#love this one to bits and in general to have Prowler in charge
windydrawallday · 10 months
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When you've had enough of your partner's antics so, you decide to take matters into your own hands... or lips? Whatever.
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anon-e-miss · 3 years
For millennia Praxians had been little more than Vosian chattel. Many elite Seekers did not which to dilute their sparklines. Seekers did not have wells, though many Seekerkin did. Those that did not keep a Seekerkin broodcarrier kept and kept bred Praxians so that their fertile frames would produce the rich, sweet fuel the Seekerlings needed. This was the life Prowl had emerged to and the life he had given emergence in five times.  It was the life he had expected to live forever but Vos had gone war with Tarn and in the upheaval, he and many like him had escaped. Some had gone to Praxus, their ancestral home, Prowl had. Unfortunately, he had found no kinship with his free-emerged framekin. In fact, they had really not been framekin at all. Generations of selective breeding had altered their frames, their processors, their natures and in Praxus they had been looked down upon with pity or disgust.
Staniz, a little port town on the edge of the Polihexian Wastes had proven to be the perfect spot to start over. Praxians had no interest in the feral backwater and thus no one saw the stark contrasts between Prowl’s and proper Praxian’s frame. He lived free, fully free and he raised his creations the same. His eldest, Smokescreen was a bull and Prowl was relieved to not have to teach him to milk himself. It would not be long before Prowl would have to teach Strong but his first heifer was still a calf and Prowl had more time. It was possible that Strongarm would not need to worry about milking unless she carried. Prowl’s milk had come in as soon as he had entered estrous for the first time. Though his first energon had been thin and of poor quality, it had improved exponentially once he gave emergence to Smokescreen. The Seeker co-op who had owned him had been delighted by his production levels and they had ensured that as soon as his forge opened he was bred again. Prowl had never crawled out from under a bull with an open forge.
He was fortunate to have escaped that life with only four calves. After Smokescreen had come twins, Streetwise, a bull and Strongarm his first heifer. Bluestreak had followed them a few vorns later, whether his sweet calf would be a bull or a heifer would not be known for some vorns yet. It was a large family, Prowl knew, for Staniz. That his brother, Barricade had two of his own and that they resided together, the family only appeared that much more ridiculously large. As a single originator to so many, Prowl was looked at with pity or scorn depending on who was watching. Priests looked for bonding tokens or marks of widowhood and saw none and looked scornfully down their olfactory ridges at him. His neighbours clucked their glossas and shook their helms. Prowl did not care for their opinions. They were not his herd, not his kin. No priest would ever number Prowl as a member of their flock. No one dared look scornfully or pityingly at Barricade, he had no tolerance for sinners or saints.
They did not depend on the temples for sustenance. During their brief time in Praxus, Prowl had apprenticed under a baker designated Mirror. It had been she who had directed him to Staniz when it had been clear life in Praxus would be more hardship than plenty. With the war between Vos and Tarn over, herds that had settled too close to the Praxian, Vosian border had quickly started coming under attack by bounty hunters. Though he and Barricade and their families had settled in Petrex, there had been no telling how deep into Praxus those hunters would search. Prowl knew his owners would want to retrieve him; he had been their prized heifer.  The bakery he had started, just a small little shop at the edge of the market, had done well so far. Barricade was an asset to the operation. No one dared try to strong arm or scam him. They got their supplies without endless bartering and their invoices were always paid.  Their creations helped them after they got out of school. While their neighbours might have looked down at their family with pity, Prowl did not feel any need for sympathy. He adored his creations and the life they were building together.
“Hiya, Prowler!” Jazz greeted him with that silly nickname and Prowl flushed.  Though he had been leery of the farmer when they had first met, Jazz had grown on him. Like a rust infection was what Barricade said. His brother may have teased but Prowl knew he was just as taken with Ricochet, Jazz’s twin.
“Hello, Jazz,” Prowl replied. “Would you like your usual?”
“And one o’ yer peridot cobblers,” Jazz smiled brightly as he placed his order. “A bribe for Ori. I was hopin’ ya might wanna leave yer bits wit’m so we could have a lil date-cycle.”
“Oh,” Prowl said and he flushed a ridiculous shade of blue. He felt his internals tighten at the prospect of a dark-cycle with Jazz. “If Punch doesn’t mind.”
“‘M sure he won’t,” Jazz replied. “He’s been talkin’ bout how he’s teachin’ the lils to knit. He loves havin’ so many honourary grandbitties.”
“Your originator is so dear to them,” Prowl sighed and smiled, shyly. “They would be thrilled to have a charge-over with him. I’ll add some crullers, free of charge, to sweeten the pot.”
“Perfect,” Jazz grinned and he beckoned Prowl closer. “Hey, can I give ya a tip, Beautiful?”
“You do not need…” Prowl was silenced by a kiss on his lipplates. Jazz cupped Prowl’s face in his servos and Prowl sighed in his embrace. It was a sweet kiss. Everything was always so sweet with Jazz.
“I’ll pick ya up at close,” Jazz promised, voice rich and seductive. “See ya this dark-cycle.”
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Hi so I've seen like your horizon x bangalore stuff. and idk wanted to see legends react to it.... *pokes fingers*
You gay bitch. I’m in.
Bloodhound & Loba: Bloodhound has always liked Bangalore, they find her enthusiasm for firearms both useful and amusing, and they respect each other’s want for privacy in their personal lives. That said, there was always a sadness around her. When Loba got added to the equation she agreed that she worried about her, “because we have issues, but we also have hobbies.” It’s when they look in the firing range one day and catch Horizon kissing her, and see the lovestruck look on her face, that the two legends feel their friend will be alright.
Gibraltar: He’s been drinking buddies with Bangalore for years and always teased her about pretty girls that would walk by ‘cause she was like a teenager, just stuttering and blushing and immediately changing the subject. He was 99 percent sure if she ever tried to ask a girl out she’d faint before she finished saying “hi”. So going out to get drinks and finding Horizon and her arm in arm prompted shocked laughter, a great amount of teasing from him and Horizon to the point Bangalore buried her face in the bar, and a round of drinks on him.
Lifeline: Horizon seemed so intensely focused on her son she’s surprised when the woman mentions, casually, that she had a date that night. When she further elaborates that it’s Bangalore, she’s even more surprised since, in her mind, Bangalore is kind of an ass. Still, as weeks pass and Bangalore becomes less and less surly, she decides sometimes the perfect medicine for asshole is just a daily spoonful of sweetheart.
Pathfinder: After seeing friend Bangalore cry twice in one hour that one time, he is very happy that she has found someone so she maybe won’t have to do that again the next time someone digs into her intensely conflicted and emotional past!
Wraith: When she finds a small note apologizing for “maybe overstepping a boundary” from Bangalore in her dorm, the voices tell her something is up. At first, she thinks it’s an elaborate assassination attempt, and then she thinks Bang is just fucking with her, and then she realizes Bangalore’s been a lot happier lately, so there’s some kind of connection between that and this. Then she sees Bang leave an orchid with a bow on Horizon’s desk and realizes the connection. She concludes she and Bangalore can talk (and they do, and things are a lot less tense afterward).
Bangalore: Girl!!! Like me??? Girl!!! AHHHHHHH. Then she’s laying back in bed watching Horizon use one of her gravity pads to put Christmas lights along the rim of the ceiling and thanking God quietly in her head. It breaks her heart to think about what’ll happen when Horizon finally finds her way home, and when she hopefully finds her own, but if she’s learned anything over the years, it’s to treasure the sun before it sets.
Caustic: Raises eyebrows, nothing more. Bangalore is a competent teammate, and Horizon is an admirable scientific and intellectual equal, despite their disagreements on morality. Perhaps some interesting data changes will occur in the games with the partnership. Perhaps he’ll get more coffee. It has about the same pertinence in his life.
Mirage: He is super excited for Horizon, who visits the Paradise Lounge to talk sometimes (which he totally doesn’t spend fan-boying). She just seems so much more lively and bubbly than she already is and, well, damn, one of the Legendary Sad Sacks has to have something going for them other than a tragic backstory. He is surprised it’s Bangalore, though, cause he was pretty sure, like pretty-pretty? sure Loba had a thing for Mary, except maybe it was the new Valkyrie girl, or maybe Valkyrie had a thing for Loba and Loba had a thing for Bangalore? Wait, where was he going with this? Eh, he’ll just give Horizon a congratulatory beer and give Bang shit for it later ‘cause there was no way Horizon would let Bang coat his gym bag in prowler pheromones, right?...Right?
Octane: Lifeline tells him. He says, “yo, think getting laid will make Bang less of a tight ass?” He then recalls being thrown and waking up in the infirmary. Bangalore had been behind him the whole time. He was 100% correct, though.
Wattson: Horizon invited her over to do a dual experiment. She walked in when Bangalore was coming out of the shower, naked. She put two and two together and quizzed Horizon about all the little details while Bangalore made herself decent. She’d always known Bangalore as a little standoffish and anti-social, though sweet, so she excitedly congratulates her as well when she gets out. When their 1yr anniversary approaches, Bangalore asks if Wattson can help her make a little custom Nessie with a tiny star projector in it for Horizon and Wattson is only happy to oblige.
Crypto: He knew before everyone else because of his snooping through the Syndicate security camera detail, unwittingly seeing their first kiss almost in a camera blind spot in one of the corridors. He’s caught them hugging, kissing, and cuddling in various alcoves and corners and always quietly erases the footage for them, though says nothing. He’s just glad somebody on the dropship doesn’t hate their life.
Revenant: Didn’t know, didn’t care, vaguely threatened Horizon in front of Bangalore for funsies. He woke up in one of his other bodies a while later with an ache in his gut where she’d, apparently, severed one of his main sets of tubing. He tried to eviscerate her in the Games after that, but Horizon got him with a peacekeeper. He tried going for Horizon and suddenly there was Bangalore, and he was waking up in a new body again. He decided they weren’t worth it. Though he could have totally taken them on. Just didn’t want to.
Rampart: She gives Bangalore constant shit. Makes kissy faces, asks how her giiiiiiiirlfriend is doing in a sing-song voice, pokes her when Horizon is in sight, has sang the “Anita and Mary sittin’ in a tree” rhyme more than once, which usually makes Horizon laugh and Bang chase her. But she’s also usually the one Bangalore talks to casually about it the most, besides Loba, and thinks Horizon is good for her and, truthfully, that Bang is good for Horizon, too.
Horizon: It took her a while to admit the feelings to herself since her relationships have a history of not working out, and that she sort of had a time limit on how long she’d even be in this century. But the heart wants what it wants, and Horizon is a romantic at her core. Bangalore was initially extremely oblivious but once she said, “I like you darlin’, but I mean that in the gayest way possible” she got the memo and turned out to be a bit of a romantic herself. She feels like Bangalore keeps her grounded, out of her own head when it keeps running on the hamster wheel to nowhere. And even though the woman has like, 3 braincells some days, she loves her. One of her favorite things is when Bangalore sings in the shower, but she’s never told her that.
Fuse: He doesn’t know either very well, but he thinks they look good together. He and Horizon will go drinking sometimes, now it just involves Bangalore as well, and sometimes Gibraltar and Rampart if they tag along. But in general they’re not a couple of pikers* so they’re A-OK in his book.
Valkyrie: When they are all on a team together, she thinks it’s HILARIOUS to shout, “LET’S GO LESBIANS!” before charging another team or third-partying. Horizon and Bangalore also find it pretty funny, but neither has ever given Valkyrie the satisfaction.
*Apparently Australian slang for couples that leave parties early/boring couples. I just googled it don’t @ me
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drunk-onsunlight · 4 years
Day #1: Beautiful, what's your hurry? 
Chapters: 1/12 Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Michelle Jones & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Happy Hogan/May Parker (Spider-Man), Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), spideychelle - Relationship, Betty Brant & Ned Leeds Characters: Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Betty Brant, May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Additional Tags: Spideychelle Promptmas 2020, MJ is Black Cat, Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Iron Dad, Canon? Don't Know Her, Comic Elements, Rhino is causing problems, Prowler is causing problems, Dr. Octopus is causing problems, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Morgan is a smartass, Ned Leeds is a Good Bro, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
12 days of promptmas where Peter is having fun being Spider-Man until too many bad guys are around and a certain Cat tries to kiddnap Ned in the middle of a fight (or something like that) and all he can think about is "how is he going to pretend to have a relationship with MJ on that Stark party on Christmas break?"
I'm terribly excited and proud of this fic so I hope you have as much fun reading as I had writing it. You will find short chapters and others... not so short, they are hell long (sorry, not sorry). Done with the blablabla and have fun in this 12 Days of Promptmas Remember that every chapter's concept will influence a big plot ;)
Concept 43. Roommates 2. Shopping
Dialogue 56. "Do you wanna built a snowman?" 46. "You do know that Santa's not real, right?"
December 18th - One week before Christmas Peter and MJ have been living together for two years now. They decided it was the best way to not be totally broke because of their attempt to live in NYC while college and being close to their families in Queens. And the best way for Peter to be Spider-Man and be close to the Avengers facilities without anyone knowing, including MJ. Peter didn't knew how he have managed to keep his identity hidden while living with MJ but it was good, she wasn't in danger if she didn't know about his superhero thing. Peter and MJ had strict rules about their privacy and that made everything easier. They never went to the others bedrooms for anything, at least one of them was sick and that wasn't happening frequently. So basically Peter charged his IronSpider suit without worrying about MJ finding it and probably friking out and his three different suits were on the closet or under his bed totally save. MJ had her own secrets and he wasn't the right person to sneak a peek inside her room to find out, so he respected her room, privacy and secrets as much as she respected his. Morgan has called on a Thursday claiming that she needed to spend time with his big brother on Christmas break or she will take him out of work from The Bugle on some fake news that Spider-Man was around a shopping mall she wanted to visit. The ten year old was very persistent, just like her parents. Of course he said yes, he wanted to take some pictures of Manhattan while you can still walk around Central Park, also, some early shopping for Christmas was too perfect to reject. Morgan arrived to MJ and Peter's apartment early in the morning and took a second quick breakfast with her brother and MJ. ---------
"So, Morgan! How's school going?" MJ was familiar now with the little girl and wasn't surprised of Peter's contacts with the Stark. What she never understood was how Peter ended up working for J. Jonah Jameson and not in Stark Industries, maybe his passion for photography was bigger than his love for chemistry and labs. "Pretty good, actually! I'm looking forward to High school, looks exciting" oh poor innocent soul. But she wasn't going to break her little bubble of happiness, definitely not on the holidays! "You're getting old Morgan! High school? That's big!" Peter was always cheering Morgan, no matter what. He was such a good old brother "Then you are even more old because you are in college and you have a job, too" Morgan said with her mouth full of pancakes, that MJ was pretty sure Pepper will not approve. "MJ! You are gonna let her treat us like grannies because we have a job?" Peter always tried to get MJ involved in his conversations but she still had that little observant in her from High school "Well, if we are that old then we can't go shopping today. What if we get a cold? That would be terrible for this two old people" that was the plan, shopping with Morgan but MJ had another plan for her visit to Manhattan, but they didn't need that information "noooo!!!! We have to go shopping! My dad gave me lots of money to spend on everyone’s present! I want to buy something nice for Uncle Happy and Aunt May, for mom and dad and of course for you both! Even for Ned and Betty!" yes, that was their little group now. How on earth Peter was able to keep such a strong relationship with the Starks and his security head, after two years working for their labs, was still a mystery. Well, it wasn't hard to get attached to the Parkers and with Peter always came Ned and now Betty. "Ok Morgan! Then let's go. If we are in Manhattan as soon as the shops are open we will get good presents for everyone" the little girl took her plate when the pancakes were to the kitchen and run to get her coat, scarf and gloves for the cold. "How much money do you think she actually has, Parker?" "She is ten, so maybe not much. But she is a Stark so maybe a couple hundred? Who knows? I'm gonna text Pepper just to check, if I text Tony he will probably encourage her to buy the whole shopping mall" Peter walked to his room while Morgan returned from the living room and started jumping in front on MJ to show her that she was ready to go "Ok, we will go in a few. Can you go to your brother's room for a bit while I look for my things?" "Yeap! Don't take long, MJ!" "Don't worry. I will be fast. Promise!" MJ walked to her room and locked the door. She needed to change something from her outfit without Peter and Morgan knowing. That will bring lots of questions that she wasn't ready to answer, especially to Peter. She took her bag with all the things she needed for the day and checked twice that the leather suit under her clothes wasn't visible. "MJ is back!! We can go! Let's go Pete" Morgan was bubbling with happiness so they finally went out of the little apartment. They went down the five floors and started walking through the cold streets of New York with Morgan in between them. Each holding one of her tiny hands. The girl was talking about her school friends, her new favorite topic in class and her love for science, just like his dad. Peter and Morgan were having a lovely chat about the new tech Stark was designing while MJ was waiting for her moment to leave them for a while. "How do you know all of this, Morgan? Pepper hasn't forbid you from the labs?" "Yeah, but she stopped telling me to not go there after my tenth time sneaking into the labs." "As reasonable as your dad, I see" "And you Pete. That's why you are my brother" Peter had an easy smile on his face when he talked to Morgan. It was nice to see him so relaxed, he was extremely stressed and had been for the last year. College could be a nightmare even being a genius like Peter. "Ammm, I have to go Morgan. Would you forgive me if I go for a few minutes? I promise I will be back" "Nooo!!! Why? I can talk to you more if you want. It’s just that Peter never shuts up" "Its fine Morgan. I love hearing you both talk about nerdy things, but can I tell you a secret?" the girl’s eyes light up and she moved away a little from Peter "I'm very good at keeping secrets, MJ. You can trust me" MJ got to Morgan’s level which means she was almost on her knees. "I'm going to buy Peter's present and he can't see it because it's a surprise. Can you keep that secret?" Morgan's face showed all her excitement and started nodding furiously "Then I will text Peter when I'm done, ok?" she said the last looking at Peter to let him know she was going back with them "Ok! See you MJ!!" Morgan waved at MJ while she crossed the street to a few jewelry stores. She entered one of the stores and checked that Peter and Morgan were gone before leaving to a close ally to change into her leather suit, mask and silver wig. ------ "MJ is really nice. And pretty!" if Peter never closed his mouth, Morgan was just like him, but Peter loved it "Yeah. She is really nice" "And pretty. My dad said he is a little bit afraid of her for all your stories about her in high school but I think that makes her even greater" "Well yes, she is pretty and why I never knew your dad was afraid of MJ? Now I'm gonna mock him for that" "you didn't hear it from me, Pete" "so, what where you and MJ talking about?" "No, no, it's a secret and I don't share secrets even if there are small. Like your secret, does MJ knows, by the way?" "No, she doesn't and you know that's the best thing for her so it's going to be a secret until something terrible happens like she gets in my room and I'm arriving from patrol or something like that" he didn't want to think about the possibility of MJ finding out about him being Spider-Man because patrol ended bad "How's Ned doing? Is he still your Guy in the Chair?" "Nop, he is retired. Now he has proclaimed himself as a FOS" "what's that?" "FOS as Friend of Spider-Man" "so, I'm a FOS too, right?"
"Yes, you are Morgan. That's why you have to be really careful on not speaking about Spidey outside of the labs or the facilities. Ok?" "Yeap. Got it. Don't worry about that. Mom thought me well. She talked about a few bad experiences she had because she is close to my dad and I don't want to go through any of that" Morgan was very young but very intelligent, any other kid would be screaming at the top of their lungs that their adoptive brother was a superhero just like their dad. But she knew better than that. "Hey! Look at all the snow in the park. Do you wanna built a snowman, Morgan?!" he was very excited about the possibility but Morgan not so much "I would love it but can we wait for MJ? I think she will enjoy it as much as we will" "Ok. Let me check my phone for any messages. Maybe she wrote me and we didn't notice" no new messages from MJ, but apparently Black Cat had stolen a few things from a store on the opposite side of Manhattan. The police was taking care of the case but the evidence wasn't much. They never had enough evidence when Black Cat was involved, she was becoming a problem in New York and Peter was going to pay more attention to the new dressed up villain, but first he needed to stop Rhino. He was the big problem, has been for the last year, appearing and disappearing every few months but each time he came back, he was stronger. "Did she say something?" "No yet. What if we go to that shopping mall, do some actual shopping and then back to that snowman?" "Yes! I want to buy some summer clothes to my dad and some beautiful heels to my mom! Maybe some kitchen utensils to Uncle Happy and more nice shoes for Aunt May! What do you think, Pete?" "I think we have lots of things to do then! Let's go before MJ is back. We need to buy her a present too" they walked to the shopping mall and got a few things for everyone. Morgan bought some shorts for Tony, with Iron Man's face on them, some really expensive heels for Pepper and May and different bakery supplies for Happy "I have Ned's present in Stark Industries. It's a new program my dad worked on that I think he will love. But don't tell him! It's a secret" "don't worry peanut, your secret it's save with me" "thanks Pete. Ok, what are we buying to MJ?" "I have an idea... But we have to go find somewhere affordable and that can sell me a very specific object. Santa can't bring that present from the North Pole for her" "You do know that Santa's not real, right?" "What? MORGAN! You can't say that!!" "I'm sorry Pete. Did I ruin your fantasy?" "No... But now that's a big secret you will have to keep. No one can know that Santa is not real" after Peter and Morgan went out of the store they choose for MJ's present, Peter's phone started to sound along to Jingle Bells. "Hey MJ. We done shopping here. Where are you? Do you wanna built a snowman?" "A snowman?" "Yes. Morgan wanted to wait for you to build it in the park a few block away from where we were" "Oh. Yeah. I know where, see you there in ten?" "Perfect. See you in a few" "She's coming to build the snowman?" "Yes she is" "I really like MJ, Peter" "Yeah. Me too" -----
After a small walk and some time to find the best place to build the snowman, MJ, Peter and Morgan reunited and started looking for things to complete the medium sized snowballs that they managed to make. Morgan found a few stones for the eyes, MJ took a few branches for the arms and Peter was trying to find something for the nose of the snowman. After a few minutes he found a branch that wasn't to tin as the snowman's arms but it was too long. He broke the branch in the thicker part and placed it in the snowman face. "Oh Peter! The gym is actually paying! You broke that like it was a pencil!" Morgan’s face screamed at him that that action wasn’t completely normal for a regular person "Yeeaaahhh... The, the gym! Of course!" MJ was looking at him a little bit suspicious. She still managed to hide most her emotions but after living with her, Peter learned to read her more than she thought. "Well, I need to start going to the gym too then, you have been going since high school and it's finally working apparently" Peter knew MJ wasn't stupid, or blind for the matter. She has seen him without a shirt and knew about how his body has changed through the years because of his superhero thing, but for her, and everyone else... He was just going to the gym. That was the logic explanation behind his ripped body and his very useful strength. Peter tried to move away from MJ’s suspicious face while lifting Morgan from the ground.
“I think it’s quite decent. What do you think, Em?” Peter asked MJ
“I don’t look that bad, actually! Morgan, can you rate the snowman?” They were looking at the weird snowballs with the stones for eyes and several branches around his “body”
“I give it a 7 out of 10, something is missing… A SCARF!!! He’s getting cold without a scarf” Ok, Santa wasn’t real but the snowman was getting cold. Peter and MJ shared a look and started laughing, they found funny that the snowballs were cold. Peter took his scarf off from around his neck and placed it on between the top snowball and the middle one.
“There you have it! Now he is fine and won’t get a cold” Morgan looked pleased at the snowman and took MJ’s hand in her right hand and she offered her left had to Peter.
“Ok, now it’s a ten. I think we can go and wrap all this presents on the apartment. Can we Peter?” Morgan looked a little tired
“We definitely should, maybe we can have some hot drink too” MJ wrapped her bag on her shoulder without letting go of Morgan’s hand while Peter took the six different bags from around the snowman and the three of them stared to head home.
Thanks to @spiderman-homecomeme for organising this amazing event!
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eeveelizard1229 · 4 years
Eeeee I joined the self ship gang and apexsona gang, definitely a way different character that I ended up making compared to my first two mini ideas and I still need to work on things like patching up his backstory, tactical and ultimate abilities, apex legend name, etc. But for now y’all can have my ref of him and a few facts and if you want to know more let me know! I like him quite a bit so maybe I’ll get to doing more art of him along with finishing the other Apex Legends Dragons and stuffles. Anyway enjoy!
Fair warning, long post and many rambles as I gush about my character haha
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My dude here is Montrell Howling! He’s a support class legend that mainly cares for the wildlife around Kings Canyon and Worlds Edge along with training the Prowlers in Bloodhound’s town take over, but soon found himself competing every now and again. He’s quiet and imitating at a glance, but he’s more like a gentle giant once you get to know him even if he can be impulsive sometimes when it comes to caring for wildlife- as seen by his prosthetic eye and arm and all his scars. (Btw with everything going on around with BLM please let me know if anything needs to be changed or things like that in case and stuffles, I’m here to please and make friends not offend and make enemies uwu)
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And this is Andromeda/Space Walker, Montrell’s passive ability and best animal friend! (Yes she is based on the Space Walker Prowler skin, all puns intended- it was one of my first legendary skins so I feel very connected to it.) She was taken in by Montrell when they were both young, and since then she has joined him on many missions to save other creatures and has been trained much like guard dogs and such. She’s fairly sassy and spoiled but loyal as hell to Monty, very expressive as well and holds most of his common sense when faced with a dangerous beast.
The way his passive works with her is that she is with him at all times and can attack enemies in range and search for pinged attachments. If a attachment is pinged again she will look for a higher tier one, but cannot search death boxes/vaults/etc however (like Loba’s Ult can grab stuff from vaults and death boxes at a range), she needs to find the item lying on the ground. She can also wear extra armor as well(not the helm), but if given a low level Evo Shield it will not charge. She can be respawned if she took too much damage, but only Montrell can respawn her. The ability is dubbed Man’s Best Friend, but ofc like his other abilities they are work in progresses and I am always up to take tips and have others help in this continued creation!
Anyway ramble is over haha, if you got this far and enjoyed my characters thank you so much! Remember I am totally up to talking to everyone about how I can improve and add onto my character and what I can change and stuff, so please talk to me and yeah! There are still a few other things in my head that I know about him that I’d be up to sharing and stuffles, again thanks for dealing with my long ass post and stuff and thanks for putting up with my post in general, I love you all! Stay cool my dudes!
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lurkeresq · 4 years
“The Washington Post keeps track of all the victims of police shootings. Let’s look at some of the tragedies of the last 3 years.
In 2017, Police shot and killed 223 black men.
Most of the victims were armed. 131 had a gun. 35 had a knife. 21 were unarmed.
Many of the victims were fleeing the scene of the crime, on foot or by car.
Let’s focus on the most brutal cases, where police killed an unarmed victim who was not fleeing the scene of a crime.
There were 9 unarmed people who were shot. You can Google the names of each one to see what happened.
The first name on that list was Jean Pedro Pierre. You can watch the video of the encounter here:
In short, Jean punches one cop, gets tased ineffectively, drags the cop around by his feet for about a minute, charges towards a second cop, then gets shot.
The second is Brian Easley, who took hostages in a bank:
The 3rd is Dejuan Guillory. Circumstances are unclear, it sounds like he got in a verbal and then physical altercation with a cop, then walked away, then the cop got him on the ground and shot him. At some point, Dejuan’s girlfriend jumped on the cop’s back and bit his neck. This one’s totally not obvious to me, the victim was needlessly aggressive, but it could also be that the cop lost his temper and murdered Dejuan, in which case the cop should definitely be in jail.
4th, Marc Brandon Davis, I can’t find enough information to comment on.
5th is Ricco Devante Holden. Sounds like he was drunk, got in a fight with a cop, got tased, fought his way into a police car, and then got shot.
6th is Jordan Edwards, a 15 year old victim. You can watch the video here:
It’s kind of chaotic — the cops are breaking up a party, someone starts firing gunshots outside, people are fleeing, one car ignores multiple police demands to stop and keeps driving, one officer shoots. He says that he was worried that the car would hit him or his partner, it looks like he made the wrong call. The officer got a 15 year sentence for the shooting.
7th is Alteria Woods, a 21 year old pregnant woman hit in the crossfire during a SWAT raid. Cops claim that her boyfriend used her as a human shield. There are not a lot of other details available:
GIFFORD, Fla. - A 21-year-old pregnant woman was killed during a Sunday morning shootout amid a SWAT raid at Florida…www.cbsnews.com
8th is Nana Adomako, who went into a Verizon store, grabbed a phone from an employee, hit him, and threatened to kill him. The officer found Nana outside, got into a fight with him, couldn’t win the fight even with the help of his police dog, and shot the suspect:
FREMONT, Calif. (KGO) -- The brother of a man Fremont Police shot and killed last week is talking with ABC7 News about…abc7news.com
9th is Darrion Barnhill. Officers approached him after being called for someone beating on a door, they found he had multiple outstanding warrants for assault (and his girlfriend had filed for protection from him). He assaulted the officers, threw one on the ground. Officers tazed him and shot him, it’s not clear whether they could have simply tazed him.
CLOSE A 23-year-old man was shot and killed Tuesday night by Henderson County deputies after officers responded to a…www.commercialappeal.com
These are just the unarmed victims of 2017.
Maybe I just picked a bad year?
In 2019, the number of similar victims (unarmed, not fleeing from a crime) dropped to 4.
We have Atatiana Jefferson, who died from some very bad police work, the cop acted like a prowler outside her house, and then shot her through her window:
But we also have Channara Tom Pheap, who assaulted a cop. He choked the cop, grabbed the cop’s taser, and used it on him:
Knoxville Police Department Officer Dylan Williams was justified in fatally shooting Channara "Philly" Pheap in August…www.knoxnews.com
We have Melvin Watkins, who came to a party, had a few drinks and got into a fight. Other partygoers called the cops, hoping they could escort him away. For unclear reasons, the officer shot Melvin instead. This looks like an unnecessary homicide:
BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - The wife of a man killed by an East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office (EBRSO) deputy Saturday…www.wafb.com
And we have Kevin Bruce Mason, who threatened to kill a cop and later got shot. He’d shot a cop earlier in his life.
A man was found dead inside a Northwest Baltimore home after a Baltimore police officer fired shots at him during an…www.baltimoresun.com
When we talk about lots of unarmed black victims, murdered by police, it’s rare. It’s often people that are assaulting cops. It is sometimes cops that have lost control of a violent situation, after having already tried using a taser.
It’s not always George Floyd or Philando Castile or the other, most tragic events you see on the news. These tragedies do happen. Innocent black men are killed by the police. Several people get killed for holding a toy weapon, every year. Those cases are fucking tragic, as well. But the average black man killed by police is armed with a gun, fleeing the scene of a crime, or assaulting an officer.
Are you surprised by this? Does this sound different than the news you read?
As riots begin to sweep the nation, NPR writes about police brutality.
They give examples of how black people have died:
We wanted to learn more about each person’s final moments before the police ended their lives. Here’s some of what we learned:
Eric Garner had just broken up a fight, according to witness testimony.
Walter Scott was going to an auto-parts store.
Philando Castile was driving home from dinner with his girlfriend.
Eric Reason was pulling into a parking spot at a local chicken and fish shop.
Dominique Clayton was sleeping in her bed.
Breonna Taylor was also asleep in her bed.
I recognized some of the names. Eric Garner. Philando Castile. Breonna Taylor.
And I didn’t recognize some of the other names.
“Dominique Clayton was sleeping in her bed.”
That sounds horrible. A cop murdered a woman sleeping in her own bed. Why would a cop do that? Google the name:
A Mississippi officer has been taken into custody for the murder of a 32-year-old woman who was reportedly his…meaww.com
The cop was having an affair with the murdered woman. But he didn’t want his wife to find out. NPR is billing it as racist police brutality, when it’s a love affair between a white man and a black woman. He’d bought her a car and was buying her a house. I don’t know what to call it. A tragedy? Domestic violence? Not police brutality. It appears that he’s still under trial for her murder.
Or, NPR says,
“Eric Reason was pulling into a parking spot at a local chicken and fish shop.”
You can watch the video of what happened:
VALLEJO - The city of Vallejo has released four videos showing a resident pulling a gun on an off-duty cop as the two…www.mercurynews.com
Eric Reason and an off duty cop got in a fight over a parking spot. Eric went to his car, got a gun and shows it to the cop, threatening him. The cop got his own gun out and killed the man. The cop shot him as he was running away. A fucked up incident in many ways! Also, both men are black!
A lot of the cases are ambiguous. Walter Scott got stopped in traffic, ran from a cop, got in a fight, got tased, kept running. Cop shot him in the back. Pretty awful, sounds like incorrect police behavior. But NPR only reports that Scott was driving to the store.
NPR gives the impression that if you’re black, you’re not even safe in your own bed. You can’t even pull into a parking lot safely.
The reality is that you’re usually safe, as long as you do not wave a gun at cops or assault them.
The number of unarmed police shooting victims has declined since 2015:
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The news publicizes the shit out of the worst cases, because that’s what gets clicks. And it has consequences. The riots right now are one consequence. And people are dying.
As of June 2, 2020, eleven deaths have been confirmed during the George Floyd demonstrations.
In today’s social media dystopia, you can watch the people dying. Here’s one black man who was killed by looters.
And violence has generally risen in some cities. In Chicago, shootings soared over the weekend, 92 people were shot, 27 were killed:
27 people were killed and at least 92 were wounded by gun violence in Chicago’s most violent weekend of the year so…www.wifr.com
And, if you’ve forgotten, we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. People of color have been disproportionately represented among the 100,000 Americans that have died so far. We’ll have to wait and see if these mass gatherings accelerate the spread of the virus.
The sad reality in all this is that blacks in America really are struggling. But police brutality is only one of their worries. Black people are unemployed and impoverished at high rates. Many live in violent communities. The murder rate in Black America is 6 times what it is in White America. About 8,000 black lives are lost to murder every year, mostly young black men in big cities shooting each other.
And the murder rate has gone up, as of late. After 2 decades of declining, America’s murder rate went up in 2015 and 2016:
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Some people think the increase in murders is because of less policing that started after the Ferguson protests. Others say that it’s because black people are afraid to call the police, because they think that the police will murder them, now more than ever.
Regardless of the cause, black people need safer communities.
This is not a struggle between good guys (BLM, antifa, white liberals) and bad guys (cops, Republicans, the alt right). But I see people on Facebook saying that, every day.
This is a very complicated discussion about how to make black neighborhoods safer, how to reduce criminal behavior in black neighborhoods, how to help with poverty, how to help with mental health, and how to improve policing.
Let me be clear. None of these protests will help black communities. People have lost lives. They have lost apartment buildings that have been burned down. They have lost the stores they need to shop at and work at.
This will trigger even more white flight to the suburbs, leaving poorly funded, segregated schools, and less jobs and opportunities for the people left behind.
And this will likely empower the Republicans. If the Democratic mayors and governors can’t provide law and order, voters will turn to the alternative.
I don’t have the answers to fixing our world. I think this event is ultimately driven by high unemployment and inequality. It’s driven by tribalism and dehumanizing the other side. I think police brutality is just the catalyst. Once this is over, I think we’ll have to work on improving all of these things. But, at the moment, all I can say is:
Stop the fucking riots.
Keep the protests peaceful. It’s the only way to win.
The Gift Of Fire”
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titleknown · 7 years
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I made a little drawing of a Pokemon-y Sand Squink, a creature from a body of American folklore called Fearsome Critters; Fearsome Critters’re basically America’s equivalent of Youkai and deserve more love.
Here’s a bit from a page from a guide to Fearsome Critters explaining this little critter, to show what they’re about:
Of limited distribution, but possessing most unusual characteristics. Reported to date only by prospectors, hunters and sheep-herders in the remote mountains of Washington. Built somewhat on the lines of a coyote, somewhat on the pattern of a bobcat, but with ears like a jack-rabbit. The tail is long and bushy, and is carried recurved along the back the same as a squirrel’s.
A nightly prowler. Emerges after dark and sinks down to the river to fish. The Squink isn't particularly fussy about its diet, but has a great fondness for electric eels. Probably on account of their higher pH content. When hungry it is a timid animal. But its courage returns after feeding, and it will then stalk boldly along the mountain trails until it sights a prospector returning from town.
Thereupon the Squink will precede its victim by two or three rods, slowly waving its long tail and touching one ear and then the other. The previous few miles of travel on a heavy feed of electric eels generates a substantial charge of static, and these alternating contacts produce a series of brilliant discharges which invariably please and attract the traveler, who follows and is never seen again.
Several nests of this animal have been located and carefully examined. They were all lined with portions of old inner tubes, while the eggs (for the Squink is oviparous1) were shelled with bakelite2.
Basically, think an American Pikachu and you’re pretty close...
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