#I hope I managed to do it some justice
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lazysunjade · 8 months ago
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M O D E S T |
the whispers all around say he has a reputation, don't believe it till I see it so I want a demonstration, and I've always learned it better with a hands on education.
cc highlight: lipstick marks by @back-9 |
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polepositioned · 4 months ago
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[ godlight by noah kahan ] / ayrton senna x michael schumacher
-> richard siken's "crush", "journal, day five", "real estate" / tennessee williams' "we have not long to love", and other quotes. [ on complex mentor-mentee relationships and god (or love so compelling it's religious) ]
articles: [ x , x , x , x , x , x , x ]
( @subaru-copilot , @nicaeno , @xoxo-wompwomp , @darlingnemesis )
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greenleaf4stuff · 1 month ago
Of Convenience 10.3
(all previous parts of "Of Convenience")
Adar x Celebrimbor (silverscars) political marriage AU, 10th snippet, part 3. Celebrimbor has to confront his fears - and the one who took his city from him. The smith’s interference might just be the thing that decides the outcome of the final battle against Sauron for everyone.
There is some hinted past Celebrimbor/Sauron in this one.
Warnings for blood, graphic violence (bleeding wounds, choking), background and major character death, Sauron doing Sauron things and saying Sauron things. Okay, this is it, the final confrontation – I cannot believe we’ve made it this far. There is one more part to snippet 10 to go after that though, because this fight actually got longer than I had anticipated. I originally planned for 3 parts and max 7.5k words *stares at her wordcount* well… that did not work out. (It’s actually closer to 10k for all of part 10. Oops?) Anyway – enjoy!
Celebrimbor did his best to sneak up the staircase to his forge, even though he felt as if his heart was beating loud enough that it would surely give him away. This, he realized, was it – the moment they had all worked towards, and the moment in which he would have to face his own fears.
Clutching the sword in his grasp, he finally reached the top of the stairs, and chanced a glance around the open door and into the forge proper.
It was clear that the area had been turned into an active battlefield, albeit a less-than-ideal one. Various tools and bits of debris were laying about, even some of his scrolls and sketches had found their way to the floor, torn or ripped. Shelves and tables were overturned, the roofing was clearly damaged, and between all of that were blood splatters, splinters and dust.
With dread, Celebrimbor caught sight of more dead bodies. Judging by their clothes, more of the Eregion guards – and some of his former apprentices. Once again, Celebrimbor squeezed his eyes shut and averted his face, briefly, as he forced back the tears that threatened to rise.
He’d honor them and make sure they were given a proper burial, once all this was over. But he could not mourn the dead while there were still the living that he could – had to – protect.
When he managed to open his eyes again, Celebrimbor quickly took in the scene before him.
His friends were strewn about the room in various states of exhaustion and injury. From Gil-Galad using Aeglos to keep himself on his feet, to Elrond who had been seemingly thrown into a wall and was struggling to get his feet under him, Galadriel who clutched her upper leg which bled sluggishly from a long cut, to Adar who was bleeding from both his upper arm and his thigh as he was locked into exchanging blows with-
He, who looked to be distressingly unharmed, even unfazed, in the midst of all this chaos and destruction. Sauron still carried his appearance as Annatar, long golden hair and black robes only lightly covered in dust. He was turned away from where Celebrimbor was, but in the tone of his voice, the elf could practically hear the wide, self-assured smile of the fallen maia.
"Face it, Adar," the Deceiver gloated, and pushed the uruk back with a kick to the sternum, causing Adar to stumble backwards and fall heavily. Sauron had ripped Adar’s dark iron sword – the reforged crown of Morgoth – from his grasp, and now tossed it behind himself carelessly.
The blade bounced off of the floor in a wide arc due to the force with which it had been thrown, and ultimately came to a halt where Celebrimbor had hidden himself behind the door. Right at his feet.
He stared at the blade, unsure if this was a coincidence or if something else was at work here, until Sauron’s words pulled him out of his frozen state again and made him reach down to grab the sword, exchanging it for this own, which he sheathed.
"Your first attempt on my life didn’t kill me, what made you think the second would be more successful? Celebrimbor fleeing my grasp might have set me back, but it’s only a matter of time till I regain a hold of him and finish the rings."
"And then, finally, I can heal middle earth from its ails, just as I had intended to do with you. Sadly, you lacked the belief – and the vision."
The words made Celebrimbor’s blood boil. He’d heard and seen plenty of Sauron’s plans, enough that he could guess that the maia might indeed be believing his own lies. Certainly enough to know that whatever ‘healing’ he intended to perform, it would spell misery for everyone in not just middle earth, but all of Arda.
To hear him making these claims was in infuriating, but Celebrimbor hated most of all how this fiend was standing over Adar and talked to him as if he were a mere worm under Sauron’s feet. Adar, who cared about his children and truly wanted to make middle earth a better place for them – and, as the alliance had shown, for the other races as well.
"But you won’t be here to see that," words that made Celebrimbor seize up, and then look into the room in a blind panic. Adar, for his part, was not crawling backwards and away, but stared his former tormentor right in the face as the other walked up to him, undoutably to deliver the killing blow.
Unafraid and defiant and so, so beautiful.
‘I cannot let him die,‘ Celebrimbor thought desperately.
He didn’t even make the conscious decision to slide from his hiding place, dark iron sword brandished in both hands as he sprinted over to where Sauron was bending down to get a hold of Adar.
Out of the periphery of his eye, he could see the moment Adar caught sight of him, how the uruk’s expression changed to one of pure spite to one of surprise, then fear.
The smith had enough of a mind not to scream like a madman, and this perhaps was the reason he got as lucky as he did, swinging the sword – and embedding it into Sauron’s right shoulder.
The impact of the blow rattled him, for indeed he was not a commander like Galadriel or a seasoned fighter like Adar, but he had managed to strike the maia nonetheless. Black blood burst from the deep cut he’d made; not deep enough to kill the other, but harm had been done.
As Celebrimbor quickly realised with a surge of fear, this meant the other would now be aware of him. But mixed in there was the relief of having saved his husband from getting killed, even as Celebrimbor stumbled backwards, leaving the sword to stick out of Sauron’s flesh.
The maia briefly remained locked in place, as if surprised, before he rose to his full height again. The smith could hear Galadriel gasp as she locked eyes with the smith, and he saw Ereinion helping Elrond back to his feet, but both their expressions were ones of shock and worry as well.
Adar, who hadn’t seemed to hold the slightest bit of tepridation in regards to his own safety, had grown even paler than usual.
And then, Sauron had turned around. The sheer hatred that rolled off of him came to an abrupt halt as he laid eyes on Celebrimbor.
For a moment, everything seemed to come to a standstill. The terror inside Celebrimbor was so perfect, so complete, so all encompassing that it filled every part of him, and he could not avert his eyes as he saw Sauron’s expression change from recognition to utter, obsessive glee.
Before the elf could do more than take another step back, Sauron had shot forward, and in two long strides, he managed to grab Celebrimbor by the throat and lift him up into the air. The sword in his shoulder seemed inconsequential to him, so focused was he on the smith in his hold.
As the elf grasped for the other’s hands in attempt to keep himself from getting choked, he could hear Gil-Galad shouting in rage from where he stood, but Celebrimbor’s eyes would not leave Sauron. Despite the elven rings, who he suspected had protected all of them from having their minds twisted by the Deceiver, he could not make himself look away.
Once, he had considered the face before himself fair – a face worthy of an emissary of the valar, matching the graciousness and generosity he thought to have seen within Annatar. Now, all that remained was a broken mask, an approximation of beauty that unnerved him, especially with the wide grimace of a smile that quickly stretched across Sauron’s face.
"Celebrimbor," the blond breathed. "So you have returned to me at last."
"Don’t flatter yourself," the smith spat, breathless as he was in the maia’s hold, and dug his nails into the skin of Sauron’s hands. "It is not you I came here for."
There was a twitch to the other’s jaw, brief but visible, and his grip on Celebrimbor’s throat tightened. The smith choked as he scrambled against where the other’s fingers were digging into his flesh. At least, he had Sauron’s full attention now. He wouldn’t hurt Adar.
The elf’s eyes slipped to the uruk, finally freed from the sight of the maia, and the two briefly locked eyes. He could see distress in Adar’s face, who was wide-eyed and painfully struggling to his feet. If he’d had the breath for it, Celebrimbor might have marvelled at how expressive the other could be if he didn’t consciously try to hide himself away.
The thought slipped from his mind as he caught Sauron turning around to follow the direction of Celebrimbor’s gaze.
When he turned back to the smith, his face held an expression of confusion, then disbelief, mixed with a malicious sense of humor.
"Oh, I understand now," Sauron leered at him. "You ran right into his arms, did you not? Found the first one who would listen to your pleas and help you in your fight?"
"My dear Celebrimbor – was it worth it? What did you have to sacrifice, to have him give his army and his own life to you and your friends?"
Despite the lack of air, Celebrimbor couldn’t keep himself from replying. He refused to look at the one who had warped his mind and tormented him all these weeks ago, and instead looked at Adar as he said, "Nothing. I sacrificed nothing, for what we have could never be a loss to me."
This time, he feared the tightening of the other’s hand would be enough to crush his windpipe. The sound of Sauron’s voice bordered on incredulous, now. "You-"
He didn’t get to finish his sentence when, seemingly out of nowhere, Galadriel ripped the darkened iron sword out of Sauron’s shoulder, spun around towards his left, and used the momentum to ram it into the Deceiver’s side instead.
The impact was strong enough to shake the maia and, in turn, the smith in his grasp. Thankfully, the unexpectedness of the attack caused Sauron to lose his focus, and Celebrimbor drew in several, shaking breaths as the grip around his neck slackened a little as a result.
Sadly, not enough to drop him, but getting to breathe again certainly was an improvement.
He wasn’t quite able make out Sauron’s expression from this angle, but Galadriel looked downright furious as she tried to yank the sword back out from where he’d sunk it into the blond. Before she could, Sauron had grabbed her by the throat as well. Thankfully for her, he did not insist to raise her up from the ground and seemed content to just keep her fixed in place.
She, too, fought to try and pry off Sauron’s fingers from her neck, but to no avail.
"Galadriel," the Deceiver spoke. He sounded almost disappointed as he regarded her, before his tone became smug once more. "I’d thought it to be you who had charmed the orcs to the elves’ side, what a surprise to see it was the smith instead. I suppose I should have known. You are, after all, rather well known for killing Adar’s ‘precious’ children."
Celebrimbor knew what the other was doing. Even now, when he had them all at his mercy, when he was so sure of his own victory, he couldn’t help but taunt and try to sow discord among them.
"How can you even bear it, hm? To see one of them despoil your friend in such a manner? A worthless, common orc, and you are letting him have access to the Lord of Eregion."
To her credit, Galadriel looked as incensed as Celebrimbor felt at the fallen maia’s words. "Who my friend claims for himself, whether as friend or partner, is his own choice. And he’s chosen well, picking Adar over you."
"He’s worth many of you – Lord of Nothing." Celebrimbor added, recalling of Sauron had tried to flatter him, and himself, when he’d first presented himself as Annatar.
When the Deceiver was neither a ‘Lord of the Rings’ nor a ‘Lord of Gifts’.
Judging by Galadriel’s pained gasp, and his own inability to breathe, Morgoth’s shadow had taken offense to that title. The smith grinned even though it pained him, and relished the small victory of Sauron’s anger where it became visible on his face.
And then, something else happened.
Again, the maia shook – the sword had been pulled from his side, and thick blood sprayed out of the wound there.
It was Adar who had taken hold of the sword – the sword, which Celebrimbor had made for him. Which he had hoped Adar might use to kill their shared enemy.
Judging by the look in Adar’s eyes, he was ready to do just that. The hatred burning there almost rivalled Sauron’s own.
The smith quickly understood what the uruk intended, and curled his hands around Sauron’s wrist – not to pry off his grasp, but to hold onto it. To keep the maia from reaching out and stopping Adar, even if he knew that the other had far greater strength than he himself did and would be able to shake off his grip eventually.
But, he wouldn’t be able to do so right away – and that would be all the time Adar might need.
Just like him, Galadriel too changed her grip, and held tightly onto Sauron’s hand.
The blond needed a moment to notice, his expression one of surprise.
He faltered.
Adar didn’t.
The uruk lurched forward with a shout, and drove the dark iron sword right into the maia’s chest. It went all the way through, spilling even more black blood.
His face was terribly close to Sauron’s now, the two staring at each other – the fallen maia in shock, eyes wide and unable to give any smug response, while Adar’s face held a look of grim satisfaction.
"Do us all a favor. And die, permanently, this time."
The uruk pushed Sauron back, then, and finally, Celebrimbor felt the pressure around his throat release.
He fell to the ground and likely would have crumbled into a heap on the floor, had it not been for Adar catching and steadying him before he did.
Like the times before when Adar had touched him, Celebrimbor felt warmth spread through his body as he felt the uruk’s arms wrap around him, and held onto the uruk’s arms with his own hands in turn. Even more so when he was quickly dragged away from Sauron, who was stumbling and staring at the sword embedded in his chest. His look was one of sheer disbelief.
Celebrimbor was glad to note that Elrond and Gil-Galad had also reached Galadriel’s side and were pulling her back as well. In the light, he saw all three of their rings glimmer at once, before his attention was pulled back towards his husband.
"Are you alright?" Adar asked him, sounding urgent, and tightened his arms around the elf as they finally came to stand, far enough away that the maia could not reach them. His gaze was searching, and still held genuine fear.
Celebrimbor couldn’t help but smile – even though the danger wasn’t gone until Sauron lay dead, he felt relief at seeing Adar alive and at being able to hold him. Living, breathing proof that he hadn’t lost the uruk.
"I will be, now that you are safe."
The other seemed ready to reply, but he only opened and closed his mouth a few times, at a loss for words. The elf couldn’t blame him.
There was a loud gurgling sound that ripped them out of their brief exchange, and both Adar and Celebrimbor looked over to see Sauron struggling to stay upright. He was trying to pull the sword out of his chest; whether he knew what it was, or had been, the smith couldn’t say, but he looked frustrated more than anything.
Which, of course – the crown hadn’t fully killed him the first time, after all. He likely still expected to survive this.
Galadriel stepped in front of Sauron again, ready to try and prove him wrong. Celebrimbor only hoped it would work.
She gripped the handle of the sword.
If Sauron had expected her to speak any words, he would have to be disappointed. Celebrimbor could tell she had yanked the sword out of his chest, but anything else blurred before his eyes as Adar turned them around and threw the elf and himself onto the ground as he covered Celebrimbor’s body with his own.
The last thing Celebrimbor saw, in that moment, was Vilya, Narya and Nenya, gleaming brightly as if with a power of their own, before there was a loud scream tearing through the forge and a blinding light shot out, bright enough that Celebrimbor had to close his eyes and turned his head into the dark, safe space between Adar’s neck and shoulder while he held onto the uruk for dear life.
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thisalienartist · 1 year ago
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roudise week - day 7: holidays
i can't believe it's over already, but thank you all for your love on my stuff this week! and a huge thank you to the organizers for putting on this event! for today i have louise celebrating hanukkah with rudy <3 @roudiseshipweek
[ID: a digital drawing of rudy stieblitz and louise belcher from bob's burgers in a semi-realistic style. rudy is a white boy with short red hair in a blue t-shirt and red shorts. louise is a white girl with dark hair in pigtails and freckles in a green dress, a pink hat with bunny ears, and purple tights with runs in them. she's wearing a colorful friendship bracelet and she has a band-aid on her elbow. they're sitting on the floor, leaning against a wooden cabinet. louise is eating from a bowl of stew with a fork. there's a latke on the edge of her bowl. rudy is looking down at louise's bowl. he has a bowl of stew in his lap and is holding a torn piece of challah. they're both smiling softly. on the floor next to louise is a dreidel and several gold coins. on the cabinet, in the background, is a gold menorah with blue candles. all nine candles are lit. there's also a plate of doughnuts on the cabinet. /END ID]
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airenyah · 1 year ago
Reasons Why I Need a Sexy JoongDunk BL
If you know me, then you’ll know that it’s actually kind of funny that I’m asking for this. Me. A sex-repulsed leaning asexual who, for the most part, tends to stay away from (overly) sexy and/or horny series. And yet I really want a sexy JoongDunk series. A messy, Only Friends-type of series even, perhaps.
Make no mistake, though. I don’t actually want it for me, oh no. No, I want a sexy JoongDunk series for them, for their sake. Because I feel like they’d have a whole lot of fun with it.
And here’s why I think so:
Reason #1: Dum Dum
Definitely the most obvious reason, but the LOL Fanfest Dum Dum performance: the fact that the choreography was like That. And the fact that it was their idea to switch up who bites who for day 2:
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Not to mention the fact that Dunk actually bit Joong for real:
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I'm just saying, they wanted “hot and sexy”, they chose this:
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Reason #2: “We’ve never done this before”
The way they kept bringing up how Hidden Agenda is more mature than Star in My Mind and how there were scenes that they’d never done before*, it seemed to have been a big deal for them.
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*see here for some eng subs (this video is unfortunately heavily edited)
Reason #3: “Favorite episode of Hidden Agenda? Episode 8!!”​
The way Joong immediately said episode 8 was his favorite, smiling expectantly at Dunk...
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...and then was very adamant when Dunk couldn’t decide between episodes 7 and 8:
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Considering their comments of how “episode 8 is special” because they’ve “never done anything like this before”... Well, dare I bet it’s their favorite episode because of the ending specifically. Unless maybe they were particularly excited about the stalker story line. I don’t think they’d done that before either.
Reason #4: Ep8 watch party live on Instagram
The way they actually sat down and went live on Instagram in order to watch, react to, and comment on the entirety of episode 8.
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And considering Dunk’s comment at the beginning of this live about how it’s “something we've never done before” I’m absolutely convinced they chose ep8 to react to specifically because of the ending lmao. Unless, of course, they were extremely hyped about the stalker plot. There were no creepy stalker plots in Star in My Mind, nor do I remember any significant stalking in Joong’s other works. Or maybe the two of them were referring to the scene where Zo bites Joke’s arm. I don’t remember any biting from Star in My Mind, so who knows, it might be that. What else was special in ep8? Oh right, Joke punched the stalker. That can’t have been the “we’ve never done this before” thing, though, considering Joong was literally in a Mafia series before. Also, he punched Pepper in Star in My Mind. My theory still stands.
Reason #5: “It was more intense than this”
In that instagram live they also dropped that a lot was cut from that scene and that it was supposed to be more intense than this. Uh, boys...? What kind of choreography did y’all on set come up with for this scene exactly??
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(I can’t stop laughing at Dunk's face when he agrees with Joong saying that a lot was cut. He looks like he suddenly bit into a very sour lemon lmao)
In conclusion:
Clearly they had a lot of fun with the Dum Dum performance and it seems that they were very excited about getting to do something more mature with Hidden Agenda, and also getting the the chance to do something that they’ve “never done before” in ep8 specifically. So my point stands: I think they’d have a blast playing a sexy series together. I want it for them.
Bonus: Vampire BL
Bonus points if this sexy JoongDunk BL that I’m asking for is a vampire BL!! Here’​s why:
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You can find a more extensive list of vampire mentions in my JoongDunk Vampire Mentions Masterpost here.
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seventh-district · 8 months ago
several days and 15 thousand words later, i am relieved to report that the suffocating urge to Write Something has been sated and no longer has me in a chokehold
#Seven.txt#writing stuff#thinking of that post that’s like ‘u Have To make art or all the ideas stay stuck in ur brain and make u sick’ bc yeah thats been the vibe#wish i wasn’t so all or nothing about it tho. but alas. i’m that way with everything in my life#i either expect 10k in a day from myself or i don’t write at all for weeks. or months :)#and my average pace is about 500 words per hour. so u can see. how that might be a problem. given how many hours are in a day.#and that’s obviously not sustainable. but idk if it’s adhd or what but it’s So hard to quickly start and stop tasks just Whenever#i struggle to be one of those ppl that can consistently write like. 500 words a day every day and then wow! soon you have a whole novel#nah. once i get myself in the Zone then i’m Goin’ and i can’t stop until i’m Done or i collapse from ignoring my body’s needs lmao#it’s something i should make an effort to do though bc i’d love to be consistently chipping away at things instead of working in bursts#anyways this is a lotta negative self-commentary for what is actually a Positive post! bc yay!! i wrote a thing!! Two things actually!!! 🎉#i got the follow-up to last year’s Matt oneshot done And i wrote the next chapter of Heaven in Hiding after uh. a year and some months#i wanted to blow the dust off the ol’ keyboard by starting with writing some less. uh. high-stakes(?) stuff#not that i didn’t put my all into writing them. i always do. just that ik they’ll have less of an audience so ill cringe less if they suck#so then i can hopefully do justice to the [N]MbD stuff that i’ll be putting out next! ehehe *rubbing my hands together* Finally#the next two [N]MbD fics r already written but the first little one needs a final edit#and then the Big one for. uh. someone (u kno who u r) needs a bit of rewriting i think. i wanna make it Better#so release schedule will be 1. Matt • 2. HiH Ch.3 • 3. [N]MbD small fic • 4. [N]MbD Big fic#then i’m gonna write a lil Boothill comfort oneshot. then i’ll edit/maybe rewrite and post that Dew (Ghost) OCD comfort oneshot#i ​also wanna keep writing the last couple chapters of HiH before i unintentionally abandon it again#and after/amidst all that maybe i’ll manage to get ES Ch.6 written and posted before the end of the year 😭#anyways ik i’ve made posts like this before. talking abt all these Plans of mine. and most of those things r Still stuck in the pipeline#so don’t put too much stock into this plan. i could have another Bad couple of months and get None of it done#but god i sure fucking hope not. i’d really like to cling to my creativity. if for no other reason than that it makes me happy
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red-dyed-sarumane · 5 months ago
having not played rhythm games for months and then picking up kamicity ensemble ive gotten SO bad at proseka. i was like its so over but im finally down to 5 greats it may possible to ap maximizer ex yet.
#god i would love to ap maximizer in ensemble ensembles beat map for maximizer is incomparable to proseka its SOOO good#proseka had so many options to make the maximizer beat map so so fun and interesting and they just did not#its so unfulfilling. speaking from playing both ex & master modes. theyre so unfulfilling#ensemble doesnt even have sliding or flick notes & its 10x as satisfying to play. they did sooo good with maximizer#im glad they didnt make it a glitch song but its they decided to make a glitch ver in the future it would also be amazing#im starting to get more used to using 4 fingers for ensemble so i was like! lets try phony!#i was not prepared to need at least 5 fingers to play & i was always in the wrong position for the multi notes#so rough but it would be sooooo fun once i can manage it#the lanes are rough for me in ensemble tho im constantly missing for not spreading my fingers enough. sad.#also it loves to drop inputs for me. i have very clearly pressed to at least get a good & it just. doesnt register#it also doesnt help i play ensemble sooo slow. and then going to prosekas 10.9 speed is. so fast.#all the notes are coming to beat me up at once.#its fine after playing one song but the first one is rough#i do love proseka beat maps a lot of them are so perfect but they just did not deliver with maximizer unfortunately#i had. SOOO much hope after realize. realize is so fucking fun to play. maximizer did not live up to that & it very well couldve#if shuuen touhikou ever gets in they better do that one justice#this is also not to say i think prosekas maximizer beat map is Bad. its not bad its just averagely fun to me#we couldve had fun little details in the long notes & some of the tap note arrangements dont sit perfectly with me but its not bad#like kyoufuu all back? perfect beat map playing master is so fucking fun i love that#compared to that the maximizer beat map is so nothing#ensemble beat maps are usually really fun too i hope SOOOO badly laboratory & either kannagi or yamete kudasai get added#at the very LEAST. PLEASE. olease put in One song where someone even Sort Of knows how to tune rime#bc these songs do Not show off how good she is. they Are good songs. in general. people cant tune rime tho for some reason#.... thats a different rant ive gone on before & will again but we've lost the point of the post by now
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notrobinsomethingworse · 3 months ago
Okay hear me out. Batfamily, ugly Christmas sweater addition.
Bruce Wayne:
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No doubt in my mind his children forced him into it. As soon as Dick mentioned wearing ugly sweaters on Christmas Day he found this monstrosity sitting in his closet. He chucked it out. He forgot about it. The next week it was back. He threw it out again. Two days passed. It was back. He tried shredding it, burning it, burying it in the backyard. It reappeared each time. Needless to say, it was still there on Christmas and he reluctantly wore it to the delight of everybody.
Jason Todd:
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He wanted absolutely nothing to do with what Dick had planned… at first. Then he realised it was a great opportunity to piss Bruce off. Funny enough, it didn’t work as he hoped as Bruce was just happy he was there.
Tim Drake:
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Wanted nothing to do with it and still wants nothing to do with it. Chose the first thing on the rack. Would’ve given Young Justice the chance to chose he sweater but he doesn’t trust them to NOT get him something horrendous.
Dick Grayson:
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Planned this whole thing just to wear this monstrosity he found while doom scrolling on Instagram reels (he has adhd and is a millennial, he sure as hell isn’t on TikTok BUT dopamine go brrr). His siblings hate him. He loves it.
Damian Wayne:
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This boy FOUGHT like one of those cats being forced into a costume. He clawed and begged and weaponised crying. Dick cackled at him until he had it on. He stayed on Dicks shoulders for the rest of the night. They did not talk for a month after.
He will stab anyone who brings it up.
Stephanie Brown:
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Okay picture this in hot pink. She immediately locks onto some sort of meme when Dick mentions ugly sweaters. She finds this ugly ass sweater and steals Bruce’s credit card to get it.
Cassandra Cain:
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Stephanie immediately calls Cass with plans. She happily agrees. She helps Steph steal Bruce’s credit card and proudly pulls Steph around to show the whole family their matching sweaters. A photo of them recreating the meme with their matching sweaters spreads around the web for at least a week.
Barbra Gordon:
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Along with this sweater, Barbs places a USB stick containing a compilation of epic patrol failures in each of the Bat’s Christmas stockings. She wants to keep them on their toes (and adequately afraid of her). It is effective.
Duke Thomas:
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Same vain as Steph. Instantly clocked in on memes and found this bad boy. Shows up with yellow temporary dye on his hair and old-lady sunglasses from the dollar store. Whenever he faces the slightest inconvenience he asks to speak to the manager. It becomes a bit where the manager changes each time and becomes crazier than the last.
Alfred Pennyworth:
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Motherfucker would not wear a ugly sweater no matter how much the children begged. And the children did beg (Damian had to pull out the puppy dog eyes for this one). Jason was actually the fucker who made him cave pulling out all the stops, “it’s my first Christmas with everyone since I… you know.”, “it would be nice to have something special to remember it you know?”, “I remember my first Christmas in the manor. I just want to feel that happy again.”
Jason comes prepared with the sweater and Alfred knows he’s lost (but he doesn’t really seem to mind when he sees all the smiling faces on Christmas Day).
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mooooonnnzz · 7 months ago
Platonic ask for gravity falls 🩷
The twins with a mother figure? Those kids are all around saving the world, someone needs to seriously worry about them and make a little fuss lol maybe the mother figure is Stanley or Stanford new wife? I just imagine the twins coming back next summer and boom new mother/aunt
Heartbreak, Heartbreak
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Stanford x Reader / Dipper & Mable x Mother!Reader
✦ your stanfords wife whaatt?!
✦ i feel like this is one of my weaker works, i apologize
✦ 2,5k words
✦ fem reader
✦ gulp i hope i did ur request justice 😭
✦ mable goes "stop fighting!!" at some point
✦ requests r still deliciously open
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꣑୧ Coming back to Gravity Falls was a dream come true for the twins. What they weren’t expecting was to see their Great Uncle Ford walk in the Mystery Shack hand in hand with you. Mable was the first to bombard you Grunkle with questions; which stemmed from “Oh my god, when did you guys meet?” to “Oh my god, oh my god, am I going to have Great Cousins? That sounds weird, doesn’t it?” Ford had to calm her down before she got too rowdy with their questions and overwhelm you. 
꣑୧ Once Mable was calm enough to sit down in the same room with you, without bursting in her seat with excitement, was when Ford broke the news. “Mable, Dipper. This is my wife,” He said, wrapping his arms around you, his hand moving up and down your arm in a soothing manner. You introduced yourself to the twins who were more than happy to meet you. 
꣑୧ “Did our Grunkle by some chance, manage to hypnotize you into dating him with a book?” Dipper asked with an analyzing stare. His lips were puckered, pointer finger and thumb on his chin, tapping it curiously. Not expecting a question as absurd as that, you let out a laugh. Shaking your head, you smiled at Dipper. “Not at all,” You respond, taking Ford’s hand with yours, intertwining your fingers together. “He just won me over with his nerdy charm.” You say, your eyes locked on Ford. A rush of blood swarmed Ford’s cheeks. A chorus of groans echoed in the shack. Stan appears behind the kids, resting his arms on the top of their chairs. “See, kids,” He motions over to you and Ford with a swipe of his hand. “This is what I had to deal with while you guys were gone.” With a sympathetic look, Mable rested her hand on his arm, shaking her head sorrowfully. “I’m so sorry, Grunkle Stan.” 
꣑୧ After the initial shock wore off, Dipper and Mable began to grew skeptical of you. What if you were one of Bill’s goons disguising yourself as a human? And your goal was to take down their Grunkles and start Weirdmageddon 2?! Rushing up to their room in the attic, they pulled out their trusty 8-ball, the one they used the first day they arrived at Gravity Falls and when they were unsure if they were safe to stay with Grunkle Stan. They both sat down on the floor, 8-ball in Dipper’s hand. “Okay, magic 8-ball!” Mable boomed loudly with a weird amalgamation of a British and French accent. “Mable, keep it down.” Dipper shushed. “Oops,” Mable giggled. “Okay, magic 8-ball,” She whispered, her head uncomfortably close to the 8-ball. “Is Grunkle Ford’s wife evil?” With a rapid shake, Dipper and Mable peered into the ball. A pyramid accompanied with words appeared. “Don’t count on it.” The twins read out loud. “Huh…” Mable slowly nodded her head, eyes squinted in thought. “Well,” Dipper tossed the 8-ball behind him. “The magic 8-ball never lies.” 
꣑୧  Getting along with the twins wasn’t hard. All you had to do was grab your car keys from your purse, jingle them as if they were a bell and wait. Few minutes later, you’d hear their feet stomping down the stairs and a flash of colors swarming the living room. “I heard keys jingle, I heard keys jingle!!” Mable’s eyes darted around the room in search of the keys and when her eyes landed on you, her eyes sparkled with joy and anticipation. “Are you taking us somewhere, Great Aunt [Name]?” You smiled, spinning the keys around your finger. “Depends,” You pretended to think for a moment, just to keep them on their toes. “Where would you guys like to go?” A laugh escapes you as Dipper and Mable attack you with where they want to go. “Alright, let me tell your Grunkle that I’m taking you guys out.” Digging through your purse, you fish out your phone. You turned it on and went to your contacts. With a tap, you dialed his number. He picked up almost immediately. “Yes, dear?” You could hear his pencil scribbling on a piece of paper. “I’m taking Dipper and Mable out for the day.” You tell him, mouthing to the kids to get in the car. They scampered out of the living room and to the hallway. You could hear the door open and their hushed voices as they made a beeline to your car. “Okay, be safe when you’re driving and call me whenever you can, okay?” You hummed in response. “Of course, I’ll keep you updated on the kids.” You say, walking out of the shack and to your car. “I want updates on how you feel too,” You could feel the love dripping from his tone. “I will, my love.” You blow a kiss into the phone, wishing Ford goodbye. He blows one back and the call ends. Entering the car, you look behind you to see the twins all buckled up and ready for their adventure. “You guys ready?” “Yeah!” 
꣑୧ “So, Dipper, what’s with those dots on your arm?” You point at the four dots on his arm with a fry. Dipper looked down to his arm. His eyebrows rise in shock. “I-I completely forgot I had these,” Dipper’s thumbs the scars, an uneasy look on his face. Your heart stops in your chest. “I’m so sorry, Dipper. I didn’t mean to make–’ Dipper’s hands raise up to his chest, waving them side to side, dismissing your concerns. He assured you that your question didn’t make him uncomfortable. “No, no! It’s just…” He rubs the back of his neck anxiously. “He got possessed by a demon!” Mable blurts out, stuffing her face with a greasy burger. “Mable!” Dipper whines. “I’m sorry! I couldn’t handle you beating around the bush any longer.” She says with a mouthful of chewed up food. You leaned yourself back in the booth, trying to assess what Mable just said. “Dipper got possessed?” You repeated in a question. “Yeah, I kinda did.” Dipper said with a slight voice crack. “Can I know how?” Disbelief was thick in your tone. You didn’t know whether to laugh or walk away in shock. They don’t look like they’re telling a joke? The way Dipper has his head slightly hung low and a tiny frown on his face proved that. But Mable seems as jolly as ever. You fight with yourself, trying to make sense of what happened when Dipper spoke up. “Have you heard of the name Bill Cipher?” Shaking your head no, the twins dove straight into a very long story pertaining to Bill Cipher and how he tormented them throughout summer last year and ultimately led to the world almost ending. “Wow,” Was all that you could mutter. You never got your question about Dipper’s scar answered that day. 
꣑୧ Laying in bed, you eyes drifted over to Ford who was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. “You wanna know something crazy the twins told me earlier today?” Ford spat out the toothpaste into the sink. “What did those knuckleheads tell you?” He said, cupping his hand under the running faucet and filling his hand up with water. “It was this really crazy story,” You started. Ford nodded, dunking the water in his mouth and sloshing it around. “They told me about this interdimensional demon named Bill Cipher?--” Ford spit out the water in shock, spraying it everywhere on the mirror. You sat up in surprise. “Ford?” You pushed the blankets off of you and walked over to Ford, your hand on his shoulder. “You okay?” With a forced, “mhm,” he wiped the dripping water from his lips with his forearm. “Y-yeah, no. I’m fine.” He waved you off, nodding his head vigorously, almost as if he was convincing himself that everything was fine. “Are you sure?” Concern laced your voice. Someone who’s fine wouldn’t spit out their water like that at the mention of…Bill Cipher? That’s when it clicked for you. “You have history with this demon as well, don’t you?” Ford groaned, running his hands down his face. “Those kids can’t keep their mouths shut, can they?” He mumbled to himself, his head turning to face you. “What else did they tell you?” That night, you spent it horrified with the tales he told you regarding the past summer and his time with Bill. “And you never told me this, why?” Ford nervously pushed his glasses up, his eyes looking everywhere but you. “Because I…” He trailed off. “I don’t know,” He stops for a moment, inhaling deeply before continuing. “I didn’t want to scare you off. My past...isn’t something I could easily tell you without having a second thought.” A frown pulls to your lips. “Were you ever going to tell me?” You ask, your voice frail and quiet. “Yes?” His tone was full of uncertainty. You didn’t know what to think. One side of you wanted to be mad at him for keeping all of this from you, but on the other hand you felt sympathetic. You knew this wasn’t an easy topic to discuss normally. And you could tell it took him a lot of courage to admit a side of him that he wasn’t fully ready to reveal. But you were deeply hurt that he kept such secrets from you for a long time. And considering how he responded to your question, you weren’t even sure he was going to tell you any time soon. “What are you thinking about?” Ford’s voice ripped you out from your thoughts, grounding you back to reality. “I’m thinking about how crazy all of this is. I didn’t know. The kids went through so much at a young age. A-and you act like it was nothing, they could’ve died Ford.” Your hand rested on the side of your forehead. “You also made a deal with a demon? I…” You let out a sigh. “I don’t know, Stanford.” Ford cringed at the use of his full name. “I can go, if you’d like me to.” You raised your hand up to stop him. “No, I don’t want you to go. I just need time to process this,” You offer him a weak smile. “That’s all I need right now my love, just time.” 
꣑୧ “You what?!” Mable and Dipper both screech at the same time. “Yeesh, Ford. And I thought I was a screw-up.” Stan chuckled, elbowing Mable to see if that got a rise from her. It did not. “I thought I was protecting her from all of this madness!” Ford’s elbow rested on the dining room table, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. “Grunkle Stan tried doing the same thing, did you see how that almost ended for us?” Dipper said. “I know, I know.” Ford weakly muttered out. “Then, why did you keep such important details away from her?” Stan argued. “Because I was trying to protect her!” Ford yelled, slamming his hands on the table. That seemed to get a rise from Stan. “Well, maybe you weren’t trying hard enough! Now, look at what you did. You fucked everything up.” He shouted. “Oh!” Ford stood up from his chair. “That’s hilarious coming from you!” Scrambling up the table, Mable slammed her foot down, gaining the attention from Ford and Stan. “Fighting isn’t going to fix things, guys.” She said, “Ford had his reasons, like how you had your reasons for hiding Grunkle Ford from us, Grunkle Stan.” Ford adjusted his sweater, sitting back down on his chair. “Now, Grunkle Ford. What did she tell you?” She asked, turning over to Ford. “She told me that she needed time.” Sitting crossed-crossed, she nodded her head intently. “That’s good, right?” In return was silence. “Right, guys?” Both Dipper and Stan agreed. “Great! Now while we wait, can we apologize to each other for acting so mean and for swearing.” She directed a look to Stan who scoffed. 
꣑୧  And wait they did. After a couple of days, Ford’s phone randomly started ringing. Rushing to pick it up, he lifted his phone to see you calling him. He gulped nervously, suddenly second guessing himself. Should he pick up the phone? If he does, what if it’s you telling him that you want a divorce? Or that you need a break, or that– “Grunkle Ford!” Dipper snapped his fingers in front of his face. “Answer!” He pointed to the phone. “I got it!” Mable sang out, swiping her finger to the right. There was a beat of silence. Mable and Dipper anxiously waited for at least you or him to speak. One of them was about to intrude, no longer able to withstand such silence when you spoke up. “My love?” Your voice was timid. Ford’s heart lunged to his throat. How he missed your voice. “Y-Yes?” He mentally punched himself for stuttering like a complete fool in front of you. “Can you open the door for me? It’s locked.” Without a second thought, Ford practically ran over to the door and whipped it open for you. The twins watched you and him silently talk to each other from a distance. After a few tearful words and hugs, they recoil in disgust when they see Ford swoop you in for a kiss. “Oh my eyes!” Mable dramatically exclaimed. “Gross.” Dipper made a face in disgust. 
꣑୧ “I’m still mad at Ford for roping you kids into all that madness.” You tell the kids, mindlessly scrolling on your phone. “Dawww, don’t you worry about us.” Mable put a hand to her cheek bashfully. “We can handle it.” You found that hard to believe. ��Is Gravity Falls still…crazy?” You whisper the last part, in case Bill Cipher is listening. You’ve only heard stories of him, but hearing what he has done rooted a new fear in you. “Kind of? There’s still weird things that happen here, but not as bad as last summer.” Dipper said, jotting down a few notes in his journal. “How come I’ve never seen anything weird?” You wondered. “Because you’re too busy making out with Grunkle Ford to notice anything!” Mable chirped, kicking her feet as she drew on colored piece of paper. That elicited a laugh from Dipper and a “What!” Ford walked in with an eyebrow raised and breakfast in hand. ”I heard I was mentioned in a conversation. Are you guys talking crap about me?” Ford places his food on the table and pulls back a chair. He sits right next to you and before he dives in on his breakfast, he gives you a quick kiss on the lips. “You wish!” Mable says, flipping her paper on its backside. “I do not.” Ford said quietly. “So, kids saving the world, huh? That has to count as some kind of child abuse.” You half said seriously, half said jokingly. Ford rolled his eyes. “What? Are you gonna arrest me?” You glared at him. “I might…” 
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unladielike · 2 years ago
"I'm thinking about rats as pets," Fang confessed, who desired some company at her place. A location unknown to all her friends. "I think, I should be able to handle them."
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          UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "Rats as in 'rodents who would sneakily eat stuff from your cupboards' or are you talking about the cute, wholesome ones you could buy from the pet store?" Vivian questions. Honestly, it was probably the latter, but she wanted to ensure they were on the same page first before offering her two cents. Either way, it doesn't take long for her to whip out her phone before typing in 'how to care for rats as pets' in her search engine.
    "Hm... for that, you'd need a wire cage, the right bedding, food, steel or earthenware bowls, a big enough space for them to play around outside their cage, and numerous other stuff, which can get pretty costly," Vivian then informs her before glancing up from her phone. "Are you sure you're truly up for it, Fanettie?"
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smileysuh · 7 days ago
hotel california
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🌙 starring. Choi Seungcheol x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “Time is a funny thing in this place. I know it’s been days, weeks, years even- that I’ve been here, but I don’t know for how long. I eat, I sleep, I drink- I repeat. I don’t grow old, I don’t get sick. I just am. It’s fucking boring if I’m behind honest with you, or at least it was. It’s been a while since we had someone new show up at the hotel, and even longer since that someone was as gorgeous as you.” 
tw/cw. Unprotected sex, fingering, pussy eating, blow job, roughhousing, dirty talk, praise, finger sucking, multiple sex positions, spanking, mentions of pain kink, mentions of masturbation, breast worship, watching yourself in the mirror while you fuck, etc… I pet names: (hers) gorgeous. 
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 9.9k
🍭 aus. Non idol au, strangers to lovers, song as inspo, etc..
☀️ mlist + an. I’ve wanted to tackle ‘The Hotel California’ song by Eagles for ages, and after months of thinking about how to do it best, I think I finally did it justice. I wanted to also draw some inspiration from the tv show ‘The White Lotus,’ with the first season (and the first season’s Hotel Manager) being particularly interesting to me. I’m really excited about this fic, and I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Driving across the Californian desert after a twelve-hour shoot had not been your plan, but being double booked by your agent had left you with little choice in the matter. You’re still a blooming model, and you can’t yet afford the luxury of easy flights- no, you have to do it yourself, and it’s determination that’s driving you as you speed down the highway with the sun beginning to set.
You’re exhausted, and you can feel your body beginning to tire from your long hours, but you push on. In an effort to keep yourself awake, you put on some music, doing your best to focus on the long winding roads as you take the liminal path between one civilization to the other.
It’s a pretty drive if nothing else, at least as the sun sets, but once the purple and pink sky has faded to black, the whole thing feels monotonous. 
You yawn loudly, pushing harder on your gas pedal. There are no cops out here this deep in the desert, and if it saves you even ten minutes to speed, it will be well worth it.
It’s hard to concentrate, and you can feel yourself getting drowsier and drowsier, your eyelids getting heavier with each passing breath, but you’re in too deep to pull off on the side of the road.
Your body is relaxing, succumbing to the exhaustion. Your eyes begin to close- and just as you’re on the precipice of falling asleep at the wheel, your car makes a rough sound.
Body lurching with anxiety, your heart thumps wildly in your chest, and once again, your car makes a noise it shouldn’t be making.
With a loud groan, you slowly pull off to the side of the road, and that’s when the engine begins to billow smoke out from under your hood.
You reach for your phone, only to find it’s dead, and with a loud, “Fuck!” you get out of your car.
It takes you a second to remember how to pop the hood, after all, you’re a model, not a mechanic. As the hood lifts, a gust of hot smokey steam flairs up at you, and without your phone to use as a light, you can only rely on the rays of the moon to guide you as you fiddle with your car on the side of the road in the middle of the desert.
After five minutes of panic, you decide to give up. As you look around, you realize there’s a light in the distance. It’s a faint light, but a light nonetheless. 
You return to your car, sitting there for a while as you decide what to do.
Leaving your vehicle on the side of the road isn’t exactly the best-case scenario, but neither is staying with it overnight- you’ve heard that the desert can get cold when the sun goes down, and you’re already feeling chilly.
You weigh your options. After a while, you collect your things from the trunk and begin to make the trek down the long desert road toward the lights that symbolize civilization of some sort. 
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“Welcome to The Hotel California,” a peppy man smiles when you approach the front desk.
It turns out the lights you’d seen from your car had belonged to a cute one-story terracotta hotel. You didn’t realize there were hotels along this stretch of road, but relief floods through you as you approach the man whose badge says ‘Jeonghan. hotel manager.’
“Hello,” you smile, releasing a sigh. “My car broke down a little ways up the road.”
“Well that’s not very good,” he frowns, empathizing with you.
“I need a room for the night, and I’d appreciate it if I could use a phone to call for someone to come and look at my car in the morning,” you explain. 
“I can get that settled for you,” he assures you, writing something down in the notebook in front of him. “A room for one?”
“Yes, it’s just me,” you confirm.
You give him your information, reaching into your bag for your credit card.
“We won’t need any form of payment until check out,” Jeonghan assures you. “Anything you eat or drink or do will be added to your tab, and you can deal with it another time.”
“Thank God, you have no idea how exhausted I am.”
“I’ll have our bellhop escort you to your room and help with your bags,” the hotel manager smiles. He waves over a man, whose nametag reads ‘Seungkwan,’ and with another nod and a grin to you, the manager watches you walk off.
You take a moment to look around. While the exterior of the hotel had been very rustic, the interior is Art Deco. There are many mirrors, and the lobby has a few red velvet couches strewn about. It’s actually kind of cute for a hotel in the middle of nowhere, and you’re thankful you’d come across it.
If your car had broken down even five minutes before, you doubt you would have seen the lights of The Hotel California, and then where would you be? 
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You wake as light peaks through the blinds of your room. With a yawn, you sit up in bed, immediately reaching for your phone on the bedside table.
Although you’d plugged it in to charge the night before, the screen is still dead.
Your heart sinks in your chest, and with a groan of exasperation, you stand up. 
After putting on clothes and making yourself feel presentable, you head out in search of the lobby, where you find Jeonghan behind the front desk as he had been last night.
“Hi,” you greet him. “I was wondering if you have any news about my car?”
“We called a towing company, they had to come out from the nearest town. No word yet on what’s wrong with your car or how long it will take to fix.”
It’s hard to hide your disappointment as you release a deep breath. “So… I’m stuck here.”
“It would appear that way,” Jeonghan smiles politely.
As you’re about to leave, you remember the other point of contention on your mind, and you turn to look at the hotel manager again. “I tried to charge my phone last night, and I’m not sure if it’s a problem with my charger or your outlet, but it didn’t charge.”
“I can take your phone for you for now, and I’ll see if one of the chargers or outlets we have here will work,” he suggests.
You stare at him. The idea of giving up your phone doesn’t sit right with you, but at this point, you’re too tired to care. Although you’d gotten sleep, your body still feels exhausted- how many hours had you even gotten in bed?
“What time is it?” you ask.
“I think it’s time for you to get a watch,” the hotel manager teases.
“Right…” you trail off, pulling your phone out of your pocket to hand to him. “Please get this back to me once it’s charged, I’ve gotta call my agent and maybe rearrange a mode of transportation or something.”
“Go relax and I’ll deal with all of this,” Jeonghan assures you. “We’ve got a morning buffet in the dining room just down the hall, I suggest you go and get your strength up.”
“Thank you.” 
You follow his direction down a few corridors to a dining room. It’s a lovely space, with one line of glass walls that look out at the desert. The style choice is as art deco as the lobby, and while you’d found it charming at first, you’re already getting sick of the mirrors everywhere.
A large table lines the far wall, and there are many silver trays with food on them. Heading over there, you find a plate and begin to choose what you want to eat.
As you make a dish for yourself, you look around, noting that there aren’t very many guests in the hotel. You suppose that it’s a very odd location for a hotel, and its remote nature is probably the reason you only see a handful of people around.
Once your plate is full, you approach one of the many empty tables, taking a seat and looking around once more.
There are two men dressed in suits, and you immediately assume they’re in business of some sort. You wonder what they’re doing here of all places, but you don’t dwell on it for long, not when you notice that their table is covered with plates.
They’re both rather lean men, so you wonder how they plan to eat all the food in front of them, but you decide not to be a person who pries. After all, you’re only going to be here a short time, you don’t have to care about what others are doing around you.
Your gaze shifts to a man seated near the windows. His hair is dark and curly, and he has a pair of glasses on. His gaze is focused on a book in his hands, and you notice the only thing on his table is a lemon water.
For some reason, he gives you monk vibes, and you wonder how a man so young and attractive can be so peaceful in his way of living.
The hair on the back of your neck prickles, and you realize someone is watching you. There’s a man in the corner of the room, and on second glance, you realize he’s next to a record player. He stares at you for a few seconds, then lifts an entire bottle of whiskey to his lips.
He makes you uncomfortable, and after that, you just focus on your own plate, repeating to yourself that this will all be over soon.
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After breakfast, you head back to your room, and when you get there, you’re surprised to find both your laptop and all your charging cords are missing.
You scramble through your bags, hoping you just misplaced them- but no, your electronics are gone, and it makes your heart race with anxiety.
You all but run back to the lobby, but when you arrive, Jeonghan is not there.
Looking around, you realize there’s a bar set up in the corner, and you quickly make your way over, stopping in front of the bartender. “Hi, I checked in last night, my car was having issues, and then so was my phone- I gave my phone to your hotel manager to charge, and when I got back up to my room my laptop and charging cords were gone-”
He stares at you blankly, and you read the name on his shirt.
“Look, Joshua, I just need help. I need something. I have to call my agent, I have to do something-” 
“Have a drink,” he suggests, lifting a bottle of tequila from behind the bar.
“I don’t need a drink,” you groan. “I need my phone, I need my laptop, I need my car- I need you to help me sort this out!”
“Calm down, gorgeous, Joshua just works here, you’re not going to get a lot of help out of him unless you want a mean cocktail.” A deep voice makes you turn, and you find yourself staring at the man who you’d seen by the record player at the buffet earlier.
He’s still carrying his bottle of whiskey, but it’s only about half full now.
“He works here, so he should know what to do or who to call-”
“Like I said, the most you’re going to get out of him is a wine and steak pairing recommendation,” the man in front of you laughs. “I’m Seungcheol, by the way.”
You tell him your name with a sigh, and you don’t miss the way his gaze rakes up and down your body.
“So what’s your story?” he asks.
“My car broke down, I walked here, my phone is dead, my laptop is stolen, I’m having a really shit day.”
“Sounds like it.” He brings the bottle of whiskey to his lips, taking a large gulp. “Maybe you should take Joshie’s advice and have a drink.”
“What I need is a nap,” you state. “I’m going back to my fucking room, to have a fucking siesta, and when I’m done, that fucking hotel manager better have my phone charged and my car fixed.” 
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You have no clue what time it is when you wake up from your nap, all you know is the sun is beginning to set and your whole body hurts. You groan to even sit up, and you realize you feel as exhausted as you had this morning before your nap.
Are you getting sick? 
Deciding you don’t have time to dwell on the state of your body, you head to the lobby, where once again, Jeonghan is nowhere to be seen. So instead, you head to the bar, where the ‘Seungcheol’ man is sitting and chatting with Joshua.
You take the seat next to him and he turns to look at you with a grin.
“Hi, gorgeous, how was your nap?”
“Uneventful,” you state. “Look, I need a ride to town.”
“Which town?”
“Any town, I don’t care, I just need to get out of here.”
“Well, I don’t have a car.”
“You don’t have a car?” you stare at him in shock.
“Nope, just a motorcycle, and I doubt all your shit would fit on it.”
“I will literally leave ‘my shit’ here and come back for it once my car is fixed.”
“Well…” Seungcheol taps his fingers on the bottle of whiskey in his hand. “My motorcycle broke down on the way here.”
You blink as you look at this man. He’s stunning, with a strong jaw, broad shoulders, curly hair- but fuck, he’s a bit dense. “Well?” you ask. “Was it towed? How long have you been waiting for it to get fixed?”
Seungcheol only grins, taking a sip of his whiskey. “A while.”
For some reason, the way he says it is ominous. You don’t know if he’s playing with you, or what- but you’re done with all of this bullshit.
“I’m going to bed again,” you announce.
“Didn’t you just wake up?”
“I am going to bed!” 
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When you wake up the next morning, the first thing you do is go to the lobby. You can’t help the relief that floods through you when you see Jeonghan standing behind the front desk.
“Thank God,” you almost laugh with triumph. “Do you have news about my car? Or my phone? Also, someone stole my laptop yesterday!”
“Unfortunately I have no news about your car, and it seems none of the chargers are working with your phone,” Jeonghan frowns.
It feels like the breath has been knocked from your lungs. “What?”
“Also, I don’t know anything about your laptop, but I’ll look into it.”
You’re tired of this hotel manager taking charge- tired of being at this Art Deco hotel in the middle of butt fuck nowhere.
“You know what, I’d like to check out,” you tell him. “I’d like to grab my things, call a taxi, and just go to the next town and wait for my car to be fixed.”
“I’d love to help you with that,” Jeonghan says, “but unfortunately there are no available cars to take you to the next town.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, no taxis come out this far, you couldn’t bribe them with a hundred bucks to come grab you.” Jeonghan laughs as if what he’s just said is a joke. “And unfortunately all the actual cars on the property belong to people who work at the hotel, all of whom are on shift and can’t drive you.”
“Can’t I wait till someone’s off shift?”
“Everyone on shift lives here in the staff quarters and I can assure you that no one wants to drive to the next town, which is over two hours away, after a twelve-hour shift.”
“So…” Your heart is racing. “What are my options?”
“Well, you can check out if you’d like,” Jeonghan says, “but unfortunately, I don’t think you’ll be able to actually leave the premises unless you walk, which would be very dangerous.” 
“Fuck. Give me my phone back.” 
You watch Jeonghan reach down and pull your cell out of a drawer, and then you snatch it from his hands.
“Have a lovely evening!” he calls as you turn and storm to the bar.
“What was that about?” Seungcheol asks as you come to stand next to him, releasing a breath of exasperation as you set your hands on the bar top.
“Joshua, give me a bottle of something.”
“What do you like to drink?” the bartender asks.
“Looks like you’ve changed your tune, gorgeous,” Seungcheol grins next to you.
“I’m going to get drunk, and then I’m going to walk back to civilization if it’s the last thing I do.”
You note the way Seungcheol’s expression falters. “For real?”
“Yes, for real.” 
Joshua places a bottle of tequila on the bar and you snatch it up, flicking off the lid and taking a large chug. 
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Seungcheol muses. “He doesn’t either, do you, Joshie?”
“I just work here,” Joshua shrugs.
“Unless one of you wants to drive me back to town, I’m walking!” 
You can feel Seungcheol studying you, and then he sighs. “Fine. I’ll go with you.”
“I never asked you to come.”
“But I’m coming anyways, it wouldn’t be responsible to let a cute girl like you go out into the desert alone. There are aliens and shit.”
“Sure there are,” you roll your eyes.
You have a few more sips of your drink, getting yourself jazzed up for this- and then, you turn to look at the door that leads out of The Hotel California. “Okay, let’s get out of this fucking hellhole.”
Seungcheol releases a chuckle, shaking his head, and then he stands, following you out into the desert beyond.
The first half hour or so is you walking with determination, but as time ticks on, you begin to falter.
“Finally ready to turn back?” Seungcheol asks.
“Why did you even come with me?” you snap.
“I told you, it wouldn’t be safe to send you out here alone.”
“Because men who ride motorcycles really care about safety,” you roll your eyes.
Seungcheol only laughs, and he says nothing else, allowing a silent trek for another hour or so.
Is it an hour? Fuck, you can’t really tell. There are no clocks, no phones to check the time- you have no clue how long you’ve been out here, and anxiety is beginning to bubble up in the pit of your stomach.
Then- just as you’re feeling close to your breaking point, you see lights in the distance.
“Oh my God! We made it!” you practically scream, turning to look at Seungcheol, who doesn’t seem nearly as excited as he should be.
Your pace picks up, in fact, you begin to run toward the light, toward salvation-
You’re out of breath, your muscles screaming at you, but you push on… and that’s when you realize, these lights are familiar.
The excitement begins to die down, and when you’re close enough to see the source of the lights with clarity, you sink to the ground next to the highway in shock.
Gravel and sand crunches as Seungcheol comes to join you, standing a foot away.
“But- that’s- that’s the hotel!” you say.
“It is.”
“But- we went straight! We followed the highway! How are we back here again?”
You’ve never felt defeat like this, and you’ve been rejected by modeling agencies a number of times in your career. This is something different, it’s not just a momentary lapse- this feels more permanent, it feels more otherworldly, and you can’t wrap your head around any of it.
“I think…” Seungcheol releases a sigh. “I think it’s time I told you a few things.” 
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Seungcheol had insisted on going back to the bar to get a bottle of whiskey before divulging into a conversation with you. As you’d entered the lobby, Jeonghan had called out a bright ‘welcome back!’ and you were too defeated to acknowledge him.
You feel like a shell of a person as you lead Seungcheol back to your room, collapsing on your bed. “What the fuck is going on?” you ask.
“This is all going to sound a bit weird,” he admits.
“Weirder than us walking in a straight line for two hours only to find ourselves right back where we started? I doubt it.”
Seungcheol smiles, shaking his head a little as if this whole situation is somehow humorous.
“I think… everyone is stuck here.”
“Stuck here?” you question.
“You and I, we have similar stories. I remember driving my motorcycle, something happened, I pulled over, and then I saw this place,” Seungcheol explains. “I’ve talked to a few people who live here, and they all have the same story.”
“I don’t understand- Seungcheol,” you swallow thickly, “how long have you been here?” 
“You see,” Seungchol chuckles, but there’s a sad note to it, “Time is a funny thing in this place. I know it’s been days, weeks, years even- that I’ve been here, but I don’t know for how long. I eat, I sleep, I drink- I repeat. I don’t grow old, I don’t get sick. I just am. It’s fucking boring if I’m behind honest with you, or at least it was. It’s been a while since we had someone new show up at the hotel, and even longer since that someone was as gorgeous as you.” 
You can’t believe he’s taking this opportunity to flirt with you, so you pull yourself back on track. “Someone has to know how long we’ve been here,” you insist. 
“No one I’ve talked to knows.” 
“Well,” you take a breath. “I want to talk to those two men, the ones in suits who are in the buffet.”
“They strike me as the kind of men who would know things,” you tell him. “I can feel it.” 
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You find the two men where they always are in the buffet. Tonight, they’re playing chess, using up a large table so the space not covered with the game board can be full of food and drinks. You still wonder at their glutenous ways, but that’s not why you’re here right now.
“Hi,” you say, trying to be friendly despite the day you’re having. 
The two men look up at you, then at their chessboard.
“I’m Y/N, and this is Seungcheol,” you introduce yourself only to be met with silence. “What are your names?”
“Jun. That’s Minghao,” one of the men says dismissively. 
“Do you guys happen to have the time?” you ask next.
They’re both quiet, and it’s making you angrier by the second, but you force yourself to keep your cool.
“Would you guys be able to tell me how long you’ve been here?
Still silence.
You look around for that man you’d seen, the one with glasses and a lemon water, but he’s nowhere to be found.
“Look,” you kneel down so you’re about level with the seated men, lowering your voice. “I just got here, something weird is going on, and I need answers.”
The two men exchange a glance, and it’s Jun who finally turns to you. “We won’t discuss this in the open.”
“Come to our room,” Minghao sighs. “But don’t make it obvious you’re following us.”
You wonder why the theatrics are necessary, but with a nod, you and Seungcheol move away. You take a seat at a table across the space, and after a few minutes where the two men converse in whispers, both stand up.
You wait for them to leave, and after a few seconds, you and Seungcheol slowly follow. 
Jeonghan watches you cross the space, and that’s when you realize why these men are being so weird. This hotel manager has an odd hold on everyone in this place.
When you make it to Jun and Minghao’s room, they open the door for you, saying nothing. As you enter the space, you’re ready to bombard them with questions, but when Jun moves to the coat closet, pushing fabrics aside, all your words die in your throat.
The entire wall, which had just been hidden, is covered in small tally marks.
“We were keeping a tab with a pen and paper, but the cleaner kept taking it away,” Jun explains. “I don’t think they want us to keep track of time.”
“And these tallies-” you begin.
“They mark the days the two of you have been here,” Seungcheol finishes.
“But,” you swallow thickly, “that’s thousands of days- that’s years!”
“Over sixty years,” Minghao says quietly.
“How can this be real?!” you ask. “You both don’t look a day over thirty.”
“When we’d arrived here, we weren’t,” Jun says sadly, “but that was in 1963.” 
“Nobody grows old here,” Minghao tells you, “because we’re in Hell.”
“So you both think that pansy hotel manager is the Devil?” Seungcheol scoffs.
You can see Minghao’s eyes immediately narrow in annoyance. “We just mind our own business, and we suggest you do the same.”
“Have you ever confronted Jeonghan?” you ask.
“Nobody confronts him,” Jun says sheepishly. “I guess, even though we’re all in Hell, lots of us are… scared of the consequences.”
“Well, he already took away my phone and my laptop,” you sigh, “I guess I have to be the man in the room and go deal with this.”
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After spending the night thinking about it, you decide as the sun comes up that you’re going to rip the bandaid off.
Everyone in this fucking hotel is so evasive, but you’ll take this head-on. You’re a twenty-first-century woman, and you’ll be damned if some hotel manager ruins your entire life.
There’s a power in the way you walk as you head straight for the front desk, and you try to look intimidating despite your rapidly beating heart.
“Good morning,” Jeonghan greets you with a smile. 
“What’s the deal?” you ask.
“The deal with this place, what’s going on?”
He flashes you a knowing smile, and the words that come out of his mouth next are an obvious load of shit: “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
You size him up, and you realize that, at this precise moment, you’re not going to get any information out of this man, so you decide to switch to plan two.
Turning on your heel, you head deeper into the hotel, and in the back of the dining room, you see Seungkwan slipping into a corridor. 
Catching him is easy since he’s not exactly running from you, and the man stops to politely nod at you. “Good morning.”
“What’s going on with this place?” you ask.
“Excuse me?”
“This stupid hotel, what’s the deal? All my electronics are missing, there are no clocks, and I left yesterday, I left! I walked down the highway for two hours only to end up right back where I started!” You can’t help the way your voice is rising in annoyance, and you partly hope that you can actually successfully intimidate this man-
As you look at him, you realize intimidation is off the table, because he releases a laugh.
“Look at you, little miss demanding.”
“Please,” you sigh, your heart practically wilting in your chest. “I just need to know.”
“Talk to the hotel manager, he can answer all your questions.”
“Except he can’t, or maybe the word is won’t-” You struggle for a moment. “Look, don’t you want to gossip with me?”
You can all but see his ears perk up at the word gossip.
“You’re a bellhop, you like secrets, right? You enjoy tea?”
His eyes narrow at you. “I’m more of a coffee drinker.”
“Tea, as in gossip, gossip is tea-” God, you wonder how many of these people are from the last century and have no idea what you mean when you use current lingo.
“I’m listening.”
“I’ll tell you some tea,” you insist. “Gossip for gossip, deal?”
“I want something else,” Seungkwan tells you, and that’s when you notice his eyes lingering on your throat, your necklace. “I want that.”
You sigh, reaching behind yourself to unclasp the silver chain. “Take it and tell me what’s going on in this stupid hotel.”
As soon as the jewelry is in the bellhop’s hand, his entire demeanor changes. It’s as if he’s gone from a young man, and turned into an old woman telling you about her neighbors and how she snoops at her window to collect information all day. There’s an air to his essence that tells you you’re about to find out exactly what’s happening in this so-called ‘Hotel California.’ 
“What have you heard so far?” he asks. “What do you think this place is?”
“I don’t know? Someone said it might be Hell, but I doubt Hell is an Art Deco and terracotta hotel in the middle of the desert.”
Seungkwan’s expression shifts with an all-knowing sort of twist of his lips. “This isn’t Hell. It’s purgatory.”
“What?” You feel your breath leave your lungs in shock.
“And Jeonghan, well, he’s not a hotel manager, he’s a grim reaper. His domain is this desert, and every guest at this hotel, they died in his desert, so their souls were his to pass judgment on.”
“Wait a minute, what do you mean we all died here?”
“Keep up!” Seungkwan snaps. “This is purgatory! Of course you’re dead!” 
Your entire body deflates now. “But… how?”
“Fell asleep at the wheel, didn’t you, little miss model? Seungcheol’s motorcycle hit a pothole. Minghao and Jun were high on coke and drove off a cliff by the ravine not far from here, thinking they were invincible. Every guest has a similar story, it’s a dangerous stretch of road after all.”
“So… who are you? And how do you know all the people I’ve talked to since I got here?” 
“I’m a nobody, a highwayman. But trust me when I tell you, the staff here keep tabs on everyone.”
“Are all the staff... Highwaymen?” you ask.
 “In one sense or another.”
“And… and Jeonghan chose to put us in purgatory?” you question. “Why didn’t he take us to a final place?”
“Because your unfinished sins were too great to gain you entry above, but not dark enough to gain you entry below.” Seungkwan pauses for a moment. “It’s best if you try to overcome your original sins, you might just make it out of here.”
“Overcome my sins?” you repeat, on the verge of laughing in an odd sort of complete hopeless hysteria that you’ve never felt before. “Has anyone ever made it out of here?!” 
“One man,” Seungkwan says thoughtfully. “In fact, you saw him. The man in glasses, Jeon Wonwoo. He was a powerful man back when he was alive, lustful and glutenous. But in his time here, he’s overcome, and you were his final test.”
Anger bubbles inside of you. “I was a final test? You mean I was brought here to test some horny guy!?”
“Not many women die on this stretch of highway, not many who are so grey and muted as yourself. Jeonghan found you to be particularly… puzzling.”
“Puzzling?” you scoff.
“You’re a model,” Seungkwan shrugs. “Lust, envy, pride, greed- you belong here like everyone else. Those businessmen, overwhelmed by pride, greed, envy, gluttony, sloth, and even wrath. They’ve only conquered lust in their eternity here, but that was to be expected with no women to enchant them. They treasure their own company now, far more than they’d ever treasure yours.”
“And Seungcheol?” you ask.
“Seungcheol?” Seungkwan actually laughs. “A rockstar from the seventies? Lust, pride, greed, wrath- in his day he had an enjoyment of starting mosh pits at his own concerts, of fighting people, of drinking and sleeping with many, many women. No, Jeonghan chooses the right people. You’re all here, and you’ll likely all stay here.” 
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You’re sitting with Seungcheol in a secluded part of the buffet room, and you’ve just given him a rundown on all things Seungkwan. For a moment, he just sits there, and then, his brows furrow. “That little fuck says I’m here because I used to start moshpits at my own shows?”
“And sleeping with lots of women I’d assume.”
“I’m gonna beat that fucking bellhop’s ass-”
“This is what he’s talking about!” you insist. “Wrath!”
Seungcheol steadies himself, and then he sighs. “Who would have thought the seven deadly sins were a real fucking thing.”
“People who believe in the bible and stuff?”
Seungcheol shoots you an unamused expression and you have to stop yourself from smiling.
You look down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers. “So… are we going to try to overcome our sins or whatever?”
The man next to you exhales deeply. “I’ve been here a long time,” he admits. “I don’t think I’m going to magically change because some bellhop said I’m a horny fuck with anger issues.”
“Besides, Jeonghan brought you here to test the whole lust thing, and I think we both know I’m failing in that one.”
Your skin tingles. Is this seventies rockstar admitting he’s into you?
I mean… you’d suspected as much, but to hear it confirmed like this…
Do you want to be good? Do you want to work on yourself?
Or do you want to give in to these lusty feelings? Do you want to go wild and make the most of this place since you’re probably going to be here forever?
You feel completely torn, and you clear your throat. “I think… I think I need to go clear my head.”
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You find your way to the pool after some deep soul-searching. You’re in need of somewhat of a cleanse, and you think water could be a good way to do that.
It’s the evening, but the air is quite warm as you make your way through the open spaces of the hotel. The sky is dark above you, but stars twinkle, as does the moon. It’s oddly peaceful, if you forget the fact that you’re in some fucked of purgatory liminal space.
When you get to the pool area, you realize there’s a man you’ve never seen before, and he’s sitting by the hot tub. His feet are submerged in the bubbling water, and his head is tipped back, eyes closed. There’s a bong next to his right hand, and you can smell weed. 
You stand and watch him for a moment, then decide to approach.
“Hello?” you say, drawing his attention. “Are you new here?”
“No, but you are,” the man muses.
“I am… but I’ve never seen you before.” 
“You wouldn’t, I’m nocturnal. Might as well be, since there’s nowhere to go but here.”
Obviously this man has his own opinions of The Hotel California, and you take a seat next to him, crossing your legs. “What do you think of this place?”
“It’s whatever.”
You risk another look at him, and you realize he’s closed his eyes again, looking as relaxed as ever. That’s when you realize this man’s main sin is glaringly obvious; he’s sloth.
“How did you find weed here?” you ask.
“Brought some when I arrived, started growing it when I realized I wouldn’t be leaving.”
So… this man is growing weed, sleeping all day, and smoking all night in purgatory. Sounds about right.
“Do you want to leave?” you question.
“It’s whatever.”
“Some man named Wonwoo left,” you point out. “Seems like there’s a possibility.”
The man laughs. “That fucking monk finally got out? He’s been trying to be a good boy for years.”
You swallow thickly at the reminder that even if you try to be good, you’re doomed to be here for years. It’s not an ‘okay I’ve been good for a day, let me out now’ sort of situation. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and you clear your throat. 
“I’m y/n by the way.”
“Vernon.” There’s a stagnant pause, and then he stretches. “You know, it’s nice here. You don’t have to cook or clean. There are no responsibilities. You just get to relax.”
“Kind of like an indefinite vacation.”
He seems nice enough, and if it wasn’t clear he was such a sloth with a thing for marijuana, you might expect him to be next on the list of viable options for getting out of this place.
“Just, enjoy yourself,” Vernon sighs. “You might as well.” 
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After a night of thinking, you’ve finally made your decision on what to do in this God-forsaken hotel, and you head down to the lobby. One look at Jeonghan makes you rethink asking him for information, but you spot Seungkwan heading toward the buffet, and you quickly follow him out of sight from the manager.
“Hey,” you greet the bellhop, “have you seen Seungcheol today?”
“I believe he runs at this time,” Seungkwan explains. There’s a small rocky hillside out behind the pool, Seungcheol made a trail there for exercise, but between us, sometimes I think he’s hoping to get bit by a rattlesnake and die for a second time.”
From the small chuckle that leaves his lips, you can tell he’s trying to joke around, but you’re just not at the stage in your acceptance of this place to find dead jokes comedic.
“Thank you,” you nod, heading off in the direction he’s pointed you in.
The trailhead behind the pool isn’t very difficult to find, and you start up the path.
You have no clue what time it is, but you know it’s early morning. It’s just starting to get warm, but despite this, you have a fire inside of you driving to find the seventies rockstar.
This urge - call it lust maybe - it drives you forward, and finally, you find the man you’re looking for.
He’s in running shorts, and he’s shirtless. A sheen of sweat covers his muscular form, and God, he’s never looked this beautiful. His hair is curled from precipitation, and he’s panting, his hands on his hips as he stands at the top of the small hilly cliff that looks down at The Hotel California.
“Seungcheol!” you call, drawing his attention immediately.
You can tell he’s confused to see you here, and his brows furrow. Walking closer, you take a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking,” you tell him.
“I was thinking… if we’re going to be here forever, we might as well make it fun.”
Your words hang in the air, and on this tiny hill, you accept your fate. You accept that you’re dead, that you’re in some odd form of purgatory. And you accept the fact that you’ve found a partner to share this whole delusion with, for better, or for worse.
“So you’re saying…” Seungcheol swallows thickly, stepping closer to you.
“Just kiss me,” you laugh, shaking your head at him.
A massive smile appears on his face, and then he’s grabbing your hips and tugging you tight to his chest. His lips are on yours a moment later, and while you’d expected him to be an eager, lust-fueled maniac, he’s oddly slow with how he approaches this first interaction.
However, the kiss deepens when you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, your tongue swiping his bottom lip desperately.
Seungchoel lets out a deep groan, matching your rising energy with an enthusiasm of his own.
It feels so good to be doing this with him, and for the first real-time since you got to the hotel, you feel your anxiety slipping away. Your entire body is focused on this man, and this man alone- and then his hand slips down to your ass, grabbing it roughly.
“Hey,” you laugh, pulling away from the kiss. “We’re not fucking out here on some rock.”
“We’re not?” Seungcheol chuckles.
“Not in a million years, which it sort of sounds like we have.”
“Back to the hotel then,” Seungcheol tells you, and just like that, the two of you head back down the trail to the hotel.
It seems there are different routes to take, and you find yourself in the lobby as opposed to the pool, which is where Jeonghan stops you with a wave. “y/n,” he calls. “I’d like a word.”
Seungcheol groans, and you release a sigh, turning to look at him. “I’ll meet you later?” you suggest.”
“I’ll go shower, find my room after, I’m in number seventeen,” Seungcheol nods.
You watch him disappear, taking a moment to appreciate the muscles of his broad shoulders as he walks away, and then, you turn to face the hotel manager.
“Looks like you’ve made a decision,” Jeonghan muses.
You wonder what exactly he’s talking about. Is it a decision to pursue Cheol? To sin? 
You’re not quite sure, but at this point, you don’t care.
“I’ve made my choice,” you tell him, trying to sound confident about it.
“So you’ve chosen to be a part of The Hotel California.”
“I don’t think you left me with much choice,” you point out. 
A large smile appears on Jeonghan’s face. “I guess I have to agree with you there,” he admits. “Go. Enjoy Seungcheol. You might be able to help with his… less desirable traits if not his sexual habits.”
So everything here really is a set of scales. Cheques and balances. A lesser evil of cleansing Seungcheol of minor sins while fanning the fire of his lust. You suppose you can’t win them all. 
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You wander the hotel until you find room seventeen, and when you get there, you don’t even bother to knock. You simply push the door open, entering the space.
Seungcheol’s hotel room is different from your own. It’s significantly larger, with a den and a door that you assume leads to the bedroom. You make your way through the space, looking in at where he sleeps, which is where you find the man himself standing.
He has a towel wrapped around his hips, his hair is damp and curly, and God, he looks even sexier than he had on the hill. He’s so well muscled- part of you wants to lick his entire body and moan while you do.
Seungcheol turns to look at you, and when he smiles, you swear your knees feel weak.
“What did dickhead want?” he asks.
“Jeonghan?” Your mind goes blank. “He uh, I guess he wanted to see if I’m set on staying here or not.”
“Well, we’re about to sin, aren’t we? So… guess I’m a permanent resident now.”
Seungcheol laughs. “Who wants to go to heaven if you can’t fuck there?”
“A lot of people I think,” you giggle.
“Well, not us.” He steps towards you, hands settling on your hips. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to show up.”
His words are nice, but you have some doubts lingering inside of you. “Would you fuck any girl who came here though?” you question. “Or am I special?”
“You’re special,” Seungcheol confirms. “You’ve got fire in you, I could tell from the moment we met.”
“Some people have called me a bitch before.”
“Well they can go fuck themselves,” he retorts quickly.
You laugh, looking around. “This is a nice room.”
“It wasn’t my original room, but once I realized I was staying here, I scouted out all the empty places to find my favourite.”
Your gaze shift up, and you notice that the ceiling is covered in mirrors. “I can’t escape these fucking mirrors.”
“These ones are fun though,” Seungcheol insists.
“Yeah? How’s that?” You wrap your arms around the back of Seungcheol’s neck, pulling him closer with a grin.
“Because… I can watch you when you’re riding me. You can see my sexy back when I’m fucking you. It’s just a good set up.” 
“And I guess you haven’t really had a chance to test it out before,” you muse.
“Not with another person.”
It takes you a second to realize what he’s saying, and then you laugh. “Cheol, are you telling me you watch yourself jack off with these mirrors?”
“It’s not like I have access to porno mags or anything!” he defends himself.
God, he’s from the seventies- did they even have easily accessible porn then? 
You push the thought out of your brain as you move closer to him, until your lips are just milimeters apart. “Now you have me.” 
“I do, don’t I,” he grins, tightening his grip on your hips. 
“Uh huh,” you nod. “And I haven’t been properly fucked in a while.”
“I bet I have you beat on that one.”
“Better make up for your lost time, big guy.”
“Better make this sin worth it,” he counters, and with that, he presses his lips to your own.
You smirk into the kiss, pressing your chest against his own as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck. It’s a mad flurry of tongue and teeth, no being cautious as he had been on the hill earlier.
No, this time, you know exactly what you want from each other, and there’s a freeing feeling in that.
He’s quick to guide you toward the bed, and when he gets you there, he pushes you down onto it. His hands quickly tear at your shirt and you raise your arms to allow him to easily take it off of your body.
Seungcheol sinks to his knees on the ground, his lips attacking your throat and descending down to your breasts. Two large hands grab at your tits, massaging them through your bra. He’s practically motorboating his face against you now, groaning into your cleavage.
“Take off my bra,” you tell him. “Suck on my tits.”
Seungcheol chuckles, but one swipe of his hand behind your back has your bra coming undone, and you realize that despite his forced celibacy, he hasn’t lost his touch.
Your bra slips off, and Seungcheol immediately picks up where he left off, but this time, he has access to your bare skin,
He grabs your breasts, pulling one nipple into his mouth while you throw your head back and moan.
It takes you a second, but you have the idea to open your eyes, and when you do, the mirrored ceiling gives you the perfect view of this man kneeling on the ground and sucking your breasts.
There’s something sexy about the view, and when you thread your fingers through his curls, it makes things even hotter.
Seungcheol groans, roughly tugging your nipple between his teeth and making you cry out.
“Shorts next,” he instructs, pulling away so you can both work on getting you fully naked for him.
It’s a little shocking how fast this is all going, but you don’t mind. Lust is fueling every cell of your body, and before you know it, Seungcheol is pushing you so you’re flat on your back. He places your thighs on his shoulders, and then he dives into your core with his mouth.
You whimper at the sensation of him sucking on your clit lewdly, and again, when you look up, you can see the view.
Fuck, with him now bending half over the bed like this, you can see his shoulders even better.
He’s so broad and strong and sexy, and it makes your core pulse with pleasure as he eats you out like he’s been starved for fifty years, which he has.
 “Just like that,” you tell him, bringing your hands up to play with your nipples, loving the view of it all.
Seungcheol shifts, and then you feel a finger push into your entrance. He doesn’t go slow with it, he immediately starts pumping, fucking you while he licks and sucks on your clit roughly.
There’s no tact in his motions, no precision, he’s a wild man, and you suppose that fits his rockstar soul.
There’s something so sexy about this animalistic way he’s treating you, and when he groans against your clit, your entire body lights up with pleasure.
He has you closer to the edge than you’d ever imagined possible in such a short time, but you wonder if perhaps your body has been in need of some stress relief like this after such a crazy few days.
Another finger slips inside of you and you moan, reaching one hand to tangle in his hair again.
As much as you want to close your eyes and enjoy this, you can’t bear to look away from the view.
God, it’s absolutely glorious.
This gorgeous, beefy man, is practically ravaging you on a bed with silk sheets, worshipping your pussy with his tongue and fingers while you watch, enthralled with it all.
You can hear your core getting wetter, and with each thrust of his fingers you can feel your juices. His tongue circles your clit in the perfect way and your stomach muscles begin to clench, signaling your impending high.
“I’m gonna cum,” you tell him, swallowing thickly even as you pinch your own nipple, writhing against the bed.
Seungcheol only growls in response, and the sound turns you on even more.
Within a few seconds, you’re coming undone, releasing a cry of pleasure as your body is flooded with euphoria.
Your hips push up against Seungcheol’s face, but his free hand pins you down, his tongue unrelenting on your clit.
Now, you have to force your eyes shut. It’s all you can do to contain the ecstasy he’s providing you, an electric feeling that’s surging through your entire body unlike anything else.
“Fuck, fuck- Cheol!” you gasp, wriggling in his grasp.
He pulls off your clit with a pop, and you can feel him looking up at you as he removes his fingers.
Then he stands, and you open your eyes to look at him.
“Here,” Seungcheol leans over you, and then he pushes his fingers into your mouth, “want you to taste yourself.”
All you can do is stare up at him in shock, lust overtaking you as you suck his digits off diligently. You even grab his hand to steady him, not wanting him to pull away until you’ve licked him clean.
“That’s a good girl,” Seungcheol groans. 
When you’re done with him, you release his hand, and Seungcheol pulls away with a deep breath.
“Can you suck cock like that?” he asks, undoing his towel so it can fall to the floor.
His hard length immediately slaps up against his abdomen, and you can see beads of precum dripping down his shaft. God, he’s super turned on, and your pussy pulses at the mere sight of him.
“Gonna give you the best head you’ve had in fifty years,” you promise.
“Ha ha,” Seungcheol says, but there’s little humour in it. 
You sit up, and then, you stand. He gives you a confused look, but when you push him down onto the bed, things seem to click for him.
You take your spot on your knees, where he’d just been, and this time, it’s your turn to push his legs slightly open, giving yourself space as you grab the base of his cock.
“Don’t cum in my mouth,” you warn.
“Want you to cum inside me, don’t wanna waste a drop.”
“Fuck,” Seungcheol groans as you put your mouth onto his tip, sucking and licking with all the enthusiasm he’d just given you. 
His hands immediately grab at you, pushing your hair out of your face. He holds you gently as you sink more and more of him into your mouth, swirling your tongue to tease every inch of skin that you can.
“Shit, feels good,” he tells you, collecting your hair into a ponytail to make things easier.
You hum against him and his hips twitch at the stimulus.
“Fuck-” he says again, and you’d bet your life - or maybe your afterlife - that he’ll be swearing a lot. 
He’s a man who hasn’t felt the touch of a woman in fifty years, you would blame him if he’s quick to bust?
“Keep going, fuck,” Seungcheol groans, applying some pressure to your head.
You don’t mind that he’s beginning to get rough with you, and you diligently sink further onto his cock, taking him all the way to the back of your throat. You gag a little around him, and Seungcheol releases his loudest moan yet, tightening his grip in your hair.
“Keep doing that, fuck, keep doing that!” he encourages you. 
You do your best to relax your throat, wanting to please him, to give him the best blowjob he’s ever had. You have always found satisfaction when pleasing others, call it a trauma thing or whatever you want to call it, but his pleasure is your pleasure, and you can feel yourself getting wetter by the second as you listen to his moans.
“Shit, I’m close,” Seungcheol tells you.
With those words, you immediately pull off of him, and he looks down at you in shock. 
“You’re not cumming in my mouth, remember?”
You stand up, staring down at this man, who suddenly looks very needy. Then, you push at his chest, prompting him to lay flat against the bed while his knees are still bent, feet on the ground.
One of your own knees makes contact with the bed, and then the other, so you’re straddling him now.
“You said you wanted to watch me ride you,” you remind him. “So watch me ride.”
You grab the base of his cock, lining it up with your core, then you sink down onto him fully.
He’s big, and you feel the stretch, but you’re so wet from this that your lubrication makes the actual taking of his cock much easier than you’d imagined. God, when you pause for a moment, fully seated on him, you both groan from the pleasure… then you begin to bounce.
“Jesus Christ,” Seungcheol whispers, one hand grabbing your hip while the other latches onto your breast. He pinches your nipple between two fingers and you whimper, throwing your head back.
You look up at the ceiling, watching yourself ride this beautiful man.
The view makes your core throb, and you can feel your pussy clamping down around him, which earns another groan from the man you’re riding.
“You look so fucking good like this,” Seungcheol tells you, sitting up and using his hand as a brace against the bed so he can wrap his mouth around your nipple.
You grab him, threading your fingers through his hair and using him as an anchor as you move on his cock, bouncing to the best of your ability even in this position.
Again, you find yourself looking at the view, and you realize maybe this is a completely new kink of yours that you’d never discovered before.
“Okay, okay,” Seungcheol grabs your hips, making you stop. “My turn now.”
“Your turn?” you scoff.
“My turn,” he confirms.
Then, he’s standing up, and taking you with him. His hands grab your ass, keeping you pinned to his body while you squeal with delight, latching onto his shoulders.
“Wanna fuck you doggy first,” he tells you.
“So original,” you roll your eyes.
“Gonna make you regret that, gorgeous,” Seungcheol laughs.
“Then do it.”
With a shake of his head, he throws you onto the mattress, and with one quick manhandle, he has you on your knees with your ass in the air.
He’s standing at the foot of the bed, and he grabs your hips with one hand, his cock with the other. His tip finds your entrance, and with one rough thrust, he’s buried inside of you again.
“Fuck!” you whimper, arching your back and bracing your cheek against the sheets.
“Feels good, huh?” he asks, immediately picking up a pace that has your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
“Fuck, so good!” you moan, loving how deep he’s hitting, how rough he’s being.
A harsh smack erupts through the room, and you realize as the pain blooms like heat along your skin that he’s just spanked you.
“Did you like that?” he asks.
“Maybe?” You’re not sure how you feel about the sensation, but when a second smack comes, you jolt, your pussy clamping tight around Seungcheol’s cock.
“You liked it, didn’t you?” he teases.
“No!” you insist, but you can’t help the fact that you had enjoyed it, and you can tell from the gush of wetness you feel in your core that it will be clear to Seungcheol that you liked it as well. 
“Keep lying to yourself,” he laughs, his hand returning to your hip so he can fuck you even harder.
You enjoy the feeling of this for a while, but soon, you’re practically itching for another hit of pain.
“Spank me again,” you tell him.
“Hmm? Didn’t quite hear you.”
“Spank me!” you say, louder this time. “Please!”
Another chuckle escapes the smug bastard behind you. “Only because you asked so nicely.”
One more spank becomes three, and you’re a whimpering mess at the end of it, clawing at the blankets like a whore.
“Guess we’re going to have to explore this pain kink of yours,” Seungcheol teases. “But first, I think I’m gonna cum in this perfect pussy and mark it as mine.”
You’re so overwhelmed by how good this has felt that you can’t even find the words to respond, but you don’t have to.
Seungcheol pulls out of your pussy, and then he adjusts you on the bed, pushing you closer to the pillows so when he joins between your legs, he has space to plank over you in missionary.
His cock enters you, his lips finding your throat, and as you stroke his powerful shoulders, you find yourself blinking up at your reflection. 
You’re watching yourself sin, but you’re entirely okay with it.
You’re listening to him pant in your ear as he gets closer and closer to the edge, but you kind of love it.
This hotel might be a place to overcome sins, but you’re not sure how anything this perfect - this natural - could ever be considered wrong.
“I’m close,” Seungcheol whispers, sucking on your earlobe.
“Then cum inside of me, give me all of it,” you tell him, tightening your grip on his shoulders.
“Fuck,” Seungcheol groans, pressing his lips to your own. He kisses you desperately as his hips falter, his pace becoming erratic.
You can feel the moment he explodes, can feel his cock throbbing hard as he shoots his cum deep inside of you. He fills you up with warmth, and it feels like completion as he groans, half collapsing on top of you from the effort.
The kiss breaks, and you stroke his hair as he pants against your throat. Your eyes never leave your own in your reflection of the mirror over the bed.
Jeonghan might have put you in this place, but you’re the master of your own fate, and this is the direction you’ve chosen. 
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I'm going to miss this au.
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview.   When Seungcheol thrusts, it pushes you onto Mingyu, and when he pulls back, he pulls you with him, effectively controlling the pace of absolutely everything. Seungcheol might be working on his envy streak, but he’s as controlling as ever… although, you kind of love that about him. Sure, he’s a flawed man, but he’s your flawed man, and as he begins to fuck you rougher and harder, you know that you’d never give this up, not even for Heaven itself. 
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, threesome, pussy eating, blow job, fingering, multiple reader orgasms, use of mirrors, masturbation, controling/dom Seungcheol, dirty talk, praise, slight degradation, spanking, deep throating, eiffle tower/spit roasting, etc…   I petnames. (hers) gorgeous. 
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.1k I teaser wc. 150
🌙 starring. Seungcheol & Mingyu x afab!Reader
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You’re sitting at The Hotel California bar with Seungcheol. The two of you enjoy having a few drinks before a night of raunchy sexual escapades, and at first, this is a night like any other… until, you hear a new voice and turn to see a stranger talking to Jeonghan by the front desk.
You can’t help the look you immediately exchange with Seungcheol.
The two of you have spent months- years even, enjoying each other, and one thing you’ve always discussed bringing into the bedroom to spice it up, is another person. However, no one currently at the hotel has ever caught your eye, so you’d agreed that if anyone new showed up… you two might give them a try.
Now, with a tall, dark and handsome stranger standing just meters away, you think you may have found your new third, and excitement bubbles up inside of you.
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amazinglyashy · 4 months ago
Hello, can you do LADS men's reaction to MC/reader working too hard, to the point that she looks tired and drained? She also easily gets sick because of stress. And yes, it's based on me; right now, I'm so tired because of work, and I have dance practice almost every day for our departmental performance while I'm sick with the flu. Thank you 💜
Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to do this one justice as best as I could, because oh man did I feel this personally! Not the same at all, but I get heavy duty chronic pain, and I overwork myself often by choice or not, all the time. Feel better anon <3 I hope you enjoy, and make sure to get some Pedialyte or sports drinks, and rest whenever you can. Your health is extremely important!
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Love and Deepspace Li's reactions to you being overworked and sick
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Zayne -
He's a doctor, you can't even get into the realm of hoping to hide it from him for long, and you'll want to hide it from him if you're actually wanting to be doing whatever it is that's causing you to be overworked to the point of illness.
He will take a single look at you the first time he sees you once you've reached this point- routine examination, stopping by work to see you or vice versa, running something by your place he borrowed, even just you making the mistake of taking an offered ride home from him due to how tired you are. It was a lapse in judgement on your part in trying to keep this from him, but your beyond exhausted brain didn't process it at the time.
But you sure are processing it now that you've been 'kidnapped' and taken back to his place.
He has already filled out a formal doctors note- benefits of being your primary physician- and sent it over to your bosses and managers. There's no arguing.
"Zayne, I'm-" "If you are about to try a weak attempt at convincing me you are alright, I will accept it as you insulting my intelligence as a doctor."
You're in his bed, under his blankets, probably in his pajamas since he wouldn't let you escape home, and drinking the warm drink he made for you to have after taking medicine he had given you to help with your illness. He'll order food that will be good for you to eat as well, and if it's too late for takeout, he'll definitely be cooking for you as well.
Once you're done eating, he'll make sure you're properly cared for by massaging any tired or pained muscles. If that's your entire body, then so be it. Close your eyes, tilt hour head back, and relax even though it hurts in a good way sometimes, because he's not letting up.
Not until you feel better. No matter how long that takes.
Rafayel -
Genuinely, he's offended and hurt that you've overworked yourself this hard and haven't told him. And boy, is he going to let you know it.
He's carrying you gently from wherever he had found you looking so tired- no it does not matter if you were in the middle of working- while actively scolding you in his arms.
"Maybe I should just leave you there all day, come see you in the evening when you get a bad case of amnesia. Would you like that? Huh? No? Well, then stop being stupid."
He doesn't even want to dare set foot in your place right now. He's not in the mood to clean, and he knows if this is the state you're in, your apartment is probably so much worse due to just how busy and exhausted you've been.
He'll go clean it later, but right now he's just grumpy.
There is something about the fresh, oceanside air that helps your headache though- or maybe it's the light linen on his bed that he would have dropped you on had you not looked like the most frail thing he had seen all week.
He's muttering snarky remarks to you, but they're devoid of any bite due to his actions as he speaks them-
Getting you a fluffy robe to change into, putting something simple in the oven while you get comfortable, working special lotion into your muscles, making you lemon and honey tea, making it more humid so any sinus problems clear and help you breathe- he's being vocal through it all, but spoiling you as much as he can nonetheless.
"I don't care if you have a lot to do. Just- ask for help next time. And if I can't help with your work, at least let me help you relax once you're home. I don't mind you staying over either, so that I can make you feel better. Just promise me you'll do better next time, so I can help you before you get this bad."
Xavier -
He probably stopped by your apartment to return something he borrowed, and you made the mistake of answering the door directly after coming home. You were at your peak of tired, and your head had started pounding for some reason... and didn't you feel a bit hot...?
"Oh- You look- You don't look very good. Is everything alright?"
You can't even answer before he's reaching out a hand to hover in front of you, trying to decide between touching you and not, before deciding on the former. He can feel you're just the slightest bit unsteady from working so you're being scooped up in an instant and taken to the bed you had already been planning to go to.
"What have they been having you do...? Never mind. That's- not important right now."
Takes off your shoes and socks, murmurs something about giving you a massage in a bit, before tugging blankets and plushies around you. He'll leave to let you change into pajamas or something more comfortable, and he'll keep himself busy by making you something to eat or clean up your apartment for you.
He tries to cook you something, he really does try. But he definitely has more talent at talking on the phone to the restaurant he's ordering you takeout from. The pan he tried to use does not survive the attempt.
The takeout is good when it comes, though, and it helps that he gave you some medicine prior to help keep it down. Even if you're not currently nauseous, he's pretty worried about your state worsening quickly.
You won't notice until it's too late, but he's already finding out how to transfer some of your workload to himself. By 'some', it's definitely 'all'.
"No, I won't change my mind. Not until you're better. You're so tired, let me do this for you. You can make it up to me by getting me something in the claw machine later."
Sylus -
"I'm just going to go-"
"Go where, kitten?"
You had made the mistake of nearly falling over under the watchful gaze of Mephisto, who had decided it would be absolutely wonderful to relay the information about it and your current state back to Sylus as quickly as he could.
Which is how you had ended up stuck in the hallway the led to your apartment, practically pinned to the wall with Sylus's hands on either side of you.
That is also how you ended up slung over Sylus's shoulder as he unlocked your apartment door for you and went inside, carrying you like it was nothing.
To be fair, you couldn't do much to fight him off this time except utilize a few choice words. You were so beyond exhausted, and starting to feel pretty ill, to boot.
He's got you to bed as soon as the door is shut. You're allowed a hot shower if you promise him a few dozen times that you'll get straight to bed after. He makes sure to promise you that he'll come and make you get in bed if you go against that promise. For once, you don't want to call his bluff.
You're in bed soon enough, with a cool rag pressed on your forehead, some pain medication long since down your throat, and food already on the way courtesy of Luke and Kieran's special henchmen delivery service.
Lying in bed is like heaven on your sore muscles and aching joints, not to mention the pounding headache you've had since starting to feel sick and missing out on sleep. But what somehow feels even better is Sylus's hands on you.
They're just gentle touches, his fingertips ghosting over your skin to leave goosebumps at how nice it feels, and sometimes his whole hands moving slowly and lightly across your body. He'll massage your muscles later, but for now, he's just focused on getting you to sleep, even if just for a little bit until the food gets here.
He knows you need it.
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reidsworld · 6 months ago
Disobeyed Orders
Summary: Being married to your boss has its complications, especially when you have a habit of ignoring orders. Based on this request.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff, Angst
Content Warnings: Mild violence, injury, arguing
Word Count: 1.1k
Mars speaks… Thank you so much for the request, I’m sorry that it took so long but I finally found some time to write, I hope I did your request justice!!
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The mission had been intense from the start. You knew Aaron — Hotch, here in the field — had ordered you to stay back and cover the rear, but you saw an opening, a chance to catch the unsub off guard. You’d hesitated for a split second, hearing his voice in your earpiece, a mix of command and concern, but the adrenaline took over. You went for it.
Moments later, everything was a blur. The unsub had turned, a knife flashing in his hand, and you’d barely managed to dodge the attack. By the time the team swarmed in, you were grappling on the ground, the unsub subdued but not without a few bruises in the process.
As soon as the cuffs were on, you felt Hotch’s hand on your arm, his grip firm. He pulled you aside, his face unreadable, but his eyes were burning with a quiet fury. “What the hell were you thinking?” he growled under his breath, keeping his voice low so the others wouldn’t hear.
“I saw an opportunity,” you argued, your chest heaving from exertion. “I took it.”
“That’s not your call to make,” he snapped, his hand tightening on your arm. “I gave you an order, and you directly disobeyed it.”
You felt a surge of frustration, tugging your arm free. “I’m not a child, Aaron. I made a decision based on the situation.”
“An incredibly reckless decision,” he countered, his jaw set tight. “You could have been seriously hurt. Or worse.”
You crossed your arms, bristling at the way he was speaking to you like you were just another agent. “I knew what I was doing. I had it under control.”
“Under control?” He almost laughed, but there was no humour in it. “You were pinned down by an armed suspect. That’s not under control, Y/N.”
Your heart pounded, anger simmering beneath the surface. “I’ve been doing this job long enough to know what risks I can handle, Hotch. You don’t get to—”
He cut you off, his voice lowering but still fierce. “Don’t you Hotch me. Not when you just put yourself in danger like that. Not when you’re my—” He stopped himself, glancing around at the team.
You knew what he wanted to say. Not when you’re my wife. But he couldn’t say that here, not in front of everyone. The silence between you was thick with tension, his jaw clenched, and you could see the storm brewing in his eyes.
“Fine,” you muttered, feeling the sting of his words. “Let’s talk about this later.”
He nodded curtly, his expression hard. “Yes. We will.”
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Back at the BAU, the air was thick with unspoken tension as you both debriefed with the team. You could feel Hotch’s eyes on you, a steady, burning gaze that only made your irritation grow. You knew the others sensed it too, the way they exchanged glances but said nothing. They all knew you were married to your boss, and while most of the time it didn’t interfere, today was different.
As soon as the debrief was over, Hotch gestured for you to follow him to his office. You walked in, arms crossed, ready for another round. He shut the door behind you, locking it before turning to face you.
“We need to talk,” he began, his voice still low but more controlled now.
“Talk?” you scoffed. “Or are you just going to keep reprimanding me like I’m one of your agents and not your wife?”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Y/N, you are one of my agents. And on the field, I am your superior. You need to follow my orders.”
“I understand that,” you shot back, your frustration boiling over. “But you can’t expect me to stand by when I see an opportunity to take down a threat.”
Hotch’s expression softened, just a bit. “It’s not about the threat, Y/N. It’s about you. Do you know what it does to me, to see you put yourself in harm’s way like that? To think I could lose you because you wouldn’t listen?”
You blinked, the raw emotion in his voice catching you off guard. “Aaron…”
He stepped closer, his hands reaching out to grip your shoulders, his thumb brushing against your collarbone. “You’re not just another agent to me,” he murmured, his voice strained. “You’re my wife. My everything. And I need you to understand that when I give an order, it’s not just to keep the team safe — it’s to keep you safe.”
You felt a pang of guilt at the fear in his eyes, the way his hands tightened on you like he was afraid to let go. “I know,” you whispered. “But I can’t just stand back and do nothing, Aaron. It’s not who I am.”
He sighed, his forehead resting against yours. “I don’t want you to change who you are. I just… I need you to trust me. To trust that I’ll always have your back, that I’ll always protect you.
You swallowed hard, the intensity of his gaze making your heart ache. “I do trust you,” you replied softly. “But you have to understand that I’m not going to just sit by and let you carry all the weight. I’m your partner — in life and on the field.”
His eyes softened, his thumb tracing circles on your shoulder. “I know,” he murmured. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Just… promise me you’ll be more careful. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.”
You nodded, feeling the tension slowly dissolve between you. “I promise,” you whispered.
He leaned in, capturing your lips in a slow, tender kiss that melted the last of your resistance. You sighed against him, your hands moving to his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your palms.
When you finally pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, his breath warm against your skin. “You drive me crazy, you know that?” he muttered, a small smile tugging at his lips.
You chuckled softly, your fingers tangling in his tie. “It’s part of my charm.”
He laughed, a deep, genuine sound that made your heart flutter. “I suppose it is.”
He kissed you again, deeper this time, and you felt all the frustration and fear of the day melt away, leaving only the warmth of his love and the steady reassurance of his presence.
“I love you,” he whispered against your lips, his voice rough with emotion.
“I love you too,” you replied, your hand cupping his cheek. “And I promise… I’ll try to follow orders. Sometimes.”
He chuckled, pulling you closer. “I’ll take that.”
And in that moment, you knew that no matter how many arguments or tense moments lay ahead, you’d always find your way back to each
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Mars speaks… (again) Thank you for reading! Any and all feedback is always appreciated🫶
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cypherscript · 9 months ago
The GIW have finally done it; they finally rid the world of the strongest ghost in their recorded history and the world finally know peace from ghost kind.
Watchtower - Four years three months later.
"Right," Tim Drake-Wayne aka Red Robin stood before a small council of Batman, Wonder Woman, Booster Gold, Martian Manhunter and the Flash, "Thank you, everyone for allowing me to request this meeting but it's imperative that this matter be seen to before something irreversible comes to pass."
"Red Robin, wandering."
"Right, sorry." Tim taps away on the computer and pulls up several of his personal photos from his day off last month of the night sky with two bright pinpoints of lights. "This is the night sky with Alpha Centauri a month ago. I was on vacation and managed to get some good pictures for that night but something else happened that night." He pulls up another photo of the same night sky but one of the stars were gone.
"Where'd the left star go," Flash asks as he pulls over a digital copy of the two pictures.
"I don't know but it's still not there. A month ago Proxima Centauri went out and no one's saying anything about it online. I was hoping to petition the Justice League to borrow the Watchtower's computer and telescope to check the area."
"I don't see why that would be an issue," Wonder Woman says as she also looks over the pictures with the flash. "Batman?"
"I don't have a problem with it but it needed someone not connected to the issue to vote on it." With that said they voted to let Tim borrow the computer's telescope and began scanning the area. Several hours later they had a really clear picture of the area Proxima Centauri had been. In its spot there was nothing; no gas, no planets, no nebulas or anything but darkness.
"We should probably get Green Lantern or one of the space heroes." Batman's Hn spoke leagues to his current mood.
"So your little bird was right, Bats. Proxima's gone and it's not the only one. The Guardian's have been receiving distress calls for several universal cycles. Tamaran, Corona Seven, Betelgeuse, Alpha Corvi to name some." Hal says as he reads from a list projected from his ring, "They've traced a Decay Field originating from Earth over four years ago. Supposedly failed supervillain attack? Experimentation gone wrong?"
"We're unsure. We've talked with the United Nations and no one's come forward with anything concrete. We do have a list the length of the Batmobile of possible culprits though."
"Sorry but what's a Decay Field? I can hear those capital letters and don't just say it's a field that decays stuff." Flash asks, looking up from his portion of experiments.
"But it is... The Guardian's explained it like a kill switch to certain technologies. Something happened on Earth four years that made the universe start eating itself."
"Then why not start with our sun? Why start at a star 4 light years away," Batman asks, putting down the League's digitized stellar map, "If the field originated on Earth, Sol should have been the first to vanish."
"Strange isn't it?"
A burst of static comes from the speakers at the table, causing a couple to flinch before a corrupted male voice speaks to them.
Ņ̵͙͔̼̓̏̕̚o̸̢̳̮̖̩̪͉͒̊̓̐t̸͙͓̻̙͗̌͆́̈ ̸̢̖̪̫̪͙̉̆ͅǎ̸̦͔̜͂͗͛͘͠t̸͇̏̂̉̆ ̵̹̖̣͎̘̟̞͒͆a̴̛̟͗́͂̿͜ḻ̸̑́̀l̵̢̗̻̙̜̄͆.̶̢̨̤̞̖͕̾̏͌̽̽ ̷̛̩̘͍̺͚͈̐̔́̾͊̚W̸̨̳̟͍͓̱̊͗̿̓͜e̸̛̛̹̒͜ ̵̞̻̌̓͆̂̕w̷͉͐́e̴̼̗͑̐̈̑̆͝r̴̫̻͇͖̞͂è̶̯̺͙̬̲ ̶̢̣̣̥͐̓̓w̶͇̺̯̝̲̌̚o̸̡̢̗͖̤̮͑̇n̵͇̣͙̫̹̄͌̽d̴̺̼͕̙̐́̂̈e̴̢̧̮̣͍̯̽͝r̵̼͙̩͛͆͝i̷̝̱͎̞͑̏̀n̵̯̰̻̹̭͕̫̈́͛́̌͘g̵̨̛̻̯̺̠͈̜̅͂̌͘͠͝ ̸̺͉͍̹̱͕̈́̅̀̾̈́͘ẅ̷̨̝͔̖͉̜̭͘̕h̴͚̘͕͊̄ȩ̷̢̱̱̤̫̗̈͘n̸̼̦̭̹͆̏͘ ̷̰̫̳͊͌̋̇͂̍̕͜ẙ̷̭͙̘̅̋́̚ó̶͔̪̥̩̭͎̺͋͑́́̒ũ̶͙̝̬͖̯̏̎͠ ̴̢͈͎̤̜̲͛̈̓̀̒̍̕ͅp̸̨͈̱̥̙̗̠̊̋̀e̶͚͊̈́͐̀̋͠ơ̵̧̧͍̥̮p̴͈̘̺̙̫͈̀͆́l̵̝̻̼̳̋ͅͅḙ̵̮͍̻̺̀̑͛́͑̕ ̸̮̥̀̉̈́͑͊͐͂w̵̲̥̅̎̋̓ȏ̴͚̰̩̐̓̎̿̍̀ͅȗ̵̙͓̂͝l̶̟̪͐͗͂̂d̵͎̦̈́̌̀͌ ̵̧̗̲̈́́̔f̵̨͙̪̌̌̀͜͠i̷̳͛̉̊̆̈̓̒n̶̮̗̤͋̾̂̂͘a̶̤̫̘͚͌̓̒̊l̴̟̰̼͉͖̉̎̓͒͆̅͜l̶̢̹̾̉̒̊̕y̴̡̙̞͒̒̏̉ ̷̧͙̺̯̼̉ǹ̷̯̲́̉̈̚o̸͓̠̖͌̋͒͛ṭ̵̟̥͕͉̀̔ȋ̴̢͉͎̃͆̈́̈́̈́͠c̵̰̰͎̭̯͑̆͌͗͝ȅ̷̖̫̃̐̈͝ ̵͎̣̖̄̃͋̌̂̌̊w̴̹̦̙̜̙͉̰̓̈́̚h̸͇̣̩̝͇͊̃͑͆̂͝ä̵͚̭̪̖̀͗͑̄͘t̶̛̟̳̣͔͍̿̓͆͘͠ ̷̨̠̪͔͎̐̇͌ẁ̷̢͖͓̹͛̈a̷̭͚̭̳̙͇̽́̉̽̐͘s̷̨̲̖͌̆̊̋̐̈́ͅ ̵̻̻̯͍̤̊̂͝͝ĝ̴̨̢̰̙̞̲̂̽̈o̴̪̥̙̽̅͗̓í̷͈̯̾́̋̾̊n̸̳̘͍͒̋̏͆̀̐͜ͅg̸̻̿͗̐̊̍̚͝ ̶̤̰̹̭͙̬͙̇̀ṏ̴̘̮̱̦͍́͂̑̚͜͝ņ̵̼͊.̴̡̜͔͍͇͍̃̐
(Not at all. We were wondering when you people would finally notic what was going on.)
"Who are you," Batman demands as the voice chuckles, "Is this your doing?"
"But you know about it, what's doing this and how do we stop it?"
I̷̢̬͉̖͗̒̀̈ ̷̟͎̯̺̺͕̅̆͆̌̐̔́d̷͙͔̜̿ȏ̶̡͓̩͝ņ̴̜̤̟̳́͑̂̚͠͝͠'̵̝̜̉̆́t̷̛̯͌̓̎̎ ̴̞́̈̍ţ̴̢͓͙́ḧ̸̲͛̿͗̍i̶̧̯̱̠̩̥̭͛̉̊̌̈̒͝n̷͖̯̩̺͛͂̊̑͐͠ķ̶̧̙̖̐͐̀̄ ̷̛̦̲̎̋̑y̷̧̯̝̝̦̌̒͌͂o̴̧̹̲͉̟̝̱̊̏u̵̱̣̘̳͖̇͗͆͐ͅ ̷͙͇̝̳͒̎̑̓͜͝ͅͅc̵̫̼̠̮͕̠̃ą̸̣͇̩̬̟͌̋͠n̵̛̬̟̼͈̪͓̲̆̀̔̋̈́̕.̸̢̝̳̜̥̗̾́.̸̢̪͔̹͈̂̈̆͛̇́̔.̸͓̯͓̞̃̉̃ ̸̢͉͉̳̬͙̗͗͂͌̄̏T̵͚̩̙̽̈́͛͌́̀h̶̘̲̙̪̗̾i̵̭͕̙̟̒̔͝ͅș̵͗̈́̚͝ ̶̥̲̹̜̖̼̯̉̍į̶͓̥̀̍̓s̸̢̡͓̬̰̹̋̿̿̃́̽͜ ̵̀̈̇́͐̚ͅp̸̡̨͎͇̦̌̍͜ṳ̸̫̖̘̑͋͂̕̕͝n̵͔͔͇̺͚̪͋͂ͅĩ̸̢̛̥̬̮̙̈́́̔s̸̩̝̝̓̀̈́ḧ̸̫͇́̓̄́̕ṃ̸̨̐̄̾̌͂͝ẽ̴͓̈́n̵̮̥̯͑͛͂̀́͝ţ̷̨̟̖͚̹̺͗̋͑͌̄.̷̭̐̈̕
(I don't think you can, this is punishment.)
"Punishment for what?! We didn't do anything," Flash shouts as he stands up to yell at the voice.
Ỳ̸͕̖̼͐o̵̘̻̩̹̽̀̍͑͗̊̓ú̴̢͇̮̯͍̑̚ ̷̢̢͖̹̍͗͜ḏ̵̨̹͔͆̈́̀̀̑͆͜i̶̲̯̯̱͍͐̆̉͛͋͐ͅd̶͈͇̤̙̃̃͑͌̅̓͆n̷͓̳̅̄'̶͙͓͉̣̝͓͌̽͘t̵̡̝̘͔̮̹͔̊̈́͋͂́̾,̷̧͔̲͕̙̋̚ ̶̳̙͉̩̄̐̄͌b̷̻̮̟̩͑̿̕ű̶̩̩͚t̷̛͎̤̠̪̮́̒͜ͅ ̵̠͓̩̤̋̇̂͆̕ͅc̶̘̹͒ị̵̢̟̩̄́͐̒͝t̶̠̥͙̗͎̺̘́͗̄͂̅̚ḯ̸̡̞̳̝̰͆̒̀͂̑̎z̴̯͉̾̑̈́͝͝ę̵̻̼̟̗̌̎͝͝n̴̘̓̈́̎̊͌͛s̷̝̭͔͈͗̂͐̇ ̵̱̇͑̆̋̓͜͝͠ő̶̥̝̠̞̇͆̊̀͌͗͜f̸͈̖͆̀̑̈̇̄̓ ̷̨͇̦͕̺̩̃̓̇̇͐̀t̴̬̬͇͔͛̃̊̿̀̏́h̷̯̠͒̒͋̆̂̅͠é̶̡ ̸̰̘͈̹̳̈́Ẽ̸̢̟̥̺͈̙̓̈̄͘͠͝a̶̛͎̥̦͙͆̑͋̿͝͠ͅr̶̺̟̱̈́̀ţ̵̝̩̬͍̉̔͊́̕͠h̶̥̠̣̹̰̻̖͆͂̉͌͠ ̶̳̣̠͚̮̌͆̋̅͂̈́ḧ̶͖͉̟̮̜̻̖́̊ã̸̲̦̗̜̌̿͌́̑̚v̵̯͚̲̯̖͋̽͝ͅȩ̴̛͕̯̖̈́͌ͅ.̸̩͚̽
(You didn't but the citizens of the Earth have.)
"What did they do to warrant starting a Decay Field to eat the universe?!" The next words spoken was a combination of several voices.
T̷̝̹̥̘̯̠̓̑̽ͅh̶̺͓͕̝̍͗̐̃̄̚ȇ̶̜͉͈̦̮̓͝͠y̵͔̗̫͎͙͚͠ ̷̟̓̃͂ķ̷̦̳͎̓̃͛͌̒͝ͅi̴̫̪̮̰̭̠̘̊͑͛́̐l̴̖̲̙̀̿l̵̹̦̪͐̌̎͆ę̷̨̙͇̮͇̊ḋ̵͉͙͖̦̪̰̒͝ ̴̮̜̥̟͚͇͊̀ḿ̵̱̼̮̠̪̘̓̃̀̐͐͝ŷ̸̖̞̤͐̄͛͆ ̸͎̯̠̰̆͋̓̌̂͌͛b̶̢̜̙͎͌̓̐e̸̛̥̳͒̋̽́́s̴̨̙͑́͑̒͐̐t̷͙͌̀̄͝ ̵̰͑̓͜f̷̛̦̭̀́̅̌r̷̖̹̫͕̬̩̔į̴͎͖̯̜̲̥͒̀͊̓̆͒͘ẻ̵̬͈͊͝n̶̤̼̥͚̱͉̔͗̂͝d̶̯̼̋̏̂̈̿͝ͅ.̴̻̭̣̭̪̣̖̒̐̒̄͝ (They killed my best friend.)
T̶̰̗́̋̓͝h̶̞͔̠̪͖͎̝́ě̴͇̭̻̗̣̉̔y̴̛̝̼͎͇̼͌̽̏̚ ̴̢̛̞͕͓̜̻̑͋̍́k̷̲̃̓̊̊́̽ǐ̷̡̟͔̜͈̃ḽ̶̢̭̠͕͒̈́͊́̈́l̵̠͎̎̋̄͘ȅ̷͖̪͖͒̈́d̴̩͖̳̜̯̹̋͑ ̷̜̜̯̬̤͂̑̀̍͋͒̆m̴̙͕̹̩̞͐̌̅̾y̷̡̱͉̠̗͇̏̓̉ͅ ̴̨̖͇̠͜͝p̷̺̯̖̹͚͎͛̋͌ȃ̵̧̪̼̫͈̺̞̾͋̓͛r̶͇̺̫͂̍̑̕t̵̟̦̞̞͍̀̒̉́̋̓n̸͎̻̻̒ȇ̵̢̪̣̤̫͐͜r̸̡̯̪͖̻̃̉̓͘̕͝.̸̹̖̜̈́̃̎̓ (They killed my partner.)
T̴̗̻̫̼̙͛̐̿̈́͂̈̐̎̔̆̀͑͐͠͝ͅh̸̘̞̫̺̗̹͆̽͒̅ȩ̴̡͕̄ÿ̵̢̳̺̗̲̠̩̹̟͈̞̘́͊̓̀́̏̒͑̐̿̊ ̸̼̞͖̻̰̤͚́k̴̛͚̬̹͚͒̐͊̍̉́́̚͝͠ͅͅi̵̘͈̿̌̋̂̈͌̋̐͑̕͝l̵̘̊̒̄́̈́͂̒̍́̿͗̐̉͝͝l̴̬͔͎̍̓͋̉̐̀͂̕͘͠͝e̷̙̭̪̝̭̜̻̠̓͋͑̔̓̈́̋̈͒̒̉̔̏̚͝d̸͕̫̼͉̫͓̜̩̪̺̫͈͋͝ͅ ̸̧̧̼̙̰̮͓̖̑̈́͋͌̅̃̑́̍͛̂͠t̶̡͎̼̖̳̼̣͚͓̝̘͉̊̍̈́͛͆́̾̀͊̃̚͝ḧ̸̨̛̺̹̭̖̠̞́͛̀e̸̡͚̤̮̼̳̽͗͛̾̀̆͂͑̀͛͜͝ ̸̛̪̝̺͓͇̜̀́̿̄̏̕̚w̸͉͕͐̾̋̏͒̂͒̓̚ḩ̴̠̹͇̘͔͚̖̘̻̈́̿̄͆̓̑͑̚͝͠͠͝ę̶̛͔̲̰̖̗̈͋̾͑̂́̅̈͑͆́̀̓͝l̶̨͇͇͉͖͂̃̈̂p̷̛͇̭̺̲̠͕̝̹͍̙̓̍̈́̾̆́̋̐̀̿̓̂̉ (they killed the whelp)
Ţ̵̇̍͐͝ḥ̶̢͎̇ͅě̶̢̨̇̉̎̉y̶��̹͔̼̈́̅͌͑ ̸̖̤͛̿̎̍̂̍ͅk̴͓̞̼̙̰̼̅̑͌̍̄i̷͓̣͎͑͂̌̽̈́̾͝l̸̮͖̖̲͑͑͋̐l̸̛̛͇̹̙̳̟͌̽̃̌è̴͇̒͗͐͂d̷̮͈̋̚ͅ ̴͉͈̞͙̙͇̈́̋͂̚ȯ̶͚͓͋̍̍ǔ̴̢͎̹͕̀͆̇̒̂r̶̮̖̱͂̉̽̔ ̵̤͙̺̒́͌̿̈͠s̷̛͔̣̹̱̼͆͐o̸͕͖̘̬̭͒͑̾̆̓̇n̸̡͖̙̗̩̆̀͌̃.̵̬͉͎̞̬͗́͊̀̂̓̕(they killed our son.)
T̷͖͇̱̜̺̳͠ͅh̷̥͍̼̼̥̊ͅę̶̨̺͇͖̹̒͒ỹ̸̟̟̜̗̘̠̓̓̑̑̄͜ ̷̗̲́͊͋̅ͅk̸̻̤͉̝̽͊̃̉̄͒̃i̴͔͙̰̮̐ͅl̸̤̥̭̊̾͘l̶̢̠̹̩͉̦̏͒͘e̷̢͕̠̥̜̘͓̿̈́̏̅͝d̷̪̭͕̓̐͛̿̈̚ͅ ̶̙̱̩̠̄̎̈́́͘̕m̵̪̫͉̲͑͑ͅy̸̢̬̹̞̳͗̃͌̔̔ ̶̢̼͖̼͕̋̎͛͝͠k̶̞̱̘̲̺͔̔̏̇̍̕ǐ̶̜̟͆̍ṋ̶͈͓̱͌͛̑̂͐̇g̸̩͕̻̃̍̔̃̏̚.̵͙̖͐͠ (They killed my king)
T̶͙͍̤̼͕̎͌͜h̴̩̬̞̕̕͜e̷̫͔̟̔͐͒ͅÿ̴̢̢̻̯̩̱́́̇̄͗̑͠ ̸̧̤̪͈̗͈̼̉̓͋̐k̸̢̟̲͝í̵̢̩ͅl̸͈͒̄͋͝͝l̴̡͍̥̱̙̫̣̄̈́͌e̸̛͔̾̒͛̂̉d̴̪̀̓͜ ̴̧̭͚̥͛͗t̶̨͙̬̥͉̼̎͋̍͜h̶͙̲̟̆ḙ̶͕̿ ̶̧̬͒̍͠͝Ḡ̴̨̓ṛ̶͙̺̘̭̮͍̏̒͗͋̇͝e̶̖̙̥͛̄͆̾͋̐̚a̷͚̙̠̙̠͝ͅt̵̰̥̺̹̂̓ ̸̞́̈́Ó̶̞̳̈́̃͋̇́n̴͙̘̤͉͆̆͗̇̈͆̋e̷̛̹͂͝.̵̝̲̣̅(they killed the Great One)
I̵̜͎͎̘͍͒̈̑̄̔͝l̴̝͔̙̞̓͋̅i̶̖͉̠͎͍̽̒ ̸͇̰̝͙̮̩͒̓̒̆̊̚m̷̨̨̘͔̀͊͌̆̈͐̐͜ơ̷̢̺͉͓̤͍̺̒͝r̵̨̧̰͎̓̎̽͒͛t̸̤̲̙̄͐́̈́̕̕͜į̶̧̭̙̗͙͙̊̉̍͛̿̋g̵̜̺̘̙̼͇̃i̵͈̅̀̅s̵̞̯̯̩͖͖̎ ̴̡̤̞̇̾̆̈̓͝m̵̺͈̺̻̫̰̋̽͐̍͛̕͜ȉ̴̮̙̳̄͛ą̵͕̭̲̱͈̒ǹ̸̨̛̫̺̯̥̗́͜͝ ̵̨̳̝͓̼͆͂͂͛̍͘s̴̡̢̟̘̝̠̘̃̏͑̑̎͠à̶̧̛͖̦v̷͚̇̈́́̏͝â̴̢͓̚n̶̢̗͓̘͖̹͂̂̚ṱ̶̒̂̈̃͆ŏ̸̬̥̎̕ń̵̨̛͇̲̫̦̮̎̾̔̀ (ili mortigis mian savanton/killed my savior)
T̸̢̨͍̲̝̣͎͈̖͓͇͈̘͓̐̉̏̉͊̍̈́̋̕h̸̢̨̙͇̳̜͖̎̇͛̈́͜ḛ̶̡̻͕̝̫̣͇̉̅y̷̢͖̤̫̔̎̌ ̵͎͍̭̟̗̼̹̪̠͉̲̍͆̓́͜k̴̢̗̺̘̳̰͎̲͇̃̌͆͂̀̔̾͛͂̉͘͝͝i̶̟̹̳̱̤͚͖͖̫̲̓̾̄̅̆̎͂̕l̴̨̡̡̲̥͓̠̰̼̥̂͑̀͝ḻ̷̡͕̩̫̾͐́͑̓̃́͒̈́͆̿̓͌̚͘ͅȩ̶̡̣̮̯̳͓̼̓̉̽̄̍́̔̓̆̎̀ď̷͈̬̱̂ ̶͖̺̝͉̜͇̅͐̓̆͗̿̋̿̀̍͝b̵̧̮͆̂̄̒̐̿͋͌̆̍̓̈́͘͝ä̴̡̛͔̫̉͆̍̔̄́̈́͝b̸̮͙͛̃͛̀̃̍̓y̵̱͑̈́̽̇̄̓̔̌̚͝͠p̶͈̮̣̠̮͖͇̠̫̫̦̝̩̉̐̂̈́̐͐ǫ̵̯͙͓͚͍̂̊͊̉̾̌̂́͠͝p̷͙̯̪͔̙̗̞̘͙̅̄̒͒̍͛͋̈͋̕(they killed babypop)
T̴̯̮̝͙͕̐̍h̸̡̢̋͌͊ȅ̴̟̼̀̈́̄̀͌͠ý̸̨̯̩͐̎͒͒̒̕ͅ ̶̡͈̝͎̞͗̊͘k̸̭͇͙̬̫̙͊̎͆̓͝͝ͅi̶̦̝̳̪͂̅̈́̑l̷̛͈̭̺̄́̔̈́͋́l̶͙̳̯̩̈́͐e̴͇̰̭͙̙̿͜d̴̛͉͚͍̋͂̀̔̉ ̶̤̞͙͕̃̓͒͐m̴͈̹̟̃y̵̠̜̏̽̐̀́̀͝ ̶̢̥͉̊̊̊͐͝f̶͎̥͉́́ḁ̸̩̤̱̲̬̒̕͘ṯ̷̯̬̘̮͙̚ḩ̸̖͍͌̀̓̃͘ẻ̵̢͎̓͝r̸̨̩̗̘̗̒̈̆̓͂͘̕.̶̥̀͐̓̉(They killed my father)
Ţ̷̠̘̦̍̏̆̍̀͊̚ẖ̷̼̪̝͇̪̥͑e̸̢̨̻͚̬̯̭̊͗̀͝y̵̪͛̾̅́̓̕ ̶̤͕͆̑̓͐k̵̖͎͍̬͙͒̍i̴̛͙̬͚̫̻͑̆͆͂l̵̨͒̂͑l̷̛͖̫̫̳̭̱̀̀ę̴͈͕͖̜͎̋̆͒̓͘̚d̸̢̼͙̬͐͋̎̉͝ ̵̲̥͋̃̆͂͗͝m̷̞̭̖͚̭̣̑͛͗y̶̛̜͎͆̂͑̑ ̸̩̤̫̹́̾̈͂̏ḇ̷̞̱̣̂̋̚̚r̵̛̻̙̯̯̆̋̽̈́̚͝ô̷̱̍̈́t̶̡̙͈̘̹̫͆͒̽͐̏h̴̥̝́͊̅͌̓̔̒͜è̶͙̰̱́̅̾̉̽͂r̴͍͗̍͂̾̂̆.̷̺̖̥̖̹̾̓́̔ (They killed my brother)
Ṱ̵̻̤̩̰͛͆͑͒̍ͅh̸̜̼̅̀̏͒̄͐ĕ̵̲͚͕̓ͅy̷̻̣̭̰͎͊͂̇͛͗ͅ ̴̜̘̣̙͑̄k̵̭̝̹͛͒̽͘ȉ̵̫ļ̴̡͇̺͈̞͐͂̅͑ͅl̶̫̈́̃͊̏ę̶̛͖̪̺̤̌̓d̸̛̤̱͂ ̴̞͇̫̘͊m̴̛͖̩̲͊̏̈́̓͑̆ÿ̵͔͎́́ ̴͎͎͎͕̳͖̭͊͒͋̒͑̿s̷̬̹̔̒̾̉̿́̕͜t̵̹̋ụ̸̩̂̆̓d̷̢̧̪̞̦̻̓́̋̐̇̂e̷̡̢̯̤̜̞͈͛̑̎̿͝ń̵̙ẗ̵̨̛͔̯́.̷̨̟̰̩̲͆̉̚ (They killed my student)
"Stop! Stop!" Flash shouts over the voices, "We can't understand what you're saying! Who is 'They'?!"
The voices stop and the clearest voice they've heard yet speaks.
T̵͔̊h̸̲͑e̴̘͋ ̴̻̋G̴͚̈́h̸̩͌o̵̮̍s̷͍̽t̶̬͛ ̸͍̒Ȉ̵͚n̸͙̑v̴͙̽e̸̞̓s̴̞͘t̷̠̓ĩ̵͎g̷͖͘a̷̭͒ť̵͓i̵̟̇o̶̞̕n̵̨͠ ̸͓̂W̵̱͂a̵̺͝ŕ̷̥d̶͇͒
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fastandcarlos · 6 months ago
Game, Set & Match : ̗̀➛ Lando Norris
summary: after deciding to go to the tennis whilst at home, lando’s attention is captured by one of the players he watches on court
pairing: lando x tennis!reader
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and 2,583,382 others
landonorris: such a joy to be courtside today to watch some super tennis…a nice reminder that coordination with a racket is not my strongest skill 🎾
username1: how does he manage to look good in every single photo of him!?
maxverstappen1: gonna tell us who that other racquet belongs to or leave us hanging..? 🤔
username2: he was there to watch yn, I was there and he didn’t take his eyes off of her 😂
carlossainz55: pay close attention and then one day you might be good enough to challenge me!
georgerussell63: that’s the smile you have when there’s someone around you fancy 😂
landonorris: @/georgerussell63 I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about…
username3: do we think that maybe there’s something here??
username4: they would be such a good match if they were together 😭
ynusername: hope you enjoyed the match, it was lovely to have you there!
landonorris: @/ynusername you were amazing, it was awesome to see you play in person too 👏🏻
username5: he wasn’t even sat in her player box so I think we all just need to calm down 😮‍💨
oscarpiastri: that’s it, pretend you were there for the tennis!
username6: maybe ask yn if she’ll give you a few lessons 😉
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liked by djokernole, naomiosaka and 358,413 others
ynusername: CHAMPION!! words will never do justice to explain just how much this means to me 🏆✨
username7: the most incredible week, congratulations yn on getting the W ❤️
andymurray: congratulations on an incredible run yn, that was the best I’ve ever seen you play 🎾
username8: she only played this well because lando was watching 🙃
igaswiatek: an honour to be on the other side of the net and see you pick up your first trophy ☺️
username9: can’t believe you’re the champion, a dream week for you ✨
naomiosaka: girl I am so unbelievably proud of you for what you’ve achieved 👏🏻
landonorris: it was an honour to be here and watch you play, congratulations once again ☺️
ynusername: @/landonorris it was awesome to meet you after the match 🤝
username10: lando norris needs to start turning up to more tennis games!!
username11: are we just gonna ignore the fact that he’s still here and in her comments now too!?!
djokernole: that was an incredible match yn, the first of many victories I’m sure 👏🏻
username12: wait for lando to try and convince us that he’s always loved tennis and this has nothing to do with yn 😂
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liked by georgerussell63, danielricciardo and 2,483,172 others
landonorris: he goes to one tennis game and now he thinks he’s a pro at padel (which I definitely am btw!)💪🏻
username13: yn definitely needs to come and give you some lessons 😂
maxverstappen1: can absolutely confirm that you are not a pro at padel in the slightest 🏸
alex_albon: if you’re a pro then I must be the ronaldo of padel 🙄
landonorris: @/alex_albon there is absolutely no chance you are better at padel than me ‼️
username14: if nothing else, at least you’re better than oscar!!
username15: we want video proof or we’re not believing a word of it norris
georgerussell63: stop lying to yourself lando we’ve talked to you about this!!
username16: did he go to the tennis just to pick up tips after all???
danielricciardo: I can’t believe you’ve actually just called yourself a pro at padel 🤦🏻
landonorris: @/danielricciardo it would be unfair of me to lie to the people
username17: idc how good you are at padel, you still look for to me 🔥
oscarpiastri: sometimes you’re so bad you make me look good at this game!
username18: everyone just needs to take a step back, we all know how much of a sport geek lando is…
ynusername: one day I’ll teach you how to be a true racket sports pro 😂
landonorris: @/ynusername I might just take you up on that offer…
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liked by mclaren, landonorris and 327,408 others
ynusername: thank you mclaren for welcoming me into your garage for the weekend, I had the time of my life 🧡🏎️
username19: watch the hardcore fans try and convince us that there’s nothing going on here…
landonorris: it was amazing to have you here with us this weekend, hope you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed the tennis ☺️
ynusername: @/landonorris I think you might’ve just turned me into an f1 fan 🥺
landonorris: @/ynusername I knew I’d be able to convince you 🥲
username20: oscar already taking on the proud role of third wheel 😂
username21: he’s here in the likes and the comments, my mind is made up here!!
emmaraducanu: can’t believe you went to the f1 without me 😭
ynusername: @/emmaraducanu I’m sorry please don’t hate me 😂
username22: pls mclaren give us what we want and film some content with these two
oscarpiastri: it was an honour to meet you and show you around the garage 🧡
username23: how long are they gonna drag this out before they put themselves!?
maxverstappen1: just so you know red bull are so much better than mclaren 😉
landonorris: @/maxverstappen1 stop lying to her 😂 I made sure to tell yn just how superior we are!!
username24: omg just hurry up and kiss already 😮‍💨
mclaren: you’re welcome back anytime, thank you for paying us a visit 🧡
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri and 2,594,473 others
landonorris: she shot an ace through my heart and now it’s game, set and match norris 💞
username25: lando coming straight at us with the world’s worst tennis pun 😩
maxverstappen1: that caption is the mist disgusting thing I’ve ever seen from you 🙄
username26: look at that smile she must make him so happy!!
danielricciardo: how long did it take you to come up with that caption…
landnorris: @/danielricciardo longer than I’d like to admit to!
username27: that caption has given me such an ick 😂
oscarpiastri: still gonna argue you that you want to the tennis to actually watch the tennis!?
username28: they just knew that there was no pretending that they weren’t together with us!
charles_leclerc: alex told me to tell you she wants to meet yn asap!
landonorris: @/charles_leclerc let’s do dinner so I can share all your embarrassing stories
username29: the writing in the sand has made my heart so happy 🥺
ynusername: I think I might’ve changed my mind after reading that caption 😂
landonorris: @/ynusername sorry but you’re mine now and I’m not letting you go!
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 428,066 others
ynusername: turns out tennis and f1 do go pretty well together after all 🥺
username30: I’m so obsessed with these two I can’t cope already
landonorris: I think they make quite the team 💞
username31: if we didn’t believe lando then I think we can definitely believe yn 😂
oscarpiastri: do I still have to pretend that you and lando are definitely not dating???
ynusername: @/oscarpiastri no you’re relieved of your duties now 😂
username32: can’t wait for all the couples sports content we’re gonna get from these two!
danielricciardo: reluctantly giving my racing boyfriend up so he can spend time with you 🥹
ynusername: @/danielricciardo you’re welcome to third wheel whenever you want!
landonorris: @/danielricciardo no you’re not 😂 leave the two of us the hell alone!
username33: ngl I love how they love the sport that the other person does so passionately 😩
maxverstappen1: we’re relying on you now yn to teach this kid how to play padel 🙃
username34: thank you to whoever decided to introduce lando to yn at the tennis that day 🙏🏻
mclaren: I guess we should look into getting you a pass 😉🧡
ynusername: @/mclaren yes yes yes yes!!!
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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cat0901h3 · 1 month ago
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Goosebumps Books 1-10
Can't believe that it took me nearly two years to just do 10 covers for the books. Will be posting more Goosebumps in the future, along with other stuff.
Read more to know my personal opinions and critiques on my fanart for each book:
Welcome to Dead House: I wanted to make the house look alive like Monster House, so I gave it more human characteristics (ie: the people in the windows to form eyes, or the finger-like branches.) Also paid homage to a horror film by styling it after The Amityville Horror house.
The Benson children themselves look a bit depressed, that's because the first book is actually more scarier than the rest of the series, so they're a bit angsty.
Stay Out of the Basement: This one killed a lot of my green markers lol. I tried to make Dr. Brewer as menacing as possible while still showing that he is a father with the photos, There were going to be more plants reaching out, but I decided that the leaves hidden on him would be enough.
Though I have to admit my disappointment with the lighting. It still looks a bit too bright, and not dark enough. That's just my own critique.
Monster Blood: Honestly, pretty mixed about this one. While I'm proud of the bubbling ooze that looks like a skull, which is outlined by one of my colored pens. I'm not proud that everything else is so muted with brown. Almost all of Jacobus' works are vibrant and saturated, so it being dull in colors feels like a disservice to him.
Also, Andy's last name was made up by me, she apparently just doesn't have one. It's inspired by Stephen King. Btw, hope you love banana and strawberry dyed hair, you'll see more of it soon in future batches.
Say Cheese and Die!: One of my favorite books, and of course it gets the best fanart imo. The screaming skeleton form of Greg Banks with red bg in the polaroid, contrasting with the dark background is just super cool, coolest shit I've ever done. Though I might be biased, I really like skeletons. Like Curly.
I actually made concept art for a Say Cheese and Die! graphic novel, which includes drawings of the photos and Spidey! Let me know if you're curious.
The Curse of The Mummy's Tomb: Not much to this one honestly. Just a mummy casually busting down a wall filled with hieroglyphics. Though I will say, I was experimenting with shading with purple and blues like Jacobus. As you can see, didn't stick for long.
This is also the book that I discovered that if the protag doesn't have a last name, then there is an official one either in the Presents novels, the mobile app, comics or other.
Let's Get Invisible!: This was pretty tricky to draw. Drawing someone turning invisible maybe easy in Photoshop or Procreate, but this was traditional art. Sure Jacobus did it with airbrushes, but I all had were pens and markers. But I somehow managed to pull it off, which is insane that I even managed that in the first place.
Night of the Living Dummy: Ah, the infamous Pamela Vorhees book, where the main antagonist isn't the mascot, but instead some other puppet lol. I've seen a lot of fanart of Slappy, but never of Mr. Wood. So I wanted to do justice for Wood while still showcasing Slappy. While I am proud for how it mostly turned out, there are two things that bother me. 1. This is the night sky that is black, the rest are either blue or purple. 2. I forgot to add the lines that make the jaw on Mr. Wood, whoops.
Aside from that, I hope guys like that Misfits poster in the background and Kris's cool hair cut. The green was inspired by the comic adaption not 2015 Jacksepticeye.
The Girl Who Cried Monster: Please forgive me for the small thumbnail, I wasn't using a ruler at the time. The design for Mr. Mortman wasn't much of a challenge. I loosely based it off of the French rendition of the cover and gave him a large leech-like mouth.
In my headcannon, the teeth spin like a garbage disposal, making easy work of the turtles.
Welcome to Camp Nightmare: Another one of my favorites, and I think I did a decent enough job, too. The lighting is perfect, the clouds look alien enough, and you can just barely see the screaming campers inside the tent. I do have one issue though, and that is the size of the monster, Sabre. In the original sketch I did, he was supposed to blend in like a bush, but instead he looks like Sasquatch Sr. Oh well.
While they did give Billy a last name in the Presents books, I had to make up one for Dawn. Just based it off Gwen Stacy lol. Also, hope you enjoy the little bonus pictures down below.
The Ghost Next Door: The original Jacobus art was perfectly vague enough to keep the twist there but not spoil anything. Of course to do the same thing, but with a twist of my own. The "ghost" shadow that you see in the street is the Dark Figure that follows Hannah around or when Danny is near. I wanted it to look like it was constantly on fire, since SPOILERS: someone in the book does die in a fire.
Another headcannon is that the Dark Figure isn't actually a ghost or whatever, but instead the embodiment of Misery.
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