#I guess the writers were like “well I haven't played the game but I know the basic lore & characters”
my-t4t-romance · 1 month
watching my dad change a flat tire in the movie theater parking lot was genuinely more interesting and memorable than the entire borderlands movie
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i-smoke-chapstick · 4 months
What advice or tips do you have for a writer wanting to write the characters from Succession for the first time (Shiv, Kendall, Roman, Tom, Greg etc)
Not sure if this was meant for me, since I haven't yet written for Succession, but I can still try my best to help out! Here are some tips <3 Sorry for the long post.
Whenever I'm writing for a character, I really try to incorporate their canon dialect and dialogues here and there. For instance, Roman stutters on his words quite a bit erratically, and Greg has a lots of "uh"s and "oh"s and awkward, bumbling uncertainty. It's all about the characters voice, because I find fanfics with lots of dialogue to be the most enjoyable! If I was writing for succession, I'd typically try to follow these tips for each character,
Shiv: Shiv sometimes speaks with an underlying tone of superiority, and a lot of her interactions also have fraught tension. When writing a character, you need to look at their insecurities and desires to get a feel for what they want vs. how they express it. Shiv struggles with a desire to prove herself, but wants power. Because of this, she's blunt in all the wrong ways.
This sounds dumb, but I always do a short writing exercise beforehand and I really encourage it! One of my favorite things to do is just imagine the conversation I'm trying to write. For instance, if Y/N were ask Shiv what her favorite color was. She might say something like,
"My favorite color? Seriously, Y/N, that's the question you come up with? Well, if we're going to play this game, I guess I'll indulge you. Let's see... I don't know, maybe the color of money? Honestly, I'm more concerned with the color of success, and right now, it's looking pretty green to me."
Kendall: Similarly stutters like Roman, and can switch between being aggressive and vulnerable.
Here again with the favorite color theory:
"Uh, favorite color? That's a... good question. You know, it's, uh, probably something classic. Black. Yeah, black. It's, uh, timeless, powerful. Like, I don't know, it's just... it's a strong color. Represents, like, the intensity and, uh, the seriousness of, you know, life and business." (Long example, but I'll dive into this!)
Succession characters are very human. The pauses in their words, their overuse of "like" and "uh" (especially for Kendall). I try to use Kendall's "media trained" upbringing as a way for him to spin the question into something flattering for himself. Like if he was in an interview.
While as If we were writing for Roman, he might say something like,
"My favorite color? Seriously? Okay, um, let's go with... I don't know, red? Yeah, red. It's bold, it's sexy. Plus, it's the color of blood, and blood is, like, life or whatever. Or maybe it's just 'cause I look good in it. Either way, red. Final answer."
Roman has a lot more vulgarity in his dialogue, as well as pop-culture references and anything completely outlandish. Sometimes I like piecing together canon dialogue from the show to form answers as well, because the reader can more affectively imagine the character saying it!
Tom: When you're writing a character like Tom, his interactions really depend on whoever he's talking too, and how stressed he is about a situation. If he's speaking to a reader whose a Roy, or more powerful than him in a way, he's fumbling; not trying to impress them per se, but trying to fit in. Also, if in this universe you're writing, Shiv is apart of, Shiv is just a major part of his character in general, he'll probably mention her now and again. Once again, the favourite color theory!
"Oh, my favorite color? Well, I'd have to say blue. It's calming, you know? Reliable. Like a good, steady stock that just keeps going up. Plus, it’s a color that commands a certain... respect. Not too flashy, but still, quite distinguished. And, well, Shiv looks great in blue, so there's that too."
Now, if you're writing for someone like Greg who asks the question, someone who he doesn't view as a threat, Tom is much more assertive and aggressive. He'd be more sarcastic, less enthused, and simply wouldn't care. Might not even answer the question. He has the same loose, condescending tone as Shiv would.
"Oh, my favorite color? You know, Y/N, of all the things you could ask me—my thoughts on the latest market trends, insights on corporate strategy, or even just what I had for breakfast—you went with favorite color. Remarkable. Adorable, really. Y/N, what is this? Preschool? Do I look like someone who has time to contemplate the nuances of the color spectrum?"
Greg: Poor Greg.
"Ah, favorite color, huh? Well, that's a tough one. I reckon I'd have to go with a good ol' forest green. Reminds me of these long hikes through the woods back home. Plus, it's just got this calming vibe to it, you know? Like being surrounded by nature's...embrace." Que the awkward cough, realizing he's ranting or saying things that don't quite sound right.
Greg is more compassionate, more air-headed then the Roy's. He's probably the only one on this list to add a subtle,
"What about you?" To make more semi-awkward conversation.
Okay, Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I really don't think this was meant for my blog, but regardless, I love questions like these <3
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that1emowitch · 1 month
Hey I saw your ask for fanfics and I don't know if it still is or if you do AU....but my friend and I were joking about a Birdflash fast food AU...like in the mall food courts with the stalls all in the same area...thanks!
Thanks for the ask! I'm always open to any kind of fic ideas to feed my writer's block hehe I’m not completely sure what you meant, but here’s my fun little take on that! I got a cute idea and ran with it lolll Young Justice (show) AU, except Wally doesn’t know Robin’s real identity. Exists outside of the show’s canon timeline. Dick’s 18, Wally’s 20. Jason is Robin, he's like 12-ish. Alr established relationships are Artemis/Zatanna and Conner/M'gann. If you haven't watched the YJ show yet, dw, it'll still make sense. ALsO, GO WATCH IT IT'S SO GOOD
Word Count: 7191
TW: None
Summary: Dick playing games with Wally just for the heck of it and making Jason tag along. Wally’s a huge simp.
AO3 link
Wally West, better known to the world as Kid Flash, was just exiting the changing rooms of Mount Justice with his iconic red and yellow uniform slung over his shoulder. He'd traded his speedster suit for a simple hoodie and jeans combo, his fiery hair tousled from the quick change. He didn’t mind the hustle—he was used to doing everything fast, after all.
As he walked into the lounge area, the familiar sight of Artemis and Zatanna caught his eye. The two heroines were seated on the couch, engrossed in a conversation with laughter bubbling between them. Artemis was leaning against Zatanna, both of them looking entirely too comfortable. They were dressed in casual outfits that hinted they were heading out rather than staying in.
"Well, if it isn’t our favorite lovebirds," Wally announced, his tone a mix of amusement and mock exasperation.
Zatanna looked up first, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "Look who finally decided to join the living. What’s up, Wally?"
Wally shrugged as he dropped onto the arm of a nearby chair. "You know, the usual—saving the world, busting bad guys. But hey, speaking of ‘what’s up,’ where are you two headed? Doesn’t seem like a night for crime-fighting."
Artemis shot him a teasing glance, crossing her arms. "Not everything’s about crime-fighting, West. It’s date night."
Wally rolled his eyes dramatically, though a smile was already forming on his lips. "Date night again? You two are always on date night. What’s a guy gotta do to get some attention around here?"
Zatanna chuckled, nudging Artemis playfully. "You’re just jealous because you’re not invited. Besides, what happened to Conner and M’gann? Thought you were their third wheel."
"Please," Wally scoffed, shaking his head. "You think I’m hanging out with the golden couple? They’re in their own world. I’m starting to think everyone here’s got something better to do than hang out with little ol’ me."
Artemis smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Ever thought of hanging out with Rob— I mean, Nightwing? He’s always up for some action."
At the mention of Nightwing, Wally’s smile wavered just slightly, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his face before he masked it with his usual humor. "Yeah, right. If only Nightwing wasn’t on a mission with the new kid. It’s Baby Robin’s first solo gig without Batman, so Nightwing’s got babysitting duty."
"Robin’s first mission?" Zatanna tilted her head, curiosity piqued. "He’s what, twelve?"
"Yep, and raring to go," Wally confirmed with a nod. "Nightwing’s been training him hard. The kid’s good, but he’s still just a kid. Guess that makes me the last wheel on this wagon."
Artemis gave him a sympathetic look. "Come on, Wally, don’t be so dramatic. You’ve always got something going on. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be a genius or something? How do you even find the time to whine about being alone?"
Wally grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I’ve got time for everything, Artemis. Speedster, remember? But if you must know, I’ve got a job to get to anyway."
Zatanna blinked, her eyes widening in surprise. "A job? You? As in a regular, non-superhero job?"
Artemis looked skeptical. "Wait, you’re a superhero, a student at Central City University, and you have a normal job? When do you sleep?”
"Sleep’s for the weak," Wally quipped, but the grin on his face was more real this time. "Besides, gotta stay busy. You guys aren’t the only ones with lives outside of the team."
Zatanna looked just as surprised. “Yeah, what kind of job are you doing, Wally? I thought you were too busy for anything else.”
Wally shrugged, a grin spreading across his face. “Just working at the food court in the local mall. Gotta pay the bills somehow, right? I can’t let my parents cover all my tuition fees. Besides, it’s not like saving the world pays well.”
Artemis rolled her eyes, but there was an amused smile on her lips. “Only you would find time to be a superhero, ace your classes, and work a part-time job. You’re insane, you know that?”
“Insanely awesome,” Wally corrected her, giving a mock bow. “Thank you very much.”
Zatanna chuckled, shaking her head. “You’re something else, West. But seriously, don’t overwork yourself. We don’t want you burning out.”
Wally waved off her concern. “I’ve got it all under control. Don’t worry about me. You two just go enjoy your date night. Try not to miss me too much.”
Artemis smirked as she grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. “We’ll try, but no promises.”
Zatanna winked at him as they headed for the door. “Have fun at work, Wally.”
“Will do. You two have fun too,” Wally called after them, watching as they walked out of the lounge, the door sliding shut behind them. Once they were gone, Wally let out a small sigh, running a hand through his hair. He loved Artemis and Zatanna, really, he did. But it was hard not to feel a little left out sometimes. Everyone seemed to have someone, whether it was M’gann and Conner, or Artemis and Zatanna. Even Dick had Jason to focus on. And then there was him, Wally West, the odd man out.
Shaking off the melancholy that threatened to creep in, Wally picked up his uniform and made his way to the zeta tubes. He had work to get to, and he wasn’t going to let himself get bogged down by thoughts of what he didn’t have. There was always tomorrow, always another chance to hang out with Dick, or to do something fun with the team. For now, he had to focus on the present.
“Zeta tube activated. Kid Flash, B03,” the automated voice intoned as Wally stepped into the zeta tube.
— — —
The night had settled into that dreary lull where everything felt slower, even for a speedster like Wally West. He stood behind the counter of the food court’s burger joint, absently handing out orders to customers with the practiced ease of someone who could do this in his sleep. Which, frankly, he felt like he was doing.
Boredom gnawed at him as he forced himself to smile at yet another tired-looking customer. I could have done this in seconds as Kid Flash, he thought, eyeing the clock that seemed to be ticking by at a snail’s pace. But, he reminded himself, it wasn’t about the speed. It was about the money. The money that kept him from having to burden his parents more than he already did, that paid for his textbooks, and that somehow made him feel like a normal guy for a few hours a week.
Not that normal was all it was cracked up to be. Wally stifled a yawn as the latest customer took their tray and walked off. Finally, a break. He retreated into the kitchen, slumping against the wall as he tried to muster the energy to make it through the rest of his shift. Maybe he could grab a snack or—
The familiar chime of the front counter bell rang out, signaling another customer. Wally groaned internally, the small moment of peace shattered. Pushing himself off the wall, he mentally prepared to slap on his customer service smile and head back out.
But when he reached the counter, Wally froze in place.
Standing before him were two people—a young man and a tween boy. But it was the man who instantly caught Wally’s attention. He had tan skin that seemed to glow under the harsh fluorescent lights of the food court, paired with striking baby blue eyes and dark, tousled hair that looked effortlessly perfect. His smile was brilliant, the kind that could light up a room, and Wally felt his breath hitch. The man looked like he’d just walked out of a magazine, or like some kind of Greek god casually browsing for fast food.
Whoa, Wally thought, his mind suddenly blanking. He was vaguely aware of the younger boy at the man’s side, staring up at the menu with wide eyes, but it was hard to focus on anything other than the man’s presence.
The boy, who had the same blue eyes and dark hair as the man, was clearly excited as he scanned the menu, but his gaze lingered on the prices a little too long. There was something cautious in the way he looked at each item, like he was weighing his options carefully despite the fact that he was clearly well-to-do.
The young man nudged the boy gently, his voice smooth and encouraging. “Order whatever you want, Jason. It’s on me.”
The boy—Jason—looked up at him, his eyes brightening at the reassurance. After a moment of contemplation, Jason finally settled on his choices. With the man’s encouragement, Jason stepped forward, telling Wally the order for both of them. “Uh, two cheeseburgers, a vanilla smoothie, and a chocolate smoothie… oh, and a side of fries.”
Wally’s brain was still short-circuiting from the initial sight of the man, and it took a moment for the words to register. When he realized they were waiting for him to take the order, he snapped back to attention, his face heating up. “Uh, sorry, can you repeat that?” he stammered, mortified.
The young man chuckled softly, clearly amused rather than annoyed. “Two cheeseburgers, one vanilla smoothie, one chocolate smoothie, and a side of fries,” he repeated patiently.
Wally nodded quickly, punching in the order with a speed that would have been impressive if he wasn’t still flustered. He risked another glance at the man, who was now leaning casually against the counter, watching Wally with a relaxed smile. Jason was fiddling with the straw dispensers, blissfully unaware of Wally’s internal turmoil.
When the order was finally done, Wally hurried to grab the food, barely trusting himself to meet the man’s gaze again. As he handed over the tray, their fingers brushed for the briefest moment, and Wally’s heart skipped a beat.
“Thanks,” the young man said, giving Wally a smile that seemed far too dazzling for such a mundane setting. Jason took the tray, and the two turned to find a table in the food court.
Wally watched them go, a mixture of relief and disappointment swirling in his chest. The moment was over as quickly as it had started, and he found himself wondering who they were—especially the man who’d managed to leave him tongue-tied with just a smile.
As they disappeared into the crowd of the food court, Wally shook his head, trying to shake off the daze. He’d seen good-looking people before, sure, but there was something different about this guy. Something that stuck with him even as he tried to focus on the next order.
There was this lingering feeling that he’d seen that guy somewhere. Even the boy. He’d seen or met them before, but he couldn’t figure out where.
The night dragged on, but Wally couldn’t help sneaking glances at the table where the two of them sat, laughing and talking as they ate. He didn’t know why, but something about the man’s presence made his usual boredom feel a lot less heavy.
— — —
After finishing his shift at the mall, Wally had raced home, not because he had anything urgent to do, but because he couldn’t shake the strange feeling that had settled in his chest after his encounter with the young man and the boy at the food court. Something about them had lingered in his mind, like a song stuck on repeat.
Now, sprawled out on his couch with his phone in hand, Wally was absentmindedly scrolling through Instagram. He wasn’t really looking at anything in particular, just letting the stream of images and videos wash over him as he tried to unwind. But no matter how much he tried to distract himself, his thoughts kept drifting back to the striking blue-eyed man and his younger companion.
Why did they seem so familiar? Wally wondered, his brows furrowing as he scrolled past a series of memes. He couldn’t place it, but there was something nagging at the back of his mind, like he’d seen them somewhere before.
Suddenly, a post caught his eye. It was from one of the many celebrity accounts he followed, mostly out of idle curiosity. This one was a photo taken at a recent gala—a typical fancy affair, complete with a red carpet, flashing cameras, and enough designer clothes to fill a department store. But it wasn’t the opulence of the event that made Wally pause. It was the people in the photo.
There, in the middle of the shot, stood billionaire Bruce Wayne, smiling suavely at the camera. But it wasn’t Wayne who held Wally’s attention—it was the two people standing beside him. One was a young boy with dark hair and bright blue eyes, dressed in an immaculate tuxedo. The other was a young man, also with dark hair, the same electric blue eyes, and that same effortlessly charming smile.
Wally’s eyes widened as recognition finally hit him like a bolt of lightning. No way.
He quickly tapped on the photo, enlarging it to get a better look. There was no mistaking it. The young man and the boy from the food court were the same people standing next to Bruce Wayne. They were Dick Grayson and Jason Todd, Wayne’s adopted sons.
Wally sat up straighter, his heart thumping in his chest as he stared at the screen. That’s why they looked so familiar, he realized, his mind racing to connect the dots. He’d seen their faces a hundred times before, on TV, in magazines, and splashed across social media. They were practically celebrities, famous for being part of the Wayne family—a family that was almost as famous as the Justice League itself.
“But what the heck were they doing in a random Central City food court?” Wally muttered to himself, scrolling through the comments on the post, searching for any clue that might explain their unexpected appearance. There was nothing, just the usual gush of admiration for Bruce Wayne’s philanthropic efforts and the Grayson-Todd brothers’ good looks.
Maybe it’s just a rich people thing, Wally thought, trying to make sense of it. He’d heard that billionaires could be eccentric, doing things just for the experience or because they felt like it. Maybe they’d just decided to grab some fast food for the novelty of it. Yeah, that had to be it. Rich people being weird.
But even as he tried to dismiss it, Wally couldn’t shake the feeling of awe that had settled in his chest. He’d just served burgers to Dick Grayson and Jason Todd—two of the most famous people in Gotham, if not the entire country—and he hadn’t even realized it. And Dick… Wally’s thoughts drifted back to the way Dick had smiled at him, the way his voice had sounded so smooth and kind. It was enough to make Wally’s cheeks flush even now, hours after the fact.
Curiosity got the better of him, and Wally found himself searching for Dick Grayson’s Instagram profile. He didn’t follow it—he wasn’t really one to keep up with celebrities—but it wasn’t hard to find. Dick had millions of followers, his profile filled with snapshots of his life. Charity events, photos with Bruce and Jason, pictures of him hanging out with friends, and the occasional gymnastics video. Wally couldn’t help but scroll through the posts, his starstruck awe deepening with each passing second.
He’s really something, Wally thought, marveling at the way Dick managed to look effortlessly perfect in every shot. There was something magnetic about him, a kind of natural charm that seemed to leap off the screen. It was no wonder he was so popular.
Wally sighed, setting his phone down for a moment as he tried to process the day’s events. It wasn’t every day that you ran into someone like Dick Grayson in a fast food joint, and it definitely wasn’t every day that someone like Dick Grayson looked at you like you were worth noticing. It was enough to make Wally’s head spin.
But as much as he was drawn to Dick’s public persona, Wally knew that whatever fantasy he was entertaining was just that—a fantasy. Dick Grayson was a world apart from Wally West, living a life of luxury and fame that Wally could hardly even imagine. Still, a part of him couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to know Dick for real, to talk to him, to maybe even be friends…
Wally shook his head, laughing softly at himself. Get a grip, West. You’ve got enough on your plate as it is. But even as he tried to push the thoughts away, he couldn’t help but take one last look at Dick’s profile before setting his phone aside for the night.
The image of Dick’s smile lingered in his mind as Wally finally drifted off to sleep, a small, secret part of him wondering if fate had more in store for him than just a chance encounter.
— — —
The familiar hum of Mount Justice’s security systems greeted Wally West as he arrived at the team’s headquarters the next morning. The sleek, futuristic corridors felt like a second home to him, a place where he could be both Kid Flash and Wally West without worrying about maintaining a secret identity. Today, however, Wally was more focused on the remnants of the previous night’s encounter, the memory of Dick Grayson’s smile still lingering in his mind.
As he made his way through the base, Wally found himself instinctively heading toward the training room. The doors slid open with a quiet hiss, and he paused in the doorway, his breath catching at the sight that greeted him.
Nightwing was there, moving fluidly through a series of acrobatic exercises on the jungle gym, his body twisting and turning with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly. Wally leaned against the doorframe, watching in awe as Nightwing flipped through the air, landing perfectly on a narrow beam before launching himself into another complex maneuver. There was something mesmerizing about the way Nightwing moved—every motion was precise, every muscle perfectly controlled. It was like watching a dance, and Wally couldn’t tear his eyes away.
For a moment, Wally allowed himself to simply enjoy the view, captivated by Nightwing’s smooth motions. There was an effortless beauty to the way he trained, a kind of controlled chaos that reminded Wally of why Nightwing was one of the best. It was hard not to be impressed—no, more than impressed. Wally felt a twinge of something deeper, something that he wasn’t quite ready to name.
After a few more minutes, Nightwing completed his routine with a final, flawless flip, landing on the mat below with a soft thud. He straightened up, running a hand through his sweat-dampened hair as he reached for a water bottle sitting on a nearby bench. That was Wally’s cue. He sauntered into the room, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Showing off for me, Rob?” Wally teased, his tone light as he crossed the room to join his friend.
Nightwing took a long drink of water before turning to face Wally, a playful grin on his face. “You know me, KF. A performer can’t resist an audience.”
Wally chuckled, leaning against the bench as he watched Nightwing towel off the sweat from his workout. “Well, I gotta say, you make it look easy. Seriously, I was getting tired just watching you.”
Nightwing laughed softly, tossing the towel over his shoulder as he leaned back against the wall. “Comes with the territory. How’s life treating you?”
Wally shrugged, his thoughts briefly flickering back to the previous night at the food court. “Oh, you know, the usual. Classes, missions, and… working like fucking SpongeBob,” he added with a dramatic sigh.
Nightwing’s expression didn’t change, but there was a glint in his eye as he spoke. “Heard you picked up a part-time job. How’s that going?”
Wally raised an eyebrow, a wry smile tugging at his lips. “You heard, huh? Bats and their intel… Is there anything you don’t know?”
Nightwing shrugged, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. “We have our ways.”
Wally rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help the fondness that crept into his voice. “It’s not bad. I mean, it’s not the most glamorous job in the world, but it pays some of the tuition fee. And hey, it’s kind of nice to be normal for a while, you know?”
Nightwing nodded, his expression thoughtful. “I get that. Sometimes it’s good to have something that grounds you, keeps you connected to the real world.”
Wally appreciated that Nightwing seemed to understand. “Yeah, exactly. Plus, it gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Not that I don’t love our morning training sessions or anything.”
Nightwing chuckled, the sound warm and familiar. “Yeah, I bet.” 
“Speaking of which, how’d the mission with Baby Robin go last night?” Wally asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Nightwing’s face softened slightly at the mention of Robin, though his expression remained guarded, as it always did when it came to Bat-related missions. “It was… fun,” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Wally tilted his head, giving Nightwing a mock-annoyed look. “That’s it? Fun? You Bat-types are always so cryptic. A little more detail wouldn’t kill you, you know.”
Nightwing shrugged, his smile turning into a smirk. “Gotta maintain the mystique, West. Keeps people on their toes.”
Wally huffed, but there was no real annoyance behind it. He was used to this kind of answer from Nightwing—and from Batman before him. The Bats never revealed more than they had to, always keeping their secrets close to the vest. It was just part of who they were, and as much as it could be frustrating, Wally had learned to live with it.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” Wally said, waving a hand dismissively. “Gotham’s all about secrets and shadows. But one of these days, I’m gonna crack that Bat code of yours.”
Nightwing laughed, the sound light and genuine. “Good luck with that. You’re welcome to try, though.”
There was something about being around Nightwing that just… made Wally feel so light.
— — —
Wally was in the middle of refilling the condiment station when he spotted two familiar figures strolling into the food court. Wally’s heart skipped a beat as he recognized them immediately—Dick Grayson and Jason Todd. It seemed like they had returned, and this time, they weren’t just passing through.
Jason looked less than thrilled, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face as he followed Dick through the food court. Dick, on the other hand, seemed in high spirits, his usual easygoing charm on full display as he chatted animatedly with his younger companion. Wally watched from a distance, trying to suppress his grin as he observed the interaction.
“You know, you could’ve just said you wanted the fries,” Dick was saying, his tone light but teasing. “You didn’t have to complain about everything else.”
Jason shot him an annoyed glance. “It’s not about the fries, Dick. It’s about you dragging me out here again.”
Dick laughed, the sound clear and bright even from where Wally stood. “Oh, come on. It’s not that bad. Besides, it’s been a while since we had a day out. And you’re the one who insisted we had to try this place.”
Jason rolled his eyes but couldn’t suppress a small smile at Dick’s persistence. “Yeah, well, next time, maybe pick somewhere less… mall-ish? And less here? We both know why you’re here—”
Dick gave Jason a playful nudge. “Alright, alright. You go sit at that table, and I’ll take care of the order. Deal?”
Jason muttered something under his breath but reluctantly headed towards a nearby table, his frustration melting away as he plopped down into a seat. Wally couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene. Even from a distance, it was clear that Dick and Jason had a unique, if slightly contentious, dynamic that was oddly endearing.
When Dick made his way over to Wally’s counter, Wally straightened up, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. He couldn’t deny that seeing Dick again made his pulse quicken, his thoughts returning to the charming young man he had encountered days before. Dick’s presence was like a magnet, pulling Wally’s attention as he approached with that same effortless grace.
“Hey there,” Dick greeted with a friendly smile, his blue eyes lighting up as they met Wally’s. “Back for another round of burgers and smoothies.”
Wally nodded, trying to maintain his composure despite the fluttering in his chest. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. Two burgers, vanilla and chocolate smoothies, fries. Right?”
Dick laughed, his amusement evident. “Yep. You remembered, huh?”
Wally tried not to blush. “Uh, a lot of people order this. Exact. Combo. Uh. Anything else?”
Dick shook his head, his gaze lingering on Wally for a moment longer than necessary. “Nope, that’s it. Thanks,” Dick’s gaze moved to Wally’s name tag. “Wally. Cute name.”
Wally opened his mouth to respond, but his voice caught in his throat, cheeks burning. Dick Grayson knows my name! Holy shit— He quickly rushed into the kitchen.
As Wally prepared the order, he couldn’t help but steal glances at Dick. The way Dick moved, the way he spoke, even the way he smiled—it was all somehow magnetic, and Wally found himself captivated once again. It was almost as if every gesture was calculated to charm and disarm, and Wally was more than willing to be charmed.
When he finally handed over the tray of food, Dick’s smile widened, and he reached into his pocket. Wally’s eyes widened in surprise as Dick placed a crisp $100 bill on the counter, leaving Wally momentarily speechless.
“Wow, thanks,” Wally said, his voice betraying his astonishment. “You didn’t have to do that.”
Dick shrugged, a casual yet sincere expression on his face. “Just a little something for the trouble. Consider it a tip for good service.”
Wally watched as Dick turned and headed back to Jason’s table, his movements graceful and effortless. The sight of Dick settling into the chair across from Jason, their banter continuing as if nothing had happened, left Wally feeling both elated and perplexed.
He couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to Dick and Jason’s visit than met the eye. Why did two Gotham celebrities choose a Central City food court for their outings? Was it really just a spontaneous decision, or was there something else behind it?
But as Wally watched them, a part of him dismissed the notion as typical rich people eccentricity. After all, he’d never be able to fully understand the lives of billionaires and their adopted kids.
With a sigh, Wally returned to his work, trying to focus on the mundane tasks at hand. But the memory of Dick’s smile, the warmth of his words, and the generosity of his tip lingered in his mind, leaving Wally with a curious sense of wonder and anticipation.
He couldn’t help but wonder if he’d get to see Dick Grayson again soon.
— — —
Happy Harbor Park was bustling with activity on this sunny Saturday afternoon. Families picnicked on the grass, kids ran around chasing each other, and couples strolled hand-in-hand along the winding paths. It was the kind of lively, vibrant scene that Wally West found himself unexpectedly drawn to.
His usual routine had left him feeling restless, and as he wandered through the park, knowing Conner and M’gann were on a date here. They were seated at a quaint little picnic table, complete with a basket of food and a checkered blanket spread out between them. It was a romantic setup, and Conner’s mildly annoyed expression when he saw Wally approaching was also quite classic.
“Hey, guys!” Wally called out, waving as he approached the table. “Mind if I join you?”
Conner looked up from his burger with a frown. “Wally, seriously? This is our date.”
Wally shrugged, a mischievous grin on his face. “Come on, don’t be a stick in the mud. I’m just here to hang out. You two look like you could use a third wheel.”
M'gann looked up from her salad, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Wally, you’re crashing our date? How original.”
Conner shook his head, clearly unimpressed. “You could at least find your own date. You know, someone who actually wants to hang out with you.”
The comment stung more than Conner probably intended, and Wally’s mind immediately flashed to Dick Grayson. He couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to go on a date with someone like Dick—someone who seemed to belong to a world so different from his own. The thought made his cheeks flush with a sudden, unexpected warmth.
M'gann noticed the change in Wally’s demeanor and raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. “Oh, I see how it is,” she teased, her tone playful. “Someone’s got a crush. And you don’t even need to be an telepath to figure that one out.”
Wally tried to play it cool, but his blush deepened. “What? No way. I was just thinking about—uh—something else.”
M'gann’s smile widened as she leaned in closer. “You don’t need to hide it, Wally. It’s written all over your face. You’re definitely thinking about someone special.”
Conner looked between them, a smirk forming on his lips as he picked up on M'gann’s teasing. “Come on, spill it, Wally. Who’s the lucky person?”
Wally laughed awkwardly, trying to brush off the conversation. “Oh, no one important. Just… someone I ran into recently. It’s nothing.”
Conner raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. “Nothing, huh? So why are you blushing like a tomato?”
Wally rolled his eyes, trying to regain his composure. “Alright, fine. Maybe there’s someone I’ve been thinking about. But it’s not a big deal. They’re way out of my league. Our encounters were probably just chance.”
M'gann’s eyes softened with a hint of sympathy. “Wally, sometimes chance encounters can lead to something more. You never know.”
Wally shrugged, trying to play it off. “Yeah, well, I’m not holding my breath. Besides, you guys enjoy your date. I’m just here to crash it and steal some of your fries.”
Conner grumbled under his breath but didn’t protest further as Wally helped himself to a handful of fries. M'gann continued to tease him lightly, but there was a warmth in her eyes that suggested she genuinely cared about his feelings.
As the afternoon wore on, the three of them chatted and laughed, the initial awkwardness fading into a more comfortable camaraderie. Wally tried to push his thoughts of Dick Grayson aside, focusing instead on enjoying the company of his friends. But even as he joked and shared stories, a small part of him couldn’t help but wonder about the possibility of seeing Dick again and whether there might be something more to their chance encounters than he had initially thought.
He wanted there to be more.
— — —
The food court was bustling as usual, the hum of conversation and the clatter of trays providing a familiar backdrop to Wally West’s evening shift. He was in the middle of restocking napkins when he saw the familiar sight of Dick Grayson and an annoyed Jason Todd walking into the food court again. This time, however, they were joined by a striking redheaded girl who looked to be around Dick’s age.
Wally’s heart sank as he took in the sight. The girl was beautiful, with fiery red hair that framed her face in soft waves. She laughed at something Dick said, and Wally’s chest tightened at the thought that Dick might be on a date with her. The pang of disappointment was sharp and immediate.
Trying to mask his feelings, Wally quickly composed himself and forced a casual demeanor as he went about his duties. He avoided staring too much as Dick and his companions made their way to the counter. Instead, he focused on the task at hand, attempting to ignore the fact that the very person who had captured his interest was now accompanied by someone else.
“Hey there,” Dick greeted with his usual charming smile as he reached the counter. Wally tried not to let his emotions show as he met Dick’s gaze.
“Hey,” Wally replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “What can I get for you today?”
Dick seemed completely unaware of Wally’s inner turmoil as he placed their order with practiced ease. “The usual—two cheeseburgers, a vanilla smoothie, a chocolate smoothie, and a side of fries. Oh, and we’ll need it to go.”
Wally nodded, taking down the order and moving quickly to prepare it. He tried to keep his focus on the task, determined not to let his personal feelings interfere with his work. As he was assembling the order, he noticed that Dick and the redheaded girl were chatting animatedly, their easy rapport only making Wally feel more dejected.
After a few minutes, Wally handed over the completed order. Dick reached into his pocket and pulled out another $100 bill, which he placed on the counter. Wally started to thank him, but Dick had already turned to leave, carrying the bag of food with him.
Just as Wally was about to put the money away, he noticed something peculiar—a small note folded neatly under the bill. Curiosity got the better of him, and he unfolded the note, his heart pounding in his chest.
The note read: “Call me <3 – Dick”
Wally’s eyes widened as he stared at the phone number scrawled beneath the message. It took him a moment to process what he was seeing. The world seemed to slow down as he glanced up, searching for Dick, but the group was already making their way out of the food court. Dick didn’t look back, his attention fixed on the redheaded girl and Jason.
Wally stood there, dumbfounded, holding the note in his hand. The realization that Dick had left him a way to get in touch was overwhelming. A mix of excitement, confusion, and nervousness swirled inside him. Why had Dick left him his number? Was it a genuine offer to continue their conversations, or was there something more behind it?
The note felt like a lifeline, an unexpected chance at something Wally had only dared to dream about. But the girl with Dick had made him doubt, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe he had misinterpreted the gesture.
As he watched Dick’s group disappear through the mall’s entrance, Wally’s mind raced with possibilities. He wanted to call Dick, to see where things could lead, but the uncertainty of the situation made him hesitate.
He glanced at the note one more time before carefully slipping it into his pocket. For now, he needed to get through the rest of his shift, but he knew that his thoughts would be occupied by the note and what it might mean.
— — —
The training room in Mount Justice was abuzz with activity as the team went through their morning drills. Conner Kent was working on strength training, M'gann M'orzz was practicing her telekinesis, and Artemis was running through archery exercises. In the midst of it all, Wally West was struggling to focus, his mind clearly preoccupied.
Nightwing, ever observant, noticed Wally’s lack of concentration. He had been working with the team on hand-to-hand combat drills, and Wally’s distracted demeanor wasn’t going unnoticed. After a particularly grueling set of exercises, Nightwing called a halt to the session.
“Alright, everyone, take a break,” Nightwing announced, his tone authoritative but calm. The team dispersed to grab water and catch their breath.
Nightwing approached Wally, who was leaning against the wall, absentmindedly rubbing his shoulder. “You seem off today, Wally. Something on your mind?”
Wally looked up, momentarily startled by the direct question. He tried to mask his unease with a casual shrug. “Nah, just a bit tired. Long night, you know?”
Nightwing’s eyes narrowed slightly, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Long night, huh? Anything in particular keeping you up?”
Wally frowned, sensing an undercurrent in Nightwing’s tone. “Just… stuff. Nothing to worry about.”
Nightwing’s smile widened, as if he found Wally’s evasiveness amusing. “Well, if you say so. But you know, if there’s something you want to talk about, I’m here.”
Wally hesitated, feeling a mix of embarrassment and vulnerability. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt compelled to share a bit more. “Actually, there is something. I’ve been thinking about this… hot guy who gave me his number.”
Nightwing raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Oh? A hot guy, huh? Sounds like something worth looking into.”
Wally rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a flush creep up his cheeks. “Yeah, well, he’s been showing up at the mall where I work. The thing is, I’ve kind of had a crush on him for a while. But he left me his number, and now I’m not sure what to do.”
Nightwing’s grin turned sly. “You should definitely call him.”
Wally blinked, taken aback by the straightforward advice. “Wait, seriously? You’re just telling me to go for it?”
“Why not?” Nightwing replied with a shrug. “If he’s interested enough to give you his number, there’s probably something there. And you never know unless you give it a shot.”
Wally couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt. He had been harboring feelings for Nightwing, too, and the idea of pursuing someone else felt like a betrayal, even if it was unintentional. “I guess so. It’s just… I’m a little nervous, you know?”
Nightwing’s expression softened slightly, though the playful edge remained. “I get it. Nerves are normal. But sometimes, you have to take a leap. And who knows? It might turn out to be something really great.”
Wally looked at Nightwing, taking in his encouraging words and the genuine warmth behind his smile. Despite the conflicted feelings he had, Nightwing’s support was comforting. “Thanks, Nightwing. I’ll think about it.”
Nightwing clapped him on the back. “That’s the spirit. Just remember, sometimes the best things come from taking a chance.”
With that, Nightwing turned and walked away, leaving Wally with a swirl of emotions. He couldn’t deny the lingering feelings he had for Nightwing, but the prospect of calling Dick Grayson left him both excited and anxious.
— — —
Wally stumbled through his front door, a whirlwind of thoughts racing through his mind. He quickly dialed the number from the note, his heart pounding in his chest. As the phone rang, he paced back and forth, trying to calm his nerves.
After a few rings, the call was answered. The voice on the other end was unmistakable.
“Hey, Walls.”
Wally froze. It was Dick Grayson’s voice. But it was also Nightwing’s voice—the same voice he heard over his comm during missions. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks, and he felt his face flush with a mix of shock and embarrassment.
“No way,” Wally groaned, slapping a hand over his face. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Dick– Nightwing’s laughter came through the phone, warm and teasing. “What’s wrong, KF? Didn’t expect to hear from me?”
Wally’s mind raced as he tried to piece it all together. “So, let me get this straight. You’re Nightwing? The same Nightwing I’ve been working with on missions? The Nightwing and Robin who won’t tell me his secret identity? And you’re the guy who left me his number?”
“Guilty as charged,” Dick replied, still chuckling. “I didn’t think it’d be such a surprise. I figured you’d recognize my voice eventually.”
Wally’s cheeks burned with a mix of frustration and embarrassment. “Seriously, Rob? How long have you been playing me? Were you just messing with me all this time?”
“Come on, Wally, don’t be mad,” Dick said, his tone playful. “I thought it would be fun to keep you guessing. And, well, I didn’t want to make things too obvious. I figured you’d eventually put two and two together.”
Wally tried to keep his composure, though he couldn’t help but be flustered. “Oh, sure. Real funny. I’ve been going around with this huge crush on you, thinking you were some mysterious celebrity. And all this time, you were just messing with me.”
Dick’s voice softened a bit, though the teasing undertone remained. “Hey, I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was playing you. I just thought it would be… more interesting this way. And, in all honesty, I was kind of hoping you’d figure it out.”
Wally sighed dramatically, though he was secretly thrilled. “Well, now that I know, what do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’d say you’ve got me at a bit of a disadvantage,” Dick replied smoothly. “But I’d also say that I’m so glad you called. I was hoping we could get to know each other a bit better. Out of masks and capes. Maybe even go on a real date?”
Wally’s heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. “A date, huh? So now you’re asking me out after all the drama?”
“Yep,” Dick said with a grin in his voice. “If you’re up for it. I promise I won’t be too much of a tease this time.”
Wally chuckled despite himself, feeling a mixture of exasperation and joy. “Alright, fine. I’ll play along. But only if you promise not to make me look foolish in front of everyone else.”
“Deal,” Dick agreed. “How about we meet up at that new Italian place in downtown Star City? I hear they have amazing pasta. We could also go bother Roy afterwards — you know him as KF, I know him as Dickie Grayson. Say, tomorrow night at seven?”
Wally tried to sound nonchalant, but he couldn’t help the smile spreading across his face. “Sounds good. I’ll see you then. And, by the way, I’m still not letting you off the hook for all the sneaky stuff.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Dick replied. “I’ll be looking forward to it, Wally.”
Wally ended the call, staring at his phone with a mixture of satisfaction and disbelief. It was true—Dick Grayson and Nightwing were the same person, and he had a chance to go on a date with him. The thought made him giddy, despite his earlier irritation.
He took a deep breath and grinned, trying to contain his excitement. “Well, this should be interesting,” he muttered to himself, already anticipating the upcoming date.
With a renewed sense of enthusiasm, Wally went about his evening, mentally preparing for what promised to be a memorable night. Despite the teasing and the playful deceit, he couldn’t deny how thrilled he was at the prospect of spending more time with Dick. After all, the two people he had a crush on had turned out to be one and the same—an outcome that was both surprising and incredibly exciting.
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thedragonagebigbang · 1 month
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @blarrghe  |  [AO3: blarghe
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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Tortured Man More Tortured by Having To Endure the Best Week of His Life
Blarghe and Dema talk art imitating life writing, romantic foils, and the Platonic Ideal Dorianmance 
Dema: I'd love to begin in OC land with you. As someone who is both an artist and a writer, do you find that making art of your OCs informs your process? Or are those pretty separate for you?
Blarghe: Hmm. That's a good question.
Dema: Why, thank you!
Blarghe: My feeling has always been that I'm a better writer than I am an artist, so maybe the writing informs the art, more. I am always getting very visual ideas, like maybe some comic-panel type storyboards in the brain, and I can't really illustrate that to the degree that I want, so it can be like it is in my head. But I can more easily make words do that.
I'd very much like to do some illustrations for my own stuff, and I love drawing my OC and some things have helped in the other way, like designing his vallaslin on paper did give me something better to describe from in writing. I'd really love to reach the point of being able to do a few comics. There are a few scenes I really see that way. I try to be quite visual in my writing in the meantime I guess, haha.
Dema: That makes sense! I have the same dream. Comics are very intimidating. So it sounds like you write your OCs before you draw them?
Blarghe: Yeah, generally. I think since we're going from a video game and I already have seen the characters that way, there's that. Though I have OCs I have not made in the character creator. I haven't invented a ton of non-canon side characters but there are a few. I think I can picture them pretty well. I wind up drawing them after falling in love with them through writing them, rather than like, designing a character visually/on paper/in the cc before putting them in a story. Honestly, I put down DA:I for a looong time while still writing da:i-inspired fic with my OC and other canon characters. So I guess I don't have to look at him that often.
Dema: I have asked several of our writers if they make all their OCs in the CC, and if that's step 1. I'm curious, too, at what point you knew you were going to make fan content of your OC and participate in fandom. Did you finish the game first? Did you come in with a foot already in the fandom?
Blarghe: Ok long answer: I was into the games first. I started playing in maybe 2015, shortly after Inquisition came out. My partner already liked the games and was excited to play it, so I wound up watching some of that and being intrigued. But I started with Origins, loved it, and wound up loving and playing all three, all of them with more than one OC, to varying degrees of completion. When it comes to writing fic, I had ideas, like, little comics and some additional fill-in-the-gaps scenes written into notebooks and stuff for all three games. Mostly expanding on the personal relationships and romances, as you do. I'd done that kind of thing for other media I liked, but never really been in "fandom" about it for anything. I've always done creative writing and original fiction as a hobby and it was just a way of getting back into that on a personal level. I wrote the most after finishing DA:I for the second time... I kind of did a playthrough I wasn't super happy with, then made a new character specifically for a romance (Dorian's) then... wasn't super happy with that character either, THEN made Taren who is my current OC obsession, and wrote like 30K words of canon-divergence fic with a whole other OC companion inserted and just had fun with it. I forgot about that until 2020, when I found it in my docs and re-read it and decided it was actually pretty good and that I could maybe try to post online, find community, etc. I've since completely scrapped and deleted that fic from AO3, but getting out there got me into doing writing prompts and writing other stories, and now here I am. (I still haven't actually finished my Taren playthrough. I will before Veilguard lol) I was definitely motivated by COVID, thought I might go insane without community, so I picked a couple things I was already into (writing and dragon age) and went looking.
Dema: I'm guessing most of the art and writing you've done for DA has been DA:I?
Blarghe: Most, yeah. If only because my long fic is a DA:I inspired modern-au. Honestly it's fairly divorced from canon lol. Most of my canon writing is for DA:O actually. And I'm obsessed with Taren, I've drawn him more than anyone ever. He is very pretty, you see.
Dema: He is very, very pretty. Is DA:O your favorite game in the franchise? Everyone hates this question but I GOTTA KNOW hahaha!
Blarghe: Yeah it is! I love them all for different aspects, but it's got that first-game start of the obsession nostalgia. I also love a finicky, strategy-heavy RPG so to me the usual combat complaints aren't really a thing. I like the pause-every-two-seconds combat hahaha. I do really love running around through the scenery in Inquisition though, and I like the characters, and the fun flashy rogue stabbing too. But I have a soft spot for Origins for really gripping you into that story and world. It's a great balance of silly and funny and dark and difficult choices.
Dema: I haven't asked anyone else this yet, but are you finding the Veilguard announcements and previews are refreshing the inspiration? Or are you avoiding all spoilers and pretending it does not exist until the release? Or some secret, third thing…
Blarghe: Somewhere in between. I've been here the whole time lol, I don't know that it hyped me up any more, but it's nice to finally have news. And I'm excited that it will mean new people in the fandom and a resurgence that way. I am not totally avoiding spoilers but still kinda keeping my distance for my own sanity. I'll definitely lock down the spoiler tags once it's actually out.
Dema: So valid. I am feeling very inspired, myself, but I think it may be more the energy of the fandom around me reaching such a fever pitch. We're like a flock of ducks getting a whole loaf of bread after years of crumbs. 
Blarghe: So true haha. I am really excited about how it looks. Can't wait to play it!
Dema: Same! Returning to Taren a bit because, well, he's pretty: you said you went through a few iterations of OCs for a Dorian romance before him, and then were hooked. What is it about Taren that makes him a favorite? Was there a particular inspiration for him?
Blarghe: Oh boy. Not a specific inspiration. I played DA:I three times, counting the Taren one that I'm not technically finished, and the first I completely missed any romance (thought I could get Harding until it was too late) but I loved Dorian's character and his personal arc hit so hard that I immediately made a new character just for him. He was like a sassy Trevelyan who didn't really wanna be there, trying to pull kind of a rogueish charming sarcastic irresponsible pretty boy to hang with Dorian but I really didn't like how that clicked. I know it's a pretty common character archetype esp in a Dorian romance to do sassy x sassy so no hate but I found the Inquisition storyline and dialogue options just wouldn't let me be that irresponsible and funny, which makes sense. I really liked the themes of how the game pushes you into this impossible role where the only thing you can do is become a big responsible hero figure. I'm sure there's a compelling story there for the kind of character I'm talking about, but since mine fell so flat to me I decided to lean the complete opposite way. And Dorian inspired it too. The more I played and considered it the more I felt like I wanted him to have kind of a counterweight romance, you know. Opposites attract kind of thing. So Taren started as this very responsible, serious character who has always been prepared for leadership, being a First, and takes all that really seriously. He's also very Dalish and has reason to distrust and argue with him, which is great for Drama, but very very sweet and genuine and wholesome, which is so fun to contrast with all Dorian's trust issues. Dorian's quite emotional and idealistic, really, so they match in that way and it's very romantic. Taren's also a bit aspirational. Part of why I like Dorian so much is that I relate to him a lot, and I was struggling with trying to become less arrogant and more genuine, so Taren embodies a lot of that for me. Part of what makes him my favourite is probably the blank-slate of it all, too. Not having the Origin and getting to make stuff up. The whole romance plot is really compelling. I stuck him in some AUs and got carried away by worldbuilding, too. And after so much time spent with him he's just the fave now. But yeah, he's not my usual archetype. I think I've made a lot more sarcastic rogues than genuine sweethearts. He has like, anxiety and trust issues and I keep throwing him in situations to give him Trauma, but that sort of, happy, sweet, genuine, and healer-class character was all new ground to me and I wound up just loving the different-ness and challenge of it.
Dema: I did want to tell you that your "This is a story about trauma and relationships and socioeconomics and questioning belief and searching for balance. It's also about finding your soulmate on grindr" summary absolutely sent me.
Blarghe: Thank you, I'm very proud of that.
Dema: Speaking of which, can you come up with a clickbait title for your bang fic?
Blarghe: Something like Tortured Man More Tortured by Having To Endure the Best Week of His Life [[REDACTED]] you can cut that last part because it does make it obvious.
Dema: A+. Thank you for the lovely interview, it's been a treat chatting!
Blarghe: Thanks! It was very fun.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 25 (Blind Love)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Several seasons had passed with the scenery around me changing colours. Nothing changed about me, I was still spending time in the world of darkness as a fairytale writer.
Of course, Liam had always been by my side, smelling like vanilla.
There were days when I missed where I originally was before meeting Crown, but I never once regretted my decision to stay.
Even after you've made your choice, there will never be a definitive answer to what’s right or wrong.
There would surely be people who would point their fingers at me, criticising me for making the “wrong” choice.
But it doesn't matter to me.
This is what I want for myself.
In the basement surrounded by the smell of herbs, Roger read through my report.
Roger: This information is quite valuable. Well done, young lady.
Kate: I’m humbled.
Recently, I’ve been writing about not only Liam’s, but everyone’s curses.
It was said that people born with curses were destined to face a tragic death.
I knew that there was no way to change fate, but that doesn't mean we should just sit back and accept it without resistance.
(If there’s anything I can do, I’ll do it. Even if it’s something small.)
Roger: Come to think of it, Liam has been having less frequent episodes lately, hasn't he?
Kate: Yes, they’ve become significantly less frequent. Liam is still periodically satisfying his curiosity, but now he’s more careful when doing so.
Roger smiled in satisfaction, his facial expression seeming rather sadistic.
Roger: It’s not very good for a former doctor to make guesses based solely on speculation, but…
Roger: … Liam’s episodes may be caused by his strong survival instincts.
Kate: Survival instincts?
Roger: He engages in potentially life-threatening activities to feel alive.
Roger: It sounds rather contradictory, but it’s important for humans to feel alive.
Roger: Therefore, you should stay by his side, young lady.
Roger: Because right now, to Liam, you are the one who's making him feel alive.
Kate: … I’ll always be with him.
Roger: Well, if ever he gets tired of you, I’ll take care of you. You’re my favourite, you know?
Roger ruffled my hair with his large hand like he were petting a dog.
Kate: Wah…!
Roger: Haha, your hair’s all messed up now.
Standing behind the door to the basement, Liam could hear the conversation between Kate and Roger.
Liam: “You’re my favourite, you know?”
Liam frowned when he heard those words, feeling uneasy.
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Liam: What if Roger takes Kate away from me? What should I do…
Liam: N-No, no. It’s a horrible thing to doubt Kate. … I’ll trust her and wait. … I’ll do my best.
Liam felt the strong urge to run downstairs and swear his unwavering allegiance to Kate, but he resisted it and sat down on a step of the stairs.
He looked like a pet cat waiting for his owner.
Liam: … Ahh, it’s raining.
The rain was a sign of an episode's onset. It always felt ice cold, but today it felt as gentle as the rain in springtime.
He heard the voice of his “other self” in his heart.
Hey, Liam. I haven't had many chances to appear lately, huh?
(... Yeah. It’s because I’ve been focusing on moving forward to tomorrow with Kate.)
Hm? Ahaha, you’re so selfish.
(Yeah. I’m sorry for always running away. But from now on, I won’t run away anymore. I want to live.)
Living is something that’s difficult for you. You know, there’s no telling what could happen to you tomorrow, right?
(... I know.)
(But even so… I still want to try my best. I’m good at that.)
… I’ll be watching you.
I’ll pay you a visit when you’re at the brink of death again. See you.
When Liam opened his eyes, the rain in his heart stopped…
Instead, he heard the sound of Kate’s footsteps as she came up from the basement.
The clicking sounds of the typewriter keys echoed through my quiet room.
The things I had witnessed and the stories I had written with these fingers were sometimes inhumane and unforgivable.
My fear and sorrow never faded away, sometimes I even felt scared of what tomorrow would bring me.
(But I want to keep moving towards it no matter what.)
(And I’ll reach my hand out to the man I love, because that’s what “I love you” means to me.)
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Liam: … Kate?
Kate: Liam, you’re back. Good job on your rehearsals.
Liam: Thanks. Oh, I saw that the door was left ajar, so I came in without knocking—
Kate: I thought it was about time you came back, so I left it open on purpose.
Kate: So I can see your face as soon as you’re back, you know?
Liam: That’s an adorable reason. … I wanted to see you as soon as possible too.
I couldn't help but be captivated by Liam’s smile, gestures, and even every one of his beautiful eyelashes.
(... It’s like he’s always getting more and more attractive.)
Liam’s radiance knew no bounds, it was always captivating the hearts of everyone who looked at him.
It feels a little embarrassing when someone this attractive looks at me so passionately.
Liam: Kate, can you close your eyes?
Kate: Fufu, okay.
Even though my eyes were closed, I already knew what Liam was up to.
Liam: OK. You can open your eyes now.
A strong fragrance tickled my nose, and a pink modern rose was placed in my hand.
Kate: Wow, it’s beautiful… . Thank you, Liam.
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Liam: Mm, you’re welcome.
Liam often bought me modern roses on ordinary days like this.
(Now that I think of it, I’ve never asked him about the reason.)
Kate: Why do you always buy me modern roses? This flower isn’t easy to obtain.
I recalled Victor once telling me that this type of rose was a rare breed made through hybridization.
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Liam: Hmm— I wonder why?
(Ah, I know that look. He has this facial expression whenever he’s trying to hide something.)
I gently placed the rose on my desk and reached my hand to his side…
Kate: Take this!
I tickled him relentlessly.
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Liam: Hey, s-stop…
When I chased Liam around the room as he tried to escape, we tumbled onto the bed and messed up the sheets.
Liam: Aha, AHAHA! Okay, I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you honestly…!
Liam: Hah… Kate… you really show no mercy.
Kate: Fufu, sorry. But I really do want to know the reason.
Liam laughed while laying on the bed.
Liam: Back when I was trying to buy you flowers for the first time, the florist told me about flower language.
Liam: She said that modern roses symbolise “gratitude”.
Kate: … Gratitude.
Liam: Mm, that's right. I’m grateful to have met you, for being able to spend time with you by your side, and to you for forgiving me for always sticking to you.
Liam: … Haha, it’ll be daylight by the time I’m done if I keep going, so let’s leave it as that…
Liam: Kate, I’m always grateful for everything about you.
Liam: Thank you for existing, Kate.
Those words, spoken so casually and without hesitation, carried the weight of the loneliness he had been putting up with all this time.
(Ever since Liam was born, no one has thanked him for existing.)
(Moreover, his life was always being trampled on by others and that hurt him.)
(And yet…)
– Flashback Start –
Liam: Your heart belongs to you, and only you. I hope that you’ll let me help you stay just the way you are.
(He was the protector of my heart.)
Liam: Everyone wants a shining star, and if it pleases them and means something to them…
Liam: I want to be that star. I don’t care if I’m just a fake.
(He struggled while trying to please everyone.)
Liam: Therefore, you’ll be alright, Kate. I hope you’ll always be someone who believes in tomorrow.
– Flashback End –
While continuing to live between life and death, Liam had a beautiful heart that cherished others.
Why does it have to be so difficult for him to live with a kind heart?
But still, even though there was nothing I could do to change that, I wanted to continue staying by Liam’s side and expressing my love for him.
Kate: … I should be the one thanking you.
His slightly tousled hair smelled like sweet vanilla today too.
Kate: Hey, Liam.
Kate: Thank you for being born. I’m very glad that I met you.
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Liam: …
Liam: Ah…
Liam: … My heart beating so fast right now, I can feel it hammering against my chest.
Liam: Right now… I… I feel so alive.
Liam pulled me into his arms, as if he wanted me to listen to his heart beating.
His heart had a regular rhythm like it was taking care of a tiny animal.
Liam: Let me kiss you after you display that flower. Once I start touching you, I won’t be able to stop.
Liam: And… I want more than just a kiss. I want lots of kisses.
As our flushed skin and bodies came together, we laid down together on the sheets.
Kate: Look outside, Liam! Isn’t that Betelgeuse?
Liam: Yeah, you’re right. Amazing, it's like it’s shouting at you to look at it.
The Betelgeuse shining brightly in the night sky reminded me of Liam.
They were both dazzling, beautiful, and made people want to reach their hands out towards them.
Liam: Did you know, Kate?
Liam: Betelgeuse is red because it’ll eventually explode and die.
Kate: Explode…?
Liam: Yup. It turns red as it burns brighter and brighter… and I heard from somewhere that its lifespan also gets shorter.
(... The end of the shiny red star in the sky.)
Liam: As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat… I wonder what will be the cause of my death.
Liam was clearly referring to his inevitable tragic demise due to his curse.
But that was definitely not all he was referring to.
Having experienced a close call with death once, Liam understood how painfully fragile human life could be.
The longer someone lived, the more prevalent death felt to them.
(That would certainly be the same for me. Everyone’s life would come to an end someday.)
Liam: … You know, Kate. If I can choose how I die—
Liam lifted my body up in his arms—.
He then guided my hands to wrap them around his neck.
Through the contact with his skin, I could feel the steady beating of his heart that was a sign of life.
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Liam: Please, if I can choose how I die… I want my life to end in your hands.
Kate: In my hands?
Liam: … Yes. I want to be put to sleep forever by your hands.
Liam: Only then, for the first time, I’ll feel glad to have been born.
I could tell from the look in his rose-coloured eyes that he was neither joking nor speaking figuratively, it was his genuine wish.
It sounded depressing for him to ask to be killed. But, to me, that was him wishing for himself to keep on living.
What Liam was trying to tell me was that he wanted me to stay with him and watch over him until the day fate puts an end to him.
(And so, I…)
I gently tightened my grip on his neck, just enough for him to still breathe.
Kate: … Okay. I’ll be the one to end your life with my own hands.
Kate: Therefore, please remain by my side until the very end.
Kate: Keep on reaching out to me, who will be waiting for you in your tomorrows.
Liam: … Of course. You are the only one I’ll look at.
Just like any other day in your life, the world is unkind to you today.
In this neverending nightmare, I will continue to beg for your life.
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gensokyogarden · 9 months
it's almost new years and you guys have been there for me so much during this year so tonight I do want to make a post trying to recognize a lot of people within the community. My head is pretty fuzzy right now so I fear I'm gonna forget some folks, in which case I'm honestly genuinely very sorry, but know that so many of you have touched my life in a positive way. Since I wasn't fully around on Thanksgiving either, consider this my chance of telling you all that I'm thankful for you too.
Some of you may not see this. Either because you don't follow this blog or you've been offline for a while. But I hope even if you don't see this post you still are able to understand my feelings towards you.
At the moment I would prefer if people don't reblog this. I'm not the most comfortable with my out of character thoughts being spread around. However if you know someone in this but think they won't see it on their own you are welcome to link them to this. Also if you're mentioned in this and you REALLY want to save it, I guess I can't stop you from reblogging.
Ruler: It feels like anytime I'm in a rough spot you always have kind words for me. With how often you're in character I just deeply respect you always breaking it for me. You've helped me to feel safe in the community during a very difficult time. That means the world to me.
Annette-mun: I know we only met a year ago but you have become an incredibly close friend to me. Being honest, I rank you as one of my best friends. I have fun with all of the boardgames we play together as well as the connections we've made between a lot of our muses. I always want to recognize all the work you put in sending me those ask spams. I'm sorry that because of head stuff I haven't been able to answer most of the new set. It makes me feel as if I've failed to respect the effort that you have put in. But I hope some day in the future I can fix that. I'm very glad we're friends.
Vel: You're a really funny friend and I care about you a lot. I feel that sometimes I'm not sensitive enough to things that may bother you and worry I may have upset you at times in the past. If I have, I'm really sorry. You write Kyouko really well and your ocs are also quite fun. Thanks for letting me make Nagi. Sometimes you say things that make me feel you are self-concious about your blog and other things. So I just wanna reiterate that I am in your corner and here for you whenever you need.
Slap: I was shy towards you at first, I'll admit. It may not seem it but I'm kinda a shy person in general and I'm nervous to warm up to people, but I'm glad you joined the Touhou community. You're a really funny guy. I love reading your posts on my dash and now I also love playing the occasional game with ya. Your ability to do voice and to commit to bits is astounding. I'm really glad I met you.
Argo: You're someone who is always there for me. I really appreciate that. I left the Fate community for personal reasons years ago now. I'm very glad that, despite that, I still ended up meeting you. Because you've been such a good friend to me. I'm glad that you've gotten somewhat into Touhou because it gives us more room to interact. You've really been there when I've needed you. Often you apologize and say you don't do enough but you've done so much for me. You're special to me.
Hoche: Through all the struggles I've gone through you have been very supportive of me. You have been a level headed voice of support and advice. I think that if it were not for you I would have been worse off in many different circumstances. Aside from that you are a very talented writer. I find myself stunned by some of what I've seen you write. Thank you for everything you've done for me and for being my friend.
Zane: You always show me cool warhammer things and that's special to me. I also really like Nyalter. I love ocs in general, but I think you have done a phenomenal job in giving her a life and story that is uniquely hers. I find it to be quite inspirational and it really pushes me to work harder on my own original characters.
Amber: I have mentioned this before but you were the first person to welcome me into the community. That is always going to be special to me. During that period when you left I teared up a fair amount because it felt like things would always be so different with you gone. I'm very glad that you came back. I really like all your ocs. I'm glad Eri isn't gone but I'm also really happy to be seeing the opportunity for your other ocs to shine as well. They're all fun, but I'm particularly a fan of Anna.
Kay: You've given me some of the advice that has helped me the most when I have been in a bad spot. I can't thank you enough for that. You've stopped me from making really bad decisions. You've also just been a fun and supportive friend. I am very interested in your Reimu and the story arc you've created with the hakurei god.
Swigg: I know we haven't talked much lately. I think our schedules don't line up the best. But you recently mentioned trying to get back into Tumblr. I'll be very happy if you do. Your ocs are fun and you put a lot of love and care into the canon characters you write. I think you add a lot to the community.
Sethy: I didn't know it for a while but back in the Fate community I followed your arknights blog and admired you there. I'm super glad I have gotten the opportunity to meet you and to become your friend. I think that all the things you do are so cool. Like you're a vtuber that's incredible. I always wanted to stream but could never work up the courage. You also know the creators of all the walfas I love. I just think its so cool. You have such a history within the community. I know that you suffered a very bad tragedy this year. I don't believe I was in a good enough headspace at that time to have provided you with the support a friend should have given and I deeply regret that. I just hope you're doing well.
Noka: I think you're a real sweetie and also really funny. I'm glad to see you posting on your sfw blog a lot more again because I really love seeing you on my dash. I'm hoping that we can do a lot more threads in the future because its always fun to write our muses together.
Minnie: Maybe the only person with the same brain worms as me. I know that lately we have not talked much but I hope you are doing well. I just wanna say that I really love your art.
Aurora: My apprentice and buddy, hehe. I know I haven't been around much but I want you to know that I'm glad you decided to join the rpc. You're so full of ideas and kindhearted. You have such phenomenal oc ideas and have such a talent for making danmaku. I think someday you may be the centerpiece of the community.
Sats: We haven't spoken too often but like Amber you were one of the first folks to interact with me in the community. Alongside that I find your writing to be phenomenal. As are your headcanons. The work that you put in to research, especially on folklore, is just so inspirational. It drives me to want to learn everything I can.
Momi: Hey Momi. It's been a while since you've been around and I miss you a lot. I know we still message on discord occasionally so its not like I can't reach out to ya. But I just miss you being in the rpc a lot. You were such a great writer and always doing something fun. But I imagine you've got a whole bunch of difficult challenges ahead of you. I've heard the career you're pursuing is really rough. I hope that you're thriving in it though.
Sarience: You've always been a good pal to me. I have a lot of fun writing with Neka in both forms as well as your other muses. There's a lot of asks from you I haven't answered yet. I'm really sorry about that. It feels disrespectful. Still I hope to be able to do more in the future. Thank you for always being interested in interacting with my muses, even when I was very new and unestablished.
Kyo: I really really like everytime that I see you on my dash. You write your muses in such a fun and engaging way. I hope that we get to interact a lot more in the future. I also know you've started something new in the last few months, not gonna be specific since I'm not sure if you've shared that part of your personal life on Tumblr, but I wish you the best of luck at it. I think you're going to succeed hard!
Ran: Ran I guess I just first wanna say I consider you a really good and special friend. When we've spoken you've often alluded to social anxiety and feeling like you've said embarassing things. So I want to restate that I've never been put off by what you've said and I love talking to you. As well as roleplaying and doing boardgames. I have so much fun pairing our muses up our causing wacky hijinks. I haven't seen you on your blogs much lately. Maybe I've just missed you but if not I hope you return to the rpc soon. It's not the same place without you.
Metal: You've been a long time friend to me by this point. Longer than a lot of folks on this list. I really appreciate that a lot. We haven't talked too much lately but I hope you're doing well. I also know not all of our fandoms sync up but I'm always down to interact anyways.
Nep: Hey Nep I haven't really seen you on Tumblr lately. I'm hoping that's just because we've been active at different times but if not I hope you're back soon. If you're not, I hope you're happy wherever you are. I think that you're real fun to write with and you've got original characters I'm excited to do much more with. I also believe that you had an event while I was gone that I'll hopefully be able to catch up on sometime soon.
Koi: I know I've not been around much lately but I hope that you're doing well. I've not really been in the headspace for horror lately but you're very good at bringing a unique horror flair to things.
Plumber: Hey we don't really personally know each other all that well but you're always making fun and wacky posts that I love to see on my dash. It feels like the rpc would be a lot less fun without you here. You also seem to be an incredibly kind person.
Kaali: A friend I've had for quite a while now but that I don't talk to enough. Sorry about that I'm just genuinely not the best with conversations. I have mad respect for all the work you put into your original characters and into your ideas. Like you really pull out all the stops.
Awoo: I've admired your ability to create interesting and fun original characters a lot. Several decisions I've made to develop my skills as a roleplayer have been inspired by you. I know you've had some mental health struggles of your own and I haven't heard from you lately so I hope you're doing alright wherever you are.
Sades: During some really difficult moments you were there for me when not many other people were. I'm always going to appreciate that. You're also the reason I got into Touhou. Which means that without you, chances are I woule not have met the vast majority of people here or found a community where I feel I belong.
Cobalt: I am always ecstatic when I see your posts on my dash. I love your Chen and think that you're a lot of fun. I have not been around much but when I have been I've seen you talking about things like not feeling you have much to do in the community. I can't make decisions for you but I do want to say that I think you are a fundamental piece of our rpc. I would be sad not having you here.
Teeps: I was shy about approaching you at first but you're incredibly cool. A lot of the fandoms you are in I'm not in but your posts get me interested in them anyways. Like I have no clue who that green sonic character is but you give her such an energy. I'm real glad to know ya. As far as the 2hu rpc goes you've been around a lot longer than me and I love hearing your own personal that you've developed.
Cait: I need to pop in and catch your streams more. I think that you're very cool to see on the dash. I especially love the way that you write your Sakuya. I really cherrish her interactions with my Reimu.
Sev: First of all. A while ago you sent me a very kind message wishing me well in my mental health struggles. I was not in the best place then so I did not appropriately respond. So thank you for that it truly meant a lot to me. I believe that you put a stunning amount of work into the characters you write, giving them so much detail and layers. Its inspiring and I just really want to appreciate you for it.
Hanafuda: You haven't been around much and last we spoke you alluded to a rough spot. So I hope if you ever see this that you're doing well. It was always fun having another Miko on the dash for mine to banter with. I also looked forward to seeing more of the other muses you played. Maybe someday you'll return.
Frozen: Everytime I see one of your posts it makes me smile. Honestly you've got some of the funniest jokes in the fandom. Some I don't get but I still feel they'd be hilarious if I got them. Also I have noticed you often commission art for other people. I find that to be a very sweet and kindhearted thing. So I consider you to be the heart of the community.
Fox: I don't know you very well but I've recently seen your multimuse popping up and it seems very fun. So I want to get to know ya in the future.
Chiru: We've not really spoken but I think you make some really great posts. Very well written headcanons and roleplays. So I just wanna say I'm always happy seeing you on my dash.
Draco: you're not in the touhou fanbase but you have been a long time friend. I haven't heard much from you lately so I hope you're doing well. I'm here if ya need me.
Sturm: I think that all your fairy posts are incredibly. You truly are a star of my dashboard. Hopefully someday we'll interact more. I'd like that.
Xana: You seem to have so much lore for your blogs, its really cool. It seems you've been around a long while so there's a lot of history. Someday I'd like to sit down and hear all about it from you. I also find your writing to be quite fun.
Jacob: we don't interact too much but I'm always excited to see someone posting walfas images. So that has always made you stick out in my dash and brighten it. Hope you're doing well.
Geisthonoredferry: As of yet, I don't believe we've interacted. But you're always liking my posts thst's something I really appreciate. Hopefully sometime I can get to know your oc.
Carp: Last I saw you were in a rough spot so I hope things are well now. You're newer to my dash but you seem very kind hearted and jovial. Also your ocs sre red as hell and go've got good face claim tastes.
Crim: You're a real cool friend with a lot of cool ideas. I love any interactions that our muses have together. Although my favorite is Kutaka/Eiki because it's somehow both a very obvious ship and yet a rare one. I think that they are very cute together. I also like the sisterhood of Reimu and Kisume. It's an unexpected but fun dynamic.
Mugenri-mun: I don't believe I know your screen name but you've been real supportive of me through my hardship and gave me a person to speak to. I would not be in as good a place without you. Also I'm glad someone is repping Len'en.
Kcmeiji & Closedheartedgirl: I wanted to note you both as you are both Komeiji blogs thay popped up and then disappeared while I've been got on hiatus. I just think that's a bit disappointing. The Komeiji are some of my favorites.
That's about all I have to say. It was kind of tough to word it all out but those are things I want y'all to know.
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bumblepony · 5 months
Thank you for tagging me @adhdprincess Tagging @march-flowerr @two-birds-alone-together @becomethesun [Empty Q's are at the bottom of the post]
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 75
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 434,796
3. What fandoms do you write for? TLOU
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unexpected Consequences : 327
Like You Were Always Meant To Be Here : 306
Glitch in the Code or Playing Video Games with My Uncle and Dad : 183
A Soul For Sale Or Rent : 164
After The Rain :126
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, as much as I can. But I am bad at remembering, so if I get a notification and don't respond right away, my brain forgets it exists. Thank you, ADHD.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think its a tie between these two.
Life is pretty cruel For a touchy feely fool
We're Only Going So Far
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Maybe this one. Boy I Was Back Then
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, not really. I had one fic that got some hate but it was pretty minimal. I don't even have that fic anymore; I planned to rewrite it but never did.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, Yes I do. All kinds, but generally, it's soft smut; I don't do a ton of really out-there stuff, not that I am yucking anyones yum, just not my style. I have M/M pairings and M/F I haven't really explored F/F yet but I plan to just haven't got around to it yet.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes, I do. So far, only one has been published its TLOU/Firefly Turn On The Red Light . I am working on another right now for TLOU/LOTR
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, actually a few,
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? So, it's not really a Ship because they are actually together, but Bill/Frank is my favorite ship from the video game. I love that the HBO version actually gave us a relationship with them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably my Henry & Sam Live Wip. Like, I want to write it, but it's going to be a lot of work, and there already is a great writer, @becomethesun, who is writing one that is amazing. It's called collaborators .
16. What are your writing strengths? Uggg, I guess my ability to come up with ideas for stories.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? My ability to finish writing those ideas.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do it from time to time, but I try to get help from someone who actually speaks the language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Technically The Heralds of Valdimar, but that was all through Yahoo email with my friends when I was 15-16 years old. My only published stuff is on AO3 TLOU.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Shit I think it's a tie with
A Soul For Sale Or Rent
Glitch in the Code or Playing Video Games with My Uncle and Dad
To copy on mobile, hold and press the text below and tap "Copy". Feel free to use the pic at the top of the post as well!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2. What's your total AO3 word count? 3. What fandoms do you write for? 4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 5. Do you respond to comments? 6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 8. Do you get hate on fics? 9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? 15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 16. What are your writing strengths? 17. What are your writing weaknesses? 18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 19. First fandom you wrote for? 20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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victoria1676 · 2 years
Sagau Brainrot: Reader having the same abilities as Nakajima Atsushi from Bungou Stray Dogs
(Reader is Female here unfortunately so i apologize for those who want it non-binary or gender neutral TwT)
Heyo its been a while
Its 2am in the night time but i was lucky to finish this yet i am very tired especially i just finished midterms and still have to make 7 assignments due next week ugh DX
Anyways please enjoy this brainrot that I tried my best to expand it 😭 I'll work on my other brainrots soon and my story as well when i have the time but currently im very packed this month ugh TwT
So like I haven't watched Bungou stray dogs in long time and im avoiding Season 4 due to the fact i have already read the manga and knows that Season 4 is the darkest arc including i guess there is a chance season 5 will also be dark if i remember the manga correctly 🤔
Have I read the Beast AU or read it?
My personal reason is that i was able to get a summary out of it and since that summary made me cry and learn what happened to Beast Dazai I cried the fact i loved him so much and that au was painful 😭😭
But anyways this is my personal opinion however if you want to read Beast AU Bungou Stray dogs I recommend that you guys prepare tissues cause the angst of that au is very sad but if you able to handle then props to you UwU but i can say is that the au is very interesting and I don't mind you guys reading it UwU However you must read the Original Bungou Stray Dogs since Beast Au is the parallel universe of it. The manga is currently still on going but the Anime is out by 3 seasons and season 4 currently coming out soon.
So yeah lets go to my Brainrot UwU
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse
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So this won't have the creator au thing this time unfortunately but it is more like I want to go back to the original concept of what sagau a.k.a self-aware as I am referring to the self-aware au were no god reader but just a regular reader who plays the game and is not aware the charas are self-aware and they are all fond with her whether it is platonic, romantic, possessive or obsessed with her.
As I mentioned reader has the abilities of Atsushi from Bungou stray dogs and has the same past as him however it's a bit different for the reader as her past is something I came up a bit sad about but not something excruciating to add since we all know how Atsushi's past is like especially you can see the worst of it in the manga 😭
Beast Beneath the Moonlight will not be an ability since the reader is not from the BSD world but this ability is something like a curse that the reader has to go through in tough times and has resented having it because if she wasn't born with it then she would have never been given up by her parents to the orphanage or thrown to such pain of being thrown back to the orphanages after all her previous foster parents deemed her a "Freak" or "Monster" and so on but they very physically hurt her since the reader was a very like a normal kid a first glance only these parents got the taste of fear seeing her curse.
Luckily around the age of 12, she finally got herself adopted by a person who is a writer and was one of the people who was like her, having a strange curse or rather an ability. It took time for the reader to get used to her new father and slowly trust him as he did not even react badly to seeing her transformation except he decided to help with her powers. Now grown up and able to live a normal life and keep a secret of her powers, the reader found herself loving a certain fantasy game called Genshin Impact that was recommended by her friends.
The game was very amazing and Reader loved it so much and also ignored the huge negative side of the game and tried to enjoy the lore and exploration.
Only she found herself Isekai out of nowhere.
There are endless possibilities about how Reader will appear in Genshin and I had to revise this many times LMAO
So like I decided she has been in the wilderness for like a week and there have been rumors spreading to all Teyvat of a strange dangerous Beast that usually prowls or appears at night time either running around or scaring away Treasure hoarders and sometimes the Fatui. And I guess it is up to you guys who would find her first OwO!
I feel like everyone would be fascinated with Reader’s transformation and I am sure there have been times reader suddenly gets cats attracted to them causing poor Venti to sneeze so much due to how many cats are near reader XD
Reader be getting along with Diona or any cat-like hybrid. As someone commented, the reader is like them, in which the reader fires back at them saying "I'M A TIGER NOT A CAT!"
But honestly people would find the reader 's abilities very fascinating.
And then they realize the reader could heal her wounds after some panic, getting stabbed or injured and trying to take her to a healer but instead her wounds healed rapidly.
I also imagine readers have similarities with Atsushi but personality wise it's up to you guys how you imagine a reader's personality is like with having the same Abilities like Atsushi.
But yeah what do you guys think? XD
This will have part 2 soon but a different version.
Part 2 will mainly be a cult au where the reader does not control the charas in the modern world but the reader is born in Genshin and is still a god but I guess it's still a sagau but a bit different since cult au and sagau are similar yet different I guess 🤔
The reason why I sound a bit excited in Part 2 of this brain rot? Because reader will be in the Fatui 
But she will be someone who is usually in the shadows doing most dirty work and is always near Tsaritsa like a Shadow UwU
I won't spoil much but you can ask me more of this brain rot if you like XD
So goodnight! ^^
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Hey!!! I see your a new writer and I guess I should start you off! Could you make s small drabble of a black fem reader being a helper at the training camp! 💖😂. A little bit of info(lol sorry I'm a little bit picky) The reader is one of Japan's best blockers. She is very short spoken and enjoys watching other players better(fyi she is a new manager for Nekoma) Sorry if it's a lot!!!
Don't worry lovie! This sounds like a real fun writing piece! Hopefully you enjoy this!
Miss Jumpy
Summary: Y/n L/n, one of the former top blockers in female volleyball. She happens to be the small time manager for Nekoma High.
Warnings: None!
Word Count: (620)
Y/n looked up to the sky as you sighed a low breath of exhaustion. You've spent most of your day running around helping the rest of the girls with preparing snacks and helping the team you managed for. Nekoma High, they were really good in your opinion. And well their main rivals were Fukurodani and Karasuno! It was almost time for dinner and yet you still haven't seen Lev or Kuroo.
You muttered small words of affirmation to yourself as you scurried around the place in search of the two. I mean-you had to make sure they ate before the cafeteria closed for the night! Or else they'd go to bed hungry! That wasn't any better!
You heard some volleyballs in the distance, whipping your head around you saw a the lights were on!
"I wonder what's going on in there.." you whispered under your breath.
Moving closer you heard voices. Kuroo, Lev, and a few others.
"Hm?" You peeped your head through the doors and watched as Bokuto spiked the ball, shooting it straight past a tall blondie. You flinched at the sound of the ball smacking the ground harshly.
Kuroo looked to the side and spotted you. "Oh, hey Y/n! What are you doing here?"
You straightened your back and stared right at Kuroo. Nervously you starched the back of your neck. "Oh, I j-just haven't seen you and Lev and dinner yet.. I-I got a little worried.." Your voice was timid and small.
Bokuto smirked and walked over to you looking down in your eyes. "Whose the shorty?" He asks looking back at Kuroo blatantly.
You were short, maybe even tiny to be exact. Compared to the guys int he gym you were a mere pebble sitting on the side of a busy road.
"I-" You were interrupted by Kuroo.
"She's our new manager. Go on, don't be scared, introduce yourself!" He reassured you with a wide smile.
You nodded at his words and spoke up. "My name is Y/n L/n!" Your voice still had small hints of nervousness.
Bokuto smiled and nodded his head. "You might know me as Bokuto!"
The rest of the guys introduced themselves to you.
"Uh, well I guess I should be going now.." You were about to walk away till Kuroo called after you again.
"Hey Y/n wait!" You turned back and looked at him, he continued. "Could you help out with some blocks and spikes? Our friend Tsukishima here needs the practice, same with Lev!"
"Oh. You need my help?" You looked rather flattered emphasizing 'my'.
He nodded and you smiled walking inside. Kuroo directed you over beside him in the blocking line. By the means of it, it seemed like Bokuto was being blocked by three people.
Akaashi set the ball and up went Bokuto. He was tall and strong, you leaped up a few seconds earlier than Kuroo and Tsukishima just to match up the height. In seconds your eyes widened at the sight of contact. Bokuto spiked the ball right at me. Did he really think you were as weak as you looked?
You swiftly placed your arms position into a stronger stance. The ball bounced off your palms and back onto the other side of the net.
"What the-" Bokuto was flabbergasted at your block.
"Hah, did I forget to mention, Y/n here used to be one of the best blockers in Japan!"
You sheepishly smiled at Kuroo's claims.
The boys and you all played a few games, you set up a few times and others you spiked.
It was getting pretty late so you decided to go shower before bed. You waved back at the boys leaving the gymnasium.
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dorizardthewizard · 8 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 19 - 21
Episode 19:
Hush Sharky: I should've picked Mark, nothing exciting will ever happen following Thran!
Is that meta
Well this romance between Mark and Nina-8 is progressing quickly huh
Nina-8 says it's hard for her to trust others hmmmm
And there we have it, an explanation for Ahito's sleepiness – he stores the Breath within himself, which can wear him out. Pretty cool, although it does bring up some questions. Does his dad do that too, since he has the same problem? How did that excess get released before he started playing Galactik Football? Why is he just doing better now I don't think we ever actually covered that in season 2
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OK imagine you're chilling having a normal conversation and your friend just does a backflip out of nowhere. I would definitely be reacting like D'jok hahah
Thran: I'm coming with you Clamp! Clamp: No, it's too dangerous!
Thran: But the writers said it's MY turn to have a fun adventure with the pirates!
Thran really said, if the writers aren't gonna give me any interesting sideplots, I'll do it myself! RESPECT.
Artegor (completely deadpan): I am excited. It doesn't show?
Ahito covering for Thran is so cute, of course Thran would let his brother know
Why ARE the Paradisia girls referred to by their numbers?
Huh, this data link thing that the Paradisia players do is pretty cool
This hack for the space port entry code is pretty dumb but it's fine I'll just insert some star trek technobabble here in my mind. Aaaaand done, GO THRAN! And yaaaay Thran the Pirates fan gets approval from the man himself
A rare corner kick!
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I don't know anything about football but this goalkeeper goal seems kind of bullshit to me. Like was that necessary?
NOOOOO WARREN :( Barry calling it an end of an era, I guess it's not just the Snow Kids who get that press treatment after losing a match. But the Lightnings haven't been to the finals in three seasons and Warren is probably getting older :(
Team Paradisia slayed though
Awww poor Nina-8 :( Hmm what plan is Nikki-4 talking about, I don't remember much after the Paradisia tournament. I do like the conflict between the two, they may be twins but Nina-8 has a much softer personality than Nikki-4. And with her not being on the team until D'jok left, I wonder if she was already trying to distance herself from them a bit and try to live her own life. Which is pretty symbolic for an identical twin.
Well Mark's love drama has more potential than the love triangles they were doing until now, if only they'd given it more screentime and development
Hush Sharky is kind of underreacting for a journalist who just found out a galaxy-class footballer and his coach are in cahoots with the leader of the pirates
Again, the budget of this show might be low, but they actually have quite a lot of locations and the background art is always really good.
Sonny taking his mask off on Paradisia because he saw some plants sfjkdfssf that was unnecessary, he's so extra! And they're lucky the weather conditions are still perfectly fine for humans.
Episode 20:
I guess Mice Delight is delicious to robots only haha
D'jok Mei and Micro-Ice being besties ahhhh I love it
Mice is playing a delicate game? Since he lied to Zo-leen so he could hide he's going to meet Yuki, what are they implying there?
Oooo 3-2 to the Xenons! The Rykers really gave them a run for their money!
But seriously Callie should get a raise for finding them LOL, nice little animation touch of him looking around the whole time he's talking to her. Sir you would be harder to spot if you weren't wearing your football kit. It's ok, yeah I know the animators don't have the budget. Hang in there, buddy
Stevens top scorer in the cup!! It might seem strange with him not having a flux, but it seems reasonable to me considering the Pirate's style of play. They always score at least one goal in their games, and he's pretty much always the one who does it. For other teams, the goal scoring is a bit more shared between different players. Plus it's still early in the cup.
KING. I LOVE THIS INTERACTION. Stevens keeping it real even before the Technoids showed up, I'll say we've had some good Pirates moments this season
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm are they suggesting Micro-Ice is two-timing between Zo-Leen and Yuki? Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh.................
And since when was Zo-Leen all over Micro-Ice again anyway? She seemed just friendly during the Paradisia tournament
Why is this friendship between Harvey and Lord Phoenix actually kind of cute?
Awwww the Snow Kids are the best Yuki fanclub
These seats at Genesis stadium aren't actually seats, it's more like an amphitheater and they're not very comfortable. No back rest!
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I love Stevens's goals, obviously he can't just use the flux to smash it so his style is more technical
ASHDFJSDF in this season you can hear the Pirates celebrating (and also grunting while running?) and it's so silly, they just gave them stereotypical gruff pirate voices
Games between other teams are funny because there will be like. Exactly one new animation in the whole game. Literally everything else is stock footage
This soundtrack slaps by the way
The Pirates goalkeeper's signature head shake lol
Sorry guys I love Yuki I really do but you know who I'm rooting for
The Elektra's flux confuses me, it looks solid enough for them to ride on it?
This season is really just dunking on Barry whenever they can huh, Artegor's laugh and trying to pass it off as nerves SDJFKDFS I LOVE HIM THANK YOU VOICE ACTOR FOR NOT LEAVING
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Oooo that water skating trick does look really cool! I like that since season 1, we've seen more creative fluxes
Well as much as I love the Pirates I'm happy for the Elektras, and Yuki! She's come so far from her nervous self in season 2 and I'm so proud of her
TIA SECOND TOP SCORER YESSS!!! I would go back to check if the number of goals is actually correct but I cba
If I had a nickel for every time a romantic breakup has happened this season at the taxi stop with one of the parties telling the other to forget about them, I would have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
Episode 21:
D'jok seems to be perfectly back to normal and on friendly terms with the others as if nothing happened. Compare to season 2 where Rocket's Netherball stint had consequences and his return was not so smooth!
Ahito you couldn't think of a better excuse for Thran leaving? 😂 I do feel like we could have had a better reason in the story for Thran ending up with the Pirates, it IS a bit weird that he says he has to go on a mission with them but he doesn't actually have a reason to, and this is before the SEMI-FINAL. That's a bit too important to be sneaking off because... you just want to?
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I need this screenshot in good quality
I love that Bennett being the hacker guy is a thing that's consistent throughout the season
Lord Phoenix somehow grabbed literally all of them at once sijfsdkdk except Harvey. Fuck robot rights I guess
Warren coaching time! I love how he's always willing to lend a helping hand for these things, whether it's giving D'jok a talk about what's important in season 1, trying to get Rocket out of Netherball in season 2 or helping with training here. What a guy, truly Mr. Galactik Football
Huh, that's an interesting little way to use the Lightning's flux. It's like static electricity keeping them together
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sfdkjdsf I would do this too. Actually I do do this to my short friends. I'm also short but they're shorter so I gotta take my wins when I can
Micro-Ice and Tia duo! I love them I wish we saw more of them as a fun pair, they would get up to such hijinks together. Sibling vibes!
Emo Mark hours
Well, you tried Mice. Maybe try to get him to open up about his problem instead of just trying to cheer him up?
Clamp: No, that's not it, it's- Sonny: What is it, Clamp? Say something!
Nice one Brim Simbra, I like that we got to see him actually doing something lol
This dilemma about Adim and Aarch's relationship due to her being league president was never mentioned before, why did they never consider this? Should've built that up earlier instead of that random Artegor plot
Lord Phoenix: Paradisia was such a beautiful planet
Idk man it doesn't look THAT bad right now, the UK looks like that every day
I can't show the video because I used my 1 video per post limit for Stevens talking but there's this super fucking weird segment where Nork says the Elektras-Paradisia match will be the first all female semi-final ever, and Barry dreamily says this is a "fantasy" GFC? And Nork is like "you said it! Team Paradisia...." in this dreamy way again and Callie has to cough and change the subject? Hey what the fuck was that???? This season tried to be more blatant with the girl power messaging but then puts in moments like this?????
Wait Thran is in this teamup shot? Did he already get back?
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Oh I really love this interaction between D'jok and Luur before kickoff – no intimidation dance from the Xenons, just a meaningful handshake between a guy who almost plummeted to his death last season, and the player that saved him. Idk if the writers were intentional with this but if so, it's a really nice example of subtle writing and events of the previous season carrying over.
Wait yeah the Pirates aren't back yet! In which case, Aarch is pretty chill for a coach who is missing a player for A SEMI-FINAL MATCH. Eh I guess at this point he's just given up with these kids
Oh damn Brim Simbra actually died, I like that they went through with that so the explosion on Paradisia had consequences. Could have also opened up some interesting avenues with the new flux society leader in season 4 – maybe he'd want to do things differently?
But it's also kind of hilarious that Brim Simbra's very last action as flux society leader... was to delegate the galaxy saving to Sonny Blackbones yet again LOL
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accirax · 2 months
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 17)
Episode 18, the last episode before the true finale begins (presumably)! As we seemingly walk down memory lane, will the cards play out as expected? Or will we be blindsided yet again?
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings, the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Grett's Elimination
Current Score: 74 acquired/109 total
(Points versus @venus-is-thinking: 25 acquired/34 total)
Howwww was it not Riya?
Well, at the very least, I seem to have a talent for choosing who Riya's meat shield will be and correctly putting them right behind her in the rankings. But, wait, for the sake of that metaphor, shouldn't they be in front of her? Either way, Riya is causing others to take damage to fuel her success, which was directly portrayed in last week's episode.
Anyways, Grett. Absolutely one of the highlights of the season, even if it became pretty obvious to me that she wouldn't be making it to the absolute endgame. I'd expected it to be Riya in Episode 17, followed by Grett in Episode 18, but it makes enough sense to me that it could be flipped the other way a--
Trailer Analysis
I don't know how much analyzing the trailer is really going to change my predictions, but there's a lot of interesting stuff in it anyways.
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Yooooo, Emily's got the Miles Edgeworth bright red sports car! I assume her and Trevor are going somewhere to further their season-spoiling quest, Trevor likely ditching work while doing it.
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So, given Jake's hair, I think we can safely assume that this scene happens after the dialogue scene shown at the end of the trailer. I'm also going to guess (given that it isn't dusk/nighttime) that Jake gets another hair tie at the start of the challenge, given that he's shown with his ponytail there.
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I initially assumed that this was part of the challenge, but the challenge takes place in the maze from the s1 face your fears challenge. So, I guess this is just an effort to distract Connor and help him have fun? It's nice to see that Ally can still get along with the guy.
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Alright, so the challenge seems to be assembling the outfits of a contestant that you were close to, the items of clothing hidden throughout the maze. Also, there's some sort of mechanic that lets contestants shock each other using the shock collars. Jake is holding Tom's gloves, and Ally Ashley's hat, so that's who they're doing. The other two figures both appear to be men. I have to assume Connor is doing Alec, because, like, who else? But also, who the hell else would Riya do...? Fucked up if they both have to fight for Alec. Possibly more fucked up if Riya has to do Connor while he's still in the competition.
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Oh my god, Riya does have to do Connor; those are his glasses right there. Imagine if Riya starts ripping his clothes off to save time. Probably not the reason why Connor would have wanted that to happen.
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"Here. It'll keep it from falling." "How's it look, doc?" "It's giving." "Giving? Giving what?"
Ah, more classic Connor old man jokes. I don't really know how a hair tie on top of a bandage would possibly be giving, but, you do you, Jake.
Power Ranking
#1: Jake
Jake is not going to be eliminated. He's the only season 1 character left. If there was a threat of him being sent home by Ally or whoever, I have no doubts that the writers would simply create a challenge that he would win to make him immune from going home. Also, he's going to win the season. Thank you for your time.
#2: Connor
Alright, on to the actual difficult decision of the power ranking. Really, Connor is the one who's manifesting this second place position for me. He's the one who keeps saying that he's going to beat Riya in the war between them. With this much hype leading up to it, that has to mean that he places better than she does, right?
The tricky thing here is that, right now, there are two heroic boys and two villainous girls. No matter how you slice, it you're going to wind up with a final 3 containing two of one and one of the other. However, I do think it's more likely that they'd have two "heroes" in the finale than two "villains." I already think it's obvious that Jake is going to win, but if it's Jake versus Ally and Riya, they should just hand him the $3mil three episodes early. Keeping Connor in the game will leave some level of suspense in the air, as well as keep the whole finale from becoming Jake vs. the Forces of Evil. (DC and SvtFoE must be kept away from each other at all costs. Letting their insane shipping energies combine would create a love triangle so endlessly potent that it could wipe out entire countries.)
Really, Connor's main issues come down to his injury. In this episode with a very active challenge, I have to imagine that it'll keep him from winning immunity. Thus, Riya, and possibly Ally as well, will likely be voting for him. And then, even if he makes it to the finale, we face the problem of "how can Connor be an engaging finalist if his broken ankle basically starts him dead in the water?"
This episode is easy enough to let slide, given that there are plenty of advantageous ways the vote could shake out. Ally could agree to vote for Riya with Connor and Jake, Riya could agree to vote for Ally with Connor and Jake, or Riya and Ally could split their votes (like Riya on Connor and Ally on Jake) leaving Connor and Jake as the majority. And, even if Ally and Riya do vote for Connor, there's always the possibility that he could win a tiebreaker to stay in the competition. Venus came up with that as an idea for how their "war" could end, and I think that could be pretty interesting.
As for the finale, I think it's fine if Connor doesn't have much winner equity as long as him bowing out at 3rd place finalist paves the way for a dynamic final duo to close out the season. However, that part really depends on who's becoming part of that duo with Jake. Speaking of...
#3: Ally
I really, really think that Ally will be in the finale. The finAlly, if you will. However, between her and Connor, I think she would be the more likely one to be eliminated.
Something that Venus reminded me of is that this is the last episode before we check in with the Loser's Motel. Thus, whoever is eliminated here will be a part of that episode, as the most recent move-in. I already said last week that it seems like Connor probably doesn't need to go to the Loser's Motel, as he wrapped things up with Alec when Alec was eliminated. Between the two of them, I think it'd be much more valuable to let Ally finally talk more with Hunter and Tess, as well as seeing the reaction to her on social media, than anything Connor would be doing there. Giving Ally the Loser's Motel episode to finish out her character journey could be helpful, so that she doesn't have to fight for screen time with Jake and the other finalist (lol) in the finale. Ally could serve as the main character of that episode.
I guess I could also see it making sense to have Jake beat Ally now? With a Jake/Connor/Riya finale, maybe the direction they'd take it is that Jake already won his interpersonal battle, so while Riya and Connor fight things out (with Connor beating her to get his spiritual win), Jake gets to focus on his own game to come out on top. Although, that does then make it seem like Jake and Connor would be the final 2, which is a pretty non-hostile conclusion to this overly dramatic show. Also a not-at-all-tense one, when one competitor is almost double the age of the other and hobbling on one foot.
I don't really know why I'm trying to argue so hard that Ally is going home. Perhaps I'm pre-justifying it for when the person right behind Riya in my rankings goes home instead of Riya again. But-- say it with me now-- it HAS to be Riya this time, right?!
#4: Riya
I really don't see how Riya gets out of this episode alive. Like, yes, in-universe, she could probably win immunity again. But, even in-universe, I feel like Jake and Connor would legit rather let Ally win immunity by losing their own chances tackling Riya to the ground to prevent her from winning again. And then what, she winds up in a 2-2 tiebreaker? That she definitely loses to Connor, and almost certainly Jake if she were to fight him as well?
Riya is not a finalist. I refuse to believe that she will be. I really, really don't think that, after everything, they're going to let her into the finals again. It makes so much more sense for her to go down at final 4. With only one chance left, I really hope the writers finally take her out this time.
Alright, well. Not much to say with this one, given that I really don't think that Jake is going home and I really think Riya is. Please let that be right this time. For everyone's sakes.
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eldritchsurveys · 2 months
Are any of your friendships on a fine line? .
If I search your room, will I find birth control? >> You don't really have to search. It's right here on my nightstand.
Do you expect any of your ex’s to call or text you? .
Have you ever witnessed a birth? >> Animal ones. Where’s your favorite place to be when you feel depressed? >> The Configuration. Outworld, I guess I just prefer to be in my room. Which is where I usually prefer to be anyway.
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? >> Not particularly. Nothing special is happening tomorrow.
When was the last time you held someone’s hand? .
Have you ever faked sick? >> I have never done this.
Do you wear hoodies to bed? >> I've done it before, especially in the winter since we can't afford to properly heat this place.
Are you currently wearing jeans? >> I am not.
Do you buy eggnog around the holidays? >> If I remember. I do love a good eggnog.
Have you gone to a coffee shop within the past week? >> I have not.
Would you like to be able to read thoughts? >> I would not.
Are you often the last one to understand a joke? >> Not often.
Your first black eye: Did you give it or get it? >> I don't think I've ever had one, and I've certainly never given anyone one.
Do you think baseball is a dying professional sport in America? >> I don’t know, and I definitely don’t care.
Does playing the guitar make a guy more attractive? >> I think artistic skill is generally attractive, but even if I’m attracted to the skill level or the virtuosity of the player, that’s no guarantee I’ll be attracted to the player as well.
Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? >> I have. What does your hair look like at the moment? >> It looks like a buzzcut.
Are you mad right now? >> I am not. Who did you spend your summer with last year? .
Did you eat a cookie today? >> I haven't, but I might have a couple of lemon shortbread cookies later.
Have you heard of wreck this journal? >> I have, but not recently. Do they still make those?
Do you know any one who lives in California? >> I do.
Have you ever been told you were a good writer? >> I have.
What do you put on your baked potatoes? >> I don’t make baked potatoes.
Have you ever been on a farm? >> Sure. Last three texts on your phone are from? . What are you listening to? >> Nothing. Are you one to take naps? >> Occasionally. I do tend to get really sleepy in midday. Did you ever have braces? >> I did not.
Have you kissed anyone in the last five days? >> Not outworld.
Are you afraid of flying? >> Not at all, I love flying.
Do you have freckles? >> I do not.
Do you have plans for today? >> Just some gaming. Oh, and my laundry.
Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger than you? .
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? .
If you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick? .
What were you doing at 7:45AM this morning? >> I'd just gotten back from my walk, and the next thing I did after I changed clothes was get some cereal and put Frasier on to watch an episode whilst eating said cereal. So, one of those things. What was the last thing you drank? >> Black tea.
Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing? >> It's just an undershirt, it came in a pack from like Target or Meijer.
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? . How often do you drink Monster? >> Never.
Are you easy to get along with? >> I suppose that depends on the disposition of the person trying to get along with me.
Are you short? >> In comparison to some people, sure.
Can you ever get enough of mac ‘n’ cheese? >> I most certainly can get enough of it. I'm really particular about mac and cheese, I don't like most varieties.
Are you allergic to nuts or dairy products? >> I am not.
Do you have trust issues? >> Something like that.
Is there someone you want to let go of? .
Do you think age matters in relationships? >> Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t.
Has anyone ever called the cops on you? >> Not on me specifically, no.
How old are you? >> 37. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? >> I did not.
Do you go to church every Sunday? >> I don't go any Sundays. Can you recall the last time you liked someone? >> God, I would so love to know what this feels like... About a billion fictional crushes did come to mind, though. If anything, I'll always have those~
Do you like your height? >> I have no feelings about it. It's really unremarkable.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? .
Could you go a week without brushing your teeth? >> I don't think so, that would feel and taste and look so awful. What day is it? >> Thursday. Are you usually awake at midnight? >> Ideally not. The firecracker fervour has finally died down, so now I'm back to being asleep before midnight, thank the fucking gods. Does it get really cold where you live? >> Not recently. The climate here has kind of flattened out in recent years; milder winters, milder summers. Although, of course, winter is still too damn cold for me personally.
When you get home from school / work do you change into your pjs right away? >> I change clothes whenever I get home from anywhere.
Have you ever been peer pressured to smoke pot? >> People did try to peer-pressure me into it, but it just doesn't work that way for me. When I did eventually try it, it was just out of curiosity.
Have you ever played the game Sims 3? >> Sure.
What is the temperature currently in the town you live in? >> 69° (nice) Fahrenheit (20° C).
Do you ever actually drink milk alone? >> I don't.
If you don’t have one already, would you consider getting an iPhone? >> I have no interest in iPhones.
What year were you born in? >> 1987.
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alitgblog · 4 months
I'm sorry. I hate to say this but it really looks like the new LITG writers hate LGBT women and women in general. This season is a pain to get through if you're on a loyal Claudia route. Bea stans have it worse since their gf was written to be Liam's babysitter.  It's exhausting. Season 1 wasn't all that progressive but at least gay people could still be involved in the ex drama. Season 8 just doesn't feel good if you're not romancing the guys. Gay women can't enjoy the drama with their LIs. Season 7 was so much better. I don't know why they took fifty steps back. I think the hate that Bonnie received has something to do with that. Instead of paying their staff to code a bi route that's separate from the exclusive fxf route, they made it impossible to have a relationship with a woman. You can still have a female lover and wind up with her if you haven't jumped ship by the final recoupling but you can no longer have a fxf romance. There were so many people begging them for a Hazel route. For some reason we can end up with Liam but we can't end up with Hazel or any of MC's female rivals. Liam's threesome was the writers rubbing salt into the wound. The moral of the story is that you can have a redemption arc if you undermine women but you can't have a redemption arc if you're a woman.
I will wholeheartedly agree with the fact that the female characters in the newer seasons (which I'm considering S5-8) are not written very positively. If they're not an LI, they're probably an antagonist to MC, and there's no in between. There's no redemption or character development, which, the latter has been a problem for most if not all the characters regardless of gender, but because they tend to make all the male characters LI's, those guys are always being presented more positively so tend to not need any development.
The routes I feel like have always not been great. I'm not the most well versed in all the LITG routes, but I can't really think of an exclusive fxf route aside from S3 (which I almost don't want to count because the storylines are all just "have fun with your LI the whole show") and S4 and that may be just because you get to couple up with a female character early on. So I don't really think this is a product of recent writers.
And that might be just down to the premise of Love Island being very heteronormative, but there have been some LGBT couples in the actual show even if just briefly, and the show seems to be able to adapt alright without breaking the format entirely. (And like,,, it's a fictional game with fictional characters, the writers can bend the rules to their will I think). Even in the game, S3 they just adjust by having two of the male characters couple up or in S1 having a different character introduced depending on if MC is with Talia or one of the guys. So there's definitely ways to make the routes work, albeit with more coding/branching needed, but I think the players would enjoy the effort.
Personally, I did think it was weird when Claudia sorta just disappeared after Casa and then the drama was just about the boys. But Claudia has some fun characterization and she has quite a few scenes with MC up until then, so I wouldn't necessarily say the romance is dead on that front, especially compared to S6, barely getting any time with the three interchangeable female LIs. (I haven't played S7 all the way through so I'm not sure what the characters there are like). I would love a rivals to lovers storyline with a female LI (which I guess they did with Gabi but mehh S5 is a mess), but Hazel's position in the story is absolutely just as a rival in case you wanted to go for Hari I think. And this just reiterates the fact that the non-LI women in the most recent seasons are competition.
In conclusion: yeah I fucking wish they wrote the women better too
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I want to talk about 3 choices books but since I got vip for this month I'm obviously ahead of all nonvip readers, so I'll be putting my thoughts under the cut as well as tagging "[title of book] spoilers" but not main tagging
First: Hot Shot
I am so disappointed with this one 😞 genuinely liked it up until the chapters where MC goes to Casey's hometown. I was willing to look past some of the cringe (imo) smut dialogue cause I actually really like Casey as an li, but the whole "leak" plotline is kind of wack, and I thought maybe the tension/pining coming back after the breakup would be enjoyable but it's just very... bland and it comes off as more as the MC & Casey just missing having sex with each other (which is fine I guess) but aside from them saying "I miss you" all we get are horny thoughts/comments, not much memories outside of reporting & sex are brought up. RIP Casey Jameson, I actually liked you, but this book & MC were not it for you ✌️
Second: The Deadliest Game
I'm actually loving this book, I was very hesitant as I thought it'd be more like DLS (where there is a mystery but the smut was at the forefront) but it's nice focusing on the mystery and having more than 1 li; and the shock from last week's chapter paired with having to choose someone to lock up based on the current evidence?? So good. Also, I found it very interesting, during my first read of today's chapter, I chose to lock up Angelina cause of the whole affair thing, and Liz got super defensive but the second time around I thought, wait Pete has more motive, and when I selected him, Liz was saying "MC is a mystery writer so they would know" (not word for word, I am paraphrasing from memory) & it's very interesting how differently she reacts, and no one, not even Steve seems to put up much of a fight when MC suggests locking him up, I haven't seen how Liz reacts if we choose her, but based on today's evidence she is far down the suspect list so out of the choices we get to choose from, Angelina & Pete seem the most suspicious. But, BUT, I also find it interesting that it's the 2nd time we can suspect or defend Jun against suspicion, like of all 3 li's I just find it fascinating but I don't really have a theory for it, just wondering if they're pulling a DLS with that one. But ahhh the description for the next few chapters are making me nervous ngl
Third: The Ghost of Us
It's only what, 4 chapters in? Even so, not having learned my lesson from hot shot, I am genuinely enjoying it so far. I was hesitant with the first chapter but a little more open by chapter 2. Then chapter 3 & 4 really got to me. I like Grey, they do seem to have similarities to Trystan, but oh I know this book is going to break my heart because of how much I like Grey already. There is some backstory to MC besides the medium stuff, which I like. They have been so focused on their career and it's shown how lonely MC is, and gahhh the almost kisses with Grey, despite them being a ghost? Has me going insane, but the latest chapter, they have a corporeal form???? Like I need to yell about that!!! There's no way they can just walk around like they didn't die, people will recognize them, I need the next chapter!! Actually thinking of restarting and recording the chapters as I play them, it's just unfortunate I can't decide on an MC, I might choose the MC I chose from TDG but unfortunately the premium hairstyle I wanted doesn't really suit her (T.T) oh well, I'll figure that out soon anyway
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bloodgulchblog · 2 years
googling suggests that Brian Reed was the lead writer for Halo 4... what specifically about the story of H4 makes him the villain? It's been a year or so since I've played h4 so the details beyond the broad strokes have been forgotten.
that said i will agree he's the villain for halo 5 that story is Not Great TM
(i just like hearing your opinions on stuff and am totally not trying to mine ideas for what might be changed in a post halo-3 rewrite because i do love the covenant civil war aspects of 4. or the implications that there has to have been one because conflict drives narratives)
Full disclosure, I really don't know what was going on behind the scenes on Halo 4 or 5 and the most I can do is offer rampant speculation, usually based on my biases and very little evidence.
My impressions are these:
Halo has always always had trouble on story, mostly around having strong leadership and a definite idea of where everything is going. There are too many stakeholders with ideas and teams have struggled to get to unified ideas and then to have enough time to implement what they finalize. This was true during Bungie days and definitely feels like it's been true during 343. (I'm more confident on what I say about 1-3 because I actually have a book with a lot of old interview details that speaks to that.)
They'll build up a lot of interesting stuff around the games, even though my opinions on the quality of that stuff vary widely. I had problems with Halo 4, but the stuff that was coming out around 4 where you had multiple stories interweaving touching each others' threads... that was interesting! That was neat! And they got Greg Bear to write three whole novels for us!!! Fuck Karen Traviss, but like... dude!!!!
...And then the campaign was just. What we got. Don't get me wrong, there are things in Halo 4's campaign that are cool and interesting, but like... there will always remain a part of me that is still pissed that they killed Cortana.
Full stop.
I accept new Halo lore as it comes to me and try to do my best to take my lumps and integrate even things that I don't like, but I am still mad that they killed Cortana in the first place and have never really stopped being that.
....Anyway. I'm getting sidetracked.
Aside from CE, which was intended to be self-contained and thus is pretty straightforward and ends with a clear conclusion, Halo game plots have never really been necessarily good. That is just the nature of the beast. Halo 2 ends on a massive cliffhanger because they literally could not finish putting the whole story they wanted to in that game. Halo 3 is a mess because everyone was so violently burned out from Halo 2 that the leadership problem was even worse.
[Suspicious silence re: Reach goes here because I still can't motivate myself to replay Reach]
Halo 4 falls very flat for me with some things that were good and mostly other things that I had to make my peace with and come to be okay with. I will grouse about things, but we've Halo cycled our way around to a lot of people (including me) acknowledging that not everything about Halo 4 was horrible.
(I guess my big things that piss me off about it are: Cortana, as discussed, wasting the Didact, and the weird fucking pivot on Catherine Halsey's character.)
Anyway, Brian Reed. My comment there was kind of a flippant attempt to respond to something I wasn't sure how to feel about, but here's what I got:
Reed wasn't actually the lead writer on 4, that was Christopher Schlerf. I don't know much about either of these people! But after Schlerf left, Reed was the lead writer on 5 and did a lot of work on the comics (that I still haven't read because blah blah blah my usual excuses.)
It's hard for me to pick out what exactly I think his fingerprints are in different parts of Halo, because I don't know the guy or his work particularly well. I'm better at identifying what I think (no guarantees I'm right) was Staten back in early Halo because I've seen enough solo work from him to kind of know what I think he liked, and I've seen enough of Frank O'Connor talking about stuff in interviews to (rightly or wrongly) blame a couple specific Chief things I hate on him, but I don't have that with Reed.
However, I have read Reed's short story in the Fractures anthology. Opinions may vary on this, nobody's gotta agree with me, but I really had to pause with myself after reading Rossbach's World because... it was thoughtful?
So looking at Reed, who had to take over for another lead writer and try to come up with a following act for Halo 4... I still hate Halo 5. A lot. But like, I get it. Of course it feels like a weird pivot hail Mary to find something to focus on, because it was.
I think it was stupid and I hated it, but I do have some sympathy for the pressure on the person who ended up taking the fall for it. Anything where you are working for a highly opinionated nerd audience with tons of pressure is going to be very difficult.
I feel like they should've borne out the Forerunner story threads instead of pivoting to the Created, and maybe gotten to those ideas after the plate was clear. I also think Cortana deserved to live. (If you want to see what inspired some of my thoughts about that, you should look into Bungie's previous series: Marathon. But it has been too long since I personally dug around in Marathon for me to be terribly helpful about it anymore.)
...But I also think that Reed is just a dude who had a job and produced a story I really don't like. I've heard he's been pretty much harassed off the face of the internet? And like... nothing is worth that, man.
People with more insight and background details about what was going on actively might have more information than I do and better reasons to hate him, but I was really really checked out of Halo for the better part of a decade and I'm honestly pretty soft when it comes down to it.
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galactic-pirates · 5 months
For the fic emoji game: 💖, 🤷‍♀️, 🎬, and ⏳, please! :)
Oh yay thank you for the ask! 😍
💖Which of your fics is your pride and joy? Oh wow! This is such a good question, I love it! Erm... also hard haha, let me think.
I'm tempted to say Time Will Tell because that started as a thought experiment. Can I take a trope I don't really like and make it work for me? The answer was yes so it was a really cool exercise. However, I feel like I might be being overly swayed by the kind comments I've had on it. I have legit teared up reading them. They are frame-worthy. I have the best readers honestly.
Also it does occur to me that time plays tricks. It's easier to remember the stuff I wrote most recently, and not how I felt when I wrote things in the past. At different times, you'd get a different answer. I have more nostalgia for my older fics these days. I'm in a very different place in my life.
Honestly I think I have to go for one of the crossovers. I questioned my life choices while writing both of them because they were such an investment of time and effort. I also knew they were both niche and I could well be writing for an audience of one. However, I still wrote them and that says a lot I think.
So ultimately I'm going to say and the Sins of Atlantis. The Sanctuary/Librarians crossover. I unironically really enjoy it and I have read it more than once. Is that egotistical? Probably. But it's just so much fun.
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off? and the Brighter Side of Life. It's a little Librarians oneshot where Eve takes Flynn home to meet her parents. The comments and kudos just poured in (comparatively). I remember being stunned at the time. It was one of half a dozen oneshots I wrote for the Librarians Prompt Month the first year I really took part. That one just went whoosh.
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on? Ooooh. Hmm... interesting. Well this goes back to what I said earlier about time. I don't feel much of a connection anymore beyond "awwww nostalgia" for my older fics. There are some cool details and dynamics, and I feel like taking notes in case I want to incorporate them somehow into a novel in the future. However, that's about the extent of my feelings.
I haven't written a true AU really since those days though. I love AU's, they are a chance to be inventive. When I read back my old fic I'm like "oooh" about the 'clever' choices I made in how to bring in various characters (sorry egotistical again). But that's the fun of AU's really, how to make it all fit together in this new way.
Anyway it's kinda hard to say about my more recent fic, being turned into a TV show because it already is a TV show - it's just missing moments, canon divergence etc.
Also I got to be honest I know nothing about various networks and what they are known for, or what networks are good and what suck. Especially because I mostly watch US TV and I live in England so I never see anything on it's original network (unless it's a multi-region streaming thing like Disney+ I guess).
I suppose... I'm picking at writing an original serial which is the closest books get to a TV show I guess. It's structured very much into episodes and seasons. It's an artifact chasing type unit ala Warehouse 13/the Librarians but based in England, with worldwide adventures and predominantly queer. The Librarians was TNT and Warehouse 13 SyFy (thanks google). I think the new Librarians is on Prime like the new Leverage? The queer MC's do make it trickier though. I think all networks suck for that. I don't know honestly.
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be? Another great question!
This is difficult because I have learned so much craft over the years, and it would be amazing to go back and be like "here's what you need to know" so I could write better stories, much earlier. However, that's part of learning I guess - it's a journey. I suppose the emotion here is that I mourn the time I have lost, the stories I didn't tell, and that has less to do with skill and more to do with mental health.
I suppose ultimately it would boil down to a cliché of "don't give up" because I did. As a kid I dreamed of being a writer but when I was about 14 I told myself I had to grow up. That I had more chance of winning the lottery than making any money at it, and I had to get serious and pick a real career. I sobbed all night and a few years later had my first complete mental breakdown, but I digress.
Writing is in my soul. I always return to it. That's why I wish so much that I hadn't turned away from it. Those 'lost years' I mentioned. Back in 2016 I indie published a couple of books. I look at them now and cringe, and wonder how I ever got the nerve as I feel they are so badly written (hey maybe that means my skills have improved?). However, I was finally following my dream. Then... my personal life blew up (I was going to write out what happened but I'll spare you). In my fear and panic I made some decisions and I didn't write much for years. I gave up on my dream. It's only now - 8 years later!!! - that I'm coming back to it and I regret that so much.
So yeah TLDR - don't give up on the dream. Keep writing.
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