#I guess people assume that they use he/him because sun and moon do???? in the books??????
crabussy · 1 year
I'm already seeing people infantilising eclipse and using the wrong pronouns for them and saying they're combined sun and moon, so here's a reminder that eclipse CANONICALLY uses they/them pronouns AND is a separate and new character, not a combination of sun and moon.
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
May I ask
Which characters will include in the primal moon scenario ?
Essentially, whichever characters I can think of scenarios for- writing Monkiefam was pretty easy, because monkeys have complex hierarchies to draw from. I spent a while observing different species at a local zoo (they’re mean. God, they’re so mean.) and decided to write a fic based on the behaviors I saw. (I’ll post that video at the bottom!)
Despite their status as the lowest ranked member of the ‘troop’, Wukong sees Y/N as his biological child. He won’t listen to any arguments about the difference in age or species, no matter what evidence is presented to refute him. Macaque is seen as his ‘little brother’, their rivalry temporarily forgotten. (Though only on Wukong’s end.)
The Great Sage is just lucid enough to recognize MK as his cherished student, and tries to give him advice… but his mind is a little too muddled by viridescence to offer anything sound. He also accidentally enables the worst of Primal!MK’s traits by complimenting and comforting him whenever things go wrong.
He’s thankfully rather laidback about the whole thing, only getting violent when he feels that his ‘family’ or status are threatened.
Macaque returns to his long-forgotten docile demeanor, a remnant of his days as a member of the Sworn Brotherhood- though he tries to fight the shift. It butchers the simian’s pride to resume a position of submissiveness, especially now that it’s to two people- one of whom may well be a teenager. Also, he’s sincerely desperate for comfort and companionship, so he spends most of the week fighting himself to not participate in any bonding activities.
He’ll make a ‘rank-scaling’ attempt or two, only to get beaten down and potentially pushed behind even Y/N in terms of status if he does it enough.
Sun Wukong->MK->Macaque->Y/N is the troop ranking, and it’s pretty rigid.
MK is, uh… in a pretty rough state. He’s never had any preparation for the Primal Moon, thinking himself a regular human for almost the entire time that he’s been alive.
Honestly, it’s Tang that gives me the hardest time! assuming we can call upon his cicada ancestry, he’s- got absolutely nothing. Female cicadas use their ovipositors to slice into thin branches many times, leaving clutches of eggs as they go- that’s about as far as parental instincts go for them, given that they and the males die soon after breeding. (The males, in fact, die pretty much directly after.) I guess I’d place him with Princess Iron Fan and Ne Zha as the ‘normal’ guys.
Pigsy is, as you know- a male pig. Who are notorious piglet-killers. Eating piglets, stepping on piglets, rolling over and crushing piglets- intentionally killing entire piglet litters to force females back into estrus- it gets pretty brutal. So I still haven’t figured out what I want to do with him for this story- though I imagine he’ll be aggressive/hair-trigger, with Tang being the one thing that holds him back.
Mei was pretty easy to write, but I did a lot of research on Chinese dragons in order to keep my representation of her respectful. Dragons in the west are usually reduced to bloodthirsty beasts of pride and rage- creatures to be slain and overcome as monstrous final obstacles. This portrayal even dates back to Beowulf, with the dragon portrayed then going on to characterize many dragons that came after it. (For example, Smaug was based partly on Beowulf’s dragon, and partly on Fafnir- so if any others dragons are based on Smaug, then they too call back upon the original.
In Chinese culture, dragons are considered wise and powerful beings. They’re worshipped as symbols of prosperity and good luck, and considered very auspicious beings.
So, Mei seems more composed in this AU- but it’s all an act. Given the stigma that non-humans have on account of the Primal Moon, she spends a lot of time pretending to be something that she’s not so that no one ends up being afraid. Mei’s obsession with with Y/N primarily stems from their complete acceptance of who she is, inside and out. Instead of having to pretend to be dignified and wise and rational, she gets to be the real Mei. She can goofy and energetic with you, not afraid to roughhouse or throw hands.
For Bullfam, I think Princess Iron Fan very much would be the ‘only sane man’- if two things weren’t occurring:
1. Her husband wasn’t trying to talk her into having a second child and worshipping her every step, his tongue spinning crude admirations of her beauty and battle prowess.
2. Her son wasn’t clinging to her waist and arms, begging for validation and attention, futilely trying to drag her into his workshop to compliment his blueprints and machines.
So she has her boy (after some headpats and a little bit of buttering up) run off to the surface and snatch a suitably young human who’s been left unattended, imposing them as a temporary ‘second child’ and ‘younger sibling’… before getting attached. Even though they were supposed to be disposable, she works them into a more permanent fixture of her family.
Given that Red Son is the one who picks you out, he feels a special bond with you. Instead of being more aggressive or even prouder- Red gets clingy. His desire for love and respect comes to the forefront, leading him to latch onto Y/N as tightly as possible. Hugs, headpats, back rubs, hair combing- he wants affection in as many forms as possible. I like to think he temporarily grows horns during the Primal Moon, and that he really likes having them rubbed and polished.
And as for Demon Bull King… this man is already aggressive as hell and pretty damn tempestuous, seeing red at the drop of a hat. So, with very little inhibition as is, he’s the sort of demon hit hardest. Bull King’s mental faculties degrade by a touch or two, rendering him very animalistic. He’s the opposite of Mei here- she puts herself through a ton of suppression and training and it all pays off spectacularly. He actively leans into the instincts and new power the viridescence brings, reveling in a more bestial state.
So, while Y/N openly and freely gives Mei love and affection, they instead cower and hide from Demon Bull King.
He wants more kids. Wants to spend more time with his wife. Wants to fight and break and feast. And when Y/N is abducted brought home, his aggression outright doubles. This is kinda good, though- now he’s so protective that he’s pacing the fortress in hourly patrols, wearing himself out as he digs deep grooves into the earth, carving his sigil into the stones around him many times over, marking the territory as inextricably his.
And all he wants upon returning home is a nap- with his entire family piled onto the bed, of course.
Also, if anyone has recommendations for how characters should act, I’d be happy to hear them!
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
So I am right, apparently. Moon has toasted the shit out of Nexus.
Poor boy. Getting eliminated by the "superior" version of himself, must leave a burn.
(man, if I have my old self call me cringe and emo, and my name is oc teenage phase, I would die from embarrassment.)
Also, even though Sun doesn't actually say anything, but with his hesitation and he speaks Nexus's name with the tone of parents seeing their child walk into their emo teenage phase and change their name into something cringe like "Dark princess or sparkle pony", make me laugh.
Like, Sun has to repeat that name again. Like he didn't even believe why Moon or Nexus said that.
(Moo--Nexus, I guess you are not past your furry phase yet.)
Okay, sidenote: Nexus mistakes Sun's name with him. And it seems like he has not completely gone nuts and cut ties with his "family" yet, because he still cares what Sun thinks about him, even though it comes out as sass.
(If Nexus doesn't give coins about what Sun or the family thinks about him, he wouldn't think about making another murders or assuming immediately that Sun and the others hate him and don't want him.
Also, the way Nexus talks about Sun, it gives me a vibe of "Sun is the most ill mentally person that I know and he is so sensitive about me went nuts, he immediately went with you and lived in another house.")
I think in Nexus's view, Sun is the snowflake. Because even though he used to love Sun, he sometimes jokes about Sun's hallucinating episodes (sorry, can't remember the name of this mental issues problem) and down straight humiliation Sun because of it when Nexus went nuts.
I think Nexus still holds some pieces of his care for Sun, because it seems like he tries to avoid talking about him .
Another sidenote, I see some people say Old Moon gets along really well with the others and the family just forgets and replaces Nexus with Moon, which I must say is outrageous not true.
Nexus right now is still a hard spot for everyone. No one is coping very well, with Earth doubting her ability and wanting to have a pet just to vent out all his problems; Lunar seems like out of track, he is just numbing himself and doesn't want to think about Nexus. (Classic trauma defense reflex)
Especially Sun. You can see his voice shift into something like he can't breathe and seemingly shaking just like how he talked with Jack. He doesn't seem to care about Moon's jokes about Nexus (how Nexus the dumb one, how Nexus tries to have an intelligent battle with him...) and immediately just wants to step back and sit down.
Old Moon or Moon doesn't actually get along with Sun. They are pretty awkward with each other, when Moon still tries his best to prove that he is better now while still a little bit falls in the same good old Moon's manner. Only now he has not hit Sun or directly yells at Sun to shut up.
We can see some moments, when Sun just immediately shuts down, and doesn't talk back to Moon.
(remember the gravel's history? Sun has spent 10 hours rambling it to Nexus. He is also pretty much more confident and comfortable with Nexus than Moon, cuz we rarely see them play games with each other anymore these days and Sun usually is very quiet when Moon says something outrageous about Nexus or when Moon is doing something stupid. )
It seems like they had not found their dynamic yet.
In the old old Moon and Sun. Moon will take the lead and Sun even though nervously, still happily tagging along. With Nexus and Sun, they are seemingly both equal, with Nexus feels like he is the younger brother to Sun. Nexus is still the one who leads, but feels like Sun has to tag along by force and has a ball to stand up for himself.
(he is still nervously though. He seems to hardly care or impressed anymore. Sun in those moments just gives up on trying to do anything because all his efforts are seemingly useless and he just leaves Nexus and Solar having fun. )
And now, it seems like when Moon tries to support Sun and hear Sun out, to be a better brother, Sun just accidentally falls back into his old habits with Moon.
( Be quiet when Moon needs. Don't talk back to him. Do as he says. Don't be stupid and impulsive.)
Sure he is getting better at having a backbone and stand up for himself. But It is ironic that right now Sun is exactly what Moon wants Sun to be back then.
So yeah, I think their dynamic now still has a lot of problems that can be improved and I am really eager to see more of how Moon tries to bribe Sun and the celestial family into getting comfortable with him, and him being smartass while trying to sneakly replace and flushed every single piece of Nexus's appearance out of celestial family's life.
F@cking a@shole, but he is kind of funny right now though with how he just like Nexus, accidentally makes Sun can't talk about the others because he doesn't like seeing Nexus in better light.
#Also, do you guys think Sun would think deeply about Nexus when he stays alone? Like how Dark Sun tries to get rid of Nexus, and how Nexus still willingly stays and works with him.
#Do you guys think how Nexus would rather go off railed and associated with some one danger and use him than staying with his family would make Sun think he is a bad brother?
Like he used to not be good enough for Moon, now he is not good enough for Nexus?
How does he have no energy to keep it together anymore and not even care if he upset Moon to some degree?
(like Sun becomes more sassier, and I can say, a little bit of colder. Sure, he still cares for Moon, and keeps his mouth shut when it comes to sensitive topics.
But He was rarely impressed by the mafia and sass Moon so much in jail. He doesn't argue back with Moon and just shut up like he gets tired of that and just changes topics. He straight out calls Moon out for his bullshit about his technology, about how weird it is, and just doesn't even care if Moon tells or doesn't tell him anything.
He seems to have a trauma response of how Moon gets injured though. He is so scared of hurting Moon, making every magic come out of him all just harmless. Turning people into goose, making rock into rubber fish. He immediately runs back at Moon when he thinks Moon is in danger , and just straight walks away when Sun realizes it's just another of Moon's bullshit thing.
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ikamigami · 1 month
I am really hoping that something comes along that shows Eclipse how wrong he is about our Sun, that his perception of Sun that he's using Sunrise to project on is wrong, and maybe show some of the fandom that too, though I wonder how they'd do that?
I'm hoping for the same, dear anon..
That's why I'll make a bold statement and say that Sun and Eclipse's relationship is important as much as Sun and Moon's relationship (yes I count Nexus here as well)..
And I think that Eclipse may really play a part in helping Sun to open up about his true feelings..
Cause I think that it can't be a coincidence that Eclipse went to a dimension where Sun is acting exactly the way Eclipse was always assuming our Sun truly is..
Even if their story isn't a masterpiece and has many plot holes and inconsistency.. I really think that it doesn't change much when it comes to this being a well thoughtout story..
Like maybe I'm giving them too much credit but I think that Davis and EC are good storytellers/writers..
Even if I was complaining about some things it was mostly due to fans.. and also because of my mental issues which I pointed out many times that I was exaggerating and all.. but my anger was mostly due to fans reactions..
Because I was afraid that Davis and EC will look at what majority of fans say and will choose this to implement into a story cause they're not professionals so they rely on what fans say..
So I was afraid that they'll turn Sun evil because this is what many fans expressed wanting to see.. but at the same time I wanted to trust them that they won't do that.. and look they gave us Dark Sun who is considered an Evil Sun..
I wanted to trust in their writing hence why I decided to stick to my theories and such cause I believe that Sun story is prolonged with his mental issues and trauma.. hence why he was in the background at times (many times) and I was trying to keep coming up with theories on what may be happening in Sun's head at these times.. but certain group of people in this fandom didn't like my theories..
And the way they treated me and later that Miku episode and Nexus' insanity arc left me unsure of everything..
Especially seeing what Davis was posting about fans.. that they're not professional story writers.. and that they forgot about stuff and all.. which is understandable and valid and I actually am not angry at him or EC or Kat or Valentine..
But what that certain group of people did to me.. make me doubt myself.. I mean it's mostly due to my guilt delusion.. but this is it..
I just can't stop thinking that VAs are talking about me.. that I'm this unforgiving and ever-complaining fan.. which it may seem like that from some of my posts ngl.. but I really feel like I destroyed VAs fun time with doing these shows.. here I said that.. this is what I really think and I can't stop thinking about it..
Anyway let's get back to your ask, dear anon..
I really think that all of this has purpose - yes I'm probably dumb - and Eclipse will realize his mistakes against Sun.. sooner or later.. I'm not good at guessing what exactly will happen so idk if I'll try to do that when I didn't watch EAPS.. I'm still debating if I want to watch it or not.. but knowing that Eclipse thinks of our Sun so badly and so openly there.. makes me not want to watch it..
Also I know that I called EAPS a garbage show.. but I shouldn't do that.. I was angry that both Puppet and Eclipse are so frustrating.. but I think that Davis and Valentine are doing wonderful job with the show and their roles causing us to feel all of these emotions 👏
I never said that I think that they're job as writers or VAs is bad just because I don't like some of characters or their personalities.. cause like even if Puppet annoys me and Eclipse also is getting on my nerves at times.. it doesn't mean that I hate Valentine and Davis..
As that said I think that Sun's relationship with Eclipse is crucial for both of their arcs.. just like it is for Sun's relationship with Moon (including Nexus)..
Because it's just like Solar Flare said that Eclipse needs both Sun and Moon just like Sun and Moon need Eclipse..
Maybe I'm wrong and dumb for thinking that this is what that line meant and all..
I really thought that me trying to make sense out of how Sun is treated in the show will help fans to have more faith in VAs writing..
And even if my theories were/are wrong I thought that I could share them with other fans..
But I just don't know anymore.. really..
But I'm still making theories and keep talking about these shows cause that what makes me happy and I enjoy doing so..
That's why I'm trying not to think too much about being potentially the cause of VAs burnout with these shows.. even if it's really hard at times.. with this stupid guilt delusion QwQ
Sorry that I didn't answer how Eclipse will realize that he was wrong about our Sun.. but I really don't know what may happen cause I didn't watch EAPS at all.. my only take is that maybe Puppet's dream will become reality.. maybe not 1 to 1 but it will..
I'm sorry if this doesn't satisfy you, dear anon 🙇‍♀️
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lanaevyssmoved · 11 months
OC questions tag meme!
THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME @hibernationsuit mwah mwah
i'm doing it for afhiri, candor and cirok!! it's undercut because its long ^_^
afhiri, but if performing will tell people their name is gift ^_^ afhiri does have a surname i just haven't decided what it is yet because it's almost better to me if no one ever finds out. even me candor's actual name is raguel, but chose the virtue name candor for itself! this was with intent for when it introduced itself to afhiri, but it completely failed when he realised afhiri doesn't know what candour means :D cirok is a name that they picked themselves after his failed transformation into a kaorti and became a rivener! it's actual name is long lost, and no one will ever learn it
afhiri has the nicknames hiri and iri, and various pet names from their various partners. "sweet clown" and "my favourite bard" are used often by gale! a fun fact is gale will give afhiri moon and star related names, and candor will give afhiri sun related names! candor is called candy by afhiri, and they'll tease it with lots of "you're so sweet! like candy!" hehehe... the torment melts the heart of even the most honourable of angels cirok is called cir by afhiri but other than that their name doesn't actually get used often, since it only really interacts with afhiri and gale. gale calls cirok "it" a lot, and "phantom", using cirok mostly when afhiri pouts at him. it sounds mean but cirok doesn't mind and sometimes prefers the depersonalisation of it
afhiri is intersex and was raised to be a boy from birth, however they developed to look more like a girl, causing a lot of inner turmoil and conflict. afhiri is transfem and nonbinary. they also take testosterone to feel closer to their masculinity. she/they pronouns! candor is quite literally a sexless solar angel, but is maculine in appearence and presentation. calling candor a man in any form would be incorrect. he/it/they pronouns! cirok is nonbinary. don't ask whats under its clothes... vaguely gestures to the fact it's a failed kaorti transformation. it/they with heavy preference for it/its.
Star sign:
this is a little difficult because realms lore has changed on this a lot, if i'm correct in my information. from people being blessed by stars or entire consellations to each month actually having a sign in more recent lore. here is a link anyone doing this for realms ocs (like bg3 ocs) can use to figure this out! the lore on stars and consellations in the realms is spotty at best, but this could be helpful if you wanna go that route!
afhiri was born in the month of kythorn, at the height of summer. her sign is the moth! uh.. candor wasn't born like that and cirok experienced literal rebirth so like. i can only answer this for afhiri LSKDJFDSF
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i added gale because gale kisses afhiri and cirok hehehe
afhiri is polyam and bisexual ^_^ candor is yknow an angel so doesn't really subscribe to this but would be polyam and pansexual if. it did subscribe to labels at all cirok is [waves hands about] queer
afhiri is baldurian and from the lower city in a poor district. baby is a tiefling! candor is a solar from the upper planes! candor originally called the chronias layer of mount celestia its home but upon agreeing to serve lathander moved to the realm morninglory in elysium. candor spends a few decades on toril, but eventually returns to morninglory where they stay for eternity cirok is a rivener, and what it was before this is lost to time, and you're not going to get an answer out of them. but if you were able to get a good look, you'd assume cirok is maybe a human or a half elf. cirok stays in waterdeep with afhiri and gale post-game but where cirok was before is anyones guess!
Favourite fruit:
afhiri likes sweet fruits best of all, like berries, melons and mangoes! candor doesn't eat.......... cirok doesn't eat either...............
Favourite season:
afhiri likes it warm and loves nature, flowers, greenery, so late spring and summer are the best! candor likes the summer because of the long days and warm sun ^_^ cirok uh. is not gonna answer this question if you ask and it doesn't have one.......
Favourite flower:
afhiri loves all flowers but most especially simple flowers like daisies! if afhiri sees a field of daisies you have LOST her candor likes sunflowers and roses.. obviously cirok doesn't like flowers dlfkgfdglkdfgdfg
Favourite scent:
afhiri likes natural smells over perfumey ones that usually make them sneeze dfklgjdfgd so you're gonna see afhiri sniffing flowers and the fresh air and avoiding people wearing scents candor probably got some. angel advanced sniffer shit going on. so i assume candor can smell the universe and stuff. so lets just say whatever the sun smells like and leave it there so i don't have to unpack this cirok doesn't have a favourite scent are you seeing a pattern here :)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate:
HOT CHOCOLATE FOR AFHIRI PLEASE. sometimes gale makes them mochas. ^_^ candor doesn't drink! :) but would like tea fdl;kgdf cirok doesn't drink either..!! ahh!!! but would drink coffee. gods
Average hours of sleep:
afhiri doesn't actually sleep for very long, always jolting themselves awake in the early hours, likely due to having to always be up early before leaving their family home. candor doesn't sleep!!! cirok doesn't sleep!!!!!!!!
Dog or cat person:
afhiri is a both person and has the matched energies of a hyper dog and a zoomies cat candor loves all things on toril equally :) except the evil things :) cirok actually likes tara!!! cat person!!!!
Dream trip:
you're not gonna get a proper answer out of afhiri here it would just be "ANYWHERE! EVERYWHERE! LETS GO!" afhiri just wants to adventure and explore and see shit man. easy to please ultimately candor....... god ok i have to be honest candors dream trip would be leading afhiri to morninglory to spend the rest of eternity there with it. which means afhiri is dead cirok doesnt have one....... for gods sake cirok
Favourite fictional character:
afhiri has never read a book. we don't have television here. afhiri doesn't KNOW any fictional characters. but afhiri also has issues with knowing what is and isn't real and would answer this question in a completely incorrect way. afhiri would say the emperor is their favourite fictional character :) because the emperor lives in the prism :) for fuck sake afhiri candor.. doesn't have one..... candor is not one for whimsy like this... DO I HAVE TO SAY IT
Number of blankets they sleep with:
afhiri has one blanket and it's whoever is sleeping in bed with them..... other than that afhiri is going to kick that shit off in their sleep because they fidget like hell unless there's the weight of someone else holding them down. weight blanket person candor DOESN'T SLEEEPPP CIROK DOESN'T SL PEPEEPEP
Random fact:
afhiri has 6 fingers on each hand :)
candor spent so long flying around and simply floating that when entering self imposed exile and disguising itself as a tiefling it had to figure out how to walk :D
cirok has to spend many hours a day caring for its resin. its a super delicate task that cannot be interrupted. without this resin cirok will die in torils atmosphere :).........
@ancientsigil @gwynbleidd @grymforge @euryalex @courierseis @kelemvorr @dandeyrain @dekarios @enverflymm @lord-woolsley @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster @captaintiny @dameaylin @masckarlach @haarlep @sovereign-spaw @johnnystorm @maxthetruman @princeofhags and anyone else who wants to do it consider urself tagged by me ^_^!!
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queen-of-deans-booty · 4 months
Paper Moon: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: A case brings you back to someone you let go once before. Now, you have a decision to make: let her go again or kill her. Whatever option that will piss the Winchesters off, right?
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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"Yeah, Barker and I have been raising hell, chasing tail, and riding for a long time. Part of him always knew when his clock ran out, it wasn't gonna be pretty. To go out like that? By some animal? It just ain't right."
"Do you mind telling us what went down?" Dean asks as you slide into the booth next to him.
"It was just another party, you know? Barker went out back, and the next thing I knew, everyone was yelling and screaming because he was all torn up."
"The sheriff mentioned you thought there might've been a girl involved. Do you think she was killed, too?"
"Nope," Tommy shakes his head.
"There was no girl?"
"Couldn't say."
"You do know we're not cops, right?" you say and take a sip of your drink.
"A badge is a badge."
"I have ways of getting you to talk, and you're not gonna like them. So, I suggest you better tell us what you saw."
"Don't listen to her," Dean says quickly and kicks your leg underneath the table. "What she means is that we work outdoors, and we've seen some crazy things. You know, things that we can't explain. Things that we wouldn't have believed had we not seen it together."
"Well, you don't have to live in this town, mister. You don't have to deal with the ridicule."
"I'm just saying that crazy might not be half as crazy as you think."
"So, if someone were to tell you they saw a ghost, you'd believe that?" Tommy asks hesitantly.
"Just assume we believe everything."
"Okay. The other night, I was taking a ride past the old Sturges farm. You know, thinking about the rides me and Barker used to go on. I saw her, man."
"Saw who?"
"The girl."
"After the attack?"
"Hell, yeah. She was just standing there, all bloody, and watching me. So, I turned the hell around and ran back thinking she could have killed me. I looked back and she was gone. Like, gone-gone."
"Like a ghost," Sam says.
"Yeah. I don't give one red cent in hell what the cops say. She was there. She was eaten. She's a fucking ghost."
If Tommy says there is a ghost there, then that's the place that Sam and Dean are going to next. They wait until the sun has gone completely down because that's the likely time when the ghost will come out... if there is one. The farm is desolate and quiet when you arrive, and you get out of the car with your gun in hand.
"Ghosts don't shred people like the way Barker was. You know, if what Tommy says is true."
"Yeah, well, it looks like this fleabag isn't done chowing down on men yet."
"Guess she likes bad boys."
"Wait until she gets a laid of us," Dean smirks.
"God, you two talk too much. Move," you scoff and push past them to walk ahead of them.
"This isn't normal," Sam whispers.
"Tell me about it."
You approach the abandoned barn with caution and turn to the brothers. You motion for Sam to go around the back while you and Dean enter through the front. Sam sighs and does as he's told so that it's just you and Dean. You open the barn door carefully and walk inside before Dean can say anything to you.
There are several dead chickens scattered on the ground and several deep scratches across the surface of the wood. You and Dean quickly and efficiently search the interior with your flashlights. Something scuttles in the darkness so you two turn off your lights to hide from it. That scuttle turns into someone speaking quietly as if there are people around to hear it. You open a door quietly and look inside to see a young woman with her back turned to you. She's on the phone, and guessing by her tone, she's leaving a voicemail.
"Stop ignoring my calls. Pick up the phone and call me right now. This isn't how it's supposed to go. Look, I've been down this road before and I'm not going to--"
She stops talking abruptly and sniffs the air. Shit, she smells you and Dean. She immediately runs away from you and Dean, but you two are hot on her trail. She yanks open the back door and runs into Sam who has his gun pointed at her. He is about to shoot her when he recognizes her.
"What are you doing?" Dean asks. Sam turns the woman around and you and Dean stop in your tracks. "Kate?"
Kate is the werewolf you let go two years ago when her friend turned her just so he could be with her. She killed him and left the video they recorded to show how she became a werewolf. Sam and Dean take her and tie her to a chair so they can question her without her going anywhere.
"I know who you three are."
"Congratulations," you roll your eyes.
"After what happened at school, I thought you'd let me go."
"That was before you started dropping bodies."
"What?" she asks, confused.
"The guy at the bar saw you before you went all Wolverine on his friend. Surprise. Here we are."
"Kate, you said you were gonna go straight. What happened?" Sam sighs.
"I guess things change. Being this... I tried to be strong, but the hunger was too much. Too hard. It's not like anyone gave me a handbook on how to be a werewolf."
"You're lying," you say and lean against one of the wooden pillars.
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"I was on my own. I evolved."
"That's what you call killing innocent people?" Sam asks.
"Whatever you're gonna do, just do it."
Sam and Dean exchange looks before the older brother takes out his gun and points it at Kate. He hesitates because he remembers his time as a demon and how he killed for the fun of it. Sam puts a hand on his shoulder and gestures for him to the side to talk. You walk with the brothers to hear what they're saying. As soon as you turn from her, Kate starts trying to get out of the binds.
"Let me do it."
"I think you should sit this one out."
"What are you talking about?"
"You're not ready, Dean." Sam's phone rings and Dean turns to Kate who stops moving. "Hello?"
"Warden, we had another animal attack over at the high school gymnasium. The guy was a security guard. Same M.O. as the other three."
"The Deputy said the victim's blood was still warm when he got there, so had to be less than an hour ago."
"Okay, thank you. I'll be in touch." Sam hangs up. "We got a problem."
"Besides from Werewolf Barbie over there"
"Yeah. There was another kill, across town, just before dark."
"How did Kate murder that guy and get back here bef--" Sam shrugs and gives him a look. "You don't think she did it."
"I don't know man, but as far as I'm concerned--"
"Oh, my God. Let me do it," you roll your eyes and turn to Kate.
You raise your gun and shoot at her just as her ties snap off. She ducks right before the bullet can reach her, and she runs out of the barn as fast as she can. You get off two more shots but both miss. Damn, you're rusty.
"Damn it!" Dean shouts.
"Maybe if you two had stopped chatting like twelve-year-old girls, Kate would be dead right now and we could move on with our lives."
There is no way Kate is coming back here now, so there is no need to stick around. You three head back to the Impala.
"If she's not icing people, then why play the big bad wolf?" Dean asks.
"Maybe she's running with a pack? You know, trying to protect them?"
"That's a hell of a price to pay. She was about two seconds away from taking a dirt nap."
Dean takes out a phone that's clearly not his. This one is pink with jewels on the back of it.
"Did you steal her phone?" you ask.
"Yeah. Let's see who she was booty calling when we pulled up."
Dean presses the redial option and places it on speakerphone so you all can hear.
"Thank you for calling the Lincoln Motel. Can I help you?"
Dean hangs up once he knows where she's going. You three pile into the car and Dean speeds off to the motel that's not far from the abandoned farm.
"So, what's this about me not being ready back there?" Dean asks as he drives.
"I'm -- I wasn't trying to start something, Dean. I was just saying, I thought that was the whole point of us taking a break. You know?"
"I get that, and there are no worries there. What about you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you ready?"
"Why wouldn't I be ready?" Sam asks defensively.
"Lester? Are you serious?"
"Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to stay something either." You roll your eyes but keep quiet in the back seat. "I'm just saying, maybe we oughta talk about that."
"There's nothing to talk about."
There is a moment of uncomfortable silence before Dean continues.
"I just figured, since we're opening up veins that maybe you'd want to talk about the guy who you made sell his soul."
"The guy you then killed, right? I mean, that's the same guy we're talking about?"
"I was a demon."
"Oh, you were a demon? Oh, I didn't realize that," Sam says sarcastically.
"Hey, man, Lester was gonna pay for that soul shake sooner or later. So, technically, it's still on you."
"What do you want from me, Dean? I'm not happy about it, okay? I needed to find you. So if I had to bend a few rules--"
"You mean 'go dark'."
"Sure. Label it if you want."
"Look, I'm not complaining, okay? In fact, I'm doing just the opposite of complaining. Between Lester and the others..."
"There weren't others," Sam says defensively.
"Okay. Either way, maybe we both needed that time off." Dean looks at his brother who just rolls his eyes. "This is good."
"Yeah, okay."
"You do know how pathetic you two sound, right?" you speak up. "Who cares if you were a demon or if you were looking for your brother? You're both terrible people."
"Like you're any better," Dean says.
"Oh, I am. I'm not the one who murdered dozens because I wanted to. Man, it feels good to finally see you two in a new light. There is nothing appealing about either of you. You're both whining and complaining about how you can't do a simple hunt. Boo hoo. Life is tough. Get a helmet. At least stop talking about it," you scoff.
Sam and Dean look at each other and decide not to comment on this. The rest of the drive is spent in silence. Dean pulls up to the motel and parks in a spot where he can watch the rooms through the three mirrors on his car. That's where you three stay for the rest of the night until sunup. No one of interest comes in and out of the motel so Sam goes inside the lobby area to talk to the worker.
"Alright," Sam says when he returns to the car, "the clerk says a blonde rolled into room three just before sunup."
"Was she alone?"
"He thinks so."
The door to room three opens and a blonde petite woman leaves the room. Kate locks the door and walks down the sidewalk, careful not to bring any attention to herself.
"She's on the move," Dean says.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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ufo-driver · 1 year
Could Ty-Lee be considered an energy bender?
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I wouldn’t doubt if someone had already considered this theory before, but I tried finding if anyone had this idea. Nothing came up, so I guess I have to talk about it!
This semester, I have a TV in my dorm room, and a cool roommate to watch ATLA with. He has never seen the show, and quickly fell in love with it. Through his eyes, I’ve been seeing it all for the first time with new thoughts…
I know that Aang discovers energy bending at the end of the show. This is, of course, how he removes Ozai’s fire bending, rendering him powerless.
While energy bending is shown and described, very little detail is given in terms of its limitations, leaving me with many questions;
Is the Avatar the only person who can be an energy bender?
Is energy bending only accessible via Lion Turtle, or can it be inherited like other methods of bending?
Is the level of energy bending displayed by Aang only representative of a fully realized energy bending master combined with the power of the Avatar?
If methods of bending are learned from nature- fire from dragons and the sun, air from flying bison, water from the moon, and earth from badger moles- then energy bending must be granted from lion turtles. Does this mean that all other creatures can theoretically gift a human with bending abilities?
With all these questions left unanswered, it is hard to give a concrete answer to the nature of energy bending. What makes this even more complicated is the abilities of Ty-Lee.
Ty-Lee and Her Power
There are already many theories that debate Ty-Lee’s ancestry and its connection to Air Nomad Refugees. I am not opposed to the idea that she could have air bending abilities, but it would only be consistent with the canon if she was unaware of them; hence why she only “seems” to air bend. However, this can be explained as many years of practice and strength training that allows her to defy gravity.
The power that captured my attention in my latest re-watch is her unique ability of chi-blocking. Before, I accepted this as a form of general martial arts that she had learned over time, as being connected to Azula would easily grant her access to higher levels of self defense training.
However, I then compare her abilities to Aang. Ty-Lee has the ability to temporarily remove someone’s bending, something that she calls “chi-blocking.”
If I recall correctly, the entire concept of Chi is that it’s spiritual energy that flows everywhere. Ty-Lee, most likely unaware of her ability, is literally energy bending.
Of course, this would be the case assuming that not only the Avatar can energy bend, along with confirmation that full removal of bending is only possible at a level of energy bending mastery with the power of the Avatar.
Ex) while toph is powerful, I doubt she could move tectonic plates and create a separate island like Kiyoshi did
Another thing that makes Ty-Lee’s “chi blocking” interesting to me is her canonical ability to see people’s auras. Because she is able to manipulate chi, she can go as far to **physically see** the chi (or energy) that surrounds people’s bodies.
Of course, it would be easy to brush off as a metaphor, or even just Ty-Lee being a bit kooky. However, the latest rewatch made me realize that she says it so matter-of-factly, as if she has been able to do this her entire life, as if this is her normal.
I also want to point out that her ability to see auras could be similar to how Toph is able to earth bends: they can feel and “see” the medium they are bending, thus making it easier for them to bend.
It could be explained that her ability to disable someone’s bending is just another form of her ability to disable someone’s use of their arm (see when she fights Sokka). However, those are genuine pressure points, and this method of fighting has been studied scientifically.
This is not at all like the method of temporarily disabling bending. There are no physical signs of this; no muscle weakness, atrophy, or numbness. All that happens is the loss of bending, which can be seen as well when Aang defeats Ozai.
Of course, for this to be true would also mean that bending is of another energy that would inevitably cause a deficit once removed, causing physical weakness.
Because Ty-Lee is not on the same power level of Aang, assuming that his power is what allows him to remove bending, she can only block chi. Of course, it is possible that Ty-Lee unknowingly has this ability and just never has the necessary situation to use it.
This would explain why Katara, only having her energy disconnected temporarily and not removed, would not experience any physical effects as there would not be an energy deficit.
What Would this Mean for Ty-Lee’s Character?
If Ty-Lee is an energy bender, it raises many questions of her origins that could be important to the overall writing of ATLA.
Although the children born of the previous Avatars only have been seen to bend what their original bending nation was, it could be possible that Ty-Lee inherited her energy bending from relation to previous Avatars.
Whether this is because she is related to a distant air nomad Avatar or even Roku (which could explain how she had the possibility of meeting Azula in the first place, as she could be of a noble family).
In the show, Aang faces every kind of bender, many of them being more advanced in skill than Aang. The threat of Ty-Lee’s potential energy bending would seem powerful and impossible to overcome. This makes Aang’s mastery of energy bending more satisfying!
This could also explain why Azula confront’s Ty-Lee in the beginning of season 2. Knowing of her ability, Azula would absolutely monopolize it in case it needs to be used on the Avatar. Azula could have gotten any skilled fighter to accompany her, and yet she chose Azula.
You may ask, “well then why is Mai there?” In my opinion, including Mai is just a method for Azula to manipulate Zuko (knowing of their romantic history) and use Mai’s presence as psychological warfare. Her skill, although apparent, is irrelevant to fighting in general. This is its own separate theory, though.
Is Ty-Lee the Only Energy Bender Seen in ATLA?
The more that I analyze the show, I think of how Ty-Lee is very connected with spirituality. When I observe other “spiritual” characters, I also think of Iroh.
It is important to note that Iroh was jaded for his entire life by the programming from the fire nation. Assuming that Iroh has only began his spiritual journey after his failure at Ba Sing Se, he has not put much time into practicing this.
Ty-Lee has spent her entire life fine tuning her skills, unlike Iroh.
I think that energy bending, unlike other bending methods, could be learned. Considering chi is constantly flowing and is everywhere, it is inherently more available than other types of bending.
While Iroh can’t bend energy, he is tapped into chi and spirituality in general. He seems to know things that others don’t, somehow being able to say the exact thing someone needs to hear.
This is something that Ty-Lee can also do. She is often needing to read emotions, and placates Azula when she is at her most stressed. This is basically the much unhealthier version of Iroh and Zuko’s relationship.
So while the level of energy bending shown from Ty-Lee is not matched by other spiritual characters, it does seem that it can be learned over time while others have a higher predisposition. If anything, I’d compare it to midi-chlorians allowing people to have a higher sensitivity to the Force.
As far as canon from the show alone goes, Ty-Lee seems to be self taught, the show implying that only circus training could teach her this fighting method. Color me not-convinced.
Note; I do believe that there are energy benders alone in LOK, but I haven’t seen the entire show as it didn’t do the same thing for me that ATLA did. I know it’s important to consider all sources, but this is what I have! Feel free to reblog with explanations/thoughts that correct anything in this post.
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
Finally, our education is complete.
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Is that why we're Solstice Warriors?
Sometimes, on the eve of a solstice, a giant bird chucks a baby at the village shrieking "YOUR PROBLEM NOW ASSHOLES"! Also those babies are magical. We do not know why this is, or where these children come from, or what purpose the eagle serves by flinging magic babies at us twice a year. This is our way.
I wonder which one of us is older? They said we were hurled at the village on two consecutive Solstices so that means one of us is about six months, uh, less-village than the other. Which doesn't. Actually. Convey any information about when we were born but it's the closest thing we have to a birthdate.
In lieu of evidence, I'm going to assume that I'm older on the grounds that I'm better than Zale and that's reason enough.
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Uh. Hi. You might remember me from such exploits as getting one of your children blinded and eating parts of your holy tree. I hope this will not adversely affect your eagerness to take in Bird-Flung Mystery Kids in the future.
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Hold up, the exit to the village is through the Forbidden Cave? There are other exits from the village, right?
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THERE ARE NOT. Holy shit. The village is on the edge of a cliff, and the only way to leave is through the Forbidden Cave. Which is, as noted, forbidden.
Are. Are these people prisoners? Y'all, I think we might be prisoners. No wonder we were planning to leave by raft. That and the cave are literally the only options.
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The Forbidden Cave, incidentally, is attuned specifically to moon magic, as we learned the first time we opened it. Solar types are as useless as civvies when it comes to trying to escape our penitentiary village. Only lunar warriors and those with their permission may come and go.
It's because we're better.
In any case. I have important matters to attend to in this cave before we move on. Specifically,
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I. Should have. Aimed that better. >_< My rage has blinded me.
I should learn from this experience and try to better myself as a person. However, I will not.
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Wait, what? Why is the device broken? Did Moraine not know about this? Are we not maintaining proper upkeep of the one and only exit from the village!?
We've been out of Zenith Academy for the better part of a day and I'm still amazed by what a complete shitshow the place is.
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If we get eaten by spiders, I'm kicking Moraine's ass.
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If we get eaten by goddamned Lavos I'm going back in time and punting Moraine in the balls. Then I'm going five minutes back in time and punting Moraine in the balls. Then I'm going five minutes back in time and punting him in the balls.
I'm not stopping. I will replace his entire chronology with getting punted in the balls. He will not know why. He will know only pain.
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There. I flicked. Your switch.
You're welcome.
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Apparently this is now happening. So in addition to Moraine giving us our marching orders and Bugraves and Erlina taking a keen interest in us, we've also got these spookers monitoring our journey and that lying son-of-an-eagle Archivist temporally stalking us. Anyone else want to jump in?
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Wait, Three? You're sending Three after us?
I mean. I kinda thought. I was expecting Four. Y'know. We'd. Like. Count down as we punch our way through increasingly strong cultists or whatever's going on here.
But. No, this is. This is cool too. I. I don't. Know. How to process that. I feel. Out of sorts and--
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I no longer care about whatever I was on about. It was probably inane anyway.
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This looks interesting. I can't open it but I want to. We have sun and moon powers here so you'd think it would respond to that. It looks designed to respond to that. But I guess not. In any case.
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We finally catch up to the flash-forward and prove once and for all that this was no flashback. But, more importantly, we can finally move onward!
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merbear25 · 6 months
Hiii! I’m really glad to see that the hetalia fandom is still alive!! I would love to do personalised/match up form thingy!! Thanks for doing this again btw :^D
I did some characters and then looking at it now-I hope it’s not too much (if so, i apologise in advance fhvhsk I’ve never really submit a matchup before!)
I go by She/Her and I hope I can be 🌻🐸 anon!! Some basic stuffs about me: INFJ-T, 4w5, sun sign is libra and both moon and rising are aries.
For Allies:
Canada - Honestly, he is one of the countries that I can imagind myself getting along with. I’m quite introverted but I can be quite animated and high-strung (eg. having social anxiety and all that jazz) which ironically are hard to grapple with when I have limited energy. So sensing Canada’s overall demeanor - I probably will match his quieter energy though I can be a little high strung or animated at times. Also, I would appreciate people who are more sensitive as well!! And lastly?? Dude has a pet polar bear that talks - as an animal lover, I will be gushing over Kumajirou 😭😭 Yes, I’m that friend that will beeline to the host’s pets etc. in a party unless I have people familiar with to include me in conversations with more unfamiliar acquaintances and introduce me to new people :, ) I think I would also try to help include Canada in stuffs since its honestly sad that he’s pretty invisible to everyone around him and p much lives in his brother’s shadows. Also!! I would love to go to his country and sightsee - I do sometimes hike casually with my friends and I like strolling around, especially places with animals to spot e.g. national parks, gardens, etc. and hes probably really experienced with hiking and even surviving the wilderness (I have a horrible sense of direction - all my friends literally know me infamously for being directionally challenged isivhfsdb, I got lost in a classroom before)
America: This is kinda a tricky one because it really depends on how I met him e.g. the settings and circumstances but I’m just gonna assume we have good first impressions! I honestly think I will be more reserved and shy (Think Japan and his interactions) but will eventually warm up as long as he doesn’t push me into uncomfortable social situations or drained my social energy a lot. It could be like a case of an extrovert adopting an introvert :, ) I would bond over and geek out on comics and games with him. Also ngl we may just be meme buddies especially with the silly Gnarp gnarp memes (I got an aftonsparv ikea alien plush because of all these memes dkhwghv)
England: I think this is a little more straightforward - I will reel back my energy and would be quite polite. However, I can foresee myself needing time and more interactions to get used to his sharp-tongue or blunt way of speaking at times before I can actually be friends with him. I guess one of the shared interests I have with him may relate to supernatural as I do,,, have the ability to see spirits (I have so many ghost stories to share, mine or from others’ experiences). I think leveraging on that shared interest - I will open up and have more to talk about :^)
France: He gives off big brother energy and can be quite affectionate even platonically. I may be overwhelmed with his openness to show affections e.g. touches and compliments at first but ultimately will grow to appreciate his ways of showing care. I think he’s really attuned to people’s emotions and empathetic too and I would definitely appreciate his support?? Totally exude king of self-care and I definitely need help with that because I have a tendency to prioritise school + work over my health (got admitted to the emergency for the past 6 months because of that :, ) )
Russia: I feel like he’s an enigma for me to discern if I will get along well with him? It depends on the first impression and contexts? ? I can see myself getting intimidated if I witnessed his interactions with the Baltic countries. However, we would get along well if he’s gentle and nice to me and others?? Because of my social anxiety, I am very perceptive and sensitive to someone’s vibes, so I am always on the look out for how someone interacts with me and their interactions with others -I feel like I will be wary of Russia out of gut feelings or seeing how he casually intimidates people wordlessly. However, I think we will mostly be amicable to one another :, ) One of our shared interests I think we can bond over is probably sunflowers? I personally love them a lot and in fact, I love the colour yellow a lot to the extent most of my items even what I wear is mostly yellow. I really like cute things too and honestly I remember that scene of him getting rejected by a hamster- that was rlly honestly sad even though its supposed to be funny dhfkfhdhb
China: Aaah another big brother and also grandpa energy (I guess England does exude grandpa energy to a certain extent too-) my ethnicity is Chinese so that’s already kinda ‘entry point’ to befriend him or stuff :,) I can honestly imagine him chiding and nagging me from my bad habits of not taking good care of myself and also dishing out blunt yet wise advices. I overall will respect him but may tease him like a little sibling because I do have gremlin sibling energy according to my friends, especially those who are older, but I am actually quite mature despite my childish antics. Also, totally will bond with his love for hello kitty because I love cute stuffs and my fav Sanrio character is pompompurin 💛💛
The Nordic 5 -
Iceland: It’s another case of oh wow !! You have a pet?? AND THEY TALK? Kinda scenario like Canada and it’s a puffin??? I may be a little cautious and polite at first because he may appear quieter and reserved but I think we will kinda click as friends. I think it’s canon that he wrote letters back then to make friends and I actually do have penpals to write to like sending snail mails and cute stuffs e.g. stickers, stationery and keychains!!
Norway: It may be a little hard for me to approach him as he seems withdrawn?? And his expression is usually unreadable so coupled with my social anxiety - I may not initiate or approach him on my own unless I have someone introduce me to him like Denmark to facilitate. From there on, it’s really kinda like up to how the interactions roll from there? I think we would be amicable and may bond over supernatural and stuffs too because I personally love supernatural related media and stuffs (I am also quite a horror junkie and don’t get spooked easily) It would be cool to learn various mythical creatures from his culture!!
Denmark: It’s another case of extrovert adopting introvert but I don’t know if it’s because of the way the fandoms perceived and write about him (one of my fav writers is alfredosauce!!) but I honestly can see myself hanging out with him and find him fun to be around especially with his love for legos. (I would love to get the bonsai tree lego kit ;; the leaves are frog legos??? How cute is that??) and I do have an extroverted friend that lowkey reminds me of him and we have been friends for very long. I feel like we will be meme besties too - collectively sending 10+ reels at 2 am and going why are you awake??
Sweden: It’s kinda like Norway but even more likely that I won’t approach him and if I do, I will be really polite and reserved (also social anxiously struggling with small talks and reading his expression/body language) I probably need someone to introduce me to him and hang out in a group or with someone along with Sweden to actually familiarise with him. With his hobbies being art-related and furnitures?? I think that will be the main interest we share and bond over because I am a self-taught artist (though I don’t exactly have time these days to do art) but I love drawing stuffs for my friends and admire people’s DIY and crafting skills so I would be impressed by his abilities.
Finland: He exudes mother friend energy based on how approachable and gentle he is?? ALSO HANATAMAGO, I’m going to kidnap his pupper /j I think we will become fast friends?? And I would appreciate his caring demeanour. I think hes the kind of person who may not be close to you but finds out you're struggling, will do regular check-ins and I think I will honestly cry/touched by that.
Axis: Germany: I think at this point you may see a pattern but I tend to not initiate or approach people who may be hard to read and it goes the same with Germany. I think I would however work well with Germany because I actually tend to prioritise my work to be good quality (though I can imagine I can be quite stressed too sfhkdhs) After warming up and also knowing he has doggos, I think we will bond?? I have a goblin of a dachshund,, but I love both cats and dogs and all other animals :) I also realised how loyal he is as a friend and would rlly appreciate that trait!!
N.Italy: Maybe a case of extrovert adopting introvert again. I think I will be flabbergasted at how carefree he is??? Just him in his own world vibing. I think his energy will rub off on me though and we would eventually get along but I may act as a motherly friend unlike some other countries mentioned earlier because I'm quite an overworrier-
S.Italy: I know it’s canon that he’s more friendly and kind toward ladies so I think based on first impression - we would be amicable. I think this is pointed out by many hetalia writers and also its canon that he is jealous and feels inferior to N.Italy - I honestly think that depending on circumstances e.g. If I know him first before N. Italy, our relationship will fluctuate like a lot and it would be confusing why he’s hot or cold after I know his brother?? Unless he does eventually confide in me about his concerns or I will be left confused and rather drained on his behaviours :, )
For what I would do:
1) I think I will actually specify that I may return at a certain timing after accepting the invitation and hoping for their understanding. It’s really likely I will leave rather begrudgingly on the time I decided to leave but there’s that tiny tiny chance that I may stay an extra hour or two before really leaving.
2) As much as I would love to help and also my social anxiety, my first instinct is to apologise and say I can’t [and this situation will probably bug me the rest of the day ngl on how well I approached it-]
3) first day off in forever? I’m sleeping in and being a homebody my g. There’s a small chance of my friends that I don’t see often that may invite me out and I would often try to meet them for at least a few hours and the rest is just me vibing at home like listening to music, watching animes or reading mangas and even movies,, or just browsing through YouTube to watch videos especially those niche 2 hours + long videos in an obscure media to hyperfixate for the coming months.
Thanks for doing this again!! 🫶🫶 totes appreciate you taking the time to do this and I hope you're doing well and if not, I'm manifesting your days to be better 🥺 I look forward to matchups (they can be both platonic and romance) I'm chill with either!!
I feel like this took forever, so thank you for being patient! But, hello 🌻🐸 anon! I will gladly grant these emojis to you :) Thank you for sending in your request. I hadn't really considered having a kind of matchup side to this, but perhaps you've inspired me to change that ;p
I think the person you'd get along with best would be...
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You have a good balance of calming and energetic moments that would pair well with his introverted personality. You'd be able to bring him out of his shell a bit and he'd be able to share the more tranquil moments with you out in nature or just relaxing at home together.
What they think of you...
Canada: When we first met, she took such a strong liking to Kumajirou that I wasn't quite sure if she'd noticed me standing there. She was very sweet though and started up a pleasant conversation. Even though she has some bursts of energy, I don't mind it. I actually like when she gets animated about her interests and wants to share them with me. I appreciate how often she includes me in whatever activity she has planned, even if I don't always go along with it, it feels great to be thought of. She's mentioned a few times how much she'd like to visit my house and I've already thought of some nice activities to do together. It might be nice to return her kindness with showing her around my home.
America: She's pretty cool to be around. Mattie actually introduced me to her and she seemed kinda shy at first, but she comes out of her shell more easily when Mattie's around. Got the impression that she needs to be around people she knows to really be able to get to know her.
England: Generally speaking, she's fine to be around when she's quiet. I haven't had many one-on-one conversations with her. From the ones we have had, it seems a bit hard to find common interests. I get the impression that I put her off based on her reactions to my responses to the others' tomfoolery. Perhaps my sarcasm is a bit much for her.
France: I've noticed she takes awhile to warm up to people, which is fine! She's so sweet when she's shy, though. I'd love to get to know her more. I've seen some of her art and admire her creative mind. I heard her mention her hospitalization and went into shock. If she lets me, I'd be more than happy to show her how to take things slowly.
Russia: Can't say exactly what I did to make her nervous, but I find it hard to approach her. Thinking back on it, maybe my conversation with Estonia put her off. Whatever the reason, it's made talking to her harder. It might be better for me to observe her and see how the others approach her.
China: She's a nice girl but needs to take better care of herself. I was floored to learn about her habit of putting her personal needs aside for work and school! It's unexceptable, so I've decided to bring small boxed lunches whenever I know I'll see her. At least then I'll know she's got one of her needs taken care of. If she needs help finding way to cope with stress, I'll gladly offer my advice.
Nordic 5
Iceland: I have to admit it was quite odd to see how animated she got seeing Mr. Puffin. She actually startled me, and I couldn't help staring at her while she gushed about how cute she thought he was. The only reason we had a conversation was because she changed the subject. I know she can have quiet moments, but honestly, I'm still recovering from that first instance.
Norway: She's too loud sometimes, especially when Denmark comes around. As long as he stays away, I don't mind her company. We mostly just exchange pleasantries, which is fine for me. She's asked about some of my home's fairy tales, and that was a little nice to chat about.
Denmark: She's fun once you get to know her! Yeah, she seemed a bit nervous at first, but we quickly moved past that. I love how excitable she can be! It's always funny to see her get animated, and when some of the others get shocked by it, I can't help but laugh! I want to bring out more moments like that from her.
Sweden: *stares* Hm....We don't talk much...Maybe I scare her. *stare intensifies* She makes nice art though... (He doesn't have an issue with you, but we all know how quiet and intimidating he can be!)
Finland: Oh, I'm so glad that Hanatamago helped introduce me to her! She's so kind and I always enjoy our conversations. I know that she gets a little anxious around others, but I hope she hasn't felt like that around me. I'd be happy to be the bridge of communication with Mr. Sweden. I know how scary he can be!
Germany: She doesn't cause any problems, so I don't mind her. She's fairly hard-working and responsible, although she needs to learn how to properly look after herself. I will say that Italy seems to have a negative influence on her. His happy-go-lucky attitude rubs off on her and she gets a bit distracted. I have to help snap her back to reality sometimes, but it *sighs* isn't too often, thankfully.
N. Italy: Oh, she's so nice. Sometimes she gets so nervous, though! I like helping her relax. I can't believe she has a habit of putting work and school before relaxing. The stress of work can wait, right? It's fun to get excited about art and other hobbies together! Germany doesn't always like how much time we spend together. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I'm sure it was something about discipline.
S. Italy: She's fine when she's not around my idiot brother. At first, I found it easy to talk to her, not really noticing her social anxiety, but I've seen her hanging around him more often. I don't really like his influence on her, but it's not my problem (he's very much made it his problem). She's asked a few times why I've been acting 'strange', but I don't really know what she means. Sometimes I just want to admire her art and be around her without having to talk to her, what's weird about that? (He'd try telling you something is wrong without actually telling you)
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lyssala · 1 year
The Sun & The Moon: On the FFXVI Ending
Throwing my thoughts on the ending into the void.
Aka I keep seeing posts about the ending so I need to type out my thoughts to validate myself.
For reference, we played on release and did two full play throughs.
First of all, I am a happy ending person. I want desperately to find the happiness because there was so much suffering so much loss. Saving the world or not, the thought of Clive having come so close to his own happy ending, of having the family and the love he never got to have, so damn close and then still ending up dying alone on a beach leaving the people waiting for him wondering if he would ever come back to them seems so cruel.
But, Lyssa, you played XV too, and Noctis legitimately sacrificed himself in the end to save the world. You’re right, he did, and that ending still makes me ugly cry because I also didn’t think it was fair that he had to do that. The thing were XV and XVI differ is, we see Noctis in the after with Luna, in their wedding attire, finally together. It’s immensely bittersweet, but we see them at peace. We do not get that in XVI SO point by point let’s GO.
(Warning for spoilers, including character death, in other Final Fantasy games as well)
Why I Don’t Think We Can Assume Any of the Three are Dead
1. The Ancient Rule of Storytelling: No body, you say? THEY AIN’T DEAD.
Usually used when a villain “is defeated” but then they can never find a body - guess what, Luffy is going to have to beat their ass YET again. Final Fantasy has never shied away from character death. From Minwu (FFII) to Tellah (FFIV) to Aerith (FFVII) to Zack (FFVII:CC) to Haurchefant (FFXIV) to Noctis (FFXV), heck even other character death in XVI.
Dion to me is the iffiest one, and I say it with a heavy heart because I loved Dion. He fell early and he had death flags on him BUT we didn’t even see him hit the ground so I still standby that if Clive could survive falling from Origin, Dion could too.
Joshua we actually did see die, and it was terrible - both when it happened and when Clive went back to mourn his brother (again for that matter and thanks I’m crying again). The thing is, we also explicitly watch Clive use Phoenix’s power to heal Joshua. Yeah we don’t see him wake up, but literally what was the point of that action if Joshua was just gonna…you know still be dead. They could have just left him as he was. The whole purpose of showing that action, imo, was to finally give Clive the chance to save his brother, which was all he wanted for so much of his life. I don’t believe that was done as just “well you tried but he really dead, bro.” To me it was to show, no, Joshua has a chance to live the life he always wanted too.
Clive, despite all his dang death flags, is still the most secure to me because the last time we see him, he’s still alive. We know he survived the fall, we know he was conscious on the beach, we only saw the curse spread to his hand. If they really wanted to hint he would die there, we easily could have seen the curse spreading to his face. We didn’t though. He was tired, and weak but he was alive. They made an effort to show him alive. If they truly wanted an ambiguous ending they didn’t even need to show him on the beach, just showing Origin fall would be enough. They didn’t though. They showed the man alive, calling out to Jill, not as apology for breaking his promise but a “I can see the moon same as you, I’m still here.”
2. The Ding Dang Themes of the Game
We spend the whole game determined to fight fate, and while yes, fate was defeated when Ultima was defeated, because the human will won…then didn’t because the man who was determined to fight and escape those binds still ended up lost those everyone who loves him…which was part of the fate he was trying to escape? Final Fantasy games have had dark elements before, and they’ve been heartbreakingly sad. They’ve shown loss of all sorts some self sacrifice, and some because the world can be just so cruel. However, once thing Final Fantasy isn’t is loss without hope.
Noctis got to say goodbye to his best friends (yes I am crying again don’t you dare mention Stand by Me in my presence) because he knew what was coming and they knew what was coming. It gutted me, but they all knew and had come to terms with it. It was Noctis’ choice to walk in there knowing he was not coming back. Clive was not the same. He didn’t say goodbye, he said, I’m coming back. While everyone knew there was a risk which is why it was so emotional to say goodbye, he had a life he wanted to return to, one he spoke of returning to. It was never, “You’re coming back right?” And then they skirt around giving a firm answer because they just don’t know. Clive was firm about it, he was coming back, it was his will to come back and guess what won against Ultimia? You guessed it, human will.
Having Clive die alone on a beach after all of that? After all he went through and after all he still wanted? That to me is just cruel, and Final Fantasy has never been cruel. Ren also made the good point that if Clive was to die, Joshua would have fallen with him, so it ended in a reversal of beginning with Joshua watching Clive die instead of the other way around. That didn’t happen either though. He was on the beach, again, still alive (see point 1 as a reminder), additionally, if he thought he was dying, I’d imagine he’d be apologizing to Jill for breaking his promise. In fact that’s what I SWORE he was going to do, but he didn’t. His will to survive was still intact when we left him which to me fits far more with the theme of this game then dying alone on a beach.
3. The Sun and the Moon (It’s Clive and Jill, It’s Just Literally Them)
So yeah I know that the sun and moon imagery is usually used to describe star crossed lovers, never meant to be as the sun and moon rotate. The game already proved that was untrue, they were always meant to be. By all odds they survived and somehow found one another again.
Jill, the moon of course, always said it was because of her prayer to Metia, that every time she prayed for him to return to her, Metia granted her prayer. I say this as someone who grew up religious but now am not, Jill believed it I’m sure but I think it was Jill. Love has also been a huge theme in Final Fantasy, and Jill’s heart filled prayers to keep Clive safe, always had. Not necessarily because a god deemed it so (again, defying gods a huge Final Fantasy theme lol) but her complete and sincere love for Clive, that always kept him safe to come home to her. She prayed for him as he was leaving for origin, just as heart felt as she always had. Why would that fail now the time she probably desired it more than any other time? That also seems so cruel. For him to be torn from her when they were so close to finally being able to have the life they dreamed of together. What purpose does that serve? It wouldn’t except for Jill to have yet another thing in her life to break her heart and leave her to pick up the pieces. I think she would, for Clive’s memory, but again, it feels like loss for no reason but loss. Jill deserves her happy ending too.
You find out later on even more so why Jill cherished the moon, because it brought the sunrise (or you know Clive in the metaphor here) and with the sun the promise the Clive would always come for her. One he never broke. They literally went out of their way to say “the sunrise meant you’d always come for me, I know this.” It was a direct setup for the ending. It was her seeing the star she always prayed on for Clive flicker out, and in that moment I think she did lose all hope because that was the one thing she could always count on to bring him home (to which again, not a god, but her love that brought him home). She is distraught (and so was I so we have that in common LOL) but then, the sun rises, and she smiles. It’s hope. It’s her hope because Clive has never broken a promise to her, and the sunrise has always brought him to her. I have no reason to believe the sunrise didn’t bring him home to her like it always has. Not a single point in this game has given me reason to believe it so why would I?
4. They Did the Thing! The Name of the Game!
A smaller point but one none the less. I sure hope you all played every single side-quest. One particular one, leaves you with a quill to add to Clive’s wall of treasures; one with the sole purpose of when (not if) Clive puts his sword down, that he writes his story. What do we see in the after credits? Literally, a book that is telling his story. Idk how more clear they gotta be that Clive is gonna be okay (tbf I WISH they would have just told me he was gonna be okay too LOL)
Granted, Joshua Rosfield is the author to which, it really could have been him writing Clive’s story in his absence or it could have been Clive and using the name to memorialize his brother’s name. Or it could have been the both of them and they used Joshua’s name because Clive is content living his life behind the scenes. He’s never wanted attention or praise. I don’t think he ever would have used his own name.
Additionally, the ending lines that equates to as my journey ends another one begins to me never meant journey = life. His journey was over, he did what he set out to do. The new journey? Traveling the realms with his wife in a world without the burdens of magic and doing what they do best, help the people who need it.
5. Doggy Knows Best
And finally, my last point is, Torgal knows what’s up. Technically, this is Ren’s point so I give him the credit here but animals, especially Torgal who is more than just a dog (literally an Eikon himself bonded to Jill and Clive, something acknowledged in the game), know when their master is hurt or worse. We’ve seen Torgal when one of them are hurt or in danger or not coming home. Yet at the end of the game, when Jill is absolutely breaking Torgal simply howls.
You know where else he did that? When he was trying to find Clive after Phoenix Gate and he would sit and howl. They were already bonded, he knew Clive (and Jill) were alive but he didn’t know where so he howled for his people until he could find them. It’s the same thing he does at the end of the game. He knows Clive is alive out there, and they are just separated but they’ll find another again because just like Jill, Torgal has no reason to believe otherwise.
And honestly I’m going to believe the dog.
Final Thoughts…For Now Cause I Always Have Thoughts its the ADHD
If you read all this, I hope it brought you some peace <3 I don’t believe a cop out everyone died ending is indicative to the wonderful storytelling this team has brought us in FFXIV. If anything, it reminds me of the ending of A Realm Reborn when you are convinced all the Scions are dead and then ope nope they’re fine just scattered and we’ll find them yeah SOUND FAMILIAR LOL I think they left it open to let people come to their own conclusions but in my heart of hearts I believe they had no intention to let Clive die on that beach because nothing in the story leads me to that conclusion.
If they try to tell me otherwise, well then I’ll go full denial LOL but unless Yoshi-P calls me up and says girl stop you’re wrong, I’ll continue to push my Clive finally gets his happy ending and travels the realms with Jill like he promised her <3 (ONE MORE THING: why the heck would they have Jill just be like mmmm think I wanna leave this realm when its over, lets see the world if they had no future content planned YOU CAN’T FOOL ME she could have easily said anything but she said something that would directly give us more content okay I’m done lol)
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stardust-arcade · 2 months
hey. its ok dim. its just some fun.
No! It's not fun! Dangerous!
+Ow! Dim! Let me back in control!
+Oh fuck.
What? Dim. It's ok. The others are likely to be greeting us. I thought you didn't want to introduce yourself yet right?
Where are they!
Dim. There invisible. You can't do anything. Calm-
I have to protect!
+Damnit. Moon man. You got anyone who could cause a little bit of trouble?
What? Why? Dim just needs to calm down.
+He can't. Is that weird funky programming. Like how those staff bots Just can't stop giving out maps. He literally can't until he does!
Oh dear. I don't really have anyone-
Stay bac- aaahhh...
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Hi Sun. You look funny? What happened?
Stt-say bbb-ack!
Why you sound funny? You're not being put in time out?
+What in the hell is that thing.
It's are Eclipse, it's the-
Ya? Why Moon calling? Suns acting funny.
Um, yah. That's not really sun. That's a new friend.
New? But same?
Ahhh. They share the same body. Like ahhh-
Oh! They like me! Hello other!
Yyy-our- bii-g.
Yes. I am big.
+Eclipse has a other?
+I assume that's not known.
+No. Is that what the black and orange is?
+I don't know. But you still got a problem of a damn protocol that's unfinished.
Oh, right! Hey eclipse!
Can you do something dangerous or naughty?
No! I'm not a rule breaker!
But- It doesn't have to be anything big.
But I'm big?
Welcome back. Where is our new companions?
Blackstar! Planet! Please anyone do something against the rules.
Ahh ok?
*Black Star climbs up on top of an arcade*.
Black Star what are you doing? You know those arcades can barely take our weight.
Well I was told to do something against the rules, So why wouldn't I? Also may I ask why I'm dooo-ing thisss!?
No climbing on company structures.
What the-! Sun what are you doing?! Let me go.
That's not sun, That's our new companion.
Don't break the rules.
Ok??? What is going on.
Oh dear God, I'm back.
Can you get your hands off me?
Oh yes. Agh.
What just happened?
+I'm sorry.
+It's ok.
Programming loop apparently?
For sun?
For my new headmate Dim. Apparently they panic when in danger or for certain security concerns.
Well that seems like an issue.
Well as long as no one's breaking the rules it probably won't be an issue.
Sun... It's still an issue.
Arragh! Whatever. Dim didn't even want to say hi. So I'm going to clean up the daycare.
I heard there were two new companions?
Yes. I have a head mate too. He technically is also called eclipse, But he's okay going by it Cade. Do you want to come out and say hi?
Sure. ... Hello. I'm Cade. I don't really care about what any of you do, Just don't bother Dim.
The guy with the security protocol loop?
Yes. New AI's struggle. Don't you dare make him feel bad for struggling.
Ok, Mr Dad.
Hahahah! May as well live up to something.
Ok. Introductions all over. Why do we have new people?
Because I forgot to add some constraints to my online job website.
I'm assuming that constraint is taking AI.
Yes. I am okay with a transfer but... There are other places to ask for help rehoming an AI.
Like what?
I'm pretty sure there's a library that works with a mechanic that takes AI in.
Is that where you'll be putting them?
Well. No. I'm definitely building there bodies. And I don't mind more people here. We just don't really have a lot of open applications. So you'll definitely have to look around more for a job Cade.
+Fine by me. And I can probably find some sort of band or security job for Dim.
Sounds like a plan on your side.
So you just going to build them bodies and let them chill until they get something figured out?
Pretty much.
Well. At least the newcomers have a home. Welcome to your temporary home Cade. And Dim I guess. Other than the awkwardness of the security protocol. Was there any other reason why he didn't really want to say hi?
He struggles with all sorts of communications. That's why.
Well hopefully Sun doesn't fuck him up with the bad type of communication.
I'm sure he won't. Might even help him having a mentally young AI follow him around. Setting a good example and stuff.
+Are you saying you're going to use Dim as some sort of mood adjuster?
No! I'm just saying Sun acts differently around kids. So you might have an easier time Blackstar.
I hope so.
+What got in his pants?
+A lot of bad history.
+Ah! Maybe he needs a dad too.
+I think he just needs somebody who can care for him. Not necessarily a dad.
+And you're forgetting that that's the point of their whole existence. To care.
+Well. Good luck convincing him then. He hasn't even taken Planet as his sister despite the fact they practically act like siblings now.
+Well. I'll certainly try.
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calicodreamer · 8 months
Calico Reviews: Sun and Moon Show eps. 1-3
Welcome back to Calico rants about the Sun and Moon show to her tumblr page, because its to cringe to explain to people in real life.
We’re going to try to do at least three episodes a week, and then write down my notes so I can ramble about this to my Tumblr, become like, an actual content creator for the things that I like.
Does it count as spoilers for the show if its episodes 1-3? regardless, spoilers below
9:21 Montgomery Gator is the WORST Daycare ATTENDANT in VRCHAT
They have a Funny little intro right now! It's Cringe, and I would like them to not.
 I am looking forward to when they don’t. .
I had previously watched this episode during my trying to get all those juicy little lore bits by being picky and choosey with what I wanted to consume, and unluckily for me, there isn't a complete season one compilation for me to pick through
Moon, when we the audience are not looking through his perspective, hangs out in Vtuber form in the corner. We don’t see any of Sun's Vtuber model right now, but he does have one, so there's that.
Sun - upon the start of the video, is cleaning the day-care, Moon comes down to check on him. Sun is an upbeat happy guy, who is anxiously cleaning the day-care - this seems to be his only personality trait. Moon is snappy, uptight, and grumpy but overall quiet outside of when he is yelling, or being angry at Sun.
Sun has hired Monty the gator (Yes he’s here, no I don’t know why), for 1000$ dollars a second to look after the daycare for him for whatever reason. Why would they have this much money to afford to give it to Monty the gator?? Don’t ask me, they just do I guess. Moon hates Monty the Gator - this is a reasonable opinion of Monty the gator.
Moon has control of the bank account they have I guess.
Sun has to talk to Roxanne for whatever reason (Yes, Yes I do mean Roxanne wolf, No I don’t know why she’s here)
Monty sucks at his job - hence the title of the video. Monty is also an idiot, and happy music plays when he comes on screen, he also briefly thinks that Sun is a statue- this feels like Flanderization, even though this is an au, I hate that character choice, I wish they would not. 
Sun seems to be slightly intense about cleaning, he has a whole organization schedule. Moon can only be grumpy, I assume this is because Sun didn’t talk to him about anything he was doing that day, but eeeeeeeeeeeeeh - Moon stop being a dick to your brother.
There’s implied to be kids running around while everything happens, which is also concerning.
Monty leaves because Moon hates him for whatever reason, I dunno why. He was sent to get snacks and then doesn’t show up for the rest of the episode. I’m also glad Monty is gone, Fuck I hate this character.
Sun shows up, upset that Monty has messed everything up, Moon is largely apathetic to the whole situation. 
9:06 Sun and Moon MOVE to SPACE in VRCHAT
We are still intro-ing, I would still like us to not be. I have to forcibly remind myself that this channel is meant for kids every time the intro comes on, and that If I watch like five episodes a day I can get through this in 2 months.
I am not going to watch five episodes a day
They (The people) told me to watch this episode, You really don’t have to. Nothing of major importance here, but there is funny nonsense happening. 
Moon is starting a ponzi scheme I guess, or atleast is implied to have business deals with “Someone” or people? Idk between this and insisting how “Animatronic” they are I’m beginning to loose it.
Monty the gator is also here (For SOME reason), and he has a space station apartment building that he is using to actively kill people to get more money, they only reason Moon cares about it is because Sun spent 50,000,000 dollars on an apartment for Moon to live in, because he thinks Moon hates him (Poor baby), and wanted Moon to be able to have his own space.
Moon has to walk Sun through what sarcasm is a couple times. Sun you sweet precious baby. And remind him that No he doesn’t actually hate him, and would prefer to live with Sun
Moon goes to Monty to get the Money back
Monty doesn’t wanna give the money back
Moon threatens to expose him
Monty gives the money back.
Apparently Sun spent even more money on a tv sold to him by Monty
Oh boy howdy, I hope this character trait of Sun being gullible isn’t around long.
Other notes:
It's Directly stated that they have a bank account, and that Moon has enough money to buy himself a house for whatever reason? Why is he buying himself a house? I don’t know. Where did they get the bank account from? I don’t know. WHY DO THEY HAVE-
There's also apparently enough money on this account to afford a funky little space station apartment, and a house.
Moon invent things, why? Idk personality traits.
But they do have a good dynamic going or whatever, and the voice acting for Moon is pretty good
17:51 Sun and Moon Play AMONG US in VRCHAT
Sun and Moon are playing among us, for some reason. With Some of the Funtime animatronics, Glamrock Chica, and Freddy - just regular old Freddy - he is here
Sun and Moon are canonically, Very Big boys, and have to crawl around the ship
This is just a Funny little episode, Nothing important lore wise happens here, but you do get more of Sun and Moons Dynamic. 
Sun walks around being anxious the entire time, and everything is too short for him to move around properly. Which is a shame that no ones drawn this scene yet because I think that would be hilarious - them just knuckle walking on the ground because they’re both too tall. 
“Bro, I am literally just trying to get around.”
Funtime Freddy has a stupid voice
also Funtime foxy what the fuck is up with your voice, I am literally begging you both not to show up again so I don’t have to hear you. I hate it.
Moon is so proud of himself for just doing anything - he could burn coffee and I'd still believe he was proud of himself
Moon has such a smug little voice and I’m 80% sure its all the deadpan tone he has when he’s not yelling. When he’s not being an edgy bastard he’s such a little goober. The dynamic between the two is very interesting, and I am HERE for it. 
Notable: Moon is Willing to Kill Sun, and kill for Sun without a second thought, Sun is willing to lie for his brother. Even to his own detriment. Sun is afraid of Moon to some degree in the episode? I'm not sure how much of a joke this is.
I am most certainly reading into it
Moon stop being an edgy goober for like, five seconds, I swear. The deadpan voice even makes him even better. I love him
Sun stop being Anxious challenge “level impossible”
This episode is just silly little filler, Not much of note happens.
Everyone is rabid, except for Sun who is a very good boy. I cannot wait to see him change that
Final thoughts:
So Overall, In the first three episodes. My favourite character is definitely Moon, mostly because I like his voice better. Sun and Moon definitely have some issues in their relationship, especially since Moon is grumpy, and Sun is constantly going out of his way to try and appease him most of the time.
Anyhow, hopefully this makes my watching of the series easier.
Previous post?:
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shootingmorningstar · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could maybe perhaps have a match-up? 👉👈 Appearance: Female, (She/Her/They,) very long curly hair! very soft, very bouncy, very thick, like a sheep!, skinny as a stick and physically weak, have a baby face and I hate it so much..don't know if any of this matters or helps but!
Personality: (idk if you like zodiac or if it helps you at all either, but i’m a Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising!)
I’m generally a very quiet and reserved person, especially during first impressions! I’m kind of a shy and anxious lurking shadow who assumes the worst until I get a good enough feel of a person, you know? Then I'm comfortable popping in!
I tend to gravitate towards being "Designated Mom Friend" or "Big Sister Friend?" I love being able to make others feel better about themselves or to help them out. Maybe it’s because of some rough stuff in my past, but I never want anyone to feel similar to the ways I have. If you hurt someone I care about, I am never going like you. But if you hurt me? Eh..it’s not really new? I’m kind of..soft? I cry very easily, be it happy or sad, and it frustrates me! I’m not a soft and squishy person !..okay yes I am but I’m also trying super hard to be the shoulder people can lean on if they need me! Growing a backbone is a work in progress, and sometimes I worry I come off too harsh or mean when I actually use it. A friend once described me like glass; it’s fragile, but a broken piece can still really mess you up, you know? Glass-ness aside, my sense of humor is honestly very dry and sarcastic and you probably wouldn’t expect it out of me! I can get kind of angry over petty things and sort of clingy, but I’ll be fine after some time to let it all pass.
I like playing crocheting and sewing, drawing and writing, and reading tarot cards! I like doing things alone, really, but I love the company of others when they want me to join in. Because it does indeed get lonely being alone sometimes!
I have some really gross depression bouts and lots of anxiety disorders that I do my best to juggle, but, sometimes I just have to shut down for a bit and sleep.
Values: Someone who can make me smile when I’m really having a hard time! I guess that sounds a little silly, but even something small to distract me from my thoughts is huge. Loyalty also? Admittedly I get kind of jealous and clingy when people I like hang around others too much..especially if I don’t like those others. I also really like um..acts of service I guess it is? Little things matter to me most!
NOPES: People who takes themselves too seriously. Disinterest/poking fun at in my hobbies or insecurities. Being completely babied/not letting me try to grow. Making assumptions based on appearance or first impressions alone.
OH- I'm Demi with a male preference? Is this enough to work with? Hopefully so, thanks again!
Of course you can, anon .ᐟ Don't worry, this is more than enough. I love the details, it really helps me be able to envision a matchup .ᐟ
Anon, I'm matching you with . . .
Sir Pentious .ᐟ
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From what I understand about you, it seems like you really need somebody loyal and willing to make you happy, to cheer you up through the times where you're not feeling your greatest, and who's more loyal than Sir Pentious .ᐣ He's the first sinner soul to ever make it to Heaven, and for good reason .ᐟ He is devoted to his cause and the people around him, and your mom friend like behavior would endear you to him.
Not to mention he already seems to be fond of the sarcastic type .ᐟ I think he would absolutely adore your sense of humor. Snakes are typically solitary creatures, so your more reserved nature would really strike a chord with him. You mentioned your long hair .ᐣ He would love to comb it out for you. He has to be really gentle with his scales so I think he could sort of relate in that scenario. Sew or crochet him his Egg Bois some sweaters and he will be absolutely over the moon. Maybe you could help him fix Alastor's coat to make amends .ᐣ Either way, I think he would be a great match for you .ᐟ
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catflowerqueen · 2 years
Lots of thoughts on today's SAMS episode...
It really is interesting to see them do so many “It’s a Wonderful Life” type plots, but it is rather thematically appropriate given the season.
I love how gentle Alternate Sun and our Moon were with each other, and I feel like this episode sort of answers the questions people were having on which brother Moon would choose if he had to? Well, sort of kind of, anyways. The way I see it, it seems like Moon chooses based on who is in the most immediate danger. He didn’t help the alternate Sun from Eclipse’s world primarily because he and Lunar were in the greater danger. But he was all too willing to help this alternate Sun because that Sun was the one in the most danger—or at least he wouldn’t lose anything by helping him. At least as far as he knows, because I am very worried about the fact that Lunar has not shown up in a while, and I really do think Moon should have taken the computer up on its offer to scan his processors. (And speaking of the computer—his relationship with Moon is really great. They both clearly care for and respect each other)
And as far as why the daycares look the same despite alternate Sun’s timeline being at least four and a half years, if not more, behind the canon one… well beyond the meta reason of it just being easier to use that one rather than go search around for the old model, it actually makes sense in-universe as well. Alternate Sun said they’d gotten a lot of donations, but that everything had been mishandled and no one had put much thought to tech… so what probably happened is that management just immediately starting putting everything towards getting fancy upgrades or nice looking facades in this universe, whereas in the canon one Moon made more of a push—possibly even through threats or scare tactics—for the money to be used on tech and maintaining what they already had, with the goal of a slower expansion as the business grew. And then, of course, this year he would have gotten to the level both technologically and financially that he could feel more comfortable in letting Monty and management spring for the stuff they have now. Though it is interesting that Moon was apparently both interested and active in the Daycare’s tech that early on, as I thought that only happened later once his leash had been loosened a bit.
Of course, the other possibility is just that it was really, really expensive to create our version of Sun and Moon, and the extra money the alternate Pizzaplex saved when they decided not to build Moon (since that would also mean Sun’s model doesn’t need to be as complex to accommodate for switching themes and retracting his rays) went directly into making the daycare look as nice as it did.
I also, again, have to wonder about the sort of ethics and history this world has as far as animatronics go. Given the fact that Freddy and the others are biomechanical and have even gone to high school, it seems like they do have more rights in this universe? So I don’t think they could just outright “scrap” them. Then again, it is possible that it was only Freddy and Roxanne out of the Pizzaplex who are biomechanical. Sun did refuse to say what happened to them, and Golden Freddy definitely would have intervened for his own son… and Roxanne might have used that spell specifically because she at one point dated Freddy (and I guess we are all forgetting that technically speaking the Roxanne that adopted Gregory was originally said to be different from the one who works in the same Pizzaplex as the rest of the gang. It looks like they pretty firmly retconned that). But we don’t know exactly when Monty used the spell, so he may have been more vulnerable here. Anyways, it’s just interesting to see that being scrapped after production is still a legitimate worry when that wouldn’t seem to fit with how the rest of the world runs, so I can only assume that biomechanics or Golden Freddy Shenanigans are at work with the rest of the crew.
Hopefully Moon feels better after helping alternate Sun, and can then go back and have an actual conversation with his own Sun. And figure out what’s up with Lunar.
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marengogo · 2 years
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I posted 258 times in 2022
That's 258 more posts than 2021!
124 posts created (48%)
134 posts reblogged (52%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 151 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 35 posts
#jikook - 33 posts
#bts 7 nation army - 21 posts
#people who are lost - 20 posts
#jm - 16 posts
#jk - 12 posts
#bts chapter 2 - 10 posts
#about marengo - 9 posts
#jkk nak - 8 posts
#jimin - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 36 characters
#we ain’t about that life around here
My Top Posts in 2022:
i cant stop thinking about the way jimin was giggling like a school girl after he called jk over as a guest for his bday party, and then getting all awkward and flustered as if talking to his school crush. he was smiling so much even if jungkook was just standing there— and the way jungkook was also giggling when he said "jimin came by" to greet him happy birthday on his recent live. my boys are so smitten for each other its so adorable
It’s the way they do things all the members do, but when they do it every so often it feels like we are intruding, you know?
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Oh and let’s UNOT7nify things for a change, shall we? for all those people out there going “but Hobi was there as well so”. To begin with, we have no idea of how it all went down. If JM didn’t come forth with that Hobi super-crop, we could have assumed that maybe they visited him at different times. But even with Hobi being there, who was the one that was so eagerly awaiting this day? Who was the one who gave us another very cute super-crop picture, of JK this time, while he is seemingly blowing out candles? 
Hobi also joined them during JM’s birthday live last year, and people that don’t want to acknowledge it will not, but the change of atmosphere was instant. Before his arrival, not gonna lie to you, I was in disbelief and I didn't realise I was holding my breath until Hobi came in. Same with the Team Party-Party~! V-Live in LV, the way JM’s whole demeanour changed when JK walked into that room. Tae unbothered and Hobi moving aside, both probably being very used to this dynamic by now, but us still watching and wondering if all of this is okay to witness?! LOL
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43 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
QUICKIE - 1: The Moon Embracing The Sun
LOVE AGAIN - by Daniel Caesar, Brandy  [CASE STUDY 01]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Constantly, I hope everyone is doing great and I’m guessing we are all very excited about tomorrow! I’m perhaps overly excited and all I need to do at this point is try and get some sleep, like for real, but I feel like I’m a kid again and it's Xmas Eve’s Night where even tho I ain’t tryna catch Santa, I’m too hyped to sleep 🙃 … ANYWAYS, As the name of this series suggests, this is not going to be anything excessively long, but rather just a quick observation regarding some cute/lucky/noticeable occurrence I might have noticed or that might have happened in correlation to Jikook.
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Today I’d like to talk about a “little” K-Drama called The Moon Embracing The Sun, which is from 2012, like, a good 10 years ago, but good stuff, good stuff! I literally just finished watching and it took me two weeks because I was trying to make it last (and it is a good 20 episodes). As you might already have deduced, the fact that it talked about The Moon and The Sun made me think of Jikook and straight away my brain started braining as I began to better understand a very distinct difference between how The West and The East perceive the relationship between the Moon and the Sun (myself being born and brought up in The West). 
First of all, I was quite intrigued to find out that the drama was a love story between the Sun and the Moon, since (as some might have gathered by now) with me being really big on mythology (greek/roman in particular), I’ve always had a hard time thinking of the Sun and the Moon as anything other than twins, which is what Apollo (eventually god of the Sun) and Artemis (eventually goddess of the moon) are. In The East it appears that they for the most part star crossed lovers for something the moon did apparently, but lovers nevertheless.
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46 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
Silver Lining - What If #2 : I Caught You Bae Bae! [PART 1]
Dreamers - by Jungkook of BTS  [Music from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
This week has been a bit messy hasn’t it? And to top the madness all off, though I’m sure we are all happy to see that JK is doing well, thanks to his IG updates, it would have been great to “hear” from Jimin as well 🥹at this point is like, I know you working but, help a sister out you know? Like we be “worrying”/hella selfish here in this neck of the woods, like … jimiii↗️↘️iiin, I MISS SO MUCH IT HURTS 😭. So I thought I’d stop by to write something … cute me thinks? I think we can all use some fluffy, tender and light STD: Speculations, Thoughts and Delulu. In fact, the idea for this post was the result of me reading this post → Jikook After Tokyo by @wingzie. So welcome to another long ass post! 
Though wingzie’s post was clearly about both JM and JK, I haven’t been able to shake off the image of Jimin blushing/being shy. I’ve always felt like Park Jimin is the kind of human being who, at least until circa pre-2018, would instantly wear his heart on his sleeve full-throttle. As of present, he seems to be much more in control with regards to the majority of emotions that he can control, sometimes even resorting to smart talk/ cynicism as a substitute as well. But oh boi, it used to be that we were always made aware of any kind of emotion he felt from little happiness and ecstasy to pet-peeves and straight up being bothered.
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The only time we are now privy of a non-controlled emotion from Jimin is when he blushes/gets shy. There are infinite reasons why different people get shy. Some people get shy out of being complimented, some people get shy just being in the proximity of the person they maybe fancy, some people get shy when put on the spot, etc etc etc. When it comes to JM, what in my opinion, seems to be his shy trigger are situations where he REALLY doesn’t know what to do. So he “blushes” or becomes “shy”, so to say, and in his case it seems to happen mostly on 2 particular scenarios:
He is out of depts, not in his element, doesn't want us to know, and he is well aware that it will show on his face.
He hasn’t yet processed his feelings with regards to a certain situation. Hence, he hides his face so that we don’t see how he is feeling in that moment, before he himself can actually process what it is that he is even feeling.
Now, though JM has admitted on many occasions that he is indeed the shiest member of the band, people who are just focused on his performance persona, or just observe him within his comfort zone (which is for example anything with his members RUN BTS, BON VOYAGE etc) will not notice this side of him all, in fact they might even think that he is “capping”.
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52 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
hi dunno if you had this question or not but do u think before jikook become a "thing" vmin and jihope messed around... cos if u ask other blogs they will beat around the bushes but aint nobody actually answering lol im saying this cos vmin are close as jihope hobi was his roomate tho (roomates) i didnt see jimin &hobi dynamic turn around like this until bv in malta or burn the stage..?
anyway it doesnt changr my opinion on jikook im just curious cos it looks like they prob messed around lol and
at some point i think rm had a crush on jimin too thats why sometimes jungkook had ?? a "problem with minimoni " monitoring jikook
Hello Anon,
Sure, let’s talk abou it.
No, I don’t think JM messed around with any other member in BTS before, during or after JK. Short answer; amongst other factors, one (not the main factor but  …) is it would take a person who actually thinks they are desired in such a manner to do so, and quite unfortunately, for the longest time, I do believe JM didn’t believe himself to be said person at all. As for the Long answer, let’s look at each pairing you mentioned, shall we?
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Let’s start with giving some context to my thoughts: 
Not sure if you read any other of my posts, but I think 2015 was the year JK started “peacocking” so to say, at JM, and through ups and downs it took them 2017/2018 to actually enter a steady relationship and by steady I don’t mean they were in an open relationship prior to this. What I mean is that they both were trying to figure out things like, for example; what they actually were feeling for each other, or would them “being together” actually work, or could they really actually do this., etc, etc etc.  
Furthermore, I should add, that I believe JM “taunting” JK with requests of kisses and telling him he liked him and wanted to go out with him etc, as they already had a very good relationship off-camera (as proven by various interviews), was just an also quite naive approached mixing at an attempt to establish a connection with JK on camera, with feelings he still himself hadn’t quite properly acknowledged. In simple words: He was consciously kidding about feelings he subconsciously already had but never really took seriously. 
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57 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Well Well Well … - 1 : … BRUH~!
Shinunoga E-Wa - by 藤井風 (Fuji Kaze)  [HELP EVER HURT NEVER]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
I’ve been wondering.
For the past week, I’ve been wondering about what Jeon Jungkook would do for Park Jimin’s birthday  privately. Because I was 100% sure he wouldn’t appear in JM’s vlive, just as much as I was 100% sure JM wouldn’t vlive from his private home (my reasons being, are probably for another post though … 😁). BUT, at the same time I did  wonder; since JK doesn’t have the excuse of being at the company anymore, and since he is not going to release another 100% centric Jimin GCF; … what is he going to do? So you might be wondering: if you didn;t think he was going to do anything public, why still wonder about what he could do?
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MIND YOU, being the private person that he is (they are), I did for the most part  expected JK to not post anything at all. So I was actually at work wanting to talk to my loved one and not being able to (don’t ask…) while waiting for some Jikookers to beg for JK to post something, the whole time thinking “…  it would be nice if they’d leave JK alone, is not like he is going to publicly do anything ..”. AND THEN, the second I thought that, I remember about last years birthday and I was like “🤦🏾‍♀️🙄😒😬…”.
Which brought me right back to the me that had been hypothetically thinking about “if, then what?”. If JK really wanted to publicly wish JM a happy birthday in a still intimate way but still not being caught: HOW THE FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT? 
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60 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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f4liveblogarchives · 2 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #304
Sun Feb 6 2022 [11:33 PM] Wack'd: The title page declares this the beginning of a dynamite new era so someone--maybe Englehart himself--expected him to be the next Bryne [11:34 PM] Wack'd: Aaaaaaaand I just noticed when I updated my credits page on the blog I did so from an old copy and now a chunk of 1989 writers are just. Gone. So maybe Englehart lasts through 89. I'll figure it out. Two and a half years is slightly better than one and a half [11:36 PM] Wack'd: Reed and Sue are lavishing attention on Franklin, complimenting him on how big a help he's been against the Wizard and Mephisto and also apparently in a Power Pack issue [11:37 PM] Wack'd: What?! He's still here?!
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[11:37 PM] Wack'd: They got permission to stick an eight-year-old in a rubber room indefinitely [11:37 PM] Wack'd: What the shit [11:38 PM] Umbramatic: the fuck [11:39 PM] Wack'd: I kind of assumed this got either cleaned up or forgotten about considering Kristoff hasn't been mentioned in a while [11:39 PM] Wack'd: Have they just been leaving him here while having adventures the past, like, year's worth of issues [11:39 PM] maxwellelvis: They left him a HERBIE [11:40 PM] Aleph Null: see? it’s not like it’s solitary confinement [11:40 PM] Aleph Null: perfectly ethical [11:40 PM] Wack'd: Actually a narrative caption reminds us that whole business with Kristoff being reprogrammed to be Doom and launching the Baxter into space was twenty-five issues ago [11:41 PM] Umbramatic: haha oh wow [11:42 PM] Wack'd: Johnny and Alicia get back from the honeymoon. Things are still. Very awkward with Ben [11:42 PM] Umbramatic: oof [11:42 PM] Wack'd: Johnny and Alicia have decided to get their own apartment. I guess Johnny broke the lease on the literal rats’ nest he had during the Bryne era [11:43 PM] Wack'd: And once Johnny, Alicia, and Franklin have cleared out, Reed and Sue drop a bombshell on Ben [11:43 PM] Wack'd: See, they want to be parents full-time for once, and have decided to offer Ben the chance to be the new leader of the Fantastic Four [11:44 PM] Umbramatic: well [11:44 PM] Wack'd: He decides they're just pitying him and storms off [11:44 PM] Umbramatic: aw [11:45 PM] Bocaj: "We're taking half the team, the rest is all yours bud, byyyye" [11:45 PM] Wack'd: They're not quitting, just shaking up the command structure [11:46 PM] Wack'd: Ben would make all the big decisions. Which. I'm not sure what those are? The Four tend to be fairly reactive when they're not jaunting through space. Not much to do as leader besides just fire the flare gun when something happens [11:46 PM] Wack'd: Like, these guys are less an organization and more a flat share that punches people [11:46 PM] Bocaj: Flat Share With Punching [11:47 PM] Umbramatic: living ideals [11:47 PM] Wack'd: So. Quicksilver kidnaps Alicia. For. Some reason [11:47 PM] Bocaj: HAHAHAHAHA [11:47 PM] Wack'd: Apparently Pietro's been going through some shit in other books [11:47 PM] Umbramatic: god damn it pietro [11:48 PM] Bocaj: This is the period of time where they flirted with turning Quicksilver into a villain, because of him learning his dad's Magneto [11:48 PM] Bocaj: And I think because Crystal cheated on him with a realtor? [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: "flirted"? [11:48 PM] Bocaj: They never fully pull the trigger [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: "Never" he says [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: They just delayed it. [11:48 PM] Wack'd: Do they have realtors on the moon [11:49 PM] Bocaj: It was Wanda and Vision's realtor [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Sick burn on the south Bronx outta nowhere
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[11:50 PM] Bocaj: You look really reasonable right now, Pietro [11:51 PM] Wack'd: Oh boy, uh [11:51 PM] Wack'd: So Pietro has decided that since Johnny Storm didn't fight for Crystal when she cheated on him, the subsequent relationship and therefore Pietro getting cheated on is Johnny's fault [11:52 PM] Wack'd: And his revenge is, uh [11:52 PM] Wack'd: To leave Alicia tied up in the south Bronx [11:52 PM] Umbramatic: oh [11:52 PM] Wack'd: Where she is sure to be accosted by "rats" and "roving street gangs" [11:53 PM] Bocaj: That's dumb, Pietro [11:53 PM] Bocaj: This is why nobody likes you [11:53 PM] Bocaj: Not even me [11:53 PM] Wack'd: It's also, uh [11:53 PM] Wack'd: "I'm gonna tie this defenseless white woman up and leave her in the slums to be accosted by gangs" [11:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Racist [11:53 PM] Wack'd: Yes [11:53 PM] Wack'd: That [11:53 PM] Bocaj: That's dumb, racist, and heinous, Pietro [11:53 PM] Umbramatic: yeeeeeeeeeeah [11:53 PM] Bocaj: This is why nobody likes you, not even Magneto [11:54 PM] Wack'd: Fortunately Reed has tracked Pietro by, uh [11:55 PM] Wack'd: Apparently in normal people, poison builds up in the body when they're fatigued, and Pietro, as a speedster, exhales great amounts of that poison to keep himself going [11:55 PM] Wack'd: So Reed tracked that [11:55 PM] maxwellelvis: I don't think that's what lactic acid is, guys. [11:55 PM] Wack'd: I do not know if this has any basis in biology and I'm only moderately curious to find out [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Reminds me of the metal gear geckos that spray lactic acid out of their muscular cow legs [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Somehow. [11:58 PM] Wack'd: Reed and Sue can't do much against a speedster so Ben taunts him, and then pulls up a ramp of asphalt in front of him so when Pietro rushes in to attack him he gets mad air instead [11:58 PM] Wack'd: And then once he's in the air Johnny socks him [11:58 PM] Umbramatic: radical [11:58 PM] Wack'd: ...you could probably have gotten here with Reed and Sue but Alicia's not been a romantic partner to them so it's not as narratively satisfying [11:59 PM] Wack'd: Honestly the ramp thing makes more sense if it's an invisible force field I feel like? Whatever [11:59 PM] Bocaj: Making Pietro run into an invisible wall would be great [12:00 AM] Bocaj: Deeply satisfying [12:00 AM] Bocaj: And running into a wall and breaking every bone in his body is how he met Crystal so like. Thematic? [12:01 AM] Wack'd: In a perfect world Ben and Johnny both getting the win would turn to mutual respect and maybe, like, hey, you both love her so maybe both date her [12:01 AM] Wack'd: That is not what happens
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[12:02 AM] Wack'd: Stan and Jack also had a workplace power imbalance and lowkey one-sided loathing so this is as good an issue as ever to dedicate to them [12:02 AM] Bocaj: To the best of my knowing, this makes Johnny the only person never to 'lead' the FF [12:02 AM] maxwellelvis: Next month: SONGS THAT MADE THE HIT PARAAAAAAAAADE! [12:02 AM] Wack'd: Also I guess Reed and Sue are leaving? Even though they said they weren't earlier [12:03 AM] Wack'd: I guess when Ben asked if they were breaking up the team and they said "no" they thought since they'd be replaced it's technically not breaking up the team? [12:03 AM] Wack'd: Anyway, I hope 305 has a wacky rejected applications montage [12:04 AM] Bocaj: So they DID take half the team and leave Ben holding the bag [12:04 AM] Bocaj: It goes right back to being funny [12:19 AM] Wack'd: Oh right there's letters [12:21 AM] Wack'd: All the letters are about how a previous issue reprinted a previous previous issue's letter page [12:21 AM] Wack'd: So moving on
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