#I have that 2 truths 1 lie to draw
tiamathh · 1 month
Compliments from the Universe
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Note: From the universe and me to you, you're all doing so well keep it up and take care of yourselves! My Paid Readings have been reopened if you want to check them out there's only 17 slots <3
Masterlist | Paid Readings | Paid Feedback
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Hi Pile 1! The universe is here to complement you on your ability to stay truthful and vulnerable even in situations that make you want to lie and avoid and run away. You embrace change and don't run from it which makes life a tad bit easier for you than others who keep trying to claw their way out of inevitable situations. You are courageous and beautiful and people want to court you or ask you out because of how fun and flirty you seem.
Fast paced those are the words that can be used for you, but in a good way of course you want something and you go for it, you don't wait for life to happen and life rewards you by keeping things interesting whether for good or for bad, usually for the good though. You're free spirited and have the ability to be alone and stay with yourself and your thoughts which is very tough for some people (me) to do, this ability of yours does not only make you very self aware but also puts you on a path to self actualisation and being the best version of yourself.
You're sensual and I heard the song "All I do is win win win no matter what" so you have that going for you, even if it seems like things are not going your way, you somehow still keep control of yourself and ground yourself till you end up making things happen for you. You do not go down without a fight and have a natural affinity towards healing. Your presence itself is like a bandage on a cut, warm and safe and protective.
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Hello Pile 2 <3 The universe is here to give you your flowers for being someone who knows how to protect your peace, you have the ability to save up and aren't a big spender which also provides you with stability and a good eye for investments. You may be someone who starts a lot of projects and even though you may not see them through, you still use whatever you've learnt from the previous project into new ones, whatever you learn you never let go to waste and always carry it with you. You have the kind of speech which can pull people in, the way you talk makes people want to listen to you, not only because of your words but also your voice helps calm others down.
You're blessed with the ability to see through people's bs and save yourself and the people close to you from such individuals as well. You carry yourself with a lot of grace and poise and may be very lucky when it comes to finances but this is not all luck it's also based on how you work hard for whatever you have. You don't shy away from controversy or conflict either, you know how to fight and you'll do it if you need to.
You refuse to trap yourself within the conventionality of society and let yourself do what you want and live how you want, you don't fear judgement, the only thing you fear is not being able to experience life the way you want which is very commendable. You entirely understand the concept of living for yourself and not for anyone else which makes the universe give you what you want if you ask nicely.
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Hi Pile 3! The universe wants to tell you that they're proud of how you are extremely firm when it comes to any decision you make and how you have the ability to balance rationality and emotionality and do them both justice whenever you make your decisions. You're someone who has grown into this role which is even more commendable because you were able to overcome your inability to make decisions and may have been wishy washy.
You have this feeling of restlessness and freshness to you, like the wind at the top of a mountain, filled with energy and gusto but just so refreshing. However, you know when to stop and stand still, you know when it is right for you to take a step back and self evaluate. You're someone who's very sociable and loveable, a lot of people are naturally drawn to you and you may be someone who steps into the spotlight with ease, you do not have troubles when it comes to mingling with people from any walk of life and could also have a lot of wanderlust within you which encourages you to experience new things and everything the world has to offer.
You're generous and willing to help anyone out especially when they're just starting out, I heard start ups so that could be important for someone. You have this ability within you where you are very good at laying foundations for anything, your foundation with your life and what you want to do itself is very strong and almost unshakeable and you may not experience a lot of tower moments in your life because as soon as you clock that something is not working for you or meant for you, you get rid of it yourself and don't force the universe to intervene.
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psychicreadsgirl · 2 months
Pick a Painting : All about your next s/o
Pick 1 painting that draws you the most and I will tell you whatever I can pick up on your next s/o. If you are drawn to 2, then take a look at both readings. Remember that this is a general reading so not everything will apply. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't behind.
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Very easily depressed. Mental health is always a concern - doesn't mean they're bad people. Just that their mental health is particularly weak. Easily defeated and blue. However, they do feel things very deeply. Very emotional people. Very, very sensitive and intuitive - you won't be able to lie to them. It's like they have this 6th sense or can read your mind. Don't even try to lie to them - you'll just be caught. Not even a white lie please with these people - a lie is considered a really big betrayal to them. Though their mental health is weaker than average, they will be able to take bad news too. They aren't THAT weak.
Probably has a very creative or almost genius-like side. Very lost in their own world/sometimes will just go off and do their own thing. When they are focused on sthing, they will give it their all. The type to like not sleep for 2 days just to finish something --could be a video game, artwork, song, dance, Excel spreadsheet, code, math problem, clothing, etc.
Though intuitive - they can be kind of anti-social and don't really like to be around big crowds or people in general. Quite closed in and guarded. Think bc they can see so much of the truth they get really boggled down with that "negativity" or that "ugly" side of ppl that they don't want to be in contact with many ppl.
They have a lot of wisdom and knowledge - might not be like the typical "nerd" feeling, but they just know a lot about things that interest them. Could be some particular history or about some theory or painting or sciences etc.
They are shy with physical affection or don't like it that much. The mental connection is more important to them than the physical one. They may be asexual or some may struggle with their sexuality or sex in general.
Life of the party. Very popular s/o and well liked by others. They probably have had many dating experiences -- might not mean they are a player. They probably don't like really heavy relationships and people who are too clingy.
They are really fun and adventurous. They are very playful and charming. They can be kinda forgetful too. They're warm and will remind you of the sunshine.
They sometimes can be ignorant of the world/others' feelings so can come off as being shallow or dense. They're either very intelligent academically or they do very poorly in school - sort of 2 extremes here.
They're either quite athletic or quite artistic. Generally they do have a decent physique like somehow muscular even if they don't work out much.
They're pretty laidback and overall chill. They definitely have very interesting stories to tell/share. Overall pretty independent people and somehow can make bajillion friends.
Sometimes they might not be the most reliable out there. They can often forget promises and also aren't the most responsible ppl out there. Likely to be late to meetings and dates. They can sometimes even forget to bring their wallet or keys.
They can be kind of arrogant and self-centered. They are very confident of themselves, sometimes overly confident. They gotta be the one that make decisions in the relationship. They have a strong, commanding presence. They have this leadership aura like people just naturally want to follow them.
Likely to be quite successful in their career or comes from wealth. Can be kinda spoiled in some ways and also out of check with reality. Bad at saving money, a big spender in many ways.
A lot of people admire your s/o. They'll likely be quite good looking or charming - something about them that'll make people want to take a 2nd look at them.
They probably will dress quite well or at least in a polished way. Kinda classy or perhaps very street style. Either way they will have decent fashion and care a lot about their appearances. They will want you to also look presentable too, so no sloppy lazy attire when you go out.
They likely are friends with people of influence - could be famous or powerful or rich or all of the above. You might feel a bit overwhelmed by their connections or their lifestyle if you don't also have a similar background as your s/o.
They'll have some sophisticated flair/air about them. They are strong communicators and are quite persuasive. They know what to say to make your heart flutter. They may be manipulative though - so be careful.
There's probably some secret they are hiding - not sure what exactly but I don't think they want you to find out.
They are very introverted and quiet. Very observant and detail oriented. Some may suffer from OCD or OCD-like tendencies. They can be obsessive over details. They can either be very very clean or be super super messy.
They probably will wear glasses or have prescription lenses somewhere. They may possibly have some tattoos or piercings or at least some prominent scar or birth mark.
They are pretty serious and aren't ones to really joke around. They can be sarcastic though. They may seem kinda gloomy but it doesn't mean they are very pessimistic.
They're probably night owls and hate the mornings. They probably won't like sweet things or will love them a lot - no between.
They can be kinda self-conscious and have a bit of low self-esteem. Could be bc they were bullied in the past or they felt they were really ugly before?? Possibly they were overweight when they were young and then teased a lot or bullied a lot so now they still got that trauma. Could possibly have suffered from some eating disorder too or went through some extreme diets.
Their physical health may not be that good like possible chronic illnesses or have gone through a major surgery/illness. Possible cancer survivor too.
They have a kind heart and probably love animals. They likely have a pet or if they can't have one due to allergies, then they would still like them.
Definitely suffered from some trauma in their childhood or before they date you. This trauma will probably be pretty bad and severe - TW: sexual assault/physical abuse/violence etc. The abuse could have been very bad.
They are either in the healing process when they meet you or they're still deeply suffering from this trauma and won't admit it. Their inner child definitely needs healing.
They likely came from a family that was broken in different ways. Possibly the parents weren't available/died young or the parent(s) were abusive - could be verbal or physical etc. Or perhaps the parents favored the other sibling a lot and ignored your s/o. Siblings were very toxic to your s/o. Whatever happened your s/o did not feel loved by their family and/or they were deeply hurt by their family. They will likely have cut off from their family or will leave them shorlty after dating you.
They have a lot of sad undertones and when you look at them very closely, you know they have a story to tell. They are probably very animated/sociable so you might not even notice at first that they've suffered so much but when you look closer, you will sense that they've gone through a lot. If that's not the case they could be just very cold and a bit of a loner - like they seem strong on the outside but inside they are suffering.
They may not be super good looking but they have this attractiveness to them that draws people to them. They have that sort of mystery to them. However, they probably don't have many friends and stick to themselves.
They are interesting as a person and are self reflective. They have depth to them and can understand people well.
They probably come from a traditional family or a very large family. They might have been in a religious family too or a cult.
They are either very close to their family or have completely cut off from them. There's no in between.
They can feel very lost at times. They aren't very sure of themselves. They have an innocent vibe to them. They also trust people easily, almost too easily. You'd want to protect them or look after them.
They are idealistic and sweet. They are gentle and probably have a sweet/angelic voice. They are friendly and loving.
They can be unrealistic so they will need someone who can ground them. They probably start a lot of projects and never finish them.
They need a lot of reassurance as they can sometimes lack confidence or get nervous easily.
They will probably have a rounder face or rounder features like rounder eyes, lips etc. They may be on the shorter side for height like shorter than average or they may just have a petite build like smaller bone structure. This doesn't necessarily mean they are very skinny - it's just somehow they will feel "Small".
They have a lot of youthful energy. They can sometimes say really dumb things even though they are clever. They're not very street smart. They probably will get lost easily. They also probably love food. They also are probably kinda lazy.
They're probably very athletic or very into health stuff. They can be a fitness nut and they probably enjoy a lot of sports. They might even be some competitive athlete, possibly even an Olympian.
They seem to be able to do a lot of things like not just excel in sports. They might even have a creative side like filming videos or writing stories etc.
They enjoy travelling and love exploring. They love nature and being away from the city.
They're very daring and adventurous. They are very energetic and have loads of energy - almost too much.
They get distracted easily. They possibly suffer from ADHD or just have trouble focusing for long periods of time. They might not be able to sit still so they likely hated going to school (besides doing something more active).
They have strong golden retriever energy. They mean well but sometimes they can be too blunt. They also can sometimes be quite fiery and will definitely stand up for you when needed. They have strong protective energy too.
They also are probably romantic and will surprise you with little things. They will also remember anniversaries etc.
They are very calm and collected. They are determined and responsible. They can be kind of boring sometimes. They stick to a routine and don't like to deviate from it. They are quite stubborn.
They are loyal to you. They are committed in the relationship. They care a lot about you but often have trouble expressing it to you. Sometimes you might feel like they don't love you but it's their actions that prove that they do love you. They notice the little details about you, including all your habits. They love looking after you and could even want to groom you somehow like maybe cut your hair/brush your hair/help you shave etc.
They can nag a lot and are passive aggressive. They can seem like a parent sometimes but they do mean the best for you.
They can have a controlling side. They're really into being efficient so sometimes they might forget that people have feelings.
To a lot of people they are workaholics. They also are quite responsible. If you're disorganized they will help you be more organized.
They're not romantic at all. They are very pragmatic so if you're thinking you're getting a romantic Valentine's Day, no that won't be the case. However they'll probably order your favorite food and help you clean up your place so you aren't tired after school/work/etc. They'd give you an expensive high tech vacuum instead of some necklace bc you really need one to clean up your place.
They can sometimes be a bit petty and yes they do bear grudges for life...
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scyllas-revenge · 11 months
Just read your “leap of faith” fic for Legolas and I have say I absolutely adore your writing style! Would it be possible for you to do a drabble or some rough ideas on what he would act like in the morning after waking up?
Thank you so much!! Honestly, that wasn't a fic I really planned to write more of, but your ask got my extremely rusty brain back to writing, so thank you! I'm not sure I succeeded at the style I was going for here, but it was fun to give it a try. I hope you like it!
(and @heilith I remember you requested to be tagged in my next Legolas content, so here you go!)
Leap of Faith, Part 2
aka even more Only One Bed shenanigans
Legolas/reader (gender-neutral)
Word count: 1100
Rating: G
Read part 1 here!
Legolas wakes to the sound of his name, but does not hurry to open his eyes. Your voice is a thing of beauty, as it always is, and he sighs a soft smile at the sound, willing the outside world away.
Soon his name is on your lips again, a bit more insistently this time. He shakes his head faintly. Not yet. Mortal sleep is a new experience for him, and he would indulge in it a few moments more. 
Now your hand presses against his shoulder. Regretfully, Legolas allows himself to be jostled into real wakefulness at last, where he finds you lying beside him, soft morning light streaming in through the inn’s faded curtains.
Your body is still curled toward him under the blankets. 
Concern pinches at your brow as you study him. You have never seen him sleep with his eyes closed—is he unwell? But then, perhaps elves never feel unwell. The wry laugh in your words does not fully disguise the sudden pain behind your eyes—perhaps you are reminded, as he so often is, of the immeasurable gulf between you, mortal and immortal, human and elf.
But you were never one to dwell overmuch on such heavy matters—you rest a hand against his forehead, half-teasing, as though to check for fever. Burning up, you inform him, your solemn pronouncement betrayed by the grin playing on your lips. Alas, he is quite unwell indeed! You fear his days are numbered. He had best get his affairs in order.
Legolas does not return your laugh. He will feel unwell in truth, he knows, the moment he must rise from this bed and carry on his journey with you, pretending he did not hear you whisper his name in your sleep, pretending he did not succumb to mortal dreams by your side. But he must give you an answer, and such a confession will not do. 
He was curious, he admits at last. It is no lie—not even a half-truth, for he is burning with curiosity, has burned ever since he met you. It is a weak answer, but it seems to satisfy you, and you smile at him more earnestly. 
Your hand still rests on his forehead, as though you’d quite forgotten to remove it. 
Have you shifted nearer to him? He does not think so. Yet the distance between you now seems unbearably small, intimate, your legs half-entwined under the blankets, his hair touching yours on your pillow. Nearly a lover’s embrace.
It is improper, Legolas thinks to himself, the instinct to scramble back rising in his throat. His curiosity has always warred with nervousness around you, the desire to at once surge forward and retreat often keeping him at a standstill entirely. But you speak again, and his eyes are drawn to the movement of your lips, so hypnotizing that you are forced to repeat yourself twice before he understands. 
Has his curiosity been satisfied, then? Now that he has had a taste of mortal sleep? Your eyes crinkle with laughter, the sound dancing soft and intimate between you. Mortal sleep is quite dull, after all, and you fear he must be disappointed. You shake your head ruefully, your hand leaving his forehead only to brush, agonizingly, against his cheek as you draw away—
“No.” Legolas's hand grasps your retreating wrist before you are aware of it.
His voice is still soft, the half-hushed restraint of early morning that you, like all mortals, seem to favor, but you cannot fail to sense the change in it, a flame igniting the word, low and rasping and hungry.
You lay frozen for a moment, your lungs scarcely drawing breath. But an answering flame sparks behind your eyes, and you raise your brow at him. “No...you are not disappointed? Or no, you are not satisfied?”
Softly you return your hand to Legolas’s face, your fingers trailing tentatively over his cheekbone, his jaw, the shell of his ear, shaped so unlike your own. His heart soars at your touch, and he laughs softly for sheer joy. “How could you disappoint me?" His hand falls to your waist, drawing you nearer. "In the waking world and in sleep, there is delight to me in all you do.”
“I am glad.” Heat blooms on your cheeks, but your fingers continue to play over his face, his neck, his hair, and your smile now is a thing of fire. You lean in closer than ever, and he wishes it might burn him. “And how could I satisfy you?”
Oh, there can be no doubt, now, that you feel as he does. The little bedroom seems suddenly to be made of gold, the morning sun sinking into his skin as though this is the first sunrise ever to grace Middle-Earth, the world born anew before him. Yet for all his elation Legolas knows not how to answer—he wants too much, far more than he can ask of you, and he fears his curiosity will never be satisfied.
Smiling all the wider for his silence, you take pity on him, tapping a playful finger against his chest as though in thought. “Perhaps I might tell you what I dreamed of last night. Will that do?” 
Your touch burns over his collarbone, his neck, his jaw, until your thumb sweeps softly over his lower lip. He swallows hard. He sees your sleeping face again, branded into his memory, your lashes fluttering, lips parting as you murmur his name. No, he thinks. It is not enough. “Perhaps you might show me instead.”
There is a heat beyond fire in your smile now, a heat to rival the rising sun. You know as well as he that this alone will not satisfy either of you, that this will begin something new and terrifying, a leap of faith far greater than the one he had taken last night in lying down beside you and closing his eyes. Yet he does not mean to retreat, and nor, it seems, do you. 
“Hmm. It will do, for a start.” 
Legolas is still chuckling fondly at your answer when you press his name against his lips, tangling your fingers in his hair. As you pull his body flush against yours, sighing as he parts your lips to taste the joy and trust and desire on your tongue, his fears and doubts vanish like summer fog, for he knows you have faith in each other utterly. 
He knows that when you take this leap together, you will fly.
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whumpay · 7 months
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babe wake up new whumpay prompts dropped. like last year, im posting early for more time to prepare
Welcome to Whumpay 2024! Up above you will see the basic prompt list and down below the cut you will see it written out in a list, as well as three mini challenges (and by extension, the extreme edition)
Rules are the same as usual
You only have to use one (Or two, if you’re doing the extreme edition.) prompt a day! But you’re welcome to use multiple if you want to, and it still counts for both.
I know the description of the blog says it’s a writing event, but if you want to draw or make other kinds of content, that’s cool too.
Have fun, tag content warnings (such as noncon, graphic violence, etc) and try not to be crushed by the mortifying ordeal of posting your writing.
This is a pretty chill event so you can start posting whenever but I’ll be reblogging posts made to the #Whumpay2024 tag throughout May. For real this time.
These all also apply to these three special mini challenges, consisting of a 7 day, a 10 day, and a 14 day prompt list.
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EXTREME EDITION: This year's extreme edition doesn't have its own prompt list, but instead, youll be taking all three mini challenges in order along with the main prompt list. Some of these fit pretty well, others less so.
1 - Mad Science:
Day 1: Strapped To An Operating Table
Day 2: Paralytic Drug
Day 3: Made A Lab Rat
Day 4: Vivisection
Day 5: Truth Potion/Serum/Spell
Day 6: Russian Roulette
1 - Attacks, Mental & Physical:   
Day 7: Heart Attack
Day 8:  Asthma Attack
Day 9: Animal Attack
Day 10: Panic Attack
3 - Ineffective Medical Care:
Day 11: Medical Torture
Day 12: Withholding Medical Treatment
Day 13: Medication Tampering
Day 14: Injury Brushed Off
Day 15: No Anesthetic
4: Mindfuck
Day 16: Presumed Dead
Day 17: Memory Loss
Day 18: Stockholm Syndrome
Day 19: Phantom Pains
Day 20: Love Potion/Spell
Day 21: Role Reversal 
5. Nature's Revenge
Day 22: Slowly Running Out Of Air
Day 23: Natural Disaster 
Day 24: Struck By Lightning
Day 25: Snowed In
Day 26: Heatstroke
6. Traps & Trauma
Day 27: Caught In A Net
Day 28: Traumatic Touch Aversion
Day 29: Used As Bait
Day 30:  Flashbacks
Day 31: Choose Who Lives
Mini challenge #1: Torture
#1: Tortured For Information
#2: Whipping
#3: Branding
#4: Begging To Be Killed
#5: Recorded/Broadcast Torture
#6: False Execution
#7: Shock Collar
Mini Challenge #2: Dialogue
#8: “Why are you doing this?”
#9: “Don’t look.”
#10: “You look awful.”
#11: “Who did this to you?”
#12: “No one is coming for you.”
#13: “No one cares about me.”
#14: “Don’t lie to me.”
#15: “Stay with me, please.”
#16: ”You’re scaring me!”
#17: “You’re a monster.”
Mini Challenge #3: Aftermath
#18: Fighting Against Caretaker 
#19: Seeking Revenge
#20: Taking The Blame
#21: Barely Conscious
#22: Disassociation
#23: Carried To Safety
#24: Scars
#25: Unhealthy Codependency 
#26: Infected Wound
#27: Survivor’s Guilt
#28: Touch Starvation
#29: Abandonment Issues
#30: Cradled In Someone’s Arms
#31: Adrenaline Crash
Alt Prompts:
Death Game
Came Back Wrong
Attack The Injury
Healing Malfunction
Left For Dead 
Mistaken Identity
Trapped Under Rubble
Disowned By Family
Hostage Situation
Have fun everybody!
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jeridandridge · 5 months
For Lovers At Night part 2
Melissa tells Barb about her new budding relationship. Pt 1
The rest of that Saturday night went well for Melissa. When she got home she took a long shower and tried to tone down her total heart eye as she gets ready for bed. Getting settled she holds her phone daring to send a goodnight text as she lays in her bed next to a sleeping Joe which had become a rare occurrence.
Thank you for another great night, hon. I hope I can see you soon.
Putting her phone on do not disturb she sets it on the night stand rolling over to her side with a giddy smile on her lips.
Melissa wakes alone the following morning. The weather outside is dull and grey, making her want to stay curled up under the covers. Stretching out with a sigh she picks her phone up ready to see if she has anything from Barb about their brunch plans. Instead, she sees a text from the woman she’s found herself thinking about more often than not.
Believe me the pleasure was all mine, gorgeous. Maybe we can meet up for a coffee sometime this week if your schedule lets you. Let me know 😊
And that’s how Melissa ends up walking around the house with a cheek aching smile on her face. So much so that when she shows up to brunch with Barb, the older woman beams at her friend.
“Look at you, girl! What’s got you smiling like that?” She asks hugging her friend before they sit at the table.
“What? I can’t smile?” Melissa chuckles setting her purse down.
“I haven’t seen you smile like that in a long long time.”
Melissa let Barbara into her life a year into her career at Abbott, and she hasn’t looked back since. She knew Barb was a woman of faith, but also knew that she would never condemn her for being happy.
Resting her hand on the table, Melissa tries to bite back a smile. That attempt fails.
“I met someone that’s makin me think a lot.”
“Oh Melissa, it’s wonderful to have a new friend.” Barbara pats her hand.
“It’s already more than that, Barb.” Melissa admits. “It’s- I dunno i feel like a high school kid with a crush.”
“Well, I’m not telling you what to do, but knowing you and your husband? Be smart and do what makes you happy.”
Melissa looks at her best friend with a hopeful smile, touched that she wasn’t judged for her admission. Barb asks for more details about this mystery person and eventually, Melissa sees a familiar face coming towards their table. She sits up a little straighter, a small smile spreading on her lips.
“Melissa,” you smile walking over to the table.
“Hi, hon. I was just talking about you.”
“Uh oh, that’s rarely a good thing.” You tease. “I don’t want to interrupt your lunch, I just wanted to say hi.”
“You’re not interrupting anything, sweetheart. I’m Barbara Howard.” The woman offers you a kind handshake.
“It’s great to meet you Mrs. Howard.” You smile shaking her hand. “I’m picking up an order for the guys at the bar, I’ll catch up with you later?” You meet Melissa’s eyes.
“You bet, hon.”
Walking away you move with a pep in your step not knowing about the conversation that’s going to take place. Barbara keeps her eyes on her friend with an agape mouth. “Girl,” she draws out, “that woman likes you. And she’s very pretty.”
Melissa sips her mimosa trying to hide her smile. “She is, isnt she?”
“Does she know your situation?” Barb asks quietly. That’s when Melissa looks down at the table feeling the catholic guilt that’s been engrained in her since she was a child.
“I told her I was divorced.” She admits.
Barbara gives Melissa a look that makes her feel like she’s in trouble with her mother again.
“Sweetheart if you like her don’t you think it’s best to start off with the truth?”
Melissa sits back knowing it was wrong of her to lie about it. She’d wanted a divorce for years, not pulling the trigger on the idea because she knew it would kill her mother. So she put up with the cheating and living with a man that was nothing more than a roommate.
“I’ll tell her when the times right, Barb. I will.”
Back at the bar you and your coworker, Jacob, hangout in the back on a lunch break. As your friend goes on about his finals for his degree you sit back with your legs on your desk, food container in your lap.
“Jacob you’re gonna get hiccups if you take in any more air.” You chuckle.
“Sorry! I’m really nervous is all.” He all but whines. “I have to pass these courses then I get to do teachers without boarders finally.”
You smile playfully tossing a balled up napkin at him. “You’re gonna be a great teacher, Hill. Trust me.”
“Maybe your girlfriend could get me a job.” He smirks.
“Oh my god,” you laugh. “We’re literally building a friendship for right now.” You reason trying not to give away your already budding feelings for the mysterious woman. When your phone buzzes you can’t stop the grin spreading across your face.
“Oh.my.god. I see literal heart eyes. That must be her.”
Sure enough, on your screen you see a text from the redhead.
It was nice seeing you today, hon. How about that coffee tomorrow? I know this really nice bookshop. You might know it.
Grinning like an idiot you send her a text back.
I might know which one you’re talking about. When you get here park around the back.
Setting the phone down you look up finally snapping out of it.
“Don’t look at me like that, Hill.”
Sure enough Jacob was right and it annoys you that he is. The next day you walk around your apartment with a ridiculous smile on your lips as you clean, the nervous excitement running through you has you practically dancing across the clean floor. The idea of bringing Melissa up to your apartment was easy, it was right above the shop and bar anyway, and maybe just maybe it would allow you to get closer to the woman.
Being closed on Sundays and Mondays were usually a good thing, but now you find yourself doing busy work to get through the day until Melissa comes over after work. Making sure the floors are clean, you dust your own book shelves and re stack your records before looking around the sitting area, which really was just a big open room with a kitchen and a divider wall in front of your bedroom furniture.
Hours later when you hear the buzzer, you jump up and check your hair in the mirror, wearing it down when you’re not in the bar, this’ll be the first time Melissa sees you more comfortable.
“Hey! Cmon up.” You say into the speaker, pressing the buzzer down to let the woman in.
Melissa hops up the single flight of stairs,smiling when she sees you in the hallway. “You have a long commute to work.” She jokes.
“Oh it’s awful,” you beam stepping forward with your arms open for a hug. Melissa is a little surprised, not really showing affection to people outside of her family but she finds herself gravitating the young woman wrapping her arm around her shoulders in a little squeeze, one that feels warm and inviting.
“Ive got the coffee going already, are you hungry? I thought maybe we could order food.” You shrug casually.
“That sounds great, hon.” Melissa smiles following you into the cozy living space. “Wow, I didn’t know this was so open up here.”
“I tried to make it cozy.” You chuckle pouring two cups. “How was work?”
Melissa sets her purse down on one of the small dining table chairs, looking up at you surprised. “It was a great day actually. The kids did this project I’ve never done before, we read Peter rabbit then they decorated little plates like bunnies.” She beams talking about her kids.
You can’t help but smile as she shares how her day was, eventually moving to sit on your couch with your hot mugs in hand.
“I’m sorry, I’ve been talking and talking.” Melissa chuckles nervously following you. Joe never wanted to hear about her days at work or anything about the kids, he was always rushing out every time she tried to share something with him.
“No no!” You chuckle tucking your feet under you, “keep going, seeing you talk about your kids is adorable. So is bunny art.” Truth be told you found her laugh so warm and invigorating, it made your stomach jump in the best way.
Melissa tucks a strand of wavy hair behind her ear smiling at the young woman. “I don’t always talk about work, but they were too cute.”
“You can talk about whatever you want. I’m a good listener.” You smile sipping your coffee.
Sitting back Melissa realizes that this has been easy from the start. Having a casual conversation and feeling comfortable was easy with you.
“I have a very serious question for you, hon.”
“I might have an answer for you, Mel.” You mirror her energy with an amused smile.
“Do you like the Eagles?”
“Yes I do.” You laugh with a nod. “I don’t fully understand football, but I like it. My brother is a big football guy.”
“A brother huh? Younger or older?” Melissa beams.
“Four years older. I was a pain in his ass. What about you, any siblings?”
Melissa nods leaning forward to rest her mug on the coffee table, her shirt coming down exposing a nice amount of cleavage you have to look away from.
“I have a little sister and a baby brother. But he’s on thin ice because he keeps backing the Jets.”
“Not the Jets.” You scrunch your nose, “see I might not fully get the game but at least I’m loyal.”
“A woman after my own heart.” Melissa chuckles watching you play with the handle of your mug.
There’s that sound again.
“You’ll know when I go for that.” You smile, meeting her pretty eyes. You didn’t know what her full story was, but you wanted to find out and if that was friendly or romantic was up to Melissa.
Melissa meets your eyes, a shy smile spreading on her own face. She felt like she’d known you forever, a comfortably settling over you two with ease.
“You’re so suave, you don’t get nervous do ya?”
“You make me a little nervous,” you shrug. “But in an exciting ‘what am I going to say to keep her attention?’ way.”
It’d been so long since Melissa felt like someone was interested in her it felt almost foreign.
“Don’t be nervous, hon. If it makes you feel any better I uh, I felt I was back in high school when I was texting ya.”
“Oh yeah? “I’m happy to have made you feel like that. You’re a special person, Mel. I know meeting someone new after a breakup can be scary, but I feel very grateful you let me in like you have.” You tell her as casually as you can.
Melissa looks at the younger woman, nothing but sincerity in her eyes.
“That got way more serious than I wanted it to be,” you laugh hiding your face in your hand.
“Oh cmon!” Melissa laughs leaning over, gently taking your wrist in her hand to remove it from your face. “I’m around second graders all day having a conversation like this is great.” She gives you a soft smile.
Taking her hand in yours you lean forward just enough to enter her personal space just a bit. “You have a gorgeous smile.”
“You’re a charmer, hon.”
“I always mean what I say.” You tell her quietly. The feeling of her hand in yours gives you the same bubbly feeling it gave you at the bar the other night.
“I’m starting to see that. I think I learn somethin new about you every time I see you.”
“Yeah? What have you learned about me?” You smile back feeling a teasing steak hit you.
“You’re incredibly smart, helpful,” she hums gently squeezing your hand, “and you’re incredibly cute when you talk about something you like, like that book.”
“It’s a good book. Like I said, a woman finding herself is a beautiful thing. But if we get into that we’ll be here all night” You grin leaning a little closer.
“I can’t stay late tonight.” Melissa whispers eyeing your lips. Despite how much she wants to, she really did only come for a coffee.
“That’s okay. I know you have to teach the rugrats in the morning. Cell phones are a beautiful invention, that’ll hold us over until I can see you again.” You chuckle.
“Barb already teases me when she sees me smiling at my phone.”
“I guess the leather jacket and killer eyeliner don’t work when you look adorable and mushy looking at a phone huh?” You tease.
Melissa playfully rolls her eyes moving to stand up. “I’m not mushy now walk me out.”
“Yes, Ms.-“ you stop short as you stand up. “I was going to make a teacher joke but I don’t know your last name.” You chuckle.
Once again, Melissa’s brain short circuits. She’s not joes wife here. No, here she’s herself. “Schemmenti.”
“Very Italian.” You smile not bothering to let go of her hand as you walk her out, down the stairs to her truck.
Outside Melissa unlocks the truck still holding the younger woman’s hand.
“Can I tell you something, hon?” She whispers inching closer.
You meet jade eyes once again, butterflies hitting you just as they always do when you’re with Melissa. “Of course you can.” You say quietly, eyes flicking down to glossy lips for a moment.
But Melissa doesn’t say anything. Closing the space between the two of you she rests her hand on your cheek meeting your lips in a soft kiss. When you register what’s happening your arms slips around her waist, tongue licking at her lower lip to deepen the kiss. It feels like a magnetic pull has taken over your body as you stand there outside in the dusk, arms wrapped around her warm, curvy frame.
Melissa pulls away first, pecking your lips once more for good measure.
“For the record, I’m not scared.”
Next chapter
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seresinhangmanjake · 5 months
Stolen Angel - Part 4
Demon!Jake Seresin x reader
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Summary: You thought you were having a one-night stand with some random, normal guy. Turns out he’s a winged, demon-like stalker who has been obsessed with you for years.
Warnings/Notes: Jake is a little dark. Kidnapping. Manipulation. Obsessive behavior. I’m sure there are typos. This used to be a different fic for August Walker, so if you see it, it’s fine. I wrote that one too.
Words: 1793
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
“You didn't eat.”  
You don’t flinch at the intrusion of his voice, not this time. While it was peaceful without his deep tone in your ear, you knew him finding you was inevitable, and honestly, you’re surprised it took him this long. Although, it’s possible that he didn’t need to find you at all; he could have been watching you from afar. Just because you haven’t seen his face in almost twenty-four hours doesn’t mean he hasn’t seen yours, and you’ve certainly provided him with an unobstructed view. But then you wonder why he hasn’t dragged you back to your room. 
You weren’t going to run. You just needed to see it, feel it, for yourself. Maybe that’s why he’s let you be; why he’s not scolding you until your brain melts. Maybe he knows that you won’t have logic overpowering your emotions when it comes to this, because even if you had some semblance of which direction to go in, you wouldn’t know what to do once you got there. To be anywhere other than here, like it or not you need him. You need his guidance and support, and worst of all, his permission.
“I ate some of it,” you confess. 
“Not enough,” he says. 
When he steps in front of you, his body eclipses the sun. The field around you untouched by his shadow still radiates its vibrant shades while you sit in the darkness he is creating. You look up, and his blond hair is glowing almost blindly from the backlight of the sun.
“Why are you out here, Angel?”
You turn your attention to your hand that’s nestled in the grass. “I had to see if it was real,” you say softly as you twirl your finger around a green blade.
He hums. “And are you satisfied with what you've found?”
Satisfied? You could scoff. What a foolish question; a disrespectful question. You can’t be satisfied with what you don’t understand. Feeling the dirt between your fingers and toes doesn’t provide you with the wealth of clarity he has been denying you. Clarity that you’re owed. 
“Come on,” he says at your lack of reply, reaching out a hand. “Out of the grass.”
“Tell me what this place is,” you say.
“I can explain it to you later. You’re not completely healed and we need to—”
“No,” you snap, meeting his eyes. “Now. Explain it to me now.”
Jake sighs, his hand dropping back to his side. “Angel—”
“I could become a lot more difficult, you know.”
He lets out a huff of a chuckle. Little crinkles form in the corners of his eyes. “Yes, I do know.”
“Then tell me.”
His smile settles. He mutters something under his breath before he glances over your head to the structure behind you. When you turn to get a look at what has stolen his attention, you find only an empty doorway. 
“You want me to like you, don’t you?” you ask, knowing that will draw him back to you. 
A blond brow raises in curiosity and suspicion. “This will make you like me?”
“It would help,” you lie. “The truth is important to me, and I don’t understand how you can expect me to want to be here if I have no clue what ‘here’ is.”
As he bites the inside of his cheek, you begin to worry that the promise of your affection is not a strong enough offer—that he might want more than just your words, he’ll want proof that you intend to follow through with what you say by your actions—but then he turns where he stands and lowers himself into the grass beside you. He’s close, and when his wing brushes over yours as he makes himself comfortable, he’s quick to pull it away, as if your feathers could set his aflame. 
Clearing his throat, he runs a hand through his hair before he rests his elbows on his bent knees. “It’s called The Tower,” he eventually says. “It was a prison, technically, until about two months ago.”
“A prison,” you repeat. “How fitting.”
He shoots you a look. You’ve offended him and you need to reign yourself in. “If you bothered to behave, it wouldn’t have to feel like one,” he informs you.
You hold back from rolling your eyes. You’re the textbook definition of a prisoner and you both know it. He can deny it to your face all he wants, but you have a right to feel like this place is a prison, even if it doesn’t exactly have the look of a prison. At least, not where you’re from. You don’t know of many ‘cells’ that include wardrobes, open windows, double beds with thick coverings, and fireplaces. Before you left your room you were imagining many possibilities for the cage you’ve been kept in, but among those were large estate or small castle, not a home for the naughty winged people.
“It’s awfully fancy for a prison,” you say.
“Our offenses weren’t so horrible.”
Your brows almost shoot off your forehead until you take a half-second to soak it in and then accept the shame of being shocked. “Of course, you’re a criminal,” you say, nodding to yourself. “Did you kidnap a few other innocents and turn them into monsters, too?”
Jake doesn’t look you in the eye as he swallows hard, so you turn your head back to the horizon. “You’re not a monster, Angel. You’re perfect,” he tells you, then shakes his head. “But no. There were no others. I broke a rule—the same rule—a few times, which got me three separate six-month sentences in five years. Four months into my last one, the prison was dissolved here and set up elsewhere. Everyone was released; I stayed.”
Your brow pinches. “Why would you stay in the place you were captive?”
“I liked my room—well, your room right now. I liked the view. I thought it would be a good place for us once you joined me,” he says. “Secluded. Intimate.” 
Stomach flipping, your heartbeat gives a sharp thud. Instinctually, you think to move away, make an early retreat back to your room, but for once he’s actually answering your questions and you can’t sacrifice that in case you’re never given the same chance.
“What was the rule that you broke?” you ask. 
“Out past curfew, so to speak.”
“Out where?”
Jake goes silent, contemplating, then he says, “That's enough for now.”
But it’s not enough for you. “Out where?” you press to no response, so with a huff, you push off the ground to stand. 
He grabs your wrist as you’re about to take a step. “Sit,” he says. “I'll tell you if you stay.” 
Subtly smirking at the win, you return to the grass. 
Jake blows out a breath. “The Below,” he tells you.
“The Below…” You roll the words around on your tongue. They mean nothing to you until Jake makes a face like he might come to regret what he’s just done, and then they mean everything. “My world?”
Jake groans. “How many times do I have to tell you that that is not your—”
“You were there more than just that one time?” you interrupt, stunned that you momentarily forgot that your home is where he met you. It must have been the anger or fear or lasting daze from the week of pain, but somehow it didn’t register that you could potentially return as well. “How?”
“No more questions,” he scolds.  
“But I thought you wanted me to like you,” you counter. 
Shifting to sit on your hip with your legs bent at your side, you set your hand on top of his. He stares at the new touch, then his thumb begins to rub along the line of your index finger in soft, slow motions. 
He doesn’t stop his staring. He doesn’t stop his thumb’s gentle caressing. “Yes, I was there more than just that one time.”
Despite your carefully restrained excitement at the plethora of new information, you forget the game you’re playing and jerk your hand away from his just as he’s about to intertwine your fingers. “So you can go whenever you want?” you ask. “Then take me.”
At the demand, his teeth clench, jawline sharpening. “No, I cannot go whenever I want, and no, I am not taking you.”
“Why not!”
“Because you are right where you should be,” he says decisively. 
You feel his heightening irritation, so you quickly place your palm on his shoulder and slide it down to his toned bicep where it stays. 
“I just want to see it,” you tell him before you scoot yourself closer to his side, your hip a couple inches shy of pressing against his. He looks down to where your bodies are nearly touching, then back up at you. You try a light smile. “Please, Jake.”
His eyes lock on to your smile, your lips. He darts his tongue out to wet his own, and you prepare yourself for the kiss you’re sure he’s about to give you—a kiss you won’t say no to if it helps get you home—but it’s a kiss that never comes. He just thinks; drinks in your smile and thinks. 
The green of his irises in the sunlight is overwhelming when directed at you for such a long pause, and you don’t initially notice when he opens his mouth. 
“If you show me that you can listen to me and do as I tell you, I’ll consider it,” he finally says. 
Your head flinches back, mind immediately going to the worst of what he could want from you. “What will you be telling me to do?” 
“To start, you’re going back inside. You haven’t finished healing and because you took yourself on a little adventure, you stressed your wing and now part of it is inflamed. You need rest.”
You must have been so mentally preoccupied that you blocked out all physical transmission to your brain because it’s only when he says it that you feel the return of the ache.  
“And you’re going to eat,” he continues. “Everything, this time.”
“Fine,” you relent. 
“You’re going to wear something made of more comfortable fabric than that,” he gestures to your smock, “And you’re going to stop arguing with me over every damn thing. You can’t change what’s been done, so being pissed at me doesn’t do you any good.”
It takes extra effort to muster up an agreement to that last one. Your swallow you can only compare to trying to get down a sponge soaked in wet cement. “Fine,” you grit out.
“Fine,” he says, standing. He extends his hand out toward you again. “Let’s see if you’re capable of behaving, Angel.”
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @penguin876 @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @wretchedmo @shanimallina87 @crowsreadsarahjmaas @mamachasesmayhem @sky2nd @jessicab1991 @rosedurin @averyhotchner @horseshoegirl @roosteraloha @b-bradshaw @fandom-life-12 @hookslove1592 @buckysteveloki-me @eloquentdreamer
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
How do you do hands so well!?💀
I cheat lol
Ok, so that's a half truth half lie. Here's a few tuto, one about hand composition, one to teach you how to make a hand from scratch, and one to tell you that sometimes, in art, you gotta simplify your life.
First, hand composition:
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Red: palm shape and fingers size
From above, the palm will look like a pentagon, a bit wider towards the fingers, with the middle finger being the peak higher than the others. You can replicate that little knuckles hill at the end of the fingers. Fingers' size depends wildly on the person, some have palms longer than their fingers, others have fingers longer than their palms. For a base ref, make palm and fingers as long as each other and move the fingers' length from there.
From the side, the palm will look like a trapeze, base wider than the top.
From the front, the palm will never be completely flat! At rest, it will curve inward slightly. Draw a lump for the general shape.
Orange: fingers
From above, fingers tend to fan out at rest.
From the side, keep following the line of the top part of your hand. The inner side of the fingers will be straighter though. Fingers are composed of three mostly equal parts (the last one might be shorter depending on the person).
Blue: thumb
People tend to forget the thumb is surprisingly mobile! Unlike fingers that can only close and spread, thumbs can move forward and backward, up and down, and make actual rotations!
The base of the thumb will take at least half of the palm's side, but extra skin to allow movement will make it look like it take more space. Just like other fingers, it's actually composed of three parts. The thumb will usually be just a tad longer than the base knuckles of the other fingers (but as said before, fingers size change depending on the person).
Brown: knuckles and wrist
For the knuckles, you can make little elongated pyramids at the top of your palm shape. They will always follow the line of the fingers.
The inner part of the wrist will be mostly straight or curved inward, but the outer side should have a bump due to the ulna bone. Sometimes I place it as a hill, sometimes as a circle.
Second, the messy tuto:
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1. Movement
First you should always draw a shitty shape indicating the general position and movements of your hand. Don't bother with proportions or details, you just wanna be able to tell what you want your hand to be doing.
2. Palm shape
Start by detailing your palm. Try to highlight where the fingers and the wrist will be. Refer to the hand composition above for the general shape.
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3. Fingers implantation
Separate the top of your hand in four mostly equal circles for the base of your fingers, and the side of your palm in a roughly rounded triangle for your thumb. Once more, refer to the hand composition above.
4. Fingers
Place the three parts of all your fingers more or less following the initial shape/movement you wanted to go for. Fingers should be roughly the same size as your palm, but you can vary the length as no two people have the same hands.
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5. General shape
Once you have placed all your finger parts, you will be able to draw them and connect them to your palm. Don't hesitate to start making adjustments starting from this step.
6. Details
Nails are, just like fingers, very different depending on the person. Globally you can put either an oval or a rounded rectangle on top of your fingers. You can make them longer after the finger for effeminate or well kept nails.
Add pyramids at the base of your fingers to place your knuckles and a circle or a pyramid on the outer side of your wrist to place your ulna bone.
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7. Finish
Add details, adjust sizes, remove extra lines, and you have a hand.
Ok. Now, that technique I just showed you? Don't use it. No, I'm serious. Don't use it for hands that are part of the main focus. Do it for background characters or doodles or training or comics panels where hands aren't that important.
For illustration and panels with a focus on your character's hands, use the following technique instead.
Third, how to make your life easier as an illustrator:
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1. Reference
Yes. That's how you make good hands. You take a pic of your own hand doing the pose you want to use as reference.
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2. Palm
Just as the tuto explained before, you start by finding the shape of your palm on the pic and try to replicate it. It might be a bit difficult at first to copy proportions properly, but doing it again and again will make it easier in time. (Also refer to the last part of this post*)
3. Thumb
Usually I'd go for the fingers first, but since the thumb is on the foreground I started with it here. First the implantation with the palm, then the two last parts. (As you can see I have tiny potato hands so I tend to artificially elongate the fingers compared to my reference to have prettier hands).
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4. Fingers
Find the general movement of your fingers. Straight lines for fingers in tension and connected cylinders for fingers flexing.
5. Once you are able to place the general shapes, you will have an easier time copying your own hand. Doing it without the previous steps is feasible when you are used to copying, but if you are new to this I would suggest deconstructing your hand to train your brain into remembering every detail.
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6. Corrections, details, add a little movement if you are into dynamic-art, keep it realistic if you are into realism.
You now have a pretty hand.
Remember : You can (and you should) use references! Normal humans aren't made to remember every single details about everything, especially when those things are as complex as hands (or Gods forbid it buildings and cars and whatever else).
If you struggle with drawing hands, take a pic of your own hand to help. Try to find the big shapes composing your own hand so it'll be easier to yolo another time.
References are your friends! Don't think you're any less of an artist because you need to have your own shoe on your drawing table so you can draw your character's feet!
(*For new artists : TRACE! I'm sure you've heard everywhere that tracing is diabolical and you should never do it. It's FALSE. Tracing helps with your hand-eye coordination. 80% of art is reflex! I no longer need to think about all these steps because I have been drawing for more than 15 years. I started by tracing Winx Club stickers I had one my windows! It helped me have a sense of movements, proportions, and fluid lines.
What you shouldn't do with tracing is post it as your own art! You are free to trace as training, but you should never claim it is your own art.
Other than that, please, trace. Trace your own hands pic to get used to the shape. Trace your favorite artists to understand what you like in their lines or proportions. Trace that damn building because you don't have time to create a whole background from scratch for your webcomic.)
Art is cheating. Always. Don't feel bad for making your life easier.
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bearlytolerant · 1 month
Fandom: Star Wars: The Acolyte
Pairing: Qimir x fReader
Chapter Rating: M
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
You dream. The fire no longer blazes. It’s just logs in a small clearing surrounded by a field of wildflowers that sway in the breeze. The light is low and the sky is streaked in ombre pastels. Your master sits with his helmet on, upper half disrobed again and back turned to you. The temptation to touch his scars eats at you and you close your fist, dissipating the desire. He raises a hand and beckons you over with two curled fingers.
“What is this place?” he asks you, when you sit down next to him.
He angles himself towards you and you mirror him so that you’re facing one another. There’s a speck of dried blood just under his chin and you reach out to scrape it away with a fingernail. He grasps your wrist and tugs your hand into his lap. Next to him is a bowl of soapy water and he reaches in with his other hand, wringing out the excess water and begins to run the warm, wet cloth down your forearm. The grime from the day wipes away. Where the rag and soapy water came from, you couldn’t say. But it feels so good you don’t really care about its origins.
Your eyes dart around, taking in the dream scenery. A waterfall rushes behind you and your bodies are close enough to the riverbank’s edge that one small push would tip you straight into the water. You reach out beside you and pluck a pink wildflower. Spin it between your fingers. You swallow back your nostalgia, knowing better than to get emotional about dreaming up your homeworld now.
“I don’t know. I thought it was just a place my mind conjured just like last time. Just a dream.”
Though it’s real, what this place was for you is a dream. It holds everything you will never have again. What you tell your master is a half truth only. You know this place well. But don’t dare think the name of it. There are some secrets you still wish to treasure for yourself.
“Hmm,” he hums before dipping the cloth back in the bowl and wringing it out again. Fingers carefully clasp your chin and he tilts it upward, wiping away the grime on your neck.
“I thought you were just a figure I made up in my dream too, but—”
“I’m very real.” He thumbs the line of your chin, then trails upward, tracing your bottom lip. “Does that bother you?”
“Not at all. You’ve helped me.” His thumb traces the full outline of your lips. “Thank you for today, by the way.”
He removes his hand but you grasp his wrist and draw his thumb back to your lips. “I couldn’t just let my pupil die,” he says.
You kiss the pad of his thumb, so soft and tender before releasing him.
“He wouldn’t have killed me.” Your master dips the rag again then drags the cloth up to your ear. “But I have to ask, why did you spare him?”
“Why do you think?”
Your heart is already erratically beating in your chest due to your master’s touch but readjusts to a frenetic pace at the thought of what will be required of you. “I need to kill him.”
“Should be easy,” he replies. He continues to clean your body as you consider his words.
It should be—should be—should—
You swallow, your mouth now dry and desperate for moisture. The thought of killing your father is difficult enough to consider. His power over you is something you can’t seem to shake and there’s still immense hesitation on your part. You might prove to be a useless pupil after all. What would be your options then? Run? You would have to spend the entirety of what remains of your life on the run. You’ll be running regardless, but what your master asks of you is too much.
“I can’t.”
“You can. You will. You just need to find your purpose. Which is why you’re here. With me.”
“I think I need more than purpose. I watched you snap a neck with your bare hands.” You lift your own hands and flip them back and forth, staring. “I don’t think these hands are capable—not when it comes to him.”
“Why do you continue to lie to yourself?” Your master stills, tilting his head curiously.
“I’m not.” Your hands fall to your lap and you pick at your cuticles. He stops your picking, covering both of your hands with one of his.
“You and I both know what you felt when you had your hand around my neck.” His modulated voice dips low as he squeezes water from the rag with his other hand and you watch it stream in a wobbly line into the bowl.
“That’s different,” you whisper.
“Is it?”
“I like the power but I couldn’t kill you—wouldn’t want to.”
“But you want to kill your father. We both felt that too. And you have great strength in the force.” He begins wiping the skin of your right arm free of dirt and grime. “He has never been loyal to you. Easily discarded you. Disrespected you. He is incapable of loving you. You’ve seen it. I’ve seen it. And don’t you want that? To have someone learning to love you? Willing to learn?”
“Is that what you’re offering?”
The cloth falls into the bowl and he presses his palm to your chest. Your heart thuds against it. “It’s what you are offering yourself.”
“I will need your guidance.”
“You already have it.”
You sigh. “Is this supposed to be the lesson then? Gentle cleansing?”
He stills. Slightly pulls away. “Yes. I am helping you learn that by caring for yourself and seeing who you really are, you will stop abandoning yourself. You need to accept yourself. Every time you do that, a piece of you can find your true purpose. And it is in knowing your true purpose that you will find victory.”
“That’s a lot of words just to say you think I stink and need a shower.” Your attempt at humor falls flat, unlike last time you met with him.
There’s a heavy, modulated sigh as your master runs his hands up your arms, digging his fingers deep into your muscles. All the jokes, conflicting thoughts and tension leaves your body with the way he handles you. Your mind drifts in an ever revolving reverie of just how good it feels to have his fingers on your skin. Pleasant pain is pulled out of your weary body by the stroke of his hands. You don’t know how long you stay suspended in time as he rubs every ache out of you while your eyes flutter closed, experiencing a peaceful bliss you haven’t ever before. Though you’re not sure you deserve this. You’ve done nothing to earn it.
“You deserve this,” he says, “to feel good. I’m teaching you to realize that. You’ve lost yourself.” Fingers dig into your neck and you let out a small moan. “But you will learn to grieve the person you lost and accept who you are now.”
At this point, as he massages at the base of your skull, you will believe anything he wants to say.
His fingers still again but you keep your eyes closed, reveling in his phantasmal touch that still lingers on your skin. You feel the warmth of his hands again as they curl around your shoulders and then the cool contact of his helmet against your forehead. It’s almost impossible to believe that he’s capable of killing so many Jedi when he is so gentle with you.
You slowly glide your fingers up and down his forearms. Crawl them up his biceps and wrap them around, squeezing. Dust your fingers back down and toy with his hands. You touch your fingertips to his knuckles and then lift one of his hands to cup your cheek. You show him a brief glimpse of what it means to love you as you press your cheek into his palm, soaking up every last bit of warmth from his hand. As if you could imprint the entirety of his essence into your skin. Barely rotating your head, you press your lips to his palm because you can’t kiss his lips. It’s a shame he wears that helmet.
“Why won’t you show me who you are?” you ask after some time, linking your fingers together in your lap. The desire to kiss him everywhere becomes overwhelming with each passing minute. “Is it because you don’t think I’ll like the sight of you?”
“It’s because you already know me.” He pulls away and gives you a gentle shove back into the grass. He crawls over you, the muscles of his arms flexing as he holds himself above you. “And you’re taking forever to figure it out. But for now, you should wake. Qimir is waiting for you.”
Your dream world crumbles into a million blurred fragments as you’re pulled from slumber.
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daitranscripts · 1 month
Solas Romance
The Truth
Solas Masterpost
Solas leads the PC to a grotto in Crestwood.
Solas: The Veil is thin here. Can you feel it on your skin, tingling?
They stop, and Solas places a hand on the PC’s face.
Solas: I was trying to determine some way to show you what you mean to me.
Dialogue options:
General: I already know. [1]
Flirt: Interesting! [2]
General: You don’t have to do that. [3]
1 - General: I already know. PC: That’s not necessary, Solas. You’re my… Solas: That is the question, is it not? [4]
2 - Flirt: Interesting! PC: I’m listening, and I can offer a few suggestions. Solas: I shall bear that in mind. [4]
3 - General: You don’t have to do that. PC: I know what we mean to each other. Solas: Even so. [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Solas: For now, the best gift I can offer is… the truth. You are unique. In all Thedas, I never expected to find someone who could draw my attention from the Fade. You have become important to me, more important than I could have imagined.
Dialogue options:
End relationship: I don’t think this will work. [5]
I feel the same way. [6]
5 - End relationship: I don’t think this will work. PC: Solas, I’m sorry. I’m afraid you were right. I was too impulsive earlier. Solas: (Sighs.) Even in this, you surprise me. Solas: I shall speak no more of it. Still, know that whatever happens, you are a rare spirit in this world. Goodbye. He leaves. Scene ends.
6 - I feel the same way. PC: As you are to me. Solas: Then what I must tell you… the truth… Your face. The vallaslin. In my journeys in the Fade, I have seen things. I have discovered what those marks mean. PC: They honor the elven gods. Solas: No. They are slave markings, or at least, they were in the time of ancient Arlathan.
7 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: That can’t be right. [8]
Stoic: That doesn’t matter. [9]
Angry: That’s a lie! [10]
Sad: We were wrong? [11]
8 - Investigate: That can’t be right. PC: My clan’s Keeper said they honored the gods. These are their symbols. Solas: Yes. That’s right. A noble would mark his slaves to honor the god he worshipped. After Arlathan fell, the Dalish forgot. [back to 7]
9 - Stoic: That doesn’t matter. PC: Whatever the marks were before, the Dalish have reclaimed them. They mark me as one of them. Solas: I know. For everything I have said about the Dalish, I admire that indomitable spirit. [12]
10 - Angry: That’s a lie! PC: Why would you say that? Solas: Because it’s true. PC: Bullshit! That’s bullshit! Is there anything in this world you won’t tear down just to prove how smart you are? Why would you tell me this? Solas: Because you deserve better! [12]
11 - Sad: We were wrong? PC: So this is… what? Just one more thing the Dalish got wrong? Solas: I’m sorry. PC: (Breathes.) We try to preserve our culture, and this is what we keep? Relics of a time when we were no better than Tevinter? Solas: Don’t say that. For all they got wrong, the Dalish did one thing right. They made you. [12]
12 - Scene continues.
Solas: I didn’t tell you this to hurt you. If you like, I know a spell… I can remove the vallaslin.
Dialogue options:
General: I’m not sure. [13]
General: I’d like that. [14]
General: No. They matter to me. [15]
General: No. Forget the past. [16]
13 - General: I’m not sure. PC: These marks have been part of me for so long. I don’t know if… [17]
14 - General: I’d like that. PC: If what you’re saying is true… Solas: It is. PC: Then… my people vowed never to submit to slavery. [17]
15 - General: No. They matter to me. PC: Even if what you’re saying is true, I don’t think I can just let you erase them. [17]
16 - General: No. Forget the past. PC: I don’t wear the vallaslin for the ancient elves. I wear it for me. Solas: I know. [17]
17 - Scene continues.
Solas: I’m so sorry for causing you pain. It was selfish of me. I look at you, and I see what you truly are… And you deserve better than what those cruel marks represent.
Dialogue options:
Remove the vallaslin. [18]
I want to keep the vallaslin. [19]
18 - Remove the vallaslin. PC: Then cast your spell. Take the vallaslin away. Solas: Sit. Solas leads the PC to the waterside, and they kneel. He passed his hands over the PC’s face, and the vallaslin are gone. Solas: Ar lasa mala revas. You are free. They stand. Solas: You are so beautiful. They kiss.
19 - I want to keep the vallaslin. PC: I know you told me because you wanted to help, but the vallaslin is part of who I am. I hope you can see past— Solas: Stop. You are perfect exactly as you are. They kiss.
20 - Scene continues.
Solas: And I am sorry. I distracted you from your duty. It will never happen again.
Dialogue options:
General: I don’t want to lose you. [21]
General: Are you kidding me? [22]
General: If you must. [23]
21 - General: I don’t want to lose you. PC: Solas… Solas steps back. Solas: Please, vhenan.
Dialogue options:
Sad: I love you. [24]
Angry: Don’t do this to me! [25]
Stoic: I believe in us. [26]
24 - Sad: I love you. PC: Solas… don’t leave me. Not now. I love you. He shakes his head, and continues to back away. Solas: You have a rare and marvelous spirit. In another world— PC: Why not this one? He raises his hands between them. Solas: I can’t. I’m sorry. Solas leaves. Scene ends.
25 - Angry: Don’t do this to me! PC: Tell me you don’t care. Solas: I can’t do that. The PC shoves him. PC: Tell me I was some casual dalliance so I can call you a coldhearted son of a bitch and move on! They leave Solas standing there. Solas: I’m sorry. Scene ends.
26 - Stoic: I believe in us. PC: I’m not giving up on you, Solas. Solas: You truly should. PC: Whatever you need, we can find together. Solas: No, we can’t. You’ll see. Solas turns. Solas: I’m sorry. He walks away. Scene ends.
22 - General: Are you kidding me? PC: Wait. What?
kept vallaslin PC: I say no to you altering my face, and just like that we’re done? Solas: It’s not that. I’m sorry. I should have ended this long before. I never wanted to hurt you. [27]
let Solas remove the vallaslin PC: You bring me here, take the vallaslin from my face, and now you just end it? Solas: I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. [27]
23 - General: If you must. PC: All right. If that’s your decision, so be it. Solas: I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. [27]
27 - Dialogue options:
Stoic: You did. [28]
Sad: Great job. [29]
Angry: Your loss, asshole! [30]
28 - Stoic: You did. PC: Everyone makes mistakes. Solas turns and leaves. Solas: I will see you back at Skyhold. Scene ends.
29 - Sad: Great job. PC: Well, we don’t always get what we want, do we? Solas turns and leaves. Solas: I will see you back at Skyhold. Scene ends.
30 - Angry: Your loss, asshole! PC: Banal’abelas, banal’vhenan! Solas turns and leaves. Solas: I will see you back at Skyhold. Scene ends.
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multi-fandoms-posts · 2 months
The Dark Side: Forever Together Last Part
Qimir x reader
Part 1
Part 2
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weeks later
It's been weeks since everything happened, and Qimir still hasn't told me anything. I don't know why he's not telling me, but I can't think straight anymore. My thoughts keep circling around it. I look at his sleeping figure and sigh. The only person who can tell me what happened is Vernestra. It's probably incredibly stupid to travel to Coruscant. But I finally want to know what's going on here.
I quickly pack a few things, write a note saying I'm going to run a few errands and will be back soon, and walk over to Qimir and kiss his forehead. "I'm sorry, but I want to know the truth," I whisper and set off for Coruscant.
Qimir’s view:
I wake up and want to pull Y/N towards me, but I don't feel her and I immediately jump up. I see a note that she has put on the pillow and read it. We still have everything here. "Please don't get yourself into trouble," I say worriedly. I have no clues as to where she might be, so I can only wait.
Well, what can I say? It was a stupid idea. They captured me and now I'm sitting here tied up without my lightsaber.
The door opens and Vernestra enters the room. "You?" she says, surprised. I grin. "What do you want?" she asks suspiciously. "Tell me what happened when you were on the mission with Padawan Qimir," I say. She looks at me in surprise. "Why do you want to know?" she asks skeptically. I just realized that I haven't really thought this through.
They are using the Force to get into my mind. "Get out of my mind!" I growl. "He's alive," she says, shocked. I suddenly see all the memories, including how I saved him back then. "Do you have any idea what you did?" she asks. I look at her, confused. "He'll kill us all, including you," she says. "No, never, he's not like that," I growl. "Oh really?" she says. Suddenly I see the two of them on the mission. "He killed brutally, even the children," she says. I see images of him killing them all. Tears well up in my eyes. "No, that's a lie," I say. Qimir can be brutal in battle, but not like that, never. I stand up and try to uncuff my handcuffs.
"He must be stopped," she says, continuing to invade my mind. "Stop him," she says. I fall to my knees. Everything suddenly feels so different. My mind has been broken. I look up at her. "Will you stop him?" she asks. I nod. "Yes, Master," I say, standing up.
She loosens my bonds and gives me back my lightsaber.
We walk to the ship together. "Master Vernestra, where are you taking the prisoner?" asks a Jedi. We stop. "That doesn't have to concern you," she simply says. "But the Council..."
“The council doesn’t need to know anything about this,” she says. We continue walking towards the ship.
I walk down the ramp and see Qimir coming towards me. His expression darkens and he immediately takes out his lightsaber. "What happened to you?" he asks, shocked. I take out my lightsaber and attack him. He dodges. "It's not you," he says and I attack him again. Our lightsabers collide. He pushes me back and pulls my legs out from under me, causing me to land on the ground. Qimir is standing over me. "Your mind has been manipulated, but by who?" he asks. The next moment, his eyes widen in shock and he looks at the ship as Vernestra comes out. "What did you do to her?" he asks angrily. I take the opportunity and pull him to the ground.
I hold my lightsaber in front of his face and am about to swing it. "I love you," he says, and I immediately stop.
He takes the opportunity to tackle me to the ground. I lose my lightsaber and he uses the Force to hold me down.
He looks at Vernestra as she approaches him and draws her lightsaber. Qimir suddenly tenses as memories from that time come flooding back. "I thought I killed you," she says.
Qimir looks at her darkly. "What did you do to her?" he asks angrily. "Let's just say I twisted the truth a little," she says simply.
Qimir looks at me briefly before letting go of me and attacking Vernestra.
"Y/N had nothing to do with it," he growls. "She had a lot to do with it, she should have let you die," Vernestra says, swinging her lightsaber. Qimir parries the attack and immediately attacks again.
I stand up and want to grab my lightsaber, but Qimir uses the Force and takes the lightsaber.
I freeze. What have I done? Did Vernestra manipulate me or not? Is Qimir really that brutal? I didn't realize that Qimir had incapacitated her. "Y/N, listen to me," Qimir says and I glare at him. Before I can react, however, he puts his hands on my face and I close my eyes.
"Y/N," I hear Qimir say and I open my eyes. "Let me," I say and slap his hands away from me and move away. "Y/N, please listen to me," Qimir says, coming closer to me. "Stay away from me. She showed me everything you did. I don't trust you anymore," I say. "What did she show you?" he asks. "You killed children without even hesitating," I say and he looks at me in shock. "No, never. I would never kill children. Y/N, you know me. Let me show you the truth, please," he says and falls to his knees. "I promise you, I will show you the truth," he pleads and for the first time I see Qimir desperate.
"You have to trust me," he pleads. "Qimir," I whimpered. "Please help me," I said desperately. Qimir immediately stood up and placed his hands on my face again. "I'll help you, sweetheart," he said, entering my mind again.
Narrator's perspective:
Qimir and Y/N stand next to each other and watch the events of so many years ago.
"We should talk, Padawan," Vernestra says and Qimir looks at her confused. "About what?" he asks. "What is this between you and Padawan Y/N?" she asks. "I don't know what you mean, Master," Qimir says. "I've been watching you both," she says and Qimir tries to keep his composure. "You broke the rules. I'll make sure you never see each other again. It will look like an accident," she says and Qimir's expression darkens. "You will not touch her," he says angrily, attacking her.
Y/N opens her eyes and tears run down her cheek. "I'm sorry," she says, clinging to him. "Please forgive me," Y/N says. Qimir puts his arms tightly around her. "It's not your fault," he says, stroking her back soothingly.
Qimir holds Y/N close to him and feels relieved that everything is finally out.
Y/N raises her head and looks to the side. Qimir moves away from Y/N a little and turns around. He sees Vernestra standing up. Qimir immediately pulls Y/N behind him and takes out his lightsaber. "Stay behind me," he says to Y/N and wants to attack Vernestra.
Y/N grabs her lightsaber, which Qimir dropped when he came to her, and wants to attack her as well.
Vernestra uses the Force and both Qimir and Y/N are thrown back, landing on the ground with a hard thud.
Your view:
"Y/N," I hear Qimir say and open my eyes. "Shit, what happened?" I ask and sit up. I see a ship flying away and jump up. "Too fast," I say and fall over, just before I hit the ground Qimir grabs me and pulls me towards him.
Qimir turns me to face him. "Hey, handsome," I smile. "Hey, beautiful woman," he smiles. "How are you feeling?" he asks. "Exhausted, but also good, and you?" I ask. "Better now that my wife is back with me," he smiles. "I'm sorry, Qimir, it was really stupid of me to fly to Coruscant, and even more stupid to ask Vernestra," I say, looking down at the ground. Qimir gently grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Yes, it was stupid, but I should have told you the truth too. I just wanted to protect you," he says, caressing my cheek with his thumb.
"I love you, Qimir," I smile. "I love you too, Y/N," he smiles and pulls me into a sweet kiss.
"I would never believe that you would kill children," I say. "She manipulated you," Qimir says. "But..."
"No buts, I know that you trust me, I trust you with my life, Y/N," says Qimir, smiling. "Shouldn't we stop Vernestra?" I ask. "No, but we should get off this planet. She knows where we are now," Qimir says, taking my hand as we walk back.
We packed up everything we needed and headed to our second ship.
As we enter the ship, Qimir opens a map. "Where are we going?" I ask, and he scans the map. "Here," he says, pointing to a planet called Tatooine. "Wait, isn't it awfully hot there?" I ask. "We'll get used to it," he says. "Hey, you just want to see me in short clothes," I grin, and he shrugs, grinning, before entering the coordinates and starting the ship.
2 years later
"She looks beautiful, just as beautiful as her mother," Qimir smiles, looking down at his daughter. "I don't look beautiful at all right now," I say. Qimir looks at me "Believe me, you look stunning. You gave birth to our daughter. You couldn't be more beautiful right now," Qimir smiles, and tears well up in my eyes. "Qimir," I breathe, and he leans down to kiss me. He pulls away from the kiss and bends down to give our daughter a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"I love you both," he smiles. "We love you too," I smile wearily. "Rest," Qimir smiles.
After a few moments I fell asleep. "I will always protect you two and if necessary I will burn down planets to keep you safe," whispers Qimir.
He watches his wife and daughter and smiles. He still can't believe how lucky he is.
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i-eat-mold · 4 months
@anticidic tagged me on this tag game thing. I feel so honored every time im tagged on smth like this lmao. Btw I bet my right hand you did NOT have braces as a kid (this is completely arbitrary and I have no proof whatsoever) ANYWAYS two truths one lie? If you get it right ill draw a very shitty chuuya goober (or any other character lmao)
1. I have a pet named May, short for Mayonnaise. I love her more than life.
2. I have several octopus plushies all of them named individually. I do not love all of them equally.
3. I taught myself Morse code when I was 10. Was fluent for a year or so. Now im unable to translate anything from memory.
Tagging!! @chenechen @chrixyty @evilkaeya @kaurwreck @kyoukamybeloved @sabh0
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bchan95 · 11 months
Tension Pt. 2
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Part 1
I turned my head to look over my shoulder and met his furrowed brows. I plaster a smile across my face and roll my eyes at him.
“He’s literally just being nice, you don’t need to get all “overprotective older brother Channie” right now… plus, that sweet girl looks so bored in the corner now.”
I met her eyes from across the bar. She was trying to be nonchalant about the way she was looking over at our table, but I could feel her stare burning every few seconds. I took another sip from my glass and returned my attention to the table.
That’s when he grips my shoulder. Squeezing it two times before sitting down in the chair next to me. I hated when he got like this. All aggressive and moody. It immediately brought the vibe of the table down. I shot a pleading look toward Yuna, hoping somehow she could break the ice.
“So Chan, who is this girl?” Yuna asked. You could tell from her tone that she could have cared less about that answer, her eyes widening with fake amusement before they met mine again.
Chan chuckled, taking a sip of his drink before responding. “Her name is Momo, and I just met her on the dance floor here. Nothing serious.”
I could feel him looking at me but I couldn’t bear looking back at him. I knew that my eyes would have given away that I was upset, and then he’d ask why and I’d have to lie. Again.
“Y/N,” Felix said softly, changing the subject “You should really ask that bartender for his number… he’s fit.”
I heard Chan sigh and pick up his glass again. I looked at Felix with a soft smile and rolled my eyes. I busied my hands by playing the puddle of condensation under my glass. I swished the cold liquid up and down the table as I thought of a proper response.
The truth? He was fit. I would be interested. If there wasn’t someone I was preoccupied with. Someone who didn’t even know he was standing in the way. I shook my head, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“He is pretty cute, but I’m not interested in talking to anyone tonight. I just want to be with you guys.”
Felix’s smile faltered for a moment, but he recovered with a soft knowing glance as he raised his glass to the middle of the table. Everyone followed suit in cheers, “happy birthdays” echoing across the group. After the celebratory sip, Yuna leaned over to whisper into Felix’s ear. Felix nodded, rapidly texting on his phone. Moments later, Lia’s phone lit up and she glanced at it with a slight smirk. Suddenly they all were rising from the table.
“We just want to get some air,” Felix said, smiling right at me. “We’ll be right back.”
The three scurried out of the room, leaving Chan and I at the table. I want to kill them. The silence in the air was ridiculous. It was never this weird with just the two of us, but I felt like my eyes had to be glued to this glass otherwise I’d combust if a single word came out of my mouth to him.
He touched my arm, drawing my attention to him. His deep brown eyes widened in this weirdly sentimental fashion. I tilted my head as I gazed at him. What changed in the last half hour? Where was the bold man with the gold rings and confident touch?
“What?” I giggled out of nerves.
He frowned even more “I feel like I let you down tonight.”
I scrunched my face. He chewed on his bottom lip as he waited for my response. A response I couldn’t find as I recounted everything that happened that night. His grip on my arm tightened a bit and I took a sharp breath in before finally speaking.
“What? How could you let me down?”
Chan shook his head, pulling his chair closer to mine. I could smell the honey on that whisky now. The sweetness of the smell mixed with the emotions swimming in his eyes almost had me reaching out to kiss him. I felt reckless when he was like this. Focused on me.
“I ditched you for a girl… again,” He sighed, his eyes widening even more. “Forgive me?”
I smirked at him, rolling my eyes. “Chan, I am not your mom… you don’t have to apologize for flirting.”
He fully frowned then, letting go of me. The sudden release brought a sudden chill to my forearm. I watched as he took another sip of his alcohol before speaking again. The way that glass raised to his plush lips.
No. Y/N. I shook my head, removing those intrusive thoughts from my brain. When his eyes met mine again was a little less heavy and he let himself softly smile.
“Are you okay Chan, you’re so quiet it’s making me nervous…” I say with a giggle, even though I was the farthest from joking.
I’ve known Chan for a long time. I know how easily he can shut down. When we were younger, far before either of us went to therapy, we would have explosive arguments about stupid things that would lead to weeks and weeks of silence on both of our ends. Fights over not having time for each other, for moving away, for forgetting birthdays and countless other reasons.
They’d always have to be solved by one of us caving and riding our bikes over to the other’s house with sour gummies in hand to apologize.
It had been a long time since Chan iced me out like that, and I wasn’t about to have it happen again. I tentatively placed my hand on his knee. This motion jolted him to attention, his eyes landing on mine again with rose-dusted cheeks.
“Seriously, what’s up?”
Chan looked at me again for a moment before sighing. He moved his chair even closer to mine. My heart slightly raced at the closeness but you stopped that daydream as soon as it started. His eyes darted, never focusing on one of the features of my face for too long. I felt my face heating up too. Finally, he cleared his throat.
“You… you’re really not into the bartender.”
I could have screamed. He wasn’t talking to me and was dragging out this whole silent treatment because of that bartender I talked to for 30 seconds? I opened my mouth to protest his ask when he spoke again, a bit softer.
“Because… I kind of don’t want you to be.”
That response glued my mouth shut in shock. What did he mean by that? It couldn’t possibly be what I think it is. I bite down on my lower lip, waiting for him to continue to speak but he stops there, looking at me with those round dark eyes. His hands moved to my knees.
“Chan, I told you that you don’t need to worry about me…”
“I’m not worried…. I’m…” he stops for a moment and takes a deep breath. His finger taps against my skin. “I’m jealous?”
He raises an eyebrow, waiting for my reaction. My cheeks grow warmer. He makes it so easy for my delusion to spiral. He’s been with another girl all night and he’s jealous of me giggling with a bartender? I wanted to spill my drink all over him and walk out. But I maintained composure, giggling softly.
“Mr. ladies man who has been dancing with a gorgeous girl all night is jealous of his bestie having a 2-second conversation with a stranger?” I teased, scrunching my nose at him as he rolled his eyes.
“I know it’s stupid,” He says as his hands draw random designs on my legs. “I just haven’t seen you act like that with someone before… so confident and giggly and… it made me feel some type of way.”
I raised an eyebrow “Yeah? Would you like to share this type of way with the class?”
He laughed for real that time, meeting my eyes with that lazy smile that I loved so much. The one that caused my heart to feel tight and warm like it was burning alive. He nodded at me before opening his mouth again.
“Like I wanted to wring his neck,” I scoff, causing him to smile wider. “I’m serious, I am the only one who should make you smile like that.”
I shook my head “You goof, you’re my best friend, you make me smile all the time.”
“Stop saying that.”
“Saying what?”
He stood as we spat back and forth. My eyes rose to meet his towering figure. He shook his head, walking closer and caging me in with my back against the table. My heart was thumping so loud I was sure he’d hear it.
“Best friend.”
I leaned my head to the side “Are you not my best friend?”
He laughed loudly, his hand coming down to touch my cheek. I was sure I was sunburnt at this point. The heat of his touch was too much for me to really understand right now.
“I am… but I’m also…” He leaned down toward my face, breath feathering my skin with a cool breeze. “I also kind of want to do this.”
“Chan, I-“ My sentence was cut off by his lips on mine. He moved slowly, savoring every push and pull of our lips as he pecked them repeatedly.
As we pulled away, I pushed his chest away from me. I stared at him in confusion. He looked back at me with the same sort of blank look, hands in his pockets. None of us said anything for a moment. I looked over to the left and the girl who had been there the whole night was gone. I looked back up at him again and his eyes were still on me. Unmoving.
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buggy-samaaa · 5 months
Caught, part 3
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Word count: 439
Content: NSFW — mdni, gender neutral reader, no y/n, second person POV, voyeurism, anal, masturbation, misuse of devil’s fruit powers
Like you, Buggy couldn’t sleep a wink. He was mortified. How could he have gotten so carried away? He berated himself and gripped his hair, tossing and turning in his bed. To think, the one person who had caught him… was the one he had been imagining.
He wasn’t always so attracted to you. His interest had been piqued only a few days ago, when you had drawn him for the first time. A realistic portrait, not a caricature like you had been hired on to do for his circus three or four months ago. Something about the way you had gently directed his chin toward you to get the best angle… the way your eyes stared into his as you drew them… It had all been so intimate. And, God, the drawing itself — you made him look handsome. Truly handsome.
To his surprise, after that session, his heart started thrumming whenever you walked by. He found himself tripping over his words when you spoke to him. Your curious half-smile at his fumbling made his knees weak. Not to mention, your natural beauty, which he had started to admire rather than simply acknowledge as an objective truth.
However, he didn’t want to do anything about his attraction until he was sure you, too, were interested, and deep in his heart, he thought you never would be. Sure, the portrait was very flattering, but when he had quietly asked you, “is this really how you see me?” all you replied with was an unreadable “I draw what’s in front of me.”
As if to disprove what you had said to him, you were currently in your hammock with your nose buried in your sketchbook as you drew from memory what Buggy had been doing moments ago. You had told yourself, maybe drawing him will help get the whole thing out of my mind. But you knew that was a lie. You were turned on and wanted more.
You were making yourself hot with the images of his face, which you had to make up since you had only seen Buggy from behind. They were expressions of ecstasy, one after the other, creating a sort of comic strip of the way he was reacting to the feeling of his cock deep inside of his own ass as his balls slapped against him. Your breath quickened and you could feel yourself throb. You let out a shaky exhale and closed the sketchbook, blew out the candle, and laid back in your hammock. Your hand drifted to between your legs, and you began to pleasure yourself to the thought of your captain.
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fairyrona · 19 days
What's wrong? Rainbow.
Okay this post is a little of a brain vomit, because I've read so many smart posts lately and I have some thoughts that kinda tie into all of them or maybe provide some pieces.
So, let's add some maybe fresh thoughts. If somebody had already said all that, please step forth lmao
First, the Zombie Boy drawing and different/changing timelines. (and project rainbow) For For context, @willbyersabyss 's post.
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S1 version mentioning the mind control experiments.
-> completely erasing that timeline/version of events by the said mind control. -> And now Will Byers has become the Zombie Boy
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It's almost unbelivable how much timeline-wrongness/loops S2 hides under it's sleeve.
Trapped in an artificially created time loop / timeline.
What's wrong with Mama? Rainbow. Timeline's wrong.
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Oh, what you say Nancy-in-Terry's overcoat/costume?
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Murray's? But not yours?
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Oh, then what if Murray's timeline?
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Zombie Boy version. The one that says Will got lost in the woods. Our timeline. And then we get Lucas telling Max the truth. (Events of s1, that represent the Zombie Boy version.) But on this particular timeline-train of thoughts, he literally repeats after Nancy:
Will didn't get lost in the woods. The timeline's wrong.
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And then it get's even more messy, because Max thinks this story feels derivative. This is literally us reading the s1 article. But then, why is she reacting to the s2 version like that?
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And then she calls him out for lying. We get told multiple times, that Lucas is not telling the true version of events.
Friends don't lie. Never ever. No matter what. Is that right? Then how do you explain this?
Out of order. The timeline is wrong. Out of order.
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Friends don't lie. Never ever. No matter what. Is that right? Then how do you explain this?
Now, lets go back a little. And add some MKUltra.
What's wrong with mama? Rainbow. Timeline's wrong. Out of order.
I don't think I've seen anyone mention the fact that we've got not 1, not 2, but at least 3 Rainbow Rooms.
terry ives' mind loop (with different colour-gradings)
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Ray's, the lab ward's home in Chicagoproject nina tape-based memories project nina tape-based memories (with different colour-gradings)
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While we're at HNL colour grading I wanna quickly add that Terry's sequences are a lot warmer, I'd even say the walls are different paint all together. But it could just visual clue of time passing, renovations and all.
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However. It's a cool detail that while Terry's memories are warm-ish-> turn greenish just as it cuts to little Jane and Kali and then the lighting immediately becomes cold - like in Will's scenes. (And Ray's, ''true'' version is warm as well. Outside of the girls nightgowns, that are more cool-toned. and that's another mindfuckery detail, bc Ray's kids are dressed more like lab subjects than the lab subjects.) (out of order)
I wanna talk bout the middle Rainbow Room. And its possible connection to MK Ultra.
First. Light is important. Here are two posts about light's and rainbow's involvement in the experiments'.
For context, go to the two @conflictofthemind 's posts.
breathe. sunflower. rainbow. three to the right, four to the left. four-fifty. breathe.
breathe. (He isn't breathing!)
sunflower. (follows the light. Joyce to find Will, El to talk to Terry etc. Will's house being all lit up in the pilot. AND the shed. And the light bulb thing. followed the light? and went back?)
(electromagnetic spectrum gets separated. different wavelengths reflect at a different angle. but in the end it's still just an optical illusion. it doesn't exist in a specific point in the sky.)
Rainbows are actually full circles. The antisolar point is the center of the circle. Viewers in aircraft can sometimes see these circular rainbows. (The horizon obstructs our view. It's as if the second half was under. In the Upside down.)
three to the right, four to the left. 43. 1943?
four-fifty. (Turning up the dial on the machine. 450° degree angle? it loops.
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breathe. it loops.
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Also, the safety vault, the rainbow and the dial is all circle shaped, and it ends on the dial being turned, as if we're actually going round on it's axis. (But in Terry's memories, and Ray's flat, we're only seeing one half of the story. S4? we get too many versions. A half circle, the rainbow going around the room, turning upside down etc.)
In that scene they are in Ray's apartament. (another light reference)
And I have a few theories. This is the writers telling us that
there are multiple versions of the event
these memories from another timeline. which i'll touch upon in a different post, to keep things in order
the event is replicating itself in different manners
Okay, now a rundown of the scene:
-> The Kali Gang bursts in. The RAY-guy begs for his life. Says he's gonna help El find Brenner.
-> Nobody believes the guy, neither the audience nor the characters, but the thing is - he was telling the truth! Now, after s4, after being introduced to yet another, COMPLETELY different rainbow room, we know that.
What also interest me is that Ray said Brenner trusts him - thus he knows Brenner is alive. Was that a secret between the bad men as well? Is Brenner being alive something more than not succumbing to injury circa s1?
The things is!! El and Kali never entered Ray's rainbow room.
And Ray telling us the truth feels like a check mark - this! This is the one!
I think either:
a) there are different versions of the event: Where the girls in the room were not El and Kali, but some other two kids, possibly actual siblings.
a.1) this only happened once - and Jane is not El.
b) The original event that keeps weaving itself into the plot his hasn't happened to Terry specifically.
c) Or there was no ''original'' but it keep's repeating to trigger something, or replicate an effect. Somebody finding two ''kids'' in a rainbow room.
This really feels more like a visual and storytelling metafor.
Same with @erikiara80 post about colour green.
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Especially with what happened st Ray's place.
El and Kali on different sides of conflict, Kali being the more blood-thirsty, revenge seeking one.
-> Kali and El want to kill Ray. But Kali want it to last, to make him suffer. -> For a moment El listens but then Kali-Gang find the girls in the rainbow room -> El notices a photo frame with Ray and his daughters and doesn't kill him in the end. -> This pisses off Kali, she want to kill him, but El stops her. And they evacuate without killing the guy.
vs. El showing 'empathy'.
But we know that NINA's memories are not entirely trust-worthy... (s4 Owens: how much did you skip?)
This might be a nod to the fact that El doesn't actually relate to the strong emotions Kali is feeling about this. (That El is not Jane, Ray didn't torture her mother.)(Or that they originate from different timelines.)
Oh and, let's not forget about the staring point. The Zombie Boy articles. And how Will-Joyce-Hopper are involved in that scene sequence.
Want it or not, in this color grading, this car looks like Joyce's green pinto.
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And this, also, looks like Joyce's green pinto.
Now, why am I suddenly pulling Joyce and Hopper into all of this? Because Hop says a funny line in s2.
"You wanna take him back to Chicago?'' (about Will having episodes. They also mention Boston, where another comic takes place.)
All in all, Hopper discourages Joyce from looking for help anywhere else but HNL.
But take this car parked by Ray's place, take that one line, and take the fact that Ray was not bullshitting El?
And to that let's add that the Zombie Boy event having ''Chief Hopper'' literally written all over the page? Zombie Boy is encircling him for gods sake. (in green) Pointing fingers.
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(Which Chief Hopper tho haha)
oh and
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I really hope this makes sense. Might not. Hopefully it does.
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vettelinyourarea · 1 year
can I pls request max with daylight? it's my favorite track from lover 😭🫶🏼💗
daylight - max verstappen
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genre: fluff
word count: 700
inspired by daylight by taylor swift
warning: english is not my first language
thank you so much for sending in the request! i am so sorry that this fict is shorter than intended but i had a lot of fun writing it! feel free to give me any feedback and sending in another requests! i hope you enjoy anon 🫶
My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in
Everyone looked worse in the light
There are so many lines that I’ve crossed unforgiven
I’ll tell you the truth, but never goodbye
Everyone around you know that you don’t have the best experience with love. It all started with you getting hurt by man after man and ended up with you hurting them. And it’s not like you hurt your exes and past flings on purpose though.
That’s why, when you first got introduced to the world-famous Max Verstappen, you’re scared. Especially when he started to openly flirt with you. You thought that nothing good could ever come out of this, especially because of his career as a racing driver. Either he is going to hurt you, or you are going to hurt him. And you told him that when he first ask you to go out on a date.
“Well, let’s make it a challenge to not hurt each other, shall we?”
I don’t wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
I don’t wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
And now I see daylight, I only see daylight
Turns out, you were completely wrong about him. And this is probably the first and only time you are glad that you are wrong. Max, turns out, is everything you need in a person. You are not used to receiving so much love from someone in your life, let alone receiving so much love from a man, but Max is always gentle about it. Max is always gentle with you and you couldn’t be more grateful for him.
Even when he is halfway across the globe from you, he will always make sure that you’re okay. Even when he is tired from the race weekends, he will always come home to you. Even when it’s 3 am and he was asleep, he will always pick up your phone call.
And you knew that Max is the light in your life.
Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky
And so I became the butt of the joke
I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked
Commitment issue would be the correct term to describe you. Or maybe, trust issue would be more fitting. You wouldn’t lie and say that you are not scared of being in a relationship. And Max knew that perfectly well, hence why he never asks you to be his girlfriend. 
He never tried to push you about it, and he enjoys whatever relationship you two had going on. With no status, there are strings attached between the two of you. Max really doesn’t care as long as you are with him. So, he couldn’t help but be shocked when you confront him first about it.
“Max, when are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?”
“Huh? I thought you are not ready yet? I was waiting for you to be ready, love.”
“Well, I’m ready now.”
“Okay then, do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Well, I thought you’d never ask, Max.”
I once believed love would be (Black and white)
But it’s golden (Golden)
You were scared when Max said ‘I love you’ for the first time even though it has been 2 years since you met him and 1 year since you become official with him. It took longer than most people, but you are not ready yet. After what you went through with men in the past, you are scared of the word ‘love’. And you are glad that Max shows his love more through his actions than his words.
“You know you don’t have to say it back right away, right?” he said with a smile on his face when he saw you struggled to say it back, “I just want you to know that what I feel for you is genuine.”
When you heard him, you couldn’t hold your tears anymore. Because for the first time in your life, you finally got to feel how is it to be loved, and you finally learn how to love someone unconditionally.
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asterdisaster06 · 1 year
i love you ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard?
ghost x reader [exes], slight soap x reader [mostly platonic], platonic 141 x reader
Pt 1. Pt 2. 3.
summary > Soap interactions with you, bringing you food after you skip dinner in favor of taking a nap, Price wants to see you - see pt 1 for overall fic summary
word count > 1.6k
warnings > should be none
a/n > future chapters should be longer, this just felt like a nice cutoff and I'm just starting to get the hang of fanfic writing. gotta love our boy Soap though. it might be a while for the next chapter though since i'm working on other works too
“Goddamn, who let a little birdie in here?” He laughs. 
Soap. You had heard quite a bit about this particular Scotsman from your ex lover. You had an inkling that you two would’ve gotten along, even bringing it up to Simon once or twice about meeting him. He denied your request, sighing goodnaturedly about how you two apart are already the death of him - let alone together. You claimed that this was all the more reason to meet him, or at the very least, let him know of your existence. Simon had always paused around this point and you had never pushed it, and now you’re kind of glad. The last thing you needed was another person that was no longer a stranger around this base. You were supposed to be having a new start, and that would be very difficult if MacTavish knew of your existence beforehand.
However, you hadn’t expected to run into one of Simon’s teammates so soon into your arrival on base. The world seemed to have different plans though. 
“You wouldn’t happen to know how to get to my room?” You ask politely, pulling out your information to show him.
“Aye, I do happen to know the way, follow me, Lass.”
You were honestly counting on him not knowing, but you’re realizing now that he’s the kind of person that would figure it out whether he knew initially or not. It seems like you’re stuck in the company of this man and his mohawk for a little while longer. It’s not like you particularly disliked him, in fact it was quite the opposite. It’s just the memories of your past are being dredged up by him, and his association with Simon wasn’t helping.
“So, what’s up with the mask,” He asks, drawing out the ‘a’ in the last word, coming off as teasing you. 
You were attempting to come up with a half truth, because you truly hadn’t worn this mask minus on missions at your old base. It was simply this place that brought out that side of you. Or maybe it was a person rather than a place.
“I just find it comforting, y’know?” You decide on, finally. It wasn’t a lie, the mask truly did offer you comfort around here. It just probably isn’t for a reason that Soap would detect. 
“I think you’d get along well with one of my masked comrades, maybe bond about hiding identities or somethin’” Soap chuckles.
You offer a slight smile in return, the anxiety that had recently left coming back in full force. You knew exactly who he was talking about, and you vehemently disagreed with what Soap had to say. 
“You should join us for dinner after you get settled in, I could be your little tour guide,” Soap says, winking at you. 
“I’ll have to think about it, stranger,” You offer back, smiling.
“Oh yeah! The name’s Soap. Soap MacTavish,” He laughs. 
“You can call me Angel,” You say, blushing as you realize the implications.
He sends you a curious look with an eyebrow raise. “Oh? Let me at least take you out to dinner first, Bonnie.”
“Very funny, it’s my callsign. Like I assume yours is, unless your parents really hated you,” You joke, almost enjoying this banter with Soap. 
“Oi, we don’t judge around here,” He laughs, referring to your silly callsigns. 
“I suppose I’ll see you around, Soap?” You ask, ready to settle down in your own space. With your own silence to accompany you.
“Is that a yes to dinner?” He jokes, aware of the double meaning of his sentence.
“Oh knock it off, I’ll have to think about it,” You smile, wondering if this is how it could’ve been in another life. A life where you had actually gotten to meet Soap under different circumstances. You unlock your door, entering and turning back to see Soap still there. 
“Don’t think too hard! I wouldn’t want you to worry that pretty little head of yours too much, Bonnie,” He teases, already deciding on a nickname for you it seems.
“We hardly know each other, and you have no clue what I look like,” You laugh, pushing him out of your doorframe, amused at his antics nonetheless.
“Oh, I’m sure you look slightly better than a troll under the bridge at least,” He says with a toothy grin. “You’re not ugly, are you?” He asks ironically.
“Quite the opposite,” You offer up with a crooked smile. 
“That’s what I thought,” He says with a smile that rivals the Cheshire cat. “Now, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner?”
“You’re a big boy, I’m sure you’ll be fine alone,” You say, tiredly. It’s not like you wanted to cut your friendly banter with Soap short. On the other hand, you didn’t exactly feel like socializing. Not after your tiring day already. 
“Alright, alright rookie. But I am bringing something around later to make sure you eat. If it wasn’t me it would be Price, so don’t think it’s any trouble,” He says, predicting your words before you could even voice them.
“Who are you calling a rookie, Sergeant?” You chirp out. 
“Are you not one? Price just mentioned that we would be getting someone new, or maybe I was zoning out when he mentioned your details. Actually no, I definitely was. I think I was throwing crumpled up paper at Gaz - you’ll meet him later,” Soap explains, smiling at the end.
Gaz. Kyle “Gaz” Garrick. Simon had spoken less of him specifically but whatever he did have to say, it was only full of praise. That or another story of his unfortunate luck lending him time hanging from a rope out of a helicopter. That story had always made you laugh. 
“I’m technically a Lieutenant,” You manage to say between laughter. 
“Jesus Christ, another one? I wouldn’t have coined you for one,” Soap exclaimed.
“And why’s that?” You ask, curious but already knowing the answer. People have always underestimated you based on looks and size. Starting from your first days at the academy to when you first got your callsign to even after you were nicknamed the ‘Angel of Death.’ Other soldiers had only reinforced Simon’s words that you weren’t worthy of your position, let alone the opportunity to even try. 
“Just the way our Lieutenant, or I guess I should start referring to him as ‘First Lieutenant’ now, responded to the details that I didn’t hear. He almost seemed to be. . . worried about having someone else to worry about. Looking at you now though, I can tell we’re going to have nothing to worry about,” He ends with a smile.
Huh, that was new. You didn’t expect that from Soap, but you suppose he’s just full of surprises. Fitting for the demolitionist that has a knack for gunpowder filled surprises. Nonetheless, you had luggage to unpack and sleep to catch up on. You eventually get Soap to leave you alone to your devices, putting on your playlist and unpacking about half of your shit before getting too tired to continue. Laying back on your freshly made bed, your eyes flutter closed and you fall into unconsciousness. 
A knock at your door wakes you and you shake off your sleepiness - rubbing your eyes and stretching as you do. The blurriness of both your vision and mind makes you almost forget where you are. Only for a second though. 
“Open up, Angel!” Soap yells through the door.
He really had no capabilities of being subtle, did he. You stumble a bit getting out of bed but find your footing and make your way to the wooden door, turning the knob and opening it. The brightness of the hallway makes you flinch slightly before your eyes adjust to the lighting. 
“What do you want?” You ask the man who’s simply standing and staring at you.
“You- you don’t have your mask on-” He stammers, seemingly caught between staring and shielding his face out of politeness. 
“I mean, I don’t sleep with it on, and you did kind of wake me up, MacTavish,” You sigh, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. 
“Oh right! Here’s your food,” Soap smiles sheepishly, taking the tupperware out from behind his back. It has a silly little doodle of himself in cartoon form saying “Food for Angel, No touchy” which you found amusing enough to smile at. 
“Thank you Soap, genuinely,” You offer up, taking his gift of food from his hands. 
He smiles back at you, sending you a mock salute before heading off to presumably his room. Before he gets to the end of the hallway he suddenly stops and turns, yelling back at you that Price wants to see you in his office after you finish eating. He really waited until the last minute for that one, didn’t he? Despite the slight annoyance you held, it was overshadowed by the simple amusement you had watching the man. He might not have known you knew of his famous shenanigans before you even set eyes on him, but you would get there. You take a deep breath, inhaling the aroma of what the mess hall had to offer for today. It exceeded your expectations, but that could just be the fact that your old base had shit food. 
You truly wondered what Price had to say to you, deciding that he was calling you down to fire you for the disrespect you had shown him and your apparent partner by leaving so suddenly. Obviously, it was not going to be that dramatic, but you still worried a tad bit. You were aware that you would likely be working alongside Simon, and some small masochistic part of you accepted this job despite it. Maybe in spite of it. You wanted to prove yourself to him, though you’re now realizing that he’ll eventually need to know your identity. Something you aren’t keen on sharing. 
That part of you had been shed long ago, and now your new feathers have grown in.
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