i’ll look after you;
10K posts
multi-muse RP blog | minors dni. i draw a lot sometimes @dontyoufeelcalmer
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bruisedconscience · 2 days ago
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it’s a bearable bruise on your conscience…
wait a minute, who are you?
who r u? kris, they/them, 21+
can i write w/ you? r u 21+? let’s go!
where are you? mobile based 24/7 babey!
where r ur ask memes or like any posts at all? probably on my whiny fandom-y rp sideblog
making rp threads shorter (trimming)? i trim using the banner method. if i start the thread and it isn’t altered with xKit, i can trim! if xKit comes into play, i lose that ability to help us out
who do you even rp as? see the characters i write on my muses page! trying to make it into a google doc so I can edit it while mobile (but docs app + tumblr app isn’t a great combo so far tbh)
anything else? i like programming & don’t like my day job. i’m very sporadic but if we click i wanna yell at u abt our characters kissing or fighting ok!! ok bye bye
loudest muse:
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current fixation:
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bruisedconscience · 17 days ago
-booing can be heard-
ya boy has a viral infection mainly of the throat :(
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bruisedconscience · 24 days ago
Riley watched Paul center himself. He’d been zoning out, staring at…nothing.
“I know I’m not the most…energetic speaker. Not the easiest to listen to. Always had people rush through meetings with me in Chicago…” He gave Paul a soft smile and followed the man’s gaze to the Bible in his lap.
“Nah, it’s fine… Just…feel like I say the same stuff when we meet up. Everybody at group talked about their…struggles and their trauma. I don’t want to let any of that shit out, no offense.” A quiet chuckle.
Was Paul staring again? He turned to look behind him, but saw nothing worth looking at.
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“If— Father, if you’re tired or something, I can come back another time. I don’t wanna just…come here for a signature. Seems silly to put all that…performatism out there and get a signature if we don’t…talk about anything.”
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riley & paul - not so anonymous
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bruisedconscience · 26 days ago
me for my entire life before 2024: Sorry it’s Lent, or Happy Lent I suppose? It’s Ash Wednesday… It’s Good Friday now? Happy Easter! I’m a little confused but I support you
me after watching Midnight Mass in 2024: Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.
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bruisedconscience · 2 months ago
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this blessed post on unexpected ftm hrt changes has me living realizing one of james' fave things from his medical transition (aside from top surgery and the 'reshaping' of his jawline) is that the backs of his wrists & his hands are hairy. thank u
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bruisedconscience · 2 months ago
my brain makes up such jason halloween ass villains in my nightmares. last night it was a dude who hooked his dr surgeon visor TO HIS FOREHEAD with bloody pegs like some stupid frankenstein wannabe.. maneuvering around me and my nondescript friends in a ps1 era apartment courtyard environment?? c’mon brain grow up try harder
did i still wake up in a heated panic at 3:35am? yes. did i still see something in the shadow of my room immediately after which disappeared? yes i did. nonetheless, weak.
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bruisedconscience · 2 months ago
Riley wanted to celebrate staying out past curfew last night. Sure, it was maybe embarrassing that an adult still had a pathological fear of disappointing his parents, but after all the turns his life had taken?
But Father Paul wasn’t at Mass yet.
Riley watched Bev Keane squirm and deliver her reminders and quell people’s concerns, a statue resolute in looking after her own reputation.
Riley stood, despite his parents’ protests, and made his way back to the cottage behind the church.
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“Father Paul?” he knocked on the dark green door. “Father?” The door was locked. Riley paused and rummaged around in a nearby collection of rocks for the spare key that Monsignor Pruitt had told him about as an altar boy. He unlocked the door and stepped inside of the dim rectory.
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midnight dreary - riley & paul 🌕🩸
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
the fx legion > pushing daisies > midnight mass > batman pipeline
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
Riley tilted his head with a small, sad smile. “Didn’t forbid Mass, just taking Communion and really…doing much of anything. Felt awkward sitting there, listening and only participating, funnily enough, in spirit. So after that, I figured, hey— heart’s not in it, maybe I’ll just stay home.” He breathed the last bit out as a sigh of relief. His father had demanded he go for two weeks before relenting, and now, here they were: bitchily at an impasse, with Father Hill at his door.
The comment had him look quietly down at the exposed porch, something burning at the back of his throat. He didn’t need…somebody to listen to him whine and dump all his problems on them. No way.
And his stomach twisted at the mention of the sacrament.
“Yeah, hence the…AA. I got my, uh, 4 year chip.” He raised a fist in sarcastic celebration. “Pretty sure there’s no loophole for religious beliefs in my paperwork, so…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Don’t they give kids grape juice instead of the heavy stuff? I could have that, if I’m allowed it, since I’m not…fully practicing…at the moment…” He couldn’t meet the priest’s gaze at this admission.
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Riley smiled, the same flat smile Paul had just given him. He was on the same level as the town’s beloved. dementia-having old lady. Great…
“Yeah,” Riley mused, shutting the door behind Father Paul as a breeze from the water chased him in. “Is the living room better, or the dining room? I guess you need a table…” He started for the living room, a few armchairs, a coffee table, and a couch.
He paused, not wanting to sit directly next to the man if he could help it.
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Not Just Doctors Making House Calls | Paul & Riley
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
Shawn paused and changed course. “In that case, I think we need to…” He tries to survey her for information, but comes up rather dry (except for a few nervous habits that could mean anything), “introduce you to the team. I’m sure Beauty and the Beast over there will debrief you.” He exaggeratedly lifts the police tape for her to walk under.
"Ma'am, I know that my devilishly good looks are very hard to resist, but this is actually an area with restricted access and I do not want you getting yelled at by Robo Cop. So... Here, just behind this tape, other side..."
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Rosemary looked at the man and raised an eyebrow. “But I'm the own of that store!” she exclaimed, motioning to the WitchKraft sign about the store.
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
Riley shook his head with a quiet scoff. "Unbelievable... They probably don't even want this stuff..." He prods at the sacrament bottle to see it tilt... "How do you know what it's going to do? What if it's...slowly killing you? What if you--keep aging backwards until you don't exist, y'know? You literally don't know what you're doing!"
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"You can't keep doin' this. People are gonna find out."
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"Well, Riley Flynn... that is where faith comes in. I have faith that what I am doing doesn't need to be questioned or investigated. The parish trusts that I follow through God's example, and I do."
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
Riley had figured he might as well have some infectious, deadly disease with how quickly his family had left the house this morning. Quick breakfast provided for him (last night's leftovers) and then they were taking a trip to the mainland to get Warren his driving permit.
And why shouldn't Riley come to that? Right.
Because he needed to attend Mass.
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"I skipped out because I'm not supposed to participate," he said firmly, his shoulders shrugging with emphasis. "My father literally forbade me from taking Communion... So I don't know what...could have changed to make them want me there now. Enough to...bother you and bring you all the way over here."
A six minute walk was hardly way over here, but it was Crockett. Everything was a damn six minute walk from everything else, except maybe the Uppards... "Are you even allowed to do Mass outside the church? Ain't that..." He didn't utter the word sacrilege. He still didn't think that was a nice word to fling around, disbelief aside.
And still, against his better judgement or wishes, Riley found himself opening the front door to admit Father Paul.
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Not Just Doctors Making House Calls | Paul & Riley
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
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Not Just Doctors Making House Calls | Paul & Riley
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
"Your mind seems heavy with burden, I-I can see that stress in you. Has you all locked up and.." Paul trials off as he squeezes his hands together, body going ridged as if to match the energy he felt wafting off the other.
Paul offered a terse sigh, eyes scanning the other with mock worry. "Want to talk about it?" (To whoever might like Paul)
"Do I wanna talk about gettin' sent away to an island in the middle'a bum-fuck nowhere t'serve off my community service for doin' nothin' but stealiin' a book from a piece'a shit Archbishop? ...No, Father, I don't really wann' talk about it..." Roy huffed and glared down at the floor of the confessional.
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
btw new muse..
riley flynn! he is private while i get his voice down but if ppl want him u can still ask and we can see how our muses could meet--! somehow--!
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
*places a sweet meow meow here*
*picks him up and holds him up like Simba* Him!
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bruisedconscience · 3 months ago
decided to make an aes post.
i look up.
2 hours have passed.
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