#I hope they do an anniversary art of these two meeting again
katfreaks-hidyhole · 6 months
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Saw T9’s video playing Ib the game
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tinytennisskirt · 1 month
You and Patrick leave the restaurant on your one month anniversary. You’re both standing outside his car, he says he loves you for the first time. You try to distract him with a bunch of kisses and what not but he notices and questions it. Why didn’t you say it back? He’s all like what are you doing? Do you love him back? or Is it just too early to tell? But you’ve already been dating for a month! You didn’t say it back.
Those Three Words
Summary: as above^ When patrick meets the pretty bartender, his bachelor days are over. reader and patrick quickly become friends, good friends. and after a tipsy confession and a perfect kiss, they start dating. it's new, it's weird, but it's so easy to be in love with you. not as easy to tell you, though. (it turns out more than okay, i promise)
warnings: mentions of drinking. kissing. mentions of sex. angst... hurt/comfort silliness. player pat! turned loverboy! such a good moment for him. also i changed one month to two, i hope you don't mind!
It was different with you. Patrick knew that. You were the girl who put the habits of a casual man to rest. You came into his life, or rather he came into yours ordering a Redbull and two shots of Jaeger from the bar you were working and you looked at him a little oddly, with a cute smile questioning why he didn’t just order a Jaeger bomb. He was out with Art, but his attention stayed on you for the rest of the night. He drank way too much, returning to the bar and asking you for drinks just as an excuse to talk to you more. He emptied his wallet. 
Art had to drag him out and into a taxi, practically shoving him in while he talked about you like a wasted white girl. He woke up the next morning with a killer headache and surprisingly, most of his memories of you, though they were a little altered by the alcohol. He called Art, asking him about the night only to be filled in that he spent it flirting with you. So he was fucked, he deducted. No chance. 
But a few nights later he and Art went back and surprise, you were working again. Patrick usually had it in his head that going out and drinking at bars was for finding women to go home with, but his eyes fell on you and he knew he had to say something. So he walked up the bar, eyeing you in your black t-shirt with a neckline that dipped enough for cleavage paired with your little black skirt. “You again,” you smiled, seeing him approach. Oh fuck, you were as pretty as he remembered. “Glad to see you alive and well.” 
He grinned, sitting at the bar, hands folding in front of him. “Thanks.” He smirked a little.
“What can I get you?” You grinned. He ordered two drinks and to Art’s annoyance, struck up a conversation with you. You were funny and you were interesting and probably one of the most gorgeous women he’d ever spoken to. He tried not to overdrink again just to speak to you, but after helping every customer, you’d come back on your own. Patrick didn’t know what exactly it was about you because no matter the fact his eyes fell on your chest every now and then, he was genuinely hearing what you were saying about Depeche Mode. He just leaned toward you as you spoke and listened. 
Art came up behind him later that night saying he was heading out and begrudgingly, Patrick went with him. You passed him the bill and he opened it to a napkin with your number. A win. A big win. He looked up and you were helping another customer, too busy to say anything to you about it. But he paid in cash and left a $30 tip on top of it. And he left a happy and tipsy man. 
He waited until morning to text you. 
'Hey. Patrick from the bar. How r u?’
You got back to him surprisingly quickly, 'Hungryyyy. You?' You were a perfect woman. He was a simple man. 
‘About the same.’
You messaged back again, ‘Breakfast???’ followed by ‘You know the cafe off main? I’ll be there in 15’. You were asking him out? Or… to breakfast? Fuck, either way, he’d take it. He messaged back, said he’d be there, and bolted out of bed and into the shower. He let his hair air dry and slipped on jeans and a long-sleeved shirt for the chilliness of the morning and soon he was on the street walking there, trying to be on time. He met you on the corner. You knew it was bad when he met a girl and liked her when she was half-dressed only to look at her fully clothed and could say to himself he liked her more. That was you in your sweater and jeans, hair down, comfy and honestly kind of cute. At the bar you were hot, but here you were cute. 
“Good morning,” you smiled at him. What was ‘other women’? What did those words even mean? “You bounce back so well after a night of drinking there’s no way I’d be out of bed at nine in the morning after so many shots.” You smiled. “Hi, Patrick.” 
“Good morning,” he replied, hands in his pockets. “And hi,” He smirked a little as you lead him into the cafe wordlessly. You ordered a croissant and iced coffee and lead him to sit down with you. “So, you’re an early riser?” 
“Sometimes. If I’m honest I wouldn’t be up this early, but my landlord is doing construction and it’s hectic and loud. I’m lucky if I sleep at all, it’s all hours.” You spoke to him like you’d known him forever. It was cute. You told him all about your apartment situation, how you’re pretty sure your landlord pervs on you and he just sat and listened, happily drinking his Americano. 
And it started from there, the slow burn. You hadn’t said anything inherently romantic, but he was content with being your friend if it meant he got to be around you. You’d text a lot, becoming fast friends with similar tastes in music and movies. You were spontaneous and sometimes a little loud, but he really liked that about you. You’d hang out frequently, sometimes multiple days in a row. Sometimes his place and sometimes yours. You liked candy and going to thrift stores and you had a record collection. You’d give him free shots at the bar when you had shifts. He’d show up. Soon you were close to calling him your best friend and it was dawning on Patrick that when women hit on him, he was rejecting them. Supermodel-type women were coming up to him, flirting, and he was shutting them down. He knew he liked you and he knew it was different.  It felt like having a crush, something he hadn’t felt since he was back at MRTA, a kid. 
You ruffled his hair and his ears would go a little pink. He’d flirt with you just the same and sometimes you’d flirt back in good fun, but oh my god, he was head over heels for you. Only you. One singular woman who he had not slept with. He was devoted and completely in it. It was so out of character for him. 
“She’s it,” he said to Art as he paced the living room, energy drink in hand. “She’s got me tangled in her web, there’s no out and for the first time in my life I don’t want one.” 
Art watched his best friend, his eyebrows raised, decently pleased. “Should get your head checked.” 
“I’m dead serious. I think about her when she’s not around, that’s some sort of sign.” Art did all he could not to laugh at the very normal things Patrick was talking about. “She says things and I remember them. For more than ten minutes.” 
“Quick, what’s her name?” 
“Okay, shut the fuck up, you’re no help,” Patrick groaned, flopping back into the armchair behind him. His finger spun the rim of the can he held. The expression on his face could only be described as a mixture of defeat and being plain old grumpy. He was grumpy over you. “I think I like her.” 
Art grinned at Patrick’s confession, knowing the last time he heard Patrick say he liked anyone was back in ninth grade. “So tell her.” 
“I might.” Patrick nodded. As different as things were with you, he would rather tell you than not. He didn’t like the idea that he had genuine feelings, but you were you, so it was fitting. And he had already made plans with you to meet up at a different bar later that night. One with more of a club-like vibe. So he figured it was as good a time as any to tell you- he wasn’t really well-versed in genuine feelings so maybe it wasn’t the best, but he had to tell you somehow. 
He picked you up in his car, Art in the back seat. You and Art had been acquainted through Patrick, obviously, and you smiled, greeting them both. Patrick’s eyes fell on the length of your skirt, short. Your thighs were on full display, legs extending into tall boots that matched the colour of your t-shirt. You were hot, it was becoming a problem. 
“How the fuck do I say anything when fifteen guys are hitting on her at once?” Patrick said to Art over the music. Art grabbed Patrick’s upper arm, chuckling. 
He was a little out of it, buzzed off nicotine. “Kiss her.” He shrugged.
“I’m not kissing her,” Patrick replied. “I have to ask first.” 
Art wasn’t so sure about Patrick’s genuine feelings but Patrick, two shots in, was saying he had to ask? Instead of just hitting on a girl and leaning in? Art believed him entirely now. “Fuck. I don’t know.” 
“You’re good with girls!” 
“So are you!”
“Other girls!” Patrick reasoned. “Ones that will go home with me if I buy them a drink. Not her. How the fuck am I supposed to do this? I just say it? How do you do this with every girl you like? It’s all this? All the time?” He was wigging out a little. It was something new for sure. He wasn’t used to any of this. You’d been friends for six months and you were over on the dancefloor, just a little tipsy, swaying, somewhat ignoring the men who were trying to talk to you, trying to dance with you. He figured there was nothing he could do but accept the fact he was twenty-something with full-on butterflies in his stomach. Art just chuckled and walked away to get Patrick another drink in case things went wrong. 
He thought telling you would be easy, but every time he started toward you, he couldn’t follow through. He’d start overthinking his wording. He’d get interrupted by some other girl who he all but told to fuck off. He was stressing badly. And a new feeling crept up watching these guys come up to you in your short skirt and your low-cut t-shirt. It was something he also hadn’t felt in ages and it was just… jealousy. He was jealous, he was sick and completely riddled with it. A couple of guys who came and went grabbed your hips or your waist and his stomach did a genuine flip before the slight anger kicked in. He just stood, bitter, watching, unable to move. Moving meant telling you. Staying still meant you were free to be touched by other guys and this wasn’t easy at all. 
You walked over, standing in front of him, a little displeased, “You asked me to come out and you’re standing there, glaring at me.” You sighed, arms folded over your chest. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” he nodded, tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek, eyes elsewhere. And he only looked back at you when you started laughing. It was a pretty laugh that he often replayed in his head. 
“Oh my god, you’re jealous!” You teased. 
He got defensive, “Of what? Of who?” 
“I don’t know, of the guys out there? You’re jealous they get to dance with me.” 
“Why the fuck would I be jealous of them?” He chuckled, leaning back against the bar. “It’s not like it’s a rarity. You dance with everyone.” 
“I think you really secretly want to dance with me,” you nodded, narrowing your eyes at him. You even went so far as to point a finger. Patrick just rolled his eyes. “Oh my god, you’re so jealous, you can’t even deny it anymore. C’mon gorgeous, we are dancing.” Your hand slipped into his as you pulled him into the crowd. For a guy that could pull any woman with just a simple lean toward them, he was more than surprised by the stunt you were pulling in pulling him closer. It was a little shameless, the way you were close to him. Closer than you’d danced with any of the previous guys- you’d been dodging them, no matter how much they got to touch without asking. 
You made him a stiff. He’d be into it if it meant nothing, but it didn’t and it couldn’t. But that didn’t stop you. It couldn’t. You grinned at his closeness and frankly, he was a little flustered. Out of his character, so fucking far out of it. But he could get into it when you reached up, wrapping your arms around his neck, dancing much too closely for it to be nothing. It was like slow motion, something out of a movie, the pink and purple lights cascading over your body pressed to his. The bass of the song moving through his body, hands on your waist, kept there without being shoved off by you. Welcomed, really. You were so close he could have kissed you, but something in him told him not to. Not like this. Not here. Art was over at the bar, snapping a few pictures on his phone, laughing to himself as he shoved it into his pocket. 
Patrick, completely consumed by the way you were looking at him, felt surprisingly cold when you spun out of his grasp, grinning. He let his hands fall, just a little dumbstruck by what the fuck that just was. It was quite possibly the hottest thing he’d ever experienced. You during the day was so different from you in night-life. You were mesmerizing, easy to watch as you spun back to him. “Feeling better?” You grinned. And you left him, going back to dancing alone. Patrick, god of arrogance and quips, was left speechless. 
He walked back over to Art, mouth a little open. “What the fuck.”  
“You tell her?” 
“No,” Patrick was almost bitter in rebuttal. He sank into the bar stool and ordered another drink. 
“I think she knows,” he grinned over at Patrick who downed the drink in one fell gulp. 
“You think?” He paused for a moment and exhaled. “Fuck.” 
The night died down. You were hungry and Art was pretty done with the place. Patrick carried your boots as you walked barefoot down the sidewalk back to the car, fries from the chip truck in hand. Patrick paid. He didn’t mind. You shared with both boys and Art drove back to Patrick’s apartment. He was going to crash at his, sleep in the living room. So were you, apparently. The three of you took the elevator up. Art said goodnight, jumping over the back of the couch and onto it. It was pretty much enough to ban you both to Patrick’s room. 
Patrick dropped your boots by the door and went to his room as you finished your fries and went to go brush your teeth. He went through his clothes, grabbing you some loose t-shirt and shorts he knew wouldn’t be too big on you. He dropped them to you in the bathroom wordlessly and went to go sit on his bed with some water, trying to level out. 
You emerged a few minutes later in his clothes, your skirt and t-shirt in a ball in your hand, tossed by your boots. “Thank you,” you smiled, sitting on the bed with him. “So, how are you feeling?” You asked, stealing a sip of his water. 
“Decent,” he replied. “Didn’t drink enough, apparently.” 
“Apparently not,” you smiled, handing the water back. He finished it and tossed the solo cup he’d used into the trash next to his bed. “So are we going to talk about it, or are we just going to bed?” 
Patrick didn’t see that coming. He straightened out, his heart picking up just a little. “Hm?” 
“Patrick…” you trailed off, leaning just a little bit forward. “You like me, hm?”
He didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t say no, but not confessing felt wrong. “Yeah, I like you. We’re friends.” 
“Ooh, ouch,” you smiled. It was probably the most gorgeous smile he’d ever seen. “Friendzoned.” 
Patrick smirked a little, “You’re still drunk.” 
“Tipsy, baby. Tipsy.” You nodded. His eyes fell on your lips and the way his shirt slipped off your shoulder. “But you know what I mean, Pat. I think, and I have reason to believe you like me. Tell me I’m wrong?” 
He chuckled to himself, looking at his hands, the door, you. He tsked, shaking his head. “I can’t.” He admitted. He said it. You had defeated the player in him.
“Thought so.” Your smile was a little bit evil. “So if I kissed you right now, what would you do?” 
His smirk grew just a little bit bigger and he moved just a little bit closer to you and you moved just a little bit closer to him. The tension was thick. You watched his eyes meet yours, then your lips, back to your eyes. “Not sure. Just have to find out, I guess.” 
“I guess,” you grinned, leaning in the rest of the way, meeting him in the middle. The quiet of his room was quieter and the kiss was slow and passionate. Patrick’s hand on the back of your neck, yours resting on his chest. He kissed you with no intention of anything more or anything less. He even kissed you without tongue- for the first few minutes, after that he figured it was game when you were both lying on your side, just kissing. It was perfect and it was the least hungry kiss he’d possibly ever had. 
It was a good fifteen minutes of slow, yet passionate kisses and it tapered off with small kisses, something Patrick had never experienced before. You kissed him a few last times, short and sweet and it was possibly his favourite part of the whole thing. Next to the fact he kissed the pretty bartender he’d had feelings for since the night he met her. You held his face after, he was just a little breathless despite the calm of the kissing. 
“I like you. I’ve liked you for a while.” You smiled. 
“I think I caught that,” he grinned like an asshole. You’d never been more into him. You gently tapped his arm. All of this, the talking, the everything, was new. And perfect. “How long is ‘a while’?” You hit him a little harder and he just kept grinning. The words he said were so foreign. “I like you too.” You smiled wide, looking quite proud of yourself. “Shut the fuck up.” 
“Make me,” you said. And you went back to kissing. 
Patrick had no problem with saying you were his girlfriend. You’d decided that’s who you were when Patrick later found that you’d changed your name in his contacts to it. He told Art everything, talking about how he’d been missing out this entire time on kissing without sex. The feeling was new and exciting and Art clapped him on the back, trying not to laugh too much at the fact Patrick was a little crazy. But the craze died down. 
Seeing you, kissing you, came so naturally to him it stopped being something of wonder, though he never really felt different about it. You were his first serious girlfriend in years. He was a pretty good boyfriend too. He was over all the time still, with the addition of being able to call you beautiful whenever he wanted to. He took a lot of pleasure in telling guys at the bar to fuck off when they tried to buy you drinks. He was a little possessive but in the hot way, not the controlling gross way. He liked that you wore short skirts when you went out, guys could look, they could try, but it was him who fucked you in the car before heading back home. 
The sex was beyond good. Crazy good. But never the main focus. Patrick took a crazy liking to the fact you kissed his forehead and it was possibly the best feeling in the world when you fell asleep with your head on his chest. He was so serious about you. And he was more than head over heels for you. 
It progressed pretty quickly due to the fact both you and Patrick had feelings for each other for a good while before properly dating. Look at Patrick, he was into you from the very day he met you. 
“I think I’m going to order chinese,” you said from the kitchen. Patrick swung around the corner as you picked up the phone, looking over the menu. “The regular?” He nodded, enjoying his semi-domestic privileges, seeing you without makeup in his kitchen in his clothes. You hopped up on the counter and dialed the number as Patrick came to stand in front of you, hands resting on your hips. “Hi, I’d like to place an order for del-” Patrick, cheeky, kissed your neck, “- delivery.” You giggled a little nervously. You were so cute up on his counter he couldn’t not. “I’d like the four-piece…” You really tried getting through the order, pausing your order to kiss him quickly twice, trying to get him off you, but it didn’t quite work. “I’m sorry,” you said to the man on the other end of the line. “I want-” You couldn’t escape his kisses to your jaw. “Sorry-” You hung up the phone and Patrick picked you up off the counter and you hit the bed just moments later. 
You had turned him into someone he didn’t know he could be. And it didn’t feel like he wasn’t himself. In fucking you, he had words at the tip of his tongue to melt into his string of praise for you, your body, the way you felt and those words were, ‘i love you’. 
You were breathing hard, your head resting on his chest. “Couldn’t even let me order? I’m so hungry.” You sighed happily. Patrick was staring at the ceiling wondering how the fuck he loved you. That was a strong word. He’d only dated you for nearly two months. Your hand gently caressed his chest, his stomach, tracing patterns. No way he was in love with you so early on. But in reality, it wasn’t that early. He’d known you for eight months, liked you and only you for all of it, it made sense but the way it snuck up on him was crazy. So crazy he didn’t even tell Art about it. He just internalized it. 
When two months rolled around, he scraped together a little more money than he really had on his budget and surprised you by taking you somewhere nice. It wasn’t a big anniversary, but for him, it was an achievement. Even Art was surprised, respectfully, that he’d made it so far. 
“So the retrograde is one of the most dangerous times in a year because no matter who you are or what you’re doing, something is bound to change for you and it’s usually something drastic.” You said, eating your food. He was thinking one thing and those three words just echoed around his head. “Patrick?” 
“Exes come back, no travel,” he nodded, showing you he was listening. You smiled and he was only thinking about how perfect you were. 
“What are you thinking about?” You asked, stealing a fry off of his plate. Of course, at a nice place like this, Patrick still ordered a burger. “You’re all quiet. Not that I mind it.” You giggled just a little. He had the cutest girlfriend, he knew that. He had the cutest girlfriend and he was in love with her. You. 
“I’ve never had a two-month anniversary before.” He admit, his elbows on the table. Your eyes widened just a little. He smirked just a bit. “No mocking.” 
“Me? I would never,” you said, shooting him a sly grin. You let the slyness dissipate, eyes growing sweet and genuine. “I’m glad it's us.” 
“Me too.” He nodded. For the first time in his life, he was sure of something and it was you. You were here with him and it was all still new, but god, it was great. He had a perfect, funny, sexy, gorgeous, and smart girlfriend and he didn’t even have to travel to a parallel universe to master commitment. Patrick being Patrick wouldn’t get too mushy on you, wouldn’t tell you that he found it a little surreal to be across from you in your black velvet dress. Across from a girl who he never really thought he would have or sleep next to. This girl who is literally always there, no matter what or which home he goes back to at the end of the day. You were his best friend. But he wouldn’t say any of that shit. The difference was that he felt it, not that he turned into a sap. 
He was feeling a lot. He gladly paid for dinner. “Thank you. It was really really sweet for you to do this.” You said, slipping your hand into his. Your hand was smaller than his was and you were somehow always just a little bit colder than he was. The two of you headed out into the parking lot, where you leaned against his car, still holding his hand, even when he pulled out a cigarette. You were so gorgeous bathed in the neon purple of the restaurant sign. The bustle of busy streets nearby was white noise. He let you have the first drag, he always did. Your fingers stayed intertwined with his and you looked at him in a way he really hadn’t ever been looked at. He couldn’t believe he’d never committed to a girl when he looked at how things were with you. You were perfect, entirely, head to toe and inside and out. He couldn’t believe how much time he’d wasted meaninglessly when looking at one person just felt so right. 
You blew the smoke in his face, a running joke about the first time you’d smoked together and he did it to you. You never let it go. Eternal payback, you called it. You giggled as he raised his eyebrows at you, taking the cigarette as you passed it to him. The silence, or near-silence was comfortable. It wasn’t traced with lust, it wasn’t dripping in alcohol, it couldn’t ever mean nothing, It couldn’t ever be nothing, even while being silence. “You’re pretty,” Patrick said unprovoked, inhaling and turning his head to blow the smoke into the breeze. It wasn’t entirely unprovoked. It was you.
“Stop it, I’m blushing.” You grinned back at him. Your thumb grazed back and forth on the back of the hand that you held tight. You pretended to tuck your hair behind your ear in a mock-nervous manner. “Truth is… I have a huge crush on you.” 
“No way,” Patrick said, coughing just the slightest bit, smoke leaking out his lips. He smirked with that gorgeous, sly fox kind of grin, his dimple in full view. You pulled him into a kiss by the hand that you held, the taste of smoke on both of your lips, both of you smiling into it. Your hands only unlocked for his hand to slide around your waist and pull you close whilst your hand went to his jaw. Your back pressed to the door of his car. He swore he could never get sick of kissing you. Spontaneously, the way you liked. Sometimes to shut you up or to make you stop laughing so much. He pretended like you annoyed him, and kissed you to keep you quiet. Kissing you in his kitchen, on the couch, in front of the men who wanted you soooo badly. Intimate kissing, kissing with the intention of sex, or just a kiss to your temple or cheek in passing on the way out the door. He felt it almost overwhelmingly. Those three words were on the tip of the tongue that was currently slipping into your mouth. 
You pulled him closer, that cigarette still burning in his opposite hand that he held away from you. He was never this kind of guy, he had never felt this way in his life. The kiss slowed just a little to your occasional few short and sweet kisses and he had the space to, so those words tipped off his tongue. “I love you.” He said. He didn’t plan it, but they fell out and into the space between you. He must have seemed like the biggest, most pathetic red flag in the world. But he said what he meant. He loved you. He’d never loved anyone. He’d never said that to anyone in a romantic context. He wasn’t sure of anything about this situation but he was sure he meant it. 
Telling you put him into a limbo of vulnerability that he didn’t foresee. Your heart skips a beat. It’s so early on, there’s no way you heard him right. There’s no way he just said what he said, not tonight, not at two months. You weren’t prepared or ready or expecting it at all. Especially from him, who had sweet things to say but they were rare and usually perfectly imperfect. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck? Panic spread into your chest, anxiety to follow. He said ‘I love you’, Patrick Zweig told you he loved you. Here. Now. And without thinking, you kiss him. It’s a stronger kiss, you’re kissing him as the emotions bubble up inside you, threatening to boil over. You’re hoping to drown out his words. Did he mean them? Did he mean them the way you would potentially want? 
You kissed him again and again, over and over, tongue and everything, and the air is filled with only that. No words, only that. The cigarette slowly burned out on the ground, and both of your hands cupped his face, his jaw, keeping him close, keeping his mouth steadily on yours. You’re filling your mouth with him, no words, nothing else but kissing him hard. The pauses in between only for breaths, nothing more. You go to kiss him again, but his head moves backward, out of your reach, pulling back from you. 
You stepped forward, chasing his lips, trying to kiss him again, but he moved backward. “What are you doing?” He asked, his voice laced with hurt. You’ve never heard him in this tone before. You tried to kiss him again, but he gently stopped your hands from having their leverage. “Hey- stop. What are you doing?” He repeated.
Your lower lip settled between your teeth. “I- I don’t know.” You replied, flustered. Your nose is pink and your eyes are apologetic. Patrick feels his chest tighten. He’s never felt that before in his life, it feels a bit like he can’t breathe. He can’t tell how your mind is racing over what to do, what to say. He can’t read you other than knowing you didn’t say it back.
“You don’t know?” His eyebrows are furrowed and his face is close to yours and your hands are resting flat on his chest. “Y/N.”
“I know.” You replied pressing a hand to your face. It’s too early. This was too early. This was so soon, you couldn’t know if you loved him yet, it was so soon. You’d be lying to say you loved him back and you just couldn’t do that to him or to yourself. His face was full of hurt, his heart was beating against his ribcage. He said it with a conviction, with a sureness that was hard for him to find. He couldn’t muster those words on the phone with his mom but he said them to you. Here. Now. “I’m sorry.” 
His face was still close to yours. His big hands removed yours from your face, seeking some sort of answer that wasn’t an apology. How could he have said that and your response is to say, ‘I know, I’m sorry’? What the fuck was that? Did you love him? Could you? 
“You didn’t say it back,” he said, keeping his voice clear and steady. He wants to say those three words again, but he won’t now. Part of him, another new, undiscovered piece of him is fucking terrified. “Y’know, that’s fine, it’s-” he pulls away from you entirely. 
You step after him again, feeling the guilt knot in your chest, “No, Patrick- I’m sorry.” 
“It’s fine, it’s fine, I want to go home, let's go home.” He says. He’s putting up that front of his. He had never felt physical pain from anything emotional in his life. Never. Not once. So the fact your lack of words felt like a winding punch to the chest was pretty fucking distressing. He wasn’t actually sure what the protocol was when a person said an unreciprocated ‘I love you’, he’d never been in this situation before. He just knew that it hurt. And this was probably why he’d never committed to anyone before. To avoid this. This pain in his chest that was so fucking stupid and pointless.
“Patrick,” you pleaded, practically chasing him as he walked around the car to the driver’s side. “Hey, stop-” He doesn’t. “Stop! Please. Patrick. Patrick.” 
His voice was just a little harsh. “Yeah?” He opened the car door, turning to you. 
You looked up at him, a little desperate to be heard over the hurt you knew he was feeling. The guilt of it was actively eating at you. “It was just so soon. I didn’t see it coming, it’s only been two months.” 
“I know.” He replied, expression seeming cold, but surprisingly soft. “I’m sorry.” 
“No, Patrick, stop. I can’t lie to you and say I’m there yet, but I want it more than anything. And I just need time.” You explained just a little frantically. “I’m not ready.” 
He sighed, looking out over the parking lot. He shook his head and looked back at you. “I’ve never said that to anyone. I’ve never loved anyone. Not like this. I didn’t think I could. Or would. But it’s you, so I’m fucked, aren’t I? Spoke too soon, I guess.” 
“No, Patrick, it was perfect. God, I hate that I can’t say it back yet. Key word is ‘yet’, because I absolutely adore you and I care about you so much, there’s nobody on this earth that I want to love more, but it’s so early on. I guess I’m scared. What if you don’t mean it?” 
“I love you.” 
“What if you stop meaning it?” 
“I love you.” 
“What if we are rushing into this?” 
“I’ve liked you since you first smiled at me, you drove me crazy, Art said I needed my head checked. You with your stupid low-cut shirt and you smiling at me and I was done. No more girls, no more numbers in my phone, just you. You and your astrology bullshit, you and your collection of sweaters, and your perving landlord. You. I’ve never felt like this ever, I’ve never been more sure of anything because nothing has ever scared me this much in my entire life. I mean it, I’ll continue to mean it if you let me, and I know I’m not rushing into anything because however long you think I’ve liked you, it’s so much fucking longer.” He stated. He sounded angry, but he really wasn’t. He had never had that many words, let alone words he fully and wholeheartedly and somehow poetically meant. This was how he knew you were different. You’d killed a bachelor. A good one. One who had been at it for years. 
You smiled like you were relieved. It was a sweet smile, like the one that you’d sported when he first ordered a drink from you. “You mean all of that?” 
“Don’t make me say it again, please,” he chuckled just a little, crooked smile coming back. “Yes, I mean it. It freaked me out, I feel like I’ve been possessed by the spirit of the guy who sings Careless Whisper, but it’s all me.” Your smile grew wider. He bat you off, shaking his head again. “Shut up.” 
“I didn’t say anything,” you smiled. “Patrick… I am going to love you. I am actively falling in love with you, it’s terrifying, but it’s thrilling and I don’t want to stop. I just need a little more time.” 
He nodded, looking down at his feet. You stepped closer, cupping his face. One of the many intimacies he’d never known until you. Soft hands on his face. “I didn’t know I had so many emotions I feel like…” 
“Don’t joke.” You said. He honestly couldn’t anyway, looking at you. His smile fell to something neutral, eyes looking over your face, your perfect features. Whether you loved him back yet or not, he was lucky to have you.
“Don’t take too long,” He said solemnly, meeting your eyes. But the expression only lasted a few seconds before his arrogant little smirk crept back up. “If you don’t say it back in time I’m going to turn into a girl.” 
You laughed, “Oh please.” 
“It’s true.” He nodded. “Very serious thing that happens.” 
“You remember when I started giving you free shots? Earlier that night, you were over at mine and you were eating Skittles and you ate all of the ones I don’t like out of the bag. And it kind of hit me that you were…that I liked you. A lot. It’s so much worse than yours. But it was then on. That’s ‘a while’.” 
He grinned at your callback, laughing at how stupid that was. He grimaced just a little, smile unchanging. “Skittles?” 
“Skittles.” You replied, nodding. He pushed your hair behind your ears and pulled you into another kiss. One that wasn’t trying to drown anything out. Gentle hands in a gentle, perfect, feeling-filled kiss. Patrick truly didn’t know he had so many things to feel. And it was all for you. He’d been getting used to this sort of thing. It might have been the best thing to ever happen to him. He wasn’t changed in any way that truly mattered, but when it came to you, he was completely turned off to the idea of having it any other way. You kissed him back and he felt like he finally had done something right, which was lacking for him in all areas of his life. 
“I feel myself turning-” you kissed him again. “-into a girl.”
“We’ll go bra shopping,” you said, kissing him again. 
“That would make you-” you kissed him once more. “-bisexual.” 
“Then we’re truly a match made in heaven.” You teased. He kissed you hard one more time for good measure before really getting into the car and driving home. He knew you’d come around sometime. Didn’t stop him from feeling the way he did at all. 
It was just an odd Tuesday two months later, Patrick had the laundry basket in his hands, holding the door for you as you grabbed your keys and your wallet. He was going to the laundromat, you were going to work. “You’ll come visit me later?” You asked, heading out the door. 
“Yeah, around eight.” He nodded, leaning in and kissing you goodbye. “Mmm- Bye.” 
“Bye, Patrick. I love you.” You smiled as you walked ahead to press the elevator button for him, hopping down the stairs. You were gone in a flash, leaving him where he was, grinning what was probably the widest he’d ever smiled. He shook his head, laughing quietly to himself as he got in the elevator. He’d see you at eight. 
taglist: @swetearss @lalalandofive @ladystardust-thinks @kaaaiiaaa @xoxog0ssipg1rl @reallycreativeusername @bayleequits
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majorlysapphic · 25 days
It's mind splurge time once again... :)
Dearest reader, today I am presenting a charminghearts soulmate AU with a (generous) sprinkle of violence. :))
(Taking inspiration from Sabrina Carpenter's new song/mv 'Taste'. @uhhhh-em-draws-stuff since you wanted to see something like this, please consider this AU as a gift/thank you for your wonderful art in the community :)) ).
TW: violence and murder.
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Now, without further ado, onto the story idea!
Auradon is a land of fairy tales and idyllic love stories, so it's no shock that soulmates are a well-known and incredibly common aspect of life. So much so that it's considered taboo to not have a soulmate (especially among royal families).
Now, you may be asking: "how do people know if they have a soulmate or not?".
Well, first I'd like to establish that in this AU, some people don't have their destiny-appointed soulmate from birth. The experience of having a soulmate is varied, and sometimes fate takes a little time deciding who your other half is (especially since once your souls are 'linked', it's set in stone for the rest of time). How someone can discern whether they have a soulmate is through the notion of mark-sharing; whenever your soulmate is physically injured, your body bares the same marks left behind on their body (typically in a colour that best represents your other half). The stronger the bond between your souls, the more obvious and long-lasting these marks are.
Now, let's get onto Red and Chloe's lives prior to the start of the main story!
Throughout her entire life, Chloe has been raised on stories about her ancestors finding their 'true loves'. The Charming family bloodline are known for very strong bonds and picture-perfect soulmates, almost acting as the blueprint example throughout all of Auradon's history about how intense a soul-bond can get. So, it's logical to conclude that Chloe can't wait for the day she finally finds her soulmate.
Frustratingly, for the first ten years of her life. Chloe bares no soul marks, however on her eleventh birthday, she's ecstatic to find a bright red soul mark had appeared on her right knee. And whilst she feels bad that her soulmate must have tripped and scraped their own knee, Chloe is elated to know that her soulmate is out there in the world. She spends the rest of her birthday showing off her soul mark to everyone in the castle, and bells are rung out in Cinderellasburg in announcement and celebration that their young princess has reached this renowned milestone of life.
And when the soul mark fades, Chloe's sad to see it go of course. But she doesn't get to miss it long before more start blooming up, and after a month of knowing she has a soulmate, she's sure she's bonded to the clumsiest person in all the kingdoms. And you'd think this inkling of information would help her find her soulmate faster, but it doesn't. So once again, Chloe becomes a frustrated hopeless romantic, documenting every new mark and it's corresponding date and praying to her fairy godmothers she'll find her other half sooner than later.
And at seventeen, she does. At least that's what Chloe thinks.
I'd like to imagine that there are a lot of celebrations going on when the anniversary of the formation of Auradon arrives, so every year a different kingdom hosts other royal families for two weeks of celebrations/peace talks/gifting. So when Chloe was seventeen, it was Cinderellasburg's turn to host. There she meets Zellie, the crown princess of Corona, and Chloe falls hard. The pair get along right off the bat, and there's a spark of hope in Chloe's heart that this is it, especially given the other princesses clumsy nature. But it would be abrupt and extremely against royal decorum for Chloe to investigate whether Zellie is her soulmate or not, so she forces herself to remain patient and see where the future takes them.
Based off of those two weeks of celebration, they start writing letters and visiting each other, and soon enough, Chloe and Zellie are dating. One month into the relationship, Chloe thinks she's never been more happy, her love for Zellie isn't as "all consuming" as her parents described what it's like to be with a soulmate, but Chloe doesn't mind a quiet love. But, she doesn't want to freak the other girl out too early on, so she plans to broach the topic of being each others soulmates when they reach the four month mark of their relationship (though that doesn't stop her from dropping some not so subtle hints about her suspicion every now and then). Unfortunately for Chloe, she never does get to ask, because a week before their four month anniversary, Zellie breaks up with her.
Chloe's heart broken to put it lightly. She doesn't get where this came from, and soon enough she's wallowing in self pity once the communication between her and Zellie becomes more and more infrequent. But after all of this, it doesn't stop her resolve. So like the hopeless romantic she is (unwilling to give up on a girl who surely is her soulmate), she's planning on trying to win Zellie back on the anniversary celebration of Auradon's founding, now being hosted in the Kingdom of Corona.
It should be noted that Chloe will sort of meet Red at Corona's hosting celebration. But before I go into what I mean by 'sort of', it's time to give Red's life some context.
Wonderland citizens are just as likely to have soulmates as those who live in Auradon (who they aren't cut off from in this AU, but their borders are incredibly strict), but it's a topic that's kept behind closed doors given their reigning queens hatred of anything to do with the subject. Growing up, Red knew of the concept of soulmates, but she wasn't too fussed about the idea - so after ten years of her life with no soul marks, she concluded she didn't have a soulmate and moved on without a care. After all, she was much busier occupying her time by trying to prove herself as a worthy crown princess to her mother.
At first, this meant Red had remained studious and proper at all times, but eventually her exceeding academics and royal etiquette were no longer subject to adoration and instead expected as a bare minimum. Frustrated and still seeking her mothers approval as a young kid, Red takes up the habit of somewhat spying on whatever's going within her castles walls. This is where she'll start to realise how much violence and deceit is involved in ruling Wonderland (this is where she finds out that being sentenced to a beheading is the kindest her mother could ever be in judgement). But who is she to question things when all her life her mother has been presented as the ideal standard for what a queen should be?
From this moment on, something clicks into Red's head (perhaps even a bit too easily/quickly, but after growing up surrounded by violence, a girl tends to grow a bit desensitised to it all). She can be a picture perfect princess, but what her kingdom (and her mother) truly needs is someone willing to get their hands dirty for them. And a bit after she turns eleven, Red's able to prove it.
The first time she kills a man, she didn't exactly plan it.
All she knew that there was a young diplomat, perhaps only a few years older than her, who posed a threat to Wonderlands trades (ego, her mothers power). She remembers her mothers angry shouts from behind the doors of a meeting room when meeting with him. She remembers seeing him storm out of the room. She remembers seeing her mother whisper into a trusted guards ear before they rush off to the kitchens. She remembers realising that the diplomat would be dead by dinner time...
It's a slight morbid curiosity that gets Red moving. A growing want to see a soon to be dead man. To try recognise his faults and pinpoint why he deserved to be sentenced to death. So, she sneaks into the wing of the castle made up for visitors, locates his room and enters. There she sees him, looking out from the balcony, lost in his own stressed thoughts given his rigid stance.
Want to know a fun fact? Wonderland doesn't care much for safety standards, much preferring aesthetics.
So, when Red slowly creeps closer, listening in on this diplomats worried mutters, she feels a certain urge. A swift motion would be enough to prove herself. Just one powerful shove could change everything about how she's perceived. There'd be glory, praise, and responsibility. But of course, Red hesitates. This is a big decision, and the more she dwells on it the more troubled she becomes. But soon her decision time is up, and this diplomat is turning around, surprised to see the young princess standing behind him with a far away stare.
She's been caught lurking. Red panics, and the next thing she knows she's launched herself forward. Red's fall lands her on the edge of the balcony, scraping her knee pretty badly (it takes a few more seconds for Red to hear the diplomats fall end on the ground below).
The palace guards find her frozen there an hour later, replaying the events in her mind. Her mother is soon alerted and comes round, she looks to Red and then peeks over the balcony. She knows what's happened now and Red can never take this back. Though once she sees her mother looking down at her for the first time with a gleefully proud smile, Red's concerns seem to wash away.
From that moment on, Red was not only seen as the heir to the crown, but also as a powerful attribute towards Wonderland's power. Her mother was quick to place her in extra classes and training sessions (for more under the table political schemes), and whilst it may have been a harsh learning curve, Red's never felt so alive. Though it should be noted that because of her training sessions, Red tends to get a lot of injuries. It's a regular aspect of her life now, so she doesn't give the bruises and scars too much thought. But this also means that when her soulmarks start appearing in various shades of blue, they blend in well enough to be perceived as bruises.
For the next few years of her life, Red is given 'political tasks' within Wonderland. And the more justified havoc and death she spreads, the better Red becomes. Much to her mothers dismay, this means Red also starts getting restless on her missions, making her restless. And so after a simple recon task ends up with a manor in flames, the queen is left with a decision: take back the freedom she's given Red, or find a way to let the girl explore her true potential and carry on serving her.
The latter option is chosen, and on Red's sixteenth birthday she's presented with an enchanted, golden locket in the shape of a stopwatch. This object is the key to greater, more inconspicuous missions, as once Red places the golden chain around her neck she's disguised from anyone tracing back this version of herself to her true self (I'm imagining in reality, Red's appearance will just switch to Kylie Cantrall's real life look and the extra magic allows the anonymity enchantment to work).
From then on, Red is sent out to Auradon to do more of her mothers dirty work, and during her time there she burns down various historical sights and takes out a few important politicians. It isn't until she turns eighteen is when she's given her biggest and most risky mission yet: assassinating the crown princess of Corona, Zellie. She doesn't ask for the reason why, she just accepts.
This is a delicate mission, and Red figures the best way to get closer to her goal is to hide in plain sight. Slipping on her locket, Red enters the kingdom of Corona masquerading as a viscounts daughter from a faraway kingdom, simply travelling and making memories. Eventually, she meets Zellie at a boring ball and she get's to work charming the unsuspecting princess. It's back and forth flirting, and Red is getting closer and closer to her goal. Soon enough, Red's got the other girl completely enamoured especially after a moment of vulnerability where Zellie tearfully admits to not having a soulmate. Red doesn't see the big deal, but she plays the part of empathic 'friend', and when she tells Zellie that she doesn't have a soulmate either, she sees a flicker of hope in the other princesses eyes. Red pity's her for it, but she's not dwelling on what she feels when she's so so close to finishing her job. She just needs one moment without guards stationed out the door and a clear exit route.
That moment doesn't come immediately as she's called back to Wonderland on 'urgent news' regarding inner kingdom conflicts. But she's quick to assure her mother that she'll have the job done soon enough, since once Zellie found out Red had to leave, she personally invites her, with lovesick eyes, as her guest of honour to Corona's celebration of Auradon's formation.
Red accepts the invitation and returns to Corona two months later for the festivities, with a collection of hidden weapons and her trusty enchanted locket. And that's where she meets Chloe for the first time, after all, its hard not to notice the girl glaring daggers at her as she enters the first ball of the celebrations on Zellie's arm.
During nearly all the events going forward, Chloe is seething with jealousy. She's so sure that Zellie is her soulmate, how could she stay calm when there's another girl by her side? And whilst the two say they're only friends, it doesn't take a genius to work out there's something else there. But, so long as they're still considering each other as friends, Chloe's still able to try win Zellie back.
Though that doesn't sit well with Red. Soon enough, both girls are competing against each other.
They both are trying to dance with Zellie at a ball? They try spoil each others attempts and somehow end up getting partnered with each other for the rest of the dance (and despite the fact that Red can move with the agility of a cat, she all of a sudden can't stop 'accidently' roughly stepping on Chloe's feet during all the dances).
Both of them are trying to sit next to Zellie at an opera? Somehow both end up getting seated in a private booth and end up quietly arguing for the entire performance.
They carry on fighting and thwarting each other. It feels electrifying to be at each others throats like this. Chloe can't seem to get enough of her dynamic with Red, so much so that she starts getting excited to see the other girl. And soon enough, Chloe realises that when she's gripping a champagne glass and gritting her teeth as she watches Red and Zellie dance across the ballroom, her eyes are following Red instead of who she came to Corona for. Thus, leading to the realisation that what she had with Zellie may have been an overexcited puppy love, and despite the fact she doesn't actually know who her soulmate is, she doesn't care all that much when her focus is centred on Red.
During Chloe's new revelations, Red is slowly going insane as her assassination attempts keep getting prevented.
Her plan to waltz Zellie under a falling chandelier? Annoyingly intricate to set up and unsuccessful. Her plan to give Zellie a poisoned flute of champagne at the opera? Knocked over by Chloe in a rush to get to Zellie's side. Her plan to push Zellie off a balcony? Stopped when Chloe steps out with them.
(Red refuses to admit this is the most fun she's had in her whole life).
Red knows Chloe is doing this on purpose, and she starts panicking on whether Chloe's somehow seen past her lockets enchantments and knows the reason why she's here. So, the simple solution? Red has to kill Chloe.
At an ornate masquerade ball, Red finds a way to lure Chloe into an empty servants passage. She's intent on a little interrogation prior to anything, but Red soon forgets about the sharpened blade strapped to her thigh when her back meets the wall and Chloe's lips are on hers.
Okay. That didn't go according to plan. The worst part of it all? Red doesn't seem to mind Chloe's lips on hers. In fact, she rather likes it given the way her heart skips a beat and how she tangles her hands in Chloe's hair.
And by the end of their tryst, Chloe's feels as if she's walking on clouds (she got the girl after all) whilst Red is internally panicking, having never felt so fucked in her life.
The next few days go by in a blur, Red should be focusing on Zellie, but she always seems to gravitate towards Chloe. Soon enough, Red acknowledges that she's going to have to cut her plans short and get her job done by the end of tonight before Chloe messes up her judgement even more.
So in another mind numbing ball, she asks Zellie to meet her in her room once the main dances are finished. Zellie agrees (blissfully unaware and thinking this is the moment she'll get to confess to red and/or vice versa). Once Zellie slips out of the ballroom, Red follows thirty minutes later.
But of course, there's one person in the room Red can't escape the attention from. And who's to blame Chloe for following her? They've been flirting and more, but haven't talked about what exactly they are. She better take this opportunity to talk to the other girl.
Going through the castle's hallways, she searches for Red. And she finds her, though she wasn't expecting to find the other girl in such a state. Because Red's in her ornate ballgown with a dagger clutched in her grip, absolutely drenched in blood. The blood of Chloe's first love (and friend), who is collapsed on the floor and very much not alive anymore after one vicious swipe against her neck.
They're frozen, staring at each other. And then everything happens in a blur and they're fighting. Chloe lands a good few hits in attempt to restrain Red, but her swordsmanship classes don't amount to the same skill Red has gotten from experiencing real fights. Next thing the girls know, Chloe's pinned to the ground and Red's got a dagger digging into her throat.
Chloe's staring up at Red with a multitude of emotions. Sadness. Grief. Anger. Disbelief. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that's expected, though what's got Chloe in absolute heartache is seeing a clean, blue soul mark line appear on Red's throat, perfectly mirroring the cutting edge of the blade Red has on her.
They stare at each other. The wait is agonising, why on earth can't Red take the final blow? She doesn't know, and she's losing time for her escape. So as the clocks chime to signal midnight, Red uses the hilt of her blade to knock Chloe out.
She rushes to change out of her ballgown into a set of clothes that will make fleeing the scene and climbing walls much easier. But she's panicked on her miscalculation with her timing, so once Red all but flings herself out of the rooms window, she doesn't seem to notice that her locket's chain has snapped and fallen to the ground.
It's a small while later that Chloe wakes back up into her sickening reality, realising it wasn't all a sick dream after all. With an aching head, she stumbles into the hallway to go ring an emergency bell. Castle guards will be where she is soon enough, and despite the fact she should stand still and rest, she re-enters the room.
Shivering, she notices how Red didn't even attempt to hide Zellie's body. In fact, this entire crime scene is a chaotic mess, the murder weapon abandoned in the middle of the room. Going towards the only open window, Chloe notices a locket on the ground. The very same locket that she had noticed Red always wearing during the short time she knew her.
Fate is the most cruel thing Chloe's ever dealt with, she decides then. She didn't expect to relive her parents experience (albeit, hers is a lot darker), let alone be in her fathers role, but here she is with her soulmate fleeing the scene after midnight, leaving behind only a blood speckled locket as a reminder of her existence.
Hours later, when Chloe's being interviewed after being treated for her injuries. She doesn't mention the locket, even when the lie makes it feel as if the lockets burning a hole in her pocket. She knows she's being selfish, but this locket is hers to do with as she wishes. So with a determined heart, Chloe ignores the pitying looks of everyone around her as the months pass and the tale of the gruesome murder of Corona's heir is shared.
She's busy trying to find a way to track down Red with this small piece of jewellery. And when she finds her, she's not sure what she'll do. Whether she wants revenge or something else. All she knows is her old self with a head full of fairy tales is fading, and she's willing to do anything to get her hands on the other girl.
A year passes.
Red has long since been banned from going back to Auradon after her mother found out about her various mistakes (though she made sure not to mention Chloe). She can't say she's too mad about it, the situation rattled her more than she expected (especially when she returns home, to find a thin blue soulmark across her neck. She's not an idiot. She knows who it's linked to. She doesn't say anything to anyone about it).
So, she sinks back into her oldest routines as crown princess. But one day she comes into her mothers study to find out that Wonderland is entering some form of political alliance with Cinderellasburg.
Two weeks later she's sat by the dining table of the Charming's castle, refusing to make eye contact with anyone or even contribute to the discussion. During the same dinner, Chloe hasn't taken her eyes off of Red once, unable to shake the feeling that she knows her from somewhere.
Red can only hope that she can stay as far away from Chloe as possible during the alliance (given that once it's established, regular communication and travel between Wonderland and Cinderellasburg will begin).
Chloe's starting to think that she should try find a way to get to know the crown princess of Hearts. Perhaps she'll enlighten Chloe about Wonderland's magic (the very same magic Chloe has figured out is weaved into the locket she carries in her pocket everywhere).
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shygirl4991 · 6 months
Trapped in a Bleaky Winter
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All art belongs to @lizaluvsthis thats right me and Liz are at it again enjoy our collab fic for snowtrapped anniversary!
Summary: Mario looks at the calendar and notices it's been eight years since the igloo incident. Seeing that his friends are still not together, Mario decides to take things into his own hands by helping them confess their hidden feelings. 
Tags: Love confession, snowtrapped, fluff, igloo, angst
Mario kicks down the door to the castle like he does every visit to his best friend's home, feeling hungry he decides to get more spaghetti from his friend's fridge.  He walks to the kitchen and notices a circle around tomorrow's date, normally the plumber would ignore what day it is for his love of pasta but this date was different. He remembered the date well, it was eight years ago when his two best friends SMG3 and SMG4 were rivals.  They always fought and SMG3 was known to steal the other man's content to gain popularity, on that date the pair got stuck in the igloo and went crazy. Mario chuckles at the memory of what he walked in on, since that day he had hoped the two would notice their feelings.
He opens the fridge shaking his head as he reaches for the pasta, one sniff of the plate gives the avatar an idea. The anniversary was tomorrow, if Mario could get the pair alone together they might finally talk about their feelings. With this on his mind he runs to his brother's shop to get help, kicking down the flower shop doors he runs up to the counter smacking the bell. Luigi sighs as he stares at his twin, he keeps hitting the bell until Luigi gently moves the bell from his hand “Yes Mario?” the plumber looks up at his younger twin excitedly “Mario needs help with a sneaky gay plan!” Luigi stares at his brother confused waiting for an explanation. 
Mario hands two envelopes and paper “Mario needs some letters written!”  Luigi looks at the paper unsure what his role was in the plan. Mario leans up whispering what to write to Luigi only to get a nervous nod, he writes the letters handing them back to his older brother “Mario, what is this all about?” with a wink as an answer, Mario runs off to help two dumb gays get together. He runs up to SMG4, the meme guardian is outside the castle recording some memes that Mario didn't care to look at.  He slides up to four startling the man “AH! Oh hey Mario, everything okay?” He gives a concerned look to the other man, Mario gives him a bright smile and hands him a letter. Taking the letter SMG4 smiles widely “Tag6 wants to go on a date with me, a girl? This is the best news…wait Mario if this is a prank I swear to all the memes in the kingdom I'm kicking your ass!” Mario shakes his head “No! The letters were left by the castle doors!” 
SMG4 lets out an excited giggle accepting Mario’s excuse, Mario smiles watching SMG4 run to the castle to get ready. Once out of sight, he turns his attention to the second target, walks up to the cafe, and knocks on the door. An annoyed Three walks out “What do you want Mario, if you don't remember you’re not allowed here for scaring my customers last time!”  Mario shows off a letter with a smirk. Three blinks taking it from Mario and reading it “Some fan wants to meet up on a date? Hm I don't go on dates with fans but this Aster sounds interesting, they could help bring more people to the cafe!” with that Three shoos off Mario and slams the door. 
After a few hours, with the help of Luigi who still needs clarification about what this is all for, built an igloo at the date location. Mario throws his twin away from the area as Three makes it to the location first “It said to meet….here?” he blinks, staring at the igloo before him. Flashbacks of what happened last time he was near one came back to him, getting nervous he was going to start walking away until he heard something behind him. Next thing he knew he was being thrown into the igloo “AHHH!” screaming he landed inside seeing the place decorated for a dinner date “MARIO! LET ME OUT!” with a giggle Mario hid again. Four appears and hears screaming inside the igloo, he looks around nervously given what happened last time he was near one. Seeing no one else around he walks to the door, and with a smirk, Mario shoves Four in. The man flying forward opens the door landing on top of SMG3, pleased with the results Mario covers the door.
SMG4 groans, opening his eyes, his face goes red seeing he is on top of SMG3. Three held his breath as his ruby eyes looked into Four sapphire-colored ones, after the shock wore off SMG4 got up letting out an awkward laugh “Hahah sorry about that!” Three shakes his head getting up “Blame our idiot avatar.” Four looks at the exit then at Three “WAIT MARIO!?” he runs to the door attempting to open it.  He feels his face go pale at the realization “No…NO OH GOD- NOT AGAIN!?” Three watches as SMG4 starts to have a mental breakdown. With a sigh he walks up to the door and places a bomb “Poor idiotic Four, this is why you always carry emergency bombs!” hearing this four gets up in a panic “You dumb ass this is an igloo! WE HAVE NOWHERE TO ESCAPE THE BLAST!” Three blinks as his eyes shrink looking at the lit bomb “Oh.” 
The bomb goes off shaking the igloo, without a second thought, Three grabs Four pulling him close to protect him from anything dangerous that could land on him.  Four holds on to Three until the shaking stops, they both turn their head to see the exit completely covered in snow. Three nervously looks at Four “You…uh think Mario will save us again?” Four lets out a sigh looking into Three’s eyes and giving him a nervous smile “Yeah I mean he did it last time!” realizing how close they were they pulled away from each other. 
Four sighs looking at the decoration of the igloo, he shouldn't be surprised that no girl wanted to be on a date with him. From the look of the igloo, Four could guess this must have been another weird trend Mario was following. He remembers how the last one made him and Three kiss, the memory causes his face to become red he was sure he could be mistaken for a tomato. He needed to relax, maybe it was the igloo making him panic. Reminding himself that things were different between them, he turned around to see three sitting on the floor.  He decides to sit next to him “Mario got me here with a fake date, how about you?” He handed his other half his letter to prove his work. Three takes the letter reading it, he rolls his eyes understanding what happened “Same handwriting as mine, Mario was trying to set us up. Well, look where that landed up!” Four glares at Three “Sure Mario got us here, but who was it that blew up the igloo in the first place!”
Three blushes looking away, he then remembered something as he started to look around. He searches different drawers and then pulls out a blanket “We need to keep warm, so here.”  He tosses it at four before sitting back down. Seeing there's only one blanket Four light blushes as he wraps it around them both, Three gets closer causing Four’s heart to beat fast. This was getting to be too much for the guardian “Hey um Three, isn't it funny how easy it is now to share body warmth…compared to last time?” Three nods getting closer to Four “That’s cause we hated each other, now we are friends and im fucking cold so shut it!” They sit there silently before Four speaks up again “Why do you think Mario did this?” Three scoffs “What other reason besides he thinks we…have feelings for each other.” They go silent again as Four thinks over his words, feeling nervous he turns ready to admit his hidden feelings only to catch the man crying “Three?” he reaches out, wiping the tears off the man's face. SMG3 lets out a bitter smile “This whole thing is stupid, I only accept this date to move forward. Now we moved backwards cause of course I will be stuck with you again! Why would you even notice someone as worthless as me…” 
Four’s eyes go wide upon hearing his words before glaring at him, he grabs the man's face staring right into his eyes “Shut it, you’re amazing Three. Have you seen all that you have done? You have had so many jobs and built so many amazing things, you're amazing!” Three could only stare in shock hearing his words, his heart beating fast. Four lets out a soft giggle “You supermemeguardian3 you’re amazing, it's why…I got so confused, ..let me show you.” he leans forward pressing his lips against three. 
Three didn’t know what to do feeling the other man's soft lips on his, four pulled away now crying “I'm the one who shouldn't get your time… I have hurt you so much, I understand if you don't feel the same.”  They both stay silent before Three grabs Four pulling him into another kiss, this one filled with his love for the other man. Four hums closing his eyes and returning the affection, they stay kissing for a while only to be broken apart when they hear screaming outside. The pair pulled away to see Meggy dashing in “OH THANK GOD!” She runs up to the pair hugging them, after the hug they walk out of the igloo glaring at Mario. The avatar smiles at the two “Did the date work?” They smack Mario and stomp away annoyed with the plumber “The nerve asking something that stupid!” Three couldn't help the outburst given the fear he had if they stayed any longer.  Four smiles softly taking Three’s hand ignoring Meggy and Saiko yelling at Mario, sure the plan didn't go the way Mario expected it to. That didn't matter to him when he caught the pair holding hands smiling, Four leaned in close “I Love you three,” the other man blushed looking away “Baka! Saying something so casual…I… I love you too.” They both let out nervous giggles excited to see where this next chapter takes them. 
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skrrts · 2 months
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heart art & rain (drabble)
✧ gn!reader x hongjoong ✧ genre: non idol, slice of life, fluff, dating ✧ word count: 774
You surprise Hongjoong with a cake & chalk hearts to celebrate your first anniversary together.
a/n: another part of me practicing to write under 1k words. today's suggestion was "hj & anniversary fluff." hope you like it 💕
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As a child, your teachers would scold you for covering your school papers with little hearts and stars, but now as an adult, you looked proudly at the perfectly shaped twelve chalk hearts you had spent the last thirty minutes drawing. Each one symbolized a month you shared with Hongjoong since the two of you started dating — a big deal for you.
He didn’t know you were about to pick him up from his private lessons. Officially, the two of you planned to meet at the park to look the local cherry blossoms together and buy some snacks on the way. You checked the time again and pulled out the box with the little cake you baked with the help of your mom. It was decorated with hearts, a ‘happy first anniversary,’ and a squirrel made of marzipan.
When you sent Mingi a photo, he teased you that it looked more like a dog, but you were confident your boyfriend would know.
You inhaled deeply, trying to calm your racing heart because this was a little sappy, and you couldn’t change but feel embarrassed. It didn’t help that a woman came out first, giving you a frown before she walked off to her car.
A few minutes passed, and you stood there somewhat lost with your cake before finally, the guy who stole your heart stepped out.
“Surprise,” you called, holding the cake more forward.
Hongjoong stood there, confused for a moment, but as always, it quickly changed to excitement and surprise as he walked over to you.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting at the park?” he chuckled, his eyes looking fondly at you before paying attention to the hearts on the street and your cake.
It wasn’t a secret that cooking wasn’t something you enjoyed; spending time baking was likely proof of your love.
“You are so cute, you know! I’d love to take a photo, but you will pout at me, won’t you?” Hongjoong teased, pressing a kiss on your cheek.
“Yes, because you will post it in your friend group chats, and that’s so embarrassing,” you mumbled a little.
“I just like to make them jealous; nothing wrong with bragging about how cute and amazing my significant other is.”
It was hard to resist him with that excited smile that never failed to get to you, and you carefully handed the cake to him.
“Mom helped me a little, no reason to brag there, but we went with your favorite flavors and all of that! I brought forks too; we can eat it under the cherry trees.”
Hongjoong, a born artist, carefully moved the cake in his hands, and you could feel how you got a little nervous, but after a moment he nodded.
“Let’s hope there won’t be any angry squirrels; they might be confused why I eat one of theirs. This looks quite like the one I met the other day there."
You chuckled and shook your head as you placed the cake back into the box and looked at him. “I am sure they would understand.”
Hongjoong rested his hand against your cheek. “I am sure they will. Maybe they are more jealous than scared. How many people get hearts and a cake for their first anniversary? Even more so since you are all mine, best gift ever..”
Now there was his teasing grin, and he pulled you closer.
“I loved this surprise, thank you, Y/N. In six months, it’s my turn. I promise I’ll make it something special.”
As you were about to kiss, drops of rain suddenly fell from the sky. They didn’t announce that change in the weather at all. So mean! Couldn’t it have waited just a few more hours?
You looked with disappointment as your hearts were washed away, but suddenly, an umbrella opened over your head, and Hongjoong smiled at you.
“Sounds like you finally get an excuse today to cling tightly to my arm while we go for a romantic walk — just the two of us, a little bit of rain, and cherry blossoms. We will definitely look better than all those people on the TV.”
“I love the sound of that,” you smiled and curled your arms around him, making sure your bag was tucked underneath the umbrella. Hongjoong kissed your lips for a moment before the two of you walked down the road leading to the park.
And while everyone was rushing, trying to escape the rain, the two of you took all the time in the world, in your little bubble where a little bit of rain was more enjoyable than annoying.
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Another lovely year in this wonderful fandom. Here’s a little recap of how my year went:
My Writing:
Depth of Reason - Mature - 70k
How to Avoid a Scandal - Teen - 43k
Episode 3: The Diplomat, A Star Trek Redemption story - Teen - 13.5k
This list is much shorter than my list of fics written in 2022, but my fics last year were much shorter. Also, this word count is deceptive, because I wrote about 22k of Depth of Reason last year and about 20k of How to Avoid a Scandal last year as well. But! My writing goals this year were to finish these two WIPs and not take on any other projects until they were finished and I very nearly did that! Took on two projects (and more below), but I still finished these before the year finished, so pretty good!
Total words:
About 83k. Last year was more like 120k.
Other works:
Podfic of Petrichor - Teen - 34 minutes
Finishing long works apparently! One was for my 2022 COBB and the other for my 2022 CORB. Even though these were started last year, they are the longest things I wrote since my first fic (49k) back in the second half of 2021.
Also, trying new things! Writing sci-if and recording a podfic felt very outside my wheelhouse at the time, but ultimately, I’m glad I went for it.
Top 10 fics I read in 2023:
Someone Wicked - Explicit - 60k by @artsyunderstudy
Three Months or 3,000 Miles - Gen - 3k by @larkral and art by @theimpossibledemon
Blood, Salt and Hummingbirds - Teen - 32k by @hushed-chorus
Restoration Ecology - The REmix (Baz’s version) - Explicit - 62k by @royalasstronaut
Good at Something - Explicit - 19k by @larkral
A Gift From the Propheseals - Mature - 6.5k by @skeedelvee with art by @letraspal
What Remains After the Storm - Mature - 86k by @hushed-chorus art by @erzbethluna
To Do, to Know, to Want - Mature - 8.5k by @facewithoutheart
Mishaps on Zoom - Explicit - 10k by @eelwinks
Swords Into Plowshares - Teen - 6.5k by @ileadacharmedlife
WIPs I’m excited to keep reading in 2024:
I Knew A Boy, I Knew A Man - Teen, by @shrekgogurt
Hiding Out In The Open - Mature, by @cutestkilla
A Little Bit Deadly- Explicit, by @emeryhall
Basil Pitch’s Diary - Teen, by @bookish-bogwitch
Other notable fandom things:
I helped to run @carryon-reverse-bang again with @angelsfalling16 as well as helped to put on a new event this year, @caught-on-tape-fest with @cutestkilla and @sillyunicorn
I met up with fandom friends while on a trip this past summer. Making personalized friendship bracelets as gifts, doing fic readings and crafts, and putting on our own Lady Ruth style tea party were some of my fave moments <3
I did a book club style reread of some of my fave fics with friends. I hope we do a few more in 2024!
It’s safe to say I engaged with this fandom everyday of 2023. I might get quiet on the main Discord server or Tumblr, but I’m certain I read, reblogged, wrote, DMd or otherwise participated in some way, shape or form throughout the entirety of the year.
Goals for 2024:
Read more fic! This fandom has such a wealth of works, my TBR list is a mile long and isn’t organized. I’d like to formally rework my AO3 bookmarks to exclusively show recs and either utilize the Marked for Later function or make a spreadsheet or something to better organize a proper TBR list so i don’t lose track of what I want to read next. Currently, having a dozen tabs open on my phone and another dozen on my iPad doesn’t really work well. If anyone has a brilliant system you’d suggest, please enlighten me!
I also want to read all of my physical canon books this year. I’ve only ever listened to the audiobooks! I’m currently reading my anniversary edition of Fangirl. (I think this is the prettiest book I’ve ever owned.) Up next, the Fangirl Manga, followed by the trilogy and Snow for Christmas.
More fandom meet ups! Already planning for June…
I don’t have any writing plans currently, so we shall see if/what I decide to create. I have a few ideas rolling around in my head, but nothing I’ve felt urged to put down in words. I’m sure I’ll write something, I just don’t know what it’ll be yet.
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hepbaestus · 5 months
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when but I know we'll meet again… some sunny day. - 07/05/24
1.4k words|vhs tape night au stardew valley au|TW's apply|ao3 link|
TW: referenced car accident, character death
Fit had been in Pelican Town for twenty years and so much had changed; going from a single father of one to a married man with two kids to a married man with three kids. So much of his life had changed from what it was before and a car crash is what breaks him.
Fic underneath read more
Fit knelt on the wet ground, it was a rare rainy summer’s day. His three kids, now having grown up in Pelican Town, stood behind him. Ramón had become a mechanical engineer and lived in Zuzu City. Rosa was studying to become an astronomer and was the town’s conservationist, a newer role delegated by Mayor Lewis later in his life before having passed. Richarlyson had also stayed in Pelican Town, working from home; he'd continued his passion in the arts with a focus on murals. Fit and Pac had never been prouder of their kids, each of them having known what they wanted to do from a fairly young age. They hadn’t been like that, Fit having spent years in the Joja Mart Corporation and Pac having gone through many jobs in such a short time before becoming an engineer.
Footsteps could be heard on the brick town square not far from where Fit and his kids were. A hand landed on Fit’s shoulder as they shook because of his sobs. Fit’s sobs carried faintly in the wind, having finally been given enough privacy to freely cry.
“Come on Pai, Pa wouldn’t want you to be sad.” Richarlyson speaks, having stepped closer to his dad to comfort him.
“Let’s go home, yeah?” Rosa asks, not wanting to stand in the rain any longer, missing the warmth and comfort of the farm. Ramón nods, when Fit looks back at his kids, with them all in various stages of grief like himself.
“Yes. Let’s head home,” Fit stands, before placing a kiss on the marble headstone with his husband’s name carved into it and a rose on the ground, “tchau Pac. See you big boy.” He tugs the cream overshirt that he was wearing closer to his body. It had been Pac’s and he had worn it the first time that they had met at the Flower Dance Festival, he’d worn it to try and feel closer to him, hoping that it’d feel like Pac was giving him a hug.
They walked back to the farm slowly, with the rain picking up as they all mentally recounted fond memories about their life when their Pai was still around. They saw him in the flowers growing in the patch of grass behind Jodi’s old house, broken bricks of the Stardrop Saloon from a too aggressive game of gridball. Everywhere they looked, a memory of Pac would come to the front of their minds, missing him dearly.
They head to Pac’s tinkering room upon arriving home. It was the one room that Pac had spent the most time in, tinkering with both his and Richarlyson’s prosthetic legs, wanting to improve them himself instead of paying an extortionate price to have it done in Zuzu City. On his main workbench lay a half-complete prosthetic arm clearly meant for Fit. It had some wires sticking out clearly still a work in progress but just seeing it on the table had Fit crying once more. He hadn’t known of Pac’s project, he assumed that it was meant to be a surprise for their anniversary.
Fit leaves the room, feeling too overcome with emotions at the sight of the metal arm. He’d been complaining about his current arm, it having not felt right on the fleshy part of his remaining arm for a while. His kids did not fault him, they’d been together for almost 25 years before Pac had passed, it was a long time to be with someone only to have them taken away in a car accident coming back from Zuzu City. They left the room, heading into the living room when they heard the main bedroom’s door close shut.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
They’d sat in the living room for an hour before Ramón remembered that they had some old VHS tapes that their dads had recorded stuff on. Richarlyson and Rosa stay seated as they see their brother rifle through the floor to ceiling tall shelves completely stacked of VHS tapes.
“Found them!” Ramón rejoices momentarily before passing them over to his siblings. They’d never watched them before but they knew the contents of a few of them. They were classic home videos of their parent’s wedding, bringing Rosa home for the first time and miscellaneous videos of the three growing up. The videos were all titled and had their corresponding date next to it on white tape over the label.
“Are we gonna watch some of these?” Rosa asked from her seated position on the floor, surrounded by small piles of the video tapes, all sorted by the year they were filmed. She holds one out to Ramón who had stayed standing for when a video was chosen.
“Feels only right, seeing Pai again.” Ramón spoke, resettling himself in his spot on the sofa. A spot that he’d chosen from the first moment that they had the sofa when Pac and Richarlyson had moved in.
The colours are muted, camerawork shaky and some parts slightly distorted from how old it was but the video plays their parents' autumnal wedding. Both were dressed to the nines, in full sleek black suits with a red rose in their chest pocket. Little Ramón and Richarlyson walk behind the pair before splitting at the altar to stand with their birth dad. Vows were spoken, with Ramón and Richarlyson bringing out the rings when called for. It was a small wedding, only close friends having come. Despite that, it had been a beautiful wedding, with people celebrating their parent's relationship. The video stutters during the kiss and then the camera cuts abruptly, signalling to the young adults that whoever had filmed it had stopped recording.
“I’d forgotten how happy they were that day. It was the only day that week that hadn’t rained so everything was quickly put together by the other townsfolk.” Ramón mentioned, a far away look on his face, clearly remembering the day fondly. The other two hum in agreement, Rosa hadn’t been there so this was the first time she’d actually seen footage of the wedding.
“Next one!” Rosa grabbed a random tape, this one titled ‘Ramón Day 3’ and switched it out before sitting back down once more.
This video was much darker, clearly filmed at night with candles lit to lighten up the shot. In the centre was a young Ramón and, by the looks of the farm, they had just moved in. Ramón sat up on the sofa, not being able to recall this being filmed when a voice, their Dad’s started to speak,
“Look at him. My beautiful baby boy. He’s just sitting there and a firefly just flew past. He’s never seen one before. I’m glad we moved here.” They can hear Fit’s smile in his voice. They’re so distracted by seeing young Ramón on tape mesmerised by fireflies that they don’t hear the main bedroom’s door open and their Dad’s footsteps to the living room.
“I remember filming that. We’d barely settled in and Ramón couldn’t sleep so we sat in the garden and looked at the stars.” The three young adults jump, seeing their dad lean against the wall wearing their Pai’s signature blue hoodie before shifting about to make a spot for him on the sofa where he joins them but not before giving them each a kiss. He kisses Ramón on the forehead, Richarlyson on the top of his head and Rosa on the cheek. It’d been a tradition that he’d started as he’d gotten older, wanting to show his appreciation for his kids when he wasn’t as physically able anymore.
“You know, those you’ve got there aren’t even all of the videos we filmed. There are more in your Pai and I’s room,” Fit speaks before halting momentarily, having forgotten that Pac was no longer with them, “let’s watch some more, eh?”
They spend the rest of the night watching videos of their childhood, of their parent’s relationship, of times simpler than that of their future, of times when their Pai was still with them. Eyes slowly began to droop, each one falling asleep where they sat. Fit was the last to fall asleep, eyes almost staying shut any time he blinked.
“Boa noite Pac, te amo big boy.” Fit spoke to the sky, hoping somewhere Pac heard him, before letting sleep finally take over. 
Just before his eyelids dropped for the last time that night, he could’ve sworn he heard a quiet, “boa noite Fitchie.”
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mrs-steve-harrington · 8 months
Stoncy Secret Santa 2023 Masterpost
Thanks again to everyone who joined in our Stoncy discord server's Secret Santa gift exchange! I'm so excited to see what everyone's made. Hope to see everyone back again for the next one!
(Didn't want the post to be too awfully long, but the rest of the works are below the read more)
edit: the original post was missing a link, please reblog this one <3
[Stoncy] I Love This Curse On Our House by nomadicwolf for spydee
The lives of Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, and Steve Harrington change forever when Steve runs back into the Byers' house to stand with them against the Demogorgon. After that, they keep finding their way back to that house for the good the bad and everything in between. 5+1 at the Byers House.
[Stoncy] Selfless, Faultless, Prideless by CrumbScuddler for quirkily
A disgraced knight, a still-mourning royal, and a stablehand who's taken up painting want what they can't have. Steve Harrington fights for it, but like usual, gets absolutely pummeled. And Jonathan is there to piece him back together because it's what Nancy would have wanted.
[Stoncy] here in your big blue world by quirkily for staccatoswings
It’s warm with three bodies in the bed. Jon and Steve are equally stiff on either side of her, which is a little absurd. Jon is quite literally her long-term boyfriend. He at least shouldn’t be acting like he’s worried about touching her. Nancy shifts a little onto her side and they both instantly copy her, keeping the same distance between them all. Honestly. It’s a little ridiculous. Nancy tries to ignore it, wondering if they’d made a mistake inviting Steve to share the bed with them. No weirder than inviting him to share their anniversary with them, she thinks wryly.
[Stoncy] Lovely Weather For a Couch Ride Together With You by gala_apples for pterawaters
After a comedy of errors, as Robin would say, Steve finally gets the last laugh in his quest to get Nancy and Jonathan for his own.
[Stoncy] End of beggining by nattythefreak for nargatexe
A short scene in which Steve comes to the double date arranged in the fourth season, but instead of coming with Tammy Thompson… he comes with a bouquet of flowers.
[Stancy] A New Normal by wolfish_willow for StevetheHouseWife
The conversation between Steve and Nancy at the Byers' house goes a little differently and they don't break up. But she doesn't break things off with Jonathan, either.
[Stancy] Happy. Truly Happy. by StevetheHouseWife for wolfish_willow
“He’s your best friend.” Robin nearly groans out loud, “I know, and he’s the worst. I mean, talk about pretentious? Such a prude. You were right. He really does still hold you cheating against you.” Nancy stares at her silently for a long moment, “Why are… you lying about that?” she asks and Robin swallows.
[Stoncy] lie down next to me and let us fall asleep by madman_with_a_warehouse for thewritingfreak19
5 universes where Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan sleep next to each other for the first time + 1 universe where they've been doing it for years.
[Stoncy] every road past the graveyard by spydee for AcornScorn
Monster hunting trio meet again in 90s New York, when Stancy follow a vampire into an alley. After whatever confrontation you imagine, they talk. (Art and an accompanying ficlet.)
[Stoncy] Sleepless Nights by AcornScorn for nattythefreak
Steve looked over at Jonathan. He looked tired. "I guess you haven't had much sleep either since the drive back, huh?" Jonathan shrugged, smiling wryly. "Pretty obvious?" "Coming over at three in the morning just to check on Nancy was a bit of a giveaway." Jonathan scoffed, looking away. "...it wasn't just to check on her, you know." Steve glanced over at him, surprised to hear that. "Really? What, don't make me think Jonathan Byers would come and check on me of all people." Jonathan comes to check on his two crushes late one night.
[Stoncy] Stronger Together by brutacrispina for madman_with_a_warehouse
Jonathan, Nancy, Steve and Robin go monster hunting. Feelings surface.
[Stoncy] To Run The Dog by pterawaters for gala_apples
Newlyweds Nancy and Steve notice a hot guy running his dog through their neighborhood every day. At first they just like to watch him, but eventually they have to admit to themselves and each other that they're crushing. Badly. So when the dog gets loose in the neighborhood and Steve manages to catch him, it's the perfect way to meet their neighbor and get on his good side.
[Stoncy] Art of karaoke night by staccatoswings for brutacrispina
[Stoncy] Art of Stoncy under mistletoe by nargatexe for nomadicwolf
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runefells · 8 months
I stumbled upon your selkie au fanart and i must say, I LOVE how the art's body language foreshadows what will happen. Jon's body language is open and he is relaxed and the look in his eyes is trusting.
Elias's smile doesn't reach his eyes and they are cold. The way he looks at Jon is predatory and calculating.
Do you have further art/fics of this au? If not, can we get general look on the "happy" couple's marriage? 👀
Ough thank you!! i at some point planned on writing parts of it but im a slow writer and my interests jumps between aus so quickly ;;
lemme give a quick little idea of what happens since i dont remember how much ive said or if ill do more art for it in the future,,,
basically Elias meets Jon and gains his trust by approaching him in an academic way. Jon is curious about humans, so despite all his warnings about them he humors Elias and they share information about their species. eventually Elias convinces Jon to return with him to london after telling Jon all about how amazing human cities are. he also convinces Jon to let Elias safeguard his coat (he acts like many humans will be interested in stealing it and only Elias will be able to protect it). Jon is simultaneously extremely interested in london and also completely overwhelmed by all the sounds and people. he lives with Elias and is pampered by him, taught to read (he learns he loves books), given clothes (which he hates), and treated to good food (hes mixed on this). Jon does start to fall for Elias and willingly starts a relationship with him but eventually he decides he misses the ocean and wants to go home but yeah ~surprise~ Elias was never going to give Jon his coat back. he had just hoped Jon would like living with Elias enough that he would choose to stay of his own free will. Elias forces Jon to marry him all while promising that he'll adjust to this life eventually.
Jon is obviously enraged by this and tries everything he can to escape at first. this part of the au is the least fleshed out but suffice to say Jon is rather miserable and depressed. he spends a lot of his time in their library and finds a book that talks about the ocean and has photographs in it which he looks at for comfort. Elias does bring him for a trip to see the ocean but its not where hes from and he doesnt allow Jon his coat to transform so its bittersweet.
(a good amount time passes between these two points and theres a good amount of up and down in their relationship. elias lovebombs jon a lot and tries to make him happy but is not willing to let go of his control over jon's life. jon kind of accepts that he wont be free and tries to make the best of his situation but hes still pretty homesick and depressed)
Elias gets frustrated that Jon can't just be happy with what he has (he had rather grandiose and unrealistic expectations for their marriage) and vents to Peter about it. He's more under the delusion that they're just having a marital spat and Jon will come around eventually but Peter tells him that selkies will never be tame and Jon will fight him till one of them dies. Elias wants to prove to Peter that Jon does love him so he brings him back to where he found him and gives him his coat back, sure that Jon will choose to stay with him buuuut. he runs
in the fic there was going to be a timeskip of about a year (maybe even ending there and then having a sequel) here where Jon eventually returns to where he met Elias and finds a package elias left him with their rings, some letters, and a couple of Jon's favorite books. he realizes that he misses his old life.. at least part of it. the sea is freedom but its also very lonely. he doesnt actually think he'll ever see Elias again but he comes back on the year anniversary of Jon leaving to reminisce and leave the rest of Jon's things as a symbol of moving on. I was going to have them work on things and have Jon come back to the relationship on his own terms with his own rules
is Elias actually changed in the end? honestly im not sure I didnt think that far. It definitely could go the way of being a cycle of abuse and i think he'd have to work quite hard to break his negative behavior. though tbf the Elias in this au isn't Jonah magnus (meaning he isn't a regency body-hopper not that he is OG Elias). this whole summary is only talking about the relationship A plot which was going to coincide with some Lovecraftian inspired occult mystery stuff : D (which isnt fleshed out at all other than i wanted those vibes)
anyway thanks for your interest I love talking about my aus xD I wish i had more content for them but my brain is really uncooperative
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buildarocketboys · 8 months
Ten Years
A little thing I wrote for the 10 year Black Sails anniversary celebration/artbook run by @tobys-walrus-crew - definitely go check it out, it's such a cool project with some great art and other lovely stuff!
James and Thomas celebrate ten years since they were reunited.
[here on AO3]
Thomas pours them both a glass of whisky.  Neither of them drinks much these days, but Thomas insists it's a special occasion.
"What's the occasion?" James asks, confused. It's not their anniversary (which they celebrate in March, the night they had first kissed, after James had thrown Alfred Hamilton out of his own house, a lifetime-no, two lifetimes-ago now). Nor is it either of their birthdays.
Thomas raises his eyebrows. "Don't you know?" he asks. James shakes his head. Thomas sighs, but the smile in his eyes makes it clear to James that he's not annoyed with him for his ignorance. "Ten years," he says softly. "Ten years since you came back to me."
James's mouth forms a soft round oh. He's not surprised he didn't know - as far as he's aware, he's never known. The journey to Savannah, all those days after Silver had betrayed him, chained him up, sent him away, is a blur to him. And his reunion with Thomas, sweet though it had been, was tempered with bitterness - now they were both trapped, he'd thought at the time. So he hadn't paid much attention to the date.
Thomas had, though. For Thomas the blur was all the days before, the ten years separated from James and Miranda, first at Bedlam and then at the plantation. The backbreaking work hadn't seemed so hard once he had James by his side. Plus, with James there, he had known that his days trapped on the plantation were numbered. The two of them together could do anything - escaping a slave plantation for unruly sons of lords was hardly the most remarkable thing they'd done together.
So Thomas had marked the date and sworn to remember it. A blessed day.
He had rarely, if ever, brought it up to James - he knows that time wasn't quite so sweet for him as it was for Thomas. But tonight, well, it's a special occasion.
"Ten years," James repeats, voice soft in wonder. He looks up at Thomas. "Does that...that means we've been together now for longer than we were forced to be apart."
Thomas nods. "Quite," he says. "And I think that's something worth celebrating."
James nods, his eyes glassy. A lot has changed in ten years; they're both very different people now than they had been ten years ago on the plantation, let alone twenty years ago, meeting in London for the first time. The one constant has been their love, and even that has grown and changed as they have. He raises the glass. "To us," he says, voice catching in his throat.
"To ten years," says Thomas. "And many, many more, I hope."
James smiles, his eyes shading into sadness. "To Miranda," he says. 
A shadow passes over Thomas's eyes. "To Miranda," he says, clinking his glass against James's and draining it. "If only she were here to celebrate with us." It's wistful, yearning - a life lost long ago, but never felt with anything less than earnest grief, even softened by the years of it. Sanded down like a piece of wood through application of time, Thomas thinks. Then he smiles to himself. That's more like one of James's metaphors - son of a carpenter.
James smiles as Thomas does. "What are you grinning at?" he asks.
Thomas shakes his head. "You," he says, and leans forward to kiss him. James tastes of whisky, much like he imagines he must. When they draw apart, James lingers, just breathing him in.
He pulls away after a moment and pours them more whisky. "To another ten," he says, clinking his glass against Thomas's. "And another, and another, until we're dead." Thomas chuckles, and James's lips quirk up on one side. "Because the only way they're taking me away from you again is in a coffin."
Thomas raises an eyebrow. "I thought we were getting buried together?"
James nods. "I'll drink to that," he says.
They drain their glasses.
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levyscripts · 6 months
Happy Nine Years to Critical Role!
I unfortunately didn’t start then. I have only been here for two years. I did watch Bells Hells first episode when it aired but I struggled on watching it on my small laptop. I was given the go ahead a week before their 7th anniversary that I could have the tv weekly.
I had watched Vox Machina season 1 by then and was hooked. By March 2022 I was writing fic. It brought me joy to write Vax and Gilmote fics (yes I know what happens) i spoiled myself so I could prepare myself emotionally.
Because I fell in love with these characters, the players, and Matt. Most of them are voices of my childhood. Who remembers staying up late in 2002 to watch Naruto on Toonami or 2004 to watch Full Metal Alchemist? Remember watching Yu-Gi-Oh! Saturday mornings? Watching Recess?
Not only that but characters I loved. Gaara, Roy Mustang, Lust, Tristan (first 20 episodes), and Gretchen. Matt has been practically so much I have watched or played. So yes, I loved Nerdy Voice Actors.
I’m currently watching campaign 1 slowly. Knowing my heart is going to be ripped out in the end. Yes, Vax is my fav. This past February I got a D20 tat with two small feathers, one black outline (Vax) and the other black outline filled in with blue (Vex). I am a dice goblin even before this but seeing Laura with her dice hoard. She is the dice queen.
I was lucky last September to meet some of them at RCCC. It was such a stressful day. It was my second con ever. I have adhd and anxiety. Crowds is a big problem for me and I can’t go alone. My mom was nice enough to go with me but it only afforded me one day. She was kind enough to take a day off work.
I was stressed, nervous, and scared Because 3 out of 4 were on my dream list to meet since childhood. I was able to meet Taliesin, Liam, Laura, and Travis. My four favs!!!
Taliesin was first and he was so kind. I gave him some of the d20 stickers I designed. I don’t know if he used them but it was nice of him to tell me he just got a new bottle and had to decorate it. It made me feel good even with how scared/nervous I was to talk.
Liam I was tongue tied. I was only able to say Vax is my favorite and gave him the stickers. He thanked me but he was kind.
Laura was a sweetheart l. I was also getting a signature for my friend. He paid for it and I got it while there. She was so kind. She talked to me even though I didn’t say much. The thanked me for my stickers.
Finally I got to my final autograph, Travis. I did end up getting a selfie and I regret not doing the others because that day seems like a blur because of my stress. But travis was so kind. I told him I had been a fan since FMA 2003. He told me I was an OG fan and shook my hand in thanks. I gave him my sticker pack for him.
They all were smiles and they made my stress worth it. Because when I’m having bad days I think of CR, read fic, go look at fan art or watch episodes. Because they have created these stories and characters that inspire many of is. They give us an escape in this crazy, difficult world.
So thank you to Critical Role. You have done so much for my mental health. I hope to meet all of you again! I know there is not enough words to fully say to say how thankful I am. I just wish i got into it since the beginning.
Thank you!!!!
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phoenixthevampire · 3 months
Meet the artist thingy !!!
Hellooo everyone !! Thought I should do a little intro thingy. I made this in June for my Instagram account's two year anniversary.
This one is the first out of three (1/3) because I have lots to say lol. Hopefully it won't be a hassle to read! I put a lot of time into the backgrounds so I hope the whole thing all together is pleasing to look at! :)
If I decide to add something onto it I will in the comments or something.
More about my other socials:
My NewGrounds- on NewGrounds, I exclusively post fanart of whatever my hyperfixation is, that currently being Spooky Month.
My Instagram (@/phoenixthevampire) - My main social media platform for a long time.
My Cara - I post most things I do on Instagram there. Though, I've only recently started posting on there so only more recent posts are there. I'll be using it primarily very soon instead if Instagram.
My Twitter/X - Post most of my art that I also post on here, but I haven't used it for a bit. It was only a few days ago that I posted there after a few months again.
My TikTok - I don't post there yet, but feel free to follow.
My YouTube - I use it to post animatics/animations,...
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loulines · 1 year
June 21st, 2020. We were in the middle of the first wave of a global pandemic, the entire world turned upside down.
Season 7 of The Clone Wars ended less than two months before. And on that day I did something that would forever change my life.
I joined a rexsoka group chat.
It was a small group, since Tumblr group chats weren't really big to begin with. And it was rexsoka, after all, I remember when we had only about 300 fics on AO3 at the time. I remember being very anxious about joining because I felt that I'm not gonna fit in and no one would like me.
If only I knew...
That moment was the beginning of the biggest rollercoaster of my life, full of both the happiest, and the most heartbreaking memories.
The group chat moved to Discord well before Tumblr removed the bugged and broken feature, to the server owned by the most amazing person I have ever known. The members joined and left, but a portion of the OG members have become my closest friends. We shared secrets with each other that we'd never share with anyone else, we joked, laughed, argued... But we'd still stick together, even if we spent less time interacting.
In the meantime I started drawing again, after being art blocked for years. Even though I will never get close to the most popular artists in the fandom, I was still shocked at the amount of feedback I've received. I will be forever grateful for that.
Then I moved on from reading fics to writing my own stories, and I even collabed on a fic, which I never thought I would do. It was amazing.
Over those 3 years I've done things I never would've expected myself to do before.
Both good and horrible things...
Now, 3 years later, on June 21st, 2023...
I don't know what I'm doing anymore... I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know what to believe in anymore...
I kept hurting people, especially those closest to me, and I kept hurting myself.
Those anniversaries were always very important to me, because it was about meeting my dear friends.
But this anniversary...
I will spend attending my very first therapist appointment.
I don't even know what to expect from it, I'm beyond terrified. I'm terrified of the things I have to confess to them. I'm terrified of sharing my story and my problems with them because those memories make my heart bleed. I'm terrified of the diagnosis I might get or that the only "diagnosis" I will get will be the fact that I'm fucked up and just a terrible person in general.
But I have to do it. It's not only for myself, but in the majority it is. Because the only other option I have left would result in my name being put on my grave...
I don't know what will happen on the 4th anniversary. I no longer look into the future with anticipation. The past seems so distant nowadays and the present... Just is.
I want to thank everyone who's left a like, a comment, or a reblog on my posts. I'd like to thank each and every of my followers. I'd especially like to thank all my friends, the ones still around for still putting up with my bullshit, and to those I cannot talk to anymore, for putting up with my bullshit in the past. Thank you for the amazing memories.
And I'm sorry for all the trouble and drama I've caused.
I hope you guys stay healthy.
Maybe once I fix my mental health I'll go back to drawing and writing. And I'll stop being so overdramatic in my posts. And in my life as well.
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
some streamer you suck!seokjin drabbles pls 🤲
oh, you suck!jin my beloved. thank you for wanting more of him! i hope you enjoy this. <3
read you suck! here / milestone celebration
pairing: you suck!seokjin x f. reader
wc: 644
warnings: just a few bad words. this is all fluff.
Seokjin screams as he gets killed on-screen.
In his headphones, Jungkook cackles wildly. It’d been a bad idea, getting him into streaming, but if people liked Seokjin on his own, they like him ten times more with Jungkook. (Mostly because Jungkook is a brat who knows nothing about loyalty. Most of their subscribers tune in just to see how Jungkook’s going to fuck him over, and he always delivers.)
“Sorry, hyung,” Jungkook says, but his smile is wide and scheming, bunny teeth making him look far more innocent than he is.
It’s worse when Seokjin acts all indignant about it, so he just plasters on a smile of his own. “It’s fine, Jungkook-ah.”
Then he returns the favor. Hides behind a stack of crates and promptly kills Jungkook’s character with a headshot.
They go back and forth for hours, coming up with increasingly creative ways to kill one another despite being on the same team. Jungkook sneaks up behind him and stabs him in the back because life imitates art; Seokjin drops a boulder on him. Jungkook drop-kicks him off a cliff; Seokjin shoots him with some kind of laser and vaporizes him.
While Jungkook grumbles and whines to his subs, Seokjin reads over the comments in his own chat. Most are about the game, but there are plenty asking about his regular life, too. They ask about his recent trip to Jeju and all the cool pictures he’d taken, if Xander has bitten him recently, what anime he’s currently watching.
And some ask about you, too.
A shy, genuine smile takes over his face and his chat are relentless, comments immediately pouring in poking fun at him. Some of his subscribers have been with him since the beginning, when the two of you were just hesitant, emotionally constipated roommates, so they’ve seen every iteration of your relationship. You’d had to explain to him what a ship name was, because it’d trended once when he let it slip that your anniversary was the next day and he wouldn’t be streaming, and then you’d had to explain it again when you showed him all the explicit fanfiction of him and Jungkook.
(His subscribers loved you before, but they loved you even more after you joined his stream one day and someone jokingly asked you which Jinkook fic was your favorite and you actually had an answer. Seokjin is still trying to live up to your legendary status.)
He streams for a little while longer. Hears you shuffling around the apartment, in the middle of your nightly routine. You stay up late on the weekends, wait for him to be done. Even after a year, Seokjin finds himself unable to sleep if he can’t pester you to cuddle him before bed—run your fingers through his hair, press soft kisses to his forehead, hold his hand.
After he’s done, he takes a quick shower and meets you in your bedroom. Slips on a thin pair of pajama pants and slides beneath the duvet, immediately fitting himself to your back. Your warmth seeps into his own skin, heats him up from the inside, and all he can do is sigh.
Content. He’s lived a thousand lifetimes and has never felt this content.
“Hi,” he says, words spoken into the space just beneath your ear.
You reach back, fingers immediately in his hair the way he likes. Content. “Hi, Jinnie. How was your stream?”
“Jungkook was a bastard.” You laugh. He’s so content. “But it was good. Chat asked about you.”
“Oh? Tell them I’m behind on my reading list.”
Seokjin chokes, starts wheezing. You roll over and hit his back, still laughing, and Seokjin feels dizzy in so many ways and for so many reasons. He feels like he’s blooming. Finally feels whole.
For the first time, he’s so thankful that he’ll never run out of time.
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reigningqueenofwords · 5 months
Happy Anniversary
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Pairing: Steve x Tony Word count: 2,732
Read on AO3
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Tony all but bounced into Steve’s studio where his boyfriend was working. “Get cleaned up, we’re going out to celebrate!” The brunette beamed. “I’m taking my guy out for a night on the town.” 
Steve chuckled, putting down the sketch pad that he was drawing in. “Oh?” He smiled, loving when Tony was in this mood. So much better than the nights where he drank himself stupid from self-loathing. Sure, they were far less lately, but Steve would always worry. “What are we celebrating?” He asked as he got up. 
“Remember that movie I auditioned for months ago?” He started, reminding Tony of a giant child who was telling a story. Steve nodded, letting him go on. “Well, you’re looking at the lead actor, baby!” He held out his arms, a proud look on his face.
Pulling him close, he kissed him lovingly. “I’m so happy for you!” He kept his arms around him. “I know how much you wanted this part.” He rested his forehead on his. “Where will you be filming?” He asked, curious. “And do you know who you’ll be working with?” 
“Details!” Tony chuckled. “We’ll talk over dinner. And then when we get back I want an update on what you’re working on for your show.” He told him. “Which, I’ve already warned them I’m not missing that for anything.” He promised his boyfriend. “You’ve worked so hard for this.” 
Steve blushed lightly, a shy smile on his face. “Thank you.”
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Sipping their wine, Steve watched Tony before he went on about filming- it was taking place in London, and Paris was all he’d said so far. “I don’t know the lead actress, and I won’t until we start shooting.” Steve looked surprised when Tony told him that. “She won’t know who I am, either. They said that they want a look of surprise for that first scene, to make it more authentic. Color me intrigued.” He shrugged. 
“That’s new.” He nodded. “But, I guess that would make it very authentic.” He chuckled. 
“I do know that I’ll be working with Natasha Romanoff again, so I can’t complain there.” He mused. They’d worked together on a couple other films and gotten along fairly well. “They’re hoping for Thor Odinson, as well. Something about possible scheduling conflicts.” He explained. “I’m hoping, too. He’s easy to work with, and I haven’t seen him in a couple years.” 
Steve smiled. “I can’t wait to see it.” He chuckled, knowing it was a while before that happened. “I always love your work.” Which was true. That was how they had met. Steve had drawn Tony from one of his movies (one Tony felt was far from his best work), and Steve’s best friend managed to get it to the A list movie star. 
“You did what?!” Steve stared at Bucky. 
Bucky smirked. “I got your work to Stark.” He shrugged as if it was nothing. “I know a guy who is dating his current costar. I asked him for a favor. He passed your drawing to his girlfriend, who gave it to Stark.” He said easily. “He was impressed. Which is no surprise, punk. You got talent.” 
Steve took a deep breath. He’d had a crush on Tony since his first movie at the age of 16- nearly fifteen years prior! How was he supposed to react to Tony having his art now? He was just some nobody who liked to draw. He’d been trying to get noticed, with no luck. “So, that’s that, right? I mean, so what, he has my drawing.” He blew it off. 
“And he wants to meet you.” He told him, making Steve freeze. “Natasha asked Clint to ask me for your number.” It sounded like he was back in middle school at this point. “He’ll be in town next week, and will be giving you a call.” 
“Shit.” He breathed. 
“What’re you thinking about?” Tony asked. 
Steve grinned. “About how we met.” He said happily. “Two years ago you called me and I nearly had a panic attack!” He chuckled. “I almost dropped my phone into some paint.” He blushed. 
Tony’s eyebrows shot up. “You never told me that.” He shook his head. “Well, I’m glad you didn’t, and that you picked up. Best call of my life.” He beamed. 
“Even better than when you get the part you’ve really been wanting?” Steve teased him playfully. 
“Oh yeah.” He nodded, enjoying their date. 
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Tony had left two days ago, leaving their shared him far quieter. Their dog, Cooper, kept huffing randomly. He would always mope the first week that Tony was gone filming. “Yeah, I miss him, too.” Steve sighed. His show was in a couple weeks, and he’d done next to nothing the past day. He’d relaxed, caught up on some reading, and did some housework. Even though Tony had someone come once a week, Steve kept it as clean as he could. Reaching over, he scratched behind one of Cooper’s ears. “We’ll go for a run soon.” He told him. 
Hearing his phone, he eagerly reached for it on the coffee table. He saw that Tony was FaceTiming him and grinned, quickly accepting. “Hey you!” Tony greeted him, clearly in his trailer. 
Cooper perked up at his voice, trying to crawl into Steve’s lap. Laughing, Steve moved the phone so Tony could see them both. “Hey! We miss you.” He told him. “Obviously.” He put his arm over Cooper. 
Tony chuckled. “Well, I miss you guys, too. Thought I’d call and see how  you two are managing without me.” He usually called whenever he could when he was shooting. 
“Well, the first week is always hard.” He sighed. “Gonna take this guy out for a jog later. Maybe see if Bucky wants to join us.” Steve shrugged. “Maybe grab some pizza for dinner.” Easy to eat while working into the night in his studio. 
“Just don’t stay up all night.” Tony ‘scolded’ him playfully. “Remember when I called you once and you had blue paint on your cheek because you fell asleep next to a painting? And the canvas then had your face print on it?’ 
Steve laughed, nodding. “You mean the one that you refused to let me scrap and hung up in our room?” He asked. 
“Hey, I love your cheeks.” He winked, making Steve blush. “But, there’s another reason I called.” Tony admitted, glad that he had gotten Steve into a good mood. “I found out who my leading lady is this morning.” 
“Okay? Why am I getting the vibe that it’s not someone you want to be working with?” He asked, furrowing his brows. There were very few people that Tony didn’t care to work with. Hell, Steve could think of maybe one or two? 
Tony took a deep breath. “It’s Pepper.” He told Steve. “My ex.” He added, as if Steve didn’t know who Pepper was. Pepper had been his first love. They had been together for years- nearly ten. The last two they had been engaged, even. Tony had been the one to finally call it off. He just felt they were growing in different directions. He had been in a downward spiral from years in the spotlight. She was America’s sweetheart. 
Steve felt the knots in his stomach. “Oh…” How could he reply to that? It wasn’t like he could stop Tony from working on this film. Not when he had been so excited to be the lead actor. Not when Tony had worked so hard to leave that ‘image’ of him behind. He licked his lips, the seed of insecurity planting itself. It was no secret that Pepper still loved Tony. She’d said it in enough interviews over the years since the split- just over 5. People had wondered if the pair would ever get back together, even since Steve entered the picture. 
“I wanted to tell you before those vultures wrote about it.” Tony said softly. “And ask if maybe you could fly out this weekend?” He asked, hopeful. “Come out Saturday, fly home Sunday night? Have Barnes stay at the house with Cooper.” He chuckled as the dog perked up, wagging his tail happily. “Please?” 
“Yeah, I’ll book a flight.” He agreed, nodding. “I’ll bring my sketch pad for while you’re filming. Maybe get some ideas for some new pieces.” Anything to avoid thinking of his boyfriend filming a movie that was borderline romantic with the woman he had once planned to marry. Part of him felt like an ass. They broke up years ago, and he’d been with Steve just over two years. Why should he be worried about her?! 
Tony could tell Steve wasn’t liking this idea. “If I would have known...I would have turned it down.” He said honestly, surprising Steve. “I don’t want to work with her, and I know you aren’t a fan of the idea.” The last thing he wanted was this movie to cause issues in his relationship, but he’d signed the contract already. Even then, Steve wouldn’t want him to walk away. That’s just how he was- wanting Tony to work on projects he loved. “I’ll FaceTime you as much as I can, and I’ll be home for your show, for a couple days. I’ll come home Thursday, and come back Saturday. Maybe Sunday. They’re gonna work on scenes I’m not needed for.” He just wanted to assure Steve. “I’d kidnap you and keep you in my trailer if I could.” He teased, thankful when Steve cracked a small smile at that. 
He ruffled Cooper’s fur. “Actually, maybe I could fly out with you after my show, and stay there for a bit? I can work on some sketches anywhere.” He suggested. 
“I’d like that.” Tony grinned. “I look forward to it.” He was already trying to plan dates in his head as they said their goodbyes. 
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Having Tony at his art show meant the world to Steve. While some people said that Steve was only ‘famous’ because he was ‘fucking’ Tony Stark, he didn’t listen to them. He didn’t care enough to. He loved what he did. 
He wasn’t expecting Pepper to show up, as well. Tony went straight to Steve, seeing his boyfriend’s smile falter at the sight of her. “Babe…” He started. 
Steve looked at him. “Really?” He asked. “You brought her?” He shook his head, his insecurity getting the better of him. “Missed being around her, so what? You thought you’d bring her to my show?” 
Tony groaned. “No!” He shook his head, moving them away from where most people were. “She overheard me talking to Nat about your show. I was being a proud boyfriend. Talking about how I should try to get one of your pieces for a set prop.” He saw Steve blush. “She invited herself. I asked her to come at the same time because I knew as soon as you saw her, you’d be upset. And I was right.” He sighed. “I’m sorry.” He laced his fingers with Steve’s. “Can we just go mingle, do the whole art show thing you’re so damn good at, and then get home?” He asked, just wanting to support Steve.
When Steve looked at him, he felt his anger dying down. Tony was looking at him with those big brown eyes, pleading with him silently. Sighing, he cupped Tony’s cheek and kissed him softly. “But if she gets rude, I will have Bucky remove her. He’s working security tonight with Sam.” While neither of the men were usually in the security business, they both did well. Hell, half the time just a glare from them set people right. And it gave them a bit of extra money while helping their friend. 
Tony nodded. “Deal.” He agreed. He couldn’t see her becoming rude, but he wouldn’t keep her there if she did. He pecked Steve’s lips once more before leading them back into the main room. “The man of the hour returns!” He announced, making Steve blush lightly. There were some claps, making Tony beam with pride. This was for the man he loved. 
While moving around the room, Steve heard Pepper talking to another patron. Tony had went to chat with Bucky about cars or bikes, so he wasn’t there to hear her. “Of course we’ll get back together.” She laughed. “I’m here with him, aren’t I? Besides, he’s always wanted a family. I can give him that.” She said as if it was nothing. “I think this movie was what we needed to see what we still mean to each other.” 
Clenching his jaw, Steve felt angry tears sting his eyes. He took a deep breath and moved towards where Bucky was. “I need you to escort Pepper out. Now.” He told him, his voice low. 
“What? Why?” Tony asked, looking confused. “She’s just been talking to everyone else, enjoying your work.” 
“No, she’s telling people you’re getting back together, that she’s your date, and that you’ll have a family together.” Steve told him. “Whatever. Bucky, just make everyone leave. Show’s over.” He stalked off. He didn’t believe Pepper, but her words still stung. Tony never mentioned wanting a family to him, but had that been an old dream of his? And Tony basically defended her!
Bucky stared after him for a minute before standing up straight. “I need to ask everyone to leave.” His voice killed every bit of conversation that was going on. “Now.” He added firmly. His eyes went to Tony. “Why are you still standing here?” He raised an eyebrow. “Either go after him, or get the hell out with her.” He told him, gaze looking over the crowd. He spotted Sam at the door, ushering people out. 
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Steve was sitting on the floor, back against the wall. His knees were up, his elbows resting on them, and his head was in his hands. This wasn’t how he had seen tonight going. “Steve?” He tensed lightly at Tony’s voice. 
“Do you want a family?” He asked softly. 
“Do. You. Want. A. Family? Marriage? Kids? All that?” Steve looked at him, but Tony couldn’t read his expression. 
Licking his lips, he walked over and crouched. “Do you want that?” He was curious. He could see Steve being a great dad. The perfect dad. Him? He was a screw up most of the time. 
Letting his head lean back, he shrugged a shoulder. “I’d like that, but I never even thought it was an option for us.” He admitted. “Figured Cooper was it for us. You never said anything about wanting anything more.” He’d always hoped one day that Tony would want to marry him, but at the same time, he tried not to. 
“Let me finish this movie, and then I’m taking us on the most romantic vacation.” He started. “I’ll plan some cheesy proposal, and then we’ll plan a very us wedding.” He grinned. 
“You know you just gave away any element of surprise, right?” Steve teased. “And I don’t need a showy romantic vacation, you know that. I’m happy just spending time at home, relaxing.” He reminded him. “Unless you were planning to take me to the Louvre.” He said playfully. 
“Oh, I would buy it for you if I could.” Tony took his hand and kissed his knuckles. “Now, let’s go grab something to eat with the muscle twins, and head home to Cooper.” He stood up, pulling Steve with him. 
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“Daddy!” Came a voice, paired with the sound of little feet running. 
“Munchkin!” Tony beamed, scooping up the little girl. “Were you good for Daddy?” He asked, kissing her cheek. 
She nodded. “I missed you, though.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Daddy’s out back with Matty and Simon.” She informed him. 
“Then, let’s go see them, Princess Anna!” He kicked the door shut and made his way through the house, bouncing the four year old as he went. Walking out into the backyard, he saw all his friends and the rest of his family. Steve had one of their twins on his hip while the other stood next to him. They had turned two the month before, and Tony had been filming since the week after their party. 
Steve looked over and beamed. “Happy anniversary!” He called out to his husband of seven years. 
Tony never looked happier as he made his way to him. “Happy anniversary.” He beamed.
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deathbyseventeen · 1 year
DBS Masterlist
Hello! You’ve found my mobile masterlist. Congrats! Hopefully you find something you like here 💕 
Trigger Warnings can be found in the descriptions of the fics when you click on them! 
GUIDE: A Personal Fave [ ✨] | Popular Post [❤️‍🔥] |  Angst [💔] | Fluff/Romance [ 💕] | Part of a Series/Same Universe [🧩]
> Click a Prince ❤️‍🔥 💕
Curse your bullshit destiny. It was decided that on the 100th anniversary of peace in your kingdom, the eldest princess would marry a prince from the other thirteen kingdoms. That day has finally arrived and thirteen princes have gathered. Who will you pick?
> Mirror Stage 💔
If his math is correct, and he sorely doubts it isn’t, then it’s almost time for them to wake. The clock is ticking. He’s waiting.
> AU ideas from the FEAR teasers
5 AU ideas that popped into my mind from the teasers. 
> Blinded 💕 
This isn’t what Seungcheol meant for Jun to do. 
> Trauma 💔
Again? Again. They said to each other as they started the simulation again. 
> Friendship? 💔 💕
He liked you. But no. You liked him. But no. They knew. So why not help a friend out?
> Before Christmas 💕
A Nightmare Before Christmas AU. 
Crossing through a door in the woods, you and Chan end up on Earth. And you really just freaked out a man named Jeonghan. 
> 3lue ✨ 🧩 💔 💕
(World: 3lue AU)
Blue. His powers were blue. It’s been years since you last saw him. Your memories of him were also blue. 
> A Dance Meant for Two 💕 💔
> Because You Were Gone ❤️‍🔥 💕 💔
You never knew when to give up. It wasn’t your superpower but it sure seemed like it.
> Guardian Angel 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: of Guardian Angels) 
You had taken some notes on the page, not many— the professor’s lecture had been brief and had ended with a “simple” question. One single question that for some unexplainable reason — except that the topic had always existed in the depths of your brain — seemed to rattle you.
You blinked, the words came into focus: Renaissance Art 14th to 17th Century: Religious Depictions: Angles.  
> I Saw 💕
Maybe you should have thought of your wishlist beforehand….
> Untitled AU 
From a Song+Member inbox night
> The Switch 💕 💔
Perhaps it was karma that he wasn’t in his own body anymore, living it up and spending his money the way he wanted to. To you that was a bittersweet blessing. Maybe he could change (you doubted it), but at the very least, you got to meet Seungcheol (and Woozi). 
> What is Love?
A 100-word drabble 
> Breathless Words 💕
Being alone on Christmas Eve isn’t as rare as everyone makes it out to be. Then you go and meet him.  
> Princess, Please  ❤️‍🔥 💕
You tried getting out of the field trip to the reindeer ranch. Hoshi’s family owned it and you’ve been avoiding him as much as you could. 
> Secret Santa 💕 💔
You spent so much time, and thought, trying to find Hoshi the right Christmas present. You’d only forgotten the Secret Santa exchange was going to happen during class. 
> G&R: Yule Ball 💕
Anger came when things didn’t happen like you hoped. But at least he loved you and overlooked your outburst. Now just…confess.
> Missed Connections  ✨ ❤️‍🔥 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: Between the Dusty and the Sparks)
They’re from different societies, meant to hate each other. But when you don’t know where the other’s from…there’s always the possibility of love. But when they find out, what are they meant to do?
> The Marionnettiste || Part 2 💕
Too shy to pursue. Too bold to let you go so easily. Want to play a game a chess? Some one has to make the first move.
> Guarded 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: of Guardian Angels)
He hadn’t seen you in so long. There was a reason for that.
> Letting Go ❤️‍🔥 💕
All Wonwoo had wanted was for you to show up to Mingyu’s party. It’s bene hours since it started and he’s already lost all hope. 
> Untitled AU
From a Song+Member inbox night
> Saving Colors 💕
Black is black, red is red - find it, find me - before All Hallows Eve ends. Before it’s too late.
> Night ❤️‍🔥 💕
When the cute guy you keep staring at in the campus cafe turns out to be your neighbor (and you’ve been unknowingly annoying them for a while). Christmas break just got better. 
> Miraculous Ladybug!Woozi || Part 2
Woozi as the Miraculous Ladybug headcannons. 
> I’ll be your Heaven, I’ll be your Hell 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: of Guardian Angels) 
He saw you often, even through the pain because it was the only wish that kept coming true.
> Since the Day I Met You || Part 2  ✨ 🧩 💕 💔
(Series: Between the Dusty and the Sparks)
For better or worse, he’s been your friend since the day you met. You’ve been through a lot together already, you, Jihoon, and your ragtag rebel family. But someone messed up, someone made the elitist Sparks government focus on you all– a group of nobody rebels in the cast-off City of Dust that have never even seen the luxury of the walled-off City of Sparks. With a heavy, love-stricken heart, choices have to be made; and, as the leaders of this family, for better or worse
they will be made.
> Warmth  🧩 💔 💕
(World: 3lue AU) 
Ice had to meet Sunshine at some point, but they had to learn how to stand on their own.
nothing here, sorry :( 
.THE8/HAO. > Drunken Mornings ❤️‍🔥 💕
A party long into the night gives you a hungover morning, and memories of a drunken morning. 
> Ashes 💔
You weren’t ready to admit what it was, the song you kept hearing in your head as grew up. Neither of you were. But, it never changed what it was: a curse teasing you about its impending arrival. 
> Fight or Fight 💕
...He’s forgetting something… isn’t he?
> Peppermint 💕
(Soulmate AU) 
Who was to guess that it was in demise that Head Elf #11, otherwise known as Seungkwan, would finally meet his soulmate. 
> Monster Mash 💔
It’s at a Halloween party two weeks after an accident, that Vernon and you are haunted. 
> Snowed In ❤️‍🔥 💕
Arrangements are made when no one can go home because they’re snowed inside. 
> Sleigh Bells 💕 💔
I jingled some bells. You didn’t notice. They threw bells. You noticed.  You said bells rang in your head - so could you listen to mine?  
> A Dream of You 💔
It’s only in your dreams that you’re still able to see him.
> 5:15pm: As the World Caves In (Teaser)💕 💔 
Coming home after the apocalypse. Home sweet home. 
> As the World caves In (Full Fic)  💕 💔
(Post-Apocalyptic AU, Zombies!AU)
The world ended on a Tuesday in November, days after Halloween, when the sun was less than an hour away from setting. Chan had just left his dorm’s building, late to his History of Dance 136A lecture, when it happened. You hadn’t been as lucky on the day the world began to crumble.
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