#I got tired of this at mary
dissentersbedamned · 4 months
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i was gonna do this thing were I would draw all the mgrs for pride but I got like tired of drawing 8/26 characters in so this is all you're getting sorry
art commissions
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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a look...
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navybrat817 · 9 months
What if...The writers of "What If...?" focused on a character besides Peggy Carter?
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linkneol091 · 4 months
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Petermjs and “ I LOVE MY WIFE” template I found on pinterest ( idk the og artist of that one, but I’d like to)
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dolokhoded · 8 months
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can we talk about joanna ampil as mary. can we just take a moment.
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littleplantfreak · 27 days
Okay but ghost Umemiya who has unfinished business?
Imagine you move to Makochi and keep seeing a tall guy with white hair hanging around. You start really feeling bad that no one pay as much attention to him even though he seems to be so so happy to be there. When you ask about him, however, you get a weird look from people, or maybe its discomfort, but you don’t know for sure until someone tells you about the death of a boy beloved by the town. He died too suddenly and so young too. Internal bleeding from a fight that never got fully checked out or whatever the story seems to be.
If you reach out, to you he’s solid, but no one else can see him and he nearly cries in relief, being able to talk to someone for the first time in four years.
Helping him check in on everyone and tie up the loose ends so he could move on peacefully instead of staying stuck watching the people he loves live on without him oof. and maybe you slowly fall in love with this sweet boy only you can see idkidk
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purplezombietumbler · 7 months
Okey but hear me out:
Imagine a Total Drama like show (animated parody of reality TV show), but instead of Survivor, it's a Parody of Real Housewives, and its cast is Horror Icons.
Look I just got out of work and I'm tired.
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scatterbrainedart · 5 months
People who like to genuinely hate on Victor Frankenstein annoy me.
It's not like he had bad intentions. Curing death? Pretty noble on paper.
Like, sure, the grave robbing and all that. But that just brings us into body snatcher territory (which is a topic I do enjoy a lot but won't get into right now), and that's also simply Controversial.
That's vaild, though. You wanna know what isn't? Or at least, what piss me off personally? People getting upset at Victor's selfishness. HEAR ME OUT HERE,
Are we really blaming a barely 20 something for freaking the fuck out when his experiment starts going hay wild? He designed that thing. He knows it has inhuman strength and durability. That would be intimidating as shit. Like if you don't trust that thing, you are wise to gtfo while you still can.
And Victor has been alone for months on end. That fucks you UP. Y'all look at barely 20 something year old Victor, crazed-eyed and hyperfixated, and think "ah yes, what a mentally stable individual. Let's give him a giant, creepy newborn to look after and if he bails he deserves to be hung"? Like that is a KID. A science kid. Have yall MET teenagers in science? Do not give those kids kids. It was a bad idea to begin with, but who doesn't make mistakes in their youth? Chill out.
And Justine's trial? Yeah. A dick move. But you have to remember the emotional turmoil it put him in. Some of y'all seem to see Victor as some dark force of nature that just runs over everyone in his wake without remorse, but literally the ENTIRETY of the book is about how much he hates himself for it. He's just constantly scared shitless and paralyzed by it and tries to ignore his mistakes in hopes they will just go away. It's a cautionary tale. Not about hubris, but about putting off solving your problems. Because they WILL get bigger, they WILL get angry, they WILL personal and they WILL kill all of your loved ones and inevitably be the death of you too. Every second you will die for it. Every second you will wish it was the last, final time.
So like. Yeah he did some shit things, but that doesn't necessarily make him a shit person. That's all
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ardentpoop · 7 months
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vroomian · 6 months
Ollie's an absolute heartthrob. Especially with the short hair. And super built, I am swooning! She popular in Hell?
oh there were a few moments in the beginning where she had to fend off Val's offers for a job. Unfortunately for him, Ollie is a homebody who stays in her workshop, and has her maid/assistant Thea do her outside errands.
(I'm thinking despite her appearance Ollie is actually a very gifted technomancer/artificer. She can fix or create just about anything with enough time. which is how Alastor and her meet at first!
someone's gotta fix his microphone after all!)
Ollie's actually very intimidating to most demons, just from her size and build. But yeah she is verrrry popular, especially with the ladies lol.
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fried-manto · 2 years
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Do you ever just have like the WORST timings with your best friend?
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brierburrbrito · 1 year
Okay, so huge fan of Miraculous Ladybug right here, however towards the end of season two, less of a Marinette fan. Well, less of a Marinette/Adrien fan. So! I had an idea after seeing all of the MariBat fics all over AO3 and decided ‘yes, but maybe AdriBat??? 👀’
So that’s exactly what Im doing! Im in the process of outlining an AdriBat crossover!!! Yay!
So far, the plot is that after the Miraculous team defeats Hawkmoth, and its revealed that he is in fact Adrien’s father, Adrien becomes a sort of social pariah. The miraculous’ have deactivated in order to give the Kwamii’s time to regain their energy.
Marinette and the others weren’t able to reveal their identities to Chat Noir before Adrien was sent off. He’s having a real rough time. So by some means or other, he ends up in Gotham City, all alone. He comes into the possession of *giggle* a BAT miraculous and uses it to feel like he has a purpose.
Except he also uses his own skills (and leftover cat miraculous tendencies) to steal miraculous’ from around the city, because Gotham’s rogues are somehow getting them and its making life difficult for the Bats.
So the Bats are looking for two people who ARE THE SAME PERSON. One is a hero who is more like a bat than Batman, the other is a literal Cat burglar who seems to be more stealthy than Catwoman. They learn about the Miraculous through Constantine, and call in the closest known guardian.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
All while this happens, no one knows what happened to Adrien Agreste.
And because I can’t write a heteronormative ship to save my afterlife, assume everything is gayer than a rainbow.
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dyokens · 6 months
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Basically what happened at night 6 in Fnac 2
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joanna-lannister · 1 year
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thegracefulwillow · 3 days
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a) interesting implication that pseudonyms are basically fake people rather than fake names?
b) I get the point but. people knew George Eliot was a woman during her lifetime and during her career as a writer. She was taken seriously as a woman writer
like yes, literary history is full of women who were not acknowledged or who hid their gender to write or whatever but i'm sure we have better examples for that than george eliot??
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shiverhohojiro · 9 days
beyond figuring out what an oc's actual title would be, I think it is fun to determine what title pieces they'd be drawn to using... How they'd describe themselves, what they think is funny. Sometimes along the way you find out who would use the head suffix for nefarious purposes.
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