#I hate Naraku so much.
avionvadion · 11 months
“Discussing the Shikon jewel with someone who is alive only through dead souls is unseemly.”
Naraku, you’re literally made up of dead demons. You restored your body by having demons kill and absorb one another. You don’t get to comment on Kikyo being a walking corpse. 😑
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devilatelier · 1 year
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ok. ok i gotta admit sometimes i love miroku
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justasecretflower · 29 days
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💐Inyuasha! Men as boyfriends🤍
Incl- inyuasha, miroku, Naraku, Koga, Sesshomaru, Jinenji
Feudal Japan! Era
~ fluff, head canons.
CW- mentions of baby trapping!!
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-bullying you is his love language /canon
- if he gets clingy, don’t say a word or else he’s yelling at you to shut up with a flushed face.
- tries to do your hair, gives up, gets frustrated, almost cries.
- calls lovey dovey stuff corny.
- hates pda..he won’t do it
- Likes laying his head on your lap and you scratching behind his ear.
- gives rare, but lingering loving kisses alone.
- if he’s feeling extra caring he’ll maybe hit you with a “love…”
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-I’m gonna fight miroku he’s so weird…
- constantly has a hand on your butt or thigh.
- he’s such a pervert
-will say proudly yell out inappropriate compliments / comments about you. With people around.
-wants kids so bad. Wants like a million /canon
- has a baby name list alr
-very open about his love for you. No matter what. If you’re gone for like a second he’ll pull a “guys..I miss my partner…😔”
-it’s a little pathetic.
-constantly saying he’s gonna wife you up he doesn’t care how long you’ve been dating.
-he buys you expensive stuff all the time and then brags about it to other people.
-“men..we gotta pamper our ladies…😏”
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- #1 Naraku disliker
-anyway, he’s super manipulative. He looks at you like a pretty doll and nothing more.
- you’re bright, you’re pretty, you can be manipulated. You’re perfect.
-he’d be the type that if you wanted to leave he’d baby trap you..
-and then make you take care of the baby all alone..he’ll still be in a relationship with you just not take care of the kid
-sorry I’m not feeding into ur delusions. I can’t.
- he has servants pamper you, at all times of the day, so that when he comes home you’re sat right outside the door looking pretty and fresh for him.
-materialistically everything is yours.
- late at night, when he’s sure you’re asleep, he’ll kiss you softly on the tip of your nose and mutter a small “I love you.”
-that’s all you’re getting. Sorry!!
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- he always is holding hands with you or has his hand on the small of your back.
- he likes the little nose rub kiss.
- he likes to just take in your scent time to time (not in a weird way duh..)
- tells his people that you’re his future spouse and parent of your future children.
-always somehow brings you up in conversation.
- tells you it was love at first sight. (For him it was)
- “hello my beautiful wife/husband/spouse!!”
- “when we have kids…” and then he goes on a rant.
- he doesn’t care if you’re a wolf yokai or not. He fell in love at first sight and nothing will change that
-tells you multiple times a day how much he loves you.
-he’s so sweet:(
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- let’s ignore the fact that he got with the girl he knew since she was 4. Then had twins with her.
-it’s so hard for him to express his love.
-he does it in small, chaste cheek kisses or deep kisses randomly.
-if you’re a human, he resents himself for loving you.
-but he can’t stop loving you.
-for him, you’re his first and greatest love, he can’t let you go even if you’re a mere mortal.
- often has you between his legs laying your head on his chest while he wraps his arms around you and burries his face in your neck
- lets you pet the fur on his wolf form
- after awhile, he tells you about his complicated relationship with his half breed brother and why he despises mortals so much.
-I hate saying this but truly love changed his perspective on humans if you were one.
- “my darling”
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- my baby!!! :(
- he spent his whole life getting rocks literally thrown at him for existing, his appearance leading him to believe that he would forever be alone in his mothers cottage, taking care of her and the farm work until she died.
- when you came around he immediately was a stuttering, blushing mess.
-he couldn’t believe you weren’t scared of him, or thought he was ugly.
- it took him awhile to confess, but he did, while you were stargazing. It took him like 20 minutes to say “I like you..romantically”
- when you accepted he nearly passed out.
-he carries you around, he likes it when you kiss on his face.
-he nuzzles his face into your side all the time
-bends down to look you in the eye
-you never lift a finger when he’s around.
-asks his mom for advice
-tells his mom about you, oh, and she adores you. Calls you her daughter and makes food with you.
In conclusion Jinenji my love.
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fawn-eyed-girl · 17 days
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To See You (And Only You): An Inu-Gang Exchange gift for @elkonigin
Hello everyone! I am so pleased to share little InuKag story I wrote for the incredible elkonigin as part of the Inu-Gang Exchange on Ao3. Elk, I know how much you love angst and canon-divergent, and I was so excited to write this for you!
In "To See You (And Only You)" (rated T), Inuyasha tries to protect Kagome by sending her back to her own time. When a jewel shard-possessing Ryōkan attacks, Miroku and Shippō insist that they need Kagome there, but will Inuyasha agree? Will he finally confront his feelings for her, as more than just a shard detector, but as Kagome?
Little sneak peek below the cut! And be sure to check out the rest of the gifts in the Exchange Collection!
“If you destroy the well,” Shippō retorted, “Kagome can’t come back!”
“That’s the fucking point, you damn kit!” Inuyasha shot back.
“But won’t you miss her?” Shippō demanded. “Don’t you care if you never see her again?”
Inuyasha could hear the tears in Shippō’s voice, could see the pain on his face. He felt his heart shattering into a million pieces, but he steeled himself against any feelings that might be coursing through Shippō, through him. 
“I can’t fight the way I want if she’s around!” he declared, schooling his face into a harsh smirk. He refused to look at Shippō; he knew how the kit felt. He didn’t need to see his face.
Because Inuyasha would never say it, would never even hint at it, but he felt the same way.
“I hate you, Inuyasha,” Shippō sobbed. “I hate you!”
Good, Inuyasha thought, looking at the broken well, his broken heart as shattered as the walls of the well. Better you hate me and Kagome is alive, than we’re friends and Kagome is dead.
He straightened up. “We’re going, Miroku,” Inuyasha told him. 
“Where to?” Miroku asked, a frown playing on his lips. 
“Where do you think?” Inuyasha snapped. “To hunt Naraku down and kill him!”
Because if we do that… Then maybe, just maybe… Kagome can come back. 
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inu-yasha · 7 months
Kikyou in the anime purpose Was to get rid of demons and help humans, as a priest it Was her duty so don't mixt duty with kindly.
Kikyou angry is iconic and the point of her character, even in manga she is still angry, so it's up to İnuyasha and the rest to put her soul to rest.
Kikyou was a shadow of revenge, body of clay, her relation with İnuyasha was over since the day Kikyou died and İnuyasha was put on a spell , but she didn't told him it was over and that he should move on, in the early episode of the anime, that is why they still saw each other for some moore episodes and doing things like hugs and kisses.
If Kikyou was fair she would have joined İnuyasha and the rest as soon as she found out the truth and told Inuyasha that he has another girl that loves him very much but no, she did not! Kikyou wasn't even a person in flesh, her duty as a priest didn't exist anymore, but she had choosen it anyway...
Even when Kikyou in the end dies in İnuyasha arms they still kiss, like come on, wasn't already over between you two?
Kikyou was made to be the other woman, the reason why Inuyasha could not move on, the toxic love and this is one of the reasons why the anime is special.
Kikyou is angry and can't accept a no and wants to steal lnuyasha, even when she still does priest duties, she still wants İnuyasha especially after she finds out he did not killed her and it was in fact Naraku.
That is why this works so well with Kikyou and we can't see her as anything more because Kikyou is already perfect, in showing you a really toxic,with flaws and even a desperate woman that makes mistakes, is jealous and can't accept thst Inuyasha is in love with another girl.
After all being kind and lovely doesn't suit her at all!
I have other questions that must wait in the queue for answers, because I haven't heard such nonsense for a long time.
Kikyou anime and Kikyou manga are very different from each other. This is very visible. But a person like you transcribes the characteristics of your kagome, who couldn't move on and used sit because she was jealous of the dead woman.
Kikyou was angry at first, but she directed her anger and anger towards Naraku and him only, she wanted revenge for herself and Inuyasha. He destroyed her life, even if Kikyou's body was fake, kindness and goodness were still inside her.
She was finally a free woman, able to hate and love. She was no longer limited by anything, and she helped people and even aagome become stronger, she even predicted that Naraku would want kagome's eyes, she gave her an arrow, she helped Team Inuyasha as much as she could, she saved the lives of many lives.
She saved Miroku knowing it would harm her, but she didn't have the biggest problem with it. She took risks. Just like she risked her plan to give Naraku the jewel to send him to hell.
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What nonsense. Kikyou is the 1st woman in Inuyasha's life. Kikyou's soul is in this Kagome's body, she has her power, it was thanks to her soul that Kagome found herself in those times and fell in love with Inuyasha. Kikyou is the core here that you are trying to erase from me by making her an angry, insignificant character with no development.
Kikyou can't move on and is still jealous,ftw.
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Here Kikyou wanted to leave knowing that her friends were worried about Inuyasha and said that she had to go. It was Inuyasha who hugged her. Of course they have kisses and hugs that are really wonderful. Who kissed Kikyou in her final death? She did it? Or maybe she asked him to? Because I only remember that Inuyasha did it and she said, "You came to me, that's enough," letting him know that it's good that she can see him for the last time.
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He just lost a woman who loved him all over the world, it's obvious that he wanted to talk to her and say goodbye one last time. He apologized to her for failing to save her. Inuyasha and Kikyou needed a moment like this.
NO. There was no end between them because they were caught up in the intrigue. They didn't break up. They were deceived, even though they hated each other at the beginning, the love between them still exists, as the entire series showed.
I understand that inuyasha should leave her just because there is kagome he has, but she is the reincarnation of Kikyou and there is no reverse. Kikyou is first and she will always be second and Kikyou will ALWAYS be more important in the world.
I can't understand that you and the others are making Kikyou look like a bad person, and I honestly don't see any hatred for what naraku does. Kikyou is like Sango and Miroku, he ruined her life and hers. She is as much a victim as anyone else.
Of course… It's Kikyou who won't let him go, you're absolutely right, right, right (scarcasm)
meanwhile kagome after kikyou's death
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Kikyou who wanted to leave him and Kagome who wouldn't let him leave the woman he loved because of her jealousy for her. won't give him to anyone, don't let him go to her even though he knows she loves him, because he can't leave her.
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Kagome's beautiful and sad face, full of pain and jealousy. They still haven't talked about it, their silent and sad faces say it all. Kagome is still jealous and had to sit down her husband, right? She still doesn't know how to talk about her being her reincarnation. She will never accept it, she will never accept that inuyasha still loves kikyou more than her and it is eating her up from the inside. She's the one who can't move on. If that was the case, she would take off his beads and she could talk about the situation normally, but he doesn't tell her anything about things related to Kikyou because it always ends like this, Kagome, sad, hurt, furious, uses sieves to take out her frustration on her husband although Kikyou is no longer a threat to her, she cannot accept InuKik's love and never will.
Everything you describe fits your lovely and not at all toxic and uncontrollable and eternally jealous kagome (scarsm)
I can see how Kikyou from an angry person becomes calmer and kinder, and her anger and anger are directed towards the right person, i.e. Naraku.
Kikyou never forces Inuyasha to be with her. She herself wants to destroy Naraku by refusing Inuyasha because she is taught to do so. She had to cope all her life, take care of the village and her younger sister. No one helped them, she had been taught this all her life, not to rely on others but to take matters into her own hands. When she did this, her weakness was exploited by the jealous Onigumo.
Kikyou was jealous in the beginning but later it's not like that you can't see that your kagome you are talking about is jealous from the very beginning of the story till the end. She has always been jealous and hurt overall Inuyasha is angry and Kikyou is a 'witch' who gets in the way of 'true love' because Kikyou and Inuyasha actually love each other Kagome is using Kouga's feelings to make Inuyasha jealous and it's okay that she is using another's feelings a guy she doesn't love and she's toying with him just to make Inuyasha jealous.
It wouldn't make sense for Kikyou to join the team because Kagome is there! So why would she be there? Kagome wouldn't let her do that due to her morbid jealousy.
For you, the anime is good because it shows Kikyou as a typical series rival of the main character, where she is the worst, while the truth is different. Kikyou is lovely and kind, full of love and a very complex character undergoing real character development, while the 'other woman' stands still, still jealous of the dead woman, and keeps her husband on a leash, not trusting him, but talking about trust.
She wanted revenge, but she also took revenge and gave up revenge to save Kohaku's life over destroying naraku
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Kikyou cleansed the jawel, saving Kohaku's life, even after death she was among them and supported them.
Inuyasha will never stop loving Kikyou, it's time to come to terms with it! I really don't care about the ships in this series. I think he loved them both, but Kikyou more, and Inukag is toxic on Kagome's side. She is the problem here, but she never notices it instead of accepting that she is second and will always be second. Accept what she knows from the beginning. Jealousy is a natural thing, but it's time to accept the fact that she will be the other woman and Inuyasha will never love her as much as Kikyou loved her.
Kikyou is kind and lovely unlike that 'other woman'
Oh, and what's more important. That wasn't her goal in the anime at all. Because I read an interview with director inuyasha who hated her and didn't understand her, for him she should be dead and that's why Kikyou is like that in the anime. Sunrise hated her and the director he was drawing , for example, for episode 33 ( the episode where Kikyou gives the jewel to Naraku) i don't remeber which episode.. is... but there in the final scene Kikyou has an infinite hand. He really hated her. Sunrise was very biased towards Kikyou and they really hated her.
The anime is simply perfect for you because it shows her the way you want, because you like her that way, when in the manga she is a completely different character.
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Inukag Fluff Week, day 1: Comfort
This is sort of an... Interlude? If sorts? To my day one post from inukag week at the beginning of the summer. Either story can be read as standalones, but they are compliant w/ one another, and if you enjoy this, I think you'll enjoy that. This takes place after the exposition but before the dialogue starts in that one
You're There in the Dark
"Inuyasha?" Kagome whispered tentatively into the darkness of the hut. The fire had long since died, and Sango & Miroku had gone to bed in the other room with their children and left Kagome and Inuyasha alone in the main room. Only starlight from the window illuminated the home, the moon dark but for the dim ring that marked its presence in the sky. Kagome sat up, leaning against the wall so she could spot the silhouette between the stars.
Every month for three years, she had glared at the black mark in the sky with disdain as she sneaked out to the well house, silently praying that whatever deity or force had opened the portal in the well to begin with would allow her through again. When she found herself on the dirt floor at the bottom, she instead pleaded for Inuyasha's safety, tears stinging her eyes as she looked up to the roof of the well house instead of the open sky she longed for, untouched by the light pollution of the city. She had only gotten precious few human nights with him, and they had almost always been dangerous if not deadly. And she knew - she knew - that the others would protect him, and there was no Naraku to threaten his safety anymore, but she couldn't be there. She couldn't protect him from whatever might try and hurt him, and she hated knowing that.
Now though, he lay beside her, just as he had for the two weeks since her return to the medieval period. He had clung to her almost from the minute she'd returned, rarely stepping out of arm's reach for more than a moment. It had been the most welcome change among many that she had embraced eagerly while reestablishing herself in the feudal era. Of course they still argued. Almost daily, even. But she was much less likely to storm off in a huff if she was arguing from Inuyasha's lap. From her first night back, when Kagome had crawled to where he'd been seated to sleep and tucked herself under his arm, they had made a habit of curling up together. She'd finally gotten him to lay beside her last week, rather than propping himself up against the wall, but he still put himself between her and the door, the same way he always had when they slept indoors.
Tonight, she had very intentionally gotten up with the excuse of getting a cup of water and returned to his other side, taking the spot closer to the door. Acting as a barrier between the man she loved in his most vulnerable state, and anything and everything that might seek to do him harm. He'd arched a brow at her, but she gave him a look that brokered no argument, and he made none, his face going a bit red in the low light of the small fire they had used to cook dinner.
Taking a deep breath, Kagome turned to look at the sleeping form besides her, smiling softly. His dark human hair was much less visible than his usual stark white in the barely-there light, but Kagome could make out the shape of his face, peaceful and relaxed by sleep. Reaching up, Kagome ran her fingers gently through his hair, tracing the shape of his human ear.
She couldn't see his eyebrows furrow, but she imagined they must have when she heard a soft grunt.
"Right here," She assured quietly, smoothing her fingers through his hair. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
She heard a soft huff of breath and the slide of fabric on fabric as he reached over, and she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist.
"Get back here, wench," he muttered, face half-pressed to her waist. Kagome giggled, stroking his hair again.
"I'm not going anywhere," she promised, smiling into the darkness. He stayed there a bit longer before rolling over, looking up at her from where his head now rested in her lap. Her hand came to rest on his chest, covered only by the white underlayer of his suikan. The fire rat overlayer, which they had used as a blanket when they first laid down, was now mostly crumpled beneath him.
"You okay?" He asked after a long moment of silence, and she could feel his eyes on her.
"... Do you remember the first new moon I spent with you?"
He was quiet for a beat, and then groaned softly. "Ugh. The spider priest."
"That's the one," she nodded, mirth in her voice as her fingers toyed gently with the collar of his shirt. "I think… that was the first time it really hit me that you weren't as indestructible as you seemed," she confessed, placing her free hand over her heart. "I'd seen you get hurt before that, but you'd always bounced back. When you told me to run, to save myself... I was so terrified that I was going to lose you."
"You let me lay in your lap like this then, too," he remembered after a moment, turning his head towards her stomach. "... It was the first time since my mother was alive that someone worried about my safety like that."
"And then I never stopped," she chuckled, smoothing his collar back into place. "I know how strong you are, and that you can handle most situations, but it's never stopped me from worrying."
She thought about the last few dark moons; it hadn't taken long for her family to catch on to where she was disappearing to. After she explained Inuyasha's night of vulnerability, they'd been their usual level of understanding. Often she'd wake up slumped against the well with a blanket over her shoulders, or with Sota curled up against her side. It got easier as time passed, but she had never once gone a new moon without feeling that visceral fear that something would happen on the other side of the well without her there to help protect him. The memory alone made the dull ache of the fear flare up again, and her fingers clenched in his shirt.
"Not once."
She looked down again when she felt his hand slide over hers, strong callused fingers wrapping around her own.
"When you were gone… I spent most new moons down the well," he confessed, the pad of his thumb running over the smooth skin of her wrist. "Once the others figured it out, they started coming with, sitting out in the field, so they were always nearby. I just… wanted to be close to you.
Kagome smiled softly, tears pricking at the back of her eyes. Blinking them back, she turned her hand in his, lifting his so she could kiss his knuckle.
"They say great minds think alike, but fools rarely differ," she hummed, lowering their clasped hands to his collar again. "And you know I've always been a fool for you."
The first gray light of dawn began to lend shape to their surroundings, and she could truly see him looking up at her now, his dark human eyes starting to go golden around the edges.
"I'm so glad you're here, Kagome," he admitted, squeezing her hand. She squeezed back, brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
"It's good to be home."
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Am I the only one that doesn't get the whole Sesshomaru x Kikyo thing?
Don't get me wrong I don't want to come after people who ship it I mean ship what you want I'm a multishipper myself.
I get Sesshomaru and Kagome (not a big fan of this either) and even Sesshomaru x Sango or even Sessrin (although this absolutely disgusts me) but Sesshomaru and Kikyo met once (?) I think in a movie and this was only because Sesshomaru told her, that he wants to kill Inuyasha.
So I just don't get it. It's just my opinion. There are a few kinda weird ships that I just don't get but I'm just afraid to raise my voice at it because I ship two characters, some people just don't want to see together.
And I won't be hating on these ships because that's not fair and people are free to ship what they want, as much as I want to be free to ship what I want.
But anyways. I will just tell.
Bankotsu x Kagome (did they ever even talk?)
Bankotsu x Sango (same here)
Naraku x Kohaku (Kohaku is a child.)
Sesshomaru x Kohaku (same for that)
Byakuya x Kagura (they are siblings?!)
Sango x Kohaku (same here?!)
Inuyasha x Sesshomaru (siblings...)
Naraku x Kagura (Don't see Kagura as his daughter but just don't feel it)
Kagura x Koga (legit ship but just not my fav)
Jaken x Sesshomaru (can't take this one seriously)
Sessrin (so problematic...)
Byakuya x Koga (?)
Byakuya x Inuyasha (?)
There are also a few platonic ships in Inuyasha that I absolutely enjoyed, like friendships and family relationships. And we don't need to argue about them because some of them were absolutely adorable and some were absolutely strong. (Like I love Sangos and Inuyashas friendship and same for Kagome and Miroku and they did them so dirty in yashahime.)
Some ships I feel neutral about (Canon and fanon)
Inuyasha x Kikyo (don't hate them together but also don't feel anything about it)
Naraku x Kikyo (interesting but not for me)
Koga x Ayame (underrated and deserved more screentime)
Koga x Kagome (sure if you wanna do it)
Koga x Inuyasha (kinda interesting but just don't see it)
Naraku x Koga (same here)
Sesshomaru x Koga (same here)
Sesshomaru x Naraku (Enemies to lovers in a very hateful way but still kinda nice just not for me)
Inuyasha x Miroku ( friends to lovers is just not a trope for me)
Kagome x Sango (I admit I kinda like it)
Sesshomaru x Kagura (used to ship it and it's a nice ship but just not my thing anymore)
Don't know if anyone reads this long post to here I just wanted to argue about Sesshomaru x Kikyo but anyways here are my favs
Inukag (love their slow burn and sweet romance, we're done dirty in yashahime and I hate it)
Mirsan (my babies. Love them. Always and forever, done so dirty in yashahime too)
Bankotsu x Jakotsu (will die on a hill for them)
Rin x Kohaku (the only friends to lovers I would have loved)
Naraku x Byakuya (platonic. But I enjoyed them together. Deserved more screentime)
Byakuya x Sango (I know it's kinda dumb but I love it)
Sesshomaru x Byakuya (my babies. My babies. Intimidating and elegant. Just my power couple. My favorite of favorites)
Whoever took time to read this list, thank you and I'm open for other opinions as well.
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otomesakura20 · 2 months
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The Infinity Castle
6th installment of my InuHaru in the Demon Slayer universe.❤️
So this project is the reason I didn’t post a new one yesterday. The background was ( and I knew it was going to take forever.😮‍💨) time consuming lol. The Infinity Castle is not a easy thing to draw and I’m sure artists and animators that animated that part in the last episode of the current season for Kimetsu no yaiba had a time putting it together I give mad props to lol. But I still attempted it because I thought it would be fun and something I’ve never drawn before.😁 Also I really wanted to do this project. It came out so good.🥹🥲 Now as I said this is based on the last episode of the current season for Demon Slayer but I have to admit I haven’t watched yet or read the manga at all but I’m patiently waiting for the episodes to drop on Netflix and I hope to get the manga some day. I did unfortunately see spoilers on social media.🥲 Kind of ruins it for me lol but oh well. Anyway the last scene of the final episode gave me inspiration to do another InuHaru project and I plan to add the background music on Facebook, Instagram, and if I can find it on tumblr. So if you want to hear the epic ending music with this project feel free to swing by and see it. Also this is not the end for this as I plan to keep coming up with new ideas for this series.😁 I also have to add that Muzan’s final battle location looks so much more amazing then Naraku’s. I absolutely hate spiders so I wasn’t a fan of his final battle place lol.
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inukag-archive · 8 months
I so love the work you guys do! And since you have recommended so many great stories I was wondering if you knew of any Inuyasha/Harry Potter au? I would love me some inu and crew sorted into houses and fighting with wands :)
Thanks in advance!
Hi @misspepperpottss, thank you so much for your patience 😅. We thought this was going to be a relatively easy list to put together, but quickly discovered that there are only a few Harry Potter AUs out there that feature InuKag, and the overwhelming majority of crossovers were written for crossover ships (such as Kagome/Draco etc).
The list below is everything we could find after searching high and low. Please note that many of the stories (especially towards the end of the list) are not complete and haven't been updated for over 10 years.
We hope you find something you enjoy on this relatively short list. Please accept this gif made by fic-finder @lostinfantasyworlds as a small consolation for the lack of results after waiting so long!
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Itching For You by @witchygirl99 (G)
“I have an idea,” Kagome interjected, still kind but oddly firm. “Since we all want to do the same assignment tonight, why don’t we do it together? That way, we get all the information we need, we all complete the assignment on time, and everyone is happy.” Inuyasha opened his mouth, but she shot him a sharp look, smile gaining an edge and quelling his argument. “This is the best plan.”
Professor Naraku assigns a last minute, no-good assignment because he hates the world (or Inuyasha, specifically). Too bad there's only one book in all of Hogwarts that has the answers a certain few wizards and witches need.
Misc by @kawaiichan67 (NR)
A few snippets inspired by FawnEyedGirl and WindKissedSakura’s discussion of the Patronus spell and the possibility of one’s Patronus changing forms.
The Captain's Crush by @theladyofthewest (T)
When Koga makes Quidditch captain instead of Inuyasha, old insecurities flare and maybe a brother, despite himself, might be able to help? Featuring an uncomfortable Miroku and a Kagome who just wishes Inuyasha would realize his own worth.
Mikos and Magic by sessha-chan (K+)
Kagome gets a very interesting letter delivered by an owl offering her a place in a school for magic. Hogwarts here she comes, but she's not coming alone! IYHP. KagInu.
Road to Remembrance by Shivakashi (T)
One mysterious letter leads Inuyasha on an enlightening journey across the world. One that not only teaches him about himself, but also the strengths of humanity. Pirates, Wizards, new powers and Azkaban! Demon Hunter Prequel. IYxMultPair* KouAya MirSan
*InuKag are the eventual endgame pairing for this series, but not until the third part (Millennium)
Series part 2/3: Demon Hunter (M) Series part 3/3: Millennium (M)
Kagome's First Year by renee hex (T)
What would happen if Inuyasha finally made his wish, but it wasn't for himself, but for Kagome to have a 2nd chance. Kagome is now reborn in England.... prequal to Kagome's Second Year
Other fics in series: Kagome's Second Year (M) Kagome's Third Year (T) Kagome's Fourth Year (T) Kagome's Fifth Year (K+)
Before the Dawn by CrayonDreamer (T)
The Well backfired, separating Inuyasha and Kagome. When Kagome wakes up at the Weasely's, she is sent off to Hogwarts, where she will try to find a way home, and find Inuyasha. But things don't go right. It's a race for life against dawn. InuKag HP xover
Kagome Riddle by angelfire123 (T)
Kagome’s past is revealed. She is a descendant of the Riddle house. She hears of her father's mysterious death. Now she's out for revenge. No one knows what she is after and dangerous deals are about and what new adventures is the 6th year of Hogwarts bringing for the Golden trio?
An Interesting New Year by EvilFaerie17 (T)
It's a new year at Hogwarts for Harry and the gang, but when two new students with weird abilities show up, life at school turns a lot more interesting. Prank wars and new friendships abound! Eventual HHr and InuKag. 
Cultural Exchange by MonPetitLoupDeMort (T)
Inu Harry Potter. The Hogwarts teachers have gone on vacation, and school begins tommorow! Dumbledore tries to summon new teachers from a parallel dimention. What he doesn't know is that there are some unwanted tagalongs. Inuyasha gang teaching wizards! ?
The Witch Who Overcame Time by EriLenx07 (T)
In which soon to be fourth year Hogwarts student Higurashi Kagome finds her assumption that Harry Potter was the only one with world saving duties to be very, very wrong.
Carrier of the Two Souls by spasmodic (M)
Harry J. Potter died doing what he was destined to do. He went through the seven trials set before him by his previous Headmaster and he defeated the Dark Lord. He was ready to continue on to the afterlife to be with his family when he's reincarnated as Hikari Daku, a Japanese high school student who goes to school with the infamous Kagome Higarashi. He just couldn't rest in peace.
Witchcraft and Wizardry by dragonSpired48 (K+)
IY and HP crossover. Kagome needs to improve her miko powers and she conveniently gets invited to attend Hogwarts. Characters clash and mix as the Inuyasha gang heads west! And why is Naraku also in modern times...!
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hanmajoerin · 2 years
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A/N: I started this piece two years ago, and I finally figured out what was missing from it! Hope you guys are able to enjoy it because I’m stoked with how it turned out.
Summary: Post!Cannon. InuYasha and Kagome have been married for a few months and spend an evening under the stars.
II Archive of Our Own: here IIFanfiction.Net: here II
There wasn’t a cloud in sight tonight, and deep hues of blue and purple stretched out much further than Musahi’s domain. A few months passed since Kagome returned through the Bone Eater’s Well, and spring already yielded to the sticky humidity of summer. InuYasha hardly noticed it. With Kagome around, he didn’t pay attention to the lengths of the days or how cool the shade could keep him. He just paid attention to her.
InuYasha breathed in the scent of lilies and bergamot; he couldn’t hide his smile if he tried. It only widened at the telltale sound of soft footfalls. “How’d it go?” He asked Kagome before she could even sit down.
“It was another false alarm.”
“Damn. Even before it’s born, that kid’s a handful.”
Kagome laughed, taking her seat beside the half-demon. “I missed this,” she confessed, smoothing out her red hakama.
“We were just here this afternoon,” InuYasha carped, ‘cause sure, the grass was a darker shade of green now that the sun had set, but it was still the same damn place. He watched his wife for a moment, noticed how the nearby fireflies followed her—how they circled them both in an ethereal glow.
Kagome sighed, turning her attention skyward. “It’s just that back in the other world, I used to sneak into the mini-shrine after everyone was asleep. I knew it wouldn’t work, but I still got mad when I’d hop in the well, look up, and see the roof.” She brought her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.
The other world... InuYasha thought to himself, following her gaze. “I would’ve killed for that view; I hated looking up and seeing this shit,” he countered, offering Kagome a lopsided grin. She hummed her acknowledgment, resting her head on the tops of her knees.
Four years ago, the two spent tons of nights like this, although pops from the fire and idle chatter from their friends usually kept them company. For three of those years, the only things InuYasha got to keep were the memories. Part of him believed it was meant to end up that way. Felt down to the bone that it was best for someone like Kagome to be with family, friends, and those pesky tests from her world. He practically dragged her through the well when they were looking for the Sacred Jewel shards and Naraku, so InuYasha never once considered that a world without him could be as empty as she described. Figured she just wouldn’t have the time to miss him. It was a lucky break that Kagome returned to this world saying she wanted to stay. Now, all they had was time. Time for him to wait around while she helped villagers, time to sit with her when she was done, and time to protect her so she’d be able to do the same for him.
“InuYasha, what are you thinking about?” Kagome asked, reaching out to brush her hand against his arm. The half-demon flopped backwards, crushing the damp grass below.
He pillowed his head with his hands, turning to look up at Kagome. InuYasha liked the dip of her nose, the way her lips rested. “How I’m always going to protect you,” he replied. It wasn’t a new declaration, but he still meant it. Besides, he couldn’t send her away when things got tough anymore, and Kagome couldn’t run home if she got mad at him–well, that wasn’t exactly true. The second Kagome grabbed his hand a few months back, he became the home she’d run to. The same kind of home she’d been to him for so long.
Kagome leaned over InuYasha, reaching down to caress his cheek. “Keep talking,” she told him, batting her eyelashes prettily. There was no way he’d deny her.
“What am I supposed to talk about, Woman?” InuYasha barked, his gruff frown staying put even after it elicited a small bout of laughter from the priestess—damn, she was a sight though. Hair black as ink on a scroll, scrunched nose with a smile.
“Anything,” Kagome said, drawing out the word so longingly that InuYasha almost asked her to keep talking.
“You’re distracting me,” InuYasha pointed out since Kagome made a habit of it. She distracted him from all sorts of stuff like the Sacred Jewel, his dreams of becoming a great demon, his insecurities, and the typical destiny of half-demons. Yet all she could do in light of the notion was ease herself down beside him like she belonged there. And for the record, she always had.
InuYasha just wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. Kagome rested her head on his chest, tracing circles across the robe of the fire rat. “I’m trying to stargaze–isn’t that why you told me to wait out here in the first place?”
“Yep, and I’m so sorry,” Kagome offered half-heartedly, shifting around so she could look over at him. InuYasha couldn’t really describe it; they were together under a dark night sky, but somehow Kagome made it feel as if they were looking up at a clear morning one. The type where the sun made a measly wick in oil out of the night’s brightest campfire.
“You should apologize since you’re the one that wanted me to look at these damn things. Coulda been home by the fire,” InuYasha scoffed.
“Are you cold? Do you want me to warm you up a little?” Kagome asked, and before he could answer she started kissing stars across his jaw, his cheeks, and forehead. InuYasha closed his eyes, claws skimming the fabric by her hips. He wanted to pull her flush to him, feel her weight. “Kagome...” Her name trickled like a line, turning each peck into a constellation.
“InuYasha,” Kagome echoed, lips hovering teasingly above his. But he learned never to hesitate, just to kiss her whenever he could.
InuYasha moved languidly in tandem with her lips. The half-demon brushed the pad of his thumb across her cheek while she repositioned herself, hoisting her leg across his torso to straddle him. “You know, I used to never believe in people like you.”
“Time travelers?” Kagome asked, snapping out of her haze and cocking her head to the side.
“No, Stupid, I was one of those too,” InuYasha deadpanned, earning him a playful pout. “Humans like you.” He used to not need them, either. In the past, he never needed anyone. At least, that’s what he told himself when he decided to carve out a place for one. The notion became the foundation of his home, a mantra that tagged along everywhere he went since no one bothered challenging it.
“Until Mistress Centipede popped out of the well, I also didn’t believe in you.”
“Really? It was that old crone?”
“Oh yeah, Gramps used to tell me stories about ghosts and demons growing up, but I never bought any of it. Imagine my surprise when Mistress Centipede was dragging me to this world. Then I met you, and I had no choice but to believe,” she explained.
“Guess I kinda owe her one for that,” InuYasha admitted.
“She did tie us together, kind of like how we are now—huh?”
“I think you mean,” InuYasha paused for a moment, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a hug, “she tied us like this.” He squeezed her even tighter.
Kagome’s surprised squeak transformed into a fit of giggles as InuYasha ran his hands up her back and bent his head down to kiss her neck. “InuYasha, stop it,” she chided, pushing against his chest, but he didn’t move. “It wasn’t like this!”
InuYasha took the opportunity to switch positions. In seconds Kagome was gazing up at him, black hair fanning out on the grass. He caged her in, knees on either side of her waist, palms of his hands resting by her ears. His silver hair curtained them. “You’re right, we were pinned just like this,” he concurred.
“No, you were pinned,” she countered, reaching up to grab his forelocks. InuYasha raised his brow and Kagome shot him a coy smirk before jerking them down. InuYasha closed his eyes, his nose now brushing against hers. “But I remember us being like this. Tell me, InuYasha, do you still want me to let go of you?”
“No,” he replied, and she tugged on his forelocks a second time to bring their lips together.
InuYasha pulled back from her to give them just enough room to grab a breath. Just a moment so he could remind himself of where they were, but he didn’t need it. The half-demon dipped down to kiss her again, brushing his tongue along her lips until they opened and her arms encircled him. A rush of energy sparked in his core, and when he inhaled, there was so much of Kagome. Her scent and touch and taste.
How'd he do it? How’d he inspire Kagome to travel through time to end up in his arms? To end up in this place where there were forests that stretched on forever and demons and wooden carts instead of pink iron ones? “Kagome,” he said, lifting himself up. Tousled tendrils of her dark hair framed her features, making her nearly glow. They fell to the side when she wrapped her arms around his waist. InuYasha moved to lay next to her instead, resting his head in the palm of his hand and draping an arm around her. “What you said earlier… me, too.”
InuYasha tucked Kagome’s hair behind her ears. “About having to believe in people like me. I’m really glad we met.”
“InuYasha…” His ear twitched at the sudden sound of several straw sandals crunching in the distance. He rolled over to flop on his back and grabbed Kagome’s hand. “InuYasha?” She inquired, but he didn’t have to answer her.
“I can smell them, they’re right over here!” Shippo announced and the half-demon groaned, slapping his free hand over his face and sliding it down. He stood up then, careful of the hand he was holding. InuYasha wordlessly stuck out his other hand and helped Kagome up.
“Man, we shoulda just gone home,” he grumbled, glaring ahead as Kagome brushed off her hakama. “What the hell are you lot doing out this late?” InuYasha called out while Kagome stood on her tiptoes to pluck a piece of grass out of his hair.
“Shippo decided to test out a new fox demon technique that woke up Hisui and the girls,” Sango explained.
“We decided to take a walk; hope we aren’t interrupting anything,” Miroku added with a predictable waggle of his brows.
InuYasha scowled. “As if,” he huffed, stuffing his hands into his sleeves.
“I asked InuYasha if we could sit outside for a few minutes to stargaze,” Kagome said, letting go of his hand to walk up the hillside.
InuYasha watched as she joined their friends. Kagome looked right standing with all of them.
He didn’t get the chance to tell her that when they met, she gave him no choice but to believe in the people like her, too. Kagome was the human who tossed offerings from villagers and family heirlooms to a half-demon like him as if he earned them. It was Kagome who laid out plans to carve out a place fit for a village and wanted him there. Kagome, the one who InuYasha’d never need because he hadn’t ever needed anyone before. But her ridiculous clothes and her floral scent changed his mantra. He hadn’t even noticed it—still couldn’t name the moment he found a home in Kagome. It just happened. She told him he wasn’t alone anymore and when he looked around, he saw everyone standing there; a priestess, a fox-demon, a monk, a demon slayer, and their family.
“Come on, InuYasha!” Kagome hollered and said half-demon shook his head. “Are you going stay down there?”
“Are you kiddin’!?” InuYasha bounced back, starting the stomp to their sides. InuYasha threw his arms back for his head to rest on. “I ain’t going to stay anywhere, not without you,” he told Kagome, offering the hill a passing glance. He had a feeling he’d be back tomorrow.
“Are you kiddin’!?” InuYasha bounced back, starting the stomp to their sides. InuYasha threw his arms back for his head to rest on. “I ain’t going to stay anywhere, not without you,” he told Kagome, offering the hill a passing glance. He had a feeling he’d be back tomorrow.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Ray-ray, light of my life, I must know your thoughts on Sango please!
I love her, she's been my favorite since she crawled out of her own grave ❤
Oh Sango is fantastic. She's suffered so much but stayed so kind and strong. She had the resolve to not only drag herself out of her own grave but to pick up the fight against Naraku. And while she has her faults of course she's also open enough to allow her outlook on the world to grow and shift and change over the course of their travels.
In a lot of ways she's equal to Kagome in that they are both, by their very natures, individuals who should hate and/or seek to destroy all youkai and whose circumstances should have made them bitter but they break that mold.
Kagome by stint of being a modern girl, born out of the time period and thus not being raised and conditioned as most other miko were, and just by being outright kind.
Sango was raised to hunt youkai in the name of protecting mankind in a very hands-on manner. To her youkai and the destruction they can cause is a very real part of her everyday life and the cause of a number of her personal tragedies.
But, despite that, Sango joins a diverse group, she travels with youkai and a hanyou (someone who is universally despised for his blood alone), she protects them, fights with them, learns to love them. She opens herself up to Miroku, she's a best friend and sister figure to Kagome, and she stays strong and kind all the while.
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avionvadion · 10 months
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Listen. The chapter isn't even done yet. I just started writing it. So dialogue may very well change. But damn was this an image my very soul needed me to draw.
Here's the snippet!
“Uh… I don’t… think they’re even in that kind of relationship to begin with…” That was a mental image Kagome definitely did not need. But, then again, Irene did seem to really like Sesshōmaru. Kagome couldn’t deny that. It was just Sesshōmaru himself that was the problem. “She likes him, but he’s… not the kind of person to fall for someone.” 
“But he sounds as if he’s head over heels for her.” Eri pointed out. “Forget whether or not he might be the head of a mafia group- if he saved her from being killed, then found her each time she was kidnapped, despite never going out of his way for anyone and despite being a total villain like you said, then clearly there’s something there. He has to feel something to let himself go out of his way for her. Right?” 
Kagome was stunned. “Uh… I mean… yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” 
Kagome picked up her soda and took another long sip, furrowing her brows as she thought about this. Could Sesshōmaru have feelings for Irene? 
Guess I’ll find out the next time I see him.
If he truly went out of his way to rescue her from Naraku’s clutches, then Ayumi and Eri were right- something was there. If he went out of his way to use even the tenseiga which he hates so much to bring her back to life, then… Sesshōmaru truly cares for her. 
But Irene isn’t from the Feudal Era. She was just like Kagome, hailing from a time far in the future. After Anastasia is defeated… she’ll probably be separated from him. 
Kagome might not ever see Irene again, either. 
Not unless she finds me in her time, and that’s… 
That’s assuming Kagome doesn’t have to make a choice to stop traveling between eras herself. 
“I just hope we see her again soon.” She sighed, hanging her head dejectedly. “The last time anyone saw her was when Sesshōmaru saved her from her kidnappers. Since she left with him, no one’s seen her. He's the only one who could keep her alive at this point, but with how he is... who knows?” 
Yuka and Eri were utterly convinced now that this older brother of Kagome’s supposedly bad boy boyfriend was the leader of a criminal organization, and they could only imagine what it must have looked like as this “Sesshōmaru” rescued the young woman from her kidnappers, before stealing her away for himself so her life would no longer be threatened. Ayumi, on the other hand, was utterly enamored by the visual in her mind, giggling and smiling to herself as she imagined a dashing man in white bravely rescuing his lover. 
“Kagome…” The girl blinked and looked up, sweat beading nervously down her cheek when she saw the concerned stare Eri was giving her. 
Yuka frowned. “Tell us as soon as you find out what’s happened, okay? This sounds serious! He saved her from her kidnappers, just to kidnap her himself!? He’s worse than a psycho! He's... He's absolutely nuts!" 
“Total villain was right.” Eri huffed, referencing Kagome’s earlier description. “That poor woman deserves better than to be held hostage by the man she likes.”
Ayumi laughed and waved a hand at the two girls. “Aw, you guys are over thinking it! Isn’t it obvious what happened?”
Yuka, Eri, and Kagome all blinked, staring at the curly-haired, innocently smiling Ayumi. 
She held a finger up knowingly. “They eloped!” 
Kagome’s forehead never hit the tabletop so hard in her life. She all but shot up onto her feet, slamming her hands down on the wood as she shrieked, “They’re not together! Sesshōmaru would never love a human!”  
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The original version, without the filters!
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fuedalreesespieces · 5 months
kagkik wip
wip!! idk where exactly I was supposed to go with this but I decided to post it here anyway. in kagkik feels rn...
Kagome watched as Kikyo lifted her newly assembled hand and examined it with a keen eye. She sat limp against the warm walls of Kaede’s hut, flames licking at the edges of the nearby fire pit, Kagome’s healing supplies sprawled out over the reed mats. Before, these supplies had consisted of gauze, rubbing alcohol, and future ointments, but now her collection has expanded to include more specialized tools: adhesive, epoxy, and sanding materials. To heal a person whose wounds were not of flesh, one needed to improvise.  
“It’s golden,” Kikyo remarked, tracing down the shiny lacquered adhesive in her arms. They spiderwebbed across her skin like veins, stark against her porcelain complexion. “Beautiful.” 
Kagome beamed. “You like it?” 
Kikyo lowered her hand. “It is elegant. But no one would ever see it,” she said, alluding to the wide, voluminous sleeves of her miko clothes.  
“I’ve seen it,” Kagome pointed out. 
It was a joking remark, but Kikyo’s eyes drifted close, lips curling up in appeasement. “Then that is enough.” 
Kagome blushed, fumbling to tuck the remainder of her supplies away. The hut’s warmth, once quaint, was now stifling. Her eyes darted towards the doorway, and she shifted her thoughts towards something more suitable.  
The others had sustained minor injuries from their latest skirmish with Naraku’s incarnations – a few cuts for Inuyasha, which had healed in a moment’s notice; a thin gash on Miroku’s ankle that Sango had bandaged for him, evading his flirtations all the while. She was aware that they now meandered outside, recovering or hunting for that evening’s dinner, leaving her and Kikyo alone, as they had so often found themselves.  
Kikyo had dealt the most damage to both the enemy and herself. Her body, constructed of clay, was far too fragile to withstand even the most menial of combat. Her skin cracked and severed and fell to pieces, and each time, Kagome would collect her fallen stone limbs to reattach them, gingerly applying glue and holding Kikyo’s body in place using the strength of her own while it dried.  
Only us, Kikyo had insisted. Kagome had assumed it was because she didn’t want everyone else to see her in such a disfigured state, being reassembled like a broken clock. They were no longer enemies, and they had passed the phase of begrudging animosity, timid greetings, and half-hearted attempts at conversation. But she hadn’t understood why Kikyo would let her – the girl she had once claimed to hate – see her so vulnerable.  
Kagome didn’t understand it much now, either, but she treasured these moments alone. There were slow lines of sleepy dialogue exchanged, and sometimes only silence, but the air was always heavy, weighing down on them. There were the faint, almost imagined sounds – the hitch in Kikyo’s breath when Kagome’s wet fingers lathered her clean; the sigh she let out when Kagome ran her hands through her length of dark hair. Her eyelashes fell like a curtain as gentle palms danced across her collarbone, down the dip of her spine. Over and over, she basked in the foreign, comforting sensation of touch. 
When her eyes fluttered open, and Kikyo gazed down at her body, there was a sense of regret. As though she wished she weren’t broken so beyond repair that she could reach up and caress Kagome in return. 
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anotherworldash · 7 months
Can I get your opinion on Inuyasha series?
it's a wonderful series! one of my earlier fav series alongside digimon, pokeani, and HxH.
beautiful love story, OST, and setting.
some things about this blog:
i love NarKik, how awesome is it that the man who wishes to kill her, and actually have killed her, held also the dearest despicable desire to protect/keep-her-alive her? (or more like his desire has protected her...)
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not into inukag vs inukik topic ( i ship both )
reincarnation concept is very close to me, as physical body is just a facade . so to me inukag is a successful representation of the love inukik once had, a prove that bond between two longing souls is eternal .
there was also no competition between kikyo and kagome. the choice was very obvious.
kikyo chose to travel alone, she didn't want inuyasha's love anymore, she wanted revenge on him(when she didn't know it was naraku all along) . kikyo knew she died and she count her days on earth only for revenge (stopping naraku). remember how she killed a monk once for interfering her plan and tried to kill inuyasha? well that ended once she knew it was naraku all along.
kikyo's tale is not of love but revenge.
and inuyasha actively chose to travel with Kagome.
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big sessrin lover, but also ship kagusess and koharin (go search the tag in my blog if you don't believe) i will not say anything much about this part, because it will be too long for answer to this ask.
big believer than inu-no-taisho (inuyasha and sesshomaru's dad) and sesshomaru's mother are SIBLING
i hate the conception that kikyo is this 'gloomy' man-stealer, the fact that she is a very sassy and funny woman. once joked that kaede is now scared when seeing her, often forgotten in the series...
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my crackships are inuyasha x ayame, sesshoumaru x kagome, rin x kagome's brother, and SANGO X BANKOTSU, sango x koga. (pleaseeee i like sangmirok but i always feel she deserves better)
my favorite non-canon but possible ship is KAGOME X KIKYO (yay selfcest!)
i dont have much yaoi ship here, just inucest...
i haven't watched yashahime , i'm just not obsessing inuyasha series anymore and i wait for my next obsession to come before i watch it
this blog was a kikyo defend blog in 2010, yes, and it still is in 2024. Kikyo is my favorite character. god this woman is sooo FUNNY. i swear audiences are missing on how hilarious her personality is. girlie is always plotting..scheming.. with menacing expression. iconic really
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inu-yasha · 1 year
*sighs* Poor Kikyou
A friend showed me a panel where the author of "yashahime" wrote that Kikyou is his "ex" and I see that it also "confirmed" as everyone says. So to be honest, Kikyou's role has been reduced to "ex", and Kikyou is more than Inuyasha's ex. How annoying. This girl is dead, no longer a threat to the main couple, and continues to be humiliated, even in this pseudo-non-canon sequel. I really haven't experienced such hatred for a character like Kikyou. Kikyou's hatred transcends all levels.
Naraku is not as hated as Kikyou. I just feel it's annoying that Kagome failed to fill the void left by the loss of Kikyou, and knowing that Inuyasha still loves Kikyou despite her death, must be really frustrating even for the author of this pseudo-non-canon sequel himself. How sad. What's going on with Kikyou is absurd to me. This girl has done NOTHING to have such hatred. She is also a victim not only Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku etc.
She took it upon herself to get rid of Naraku, the person who ruined her life, she didn't hesitate to stand by his side giving him the jewel, which was part of her plan, she knew well how Naraku thinks as it was with Kagome's eyes. Kikyou had previously warned Inuyasha not to take her because he would want to get Kagome's eyes so he could see the jewel shards. All this and more, not only did she help Miroku and Kohaku, this woman did a lot more for the series than the jealous Kagome, was more interested in having an romance with the main character than taking responsibility for breaking jewel. Kagome got what she honestly wanted so much - Inuyasha and she wanted Kikyou to die, it also happened.
This woman don't have her back story.She and Kaede were left alone. Was Kikyou raised by priestesses after her parents died and then took care of her sister? Have She taken on the responsibility of looking after their little sister before? How were they left alone without their parents? How did their parents die? How did Kikyou choose the path of a priestess, becoming an unhappy person but devoted to her duties?
Kikyou has suffered a really big injustice from Sunrise, and now this… I am speechless, all I can say is how sad and pathetic and ridiculous at the same time to bring this poor woman, despite her death, to such a shallow statement. Kikyou really deserves better, apparently her sin was to fall in love with Inuyasha, but she was and is and will ALWAYS be loved by Inuyasha, no matter what the author of this pseudo non-canon works does.
And I came to the conclusion that Kikyou was and is VERY important to Inuyasha and the whole series since her role and her are still wanted to be humiliated and reduced (I've known this for a long time, only seeing things like this confirms it) - Pathetic
and also
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Kikyou's the best Inuyasha women character
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inuyashamybeloved · 7 months
“Front Piece” chapter 5 sneak peek.
(aka, the dinner from hell 😈)
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When he arrived home after an awful workday, Inuyasha found Kikyo and Yura running like headless chickens around the kitchen and dining room, making sure everything looked perfect for her family’s impending arrival. Yura was even wearing the maid uniform reserved for such occasions. The petite woman absolutely hated the fucking thing, and Inuyasha couldn’t blame her. She wasn’t a maid, she was the other lady of the house, but Yura was willing to do anything for Kikyo—especially after Tsubaki had berated her daughter for picking such an “inferior worker” upon meeting the young woman.
“Calm down, you two! Everything’s going to be fucking fine!” he hollered as he went up to his room to take a quick shower.
After an entire day wearing a suit, Inuyasha sure as fucking hell wasn’t in the mood to wear another, but alas… the fucking dinner required it.
Appearances and all that shit.
The fact that Kagome took a personal day off didn’t help his mood. Inuyasha had wanted to see her and ask about her encounter with Naraku. And if he was honest with himself, also ask her about the mystery man who had picked her up.
No matter what Yura or Kikyo told him, Inuyasha was almost certain that Kagome had a boyfriend. How could she not? She was beautiful, she was fun, she was kind, she had a smile that lit up a room. How could a girl like her be single?
No fucking way she was single.
“Damn it,” he muttered, refraining himself from punching the bathroom tile.
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Kikyo double-checked the cutlery, making sure it sparkled and was perfectly aligned on the table. She honestly didn't care about perfection, but she just couldn’t take any more jabs and criticism. It was just one night, she could survive one night pretending she and Inuyasha were the perfect couple in front of her parents.
She could do this.
It was one night, and then they wouldn’t visit for at least another month. Her mother just couldn't stand being in the same room with both Yura and Inuyasha for too long; Tsubaki’s dislike for them was a blessing in disguise. Kikyo felt horrible for thinking so, but it was what it was. If it wasn’t for that fact, her parents would visit more often.
“The chicken’s in the oven. It’s done, but I’m keeping it warm in there,” Yura said, smoothing her uniform as she exited the kitchen.
Even though it looked good on her for kinky reasons, Kikyo hated seeing Yura wearing it and pretending to be someone she was not. Yura was her woman, her rock, her life. Not her maid.
But they had to pretend or things would get bad.
“Thank you,” she replied, hugging Yura and kissing her softly, “I know how much you hate pretending.”
Kikyo felt her shrug. “Yeah, but I also understand why.”
“You’re the best.”
Inuyasha’s footsteps reached them, and the girls pulled apart. “Ready to get this fucking show on the road?” he said, staring at his watch before looking at them.
Kikyo gulped. No, she was not ready, but what else could she do?
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Chapters 1-4 on Ao3
Inuyasha/Kagome, Kikyo/Yura.
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