#I hate all of the other arturia’s so
tariah23 · 5 months
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zeravmeta · 5 months
Super Sankta 2 Exu sounds like an excellent idea Zerav. For maximum meme, she's a John Wick style Guard- just uses guns to bash in people's skulls.
Super Sankta 2 Exu whose going John Wick style on people is funny but my concept for Exia Alter was always based on like, the concept that Skadi Alter first introduced that we all thought at the time was gonna be the standard fare for alters
My Ultimate Sankta vs Exia 3 concept was based around the idea of a "Bad End" Exia the way Skadi Alter is, where Exia would be further mechanized ala Executor and become an emotionless seraphim-type unit who would essentially be the ultimate Sankta weapon. This would happen as the result of Laterano having some kind of big event that would cause them to pull all remaining Sankta from all corners of Terra for their promised day of ascension where they would leave Terra and all its problems behind, with certain Sankta (Like Exia) essentially being the vanguards and protectors of these people (I essentially just took the idea of the Rapture and assigned it to the Sankta), with the event concept in question being Penguin Logistics invading this holy land to save their girl.
So like. you can imagine how hard ive been popping off with all the new lore reveals we've gotten over the past 2 years. That said, this concept is a little outdated, and just leaving it at that would be no fun
So here's my pitch for how Exia Alter 4: The Quest For Peace would go with modern foresight (added read more because reasons)
The Popes basement computer in Zwillingsturme just let out a directive that they need to gather their best Sankta to fight against the end of the world. This is in conjunction with the last few events squarely tying together Iberia's Seaborn plotline with both Laterano and Siracusa and their dividing faiths. Now, all of this is in conjunction with the hints we've been getting that Penguin Logistics is going to split up (Lappland and Mostima have already flown the coop, and currently the rest are in Siracusa helping Texas the Amogus, but that will likely not last especially bc Exia's own anniversary line all but majorly hints at this split happening because they all got different stuff going on)
If Penguin Logistics splits, Exia will well and truly be left without a support system.
Now, Exia has always been kind of off as far as Sankta go, because for all intents and purposes she shouldn't be out of place: We see just how Sankta tend to act in Guide Ahead, and Exia didn't really seem all that different. Yet, when we look at her history and actions (she was basically kicked out, she was super accident prone which made other Sankta hate her, as part of Penguin Logistics shes constantly drunk, Texas herself says that Exia being an optimist makes her different, etc), she's actually Really different.
Almost like she has an abnormality compared to other Sankta. Me and a few others (check out @annierosaart post here) have speculated on her being different, but we also don't really know WHY: Even if she was suddenly disconnected from the Sankta empathy powers, we don't see any indication of how, and unlike Ezell we don't have any sort of 'wake-up' moment for her.
But given the weirdness about her and her lines, I think I know what the exact nature of her abnormality may be (and heres my pitch) when looking at the most relevant characters who have abnormalities, namely Executor and Arturia, because I think she falls in line with them (shameless plug to my old exia/executor buddies post):
Executor's abnormality is that his emotions are incredibly muted compared to others. He isn't heartless or emotionless, but more that his heart and mind runs on rationale and logic first and foremost, which almost disqualified him from being canonized had he also not been Laternos single most competent man because saint fedex is entirely disconnected from caring about petty things like being racist.
Arturia's abnormality is that she is receptively empathetic to the point she has nothing within her. She can remove the inhibitions of people, and this is in service to understanding them, because she lacks an understanding of herself: She has a grand dream of an empathy for the world even beyond the Sankta Empathy power, and to accomplish this she draws out the emotions that people hide. As a result, she reflects the emotions of others within herself and thus is incredibly empathetic to the point she's also lacking in emotions and a self.
Exia? I think that her abnormality is that she's too emotional, that the emotions she feels are far more amplified compared to others.
I believe this for a couple of reasons: All the weirdness surrounding her aside, whats the one thing that's always defined Exia? Her Rapid Casting EX. It's always been memed about, but simply firing a single bullet from a gun is akin to casting an Arts attack, with guns serving as a type of wand in these cases. Exia is the only character within the series whose been noted to be so fast with her arts and casting.
This post here does a phenomenal job expanding on this point, but Arts are an expression of the soul, they're influenced by emotions and become stronger with them because they are ultimately expressions of the self, which all characters in and of themselves having a "unique" arts inherent to them. Hell, all of Leithaniens arts are based around using musical expression, while Sarkaz are noted for their arts based on souls and memory, with the literal main heroine of Arknights having an empathy based arts superpower.
Exia, having Super Emotion as her Sankta halo abnormality, could explain why shes so good at gun, even without Oripathy, because said emotions are boosting her casting ability. Remember, anyone can use originum arts, it's just that oripathy is needed for them to be able to do it without a casting device.
This heightened emotion could also possibly explain her crush on Mostima, and even why Mostima is so weird/cruel about her: Mostima was simply a childhood friend alongside her and her sister, and yet when she left for Lungmen, Exia was hot on her trails and then waited 4 YEARS to be beside her and meet her again. She joined Penguin Logistics specifically because of Mostima. It's incredibly likely that Exia might have just had a small crush on her that then spiraled heavily because of this, and Mostima (with her chronic backstory-itis letting her find out that the whole Sankta and halo thing is a scam from her op files and events) might even be aware of this aspect of Exia, and may have wanted her to get over it, always leaving to try and make Exia move on but also always coming back because she needs to look after Exia. After all, if Exia had heightened extreme emotions, what are the chances she could die of grief? She already gets drunks regularly, and despite being cheerful and optimistic, Exia is wearing a mask hiding an incredibly depressed individual.
It could also be possible that the reason why Exia never noticed this is because while it doesn't let other Sankta feel her emotions, she can still feel that of others. She's always confused as to why back in Laterano people always accused her of being disingenuous, because can't they feel her emotions? Well, if she has Super Emotions, it could potentially be overloading her halo, so while she can receive signals, they can't be felt by others. Moreover, this mechanical aspect blends in well with her E2 art, where she is the single operator in the game without an animal/living motiff
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Even other Sankta have birds and/or human statues and robotic elements (funnily enough, Executor Sniper only has crosses but even then he is clearly being themed as specifically an angel), but Exia? She has her guns, becoming wings as a ring forms with them. She's literally ascending while her wings become darker.
So what does all this mean?
Well, the Pope's basement bonzi buddy just sent out a directive for the Pope to gather the best Sankta to fight against the end of the world, and who else to recruit but a vulnerable, lonely Sankta who was kicked out for being TOO destructive? Exia's profile does make mention that despite appearances, she is also incredibly pious just like other Sankta, and if the Pope himself came knocking, wanting to give Exia a place back in Laterano, and in a high ranking, respected position no less?
She would jump at the chance, not only to be beside her sister (and possibly Mostima), but also to be accepted back into Laterano society.
Executors own halo has a mechanized element to it, where he also gains more parts to it when he goes from normalest man to saint fedex, so he likely underwent some kind of modification to go along with his promotion, especially because he also now carries an Nier Automata companion cube with him straight from the machine
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If Exia is to be canonized, she might be adjusted in a similar way by The Law.
She might even be fully altered into becoming Laterano's perfect weapon to fight against the end of the world. The Witch King himself describes this approaching threat as a void of infinite knowledge which seeks to eliminate them, an unshakeable truth of existence that drives people insane.
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The Creator must perish.
What better weapon to fight against such a thing than one who feels her own emotions so strongly she cannot be swayed? Or better yet, an equally as unshakeable, emotionless machine?
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akampana · 1 year
11. Emiya x Artoria
11. "Don't make me say it. I can't say the words. Pairing: Emiya x Artoria Tags: angst
That name–that damned name–he swore it would always haunt him, even if he’d long cast it aside. It would always be there. Staining his father’s grave. Carved upon his Spirit Origin. Smeared all over her beautiful lips. He hated it. 
“You…Your True Name…it’s Emiya?”
He could practically taste the anguish in her words when she said them, each syllable feeling like a sword to his chest. Archer didn’t dare look her in the eye. The last thing he needed to see was whatever emotion she held there. 
Somebody tried to stop him as he made for the exit. Somebody else tried to talk him into staying. But he was out the door before Arturia could call him by “name” again. Cú–that damn bastard and his slippery tongue. Archer should have known better than to drink with that idiot. He knew his mouth tended to run when alcohol was involved. He was careless. He shouldn’t have– 
“Wait. Please.”
 A hitch in his step. A stumble. But Archer continued his headway through Chaldea’s halls with a rushed pace. No. No. Hell no. He wasn’t dealing with this. 
He felt Arturia's fingers circle his wrist. It had been so long since he had touched her. Many a lonely night, he'd longed for that same touch, trying and failing to find its comfort between every summon. Many of those nights, he realized all he'd ever known was sweat against the grip of his twin swords and blood on the tips of his arrows. She was a dream; a single, impossible dream. She had no place in his life of infinite nightmares.
A few eons ago he would be on his knees, but now, his spirit didn't even stir. She might have as well called another name and it wouldn’t have made a difference. If anything, it was anger that moved him as he turned to face her. After years and years of trying to outrun his demons she’d dragged him right back into their damned den. 
"That's not who I am, Saber."
Arturia felt the floor slide from under her, smooth tile replaced by stone and gravel that cut at her heels. All of a sudden, the fluorescent lights were a brown sky of cinders and smoke and when she breathed all she tasted was ash. She blinked and swords were at her neck. Eyes devoid of all life and color stared her down. She felt like she was looking straight into a black hole, helpless as it tore her apart inch by inch. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. How could she, stifled by how glaringly empty the white haired vessel in front of her was?
The dull, metallic sound of gears turning filled the stale air between the two Servants. Unnoticed, a single tear slipped from her cheek, joining all those that had been spilled on the grounds of his nightmarish reality marble. She knew he was right. She need only look around for her proof. This place, this hill—if she squinted she could believe she was bleeding out on the fields of Camlann, her voice hoarse from grieving for her failures. If Shirou had taken the same path that she did, it was entirely possible for the man he became to end up here. 
Fresh salt welled up under her irises as she wept for the stranger before her. The hearth she once loved was but an empty fireplace now; the fire that once warmed her soul replaced by white ash. Maybe the other kings were right. She was a fool; a dreaming little girl clawing for delusions she could never achieve. 
As her tears fell, a bitter smile graced her face. "If you could just tell me, one last time, that it was real…that you loved—"
"I won’t. I can’t." Archer cut her off, pain shooting through his system like swords erupting from his flesh. A long, sharp ringing in his ear resounded as he looked down on the girl that changed his life several centuries ago. Her words haunted him like an echo, cyclically repeating till they left scars in the deepest recesses of his mind. Worse were her sea green eyes. He used to drink them up, but now he felt like he was drowning.
"Don't make me say it,” he grunted, lips quivering with every syllable, “I can't say the words."
Arturia’s tears ran dry before either of them said anything. Soon the orange sky had faded back into the white lights of the Chaldea halls. The knight swiped the back of her hand against her face. When he met her stare again, it had gone cold as ice, as if she’d discarded their warmth together with her tears. He realized at once she’d done what had taken him years to do: bury her feelings so far down there was no way she could ever reach them again. 
“My sincerest apologies for my earlier outburst,” she said stiffly, adopting a tone he hadn’t heard since they first met in that dark storage house. “Thank you for your answer. But…you are right. I should not have reminded you of your past when you’ve already cast it away.”
Why did it feel like his insides were being ripped out?  
Arturia dusted herself off, wearing that irritating soulless expression she liked to use with her knights. She gave him a soft, distant smile. “I hope you can forgive me…Archer.”
Part of him died that instant, the part that steadfastly hoped for the light at the end of the dark path, the reward he’d reap for all the suffering he endured, the warm welcome to paradise. He wondered if it was worth it to continue on his journey at all. She wouldn’t be waiting for him at the end. Not anymore.
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kob131 · 9 months
I Know im kicking a dead horse at this point, but i still think camelot singularity had the blandest mordred i have ever seen. She was a main servant in london, which is supposed to be a quite important position. they could've easily replace her with another knight, arthuriana have dozens of knights, nasu could peak any of them and i wouldnt complain.
The main problem isnt exactly that she was there, rather how they used her character (i would have prefered if she wasnt there and was on the opposite side with kay and gaheris). Camelot had some hits and misses in handeling kotr, like agravain's wasnt perfect but it was a good enough Introduction that even now a lot of people still want him to be playable. But it didnt really add anything to mordred. They probebly wanted to get a sad reaction from the player but there were so many things going on that they didnt really focus on her enough to be Impactful.
Sorry I took so long handling this.
I get this, Mordred wasn't really expanded on like Lancelot, Tristian, Gawain, Agravain and Bedivere were. She really is the blandest of the knights in Camelot.
But...thing is- the knights that sided with The Lion King were chosen because they reflect Bedivere's sense of duty and failure with Arturia. Gawain and Lancelot are obvious; Tristan didn't hate Arturia and feels guilty about what he said...even though what he said was needed; Agravain feels he failed his king the first time around and Gareth wanted to stand by Arturia at the end.
They are also flawed characters succumbing to their flaws- Gawain's strict adherence to the ideals of knighthood reach their peak here as he plays the part of a loyal knight even as he tramples on what his king truly cared about. Lancelot's overwhelming guilt is making him betray Arturia again despite knowing her flaws. Tristan's inability to forgive himself made him lose everything. And Gareth's own inability to move on caused so much pain. This contrasts with Bedivere, who is overcoming his flaw to fulfill his duty despite how he feels.
With all this in mind- It makes perfect sense that Mordred sides with the Lion King. She's succumbing to her idolization of Arturia and (ironically) her guilt over Camalann. She feels she failed her duty as a knight and failed her father in her rebellion so now she's rejecting who she is once again to play a part she isn't meant to. Remember, Mordred was known as 'taciturn' or 'silent' when she was a member of the Round Table, despite the fact that we KNOW she isn't actually like that. Instead of further establishing who she is like she did with Kairi, she regressed back to the role of the 'loyal knight'. Even though Mordred's rebellion is NEEDED in the Sixith Singularity because King Arthur lost her humanity in full. She forgot what she was fighting for in the first place.
I know this sounds off but to summarize-
Mordred was likely chosen because she fits with the theme of the other allied knights- succumbing to guilt and in turn, forgetting just who Arturia really was.
I mean, speaking of Agravain- There's good reason why the knight who only ever saw Arturia's 'kingly' mask is the Lion King's loyal advisor and the knight who saw her true motivations is her fiercest foe.
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spiegelgestalt · 7 months
Saberfaces (and why I don't mind them)
People like to make fun of the fact that there are like a thousand people with sabers face and I get that it's a bit cringe.
BUT (with the exception of one) they always made sense for me. Let me explain:
A lot of rambling under the cut:
Even in FSN Saber was as much a symbol for heroism and chivalry as she was a character. She is the Good King (TM). But she also stands for order which will protect some people and will hurt others. Not because she wants to but because she thinks it is necessary. Saber in FSN is struggling with the question if mercy has a place in justice and order. She does the right thing even against her interests. She is someone who upholds justice even if it means sacrifices. And she comes to the conclusion that even that behavior is not enough .And so she trieds to reset history so that someone more merciful than her can take the throne... Someone who could understand the feelings of the others and could have protected The Innocent better. In the end she comes to the conclusion that she tried her best and that you can't change history.
BUT even in FSN there was the possibility of saber alter. Saber Alter is Saber who decided the conflict between mercy and order in favor of an order which protects the in-group from the out-group. In heavens feel she fights against Shirou + Co because they are.the out group not because it is just. The order-symbolism would have worked better if she had been fighting to kill Sakura but I guess that would have been difficult and heavens feel was not sabers story.
In FGO we meet a lot of sabers who made the same decision as saber alter - the lion King is the most obvious one. The mysterious heroine x is someone I haven't met yet but my understanding is, that she is a cop (Cop=Order), saber alter in Shinjuku tries to establish some kind of order etc. I don t know about Okitas relationship to order but she is also a cop.
Bedieviere has sabers face but is a Saber who decided the order/mercy conflict in favor of mercy. A mercy that even includes Arturia herself by giving her a chance to finally rest.
Mordred in some way represents Sabers inner shadow child. He is emotional, he is ambitious, he liked protecting the innocent not because it's the right thing to do but because he feels like it etc. These are all things saber does not allow herself to feel. His betrayal of saber is motivated because he wants to help her. Saber cannot accept Mordred. She despises him but because she cannot accept him she gets destroyed by him. Anyone who has ever done inner child work knows that this struggle between Mordred and Saber is similar to the struggle of someone who has a lot of emotions but cannot relate to any of them.
The one character I'm stumped by is Nero. She doesn't relate to the Order/mercy dichotomy, she is emotional like Mordred but she doesn't try to do the right thing. I'm not even sure she has a real relationship to Arturia. Imo Nero is not a comment on saber. She represents Rome and Romes ideals. She should have gotten her own face.
So that's it these are my opinions on saber..maybe I will reblog this post when I have more to say
Edit because I forgot about Grey: Grey is a parallel to Waver in that she is a person who is meant to aspire to the ideal of a perfect king (while not being it) (Waver - Iskander, Arturia-Grey) but while waver chooses to aspire to iskander grey has to aspire to become Arturia. That's why she hates her face.
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danwithouttheplan · 9 months
sorry if you're getting tired of the axolotl song stuff but I just think it is incredible. did you compose the song? if so, what DAW did you use? any cool vsts? sample packs? I absolutely loved it
Oh, I love talking tech! I still consider myself an amateur in the ways of production, but I'm always working on getting better. None of this is by any means the best way (or even a good way) to do anything, it's just how I did it.
I did compose the song, yes - musically and lyrically (other than the first line of the first verse, of course). I use Studio One for my DAW. I got it a good number of years ago and I've liked it enough that I haven't moved to anything else.
I don't play drums and I don't pretend to write drums, so all of the drum tracks are just standard midi samples from EZdrummer (although I did add the tambourine and shaker).
I normally hate using ribbon mics with my voice, but I think I used a ribbon mic through a preamp with built-in channel strip. Other than stock EQ and compression, I threw vocals and bass through some simple LANDR plug-ins that I got as a pack. There's a bit more post-production on the vocals, but nothing notable. Bass was all DI.
I usually like to either live mic my guitars or run my amps through cabinet simulators, but this one was all DI + digital. I've recently been turned on by Neural DSP's plug-ins (though I normally use them for... heavier... guitar riffs), so all of the guitar tracks in this were using the Nolly model because I felt it had a relatively Cake feel.
The trumpet sounds very fake because it came from a not-particularly-great stock instrument sample pack in my DAW. It was the only trumpet I had on hand. The synth sounds both came from an Arturia Analog Lab synth package that came with my midi keyboard. Yes, I did play that freaky little synth thing after the first chorus.
I actually forgot to throw on a master reverb, but I don't think it was lacking too much without it (especially for a meme song). The real magic came from two things at the end of it all. I ran everything through an outboard Elysia mid/side stereo saturation module to widen it all and beef it up a little, and finished it all off with the iZotope Ozone mastering plug-in to really make it sparkle and get the final levels right.
Hope this answers most/all of your questions!
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iamnotdame · 1 year
NAMM 2023 Taught Me:
Tonight I met people who flew to California from all over the world to attend the NAMM Show.
About 20 of us met up at a restaurant before attending an Augspurger after party.
I was sitting next to producers & engineers from Detroit, Baltimore, Virginia, DC, New York, Arizona, Denver, Miami, Sacramento… and even one girl who drove all the way to Canada… just to attend NAMM. All of them came, just for NAMM.
Meanwhile, I live 15 minutes from NAMM and I’ve never attended on the first day because for some reason I “thought it was cool” not go until the second day. Stupid.
Everyone at the restaurant said that they got to NAMM first thing in the morning and stayed until it was over.
A producer from Detroit said that NAMM was really the only place for him to network, meet other producers and talk to companies & vendors and possibly get free gear to use.
You realize that everyone is not privileged to live in the music industry, live close to or even know anybody connected to the music industry, so events like NAMM are their only chance to connect with anyone that can help propel their journey.
That really hit me. I’m thankful for the insight and lesson. Huge lesson.
Going forward, I will take full advantage or any and all networking opportunities as if I didn’t already have access to them, just out of respect for the game. I am not above networking. I am not above going through the same processes as someone who needs to.
Tomorrow, I will be at NAMM first thing in the morning and I will stay until it’s over.
I will intentionally network. Seek new opportunities. New partnerships. I will speak about Monster Sessions & M-League. I will invite people to check out my content and look to connect with people after the event.
I will follow new people on IG (something I hate doing).
I will create a platform that allows music creatives to travel to LA for more networking opportunities. I will connect more artists to their peers and opportunities. I will connect with partners & sponsors to be a hub for opportunity and community.
I will do my part.
Dope lesson for me today and NAMM was super dope, despite Waves Audio & Arturia not being there.
Best Exhibits That I Visited:
• Rupert Neve
• Sony
• Shure
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akilice · 1 year
Yeah it’s kind of dumb how Nasu handles Arturia. Like he says she is done as a character and yet we have how many versions of Arturia in FGO at this point? Why would we need to have so many versions and explorations of a character, to the point we have 2 story chapters that focus on versions of Arturia, if she was complete as a character? Not to mention why is it only Arturia gets this treatment and not the rest of the SN cast? EMIYA, Medusa, Cu, Medea, Sasaki, Cursed Arm and Heracles get time in FGO during events and occasionally main story yet Arturia gets to be the exception? It’s a stupid arbitrary rule that contrdicts the intent of not wanting to mess with the SN property when all the other servants appear in FGO and do their own things and even the masters come in as psudeo-servants.
Also it becomes even more nonsensical given Nasu lets Arturia god damn cameo in any fate/tm property he can squeeze her in. Melty Blood Luminous? She’s in the game. Extella and Link? She exists and is mary sued to hell and back. Her getting all these cameos, as unneeded as they are, is somehow fine yet actually writing and futherng her as a character? No we can’t have that. She’s perfect and in no way should have to confront and deal with all the lives she affect/ruined because of her actions. She made peace with how she lived her life, that’s enough character development for her.
(Sorry for the rant but I hate how Arturia basically gets this treatment when no other character does.)
Why does Artoria get this treatement? Because she's Takeushi's favorite girl that's all you need to know.
I don't think there's harm in her making cameos because she's the face of the Fate series, but it's definitely annoying to strip her away from being a character and just making her a mascot.
(Next segment is gonna be me an Artoria defender btw)
Now, I hard agree with Artoria being a mary sue, that's not a term to throw in lightly. She's a very flawed character which is never a mary sue trait.
Artoria was never perfect, and she does confront the people from her life when the story allows her to (fate/zero)
Artoria's mistake was trying to be fair to everyone, she tried to let Guinevere and Lancelot move away with their lives, but Lancelot was always unstable and one hair short from going on a rampage and he did not take Artoria forgiving him well because he's the guilty one, not her
And she certainly wasn't responsible for Mordred's crimes. Mordred's situation was Morgan's fault, and there was no way Artoria could just give him the throne. But she still gave him a chance when she left him in charge, she literally showed him that she did trust him, and he threw that away. She didn't ruin him, he ruined everything.
I'd say the one whose life might have been ruined by Artoria would be Gawain, since he lost two of his siblings because of Guinevere's execution (Agravain was impuslively killed by Lancelot though, so that one isn't on her). There was no way she would have predicted that outcome, but I think if there's anyone she should apologize to, it's Gawain.
And finally, Guinevere. Artoria had to go with the execution because the affair was found out, but if only she didn't do that, then there wouldn't have been so much anguish.
Honestly the ones who ruined the most lives in Camelot were Mordred and Lancelot (oh and let's not forget Morgan, who everyone magically forgave because of her LB counterpart)
Basically what i'm trying to say is that her knights were responsible for their own tragedies more than she was responsible in theirs. Every knight in Camelot is just beyond therapy they're so damn stupid
Honestly as much as i give Zero shit for badly writing her, I think it's great that the light novel actually adresses her feeling guilty over Gawain and Galahad's deaths and wondering how their last moments went but FGO can't write characters that debute in other fate media
(Artoria defender out)
I don't want Artoria cameos i just want a Garden of Avalon adaptation because it's such a great piece of Artoria lore that isn't FSN and isn't FGO misusing her, but an actual story about her and her knights and how Camelot came to be
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libraryofcirclaria · 29 days
07 February 1282
Library of Circlaria
Third Level Society: First Version
Story Seven: Sarah Marks
I have to admit that despite all the drama last year, Dyla Cormick is someone with whom I mesh very well, thus the reason she and I decided to be roommates this semester.
Well, we definitely share one thing in common: our contempt toward Peter Crane. We knew, along with half of the Society Membership, that he would be quite an incompetent individual as a Dungeonmaster, especially when he and Kara Martins went on that charismatic platform against Ceri Mains and the Darkfire Community, and then falsely accusing random Members of willfully assisting her in hijacking the Arturian Realm. Kara did most of the talking but Peter Crane was a supporter, not just an enabler.
So why did slightly more than half of the Caucus vote for him? Simple: the budget.
For roughly the last two decades, ever since Jon Beyon and his console model, the Third Level Society, under every successive Dungeonmaster, had been taking on project after project. That included building up the Interglobal Arturian Void and the many planets, constructing renovations on Society venues like the Chamber and the Society Library, and more recently building the "block realms," separate realms accessible through portals on certain worlds and constructed by Contributors for individuals not content with the Arturian Realm and wishing to rule through their avatars as gods over them.
These "block realm" projects, and all the other aforementioned projects cost money, of course. And admittedly, up to this point, though revenue versus expenditure had always been a concern, there was no real alarm raised or serious action taken. And during the 1281-82 school year, we overran our budget by about 17 percent. Luckily, we had reserves to float our finances, but even I agree that this was a problem.
And none of the Dungeonmasters, or Dungeonmaster candidates, made this an urgent priority along with Contributor project requests, which all hoped would ultimately draw in more revenue to balance everything out on its own.
Peter Crane was the first outspoken Society Member to highlight this issue.
That was how he won majority of Member voters. He made it very clear that we were operating on a budget deficit with more projects on the pipeline, the most expensive of which being a venue for avatar dueling. Peter made a very clear goal, in fact using a spreadsheet, to balance the Society budget by eliminating unnecessary expenses. He vowed to ax the expensive projects and then go further by doing a thorough inquiry on the budget to find and eliminate other sources of wasteful spending.
The problem I and half of the Caucus saw with his agenda was that, past the unnecessary projects mentioned, Peter did not mention concrete examples of wasteful spending sources, nor were there examples of his solutions. But with all the tense politics happening both inside and outside the Society, and also the fact that Peter is actually a finance major, just enough Members voted for Peter to gain the Dungeonmaster position.
Moreover, while the duel between Kara and Dyla last year was quite the source of amusement, it did earn both of them a reputation for being emotionally unstable. And against the relatively dry and objective personality of Peter Crane, Dyla stood no chance.
So now Peter Crane is the Third Level Society Dungeonmaster.
A lot of my friends, who hated Peter Crane last year, have come to accept the loss and have resolved that "maybe Peter will make a decent Dungeonmaster if we give him the chance." But I did not let down my wariness. Last month, he had the Bookkeeper, John Edwards, pull every employee record for every Administrator and Contributor and rank each one from highest rate of pay to lowest. At the top stood Tom Rohrbaugh, Administrator for the Galacian Realm, the Terraworld Plane, on Arturia proper. Peter mentioned at a small meeting that he would do the ranking; and I know now that Tom was the highest paid because of what Peter did next. He accused Tom of having pulled ropes in the past to get higher pay and also to do favors for Ceri Mains.
Per the motions of the Bookkeeper, the Caucus had to meet this week. But they voted Rohrbaugh innocent. So Peter's agenda there was a failure.
That is all and well because Tom Rohrbaugh is a very good Administrator and a very good person. It's only his brother, Richard Rohrbaugh, that I have a problem with. There's nothing wrong with Richard. In fact, he joined the Legalize Darkfire Movement long before Tom did. But Richard is quite inspired by Dyla and me; in fact, excessively so.
I cross my fingers and hope that it's only the common interests that spark the inspiration and not something else.
That is the sum of politics inside the Third Level Society. There is, of course, the situation outside the Society, primarily the strike.
Kara Martins mentioned it. And though everyone sees her as charismatic and unstable, what she said did contain a grain of truth.
So there is this franchise known as the Global Academy of North Circlaria. They have been acquiring ownership of numerous schools across various nations throughout the Circlarian Realm for quite a few years now. And since the 1270s, they have been acquiring schools here in Middle Remikra. Though Cabotton University has not been directly acquired by the Global Academy, for the University Constitution does not permit that sort of thing, it did sign a contract with the Global Academy where they hired a figure from that organization to preside over Cabotton University as a Provost-In-Lieu of the Global Academy. We pay his salary, and he writes statements for everything happening in the University from the curriculum to budget reconciliations. Though these statements, and the Provost-In-Lieu, hold no real power over Cabotton University, the Global Academy will award special Global Academy Certificates in addendum to University degrees so that Cabotton University graduates have advantage in employment in the real world. That is, the Global Academy will do this if the University and its democratic institutions fulfill the statements issued by the Provost-In-Lieu. For University leadership there is incentive because those with such degrees, or Global Academy degrees from the "directly-acquired" universities are put on a special Federal Registry that employers must consult first and give unconditional job offers to without screenings or interviews, in accordance to a federal law passed in 1276. When hired, these graduates will get higher pay, but will also see a portion of paid salary go back to Cabotton University and a portion go back to the Global Academy.
Another advantage was for the faculty, who were promised a minimum of a 7.5 pay increase each year; and that has been implemented since Cabotton University entered this agreement shortly after that federal law was signed. However, every three years or so, the Global Academy leadership has been implementing a 25 percent pay cut, stating that this was due to "economic concerns and that the Academy will seek to recover losses in pay in due time." That promise, though, was never delivered. And this has been happening repeatedly so that by the time Cabotton entered its arrangement, numerous faculty across numerous Circlarian Schools had grown frustrated.
With each acquisition came a call from the United Educators of Circlaria, UEC, to have the faculty at each school acquired collaborate and form a union, and sign to become a chapter of this labor organization. Ninety percent of schools across Circlaria have some sort of affiliation with the Global Academy, and about ninety-five percent of those schools have each a UEC chapter.
By the way, Cabotton University also has a UEC chapter.
Last summer, shortly before the Ceri Mains incident. An assembly of UEC representatives met in the Global Academy Lobby in Cenofan, and brought the Global Academy Board of Trustees to a negotiation, during which UEC Leader Roger Kline presented the pay cut issue, along with a list of numerous other grievances. These talks went very poorly, as the Board was quite stubborn, especially with the faculty pay. At the end, one Trustee was reported to have said, "We are willing to risk a general strike if it means defending the integrity of Principle Five."
Principle Five is a clause in the Global Academy's little Constitution that dictates the almost absolute power of the Trustees over faculty pay. When the Trustee said what he said, Roger reportedly snapped his book shut, said, "So be it" and exited the chamber.
So there is a real possibility of a general strike, that is, a coordinated general strike carried out by every UEC chapter across every Global Academy school across Circlaria. The Congress of Circlaria Judiciary ruled surprisingly that even UEC chapters in independently-affiliated schools, of which Cabotton University is one by the way, had a right to bargain with Global Academy leadership.
In fact, they said that "any UEC chapter in any organization affiliated with the Global Academy" had such bargaining rights. That includes the Third Level Society, which recently had its faculty union join as a UEC chapter. And they definitely had their own list of grievances against Peter Crane as well as the Academy.
News of the possibility of the general strike was not as high of a concern last year as it is now, thanks in part to the Weyne-North feud and the Ceri Mains incident. But now with no progress made in talks with the Global Academy since then, the Flagstaff is writing more and more articles on "if there is a general strike." It's being discussed more and more among us, especially at the Slack.
In fact, Dyla and I have planned for such a thing, promising to completely disengage from the Arturian Realm and help the striking educators.
Meanwhile, Peter Crane to this day denies that there will ever be a strike. I think he is completely removed from reality in that regard. True that he cared about the Society budget, but he gives off an impression of being removed from the ninety-nine percent of the outside world. After all, both of his parents are bankers and have indoctrinated him into pursuing the same lucrative vocation despite not feeling passionate about it. Or so that was what Kara Martins has been saying. I hear that she and Peter have broken up.
Nevertheless, Peter Crane keeps making this vague statement: "In the unlikely event that we strike, I will ensure as a Dungeonmaster that nothing with the Third Level Society will be disrupted." Of course, he refuses to answer what approach he would take. But based on his first month as the Dungeonmaster, I can venture a guess.
-> 23 February 1282 ->
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edge-of-ultima · 8 months
Been watching the Fate series and wanted to put my thoughts somewhere so here we go... (I got my watch order from a random Reddit post that seemed to know what they were talking about🤷‍♂️)
OG Stay Night (Studio Dean)- Not bad. I heard that people complained about the animation, and while it doesn't live up to UBW and other later entries, it's fine. The story almost blurs together with UBW for me since I watched them back to back. A couple of things that stood out were Shinji and Sakura being annoying, albeit for different reasons. You can tell Shinji's supposed to be insufferable so they knocked that out of the park. I'm just not a fan of the trope Sakura falls into, but if I rewatched knowing what I do now I'd probably like her more. Even though I already liked Illia and Archer at this point, the same goes for them. 7/10
Unlimited Blade Works- Its just the best! All of the characters were interesting and animation was superb. Loved the twist at the end. There were definitely hints throughout, but I didn't pick up on them until after so I was pleasantly caught off guard and I Iive for this kind of plot twist. Rin's best girl, Archer's epic, Gilgamesh is ironically entertaining, and Brave Shine is the best anime OP ever! I can't even think of anything negative to say. 10/10
Zero- Definitely the most intriguing plot so far as it felt like a spy thriller. It also introduced so really interesting characters. I'd follow Iskandar into battle. Kariya's awesome and I felt really bad for him . How is a legend like him related to Shinji? Speaking of Shinji, he has a rival for most annoying character this time with that professor guy, that I can't even remember the name of at the moment (Kayneth Archibald). I watch in English and love Bleach, so having Johnny Yong Bosch voice a serial killer was a treat. I would've been more interested in Bluebeard at the time if I had the context from Apocrypha about why he thinks Arturia is Jeanne d'Arc. This did open some questions about Arturia not telling Shiro about Kotamine and Illia but a really solid watch! 9.5/10
Apocrypha- This one's weird. Not necessarily in a bad way but you can pinpoint the moment... in episode 12 where it gets good. When it does get good, it gets really good! I think my problem was that there were a lot of characters and we jumped between them so much it was hard to get attached. There's also the fact that neither side of the war really felt like "the good guys" so early on, whenever something happened instead of being happy for one side or the other, I just felt conflicted (which is good for storytelling, but I just hate feeling that way) or indifferent. It definitely improves when some of them die off or on rewatches. In spite of the limited screen time, Shishigou and Mordred are my favorite master/servant team in the series thus far! Is it bad if I side with Amakusa though? 8/10
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doktordismemberment · 2 years
Brain Puke: Vomit Roulette Edition
Been out of commission for a couple of days so here's a bunch of random shit that has been on my mind:
Found out that the relative who abused me when I was a kid passed away and it dredged up some really ugly shit. Been processing it for a while now, and will likely be processing it for a while more.
It's crazy to look back and realize that a big part of who you are as a person from your taste in music, movies, and art to getting into lifting weights and doing martial arts traces back to being a little kid who was scared to go home.
Been finishing out some "work in progress" recordings and slowly putting all of our existing musical projects to sleep. The plan is to discontinue the Rusteater bandcamp and eventually start fresh with a new band/ new label/ blank slate.
The hope is that the new label will actually be a "real" label with actual physical releases (Probably pro-pressed CD-Rs cos they're cheap to manufacture and realistically you're just gonna throw the tracks on iTunes and never look at the fucking thing again), but right now I cant make any promises.
We've been slowly working on some on new music that's pretty different for us. Still rooted in drone and dirge but with a lot more melody and acoustic instrumentation than we usually fuck with and DD handling most, if not all, of the vocals.
Like some kind of ghostly industrial drone folk metal? God, that sounds fucking awful when you say it out loud.
Oh yeah, I sprained my ankle this past Tuesday and tweaked my neck yesterday... Currently in a lot of pain and super bummed out because all I can do is sit on my ass and either doom scroll or watch movies until I feel better. I feel useless and I fucking hate feeling useless.
Been really obsessed with Thy Catafalque lately. To my ears they sound almost like Galloping Coroners crossed with Emperor/ Satyricon.
There's a huge Van Der Graaf Generator Box Set that I was not aware of... Might need to pick that up.
We picked up an Arturia Minifreak the other day and it sounds really fucking cool. We'll probably use it a lot in the new band.
Doing a zine got a lot less fun when I decided to swear less and write less of the personal shit in the hopes of turning it into something that might make money... Turns out it didn't work. I'm not really a "For public consumption" kind of dude.
Going to try to swing the pendulum back the other way I guess. Maybe this post is a first attempt at that.
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rainytea · 3 years
Could we please get some relationship headcanons for saber arturia and ruler Jennie,Minamoto-no-Raikou
Saber Arturia, Ruler Jeanne d'Arc, and Minamoto-no-Raikou Relationship Headcanons
Rating: SFW (Some are a bit suggestive though)
Saber Arturia
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A very calm and patient girlfriend!
While she has a very strict face and way of speaking, she is usually very calm, caring, and straightforward.
Very loyal to you as long as you're kind to others and treat her with respect.
She does tend to be a little too serious at times, so she thrives when her partner respects her and tries to make her smile.
She’s a bit insecure with her body, so give her time to undress or wear swimsuits/underwear in front of you.
It’s her goal to make you happy and to feel safe, so she’s protective of you to the point it can be a little overbearing.
And she will put you in your place if she feels like you’re being unfair and cruel towards her or other people.
If you have a new friend, she’s totally suspicious of them.
She’s not really jealous, she just wants to be sure that you’re bringing over good people.
Okay, I lied…
She is a tiny bit jealous, but she tries not to show it.
But Arturia knows her limits and when you need to be away from her if you just wanna hang out with your friends, or just need time to yourself.
You are probably friends with most of the Knights of the Round Table.
She loves food!! She's not picky so if you bring her food she has a smile on her face!
Totally the type to love random dinner dates even to cheap restaurants
If you actually brought her to a nice restaurant she’d be happier, but this girl can eat
RIP your wallet.
You thought of her and her stomach so that makes her happy.
Though Arturia is a terrible cook. Wouldn’t trust her with a wooden spoon and a pot.
She would try to cook for you and not only did she burn your food, but she’d also burn your kitchen.
Kings don’t need to cook!
A bit shy to say I love you as well as she might have some doubts thanks to Guinevere.
But for those who need a patient and loyal woman, Arturia is a very good listener who will stick by your side and fight to keep you safe and happy, no matter what
Ruler Jeanne d'Arc
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Is probably the hardest to convince to get into a relationship tbh.
She has dedicated herself to being a woman of God, so you’d have to be really, really close to her.
Jeanne wants to give love to everyone, and she worries that being romantic with just one person will make her less of a hero or neglect her goals.
To be fair, she probably kept her distance from you when you told her that you liked her, or when you first started dating.
Relationships are totally new to her and what if she does something embarrassing?!
But if you can show that you’re pure in heart and willing to do good for the world, she gets flustered around you.
I think she can respect that you would have different beliefs and ideas than her, as God isn’t just one thing to her.
However, religion is important to her as well as the safety of those around her.
She enjoys reading and drawing mangas, so when she’s not fighting for the Lord, she loves to sit on her bed with you and draw with you next to her.
HATES housework and chores. She’ll do them…
She doesn’t do a really good job though. She would rather be the active one in the relationship and explore the world.
I think she would also like playing video games with you and even if she’s not good at them, she has fun knowing you’re happy.
Loves going outside and is an extrovert Is the type to ‘adopt’ an extrovert partner.
Probably friends with all your friends, and she tries to befriend everyone.
If they don’t like her, she’s okay with that and will still pray for them.
Loves sports, so if you’re into a sports team, she’s right next to you cheering them on and watching the game.
Totally the type to host sports parties and dress in her favorite teams’ attire.
She really loves beach dates or anything to do with water and nature.
Though Jeanne tries to wear swimsuits that are less relieving. But will try for your sake to wear more rev
She’s a child of the Lord, you pervert!
She’s also really easygoing.
Literally, just be a decent human being and she loves you.
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Local MILF in your area but for real
Well, I mean she’s not a MILF…
Probably the most nurturing out of the females of Fate. She wants to be a mother and she needs a good partner to help her with that.
She does want kids. So one way or another she’ll have kids with you. (That sounds like a threat lol)
Just watch out that she doesn’t bring home stray kids
Or someone's kid because she’s a little desperate lol.
If you are unable to have kids that are biologically related, she doesn’t mind adopting. As long as she has a child to nurture she’s happy.
It’s a bit embarrassing though. She can be TOO motherly which might get in the way of the whole girlfriend aspect.
She will wipe your cheeks with napkins if you get food on them regardless of how much it was, or when you got it.
Raikou also likes to pack your lunch.
And yes, it has to be cute little bento boxes. Her favorite is making hot dog octopuses.
And they have little faces because she thinks it’s cute.
She’ll cry if you try to correct her too. She just loves you so much!
Also while she cries easily, she goes into Mama/Girlfriend Bear mode if someone upsets you or hurts you.
Doesn’t really like to fight, but she’ll throw down with a bitch if it comes to you or kids. And she’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that you’re safe.
Tends to feel bad afterward. She’s not completely human and worries that people won’t like her anymore. Especially you.
Raikou is passive, sure, but no one hurts who she deems as a family to her.
Deems as anyone who flirts with you as an insect.
P.S: You have to kill the actual insects or at least toss them outside. She can only get rid of one type of insect and they need to have two legs.
Raikou tends to like quiet dates. Beaches are nice if you two can be alone together, but people keep staring at her for some reason…
She loves libraries and bookstores. She can sit with you quietly as she reads
If she finds out that you’re hurt, she’ll freak out and ‘console’ you. Even trying to patch you up or cuddle with you.
Hey, you get big boobs in your face most of the time, so it’s not all bad.
Or at least a nice shot of her ass
Love it when you rest against her.
Tired? Well, she has a nice chest you can use as a pillow.
Thicc thighs save lives too with her.
Tends to forget she is large breasted and has a big butt, so ‘happy accidents’ happen a lot with her.
Might tip over glasses with her breast, or bump something with her hips. She feels really bad about it too. Don’t be mean.
They certainly do help with the ‘baby-making processF
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thessaliah · 3 years
Why does Oberon hate Merlin?
Hmm... "Hate" is loaded. I don't think it can be as simple as hate. It is resentment because they are incompatible despite their dream-being nature. Is it because of Vortigern, the Vile King, who was the enemy of the King of Knights?  Not really. Oberon Vortigern is from the Lostbelt, he has no real relationship with Arturia Pendragon or her uncle besides being a manifestation of Britain's will with the same name (but ultimately a pure manifestation rather than a man born one). Cut for length.
To understand how special this resentment is, well, you must realize Oberon isn't only a story character who fulfilled a role in the series inner logic. Oberon is also a meta-story character that criticizes readers' irresponsible consumerist nature to pick and discard stories as if they were worthless. That's why his last stand feels heroically tragic to anyone who reads it (and why Andersen understands exactly what he is in a metasense and is unable to mock or taunt him), although would have collapsed the life of the planet in the trappings of the fictional narrative. It is not because of the in-story implications, but the metastory ones. He was calling the readers out.
He was tired of the readers treating stories themselves did not have feelings to be cast down a pit and forgotten after they were used. He is this pit, this abyss, and would have engulfed all of us indiscriminately. All this theme was done metaphorically and literally through the in-universe comparison of the relationship between the lostbelt (fantasy) and panhistory (reality) instead of breaking the four-wall as many metafictions do. But it was obviously meta-fiction exploration. That's why Nasu called him special.
When he says flowers and insects, truths and lies, are a complementary relationship I think he really talking about the roles of readers and stories need of each other to exist. Between fantasy and reality. There is no reader without a story, and a tale has no worth and is 'dead' paper without a reader. Merlin stands not as a regular 'character' but his role, as he said in Babylonia, is not having a story of his own. More than Guda, Merlin represents the ultimate irresponsible, fickle reader. He is outside and untouchable, watching in, most of the time not interfering. His role is to observe and watch stories and moves on to the next one after they are done. So Oberon, who represents this fictional world, is the guide, the prince, of sorts (he is the embodiment of Britain, that fictional Britain that was real for a while) hides from his view. He denies being observed. He blocks this story. In my opinion, that is why he opposes him and why he doesn't want anything to do with him.
Mind, this is my interpretation. We'll wait for his material profile.
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kob131 · 9 months
This an half attempt to answer your quiestion, but you are by no means pressured to read it as it is just too long.
Now that i actually sit and think about it a bit more, I think i shouldnt have called them trait, rather the Impact that having a fucked up parent such as morgan had on them. Im sorry that i cant exactly point it out but i will try my best.
Even gawain who is a geniunely good person, can be too persistent as it seems and im pretty sure morgan was a pro in that regard. Gawain is a good person but he can be a bit fucked up too.
agravain is the one who hates morgan's guts the most while still not being able to completley able to escape the Impact she had on him. Being raised by morgan literally messed the dude up. Seeing morgan's probable short temper in agravain wasnt that hard for me. When he hates someone, the hatred is quite deep whether you even did something wrong or not. The "i hate women" line, while being extremly memeable, does imply that morgan definitely isnt the best female parental figure someone could have.
For mordred..... Oh boy, being isolated and having morgan as the only consistent influencial figure outside of your idol who didnt even know you exist , she was really unlucky. Mordred has a short temper which seems to be the easiest to point out.
We dont Know anything about gaheris *dramatic sobbing* outside of the fact that he is probebly the tallest among the five of them.
Either gareth was too young to remember her, or her brothers and lancelot's influence washed out any possible fucked upness. I would say the Impact the orkneys had on eachother did matter even if it isnt really brought up.
No no, I love reading.
I can see how Gawain's stubborness could have come from Morgan, given that both of their actions in the end did more harm than good.
Yeah, Agravain does seem to share Morgan's vindictiveness and fury. Kind of ironic considering he hates women in part because of Morgan's actions while he perpetuates those actions.
And...it might actually be worse for Mordred. A key part of Mordred's conflict is her inability to define herself (her Bond 10 Craft Essence is literally named 'Who Am I?') and a key aspect to Morgan is that her life is split in three to her three different roles. Three different parts of herself she likely could never reconcile between them.
I've said it once and I'll say it again- Mordred is probably the one person who could fully understand her mother.
Though, it's not like Gareth's personality is entirely separate from Morgan. Agravain may have ended up with issues but Gawain ended up as a pretty upstanding if stubborn guy. And remember Gawain's the ELDEST of the Orkney so logically he was exposed to Morgan the most. For him to have grown up that well adjusted, Morgan had to have been a good mother at some point. And it's said she also acted as a good sister/motherly figure to Arturia before finding out the full truth. Gareth's personality could very well be a reflection of who Morgan was before things fell apart.
But yeah, the Orkney siblings most certainly do affect each other quite a bit. Gawain is said to be the closest with Gareth, Agravain doesn't hate Gareth like he usually would (instead having a 'complicated' relationship) and Agravain does care about both Gawain and Mordred since he called out to Gawain after he was shot with Rhongyominad and questioned the Lion King's coldness towards Mordred in the Sixth Singularity. Remember, Lancelot having a lesser part in the Fall of Camelot caused his to utterly loathe the man- by all rights he shouldn't care about Mordred. Yet he clearly does.
P.S. Yeah...I wish we knew something about Gaheris too. Best we know is that he teased Gawain about not knowing how much Gareth looked up him in Garden Of Avalon.
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brave-symphonia · 3 years
Okay, this is the big one, Camelot. Here are my thoughts on the Camelot Singularity.
I’ll start by saying I like it more than the America singularity, so it’s my favorite so far. It definitely starts off strong and I don’t think there were any parts of it that dragged for me.
I think all the Knights were great characters, and I really like how Bedivere was used, just the act of taking the knight with Arturia at the end of the Fate route, and making an entire scenario of what would happen if he failed in his task. Why it’s so important that he throw the sword into the lake.
Not to mention how they tie Mash into the story, by making her Heroic Spirit Galahad, culminating in her unleashing the NP that is Camelot. Like, that was a great moment, especially since Bedivere helped her get used to it, and eased her into controlling it.
Those are my general thoughts, now onto the thoughts I have on reviewing the posts I made.
First off, I really like how it starts off by expanding on Chaldea by mentioning the beginning of Mash becoming a Demi-Servant. Especially since it comes back multiple times throughout the singularity. So they advance the story of the singularity while simultaneously advancing the general Chaldea storyline.
And it really does give more to Mash’s character, how outside of the singularities, she is unable to go outside and leave Chaldea. And how she is guaranteed to die within the year.
I liked how we met Hundred Personas and Ozymandias and Nitocris first in the desert before going to Camelot. It really helps blend the two worlds together. The mountain people being in the desert and then showing up in the Camelot section. Like, I just like that there are these 3 different factions.
I like how they lay down the groundwork for Galahad when Mash is fighting Gawain, how she was trembling, and she couldn’t bring herself to fight him fully. It adds to the reveal, and I've been told that Mordred and Arturia recognized her before too. I actually do vaguely remember Mordred recognizing her.
I really liked Ozymandias’ character. He seemed like a good king. And his willingness to help us and his sacrifice in the end was really good. Like, I just liked most of his scenes.
The reveal of exactly how much work and how important Roman is really added to him this singularity. Like, before he was somewhat helpful, but I liked the added importance he received upon being told he was responsible for us not being erased from existence.
I hated the Gawain fights, they were just unfair.
I liked all the scenes of the knights interacting with each other and the King, and showing the relationships between them.
I also like Da Vinci’s sacrifice scene, she may have survived, but her surviving went to show Lancelot’s true nature when it was revealed, and having her missing did add more to the story by itself.
I loved the scene where Arash shoots us to the other village.
And seeing Mordred throughout the story really made me feel for her. I mean, she’s stuck with a father she constantly wants to prove herself to, but he constantly punishes her, to the point of letting her die with all the unworthy people outside of camelot. She even seems to be pushing herself to the point of destruction, just to satisfy King Arthur.
I liked Sanzang and all the Hassans, I thought Arash’s sendoff was nice, and overall really liked his character.
I liked all the story advancements in the Atlas Institute, it gave me a lot to think about in regards to the developing story, and it had the reveal of Galahad. Also, Mash seemed to get much better after that reveal for me.
I thought Sanzang had some nice final moments, as well as Ozymandias in getting us to the root of King Arthur’s troops to face him.
The final confrontation with King Arthur felt fitting, I really felt like it was a final battle. And overall this entire singularity was just good.
Now, let’s see if Babylonia can do better!
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akampana · 4 years
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Continuation of this ask
Bedivere x Arturia - Ship it
What made you ship it?
TBH I was one of those few people who shipped it based on that like 2 second scene at the end of FSN. The Camelot Singularity just reinforced it. A lot came from the original Arthurian legend as well. Bedivere is similarly insanely loyal as he is in the game, and like in Fate lore, he’s been with Arthur longer than most.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
He journeyed so far for so long just to see her smile OH MY GOD BRB IM SOBBING HOLY CRAP CAN YOU JUST IMAGINE—
I’m a sucker for intensely loyal knights and I will always be. ALWAYS.
This man loved his king so bloody intensely. So strongly that his desire to see her survived the test of time. To be loved so much, so unconditionally for a thousand and a half years? Gods, that’s just too much, man. ;-;
And I absolutely adore how much it means to him to remain her knight, even if he tends to be insecure about the limb that he lacks, and how he believes he is nothing special in comparison with everyone else. I love that Arturia recognizes his strength and his worth, even if he himself can’t see it.
THIS, the MINDBREAK Arturia goes through when she tries to remember
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Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
All the other answers below cut!
Irisviel x Arturia - Ship It
What made you ship it?
I think I was bound to the moment I watched Fate Zero. When I was younger it was overshadowed by the feels Diarturia brought and not to mention Kiritsugu and Iri but this ship is damn good on its own.
What sold it though, is the argument she and Kiritsugu have in Episode 16, right after the last Saber and Lancer fight. Irisviel, who we all know loves her husband so much, forced Kiritsugu to answer Saber. That’s just how important Arturia was to her.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I think they both found in each other something they themselves lack. It’s actually kind of funny. Arturia is human, and yet she’s so heavily consumed by her ideals that she doesn’t act like one. Irisviel, on the other hand, is not human, and yet everything that she does and wants to do is exactly that.
Throughout the anime, Being with Iri puts Saber into such mundane, ordinary situations that it teaches her to live. The suits, the escorting, being a passenger instead of a driver, appreciating the water by the seashore, etc. It's like the woman wants to leave her with some appreciation for the world, especially when she herself doesn’t have all that much time left.
On Irisviel’s part, I think she found in Saber the companionship she would have wanted from Kiritsugu during the last few days she remained on the Earth. Arturia had been the perfect knight in shining armor, taking Irisviel around to see the world as much as they could amidst a war. If they’d just had more time, I have no doubt Arturia would have taken Irisviel even more places, you know?
It makes me sad :( but in a good way.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I’m pretty sure Irisviel would wear the pants in this relationship ya know what I mean? Hahaha
Much as I love this ship, I think that it becomes all the more valuable because of how it ended. To each other, they were this brief, fleeting feeling of happiness. A love that was so short and yet so strong.
Shirou x Arturia - Don't Ship it
Hooooooo boi. Hear me out, mkay ? But this is just my personal opinion so pls no hate
Why don't you ship it?
I’m gonna start out by saying I don’t think I need to, tbh. Hahaha there’s enough content for this ship being fed to us, so my liking it or not is immaterial. But the reason is well...I watched FSN and Shirou x Saber was...not the best thing about it (the best thing about it was the soundtrack omg iconic) Shirou comes off as a bit of a misogynist, and kind of immature, and the whole time it’s like he doesn’t really listen to Arturia at all. Plus, it’s kind of like he just likes her looks at times. The final deciding factor was the date scene. That was just unbearable.
But then I go online and I see all this good stuff about them. And my friend ships them cause they’re canon, right? So, I’m like okay, what if I judged too quickly, let’s play the VN...and I did. And I still didn’t like him with Saber at all. So, I played the next route, watched the next anime, trying to redeem 1st route Shirou as much as I could but it just....didn’t happen. I think I can safely say I tried to like them. I really did. But no.
What would have made you like it?
Removing the misogyny and the immaturity and letting him listen to her. Like he should have.
At no point in their interactions did it feel like they were standing on equal ground, ever. Either he was speaking over her or the opposite. So less of that and a lot more respect.
And when you compare this relationship to what he has with like with his other two love interests, it makes this ship fall completely flat. It’s pretty...bland and honestly kind of shallow. It’s like the story just tells you they’re in love but there’s no answer to why they’re in love. Make him fall in love with her for her without necessarily forcing his need to save everyone on her.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I may not like how they got there, but in the end Arturia was able to pass peacefully.
I acknowledge that Shirou was important and made a change in her life.
That ending scene where they meet after so long, NGL is pretty sweet.
A lot of my headcanons happen post-Shirou, so there’s also that.
Archer x Rin -Ship it
What made you ship it?
Tsundere x Cynic has gotta be one of the best dynamics out there.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
His true identity. The fact that she dragged him all the way across space and time to return as her Servant, that’s just bloody fate at work.
The fact that he keeps acknowledging she’s a strong Master despite his later conduct in UBW.
Archer is ridiculously crass and Rin is easily riled up. In the Fifth Holy Grail War, they had the best Master-Servant relationship period. They have this explosive chemistry that just works so well.
When he smiles at her at the end of the route, and you just know that Tohsaka’s gonna be stubborn enough to make sure Shirou doesn’t end up going down the exact same path.
I think it’s sweet that he ends up going along with her whims because he secretly likes housework.
Unlike the previous ship mentioned here, these two actually stand on equal ground with each other.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think it's exactly an unpopular opinion, but I think they really ought to have more official content y'know? Rin is important in every route, and Archer's the actual climax of UBW and also entirely significant across three routes.
Medusa x Sakura - Don't ship it
Why don't you ship it?
Because while journeying through the routes, I always saw Rider as more of a best friend/sort of motherly figure to Sakura.
Or that Rider fulfilled the kind of relationship that she wanted to have with Rin, while Sakura unknowingly filled the void Medusa's sisters left in her life. I thought she was more of a guardian angel really, not a romantic interest. Kind of like how Heracles was to Illya.
What would have made you like it?
If I could maybe forget about the threesome with Shirou and the implied romantic feelings Rider has for him in Ataraxia that would be great.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Sakura deserves all the happiness in the world and I really do believe that Rider could fulfill that.
Diarmuid x Cú - Ship it
What made you ship it?
oooh this probably sounds surprising since based on my content you'd think, no i dont ship this BUT I DOOOOOOO (i just happen to hc them as bros more often)
Honestly what did make me ship it is the parallels.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
IMO They have the biggest potential for hurt/comfort amongst all the ships mentioned here.
They can help each other get through their trauma. Their whole relationship would be extremely healing and supportive.
I love that Diarmuid seems to have idolized Cú Chulainn at some point and honestly who wouldn't be honored to stand beside him, no?
They could be up to the funniest shenanigans because Cú is chaos and Diarmuid would absolutely be an enabler because when he isn't angst-ing he's super damn chill.
Bros being bros hahahah...unless?
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really. Maybe that I think Lancer Diar and Cascu would get along better and Saber Diar and Lancer Cu would also get along better but honestly any form is good this ship is good
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