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googleitlol · 6 months ago
Aaah, I just thought of some cute headcanons that I figured would fit Wukong and Dove, and Macaque and Lian too!💖 Hope you like them!
For Wukong and Dove (for both LMK AU and Black Myth Wukong, and PoM:
1. Wukong sometimes falls asleep right next to Dove and uses her lap as a pillow, and even purrs whenever he gets into a deep sleep on her. Dove didn’t tell him about the purring the first few times because she thought it was adorable and didn’t want him to embarrassed.
2. Wukong’s tail is very sensitive, so he easily gets excited and flustered whenever Dove touches it, which she uses to her advantage on multiple occasions such as if she wants him to listen or simply tease him.
For Macaque and Lian:
1. Sometimes when Macaque performs his shadow puppet shows from his lantern or simply using his powers for Lian, she would rest her head against his shoulder with a fond smile while watching his plays. On most occasions, she would even fall asleep on him while Macaque stares down at her with the softest smile.
2. Part of the reason Macaque wears his glamour to hide his scarred eye in the present day is because up until seeing Lian again, he had hoped to run into her reincarnation and used his glamour to maintain his original appearance so she would recognize him, and worried that she would be frightened by his eye after what Wukong did in the past.
Omg these are all so cute–
For Wukong and Dove:
This is adorable, I can imagine her sitting against a tree while he naps with his head on her lap. Maybe after they deal with Red Boy (in Black Myth Au and Main story) and find their friends, they stop for the day to set up camp earlier since everyone is tired af and they all need some time to calm down a bit. Wukong is patched up from the fight but SUPER tired still, and then Dove lets him rest in her lap. After spending the whole night thinking he might've died, having him sleep on her made her feel better– being able to feel him confirmed he was safe. Omg and when he starts purring??? Yeah, she won't say anything, but that's a card she's keeping in her pocket. Y'know, if he ever gets any ideas about trying to embarrass her. After that, it becomes somewhat of a regular thing to find Wukong napping on her, and sometimes, you'll find her doing the same
Ohohoho, I LOVE this one. Once Dove realizes how sensitive his tail is, she is using that to her full advantage. Maybe she has something important to say about how to defeat a demon but Wukong and the others are all talking over one another, so she gets his attention with his tail while he's mid-sentence. He'd 100% forget whatever the hell he was saying the moment she trails a finger down his tail. Eyes wide, absolutely GAGGED. Oh, she'd have so much fun teasing him like that. But if she does it too much, he'll have to get her back in some way…
For Macaque and Lian:
THIS IS SO CUTE!!! This is something I'll touch on in flashbacks, but there was a point in time where Lian was bedridden for a while. She was stuck in her bed for weeks, and while she'd get occasional visits from the Brotherhood, Macaque was with her everyday. Wukong would pop in for a few minutes each morning, but Macaque was the one who'd spend hours with her there. So I could totally seeing him doing this around that time, keeping her entertained with his shadow plays while she recovered. GAH THIS IS SO CUTE
Awwww, my heart! I can definitely see this, how he'd always want to be ready. I also think he'd hide it because he lost her before he and Wukong had their falling out, it was just days before Wukong got sealed under the mountain. So if she did recognize him, he wouldn't want her to ask about how he lost his eye and what happened after she, well… Macaque doesn't even know what happened to her. I mean, he knows what, he just doesn't know how. Needless to say, he would definitely use that reasoning to keep his glamour on because on the chance he ever got to reunite with Li, he'd want things to go back to exactly how they were. Before he lost his fight with Wukong, and before he lost her. He just wants them to happy, like they used to be.
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potionchemist · 4 years ago
Hi! I love TMoY sooo much and Saturday mornings may have become my favorite part of the week. I just want to ask about Pansy's and Draco's friendship? They don't seem to care for each other at all while we know they were best friends. Well Draco has kinda been preoccupied so I understand on his end...but Pansy was there for Blaise apparently if we are to believe Harry's words....but never for Draco. And now she knows he remembers...why that discrepancy in treatments?
I’ve honestly been thinking about this a lot since you’ve asked the question, and here’s what I’ve got:
Things with Pansy and Draco got complicated. I imagine that, much like Harry and Hermione, they drifted apart after Pansy and Harry got together, and then even more so while Draco and Hermione were having the affair. We saw her at the birthday party because she was invited, and I imagine there were other events like that over the course of time after the Obliviation, but I don’t think they were close then. 
Pansy was angry about everything that happened between Hermione and Draco from beginning to end. She didn’t know about their affair until after the Obliviation. He never confided in her - only Blaise. Can you imagine how different things might have been if he’d talked to her?
Just through their connection to Hermione, Pansy has spent more time with Blaise.
Also, keep in mind, though it feels much longer because of the posting schedule... Pansy gave birth to Lily on 4th June. It’s been just over three weeks, and Harry’s gone back to work early to manage the Draco/Blaise/Hermione situation. She’s likely got her hands full right now with three kids under age four! lol
I think Pansy will wait for Draco to seek her out... which he will eventually. *wink*
Thank you for asking that question. It helped me put some things together in my mind!
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moch-ila · 5 years ago
Mythical ask meme Jade & TMOY?
Jade: do you want pets?
I DO WANT PETS I WANT A CAT AND A BIG DOG AND A REPTILE but I don't have enough time to take care of them and I'm pretty sure my grandma would throw me out if I came home with an animal
TMOY: what’s ur favorite fic? *link it*
Okay, so, I read a lot of fic. It's hard for me to choose just one, so I'll just make a little list
Lincoln in Distress is one of the first smut fics I read from this fandom and it's a good one. I tend to come back to this often.
Oviproposition and Strangers Staring by @egocentrifuge are also really good because they approach smut from a different perspective. I honestly recommend all of their fics but these are just highlights
Missed Calls do I need to explain why?
Mr Neal & Mr McLaughlin because I have a soft spot for teacher/teacher AUs
Second Nature a coming to age a/b/o story. If you're into this type of fics I can't recommend this enough
A Perfect Arragnment honestly is a classic when it comes to college AUs
Washed Up by @linkslipssinkships another amazing recommendation if amnesia AUs are your thing
An assortment of articles that articulate attraction because I love everything buddy system season 2
A Thousand Miles by @missingparentheses. This is so raw and real and I really recommend it. Made me cry but there's a happy ending guaranteed.
And last but not least, anything written by @its-mike-kapufty. Last month they posted Everyone but Me and it resonated with me a lot, but I really adore they're writing and I can't recommend them enough.
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rhinkipoo · 6 years ago
replied to your
Have you ever read a fic that changed you? I just...
i tried to send an ask to say TMOY but it wouldnt send jdkfgjf but that fic owns my heart and ass Sam did That
The Murmur of Yearning by @its-mike-kapufty is pretty fantastic. Anyone else cry ugly tears over today's new chapters?
What fic has moved you?
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moonlight-ghoulette · 6 years ago
TMOY, cactus sweater, chase, alex
TMOY: I answered this one already, so I’ll do different ones! Enjoy The Silence by mythicaliz and Cover Me Over by ourloveisgod (fuck how could I forget that one, I cried so hard). 
Cactus Sweater: Shoot, can “anytime he wears a sweater” be my answer? Because I can’t choose between them. The one that pops into my head though is the white wintery wool one he wears in “Ultimate Pizza Styles Taste Test”. He looks so warm and comfy and soft and snuggleable! 
Chase: Hmm. Gonna have to say the Taste Tests. Always makes for some good laughs!
Alex: Already answered this one previously, but my answer is still Mike and Alex, and no I’m not changing it to be one person. I’ll throw hands. Ten Feet Tall was the best thing ever and IT NEEDS TO COME BACK OKAY MIKE AND ALEX ARE TREASURES
Thanks so much for the ask! ♡
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googleitlol · 6 months ago
Okay, I HAVE to ask this: How serious were Macaque and Lian in the past? Like, what did they do together and how deep were their feelings were for each other? Because I’m already coming up with so many romantic headcanons for them and I can only imagine how wholesome they must’ve been!😭🤧💘
ohohoHO! Starting off with a FUN one. I'll tell you this, I have tons of flashbacks written between Lian and Macaque… one of which is a proposal teeheehee 🤭
Their relationship started out really playful– I mean, 'Lian' first met the monkey boys together, so of course there was a lot of hijinks involved in their relationship at first. And while Lian and Wukong stayed very playful and became close friends, her and Macaque…
They started to share some quiet moments together. There was a reason Wukong convinced Macaque to go and meet Lian that first time, the Monkey King even confided in her about it. He had a request for her, something for the Six-Eared Macaque. The request was… extremely outrageous (this is Wukong we're talking abt here), but she wanted to know how he found the gall to ask that of her. Why would he ask for something so ridiculous for this quiet monkey demon that stuck to the shadows? …Well, she found out real quick.
She paid close attention to Macaque, she found his skill with shadow-puppetry entrancing. He'd tease her, but she was just as quick to shoot back, and the little stunned look he'd have afterwards was always priceless. She loved the performer in him, and as she got to know him more, his sweeter side as well as seeing how worried he could be for his friend's well-being, it wasn't long before she wanted to know every part of him.
In a way, Macaque was also someone who showed Li the world. Due to how busy she was in her past, there wasn't much time for her to go out and be part of the world, and that fact killed her. There were nights she'd spend cooped up in work until her beloved Six-Ears would whisk her away for the night. With his shadow portals, they didn't just stay confined to China either– anywhere they dreamed of, they would go. Macaque could just take her back to pick up work where she left off anyway, nobody would be the wiser to their little adventures.
That's when Macaque really started to see her differently. She had this fascination with the mortal world he couldn't quite wrap his mind around. Watching her interact with mortals in a market under disguise, seeing how easily she befriended the little monkeys on Flower Fruit, it made his heart stir. Something that really got him to fall for her though, was that she saw him differently than how the Brotherhood did. Because of appearance and how close they were, everyone brushed Macaque off as something like an extension to Wukong, the moon to his sun, his shadow.
But not her. Hell, she even snapped at him one time for making the comparison. "You're your own person! I don't want to hear anything about you thinking you're any sort of 'lesser' version to the Monkey King."
"You have to admit, Li, we're pretty similar–"
"If you bring this up again, I'm calling you 'The Hotter Monkey King' in front of everyone."
"I'll do it it, you know I will!"
"…So you think I'm hotter than Wukong?"
"LI, WAIT–!"
…Yeah. He didn't bring it up again after that. Lian really said what she wanted to say back then.
I actually have a little piece written when they had gone back to Wukong's Shame Temple (though it wasn't called that back then) after a day in Europe, and the two danced and sing a song together that they had heard during their trip I could share, but this ask is getting pretty long. Maybe I'll share it another day lol
Suffice to say, their feelings went so deep for each other, they were ready to swear their undying love for one another. To this day (whether Lian realises it or not), they both carry gifts they made one another. If only things didn't turn out how they did…
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googleitlol · 5 months ago
If it’s okay, can you read my LMK fanfic “Lotus of Rebirth” and tell me what you think of it?🥹👉👈 It’s only a few chapters long so far and I’m curious about what you think of my OC, especially how Lian would interact with her!
Of course! I love getting reading recs, maybe I can make a post about how your OC and Lian might interact 😊
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googleitlol · 5 months ago
What would Dove and/or Lian’s VA be, both English and Chinese?👀🤔
First off, I am so sorry I've left you in my ask box for so long 💀
I'm back tho, alive and ready to answer! I've really only thought of english vas since I don't consume a lot of chinese media but I think I'll make a separate post once I can look into who I think would fit them the best. I got pretty specific with my other answers and wanna keep up that same detail lol
Let's start with Lian. For her, I've pictured someone like Danica McKellar voicing her. She has that outgoing friendly voice that can also get real quiet or angry depending on the scene. Her work as M'gann in Young Justice is close to how I see her voicing Lian, especially in a scene like her therapy session with Black Canary in season one, but with Lian doubting whether she wants her memories back. She's just got that inner conflict in her voice that's so perfect! Also, while I was looking for examples to share with this post, I found a clip thag really mirrors Lian and MK's relationship as Miss Martian and Beast Boy which just further cements McKellar as Lian's voice for me lmao (he was even a monkey in this scene sdouvhs)
Dove is funny, since she isn't really someone I've given a distinct voice to in my head. I've thought about it a bit tho, and I think Mae Whitman or America Ferrera can really fit her English voice. Some of Mae Whitman's rlly well-known characters (Katara, Amity– even Tinkerbell–) share this similar balance Dove has with being calm or polite, but snapping if they feel wronged/insulted/extremely annoyed. I can also 100% see a scene of Dove acting like Katara in the blind bandit episode of atla where she chases after those two guys as if she's gonna flirt the information out of them but just kicks their asses instead. I've only really seen America Ferrera voice Astrid in httyd, but oh can I just hear Dove yelling at Wukong in the bait chapter the same way Astrid was whilst dangling from a tree in the first httyd movie.
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googleitlol · 6 months ago
Two questions! Well, one’s more like a prompt/scenario, but I’m still saying it!
Do you have any plans on getting back to your “The Memory of You” fanfic in the future? Because I’m a certified Macaque wimp (right there with Wukong) and I’m dying to know everything that happened between him and Lian!😭
And second:
I just got myself Black Myth Wukong brainrot and I randomly thought of a situation where Dove would wake up from a nightmare about Wukong’s death, and she instinctively places a hand over the Destined One’s heart to hear it beating because of his resemblance and everything. And the Destined One just helps hold her hand to his chest and resting his own hand over hers until she calms down🥲💘💞
1) Omg tbh I didn't realise ppl were still reading that one! I'm focusing on PoM rn so I don't think I'll be getting to it anytime soon unfortunately. I do wanna continue it tho, and rewrite some stuff too! My google doc is so big for TMoY that if you wanted, I could totally answer some asks about it. Since I'm focusing on Dove and Wukong rn, I wouldn't mind sharing some secrets about Lian and Macaque's past (I will yap so much abt them, I love Lian she's my sweetheart).
I also took a break from writing that fic because, uhhhhh… I had only seen part of season 4 when I started writing the backstory for Lian, did some research into chinese mythology and legends I could pull from… then after posting a bunch of chapters, I watched the rest and realised I accidentally made her backstory/creation extremely similar to someone else (if you're caught up on the show, you'll know who I'm talking about). They both involve, uh… similar people?? So I got spooked and decided to wait a bit to see if that character's backstory would be like what I'd written for Lian and… it's starts out very similar 💀
But honestly, I think I'm gonna keep it the same cuz I love Lian, and I love the story I've made for her and Macaque. So if you've got any questions abt them, I'd be happy to answer until I shift my focus back onto TMoY.
2) Oh, and… my god. I love this idea of yours. That dream. Hoo boy, that dream. I love it when people understand the sort of angst I wanna put Dove under. Running to her love, knowing what's about to happen but too far to stop it. Maybe if he saw her, if he knew she was coming, maybe he'd still be there. But no matter how much her throat scratches as she screams, no sound is made. No matter how fast she runs, how far she pushes herself, nothing changes.
The Destined One frowns, he's seen her like this on so many nights. There's something that's plaguing her… he just doesn't know what. She shuts him down at any and all moments he has to inquire about her night-terrors. Still, he's found a subtle way to help in the best way he can. After one night where she reached out for him and he let her hand press against his chest, he noticed how she calmed a bit.
That becomes their nightly ritual. Whenever he notices how she starts to mumble in her sleep, shout and cry, he'll cuddle up next to her and hold her in his arms. He'll keep her head pressed against his chest so she can hear his heart– that always calms her down. As long as she has something, her hand or even an ear pressed to his heart, she'll calm down. Maybe the first few nights he started doing this, she'd cuddle up to him a bit. He'd be awkward about it at first, but eventually grow used to it. After a while, he'd find that he actually really enjoys spending those nights with Dove in his arms.
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googleitlol · 5 months ago
Peace of Mind Asks!
Dove Masterlist:
Asks: 1) Falling in Love | 2) AO3 Username | 3) Fanart Ask | 4) My Twitter | 5) Idiots in Love | 6) Jealous Wukong | 7) Draft Anon | 8) Macaque's 'Love' | 9) Will Mac Die? | 10) Macaque's Plan | 11) Pigsy's Chapter | 12) Future/Past Wukong | 13) Future/Past Dove | 14) Cute Idiots | 15) First Kiss | 16) Wukong Realization | 17) We Got Him | 18) Challenge Accepted | 19) Mengtao! | 20) More Mengtao!! | 21) Forehead Kisses | 22) Marcu Sneak Peek | 23) AO3 Posts | 24) Marcu Art | 25) Dove Visualisation | 26) Literal Dove and Monkey | 27) Design questions | 28) Ash's Sketch | 29) Flower Symbolism | 30) Ash's Doodles | 31) Ash's Sneak Peek | 32) Lovea's Sneak Peek | 33) Eye Colour | 34) Dove Colours | 35) Book Cover | 36) Anon Artist | 37) Wattpad | 38) Blanca/Dove | 39) Yanderes | 40) MK: Reborn | 41) BM Wukong | 42) BM!Dove | 43) Hurt Feelings | 44) LMK!Dove | 45) LMK!Dove Meme | 46) TMOY and BM Angst | 47) 'Trigger Warning' | 48) Oneshot Pain | 49) Dove Symbolism | 50) PoM Theories | 51) PoM and TMOY headcannons | 52) Dove/Lian VAs | 53) Change? | 54) Please Please Please | 55) Slow Burn
More Asks this way!
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moonlight-ghoulette · 6 years ago
Ear Biscuits MV TMOY ❤️❤️
“Whats your favorite episode of ear biscuits” Gosh, another hard one. It’s so hard to pick just one! I’m gonna have to go with “Top 10 Moments of 2018″ because it was just really nice to hear them talk at length about their memories and adventures and all.
“What’s your favorite R+L music video”  Gotta be ‘Just Being Honest’. The behind the scenes of the continuous shot was pretty rad.
“What’s ur favorite fic?”  I mean, it’s right there in the question :) Honestly, my answer could be “any fic by Mike” because hellooooo (YH1MC????) And of course LMBYL by apparentlynotreallyfinnish is also right up there tied for favorite. But to deviate from the current popular ones, I’ll also mention Missed Calls by goodbothtimes.  I CAN NEVER CHOOSE JUST ONE OF ANYTHING I’M SORRYTHANK YOU for the ask! ♡
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