#I got attacked by a reaper twice already
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YOOO I'm gonna get picked up off this stupid planet! 4546B can kiss my ass! Once Avery Quinn gets down here, we'll high five, drink some beer, and take a look at this weird structure in the rearview mirror as we LEAVE THIS PLACE! Only 15 minutes left!

#subnautica#subnautica spoilers#quarantine enforcement platform#qep#I got attacked by a reaper twice already#cant wait to go home
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What We Want - Chpt. 4 - Nightmares Too
In Which A Romantic Breaks The Universe
(Yandere!batboys x f!reader) 18+ MDNI!
Another lonely birthday, another empty year. You miss your family. You're late for your bills and rent, and even then, you got robbed last Tuesday.
Still, you buy yourself a cupcake, because you need it. I mean, hey. What's dessert for if not to get over cheating boyfriends and dead relatives?
As you blow out the candle, watching the clock switch from 11:59 pm to midnight of the next day, you make a wish.
And because the world doesn't like to make much sense, it comes true. Your life is suddenly flipped on a dime, and you're stuck trying to catch up with it. Fantasy becomes reality. You're a Wayne now, apparently. Or you used to be. You're loved, you're rich, you're talented and powerful.
Well, sort of. Careful what you wish for, right?
“You wanna get out from under there?”
What sort of question is that? Of course, you don’t. You’re going to live here now. You’re never leaving this tiny, cramped space till you rot away and die. The stained underside of some IKEA desk was your new home.
Well, since your actual home was seeming less and less like an option. Which kinda sucks, because you’re feeling surprisingly possessive of your stuff. You don’t want fancy dresses or bubbly champagne, you want your ratty couch and the neighbour’s cat that liked to visit in the middle of the night. Your mother was right, you were the type of person to never be happy no matter what. You could appreciate the food, though.
Shaking, trembling, knees clutched to your chest, you look up. Slowly, because you’ll probably piss yourself if you don’t.
Now that you weren’t holding his hand, the vigilante known as Red Hood was much, much scarier. He was sitting on the carpeted floor with you, but he still somehow looked incredibly menacing. You preferred his old look, honestly. The helmet had less ‘grim reaper’ vibes. The hood and metal face mask made him seem like a cyborg assassin, or something equally terrifying. He was terrifying.
Still, you could appreciate the insane sort of hilarity of this situation. The notorious crime fighter and crime committer was sitting here with you, crossed legs, twiddling his thumbs away. You press your face into your hands, laugh, and then scream. The sound is muffled, but he probably still hears the exciting new phase of your breakdown.
“Don’t…” your voice cuts off, you have to think before you can manage to speak again, “Don’t you have something better to be doing?”
His giant shoulders shrug.
“I’ve got time.”
Did he? You don’t know how long you’d been up here, how long you’d been sitting here either. You’d fallen asleep, despite your desperate fight not to, so it could be anywhere between 10 to the next day. Had you missed midnight? God, you hoped not.
That stupid little ritual is what convinces you to leave. Not common sense, not the Hood, not your desperate desire to get home and sleep. No, it’s the image of your mother’s tired smile, the city in the background as you wish her another happy birthday after a long day of work. It’s a memory you’re not willing to give up, even if you technically already made your wish.
You’d lived this awful day twice. You got to blow out your candles twice, too.
Slowly, surely, you climb out from under the desk. Red Hood is quiet, careful. He doesn’t move apart from a subtle shift in his hood, suggesting he’s watching you. He’s acting like you’re a wild animal or something, like he might scare you off, or might prompt you to attack.
If he tries anything, you will. It doesn’t matter that he could snap your neck like a twig. Maybe he’s right to act that way, you’re feeling pretty feral right now. Half giving him your back, you turn the monitor for the computer on. It’s Wayne property, so you think you technically have some right to it. It’s not like you’re going to hack it or anything, you just need it to-
“Thank god,” you sigh, relieved. Still, you’re not out of the woods yet. You needed at least a lighter, hopefully, a candle and a desert of some kind too. There were lots of cakes downstairs, if you felt you could do it. Big ‘if’ there. The mental breakdown was still well underway. And not everyone could dodge a punch like Red Hood could. Knowing you, you’d probably get sued for millions if you accidentally snapped at some poor rando.
Let’s start small. You wrench open the office’s drawer and start rooting around. You find lots of things, a Wayne Enterprises-themed stress toy, a kid’s drawing of them and their parent holding hands, and a surprising amount of hand cream, but no lighter. You slam the drawer closed and move to the next one.
“Hey, what are you doing?” his voice rumbles out, and your head snaps around.
You look down. Right. This is probably illegal. You were rooting through someone else’s private property. Of course, it wasn’t the first time you’d done something like this, but it was definitely the first time you’d done it in plain view of a vigilante.
Crap. You hadn’t thought. That was your entire night, summarised.
“Uh, this is… Do you have a lighter?” you ask, wincing. You don’t really like the mask he’s wearing. Apart from being so intimidating, you’re shaking like a wet chihuahua, it’s also impossible to tell what he’s thinking through it. The domino mask, the metal face mask and the voice changer completely hid any emotion. Full coverage and all.
The helmet probably would’ve made that even harder. You’d still prefer it. This guy's creepy.
“You smoke?” he responds, slowly but surely getting to his feet. You back up quickly, pressing yourself to the wall of the cubicle. Red Hood pauses and then moves even slower. He’s careful not to frighten you any more than already.
This was all really strange. One of the strangest things that had ever happened to you. And you might’ve woken up this morning in an alternate dimension. Or something, you had zero clue what was going on. God, you really wished you’d paid more attention in science class. You’d thought Mr Gregory was crazy, but he’d gotten the last laugh.
“I don’t,” you clench your sweaty fists tight, “Maybe I should.”
“Don’t get started, it’s impossible to stop,” Red Hood says, digging into his pocket for something. You freeze, but relax again when he hands you a scuffed metal lighter.
Holding it close to your chest, you whisper a thank you to him. He nods his head in acknowledgement.
This was really weird. You couldn’t say it enough.
“I hate you,” you state because you sort of have to. Even when he’s being nice to you, helping you. It’s an obligation. You have to make sure that despite the show of good faith he was offering, you were certainly feeling no such thing.
“I figured,” he replies, which like- What the fuck? Does this make absolutely zero sense to anybody else? You’re not sure what about your panic-stricken tears and desperate hand-holding made you seem hateful, but you could work with it.
Maybe all the feelings you push down are starting to show. You ignore how worried that makes you because you’ve had enough for today. Today was more than e-fucking-nough.
You were going to find a cake and a candle, and you were going to make your wish. Again, because life sucks. You were going to finish this horrible day again because life sucks. And hopefully, you’d wake up tomorrow… tomorrow, not today.
You weren’t sure if you would. Life sucks, right?
You look the Red Hood in his creepy glowing red eyes and say, “I think I’m losing my fucking mind.”
“That’s not good.”
“No, I don’t think it is.”
There’s quiet between you two for a moment. You think he’s staring at you, trying to figure you out. He knows you hate him, but you’re… well, you’re too tired to be angry right now. You just want to go to sleep. You just want this damn day to end. Tomorrow you’d go back to hating all the vigilantes of Gotham with a fiery passion, but today…
Well, you wouldn’t call it peaceful, whatever this situation is. Maybe it’s understanding. He seems understanding, for some reason. You don’t really want to think about that.
You just wanted to hate him. It was easier that way. Then you didn’t have to hate yourself so much.
“I’m going to go find some cake and a candle. It’s my birthday and I haven’t made a wish.”
Red Hood nods, “I could eat.”
That wasn’t an invitation, but whatever. Guess you’re blowing out your candles for your twenty-first with… this guy. Better than yesterday, which was with nobody but yourself and your trashy TV. Or, well, the first today.
You really think you are losing your mind. Whatever, whatever, let’s worry about it later.
After one of the most awkward and uncomfortable elevator rides of your life, squished into a corner as Red Hood took up the lion’s share of space, you find yourself back on the first floor. It’s chaos. The gorgeously decorated gala is now in rubble, and people are rushing around with the sort of fear you’d expect after the fucking Joker showed up.
He wasn’t here, which was good. It was important to focus on the good.
First responders flit around the space, checking the people who seem worse for wear and the rich bastards who think they’re more important than the service workers who are cut or bruised. All the food tables have been knocked over, the waste of it making you upset. Of course the Joker wastes food, he’s gotta be the evilest man on earth or something. It’s not just the interior that’s been destroyed, either. The giant gothic windows have been shattered inward, and broken glass covers the entire floor space. Red and blue lights flash through the gaping holes, bits of glass still attached to the stone sending it cascading across the walls.
You look down. You’re missing your shoes.
“You can’t walk on that,” Big Red says, which like, duh.
“I know that,” you mutter, looking around for another way. Ah, good, there’s a staff entrance over there, which you think probably leads to the kitchen-
“I could carry you.”
You give him a disturbed look and he shrugs. Pointing to the ‘staff only’ door, you wish you had the strength to tell the guy to fuck off. He feels like a babysitter or something.
“I’m going in there.” ‘Please don’t follow me.’
He follows you, because of course, he does.
Lucky for you, the staff entrance leads straight to the kitchen. Even luckier, there’s absolutely nobody here to witness you lose your mind. There are also lots of dishes waiting to be served, already plated and perfect. This is a professional kitchen, but it was your birthday so you have to assume they’d have had candles or a cake prepared.
You walk through the giant kitchen, and Red Hood hangs back. He leans against the doorway, crossing his tree-tunk-esque arms and glowering. Nowhere can do a scary hero like Gotham can. He was really messing with your vibe, which wasn’t all that great in the first place.
Your eyes rove over the platters, head snapping back when you spot a tiny set of confectionaries at the back. Cupcakes, three in total. They don’t match the rest of the other high-quality foods, but you know they’re the ones you want anyway. You hope this didn’t belong to someone else, and promise to pay them back… somehow. You’d write a note or something, leave your number behind.
You were rich now. You’d have preferred the lottery instead of all this. What’s the saying, ‘beggars can’t be choosers?’ You’d certainly been begging.
It’s a struggle to reach the back of the counter without knocking any of the other food. You grab the plate, lift it up and over, and then set it back down on an empty stretch of countertop.
You look over the three cupcakes, trying to pick one. There’s one that’s a dark raspberry pink. A pink that’s a little too dark, actually. Almost… reddish. You glance over your shoulder at the devil lurking behind you, wince, and decide you’re going for the blue cupcake. You think this might’ve also been one of Sam’s favourite colours. It would’ve been at some point, at least.
Now, candles. This might be the hard part, but it’s the most important one. Again you start rooting through some stranger’s property, and Red Hood just watches silently. It’s weird. This whole situation is weird. You’re tired and confused and you’re half convinced you’re dreaming it all, but… but you’re definitely starting to think this might be real.
And that’s fucking scary. So, back to candle hunting. They had to have some, it was your birthday. Maybe, you were pretty sure. Somehow the worst day of the year had happened twice because God knows you had some shit luck. You’d really like some solid answers, instead of just ‘maybe!’. And for some reason, you really didn’t think you’d be getting them anytime soon.
Ah, shoot. You found your candle. It’s one of those giant ‘Happy Birthday’ cake toppers, all loopy and connected words. Your cupcake is way too small, and your candle is way too big. Well, you’re nothing if not resourceful. When you bend the candle, the wax snaps easily under your grip. You’re left with a capital ‘H’ and under that the ‘B’ and little ‘i’ and ‘r’ from the beginning of birthday. Good enough, you suppose.
You stick the crumbly, glittery monstrosity on top of the stolen cupcake, and swipe the lighter again. The letters sag to the side, and you nudge them back into balance.
You glance down at the ovens, reading the bright neon numbers. 11:57.
You wait, flicking the lighter open and closed. The metallic click, the rhythm of the movement, it settles you a bit.
“Why are you waiting?” Red Hood pipes up, breaking that comfortable silence. At least he doesn’t come any closer, still lingering half in the room, half not.
“It has to be midnight,” you answer, wishing him away. This is your thing. You didn’t want anybody here for it, didn’t want anybody else’s presence tainting this piece of your mother’s memory. You were greedy for it, not eager to share.
You were sharing today. There’s a part of you that wants to scream and rant at the man who for some unknown reason simply will not leave, but you imagine your mother’s frowning face, and you can’t do it. She’s the angel on your shoulder (nagging, nagging, nagging) compared to your usual devil-inclined self. She was always insisting you needed to be a better host, be nicer to people. Maybe make more friends. And after she’d gone, you’d tried, you really, really had.
But Red Hood was an altogether different matter. Everything they were, everything they represented, was an altogether different matter.
You were obsessed with the Waynes. And in a different, more bitter, spiteful, malicious way, you were obsessed with the Bats, too.
You weren’t going to be friends with Red Hood. You hated him, despised him. Mum always said you needed to get better at forgiving people. You disagreed, but just… maybe just for today, you wouldn’t make him leave.
You could glare at him, though. You felt that was fair enough. He ignores your narrowed eyes like a seasoned professional. Bet he’s had a lot of people hate him. Bet he deserves it.
“It’s 11:59,” he tells you, and you stop glaring at him to light the candle.
The light is weak, barely able to touch you. Still, it’s strong enough to get rid of those tiny glimpses of red and blue police lights, to keep away the darkness for just long enough. You sigh into the light, absorbing it into yourself. You’d always thought the world was too dark, and you hated winter when you’d lose the sun. So like you had to hate the dark, you had to love this light. This tiny little candle, burning away.
“What’re you gonna wish for?”
You stare at the flickering flame. It twitches back and forth. Casts light into the kitchen. Mesmerises you. It’s barely alive, and you’re about to put it out before it can even start. It could’ve been some great fire, some city-destroying blaze. And you’re going to kill it. Kill it before it can kill you, can kill everyone here. Kill it before it could have ever hoped to live, to thrive.
Just a baby. Just a little, little baby.
It doesn’t deserve it. That never seems to matter. It never mattered before.
“The Joker to die.”
You exhale, blowing the light out and sending the kitchen into darkness. When you manage to find the light switch and turn it on, the room is empty. It’s just you, your cake, and your tears. Your hands clench, and then you realise you’re still holding it.
You still have the Red Hood’s lighter. He left without it.
Well, finder’s keepers, right?
You’re shaking in the back of the ambulance, the blanket wrapped around your shoulders not enough to keep out the Gotham night’s chill. You don’t really remember how you got here, to be honest. Everything’s pretty goddamn blurry. You were talking to a vigilante, a red one. Not down here, staring up at the Wayne Tower. You remember his face in the shifting candlelight. Did you blow out your candles with him? That was a fucking crazy thought.
And now the Bruce Wayne has a hand on your shoulder. You don’t remember when he arrived. He’s talking with the paramedic, chatting over the top of your head. There words are going in one ear and out the other, it’s alien for as much as you can understand. You want to shake his hand off, you don’t want anyone touching you right now. Especially not a stranger.
Even if it was a guy you had owned a fan Twitter for. Those were the darkest days of your past. Even more so than the time you’d totally thought about jumping in front of the Gotham subway. You’d only not done it because you’d have felt bad for wasting other commuters' time. What were you doing? Ah, right.
In the end, you don’t shove him off, because you don’t know if you can move other than blink. Even that’s against your will. Your eyelashes are fluttering randomly, eyes flicking around the interior of the ambulance. You’re barely conscious. And you doubt you’ll remember any of this later, either. You can feel the memories slipping away, the drain at the back of your mind sucking up the fear and bad thoughts and leaving you blank and empty. Numb, safe, but numb.
The paramedic’s mouth moves. You don’t think she’s talking to you, which is good. You can’t hear her over the ringing in your ears. She does some final checks, and then she’s off to the next person.
The two of you are left to silence, to watch the rest of the world in its chaos. You feel like there’s a barrier, a pane of glass, between you and the other people here. Like your TV screen, really. The paramedic goes to a woman and her son. The woman seems fine, but the son has a long gash on his arm. She’s screaming, he’s crying, and the paramedic is handling it all with calm professionalism. You wanted to start screaming too.
You glance at a man in a suit yelling at another first responder, spittle flying into the air with his rage. You think he’s one of the ones you saw earlier in the ballroom. His suit is still perfect, and he doesn’t have a speck of blood on him. Even his hair is still perfectly brushed and coiled.
You looked like a drowned rat in comparison.
“…Are you alright?” The question breaks the silence, and you slowly turn to look up at Bruce.
Well, that’s the dumbest question you’ve ever heard. You thought Bruce Wayne was supposed to be brilliant. Maybe he’s just feeling bad because of the new trauma he’s gifted you tonight? It wasn’t his fault. As most of your mental health issues stemmed from, it was the Joker’s fault.
“No,” you answer, and he nods stiffly. Great chat.
He huffs out a sound of frustration, lifting the hand on your shoulder. Immediately, some of the tension in you seeps out. You hope he doesn’t notice. You think he probably does.
Someone calls out your name. Your head turns to the crowd. They call out your name again, this time closer, and you call back. You’re sort of surprised when a crying Jeanine pushes out of the throng of people. She’s a mess, her hair out of her pristine bun, her suit missing its jacket, and her glasses cracked. Seems she didn’t have a very nice time either.
You look down. She’s also missing her shoes. It’d be kind of gross, walking around on Gotham’s streets barefoot, if you could manage to give a shit. You’re still restarting, however, and all energy is going towards not crying again. You’re failing. Awfully bad, at that.
Whatever. Gotta try.
Panting, Jeanine places her hands on her knees, “I’m so, so sorry.”
It takes a moment for you to load the words through your Windows XP brain, but when you do, you’re more confused than you were a second ago.
“What? Why are you sorry?” you say, for a second imagining Jeanine as one of the people that attacked you.
“Because you wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t… hadn’t forced you to come…” Jeanine’s voice trails off, a look of horror on her face. Ah, she’s noticed Bruce. Apparently, she’s quite afraid of the man. You feel a sense of camaraderie towards the woman. God knows how many times you’d worn the exact same expression talking to one of your own bosses.
And then, well, then you usually got fired. It’s not looking good for her.
“Mister Wayne! I didn’t see you there, apologies!” she says, straightening her shoulders.
“Jeanine, it’s good to see you. Are you well, have you checked with the paramedics yet?”
“I have, Sir. Thank you for worrying about me,” Jeanine answers, with a healthy dose of hero-worship in her voice. You can’t judge, you’d be staring all starry-eyed at Bruce if you weren’t falling asleep where you sat. Apparently, traumatic experiences make you sleep. Who would’ve thought?
Like you hadn’t experienced this scenario a thousand times before. First time with fucking Bruce Wayne standing right next to you, though.
“Of course, I would. You’re one of my people,” he says, giving her a warm smile. Jeanine physically sags with relief at his words, because it sounds like she’s probably not getting fired tonight.
Bruce gets a notification on his phone, hums, and then slides it back into his pant pocket.
“Jeanine, we’re going back together to the manor tonight,” Bruce continues. Also, you were? Nobody mentioned that to you, and certainly nobody asked you about it. Well, fuck what you want, right? Who cares if you desperately want your cramped apartment in the Narrows, you’re getting shipped off to the fucking Wayne Manor of all places.
You just go along with it. Just go along with it. Wayne Manor probably has lots of nice, plush beds, and you’d kill for a pillow and some ambient rain sounds right now.
Bruce looks off to the side, where Tim is on the phone. They make eye contact, Bruce nods, and then turns back to the two of you.
“I’ll be right back. You two stay here, do not go anywhere,” he commands, king of the castle.
There’s quiet between the two of you. Jeanine squirms under your gaze, obviously guilty. You think back over her words, and then you groan.
“Jeanine. Jeanine, did I not have to go to this fucking party?”
Jeanine is quiet. She’s too fucking quiet.
“Jeanine?” your voice is shaky, and you have to bite the inside of your lip to force yourself not to tear up again. It was getting kind of embarrassing, honestly. You did not cry this much. Usually. This was not a usual day, of course. You’d been Ground Hog Day-ed into another reality… you think.
“No, Ma’am, you didn’t need to go. You’re… you used to be a Wayne, and even if you’ve parted from the name, you still have the power that comes with that. You did not have to come tonight,” she says, sounding remorseful and afraid. And maybe she should be.
If you had as much power as she said, you could probably fire her. You press your hands into your face.
“I thought you said you’d quit if I didn’t go,” you grind out, digging your fingers into your eyes, clawing into your already ruined makeup.
“I was lying, Ma’am. As I always do. I’m sorry,” she apologises. None of this makes any sense, and neither does she. Why would she lie? Why is this normal? What is the new normal, and how are you supposed to hide if you don’t know how to blend in?
You realise that you’re falling into old habits instinctively. That maybe you should say something about all this, or at least that you have some weird form of amnesia. You don’t, though. You’re scared, you’re far too scared.
“Well how- I thought you were serious this time!” you cry out, stuttering over your own lies, flinging your hands from your face. Jeanine winces at you. It’s probably the dried mascara running down your face in black rivulets, making you look like an odd mix between a raccoon and a banshee.
You’d seen your reflection in the ambulance’s side mirror. It had almost been as scary as the Joker’s goons. Almost.
“…Please, please don’t fire me,” she begs, her hands clasped tight in front of her.
You realise you probably should for an admittance like that. This was too complicated, this woman and her non-existent relationship with you was far too complicated. You also realise that whoever ran this stupid body before was very used to Jeanine’s baseless threats, and it wouldn’t be at all fair to her. And she seems quite desperate for this job. Which really doesn’t make much sense, because she seems quite important, and she’s working for you, someone else who seems quite important.
God if you fucking knew. You were quickly discovering you didn’t know shit.
“I won’t, just… just don’t say anything about this to anyone, okay? I’m…” you sigh, uncertain what to do, what to say, “I’m having a hard time.”
“Thank you, thank you so, so, so much. I’ll pay you back, I won’t do it again, I’ll do whatever you ask me to-”
“That’s enough, please. I just… I’d like some quiet,” you cut her off, closing your eyes and shuffling back in the ambulance. You cut yourself off from the rest of the world, hide your head behind your knees, and try to ignore the flashing lights and yelling voices. The ambulance shifts weight slightly as Jeanine sits beside you. She’s not too close to feel uncomfortable, just toeing the line.
Bruce comes back, looking over the two of you. He seems sombre, but you’re not sure why. Is it the entire night? Did something bad happen again? Is it just how miserable the two of you look? You don’t care enough to ask.
You just don’t care.
You tune out of their conversation again, even knowing it might be important. When Jeanine leaves, and Bruce invites you to a black car, you follow silently. He opens the door, and after a moment’s hesitation, you follow him in.
He knocks on the panel separating the two of you from whoever’s driving the car, and like a well-oiled machine, the car pulls out of the traffic and the paparazzi and out onto the street. Must be nice. You bet Jeanine is going to have to walk home.
Ah, wait, you’re one of them now. You’re one of those ‘must be nice’ types. Weird. You kept forgetting, somehow. Even with Gotham’s prince sitting next to you. Weird.
“I want you to stay at the manor for the night,” Bruce says, and you nod, barely listening. You’re barely conscious, far too tired to understand the implications of the words he was saying. If there were any, like you said, you couldn’t tell.
You’re watching the city go by, the light streaming past in a blur of colours. You rest your head in your hand, your elbow on the armrest. Even with you pressing your face to the glass, you can’t see the sky. The buildings stretch too high. And even if you could, it wasn’t like you’d see anything aside from some late-night flights. The Gotham light pollution and the smoke-filled sky would see to that.
Bruce doesn’t say anything else after that. You’re grateful for the quiet.
You squeeze your eyes shut, and maybe in some act of self-harm, try to remember what happened tonight. Try to pick through your thoughts, and understand whatever happened. That man… that horrible man. He disappeared into thin air. Gone, just gone.
And your world had changed. You’d gotten richer, more powerful. And yet, and yet… you knew this feeling. You knew this weakness. You knew what it meant when you looked in the mirror and you saw something barely alive.
You knew what grief looked like.
You want to rip out your own hair and chew off your own skin. It didn’t make any sense, and you felt crazier and crazier by the second. And none of it made sense, and yet, you had the worst feeling. An omen, a dark cloud. Something worse than the Joker, something that made even less sense.
Even in this life, were you alone? That wasn’t fair. That didn’t make any sense. That didn’t make any sense at all.
Your voice is quiet in the car. Her voice is quiet in the car.
“Do you know where my Mum is?” a little girl asks the big, strong man, her tiny body dwarfed by the black leather of the car. She’s out of place, out of time. She doesn’t fit here.
She doesn’t think she ever has.
The big, strong man, the hero, stays silent, his face hidden by the darkness. The little girl sobs, cries, wails. She wants her mum back. She wants her family back. And now, she wants her life back.
All have been stolen from her.
Maybe she was dreaming. Maybe she was dead. Maybe you were dreaming. Maybe you were dead. Maybe this was another world, and both you and her now have to navigate another lonely place. At least you’d do it together, hand in hand.
It didn’t matter. You knew where you needed to be.
“I want to see it.”
You need to see it. You grasp desperately at Bruce’s arm, nails digging into his expensive and ruined suit. Begging him, pleading him.
He says something. You think it’s a ‘what?’
“I want to see their graves. I want to see my mother’s grave.”
Bruce’s face darkens, and you’re too tired, too exhausted to tell what emotion flits across it. You wonder if it’s the same desperation you feel. But it confirms it. They’re dead. They’re still dead. Despite everything, despite the entire world changing for you, the most important part had been forgotten.
They were still dead. And you were still here. Alone.
“Tomorrow. Tomorrow, but for tonight, you need to rest,” he promises you, and your hand releases. You watch your palm hang limply in your lap, and for a second, it doesn’t seem like your hand. Bruce starts speaking again, this apologetic, pitying tone. You can’t stand it. You can’t stand it one bit.
And in the rudest, most cowardly thing you’ve ever done, you cover your ears like a child.
The rest of the car ride passes in a blur of colour and sound. You’re in Gotham, driving away from the Tower, you’re at the edges of town, passing over one of the bridges, you’re driving through New Jersey’s countryside, passing green fields and old buildings. You go by the iron-wrought gates of Wayne Manor, up the alley’s winding entryway, and finally, the car rolls to a stop in front of the stairs.
To Mr. Wayne’s credit, he doesn’t open the fucking door for you again. You get to stumble your way out on your own two stubborn legs, swaying drunkenly, sickly. He waits for you at the stairs, and you ignore the arm he offers you. He’s just as blindingly irritating as his son.
Didn’t you like these people? You would again in the morning, you just needed your hate. It was the only thing keeping you going at this point. Pure rage was fueling you as you climbed those steps. You’re panting, but you don’t really know why. They’re not that tall.
You feel weak. You feel so, so weak. And you hate it. You’d worked so hard to be free of it, even when you longed for it like a toxic ex-lover, you’d pushed it away. And now it had it’s fangs wrapped around you again, and again, you’d have to climb out of hell.
Today, it was more literal. Tomorrow? God fucking knows. People were literally vanishing from thin air, Pete’s sake. You’ll try, of course. But god fucking knows.
A butler opens the door, and Bruce enters. Once you follow in, the butler closes the door behind him. This time, you really do try to hear what they say. It’s impossible. You concentrate, but all you get for your hard work is a headache. Tomorrow, you’ll try again tomorrow.
The butler rushes off, something important and butler-y to be done. You really didn’t know what butlers did. You couldn’t imagine what their jobs were other than cleaning and cooking. Accounting? Did butlers do accounting?
“I need to handle some things. Will you be able to find your old room alright?” Bruce asks, interrupting your increasingly inane thoughts.
You blink, at him stupidly. Because you were stupid. You had a brand to keep.
“Yes,” you lie. You don’t really know why you do. Some odd mix of self-protective instincts, exhaustion-induced delirium, and also a deep desire to be alone. You really, really wanted to be fucking alone.
“Goodnight then,” Bruce says, he pauses like he’s going to say something else, but he doesn’t. He’s done that twice now, you think. Maybe he just doesn’t think you’re worth the effort. He’d be right.
You watch his back as he strides off into the darkness of the manor, leaving you shivering in the empty foyer. Your expensive ballgown is tattered, grimy, and worst of all, bloody. You want to get out of it. And then you want to sleep.
The click of his dress shoes fades, and you’re left wondering what the fuck you’re going to do next. Could you just start storming into random empty rooms? Where would you find any clothes? You were not going to sleep in this dress, no way.
So, you start up the grand staircase and start storming into random empty rooms. You find studies, bathrooms, and bedrooms. None that seem like anyone lives in them, of course. They feel like fancy hotel stays, the type you see online and sigh about.
The house, no, the manor, is quiet. Empty. It feels haunted, honestly. It probably was, a building this old and important. And it wasn’t like you didn’t know about Martha and Thomas Wayne. You didn’t think any Gotham native didn’t know about them, about the tragedy that had struck them.
It made Bruce seem like someone real, someone like you. Because if even the billionaires could get shot in alleys in Gotham City, it made more sense when the poor folks died. Like you were all human like God didn’t play favourites.
But, let’s be honest, you’d prefer to be an orphan in a mansion than the Narrows. Bruce Wayne had time to heal after what happened to him, for you it was from the frying pan to the fire.
The orphanage you’d been in for two years before you’d turned eighteen and been kicked out had had a very strict hierarchy. Probably still did, you never went back to check. It was technically a foster home, but the ancient sign beside the front door spoke differently. ‘Gotham Orphanage - Founded by Alan Wayne 1878’, the mark of the Waynes even found there. You used to touch the sign every time you went past it like it was some odd good luck charm. You still owe that sign your first successful job interview. Like you didn’t touch the copper plate every damn day, including every day you’d failed another interview.
And, well, it was Gotham. It wasn’t a good place. It had long been cemented in your mind that those theories that Gotham was cursed were true. That there wasn’t any other explanation.
You pause in your musings when you find a room that actually looks like it might be lived in. A long time ago, you think, from the dust covering the shelves. When you check the closet, you find men’s clothes, also untouched. You hope whoever lives here doesn’t care if you steal their shit, because you certainly don’t. Oh wow, this bathroom is gorgeous. The tub is gigantic, easily able to fit a group of at least six, maybe more. Still, you want to go to sleep more than you want a nice soak, so you go for a quick shower where you get rid of all… all the blood.
You watch the red run down the drain and are brought back to much simpler times.
Even as one of the older kids, you were still new blood. You hadn’t made any friends when you tried to defend the younger, weaker kids, either. The foster ‘parents’ who didn’t let you call them anything other than Mrs and Mr Hemming didn’t care about any abuse that happened under the house, as long as it wasn’t visible. You’d done this ritual before, but it actually had been your blood. It hadn’t hurt as much as this did, for some unknowable reason.
You weren’t a fighter. The very few punches you did take, you never hit back. Not like you had tonight. You’d been terrified the Hemmings would kick you out, stop feeding you. Still, you never moved, either. Never let the others take their anger out on the younger kids. You couldn’t do it. And now, looking back on it, your fear of the Hemmings retaliating was stupid. They’d needed the funds the foster caring gave them, and they were always trying to take in more and more kids.
They were empty threats. You were a terrified child. The what-ifs didn’t really matter anymore.
And maybe you were a bleeding heart type, like the other kids had said. Maybe you were gullible, naive, and a pushover. Like you hadn’t been through all the bullshit everyone else had. Like you being nice and hopeful and all those things that got you picked on weren’t all deliberate choices. One day, all the anger and rage you had would bubble over. It would destroy you and your life in a catastrophe, not unlike the one that took your family.
You’d already pushed it down so many times. Waking up today, in a different, unfamiliar world, had probably just made it worse. As always, you ignore it. It’s not worth worrying about.
Getting out of the shower, you do a very lazy towel off and then grab that mystery man’s clothes. They’re mostly dress suits, but you find a few old T-shirts. It hangs off you like a curtain, but it’s warm and it smells nice. Minty and earthy and… oddly free. Bouncy, alive, but still calming and relaxing. It’s a nice counter to the corpse vibes you’re rocking right now, which is decidedly un-alive and un-calm.
You wonder what it would’ve been like to mourn in safety. Where you didn’t have to worry if someone would steal your portion of food or the few funds you could hide in the garden. Where the glares of others didn’t constantly dig into your skin, reminding you that you weren’t wanted there. That you never would be.
That was alright. The place had stunk of mould and rat shit anyway. And maybe you had in this life. It didn't look like you were doing much better, anyway. No, this version of you somehow looked worse. You didn't know how it was possible, and then you remind yourself that none of this is possible, and you really ought to let go of that word.
Still, you lived in Gotham. You would always live in Gotham. You couldn’t leave, it was your home. It was a part of you, like every other sorry idiot who still lived here. School shootings, bomb threats, the city’s regular ol’ disasters. Even if you had been put in a good foster home, even if you had lived... here, you doubted your life would’ve been that much better. Of course, you were still bitter about it. Couldn’t the world just take a little bit off your plate? Maybe it was now, maybe this was the universe's way of saying sorry. A fancy, but empty house, with a still dead family. Maybe you were a little too greedy, a little too jealous.
You slide the duvet covers to the side, untucking them just like you do whenever you do stay in a crappy motel. When all the sides are thoroughly untucked, you slide underneath the covers. When your face lands on the pillow, you sigh in relief. Despite all the bullshit you’d suffered tonight, you had silk pillows, and this phone had youtube premium, so you could listen to rain sounds on it.
Safe. Sort of. Happy. Sort of. Alive. Sort of.
You told yourself it could be worse. And it could’ve been, so you kept on. Today, even after the night you’d had, you tell yourself it could be worse, again. At least the goon didn’t capture you, at least you didn’t actually see the Joker, at least you had a safe bed for the night, at least…
At least the Batman didn’t rescue you. You know it’s silly, but you can’t help but think it.
You hated him almost as much as the Joker, which was saying something since you regularly daydreamed about ripping that man limb from limb. Because the Bat refused to do anything about the supervillain, to finally put the mad dog down, you would always hate him. There wasn’t any other option. You sort of hated his entire entourage. Even Red Hood a bit, since even if they constantly fought, it was obvious both of them held back when dealing with each other. Still, you hated Red Hood and Robin a little less, after tonight. You kind of owed it to them.
You didn’t want to. You wanted to hate them and keep hating them till you died. It was one of your little things, the little things you couldn’t let go of. The little things that hinted at your less-than-perfect sanity. You felt that if you ever forgot what they’d done, what they kept doing every day, that you’d be disrespecting your family, forgetting some part of them. Some part of their memory, which you greedily hoarded away. Not a single precious recollection was to be lost, not ever.
You weren’t allowed to move on. Weren’t supposed to. Sometimes the many little rules you’d made for yourself felt like they were going to eat you alive. A swarm devouring its master. Swallowing you down bit by bit. Up and up, eating all the parts of you pushed down.
You wrap the blanket tighter around you, closing your eyes tight. Like if you tuck your feet inside the duvet, the monsters can’t get you. Your monsters can’t get you. Sometimes it felt like they were already feasting, and you just refused to feel it.
But only sometimes, right?
#Series:WWW#yandere batfam#yandere dc#yandere batfamily#yandere x reader#dick grayson x reader#nightwing x reader#jason todd x reader#red hood x reader#tim drake x reader#red robin x reader#damian wayne x reader#robin x reader
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One Piece Chapter 1107 - Initial Thoughts
And we're back from another break
A break of a lot of implications; Gear Fifth is back, Bonney controls all Pacifista, and Giants! Things are feeling like they're hitting a threshold, but still not enough to call an incident, so there must be more to unfold
let's unwrap it then!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
A Law and Bepo cover page now, Law's sleeping on another animal so Bepo's already got the bat out
The giants are on the move, and not just our Little Garden duo but our Enies Lobby duo of Oimo and Kashii
Gonna be kinda awkward when the Giant Warrior Pirates meet Grand Fleet members the New Giant Warrior Pirates, unless they merge into a super Giant Warrior Pirates crew
Usopp catches sight of the giants and is elated to see them again
Also a panel to recap Little Garden for those faint of memory
Edison makes a point that their arrival is likely from Media Coverage, and that the crew is likely being painted in a bad light
Usopp though knows the giants aren't here to fight, they are here to help, and is thus compelled to make it go smoothly
Every time Lilith hits Brook's head I feel like it makes a bobblehead noise
Lilith though is still concerned about stopping the ship, before it burns up on the barrier
Jinbe also laments that they can't afford to dilly dally
Disappointingly, Zoro is still fighting Lucci
It's not just a Zoro-fan thing, you can't go from beating King - a Lunarian and a Yonko commander - to still fighting Lucci, a government assassin Luffy's beaten twice
Also 'I'm in a hurry' is not a good excuse, both men feel like they're in control of the fight
Lucci thinking Zoro is anything like dead weight is folly anyway, the man has met the grim reaper
Back on the coast, 30 ships have been sunk by Pacifista
Vice Admiral Nine-Chins (TCB called him Red King) takes helm on strategy and leads with battleships, lamenting having to attack their own weapons
Back to Luffy though and he wants to know why Bonney is crying
Bonney asks him why he didn't tell her he's Nika, which Luffy doesn't know the name
Also reminder that Bonney still hasn't told Luffy about her time with Sabo at the Reverie
He also roasts Bonney about her Nika punch, so Bonney asks him to show her how it's done
Social Media went mad about Luffy laughing while Vegapunk got stabbed but he literally just didn't notice, now he has he's shocked
Yeah the holier than thou shtick doesn't work on Luffy
And apparently so doesn't the Eye-Shot thing
A Dawn Gatling rocks Saturn and it doesn't get old seeing him get smacked
The Bonney Retrieval Squad use this as a chance to get out of dodge
Vegapunk however believes his number's up, and asks them to leave him
Kizaru, dude, like, let it go
Sanji this time blocks a direct blast, only took like half a year for Sanji fans to get to this fight
Though I daren't go on twitter right now given how Sanji fans will compare this to Zoro still fighting Lucci (even though Raid Suit Sanji could barely fight King)
We could've done more with Franky too, rather than make him a reaction guy
'Light doesn't hold a candle to love' - dude she's 12, simmer
Kizaru laments the expectation that they'll have to bring more heads now, but Sanji's lighting his cigarette so you know he's down for action
Well there's our Blackbeard answer; Devon and Van Augur only
She taps Saturn on the leg after some mockery and that's 'mission accomplished', all that build up just to touch a leg
Jokes aside though this can be big, Teach wanted an in with the WG and now his Kitsune crewmember can transform into one at will, that's some carte blanche there
Saturn notes how Devon wasn't one to be a subordinate, but when Devon notes that Teach is special, Saturn makes a note about his lineage
Possibly another Buccaneer? Or something more? Something Devon is at least privy to as well
Classic evil plan though, they want the whole damn world
Before Saturn can spike them though they warp out, but not off the island, Augur still has limits
Caribou No!
The guy goes full sycophant on the duo, claiming hero worship and a desire to be on Blackbeard's crew, man just wants off the island
I would laugh like hell if Blackbeard also shoved him in a barrel though XD
Well a lot more is happening, including some more battle lines being drawn.
It was a good day for Sanji stans, they are finally gonna get Sanji vs Kizaru while Zoro still deals with Lucci. I'm still disappointed that there's no real reason for his delay, but Oda's never about power scaling, Zoro's delayed because the plot demands he be delayed, much like how the plot demands that Brook doesn't just make an ice pillar, the plot demands that Nami could just use Zeus to carry the crew and the Sunny out of Egghead or the plot demands that Atlas doesn't give Franky the light punching tech foreshadowed at the start of the arc.
In a way it is annoying and a tad lazy (much like off-screening the Seraphim whose value dips every chapter and York's capture - who has been ominously missing) but we do have to remember that Oda is still somehow human. I like Sanji and it'll be a good fight, but I do prefer there to be parity and logic, like just give them both a strong opponent? Let Usopp fight Lucci like he challenged in Enies Lobby to will Luffy to fight.
The Blackbeard stuff does feel underwhelming in the moment, but it's definitely a long term thing, disappointed in Caribou too because he showed slight semblance of a heart but now he's gonna spill all about the Ancient Weapons to Blackbeard and endanger more of our allies, should've left him in Wano and brought Carrot instead... Still notable absences for Stussy and Kaku though, Robin is healing up but still wanna see her well. We're still a question mark over Law, Bepo, Perona, Moria, Drake and most of SWORD & Tashigi too. And the sleeping giant is slowly continuing its awakening.
Things continue to happen at a rumble, but something big has to burst forth as a result.
#one piece#one piece spoilers#op spoilers#egghead island arc#future island arc#dr vegapunk#jewelry bonney#monkey d luffy#roronoa zoro#vinsmoke sanji#usopp one piece#vegapunk lilith#vegapunk edison#vegapunk stella#giant warrior pirates#dorry and brogy#oimo and kashii#saint jay garcia saturn#blackbeard pirates#caribou one piece#van augur#catarina devon#kizaru#admiral kizaru#borsalino#rob lucci#cp0#brook one piece#jinbe one piece
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His fighting style was certainly unique, taking advantage of his agility and his environment to bounce between multiple targets and take them out strategically (and stylishly of course) while avoiding any attacks the enemies might dish out. It didn't work on every foe, but even then he was strong enough to take on shadows twice his size with ease. It was no surprise she was impressed.
... And yet, he still got this oddly giddy feeling in his chest whenever she praised him.
He usually did his best to ignore it, but this time he couldn't help but savor the feeling, if just for a moment.
"Eh, it was nothing." He replied casually, pulling tightly on his glove with his usual flair. "These chumps got nothing on me! I'm barely breaking a sweat."
He did get a lot more confident when the mask was on. Confident and showman-esk. Every move he did had this practiced smoothness to it, every pose as picturesque as it could be, like he was performing for an audience that no one else could see. And that seemed to be extra true when she was around... Though, he wasn't doing so on purpose.
"Yeah, I can keep going. I could probably go all night if it was possible. My patrols back home were way longer than this Dark Hour thing."
Granted, he should probably pace himself. All those flashy moves took a decent chunk of energy, and while his stamina pool was far larger than most, being down to nearly half by this point was pushing it.
Though really, what was there to worry about? The shadows here were hardly a match for him after all the supervillains he'd fought on the regular, and the strongest ones were usually kept on their own floor, where he'd have the whole team backing him up. The likelihood of him exhausting himself completely seemed slimmer than a strand of hair.
But it was as he began following Mitsuru down the hall that he heard a sound that instantly boosted those chances by a country mile. One both familiar and yet unsettlingly new that it took both of them by surprise.
It was the sound of chains, which already would've been odd, since they'd barely been on this floor five minutes, but not the usual rustling of them that acted as a foreboding warning. No, these chains sounded like they were being dragged behind a semi truck gunning it down a highway, and was growing louder at an alarming rate.
"What the- where-!?!?"
He frantically looked down every path he could see, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The room behind them was empty, and the path ahead only seemed to have one shadow, that looked just as confused as he was.
Thankfully, his eyes weren't the only ones looking.
"... Move! Move NOW!!!"
Aaron barely had time to push her clear before the Reaper burst through the wall to their left like it was made of tissue paper, slamming straight into the Spider and sending him hurtling towards the opposite side of the hallway, leaving a massive crater at the impact before falling to the ground.
He was dazed, his body pulsing with pain and the air completely knocked out of his lungs. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been hit this hard.
His eyes could barely focus on their attacker, though he was still able to tell that something wasn't right. The Reaper was engulfed in this fiery red aura, its movements jerky and sporadic like it was full of energy it didn't know what to do with.
At first it didn't seem to notice them, looking around frantically as it searched for... something. Then its gaze landed on the pair of them, and its anger reached a boiling point, quickly raising its gun as it prepared to fire on Mitsuru.
And Aaron still couldn't get his body to move, not helped in the least by the amount of debris that had landed atop him.
'C'mon, move!! You have to move!!!'
@webbedphantom || Plotted Starter! - Reaper Rage
"Excellent work," Mitsuru praised him as the Shadow they'd been fighting melted away. Aaron was clearly a strong ally, which was why she had allowed him to return to battle so soon after their little spat the other day. She gave the phantom a respectful nod as she carried on, heading further into the twisted halls of Tartarus.
They had decided to split up; Akihiko, Ken and Koromaru had run off together, Minato, Junpei and Yukari went off in another direction, and so Mitsuru and Aaron had decided to work together to explore more of the dark tower. With Fuuka at the entrance, keeping watch over all of them via her Persona, the group was in safe hands. Or so they thought.
"Let's be on our way, Amamiya. I'm quite impressed with your fighting skills so as long as you aren't too tired I'd like to keep exploring," She added, heading further down one hall.
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Deltarune Theory: The True Identity and Importance of “Everyman”
I’ve been away from the Undertale theory scene for a long time. It’s been so long that a whole new-fangled game got announced, and I’ve got some theories on it.
Are these theories about Gaster or Sans or whatever’s going on with Kris? Not exactly. At least, not yet. I’ve got a better character in mind.
Let’s start with Everyman: Undertale’s most obscure character and (I think) one of the most pivotal in Deltarune.
This is a two-part theory: the first part outlines who Everyman is and why I think he’ll be important in Deltarune. The second part? You’ll have to read and find out.
This is a long one and with loads of images, so strap yourselves in.
Part 1: Introduction to Everyman
Who is Everyman?
“So Everyman’s just an Easter egg, right?”
Everyman’s Importance
Why did Everyman appear in True Lab?
Why Everyman will have a bigger role in Deltarune
Part 2: Everyman is ???
What will Everyman’s role be?
Jevil’s Connection to Everyman
The Spade King’s clue
Additional Evidence
The Gaster connection
The “Strange Son”
Who made who?
“Seriously, who is Everyman?”
Closing Summary
Final Conclusions
Who is Everyman?
"Everyman” is a special attack that appears during the Reaper Bird amalgamate fight in True Lab.
This same figure appears twice in Deltarune’s first chapter:
Once as graffiti in an alleyway in Hometown...
...and again as a rare bullet attack during Jevil’s fight.
The name “Everyman” only ever appears in-game next to his graffiti portrait in Hometown. Everyman’s sprites are simply titled “strangeman” in Undertale’s game files:
[Image transcript: UTModTool is showing multiple highlighted sprite entries that begin with “spr_strangeman”. On the right is the file “spr_strangeman_walk” opened, showing a picture of Everyman. End image transcript]
Some time after Undertale’s release there was a since-deleted tweet from Toby with a picture of Reaper Bird’s attack that he titled “Everyman,” which is where fans first got the name.
[Image transcript: A tweet from toby fox that says “Everyman”. The first reply says “Is that his name. please thell me thats his obj name.” Toby’s response repeats “Everyman.” The next reply says “everything i aspire to be.” Toby responds again with “’Everyman’ you aspire to be.” Toby then adds another tweet saying “Description. Just a good guy that shows up on occasion.” end image transcript.]
This is a web archive screenshot so the image of Everyman’s bullet sprite wasn’t preserved here. Special thanks to catcat for tracking this one down!
“So Everyman’s just an Easter egg, right?”
I don’t think so. I’d be more inclined to write off Everyman’s role in Deltarune as a mere cameo if he had only shown up once. But it’s odd that Toby felt the need to include Everyman twice in a single chapter. To me this seems less like a one-off cameo and more like foreshadowing for a greater role in the full game.
Let’s compare Everyman’s appearances to instances of character foreshadowing and one-off cameos from Undertale and Deltarune:
[Image transcript: four Undertale screenshots arranged in a grid. In the top-left screenshot, the narration text box reads “(the machine isn’t working.)” as Frisk stares at Mettaton in Snowdin’s colored tile puzzle room. In the top-right screenshot, the narration textbox is reading a TV announcement in Papyrus’ house: “(It says ‘STAY TUNED FOR A NEW PROGRAM - MTT.’)”. In the bottom-left screenshot, Napstablook’s text box says “there’s a show i like to watch on it... sometimes...” as Frisk looks at their television. In the bottom-right screenshot, Undyne’s text box says “This oven is some top-of-the-line MTT thing.” as Frisk stares at her oven. End image transcript.]
Mettaton is foreshadowed multiple times before he makes his proper introduction in Alphys’ Lab. This includes a direct on-screen appearance of his rectangular form as part of Snowdin’s colored tile puzzle. What’s interesting is that half of these references (including the tile puzzle) only make sense in hindsight to a first-time player. For all we know there could be other, more-cryptic Everyman references already in Deltarune that we don’t have the full context to understand yet.
Rouxls Kaard
Despite his legendary introductory sequence catching many-a-player off-guard, Rouxls Kaard actually is foreshadowed a couple of times before his stunning debut.
[Image transcript: four Deltarune screenshots arranged in a grid. In the top-left screenshot, Ralsei is reading a message from Rouxls Kaard: “It says... ‘Thoust fools, thou will NEVER figure it out now!’. This is continued in the top-right screenshot: “Then it, um, says, ‘PS - I make my own Rules. - RK’”. In the bottom-left screenshot, a puzzle-master says “ROUXLS KAARD... Lord of the Puzzles... Be careful...!” In the bottom-right screenshot, one of Clover’s heads says “RK came by... What a hunk!” End image transcript.]
I’ve noticed from watching Let’s Plays that many people don’t even realize that these lines were meant to foreshadow him (and I’m pretty sure I didn’t realize it either on my first playthrough).
Now here’s something that’s an example of both a one-off cameo and proper foreshadowing! In Undertale, Ice-E is referenced exactly once in the entire game—as part of Sans’ Monster Kidz Word Search puzzle. No other character mentions Ice-E, Ice-E does not appear in-person, nor does the Ice-E’s restaurant appear... in Undertale. Deltarune is a completely different story.
[image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. in the left screenshot, Kris looks under their sink and the narration text box says: “A can of Ice-E’s Cool Boys Body Spray ‘Spray For The Boys,’ Flamin’ Hot Pizza Flavor.” In the right screenshot, Kris reads a chart in the hospital. The narration text box says: “(It’s a classic 1-to-10 pain scale, using ICE-E as a model.)” End image transcript.]
In Deltarune chapter 1 we find numerous references and bits of foreshadowing for Ice-E and, lo and behold, we see that Ice-E’s restaurant exists in Hometown at the end of chapter 1. And notice how it’s multiple references and not just a one-off like last time.
In every example of foreshadowing listed above we’re given more than one hint of a character’s presence, and so far Everyman fits this same pattern. This makes me feel safe in assuming he will have a bigger role in the full game.
Everyman’s Importance
What’s interesting is that in Chapter 1, Everyman appears in both the light and dark worlds. So far Deltarune has kept the light and dark worlds largely separate from one another, with only Kris and Susie traveling between them (as far as we know).
Everyman’s presence in both worlds implies that either he can travel between both worlds as well, or at least that lightners and darkners are both familiar with him.
Based on what we know, I’d wager that Everyman is a lightner—specifically, a monster. I say this for two reasons: 1.) so far we’ve only seen lightners (Kris and Susie) travel between both worlds, and 2.) this would explain Everyman’s appearance as one of Reaper Bird’s attacks in Undertale’s True Lab.
Why did Everyman appear in the True Lab?
The worlds of Undertale and Deltarune are connected. Toby has all-but-confirmed this himself.
[Image transcript: A screenshot from the official Deltarune website’s question-and-answer page. The question says “So there’s no connections between the two games?”. The answer says “It’s a different world that might even have different rules. That doesn’t mean there will be no connections at all though.” End image transcript.]
One major connection between Undertale and Deltarune is their largely-shared cast of characters. Many major characters from Undertale make an appearance in Deltarune’s first chapter, and Toby has shown that at least some characters from Deltarune’s universe have counterparts in the Undertale universe as well.
The Undertale Alarm Clock App makes reference to Rudolph Holiday living in the Underground some time prior to the events of Undertale.
[Image transcript: A dialogue box where Asgore says “Rudy... loved the holidays, you know.” End image transcript.]
This dialogue also strongly implies that Undertale’s universe has a counterpart for Noelle.
[Image transcript: Another dialogue box from Asgore. He says: “With a warm slice of fruitcake on the table. His youngest daughter peeking shyly from around the corner...” End image transcript]
Depending on how one interprets the Clamgirl NPC’s dialogue, there may or may not be an Undertale version of Susie (aka “Suzy”) too.
[Image transcript: Two Undertale screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Clamgirl tells Frisk: “Synchronicity...? My neighbor’s daughter looks about your age.” In the right screenshot her dialogue continues: “Her name is ‘Suzy.’ I feel like you two should be friends.” End image transcript.]
I’d argue that Everyman also had a “counterpart” in Undertale’s universe who lived as a monster in the Underground. Much like Rudy, the Underground’s Everyman likely grew old and eventually “fell down”. But unlike Rudy, Everyman was sent to the True Lab for the royal scientist’s soul experiments and became part of the Reaper Bird amalgamate.
This would fit with the pattern that we see with most other amalgamates, namely that they each seem to be made up of one named/noteworthy monster combined with several other generic monsters. The formula goes like this:
Lemon Bread = Shyra (Shyren’s Sister) + Aaron + Moldbygg
Endogeny = Muttler + various dog enemies
Snowdrake Mother = Crystal (Snowdrake’s Mom) + Vegetoids(?)
Reaper Bird = Everyman + Astigmatism + Whimsalot + Final Froggit
The Memoryheads seem to not “fit” with the other amalgamates, perhaps intentionally, so I’ll leave them out for now.
Long story short: Everyman was most likely a monster since he was part of an amalgamate and (as far as we know) amalgamates can only be made of monsters.
Why Everyman will have a bigger role in Deltarune
We see in Deltarune that three of the monsters who became amalgamates in Undertale have since passed away. This fits a trend I’ve noticed of Toby trying to “explain” the absence of characters who are prominent in one of his games but not the other.
The examples I cited above of Rudy, Noelle, and (possibly) Susie existing in Undertale’s universe also serve as “excuses” for where those characters were and why they were absent from the events of Undertale’s story. Rudy was dead and Noelle and “Suzy” were living with their families (presumably) in parts of the Underground where Frisk never ventured.
Shyra, Muttler, and Crystal are similarly “excused” from Deltarune’s story when the graveyard informs the player of their passing. Gerson is likewise excluded from Deltarune due to having passed away before the events of the game.
Conveniently, Everyman is not listed among the amalgamate monsters who have passed away in Hometown, and the alleyway graffiti implies he’s alive and well.
We know that Deltarune’s timeline and character ages don’t match up perfectly with Undertale’s—Deltarune Asriel is still alive and slightly older than Kris, who’s roughly the same age as DR Monster Kid. Conversely, Undertale Asriel died long before Frisk entered the Underground, yet Frisk is still seemingly in the same age bracket as UT Monster Kid (who’s barely younger than Asriel in Deltarune). Like Rudy, we can assume that Deltarune’s Everyman is younger than the Everyman who “fell down” in the Underground.
What will Everyman’s role be?
Remember when I said this was a two-part theory? Well, here’s the second half of my theory: Everyman is the Knight.
[Image transcript: A text box that says “Yes, you read that correctly.” End image transcript.]
Yes, the same Knight mentioned by Seam, Jevil, and the King of Spades. The same Knight who’s pulling new dark fountains out of the earth and who’s implied to be a major antagonist in the full game.
I could hedge my bets by saying Everyman is merely “connected” to the Knight, but if the Knight is a character we already know of then I think Everyman is the most likely candidate.
Let’s start with the name: Everyman’s sprites are titled “strangeman” in Undertale’s files. The very first mention we get of the Knight in Deltarune is Seam describing a “strange knight” who appeared, complete with red font for emphasis.
[Image transcript: Seam speaking inside of a shop, saying: “But, recently, a strange knight appeared... And three of the kings were locked away.” End image transcript.]
The word “strange” seems to be used selectively and very deliberately in Deltarune’s first chapter. Here’s a breakdown of all the times it’s used:
Seam referring to the knight
Seam referring to the Knight’s “strange son” (more on that later)
Telling Seam about Jevil (”Strange Prisoner”)
Seam referring to the “strange someone” that Jevil met
Seam mentioning the “strange words” Jevil said
Rouxls Kaard referring to Lancer (”a strange and irritating darling!”)
Narration before Kris seals the dark fountain (”You felt something strange.”)
Flavor text during the Jevil fight (”Kris gazed strangely”)
The Devilsknife/Jevilstail appearing in a “strange chest” outside of Jevil’s cell upon defeating him (this may be dummied out or only triggers if your inventory is full of weapons/armors and Jevil can’t give his item to you)
The description of the key to Jevil’s cell (”something feels strange about it”)
With the exception of the line from Rouxls Kaard, every instance of “strange” somehow connects to the Knight or Jevil. If the Knight is indeed the “strange someone” who Jevil met then the list tightens even further, to the point where all but one use of the word “strange” is associated with a single character and his handiwork—a very “strange man”, as it were. Speaking of Jevil...
Jevil’s connection to the Knight and Everyman
Jevil’s fight is one of two places where Everyman appears in Deltarune chapter 1. Not only that, but Everyman’s sprite only appears as a rare event during Jevil’s carousel attack, implying that his appearance is somehow significant.
Interestingly enough, the other two sprites that appear during this attack are one with a head that vaguely resembles Mysteryman (believed to be Gaster) and another with the head of a horse, a.k.a. the same as a knight piece on a chess board. It’s also worth pointing out that it’s rarer for the Everyman sprite to appear than it is for either of the other two sprites to appear.
We can also see the Everyman sprite represented in the official Chaos Revolving Keychain from Fangamer.
Jevil mentions the Knight once you defeat him, showing that he has knowledge of his existence.
[Image transcript: Jevil saying “THE HAND OF THE KNIGHT IS DRIFTING FORWARD.” End image transcript.]
This is interesting since Seam’s dialogue implies that Jevil was imprisoned well before the Knight overthrew the three kings at Card Castle. I can think of three possible explanations for this seeming timeline discrepancy:
Jevil is somehow intrinsically “aware” of things that go on outside of his cell
The Knight or someone else visited Jevil in jail to tell him about what happened with the three kings
The Knight is the same “strange someone” that Jevil met before he was locked up
The first explanation is the least likely, imo, due to Jevil asking who Kris, Ralsei, and Susie are when he first meets them.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Jevil is talking to the fun gang and he says: “BUT LO, THREE VISITORS STANDING INSIDE?” This continues in the right screenshot, where Jevil says: “WHO ARE YOU FEW?” End image transcript.]
If Jevil was aware of the outside world then he’d surely know of the fun gang’s antics by that point.
The second explanation doesn’t seem very likely either. Seam is the only character who acknowledges Jevil’s existence and we never see Seam visit Card Castle, even after the Spade King has been overthrown.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Jack Person tells the fun gang: “By the by, I asked Seam to come here, but...” Continuing onto the right screenshot, where Jack Person finishes by saying “There wasn’t any interest.” End image transcript.]
Jevil’s cell doesn’t seem to have any guards and it’s kept on its own floor, so that would rule out Jevil hearing about the knight from other prisoners.
If someone in the castle brings food to Jevil then he may have overheard it from them, but even that is speculative. Does Jevil even need to eat? He says his body “cannot be killed,” after all.
[Image transcript: Jevil saying “THIS BODY CANNOT BE KILLED!” End image transcript.]
And I’m not sure if the King of Spades would be so accommodating towards a dangerous prisoner.
That just leaves the third explanation, which seems the most likely to me. It’s also the tidiest explanation for how Jevil would be aware of both the Knight and Everyman—they’re the same person.
We can only speculate as to why the “strange someone” caused Jevil to run amok. If that strange someone was the Knight then I would assume that setting Jevil loose may have been his attempt to overthrow or destabilize Card Castle’s leadership. We know that the Knight eventually overthrew the three other kings himself, so that may have been his plan B after Jevil failed or he merely wished to remove Jevil as an obstacle. Either way, the Knight toppled the quadrumvirate and installed the Spade King as the protector of Card Castle’s dark fountain.
The Spade King’s clue
The Spade King is the closest ally of the Knight that we’ve seen so far. The exact nature of their relationship isn’t fully known, but the King’s words imply that he reveres and is loyal to the Knight.
[Image description: Four Deltarune screenshots arranged in a grid. In the top-left, the King of Spades says “By the Knight’s will, I shall shatter your heart to pieces!”. In the top-right, the King says “For the KNIGHT has appeared.” In the bottom-left, the King says “The KNIGHT that pulls the Fountains from the Earth.” In the bottom-right, the King says “My KNIGHT... I shall not fail you...” End image transcript.]
Both characters share an interest in maintaining the existence of dark fountains, given that the Knight has been said to create new fountains by pulling them up from the Earth.
Unlike Jevil, the Spade King’s attacks never make explicit reference to Everyman’s visage, but he does give a possible nod that many players have overlooked. When the Spade King is defeated, he makes a curious gesture by letting his cloak fly away like a butterfly.
While this may be a simple artistic flourish, I always found this moment to be odd and unfitting for a brutish character like the King. It’s also worth pointing out how the King’s cloak is clearly not a part of his body, unlike what’s implied with Lancer’s “clothes”.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the battle narration says: “You tell Lancer you can’t tell the difference between his clothes and his body.” The narration continues in the right screenshot, saying “He seems flattered... His ATTACK POWER went down!” End transcript.]
What if the King didn’t always have that butterfly-shaped cloak? Did someone give it to him? Think of where else we’ve seen butterfly motifs before.
At first blush, this seems obvious—the Reaper Bird is clearly made from the Core mercenaries, including Whimsalot. Whimsalot attacks with butterfly bullets, so that’s where Reaper Bird got them from, right? Case closed. Well, not so fast.
It turns out there are two different sets of butterfly bullets in Undertale’s game files, and Reaper Bird’s are different from Whimsalot’s.
[Image transcript: Two groups of butterfly bullet sprites. The left group is labeled “Whimsun / Whimsalot.” The right group is labeled “Reaper Bird”. End image transcript.]
Notice how Reaper Bird’s butterflies are smaller and have pointier, more symmetrical wings? While those differences could be chalked up to limited pixel resolution, it’s interesting how Toby went out of his way to create an entirely unique set of butterfly bullets for Reaper Bird when it arguably would have made more sense for him to recycle the Whimsun butterflies like he did for Whimsalot.
If you want to compare the sprites for yourself I suggest either looking at the game files directly or looking at an actual playthrough of Undertale. I’ve noticed that Spriter’s Resource mistakenly has Reaper Bird’s butterflies listed under Whimsun’s sprite sheet (which is a completely understandable mix-up).
To drive the point home, notice the string names that are used for these butterflies:
[Image transcript: An UTModTool window showing multiple named strings. Highlighted in red are six strings that each contain “obj_strangeman_butterfly” in their names. End image transcript.]
They’re “strangeman” butterflies. Not “amalgamate” or “Reaper Bird” butterflies (despite Reaper Bird having its own share of dedicated strings and named sprites), and they’re not “Whimsalot” butterflies either. Toby clearly delineates them as belonging to strangeman, a.k.a. Everyman, meaning that Everyman is specifically associated with butterfly imagery. The Spade King also makes use of butterfly imagery immediately after he mentions the Knight in his final turn.
Between the King and Jevil, this makes two characters that can be linked to both Everyman and the Knight.
Additional Evidence
Let’s circle back to Reaper Bird for a second. It’s commonly known that this amalgamate is made from Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot. To wit:
These enemies are part of the mercenary group that Mettaton hires to attack you in the Core. Have you ever noticed how out-of-place they seem? Almost every other set of enemies in the game is somehow themed around their environment — Snowdin enemies are ice creatures, Hotland enemies are fire/lava-themed, etc. These mercenaries are themed around medieval warfare and yet they show up in the Core, the most high-tech area in the entire Underground.
What’s even stranger is that this medieval theme seems to come out of nowhere. Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot act as “upgraded” versions of Loox, Froggit, and Whimsun, respectively. And yet their Ruins counterparts don’t have any medieval theming whatsoever—it was added purely for the mercenaries. For whatever reason they’re all dressed like a bunch of wizards and... knights.
[Image transcript: Two Undertale screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, a Core NPC says “Why do I look like a black sausage and not a knight or a wizard?” This continues on the right, where it says “Well... Everyone has an angle they look best from.” End image transcript.]
That’s not my interpretation of their designs—the game outright calls them knights.
On the one hand, it’s true that Asgore’s royal guards also dress up like knights, but the Core mercenaries are explicitly not part of the royal guard—they’re mercenaries.
[Image transcript: Battle flavor text that states “Mercenaries emerge from the shadows.” End image transcript.]
Assuming that Asgore has a dress code for his guards or is just old-fashioned in his sensibilities, there’s still no reason why fighters outside of the guard should follow their standard. Even some of the royal sentries don’t follow this theming, as seen with Doggo and Sans (who’s technically a sentry):
With the abundance of knight-themed royal guard and sentry enemies that exist already, Toby could’ve easily designed the Core Mercenaries to more accurately fit with the Core’s futuristic theme. Doesn’t it seem a little too coincidental that Everyman would wind up as part of the same amalgamate as these otherwise out-of-place knights?
When we look at the other amalgamates, we can see that Lemon Bread (a.k.a. Shyren’s sister) is made up of Waterfall enemies. Endogeny is made up entirely of dog-based enemies. These two amalgamates each have a “theme” for their component monsters that fits the “main” named monster they’re each made of, and Reaper Bird has a clear theme of its own. Why would Everyman be paired with a bunch of knights if he was not connected to them in some way?
Even the Undertale artbook groups Everyman’s concept art with the Core Mercenaries, specifically the ones that look the most like knights and wizards in-game. The book also repeats the name “Everyman” and Toby’s cryptic phrase of “Just a good guy who shows up on occasion.”
Perhaps Everyman knew the Core mercenaries when he was alive? Were they his fellow knights? Or did they work for him before he fell down and they had to then lend their services elsewhere?
“The Knight? Seriously?”
Some of you may be shaking your heads dismissively at the idea of Everyman being the Knight (or you more likely clicked over to another tab by now). I mean, just look at the guy:
What part of this design makes you think “knight”, let alone THE Knight? Well, Seam does refer to the Knight as a “strange” knight, and Everyman certainly fits that bill. But more importantly, we haven’t seen an actual overworld sprite for Everyman yet—we’ve only seen some graffiti and a couple of magic bullet attacks, which are always abstract and simplified.
Not pictured: Froggit, Migosp, Temmie, Moldbygg, Tsunderplane, Mettaton, or Endogeny.
Everyman’s “proper” design would almost certainly differ from his Pillsbury Doughboy-esque bullet sprite, especially if he’s wearing a cloak or a suit of armor. And even if his design doesn’t differ that much, so what? It’s not like this series has ever had an opponent that looks goofy or non-threatening, right?
Another little tidbit I noticed: one of Reaper Bird’s attacks consists of Everyman repeatedly removing his own head.
Or maybe it’s not his head? Perhaps it’s a helmet? Like one that a knight would wear? After all, it’s not unheard of for helmets to have beak-like protrusions.
And this is a series where helmets can come in any shape or size to better fit the needs of the wearer.
Just some food for thought.
The Gaster connection
It’s time to address the elephant in the room: “Isn’t Gaster supposed to be the Knight?” If you haven’t heard by now, this is one of the prevailing theories in the fandom. To be honest, if the Knight ends up not being Everyman then Gaster is the next-best candidate, imo, but these two theories don’t have to be mutually-exclusive. I think a case can be made that Everyman and Gaster are connected in some way.
Let me say up front that this section is highly speculative (unlike the previous sections, which clearly aren’t the least bit speculative). We’re dealing with two super-obscure characters who’ve yet to make a proper on-screen appearance in either game. It’s already hard enough to figure out how either of them connect to the broader Undertale universe, let alone to each other, but I’ll give it a shot.
For starters, we can affirm that both Gaster and Everyman are linked to the True Lab. There’s no shortage of fan theories and speculation on Gaster’s prior usage of the True Lab in his own experiments and I won’t get into all that here, but suffice it to say the True Lab has Gaster’s name written all over it.
(Am I the only one who thinks the DT Extractor looks more like Everyman’s head than it does a Gaster Blaster? Forget I said anything.)
We’ve covered how Everyman appears as one of Reaper Bird’s attacks. Interestingly, the amalgamate Memoryhead has an attack that resembles the head of Mysteryman, the figure believed to be Gaster (which I’ll assume here for simplicity’s sake).
If we follow the logic of my prior “Everyman is the named/important monster that makes up Reaper Bird, fitting the pattern of other amalgamates” argument, then Gaster (or pieces of him) could fill the same role for the Memoryheads.
Everyman and Gaster’s sprites both have the suffix of “man” in Undertale’s game files. Here are all the sprites that use this same naming scheme:
strangeman - Everyman
mysteryman - “Gaster”
snowman - gives you the snowman piece
riverman - a.k.a. River Person
darkman - the shadowy overworld sprites used for the Core Mercenaries
watchingman - The spoon-shaped amalgamate that tucks Frisk into bed
The snowman’s inclusion is a bit of a fluke, because what else would you call a snowman without using “man” in the name? If we exclude the snowman, each instance of “man” represents a mysterious figure that ties back to Everyman and/or Gaster.
We’ve already covered the connection between Everyman and the Core Mercenaries, and it’s easy to connect the “watchingman” amalgamate with the True Lab. River Person is also frequently linked to Gaster in fan theories (and they allude to “the man from the other world” and “the man who speaks in hands”), so what we’re left with is a close-knit community of strange, mysterious "man”s.
This naming scheme looks very intentional on Toby’s part, and he seems to be continuing it in Deltarune by referring to the secret unseen NPC who gives you the egg behind the tree in Scarlet Forest as simply “a man.”
[Image transcript: Narration from the secret egg room. The text box states: “(Well, there is a man here.)” End image transcript]
The Knight’s “Strange Son”?
Remember when I said I’d get back to the Knight’s “strange son”? That’s now. I’m a little iffy on this topic because it involves stacking a whole ton of assumptions onto a single line of dialogue that’s phrased in an ambiguous way. But, if it means what I think it means, it could shed a ton of light on Everyman’s possible connection to Gaster and whether either of them are the Knight.
When you ask Seam about the “Kingdom”, Seam says this:
[Image transcript: Three of Seam’s text boxes arranged vertically. In order, they read: “Historically, this land was ruled by the Four Kings, from CARD CASTLE to the East. But, recently, a strange knight appeared... And three of the kings were locked away. The remaining king put him and his strange son into power.” End image transcript]
Let’s focus on that last sentence. On my first playthrough I misread this line as “the knight put the king and his strange son into power” because that sounds a lot closer to the events that happened—the Spade King and his “strange son” Lancer are in power now because the three kings were locked away, presumably by the Knight.
But the actual text states the opposite—the remaining king (Spade King) put him (the Knight) and his strange son (i.e., the Knight’s son) into power. Or does it? The line could also read as—the remaining king (Spade King) put him (the Knight) and his (the King’s) strange son (Lancer) into power. The second way is awkwardly-structured but technically valid. And this is assuming that Toby didn’t make any grammatical errors when he typed these lines, which he has done on occasion.
[Image transcript: A dialogue box where Dr. Alphys says “I felt so guilty knowing I hadn’t do anything to stop you.” End image transcript.]
Not to be too hard on Toby, but even if Seam’s line is grammatically correct it’s still clunky and murky in its conception—at this point in the game we’ve only just been introduced to Lancer and the fact that his dad is the King, and now this line is potentially introducing yet another father/son duo that is closely connected with Lancer’s dad—is it any wonder that this line is often glossed over by fans?
The second reading, where Lancer is the “strange son,” is also awkward because the Spade King would have little need to put Lancer “into power”. Lancer was already a prince and, presumably, already wielded power in that role. Various NPCs make reference to Lancer bossing them around, and such a thing could’ve easily happened before the three kings were deposed.
If we take Seam’s line with the first reading (where the Knight has a “strange son”) and assume there were no grammatical errors, then this is the only time in chapter 1 that the Knight is ever referred to as having a son. It’s also the only time that the Knight is addressed with pronouns, implying that the Knight is male. If true, this would rule out the theory that Kris (or any potential alter ego that Kris has) is the knight, since Kris is neither male nor do they have a son. This would also rule out Susie, who’s never been a popular contender for being the Knight but is referred to as a “dark knight” on her stats page.
Who made who?
So then, who’s male, widely believed to be the Knight, and is often depicted as having one or more sons?
This (alleged) guy!
“But wait,” you might ask, “isn’t your theory that Everyman is the Knight?” Well, the Knight and his “strange son” seem to be working as a duo in the scenario that Seam outlines, given that the Spade King put both of them “into power.”
Because of Everyman’s connections to the Knight that I’ve laid out, plus the more popular theory that Gaster is the Knight, it’s possible that one may be the Knight and the other may be the Knight’s “strange son.” The way I see it, it doesn’t make a huge difference which one is which.
Now, I don’t think that Gaster and Everyman would be father and son in the strict biological sense. There are a number of reasons for this, but for starters I’m not even sure if Everyman and Gaster are the same species. My inclination is that Everyman is a monster, while Gaster may be a darkner. The latter is mostly my own guess and springboards off of a popular theory that Sans is a darkner, but it’s a whole other can of worms that I won’t get into now.
More importantly, Gaster is strongly implied to have some sort of connection to Sans and Papyrus. All three of them are also connected with special fonts that they each use. As far as I can tell, there’s no widely-used font by the name of “Everyman”, so this would imply that Everyman is not a skeleton and therefore not biologically related to them. However, there’s more than one way to start a family.
Gaster was the royal scientist in Undertale’s universe and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he (or his potential Deltarune counterpart) could find the means to create life forms artificially.
[Image transcript: The vessel creation scene from Deltarune. The on-screen text says “YOU HAVE CREATED A WONDERFUL FORM.” End image transcript.]
Everyman could be a creation of Gaster’s and thus he’d be Gaster’s “son”.
There’s also another possibility: Everyman is Gaster’s creator. We know that the Knight is pulling new dark fountains out of the Earth. I think the Knight, regardless of who they are, must be able to survive without a dark fountain to give their body form, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to venture into areas where new fountains have yet to be pulled up. The Knight is almost certainly a lightner, and I’ve already detailed why I think Everyman is a lightner as well.
We don’t fully understand how dark fountains interact with darkners, but it’s stated multiple times that dark fountains “give form” to the Dark World.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Ralsei’s narration says “Today the FOUNTAIN OF DARKNESS-” and continues into the right screenshot, saying: “The geyser that gives this land form-” End image transcript.]
In the dummied-out manual pages, Ralsei also mentions how his dark fountain gives his body form.
[Image transcript: Ralsei’s manual excerpt, whic says “Dedicated to The unending pillar of darkness that gives my body form.” End image transcript]
Darkners need dark fountains in order to maintain their forms. They may not even be able to survive at all without them. From this point of view, when the Knight creates new dark fountains he’s bringing new darkners to life. If Gaster is a darkner himself, then it’s not unthinkable to imagine that Everyman may have brought him to life in this way and could thus be called his “father”. Seam does refer to lightners as the “creators” of darkners, after all.
[Image transcript: Seam’s dialogue box saying “They were like Gods to us. Our protectors. Our creators. Those who gave us purpose...” End image transcript.]
Ultimately the question of who’s the father and who’s the son is purely speculative. We don’t even know for sure if the Knight has a son, let alone whether it’s Everyman, Gaster, or someone else entirely. It’s very much a “the chicken or the egg?” kind of question.
[Image transcript: Two images. The right is a screenshot of the egg room with narration stating “(You received an Egg)”. End image transcript.]
“Seriously, who is Everyman?”
Let’s bring this home with the question we started with: Who is Everyman? I’ve gone into evidence that he existed as an actual person in Undertale and will likely play a role in Deltarune, but this doesn’t tell us much about the kind of character he is. We don’t even know if “Everyman” is his real name.
If Everyman is indeed a prominent character in Deltarune then there are two possibilities: 1.) he’s a brand new character we’ve never met before, or 2.) he’s someone that we have met before. The first option, while a strong possibility, doesn’t leave us with much to talk about, so let’s look at the second.
Right out the gate I can confidently say that Everyman is not a character that we talked to or had significant interaction with in Undertale. The obvious reason is that he was busy being stuck inside Reaper Bird and he couldn’t have been in two places at once (as far as we know). This means that Everyman would have to be a character introduced in Deltarune chapter 1.
I’ve said before that I believe Everyman is a lightner, so this would rule out any dark world characters. That leaves us with the residents of Hometown who didn’t have direct counterparts in Undertale’s story.
After careful consideration I’ve narrowed the field to two suspects:
Father Alvin
Father Alvin has always struck me as an oddity. He seems like an important member of Hometown’s community, and yet none of the other residents ever talk about him. He’s also conspicuously absent from Undertale’s universe.
The most notable thing about Father Alvin is that his church seems to worship “the Angel”.
[Image transcript: Father Alvin saying “Let the Angel’s power light your way.” End image transcript.]
Ralsei’s prophecy states that the three heroes must seal the dark fountains in order to banish the “Angel’s Heaven.”
[Image transcript: Two Deltaunre screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Ralsei’s narration says “Only they can seal the fountains.” The right screenshot continues, saying: “And banish the ANGEL’S HEAVEN.” End image transcript.]
This would put the heroes at odds with both the Knight (who’s creating fountains) and whoever is serving this Angel. We can only speculate on the Knight’s motives, but what if he’s acting in service to the Angel?
Something that isn’t brought up much in the fandom is the religious reverence that darkners give to their fountains. The King of Spades refers to the fountains that the Knight creates as “holy” fountains.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the King of Spades says “Holy Fountains, whose shadows are creating a new world...” The right screenshot continues, saying “OUR world.” End image transcript.]
The soundtrack that plays at the Fountain is called “The Holy.” Dark fountains can seemingly create life, so it’s easy to imagine the Knight viewing his own mission as some sort of holy rite.
As far as evidence goes for Alvin being Everyman/the Knight, the biggest clue is the drawing signed by Alvin that shows up in the supply closet at the end of chapter 1.
Every other object in the closet represents a part of the dark world that Kris and Susie visited, and yet at no point do they encounter a dark world manifestation of this drawing. We know that the Knight visited Card Castle previously, so this drawing could be meant to represent the Knight’s presence in that part of the dark world.
It’s also worth noting how most of the closet’s toys are arranged from left to right in the order that Kris and Susie encountered them on their journey. Alvin’s drawing is on the far right, just past the open cabinet drawer (i.e., Card Castle), implying that Alvin’s drawing was either at the fountain or that it was effectively the “next” thing that Kris and Susie would’ve encountered if they had stayed.
It’s hard to make out what the drawing could be beyond being a “poorly-drawn picture of a green turtle”, as the flavor text explains. Could it be Everyman? Or is it just a reference to Bold and Brash? Both? Neither? The world may never know. Or it may know when the full game comes out.
Can I also add how strange it is that Alvin’s drawing is in the closet to begin with? Alvin looks to be a pretty old dude, so why would his drawing still be in a school that he no longer attends? I don’t have an answer, I just think it’s weird.
Other clues that could point to Alvin being Everyman are that he is, scientifically speaking, old-looking, which would line up with my hypothesis of Undertale’s Everyman being an older monster who fell down before becoming Reaper Bird.
Alvin also vaguely resembles Everyman as far as their proportions are concerned.
It’s by no means a perfect match, especially if we factor in Alvin’s shell, but both characters possess a round head with some sort of beak or proboscis.
If Everyman actually is Father Alvin, then the title “Everyman” could be a reference to The Summoning of Everyman, a 15th-century religious morality play. I won’t get into the specifics here, but the play focuses on a character named Everyman who must prepare for his inevitable death and judgment for his deeds in life. I don’t really know how much that would tie into Deltarune’s themes or if it’s even a deliberate reference to begin with, so make of it what you will.
Father Alvin was the first character that I suspected of being Everyman when I started writing this theory, but there’s one major sticking point that prevents me from fully embracing the idea: the fact that he lacks a character portrait for his dialogue boxes.
This may seem like a minor nitpick, but dialogue portraits indicate when a character is important to the story, and it would be a pretty big oversight on Toby’s part if a (presumably) recurring antagonist wasn’t given a portrait. Even a three-scene wonder like Rouxls Kaard was given a portrait.
It’s true that recurring characters like Napstablook and Monster Kid weren’t given portraits in Undertale...
But Deltarune has greatly expanded the number of characters with portraits this time around, and we can already infer that Noelle (who had a portrait in chapter 1) will be an important character going forward:
Given Alvin’s limited dialogue in chapter 1 and his lack of a portrait, I’m more inclined to believe that he’ll end up being a minor character, in which case he’d almost certainly not be the Knight (and therefore not Everyman). But who knows, maybe Toby will give him a portrait in the full game.
Thankfully, we have another candidate who might be Everyman:
The Ice-E’s Employees
You think I’m joking? Trust me, you’ll know when I’m joking.
I didn’t initially make the connection between Ice-E’s and Everyman until I saw a post from @curioscurio that pointed me in that direction.
Let’s go back to the Everyman graffiti that appears in Hometown.
Notice how the drawing right next to it resembles Ice-E’s head? I can’t believe this was staring me in the face the whole time and I never realized the connection.
Another point in favor of the Ice-E’s workers is that we don’t even know what two of them look like. We know that Burgerpants is one, and another is implied to be the Nice Cream Bunny that we met in Undertale.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the Ice-E’s employee says “Psst, can I tell you a mascot secret? I only started working here because...” The right screenshot continues, saying “The logo made me think it was an ice-cream shop...” End image transcript.]
But this still leaves the “purple guy” and “The Warrior”, who remain in full costume for chapter 1, meaning that one of them could resemble Everyman underneath their mask.
Speaking of The Warrior, he certainly fits the bill as being “strange.” His title wouldn’t be out of place among the likes of The Knight, and his dialogue refers to the hospital’s medical staff as “white wizards”, which fits with the medieval theming that’s associated with Everyman’s mercenary cohorts in Undertale.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the Warrior says “This castle’s WHITE WIZARDs relegated me to this HEALING CHAMBER...” The right screenshot continues, saying “But my BLOOD is BOILING FOR BATTLE!!!” End image transcript.]
Speaking of the Core Mercenaries, here’s an interesting tidbit:
[Image transcript: Two Undertale screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, a Core NPC says “As a youth, I would sneak out to play by this creepy flaming pit.” The right screenshot continues, saying “Since the CORE is always re-arranging, it was like a game trying to find it.” End image transcript.]
I used to assume that the Core Mercenaries were older monsters who fought in the human-monster war, which would explain their insistence on dressing up as old-timey knights and wizards. However, these lines of dialogue imply that the Mercenaries are far younger—young enough to visit the Core when they were kids.
So why would a bunch of younger monsters dress up like old-school knights and wizards? Simple: they’re LARPers. This would explain why their more casual overworld dialogue doesn’t match their overly-serious battle dialogue whatsoever—the battle is over and, thus, so is the act.
What does this have to do with Ice-E’s? Simple. The Warrior is also a LARPer. But he takes it a step further and never lets the act slip. According to Burgerpants, he terrorizes customers with war chants during his day job, and we see him keeping up the act while he’s injured in the hospital. It’s clear that he’s living in a fantasy world, and someone like that would have every reason to spend time in a strange dark world that “seems like” fantasy.
[Image transcript: Lyrics from Deltarune’s credits theme. It says: “And the places that you know seem like fantasy”. End image transcript.]
Someone like him could grow attached to such a place and want to see it spread as far and wide as possible, with no regard for how it would affect the boring “real world”. All he’d need to do is create new dark fountains to sustain this fantasy world.
I also find it interesting that The Warrior is in the hospital during chapter 1. Burgerpants claims that this is the result of “pizza-related injuries.”
[Image transcript: Two dialogue boxes from Burgerpants. Read from top to bottom, it says “The Warrior - Thankfully absent due to pizza-related injuries. Constantly terrorizing customers with war chants.” End image transcript.]
But what if there was another reason? We can see signs of “some kind of struggle” in the King of Spade’s throne room, complete with tattered wall banners.
[Image transcript: Narration in the Spade King’s throne room. The text box says “(Wall banners. They seem to have been through some kind of struggle...)” End image transcript.]
What if the Knight sustained injuries when he overthrew the three kings and had to go to the hospital afterwards? A “struggle” implies that there was some resistance involved.
Another interesting coincidence is that the previews for Deltarune Chapter 2 strongly imply that it will take place in a dark world that forms in the hospital.
Earlier previews have also implied that Noelle will have a larger role in Chapter 2, and she’d have every reason to be in the hospital visiting her father when things hit the fan.
It feels awfully convenient that a new dark world springs up right in the spot where the Warrior is. I wouldn’t be surprised if chapter 2 gives us our first glimpse of the Knight in person, and what better way than a surprise run-in with the Warrior?
Some of you may be asking why I’d suggest a minor character like The Warrior might be the Knight when he has a single line of dialogue and no dialogue portrait? Simple: characters tend not to have portraits when their face is hidden from view. We see this with Undyne in Undertale:
She doesn’t gain a dialogue portrait until after she removes her helmet. This is also true of Burgerpants in Deltarune.
So, unlike Father Alvin, The Warrior has an excuse for not having a dialogue portrait yet. While Father Alvin has some compelling evidence supporting him being the Knight/Everyman, The Warrior has no major counter-argument that I can think of (unlike Father “no portrait” Alvin), so I give The Warrior the edge as far as Everyman suspects go.
I’d also like point out that if Gaster ends up not being the Knight or the Knight’s “Strange Son,” then we could get a two-for-one deal of Father Alvin as the Knight and The Warrior as his strange son. Definitely not the most likely outcome, but technically possible! I’d imagine those two would have a hilariously awkward dynamic if they were related.
Closing Summary
Wow, this post went on for a while! Let’s summarize what we’ve learned today.
Everyman (in Undertale)
Was likely a monster who “fell down”
Became part of the Reaper Bird Amalgamate
Likely knew the Core Mercenaries
Is connected to butterfly imagery
Described as “strange”
May or may not have looked like his bullet sprite
May or may not have been connected to “mysteryman”/Gaster
May or may not have been connected to the River Person
Everyman (in Deltarune)
Is alive and active
Is known to both lightners and darkners
Can most likely travel between the light and dark worlds
Is known of by Jevil
May or may not resemble his Undertale bullet sprite
May or may not be connected to “mysteryman”/Gaster
May or may not be Father Alvin
May or may not be an Ice-E’s employee
May or may not be the Knight or the Knight’s “strange son”
The Knight
Described as “strange”
Is pulling up new dark fountains from the Earth
Has been to the dark world
Is possibly a lightner/monster
Is connected to the Spade King, who uses butterfly imagery
Overthrew the other three kings at Card Castle
Is known of by Jevil and Seam
May or may not be Everyman
May or may not be “mysteryman”/Gaster
May or may not be the “strange someone” who changed Jevil
Likely male
Likely has a “strange son”
Everyman and the Knight (similarities)
Both are likely monsters
Both are alive and active in Deltarune’s world
Both are (presumably) male
Both have a presence in the dark world
Both are known by Jevil and may have met him previously
Both are associated with butterfly imagery to some degree
Both are connected to knight imagery
Both are described as “strange”
Both may be connected to “mysteryman”/Gaster
Both are foreshadowed in Deltarune chapter 1
Final Conclusions
So what do I really think? I’m reminded of Undertale’s original Kickstarter demo and how much of the full game’s story was left out of it. Right now we’re in a similar situation with Deltarune. I can’t view any of my theories with certainty because at the end of the day I have no idea what Toby’s going to write for the full game, but I can guess.
If I had to put a number to it, I’d say the odds of Everyman making further appearances in Deltarune is 95% and the odds of him being the Knight is about 66%. There’s always the possibility that Gaster will usurp the title of Knight and leave Everyman as the Knight’s “strange son” or as the far less illustrious role of “no one particularly important”.
If Everyman is in the game, I’d give 50/50 odds that he’s one of the Ice-E’s employees, mainly due to the Warrior’s situation lining up well with Chapter 2′s (likely) setting. I’d then give a 25% chance it’s Father Alvin and the remaining 25% as “anyone else”.
Thanks for reading all of this (or skipping to the end). I’ve seen hardly anyone talk about our favorite strange little man and I just wanted to get the word about him out there. Even if you don’t agree with my conclusions, I’m happy to (hopefully) ignite further discussion over this often-overlooked character.
For now I’ve said all that I can say on the topic. All we can do is wait and see what happens. Fingers crossed.
Special thanks to @curioscurio for inspiring me to make this post in the first place.
Date published: December 10th, 2020
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Let's talk about Kazuto Arase
Yakuza / Yakuza Kiwami , Yakuza 3 side content spoilers. Later on Yakuza LaD too, but I'll give a warning before that especially since a lot of people haven't played that yet.
So I have a lot of thoughts about Yakuza on my mind and just want to scream into the void about it somewhere to write 'em all down somewhere! I'm starting with... Arase.
Yeah, I know, a mostly very hated character (personality and battle-wise) that has so little screen time on top of it all too, is the first thing I'll be talking about.
Hear me out, I actually really love this character and only really started to appreciate him after I went for the Yakuza 3 platinum trophy... I've replayed this game so many times, I didn't mind it when I played through it first but seeing all the hate it has gotten, I went to replay it just in case and with that replayed it again and again because I just somehow loved it so much-
And you know, one part of Yakuza 3, also completion related so there was no way I could've missed it, were the Hitman missions. In general, after playing through all the main games I started to come back to a lot of characters I didn't like or minded the first time playing that are now some of my favourites (other examples are Tamashiro or Lau Ka Long, hell even Katsuragi)!
To come back to Arase, let's start with, well, the start: Yakuza / Yakuza Kiwami.
Introduced already in the very first Yakuza game, Arase is just there for a brief moment in the game, yet has a heavy impact on the game's story and Kiryu. It starts with Arase's oath brother Shinji being shot by Arases subordinate, Mochizuki, at least it looks like it. Shinji came here to rescue Reina, whose corpse then gets dragged on the roof of the Dragon Palace by Arase, Sergeant of the Nishikiyama Family. Now that's a pretty... heavy and sadistic first image for a character introduction, and honestly, his strong personality like that seemed also to be the reason he wasn't exactly loved by other members of the Family.
His battle theme in the first Yakuza game is called "Turning Point" which also puts more emphasis on how important this scene is, Kiryu breaking down, his scream when he sees Reina's body... It's really a turning point in the story.
In Kiwami, his new theme "Virtical Point" is also used as the intro song (or at least, the intro song "Vertical Point" is similar and shortened). Which also once again shows the importance of this piece.
Of course, he's not the most important character in the story, but it's still interesting to see how much there is around him other than his rather short appearance.
Then, his fighting style. Yeah, most hate this too and also the fact that starting from there, other bosses also sometimes use his moveset or a similar one. Like, take Jiro or Jo Amon or Andre Richardson... Basically just the usual dual wielding guns while being an athlete on crack - layout. It is actually not that bad, it's even less bad when you've got the right equipment but I have to admit I didn't really have that much good equipment when I first played all the games and basically just rushed through them because I just couldn't stop!
Arase's goal here of course was also to beat Kiryu but well, just like every other character ever, he couldn't do it and got beat instead.
And that's the end of that... The end of his part in the story and also the end of his part in the Nishikiyama Family, because he got disowned right after his failure.
Which is so... hmm... It makes me think. Many others have tried to take Kiryu down, too. And I mean, Arase was normally a very successful assassin, right? Yet this one failed attempt, at which everyone else too failed, got him disowned? Seems to me like they didn't like him and gave him an impossible task to have a reason to throw him out, huh?
And with that wonderful transition, let's get into his appearance in Yakuza 3.
You get introduced to the concept of the Honest Living Association, in short the HLA pretty much after Kashiwagis death. An association, founded by Kashiwagi to help Yakuza / former Yakuza who weren't meant for this life or just wanted out but just couldn't do in it on their own. For some, all they knew was the criminal life, so having a thing like this is especially helpful. Although, I'm kinda sad this was never a thing anymore after Yakuza 3. The whole concept of it was very cool.
Kiryu gets asked by Ibuki to help the HLA because there is an organisation of hitmen, also known as The Reapers (or The Avengers on PS3) whose goal was a different one than the HLA's, it was to kill Yakuza. The Reapers consisted of former criminals, mainly Yakuza, who were wronged by their superiours and expelled, disowned, you name it. Basically what happened to Arase.
Apprehending those hitmen is a totally optional part of the game and I have to admit, I didn't finish it my first time playing. Which is such a shame because it goes by so fast too when you play it after finishing the game! And the individual stories are all so interesting too, I've really enjoyed this side content and also replayed those missions already. You don't really expect someone like Arase to be behind all of it when it turns out to be him who is the founder and the leader of it all. I was already taken aback by Shinzaki being the lieutenant, or part of it at all. I often stopped by to listen to his guitar playing and talked to him, often asking myself is there's anything else up with him.
And once this one hitman contract came in and guitar playing was mentioned, I was just thinking "It can't be him...?", god, this whole side storyline just was so good. And here people come and say Yakuza 3 was a bad game.
The whole build-up to then reveal Arase was just so cool, honestly. It made me start to look more into his character after this confrontation. The fight was really cool too, just having to fight Shinzaki so many times wasn't really necessary, but Arase seems to like to fight alongside others, so fair enough.
And his theme "End Point" is also just so good. It's more similar to Turning Point than Virtical Point was. The name is also again fitting, since this is the end for The Reapers and Arases power.
It is made clear here that Arase has a strong hatred against the Yakuza and especially holds a strong grudge against Kiryu. He sees Kiryu as the reason he got wronged and had to leave the Yakuza behind, while also seeming to be very aware of the fact that the others there probably didn't like him at all.
He's so angry at him, he holds this whole speech and talks about revenge while Kiryu tries to talk some sense into him, eventually Ibuki also joins and tries to reason with Arase too. Telling him how that's what Kashiwagi wanted, even for Arase to find a new, honest life.
Arase is too strongly lead on by his grudges, so even though it seems like he might be thinking about turning his life around, he decided to not let them help him. Then he goes on about how he will definetly return to take revenge on Kiryu... Well. That's the end of that.
It becomes clear that Arases stubborn way of thinking is kind of childish. Not taking responsibility for any of his actions, thinking that his vile personality and actions are in fact the reason he got disowned. Failing to beat Kiryu was just the final puzzle piece to have a solid reason to throw him out. He's clearly unstable, doesn't think twice before shooting someone, he could turn on anyone and wouldn't be sorry for it. Just, he doesn't seem to really think about what he does.
I guess he probably thinks he's strong enough, he doesn't need to be careful. Also fitting for that is his fighting style in Dead Souls, how when he gets low on HP, he pretty much fends for himself, disregarding orders and just charging head first with full strength.
His Dead Souls appearance is also interesting. Okay, we all know, this game isn't canon, it's a spin-off and just doesn't fit in to the story. But it is interesting how he teams up with Kiryu for a bit and then leaves again. The game itself takes place after the events of Yakuza 4, meaning at this point RGG did remember that hey, they have a rival that swore to beat Kiryu one day. But after that... radio silence.
Really, this is such a shame. Just alone from his short appearances I can talk so much about Arase because he really is an interesting character with so much more potential! The only thing that's good about it is that he didn't die, making him technically one of the longest surviving characters in Yakuza which really is a great achievement.
Okay, we don't exactly know that he's still alive, but assuming due to there not being a mention of him being dead, he's probably alive. He might be, might not. Schrödinger's Arase.
One other thing I thought about is Jo Amon. I mean, his outfit and fight style is also similar to Arase, but that's not what I'm mainly thinking about. So the name Amon is for the greatest assassins, right? And they have a strong hatred against Kiryu at the beginning too.
So, putting those things together, Arase being a former assassin in the Nishikiyama Family, then the leader of a dangerous hitman organisation... Then, to fight Jo Amon in Yakuza 3 you also need to do all the hitman missions other than the substories and the IF7 fights. And to start the search for Amon, you also need to go to Ibuki again, where you got all the other hitman missions.
Yeah, it's a bit far fetched, but ... not too far fetched to think that maybe Arase and at least Jo Amon could know each other. I'd say, they could team up in a future game but. Well... Yeah.
Now some more things I thought about, I'll put a warning here though.
Yakuza LaD spoilers ahead!
Soooo, in this game we've gotten a couple of characters "back" ... Some more real than others... Thinking about Joon Gi's body double.
But one character that survived is Kashiwagi! Now the bartender of a bar named Survive. What a fitting name. After surviving such a heavy attack and believed dead by, well, everyone, it was the best approach to keep a low profile, start a new life. Also, he doesn't seem to be fit for any fighting after the incident.
So Kashiwagi is still there. And, now I just thought about, what if there was a possible redemption arc for Arase? Kiryu is believed dead now too, alone the fact that it seems that Kiryu never met Kashiwagi while being in the same area is kinda sad. I like to imagine they met each other...
I think it could go either way, Arase somehow got information on Kiryu being in Ijincho. He is a professional after all. Plus, by now Kiryu is also, well, not really working with... but. You know, not fighting with the Amon Clan anymore, even having Shin Amon to help determine Ichibans strength with the (True) Final Millennium Tower.
And, now, maybe there can be some other comnecting inside the Amon Clan and some info got out to Arase, ah, hell, I don't know, it's all so far fetched but I just like to have those possible headcanons of Arase somehow coming back!
Another possibility could also be Arase thinking Kiryu has died, just per chance being in the area and just going to the Survive bar? He'd probably be way more open about the thought of redemption and with Kashiwagi probably being pretty good at talking former Yakuza into that, given how the whole HLA was his doing.
Just... Thinking about possible things.
Yakuza LaD spoilers end here!
Well. That's that.
At the end of the day, the chances of Arase returning are pretty much 0, other characters you never thought of reappearing sometimes appear in one way or another, so it can be possible, but probably won't.
But one thing is clear, looking more into this character made me really appreciate him more. I guess that's the fact with a lot of characters, not just in Yakuza, but in general.
The characters in Yakuza are just so well written and even though it has some very weird and silly plot points and plot twists, I just love this game so much and looking more into it and replaying it is just so much fun.
I even started to like the minigames in Yakuza 3, even though I got very hopeless at the last pool opponent and the goddamn Mahjong completion, ugh. But at the end of the day it's all just really fun once you get the hang of it. It hasn't aged too well when you play it after the other Yakuza games, but replaying it on all the difficulties and then casually, then trying to beat it as fast as I can just made me love the game more and more every time.
So, uh... I don't know if it's a blessing or curse for me to often really like the characters that either everyone hates or have almost to screen time. Because well... there's such a lack of content and appreciation but hey that's what I'm writing this for!
I hope maybe someone starts to appreciate Arase more after this - if anyone even reads further after learning that I love this character. :D' I swear I tried to write it with as little bias as possible. I do know he's a morally very very grey character but after all, it's a video game character. (...There's no way I'll ever like characters like Yoneda...Ogita...Or Kume though... ugh)
Well anyway, with that, I go!
#ryu ga gotoku#yakuza#yakuza 1#yakuza kiwami#yakuza 3#yakuza lad#kazuto arase#yakuza arase#rgg#yakuza dead souls
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Deal with the Devil
For a bit of context on the fic beforehand, this is a The World Ends with You AU where, instead of just. Not having powers. Those who haven’t formed a pact with another Player are truly defenseless in the form of being tiny.
Why? Honestly 99% because I was thinking about shenanigans with Joshua being the little shit that he is.
Warnings: Contains spoilers for Week 1 of TWEWY, brief mentions of nausea/emeto, mild swearing
Neku wakes up in a daze, his head foggy and heavy— but he doesn’t have the luxury of lying down for long before the booming clamor of the city floods his senses, pounding footsteps all around. Close, yet distant.
He winces, automatically reaching for his headphones as his vision adjusts… only to let out an undignified yelp as he sees a massive blur of motion heading straight for him.
Out of reflex, he quickly rolls to the side, but he’s still not out of the way, a gigantic shadow falling over him and—!
It… passes right through him.
A giant boot. A set, clomping down the street. In his daze, more blurs pass right through him.
Neku takes a deep breath, trying to suppress the shudder running down his spine. And the urge to throw up. Nothing but giant humans as far as the eye could see, walking in swaths down the crowded street. None of them can touch him, much less see him, of course— the perks of. Well. Being dead. But it doesn’t make it any less unnerving to be surrounded by countless skyscrapers of people, walking all around him and right through him.
(I’m… back at Scramble Crossing…)
(Come on, Neku, pull it together. You’ve dealt with this once before.)
Instead of giving in to the instinctive urge to flee into a dark corner and hide there forever, Neku sighs and turns up the volume of the music already pumping in a steady stream from his headphones. He can still hear the impossibly loud noise all around, amplified by just how small he is, but at least the music drowns out a lot of the voices, the rumbles of footsteps.
Then, attempting to ignore his surroundings, he pulls out his cellphone… though, he doesn’t immediately focus on the screen.
(…I can’t believe I have to do this over again… what the hell were the last seven days for…?!)
Another deep breath.
(…Fine. I’m not losing. Not now. Not a chance.)
Neku finally reads over the new message flashing on his screen, his eyebrows furrowing as he looks it over once, then twice, then a third time for good measure.
[ Game 1: x = 30 + 74. t = 60 min. Incompletes will be destroyed. ]
His nose crinkles in confusion and irritation, and then he winces as a sharp pain jolts through his wrist.
The all-too-familiar numbers are flashing on the palm of his hand like an angry-red burn mark, seconds ticking down before his eyes.
(There’s the timer… ugh. And this mission…)
Neku’s shoulders sag as he glares at nothing in particular.
(…They’re giving out algebra homework now? I can’t make heads or tails of this stupid message.)
He looks up, trying to ignore the panic and creeping sense of despair welling up in the pit of his stomach. The faces looming miles above are entirely ignorant and indifferent to his plight, each one lost in their own separate world.
Neku forces himself to close his eyes and suck in a deep breath.
(I’ve got to stay focused, and stay alive. Too much is on the line. First… I need a partner. The strongest Player I can find.)
His brows furrow in determination as he finally opens his eyes.
(…Hachiko. I’m bound to find somebody useful there.)
Neku hurries down the street, eventually able to (mostly) ignore the dreadful feeling he gets every time living humans walk right through him, surrounding him on all sides— all the more reason to get this over with and pick a partner so he can get back to a normal size, fight for himself, and be less overwhelmed by the sheer… everything of the city.
He keeps a wary eye out, but thankfully, no telltale glows of red betray any incoming Noise attacks. The Reapers must not have noticed him yet— but who knows how long his luck is bound to last.
It takes time to reach the Shibuya train station, despite it being adjacent to the Crossing— time that he doesn’t have. The ever-ticking, red reminder seared into his palm reminds him, impatiently, that fifteen minutes have passed since the mission was delivered.
Neku stares desperately up at the towering dog statue, as if the blank, bronzed eyes of Hachiko hold some kind of answer.
…Needless to say, they don’t.
Twenty minutes have elapsed. Twenty five. He’s looked all around… but no one is here.
He feels sick again.
(Come on… there has to be someone nearby! I… I have to win!)
(…For her sake and mine.)
Hachiko continues to look down on him.
Judging, it feels like.
Judging him for not being able to keep his promise. For dragging her back into this nightmare of a “game”… all because he couldn’t help it, that he’d grown too close to her, that it was all his fault she wasn’t already home safe, making amends with Eri—
He grits his teeth, ignoring the stinging in his eyes.
(Shit, come on! I need to find a powerhouse, for Shiki’s sake!)
And at that moment, the universe decides to remind him, once again, that it absolutely hates his guts.
Flashes of red fill the sky above him, crablike beasts crawling free from their portals and hitting the ground with a resounding thud. They all start skittering in his direction— three of them. Overkill, considering the fact that they’re all the size of an average house compared to him now. Neku curses under his breath before doing the only thing he can do.
Running for his life.
He’s pushing himself as hard as he can go, eyes wide with panic that grows stronger and stronger, overwhelming fear crashing over his head and heart all at once. The Noise are getting closer and closer no matter how fast he’s running.
(I don’t want to be erased—)
The stinging in his eyes grows stronger against his will. Tears cloud his sight.
(I can’t— I can’t be erased! What’ll they do— what’ll they do to Shiki?!)
And then… a disaster. An earthquake, a series of inhuman screams, an explosion of metal that shakes the earth beneath his feet enough to send him tumbling.
He automatically looks back, fear running rampant in his eyes— only to freeze at the sight he’s met with.
It’s… hard to describe it as anything short of a mountain of scrap metal.
Upon further evaluation, it’s the remains of a car. Smashed to pieces on the ground like a child’s plaything… but judging from the flickers of staticky “dust” seeping from under the vehicle…
Neku exhales sharply in disbelief. The three crablike Noise had all been crushed under the car.
He doesn’t move to stand from his position on his hands and knees, staying down instead in an attempt to catch his breath and ignore what feels like a raging fire in his lungs.
(…But where did that car even come from? I didn’t see one nearby, and to have dragged it from some ways away, much less throw it with that much force…)
Neku shivers involuntarily. A certain massive bird comes to mind, but he hadn’t heard that ungodly screech pierce the air. Not this time.
“Aww, is someone struggling on their second go-around? You’re lucky I was here to lend a hand.”
Neku’s head sharply whips around, only to be met with the sight of pristine white sneakers— both larger than his entire body— taking up most of his vision.
His gaze darts upwards, his entire body running cold the second he sees a gigantic face looming over him… staring right at him.
Before Neku can shoot to his feet, a hand is rapidly coming towards him.
Still breathless, he can only gasp for air as a finger snakes around his waist and a thumb presses a little too hard against his lower back, snagging him in a firm grip and lifting him up at a dizzying speed.
Neku’s breaths quicken once again as his legs dangle freely in the air over at least a hundred-foot drop. He instinctively grips what he can— digging his nails into the giant finger curled over his waist— as he looks up in sheer terror of the unreadable violet eyes currently looking him over like he’s a curious sort of insect.
The giant’s face is framed with soft, wispy curls of hair, and while those eyes seem a little too ambiguous for Neku’s liking… the coy smirk spreading across the boy’s lips makes his heart plummet.
“Hmm… not even a ‘thank you?’ How rude,” the boy coos. Neku sucks in another shaken breath as the thumb and forefinger he’s pinched between slightly tighten their grip.
“Wh-who are you?” Neku finally manages to blurt out, wincing at the noticeable fear bumping up the pitch in his voice.
“Well,” the boy hums, tapping the index finger of his free hand to his chin. “The name’s Yoshiya Kiryu… but Mother and Father call me ‘Joshua’.”
The violet gaze regarding him sharpens, the smile on the boy’s face growing even wider. A predatory grin if he’s ever seen one.
“I guess you can call me Joshua too— considering the fact that you’ll soon be my dear, dear partner.~”
“Y-your what?!” Neku sputters.
Joshua waves his free hand dismissively, glancing off to the side in a nonchalant manner. “Well, you know. You seem like such a pro at this little game we’re caught up in, so I figured… I might as well help myself.”
The smirk returns to his face as he turns his eyes to Neku once more.
“And aren’t I such a kind soul? If I hadn’t intervened, you would certainly be Noise food by now. So out of the kindness of my heart… I would be ecstatic to form a pact with you.”
Joshua’s fingers shift, deftly depositing Neku in the palm of his other hand.
He suddenly draws his hand closer to his face, and Neku feels his body instinctively curling in on itself as those massive eyes get even closer, scrunched up in amusement as they peer down at him.
“…Though, it is a shame, you know. I think you’re rather adorable at this size… dear little Neku. Mhmhmhm.~”
Neku quickly gets to his feet, trying to ignore the unsteady surface he’s perched on or the way the boy’s exhales wash over his entire body. Joshua’s hands aren’t firm or calloused at all, the soft, squishy ground uneven beneath Neku’s sneakers— but regardless, he does his best to stand his ground.
“What do you mean, I seem like a ‘pro’? And… and how do you know my name?”
Joshua hums at that, twirling a lock of hair around his finger.
“Why, I’ve been watching you, silly.” A sly smile crosses Joshua’s face. “Very impressive, by the way.”
Neku stares up at Joshua, feeling like he’s shrinking even more under the weight of that chilly gaze.
(Was… was he a Player in the last game…?)
(…No. there wasn’t anyone like him at the end.)
A feeling he can’t quite pinpoint is churning in the pit of his stomach. Uncertainty, and unease. Fear. An unbridled desire to run and hide.
The feeling of a mouse inches away from the jaws of a hungry cat.
(Who the hell is this kid? And what does he mean, ‘partner’? If he’s normal-sized he should already have formed a pact, right–?)
Joshua is the one who finally breaks the silence between the two of them, idly shrugging and glancing off into the distance behind Neku’s back.
“As much as I enjoy you ogling me, we’re unfortunately on a bit of a tight schedule today, my little partner.”
Neku automatically recoils as the index finger of Joshua’s free hand sweeps in close— but it doesn’t touch him. Instead, it taps on the palm of Joshua’s hand, right between Neku’s feet.
Neku looks down, his eyes widening upon seeing the faint crimson glow lighting up the boy’s hand.
“Wh… f-fifteen minutes left?!” Neku stammers.
“Mmmmmhm.” Joshua’s finger pulls away, returning to its place to idly toy with his own hair. “So as much as I’d like to spend a bit more time chatting, it looks as though our fellow Players haven’t figured out today’s mission yet. We’ll just have to do it ourselves.”
As if right on cue, a series of portals pop into existence in the air behind Joshua. He rolls his eyes, clearly unimpressed. “Aaaand it appears that we have company. Let’s get a move-on, for now. Survival first and all that, I suppose.”
Neku opens his mouth— to protest, to urge Joshua to stop being so relaxed about the fact that they were both now less than fifteen minutes from being erased from existence— but doesn’t get the chance to put in his own two cents.
Instead, a pale blue light begins to emanate from Joshua’s body— and Neku’s, too. A feeling like an outstretched hand is digging through his very being, prying…
He recognizes what this is, but it feels… different.
With Shiki, the feeling of her soul syncing with his was always warm, gentle. Like deft fingers ever so softly lacing through his own, with all the gentleness and skill of a master seamstress teasing a thread through a battered old teddy bear.
This feels… cold. Like being prodded again and again in the core of his soul, calculating hands tugging at invisible reigns, drawing him closer and closer until—
Neku stumbles forward, the treads of his shoes hitting solid pavement once more. He whips his head around to look over his shoulder, locking his gaze with Joshua’s.
The boy is… well. Built like a string bean, he’s so scrawny, but he’s still just a tiny bit taller than Neku now that he’s back to his normal size.
(…And as scrawny as he is… he still managed to throw that car and destroy those Noise in one hit.)
Neku shakes his head and steadies himself, returning his gaze to the portals popping open all around the two of them.
“Any idea what the mission means, wise guy?” Neku says dryly, flexing his hand and feeling a familiar surge of heat dancing between his fingers.
“What, you’re still stuck on that?” Joshua prods. Neku doesn’t need to see it to know that the boy has a shit-eating smirk on his face. “It’s painfully obvious, really. x marks the spot. Thirty plus seventy-four, Neku.”
A pause.
“We’re heading to the 104 building to the north. If you find yourself getting stumped… I’d be happy to help, you know, if you just say the word.”
Joshua chuckles to himself. Neku’s eyes narrow, and he blasts a surge of fire towards the Noise portals, easily wiping out a few of the crab monsters surging free in one go.
“Lucky you, having me as a partner,” Joshua coos. “Now, enough fooling around. Let’s go.”
As the two fight their way through the hordes of Noise blocking the way through the train station, into the crossing, and to the north, Neku can feel a headache beginning to form at the front of his skull.
In a brief lull, Neku takes a second to glare daggers at Joshua’s back— the strange boy had taken the lead, dropping all sorts of random objects from the sky to clear their path of the Noise with some form of… intense telekinesis.
But that isn’t the issue. What is, however, is just how little Neku trusts this slimeball brat.
(…Not like I had time to find anyone else… ugh.)
He sweeps his hand to the side, dispatching a porcupine-like Noise with a chain of deadly icicles.
(…It doesn’t matter now. I’ll make this work, no matter what. I’ll win, no matter what. I promise…)
He briefly squeezes his eyes shut.
(Even if it turns out that I just made a deal with the devil. Shiki, I’m coming for you. I promise.)
#twewy g/t#astral makes stuff#giant/tiny#the writing corner#honestly super niche fic but I wanted to post it here because I'm proud of how it came out#fandom g/t
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Bravo's Banned List
With the help of @bravo-four-seal-team, @@jayhalsteadfan-2417 and @rebelwrites, we made a list.
A list, posted on various walls throughout the Naval base, the plane and the cage room. About 1/3 of it is typed up, the rest is in hastily written pen. Made by Blackburn to try and corral Bravo. It's doing its best.
Tag: @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @bravo-four-seal-team @velvetcardiganbucky @supervalcsi @abby-splace @itsonautopilot @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @mrsmarvelous1995 @jayhalsteadfan-2417
Just so you're all aware, this is a 6.5-page document.
0: On the days of Adam and Swanny’s Death, leave the group be to remember them. I will not protect you.
1: Brock Is Not Allowed Coffee. No exceptions.
1.1: Do not leave Metal alone with Brock when Coffee is around.
2: Dick jokes are not required in briefings
3: If a single one of you bastards get between me and my coffee, we will be having issues
5: You made the dog sad; you die.
10: Dirt bikes (don’t ask)
13: Fire. That is all
16.1: Scratch that, they stab people with the metal cutlery. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. They can eat with their hands.
19: BOY BANDS (not allowed to be played on the plane)
19.1: GIRL BANDS (for the love of god, they will try and imitate them)
19.2 RAP MUSIC (they think they are the next Eminem and will make your ears bleed)
20: Do not tell Jason he is not allowed to do something. He finds a way to do it
20.1: Apparently Ray will do the exact same without question
21: Do not leave any members of the team with upper brass. (How did you make an Admiral with years of combat CRY!)
22: Clay is under Jason’s protection don’t go after him they will not find your body
22.1: If Clay calls Jason dad just leave it ok
22.2: Actually, check on Jason, he’s been standing staring for the past hour now
24: Only Trent is allowed to call Metal by his legal first name. Ensign Williams learnt that one the hard way.
25: Paintball is banned from the base the last time it was extreme and got violent
26: The transformers movies because clay tried to do a stunt it ended badly
27: Thumbtacks apparently
28: Any Marvel movie (Jason you’re not Captain America)
28.1: DC movies are out as well
28.2: Disney Princess movies as well (don’t ask)
30: Do not leave phone unlocked around Sonny, he will not hesitate to change everything
38: Grenade launchers are not required for every mission Trent
42: Yes, Clay does know an Admiral by name. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.
45: If Clay starts angrily ranting in a foreign language, don't worry. He's thinking out loud, not plotting to destroy the base
45.1: If Clay is calmly talking in a foreign language just back away slowly
48: SpongeBob is a Bad Idea because they are way too Annoying and make References (I’m looking at you, Clay)
52: Sharpies. When I find whoever gave me this sharpie tattoo sleeve, there will be hell to pay
57: Red paint. I went to check something at 3 am and Clay was painting a satanic ritual on the floor
58: 3 am checks are a bad idea. (I have seen things, people!)
62: Explosives are to be locked away when not on mission Sonny and Clay will try and play catch with a live homewrecker
62.1: I expected Metal as a Master Chief to know better - he falls under the same rule as Clay and Sonny.
63: Don't wake Clay when he is sleeping back away slowly and leave the room
64: If I'm sleeping, back away and leave the room. Interrupt me if they've broken a rule, or if the base is actively being bombed. If not, I don't care.
65: Have multiple phone chargers or they will disappear and you’re not getting them back
68: If you call Clay anything other than a nickname expect to get punched or stabbed or sniped in the ass when least expected
68.1: Metal will stab you. Please remember he has a shovel and lye in his truck (WHY DO YOU HAVE IT)
68.2: Don't try to take the shovel and lye off of Metal
69: NEVER say the number 69 around them they are all immature children and expect tongue in cheek comments
70: NEVER interrupt Sonny when he is eating breakfast, he is grumpy in the morning
72: If they are all asleep make no sound - YOU WAKE THEM THEY ARE YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE
73: For the love of god, stop giving Clay earth mineral nicknames. This is the third time this week I've watched Sonny empty limestone dust from his pack
75: Do not give them hammers! What is wrong with you people?
79: Do Not talk to Trent unless it’s after 2 coffees
83: For the love of god, don't ask Metal if he ever did nude modelling in art school. He will begin stripping, literally anywhere
91: Cerberus is a good boy and you hurt Brock you die
98: Super Glue (never again)
100: Do not give in to their peer pressure while they are drunk, I will not be doing it again
100.2: Sweet Caroline won't work twice
103: Don't tell Sonny he looks good in pink because you better believe he will keep wearing it (and probably some girl clothes too) to keep getting compliments
115: HAIR DYE (Why did you dye Metal and Trent’s hair pink?!)
115.1: Face paint (Sonny, their faces did not need to match their hair)
116: Do NOT touch Clay, Charlie team learnt that, and someone ended up nearly losing a finger. (And it wasn’t because of the dog)
117: If they offer you a drink whilst smirking DO NOT take it
118: Sea shanties – if I hear one more SEA SHANTY while we are FLYING
119: If you hear someone shout incoming, run, it’s not an attack, it is Bravo, someone has done something and they’re coming to tell me
120: Vegemite is not allowed in the base after Jason let Clay eat it
122: Hawaii 5-0, if I hear one more thing about how we should hang people of the rook of buildings I am going to shoot someone
124: Mortal Kombat (Clay was acting like Scorpion for a month)
130: Itching Powder (looking at you Brock)
131: DO NOT TOUCH JASONS TOMATOES - you will get a bamboo cane jammed into your thigh
138: Laser Tag is fun until someone gets hurt (Sonny and Clay you know what happened)
138.1: Laser Tag! (Ray needed to go to the hospital guys, come on)
143: Basketball. My nose will never be straight again.
144: Bravo and Ice skates don’t mix (the only person good on them is Jason but no other member of Bravo is allowed on the ice again)
144.1: Same goes for rollerblades
145: Ash Spencer is not allowed to be alone with Clay (Jason punched him last time he was on base)
145.1: Do not leave Jason, Metal or Sonny alone with Ash Spenser, it’s going to end up with a murder charge.
146: Clay is Jason’s adopted kid and needs to be supervised when Jason is away
153: SCISSORS - Jase cut a chunk of Clay’s hair in the night now the base is a war zone
153.1: DONT FUCK WITH COVERBOY'S HAIR see point 68 for consequences
154: NAIR (why do you even have it?)
156: Call Of Duty (Clay must be supervised when playing it)
157: Do Not leave Clay unattended with Metal (They are both recovering from the ONE CHIP/DEATH CHIP Challenge)
158: Marshmallows (don’t ask)
163: The Hunger Games (are not a good training exercise)
164: The Olympus Has Fallen movies are not allowed to be mentioned in any given time)
173: If you mention the word ice-cream just run, run for your life
176: If I am sleeping STOP THROWING PAPER AT ME
177: Yelling FOR NARNIA is not an appropriate battle cry
178: The Fast And Furious movies (Clay you are not Brian so stop)
182: Nap time is important if their asleep do something else but if you wake them run like hell
190: Any movies about WAR are BANNED (I need a drink to talk about that one)
200 (From Bravo): Blackburn isn't allowed any more paper
200.1 (From Bravo): or pens
200.2: (Blackburn) Handcuffs. They handcuffed me to my desk and wrote that
200.3 (Blackburn): Bravo will not be allowed to tell their Commanding Officer what to do
202: Who keeps giving them superglue? This is the 8th time we are having to unglue Sonny and Clay’s hands
203: Do not let any of them take point on Briefing EVER
205: Are you serious? Paperclips! Do not give them PAPERCLIPS
206: Leaving anyone unattended with fire is a bad idea - I can still smell burning
210: This is Sparta (Jason don't kick people off the roof)
213: Ash Spenser is not allowed on base. DEVGRU heard about what kind of dad he is, and now its kill-on-sight
214: Puppy dog eyes because Clay has been using them on anyone to get out of doing paperwork
218: DO NOT PUT LION KING ON - they will cry like babies and there’s no consoling them over Mufasa
220: If I have to explain why BRAVO will not be joining teaching GREEN TEAM please see rule 1 and understand from that then ask the Green Team Instructor. (Brock terrified them by running the O Course in 30 minutes, all because someone gave him coffee)
220.1: And yes, that is the on the 50-minute-record O course. The time hasn’t been counted since it involved performance-enhancing substances
222: Gray’s anatomy (That is all)
228: HATS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN BRIEFINGS (Sonny you know what you did)
229: MAGIC MIKE AND MAGIC MIKE XXL (still haunts my dreams)
233: I am begging you can you please BE NICE TO THE FLEET ADMIRAL (it's the 3rd time he's left in tears)
234: Chocolate - just run ok
235: Please stop re-enacting the screen from titanic when we are on a boat (I’m looking at you Brock)
237: Monopoly got violent last time and Jason got punched
237.1: In fact, any board games turn violent even snakes and ladders
237.2: Board games. Just please stop playing board games
240: Why am I revisiting the nerf guns people? IT WAS A FAMILY BARBECUE! (You lot need to learn to let your kids win!)
241: Brock is banned from Cooking - I do not want food poisoning again
246: If they pass out around the fire pit for the love of god move them Clay and Sonny tend to like melting the sole of their boots on the flames even when passed out
251: Plastic cups only (this rule is to stop sonny from smashing them)
254: Why am I needing to revisit Sharpies? They aren’t allowed them, give them Crayola's or crayons
254.1: Scrap that YOU CAN’T EAT THE CRAYONS
256: Clay you are not Spiderman get off the walls
258: Don't mention Hawaii five 0 just don't
258.1: They will attempt the intro to it, it’s just painful
259: Don't mention Harry Potter because they will all cry over different characters deaths
287: Soup is now banned (Ray. I honestly thought you were the normal one of the team. I am disappointed)
321: If you see Clay and Sonny cuddling just walk away, pretend you didn’t see anything, one of them had a bad day and the other is the only one they will confine in
322: Don't mention the Philippines or India just don't
330: If Metal and Trent are talking, just leave them be. (No one wants to know if Metal is yelling about something stupid Trent did)
331: Popcorn is not allowed on base it ended up in everyone's gear
342: Non-Aerosol Deodorant. (Two of them tried to eat it before realising it wasn't edible)
344: Aerosol Deodorant. (Metal and Sonny used it with lighters. to create a flamethrower)
344.1: Side note LIGHTERS ARE BAD
345: Headphones. DO NOT ASK
346: Rubber bands are not slingshots
#seal team#eric blackburn#clay spenser#cerberus#pepper#brock reynolds#trent sawyer#sonny quinn#ray perry#jason hayes#fanfic#cross published on ao3#we wrote this in maybe 2 hours#it probably shows#chaos#discord chaos#discord friends#discord nonsense
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The Master KOTFE Adventure

My latest project has been playing through KotFE on master mode.
Why ever would you want to do that? you may ask, and I have asked myself the same thing. In short, it was a mix of having a light sided empire toon that I didn't want the autocompletes on, and the fact that he is also the best geared character I've ever had and the discipline I've had most experience playing. And I've run through KotFE quite a few times so, freshening it up I guess?
So this is how it went. This isn't a guide - more, a record of my experiences as I went through. As ever, some things I found easy others might find hard, and (more likely, lbr) vice versa.
The gamer:
I play a Rage Jugg, wear Descent of the Fearless set, gear level 306 with a full set of 286 augments. So - very well geared, but not fully optimised stats wise. Experience wise for this - I'd done a few chapters on vet mode before with a Guardian (Focus) and Powertech (Pyrotech) though not always at max gear (probably in the 290s when I first gave it a go), and I like trying to solo group content like vet fps (master for Red Reaper only) because I don't love myself, I guess. A smidge of ops experience. I'm reasonably competent as a player but also prone to stupid, I don't claim to be great by any means.
Chapter I
All went smoothly, died on the last fight against the BD-148 elite skytrooper - but that was just because I forgot about heroic moments existing, given that half the chapter is spent without a companion. Used my enraged defence a few times but never really felt at risk of dying. Apart from the one time when I did, obviously. Marr goes up to 28 influence automatically. Lots of mobs can be skipped as they're already engaged in fights.
Chapter II
Quite a few mobs you can skip around. Valkorion heals you though he's not a companion so no heroic moment. Last monolith did get me close to death sometimes, so there was a bit of running away so I could heal up a bit more, and making good use of defensive abilities. But no deaths on this one!
Chapter III
I died twice on this one, both were easily preventable. The first was against the Ground Assault Walker (massive droid before the bridge) and pretty much because I hadn't raised Lana's influence yet, so I upped it to 20 before starting the fight again and cleared it very quickly. Sidenote: a while back I bought a bunch of Spiced Aric Tongue from the Jawa scrap peddlers as I didn't know what else to do with all that, Lana accepts it so it's a nice quick way to up her level (Koth likes it too, a lot, which is handy). Second death was against like, a handful of skytroopers when I was shutting down the reactor and really it was mostly because I wasn't paying attention properly, though Lana died both times at this point. There's another fight where these prototype skytroopers keep swarming and I was a bit nervous because there were kolto stations there and I couldn't entirely remember how intense it got. The answer was...not intense at all and I definitely didn't need them. The final fight on this one is the two Zakuul knights but they didn't cause me any problems. All in all I'd say the deaths I've had so far have all been my own fault.
Chapter IV
This...did not go as well. And I'm not entirely sure why, just bad play on my part I think mostly, sometimes there are days when I just play like trash *shrug*. Not timing things like enraged defence, heroic moments and so on very well which meant I died a few times to wildlife - twice the larger bosses, twice mobs of normal/strong ones. Yeah... Kept upping my companion influence so all three (Lana, Koth and HK by this point) got up to 27 but I think even higher than that may be needed as they just didn't seem to be healing well.
Chap V
I was a bit wary heading into this one, as it was one I'd run before on vet mode and remembered having trouble with the skytrooper waves. I was less geared then though, and had less companion influence doing that, having now taken everyone up to about 32. I didn't record any deaths on this though had a near miss - but I had saved my enraged defence/heroic moment and so on and hit them at the right time. Hey, I'm playing smarter!
Chapter VI
I found this chapter easy when I'd run it on veteran not long before, but that was not the case on master. Died the first time against Oggo, that was my own fault though, although he does have one particular ability that hits very hard. Then came the Scions. Ohhh boy. The first two you face killed me, fair enough I hadn't had a chance to raise Senya's influence yet. The second two, Venat and Berusal, caused me pain. The good thing is that when fighting the pairs and you take one down, if you die the other doesn't respawn. The other good thing is that Venat and Berusal can be pulled separately, the bad news is I found this out after a few attempts. And Berusal still killed me on his own the first time. I was not having a fun time. And then you face Heskal without a companion. It takes a bit of tactics. I tried to damage him whilst he was doing Debris Storm, though still had to avoid the red circles. Turbulence gives a lot of damage, so had to hastily get out the way/interrupt it. He also stuns you which isn't fun. Valky pops up and offers you an out after the first phase, unfortunately I decided to stay true to character and not take it. Bad times were had. I went to lunch. I asked a friend to help. My internet got switched off before that could happen. I found out I was able to summon a companion...I know I'm not supposed to story wise, and I'm not sure if you can normally (there's a lot of times when companion summon buttons are greyed out due to story restrictions) or if this was only because I'd previously logged out...but suddenly the fight became a lot easier. Funny that. Sigh. Moving on...
Chapter VII
Honestly not much to say about this one, nothing that caused me trouble. A lot of it is in the open world so regular difficulty rather than scaled to master.
Chapter VIII
This one wasn't much trouble either, did die once when stuff was on cooldown, once in the final Arcann fight. Kiting him over and hitting the conduits there is a big help as they stun him, that is probably very obvious but I've literally never bothered with them on story or vet mode. We're halfway there!
Chapter X
This one also gave me a Time. The problem I had was when you come up against Faedral and Zaamsk. My first thought was the difficulty was because I hadn't raised Kaliyo's influence (oops, but you get her on the spot and I didn't have gifts handy...or at least the ones I thought she liked she didn't actually) (this is how I found out that agent!Kaliyo and alliance!Kaliyo have different preferences, apparently this will also apply to other - but not all - returning companions). But I raised her to 28 and still kept dying. It's a bit of a nasty fight honestly, and the guide I looked at said that juggs...aren’t ideal for it. Crowd control and interrupts are very handy. I kept getting really close to getting one of them down and dying just before I could, super annoying because it's another of those where if you take one down and die, you only have to face the other one. I took a break and read the guide more closely, watched some videos, and ultimately just decided to bring someone along to avoid the pain, or maybe share in it. I still died but we got through them. The fight against Tayvor Slen, the boss fight of the chapter, took a couple of tries with two of us - the first time I got stuck in a red circle and pretty much insta-killed. There was a bit of a close call on the second attempt but it was under control really. The achievement then comes through for chapter completion, all you have to do then is get out of the Overwatch, all things rosy right? Oh how wrong they were. A bunch of Zakuul Knights came along and literally just slaughtered us, full on, one-shotting us both - it was hilarious and extremely confusing because why?? how?? Did the bonus mission to get the prisoners to escape (look out for the glowing terminal, it says 'Overwatch Prison Logs' when you hover over it) - they one-shot a few Knights but then disappeared on us too. Who knows. But we got through it.
Chapter XI
A much nicer one though still had a handful of deaths. Where you meet up with Havoc Squad there's ambush of Skytroopers, followed by a couple of walkers - and the walkers beat me. They cast circles that I just couldn't get out of in time to save my health, even with my defensives. I'm not sure if they were the type to follow you or a sort of stamp move (I should have looked at the cast bar, come to think of it) - I suspect though it was the latter and so it wouldn't be an issue on a ranged character. The fight though does continue around you if you die so you don't lose the progress you make, just use the med probe, revive and rejoin. I only took Jorgan to level 7 because that was all the gifts I had, but most of the mobs were just regular trash, typically 3 at a time, which was no worry. When you attack the base the Knights are a bit harder - there's one round the back that does stealth strikes and that's a difficult one to face. I died - the respawn to medbay actually puts you inside the part with the forcefield you're supposed to take down, and then you can't get out of it...I maintain that I did find a way past the forcefield but it doesn't work as a cheesing method. Use your med probe, otherwise it's quick travel out and re-enter your phase. The final battle is a big droid (I forgot the name of it). It spawns a bunch of smaller droids, just ignore those and go for the boss - I didn't the first time and that's why I died - I lost Jorgan, I had two Knights chasing me whilst the droid put up shields, it didn't go well - second time I did it in less than a minute whilst using a heroic moment.
Chapter XII
This one you don't have a companion for, though it's not a big deal - for the most part my main enemy, as tends to be the case on this chapter, was the map. I think the regular mobs are scaled down a bit for playing without a companion. You can pick up an animal to help you as well, which you may as well do as things just die quicker. It runs off in caves. Valkorion does take your health down a fair chunk before he gives you his beat down but it wasn't so bad. Vaylin though took quite a few attempts. You can't interrupt her so you have to be on the ball with your defensives and timing them all, which includes the shield and medpac given in your temporary bar for the chapter. Really the medpac isn't that effective so don't count on it. There's a lot of running around as she casts red circles. Probably easier with a character with more self heals. I got through it after a few efforts, after getting close a few times, though even then I was still low on health by the end.
Chapter XIII
Yeah, this one was no trouble really, and that was with Gault at only level 4 influence. If things get hairy whack a bit more on him, there's no real mechanics to pose problems. As ever, good practice to stay out of circles on the boss fight, you have Vette there as well so a bit of extra damage going and yeah. Nothing to worry about.
Chapter XIV
Another that was nice and simple, I didn't even have any gifts to give Torian so was wandering around with him on level 1. Just a matter of timing defensives and heroic moments in that case. Lots is open world, too. Final boss fight was no problem at all.
Chapter XV
Reading guides for this put the fear of god into me, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it better than expected. The bosses were the toughest parts. The first is the Skytrooper Constructor, that one does spawn adds after a while as well. It killed me a couple of times but really I'm not sure what the best strategy was so I just went for the classic, burn it as fast as I possibly can and making use of heroic moment/defensives as well. The GEMINI droid at the end had me worried. That took 3 attempts (maybe 4, I think it was just 3 though), one of those my heroic moment was still on cooldown and Senya died quickly on it too. It was really just about managing defensives effectively as well, running away when she has the red cone in front of you, using the heroic moment for extra speedy damage. It was a close call in the end but my enraged defence came off cooldown at the perfect moment, thank you Grit Teeth. I wouldn't say this was an easy chapter by any means so quite proud of myself for getting through it on my own! The other thing I would say is watch out for the lasers - they don't do lots of damage on story mode, but on master they one-shot you if you get caught in them! The other various traps I probably got through easier than I have on the lower difficulties which may just be a testament to this being like, my fifth complete kotfe run at this stage haha.
Chapter XVI
The final chapter...and the one I was the most scared of. Took Lana up to lvl 50 in preparation...she duly died early on in the first boss anyway. KJ-931 is the first boss - I say first boss, there's still a high rank enemy immediately before that I died to a few times anyway and needed a heroic moment to beat. First attempt against KJ I actually came really close. Stay out of the aoes - there's a white circle and a yellow cone, as well as a big red laser thing where you have to rush to the corner and if you can - micromanage Lana well enough that she doesn't get caught up in them too. So I learnt that I am not good at micromanaging companions like that. Take the turrets rather than the shields, definitely - apparently the shields also have limited use, the turrets pull aggro as well as giving you damage so they're very handy. Sometimes on this fight I got one-shotted very quickly, others I managed to hold on a bit - but it was the first attempt that was my best run until I actually did it. Honestly I can't say what the trick was to finally getting it right...just a lot of blind panic and luck. Second boss is Dara Nadal - I found it easier to just go for the intense burn on her - put down the turrets, use a heroic moment, set Lana to damage as well and burn. Still took a few attempts on her but each time I was getting very close so I knew I would get there.
And then came Arcann. Ooooh boy. I'd been reading guides and watching videos in preparation but there's still a lot to keep on top of. I decided to use the Marr & Satele Special Saber rather than my usual one - having the benefit of being able to run around quickly was handy, and the other ability reflects damage from his saber attack. This took many attempts - some that went very quickly, some that got him to his final phase. Rather than going into specifics I'm going to link to this video as it probably explains what to do best (it’s handy for all the bosses). You really have to watch for the moment he gets to ~25% and stands in one spot - if you aren't able to do the shield whacky he will kill you straight up. My first time running towards him with the shield in that very last phase I died on the way up. It took me a long time and a lot on repair bills but this is another one I was very proud of for getting through on my own as there were times I didn't think I would.
General stuff:
I would say doing this is not for the light-hearted but it’s certainly possible! Apart from one chapter where I grabbed a friend I got through them all on my own
Some classes fair better in certain chapters than others. I went with my Jugg all the way through, but if you have the characters geared and you know them well enough - and you're doing this for the cheevos rather than going through the storyline - you're likely better off mixing and matching as you go. There were many occasions I wished I had range.
You will die to trash mobs. It is a fact of life. It feels embarrassing in the early chapters, you come to accept this and move on.
Companion influence helps a lot. Koth, Lana, and Senya all like delicacies (especially Koth, that man can eat) - you can grab these from the Jawa vendors in the cartel bazaar on fleet.
Med droids are also a booming industry thanks to the amount I've spent on repairs in the course of this.
There are more mechanics compared to story mode, and some that exist in story mode that you just notice more on master. But apparently the difference between vet and master is just artificial - more health and hitting harder.
Going Commando is another good resource for their experiences playing through.
#swtor#kotfe#master kotfe adventures#ro goes achievement hunting#fun fact: completing a master chapter counts for completing the vet chap too#also fun fact: 20 cartel coins each for completing it all on master and vet#pls congratulate and validate me lmao
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Take Me Home Now: Chapter Three
Chapter Three: I Hear Her Voice in the Mornin' Hour
Set after the events of ME3.
A rewrite. Ao3.
Shepard," the cold voice greeted her, the mechanic gravel unneeding of the visive tone, "or is it the fragment of your former self?"
Jane's head craned slowly, letting her eyes rake over the colossal figure of the derelict Reaper that sat before her. Should she be trembling? Why was she trembling?
"Brave words, for a dead roach," she murmured, wavering in her conviction.
"Your victory accomplished our end goal; your struggle was in vain."
Jane looked away from the synthetic, training her vision on the open sky above her. Lifting a hand above her face to shield it from the afternoon sun. The Citadel was a stark presence in the sky. It was a thing of awe. Now it was a wreck. While four of the arms remained, it wasn't without severe damage to the remaining limbs. The bright center of civilization flickered, struggling to sustain itself after the attacks that likely left millions dead. With the detonation she caused.
"Was the price to defeat your salvation truly worth it? You may think your species achieved enlightenment, but will it last to see those vain promises through?" The Reaper grew louder, a hint of yellow reflecting across the glass-like surface of the optic lenses, "In your hubris, you have destroyed everything that kept your species together! Witness the Citadel! How many died for nothing? How many more will die from starvation? Disease? Eachother? Will you watch your peace crumble?"
Trying to block out the voice, she focused on the rations half-eaten in front of her. Another task she no longer took pleasure from, another waste. Feeling this heaviness was quickly becoming unbearable; she was a beacon for passion and fire. A goddamned, fucking hero. One with a will that ignited others, not a tired soldier that snuck away to avoid eating a full meal. Not someone questioning why they remained. The goddamned bit was right, at least, there was no luck here. Just beating after beating.
She was so alone.
Where were her friends? How long would she have to wait? After all they had been through, wouldn't they at least attempt to find her? She wasn't far from where she had made them leave her behind. Already, she had been back to the beacon several times over the fortnight since the LT had conscripted her into this ragtag community.
She needed the Normandy crew. Her mind whispered horrible things. Taunted and dogged her in each agonizing moment of calm. All she held was death, screaming, the weight of all the choices she made. Her soft place was nowhere to be found.
"This legacy you attempted will end in the spoiling of your name. Villanhood only matched by the word 'Reaper,'" The machine was rarely silent long, it was content to keep speaking filling the silence that Jane left, "a Shepard only heralding death and destruction, because your weakness was what you thought strength. Overconfidence always leads to downfall."
In a simmer of sudden rage, Jane gathered energy into herself, merging the familiar burn and tingle of dark matter and letting it stir just beneath the surface of her skin, pleasure, fury, and a twinge of pain. Just the way it should be. It released in a single burst.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
The Recruit caught herself before she toppled ass over tea kettle, fists grinding into the ground before her to stabilize. Her signature move from cocky grin to a deadened expression had yet to sit right with him, but as he was learning about his woman, forcing an issue wasn't going to move it aside any quicker. Reflexively adverting his gaze to allow her pride the room to readjust and soothe her attitude. Most in his company did not understand his patience with the newest recruit, but they couldn't empathize with the bittersweet familiarity it welled up inside his heart.
With any luck, he could one day reiterate to his son how proud he was of him.
"LT," the woman chirped, a hint of a smile crawling up the side of her mouth.
"Recruit," the old man was looser with his smile. With an admonishing raise of an eyebrow, he drew a finger across her philtrum, "I see you've met our lawn gnome. Still haven't named him yet."
Jane's eyes rolled and a smile she could not fight spread across her features, "Harbinger," but the utterance came out with surprising severity.
"I'd have gone with Harold, Pookie even," he mumbled, dragging a handkerchief across the underside of her nose.
Just as quickly the moment was gone, she pulled away from him. A token of gratitude left in the form of a gentle smile, "did you come out here to bother me, or did you need something?"
This was the prickly personality he didn't care for as fondly. Requiring a brief moment to placate a moment of hasty rebuke, his gaze moved to the half-empty can and the lid that lay a few meters downwind—twice ignoring the blood that peppered the ground beneath her seat. Perhaps he didn't have the patience to baby another mouthy soldier, and she seemed content to throw herself away. But in the same vein, he had regretted doing that years ago with his own child. Sure, this woman was a stranger, but she belonged to someone that worried about her. His innate integrity could hold him out a bit longer.
"You know, we don't have enough supplies to be wasting it," Roy found something to vent the heat building inside.
Jane's bright blue eyes that reflected the setting sun snapped to the can, a wince revealing the words did strike something, "you eat it then. I've been watching you pawn off your rations."
He accepted the can, plopping a hearty portion into his mouth, "still tastes like shit."
"I could really go for some steak fries and chutney," Jane mused gently.
"I'm thinking I could make that happen."
The woman's full attention turned to him, the fine fuzz of her returning eyebrows raised at him.
"Give or take a few weeks."
"I'm assuming you have a plan?"
"Yeah," the man paused, testing out the recruit, the hold on her patience proving to outlast him for the first time, "I'm hoping to test out your skills. And you need to start earning your keep."
"Ready and willing, sir!" She snapped to attention, a foreign energy oozing from her at this moment. Not that he doubted her willingness to come along, he was just surprised to see her motivated to do something.
"Hold your horses, Recruit. You may not be so excited when you find out what we are doing," not that he had much doubt about her grit, "it should be a standard supply run. With a large Krogan exception."
"Krogan, sir?"
He nodded, "before this mess all started, I had a small orchard; I knew a guy from London that shared the hobby. He was more into plants in general, but anyway, I couldn't recall his exact address but knew about the general area his warehouse was located. It should be a rapidly growing, resistant crop. The problem is the Krogan found it first."
"Are we trying diplomacy or just rushing in?"
"I want to try the former, the ladder only if things go south. Some big wig Clan Urgnut-"
Roy cleared his throat, that did sound right, "Urdnot was holed up there. Smart move on their part. But they don't have a protected area with access to sufficient sunlight to grow anything, and more importantly...hopefully, they aren't likely to know how to grow the crop."
"You're hoping to grow it within the atrium?" it seemed the recruit was astute enough to guess at the plan without it needing to be spelled out, "trading access for food and maybe protection?"
"If we are lucky."
He had already began to act hopefully, ordering the healthy refugees under guard to start collecting and tagging soil for growing crops. They had some luck, even if it meant desecrating the dead's gardens. The corporate offices he felt less guilty about robbing them of soil.
Finding power had been an easier ordeal; military generators were easily plugged into the grid to power the essentials like heat and some lighting. Water filters were easily found, and London's preference toward rain lent them an easy water source. They weren't foolish enough to rely on a regular storm pattern and already had begun to build a reserve of water. Communication was an entirely separate issue- they needed to find an engineer and fast. Or rely on another splinter group to fulfill that gap. On the subject of protection, he didn't want to let on how direly he needed the talks to go peacefully. Once word got around that they could produce food, the untold number of refugees and nefarious forces pounding on their doors would create unfathomable problems.
But all this conjecture was counting chickens before the eggs hatched.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Jane kept her assignment besides the Lieutenant with minimal complaint. They couldn't know that keeping watching along occupied territory was old news to her. While she was used to point, settling into the left flank was quickly done.
It was nice not being the center of attention, without the burden of anyone looking to her for guidance. Without the worry of making a wrong call, she could let down some of the instinctual guard associated with the position of leader. Luckily a hard call wasn't required for this part of the journey, the few-kilometer trip went by without incident.
"LT," she pressed once the first evidence of a perimeter came into view, "have you ever met a Krogan before?"
The male on her right smirked, rolling his eyes. Roy stopped, pulling a deep breath. Some of his stoic calm wearing at the edges. Jane knew this wasn't because of her, she had yet to do anything that would constitute annoying the man. He was nervous.
"No, but how different can they be?"
The man chuckled, "I heard they're almost mindless brutes."
Jane threw him a sharp glare, "they're the rough and tumble type, but not mindless. I'd suggest reminding him of home."
She could guarantee cooperation if Shepard wanted to come out. Shepard liked to remain locked away anymore.
While the man to her right heavily rolled his eyes, Roy seemed to take it under consideration. His gaze flickered back to the path before them, hesitation now more detectable in his manner.
"Maybe you-"
Roy's voice stopped with the interruptions of Jane's pistols suddenly unfurling to full length.
"Don't stop," a gruff Krogan voice called, "I'm looking for a fight."
A second voice was a little more reasonable, "what is your business? This is Krogan territory."
"Human territory," the man retorted with surprising gusto, "you overfeed iguana."
For his bravery, the man collided with the road the third but silent Krogan finding the insult not to his liking. The first Krogan spurred on by his comrade shoved Roy aside, the older man spun without resistance to the ground, "humans are so soft."
Jane was purely lucky that the more tolerable Krogan was nearest to her. It didn't make her less angry. Yes, pushing over the douche of a specimen was permitted but bringing the old man into it? She expected better of Clan Urdnot. Pissed off, the female stormed for the offending Krogan.
Now, she wasn't foolish enough to go in guns blazing, but she knew a better way to deal with the offending reptile. According to Zaeed the spot she had to hit corresponded with a weak spot on the species' frontal plate. If she had a knife and the gall to do so, she could rip that piece off and cause the Krogan to panic. But on the less violent and more in line with the peacekeeping mission she had a superior move: simple, elegant, and a returning item on her personal bucket list.
Headbutting another Krogan.
In retaliation, he glowed blue.
It never came to fruition as the reasonable member stepped between them, "you have offended her krant. Let it go." But his smirk didn't go unnoticed, "what do you want?"
"We're here to speak with Wrex."
The Krogan chuckled, "you have an impressive quad. But I don't think the clan leader is interested in what you have to say."
"You really want to test that? Would we really be here if wasn't important," Shepard's fire returned, "what other reason would we have to seek out the Krogan? Certainly not for the fight." She motioned toward the two with her.
The Krogan gave an exasperated sigh, "fine, but only one of you. The other two wait."
Jane pivoted and proffered an open hand to the LT, "this is your ball game, sir. Do us proud."
#shenko#mass effect fanfiction#femshep x kaidan#mass effect#mass effect spoilers#kaidan alenko#commander shepard#fanfic#take me home#mass effect andromeda
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Chapter Four: Damn Kids...
Chapter four is here guys! I'm so happy you're enjoying the story because I've been having a lot of fun writing it! I want to say thank you again to @dw-writes for being an amazing beta! You are freakin' awesome and I love you.
Hollow Castle Masterlist
The trek to medical was a long one. They were no longer in easy territory; Reaper couldn’t help but compare it to one of those old games he played as a kid. Shaking his head, John led the team through the halls at a snail’s pace. The corridors went from decorated and vibrant to the stark clean white of a medical facility.
‘Well, I suppose they were clean at one point in time,’ John thought with a tired sigh.
Chekov, who had managed to keep up with John’s fast pace, looked up from his PADD. The kid blanched at what was in front of them. Wrinkling his nose, John and his finer sense of smell could definitely confirm that the walls were covered in blood and feces. Not to mention the bits and pieces of people that had been discarded and left behind to rot.
Chekov swallowed thickly, looking green around the gills. John was impressed; the first time he had ever seen anything like this he threw up. Twice. Though that was two lifetimes ago.
Pausing, John nudged Chekov gently. “Breathe through your mouth,” he advised and the boy did just that. Tilting his head to the side, John looked over his shoulder to check on the others,
“Jesus,” Lawrence muttered, covering his nose and mouth with a gloved hand.
Bitar sidled up next to him, eyeing the mess ahead of them with a slight grimace on her face. “I think God left this place a long time ago, Gabe,” she whispered with a shake of her head.
“Damn,” Jim whispered from John’s left, his eyes wide, his face growing pale. Pressing his lips together, Jim cleared his throat. “We, uh, getting closer to the signal, Pavel?” he asked quietly.
The young Russian nodded, gripping the PADD tightly in his hands.
John moved forward, making sure to keep only a couple of feet ahead of the group, far enough to take the brunt of an oncoming attack, and close enough to run back if he really needed to. He gave each room they came across a quick check. Poking his head into what looked to be an empty exam room, John stopped short. Frowning he stepped further into the room with his weapon raised.
John grunted, his eyes narrowing as he spotted the trail of blood dripping down from a ventilation shaft. He twitched ever so slightly as Jim moved into the room cautiously. “What do you got?” he asked quietly.
Reaper moved around the exam table. Kneeling down, he pulled a knife from his boot.
A gagging noise erupted from behind him. “What the hell - what is that?” Jim groaned, turning away from the bloody mess on the floor.
John took the knife and moved around the bits of what used to be the remains of a human torso. Open and practically cleaned out, upon closer inspection, John noticed something odd. Leaning closer, he saw bloody footprints leading from the body and up the wall where they disappeared into the vent. They were small, almost childlike. His stomach dropped, ‘oh I’m not liking this at all.’ he thought, grinding his teeth. Standing abruptly, John grabbed Kirk’s arm and led him out of the room,
“Human torso. Fresh, we need to go,” He growled out, sending Kirk stumbling forward into a bewildered away team. His inner “Red Alert” system had been going off throughout this entire disaster, and it had just gotten louder. He was kicking himself. He’d figured that his raised hackles were due to the situation but no. That wasn’t it at all. They were being watched, hunted. Cursing under his breath, John looked over at Jim, who had a concerned and questioning gaze. Pressing his lips into a line, John urged everyone onward. “We’re being watched,” he whispered to Beckworth and Kirk. Both men tensed at his words. “We need to keep moving.” he barked, raising his rifle again.
They moved quickly and quietly down the corridor leaving bloody boot prints in their wake.
Three rights and a left turn later, John skidded to a stop. Low growls and the smell of death made him freeze at the corner. Holding up a fist letting the others know to stop, John, without saying a word, looked back and tapped his ear, then pointed to the corridor they needed to go down.
Beckworth nodded then gave a silent order to his two subordinates, “Cover the rear.”
Peering around the corner, John spotted half a dozen infected. They were in a sleeping state, standing on their feet like horses, hibernating until a fresh meal caught their attention. Frowning, John bit the inside of his cheek. His mind churned, trying to come up with the best way to deal with the block in their path without the others coming to harm or alerting every demon and its mother to their location.
Reaper let out a frustrated huff. He glanced over his shoulder at Jim and scowled, showing the captain his displeasure.
Kirk grimaced and mouthed, “That bad?”
John looked back at the milling group of demons, then back at Jim. The look he gave his friend was clear: “I can do it but it’s gonna cause problems.”
He beckoned Beckworth over and let the security officer take a peek at what was around the corner. Henry looked at John with almost startled eyes. “And you’ve dealt with these before?” he asked, voice barely above a hissed whisper.
John shrugged. “Sort of. These are a new breed and made up of several different species. Some will be more difficult than others.” His murmured explanation made both Beckworth and Kirk wince. Reaper chewed on the inside of his cheek again, his mind made up.
Beckworth looked at him with a glint in his eyes. “You have a plan?” he asked. John shrugged, “I figured I’d do what Jim does. Wing it and hope it works. Hunker down in there,” he whispered, jerking his head in the direction of a door closest to them in the crowded hall.
Jim gave him a teasing glare before his face became serious. “You’re not going to seriously fight those things on your own, are you?” the captain hissed and Reaper gave Kirk a raised eyebrow that clearly said, “Yes and there is nothing you can do about it.”
Jim set his jaw and his mind raced as he tried to think of other options but there weren’t any. Cursing, Kirk looked down the corridor again and then at John. “Damnit fine. Don’t die or I’m gonna be pissed,” he growled while pointing an accusing finger at his friend.
Reaper gave a short nod. He looked over at the rest of the group who had been silent but were aware of the new plan. Taking a deep breath, John let Jim settle behind him, ready to lead the group into the cover of what looked to be a large supply room.
Taking a deep breath, John pulled a grenade from his belt. Pressing down on the button, he heard a faint beep and hum. Waiting for a breath, he tossed the grenade into the center of the small horde. Holding Jim back, John ducked his head just as the grenade went off. The ‘boom’ rang in his ears as it shook the walls around them.
“Move!” he shouted as he rounded the corner with his rifle raised. The demons, or what was left of them screamed and howled at John with rage. Without missing a beat he fired. The lower demons fell in bursts. The two knights roared and raced forward, ready to tear Reaper apart. He was ready for them.
Fixing his stance, John took a deep breath. His first thought was, ‘Fuck this is gonna hurt,’ his second was, ‘God I hope these guys were human.’
No such luck.
One barreled right into him like a linebacker. John’s breath wheezed out of him like air from a balloon. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the monster who sent him flying was green. Orion.
‘Fucking fantastic.’
Reaper collided with the supply room door with a painful bang, his beloved rifle sent flying. Pushing the pain away, John, in one motion, shot to his feet and pulled his handgun from its holster. Firing three shots, he managed to make the turned Orion stumble back in surprise. This gave him time to clock the other knight - who was currently trying to pull a pipe from the bloodied corridor wall - and decide his best course of action.
The Orion roared at him, sending spit flying in all directions. He was pissed. Rolling his eyes, John pivoted and kicked out. His boot made contact with the Hell Knight’s knee, causing the monster to fall to the ground. In one swift movement, John grabbed the creature by the neck and gave a firm twist. There was a sickening crack and the demon fell; its head was no longer connected to its spine. But, being as paranoid as he was, Reaper expertly reloaded his handgun and put two in the demon below him. One in the head, and one in the heart. The action was illogical as Spock would point out, but it made him feel better.
He didn’t relax though; the fight was far from over. John turned and raised his arm just as the second Hell Knight brought down a large water pipe Yelling out in pain, John felt his arm break. Though, he was just thankful it wasn’t his head that broke instead. Time seemed to freeze for a moment. Looking closely at the Hell Knight, John knew this fight was going to be harder. This one had intelligence.
“Ah fuck me!” he growled upon seeing the “Section 31” badge stuck to the monster’s rotting flesh.
John gritted his teeth as he pushed back with force. The demon stumbled back and raised his weapon again. Rolling out of the way, John tucked his injured arm against his chest, he could already feel the bone knit itself back together. It was always an unusual sensation, as if his whole arm had gone to sleep but without it going numb. If fucking hurt like a bitch.
Panting, John glared at the demon before him. “Come on asshole, let’s get this over with,” he snarled, his hand slowly inching toward his belt. The ex-agent roared, raising his pipe again, then swung hard aiming for John’s legs.
Yelping, Reaper dove out of the way of the oncoming blow. He landed gracelessly on his back. Quickly, he twisted to his side, narrowly missing a fatal blow from Hell Knight above him. Startled muffled screams and a boom made Reaper momentarily freeze.
“BONES!” Jim Kirk’s scream made time come to a standstill.
Jumping to his feet, John barreled into the demon, sending them both crashing into the corridor wall. Pulling another SD grenade from his belt, John quickly pressed down on the button and shoved it into the demon’s rotting chest. Pushing away, John dove for the supply room door, where his crew was in danger.
A deafening boom and a burning heat licked his back, but he didn’t even feel the burn or the blood that coated him. He needed to get to them before the worst could happen.
Jim barreled into the dark supply room with Chekov right on his ass. Beckworth, Bitar, and Lawrence practically shoved them forward before sealing the door behind them. Jim squinted into the darkness, his antique gun raised only halfway.
“Nothing should get through that door,” Bitar said with a relieved sigh.
A loud bang echoed through the room as something big hit the door they had just come through, followed by a slew of muffled cursing. Chekov let out a soft chuckle and Jim had to smile a little.
“No matter what, it’s the same ol’ Bones,” he sighed with a shake of his head.
“Gabe, check the room. Lila, check for supplies,” Beckworth ordered and the two redshirts immediately moved out.
Jim raised his gun the rest of the way and followed the young security Ensign further into the room. This caused Beckworth to sigh in exasperation, no matter what he did the captain will always be beside his men. Not behind.
“I got the right. Gabe, you go left,” Kirk whispered.
The young man nodded, and swallowed hard, unable to speak. He was so damn scared. Taking a deep steadying breath, Gabriel Lawrence moved into the dark.
He wouldn’t say that he was the best in security. His mother was a high-ranking security officer back in her day, and she had high expectations for him. She was older when he was born. Her end goal wasn’t to raise children, she simply wanted to continue on with a big legacy. And Gabe refused to let his mother down. So, he went to the academy and entered the security track. if Gabe were to really choose what to do with his life, he would have been a chef. He loved to cook, he loved to make people happy with his cooking. He wanted to drop out and tell his mother what he really wanted to do, who he wanted to be; but they had gotten word that he was assigned to the Enterprise and she was so proud.
The Fleet’s flagship.
He didn’t have the heart or the courage to turn it down. So, he went. And there he was, walking through a dark supply room on a taken-over starbase with monsters from Hell. “This is just great Gabe, wonderful life choices,” he muttered to himself. A clang and shuffle made him stop short in his tracks.
Turning, he strained his ears, “Hello?” he called out, bending at the waist he kept his phaser up. He peeked and peered through the crowded shelves of the supply room only to see nothing at all. Another clamor made him stop and quickly twist around; shadows danced around him, skittering in and out between the shelves.
Cautiously moving forward, Gabe called out one more time, “Hello, is anyone there?” the sound of crying reached his ears. ‘Sounds like a kid,’ he thought as he rushed forward.
Sitting there in a small pool of light was a small child curled in on themself, shaking like a leaf, facing a blood-stained wall.
Moving closer, Gabe reached out a gentle hand. “Hey kiddo it’s okay you’re going to be-” he choked on his words as the little boy turned around.
Lawrence has never seen anything like that before. Yelping, he scrambled back, falling onto his ass. The little boy in front of him looked dead: skin gray and rotting; his once brown eyes dull and oozing dark blood. The boy gave a raspy giggle and a leery bloody smile. It all made the hairs on Gabe’s body stand on end. He raised his phaser at the boy with shaking hands. But the dead child in front of him wasn’t what made his blood freeze.
It was the sound of low growls and snickering coming from behind him. Slowly turning around, he saw them all. Small, hunched, bloody, and ready for a fresh meal. Gabe knew right at that moment that he was never going to make it off Genesis. ‘Hope I made you proud momma,’
Later when it was all said and done Jim Kirk stopped to talk to Admiral Lawrence, she responded to his question, “Were you proud?”
Her answer was and would always be, “I was proud of him no matter what he did. That boy was more than just a legacy, he was my whole world. And I regret every day that I didn’t tell him that enough.”
Jim refused to tell her how he died. How much he screamed, and how afraid he was. All Kirk would say was that, “Gabe was an amazing security officer, and that he saved them all from dying the same way he did.”
Kirk would sometimes flashback to that moment. He would remember Gabe's screams of pain and terror but before he could run to help him, a blast knocked him off his feet. Phaser overload.
Everything: @thottiewithashotgun, @lauraaan182, @writerdee1701, @stileslover13-blog, @cowenby2, @bluesclues-1234, @sayuri9908
Hollow Castle: @chook007, @lauranthalasah
#star trek aos#doom 2005#doom!trek#leonard bones mccoy#leonard mccoy#john grimm is leonard mccoy#leonard mccoy is john grimm#john grimm#john reaper grimm#james t kirk#jim kirk#pavel chekov#redshirts#reaper!bones#hailey the queen of typos#hollow castle#The Four Horsmen Series#a moment of silence#for the fallen
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where you land is where i’d like to be
i got sad and wanted to write about boys in love, so this is a very soft very self-indulgent almost 3k. also on ao3 here
Kravitz slips into the back of the auditorium, tugging his gloves off and tucking them into his pocket. He runs a hand down his locs, leaving droplets sticking to his skin. It’s snowing outside. The first snow of the season, which Kravitz probably should find beautiful. But right now it’s just cold and wet, and his nerves are tingling.
The auditorium is warm, though, and Kravitz shakes it off as he steps inside. He has always loved this place. The high, arched ceilings, the red fabric seats – every time he sees it, he’s reminded of the first concert he went to as a boy. So much has changed since then, but the majesty of a theater never will.
Plus, the voice echoing through the hall doesn’t hurt.
Taako stands on stage, glittering as much as the snow falling outside. He likes to show off for his students, Kravitz knows – a sparkling cape here, a firework there. Today he is gleaming in knee high boots and a billowing white blouse, gold climbing up his ears.
“Wrong,” Taako says as Kravitz steps through the door and settles himself against the wall. “Bond theory has nothing to do with ghosts, are you even trying?” A beam of light shoots from Taako’s finger and into the audience, followed quickly by an “oof” and a round of laughter from the other students. “Bad answers get purple hair. Next!”
Kravitz grins. Taako rarely handles a guest lecture the same way twice, but this feels exactly like him – a bit of mischief, a bit of drama. Another student raises a hand from a few rows down. “Bonds!” he shouts, and Kravitz swallows a laugh.
“Are you kidding?” Taako throws his hands into the air, and gold bracelets sparkle down his arm. The ones Kravitz got him for their anniversary a few months ago. “Did you just answer the question ‘How do bonds interact with the material plane’ with ‘bonds’? If you don’t look like Taako you can’t get away with that, bubbelah.” He paces the stage, scanning across the audience. Until his eyes land on Kravitz leaning against the wall, and he stops.
Kravitz offers a tiny nod and a smile, and Taako’s answering grin lights up his face.
It hasn’t gotten old yet, the realization that Kravitz can make him smile like that. There are a million versions of Taako’s smile, when he’s willing to use it: half-lifted and smirking, sharp and all teeth, soft and sleepy. It never stops feeling like a miracle when Kravitz is the one to pull them out.
He never expected to feel like this. He enjoyed his work on the Astral Plane; he knew it was important, and the time alone never bothered him. But Kravitz never expected to feel alive again, not in any real way. Until he met Taako, glowing in pink crystal; until his hands were cracked with clay and an umbrella was trying to attack him. It’s the way Taako’s whole family makes him feel, really. They are a mess and a thorn in his side but they bump against each other so beautifully that Kravitz can’t help but feel grateful to be a part of it.
He was chosen for the promise of his power, once. It doesn’t quite feel real that now he’s chosen for just who he is.
“How ‘bout you, kemosabe?” Taako continues, pulling Kravitz back from his thoughts and into the warm, crowded hall. Taako’s eyes haven’t left Kravitz, and his smile has an edge of mischief. “Got anything to say about bonds?”
The students are all looking at him. Whispers have started – they shuffle around the hall like blowing leaves. “Is that –” “It’s not, he looks so normal!” “But why would he be here –”
Kravitz grins at the twinkle in Taako’s eye and starts down the aisle. If Taako wants a show, he’ll put on a show. “Whaddyou know about ghosts, guvnah?” he asks, and barely keeps it together as Taako’s face lights with laughter.
Kravitz is a few steps closer to the stage before Taako manages to control himself enough to respond. “I hear they’re very spooky.”
“That’s a common misconception, that is,” Kravitz replies, now climbing up the stairs. “Ghosts are just like you and me.”
Taako is grinning like a cat. “Is that so?”
“Well,” Kravitz says, dropping the accent and gathering his power, “maybe more like me than you.”
Taako’s burst of laughter is covered by the gasps from the audience as Kravitz’s scythe appears in his hand. The feathers of his robe are a little ruffled around his collar – they always are, when he transforms so quickly like this – but it’s worth it to see the kid in the front row literally fall out of his chair.
The room roars, whispers turning into shouts. “Did he –” “My mom is going to DIE when she hears this –” “He’s the actual Grim Reaper –”
“Class dismissed!” Taako shouts over the din. “Ask Ren about anything that’s due this week, I have no fucking clue!”
Kravitz keeps his Reaper form as the students straggle away, some glancing over their shoulders as if to see what’s going to happen. It’s only when the last backpack disappears through the door that he sinks back to the desk where Taako is, tucking his scythe back into a pocket realm. “Tough lecture?”
Taako stacks a few papers and taps them on the desk. “They wouldn’t know genius if it hit them in the face. Or got projected straight into their brains.”
“It must be hard for your school to be full of such amateurs.”
“You have no idea.”
Kravitz steps around the desk and reaches out, skin melting into place over his skeletal form. “Anything I can do?”
Taako hums and touches his fingertips to Kravitz’s. “Maybe I have an idea…”
Kravitz’s lips reform smiling, and are immediately pressed against Taako’s. It’s nice. It’s more than nice, really, still somewhat overwhelming with how wonderful it feels – until Taako pulls back.
“Cold face, yowza.”
“Comes with the territory, I’m afraid.”
“Weren’t you supposed to be getting all warm with love?” Taako’s face, so close to Kravitz’s, scrunches up in discomfort.
“It’s snowing,” Kravitz replies, deadpan, and then smiles as Taako’s uncomfortable expression morphs into disgust.
Taako gets cold, is the thing. He will sacrifice for the sake of fashion, but he is constantly stealing Kravitz’s sweaters and tucking himself into blankets. It’s not a rare occurrence to come home to a couch piled with knitted afghans, Taako barely a lump underneath them. Kravitz would usually open a rift and bring them both home immediately to climb in bed.
But the world is blank and quiet tonight. And, despite the entrance he made, Kravitz has a question to ask.
He brushes a finger down the bracelets and threads his fingers through Taako’s as they chime. “Would you walk with me?”
“Would I –” Taako huffs. “It’s snowing.”
“We covered that already, yes.”
“Taako doesn’t do snow without good reason,” Taako says, and tucks his hands into Kravitz’s pockets. It brings his face pressing hot into Kravitz’s neck.
“It’s a new world to see. You love those, don’t you?”
Taako’s long-suffering sigh sends goosebumps shivering down Kravitz’s neck. “Already seen enough of ‘em, my man, but sure. You’re handsome and you’re asking. Taako’ll freeze his butt off for a walk.”
Kravitz smiles and disentangles himself to help Taako into his coat – long, purple, soft. It was a gift from Lup two Candlenights ago. “It won’t be long.”
“Better not be,” Taako mumbles as they make their way back up the aisle. “Risking my life for a walk in the snow, saved the multiverse and this is what I get…”
It’s a silent cold when they step outside – the kind that makes everything pause, that pockets the world and holds it still. For a few moments, the only sound is the whisper of Taako’s boots kicking snowdrifts aside.
Taako is the one to break the silence. “Okay, fine. It’s pretty.”
Kravitz hums in agreement without really thinking about it. “Reminds me of home.”
“Of the Astral Plane?”
Kravitz laughs. “Not really – it is cold there, I guess, but no. Of home. It’s one of the few memories I have from before, walking to get water out of the well before it froze over.”
Taako is quiet for a moment. Then he finally says, “That sounds shitty, my dude, gotta be honest.”
Kravitz huffs a laugh. “It wasn’t completely. I remember hot chocolate when I got back.”
Taako tucks himself more comfortably against Kravitz’s arm and kicks at another snow drift. “Must’ve been nice, coming back to a family.”
“Better than most things,” Kravitz replies quietly. Taako doesn’t often mention his time before the Institute. Occasionally he drops a small comment or a hint – always sad. Kravitz’s heart, old as it is, twinges to hear them. But as much as he wants to, he knows to let them go unremarked.
And, well, it’s not the perfect segue… but if he doesn’t say something now he’ll lose his nerve. “Taako?”
Taako pauses to look at him. There’s a glow over his face, cast by one of the new streetlights brought on by Lucas’s world-stealing. It paints the panes of his cheeks in bright gold. The shadows under his eyes look more pronounced. He is so beautiful Kravitz feels his heart stop.
“What do you think of making us a family? You and me.” The way Taako’s ears flick back makes Kravitz nervous, but he’s started now and he can’t stop. “I know you have Lup already and I would never want to intrude on that, ever, and Barry and Magnus and Merle – everyone that loves you so much and knows you so well, but I –” Kravitz pulls in a deep breath, trying to get air into his long-dead lungs. “I’d like to be your family too, I think. If you’ll have me. If you’re interested.”
Taako blinks. And is quiet for long enough that Kravitz feels his heart spiral down into his stomach. It’s too much. This was too much, too soon, and Kravitz is suddenly adding, “It’s okay if you’re not, though. I love things just the way they are, I love you, and I wouldn't –”
Kravitz stops his messy, stumbling mouth. And Taako continues, tilting his head to the side, “What are you asking, exactly?”
In for a penny, in for a pound, they say. So as frosted air puffs from his mouth, Kravtiz bends down to one knee. The cold barely registers; he’s used to it, after all.
“I… Taako, I love you. I can’t imagine my existence without you, which is silly because I’ve been around a very long time and –” he takes another breath and watches it spiral out around him, pointedly looking everywhere but up. “I know nothing has been traditional between us, and I love that. I love you, did I say that already? And I was hoping that maybe you’d want to, well, somewhat untraditionally...” the velvet box is out of his pocket, popped open by numb fingers that have nothing to do with the weather. “Marry me?”
At the last words, Kravitz finally manages to lift his eyes enough to see Taako’s face. His eyes are wide, and Kravitz can’t tell if the light in them is reflection or tears. “Love?” he asks, and starts to get up. “Did I – oh, Taako, I didn’t mean to make you cry –”
“You are so dumb,” Taako interrupts, voice high, and then Kravitz’s mouth is full of his hair as Taako darts forward into a hug.
“Oh,” Kravitz says. And then, “Is that a yes?”
Taako pulls back and Kravitz feels all the places he’s missing as the cold hits his cheek. “Is that a – fuck, Bones, are you kidding? Gimme the thing –”
Taako’s hands are fumbling, and Kravitz is too lost to recognize what to do for a moment. “The – oh, the ring, I –” He opens the box again from where it is tucked in his hand and Taako lets out a shout of laughter.
“You didn’t –” Taako says delightedly, tugging the ring out of its cushion.
“I thought it would be appropriate,” Kravitz says, smiling a bit sheepishly. The pink stone glints in the streetlight, tourmaline cut and shining like a star. Maybe he should be embarrassed by the gesture. But Kravitz can’t feel anything but light and relief and such deep, impossible joy. He feels like he could fly. He watches Taako slip the ring on his finger and his body feels incandescent.
Until Taako laughs, “Uh, babe? Was gonna give you a shot at these lips but that’s tough when you’re ballin out.”
And Kravitz realizes he’s lost his physical form, now floating in front of Taako in an orb of light.
Immediately, he begins the process of stitching his body back together, building hands and eyes and hair. His heart, when he comes to, is pounding in a way it hasn’t since he was alive. “Sorry,” he says breathlessly, and then can’t get anything else out before Taako is kissing him.
“You are such a dork,” Taako mumbles after a minute, their faces still pressed together.
“Yes,” Kravitz agrees, catching Taako’s lips again.
“Can’t believe you got me a pink crystal ring, that is so tacky.”
“It is.” Kravitz presses a kiss to Taako’s nose, his eyes, his cheeks.
“Lup is going to lose her mind.”
“She is, I know.”
“You turned into a light ball! What the fuck!”
“That was… embarrassing, I admit.”
“Krav?” Taako is flushed, his eyes bright. Hair is falling out of his cap and brushing his cheeks, and the streetlight makes it shine a bright, burnished gold. “You’re kind of perfect.”
Kravitz lifts their hands together, bundles Taako’s up into his, and presses a kiss to his gloves. Everything is warm. Everything feels like sunlight. “You too, love.”
“Natch, Taako’s the best,” Taako replies, but his eyes are gleaming and he threads his hand through Kravitz’s.
Snow flutters down around them. Kravitz can’t help it – he runs his thumb, again and again, over the stone under Taako’s glove.
Their wedding will be a sensation, a show – or it will be nothing, an easy dinner, just for them. Taako will surprise him, he always does. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is quieter – the breakfasts and the late nights and the debates over scrolls to watch. All the spaces in between, the heartbeats he can now count. The soft warmth of feeling that this family is his future.
With Taako’s hand in his and snow falling light and buttery around them, Kravitz takes a breath and lets himself finally settle into the feeling of home.
#taz#taz balance#taakitz#my writing#it's just sometimes it snows and i miss people#so my brain says please write about love#and i say okay
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Deltarune Theory: More Musings on Everyman and Gaster
Hey all, it’s been about a month since my big Everyman Analysis Post and I just wanted to make a quick follow-up that ended up being quite long.
This follow-up includes some things that I left out of the original post, as well as a couple of new revelations and developments I’ve uncovered since then.
This new post also segues into a theory I’ve been building about Gaster, since I feel like both characters are connected.
I recommend you read the original post (if you haven’t already) otherwise this follow-up may not make much sense.
Quick Recap
Further Foreshadowing
The Curious Case of Mettaton
“Strange” Times
Revisiting Reaper Bird
Creating Reaper Bird
Ice-E’s Odds and “E”nds
A Deeper Look into Father Alvin
Heroes of the Dark, Villains of the Light
A New Challenger Approaches!
Gaster’s Connection to the Knight
Creating a New Future
Gaster is ???
Gaster the ???
What are Skeletons, Anyway?
Quick Recap
If for whatever reason you haven’t read the previous Everyman post, here’s the cliff notes version:
Everyman was the bullet attack from the Reaper Bird amalgamate in Undertale’s True Lab (the one whose head got eaten by butterflies)
Everyman appears twice in Deltarune Chapter 1, implying a greater role in the full game
In Undertale, Everyman was likely an actual person/monster who became part of an amalgamate like Snowdrake’s mother and Shyren’s sister did
Everyman is likely to be “The Knight,” mentioned in Deltarune (see first post for full argument/evidence)
Jevil and the King of Spades are connected to both the Knight and Everyman, implying they’re the same person (again, see previous post)
The word “strange” is associated with Everyman; his sprite in Undertale is called “strangeman” and Seam refers to the Knight as a “strange knight”
The Knight may or may not have a “strange son”, according to Seam (it’s unclear because the line is worded vaguely)
The Knight/Everyman is probably connected to Gaster
If Everyman is an existing character, then he’s likely either Father Alvin or one of the Ice-E’s employees (long story, see previous post)
[Image transcript: Two text boxes from Rouxls Kaard. In order, he says: “Lost...? Frightened...? Confused...? GOOD!! HA HA HA!!!” end image transcript.]
Need some help? Otherwise, we’re moving on...
Further Foreshadowing
I wanted to touch a bit more on the concept of character foreshadowing in Undertale/Deltarune, since it’s one of my foundational arguments for why I think Everyman will be important in Deltarune.
I still can’t help but find it remarkable that Toby took the time to include multiple Everyman “cameos” in Deltarune Chapter 1. The Jevil fight cameo especially gets me because it’s in a secret fight that most players already won’t experience on their initial playthrough, and on top of that it’s a rare event in said fight. It reminds me of how the “Mysteryman” event in Undertale has a strong chance to not trigger even if you have the correct fun value. This all feels like a lot of trouble for Toby to go through for what is an otherwise extremely obscure character.
Last time I gave examples of how characters like Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard were foreshadowed before they were properly introduced, but I found another example of a foreshadowed character that better illustrates my argument:
Muffet was a fan-made boss included in Undertale as a backer incentive for the game’s Kickstarter. In other words, she was (presumably) not part of the initial plans for the game or its demo (which was released prior to the Kickstarter). In the finished game, Muffet, while not as important as other boss characters, still ties into the spider bake sale seen in the Ruins and she’s (possibly?) one of the mercenaries hired by Mettaton to kill you.
Muffet’s inclusion in the full game retroactively makes the Ruins’ spider bake sale serve as foreshadowing for her character. However, Toby didn’t stop there.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side screenshots of Undertale. In the left one, the narration says “(It’s a spider web.)” In the right screenshot, the narration continues: “(There’s a flyer for a bake sale on it.)” end image transcript.]
Toby also added a bake sale flyer in Napstablook’s house as an additional reminder and gave Muffet her own introductory bake sale room in Hotland before she’s properly fought.
Note how once again Toby took the time and effort to foreshadow a character multiple times, even though that character wasn’t even part of his original plans. And, as was the case with MTT and RK, the foreshadowing wasn’t just a one-off hint or nod, either.
Muffet is also an example of how foreshadowing doesn’t need to include a character’s name or a direct reference in any dialogue or flavor text. Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard are both mentioned by name (or initials) by other characters, yet Muffet’s name is never spoken before her fight.
A first time player going in blind would have no way of knowing that Muffet exists as a specific character in the narrative, but her presence would still make sense and be foreshadowed from contextual clues. The spider bake sale, while not telling us exactly who Muffet is, clearly builds up to the eventual reveal of her role and motivations. This is what I meant when I said that some foreshadowing only makes sense in hindsight, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is foreshadowing.
The Curious Case of Mettaton
Think back to what I said last time about foreshadowing:
“For all we know there could be other, more-cryptic Everyman references already in Deltarune that we don’t have the full context to understand yet.”
While I didn’t specify it at the time, I meant this as a subtle hint that Deltarune’s mentions of the Knight would double as foreshadowing for Everyman (assuming they’re the same person, as my theory alleges). Obviously I didn’t start my original post with this argument because it would be putting the cart before the horse and I had to first establish why I think Everyman is the Knight.
Speaking of the Knight, another thing that I hinted at but didn’t fully spell out last time is the fact that the three most prominent characters who mention the Knight (Seam, Jevil, and the King of Spades) all coincidentally leave “clues” that point to Everyman as well. Seam uses the word “strange” more than any other character and is the first one to mention the “strange” Knight. Jevil mentions the Knight and has the rare Everyman bullet. The Spade King mentions the Knight several times, including as his final in-battle line, then right after allows his cloak to fly away as a butterfly (an image associated with Everyman, per my last post).
If my theory is correct then it would mean that Everyman is foreshadowed even more heavily in chapter 1 than just his two visual “cameos”. It would also mean that every mention of the Knight would serve as a “namedrop” for Everyman, like how Mettaton and Rouxls Kaard are namedropped before their introductions.
This type of foreshadowing, where namedrops are seemingly “unconnected” to visual cameos, isn’t unprecedented. Mettaton is namedropped several times in Undertale before Hotland, but we also see his rectangular form powering the Snowdin colored tile puzzle.
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk looking at Mettaton’s deactivated body next to the colored tile puzzle in Snowdin. The narration says “(The machien isn’t working.)” end image transcript.]
I also want to clarify that, yes, that’s actually Mettaton--Papyrus mentions that Alphys designed the tile puzzle and you can see that Mettaton disappears from that room later on before eventually reusing the tile puzzle himself in Hotland.
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk talking on the phone with Papyrus in the Snowdin colored tile puzzle room. Papyrus is saying “OH HO!!! THE PUZZLE THAT DR. ALPHYS MADE!” end image transcript.]
But here’s something you may not have ever thought about: there’s absolutely nothing prior to Hotland that outright says that the mysterious “MTT” and the machine powering the tile puzzle are one in the same, just like how there’s no line of dialogue in Deltarune Chapter 1 that outright says Everyman is the Knight.
In fact, I’d argue there’s more evidence to suggest that Everyman is the Knight than there is to suggest (to a new player, pre-Hotland) that “MTT” and the tile puzzle machine are the same person (or even a person at all), and yet we know the latter is true. Just something to think about.
“Strange” Times
Something else I wanted to expand upon was the use of the word “strange”. I pointed out last time how Everyman is called “strangeman” in Undertale’s game files and how Deltarune’s dialogue uses the word “strange” very deliberately.
What I didn’t touch on was how the word “strange” is used in Undertale. Long story short: it’s used a lot more often than in Deltarune but its usage also feels a lot less deliberate. On the one hand, “strange” is used to refer to important things like Alphys’ Lab, Sans’ room, Toriel already “knowing” humans after a reset, and the broken machine in Sans’ workshop.
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk staring at a curtain in Sans’ secret room. The narration says “(There’s a strange machine behind the curtain.) (It seems to be broken.)” end image transcript.]
On the other hand, “strange” is also used to refer to more mundane things like sleeping in Toriel’s house, quiet echo flowers, or Mettaton rattling off the features of the game-shaped bomb.
In truth, I don’t think the word “strange” has much meaning when it comes to dialogue in Undertale. However, Everyman is the only sprite in Undertale with the word “strange” in its title. Almost all of the non-dialogue strings with “strange” in their name also relate to Everyman. There are a couple of other strings referring to a “strangetangle,” but I’m not exactly sure what that is.
My personal theory is that Everyman and the True Lab may have been one of the later additions to Undertale’s programming, and by that point Toby had likely written most of the game’s dialogue and didn’t feel the need to retroactively limit the use of the word “strange”. That’s purely my own speculation, of course.
The point still stands that Deltarune uses “strange” in a way that feels much more planned. Unlike Undertale, Deltarune tries to limit “mundane” uses of “strange” as much as possible. I must also reiterate that the first mention of the Knight and the first usage of “strange” in Deltarune is Seam referring to a “strange knight” in bright red letters.
[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Seam saying “But, recently, a strange knight appeared... And three of the kings were locked away.” end image transcript.]
On the flip side, Toby has gotten a lot more careful with filenames for sprites in Deltarune. There are no sprites named “everyman” or ”strangeman” in Deltarune’s game files, just as there’s no “Gaster” or “mysteryman” either (save for the vessel name flag that restarts the game). The Everyman bullet that appears in Jevil’s fight is simply “spr_carousel”, and the graffiti is part of “bg_alphysalley”. Toby left far fewer secrets in Deltarune’s files than he did in Undertale’s, likely as a conscious effort to avoid spoiling any future reveals.
Revisiting Reaper Bird
Speaking of covering tracks, when writing my previous post I was a little disappointed to find that Reaper Bird’s battle text was something of a dead end for clues. Almost all of the dialogue and flavor text in Reaper Bird’s fight is repurposed text from the Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot fights.
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of the Reaper Bird battle. Reaper Bird has three text bubbles. In order, they say: “Someone finally gets it,” “Ribbit ribbit,” and “Courage...” end image transcript.]
When you think about it, Everyman is the most noteworthy thing about the Reaper Bird fight. Without him, Reaper Bird would be the most forgettable amalgamate. Reaper Bird doesn’t even show up again during the True Pacifist “victory lap” walk-around. Endogeny, Lemon Bread, and Snowdrake’s mother all show up in the overworld and have additional dialogue (or dog noises) with their family members. Reaper Bird and Memoryhead are the only amalgamates never heard from again.
I do think that Reaper Bird and Memoryhead are meant to serve a purpose beyond being general amalgamates. Memoryhead at least has the distinction of being the first amalgamate fought, having the unique “bad memory” item associated with it, and (arguably) being the most mysterious of all the amalgamates due to having no easily-identifiable “component” monster parts.
Still, there are a couple of Reaper Bird tidbits worth pointing out. First is the name: I find it interesting that Everyman has been associated with two different “reaper”-affiliated enemies (i.e., Reaper Bird and Jevil w/ his scythe). It’s also interesting how the artbook shows an early concept for Whimsalot that carries a scythe as well:
[Image transcript: Two entries from the Undertale Artbook. On the left is a spritesheet for Everyman. Beneath it says “spr_strangeman_losinghead.png by Toby Fox. Name: Everyman Description: Just a good guy who shows up on occasion. To the right of this entry is an image of a Whimsalot holding a scythe while wearing a skull mask. Beneath it says “spr_whimsun_reaper.png by Toby Fox. Different idea for Whimsalot.” end image transcript.]
The sprite is even called “whimsun_reaper”. Funny coincidence how Whimsalot’s design was changed to become more knight-like in the end.
While we’re on this page, there’s something I wanted to take another look at:
Madjick and Knight Knight are grouped with Everyman and Whimsalot despite neither of them being represented within the Reaper Bird’s design or dialogue. This page is immediately after a page that shows concepts for Final Froggit and Reaper Bird:
Wouldn’t it make more sense for Everyman to be on the same page as Reaper Bird, rather than being grouped with with Madjick and Knight Knight? The only things that Madjick, Knight Knight, and Whimsalot have in common are (1) they’re Core enemies and (2) they have the strongest “knights and wizards” theming out of all the Core mercenaries. Final Froggit and Astigmatism’s designs are more ambiguous, and the latter isn’t even included in this section of the artbook at all (despite being a component of Reaper Bird!).
Looking at this page, the earlier design for Reaper Bird’s eye-mouth thing does remind me of something...
It’s a somewhat tenuous connection and could just be a coincidence. Then again, Spade King is connected to the Knight and I already made a big deal out of his butterfly-shaped cloak. Interestingly, Spade King never uses his Chain of Justice attack after his cloak flies away and instead resorts to basic spade bullets to put down the Fun Gang. If the cloak was a gift from the Knight, perhaps it was endowed with sort of power that heightened the King’s abilities?
It is odd how the Chain is the only part of the King’s sprite that’s grey instead of black, white, or blue. Lancer’s sprite doesn’t have any grey on it, nor does he have his own “Chain” appendage. As far as I know this shade of grey is not used on any other character. Grey seems to carry a very specific connotation in this series: New Home is entirely in grey, the overworld sprites for the Amalgamates are grey, and Gaster Followers/Goners are associated with the color as well. We don’t fully know what it means yet, but it seems to be significant. Best make a mental note of it, at least.
Creating Reaper Bird
What especially sticks out to me now is Toby’s line above Reaper Bird’s Artbook entry:
“I created Reaper Bird first but I realized it wasn’t creepy enough so I gave it longer legs in-game.”
Now, when Toby says he created Reaper Bird “first”, he doesn’t specify what that “first” is in relation to. Was Reaper Bird the first amalgamate he designed? Or does Toby mean that he designed Reaper Bird “first” and then designed the Core mercenaries afterwards so that they’d fit as “components” of Reaper Bird’s body?
That latter interpretation may seem like a bit of a stretch, but it’s worth noting that Reaper Bird is the only amalgamate shown in the art book whose concept art does not have a step-by-step “breakdown” of how it was created from the designs of its component monsters. Endogeny and Lemon Bread both have full-page spreads showing earlier concepts alongside the regular monsters that make up their components.
What’s especially interesting is the artbook also includes a scrapped “Royal Guard” amalgamate and a page for Snowdrake’s Mom, whose final design only takes inspiration from Snowdrake.
And yet despite the fact that Reaper Bird has one of the most obvious designs in terms of how its components “fit together”, Toby did not show his early design process and instead only shows three frames of Reaper Bird’s idle animation. Assuming Reaper Bird was designed first and the Mercenaries’ designs were created or modified afterward, this would fit with my theory that the Core Mercenaries were deliberately themed around Everyman and his “knighthood”.
Even the design of Reaper Bird itself evokes some traits of Everyman’s design. Namely, both characters are bipedal, both have long necks, both have a beak/proboscis, and both have a single visible eye mounted on the side of their head. That last part stands out the most to me, as every major character in Undertale and Deltarune has forward-mounted eye sockets, like a human would. Even among random encounter enemies and background NPCs it’s a rarity to find wall-eyed characters.
It could just be my over-eager imagination, but the fully-stretched Reaper Bird looks like it even matches Everyman’s proportions to a degree, almost like it’s a skeleton or outline attempting to regain its “true form” out of the cobbled-together mercenary parts.
I said before that Reaper Bird becomes the most “boring” amalgamate without Everyman. In many respects Everyman is the centerpiece of that amalgamate, and by extension he may also be the centerpiece that informed the designs of the Core mercenaries.
If that’s going too far out on a limb, consider how many places and characters in Undertale are connected to Gaster despite the fact he has no real role in the game’s main plot. Sans, Papyrus, the Core, and the True Lab are all “informed” in some way or another by Gaster’s “existence” even though he never properly appears. Is it so unlikely to imagine that another “unseen” character who may be important in Deltarune also had a large impact on aspects of Undertale’s world?
Ice-E’s Odds and “E”nds
Speaking of impact... I don’t really have a segue lined up, so let’s talk about Ice-E’s instead. In my last post I brought up the idea of Everyman being one of the Ice-E’s employees that we see in Hometown. The bulk of my analysis focused on The Warrior, but I neglected to talk about the other unknown mascot: the “purple guy”.
In truth, there’s not a whole lot to this character. He only has one line of dialogue and he seems to be a deliberate reference to the “purple guy” from Five Nights at Freddy’s. Still, he’s just as mysterious as The Warrior and could very well have a larger role to play in the full game.
Interestingly, the purple guy’s sprite is named “icemascot_fake” in Deltarune’s files, whereas Burgerpants and the Nice Cream Bunny are “icemascot1″ and “icemascot2″, respectively. This fits with Burgerpants’ line where he questions whether the purple guy “even works here”.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. Both feature Kris talking to Burgerpants in Hometown. On the left, Burgerpants says “Purple Guy - Man, THAT GUY, you gotta...” and on the right he continues, saying “... actually, does that guy even work here?” end image transcript.]
The purple guy is also the only Ice-E’s mascot whose costume’s body doesn’t match the color of the costume’s head.
His colors do match the Everyman/Ice-E graffiti, though. Judging from his “fake” costume, he’s apparently some sort of Ice-E’s fanatic who made his own Ice-E’s getup and pretended to work there. I’m not sure how that would tie into the Knight’s motivations, if at all, but it certainly fits the bill for being “strange”.
Ice-E’s is apparently strange and creepy enough in-universe to inspire urban legends about it
But Kris was only kidding, right?
Getting back to Ice-E’s as a brand, it’s interesting how the company focuses on the letter “E”, inserting it into the word p”e”zza and other places where it doesn’t belong.
[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Burgerpants saying “Ice E’s P’E’ZZA, You’re number ‘1′ Spot for a piping hot pe’E’ce of PEZZA.” end image transcript.]
Could the focus on “E” be pointing towards “E”veryman’s involvement? Eh, mayb”E”.
Something that was pointed out to me by gantaloupe on Reddit: In the Core we see two branching paths: the sage’s path and the warrior’s path.
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Frisk reading a sign in the Core. The sign says “(North, the warrior’s path.) (West, the sage’s path.) (Any path leads to The End.)” end image transcript.]
While this could just be a coincidence, it’s an interesting factoid in light of how Everyman is connected to the Core mercenaries and possibly connected to a character named “The Warrior” in Deltarune.
One last thing that I noticed is how Everyman’s bullet sprite and the Ice-E’s costumes both have nubby arms and legs without any defined fingers or toes. Everyman’s body and Ice-E’s head would fit together like a glove. It would certainly be easier to picture one of the mascots abstracted into Everyman’s bullet design rather than, say, Gaster or Father Alvin. Speaking of which...
A Deeper Look into Father Alvin
Father Alvin kinda got the short end of the stick in my previous post when I said he was “less likely” to be Everyman than one of the Ice-E’s employees. I still hold that opinion, but that doesn’t mean he’s not worth exploring further.
One thing that I glossed over was the topic of Alvin’s potential connection to Gerson. Now, there’s nothing in chapter 1 that outright says Gerson and Alvin are related, but it’s easy to intuit based on the fact that they’re the only two turtle monsters that we see in the series. Both characters are connected to Hometown’s school, and one could infer that Alvin’s drawing in the supply closet could be a drawing of Gerson rather than a self-portrait.
[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. Both feature Kris looking at a drawing on a cabinet in the unused classroom. In the left screenshot, the narration says “(It’s a yellowed, poorly-drawn picture of a green turtle.)” The right screenshot continues: “(It’s signed ‘Alvin’.)” end image transcript.]
Gerson himself seems to have no connection to the Knight’s machinations, and it’d be difficult to imagine otherwise since he’s, y’know, dead. Still, it is eerie how Gerson was the only character in Undertale who provided any information on the deltarune symbol and now he’s “conveniently” absent from Deltarune’s narrative.
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Gerson saying “That’s the Delta Rune, the emblem of our kingdom.” end image transcript.]
Instead we have a different turtle character who also makes mention of an “angel” like Gerson did.
[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris talking to Father Alvin. Alvin says “Let the Angel’s power light your way.” end image transcript.]
We don’t know much about Alvin yet, but the impression I get from him is that he’s Gerson’s opposite--mild-mannered, patient, and more interested in divine matters than history or research. Alvin also shows reverence for the Angel, capitalizing the name, whereas Gerson uses the term “angel” with quotation marks and treats it as a quaint curiosity.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Gerson talking. In the left screenshot, he says “Most people say it’s the ‘angel,’ from the prophecy...” The right screenshot Gerson says: “I jus’ think it looks neat! Wahaha!” end image transcript.]
Getting back to Alvin’s drawing, it was pointed out to me that Alvin’s green turtle drawing and the drawing of three people smiling in Sans’ lab are both described as “poorly drawn” by the narration.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk in Sans’ secret room. In the left screenshot, the narration says “(It’s a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people.) (Written on it...)” The right screenshot continues: “don’t forget.” end image transcript.]
This may sound minor, but these are the only instances where the descriptor “poorly drawn” is used in either game. It’s also significant because the drawing of three smiling people only shows up when Frisk talks to Clamgirl, who mentions “Suzy” and is eventually revealed to be a goner/Gaster follower. This means both drawings are tied to Deltarune’s world.
I’m not entirely sure what the significance of the drawings is, since we still don’t know for certain who the three smiling people are or which green turtle is in Alvin’s drawing. If Alvin is the Knight, I could see him using drawings to attempt to bring specific types of darkners to life with the dark fountains he pulls out of the earth. In the case of the turtle drawing, maybe he was hoping to bring Gerson back as a darkner by recreating his likeness?
In Deltarune we’ve already seen a possible darkner “counterpart” to a lightner in the form of Ralsei, so maybe the idea of “recreating” lightners as darkner doppelgangers will be explored further in the full game? Chapter 1′s dark world was in the school and Gerson was a teacher there before he passed away. Chapter 2 seems poised to take place in a hospital dark world, and we see Rudy in a poor state of health at the hospital just prior to chapter 2. It’s too early to tell, but maybe these “holy” fountains and darkner doppelgangers are the Knight’s idea of bringing about life after death, or an “angel’s heaven,” if you will.
It goes without saying that my ideas of the Knight’s motives are purely speculative, but one last note I’ll leave on is how Gerson is mentioned an awful lot in Deltarune, more so than he was in Undertale. Gerson’s name is also one of the names that triggers a special response in the vessel creation sequence. Seems like an awful lot of attention for a “dead” character with no further role to play in the story, and remember what I said earlier about repeated character foreshadowing. All I’m saying is, don’t be too surprised if we meet a darkner by the name of “Snorge” or “Resong” or “Goners” or--hmm... Goners...
Heroes of the Dark, Villains of the Light
Now’s as good a time as any to bring up something I and a lot of others have noticed: Deltarune’s heroes are dark. Ralsei is a prince from the dark with horns, Susie is a bully described as a “dark knight” in one of her equip screen titles, and Kris is described by some Hometown residents as “creepy,” to say nothing of how Chapter 1 ends. Others in the fandom have pointed out how Deltarune’s battle system places Kris & co on the left side of the screen, in contrast to many classic JRPGs where the heroes are positioned on the right side of the screen.
On the other end of things, Ralsei’s prophecy refers to the “heroes of legend” sealing the “holy” dark fountains in order to “banish the Angel’s heaven”. That doesn’t really sound like a typical “heroic” goal. There’s also the speculation that sealing Card Castle’s fountain may have had negative repercussions for the Castle’s inhabitants. I’m not saying this to argue that the fun gang is somehow “evil”, but merely to point out that they have the trappings of darkness.
Angels, on the other hand, are typically associated with light and goodness, and we know that Alvin serves the angel (whether this is solely in an abstract/religious way or in a more direct way remains to be seen). We know that sealing dark fountains somehow relates to banishing the Angel’s heaven, so it’s not a stretch to assume that the Knight is in league with the Angel due to his desire to create fountains.
I already entertained the idea of the Knight and the Angel working together in my last post, but something else that ties into this is Toby’s refrain of describing Everyman as “just a good guy that shows up on occasion.” He uses this description in the Everyman tweet as well as Everyman’s entry in the Undertale art book. It’s clearly meant to be a significant phrase.
[Image transcript: On the left is a Twitter thread by Toby. On the right is an excerpt from the Undertale Artbook featuring a spritesheet of Everyman. In both images, Toby writes “Everyman. Description: Just a good guy who shows up on occasion.” end image transcript.]
We can infer that the Knight will be a major antagonist going forward, and I’ve already argued that Everyman is the Knight, so this paints the picture of a Knight with good intentions--a “Knight in shining armor,” if you will. This could be another argument in favor of Alvin being Everyman/the Knight, since he at least tries to project the image of piety and fits this theme of "holy” villains to contrast the “dark” heroes.
Now that I think about it, a “villain” like that would be an interesting inversion from the likes of Flowey--instead of an antagonist who’s trying to kill people, we have an antagonist who threatens to smother the entire world with the unchecked new life he’s creating. His actions at Card Castle show that he doesn’t go out of his way to kill, given that the three kings were kept alive as prisoners, but we also see how his actions enabled an evil King to abuse his power in the name of protecting his “holy” fountain.
While Flowey illustrated the lesson of “don’t kill and don’t be killed,” perhaps this Knight would be meant to show the dark side of appeasement and how “good intentions” only get you so far? The Spade King definitely comes off as a subversion of the typical “don’t fight!” approach of Undertale, and if Alvin is the Knight then he might push that “lesson” further going forward.
Still, for every champion of the light there is one who waits in the dark...
A New Challenger Approaches!
That’s right, there’s a third Knight candidate to cover. I’m sure some of you have been eagerly awaiting this one, so give it up for...
Ok, in all seriousness a couple of people wanted me to talk about this character who shows up in the Hometown Library. Their name isn’t given in-game and they’re simply known as “spr_normalnpc” in the game files. As of right now their only purpose is to block Kris from visiting the upstairs floor of the Library.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Kris talking to Normalnpc in the Library. In the left image, Normalnpc says “I love reading books. Especially the books upstairs. You should really.” before finishing in the right image, saying “Read them!” end image transcript.]
As far as we can tell, this character is the Deltarune counterpart to the elusive Gaster Follower 3 from Undertale.
Not all of the character design details line up, but both characters cut a similar silhouette and that’s good enough for me.
After my initial Everyman theory post, I’ve been asked whether I think normalnpc might be Everyman/the Knight. I never gave it much thought before now, so let me start with the points in this character’s favor:
Normalnpc shares some of Everyman’s basic design traits, namely a beak/proboscis, a single eye visible on the side of their head, and a long neck
“Normalnpc” and “Everyman” are both such generic names that they immediately arouse suspicion
Normalnpc acts “strange,” repeating placeholder-ish dialogue about reading books while simultaneously blocking you from going upstairs
Normalnpc maintains a positive tone, making them a “good guy”...?
Both characters are connected to Gaster, maybe?
Ok, look, I’m not saying that Normalnpc can’t be Everyman, but there’s very little to work with here besides the general design, the name, and vague Gaster connections. And even then, I’d say Normalnpc’s and Everyman’s designs have too many differences for my liking. While some of the basic features are there, their silhouettes, proportions, and stance/posture are all completely different.
Another complication is the fact that Normalnpc’s “goner” counterpart already exists in Undertale, and I said last time that Everyman would have to be a character who isn’t seen elsewhere in Undertale because he was busy being stuck inside Reaper Bird.
On the other hand, we do see goner counterparts for characters that already exist in Undertale, as is the case with Gaster Followers 1 and 2 (for the sake of simplicity I’m assuming that Gaster followers are the same thing as “goners”).
But I’m not sure whether these “goners” are meant to be alternate “versions” of these specific characters or whether they’re just other members of the same “species” as their counterparts.
Monster Kid and Goner Kid, for example, have many differences in their designs, including different shirts, different spine arrangements, and slightly different facial features.
Clamgirl muddies things even further, undergoing a total transformation when she “becomes” Gonerclam. This raises the questions of what causes someone to “become” a goner as well as how and why their bodies change in ways beyond just turning grey.
So far we’ve seen instances of goners coexisting alongside their “originals,” like with the two Monster Kids, but we’ve also seen Clamgirl get “replaced” by her goner by becoming one. Based on our limited and seemingly-contradictory knowledge of how goners work, I can’t even say for certain whether Normalnpc’s presence in Undertale would be accounted for or not with the existence of Gaster Follower 3.
And that’s kind of the problem with Normalnpc as an Everyman suspect: we know far too little. Father Alvin and the Ice-E’s employees each have a smoking gun that makes them likely Everyman candidates: in Alvin’s case it’s the drawing in the closet, and for Ice-E’s it’s the graffiti plus the Warrior’s hospital stay potentially lining up with Chapter 2′s setting. The best things Normalnpc has going for them are a vague resemblance and having a more obvious (yet vague) connection to Gaster, the latter of which is hardly a unique thing in this setting.
Moreover, there’s nothing that specifically ties Normalnpc to being the Knight other than through Everyman, and the “connection” between Normalnpc and Everyman is already tenuous. Alvin is independently connected to the Knight by virtue of leaving his drawing as a “calling card” in an area the Knight has recently been. The Warrior’s roleplaying shtick would make him a natural fit among a “swords and sorcery” setting that the Knight evokes. Of the three candidates, Normalnpc definitely has the weakest claim to Knighthood.
That all being said, Normalnpc is still a character to keep an eye on. The name alone comes off as Toby hiding a secret in plain sight. Even if this character doesn’t wind up being Everyman or the Knight, I’m sure their role will be bigger than that of a mere NPC.
Gaster’s Connection to the Knight
Now for the moment you’ve really been waiting for! Truthfully, a lot of this is Gaster stuff that I wanted to talk about last time but didn’t have room to fit in.
I made clear in my last post that I favored Everyman being the Knight over Gaster being the Knight, though the two could be interchangeable in the event that the Knight has a “strange son” working alongside him (which is a prospect I still can’t fully commit to).
Still, a lot of Deltarune speculators have latched onto the idea of Gaster being the Knight. Near as I can tell, here’s the evidence:
Both characters are associated with darkness
Seam, who’s familiar with the Knight, uses the Entry 17 phrase “darker, yet darker” in reference to the “strange someone” Jevil met (who may be the Knight)
Jevil says “THE HAND OF THE KNIGHT IS DRIFTING FORWARD”, and Gaster is associated with hands
Gaster is believed to be the “man” who gives Kris an egg. The word “EGG”, in all-caps wingdings, is written as three hands pointing in the “L-shaped” movement pattern of a knight piece in chess
I can see how this evidence would be compelling, especially in the absence of any competing theory for the Knight’s identity. I can’t refute all of this, aside from saying that the “darkness” association is overly broad in a game where half the cast are darkners and the “EGG” thing, while neat, could be a coincidence. I do think this evidence could point to Gaster being connected to the Knight, but I have two main reasons for believing he isn’t the Knight himself.
First off, I don’t think Gaster’s goals align with the Knight’s. For this argument I’m going to assume that the mysterious voice from Deltarune’s intro, game over screen, and pre-release Twitter takeover is Gaster. Gaster, at least nominally, seems to be on the same side as the red soul, or is at least willing to work with them. The fun gang’s goal of sealing the dark fountains would almost certainly put them at odds with the Knight, if the Spade King’s reaction was anything to go by.
When you get a game over and continue, “Gaster” says “THE FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS”.
While he doesn’t urge you to continue like Asgore does during Undertale’s game over, he certainly doesn’t discourage it either. When you refuse to continue, Gaster says “THEN THE WORLD WAS COVERED IN DARKNESS” and the melancholic song “Darkness Falls” plays.
One could argue that Gaster is trying to maintain objectivity or “neutrality” when the red soul dies, like a scientist would in an experiment.
Nonetheless, I would imagine that if Gaster was the Knight then he would be adamantly opposed to anyone who threatened his creation. Ralsei mentions that the prophecy of legend was foretold by “time and space”, and Gaster is said to have shattered across time and space.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Ralsei talking to Kris and Susie. In the left image Ralsei says “A LEGEND that one day, two HEROIES of LIGHT will arrive.” In the right image he says “And fulfill the ancient prophecy, foretold by time and space.” end image transcript.]
It would be odd for the Knight to deliver a prophecy that predicts the undoing of his own handiwork, and then deliver that prophecy to a prince who would assemble the heroes to do just that.
Creating a New Future
I want to touch a bit more on Gaster’s use of the word “future”. He also made mention of this during the Undertale Twitter account’s takeover just before Deltarune Chapter 1 released:
[Image transcript: A Tweet from the official Undertale Twitter account, dated the day of Deltarune Chapter 1′s release, saying in all-caps “I LOOK FORWARD TO CREATING A NEW FUTURE WITH YOU.” end image transcript.]
For whatever reason and through whatever means, Gaster wants to help the red soul create a new future. Choosing to continue from a Game Over causes Gaster to reiterate this goal, while the “opposite” of that, i.e. giving up, is seen as allowing the world to be covered in darkness. This implies that the “future” Gaster wants to create is one where darkness isn’t running amok. Even if Gaster is trying to remain neutral or merely observe, it still sounds like he prefers for the fun gang to prevail.
All this emphasis on the word “future” reminds me of something from the Reaper Bird fight...
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Reaper Bird’s check text description, stating “REAPER BIRD - ATK ?? DEF ?? This relentless future finally looks brighter and brighter.” end image transcript.]
Now, this check text is a combination of the three check texts for Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot. To wit:
[Image transcript: Three Undertale enemy check text descriptions arranged from top to bottom. In order they say “ASTIGMATISM - ATK 32 DEF 26 This relentless bully ALWAYS gets its way. FINAL FROGGIT 7 ATK 2 DEF Its future looks brighter and brighter. WHIMSALOT - ATK 34 DEF 12 It finally stopped worrying.” end image transcript.]
But as I said before, Reaper Bird may have been designed first and then “informed” the designs of the Core Mercenaries afterwards, and that could hold true for their check text as well.
I find this use of the phrase “relentless future” interesting. A “relentless” future could mean one that’s inevitable or predetermined, and the phrase “finally looks brighter and brighter” could signify that the future has finally changed for the better. Gaster’s goal seems to be to create a “new” future, which would imply an outcome different from a “predetermined” future where your choices don’t matter, which is a running theme in Deltarune. I don’t think Gaster would describe the future as being “created” by people or “in your hands” if he felt that choice was an illusion.
This isn’t the first time that Gaster has been associated with unpredictability or defiance of “fate”. Most Gaster-related events in Undertale were tied with the fun value, a randomly-generated number that changed with each playthrough. Although this mechanic had little impact on the story, it did give each playthrough a greater sense of identity and made events less set-in-stone.
Now, compare this “optimistic” interpretation of Gaster to the “strange someone” that Jevil met.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Deltarune screenshots of Seam talking. The left image says “One day, he met a strange someone... and since then, he began to change.” The right end image continues, saying “ Soon, he began to see the world as a game, and everyone as its participants.” end image transcript.]
Seam says that Jevil began to see the world as a “game” and everyone as its “participants,” which doesn’t imply a lot of agency. This mindset is a big red flag when we remember how Flowey viewed others when he saw them as part of a “game.”
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots. The left one shows Flowey tying Frisk’s friends, saying “This is all just a GAME.” The right image shows Flowey talking in New Home, saying “Sets of numbers... Lines of dialogue... I’ve seen them all.” end image transcript.]
Seam’s own view of the world becomes “darker, yet darker” after talking to Jevil, and Seam asks “would I have found a little more purpose in my life...?” if not for the experience of locking up Jevil (and, presumably, the experience of listening to Jevil’s words).
[Image transcript: Four Deltarune screenshots arranged in a grid, all featuring Seam talking. From beginning to end the four images say “Since that time, the strange words he’s said have stuck inside my cotton... And my view of this world has become darker, yet darker. And I wonder, if I hadn’t been asked to lock him up... Would I have found a little more purpose in my life...?” end image transcript.]
In order to understand what “darker, yet darker” truly means, we need to view the line in its original context:
The phrase “darker, yet darker” originally referred to something that Gaster was observing in Entry Number 17. Although the phrase has come to be associated with Gaster, it doesn’t necessarily refer to something that he’s causing or wants to happen--part of a scientist’s job is to observe and comment on results as they unfold, after all. And the “interesting” experiment Gaster refers to is something that’s happening “next”, which implies that the experiment is happening after or in response to whatever is causing things to become darker, yet darker. It also suggests that he’s not calling the “darker, yet darker” event itself “interesting”.
The impression that I get from all this is that Deltarune is meant to be a struggle against inevitability, with Gaster seemingly in the “choices matter” corner of the conflict. If the Knight is the “strange someone” Jevil met then that would imply that he’s very much on the opposite end of that spectrum. If, for example, somebody like Father Alvin is the Knight then I could see him rationalizing his position as fulfilling “fate” pre-ordained by the Angel. In this dynamic, the Knight would serve as an agent of faith and order to oppose Gaster as an agent of science and invention, further tying into the “dark heroes vs. holy villains” theme I posited earlier.
Okay, phew, that was all the first reason why I don’t think Gaster is the Knight. As for the second reason? Well...
Gaster is (Probably) a Darkner
Boy, that’s sure a loaded title, isn’t it? I made an offhand remark about this in my original post but didn’t want to get into it there. I only bring it up now because I previously argued that the Knight is a lightner and that would rule out darkner characters from filling the role.
So, why do I think Gaster is a darkner? Well, part of the reason is because I think that Sans is a darkner as well. Two Left Thumbs’ "Sans is a Darkner” video is probably the most accessible way to understand the theory, but there are several posts about it on Tumblr already if you look hard enough. Either way it’s not required viewing in order to understand my arguments for Gaster, but long story short there’s a lot of evidence to suggest Sans is a darkner and it’s strongly implied that Sans and Gaster are related (if not by blood then through other means), which makes it likely for Gaster to be a darkner as well.
Aside from the Sans connection, another reason I think Gaster is a darkner is due to the line about him being “shattered across time and space.”
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to Gaster Follower 2 in Hotland. Follower 2 says “Alphys might work faster, but the old Royal Scientist, Doctor W.D. Gaster? They say he shattered across time and space.” end image transcript.]
We can infer from Deltarune that, for whatever reason, darkners are more difficult to kill than monsters due to Deltarune’s enemies all being unkillable. Whether this is an inherent trait of darkners or some “rule” of the dark world or Deltarune’s universe is unclear, but given that defeating Sans doesn’t contribute towards your kill counter in Undertale, there’s a strong likelihood that darkners are difficult to kill, if not outright impossible.
So how is this relevant? Well, it seems like a darkner would be far more likely to survive being “shattered across time and space” than a monster. When a monster’s body is broken apart it means they’ve either turned to dust or will soon, but the fact that “pieces” of Gaster persist (as seen with Gaster Follower 2) implies that he’s made of something sturdier than dust.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to Gaster Follower 2 in Hotland. Follower 2 says “Ha ha... How can I say so without fear? I’m holding a piece of him right here.” end image transcript.]
Not only do I believe that Gaster is a darkner, but I’m pretty confident that I know what “kind” of darkner he is. Most of the darkners we’ve seen in chapter 1 can be linked to real-world objects that exist in the Hometown school’s supply closet. While we don’t know what objects (if any) were used to create Ralsei or (possibly) Sans, at most those two are exceptions to the otherwise-universal rule that darkners come from inanimate objects. In Gaster’s case there’s definitely an object that’s associated with him:
Gaster the Egghead
[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris hidden behind a tree. The narration says “(You received an Egg.)” end image transcript.]
In Scarlet Forest “a man” gives an egg to Kris before vanishing, much like how “Mysteryman” vanishes in Undertale. The song that plays during this scene is called “man” in the game files and sounds a lot like Gaster’s theme. The egg itself exhibits strange dimensional properties, reappearing when used, prompting the narration “what egg?” when you try to get rid of it, and becoming two eggs when put into Asgore’s fridge.
When Kris leaves the dark world at the end of chapter 1, their inventory turns into a “ball of junk”, i.e. the real-world objects that were given new form by the dark fountain.
[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of the inventory menu open in Hometown. The only two items are “Ball of Junk” and “Egg” end image transcript.]
The egg is the only other object that remains after chapter 1, implying that it’s a “real” egg and that the egg itself is not a byproduct of the dark world like the dark candies and other items are.
The fact that the “man” disappears when he hands you the egg implies that his presence or “form” is somehow contingent upon the act of giving you the egg. If Gaster is a darkner, if he’s “the man”, and if his form is based on an egg then it makes perfect sense why he’d disappear in that moment--he’s turning back into an egg and surrendering his “true form” (or a piece of it) to you for safe keeping. Given that Gaster seemingly wants you to seal dark fountains, it would make sense that he’d want to hitch a ride out of the closet’s dark world before its fountain goes caput.
This isn’t the only time we see mentions of eggs in Undertale and Deltarune:
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Papyrus’ dating HUD. On the left is a small white egg, labeled “EGG.” end image transcript.]
Papyrus (who’s connected to Sans and likely Gaster as well) has a conspicuous “egg” on his dating HUD.
[Image transcript: Two side-by-side Undertale screenshots of Frisk talking to a Temmie in Temmie Village. In the left image, Temmie says “tem... WATCH EGG!!!” In the right image, the narration says “(It’s hard-boiled.)” end image transcript.]
In Undertale, one of the Temmies is watching over a hard-boiled egg. However, in Deltarune we see a Temmie with a very different kind of egg.
[Image transcript: A Deltarune screenshot of Kris examining an egg on Temmie’s desk in their classroom. The narration says “(It’s a black-and-white hardboiled egg.)” end image transcript.]
Specifically, it’s described as a “black and white” egg. Needless to say, that’s an odd way to describe an egg. Not all eggs have white shells, but most people wouldn’t describe a white-shelled egg as “black and white”. Of course, we know someone who’s also “black and white”.
[Image transcript: An Undertale screenshot of Mysteryman in his grey room.” end image transcript.]
And he’s “black and white” in the very literal sense. Unlike the Gaster followers, Mysteryman solely uses pure black and pure white in his color palette, and he’s one of the only characters with an all black-and-white overworld sprite. Note also how Mysterman’s head is vaguely egg-shaped and has lines resembling cracks.
Out of all the objects that I could imagine a darkner being made from, an egg is one that I could picture “shattering” like Gaster did while still leaving some small pieces scattered around. I’m not sure whether this would be a “real” egg or a similarly-fragile facsimile like a Faberge egg--either could work in this scenario.
What are Skeletons, Anyway?
“Now wait,” some of you might be saying, “isn’t Gaster supposed to be a skeleton?” Well, I don’t think Gaster being a skeleton is mutually exclusive from Gaster being based on an egg. Egg shells are made of calcium carbonate, one of the mineral components that make up bones.
We see in Deltarune that darkners’ forms in the dark world don’t have to match their “true” forms completely. Pretty much all of the darkners based on playing cards are abstractions that barely resemble a rectangular card. And while we don’t know what Ralsei’s “true” form is (if he has one), it’s very unlikely that he’s a small goat with a hat and scarf in the light world. If Sans is a darkner then there’s also the possibility that his “true form” isn’t a skeleton either.
The rules of the dark world and its inhabitants aren’t entirely clear, so in spite of my arguments I can’t say with certainty that Gaster is a darkner because I can’t even say with certainty that Sans is a darkner, despite him having much stronger evidence supporting that conclusion.
As compelling as Sans’ case is, it still invites questions like how he’s able to exist in Hometown without the apparent aid of a dark fountain, or why Papyrus turns to dust in Undertale despite being Sans’ “brother”. Similar concerns crop up with Gaster in light of his connections-by-proxy with Papyrus and his implied presence in the mysterious Hometown shed.
I still think the possibility of Gaster and Sans being darkners is one worth discussing and it’s a possibility that many fans are sleeping on. Moreover, it’d be fittingly poetic if Deltarune’s main conflict was engineered by a lightner trying to spread darkness and a darkner trying to seal away the darkness.
So this ended up being a lot longer than I originally planned--almost as long as my original Everyman post!
A lot of what I’ve said here is meant to provide further context and elaboration to my earlier theories, but I admit that some of this was pure speculation, namely in regards to Gaster/the Knight’s motivations and the “dark heroes vs. holy villains” theming.
While a good argument should have evidence to back it up, at the end of the day a work of fiction is still a story and is governed by the conventions of storytelling much more than it is by logic or the laws of physical science. This is one reason why I lean so heavily on Toby’s use of foreshadowing, since it’s a narrative tool he’s leveraged consistently in the past.
My attempts to second-guess the motivations of unseen characters and chart the plot’s trajectory would be downright conspiratorial if I were talking about some real-world event, but Detlarune is a story and stories have to go places. A well-written story doesn’t take the time to set up or foreshadow certain characters or exposition if it doesn’t plan to pay off that setup down the road.
Normally I wouldn’t make theory posts this long and esoteric about a work of fiction, since a large amount of writing consists of revision, retcons, and changing things as you go along. Undertale and Deltarune are partial exceptions to this rule in no small part due to Toby planning Deltarune before he began Undertale and planting many “seeds” referencing Deltarune in Undertale’s narrative as a result.
A lot of my conclusions haven’t significantly changed since my previous post: I still believe Everyman will appear again in the full game, I think he’s the character most likely to be the Knight, and I think the most likely Everyman candidates are the Ice-E’s employees and Father Alvin, in that order.
As far as which of my conclusions have changed, I’m now more apprehensive of the idea of the Knight having a “strange son” and of Gaster being the Knight himself. I still can’t discount either possibility entirely, however. I was always shaky about the “strange son” and I often went back and forth on it, but further probing Gaster’s motivations has made me far less convinced that he could be the Knight or in league with him. I’m sure there’s still a connection between both characters, like a shared origin or some past falling out that they had, but I no longer think that they would be on the same side.
Another thing I’ve (sort of) changed my mind on is that the “purple guy” Ice-E’s employee and Normalnpc have both risen in prominence in my eyes. I don’t know if I’d put either of them down as top candidates to be Everyman or the Knight, but something is definitely up with them and I’m sure Toby has plans for them in the future.
Deltarune is shaping up to be a much longer game than Undertale, likely following the mold of traditional RPGs whose stories span several hours. In the time that it would take to play through Deltarune’s story, we may see narrative payoffs to every loose thread and Everyman candidate I’ve brought up. If the identity of the Knight is meant to be a mystery then some candidates might even be deliberate red herrings set up by Toby. Who can say? We’ll just have to wait and find out.
I closed my previous Everyman post by remarking that I had said all that I can on this topic and hopefully this time I mean it. I can’t really think of much else to say about Everyman until Toby releases more information himself, and that’s not likely to happen until the next Undertale anniversary or Deltarune’s full release.
As I said before, my main goal with all this is to spark conversation within the fandom on what is an otherwise under-discussed topic. I might still make other theory posts in the future, but for now I think I’ve bled this topic dry.
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I'd like to request the reapers and their manager in halloween,, where their costume was too realistic it got manager scared and on the verge of crying because the manager is scared of the costume (clown, zombie etc..) i think it'd be cute how they try to calm the manager down by taking off a part of their costume to make it less scary
Too Realistic
(I hope these don’t sound too repetitive! But this ask is so cute~)
Ghilley wanted to give you a little spook. It’s Halloween, after all, and he’s feeling mischievous! But he didn’t think you’d get so startled. He’s removing his mask and putting the fake knife down the minute you start sniffling so that he can explain that it’s not real and that he didn’t mean to scare you. He offers a compromise: Why don’t the two of you team up to scare the others?
Ell feels so bad as soon as you start crying! He’s immediately going to comfort you while frantically explaining that he didn’t intend to scare you. He’ll do everything he can to calm you down, all while apologizing profusely.
Jamie is shocked when he notices your teary-eyed expression. He’ll talk to you in a soft voice while he removes any part of the costume that you deem scary. You’ll feel much better after you see that it’s just Jamie under the mask. He means you no harm, and if it makes you feel better he’ll get you your favorite snacks in order to make amends.
Licht is so upset at the fact that his costume startled you. He’s not a scary person! Poor Licht will do everything he can to console you, as he’s genuinely worried that you’ll dislike him for scaring you. He’ll remember this moment for your next Halloween so that he doesn’t make the same mistake twice.
Theo probably knew it would scare you, but he didn’t think it’d scare you this much. He’s disheartened at the fact that you’d be afraid of him. Time and time again, he’s told you he’d do anything for you. He’d probably go through the Underworld if you asked him. But seeing you tremble in blatant fear... It hurts his heart and convinces him to change out of his costume. You’ll feel better once you see him and not the spooky costume. For the rest of the evening, he’s dedicated to cheering you up.
Louis looks perfect in anything he wears, so it’s only natural that his costume reflects this. Maybe he happened to put on the wrong mask or maybe he did with the intention to try something new. Either way, it’s got you spooked and he just can’t understand why. What’s so bad about his elegance? That’s hardly frightening! You’ll probably have to explain the reason to him before he realizes it.
Ethan is calm about the entire thing, slowly removing his mask and gloves until you calm down. He doesn’t approach you because he’s worried you might run away, so he waits before you’re able to look at him. Even if you’re still shaken up, he assures you that there’s nothing scary about his costume. “It isn’t real, and even if it was I’d make sure it couldn’t hurt you, Manager.” With Ethan by your side, you have nothing to fear.
June probably startled you with his boisterous laughter. You hadn’t expected it and then to see him in a clown mask... That was more than enough to have you shaking like a leaf. “Fear not, Manager! I’ll protect you during this night of spooks!” June will probably misunderstand, but when he realizes that his mask is the issue he’ll cast it aside with a quickness that has you smiling. “I won’t let any clowns get near you! Hahaha!” You know he’ll stay true to that vow.
Cyrille couldn’t help but get inspired for a Halloween experiment. He wants to compare the fear levels in the immortal Soul Reapers to that of his human manager, which just so happens to be you. But he didn’t realize that you scare easily and aren’t exactly a fan of blood, real or not. So you can imagine Cyrille’s surprise when he shows you the nasty laceration on his arm and you nearly almost faint at the sight. He'll have to reassure you that it’s just special effects makeup, and he makes note of your aversion to blood and gore for future reference.
Noah can’t help wanting to tease you a little. It’s always cute to see your reactions to his teasing. But he knows when to stop. This time he seemed to go a little too far. In retrospect, he should’ve known you're not a fan of spooks, but it’s Halloween and you’ve got to have fun on this night! When he sees the tears in your eyes, he becomes protective at once, apologizing softly for teasing you too much and inevitably scaring you. Next time he’ll stop so you won’t get upset.
Sian should’ve known his costume would spark a reaction, yet he didn’t anticipate this! For some reason, he’s a little offended when you get so scared. But that’s just because he’s used to scaring others with his brash appearance and tsundere personality. He knows you don’t mean to offend him and so he’s doing his best to calm you down, all while turning cherry red. It would be embarrassing if anyone saw this, but he does like seeing your smile once you’ve realized it’s just him under that scaly mask.
Kati is giggling victoriously over the fact that he was able to scare you. In his eyes, it’s a win against Noah. Obviously his costume was the spookiest and therefore Noah loses! But he doesn’t even realize you’re shaking, on the verge of crying. Kati’s too busy celebrating to notice, but when he does that happy expression instantly falls. He’s worried that he might’ve done something to cause this, so he’ll be all over you, asking what’s wrong and if he can help.
Aitachi thinks a vengeful spirit attacked you and so he gets into a defensive stance, ready to protect you. But then you’re nervously poking his shoulder, asking if he could take off his mask. He doesn’t understand it at first. Isn’t this what Halloween is all about? Once you explain it to him, he’ll nod and take it off, saying that even without a mask he’s still a strong warrior who’s dedicated to helping you.
Kirr is surprised. What’s got you so scared? Is there a monster or a ghost? Do you need his protection? It doesn’t occur to him that he’s the one doing the scaring until you’re trying to explain it. Once he understands it, he’s doing his best to prove to you that he’s not scary. For a little while, he’ll look at Halloween masks with narrowed eyes, almost certain that they’ll jump out at you with ill intent.
Nine has such a gentle aura. It’s almost impossible for him to appear threatening. But then Day decides to dress him up in a goblin mask and you were not prepared at all. To think the graceful Nine would suddenly look so monstrous! Nine senses your fright at once and slowly removes the mask, chiding Day and assuring you that he means no harm.
Day is so bubbly and happy. He’d never scare you! But his costume might give you a momentary fright. In the case that it does, he'll gladly step out of it if it’ll console you. He’s practically on the verge of tears as well. Seeing you in such a state puts him in a gloomy mood. He won’t feel any better until you’re smiling again. And he’ll probably offer to share his candy with you as an apology.
Verine doesn’t normally have a frightening aura, so he’s absolutely shocked when you start trembling in fear. He starts blaming himself, wondering what part of him has you rooted to the ground. When he figures out it’s his costume, he’s already fumbling to take the scary parts off. “It’s just me. Please don’t get upset...” He’s sad to see you so scared, so he’ll do whatever he can to make you feel better.
Quincy laughs at you the minute you gasp. Now you finally understand the true fright a devil can cause! He’s so proud of himself for scaring you that he doesn’t even notice you’re crying. It takes him a second to register what’s going on, and then he’s looking at you with wide eyes. “Hey! Why’re you crying? What did I do?” Quincy will feel bad once you’ve stopped crying, and he’ll make a mental note not to scare you next Halloween. As for the others, they’re fair game.
Mori is confused. Was his costume that scary? At first he thinks you’re pulling a trick on him. When he approaches you and you start to shudder, he realizes it’s not a joke. Mori’s a little awkward as he tries to explain that it’s him under the mask and not some horrible monster. Once you calm down, he’s relieved and decides to leave the mask off.
Youssef wasn’t expecting this sort of reaction from you. Nevertheless, he’s calm as he removes part of his costume until you’re relaxed. He’ll apologize and offer to get you a snack or anything else that’ll soothe you. Youssef knows that Halloween isn’t for everyone, so if you’re someone who gets scared easily he’ll make sure you feel safe and happy on Halloween night. Besides, a fun movie marathon is far better than subjecting yourself to endless scares!
#after l!fe#afterl!fe#afterl!fe headcanons#afterl!fe hcs#afterl!fe ghilley#afterl!fe ell#afterl!fe jamie#afterl!fe licht#afterl!fe theo#afterl!fe louis#afterl!fe ethan#afterl!fe june#afterl!fe cyrille#afterl!fe noah#afterl!fe sian#afterl!fe kati#afterl!fe aitachi#afterl!fe kirr#afterl!fe nine#afterl!fe day#afterl!fe verine#afterl!fe quincy#afterl!fe mori#afterl!fe youssef
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I'm organizing my notes for a character-insert story I'm writing and I felt like sharing them here!!! I think people would be interested in what I came up with.
No credit needed. I made Flourish specifically with Shigaraki in mind because I know a lot of people would like to have a quirk complimentary to Decay so that Tomura can touch them safely.
and hey, self-shippers? I love you so much!! you're so awesome, pls send me some self-indulgent stuff sometime soon!!
also! Quirks that are present in my stories will be marked as IN-USE. this just means that what the quirk entails might change in the future.
touch-based quirk. complimentary to decay, rendering the user immune to decay. decay users are unaffected by flourish (cannot be healed). touching something with all five fingers heals/reverses any damage
i like the idea of decay and flourish canceling eachother out because they're complimentary quirks. shigaraki can touch you and??? you don't die?? and???? you touched shigaraki but he's not healing????? fun times
user has the ability to use a diminished version of someone's quirk if they share a strong bond with said person. Most commonly found in mutated individuals with animalistic features.
This isn't really a stand-alone quirk but more of an ability, but I still decided to include it because it has really specific requirements.
user can give themselves ANY quirk they desire (meaning that they can copy someone else's quirk, or create a new one entirely) this ability requires a lot of energy and while in-use, will tire the user out until the stop using the quirk or pass out. (think of it like charging your phone. eventually, the battery power will lower and you'll have to plug it in. Or you're one of those people who doesn't plug it in until it dies.) The more powerful the chosen quirk is, the longer the user will be out for. "OP" quirks like take more energy to replicate/use, and consequentially, will require a longer recovery period. Quirks like Overhaul or Decay will put the user into a comatose state. This quirk is literally just All For One Juniour Edition.
so basically like? all for one but fair. also the quirks aren't "saved" or anything, so if u want to use bakugou's explosion quirk, but ur already using tsuyu's froggy quirk to restrain something with your tongue, you'd have to stop using it and let go so you can use explosion instead.
Touch-Based quirk. Touching someone with all five fingers will render them quirkless for 24 hours. Only works on one person at a time, and cannot be used on the same person twice in a row. Made with Shigaraki in mind.
i made this purely because i want to hold shigaraki's hand without turning into dust. also... imagine having to constantly remind yourself to keep ur pinky/middle finger off of whatever you touch. idk about you, but that's too much work for me. I'd rather just wear those gloves made for drawing tablets.
Touch-Based quirk. touching someone with all five fingers immediately kills them, allowing the user to harvest their soul (souls manifest as little cheeseball sized lights. they're all different colors, depending on who's soul it was.) souls can be eaten (they taste like gummi bears) whoever eats it has their body revitalized instantaneously, each and every individual cell replaced by a new and perfect copy. souls can only be captured in jars. they act like fireflies.
firefly rave... also this is literally decay but it only works on living things and also u get a snack. and a corpse. although idk i guess a corpse would count as a snack to someone. also if someone doesn't have a soul, they just die. lol
user is easily sunburnt, does not have a reflection, allergic to garlic (regardless of genetics) and cannot be killed unless the heart is damaged. User must drink a certain amount of blood regularly to avoid loss of inhibition (will attack nearest person to feed) and severe malnutrition, known as "bloodthirst."
honestly? this isn't really that beneficial... sunburns, no garlic bread, if you cant get enough blood you suffer and go apeshit... but I mean at least you've got circumstantial immortality.
user has pointed ears and is considerably taller than regular humans. naturally skilled archers, and have a strong connection to nature.
i couldn't help myself, i love DnD.
fish subtype. user has fully-functional gills. The user's hair reflects the different kinds of tail types (plakat = short hair, crown tail = dreadlocs/separated strands, rose tail = long and flowy) and are naturally bright colors like red or blue. lethal close-combat skills and impressive speed. natural beauty is also a bonus
im surprised i'm not including this in my character insert story. it's my personal favorite so far. fishy!!!
exactly what it sounds like. full moons trigger the shift. user cannot control the shift. it's basically like periods except instead of bleeding out of your uterus, you turn into a wolf.
... yeah, i don't know what influenced this the most. the fact that i made vampires and felt obligated to also include werewolves, that i'm a furry, or that this gives me an excuse to push alpha beta omega dynamics onto bnha
based on that one marvel comic series. when transformed, the user takes on the appearence of their skeletal structure engulfed in flames. the user is able to control flames and a vehicle/form of transport of their prefrence. when user establishes eye contact, the opponent will suffer the pain they have caused for others (if any.) cannot transform in direct sunlight.
i am incredibly ashamed to admit that it was only yesterday that i saw the 2007 ghost rider movie for the first time in my life. i fucking loved it. it was funny, freaky as hell, and so fucking awesome. i love ghost rider, i mean, cmon, like? that's literally what being a punk is about in a nutshell. skeletons. fire. leather jackets. metal spikes. chains. motorbikes. anti-heroes. also i really enjoyed the addition of genuine demon names. i got so excited when i recognized the name mephisopholes. the movie also gave me ACAB vibes so bonus points for that. and the little details like how johnny's fire turned blue whenever he focused on roxanne. god fuck it was a great movie i will be thinking about it for the next week or so. TL;DR THE 2007 GHOST RIDER MOVIE IS AWESOME I CANT BELIEVE I NEVER WATCHED IT. i always end up getting more attatched to the manga instead of the anime and this was no different.
P.S. lmk if you wanna know more about my character insert! i post a lot about him on my twitter account and i'm generally more active there anyways!!
#bnha#mha#bnha quirks#mha quirks#emitter quirks#character quirks#quirk ideas#shigaraki tomura#shigaraki x reader#all for one#decay quirk#dungeons and dungeons#dnd#ghost rider#quirks#mha x reader#bnha x reader#shimura tenko#tenko shimura#shiggy#mha shigaraki#my hero academia shigaraki#bnha shigaraki#shigaraki tenko#bnha tomura#boku no hero academia tomura#mha tenko#so much shiggy#shiggy overload#i just really like shigaraki
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“The Marauders Speak” || YEAR 3 – Ch.29 (HP au)
Chapter List
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Day posted: 10/27/2020
Word count: 3, 561
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
Hey! Sorry this is a whole week late but I am back! Thanks for being so patient :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
“Wait!” Harry stopped just below the incline up to the witch’s statue and stuffed the cloak in a little crevice. “Just in case we get caught.”
They were sweating and red and panting from the long run. Heather couldn’t protest, knowing if they got caught, the statue would be sealed and the cloak would be unreachable from the castle, all she could do was nod her head and huff a breathy “Ok”.
Heather started climbing up with Harry right behind her. She stopped at the statue, gripping the walls of the tunnel, and wished she knew what the situation was on the other side. Were Draco and Professor Snape waiting for them on the other side, arms crossed and fuming? Technically, only Harry was spotted. She could hide in the tunnel until after he got caught… She sighed and tapped her wand on the smooth stone and listened to the soft scrapes of the stone sliding out of place.
She stepped out into the hall and looked around. No one nearby. No one had spotted them. She stepped aside and helped Harry out. They closed the witch’s hump and wiped their faces with their sleeves, making them damp.
“They must be searching for us if Draco’s made it already.” She pulled Harry’s collar and wiped a bit of dirt off his cheek. “We should split up so – ”
Harry’s eyes moved from hers and focused on something in the distance. She swallowed and turned, watching as Professor Snape walked swiftly towards them, robes billowing back, cutting through the air with every long stride he took. It was like watching the grim reaper stalking towards them down the dim hall, the warm tones of the torch flames doing nothing to counter the harsh coldness emitting off him. She’d never felt more like a dear, watching dumbly as he stopped in front of them with a deep scowl set in his face as his eyes danced over each of them.
“So.” Professor Snape’s scowl lifted into a relaxed look of triumph, seeing as his effort to catch them turned out to be no effort at all. “Potters. My office.” He turned on his heels and led the way down the hall.
Heather and Harry looked at each other, wishing they had whatever twin telepathy Fred and George had so they could get their stories straight. As they walked, Harry motioned at their hands covered in mud and started wiping them clean. Heather did the same as she thought. Technically they could just say they were playing tag or something, and that was why they seemed so sweaty and out of breath… Do wizard children play tag? She and Harry certainly didn’t but maybe it’d still be believable if she said it.
They walked down the dungeon stairs and turned a corner into Professor Snape’s office. She had already grown comfortable to the threatening atmosphere of the room, having been inside only a thousand times asking countless questions – half of which were always answered with ‘Leave my office and ask again next year’ – but by Harry’s face she knew how intimidating it really felt to be in here.
The fireplace was half lit, casting everything in a dim green light, accentuating the sliminess of things stuffed in jars and mounted above his desk. She could never tell if the room was round or square or if there were any doors inside the room; there was never enough light to tell. The only well-lit area was his desk with the dozens of candles floating around and set on books and inside jars or stuffed in the necks of old and empty tall glass bottles.
They walked up to the only chairs centered in the room and looked at him as he stood in front of his desk with a small smile.
“Sit,” he ordered them.
They sat, waiting for him to take his own seat behind his desk but he remained standing, towering over them a few feet away.
“I’ve just heard the strangest story,” he began, speaking casually as if they were long-time friends. “Mr. Malfoy has just told me of his strange experience by the Shrieking Shack.”
Heather swallowed.
“See, he had run into Weasley – apparently alone – and was standing talking to him – ”
Heather looked over at Harry, watching as his lips moved to say something, probably wanting to say Draco had been teasing Ron about his family, but he remained silent.
“When a large amount of mud hit the back of his head.” Professor Snape paused for a few seconds. “How do you think that could have happened?”
Heather kept her mouth shut and glanced at Harry who looked very surprised.
“I don’t know, Professor.” Harry looked very innocently back at Professor Snape.
Professor Snape’s calm demeanor slowly drained as his eyes bore into Harry. “Mr. Malfoy then saw an extraordinary apparition… Can you imagine what it might have been?” His eyes turned to Heather’s.
Heather shook her head. “No.”
“It was a floating head,” he said sharply. “Your head. Mr. Potter.”
Heather and Harry stayed silent for a long while. An uncomfortable long while. Professor Snape seemed to be waiting for them to give up, give in, he had them cornered and there was no escaping Draco’s very factual story.
Heather took a breath and before she could speak, Harry’s words cut the silence.
“He ought to go see Madam Pomfrey, if he’s seeing things like – ”
Professor Snape leaned in. “What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade?” he asked softly. “Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade – No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade. So how had your head made it there?”
“Professor – ” Heather started, ready to plead guilty and beg for anything but expulsion.
“We know all that,” Harry cut in quickly. “It seems like Malfoy’s having hallucin – ”
“Malfoy is not having hallucinations!” Professor Snape snarled. He bent down and placed a hand on each arm of Harry’s chair so that his face was a foot away from Harry’s. “If your head was in Hogsmeade… then so was the rest of you.”
She knew they had been defeated and caught. There was no way they were getting out of this one. He knew Harry had been there and if they kept up their ignorance then the punishment would only get worse. “Prof – ”
“I was in Gryffindor Tower,” Harry interrupted her again. “You told us to go to our common rooms and – ”
“Can anyone confirm?” Professor Snape slowly turned to her as well, triumph back on his face. “And you? Can anyone confirm you were in the common room or even inside the castle while Mr. Potter’s head was floating about Hogsmeade?”
“No,” she sighed.
Professor Snape straightened and his thin lips curled into a smile. “So. Everyone from the Minister of Magic downward has been trying to keep the famous Potters safe from Sirius Black. A murderer who has been spotted in the area and has already attempted an attack on one of you… Except the famous Potters follow no laws or rules. They let the ordinary people worry about their safety. Famous Harry Potter goes where he wants, with no regard for consequences – And of course where would he be without his most devoted follower.”
Heather’s face went red and she looked away. She felt the bag of ingredients under her sweater and counted the bottles, trying to calm down. He was trying to provoke them, make them admit their guilt. She had wanted to give in already, but now her anger melted her lips shut and her throat closed.
“You’ve no proof.” Harry sat up again in his chair. “Just because Malfoy Hallucinates my head in Hogsmeade doesn’t mean I was in – ”
Professor Snape looked down at him. “How extraordinarily like your father.”
Heather and Harry looked up at him suddenly, blinking with true surprise.
His eyes glinted at their intense attention on him. “Your father was exceedingly arrogant. A small amount of talent on the Quidditch field made him think he was a cut above the rest of us. As you do, Potter.”
Harry’s jaw clenched. Heather’s stomach felt like stone, heavy and cold.
“He too strutted ‘round the place with his friends and admirers at his heels – The resemblance between you is uncanny.”
Harry’s resemblance to their father had always been mentioned with praise, but Heather could see a deep hurt setting in. Harry was no longer looking innocently astounded that such a tale could have been spun about him from Malfoy. His eyebrows were pulled in and the distant green flames of the office danced on his eyes.
“Our dad didn’t strut. And neither do I.”
Professor Snape looked at them and shook his head slightly. “Your father didn’t set much store by rules either.” His words dripped from his mouth like venom.
Heather glared at him. If there was anything she hated more than hearing good things about her parents… it was hearing awful things about them. The rocks in her stomach had disappeared, replaced by a deep and hungry pit that fed on her anger. She was mad there was no one here to defend her father. Mad that she felt the responsibility was on her. According to the world, their father had been amazing, and funny, and talented, and loved… and here Snape was painting a very opposite picture. One she hated thinking about more. It gave her father flaws, something that made him feel infinitely more real and alive than anything good he’d been before. He was feeling real… too real.
Snape’s thin face was full of malice and spite. “Rules were for lesser mortals, not Quidditch Cup winners. His head was so swollen – ”
Harry was on his feet, hands clenched, mouth open – except the words had not come from him.
Snape’s dark eyes were glaring at Heather dangerously. His teeth were bared as his upper lip curled up in a snarl. “What did you say? Potter?”
Harry was still staring at her in disbelief and she stood with him. Tears were streaming down her face and she could feel her hands shaking. “I said shut up about our father.”
Harry turned back to Snape. “You’ve no right to say what you’re saying. We know the truth – Dumbledore told us. You wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for our dad!”
Snape had gone the palest Heather had ever seen him.
He stared at them rigidly and slowly his black eyes focused and the small bit of color returned to his skin. He let out a harsh and shaky breath. “And,” he whispered, “did the headmaster tell you the circumstances in which your father saved my life? Or did he consider the details too unpleasant for the Potters’ sensitive ears?”
The room was silent, except for the quiet crackle of the logs in the fireplace, and the occasional drip of candle wax onto books.
“No,” Heather whispered.
He took a step and stood directly in front of both of them. “Have you been imagining some act of glorious heroism? Your father selflessly coming to my rescue? Let me correct you – your saintly father and his dear friends played a highly amusing joke on me. One that would have resulted in my death if your father hadn’t finally come to his senses at the last possible moment. There’s nothing brave in him saving his own skin. Had their joke succeeded, him and his friends would have gotten expelled… and worse.”
Heather’s forehead hurt from frowning. She relaxed her face and wiped her tears away with the palms of her hand. She stared at her tears and sniffed. She was done with Snape’s cruel tactics and whatever he gained from ruining the memory of their father. She could no longer feel her stomach, or the anger that had been boiling in her veins. She didn’t feel sad. She felt empty. And all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep and forget she ever heard anything about their parents.
She sniffed and turned, taking a few steps towards the door.
“I haven’t dismissed you, Potter.”
Heather stopped walking.
“Both of you, turn out your pockets,” Snape spat suddenly.
Heather walked back and turned out her skirt pockets, showing the empty white cloth and a small bag of coins that she placed on his desk. Harry swallowed and placed his Zonko’s bag of tricks and the Marauder’s map next to Heather’s coin bag.
Snape picked up the Zonko’s bag.
“Ron gave those to me last time he went to Hogsmeade.”
“Indeed? How sentimental of you to be carrying them ever since.” He picked up the bag of coins and shook them. “And what would you be needing money for?”
“They were just left in my skirt from – ”
“The last time you were in Hogsmeade?” Snape picked up the map.
Heather glanced at Harry who looked confidently relaxed.
“And what is this?”
Harry shrugged. “Just a spare bit of parchment. For essays. You’ve assigned a lot.”
Snape’s eyes narrowed and stayed on Harry as he spoke. “This parchment is too old to hold much ink… Why don’t I give you newer parchment… and throw this one away for you?” His hand moved towards the green fire.
“Don’t!” Harry blurted out.
A twisted grin appeared on Snape’s face. “So. Are you going to tell me this is another treasured gift from Mr. Weasley? And not some sort of letter… or instructions written in invisible ink? With directions on how to get into Hogsmeade without passing the dementors?”
Heather swallowed. “There’s no way to not pass the dementors. And Professor Dumbledore has secured the whole castle so how could there be instructions for that?”
Snape’s eyes gleamed. “Why don’t we find out?” He spread out the map and took out his wand. “Let me see… Reveal your secret!” He tapped the map but it remained blank. “Show yourself!” He tapped again but nothing changed.
Heather was starting to feel less and less numb as dread took over. This was the proof he needed to prove they had been in Hogsmeade. She hoped endlessly that the Marauders had thought of teachers trying to reveal their map. Just because Mr. Filch hadn’t been able to did not mean Snape couldn’t, or wouldn’t make it his mission to find out the secrets to Harry’s ‘treasured’ old bit of parchment.
“Professor Snape, master of this school, commands you to yield information you conceal!” Snape hit the center of the map with his wand.
Harry snickered but his amusement turned to horror as words appeared on the surface of the map, letter by letter.
‘Mr. Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people’s business.’
Heather stared at the words in alarm. The terror continued as more words appeared, one mark at a time.
‘Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is an ugly git.’
The words just kept appearing.
‘Mr. Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.’
Heather’s knees buckled and she sat back down on her chair. Harry covered his eyes with his hands as the map wrote out more.
‘Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slimeball.’
Snape was frozen in place, staring at the words. Heather imagined this would all be very hilarious in the far future, if Harry and her could manage to walk out of his office alive.
“So…” Snape said softly. He strode to his fire and grabbed a fistful of powder from a jar on the fireplace and threw it into the fire. The powder glittered in the air and popped as it reached the flames, turning them a lighter green. “Lupin! A word!” Snape yelled at the wild flames.
Harry sat in his chair and both Heather and him stared as a shape appeared in the fire. Moments later Professor Lupin was stepping out of the fireplace, brushing ash from his mustache.
“You wanted a word, Severus?”
Snape’s face was contorted with fury as he stepped back to his desk and pointed at the map. “I have just had the Potters empty their pockets and he was carrying THIS.”
The words were still shinning as if freshly inked. Professor Lupin glanced down and nodded.
“Well?” Snape waited.
Professor Lupin looked like he was reading over the map but he was taking far longer than necessary.
“Well.” Snape repeated. “This is evidently full of Dark Magic. Which is your area of expertise, is it not? Lupin? Where do you imagine he got such a thing?”
Professor Lupin gave a controlled chuckle. “You really think this is full of Dark Magic? It looks as if it is merely an old bit of parchment charmed to insult anyone who reads it. Does that really seem dangerous, Severus? Seems childish to me. I would guess Harry’s gotten it from a joke shop. Perhapse Zonko’s – ”
“A joke shop? You believe he has gotten this from a joke shop and not from the manufacturers themselves?” Snape’s jaw went rigid with anger as Professor Lupin smiled amusedly.
Heather didn’t know what was going on or what Snape was talking about, as apparently neither did Professor Lupin.
“Harry, Heather, do any of you know these… ‘Wormtails’ or whoever these men are?”
Heather and Harry shook their heads.
“Now you see, Severus. This must clearly be from Zonko’s.” Professor Lupin leaned on Snape’s desk and waited for him to say anything else.
There was a loud THUMP and the office door swung open. Several jars shook and clinked from the commotion and Ron came running in, out of breath. Ron Stopped next to Professor Lupin and huffed.
“I – gave – Harry – and Heather – that stuff.” Ron took another deep breath. “Bought it… In Zonko’s – ages ago…”
Heather felt the sudden need to laugh and held it in. Harry did his best not to look at Ron too cheerfully and they both held in their astonished faces, making sure to look utterly unamused, as if the world’s dullest mystery was finally solved.
“Well,” Professor Lupin clapped his hand to Ron’s back. “Thank’s so much for clearing this whole mess up, Mr. Weasley. Now let’s get out of Professor Snape’s hair, shall we?” He took the map and folded it into his robes, “Severus, you won’t be needing that will you?” He turned and faced the three of them. “Harry, Heather, Ron. A word about the vampire essays I’ve assigned to you – Good rest of your day, Severus – ”
Heather and Harry stood and were herded out of Snape’s office without a glance back. They walked out of the dungeon and remained silent until they made it to the entrance hall. Harry stopped and turned to Professor Lupin, who paused before turning to him as well.
“Professor, I’m – ”
Professor Lupin held up his hand. “No explanations.” He looked around and lowered his voice. “I know that Mr. Filch had confiscated this many years ago. I know what it really is. I’ve no idea how you have ended up with it but I am truly shocked that you never turned it in. Especially after the last time a student left information lying around the castle… I won’t be handing this back to either of you.”
Heather nodded. “Did… you or Snape know Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, or Prongs?”
Professor Lupin sighed. “They were well known… somewhat. Now, I won’t be covering for any of you next time. You two may not take Sirius Black seriously, but I would have thought you two understood the sacrifices your parents made to keep you both safe… Sneaking off and putting yourselves in danger are poor ways to repay them.” He looked away from them and walked up the stairs.
Ron, Harry, and Heather stood awkwardly at the foot of the stairs. Heather was less so hurt by his words than by the fact her new favorite teacher likely thought they were childish and selfish and reckless with their lives.
“I’m sorry. I kept trying to convince you to two to go to Hogsmeade. It’s my fault.” Ron crossed his arms over his chest and kicked at the dirt.
Heather put her hand on his arm. “It’s not your fault… or not JUST your fault. I knew we shouldn’t have gone but I had things to buy.”
“And I went knowing I shouldn’t’ve. We don’t blame you at all.” Harry started up the stairs.
They followed him up, all deciding to skip dinner, and walked up to Gryffindor Tower in silence. Heather was about to say goodbye to them when she noticed Hermione walking down the stairs towards them holding a letter.
Ron frowned at her. “Come to gloat? Don’t bother telling on us, we’ve already been told off by Snape and Lupin.”
Hermione ignored him and looked at Harry and Heather. “I thought you’d like to know… Hagrid lost his case. Buckbeak is going to be executed.” She held up the tear stained letter and walked back up to the portrait hole, stepping inside.
The three of them stared at the letter, recognizing the giant tears of Hagrid.
“We should have helped more,” Ron whispered.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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