#I have theories of what happend to it…
horatio-fig · 2 years
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Keep thinking about how Ahsoka defeated the holder of the Darksaber in The Clone Wars S7…
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lukaherehelp · 10 months
I wonder how petty Porche is going to become when he finds out that Nant/Nont is fuckin his older brother. You know, typical sunday thoughts.
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I love Monkie kid and the way they tell stories but oh my GODS this unreliable narrator stuff starting to stress me out
(Note: i've only seen up to ses 4 ep 8 no spoilers in the tags please)
#knox rambles#LOVE THE SHOW#BUT ALL THIS 'THIS IS WHAT HAPPENDED' BUT ITS NOT ACTUALLY WHAT HAPPENED IS STRESSING ME#CAN WE GET A STRAIGHT ANSWER FOR ONCE#ALL WE'VE GOT IS UNRELIABLE NARRATORS WHO TALK TRASH ABOUT MONKEY KING#EVERY TIME I TRY AND COME UP WITH A THEORY I HAVE TO CHECK WHO SAID THE THING IM BASING IT OFF OF TO SEE IF ITS PLAUSABLE OR NOT#AND HECK NO MATTER WHO SAYS IT YOU CANT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY#I JUST WANT A STRAIGHT ANSWERRRRRR#WE HAVE LIKE NEVER GOT ONE AND NOW THAT WE'RE INTO LORE ABOUT MONKEY KING ITS STRESSING MEEEEE#LIKE AZURE (spoilers for ep 8) MAKES IT SOUND LIKE WUKONG NEVER GOT THE MOUNTAIN OR RAN INTO BUDDAH#AND ITS POSSIBLE HE DOESNT KNOW BUT ITS ALSO POSSIBLE THEY JUST TOOK THOSE BITS OUT#BUT THERES NO WAY TO ACTUALLY TELL#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#i mean whatever the outcome im not gonna stop writing monkey king with his usual furnace buddah mountain stuff#just gotta add on him being low-key used by azure and fun stuff HDHDHFHHFG#also heck off topic suddenly but thinking suddenly about how Azure and Macaques perspectives of monkey king are opposites#FACINATING#mac: hes selfish he only cares about himself get out while you can he always wins and gets what he wants and leaves you behind#azure: hes selfless hes great he cares so much about his people and puts them before himself but he failed and keeps failing#azure: he doesnt know what hes doing#mac: he knows exactly what hes doing#SORRY SUCH A SIDE BAR THERE I MIGHT MAKE AN ACTUAL POST ABOUT IT LATER GOOD DAY
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cherllyio · 4 months
Li Jing has trapped Nüwa - A season 5 theory
Now I know, this sounds crazy, but dont worry it will all make sense when i show you my evidence for it:
Evidence number 1: How he has the power to do
Evidence number 2: How he has the right motivation to do so
Evidence number 3: Its is shown IN THE LEGO SETS
Evidence number 1: He has the power to do
First of all, Li Jings "Pagado" is weapon used to "trap" people inside of it(sort of like the calabash). He even used this in the original mytholgy against Nezha, when Nezha tried to kill him(Dont worry, i will make an analysis about them soon).
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And we even see Li Jing! trap MK in the Pagado in the trailer! (Notice how MK is the only one being pulled forward, while the other are getting pushed back) (This was metioned in a breakdown here)
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Second of all, we know this Pagado, is IMPORTANT, with how it placed in the direct middle of the season 5 poster. MK and the rest are even IN A PAGADO IN THIS POSTER. (picture of real life pagoda underneath)
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Evidence number 2: He has the right motivation to do so
If we want to understand how Li Jing's motivations works, we first have to look at where he got his ideals from: The Celistial Realm.
Since season 4, we have all been made aware that the whole "Celistial realm system" isnt that great. The Jade Emperor being a prime example of this, as mentioned by Azure.
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Azure: "But overtime it became clear for me, that The Jade Emperors only concern was kepping his subjects under his boot"
And if we actually start analyzing it further, we realize that The Celistials realms biggest flaw is that they focus too much on "Order".
Bassicaly: Everyone has their roles and needs to follow them, like how Nezha was so intense about his whole "protect the celistial realm" role. So much indeed, that it was WORTH MORE THAN HIS OWN LIFE.
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So it would make sense that in this next season, we would get a direct antagonist(or even villian) who is FROM The Celistial Realm.
Because lets be real, even though MK and the rest are heroes, they dont really follow the celistial realms whole "order system".
They are so incredebly chaotic, that of course someone like Li Jing(whom seems very happy for "intrapping the chaotic", aka putting a circlet on Wukongs head) would not like our protagonists.
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And with all this in mind, how would someone like Li Jing then react to Nüwa? Someone who seems to embrace the chaotic as not "something that needs to fixed", but as something that is vital for this world (a real philosophy in dualism btw).
Yea, Li Jing would not like someone like that.
Anyway last evidence:
Evidence Number 3: It is shown in the Lego sets:
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The only time we have seen Nüwa in the lego sets was something called the "Celistial Pagoda"
Notice how Li Jing is IN that Lego sets, holding his Pagoda, that looks suspingly a lot like a smaller version of the big Pagado.
With all this in mind then....This is how i imagined it went down:
How Li Jing trapped Nüwa
Li Jing one day learned that the creation godess, Nüwa, was creating something called "The Harbinger of Chaos". He didnt know what it even was, but he DEFINITELY didnt like the sound of it.
Therefore, Li Jing goes to confront Nüwa, trapping her in the process, but... what about MK you might say?
Well as RV sketch theorised in their video: "What is MK", MK is acutally Broken/ not complete yet (hence why he is glitching, and also why his stone has that crack).
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Therefore they also theorised that the reason that he isnt Broken/ not complete yet, is because that something happend to Nüwa while she was making him, leaving MK alone and unfinished.
He then, somehow, got brought to live, and found his way to Pigsy.
This then meaning, that if both our theories are correct, Li Jing was the one to trap Nüwa and leaving MK all alone on that mountain.
Li Jing might even have found MK's half finished stone and tried to DESTROY IT. And thinking that he finished the job, he just left it there (not knowing that MK is now the result of that).
Li Jing not only ruins his own family, but also ruins other peoples(deities) families too!
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katescribblesabit · 15 days
What happened to Crocker? What was his reaction when Timmy went missing?
Would be be angry that Timmy had disappeared and doesn’t understand what happened? Did he ever worry about Timmy?
Did he come up with theory, thinking if it had to do something with fairies or something?
Just curious because it had been on my mind for a bit.
Also how would Timmy feel and thinks about AJ and his business? How he founded the business, believe that the fairies are dangerous or something?
What about Vicky? Her reaction about what happened? I know she probably doesn’t care, does she?
Did Wanda and Cosmo tell Timmy how they stood up towards Vicky at Dev’s place during his birthday?
My apologies, not sure if you watched those episodes or not.
You don’t have to draw if you want, just something I was wondering. I don’t know why.
ok here we go! thanks for your concern i am drawing as fast as i can lol
first thing first! i gotta say i don't have everything planned out, im mostly going with the flow. i also never expected people to love this au as much as you guys do, i was mostly planning to do like 2 or 3 posts about it haha. (thank you all btw this is nuts i luve uuu <3)
so Crocker! ok thinking about it, he is most definitely pissed his one lead to fairies is gone. after some time had passed and the police stopped looking for Timmy, he suspected something must have happend with magic and his fairly god parents. so he packed up his fairy detective devices and scooped out the turners house for clues but found nothing. when people asked he replied with being worried about the teenager and looking for him himself since the police stopped. perfect cover to hunt for fairies!
i don't think AJ specifically believes in fairies. i thought it was the supernatural in general, seeing as the galax institution is for everything unnatural. also his reaction to Crocker stealing the Trophy says a lot to, he still thinks his former teacher is crazy for believing in fairy tales. as for how Timmy feels, he's happy for his former friend, since AJ is revolving his work around supernatural science, it makes Timmy feel closer to him.
for Vicky, when she heard about Timmys disappearing she didn't care. Timmy went to live in fairy world when he was 16, so Vicky hadn't babysat him for a while now. they didn't see each other anymore, which Timmy was grateful for. Vicky just moved on to other kids to torture. the police did visit her when going around looking for clues but Vicky is a great liar, so she got away with it again.
Devs birthday story was Peris to tell, and well.. i don't think Peri would tell his big brother that his godchild wished him away.. yeahh so Timmy didn't know Vicky was even there.
no worries! i have watched the entire a new wish! so i am caught up with the new stuff haha
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beanyboobee · 6 months
Sometimes like now, I snap awake from the dead of sleep with a sudden thought and realisation about vanitas and Noe.
This one being that they were both victims of abuse in childhood.
Vanitas was clearly a victim of Physical abuse, through the doctor. And he knows what happend to him is wrong. He was kept behind walls as an experiment until Luna came and knocked down those walls. Literally and metaphorically.
But then it got me thinking on Noe and I realised, he was a victim of emotional abuse. So much so that he doesn't even realise it still to this day. That the way the teacher spoke to younger Noe despite his calm and kind appearance holds a negative edge towards almost everything. Each compliment usually comes with a hidden insult. In telling noe he is an Archvisite he also places the idea that Noe is more dangerous than others in his head. In telling Noe that he is differant, insted of telling him that is a good thing he insted tells him he has to be more responsible than others.
And while these lessons can appear as simple lessons a parent would give their child we can see the malice behind these actions through the death of Louis.
For one he left out that book on curse bearers for Louis to find under the guise of- free will. When louis saw his grandfather for what he was. A manipulator.
While Noe fed into the manipulation easily, being kept in the teachers estate, behind walls. Given the illusion of free will when it was anything but that.
It was not a coincidence that the teacher showed up only when louis truely lost it. He wasn't regretful that he decapitated his own 'grandchild' nor the fact that he did it in front of Noe. Because it was a lesson. A punishment. To show Noe what happens to those who step out of line. To those who become 'monsters' something that as we know Noe to this day still fears becoming.
There truely is alott to unpack between the similarities between Noe and Vanitas. They are two sides to the coin. Almost everything about them appears to be the opposite of one another even something that could be easily breezed past. I may be reading to far into it. But it honestly fascinates me to think That Noes negative veiw of himself isn't self inflicted. But was inflicted after years of emotional neglect and manipulation. To make him beleive he thought this way out his own free will.
When in reality , just like Vanitas, Noe was also an experiment.
But unlike the Doctor who was loud and physical about his experimentation, mainly done to change the body.
The Teacher was suble and quiet and mysterious. His experiments having to do more with the mind. And who better to test his theories on than a being like Noe, whos ability involves him literally being in other people's heads ?
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barrenclan · 5 months
Everyone is jumping on the theory wagon so here are my personal predictions:
-You made a few posts about how one of the themes of PATFW is finding hope in hopeless situations which makes me think the ending of it won't be completly bleak. I think it'll be bittersweet, although leaning more on the bitter side. Maybe something along the lines of TMA's ending but a bit more melancholic
-Rainhaze is gonna die. There's no hope for him by now. Although, I think it would've been real fucked up if everybody except for him died and he was forced to go on without a purpouse. Fascinating but not that likely to happend imo
-I think both Blacknose and her kits will live, not only that I think at least one other character will survive so they can help her with the children. My bets on it are either Egrettail, Slugpelt or Daffofilpaw
-Barrenclan is DEFINATLY not getting reformed after the defience attack. I mean the previous chapter is literally called the death of Barrenclan
-I think Pinepaw will die at the end of the story, possibly in a murder/suicide in order to defeat Deepdark. It's sad, but I think it's a very likely possibility. Cormorantpaw will survive though and will have to live with only his memory :( Perhaps he'll get to reunite with his siblings though?
-I feel like to parallel the fire that burned down the forest that Roseclan resided in there's gonna be a fire near the end of the story. Not sure yet what it'll do yet tho. Perhaps it'll snuff out the defience?
-I'm not sure how likely it'll be but I think it'd be really nice if Pinepaw got to talk to or interact with some of the more unwilling members of the defience. Perhaps have a bit of a heart-to-heart with them as they're all stuck in the same horrible situation.
-To wrap this up, here are some other characters that I think will die: Redpelt, Beeface and/or Plumstripe (Either they both die defending the clan side by side and make peace with eachother, or only one of them dies and the other grieve the fact that she wasn't a better sister to her in life. Either way at least one of them is dying) and Prowl
YAAAAY I love these long endgame theory predictions so much. :D So much I can't say but I can read everything and nod my head sagely. ALSO I adore the bingos, they're so funny.
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2-dsimp · 5 months
I know that we are getting the succubus a name, but honestly my mind already prepared like 240 pages of what his trauma would be like. I assure you ever since I saw that the Succbus wearing a wig and is kinda like the outcased of his family, my mind already made-up a bunch of stories and theory on how,why,who,what,when,where the trauma started.
I guess that what happend when you drink energy drink for 3 days straight.
ABC anon
240 Pages is amazing ╭(°A°`)╮
I will say that the why part is covered and it stems from how he just couldn’t get any bitches despite being born into the most rizz inducing species in hell. An Incubus.
Ultimately Uriel lacks any drive or confidence to go out and seduce people left and right.
Plus he just wants to find the right somebody for him. Unlike his family he believes in the concept of love and not the lust. That was shoveled down his throat at a young age in the mandatory teachings at by his professional hellish tutor.
Which is why he opted to preserve his chastity saving it for someone like his dearest dreamie.
The rest of his family, the Valentines, which is filled with prestigious noble Incubi and Succbi who’re known in devildom for being depraved lustrous maniacs. Put even the most devout of preachers to shame with how they frequently worship and practice the sin of lust.
So when his relatives noted that he had no bodies to date. They at first pitied him and cheered him on from the sidelines. And when their light encouragement wasn’t going nowhere with Uriel. His parents had to then usher him into the corrective devil academy and get him right.
But that not only backfired. As it lead to you, his Dreamie. And now that he’s met you he’ll give his parents what they always wanted to see. A lust crazed beast but only for his lovely darling. And they’d just have to make do with that alone.
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h7jfangirl · 1 month
What if Henry turns into a shapeshift goop monster in the climax?
"The fuck are you sayi-" i know, but let me explain:
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You guys see that shit its coming from not only his eyes and mouth but his SKIN?
Now, the skin melting didnt happend before, it was always the inside of the body what blows... but this time its his skin, and HAIR what are blowing and melting
So you can say what im meaning with this; "The more unstable Jekyll and Hyde are with each other and their emotions, the more unstable their body becomes" so what will happend when Jekyll finally loses his mind?
Henry will do something with Hyde after this, he fucking will, this is shown in the chapter´s cover
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Even if it dosent seem likely right now, we can see that for Henry´s smile in here that he is about to finally lose it permantely, reaching his final breaking point into pure madness
Beacuse if you think about it, everything that Hyde has been trying to ruin from Henry´s life, his reputation, his relationships and his mind are the things that are keeping Henry from going full bersek. Think that in the begining of the comic, Henry did admit that wanted to go to the Blckfog but couldn´t beacuse of the society and his reputation, and dont forget this beautiful moment when he went mad of what Hyde did back in chapter five
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So imagine how he would be if Hyde finally took all from him, that he lost his life for Hyde. Henry will have literally NOTHING TO HOLD HIM BACK and this moment its a little taste of Jekyll´s wrath. Its like breaking the chains that had been keeping a beast from set itself free, if Hyde breaks Jekyll´s chains WHAT YOU THINK IT WILL HAPPEND!?
So, we now that the only way that Jekyll and Hyde can be face to face is being the both inside the mindspace at the same time, and this confrotation its going to happend
BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BODY!? Once Jekyll loses his mind... I think it would be something like Steven Universe Future, where the main protagonist; Steven, views himself as a monster so he literally turns into one and then goes back to normal when his family made him feel human again, so after what Jekyll its been through he´d probabily dosent see himself like a decent person, thinking that everyone he knoes hates him and all that sad stuff, so the feeling of being a monster will be so strong that his body will literally turn him into a big mindless monster lead by his emotions, because he if gets ride of Hyde, where is going to go all the feelings he represents? and if he gets ride of the important part of himself then it would completely mess up not only his form without a human vessel but also his sanity
Also, we need to do something with the mob outside, they are about to set the society on fire with them inside.
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But it would make it worst? maybe, but it would be nice to see how Laynon and the logders finally get to understand Henry more and for Jekyll and Hyde to finally stop hating each other so unheathly.
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netsuro · 6 months
A little acrylic stand theory (If I can call it like that)
Sooooo. At first maybe I just remind that there will be some spoilers to 7 and 6 episodes of md but I think you could deduct it by yourselves
Anyway, with the new episode, this little buddy came out
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Now we have both of them out of this little trio.
We don't really know what happened to V. We can consider her begin still alive but probably her body won't be in a good way and she may end up like Nori or smth like this. Uzi thankfully is alive, yet we see that not everyone knows about it (damn I feel really sorry for N rn he really needs a therapy immediately)
Maybe you see it rn maybe you're not. Let me clear it
The connection between these two is that both of them sacrificed themselves for others. V decided to destroy an elevator rope(?) (I think it was some kind of metal rope) just to make sure Uzi, N and Tessa will be safe. Uzi, on the other hand, let herself fell but thanks to this she saved N.
And there we are, waiting for another acrylic stand, u probably now see what's gonna happend. The last thing we can give as a question is who's gonna be saved next
Also another thing FACT THAT THEY ON STAINED GLASS-LIKE THING AFTER THOSE EVENTS LOOK LIKE LITERAL SAINTS. Something that makes it even more into this thinking is that this church building is in medevial gothic style where they had big windows with stained glass and mostly in art from these times usually appeare saint people or historical figures
Anyway that's it bye
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zetsubo-bani · 1 year
Rachel and Vincent in an arranged marriage?
A little theory I came up with
I know at first you must be wondering why I think that despite the manga initially showing them as a normal couple. But I have my doubts on whether they married truly for love only. Here's why:
What started my train of thought was this panel here:
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Whoever possesses the title "earl of phantomhive" is also the queens guard dog, it has always been like that. So the fact that francis made sure lizzy wouldn't neglect her training makes perfect sense, because the wife of the guard dog should be able to protect him if necessary. But then we have rachel who seems to be a completely normal rich girl with not much known about her. Of course you could say that rachel happend to catch vincents attention which is why he ended up marrying her.
But then we have this:
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When it comes to arranged marriages, it is almost always a deal made between parents of the people in question (as seen with lizzy and ciel) or between a parent and the supposed suiter
Now it could be that their parent introduced them in hopes that one of them catches vincents interest which is what happened but then again we have the fact that vincent didn't seem to show interest in rachel. On screen atleast.
He complimented madam red a bit but his marriage to rachel seemed completely unexpected, even to madam red
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You would think that madam red shouldn't be that surprised by that announcement if they had been dating before (because if they married out of love then they definitely would have dated before getting into a marriage).
But she didn't suspect anything and even made herself all pretty in hopes of getting more of vincents attention. She definitely wouldn't have done so if she knew he was already taken because after the marriage she never did anymore romantic moves on vincent and instead just observed them bitterly from the sidelines
People in the victorian age were very private when it came to showing affection, I am aware of that. However rachel and madam red used to be very close and they still sort of were even after the marriage. I am pretty certain rachel would have told her if she started dating someone.
However if it had been arranged it could explain why she was so surprised. It is likely that it's the reason why vincent came to visit them in the first place. He likely knew the father because of work relations and got offered to get a potential wife.
The second chapter of the manga literally said that marriage arrangements were pretty common in that time and that rich people only marry other rich people.
Considering how little we know of rachel, it could be possible that she had some qualities that would fit into the role of the wife of phantomhive which is why she got to marry him, however that is just speculation
We also have this suspicious panel:
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It even struck me as odd when I first read it because why would he say that? Vincent is apparently happily married with a beautiful and noble wife and has twin sons. So the fact that he questioned him about the love part seemed off to me.
But if their marriage was arranged it might make sense as to why he would question vincents ability to "love" because maybe there never was any love involved in his family life with his marriage arranged and his kids being born out of a need for an heir.
It's very speculative but it's not like it wasn't common at that age.
And considering how kuro has the common theme of "not what it appears to be", it would fit in quite well.
After all, undertaker wasn't just a goofy ally of o!ciel, the servants weren't just some idiots who only fail as a servant, lizzy wasn't a damsel in distress, o!ciel isn't ciel, madam red wasn't trying to help o!ciel, ... and maybe rachel and vincent weren't the loving couple they were portrayed to be.
In any case, it's a little theory I had while thinking. Please share your thoughts with me.
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frevandrest · 6 months
more on jamgate?
i read charlotte’s memoirs years ago but i dont remember the details
Sorry for my late reply! I love to call it "The Great Jamgate of 1793", but in truth I am unsure when it happened. Does anyone know when Charlotte persuaded Robespierre to come live with her, but then he got sick and Mme Duplay brought him back to Duplays? The jamgate happens after that. (So it could be the Great Jamgate of 1791 or 1792, lol).
Charlotte tells us how she loved making jams for her brother, who had a taste for sweets and fruits. She would send her maid to Duplays to deliver jams, and, according to Charlotte, Mme Duplay always had a snarky comment on that.
The worst happend one time when Mme Duplay sent the maid back, refusing to accept jams, saying something along the lines of "Bring that back, I don't want her to poison Robespierre".
Naturally and understandably, Charlotte was shocked and hurt. It was inded a shitty thing to say, even as a "joke". In line with the narrative Charlotte built about herself in the memoirs, she claims that she "swallowed her sadness" and said nothing to Mme Duplay or Maximilien (as to not cause him pain).
Of course, we have to remember that this is Charlotte's version of the story (we don't have one from Duplays), and Charlotte is not always the most reliable of the narrators. Still, the anecdote seems too specific to just be made up, so I am willing to believe that there was indeed a Great Jamgate of some sorts. We do know that Mme Duplay didn't like Charlotte much, and it's possible that she ridiculed her cooking skills. (Those two women seemed to fight over who would pamper Maximilien). Mme Duplay obviously saw herself as superior, and tbh, she probably was, but I doubt that she really thought that Charlotte wanted to bring harm to her brother (?)
Still, I can see Mme Duplay saying something snarky about Charlotte's cooking. But I can't guess anything more than that.
The way Charlotte described the Jemgate, it has all the typical story points of her narrative: there is always a harpy woman who hates her and tries to take her away from her brothers. The harpy is horrible, but she (Charlotte) never says anything because she is good and non-confrontational, and she doesn't want to hurt her brothers or cause any problems.
Needless to say, this goes against everything that we know of her character from other sources. Charlotte comes off as too outspoken and stubborn for this meek and obedient image she paints of herself, not to mention that she did get into fights with her brothers.
So it's difficult for me to trust her version of the Jamgate, even though I do believe that there was a Jamgate in some form. In my opinion, it reflected the two women's fight over pampering Robespierre - a fight he seemed to ignore (probably as a woman's thing, as if it wasn't happening because of him). As a sister to an unmarried man, Charlotte absolutely had all the rights to be the one to care for Robespierre and his household - it was an important duty that an unmarried sister would do for her brother. In that sense, Duplays overstepped the social boundaries, even if Charlotte was indeed bad at household duties (my theory is that she was too busy with the revolution but I don't have a concrete proof, except my wishful thinking).
Still, it was Robespierre's fault for not saying anything, and for not recognizing the social mistake of the situation. I believe he really felt pampered and cared for at Duplays in a way Charlotte could not provide (if anything, she was one person and Duplays had 4 women ready to pamper him). A different sister might not have cared, but Charlotte was obviously feeling rejected. Couple this with the Northerner vs Paris anymosity and you have a recipe for disaster. Robespierre not solving the situation is not surprising, given his character (I wonder if he noticed anything/knew/understood what's going on), but it's not an excuse, because it was on him to mediate between Charlotte and Mme Duplay, since the whole mess was about him.
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midnight197 · 1 month
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Sooo, I have seen a theory around recently, that Broken Vessel/Lost Kin is Esmy. The Character Sly mentioned in his delusions when you find him in the old Village.
I really like that Theory and wanted to put my own Ideas into it a lil, trying to kinda set a Timeline where it might have happend.
Neither Sly nor the Nailmasters mention Esmy except Sly in that one Dialogue. So I think it happend a long time ago when the Nailmasters were still quite young. So they would have a hard time remembering Esmy.
Which would make Esmy the first Pupil of Sly. Kinda making them an older Sibling for the Brothers!
Sly also says following dialogue in the Same Delusions right before mentioning Esmy:
"...ugghh, Oro you oaf.... You wield your nail... like a club..."
So what I think happend is, that Lost Kin wanted to show Sly something. Or needed his help with something. They wanted to lead Sly towards the Ancient Basin. Either to try to get his help freeing their Siblings or because they were looking for something that was important to them. Either way, Lost Kin probably was in some kind of hurry.
Sly took the Brothers with him as well (still quite young) and got distracted by Oro this loosing sight of Esmy, who either didn't notice that they were not following them anymore or didn't care to much at that point. Just thinking they would be able to follow them either way.
Well Sly lost sight of Esmy probably around the Old Village (maybe the Village was still populated which why he lost sight of them so quickly). And despite looking for them, he wasn't able to find them, so eventually he would give up (tho I can imagine Sly trying to look for them for quite a few years).
Just a few thoughts I had about this theory! Broken Vessel always was a very tragic Character but that makes it even sadder.
Also ignore the wonkyness of the Picture, I was trying around with the Symmetry Brush in Medibang but decided to line it without it xD
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lukaherehelp · 8 months
Okey, Detectiva Luka on the case!
I'll be cracking this plot open in order on how things will go so, sit down and relax, grab a coffee and something to munch.
This post will briefly attached things from this post by @syrena-del-mar alongside my post here on the movies,as well as the ones about Tan and Phee being the killers and Tan using poison on the guys, as well as my theory of why I think each mask is different and I think I know whom is behind each one (thanks again to @blmpff for the screenshots). All these theories have being a collective effort between the multiple minds in the bl/gl server so also a big thanks to them for being as unhinged about these as me djslkajdlkjass with that being said...
Let's jump right in, shall we?
So yesterday we discovered that the movie posters in Non's room are fake mock-ups of real life horror movies, right? and there's a fourth poster that can be found in Jin's room in the trailer that we haven't seeing yet in the series, but I'm going to talk about it as well. They go in these order:
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Rivarium, Whisper and La Madre
and Jin's:
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Imagine Jin's is where the bookshelf is in Non's and we get this order:
Rivarium -> Whisper -> Devil -> La Madre
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or may I say:
Vivarium, 2019 -> The Whisper, 2007 -> Devil, 2012 -> Mamá, 2012
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the order they are in is really important because it actually shows us how the plot is moving. The movie posters give away the plot. Let's go in order:
What is important to us from Vivarium (2019) are two things: the looping element of its plot (not a timeloop) and the brood parasitism example they show at the beginning of the film and feeds into with the plot later on with the loop element.
Vivarium shows as at the beginning the brood parasitism of cuckoos, birds that don't nest their eggs and instead, sneak them into other birds' nest for them to raise them. The gang, quote "Non's Friends" are the cuckoo, leaching out of a bird to raise their babies. Or, in their case, draining Non (the bird) out of his ideas and kindness (the nest) for their own good. The loop element comes into these with two new cuckoos, Tan and Phee, infiltrating the group (the birds), but instead of using it to rip the benefits (getting their eggs in the nest), their true intention here is being full parasites. They are a virus contaminating the body that is the friend group. They are "The Boy", ready to kill.
And how do they do this? Here is where The Whisper (2007) comes into play. David as a concept, to be more specific, comes into play.
David is an eight-year-old boy that is not really what it seems. He's the son of a wealthy woman, so kidnapping him should be easy, but this provokes many deaths in the movie amongs his captors. Why? 'cause David, in reality, is a demon. A demon that can "suggest" and "influence" the people around him to do whatever he wants. Only Max survives and is able to kill David, but not after the later has taken with him the lifes of everyone else without moving a finger. Phee and Tan haven't moved a single finger against the group (yet), but "the killer" has being doing it ever so slightly. And even like this, the only death among the boys that has happend wasn't even by the hands of "the killer". No, Por dies because Top kills him. "The Killer" (Phee and Tan) are pitting the boys against one another without them even knowing. The only thing they have done truly is poison them (going again with the loop thing as the gang drugged Non in the past) so they allucinate. And one specific allucination brings me to the next movie:
@syrena-del-mar gave a really good synopsis:
Devil (2010) revolves around five strangers that become trapped in an elevator. As they struggle to escape, it becomes apparent that one among them is the Devil incarnated, manipulating events and tormenting the others with a series of disturbing manifestations. Meanwhile, outside the elevator, a detective investigates the strange occurrences, gradually piecing together the connection between the trapped individuals and the sinister presence haunting the building. As the situation inside the elevator becomes increasingly dire, the characters are forced to confront their darkest secrets and sins, each suspecting the others of being the Devil in disguise. Once they deny their sins, the devil is able to claim their soul. The Devil is unable to claim the last survivor's soul, because these one confesses and repents for having killed a family in a car accident and fleeing the scene. "
Y'all can see why Jin is the one to own this poster, right? But I think there's two reasons for this:
the first one is the obvious, which is that Jin, amongs all the boys, is the one that probably regrets the treatment towards Non the most. He really cared about him, and he harmed him as badly as the other did. But he is repenting, and he might have already done half of the work no so long after the release of the video...
Because the second reason Jin has these poster is the fact that he shares the same sin as Tony, the survivor, in Devil: a hit and run. In Jin's case, Keng's hit and run.
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Jin's only allucination speaks for itself, so I don't think I need to add anything else to this point.
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but Devil also begins with a bible verse:
"Be sober, be vigilant: Because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
The devil, the lion here, are Tan and Phee... or in Jin's case, Phee specifically. Both boys are playing the long game dragging these revenge for three long years, but Phee has make it upon himself to get the closest to Jin. And I think is because he knows, he knows Jin was involved with what happen to Non, he knows about the video, and he wants Jin to pay as well. But avenging Non by killing Keng might be what could keep Jin alive at the end... or at least to not be killed by the hands of Phee and Tan.
Talking about killing! A little side track to point out that I definetly believe that White will survive yes or yes and as I said this morning, I need him to be like the main character in the book Final Girls by Riley Sager and kill Tee himself. Period.
getting back on track, LET'S BEGIN WITH @blmpff BLORBO, THIS SILLY GUY, or well, these three silly guys:
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But there's four! - it looks like we have four masks but upon closer inspection I think is just three. Not only the eyes are different but also the face structure of each changes a litte bit and the last two here look identical, so I just think is a matter of actual production of the series and them having that same mask duplicated but because it has more "dripping blood" on the eyes, it doesn't look the same in both. In any way, I'm about to tell you whom is whom.
Our first Killer, "Clear Sight", is Tan.
Tan, in this theory, is New, Non's older brother.
So yes, I know, this whole plan is a revenge for what happend to his little brother, so you'll think that he would be a little bit more "passion" driven when it comes to revenge, but taking in account the other two killers... well, makes sense that the older one is the one being more focus and calculating about what they do. A "Clear Sight" amongs them. He's also the one that has poisoned the friend group, as I explain here. So yeah, cold blooded and with a plan in mind.
Which he has really well tight up with the second Killer, "Bloody Tears", since they flawlessly were able to fool us all when CS stole the motorbike from Tee but then BT pulled up with it.
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So, whom is "Bloody Tears"? Say it with me class: is Phee. Yes.
His eyes are bloodshot and he's crying blood because hiswhole purpose with all of this is to avenge Non. He feels guilty over his last words to Non:
"You want me to forgive you? Just get lost and die."
He's the one being more driven by passion, by rage, by wrath. These absolute fuckers destroyed the Non he loved so dearly and he will destroy them.
So if "Clear Sight" is Tan, and "Bloody Tears" is Phee... Then whom is "Fresh Blood", our third Killer?
For the sake of this these "timeline" theory, we will go with the idea that "Fresh Blood", the masked killer with the fresh blood on its eyes and the cruch, is Non.
The obvious reason: the crutch. FB is the only one holding it, both when he appears in front of Top and when he's in the woods.
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And we saw what Non was capable of three years ago when he finally snapped in front of the others, so I don't need to explain why the blood of his eyes is till fresh. He's a goner, he's fully commited to the bit, he will take all this fuckers to hell with him... including Jin.
Because Phee could spare Jin, but Non will not. And so we are down to four people by the end of these tale: White, Tan, Phee and Non.
Here is where the last movie comes into play: Mamá (2012)
Mamá is about two sisters, Victoria (f8) and Lily (f6), whom were living as feral children for five years in a remote cabin in the woods after their parents' death. They are put under the care of their uncle Lucas and his girlfriend Annabel, but when the two girls start to build a bond with Annabel, what kept them alive in the woods, Mamá, wants to take them back with her. And by the end, she almost does. On a cliff, both sisters make a choice: Victoria chooses Lucas and Annabel, and starts a new life with them; but Lily, whom loves Mamá dearly, decides to stay with her. Mamá after this, jumps off the cliff with Lily on her arms, activily killing her and turning them both into moths.
Tan is Victoria, Phee is Lily and Non is Mamá.
Phee, like Lily with Mamá, will choose Non. After all the blood they have spilled, is better to get lost in the woods than to comfront the police, honestly. They can just get lost and enjoy nature like they did when they used to visit the lake. They will just count Phee as one of the many victims these cabin has taken.
And so is Tan because he, like Victoria, will choose to live his life. But he was never Tan. He's New, and he can just let Tan die at these cabin and go back overseas as himself, leaving all of these behind...
And leaving only White as our final boy.
so yeah, those are my theories and how I think the series is going to play out, this post has taken me 3h and a half to right down, I can't feel my brain any longer dljsaldjalkjsd
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maufungi · 1 year
The Bentley is a lie
(This is a spoiler zone for Good Omens season 2) Hey guys! I found something strange (and most likely the stupidest meta of all)
I read these amazing posts about the Bentley Ineffable discontinuity and the Bentley's roadtrip transformation and this one by @embracing-the-ineffable and @thesherrinfordfacility
and they got me thinking…
Why the Bentley is a lie:
So while re-watching episode 2, I noticed something strange…
Something immediately caught my eye in the first scene. The blue box in which the "2" (2500 BC) is written. In terms of color grading, I find it very striking.
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A second blue box appears with the "L" of "Land of Uz".
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The next 2 are in the book of Job that Aziraphale and Crowley are looking at. "T" and an "S" can be found.
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In the back of my mind there was still the hint that this episode was called "The Clue". And of course there would have to be hidden clues in this episode. Something story or meta relevant.
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So I just googled "2LTS". (Because I am a research professional)
And to my surprise a model of a car appeared, that looked very similar to the Bentley: the Ballot 2LTS.
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Maybe there is a Bentley at the start of the season (episodes 1 and 2) but they later switched it to another car? The Ballot 2 LTS.
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I don't know anything about cars. So I read a bit about them. To my surprise, a Bentley isn't just a Bentley. It's the chassis that is from the manufacturer Bentley and the body is made by a coachbuilder company. (In this post @scrapheapchallenge explains which body the old Bentley in season 1 had and what happend to it in season 2.)
So my theory is that they changed the Bentley chassis to a Ballot. And put on a 4 door body.
This could explain the changing seat colors and hubcaps.
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And why they talk about a Bentley in the first two episodes and later just use the word car.
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And why a Queen song is only played once in the Bentley. (Episode 1)
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The Bentley was there at the beginning but then it was replaced?
In what way is this relevant for the story? I don't know.
Why are the clues hidden within the Job storyline? I don't know.
Maybe it has to do with multiple timelines (by @noneorother) where the Bentley is and isn't? I don't know.
Maybe the the french word "Ballot" has a deeper meaning? I don't know.
Does any of this make sense? Probably not, but I had fun writing it.
The only thing I know is that the Bentley ought to be the old Bentley, but it seems to be another car.
There are more of those blue squares (did you see the metatron's TIE?!), so I will look further into them, but for so long:
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I'll let myself out.
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