#I got up at? 10? made myself pancakes for breakfast
jorvikzelda · 1 year
Right. Well. Now that I know that I can (and will) eventually reach level 21 I might as well just finish up my remaining quests and not give any fucks about how much XP I collect along the way :D
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mrsevans90 · 8 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 11
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Y'all, this GIF is down right SPICY but it fit the smut in the story so well I had to ☺️
Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: SMUT, Emma getting an attitude, Sy yelling, detailed PTSD flashback, bodily function/embarrassment, self-deprecating talk, language
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 10
I wake up still in the same position that I fell asleep in, on Emma’s chest and notice that my body feels incredibly stiff. Her gentle breathing and steady heartbeat are comforting even though I’m incredibly embarrassed and just want to pretend last night never happened. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long day. I notice the amount of light cascading in from behind the curtains must make it late in the morning, but considering I had a very active night I’m not surprised that I slept in. I carefully lift my head to see if Emma is awake and am startled when I see her big beautiful eyes staring down at me. 
“Good morning.” She says quietly.
“Mornin’.” I reply.
“How are you feeling?”
“Stiff. What time is it?” I ask her somewhat brusquely.
“It’s 9:38.” She answers after looking at the time on her phone.
I sigh and sit up so that I’m faced away from her. 
“Let me make us some breakfast. I’m hungry.” She quickly gets up and goes to the restroom to take care of her morning routines before she exits and walks to the bedroom door.
“Come down to eat after you’re done in the bathroom please.” She says quietly while I’m still pondering my next move as I sit on the edge of the bed. The tension and embarrassment oozes from my body as I sit there attempting to contemplate how to handle this. I haven’t been in this situation before. Alex has seen me have a small flashback at work once, but we didn’t have to talk about it. My grandparents certainly don’t know the extent of my PTSD because I purposely keep it from them. They don’t need to know how mentally damaged their loving grandchild has become. Aika is really the only one who has ever witnessed the extent of my depravity and luckily, she can’t talk or judge me for it. She’s just a silent witness who snaps me out of it with a bark or licking my face. Emma is the only person to ever see how badly it really is and I just don’t even know what to say to her. I force myself up and relieve myself in the bathroom before brushing my teeth and getting myself ready for the day. I look at my reflection in the mirror and wonder just how I got this screwed up before heading to the kitchen. 
Emma is humming to herself as if nothing has transpired as she flips pancakes on the stove. She has coffee brewing in the pot and has sat out my favorite mug that has a picture of a donkey on it with the words, “Do I Look Like a Jackass?” written across it. It was a gift from one of my warhorse buddies, Harper. 
When she hears me approach, she turns and silently fills the cup with coffee before handing it to me with a shy smile. Seems the poor thing is also trying to figure out what to say and coming up blank.
“I hope pancakes sound good to you. I also made some bacon and saw there’s some fruit in your fridge but I’m not sure how old it is.”
“That’s more than enough. Thank you.” 
I drink my coffee while she turns back around to work on the breakfast. Once it’s made, I set the table and refill our coffee cups while remembering to add the coffee creamer that I now buy specifically for Emma since she likes hers sweet. Just like her.
We sit down and I’m aching to avoid the subject but I know I just need to get it over with.
I clear my throat. “Breakfast looks really good. Thank you.”
“Anytime, baby.” She replies and I want to smile.
“I um… I’m really sorry about what happened last night. You shouldn’t have to see me like that or put up with it and I just want to apologize.”
“There is nothing to apologize for. I’m grateful you opened up to me a little bit, honestly.”
Unwillingly, I think to myself. I take a deep breath.
“Maybe, this thing between us is moving too fast.” I blurt out.
“By this thing, you mean our relationship? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought we were exclusive after our conversation the other day. Is this you trying to end things with me?” She says angrily.
“I’m just no good for you. You shouldn’t have to deal with a grown man who has nightmares.”
“I think that I should be the one to decide who or what is good for me. I’m a grown woman who has plenty of my own baggage and I’m not going to allow you to throw this away because you’re embarrassed or trying to protect me from the one person who doesn’t pose a threat to me.”
“I absolutely pose a threat to you!” I yell and slam my fist against the table. “Wasn’t last night enough to show you? I was wielding a rifle dreaming that I was back in active war. Damnit Emma! Don’t be naïve. I could have shot you, or hit you. I could have thought that you were the enemy and there’s no way you would have been able to fight me off! I should have ended things before it got to this point and I’m sorry that I didn’t. I was being selfish and wanted more time with you but I realize now how dangerous that is.”
“NO.” She crosses her arms and straitens her back defensively.
“No?” I repeat in quiet shock.
“No.” She stares at me with a look of fire like a mother chastising her child and even though she’s so tiny I feel myself cower back a little.
“You are ruining the best thing I’ve ever had because you are scared, Austin! And I understand how scary it was, believe me, I was there watching you fight a battle in your own mind. But I’m not afraid of you and I never will be. You need to understand that we both need each other and I am good for you whether you choose to believe it or not. You’re jumping to a conclusion either to punish yourself or me because you’re embarrassed that I know this about you now and I will not tolerate it. Last night, you protected me from what you thought was danger even in your flashback. You will not hurt me and I know it.”
I sit there for a minute stunned by what she said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’d be happy to tell you everything from my perspective if you could stop trying to dump me and actually have a vulnerable conversation with me like an adult.” She snarks.
Damn, she’s throwing some verbal punches this morning and it’s kinda sexy.
“Alright, I’m listening.” I announce and she takes a deep breath before speaking.
“I woke up to the sound of the bedroom door slamming shut and you running down the stairs. Aika jumped up and seemed concerned so I took her with me as I went downstairs, turning on lights as I went since you still had the house completely in the dark. I heard the backdoor slam open against the wall as you ran out and I held Aika back so I could shut the door until I could determine what was going on. When I turned on the patio lights I saw you run by with a rifle in your hands. I figured you might have heard an animal or intruder or something so I waited for a moment looking through the window before I heard you yelling. It was pouring rain so I struggled to hear you but you didn’t seem to notice the rain. You ran up against the backside of the house and were yelling different words, military lingo I guess, and aiming your rifle around the corner. Aika was going absolutely nuts barking and I almost let her out to get you but I wasn’t sure if your gun was loaded. Instead, I carefully made my way over to you and kept repeating, “It’s Emma, you are safe.” But when I got to you I could tell you were still actively dreaming, if that’s what we are going to call it. Your eyes were almost glassy but when I touched your shoulder, you immediately put your arm around me from behind to protect me and told me to get down and cover my head. You kept placing your body in front of me. I tried talking to you but you just kept asking me if ‘Lowell and Waites’ were still alive. I wasn’t sure what to say but I remembered the conversation that we had the first time I stayed here. I couldn’t get your attention since you were so absorbed in your mission, until I finally grabbed your face with my hands. That’s when you started to come back to me. You protected me from whatever threat you saw, not the opposite.”
I take a steadying breath and try to calm my heart rate. Hearing her talk about something I’ve done during a flashback is strange, because she’s the first to actually witness it and tell me what I did. I guess it’s like sleepwalking, or undergoing anesthesia where you remember specific events but they are different to what actually happened.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“I’m not. I hate that you had to go through that in real life, and again in your flashbacks but I’m glad that I was there to see it. I think I understand you a bit more and I want to be there for you.” She says earnestly.
“If you want to apologize for something, you can apologize for trying to dump me.” She says moments later with an attitude.
I can’t help but crack a smile at her gumption. She is something else.
“I’m sorry for trying to dump you.” I whisper and she stands and comes over to sit in my lap. 
“I accept your apology.” She smirks.
“Thank you for refusing to be dumped.” I look intently into her eyes. She kisses me sweetly before tapping my forehead.
“Let me in here. I can handle it, I promise. I want to know everything about you, even the bad stuff.”
“I just… I’ve never let anyone in.”
“Okay, imagine this. What if I kept all of my trauma about Colin from you. I know it’s not the same, but just imagine I didn’t tell you about him stalking me, or why I am the way I am about things. You’d be pretty pissed, right?”
“Obviously.” I tell her. “But that’s because I want to protect you.” 
“Exactly. I feel the same way. Now imagine if I told you that I kept it from you because I just didn’t think you could handle my drama.”
I roll my eyes.
“I never said you couldn’t handle it.”
“But you’ve thought that. Haven’t you?” 
“Maybe” I mutter petulantly.
“You’d be livid with me.” She smirks at me knowing she’s made her point thoroughly.
“Alright. I get it.” I put my hands up in surrender.
“I can handle this and I want to know everything about you. Even the stuff you keep locked away for whatever reason.”
“It’s pretty dark, Sugar. I don’t like thinking about it and I don’t like the idea of you thinking about it.”
“Again, not your decision to make.” She says.
“I decide what’s best for me and what I can handle. I promise you, I can handle this and if you just get that through your thick skull and let me be there for you, we’ll be good as gravy.” She said while thumping my forehead.
“Ow, woman!” I say before I tickle her sides. 
“Fine. I’ll be better about opening up. I just might need your help and your patience because I’ve kept all of my shit buried away essentially my entire adult life.”
“They teach you to do that in the military?” She asks with an eyebrow arched.
“Pretty much.” 
“Well, I’m going to help you undo that.”
“I don’t know that I’m going to like that process.”
“You’ll be fine.” She says before kissing me gently. “I’ll use my sexual prowess if I have too.”
“Seduce me to learn my secrets? You little minx.” She giggles at my joke and I breathe a sigh of relief that we can joke about it at this point.
“Do these flashback episodes happen often?” She asks.
“Nah, this is the biggest one I’ve ever had. I’ve had a few small ones, but nothing this involved before. Maybe once or twice a year before this. It’s usually triggered by something when I’m really tired.”
“What do you think triggered you last night?”
“If I had to guess, I’d say the storm. Likely the thunder was similar to an explosion or something in my dream.” I say quietly and she just nods and strokes my cheek.
“Do you have Nana’s brunch today?”
“Nah, she’s got some clothing drive thing at the church that she’s doing. I’m glad because I don’t need her scrutiny today.”
“Does she know about the episodes?”
“Not really, just always told her it was nightmares. I think PawPaw likely has an idea having been a veteran himself, but he keeps it to himself which I appreciate. I don’t need Nana trying to convince me to join some VA group to talk about my problems.”
“What’s so bad about those groups? I only ask because I have no frame of reference.”
“Nothing, those things are really good for some people but it’s just not for me. I tried once or twice after I retired and felt worse after them. Just not the type to get up in front of strangers and talk about my issues.”
“Survivor’s guilt.” Emma mutters and I glance at her somewhat annoyed.
“Think you’ve got me all figured out then?” I ask haughtily.
“No. Not at all as a matter of fact. I know there’s a lot more that you haven’t shared with me. That’s fine, for now. Just don’t get mad at me for being here for you. I don’t deserve that.” 
My iciness cools immediately and I agree with her. She’s just wanting to be here for me in a way nobody else has ever been.
“I’ll do my best, Darlin’.” I admit while tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“That’s all I can ask for.” She kisses me sweetly.
“What do you want to do today, Sugar? That is if you want to spend the day with me.” I ask her.
“Shut up, of course I do.” She says as she rolls her eyes and I growl at her. 
“Mmm.. I need to go to the grocery store and do some meal prep, but other than that I’m open to whatever.”
“Want to go to the store together? Hell, it certainly wouldn’t hurt me to bring my lunch a few days rather than eatin’ fast food all the time.”
“Ohhh! I love that. I can prep lunches for both of us.” She says excitedly and I can’t help but smirk at her.
“You don’t have to do all that work.” I say, thinking that I can cook my own.
“I really don’t mind. I have to cook mine anyway.”
“Alright, how about this. I buy all the groceries for us, and you cook the meals.”
“No baby, I’m offerin’ to cook for you. I don’t need you to buy my food.”
“Nah, that’s the deal Sugar Pie. Take it or leave it.” She arches her eyebrow at me and I can’t help but chuckle and smack her round little ass.
“Fine, but I’m not happy about it.”
“Military negotiation training continues to pay off.” I chuckle at her reaction. She attempts to tickle me, but I gently grab each of her wrists effectively handcuffing her hands by her sides. 
“Geez, Sy, I knew you were strong, but damn.” She says as she attempts to wiggle out of my grasp. She doesn’t realize that she’s also wiggling her ass against me and in a matter of moments, she’s going to feel what it’s doing to me.
I let go of her wrists and she acts like she’s done playing before she turns around quickly and shoves her fingers against my ribs. I jolt from the chair sideways as she laughs freely at what she thinks is winning this game.
“Oh, ya wanting to play?” I say with a smirk and when I reach for her she jumps up and takes off running. Before I even realize it, we are giggling like school children as I chase her up the stairs. The dogs are barking wildly and poor Aika has Mills jumping all over her in an attempt to start wrestling. They slowed me down by getting between me and Emma so she got a little bit of a head start. Eventually Aika gives in and the start playfully wrestling in the hallway. I catch her at the top of the stairs, my long legs being no match for her short but fast stature. Emma squeals exuberantly when I pick her up from behind and haul her over my shoulder. She’s panting and I realize I might’ve played too rough so I gently slide her down my body, taking care to be intentional with where I placed my hands.
“Shit! I didn’t think about your period. I didn’t hurt ya did I?” 
She smiles before shaking her head, “it ended last night. You didn’t hurt me baby, but thank you for checking.”
“Well in that case,” I say as I haul her back up on my shoulder, “I’m going to finish what I started.” She squeals again before smacking me on my butt.
I slap her ass that’s now exposed since she was still only in my shirt and grope it gently before throwing her on the bed on her back. I lay beside her on my back as we catch our breaths from our little game of cat and mouse.
“That was fun.” She giggles.
“Sure was.” I turn to her and smile. 
“Now what?”
“Well, I don’t think I’d let you go to the grocery store without pants on, so as much as I hate to, I suggest you get dressed.” I respond as I gently rub my big mitt against the soft skin of her leg.
“Mmm, maybe later. I don’t think I’m done playing.” She admits seductively before gently placing her hand delicately against my clothed cock.
“That so?” I ask her and she nods. My heart starts beating quicker as she begins rubbing against me.
“Right now, I think I’d like to get you undressed.” She says seductively before her hand slides under the hem of my shirt. I lean up and quickly pull it over my shoulders tossing it somewhere in the room. I’m about to lean over on top of her when she pushes me back and her hands slide under the waistband of my shorts and boxers. She grasps my erection firmly before pulling at my shorts and boxers to remove them, so I lift my hips to assist her. Once those are off, Emma begins kissing across my abdomen while simultaneously jerking my throbbing erection. My hands are everywhere and nowhere at once, like an overwhelmed kid given free range in a candy store.
“Fuck, Sugar. What brought all this on?” I rasp as I grab a handful of her ass.
“You trying to dump me.” She says and I pause and look at her concernedly. 
“Gotta remind you what you’d be missing out on.” She smirks before pulling my t-shirt off of her body and exposing her flawless breasts. She immediately pushes them against me and my responding growl has her grinning. Her warm, soft skin rubbing against my torso has me aching to take control and flip her over. Emma’s tiny hand still pumping my cock has me frozen and her gorgeous body, now only clad in a little pink thong has me hypnotized. I can’t stop myself from humping further into her hand as I feel her warm breath slowly making her way up my torso before sucking on my neck.
“Sugar, you’re playing a real dangerous game here.” I warn as she bites and sucks a hickey right above my collarbone. At the same time, I’m so hard that it’s painful and beads of precum are continually leaking from my slit as she uses it for further lubrication towards her ministrations.
Emma sucks on my earlobe before lightly whispering in my ear, “Ah, I like playing games with you.” Goosebumps erupt all over my skin and that’s when my resolve breaks.
Without thinking, I flip Emma over and tear her tiny thong to shreds as I rip in from her body. She gasps with either surprise or overwhelming need but I don’t pay attention as I pull her in for a brutal kiss. She starts to try and take control back by grabbing at my forearms, but I quickly trap both of her arms above her head using one of my hands to secure them. 
“Now who’s in control?” I ask her smugly as I take in her beauty. Her breasts, peaked and heaving from the excitement are so sexy that I ache just from looking at them. Her little belly ring shimmering in the sunlight that streams in from the window somehow makes me even harder.
“Still me. I say stop and I know you’ll immediately discontinue what you’re doing.” She smiles triumphantly.
I smirk at her, because she’s exactly right. She holds all the power here, and I’m damn glad she knows it. Seems she wasn’t able to have that in her last relationship and I’ll do everything in my power to see that she knows she’s in control. 
“You’re exactly right, Darlin’.” I say with a smile and her returning grin stuns me.
“Lucky for you, I like it when you take control and toss me around.” She divulges as she squirms under me and I can’t help but rut against her legs.
“That so?” I ask and she nods dumbly.
“Well ask and you shall receive.” I say before capturing her lips in a messy kiss. I trail my other hand slowly down her body before inserting my middle finger into her core and keen as she moans in pleasure at the intrusion. I pump a few times before adding a second finger and her body arches pleasantly off the bed.
“Fuck, Sy!” Emma shouts as I curl them in search of her g-spot. I grin victoriously when I know I’ve found it based on the reaction of her body. I start worshipping her titties that are so conveniently pressed right in front of my mouth and that seems to spur her on. I’m leaking all over her thigh as I’m so turned on but I need to get her there first.
I’m still holding her arms above her body and that’s how I keep her still as she squirms and moans exuberantly once her first orgasm washes over her. I observe the pure bliss ease across her facial features as she reaches her climax and I can hear the audible squelch of her arousal each time I pump my fingers into her core. After I’m sure to help her through it, I slide my fingers out and wipe the juices along my shaft, squeezing it to release a little bit of pressure as I do. I look at a completely blissed-out Emma as I pump myself a few times before I hear her quietly request, “Fuck me, Captain Syverson. Fuck me hard.” 
I groan before capturing her lips in a filthy kiss before I flip her over. I lift her hips up off the bed and am appreciating the view of her perfect little peach and round delicious ass in the air before she shakes it at me. I smack her ass before sliding in and barely giving her time to recover as I slam into her. 
“Y’okay?” I ask after she gasped loudly and she nodded before pushing herself further back on me. 
I groan and she does it again so I stay there perfectly still for a few moments as I watch the erotic way Emma fucks herself on my cock in doggy style position. Her back is perfectly arched and she flips that mane of hair over her shoulder as she drives herself back on me again. Fuckin’ hell. I can't help myself when I wrap her hair around my fist as I fuck her harder.
My hands are in tight fists as I’m trying to keep from busting a nut so soon after we started but I know I’m not going to last long. I grab ahold of her hips and drive myself into her sopping wet core and focus on getting the angle right. I know I’ve gotten it when I feel her flutter around me. 
“Yeah? Ya like that? Takin’ Sy’s cock all the way up in your tummy? Mmm, mmm, mmm, you look so fucking good like this, Sugar. This perfect ass slamming against me as I fuck that sweet, juicy peach.” I tell her and her moans get louder.
“Tell me, Darlin’. Tell me how it feels.” I probe her.
“Ah! Fuckkk! You feel so good, baby. So big and… and full and deep. Fuckin’ me better than I’ve ever had.” 
“Yeah? This is easily the tightest, tastiest little peach I’ve ever had before. You were made for me. Made to take this cock.” I say and she moans. I slide my hands from her hips and grope her ass before putting my thumb around her tight little ring of muscle.
“You gonna let me in here one day, Sugar?” She clenches all around me and I almost blow my load.
“May…maybe.” She says as I continue to rut into her. I add a bit more pressure with my finger and feel her clamp down on me as her second orgasm ravishes throughout her body. 
“Fuck, Sugar, you’re squeezin’ me so tight. I’m gonna cum.” I tell her and she moans as I piston in and out of her at a quicker pace to reach my high. My balls are heavy and full and I grunt as they tighten to my body when my orgasm washes over me. I still as deeply as I can in her wet heat as I paint her insides with ropes of cum and gently drape myself across her back that is now limp on the bed. 
Emma whimpers as I remove myself from her and I quickly push the leaking cum back into her when it starts to leak out. 
“Y’alright, Sugar?” I ask as she doesn’t move.
“Mmm.” She replies and I don’t know if that’s a yes or a no.
“Fucked you speechless huh?” I chuckle as I stand up and turn on the shower. The sweat dripping down my chest makes me want a cold shower, but I know Emma won’t have that so I get the warm water running before I go back to get her. She’s still completely spread out on the bed on her belly like I left her. I roll her over gently before lifting her up bridal style and carrying her to the bathroom. I set her on the toilet and am shocked that she pees without making me leave the room, but I don’t comment on it. She shuffles over to wash her hands before pulling her hair up into a messy bun. I wash my hands and check the shower temperature before she wraps her arms around me. I’m sweaty but she doesn’t seem to care as she rests her cheek against my chest. I aim the water on us and soap us up cleaning the sweat and the remnants of our tryst from both of our bodies. I kiss her forehead gently and she just smiles and nuzzles further into my chest with her eyes closed. After our shower, I quickly dry her off as well as myself before I clean up the clothes thrown around the room. Her little panties are in shreds and I remind myself to offer to pay for them as I throw them in the wastebasket. 
“You’re awfully quiet.” I voice aloud and she smiles.
“I think I’ve been asleep while standing up that whole shower.” She replies and I chuckle.
“You must’ve been. Didn’t even make me leave the room when you went to pee.” I joke and her eyes snap open in realization. 
“Oh my god, I didn’t. You saw me pee.” She says as she places her face in her hands in embarrassment. 
I laugh loudly because she must’ve not even notice me pee after her while she was washing her hands.
“It’s alright, I won’t tell anyone. I peed while you were washing your hands if that makes you feel any better.”
“It doesn’t. I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t even think, your sexpertise made me almost comatose. I claim insanity.” 
“You know I don’t care about that. You could even fart in front of me and I bet it would be adorable.” Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
“ABSOLUTELY NOT. That would be mortifying. I would have to move out of the country.” She says dramatically and I laugh.
“You really think that we could live a whole life together, married with babies, grandbabies, and even great grandbabies and I wouldn’t see you pee or hear you fart?” I ask her seriously and am surprised when she shyly smiles.
“You think about us living a whole life together?” Truth time.
“Honestly, yeah. I’ve thought about it a few times. I know it’s early on, but it’s nice to think I’d be capable of having a future like that, and it’s even nicer to imagine it with you. Plus, it’s kind of hard not to when Nana is practically marrying us off in every phone call I have with her.”
Emma’s cheeks blush pink and I’m glad I was honest with her.
“I think that sounds amazing.” She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me and I swear my heart beats for this woman.
Part 12
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood
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youboredright · 11 months
Fate Cannot Be Changed
What happens if the strongest mafia known to be the coldest man alive gets arranged married with a sweet hearted woman? Can the innocent Yn change Gojo Satoru, biggest mafia in Yakuta? Maybe or maybe not..-
Mafia Gojo Satoru X reader
(Part - 2)
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Yn Pov
‌Just after waking up the first thing I saw was 7:10 am on the digital clock. I rushed to the kitchen. It has been only 3 days of our wedding I messed up.
I started making pancakes in hope I can finish them before Gojo wakes up. After around 1 hour of baking, perfecting, decorating and waiting...Gojo didn't come. Did he come before didn't see...and got disappointed? I disappointed him at the fourth day. With head full of thoughts I approached his room. I knocked few times but he didn't answer. Opening the door all I could see is a empty room. He left. I dryly laughed. What did I expect I was 20 minutes late. Of course he would not wait for me. One thing I learnt about him was that he was very punctual. I flinched when I thought of something. 'What now, will he take action.?' I am scared, because I don't know if he will or not. After all he is the mafia.
I decided to call him to check on him. What if he didn't eat anything for breakfast? What if he didn't take anything for lunch? What if he didn't have anything, it's almost 8:30 in the morning? Concern filled me up. After calling him for 3 times, he finally picked up. "Who gave you the permission to call me?" Gojo kind of yell. "I am sorry . I just called to know if you had breakfast or anythin-" " Look Yn I am working I am not like you. Free all of the time. So do something and don't disturb me." Saying that he hung up the phone. "Disturb" ? Taking care, being concern about your own husband is a act of disturbance?
‌Gojo was very late. It was almost midnight. Hearing the sound of keys I rushed to the door. "Do you know the time? Did you have dinner?" Gojo just simply ignored me and walked past me. I hold his arm to stop him.
This was the very first time I touched him other than kissing him in the wedding day. I could feel his veins in his biceps under his long sleeve shirt. It was...hot maybe? I was woken up from my thoughts when I felt Gojo dangerously leaning towards me. At this point I could feel his breath touching my face. He was drunk. He had a strong scent of cigarettes and alcohol. After leaning Gojo directly look at me "Do you know what I want? I want her back. Can you bring back Nora? No, right?"
‌Nora? Who is she? Gojo's ex? Is he still in love with her? That's why he behaves like this to me? My mind was full of thoughts. But Gojo's voice was quieter and deeper. He was calm and composed even when he was drunk. Before I could say or do anything, Gojo pushed me and walked away.
Just a few minutes ago my mind was full of thoughts about how I touched his arm but now it is full of thoughts about Nora. Even after all this treatment from Gojo, my heart ached a bit hearing that from Gojo. I went to the kitchen and straight to Gojo's room. Even if he didn't like me, I couldn't see anyone hurt or sick. I hated the fact that I cared about every one.
I didn't knock because it is useless. Going inside I saw Gojo laying on his bed. It was all dark. But I could still see Gojo's toned chest through his half opened shirt. I tried waking him up, but he didn't move. He needs to drink water and medicine before he sleeps. But then again he is a light sleeper and he was maybe he is a deep sleep after a long time. So I just decided to put his medicines on his bed side table and leave. As I stood I felt a strong pull and the next thing I knew was that Gojo.. Pinned me on the bed with my hands above my head.
‌"Who are you? Who send you?" This time his voice was deep but it was somehow scary. It felt like a thread. What made it worse was he was drunk and gave a dead stare. "Go-jo it's me. Y-n" I hated myself for stuttering. "Why are you here" I could feel he was becoming sober but he was still slightly drunk. He left my hands and sat on the bed. "Leave."
"No. Not before you have the medicines and water." I said acting all stubborn and confident but I was scared. Because I heard Gojo never takes 'no' as an answer. "And why should I trust you?" "Because I am your wife. And what will I even do, huh?" "Try to poison me?" 'Poison' him. Why would I even try to kill someon- oh right it is very normal for mafias. "I don't have the energy. to. So please have the medicine" After a lot of begging, Gojo did have the medicines.
"Why is it huge" Gojo nagged. "Oh I don't know, princess" Hearing that Gojo gave me a dead stare. "Why did you call me that.?" "Because you cannot even have a medicine properly" He just rolled his eyes. He did not yell. Was he in a good mood ... Because of maybe Nora? I did not notice I was staring at him the whole time until
"Too much in love with me? That you cannot even resist my handsome face?" Gojo was flirtatious. "No? Well I have seen better" saying that I smirked. "I don't care. Now go to your room. And don't you dare fall in love with me or any other man". His mood changed completely. He was no longer flirtatious or in a good mood. Something triggered him. I mumbled a soft 'sorry' and left not wanting to make his mood worse.
‌It was around 1 am and I was still shifting my sides to get some sleep. Do I have insomnia, now? My mind was full of thoughts about, who actually is 'Nora'. I went to kitchen to grab a glass of water. It was so quite. As I turned to return, the silence broke as the bell rang.
Something pushed me to open the door. Opening the door, I saw a tall man and a girl.The girl was probably in her mind 20s. The guy was wearing a black hoodie with grey sweatpants. Both of them covered their face by a cap and a mask. I was scared but before I could say anything. "Why didn't you sleep yet Yn." It was Gojo. "Sorry I-" "I don't need an explanation. Go to your room. And don't disturb us." I just simply nodded and left. Who was the guy? Was the girl, Nora?
To be continued
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conkers-thecosy · 8 months
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals! (Only if u want of course !!!) ⭐
Oh, this is so nice! Thank you! 💛
Okay, five things that make me happy...
My dog, Wilfred! He just fills my heart with so much joy! I would be so terribly sad and lonely without him, and I hope he knows how much I love him. He's a very good boy - my boon companion!
The Bagginshield fandom! Everyone is so kind, and it's such a fun, welcoming community to be part of! I love seeing new headcanons, reading fic, seeing art, laughing at shitposts and incorrect quotes. You guys are all so clever and funny, and it's just amazing to be part of a fandom that's full of such great folks! I feel so lucky to be included!
People reading my writing 🥹 I would literally die for you guys! I can't tell you how much it means to me whenever I see a new kudos or comment, when someone sends me a message or an ask, makes a post, or even makes artwork (which just seems crazy to me that anyone would do that!!)! It's honestly so gratifying for me, and I cherish every single person who takes the time to read my nonsense!
My garden! I've missed it this last month, what with one thing and another, but I sat out on the patio with a coffee this morning and it was so good to get out there, even just briefly!
Cooking! Since I caught pneumonia I've been living off pot noodles because I haven't had the energy to cook. I actually got up and made a nice breakfast today - just some pancakes and eggs, but it felt so nice to be able to cook for myself again!
This was really such a lovely ask to get and spend time thinking about! Thank you so much for sending it to me!
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flowerwritter · 29 days
Chapter I - The Weight of Dreams
April 10, 2023 TRICORNER YARDS, Kwon compound - Pyra House I stared at the ceiling of my room, the stars that were glued to the ceiling shone faintly, the sun began to appear through the gaps in the curtain, I took out my cell phone to check the time, it's exactly three in the morning, I lazily got out of bed and looked around my room.
-Pyra, you only slept for two hours, that's not recommended for humans -The computer said.
-Nyx, I know that - I answered in a low voice, feeling my head spinning -Just please don't talk loudly at this time -I opened the bathroom door, taking off my pajamas and throwing them over my shoulder, my underwear in the laundry basket.
I turned on the shower, sending myself under it and feeling the cold water wet my hair, ah that feels good, one of the few sensations that makes me feel alive in this hell. I took a long shower and got out, with a towel wrapped around my body and another in my hair.
I looked around my room, my bed still hadn't been made, my books were scattered all over the floor, my medicines were scattered in random places, and some dirty clothes should have been in the basket, or in the washing machine, I don't remember.
I forced my closet door open after lightly kicking the clothes on the floor aside - Nyx add reminder for me to clean my room today - The little robot on my desk raised its hand, I opened the second drawer and took out a set of underwear and put it on, I took out my cream deodorant and put it on.
I took out my body towel and threw it on the bed, pulling out a cambric that contained my full Gotham Academy uniform, the home of the heirs to Gotham's rotten elite.
Or my case, after much pleading from my stepfather, the school let me take the entrance exam and get 100% of the scholarship, but of course everyone knows that I'm the half-sister of the former prosecutor and current Two-Face.
And of course the whole school hates me as expected
I finished putting on my uniform, a royal blue skirt and vest with the school emblem and a white blouse, black knee socks and the ridiculously social shoes I never wear, opting for my lovely Colcci Tractor boots.
I sat down at my dressing table and looked at myself in the mirror, my dark circles under my eyes felt like I'd come straight out of the tomb on a Halloween night, and my wavy red hair was getting wet, so I combed it and left it loose, knowing that it would get tangled anyway, and just applied sunscreen to my face, since even make-up wouldn't cover it up. And I didn't want to cover up my freckles, so I sighed and got up, picking up my Japanese-style handbag, which my stepfather had given me, which ironically was Korean, he had bought on one of his many trips, left my room and went downstairs, towards the kitchen.
The rest of the two-storey house, with the exception of my bedroom, was perfectly tidy. My father appreciated privacy, so everyone in the family had their own house, but our backyards were interconnected. The patriarch of the family was a doctor who owned one of the recently opened hospitals for the city's low- and middle-income population. I smelled pancakes and smiled, seeing them on my desk with a note on them
-Please Pyra, have breakfast, one of the most important meals of the day
Good morning, from your brother, Kwon-Jae
I sat down at the table and began to munch on those divine pancakes, Jae is Doctor Kwon-Hye's eldest son, and the most attentive “brother” I have.
But I miss Harvey
Swallowing the last of my pancake, I grabbed my helmet and went to get my bike. I'd better get to school early, before the school guard did something to stop me.
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Damian was sitting in the car with his arms crossed, Alfred was watching him through the rearview mirror.
-“Mr. Damian, school is a great place to make friends. After the summer break, I hope you'll make an effort to create a social circle,” the butler said as he parked the car.
-“Friends aren't necessary,” Damian said with his eyes closed as Alfred opened the door. The teenager grabbed his bag aggressively and got out of the car. He didn't even have time to take a step as someone passed in front of him at high speed. The person braked his bike and looked back
-I'm sorry, I hope you didn't hurt yourself- -The girl said. She pedaled back into the school.
Damian looked at the ground and sighed, those inattentive people.
Wayne had entered the school, or rather school hell.
Inside the school, the noise was deafening. Damian walked through the crowded corridors, ignoring the curious stares of the other students. He was used to being the center of attention, but that didn't mean he liked it. Being a Wayne had its problems.
Meanwhile, Pyra arrived at school panting and parked her bike. She looked at the school clock. She picked up her backpack and adjusted her glasses, which were falling off, and walked to the school entrance, preparing for another day at Gotham Academy. She kept her head down as she walked through the corridors. She didn't want to attract attention, she just wanted to get through the day without any problems.
With quick steps they both walked to her classroom, Pyra observed the boy who approached the room with her, a new student?
Well, he's going to be spoiled like all the others, so you don't have to worry about him.
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zhongrin · 1 year
The warm rays of sunshine that fell on your face through the blinds woke you up this morning. A swift glance at the clock revealed that it was already past 10 a.m. and therefore way later than you usually got up.
Usually, Zhongli would've woken you up. He did so every morning, placing soft kisses on your face and whispering a low "good morning" in your ear before pressing your face against his warm chest. It was a feeling of homeliness that you missed this morning.
You figured he must've already gotten up without waking you since you could hear him clattering around with utensils and porcelain in the kitchen downstairs.
You rubbed your still-heavy eyes and stretched before shuffling out of bed and slouching downstairs with a pout. Not having Zhongli cuddle the sleepiness out of you in the morning certainly showed an effect.
When you entered the kitchen though, all drowsiness left your body when a mouthwatering view greeted you.
On the table, you found an assortment of fresh fruit, cut into little animal shapes, pancakes, bread, and all sorts of other delicacies. and behind the stove, your husband was brewing a fresh pot of tea that filled the air with its aromatic scent.
"Good, morning, my Love." He greeted you with his warm signature smile that always managed to make butterflies flutter in your stomach. He approached the table and set your cup of tea down before pulling the chair out for you.
"You're right on time! I just got done preparing breakfast and I was just about to wake you."
"Z-zhongli, when? Why-" You were too overwhelmed to find words. Of course, he had always been an attentive and loving husband but you had no idea he planned a five-star breakfast out of the blue for you. And the apron definitely made him look even more attractive than usual as well - if that was even possible.
"I got up early this morning to prepare everything. After all, my darling only deserves the best for her birthday. Wouldn't you agree?" He said, taking hold of one of your hands, and pressing a fleeting kiss on your knuckles.
You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks from the gesture and the sheer overwhelming amount of love he once again showed.
"I honestly don't know what I did to deserve you." You whispered in positive disbelief, to which he just chuckled in reply.
"I could say the same about you, my Dearest." He said before smirking as his eyes darkened ever so slightly, letting you know that this wasn't the only thing he had planned for today. "Now, let us enjoy breakfast together. Because I have another gift I'd like to give you for your birthday today."
And with that... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RIN!!! <3 I hope you have a great one. Sending you a lot of hugs and cuddles and a container filled with Dragon-Li plushies 💕 This also wasn't proofread since I'm not at home x.x So, I hope there are no errors sdnfjksdhjkf.
i have successfully melted, screamed, and cried myself to this i'm so soft and vulnerable don't touch me
no but literally just this morning i was having my bananas and i thought of cute apples cut into rabbits and then you gave me this sobsob please zhongli prepping such a cute lil brekkie........ with an apron......... ough..... it's a critical hit to my heart that's for sure
Because I have another gift I'd like to give you for your birthday today. - sir. sir. SIR. IF YOU DON'T STOP THIS I'M GONNA [redacted to keep this sfw]
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4. Overwhelmingly in Love
Okay, so this chapter is just a bunch of fluffy and cute just to warm everybody’s hearts.
I apologise for mistakes in advance I was writing at 4:00! On a personal note: I have a feeling that Shawntumblr is kinda dead, and that I am posting this only to myself, LOL!
- - - -
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Sophia felt the sun hit through the curtains and for a second she was startled by not being in her room, but soon enough she felt Shawn’s heartbeat and instantly melted back to her entangled position. She smiled when she noted he was mumbling something in his sleep. He looked so cute she couldn’t resist the urge of slowly running her small fingers though his face. Shawn felt her fingers running though his face in small soft movements and he instantly smiled and opened his eyes. She got a bit startled and immediately removed her hands in an apologetic way.
“I am sorry, I didn’t wanna wake you up”. She blushed and bit her lower lip, looking at his eyes. He frowned and shook his head while finding back her hand, kissing her knuckles and putting it back in his hair. She took that as a cue to continue her cuddle session and instantly made him smile and close his eyes. “You are cute”. She said after a few seconds, and he opened his eyes back at her. He caught her by surprise when he moved their positions to make sure he could properly kiss her good morning.
“I am cute?” He asked attacking her face with small kisses and making her giggle. “You are just adorable and out of this world” He said before properly kissing her and feeling how his lips would just mold perfectly to hers. “Good Morning, Giggly”
“Good morning, Cuddle Bug” She answered his nickname with a sweet nickname back. 
“Did you sleep okay?” 
“Yeah, your bed is very comfy” She said playfully. 
“Oh yeah? Just my bed, hm?”. He teased her, knowing that her body was 90% of the night on top of his, and 10% on the atual bed. She just blushed back and nodded. For that he gave her a kiss on the nose before re-wrapping her with him. “My Girlfriend is so adorable my heart will explodeeee” He squeezed her tighter making her giggle again.
“My Boyfriend is very cute in the mornings also, I can’t complain.”
“That’s good, no complaints, just kisses and cuddles.” 
“Can we include also breakfast in your amazing list?”. She asked.
“Of course my Darling, what do you fancy this morning?” He playfully asked jumping out of the bed and extending his arm for her. She promptly accepted and they both moved down to his kitchen. Shawn wasn’t the best cooker, but he knew how to make some very good gluten free chocolate chip pancakes, so he quickly gathered all the ingredients and was ready to start his magic.
“What should I do?” Sophia asked after washing her hands.
“Kiss me”. He said meeting her lips one more time before cracking some eggs into the bowl.
“Seriously, I wanna help” 
“Nop, today it’s my treat” 
“But - ” 
“No buts, my house my rules” 
“You really really don’t want me to help?” She asked looking at him with the most adorable eyes he had every seen her doing.
“Well if you make this cute face, how can I possibly say no?” He kissed her. “You sit back there and can help with conversation topics”. She laughed but didn’t discuss more, she moved to her seat on the counter while he swiftly prepared the pancakes.
“Do you think we are going too fast?”. She asked making him stop folding the chocolate chips and looking at her.
“I don’t think we are, I think sometimes we just happen to find our soulmates, and that’s just so fucking rare, I don’t wanna lose a single second of it.” He reassured her. “I know it’s a bit scary, because I can say for sure that I have never felt anything like this for anyone else in my life, but also it’s so fucking good.” He said taking her hands in his. “Hey? Talk to me”.
“I guess I am just freaking out a tiny bit” She started and he did some tiny circles in her hands with his fingers to motivate her to continue. “Because, I don’t think I have ever felt anything like this either. Perhaps I thought I had, but definitely I didn’t have any clue, and it’s just very scary to think that I love someone I met not even a month ago, we -”
“Hey, hey, breathe. Breathe”. He asked taking her face into his hands, and grounding her. “Sophs, I love you too, you know?” 
“Of course I do. I love you actually doesn’t capture all that I feel for you. I am not sure if there is a rule for this things, or the correct protocol on this, but definitely, 100% I love you”. He said hugging her tight until he head a small sniff. “Hey, hey, why are you crying?”  He asked feeling his heart crunching. “Aw, Baby don’t cry”. He comforted her slowly forgetting the pancakes and caring her to the sofa.
“You are just so sweet” She said still sniffling .
“What? Nooo, you are crying because I am sweet?”. She nodded making his heart swell. “My Love, you are so so cute”. He said kissing her with all his love and hugging her tight until her sniffles were completely gone. “Do you feel better now, Love?”
“Mhm, I am sorry for crying, It was just a bit overwhelming. Not in a bad way, but I just really never felt this before.” She explained, while he ran his fingers in her face to clear up the last of the tears.
“That’s okay, don’t be sorry. I am always here for you from now on, we will learn this together, okay?” She nodded, feeling him kiss her forehead
If you want to be added/removed from the tag list, please let me know!!
General Teaglist: @daylightari@turtoix@ivegotparticulartaste@username2002  @pammyloumendkens
Shawn x Sophia: @ransomsbae
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hogoflight · 11 months
this one is about the muses and I made it really long.
OH YEAH little retcon the castle I mentioned in the post about Apollo’s kids is the one he hibernates(?) in for the winter (I’ll explain this later probably) that Boreas secretly gifted to him when they were dating (given that he is a news anchor(?) He allows Apollo to stay hidden and is proud of him). All his kids, his family and people he’s dated / had kids with are invited to stay for Christmas / the Winter Solstice!
the muses are their own separate coven of vampires that basically spend their immortal lives getting multiple PhDs, immortalising events through literature in as many forms as possible and also general academic stuff. They’re not all blood related because people choose to join when they want at different points in time. It started off with 3 muses in Ancient Greece, then 9 as more forms of literature were invented and in modern times there’s like so many. BUT there’s 9 leaders who are the generally the oldest and most experienced, and also therefore the most powerful and the most connected.
Apollo when he was an evil Vampire lord thought the muses were really cool and one day dreamed of them writing epics or something about him, and they did. Just. Definitely not in a flattering way! They focused more on the people he hurt and how he got hurt and the ways he changed over the years etc etc because BOY does this interesting guy have an interesting life. He was a fun member of the book club (y’know how it is), and also knows a lot about stuff in general so the muses were content to tolerate his company sometimes. Eventually when he decided to finally bail and stop being a prick (and also went into hiding) he knocked on the muses’ door, started bawling and gave a really genuine, heartfelt speech about how he wanted to stop hurting people and help them in any way he could to make up for Him and they took him in. So yeah Apollo has lived in the muses’ big palace / house / library thing for the past couple centuries and this is where he stayed most of his time (he was homeless for a bit but not anymore!!). Eventually he moved out (mixture of he felt bad about using their resources / big castles making him feel like a Lord again / he wants to stay alone but out of some self-imposed I’m-going-to-make-myself-feel-bad). He left everyone completely for a while, people got worried, he worked towards instead living alone so he could live with himself. Now he has a house which he (tries his best to) decorate very dramatically and feels more permanent and liveable now! He relapses / has bad days where he goes no contact but he’s getting more and more people watching out for him now. HE’S ACCUMULATING LOVED ONES AAAAAAAAOUGH :((.
He funds himself and gets funds for the muses (not a lot at all but he needs to feel like he contributes and they’re kind enough to allow him this) by organising the books / scrolls etc, organising general events, sharing his vast knowledge with people and teaching them things he knows, looking after the cats and making GOOD pancakes for the main 9 every morning (he pretends to complain about this all the time he’s like “I make breakfast for 10 PEOPLE every morning…” but he’s having a lot of fun cooking). Actually he also pretends to grouch about any work he does at all. People are concerned if he doesn’t bc then he’s not feeling too great about himself.
At first people were VERY confused as to WHY there was an GODDAMN SUPPOSEDLY DEAD VAMPIRE LORD just. Sorting the books?? And looking very sheepish?? And oh wow his mascara is very runny OH WOW UM EYEBAGS. yeah IT WAS AWKWARD. But people got used to it and whenever there’s a newbie people always have fun going “yeah you see that guy wearing like 9 feet of scarves grumbling into his hot chocolate? That’s Apollo. The Vampire Lord. He was kind of a prick but he feels really awful about it now. really shows how much can happen in a couple centuries am I right ahaaaaa”
also do I even need to say this. Apollo’s had crushes on all 9 of them and vehemently refuses to acknowledge he still does. Yet another thing newbies gawk at. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN OUR 9 LEADERS SHARE OUR ECCENTRIC SECRETARY. WHAT. w oh hey he’s pretty! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT’S THE DEAD VAMPIRE LORD APOLLO?????? DIDN’T HE??? DIE?????” He can absolutely move in with Literally Anyone Else he is friends with but for some reason he is just content with his lonely smallass house nearby.
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the---hermit · 2 years
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A dear friend of mine won't be able to be there on my graduation day, so she gave me an early present. She got me this gorgeous cook book inspired by Tolkien and I am stunned. I am so excited to experiment with new recepies, and Tolkien's world is such a comfort to me, I am so grateful for this.
Productivity and self care:
Read first thing in the morning
Made myself pancakes for breakfast
Continued my relistening of The Magnus Archives
Practiced my thesis presentation
Read in the afternoon
Started putting together an activity jar for what I decided to call my months of rest and relaxation (you can read more about it here and you could also help me with suggestions!)
This evening I'll have a cozy night in with a couple of friends eating cake and playing board games, or at least that is the plan
Tranquil's studying challenge // day 17 and 18
What misconceptions do people have about your area of study?
For some reason people think that History is boring and useless, which is terrifying to me. Other than it just being really interesting because why wouldn't you want to see what humans were up to centuries ago, and how do you not wonder who before you walked certain streets, why were they walking there and where they were going? It's absurd that more and more people consider history useless, because it is the only thing that can help us prevent that bad things that have happened come back kicking our asses. History is useful to recognize bad signs, and prevent they get worse. History can help us save ourselves.
What do you own that gives off "cozy autumn vibes"? Do you decorate for autumn or spooky season at all?
I have a pile of blankets that give the perfect cozy vibes, I don't really decorate to be honest, this year I only decided to hang a decoration made with dried oranges I made a few years ago and that's it.
📖: A Certain Hunger by C. G. Summers; Dampyr: The Devil's Son by M. Boselli, M. Colombo and Majo
🎵: Anywhere But Here by PVRIS
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everythingsf1ne23 · 6 months
𝐒𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓) | 
𝘔𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘦𝘭 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 & 𝘞𝘢𝘺𝘯𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘯
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🎀💕:
@yarrystyleeza If you want to be added check out my pinned post! 
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 💌:
ooh the action is really coming through in this chapter but the next chapter is gonna be even better hehe :) ~Jess
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 📝:
in which, her gang gives a visit to Michael’s house 
𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘷:
I ended up leaving the pharmacy early on Monday after pretending that I felt sick,
I admit I feel bad leaving Molly for probably the whole week but I have to go through with the boys’ plan.
It’s now Tuesday night, I suggested having an early night so I feel less anxious tomorrow, the two of us were in bed at 9p.m.
“Are you feeling okay gorgeous?”, Wayne asks me and I nod,
“Yeah I’m fine, just what if something goes wrong with the plan?”, I turn in our bed so that I’m facing him. 
“Everything is going to be fine, 
they won’t let anyone hurt you, 
remember they promised”, I feel Wayne gently caressing my hair, which is something that he always does before 
we go to sleep.
“Yeah I’m sorry, I’m just being paranoid”
I respond and Wayne looks directly
 into my eyes,
“It’s okay to be scared, I understand that”
“Well as long as I have you,
I’m sure that I’ll be grand, you honestly make me feel so safe Wayne”
“I’m glad that I do, I’ll always protect you”, 
He wraps his arms around me and the two of us fall asleep almost instantly.
The next morning, I’m woken up by my alarm at 8a.m, Glen said that they would be here between 9:30 and 10:00 so now I have plenty of time to get myself ready and make breakfast,
After turning off my alarm, I turn over and gently poke Wayne trying to wake him up.
“Good morning handsome”, 
I notice his eyes opening.
“Morning gorgeous”, Wayne replies and I couldn’t help but smile, he truly is the perfect person for me.
“Is there anything specific that you want for breakfast?”, I ask him.
“Can I have pancakes please?”
“Yeah of course you can?”, I made the pancakes within 20 minutes and the two of us sat down at the table,
I begin eating my pancakes and I notice Wayne staring at me,
“Do I have something on my face?” I question and he chuckles
“No you don’t, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you 
like you’re so beautiful”, I feel my heart almost explode with happiness.
“Aww well I’m ever luckier to have you”
“I’m glad that you chose me”
“I would have always chosen you”.
After breakfast, I got changed from my pyjamas into a white tank top, a black hoodie, black jeans and my leather jacket.
I hear a beep from a car outside so I knew that it was the boys,
“Bye my love, you stay safe”, Wayne tells me and he gives me a kiss.
“I will, I love you”
And with that, I walk out to Glen’s car.
I greet them, “Hey guys” 
as I get into the backseat.
“Well”, was all Clayton said and Glen asked me how I was.
“Oh I’m good”
“That’s good to hear!”, Glen replies as Clayton speaks up again
“So the plan is that now we’re gonna go get the guns from Glen’s Mam and then we’ll go to Michael’s house, Glen is gonna try see if he’s there and you’re his backup as always in case anything happens”
As we got to Glen’s house, the first thing I heard was the dog barking from inside his inclosure, we walk up just as Glen’s Mam told the dog to “shut up”, I’ve met her before and she’s the exact same as my Mam used to be, always annoyed at something and greedy for money.
“We should also go after Viking, 
he deserves a bullet in the head”, Clayton tells us and I nod in agreement while Glen’s Mam hands me a gun along with Clayton 
“They’re giving the most money for getting Michael so you go after him first!”
“He’s a cagey fucker though” Glen says and I add, “Also wouldn’t it be difficult to get Michael?, I mean he’s so careful”
She glared at us,
“It doesn’t matter, you know where he lives and where his young one lives, just fucking find him”
Glen’s Mam, Nellie pushes the gun into Glen’s chest and he gives her a dirty look as he checks the gun to see make sure it won’t seize up. 
“And where the fuck did you go after? Everyone around though that you had died”, Nellie asks me.
“I was in America, being a dj with some friends if you must know”, I respond with attitude as I didn’t particularly like how she was treating Glen, she said nothing back so the three of us went back to the car.
Clayton starts up the engine and the car is silent for a while until I speak up,
“God your Mam is the exact same as when I left, actually maybe even worse now”,
I tell Glen 
“Tell me about it, I don’t even trust these Turks but all she cares about is the money we might get”
“We might get? Jesus Glen, I sure hope that we get that money anyways”, Clayton complains 
“Stop whining! Clayton I wouldn’t trust them either to be honest, I don’t know why Wayne agreed to being partners with Hamza”
Soon enough, we arrive up near Michael’s house,
“This is Michael’s gaff up here”, Glen says and I pull up my balaclava along with pulling my hood.
We check our guns to make sure that they won’t seize up once again.
“Don’t even wait until he opens the door, shoot through the glass”, Clayton warns as Glen pulls up his balaclava and hood.
“I know”, was all Glen replied and we got out of the car, I walk up quickly behind him.
Glen knocks loudly on the door and he puts his gun up, I admit I feel nervous but I couldn’t back away now. 
I hear Glen breathing heavily as he knocks once more, after a few moments, it doesn’t seem like Michael is there.
“Come on before someone sees us!”, Glen exclaims and I run after him.
I hop back into the backseat and Glen gets into the passenger’s seat.
“What’s the story?” Clayton inquires.
“He’s not in there, let’s go”,
And with that, Clayton drives us away.
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writteninthesewalls28 · 8 months
A story about a girl wanting to find out the truth
A/n: chapter seven!
Warnings: mentions of death
Milly’s POV:
After a full night of sleep with Calum next to me, I woke up the next morning, pretty relaxed. With the soft smell of vanilla, probably still from the scented candles we put on yesterday, I got out of the cuddly bed after noticing that Calum wasn’t next to me anymore. Every once a week, he gets up before me, carefully, so he doesn’t wake me up, and prepares breakfast with the things I love the most: pancakes, breakfast tea (yes, I am a full brit when it’s about that), honey, peanut butter and fresh fruits. It is a tradition we picked up from Calums mum, who did it for him and his sister when they were little. I, sadly, never got to experience that since my mum had to work a lot during mine, Louis' and Félicité's childhood. When we were older, we sometimes tried doing it for the younger kids, but 3 to 4 teenagers (ages 14-17) in a kitchen is not working out in the slightest. You simply couldn’t call the pancakes pancakes because they were burnt half of the time. But we had fun doing it and it helped keeping the mood up in the rainy Doncaster.
As soon as I stepped out of the bedroom door, I already heard Calum moving and working in the kitchen. When he saw me entering the room, he gave me a sweet smile and I myself felt like the honey he put on the table at that moment. How can someone be that perfect?
"Good morning beautiful!" He greeted me and gave a quick kiss on the cheek while carefully turning around the delicious looking pancakes in the pan.
"Morning, thanks for doing all this." I said, not really knowing how to thank him for all the extra work he does, just for me.
"Oh, no need to thank me, I love making you happy!" My Calum. He’s simply the best. "Come on, sit down princess, I'll do the work today!"
After the long but definitely good breakfast, me and Cal spent some time talking about upcoming events.
"We’re putting together a tour list at the moment. Should I show it to you, so you can think about coming to some of them?" Calum knew, I‘d love to just come with the boys on tour, but my job of course didn’t allow me a break of 6 months, so I‘m always very involved in the tour planning with the boys, to get to see them at least 3 times.
"Yes, I'd love that. By the way, how’s the album, how many songs do you have?" Calum and I are both very introverted and private about our job life, so even though we understand each other blind, we mostly don’t really have that much knowledge about one another’s job.
"We got around 5 songs where we are pretty sure, we’re gonna put them on the album they’re simply amazing." He sighed. "But other than that, we seem to have a lack of inspiration at the moment. All of us." It felt good to have a complete platonic talk with him, not even wasting a single thought about the whole googling-the-names thing because if I'm being honest I am kind of scared about that. I'd rather just not do it and pretend it isn’t even there.
Before I could answer Calum, we heard the doorbell ring. We looked at each other. "Did the boys say, they want to come today?" I whispered at Calum. He just shook his head as a response.
Slowly making my way to the door, I wondered who'd have the idea to visit us at a Tuesday morning at 10 am. Opening the door, the familiar face of an irish person, wearing one of his beloved cardigans in a soft baby blue and his strong accent when he said:
"Missed me?" Made me jump into his arms, screaming because of how happy I was to finally get the chance to see my best friend again.
"Nialler!! I missed you so much!"
Me and Niall definitely do have some history. As soon as Louis got put into 1D and the five lads started to hang out more, I of course also met them, shortly before I went to Australia for the exchange year, and immediately became best friend with Niall. You know, these weird people where you think, they have to be dating because they act so couple-like, but are actually just best friends? Yeah, that’s us. I remember having a very exhausting 30-minutes talk with Louis just because he was convinced I was hiding the fact from him that I was dating his friend Niall (which I‘d never even dare to do, he would’ve killed me) and then couldn’t believe we literally were JUST friends.
I really hope no one ever finds these chaotic photos from 2013 on my phone where I was on tour with them. Me and Niall used to cause so many problems and make the most chaotic things ever, but it was the best time of my life, even now.
"Why are you here though?" I asked after letting go of him. He looked at me with a huge grin on his face, showing he loves being with me as much as I do.
"I haven’t seen y'all in too long and since I do not have anything to do at the moment, I thought why not visit my bestie and her Australian boyfriend in this little city called Adelaide." Calum approached us from behind laying his arm around my shoulder.
"Not to mention that we just talked yesterday." He said, earning a confused look from me.
"I sent him songs." Calum informed me. I pouted.
"I didn’t even got to hear them, but you are showing them to my bestie?“ I asked. Niall simply couldn’t stop laughing, he wasn’t used to the daily banter me and Calum had whenever other people were around since he wasn’t visiting us that often, mostly also busy with touring, songwriting and promoting new stuff.
But that only made me even happier he was there right now.
"Come inside!“ I said to him, stepping away from the doorstep, to let him in our house.
The break I took from work, originally for other reasons, was the best idea ever. I got to catch up with Niall and we talked about the last year that we haven’t seen each other. Currently, all of my musician friends - which are basically all of my friends - are working on albums and preparing a world tour, also including Niall. He’s writing songs, already played some for me, and is gonna call his second album 'Heartbreak Weather' because of his breakup last summer, his songs representing his feelings to different times during the relationship.
"And how are you?" He asked me, after he literally talked for over 1 and a half hours about himself and how he’s doing. But I totally appreciated it, catching up with my friends, especially with him, was something I always enjoyed.
"I'm… good." I said, not sure, if I'd upset another important person in my life with breaking the current news to him. So that sentence seemed to describe my current state pretty perfectly.
Niall raised his eyebrows, immediately seeing through my lie, simply debating if he should say something about it. He decided to just let me go with it right now.
"Okay, that’s amazing!" In this moment, Calum entered the living room again, sitting down exactly in the same spot as yesterday when I came home and had that horrible conversation with Lou. For a moment, I couldn’t focus on what the two of them were talking about. I got lost in my thoughts, having a flashback from yesterday, how Cal comforted me, understanding how much Louis words hurt me. Is Louis okay now? Is he still angry? I stared at the spot on the comfy couch and stopped breathing for a second.
"Milly?" Calum said, waving both of his hands in front of my face.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" I responded, snapping out of the weird situation I was in seconds ago. I was completely unsure and also scared what just happened, it felt like, someone held me underwater and I couldn’t break out of it.
Both of the men looked at me with a both worried and concerned look in their face.
"Are you okay? You are really pale." Calum said, softly placing his warm hand on my shoulder. Was there fear in his eyes?
"I'm not feeling so good right now, I’m gonna go upstairs for a bit." Seeing the worried look Calum gave me as he let me go, I added: "Don’t worry, I just forgot to take my medicine this morning." Which was the truth, I indeed forgot to take my pills to make sure my blood pressure stays okay and I don’t faint all of a sudden, but I never got this weird feeling from not taking them.
Cal's POV:
Of course he was worried when he saw her go up the stairs in a very slow pace, also scared she’s gonna faint on the stairs. But Niall asked him a way more important question in the mean time, he couldn’t seem to ignore.
"Why are both of you acting so strange? Please don’t tell me it’s nothing, I know there is something going on."
As much as he felt like ignoring this would be the best idea, his inner voice didn’t stop telling him that if he’d talk to Niall about Milly’s father’s death, everything will get a little easier, he won’t have to handle the whole situation and his knowledge completely on his own. Someone else would know.
"Milly is searching for her biological parents." All of the color in Nialls face who was sitting right beside him, suddenly vanished and he nearly got as pale as Milly was before she went upstairs.
"Oh no…. How is Louis?" Niall seemed to know that he doesn’t have to worry about his best friend, Calum would take care of her. But he knew Louis better than anyone else, he’s too protective to just not care.
"He and Milly had a fight on the phone yesterday, she was away for 8 hours and forgot to answer her phone while visiting the empty house of her biological parents." Calum explained the poor situation between the two siblings. He continued telling him about everything else Milly went through yesterday, not leaving out a single detail, and Niall got more and more uncomfortable on the sofa. When he finished a awkward silences stood between them, like a wall was built up in the middle of the sofa, Niall being the first to break it.
"And you? You seem to deal with something too." Calum definitely was surprised Niall also noticed that, since Calum tried hiding it pretty successfully in front of Milly, as much as he could tell.
"Well…" He tried thinking about a more gentle way of explaining his misery to Niall, but didn’t get a single idea. "I googled their names. I know I shouldn’t have done that since Milly basically forbid me to do anything without her consent, but I just need to protect her you know?" He took a deep breath before continuing.
"I found a obituary. And-" His voice cracked, he didn’t know how to finish this sentence, why he even started it in the first place.
Niall placed both of his hands on Calum shoulders.
"What happened?" Calum could easily spot the fear in Nialls tone.
"And it said that her father died right before her birth, that’s probably why she was adopted." He finally said it out loud. How relieved he felt. He finally got to say it.
But Niall obviously wasn’t very happy about that piece of information.
"He’s dead?" He asked one more time, getting a little nod from Calum. Milly really didn’t deserve this. She is such an amazing girl who is already dealing with so much in her life, death sadly being an important part of it. He'd love to just hide it from her for forever and make sure she never finds out, just to protect her.
"You have to tell her." Niall then said, much to Calum’s surprise.
"But Niall, do you understand this? He died, Milly maybe won't recover from another death in her family!" He tried explaining it to his old friend with a desperate tone in his voice.
"But what do you think will she do if she finds out, he boyfriend knew all along? Be happy that you tried 'protecting' her? She’s not gonna appreciate your concern for her, not this time Calum!" He got louder and louder, causing Calum to bring more space between them by sitting back a bit. He knew, Niall was right, he already felt it last night that his decision isn’t the best. But something in Calum still made him believe that this is the best way of dealing with the current situation.
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beantothemax · 1 year
Hi Bean!! Got a Castitio fic for you, as compensation for the Elena fic, the angst I have and will send about my OC octopath au and the Trousseau fic I will send later today :3
The sun shone through the crack in the curtain. As its rays hit the sleeping couple, Castti stirred in her sleep. She opened her eyes, first noticing her splitting headache, then Partitio asleep beside her.
"... What was I doing?" she muttered.
A sharp stinging pain in her temple suddenly arose. She lifted her hand to head to see what it was, but felt a bandage rather than a wound.
"Partitio!" she shook him, "Partitio!"
He woke up with a groan, "what is it, honey?"
"Why do I have bandages on my head?" she asked.
Partitio blinked several times before he sat up and processed what was going on around him.
"Oh, that 'cause ya' fainted and hit yer head on a table. Wasn't there myself, but Nikki brought ya' here and said ya' overworked yourself."
"I did?"
"Yeah, I was scared for ya' but I could hardly say I was surprised. With how much ya' work, it was only a matter of time before somethin' like this happened," he said.
Castti glared at him but he laughed and her face softened. She couldn't stay mad at him, as he was right and he did at least bandage her wound.
He climbed out of bed and quickly got dressed.
"Yesterday I told mister Roque I'd take the day of to take care of ya', so I've got all the time in the world to spoil ya' and make sure ya' rest an' recover," he said with a big smile.
Castti never liked being spoiled. She was always the one to pamper and care for her friends, but now she had finally been put into a situation where she couldn't refuse.
She crawled back under the covers and stared at the wall as she started to nod off again. Half an hour later, Partitio returned with a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs and raspberries. He was careful to wake her gently. She sat up, the headache returning again.
"Does this breakfast have herbs for a headache?" she chuckled.
"Nope, have it here though," he smiled, handing her a glass with a murky green water.
Its scent was very familiar, one Castti had smelled hundreds of times before, though something was just a bit off.
"Did you look through my medicine book for this?" she asked.
"Yep, I think I did pretty well," Partitio smiled.
"Did you test it on yourself?"
"No, I'm not that dumb."
"Good, because you mixed in the wrong herb. You were supposed to use western morning glory leaves, you used kachen leaves, which turns this mixture into a laxative, rather than a headache relief," she laughed.
"Oh," Partitio's face quickly became red as a rose.
"The pancakes look nice though," she quickly added.
Usually, she could be blunt when one of the members of Eir's apothecaries made such a mistake, but Partitio was a bit more sensitive than them. He always became embarrassed when finding out he made a mistake, regardless of what it was.
Castti cut a piece off, taking a bite. Any feeling of pain or fatigue she previously had faded away in an instant. She'd had many pancakes before, but Partitio's were always different, far better than even the best chef's.
"Ya like 'em?" he asked.
"They're divine," she said as she took several more bites.
"That's reassuring, I didn't taste test 'em."
The fact that he didn't even have to taste and adjust the batter made their quality even more impressive.
She cut the next piece, holding the fork up to his lips, "try them, I think you've mastered the art of making pancakes."
Partitio bit the piece, nodding as he swallowed.
"Eh, could be a little sweeter," he said.
"Come on, you know they're perfect," Castti smiled.
"Doesn't matter what I think, as long as ya' like 'em, then I'm happy," he smiled, taking the fork from her hand.
Partitio cut and fed her the rest of the food, and for once, Castti didn't complain that he wanted to spoil her.
AAAAA THIS IS SO SWEET…. partitio spoiling castti is amazing perfect 10/10 I love it
the uh. promises of a trousseau angst fic is both exicting and worrying.
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alba8688 · 6 months
Love hurts
Word count:2434
~*Eddies pov*~
Dani left before me to work this morning without eating breakfast so I decided to surprise her with her favorite blueberry pancakes and her favorite coffee from the diner close by the apartment .
As I arrived at the school I saw Liam's car park in the front .I wonder what he was doing here so early?
Probably dropping Nate was my guess .
Before getting down from my van I got my backpack from the back seat .Yes I have a backpack Dani made me get one .I hated it.
I grabbed the white paper bag and the coffee for Dani and got down .
It was still pretty early so there weren't a lot of students here yet .
It was too early for me. I was surprised I was here before anyone else .
Shit!! Dani Is really changing me ,the old me probably by this time would probably be waking up and not getting  here till 9am but here I was at exactly 7:10 am .
"Fuck !!"I said under my breath and today the snow got worst .I really needed to get new tires for my van before my tires gave up on me .
I walked inside the building which I was glad because it was warmer here .
"Mr.Munson, what a surprise." Principal Higgins said sarcastically ,I didn't even notice him standing there opening his office door
"Yeah ,yeah I'm here early ." I tell him walking past him .
I didn't feel like talking to him I didn't like
That guy at all and I knew he didn't like me either so the feeling was mutual .
I walked towards the history hall and stopped outside Dani's class when I saw the door from her classroom was closed .
I didn't want to open it thinking she might be busy with a teacher or even a student .
I stood outside for a while until I heard footsteps getting closer to the door .I moved to the side with my back against the lockers so she wouldn't see me.She opened the door and walked back inside the class not even noticing me .
I got closer to the door and I heard whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. They were talking really low .
I walk closer to the door and lean against the door frame, placing the bag of food and coffee on the nearest desk to the entrance to surprise Dani.
But the one who was surprised was me .
And honestly I regret doing that because from where I was standing it look like Fucking Liam kissed Dani .
I closed my eyes, breathed in and out trying to calm myself down .
I felt myself getting red in the face and I clenched  my fist .
And from my point of view it looks like she likes it .
Does she want him ?
Ok maybe it was just my imagination playing with my head .
Should I say something?
I was getting ready to face him when I noticed Nate.
Then Dani's hand goes to his chest pushing him away or at least that's what I think .
My eyes were glued to her that I didn't realize when Nate noticed me until he jumped into my arms screaming my name.
"Edddiie !!"
And Holy shit !! He had a big dog following him .
"Hey buddy ." I hugged him tightly "Hi Eddie ." He smiles cupping my face and squeezing my cheeks making me look like a fish .
"Who's this ?" I ask, signaling to The big fluffy dog sitting down in front of me, "That's Ozzy my friend ."
"Oh really ,he is a big boy and I love his name by the way ." I smile tickling him,
He giggles and jumps off my grasp and runs to Dani .
"Mommy chose the name ." He says hugging Dani from her legs .
"Eddie ." Dani said softly "I brought you breakfast and coffee." I pick up the white paper bag and coffee and handed to her
"Thank you ." She smiled but I didn't smile back. I was pissed right now that I could punch Liam on his pretty face but not in front of Nate.
"Well I got to leave ." Liam said and again brushed the back of his hand on Dani's cheek .
Dani move back from his touch and I smile but
Holy shit I saw red but tried to calm myself down .
"Think about what I told you ." He tells Dani and goes to say bye to Nate .
"Bye daddy ." Nate's shouts
"Bye Buddy ." Liam says back before heading out of the classroom.
"Eddie." Dani slowly walks closer to me but I move back not wanting to look at her .I know I shouldn’t be like this but the jealousy has won right now .I mean come on.Liam compare to me is the perfect guy .Jesus Christ he had his own fucking business and what do I have a beat up van and halfway to my high school diploma.
"What's wrong ?" She ask softly.
"Nothing ." I respond dryly ,I know I know I need to chill but I can’t .
She walks over to the door and closes but before closing it she makes sure Know one is around or walking down the hallway. The she comes over to me getting on her tippy toes to peck my lips but an asshole Iam I move away and I see that she frowns.
I just give her a blank stare and move back .
"Eddie baby ." She said almost as a whisper
I ignore her and walk towards the door .
"What's your problem ?" She ask
I close my eyes trying to calm
Myself down.Im really trying to be calm but it just makes me mad seeing Liam put his hands on her .
I turn around to face her "What's my problem? "I say with a bitter laugh and she nods, crossing her arms .
"Yes!! Your problem,I mean you just move when I try to kiss you and you're being dry to me  !!"
"You really want to do this infront of Nate ?"I ask
"Do what ?"she ask pinching the bridge of her  nose
"This argument ." I deadpan and I could see she was  confused as to why we were arguing .
"Eddie, what are you talking about ? Why are we arguing?"she  sigh and I could see
She was trying not to cry."Baby can you put your headphones on please ." She turns around to face Nate
"Yes mommy ."
He answers by putting his headphones on and returning to watching a video on his tablet .
Dani turns back around and looks at me
Her eyes are glazed and her nose is red .
"Now will you please tell me what's wrong ."she sighs and looks at me ,I just stare back at her, my heart hurting knowing that I'm the one hurting her .
But then the picture of Liam
Kissing her comes back to my head .
"I saw you and Liam ." I deadpan staring at her blankly
"What do you mean you saw me ?" She walks forward to me but I move back "baby ." She says softly her voice shaky
"Don't fucking baby me Danielle !! You know what you did i fucking saw you with my own two eyes with Liam !!" I  shouted with anger and her eyes widened and tears started falling down her cheeks .Yes jealousy had completely overtaken me .im only human and i saw what I saw .I mean i think i did .
"Eddie what the fuck are you talking about !!" She raises her voice her face was now red .
"Danielle, I saw you kissing him !!"
"Kissing him!! Who the fuck says I was kissing him Edward!!"She raises her voice walking towards me pointing her finger and poking my chest with it .
"I fucking saw it with my two eyes !" I sneered and walked towards where she was standing a while ago with Liam "you were right here !!" I say showing her the spot "and you guys kiss !!" I laugh, getting angrier by the minute because she wouldn't just admit it .I mean they did kiss right ?
"If you would have seen correctly Edward he tried to kiss me and I pushed him Away ." She says walking towards me at a fast pace and shoving her finger on my chest "you want to know why ?!?" She says with tears in her eyes .
My eyes did not want to look at her of how angry I was. "Look at me Edward!!"she shouts my eyes look down at her and I felt horrible now she was crying because of my stupid jealousy "because I love you !! "
The door to the class opens And we both turn around to see who it was .
"I'm sorry ." Robin says awkwardly
"Is ok Robin ." Dani said softly, turning the other way so she wouldn't see her crying.I wanted to hug her and tell her that I was sorry I acted like an asshole .
"Robin, can you take care of Nathan please, I'll be back ." Dani says heading out of the classroom .
"Ok." Robin says she was still standing by the door.
I smile at her and look at Nate who still hadn't noticed Dani was gone .
"Eddie what the Fuck is going on ?" Robin whispers shouts
I don't say anything but pinch the bridge of my nose "is complicated ." Was the only thing i said
"Miss.Henderson is my dads client ." Robin walks closer to me and stops a few inches from me "she says her friend recommended her to my dad and you call me a few days ago saying you needed to speak with my father ,is she your friend Eddie ?" I nod yes "How are you two close ?" Robin asks "because of Dustin ofcourse ." I lied hoping she would believe it .
The bell for first period rang and students started arriving to class"you're saved by the bell ." Robin said softly walking to her desk .
I look back at Nate who was in his own little world ignoring the students walking in whispering wondering who he was .
I knelt down next to him asking him if he needed anything but he nodded no and went back to his tablet .Before standing up Ozzy came up to me rubbing his head on me "He wants you to give him scratchies ." Nate says softly I look up at him
But he went back to his tablet into his own little world.Ozzy looked at me with his tongue sticking out to the side almost as he was smiling ."Is ok you can touch him." Nate tells me .I patted Ozzy's head softly and stood up but first I made sure Nate was comfortable then  headed to my desk to sit down taking out my history book and a pen .
Now to wait for Dani to get back .
I was a fucking asshole to her I let jealousy take over me.
But how could I not be jealous she is fucking beautiful and I know everyone looks at her and think she is single but she is not she it with me but nobody knows it but us.I fucking hate that I want the whole world to know she is talented and that she is mine .But sadly Knowone can’t know about us .
A few minutes pass and
Dani wasn't here yet I started wondering where she was ?
Nate noticed me sitting down at my desk and took off his headphones and smiled and waved at me .
I wave and smile back at him.
"Eddie !!" He shouted from his seat ,everyone in the class turned to look at me even Robin who shook her head.
Nate got up and made his way to where I was sitting, Ozzy following behind .
I guess nobody had seen Ozzy and everyone gasped when they saw him .
One of Chrissy's friend was about to touch him when Robin stop her.
"You can't touch him ,"Robin blurted out
"And why is that?" Chrissy's friend  asks "because he is a service dog ,and Touching or petting a working dog is a distraction and may prevent him from tending to his human partner. The dog may be in the process of completing a command or direction given by his human, and you don't want to interfere.."Robin said abruptly and the whole class turned to look at Ozzy who had a service dog vest .
Veronica, I think that was her name, stood up about to tell Robin something but Dani walked in and she went back to her seat .Mouthing something to Robin .
"Miss.Buckley is everything ok?" Dani asked but Robin didn't say anything. "Nate covered one ear with one hand and with the other he pointed his finger to Veronica ."She was being mean to her ." Nate said softly "what was that ?" Dani asks "she was being mean to her ." Nate repeated again
Pointing to Veronica then Robin.
"Veronica, is there a problem ?" Dani asks her "No Miss.Henderson." Veronica replies Dani nods, raising a brow and turns to look at Robin"Are you sure Robin?" Robin nods yes and slouches back in her seat .
"Nate ,you want to sit over here in my chair baby." She says sweetly but Nate shakes his head no "Mommy I want to sit with Eddie ." He pouts, crossing his little arms over his chest .
"Sweetie Eddie has to learn." 
"Is ok Dan..Miss.Henderson he can stay here with me ." I tell Dani, giving her a weak smile and mouthing sorry to her .
"Yay!!."Nate jumps punching the air .
"Ok buddy, come sit here with me ." I tell him but he sits down on the floor with  ozzy placing his head on ozzy using him as a pillow .
"Here." Dani tells me, handing me Nate's tablet and headphones. I just smile but she walks away fast to the front of the class .
I hadn't even noticed when she walked this way .
"Here you go ." I tell Nate and he happily takes his tablet and headphones.
I open my history book to the page Dani had written on the whiteboard and by now I can feel eyes on me and people whispering and I know it’s about having Nate here with me .I know they wonder how he knows me.But I can’t pick up my head right now to face reality so I just concentrate on the lesson and start taking notes but halfway through class I lose concentration thinking of the way I acted towards Dani. I acted like a fucking asshole I really need to chill on my jealousy because is not going to take me anywhere ,I really needed to make it up to her .
But how ?
Next chapter
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thmgau · 1 year
CHAPTER 21 - TAKING FLIGHT [wattpad link]
“Nora. Nora, wake up.”
Something was shaking at Nora, rudely interrupting her awesome dream about applying to become a chair.
Opening her eyes & rubbing them, she could kind of see now: it was Sorrel awakening her.
“What do you want?” she yawned, stretching her arms. “There’s kids in our living room.” “Huh..? What are you-”
As she sat up in bed, Nora remembered what had happened the day before. She had let Spring & Storm stay at her apartment for the night. Nora guessed she had completely forgotten to tell Sorrel before she went to bed.
“Oh! You mean Spring & Storm?” Nora asked, shoving the blanket off of her. “I offered to let them stay the night here before we got their parents back together. Don’t worry ‘bout it.” “I thought you were a magical hero, not a marriage counselor.” “It's a long story.” “I’ve got time. Not like either of us have a job anyway.”
Hopping out of bed, Nora made her way to the kitchen as Sorrel followed. She made breakfast (pancakes!) while explaining yesterday’s events to them.
“So.. they’re like, gods or something?” “I guess so, yeah.” “& they want you to.. get their parents back together?” “Pretty much.” “I hope you’re gettin’ paid for this. Rent’s due soon, yea?” “Yea, but Cherry’s mom usually handles our rent for us.” “That’s.. nice of her.” “Yup. Not sure how much longer that’ll last, though.” Nora chuckled, flipping the last of the pancakes onto the plate. “Do you know if Spring & Storm are awake yet?” “When I walked in, they were fast asleep on the couch. Probably still are.” “Alright. You think you could carry a few of these plates for me?” “Sure.”
Nora & Sorrel each grabbed 2 plates each as they walked over to the couch, where Spring & Storm were. She had given them pillows & blankets to sleep with, along with some old clothes Nora had lying around for pajamas. She didn’t want them sleeping in jeans, after all. Spring was still asleep, but Nora could see Storm was waking up a bit.
“Hey, Storm.” “..g’mornin.” “I made breakfast,” Nora smiled, sitting the two plates of pancakes on the coffee table. “Thought you might be hungry.” “Oh, um.. thanks.”
Storm sat up & took one of the plates off of the coffee table. She grabbed the fork & cut off a small bite out of the pancake, eating it.
“Mm.. this is good.” “Thank you! I’m glad you like them so much!”
Taking another bite out of her pancakes, Storm took a glance at her sister, who was still sleeping soundly.
“Classic Spring. She always sleeps in at the Castle.” “I tend to sleep in a lot as well,” Nora chuckled, taking one of the plates from Sorrel’s hands & sitting down in the recliner. “I’ve missed a lot of classes this semester because of it.”
Sorrel, not wanting to attract the attention of Spring & Storm, went to go eat their pancakes in a separate room.
“Anyways..” Nora hummed. “We’re supposed to get your parents together again today, yea?” “Yup.” Storm nodded. “We’ll have to go up into space to go it. I suppose you haven’t been there yet, yea?” “Yea, no. We’ve never been to space. I’m not even sure how we’re supposed to get there.” “Well, you have the book. I’m sure there’s definitely something in there about it. I haven’t read most of it myself, but.. y’know.” “You haven’t read the book?” “No. Only Fate & Betty were allowed to read it before sending it down to Earth.” “Ah.. I see. Well, Kalani has the book, so I’ll have to text him about bringing it over here.”
Setting her pancakes aside, Nora took out her phone & sent a text to the group chat.
Nora: yo can u all meet up at my apartment Nora: bring the book while ur at it kalani
“There we go!” Nora grinned. “It’s only 8 AM, they should be waking up soon anyway.”
The moment the words fell out of Nora’s mouth, she spotted Spring waking up.
“Good morning!” she yawned, stretching her arms out. “Yo.” “Good morning, Spring! I’ve made breakfast if you’re hungry.” “Ooh,” Spring said, sitting up. “Those look good.” “They are.”
The next 5 to 10 minutes consisted of the girls eating their breakfast & waiting for the others to show up. As Nora finished her pancakes, there was a knock at her door. She got up & answered it, & lo & behold: it was the rest of the group.
“G’mornin, y’all!” Nora smiled as her friends entered her apartment. “Good morning!” “Yea, good morning. Do we have to do this at 8 in the morning?” “Hey, nobody said we were leaving right now.” “..fair.”
As everyone got settled in, Kalani set the book down on the coffee table.
“One magical book, as per your request, madam.” Kalani said, winking at Nora. “It’s an absolute pleasure,” Nora said, opening the book up. “Now let’s see.. what page are we supposed to go to?” “I dunno. Just flip around until you find something relevant.” “Alrighty.”
Nora flipped through some of the pages until she landed on a page titled “Flight”.
“This seems on-topic, I think.” Juniper hummed. “Yea, let’s see what this says..” Nora said, leaning in to read what was written. “‘As heroes, you will need a way to get around quickly without hassle. This is why we have granted you with the power of flight.’” “Ok, first of all, that’s sick as hell. Second of all, since when was flight considered not a hassle?” “Flying would definitely help us get to class faster..” “‘In order to fly, you will need to enter Hero Mode-’ Of course. ‘-& simply lift yourself up into the air.’” “Sounds easy enough. Let’s try it.”
Pulling on their necklaces, the group transformed into Hero Mode.
“This’ll be fun to watch.” Storm chuckled.
“Alrighty!” Leslie grinned. “It says we just have to lift ourselves off of the ground, right?” “Yup. That’s what it says.” “So we’re supposed to jump?” “Maybe? Are we allowed to jump in here?” “I don’t think anyone lives below me. I’m sure it’s fine.”
Kalani jumped up. She landed right back onto the ground.
“It didn’t work.” “Maybe I should have kept that pull-up bar my dad gave me when I was 9. That would be pretty helpful right about now.” “Have you tried double-jumping?” “Double-jumping isn’t real.” “Yea, you’d be the one to know double-jumping isn’t real, wouldn’t you, Cherry?” “Oh, whatever. It wasn’t that bad.” “You literally tried to double-jump onto the school roof & ended up banging your face against the wall.” “So? It could have ended worse.” “How do you even attempt a double-jump in the first place?” “I don’t know, but it’s not whatever Cherry did, that’s for sure.” “Remember that one video of those dudes fighting & there was the one guy who jumped & hung there in the air for a solid 2 seconds?” “How could I forget? That was fucking cool.” “What if we tried to do that?” “But how?” “Maybe we just have to think about it! Like with the weapons!” “Surely that’s not gonna-”
Leslie hopped up into the air. As a surprise to everyone (including Spring & Storm), it managed to stay in the air.
“Woah! I’m doing it!” “Well. I stand corrected.” “Nice job!” Spring grinned. “Thank you!”
Leslie floated down to the ground, landing with a little trip in their step, but mostly calm. “Maybe we shouldn’t be flying in the apartment, though. Might be safer to try it outside.”
“Well, thankfully, outside is where we need to go next. So let’s do it.”
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
📔+ learning the ins and outs of her condition.
Something is really wrong with me.
Made a fool of myself at work this morning, dropping Chief O'Hara's breakfast all over the floor. It couldn't be helped. My muscles just had to have a spasm attack, spilling coffee and pancakes everywhere. First time it happened at work and it just had to be in front of her, didn't it? Kelly was so sweet about the whole thing too which only made me feel worse, even wanting to call an ambulance because a chunk of glass was sticking out of my arm. I don't think she noticed it went deeper than it looked. It didn't bleed much, just a small trickle and stopped a few seconds after that. I pulled the piece of glass out so the cut wouldn't start healing around it right away and leave anything inside, and when Kelly's handcloth pulled away, it just looked like a nasty pink gash. I'd sooner her think I was overdramatic than scared that when she lifted that fabric, there would be a fresh batch of eyes looking back at her.
It's April. I forget which day, it probably doesn't matter. Don't feel good at all, hungry but not able to keep anything down or feel satisfied. Bread? Nope. Packet of Fridge Raiders? Supposed to be chicken but eating them was just like eating the bread, tasteless and gutting. I boiled up some eggs. They were okay. I ate one and am saving the rest for later when I feel a little better.
... It's been a week since I last ate. The eggs aren't good anymore but I feel better. Weighed myself to be sure everything's okay, expecting a little weight loss. I'm heavier by 10 pounds. How. ... May Day. Eyes are growing on my forearm again. They sure are persistent about growing in that spot, between where my forearm regrew and where the original tissue ends. Last time I scraped them was 2 days ago. I'll need to do it again tonight before I go to work, before they start regaining function. I hate it when they squirm. It's disgusting. I'm disgusting. ... Hurt Cindy tonight. I didn't mean it, she clamped a hand on my shoulder as I came in from 'smoke break' but really I just needed to stand under the rain for a few minutes. I jumped. She jumped like she got an electric shock because she did. Thank God she's okay but I'll never forget that look of hurt in her eyes, afraid and unsure I'd hit her somehow and she just didn't see it happen for some reason. I'm sorry you have to work with a monster, Cindy. Please don't think I hate you.
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Saturday, Aug. 17th, 2024. 6:05 pm.
The day has been beautiful so far. I woke up before everyone else, aside from my mom and aunt who had left the house to go shopping. I took my cup of coffee and walked down the pond where folks were out clamming in the sand. I brought out one of the kayaks and boated over to the sandbar that you can cross over to get to the ocean. The waves were huge and the tide was strong so I just stayed in the surf and let the waves tug me back and forth for a few minutes. I found a beautiful stone that fits perfectly in the palm of my hand and I put it in my kayak and went home. When I got back my mom and aunt were home and my cousins were making breakfast. We had pancakes and eggs and bacon and fresh berries and it was all delicious. Afterwards we all went back out kayaking to the ocean for a few hours and I had fun riding the waves made by some folks on their motorboats. I came back earlier then the rest and showered and made myself a quick lunch. My cousins and I set up a makeshift ping pong table with two saw horses and some plywood and have been playing each other for a few hours. My eldest cousin and his wife and baby got here only a little while ago and we had some bread, cheese, prosciutto, and sliced apple as they had just come off a flight and were hungry.
My skin and hair feels all smooth from the salt and the sand and my stomach is full of good things. My body is calm and my mind is sleepy but not fatigued. I feel genuinely relaxed for the first time in I can’t remember when. I’m laying on my bed now listening to Dan Reeder in my underwear. The window is open and I can hear people moving throughout the house and the crickets in the yard and the people playing ping pong. I am so happy. If no one was here I feel like I would wanna just lay naked in the grass outside and lazily jerk off while drinking a beer and listening to music. That sounds so nice.
Definitely feeling hornier then usual and I feel bad for thinking about this when he’s having such a rough time but I really miss having sex with 🪶 specifically eating him out. I really didn’t think eating pussy was something I would like but it’s turned out being my favorite sexual thing to do. I guess it makes sense, I really don’t enjoy receiving sexual stimulation from someone else so having something to do that gives a partner pleasure without me being directly stimulated is great. Giving him head turns me on way more then when he jerks me off tbh. I think I just really don’t like people touching me like that, which is okay, it just took a lot of explaining in the beginning of our relationship. Cause he kept saying he felt bad for not reciprocating anything, and he has such a high libido that he like literally just couldn’t understand the fact that I didn’t want reciprocation. Not to mention my libido is more or less non existent. I have like one day a month, maybe, where I’m slightly horny and that’s it. I jerk off on my own just if I’m bored though, and it helps me fall asleep sometimes. I don’t feel bad that I’m ace but I def wish it didn’t make dating more difficult.
Anyways, I’m happy. It’s been a good day so far. I’m writing this earlier in the day just cause it’s so nice I had to write about it.
I’m not Dead yet, I will do my best to keep it that way.
10:27 pm edit:
Ate a nice dinner and sat on the lawn playing a drinking game with my cousins after. Usually beer is a bit of a self harm for me, because I feel guilty when drinking and I hate the taste of it so I have to kinda choke it down. today I’ve drank a fair amount but all of it has felt lovely, a part of community and bonding with my family. Playing a fun game together that also happened to involve beer. I’m not tipsy but I’ve had a few beers and glass of wine so I’ve gotten a little tired. Gonna sleep good and hard tonight. Tomorrow I want to try and kayak the length of the pond, which is a few miles. Maybe I’ll do that early in the morning before most people wake up.
Also met my eldest cousin’s wife and baby for the first time. It’s really weird. I haven’t seen him since he was a kid and he looks the same but now he’s like running out of the room every five minutes to check on the baby. He married younger then most nowadays, so it’s kinda jarring to see him as a father. It genuinely feels like yesterday we were mucking about in the little canyons out west, chasing rattle snakes and hitting each other with sticks. I’m about as tall as him now too, but in all my memories I’m looking up at him from way down low. My memory is so fucked, like so much of my life is just a blur and I only get little snippets that I have to piece together. And almost daily i loose time, I’ll just be doing something and then suddenly I’m in another place doing something else with no memory of how I got there. So, considering time never really feels linear for me, it’s weird to watch other people move through time consistently. And now there’s this baby that I’m gonna watch grow older in weird segments cause I doubt I’m gonna see them very much. And one day he’s gonna be 13 and at a family gathering and he’s gonna have no clue who I am but I’m gonna say some dumb shit like “I knew you when you were This tall!”
I made a suicide joke during the drinking game, and everyone laughed except my sister and I immediately felt bad about it. All she said was “Please don’t.” I won’t, I promise.
I’m not dead yet, I will do my best to keep it that way.
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