#I just had to get it off my chest
420pogpills · 2 years
god i'm honestly just genuinely so pissed off. this panel was a fucking car crash, because of the amount of disrespect from every corner.
from the organisers - for putting this panel in a tiny ass room that looked like a basement and then not even having enough fucking space for all of them that some of them had to share chairs and others had to SWAP OUT OF THE PANEL so the others could come on? do they not realise how MASSIVE these creators are? how many people in the entire con were there purely for the dream team even?
the commentator lady whatever her name is was as exciting as a blade of grass. i've never seen someone do a more horrible fucking job of talking to content creators, talking to the crowd, asking questions, setting the mood, etc. the only thing she added was awkwardness - as if we were missing any of that
and the fans... listen some people had decent questions sure. but literally jumping for the microphone when you don't even have a fucking question - all you want to do is show dream and george your gross almost nsfw t-shirt...? people asking for selfies/fist bumps/birthday shoutouts...
do people not understand what a panel is? it's not a fucking meet and greet. this is where you get the chance to hear your favourite creators talk about things that they are passionate about, fuel creative discourse and throw around ideas and listen to what they have to say, and ask them questions that you used more than 1 braincell to come up with..
i'm just honestly annoyed. they deserved better. dream certainly deserved better. fuck twitch. fuck people who have no respect. and fuck jack manifold.
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king-mera · 2 months
I miss Phoebe's old personality so much... I miss how cute, clever, and brave she used to be. What the writers did to her in Frozen Empire was awful. I tried forcing myself to be happy about it because I was scared people would get mad at me if I criticized it (my anxiety was horrible at the time) but that only made me feel worse.
I'd rather not get into detail about my issues because I've already ranted about it to my friends in private. There's enough negativity in fandom spaces anyway. All I'll say is the whole Melody subplot upsets me the more I think about it and I believe that Phoebe was written wildly out of character compared to how she was in Afterlife. That's not even getting into how I think all the other characters were done dirty. I can't bring myself to rewatch FE at all.
For my own portrayal of the Afterlife cast in fanfictions and fanart, everything I do is going to be canon-divergent from now on. At least I can do something constructive with my ideas rather than sulk about how everything was ruined.
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chaoticlivingperson · 1 month
I hate how if you do art ppl will tell you to do something more valuable with your time. Dont get me wrong, they'll tell you your art looks so nice and stuff but then turn around right after like they didnt just say that and spout 'advice' at you. I hate how you have to prove the value in something to make it seem worthwhile. Like no Nisha, i dont do art because im good at it, i do it stay sane. I do it because it makes me happy. I do it because i stopped for a year and it was the most miserable year of my life. I dont care that it doesn't 'have value'. Shut up.
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intairnwetrust · 10 months
Look this will be personal.
I was making a moodboard for Mor and i always look that my moodboard have some character means in Mor's case, I didn't just want to take 9 pictures of blonde women in a red dress.
While searching for pictures on Pinterest i was thinking about the fact that Mor is still in the closet or better why is she still in the closet?
So my family lives in Germany, i was born in Germany but my cultural background is kurdish/turkish. My family is mostly western-oriented, but you can see traditional, sometimes conservative values ​​shining through every now and then.
And being part of the Lgbtq community is sadly on of these aspects where my family is conservative, espacially my own mother.
So without going to much into details, basically circumstances kind of forced me to out myself to my mother because I was just so emotional in that moment, it went really bad and somehow we agreed not to bring up this topic anymore. So basically i am still in the closet.
So yeah being Bi and kurdish/turkish ist not a great combination when it comes to being open about my sexuality.
Which brings me to Mor.
If I were in an environment like Mor, knowing i have a family that would support me 100% and living in a city of dreams i would be so fucking confident in my sexuality.
Personally i just don't understand why Mor didn't out herself as bi with a preference for women (or lesbian)
That she didn’t out herself while living in Hewn City, 100% understandable that would be a death sentence but now? After 500 years and being with a family and having friedns that absolutly love her, i just doesn't understand why Mor would make herself suffer when it comes to her sexuality when she doesn't have to.
My simplest explanation is that SJM didn't think this through properly.
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It’s so hard being on the Fairy Tail subreddit… it’s nothing but incels and pervs who always sexualize the girls and just post weird shit in general. It’s all just shallow talk about them which sucks because there’s so much more to the story and to the characters than just fan service.
And if it isn’t that, it’s always negative criticism of the anime/manga, which is totally okay to do with any series, but when it’s so constant and 24/7 in a place where we are supposed to come together and talk about how much we love the series (most of the time of course, again criticism is okay and valid in all genres of media) it just becomes such a negative environment you know?
Despite this though there have been some pretty cool people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to on there, but unfortunately they are overshadowed by the rest of the toxic sub. Sometimes I wonder if I should leave, but it lowkey feels like betrayal to FT if I do (T ^ T)
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fuckitwhenifeelit · 2 years
What if Shuri is bound to Talokan?
What if, by Talokanil law, a surface dweller may be allowed a safe and welcome passage to Talokan via a gift?
That BRACELET is getting her and me in a jam.
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highflyerwings · 10 months
I know it’s mostly that time of the month talking (today at least), but I’m so so so so tired of being on the verge of tears lately. Having to sit at my desk at work and try not to cry and act normal, so I can then go home and either continue to hold back tears or cry myself to sleep, whatever my body decides to do that night. It’s exhausting. And I don’t even really have a right to feel this way. I’m just so tired and everything is happening so much and I’m just kind of over it.
I’m over feeling numb, and useless, and lonely. I wish I could feel happy about literally anything. I’m tired of just existing.
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
no because being a good writer doesn't give you the right to get a big head and be rude af. i had to unfollow them bc despite liking some of their work, i can't enjoy it anymore bc their attitude left a bad taste in my mouth. (also they had some borderline offensive fics but i was never going to comment on those, i just ignored it and moved on like a normal person lol)
i get that you can be in a bad mood and pick on certain words sometimes bc you feel like everyone is attacking you, but to keep trying to make the other person seem unintelligent, or not "woke" or whatever the fuck they were implying, and it had been happening over a month now, like it's clear that they're just an asshole. to the point that i couldn't stand seeing them on my feed anymore. nah, fuck that shit, just bc you're a terrible person (or at least present yourself as one), no matter how good your work is, you lost me.
so yeah, i guess i'm just tired of people pretending that they know everything and want to be treated like celebs. goodbye
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boomvagynamite · 11 months
I've been cautious of writing anything like this on my main social media accounts because, frankly, I don't want to scare anyone off slowly coming into the fold (as it were).
But I am sort of starting to lose my patience.
I don't know what conversations people are having with their families or friends, or with their colleagues. I don't know if they are writing to their representatives or quietly raising money. There's no way for me to know that, and all I can hope and assume is that maybe they are doing some of these things. Because not seeing enough people saying or doing anything on their social media is making me sad. Which seems sort of silly? Yes, this is where I post the most about what is going on. Yes, this is where I learn news and share news and virtually hug some of my comrades in solidarity. But a lot of people don't use it that way! And that is fine!
Except it sort of isn't right now.
Just... If you can go on and do nothing while the whole world is shouting genocide, then when are you ever going to stand up?
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midnightsaboteur · 1 year
The fact I’ve had to archive (i.e. remove from my active tracker because they’ve clearly been dropped and/or fallen by the wayside) a total of 110 threads this year, by the end of March alone, is so demotivating af. 
For context, that’s 53% of the total threads I’ve written this year alone. A majority just clearly aren’t up to scratch. Honestly... it’s becoming ever harder to feel motivated to do drafts when I have this voice at the back of my head telling me it’s more likely for a thread to fail than go the distance. It’s also why I’m more and more eking towards an indefinite hiatus, or just restarting and going uber selective. 
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witchwhaat · 1 year
so ummm.
what if i signed up for a new ba degree course?😶 it's kind of eating me alive bc i'm not really enjoying my masters and i still have no idea what the fuck am i even doing there and if i'll even finish it. but on the other hand when i think about having to go through recruitment process again and then about having to start completely new with new people again i feel a little sick. there's still no guarantee that i'll even get in but. but what if i do. and today is the last day to sign up. and i don't feel like i've thought it through enough which was my mistake with the masters and i don't want to do the same dumb thing again 🙃
but on the other other hand, 3 years will pass anyway and i might at least try doing smth about this? idk IDK!!!!!
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sage-nebula · 2 years
You don't have to ship Shadow/Rouge, but the tendency I've seen from people who don't ship them to sisterzone—or objectively worse, motherzone—her just makes my skin crawl.
Women aren't either girlfriends or mothers/sisters. Believe it or not, women are people. Women contain multitudes. Women can be friends with men without being their mother or sister. It's totally a thing that happens every single day.
Rouge does not have a nurturing or motherly bone in her body. That is not who she is. And I don't know what your relationship with your sister is like, but considering Rouge has on occasion flirted with Shadow and that her bio in 06 says she may have feelings for him (as well as Knuckles), I'd say that her behavior toward Shadow is pretty far from sisterly as well.
Again, you don't have to ship it. But saying she's his sister is just not on. And saying she's like his mother is just flat out wrong. Just say they're friends! Colleagues! Workplace proximity associates! People aren't automatically family just because they aren't hooking up! That is not how any of this works.
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geekcentre · 2 years
I don’t like galvatron's design, not because hes purple or whatever but for those four red buttons on his torso looks like the danish flag and it’s driving me insane
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cutthroat-coquette · 2 years
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drawingofatiger · 9 months
Holidays at Home
When visiting the house I grew up in
A pang of old fear strikes through me
So much time to fill
So little time left before I leave again
A passenger in a place I used to drive through
My friends are growing older, as am I
They’re buying a house now
He’s staying with his girlfriend this week
Our time together shrinks every year
And here I am
Alone again
Left to grasp at the scraps we left behind
Like a child scrambling for their parents’ hand
Good memories hurt just as much as the bad ones lately
A year sober
Feels like a year lived one minute at a time
So much to be proud of
And no one to celebrate it with
✧ Tiger
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sweetgrimm · 1 year
Man I thank God that my horse is tolerable and chill. Having a bad day choking on tears because I’m in so much pain, can hardly walk, but I still gotta take care of him you know? So I sit down while cleaning his feet and legs. And he stands still so that I can do what I need to do while also giving my knees a break. It’s not safe to do that, every horse person will tell you that, but he lets me.
And when I finally decided to ride, he stood still at the mounting block, allowing me to slide on bareback, despite my struggle through the pain. And he walked in the arena that he doesn’t like, because I didn’t have the energy to take him on a trail. And he walked calmly. I dunno, maybe he could tell that I wasn’t at my best, but he worked with me anyways. I don’t know if anyone will see this but I just had to share this somewhere.
(He got lots of treats today)
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