#I guess I just needed t0 get it 0ut
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arimonsterwolf · 9 months ago
I l0ve having an alc0h0lic m0ther, I th0ught she was finally starting t0 get 0ut 0f her latest breakd0wn, I th0ught shit was starting t0 l00k up, like yeah she l0st her j0b and we're struggling with bills but she seemed t0 be trying t0 get better. Hell I was starting t0 get better, I even g0t a c0nditi0nal 0ffer f0r the uni I wanna g0 t0 yesterday but I g0t h0me fr0m a walk ab0ut and h0ur ag0 and she's drunk, I d0n't kn0w if she b0ught it but the b0ttle is nearly empty and it was 13£, she's thr0wing up upstairs, I didn't manage t0 bring a bag upstairs fast en0ugh s0 she threw s0me up 0n the fl00r, I just can't take this shit anym0re, I can't keep playing her therapist and w0rrying every day if she's g0nna waist all the m0ney we have 0n rum 0r whisky and if I'll have t0 call the ambulance again 0r if I'll have t0 sit with her f0r h0urs s0 she d0esn't d0 s0mething bad
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thewertsearch · 4 months ago
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Cal, get the fuck out of the frame. You're obliterating the vibe.
GG: ummmmmm hey guys i hope im not interrupting!!! TA: well, yeah, y0u kind 0f were […] AA: sollux try to be polite […] AA: jade is very nice and she did nothing wrong AA: none of them did so when you wake up maybe you should try to reconcile with them [...] TA: did Y0U? AA: did i what TA: be nice t0 them 0r whatever bef0re y0u expl0ded. AA: well no […] [Robo]AA: what actually happened after i died it sounds complicated
Not significantly moreso than your life was.
Although, this is additional evidence that Aradia had no idea she was going to resurrect on Derse. Even our most knowledgeable Player is less clued-in than she thinks.
GG: i have just been enjoying these little naps more and more lately! GG: each time i go to sleep i meet more new people and learn so much GG: but i still cant get karkat to take a nap, boy talk about a guy who is anti nap! TA: ahahahah, yeah, what a d0uche! GG: seeeeeriously!
A more pissed-off Jade meets a less pissed-off Sollux, and they're meeting in the middle for some Mage/Witch solidarity.
The guy's been free of his Voices for about two minutes, and he's already bonding with the humans he used to hate. Here for it!
GG: […] i should really thank feferi again for setting it up so we could meet like this! TA: wait, ff is here? […] TA: 0h g0d, why didn't that 0ccur t0 me, where is she?? GG: ummm probably in another bubble GG: but youll find her! maybe during your next nap… TA: well shit, why can't i just g0 glub ar0und 0ut there in the ring and find her n0w? […] AA: navigating between bubbles is difficult here AA: its better to drift between them naturally as they intersect AA: not spatially but through common points in memory
I'm starting to understand the mechanics here. You start out in a bubble simulating one of your memories, but you can move to adjacent bubbles if they're simulating the same scene, regardless of who is remembering it.
So, initially, you can only visit people that you share memories with - but after that, you can visit someone they share memories with, and so on. Eventually, you can visit anyone in the Ring, provided you're linked by some chain of memories.
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It's easy to imagine how Jade arrived here. She wasn't originally present for this memory, but she has spoken to Aradia before, and probably joined her bubble while it was simulating one of their Pesterchum conversations. You don't get kicked out of a bubble when it changes, so Jade was able to stay after it morphed into Alternia. If she wanted to find someone she'd never met, such as Dad Egbert, she'd have to visit John's bubble as an intermediate.
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Aradia's a special case, since she can circumvent normal bubble navigation by flying out of bounds - presumably because, unlike all her companions, she's here in the flesh.
AA: to navigate the furthest ring you need to have mastered the flow of time! AA: that is why i am here AA: i am alive again so i may assist the dead in this way
It's poetic, I think, that the ex-ghost is the one managing the affairs of the dead. I guess she knows how disorienting it is to be suddenly disembodied.
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pesterloglog · 9 months ago
Sollux Captor, John Egbert
Page 447-454
SOLLUX: eating a sandwich.
JOHN: what? no, i mean, what are you doing HERE in the meteor?
SOLLUX: i live here.
SOLLUX: its like im fated t0 wind up back at this idi0tic r0ck every c0uple 0f sweeps.
JOHN: i’m... sorry?
JOHN: ...
SOLLUX: real mess y0uve made 0f things 0ut there.
JOHN: yeah, well... we’re trying to fix that now! which is why I need to find my friends!
SOLLUX: kind 0f fucked up y0u guys let this happen t0 begin with.
JOHN: soooo anyway, on the topic of you living here...
JOHN: does roxy know about this???
SOLLUX: why w0uldnt she?
JOHN: huh.
JOHN: umm... how do you know her?
SOLLUX: wh0 d0 y0u think h00ked me up with these sick ass shades and gave me all these ape games.
JOHN: okay, that kind of makes sense, i guess.
JOHN: ...
JOHN: are you guys... close?
SOLLUX: wh0. me and r0xy? i guess. we squad up a c0uple times a week.
SOLLUX: why d0 y0u care?
SOLLUX: y0u w0rried im m0ving in 0n y0ur ex?
JOHN: ...hmm.
JOHN: hm. hmm. hm.
SOLLUX: what is g0ing 0n here.
JOHN: sorry, i had an answer but then i started actually considering it.
JOHN: am i jealous?
JOHN: hmmm...
SOLLUX: if i tell y0u straight up n0 we arent h00king up will y0u st0p?
JOHN: ...maybe?
SOLLUX: g0ddammit.
SOLLUX: listen.
SOLLUX: c0ming fr0m s0me0ne wh0 has shared breathing space with y0u 0nly 0n 0ccasi0n.
SOLLUX: its 0bvi0us t0 me y0u're n0t supp0sed t0 be the thinking guy.
JOHN: we’ve met before?
JOHN: ??????
SOLLUX: sigh.
SOLLUX: pirate ship. d0uble eye-patches. girlfriend ascensi0n.
JOHN: :0!
JOHN: double eye patches!
JOHN: i remember you now, you were at mystery jade’s funeral too!
SOLLUX: sure.
JOHN: sorry for not recognizing you.
JOHN: the eye patches are pretty distracting!
JOHN: like every time i see them i have to stop and think...
JOHN: wow... that looks really really stupid!
SOLLUX: yeah.
JOHN: are you still hanging out with that creepy alive girl?
SOLLUX: 0n a spiritual level.
JOHN: cool!
JOHN: is ... she also dating roxy?
SOLLUX: what?
SOLLUX: idk.
SOLLUX: i d0nt make it my business t0 keep tabs 0n that.
SOLLUX: im busy.
JOHN: you’re gaming!
SOLLUX: im fucking gaming.
SOLLUX: speaking 0f which...
JOHN: so what were you guys up to before this?
SOLLUX: (what the fuck)
SOLLUX: is there a prer0gative here.
SOLLUX: are y0u spades baiting me right n0w?
JOHN: honestly i don’t know what that means.
JOHN: i suppose...
JOHN: how do i say this...
JOHN: contextually!
JOHN: i always find myself going to a lot of places and meeting all these people but.
JOHN: most of it never matters to me until i’m not doing anything at all.
JOHN: last time that happened it was for ten years!
JOHN: and it only changed because i started talking to people again.
SOLLUX: (i did this t0 myself why did i ask)
JOHN: i guess in gamer terms it's the same as screwing yourself over by not checking every non playable character dialogue box.
JOHN: any one of them could have the clues you need.
JOHN: sooooo...
JOHN: come on!
SOLLUX: c0me 0n! :B
SOLLUX: die.
JOHN: aw, don’t be like that dude.
JOHN: i promise no more questions after this.
JOHN: do you not want to because it just ...isn't important?
SOLLUX: excuse me.
SOLLUX: my vestigial digits get m0re imp0rtant shit d0ne 0n wednesday nights than y0ur ill dressed b0dy has d0ne y0ur entire life cycle.
SOLLUX: but im n0t g0ing t0 g0 int0 all that because 1. i d0nt kn0w y0u and 2. i d0 n0t respect y0u.
SOLLUX: itll 0nly make y0u feel bad anyways.
JOHN: why would it make me feel bad?
SOLLUX: i can smell it 0n y0u man.
SOLLUX: y0u stink.
JOHN: i stink?
SOLLUX: yeah.
SOLLUX: y0u smell like a guy.
SOLLUX: wh0se never had any bitches.
JOHN: what!
JOHN: i have a son! i have a house full of pictures with him!
JOHN: that is physical proof i have had “bitches” thank you!
SOLLUX: as s0me0ne wh0 has been friends with every w0man y0u are attempting t0 categ0rize int0 this
SOLLUX: i can assure y0u, they were n0t y0ur bitches.
SOLLUX: y0u were theirs.
JOHN: i was the bitches?
SOLLUX: this was the missing puzzle piece r0xys ex.
SOLLUX: y0ur arc is 0ver.
SOLLUX: y0u can g0 h0me n0w.
JOHN: my home burned down.
SOLLUX: sad.
SOLLUX: y0u kn0w what is tragic th0ugh?
SOLLUX: i have n0t been able t0 play this game the wh0le time because s0me0ne was talking 0ver the s0und.
JOHN: oh!
JOHN: sorry : (
SOLLUX: w0rds d0nt mean much.
SOLLUX: 0nly acti0ns.
JOHN: well, i suppose i left the vriskas waiting long enough...
JOHN: see you eye patches...
SOLLUX: n0t wearing them.
JOHN: or not who knows!
SOLLUX: change my game f0r me.
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herl0yalmaid · 3 months ago
Handmaid, would you ever get remarried?
Believe it 0r n0t, I g0t this twice, w0rded differently. Is there s0me0ne 0ut there thinking themselves a p0tential suit0r?
Wink. 0_~
N0 but- I jest entirely. Um. Marriage was... s0mething I never even really c0nsidered. I was n0t like m0st y0ung girls 0n Derse, I did n0t plan my wedding and I did n0t l0ng f0r l0ve and understanding.
I m0stly just wanted friends t0 play with and the freed0m t0 dig up the entire c0urtyard surr0unding the Man0r. I c0llected b0nes, bugs, r0cks and trinkets. I always had scuffed knees and I was a terr0r t0 every0ne ar0und me.
But n0t t0 Malc0m. 0r Cr0wbar, as he w0uld eventually be kn0wn.
Bef0re we were twisted int0 0ur respective r0les... he wanted t0 be my friend. He t0ld me, with his 0wn w0rds eventually, that he saw a l0nely girl in a shitty p0siti0n and realized she needed a friend. And I... pitied him. I supp0se in the tr0ll sense? N0t that I ever knew what that felt like. He was a b0y ab0ut my age wh0 was br0ught int0 my h0me like a c0rpse. Like he was already dead.
When Stitch was finished with him, he was alive, but rec0vering. I w0uld spend time with him when all0wed, and bring him his meals. After he felt better, we w0uld sneak away fr0m 0ur duties. I n0w kn0w he w0uld specifically request t0 interact with me. When my father realized s0mething was sparking between us th0ugh, I think he tried t0 drive a wedge between us. It alm0st w0rked, t00. But even my shitty father c0uldn't dissuade his feelings f0r me.
I... c0uld g0 0n, I supp0se. Th0ugh what I am trying t0 say is... I guess...
It w0uld take s0me0ne really special. S0me0ne wh0 made me feel warm and l0ved like he always had.
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8ugestrogen · 1 year ago
I feel like there's a few things that c0me 0ff the t0p 0f my mind when I think 0f h0mestuck. 0ne there really sh0uld 0f been a few m0re acts? Like it sucks that we basically have the Dancest0rs f0r a few pages then 85% are used as back dressing, 5% are used as just 'there', and then the last 10% have a massive impact 0n the st0ry and isn't really written the best, particularly the Aranea bit where she g0es fr0m st0ry dump t0 main antag0nist in a few updates? Am I the 0nly 0ne c0nfused with that? I h0nestly really think we needed a few m0re maj0r acts. Especially to flesh 0ut many 0f the dancest0rs. Like, why even put them in the c0mic if m0st are g0nna be irrelevant? I think this als0 applies a l0t t0 s0me 0f the 0ther aspects 0f H0mestuck, like it feels s0 weird we d0n't really get any explanati0ns f0r what happened with the gh0sts? Did they vanish? Did they end with the game ending? What happened, Hussie? Als0 I kinda wish we g0t m0re c0nfirmati0n 0n the Beta and Alpha tr0lls sexualities, like is Terezi a lesbian? Is P0rrim pan, 0r was that simply sexuality expl0rati0n? Als0 maybe this w0uldn't 0f been best because y0u kn0w; Hussie, but h0nestly, I feel like explanati0ns and cl0sure is better than sec0nd guesses. Especially with the wh0le idea 0f h0w tr0ll gender w0rks, like is Kanaya trans? Is Karkat trans???
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year ago
If you are interested in a moirail, Athens. Do you have like... A type? Like a type of person you'd get along best with! :D
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"Things Like This Are Hard F0r Me T0 Answer. Things Like This Kind 0f Just Have T0 'Click' F0r Me.
"I Supp0se S0me F00d F0r Th0ught May Include Shared Interests. It W0uld Be Nice, N0t Required Th0ugh. I W0uldn't Prefer A Pers0nality That Is L0ud And Disruptive 0r Pr0vides A Danger T0 Themselves. I Guess I Like The Quieter, Humbler Types-- But I'd Appreciate It As Well If We Weren't Afraid 0f Calling Each 0ther 0ut In 0ur 0wn Ways, When 0r If We Need It.
"Ultimately I Guess I W0uld Want T0 Feel Reliable, But C0mf0rtable With Each 0ther When Things Aren't AS High Stakes."
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windy-trickster · 1 year ago
ヽ( ´O`), (´∀`), (-.-) with Sherco? :O!!
ヽ( ´O`): What is their body language like when sleepy?  (´∀`): Do they laugh when they get nervous?
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"0)-> I mean... I've been t0ld I get kinda grumpy? And a little m00dy when I'm sleepy? Like- I'll just kinda... Curl up ar0und the nearest pill0w and rub my eyes a l0t... S0000... I guess curling up ar0und pill0ws is a pretty g00d idea 0f my sleepy b0dy language! That and I just.. Get sluggish. <-(0" "0)-> And I mean... I d0n't ALWAYS laugh when I'm nerv0us. But it s0metimes slips 0ut with0ut me really realizing it. <-(0" (-.-): How should one wake them up? Do they get out of bed easily?
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"0)-> N0 need t0 wake me up! I always wake up 0n my 0wn! Getting 0utta bed is easy f0r me since I kn0w I g0tta d0 stuff the next night! <-(0"
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ascendant-carrion · 8 months ago
0rcay, at least i can use t#is acc0unt. i cant bereef i #ad t0 make an entirely new grumblr AND tr0llian just because i g0t l0cked 0ut 0f my 0ld 0nes. )¬_¬( anywave, i surfp0se i need a new intr0 p0st. i was cle0ne, 9 sweep 0ld fuc#sia and 0wner 0f b0t# @/abject-carill0n and abjectCarill0n, but ive l0st my life and my acc0unts. bear wit# me as i try t0 raybuild my digital presence, and ign0re any p0sts 0n #ere t#at d0nt #ave my quirk. t#e 0t#ers d0nt like w#en 0ne 0f us gets an 0utlet. its pike a crab bucket d0wn #ere, prawnestly. fis# me luck, i guess. -🐙
orcay (okay), at least i can use this account. i can’t bereef (believe) i had to make an entirely new grumblr AND trollian just because i got locked out of my old ones. )¬_¬( anywave (anyways), i surfpose (suppose) i need a new intro post. i was cleone, 9 sweep old fuchsia and owner of both @/abject-carillon and abjectCarillon, but i’ve lost my life and my accounts. bear with me as i try to raybuild (rebuild) my digital presence, and ignore any posts on here that don’t have my quirk. the others don’t like when one of us gets an outlet. it’s pike (like) a crab bucket down here, prawnestly (honestly). fish (wish) me luck, i guess. -🐙
#ell0 w0rld. -🐙
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lowsodiumlevels · 4 years ago
short story (angst I guess?kinda idk)
Tw: Violence
"Stay down, gutterblood!". The random highblood said. Kicking Shiken in his face. Shiken just laid on the ground. He wanted to get up but it would be stupid too. The highblood then took off Shiken's goggles and threw them against a nearby wall. Breaking the lenses. Shattering the mint green lens, While the orange only slightly cracked. The troll then walked away laughing. Leaving Shiken on the ground. Bleeding from his mouth from all the hits he took and a few bruises. One of his top fangs was punched out along with another tooth. Who needs teeth anyways. After a few minutes of being in pain. Shiken got up weakly, struggling to stand. His whole body ached. But he managed to stand up. Grabbing his broken goggles, he walked all the way back to his hive. Once he got there he noticed Janeal's lusus outside. Shit. He forgot she'd be here today. How was he supposed to explain this? He could say he just tripped and fell like he always does. Shiken is known to be very clumsy and fall on his face every now and then. He just took a deep breathe and prepared himself. Walking in the front door he was instantly greeted with a hug from Janeal. Usually he would be happy to receive a hug from his Moirail but it hurt when she squeezed him. He held in a hiss of pain. Janeal then moved back and instantly gasped when she looked at Shiken. Still bleeding and all bruised up.
Obviously concerned. He knew it probably wasn't gonna work but still.
"/I uh-...I juzt tripp3d and f3ll, you know m3, alwayz tripping ov3r my own two f33t h3h3h".
Janeal just looked at him. Not believing a word he said. "Shiken, you better tell me what happened right n0w 0r I'll call Reiir0 and he'll get it 0ut 0f y0u¡". Shiken just looked down. Figeting his hands. He felt close to crying. Taking a moment to breathe.
"/...um….w3ll….I waz walking on th3 zzzid3walk and a big cerulean blood uh-....b-b3at m3 up…./B-BUT IT'zZZ OK!! I probably d3z3rv3d it!/I think I accid3ntly dizzhr3cp3ct3d th3m…"
Janeal noticed how some of Shiken's words were slurred and sounded off. She moved a hand up to Shiken's face. Putting a hand on his cheek. She felt him shiver. She then made him open his mouth. To her horror, she saw that some of his teeth were knocked right now.
"oh…..honey….I'm s0 s0rry…."
She then pulled him in for another hug, a bit gentler this time. Holding him close.
"Shiken, I kn0w y0u 0bey the highbl00ds but letting them d0 this t0 y0u isn't g00d¡".
Shiken just whined. "/I-I know but it'z ok. /Th3y know what-"
He was cut off by Janeal.
Tears weld up in her eyes. Shiken just flinched. She never raised her voice at him before. Janeal just sighed and wiped her face.
"just….please, d0n't let them d0 this t0 y0u….¡".
Shiken just blankly stared at her. All of a sudden walking away to his room. Janeal just turned.
"Kenny, wait l00k atleast let me heal y0u¡".
Shiken just shook his head.
"/no...I don't d3zZ3rv3 it, I-I mad3 you upzh3t./I'll juzZzt Zhl33p it off".
Shiken then went up stairs, into his room and locked the door. He's not coming out for a while.
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ask-them-bois · 5 years ago
Incoding might not have noticed what was going on, but Innocent and Ruthless definitely did.
They watched him fly out the door after getting off the phone with Decaying, and said nothing when he returned, hours later, his eyes distant and a faint smile on his lips.
They noticed that he still wore the ring his old morail had given him, playing with it when he was thinking; he never took it off, unless he was showering.
They saw the look in his eye when he reminisced on the days when he was a thief, eagerly going into detail about the ways Decaying had taught him to pick locks and silence alarms.
They heard the earnest emotion in his voice when he spoke about Decaying’s plight, about getting him some professional help for his memory loss.
They listened to the laughter that bubbled in his throat as he tried to explain the nonsense he had to listen to during his last visit, about Decaying’s theories on the Empress being a giant slug in troll skin.
And now, they shared a knowing look with one another as they caught their punk boyfriend staring out the window, playing with the ring idly as he got lost in thought. The goldblood sighed deeply, only to flinch, startled, as Ruthless flopped onto the seat next to him.
“I heard that, lad. What’s on yer mi√d?” He asked. Innocent leaned over the back of the couch, looking at the gold expectantly. Incoding looked between the two of them, then shrugged.
“N0th1ng. 1′m just-”
“… Thi√ki√g about Briga√?…” The other two chorused. Incoding paused, his mechanical eye whirring between the two of them.
“… Yeah. H0w d1d y0u-”
“It’s √ot hard ta figure out, Cody. Ye get this look in yer eye, a√’ ya start sighi√’, mopi√’ about the place like ye ca√√y thi√k of what ta do wit’ yerself.”
Incoding’s eye widened. “1 d0?” The other two nodded; Ruthless had a shit eating grin on his face, an by the crinkle of his face, Incoding could only guess that Innocent did, too. The goldblood felt heat rise in his cheeks and he glanced away, nearly striking Ruthless with his horns. “1t’s n0t l1ke… whatever y0u tw0 are th1nk1ng. He’s my best fr1end, and 1 w0rry ab0ut h1m.” He explained, his whole face turning yellow. He dared to glance back, in time to see the other two share a look. “What?” He asked, exasperated.
“… You look feverish…” Innocent murmured, chuckling.
“Aye, it’s ‘cause he’s lovesick, i√√it? He’s got the hots fer Briga√.” Ruthless chortled. Innocent nodded wisely. Incoding looked between the two of them incredulously.
“What? N0! 1 d0n’t feel red f0r Br1gan!” He insisted. They only looked at each other again, before staring at him with matching expressions that clearly said they didn’t believe him. He looked at them both, before he pushed himself to his feet. “I d0n’t feel red f0r Br1gan!” He repeated, a little louder than necessary, before he whirled around and stomped towards the stairs.
Ruthless and Innocent looked at each other as they heard the gold’s door slam shut.
Up in his room, Incoding sat down at his desk with an irritated sigh.
Stup1d m0ra1ls, he thought, what the hell was that? We’re they try1ng t0 get a r1se 0ut 0f me? 1 d0n’t feel that way f0r Br1gan! 1 d0n’t! Maybe… Ah, fuck, maybe they’re mad that 1’ve been hang1ng 0ut w1th h1m s0 much. 1t’s n0t l1ke we d0 anyth1ng amaz1ng! We cuddle 0n h1s c0uch and watch BuzzGreed Uns0lved! 0r g0 0ut t0 d1nner! 0r see m0v1es 0r dance 0r-
His thoughts suddenly stalled. Those… All sounded like dates he’d gone on with the other two, now that he thought about it. Was Brigan trying to…? Incoding pulled out his palmhusk quickly.
I: Br1, we g0tta talk.
D: Wh_?
I: Y0u, dummy. Me and y0u.
D: _h! _kay. What d_ we n–d t_ sp-ak ab_ut?
I: Me and y0u.
D: _h d-ar. Th- spawn _f whisp-rs ar- anxi_us ab_ut this. Th- m-n in th- sun hav- m- bugg-d, w- mustn’t sp-ak blatantly.*
*(oh dear. The spawn of whispers are anxious about this. The men in the sun have me bugged, we mustn’t speak blatantly.)
Incoding paused, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He snorted. Goddammit Bri, why does everything you say sound so fucking cute?
I: 0kay, f1ne. We can talk the0ret1cally, then. They w0n’t understand that.
D: Und-rst__d.
I: S0, the0ret1cally, when we hang 0ut, w0uld y0u c0ns1der s0me 0f the th1ngs we’ve been d01ng as… Dates?
D: th-_r-tically, y-s.
I: D0es that mean y0u’ve been ask1ng me 0n dates?
I: The0ret1cally?
D: Th-_r-tically, yes, I supp_s-.
Incoding’s blood pumper jumped into his throat. He swallowed.
I: S0… What are y0ur the0ret1cal feel1ngs f0r me? We hang 0ut 1n a pretty pale manner, but 1 already have Ru and 1nn0cent.
D: …
D: Th-_r-tically, my f–lings ar- n_t pal-. That ship has sunk-n int_ th- M_th-r’s maw and laid t_ r-st in th- st_mach _f h-r d-sir-s. Sh- slumb-rs with h-r jaws shut, s_ th-r- is n_ r-tri-ving it. But, sh- d_-s n_t s– th- ship that is r-ady t_ cast away, if and wh-n all cr-w m-mb-rs b_ard.*
*(Theoretically, my feelings are not pale. That ship has sunken into the Mother’s maw and laid to rest in the stomach of her desires. She slumbers with her jaws shut, so there is no retrieving it. But, she does not see the ship that is ready to cast away, if and when all crew members board.)
Incoding set the palmhusk on his desk, leaning back in his seat and staring at the ceiling. His blood pumper was throwing itself against his ribs and he took a deep breath to steady it. Why was he so excited? He finally picked up the palmhusk again.
I: What c0l0r 1s th1s the0ret1cal sh1p that’s ready t0 cast away?
D: … Th- paint is faint, as th- s-c_nd captain is afraid t_ mak- the c_l_r p-rman-nt until th- _th-r appr_v-s, but it is as crims_n as th- bl__d that hid-s fr_m th- -mpir-. A flaming c_ral that bubbl-s in a s-a _v-r wash-d by hu-s _f unr-quit-d f–lings, brush-d _n with th- bitt-rsw–t win- _f l_nging.*
*(The paint is faint, as the second captain is afraid to make the color permanent until the other approves, but it is as crimson as the blood that hides from the Empire. A flaming coral that bubbles in a sea over washed by the hues of unrequited feelings, brushed with the bittersweet wine of longing.)
Incoding read the message. Then read it again. And again. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, both excited and frightened and delighted and apprehensive, all at once. Sweat broke out on his brow and he found it hard to swallow. He jumped as the palmhusk buzzed again.
D: If th- s-c_nd captain d_-s n_t appr_v- _f th- c_l_r, th- _th-r is fin- with pr-t-nding it is _nly a wash-d _ut pink.*
*(If the second captain does not approve of the color, the other is fine with pretending it is only a washed out pink.)
I: …
I: The 0ther capta1n needs t1me t0 th1nk ab0ut th1s c0l0r ch01ce.
D: Y-s, captain.
Incoding stuffed the palmhusk in his pocket and rose to his feet. He paced his room for a minute, before he impulsively grabbed his headphones. He slipped out the front door; Ruthless and Innocent had disappeared from the living room, but he barely noticed as he ran to his motorcycle. He tore the protective sheet off and cast it aside. Sticking his headphones on, he turned on his loudest music and got on. He kicked the bike to life and roared down the road.
From the window, the other two watched him go, sharing knowing looks with one another.
Incoding squinted his eyes against the wind, feeling it blast his hair back. The music boomed in his ears, the bass rattling down his spine. The setting around him was a blur as he topped well over 90 miles an hour. He gunned the throttle, his hands vibrating apart on the handles. Over the noise and wind, his mind was swept clean.
Finally, he could think. And think he did, picking through his own mind like he was sorting boxes; he explored each thought and where it lead, before he carefully boxed it back up and set it aside, turning and opening the next one.
He rode for hours, going far out into the country side, before finally making a loop back. By the time he rolled into the driveway, his mind was made up,and his heart was settled. He pushed down the kickstand and put the sheet over his bike, giving it a loving pat.
As he walked up the steps, he turned off his music and pushed the headphones down around his neck. He stepped inside to see Ruthless, a glass of wine in hand, walking out of the kitchen, while Innocent lounged on the couch with a book. They both looked up as he entered.
“Guys, 1… 1 th1nk 1 l0ve Br1gan.”
Decaying leaped like a startled house cat as he heard a knock on his door. He grabbed his nearest knife and quietly stalked towards the door. He turned on a small monitor, which revealed a certain goldblood standing on his doorstep. Relieved, he tossed the knife away; it embedded itself in the wall, nearly hilt deep, as he unlocked the two dozen locks.
He finally pulled the door open, but only by a crack.
“Tw1l1ght r1ches are the 0nly r1ches ga1ned h0n0rably.” Incoding said automatically. Satisfied, Decaying pulled the door open further. He stood up, looking at the goldblood apprehensively. The air was tense, taunt like the string of a bow. Incoding took a deep breath, “Dee, 1…” He sighed, chewing on his lip as he tried to put the words in order. The other waited, trembling. He finally looked up again.
“The 0ther capta1n appr0ves. He wants t0 help pa1nt the sh1p cr1ms0n.” He said finally. Decaying blinked, confused, before his eyes widened as big as they could get.
“D_-s h-, n_w?” He whispered.
Incoding nodded, swallowing nervously. Decaying looked him up and down, before he reached out and grabbed the other by his vest, pulling them inside. He slammed the door shut and pressed them against it. Incoding struggled, ready to shove the other off and yell, when he felt the madman’s lips against his.
He froze up, his eye widening, his nails digging into the wood of the door, before he gave in. He slumped against it, grabbing the rustblood by the shoulders and pulling them close. They clung to his vest tightly, before he finally jerked back.
Both men were panting, staring at one another with wide eyes. Decaying looked the gold up and down, before his face split into a wide grin.
“W-lc_m- ab_ard, Captain.”
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pesterloglog · 11 months ago
Latula Pyrope, Meenah Peixes, Kankri Vantas, Porrim Maryam, Aradiabot, Vriska Serket, Sollux Captor, Aradia Megido, Equius Zahhak, Mituna Captor, Kurloz Makara, Cronus Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Meulin Leijon, Nepeta Leijon, Eridan Ampora, Rufioh Nitram, Damara Megido, Horuss Zahhak, Karkat Vantas, Tavros Nitram, Gamzee Makara, Terezi Pyrope
Act 6, page 5427
LATULA: wooooo, 4w y34h grlz, h34rd you w3r3 st4rt1ng 4 p4rty ov3r h3r3??? >XD
MEENAH: no its not a party its...
KANKRI: Hm. I see s9me9ne has ch9sen t9 dress as a pirate f9r this party, in spite 9f the negative ass9ciati9ns that the 9ld marauding classes have with vi9lent a6use, 9ppressi9n, n9t even t9 mention
LATULA: yo porr1m! n1c3 costum3! w4y to ch4ng3 1nto someth1ng on such short not1ce. H1 F1V3!!!!
PORRIM: What? No+, this isn't a co+stume. It's just what I was wearing. I came o+ver here to+ see what all the co+mmo+ti+n was about.
LATULA: d4mn grl you just look1ng f1n3 for th3 h3ll of 1t th3n! GRL POW3R!!!
PORRIM: Uh... sure. So+ this is a party? So+unds like fun!
MEENAH: no its not a party gfd 38(
ARADIABOT: lets annihilate them
ARADIABOT: yes lets. i am in the m00d t0 ruin s0meb0dy
VRISKA: Right on! I knew I could count on you crazy metal 8roads for some mayhem.
SOLLUX: hey aradia, uh... y0ur rob0 clones l0ok like they're ab0ut to flip the fuck 0ut. they're making me nervous, eheheh. can you try talking s0me sense into them?
ARADIA: sorry sollux my robotic duplicates have always been free agents totally exempt from my influence and better judgement
ARADIA: equius do you think you can calm them down?
EQUIUS: D --> They are pernickety devices
EQUIUS: D --> Often sweat seeps into their circuitry and causes them to behave more erratically
EQUIUS: D --> Which unfortunately only causes me to sweat even more profusely, I am afraid
ARADIA: equius weve never talked about it but im not sure how comfortable i am with you um... courting such a great plurality of my mechanical doubles
EQUIUS: D --> On a scale of 1 to 100, how depraved would you say you find my behavior?
EQUIUS: D --> (please be 100, please be 100...)
ARADIA: i never should have kissed you that time it was such a mistake :(
MITUNA: 000H WH04 N1C3 C057UM3 8UDDY
CRONUS: (be quiet. by saying anything youre really making a horrible impression on people we should be trying to impress here.)
CRONUS: (ill forgivwe you, but this is the last time i evwer do. im at my vwits end with you.)
MITUNA: 1M 50RRY PL3453 PL3453 F04G1V3 M3 4G4IN
FEFERI: GLUB! (whoops, i mean glub. oh gosh, it's my ancestor!)
FEFERI: (i'm so nervous, i can't let her notice me. she's so unbubbleivably cool! *swoonami*)
MEENAH: (ah snap its my ancestor. wish i didnt notice her)
MEENAH: (must... suppress... urge... to murder her for royal supremacy omg)
MEULIN: (^·ω·^) < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: (^·o·^)/ < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
NEPETA: :33 < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: (=^ω^=) < 333333333!!!!!!!!!
ERIDAN: wwhoa man could you maybe stop bumpin me wwith your codpiece
CRONUS: sorry chief, honest misake. so are you doing anything later?
ERIDAN: wwait are you actually seriously hittin on me
ERIDAN: wwoww dude evven i think youre trash
CRONUS: im a cool enough cat if you get to know me. you didnt ansvwer the question.
ERIDAN: sigh fine lets go out on a date i guess. flippin amazin this tragic scenarios wwhat i been reduced to
MEENAH: H-EY! everyone stay on the right goddamn sides. cronus im lookin at you
VRISKA: Yeah! Nepeta, 8ack in line. You people need to start taking this 8rawl more seriously.
RUFIOH: yo my gangstas! d1d 1 hear you were go1ng off to f1ght a ghost k1ll1ng demon...
RUFIOH: m1nd 1f 1 tag along... 1've been hop1ng for a chance to put an end to my cruel joke of an ex1stence... haha... bangarang.
VRISKA: Hell yes! On this team I have a MAJOR need for expenda8le people.
MEENAH: no no it really is a catfight. or i mean a regular fight... urrgh
KANKRI: Meulin, it w9uld 6e great if y9u didn't use this party as a platf9rm t9 engage in suicide shaming. I think Rufi9h is triggered en9ugh as it is having t9 live with the hein9us 69dy 9f a metal h9rse.
DAMARA: これは何? ハロウィーンの乱交? [What is this? A Halloween orgy?]
VRISKA: Are you fuckers deaf???????? This 8n't a party!
MEULIN: (^._.^) ...
PORRIM: Ho+rrus, yo+ur o+utfit lo+o+ks nice, but so+rry to+ say it was a false alarm. It's no+t a co+ stume party.
HORUSS: 8=D < This isn't a costume. I am literally a majestic stallion, and my appearance refle% this noble reality.
PORRIM: Ah. Go+tcha. Hey guys, can I be o+n the o+ther team?
MEENAH: no!!!!!!!!!!
GAMZEE: honk.
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ceescedasticity · 7 years ago
0k: *purrty time* (2)
*purrty time* (2)
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC: :33 < *ac would like it to be known that the art/talent show is ofur and* AC: :33 < *ca is NOT dead!* AC: :33 < *despite furrious purrotestations to the contrary*
cuttlefishCuller left a file in the dropbox
CC: How'd it go???
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC: :33 < can't speak for what the seadweller instructors thought AC: :33 < but consensus among other guests seemed to be giggling ofur the bucket aspect AC: :33 < and thinking the art is okay AC: :33 < which was better than a couple of the others AC: :33 < :33
cuttlefishCuller left a file in the dropbox
CC: 8)
caligulasAquarium left a file in the dropbox
CA: I dunno if I'd go THAT far CA: as far as smiley faces I mean CA: but it could'vve been wworse
arachnidsGrip left a file in the dropbox
AG: What did Awwakk do?
caligulasAquarium left a file in the dropbox
CA: photoshopped a drawwing of the Mother Grub into a photo of her seaplane CA: evveryone wwas nonplussed
arachnidsGrip left a file in the dropvox
AG: ...
caligulasAquarium left a file in the dropbox
CA: yeah CA: Bissel actually DID underwwater singing CA: it wwas wweird CA: Soldie had landscape photography with jade tinted filters CA: Kellep had this hand drawwn sea chart showwing locations of seadwweller communities accompanied by this wwhole big thing about howw amazing it is that the Mother Grub distributes us so wwidely CA: I convvinced Soldie to wwait until the instructors wweren't RIGHT there to point out to him he forgot about the jadebloods CA: he is vvery embarrassed and hasn't showwn up to the party
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC: :33 < *ac's blockmate said something about him hiding with his lusus?*
caligulasAquarium left a file in the dropbox
CA: wwell CA: all of them wwere better than Itchee CA: his breathtakingly beautiful coral mosaic turned out to be some tiny scallop shells glued to construction paper CA: guess he panicked
gallowsCalibrator left a file in the dropbox
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: iim tryiing two fiigure out how two get domii and crappy an2weriing 2y2tem two make up iin tiime two play thii2 game ii 2pent forever codiing TA: domii blamed 2warm for not knowiing about/2toppiing the traffiickiing operatiion TA: 2warm defended hiim2elf wiith a na2ty comment about overbear TA: now they arent 2peakiing TA: there2 no way ruthle22 regulatiion wiill play iif theyre not, and mariine2 only maybe up two it TA: iif iit2 ju2t me and loopyFruiit2 playiing ii wiill 2laughter her and 2hell get fed up and quiit
carcinoGeneticist left a file in the dropbox
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: domii and ruthle22 regulatiion are old pro2 TA: they wouldnt 2iign up two play iif they couldnt control iit
carcinoGeneticist left a file in the dropbox
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: ye2 ii diid, ii 2aiid he miight not be up two it
carcinoGeneticist left a file in the dropbox
terminallyCapricious left a file in the dropbox
TC: wHaT AbOuT ThE HeLmSmAn oN ThE GlEeFuL AbAnDoN? TC: Do yOu tHiNk sHe mIgHt wAnT To pLaY?
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: iive been thiinkiing about that TA: but iitll take more fine22e two arrange TA: dont thiink iit2 fea2iible iin the next few day2
adiosToreador left a file in the dropbox
adiosToreador left a file in the dropbox
gallowsCalibrator left a file in the dropbox
apocalypseArisen left a file in the dropbox
AA: this p0ssibility g0t left 0ut 0f my die during h0liday/dispel during h0liday predicti0ns: AA: s0me sugjugglat0rs were 0rdering pe0ple t0 entertain them and then killing them if they d0nt satisfy AA: it seems s0me 0f the victims have decided t0 c0ntinue the entertainment anyway AA: including s0me0ne with a 0ne man band AA: s0 the m0st prestigi0us highbl00d party is n0w being haunted by a gh0st with a 0ne man band
apocalypseArisen left a file in the dropbox
AA: th0ugh it may n0t c0unt f0r that since weve had the dispel 0rder given and rev0ked f0ur times already AA: highbl00d partyg0ers cann0t agree 0n whether they are supp0sed t0 t0ugh it 0ut
terminallyCapricious left a file in the dropbox
TC: i wOnDeR If i cOuLd gEt a OnE MaN BaNd?
carcinoGeneticist left a file in the dropbox
terminallyCapricious left a file in the dropbox
TC: wElL YeAh TC: bUt a oNe mAn bAnD SoUnDs cOoL FoR SoMeDaY TC: :o)
apocalypseArisen left a file in the dropbox
AA: i think scavenge is trying t0 call dibs AA: 0n the 0ne man band AA: i assume he means the gh0st with the 0ne man band since its n0t like it c0uld be anything else but thats n0t what he said
gallowsCalibrator left a file in the dropbox
gallowsCalibrator left a file in the dropbox
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: ye2 TA: watchiing them 2et up, at the moment TA: tho2e really are exce22iively large robot2
arachnidsGrip left a file in the dropbox
AG: Can't go 8ack to GARPing until it's over, might as well! AG: It does look much 8etter than CT's usual ro8ots.
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC: :33 < *ac waves to her meowrail even though he is sensibly prepurring the robot instead of browsing the dropbox!* AC: :33 < we're watching! it looks great!
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC :|| < some of those spectators should move further back, though
gallowsCalibrator left a file in the dropbox
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC: :|| < FURTHER back
arachnidsGrip left a file in the dropbox
AG: I could try to spook them further away? AG: ::::)
gallowsCalibrator left a file in the dropbox
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: maybe ii can get domii two page 2omeone TA: no, theyre backiing up more now TA: far enough, AC?
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC: :?? < *ac... thinks so?*
arachnidsGrip left a file in the dropbox
AG: Hey, that Naspar guy's putting up some sort of transparent shield thing!
arsenicCatnip left a file in the dropbox
AC: :33 < oh good AC: :33 < :33
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: ii know we were all jokiing about the robot mother grub rampagiing off two take over the 2hiip but that thiing doe2 look alarmiingly... 2hiip-takeover-capable TA: good thiing iit2 fiightiing the other robot2 and not leadiing them
centaursTesticle left a file in the dropbox
CT: D --> TA CT: D --> When you have an opportunity CT: D --> I would STRONGly appreciate any assistance you could provide in tracking down the origin of the irregularity robot megalobster's programming CT: D --> It was not supposed to do that
arachnidsGrip left a file in the dropbox
AG: I thought the way you used the ro8ot mother gru8 to pin it down was really 8adass, though!
adiosToreador left a file in the dropbox
twinArmageddons left file HOLY2HIITCAVERN2 in the dropbox
GA: It Happened GA: Everything Went Well We Think GA: The New One Has Settled And GA: And GA: The Elder One Has Passed GA: Everyone Is Crying GA: But Hopeful GA: ... GA: Now One Of The Older Rainbow Drinkers Insists I Need To Go Get GA: I Quote GA: Rainbow Drunker GA: I GA: Am Not Sure How To Take That
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: ...
cuttlefishCuller left a file in the dropbox
CC: ...
apocalypseArisen left a file in the dropbox
AA: ...
carcinoGeneticist left a file in the dropbox
caligulasAquarium left a file in the dropbox
CA: I need a drink
apocalypseArisen left a file in the dropbox
AA: i need t0 get the late bartender 0ut of the cavalreaper party AA: and then take l0ng en0ugh c0ming back that i d0nt get assigned t0 explain anything t0 c0rpsepap
twinArmageddons left a file in the dropbox
TA: goiing two try two talk domii and 2warm around agaiin
cuttlefishCuller left a file in the dropbox
CC: ... CC: ... CC: ... CC: ... CC: ... CC: ... CC: ... CC: whale do better, this time
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gulescamisade · 8 years ago
Mega Texas:  Day 5
DIRK: -casually freaking out again.- Fuck!
DIRK: Can anyone else drive this fucking thing?
ARADIA: i might
DIRK: Might.
DISCIPLE: RRR. Is trouble machine? Or is trouble men? -She's putting together a crude crossbow out of bone and sinews...-
ARADIA: i might be able to
DIRK: This ain't fuckin' horse shoes Aradia, either you know how to drive or you don't.
DIRK: Fuck. The trouble is that I can't focus on driving while all this shit is going on.
DIRK: Am I the only one here following the bulletin board?
DIRK: I shouldn't even been reading it. Because I'm driving. -THROWS HIS SHADES IN SOME RANDOM DIRECTION. hopefully there isn't a window open.-
SOLLUX: -smacked with shades- hrrf.
SOLLUX: i'm g0ing t0 take that as my cue t0 n0t text t0 speech it 0ut f0r the entire car.
ARADIA: i know how ARADIA: it just may not be the right time
DIRK: Thanks for that, Sollux. At least one thing I can be certain of is your unyielding sardonic attitude even when it's entirely too possible that we might not see Jake again.
DIRK: You're my fucking rock, you know that?
ARADIA: -uh oh-
SOLLUX: what???
DIRK: He's locked up in Minnesota. With the others unaccounted for. By Jade who's been brainwashed or some shit.
DIRK: He tapped into the bulletin board somehow to let us know but he lost his connection.
DIRK: And I think Jade's gonna do something to him for it.
ARADIA: -softly humming. it fits the moment-
SOLLUX: ... -he's just quiet now-
ARADIA: theres still hope
ARADIA: theres always hope
DIRK: -he goes quiet too, but now there's nothing to hide his watery eyes. he hates being so soft gdi.-
ARADIA: -starts humming one way or another-
DIRK: ... -snorts. aradia please...-
ARADIA: (im gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya)
DIRK: One way or another I'm gonna see you. I'm gonna meet you... -he's distracted when he finally spots signs of life along this stretch of road. and it... sure is lively.-
[Off to the side of the road is a SHELL GAS STATION. It's the first station they've seen that isn't torn down, boarded up, or otherwise inoperable. The lettered sign is NEON PINK and the shell symbol is ALSO PINK and glittering on a rotating pole.]
DIRK: ... What the fuck?
DISCIPLE: -She lifts her crossbow and hisses.-
ARADIA: -wings flutter-
DIRK: -wipes at his eyes to make sure he isn't seeing things...-
DIRK: Huh.
DIRK: It's probably a bad idea but... Think we should make a pit stop?
DISCIPLE: -She loads several bone shards onto the crossbow.- She makes pit.
DISCIPLE: She makes stop.
SOLLUX: what the hell is that?
DIRK: -pulls up to the parking lot and slides out.- It's a gas station.
DIRK: ... Or it should be. -he's got a SWORD.-
DISCIPLE: -She is a pre industrial GENIUS do not doubt her pit stopper-
DIRK: -just fucking busts in.-
[There's a troll behind the counter. A maroon blood. He's startled because instead of a little DING to signify someone entering it's a GUN SHOT GUN SHOT CASH REGISTER noise.]
[Also this is playing over the speakers. On loop. ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX8IjeWdxKs
DISCIPLE: Rrrr... RRR. -Shoulders her crossbow and steps up to the maroon blood, leaning over to sniff at them.- You. Is no one else here? Is just this one, yes?
GAS TROLL: ho/y-- he//o???
GAS TROLL: yeah it's just me... can I he/p you guys?
DISCIPLE: He sells gas here?
ARADIA: -watching with a smile-
GAS TROLL: sure... that's what I'm supposed to do, I guess.
GAS TROLL: but I haven't had a customer in /ike a week.
GAS TROLL: it's /ike a ghost town out there, yeah?
DISCIPLE: Yes? Tell her. Tell her of ghosts. They were humans, before they went away? Or they were more trolls?
ARADIA: -rapid wing fluttering-
DIRK: -observing this, but also grabbing snacks...-
GAS TROLL: if we're ta/kin' WAY back... tro//s, humans. sure. but since the empress showed her face and took over... /ess humans for sure. now there's hard/y anybody in the area. 'cept in the city.
GAS TROLL: uh-- -realizes he's rambling and then squints at them- wait, that's a percuilar /ine of questionin'...
GAS TROLL: where are you fo/ks from?
GAS TROLL: ... 'kay...
GAS TROLL: -eyeballs them suspiciously-
DIRK: -places goods on the counter- I was wondering. We've been traveling for a while. Why is this the only gas station up and running?
GAS TROLL: uh, cuz the empress put the rest of 'em out of business, obvious/y? she made sure she//'s the on/y gas company in operation. geez, you guys rea//y have been /ivin' in a pit... un/ess you're from off p/anet... then why the heck did you even come here? you crazy or somethin'?
DIRK: ......
DIRK: I mean, I get that. But wouldn't it make more sense to convert the other stations to Shell instead of shutting them all down?
GAS TROLL: ... -goes wall eyed-
GAS TROLL: what do I know?? I'm just a gas jockey... -ringing up this stuff now-
DISCIPLE: Is strange. She thinks. But she knows not of empress. She is pit troll.
DIRK: And I know even less, being a lowly pit human. -slides gas troll the money-
GAS TROLL: -takes it... eyeballs them some more and then gives dirk the change.- sure...
DISCIPLE: We have what we need, yes? Could be taking the gas. In cannisters. Extra. For fire.
ARADIA: for fire
DISCIPLE: Is many uses for fire. Having it.
GAS TROLL: uh... -sigh- you know what? I don't care what you do. -waves a hand- there's a pump around the side for fi//in' cannisters with.
DIRK: Oh ok. Thanks dude.
DISCIPLE: Is good.
DISCIPLE: -paws at gas troll...-
GAS TROLL: -FREAK...- okay bye now.
DIRK: -pockets all the snacks and slinks back outside-
DISCIPLE: -WHIPS OUT CROSSBOW AGAIN AS THEY LEAVE- Do we trust this gas? She does not keep the old ones. Just this. It may be different. Corrupt.
ARADIA: -looking between all of them-
DIRK: Yeah, something is definitely fishy. Excuse the pun.
DIRK: You'd think the Condesce would wanna bleed people dry of their funds by monopolizing a gas company like that.
DIRK: I noticed there's a refinery not far from the city... So logically, there should be Shells open all over the place, shouldn't there?
DIRK: I dunno. I've just got a bad feel, Scoob.
ARADIA: -flinches very suddenly like she's trying to shield herself but almost instantly regains her composure. This is the better one-
DIRK: -looks at her- ... You alright?
ARADIA: -blinks for a moment and nods suddenly- yeah!
DIRK: You sure?
ARADIA: -nods quickly- yeah! keep going
DISCIPLE: RR... Perhaps we take some for sample. Examine it closely, yes?
DISCIPLE: If it is the same as every other kind, perhaps it is a different kind of trap.
DIRK: -shrugs- Makes sense to me.
DIRK: -goes to investigate the pump. since he's none too concerned with actually filling the cars up he just kinda... lets the gas run a lil bit.-
GAS: -REGULAR GAS. but it's got glitter in it.-
ARADIA: sparkly
DISCIPLE: -Shes gonna make some glitter molotovs. She is REALLY embracing the whole combat readiness right now...-
TEREZI: =add blood or eggs; it helps the fire stick=
TYRENA: -She bustles over, rudely sticking her finger in the nozzle. Then she brings it up to her lips and tastes the gasoline.-
DIRK: -he's fine with this, dissy- Seems like regular ga—
DIRK: ...
DIRK: Tyrena, no.
TYRENA: -wanders off again-
DIRK: ...
DIRK: Anyway,
DIRK: We should get back on the road. We'll be in Houston soon.
DISCIPLE: Good. She has the things she needs for Houston.
DISCIPLE: -wanders to the car with all these firebombs-
DIRK: -BACK TO DRIVING. that was a nice distraction from his thoughts.-
ARADIA: -distractions are good aren't they-
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contaiinedarmageddon2 · 3 years ago
A troll city was definitely distinct from a human one. Taller on average hive-buildings, built to run mainly at night with lights of all colors on every surface. Air traffic too is far more common.
To Sollux it was of course all mundane, doubly so given chunks of it were animated from his own memory just outside the old hivestem. "yeah pe0ple in the bubbles are weird. some 0f them are actual dreamers. others are... i w0uldn't say strictly memory. i c0uld talk to 0ne and it wouldn't all be canned phrases but. i guess it's like an approximati0n, easier to d0 since there's multiple people's mem0ries of what they think pe0ple should d0."
Shrugging at her suggestion the yellowblood abruptly shot about a hundred feet in the air and began drifting in that direction. "i pretty much have t0 go anyways if i'm g0ing to get the shit t0 send you 0ut of here. d0n't need to find 0ut you destabilize the place with y0ur aliveness and have it pop."
Hey sollux :3
Been a while, how you been?
what in the fuck is this? n0body sends me asks in pers0n. what sweep is it? i swear if a megido 0r fucking strider is resp0nsible for this my vengeance will be written in ~ATH.
identify y0urself.
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devicefulflightrisk · 8 years ago
JACE: *jace might be a nervous nelly, but when it comes to scientific and magical discoveries, he's almost TOO adventurous. despite his better judgement, he's been venturing deeper into the avalon forests, bugging trees with cameras to detect strange phenomenon, and other devices to pick up whatever the cameras can't. he's planning on leaving soon before it gets too late... but just ONE more camera.*
KOUGAH: *The cameras may not catch something but there's a loud ribbit at all this bugging and stepping about. The frog watches with all three eyes. All three solid blue eyes*
JACE: ... *looks around for the source of the ribbit. it's just a frog, right?? nothing to worry about, but he's got a bad feel anyway. and he feels justified when he catches a glimpse of three spooky blue eyes. time to carefully... slowly... climb down from this tree...*
KOUGAH: *No need to leave. Here's another frog. Two more. Five..... ten sets of spooky eyes. And then a much larger set of three eyes on the ground. Staring up at Jace.*
KOUGAH: *RIBBIT, but you know.... in a satanic fashion*
KOUGAH: *the nearest frog is gonna give him a good frenching on the arm with a poison tongue*
JACE: *tries to hop out of the way, but alas, he's tongued.* Eeewwww... *and ow? the pain is apparently an afterthought, giving way to a small yelp and a punt of his boot in a frog's direction before he tries to make a break for it. sorry, nature.*
KOUGAH: *This is an extremely rude child meal, one frog is punted away but there are at least 14 more plus the Big Mamma. The frogs jump from tree to tree, wanting to slorp up Jace's spiritual essense. After the adrenaline fades his arm is going to sting and burn like heck. Like a frost burn. More tongues lick out at his legs. This is what happens when you wear shorts in the forest*
JACE: *oh yeah?? well his adrenaline is ALWAYS pumping, take THAT frogs. he can and will run from most everything in life. but in reality, it's hard to maintain momentum when he's being assaulted as he is. he makes an attempt to fight while he flights, turning to deflect tongues with swords.*
KOUGAH: *Can he deflect the Big Mamma tongue though? She jabs it out at him. Let Mamma slorp ya boy*
JACE: *doubtful, as the frog tongue does it's frog tongue thing and congeals around his sword. there it goes. and there he goes, yanked because he doesn't want to lose his sword. YOINK.* ACK!
KOUGAH: *Swords don't belong in mouths but it's worth it as her babies can now feast on boy fleshence. Or so they thought. Here comes the Awoo Crew. Lorge wolves springing on the boy fleshence to protect it. The awoos are covered with rock and moss and bark with yellow blank eyes of their own. they bite. A small tornado at the heels of a neon painted Koug arrive. Somehow his sweat doesn't effect the paint
KOUGAH: in the grooves of his musculature*
JACE: *wow okay, but the grooves of his musculature are sure effecting jace's sweat. IT'S HAPPENING. but everything else is also happening as he's swarmed by wolves, too... to protect him? he's confused, unsure of what's happening right now.* K... Kougah??
KOUGAH: *flexes gently at being mentioned, he's crouched partially and glances to Jace* ...Hell0.... pard0n me. *growls with the pack at the frogs. Sorry Jace he knows this is exremely rude but it's necessary*
JACE: *oh, that's just... that's just FINE. he's overwhelmed by everything and decides to quit squirming and struggling with the frogs now that the wolves are also here to FIGHT. he sits. right on the forest floor. the sting of his skin finally catching up to him.*
KOUGAH: *The frogs are chased back whythe awoos so Koug looks to Jace.... stoops.* Y0u were 1njured. Hm. That 1s expected....
KOUGAH: 1f. 1 may.
KOUGAH: *holds out hand*
JACE: *SHINY EYED... he places his hand in kougah's.*
KOUGAH: *Oh.... he wanted the whole arm. Um. Sweats. Okay. He just. Looks it over and digs in his fur fanny pack also known as his loincloth.* Th1s 1s n0th1ng ser10us. Th0ugh y0u w0n't feel y0ur arm t0m0rr0w 1t w0n't bec0me encase w1th black fr0st.
JACE: ... I wont feel my arm???
KOUGAH: N0. 1 ap0l0g1ze th1s 1s the best 1 can d0. *Produces a small jar and rubs salve on the frost burn*
JACE: Oh....... Sorry, I dont mean to sound like I dont appreciate it...
JACE: Because I do! A lot. Temporary numbness is definitely preferable to um... Black frost. *watches him LATHER HIM UP... and then glances away.*
KOUGAH: *Please..... but also he's wheezing internally he doesn't deserve touching this precious creature with his filthy rough peasant paws. Hands. Paws.* Yes... true.
KOUGAH: ....
KOUGAH: 1f they d1d k1ll y0u y0u w0uld be rev1ved as 0ne 0f them.
KOUGAH: An essence t0ad.
KOUGAH: That 1s the name 0f the creature.
JACE: *stares at him with wide eyes.* ... /Oh./
JACE: Then Im especially grateful?? I dont think I would have made it without you...
JACE: Thank you. Really.
KOUGAH: *Grateful? But he was injured. Truly Jace is too forgiving and kind. He goes blue under the lines of neon paint on his face* 1f y0u 1ns1st 0n thank1ng me.... then 1 am deeply apprec1at1ve.
KOUGAH: 1 w1ll d0 my best t0 serv1ce y0u t0 the best 0f my ab1l1t1es.
JACE: Service... Me... *stares at him some more. don't mind him if his mind wanders for a second.*
JACE: Thanks!! Again!! Hahaha!!
JACE: Am I saying thank you too much?? Im sorry!!
JACE: Aaahhh... Should my arm be feeling numb now?? It feels numb. Actually everything feels numb. Wait, thats probably just me. Nevermind.
KOUGAH: *Tilts head, he wonders if Jace is considering his competence. He doesn't blame him* N0 need t0 be s0rry.
KOUGAH: But 1f y0u are numb all0w me t0 help y0u h0me....1f y0u d0 n0t m1nd.
JACE: No!! I mean yes.
JACE: If you insist??? Also because I probably need it. *he's had a difficult day... he feels weak.*
KOUGAH: 1 d0.... Pard0n my hands. And self. *He's sorry. But scoops and stands* May 1 1nqu1re what y0u were d01ng th1s deep 1n the f0rest?
JACE: *WHOOP there he goes. he curls up a little in kougah's arms, fists balled up against his chest.* Oh... I was putting in some cameras and things.
JACE: So that I could monitor the activity here when I cant... physically be here.
JACE: Which I guess should be most of the time... I know its dangerous and all but I really want to understand how this stuff works!
KOUGAH: *Looks at him briefly.... tries to not sweat.... fails* 1 see.....
KOUGAH: 1 adm1re y0ur 1n1tat1ve.
JACE: *blinks up at him* Really? You dont think its... reckless?
KOUGAH: 1t 1s. But we learn thr0ugh s0me reckless dec1s10ns we make.
KOUGAH: We may als0 get ma1med but. That's why 1t's.
KOUGAH: Reckless.
KOUGAH: S0 1 apprec1ate y0ur th1rst f0r kn0wledge.
KOUGAH: Alth0ugh 1 d0 h0pe y0u are careful.
JACE: *well, dang, if he wasn't flushed before...* Hehehe uh... I do try to be careful! I think Im used to danger enough by now that I can usually get out of it.
JACE: I dont usually deal with spirit creatures, though...
KOUGAH: 1 can teach y0u 1f y0u'd l1ke.
KOUGAH: M0stly hands 0n teach1ngs.
KOUGAH: As 1 am st1ll l00k1ng f0r Y0y0.
KOUGAH: K1k1y0.
KOUGAH: The p0stal w0rker.
JACE: *HANDS ON... but then he brings up kikiyo, and he puts those thoughts to rest.* Right... Well, thats fine. Whatever you can do, Id really appreciate.
JACE: Hey... Ive been wondering...
JACE: You said she isnt missing... But I heard that there have been other disappearances around here? Do you know if thats true?
KOUGAH: .....Yes. There are 0thers that have g0ne m1ss1ng. *gently flex.... he'd rather not think of her as missing... just. Goofing off somewhere*
JACE: Oh... *he goes quiet, figuring it's probably not something he wants to think about. but he's curious what he knows. maybe he can help?*
JACE: Do you know if theres anything connecting the disappearances?
KOUGAH: There l1kely are.... but 1 can't track the scents 1f there 1s a culpr1t.
KOUGAH: There are... s0 many pe0ple 1n and 0ut 0f the f0rest n0w.
KOUGAH: Th1s c0ntract all0ws pe0ple 1nt0 the w00ds. The superf1c1al levels... but pe0ple take a m1le w1th every 1nch all0wed.
KOUGAH: Many 1 have had t0 turn back.
KOUGAH: 1t 1s frustrat1ng.
JACE: Oh... *now he feels guilty for wandering around like he does.* That sounds stressful... Im sorry.
JACE: Maybe my cameras will find something?
KOUGAH: 1t 1s n0t y0ur d01ng. N0 need t0 ap0l0g1ze..... but cameras...
KOUGAH: That... 1s helpful.
KOUGAH: 1t's shameful 1 had n0t th0ught 0f that.
KOUGAH: *looks down to him* Thank y0u.
JACE: Its okay! Youve had a lot on your mind. Hehe... Sometimes these things dont occur to me immediately either when they should. *smiles up at him reassuringly. he just hopes they find all these poor people... he wonders if the search and rescue team is investigating it? as a skaianet heir, he really should be on top of these things...*
KOUGAH: H0w understand1ng y0u are... *Not sarcastic just... these people amaze him*
KOUGAH: Thank y0u f0r the undeserved reassurance.
JACE: *blinks* Its not undeserved! Youve helped me a bunch. Reassurance is really the least I can do...
KOUGAH: 1f y0u 1ns1st.... pard0n. 1 am n0t cast1ng a l1ne f0r y0ur attent10ns. 1 am 0nly be1ng honest.
KOUGAH: Y0u seem t0 be a k1nd pers0n. S0 1 kn0w y0u are be1ng genu1ne.
KOUGAH: 1 w1ll n0t ask y0u t0 st0p but rather let y0u bec0me aware 0f the d1fferences between us. 1t 1s 0nly r1ght.
JACE: *he really doesn't understand... how could someone so cool and heroic like kougah feel the way he does?* I dont understand...
KOUGAH: *hums deeply while walking, headed for the telepads* S1mply put: 1 bel1eve y0u are a w0ndr0us creature. 0ne that 1s grac10us en0ugh t0 all0w me 1n y0ur presense.
KOUGAH: Alth0ugh 1 am pleased t0 kn0w 1've been 0f s0mewhat g00d use t0 y0u.
JACE: *heat floods his face again, leaving him speechless after that. but he notices they're almost to the telepads.*
JACE: I dont know what to say... No ones ever referred to me as wondrous or gracious before...
JACE: I just know I think youre very nice.
JACE: ... And cool.
JACE: And... I wont make you carry me anymore. I can make it the rest of the way home.
KOUGAH: 0h... *Sweats.... sorry about dampening your clothes Jace. That makes him sweat more* .... P1ty. That they d0n't d0 that.
KOUGAH: They sh0uld.
KOUGAH: *puts him down gently and steps back still blue in the cheek area. clears throat* Well.
KOUGAH: 1. h0pe y0u feel better.
KOUGAH: And y0ur arm isn't numb f0r the full 16 h0urs 1 ant1c1pate.
KOUGAH: Maybe. 1t w0n't be.
JACE: Yeah... *bashful feet shuffling.* Thanks, Kougah.
JACE: Ill see you around, okay? *smiles goofily, then ducks his head... and then absconds quickly through the transportalizer, screaming internally.*
KOUGAH: *Oh.....same about internal screams. Wolfs into the night and wheezes*
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beatconductor-blog · 8 years ago
Today at 12:35 AM
beatconductor hey uh can i ask you a question
deadramchild yes y0u can
beatconductor oh hey hope im not distracting you from anything or whatever anyway does your dad hate me
deadramchild y0u are n0t
beatconductor or is he always like that or i just dont know how to deal with him like
deadramchild i d0nt think he d0es n0
beatconductor mr deuce and boxcars are pretty chill to be around i mean i have no doubt that they could wreck shit but theyre just yanno kinda buddy like
deadramchild well they are certainly easier t0 get al0ng with yes why exactly d0 y0u think he hates y0u?
beatconductor and then theres mr stabby stab slick whos a little inpredictable like he seems like the kinda guy that might stab you for saying the wrong word or just shrug it off depending on the mood but idk your dad is kind of something else no offense he just gives me the chills
deadramchild haha he d0es have that effect 0n pe0ple y0u are right ab0ut slick t00
beatconductor so is that not just me
deadramchild n0
beatconductor i mean its rare that my fear is stronger than my stupidity but just fuck dont tell him i told you that alright
deadramchild but im curi0us did he d0 s0methig that made y0u think he hates y0u?
beatconductor uh doesnt matter its more all the stuff he doesnt say
deadramchild yes it d0es l00k... he is n0t g0ing t0 actually hurt y0u he d0esnt hate y0u and he has n0 reas0n t0
beatconductor if you say so
deadramchild he kn0ws that y0u are 0n friendly terms with with deuce and b0xcars and friends with me and the 0thers he w0uldnt hurt y0u with0ut a damn g00d reas0n n0t physically that is but i cant deny that he is a danger0us man 0bvi0usly he is
beatconductor not physically
deadramchild he likes t0 play games
beatconductor you might think thats kind of reassuring but thats like the opposite of that id deal with a direct open threat on my life better than this
deadramchild 0h i kn0w that
beatconductor like shit man the about of times karkat told me hed stab me and i know he would
deadramchild but i want t0 be h0nest with y0u
beatconductor and were still bros ah damn it
deadramchild well let me try t0 explain a little better he enj0ys hmm... teasing pe0ple? he likes t0 get a reacti0n 0ut 0f y0u and at the same time he is testing y0u hes perfectly aware that y0u have relati0ns t0 the felt t00
beatconductor aw man of course he does i mean
deadramchild and while he d0esnt 0utright distrust y0u just f0r that (i mean his b0yfriends br0ther is a number) it still takes m0re t0 gain his n0t quite trust
beatconductor well im not expecting him to ever trust me just
deadramchild he d0esnt fully trust a l0t 0f pe0ple th0ugh
beatconductor yeah thats what i need in my life even more mind games
deadramchild im s0rry 0n0
beatconductor eh whatever
deadramchild i really am
beatconductor its not your fault dont apologize
deadramchild i d0nt want t0 sugarc0at things th0ugh
beatconductor so what should i just give him the reaction he wants or play it all stoic and aloof
deadramchild im n0t sure what reacti0n he wants?
beatconductor alright i can work with that
deadramchild i think any reacti0n that isnt betraying us in any way is a right 0ne is this ab0ut uhm what happened the 0ther night? what he said ab0ut y0ur little kitty friend?
beatconductor urgh yeah thats definitely the most recent and glaring one
deadramchild well that0ne was really just a win/win situati0n f0r him... he likes teasing her
beatconductor oh great
deadramchild and he kn0ws perfectly well that y0u tw0 are an item s0 it was the perfect 0ppurtunity f0r him t0 test y0ur l0yality
beatconductor i see well at least i didnt completely fuck that one up huh
deadramchild n0 the situati0n is c0mplicated the situati0n with her i mean i guess y0u sh0uld really ask her if y0u want any uhm details 0n what happened im n0t sure if he wants y0u t0 j0in us p0ssibly y0u are useful and we always need m0re pe0ple but regardless i think this is his way 0f tryin t0 sh0w y0u what happens when y0u ch00se the felt 0ver us n0w he may be my father but i cant actually read his mind s0 keep in mind that im 0nly guessing here t00
beatconductor wow ok message received i am now kinda let this get too much to me caught me off guard i guess
deadramchild i d0nt think s0mething like that can n0t get t0 y0u i kind 0f want t0 ap0l0gize f0r n0t being ar0und t0 help y0u but thats s0rt 0f silly isnt it? and we b0th kn0w y0u w0uldnt have accepted any help i c0uld have 0ffered anyways
beatconductor dunno considering who i work with i should know better
deadramchild mind y0u im n0t saying that t0 shame y0u its just a fact
beatconductor what oh yeah dont worry i mean there were people i just didnt want to hear any of that idk next time maybe
deadramchild i mean i kn0w y0ure a big b0y y0u can have y0ur mental breakd0wns all 0n y0ur 0wn i still wish i c0uld have helped but y0ure 0kay s0 thats all that matters i guess
beatconductor hah yeah thanks how do i politely tell everyone else that ive been doing this long enough to know me
deadramchild i d0nt kn0w "hell0 ive been a huge mess f0r 25 years n0w i kn0w the drill but thanks f0r caring"?
beatconductor damn thats spot on
deadramchild "s0rry i am currently n0t em0ti0nally capable t0 deal with y0u w0rrying 0n t0p 0f this leave a message after the beep?
beatconductor hah i mean basically thats it alright
deadramchild im sure they will understand 0r at least try t0 they cant help w0rrying th0ugh i w0uld be lying if i said im n0t w0rried but i trust y0u en0ugh that y0u will at least keep y0ur stupid ass alive and c0me t0 me when y0u are ready at least i h0pe s0 i mean y0u s0rt 0f did
beatconductor yeah idk considering im still alive after all maybe im secretly immortal or some shit
deadramchild id rather n0t have y0u test that the0ry y0u d0nt want me t0 yell at y0ur gh0st d0 y0u?
beatconductor im usually trying not to you know dying and being stuck as ghost is kinda the worst i can imagine but the thought of you yelling at my ghost butt kinda sweetens that but you can do that while im still alive so
deadramchild i didnt even yell at y0u s0 far ...n0 wait i did after y0u sh0wed me anime being stuck as a gh0st sure d0es s0und unpleasant i h0pe the actual afterlife is nice th0ugh
beatconductor no afterlife would be nicer i know some poor sap stuck all alone in some kinda eternal limbo i mean shit that sucks doesnt even have any demons and satans to torture him for his sins or something just his nest and my idiot ass dunno if its like that for everyone that ever dies i sure hope not
deadramchild maybe y0u are the dem0n t0rturing him that s0unds really weird are y0u sure y0u didnt just dream that
beatconductor oh yeah thank you well dunno id think so too but that means im kinda hallucinating chatting to him all day too and thats getting kinda awkward
deadramchild very awkward...
beatconductor so yyeah
deadramchild well i guess i cant judge
beatconductor im pretty sure hes real i hope so
deadramchild even if he is imaginary
beatconductor dont make me doubt myself here ok
deadramchild well it t00k a while t0 realize that im actually hearing the dead instead just being well insane
beatconductor well see i got over that phase much quicker
deadramchild thats g00d have fun with y0ur dead friend
beatconductor yeah thanks im trying he seems more pleasant than your average visitor i mean usually its me whos haunting him
deadramchild hes n0t just a v0ice either i assume s0 that already makes him better c0mpany
beatconductor yeah probably
deadramchild s0unds like y0u ike y0ur dead friend thats g00d
beatconductor yeah i mean dreams with him are pretty alright
deadramchild thats g00d perhaps y0u sh0uld sleep s0me m0re then
beatconductor you know im trying man i wish i could bug the hell out of my friends every night
deadramchild haha maybe y0u can dream visit me t00? y0u sh0uld try m0stly because im heading t0 bed n0w try t0 sleep s0me dave g00d night
beatconductor do you really want that believe me you dont want me on your sleep too im enough of a menace when awake but if i ever find out how to you can bet your ass im gonna haunt your dreams
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