is a political alliance of great magnitude! This is unacceptable, you will do your duty to your kingdom and your king!”
Jungkook straightened completely, staring deep into the angry eyes of his father. He looked mad with fury. “Why is marrying someone for political gain my duty, father? Do you not think someone from our own kingdom would do well?”
“Is this about that confounded peasant girl?” The king howled, standing from his chair and pacing angrily behind it.
Jungkook stood himself, quietly and with great poise. His father’s greatest weakness was how strongly his emotion ruled him. If the prince could present a calm and collected face, perhaps his father could see reason.
 “Yes, it is.” He admitted. The king stopped suddenly, turning to look at his son. “I am in love with her.”
The king opened and closed his mouth a few times, surprise clearly etched into the wrinkles of his eyes. “Well,” he blustered, “well, what’s that to do with running a kingdom? Who is this girl anyway?”
“Father, your concern is that you want what is best for the kingdom. Please believe me when I say, that is my desire as well.” The king paused a moment, scrubbing a hand down his tired face. “I have the deepest respect for you and for this kingdom. I want what is best for the people that are in my care. It is why I chose to spend so much time out trying to see the village. I will admit that it has been difficult to make acquaintances with the people without giving myself away; so, I chose to spend time studying them from afar.”
His father resumed his seat, beckoning for his son to sit again. “The people are hardworking, father.” Jungkook continued, “They are good and they are kind and I wish to know their truest needs and desires. I believe the best way to do so would be to choose a bride from among them; someone who knows intimately what it is to be a villager in our kingdom.”
“And you wish for that girl to be your wife?” The king asked, fingers bouncing along the arm of his chair as his gaze switched from the flames to his son and back again.
“I do.” Jungkook admitted. “I would do anything to have her. Anything including…including giving up my claim to the throne.”
The king turned to him suddenly, surprise renewed and his whole body tensed. “Give up the throne?!”
The prince nodded, folding his hands together and staring straight at his father. “If that’s what it takes. It is not my desire to abdicate the throne, but if that’s what it takes to have the woman I love, I would do it.”
The king spluttered again noisily before shifting a few times in his chair, as though his body was filled with energy he couldn’t seem to release. He stared straight into the fire and Jungkook could see the thoughts racing behind his eyes.
“And what of the princess? Margit still needs to marry to ascend to the throne.”
Jungkook smiled softly at his father. “I would not have suggested such a drastic change in plans if I didn’t have a solution.” He said softly. 
“I suppose you mean for her to marry a peasant as well?” The king grumbled, twisting the ring on his middle finger in quick circles. 
“Not quite a peasant. A huntsman.”
The king scoffed before groaning and dropping his head into his hands. Jungkook watched him, his heart squeezing with compassion. All his father had ever known was duty; his head was not accustomed to giving way to his heart.
He sighed, glancing up at his son, looking more tired than ever before. “You know I want you to be happy,” he said. “As a father, I want you to find happiness no matter what, but as your king, I need you to also be reasonable; to see what you’re asking of me. This is no easy thing…to marry a commoner.”
“I know,” Jungkook nodded, leaning forward on his elbows again, seeking his father’s eyes. “I know what I ask of you is difficult, but love and duty can be joined for once. I can be happy and still rule this kingdom well; better in fact, with one of its women as my backbone.”
The king smiled softly, shaking his head. “You have the determination of your mother, you know.”
“You say that as though it were a bad thing.” The prince smiled and the king shrugged.
“It depends on the day.” Silence descended on the room, only the cracks of the fire as company while the king thought. “You’ve still not told me the name of your bride.” He said finally. 
Jungkook looked up at his father, dark eyes twinkling in the light of the fire. “I think you will quite like her.” He grinned. . .
“You’re betrothed?” Else choked, standing at the doorway of her home and you smiled. “To the prince?!”
You chuckled, leaning against the timber walls. “That’s correct. You’ve met him you know…the man from the market. Jungkook.”
“That was the prince?” Else squawked and the chickens in her yard fluttered away with angry screeches. “How in the world did you woo him? How did you ever get the chance? Oh my, poor Peter! He will be so disappointed.”
Your heart dropped at the mention of his name. You’d requested your father not tell him after the prince had come to inquire after your hand. Your father had nearly fallen off his seat when the prince had expressed his desire; thought he’d about lost his mind to be asking such an absurd question. He was a prince! 
Of course, he’d given permission and then became so suddenly thrilled you thought he might just run into the streets telling anyone he saw. You wanted your friends to hear it from you, though. Especially Peter. Else was right, of course, Peter would be heartbroken. But you knew the news would be best coming from you and not from gossip. You were one of his best friends, after all. 
“Yes,” you agreed with a sigh. “I plan to meet with him today to tell him. The announcement will go out to the village tomorrow so this is my only opportunity. I’m not excited for it.”
“No, I supposed not.” Else commiserated. “You are to be queen, though! Never could I have imagined.”
“It feels uncomfortable to think it.” You admitted, leaning your forehead against the wall. “I’m not deserving of the title at all.”
Else frowned, hands going to rest on her hips as she looked at you. “I disagree completely.” She huffed, “You will make an excellent queen. You are kind and thoughtful, you keep the best interest of others at heart. You know the needs of the people. There is no one better for it.”
You smiled, shaking your head at her. “So decided are we, hey?” You sighed, standing straight and dusting off your dress. “I suppose I should go now. I want to catch Peter before he makes way home.” 
Else wished you luck, demanding further details at a later time and you left her at the door, traveling further up the dirt path. Peter lived a little further out of the village, on the farm his brother now owned. The day was beautiful and warm and made you feel calm as you moved down the lane. 
You caught Peter just before he turned on the path to his home and he greeted you warmly. “Good morning, Y/N! What brings you here?”
You smiled gently, “I’ve come to see you, Peter.”
“Oh?” He said, smiling happily. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
You cleared your throat, pointing towards the fence and he followed you there, leaning up against it, pushing the bag at his hip aside. “I was wondering if I might have a word with you.” You said softly. 
Peter seemed surprised. It was unlike you to be so formal, so timid and you could see the questions on his face. “Of course. What’s troubling you?”
You sighed, straightening your shoulders and looking up at him. “I wanted you to hear the news from me, as I think it will come as quite a shock.” You paused to gauge his reaction, but he only looked confused. You continued. “I am engaged to be married.”
“Oh,” he paused, looking stricken, “To Meinolf? He did say…well, he did say he thought he might like to do so.”
“No,” You said softly, eyeing his expression. It was worse than you’d thought. He seemed to be struggling a great deal to keep the heartbreak from his face. “I am engaged to be married to the prince.”
“The prince?” Peter repeated, numb. He stared down at the ground, hands twisting around the strap of his bag. “The one in the castle?”
You wanted to ask if he knew another prince, but understood his shock. “Yes.” You confirmed patiently.
“How?-” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat, shaking his head before continuing. “How did such a thing come about?”
“Well,” you sighed, “it started rather simply. They came to our house that time, months ago as you know, after he’d returned home from school. We were then invited to the castle and after I’d taken faint, he came to seek after my health. He requested my help in getting to know the village and I thought it would be rather good to have a king who knows intimately the struggles of his people.”
You took a deep breath and Peter nodded for you to continue. “So, I agreed and we began to spend time together. I showed him around the village; had him meet some people I thought he might like to know about, and we became naturally closer.”
Peter closed his eyes, leaning against the fence and absorbing the information. Your heart thudded painfully at the pinched look on his face, but you waited for him to be ready. “And he fell in love with you?” He asked finally. 
At your shy nod, he continued. “I am unsurprised by this. You are easy to fall in love with.” He said softly. You tried not to look pitying. You hated when people pitied you and you could imagine Peter would feel the same. “But do you love him? I remember you saying something about wanting to be in love.”
He looked earnest in his inquiry, like he really hoped for an honest answer so you felt at ease to give this to him. “I do.” You said, “I love him very much.”  
He sighed deeply, licking at his bottom lip before nodding. “Then I am happy for you; you deserve happiness. I always knew you could have done much better than me.”
“Don’t say that.” You chastised, “Don’t lower yourself for my honor. You deserve to be with someone who loves you just as much as you love them. Do you think you could ever truly be with someone who didn’t reciprocate your feelings?” 
He shrugged, staring up into the sky, robin’s egg blue and clear of all clouds. “It’s hard to say for sure, I’ve never tried it. You’re probably right, though…to love and be loved in return; it sounds wonderful. I’m happy for you, Y/N. I wish you a very happy marriage.”
“Thank you, Peter.” You smiled. 
He nodded, staring down the dirt path towards his house.” I should go. Home, I mean. They’re expecting me.”
“Of course.” You murmured, watching as he nodded once more before turning and resuming his walk. . .
The view of the village from the top of the hill by the mill was particularly beautiful today. The summer was waning slowly, but leaving in its wake a shimmering warmth. You sat below the tree with the gnarl, legs tucked underneath your dress, resting your chin against your knees. 
In a fortnight, everything would change. You would no longer be with your parents; your responsibilities would be completely new. You would be expected to learn politics, languages, public affairs…it would be a lie if you said the thought didn’t make you feel faint. 
You’d do it all to have Jungkook, but you certainly hadn’t thought much passed just being with him before your dreams actually came true. Now you were expected to take on the responsibilities as your kingdoms future queen and you felt ill equipped to do so. 
The village below you was teeming with life. You could hear the calls of people selling their goods; could see the butcher’s wife walking up through the streets with a basket full of sausages to tempt people into their shop. No one could imagine that tomorrow, one of their own would be elevated to a position so unimaginable. You worried that maybe some would resent you.
Perhaps some would imagine themselves worthy of royalty and wonder why they themselves had not been given a chance. How could you even begin to explain that you weren’t given a chance either? It just sort of…happened.
No, you supposed you would just have to endure whatever fall out may come. No monarch was unanimously liked…aside from perhaps Snow when she eventually took the throne. You smiled at the thought. Yes, you imagined she would be well liked. 
“I thought I would find you here.”
You turned to find the prince moving slowly towards you, hands clasped behind his back. The breeze moved through his hair lethargically, the strands framing his face handsomely. You could hardly believe he was yours. 
“You were looking for me, your majesty?” You teased, fingers twisting in the fabric of your dress as he scrunched his face at you. 
“Yes, my future queen.”
You huffed, flushing and staring out at the village below you. “I feel faint at the thought of it.” You admitted. 
“It is a lot of responsibility.” He sighed, sitting down beside you and slipping his fingers into yours. “We’ll do it together, won’t we?’
“Yes, we will.” You smiled up at him. 
“Did you speak with Else and Peter?” He asked delicately, tracing the veins against the back of your hand. 
“I did.” You replied. “Else was very happy and Peter was disappointed; nothing I didn’t expect. They send their well wishes, though. Both of them.” 
The morning was ebbing into early afternoon as you sat on that hill top together, fingers linked, the prince’s thumb stroking back and forth across the back of your hand as you enjoyed one another’s company. 
“Do you remember the first time we saw each other again? At your house.” He asked suddenly. You turned your attention towards him as he smiled down at you. “Your family was waiting for my father and I outside your house and we hadn’t seen each other in years.”
“Of course I remember.” You smiled, “I was dreading it. I assumed you’d be that same awful boy from before, just older.”
Jungkook flushed pink, lips twisting into a lopsided smile. “I have the feeling you thought I still was after that meeting.”
You could remember his words even now, he’d treated you as though you were just a toy to be played with, something to amuse him. Even now, you couldn’t reconcile that man with the man before you today. “Yes, you didn’t make a great impression. I felt as though you just saw me as an accessory.”
His head hung low, bobbing up and down with his nod. “Yes, I apologize for that. At the time, I hadn’t realized how it had sounded. It was upon further reflection that I felt I had sounded unkind. I only meant to ensure that you would be at the castle with your father and Peter.”
“Why is that?” You asked him. 
He smiled, staring down the hillside and avoiding your gaze. “You looked very pretty. I am a man after all, and I wanted to see you again. To show you that I’d changed. I didn’t do so well that first day.”
“No,” you said with a laugh. “No, you did not do well at all that day. Did you know that my mother put me in my best dress to go see you in the castle? I couldn’t understand why she would waste effort on making me look so presentable when I was going to go see the king. Why would he need for me to look nice?”
“The effort certainly was not wasted.” Jungkook said softly and you smiled, looking up into his soft brown eyes, warmed from affection. “You looked even more beautiful that day. I could hardly believe how much you had changed. It made me feel ashamed of myself.”
“Really?” You asked in surprise and he nodded. 
“Because I had assumed that you would still be that same little girl that I had misjudged. You were amazing, though. Vivacious, beautiful, gentle, and you were so unwilling to be what others wanted you to be. That was very alluring.” 
You laughed, your chest fit to bursting with equal amounts pride and embarrassment. “You make me sound so lovely.” You mumbled. 
Jungkook smiled, hand going to rest against your cheek and you looked up at him, heartbeat accelerating. “You are lovely. So lovely. I love you deeply. You are far more than I deserve. I am only a man.”
“And I am only a woman.” You smiled, cheek nestling deeper in his hand as his thumb made waves across your flesh. “let’s be equals, shall we?”
His lips against yours was his gentle acceptance. . . ** About 2 months later **
The early morning was crisp. You stood at the balcony dressed in only your night shirt and a glass of warm tea clutched in your hands. Your attendant had recently left after waking you and you sipped sleepily at your drink. 
You’d hardly slept last night; so much to occupy your mind. It had only been a month since your wedding, but after the party and the bedding ceremony were finished and you’d been able to get a night’s rest, you’d woken to lessons and training from sun up to sun down. 
The king had been uncommonly kind; understanding of your limitations and patient with your learning. He said you were doing remarkably well all things considered. You felt he flattered you to the point of near dishonesty, but you appreciated his faith in you none the less. 
It was intimidating to jump into a role you were so whole heartedly unprepared for. You could never have truly imagined how much work it would take to become an acceptable ruler. Still, there was a part of you that was really enjoying your time learning. 
In the village, you’d been unable to return to school once your womanhood had begun. Your mother insisted you stay home and learn to tend a home when that time came; insisting it was the education you would need anyway. 
At the time, it had felt unfair, but you’d understood. As far as you knew, you would grow up to tend a home and bear children. Language and politics were of no use to you. Now, of course, everything had changed and you felt very ill equipped. 
It was still early enough in the morning that most of the villagers had not woken. You could see some smoke plumes in chimneys from your spot on the balcony, but otherwise, all was silent. A knock at your bedroom door roused your attention and you called out softly for their entry. 
You knew it was Jungkook anyway. 
“Good morning.” He said gently, closing the door behind him and making his way over towards your balcony. “I see the master of the wardrobe has not come yet.”
“I asked for a little extra time to revive myself.” You hummed. 
Jungkook moved behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and you could see that he himself was already dressed in his outer clothing. 
“You look beautiful.” He murmured, leaving a kiss against your cheek and you huffed pleasantly.
“I just woke up. I look like the undead.”
“Impossible!” Jungkook insisted. You could feel his interest against your back, the warmth of his body drawing you closer and you smiled as his nose drew a delicate line across your jaw.
“We don’t have time.” You mumbled as his lips made their way across your neck and collarbone. 
“I only need a few minutes.” He murmured, hands wandering temptingly upwards.
“That’s not as reassuring as it sounds.” You teased and you could hear his muffled laugh in the dip of your neck. “I still need to dress, we need to eat, and then we must travel a morning’s journey. We don’t have as much time as you think.”
You turned in his arms, placing your cup down on the table by the door and wrapping your arms around his neck. He looked unfathomably handsome this morning. Long dark hair pushed away from his face and wearing an ornate, deep blue tunic embossed in gold. 
“My prince charming.” You sighed, looking up at him and he smiled. “I still can’t believe you’re mine.”
“I’m very persuasive.” The prince hummed, rocking your bodies lightly from side to side, “My father didn’t stand a chance. I knew you would be here with me someday.”
You laughed, running your hand up his chest. “Your confidence is almost alarming at times.”
“Alarmingly attractive.” Jungkook said as you stepped away from him and back into the bedroom. You hummed your agreement and he smiled. “Shall I call the master of the wardrobe?”
“Yes please,” you said, surveying the bags of scented perfume on your bureau.
 After Jungkook returned from calling the help, he moved towards where you stood, two bags in your hands. “Which should I choose for today?”
You held each bag out for his inspection and he smelled them carefully before picking one. “You know this is my favorite.” He said, fiddling with the strings of a bag you’d left on the top of the bureau. 
“Yes, but I also know how you behave when I wear it and we can’t be doing that at a wedding of all places.” You teased. 
“True.” He grinned wolfishly. 
A knock at the door and the master of the wardrobe was stepping in at your call. Jungkook left you to get dressed with a promise to wait for you down at breakfast. . .
Snow looked radiant in her wedding dress. Deep red with gold accenting; her lovely dark hair held high in a golden snood and a crown perched delicately on top of her head. She was more beautiful than you’d ever seen her; beaming happily at Dietrich as he spoke with a wedding guest. 
The king led both Jungkook and yourself towards the couple and Snow smiled even brighter, embracing you tightly. “Your highness!” She beamed, nodding her head at the king who tucked his own in greeting. “Your majesties. You’ve all come. I am so happy to have you join us today.”
“It is the greatest pleasure.” The king replied grandly. “It is a wonderful day for a wedding, is it not? The weather is pleasant and the food is plenty.”
The hall of Snow’s castle was beautiful. The kingdom of Vildüngan was nestled in the rolling green hills of Weidenbaum auf Nidd. The décor of the dining hall reflected the nature surrounding the castle, vines draped across windows and corridors with soft pink and blue forget-me-nots and edelweiss tucked into the foliage.
The high table and three long tables in the center had been adorned with dining ware, ready for their occupants. You could smell the tantalizing scents of the kitchen wafting to where you all stood, sweet and savory already pricking your taste buds into excitement. 
“Will you be our honored guests at the high table?” Snow asked, her arm linked through that of her new husband’s. 
“How could we refuse such a generous offer?” Jungkook smiled, motioning for them to move forward and the three in your party followed after, greeting foreign dignitaries and foreign royalty on your way. 
The high table afforded you a spectacular view of the dining hall and its occupants. As everyone seated themselves, the servants began to fill the tables with food; so much you felt you could almost hear the tables groaning under the weight. 
You filled your plate with the food closest to you as you engaged in conversation with the queen from Duchy of Savoy. She spoke of her children, all too young to attend, and you smiled and laughed with her stories. 
She made you feel an anxious sort of excitement for your future with Jungkook. He was talking animatedly with the King, cutting into a shank of lamb and you tried desperately to concentrate on your own present conversation, despite how distracting he was.  
The evening waxed late when a trumpet was sounded and Snow smiled, standing tall before all in the room. “I want to thank you once again, on behalf of myself and my new husband. How gracious you are for coming to be with us this evening and to celebrate our union. There was a time not so long ago when things could have been very different than they are now.”
She glanced down at both Jungkook and you, a small smile curving her lips up. “We have much to be grateful for tonight. Your company, for starters.” The room cheered loudly, clanking cups against the wooden tables and Snow laughed. “Yes, and of course my health. I am indebted to my dear husband on that account. I am grateful for the bravery of friends that changed the tides of fate. For the flexibility of my people and the sovereigns of this land who felt that with great change, a better world could be created.”
The room was quiet, but happily so. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant, the buzz of contentedness you got from a full belly and a warm fire. You felt the alluring tendrils of sleep tug behind your eyes, but the party was still young and you hadn’t had a dance yet. 
“I hope, that going forward from this evening on, we will form a great alliance one with another; that we will remember this evening and these warm feelings. I beg we rise together, that we align together to look after our brothers of distant countries and remember we are family. I know each of you by name and you have great worth to me. Let us celebrate as long as the moon will allow and remain tied as long as our kingdoms shall endure. To our futures together!”
“Here here!” Called the room, lifting cups and drinking deeply. Jungkook finished his own glass, turning to face you and reaching for your hand under the table. 
“May we live long and reign with all the dignity and love we have in us.” He whispered.
You smiled, squeezing his hand in yours, warm and whole. You felt secure, you felt loved, and you finally felt like you’d found your rightful place. With him.
“Here here.”
I’m so sorry it’s late! I had a crazy weekend and completely forgot. It’s over, though! Can’t believe it’s done. I hope that you enjoyed and I’d really appreciate you sharing your thoughts! <3
Copyright © 2019 by Taeken-My-Heart. All rights reserved.
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lewistan · 3 years
🖤 + Linds and Joel
1) my muse’s initial impression of yours: when they were young, she probably thought: oh look another of felix’s friends in my house; as teens: I will not find my brother’s friend attractive; and now: dammit, why’d he have to become that hot 2) my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours: she loves his body, okay? yes, he’s got a great smile and it does stupid things to her heart and she could easily say that, but that body? boy oh boy. like he discovered everything she’s ever found attractive and decided to become it. she’s superficial, let her live.  3) my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours: SO MANY. he makes her laugh. he puts her at ease. he makes her feel valued and seen. linds is so used to feeling out of place in her world, but she never feels like that when she’s with joel. it’s so unexpected that years later, she still has a difficult time believing that he genuinely likes her for her and that he isn’t just coming around because he’s friends with her brother.  4) a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours: she knows she cares when the reality of him leaving again makes her grumpy. 5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours: “you make me feel things i’ve never felt before and i’m not sure how to handle that.” 6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours: linds being linds probably realized she was desperately in love with him, which naturally terrified her bc being in love with Gabriel was awful and here she is falling for another of her brothers’ friends like a damn cliche. Not to mention the fact that he would inevitably leave again because travel is in his soul and she’d be left in love and alone. So, she probably lashed out and said something along the lines of “you’re an idiot if you think i actually love you.”   7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe: he makes her feel emotionally safe simply by valuing her as a person. that’s something that she’s never experienced before and she’s not ready to process it as yet. physical safety, though, is so much easier to discuss and joel does it just by nature of his size. he’s so much taller than her. he makes her feel fragile and delicate and for a woman who has always had to take care of herself, that’s very thrilling and sexy. she may have to make cuddles a hard and fast non-negotiable because those arms are just too good to waste. 8) something your muse does that makes mine smile: makes fun of felix. she’s always lived in felix’s shadow. everyone has always loved the boys and ignored linds. so linds appreciates that joel is her co-conspirator. it helps that they grew up in the same circles so he understands exactly how unbearable events are. 9) something my muse wants to protect yours from: the way their world makes a person into a monster. joel may’ve been born into their world, but he’s so grounded and different. linds never wants that to change.  10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words: it’ll probably be years before linds says the actual words, but she’ll remind him that she finds him incredibly mouthwatering; she’s intentional about making time to see him when he’s not traveling and carving out time to talk to him when he is, even if the time zones are weird. 
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melancholicumsomnia · 3 years
[FIC] A Little Miracle In The Volume Part 4
A/N: Here’s Part 4 of my fic contribution to PEDRO PASCAL APPRECIATION WEEK 2021! The #ppaw2021 theme of Day 4 is Favorite pics/videos from Pedro’s IG or Twitter. I love any pic of Pedro with Oscar Isaac, but I love these two the most (the first one coming from Pedro’s IG).
Again many thanks to @pedrohub​ for PPAW and to @pedrocentric​ for patiently hearing this frustrated writer’s complaints about the plotting and writing process. 
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
A Little Miracle In The Volume
Part Four
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Oscar was having a strange dream as he slept in his bed in Brooklyn. It had started out quite beautifully in fact – there he was, walking in a field of sunflowers, with the sun shining down on his head. Suddenly, he heard a loud buzzing noise, coming from a short distance away from him. His eyes grew wide as a dark cloud rose from those blossoms. To his even greater horror, that cloud began to head his way.
“WHOA!” Oscar cried out as he turned tail and ran for his life. 
But the bee swarm was relentless, following him down the hill and into the woods. In his fear of getting stung, Oscar would whirl back often to see how far the swarm was. The bees were, however, slowly but surely closing the gap between them. It was when he turned to look back again that he failed to see the thick root of an oak jutting out from the leaves-covered ground ahead of him. With a surprised “Woof!” Oscar tripped on the root and fell face first on the ground. 
As he turned onto his back, he raised his left arm to protect his face and closed his eyes. “No! Don’t! Please!” But the painful sting he dreaded never came. 
Instead, he felt something small alight on his arm. As Oscar looked at the thing, his jaw dropped in shock.
The bee on his arm had Pedro’s tearful face! As he trained his eyes on the swarm hovering above him, he saw that all of the bees had his best friend’s face!
“Help meee!” The bee made a high-pitched wail. The swarm followed suit, again, with that plaintive cry of “HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!”
Oscar sat up from his bed with a gasp, wiping the sweat from his face. He glanced at his wife Elvira beside him, but thankfully, he had not woken her up. 
Now that he was fully awake, Oscar’s heart started to race again when he realized that he could still hear that buzzing sound inside the room. Peering through the darkness, he traced the sound to be coming from the floor on his side of the bed. Sure enough, it was his phone that was vibrating non-stop. He must have knocked it over the night stand while thrashing from his nightmare. Not wanting to wake up his wife, Oscar picked up the phone, went outside the bedroom, and tiptoed down to the kitchen. 
As he switched on the light, Oscar pressed “Answer” on his phone, without peeking at the screen to find out who was calling him, and spoke a single “Yeah?” 
The hairs on Oscar’s arms stood on end when his mysterious caller moaned, “GRUMMPPPYYYY!”
“What the f—” All of a sudden, Oscar remembered his dream and he knew who he was talking to. “Baby Chicken, is that you?” A bit pissed off, he added, “Do you know what time it is?”
“I’m sorrryyyy!” Pedro whined back on the other end. “But…but…”
Hearing how distraught his friend was, Oscar was seized by fear and apprehension. “Hey, hey! It’s okay. Did something happen on set? Heaven forbid…did they…did they fire you?”
“No, no! I’ve actually finished a few scenes already.”
“Then what’s wrong?”
A brief pause. Then, there was a choked sob and Pedro wailed, “Werner Herzog is picking on me!”
Both of Oscar’s eyebrows rose at that revelation. From his own personal experience, he knew that a lot of things can happen on a film set, but he never expected that to happen to his friend, who was noted in the industry as one of the friendliest and kindest actors. On the other hand, Werner Herzog was notorious for his eccentric behavior. He couldn’t fathom how his cheerful and so desperately eager-to-please friend could’ve gotten on the bad side of an infamous director like Herzog.
“Now, calm down, Baby Chicken,” Oscar tried to comfort Pedro, as he sat down on a stool. “Tell me what’s been happening.”
For twenty minutes, Oscar listened carefully as Pedro told him about the events of the past few days – about Herzog’s overprotectiveness of the puppet and his determination to keep it away from Pedro. It sounded like lunatic behavior. Then again, this was Werner Herzog they were talking about. Hollywood has gotten used to the director’s eccentricities.
But not poor Pedro.
“Werner has already finished filming his last episode,” Pedro was bringing his narrative to its conclusion. “But he refused to leave the set. He said that he wanted to watch us film Episode 8 in the backlot. Because there were going to be explosions and flamethrowers, he wanted to make sure that the baby would be safe. His wife Lena has been calling the production offices, asking when he was going home. But Werner won’t leave.”
“I have to give credit to the man,” Oscar remarked with a cluck of his tongue. “He certainly is committed to this delusion of his.”
“What’ll I do? I’m having difficulty concentrating with him lurking around like an evil shadow. I constantly feel like I’m going to have a nervous breakdown. And…and…” The quiet admission came. “…I want to spend more time with Grogu.”
So, you fell in love with the puppet too, huh! It must be that cute if you like him this much, Oscar mused to himself. 
Letting out a heavy sigh, he admitted, “Having never met or worked with Werner Herzog before, I’m not sure what advice I could give you. The way I see it, you need to man up to this guy. I mean, you’re the lead actor, for chrissake, and he’s just a guest star! You need to be with that puppet more if you want to develop a convincing on-screen bond with it.”
“My point exactly! But I’m terrified of him. His mood swings scare me.”
“Well, he is an old man. Maybe he misses his kids and grandkids. Hey, I know! Why don’t you give him a nice big cake as a peace offering? Because of their age, a lot of Seniors can no longer eat the foods they loved when they were younger.”
Pedro let out a snort. “Why should I give Werner a cake? He’s the one who’s been terrorizing me!”
“Then I think you have no choice but to man up to him. Maybe not a direct confrontation. Maybe show him something which he can’t do.”
“Well, I can’t think of anything. This is THE Werner Herzog we’re talking about here. He’s done a lot of things in lifetime. Hell, he even ate a shoe on a bet!”
“I’m sure you’ll think of something. With your charms, you’ll have Herzog eating out of your hand.”
“I doubt it,” Pedro said dubiously. There was an exhalation on the other end. “I wish you were here to give me a hug, man, coz I really need it.”
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“Well, consider yourself virtually hugged and here’s a smooch for good measure.” Oscar then made a loud “Mwah!” on the phone. 
“Thanks, Oscar. And I’m sorry to have woken you up. I…I just needed to hear your voice right now.”
“It’s okay. Just keep in touch, alright? Keep me updated on what’s been happening on set and with Herzog.”
“I will. Bye, Grumpy Eagle!”
“Bye and take care, Baby Chicken!”
There was a soft click as the call ended. 
“Honey?” A sleepy voice spoke behind him. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Oscar apologized to his wife Elvira. She was standing at the kitchen doorway, rubbing her eyes and yawning. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Elvira wandered over to her husband, who wrapped his arms around her waist and settled her down on his lap. “Was that Pedro on the phone? Is he okay?”
“He’s having some problems with Werner Herzog.”
“THE Werner Herzog? I’ve heard he is quite a character.”
“Judging from what Pedro told me right now, he is certainly that!”
Briefly, Oscar gave his wife a rundown of what’s been happening to his best friend.
Elvira clucked her tongue in dismay and shook her head. “What a silly old man! With Pedro fretting and carrying on about the baby like this, doesn’t Herzog see that Pedro is already acting like a real father?”
Hearing that comment, Oscar could only stare at his wife in amazement at her astuteness.
“I guess Herzog hasn’t noticed it or refuses to see it,” Oscar agreed with her. “Then again, I don’t think Pedro has realized that he has become a Dad to that Child either.”
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
The Witcher’s Companion pt.3/6
(Other parts on my masterlist/AO3 - TW: Alcohol, mentions of vomiting, and canon-typical gore)
Jaskier felt like he was whole new person in this glorious city. He had a new name, a new home, a new lease of life.
The city was filled with music, and booze, and beautiful people who loved music and booze! Oh for the love of Melitele herself, he was home!
His studies were going well. He excelled at the arts just like he’d expected. His passion for all the beauty in the world had served him well. He had already been a master lute player by the time he’d started classes at the university, and unlike most of his peers he already had a few compositions up his sleeve. His most successful ones were about Geralt.
He sighed wistfully.
He hadn’t seen the witcher since the week they spent training together when he was thirteen. That was three years ago now, but the memories were still fresh in his mind. He’ll admit that Geralt had probably been his first crush, before he really knew what that meant, but now that Jaskier had spent a year at the university learning more about himself and about love, looking back on his time with Geralt was a real eye opener.
He had hoped that Geralt would return again before he headed off to study at Oxenfurt, but he had left home with a heavy heart. He wondered whether Geralt would be able to find him here in the city.
On top of his studies in music he had also been badgering the medical students and professors to show him what they knew. None of them knew anything about witcher potions which had been very disappointing but he did know basic alchemy and he knew how to stitch up some smaller wounds.
It had taken him a while to get that one right. The first time he’d tried on the dead pig he threw up all over the floor, but that had been a long time ago. The skills had also saved his own arse a few times. He did have an unfortunate habit of finding trouble. He’d been kidnapped by bandits once when he’d left the city to stroll through the local woods. He’d ended up with a nasty stab wound in his leg but once he’d finally managed to escape his bonds and get back home, he’d treated the wound himself with only a little help from one of the professors.
The next time he had left the city he didn’t forget his sword and bow. When the bandits attacked he’d been ready and they were left dead, or near dead, in their camp.
Geralt would have been proud of him.
Only Geralt was still nowhere to be found.
He pouted and sipped his drink. “Stupid witcher.” He grumbled.
He groaned and hit his head on the table. He was too drunk to deal with Valdo. He just wanted to be left in peace and pine over his witcher by himself.
“Fuck off!” He called back.
“Come on, you noble prick!” Valdo smiled too sweetly at him. “Play that song about that witcher of yours.”
“Not my witcher.” Jaskier grumbled.
“If you play, it’ll make my set sound so much better.” Valdo cackled.
Jaskier grumbled. It took every ounce of his control not to throw his dagger at Valdo’s head. He took a deep breath and plastered his own fake smile on his face.
“The only reason it will make your set better, darling,” He stroked a finger along Valdo’s cheek. “is that you will inevitably steal all my ideas. Now fuck. off.” He poked the wannabe troubadour in the chest and went back to drowning his sorrows.
He was sixteen for Lillit’s sake! He was a fucking grownup. Geralt should have come for him by now.
Valdo didn’t back off. “Julian!” He whined and Jaskier glared at him. The idiot had gone through his records in first year and discovered Jaskier’s real identity, he now refused to use Jaskier’s chosen name. “My sweet, sweet Julian.”
“Fuck off!” Jaskier snapped.
“Such a spoilsport, always with that sword of yours strapped to your waist. Can you even use it? Did your lover, the witcher, give it to you?”
Jaskier saw red and he had his dagger at Valdo’s throat in an instant.  
Geralt had given him the sword on their last day of training. It was gorgeous and it was sharp as a razor. He’d almost killed Master Rhindon the next time they’d trained together. The sword master hadn’t been expecting Jaskier’s newfound skills and Jaskier had easily landed a blow on the man’s arm, nicking an artery. It had only been Jaskier’s quick thinking that had saved the man. He’d pulled off his shirt and made into a bandage, wrapping the wound tightly before calling for a healer. He had been more careful with the sword after that. He stopped using it in training when he was sparring against a partner until he was sure they would be able to defend themselves properly.
“Help me!” Valdo cried helplessly.
Jaskier growled and pushed the man away. “I told you to fuck off!”
Valdo collapsed to the ground, panting heavily and glared up at him. “You little shit. I’ll report you for that!”
“Be my guest.” Jaskier tucked his dagger back into his boot. “And I’ll tell the Chancellor that you’ve been shagging his daughter.”
Valdo gaped. “How did you—”
Jaskier grinned. “I have my sources.”
His sources. The Chancellor’s son, who Jaskier may or may not have also shagged.
But Valdo didn’t need to know that.
“You bastard.” Valdo hissed through gritted teeth.
“Write a song about it.” Jaskier smirked. “You won’t have to steal one of mine for a change!”
Valdo launched at him and they ended up brawling on the tavern floor until they were pulled apart by some local guards and dumped into he street.
Jaskier gasped and scrambled to his feet. He knew that voice!
“Geralt!” He cried and flung his arms around the witcher, not realising that the man was covered head to toe in monster guts. “Oh fucking hell, shit, Geralt!”
He heard Valdo’s laugh behind him and grinned. Valdo Marx was a lover of finer things, just like he was, only Valdo had no stomach for the rougher things. He spun round and pulled the other bard in training into a hug.
“Isn’t this nice, Valdo?” He cooed.
“Oh gods, I’m going to be sick!” Valdo whined… and then did just that, all over Jaskier’s feet.
“Oi! No. Oh cock!” Jaskier hopped around. “Geralt, help me!”
The witcher was scowling at him but Jaskier saw the faint smile on his lips. “Hmm.”
“Oh fuck off, then. Actually, no, don’t.” He pulled off his boots and threw them into a nearby bush. He hopped bare foot over to the witcher. “Come with me. My dorm is nearby, you need a bath.”
Geralt grunted. “So do you.”
Jaskier put one hand on his hip and tilted his head. “And whose fault is that?” He pointed accusingly at the witcher.
“Yours.” Geralt said flatly.
Jaskier considered that. He had been the one to hug Geralt. “Fine.” He mused. “But you at least owe me a drink!”
“A bath first.” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier grinned. “Yes. Right. Yes, follow me!”
Jaskier prattled away as he led Geralt through the streets of Oxenfurt, catching his friend up with the last three years of his life. Geralt hummed and grunted in more or less the right places but didn’t say anything, not offering up any tales of his own. Jaskier didn’t care. He carried on with his monologue quite happily. It was obvious the witcher had had a rough day. Jaskier’s talking was mostly for himself, he didn’t require a response. He easily ignored the stares they received from strangers in the street. Even in Oxenfurt, a city known for its liberalism, witchers weren’t exactly welcome, especially not ones covered in monster guts.
“Sooo…” Jaskier nudged his shoulder against Geralt’s, he was almost as tall as the witcher now, only a few inches shorter. “How have you been?”
Geralt grunted and glared straight ahead.
“That bad huh?” Jaskier sighed. “Well, after a nice long soak you’ll be right as rain!”
“I didn’t come here to find you, Julian.” Geralt snapped.
Oh ho ho. He was definitely a grumpy witcher today. Jaskier couldn’t remember seeing him so grumpy before. He’d always been gentle and caring. Perhaps he was kinder to children and Jaskier was hardly a child anymore.
“It’s Jaskier.” He hummed, feeling slightly dejected.
“What?” Geralt turned to face him with flaming golden eyes.
“My name. I never liked Julian very much, so I thought… university!” He gestured widely to the surrounding city. “No better place to be reborn! I went through a few names. I wanted something sweet, something lyrical and warm like the music I want to bring into the world. Why not flowers? I thought. Everyone likes flowers.”
“I don’t” Geralt grumbled.
Jaskier scoffed. “Yes you do. You know this whole ‘I am night itself’ thing you’ve got going on, I’m not buying it.”
Geralt grunted.
“Anyhoo! Flowers, I thought Marigold at first. I wanted a yellow flower.” He didn’t add that the yellow reminded him of Geralt’s eyes. Oh no. That would be ridiculous. “But that was shit. So I tried Dandelion. That was better. Dandelion lasted a few weeks. Then one day I walking through the market and saw a patch of buttercups by the edge of path and that was it. Jaskier was born!” He grinned widely at his old friend.
“Hmm.” Geralt was still scowling but there were signs of a smile there.
“I knew you’d like it.” Jaskier winked.
“I never said that.” Geralt grumbled.
“My dear witcher, you never had to.” Jaskier patted his arm and then grimaced at the blood covering his hand.
Geralt stopped abruptly and stared at him, amber eyes studying him like he was some kind of animal in a cage. Jaskier tilted his head and then pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping the blood off Geralt’s face.
“You’re a mess, Geralt.” He laughed with fond exasperation.
“You’ve changed.” Geralt stated, tilted his head. “You seem… lighter?”
Jaskier put a hand on his hip and tossed his fringe from his eyes. “And you’ve become all cantankerous in your old age.” He teased.
Geralt, to Jaskier’s surprise, laughed. “You sound like Lambert.”
Jaskier stared up at Geralt wide-eyed. The witcher was finally opening up! Oooh this was good.
“Fuck!” Geralt strode off down the road, in the opposite direction to the university.
“No, no, no. Geralt!” Jaskier trotted after him. “Geralt! Wait. You’re going the wrong way!”
“I don’t need a bath.” Geralt grumbled.
“Oh fuck that. Look at you, you brute.” Jaskier grabbed the witcher’s arm. Geralt could have pulled away but he didn’t. He let Jaskier lead him back to his room.
The bath was a messy affair. Jaskier went first. He only had to wash off the blood that had transferred from Geralt in the hug. Geralt waited on the bed, facing the wall whilst Jaskier cleaned up, and then it was the witcher’s turn. It took multiple buckets of water to get all the gore from Geralt’s silver hair and the witcher protested when Jaskier dumped his clothes in the bin. He tucked Geralt’s armour in the corner of the room but the shirts underneath just had to go. Under his clothes, Geralt had a deep cut on his side.
“Geralt!” Jaskier pouted. “You didn’t tell me you were injured!”
Geralt grunted and Jaskier flitted around the room to gather up his medical supplies. He felt a bubble of excitement in his chest. This was it. He was finally able to prove he could be a companion to the witcher. Once Geralt was finished in the bath and lying on the bed with a towel wrapped around his waist, Jaskier tended to wound. Geralt winced as Jaskier stitch it up as carefully as he could but stayed silent until after the bandages were in place.
“Thank you, Jaskier.”
Jaskier patted the witcher on his shoulder. “No problem, Geralt. Stay here for a few days. Rest.”
Geralt opened his mouth to protest.
“Stay!” Jaskier insisted, putting his hand over Geralt’s mouth.
Geralt glared but nodded.
In the end Geralt stayed with him for two days whilst he recovered from the fight. It had been a giant centipede apparently. Geralt had been taken off guard when the insect had burst free of the ground underneath his feet and gored him with its pincers. Geralt had managed to slice his silver sword through the beast’s belly whilst it had been caught in a magic trap and the guts had covered the witcher as the centipede died. Apparently, Geralt had been lucky not to have been poisoned but the witcher mentioned that he did have a potion for that, in small golden bottle.
Jaskier devoured up the information like a starved dog at the butchers. He scribbled down notes the whole time that Geralt spoke to him. He wanted to know everything. The gory details made his stomach turn a little but he was determined to get better with that so he didn’t protest.
On the second day, Jaskier trailed Geralt back to the stables near the edge of town. He still had Roach, although she was looking more frail than she had last time Jaskier had seen her. He offered her an apple which she took greedily before nuzzling Jaskier’s hand.
“Hmm.” Geralt watched the interaction carefully. “She hates people.”
“I wonder wherever could she have learnt that from.” Jaskier gave Geralt a wink and continued to pet the horse.
“You’re not coming?” Geralt asked for the second time.
Jaskier reluctantly shook his head. “Not this time.”
He had to laugh at the irony. He’d been begging Geralt to take him away for years and now the witcher was finally offering it, he was turning it down, but he wanted to finish his studies. He still had a lot to learn about all manner of things, but mostly about himself. The boy from Lettenhove was gone. Julian had been trapped under his father’s thumb until the age of twelve and then controlled by his mother until he’d escaped to Oxenfurt at fifteen. Julian had just needed an escape and Geralt offered that, a shining hope, a purpose. Now he was at Oxenfurt he was learning who he could be without the demands of Lettenhove, and he found he rather liked that person. Geralt was no longer is only option in life and that somehow made him want it even more.
It was now his choice.
He could be anything. He could return home to be the rightful Viscount de Lettenhove. He could stay in Oxenfurt and teach once he finished his own degree. He was good enough, his professors had already mentioned it as an option. He could become a bard and sing in court, like Valdo wanted in life, or travel around the world singing his creations and entertaining the masses all around the Continent. He could focus on medicine and become a healer. With his skills of persuasion and swordsmanship he could probably even become a spy!
But he still wanted Geralt. He wanted to experience the world by the side of the witcher.
Geralt hummed and nodded as he mounted Roach.
“I’ll find you.” Jaskier promised, grasping the witcher’s hand in his. “Once I’ve graduated and seen some of the world for myself. I’ll find you.”
They shook hands and then Geralt was off.
Jaskier watched him go with a flutter of regret in his stomach. He was sure in his decision. He knew he needed this, but he couldn’t help but wonder whether he would see the witcher again.
Gods, he really hoped he would.
Tag list: @alwenarin @slythnerd @davidtennan-t @flippinfricks @awitchersbard @genkitaco @innocentcinnamonpun @marvagon @elliestormfound @geraskier-trashh @panerato
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trouvelle · 4 years
Red-Hearted Tragedy
For @tanteigisachi, thank you for pulling me out of my hole and back out here <3 You’re the kindest! I hope you can visualize the chirping birds and colorful butterflies and glittering rainbow that I’m presenting you this with (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚*
Fandom: Detective Conan/DCMK Pairing: Shinichi/Ran, (side Heiji/Kazuha and Kaito/Aoko) Rating: G Genre/Tags: Fluff, Domestic Warning: None
Shinichi has a theory about parenthood.
He used to think it’s not possible that once one becomes a parent, one also stops being anything else. Like the status he has right now. He was always known as a Great Detective of the East, the badass son of the famous writer Kudo Yusaku and a soccer enthusiast. Now he's barely himself, the state of parenting having sucked his body dry of anything remotely cool he had going on. Shinichi wonders if Ran feels the same. When Conan first arrived, they were extremely thrilled about finally being a family and so for a long while, Conan was pretty much everything in their minds. Ran started refusing to go to work at Teitan and Shinichi missed more cases than he can account for—all in favor of watching their baby grow healthy and in a strong household.
They succeeded. Conan is now a kind, obedient, smart and very lovely four year old and there is still nothing more important than him in his parents’ lives.
It will be Valentine's Day soon and Shinichi would love for this to be their first Valentine’s Day without Conan's presence jumping and screaming for them to watch Pororo instead of opening a bottle of wine. Don't get him wrong, he loves his son. He just misses being romantic with his wife. That’s just tragic.
That's why he calls Heiji.
"Forget it," the guy says. "Kazuha and I had a hard time booking a nanny for Valentine's. She's pretty expensive and the only one who hasn’t been threatened by the twins so far."
Shinichi traps the phone between his ear and his shoulder while typing the report to finish up his latest murder case. It's the second case he’d taken this week. He's tired and grumpy and wants to end his week early to spend the whole Valentine weekend, but people seem to be exploding with their grudges, stalking ex-girlfriends here and murdering ex-husbands there.
"You should get them checked," Shinichi jokes half-hardheartedly.
The other gasps. Shinichi can practically hear Heiji’s Giant Head of Doom growing in size. "Don't insult my beautiful children!"
"You could at least ask your nanny to look after Conan as well. He's quiet, and you know he won't make any mess."
"Get your own nanny." Heiji scoffs. "Where ya’ at?"
Shinichi exhales. "Working."
"How many cases ya’ got this week?"
"Three. People really need to chill. It’s the holiday of love, not hatred. ” Shinichi answers with such exasperation and Heiji laughs. “I take it you’re just as busy as I am?”
"Nah, I got a murder and a robbery earlier this week but now I’m chillin’ and ready for the weekend." Shinichi just knows that his best friend is grinning ear to ear at this moment.
And so he decides he's had enough of him. He hangs up with a scowl, but not before sending one last grumble in Heiji’s way.
Ran places a cup of coffee in front of Shinichi, Conan's orange juice in one hand and this morning’s newspaper under her arm.
"He won't do it," Shinichi says.
Ran squints, sitting across from him at the dining table. "Kazuha-chan told me they’ve gone through a lot of trouble to find a good babysitter. I think that means they do not want to babysit this weekend."
"Well they just found one and he says he won't share." Shinichi sips at his coffee.
Ran chuckles, standing up and calling for Conan, who walks out from his bedroom already perfectly dressed (hair a mess, though). The four year old tiptoes to reach his juice box, jumping on the couch once the box is secure between his hands. Shinichi gulps his coffee before walking toward Conan and sitting himself next to his son on the couch.
"Hey," he says.
Conan blinks dazedly, clearly bored out of his mind and undoubtedly thinking about the comfort of his bed. It's barely even eight and the kid is already tired.
"So... today is a special day," he continues. Conan stares at him. "A special day for... daddies and mommies."
"Valentine's Day?" Conan asks. Shinichi frowns.
"Yes, how do you know about Valentine's Day?"
"Everyone knows about Valentine's Day, Dad."
"But you're too young to..." he shakes his head. "Never mind. Are you ready for school?"
Conan stands up as if doing so is such a burden, and Shinichi thinks about talking to Ran about ways to make kindergarten seem more interesting for their toddler. 
There is no nanny available. All nannies were already booked by smarter couples that probably have been planning their Valentine's night for days. Shinichi and Ran are easily 'the rest'.
"Kuroba, please? Can you watch Conan just for one night?"
"It's Valentine's Day, Kudo."
"You told me that you don’t have any plans with Aoko anyway. You could use some company. Conan is nice company, he likes your magic tricks and he's an amazing listener. You can dump all your dissatisfaction with life and your father-in-law and the world on him, he won't even mind."
Kaito is beyond outraged. "First of all, I DO have plans with Aoko! It’s just that her father wants to have a Valentine's dinner with her that she can’t say no to.” Shinichi has to drag the phone away from his ear. “Second of all, ALL kids love my magic tricks and. And I am definitely NOT dissatisfied."
Shinichi wisely chooses not to point out the extreme dissatisfaction in the magician’s voice. "Please? Ran and I really need this moment. It's been ages since we went on a romantic dinner. We haven’t even had the chance to spend any alone time outside lately."
"And you blame that on your son." Kaito's tone is accusing and reprimanding.
"No. Yes, somehow, but, not in a bad way. It's just... Being a parent is hard. We focus all our time and energy on Conan and end up with nothing left for ourselves. I miss having a day for us, you know?"
There's silence. Shinichi hopes Kaito is trying to picture how hard it is to have a child and eventually consents, because he's Shinichi's last option. But to be honest, maybe it’s not the best idea to put in the magician’s head. He doesn’t want an angry Aoko coming for him.
"Ok, fine." Kaito answers and Shinichi punches the air in celebration. "Remember that you owe me another one and that I expect free food."
"You got it, Kuroba!"
If all kids are as calm as Conan, Kaito muses, then he can’t wait until Aoko and his bundle of joy arrives. He only prays that his child wouldn’t turn out to be as hyper as the Hattori twins. Conan doesn't seem affected by Kaito's presence, but then again, everything the kid needs is his pillow and a television. Preferably some cartoons.
Shinichi averts his gaze from the two just as his wife walks into the living room. Ran looks good. So good. And Shinichi's hands are sweating with anticipation. It's been so long since the last time they've gone out, just the two of them where clowns and kiddy toys aren't involved.
He approaches her, who is now leaning against the wall with arms folded on his chest and a fond expression on his face. She's watching Conan staring at the TV while clutching his pillow, the boy's eyes already drooping with drowsiness. Kaito sits next to him and occasionally attempts to chat, but Conan isn't exactly a conversationalist. He's one of the quiet ones. And definitely Shinichi’s son.
"He's so big," Ran mentions in that tone she only uses when talking about Conan. "Did four years really go by that fast?"
Shinichi sighs as Conan perches his head up to watch Kaito perform some tricks. "Why? Do you still think about him as a baby?"
"He's still a child. He still needs care." Ran bites her lips, worry washing over her features. "Maybe we should cancel Valentine's Dinner."
Before Shinichi can muster up an angry answer about several months without a couple's moment and the survival of their relationship while being parents, Kaito walks towards them.
"You guys should go or you'll miss the reservation," he says, that annoying complacent smile on.
"Do you have the list of things he's allowed to eat and do you have the list of numbers to call if something happens?" Ran fidgets with her fingers. Shinichi promptly holds her hands.
Kaito smiles. "Yep, I've got it covered, Ran-san. Just go and have a good time and come back early if you can."
They probably wouldn’t.
Shinichi also has a theory about having a good time on Valentine's Day.
For them, it's not possible anymore.
They make it to the reservation in peace and the lobster Ran ordered is on its way when Shinichi's phone rings. It's their home number, so it has to be Kaito. He takes a deep breath to mentally prepare himself for a disaster, but instead of destruction he gets his son's voice.
"Heiji jichan?" Conan says.
Shinichi pulls the phone away and glares at the screen. Why would his own son call Hattori, not him? Shinichi did set Hattori’s number on their speed dial after his and Ran’s, but nevertheless he is gravely disappointed.
"Conan?" he asks, Ran frowning.
"Oh Dad? Sorry, I want to call Heiji jichan. Goodb—”
Shinichi narrows his eyes and interrupts before his son can hang up. “Hey buddy, is everything ok?”
“Um, It's Kaito jichan, dad. He's dying."
Shinichi's brain processes the fact that his toddler is nowhere near harm, and he exhales very loudly in relief. And once he processes what his son actually said, he chokes on his own saliva. Ran leans towards him, eyebrows knitted together. 'What's wrong?' she mouths. Shinichi can't even bring himself to say it.
"What—” he coughs into the phone. "What do you mean, Conan? You didn't make someone stick a fork up the socket again, did you? Conan, I told you that is dangerous."
Ran gasps, horror freezing her face. Both her hands fly to her mouth as she stands up, dropping to the floor next to Shinichi's chair. He runs a hand through his hair and slowly shakes his head, reassuring her that their son is ok. Although there is someone dying and they should be on their way home already.
"He ate something from the fridge, Dad. Now he's moving funny and he sounds weird."
If he tunes everything out, he can indeed listen to faint noises in the background. That's probably Kaito having a hard time.
"What is it?" Ran asks, squeezing Shinichi's thigh.
"Kuroba ate something and is now dying."
"DYING?" She pulls herself up and paces around in panic. "He didn't eat the stew did he? Because Sonoko sent us that and she said it’s something called Bouillabaisse which is—”
“— fish... stew." Shinichi finishes lamely.
Which Kaito is tragically allergic to.
"We need to go," he jumps from his seat, drawing his wallet and throwing some money on the table. He wishes no one would steal it because they're in a hurry and he always sees people throwing money on tables at movies so he figures it works. Out of luck, the restaurant Shinichi picked is a few minute drive from their house. There's a nice chance they'll get to save Kaito.
Shinichi's theories have been proven correct:
1. He's no longer simply Kudo Shinichi, great Detective of the East and husband of Mouri Ran. He's now Kudo Shinichi, Conan's dad. 2. Therefore, it's tragically impossible to enjoy Valentine's Day with only the woman he loves.  3. His son is perfectly okay with conveniently inconveniencing his uncle Heiji at any given circumstance (in this case, he calls Heiji after Shinichi hangs up just to see which one of them would arrive to save Kaito the fastest). 4. Couldn't Kaito have picked another moment to try and die?
Shinichi's Valentine's Day is now being spent at the ER, with his four year old son fast asleep in his wife’s arms while said wife stares glassy-eyed at the television in the waiting room. It turns out that Conan was trying to call Heiji instead of him because he did not want to ruin the “special day for mommies and daddies” for his own mommy and daddy.
Well, it doesn’t really matter now. Everyone’s Valentine’s Day has been ruined beyond repair. It’s something they’d definitely look back and laugh about, but looking around the room, Shinichi’s certain that none of them has enough energy to muster a nice joke. 
Although, he actually chuckles when he hears Kazuha say, “I told you something was gonna happen tonight, Heiji. I told you so.”
There are bags under Ran's eyes and her hair is disheveled, the red sweater she'd carefully picked for their date now draped loosely around their son for his warmth. Shinichi snorts, feeling mocked. All he wanted was a romantic night with his wife. That's all.
He sticks his hand into his pocket, thumb flicking over the pendant of the necklace he was supposed to give to Ran as a surprise. It's a simple necklace. Not that he doesn't have the money—it's just that Ran doesn't care about expensive stuff. 
"Hey," A whisper pulls him from his reveries and Shinichi glances at his wife. Ran looks tired, but so damn beautiful. How could someone as gorgeous as her have ended up with a piece of geeky detective like him? "Don't beat yourself up."
He sighs, blinking as he drags the necklace out of his pocket. "We've changed, haven't we?" He brings his eyes up to Ran's.
“Of course we have. There are three of us now. It doesn't mean we can't have a good time. Look at Aoko-san and Kuroba-kun, I’d say they’re having it worse than us.” Ran smiles knowingly, hand caringly brushing over Conan's hair.  “Also, is that my present?”
Shinichi smiles back at her, lifting his hands. "It is... Yeah, it's supposed to be your present."
"I love it!" Ran laughs.
"I already know you do." Shinichi takes one last look at the necklace and decides that it will look better around Ran’s neck. He would gladly help Ran put the necklace on, but Conan is an effective clinger, both arms locked around his mom’s neck.
"Shinichi… thank you. I didn't have time to get you a present, sorry." She mumbles the last part of the sentence with guilt, eyes still locked with his. He can see the apologetic shine in her eyes, even though he doesn’t understand why she feels the need to apologize to him. He doesn’t want anything else from her. She’s already everything he can ever wish for.
"I don’t need anything else," he says, pushing the necklace into Ran's pocket before leaning over to peck at his wife’s lips.
Shinichi has another theory about this night.
It didn't turn out to be what he was expecting it to be: his friend almost accidentally killed himself; his four year old son almost witnessed someone die; his best friend is willing to drop anything just to attend to said son; they nearly ran over an old lady in their haste to go home to save Kaito's life (which was proven futile anyway, because Heiji miraculously appeared first to get them to the hospital) and all of them are now ending their very special night at the hospital as Kaito recovers from his near-death experience. 
It was a tragedy. Everything went wrong except for one thing. Shinichi and Ran went through it all together. 
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shadowofmytime · 5 years
Tumblr media
>> some of my absolute favorites ! like and reblog if you save and enjoy ! happy reading and give love to these amazing writers ! feel free to send me some of your favorites ! ! <<
>> there’s a lot so for your convenience, these are in alphabetical order !! the ‘m’s are some of my favorites!! <<
>> yoongi x reader <<
After party - 5.6k+ [producer! yoongi]
Dancing with Hoseok the entire night after a concert and leaving for the bathroom with him under Yoongi’s very angry, challenging gaze seemed like a good idea in theory, but now that you’re back at his place, you’re starting to question your decision because he certainly plans on making you regret it
Bad boy!
He has this tattoo on his collarbone that just barely peeks out of his shirt and no one knows what it says except for you
Coffee and Yoongi seem like a perfect match bc he’s always working on some project last minute
Boy. Girl - 14k [roommates!]
Boy. Girl. It’s as simple as that. Girl can’t get a good date—scrap that—girl can’t get a good lay, and boy is willing to help out with that… Friends with benefits seems the perfect solution, except for the fact, it’s not. It never is. Not when boy already has feelings for girl…
Breakfast in bed - 12k [ikea employee! au]
Min Yoongi, a grumpy Ikea employee, is wondering who you are and why exactly you’re sleeping in the display bed at his Ikea
Caring is creepy - 1.16k [bad boy! college au]
We hooked up last night even though i rarely do that kind of thing and now you’re cornering me in the cafe and oh god apparently you think i’m cute and want to go on a date this is not at all what i anticipated
Distraction - 3.2k [poly! taegi]
Punishment for being a brat isn’t that bad when you have Yoongi to help you out and offer a… distraction. It’s too bad that neither of you seem capable of following the rules when you get your hands on each other.
Does this make sense? - 80k [college! yoongi]
You meet the mysterious Yoongi at a house party and no matter how uninterested you tell yourself that you are, you can’t say no to him. Can you end up changing his playboy ways, or will you just end up getting hurt?
Father of one, a little girl
Fortuitous - 7.2k
Your fates were sealed long before your paths crossed. Get your diploma and get married. You were similar in that way – both bound by outdated customs. Falling in love was never something either of you dared to dream about. Until it happened.
Habit - 6.4k [idol reader!]
After feeling that you were taken for granted by your boyfriend, you leave to go on a world tour. When Yoongi realizes what he’s done, he tries to get you back.
“So are you like,” you pause to stare into space, “mad mad?”
Hypothetically - 1.4k [unrequited love]
Yoongi might be your best friend but that hasn’t stopped him developing secret feelings for you
In watercolor - 3.4k [photographer! yoongi]
Aspiring photographer Min Yoongi finds his muse in the middle of a rainstorm. He makes art into art, and falls in love with it.
Keep the Change - 5.3k [cashier! yoongi]
Typically an old man works the night shift at Greg’s Place. however, it seems there’s a new cute guy working the register at night now. and it just so happens it’s finals week…
Lean on Me - 100 [poly! taegi]
It’s nearly one in the morning, where could you be? He goes to reach for his phone, but freezes when he hears the sound of the shower down the hall.
Lost stars - 20k+ [enemies to lovers]
It’s a few minutes before seven in the morning and Min Yoongi is already stepping on the gravel which leads into his preferred café to get his daily caffeine fix.
Meet me in the treehouse - 3.5k [best friends!]
A boy sits in a computer chair facing a mountain of recording equipment. 
Min Yoongi, Library Services - 7.3k [college! au]
When you accept the offered research position at bangtan university, you are well aware of your partner’s prestige. the only problem is - so is he.
Miss Dial - 15k+ [fratboy! yoongi]
[11:31] You: okay so i’m texting you now like I promised instead of drunktexting yoongi and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. Arent you proud?
[11:32] unknown number: this is yoongi, hi
Mixtape - 15.6 [college podcast personality! au]
Two mystery students from your college run the podcast dubbed ‘mixtape.’ it’s become a sort of phenomenon around campus, listened to by almost everyone. in their most recent episode they discussed various study methods… one of them being oh so tempting.
Moan Wars - 13.6k [yoonkook!]
After being forced to listen to Yoongi and his girlfriend fucking loudly in the room next to his, Jungkook decides that two can play that game.
Music store owner!
“I know I’m attractive and all but did you need some help with something?”
Nightfall - 7.8k+ [halloween special]
You were at a frat party and all you wanted to do was to get back home safely, but alcohol made the night take a turn for the worst. And as the night went on, the biker boy that you initially wanted nothing to do with unexpectedly became the only person that you could trust.
Please be naked - 8k+ [rebound]
Rebound sex is one way to distract yourself after a painful break up…
Quite Hours - 2.6k [college RA!]
You’d always had a thing for the cool, sexy resident advisor of your hall. When you knock on his door one night under the guise of wanting new music to listen to, you decide to push things with him. Even if it is quiet hours in the dorm.
Siren - 6.4k [officer! yoongi]
You’re willing to do anything to get out of having your license revoked after officer min catches you speeding for the third time this month
Surround me - 10k+ [best friends to lovers]
After a very unfair and unjust firing from his bartending job, yoongi just wants to soothe his sadness by spending some quality time with his best friend - who he is very much in love with.
The best way to be - 2.7k+ [fluff]
If Yoongi wasn’t Min Yoongi he’s pretty sure he would have died right there and then but he was, in fact, Min Yoongi so it didn’t affect him. Not one bit.
The Thought of You Keeps Me Awake at Night - 2.1k [insomniac! yoongi]
You really try to ignore the less than platonic feelings that you have for your roommate but he hardly makes it easy when he stumbles into your room at three am asking for cuddles
The touch of silk - 14.2k [vampire au]
In a world where vampires coexist with the living, there are many humans looking for a cheap thrill…you’re ashamed to admit you’re curious too, putting to good use a dating app you find…but Min Yoongi is nothing like you imagined a vampire to be…
Tongue Tied - 100 [boyfriend! yoongi]
They say love is the international language. That may be true, but when you and your significant other’s first language are polar opposites, there does prove to be some difficulty
Tuqburni - 12k [yoonmin x reader]
What do you think about…polyamorous relationships?” Yoongi asked softly. 
What dating suga would be like
"Yoongi, we can’t just go out for ice cream at 3 in the morning.”
083 - 100 [heir! yoongi]
“Stay there, I’m coming to get you”
43 - 706 [honeymoon]
On your honeymoon, Yoongi watches you make a cake and thinks about how loving you is the only thing that comes natural to him
410 notes · View notes
celestines · 5 years
                have   you   seen   JUNG   SOMI   around   campus   ?   i   hear   they’re   a   SECOND   YEAR   ,   SUMMER   witch   with   a   specialty   in   FORTUNE   TELLING   .   i almost   never   see   them   without   their   FENNEC   FOX   .   if   they   ever   want   to   be   a   FORTUNE   TELLER   someday   they   should   ease   up   on   being   OVERSENSITIVE   &   POSSESSIVE   .   at   least   you   can   say   they’re   ANIMATED   &   LOYAL   ,   too   .
Tumblr media
              hello  angels    !    im   xan   and   im   late   as   usual   but   that’s   just   the   way   it   is   …   😔   im   22   ,   from   the   est   timezone   &   i   go   by   she   /   her   pronouns   !   i   truly   …   never   know   what   im   doing   with   intros   they   just   turn   out   super   long   &   messy   so   aha   …  are   u   ready   for   this   ?   here   is   intro   number   one   out   of   two   baby   !   😋
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     QUICK  STATS  !
full  name  :   jung   somi   .
nickname(s)  :   mimi   .    
zodiac  :   leo   sun   ,   sagittarius   moon   (  click   !  )
sexuality  :   bisexual   .
alignment   :   chaotic   good   .
pinterest   :   (   tba !   )  
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     BACKSTORY  !  
she   was   an   accidental   pregnancy   ,    born   shortly   after   the   marriage   of    her    parents   ,   but    they    were   far   from   mad   about   it   .   her   father   was   a   well   regarded   summer   warlock   ,   a   famous   entertainer   known   for   his   long   and   successful   career    in   the   spotlight   with   his   sister   ,   a    man   who’d   been   the   object   of   many   summer    witches’   affections   .   it   was   a   shock   to   everyone   when   he    retired    from   show   business   to   settle   down   with   his   old   academy   sweetheart   ,   a    soft   spoken    spring   witch   with   a   passion   for   healing   .   
somi’s   father   was   delighted   that   their   first   born   was   a   summer   witch   ,   but   her   mother   intended   to   raise   all   their   children   with   a   blend   of   beliefs   from   both   the   spring   and   summer   covens   ,   and   that’s   exactly   what   they   did   .   since   her   father   had   been   a   famous   entertainer   ,   his   social   circle   extended   far   beyond   just   the   summer   coven   .   although   it   was   obvious   he   had   pride   as   most   summer   witches   and   warlocks   do   ,   he   was   never   the   type   to   discriminate   even   against   those   from   the   winter   covens   ,   a   habit   he   learned   from   his   wife   .     
somi   was   their   only   child   for   the   first   half   of   her   life   (   as   her   parents   were   relatively   young   when   they’d   had   her   )   .   because   of   this   she   was   spoiled   by   the   excited   new   parents   ,   attention   and   support   never   lacking   at   home   .   she   was   raised   to   believe   she   could   do   whatever   she   put   her   mind   to   ,   no   matter   how   big   those   dreams   were   . 
  however   ,    once   she   entered   her   teenage   years   and   her   baby   fat   was   gone   ,    and   she   could   no   longer   rely   on   being   “   that   cute   and   friendly   girl   ”   to   get   her   where   she   wanted   to   go    ,    things   got   a    little   harder   .   she   had   no   problem   with   confidence   ,    but   motivation   was   not   one   of    her   strong   suits   ,    unintentionally   growing   up   with   the   mentality   that   things   would   just   magically   fall   into   place   if    she   wanted   them   hard   enough   .
this   was   also   around   the   time   her   parents   had   their   second   baby   ,   a   boy   born   in   the   spring   .   naturally   he   became   the   object   of   her   parent’s   attention   which   only   made   somi   feel   more   lost   ,    like   maybe   she   wasn’t   as   special   or   important   as   her   parents   had   made   her   feel   .   but   when   her   parents   had   another   child   a   little   over   a   year   later   ,   another  summer   witch   ,   somi   realized    it   was   pretty   dumb   to   be   jealous   of    babies   ,   and   that   it   would   be    better   if   she   focused   her   time   on   becoming   the   type   of   older   sister   her   siblings   could   eventually   look   up   to   !
once   she   started   at   arcane   somi   vowed   she’d   take   her   studies   more   seriously   and   not   get   too   distracted   by   her   social   life   .   while   her   talent   for   fortune   telling   had   manifested   pretty   early   on   in   her   life   ,    and   while   she   was   good   at   it   ,   she   would   be   lying   if   she   said   she   was   interested   in   studying   it   in   a   scholarly   way   .   (   she   has   way   more   fun   sneaking   off   the   island   with   her   best   friend   and   fortune   telling   for   humans   for   some   quick   cash   )   .   still   ,   she’s   trying   her   best   to   keep   her   grades   up   ,    all   the   while   making   sure   she   doesn’t   miss   out   on   a   single   party   ...   and   boy   are   there   lots   of   parties   ...                 
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     PERSONALITY  +  TIDBITS  !
she’s   a   leo   and   it   shows   JWDBJWDBJWDW    full   of   energy   and   confidence   at   almost   all   times   so   it’s   pretty   easy   to   tell   when   she’s   upset   because   she’ll   finally   be   quiet   .   a   big   social   butterfly   with   no   real   opinions   about   house   rivalries    ,   BUT    she’s   super   proud   to   be   a   summer   witch   so   if   you   try   to   put   her   down   because   of    it   that’s   when   she’d   be   upset   /:
she   might   be   the   oldest   sibling   in   her   family   but   that   definitely   doesn’t   show   .   has   big   i’m   baby   energy   and   is   quite   literally   the   embodiment   of   this   emoji   🥺   at   all   times   but   especially   when   she’s   trying   to   get   out   of   trouble   .
blindingly   loyal   to   her   friends   and   the   people   she   loves   to   the   point   where   if   they   murdered   someone   she   would   wholeheartedly   believe   they   were   right   in   doing   so   .   friendships   are   very   important   to   her   and   so   is   getting   back   the   energy   she   gives   out   .   she’s   the   type   to   drop   anything   to   help   a   friend   in   need   !
struggles   a   lot   with   acting   out   when   she   feels   neglected   or   like   someone   doesn’t   care   about   her   as   much   as   she   thought   .   usually   it’s   short   lived   dramatic   bursts   of   anger   ,   and   she   might   give   you   the   silent   treatment   for   an   hour   or   two   before   finally   confessing   how   she’s   feeling   (   and   yes   ,   asking   you   for   reassurance   )   .
she   can   also   be   a   little   possessive   at   times   both   platonically   and   romatically   .    absolutely   loves   the   thought   of   being   everyone’s   favorite   person   but   she’s   also   aware   it’s   highly   unrealistic   </3   still   ,   that   won’t   stop   her   from   being   a   little   dramatic   about   it   ...   as   a   treat   .
she   has   a   huge   heart    😌    and   it   would   be   easy   to   just   cast   her   off   as   a   softie   because   in   lots   of   ways   she   is   one   .   eliciting   real   anger   from   somi   is   pretty   rare   ,   but   hurting   someone   she   cares   about   is   the   quickest   way   to   get   you   there   .   she’s   100%   the   type   to   not   like   someone   because   one   of   her   friends   has   a   problem   with   them   which   can   sometimes   be   hard   considering   she’s   also   the   type   to   try   and   be   everyone’s   friend   ...   it’s   complicated   😭   
she   hates   bullies   😡   will   threaten   to   fight   them   despite   having   no   combat   skills   .        
her   love   life   is   also   complicated   ...   she   gets   crushes   super   easily   and   her   infatuations   are   always   super   consuming   ,    like   she   swears   she’s   gonna   marry   the   person  consuming   ,   but   her   attention   is   always   broken   by   someone  else   so   they   never   last   .   she   wants   to   find   her   true   love   at   the   academy   the   way   her   parents   found   each   other   🥺   she’s   a   romantic   and   proud   <3     
gets   grumpy   when   she’s   hungry
her   familiar   is   a   fennec   fox   named   pancake   and   they’re   the   best   of   friends   except   when   somi   is   acting   up   JDBWJDBWJDW 
 she’s   in   the   art   club   !   originally   joined    because   she   thought   she   could   be   a   muse   and   sit   in   the   middle   of   a   circle   and   have   everyone   paint   her   ...   but   she   stayed   because   she   really   does   love   art   !
so   lazy   and   she   says   she’s   trying   but   she’s   probably   rotated   through   at   least   3   different   tutors   because   they   couldn’t   stand   it    /:   she   just   thinks   the   classroom   isn’t   the   right   place   for   her   and   that’s   ok
will   tell   you   your   fortune   even   if   you   didn’t   ask   ...   it’s   her   party   trick   she’s   still   going   strong   
nothing   good   happens   when   she   drinks   .   is   a   lightweight   AND   a   chaotic   drunk   but   it’s   pretty   fun   to   watch   
has   a   lot   of   respect   for   anyone   older   than   her   in   grades   above   her   UNLESS   they   use   their   seniority   to   be   assholes   ,    then   she’ll   no   longer   look   up   to   them   </3      
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     WANTED  CONNECTIONS  !  (  all  open  to  all  genders  )
tutors   !   past   failed   ones   who   tried   to   help   her   out   &   maybe   a   current   one   whose   patience   she’s   testing   SJDBJWDBJWW
someone   she   defended   once   and   ever   since   then   she   keeps   asking   them   if    there’s   someone   they   need   her   to   fight   even   though   they   literally   did   not   ask   and   they   both   know   somi   would   lose   
unlikely   friendships   !    maybe   your   muse   usually   steers   clear   of   summer   witches   ,    or    maybe   your   muse    and   somi   just   have   opposite   personalities   ,    either   way   they   became   friends   despite   their   differences   
maybe   an   ex   or   two   .   their   relationship   would   have   been   short   lived   despite   how   into   it   somi   seemed   .   maybe   they’re   still   kinda   resentful   about   it   ,   or   maybe   they   feel   as   if   they   dodged   a   bullet   .   or   maybe   an  ex   that   dumped   somi   before   she   could   dump   them   and   she   hasn’t  been   able   to   let   it   go  
current   infatuations   !   her   list   of   crushes   is   ridiculously   long   ,    but   there   would   be   a   handful   of   people   who   have   surpassed   crush   status   and   she’s   full   on   head   over   heels   for    .   i   feel   like   this   would   work   really   well   with   3rd   or   4th   year   witches   since  somi   already   tends   to   idolize   them   ,   but   it   definitely   isn’t  exclusive   to   older   witches   !   maybe   they   have   no   idea   how   she   feels   (   although   she   makes   it   obvious   )   ,   maybe  they   pretend   not   to   notice   to   tease   her   ,   maybe   they   try   and   use   her   feelings   to   their   advantage   ,   or   maybe   they   just   think   it’s   cute  the   possibilities   are   endless   hehe
second   years   she   can   bond   with   🥺   maybe   a   first   year   she’s   taken   under   her   wing   despite   only   being   grade   above   them   and   acts   like   she’s   showing   them   the   ropes   SJDBWJDBWJDW   but   they’re   realizing   her   best   places   to   nap   and   not   get   caught   tour   won’t   really   help   them   ...
people   who   only   really   know   her   from   parties   !   maybe   they   don’t   really   hang   out   outside   of    parties   so   it’s   kind   of   awkward   when   they   bump   into   each   other   ,    but   as   soon   as   they’re   in   a   setting   with   alcohol   it’s   all   good   again
sibling   like   friendships   !   i   would   definitely   love   some   older   sibling  figures   in   her   life   since   she’s   never   had   one   🥺
people   who    were   big   fans   of    her   dad   JWDBWJBDWJ   since   he   was   well   known   i   think   it   would   be   funny   to   have   people   know   her   because   of   him   and   even   more   funny   to   have   them   be   fans   because   somi   would   pretend   to   be   grossed   out   if   they   ever   tried   to   tell   her   how   awesome   they   think   he   is   </3 
enemies   (:<   she   tries   not   to   have   any   ,   but   she’s   bound   to   butt   heads   with   people   .   she   can   definitely   be   a   lot   ...   maybe   it’s   a   personality   thing   ,   or   a   we   have   different   values   thing   ,   or   maybe   there   was   an   unfortunate   incident   where   your   muse   stole   somi’s   favorite  pen   then   lied   about   it   to   her   face   and   to   this   day   they   are   her   sworn   nemesis   because   of   it   ...
a   sub   point   to   the   enemies   ...   JDWJDBWJD   i   think   it   would   be   so   funny   to   have   someone   she   started   out   as   enemies   with   but   who   she’s   starting   to   realize   she   might  actually   have   a   lot   in   common   with   and   actually   get  along   with   but   they   both   try   to   deny   it   because   they’re   so   used   to   hating   each   other   although   it’s   clearly   not   the   case   anymore       
i   wont   lie   to   u   this  got   longer   than   i   thought   it   would   😭😭😭   im   sosososo  sorry   for   the   length   …   also   i   feel   like   my   charas   always   change   a  lil   once   i   actually   start   plotting   &   writing   so   sorry   again   if   u   see   me   finally   writing   as   somi   on   the   dash   and   ur   like   literally   who   is   that   …  JSDBWJBDWBDJ   PLEASE  come  message  me  on  discord  to  plot   !   if   u   prefer   im’s   that’s   perfectly   ok   too   im   just   warning   u   now   it’s   gonna   be   a    much   slower   process   so   if   u   want   speedier   replies   …  u   can   message   me   @ glo lovecore ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172   maybe  …   give   this   a   like   if   u   wanna   …   plot   hehehe   thank   u   for   reading   all   this   im   sorry   again   ur   so   brave   for   making   it   x   
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gamerwoo · 6 years
Lucas: Tough
Anonymous asked: I know requests aren’t open, but like when they are I request you write Lucas mates exactly how you want (put me first on the waiting list)
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Characters: Lucas x female reader (featuring Renjun, Jeno, and Kun)
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, way too much fluff and crack but it wouldn’t be a Lucas fic without it, only veeeeery slight angst like it’s barely there
Word count: 6,638
Summary: Lucas looks like the stereotypical player. He gets attention from boys and girls alike, and he’s quite the smooth talker. But he’s the biggest softy anybody would ever meet. A stark contract to you, who looks like you’ll murder anybody who just looks at you the wrong way, and you absolutely would which is why you don’t really have any friends. But there’s something about this tall idiot that starts blabbering to you in at least three different languages that makes you hate one less person on campus.
a/n: I may or may not have stolen a couple lines from some old 5sos videos bc uh they fit perfectly w the dynamic for Lucas and his mate lmao (thanks, Star)
Truthfully, yes, Lucas liked the attention. It wasn’t because he liked being openly flirted with, he just liked having people around and trying to make new friends. He was probably too friendly for his own good, as people seemed to mistake his happy and open personality to be him flirting back. That was how he got his title as being a player and a fuckboy. But he wasn’t, he just liked people!
His pack always wondered why he didn’t just date somebody. He had plenty of options since he could get just about anybody he wanted, and he had lots of affection and love to spare. He was always talking about how he wanted somebody of his own to hold and coddle, but he never actually asked anybody out.
But he was waiting for ‘the one’. The person that would change his entire world as soon as he laid eyes on them. That would make his heart race and his eyes only look at them. He was waiting for his mate.
Unfortunately, he had yet to find them.
Renjun and Jeno sat in the library where they watched Lucas from a different table where their pack brother had yet to notice them. Instead, he was surrounded by various girls, one of which, they could tell was was heavily flirting with him from the way she leaned toward him when she giggled and touched his arm constantly. 
“I’ll never understand it...” Jeno said, shaking his head as he scrunched up his face when the girl repeated her same flirting technique again.
“What, that so many girls will throw themselves at him?” Renjun guessed with a scoff. “I don’t get that, either.”
“No, how he can just...put up with it,” Jeno clarified. “Doesn’t dealing with all of that constant flirting and getting hit on get really annoying?”
“It’s Yukhei, he loves attention,” Renjun rolled his eyes.
Which was why they were surprised when Lucas straight up ignored all the attention for somebody who wasn’t giving him the time of day. They watched as Lucas did a double take, watching as some girl walked by the table. She had a sour look on her face as she passed the girls all there for the same reason: to hit on Wong Yukhei. But the two boys burst into loud laughter as Lucas put his large hand over the giggly girl’s face and gently pushed her away as she was speaking to him before he got up and walked around the crowd of women to follow after the other girl.
Of course, the laughter and snorting caused the group of girls to glare over toward Jeno and Renjun, but they didn’t even care. But they also were unsure as to why exactly Lucas had gone after some girl when he was waiting to--
Renjun and Jeno exchanged looks, all laughter dying down.
You were a loner of sorts. Being an exchange student, most people didn’t really talk to you. You didn’t mind it since you’d rather be left alone, anyway. You didn’t really like people, and you preferred being by yourself. Maybe that was why you couldn’t help but make a face as you walked passed a large group of girls that were giggling at what you could only assume was a guy -- and judging from the things you’d heard all over campus, it was this Lucas guy.
You didn’t know who he was, you just knew he had like, 3 different names, and everybody loved him. That fact alone made you not like him at all -- especially if he was really the reason for all of these giggling girls gathering in the library.
A tap on your shoulder brought you from your irritated thoughts, turning and ready to chew out whoever it was that was bothering you. However, once you looked up into the eyes of the tall boy in front of you, your mouth just hung open, the harsh words you were ready to spit at him completely lost on you now.
“Hi!” he grinned warmly like you were old friends. “I’m Lucas.”
‘Oh, fuck no,’ was all you could think.
You had no idea what was happening to you. You’d never just suddenly felt so...so... You didn’t even know how to describe how you felt looking at Lucas. You’d never felt it before, though. Was he really just that beautiful or something?
And were you still standing there gaping up at Lucas like an idiot?
Finally, you collected yourself enough to shake your head and break the weird trance you were in because of the tall boy in front of you. You swiftly turned away from him and walked away without saying anything, leaving Lucas watching you leave with a curious expression and a cocked head, looking like a puppy.
Seeing the whole thing, Renjun and Jeno walked over, Jeno clapping a hand on the older boy’s shoulder.
“That’s _____ _____,” Renjun told him, recognizing you from the dark clothes, the eyebrow piercing, and the fact that he’d bumped into you once and you sneered at him. “She’s kind of...”
He let his voice trail off, not wanting to insult his brother’s mate even though, well, you were kind of a bitch -- at least, that’s what you let everybody think.
“So she’s a little grumpy,” Jeno shrugged, patting his brother’s shoulder while Renjun rolled his eyes at the obvious understatement, “she’ll come around eventually. She has to, right?”
And just then, they turned their heads toward you as you stomped back over to them, shoved a torn piece of paper into Lucas’s chest, and stomped away again as you grumbled to yourself in a language they couldn’t understand. The three boys’ eyes went straight to the paper as Lucas unfolded it to see a phone number scrawled on it.
Lucas’s face broke into a wide grin as he let out a squeal of a laugh.
“A lot sooner than I thought,” Jeno mused.
Now that Lucas had met you, finding you was easy. All he had to do was follow the imprinting pull, and there you were! But he also had to learn to control himself, because he tried to go find you at 2am because he wanted to see you, and Kun had to all but tie him to his bed. 
The next few days were all the same. You were suddenly seeing Yukhei everywhere, and he would start talking to you in a variety of languages. Some of them, you couldn’t even understand. He wouldn’t even let you get a word in, either. He would just start spewing word vomit, and then he’d immediately leave with reddened cheeks only to come find you again after the next class. You weren’t sure how he was finding you or what was going on, and you still had no idea why your heart fluttered whenever he came around or why you just wanted to reach out and hold his giant dumb hand.
It took all week for the conversation to not be one-sided, but it was only because something in you snapped and couldn’t take the feelings bubbling up inside you whenever you saw Lucas. He had walked up to you and started babbling in what you could only assume was a Chinese language, but as he turned to leave like he always did, you reached out and grabbed onto his wrist. But instead of something cute or sweet coming out of your mouth, you said...quite the opposite.
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Lucas’s eyes went wide as he turned back to face you. This was the first time he’d heard anything come out of your mouth, and despite it being words that weren’t the most polite, it was like hearing the most amazing song for the first time ever. He wanted to hear you speak to him again.
“U-um, I said...” he trailed off, suddenly realizing he actually didn’t even remember what he’d just said, let alone if he was saying it in a language he knew you’d understand. “What did I say...?”
“You’re really weird,” you stated, your hand still wrapped around his wrist without you realizing.
But Lucas loved it. Where your skin made contact, it was like electricity for him. He even moved his hand so he could take yours, and that’s what made you realize you were still holding onto him before. But even with him holding your hand, for some reason, you didn’t want to pull away.
“Yeah, I get that a lot,” he laughed warmly with a shrug. “I’m sorry for confusing you. I just really wanted to speak to you, but you kinda make me like, really nervous, so...yeah.”
Your nose scrunched, “Why do I make you nervous?”
Almost immediately, your mind went to, ‘Well, it could be the piercings or the clothes or the fact you conditioned yourself to have resting bitch face.’
‘But he’s also the size of a giant, and judging from the size of his arms, he could crush me.’
‘Valid points.’
And then you found yourself just staring at his arms through the muscle tank he was wearing.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, the happy smile still on his face, and his large, warm hand still wrapped around yours like he’d held it a million times before this, “you’re just...you!”
You peeled your gaze away from his biceps to narrow your eyes at him, “You don’t even know me.”
“Then let me get to know you.”
You laughed at the idea, finally pulling your hand out of his and trying to ignore how cold your skin felt without him touching you, “Yeah, that’s a no from me.”
“C’mon,” he said, his smile not faltering one bit, “why not just like-- Ooh! Twenty questions!”
“I don’t have time to stand here and answer twenty questions from you,” you sneered.
Still, Lucas kept smiling. You wondered if his face was broken. Or if something in his head had short circuited.
“You’re real persistent, huh?”
You groaned loudly, your head dropping back, “If I agree, will you stop bugging me?”
“Yeah!” he nodded eagerly. “Well, maybe. I don’t know!”
You sighed, figuring that was as good as you were gonna get with this guy. Running your fingers through your hair, you shifted your wait from one foot to the other as you studied the chipper boy in front of you.
“Five questions,” you stated. “That’s all you get.”
“Great!” he grinned before he turned and practically ran the other way.
“Wait!” you called after him, making him immediately stop in his tracks and turn to face you. “Where the hell are you going?”
“To pick the perfect questions!” he told you before he raced off.
You just stood there, watching him go. He was definitely something else. Still, despite his irritating persistence, you didn’t find yourself hating him. It was...weird. You kind of liked that he bugged you. You...kind of liked...him.
You felt eyes staring at you, so you turned your head to see a small group looking at you curiously. They’d actually been watching you and Lucas the whole time because nobody could believe that Lucas was not only the one flirting now, but he’d chosen you of all people to flirt with.
“Oh, fuck off,” you snapped at them before you pulled your backpacks straps tighter and stomped off to your next class -- which you were now late for, thanks to Lucas.
Kun walked through the door, leaving his keys on the keyring on the wall as he kicked off his shoes. The first thing he saw was Lucas sitting on the floor by the coffee table, jotting down furiously in a notebook. He’d never seen Lucas study this hard.
“What, is there an important test you didn’t study for?” the older boy guessed as he walked further into the apartment.
He didn’t sense any signs of their two youngest roommates, so he assumed they were somewhere else in the building with somebody else in the pack. 
When Lucas didn’t reply, Kun walked closer to him and looked over his shoulder, “Hello? Earth to Yukhei.”
Lucas finally stopped, tilting his head back to look up at Kun, “Huh?”
When Kun finally got a good look at Lucas’s ‘notes’, he sort of understood what was happening. The pack had heard from Renjun and Jeno about Lucas imprinting -- he got a mix of congratulations and relentless teasing, especially when it was revealed who he had imprinted on -- so Kun should’ve guessed that’s what Lucas’s focus was on right now. What he still didn’t understand was why Lucas had written down a plethora of questions into his notebook. Some were more conventional, while others were just...weird.
Does she have a fear of killer clowns?
Did she ever see Phantom of the Opera and did she enjoy it?
Would she rather fight 1 horse-sized piranha or 10 piranha-sized horses?
Kun just clicked his tongue as he scanned the page that was full of questions.
Lucas covered the page with his arms like he was taking a test and didn’t want Kun getting the answers, “I’m doing something.”
“I can see that,” Kun nodded. “Care to explain?”
Lucas sighed, letting his pencil drop onto the notebook as he sat back and ran both hands through his hair, “_____ is letting me ask her five questions, and I want to make sure they’re deep enough that I can know her as well as possible.”
“And you think that knowing if she’d rather take on a giant fish or tiny horses is the way to go?” he chuckled, smoothly sitting crisscross beside Lucas on the floor.
“I’m just writing down a bunch of questions I’d ask her if I had the chance, and then I’ll narrow it down,” Lucas explained, gesturing to the paper. “The problem is, I want to know everything about her. I want to know what she’s thinking at all times and what kind of future she wants and if she’s scared of the dark and her favorite scent and--”
“Yeah, I get it, dude,” Kun laughed softly, patting his brother’s back. “You know, this is just the first step to getting to do all that. You just have to be patient and not screw this up. But you also need to remember that she feels that connection toward you, too. You’ll end up together, you just need to take baby steps, okay?”
Lucas nodded, giving a grateful smile to the older wolf, “Okay, I got it. Thanks, Kun. Also, do you mind helping me narrow it down?”
“Alright, well first thing you need to do,” Kun began, picking up the pencil and drawing a line through a question about your weight, “is never ask anybody that.”
“It’s an important question!”
“Do you wanna get hit?”
Lucas shrugged, “I dunno, depends on the situation.”
You didn’t see Lucas for a week. The only traces of him you saw were him smiling and waving to you when you’d see him around campus, accompanied with a cheery, “hi, ____!” that made your heart swell for a reason you still didn’t understand.
You also didn’t understand why you missed seeing him and having him talk to you, even if it was in languages you didn’t know. Part of you debated going up to him whenever you saw him, but you always forced yourself to keep walking. You also knew you had his number since he texted you ever now and then, but you didn’t want to text him first, either. You weren’t sure what was wrong with you, but you hated and loved it at the same time. It was all very conflicting.
On Friday, Lucas had decided he had the perfect five questions to ask you, so he tracked you down by following the pull. It was the end of the day, but you were still in the library where you were sitting alone at a table with a laptop open in front of you. He saw that you had both headphones in your ears, but he still strode over and sat down across from you anyway, his classic smile still stuck on his face.
When you saw movement across from you, you slowly looked away from your screen and up at the grinning boy. You tugged on headphone out, letting the bud fall and hang by the wire.
“Hi!” he chirped.
You just nodded your head in a greeting.
You then watched as he took a folded piece of paper out from his jacket pocket and placed it on the table before he opened it, “I have questions.”
You chuckled, finding the fact he actually wrote them down to be kind of adorable.
‘Since when do you find anything adorable?’
Were you possibly losing your mind? Yes.
“Alright, shoot,” you sighed as you closed your laptop and folded your hands together on top of it.
“First,” he interrupted, holding up a finger as he gave you a serious look. This was the first time he looked at you without smiling, and you couldn’t help but think that the way he looked at you with wide eyes made him look like a puppy, “you have to promise you’ll answer 100% truthfully.”
You just shrugged, “I have nothing to hide.”
But then Lucas held out his pinkie, wanting you to link yours with his, and you suddenly felt a flood of nervousness in the pit of your stomach. Reluctantly, you wrapped your pinkie around his, trying to ignore the warm feeling touching him gave you.
His smile returned, his eyes moving down to his paper when he’d removed his hand, “First question: what languages can you speak?”
“Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, and Thai,” you replied boredly, resting your chin in one of your hands.
Lucas brightened at this, “Are you Thai?”
You nodded, giving him a weird look, “Yeah... My mom’s from--”
“Me too!” he burst loud enough for people nearby to give quizzical looks and glares to the both of you.
You put a finger to your lips, and Lucas only giggled, rolling his eyes.
“How do you know Spanish and Portuguese though?” he wondered.
“Is this one of your other 4 questions?” you asked.
“Then I don’t have to answer.”
Lucas raised his eyebrows in amusement but still didn’t seem swayed by your snappy tone. He seemed to enjoy watching you put up this tough front more than anything and you couldn’t think of why he’d possibly like that.
Dramatically, he cleared his throat before continuing, “What’re you studying?”
“Astronomy,” you replied.
“Ooh, like horoscopes?” he asked excitedly, practically bouncing in his chair.
You looked at him like he’d grown a second head, “That’s astrology.”
“There’s a difference?”
You fought the smile trying to take over your face as you shook your head.
‘You’re an actual idiot,’ you thought, only to hear somebody else repeat your thoughts at the same time but in a laugh that would almost be considered...fond.
It was you. You said it out loud. You were, in fact, the actual idiot.
Lucas only smirked at you, not bothering to even tease you about your slip-up. Seeing your eyes go wide while your cheeks burned red before you quickly averted your gaze was enough for him, causing deep happy rumbles in his chest that you could barely hear -- you thought the building was making noises or something.
“What’s your favorite thing in the whole world?” he continued.
“Being left alone,” you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest.
Lucas quirked an eyebrow, “You sure that one’s the truth?”
Your eyes shot over to him, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he giggled to himself, eyes going back to his paper.
What he didn’t tell you was that he knew very well you liked being near him. He’d seen how you were with other people, and he knew very well that if you really hated him, you would’ve scared him off before he even sat down in the chair across from you. Lucas may have come across as dumb to some people, but he was quite smart and observant, especially when it came to you.
“What’s the one thing you want to do before you die?” he asked.
The seriousness of the question took you off guard, your eyes softening as you looked at Lucas who was looking back at you with the same doe eyes. You softly bit your lip, looking down at your laptop before your eyes flashed back up to Lucas.
“One thing?” you asked, your voice quieter than it had been before.
He shrugged, “You can pick more than one.”
Honestly, he just wanted to listen to you speak more -- and he was paying close attention to every answer you gave him.
You didn’t know why you felt the need to open up to him so suddenly. There were a lot of things you wanted to do before you died, but you weren’t sure if they were ‘in the cards’ for you, so to speak. But you shook your head, remembering that Lucas was just some guy even if you did feel your insides melt to mush just being in his presence, and you didn’t like people anyway. Therefore, you did not open up to anybody.
Not even cute, tall, multilingual boys who looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
“I want to graduate and get my degree,” you decided with a tiny shrug, averting your eyes like you’d told him your biggest secret or something.
Lucas smiled softly, his head tilting to one side as he looked at you like you held all the stars in the sky. You glanced up at him when he stayed silent, only to see him looking at you like that, and your entire face turned red, even reaching your ears.
“Yah, stop looking at me like that!” you whined.
He only laughed softly in return, his attention completely on you instead of his paper now. He didn’t even look away as he said in almost a dreamy voice, “Last question.”
You nodded, still avoiding his eyes, “What is it?”
“Do you like me?”
Your heart skipped a beat -- Lucas heard it loud and clear with his heightened senses -- and your skin somehow burned even hotter. You suddenly felt way too exposed in every sense of the word, almost like you just knew Lucas knew what you were thinking and how you were feeling. Subconsciously, you pulled your denim jacket tighter around you.
“No...” you grumbled, but you still couldn’t look at him.
“_____,” he sang in a teasing tone, “you promised not to lie to me...”
Your pouty glare in response was enough answer for him, letting out a loud, deep laugh that made your heart flutter. You huffed, standing up and collecting things into your bag. Lucas stood with you, going over to your side of the table.
“Can I take you on a date, then?” he wondered, standing so close to you that your arms were just barely brushing against each other.
“You already asked your five questions,” you told him, your voice sounding more like a grumpy child to him than an intimidating tone.
Lucas wasn’t even hurt by your words as you walked away with your things, leaving the library to go home. He continued to watch you until you were out of his sight. When the doors closed, that’s when he felt his phone vibrate.
He pulled it out of his pocket, looking down to see it was from you -- he’d only texted you a couple times beforehand, but it was always him that texted first. He was shocked that this time, it was you.
In the message was your address, followed by, ‘if you’re not there at 7pm sharp, I’m not going’.
He grinned to himself before he texted back that he promised to be right on time.
How you ended up at an amusement park, you weren’t sure. You did think the way all the rides lit up was pretty, but you still weren’t sure why Lucas looked at you and thought ‘yeah, she’ll like an amusement park. she looks like a fun person!’
But Lucas was holding your hand right as the two of you walked through the gates, so all complaints were left in your head because you didn’t trust your voice to speak when you were so flustered.
How did a boy break you like this?
He’d already taken you on rides, and he even paid for some overpriced amusement park food, but he still insisted there was one thing the two of you had to do before the date ended: games.
“I’m winning you something,” he promised with a sure nod as he led you toward the booths. Your hand was still engulfed in his large one, towing you behind him as you tried your best to avoid touching anybody in the crowd. “What do you want? One of those giant bears? A unicorn? Oh, I think they had minions over--”
“For the love of god, don’t get me a minion,” you groaned quietly.
He chuckled, “Got it. So...standard bear is okay?”
“I can win it myself,” you grumbled, tugging on his hand as he stopped at one of those ‘test your strength’ games.
“I can do it!” you insisted.
“Alright...” Lucas smirked, handing money over to the man before the man handed you a hammer -- a very heavy hammer.
Your eyes widened as the hammer dropped as soon as the man let go. Both of your hands were holding it, dragging your upper body until you were bent over, still gripping the weighted mallet.
“You alright?” Lucas chuckled.
“I...got it!” you huffed as you stood up straight, dragging the hammer with you over to the target.
“You don’t look like you got it, _____.”
You managed to lift the mallet over your shoulder, taking a deep breath before you swung it down as hard as you could, hitting the target. But the little marker didn’t even make it halfway up the slider.
“Do you want me to--”
“Let me try again,” you insisted, turning to send a glare to your date.
He chuckled, amusement clear on his face, “You really shouldn’t...”
“I do what I want,” you muttered as Lucas handed the man more money, “I’m punk rock.”
He heard that loud and clear, bursting into loud laughter that had people passing by looking over at him -- and even some of the workers.
“You are not!” he giggled.
“Are so!” you protested.
“_____, having an eyebrow piercing doesn’t make you punk rock, and being punk rock doesn’t make you strong enough to win this game.”
It was definitely new to you to have somebody stand up to you like that. You’ve always hated people, you’ve always been upfront about it, and you’ve never had anybody tell you otherwise. Yet here was this six-foot-whatever dude who looked intimidating, was actually a fluff ball, and stood up to you like you were a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
Why did you actually find it kind of endearing?
“Fine,” you frowned, turning to face him, “you do it then.”
“No, you try again first,” he told you, waving you to go back to the game. “You might get it a little higher.”
“You just said--!”
“I said you’re not punk rock or whatever,” he chuckled, shaking his head, “but I never said you were weak. Just give it another shot.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. He knew you were going to do shitty, so why was he telling you to go again -- encouraging it, even, “You’re wasting your money.”
“No I’m not.”
“But you know I won’t do it.”
“But you’re having fun trying to prove me wrong, right? And I like watching you have fun, so it’s not a waste of money.”
Your frown fell from your face, and you weren’t really sure what kind of expression replaced it. Whatever it was, it made Lucas smile so fondly that you thought his eyes were actually going to turn into big, red, cartoon-y hearts.
So you turned back to the game, put the hammer over your shoulder, and swung it down with whatever strength you had left in your body -- even grunting because that apparently makes you hit harder according to every boy in your high school gym class. While the marker didn’t hit the bell -- not even close -- it did go higher than last time. You had to admit, you felt a little smug.
“See?” Lucas grinned, clapping like you’d actually done something.
You huffed, turning back to face him again, “Just get over here and get the showing me up part over with.”
When he strolled over to you, he actually looked cocky -- and kind of hot, but you refused to feed into that thought. He paid the man again before taking the hammer from your hands, holding it like it weighed nothing.
“Let me show you how it’s done,” he said with a wink.
You rolled your eyes, going to stand where he had to watch you. It was obvious he was flexing as he readied the hammer to be swung down, but you caught yourself falling for the trap and staring blatantly. Lucas noticed from the corner of his eye, smirking to himself.
Lucas swung the hammer down, sending the marker soaring up to the bell until it rung so loud that it kind of hurt your ears -- you had no idea what it did to his, but all he did was wince.
The man handed him one of the large panda bears, handing it over to Lucas who proudly walked over to you and handed it to you.
“His name is Xuxi,” he told you as you wrapped your arms around its large stomach.
“Huh... Sounds familiar,” you said in a tone that had a hint of teasing.
“Good name, right?”
You just shrugged, hiding your blushing face against the bear’s head as Lucas put an arm around your shoulders, “I-it’s alright...”
After the date, Lucas hanging around you was typical. Even holding your hand and putting an arm around you was normal. He hadn’t kissed you or hugged you or anything, but he did small touches like that, and you blushed just as hard every single time.
He’d also taken you out a couple more times. It was actually nice hanging out with Lucas, and you found yourself planning other times to hang out over the three weeks that passed since the first date.
[Yukhei]: can I take you out again soon?
[You]: yeah, when?
[Yukhei]: idk when’s good for you??
[You]: thursday?
[Yukhei]: can’t
[You]: friday?
[Yukhei]: thursday to monday is bad
[Yukhei]: and probably wednesday just to be safe
[You]: ??? why
[Yukhei]: heat
[You]: uh??? what
[Yukhei]: did i not tell you i go into heat then??
You were sitting in the library, procrastinating by texting Lucas. But nobody noticed when you lowered your phone away from your face and stared at nothing in particular with confusion written all over your face. Going into heat? What, was he some kind of dog all of a sudden?
[Yukhei]: ......
[Yukhei]: wait
[Yukhei]: i didn’t tell you about that yet
[Yukhei]: can you come over when you’re done?
You let out a sigh, collecting your things into your bag to leave. You figured this was all probably nothing -- probably just another lame joke he was trying to play -- but you left the library to go to his apartment anyway. You’d been there once or twice, so you remembered where it was, and you knew he had roommates there so nothing would happen.
The first time he ever invited you over, you threatened to pepper spray him, and one of them laughed when Lucas told them the story.
You made the 45 minute walk to Lucas’s apartment, going right up to his floor. Before you could even knock, he already had the door open as if he had been waiting for you or something.
“So?” you asked as you stepped through the door.
“Okay, so,” he began as he closed the door, but he began in a completely different way than you expected, “when a werewolf goes into heat, it means that--”
“What?” you asked, cutting him off as you looked up at him like he was going insane.
“What?” he asked innocently.
Your rubbed your face with your hands a few times before you finally dropped them to your side, “Literally nothing you just said to me makes any sense, Lucas. Is this another dumb joke of yours because it’s really awful.”
“I don’t-- ...Ohhh...” you watched as realization filled his eyes. “I didn’t tell you the werewolf thing, did I?”
“Where the fuck did you get ‘werewolves’ from?” you asked.
“From...me,” he shrugged.
You narrowed your eyes, not following at all, “What?”
Lucas didn’t see the point in making a big deal out of this, especially when he thought he’d told you already. Maybe he’d dreamed it or something, but he thought you knew about it. Still, he didn’t see the point in beating around the bush or trying to make it some big thing. He wanted to just tell you and get it out of the way so you’d know everything about him and how he felt about you.
“Yeah, I’m werewolf,” he shrugged again like it was nothing at all.
You stared at him for a beat of silence before snorting and shaking your head, “Are you sure you’re not confusing a word in the Korean language for something else? Do you know what you’re saying to me?”
“Yes, I know what I’m saying,” he nodded. “I can say it in Mandarin or English if you’d like.”
You frowned, “You promised not to speak in languages I can’t understand.”
He couldn’t help but giggle at your expression, shaking his head, “Do you want me to prove it to you instead?”
He found it amusing the way you warily eyed him up and down.
Lucas put his hands on your shoulders, bringing you to stand by the door as he backed up to the center of the room. You watched as he started to shake a little bit before his eyes melted from brown to gold, and his fingernails started extending into long claws. Your eyes widened, backing up toward the door, but hitting something much softer instead.
“Oh, I’m sor-- Yukhei, what the fuck are you doing?!” Kun cried, running toward his brother and throwing himself on him to stop him from shifting. 
The two boys landed on the floor beside the coffee table, Lucas letting out a soft, “Ow...”
You were frozen in place, unsure of what was happening at all. It was like your brain just completely stopped working, blinking and barely breathing being the only things you could do.
“I can’t leave any of you alone for an hour,” Kun huffed as he got to his feet before he reached down to help up his brother. “Seriously, what the hell are you thinking?!”
“_____ didn’t believe me!” Lucas whined, gesturing to you. “You didn’t have to throw me on the floor...”
Kun turned to look at you with an expression that looked like he was trying to think over things before he looked back at Yukhei, “Were you...explaining everything...?”
Lucas nodded, “Yeah, kinda.”
Kun let out a chuckle, shaking his head as he hit himself in the forehead, “God... I guess I’m the idiot that wasn’t thinking, huh?”
“Is somebody going to explain what’s going on?!” you finally burst.
The two boys looked over to you like they were just now remembering you were there. Kun quietly excused himself, slipping passed you and out of the apartment before Lucas slowly made his way over to you, golden eyes still on full display as he smiled his same Lucas smile.
“I already told you,” he laughed softly, taking both of your hands in his -- the claws were gone now, and you made sure as you lifted them up to inspect closely. “And I need to tell you because that means you’re my mate.”
Your eyes snapped up to his face, “What?”
“I imprinted on you,” he said nonchalantly. “You know what that means, right? I had to Google it the first time I heard it because--”
“Yes, Yukhei, I know what it means,” you told him quickly, your eyes closing as your brain finally tried to put all of this information into a coherent...thing. “So... Okay, I don’t know what this means, actually.”
He giggled, leading you over to the couch and sitting you down with him, keeping your hands in his, “It means I’m in love with you, _____. More than in love, actually. And I will be for the rest of our lives.”
Your heart was beating so fast and hard that you were sure anybody in the building could hear, and you felt your face burning with his statement. He loved you? ...Was that what that feeling you kept feeling was? 
“Don’t overthink it,” he chuckled, being able to basically see the gears turning in your head just from the look on your face. “I can explain all the details later, I promise. All I need to know right now is if you accept me.”
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. You closed it, trying to figure out what exactly to say to his question, but all you could think of was a question of your own.
“Why did you imprint on me?” you asked, your voice just above a whisper.
You frowned, realizing how weak you sounded.
Lucas didn’t seem to understand the question, cocking his head to one side, “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Have you met me?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged.
“How could you like me?”
“I don’t. I love you.”
Your face turned a deeper shade of red as you tried to hide it without being too obvious, “Yah, don’t say that!”
“What?” he giggled, loving how he could easily get you so flustered.
“Stop teasing me!” you whined.
“That’s basically, all the fun parts, though!”
You huffed as you pulled your hands from his to fold your arms over your chest. Lucas only leaned closer to you, his head resting on your shoulder now as he looked up at you with wide eyes.
“Are you going to answer me?” he wondered in a sing-song voice.
“Answer what?” you grumbled.
“Do you accept me as your mate?” he batted his eyelashes this time.
You looked down at him, stood up, and marched out the door. But Lucas just stared at the closed door after you slammed it shut with eyebrows raised expectantly. He knew you all too well, and he knew exactly what was going to come next.
A knock at the door.
He chuckled, shaking his head as he stood up to go open the door. As soon as he did, you had grabbed the collar of his shirt and yanked him down to you so you could press your lips to his with enough force to even take him by surprise -- and he was stronger than any human.
You could feel him smiling against your lips as he held your waist, feeling vibrations against your chest that were coming from his own in happy rumbles and purrs.
Surprisingly, he was the one to pull away, keeping his hands on you to bring you back into the apartment.
“I still don’t know what you meant when you said you’ll be busy next week,” you told him as he closed the apartment door.
“Ah...” he let out a nervous laugh, “don’t worry about it for now.”
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sunshine-pup-fics · 5 years
B A K E R Y / Part 2 / Kirishima x Reader
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Dedicated to @queenri0t and all the other beautiful users of her discord server! Y’all are a blessing!
Also, I indeed do have a scar on my thumb. I got it from cutting an onion.
This story is a series! use the links below to navigate to the other parts!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
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(Y/n) always looked forward to seeing the blazing red hair of Kirishima. She’d hold her breath every day, gaze trained on the window in hopes of seeing him wander down the street. Every few days he’d come into town and visit her, happily sitting on the floor behind the counter as he watched her serve the few customers who dawdled on in in the afternoon. But once they were gone, the two would converse late into the day, laughing and telling stories to one another. (Y/n) tugged on Kirishima's hand, pulling it toward herself as her fingers danced across his skin, trailing his scars. “I got that one from blocking a sword with my bare hands!” He announced. The girl playfully rolled her eyes. trailing another scar. “What about these ones? Looks like a nasty bite.” She peered closer at his hand. Kirishima could see the flicker of worry dance in her eyes. “Oh, I bit my own hand when I was a kid.” He chuckled. She shoved his hand back into his lap, an exasperated sigh escaping her. “And I thought your scars were from epic adventures!” She whined. Her gaze dropped to her fingers, which are intertwined in her lap. “I have a scar, it doesn’t look cool, but it also didn’t come from anything heroic either.” She mused. Kirishima leant forward, trying to get a closer look at her hands. She stuck her left hand out, gesturing to her thumb. There was a small, thin white scar that trailed across it. “I cut myself while chopping some vegetables. It didn’t hurt, but it bled a lot. My parents freaked out.” She let out a laugh, leaning back on her hands. 
They sat in silence for a moment. "You always want to hear about my adventures," Kirishima quickly waved his hands, "Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I wanted to know why." He cocked his head to the side, expression inquisitive. (Y/n) sighed, pouting as she got to her feet. "I've never left the village, women arent really allowed to. We're to stay here and take care of children and household chores. My parents are little more open-minded, but it's not safe out there." She sent the boy a smile, leaning on the counter. "But hearing all your stories is amazing! All the beautiful places and exciting moments you've had! I could only dream of being able to live a fragment of your journey!" She spun on her heels, maidens dress flaring out as she dramatically flung her arms out. The two glanced at each other before bursting out laughing. Kirishima would never fail to love her voice, her laugh. It was melodic. The window behind her cast bright rays of sun over her back, hailing her with an angelic glow. Kirishima decided then that (Y/n) deserved the world, and he be dammed if he didn’t give it to her.
He jumped to his feet, calloused hands taking hers into his own. A spark of excitement racing through his crimson eyes. “Come on, you have to come with me!” The girl quirked a brow. “What? Where to?” She asked. He turned toward the door, still clasping one of her hands in his own. “Just trust me!” He began heading for the door, (Y/n) trailing after. “Wa-wait! But what about the shop!” She looked back toward the counter, a worried expression stricken across her face. “Go on, hun! I can run the store for a little bit.” Her mother’s voice rang out from the back room. “Ah, thank you mama!” She called. She finally turned back to Kirishima, grinning ear to ear. Kirishima burst out the door, tugging the (h/c) haired girl behind him. They got two steps down the street, before (Y/n) nearly tripped over a loose stone, stumbling forward: “Kir-Kirishima! I’m not wearing any shoes!” He came to a stop, turning to face her. He hummed for a moment. “Then I will be a man and treat the maiden properly!” He grinned, only hesitating for a second. He bent down and scooped the girl into his arms, one arm supporting her back and the other locked under her legs. She let out a startled screech, wrapping her arms around his neck to keep herself steady. “Oh my goodness, put me down!” She whined, but she couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at her lips. “Off we go!” He cheered. He bolted down the street, weaving in and out of the confused villagers, (Y/n) giggling in delight. The two had reached the forest now, which infringed on the town's outskirts. (Y/n) was staring in awe at the trees that towered above them, the leafy canopy hiding them from the sky above. The wind caused the trees to rustle, the present sunlight dancing with the shadows. The ferns that lined the floor tickled Kirishimas legs, but he ignored them. “This place is so... beautiful!” She whispered. He hummed, but his eyes were trained on her. Eventually, they reached a small clearing, nestled away in the forest. Kirishima gently set (Y/n) down, the dewy lush grass tickling her feet. She strode out into the clearing, breathless as she gazed around. There was a small river running through the clearing, the sound of running water was feint, yet engulfed the area with a sense of tranquillity. There was a small cave on the perimeter, a small campfire set up in the middle of it, with what looked to be bags and beds set up beside it. As (Y/n) headed to check the stream, Kirishima ducked toward the cave, kneeling down and rifling through his bag. His fingers grazed a cool, smooth surface, to which he wrapped his hand around it, cradling it in his palm. He smiled to himself, looking down at the object. 
He heard a sharp yell and quickly turned around, seeing (Y/n) on the ground, an arrow struck right next to her feet. Kirishima bolted over, growling as he surveyed the forest. He slid over the grass on his knees, stopping by her side. He tore his gaze from the trees, inspecting every inch of her face. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry! Please tell me you’re not hurt!” The girl meekly nodded, breath shaky as he tried to speak. “Ye-Yes I’m fine... just... just scared...” Kirishima nodded, quickly getting to his feet, pulling (Y/n) up with him. He absentmindedly ushered the girl behind him, stepping forward to place himself between her and him.
He glared at the forest. There came an aggressive yell before Bakugo stepped out into the clearing, bow drawn and poised, aimed at the (h/c) haired girl. “Bakugo, what are you doing!” Kirishima hissed. Said blonde only sharpened his glare. “I wanna know why the fuck she’s here and who the fuck she thinks she is.” He began to circle the two. “You can trust her Bakugo!” Kirishima tried again. “LIKE SHIT I CAN. IM NOT TRUSTING SOME LOWLIFE VILLAGE GIRL WHOSE JUST GONNA GO BLABBER TO HER FRIENDS AND GET US KILLED!” Bakugo snapped back. (Y/n) stood gingerly behind her protector. She wished she could be brave and strong, but being aimed at by a bow held by a crazy maniac wasn’t exactly a common occurrence. “It’s okay Kirishima... I’ll just leave. I can promise on my life I won’t tell. He has every right to be mad-“ she was cut off as Kirishima growled. He shot a glance at her over his shoulder, winking as he did so. Then a second later, her vision was filled with red.
Protectively curled around her was none other than a blazing red dragon. She let out an awe-stricken gasp as she gazed upon the grand beast before her. The dragon was perched much like a cat, ready to pounce on its prey. She hesitantly reached out, trailing her fingers over its scales. They were quite smooth and were warm against her fingers. At feeling her touch, Kirishima turned to gaze at her, watching as she delicately traced his scales. He turned back, shooting a final glare at Bakugo, who stood mouth agape and bow pointed at the ground. Kirishima brought his head down toward her, gently nudging her arm. She spun on her heel, letting out a small squeak and nearly tripping backward. Kirishima shuffled his body to catch her. Back now pressed against his rough hide, (Y/n) reached out, pressing her hands against his jaw. She giggled as she felt his hot breath brush over her face. Kirishima nudged her again, letting a low purr rumble through him. “If shitty hair trusts you enough to show you this, then you must be at least a little trustworthy. Try anything though and I’ll kill you.” Bakugo stalked off toward the cave, grumbling to himself. The two turned back to each other. “He’s rather grumpy, isn’t he?” (Y/n) mumbled. Kirishima let out what could only be recognised as a laugh, sprawling himself out on the grass. (Y/n) watched him in peace, adoration and excitement glittering in her (e/c) eyes. “I can’t believe you’re a dragon! You’re absolutely beautiful!” She cooed. Kirishima hummed, nudging the girl's foot with his nose. She giggled, setting herself on the ground beside him. She began gently scratching under his chin, much to Kirishimas delight. “Fuckin shitty hair, makin friends.” Bakugo mumbled. He watched the two laugh with one another. Kirishima had only ever shown his dragon form to him. He hated to admit it, but maybe the girl was more trustworthy than he thought.
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misssophiachase · 5 years
if you're still taking song prompts for klaroline, how about shawn mendes "if i can't have you"?
Yesssss anon, love this song!
Singer/Songwriter Klaus Mikaelson can’t stop thinking about his ex-girlfriend and childhood best friend Caroline Forbes. His behavior leads his frustrated manager to take drastic action.
If I Can’t Have You
I can’t write one song that’s not about you
“I don’t know who you are anymore.”
Her words still haunted him, even three months later. 
Klaus had returned home to Los Angeles ready to throw himself into writing and determined to try and block out all distractions. 
But then it started.  
It wasn’t a matter of not writing, in fact he’d penned a whole album within six weeks. Klaus thought it was good. It was probably the most honest writing he’d ever done. Unfortunately his manager and record label didn’t agree. They even had the audacity to call him obsessive like some crazed stalker.  
His insomnia was profound after that meeting. On one of those sleepless nights Klaus found himself in his expansive attic at 3am trawling through the numerous cardboard boxes – also known as his past - deciding that for some crazy reason revisiting his childhood would help kickstart the creative process. 
It did at first, the multitude of photos acting as the perfect narration of his high school journey. Kol making goofy faces, Elijah staring at him in the background with disdain, Katherine flashing her bloomers mid-cheer at Homecoming much to Rebekah’s shock and Bonnie lazily reading Ulysses under her favourite tree.  
Then he happened on the next picture. One he knew all too well. Caroline Forbes, his best friend and former girlfriend, dressed as a sexy nurse on Halloween and poking out her tongue. It had been her initial response when he’d asked her to give him mouth-to-mouth. Granted she did later, albeit after much persuasion. 
God he loved her, he probably always would. He decided this revisiting of memory lane was a very bad idea and not at all going to help his current predicament.
It was at that point as the sun began to peek above the horizon he knew exactly what he had to do. Purge her memory including wiping their most recent conversation from his mind and then maybe he could write. 
Easier said than done. 
3 months earlier… 
Can’t drink without thinkin’ about you
“Barman, another whiskey please?” He asked, shaking his glass for extra effect. He needed the liquid courage as everything was unfolding around him. Klaus had missed Boston and his family and best friends but having them come together all at once was slightly confronting. 
Probably his fault for deciding to attend this wedding last minute. His last album had just gone platinum and rather than basking in his success Klaus was already anxious about how he was going to top it.  
“Did you ever think our little Kol would get married?” Katherine’s arm was around his shoulder before he could process it completely. He still hated Katherine because she told Caroline he cried during ET when they were thirteen.
“No one ever thought he’d ever be mature enough to marry,” he joked. “But apparently Esther sent him off to Bonnie with care instructions.”
“Now those I would pay to see,” she teased. “You know seeing your brother married is almost as surprising as seeing his superstar big brother grace us with his presence.”
“It’s not like that Kat and you know it,” he replied gruffly.  “But you did marry Elijah and take his grumpy ass off my hands so I won’t hold it against you.”
She poked out her tongue before replying. “If I was truly an evil sister-in-law I’d tell you just how good Elijah is in bed with his….”
“Yuck, seriously Kat,” he growled, hoping the dozen or so whiskeys he’d consumed wouldn’t make a repeat appearance. “You truly are the devil incarnate.”  
“And just like that we’re back in high school again,” a soothing and familiar voice offered. “Stop playing with him Kitty Kat, he’s out of practice.”
“But it’s just so much fun,” she argued before sending him a knowing wink then gesturing in Caroline’s direction. So not obvious.
It was no secret that his siblings and most people in his hometown held out hope that the prom king and queen would live happily ever after. Unfortunately it wasn’t a realistic scenario, they’d grown apart not only in terms of distance.
“Always the diplomat, love,” he smiled, probably against his better judgment. He’d felt completely out of place but when she’d floated effortlessly down the aisle of the church in nude silk Klaus felt like he was home again. 
“Have you met your family?”
“Touché,” he chuckled, swirling the amber liquid in his glass and trying to ignore just how good she still smelled, a mixture of strawberries and freshly pouring rain. “If I get too drunk later, and forget to say, you truly are the perfect bridesmaid.”
“Why, because I know how to keep the peace between many competing egos? Your sister was especially difficult; anyone would think she was the bride.”
“Nothing ever changes around here,” he mused, not unfamiliar with his little sister’s antics. “No, it’s because you outshone them all, even the bride, just don’t tell Bonnie I said that.”
“So, I’m actually surprised you’re here. I was told you were too busy to come home for the wedding.” Klaus could sense the resentment in her voice.
“I moved a few things around.”
“Well, given it’s your own brother I’m glad you were able to be so flexible.”
“Wow, tell me what you really think, Caroline.”
“Fine, I will,” she offered, before taking a breath obviously about to give him a piece of her mind.
“It was a rhetorical statement,” he growled. “I don’t need a lecture, we’re not teenagers anymore.”
“Well, you could have fooled me,” she huffed. “I’m so proud of you and what you’re doing Klaus but coming back to visit your relatives shouldn’t be just an annual event.”
“I’m sure Esther, Kol, Elijah and Rebekah barely notice my absence, love.”
“You’d be surprised, Kol wasn’t his usual joking-self when he found out his big brother might not be at his wedding.”
“Well, I’m here now.”
“For how long for exactly?
“I, uh, leave tomorrow,” he faltered, his gaze now downcast his drink suddenly very interesting.
“Haven’t you just released your record? Surely they’d allow you some time off?”
“An artist’s work is never done.”
“Why don’t I believe you?” She asked, taking him by surprise and grazing his chin with her forefinger so his gaze returned to hers. Klaus suddenly felt dizzy and not just because of his alcohol consumption. “I really don’t know who you are anymore, Klaus.” 
“I’m still me, sweetheart,” he bit back defensively, completely puzzled and annoyed at the same time. The hardest thing he’d ever done was leave Caroline Forbes. 
“Well, how about staying and we can see if that’s true?” 
“I’d love to, I would, but I really need to get back.” He pulled back his stool and left, worried that her hopeful expression might tempt him to stay and actually force him to have a real adult conversation about his feelings. Klaus really wasn’t ready for that.
Is it too late to tell you that everything means nothing if I can’t have you?
“What is with you, mate?” His manager Enzo offered between songs in the recording studio. “When you went home I thought it would get you out of your funk.”
“Apparently not.”
“You are extremely talented Klaus and as your manager I’m here to support you even when you’re being a total wanker.”
“Wow, tell me what you really think. You’re like the male version of my sister, completely unapologetic and scathing.”
“Mmmm, not sure what I think about being compared to your sister but that’s why you hired me,” Enzo shot back. “You’ve only been able to write about one subject and while I don’t begrudge you a muse there needs to be some variety.”
“I’m trying, believe me,” he promised. 
“Not well enough,” he shot back, gesturing to the studio door and signalling a come here gesture with his fingers. 
“Excuse me?”
“I thought that bringing your biggest distraction here might help.”
“My biggest distraction,” Klaus murmured, his brain working quickly to work out just what he meant. “You didn’t?”
“Well, how was I supposed to lift the spell?”
“You realise having her here will work in the complete opposite way, St John,” Klaus mumbled thinking, not for the first time, his manager wasn’t the smartest person. 
“Calm down princess, she’s here to beat it out of you. Genius right?” 
“What the hell Enzo? She has a really sharp tongue and a mean right hook.”
“Perfect then,” He wasn’t sure what this was until she appeared behind the glass wall in the studio looking even more beautiful than Klaus remembered. “And by the way, it took a lot to get her here given she thinks you’re an arrogant ass. Her words, not mine.”
“I get it Enzo, you are the best manager ever,” he groaned sarcastically. “Any chance we can talk in private?”
They all seemed to scatter, mostly scared that shouting would ensue and Caroline’s famed right hook might be put to the test.  
“You are an arrogant ass,” she offered, propping her feet up on the desk and eyeing him through the glass. “I only say that because I worry about those poor fans of yours who should know better.”
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, love.”
“So, why the writer’s block exactly?”
“Straight to the point I see.” 
“Well, some people have lives to save, Mikaelson,” she cocked her head slightly to the left, making Klaus lose all concentration momentarily.
“I’m fairly certain the night you decided to dress as a nurse for Halloween your future vocation was secured and given your caring nature it’s perfect,” he smiled knowingly. “Although I hope your outfit at Mass General isn’t as skimpy as the original version.”
“Why would that be so bad?” 
“I’m thinking about heart attacks for the most part but not gonna lie it also makes me extremely jealous. Call me a caveman but I always hoped that outfit was for my eyes only.” 
“And if it was?” She was now leaning closer towards the glass, her blue eyes seeking out his curiously. 
“I saw that picture the other day,” he replied huskily. “You were in that same costume poking your tongue out at the camera. I didn’t think I’d ever felt so happy.”
“Funny that, I felt the same way. I’ll never forget your fireman suit, even if you were scared of fire.”
“Kol thought it would be a good choice.”
“And that says it all,” she laughed. “So, what exactly am I here for, Mikaelson? What’s this distraction you can’t shake?” 
“Well, I have one huge stumbling block,” he admitted sheepishly. “It’s you.”
“I can’t stop thinking or writing about you,” he admitted, his eyes finding hers through the glass and secretly hoping that telling the truth would somehow free him. 
She was silent for the most part obviously processing his confession and weighing up whether or not to shout or kick his ass. 
“My manager likes my songs but apparently pining after one person isn’t all that attractive to the general public,” he murmured. 
“You don’t act like that at all,” she answered, “in fact you can barely bring yourself to visit Boston because you’re just too busy for your family and…”
“You’re the reason.”
“I’m sorry?”
“No I’m sorry,” he reiterated. “I’ve always loved you Caroline, probably since Katherine told you I cried during ET at Lucien’s party in the seventh grade, which by the way I so didn’t.”
“Now I feel like I’ve really been transported back in time,” she murmured. 
“I was setting the scene,” he explained, moving closer and placing his hand on the glass just near her lips. “When you and I broke out those turkeys on old man Johnson’s farm prior to Thanksgiving because you decided being vegetarian was a great idea.”
“And it was.”
“For a day,” he grinned, “but I’m sure those turkeys we freed will always be thankful for your generosity.”
“You only liked it because we made out in the field afterwards.”
“Well, I am only human you know, love,” he joked, poking his tongue out through the glass. “But it was when you were named Queen at prom I honestly thought we’d be together forever.”
“But life had a way of intervening,” she murmured, her eyes dipping. “And I don’t regret that for a moment because I’m so proud of you Klaus…”
“But you just don’t know who I am anymore?” He recited, those words he knew so well that had killed him. 
“Well, yes. You didn’t want anything to do with Boston, with your friends and family, with me.”
“I didn’t want to come home because of you, Caroline,” he admitted. “It was idiotic but the thought of seeing you in general but also happy with someone else was enough to stay away. I guess my family were collateral damage which wasn’t fair either.”
“Wow, he finally comes clean,” she teased. “I don’t want to stroke your ego but now you’ve admitted your undying love I could certainly help this writer’s block.”
“How, exactly?” Klaus asked, cocking his left eyebrow. 
“How in the hell do I get in there?” She insisted, running her hands over the glass repeatedly. 
“I have a weird feeling my sadistic manager thinks it would be fun to keep us apart to further the creative process.”
“We can kill him right?”
“Oh yeah, but it doesn’t mean we can’t have fun either,” he smiled. “In fact I have this great melody I’d like you to hear.”
It was at that point Klaus Mikaelson’s track “If I Can’t Have You” made its way to the top of the charts and given all his success he took some much needed time off with his finance and family in Boston.  
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imaginespplwrite · 6 years
BTS FicRecs
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ALL Members
Working Man (M) ✎ @dark-muse-iris ✎ A collection of stories where the leading man has a working class occupation
BANGmeTAN (M) An in depth look behind the scenes of adult film, starring the seven, sexy men who have captured the industry (BTS Porn Star!AU). (on-going)
You Never Shop Alone (M)   A look into the love lives of seven of the mall’s best and biggest fuck boys. With all of them housed in the same vicinity, nonsense is a guarantee, but romance? … just you wait and see 
Deadly Intentions (M)  What do you think happens when a supernatural being’s intentions are anything but pure? Do you scream out for help, or give in to your deepest desires?
Snowball effect (M)  We find our boys in very different places. Some are falling in love, someone’s just falling on their ass. Some are getting through it just fine, while another finds himself in a tight spot. All are determined to maintain their yearly tradition of meeting up at Tae’s cabin in the woods for New Year’s Eve. It’s promised to be a weekend full of debauchery, relaxation, and Jin’s delicious baked goods… so long as everyone can make it with their hearts (and pride) still intact. Seven little secrets, tangled in each other’s stories like twinkling lights on a wire, rolled up like a snowball, and wrapped up with bow; The Snowball Effect.
Kiss Land   ✎ @njssi​ ✎ Not into kisses leading into nothing 
Namjoon (RM)
Until you make it (M) ✎ @versigny ✎ It’s Christmas dinner and you didn’t want to disappoint your parents by not bringing someone...
The take home test (M) ♔ ✎ @versigny ✎ College!AU, in which your mission to deliver homework to Kim Namjoon goes very, very, wrong. 
Does this look like a joke sweetheart Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6(final) ✎ @that-loser-certain-to-be-crooked ✎ Studying late turns out to be a lot more eventful than you had originally assumed. How about taking the subway next time?
PhD (pretty huge d...) (M) ♔ ✎ @oilblotter ✎ “What is with you?! Stop leaning in so close to me!”  + best friend!namjoon 
Obligated (M)  ✎ @underthejoon ✎ Married by obligation, weighed down by circumstance. Except for those nights when you’re both drunk, falling into bed with one another and realising you’re human. Occasionally this happens, occasionally you fuck. Until your life changes and you realise Namjoon, the very man you’re obligated to, might just be the very man that you crave.
If you would stay (M)  ✎ @remembeo ✎ “Come back home.” Always. mafia!au
The Rich Man’s Crochet Club (M) ♔ ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ When they were freshmen in college, Namjoon began a club with his six closest friends. The one thing they all had in common? V i r g i n s as fuck. Obviously, they couldn’t call the club the Virgins Club though and so, the Rich Man’s Crochet Club was born. Until time passes and Namjoon is the only one left. Now, the Club has one, final mission: to get Namjoon laid.
Underground king (M) ♔ ✎ @sugaxjpg ✎ Eventually you came to the realisation that, if Namjoon was the king of the underground, you were as close as he would ever get to a queen.
Something in the way (M) Pt2  ✎ @tayegi ✎ When your student debts stack up too high, you decide to apply for a position to take care of Kim Namjoon’s heat for three days…
Omertà (M) ♔ ✎ @lamourche ✎  A story about an unlikely mob boss and his mafia princess wife. This is a love story set in a brutal world.
Catnapped (M) ✎ @dreamyjoons​ ✎ sometimes pets know better. But you and Namjoon have never been good at accepting the truth, no matter where it comes from.
More than words (M)  ✎ @ironicarmy​ ✎ You and Namjoon have been painfully -and blindingly- pining for each other since your teenage years, much to your friends’ chagrin. So, unbeknownst to both of you, Seokjin and the rest plan to finally make you confess during a ski trip.
Seokjin (Jin)
Golden boy (M)  ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ The golden boy of the porn industry, prettier than half his female co-stars. Will sue if you pull his hair. Always bothering his neighbors with pizza delivery.
All Along (M)  ✎ @underthejoon ✎ It’s no surprise when you learn you’ll soon be engaged to one of the Kim brothers. What does come as a shock, is just how determined Seokjin is to make sure that person is him.
My Type (M)  ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ you take the college nerd’s virginity
Revenge is a Dish Best Served... Hot? (M) ✎ @tayegi ✎ When your roommate keeps you up late at night with her noisy rendezvous with male overnight guests, you and Seokjin team up to plot your revenge…  How? With a taste of her own medicine, of course.
Heat (M) ✎ @thewanderingalias ✎ He was there when you needed him most, and now, he needs you.
Like this? (M) ✎ @jeonshome ✎ your neighbour, Seokjin, teaches you exactly how he likes to be touched.
Pink (M) ✎ @tayegi​ ✎ Seokjin has been holding himself back
Roomie (M) ✎ @hobibliophile​ ✎ When you first moved in with Jin, you thought you had hit the roommate jackpot. Turns out, living in the same apartment with this gorgeous man is a lot harder than you thought it’d be. He didn’t do anything wrong, and neither did you. It’s just this pesky thing called sexual tension.
Yoongi (Suga)
Mixtape (M) ✎ @jungblue ✎ Two mystery students from your college run the podcast dubbed ‘mixtape.’ It’s become a sort of phenomenon around campus, listened to by almost everyone. In their most recent episode they discussed various study methods… One of them being oh so tempting.
Buzz(M) 2(M) 3(M) ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ in which you’re unsure if you’ve ever received an orgasm and when you finally pluck up the courage to use the vibrator you bought that one day on a whim, Yoongi barges through the door…
Breakfast in Bed (M) ✎ @joonbird ✎ Min Yoongi, a grumpy Ikea employee, is wondering who you are and why exactly you’re sleeping in the display bed at his Ikea.
Love is for the birds baby! (M)  ✎ @mininky ✎ You refuse to believe in love. It’s a concept created by big corporations like hallmark to get sad saps like you to buy their shit. But it’s all fake. You’re convinced of that at least until a series of events with a certain tattoo artist who you loved to hate makes you question everything you’ve ever known
Conversations (M)  ✎ @im-too-old-for-bts ✎ It’s Yoongi’s birthday and you hadn’t thought you’d get an invitation to his party, let alone find yourself spending most of the night terrified and clinging hopelessly to him. Not that you’re complaining or anything…. But oddly enough, Yoongi doesn’t seem to be complaining either…
Late Bloomer (M) ✎ @tayegi​ ✎ You were always just a few years behind everyone else, but it was never a big deal. werewolf!au
Play thing (M)  ✎ @minnpd​ ✎ The guy working at the sex shop wasn’t being very subtle 
Exitus Acta Probat (M)  ✎ @bang-tan-bitches​ ✎ “All you need to know is that my name is Yoongi and you’re mine now.”
The Devil Skates on Thin Ice ✎ @vankoya​ ✎ The number one rule of Korea National Sport University is to never allow their elite figure skater and the captain of the ice hockey team be in the same room. Or in their case, on the same ice rink. They are infamously known for riling each other up in any way possible, and for having a mysterious history that even their closest friends know nothing about.
Taehyang (V)
Insomnia (M) ✎ @oppamansae ✎ “you have to be quiet, the others are around”
Dichotomy (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ You hate him. He hates you. It’s a fine line though, isn’t it  – between love and hate? (Arranged Marriage!AU)
Nerves (M)  ✎ @tayegi ✎ In a lab experiment gone horribly wrong your nervous system is merged with Kim Taehyang
Bibliothèque (M) ✎ @joonbird ✎ You are the very top of your college cohort, an A grade student on the fast track to a life of success. You know the answers to everything, or at leased you think you do. That is until you meet quirky genius Kim Taehyung.
Guilty Pleasure (M)  ✎ @jungkxook ✎ Notorious pranker Kim Taehyung is adored by all, but all he really wants is your attention.
Buzzed (M) PT2 ✎ @junqkook ✎ maybe ordering a vibrator and letting your best friend open your mail wasn’t such a great idea.
Come play (M) ✎ @littlemeowmeowschimmy ✎ Taehyung wondered if you wanted to play with him…
The Holi-Date (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash​ ✎ When your ex-boyfriend becomes engaged to his new girlfriend at your annual Holiday party, you admittedly are not in the best place. Which explains why you down six shots of alcohol, enthusiastically drop it low on the dance floor and – oh, yeah – tell everyone you are also dating someone. The only problem? You are obviously not. Good thing your neighbor happens to be cute and in need of a ride to work every morning.
Dick on the go (M) ✎ @jeonggukingdom-archive​ ✎ It was all shits and giggles when you and Taehyung were desperate seniors in High School, having no idea what to do with your lives, wondering if you’d ever find a decent job or even graduate in the first place. It is not so funny anymore when you come home from the big city to enjoy your vacation time and you find his sex-shop right in front of the house you grew up in when you were a kid.
Marshmallows and Report Cards (M) ❀ ✎ @taetaewonderland​ ✎ You can’t stop thinking about one of your students father.
Jung kook
Laundry day (M) ♔ ✎ @jinjikook ✎ jeongguk always pioneered one household chore: laundry. now why he had such an affinity for it, you had no idea. that is, until you come home and he lost track of time, causing you to stumble upon him in the midst of something strange and yet altogether intriguing.
Stuffed Pumpkin (M)  ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ Hooking up with the guy you’re neutral towards isn’t how you expected your night to go, especially dressed as a pumpkin…
Ruin the friendship (M) Part2 (M ✎ @kpopfanfictrash ✎ your drunk ass best friend keeps calling you to take care of him and it wouldn’t be so awful, if it weren’t for The Feelings. (best friends to lovers!AU)
...And action (M)   ✎ @prolixitae ✎ jungkook likes to film illegal stunts around the globe for his dedicated audience. because of you, his right-hand navigator, he gets to travel to beautiful places he’s only ever seen in textbooks. but in the wake of a mishap involving poisonous shrubbery, now’s a perfect time for him to confess his undying love for more than just videography. or, “I know you’re my best friend but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met” au
Starboy (M)   ✎ @sugaxjpg ✎ Jeon Jungkook was, above anything else, the type you should not get involved with. He was the guy who slept around; the guy who was gone before you woke up; who left a path of broken hearts and missed calls wherever he went. He was right in just about every wrong way. That being said, maybe the bet you made with your friend could be the best thing that happened to you in a long time, and even enough to break the chain of misfortune that circled your party nights — after all, it was all just a simple, four-part plan to make Jungkook beg for you. What could possibly go wrong?
The millionaire and his lover (M)  ✎ @gukyi ✎ over the course of your lifelong friendship with jungkook, you can’t say that you’ve ever had the greatest ideas, and a fake relationship with the boy you’ve been in love with for years is no exception. 
The push (M)  ✎ @underthejoon ✎ Jungkook needed the push to tell you his feelings 
Steamy (M)  PT2 PT3 PT4  ✎ @jungkookiebus ✎ You’re roommates with your older brother, Jimin, who is having some of his friends over and he’s strictly forbade you from hanging out with them; he has a feeling you like one of his friends and he’s avoiding having your presence in the home. Unfortunately for him and good for you, that person in question accidentally walks in on you in your bath. 
Fast and definitely furious (M) ✎ @parkmuse ✎ Car sex looks so much easier in the movies
Caught me (M)  ✎ @jeonshome ✎ You hate your temporary roommate, Jungkook and it doesn’t help that he’s been catching you at the most inconvenient of times.
Mark me (M) ✎ @littlemeowmeowschimmy ✎ Jungkooks’ excuses were getting too much. You needed answers, and you needed them now 
Howling for You (M) ✎ @fortunexkookie ✎ The way your Little Red Riding Hood costume lured over a fuckboy in a half-assed werewolf costume was a little cliche, but god damn was he beautiful. He promised he had plenty of big things to show you, and you took him up on the offer, not realizing that you might’ve bitten off more than you could chew 
Monogamy Monologues (M) ✎ @kpopfanfictrash​ ✎ The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend. 
Banana milk (M) ✎ @kimnjss​ ✎ sent to the grocery store in the middle of the day, you’d never believe who you ran into in the milk aisle. 
Truth or dare (M) ❀ ✎ @deliriousscenarios​ ✎ Junkook find out you’re a virgin and wont drop it.
Mission Impossible (M) ❀ ✎ @hobiwonder​ ✎ When you find out that your groupmate is whoring it up on tinder instead of handing in his part of the project, you go on a mission to teach him a lesson. And maybe get him to finish his part.
Hoseok (J-Hope)
Climbing (M) ✎ @im-too-old-for-bts ✎ An embarrassing moment from your past comes back to haunt you in the form of one of your cousin’s neighbours, Jung Hoseok.
Playing house Part2 Part3 Part4(M) Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8(M) ✎ @mak-baes ✎ it’s not like you’re hard pressed for cash, but there is that spring break trip you need to save up for, so why not grab your best friend and pretend to be a couple for some research study? what could possibly go wrong? (Finished)
Burn In Hell (She Said) (M)  ✎ @floralseokjin ✎ Hoseok’s taste is singular. That is his sexual taste. Singular only for humans. Being the lord of the underworld (his title… Seokjin wouldn’t be so happy), means his needs get taken care of instantly. Humans litter the place, soulless and trapped there for eternity. But then you rock up, in all your demoness glory (no title needed), and suddenly he wants a taste of his own medicine. Devil meets devil. Only you don’t fall to your knees so willingly…
Hot rod (M)  ✎ @kinktae ✎ a 1950′s inspired fic where greaser hoseok can’t keep his eyes, or hands, off the new waitress at his and his boys’ favorite diner. 
Just Practice (M)  ✎ @lamourche​ ✎ The second time you hook up with Jung Hoseok, he doesn't remember the first time. You're surprised. It was only a few weeks ago, and you were in a broom closet. That has to be different, right? (Well, not really, you'll learn.)
Photographs (you’re taking now)(M) ❀ ✎ @bangtan-sonyeondanope​ ✎ Snapshots taken from her life, her child’s, his life and his child’s. From happiness to grief, the path that took two broken pieces to form one bigger, kind-of-whole picture.
Snap Decision (M)  ✎ @noona-la-la-la ✎ A chance meeting with a stranger at a bar helps you recover from a bad break up.
Locked in love (M)  ✎ @parkmuse ✎ Getting locked in the mall on Christmas eve isn’t ideal, but getting locked in the mall with your brothers best friend that you haven’t seen in a while? Well, it might have been alright if you didn’t have feelings for him.
Syndicate (M)  ✎ @jungkookiebus ✎ Your husband is the biggest arms dealer in Korea. It’s the night of the President’s Ball and a pre-planned hit on top government officials while Jimin is separated from you. Using what Jimin taught you, you successfully escape the resort and make it home to an empty house. It’s not too long after that a panicked Jimin finds you at home and shows you just how thankful he is that you’re safe. 
The Fuckening (M) ✎ @underthejoon ✎ Jimin falls for the cute girl in his class. One who’s just as big of a tease as he is.
Star Light, Star Bright (M) ✎ @readyplayerhobi​ ✎ Life has not gone exactly how Park Jimin imagined, and yet he can’t possibly imagine his life any different to what it is now. After six hard and stressful years, he’s now the happy owner of a degree along with being the proud dad of his little girl. But what happens when he meets you and his life is tipped upside down once more?
Physical (M)  ✎ @ppersonna​ ✎ you cant seem to escape the sexy fitness instructor that seemingly is everywhere you turn. it’s enough to make you irrational.
233 notes · View notes
ryqoshay · 6 years
How to Handle a Nico: En Passant
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Pretty Much Assumed Pairings: RinPana, NozoEli, KotoUmi Words: ~1.3k Rating: G Time Frame: Middle’ish of Maki’s 1st year and Nico’s 3rd year in high school Story Arc: Stand Alone
List of all HtHaN scenes
Author’s Note: After several Anon Asks, a cute illustration by myon, lots of thinking and even more banging my head against things, my µ’s muse finally let me write this scene.
“Oh, what are these, nya?” Rin asked, poking at the bag on the clubroom table.
“Nico-chan and I found some props for the Wonderland photoshoot.” Kotori replied, opening the bag and retrieving two items. “I thought these would look wonderful on Hanayo-chan and Rin-chan.”
“Crowns?” Hanayo blinked.
“For the king and queen pieces of a chess set.” Nico explained.
“Chess?” Rin asked. “I thought Alice met cards?”
“In the first book, yes.” Nico nodded. “The second book had a chess theme.”
“So which one is the queen?” Rin inspected the crowns in Kotori’s hands.
“This one.” The costume designer held it up.
Rin quickly grabbed it, turned and placed it on Hanayo’s head. “It looks cute on you, Kayo-chin.” She grinned happily at her friend.
“I think it would look cute on you as well, Rin-chan.” The youngest µ’s member replied.
The cat-like girl grinned as she took the other crown. “Rin likes this one, nya!” She placed it on top of her head. “Rin and Kayo-chin can now rule together!” She pulled the other girl into a hug and nuzzled against her, not caring that the motion knocked both crowns off their heads.
“What other pieces do you have in there?” Honoka inquired, leaning over to get a better look in the bag.
“Two knights, two bishops and two rooks, just like the primary pieces of chess.” Nico explained as Kotori began setting out the props. “And one pawn for the ninth person, even though there are actually more pawns than that.”
“So, how should we decide who gets to represent which piece?” Umi asked.
“Perhaps we could draw for them?” Eli suggested.
“I think Umi-chan would make a fine knight.” Kotori said. “And we found these for the knights.” She handed the archer a prop sword.
“Umi-chan would definitely make an awesome knight.” The leader of µ’s agreed. “Ne, ne, what pieces are next to the knight?”
“The knight starts between a bishop and a rook.” The former student body president stated.
“Then Kotori-chan and I should each be one of those.”
“If that’s the case,” Nozomi spoke up, “I believe Honoka-chan would make a good rook.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Because the rook moves in straight lines on the board.” The shrine maiden smiled at her junior. “And you’re always driving us forward.”
Honoka grinned. “I like that idea! Say, which one of these is for the rook?”
Kotori handed her the crown in question.
Honoka’s smile only grew as she placed the prop on her head. “µ’s! Forward!” She pointed straight ahead of herself as though giving an order to advance. This earned her a laugh from some of her friends.
“So, does that make Kotori-chan a bishop then?” Rin asked.
“I think that would suit her well.” Hanayo said before her gaze turned to one of the third years. “And with her spiritual powers, I think Nozomi would also make a good bishop.”
“I’ll happily represent the bishop with Kotori-chan.” Nozomi accepted her crown from the mentioned second year.
“And that just leaves three more, nya!” Rin looked back and forth among the girls in question. “I think Maki-chan and Eli-chan would be good as either a knight or a rook.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Nico nodded before something clicked in her mind. “Hey, that would just leave the pawn for me!”
“Exactly.” Nozomi laughed.
“Nico is not a pawn!” The raven-haired girl protested.
“I dunno, Nicocchi, you’re pretty easily manipulated…”
“I am n…” Nico cut off as she realized she was playing into the trap of the purple-haired girl. She crossed her arms defiantly. “Nico should be a knight or rook. Maki-chan can be the pawn.” She turned to the redhead. “Right, Maki-chan? You don’t care what piece you represent, right?”
Maki, who up until now had remained silent, merely shrugged and twirled her hair around her finger. “Not really.”
Truth be told, she was looking forward more to seeing the outfits Kotori and the photography company had put together for them to wear. She had seen Kotori’s proposed designs and was curious how the final results would look on everyone. And it wasn’t as if she didn’t appreciate the addition of the accessories to compliment the theme, but it really didn’t matter which piece she ended up representing; Rin, Nico and Nozomi would probably find a way to tease her about it.
“We could still draw for it,” Eli pointed out, “even just with the three of us.”
“I think Eli-chan would make a lovely knight.” Kotori spoke up. “And then she could be next to Nozomi-chan.”
Nozomi chuckled. “I’d be fine with that, though Elicchi and I don’t always have to be next to each other for everything.”
“Maki-chan would also make a good knight.” Honoka pointed out.
“And Eli-chan is good a driving forward like Honoka-chan.” Kotori considered. “Perhaps she would make a good rook.”
“But that still leaves Nico with being a pawn!” Nico groused.
“Nicocchi is still complaining?” Nozomi held up her hands and flexed her fingers.
“Geh!” Nico took a step back, turned and retreated behind a taller redhead. “Maki-chan! Save me!” She cried before sticking her tongue out at her aggressor.
Maki wasn’t sure why, but the next thing she knew, she had a prop sword in her hand and she was turning to face an approaching Nozomi.
“Yup, Maki-chan is definitely a good knight, nya!” Rin proclaimed.
Nozomi dropped her hands and offered an amused smile. “I couldn’t agree more.”
For a moment, Nico felt her heartrate increase and warmth spread through her chest. She had only intended to tease her favorite first year and hadn’t expected Maki to actually react in such a way. She had decided months ago that she wanted to protect Maki, but after this display, she realized perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to let Maki protect her in return. But only every once in a while. Nico was the older one, after all, so it was only right that Nico protected Maki more. Then she saw red spread to Maki’s ears.
“I… I, uhm…” The pianist sputtered as she dropped the sword back onto the table.
And with that, it was back to teasing. “Dwaaa!” Nico cooed, glomping onto the younger girl from behind. “Maki-chan looked so knightly when she defended Nico from the mean ol’ Nozomi!”
“Nico-chan… I just…”
“And you know, Nicocchi,” Nozomi smirked, “a rook shouldn’t need protection from a knight.”
“For the record,” Umi spoke up, “the pawn should never be dismissed offhand. They have the potential to turn into any other piece on the board, even another queen.”
“Another queen?” Nico raised an eyebrow.
“If it reaches the opponent’s side.”
“Which means the pawn needs to be protected.” Nozomi pointed out. “Like, say, by her knight.”
Maki’s blush had almost faded, but now it returned full force.
“And the pawn has a lot of special rules that allow it to do things no other piece can do.” The blue-haired girl continued. “For example, it can move farther on its opening move, or capture a piece simply by moving behind it.”
“Moving behind it?” Rin perked up. “Then Nico-chan just captured Maki-chan, nya!”
“I did, didn’t I?” Nico giggled as she shifted her embrace so she could rest her chin on the other girl’s shoulder.
“Captured?” Maki questioned, despite not resisting being held. “What the heck?”
“Also, I believe Alice was essentially the pawn in the story.” Hanayo added.
Nico blinked. “You know, I think you’re right Hanayo.” She grinned. “Nico in Wonderland has a nice ring to it, I believe.”
“I don’t get it.” Maki sighed.
“Fine, fine, Nico will be the pawn.”
“Wait…” Rin thought for a moment. “Aren’t there something like nine pawns? Nine Nico-chans?”
“There are eight pawns.” Umi stated.
Maki’s shoulders slumped. “The universe can barely handle one…”
“Nico-nii is pretty amazing.” Nico agreed, though probably not in the way Maki intended. “Nico can see how nine would be overwhelming.”
“Eight.” Umi corrected again.
“Whatever.” Nico dismissed. “Still, there can really only be one true Nico-nii.”
“Idiot…” Maki muttered.
“You like it.” Nico laughed.
“… Maybe…”
“Well,” Eli clapped her hands together “now that that is all decided, let’s work on the next set.”
Seven other girls agreed enthusiastically while one was still thinking about multiple pawns and being captured from behind.
Author’s Notes Continued: 1, 2, 3. Three Anon Asks about the Wonderland set. (Ah! Ah! Ah!) I think my readers really wanted a scene about it, and I can only hope this at least comes close to their expectations. And if it isn’t, perhaps the scene I’d like to write about the photoshoot itself might better suit their fancy... whenever I get around to writing it.
Also, this amazing work by @myonmukyuu played a large part in deciding Maki’s actions to defend Nico. The fact that she has a sword in the card’s depiction and that she was released alongside Nico already had the gears grinding in my mind. Myon’s pic sealed the deal as it made me realize I wasn’t the only one thinking along those lines.
Next, for those readers not well versed in chess, the title of the chapter refers to a special move pawns can make to capture another pawn. It is referencing the fact that Nico captures Maki after moving past her. And yes, for those better versed in chess, I realize that Maki has basically accepted the role as knight at that point and the move cannot be used on that piece. Also, generally speaking, one does not capture friendly pieces.
I tried to keep the chess rules chat overly simplified because I do not see any of the girls being experts. And the point of the scene wansn’t intended to be an in-depth discussion of the game. However, I can see Umi and possibly Hanayo having played a game or two in their time and thus at least knowing the basics; enough to try to help placate a grumpy Nico.
Finally, my original draft had Eli or Nozomi offer to have Nico be part of the secondary focus pair (SSR), but I still have yet to decide how to deal with those in the HtHaN universe. As such, I may come back to this scene later if I eventually figure things out.
Cards Referenced:
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And here is the rest of the µ’s Wonderland set if you want to bask in the adorableness.
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