#i have such a hate love relationship with miroku
devilatelier · 1 year
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ok. ok i gotta admit sometimes i love miroku
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justasecretflower · 29 days
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💐Inyuasha! Men as boyfriends🤍
Incl- inyuasha, miroku, Naraku, Koga, Sesshomaru, Jinenji
Feudal Japan! Era
~ fluff, head canons.
CW- mentions of baby trapping!!
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-bullying you is his love language /canon
- if he gets clingy, don’t say a word or else he’s yelling at you to shut up with a flushed face.
- tries to do your hair, gives up, gets frustrated, almost cries.
- calls lovey dovey stuff corny.
- hates pda..he won’t do it
- Likes laying his head on your lap and you scratching behind his ear.
- gives rare, but lingering loving kisses alone.
- if he’s feeling extra caring he’ll maybe hit you with a “love…”
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-I’m gonna fight miroku he’s so weird…
- constantly has a hand on your butt or thigh.
- he’s such a pervert
-will say proudly yell out inappropriate compliments / comments about you. With people around.
-wants kids so bad. Wants like a million /canon
- has a baby name list alr
-very open about his love for you. No matter what. If you’re gone for like a second he’ll pull a “guys..I miss my partner…😔”
-it’s a little pathetic.
-constantly saying he’s gonna wife you up he doesn’t care how long you’ve been dating.
-he buys you expensive stuff all the time and then brags about it to other people.
-“men..we gotta pamper our ladies…😏”
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- #1 Naraku disliker
-anyway, he’s super manipulative. He looks at you like a pretty doll and nothing more.
- you’re bright, you’re pretty, you can be manipulated. You’re perfect.
-he’d be the type that if you wanted to leave he’d baby trap you..
-and then make you take care of the baby all alone..he’ll still be in a relationship with you just not take care of the kid
-sorry I’m not feeding into ur delusions. I can’t.
- he has servants pamper you, at all times of the day, so that when he comes home you’re sat right outside the door looking pretty and fresh for him.
-materialistically everything is yours.
- late at night, when he’s sure you’re asleep, he’ll kiss you softly on the tip of your nose and mutter a small “I love you.”
-that’s all you’re getting. Sorry!!
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- he always is holding hands with you or has his hand on the small of your back.
- he likes the little nose rub kiss.
- he likes to just take in your scent time to time (not in a weird way duh..)
- tells his people that you’re his future spouse and parent of your future children.
-always somehow brings you up in conversation.
- tells you it was love at first sight. (For him it was)
- “hello my beautiful wife/husband/spouse!!”
- “when we have kids…” and then he goes on a rant.
- he doesn’t care if you’re a wolf yokai or not. He fell in love at first sight and nothing will change that
-tells you multiple times a day how much he loves you.
-he’s so sweet:(
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- let’s ignore the fact that he got with the girl he knew since she was 4. Then had twins with her.
-it’s so hard for him to express his love.
-he does it in small, chaste cheek kisses or deep kisses randomly.
-if you’re a human, he resents himself for loving you.
-but he can’t stop loving you.
-for him, you’re his first and greatest love, he can’t let you go even if you’re a mere mortal.
- often has you between his legs laying your head on his chest while he wraps his arms around you and burries his face in your neck
- lets you pet the fur on his wolf form
- after awhile, he tells you about his complicated relationship with his half breed brother and why he despises mortals so much.
-I hate saying this but truly love changed his perspective on humans if you were one.
- “my darling”
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- my baby!!! :(
- he spent his whole life getting rocks literally thrown at him for existing, his appearance leading him to believe that he would forever be alone in his mothers cottage, taking care of her and the farm work until she died.
- when you came around he immediately was a stuttering, blushing mess.
-he couldn’t believe you weren’t scared of him, or thought he was ugly.
- it took him awhile to confess, but he did, while you were stargazing. It took him like 20 minutes to say “I like you..romantically”
- when you accepted he nearly passed out.
-he carries you around, he likes it when you kiss on his face.
-he nuzzles his face into your side all the time
-bends down to look you in the eye
-you never lift a finger when he’s around.
-asks his mom for advice
-tells his mom about you, oh, and she adores you. Calls you her daughter and makes food with you.
In conclusion Jinenji my love.
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dazzelmethat · 1 year
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I have a love hate relationship with Miroku's character. But I do like how a lot of his themes are about him not believing he had long to live and so he lived shallowly and without restraint so that when he's with characters that actively want things in life he grows. I feel like his arc could be pushed more strongly though if his son inherited the wind tunnel though. The little boy is only passed out in the pic. If I wrote a sequel it would involve this as one of the main plots I think..
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cottoncandy-cult · 1 year
Second Choice, Second Chance
Inuyasha X Priestess! Reader
So in this I'm exaggerating Kagome's behavior in this, I do ship Kagome with Inuyasha. Occasionally with Koga, but mostly because I find Ayame somewhat annoying personally. I could rant about it but for the Ayame fans I'm not going to, like I don't hate her but I did want to see her humbled a bit so that she'd pull back her obsessive behavior just a bit.
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(Y/n) sighed as she walked with the group of misfits she called friends, the 18-year-old had been a reincarnation similar to Kagome. Only (Y/n) was a healer, and rather than a well she had fallen through the floor of an old shrine high up in the mountain. The bicolor haired girl had hated her life in her era, her life having been less than ideal. With her hair being 2 colors, (H/C1) on the left and (H/C2) on the right. It often drew unwanted attention, what made it worse was her dual-colored eyes. (E/C1) on the left and (E/C2) on the right. She had always been teased by the younger generation and out casted, the older generation treated he as if she was ill or a demon. So, she had ran away at the age of 16, the dual toned girl going high into the mountains when a storm hit. She took shelter in a shrine but fell through a large hole, even if she wanted to go back through the shrine she couldn't as the one in the feudal era had been destroyed by Naraku.
She has passed through the well before to go get Kagome, and she was able to do so through the sheer power of her soul unlike Kagome who needed at least a shard of the jewel. But she usually preferred staying behind with Inuyasha and the others, she had gotten the garb of a priestess from a priestess in the village at the base of the mountain when she came stumbling down bruised and dirty from the fall and the subsequent wandering around the mountainside the shrine had been on, on day one of being there. Deciding that she wanted to try and at least blend in a little, plus the outfit was rather comfortable. She had spent a lot of time with Inuyasha as of late, he and Kagome had been fighting a lot recently and most of her anger was unreasonable in (Y/n)'s eyes. She and the half demon had grown close, both able to understand each other's pain. (Y/n) also understood how fresh his grief and heart break was, in his mind it had only been at most a few months since he was "betrayed". He had truly loved Kikyo, the pain of their fight worsened by learning the truth behind that day and Kikyo's resurrection. Kagome's pressure only making things worse for Inuyasha, it was as if the girl thought they had an unspoken relationship.
When the group finally made it to Kaede's village, she watched Kagome ride with Sango and Miroku on Kirara's back towards the well. Leaving her to walk with Inuyasha to Kaede's hut. "Hey (Y/n), come with me." Inuyasha began walking towards the woods, the girl quietly following as she figured he wanted to talk about his fight with Kagome. She always had to try and explain things to him, what made it hard was a lot of Kagome's actions could be immature and hard to rationalize to the male. So, after the attempt to explain things is made the two usually said screw it and just had a drink, it being the feudal era no one cared as she was considered plenty old enough.
So, the girl had no problem dipping into the barrel, Inuyasha didn't care one way or the other. They got to their usual spot by the river, Inuyasha moving a rock to reveal a small barrel of sake and 2 cups hidden beneath it in a hole. She could tell by the look on his face that he was in deep thought, so she remained silent and went to her place by the river. It was a large smooth rock, where she would be able to dangle her feet over the edge and her toes would barely touch the water. Not being a true priestess, she was not bound by their rules, really it was just a guise she used. Her abilities were similar to that of a priestess, so it was really the best option to keep people from questioning her.
She lowered her feet into the water, closing her eyes and listening as Inuyasha moved beside her and set the small barrel between them. "So, what did you want to talk about?" She spoke softly and dipped her small sake glass into the barrel, Inuyasha had stayed quiet as he slowly sipped down his glass. "Kagome has just been driving me crazy, I'm starting to think her looking like Kikyo may have been the only thing that truly brought me to her. I was still grieving for Kikyo, and Kagome was someone I had to be around because she broke the sacred jewel, and she could sense it... I think I only loved her out of necessity and heartache, but now that everything's over though..."
He stared deeply at the water, (Y/n) quietly listening to him as she nodded. "It's understandable, somethings aren't meant to be. I mean you two aren't even actually together, you've just done this weird crap since the beginning." She sipped her drink as Inuyasha nodded, sipping at his own before he looked at her. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you take an interest in anyone since you joined us." Now that made her cheeks heat up, she was quick to down her drink and refill. "There was one guy, but he never once looked at me the way I did him... But he has girl troubles of his own even without me." She hadn't been lying, she had always had an interest in him but between Kikyo and Kagome she never felt there would be room for her in his heart. She knew a part of him at least cared deeply for Kagome, after all she had helped him move on from Kikyo and helped to soften his rough personality.
"I see... It must be painful loving someone who doesn't return it... At first when Kikyo was resurrected, she hated me, it tore me up cause I loved her so much. I guess that's why your smile hasn't been the same for a while... Right?" His words took her by surprise, she never realized anyone had noticed. (Y/n) hadn't been herself for a while, she hated watching Inuyasha and Kagome fight only for him to seek her out for comfort and return to Kagome the moment she was willing to let him back in. With a sigh she chugged down her drink, her cheeks now red from alcohol rather than embarrassment. "Yeah... I just... I love him a lot but... I'm not even sure if I'm really his friend or someone he uses to soothe himself when he's hurt... " Her chest tightened as her eyes welled with tears, she could feel his golden orbs locked on her form.
"Is it Koga!? Just say the word and kill that mangey flea bag!" She was shocked by his words, her small hands wiping her tears away as she shook her head. "No but it's fine, it doesn't matter I'l-" Her sentence was cut short as Inuyasha pinned her down, hands on either side of her head. His claws dug into the dirt as he stared down at her in an intense gaze, anger on his features. "Don't you dare say that! It does matter! He's hurting you and I won't let that happen! I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, you hear me!?" His reddened face was inches from hers, the temptation was so overwhelming that before she knew it her lips were attached to his. He was quick to return the kiss, he was harsh and feverish. The kiss deepening as little fingers tangled in snow white hair, when the kiss broke, they were left breathless, and the half demon rested his forehead against hers.
"I love you (Y/n), for so long I tried to learn to love Kagome, but it always felt like I was with her cause I had to be... But then you came a long and I couldn't help but to love you from the start. That's why it matters, because you matter." The girl felt her heart swell as she kissed him once more, neither noticing the schoolgirl quietly walking away from the scene.
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Am I the only one that doesn't get the whole Sesshomaru x Kikyo thing?
Don't get me wrong I don't want to come after people who ship it I mean ship what you want I'm a multishipper myself.
I get Sesshomaru and Kagome (not a big fan of this either) and even Sesshomaru x Sango or even Sessrin (although this absolutely disgusts me) but Sesshomaru and Kikyo met once (?) I think in a movie and this was only because Sesshomaru told her, that he wants to kill Inuyasha.
So I just don't get it. It's just my opinion. There are a few kinda weird ships that I just don't get but I'm just afraid to raise my voice at it because I ship two characters, some people just don't want to see together.
And I won't be hating on these ships because that's not fair and people are free to ship what they want, as much as I want to be free to ship what I want.
But anyways. I will just tell.
Bankotsu x Kagome (did they ever even talk?)
Bankotsu x Sango (same here)
Naraku x Kohaku (Kohaku is a child.)
Sesshomaru x Kohaku (same for that)
Byakuya x Kagura (they are siblings?!)
Sango x Kohaku (same here?!)
Inuyasha x Sesshomaru (siblings...)
Naraku x Kagura (Don't see Kagura as his daughter but just don't feel it)
Kagura x Koga (legit ship but just not my fav)
Jaken x Sesshomaru (can't take this one seriously)
Sessrin (so problematic...)
Byakuya x Koga (?)
Byakuya x Inuyasha (?)
There are also a few platonic ships in Inuyasha that I absolutely enjoyed, like friendships and family relationships. And we don't need to argue about them because some of them were absolutely adorable and some were absolutely strong. (Like I love Sangos and Inuyashas friendship and same for Kagome and Miroku and they did them so dirty in yashahime.)
Some ships I feel neutral about (Canon and fanon)
Inuyasha x Kikyo (don't hate them together but also don't feel anything about it)
Naraku x Kikyo (interesting but not for me)
Koga x Ayame (underrated and deserved more screentime)
Koga x Kagome (sure if you wanna do it)
Koga x Inuyasha (kinda interesting but just don't see it)
Naraku x Koga (same here)
Sesshomaru x Koga (same here)
Sesshomaru x Naraku (Enemies to lovers in a very hateful way but still kinda nice just not for me)
Inuyasha x Miroku ( friends to lovers is just not a trope for me)
Kagome x Sango (I admit I kinda like it)
Sesshomaru x Kagura (used to ship it and it's a nice ship but just not my thing anymore)
Don't know if anyone reads this long post to here I just wanted to argue about Sesshomaru x Kikyo but anyways here are my favs
Inukag (love their slow burn and sweet romance, we're done dirty in yashahime and I hate it)
Mirsan (my babies. Love them. Always and forever, done so dirty in yashahime too)
Bankotsu x Jakotsu (will die on a hill for them)
Rin x Kohaku (the only friends to lovers I would have loved)
Naraku x Byakuya (platonic. But I enjoyed them together. Deserved more screentime)
Byakuya x Sango (I know it's kinda dumb but I love it)
Sesshomaru x Byakuya (my babies. My babies. Intimidating and elegant. Just my power couple. My favorite of favorites)
Whoever took time to read this list, thank you and I'm open for other opinions as well.
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inukag · 2 years
I feel like Kagome gets too much flack for being emotional sometimes. I don't excuse her taking it out on Inuyasha when he has his own beef to go through, but it's like Kagome bashers have never met a real human being. Like.. for example, if you're going to hate on a female character for being mad sometimes instead of kind and cheerful and having one instance of a thought crime as a direct response to someone who hurt her, then have you never had a thought crime yourself?
If Kagome was always nice, happy and polite, people would call her a boring Mary Sue, she can't win lmao.
There's some real double standards in the fandom when it comes to Kagome. Her haters claim that the sit command is "abuse" and they say it wouldn't be accepted if she was a male character, yet these people never say anything about the male characters of the series who also use comedic violence, like Inuyasha punching children, Sesshomaru beating up his servant and Miroku hitting Inuyasha. I’ve also seen people make posts on how Kikyo is hated “because she’s an angry woman who lashes out and misogynists don’t like that” and IN THE SAME POST they villainized Kagome for getting mad at Inuyasha when he breaks her heart 💀 (note that Kagome’s worst actions when angry is yelling and making Inuyasha eat dirt while Kikyo’s worse crime is attempted murder). 
Kagome haters also claim that she "sits Inuyasha every time he annoys her a little" when canonically, Kagome is more likely to be sad and bottle up her emotions whenever something happens between Inuyasha and Kikyo. She gets mad when Inuyasha provokes her (calling her an idiot, forcing her to talk about the subject, etc.) or when he’s being violent against people. 
Personally, my favorite type of characters are the ones who are morally good, but still aren't goodie two shoes who never make mistakes and are always right. I love that Kagome's flaws aren't negligible. Too often protagonists have cute little flaws like being clumsy or shy that have no actual impact on the story. Kagome's flaws are an actual hindrance to her relationship with Inuyasha and it's something the villains use against her and that she has to overcome. She also recognizes that her emotions don’t make her a bad person, it’s what she does with them that matters. I think she’s a great protagonist and really doesn’t deserve the hate that she gets 🤷‍♀️
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inu-yasha · 7 months
I can understand not shipping Inukik as Inukag is the main ship. however why the rabid hate for kikyo? it's so annoying. a lot of these fans love sesshomaru (seriously? i mean, i do like sesshomaru but he started out almost like a straight up villain) while kikyo suffered a horrible tragedy that nobody emphatizes with? miroku is also generally well liked and negative traits like lechery and thievery are "funny" but with kikyo, everything she does is seen negatively.
The problem is that guys like Sesshomaru have always been better perceived than girls like that in Kikyou's situation. In addition, Sesshomaru is not difficult to understand, and Kikyou requires an in-depth analysis and understanding of her character. More people will watch the anime than read the manga, and Sunrise really made Kikyou a cold woman (who stole my heart, of course). Kikyou stands in the way of the main couple, forgetting that Kagome is the third wheel and is really jealous of herself. This love triangle doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense. Sunrise helped a lot to build such a strong hate towards her, and the creator yashahime continues it. Yes it's annoying and just leave her alone she's DEAD but even when Kikyou dead I see this painass all the time! Kagome got what she wanted, but the fact that she can't accept the fact that she will be second and is jealous of the dead woman is entirely HER fault, and her toxic, childish personality. She is completely emotionally immature. This woman is a failure. This ship is a failure, not a miracle in the anime universe. I have met many other ships, much better than inukag, with better dynamics and partnership, it is a toxic relationship and, above all, there is no equality in it. Pathetic.
As you can see, I'm already nervous about all this. Kikyou is Naraku's victim . Oh she was killed and her murderer is more liked than she is.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 year
40 Day Anime Challenge 2023 Edition - Day 1: Favorite Anime
Ten years ago, @risingfire17-the-weeb-trash and I did a 40 Day Anime Challenge on Facebook, and now we're doing it again on Tumblr! Here's the list of questions, if anyone wants to do their own! (Sorry, Kitty-chan, for my tardiness. I was stuck on this one for ages 😭)
Soooo the thing is, I can choose my favorite manga series EASILY, but favorite anime is more... complicated. Thus, I decided to do this: top 3 anime and top 3 manga, irrespective of each other.
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Story synopses and long ramblings below read-more.
Top 3 Anime:
1. Inuyasha:
Synopsis: "The series begins with Kagome Higurashi, a fifteen-year-old middle school girl from modern-day Tokyo who is transported to the Sengoku period after falling into a well in her family shrine, where she meets the half-dog demon, half-human Inuyasha. After the sacred Shikon Jewel re-emerges from deep inside Kagome's body, she accidentally shatters it into dozens of fragments that scatter across Japan. Inuyasha and Kagome set to recover the Jewel's fragments, and through their quest they are joined by the lecherous monk Miroku, the demon slayer Sango, and the fox demon Shippō. Together, they journey to restore the Shikon Jewel before it falls into the hands of the evil half-demon Naraku." (Wikipedia)
Okay, look: my fanfic account and this blog are enough to tell you that I adore this stupid series lmao. But I also have a HUGE love-hate relationship with it. The story itself is pretty solid, with memorable characters, and a good mixture of darkness and lightheartedness to keep it engaging. But..... its biggest Achilles' Heel was introducing the Main Villain too early and overpowering him WAY too early and WAY too much. As a result, the story draaaaags its feet for the sake of The Plot continuing onward, and often character development is retracted (mainly in the anime versus the manga, but I digress). Is the manga objectively better? Sure, but the issues of canon remiain the same.
That said.... I still fucking LOVE Inuyasha.
It's fun to roast and equally fun to enjoy unironically, and the sad moments still make me openly SOB, and if there's one thing Rumiko Takahashi is good at is making characters stick in your mind. Even people I know who haven't touched the series in over a decade still remember it fondly. And the fandom produces STELLAR fanfiction, to the point where it very nearly ruined me from trying out other fics for the longest time lmao XDD
2. Ouran High School Host Club:
Synopsis: "The series follows Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship student at Ouran Academy, and the other members of the popular host club. The romantic comedy focuses on the relationships within and outside the Club." (Wikipedia)
The ultimate Comfort Food Anime. This is my Pick-Me-Up series, where I rewatch a random episode or two and STILL laugh and feel better, every single time. Ironically, this is a lot of people's gateway anime (including me, to an extent lol), when it's actually FAR more enjoyable after you become a connoisseur of the anime/manga world, because the little nods, references, and satirical jabs of the romcom/harem genre is *chef's kiss* 🤣 It is simultaneously a love letter and scathing satire and I ADORE EVERY INCH OF IT. 😍😍😍
3. Clannad:
Synopsis: "The story follows the life of Tomoya Okazaki, from adolescence to adulthood. As an average high school student, he meets many people in his last year at school, including five girls whose individual problems he helps resolve, and his life is further detailed after graduating from high school." (Wikipedia, specifically on the video game, but it matches the anime)
Top 3 Manga:
1. Vampire Knight:
Synopsis: "The story takes place in the prestigious Cross Academy, which is home to two distinct classes: The Day class, which applies to only humans, and the Night Class, which applies to only vampires that the day class is unaware. Much of the plot revolves around Yuki Cross, the headmaster’s adopted daughter, as she is being drawn into a conflict concerning the overall coexistence between humans and vampires and the twisted reality concerning his childhood friend Zero Kiryuu, who, despite having a hatred for vampires, is revealed to be slowly turning into one of their kind." (Wikipedia)
My first. My baby. My precious. 🥺💕 Originally, I was going to only use this series for my Day 1 entry, but wanted the chance to highlight a few others lol. This series is Drama on Crack, absolutely Fucked Up, and Deliciously Angsty, and I fucking LOVE IT. This is the closest piece of "emo" media I ever adored in my teen years lmao (I more or less missed that train while the rest of my peers were onboard XD), and it's just.... near and dear to my heart. Also, this is the series that, upon rereading it in 2016, pushed me to confess my feelings to the love of my life, whom I'll be marrying this autumn 🥰 It is deeply personal to me, and more than just it being My Very First Manga Series.
2. Sailor Moon:
Synopsis: "The series follows the adventures of a schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino as she transforms into the eponymous character to search for a magical artifact, the "Legendary Silver Crystal". She leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, called Sailor Guardians in later editions, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.." (Wikipedia)
Do I enjoy the 90's anime? Yes. Do I enjoy Sailor Moon Crystal? Hell yes. Do I love the manga above all? HELL TO THE FUCKING YES, THIS SERIES IS NEAR PERFECTION. 😍😍😍 (Except for a certain Plot Point in the Black Moon arc, but We Don't Talk About That...)
But seriously. While the friendships are arguably more memorable and fun in the 90's anime, everyone's characterization as a whole is a THOUSAND times better in the manga. Mamoru, Rei, Haruka & Michiru, etc are just a handful of characters who get the shaft in the 90's anime. The manga art is GORGEOUS and the story doesn't hold back on some darker imagery and concepts, and the passion between the lovers and friends is downright inspiring. If nothing else, this series is Iconic, but it's a shame that most people will only ever know the 90's DiC dubbed version lol.
3. Skip Beat!:
Synopsis: "It is the story of Kyoko Mogami, a 16-year-old girl who discovers that her childhood friend and romantic goal, Shotaro Fuwa, only keeps her around to act as a maid and to earn his living expenses, while he works his way to become the top pop idol in Japan. Furious and heartbroken, she vows revenge by beating him in show business." (Wikipedia)
The Only True Slow Burn. The slow burn that fanfiction WISHED it was capable of. The slow burn that ruined all other slow burns for me. This is the pinnacle. The crème de la crème of romantic slow burns. I fell in love with the anime in 2017, saw that "read the manga" cliffhanger ending, went "AW HELL NO" and immediately bought up a fuck-ton of the manga volumes lmao. I cannot emphasize how much this series makes me FEEL so many emotions. I've laughed out loud; I've squealed and fangirled hardcore; I've cried actual tears of grief. It's such an emotional rollercoaster, and I honestly respect the fuck for the mangaka for chugging along on this train for the past 20 years (and RESPECT to all original readers who are STILL GOING, LIKE HOLY SHIT????)
(And slight spoiler: no, the aforementioned asshole childhood friend is NOT the subject of said slow burn, though he does throw a wrench in the drama now and then lol)
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kinmokusei-stars · 11 months
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My Inuyasha oc Kouko's last reference sheet was a bit outdated, and hard for me to properly use and colorpick from, so I figured I'd make a new, more in-depth, easier to use one! Now with a nicer formal outfit, because the last one was an eyesore- LMAO SUPER happy with how this came out though! o(≧▽≦)o This should make drawing her a lot easier, and just all around looks nicer.
Kouko Yoshida, Also known as 'The Sapphire Swordmaiden', is a stoic demon slayer wandering on her own with nothing but her sword, her horse, and her wits. Though her height, with her standing at about 6'2, and her closed off demeanor can make her look a bit cold if not downright intimidating, deep down she's actually just a warmhearted softy with a habit of feeding fish and other animals she comes across on her adventures and picking up pretty rocks. She's more of a gentle giant than anything else when it comes to people or animals, even if she harbors a deeply set grudge against near all demons for reasons she refuses to share.
She meets the main cast through a misunderstanding started through her having a jewel shard or two on her person that ends in the crew gaining two more shards, and a new party member.
She sticks near Kagome and Sango a majority of the time when she isn't alone, mostly because they seem the most trustworthy, with her being unsettled and freaked out by Shippo, and giving Miroku a near constant silent treatment after their first interaction. Though oddly enough Inuyasha seems to be more on her good side than either of the other guys on the team, with her seeing being half demon as being more trustworthy than a fullblooded one. They do end up falling in love, but that's only way later down the line after a long buildup.
I'll write down some little extra little facts about her below, but if you're interested in Kouko's backstory and relationship with Inuyasha more in-depth, you can check out her backstory post, and my “Get to know my ship!” Post
- Her horse is named Aiko, who she takes with her everywhere. She's had him for years, and he's her baby, she'd kill a man for that horse if needed, and likely has at some point. (I intend to draw Aiko in the future!)
- Her favorite hobbies are fishing and collecting rocks she finds pretty. Fishing soothes her mind, while also being a good way of getting food, and collecting rocks is just a culmination of her "Oo shiny" mentality and makes her happy LMAO She has a small bag of all of her favorites she's found over the years.
- She prefers meat over a majority of sweet foods, whether it be fish, chicken, or something else, she's happy with it. One of the few exceptions though is persimmons, which are her favorite fruit, and hold a special place in her heart.
- She has a lower, soothing voice. It gets rumbly and purr-like when she's tired or extra relaxed.
- She's afraid of bugs. Not things like Mister Centipede, but normal, run of the mill bugs. She gets so startled everytime Myoga pops up.  Huge demons are light work when compared to the actual two to three inch bug, and her excuse is how easily they could wriggle their way into things like clothes and bags, but they mostly just ick her out.
- Her emotional weakness is fire or smoke in general. She hates the smell of it, and tends to sit a ways away from any campfires they group has, either polishing her weapon, or sewing up rips in her clothes. This only changes later on, when she's gradually brought closer to the campfire little by little, and reassured that she's safe with them over time.
That's all for now! Any other little details will be shown throughout drawings or small comics!
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avionvadion · 2 years
Really loving the Toga x Iliana idea. It be real funny if those two get together and had a kid. Like instead of just Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha you get this extra feral sibling to the mix. Hey Toga who allowed you to have 3 wives? Just add to the Inupapa drama or fluff if the sibling is the exact opposite of both brothers and is very friendly. Idk this brain worm didn’t left my head and I enjoy the chaos of this relationship and how it will change the timeline.
Oh, one hundred percent they’re having a kid. It’ll be a girl just as goofy and friendly as her mama, but looks just like her daddy.
I haven’t quite figured out all the timeline shenanigans yet- I’m debating whether or not Iliana should “disappear” back to her own time at some point, thus causing Toga to go searching for her, and maybe because of the “regret” of not having found her when he’s supposed to die tenseiga saves his life and teleports him back to the cave where Iliana had lived and first found him- but the swords are left behind for Totosai to find.
So rather than dying he’s just kind of in this eternal slumber??? And when Iliana manages to come back (with the daughter in tow, because she would have been preggers when she vanished) she ends up finding little orphan Inuyasha and raises them both. 👀
That or she disappears, Toga raises the daughter by himself, falls into the slumber, and when Iliana returns it’s either after or during the main story (late into it, anyway) and Inuyasha learns he has a step-mom. He would be such a tsundere little brother because the daughter would love hugging him and he would just pretend to hate the affection but baby boy is so touched starved he actually craves the hugs.
Either way. Myoga recognizes her like, “Lady Iliana?”
And Iliana just sees his white mustache and goes. “Myoga??? You’re so old now!”
“It’s been nearly three hundred years, M’lady!”
I dunno. I just have this image in my head of her disappearing and coming back centuries later, and Toga grabbing and hugging her tight saying, “I searched/waited for you.”
Just. She goes back to the cave she had stayed in but there’s this demonic barrier not even the strongest of monks and priestesses have been able to break, but she’s able to walk through like it’s nothing and wake Toga up. And the barrier shatters.
Sesshomaru is going to be so pissed when he finds out his dad was playing dead. Alsjskdkksks. Que the battle music- Inupapa just woke up and already his eldest is trying to kill him.
Also, RIP to Miroku if he ever hit on Iliana, and Toga finds out.
Here’s some kiddo sketches
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Shion gives off “aggressive affection” energy.
Which makes me think that she will literally risk being killed by big bro Sess just to give him a hug. Every time they meet, she will try to hug him and he will try to kill her. 🤣 It is her life mission.
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savethelastdan · 2 years
Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc...
Kagura being dead is the biggest one
Sessr*n (that is his daughter and i will NOT budge on this)
Sango being a stay-at-home wife instead of doing the work she trained her whole life for (?1?)
Not addressing all of the trauma/poor choices they would have to heal from, from Miroku's sexual harassment to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's difficult relationship to Naraku compelling Kohaku to commit violence to Kagome leaving her family - there's so much to explore in all of those choices and from what I can tell the sequel and the last few episodes of the show just...don't touch most of it
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shinidamachu · 3 years
In the bonus chapter since then why did inuyasha try to hide the kikyo thing from kagome ?
For the same reason Kagome sat Inuyasha. Takahashi actually regressed their character development for nostalgia's sake. And Miroku can back me up on this one:
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but It's my understanding that Since Then is an extra chapter, created with the sole purpose of raising funds for charity. As such, it didn't need to be clever or a valuable addition to the franchise. It just had to sell. And nostalgia sells.
Inuyasha had a very definitive, very tied up ending. And we can argue for hours on end about if the fan’s general reception of the series and Sunrise’s “creative licenses” regarding characterization in the anime influenced Takahashi’s perception of her own characters and affected her work or not.
But regardless, it’s pretty clear – at least to me – that she was going for the “some things never change” trope by having Inuyasha hiding something Kikyo related from Kagome and then Kagome sitting him over it later on.
The thing is... most things do change. Inuyasha and Kagome went through major character development. The situation presentend on the epilogue only makes sense if we’re thinking about 15 years old Inuyasha and Kagome. And even so, only until a certain point.
For instance, there are many times in which Kagome sat Inuyasha that felt really out of character to me, especially from the middle to the end of the story. And I also have a lot of trouble reconciling the Inuyasha we saw being honest with her about never being able to forget about Kikyo or explaining to her how Kikyo appeared to him in the illusion created by the Flower Prince and apologizing for not realizing Kagome was suffering too to the Inuyasha of the bonus chapter.
It’s not that he has never hidden stuff like this from Kagome. He has met Kikyo in secret before and it caused Kagome pain. Not because he went to Kikyo – in many occasions Kagome actually encouraged him to go see her –, but because he goes without telling her about it and doesn’t really acknowledges her feelings when she gets mad afterwards.
Kagome told Inuyasha that it’s inevitable for him to go after Kikyo, just as much as it’s inevitable for her to get upset when he does. Because they loved each other and were in an impossible situation, Kagome was more understanding than most people would be in her place. Inuyasha checking on Kikyo wasn’t the problem, but rather leaving Kagome in the dark about it. Why does he do it? Precisely because he doesn’t want her to get mad at him.
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Inuyasha knows Kikyo is a delicate subject when it comes to Kagome. He knows that she gets sad when he goes to Kikyo and hates to be the one to break Kagome’s heart – but he also can’t help it because his survival guilt and sense of honor are that strong.
What Inuyasha doesn’t seem to know, however, is why Kagome gets so upset. In his mind, he isn’t doing anything wrong. And in this especific aspect, I have to agree with him. Every single time he met Kikyo alone, they did nothing but talk. The only two times the pair ever kissed, Kagome was there too, which, to me, undoubtedly contributed to her biased and innacurate perception of Inuyasha and Kikyo’s relationship, but that’s a whole other rant.
My point is that, faced with the risk of Kagome getting mad at him over what he considers to be not that big of a deal, he took the easy route and kept it from her: out of sight, out of mind. It’s not, by any means, mature or fair from his part, but he’s a 15 years old with a whole lot of baggage and since Kikyo was brought back, he did the best he could, at that moment, to be there for both girls.
There were better ways to handle the situation? Of course! But nothing I can really demand from a teenager character who spent his entire life dealing with an avalanche of prejudice and traumas. It’s only natural that he would want to avoid a situation in which the feelings of the person who meant everything to him got hurt. Inuyasha canonically can’t stand when Kagome is truly mad at him because nobody’s opinion matter more to him than hers.
This isn’t an excuse for his behavior, by the way – because it was wrong of him to sneak out and it doesn’t help his case at all – it’s just an explanation for what I personally think he was trying to do: fulfilling his obligations with Kikyo while also being cool with Kagome. His flawed way of dealing with it is what gives him depth and makes him a compelling character because, let’s face it: if he didn’t make mistakes, then he is just another boring, one dimensional male lead.
It’s precisely because his best efforts to keep his vow to Kikyo and being with Kagome at the same time constantly blows up on his face that makes his situation so tragic and his arc so interesting. The painels above are the perfect example of that. And Kikyo wasn’t even in the equation anymore, which to me just makes it even more obvious that his motivation was always more about being afraid of Kagome getting angry enough to finally leave him than anything else. But by trying to protect her feelings and avoiding confrontation, he ends up hurting her anyway. It’s a game he can’t win, no matter what he does.
It’s important to emphasize, though, that Inuyasha was absolutely willing to let Kagome walk away for her sake. She was the one who chose to stay knowing what she was signing up for and it was incredibly brave and selfless of her. But sometimes people almost act like he forced her to be with him and I hate it because this take is not only an insult to Inuyasha’s character but also strips Kagome off her agency (whatever agency a ficitonal character can have).
That being said, it’s pretty telling that the painel above is from the bonus chapter and not the original story, because it’s the same excuse for Inuyasha’s actions that he always had, only now is said out loud. Which means Takahashi wants me to believe that, three years and six months after Kikyo died, Inuyasha felt the need to keep crucial information from his wife because he still thought, since the issue was Kikyo related, that she would get angry at him over it. Not only that, but that Kagome would sit him because of it instead of having a mature conversation like the two adults they both now are.
I can’t really buy it without compromising canon character and relationship development, as well as considering the fact that time has passed and the miscommunications that were excusable – and even realistic – when they were teens make absolutely no sense at this point of their lives anymore.
And I’m not under the false impression that Kikyo became less of a hurtful, awkward subject between them just because it’s been a while. That’s not how things work. But given that she was such a point of contention between them in the past, especially when Inuyasha didn’t tell Kagome something Kikyo related, it’s hard to buy that he would still make the same mistake now that he knows better, as much as his heart was in the right place.
Although, none of this is surprising. it wasn't the first time Takahashi regressed her characters a bit in favor of the narrative she was going for. Inuyasha constantly reassuring his feelings for Kagome at the beginning and then pretty much stopping doing that halfway down the story is a good example of that.
Other aspect of it all is that Kikyo is a fan, studio and mangaka favorite, but they had already killed her off, so this was the way they found for her to make an appearance of sorts (because God forbid she was used for anything other than causing unnecessary drama between Inuyasha and Kagome). This becomes even more obvious in the animated adaptation, where Sunrise added Kikyo drama that wasn’t in the chapter just because.
TLDR:  Inuyasha tried to hide the Kikyo thing from Kagome because he didn’t want her to get angry at him over it, but this kind of behavior simply doesn’t agree with the character he was when the story ended, meaning there was a huge regression in his development.
And now that some time has passed and the high of having new official Inuyasha content drawn by the original author herself has worn off, I can finally say that, in my opinion, the extra chapter was incredibly out of character.
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wooiamamess · 3 years
Modern Inuyasha ft my sketches
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So I’ve been thinking abt this for a while cause usually I don’t like modern au’s or sometimes they don’t sit right with me. This one though I’ve thought a lot about and came up with the most realistic ideas based off of their characters. FYI, I’m from Canada so I’m going to be creating an au based off of my experiences as a Canadian person so if anything is confusing that’s probably why. Enjoy :)
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stuff abt him that I’m too lazy to put into full paragraphs:
His pronouns are He/Him (but if you called him ‘they’ he wouldn’t care just never the pronoun ‘it’ cause it’s derogatory towards demons) he also doesn’t give a shit abt anybody’s sexuality’s let alone his own (I head-cannon him as demi-ace tho cause I’m ace and I said so)
If I ever wrote this au, he would be 16 and in grade 11
he would be a slacker. He would probably skip a bunch of classes, get into fights, and be surprisingly muscular considering he couldn’t care less about p.e.
He would have an on and off high-school relationship with the hoity toity Kikyo, the class president and member of the debate club. Both of them are low-key ashamed of the relationship, but pursue it anyway cause hey, teenagers are kind of just like that.
He kind of developed feelings for his best friend Kagome in grade 12 (Kikyo’s cousin ***awkward***)who has had an unrequited crush on him for years, but he’s in denial.
The one thing in school that he cares abt (other than his friends) is lacrosse. He has no loyalty or care for his team what so ever but when he’s on the field he kicks ass
He actually got a lacrosse scholarship courtesy of his late father’s college, SJU, much to the dismay of Sesshomaru, an alumni
His prized possessions are his red hoodie and beaded necklace, both Christmas gifts from kagome from two separate years,
He works part time at a full serve gas station
He actually doesn’t know what he took in college, he was honestly just there to play lacrosse. Sesshomaru told him he needed to take something so he kinda just checked a box and then went to classes
He rented out a basement suite with Miroku and Sango in his second year of college and fucking hated it so he moved in with kagome the following semester
His red toque was given to him from sesshomaru and he uses it to cover his ears
He finally dates kagome in his first year of college, and even though you’d think it’d be awkward since they were besties, it was totally natural
Tenish years after college graduation he would pursue a trade and start an apprenticeship
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Pronouns are She/They, and she’s never really questioned her sexuality, but she knows she’s not 100% straight
She’s 16 and in grade 11 at the time of the au
She lives with her mom, grandpa, and brother at a run-down shrine her grandfather runs
Shewas actually pretty popular in high school. Like a genuine, everyone pretty much loved her, kind of popular
She works part time at the gift shop
She’s been best friends with Sango since elementary, and Inuyasha since high school, but she’s only met Miroku recently
The one class that she did poorly on is her pre-calc 12 class, keeping her from the grade 12 honour roll
She was always competitive with her cousin Kikyo, who made her insecure. She always felt like Kikyo was the “better version of her” so she celebrated the little victories
Like ending up with Inuyasha, or finding out she’s better at archery than Kikyo
She’s had a string of questionable boyfriends including Hojo, an personality-less angel who she just never clicked with, and Kouga, captain of the lacrosse and basketball teams. He also plays hockey, and gets overly competitive with Inuyasha, who is leagues better than him
Originally planned to go to community college to get her Bachelor of Education, but changed her mind to go to SJU with Inuyasha and pursue her passion of Art History
Her prized possessions are her bow, her locket, and her bicycle, which she uses to stay physically fit
She lived with Inuyasha for the second half of her second year and throughout the rest of college. He proposed two months after graduation and they eloped soon after, with only Miroku and Sango present, much to the dismay of their families (jk sesshomaru was actually happy he didn’t have to attend)
After getting married, she would pursue her masters, and eventually her doctorate, to become a History Professor at their local community college
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She’s 17, and in grade 12 at the time of this au
She/Her, openly bisexual. She oozes Bi wife energy.
She’s a B-average student in her academic classes but a GOD at anything sports related
Captain of multiple girls teams, including basketball, baseball, and swim. Not to mention she takes karate, fencing, and taekwondo (as I said, a GOD)
She’s in the mix of an awkward “flirtationship” with her friend Miroku, who she met through Inuyasha but she refuses to admit to her feelings
She and Inuyasha have the greatest healthy/competitive friendship and they bond over their stubbornness to admit their feelings to their respective crushes
That being said, she and Kagome have been besties since Elementary school
Her prized possessions are a friendship bracelet from Kagome from many years back, her family heirloom, Hiraikotsu, which is held at the Higurashi shrine, and her makeup kit (just because she’s tough doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate the feminine things
In college, she would take criminal justice and would minor in women studies. She got into SJU alongside Kagome and Inuyasha on a basketball scholarship
After graduation, she would get married and become a full time mom (to Miroku’s delight), but would not let that stop her from pursue of what she loves
Even though she wouldn’t be working full time, she would coach her local sports teams and would open a self-defence class in her own home
In her thirties, she would open a karate dojo with her younger brother, called Slayer-Karate
***I would like to preface this one by saying I don’t condone all his actions in this au, but it’s most definitely in his character
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He/Him, straight, but would probably be open to experimenting
He would be 18, and in his second year of college
Was probably a solid A average student in high school, now a religious studies major in community college
He was bumped up a grade in middle school, explaining how he’s so far into college at a young age, and why all of his friends are still in high school or are first years, which is why he hangs out with the Inuyasha gang
Visits his old high school often to harass his old teachers and to flirt with the grade 12 girls
He worked part time at the same gas station as Inuyasha, then later worked as an assistant manager at a grocery store
Inuyasha originally looked up to him as an older brother but that quickly disappeared once he learned all of Miroku’s bad habits (womanizing, cheating, etc)
He probably did shrooms his first year to “ascend to a higher power”
He doesn’t own a lot of stuff. He claims it’s because he’s above “material things” but it’s actually just because he doesn’t own a lot. Therefore, his most prized possession is a set of earrings he got as a gift from Sango from a secret Santa they did
Sango was the only girl he never cheated on
He rented a basement suite for a few years with Sango and (briefly) Inuyasha, then later rented an apartment when he and Sango were ready to settle down
While Sango was in her last year of college, he did some travelling around Eurasia to study different cultures and religions. Once he got back though, he realized he wanted to settle and proposed to Sango at the airport (she said yes)
They got married a year later with a modest crowd - neither of them had much of a family so it was mostly just college friends
Would eventually become a youth pastor (or something of a similar profession idk) and would constantly talk about his “glory days”
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heynikkiyousofine · 2 years
As Kagura danced on the stage, her body moving to each beat of the music, Kagome watched in wonder. She had only worked in Miroku’s club for a month now, but everytime Kagura performed, she couldn’t help but be amazed. She had the entire room’s attention, the men focused on her beauty.
Leaning forward to grab the remaining glasses from the VIP table, she missed Mr. Taisho coming up behind, his breath tickling her skin as he leaned in and whispered.
“Don’t you dare take your eyes off of her.” Inuyasha brushed her hair over her shoulder, revealing her bare neck.
Swallowing, she suppressed the shiver that threatened to betray her attraction for the man, the same one who always requested her service each time he came in. She continued to watch the stage, though her mind was on the hanyou’s hand that had settled on her upper thigh, his fingers dangerous close to her lace panties.
“What did I tell you about wearing this skirt?” He growled and this time, she gasped, goosebumps appearing on her skin. She leaned back slightly, her back to his chest and she felt his lips graze her neck, tilting her head to allow him to continue.
“I need to do laundry a-and was r-running late t-today.” She stuttered, her body betraying her every emotion. His claws grazed her ass, just below her cheeks and she hoped he couldn’t smell her arousal. Looking around, she noticed no-one was paying them any attention, Kagura’s dancing commanding it.
“You smell so fucking delicious and I have a love/hate relationship with this damn skirt.” He used his free to softly yank on her skirt, nipping her neck. She struggled to stay upright, wanting nothing more than to let him have his way with her, right here in the middle of the club. The hand on her skin slowly inched its way forward, his claw beginning at trace her lips and she moaned, taking a small step to spread her legs so he could reach.
“Kagome, you good?” Sango called out, her hair reflecting the various lights.
“Y-yes!” She smiled, as his fingers refused to stop their tracing. “ Can you check on table 43?”
Sango nodded, turning quickly to make her rounds and Kagome gasped as his claw grazed her clit, her trembling with desire. What was it about this man that made her want to give him her body every single time she saw him?
Suddenly, he pulled away, Kagome whimpering at the loss and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, his amber eyes blazing with need.
“Next time, put on some damn pants.” He growled and walked towards the bar, motioning for Miroku to give him another. Gritting her teeth, she focused back on her task, knowing she was going to have to change the batteries in her vibrator tonight again.
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harmfulot · 4 years
Hi!! Before you read this or try to take this down please just consider reading this instead of being so hateful. I don’t mean to spread hate onto any shippers but I do believe that Inuyasha’s fandom has a major problem that needs to be addressed. Trigger warning for pedophila,child p*rn and grooming.
Why Sessrin is problematic.
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Sessrin is a very popular ship among the Inuyasha community. If you are a shipper of this pair you won’t have to worry for lack of content for it. Rin is a injured child character that is introduced in the original Inuyasha manga in issue 14. She meets Sesshomaru in the forest and even though she is going through a lot at such a young age her kind self still tries to help him out. Sesshomaru at first does not care for this child who is tending to him. He tells her to mind her business and has her leave. Soon after Rin is killed by Kouga’s pack of wolves and Sesshomaru with his demon power scented her blood and comes to save her with his Tenseiga. After this Sessshomaru decides to take in Rin and protect her even though he had a hatred for humans. A “similarly” shippers like to compare Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship with but their relationship is not written with romantic tensions..
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The reason why Rin was written and VERY important in Inuyasha is because she is the reason why Sesshomaru became a better person. He no longer hated humans or wanted to go against his brother. This broken human child Rin looked up to Sesshomaru who was a powerful older demon. Sesshomaru grew a soft side and it was because of her caring innocence. You could easily see their connection as father and daughter or Sesshomaru as a guardian for her. Never did he have the thought of getting with her when she got older and Rin never developed a crush on him. Why? Because she is a child who lost her parents and now has this person who protects her like one. People may say that Jaken was the father figure for Rin but I don’t agree because unlike Sesshomaru he did not care for Rin and only handled her to please his lord. Jaken would call Rin many negative things and go off at her. Rin was annoyed by Jaken. He is certainly not a parent figure for her. Sesshomaru provided a stay aside him to lead for Rin which she followed. Rin was no longer alone. She had Sesshomaru’s company now. Even if he was not very good at taking care of her he never wanted her to get hurt or killed again. He is new to this “taking care of people” thing after all especially humans...young humans. Sessrin would destroy the growth of Sesshomaru because it can’t be denyed that their relationship represents this much more than a romance waiting to happen. When Kagura came along Rin told Jaken joyfully she bet Kagura had a crush on Sesshomaru this small moment reminds you she a is a child that lost her parents and could be seeing this as a opportunity for Kagura to become her adoptive mother. And most Sesshomaru cosplayers would use their daughter to cosplay for Rin. Usually making the picture taken seem like Sesshomaru is protecting Rin or having them both share a cute bonding moment. Why? Because that is how their relationship is meant to be established. For a Sessrin cosplay to work people would have to age up Rin and her design or else the cosplayers would receive negative feedback. Now moving on to how aging up Rin is not okay either.
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People claim they only would like to see these two get together once Rin is older but that is almost as bad as shipping Sessrin while she is a child. Sesshomaru saw Rin grow up. He raised her for a while as his own this needs to stop being denied in the fandom. For Sesshomaru to impregnate Rin is out of character. And seems like a sick fanasty. He is not that kind of character. He wouldn’t touch Rin in that matter. Even if she was in her late 20’s. He respected child Rin and would still respect her older. Sessrin is like if a babysitter got together with the person they use to take care of as a kid. It’s disturbing!! Not cute. Rin does not deserve to be fedished.
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It’s actually terrifying how much child p*rn there is of Rin. I feel so ashamed by even coming across one by mistake. Don’t use the excuse that Rin is a fictional character. Enough with that excuse. Let’s throw that excuse away. That excuse of “it’s fictional it does not matter..” only works for certain things like when someone assigns headcanons for their favorite character or ships a non-canon pair that isn’t problematic. Not when we are speaking of drawing nsfw of a fictional child. And fictional or not. Rin is a child and every grown person who has drawn smut of her should be ashamed and even arrested. If you see a fictional child in this matter what knows what could you lead you up to see an actual kid as this too. It’s a big problem because there are so many people who have gotten away with this. It’s so easy to find a image of child Rin without any of her clothes on or being r*ped by Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru would never r*pe anyone. It’s quite sad. Kagome was saved from being sexually assaulted by Mukostu because of Sesshomaru. People has even brought doujinshi comics of Sessrin making love or may I call it child p*rn in disguise? Be honest with yourself. It really is just that.
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Everyone finding out would be horrified. Excluding Hanyo No Yashahime which majorly changed the characters. Sesshomaru and Rin being together would make everyone uncomfortable even Miroku who has before asked a child if she would bare his kid. Which Inuyasha,Kagome,and Sango reacted very badly to. And was yelled at for it. They do not tolerate pedos nor grooming. Kagome especially would be against. She referred Rin as the girl many times and puzzled together that Sesshomaru took care for Rin. Many people bring up that Kouga proposed to Ayame when she was a kid but remember that was never in the original. Sunrise created Ayame and added this other plot in order for Kouga to have someone at the end. Which is sad because this could have worked if Ayame met Kouga and gained a crush on him instead. She was a cute character after all. In the manga Kouga remains by himself since Kagome stayed with Inuyasha. Now I am definitely not a fan of Kouga and Ayame. I despise the fact Sunrise only created her to be Kouga’s romance interest but having him tell her he would marry her once she was older was even worse. This was a choice Sunrise made not Kouga’s original character. The reason why Kagome does not call out Kouga on this is because she did not know Ayame was a child at the time he proposed. He never mentioned it but if he did I’m certain Kagome would have not tried to keep setting them up together knowing this information. And just a reminder that even in real life some Inuyasha voice actors such as Richard Ian Cox and David Kaye voice actor for Sesshomaru does not support Sessrin. Adding on shipping Rin with Sesshomaru is like shipping Shippo with Inuyasha or Kagome. Weird right?? In the Manga Sesshomaru’s Mother Inukimi says that Sesshomaru is like his father in the strangest of ways after saving Rin again. No this doesn’t mean that he will soon come to love her romantically because Inukimi did add “In the strangest of ways” and refers to Rin as a girl like Kagome. She means that Sesshomaru had now changed and that he cared about someone who was a human like his dad who also cared for them even though they are both demons.
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It’s funny how the sequel claims girl power but does not know how to treat it’s female characters. Kagome and Sango are both introduced as Inuyasha and Miroku’s wives instead of their actual character. Now if you not a woman please do not have a say in this unless you wish to agree but this is very sexist Sunrise. I’m not exaggerating how upsetting and disrespectful it is to see you introduce these strong main female role models like this. Inuyasha and Miroku were not titled as husbands of...so why were Kagome and Sango? I’m sure 99% of audience would know who is married to who. Women are not objects or tools Sunrise. Kagome is the main character of Inuyasha even if his name is on title. She is the reason why got to meet these characters. Sunrise has done female characters dirty many times like making Ayame obessed with Kouga when she could have been a neat character but what they did to Rin takes the cake. Rin is introduced as “The girl who adores Sesshomaru” but apparently now that girl is the mother of his children. Shame on you Sunrise!! We only saw Rin ever as a child even when series ended aging her up to become Sesshomaru’s wife without knowing how she is as a grown person is not a good example for your younger female audience to view. This could have been avoided.
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Even though I’m a minor who only been in this fandom for half a year I gather a lot of knowledge of how far this fandom goes. It was definitely most popular around early 2000’s and many say it was their first anime with their first anime crush being Sesshomaru. Inuyasha was an anime I did not look content for till later after finishing season 2. When I discovered Sessrin I was real confused and thought to myself it was just a small part of the fandom but I could have been more wrong. Many accounts I followed that involved Inuyasha shipped Sessrin. Even after finishing many Inuyasha episodes I was very confused on why this was a thing and how could have it gotten so big. I thought something magical would have happened like Rin turning out to be someone much older but that never happened. I was wrong. This ship is just pedophila and nothing else. And I’m sure if Sesshomaru wasn’t “attractive” Sessrin wouldn’t be big. Going back to people crushing on Sesshomaru when they were younger I’m sure the reason Sessrin is not more discussed about for how toxic it is online is because besides people being scared,people like to insert themselves as Rin but this has to stop. Adults should not pair a child and grown up together even if the child is now grown. Especially grown ups with kids. This is not good example to set for your kids. I’ve seen many minors being harassed online for disliking Sessrin by adults. Which is super immature and should be in trouble for. Netruals must know that is not a ship war because there have been people who have gotten horrible hate and were told very graphic things by Sessrin shippers. ( By the way I’m sorry to anyone who has been hurt online even Sessrin shippers. I do not support Sessrin but no one should be told awful things. ) Many Inuyasha fans which dislike Sessrin have left Twitter and Tumblr because of how much hate they have gotten. This is not okay. People should be able to voice their opinion on something without being told to commit s*icide or hoping they get r*ped.
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And your point? This sequel is being written in the 21th century. We could write it however we please not everything has to be “accurate” and also this state is just supporting the idea of children being wed with a grown up was okay before because the age of consent was different. Ugh..but this claim is just another excuse. Please stop using it. Many things in the past were allowed which wouldn’t be allowed today. So no this is not a valid reason to ship Rin with Sesshomaru.
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Sunrise should not be off the hook for using child Rin clips for the opening as the daughters are shown. It was a wrong decision to make them seem like “moments” since now many actual pedophiles will support this pair as well. Even before this continuing was announced Sessrin was a big thing and “adult Rin” was not. Sunrise should not be supporting Sessrin at all. Nor anyone in the Inuyasha crew. They have many young fans watching and supporting this anime and they are being influenced and will grow up to think grooming is okay when it’s not. Again in 2021 this can not be allowed and it shouldn’t have ever. This sequel was not necessary. The anime ended fine.
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If Rin is the mom I will no longer support Hanyo No Yashahime. I’m sorry but I will sadly have to drop it. There are a lot of reasons why Sessrin should not be a thing and Sunrise should know many themselves,because they have joined along these character’s journeys and seen through scripts who they are. And what Sessrin is pedophila and grooming that happened to get a lot of support which is why it is hard to find more people within online media discuss it. I sure do hope it does because I am tired of seeing only few doing it. We need more awareness of how problematic grooming pairs are in anime media. No more portraying children to grow up as romance interests for people they were raised by. Let’s keep Sesshomaru and Rin’s relationship wholesome. There is no need for them to get together. At the end of the day Rin owns Sesshomaru nothing and he knows that. Let’s start viewing them from a different point of view. Let’s see more fanart of them acting like father and daughter. I love that. Thank you and have a good day.
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sessrin-eternity2 · 3 years
Yashahime Second Act New PV
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Yashahime Second Act, has a new mini PV and I think they are only showing some tiny clips from episodes 1 to 2 or 3.
Here we have Towa welding her new blade, Zanseiken. The design is extremely unique and beautiful, I love the details for the hilt. I think this blade really suits Towa's character but I also love her knock off of the Kikujūmonji because she literally made that into a sword of her own by using demon energy. I wonder if Towa's Zanseiken will have more abilities than her other blade. She seems to be looking at it curiously and uneasy, could this be the first scene of her putting it into use? I believe she's going to do more extraordinary things using this one.
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This scene here seems to be a spirit of Kirinmaru, it reminds me of the battle scene of Episode 24 between Kirinmaru versing Towa and Moroha. They both had spirits above them, for Towa it was Sesshomaru's demon dog form and for Moroha it was the great dog demon general Inu no Taisho aka Toga. This is an interesting one too because not only we seen this form of Kirinmaru in this scene but also in the Second Acts poster, he is in the middle and standing in front of the windmill of time, so this is not the first time seeing this form of his and I do wonder what this is indicating... The second image down below, we see Kirinmaru's face up close and it is only showing one eye along with two scars on his cheek, both done by Towa and Setsuna. Is he reflecting from the battle with the 3 princesses? Thinking about how he accidentally killed Sesshomaru's and Rin's daughter, Setsuna out of anger after she landed a cut on his cheek? His past? His battle with Toga? or his beloved daughter, Rion? There's still so much we need to discover about their relationship and how did it become such a conflict to drive the two away from each other.
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Riku? Riku?! What is this all about? Is this... demons in the shadows? Are you planning an attack on someone? Or is he going to strike these hidden creatures? He does have his blade out, and if I'm not mistaken, it kinda looks like his new earring accessory, that's intriguing. He really looks great in his new attire and I can see his sleeves are not torn anymore like his first attire was shown. I think this upcoming episode could be The Demon Ghost Of The Ocean, it just gives off a vibe this could be the episode but it's only a guess. Riku looks quite serious in this, I don't see any smirking from him than usual so what could this situation be about?
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I about screamed when I seen this, I'm so happy to see Sesshomaru again, Ah-Un and the rest as well. Lol, look at poor Jaken holding onto the end of Sesshomaru's Mokomoko. And yes, there are so many theories flowing around about this scenes situation. We haven't seen Sesshomaru ride Ah-Un in awhile... Normally when he rides him it is to make a great entrance but this is looking more like an emergency because...
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We see that Sesshomaru is holding Rin! We finally get our first Sessrin scene! Wooo! Yes! Sweet Mokomoko! I love how he's holding his wife so tenderly, not only that he is also steering Ah-Un while holding her, you can see the dark brown strap between Sesshomaru's hands and thumb. But what the heck happened to Rin... Zero tied her? Is she truly in labor? Someone is either having a flashback or telling the story to the twins or someone else. Now, I have some backup for the Rin is in labor theory that is by other fans and I have one of my own so I hope there's some people that are thinking the same on it as well but first the labor theory.
It is extremely rare for Sesshomaru to be flying Ah-Un, especially when he can fly himself without an issue and he's always been strong enough to carry Rin. Why does he need Ah-Un to fly with Rin? And the theory is, Sesshomaru is using Ah-Un to travel safely with Rin Lady Kaede's because she is in labor. In the image we can definitely see there is some discomfort in Rin's expression, possibly labor pains and her hand is resting on her stomach but we see no pregnant belly because it is only viewing half of Rin's body which is probably the reason why we cannot see the baby bump on her but also remember this... in episode 15 between a conversation with Sango and Kagome, Sango's dialogue "How are you feeling Kagome? You're far along now, I can't wait." Kagome's dialogue "Thanks Sango! I feel fine, you can barely see my bump." And with that Sango agreed. It even shows Kagome holding her stomach when Riku tells Kagome Kirinmaru will kill her child as well if Kirinmaru's slumber has been disturbed because he hates humans and hanyos.
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In a panic and fear, Kagome places her hands on her stomach, and we can barely see her bump like Sango said, so Rin's baby bump was possibly like Kagome's while she was in labor with Towa and Setsuna.
Here's my theory of what possibly happened that caused this scene with Sesshomaru carrying Rin while flying on Ah-Un. And Nooope, not believing that Zero tied herself to Rin on this night, she may had tried to but failed at it and here's how. Zero may had tried another type of spell to tie Rin to her soul and in the spell process before she could finish, Sesshomaru interrupted her and saved Rin but a small portion of Zero's spell took over her and somehow Sesshomaru managed to break it (Possibly from cutting that green dream butterfly) and Rin fainted afterwards due to her energy being drained from Zero's spell or Zero may had wounded Rin and Sesshomaru is using Ah-Un to carefully fly her to the barrier so he and Jaken can patch her up there while with the twins. Also, we need to remember Episode 23, here's a small reminder. When Zero tied herself to Towa, Towa did not pass out when she was first tied, she was only used as a puppet for Zero to control and she used Towa to hold Setsuna and her weapon still while Zero came over to break the seal that Miroku placed on her. After she was finished with Towa, she let her go and that's when Towa fainted but it was only for a brief moment, so that's why I don't think Zero already tied Rin in that new clip and she may wake up. I still believe she was with the twins when the forest fire happened and that's when Zero finally tied Rin's soul to hers fully. I have more about this theory why Rin was in the forest with the twins but I'll save that for another blog. (。・ω・。)ノ♡
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How did Zero get those rainbow pearls again?! I know she confirmed she can easily find them but this fast? And what will she use them for this time? Is she going to use them to kill the Towa, Setsuna and Moroha? This woman is a nightmare. (つ﹏<。) I really don't want to know what's her next plan.
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