#I have received 115 now help
xcometstarx · 6 months
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I'm drowning in boops.
I woke up to 99+
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mawmawmaw · 5 months
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first of all thank you so much to everyone for the support I received after my last post, I can't tell you how much it means to me. I know a lot of us are struggling right now and all I can say is that I hope it will get easier soon. I'm working with my therapist to not be so financially insecure, so hopefully posts like this will be less frequent in the future.
That being said, I'm still short on rent for this month and am trying to avoid any unwanted notices 😓 I told my landlord ahead of time and they've waived the late fee for this month so long as I pay by the 8th like I said I would, but my check is not gonna be enough to cover the gap since my rent is $795 (and I got some small bills to pay afterwards too that total $73).
I'm setting a goal of $250 this time, an amount that would cover my bills and the portion of my rent that would be remaining after I've taken half from my check on the 8th. literally anything helps; as was the case with the last post, reblogs can help put this in view of someone with the means to donate, so don't feel guilty if you don't have anything to spare. that being said if you donate let me know and I'll send you a random pic of one of the dogs from the daycare I work at :)
ko-fi.com/mawprints vmo @ mawprints cshpp $ muttiny
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imitationgame77 · 2 months
Twice, Mensah melts Murderbot
Murderbot is a very private person, often struggles to keep its emotions under control. Even though Murderbot is often blunt, sometimes even a bit rude to the humans, it is generally keeping its emotional expressions under control.
It can be openly rude to two - Gurathin and ART.
Gurathin was probably the first (augmented) human to whom Murderbot could openly express strong disapproval since it disabled the governor module (I don't like you; Fuck you)
ART is the receiving end of various expletives in Network Effect. (Because it is Murderbot's friend and not its client)
Mensah, on the other hand, is the only person that seems to be able to melt Murderbot's metaphorical heart, and gives it a sense of vulnerability. Because she understands it as a person - as only friends on the same wavelength can.
All Systems Red
I muted my feed and the comm, and she said, “I know you’re more comfortable with keeping your helmet opaque, but the situation has changed. We need to see you.”
I didn’t want to do it. Now more than ever. They knew too much about me. But I needed them to trust me so I could keep them alive and keep doing my job. The good version of my job, not the half-assed version of my job that I’d been doing before things started trying to kill my clients. I still didn’t want to do it. “It’s usually better if humans think of me as a robot,” I said.
“Maybe, under normal circumstances.” She was looking a little off to one side, not trying to make eye contact, which I appreciated. “But this situation is different. It would be better if they could think of you as a person who is trying to help. Because that’s how I think of you.”
My insides melted. That’s the only way I could describe it. After a minute, when I had my expression under control, I cleared the face plate and had it and the helmet fold back into my armor.
Wells, Martha. All Systems Red (Kindle Single): The Murderbot Diaries (English Edition) (pp.103-104).
Exit Strategy
Huh, why did I like Sanctuary Moon so much? I had to pull the memory from my archive, and what I saw there startled me. “It’s the first one I saw. When I hacked my governor module and picked up the entertainment feed. It made me feel like a person.” Yeah, that last part shouldn’t have come out, but with all the security-feed monitoring I was doing, I was losing control of my output. I closed my archive. I really needed to get around to setting that one-second delay on my mouth.
She said instead, “Why did it make you feel that way?”
“I don’t know.” That was true. But pulling the archived memory had brought it back, vividly, as if it had all just happened. (Stupid human neural tissue does that.) The words kept wanting to come out. It gave me context for the emotions I was feeling, I managed not to say. “It kept me company without…”
“Without making you interact?” she suggested.
That she understood even that much made me melt. I hate that this happens, it makes me feel vulnerable. Maybe that was why I had been nervous about meeting Mensah again, and not all the other dumb reasons I had come up with. I hadn’t been afraid that she wasn’t my friend, I had been afraid that she was, and what it did to me.
Wells, Martha. Exit Strategy: The Murderbot Diaries (pp.115-116)
I don't wish to sound like Anne Shirley, but both Dr. Mensah and ART are kindred spirits (or something like soulmates) to Murderbot, but in different ways.
ART 'gets' Murderbot's thought/action processes and tendencies perfectly, and also comes to understand its emotion reactions since they shared long hours of media viewing where ART learned to process subjective emotions through Murderbot's reactions. ART is more likely to challenge Murderbot when it notes unproductive thought processes, or gets Murderbot to express it to make it understand its own thoughts.
Dr. Mensah, in contrast, is a highly empathetic and intelligent person, and she instintively understands Murderbot. Her high intellectual and emotional intelligence made her the planetary leader, loved and admired by many. She expresses her understanding of Murderbot, which is often accurate and makes it feel vulnerable, but not in a bad way. It feels being understood.
It is very touching the way Murderbot can be vulnerable in her presence and trusts her completely. HelpMe.file reveals that how it has come to unlearn its instinctive response to use violence in order to eliminate threat by trusting her.
Murderbot likes PresAux people, and calls Ratthi its friend, but it is clear to readers that Dr. Mensah is a very special person to it. And Murderbot is also a special person to Dr. Mensah that she can trust with her life.
It melts ME whenever I read them interact.
Amena seems to have inherited some of her second mother's emotinal intelligence. Hope she appears in the future again. I liked the way the relationship between her and Murderbot developed in Network Effect.
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deusa-astaroth666 · 5 months
I would like to thank everyone for the messages of support and asks🥺❤️, I've already started the drawings and they will be ready by tomorrow, I'm doing them with great care and it really helped me calm down a lot and I even managed to eat a little. I also have three news, one good and two bad.
The good news is that one of my friends got in touch and is well and safe so far, the water has not reached her house.
Now for the bad, my friend and her family are without drinking water to bathe and the water in the fridge to drink is also running out, I hope they deliver supplies to her soon. The other bad news is that my other friend hasn't gotten in touch yet and to make matters worse, another water dam burst, in other words... the catastrophe has just gotten worse and the chances of the current reaching her house have increased, which only increases my concern. I really hope she is safe, the city of Porto Alegre is devastated by the waters, no one leaves or enters except the volunteers with helicopters and boats, an entire city is under water, there are 78 people dead so far and more than 105 are missing, every hour this number grows, 20 thousand have been rescued and 115 thousand are homeless.
The last time I saw something like this was in the tragedy of Brumadinho in Minas Gerais, please do something about it to make it known to the outside media, Brazil needs help, the State of Rio Grande Do Sul is sinking and the tendency is to get worse, Anything to help our country is welcome, donations, repercussions and prayers, here below there will be some videos of the current situation in the State, they are strong images so watch them if you are psychologically prepared😥
I will translate for you
Flood destroys city of Roca Sales in Rio Grande do Sul
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Unfortunately I can only put a single video here, but on Tik Tok and YouTube there are several of them, if you are interested in donating, the government is creating pix keys and the victims themselves too, I will send some Tik Tok accounts that are fighting to help animals and people who were victims of this tragedy. Every 1 Real (Brazilian currency) is worth 0.20 of the North American dollar.
Government releases Pix key for donations
The number for donations is: 92.958.800/0001-38. When making the transfer, confirm that the destination bank is "Banrisul (Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul)".
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This child asks for help with beds and toys, the wreckage you can see behind is what's left of his house.
Here you can see animal rescue
If you want to make other donations for specific things like animal feed and food, just Google the banks that are receiving them, I think it will be safer that way.
I hope that everyone is well and that none of you have to go through something like this, I will continue to update you about it, as it is the only way I could help the media see us, since as I mentioned before the event has passed. unnoticed since it occurred on the same day as Queen Madonna's concert.
Thank you for reading this far, have a good night❤️❤️
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alonygamingnerd · 24 days
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"The night before"
Sedra Campaign intermission
12 hours before Operation Novatic-Iron, Sedra Campaign. The 187th Marines, November Company attack to destroy 6 Tyrant Anti-air cannons in the northern mountains of Sedra.
November Company has gathered all around in the cafeteria for somewhat of a tradition that the whole regiments does before and after OP, some tables are quiet with Marines playing card games or just casually chatting while other tables are loud with laughter and cheering with the older Marines sharing stories with the younger Marines of either their heroics or stories back from home. Members of 3rd platoon who had come to join this little pre-OP cheers were gathered around a pair of tables in the corner near the door, Grimes was leaning on the wall near them listening to the stories that Mullin was telling while at the same time watching the room incase of any trouble. Shield 2 silently walks up behind Grimes, “Seems like they're having fun.”
Grimes slightly jumps, caught by surprise of the spartan quietly walking in behind him before recollecting himself, “Yea, let them enjoy themselves a bit, especially with what comes tomorrow. What brings you up tonight?”
“Was out for walk and decided to stop by” the spartan answered
Grimes takes a quick glance at the spartan to see he had been scanning the room checking every Marine in the room, November company was small compared to other companies which had around 130 to 250 men, November was at around 115. Mostly due to the fact they had not received any new troops in what had been now 2 months so they had to “borrow” around 10 Marines from Lima and Whiskey companies for tomorrow. But their was another reason for his visit beside from the walk excuse he gave, Grimes had known these spartans long enough to know what a visit from each of them ment: Shield 1 would only stop by if looking for CPT Martin or COL Leblanc to make that everything for an OP is ready and their won’t be any issues, Shield 3 and 4 never visit, Shield 5 is light hearted and visit from her ment an easy OP, Shield 6 was former Marine and comes to simply visit to be back around fellow leather neck, and Shield 2, who cares a lot more than he shows and would go out of way to try and save as many people as he could, a visit from him ment 2 things. Either he was simply stopping by to meet the new marines and help ease them into the company or he was scanning the room to prepare himself for the reports that he was going to write and the casualties list he was going to get from each platoon.
“Go hangout, relax some and take your mind off things” Grimes said, gesturing the spartan to the tables where 3rd platoon were sitting to try and help the spartan ease himself.
He thought about it for a second then walked over to their tables. Mullins was in the middle of one of his stories when he noticed the spartan, “Hey, look who it is, nice of you to join us. I was just in the middle of telling these kids from Lima company a story about how we took down a scarab using nothing but C12 and having Kloee climb the damn thing's legs while it was still walking and almost stepped on the Captain.”
Shield 2 looks down to his left and sees a young marine steering up at him, almost blinded by the sight of a spartan. “First time seeing a spartan in person?” he asks. The young marine nodes his head in acknowledgement. The spartan moves both of hands up to his head and takes off his helmet revealing his white face, with burn scars running up the right side of his head from his neck to his lower right check, a light scar running on the right side of his face in between his brown eye and nose, a deep cut across his left eye which was completely white, a poorly maintained goatee, dark brown short hair with faded sides and in the back a small ponytail, and finally a tattoo on the left side of his head in front of his ear of a rat wearing a marine helmet, a tattoo given to those whose have served in or with the 67th Marine regiment for 5 years or more. Holding his helmet in his right hand, he extends out his left hand “Chris B-220, Shield 2.”
The marine is frozen for a moment, blindly staring at the spartans face before snapping back and shaking the spartan’s hand, “Connor Duncan, Private first class.”
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arzuera · 1 year
If you’re okay sharing, how many chapters of Robin’s Egg are you planning? I lost interest in dpxdc for a few months and am just getting back into it and am delighted by the amount of chapters I came back to. Robin’s Egg was and still is one of my favorite fics that takes up a lot of brain space with the amount of love I have for it!
Hello! Also, I know you asked this a long time ago so I'm sorry that I'm just getting to this now.
First off, thank you! I'm glad you love my fic so much! It really means a lot to see that!
As for how many chapters... honestly, I have no idea. I've learned a long time ago that I'm bad at following my own outline. Take my first big fic The Call of a Mute Heart. The original plan for that one was supposed to be 30 chapters, give or take.
That MONSTER is 115 chapters long and took about 3 years to complete.
This isn't the only time this has happened but it is the most prominent one.
So I've learned to not try to keep it to a certain chapter amount because odds are I'm going to blow right past it. However, I will say that I have Robin's Egg planned in 3 stages.
Stage 1: Damian finds egg and he's flying by the seat of his pants in how to take care of Danny because he has no way of knowing if he's helping or harming
Stage 2: Danny is awake but still in egg form. He still needs to incubate a little longer. But Damian can now check in to make sure Danny is okay.
Stage 3: Danny has hatched and now he isn't just Damian's problem anymore
At this point in the story, we're really close to the beginning of stage 3 and from there the clock starts ticking closer and closer to the end. Which in all honesty? Makes me REALLY sad because I have had so much fun writing it and Robin's Egg marked my first attempt at coming back into the fanfiction scene after an almost 3 writing hiatus.
I wrote off and on in between the two for various things but nothing this long. So to see my first attempt in a new fandom be so well received is just... so amazing to me. You have no idea how touched I am about it. You all have been so supportive in everything I've done. Even on chapters that I straight-up hated. Remember Chapter 3? Where Damian safety proofs his room and has the heart-to-heart with Tim and Nightwing at the end? Hated it. Wanted to take it down and try again. Couldn't believe that I posted such garbage. But you all absolutely loved it. Your comments put a new perspective on the chapter that I didn't see before so when I reread it, I could see where you all were coming from and I actually grew to like it.
So, yeah... I can't tell you how many chapters it's going to be though I do try to aim for like 10 or 5 at the end. So if it's like... chapter 51 when the end is starting, it'll fully end on chapter 55, etc. That's just an example, not a timetable. But I also don't want it to end yet as I'm sure that all of you feel the same. So we still have a ways to go as far as I'm concerned.
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curatedspacefiller · 2 months
I want to kill god and every single person I'm working with right now.
So I just received a proof-read version of a publication I'd translated for some EU funded project I'm helping out on. My collegue who was the one in contact with out editor forgot to tell her that the changes should be made as comments in the original Word document, so I had to get in contact with her to tell her that. I acknowledged that it was our fault for not disclosing ot prior and told her that I'd do it for the part she'd already done, but asked her to enter her changes as comments from that point on. She sent the document back today. Four days later than expected. Were ANY of the changes entered as comments? Why, no! She said that she didn't deem it neccessary, as it was "well translated overall" and "the changes were minor".
So I very very likely need to go back, carefully read through a 115 pages long document and enter all of the changes manually. After I'd translated in in what was essentially ten hours, caffeinated out of my balls, because the deadlines weren't communicated clearly to me.
And it's situations like this where I'd order some takeout to soften the blow, but you see, I wasn't paid for my translation yet so I'm at my last 20€. And it's hard to tell when I'm going to be paid out. And my cats have to eat.
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ohthehypocrisy · 2 years
Polteageist for Pokemon Unite!
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Season 1
Prev: Torterra - Scrafty - Starmie - Luvdisc - Boltund - Tinkaton - Rampardos - Bronzong - Delibird
Pokemon being designed after food is a weird trend, but also mostly recent. All the way back in Gen 1, the most there was as far as food pokemon was something like Exeggcute. But in the more recent games, you can expect to have at least one food based pokemon included in the new dex. Vanilluxe in Gen 5, Alcremie and Appletun in Gen 8, even Fidough and Dachsbun in the most recent Gen 9 game.
But perhaps the most sophisticated example would be Polteageist in Gen 8, a ghost made of black tea, fitting for a game based on the UK. Since its liquid body is known to cause stomach cramps and indigestion if ingested, it is quite literally forbidden soup, as drinking too much can cause death.
But perhaps Polteageist would be interested in a cuppa with its fellow pokemon on Aeos Island. Let’s simmer down and take a sip to see Polteageist in Pokemon Unite. Now, one lump or two?
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Reading Polteageist’s BST is a roller coaster, as it starts out in the average 60s but spikes to a dizzying height of 134 Sp. Atk, followed by a mellow Sp. Def of 114 and ending with a Speed stat of 70. While its Sp. Attack is easily it’s greatest trait, I can’t help but wonder if that Sp. Def stat of 114 is worth anything with that paltry low HP. It reminds me of Duraludon, which possesses a Defense stat of 115 but an HP stat of 70 (and a Sp. Atk of 120 even though it’s classified as an Attack type Attacker). Both of which are hampered down by pitiful defense on the other side of the spectrum, so their defensive potential leaves much to be desired. That said, that massively high Sp. Atk is the most impressionable aspect of this pokemon, so the role Polteageist finds itself in is none other than that of an...
Basic Attack - Ranged/Sp. Attack
Fires a stream of boiling hot tea directly forward, dousing enemies in tea for 5 seconds. Afterwards, the attack goes on cooldown for 3 seconds, in which it cannot be used again until it is refreshed. When you or a teammate damages an enemy doused in tea with moves, the enemy receives boosted damage from your next basic attack. Damage boosts stack up to 5 times.
The basic attack fires a stream of black tea that fires in a straight line. This attack can damage multiple enemies in line and reaches far.
When damaged, an enemy gains a teacup mark over their head along with a number. The number increases when the marked enemy receives damage and/or effects from moves used by you or your team. Each mark increases the damage your basic attack deals by 10% for each additional mark.
Damaging an enemy marks them with 1 teacup. Damaging an enemy again removes the marks and applies boosted damage, but the mark returns to 1 afterwards.
The mark is technically a hindrance as it increases the damage they receive and can be cleared by Full Heal or other protection moves.
The mark disappears after 5 seconds of not receiving damage from your basic attack.
Now, believe it or not, all basic attacks have a cooldown all on their own. There’s a very short amount of time between attacks where you can’t force out another hit. You can mash that button all you want, but there’s a minimum delay between attacks before the next one comes out.
It isn’t called End Lag because you can throw out other moves during the cooldown of the basic attack. You can even move around while waiting for the basic attack to come off of cooldown. But for Polteageist, well, 3 seconds is a bit excessive as far as basic attack cooldown is concerned. Granted, that’s very fast to refill spilled tea, but in Pokemon Unite, speed is everything.
Get used to it, though. Polteageist is one of those Attackers that live and die by the effectiveness of their basic attack. While it does reach far, in the brief moment it sprays its tea forward, Polteageist stays in its spot. That’s another common feature of basic attacks. You are stuck in place for the microsecond you are throwing out the attack. Exceptions are extremely rare, such as Charizard, who can remain mobile while attacking. But Polteageist sticks in place as it attacks, making it difficult to retreat and chase down enemies.
It does excel as stockpiling damage though. When damaging an enemy covered in tea, the next hit they receive from your basic attack increases. It doesn’t even have to be from your attacks, as a teammate can help put down damage and counters for you. It’s very much worth it, as Polteageist’s high Sp. Atk combined with the damage multiplier ensures it can one-shot most frail Attackers. Defenders and All-Rounders will be a little tricky to deal with, but that’s where the ability comes in.
Ability: Weak Armor
Gain a movement speed boost and refreshes your basic attack when you receive damage. If activated again before the boost wears off, increases your Sp. Attack. The boost increases the more hits you receive.
Movement speed is increased by 30% for 5 seconds when damage is received. The duration resets when the boost reactivates.
Sp. Attack is increased by 10% each time the ability is reactivated, capping at 80%. The boost lingers for the duration of Weak Armor’s movement speed boost. On the HUD, Weak Armor’s boost is visible in the lower right hand corner and also displays a number, showing how strong the boost currently is.
Getting hit is an Attacker’s worst nightmare, so having an automatic speed boost in reaction to that allergy is greatly appreciated.
Now, Weak Armor not only grants speed, but it also gives Polteageist a Sp. Attack boost as well. There is a limit to how much extra damage you can deal, so it’s not feasible to take that many hits from enemies. But getting hit just once provides a pretty decent boost, and restoring HP doesn’t make it go away. So if you can stomach a few weak hits, you’ll find Weak Armor working for you much better in the long run.
Invariably, this means that Polteageist is very oppressive against opposing Supporters, as they typically don’t have the firepower needed to take out Polteageist 1-on-1. This also makes Polteageist much more effective at grinding for EXP from hostile Wild Pokemon, the ones that like to hit back. The game changers like Regieleki tend to hit very hard though, so maybe you should build up that Weak Armor boost against a weaker wild pokemon like a Swablu before engaging that one.
That said, don’t expect this ability to do much for you in the heat of battle. Even a stray hit can put a massive dent in your HP. So unless you decide to generate Weak Armor boosts off of a nearby Wild Pokemon, don’t expect to survive long enough to use the boost.
It’s better to use the Weak Armor boost to retreat rather than engage a problematic opponent.
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At the start of the game, Polteageist starts out as Sinistea. You can choose between Aromatic Mist or Mega Drain as your first move. By Level 3, you will have learned both.
Move 1: Aromatic Mist
Let off a pleasing aroma all around you, reducing the damage of the next attack you and your teammates receive. Refreshes your basic attack or increases the damage dealt by your basic attack if it is refreshed. 8s cooldown.
Reduces the next damage received by 65%. Single use only.
If your basic attack is already refreshed, Aromatic Mist boosts the damage of your next basic attack by 30%. Using Aromatic Mist again will not increase the boost any further.
So, imagine my surprise when Polteageist, and Sinistea, don’t learn Scald. I mean, I get it, it’s ghost tea. Boiling hot isn’t exactly cadaver temperature, but come on. If Raikou, Coalossol, and Centiskorch were able to learn Scald in the previous generation, so should Polteageist.
Whatever, it’s just a personal preference of mine that caffeine should be hot, not iced. That hipster junk makes you weaker in the winter.
Whoa, got a little heated there. But a little heat is what makes tea aromatic, imparting that calming effect in Sinistea and its teammates. Not only does it reduce the next attack you receive, it also refreshes your basic attack, circumventing that 3 second cooldown. If your basic attack is already refreshed, it adds damage to the next hit you throw out, to compensate for the free refill you missed out on.
In terms of math, this is a bad deal. You can deal an extra 100% damage by throwing tea first before using Aromatic Mist to refresh the basic attack. This is intentional and is meant to emphasize a learning curve, you know, similar to how Gengar does things. All of its moves refreshes its boosted basic attack, but they don’t make that boosted attack any stronger if you use it while the basic attack is already boosted.
See, this is where Gengar and Polteageist differ. Gengar’s boosted basic attack is a Melee attack, which makes it very difficult to avoid being damaged by. Polteageist’s basic attack has a small chance to miss due to the basic targeting of basic attacks. It reaches far, but against nimble opponents, it isn’t very likely to deal damage to them. Boosting the basic attack in this way means that you’ll get more mileage out of what might be the first and only hit of damage you deal against an agile Speedster or Attacker. Barring surprise attacks, it can be the difference between 130% damage, or just 100%.
The one time damage reduction is also a pretty great bonus for you and your teammates. Any damage received boosts Weak Armor, no matter how weak the damage was. It also helps out your teammate stay in the fight a little longer to build up the damage of your basic attack. After all, tea is best enjoyed with a friend.
Move 2: Mega Drain
Absorbs the life force from the target, dealing damage and restoring HP. Reduces the cooldown of your basic attack and increases the damage it deals. If you damage an enemy doused with tea, restore more HP and reduces the cooldown of your other move by 4 seconds. If you damage an enemy while at max HP, deal more damage. 7s cooldown.
Reduces the cooldown of your basic attack by 1.5 seconds and boosts the next damage it deals by 30%.
HP restored is equal to 100% of the damage dealt. Damaging an enemy doused in tea boosts the HP restored by 150%.
Mega Drain deals 200% damage to an enemy while used at full HP.
HP draining attacks are always going to be a weird choice on frail pokemon like Polteageist or Sinistea. Barring Venusaur, having a decent defensive constitution is sort of required to make full use of the ability to steal HP and add it to your own.
Polteageist and Sinistea kind of need it though, as draining HP helps to augment Weak Armor and restore off the hits taken in order to activate that ability. It helps that it synergizes with your basic attack as well, as you restore more HP from damaging an enemy doused with tea. Not only that, it comes with a cooldown reduction effect for your other move. With smart move use, you can use your basic attack repeatedly 4 or 5 times, which can really spread damage in the middle of a fight.
It also comes with its own compensation effect where, if you damage an enemy while at full HP, you deal double damage. Good luck with that, though. As if the enemy will let you get away with all of your HP for free. Best case scenario, you attack first with your basic attack, then quickly use Mega Drain before they can retaliate, following up with another basic attack from there. You miss out on using Aromatic Mist to refresh your basic attack even further, so you have to wonder if that extra damage is worth it.
Mega Drain reduces the cooldown of Aromatic Mist if you hit an enemy covered in tea with the move, but it can also reduce the cooldown of Aromatic Mist’s evolved moves, which happens when Sinistea evolves as well.
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At Level 5, Sinistea evolves into Polteageist. At the same time, Aromatic Mist becomes either Aromatherapy or Teatime.
Move 1a: Aromatherapy
Creates a pleasing smell all around you, boosting the defenses of you and your teammates as well as providing a one time protection from hindrances for 6 seconds. Refreshes your basic attack or increases the damage it deals if it is already refreshed. 9s cooldown.
At Level 11, Aromatherapy becomes Aromatherapy+.
Increases the defenses even further. Boosts the power of your basic attack even further when used while it is already refreshed.
Aromatherapy boosts defense by 50%. Aromatherapy+ boosts defense by 85%.
Basic attack is boosted by 40% when Aromatherapy is used while it is already refreshed. Aromatherapy+ boosts basic attack damage by 65%.
Some people say tea makes them feel better. I mean, I guess, but I can’t start my day without a big cup of coffee, so I think I can relate. While Aromatic Mist granted a one time damage reduction for a single hit of damage, Aromatherapy upgrades to a weaker defense boost that lasts longer. It’s a better trade off than you think, as having any defense boost last longer means Weak Armor can power you up more reliably. Aromatherapy+ outclasses Aromatic Mist altogether, thanks to its much stronger defense boost.
Also just like Aromatic Mist, Aromatherapy refreshes your basic attack, or powers it up if it’s already refreshed. The boost is much stronger, but the idea is still the same. What it is more effective at though is propping up your teammates. Remember, your basic attack deals increasing damage when a doused enemy is damaged by moves used by you or your teammate. Increasing their defense makes this much more feasible and makes team fights a little less scary.
While it may seem like Polteageist is a hybrid Attacker slash Supporter, it really only peps up its teammates to help itself. It’s not very effective all by itself, so it really needs someone to help it dish out its potentially high damage. 
If you do have trouble playing well with others, playing Polteageist will be difficult. The alternative to Aromatherapy alleviates this problem somewhat, but that’s not really the intention. 
Move 1b: Teatime
Grants you and your teammates a movement speed boost for 4.5 seconds, as well as an attack boost. Your basic attack is refreshed and deals full power damage to the next enemy you damage. If your basic attack is refreshed by Mega Drain, Strength Sap, or Shadow Ball while Teatime is still active, it is refreshed and deals full powered damage again. 9s cooldown.
At Level 11, Teatime becomes Teatime+.
Further increases the attack boost and greatly increases the damage dealt by your full powered basic attack.
Teatime boosts movement speed by 40% and Attack and Sp. Attack by 35%. Teatime+ boosts Attack and Sp. Attack by 55%.
Teatime boosts the basic attack to full power, damaging enemies as if they have 5 teacup marks, equal to 50% extra damage. The boost reapplies if your basic attack is refreshed again by your other moves. Teatime+ increases this full powered damage to 65%.
An audible clacking of teacups is heard when the move is used.
If you can’t get your teammates to work with you to build up your basic attack, Teatime is the SoloQ alternative. When used, it gives you and your teammates in range a movement speed boost and an attack power up. This is meant to make team plays much stronger and can help keep your allies alive when the going gets tough.
It takes two to tango though, and the opposing enemy can be a suitable replacement. When used, it refreshes your basic attack and powers it all the way up, as if the opposing enemy has all 5 marks from your basic attack. It’s only a supplementary boost, as it goes away once the attack is thrown out. But if you refresh your basic attack again before the Teatime boost wears off, you get that full power boost back, potentially doubling your damage output all by yourself.
Teatime is even stronger with an able partner, though. The Teatime buff provides a superficial boost to the basic attack, but it also stacks with your basic attack’s teacup mark boost, powering up the damage to 250% in one hit. That’s a lot of damage, even for an opposing All-Rounder to stomach. Also, keep in mind that Teatime is also boosting your attack stat, not just the damage of the basic attack. Combined with Weak Armor, Teatime boosts your Sp. Attack damage to stupidly high levels.
This is why the basic attack of Polteageist is hard to use and slightly difficult to master. Despite being a Ranged Attacker, Polteageist has difficulty contending with other ranged attackers that can deal great damage from afar, such as Decidueye or Duraludon. Without teammates to help, Polteageist cannot deal much damage on its own and will often fail to contribute to team fights. Getting easy KOs is great, but that becomes harder to do when all you can amount to is dealing one great big hit once in a while.
Polteageist buffs its teammates with Teatime and Aromatherapy to help itself more than anything. Even if it can’t take many hits, it���s contributing to the fight by powering up its teammates in some way or another. But when Mega Drain evolves, Polteageist becomes a real teatime terror in its own right.
At Level 8, Mega Drain becomes either Strength Sap or Shadow Ball.
Move 2a: Strength Sap
Saps an enemy of their strength, reducing their attack and restoring your HP. If you sap an enemy doused in tea, prevents their next move from dealing damage once and refreshes your basic attack. If your basic attack is already refreshed, it is used automatically at the same time as Strength Sap. When used in this way, your basic attack stays refreshed. 10.5s cooldown.
At Level 13, Strength Sap becomes Strength Sap+.
Reduces the enemy’s attack even further and increases the damage your basic attack deals to a sapped opponent.
Strength Sap heals Polteageist for 40% HP and reduces the attack of the target by 55% for 6 seconds. Strength Sap+ reduces the attack of the target by 80%.
When used while the enemy is doused in tea, Strength Sap prevents the enemy from dealing damage with one of their moves once. The enemy can still deal damage with their basic attack, ability, or Unite Move. If the enemy uses a non-damaging Move, the damage prevention is used up.
If a move deals 0 damage to Polteageist, it will still activate Weak Armor.
If the enemy uses a continuous damage attack, such as Venusaur’s Sludge Bomb or Urshifu’s Surging Strikes, the attack will deal 0 damage for the duration of the move. Any boons and hindrances the move inflicts will activate, however.
Strength Sap+ increases the damage of your basic attack by 35%.
I thought drinking tea was supposed to refresh your body and mind, not sap it away. That’s just one of the many tricks Polteageist pulls on those that drinks its viscous body. 
While it doesn’t deal direct damage, it does reduce the attacking power of enemies while also restoring its own HP. This makes it much easier to gain Weak Armor boost against even an All-Rounder or Defender. Combined with Aromatherapy, it’ll make you feel like a Defender in your own right, as the boosted defense combined with the reduced attack makes you very difficult to KO if both moves are active. 
Not only that, if the enemy is doused in tea, it refreshes your basic attack but also blocks a move from dealing damage once. And guess what? 0 damage is still damage, meaning any nullified hit will still activate Weak Armor. Bonus points if the enemy throws out a passive damage move like Crustle’s Stealth Rock or Charizard’s Fire Blast.
This is Polteageist’s answer to dealing with high burst damage on the opposing side. Speedsters and Attackers like Zeraora and Glaceon like to get away with high powered attacks with little consequence, so Strength Sap not only reduces their attacking power, it prevents their moves from dealing damage at all. The way it works is that it blocks damage dealt for the duration of the move, so that multi-hit moves or moves with long duration are ineffective. Zeraora’s Wild Charge will deal fat 0s with each hit and Glaceon’s Icicle Spear will fire blanks. Of course, this all depends on actually hitting a tea soaked enemy with Strength Sap, but the payoff is so worth it.
It’s much better used in drawn out fights with Melee attackers though, or opponents that like to stay close to their targets in order to deal continuous damage. The basic attack refreshment effect is helpful in racking up damage, but it also has a unique effect when used while the basic attack is already refreshed. It hits them with the Strength Sap, then immediately fires off a tea blast, and it doesn’t use up the basic attack afterwards, meaning it can be used again immediately. This combines well with Teatime, as both effects can be used to fire off 3 fully powered basic attacks back to back with no repercussion, but the defense boost of Aromatherapy might be missed.
Strength Sap only works on one target at a time, however, which makes it less effective in team fights. The high cooldown also makes it difficult to use repeatedly, so it’s not as reliable in a mob fight. It greatly improves your odds versus high HP wild pokemon like Regieleki or even Rayquaza, if you’re bold enough. 
Move 2b: Shadow Ball
Enshrouds an enemy with tea flavored darkness, enveloping them for 4 seconds. Enemies enveloped by Shadow Ball have their defenses reduced greatly. If an enemy is doused in tea, the Shadow Ball lingers for longer and reduces their movement speed as well. Damaging an enemy affected by Shadow Ball with your basic attack reduces the refreshment wait time by 2.5 seconds. If an enemy is KOd while under the effects of Shadow Ball, reduces the cooldown of this move by 4 seconds. 9s cooldown.
At Level 13, Shadow Ball becomes Shadow Ball+.
Increases the size of Shadow Ball when it latches onto an opponent. The effects of Shadow Ball apply to any other enemy within range.
Reduces defenses by 50%. Movement Speed is reduced by 65% if the attack hits an enemy doused in tea.
Shadow Ball lingers for an additional 2 seconds when used on an enemy doused in tea. 
Shadow Ball+ increases its size, affecting all nearby enemies and imparting the same effect. Regular Shadow Ball also has this effect, but the attack is smaller and much more difficult to reach other enemies. Shadow Ball+ reduces the defenses of all nearby enemies and, if they’re also doused in tea, reduces their movement speed as well. The cooldown of your basic attack is also reduced when damaging an enemy within Shadow Ball+ and the cooldown of the move is also reduced if an enemy was KO’d within the area of effect.
Polteageist has difficulty engaging crowds, but Shadow Ball alleviates that problem by inviting all of them to the tea party. When Shadow Ball hits an enemy, it makes them weaker and much more susceptible to high damage from Polteageist, as well as damage from your teammates. It’s also easier for Polteageist to use its basic attack against Shadow Ball enemies, as its basic attack is refreshed by 2.5 seconds, which, as a reminder, is normally 3 seconds of downtime. With just half a second of delay, your basic attack feels like a normal attack, but with all of the extra damage it can accumulate.
Something to keep in mind though is that, once Mega Drain is forgotten, Polteageist loses the ability to deal damage with its moves, meaning it cannot boost the damage of its basic attack by itself anymore. Shadow Ball opens up enemies to be easily taken out by stray hits from your teammates, and all of this benefits Polteageist. See, if an enemy gets KO’d while wearing the Shadow Ball, the move’s cooldown is reduced, allowing you to throw it again at another opponent right away. By its lonesome, Polteageist can handle opposing Attackers and Speedsters with Shadow Ball, but Defenders and All-Rounders are going to be much more difficult to take head on without adequate backup. 
Alternatively, Polteageist can just hit an enemy with a spray of tea followed by a Shadow Ball and let a teammate handle the rest of that arrangement. The reduced defense and movement speed makes it very difficult for the target to run away unscathed, so any teammate barring a Supporter can finish the job for you. And it’s at no cost to you either, as Shadow Ball refreshes its own cooldown if an enemy was KO’d while still wearing the veil of darkness. Shadow Ball+ makes handling crowds much easier, as the attack gets bigger and imparts its effects on multiple opponents. If the enemy likes to fight in crowds more often, Shadow Ball+ will crash the tea party and your foes will snap like biscuits.
Just like with Strength Sap though, Shadow Ball can only afflict one enemy at a time. If the target is much more mobile or can deal damage faster than you can, Shadow Ball won’t help with that match-up. Again, having adequate backup around is imperative to Polteageist playing well for the team. It’s not really a tea party with just one person and their pot, eh?
Unite Move: Terrifying Tea Party
Summons five giant spinning cups of tea that revolve around you. Your basic attack gains increased range and stuns enemies briefly. When an enemy touches a spinning cup, they are splashed with tea, stunning them and increases the damage they receive from your next basic attack. If your basic attack crosses paths with a spinning tea cup, the cup spills over splashing tea everywhere in that direction. Each cup takes a bit of time to refill after splashing.
Your basic attack doubles in length and stuns enemies for 0.5 seconds. The refreshment time is nullified as well for the duration of the Unite Move.
Touching a teacup douses an enemy with tea, stuns them for 0.5 seconds, and increases the damage they receive from your basic attack by 75% for 4 seconds. The doused enemy is marked with a teacup, but it does not gain any additional marks like your normal basic attack.
When a teacup is splashed, it takes 1.5 seconds to refill. Splashing a teacup with a basic attack refills the teacup immediately, even if it was already full.
Traditional basic attack aiming and priority are overruled. The basic attack fires in the direction you’re facing.
Each teacup is the same color and pattern as Sinistea. There is a 1/8192 that one of the teacups will be shiny. This is a visual easter egg only.
Terrifying Tea Party lasts for 8.5 seconds.
I don’t know whose idea it was to turn giant spinning teacups into an amusement park ride, but thank you whoever you are for the idea for this move. 
With a bunch of large haunted teacups surrounding it, Polteageist becomes a horrible host, a pot ghost with the most devious table manners of any tea drinker. For roughly 8 seconds, Polteageist becomes a moving tea platter overfilled with scalding liquid, making it very dangerous to be near. Bumping into one of the swirling teacups causes the tea to spill and splash everywhere, causing a brief moment of stun and also causes them to be doused in tea. It’s not the same kind of tea that Polteageist spits at opponents, as it doesn’t increase damage when the target is hit by attacks, but it does increase the damage received by your basic attack all the same. No extra marks can be gained, but it’s a pretty big boost compared to what it can normally do. Not to mention, your other moves will also power up your basic attack, allowing them to stack with the power up of your Unite Move.
Speaking of which, your basic attack gains a massive increase in length thanks to all the extra tea around you. Not only does it have more reach, but it also stuns as well. The teacups can also stun too, but only if they’re full of tea. The teacups take a little while to refill, so you can’t actually dive into the opposing team and deal infinite stun, it just doesn’t work like that. What you can do, however, is use your basic attack to refill the teacups by attacking. If a teacup is already full, it causes the splash effect, greatly increasing your area of attack, and the teacup stays full afterwards. You’re dealing extra damage anyway to enemies splashed with tea from the teacups, so fire away.
The giant teacups make it very difficult for melee attackers to deal with you while the Unite Move is running, but ranged attackers will also have the same problem. There is a very small amount of safe space where a ranged attacker can fire off its basic attacks at you without hitting the spinning teacups. All it takes is a change in direction and that ranged attacker is in trouble, especially if they’re frail like Cinderace or Espeon. Only sufficient hindrance protection can save you from getting stun locked by the spinning teacups, as blocking the first stun is easy, but the next 2 or 3 will be what gets you. Not only that, the extra long basic attack can make escaping difficult, as the added reach means Polteageist will have no problem handling squishy opponents.
But for all of its buffs, Terrifying Tea Party doesn’t power up Polteageist’s survivability. It offers no speed boost or any shields barring Buddy Barrier, so if you exhaust all the tea in your spinning teacups, you’ll be left wide open to a counterattack. The Unite Move only lasts for 8 seconds as well, so you can’t afford to squander a potential 4 KO streak.
To make the most of your Unite Move, you have to identify which enemy on the opposing side will be the most oppressive to you, even with Terrifying Tea Party active. The combination of Aromatherapy and Strength Sap can greatly decrease the power of their burst damage, giving you enough of an opening to pop the attack. Opposing Defenders can be handled with Teatime and Shadow Ball, as the high burst damage you can deal can whittle away at the HP no problem. A more balanced team can be dealt with the combination of Aromatherapy and Shadow Ball, which is a winning combination in a team fight. Teatime and Strength Sap neutralizes overleveled enemies that specialize in high burst damage, like opposing Speedsters, greatly improving your team’s match-up against them. However you managed to level up, it’s your call on when to use these moves and against which enemy.
The best kinds of tea parties are the ones where everyone is invited, even the people you don’t like. It’s also the best opportunity to...dispose of certain guests via additional ingredients. How do you think Polteageist got its Ghost type?
Something that I should mention is Polteageist’s size and the amount of space it takes up. According to the Pokedex, Polteageist averages a size of 0.2m, or 0′08″, which would make it the smallest fully evolved pokemon playable in Pokemon Unite. Pikachu and Mew are twice as big as the teapot, so giving a Polteageist clothing seems kinda superficial. Nevertheless, if players are willing to spend money to dress up their haunted pot of tea, who are we to deny them that right?
First up is Bakery Style, putting a baker’s hat on top of the lid and putting a white apron over the teapot. Tea and sweets tend to go together, you know. Then there’s Fancy Style that gives Polteageist an oversized sun hat and a pair of butterfly glasses, to really bring out the flair. Of course, there’s Spooky Style that completely covers the teapot with a jack-o-lantern and even puts the pumpkin lid on top of the teapot lid. Then there’s Desert Style that decorates the pot with gold sashes and puts a turban on Polteageist head that makes it look like a mystical genie or something of the like. And finally, there’s Kimono Style, where a fancy looking garb covers the teapot, with the sash tying it together and everything. 
One other thing I forget to mention, but Polteageist and Sinistea are both Antique Form. Given its diminutive size though, you’ll almost never see the antiquity mark on the pokemon in the game. The only time you’ll ever get a good look at it would be if an opposing Charizard targets you with their Unite Move, and even then, you’ll need to have the right angle to get a good shot to verify. Not really important, but I just thought someone would ask.
If it isn’t clear enough already, Polteageist is an Attacker that requires reliable support to deal the most damage. This is because it all comes down to its basic attack dealing extra damage on the condition that allies tack on the hits before Polteageist sprays tea again. Its potential to deal crazy high damage is there, but it needs a teammate giving backup in order to reach that potential.
The early game will be very slow, so you have to learn how to play with your basic attack having its cooldown refreshed constantly. For this reason, starting off with Mega Drain is important, as you can refresh your basic attack with a proper one-two punch and also heal off some damage. Oh, and it also makes it easier to utilize Weak Armor by simply healing off the damage you receive.
It might be tempting to try and call Center at the beginning of the game, but Sinistea is much more effective with a teammate helping out, and it can certainly make an impact in the middle of either lane in the early game. Besides, what’ll you do if you get invaded by an EXP thief at the beginning of the game? It’s a rare strategy, but it can happen, and a Sinistea that hasn’t reached Level 5 is very easy pickings, especially without backup. Go for it if you’ve got teammates that can reliably respond to your calls for help, but I personally wouldn’t risk it, having played SoloQ almost exclusively.
Once you reach Level 5, you’ll have to choose between Aromatherapy and Teatime. Both are very effective boosting moves but it depends on what your team is packing. If you’ve got melee attacking Defenders or All-Rounders that can save you in a pinch, Aromatherapy will be helpful in making that turnabout hit harder. Teatime is more useful if you’re paired with another Attacker or Speedster, as the high attack and movement speed boost makes it easier to deal burst damage against enemies. Either way, both moves contribute greatly to your overall damage output, as Aromatherapy boosts your defenses which can augment Weak Armor, or Teatime makes you throw out very damaging basic attacks repeatedly.
Strength Sap and Shadow Ball continue the trend of weakening the enemies for you and your teammates, but both moves can only target one enemy. Shadow Ball+ is the exception as it increases in size and can spread its effect to all other nearby enemies, but that is meant to counter huddle strategies. Strength Sap can shut down burst damage options while Shadow Ball can soften up bulky Defenders or All-Rounders that can sustain themselves and restore their HP obnoxiously. 
While both optional move sets can interact with each other, it’s best to think of them as two different answers to the two different problems you’ll run into during a match. Most notably, combining Aromatherapy and Strength Sap drastically improves Polteageist’s defenses, which can greatly power up Weak Armor. Alternatively, Teatime and Shadow Ball make it possible for Polteageist to throw out extremely damaging basic attacks repeatedly, making it capable of obliterating the HP of even the bulkiest of Defenders. Both strategies have their flaws and both sets can mix and match with one another to achieve similar effects, but it all depends on the flow of battle.
Battles can get hectic and swirl around like a stormy sea, but with a calming cup of tea, Polteageist can down just about any opposing force. But a pot of tea cannot hold strong against the crushing powers in Pokemon Unite, given that it is a fragile piece of pottery in and of itself. And yet, maybe it can, when brewed carefully and with intent.
Only one way to find out. Bottoms up, my friends.
And that is Polteageist for Pokemon Unite! I really like writing posts for pokemon with signature moves for Pokemon Unite, as I can use the interpretations for just about anything in the game. I am still a little upset that Polteageist cannot learn Scald in the game, forcing me to improvise and come up with something a bit more complicated. I think it turned out well, though.
Next time, we’ve got another All-Rounder raring to go. I’ve got a hint for you this time. It’s from the same region as Polteageist. Who’ll it be? Follow and find out!
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jubaer01 · 3 months
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gormfullray · 8 months
The story of my depression
Gonna be a long and earnest post. It's not really the sort of thing that's really fit for this public of a medium, but I don't really have anyone in private to speak it to, so better to scream into the sky than into the void I suppose. Gonna do my best to minimize the life-storyness of it and focus on the relevant portions, but since my presumed audience is that of the complete stranger a decent weight of context is going to be necessary before I'm able to get to what I actually want to talk about.
I hit my all-time-so-far low in August of 23: a period of severe depression, continual suicidal ideation, and daily cannabis consumption which lasted until late January of 24. I'd have called it rock bottom, but as far as most folks are concerned I'd probably already been at rock bottom for a while by the autumn of 2023. Autumn of 2015, around the time I turned 16, is when I think I first really checked out on the whole living-life thing. I don't really know whether before that time I was displaying signs of depression, but 2015 and 2016 is when my condition deteriorated to it's long-term resting point. The people in my life, my parent and my family and my teachers and my classmates, there's no way they could have failed to notice the worsening of my condition, the life draining out of me with each passing day, but no one ever said anything, or atleast not to me. By the end of my time in school it would have been blatantly obvious that I was in severe need of help, beyond pure attendance I had given up on any pretext of involvement in school even as I was still legally obligated to attend it; the charitable read of it I've come to, if only to give me peace on the matter, is just that no one knew how to approach the subject of the dead autistic boy gathering flies at his desk. Additionally, the punishments I was receiving from the school, on account of having stopped turning in any work to speak of, completely segregated me from the rest of my peers, with whom I had perhaps fifteen minutes of permitted socialization a day; I had no contact with anyone outside of my household outside of school. Some time in the winter of 15 or spring of 16, later into my 10th grade year, was my last day in school; I didn't say goodbye to any of the few people I spoke to, I simply went home that night the same as I ever had, and never left my house again. I didn't feel happy, or free, or really even relieved to never have to go there again; I just felt tired.
At that point myself, my parent, and my sibling were all still living in the one room basement apartment of my grandparent's home, where we had moved in after leaving my other parent. In the corner of the room I had a little desk and a bribe Alienware laptop, and when I would wake up I would get on it, and I would sit at my desk for twenty-four hours, and then I would sleep for eight hours. I didn't have any friends and there wasn't anywhere to walk so I wouldn't ever leave the basement except to occasionally use the bathroom or scrounge for food, always well after everyone was asleep if I could manage it, and if I could not manage it then I would more often than not choose isolation over eating. Any routine of hygiene I may have had as a kid didn't survive the transition, one less chore to pull me away from the trance of my 32 hour lifecycle; I always justified it as simply not being relevant since no Humans spent any meaningful quantity of time around me, but the truth is I just didn't have it in me to maintenance myself. Any exercise was likewise a nonstarter, and eventually so too did food become something I may at-best force on myself; today at 24, I stand at around 5"8 and weigh in on a good day at around 115 lbs, but I'm getting way ahead of myself.
Congratulations on making it this far, most of what's left is filling in the dates between then and now, because the depressive period described...never concluded. My 18th birthday happened to coincide with my small family moving into a home of our own, and the child in the basement became the adult with their own room. It was actually the first time I had ever had my own space, my own door, and I would spend the next few years never leaving it. Between 2016 and 2021, I probably left the house twenty times or fewer, and probably showered fifteen times or fewer. I simply spend every day trying as hard as I could to distract myself as completely as I could, and staying awake as long as I could so that I spent as little time as possible with my thoughts as I tried to fall asleep. The wake-sleep cycle I lived on, for years, was well over 24-hours; every "day" I would wake up and go to sleep 2-8 hours later than the previous "day", and over the course of a couple of weeks I would have had a bedtime at every hour of the day. To myself, I conceptualized this lifestyle as killing as much time as possible, years spent just waiting for something to happen.
October of 2021 is when everything (but also nothing; it'll make sense what I mean) changed for me, which has a sort of cosmic irony to it I suppose: year everyone couldn't leave their home, I left mine for good, and left Indiana for good. World's full of the strange and the sick, and I suppose I'd spent enough years waiting that something wound up happening: I met a very generous person on Discord, and they agreed to let me come live with them in Massachusetts. I'm not proud of it, in truth it involved a great deal of dishonesty in regards to the sort of roommate I'd make, but this person was kind enough and sick enough to think letting me come live under their roof was a good idea. For a moment it felt like my luck had turned around, like something akin to whatever saviour delusions I had told myself up to that point had come to pass, but in truth there wasn't even a honeymoon period. My parent and sibling had moved out of the house we had once shared by 2021, and transitioning from living alone to living with a bunch of strangers was difficult for me, but by the end of 2022 I had returned to the same basic routine of life. The change in circumstance, living with and spending time with honest to goodness other Humans, was change for the better; in retrospect, it was an incredibly dumb and risky move, but I'm happy I made it, if only because living with other people made me go back to living on a 24-hour wake-sleep cycle (even if I still don't have it lined up particularly well to day and night); but it wasn't all good. For the purposes of living life, I essentially lived alone, and my eating and self-maintenance would only become worse. I had thought coming to live in such an urban and walkable place would more substantially change my lifestyle, but after two more years of self-isolation I have only found myself more afraid of the outside world and the strangers in it.
I first used cannabis in 21 or 22, I'm not sure exactly when, but it was fun, and I would have some a couple of times a week with my friends in the apartment, and that went on for a couple of years. But eventually one quit, and then so did the other, and before long I realized I was doing more alone than I had ever done when I with them, and when I received a particular piece of news in the middle of August of 2023, I stopped being able to make it through the day without it. I'd wake up in the morning wishing I hadn't, wishing I didn't have to exist in the world I lived in, in the body and brain I lived in, and where once I would once play fast games and loud music for eighteen hours at a time to drown out my thoughts, instead I started using the herb. From the period of August to January, I woke up every morning dreading my own existence and despising my own life, and every night I would get as high as I could to drown the feelings of depression and anxiety that I had lived with all my life.
My daily usage ceased on the second of February. I smoked socially with friends yesterday, and after I finish writing this I've decided that I'm going to smoke tonight before I go to bed. I don't really want to, I don't like what it makes me, or how I live. I don't like that it makes more sense to drown my brain than to let myself just be sober.
The reason I wrote this is because I hoped that a saviour would take pity on me and rescue me from myself. Rescue me from the holes growing in my teeth, from the cage I keep myself in. My initial intention was to conceal this fact, and that the only inkling of it which may be visible would be the hidden little "Massachusetts" at the end of the tags, which would somehow entice some prince or princess charming to take note of my proximity and sweep me off my feet. I am telling you this now because I am lucid of how delusional I am for hinging everything on that same sort of fantasy, the same sort of fantasy that 15 year old kid would tell himself in his cat-piss sheets in that Indiana basement. On being willing to drown my sorrow and wait another decade.
I originally wanted to end this on a questioning note, as I do a lot of my posts, a vague gesture into the night sky for the hope that the future might hold. But I don't know if I have any hope in the future. It feels like all thats left to do for Project Ray is to try and stop myself from going any more stretches of time getting high every day, but I dont know if theres anything I can do about the feelings that make me feel like I need it. I hate my life. I hate living every day of my life behind my desk in my room. I hate easy my life gets to be while my friends work their asses off to keep a roof over out heads. I hate skipping the one bowl of ramen I eat a day because I'm sick of it or because I'd rather get high instead of eat. I hate eating nothing but ramen and soylent.
It feels like every day since I was 15 I've woken up wishing I hadn't. I wish this wasn't my life. I wish there was a way out. That's what drives me to go on nonsense tirades about hippie busses and revolutionary Parties, I think. The only thing Ive ever wanted, my entire life, was to escape my life.
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sharpnothashtag · 10 months
The Good Ship CrushWay, Chapter 65 (part 1)
The scene unfolds as we hear the 3 admirals pass their judgment. Each character is seen in the receiving seat except Riker.
A1: For stealing a ship, you are sentenced to six months probation to be served out here, at command headquarters. You will act as the Board members' personal assistants for that time. You will be stripped of your current rank temporarily, serving only as Ensigns. Patrick: And what of Will Riker? What is to be done with him? A2: That is none of your concern. Patrick: Perhaps not, but I still need to know. A3: You are dismissed, Ensign TusNua. (Patrick does not move.) I said, "Dismissed!" Patrick: You may say all you wish, but I am not leaving until I know what will happen to Commander Riker and what has happened to him. Why did Headquarters fake his death? What is so dangerous about the Kaanor that you had to devastate those of us who are closest to him? A1: Do not test me, Patrick. I will throw you back in that cell to rot. Patrick: (indignantly) Do you really think the rest of Starfleet will let you get away with that? A2: WE (gesturing to himself and the other two admirals) are Starfleet. Do not forget that. Security! (Kai enters)Patrick: (as forebodingly as possible) You will hear from me again. (Kai takes him away forcefully until out of sight of the admirals. He loosens up and takes him down a side hallway. He pulls Patrick close.)Kai: Follow me. Patrick: (confused) Wha- Kai (VO): (touching Patrick, telepathically) Silence! (Patrick takes the hint and follows Kai closely through a maze of halls. Finally, Kai closes a door, and in this new room, a portal opens. Kai holds out his hand. Patrick hesitates, but he grabs Kai's hand. They are transported back to the burial grounds where Joy killed Brutus.)Patrick: What is going on? Kai: (revealing his face, he is Kaanori) I am The Keeper. Welcome back to my homeworld. Or, at least, a version of it. Patrick: You are Kaanori? Kai: Yes. Patrick: Host or spirit? Kai: I am a host. Or at least, as of your current understanding, that's what I most closely resemble. Patrick: Where--? Kai: (seeing all the questions he needs to answer, he gestures for Patrick to sit) Be comforted, friend. I am here to help. (Patrick sits.) Do you remember Mintaka III? Patrick: (it takes him a minute) Yes, vaguely. Kai: Welcome back. Patrick: Where are the rest of you? Kai: The generation you met? Long dead by now, unfortunately. What happened is--quite a story. Patrick: What happened? Tell me everything, Kai. Kai: Okay, Patrick. First, a question. How long ago was it when you were last here? Patrick: 5? 7 years? Kai: For us, it was 115 years ago. Patrick: What?! Kai: There was a tear in space-time. When you beamed down to help the observers, the hole tore a little further. My ancestors saw you as a god. Once you helped them, they began to evolve more naturally. Time passed very quickly, and within 20 of our years, you were a legend--a fable we told our young. Then, they came back. Patrick: Who? Kai: Time travelers. They said they wanted our assistance with research. We knew what happened the last time we saw a person come from the sky, so we wanted to help. (Kai winces. Patrick touches his shoulder instinctively.) I haven't told this story in a long time--I'd forgotten what being The Keeper feels like. (Kai collects himself) What followed was a hundred years of inhumane experiments. Some of us could fly, heal, destroy, transform. We could read each other's minds. These abilities would have been fine, but they came at too high a cost. Too many of us died in the process. We'd suffer through strange, painful surgeries in the day and grieve our loved ones at night. (Kai takes a moment. Tears running down his face) I died. And then I was back. I was in so many places. My brain swelled. It was so (reliving it) painful. I was afraid of everything. Every sound pained me. I stopped speaking. I used my telepathic powers to communicate with the others, and they did the same. They still wanted to help, even after the boh-GED took everything from them. Patrick: I thought the boh-GED were...was Q?
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aresxseunggi · 10 months
115— say hello to honey <3
MOVED FROM DISCORD - continued from here.
regular smegular: @idleds <3
blockquote: me
“i can explain—“
or maybe not? depended on ares, he supposed. but he kind of figured that the thirty pound puppy shaking one of their couch’s throw pillows like her life depended on it was definitely worth explaining. especially considering seunggi’s initial reaction to muffin all those months ago— it was a little odd that he’d just randomly bring a puppy home.
but look at her!
“should i explain? i can explain.” even as he tried to tug the pillow from the little things mouth while avoiding the paper towel scraps she’d mauled not even two minutes earlier.
ares couldn’t really help the way he stopped in his tracks — not right away, of course. it took him a few seconds to connect the dots. was that a dog? it was. it was a dog. a tiny dog — or a puppy, at least. one that was going to town on one of their pillows. “um,” it was murmured softly as his brain tried to make sense of it. however. it only took him a few seconds to get moving again. ares didn’t really need his brain to catch up right now, it was a puppy. a puppy that he oh so badly wanted to touch, and hold. maybe. “look at you,” it was all but cooed as a smile broke out on his lips and he walked around the couch. falling to his knees only made sense, hands reaching for the puppy even as his eyes lifted to seunggi. “who is this, baby?”
see, seunggi could sense ares was trying to figure out who this dog was or where she came from. and he would’ve liked to have watch him try and put the pieces together, but——
again. pillow. pillow that just happened to be seunggi’s favorite to lay on when ares wasn’t an option.
“her name is honey,” seunggi answered, trying to point the little puppy’s attention towards ares for long enough that he could sneak the cushion out from her mouth. he would have tried opening her mouth himself, but the little bit marks scattered on his fingers proved that such a thing didn’t work. “they had one of those pop-up adoptions across the street at work. and she— she was the only big dog there, so i had to, you know?” they had a yard fit for her, after all. “plus…” his head tilted in amusement, a soft laugh slipping free. “she wouldn’t stop climbing all over me.” he kneeled down, too, just to scratch at her back. “took it as a sign.”
there was a soft little gasp at hearing her name, smile still present as his gaze dropped right back down to the puppy. “come here sweet girl,” it was said softly, sweetly, even. maybe it was to make up for the way ares all but snatched the puppy up to bring to his chest. even if it got him a few kisses, nips even — he didn’t care right now. “oh my god,” okay, yeah. he was happy. so happy his cheeks were starting to hurt from how big he was smiling as he fell back to sit on his bum. “she’s ours?” a little double checking didn’t hurt anyone, but ares was already assuming as much. a puppy that seunggi impulsively adopted at work? and brought home? to chew their pillows? yeah, he loved it. “you got us a puppy?” ares was almost exploding with love right now, “come give me a kiss before i cry.”
“yes, honey— she’s all ours,” seunggi laughed, his smile growing wider as he watched ares get all but tackled by the new puppy. “muffin’s hiding in terror right now, i think, just because she’s so loud, but—“ both of his hands fell to the dog’s bum, just to wiggle her around a little. “she’s ours.” he… might be a little unprepared without a crate and more than a week’s worth of dog food, but they’d get there! they would! she seemed to be having fun, and that was before any squeaky toys were brought home. he let out another soft laugh at ares’ words, hobbling his way closer to press a kiss to his husband’s lips without squishing their new baby. “good surprise?”
ares really did feel like he was melting here. maybe it was to be expected, though, considering the puppy love he was receiving. “oh, poor muffin — we gotta introduce them all.” and of course keep a close eye on the three of them until they were certain honey wouldn’t … look at poppy as a snack. so. other than that, though, he was excited about every aspect of this. “great surprise.” so great ares was pressing in for another peck, and then he was freeing the puppy so she could move freely. “you’re amazing,” another peck, because he could. “i love you.”
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cleoenfaserum · 1 year
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Naked Lunch (991) is a Cronenberg movie with an IMdB 6'9 rating which last 115 minutes, that is, nearly two hours long or short, depending whether you like the movie or not. It is not an easy film to watch, which is why I recommend you see the film analysis that I've posted below. It will help you decide whether to see the film or not.
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This is what Wikipedia had to say:
Naked Lunch is a 1991 surrealist science fiction drama film written and directed by��David Cronenberg. It is an adaptation of William S. Burroughs' 1959 novel of the same name, and an international co-production of Canada, Britain, and Japan.
Naked Lunch has since become a cult film, acclaimed for its surrealistic visual and thematic elements.
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Where does the title come from? It comes from the introduction to William S. Burroughs 1959 novel speaking of himself in the first person: from the book...
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Following an excellent analysis of the film which I recommend you listen and watch before seeing the movie:
Okay, you have been forewarned. Now it is up to you. I've been honest with you. I saw the movie from beginning to end. I wrestled with fascination throughout the movie whether to quit or continue watching it, but the movie somehow gets a grip on you because of the main character who hooks you. I can understand why it is a cult movie because to see the movie from beginning to end takes a special person. You don't have to understand it. Now it is up to you...
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I don't usually talk about actors, but Peter Weller is going to be an exception. I thought he was too perfect for the part. I mean, he outdid Cronenberg, the script, Burrough and even himself.
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To make a long story short, let's just say that Peter Frederick Weller (born June 24, 1947) is an American actor and television director. Read more go to Wikipedia.
He received an Academy Award nomination for his 1993 short Partners, in which he also acted.
Download the PDF book:
[PDF] [EPUB] Naked Lunch Download (oceanofpdf.com)
0:03william s burrows naked lunch introduction deposition testimony concerning a
0:09sickness i awoke from the sickness at the age of 45 calm and sane and in reasonably good
0:15health except for a weakened liver in the look of borrowed flesh common to all who survive the sickness
0:21most survivors do not remember the delirium in detail i apparently took detailed notes on sickness and delirium
0:27i have no precise memory of writing the notes which have now been published under the title naked lunch the title
0:33was suggested by jack kerouac i did not understand what the title meant until my recent recovery the title means exactly
0:40what the words say naked lunch a frozen moment when everyone sees what is on the end of every fork
0:46the sickness is drug addiction and i was an addict for 15 years when i say addict i mean an addict to junk generic term
0:52for opium and or derivatives including all synthetics from demeral to pulpium i have used junk in many forms morphin
0:59heroin dilaudid ukidol pantopon deocode dioxane opium demerol dolophene pulpium
1:08i have smoked chunk sniffed it injected it in vain skin muscle inserted it in rectal suppositories the needle is not
1:15important whether you sniff it smoke and eat it or shove it up you ask the result is the same addiction when i speak of
REF: 703
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Typically when two major movies go head-to-head at the box office, they're viewed as competitors. But this weekend's box office numbers prove that #Barbenheimer — the pairing of Greta Gerwig's pink-drenched "Barbie" movie and Christopher Nolan's sobering, apocalyptic, three-hour biographical thriller "Oppenheimer" — isn't just an online meme. It has escaped into the real world, as I learned for myself when I went to book tickets for both and found myself struggling to find screenings that weren't already sold out. 
That experience is reflected in the box office numbers. According to The Hollywood Reporter, "Barbie" is on track for an incredible $155 million opening weekend. If it hits that number, it would set a new record for the biggest box office debut for movie from a female director (currently held by the $153 million opening weekend for "Captain Marvel," which was directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck). Meanwhile, "Oppenheimer" is set to gross $77 million in its debut — the biggest opening for a Nolan movie since 2012's "The Dark Knight Rises." As THR notes, this is the first time in history that a box office weekend has seen one movie open north of $100 million, and another open north of $50 million. 
Collectively, the two movies have helped deliver the biggest domestic box office weekend since the pandemic began, with Deadline estimating $308 million in ticket sales Friday-to-Sunday. The record was previously held by Dec. 17-19, 2021, when "Spider-Man: No Way Home" arrived in theaters and propelled the weekend total to $282.9 million.
Both "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" have far outstripped earlier expectations. In our box office breakdown last week, we noted that analysts initially had "Barbie" pegged for an $80 million opening weekend, before later updating that estimate to $115-155 million. "Oppenheimer" was predicted to gross $40-57 million this weekend, and has now pulled out far ahead of even the top estimates. At the risk of giving Ryan Gosling's Ken a new reason to be jealous, "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" are a true box office power couple.
Greater than the sum of their parts
While "Barbie" may be on track for an opening weekend double the size of "Oppenheimer," it would be a misrepresentation to say that Gerwig's movie "beat" Nolan's at the box office. These movies were never competing on a level field, and weren't intentionally competing for the same audience: one is a PG-13 comedy with musical numbers and neon yellow rollerblades, and the other is an R-rated biographical drama, partly in black-and-white, scrutinizing the psychology of the man who became known as the father of the atomic bomb. The very fact that they're so different is what made them so appealing as a double feature, and it's reasonable to speculate that neither would have had such enormously successful openings without the oddball and apparently grassroots phenomenon of #Barbenheimer. 
Having a diverse array of options has proven vital to the recovery of movie theaters in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We saw this at the start of the year, when sci-fi epic "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and tech horror "M3GAN" were king and queen of the box office, and "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish" lingered in the top five for 10 consecutive weekends. This historic joint opening for "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" speaks to an audience craving for movies that are wildly different, after years of mind-numbing "Marvel vs. DC" debate. (Both Marvel and DC movies, incidentally, have seemingly become afflicted by superhero fatigue).
Given the characterization of Barbenheimer weekend as a cinematic event, it will be interesting to see how well the two movies hold next week. Mammoth openings are often followed by sharp drop-offs, but "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" both received A grades from CinemaScore based on audience polling, and they currently have Rotten Tomatoes scores of 90% and 93%, respectively, so word of mouth could keep the momentum up. One thing's for sure: these two have some very strong chemistry.'
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childrensbread · 1 year
7 Keys to Spiritual Devotion: Lessons From Pergamum
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To the Church in Pergamum
💜 “To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:
These are the words of Him who has the sharp, double-edged sword.
I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in Me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives.
Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality.
Likewise, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans.
Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth.
Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.
~Revelation 2:12-17 ✝️
The "1 in 60 rule" is an air navigation principle used to calculate route drift for straying aircraft. For every one degree out, a plane will end up a nautical mile off course for every 60 miles traveled. These small shifts add up quickly. For example, a plane from NYC to Tokyo, one degree off, would miss Tokyo by approximately 115 miles.
Put simply: small tweaks in trajectory have a big impact. This is what Jesus warns the church in Pergamum.
Pergamum was a bustling metropolis in Asia. It was a melting pot of pagan spirituality and idol worship. Being a Christian there was difficult. The church was constantly exposed to crushing cultural pressure.
Jesus speaks directly into their situation. After praising the church's faithfulness, He gives them a loving, but clear, rebuke: The church was succumbing to one-degree shifts. It was sliding into spiritual compromise and accepting teachings contrary to the Gospel. Jesus' warning is explicit: You can't compromise on truth. Immediate course correction was required.
Christ's words apply to us too. Like Pergamum, our individualistic culture offers us a glittering multitude of gods and worldviews. While these options may seem attractive, they're contrary to Jesus' message. Jesus tells us He's the way, truth and life: The only option. Nothing else leads to anything meaningful. As Christians, we cannot be deceived by worldly temptations. Christ must remain our cornerstone.
Like the Pergamene Christians, we can all fall foul of the "1 in 60 rule" and slip off course. Spiritual compromise rarely happens in big chunks. It's the unintentional result of many tiny adjustments. None of us is immune.
Today is our wake-up call: We need Jesus, like a skilled air-traffic controller, to diagnose where we've drifted and to bring us home. We need help.
Where do you need Christ's course-correction?
Staying on course in faith is a daily fight, but it's not impossible. With the Holy Spirit as our helper and Scripture as our guide, God's truth is always accessible. Like a measuring stick, it helps us spot where we've strayed. This is why daily devotions, like this one, are so important. They recalibrate us, helping us to hold onto truth amid a confusing culture. Well done for fighting compromise today!
Our third key to deeper devotion this week, then, is this: Stay alert! Consider where you might have drifted in faith and prayerfully seek God's course-correction.
While you're breathing, you're never too far gone. With God's help you can get back on track. You simply need to adjust your direction or, to use Scripture's language, repent. One degree at a time. Jesus awaits you with overflowing forgiveness. As Romans 8:1 declares, "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!" He can lead you home today. 💜🙂🙏
Source: Glorify App
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kingdomgracemedia · 2 years
Share4Christ - Step Into It
“Now the Lord had said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing” Genesis 12:1-2, NKJV.
“The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills” Habakkuk 3:19, NKJV.
I believe God is helping you step out of where you are into a new place. You are stepping out of comfort into the uncomfortable. You are about to sit with people you’re not used to sitting with. You’re about to handle a level of finances you’re not used to in your bank account. You are about to do ministry on a new level that you’re not accustomed to, operating in a greater anointing you’re not used to, but you’re going to do it.

Step into what you’ve been destined for all along. Sit in it as if you belong in it–because you do. God has ordained you to be conformed into the image of Christ. Rule. Reign. Thrive. Don’t be afraid. Step into it.
Prayer: Yes, Yes, Yes Father God, I receive it, and I give You all the glory. Help me to step out of where I am into the new place You have for me. I belong in Your will for my life and will not fear. Strengthen me with might in my inward man and give me great courage. I’m stepping into it. In Jesus Christ most majestic name, Amen.
Study: Joshua 1:9, 1 Timothy 4:12, 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 115:13
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