#I hope this makes her day better uwu
peppermint-whiskers · 2 months
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An au by myself and @emositecc (all artwork here done by her, btw! 💖💖)
Premise: Because snake forms aren't common in Heaven, Pentious has to change forms per Sera’s orders in order to not make waves. At the same time, she places a spell on him that prevents him from speaking about who he was before and his time in Hell. Using the nickname Pen, he's sent down to Hell every once in a while to help them with redemption, acting as the representative. While there, he has a lot of trouble reconnecting because of the spell and because of the weird deja vu the others get whenever he's around. It also doesn't help that they're still mourning Pentious—he can't tell them that he's okay and that redemption works.
He does succeed in reconnecting with them, but only as “Pen.”
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It'll be done in 3 acts:
Act 1: Reconnection
Sir Pentious, under the alias Pen, is sent to Hell every once in a while to help them with redemption. There, he struggles to reconnect with his friends, who are still mourning his supposed "death."
Act 2: Mind Wipe
After a disasterous event caused by Alastor, Pentious begs Sera to wipe his memories of his life before as it's the only way he can think of to ease the pain. This works for only a while, and the confusion between his two forms makes him restless. Emily smuggles him back to Hell to help him regain his memories.
Act 3: Consequences
After resolving the mind wipe, Sera realizes the error of her actions and tries in earnest to help Charlie's hotel with redemption. However, the reveal of the mind wipe and redemption causes waves in both Heaven and Hell.
Some artwork and snippets (written by me) under the cut!
No spoilers yet, obviously uwu
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Snippet 1:
“The envoy is supposed to come today!” Charlie exclaimed, positively bouncing around the hotel lobby. “I'm sooooo excited! What do you think they'll be like??”
“Sexy,” Angel immediately said with his usual teasing tone.
“Respectful,” Vaggie sighed. After failed extermination, they've had countless meetings with Heaven, and the head seraphim has been . . . less than helpful. As much as she hated to admit it, dealing with Emily was much preferred to dealing with Sera.
“I just hope you know what you're doing,” Husk chimed in. “Inviting an angel to stay longterm here could be dangerous.”
“It’ll be fine,” Charlie assured them. “We'll keep them safe, and they'll help us with redemption! It's a win-win!”
A circular portal opened up just outside the hotel. Squealing with joy, Charlie rushed outside to meet their newest friend and staff member. Out stepped a tall gentleman with dark skin, white hair, and a pale blue suit. His eyes seemed to look over the hotel with nostalgia—Charlie would bet anything that in life, he was a hotel manager himself. That would be just perfect! She could use a little more help than Alastor deigned to provide.
Snippet 2
Their new guest wasn't doing so well. Somehow, through fake coughs and weak insistence, Pen managed to convince Charlie that he didn't need to come out of his room, thank you very much. Charlie wasn't dumb, of course, and her sympathetic nature was just one of the many reasons Vaggie loved her. Instead of pressing the issue, she let Pen stay in his room for the day and let him continue claiming he was sick.
He may have convinced the others, but Charlie and Vaggie both knew better. Angels couldn't get sick, but this was one hell of a bout of homesickness.
Charlie herself brought meals up to his room and coaxed him to eat, and Vaggie went when she was busy, but he never once opened the door. After two days of this, Vaggie finally took it upon herself to see him herself and get to the bottom of this. Breakfast in hand, she headed up the stairs and prepared herself for a battle of wills of which she was sure she would win.
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Hi! How are you? First of all, I love your way of writing, it's amazing! I wish I had that magic that you have. UwU <3 Can I ask you to write a Bi-Han x Chubby!Afab!Reader? Where the reader is Liu Kang's apprentice, but since he does not have time to train her, he takes her to Bi-Han and he mocks her for not seeming strong, but when they face each other, things change and for the first time Bi-Han meets He is attracted to her and wants her for himself. But the reader feels insecure, thinking that this was some kind of mockery. There can be a lot of fluff and a possessive Bi-Han. Please :3
Thick Thighs Can Change Lives
Prior notes: Hoi!! I’m doin fine just trying to finish the semester strong. How bout you? And thank you for liking my writing! (´・ω・`)
Pairing: Bi-Han x Chubby! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: KICK HIS ASS!!! AHHHH
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It’s an honor to be an apprentice to Lord Liu Kang. He treats you well and always saw potential in you no matter what. Your body did not change the fact that you had a fighting spirit. There was strength in you that was hidden. Though others will doubt you they will eventually find out the truth that you are mighty.
If only Bi-Han saw that from the beginning.
You were unsure of Liu Kang’s decision to send you to the Lin Kuei for more training. He apologized profusely for not having enough time to do it himself. You understood since there were many others that he had to train. He trusted Bi-Han to take good care of you during your stay. If only the first interaction was good.
“This is the woman? Are you sure she is capable of fighting?” Bi-Han looked you up and down with a look of uncertainty.
“Trust me, Bi-Han. She is more than capable. There is a reason why she is my apprentice. Do not judge, lest ye be judged.” And he means it.
Bi-Han grumbled at Liu Kang’s response. He thinks the god is foolish for taking you in. You have proportions he hadn’t seen before on a warrior. He expects abs and flat stomachs, not chubby bellies. He circled you, checking you out from all angles and not in a good way. He pokes you to check for any muscles. You keep hearing a disappointed sigh.
“If this task is too hard for you, Bi-Han, I can always have the monks at the Wu Shi train her.”
Liu Kang’s words infuriated Bi-Han. He makes it sound like he can’t train you himself. That this task is impossible for a man like him. Forget it, he’ll take you in.
“No, I will take her in. She will be better than before. Come on.” He grabbed your hand and yanked you before you could even say goodbye to Liu Kang.
There were many in the Lin Kuei who questioned their grandmaster’s decisions. You were not like them, that was evident.
He didn’t even work with you at first. After about two days you had to go up to him to ask if he was actually going to train you or not. Clearly it’s not that he’s into training other cause when you found him he was watching all the other Lin Kuei assassins train.
“Grandmaster, when are you going to train me? I thought that was the reason Lord Liu Kang brought me to you.” You reminded him of his purpose.
He groaned as he remembered that you were still here. If he’s going to train he will do it separate from the clan.
“Fine, come with me.”
You followed him to a secluded area of the temple. Your heart was pumping. You were excited to show that you are capable of anything but afraid of failing. Liu Kang’s words echoed in your head telling you to focus on your actions, not the outcome. Give it your best shot and kick his butt!
“Show me what you are capable of. I hope you can show me that you are a worth opponent.” He sounded like he already had little faith in you.
From the start of the fight you were already proving him wrong. You were blocking every attack. Bi-Han was going easy on you for now but seeing as you could at least defend yourself he was hoping you would attack soon.
Hell, you were even dodging his ice attacks. He couldn’t even freeze one of your legs in place. Looks like he was wrong to think that you would be an easier target to hit.
Throughout it all you watched as he grew more and more frustrated. He set the bar too low and seeing that he was wrong was the worst thing he could have expected. Though your special move was probably way worse than having his ego be tampered with.
You finally attacked him. A palm strike to the jaw caused him to fall back. Before he could comprehend what you just did and get himself up you were already above him. You pressed down on him which put one of his legs in an uncomfortable position. You pinned his arm down before swinging your right leg behind his head. With all your strength you managed to flip both of you before locking his head in with your legs. And there you have it, you got him in a triangle choke.
This was just humiliating for Bi-Han. He didn’t think it was possible to lose to you. You had him right when you wanted him. Your legs made him feel like he was being squeezed by a vicious anaconda. The more he struggled the more he lost his breath. It didn’t stop there oh no. You started bending his arm and leg that were trapped between you two. You bent them in directions that would be impossible to achieve unless you broke his bones. His free hand came and slapped your thigh. He tapped out. He couldn’t take it.
You unraveled your legs to set him free. You were panting a bit and felt a bit sweaty. But compared to how he was now you looked like you never even fought him.
“I’m sorry, grandmaster, if that was too much.” You apologized even though you didn’t need to.
Once you were back up on your feet you stuck your hand out to help Bi-Han up. He looked up at you, taking in all your details for once. Maybe he lost too much oxygen when you were chocking him because for some reason you seem so cute right now. Yet he was still upset from being beaten by you. He didn’t take your hand but got up himself and walked away. Not a word was said from him and you were left wondering if you did something wrong.
I can guarantee you didn’t do anything wrong. Bi-Han just needs time to think of where he went wrong and what kind of woman he is attracted to. Looks like he might have an unexpected type.
No matter how many breaths of fresh air Bi-Han got his new stance on you didn’t change. He has enough oxygen going into his brain this new liking is not a delusion.
He was wrong but he won’t say it out loud. You have the strength of a warrior with a heart of gold. It was all hidden in that plush body of yours. What a fool he was to doubt you.
Now his eyes are always on you. Without the mindset of you being weak he sees now that there is much more to you.
Why didn’t he see it before! Just look at that cute face of yours, especially your cheeks. He wants to squish that face and not in a skull crushing way. And those legs good heavens! Those thighs could kill a man yet he would gladly put his face between them again. Your chest is a good alternative as well. He won’t deny he noticed that from the beginning but he would remind himself about it constantly. It just took him a while to realize the whole package was enticing. Screw it, let him get his hands on your tummy.
Look, Bi-Han likes his women strong. That’s one thing. But if chubby is the new strong well he won’t hesitate to take it. And don’t tell him that’s wrong he can’t be wrong two times in a row.
You did notice his stare. It was different now. You noticed one of his eyebrows would raise as he looked at you. His eyes wandered up and down. Before he could even walk over to have a word with you, you would start walking away. You were concerned he would insult you about your looks. Why else was he checking you out like that?
No one walks away from the grandmaster. You will listen to what he has to say. Bi-Han walked quickly towards you before yanking you back by your shirt.
“Where do you think you are going? Do you not see that I am trying to talk to you.” He is giving you his gentlest voice but it still feels like he will rip your spine out.
“I’m sorry, grandmaster.” You turned around quickly to look at him.
Suddenly his hands were at your face. He had a good grip on your soft cheeks, pinching and squeezing them. You looked up at him with confusion. You brought your hands up in an effort to remove his hands only for him to quickly slap them away. Bi-Han isn’t done admiring your beauty.
You thought he was being mean to you again. He was taunting you by bringing attention to your round face. This ain’t the first time something like this has happened. The only difference is that Bi-Han seems determined to look at you. He’s not saying anything which confuses you even more.
Yes, yes, she is perfect. She will look perfect standing next to me. No one will dare touch her unless they wish to feel her wrath. if anyone dares to say something negative about her weight I will make them pay for their disrespect. They will be forced to watch their hands lose function when I freeze them-
“Bi-Han, what are you doing to her?” Tomas’ voice rang out.
Bi-Han broke away from his inner monologue. He wasn’t done making plans on making you his. His eyes caught onto the sight of Tomas’ hand reaching out to grab your wrist. You looked at him in desperation as you were so confused by what was happening. But suddenly you were flung over Bi-Han’s shoulder. He did it as if you weighted as much as a kitten. He started walking away but he had something to say to Tomas.
“Mind your business, Tomas.” He snapped at his adopted brother before walking off with you.
You were humiliated by the fact that all of the Lin Kuei were watching their grandmaster carry you away. His arm was wrapped around your thighs. You didn’t see his face but he was satisfied that his arm was squeezing your thick thighs.
“Please…just put me down already. I got it you’re strong enough to pick me up.” Your disappointed voice was muffled by your hands covering your face.
“Silence. I will put you down when I want to.”
Were you silent or were you silenced?
Bi-Han brought you all the way to his office before placing you down on the ground. Don’t think you can catch your breath now because his arms quickly wrap around your waist and pull you onto his lap. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
“What are you doing?! Don’t you think I’m a little too heavy to be sitting on your lap?”
He looked offended by your words. As if you were the one who was calling him heavy. It only made his grip on you grow tighter, making sure you won’t leave now.
“Do you see me as a man who is unable to handle anything? Don’t be so foolish. Just sit here and look pretty for me as I work.” He instructed you.
Pretty? Did he just call you pretty? Maybe you hit him too hard during practice. But right now you don’t feel like disobeying any orders from him now. Even if this is a joke you rather wait to get pushed off than get off yourself and face a possible punishment. So just sit there and look your prettiest. You already are a gorgeous lady so there is no need to push yourself.
It’s not a joke anymore. It stopped being a joke a long time ago.
Every day since that weird interaction it’s like Bi-Han can’t keep his hands off you. He would go near you just to squeeze some part of you. It started with your arms which you really hated at first. You thought he was pointing out how he couldn’t feel muscles in that area. Wrong, he just liked the feel of it.
In general he likes the feel of you. But may the gods help anyone who tries to grab at you. Only Bi-Han can do that.
The one and only time you practiced with the others in the Lin Kuei it ended with someone’s face being smashed in and you being dragged away. Hey, he shouldn’t have smacked your stomach and called you names. He was just a sore loser who couldn’t comprehend losing to you. Well now he just lost his face privileges and respect from the grandmaster.
If anyone doubted you they had to face the fury of the Lin Kuei grandmaster. If fact they can’t even look at you at this point. If they looked at you for at least five seconds Bi-Han would start holding onto you like a child who is afraid their favorite toy will get taken away.
Wherever he went, you had to be with him. He needed to keep his eyes on you. In his mind you are already his, there is no arguing about it. You didn’t even know that’s what’s going on. It just happened.
Bi-Han loves to have you on his lap. It shows everyone that you are his now. He loves having his arms wrapped around your waist and squeezing it. Occasionally he would rest his head against your shoulder. That’s the calmest anyone has ever seen him. He would compare his hand size to your thighs. You thought it was another insult before you felt him squeeze them.
Squeezing, poking, squishing, grabbing, holding, secretly loving, that’s all he seemed to do. If you ever asked why, Bi-Han would silence you. You’re not allowed to question his actions nor hint that there was anything wrong with you. The only time you were allowed to have space was when you need to use the bathroom, eat, or sleep. And even getting him to go away so you could sleep was an issue.
You thought your saving grace would come once you heard Liu Kang would be visiting. He wanted to check on your progress and see if you wanted to return to the fire temple. He manages to make more time for you. No matter how much time you were away from him you were still Liu Kang’s apprentice.
Though that depends if Bi-Han will let you go.
One of the clansmen alerted Bi-Han of the god’s presence. Liu Kang soon came walking into the office. He was shocked to see you sitting on Bi-Han’s lap. Clearly it wasn’t fully your decision since you looked shy about it.
“I see you have gotten along with my apprentice. Is there any reason she is sitting on your lap instead of training?” Liu Kang addressed Bi-Han.
“Is there an issue with this. You brought her to me, I make the decision on what she is supposed to be doing right now.”
“I mean, I think I should have been training at this point but you were barely letting me do that.” You talked back, barely caring about what is happening anymore.
Liu Kang’s glowing eyes kept shifting between you and Bi-Han. If what you say is true, which it is, that means the grandmaster has been lacking in his duties. Though to Bi-Han he hasn’t lost anything from this experience.
“If that is the case it might be best to come back with me, my apprentice. Perhaps Bi-Han has other things he would prefer to attend to.” Liu Kang gestured for you to come with him.
The moment you tried to get off, Bi-Han pressed your body against him more. He glared at Liu Kang who looked back in shock. There is no chance in hell that he will let you walk out of this temple. No one will take his strong, chubby woman from him.
You sighed, realizing he will never give up. It dawned on you that he wasn’t making fun of you. He genuinely liked you now that you have shown your potential. You shrugged your shoulders at Liu Kang since you didn’t know what to do now. You would like more training but it might be a whole battle just to get Bi-Han off you. In a way you’re not complaining all that much.
“What is the meaning of this, Bi-Han? You have lacked in your duties to-“
Bi-Han didn’t want to hear anymore from Liu Kang. He carried you in his arms like a princess and walked out of the office. Liu Kang followed close behind him, still scolding him for his actions. All Bi-Han would respond with was a blunt no and continued walking on.
You’re left to think while this madness is going on. There is one thing you are certain you are feeling. Pride. Pride in the fact that you not only beat Bi-Han and proved your worth but proved that you are worth his affection. You changed this man’s perspective and his type. His eyes have been opened to the possibility of having a bigger figure in his arms and in his life. This is the way.
In an effort to get Liu Kang off his back he walked into his bedroom and slammed the door shut before Liu Kang could get another word out. He placed you on the bed before laying down next to you and resting his head on your chest. It’s hopeless, he’s too attached to you. I mean just look at that face. You didn’t think he could unfurrow his eyebrows. This is a moment in history!
“You’re not gonna let me go I’m guessing.” You asked.
“No.” Plain and simple from Bi-Han.
You held yourself back from chuckling. He’s clearly the possessive type. And if he can see that there is beauty in you then you will take it even if you had to beat him up first for him to see that.
“Fine, you win. Just this once.” You said softly.
Are you happy with your prize, Bi-Han?
After notes: Good amount of people don’t expect me to be strong because I’m chubby. A lot of my strength comes from my legs. But I’ve had instances where I have slapped and even punched people by accident. Literally told a story yesterday of how I punched someone I knew by accident and they folded. Anyways I was very happy to get a request like this. I hope you are happy with the outcome I did my best! I’m sorry i didn’t post yesterday I was very tired and mentally drained from all the bs. Hopefully that didn’t affect what I wrote. Adiós!
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astarionancuntnin · 5 months
Undisclosed Desires (Chapter 2)
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summary: its the day after you and astarion indulged in each other's embrace. it shouldve been a once done deal, nothing more, but that last night ended with you questioning your feelings for the pale elf. you struggle to come to terms with those and the day might prove more difficult as you get trapped alone with him in a secluded dungeon
or in short:
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rating: E
word count: 4k
pairing: astarion x you (fem!reader, sorceress tav)
cw: 18+. smut, porn with little-to-no plot, karlach gets hurt for the sake of the porn (shes doing her part o7), denial of feelings, sexual tension through the roof, dom!tav/reader, teasing, dry humping, begging, ear licking, vampire bites, kinda praise kink, sorta breeding kink, your honor- theyre both brat switches fighting to top the other.
a/n: at long last, chapter 2! i had so much fun with the dialogues, i hope you enjoy them as much as i did uwu. also, inspo song at the beginning is the same as chapter 1, but a different part of the song, and end of chapter song is a different one (that i linked at the end). let me know how you feel about the dynamic in this chapter 👀
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I shut my eyes
You call but I just cut the line
I know your style
I know that you want one more night
And I'm backsliding
Into this just one more time
You wake up this morning to the sound of your companions talking nearby. Instinctively, you reach for the spot next to you, only to find it empty. Figures. If it wasn’t for the aching pain in your muscles and the dizziness of your mind, you’d think what happened last night was just a dream.
The way Astarion had ravaged your body, how feral he was, the taste of him on your lips, how he felt between your legs…
Instinctively, you rub your thighs together, chasing the feeling from the previous night. You already feel that warmth between your legs as a result of those memories flooding back to you. You hear laughing outside your tent and it brings you back to the present moment ; your companions are probably waiting for you.
You quickly push aside any thoughts of him and reach for your clothes to get dressed up for the day. You take some time to prepare for what your companions have to say about the sounds that came from your tent last night. They had to have heard.
As you take your first step outside, Karlach is the first to greet you.
“Hey Soldier! Slept well? Doubt it was restful but it looks like you had the time of your life!” She nudges you.
“You can say that again! Those screams made me believe she was dying in there!” Shadowheart shouts, sitting near the campfire, before her and Karlach start laughing.
You feel yourself turn redder after each remark. Hells, I didn’t realize how loud I was.
“It did sound… intense. Are you sure you’re alright?” Wyll speaks up, more worried about you.
You lift your blushing face which was hiding in shame between your hands. “Oh, yeah no, I’m fine just- um,” you turn to Shadowheart, “Can I ask you to cast lesser restoration on me, please?”
She looks at you puzzled, “Can’t you cast it on yourself?”
“The only thing I wanna cast on myself at this very moment is eldritch blast, now, can you please cast the damn spell?”
“So much for the ‘great sorceress with limitless talents’,” she mocks you, reminding you of the very words you used back when you introduced yourself to her.
“Fine, fine,” she scoots over the log, making space for you. “Come here, I’ll take care of you.”
You walk over to her and you sigh as you sit down, completely slouched over.
“Gods, he really did a number on you, huh,” she casts lesser restoration and you straighten up, instantly feeling much better. 
“Yeah, you should see the other guy,” you say, smiling, proud to have gained back your wits.
“Speaking of,” Wyll interjects. “We haven’t seen him all morning. We fully expected him to come out of your tent.”
“Huh, I did wake up alone,” you confess. “I just assumed he went back to his tent.”
“Heh! Maybe he’s still in there recuperating from your night together!” Karlach shouts, before laughing some more.
“Alright, alright, I’ll go check up on him,” you roll your eyes as you get up to walk towards his tent.
You’re glad it’s placed far enough from the campfire to be out of your friend’s sights. You didn’t want to give them more ideas if they saw you with the vampire this morning. You call out his name before opening the flap of his tent, only to reveal it to be empty. 
“Looking for something?”
You slightly jump, as if you were caught doing something you shouldn’t have, and quickly turn around to face him.
“Gods, you startled me.”
He walks towards you, shirtless, with his hair still damp from his morning bathing and his trousers hanging loosely around his hips.
“Terribly sorry dear, I would never do this to you intentionally.”
His little smile is unnerving. Your heartbeat quickens, and you frown at yourself; You can’t allow yourself to falter this early in the day. You take a deep breath, your way to gain back control over yourself. 
“We’re almost ready to leave, so I came looking for you,” you try to look elsewhere but you’re mesmerized by his sight.
“Well, here I am now. Can I… help you with something?”
He raises his hand and strokes your cheek gently with the back of it, his face dangerously getting near yours. You feel your face burning hotter and it takes everything in you to push yourself away from him.
“We should really go, just– get dressed. I’ll uh, I’ll wait for you around the campfire with the others.”
You turn around completely flustered and walk back to your companions.
“Again?!” Karlach exclaims as she sees the state you’re in. “At this rate, you’ll turn redder than me!”
You wanna crawl into the depths of the hells and never come back up.
Today’s quest brings you to a secluded dungeon. Your findings from the previous days led you there in search for more information about an artifact you previously found throughout your adventure. If you’re correct, you should find here what’s missing for it to work. Now the only thing left to do is actually finding that missing piece.
With a swift flick of his wrist, Astarion opens the door to the lower grounds. As the door opens, you’re greeted by damp air and a musty smell. The place is dusty and covered in spiderwebs. Whatever you’re looking for must be here judging by the fact that no one has been down here in ages. You all walk in and notice that the place is a damned maze filled with countless rooms. You split up from the group, starting the search on your own, and the first room you walk in greets you with an absurdly obvious trap. You sigh, discouraged, as you fall back against the wall next to the entrance. Guess I won’t be able to avoid him much longer.
“Astarion? A hand?!” Your voice echoes through the hallways, followed by the sound of his footsteps.
He makes his way towards you nonchalantly, “You called, dear?”
“Can you take care of this?” You point towards the device.
He leans over you, his arms caging you between him and the wall, “I could, if you were to ask nicely.” His face hovers dangerously close to you, you can feel his cold breaths ghosting over your lips. It would be so easy to just tilt your head up and close the gap… No, you can’t let him win this. Last night was just a mutual agreement. An exchange of sorts. Nothing more, nothing less.
You cross your arms over your chest, creating some distance between the two of you, “Don’t push your luck.”
“Oh well, I assume you know how to deal with such an intricate mechanism then, if you’re so much better than I am?”, he wears his typical shit-eating grin.
You roll your eyes and step over your pride, “Fine. Can you please disarm this trap so we can carry on?” 
“See? Now, was that so hard?” He gives you a playful look before getting to work.
You stand next to him as he fickles with the machinery when you hear a loud commotion from afar.
You recognize the voice from your fiery friend and waste no time running towards the source of her scream, only to find her in a terrible state with Shadowheart kneeling next to her. Her leg is barely recognizable. Whatever got her rendered her unable to fight from now on.
“What happened?!”
“Godsdamned trap got me, shit!” She keeps groaning in pain.
“Alright, Shadowheart, do you think you can take care of her wounds?”
“I can stabilize her, but she won’t be able to carry on with her injuries, we need to head back to camp as soon as possible so I can tend to her,” she explains.
“Okay, okay,” your eyes wander between your friends as you’re thinking of a solution. “Yeah, okay, you’re right, I’m not risking Karlach’s life on this,” the cleric nods in agreement, “But we can’t back track now. Who knows what else this trap triggered, it might’ve alarmed someone. We are so close to finding the answer, I can't risk letting it slip past us.”
Shadowheart raises as she’s about to argue but you cut her off, “Don’t worry, I still believe you two should head to the camp. Astarion and I will carry on.” You feel Shadowheart’s glare of disapproval. “I swear we’ll be careful and we’ll run back to you guys should we encounter a situation that's too much for us.” You try to reassure your friend.
“Oooooooo, keeping Fangs all to yourself?” Karlach never missed an opportunity to tease you, even when in insufferable pain. You could respect that.
“Oh please, if it were up to me, he would be the one in that trap.”
“Rude,” Astarion remarks from behind you. You can’t help the smirk creeping up on your face.
“Fine,” the half-elf frowns in resignation. “We’ll head back– but don’t do anything stupid.”
“We wouldn’t dream of it,” Astarion adds sarcastically, as the two walk away.
With half of your party gone, you lose no time continuing your research. You didn’t want to spend any more time than necessary with half the manpower in unknown territory. You pass a few halls and rooms, each containing an absurd amount of traps for what little they were hiding, slowly getting discouraged from your lack of findings, when you hear rumble afar.
You both still, listening to the sounds, when you realize they are making their way towards you. 
“Hide!”, you barely whisper.
Before he can react, you roughly drag Astarion with you in the next open room and slam the door behind you. You acted faster than you could think ; the sound of the door was loud and the footsteps are now getting faster and louder. You try to remain calm to avoid drawing any more attention than necessary when you see the expression change on your companion’s face, followed by him yelling.
“What in the sweet hells is wrong with–!”
You don’t give him time to finish his sentence as you push him against the stone wall by his waist with the force of your whole body, while your other hand covers his mouth. You stare intensely into his eyes and mouth a “shh”, as silent as you can, to convey the urgency for him to shut up as the rumble of the footsteps get even closer to your location. He blinks rapidly and nods, understanding your motion, but brings his hand up to remove yours from his mouth. You hear the footsteps stop nearby and your heart pounding in your chest as your breathing stills. Your eyes dart towards the door, anxiety building up in your chest. Anything could be outside. You cannot risk getting into a fight you couldn’t handle. Against his own good, Astarion speaks up yet again.
“Let’s just kill–”
And you shut him up, again. 
This time, with a kiss.
It’s a surprise to both of you. It was sudden, instinctive. You’re not sure what took over you, but at this moment, it seemed to be the best course of action. You stay motionless for a moment before pulling away, slowly. You hear the sounds outside your room getting further away and you finally breathe out in relief. He looks at you with an annoying smile painted over his face.
You notice him observing you. “You really need to learn when to shut up,” you say, a poor excuse to try and justify your actions, as a blush takes place over your cheeks.
His lidded eyes observe your lips before making eye contact again, “And you think you know better?”
“I know I do,” you frown slightly. 
He keeps smiling, that damn annoyingly confident smile. “I’m afraid you’ll have to teach me, then. I’ve been known to be awfully loud.”
You scoff. The audacity of this man.
Initially, that first kiss was never supposed to lead to anything else. It was spontaneous, a means to an end, just like your last night spent together. Anything to stop him from talking, whatever would save you from being found. But you couldn’t deny the feelings that fluttered in your stomach, the butterflies in your chest. 
He continues, his words dripping with sarcasm, “I’m sure a sorceress of your expertise must have some way to silence a noisy rogue like myself.”
You realize then : all along, you didn’t hate him, you hated the fact that you were attracted to him, to that damn attitude of his. Truth is, you couldn’t have enough of that banter between the two of you. Every morning, that was the thing you were looking forward to. There was no denying yourself anymore ; you chased the feeling of arguing with this overblown, pretentious asshole. You wanted him, in more ways than one, and in any way he would offer himself to you.
“I can think of a few tricks,” you lean over him the same way he did you earlier, your faces barely an inch apart.
“Try me,” his voice is barely a whisper by now.
You let your feelings guide your next move as you pull him in by the collar of his armor, crashing your lips against his. If he saw this as a game, you intended to win. As the kiss depends, you’re taken back to that scenario you played in your head the night before, prior to Astarion’s visit.
At the next corner, you would’ve pushed him by the waist against the nearest wall and shut his pretty mouth up. 
Your kiss started out rough, but it quickly became passionate, it engulfed both of you into a world of your own. His hands roamed up your back and down your waist, pulling you in closer, reaching for more contact. Your sorcerer robe allowed for you to feel how tightly he grabbed you and yet, it didn’t feel like enough. You wished for nothing more than having your skin being ravished by his touch.
You would’ve taken the chance to let one of your hands roam through his silky smooth, curly hair, pulling it enough to get a moan out of him. 
Oh, and how soft it was. Freshly washed from this morning, his curls felt like silk through your fingers. You let your hands linger in his hair, combing through it, before lightly pulling it back. He groans in your mouth as a response, not parting from your lips just yet, and you smile through it.
How you would’ve parted his legs with your own, and grinded against his crotch, feeling his growing bulge.
You easily push yourself between his legs and grind against him. He pulls back from your kiss then, gasping in surprise. With the threat outside the room being long gone, you welcomed any noise you would get out of him. You feel his cock getting harder against your leg and you keep rubbing him up and down, creating more pressure over his member. He rests his head on your shoulder, breathing hard, his hold on you getting tighter. 
“Hells, darling, I didn’t think you had it in you,” he pants.
“Mmh, seems like I’ve got a lot more to teach you then.”
You reach for your trousers under your robe, letting them fall down after loosening  your belt, before reaching for his, pulling them down just low enough to expose his cock which is already leaking with pre-come. He hisses when you grab a hold of him, your mere touch sending shivers down his spine.
You smirk at the visible reaction he has to you, feeling powerful over him. Such a contrast compared to your last night tryst. This time, you were guiding this dance.
You guide him towards your entrance, only to grind yourself over him. He slides so easily between your wet folds and you can’t help the moan escaping your lips. The friction over your clit is nothing short of euphoric. You swing your hips back and forth, coating his length with your arousal, as he holds onto your waist for dear life. You grab his face and pull him closer so your foreheads touch, then take a moment to admire the mess you’re making of him, and by the Gods, what a pretty mess he was. His parted lips, gasping between each stroke you would allow him, his eyes fluttering open, lost in the feeling of your thighs squeezing him, his roughed up curls from the sweat building up on his forehead. 
He was beautiful.
You feel him moving on his own, trying to change positions so he has more control, but it's not something you will allow this time. You take his hands from your waist and push them against the wall he was leaning against, never stopping the rhythm you had going on. 
“What do you think you're doing?” Your voice is coated with desire.
“Please, let me in,” he begs.
“Do you think you deserve it?”, you say, playfully.
“Gods, I– yes, yes I do!”, he whines.
“Beg more.”
“What?! I will not–”, before he can finish his sentence, you reach for his ear with your tongue and give it a lick from the base to the tip. “Mmmgh ah, fuck–” 
“What was that?” You nibble on his ear.
“I– Ah–,” his entire resolve crumbles. “Please, love, I need you please,”  he begs again, his voice faltering.
You continue to lick and nibble on his ear. “See? Now, was that so hard?” you tease, using his own words against him.
“Oh, you little– ah–!”
You cut him off as you raise your leg to hook it to his hips allowing you for a better angle as you push him inside you slowly. You’re so wet from teasing him that he slides in without any resistance.
You throw your head back, taking in the feeling of him filling you, and at the vision of your exposed neck, Astarion leans in the crook of your neck, bared fangs scratching the spot he previously fed from you. You feel his cold breath along with the wetness of his tongue, lapping at your healed wound. You sense what he wants to do and although you crave it and you would let him do it, you don’t wanna give in so easily.
You stop all motion and with him buried deep inside of you, your hand lingering in his hair grabs a handful of curls to pull him back, away from your prized neck, holding him in place. 
He growls insistently, his true nature coming back to him.
“Give me one good reason,” you tug harder.
Through his ragged breath, he smiles playfully, “I just wanted a snack for the road.”
“You drank last night, you don’t need it,” your tone comes out raspy and aggressive despite your enjoyment of the situation.
“But you want this,” he pauses, watching your reaction. Your answer isn’t spoken, as much as it’s seen : your chest rises higher with each panting breath you take, your eyes flutter, drunk on lust, and your core is dripping wet, your combined fluids leaking against your leg. “Don't you?” He knows both of you know it's a fight for control. 
You thrust roughly, once, to reassert your position over him, making him whimper. “And just what makes you think that?”
He locks eyes with you, a grin painting over his face. “You seemed to enjoy it last time.”
“My dear, you can deny it all you want, but I can read you like an open book.”
You hated how he always managed to have the last word. One day, you tell yourself, It’ll be me. But for now…
“Shut up and bite me.”
The second you let go of your grasp in his hair, Astarion dives in the nook of your neck, plunging his fangs in your pulsating vein. You cry out at the sharp sting you feel and once the initial pain settles in, you pick back up the rhythm you had earlier, making the elf groan as he drinks you in. He was right, his bites had the effect of an aphrodisiac on you. You would never tell him though, his ego was inflated enough as is, admitting it would only make him more insufferable than he already is.
His hold on you became tighter and the more he drank, the less your strength allowed you to keep your position, but the build up down your stomach only grew. You didn't want to falter so close to the end.
“Astarion…” you warn him.
He growls against your neck and takes one last sip of your liquid gold before removing his fangs from you, licking off the new wound he created to clean you up. That's something else you could appreciate from the vampire ; no matter how selfish you found him, he did seem to respect the boundaries you established. He would absolutely push all of your buttons but when it came to sex he seemed more attentive, responsive. You never wanted to fall for him, but your heart had other plans.
You cross your arms around his neck, closing any remaining distance between your two bodies and with all the energy left in you, you thrust harder, and faster, letting yourself get lost in the overwhelming feeling he provided between your legs. Now that you had experienced him once, you craved getting filled up by him, only him, as much as possible, as much as he wanted to. You wanted to be his. 
“Darling, I’m close–”
“Come, let go for me,” you breathe in his ear before licking him again. “You’re so pretty when you come inside me.”
Your last words combined with the stimulation you’ve given him trigger his collapse in your arms. He grasps your hips vigorously, pulling you flush against him, allowing him to unload himself deep inside of your womb. You fall over the edge shortly after, drinking in the feeling of his semen filling you up. You fantasized constantly about being filled to the brim by him. Used over and over again, leaking from his seed, the act merely done to defile you in his image. You clench around his length, your legs shaking as you picture yourself overflowing with his come and ride out the wave of electrifying pleasure that courses through you.
As you come down from your high and let your leg down, you reach for something to grab a hold of so as to not completely fall over. Astarion had completely slouched over the wall you fucked him over, he was not an option. The nearest thing that seemed solid enough was an empty torch holder placed right next to the door which you grab without second thoughts. The last thing you expected was for it to pull down as you grabbed it. Even less that it opened a secret trap door in the middle of the room, from which a pillar came out of. You stay in place for a moment, piecing together what just happened, with Astarion making eye contact with you, just as puzzled as you were.
Before you now stands an altar with a very clearly placed piece of dark metal, shaped strangely like the pattern you remember being described in the previous document you found. You put your trousers back on, dismissing the mess between your legs, and grab the missing piece, connecting it to the artifact you held, to see it click in place.
“No fucking way.”
Astarion smirks, as if he was responsible for your discovery, proud of himself, “Wouldn’t have found that out with Karlach now, would you?”
He will never let you live this down.
When you're around me, I'm radioactive
My blood is burning, radioactive
I'm turning radioactive
My blood is radioactive
My heart is nuclear
Love is all that I fear
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*Submissions are closed, here is where you can find the lists of all characters who made it in*
I now have a ko-fi
I love the idea of polls for characters that wouldn’t win otherwise because they’re too obscure, so I want to know what character people have the most strong opinions about, specifically who can split a room between negative or positive opinions the best.
For example: i haven’t heavily interacted with fandom since steven universe days so I’ll use Rose Quartz as an example. People either think she’s a soft uwu mom victim of the diamonds or an evil irredeemable space despot. I have never met a steven universe fan with a neutral opinion about her.
So that’s how your blorbo can win this poll: by being divisive. They don’t have to be popular or from a popular media, they just need the people who know them to have a strong opinion about them. In this poll, the character with the MOST EVEN balance of votes wins. I’ll post an example poll to show what I mean, but basically you’re encouraged to submit a blorbo if you love them or hate them! Either one helps them in this poll!
Here is where you can find the list of all characters with 2 or more submissions who made it in! Those with one submission who made it in will be added to this list in phases so I can check them.
Form has been removed from under the cut due to being closed but the rules remain up for reference:
- fictional characters only, no real people or characters based on real people, such as a minecraft youtuber’s self-named oc, or fictionalized versions of historical figures (ie no hamilton characters, but clone high or fate is fine)
- as stated above, only submit each character once, although you can submit as many DIFFERENT characters as you want. Sending this post to friends who hate your fave or vice versa is also fair game, as long as they only submit their true opinions!
- Although to add to the hopeful anti-bullying safeguard, and to publicly answer a question I was asked privately, you can also submit characters who are ocs from smaller or fan works, but only if you get explicit permission from the creator. I don’t want to make any smaller creators feel uncomfortable about their character being widely hated even if they are also widely loved
- you can love or hate the character for any reason as long as you have strong feelings about them! They’ll have a better chance of making it in and winning if they are a controversial character, but you don’t necessarily have to submit only characters you know are controversial. I’m also allowing particularly good reasoning/propaganda to sway me, although I’m planning to probably include 512 characters so that as many as possible can get in!
Inspired by @who-do-i-know-this-man @obscurewebcomictournament @obscurecharactershowdown @bestfictionaldivorce and others!
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jewish-vents · 5 days
I lost my best friend of 25 years over this conflict. She was being purposely cagey about it because she didn't want to lose me, and knew she would. On the 7th itself when I turned to my best friend to help me through my grief and terror she just said "I'm not the right person to discuss this with. I'm getting on a plane. Can't talk. Bye."
And she left me to burn
I probably should have known it then. She told me she didn't want to talk about it because I might think she's antisemitic, as that's the pressing thing when the world just declared it's intent to hunt and kill me in horrible ways.
"I can't relate but I support you, but please don't talk about it with me."
How is that support?
And how could I talk about anything else?
And then she changes the subject to someone saying something minor to her at work which set her into a crying fit, because she makes it a priority to tell me she bursts into tears 4 times a day every day so I can't ever have too strong of a negative emotion or it will set her off.
And then she told me she loves me but she can't say she likes Jews because "I haven't met all the other Jews." As though she'd ever say that to a Black friend about their entire people. She is the Most Progressive, you see, she is Very Aware Of Her White Privilege and stuff. She works with immigrants and would sooner jump off a bridge than give off a whiff of bigotry towards them.
But I'm a Jew.
She finally tells me she doesn't support Israeli striking back because there's children being hit. She hasn't seen any evidence to justify Israel's response. I ask to show her some. She refuses. You see she gets to have her uninformed opinion, gets the luxury of staying that way, she can just change the subject, I'm The Jew, that's my Jewish business.
My pain has always been her concern but not when it's Jew-related. I'm to hide that lest she burst into tears.
I gradually stop talking to her. She sends me anxious messages saying "I'm not sure if I can even ask how you are or if that's any of my business"
This from the woman who purposely made it not her business, DEMANDED it not be her business, and now she sniffing around like a hungry dog after telling me to just ignore it, that it's just online, that I should **uwu** watch my cortisol **uwu**
You need cortisol, I say, when you're being hunted. Sometimes cortisol is called for. She starts crying. How could I say that. She can't talk about this. It's too much for her. My cortisol is just too much for her. So now I have to shut up, because she's crying.
No one hunting her but she's crying
It felt like she was just hoping to wait around, have her private antisemitism, like she could hide her eyes from me, like I couldn't read her judging silence and her quiet insistence that though she admittedly knew nothing she certainly knew better than ME what was right. And if we get close, boom. Tears.
I felt so talked down to and invalidated. When I brought this up she said "I validate you" like that's a magic spell, you can just say the magic words AND that will cure neglect.
I finally blew up at her and of course there was big manipulative tears because how DARE I think she might have bigotry and how DARE I draw away from her after she made it clear she had no interest in my pain, after she tried so so so hard to hide it and used all the gentle parenting language she learned in her DEI courses to placate me, the Hysterical Jew.
I will always hate myself for apologizing to her for being angry, for my big violent emotions she would have preferred to ignore until I get over my weird Jewish thing, so I can get back to being the person she can subtly look down on and be holier than, and so she can cry to me, and cry, and cry, and cry, because someone gave her a minor correction at work and not because she's being hunted for being a Jew.
We should be able to disagree about politics, she says. We can't disagree about my existence and basic safety, I say. You don't deserve to be bathed in hate, get offline, she says.
They vandalized my synagogue. They attacked my friend's daughter on campus. That's awful, she says. I don't support that. Anyway, at work today -
We don't talk anymore. Haven't for months. Don't know if we ever will again. I've been angry at her every day. I feel like I let her get away with it. She gets to go out into the world feeling like she's right and Israel is evil and she used to have a Jewish friend who turned out to be craaaazy, it's terrible what Zionism does to those people. I'm sure she'll get clout at her super leftist workplace where she can never be progressive enough. Where she helps put DEI policies in schools and libraries that treat antisemitism as though it's a non-problem.
I'm just another oppressor-class Jew to her. Couldn't center her over my Jew Issues
I'm so angry at her and so angry at myself for not handling it better, for holding back, for indulging her crocodile tears and handling her with kid gloves, for not calling her out for manipulating me into muting my truth and thinking I'm so dumb that she could just refuse to address it, like I wouldn't know, for expecting me to just "get over" my people being slaughtered, for needing her and then sticking around long after she left me to die
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kidsinsaturn · 9 months
I hope that your life has been well so far and sorry for my little outburst of joy.
I'm really looking forward to your new posts but please don't stress yourself about it.
Have a lovely day
boyfriend obito headcanons
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[🗼] just because I've been feeling a bit silly about this little guy, and I know I already have hcs of him but,,, it's not enough
and YESS I may have been off for a year but i'll always have that annual Naruto brainrot that lasts like six months lool but thank you lots anon love yaaa
character: obito uchiha
genre: sfw; fluff; nsfw
warnings: gn!reader; established relationship; silly obito; everyone happy au bc uwu; mention of insecurities; slight size kink
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-god, obito has been in my mind lately, and how could he not? he is sooo boyfriend material, he created the basic rules for a relationship to work, he is basically the creator of love
-he is just so silly at the beginning of your relationship!! like!! as if kakashi wasn't the reason you two got together because obito couldn't just go and confess to you!! are you nuts?? he'd lose it
-speaking of which, his confession was probably so messed up, but!! he didn't want to, wouldn't allow you to confess because he has that idea that it should be him who brings the relationship to a start
-"may I have the honor of being your boyfriend?" type of guy
-he literally asks everyone for advice and that's probably how you ended up knowing his feelings. obito told everyone and his friends just passed the word until it landed on you
-regardless of that messy start--obito will remember it and feel bad about it until the day he dies--, obito is a great boyfriend, like I said, he is a bit silly and the thing is, he may have idealized relationships too much
-obito may have watched all those stupid cliche movies in secret and thought that's how relationships are supposed to work!!
-would get into a fight for you, write you love letters, plan a secret date. any situation that appears on the kissing booth movies he is so willing to recreate them lol
-obito believes there is no such thing as the "3-month honeymoon phase" LIKE all the time, all the months, all the SECONDS he is with you should be honeymoon phase. only to be reinforced once you two get married
-of course it is beautiful and everything he does makes your stomach flutter with joy-- he is a gentleman ALWAYS, he holds the door for you, steps in first if it's a new place, and goes behind you everywhere
-and ok this is a bit angsty im sorry but this silly dude right here is very insecure okay:( I gotta be real here
-he didn't have a lot of recognition when he was a little boy and that may have messed him up a little. he will always feel like he is not enough for you, and that may cause some arguments sometimes
-he just says that you are too much for him and that he doesn't provide you that much and you're just like obito please go to sleep it's 4am
-and that's the tiring part probably: that he has these random bursts of self-consciousness at the most random times. you two are just eating and talking about some things your friends did, and oh obito just got this tight tug at his chest the second he thinks too much about your or his male friends. or even if he just saved you in a mission or whatever and it takes him like three business days to realize that he could have done a better job at rescuing you
-just be thoughtful with him ok because he seems the kind of guy that goes to sleep thinking about everything you said, nice or rude. overthinking king
-aside from his little insecurities heheh obito is giving you princess treatment like always and duhh if he doesn't do it, he beats himself up. obito has some "traditional ideas" about boyfriend and girlfriend, such as the woman should always receive flowers, never go alone in the street, and always have something of him with her (like a picture hahah silly boy)
-if you're into something like a sport or ballet or just something that's similar to a performance, he will be there at EVERY show or game, he will not miss any of them, and the day he is not there, that's probably because he is dead
-he is there holding the largest and most obvious poster with your face on the middle and the most Tumblr phrase he could think of. he blocks the view from the people in the back but he does NOT care
-if you are into something more private, obito will always be so happy providing your with materials and just his sweet time watching you as the most marvelous creature the gods ever created
-he always has the best intentions for everything. if something goes the wrong way, he is so devastated. say that you have too much work/paperwork/homework lately and he just wants to relieve some stress off your shoulders!! poor baby just made things worse: everything is on the wrong place and just his help wasn't helpful. obito feels stupid and dumb. he ends up cooking you something
-obito has all the love language because mmm his partner should feel loved in all the possible ways. just give him quality time and that's enough for him
-but overall, great boyfriend, he is your number one fan, admires absolutely everything you do and when you're not looking, little hearts form in his eyes when he looks at you, he is just so smitten he might as well just ask you to marry him after three weeks of dating
nsfw ->
-man gets hard just by hugging you
-please do not make fun of his condition okay:( he was just sexually restrained as a teen, and just overall shy about anything that had to do with sexy times
-my own hot take but obito probably stayed virgin by choice. like he was desperately waiting for the one to lose his v-card with because otherwise he feels like he is betraying his true love
-and ohhhh obito has NO idea of the beautiful, marvelous, oozing body he possesses. he is big, strong, tall, thick, and just mmmmm
-the first time you mention somehitng about his physique, he gets all flustered!! if you were in the middle of the act, he would need two minutes to calm down or he will cum by just hearing sweet words
-beautiful dick OBVS, he doesn't know how to use it, lets be reals. if you are his first time, he is so messy. his movements are so asymmetrical and have zero rhythm. after a few times, he learns
-I can only dream about obito's cock PLEASE. large, thick, curved just the right way to make you squirm. just BIG. his dick just springs up every time he takes his pants off and it hits his abdomen in the most sensual way posible. cock possible as large as your head whaaat
-his pre-cum is so bitter!! the first time you tasted it, you made a face. his cum is even sourer. obito feels a bit bad but he understands and doesn't say anything
-you are literally what matters during those sexy moments. he does not allow himself to feel any pleasure before you. it takes you a lot (just kneeling) to give him a head
-please all your sounds should be moans, or whimpers, or small screams of satisfaction, because if he SEES, or hears, or just senses that he may have hurt you, he stops completely and doesn't touch you until you convince him you are fine
-king of aftercare
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igotanidea · 1 year
Father's day present : dad!Jason Todd x mum!reader
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I'm so in love with this graphic UwU.
Requested by @parkjammys: sweet Jason fluff of him and his girls celebrating his first Father's Day, and although his baby girl is only a like year old she just knows her mum is giving dad kisses and copies her. (hope this will lift your spirits a bit, candice :) )
This is just purest form of fluff. Get your tissues ready.
„Who’s my little sunshine?” Y/N cooed standing above the cradle watching her 1 year old daughter with a bright smile and yet, slightly wet eyes.
If a year ago someone told her, that despite all the vigilantism she will have a kid with Jason, she would simply laugh at that person face.
But now? Now, she was the happiest woman on earth. She had an amazing partner and a child, both of whom she loved with all her heart. And it was even better since it was fully reciprocated.
“Gagagaga” d/n babbled, putting her little fingers in her mouth, laughing at her mother’s funny face, looking just so adorable.
“Oh, my little one” Y/N reached inside and her daughter immediately extended her tiny arms, ready to be lifted and hugged. “Who’s mummy’s daughter?” Y/N rubbed d/n nose, getting another giggle “You are. Yes, you are. Oh, I love you so much, peanut” the girl kissed the top of her daughter head, rubbing her back and holding her tightly to her chest. “And your daddy loves you too. And why we speak of your dad, we have a very special day today, you know….”
“Dada, dada, dada…..”
“Yes, honey. Dada. That’s right.” Y/N sighed “It’s Jay’s first father’s day and we are both going to make sure it’s special for him. God knows, how much he had to go through to get just a bit of happiness with us.”
“Dada!” d/n crowed again, squirming in her mother’s arm as apparently she saw something behind. At first, Y/N got scared that some assassin broke into the house and were to attack, hurt or kidnap them both, giving Jace another trauma instead of a happy father’s day (can you blame her considering the past experience?), but it was just the talk of the devil.
“Well, hello to you two my lovely daughter and her equally lovely mother.” Jason smiled brightly, closing the door behind him.
“Hi, honey.” Y/N whispered taking a moment to appreciate him being safe and healthy, not bruised, bloodied, scared or bleeding. Despite the fact that he didn’t fully give up on his vigilantism, he was far more careful during patrols. He knew what he had to loose. And that little moments, where they could just be a normal family, laughing and spending time together were everything for Y/N.
“How was my troublemaker today?” Jason took a step forward, leaning over and pecking Y/N’s forehead “did you get some time for yourself?”
“Just a bit. But you know, d/n is definitely father’s daughter” Y/N let out a chuckle “quicksilver. Gotta keep an eye on her cause otherwise….”
“Oh, I know what can happen. Do you need rest, love?”
“No, not really” the girl shook her head “I rest best knowing I have you two with me. But. Since it’s your celebration, we got a little gift for you. Can you take her so I can bring it?” Y/N handed the daughter to Jace who grabbed her tightly and did a little helicopter in the air, making funny sounds and entertaining his little girl. And to think that he was the one worried he would be a bad father.
He was the best.   
“Wait, you said my celebration?” he frowned  a bit, confused “it’s not my birthday or anything like that so what….?
“Oh, please, don’t tell me you forgot” Y/N yelled from the other room and soon came back holding a small paper bag “It’s father’s day, obviously.”
“Oh.” Jason’s eyes grew wide. His very first father’s day. The second that thought hit him, his eyes watered a bit. There was still this little, vicious voice inside, that sometimes told him that he did not deserve any of this. That after everything he did, he should not ever interfere with anyone’s life. That no matter how hard he would try, one or both of his girl will end up getting hurt because of him.
“Jace….” Y/N quickly approached him, cupping his cheek, recognizing all the signs of his doubts and memories and impending mental breakdown “Jason, baby, look at me.” He listened, his eyes focusing on her pretty face “I love you.” she simply said “your daughter loves you. We need you, baby. The past is in the past, what you did or who you were does not define you, you hear me? That was not you.”
“thank you….” he whispered “it’s just…. a lot.”
“I know, love, but you are not alone. Hell, you should know by now you will never be. You got us. You got family, Jason.”
“I love you both.”
“We know.” Y/n smiled and stood on her tiptoes, capturing Jason’s lips in hers quickly, pulling away way too soon for his liking. So taking the initiative, adjusting his grip on his daughter, he wrapped his other hand around the mother, pulling her back.
“I’m not done with you.” he mumbled, leaning forehead on hers.
“Really?” Y/N smiled, pecking his right cheek and then left and then his nose, giggling.
“Still not enough.” he connected their mouths again, kissing her with all the love and passion he felt. Jason was not good with words, especially with the big ones, but his actions and his gestures were the best expression of them and Y/N learned that through the years they were together.
“Jason!” the girl squealed and pulled away the second she felt his hand sneak under her T-shirt “Not in front of our daughter! And not now!”
“Later than?” his eyes became a bit darker as he watched the blush creeping on Y/N’s cheek. At this point answer wasn’t even necessary. “Besides.” He continued as d/n started wriggling a bit “I don’t think our grig mind us being all touchy-feely towards each other.”
“What do you…?” Y/N started, but as her gaze landed on her daughter she couldn’t hold back a laugh. D/N put her little arms on Jason’s shoulder for some balance as she leaned forward pressing her little, soft lips against his cheek leaving a wet mark. And then she giggled and repeated the action two more times.
“Oh yes, that’s right. That’s what mummy does to make daddy feel better” Jason whispered, heart clenched with all the feelings “guess she got her observational skills and intelligence from you, Y/N. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For making this the best father’s day I could ever imagine.”
“You didn’t even open your present yet…..” Y/N pointed out.
“You both are my presents. I just want to be with you and hold you. Is that ok?” he whispered.
“Sure, Jason. As long as you want.”
“Perfect.” He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, minds wandering in some places only he knew. “But I still get to open that bag, right?” it only took him a  minute to get back to his smug attitude he didn’t lose during the years.
“Sure, babe. We definitely have a no return policy when it comes to any present.”
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yuikomorii · 2 years
Happy Birthday to the BEST BOY!!🥳🏀❤️
// You have the ability to accomplish everything you set your mind to, and we all know you’re the apple of Yui’s eye. Thank you for never giving up on others and for making Yui the happiest girl alive while letting her feel like a normal teenager! (*^ワ^*)
Love you, Ayato! 🫶🏻
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Since you guys asked for a new scenario, I decided to deliver it uwu. I’m still not very confident in my writing skills and I’m aware some parts sound really cheesy but I truly hope you will enjoy it! 💖
~Ayato’s Birthday short story~
Yui: Phew… it’s finally done!
( It took me three fails to make his cake but thankfully I finished it on time! )
Uuh… It was supposed to look better though but maybe the good result lays in the taste?
— Yui tries it —
Just like I thought, the taste didn’t deceive me! I tried my best not to make it too sweet, therefore I truly hope Ayato-kun will like it.
Speaking of Ayato-kun, I wonder if he woke up. It might sound a bit childish but I really want to be the first to congratulate him~!
— Place shifts to Ayato’s room —
Yui: Eh? The door is open…? Could it be that he’s awak—…! He left?
???: Nfu, what’s with the long face? Did you and Ayato-kun have a fight~?
Yui: L-Laito-kun! Gosh, don’t just whisper in my ear like that!
Laito: Why not~? Is it because it arouses you? As expected from you, Bitch-chan, you really grow into that nick—
Yui: E-Enough…!
Look, Laito-kun… do you happen to know where exactly Ayato-kun went?
Laito: And what if I do?
Yui: Well… in that case, where is he?
Laito: Bold of you to assume I’d tell you. You’re always so naive~
Yui: Eh? That’s…—
( Of course this guy wouldn’t help me! I can’t believe I really thought asking him would be a good idea… )
Laito: Nfu, I know that face, Bitch-chan, you were judging me in your thoughts, weren’t you? How rude~
Yui: W-Wait, you got the wrong idea! I just—
Laito: And I was merely trying to do you a favor, but I suppose you don’t appreciate such things from any man, am I right?
Yui: I don’t really get what you mean…
Laito: Well…~ all I’m going to say is that if you tried using your head a little, then maybe you would be able to guess where Ayato-kun is.
Yui: Hmm…
( Now that I think about it, the weather is beautiful today, neither too hot nor too cold. As far as I recall, this is Ayato-kun’s ideal type of weather for playing basketball. In that case… could he really be outdoors? )
Ah, I might actually know the place!
Laito: See? Making use of those brain cells once in a blue moon wasn't all that difficult, was it? Now hurry up or else you won’t be the first one to wish your precious boyfriend a “happy birthday” ~
Yui: …!
( Did he eavesdrop on me today!? )
( G-Geez… It’s a bit embarrassing knowing that he listened to such things. Despite this, he truly managed to be helpful in some way. )
Y-Yeah, I’ll leave right now. By the way… thank you, Laito-kun.
— Yui walks away —
Laito: ( Nfu, I wonder if she really guessed that place right. Too bad that desperate face didn’t last any longer, otherwise I might have truly taken advantage of it.~ )
— Place shifts outside the mansion —
Yui: Hoh— that’s a bit heavy!
( I tried to fit everything for his birthday in this basket but it weighs more than I expected! )
( Uuh… I really hope Ayato-kun is around here. )
???: Tsk, damn it!
Yui: That voice—! Ayato-kun!
Ayato: Huh? Yui?
— Yui jumps into his arms —
Yui: Happy Birthday, Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: Hah? Ah… Yeah…
So you remembered it, huh?
Yui: Obviously, there’s no way I would forget such an important day!
Ayato: It wouldn't have made a difference anyway. Birthdays have never been a reason to celebrate for vampires; they are just like any other day. Basically, we couldn’t care less.
Yui: Well… that might be so, however I do care about it. It’s true that humans and vampires have distinct points of view and mindsets, but this still won’t stop me from considering this day special. After all, that’s when Ayato-kun was born and I’m grateful for that, as a result I want to celebrate your birth.
Ayato: …
Yui: ( He suddenly went silent… Ah, did I really exaggerate with that confession? )
Ayato: Yui…
Yui: …!
( He’s smiling so brightly! )
( I would have never thought those words to make Ayato-kun so happy but seeing him like that… my heart can’t help but fill up with so much joy too…! )
Ayato: Geez, I’m supposed to be indifferent about my birthday but look at me grinning like a fool due to a Chichinashi such as yourself. Now you better take responsibility or else—
Yui: ( He says it in such a threatening way but that blushy face proves exactly the opposite, fufu. )
Ayato: Oi, what’s up with that basket?
Yui: ( Oh, right! )
I got something for you!
Ayato: Heh, only for me?
Yui: Yup!
( Although, I truly hope nothing got crushed. )
— Yui opens the basket and serves cake —
Yui: I know it doesn’t look perfect but I’m confident the taste is on your liking. I remembered that you aren’t too fond of very sweet food, therefore I tried avoiding adding marzipan and focus more on the fruits instead. Do you… like it?
Ayato: Haa… there’s no need for those useless explanations. You made that whole cake for me, so yeah, isn’t it obvious that I’d like it?
Yui: Ayato-kun…
— Ayato tastes it —
Ayato: Mm… as expected, it’s good! To be honest, Takoyaki would have been a far superior choice, but I can't deny that the cake Chichinashi made is also quite tasty.
Yui: Fufu, I knew exactly that you were going to say that, so I prepared this for you!
— Yui serves him Takoyaki —
Ayato: Hah!? Are you a magician or somethin’?
Yui: N-not at all! I just know Ayato-kun loves Takoyaki so much that he would eat them everyday, hence they couldn’t miss out on his birthday, right?
Ayato: You…
— Ayato pins her down —
Yui: Eh—?
Ayato: Bet you weren’t prepared for this, were you?
Yui: ( Is he going to suck my blood? )
— Ayato kisses her —
Yui: Nn…!
Ayato: Now I am the one catching you off guard. How does that feel, eh?
Yui: Good…
Ayato: Oh? What happened to “Ayato-kun, that’s so embarrassing!” ?
Yui: I-I mean… it is a bit yet I can’t deny that Ayato-kun’s gentle kisses are the best.
Ayato: Tsk… Why not so cute and honest all the time? Is it ‘cause of my birthday or what now?
Yui: I just felt like it…
( He’s just getting cuter and cuter! )
By the way… there’s one more thing I have to give you.
— Yui starts searching —
Ayato: A photo frame?
Yui: That’s so. I asked the school photographer to take this photo exactly when you scored and brought victory to your team. The happiness you felt in that moment… that’s something I always wish for you to experience.
— Ayato slightly blushes —
Yui: I also tried to decorate the frame myself based on what you like the most b-but if it’s too childish, then I will try to——
( He’s hugging me! )
Ayato: “What you like the most” she said, but how come I don’t see her there too then?
Yui: T-That’s—!
( Was that an indirect confession!? )
Ayato: Pfft… haha, that’s exactly the reaction I expected!
Love you, idiot. You really are the best~!
— Ayato stands up and starts walking away —
Yui: W-Wah—! Hey, d-don’t make fun of me like that!
Ayato: Can’t hear you~! If you wanna tell me something, catch me then!
Yui: You meanie!
— Yui stands up and starts running after him—
Yui: ( I can’t help but feel like a child once again when playing with him like that. It’s such a nostalgic feeling that somehow feels so distant... )
( As we run around the mansion, Ayato-kun is showing me his genuine smile… that’s the face that makes me fall more and more for him each and every day. )
( I love you Ayato-kun, thank you for being born. )
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dsybouquet · 10 months
Ooh do you know of any fics with ellie as a mercenary? (or omg do you have any ideas uwu) I feel like that would slap
mercenary! ellie is probably the most cold blooded asshole the world has ever seen. if there‘s nothing in for her - she‘s not gonna do it. someone could be laying by her feet , bleeding to death and begging for her help and she‘d walk over them because they can’t pay her enough.
there were tales about her, saying she‘d rather die painfully than accept help.
she‘s an absolute lone wolf, travelling the world by herself. it‘s not like she had anything to lose, she was alone anyways.
one day, you met her. she had set up camp in the woods. her fire was illuminating her surroundings just barely. the sound of your footsteps caused her to pull out your gun immediately, ready to shoot whatever was coming right in the head.
„don‘t shoot.“ you said, walking up to her. „i‘m not trying to harm you.“ she just scoffed, not lowering your gun.
„then drop your fucking guns.“ she spitted out and to her surprise, you dropped them and put up your hands. „whats your name?“
„______.“ she lowered her gun, but still pointed at you.
you rolled your eyes when she didn’t say anything in response. „any more questions or are you gonna let me pass?“ the way you talked pissed her off to the core.
„pass, but i‘m sure you‘ll die. the only way through these woods is a village in the middle of it. its covered by infected. try your luck.“ she put her gun down and looked at you.
now you were the one who scoffed. „like i need advice.“ you put your hands down and picked up your guns again. „but i heard rumours about these woods. apparently they are hard to survive.“
you raised an eyebrow and looked at her. „but if they are so hard to survive, how come you are alive huh?“
she just shrugged, leaning forward so her arms rested on her knees. you sat down in front of the fire and looked at her with a tilted head. „who are you?“
again, she shrugged. „maybe i‘m your only way to get through this forest - if you can pay me enough.“
and you sighed. the rumour also had it that a young woman will wait by a tree and help you get through. she would disappear back in the woods once you were at the end. could it be that that’s really her?
„okay, witch of the woods, what do you want?“ you said, sarcasm dancing on your words. „well, what do you offer?“ she cockily replied, tilting her head with a smirk.
„i offer you my company.“
ellie started laughing and shook her head. „you should know better than anyone else that that will not be enough, don’t you?“
you hated the way she spoke, how she tilted her head at you and how her body was speaking. you knew she were making fun of her.
„why should i trust you, i don‘t know shit about you. i don‘t even know your name. how can i be sure you wont lure me anywhere just to fuck me over?“
„oh, you can’t.“ she childishly smiled. „but i can promise i won‘t.“
you rolled your eyes and looked her straight in the face. „what’s your name?“ you almost purred, trying to get a hold of any kind of information about her.
„Ellie. Not that hard to ask for something right?“
„okay ellie. how do i get through these woods?“
„again, i‘ll help you if you pay enough.“
this went on for some until you had enough. you stood up and looked at her.
„alright, allmighty witch.“ the sarcasm in your voice almsot made her laugh. „was nice talking to you. i hope we won‘t cross paths again.“
„if you ever need help on your way, just call my name and i‘ll make sure to help. of course only i-„
„only if i pay enough, yeah sure. i got it.“
ellie watched you leave, knowing you‘ll meet again.
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
okay idk if thats what you wanted but thats all my tired brain worked out aaaa
hope you enjoyed 🤭
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carmsgarms · 2 months
just wanna hug you for the jkr post bc my former friends made me feel insane for not validating their continued engagement 💜
Bestie listen youve unzipped me and im about to go off. Harry Potter was my entire life until she literally couldn't shut the fuck up about trans women being perverts and infiltrators. I was a lonely neurodivergent weirdo and Harry Potter brought me solace as a kid. I read each of the books at least 7 or 8 times, that shit is INGRAINED in my brain. One of my best friends of 10+ years is my friend today because the first thing we bonded over was seeing the last HP movie. I used to be deadset on my 2nd tattoo being my pottermore wand with my hogwarts house. I wanted a fucking HP-themed wedding. The first funko pops I bought were Harry Potter ones. My first serious boyfriend told me he wanted to propose to me in front of Hogwarts castle (this was something he said to guilt trip me when i dumped his ass) ((also thank the gods that never happened he was a shithead and so is jkr)). My mom for some godforsaken reason let me help her name my youngest brother when he was born because she couldn't think of a name and my 10yo ass fuckikg picked DANIEL because of Daniel Radcliffe. I was in DEEP.
And you know what? Aside from the books I camped out to buy on release day and the DVDs that are crammed in a box somewhere in a storage unit, I have gotten rid of every single Harry potter thing I owned because I grew the fuck up and found better things to like. Sure I'll watch the DVDs again every few years to feel the nostalgia again because a good chunk of the cast are great people (we fucking stan Dan Radcliffe and David Tennant in this house ) but I'm not giving jkr another cent of my money or an inkling of my time beyond that.
You are so valid and you are allowed to be upset if your friends continue to engage with Harry potter content.
Anyone who days "uwu my nostalgia" ask them if they still sleep with their fucking baby blanket too.
My former boss wouldn't shut the fuck up about the new video game when it came out. At least once a week he'd ask me if I'd played it yet and every single time I would tell him "I'm not engaging with that franchise anymore. JKR uses money to fund anti-trans legislation." And he'd always spout some bullshit about nostalgia or "but it's SO good" or "yeah I just try to separate the art from the artist / oh but the devs who worked hard on the game! / but playing the game doesn't actually support her! (yes the fuck it does if the game does well it boosts her platform)"
And especially now that my wife has come out, I'm extra ready to fight the next grown person who tells me they ~separate the art from the artist~ like fuck off. There are better things to spend your time and energy on. I hope everything JKR makes flops hard. Everything shes done since the last movie has been a disgusting cash-grab and none of it is even good. I'm beyond thrilled that BG3 has had a wild runaway success and a longer-lasting player base than the fucking game she put out. Nothing has ever disappointed me more than JKR being the way that she is.
Oh but the lore and world building? The ability to make your own character in such a fun and magical immersion world?bDnd has better lore than Harry potter ever did and the lore adds up and makes sense. If you look at her shit beyond the surface level she is actually fucking TERRIBLE at world building especially when she tries to do it without being a fucking racist ((does anyone remember when early drafts for the American magic schools that were using Native American imagery and it was all REALLY FUCKING OFFENSIVe and let's also not forget "no-maj" being the least fucking creative thing she ever came up with)
"But my hogwarts house" PLEASE choose a better Personality.
I have more nostalgia for Avatar the Last Airbender these days since i got into that when it first started airing when i was 12 (and look if you're really into the fuckin houses as your Personality you can get that with ATLA! Water tribe forever bitches)
"But the characters!!!" Please. There are better characters ALL AROUND YOU. pick up a fucking comic book. Yknow Superman actually has a similar structure, he's got the nerdy Normal friend and the love interest and it's a goddamn shame none of the movies include his bestie Jimmy because he's just as important as Lois Lane is.
"But all the strong female characters!" It is 2024 please I beg you to find other female role models (I will again point to Avatar the Last Airbender and Literally Any Comic Book Featuring A Woman. Captain Marvel is actually really good. Battlestar Galactica is also chock full of strong female characters and that came out in the early 2000s!)
Bestie i genuinely feel bad for all the fucking white people who can ignore all the bullshit JKR has done and said and all those sad saltine cracker flavor type people whose entire personalities are Watching The Office and Enjoying Harry Potter And Star Wars. Grow up. Move On.
If it's that important to you (and i mean the general you here not you specifically), please do what I did and Marie Kondo that part of your life. You don't need to hold onto the safety blankie you had as a child. You don't have to hold onto the pair of shoes that got you through high school and are out of fashion and falling apart. You give it a sendoff. Say "thanks for getting me through that part of my life but I'm moving on" and you move the fuck on.
I did something really sappy for my 30th birthday - I said goodbye to the franchise. I mourned what could have been. I went to Universal studios ((also bc Simpsons land and fast and furious ride and ET and a bunch of other stuff are there)) but I stopped into Harry potter world to do everything once and say goodbye to that part of my life since it was something I had wanted to do for most of my youth, and my friend who i became friends with because of harry potter was there with me. We drank the fucking pumpkin juice, had breakfast at the three broomsticks, appreciated all the little easter eggs around hp world, rode the hagrid ride, and ate a chocolate frog I wore my trans rights shirt and dressed gay as hell, my friend is trans so he just ~existed blissfully~ . I think every Harry potter fan needs to acknowledge that the franchise was good for them in the 90s, mourn that part of their life, and move on.
Bonus: me being Gay as Fuck in front of the castle. I hope JKR fucking rots and fades into obscurity and people come to realize she's worse than HP Lovecraft.
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lyranova · 1 year
hello !!
may i request nozel, fuegoleon, and yami with a plus size lover who’s insecure about her looks!! >\\\< aka me rjdjseksdn
(currently on anon but i’ll def interact with you later uwu)
Hiya anon! Of course you can, I hope you enjoy these! It’s only my second time writing for a Plus Size reader but I still hope you enjoy it 🥰! No worries no worries just take your time and feel free to interact with me on your account whenever you feel like it 🥺💕! I used to be an anon too so I totally get it, just take your time 🥰!
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• Fue would absolutely *love* your curves! They were just so perfect and pretty and were just…completely *you*! He would compliment you every day about how amazing and beautiful he thought you were.
• He would compliment you in anything and everything you wore, and would give his honest opinion when you’d ask for it. But he would always encourage you to wear whatever you wanted!
• If anyone were to cut you a look or make a rude remark to you about your weight or what you were wearing he would firmly put them in their place.
• He would remind them that they were speaking to the Captain’s lover and that whatever they said to you they were also saying to him. He would also ask that the reflect on themselves, and that they needed to look inward before they judged.
• If you were having a bad day or needed to get away he would gladly bring Salamander out and the two of you would fly to wherever you wanted. All he ever wanted in life was to make you happy.
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• Would also love your curves! He would tell you how beautiful you were and that he never wants you to change, unless you wanted to. He is a very loving and supportive S/O!
• If you asked him about an outfit or piece of clothing he would give you his honest opinion. He prefers it if you wear more “fitted” clothes since he can show off and boast about how beautiful you and your body are, but if you were to prefer more oversized clothes he would definitely support it and tell you that you look beautiful in anything!
• If someone were to be mean/rude to you he wouldn’t let it go. Period. He would point out that only a few centuries ago plus sized people were thought and revered as the most beautiful people in the world, and that most nobles/royals were plus sized. So before being rude and making dumb remarks they needed to look at themselves in the mirror and see if they were only projecting their own self-hatred onto you.
• In order to cheer you up he would make an eagle out of his mercury and would take you wherever you wanted. He hated it when people upset you and threatened to have them jailed, but you talked him out of it.
• He would take you to your favorite place and just spoil you. He gets you the best food, clothing, whatever you want! You deserved to be treated well and with love! Why? Because you were a beautiful person inside and out!
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• Would, again, just love your curves! He was a guy who liked for his lover to have a little meat on their bones. It meant they ate enough and that there was more of you for him to love!
• If you ever asked him his opinion on clothes or outfits he would give his Yami opinion. Which just meant that he’d tell you honestly if an outfit looked good or bad on you. Like Nozel he loved it when you wore more fitted clothes, but if you were uncomfortable with that then he would prefer it if you wore something else. Your happiness and comfort was of the utmost importance to Yami!
• If someone were to say something rude or mean to you? Oof they’d better watch out! Yami would grab them by the top of their head and would use his intimidating presence to put fear into them. He would tell them that the really “ugly” person was them and that they needed to learn how to respect others if they wanted to be respected. He would just go off on them!
• In order to make you feel better Yami would let you buy whatever you wanted at the restaurant! He would use all his money to buy all the food, drinks, and desserts in the restaurant just to stick it to the rude guy!
• He would apologize for getting carried away and for not knocking some more sense into the rude guy. But you would tell him it was fine and that you appreciate him standing up for you. He would give you a big hug and kiss before taking you back home!
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angellic-critique · 8 months
Honestly my biggest fear is to end up writing my characters the same way vivzie does, I feel like she doesn't even try on certain characters(female characters and literally any other that isn't her "uwu baby boi must be protected at all costs" characters like stolas, angel dust). Like imagine completely missing the point of your own character/srs
to everyone pre-release worries and anxieties just as much as I have-- Please take this time to read or explore different interests of books or authors of subjects and genres you like ! In the era of internet where the golden age of information is rusting into brainrot, the less time online anymore the better. I've been taking javascript/python tutorials for myself attempting to make a dating simulator for literal years at this point and its bounced around to the point of where I branched off to develop my own murder mystery 2-d sidescroller !
I wish for this to be a farewell letter to the crushed hopes and dreams I had for the original hazbin pilot and crew has moved on to other things whereas viv attempted to spitefully keep a story she clearly doesn't have any passion over- it is very evident over her lack of care for her own characters purely for the monetary gains of attempting and sadly wriggling her way into industry the way she did is so abhorrent to the world of genuine art and animation I grew up with.
Has Vivzie ever read a Felix the Cat comic strip or Dilbert even Hägar The Horrible? Does she even know about the history and strive of depth that animation has been at for hundreds of years? Does she even like comics, clearly not if she doesn't even have the patience to write her own and horribly rush whichever story she's interested in that day. I've never seen a careless writer be this selfishly unashamed to write literal garbage and surface level 'intrigue' of design and then falling flat face first at EVERY step. Hope she becomes as unbearable of a director as John K. is because honestly even though I'm cringing making that comparison, it's pretty fair in my book considering the outright ABUSE she has always trying to talk or hoard artists into her 'pet project' I recommend above anything else to watch Dan Stamanolous' 'Moral Orel' if you want an actually funny dark comedy or Christy Karacas' fast paced dark horror comic-come-to-life Superjail! for good animattion that doesn't belittle its audience... *[Trigger Warnings for Adult Swim-esque outdated 2007 humor and light transphobia, read for your own triggers if you dont want to though, please!]
The fact that Stollitz is written so flimsily like a wattpad fanficiton of tropes rolled into one is astounding to me, I used to like the dynamic pre-season 2 as I've mentioned on here and @tired-hellowl so I really don't want to get a headache going into how I USED to like it-Realizing the problematic consent issues all of STOLASS is, I physically cannot watch another Helluva or Hazbin promo anymore without rolling my eyes into the back of my head.
To the anons and people who used to also enjoy vivs work, there are other artists and there are other stories to tell. If you wish to be inspired from Dante's Inferno/Hell or WESTERN CHRISTIAN BASED RELIGION keep in mind what source material you're doing because I don't even think vivzie has picked up the bible once in her life.... And I say this as a drifter in the world who believes in reincarnation I don't really vibe with the athiest stereotypes however, I don't believe in most religion but more power to people that do get hope and love from their teachings and cultures.
She entirely missed the mark for several years, nearly a decade. Viv has had time and time again chance and opportunity to give a chance of storytelling with demons and what does she do? Adult Cartoon that has the demons scream 'FUCK SHIT DAMNIT DAMNIT LOOK IM SO HORNY AND SILLY AND WACKY WOAHH THE SCREEN IS CONSTANTLY MOVING YOU CAN NEVER HAVE A SECOND TO BREATH IN ANY AMOUNT OF WORLBUILDING OR SETTING BECAUSE FUCK. YOU.'--
I have said this time and time again- there is no substance or worth about Helluva Bosses or Hazbins writing, even without the show not being released because Amazon seems ashamed about it, I know it'll be a shitshow.
Honestly at this point I agree with the redesign community, take any character you used to like and rewrite them until it's unrecognizable from the original source material, let those fuckers in space fight alien pirates or hell take them out of the heaven and hell trope and just flip it on it's head entirely out of earth or wherever you want to set your story! I'm personally redesigning angel to be a slight aid to my addiction help via rewriting him into my murder mystery heheh while keeping the sexual abuse and recovery in mind because woah that shit happened to me too man !!!
I wish the best to any future writers, animators, programmers, lovers of animation or art, you can do what you put your mind and hands to! Spread more positivity and love then hate in this world please guys, this'll be the last time I pop in I promise I'm trying to get a better job and hopefully get accepted in a community college that i've been on the fence over trying to do more online coding ! The sky is the limit!<3
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nrilliree · 4 months
Sanctimonius sermons about how Daemon and Rhaenyra are 'inherently abusive' because he is older and it's an incestuous relationship which is why the writers have to show it fall flat on their faces when you notice how the show has chosen to depict Corlys and his relationship with Rhaenys.
Certain facts about Corlys in canon:
Older than Rhaenys' father Aemon
Is related to Rhaenys because of the Velaryons and the Targaryens' generational intermarriages so yayyy more incest
Made no secret about his designs on the throne
Would rather have his bastards inherit Driftmark before his granddaughters
Sired the said bastards on a girl younger than his children
We are given no details about the nature of his relationship with Marilda so speculation is all that can be done. For her sake, I hope it was based in mutual attraction because he clearly had the power to coerce her.
It is both hilarious and insanely hypocritical when the writers and fans alike try to preach and defend their abysmal choices about Daemon to the point of including events that were never present in the books when most of Corlys' scenes on the show have been framed in positive light and have humanized him. Even his action of trying to marry his 12 year old daughter to Viserys got swept under the rug because they can't emphasize enough on how much he loves his wife. It has to be noted that the canonical age difference between him and Rhaenys was erased on the show because they, for whatever reason, aged her up.
Now, this is not me hating on Corlys. He is a flawed but interesting character. But the double standards in the show's writing makes me wonder whether our most esteemed writers ever read the books or did they obtain most their information from Green infested fandom spaces on Reddit. The less said about their apologists, the better.
"Yeah, we are making stuff about Daemon that wasn't in the books because y'all need to see for yourselves how abusive he is and not romanticize him like that stupid girl Rhaenyra who, we made sure, learned her lesson on the show. What do y'all even see in him? He isn't Han Solo or Paul Rudd.
But, hey look at how much Corlys loves his wife? Isn't he a great husband? So what if he is a much older relative and cheated? Look at our uwu Aegon who was never taught the meaning of consent. Look at our precious Alicent who groomed her daughter from a young age to be a broodmare for her rapist son has toiled in the service of men her entire life."
Eve and Steve have a seven-year age difference between them, so undeniably the age difference between them in the series is much, much smaller than in the book, where it was probably over twenty years. I don't know, the creators wanted to not only lower Alicent's age and raise Viserys' age, but also reduce the age difference between Rhaenys and Corlys to make Alicent look like an even bigger THE victim of marriage?
In the book, Rhaenys married Corlys when she was sixteen, and Marilda was also sixteen when Corlys got her pregnant, so he undeniably has a thing for girls who are much younger than him. Which Daemon is accused of, even though Laena in the book was 23 on the day she married him, and Rhaenyra was even older.
This is very strange to me and I only explain it by the fact that Corlys has a reduced tariff with TG stans and they don't accuse him of his sins (just like they don't do it when it comes to Aegon, Aemond, Criston or anyone wearing the "right" color). , because according to them, Corlys betrayed Rhaenyra and joined the TG. We know it's not true because he only protected his sons' lives and then acted against Aegon II and crowned Aegon III, but for TG stans the only thing that matters is that they can point the finger and shout "ha, he betrayed Rhaenyra".
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for trying to improve people's lives?
I've been told that it is possible to make an entirely anonymous inquiry on this blog. I do hope that is true.
I have been entrusted with a position of great responsibility on my planet. I try my very best to remain attuned to my people's suffering, wants, needs, grievances, and regrets. I hold in my heart only the purest of hopes for them; all I wish is to grant them eternal, unshakable, everlasting happiness and joy.
Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that there is no such thing as a harmonious, peaceful life. Not within the confines of reality itself. Resources are scarce, suffering and struggle is all too common, and one cannot even consent to the conditions under which one is born. As such, I have concluded that it is cruel, harsh, and unreasonable to expect the people of this world to live under these conditions.
I have meticulously maintained a truly safe space, away from the pains of reality, under the guidance of my mentor, whom I see almost as a father. In this space, there is no suffering nor illness, no poverty nor worries— only satisfaction and safety.
...Or, that's how it should be. Even now, the bitter resentments of reality manage to leech their way into this beautiful space. No matter how dutifully I work to stamp it out, there will always be such things brewing in the shadows. Even here, in this beautiful land of dreams, there remains those who would trick and abuse the weak, those who would exploit and oppress those with nowhere else to go. I have heard many accounts of this... and nothing I have done seems to resolve this filth. The only conclusion I can come to at this point is that it is purely human nature, human ego, which is propagating this need to induce the suffering of others.
As such, I have come to a conclusion with my master. Together, we shall ensure that this beautiful world is able to flourish and prosper for eternity. I shall sacrifice myself, personally, to the role of maintaining this sweet fantasy for everyone else. Under my gaze, there shall be no more suffering, no more misery or oppression, no more vile acts under the name of human will. Only the perfect image of peace and order. Everything, and everyone, in perfect equality and bliss.
My only hesitation... is that my sister does not agree with me. She seems rather horrified by the idea, clinging to naive ideals of "freedom" and the meaninglessness of a "false reality." But what she falls to understand is that not everyone is granted the privelige to thrive in reality. There are the disabled, the impoverished, those without friend or family, those who are hunted by their past. For the terminally ill who only have but a few days of life remaining, can you really say it would be better spent in "reality," where they will merely die slowly and painfully in near isolation, instead of a sweet dream in which they can do all they ever wished?
My dream is to grant a safe haven, a pleasant and worthwhile existence, to those who suffer endlessly due to "reality" itself. A benevolent refuge, away from the oppressive nature of free will. There is a difference between a meaningful existence and the distasteful tragedy of anarchy— the lack of order and regulation cannot be what gives life its "meaning," for what then of those that are trampled by this anarchy itself? A lack of order is an order in and of itself: it is simply a hierarchy founded on strength and brute force, in place of benevolence, kindness, or compassion for others.
But... I do waver somewhat, knowing that my sister holds such distain for my ideals. My hope is that one of you kind voters may be able to explain her frustration to me better than she could. She is incredibly dear to me, and I would like to resolve this as soon as possible, such that we can remain on good terms once my New World is established, and we can see one another's point of view more clearly.
Many thanks for your time.
[- submission by @spaaaaaaaark-uwu ]
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✦ Lizzy x Reader x Doll Cuddles hcs ✦
My 11 request! Hope you like!
Let's see what we have here-
✿ Lizzy:
I think Lizzy would be an unwitting hugger, not that she doesn't like to hug you or anything! She's just very comfortable with you and does it without realizing it sometimes! (Cute-)
Lizzy would definitely be the type of girl to pull you into her lap and hug your waist, just a common thing to her.
Constantly hugging your waist side, why not? (Like- are you just standing here? I have to hug you-)
Spinning Hugs! Did Lizzy see you from afar? She will run towards you and catch you in a tight hug calling out your name as she happily spins you around. (That girl is so strong-)
If you give her a back hug while she's in the middle of a conversation with someone, she'll just gently place one of her hands in yours, continuing the conversation as normal like:
" Yeah yeah- It's just (Y/n)- Yeah- aren't they the cutest?"
✘ Doll:
I see Doll being a drone more reserved for public hugging, enjoying hugging you when you're alone. (Cutie-)
Unlike Lizzy, Doll would love to sit on your lap and get hugs from you around her waist.
Doll would love to fall asleep hugging you, finding being in your arms a very comforting and warm feeling.
If you knew about Doll's powers, I can see that she would definitely use them to pull you into hugs when you're alone. (Excuse me! I want an express hug!)
Doll would love to rest her forehead on yours every time you guys hug, looking into her eyes closely with wonder + kisses on the forehead. (She is so cute-)
Dance to slow songs hugging this drone! She'll be so embarrassed every time you look her in the eyes- (But in the end she'll still love to dance with you!)
If you give her a back hug while she's in the middle of a conversation with someone, she'll hold your hands with her hands while blushing softly and whispering softly looking at you:
" (Т/и) Не сейчас… Я с кем-то разговариваю…
[ (Y/n) Not now…I'm talking to someone…] "
♡ Lizzy and Doll:
These two would never fight over who would hug you first, instead they just agreed that whenever they're together with you, they would hug you at the same time- ( They don't have time to fight! They have to hug you- lmao-)
Normally when they go to hug you, Lizzy would always want to hug your waist and rest her head on top of you, while Doll would like to lie on your shoulder hugging one of your arms.
If you're sleeping together in the same bed, Lizzy and Doll like to lean against your chest while you gently stroke their hair until they fall asleep. (They're like cats here-)
If Lizzy is having a bad day, you and Doll would plan a sleepover at her house! With the right to comedy movies, games and lots of hugs! (+ little kisses to make her happy)
If Doll is having a bad day, you and Lizzy would plan a little guessing game night for her, with you and Lizzy being the ones to imitate, making Doll burst out laughing here and there at your bad imitations, in the end she would thank you two with a tight hug. (UwU)
Now- If you're the one having a bad day- Oh boy- these girls would plan so many things- Like playing board games, gossiping about girls and boys at school, drawing, or just watching something while hugging you- they just want you to feel better- (And you always do in the end..)
The Best Mean Girls duo + YOU! The best :)
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: Hi!! Can you do relationship headcanons on Ritsu Kasanoda please :)
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🝮 ritsu kasanoda dating headcanons !!
ritsu kasandoda & reader
author’s note: wow i really just took the longest break imaginable and then came back with this. lmao, i hope someone enjoys reading this!!! thank you and gosh do i love Ritsu uwu
edit: i misspelled his name but it’s 4 am and I think that’s hilarious so I’mma leave it
word count: 1.8 k
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ఌ Let’s be real, he’s trying his best. Really, so before your relationship began, he was DESPERATE to figure out how to woo you—how to sweep you off your feet!
ఌ He didn’t learn his lesson the first time with not asking the hosts for help. But, this is in the LOVE department! Surely they know better about that than they do about making him look less intimidating?? Who could possibly be better to turn to for hints at romance?
ఌ Unfortunately, it seems this rambunctious bunch of boys don’t take him seriously at all. Seems. Maybe they think they’re taking him super seriously, but it REALLY doesn’t look like it!
ఌ So, he begs that you forget having walked into the Third Music room—since abandoned by its department—only to have been bombarded by swirling roses that flew all around you. They framed a path that you swore was heart shaped, up to Ritsu, who kneeled in a host uniform, his signature nervous smile, and a rose held for you to take.
ఌ Cue a fit of giggles that may or may not have made him fall even deeper in love with you.
ఌ Best believe that he never turned to them again (okay, maybe Haruhi, but even her suggestions were questionable… Some of them were great, don’t get him wrong! Like, the star-gazing idea or the “ walk-in-a-park ” idea! But, the “ clean together! ” or “ attend-a-host-event ” ideas were downright rejected.)
ఌ Well, not entirely. You know those big fancy balls the Host club holds? Towards the start and end of the year? Well, with Haruhi leading the plan for obvious reasons, he mustered up the courage and invited you to the ball with him. Was that a fluttering in your heart~? Eek!
ఌ Was this going to be when he finally made a move? When your budding relationship finally bloomed?
ఌ The night was beautiful, from the delicacies, everyone’s pretty attire, all the way to the lighting. This really was a party held by the most elite of society’s children! Your outfit was a gorgeous scarlet—gifted to you by Kasanoda’s right hand man who simply smiled and asked kindly that you please wear it! You couldn’t decide which to focus on, how they got your measurements or why this was happening.
ఌ Of course, deep down you knew full and well why it’s happening, didn’t you?
ఌ Let’s rollback a few notches. Now, what could have possibly made him fall for you? Was it, maybe, your sitting by him in every class despite everyone else making a painfully obvious barrier between them and him given the empty chairs around him? Nooo, don’t be silly, it couldn’t be that.
ఌ Oh, was it you seeking him out during lunch time, finding him alone in the garden, eating and talking to the plants? No, surely that wasn’t why he stared at you with glossy, grateful eyes that said, “ Please, sit, I insist. ”
ఌ Hmm, maybe it’s because of how many times you walked home with him and held normal conversations with him, as if he wasn’t labeled the school’s “ Scariest Man Ever To Attend ”? No, couldn’t be that. It wasn’t like he loved and looked forward to the walks, so much so that he silently waited by the door for you to collect your things and trot on up beside him, telling him all about your day. And it definitely couldn’t have been that for once, he was walking with someone who wasn’t Tetsuya, and this person beside him didn’t give off any vibes of “ I’m being forced to hang out with you, as a joke! A prank! ”
ఌ Oh, I know, maybe all of this is happening because of the first time you two met outside of school. It was the weekend, and you were out in the neighborhood for a reason long since forgotten by now.
ఌ There was the sounds of a struggle down a street, and you, being you, couldn’t help but think, “ Hey, if someone’s in trouble, the right thing to do is help them? ”
ఌ So, imagine the fear on your face and stiffness in your body to peak down the alley and see a red-haired boy surrounded by several others. Totally unfair, you thought! That’s too many people for one person!
ఌ His back was to you, and you locked eyes with the man in the center as he pulled his arm back and yelled something about how much respect he’ll get for beating the son of THE Kasanoda-Gumi group!
ఌ No matter how much you knew about the neighborhood or the syndicates ‘round these parts, nothing could have prepared you for how fast your feet carried you between the two, chucking your bag into the man in the middle’s face, shutting him up instantly.
“ There’s no respect for a bully that teams up on a guy! “
ఌ You said with faux confidence. The man behind you could have sworn you looked just like a little wolf protecting him, baring your teeth at a bunch of men that he just had a feeling would tuck and run at your appearance.
ఌ And that they did, though whether it was your display of Justice, their boss’s bloody nose, or the rather demonic aura seeping out of the guy behind you—that was anyone’s guess, too 🤷‍♂️
“ Uh… Th.. Thanks, for that. “
ఌ When you turned to face your damsel-in-distress, the drastic difference between his voice and appearance took you off guard. A few giggles, a quick apology for the rudeness, and a “ no problem “ for the thank-you, and suddenly his face was almost flushed as red as his scarlet locks. Silence blanketed your both before you shrugged and past him.
ఌ Wait, he called.
ఌ You paused, halting in your tracks, and turned inquisitively.
ఌ He stammered then continued, would he ever see you again?
ఌ Silence.
ఌ A once over, you gave him.
ఌ Then a bright smile.
ఌ Of course, you laughed out.
ఌ After all, you continued, we go to the same school. A point to the badge on his bag, and suddenly he had to avoid eye-contact just to recover from the embarrassment.
ఌ The same school? His luck must have been turning around if he could see you again so soon.
ఌ And so, there’s no telling where he fell in love with you. Whether in between, during, before, after—or maybe even not yet!
ఌ Regardless, you held your head high, excited to step through the doors. You were greeted with what would begin a night you would never forget.
ఌ Folks you hadn’t yet placed names-to-faces-for guided you across the dance floor. Hand-in-hand, trading you off to the next person who swirled and dipped you. The first was a guy with auburn hair, mighty tall, you noted. He had mannerisms or a mischievous fox. Next was a man with black locks, taller than the last, and never speaking a word. You missed the smile in his eyes as you were passed to an eccentric blond with a blinding grin. He was quite the chatterbox during this dance, taking longer than the others, before a smaller brunet boy took your hand and scolded him with a, “ Senpai, you’ll ruin the plan! ” This boy had cute quirks and soft hands. The dance was simple, sweet, and kind.
ఌ It was towards the end that you caught a glimpse of red hair.
ఌ The next hand you were passed into was familiar and welcoming. Calloused, marked with a scar here and there. They seemed like thorny hands that would hurt whoever made contact, but somehow when it came to your hand, they were the kindest, gentlest.
ఌ Your eyes gazed up to catch a glimpse of that same-old nervous, nasty grin you fell for.
“ Another plan, huh, Ritsu dear? “
“ Dear? “
ఌ He stammered, repeating the pet name you tagged to the end of his name.
ఌ A squeak of surprise escaped you as he was thrown off so much so that his footwork changed to include a “ step-on-your-partner’s-foot! “
ఌ A dozen apologies later, and below the stars you were.
ఌ The loud crowd had mellowed out with distance, so much so that the soothing ballroom music was audible enough to drag a mewl of happiness from your lips.
ఌ You leaned into him, shifting this dance more so into a romantic slow dance.
ఌ This would have continued, turned even more romantic as the midnight sky poured over and over again, renewing the twinkle in each star!
ఌ But, alas, any plan by the host boys just had to have one little signature quirk in it.
ఌ Though whether you could fault the club or not for this was anyone’s guess!
ఌ From the bushes lining the balcony his dancing feet led you to, popped up an even more eccentric dirty-blonde girl who screeched a, “ Oh come on, kiss them already! What kind of romance is this!? A SUCKY one, of course! “
ఌ Had it not been for your laughter, this particular redhead might’ve melted from embarrassment.
ఌ Instead, he cupped your cheek and guided your eyes to him.
ఌ There was hesitance, a glance here and there, and his mouth opening and closing inaudibly like a fish outta water.
ఌ So, you pressed affectionately against his hand then slowly leaned in to plant a chaste kiss upon his lips.
ఌ They weren’t the softest in the world, and perhaps slightly rough (easily fixed with some lip balm!).
ఌ And surely there was evidence this was his first kiss, first REAL kiss, but the fireworks in your heart made none of that matter at all.
ఌ From then, word spread throughout the school much too quickly that the rumor of “ Ritsu and Y/N? Canon or Fanon? ” was completely canon.
ఌ Your reputation rubbed off on him, and suddenly he found himself with more friends and acquaintances than he ever dreamt of.
ఌ The empty seats around him were filled with talkative randos—though, if ever they say in your seat, he couldn’t help the intimidating glare shot at them.
ఌ Your life after school would become much more interesting too.
ఌ Apparently the guy you beamed with his bag had inflated and hyperbolized your image tremendously.
ఌ In the streets, you were gaining a strange name, “ The Rabid Wolf “.
ఌ Whatever that meant.
ఌ Ritsu worried about it, assuring you he would clear your name, but you laughed it off and said it could probably do more good than harm!
ఌ After all, he did have fears of people knowing you were his lover.
ఌ Partner.
ఌ Romantic acquaintance!
ఌ …
ఌ He may or may not have been rosy-hued in the cheeks when you showed up at the house one morning, to walk to school together, obviously!
ఌ And the house erupted in, “ Kasanoda, sir, your lover awaits at the door! ”
ఌ You pretended to have not heard the girlish screech before a disheveled, heavy-breathing Ritsu slammed open and closed the door.
ఌ That walk had been quiet, save for your running-of-the-mouth.
ఌ Oh, and any time you shied away from dominating the conversation so, he would break the silence and say, “ Go on? ”
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