#I have a list of episodes I wanna rewatch in chronological order
blackseafoam · 3 months
So I am finally watching TCW all the way through (I had seen a lot of the episodes when they came out but never watched them in order and could never appreciate them). Just finished the Umbara episode arc. Am I biased or is that some of the best Star Wars to exist???? Like what??? Not only the plot but everything else? The animation, the setting, the lighting, the sound design, the soundtrack, everything.
I did not see the twist coming at all, since so much of the show’s plots have been fairly straightforward adventures.
Waxer had the twi’lek girl drawn on his helmet wtf Filoni that is so emotionally manipulative but also good job sheesh that made me cry
KRELL. What a great character. The tangle of morality between he, Rex, and Dogma the whole time was beautifully written and SCARY. Scary because it felt so real.
The little details of Kix starting to lose his cool, getting flustered and obviously not handling the stress well. Probably seeing ahead at his worst nightmares coming true.
Pipe dream to watch these episodes in a theater edited together as a movie ugh
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ingellvargallus · 1 year
hi! okay so i just finished ahsoka, LOVED it (mostly bc all of it was completely female led which you don’t see often these days). i loved ahsoka, sabine, shin, baylan and thrawn particularly. i’m a major wolfwren shipper lol.
okay but here’s the thing; watching ahsoka has made me want to consume more star wars media. before ahsoka, i only watched the sequels and the other movies before when i was like 12. soo i have no idea where to start.
i believe beginning with star wars the clone wars would make sense, but do i need to rewatch the prequel films in order to understand the clone wars (i basically remember nothing from the prequel movies) or can i jump right into it? and after that there’s all these disney plus shows, like the mandalorian which doesn’t seem connected to the movies as far as i can tell - and then there’s star wars rebels! idk, i guess i’m asking if you could give me any advice on where to start and follow on from there? pretty please???
sure!!! im just going to give you where I, personally, would advice on beginning. so I'd say to look around with some other blogs aswell!
disney+ has a chronological list set up if you want to watch everything as a marathon of some sorts. I'd say now is a good time for a marathon too – the next tv show is only coming out in 01/24/24, so you'll have plenty of time to catch up on everything.
there's also the infamous Machete Order, which takes off tv shows and focuses solely on the movies. I wouldn't personally go this route if you wanna really get into star wars as a whole, but if you just want to be up to date, it's a good place to start too – a bit confusing, maybe. They flip the order quite a bit to make it all flow better as a narrative; the prequels are, actually, just an elongated flashback.
Here's how it goes: a new hope, the empire strikes back, the phantom menace, attack of the clones, revenge of the sith, return of the jedi, the force awakens, the last jedi AND the rise of skywalker.
If you don't want to go Machete but per release, it's just the Original Trilogy, The Prequels, The Clone Wars cartoon and then The Sequels. It's very confusing though. I only do it like this if I'm watching it with someone I know has no knowledge whatsoever of the franchise, Vader's identity… all the nice little retcons disguised as plot twists.
Now, if the person does know about it all, which I think you do by the question, I'd say just go chronological order as it's put into the disney+ list. if you just wanna watch the movies first, it's prequels, original and then sequels. I'm gonna write the list with the tv shows sprinkled into it:
Phantom Menace, Attack of The Clones, The Clone Wars, Revenge of The Sith, The Bad Batch, Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi, Rebels, Andor, Rogue One, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Mandalorian s1-2, The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian s3, Ahsoka, Resistance, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi aaaaaand The Rise of Skywalker.
Oof! big chunk. Adventures of Young Jedis is a fun little cartoon that before everything, but it's very much targeted towards children beneath, say, 11 years old. But still fun to watch if you want to. Visions are independent and non-chronological episodes, so you don't need to include it if you don't want to. I recommend it tho. They're very well done. Tales of the Jedi are also non-chronological, but they follow and study characters such as Ahsoka, Dookan, Qui-Gonn. I highly recommend watching it after the prequels, but again, they are not necessary per se to understand the scope as a whole. Resistance is… Resistance. I didn't enjoy it as much i wished i could (i love the rebels, i love everything about them as a storyline), but they do provide some much needed information that bridges the original trilogy and the sequels.
Now. The Clone Wars. TCW has their fair amount of filler episodes, and it is a seven seasons big chunk. It also was not released with episodes as chronological, so you'd have episodes that released first but were placed before in the timeline. so no judgement if you decide to go Machete on it. Here's a list to the episodes that contains all the most important arcs in it:
I think. I think that's it!! Hope this helps you anon. I'm always here if you want to!!
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lifeofclonewars · 3 years
Fives and Echo in Clone Cadets
Okay, buckle in if you're gonna read this. I'm an English major and you can tell bc this started out as a quick rant with a few points in my head at midnight and turned into a full analytical essay on the Domino Twins throughout the entirety of Clone Cadets in one sitting plus some next-day editing. What can I say, I analyze everything I watch even when I'm not consciously doing so. Some pictures and links included.
I get the whole “Fives and Echo weren't close until after Rishi” thing because of the poetic-ness of the narrative of brothers who aren't close going through trauma and coming out of it stronger and as best friends all that but listen to what I have to say.
We’ll start chronologically: with their final run-through before the finals. As you may know, I made a list (here) of who argues with whom during Clone Cadets. The other three constantly nag Echo about his habit of repeating things. Hevy and Cutup both call Echo, well, Echo but before he accepts it as a name and more as an insult. Cutup’s the first one to do it, literally almost right off the bat. Hevy does it to purposefully pick a fight after the practice test. DB responds to Echo's “stop calling me that” with “stop repeating every order.” 
Fives argues a bit with the rest of Domino when they're all arguing, but he only says one negative thing toward Echo. But there are so many things that make it different from the things aimed at Echo from the rest of the squad.
He tells him “Will you shut up with instructions? You're not in charge.” Domino’s nagging Echo about the repeating, Fives... doesn't quite do that. The narrative makes it look like Fives is also mad about the repeating orders, given both DB and Cutup have at this point. However, what Fives says doesn't make a direct reference to Echo’s habit, at least. He's definitely frustrated here (they all are, they’re failing again), but, at least to me, he's frustrated because Echo's focused more on getting them to follow exact orders instead of moving forward or working together. And yeah, he snaps a bit while reminding Echo he's not squad leader and not focusing on the right thing. But he never mentions the echoing, and, after this one moment, he never makes a negative comment toward Echo again during Clone Cadets. Also, important to note, Echo wasn’t repeating orders or anything when Fives snapped at him, just saying they’re not following orders again (which is different).
So, basically: everyone’s arguing about everything. Everyone argues with Echo about various things. Fives is the only one that doesn’t go and make a comment about Echo’s repeating during it, though.
That signifies something. Fives has got a better understanding or acceptance or trust in Echo than the rest of Domino. He doesn't mock him for what makes him him. He gets why Echo does it, maybe. Even if he doesn't, he knows it helps Echo and that Echo repeating orders is his way of trying to help his brothers. And this comes into play at a point farther along in the episode that we’ll get to soon. 
Next comes the, like, one moment we see the clones have some downtime. It’s when, once again, they start arguing. Despite DB being the one to tell Echo “stop repeating every order” during the run-through, we see them getting along here. We see them chatting with each other and 99 very briefly when Fives' gives his “you never even met a girl” line and Hevy comes barging in. Hevy insults 99, Echo tells the squad to follow orders, an argument starts, yada yada.
Then, Hevy gives his “care to repeat that, Echo?” line, which I mentioned earlier as Hevy doing it to purposefully pick a fight. When they start to fight, we hear the other members of Domino start cheering Hevy on. One says “Come on. Get him, Hevy!” The other says, “Smack that know-it-all.”
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Here’s the thing, though. They show a shot of DB, Cutup, and Fives. Cutup can be seen pumping his fist but his accent isn’t heard. There are two voices speaking, but they’re layered on top of each other so it’s hard to tell who’s speaking and how many people are speaking if you aren’t paying attention. Together, this comes out to look like Fives and DB could be the ones talking, and Cutup’s not actually speaking. 
However, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Cutup’s accent drops in and out all throughout Clone Cadets. Especially during impromptu moments. With this, it is also possible to conclude that he is speaking during the fight, just without a different accent, especially since he’s pumping his fist. 
That leaves Fives or Droidbait as the other person speaking. As you can see, both of them seem to be watching. Now, you could argue that Fives is the one who said something. You can argue the DB is the one who said something. Since they’re showing the fight when the lines overlap (the “Get him” one starting about a second earlier), there’s no conclusive evidence for either. For the point of this argument, you can’t argue that it proves Fives and Echo were close, you can’t argue that it proves they weren’t.
Following that comes Colt’s speech before the final. As I’ve noted multiple times, nobody in Domino is happy with Echo the first time he makes a comment.
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Going back and watching it happen in time reveals a bit more, though. They’ve all got facial expressions kinda similar to it when it cuts back to them after Colt speaks. Echo says “thinks he means us, boys?” Hevy seems to be the only one truly angry about the comment. The other three seem to be more of “what are you talking about, you know we’re not that great.” Plus, you know, they’re all nervous about their final. Even more so with how they didn’t make it through the day before. (Here’s a link if you wanna see it for yourself. 0:45; it’s all quick reactions, but you can see what I mean)
(Hmm so maybe I was wrong about that screenshot before. Go figure. There’s a reason screenshots aren’t always completely reliable sources for shows, since none of what I just talked about is visible in a standstill moment. This is why I’ve rewatched Clone Cadets 48209832 times. I’m still picking up new things about Domino while doing it.)
When Echo says, “well bravo for Bravo Squad,” some other things happen. Firstly, Echo’s rolling his eyes. He’s either being flippant about Bravo or he’s being self-aware enough to know it’s a bad pun and that his brothers don’t like his comments. But Fives actually looks over, concerned, when he makes the comment.
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That definitely counts for something. Especially since the other three don’t look very concerned about how Echo’s feeling with the comments. (Hevy’s definitely not looking over here.) But Fives seems to be wondering how anxious Echo’s feeling or something along those lines and how Echo’s expressing it. Especially since Echo doesn’t purposely pick fights like Hevy. He’s just making comments that happen to aggravate the Squad more than he’s usually trying to use as his way of showing he cares about his brothers and how well they perform.
After that comes their first run of the final. And with it comes a moment I love so much. Echo’s standing at one of the cover blocks when Fives runs up to him. Not only does this happen, but Echo smiles so much at seeing his brother do so.
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He’s just! So happy that Fives is there. I love that. Anyway, Fives tells him, “you flank right, I’ll flank left.” Then comes Echo’s lil pun moment. Fives rolls his eyes, but he looks more fond but exasperated than truly annoyed. 
Right after that, Fives runs off again. Which means he took Echo’s comment about staying on the same side and went with it, even though that wasn’t his initial plan. He’s trusting in Echo’s combat planning there. After DB gets shot down, we can actually see this happen as they meet Hevy at another one of the blocks. They come from the same side, Fives, then Echo. So, it worked out successfully.
When Colt tells them they failed not too long after that, another thing happens! Fives and Echo share a look. They didn’t have to — Hevy was behind Fives and Cutup was in front of Echo. They could’ve shared a look with them. But they didn’t. It’s definitely an “oh crap” kind of look they share with each other. Something that’s usually shared with those your closer to in situations like that, ya know?
“But wait!” you might say. “These are mostly examples of Fives being a good brother than of them being close.” Well, that’s where Echo and Fives talking to Shaak Ti about transferring squads comes into play! Of course, since I’m going chronologically, it’s not the immediate next point on this, but it happens during this conversation.
The two of them talking to her is a pretty big deal, especially since constantly up to that point we see Echo not getting along with the squad. He definitely wouldn't do it with Hevy, who he fights with most. Cutup and Echo don't fight as much as Echo and Hevy but we don't see them actually talk to each other besides whenever they do the sim, right before the second final, and Rishi. And Rishi is Hevy and Cutup making fun of Echo a bit. (Main difference then is that they do understand each other better to some degree and it doesn't escalate like it once might've.) DB, I touched on some points earlier. 
But there’s a reason it’s Echo and Fives here, and it’s more than just Fives fighting with him less.
When they talk to Shaak Ti Fives trusts Echo to do the talking for them (he only speaks up twice with small comments then). While it’s a short conversation, most of the talking is done by Echo. The duo most likely had a conversation beforehand about what they were asking and why. While we don’t know who asked the other if they wanted to do it, they’re both there, and Fives trusted Echo and his memory and ability to repeat the points they wanted to make. It's the exact opposite of what the squad has been doing. Instead of mocking the repetition, he gives Echo a chance to do it without judgment and as a positive thing.
Echo also goes on to do some things that show it’s not just Fives being a good brother, it goes both ways with them. 
There are only two instances where we see Echo touch someone. One is when he fights with Hevy (and Hevy starts it). The other instance is with Fives, during this talk. The two of them had been standing at parade rest and Echo — who's whole thing as a cadet is following orders — breaks it to set a comforting hand on Fives' shoulder! 
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He's the one to do it! Echo’s the one that takes the opportunity to comfort Fives and Fives doesn’t shy away from it. And not only did he recognize what Fives was feeling, but he also acted on it. They know each other well enough at this point to understand each other’s emotions and how to react to them accordingly.
And it's not like the other clones don't nudge and pat each other on the back and whatnot. Hevy pats 99 on the head (condescendingly smh Hevy you know better but whatever that's not the point).Both Fives and DB nudge Cutup for a comment he makes.
Echo just... doesn't do it during Clone Cadets. (I will point out he gives 99 a light excited punch on the shoulder during Arc Troopers — but that's after he's been with Torrent and trusts 99 even more than he did on Kamino for helping Hevy out) But he does voluntarily set a hand on Fives' shoulder. He’s comfortable enough with Fives to do it when we don’t see him do it with the rest of Domino or even 99.
Also, we all know Fives smacks some of his brothers, we've all seen that post by now. But he never does it with Echo. Instead, he lets Echo do what he's comfortable with. I just think that's important to note.
There’re also multiple times in this scene where they share looks while they’re speaking or when Shaak Ti says something. If you watch Arc Troopers or the first half of the Citadel Arc, even some parts of Rookies, Fives and Echo have a lot of nonverbal communication. This is just planting the seeds for that.
This scene can also be used for some “Fives and Echo aren’t that close” arguments, especially if you go with the “they are literal twins” hc. The whole “they wanted to stick together because they were twins, not necessarily because they got along better” argument. There are some other points here, like the fact that Fives did say something rude to Echo, or that Fives was talking to Cutup in their downtime and Echo with DB.
The thing is, with these things I've talked about, it shows that they were close on Kamino, regardless of that hc. I highly doubt LF and Filoni actually write them as twins (they probably would've mentioned it by now if they were). So while I personally like to take some of these things as them being twins, mostly they just show that either way, they were close. And the points Echo makes while asking Shaak Ti come into play as well.
Echo states, “Which is why Fives and I are looking out for each other,” when told that the clones, like the Jedi, have individuals and the group be one and the same. He makes it a clear point that they’re looking out for each other, that they’re trying to make the decision they think is best for the other. That’s! A big deal and sign that they’re close, if you ask me. 
Right at the end of the scene, Fives once again shows his trust in Echo. After hearing that they’ve been given another shot at the final, he looks skeptical. What does he do right after? Look at Echo. He didn’t need to, he could’ve stared at the wall, ground, given Shaak’s back a funny look. But he looks to his brother for comfort again. And we see Echo look back at him, doing so, right as it transitions to Cutup’s scene.
(“Wow this is really long, you must be obsessed with Domino Squad,” you might also say. That would be correct lol. We’re almost done, though.)
The next time we see either of them is when they think Hevy hasn’t shown up but then does. This is a nice little moment. Domino must’ve had a conversation or something because Cutup, DB, Fives, and Echo seem to be more at ease beside the whole missing Hevy thing. I should write that conversation someday. Echo even repeats what Fives said and nobody makes a comment about it.
Hevy eventually surprises everyone with his dramatic entrance and marches through their bench area to head to the simulation room. After that, the three of them turn and look at Echo, who shrugs. Not really a moment between Echo and Fives and more about the whole squad, but it’s there. Domino’s getting along better as a whole, matching more of what the dynamic between those two has been the entire time. 
And finally, the second final. Like how the practice test is slightly focused on Echo’s comments and the reactions to it, this one’s focused on Hevy being the natural leader he is. Also, just, Domino Working Together.
When they take cover in the little slit thingies, Fives and Echo take cover in the same one. Part of it was probably which one was closest. Part of it definitely was production trying to make it easier to fit more of them in the same frame there. But also, it says something about how they trust and understand each other on the battlefield. Partially from growing up training together, partially they've got the trust and understanding the whole squad is just finally starting to get within the rest of their dynamics. 
The only scene in this whole episode I don’t know who’s who is during the medal scene. If we base it on where Hevy stands, Echo and Cutup are the ones to talk. However, the second clone doesn’t have Cutup’s accent and it’s not one of those situations that Cutup tends to drop his accent. So I’m not really sure, other than that Domino is very clearly all proud of each other. I’m not really sure why I wrote this paragraph then… aNyWaY, that’s the episode!
TL;DR Throughout the episode, the Domino Twins show multiple signs of them being close to each other. I really think that the episode is supposed to show us that they're close from the beginning and Rishi just made them form an even stronger bond. Paraphrasing Shaak Ti, their journey is about them connecting to the rest of their squad throughout the episode, not necessarily about them also learning to connect with each other. They’ve got that down, after all.
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Poly!Ghostface x GN!Reader - Impromptu Roadtrip Part 2
So here's Part 2 to Impromptu Roadtrip!
Part 1 has the backstory for this so please check it out if you can!
In this episode of My Boyfriends and I Go On A Roadtrip To Buy Some Overpriced Piece of Merch I Really Want That's Only Sold At This One Store In Another State in Buttfuck Nowhere, you and the boys are on the road! Insanity ensues
TW: very brief mention of sex and I guess resolving some internalized homophobia a little?
The list of stops and events that happen, not necessarily in chronological order, go like this:
Firstly, the drive itself. You guys shoot the shit like crazy. Talking about anything and everything. Stuff that's happening at school, at work. New movies you guys are interested in. Any hobbies you guys pick up. Any new fandoms you guys got invested in. shit talking people you guys mutually dislike.
While Stu goes to pay for gas, you and Billy have a small, but heated argument about which horror movies are better that, naturally, ends in an equally heated angry make-out session.
You end up ranting about the giant item you're going to get, about it's history, the fandom it's from, why you wanna get it so much. Billy and Stu heart eyes at your passionate ramblings and sardonic jokes.
You blast your respective mixtapes and sing along. If Billy is high in the backseat you can even catch him singing as well (badly)
Billy is on map reading duty and is thankfully good at it.
At one point, you guys come across the abandoned Flinstones theme park that's currently under renovation. Neither of you really give a shit about the Flinstones (unless you do, in which case i guess you Mcfuckin lose it), but you still wanna try and sneak in to explore.
You end up not needing to. The clerk at the shop is super nice and because it's just her there she allows you guys to walk around and this quickly devolves into Billy trying to jump scare you both for his amusement as you guys explore the stone shacks. He succeeds.
As apology he videos you and Stu going down the giant brontosaurus slide together screaming "YABBA DABBA DOOO" as the sunsets. Many years later you'll catch Billy rewatching it with the softest look on his face.
You guys end up hotboxing the car at some point.
One of your favorite moments was one night driving through the desert. You just bought a shit ton of fast food, put down the back seats, lay your blankets and pillows down, open the sunroof, and just sit in a circle and talk and laugh. Usually a scenario like this devolves into sex, but surprisingly that night ended with you guys just holding each other, whispers of conversations dying as you're all lulled to sleep by the peace of the moment. The following morning you guys wake up with sweaty college kid BO, tangled up in each other, and with bad morning breath. And you wouldn't have traded it for the world.
You guys absolutely hotbox the car at one point.
While driving through some University's campus town and stopping for coffee, you meet this random dude who you guys hit it off with. He mentions his friend's birthday party is happening that night and said it was open invite. Stu immediately tell the dude you guys'll be there and after he leaves Billy get's all pissy about Stu making that decision for you guys.
You make it up to him by spending that day at some alternative store that had tons of cool horror and gore merch and some even obscure ass foreign horror films.
When you guys get to the crashing the party, you all have a blast. Because you don't know anyone there and dont need to worry about your reputations, Stu absolutely lets loose. Like Im talking frat boy party mode. You and Billy mainly just indulge in the free food and booze and even drugs (if thats your thing), and Billy for once doesnt hold Stu back from anything, since it doesnt matter. Hell at one point you both help Stu do a keg stand.
The birthday guy was super chill and fun about you randos being there.
At one point you and Stu really wanted to jump in the pool with the rest of the party goers. But you had no swimsuits, so birthday dude just lets Stu and you borrow his old swim trunks (and if you're female or have a female presenting chest you also get a baggy, American Pie t-shirt). You guys jump in, while Billy opts to just dip his feet in.
Speaking of Billy, this dude is just s o a k i n g up the attention. He loves you and Stu more than anything and would never even dream of being like his dad cheating, plus he's demi so its not like he even has the desire to. But damn if this dude isn't shamelessly flirting back with every girl who comes up to him bc he's the "hot mysterious bad boy stranger". Like yes, please, give him attention.
But Billy is nothing if not a double standard having hypocrite, so he gets mad jealous of how well you and Stu are hitting it off with the birthday dude. If you're female, then he's normally able to easily get guys off you, but with Stu and male!Y/N he holds back publicly (because its the late 90s/early 2000s and college age Billy still has some p bad internalized homophobia) and just gets super possessive later in private.
But in some random college town where no one knows him? He gives no shits. You and Stu are his and he proudly shows that to all, regardless of gender, despite some of the dirty looks he feels on him. Stu almost tears up a bit because holy shit Billy publicly loving on him(and male!Y/N) and not just female!Y/N? It makes him so damn happy.
You three dont know it then, but that actually ends up as a pretty big step forward in your relationship, as well as in Billy's more open acceptance of himself.
Birthday dude had absolutely no problem with you guys crashing there, so you guys saved both money on a hotel (not that Stu's trust fund havin ass needed to) as well as your spines from sleeping in the car.
Another pretty cool event that happens is you guys come across a glass blowing convention in full swing. It's the third and last day of the con so ticket prices were low and the dealer's room had discounts going, and you guys were getting kinda sick of driving, so you collectively went "fuck it why not" and bought tickets.
It was so damn cool. You guys didnt really know what to expect bc what tf even was glass blowing? but watching the vendors work their magic and even sitting in on a contest and watching them work and take some gooey ass glass and and turn it into a detailed scene of horses running through a valley or idk motherfucking Batman? Dope.
During the contest, Billy and Stu really liked every time the glass broke in the middle of blowing. They liked seeing the frustration and panic going through the contestants faces and you had to elbow Stu to stop his giggling when it happened. They were even disappointed protective gear was used so blood was shed. It's cruel, but you're used to it by now.
Nonetheless, you were so impressed with the work and care that went into the craft that when you guys decided to commission one of the vendors to make a glass replica of Freddy Krueger's finger knife glove as a souvenir of the trip.
You insisted on paying the full price with no discounts. Stu didn't care that you offered bc as usual he has no concept of saving money (and at this point you lowkey suspects he secretly gets off on being you and Billy's pay pig lmao), but Billy wanted to take advantage of the discount since it only benefits you guys (and this was the second time you guys made a decision without his approval ugh who do you guys think you are, autonomous human beings? foh).
You end up having a small argument over it later, but it blows over pretty fast since he's enjoying himself so much.
You guys linger around the con for a little bit longer and also explore the city for the 6 hours or so it takes for the vendor to complete the commission.
Once you go to pick it up your shared braincell has a collective "oh fuck" moment when you realize you now have to tote around this fragile piece of artwork for the rest of your roadtrip.
And there it is! Part 2 is complete. There's gonna be a Part 3 that Im pretty sure will wrap this lil adventure up, but if Im feeling extra creative maybe it'll have one more. Lemme know what you guys think! Have a good day and go drink some water!
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bruisedconscience · 2 years
James Wilson-centric House MD Episode Recs (mid-season 5 & prior only)
ey yo, I have a little list of Some Good Wilson episodes for folks who wanna see Wilson be Cute in canon. Haven’t finished my rewatch of the show and I’ve never seen all of it—I know some big spoilers but still, this is from where I am in the series & prior.
um. obvi spoiler warning for the show below! kept it as vague as I could regardless c: these can be yar-har’d or watched on BezosTV if you have it.
Feel free to watch in chronological order or skip around between the sections!
Cream of the Crop
S3e22 — Resignation — tw for offscreen/implied suicide attempt, but dosed on uppers Wilson is unfortunately cute as hell
S4e14 — Living the Dream — in this ep we learn abt Wilson being such a pushover, via his new GF (who is hinted at in s4e11 Frozen, below in the Honorable Mentions)
S5e4 — The Fall from Grace — Wilson loses somebody close to him & uses this as an excuse to stop enabling House and leave him in the dust. This plan immediately backfires. The guys are tense in this ep, and Wilson is fantastic.
S5e17 — The Social Contract — the patient in this ep keeps involuntarily hurting people’s feelings which sucks but ALSO Wilson is SAD and this hurts MY feelings and then he DOES share his problems and it’s such a good ep
Honorable Mentions
S3e4 — Lines in the Sand — the team works on not being ableist when an autistic kid comes in w/ chest pain & Wilson is cute @ House
S4e11 — Frozen — Centers on house a lot but Wilson is briefly criticized for looking cute, this comes up again with the CTB plot reveal at the end of the ep
S5e16 — The Softer Side — important gender vibes episode, also Wilson being concerned about House is cute
Edit 8/31 — The Pilot — How could I forget The Pilot
The Elephant in the Room
I’m explicitly not recommending House’s Head or Wilson’s Heart from the s4 finales… These episodes hurt and if you wanna watch them for the amazing Wilson content, it helps to build up to them and then crescendo down off them with the episodes that follow them, rather than targeting in on them in a patchy watch-through like this. But YMMV, so choose ur own course! Lmao
@eidetic187, these are for you and also for whoever else wants to know abt James Evan Wilson 💖 he’s so lovely 💕💕
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Hi 💛 I hope I'm not the upteenth miraculer to ask these, but I haven't found answers on your blog yet 🙏
I'm searching for a somewhat definite episode order of season 2, and I thought the production number was equivalent to the actual place of an episode in a season but I'm also finding "chronological orders" which aren't in the same order as the production codes and I'm so confused ... Can you help me with this ? Also, where can a girl find these production codes at the root ?
And finally it's not related, but where do you find informations on TFOU's airing schedule more than one week in advance ? I've searched the Web but I can't even find out which Miraculous episode they're airing next before they post a trailer ;;;
Ahhhh the season 2 chronological order… something I’ve been procrastinating on forever!
I’d say for now, just go by the production order, which you can find here. What I really wanna do is rewatch the season and see what should be changed so everything makes sense chronologically, but that’ll take me a while 😅. As for where to find production codes, normally the ml wiki and regular wiki have production codes listed next to the episode names, so there ya go!
As for your question on TFOU, it takes some digging, trust me! A lot of the times, there’s more ✨important✨ people that are able to email TFOU for confirmation on airing and stuff, and I usually find out about those instances via ml news blogs/websites. I highly suggest following @mlnewsworld on Twitter and insta for news, as well as checking out https://miraculousladybugnews.com :D. Also suggested you follow ambassadors and other people working on the show on these sites, such as @ladyofacat, @miraculousmexico, @EzraWeisz, @winny_irl, ect.
Sorry if that wasn’t much help, but hope you’re a little less confused at least haha! I really need to find the time to rewatch all the episodes and make a chronological order, I know ;_).
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yourmomwatchesanime · 3 years
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#or if you wanna get really funky and creative: shows i haven't seen and make me vibe check and watch as i make hilariously tragic blunders
My Top Posts in 2021
thanks so much for tagging me @shoyowo!!! loved your responses, you have excellent taste lmao - and i will most def be rambling as well uhh apologies in advance hdfhhgf HERE WE GO
Favorite anime: aH starting off impossible already - i refuse to choose between haikyuu and run with the wind <333
Least favorite anime: hmmm i really haven’t watched any yet that i didn’t like? for the sake of answering the question tho i’ll say Free which i’ve barely seen tbh) simply because nothing can compare to the hilarity of 50% Off lmaooo
Last anime you watched: saiki k!! just started it the other day and it’s already absolutely hilarious, instant fave. also bnha, been rewatching a few episodes in the dub!
Favorite anime movie: i actually haven’t seen any yet except for wolf children which was really really good!! i’ve also been meaning to watch your name, as well as all the main ghibli movies, but i’ve heard of so many good ones i have no idea where to start - open to suggestions on which to watch first!
Anime you cried hardest at: oh lord definitely run with the wind, also season 4 of bnha - any scene with eri makes me sob immediately. take this with a grain of salt because i’m a huge crybaby but i can’t even look at some gifs of any show without bursting into tears pfgffhhfh
Your comfort anime: hmm aside from the favorites i mentioned already, probably cells at work actually! feels a lil silly to admit but the lines “though we don’t know who you are / for your sake we’re working hard / all of us together are supporting you with all of our hearts!” from the dub op gets me every time :’))) those lil cells are just. they’re just workin so hard man i love them so much
Favorite anime character: .......do you want the list in alphabetical order or chronological by when i fell in love with them skjfghk (ok ok fine, number 1 is definitely haiji from rwtw. love that guy) <333 however i do have a proper top 5 list for like every show i’ve seen so if anyone’s ever feeling curious and generous and wants to shoot me an ask, i’d love you forever for the excuse to ramble on about em all 👀
Shojo or shonen: hm i never really paid attention but i guess most of the ones i’ve seen and been particularly invested in so far have been shonen? def open to both though!
If you could shift into an anime universe, which one: oof this one’s tough - i really do love the worldbuilding of bnha but i’d also kind of like to uhh survive lmAo so i suppose hq as a manager maybe! i never really did sports but that team dynamic and pride just seems so special y’know?
tagging: @airiakolak, @xbokutosupremacy, @calamarikaminari, @rogueyami, @hhhhhhhappycow, @crappykawasbutt, @eggoraphobic, and anyone else who wants to take a crack at answering these, feel free!
10 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 07:32:30 GMT
it’s 2am and i have a real grownup job interview in the morning but yuki hayashi’s “現実“ / “Reality”, track 21 from disc 1 of the run with the wind soundtrack, is currently moving me to tears
11 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 05:55:19 GMT
top 5 characters of all the anime u've watched pls 🙏🏾
hhHHFHFG @shoyowo well if you insist..... i might have prepared a few visuals 👀  
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ok these guys especially are damn near impossible to narrow down BUT 
SUGAWARA KOUSHI 💕💕💕 love of my life
Kuroo also owns stock in my heart. dorky grandpa pretending to be a cool volleyball captain 
Ennoshita my MANS i vibe w him so much. king of the brain cell
Bokuto 🙌🏼 if kuroo is a grandpa then this man is a literal infant. i adore him
Noya, guardian deity supreme! what a legend!!!
honorable mentions: literally ever other character they’re all so good yachi, aone, akaashi, iwa, asahi, nekoma in its entirety, and ofc our main freak duo
My Hero Academia
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can you tell which season is my favorite
Aizawa my beloved <333 I do not often use the word simp.... however
Mirio!!! ☀️ perfection incarnate. tintin lookin mf. these things can coexist
Kirishima, manliest mans to ever man i love him so much
Tsu 🐸  y’all remember that time the teachers straight up said she has no clear weaknesses?? yeah. queen of competence
Eri-chan! sweet precious baby!! so brave!!! so good!!!!
honorable mentions: bakugou, ochako, shoji, ojiro, tamaki, fatgum, nezu, thirteen, and my main boi deku
Run with the Wind
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saving the best for last!!! there are literally only like 12 characters in this show i dunno why i bother but these distinctions are important
HAIJI <3333333333 words cannot express how much i love this man
Shindou my absolute ray of sunshine, god child, strongest will in all of japan and probably also the world🏔
Musa!! 💛 yet another ray of sunshine, brilliant brave exchange student. pretty sure this is the only shot of him being grumpy in the whole show but i love his hat so we’re rollin with it
Nico-chan-senpai, elderly inspiration to us all cleanin himself up after years of apathy - prob my favorite of their personal journeys 
Kakeru you awkward lil son of a gun! my boy heals from his trauma and learns social skills along the way! and falls in love!!!!
honorable mentions: the rest of the team and every other named character <3 except sakaki <33 i hope nira pees on him <333
ok i was bluffing these are the only three i have opinions on i don’t have a list for any other shows i’ve seen so we’ll end this here for now. thanks so much for reading!! 💛 
14 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 14:29:10 GMT
missing run with the wind tonight lads might fuck around and watch the hometown smile kakehai amv again to see how hard i cry this time
37 notes • Posted 2021-01-28 06:54:19 GMT
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56 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 12:01:33 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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zero2heroyesindeed · 5 years
So Tangled the series ends in just a few hours.
What can I say about this show, this wonderful wonderful show. I still remember my reaction to that first promo image in 2015 and being excited since this was the first Disney movie to series spin off in years and with how much the landscape of tv animation had changed in that time (much more focus on overarching stories and continuous, in-depth character arcs) it would no doubt be interesting to see. I remember everyone HATING that the hair was back but I didn’t mind as long as it made sense and was part of a good story and OH MY WAS IT PART OF A GOOD STORY.
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Tangled the series is a show that somehow feels like it’s been around forever yet also feels like it’s not been around long at all. I watched Before Ever After the day it came out and same with What the Hair. A few months later I binged from Rapunzel’s enemy to Max’s enemy and fell in love with this show. The stunning art style and flowing animation, the respect and attention put into making the returning characters feel exactly as we remember them while also perfectly integrating every new character flawlessly into the world. The show completely eclipsed the original movie in every possible way in my opinion. And it only got better the further we got into this story and lore.
Instead of continuing on about how amazing this show is and how grateful I am for it’s existence as both a Disney obsessed teen and animation fan and I just wanna sing the praises of the crew, there are countless posts more we’ll put together than mine that accomplish that. So what i’m gonna do is instead throw it all the way back to the first season and go in chronological order and pin point the 10 most important moments in the series as a fandom. These are not the most emotional or impactful moments, just things that were a huge deal in the fandom.
1: Life After Happily Ever After
The first ever real impression of the series we got and an indication of what a ride we would be in for. Bringing in Alan Menkin to continue writing the music showed just how far this show was going to go to create the most faithful continuation as possible. It was also the introduction to our precious Cass and showed Eugene getting ready for the first of many proposals we would see throughout the series.
2: Eugene and Rapunzel talk after the coronation disaster
Who could ever forget when Rapunzel and Eugene officially became the most developed and healthy Disney couple. This was basically the moment most people fell in love with the series and it’s not hard to see why. Tangled the Series wasn’t just cute Princess hijinks with some action thrown in, it took it’s characters and their relationships seriously in a way now Disney show had ever done up to that point and could be mature. Rapunzel asking Eugene to be patient with her to this day still gives me chills and showed the direction this show was taking Rapunzel’s character and we were all along for the ride.
3: Rapunzel dreams of Gothel
OOH BOY this moment. While the fandom was still relatively small by this point this moment sent everyone into an absolute frenzy. While Before Ever After featured mentions of the Sun Flower and the King’s ptsd of losing Rapunzel, this was when the flood gates opened for all the angst and tears. Rapunzel’s trauma of the tower and Gothel’s treatment of her were not gonna be glossed over, they would be explored in excruciating detail which to this day is still one of the greatest elements of the series. Just because Gothel is gone doesn’t mean the 18 years of abuse she put Rapunzel through magically heals (pun intended).
4: Varian’s introduction
I don’t even need to say anything for this one. It’s Varian. (gonna be honest. It is 3am in my corner of the globe and I am struggling to find the energy to keep writing this much, so we’re just gonna rush through the rest of these).
5: Big Brothers of Corona/ aka Eugene is a perfect human being
This was the episode that cemented Eugene as one of my favourite Disney characters of all time. I can not count how many times I have rewatched the ending to this one alone. But it was also a fantastic episode for developing Lance’s character and integrating him as part of the shows main cast moving forward despite this only being his second appearance. Also I forgot how small Red and Angry (or the girls formally known as Red and Angry) were.
6: You promised!
This is still my favourite callback to the movie the show ever did. To me Rapunzel saying she never breaks a promise in the original movie feels out of place. Like Rapunzel keeping her promises was going to be a huge part of the story early in development and that line is just a reminant of that draft that should’ve really been taken out. But I don’t care because it gave us this beautiful moment. Also this moment cemented Nigel as my most hated character on the show.
7: “Difficult decisions are what make us who we are”
I can’t with this scene and just how brilliant this episode was at dealing with the fall out of Queen For a Day and how crucial it was to Rapunzel’s character development in retrospective. Everything she has done in season 3 and every action she has taken can be tied back directly to what she learned in this moment. If that ain’t good story telling then I don’t know what is.
8: The Tower Falls
I’m just gonna say it. This is my favourite scene from the series. Everything in this moment is perfection. The music, the staging, the visuals, the emotion. It all builds to an absolutely devastating climax as Rapunzel watches her childhood home crumble to the ground leaving behind one pieces of the walls she used to paint on. If wanna frame the moment Rapunzel starts tearing up as the tower collapses and display it on my mantle because I love it so much.
9: Rapunzel reaches her limit
I couldn’t finish this episode for hours after seeing this first scene. Rapunzel finally took a stand against her father and I was just making inaudible gasps throughout my first time watching it. Then there’s that bombshell at the end where Raps compares her father’s actions to that of Gothel’s that never fails to shake me to my very core no matter how many times I rewatch it.
10: Ready As I’ll Ever Be
What? We’re you expecting the biggest song this show was turned out to not make the list? I mean it was the first time Tangled the series was able to get the attention of those outside the fan base and hooked so many people into checking the show out. This was the moment Tangled the series just left the movie in the dust and from there it just kept pushing further and further with each season.
Not really sure how I should end this. I am very emotional and very tired but I refuse to go to sleep. I am staying up until this finale drops because I am not going to go to sleep knowing i’ll wake up in a world where Tangled the Series is over. This show is a once in a lifetime experience that is in my top 5 television shows of all time. It might not have had the legacy of Phineas and Ferb or the popularity of Gravity Falls but it had so much love, energy and passion behind it and you can tell everyone making this show loved it just as much as we did. I’ll probably end up doing lists like this for season 2 and 3 when I get around to binging the entire Tangled franchise (which will probably be around Summer).
Thank you to the indescribably talented crew of writers, animators, designers, and directors (and I am so sorry if I missed any other positions out but you are all so amazing). Thank you Mandy and Zach for giving your voices to Rapunzel and Eugene and letting us explore their life after Happily Ever After and letting their journey continue. Thank you Eden, Jeremy and James for bringing life to Cass, Varian and Lance who expanded the world of Tangled and felt like perfect additions to the main cast. Thank you Alan Menkin and Glen Slater for continuing to write phenomenal music and putting in your all for something you clearly didn’t even need to do in the first place. Every piece of music for this show has left me breathless (and not just from belting Waiting in the Wings to myself). This 3 year Journey has been simply sensational and I can’t wait to see how it all ends.
Next stop anywhere!
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jq37 · 5 years
**spoilers for just like, all of bloodkeep**
***also, finale thoughts are coming, I had technical difficulties w/ the dropout site this weekend when I sat down to rewatch for notes***
OK, wow, I was NOT expecting the BTS video to THAT illuminating. I thought it was gonna have some cute cast stuff (which it did; I loved all the stuff with Matt and Rekha especially). Not, like, wild behind the DM screen plot twists. OK, taking it chronologically:
I can’t IMAGINE Rekha in Fantasy High. The energy of her and Emily at the same table would be so much. I will always be haunted by the knowledge of what could have been. 
Trapp buying monster manuals as a kid had big Sohkbar energy. Also, mad at myself that I never made the Hagrid connection because that is so what he’s doing all the time. 
“That’s Knife backwards and she’s very proud of that and so am I.”
It never occurred to me that Maggie has a full name tbh.
“Murderous Rodney Dangerfield.”
Matt can’t even even stop RP’ing during his interview.
I can’t believe this was a TWO DAY SHOOT. I thought it was at least 3 days. And, for some reason, I thought it was weekend shoots, not back to back days (prob cause my group is weekly). That means this was mostly super off the cuff. There wasn’t a lot of time to mull over strategy on the car ride home or whatever. This was such a roller coaster stretched over 6 weeks. Imagine it in 2 days!
Brennan at the camera with absolutely no prompting: Hell yeah!
Ooooh boy
So, in case you didn’t watch the video, what was SUPPOSED to happen was they would go down to the evil basement and then only one of them would be able to go on the boat. In order to get on the boat to hell, they would need to get a blessing from one of the statues. Four statues, six PCs. Brennan tried to lead them to a PvP endgame. THE PLAN WAS ALWAYS A PVP ENDGAME.
There is just SO MUCH to unpack here!
Like, OK. These guys are evil, right? Like, they casually talk about genocide all the time. That’s USDA Grade evil. BUT. They’re not mean. (OK, to the odd NPC but I’m speaking generally). When they all start off, the only real animosity in the group is Sohkbar towards Leiland for not being great with the wyverns and then there’s a little cattiness between Leiland and Maggie. But that’s it! And, like, Efink and Lilith read as straight up besties from ep 1! I NEVER felt the game leading towards any kind of group dissonance. From episode 1 there was a, “We’re all in this together,” vibe. They decided that so early on and they stuck to it. (In fact, they MADE MORE FRIENDS on the way!)
It’s like, Brennan told them, “You’re evil,” but he never said, “You don’t like each other,” and that made all the difference. 
Like, even in the pregame interview, Amy says something like, “I get to play someone evil whose ultimate goals will still help the people around her.” 
When you’re playing with players who are decent people irl and who haven’t been given a good story reason or the explicit direction to go turncoat, I feel like most peoples’ natural inclination isn’t to do that. 
Knowing that the game was supposed to end with a Super Smash Bros Free for All, the fact that episode 5 was all epiphanies and hugging and feelings is that much funnier. That wasn’t the boatman telling him to stop hugging. That was Brennan, the DM that knew his sick plans just got jossed to hell. 
I love that Brennan said that the sweet character moments were completely unprompted by him but, as a viewer, they play as the most logical actions by these players. I was like, “This ISN’T what you wanted to happen?????” They felt like totally planned arcs! Brennan is so good at rolling with the punches. I feel like he must have accepted it by that point in ep 5 because, the way he was describing those falls (except for maybe Lilith’s looking back) read 100% to me like people who were having a near death experience that was going to bring them *together*, not the other way around. And, if it wasn’t, that’s how 6/6 of them took it so…
There was way too much time for these PCs to bond for this to end in PvP. The opportunities for backstabbing would have had to be planted WAY earlier for it to maybe work, imo. Or some kind of gollum/crown mechanic for craziness to spur a betrayal. 
This also explains why Bren kept prodding Lilith about how the crown should have been hers. Lol, and instead of staging a coup, she called dibs on the godmom position. BLESS.
IMPORTANT EDIT: I was thinking this so hard that I thought I wrote it but turns out I didn’t. If Brennan had forced them into a Thunderdome situation, I am 100% convinced it would have ended with everyone (except maaaaybe Markus) just bowing out to let Maggie win. Lilith and Leiland for sure at the very least and they for sure would have enough firepower to fight off everyone else if need be. (Efink would be next on that list after her near death moment of clarity.)
Brennan mentioned how wild Maggie and Leiland’s collective arc is and he’s right and I wanna talk about it more later. 
THE GHOST FIGURINES. Oh man, that would have been dope. I’m glad about how it ended, but that could have been cool. 
Nevermind, this is the bad ending, we were robbed. 
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