#I hate it but I love it X'D
metalmewtwo-kxb · 8 months
Ahaaaaaa finished 4 panels of 10.
Tomorrow, panel 5.
I cry lol.
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windydrawallday · 1 year
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When you've had enough of your partner's antics so, you decide to take matters into your own hands... or lips? Whatever.
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wimsiecal · 1 year
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He's still Pinky after all x3
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hastalavistabyebye · 26 days
So. I know I've said the red strings au was going to be all soft pondscara and cuddles, with at worse some hurt/comfort.
But the brain demons have been reminded of Bacara's canon characterisation and are now unhappy with mine. And their price to be happy again end up being angst...
I am really sorry alright ? But I want to make the brain demons shut up... So huh be prepared for some angst in the incoming days most likely 😅
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wispurring-moss · 2 months
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@top-shelf-tender i—umm—uhh... 👉👈 it's still a secret for now;;; x,3c
but you Know it's another Husk ship for sure LMFAO
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mitamicah · 8 days
I want to share how I spent my day celebrating the tavastia 2 reunion since I think it is very much in the Bojere spirit
It started out with me finishing the celebratory artwork (and submitted it) (x)
Then I got myself ready for going to my first ever tattoo convention wearing my cropped slut sweater, all my Bojere bracelets, a fanmade Bojan beer I got in Helsinki in march and one of my ESC!Käärijä earrings
I ended up looking like this (the necklace was purchased at the con later however) v
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The plan was to just look around at the convention to see if anything spoke to me. It didn't seem to be the case before I found this tiny tarok inspired flash of the mayor arcana cards 'the lovers' and just saw for my inner eye how perfect it would be next to my 'Are You' tattoo
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So I rode the bike home to get the cash only to realise I only had enough currency in my house to pay half the tattoo so I had to stop and get the rest on the way back. When I arrived back at the convention the tattoo artist had another client but told me to wait 1,5 hours so I did. While waitingI found myself way more social (having gotten the air and time away from the overstimulating, hot convention hall) and surprisingly, a handful of the people I talked to recognised me as the guy that performed Cha Cha Cha to the city pride!! (2-3 peeps even got to endure me showing my Bojere art and fanboying over the boys x'D)
It turned out that I'd met the tattoo artist at a party last year and bonded very nicely with so when it was time for me to be inked I fanboyed about Bojere (even showing her my celebration artwork) the whole time (probably not saying a lot since it took like 30 minutes x'D).
Here's the final result (asked for changing the threads to make a heart and I am very happy about how that turned out :'3; also the picture is not edited so to show the colours)
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Later in the evening I went to a free concert with a duo playing mixed classical music on marimba and cello. In the middle of the concert it turned out that they played a three part song originally meant for a sorprano singer to perform so the lyrics were printed on the other side. Not sure if I read too much into it but part of the third song 'Cedar of Lebannon' gives me Bojere vibes
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That was my friday; hope yours were lovely as well ^V^
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barisiscourtroom · 5 months
wow. way to disrespect my wishes, anon.
normally i would have answered an ask like that, it was anti Rollins but not violently hateful, but since you clearly sent it as a response to me asking people NOT to send me Rollins hate, i will not.
and going forward, i will not answer to anything anti Rollins.
i still don't ship Rollisi, i still think she's not perfect and that she has fucked up, but i also know that that's the point, no one is perfect, as these shows constantly shove down our throats.
so while i previously could entertain some wanky salt sessions where i went a bit anti Rollins, going forward it'll only make me think of hateful assholes like you. the kind that makes fandom a less fun place to be. the kind that never respects other people's wishes because you have an opinion and it's more important than anything else that you get to say it, regardless of the consequences. to take another fandom as an example: the kind of people that has made me hate Destiel to the point where i get annoyed 98% of the time i see anything Destiel, because some of the hellers are so fucking disgusting (and loud) in their hate towards anything they deem icky (ie: anything that isn't their ship. ie: Wincest and Sam, two of my favorite things).
and i'm not doing that. this blog probably wouldn't have been a great place for Rollisi shippers and Rollins fans, not the worst but not great, but after you, anon? they'll be fine here. because i refuse to indulge in your disgusting hate campaign.
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amynchan · 2 years
I saw a post that said most Jiang Cheng antis are unhinged, and I'd like to respectfully disagree:
Any of us, Jiang Cheng stans or antis, who give this sopping wet pathetic meow-meow enough attention to analyze him, discover his motivations, praise or condemn him, and have any sort of connection with him that suggests emotional involvement at any level, can be called unhinged.
Yes, I'm a Jiang Cheng stan. Yes, I love him. Yes, I'm also unhinged.
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scuddle-bubble101 · 1 year
Me: -done with shower and making breakfast- ?: -new voice suddenly appears and proceeds to judge the brand of cereal I am eating.- Me: Me: You just got here and you will deal with what I e a t.
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apologies for the saltyposting today, so shoutout to you people who have correct takes and sexy opinions and bring so much passion and love to the table and make the fandom very fun to be in <33
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countlessrealities · 1 year
What's been going on with you and evil meg? Do you like her now? (for evil morty)
Unprompted asks || Always accepting !
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Oh, he has been waiting for this question. Boh his counterpart and Meg have received one, so it was just a matter of time before the busybodies turned to him. Of course, they will regret their curiosity, he will make sure of that, but that's a matter for later.
Right now, he has to deal with that idiotic query.
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"First of all, I was under the influence of some sort of...love poison when the 'going on' you're referring to happened," he answered in a flat tone. His voice and body language were calm, but the sharpness of his eyes betrayed his displeasure. "That explains why I didn't hate my time with her, even if there were some moments when my patience was tempted."
Those moments have been few and fleeting, but he needs to underline the fact. It makes him look better.
"I wouldn't say that our relationship has changed. I merely discovered a new, less irking way to coexist with her."
{ @evilmcg - mentioned }
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kits-shrine · 2 years
“Indeed,” the elf smirked, watching her walk.
"Dinner... dinner..." Kit muttered opening up cabinet doors looking for ideas. "Home made ramen sound good to you?" By Stars she WOULD get her heart rate under control.
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frc-ambaradan · 2 years
Thank you, RAI (italian TV and radio broadcaster), for unleashing your tv series hell on me across the last six weeks 'cause you need space for the coming Football World Championship (not like we're partecipating...🤬)!
Now I still have to (in order):
-watch the last episodes of She-Hulk -watch the behind the scenes of Kenobi -watch Andor (FGS!!!) -watch Tales of the Jedi -watch Thor Love and Thunder
did I miss something? I probably did... 😩😩
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nana-b0b · 5 months
》🔞 These panels are censored, you can go to the last of the post to find out where to see them!
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A little historical info to better understand:
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♡♡♡♡♡!!! I really feel happy and overcome with these panels, I was thinking a lot about how to make them since there were several obstacles: I had never drawn something NSFW before as it should be 😅 I never got that far so to speak, there was always a line that prevented me from taking that step, since it is not the same to draw some small scene where you only see something specific to a whole pose as such and all that implies. But after many ideas and turns I managed to take that step (maybe small for some but for me it was like reaching the moon 😂) and the most important and most feared was that the essence of the drawings and the style would be lost but I could keep it well and make it coexist ♡.
Note: as for the text accompanying the panels I want to say that it's not my best work as a narrator hahaha I don't write anything since I was about fifteen and it was my era of fanfics and stuff, so I feel its very basic and empty! 😅 ♥!
Now, let's talk a bit about the panels! Well, as we all knew this moment was coming, it was no surprise -3- Ryomen really had to be patient to get what he had been thinking for a while, but he didn't want it to be something random as it could be with any woman he wanted, he was really curious to see how Aurora could look like with the full appearance of a lady of the Heian era and when he saw her, he just couldn't resist. One thing will be clear: Aurora won't wear black teeth again, there will be no way to paint her teeth again without someone losing a limb. As for her eyebrows: she's really mad about that, but I'll let it go.
And to close this post I come with a novelty (I've been thinking about this for days) now we are going to be able to have these drawings completely uncensored on patreon.
I'm not going to lie, using more than two social networks for me is already a lot 😥 if it were up to me I would only post everything in one place but we know how the rules are and we have to respect them, if just by showing a nipple (which is a pixel 😂 ) they almost censored me on Instagram I knew this would be difficult and Tumblr is not lagging behind, while there are things that it lets pass there are others that it doesn't and it's not nice to have to make such complex drawings so that the AI doesn't detect them as 🔞 since there comes a certain point that you get tired too and it loses the grace.
My patreon will be the place for all my works 🔞 without any censorship already, you are going to be able to enjoy both public and private content depending on the type of work ♡. I think also for me it's an incentive to be able to start letting go more of my ideas and continue with everything I want to do :)
To say goodbye first I want to always thank you for all the support you give me and all your messages 🖤 and second to warn you that this CAP of Ren will be in patreon already published privately but all the other censored drawings are public for you to see and enjoy them as they should ⭐
Here are the publications that I censored and that you can now see, there are not many at the moment x'D
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diminuel · 9 days
You are so right i hate that we got No reaction for Ace's death from Rayleigh or the other former Roger pirates that we know
Did they know and just never did anythung ? Do they think the marine lied ? Even tho Ace looks like both his parents looks ??
I am full of hurt from Ace <- just rewatched marineford
Since I also just reread Marineford and couldn't bring myself to read the flashback chapters yet, one might say that I am too full of Ace related hurt X'D
I think there must be a reason why Roger did not entrust Ace into the care of his former crew members and instead chose Garp (Garp!!!!!) to protect him.
If I remember some of Roger's comments right then he said it would be his son to find the One Piece since he couldn't due to being too early. And while it's possible that Roger put structures in place to make sure Ace would succeed him (for example instructing Shanks to find him/ give him the Devil Fruit as I've seen theorized before) these things failed. Because in the end will is stronger than blood and it's not Ace who seems to have inherited Roger's will. Rayleigh only gets off his ass to train Luffy when it becomes clear that he's so similar to Roger. But Roger's own flesh and blood left him cold.
Still... Ace is such a tragic character to me and the fact that none of Roger's old crew fought for him, that not even Garp could bring himself to fight for him, that he is buried with the old era instead of ever seeing the new, never meeting Sabo again, never getting to enjoy existing (beyond the few minutes he was alive once he realized that he wants to live) knowing that he is worthy of love, is just... *shakes fist at the heavens*
I understand what the point of his death was, however, I would just have liked Ace to be more than a catalyst *lol*
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mitamicah · 11 months
Tonight I had a dream when I was at an outdoor dress up party where the host gave out trophies (although I can only remember there was one for best costume). This one person kept winning all the trophies and I got very frustrated about it because all they were wearing was a grey hoodie and sweatpants, yet they looked like Loreen while I was in a semi-käärijä related outfit.
I don't think I need long to interpret this dream tbh - I diagnose me with 'I'm still not over esc2023' x'D (and I am also still not okay :'D xD)
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