#I had so much fun w that tree can you tell
sigtheta · 11 months
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And her touch, the orange sunset 🍊💙
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Fairytale Series:
Part 1 Part 2
Yandere Witch x Rapunzel Reader x Yandere Prince
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For many, long years you had resided in an isolated tower deep in the forest with an elderly woman named Agnes and her daughter Hilda. The three of you had lived here together and created a nice home for yourselves in a place no man could ever harm you… or at least that’s what Agnes instilled in you and Hilda since you were children. Men were evil and couldn’t be trusted. They would lure you in with sweet words and promises, but then they’d swallow you whole like a beast.
Since you were ten, Hilda and Agnes never let you lift a finger nor did they let you outside. “It’s dangerous for you. You’re far too delicate for the forest. Leave it to us, (your name).” Agnes would always tell you before she took Hilda with her to forage and hunt.
Despite your years with the two of them, Agnes told you that you were not biologically her child. “Hilda and I found you in the forest one day. You were just a baby and we couldn’t leave you… so you can stay here with us, forever. You’re ours, my dear.”
They’d brush your hair as it slowly began to grow longer than the length of the tower. Your long hair was used to come and go after Agnes and Hilda sealed off the door to ‘keep you safe.’
Every time you’d ask to go out or inquire about what they’d see, Agnes would shut you down. “Curiosity killed the cat, dear. You just wait here, we will be back.”
The mother and daughter often took trips for supplies. Whether it was berries or necessities, their trips only took a few hours… sometimes they took a few days. It just depended on what they needed. The pair never let the supplies dwindle much. Agnes hated being irresponsible when it came to stock.
It was when you were over the age of twenty that Agnes’s health took a turn. Hilda would often weep with you as she held you close. You and Hilda had grown so close… Hilda swore she wouldn’t let her mother down. That’d she’d carry on her will. (A will you didn’t have a clue about)
When Agnes passed away, Hilda immediately took charge over the chores around the tower. The beautiful young woman often fretted over you as she made sure the two of you were cared for. She took over brushing your long locks and gathering supplies.
Sometimes Hilda would braid her long black hair with hers. So ‘the two of you were connected.’ It was always fun whenever Hilda would let you play with her hair.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back! I can bring you back your favorite berries.” Hilda would gave you a reassuring smile before she headed out into the forest. You watched her form until she disappeared into the trees.
So you’d get back to painting the walls with a hum. Your hair draped behind you like a waterfall as you sat on your homemade swing.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard a loud clank on the side of your tower. What on earth was that?!
You jumped off your swing and ran to look at the balcony. A grappling hook was slung around the metal frame as a hooded figure began to scale the tower. Who we that?!
You went to shut the balcony door but ended up slipping on your own hair. Your back hit the floor as you whined in pain. Your eyes wide in terror at the knight that now stood in front of you as he quickly winded up the rope. The knight mumbled some curses before he shoved the grappling hook in his bag.
“W-who are-“ the knight pushed you further into the tower as he put a gloved hand over your mouth. Your body trembled when you looked into their lilac eyes. You’d never seen such pretty eyes before…
There was shouting below and the sound of hooves. Was this knight being pursued? You couldn’t tell since the knight held you firmly in their arms until the voices disappeared into the distance.
The knight breathed a sigh of relief before they released her. You quickly shoved the knight away from you as you scooted your body as far away from them as you could. You swore your heart was about to leap from your chest.
“Who are you?” You shakily asked but the knight gave you a small bow. Their hands slipped off the silver helmet on their head to reveal a rather striking individual with sharp features and long, lavender hair.
“I apologize for my intrusion. I’m Prince Vinicio of the Corcoran kingdom.” The knight’s voice was a lot deeper than she expected. How could a woman have such a deep voice?
“Prince? Don’t you mean princess?” You softly asked which made the knight erupt into laughter.
“No. Despite my rather feminine appearance, I’m male.”Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I just noticed how long your hair is. Have you been growing it out for a long time-“
You jumped when he reached a hand out to you which made him frown. Vinicio’s mind began to wander as he glanced around your home. Did you live here all alone? This wilderness was not becoming of a lady, especially not one as stunning as you. “I apologize, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“P-please leave. I’m not supposed to talk to men.”
Vinicio frowned but gave you a small bow out of respect. You must be being held against your will in this lonely tower… he’d have to gain your trust to save you.
“I apologize, I’ll take my leave.” Vinicio put his helmet back on but turned to give you one last look. “But can I meet you again tomorrow? I can talk to you from below the tower. I won’t climb up here again.”
You bit your lip. Agnes had always warned you and Hilda about men but Vinicio didn’t seem dangerous… “Okay. But only if you promise to not climb.”
Vinicio smiled warmly at you. “I promise.”
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asahicore · 2 years
cherry pits - psh (m)
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this work contains smut - minors please do not interact
pairing. dad!sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis. Your alarmingly empty bank account forces you to find a last-minute summer job so that you can afford a trip with your friends. The extremely handsome customer that comes into the store just happens to be a young single dad who's renovating the old house next to yours. The tension that settles between the two of you as you start helping him fix up his house soon becomes unbearable, but it's all one-sided anyway, right?
(Spoiler: wrong.)
genre. DILF AUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!, neighbors au, s2l, summer au, slight age gap (reader is 21 and hoon 26), reader is so down bad over sunghoon its actually crazy but also extremely relatable cause this is sunghoon we're talking about, fluff and smut, sex gets freakyyy ngl
word count. 12.9k
a/n. hey sisters had no time to write anything this week so i am coming back (everybody boos) with a repost yayyy!!! i actually love this story idkw i just find it fun so i hope you guys will enjoy rereading / reading it !!!! as always let me know ur thoughts.. even if they're just incomprehensible screaming (bad or good).. im happy w anything ok bye!!!
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You’ve always wondered about the ratio of cherry to pit. Such a big pit for so little flesh, isn’t it? Yet that’s never stopped you from biting into the small fruit, eating what you could and spitting out the unwanted part. You actually rather enjoy this whole process. Bite, eat, spit. You could repeat this with huge bowls of cherries at a time until they upset your stomach and you had to stop for your own good.
Bite, eat, spit is exactly what you’re doing when, with a trembling finger, you finally brave to open your banking app and check your balance. It’s the beginning of summer, and after two semesters of intense studying and too-much-coffee drinking, you think you deserve three long months of doing nothing but hanging out in your childhood bedroom and eating the food your parents buy and make. You’re especially looking forward to the vacation in Mexico you have planned with your friends at the end of August.
One look at your bank account and your dreams of white beaches and seas so blue you couldn’t tell them apart from the sky shatter around you, the sad, low numbers on the screen sneering at you mockingly. You were sure you had saved enough money from part-time jobs and generous relatives, but now you regret all of those night-outs and lazy takeaways. If you had cut down on those, maybe you wouldn’t have to go through the hassle of finding a summer job at the last minute, which you would definitely have to do if you wanted to eat something on that dear beach of yours and not just starve to death under the glaring sun.
That was it - tomorrow, you’d go and get a job. Today, however, you’d enjoy your last day of respite and eat some more cherries, or maybe make some jam and a pie so your parents wouldn’t chide you for eating them all, and then go pick some more from the three trees in your backyard. You’d sit outside, enjoying the warmth of the sun while you read or, if you couldn’t be asked, while you listened to the bustle of the old and worn-down house next door being renovated. You’re surprised someone had the courage to buy it and give it a new life, but you assume that’s the kind of courage that comes with having time and money. 
Yesterday night, you’d heard a little girl playing outside until her mom called her in saying it was time to go, so you made up a story of your neighbors being newlyweds that had decided they’d had enough of the city and wanted to raise their daughter in a calmer town far from busy streets and loud honks. You could bring them some cherries, maybe in jam or pie form, as a housewarming gift.
Unfortunately, the day passed and you were too busy doing nothing to actually get around to baking, so you decided to do nothing some more and then go to bed, needing rest before your big job hunt.
You’d gravely overestimated the amount of job opportunities in your small hometown, only receiving apologetic looks from the store owners as they tell you they don’t need any help, or worse, already have someone. Damn those 16-year-olds who only get summer jobs so they can blow their whole pay in a couple weeks before school starts again. You, on the other hand, need that money for important things, like sipping on a cocktail at a bar with a seaview.
The local hardware store next to the train station is your saving grace. It looks quite small from the outside, but once you step inside, rows of lamps and mirrors in all shapes and sizes along with all kinds of household needs welcome you, followed by a section for gardening and pet caretaking. The basement is where all the paints and brushes were, as well as the more technical (technical to you, at least) products, like bolts and tools or kitchen and bathroom appliances.
A lot of people undertake renovations in their homes during their free time in the summer, so it’s important for the store to have their experts helping out customers in their dedicated aisles rather than working behind the till and restocking the shelves, which is what you will be doing for the next two months. The pay is slightly above minimum wage and with twenty-one hours of work a week, you’ll earn more than enough to enjoy your vacation. You start tomorrow.
Your co-workers are happy to welcome a new face into their team. They’re nice even if they have the tendency to drone on about different types of tools and the importance of choosing the right brush for the surface you’re painting, which you don’t particularly care about, but you think you might as well learn as much as you can during your time here; it might always come in handy later.
As you expected, it isn’t the most stimulating job ever, but you aren’t bored out of your mind either. You make small talk with customers as they explain their purchases, some more defensively than others, even if you didn’t ask. You make sure to restock the shelves correctly and sometimes ask for help when you feel your arms giving out after hours of carrying heavy stuff. When no one’s in, you like to rearrange the cute bathroom decorations so that they make a little rainbow of toothbrush and soap holders.
You were daydreaming about what you would do with your friends in Mexico and all the cherries you could eat there when a man so handsome you thought he was a part of your dream walks in. He doesn’t notice (or maybe he just ignores it, you’re not sure) your gawking and smiles at you, saying “hello” before turning his attention to the map which details where everything is stored at the entrance of the shop. You manage a small “h-hello” back that probably doesn’t even reach his ears, and you curse yourself for doing a poor job of greeting a customer just because said customer looks like he’s been pushed from the heavens above onto this unworthy earth by the other angels who were jealous of his beauty. 
You stay put behind the counter the whole time he’s there to avoid the potential embarrassment of running into him in a random aisle and making a fool of yourself. There isn’t much to do anyway, so you rearrange the organic protein bars and chewing-gum at the counter and count all the money in the cash register to distract yourself. He doesn’t spend a very long time browsing and after twenty minutes, you see him approach with a cart full of the biggest cans of paint the store offers. It’s mostly white paint, but there are some browns and grays, and one of pink as well.
You thank God for those twenty minutes because they allowed you to get a hold of yourself so that you didn’t gape at him like a dead fish instead of scanning his articles, which is what you are very professionally and expertly doing. “That’s a lot of paint,” you comment lightheartedly, partly just to prove to yourself that you can also speak in front of this man.
“I know,” he chuckles, and it seems unfair that his voice should be just as attractive as his face. “The previous owners of the house I just bought had terrible taste in wallpaper and wall colors, so I have to repaint basically the whole house. Everything has to go, really. The floors, the furniture, the lights.”
“Sounds like you’re going to have a busy summer. That’ll be $132.76, please.”
“I’ll pay by card,” he says as he brings his wallet out from his back pocket and inserts his card into the reader, which allows you to look freely at his tanned arms and the veins that protrude here and there. He can’t be older than thirty, so there’s probably not that much of an age difference between the two of you, but damn does he look more mature in the sexiest way possible than all of the male college students you’re used to seeing on a daily basis. If anything, he reminds you of the hot young Linguistics professor your whole department likes to drool over. 
The beep of the payment being accepted snaps you out of your daze. “And yeah, it’ll sure be a busy summer. I’ll need a lot of stuff from here, so you might have to get used to seeing me around,” he says with a smile that makes your heart skip a beat. There’s no way this walking Greek god of a man is actually flirting with you, but the glint in his eyes tells you it wasn’t just an off-hand comment.
“I could get used to that,” you surprise yourself by replying confidently, your smile mirroring his as pretty dimples appear on each side of his face.
You hand him the receipt and notice his eyes flickering down to your name tag before trapping yours in his gaze once again. You don’t think you ever want to look away. “I’ll see you around, Y/N,” he says and walks out with his cart and his tons of paint before you can say anything, lest ask his name, except for “see you.”
You take a deep breath in and another out when he’s out of sight, trying to calm your racing heart. You can’t wait to rave to the girls’ group chat about this, but one of your coworkers calls you for help and you have to put the handsome stranger to the back of your mind for a while.
That weekend, your parents ask you to do something about the cherries slowly starting to spoil in the fridge, so you put on your headphones and listen to an audiobook for entertainment, then get to pitting. It feels wrong to listen to The Kiss Quotient and its many smut scenes when your parents are coming and going out of the room, but what they don’t know won’t kill them; you just try to keep your reactions to a minimum during the extra spicy scenes.
Pitting cherries is an arduous task that always takes longer than you think it will, but you never complain about it. You’ve found the perfect technique of cutting them in half around the pit, turning the small fruit without squeezing it, extracting the stone and making sure it doesn’t get confused and end up in the bowl with the pitted cherries, all without tiring your wrists after ten minutes. A surprise pit in a cherry pie can add to the charm of a homemade dessert, but you’d rather not have to spit out five of them while trying to eat one slice.
You prepare a crumbly dough to make two classic American-style pies and fill four jars with cherry jam that you cook while the doughs rest. It’s almost offensive how small the cherries become as they cook, the amount that fills those four jars having filled eight before, but you decide there’s no reason to take it personally since the cherries don’t do it on purpose, and put the jars away to cool down. You roll out the first rested dough and despair for a bit when it keeps on falling apart, but it just makes it more satisfying once you have it perfectly thinly rolled out and covering the tin. The second one is a bit nicer to you and you only have to try rolling it out twice. 
Two hours later, as the sun finally starts to relent and a cooler breeze flows through the air, the pies are all baked, cooled and ready to be eaten. You leave one for you and your parents to enjoy later, then head over to the next house to greet your new neighbors with the other pie. You knock and wait for a good thirty seconds before getting any sort of response, making you think no one’s in.
“Y/N?” a semi-familiar voice calls out, and your head whips in its direction. If this were a cartoon or a 2012 teen show, you’d probably drop the pie tin, but thankfully, your hands aren’t that sweaty, and the shock of the man from the other day at the store being your neighbor isn’t that great, because of course, of course he’s your neighbor. You’re Y/N, after all; the almighty gods above would never let you have a boring, uneventful summer. Of course the hot new man in town is your neighbor.
“Oh! Hi! Guess we’re neighbors. Ha,” you say with a clumsy smile, holding the tin over your forearm as your other hand shields your eyes from the sunlight so you can look at him without squinting your eyes.
“Neighbors?” he repeats as he joins you on the front porch, taking off his gloves dirtied by the mud and using the back of his hand to wipe off some sweat from his forehead. The sweat makes his hair stick to his face and there are small beads of it falling from his hairline down onto his white t-shirt. You detect the slightest of stubbles on his chin and upper lip, probably from not having shaved for just a day or two. He’s even tanner than when you saw him a few days ago, and his thick eyebrows form a straight line as he frowns in what you guess is tiredness and perhaps confusion from seeing you in regular clothes and holding a pie tin on his porch. For a second, you’re scared he might think you’re some kind of stalker, but you nod and tilt your head towards your house. 
“Yep. That one just over there behind you.”
He turns his upper body to take a look at your house and nods slowly as he turns back around, gaze finding yours again like the other day at the store. You have no idea who this man is - hell, you don’t even know his name - but good lord are you attracted to him, especially when he gives you that unreadable smile that shows off his dimples. 
“Huh. What a coincidence,” he says, and that could mean anything in the world, but you hope he means it in a good way. “I’m Sunghoon, by the way.” he adds, extending his hand for you to take, which you do, and the simple action of shaking his hand without eye contact ever breaking is enough to send shivers down your spine. Hopefully, this goes unnoticed by this Sunghoon.
A walking wet dream. That’s what this man is. He’s walked right out of your deepest Wattpad-induced fantasies and into the house next door. Probably doesn’t help that you’d been listening to literary porn just fifteen minutes prior. 
“Is that pie?” he asks as he releases your hand.
“It is, cherry pie I made myself with cherries from our backyard. A housewarming gift, if you will. Here,” you reply, offering him the tin.
He takes it from your hands, the tips of his fingers slightly grazing yours, on purpose or not, you’re not sure. He lifts some of the aluminum covering the pie and peeks underneath, then hums appreciatively. “Thanks, it looks really good. I’ve been living off of ready-meals and casseroles from the neighbors, so this’ll be really nice.”
“Well we’ve got tons of cherries, so feel free to ask whenever you want some,” you offer, and he nods. A small silence settles between the two of you and you’re about to excuse yourself so it doesn’t get awkward when he invites you in, asking if you’d like to have a piece with him.
“If you want to, I mean. I was gonna take a break anyway,” he says somewhat coyly, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. You’re surprised to see him being anything else other than confident and self-assured, but it only makes him look cuter in your eyes.
“Sure,” you accept with a smile, letting him lead you inside the house.
“Sorry, it smells like paint all over the house. That’s why I was outside, doing some gardening while I aired the house out,” he explains. “Let me just get some plates and a knife out. And something for us to drink. Do you want to drink something? I’ve got water, or some iced tea or lemonade. The grandma across the street made some for me,” he says all at once, and you suppress a giggle at his sudden nervous behavior.
“Yeah?” he responds almost immediately, turning to you just as you both reach the kitchen.
“Just water is fine.”
A shy smile makes his dimples appear once again as he nods. “Okay, sounds good.” You help him carry everything to the back porch and set down the glasses and a jug of water on a table with two chairs around it.
“The porches are the only parts I won’t have to fix up too much, for some reason.”
“You’re going to redo the whole house yourself?” you ask, surprised, as you pour two glasses of water and he serves you a slice of cherry pie (“there might be some stray cherry pits, so be careful,” you warn as he sets a slice on his plate).
“A lot of it, yeah, but I’ve also got some people to help out. My dad’s a carpenter so I know my way around these things, but I also know it’s better and faster to have more than one man on the job, so some guys he works with come a couple times a week.”
“Yeah, with the state this house is in, you’d need more than a summer if you did everything yourself,” you comment, and he chuckles, agreeing. “My friends and I used to make stories about how this place is haunted, you know,” you say jokingly.
“Please don’t jinx my house from the get-go,” he says, making you laugh.
“Sorry, sorry. It’ll be nice seeing it all fixed-up, actually.”
“Have you lived here long?” he asks, looking at you thoughtfully as he takes another bite of the pie. “This is really good, by the way.”
“Thanks. And yeah, my whole life. I go away when semester starts but come back for the holidays and the summer.”
“So you're a student?”
“Yeah, just at the state university a few hours away. Not too far away that it’s a hassle traveling back, but not too close that I go home every weekend. What about you, what do you do?”
You wait for his answer while he swallows his mouthful and take another bite yourself. “I teach,” he starts as he dabs the corners of his lips with a napkin. “Fifth graders, on the other side of town. I used to live in a small apartment near the school I work at but it’s nicer, having more space. I saved enough money to buy this house and fix it up, so here I am now,” he says, gesturing to the house and the garden with his arms. 
You notice his use of the first person pronoun when he talks about where he used to live and his house now, which makes you wonder if it’s just him, even though you were sure you heard a woman and a young girl’s voices the other day. Surely, if he wasn’t single, he wouldn’t have invited you in or given you flirtatious looks, right? Or were you reading totally wrong into this and he was just an exceptionally friendly person?
You put these questions to the side and continue chatting with Sunghoon, letting the subject of his marital status come up on its own during your conversation. And indeed, you get your answer when he tells you about the different parts of the house he plans on having, one of them being a bedroom for his daughter.
“Oh, so you have a daughter? How old is she?” you ask as you take a sip of water, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. Considering his age, you expect that his child will be one, two years old max, so his answer makes you almost choke on your drink.
“She’s turning eight this summer.”
“Eight?” you repeat as you set your glass down, looking at him wide-eyed. So much for nonchalance. “But you’re so-”
“Young? Yeah, I know,” he interrupts with a knowing smile, probably used to this kind of reaction. “I’m 26,” he adds, then watches as you do the simple math in your head. When you turn to him with a surprised look, he answers your question before you’ve even asked it. “Yep, I had her when I was 18.”
“Wow,” is all you can say. “Can I ask what happened?”
“Sure. I mean, it’s nothing extraordinary or anything. I was in my last year of high school, and I got my girlfriend at the time pregnant. We’d only been dating four months but her parents wouldn’t let her get an abortion. They’re really religious. They took care of our baby, with the help of my parents, while I went to community college and she retook senior year since she had to drop out halfway through the year. No, we’re not together anymore, if you’re wondering,” he says, catching you off guard, as if he’d read your thoughts. 
He chuckles before sighing and continues. “If none of this had happened, we’d probably have broken up before going off to college and proceeded to forget about each other. We started out living with her parents, then got that small apartment I told you about when she found a job. We’re not on bad terms by any means, but we’ve just not been in love since Chaeryeong turned 2, probably. We’ve been more roommates than a couple for the past six years. And you know, we kept on living together for Chaer mainly, but she’s found a new boyfriend and I wanted to have my own place. Which has led me here.”
You nod slowly, letting the whole story sink in. “You’re both handling this situation really maturely, it sounds like. I’ve heard of so many teenage parents fighting all the time and not taking care of their kids properly.”
“She’s already got a weird parental situation, it’s the least we can do for her to behave like adults, you know.”
“Right, of course,” you say, nodding again. Your hot new neighbor was actually a DILF, you realized a bit inappropriately, perhaps. Cherry on top.
He tells you a bit more about his daughter and you keep talking until your dad calls you, asking you why you’re not home at dinner time, and you only notice then how long you’ve been sitting there with Sunghoon, just talking. You tell him you feel bad for taking up so much of his time but he shakes your apologies off.
“It was my pleasure, really. And thanks again for the pie, I think Chaer will love it.”
He walks you to the front door and calls out your name after you’ve waved goodbye and started walking. You didn’t know you had been expecting him to do anything until you heard the hopeful tone in your own voice. “Yeah?”
“You any good with kids?” he asks, leaning against the doorway with crossed arms and a smirk that makes your heart flutter.
Although you’ve only got one older brother, you have younger cousins as well as older ones that have babies of their own, so you’re not a complete stranger to kids, but more importantly, you like them. They have the world to learn, but they say surprisingly smart things and have really cute faces.
“I’d say that I am, yeah,” you reply, a smile growing on your face, mirroring his expression.
“Good,” he says, and pauses a second for good measure. “I’ll see you later.”
“See you later, Sunghoon,” you say as you turn back and head to your house, letting him enjoy the view of you walking away. 
On the short way home, you realize that you completely have the hots for your neighbor, although you probably knew that before. Is it twisted that you like him more now that you know he’s got a kid? Probably a little bit, but you’re not going to fight it. He’s single, after all. And not even thirty. A five-year gap isn’t unheard of. 
Your parents ask you where you’ve been as you set the table and get ready for dinner. “Just over at our new neighbor’s house to give him some pie and say hi,” you say as you toss the salad in its bowl, spreading the dressing evenly. 
“Ooh, the neighbor,” your mother echoes knowingly, wiggling her eyebrows, and steals a leaf of lettuce when it falls from the bowl because of your vigorous tossing. “We should have him over at some point, welcome him into the neighborhood. I’ve seen him a bit, you know. Out painting on his front porch or when he was in his garden the same time as me. He’s a very attractive young man,” she says, lowering her voice so your dad doesn’t hear even though he’s outside grilling the meat. “Do you know how old he is? Looks a bit young for a homeowner to me, but who knows what young people are up to these days.
“He’s twenty-six, and he’s saved a lot of money. Plus, I don’t think that house was very expensive. From what he’s told me, the renovations will basically cost as much as the house itself. He’s also got a kid.”
“Aw, must be a cute baby,” she says as your father walks in, carrying a tray of steaming barbecued steaks and potatoes.
“She’s eight,” you say bluntly, causing them both to look at you with wide eyes.
“Oh, right, then. Happens,” your mother says, bringing her glass of water to her lips and taking a sip from it. “Is he still with the mother?”
“They broke up a while ago, but they’re on good terms,” you say, and your mom nods slowly at the information.
“So, he’s single, huh?” she says, trying to hide her smile, earning herself a groan from your dad and a chuckle from you. 
“C’mon, mom!”
“What? You can’t deny that he’s attractive, and he’s single. Plus, you two must get along well if you spent a couple hours talking. Sure, he’s got a kid, but you love those, don’t you?”
“Mom, you of all people would know kids aren’t pets. Dating someone with an eight-year-old isn’t the same as dating someone with a cat.
“No one’s asking you to be that girl’s mom,” she says, dishing out some meat for the three of you. “I’d go get that man, if I were you.”
Your dad shakes his head and you eat your food as you listen to them bickering with a smile. You think about what your mother said - should you go and get Sunghoon? Your heart says yes, but your brain is a bit more reluctant. Another part of your body, lower down there, is screaming ‘yes’ at you.
He does live right by, after all.
That night, you FaceTime your roommate and best friend from college and bring her up to date about ‘the hot man from the store the other day.’ She paints her toenails but listens intently as she always does when you talk about boys, humming and chuckling here and there.
“God, Y/N, I didn’t know you had daddy issues, of all things.”
You gasp fake-dramatically. “Excuse me, I do not! I was attracted to him before I knew he was a dad, I’ll let you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let me know when you guys actually hook up, I’m curious whether older men are actually better,” she says, making you scoff.
“I hope he is. I’m very much tired of those boys that don’t know where the clit is and use too much tongue.”
“You know, when I complain to my mom about guys, she always tells me to wait it out a few years. She says they get more mature and, well, she didn’t say that outright, but she very heavily implied that the sex is much, much better. Kinda gross hearing it from her, but it’s good information.”
You hum. “Well, he’s not that much older… But let’s hope that it still makes a difference,” you say, and then move on to another topic. 
One thing that eating cherries has taught you is that if you want to enjoy eating the sweet flesh, you’ll need to deal with the pit as well. Ever the grand philosopher, you realized soon enough that this was applicable to real life and not just your favorite fruit. Wanna get a good grade on your test? Gotta study for it. Wanna go on holiday to Mexico? Gotta find a summer job and earn money.
Wanna make your way to Sunghoon’s bed? Gotta seduce him.
Over the following days, you stand behind the counter at the hardware store, elbow perched on the hard surface, head resting on your palm and vision fuzzy as you daydream about your next encounter with Sunghoon. More often than not, a customer will clear their throat to awkwardly let you know of their presence and you’ll have to exchange your imagined dialogue with Sunghoon for a quick apology and some pleasantries; more often than not, a coworker will call out your name for some help just as you get to the juicy part of your reverie. In those moments, you always feel like you’ve been caught red-handed watching softcore porn, even if no one knows the last thing about what goes on in your head, nor do they care. 
Much like the first time he walked into the store, when he does again on a Thursday morning, you think your daydreams have just gone too far and you’re now hallucinating. But, lo and behold, this is the true Park Sunghoon in the flesh, and he smiles and waves at you as he strides in before disappearing behind one of the many aisles.
You spend the next fifteen minutes going over witty conversation starters that will surely make him fall for you, only for you to stutter out a “h-hi, Sunghoon,” when he finally reaches the counter.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he jokes, and you laugh a bit too hard for a comment that isn’t that funny.
“How are the renovations going?” you ask as you scan his articles - some more paint and brushes, lots of tile glue, a bunch of nails and two different sizes of turnscrews. He frowns in concentration at the snacks next to the counter until he caves in and gets a chocolate protein bar that’s more sugar than protein. 
“Pretty okay,” he starts. “I’m in a bit of a rush, cause Chaer is already coming in two weeks and I need to have finished at least the interior by that time. My dad’s friends helped me get the roof done, so that’s good, but now they’re all busy with other sites so it's just me. Right now I’m redoing the tiles in the bathrooms. You need so much damn glue,” he says with a chuckle.
You think for a second, then timidly offer, “I could help out, you know. If you needed me to.” 
He looks at you with raised eyebrows, halfway through getting his card out of his wallet. “Really?”
“I mean, I don’t have much experience with this kinda stuff, but I’ve picked up a few things here and there from working here. If it saves you time, I could do the easy things. This job isn’t particularly physically demanding so I’ve still got energy at the end of the day. That’s $78.96, please.”
A small smile appears on his face as he inserts his card into the reader. He punches in his code and then returns your gaze. “That could be nice, actually.”
And that’s how you find yourself over at Sunghoon’s house in denim shorts and your dad’s old t-shirts almost everyday for the next two weeks, helping him fix up the old two-storey home. He measures out the perfect length for wood planks or marble tiles that you assist him in fastening to the floors of different rooms and he fixes holes in walls that you paint over afterwards. Sometimes on your breaks, you share a bowl of cherries that you brought from your garden. (One morning, you tried to make cherry juice out of them, but when after almost two hours of pitting the liquid barely filled a glass, you decided that it was too much effort and that you’d keep on just eating them and baking the occasional pie.) You asked him to tell you what each of the rooms upstairs would be and you realized that the window of his room faced yours directly. The blinds were down as they had always been, so you hadn’t known what the room would be.
“I’ve been sleeping on the couch since I haven’t gotten around to fixing up this room yet. Guess I should get to it, though,” he says, giving you a look that blurs the meaning of his words so that you’re not sure what he’s implying, which happens a bit too often with Sunghoon.
And you’d think that spending the better part of two weeks with the current man of your dreams would be amazing, right? 
Wrong. It’s unbearable.
Maybe that’s exaggerating it - it’s mostly fun, and sometimes unbearable. Usually, you’re an avid fan of sexual tension, especially with attractive men like Sunghoon. Lingering gazes, eye contacts when there shouldn’t be any, remarks with a deeper meaning that they let on, barely-there touches on the back of your hand or on your waist that manage to take your breath away. These are all very fine things that keep your heart bouncing and a blush on your cheeks, but they are supposed to amount to something more in the end. Maybe you’re impatient, but after two weeks of sending sex through your eyes to Sunghoon, you get the feeling that he doesn’t reciprocate your desire. One afternoon, you’d made sure to go and sunbathe in your bikini at the exact moment he was doing some work outside, and even then, he merely gave your body a one-over and disappeared a few minutes later inside his house. When he came back about ten minutes later, he could still barely look at you.
At the same time, there’s no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing when he stands close behind you, letting you feel the warmth of his chest against your back, big, rough hands enveloping yours as he demonstrates how to cut a plank of wood with the machine. There’s no way the way he smirks when the action turns you into a stammering mess is innocent, either.
Yet nothing happens. The tension is thick enough to be cut with a knife, but maybe Sunghoon hasn’t bought cutlery yet. The air is already heavy from the heat and the relentlessness of the sun, but this thing between you and him makes it almost suffocating, in somehow the best yet worst way possible. You’re this close to simply throwing your naked body at him, and it doesn’t help that you see his flexing, working muscles and beads of sweat on his hairline everyday. On the days he wears shorts, which is most days, all you can think of is getting off on his thick thighs, of his hands holding you tightly by the waist, of the way he’d look at you, eyes clouded over, of the words he’d whisper in your-
Your phone buzzes, interrupting you in your horny downward spiral. It’s your dear mother telling you to come home for dinner. As you pick up your phone, a second buzz. Ask Sunghoon if he wants to eat with us. 
You find him in his bedroom, adding the last touches to the walls. “I think I’ll be able to sleep here starting tomorrow night. I just need to go buy a bed,” he says when he sees your figure standing in the doorway.
“We can go together if you want,” you blurt before you can stop yourself. Hoping it’ll make you seem less weird, you add, “I’ve got really good taste in furniture.”
“Is that so?” he questions, turning to you with a smile. “I’d appreciate the second pair of eyes, actually. There’s a lot of things I need to get.”
“Yeah, I didn’t wanna comment on it, but I think you’ll end up needing more than a couch, a plastic dining table and two chairs,” you tease, making him roll his eyes lightheartedly. “We can go to that huge second-hand store they have just outside of town. You’ll be surprised how good - and cheap - the furniture is there.”
“Sounds good,” he nods, and checks his watch. “Are you going home?”
“I am. My mom’s invited you over for dinner, if you’d like,” you say, tilting your head at him.
He raises his eyebrows in delighted surprise. “I’d love to. Just need to shower first.”
“That’s fine. I’ll go home, just come over whenever you’re ready.” You exchange quick see you laters and you head home, taking a shower yourself and making sure to use your best-smelling body lotion.
Sunghoon arrives half an hour later with a bouquet of roses in his hands and an award-winning smile on his face. You let him in and he greets your parents, offering your mother the bouquet. “Sorry I took so much time getting here, I wanted to pick these out as a thank you.”
You can tell your mother is pleased to the heavens as she waves him off, leading him inside your house. “That’s awfully nice of you, Mr Park-”
“Call me Sunghoon, please,” he says with a warm smile.
“Right, Sunghoon. And no worries, you’re just on time. Please, sit.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Oh, no, you’re working all day fixing up that house, just sit and relax. We’re very happy to have you over, aren’t we?” your mother says, sending a very obvious smile your way, which makes you furrow your eyebrows and shake your head lightly at her, silently telling her to shut up. Sunghoon chuckles at the exchange but says nothing and you want to bury yourself and your mother ten feet underground.
Sunghoon sits across from you at the dinner table, which allows you to stare unabashedly at him as he works his charm on your parents. He’s the neighbor, so technically, he’s not a boyfriend you brought home to meet them, but still, you can’t help but compare him to those few boys that you did bring home. None of them were a disaster, but none of them went as smoothly as this, either. There were always some awkward silences and dry chuckles with your past boyfriends, but Sunghoon clearly knows how to make parents happy. Maybe because he lived with his ex’s parents for so long, or maybe because he’s a parent himself. Either way, it only adds to your desire to take all of his clothes and let him rail you into next week. Too bad he clearly doesn’t feel the same way, you remind yourself with an audible sigh, which makes him look curiously at you, but you brush it off with a smile.
You watch as he accepts a beer, compliments the food and the house, talks football with your dad, accepts another beer, and shares teaching anecdotes with your mom, who herself is an elementary school teacher. You jump in every now and then when you have something witty to add or someone asks your opinion on something, but most of the time, you sit back and enjoy, happy that everything is going well. 
You bring out your infamous cherry pie that you’d baked the previous day along with some vanilla ice cream for dessert, and smile when Sunghoon tells you how much he’d been waiting to have some of it again, trying not to blush as his gaze stays focused on yours for a second too long. Thankfully, your parents don’t notice, too busy cutting themselves a slice. 
He stays for another hour or so, until the sun has set and the streetlamps and the moonlight are the only things keeping the world visible. Your mom forces him to accept tupperwares full of leftovers from the night and makes him promise to come back with his daughter. Sneakily, she tells you to help him carry the tupperwares home even though he’s more than able to do it himself, then hugs him goodbye, hurrying you out of the door.
Sunghoon hasn’t yet changed the lightbulbs to more efficient ones, so his kitchen bathes in the faint glow of the overhead lighting as you put away the leftovers in his fridge. He stands a bit to your right close behind you, closer than needed to simply hand you the tupperwares he was holding. When everything is stored, you turn around, but you’re trapped between his body and his arm that holds the fridge door open. With his free hand, he takes you by the waist and pulls you gently towards him. “Careful,” he says so quietly, it’s almost a whisper, and closes the fridge door behind you. 
He’s never been this forward with you, and even though you’ve fantasized many times about this exact moment, now that it’s really happening, you don’t know what to do except to search for an explanation in his eyes. His eyes that are looking right into yours and are a bit clouded over, from the alcohol or the proximity between the two of you or both, you don’t know, but that also have the twinkle of a smile in them. 
His lips are close enough to kiss, you think, and as if on cue, his gaze drifts down to your slightly parted lips. “You’re very pretty, Y/N,” he says, before sealing your lips with his own. You respond immediately to his kiss - you’ve thought too much about it to stand there and do nothing - but it’s all so slow and so soft that you’re not sure if it’s actually happening, so dreamlike it all feels.
You’re called back to reality when his other hand finds your waist, your own hands coming up to his shoulders before one of them snakes its way to the nape of his neck, tugging lightly at his hair. This seems to change something in Sunghoon, who all of a sudden tightens his hold on your waist, his arms wrapping around it to bring you closer to him. His kiss gets faster and deeper too, and, to your surprise but not your distaste, a bit desperate. You’re happy if you have on him half of the power he has on you. You taste sweet vanilla ice cream and tangy beer on his tongue, and it’s not at all unpleasant. It makes you want to eat cherries together so you can then taste them in his kiss. 
A lustful sigh escapes your lips and then the warmth disappears all at once. Sunghoon looks at you like you just woke him up from a deep slumber and takes a step back away from you. You call out for him worriedly and the sound of his name seems to make him think he did something terribly wrong.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N, I don’t know what came over me. We shouldn’t do this, it’s not- I shouldn’t have done that,” he sighs, looking defeatedly at the ground.
“Why?” you ask quietly, almost inaudible.
“You should go home,” he snaps, then closes his eyes as if in pain, cringing at his harsh tone. “I’m sorry. I think you should go home, it’s getting late,” he repeats, softer this time, but the words still sting.
“O-okay,” you say to the floor, already feeling tears well up in your eyes. You feel like you just got rejected by your high school crush, and the humiliation makes you want to crawl into a hole and die. 
Sunghoon sighs again. “I’ll let you know tomorrow about the furniture shopping, yeah? Chaeryeong is coming in the morning so we can go with her.”
“O-okay,” you repeat, surprised he still wants to do that with you. “Good night, Sunghoon,” you say without looking at him and scurry out of his house.
“Good night, Y/N,” Sunghoon answers to the emptiness after you’ve left, touching his lips with the tips of his fingers and feeling the ghost of your kiss there.
Truth be told, you haven’t always loved cherries. Because of a heinous lie your older brother had made you believe when you were just six years old, you hadn’t eaten cherries for two summers in a row. It was the summer your parents had finally allowed you to eat cherries as they came from the trees in your backyard - beforehand, they’d been too scared that you’d choke on the pit or swallow it unknowingly, and had always prepared purées or other forms that cherries can take for you to eat, so to be finally handed the small fruit and told “go ahead, try it,” felt like an honor. 
A simple “don’t forget to spit out the pit” from your mother had sufficed for you to be careful, and yet, your brother had thought a fear tactic would be more effective. “If you swallow it, a tree will grow inside your belly and make you puke out cherries,” he’d lied when it was just the two of you at the outdoor table. 
“Really?” you asked him in disbelief, horror written all over your face as you looked at the seemingly harmless yet deadly fruit in your hand. You’d already eaten two and were in the middle of eating a third; your brother nodding ‘yes’ in response was all it took for you to spit out the cherry furiously and immediately start sobbing, afraid you’d swallowed one even though all three pits were right there on the table, a guarantee that no unwanted flora would grow inside of you. 
Your mother rushed outside at the sound of your wailing and quickly put two and two together when she saw your brother laughing uncontrollably while you hid your face in your hands, desolately imagining your future as a walking cherry tree. She held you tight in her arms as she told your brother off and reassured you that he was just playing a stupid prank on you. Still, the simple thought of swallowing a pit had terrified you and you were unable to eat cherries for the remainder of the summer and the one after that.
This is the story you tell Chaeryeong and her dad as the three of you sit outside together, making them laugh - although, a few minutes later, when Sunghoon is gone to the bathroom away, Chaer leans over the table and whispers, “It’s not true, is it?” so you reassure her that you’ve eaten cherries your whole life and have never had one single root take life in your tummy. 
It’s been a bit over a week after you shared that kiss in his kitchen, and the awkward atmosphere is just starting to fade. You’re glad he didn’t ignore you after that night, even if pretending nothing happened when both of you are very aware that something did happen is only the slightly better alternative. It’s a refreshing change from boys that sleep with you and then act like you don’t exist, for sure.
The kiss hasn’t done anything to burst the tension; if anything, it’s made it even more electric. You catch him looking at your lips more than once and you wonder why he still acts the same way as before when he’s made it very clear he didn’t think kissing you was a good idea. Catching him shirtless one night in his bedroom doesn’t help, and neither does him catching you staring at him - you’d quickly shut the curtains, but it was too late, and he’d seen you ogling his toned chest and abs.
At least, the fact that Chaeryeong is here forces a bubbly atmosphere upon you, and you hope you’re not crazy when you notice him fondly looking at the both of you interacting. Chaer is an outgoing little girl and seems to have liked you as soon as you complimented the toy puppy in her hand, saying you used to have the same and it was your favorite.
The day you went food shopping was practically hell to get through. One evening, you were holding onto Sunghoon for dear life, finally kissing him, and the next afternoon, you were browsing through the endless aisles of your local IKEA, holding his daughter’s hand and pretending like you hadn’t kissed her daddy.
When it got to the bedroom part of the store, you and Chaer decided to try all the mattresses and find the most comfortable one. You usually were never one for seating and laying on random beds in stores, but there was a kid with you, so you were sure it’d be fine. When you found the one you liked most, you looked up at Sunghoon from your position and said, “This one’s pretty good, Sunghoon.” His immediately reddening cheeks told you everything you needed to know and you quickly sat up, clearing your throat. He tested the mattress by pushing his palm against it and muttered a “yeah, it’s pretty good” before scribbling down the number of the mattress onto the small sheet of paper customers use to remember which products they wanted.
Of course, now that Chaer is with him and most of the work in the house is done, save for some minor things that Sunghoon can finish up on his own, you spend a lot less time together. You hate that you miss him so much. You miss the way he makes you feel, like your whole body is on fire with just one look or one touch, the way his stupid jokes make you laugh or how endeared he looks when he talks about his daughter. Seeing him with her only adds to your stupid crush - he’s doting, protective and caring, makes sure she has everything to be happy and manages to treat her at once like the kid that she is but also like a human that has opinions and feelings. He’s a really good dad, and that does nothing whatsoever to stop your DILF fantasies, although now, it’s really Sunghoon that you want, and the fact that he’s a dad isn’t a dealbreaker, it just makes him that much better.
You hate that you miss him, and yet being with him is somehow worse, because you can’t do any of the things you want to do. You fall asleep one two many nights dreaming about his lips and how nice it’d be to feel them again - on your lips, on your neck, everywhere. You want to feel him everywhere, and this longing lust is starting to drive you crazy. You’d never wanted anyone this much.
He invites you over for dinner one night, and the look he gives you when he opens the door sends a shiver right down your spine. “Hi, Y/N.” 
“Hi, Sunghoon.”
He leads you into the kitchen with a hand on your waist, even though you’ve been in his house many times before and need no assistance getting there. A small, horny voice at the back of your head tells you that tonight may be the night, but you quickly shut it down, not wanting to get your hopes up all on your own.
Sunghoon serves you a glass of red wine, and you ask him what the occasion is. “Just to celebrate the house being almost done,” he answers with a smile.
Dinner would have gone as usual if Sunghoon wasn’t practically staring you down the whole time, eyes full of something you can’t quite put your finger on and that drives you crazy. His gaze lingers on you every time you speak, and he punctuates the syllables of your name like he’s trying to get a feel for them on his tongue.
Your heart is pounding in your chest when the clock strikes nine p.m. and it’s time for Chaeryeong to go to bed - you don’t know if you’ll be able to handle being alone with Sunghoon, and you might have to make a run for it, Cinderella-style. 
Chaer goes to the bathroom to wash up and change into her pajamas, and when she comes back, she asks - no, demands - that you’re the one who tucks her in, and who are you to say no to the cutest little girl on Earth? She holds you by the pinky as she drags you up the stairs to her room then buries herself in her covers, tapping on the bed next to her body for you to sit there. “Okay, now we can talk without Dad around,” she says all business-like.
She tells you about the boys at her school and the birthday party she went to last week and the latest drama with her friends. The both of you are too busy chatting and giggling to hear footsteps coming up the stairs and stopping at her door, hiding behind the wall. After ten minutes, she yawns loudly and says, “Can you call Dad? I think he’ll be sad if he doesn’t wish me good night.”
“Of course,” you reply and kiss her on the forehead, wishing her a good night yourself. You’re only half-surprised to find Sunghoon at the doorway, waiting for his cue.
“Wait up for me, yeah? I’ll just be a minute,” he says, that smile still on his lips, that smile that keeps you hoping.
“Okay,” you whisper, and head downstairs, nervously taking a sip from your wine glass as you wait for him on the living room couch.
He is indeed back in a very short time, too short a time for your nerves to settle, so when he sits down close to you on the couch, body turned towards yours, you can feel your heart in your throat. He traces the rim of his glass with the tip of his pointer finger and you both watch the slow movement for a bit, a heavy silence hanging over both of your heads. You wait for him to talk because you’re too scared of what you might say if you start the conversation.
“Y/N, I’ve been thinking,” he starts shakily, “about um, our kiss, the other day-”
“Oh, we don’t need to talk about that,” you quickly interrupt, waving your hand in dismissal at him. “You made it clear you didn’t like it-”
“No, that’s the thing-”
“And that you thought it was a bad idea-”
“No, just listen-”
“So let’s just forget about it, and-”
“Y/N,” Sunghoon says in a stern voice, raising his tone just enough to make you stop in your rambling.
“Yeah?” you look up at him, eyes wide open. Expecting, as always.
“I haven’t once stopped thinking about that kiss,” he says, sounding out-of-breath. “I handled it awfully, and I’m so sorry that I made you feel like I didn’t like it, because, God, I liked it. A lot,” he chuckles. “Maybe even too much.”
There they are, the words you’ve been dying to hear. Yet all you can say is a stupid “Oh.”
“I just… I was tipsy, and Chaeryeong was coming the next morning, and I panicked. I didn’t know what to do for the rest of the week, and you didn’t say anything, so I didn’t, either. But I can’t pretend like it isn’t there.”
“Like what isn’t there?” you echo, voice almost low as a whisper.
“You know… this,” he replies, voice as low as yours. Slowly, one of his hands comes up to trace your jawline. You release a shaky breath as you set your wine glass on the coffee table and rest your hand on his knee.
“Are you sure about this? ‘Cause if you tell me that you want me… then I’ll be all yours, Sunghoon,” you murmur, hands slowly sliding up his thigh. He takes you by the wrist and puts your hand right on top of his already growing erection, letting you know exactly how he feels about you.
“God, can’t you see what you do to me? I want you so bad, Y/N,” he almost growls, and with that, his lips are on yours, trapping you into a kiss far hungrier and more ferocious than the previous kiss, your mutual intentions finally laid out in front of you for you both to see.
Sunghoon wastes no time as he grabs you by the waist and brings you to his lap, sitting you on top of his crotch so that you can feel his hardening cock against your core. The kiss turns desperate in mere seconds, and you’re relieved to see that Sunghoon seems to have been waiting for this as long and with as much ardor as you have. Your hands are fisting his hair, tugging almost harshly, while his hands roam the expanse of your back until they settle on your ass, grabbing at it to press you closer to him. You can’t stop yourself from moaning into his mouth when his erection rubs over your core in just the right way, and he takes that opportunity to add tongue to the kiss, deepening it.
You start to grind yourself against him, which he helps you do by slightly rutting his hips into yours and bringing your ass closer at every movement. Quickly, you fall into a rhythm so perfect and that feels so good, you think you might explode right then and there. Forget riding his thigh, this is infinitely better.
Needing to catch your breath, you pull away from the kiss, but your lips find his jaw immediately and you start pressing wet, needy kisses there and down his neck, sucking in some spots so that light bruises appear. “Fuck, Y/N, that feels so nice,” he breathes, eyes shut closed. His scent drives you crazy, and his small praise makes you double down on your actions, almost biting the soft skin of his neck.
As you continue kissing him there, occasionally returning to his lips for more, his hands roam your thighs and then up your back, snaking themselves under your t-shirt and finding the clasp of your bra, quickly doing away with it. He pulls away just so he can help you out of your top and takes your bra off of you, hands caressing your sides as he admires your half-naked body in all its glory. You take his hands and bring them to your chest, resting your hands on top of his as you continue grinding onto him and let him play with your boobs. “You’re so fucking hot,” he practically moans, making you chuckle. You reach for the hem of his t-shirt, because it’s only fair that you get to see him too, and you bite back a moan when he uses the absence of your hands on his to pinch your nipples lightly, then takes one in his mouth, catching you off-guard. You forget all about your plan of undressing him as his tongue flicks at the perked bud, your hands finding his hair again as you moan unabashedly. 
“S-Sunghoon,” you breathe, the combined feelings of his now fully hard cock pressing against your clothed but soaking cunt and of his warm mouth around your nipples really getting to your head and making you see stars, so that all you can say is his name. “Please,” you beg, you’re not sure what for. Mercy, perhaps. Or release.
“Please what, baby?” he asks, and the nickname goes straight to your core.
“I don’t- just, please, Sunghoon, please,” you say incoherently, making him chuckle.
“Okay,” he says as if he can read your mind, and you think he actually does when he lays you down on the couch, fingers finding the zipper of your shorts. He unbuttons them and slides them down your legs along with your soaked panties. He makes sure they’re fully off of your body before running his palms up both of your legs, from your ankles to your hips.
“Don’t tease, please,” you plead, too desperate for him to take his time.
“As you wish, princess,” he smirks, and brings a finger to your folds, sliding it down to gather some slick before pushing it inside your hole. Your back arches as an instant response to his touch and you let out a small whine, already craving for more. “Fuck, so wet, and all for me, yeah?” he questions, his eyes not once leaving your glistening pussy.
“Yes,” you breathe out, mind too fuzzy to produce a longer sentence.
“That’s a good girl,” he coos, and adds another finger, pushing all three of his knuckles in and massaging your sweet spot as soon as he finds it. When he’s found a rhythm for his motions, he finally looks up at you and curses himself for not having watched your face earlier. Head tilted back in pleasure, mouth agape as your breathing gets more and more irregular and eyebrows scrunched together, you look like the definition of sex, and it takes everything in Sunghoon to not start touching himself.
He forces himself to look away from you only to focus back on your pussy and notices your swollen clit that is begging for attention. He licks it tentatively, and when your back arches at the feeling of his tongue on you, he dives in completely, licking a stripe up your folds before wrapping his lips around the bud and sucking at it like he did with your nipples earlier. The pace at which his fingers are pumping out of you quickens and you’re pulling so hard at his hair, you think you might rip some strands off. You feel yourself getting close, and you’re reminded of all those frustrating encounters with college boys where they stopped right before you came, so you can’t stop yourself as you desperately chant “oh my God please don’t stop please don’t stop,” not even noticing the way you’re holding his head down against your clit and bucking your hips into his face.
Your orgasm hits you like a truck - this is probably the first one you’ve received from someone other than your own hand or your vibrator in the past year and a half. It takes your breath away, and you’re left gasping for air for a good thirty seconds, your mind reeling from the intensity of such pleasure. When you calm down, you lift your head to look at Sunghoon who’s already watching you with a grin on his face, your slick coating his chin and mouth.
You plop your head back down with a groan when realization hits you. “I’m sor-”
“Don’t even finish that sentence,” Sunghoon commands, hands rubbing your still-trembling thighs. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” he marvels, and you can’t help but giggle.
After another couple of seconds, you sit up on the couch and send Sunghoon a mischievous look. My turn, you think, and if his smile is any indicator then he seems to have understood. “Let me thank you,” you say, gesturing at him to sit up himself as you lower yourself to your knees on the couch in front of him.
You look up at him from between his thighs then unclasp his belt and undo his jeans. He lets out a shaky breath and says, “You don’t need to do this, you know-”
“Don’t be a gentleman, Sunghoon. I want to do this and I know you want it too. It’s pretty obvious,” you tease as you run your hand over his erection, watching in delight as his eyebrows furrow and his eyes close. “Now help me get these off of you.” He nods and raises his hips so you can take his jeans and underwear off, imitating his actions from before as you take your time to get them over his ankles and caressing his legs until they reach his crotch, watching as he takes his t-shirt off as well so that you can finally see him entirely. You’d caught glimpse of him shirtless before as he worked in his garden, but the sight still manages to take your breath away. Taut muscles and sun-tanned skin, laid bare right before you. This is what they mean by sculpted like a Greek god, you think.
You haven’t done anything, yet his head is already laid back against the top of the couch, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he gulps in expectation and chest rising visibly at every intake of breath. You must’ve saved a thousand souls in your previous life to be deserving of such an image.
You spit in your palm before taking him, starting out by slowly moving your hand up and down his shaft, then rubbing small circles against his tip, the small moan-like sighs that leave his lips letting you know you’re doing a good job. You gather some saliva in your mouth and spit on his length to add some lubricant and smirk when he lets out a low fuck. You bring your head closer and lick his balls, taking one at a time in your mouth and sucking very gently, making the volume of his moans increase. “Just like- fuck, just like that, Y/N.”
You then lick a long stripe up his cock and swirl your tongue around his tip when you reach it, humming at the taste of precum there. Sunghoon gathers your hair in a makeshift ponytail so it doesn’t get in your way, and finally looks down at you, blown away by the beautiful sight of your flushed cheeks and your mouth around his cock. He groans when you take him deeper and unconsciously bucks his hips into your throat, making you gag around him. He loves that feeling but doesn’t want to hurt you so he grabs your face and makes you look up at him, lust and worry written all over his face as he apologizes, but you quickly stop him. “It’s okay, I like it. You can do it again,” you say, and smile before wrapping your lips around him once more.
“Fuck, are you sure?” he asks and you hum, sending vibrations all over his body.
“God, o-okay,” he says, in disbelief that you’re okay with him practically fucking your throat and even liking it. And you do like it - you love letting him use your mouth to get off, just like you had earlier with him. He must have amazing core strength because he’s able to buck his hips into your mouth rapidly as he holds your head tight in his hands. The way you keep coming back for more every time he lets you breathe is enough to drive him crazy, but after a couple minutes, he stops you from taking him in your mouth again.
“I can’t- I don’t wanna cum like this,” he breathes, looking just as fucked-out as you do.
“Where, then?” you ask, kissing him all over his thighs as he trails his fingers through your hair. “Inside?”
He groans at the offer but shakes his head, eyes shut as if trying to calm himself down. “I haven’t got any condoms.”
“I’m on the pill,” you tell him, still pressing kisses on his warm skin. You’re far too desperate to feel him inside you to let a lack of condom stop you, especially when you don’t even need one.
He lets out an umpteenth shaky breath and makes you look up at him. “Are you sure?”
“Sunghoon,” you say, looking him dead in the eyes, “I’ve never been more sure of anything.” You’re relieved when he smiles and nods, bending down to trap your lips in a heated kiss for good measure. Something about being in this position, kneeling in front of his spread thighs and having to look up at him, turns you on even more.
“Okay, then,” he says, still smiling as he pulls away, holding you gently by the chin. “I don’t think I’ll be able to last long, and I want to feel you cum around me. So, tell me, what’s your favorite position, princess?”
The question takes you aback but you answer it anyway, looking at the ground. “Reverse cowgirl…” you admit shyly, a small smile spreading on your lips.
“Reverse cowgirl, huh?” Sunghoon repeats, and you don’t need to look at him to know he’s smirking. “Come here, then,” he says, and helps you up, making you turn around so your back faces him and seats you down on top of him, keeping your hips raised. He takes his cock inside his hands, pumps it a few more times before guiding it to your entrance, pressing kisses to your shoulders and nape to make you relax. 
You moan at the simple feeling of his tip teasing your entrance and Sunghoon whispers “I know, baby” against your skin. “Sit down for me,” he commands gently, and you oblige, lowering your hips slowly to feel all of him stretching you out, the both of you moaning in synchronization when he bottoms out.
Sunghoon wraps an arm around your middle and pulls you onto him so that your back rests against his chest and you can let your head hang back next to his. “Let me do all the work, yeah?” he murmurs into your ear, and you hum in response. He doesn’t move for a bit, roaming his large hands all over your body until he feels your walls relax around him. One of his hands finds your breasts, playing with each nipple in turn, while the other finds your clit. It’s all so much but so good that you’re already a moaning mess before he’s even started moving. “Ready?” he asks, but you’re too far gone to answer.
His pace starts out slow, but you’re impatient and whine as you try to move your hips against his to go faster, which makes him tut. “I told you I’d do the work, didn’t I?” he asks, pinching one of your nipples in reprimand. “So be good for me and stay still, Y/N. I promise I’ll make you feel good.” You whine again but stop moving, heeding his words.
“Perfect,” he whispers and kisses your neck before picking up the pace, shushing you when your moans get too loud.
“I’m sorry, just feels too good,” you manage to let out.
“I know, but you need to stay quiet, baby,” he says, yet gets rougher with his thrusts, which does not help in the slightest. His hand that was on your breasts comes up to cover your mouth, but he quickly decides to make you suck on two of his fingers instead, muffling your moans a bit.
His fingers on your clit haven’t relented this whole time and after just a few minutes, you feel that familiar knot tying itself again in your stomach and you know you’re mere moments away from it coming undone. Judging by his rapid but clumsy thrusts, Sunghoon must be close too. He pounds into you like you’ve been wanting him to ever since you first set eyes on him as he entered the hardware store, hitting your g-spot over and over again. Tears roll down your cheeks and you whimper around his fingers, biting down on them as your second orgasm hits you.
You’re practically sobbing as he helps you ride out your high, his movements sending your body into pleasant overstimulation until he reaches his high too, the feeling of your pussy clenching tightly around him pushing him over the edge. Ropes of his semen paint your walls white, and there’s enough of it for him to become a father of two. You whine as he pulls away, and feel his cum slipping out of you and onto the couch underneath you. Before you can catch your breath, he asks, “Baby, can I do something very dirty?” and you nod without thinking much. This man could do anything he wanted to you, and you’d thank him for it.
He settles you back down onto the couch, kneels on the floor, head level with your core, and sticks his tongue inside your hole, making you yelp in surprise and overstimulation. You don’t understand what he’s doing until he comes back up and makes you open your mouth with his thumb, then spits inside it, telling you to swallow. You do as he says and taste his cum, laughing in disbelief at what he just did - and at how much you liked it. “Fuck,” you giggle.
“Was that too much?” 
“God, no,” you say, and he smiles. You open your arms, gesturing for him to get back on the couch. He rests his head between your breasts, the both of you sighing in contentment as he rubs small circles on your belly and you graze your fingers through his hair. He’s so silent that you think he’s fallen asleep, but he speaks up after a while, voice soft and calm like you’ve never heard before.
“We should go get cleaned up…” he says, and you hum in agreement, “...but it’s so nice here,” he finishes, making you giggle.
“If we get cleaned up quickly now, we can cuddle in bed right afterwards,” you argue.
“You’re right. Infallible logic. You’re so smart, you know that, Y/N?” he says, and you can hear the smile in his voice.
“Of course I know that,” you joke. “Let’s go,” you say, kissing the top of his head.
You take a shower together, cleaning each other and leaving kisses here and there, or touching in places you shouldn’t touch and that maybe lead to more, right there in the shower. Now that you’ve had a taste, you’re insatiable, and you warn Sunghoon that the both of you are in for a very long night, to which he answers that he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Once you do fall asleep, (which isn’t until two rounds later, and you’re surprised either of you have this much energy), however, you’re holding each other tightly, the fan on high so that you don’t feel all sticky, being so close to each other. Even if you wake up here and there because he shuffled or he snored too loudly, it’s one of the best sleeps you’ve ever had.
You wake up the next morning by small giggles and snorts that come from none other than Park Chaeryeong herself, who’s buried herself between you and her dad, shaking her body to wake the two of you. You’re glad that you listened to Sunghoon when he told you to put on a t-shirt of his as well as some underwear so neither you or Chaer would have a fright when she came and woke you up as she liked to do every morning. “You had a sleepover!” she exclaims excitedly when she sees you’ve finally opened your eyes, looking at her with a sleepy expression and a smile.
“We did!” you reply, trying to keep the same level of excitement.
“We did,” Sunghoon repeats, taking his daughter in her arms to hug her tightly and blows a raspberry in her neck to make her laugh.
“You didn’t invite me!” she shrieks when her dad’s left her alone.
“Sorry, sweetheart. It was just me and Y/N.”
“No fun,” she pouts, laying on her back and crossing over arms before turning back to her dad. “So, is Y/N my new mom?” she whispers even though you’re right there. You gasp at her question, making wide eyes at Sunghoon who just snorts, and you can’t tell if she’s genuinely asking or if she’s an eight-year-old with an advanced sense of irony.
“Of course not. Is Heeseung your new dad?” he asks, mentioning his ex’s new boyfriend. Chaer shakes her head.
“No. He’s Mommy’s boyfriend.”
“Exactly, and Y/N is Daddy’s girlfriend. Isn’t she?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at you, smirking.
“She is,” you reply, and Chaer turns back to you, giggling. She snuggles close to you, wrapping an arm around your middle, and you’re taken aback by the sheer cuteness of it all. You look at Sunghoon with a fake pained expression, and he smiles endearingly at the two of you before sighing and joining you in your hug. He rests his arms around you and his daughter, kissing the top of your heads in turn. 
“My girls,” he mutters in your hair, and you smile peacefully.
There’s a lot of things you have to talk about with Sunghoon. You know your parents - especially your mom - will be okay with the two of you together, but will his parents be? And once semester starts again, what will happen? You’ll have to go back to campus and he’ll have to stay here - will a three-hour drive be a dealbreaker, or will you make it work?
The thing is, there’s no point in thinking about all of this at this moment. You’ve got the whole summer to figure things out. For now, you’ll eat cherries and spit out the pits, and everything will be perfect.
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this is a one shot, there will not be a part two!
permanent taglist: @k-ingzo @bbujiikseu @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts (ask to be removed/added!)
© asahicore on tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, translate or plagiarize my works. feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
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ethereal-night-fairy · 2 months
Slasher!Soap x Suicidal!Reader
Sometimes false kindness is better than cruel honesty. You learned that lesson the hard way.
Slasher Masterlist
Warning: MDNI, DEAD DOVE, NON CON, smut, deep throating, forced blowjob, cruel behaviour, impact play, knife play, cum play, blood kink, spit play, slight breath play at the end, mild gore and blood play, dacryphilia, dark themes, suicidal ideation, pred/prey dynamic, hunting, stalking, mention of murder and attempted murder, horny thoughts, dub-con behaviour, crude and objectifying language, harassment and torture, manipulation, lying, fear mongering, roughhousing, taunting and baiting, threats of violence, threats of sexual violence, acts of violence, acts of sexual violence, sorry if I missed any.
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Your vision was blurring. And the trees had started blending into an abstract concept, much to your dismay. You were tethering on the edge of your downfall but you needed to play the long game if you wanted to achieve your end goal. What did real victims do in this scenario? Would they shout? Would they scream for help? Or would they keep running, unable to think about anything else but escaping their would be killer. You were ill prepared, you overestimated your acting skills. But it didn't mean you weren't going to try your best. Taking a deep breath in, you prepare yourself for the next step.
“SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE! I’M BEING CHASED!” You were running out of dirt paths to take. He was close, you knew he was close. Even if you couldn't hear him over your pounding heart and screaming, you felt the chill of his sinister eyes on you.
“HELP! SOMEONE! PLEASE!” Despite you trying your best, a nagging itch in your head was telling you that it wasn't going to be enough. That you weren't enough. You weren't sure if the darkness was messing with your eyesight or that you were seeing black dots due the lack of oxygen from screaming. You were quickly losing your voice to the frost in the night air. The next few sentences that left your mouth came out broken and hoarse.
It wasn't long before you couldn't shout anymore. Your body forces you to stop from exhaustion and the lack of oxygen from belting your lungs out in hopes of pleasing your soon to be killer. Frantically you look around towards the direction that you just ran from. You couldn't see anything, he wasn't in the tree line.
Cold shivers run up your back as you whip your head around in every direction in an effort to spot him before he pounces on you. Your nerves are frayed with anxiety and anticipation. You just wanted to get this done and over with. You did a good job, didn't you? This was enough, wasn't it?
The longer you waited in the eerie silence of the forest where only your heavy breathing could be heard, the more your irrational thoughts ate away at any confidence you had in your performance.
What if it wasn't enough?...Fuck…you're so fucked…He's going to hurt you isn't he? Your mind again began screaming at you, telling you to run away while you can, telling you to get away before he finds you. But you couldn't move. Your limbs were locked into place. You might as well have become a deer in headlights.
Too lost in your own thoughts, you completely missed the shadow emerging from behind you. Soap took in your disheveled form, noting the drip of sweat coming of your clammy hands. Oh you poor thing, you were nervous. He twirled the knife idly in his hands, handling it as if it were some type of toy rather than the lethal weapon he knew it to be. He studied your body, he was mesmerized by the way you stood frozen with your breath heaving. It truly was a sight for sore eyes. Well to him it was.
The pretty outfit he had dolled you up in today was going to look so good shredded on the floor next to you. He was going to have so much fun slicing it from your body. He wonders if he should feel bad for what he's about to do to you but then again he has to remind himself that you brought this upon yourself. You wanted this. You forced his hand.
He'll give credit where credit is due. You tried your best, you really did. You ran like you meant it. It was a good 20 mins of you sprinting. You even screamed towards the end when the panic started setting in but he was in a vindictive mood. Also he couldn't quite feel the fear in your voice and that was enough to set you up for failure.
He wasn't going to let you win even if you did sound fearful, not now, not ever. You'll die when he's ready to kill you. But that doesn't mean he can't have fun with you in the meantime. He'll make sure you’ll both get something out of this. If nothing else he'll make sure you learn a very important lesson today. With his mind made up he took the final step towards you.
“Boo” You scream, your body jolting while trying to run away frantically but he's already tripping you up long before your legs kick into motion.
“H-HELP! SOMEONE!” You come tumbling down, your fate sealed in stone for the night. Knife gleaming in his hand, he depends upon you as you scramble to get away. Good…You were going to make this fun for him.
Your hands were bound. Too tight, just shy of cutting blood circulation, but you still felt the blood pooling and numbing your fingertips. To Soap you looked like an angel with your top shredded and your hands bound in front of you with its scraps. He stood above you with your face nestled into his groin as he continued to rub his hardening cock against your teary face and busted lip.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. P-please let me go..” Soap laughed at your poor attempts at negotiating. You sobbed harder after he slapped your lips with his leaking cockhead while precum stained your lips like lipgloss. It was too late for any apologies now. They weren't going to help you anyway. You dug your grave and now you were going to lay in it.
“Oh sweetheart, what's wrong? What's with the tears Dove? You wanted this, remember?” Ye were practically begging me tae hunt ye down. Bit off more than ye could chew huh?” You don't bother answering his questions realising there was no way you were going to convince him to let you go.
So you try to change tactics, you try to use your busted knees to pull yourself away from his reach. But even that is quickly halted with a boot pressing painfully down on your mound. He uses his sole to grind up cruelly, catching your clit in the process.
“Think ye can escape from me do ye?” You cry out as he nestles his boot directly below your entrance so he can force you to hump him like a bitch in heat. “Don't act like ye don't like it. Ah can hear yer slick shining my boot. Now open up or do ah have tae cut yer mouth open?”
You looked pathetic in your current state. Bloodshot eyes. Makeup ruined from crying. Bruised and busted knees. Clothes torn to shreds and your breasts decorated with red slashes. The night air had your nipples pebbling as snot and tears formed rivers flowing from your nose and eyes. But despite this you kept your mouth shut stubbornly.
“That's how ye want tae play? Fine then…let's do this the hard way.” Sudden pain erupts from your left breast. You try to trash away but the fist in your hair keeps you in place as you feel the burn and sting of flesh opening and blood spilling out. You feel his knife digging in deeper the fat of your bosom eliciting a pained scream coming from your mouth. It presents the perfect opportunity for him to shove his cock inside as he pulls your head back with his tight grip, maneuvering you like a rag doll.
You gag immediately, unable to accommodate his growing cock but that didn't stop him from trying to push it in further while you struggled. Another inch goes in and you feel your jaw locking and teeth scraping his sensitive skin.
“Watch yer teeth ye whore! Ah've no problem knocking them out” He pulls out temporarily while using the time to squeeze your jaw so it'll open wider for him. You sob and splutter out pleas to stop him but they come out intelligible. And not a second later your mouth is tasting salt and iron again. Your busted lip stretching to accommodate his whole girth. The blood mixing in with the already overwhelming taste of his seed has your brain short circuiting. Your mind was shutting down. It was trying to lull you into a dreamy headspace where you didn't have to think.
Your body on the other hand had other ideas. It screamed at you, keeping you vigilantly aware of what was happening to you and how painful everything was. Your jaw from being forcibly held open, your skin from being lacerated and bruised, your clit from being stepped on and your throat from being used so brutally. Yet you were shown no mercy for your pain.
He jerks his hips, forcing himself further into your mouth as you continue to try to pull away before your gag reflex forces you to vomit. The salty musky taste of his percum was invading all your senses. And you couldn't do anything to get rid of the overwhelming taste of him.
You wanted him out, you wanted him gone. This wasn't how the night was supposed to end. He was supposed to kill you. He was supposed to end your suffering, not add to it. Anger tears spill from your fatigued eyes at the unfairness of the situation. You had tried your best, so why wasn't it enough? Why weren't you enough?
You were so frazzled, especially with your intrusive thoughts, that you didn't clock the feral look in Soap's eyes. You continue to rub your wrists raw in a desperate attempt to gain some control back. Anything to make you feel like you weren't going off the deep end. But it was futile, no matter how much you pushed and shoved you remained firmly planted between his feet.
As you continued your pointless fight you felt his blade circle your nipple making your treacherous legs clench in need. Soap noticing your predicament withdraws the blade before another incision was made.
“What wrong luv? I thought you didn't want this. Why are yer legs rubbing together like that?” You glare at him with venom, his taunting causing your blood to boil to new heights. You hated yourself for feeling this. For being so turned on by being used like an object. There must be something seriously wrong with you. But you should have known that already, sane people aren't suicidal like you. Sane people don't taunt killers into chasing them. Sane people don't let murderers into their home and they definitely don't let killers take them out on dates.
Your many wounds sting as you feel blood trickling down your torso. Your bound hands push at his thighs trying to create some distance again but the fist in your hair was unyielding. He gives it a mean tug making you gag around his thick girth as it hits the back of your throat where it meets resistance. No doubt he was trying his best to bypass it. He was aiming to use your throat like a fleshlight.
“Yeah Gag on it ye slag! Keep fighting, it just turns me on more.” A large hand forces your head down further on the hard cock obstructing your airway while the other holds a sharp knife to your jugular. Spit was pooling and spilling down your neck leaving a sticky mess while you try your best to claw your way out. You try to kick, to scream, to pinch, anything to try to get away from this monster of a dick. But the only thing that has done for you is leave cuts all over your neck as you trash. This was exhausting, on one hand you had to physically fight off Soap and on the other you had to fight your mind for being so horny when you definitely shouldn't be.
Your bloodshot eyes glare at him through your tear stained lashes. You watch his face twist into one of ecstasy as he gets you to deep throat another inch while spit spills out of your overstuffed mouth. He closes his eyes briefly to collect himself and you take the chance to grab and twist his balls as hard as you could. If you were going to be in pain, so was he.
You think you've succeeded in your payback, you foolishly believe this would give you enough time to escape as he shouts before hastily removing his dick from your mouth. But before you could even try to get on your feet, you're struck across the face. A blinding pain blooms across your face. One that had your ears ringing and your vision blurring more than it already was.
“Ye fucking bitch!” You're on the ground clutching your face as you realise you've just been back handed. The inflamed skin immediately heats, while the bones in your face feel like they've been misaligned. You don't even have the time to cry from the pain as you watch him rub his balls to soothe the ache before his boot cruelly descends your clit.
“Two can play at this game!” He presses down sadistically as you trash on the floor unable to move while the sharp sting of having your clit crushed immobilizes you. You watch through tears as he frantically jerks off to your pained cries.
He grinds his boot down, rubbing the delicate flesh of your pussy raw with his abrasive soles. It's only when you begin to earnestly sob and plead for mercy does he have the decency to remove his foot.
“Oh look at that tsk tsk ye've left a wet spot, ye filthy girl.” Crouching down he gives your cunt a mean slap causing you to flinch before he kneels above your face while you cry out for grace. He holds his cock in one hand as he brings the others to your throat again. The knife digs in while he smears his saliva drenched rod all over your bruised swollen cheek. Making sure to give it a slap from time to time as he sandwiches his cock between his hand and your face. You jerk your head away, causing the knife to leave shallow cuts in its wake. While you try your best to keep his cock away from you.
“Keep doing that and ye won't have skin left tae cut anymore” He groans out placing his balls over your lips while straddling your head. “Kiss them better ye slag” Fear overrides your mind immediately as your mouth opens to kiss and suckle the skin of his musky balls. You turn up your nose at the overwhelming smell of sweat. But you couldn't escape this predicament even if you tried. And tired you did. He moans as he jerks off his hard cock in front of your eyes while all you could do is follow his orders.
“Open up.” He taps your tongue with his cockhead as you push your thighs together to alleviate the discomfort you were feeling from your abused clit. Your slowness to follow orders seemed to have ticked him off because not a second later the knife at your throat is being dug into the ground beside your ear nicking the edge of it. You let out a broken cry from the torment he was putting you through, but your pained sobs fell on deaf ears. He continues to ignore you while he pulls the blade out again to dig it into the skin of your cheek. The sharpness made your body jerk and shiver as you quickly opened your mouth to please him.
Despite your body struggling to accept his whole length, Soap gives you no respite. All he does is groan while shoving more of himself down your throat, taking great pleasure in hearing all the lewd sounds of you choking and gagging. He uses the knife to trace up your jaw leaving small knicks before it settles dangerously close to your bleeding ear. He digs the knife into the dirt again, freeing up his hands but leaving the threat for you to stay obedient.
“Fucking take it ye slag” both his hands tighten viciously in your hair as he uses it like a leash to pull your head to his cock while he sits his weight down on you.
Your esophagus seizes making you gag and splutter spit as he pushes through the gag reflex again and again while bullying as much of himself down a hole that had little to no training to accommodate his girth or length. The unnatural stretch of your muscles burned beyond understanding. And yet another gag erupts as his cockhead pokes your tonsil. You feel the knife digging to your cartilage when you try to jerk away. Tears are streaming down your face by this point but Soap laughs as you struggle to keep up to his pace without hurting yourself even more. You slurp and suck to keep him placated but it didn't seem like it was enough. He wanted more, and that's exactly what he took from you.
He settles his full weight on you as you feel his cock swell with his coming release. There's spit, cum and blood everywhere as Soap looks down at you almost affectionately. He watches your blown out pupils shake and flicker as you frantically look around for help. But how stupid of you to think that someone was coming to save you.
You've stopped actively fighting him. But that didn't mean your body had given up. He still feels your hips squirm and move in an effort to take his weight off your chest but he remains seated regardless. Too lost in his own carnal pleasure to care if he was hurting you. He needed to teach you a lesson after all. You couldn't be let off the hook just because you were crying and choking on his monster of a cock. You deserved to be punished after the stunt you pulled.
He's brutal in his pace refusing to let you get an air in through your mouth. But as he hunches over you and begins rocking his hips more. You begin panicking as your face is pressed to his pubic hair. His hands have left your hair in favor of placing them on the ground while he ruts into your mouth like a madman, treating your mouth like it was a fleshlight. Your throat burns from the foreign intrusion battering its walls and all you can do is lay there with your mouth open as your eyes drown in their own tears.
“Fuck I'm coming. Take it ye slag! Swallow every drop!” Soap quickly adjusts one hand to hold his weight while the other goes to pinch your nose as his hips stutter to a stop forcing your face flush to his sweat drenched pubic hair. You push your bound hands frantically at his legs to get him off before you die from the lack of oxygen in your brain but that just encourages Soap to grind his hips down more while you choke and splutter everywhere. Your eyes roll back as he seats his cock fully inside of you.
Your air gets completely cut off just as you feel the hot splash of thick viscous cum go down your burning throat while your body tries violently buck him off you but it's no use. You aren't strong enough. You'll never be able to overpower him, no matter how badly you tried. Your mind goes blank as your legs shake from the lack of oxygen and air. You feel your vision spotting while hot cum fills your stomach.
He holds down your jerking body for a good minute before he's ready to remove himself but even then his cock wouldn't soften as it continues to come all over your tongue and face. You're covered in his load. Covered in his sticky white mess. What made it worse was the way he continued to hold your jaw open to lean down to spit on your tongue and face. You had no choice but to accept his ‘gift’ since the only form of air you were getting was from your mouth.
Your muscles felt tender and wrung out. Every surface on your skin was burning with discomfort. He stops pinching your nose realising you're about to pass out if you continue to choke on his cum and spit. He looks down at you with such a satisfied yet condescending smirk and you feel yourself breaking all over again.
You stare at his smug face with your dead expression. What was all this for if he wasn't going to kill you? You take a painful breath in. One that has your body slumping with exhaustion instantaneously. Air finally re-enters your veins as you curl yourself into a ball trying to protect yourself from any further onslaught.
Now that you weren't actively choking your mind starts focusing on things that you rather not think about. The potent stench of cum, the salt and iron aftertaste, the sticky mess of cum and blood painting your abused skin. And worst of all you couldn't do anything about it. You were at his mercy until he decided he was done with you.
The smell might haunt you for the rest of your life. Just like his memories do. A broken sob leaves your body. You feel yourself shake from the impact of your cries.
What was all this for? What was the point of anything if you weren't going to die tonight?
Your sobs are the only thing you hear for the next while. That is until you hear him move. And you immediately knew your suffering wasn't coming to an end any time soon.
“We're not done” you sob louder as your wrists are cut free but not a second later he's placing you on your stomach with your face pressed into the dirt. You can't see him from your position but you feel his calloused hands all over your skin. Poking and prodding your wounds and your cold skin. Your arms are once again twisted as he cuts away your skirt to use as a makeshift rope. It's not long after your panties are being inspected by the very knife that was used to mar your flesh tonight.
“Your dripping Dove…” he says nonchalantly. As if it was just a simple fact among lovers. You feel the chill from the wet streaks of arousal decorating your legs. An involuntary gasp escaping your mouth as you feel him press the blunt side of the blade on the tip of your clit. But unfortunately for the both of you it doesn't elicit the reaction he wanted. He pushes down harder hoping to hear you beg while simultaneously raising your hips so you're propped up onto your sore knees. But you don't have it in you to speak anymore. Or to ask for mercy when you knew for a fact nothing was going to save you tonight. Only quiet tears leave you as you try your best not to hyperventilate.
But all you were hearing, tasting and feeling was him. And you wished you were anywhere but here. If you're going to survive you needed to shut him out, you needed to disassociate to get through this.
“What? Yer not going tae fight anymore? Come on Dove don't bore me so soon, ye said ye'd make is as good as the real thing.” When you don't respond other than your labored breathing he decides he'll use other methods to make you beg and scream.
“Ah think we need something tae show everyone who ye belong tae, don't we luv? How does a tramp stamp sound?” A cold shiver jolts your body as you hear the false sweetness in his tone. Your body reanimates with his threat, forcing you to try and escape his hold but your face is quickly pushed back down into the dirt. Tears water the dirt beneath your face but even if you cried all night long no mercy was going to bloom out of your pain and suffering. He was sick to phrase your predicament as a question when you knew he was going to do whatever he wanted.
“No! Soap stop! Im s-sorry I'm s-so sorry. Please don't do this.” You feel him reposition his knife directly at the small of your back as you body tries to sway away from his hold but it's no use. You know his mind was made up.
“Should ah be nice and only do the initials? But ah think Jonathan MacTavish would look beautiful carved into yer flesh, don't ye Dove?” You just sob louder feelings the bite of the blade already cutting into the skin of your back.
“Don't worry my sweet. Ah'll make it feel good while ah do it.” With a blade to your back and a hand caressing your folds you curse yourself for ever thinking you could outsmart a killer.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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bettercallwillow · 2 years
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pairing: poly!wolfstar x fem!reader
summary: when you discover sirius hiding out in the shrieking shack, he and remus make sure you don’t say a word
warnings: dark!wolfstar, older!wolfstar, dub-con/cnc, smut, dom!remus, dom!sirius, rough sex, degrading, oral (m recieving), fingering, penetration, spitroasting
note: happy halloween! this is probably the darkest and filthiest thing i’ve written but i’ve been gone for a while so i might aswell come back with a bang. the ending is slightly rushed so i hope you don’t mind, enjoy!! (also if anybody’s confused about the plot, basically sirius actually did the crimes that he was accused of and remus is helping him while he’s on the run, so kinda deatheater!wolfstar)
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Ever since you discovered the passageway that led from the whomping willow to the shrieking shack, you had been hiding out in the dilapidated building to escape the stress of your final exams. With some candlelight and a cozy blanket, it wasn’t half bad.
It had been a rather stressful day when you snook out to the tree, double potions with Snape was never fun. You had been looking forward to the peace and quiet, opting to bring a book with you to pass the time.
However, when you made it to the end of the passageway and pushed open the door, you were quite shocked when your eyes landed on two figures conversing in the middle of the room.
You didn’t recognise them at first. but when one of them lit a cigarette, the flame lit up their face and your eyes widened- it was Sirius Black. The escaped murderer.
A squeak left your mouth and his head turned to look at you, a smirk playing on his lips when he saw you, “Well, well,” he chuckled, “Look who just stumbled in, Moony,”
You were left in even more shock when the other figure turned to look at you, the scars running across his face making him immediately recognisable. It was Professor Lupin.
“What a pretty little plaything,” Remus spoke, snatching the cigarette from Sirius’ lips and taking a puff, “Why don’t you go fetch her, Pads? I want a closer look,”
You turned to leave, your heart pounding, but Sirius was too quick. His hand grabbed your wrist within seconds and he pulled you towards Lupin, his fingernails digging into your flesh slightly.
“Oh, yeah, I know this one,” Lupin looked you up and down, his pupils blown wide, “Smart little student, a slut too- always wearing her skirts short,”
“I can tell, I can practically see her ass,” Sirius landed a slap on your ass, making you yelp and tears form in your eyes.
“Please, let me go, I won’t tell anybody I saw you,” you whimpered, desperately trying to pull your arm from Sirius’ grasp.
The longer-haired man tutted, pulling you towards him so your back was pressed against his chest, “Now that won’t do, darling, we gotta make sure you don’t say a fucking word,”
“W-What are you gonna do to me?” you felt tears begin to fall down your cheeks and you were certain you were shaking now. You had always assumed Professor Lupin was nice, clearly it was an all act.
“I think we show you what happens when you walk around in those short fucking skirts,” Remus spat, standing up from his sitting position, “Think you can take two cocks, princess?”
“Please don’t,” you shook your head, grimacing when you felt Sirius’ hardening cock rub against your ass through his trousers.
“Stupid thing, you should know by now that you don’t have a choice,” Sirius chuckled. Then suddenly, he pushed on your back, forcing you into a position where your ass was stuck out.
You grabbed onto Remus’ legs for support, leaving your face planted directly in front of his already hard buldge, “Good slut, already know what you need to do,” he stroked your hair, a whimper leaving your lips.
Lupin moved his hands down to his belt, working on unbuckling it as Sirius’ hands groped your ass. As much as you hated to admit, you were getting turned on. In any other situation, you wouldn’t have thought twice about sleeping with Lupin.
“The slut’s getting wet,” Sirius noted the growing patch forming on your panties, a blush settling on your cheeks when he pointed it out. He dragged a tattooed hand against your clothed cunt and you let out a gasp, your hips instinctively leaning towards the touch.
Your body was betraying you, craving more friction as your clit began to throb. By now, Remus had pulled down his trousers to mid-thigh, along with his boxers, leaving his leaking cock just inches away from your face, “Well? You just gonna stare or are you gonna do what dumb whores like you are made to do?” he scoffed.
Your mouth fell open and he hummed in approval, taking his cock by the base in one hand and placing the tip on your tongue. The taste of pre-cum soaked into your tastebuds and you moaned, surprising everyone in the room.
“Oh does the slut like the taste of m’cock?” Remus grinned, wrapping a hand in your hair and pushing a few more inches of his length into your mouth. At the same time, Sirius pushed your panties to the side and plunged two fingers into your dripping hole, forcing a loud moan from your lungs.
The vibrations ran down Remus and he groaned, pushing all of his cock into your throat so your nose was brushing against the hairs on his pubic bone. “Fuck, she’s tight,” Sirius chimed, curling his fingers upward and hitting your sweet spot perfectly.
“M’surprised, you should hear some of the- fuck- rumours about her,” Remus chuckled, pulling out so just the tip of his cock was in before pushing back in, making you swallow around him to avoid gagging.
Sirius set a harsh pace with his fingers as Remus started to fuck your face, the lycanthrope’s grip on your hair tight as he rutted into you. You were a moaning mess due to Sirius, the cock in your mouth making you drool down your chin.
“She’s already fucked dumb,” Remus observed your face, his brows furrowed and his lips upturned in a slight smirk, “God knows how she’s gonna- fuck- take your cock soon,”
“I better hurry up then,” the longer-haired man pulled out his fingers and you let out a whine, only to earn a harsh smack on your ass, “Fucking whore, take what I give you,”
Within moments, Sirius had rid himself of his trousers and boxers, his cock making a soft slapping noise as it sprung up and hit his lower abdomen, “Can’t fucking wait to be buried in this cunt,” he groaned, stroking his erection as his eyes settled on your throbbing hole.
You mewled, deciding that resisting him would cause more trouble, and arched your back further. A sound of satisfaction rolled of the man’s tongue and he positioned the tip of his cock at your entrance, eager to fill you to the brim.
As Remus pushed his length into your mouth, Sirius did the same with your cunt, forcing a loud moan from you. It burnt as first, you hadn’t expected the longer-haired man to be so fucking big, but as time passed the pain turned into pure pleasure.
It wasn’t long before Sirius set a brutal pace, hard and fast, his thrusts matching those of Remus. It was overwhelming, the feeling of two cocks using your body as if you were nothing but a mere sextoy.
“Just as I said, so fucking tight,” Sirius moaned, his hands grabbing onto your hips hard enough that his fingernails left crescent-shaped marks on your skin, “When you’re done with her mouth, Moony, you gotta try this cunt,”
“You read my mind,” Remus grinned, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he reached his high, “Fuck- m’gonna cum, fill your slutty throat with my seed,”
You were actually quite eager to taste him, all previous doubts thrown out of the window as the pleasure became too strong, so you did your best- suctioning your cheeks around his cock and trying your best to relax your throat.
Remus moaned loudly, pushing you down so his cock was lodged at the back of your throat as he came, ropes of seed shooting into your mouth. You moaned at the taste, immediately swallowing when the lycanthrope pulled out.
“Wow, you really a fucking whore, aren’t you?” Sirius chuckled, wrapping a hand in your hair and pulling you up so your back was pressed against his chest. With every snap of his hips, you felt like heaven, his cock managing to reach places inside you that you didn’t even know existed.
“Fuck, feels so good,” you mewled, pushing your hips back so you could feel him deeper.
“Yeah? You like it when Sirius wrecks your silly little guts?” Remus spoke, grabbing your chin in his hand and forcing you to look at him. You nodded, looking into his eyes with half-lidded ones, you mouth hung open in a constant moan.
“Words, slut,”
“Y-yeah,” you answered him, “I love it,”
Your body jolted as Sirius’ thrusts got harder, a familiar bubbling sensation settling in your lower abdomen, “M’close, please,”
“Wait for me, pup,” the animagus muttered in your ear, his grip on your waist getting tighter and he approached his own high. You nodded, screwing your eyes shut and biting your lip as you tried to your best to delay your orgasm.
“Good whore, doing what she’s told,” Remus praised you, stroking your cheek. You leant into his touch, moans and whimpers rolling off your tongue.
“Shit, gonna cum,” Sirius groaned, a hand reaching round to rub circles on your clit, “C’mon, pup, cum for me, soak my cock,”
You did as you were told, practically screaming in pleasure as you gushed around Sirius’ length, your cunt clenching tight, “Fuck!”
“Fucking hell, pup,” Sirius moaned, the feeling of your walls throbbing around his cock sent him over the edge and his hips stilled as he spilled inside you, filling you the brim with his cum.
A sigh left your mouth when he pulled out and you felt your knees wobble. If it wasn’t for both men holding you up, you would have fell to the floor, “Wow..”
“We’re not done yet, dove,” Remus chuckled, fisting at his already hard cock, “You gonna bend over nice and pretty for me and let me fill you up?”
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partycatty · 4 months
i’m cranking these out like it’s a full time job
can we get some fluff w johnny where we steal his shirt and he just finds it’s the cutest thing how we practically drown in it
love youuu 💙💙
hehe i wuv him sm
johnny cage > rain
notes: i may not be a skinny queen but swimming in one of his shirts would actually cure me of all ailments forever,.,.., WHY ISNT HE REAL!!!!!!!!! @spacepl4ant
[ masterlist ]
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• you and johnny had grown attached since meeting at wu shi academy. sure, you knew about his existence because he's a celebrity, but you had gotten to know johnny as a person as well as his screen persona... not that there was much of a difference.
• regardless, tuesdays were "train til you drop" days, oftentimes fighting or practicing routines for literal hours until you couldn't feel your limbs. everyone dreaded it but knew deep down it was necessary. this particular tuesday just so happened to be raining like crazy.
• you and the boys sparred and swung attacks at each other until the sun set, everyone drenched in sweat and rainwater. you all sat underneath a dense tree. kung lao shook the water from his hair, raiden was wringing out his shirt, kenshi didn't seem to mind too much and johnny was... well, using the rainwater as some kind of strange gel as he slicked his hair back.
• "talk about training your ass off," he groans, stretching his arms. "i can't feel a single part of me." you jab his side, making him whine and swat at you.
• "you complain too much," you wring your hair out onto the grass. "that being said, i'm cold and hungry and tired and i wanna go back to the dorms so i can change."
• "i like your thinking," johnny waves off the group and the two of you skip down the gravel path to the students' sleeping quarters, where your separated but loosely divided rooms held what little items you were allowed to bring with you. it was a common practice to walk around campus together, sometimes even arm in arm as you playfully waltzed down the paths. the other boys gave you a lot of trouble for it, whining about the married couple you pretend to be. neither of you stood up to defend yourselves. if anything, johnny found it a nice idea.
• in truth, you drove him wild. he just split from his ex-wife, someone that wanted to place roots down and slow down in life. but you, you were spontaneous, fun loving, and an absolute firecracker. you set his heart going, and he couldn't help but harbor a little crush on you. he couldn't tell you that, not now anyway, with the tournament coming up he knew better than to put an extra weight on you.
• "earth to superstar—" you groan, waving your hand in his face and shaking him of his thoughts. he hadn't even noticed the two of you were already at your sleeping place, and how you're now half dressed in your undershirt and shorts. "just checked my stuff. i don't have anything clean or decent. guess i'll just be soggy for dinner."
• johnny can't seem to focus when you're in a damp tank top. "bummer."
• you frown. "this is when you offer one of yours."
• his eyes are distant. "my what?"
• "jesus, cage, what's gotten into you?" you playfully punch at his chest, which does little to affect his stance, and slide the door open to his own bed arrangement. bending over and shuffling through his obnoxiously nice luggage bags, you find one of his dress shirts. it's a fiery red with small flame patterns.
• "i didn't say you could go through my stuff," he warns you in a teasing tone, head hovering over your shoulder. "you might find something you won't like in there."
• "please," you puff as you flick the shirt of its wrinkles. "i've seen a few rose toys in my day." he chuckled, turning away for a moment.
• he gives you the decency to change by staring into the corner, shamefully dreaming of what you may look like without anything on. he shakes the thought violently as you let out a sigh of contention with the shirt.
• "i get that you're a big guy, but lord," you mutter, tugging and shifting the shirt on your body. "you're bigger than i thought."
• "that's what sh—" johnny turns around with a smirk that quickly drops to the floor. you were wiggling about trying to make the shirt look like your own, but johnny was just so pleased with how it sat on you as it was. his shoulders were broader, leaving the shirt to swim around your own and expose a good deal of your collarbone. his waist was small, giving you some grace by hugging your hips almost as if it was your own top. in that split moment, johnny ponders if the "you're so hot i got a nosebleed" trope was real, wiping the bottom of his nose.
• "suits you," he pulls himself together abruptly with his award-winning grin, patting your shoulder and careful to avoid making contact with your skin, as badly as he wanted to feel your warmth. "after all this, come by my place and i'll get your own wardrobe after my style, how's that?"
• you scoff with your hands on your hips, shifting your weight to one leg. johnny fights the physical stutter at your chest creeping out of the top. "mister playboy here giving out charities to us poor folk. you don't have to do that, really."
• his voice is deadly serious. "i want to."
• "you're an odd one," you point a finger, sitting onto his bed with crossed legs. you fall silent observing his thousand yard stare, how glassy his gaze seems to be when it falls on you. "why do you look at me like that?"
• "like what?" his mouth is dry, eyes fixated on yours.
• "like you wanna kiss me all the damn time," your answer is teasing, not entirely serious but you don't miss the twitch in his lip at your statement.
• "and if i do?" he's testing the waters, something about you in his clothes is making him more bold than he swore to be.
• his answer makes your heart flutter, not expecting a direct comment like that. it changed the air of the room, and you suddenly feel a little more suffocated and insecure under his analytical stare. "why don't you?"
• "because i'm worried i'll want more. you look great in my clothes, by the way."
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jenneyquinn · 6 days
𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
in which the pine tree and llama are the epitome of soulmates (continued) w/c: 10.6k words *not proofread* (actually 2 words shy of 10.6k, but hey, who's counting? masterpost
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once winter had its fun, spring rolls around, and so does that one day that everyone either looks forward to or is dreading with past trauma.
for mabel and dipper, they are one of both outcomes; respectively.
it was so uncharacteristic of mabel to not be excited over a holiday that spreads so much joy and love—regardless if it's platonic, familial, or romantic. as for dipper, he was never really much for luck in that department (love, that is), though not as sociable, let alone well known as his sister, he is very much content with being alone for the most part—especially knowing, deep down, he is grateful to have a family who loves him.
however, dipper felt that this year would be different. he didn't know why, couldn't put a finger on it, but he noticed that something would be stand out amongst the other years as the boy realizes that is isn't as disgusted with valentine's day as he commonly was before.
"duh—it's obvious why you're thinking about that, bro-bro."
"huh? oh, it's because we're technically teenagers and we're at that embarrassing phase in our life where romantic pursuits are more irrational and desperate to compensate for our lack of self-confidence?"
mabel rolls her eyes before answering.
"no, it's because you have a cru~sh! and you just can't wait to call her on valentine's day~"
"what?! that's—"
"don't worry, because being the matchmaker that i am, with the resume of skilled expertise, i can proudly say that i—mabel pines—will get you the valentine's date of your dreams!"
"you can't say no, it's already happening."
given it was already the first of february, it was going to take mabel less than two weeks to pull this off; presuming that she could, that is.
so, on that wednesday night, dipper lies awake at night, thinking about that special someone, despite fighting his feelings for so long. he doesn't want to admit it out loud, but dipper knew, subconsciously, that his sister indeed saw through him, and he is crushing on someone; bad and hard.
the first time dipper had ever lied awake at night, it was about wendy corduroy, the girl he ever seriously crushed on. though, as time passed after his confession, he stopped thinking about her that way. it look him time, fighting all those thoughts during the day while they continued their friendship, and many nights as she remained in his dreams; if he wasn't dreaming about his parents, that is.
however, when dipper lies awake this night, he isn't thinking about wendy. not at all. on the contrary, he's up all night, thinking of another girl—one he knew was perhaps just as (if not more unattainable) than wendy.
eventually, the guy gets some sleep, and mabel has already come up with a whole list of ideas to help her brother in his otherwise, lack of romantic expertise.
however, dipper fights mabel every step of the way, insisting that he has a plan of his own. though he is grateful for the support, the kid genuinely had a clear idea of how he wanted valentine's day to go, and as long as he's got his confidence—dipper is sure he'll have his first good valentine's day yet.
finally, when the big day comes, mabel's nothing short of estatic.
"oh my god, what are you gonna wear? please tell me you're going to wear something good?? what are you planning to do for your date??? it better be something fun! you don't wanna make a bad first impression by doing something lame—in that case, i have to make sure you avoid anything remotely boring!!"
dipper simply blinks, getting everything but also none of the words that just left mabel's mouth right now.
"uh… i guess i'm just going to wear what i usually wear. i mean, i didn't plan to go anywhere fancy anyways. saves time and energy for later, right? i even put together this nice gift and everything…"
"aww, dipper~" mabel coos, clasping her hands together at the last part of her brother's reply, "whatcha get her? actually nevermind, you can tell me later. i'm sure she'll love it anyways!"
then, she takes a quick look up and down at her brother, inspecting his outfit before continuing: "are you really going to wear… that?"
"what's wrong with what i'm wearing? i wear this every day!"
"i know, it's not bad, but that's the point—" mabel pinches the bridge of her nose with impatience, taking dipper by the hand, "look, we still got a couple hours before you're going. surely, there must be something presentable in that closet of yours… that's hopefully been washed."
so, thanks to mabel, dipper was able together a simple, but clean outfit for his first valentine's date: a marine-blue unbuttoned oxford shirt with a cream-white tee underneath, paired with a casual pair of black jeans and his shoes; completely gaining the latter's approval.
"now go on, enjoy your video-chat date with pacifica~"
"w-wait!" dipper exclaims. "how did you know—"
"oh, would you look at the time? candy and grenda must be waiting for me to join their call bye~"
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"look, i apologized, didn't i? i've been trying to be nothing but a do-gooder; no more evil business for me. even gideon is trying to give me a chance. so, sunshine, what is your deal?"
growing impatient with pacifica's rejections, dipper finally corners her at the ballroom of gleeful mansion—speaking in a hushed tone as to not draw any attention from anyone else.
the former, on the other hand, narrows her eyes; frowning deeply.
"you wanna know why i haven't forgiven you, gleeful? i was the first person to trust you, and what did you do with that?? you toyed with my feelings, deceived me—all for your personal gain?! how dare you think my feelings can't be justified when you suddenly decide to turn things around!"
dipper was baffled, to say the least. so, pacifica continues talking.
"what if will decides to return to you guys? what then?? is it the end of you and your family's redemption arc???" she asks, her facial features now beginning to soften as her eyes start to water and her nose going red as she sniffles.
"i don't want you to hurt me again. i'm not going to let you hurt me again."
as pacifica begins to run off, dipper instantly goes after her.
"pacifica, wait!"
then, out of the blue, the blonde is halted in her tracks. a ray of blue flames stike her, thereafter transforming pacifica from her authentic human state to a wooden statue of her likeness.
dipper gasps, reaching out to her: "pacifica!"
mabel cries, redirecting her brother's attention to the now-wooden gideon pines; taking the mage aback even further.
suddenly, the gleeful twins hear a bellowing laughter, the source of them coming around the fireplace. a grandfather clock tolls, as the duo take sight of the ghost staring at the gleeful family portrait.
"a forest of death, a lesson learned, now the gleeful manor will burn!"
as the ghost of nathaniel southeast continues laughing, setting the family portrait aflame, mabel calls out to the entity.
"hey ugly! over here!"
the ghost seizes his laughs, spotting the gleeful twins.
"you want us to let in the townsfolk?" dipper asks, "'cause we'll do it! just change everyone back!"
nathaniel scoffs, "you wish to prove yourself? pull that lever and open the grand gate to the town! fulfill your ancestors' promise!"
pointing to the lever which opens the main gates, dipper looks from the lever to the wooden pacifica. then, for a moment, her voice rings in his head.
"i was the first person to trust you, and what did you do? you toyed with my feelings, you deceived me—all for your personal gain!"
you deceived me.
"she's right," dipper admits to himself.
"huh? who's right??" mabel asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"mabel, our family has been nothing but liars and cheats. how about we do something right for a change?"
without saying anything further, mabel simply gives dipper a nod in the affirmative; grabbing onto the lever with him.
the twins share a look, then look back at the ghost as they pull down the lever together.
nathaniel gasps as the main gates which once divided gleeful mansion and the commonfolk of the town swing open. as the townsfolk swarm into the manor in waves, the ghost is finally appeased.
"YES, YES, IT'S HAPPENING!" the entity rejoices, "MY HEART, ONCE AS HARD AS OAK, now grows soft, like a birch or something."
as the gleeful twins look up at the ghost with satisfaction, the latter looks back down on them, equally satiated.
"dipper, mabel, you two aren't like the other gleefuls." nathaniel says as his spirit begins to ascend, "i feel… lumber… justice…"
with that, everything in the mansion returned how they used to be: the portrait showed no signs it being previously engulfed in flames, all the resurrected animals were back in their deceased state, and most importantly, all the people originally in attendance had been free from their wooden prisons.
even pacifica, who takes a breath of fresh air as soon as she's freed.
dipper runs to pacifica, visibly worried as he pulls her close to him in a tight, protective embrace.
"you're… you're actually safe…" he exasperates, pulling back to look at her, "look, you were right. i was being selfish and i did mess with you just to get what i wanted, but i didn't fully realize how much i've hurt you until now…"
"when you were encased in wood, i… i thought that i lost you. i… i… don't want to see you like that again. i don't ever want to make you sad again."
before he could even notice, a single hot tear runs down dipper's cheek, still holding his gaze at pacifica.
"i… i know it's too late for you to trust me… and i clearly don't deserve your forgiveness… but i do wanna try. i want to be a better person."
while pacifica listens to dipper's impassioned confession, she couldn't help but to focus onto the tear that runs down his face. then she looks back into his eyes—which she finally took in for the first time. though it was a glowing blue when they first met, she noticed how the loss of the amulet and will's emancipation from the gleefuls had effected dipper's eyes from the absence of power.
they were brown. it was nothing special, but it was like pacifica was actually seeing him for the first time. if she thought there was good in him before, it finally shown in his eyes now.
so, pacifica does the only sensible thing she could think of.
holding onto him tightly, pacifica buries her face into dipper's shoulder; trying not to cry.
"thanks, dipper. i… i forgive you."
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"wait! where are you all going?! we're supposed to look for dipper pines, remember?!"
when pacifica sees all the government vehicles backing up and driving away from the mystery shack, she's enraged. after all this time, she finally thought that she would be getting him back—but why were the government guys leaving?!
"ahh!" pacifica yelps in shock as a pig runs past her, chomping on a drive labelled 'PINES'.
so, she looks up to the source of where the pig came from, back to the mystery shack, and simple to say the least—she could have never expected what, or rather who, would be standing before her eyes.
"great-uncle mason, that was amazing!"
pacifica's eyes widen at stan's words, as he approaches the aforementioned man with his brother. but whatever happened to—
"let's not go crazy; it was serviceable."
well, speak of the devil, the blonde thinks as the con-artist walks into the scene with the shack's handywoman, lita. welp, time to get over there and give that lady a piece of my—
yet, the man's chuckles cut off pacifica's thoughts: "thank you kids, but please, call me dipper."
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his eyes crack open the slightest bit before shutting again.
he hears the voice once more, but the weight of his eyelids win another time, drawing him back to unconsciousness.
"wake up, dipper!"
he shoots up, fully awake at the sound of mabel's shouts.
"gah! mabel!" dipper frowns, turning to the digital clock atop his bedside table before shooting her a look. "this better be worth waking me up at seven in the morning for—you know it's apring break, right?"
"exactly—it's spring break, bro-bro. the first day of spring break."
mabel points to the calendar hung on dipper's bedroom wall; specifically on a date that reads 'pacifica visits'.
"yeah, yeah, pacifica's visiting." dipper mumbles, tucking himself back to bed and pulling his covers back up.
it takes him a second to realize the words that just left his mouth, then he really wakes up.
"pacifica's visiting!"
he throws his blanket aside, bolting right up from his bed, scanning his room left and right.
"oh my god, my room! i need to- i gotta-"
"stop hyperventilating, dippingsauce," mabel says, amused at her brother's behaviour, "that's why we're up early. we've got six hours before pacifica, candy, and grenda's bus arrvies at the stop. so, as your personal matchmaker, i'm here to make sure your room's spotless—as well as you. i'll never forgive myself if i let you talk to your girlfriend without taking a shower first."
"a shower? i'm fine, mabel," he rebutes, lifting up his arm to take a sniff from his pits, which he immediately comes to regret, "besides, pacifica's not my girlfriend."
"not if you don't take a shower, she won't." she jokes, poking him. "blop!"
so, after taking a shower while his sister gives him a head start on spring cleaning, dipper rushes to get ready and look decent for his crush special friend.
unbeknownst to the twins, three visitors had already made their way to the pines residence.
"ah, pacifica! so nice to see you again, sweetie." mrs. pines greets, giving the girl a welcoming hug.
"and i believe you two must be candy and grenda," mr. pines points out, also giving a warm welcome to the two girls, "of course, mabel's friends are always welcome here."
"as well as dipper's friends." mrs. pines winks, playfully nudging the blonde's arm; causing the latter to blush.
candy and grenda also giggle, making pacifica more flustered.
"but seriously, our kids have told many stories about you three," mr. pines says, gesturing them inside as he picks up the girls' bags, "pacifica and mabel's golf tournament, grenda's prince boyfriend in austria, and even candy's little crush on dipper."
"oh!" pacifica says, then she leans towards candy, continuing in a teasing tone. "well, i didn't know about this."
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another day of weirdmaggedon dawns upon gravity falls, not that dipper gleeful minds. in fact, it's just like another regular day for him: he gets up from bed, changes out of his pajamas and into his turquoise suit, and walks out into the town.
just as he promised, he makes his way to the giant floating bubble in the sky—the pink one that's branded with an illustration of a llama.
good morning, sunshine, dipper greets pacifica in thought, looking up at the bubble; eyes half-lidded and smiling gleefully.
pulling out the key from his vest pocket, dipper unlocks the bubble and enters the spherical-shaped prison.
"ah! dipper, you came back!" the blonde cheers, donning an off-the-shoulder, spaghetti-strapped turquoise dress and her hair done up in a simple, but cute messy bun.
"sunshine, looking as radiant as ever," dipper replies, "as if i should've expected any different."
he takes her by the hand, pulling her close to him. swinging her along the floor, which has shifted from a bedroom to a ballroom setting, dipper looks into pacifica's eyes with adoration, feeling complete bliss.
"hey, dippington? can i tell you something?" she asks softly.
"anything, sunshine," he answers without hesitation, "shoot."
"i'm so happy here." pacifica confesses, smiling brightly. "being here, in my dreamland, with you... it's like everything i could ever want. i don't ever want to leave... i just want to be happy here, with you, forever..."
dipper returns her smile, looking down at her as she rests her head against his shoulder.
"i'm happy to be here with you too, pacifica," he admits wholeheartedly, "i don't think i'd want to be anywhere else, too."
so, the pair slow-dances in silence, letting the soft melody of the ballroom music fill the space instead.
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ever since dipper's return, pacifica had intended to catch up with her old friend, but she knew that he already had a lot of catching up to do with his own family.
at least she had her own family to tend to, as well as her own career as gravity falls' top realtor, making her way to becoming the ceo of northwest realty from the past twenty years.
although she hated to admit it, pacifica kind of wished she was able to bond with her grandson preston as easily as dipper's twin sister and their two great nephews.
so, while preston is out on a date with his girlfriend priscilla, pacifica is left to her own devices as she finishes up paperwork for her recent client.
that is... until she hears the ever so familiar ring of the doorbell.
"heh... h-hey, paz," dipper greets; in his own, typical, awkward way, "l-long time, no see, huh?"
pacifica blinks once... then twice... three times, even.
"uh... pacifica?" he waves over her face; worry rising in his voice. "are you alright—"
dipper gets cut off abruptly was pacifica leaps toward him; wrapping her arms over his shoulders and enveloping him into a crushing embrace.
"dummy... don't leave me ever again."
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"wait, what?!"
dipper stands in his now-clean bedroom proudly, his hands to his sides.
"you heard me: by the end of spring break, pacifica northwest will be my girlfriend."
mabel clasps her hands over her mouth, trying her best from squealing.
"oh my god, dipper! that's amazing!" she cheers, but then her face blanks—as if she's seen a ghost. "oh no."
"huh? what 'oh-no'? i don't like that 'oh-no'."
"look, it's great that you want to ask pacifica to be your girlfriend and all but.. how do i put this... when it comes to girls... sometimes, you tend to get in your own way."
"mabel, i promise," dipper says, placing a hand to his chest while raising the other, "no lists involved. maybe a plan to reference to from time to time, but no multi-phase lists i need to be following closely."
"okay..." she says hesitantly, narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips, "so... what's the plan then?"
"well..." he starts, rubbing his hands together.
"first, i figured there would be no harm in taking everyone mini-golfing. i can't impress her, but at least it's something she likes to do. pacifica will have a good time, so it'll definitely get things running in the right direction."
"um... mini golf?" pacifica asks, a bit weary.
"i guarantee you, there's no lilliputtians involved."
looking at him quizzically at first, she chuckles right after.
"okay, nerd. i've been looking forward to having a rematch with mabel anyways. she owes me a fair game, anyways."
"next, we'll go to the mall—it's full of stuff that pacifica likes, right? fashion and deep-fried foods!"
"here you go," dipper says, plopping down a tray of food onto the table before pacifica, "an order of french fries with a vanilla milkshake, just like the lady ordered."
he mimics a bow, gesturing to the fast-food before taking his seat: "just like home, huh? um... you still have a butler, right?"
the blonde giggles, nodding as she picks up a single fry and dipping it into the shake.
"only the one, though. we had to let go of a lot of staff after... you know."
"oh yeah..." he says, remembering the previous video-calls they've had, "it seems you've been adjusting well, though. oh yeah—how's greasy's? lazy suzan able to hold fort without you?"
"definitely. i miss her, though." she answers, twirling her straw. "between you and me, it's nice working at the diner. lazy suzan is more like a parent to me than my actual parents, and it keeps me distracted from thinking about home..."
looking up from the tray, pacifica looks at dipper with a gentle smile: "at least things in your home is better, right? i'm totally jealous of your parents."
"i guess you could say that..."
but it wasn't better. things at the pines' residence wasn't getting better at all. though there was still some sort of harmony in the household, it doesn't mean that his parents weren't still fighting almost every night.
but this didn't mean that things wouldn't be different with pacifica. sure, dipper's parents have been together for over almost two decades, and their marriage has still been on the verge of collapse even after their children had come back from their summer vacation in gravity falls, but it didn't mean—
oh, who was he kidding.
"hey, hello~" his friend snaps her fingers in front of his face, "anyone in there? you've been zoning out, wanna tell me what's on your mind?"
"um... heh, heh! you know what? how about we hit the arcade?? lost my appetite, anyways."
before she could have any input, dipper already grabs pacifica's hand, running down and out of the food court.
"there was also the arcade... but i don't know how she'd take it, but hopefully she'll come to like it. i mean—pacifica loves winning, right?"
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"hm?" dipper gives a hum as he opens his eyes, peering up. somebody from the outside is calling.
"hey, sunshine, i gotta take care of something real quick." he explains, pulling away, his hands still on hers. "stay put, alright?"
she nods, still smiling: "okay, just... be careful, dip."
"you know i will." the brunette winks, causing his prisoner princess to giggle.
then, he finally departs, exiting the bubble.
"what the heck, dipper?!" gideon exclaimed. "i thought you turned a new leaf?! you said you were going to change!"
"oh, if it isn't lil' gideon—"
"don't call me that!" the small boy snaps back.
"never mind that! i'll have you know that i did, in fact, change," dipper continues, "i promised my sunshine, pacifica, that i wasn't going to hurt her, and i intend to keep that promise."
he then points to the bubble, wrapped in chains: "in that bubble, pacifica won't be hurt. never again. i was willing to let bygones be bygones, but she told me what you've done—and if you think i'm letting you in there, think again!"
"you can't do that, dipper!" robbie shouts. "you think you're protecting pacifica, but you're only imprisoning her!"
"valentino." dipper grimaces, his eyes narrowing and a threatening glint twinkles in his brown eyes. "you can't be any more wrong—pacifica told me herself! i am her protector! thanks to will, he granted me the power to create a dream world for her. in this world, i can shield her from anyone and everyone who can hurt her! even you!"
"but, dipper..." gideon speaks, his voice softens as he tries to empathize with the brunette, "do you really think this is the right way to protect pacifica? just because she's in that bubble, doesn't mean she'll be safe forever. eventually, one way or another, you'll hurt her too. so, when that happens—where will she go? who will protect her, then??"
dipper's cold expression slightly cracks, allowing his former enemy to reach out to him.
"we know you care for pacifica, we all do, too," the white-haired boy gestures between himself, robbie, and melody, "but we're still human. we make mistakes, and eventually, we will hurt each other—whether we mean to or not."
pulling out the slip of paper from the front pocket of his pants, dipper unfolds the paper to look back at the cut-out newspaper article; staring into the old picture of himself and pacifica.
she gave me another chance... even when i didn't deserve it.
"do the right thing, dipper. if you want to be pacifica's hero, please let us rescue her. please let us make it up to her."
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"so, let me get this straight..." pacifica speaks, pinching the bridge of her nose in a mix of concentration and confusion, "this whole time, you had a twin sister? but you didn't tell me about her because of she wronged you about thirty years ago?? and then ten years later—she accidentally gets you sucked into this portal that you made??? so you've been stuck in there for the past twenty years until she reactivated said portal—in which she fixed, for the sole purpose to bring you back????"
dipper simply stares at pacifica, still struck by her beauty after all these years. yet, when he realizes a tad late that she had stopped speaking, he shakes his head; getting a hold of himself.
"y-yes. that's exactly what happened."
the blonde blinks once. then twice. then takes a long sip from her coffee; setting it down before slamming the empty mug onto the table.
"you never told me you had a twin sister!"
"well, i didn't think it was relevant..." he mumbles, annoyed.
"of course it's flippin' relevant!" she spats, "whatever mabel did to you in the past, she's still your family! i thought i knew everything about you, but you've been still hiding stuff from me!"
dipper sighs, looking at his old friend with a guilt-ridden expression.
"you're right, paz. i should've been more open with you, instead of being all mysterious and keeping stuff from you. i'm really sorry that i scared you and kept you in the dark all this time."
"ah, forget about it," she waves off, no longer upset. "you're lucky that i'm too old to be fussing over small things. besides, i guess i should be used to it by now, right? you never really trusted me, anyways."
"but i do trust you, pacifica," he says, placing a hand over hers, "i was just being an idiot, thinking that i was protecting you by not letting you into my world, but that's not fair. not when you've trusted me with your secrets. i truly am sorry, paz."
as pacifica looks down at his hand on hers, she looks back up to him; her diamond-blue eyes meeting his doe-brown ones. a twinge of pink spreads throughout her cheeks, letting her old feelings for the awkward man resurface; if only for a small moment.
for the first time in twenty years, her guard is let down again, baffled and stammering by the same guy who caught her heart two decades ago.
"it's alright, dipper." pacifica replies, the smallest hint of a smile graces her face.
"you're here now."
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"ha, yeah!" pacifica cheers, pumping a fist up in victory, "in your face!"
though dipper wasn't happy at first that he was once again bested by her, he did have to admit—pacifica looks pretty cute when she gloats over a win. it's rare to see her geek out over an arcade game, after all.
"so, what was that again? didn't you say arcades were for nerds??"
"they're only nerds if they can't win," she corrects, poking his chest, "like you."
"yeah, yeah, you beat me," dipper says, rolling his eyes, "now enter your name for the high score so we can start heading back home. dad must've hooked up the karaoke machine by now."
pacifica giggles, inputting the name 'PAZ' before leaving the arcade with dipper; hand-in-hand.
"so, lovebirds..." mabel teases as she, candy, and grenda reunite with the pair, "ready for some karaoke?"
dipper blushes as pacifica rolls her eyes, smirking amusedly: "yeah, whatever. you wish i was dating your brother, it'll give you something to brag about."
"oh, definitely," mabel replies, "because i'm sure there's a lot of girls out there who are dying to say 'pacifica northwest, walking one-dimensional beached blonde valley girl stereotype, is dating my brother!'"
pacifica gasps, feigning offense...
before she laughs along with her former arch-enemy; walking out of the mall in a side-hug.
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"look, after you said you weren't going to leave with me and move in my parents and i at the end of the summer, i wanted to hide in my sweater forever."
as pacifica explains her choice to stay in pacificaland, gideon feels the guilt rise within him as he is reminded of his promise from the beginning of the summer.
then, the melancholic expression on her face turns into one of resolve as she finishes her story.
"but then i woke up in a place that gives me exactly what i wanted: an endless summer where we'll never have to grow up! here, the sun shines all day, the party never ends, and now that you guys are here—it's finally perfect!"
"listen, pazzy," gideon speaks, "we're not here to party. all of this is crazy!"
yet, the blonde groans, disagreeing with her cousin's sentiment: "ugh! i figured you might say something like that, gid. would it kill you to be more like dipper sometimes? at least he's supportive of me!"
"sunshine..." dipper calls to her softly, placing a hand on her shoulder, "maybe you should go with gideon and the the rest..."
"huh?" pacifica's eyes go wide, suprised by the change in his demeanour.
"what are you talking about, dipper?"
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"wait! hold on..." pacifica pants, trying to catch her breath after doubling down in laughs, "you... dated... a siren?"
blushing madly, dipper frowns: "is it really that hard to believe?"
apparently so, since the woman before him couldn't help but keep laughing; unable to control herself.
"uh—yeah?" she answers between cackles, "whew... oh my god, i'm gonna cry... that's hilarious... hah..."
"but you had two failed marriages!" he points out, still red as a tomato.
that doesn't stop pacifica from laughing herself breathless, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye as she finally starts to settle down.
"true... but i'm an heiress, dipper."
she had a point. twenty years is an awful long time, and it was like pacifica was getting any younger. it was inevitable that her parents wanted to secure their fortune by any means necessary—especially if said means was to marry their daughter off to another rich family.
hence, her two unsuccessful unions with marius von fundhauser and gideon gleeful.
"you never told me... how did you get out of them, again?"
"well, marius and i split because he fell in love with someone else..." pacifica answers, reminscing on her relationship with the austrian prince, "no hard feelings, though. it was for the best."
from the look on her face, dipper could tell that she was being genuine. he always loved seeing her soft side.
"and... gideon?" he winces.
"not as sweet as the papers put it." she replies bluntly. "he was just... too show-ey? even for me, which is crazy. i was able to find an out when i took the reigns on northwest realty—i got the chance to prove to my parents i was more than a pretty face, after all."
dipper chuckles, "as if there was any doubt."
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"disco girl!"
"coming through!"
"that girl is you~!"
ooh-ooh's ring throughout the living room, followed by giggles and more of the musical works of dipper pines and pacifica northwest.
"more punch, kids?" mrs. pines asks as she enters the room; a tray of filled glasses in her hands. "gonna need something to drink so those singing voices won't be strained."
so, without any objections, the five kids take a break—drinking punch and catching up on town gossip.
"what?! you broke up with marius?!"
mabel's jaw drops nearly the same time the news drops, but everyone else remains indifferent. sure, candy and pacifica would have already known about this, but dipper was just plain uninterested.
"it wasn't a big deal, really," grenda explains. "there was only so much clinginess i could take!"
"speak for yourself," pacifica chimes in, checking her nails, "sounds to me like you could've been set for life. you were dating the prince of austria!"
"yeah, and it was a long-distance relationship, too!" mabel exclaims, "emphasis on distance!"
"what's distance if he wanted to fly me out to austria every weekend?! the guy just couldn't leave me alone!"
"yeesh," pacifica cringes; her facial expression in her signature look of disgust, "when you put it like that, maybe dumping the guy was right move. i can't imagine dating someone hovering over me like that, laughing and agreeing at every single thing i say."
"ha-ha!" dipper chokes out, blushing madly, hovering over pacifica, "you're totally right, paz!"
as the blonde in question raises an eyebrow, confused, the three remaining girls shares looks of mischief amongst each other; smirking slyly.
"speaking of your dating life, paz..." mabel begins in a teasing voice, "have you... say, got yourself any boyfriends, lately?"
now, it was pacifica's turn to blush—her cheeks a tinted pink.
"uh... no?" drawing out the confused 'no' in her reply, pacifica looks puzzled once more. "mabel, what—"
"AH-HA-HA-HA-HA~" dipper's forced laughs come out more obnoxious this time around, taking his sister's hand as he leads them out of the living room.
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"no... no... not you, too..."
"pacifica, you know in your heart that gideon's right. summer ends."
"but... i don't want it to end! i don't want to go back and... and..."
losing her words, pacifica looks back into dipper's eyes. deep down, she agreed with him wholeheartedly. she knew he was telling the truth.
but they were in pacificaland now. and the truth is not what she wants. especially if all the truth has done was hurt her and continued to do so.
"you said you wouldn't hurt me, dipper."
then there it was. the ache in his chest had returned. it didn't make sense, though! he was so sure that the guilt had been resolved after that night of the party at his mansion... so, why did it come back? he didn't so anything wrong. dipper made a deal with will so he could be granted full guardianship of the bubble and keep pacifica from harm.
she was all fine until that know-it-all gideon pines got in the way... he thinks he knows what's best for pacifica, and look what that go him—after all, he was the reason why the joyful blonde had felt so down in the first place! dipper didn't hurt pacifica, it was all gideon!
turning away from pacifica, dipper looks into gideon's eyes. if he could glare into them long enough, maybe daggers could materialize out of his brown eyes, shooting straight into gideon's blue ones.
what he didn't expect, however, was for gideon to stand his ground; staring back at dipper with the same amount—if not, more—determination than the once-evil psychic.
then, all at once, dipper's own words have struck him, remembering his promise to pacifica.
"i… i know it's too late for you to trust me… and i clearly don't deserve your forgiveness… but i do wanna try. i want to be a better person."
if i want to be more than pacifica's hero... he thinks to himself, i have to be someone worthy of loving... i have to do the right thing...
i have to be a better person.
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"but, paz, you don't get it... mabel had cost me my dream school."
dipper repeats for the umpteenth time, lamenting over what could have been. he knew better than to be holding resentment over his twin sister for so long, but he just couldn't shake it off.
pacifica clearly notices this, which motivates her all the more to get her old friend to see sense.
"dipper, mabel and i haven't been on good terms this whole time, but after telling me the whole story, i've begun to see her in a different light." she confesses, laying a freshly-manicured hand atop inter-dimension traveller. "what baffles me is that while you can recall having a rich history with her, but it's only the two instances that she's done you wrong that keep a hold in your heart."
"but mabel was the reason i couldn't get into my dream school! she ruined my whole future in the blink of an eye—"
"she ruined your future, huh?" pacifica cuts him off, cocking a brow. "you want to know what i think, dipper?"
"no, maybe that big head of yours has influenced you in the past twenty years, and now it's got to your mouth—but i'm not going to stand for this. mabel is your twin sister. you guys sounded like two inseperable peas in a pod, but you've let that wrinkly brain of yours ruin probably the greatest friendship you've ever had."
pacifica pokes dipper's forehead for effect.
"sure, woe is you that you didn't get accepted to west coast. i'm sorry you didn't get to go into your dream school, but you went to backupsmore. you did the same work you hoped to accomplished at your first choice of school, but you pushed yourself even harder. if anything—you've probably found more success at backupsmore than west coast!"
"but mabel can't just get off scot-free—"
"your parents threw her out on the streets, dipper!" pacifica exclaims, utterly baffled by his sheer audacity, "things might've not have gone your way, but if they did back then, would you have been happier?"
hot tears begin to well up in the blonde's eyes, trying her hardest not to let them fall.
"you would have never come here! you would have never met... me..."
realizing that perhaps he did let his grievances get the better of him yet again, dipper had easily forgotten that he was only wanted to catch up over coffee with an old friend (maybe even get a second date afterwards), but he's blowing it.
blowing it big time.
"pacifica, of course i'm thankful for the way things turned out. meeting you was one of the best things that's ever happened to me."
"well, it sure doesn't feel like it..." she remarks, refusing to back down.
"look, i understand why you would be upset with mabel. sure, she ruined your chances of getting to your dream school, and got you trapped in another dimension for like, two decades, but she didn't mean to hurt you on purpose—and i think, deep down, you know this too."
though he wouldn't admit out loud, dipper did agree with pacifica's words. maybe it was just easier to stay mad at his sister because some part of him, subconsciously, knew that he was also to blame for where he ended up—especially getting himself sucked into the portal that he built himself.
"besides, if mabel was really as bad as you claimed her to be, then she wouldn't have spent all this time fixing your portal—just to get yourself out. in retrospect, what she did would typically require a prayer and a miracle to do: mabel self-educated in sciences, paid off your mortgage, and kept secrets to protect herself and her family. she did all this, her determined solely based on the very slim chance she could fix her mistake and bring you back home."
he wanted so badly to tell her that she was right. his mouth was already open, but with no words coming out, left speechless by the blonde's truth, he disappointed her; yet again.
"you know, i really missed you, dipper—but it turns out i didn't know you as well as i thought. call me when you decide to stop listening to your head and listen to your heart for a change."
with those final words, pacifica pulls out some bills from her wallet, before getting up from the booth, and out of the diner.
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mabel yelps right before her brother frantically slaps a hand over her mouth, then peering over his shoulder to see if her loud reaction drew any attention from their guests.
with dipper's head turned, the other twin takes a chance and licks his hand, causing not only him to retract in disgust, but her as well; forgetting in that brief moment how sweaty her brother really was.
"mabel, seriously?" he asked in a hushed whisper.
spitting out and blowing raspberries with her tongue, she spats: "ugh! when do you ever not sweat?"
"whatever, that's not the point!" dipper replies, still hushed.
after blowing the last raspberries, mabel continues, whispering as well: "you haven't asked pacifica to be your girlfriend yet? spring break's almost over!"
"i know, i know, it's just..." he turns back to the living room, looking solemnly at the blonde; currently laughing along with candy and grenda. "i thought i was ready, i really did..."
seeing the gloom in her brother's face, mabel puts a hand to dipper's shoulder.
"so, what happened bro-bro?"
turning back to face his sister, dipper draws a deep sigh before asking: "mabel, do you think, if pacifica and i start dating... we'll end up arguing more than mom and dad?"
"huh?" she questions, her face puzzled.
"i mean, pacifica and i are just so different... and it's only been almost a year since we've met..." dipper explains, "on the other hand, our parents have known each other for almost twenty years... but that didn't stop them from those big arguments last year... do you think—"
"dipper, let me stop you right there," mabel interrupts, holding her hands up in a 'stop' gesture, "you and pacifica are nothing like mom and dad—and that doesn't have to be a good or bad thing! you guys have an awesome dynamic, whether as friends or as a couple—nudge nudge! the point is, you should ask pacifica to be your girlfriend when you feel you're ready. don't rush it, and definitely don't let other relationships like our parents get to you. after all, there's always summer!"
after giving it some thought, dipper looks away from mabel, turning to pacifica once more, then back to his sister; smiling.
"you make a good point, mabel... thanks. 'sides, there's always summer, right?"
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after breaking free from the bubble in which will has imprisoned pacifica, she—along with the company of dipper, mabel, gideon, melody, and robbie—have made their way back to the tent of telepathy.
though found seemingly empty at first, the battle cries of the townsfolk taking refuge in the shack provokes the group of people who had just came from weirdmaggedon.
that is, until one of the folk—the six-fingered one in particular—had spotted their great niece and nephew, almost immediately standing down.
"grunkle ford!" dipper and mabel cheer, rushing to hug the old man.
"i can’t believe it! i thought i lost you two.” he says, capturing the twins in his arms.
“did you really?” mabel asks smugly.
“no,” ford answers, returning a smug grin back at her, “i was looking forward to not being bothered by you deliquents anymore.”
“you can always try again, grunkle ford.” dipper says.
“so, how did you all get here?”
ford then proceeds to recall the events from his perspective as weirdmaggedon unfolded, noting how the tent was the only place unaffected by will’s powers due to the protection of the unicorn hair.
“eventually, all these injured stragglers show up needing a place to stay. since the mayor got captured, i elected myself de facto chief. the plan's to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out, then eat the gnomes."
as ford finishes explaining to his niece and nephew impassively, a nearby gnome immediately picked up on the chief's plan and gasped in utter disgust.
"hey! i'm short, not deaf!"
glancing from the kids to the gnome, ford remains indifferent.
"survival of the fittest, pal. sucks to be you, i guess."
"grunkle ford, we can't all just hide inside the tent," mabel reasons, "we have to save the town! gideon, stan, and i tried to do it, but grunkle stan ended up getting captured by will."
"serves that jerk right, it's what you get for trying to be a hero." ford remarks, then gestures to the townsfolk taking refuge in the tent. "besides, look at these people. the reason why they're here is not from the kindness of my heart, they're here out of fear—because people blindly following me would be less torturous than following some all-powerful space demon."
"so, you're really going to let will win?" gideon asks.
"kid, we got the best deal we could possibly get." the elder gleeful says, lounging back on his recliner. "be lucky that my niece is all sweet on you, otherwise i'd be kicking you and your cousin out on the streets with whatever townsfolk were unfortunate to not take refuge."
gideon frowns deeply, disgusted and frustrated with the six-fingered man. pacifica, although offended by the remark, is saddened on her cousin's behalf; considering that her uncle and aunt—despite their significant lack of quality parenting—are still out there amongst the chaos.
so, understandably, mabel is furious, and dipper places a empathetic hand on pacifica's shoulder—sharing in her lament.
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she couldn't believe it... pacifica had waited for so long... she's waited twenty years, just to see him again.
though she would never admit it out loud to anyone else, pacifica's had dreams about reuniting with her former partner, many of them just a grasp away from a happy ending... that is, until she gets pulled back to consciousness at the final moment, and she realises...
he's not there.
after years of hoping, asking whatever external forces in the universe, just for the chance to see dipper pines one more time.
yet, after that lunch at greasy's, when pacifica finally got the chance to catch up with her old friend, she got to really know who dipper actually was... and it was just like in those final moments before she woke up each morning for the past couple decades.
he's still not here.
so, though it pains her heart to do this, pacifica needs to give dipper space. as long as things between him and his sister remain unresolved, how could she begin to think about having their own relationship mended?
but she's waited for twenty years... she won't mind waiting a little bit more.
take the rift...
"huh?" she scans the town around her. "who's there?"
nobody was nearby. in fact, she doesn't remember seeing the town in such a... monochromatic state. it was chilling, to say the very least.
after confirming nothing was behind her, pacifica shook her head rather wildly, trying to get her vision back. she didn't even summon him... she's fully awake... so, how did pacifica end up in the dreamscape?
suddenly, a being manifests before her. yellow, triangle-shaped, demonic. the blonde recognized him from the pages of the notebook, as well as the numerous tapestries she's locked up in one of the many closets in her mansion. after inheriting the property, stowing those demon-tapestries away was just about one of the first thing's she done to northwest manor.
"stay back!" she roars, standing guard.
"oh, llama, i'm sure your family raised you to be more poised than that." bill teases, swarming around her.
"you're nothing but bad news, you triangle goblin." pacifica spats, folding her arms, her hip cocked to one side. "i know you're like some sort of massive psycho, but you'd have to be even more mindless to think i'd make some deal with you."
"no need to be hostile, llama." bill says, backing away and giving her space. "i noticed that you had a lover's quarrel with pine tree lately, and i just want to give you something small to lift up your spirits."
"dipper and i don't have anything together." she states bluntly, clearly uninterested. "and i'm well off on my own, so if you're thinking of making me like, the richest person in the world, forget it."
"what if i gave you a better pine tree?" he offers, floating about and around her again. "in a snap, i can re-wire the old geek..."
with a snap of his fingers, a phantom of dipper appears before the two, walking towards pacifica with a smile on his ghostly face.
"a pine tree that isn't self-absorbed and all-consumed by science."
though he is a phantom, the animated dipper is able to take pacifica's hand in his. bill's probably controlling me, isn't he?
"a pine tree that can listen to his heart."
using his free arm to circle her waist, this dipper pulls pacifica close to him, his ghastly eyes seemingly consumed by her.
maybe, pacifica can't wait any longer. after all, she is getting old. besides, with dipper being the same age, she knows that he's getting old too. he's finally back home, so perhaps he ought to finally get some rest.
but it's not right. if she let herself sank this low, dipper would never forgive her. heck, she doesn't even think she could forgive herself. he wouldn't even be the dipper she fell in grew to like.
"all i need is this galaxy-looking globe of your boyfriend's. it's nothing big, so he won't miss it. so, whattaya say?"
looking from 'dipper' to bill's hand, ready for a shake, pacifica's determination returns to her; hitting her stronger than ever.
"my pine tree is perfect the way he is."
"what?" bill sputters in disbelief.
"you heard me," pacifica pulls away, staring into the demon's eye, "no deal."
"i don't care. i have preston, and i have dipper."
without hesitance, she raises a fist; completely all out of patience.
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"wait, so if the answer to the equation is zero, then why can't x also be zero?" pacifica asks as her eyebrows knit together, staring from the homework spread on her desk back to the dork on video call from her laptop. "anything that's multiplied by zero has to equal zero, right?"
"yeah, but if you applied zero in place of x," dipper explains, amused by the blonde's annoyance. "you'd have two multiplying negative one, making the answer—"
"negative two, yeah, yeah." pacifica cuts him off, waving it aside. "lemme try again, but i need you to shut up for a bit."
on screen, dipper looks deadpanned, but he knew that pacifica was really trying. the school year was almost over, and thanks to insufficient funds to keep her original tutor, pacifica was left to her own devices.
the thing was, he has helped her all year, and she was perfectly confident with her grades... so, why are the stakes so much higher now?
"x equals negative two or one-half!"
"see, i knew you could do it." dipper smiles at her through the monitor.
chuckling at the dopey expression on his face, pacifica feels her cheeks grow warm, smiling back at him. "thanks dipper... but i couldn't have done it without you. actually... i think i might've needed to repeat the eight grade if it wasn't for you."
"you kidding me? you're great at practically anything you put your mind to!"
heh, i hope you're right about that, dip.
what pacifica isn't telling him is how much of a big deal her final math exam really is for her. as far as he knows, it's just her first final exam that she's gotten without an expensive tutor nor the safety net of her parents' fortune to get her into the ninth grade.
"bro-bro! tell your girlfriend ya gotta go! dinner's ready!"
mabel's off-screen call promptly causes her brother to be fully red in the face, momentarily losing his cool; to which pulls a giggle from the other end of his video call.
"sounds like i gotta let you go, bro-bro." pacifica teases, reaching for her laptop, over the sheets and textbooks. "same time, tomorrow?"
"heh, of course." dipper replies, chuckling nervously as he rubs the back of his neck. "sorry about mabel, you know how she is—"
"you don't need to apologize for anything, dork. catch ya later."
the dopey, awkward grin on dipper's face is the last thing she sees before she clicks on the 'end call' button, butterflies swarming in her stomach as she's temporarily allured by the goofiness that is her crush—not that she'd admit it to anyone else, though.
soon enough, those butterflies turn into rumbles, her stomach calling out for food as well.
after shutting her laptop and abandoning post at her desk, pacifica begins to make her way down to the kitchen.
"it's about time you showed up."
preston speaks bluntly as he and his wife are sitting on the dining table, with no food before them.
"we're starving, darling." priscilla says. "we thought we were going to have to wait forever for that... pines boy... to finally end your tutor session."
taking in a deep breath, pacifica sighs just as heavily, walking towards the fridge: "what are you guys going to make me prepare tonight?"
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after viewing toby determined by turned to stone, soon to join will’s throne of subdued townsfolk, the remaining people in the tent of telepathy are finally pushed to the edge—the drive of freeing the town overruling their fear of will’s tyrannic takeover.
led by the team of gideon, pacifica, and the gleeful twins, all of the refuged individuals desperately assist tad mcgucket in turning the tent of telepathy into a force for battle.
days later, their combined efforts resulted in the completion of the remodeled tent of telepathy; much to ford’s dissatisfaction.
"thanks for these apocalyspe sweaters, pacifica." melody praises, physically snug in the cashmere. "the end of the world has never felt so comfortable."
"you were always a girl of many talents, sunshine." dipper chimes in, proudly showing off the sweater with a pine tree in the center.
the rest of the refugees are in agreement; nodding and humming.
hearing a shiver from behind her, pacifica shoots mabel a look as she notices she's still sweaterless. desperate to just warm up.
"ugh!" she whines, caving in as she pulls out a pink sweater with a shooting star in the center. "fine i'll wear it," she says, putting it on, "but i'm not gonna like it."
"admit it, this is the best day of the end of the world." pacifica says, taking a seat between dipper and gideon. "i think we actually have a chance to defeat will and win back our future."
"yeah," gideon adds, "can't believe i'm saying this, but i would much rather want to live to see mabel and dipper turn thirteen."
mabel gives gideon a soft smile, something that not even her twin brother has ever seen from her—and surprisingly, gideon even smiles back at mabel.
"if we're lucky, sunshine, i guarantee we'll throw another party at the manor and invite everyone in town."
though she knew dipper was certain about it, pacifica still raises a brow in suspicion; purely out of testing him.
sighing, he places a hand over his chest: "i promise, pacifica."
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hearing the approaching footsteps from one of his two nephews, dipper sighs, putting aside whatever work he was currently tending to, now tending to his nephew instead.
"let me guess: stanley didn't take it well."
the young stanford pines shakes his head, regret and doubt starting to spread across his face.
"i don't know, maybe i'm making the wrong decision." ford replies, looking up at his grunkle. "i need to think about this."
"ford, right now we need to focus on the mission." dipper says, trying to pacify his nephew's gloom. "now come on, i've got the glue—hand me the rift and let's make history."
turning his frown into a smile, ford reaches into his supposed backpack, only to pull out—a birthday flyer?!
"what? oh no! the rift!"
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it's the last day of exam week, and the weight of the world is on pacifica shoulders... or at least that's how she's feeling right now.
pulling up to the front of the school, the blonde unbuckles her seatbelt, picking up her bag, and is just about to open the door before her father halts her.
"pacifica," preston calls to his daughter, causing her to turn back to him. "you are a northwest. remember, if you don't get a perfect score on that final exam, you can say goodbye to your inheritance."
suddenly, pacifica's taken back to the day of the golf tournament between herself and mabel—and it only makes her feel worse.
so, she doesn't give anything to her dad but an affirmative nod, steps out of the vehicle, and watches as the family car drives off.
once the car was out of view, pacifica rushes into the school and in the washroom, locking herself in a stall.
hyperventilating, the distressed blonde holds a hand to her chest—though it doesn't do anything to slow her breathing nor stabilize the rise and fall of her chest. before she knew it, hot tears stream down her face, and the choked sobs that barely escape from her are just a cork from a full-on piercing cry.
get it together pacifica! she begs in her mind. stop being so weak!
feeling hopeless, the floor in the stall might as well turn into a black hole and swallow pacifica whole. it's still early in the morning, maybe she can just play hooky... and just catch the next bus to piedmont. it's not like her parents would miss her, right? especially when she won't get that perfect score they were hoping for. maybe he was right...
it was only a single ringtone that pulls pacifica from her mind. rubbing her tears away and taking a sniffle, she pulls out her phone and reads the caller id from the screen.
pacifica thinks about answering, she really does, but what could she say? the only person she's ever been vulnerable with was her brother.
before she knew it, pacifica lets her phone ring for too long, letting her enemy-turned-frenemy-turned-friend[ish?] go to voicemail.
"hey pacifica! dipper and i are just about to head to school, so we wanted to give you a call and wish you good luck on your math final! remember, no matter what the result is, our support for you is as long as pi! ha! get it? 'cause it's endless?? eh??? anyways, we'll always be proud of you, paz!"
pacifica rolls her eyes, chuckling at the shooting star's oh-so familiar cheesiness.
"mabel's right," a different voice enters the message, "you've done so well in school this year all by yourself, so don't sweat it, pacifica. you're going to nail that final, and even if you're not happy with the score, you should be proud of all the work you've put in this year."
"psst! dippingsauce!" pacifica can hear mabel call out to him, but her voice is rather hushed, likely due to her being some distance away from her phone. "tell paz you less than three her!"
"'less than three her'? what do you mean, 'less than three'..." dipper's voice dies down at the end, dead air follows the voicemail as he figures out what his sister meant.
just like that, the voicemail ends—or rather, cuts off. pacifica sniffles, but she finds herself smiling. chuckling, actually.
who was she kidding? of course they were right! she's pacifica northwest. the only northwest that ended her family's curse. the same girl who showed up to a family photoshoot because she stopped caring about what others wanted her to be. the llama of bill cipher's zodiac!
bill was wrong, and after all she's done to save their lives—her parents no longer get the privilege to boss her around and treat her like a butler.
so, when pacifica finally cleans herself up, then walks in the classroom to take her final math exam for the school year, she's filled with nothing but confidence. she's pacifica, after all. as if she was going to finish the eight grade with anything less than an A+.
but, her mom and dad can keep that stupid inheritance of hers, she can make her own fortunes.
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"this whole plan is insane, but no one asked the chief what he thinks. after all i've done for everyone!"
"hey dipper? mabel?" pacifica calls to them, but looks in the direction of the twins' grunkle. "shouldn't you guys talk to your grunkle? he doesn't look alright..."
"oh, we already know why he's acting like that," mabel brushes it off, only looking at ford for a second before staring back at pacifica, "don't worry about it, pacifica. he's always been this stubborn, but he'll come around. just needs to blow off some steam, that's all."
then, when mabel turns away to continue chatting with gideon, dipper shakes his head and rolls his eyes before talking to the blonde.
"to make a long story short, sunshine: mabel and i have been helping grunkle ford rescue grunkle stan ever since we could remember. after discovering that will had a connection to stan's dissappearance, understandably, we've tortured him enough to surrender and be subservient to us—using his powers and the tent of telepathy to steer suspeciting eyes away. once we got stan back, he only ever expressed gratitude to mabel and i—holding his grudge against ford."
"oh..." it wasn't pacifica, but gideon reacting to his former enemy's story. "so you guys weren't really evil, after all—just misunderstood?"
"nah, with stan's smarts, and ford's con-man skills, we could've easily turned the falls into gleefulland—ow!"
dipper holds a hand to his side, turning back to pacifica, who looks at him with a dissappointing pout.
"jerk. if neither of you are going to talk to ford, then i will."
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"so, this is how the world ends. not with a bang, but with a boop-boop."
"weirdmaggedon." ford says, he and his grunkle looking up to the x-shaped rip in the sky—which the younger pines could only assume would be the portal to the nightmare realm.
"the rift is shattered." dipper says, lifting his nephew up as he gets run over by various animals and creatures. "bill's world is spilling into ours and every minute his powers grow stronger."
"stanley!" ford panics as eyes go wide. "the rift must've cracked inside his backpack. he must be in danger. i have to go and find him."
rushing towards the walkie-talkie, ford calls out to stan: "stanley! come in, stanley! stanley!"
"ford. listen to me." dipper calls to the boy sternly, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "we can find your brother soon, but right now, we need to stop bill. if we could blast him back through the rip he came out of, we just might be able to stop him before his weirdness spreads across the entire globe."
"are you sure defeating bill is even possible?" ford asks, a hint of uncertainty rises in his voice.
"no. i'm not sure." dipper confesses, but with every bit of courage he could muster from within himself, he looks down at ford. taking a knee down to his nephew's level, the elder pines looks into the eyes of the six-fingered boy—hoping that the next words that leave his mouth transfer a spark of a fight in ford. "but being a hero means fighting back even when it seems impossible. will you follow me?"
"to the ends of the earth."
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a/n: omg FINALLY part 2 is done! i just want to take this moment to thank every single one of you for all the support and praise you have given me since i released the first part. i just want to give a heads up that since school is starting again for me, and balancing that with my job, i clearly won't have as much spare time to be working on this fic—but i'll try my best to have the final part posted within two months from now.
writing ilyieu has been so great for me, not just in terms of engagement and the traction i get from other users, but also for my writing. usually, i don't think i would be posting this much writing in such a short span of time... i haven't been this proactive in my writing since 2020 when all i had was quarantine and wattpad, if i gotta be honest.
i hope that this part is just as good as the first, because the next part is going to be last—as it wraps up the stories i have between dipcifica in all thre au's. your ongoing support means so a lot to me, so please send me lots of likes, reposts, and even asks my way! just about any engagement will likely inspire me to keep writing! here, how about i answer some of those future asks right now:
q: jen, your writing is so awesome! do you think alex hirsch will hire you to help him write any future books for gf?
a: uh—i don't have a degree in english or any related subjects, but if he's still willing to pay me—I SURE FRIGGIN HOPE SO
q: do you actually like gravity falls or are you just writing this because the book of bill came out/you just started watching the series/you know gf is trending on tumblr/you wanted to join the gf hype while it's still trending?
a: yes. definitely. absolutely. (stan pines would be so proud of me :,))
q: ur writing sucks/u take so long to post/u copied [insert name here] so unoriginal
a: this is definitely not a rick roll
anyways, thanks a bunch again for your guys' support! you’ve gotten me my first 200+ notes, my recent dipcifica drabble has already surpassed 100 (despite only writing and posting it yesterday), and i’m actually gaining a following (even if it’s small!) i’ll be posting more soon!
taglist: @wwwritererm @a-messy-flower @stormcloudsarepretty @marii-iana @whosbex @seukymin @vegas96 @caro2004 @ghostlyvisiting @frozzuwuwu @cyanside @mcmymuffin @poorlittlerichgirll @invisible-vampire13 @tielmamon @optimussy @hoatzin2 @janis01127 @platonicallyalone @raccoonchild333 @kagura15 @suckerfordylansstuff @cosmic-peonies @ashisuniverse @automaticpandaoperatorpizza
follow #jw: i love you in every universe for more content!
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stargirlrchive · 2 years
late night talking ✩ jake sully
masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: soon to be dad!jake sully x female!reader, talks of pregnancy and discomfort but its so minimal, literally pure fluff babes i need to carry his babies fr
word count: 718 - short and sweet
syulang (n) - flower
comments: i hate this title w/ a passion, i feel like the vibe does not match? but whtvr, we are pushing through! <3 anyways i was in a silly goofy mood when i wrote this, like yall are gonna see what i mean lol but this can be like a prequel to this other jake fic but can also just be a standalone, kk bye! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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Jake woke to the sound of your discomfort, feeling you move around in his arms as you tried to find a comfortable position. The task was proving to be impossible. You let out a long sigh, realizing there was no way you were going to be lulled to sleep again.
“What’s wrong, Syulang?”
Your eyes flew to your mates, unaware you had woken him up, “Nothing, he is just kicking so much tonight.”
Jake's hand instantly went out to sooth your belly, the bump growing beautifully everyday. He began to rub small shapes into your skin, hoping to calm his child down and ease your discomfort.
He whispered quietly to you, as if it was his biggest secret, “I wish we were Seahorses.”
Your mouth dropped in shock, that was not at all what you thought was going to leave your mates mouth. The confusion clear in your eyes, “What for?”
“Well I don’t know how true it is, but once on earth I read that male Seahorses carry the babies. I would do that for you.”
You wanted to laugh, it was fighting its way up your throat, but Jake was looking at you so seriously that you could not dare poke fun at him. His hands had made their way to your back, soothing the knots that had begun to form. “You would not last a day, JakeSully.”
You pressed a kiss to the widest part of his nose, “Besides, I should get used to it. I want more.”
“Is that so?”
He pressed a kiss to your temple, his hands trying to massage any area of exposed skin he could find, your body relaxing into his with each swipe of his hand. “Mhm, I want three more after. He needs siblings.”
Your hand rubbed gently along your own stomach, feeling a small thump from within. “Two girls and two boys.”
“Now wouldn't that be perfect.”
He was teasing you, trying not to smile as you shuffled closer to his body. Neither of you spoke for a while, your eyes were beginning to feel heavy, begging to sleep. “You keep referring to the baby as a boy?”
You nodded absentmindedly, practically melting under his fingers. “Because he is, I can feel it.”
Jake's nose scrunched up, “Has Eywa given you a sign?”
He was teasing you again, pure amusement dancing in his eyes as you looked up at him. His hand had fallen back to your stomach, fingers treading over you with a featherlight touch. “She has actually.” You huffed in his direction, noticing his eyes dilated at the new information. “Tell me Syulang.” He was pleading, softly tapping against your belly.
Jake had already adored you beyond belief, swore the sun rose when you smiled, but when he learned you were carrying his child, he practically worshiped the floor you walked on. “Please.”
You decided to end his suffering, laying your hand above his so they both rested on your stomach. “Well-this was only a few days ago, Ma’Jake, but I had gone to the Tree of Souls, I wanted to see my mother.”
Your shoulders caved in a little, pressing yourself impossibly closer to Jake, “There were so many ancestors trying to speak to me that day, but I could not make anything out. There were too many of them.”
Your face pinched together as you recalled the events, “Then, out of nowhere I heard something so clear, only one word. It was a name.”
You nervously played with the beads that fell on Jake’s braid, “What was it, Syulang?.”
Jake blinked rapidly, ears twitching gently. It was perfect. “Do you like it?”
He nodded, unable to form words, suddenly struck with an overwhelming amount of adoration for you. He had to blink back the happy tears that threatened to leak from his eyes.
Silence fell between the both of you, Jake’s hands only stopped moving when he heard your breath even out. “Neteyam.”
He liked the way the name rolled off his tongue, he felt a soft thud from your stomach. Letting him know his son liked it too. His eyes instantly jumped to your face, wanting to make sure you had not woken up.
You remained peacefully sleeping, not even waking as Jake shifted to lay his arm under your head.
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charliedawn · 6 months
Hi hi! I don't know if you've already done a request similar to this one buuuut.. how would the slashers (+ Hannibal Jr and his dad, Hannibal. MAYBE if you can) react to the nurse getting hit with like.. an intense aphrodisiac?
I'm curious;w; and I love your writing so much<3
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Pennywise would immediately recognise the scent of aphrodisiac and lock himself up—twice.
He isn’t staying when you’re all weird and clinging to him like a plushie.
Pennywise can like you, but he still doesn’t like being touched and would simply disappear until the effects of the aphrodisiac wear off.
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Freddy has no self-control. The moment he knows you are under the effects of an aphrodisiac, he’d take his shot.
So, for your safety, the medical staff has put traps into place all around your room…
Freddy *tries to get in and gets hit with a giant hammer* : "SHIT—!"
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Michael would ask to be put on lockdown. He cannot be trusted around you. The moment he cares for someone, he usually has the urge to kill them so…Yup.
Better safe than sorry.
He’d still be happy to see you once or twice. But…that’s about it.
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People have tried to restrain Penny…But by the time they understood…It was too late. Penny had gotten a whiff of the aphrodisiac and got into *mating mode*.
Penny *giggles and wraps his arms around you* : "Heya. Y/N wants to play, right ? Wants to play with Penny ?"
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"How…delightful. Nice to see you reacting so…well to my little gift. My little lamb."
…Hannibal Sr. was the one to spike your drink with aphrodisiac. He wanted to see your reaction. He wasn’t disappointed…
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He was amused at first…before he had no choice but to put you to sleep because of how intense it was becoming.
Hannibal Jr. *kisses your forehead after he administrated you with enough sedatives to kill a horse* : "Sleep well, my darling. We shall talk when you wake up."
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The moment Bo sees an opportunity…
It’s over.
You gotta knock him out or kill him to keep his hands off you.
Bo *pats your head* : "…You and I are gonna have LOTS of fun, darls."
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Brahms…Brahms would be cautious at first. He would understand that this isn’t the normal you and would be happy with just staying away at first.
But, tentation is hard and he would eventually give in and hug you and kiss you and tell you he loves you and give you affection and love you want.
Yeah. Poor boy is weak.
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Jason would tie you up to a tree.
He is a good boy.
He wouldn’t give in to the sin of the flesh and just wait until you are back to normal before hugging you and tell you that he is sorry.
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Norman *tries to calm you down* : "Y-Y/N. Let’s…Let’s talk about this. Please, sweetheart."
You *growl*
Norman *starts sweating and runs away*
Norman was raised to be the perfect gentleman. He would never take advantage of you because of some aphrodisiac. So, he would run and hide until you are back to normal.
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loose-angel · 2 years
Big Brother | Neteyam
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pairing: Brother!Neteyam x sister!reader, Brother!Lo'ak x sister!reader summary: A day in the life of older brother Neteyam Sully w/c: 613 notes: i recently hit 100 followers while i wrote this little drabble!! thank u all so much >.< i hope u enjoy this xD im on a streak w the sibling fics and drabbles its just so much fun to write!!
It was not uncommon that you and Lo’ak would get into arguments, almost always they are about petty things, who was the fastest, who’s better at hunting, who makes the better meal, etc. So it wasn’t rare that the Sully family would walk in on your childish arguments, though unfortunately, it was Neteyam who had the luck to run into the both of you.
“Lo’ak just admit you’re a pussy bitch and this can be over.” You rolled your eyes.
“No way in hell! I told you, we need a rematch and it’ll be fair,” Loak grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, turning away from you.
Neteyam sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood to play ‘most responsible person in the world’ right now, but duty calls.
The eldest Sully approaches the both of you, “Hey, hey, what’s all this fighting about?”
“This skxawng and I did a race of whoever got the first kill and I won but Lo’ak says it ‘cuz he heard a thanator and had to hide for the first few minutes.” You whined to your older brother, earning an appalled gasp from his brother. 
“Hey! You can’t go sucking up to him just ‘cause you’re his ‘little princess’!” Lo’ak mocked in a high pitch tone, his hands flying around wildly.
“Listen, listen, I’m not taking anyones’ side, both of you are skxawngs.” Neteyam exhaled, crossing his arms over his chest, “Now, no more fighting, or I’m telling mom and dad.” The eldest says, mostly directed towards his brother. 
“Ya, you skxawng, scurry off.” You scoffed, sticking your tongue out at your brother, playfully poking at his torso.
Lo’ak hissed at you, brows furrowing.
“Princess, you’re provoking him,” Neteyam shook his head. Yet you paid no mind, continuing with your teasing. 
You poked Lo’ak once more before he hissed and pounced at you. The two of you begin fighting, with Lo’ak pulling at your braids and you pulling on his ear. Grunts and whines bounce against the leaves of the hometree, the pair of you rolling around and knocking into the bark of the tree. 
“Ow! Bro she has my ears! She has my ears! Get her off!”
“Let go of my fucking hair!”
Neteyam sighs once again, he can never have just one peaceful day, can he? He struts over to the two of you. At this point you’re now straddling Lo’ak, pulling on his hair as he throws meek punches to your torso. 
Neteyam picks you up without a second thought, “No more fighting, please.” you squirm in your brother’s hold but ultimately cannot fight against it. The eldest Sully reaches out a hand and helps Lo’ak up.
At just the right timing, Kiri walks in. She pauses to observe the scene, before shrugging and going on about her business. 
“My ears really hurt,” Lo’ak muttered under his breath, a stupid pout forming on his lips. 
“Okay, go ask Kiri for help,” Neteyam nods his head in his sister’s direction. Lo’ak begrudgingly struts over to where Kiri is. 
You remain beside Neteyam, eyes wandering to the ground, which was suddenly so interesting. 
“Now you, I don’t know why you continue to cause trouble baby,” Neteyam points, looking down at you with disappointment. You shift from foot to foot. Luckily enough, his soft side for you remains, the slip of a pet name indicating he’s not entirely mad at you.
Yet you chuckle nervously, “I won’t anymore, promise.”
Neteyam rolls his eyes at your promise. As if you hadn’t said the same thing a few days ago. Though he takes a look at your disheveled state, and decides to let it pass.
“Come, I’ll fix your braids.”
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
Ok so I think I figured out why the panic attack scene is so great (or at least in my opinion)
It’s told from an outside perspective.
Panic attacks are horrible. You feel like the worlds crashing down and you can’t breathe and you get tunnel vision and you’re dying and it’s the end of the world. But to outsiders, I mean they look bad, but it’s mostly just shaking and gasping and stuff. Not nearly as catastrophic as they feel.
Now, I can’t remember a ton of times a character in a tv show/movie has had a panic attack (that wasn’t used as comedic purposes) but the ones I can remember, mostly focused on the person having it. The warped sounds, tunnel vision, etc. We were experiencing it through their eyes. And this approach has its appeals; it shows the severity panic attacks can have, makes the audience more sympathetic to the character, and lets the creative team have a bit of fun w how they draw it. And puss in boots does that very briefly when Perrito is asking him what’s wrong but for the most part, it’s not told from puss’s pov.
It shows what panic attacks actually look like instead of how they feel and shows how scary they can be even wo all the artistic liberties. It’s still a terrifying scene, listening to him hyperventilate on the floor surrounded by dead trees but it just tells the audience, “this is what panic attacks are like.” No flashing colors or fisheye lenses, just not being able to breathe on the floor. And in my own experience, that’s a lot more accurate too than all the artistic liberties other shows take.
And the outside perspective also allows a whole new set of feelings to be explored. As an audience, we already know why puss is freaking out so staying w puss would just reenforce smth the audience already knows. Instead, we get to see Perrito worry about his friend and start panicking himself when he’s not responding to him. We get to see him figure out how to help and be relieved when it works. And that makes the forehead touch/talk afterwards that much better. We know the extent Perritos love for his friends in a tangible way, not just him saying it, and it’s the first time puss accepts help from someone else.
Anyway, it’s just a fantastic scene and I wish I was in the room when they scripted it
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cw: Yandere Themes, Possessive Behavior, Gaslighting / Allusions to Gaslighting, Violence / Violent Imagery, Non-Con / Attempted Non-Con, Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, Uncomfortable Scenarios, General Dark Themes Not Suitable for Immature Audiences, Gender-Neutral Reader. Read at your own discretion! 18+ Only!
author's note: This is for the second half of anon's request! I had fun playing around with this one, too. I really enjoy writing for Overhaul! This was a prompt from "Yandere Prompts Flower Language" and can be found here . REQUESTS ARE OPEN — READ TAGS. I do not condone unhealthy behavior in any sense! This is strictly fiction! Do not force yourself to read if you're uncomfortable.
PROMPT: Lily (Purity): "I shouldn’t taint you like this. Not when you’re so pure.”
word count: Approximately 1.4k.
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You’re terrified.
The bed doesn’t offer an ounce of solace whenever you fall, whenever the back of your knees thump against its edge and it sends you catapulting throughout space and time. You feel heavy and light at the same time, lead in your mouth whenever you try to breathe, the smell of metal hearty and deafening. You bounce softly whenever the mattress catches you, but your body quakes so much that you feel like you keep going and going, and your hands are working a mile a minute to slam behind your frame to drag you back back back back back. Far away, you’re trying to leave this realm, leave the edge of the bed, trying to nestle into the bed frame, to find a way to meld into the wall and never return. But even if you could, there’s that voice whispering in the shell of your ear, reminding you that it’s futile, useless, and you’re clueless, and that it wouldn’t matter anyway because—
Kai steps closer. He stalks like a predator, staring down your frame, visage cloudy and unreadable. You’re never able to see what he’s thinking, the windows to his soul closed with midnight curtains, but there’s something flashing above his face like a halo that produces chills down your arms. He’s going to hurt you, there’s no way he isn’t, but you don’t know how, don’t want to know how. And whenever his knees start to sink on the bed so that he can begin to ascend the trek to your shuddering frame, everything around you begins to home in. Breathing becomes difficult, maybe it was never even a thing, and you’re finding that the world truly is a drain, water in a bowl hurling and vomiting, loose stones in a stomach. You get your fill, and your head hits the wall with a broad thud.
Being here is the worst thing you’ll ever experience, watching Kai draw closer and closer and closer is anything but the cherry on top. More is to come, and that’s what feels like spikes, chains whipping in the wind, the braying of a captured horse, everything knives down your flesh, flaying you alive. Your eyes are frantic whenever you glance around, whenever you try to think about yourself as not yourself, you try to figure out what would help you ground the fluttering nerves, what could let you slink away into the underbrush so that you don’t have to think about whenever Kai pauses in front of your frame and stretches a hand out. Pads of fingers are gossamer spider webs stringing through the trees, breaking in odd splinters and tickling your thigh.
“Why did you back away from me?”
He knows why. He’s tormenting you. He’s trying to find ways to gaslight your silly brain into thinking you’re the one that hurt him, that you’re the one doing something wrong, that you’re the one being a bad little child. A part of you begs to tell the truth, to watch that poised and clear expression melt off of his face into something disgusting and monstrous so that you can sneer and hate him more. You want to fight him, want to tear your head into two slices so that your teeth can shoot out of your mouth, elongate into blades so you can bite down into his temples and never let go. Thick saliva starts to puddle in your mouth whenever you think about how his warm blood would taste undulating across your tongue. Your nails clench into the bedsheets.
You’re too much of a fucking pussy to fight back though.
“I… don’t know.”
Kai’s pretty eyes narrow.
“Can’t trust you to do anything on your own then. Especially whenever you don’t even think about why you’re doing it.”
The hand on your thigh suddenly becomes an iron, instantly hot and searing your flesh, leaving a tattoo of his claim behind whenever it inches up to the juxtaposition of hip and thigh. Those teeth in your mouth grow, harder, and you feel it coming on, feel that you could really kill him if you wanted to. You could sink your fingers deep into his eyes before you pull them out like skewers, before you stick those squishy things into your mouth to taste their creamy middles. You could cough on him, could watch all of those hives appearing on his hand, his arm, his shoulder, his neck, his face grow in frequency, could throw darts onto them to pop him like a carnival balloon.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
Frustration settles deep within your belly, along with the weighty sensation of acceptance. Kai seems pleased with your answer, maybe, because his fingers tap tap tap your hip before he’s on you. He’s a blur, you’re a falling leaf, and his hands are pressing down onto your collar bones so that he can shove you flat onto your back. The bed is hard now, no cushioning, and Kai’s hot, and you’re thawing, and his mouth hurts whenever he ensnares you. He’s never known how to kiss. It’s awkward, clunky. He sucks in both lips, strangely melds his mouth around them, and then he tries to find ways to flick at the flakes of pores and teeth with that juvenile tongue. He drools all over you, gross and sticky, and you can’t understand how he handles that filthy mess. He never turns his head the right way either, always too straight or too tilted, and his jaw doesn’t work correctly. It’s too mechanical, not a flow, and you just feel like you’re fulfilling an obligation whenever he kisses you.
Kai’s moaning into you, and then he rolls his hips in between the crux of your legs. He’s stony, and your eyes instantly wrench to the right, closed so tightly that it feels like you’ve pulled every single muscle in your fragile body. He’s writhing on top of you like a virgin, and there’s a part of you that feels victorious among the wreckage whenever you stew over how bad at sex he probably is, how clumsy and stupid he is, but it doesn’t make the tears spearing your eyes any less salty. They’re on fire, white flames that lick the dents in the fruits of your face, and so many of them escape, dropping onto the sheets, rivulets of watery paint, and the choked sob you breathe into Kai breaks his fantasies.
His eyes flit open with yours, only whiskers from yours, and he looks ugly and foul from this angle. It takes a beat for Kai to lean his body away from you so that he can scrutinize you. He stares and stares, and he keeps staring, and then he seems to tremble so sweetly and he almost makes a childish giggle. His shoulders pinch in together whenever he huskily whispers,
“I shouldn’t taint you like this. Not when you’re so pure.”
Nothing. Those are nothing words. But Kai stops, he keeps walking himself backwards, those honeycombs in his eyes are magnifying glasses into an insanity that makes you sick.
“Having sex with you whenever you’re crying wouldn’t do me any good. It wouldn’t make you stay perfect for me.”
Something is beginning to click like rockets in your head.
“If you’re crying and fighting me all of the time, I’m just going to get angry. And then I might accidentally hurt you.”
There are demons hissing into your ears, nasty nasty nasty thoughts that start to make your toes curl. It’s settling in your bones, your organs, and your eyes are widening with more and more and more fresh tears. They’re like thunderstorms down your face, and you’re soggy and gleaming with happiness. He’s so fucking ridiculous and dumb. You’re going to destroy him and manipulate the fuck out of him. You hate him so fucking much. He’s gullible in the strangest of ways and you’ve hooked your line in, and you’re going to exploit his ocean until there’s nothing left.
So you cry harder.
Kai releases more of those airy bubbles, not even chuckles, and his eyes wrinkle at the ends like stuffing paper.
“I’ll wait until you’re ready. I’ll wait until I can’t take it, so don’t make me impatient. I want what we have to be special.”
The tears trickle into your tight mouth, juicy nectar, that stretching grin in your mind tingles, and nothing has ever tasted so sweet.
“Me too.”
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sagekiosk · 29 days
this is for anon who requested WINX Reader <33
Vil, Rook — Romantic — Yandere — TWST
Will be doing this HC style! You didn’t specify if you wanted Yandere TWST or not, — So I’ll be doing Yandere. If this wasn’t what you wanted then I’m so sorry! just tell me and I’ll redo it! This was fun to figure out and I’ll probably do another one with Octavianelle w Sirenix Reader
TW: a random blonde bobcut French hunter scaryy (cough cough rook), probably OOC, Poison,
Vil (Musa Reader)
; At first he thought you were talentless, you pretty sure but it looked like you couldn’t do anything else. This was way before he even knew you were a fairy by the way..
; Nothing happened much until one day he caught you singing when you thought you were alone.
; Your voice was amazing! You sounded amazing.
; You had potential, and he was going to bring the best out of you. ; Pushed you into training with Epel, but had more time with you.. for vocal lessons.. well it’s not like you needed them.
; During his Overblot he witnessed you transform, he was hypnotized and thought that he was probably hallucinating or something.. When he was defeated and realized that you were actually a fairy- like he wasn’t hallucinating, he wanted to lock you up in a cage where only he could see you.
; He finds you truly amazing, in fact— he wants to look at you everyday.
; You just seem so perfect, you reached your potential.
; Oh but to say he was pissed when he found out you had a boyfriend..
; But his mood goes up just a tad bit when he finds out about you and your boyfriend struggles.
; He feels bad, honestly, how could you let someone so horrible treat you like trash?
; Oh well, he can swoop in and be the hero he always wanted to be. ; He comforts you and takes care of you lots. He also found out that your mother died.. and how you lived in the past.. so he feels even more bad and has this feeling to help you.
; He wanted to lock you away, but he knew your voice would be a problem..
; He invites you for tea one day, and suddenly you couldn’t speak. It was like something was preventing you from speaking. Vil tries to comfort you and says he’s gonna find a cure
; He isn’t, he’s just going to keep you safe in his dorm. Where nobody but him can enter. So that way you would never know the feeling of hurt ever again.
; He likes dressing you in pretty clothing that matches his outfits.
Rook (Musa Reader)
; Oh how magnifique! He’s allured right away from the moment you met.
; Sooner or later he finds out you have an amazing voice, he finds out by stalkin- I mean, admiring you from afar!
; Oh once again you find multiple ways to surprise him! He finds your voice spectacular, so much that he doesn’t want to share you with Vil. He does feel a bit bad for that—
; Continues to admire you from the bushes, or behind trees- or by your window- it depends!
; Has an album dedicated to you. Pictures of you asleep, in the shower, In class, everywhere. Has a spot of drawings and pictures of you in his room.
; Of course he finds out about your boyfriend, would be lying if I didn’t say he felt a bit jealous.
; But oh! He can’t interfere with true love..!
; Actually he can now, your boyfriend River is an asshole. Don’t worry if he goes missing for a couple of days, he just went.. hunting.
; He comforts you when you got the news that your boyfriend broke up with you, it’s fine. It’s gonna be alright!
; Now he keeps you in a cabin in the woods far away from society.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
third request done, will post the rest tomorrow! Thanks for reading all the way. Sorry if rooks part was shorter than Vil’s
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A/N ::: This is my first time writing a threesome. And I thought who better to do it with than KiriBaku and F!Reader. I hope it doesn't suck. Let me know! Thanks for checking this out, you guys.
C/W ::: Threesome (KiriBaku + F!Reader), F!Reader slightly spies on the two of them, nearly invisible coercion, Oral {M->F and a little later {F->M}, unprotected sex P->V, pulling out & cumming on F! back, F!'s first time with 2 men at the same time. I can't imagine a bad time would be had by anyone who's with these 2, aged up characters, Kiri is 25 and Kats is around there (I don't know how close they are in age canonically, so deal? Or tell me =). If I missed anything, grammatically or warning wise, let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks, hope you all enjoy this!
WC ::: 4,101
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You stood there like a hypnotized idiot, staring at the 2 men as they talked over the picnic table at their campsite.
They noticed your attention. They noticed the first time, the third time. The twelfth time. And whatever number this time was.
You wondered if they were there together together. The way that they fed each other little bites of fruit at breakfast had you thinking. Had you hoping if you were being honest. Not that it'd make a difference. You were over here and they were over there.
The guys waved at you, smiling, laughing at your blank stare.
What they (probably) didn't know is that you were imagining what it would be like to be bent over the table they were eating at. Fucked by either one of them and sucking on the cock of the one who wasn't fucking you. You thought you were being discreet. Isn't that always what you think when you're lost in a daydream?
One of them had gotten up from the table and took a less direct route to where you were standing next to the tree. You were so focused on the blonde that you didn't notice the redhead coming up behind you.
The dazed look on your face was so cute, your finger stuck between your teeth and your thighs clenched together, adjusting your stance to create some friction from your jeans on your puffy clit. It was becoming unbearable. You turned to head back to your site and climb inside of your sleeping bag to ease the nagging of your cunt.
"Hi?" You nearly jumped out of your skin at the word. "OH ... oh my god. Hi. Sorry. There's just a little family of gray squirrels um, the other side of your camp. And I've been w-watchin' 'em." You tried. Your face was scrunched up as you forced yourself to lie to the redhead.
The man laughed. "Squirrels, huh. Yeah, gray squirrels are cute ... or whatever. Um, my friend and I thought maybe you were staring at us and we were going to invite you over to sit with us. If you wanted? Are you ... are you here by yourself? My name is Eijiro ... Kirishima. You can call me Kiri, though.
You smile and nod. "Yeah? I mean, yeah. I'd like that. I am here alone. 'S not much fun out here without some company." Kirishima turns to walk and leads the way to his camp where the blonde is sitting.
He doesn't look as friendly as Kirishima. But you've been known to have bad judgment before. So you give him a chance and you approach him with a sweet little smile and extend your hand. He doesn't do anything but take it and pull you down onto the bench of the picnic table between his spread legs.
"Pretty little mouth you got there." The blonde says. "Good call, Kiri." Kiri smiles and puffs his chest out playfully. "She does have a sweet lookin' little mouth, huh, Kats?" He asked.
Kirishima sits in front of you and reaches out to brush your hair away from your neck. He leans in and whispers in your ear, "So, what are you into?" You're taken aback by the question and unsure of how to answer it. "What ... what do you mean?" You stammer. "Camping? Mmm, I come out here sometimes when I have to get some clarity." You look at the blonde. "I didn't catch your name?"
Bakugo smirks. "Katsuki. Bakugo. And he wasn't asking whether or not you like camping ner--" He was interrupted by Kiri.
"Kats! Play nice with our new friend. Kirishima put his face back down against your skin and took a soft breath in. "Hohhh shit, man, she smells real pretty, too."
Katsuki brushes the hair aside from behind you and lines his nose up with the soft, warm spot on your neck just below your ear. "You're right. Pretty. Like ... like fucking vanilla and cinnamon. And like before sex." You swallow hard and Kirishima moves his head back to look at you. "See? He thinks so, too." The two men look back at each other and nod at some unspoken exchange that took place between them just seconds ago.
"You know," Katsuki said, "we were really hoping to run into someone out here this weekend. His hands were hot as they sat on your shoulders, occasionally giving you a little squeeze. Trying to reiterate their intentions.
"F-find some-someone? For what?" You asked. The sky was getting dark and the wind was picking up. "Why were you guys looking for someone?"
They both huffed a little breath through their noses and Kirishima said, "Fffor ..." he kissed the left side of your neck. Katsuki finished his sentence, "thisss." His lips found their way to the right side of your neck. They felt a little dry against your skin. But the heat coming off of them was undeniable. You try to close the space between one side of your neck but all that does is open up further for the other side to be touched.
"Smells s'good, fuck." Katsuki mutters to himself.
You let out a squeak as the situation settled into your brain. "O- oh. Oh! For that. I ... *aheh* I ... Ok."
No sooner had you finished figuring that out than a rumble of thunder spread through the atmosphere. It startled you so badly that you jumped back against Katsuki's chest and pulled Eijiro closer to you, his chest to yours. "Jesus fuck!" You yelled. "I h- thunder scares me sometimes. If I'm outside, anyway.
"Thunder scares you?" Kirishima asked.
You nodded, "Mhm, ever since I was a kid. I know it can't hurt me. But just the idea that the only tangible thing about is sound, I dunno. It fucks with my head."
Kirishima stood and pulled your hand, his eyes asking you to join him. You watched him as he tilted his head to their tent, urging Katsuki to guide you up and over there with him and you. Katsuki stood and took your other hand and they smiled at you as they gently brought you closer to where they had set everything up.
You weren't exactly resisting their guidance. But your feet were heavy as you plodded over with them. They were walking plenty fast enough to get all of you over there.
"This is us." Kirishima said. Katsuki began to unzip the door and he held it open for the two of you to walk in.
The tent was more like a tiny cabin; there was a little space just inside where shoes could be taken off and left there so no dirt would be tracked around in the sleeping area.
Once the three of you were in, the 2 guys took their shirts off and tossed them aside onto the bed. Kirishima motioned for you to come over to him and you walked there like you had no choice in the matter. Like he willed you there. And so it was.
He raised his arms out and put his hands on your shoulders. Tilting his chin down, he looked up at you through heavy lashes. "You ever been with 2 guys before, pretty girl?" Closing the space between you, he rubbed his nose against yours and flashed you a perfect smile. It brought up a heat in your stomach. You didn't know if you were nervous or excited. Nauseous or getting aroused.
"Don't be stupid, loser! She wouldn't be here if she didn't know what was going on!" Katsuki yelled.
"Excuse my friend ... he's always in a bad mood." Kirishima said as he glared over your shoulder at him. You nod and roll the edge of your hoodie between your finger and thumb.
Katsuki took the opportunity to pull you back against his bare chest and wrap his arms around you. "You're so cute. So much smaller than me." He laughed. "So soft." He whispered into your ear as he ran his hands over your waist, stomach and thighs. "Don't be afraid of us. We promise we're not gonna hurt'cha. Maybe stretch you out some ---"
"Bakugo! Don't scare her!" Kirishima tried to get his brazen friend back in line once again, but he had a smile on his face all the same.
You took the time while they had another quiet exchange to really look around. There was some kind of thick mattress under the 2 sleeping bags that had been zipped together to make one large one. You briefly counted 6 pillows. "You guys like pillows." You laughed for the first time since being brought here.
"Mhm, pillows = comfort. Speaking of comfort, you pretty little thing, why don't we get you more comfortable. May ... may I take your sweatshirt?" Kirishima asked as he rolled his thick fingers just under the hem of the piece of clothing you'd grown accustomed to fidgeting with. You put your arms up over your head so he could pull it off.
Kirishima stepped back for a moment and admired your body in your tank top and jeans. He had a smile on his face as he watched your breasts rise with each shallow breath you took. He pulled his eyes away and turned to Katsuki. "I think that's a good start." Bakugo said.
"I think so." Kirishima looked back at you with a little wink. "What d'you think, pretty? You good with us taking your hoodie off? You look real good ... real good to us. Isn't that right, Kats?" Kirishima asked him.
Katsuki nodded and walked up to you. He put his hands on your shoulders and tilted his head down to look you in the eyes. "We want you to feel good. To feel comfortable. You think you can do that for us? We just wanna have some fun." He shot a half smile at you and put his hand out for Kirishima to come over to him.
He walked to Katsuki and took his outstretched hand and stood close to him. Kirishima looked down at him and put his left hand on the back of his head, pulling him in for a slow, exaggerated kiss. You could see their tongues wrapping around each other.
"Mhmph ..." You exhaled a whine that was full of breath you didn't realize you'd been holding back. You hadn't noticed until you saw their tongues swirling around each other, but you were incredibly turned on. Your clit was throbbing and the wetness that had been slowly forming in your panties was becoming uncomfortable.
The two men pulled back from their kiss and smiled at you, their heads still touching. "We can make you feel so good." Katsuki whispered to you. "Do you want to? Do you want to have some fun and learn some new things?"
Kirishima got down on his knees and put his hands on the buttons of your jeans. "Is this ok, just gonna take your jeans off, yeah?" Kirishima asked you. You nodded. It was all you could do. You didn't want to talk and ruin the moment. You wanted to be quiet and watch as they slowly peeled off your clothing like you were a present they'd been waiting for.
Katsuki pulled the elastic waist of your tank top out and over your breasts, letting it fall back against you. He reached behind your back and unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the floor. Kirishima pulled down your jeans and panties and said, "Looks like she wants to." He kissed your thighs, letting his lips trail over your goosebump ridden skin.
"Are you cold, pretty? Let's go climb into the sleeping bag." Katsuki said.
It wasn't that you were cold, necessarily. But you had never felt so exposed in front of someone. Let alone 2 people. And yet, you had never felt so at ease. It was a strange combination.
Katsuki took your hand and led you to the sleeping bags. He lifted the flap and stepped back, nodding for you to go inside. You crawled in and situated yourself on the plush mattress, watching as the removed their pants, staying in just their boxers. The guys climbed in on either side of you.
You laid on your back, hands at your sides. You didn't know what to do with them having only been with 1 person at a time before this. They got settled on their sides, heads in their hands, watching you. Waiting for you.
Kirishima leaned over your tits and pulled Katsuki in for another kiss. Their eyes were locked on each other as they did so.
It was erotic. You had never seen two people kiss like this before. Katsuki had his hand on Kirishima's shoulder, his fingers squeezing the muscle there with each brush of their lips.
"Kiri, you wanna taste her?" Bakugo asked.
Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, yeah I do." He lowered himself down onto his stomach and scooted closer over to you. His face was between your legs, his eyes looking up at you as he brought his hand up and pushed your thighs apart. "Mmm, fuck, so wet for us already?" He asked. He dipped his finger into your folds and ran it up to your clit. "So wet, Kats. You wanna see?" Kirishima asked.
He pulled his finger out of you and held it out for Katsuki to suck on. "Yeah, so sweet. So fucking sweet, Kiri." You couldn't help but arch your back and push yourself down closer to Kirishima's fingers. They were just out of reach, though. "Kats, she's following my fingers. Watch ..." Kirishima said. He dipped a finger just inside your cunt and swirled it around the entrance.
The way you reacted to him caught Bakugo's attention almost immediately. You could hear how wet you'd gotten and the moan you let leave your lips was nothing short of filthy. And the sound your pussy made against his hand made you even wetter.
Katsuki crawled over you and propped himself up on his elbows above you, his face directly above yours. "Look at me." He said. "I want to see what you look like when you come. Kiri's gonna make sure you cum. But your eyes will stay on me. Got it, princess?" Katsuki asked you.
You nodded and whispered, "Yes." It occurred to you that you haven't really spoken since you got into the tent. Did you even tell them your name? You honestly couldn't remember and you honestly didn't care. You were responding to their little pet names for you marvelously.
Kirishima lowered himself back down and put his tongue flat against your clit, letting it move up and down. He flicked it against the sensitive bundle of nerves and then swirled it around it.
Bakugo lowered himself down and brought his lips to yours. He dipped his tongue inside of your mouth, finding yours, as Kirishima brought you closer to the edge of an orgasm. Katsuki brought his hand down and swiped a finger across your nipple, flicking it, sending shockwaves of pleasure to your cunt.
"Mmmph, mmmhmmmph" You moaned into Bakugo's mouth.
"Shhh, shh, pretty. I wanna hear you. Let me hear you come." Bakugo whispered as he pulled back from your mouth.
Kirishima wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked, flicking his tongue back and forth rapidly. Bakugo watched as you writhed around, grinding yourself against Kirishima's face. Covering him with your slick as Katsuki put your hands on the back of Kiri's head so you could push him further into your dribbling cunt.
He was doing so perfectly on his own that all you could bring your hands to do was grab ahold of his hair and tug on it a little. He needed no guidance whatsoever.
Your body tensed up. Katsuki knew what was happening. He pulled your chin towards him and looked deep into your eyes. "Keep 'em open, baby. I wanna watch you."
Kirishima sucked harder and flicked his tongue faster. He inserted two of his fingers and began to pump them in and out of you. Dragging them over and over your walls. The sensations filling your body and the noises filling the air, all were bringing you over the edge.
You looked at Katsuki as best you could. Your eyes screwed shut at the height of your orgasm. "That's right, princess. Good girl. Just like that." He smiled. "Awesome, Kiri." Katsuki said. He ran his hand through Kirishima's hair, roughing it up a bit.
You laid there against Katsuki, panting. Kirishima had scooted up next to you, his face still wet with your juices. He kissed your neck and whispered in your ear, "So fucking sweet. Thank you for letting us play with you. You're so pretty. We just had to, baby."
Katsuki sat up and adjusted himself to sit up against the pillows. He pulled you up onto his chest and Kirishima scooted up behind you. His chest against your back. You could feel his cock hard against your ass. It was so hard, so big.
Katsuki tilted his head down and kissed you, running his tongue across your lips. You opened your mouth and his tongue was pushing its way into your mouth.
"Look at me, pretty." Katsuki said as he pulled back. You looked up at him. "You still want us?" He asked. You nodded. "You want us to fuck you, pretty baby? Let you feel us 'n let us feel you?" Katsuki asked. You nodded again. "Say it. Say you want us to fuck you."
"I want you to fuck me." You whispered. "Please." You added, meekly.
"Say no more." Katsuki pulled his boxers off and revealed his cock. It was big. Thick. You couldn't help but reach out and wrap your hand around it, stroking it.
You leaned down and brought your lips to it, kissing the head before opening your mouth and taking it in. "Mmmmph!" You moaned as Katsuki put his hand on the back of your head and pushed himself further into your throat. "Already breathin' through her nose. What a good girl you - ah fuck - are."
You pulled back and stroked him, twisting your hand as you did. "She's got a nice little mouth, Kats. Don't you think?" Kirishima asked. "She looks so pretty with your cock in her mouth." He added.
"Hey," Kirishima scooted down and pulled off his boxers, revealing his hard, throbbing cock. You could see the precum leaking out of the tip. "Can I fuck you now, pretty girl?" Kirishima asked, looking down at you, smiling and stroking himself at a lazy pace. "You look so good down there with Kats' cock in your mouth. I want to make you feel good, too."
You looked over your shoulder at Kirishima, nodding. You spread your legs and Kirishima positioned himself behind you. He squeezed your ass and he pushed himself into your dripping cunt. You could feel him stretching you out, filling you up. Your pussy looked so pretty with Kirishima moving in and out of you. The slick glistening on him in the shadowy light of the afternoon.
He pushed himself all the way in, bottoming out inside of you, his hips pressed against your ass. "Fffuuuuck ... oh, oh shit." Kirishima began to laugh and you looked up at Katsuki to see if this was typical behavior of his when he's fucking someone. He tilted his head to the left and watched himself disappear in your body. "I - hooo shit - did we … did we even get your name?"
"Mmmm, yeah, pretty girl. You never told us your name." Katsuki said, reaching out and running his thumb across your lips. You opened your mouth and sucked on it, swirling your tongue around it. "Tell us your name, baby." He said.
You let Katsuki's thumb out of your mouth and said, "Y/n. It's y/n."
"Well, hello, y/n. It's nice to ... have met you? Meet you? It's nice to have you here with us today." Katsuki said, fumbling for the right words as you ran your hand up and down his cock.
"Mhm, mhm, s'nice to meet you both, t- ... fuck, too. Heh, sorry. Just feels so damn good what Kiri's doing back there."
Kiri smiled at Kats and gave him a smug look. "You hear that, Kats? I feel so damn good back here." Kats flipped him off and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, shitty hair. I could make her brain come pourin' out of her ears. So shut the hell up." He said laughing.
The three of you continued to fuck like that, the tent filling up with the sound of your moans and the smell of sex. You could feel yourself getting close to coming again. Katsuki knew, he could see it all over your face; the way your eyes stayed shut for longer and longer amounts of time. How your mouth would hang open. Down to the turn of your head when Kiri hit those magical little spots inside of you.
"You close, pretty?" Katsuki asked. You nodded. "Me, too, pretty girl. Me, too."
You came. Hard. Your walls tightened around Kirishima's cock, forcing him to pull out of you and cum on your back, your ass. "Hohhh fuckshitfuck! Almost didn't make it there!" He laughed as he patted your ass cheeks and watched them bounce back against his palms.
You worked Kats’ dick through your second orgasm, bringing him to his first. Your mouth, ever diligent around his wide cock, sucking and slurping on it, minding your hand placement. Katsuki's cock began to throb harder and twitch against your lips and fingers. "You ready, pretty girl? You ready for me to cum in your mouth? Huh, princess?" You nodded and opened your mouth, holding your tongue out for him to cum on.
"Awwwh, fuck ... yeah. Good girl. Good girl. There you go. Oh shit ... oh shit." Katsuki watched you, your mouth, your eyes, his cum dripping down your chin. "Oh my god. Fuck, that was good. That was good." He smiled and pulled you up to his chest.
The 3 of you laid there, breathing hard and enjoying the afterglow of a good fuck.
"We're gonna have to do this again." Katsuki said.
"For sure. You were amazing, pretty. So good." Kirishima said as he ran his hand up and down your curvy sides and back. "So soft."
"So fucking sweet." Bakugo added. "Thank you for playing with us." He kissed the top of your head.
You didn't know what to say. It was all so overwhelming. You didn't want to go, either. But it felt awkward to impose yourself on their time together out here. So you said your goodbyes, dressed yourself, and headed back to your campsite, where you climbed into your tent and slept until the sun cycled through once again.
You didn't see Katsuki or Kirishima the next day. But you heard them from their tent. Moaning and talking loudly. It made you smile. It made you miss them. You hoped that they were enjoying one another. Maybe you'd find them again before you all left.
And now, you had a newfound love for camping. And you had a newfound love for being used by two hot guys who wanted nothing but to make you feel good and feel good with you. So maybe you'd come back with a plan. A plan to find them and bring them back to your little campsite, where you could lay under the stars and learn a little more about each other. Learn a little more about how you can make each other feel.
That sounded nice. And you could only hope that they would think so, too. After all, there were a lot of days left in the season and you didn't have anything better to do.
The sun woke you up the next morning. The leftover raindrops on the top of your tent looked so pretty, casting almost prism like lights across the small space. You rolled your sleeping bag down and crawled over to unzip the door. Stepping out, you stretched. For the first time in a long time you felt like you were actually breathing.
You looked over at where the guys' site was, but it was empty. "Damn." Turning back to your little spot, you noticed a plastic bag with a piece of paper in it, stashed between two small rocks.
"Hey pretty,
Thanks for playing with us.
Give either one of us a call if you want to reconnect. 
Kats wants to fuck you this time so he’s really hoping you’ll call. 
Later, princess 
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Taglist ::: @callm3senpaii @millennialmagicalgirl @darkstarlight82
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182 notes · View notes
areislol · 2 years
I stumble upon your writing and I actually really love it. Is it okay if I request on Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Ao'nung with a human reader with their first time hearing human music? And they actually end up liking it and the human reader teaching them with fun human dance? Again your writing is amazing! 😊💙
neteyam, lo’ak, ao'nung x human! reader
ft— neteyam, lo’ak, ao'nung warnings— nothing that i can think of... please tell me if i do need to add anything! gn! reader, the boys & reader are friends but they both like each other, fluff!! a/n— MY FIRST EVER AVATAR REQUEST!! and im so glad you love my writing ^^ im not really a fan of ao'nung since he's sort of mean but! im sure he'll change, didn’t know if it was platonic or not so i just went w/ friends but crushing. hope you enjoy this love! synopsis— letting him listen to some of your favourite music, you don't expect him to like it, but he does.
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you had always kept your phone and earphones with you, it was like your comfort(ish), listening to music was comforting.
even after landing on Pandora and meeting the omaticaya clan and the  metkayina clan, you always kept your phone in your pocket.
he was always so interested and intrigued by your phone, pressing the screen and clicking on the apps, not knowing what it did.
one day, you were on your phone, taking pictures of the reef when you felt someone behind you, it was like someone tall looming over you, trying to look at what you’re doing.
and you were correct, he was looming over you, trying to see what you were doing
“im taking a picture, remember what that means?” you say, putting your phone down, he nods.
you two sit down on the sand, using the trees leaves as shade, you pull out your phone and press on an icon that looked like “ ♫ “, you put your hands in your pocket and grab out something that looked tangled.
it was quite long and black, it had two stubs at the top. upon grabbing them, he looked at you, eyes filled with curiosity.
you plug the earphones into the designated spot for the earphones, you put one of the stubs into your ear, he watched your every move.
he sat beside you, looking at the long black strings connected to your phone when you lent him one of the other half of the black stub.
he quirked his eyebrow, eyeing the mysterious string looking thing, you offered to him again, this time putting your arm out a bit more further
he reluctantly takes it and observes it, he sees you pointing to his ear indicating that he’s meant to put it in his ear
he puts the bud in his ear and doesn’t hear anything, he gives you a look, “what’s meant to happen?” he asks, you put your phone in the middle and press a button, that’s when something starts to play... the volume low, you didn’t want his ears hurt or anything since it would be his first time listening to music.
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neteyam x human! reader
He doesn’t know what to make of this, it’s his very first time listening to music, neteyam doesn’t understand, how could he hear another person’s voice through this little bud? many things and questions are going on in his mind, but most importantly, he can hear the melody in his ear. It’s nothing like what you’d hear at a ceremony, with percussions/natural instruments. It’s directly in his ear. You see his eyes squinting from confusion, his ears twitching. The volume is low but hearable, neteyam is still, not moving a muscle, while you on the other hand was bobbing your head and occasionally humming to the tune. Neteyam stares at you, wondering why you’re moving like that. Your eyes are closed, taking in the music, enjoying the music. Neteyam can’t help but feel all these unexplainable emotions and feelings, he doesn’t know what to say or think, but what he does know is that he enjoys it. The rhythm and beat is enjoyable, the person who was singing sounded nice, but not as good as the other singers from the omaticaya clan. The way you express how much you love and enjoy the song makes the song much more enjoyable, it even starts to make him feel good, smiling even. You catch him humming to the tune very few times, he had memorized the tune after hearing it repeat. The volume is always kept low, if it goes any higher, it might irritate neteyam or hurt his eardrums, that’s what you think anyways. About halfway through the song you press your finger on your phone, pausing the song. When hearing the song stop, neteyam looks at you confused, “why did you stop it?” neteyam questions, you turn your head to face him, you take out your earbud and when you do, he follows your action. “Well i didn’t know if you liked it or not so...” you reply while shrugging your shoulders, now focusing on the reef. There was a pregnant pause before he spoke again, “I do like it, it has a nice.. feeling.” he mumbles, his tail slapping the sand, once again, it was silent, it was killing you, the neteyam pressing a button on your phone, playing the song. You looked back at neteyam who was now staring at you, he had the earbud in his ear, the other one in his hand, neteyam held out your earbud and you took it without any hesitation. Your put the earbud in and you could hear the music, but instead of paying attention to the song, you paid attention to neteyam who was bobbing his head lightly, it looked like he was trying to mimic your movement. He was adorable. “Enjoying it?” you ask while chuckling, neteyam stops bobbing his head and gives you a nod. “Yes, i like it.” You’re not shocked or surprised, neteyam had always been intrigued by the “sky people’s” culture when he first met you, just as you were with their culture. So it didn’t shock you very much when he said that he enjoyed and liked the song. You pick up your phone, being careful not to stretch out the earbuds, you then swipe to play another song, neteyam remembered what you did so just incase he wanted to listen to music and then switch songs.. While listening to the songs neteyam asked you a question, it was if the sky people danced. If they danced to their favourite song or songs in general. You heard his question and quickly paused the song, you took out your earbud and set it down, neteyam sets his one down as well. “Yes we do teyam. We dance to our favourite songs, we dance at balls, graduations, whenever we feel like it.” you state. Neteyam nods to tell you that he understands you, “what are balls? and graduation?” neteyam asks, pronouncing the word ‘graduation’ with an accent, he had never of that word before so his accent was pretty clear. “Balls is basically dancing elegantly with a partner in a big room, with very fancy music. Not like the one we were listening to,” you look at neteyam to make sure that he’s understanding you, he gives you a nod which meant to ‘carry on’. “Graduations is when someone from grade 5-12 finishes their grade and most times they party you know? to celebrate the end of year and grade. For the year 12′s it is a very special and important time, they go out to find jobs, to find a place to live and to live adulthood.” you finish answering, neteyam seemed a bit.. confused. He was being fed a lot of information that he didn’t really understand, which made him feel a little bit too much and you can’t blame him. Neteyam sat still, looking at you. You’re staring at him when you have an idea, you didn’t know if it’d suck or not but it’s worth a shot. You stood up, grabbing your phone with your earphones attached, neteyam continues to stare at you, wondering why you got up out of nowhere, that was until you spoke. “Would you like me to teach you how to dance? the human way that is..” You’re standing there awkwardly, waiting for a response when you see neteyam get up, his much taller figure looms over you. Neteyam looked shy, his ears pointed downwards, his tail swaying side to side, avoiding eye contact with you only for a few seconds before he held your hands, “teach me.” This interaction made your heart pound rapidly, you hesitantly pulled your hand away, taking a few deep breaths you beamed at him, “of course!” and from that you unplugged your earphone from your phone, you put the earphones in your pocket and scrolled on your phone before stopping to press on a song, a slow and classical song plays, neteyam was confused. It sounded so, soft, “elegant” and slow. You went back to neteyam and held his arm, “don’t worry ‘kay? If you’re uncomfortable or want to stop just tell me.” You spend the next few 30 minutes and possibly even an hour teaching him how to sway side to side, twirl you around, and trying to waltz but it was hard to do so when he’s literally 3 feet taller than you, AND when he’s trying so hard to not step on your foot, it’d be one, embarrassing and two, it’d hurt your foot and would probably hurt for days. When you and neteyam got bored of dancing to the classical song, you switched up the music. This time it was the same song that neteyam first heard, it would be much easier to teach since neteyam already enjoys the song. After picking the song you go back where neteyam stood just started to... dance. There isn’t a specific way to dance when you’re enjoying something, like a NPC, you just dance however you feel like. You moved one of your shoulders up and the other down(if it was in the birds eye view) and did the opposite and then repeat, your head bobbing slightly. Neteyam followed what you did closely and started to mimic your dance moves, he was stiff and tense at first but seeing how you really seemed enjoyed everything he loosened up a bit and let his joy take over. You spun around and danced, and whenever there was a drum part you’d stop dancing and drum to the beat, neteyam was confused at first but upon hearing the drum, he pieced one and two together and understood, you did it enough times that even neteyam started to do it, the people walking past you and neteyam would give you weird looks because what are you two doing? but neither you or neteyam cared, you two were just enjoying your time together(or he’d shoot them looks which would make them instantly look the other way and scurry away while you’re still dancing, eyes closed, and when you open your eyes you see neteyam enjoying himself, not staring daggers at people). The entire time neteyam’s watching you, observing you, admiring you. The way your eyes light up and widen when your favourite part of the song comes on, the way you sing along, you looked so happy. Your expressions and dancing was enough to make him smile and tag along, neteyam watched you the entire time, he could never get enough of you. At the end of your ‘lesson’ you were tired but neteyam, on the other hand was not at all. It was like a warm up to him. “When can you teach me next time?” neteyam asks, still standing up, staring at you who’s sitting on the sand absolutely drained. Taking a few deep breaths you look right back at him, “eager to learn, hm?” you say, a smile adorning your face. He nods and sits down beside you, you two don’t talk for some times, both thinking. You may even teach him the cha cha or other famous dances (not any tiktok dances) that you think he might enjoy. “Maybe tomorrow?” you reply, neteyam nods his head. Whatever you teach him, he’ll always remember and one day you two might dance together, as friends, best friends or mates.
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lo’ak x human! reader
Lo’ak’s ear twitches, it felt.. weird to say the least. The music, the sounds, they were coming from this small bud and entered in his ear. He has never experienced this before, he’s nervous. Once he sees you dancing to the music, he eases a little. If you’re enjoying this then he should too, his eyes paying much attention to you. The entire time, you were never out of his sight. You were sitting on the sand, listening to your favourite song, you were bobbing your head side to side to the beat of the song and sang the lyrics. Lo’ak listened to your singing, and it felt as if this voice went all through his body, into his veins and blood. Slowly but surely lo’ak started to slightly bob his head as well. His tail whipped around, his ears twitching upwards, he remains quiet just watching you doing your thing. “What do you think of it?” you question, pressing the pause button on your phone, lo’ak hums, he ponders for a bit before answering, “i... i liked it? it was nice to listen to, i don’t know what to say, how can i hear this other person through this little... object?” lo’ak spoke, he sounded hesitant to speak his mind even though he thought of his answer. He held up the little bud to your face, “well, uhm, you just connect this earphone to your phone and everything that you normally hear that comes out of the phone will come out through the earphones, you put it in your ear to hear, you can’t listen to it if you don’t have it in.” you explain with a faint smile on your face, you hope the he understands and he does, somehow. Lo’ak gives you a nod and goes on to ask you more questions about the song you two were just listening to, what it meant since every song has a meaning and others. Answering all of his questions made lo’ak even more curious, he wanted to know all the details, even if you knew little yourself. When he asked you about if the sky people danced as well, you nod your head, “of course we do! why wouldn’t we?” you reply, lo’ak shrugged.  After receiving that answer your eyebrows furrowed, out of the blue you shot up, which resulted in lo’ak flinching. “Are you okay?” lo’ak asks worriedly, “why wouldn’t i be?” you respond before getting up, a gentle smile adorned your face, “want me to teach you?” you suggest, for a few (what felt like) long seconds lo’ak thinks, not before long he gives you a nod, “sure” and with that answer he gets up and you start to scroll on your phone, trying to find a song to play, after scrolling for a bit you found one of your favourite songs and pressed play. Hearing the music playing, lo’ak’s ear twitches up, his eyes kept on your figure the entire time. You then explain to him that there wasn’t anything you needed to teach him, there’s nothing specific to do when dancing, you just.. dance. It all depends on what and how you’re feeling. Lo’ak is confused, how he is just supposed to dance to his feelings? normally you learn dances from the teacher, you’re prepared. “How do you.. dance like that?” lo’ak asks, you shrug in response, “let the music take over your body.” you then say. You continue to dance while lo’ak stood still, watching your every move, watching the way your body moved when you danced, his eyes trained on you and only you. You went over to your phone and turn up the volume only by a bit then resumed dancing, lo’ak watched as you danced once again, he was hesitant to dance at first but after a few encouraging words he finally builds up the courage to start dancing along with you. Lo’ak doesn’t know what to do but observing your moves proved to be useful as he starts to copy your movements and dance with you. “Nice moves lo’ak!” you cried out while giving him a sweet smile. Once your words were registered in his mind his movements seemed to slow down, lo’ak looked much shyer now, his eyes downcast, his tail swaying from shyness or excitement, you don’t know, but what you do know is that he’s slowly enjoying this, his dancing at first was tense, he was stiff, but now? it’s like a boy going from having no balls to having balls which is a huge step. When lo’ak was getting the hang of it, you taught him how to twirl (you) and the cha cha, yes, the cha cha, and in all honestly lo’ak absolutely loved it when he twirled you, it looked fun, he wished you were just a bit taller though so maybe you could twirl him too... Lo’ak loved every second of this little lesson, the sky people’s culture differs from the na’vi one, but he has grown to (sort of) like it, being intrigued by some of the things that they don’t have but you have, curiosity always fills his mind, which may lead to good come outs, and bad come outs. Lo’ak is sure that he enjoyed todays lesson, even asking you if you could teach him more dances or things that sky people normally do which you agree at. Lo’ak goes to sleep that night, thinking about they way you held his hand, his arm, the way you stared at him when he danced with you, your eyes were on him. Needless to say, he slept with a smile on his face.
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ao’nung x human! reader
He doesn’t even know why he’s listening to “whatever this is”, butttt since you said that you enjoyed this he indulged. To say the least he’s fascinated by this small “device”, what you call it. Ao’nung hears a melodic tune in his ear, he’s confused and will probably be forever until you answer his question(s), how could this happen? he finds it odd and is already asking you questions. “How does it work?” “what it the meaning of that? what is the purpose?” “who made them?” “how does it just work like that when you put it in your phone?”, he’s bombarding you with questions and you can’t even answer them due to the fact that he’s overlapping each question one by one, you have to stop him from questioning you any further or you might be overwhelmed with all the questions. When you tell ao’nung to “stop for a second” he immediately stops, looking at you with confusion for a second but seeing how your eyes squinted and your confused look on your face he pieces one and two together and figures that you’re overwhelmed by his questions, he mutters a quiet ‘sorry’ under his breath, but you don’t catch that. After a few seconds you resume talking, this time explaining the purpose of the earphones and how it works. You paused the song to talk and he almost looks disappointed to say the least.. his face droops for a bit but once you look up he looks fine, weird. Once you were done explaining, ao’nung processes everything in his mind, so you just plug it in the phone and it works? wow. You could see how ao’nung still looked confused, thinking of something to make him understand it more, (since he was really intrigued by your earphones) you finally think of something and turn to face ao’nung who was staring at you but it felt more like he was staring right beside you. It was like he was zoning out. ″Ao’nung?” you whisper, poking his arm while looking at his face to see if he’ll react and thankfully he did. His shook his head lightly and looked down to look at you, once seeing that he was now focusing on you, his gaze was on you. You cleared your throat and asked your question, “would you.. would you like me to teach you how to dance? the human way.”, ao’nung is still, he doesn’t know what to say but his big ego says otherwise. ″Sure, it probably isn’t hard anyway.” he answers, giving you a smug look on his face and shrugging before getting up, rolling your eyes playfully you grab your phone and press “play”. Ao’nung is confident that he’ll do amazing, no mistakes, absolutely nothing. He’ll nail it. But this lesson proved to be harder than he thought. Getting up, you walked over to where ao’nung stood and was he so much taller than you, it made you knees felt like jelly and made your heart pound 100 times faster... but you snapped out of your thoughts and started your “lesson”, bobbing your head you started to sing the lyrics, “aren’t you meant to teach me how to dance your way?” you nod, still singing, “why aren’t you doing that then?” he asks, “just listen to the song, and once you really start to feel it, you’ll start to dance.” you respond with a shrug. Ao’nung tsks and crosses his arm, eyeing you as you started to do these random moves, it was new to him, and it certainly made you look funny but he found it amusing. Gradually ao’nung felt this weird feeling, it was like warmth, it radiated through out his body, was it the sun? can’t be. The song, you singing made him feel some type of way, and to his dismay (?) he enjoyed it, he liked it. A smile creeps onto his face, you’re enjoying the song and look at ao’nung who is now dancing along with you but his dancing is... a bit stiff, you almost cringe. So in order to relax him you decide to change the song to something more relaxing and classic. Yes, classical music. Changing the music, ao’nung stared at you, confused on why you changed the song when a soft, slow melody plays. You walk up to ao’nung, “twirl me around, here,” you mutter, taking his hand and making him hold your hand, ao’nung can’t help but feel his cheeks heating up, his heart beating much faster now. You gesture him to raise his hand but once he does he almost lifts you up, you yelp and he stops. Ao’nung chuckles before apologizing.  Letting out a huff you accept his apology and tell him to spin you around, he does so, and he does it quite well. You tell him to “flex his arm out” and “step back a bit”, he complies, and when he does you do too. You and ao’nung practice this for a while until he’s finally not so stiff. Every time he made progress you would praise him and clap, making him feel more shy under your gaze. That made him want to keep on practicing and dancing with you. While you two were practicing and dancing, ao’nung kept his eyes on you but upon seeing a familiar group walking beside where you two were, he shifted his gaze from you to them. It was his friend group, sure they were all his friends but he couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed, his friends caught him dancing with you, someone they despised due to the fact you weren’t one of them, na’vi. They were giggling and pointing at you two, covering their mouths to speak about you or him, but after looking at you, he regained his confidence. He looked back at his group, staring daggers at them. If looks could kill they would be on the floor already. Ao’nung mouthed “leave.” and gave them a stern and dark look, his friends rolled their eyes and walked away, waving their hands around and grumbling. Once they were out of his sight he turned to look at you who was now looking at him, you looked annoyed. “What’s your excuse now?” you say sternly. Ao’nung looks at you wide eyed before apologizing and explaining that he saw his friends and that they were bothering him. You eye him, squinting your eyes before letting out a “hmph” and changing the song, ao’nung sighed in relief, at least you didn’t scold him for not practicing when he agreed on doing so, but that relief didn’t last when you told him that he was going to learn how to do the waltz. He had you talking about “waltzing” to one of the sully kids and it did not sound fun at all, with you mentioning how some people step on each others shoe. It wouldn’t be fun if he stepped on your foot, but if you stepped on his foot it’d be nothing. You grinned upon seeing how ao’nung looked like he didn’t want to do this. You two spent the next hours waltzing, he hated it, but as long as it was with you then he didn’t mind. The feeling of your touches made his heart beat faster, how you gently touched his arm, the way you guided his hands to where they need to be made him stiff, to which you frowned upon and went on about how ‘no matter how many times you un-stiffen him, he always end up being stiff and tense again!!”. It’s not like he can control it though. At the end of the lesson you and ao’nung are walking back to where the the village is, both of your hands brushing against each other occasionally which makes you two look at each other, then when both of your eyes meet you both instantly turn away. There is silence before ao’nung clears his throat which makes you look up at him, “when can you teach me again..?” he asks, you raise your eyebrows at him and shrug your shoulders, “hm.. maybe never?” you joke, ao’nung face drops and he stops dead in his tracks. You’re quick to give your real answer though, “wait! im just kidding! tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon.” you say, a tinge of panic laced your words. Once ao’nung hears your reply he eases and resumes walking, with you catching up with him. “You’ve got to stop that.” “stop what?” “teasing me.”, you roll your eyes playfully and he smiles. “More like you need to stop teasing me on a daily basis.”
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another note: im going on a cruise with my friends and family on jan 8th to jan 13th so i wont be writing from then :( enjoy!! also ao’nungs part is a bit rushed so <33
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kosije · 9 months
hi there! if it is possible could you do a piece where the reader (fem) and iwa/akaashi go to a park to walk the reader's dog, where two kids approach the reader while they are sitting on a bench and ask her to play with them. iwa/akaashi has been planning to propose to the reader for a while and on the way back he asks them their opinion on children and the reader replies with something that convinces them that they are the one.
thank you in advance!
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ㅤ( ㅤ҉ 🌳 ) puppy love
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a/n ★ ׂ first post of 2024! thank you so much anon :) this was fun to write. i tried to see who i wanted to write for more, but i couldn’t! so today i present you a two course meal (^з^) scroll down to read akaashi’s part, but yk i had to put my fav first _(:3 」∠)_
— main masterlist | haikyuu masterlist
c/w ★ ׂ akaashi x fem!reader / iwaizumi x fem,reader, reader has a dog, reader is a physical therapist, reader likes kids, mentions of marriage/proposal, fluff, akaashi’s part does have a make out session (but i did try to make it tasteful)
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🌱 choose your character!
player 1 — iwaizumi
you're painted in a golden glow. a star walking beside him as you talk about everything that had happened at work. today was a good day, you say. your patient has had a breakthrough and can now walk without support. her muscle movement is almost fluid and her mood has brightened up tremendously ever since.
your dog seems just as happy as you are. it practically prancing between you and Iwaizumi.
"how was work today? you got off pretty early," you coo, nudging him with your shoulder.
"oh, yeah—" he coughs, suddenly interested in the strap of the bag full of your snacks and dog stuff. "yeah, one of my clients was a no-show so i just closed my availability after i finished."
his stomach does flips, he hates lying. he hates keeping secrets from you, but he can't tell you he's been out looking for engagement rings all day. he hasn't even stepped foot in his gym; he has been planning with his clients to skip today all month.
in reality, while you have been at the hospital, he has been around every jeweler in the area, trying to find the perfect ring for you. he knows what you like. he knows your ring size, your favorite stone, and your favorite metal.
but none of them seemed like the one.
he had come across this hole-in-the-wall shop on his way back. not the cleanest, but not sketchy, but he had no time to look. he had just bookmarked it and drove home.
"that's nice. i'm happy we could do this, we rarely go out on weekdays."
"yeah? been missing me hunny?" he pouts, eyes closed, making mwah noises to you.
you scoff, but mush his face between your hands and plant a big kiss on his lips and he can taste fruit on your lips.
"so so sososososososo much, haji." and you kiss him again on the cheek, then the other, then one last peck on his lips, and he can't help the smile that spreads across his face.
you two walk for a little longer this time with his thump under the waistband of your pants until you reach the benches by the climbing frame.
"wanna rest up?"
you nod to him and plop down together, sighing. you tie the leash to the bench arm, and iwa digs through the bag for the dog bowl and water.
you two cuddle up together. your hands play with the fabric of his shorts, and his arm is stroking your side as you watch children play, people work out with their dogs, and birds fly from tree to tree.
it's peaceful. and it's natural. and he's nervous.
a couple of laughs break him out of his trance, and when he's focused again he sees two kids, a boy and a girl, nervously asking you to play with them.
"we wanna play hide and go seek, but we both wanna hide. and- and- and- my grandma said that we should ask someone to seek for us s-so we don't argue," the girl says, twisting her foot into the dirt as her brother silently plays with your dog.
"yeah?" you look to iwaizumi, and he nods, not in any objection. "where should i count?
ㅤ ㅤ҉ 🌳
you play with the kids for about fifteen minutes. running around — tag, hide and go seek, fetch with your dog, and racing with them. he watches you from the bench, laughing with the kids, and something of a flame ignites within him. his heart squeezes and his face warms more and more just at the sight of you. you're so carefree and happy. the kids are giggling and smiling ear to ear as you pretend to run as fast as you can, only to get tagged back and go back to chasing them. your dog is sitting between his legs as he adds ice cubes to his bowl for him to chew on, and he thinks he's never been happier.
it feels as natural as breathing, seeing you with the kids, and he doesn't even try to stop himself or the drumming of butterflies in his chest, daydreaming of you two at the park with kids of your own. you running around with them and playing. him setting the table for you all. him reading them bedtime stories as you kiss their foreheads and tuck them in, leading him back to your guy's room, hand in hand, with a pretty rock on your ring finger.
he watches as the kids light up at the sight of the older woman walking toward you and smiling brightly. it's no trouble, i had fun, he hears you say. she thanks you again and the kids wave bye to you and him before you walk back to the bench. your face is a little flushed and your baby hairs are sticking to your forehead messily.
"not..really..." you huff with your hands on your hips and head facing the sky.
"i can see why their grandma needed a break. It took you 15 minutes to get sweaty," he laughs, a large hand rubbing your hip.
"good thing when that happens with ours, i'll have you with me," you laugh, plopping down on the bench next to him. he's silent for a little while, can tell that you've noticed it when you turn your head to him.
"baby, you're all flushed." you touch his face to examine it, and he grabs it, bringing your palm to his lip.
"it is a good thing that we'll have each other, isn't it," he mumbles, and there's a boyish smile glued to his face.
you give him a funny look and kiss him softly, and he remembers to check that hole-in-the-wall spot tomorrow
"2 kids max though."
"there are only two of us," he agrees.
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player 2 — akaashi
he likes how you look when it's cold. likes how you look bundled up and cozy, how you always rub up against his side. you're always so warm, it feels too good, you always say. how could he ever complain though? he may not say much, but he loves it when you're holding him, touching him somewhere innocuous, like you have to have some sort of physical connection with him at all times. call him clingy, but he'll just tell you he's in love.
your dog seems just as calm as you are, walking close between you and Akaashi.
"how was it with your client today?" you ask, playing with the hem of his cuff.
"unremarkable, feels as if it never even happened," he says and mentally slaps himself for being so literal. you're none the wiser to his lie. or the fact he's been looking for engagement rings all day. how many flower shops he's passed looking for your favorites. how many venues he's bookmarked. so instead, he's asking you how it went with your patient.
"pretty good," you say, smiling into your scarf. it belongs to him, but he the way it looks on you more. "making some real breakthroughs. she'll be running in no time."
"that's good, 'm proud of you both. this means you'll be spending more time at home?"
"just a little. she asks if we do more intensive workouts now—push her to her limits. feels like the home stretch, though."
"can't wait till the discharge, we should celebrate over dinner."
"my favorite?"
he laughs at the way your puppy dog eyes peer up at him. "of course."
and you do a little happy dance, bend down to tell your dog the great, and he's happy. his heart is hung heavy in his chest for you, but it feels as light as a cloud. and despite the sting in his cheeks, he can't stop smiling.
you guys reach a bench by a pond and sit together. you let your dog play in the grass in front of you two as he pulls a book from his satchel and wipes his glasses before putting them back on his face.
"will you read to me?"
and of course, he says yes, because it makes him so happy to entertain you. you compliment his voice, tell him it makes you calm whenever he speaks, tell him it makes reading feel more intimate, hypnotizing almost. god, if only you knew half the things you do to him.
"excuse me," he stops for a second, and you both turn to see a little boy and girl standing in front of you.
he tells them hello, and the boy asks him to read to them too.
"our- we like books a lot. and we can be very quiet," he whispers that last part. "my grandma says it's okay, she's right- right there." he follows the kid's finger to an older woman, quietly sitting by another bench close by, glancing between the kids and the two of you.
he points to himself, and the two kids with a tilt of his head and she nods, hands settling into her lap.
"can i pet your dog?" the girl asks, and you gush.
"of course, sweetheart!"
"can i sit next to you?" the boy asks him, and he nods, holding the book out away from his body, picking the boy with his free hand and letting him settle against the side of his body and reads.
ㅤ ㅤ҉ 🌳
he gets about a chapter deep before the kids fall asleep. the little girl had been settled in your arms just a moment after the boy had asked, as he read.
"your voice is like a lullaby," you muse, nudging his foot with your own.
"or maybe this book is just that boring."
"note even," you whisper through a smile. "you're just a natural."
the kids stir awake moments later, now with their grandma by their sides. she thanks the two of you, tells you how time is catching up with her and she can't do as much for them as she used to.
"it's no problem, ma'am. i can tell that you do so much already."
she thanks you again, cupping your hands as the two kids position themselves next to her, grabbing onto her skirt.
"and might i add, it is so nice seeing a couple so good with kids. tell me, do you have some of your own?"
"no," you laugh, placing your head on his shoulder. "not yet."
and when you wink at the woman, she laughs, putting her fingers up to her lips. "not for long either, i can tell."
and you both giggle at one another as he sits there flushed. not yet. it repeats in his head even as he trails you back to your car. his face is burning. he's not so immature as to be flustered by the thought have having a child with you. but he can't stop the feeling he gets when you say things like that.
not yet.
"earth to keji?"
he jumps slightly, hand sweeping up to cover his mouth.
you look worried. your lips are in a pretty pout and your hand is on his chest. "what's wrong?"
he says nothing, doesn't dare to use his words, and so he kisses you. and it's somewhat feverish and terribly lovesick. his hands are warm on your face, and his glasses are fogging up, but he doesn't care. he is fighting for air in between your moans and he'd be perfectly content with passing out as long as your lips are on his. as long as you are his.
eventually, you guys have to pull back. your lips are plumper and he's sure his area deep shade of pink.
and keji doesn't care about the venue, or date, or anything else, because as long as he can tell you "i do," he knows he'll be the luckiest man on earth.
"i have a different idea as a celebration for when your time with your patient has concluded," he says.
you pout. "so no dinner?" so damn cute.
he kisses your lips one last time before starting the car.
"you'll still get that dinner, hun."
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© all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to me, kosije. please refrain from plagerizing, reposting, or translating my works. i do not allow adaptation in any way without my permission!
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