#I get it natsuo
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fuckitweebtime · 8 months ago
Touya falling asleep during enjis monologue like same
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eggsdrawings · 11 months ago
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home visit 🏠 ft. shiketsu au dabihawks
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willowser · 9 months ago
31 year old soggy loser touya that can't drive or stay out after curfew and that was released from prison 7 months ago and has to keep his job at ace hardware and has to go to his meetings and is figuring out how to both apologize and forgive and is so far behind socially among his peers because of all he had to endure during his child/teenagehood my beloved
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bruciemilf · 3 months ago
Natsuo headcanons because I’m obsessed with that man and he needs more simps. Seriously, criminally underrated.
His quirk is actually really powerful, but he tones it down purposefully . He always knew the pro hero gig wasn’t for him, and Enji would’ve 100% trained him like Touya if he was aware.
His father wants a soldier, and he wants to make snow angels with his brother.
Consequently, this just contributes to the layers of regret and self-loathing he continuously harvests.
Shouto would let him hatch his muscle groups with red liner so he’d memorize them better! (And if this is just his way for checking and treating injuries his stupid baby brother won’t mention, that’s for him to know.)
Shouto’s favorite season is fall, but one of his most beloved activities in winter is building snowmen. Whenever he’d have a bad day, Natsuo would just. Make it snow in his room.
“Don’t tell the old bastard thought, okay?” “Oki. Is it because of a deep rooted sense of rebellion that you KNOW won’t bring you any permanent satisfaction, but you must get it done either way?”
“…Uh. Yeah?”
Imagine being Enji, dragging yourself home at 6 in the morning, fighting a villain all night, and your 12 year old walks up to you (Natsuo has been playing video games all night and is only now going to sleep)
, “You look like shit.” Natsuo states.
“I feel like it. Why aren’t you in be—“
“Shouto’s autistic, by the way.”
Enji has been frozen in place for 2 hours.
Thought this is the same man who didn’t know Natsuo had ADHD. Is he surprised? At this point, no.
Was the one who found Shouto after the hot water incident. Not only did he have try and pacify Shouto’s wounds, but try to calm down Rei as well.
“Mom— listen to me — mom let him go, it hurts him right now— mom— REI!”
She only stops when he speaks like Enji. It makes him bitter.
“You’ve done enough.”
Did not go to Touya’s funeral. Brothers weren’t made for coffins. Especially not his, especially not that small.
Told Enji, “You’re a great hero. But you’ll never be a good man.” And it stuck to him since.
Really likes popsicles
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somethingsad · 24 days ago
Rei Todoroki got the news that her eldest son died. Twice
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kingkatsuki · 10 months ago
Older men that try so much harder to have your toes curling because they want to show you they’ve still got it.
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I know I rant like, every time endeavor does anything, but this just makes me so so so angry.
How can you watch your family fall apart around you, see them at their absolute lowest, half dead, and all you say is
Sorry for the crappy thing I did 😔
Like. It all goes to show he knew what he was doing to each of them all along and even now it's like the simplest form of abuse that he acknowledges. And all Shouto, beaten until he threw up and isolated and pressured since he was five years old, watching his mother get hit, get is "sorry."
Godddddd fuck you. Fuck you and your pointless ass sorries. Every horrible thing has festered and dominoed to something worse that literally every other character has been working to undo as friends or allies to the todorokis, including Touya, and a sorry is too fucking little way too fucking late. What is it supposed to do now? At this point? Burnt up and miserable and traumatized and afraid and angry?
Fuck endeavor. Fuck endeavor and tbh endeavor apologists because Jesus fuck I've never had a character ignite such vitriol in me and as someone who knows a real life version of him, seeing people race to excuse him because he said sorry and beat a Nomu once and they have some fucking daddy kink makes so unbelievably angry.
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hannanodaa · 7 months ago
Okay but you know what’s a really good crackship that also lives rent free in my head and has boundless potential in an alternate universe? ShigaNatsu 😭💖
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eggsdrawings · 1 year ago
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january birthday boys 🎂
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reineyday · 6 months ago
the way both touya and enji have moments in canon where they say "look at me" but it's like,
touya who gets neglected and burns alive bc he wants his father's love and ackmowledgement and he has to fight for every little scrap of attention until the very end where he's in a glass tube getting gawked at by his entire family like the narrative is doing malicious compliance to him, desperate for attention to the point that he was intent on burning himself to death again just to get some
enji who just gets given all the attention easily both in-universe and from the narrative as the todofam story slowly just becomes about his atonement, even tho he was ruining his family bc of that greed and jealousy, and other characters look at him to the point that it feels like they've strayed from their own characters in order to lift up endeavor's (i'm thinking about hawks, inasa and natsuo to a lesser extent)
--this parallel will always make me ill. 🙃
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number1villainstan · 2 years ago
someone else has probably already said this but one of many reasons that natshig is amazing because it's like--shigaraki tomura, symbol of fear, main antagonist, and he's head over heels for just the Normalest Guy. tomura starts scratching at his neck and natsuo's just like babe do you want some antihistamines. natsuo complains about some annoying professors and tomura offers to kill them for him. and of course they also bitch about hero society even if it's in two wildly different directions
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bitchkay · 5 months ago
14. A blurb about how a character would celebrate my birthday😼
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I'm in a very natsuo mood guys🤕
bitchkay's 21st birthday event
CW: fluffy fluffy, hes my boyfriend everyone!!, spending endeavors money--
Word count:
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"Wake up... c'mon..."
You groan as your body is being shook awake. Opening your eyes a crack, you squint at the light peeking through the curtains.
"Good morning sweetheart... happy birthday."
Allowing your eyes to adjust to the morning light you find Natsuo sitting on the edge of your bed with a bouquet of colourful wildflowers.
"... good morning" you say through a sleepover stricken voice, sitting up in the bed.
"Good morning, are you awake now?"
"Well you just woke me up so I'd think so." You say watching his eyes crinkled on the sides smiling at you as he hands you the bouquet, the sound of the wrapping paper the loudest think in the room.
"Happy birthday." Natsuo hugs you to his chest kissing you on the forehead.
"Thank you baby," you smile against his neck as his cool fingertips touch your warm skin.
You stay like that for a moment longer before Natsuo speaks up.
"How are you feeling today? I'm in the mood to spoil you."
"Its a Monday so I didn't really plan to do much other than chill. We're having dinner with my family tonight so I'm not opposed to spending time with you during the day," you stan up pulling some pants on in the meantime.
"Good, cus we're going out, whatever you want, on me."
"That's your dads black card."
"I know."
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Dosen't matter how far behind I am on mha NATSUO TODOROKI YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS‼‼
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problemswithbooks · 8 months ago
The 6 chapter epilogue moves to 'end' the Tododrama this chapter leaving a divided fandom...
For me I think that given the story the Todorokis have had up to this point it both makes sense and is the best we could have hoped for. I'm not one hundred percent happy with it, but I defiantly don't view as negatively as a lot of people seem to.
First off Touya dying makes sense and this is perhaps harsh but I hope he does. People theorizing that the mysterious Tenko like figure is Shigaraki and he will heal him and the rest of the LoV with his restored Overhaul powers is insane to me. With only four chapters left idk how that would even be covered or concluded, since even if they were healed they would all still be put in prison--it wouldn't erase the fact Touya killed 30 innocent people by his own omission. So, how Hori would cover that kind of plot in a cohesive way in four chapters is beyond me. It's pretty much people wanting a worse story because they want their favorite character to live.
Also, I'm a bit frustrated that yet again people are acting like Enji should die instead and making wild accusations based on nothing. Namely that Touya dying supposedly soonish negates Enji saying he'll watch him and his death will let him off the hook so to speak.
Enji has shown that he really loves Touya and feels immense guilt and rightful responsibility for how he treated him and his the rest of the family. Touya dying doesn't suddenly heal his permanently crippled body or give him back his Hero job. It will only make him feel worse. Also it's not as if once Touya is gone he'll ignore the rest of his family either. He still owes them as well, and will probably try to help them in whatever way he possibly can.
People acting as if Touya's death will free him or that afterwards he'll go on with his life completely happy and forgetting about him is just not in any way accurate to what we've seen of his character.
The other thing I've seen floating around is the idea that if Enji had been killed off during the first PLF War, Shoto would have saved Touya and the family would have been happy in the end. I don't think that's true. I will admit I'm bias because I like Enji and I'm not a fan of Touya, but given how Hori seems to have delt with the LoV and villains in general (unless he pulls a 180 and heals them last min) I think Touya was always meant to end up dying slowly in a hospital or get some other bittersweet ending.
BNHA is not grimdark by any means but it is not the idealistic manga of the past like Naruto. Hori punishes characters that make bad choices no matter how understandable or even shitty the choices they had were. Aoyama, despite helping defeat Afo, being a child and under the threat of death to him and his family, still drops out of UA because he feels he still has to earn his place there. Bakugou dies and his heart and hand will never be the same, while also having to deal with the guilt of Izuku loosing his Quirk (if that sticks). Enji, even though trying to change and atone for most of the Manga's run is still left permanently crippled, the job that meant everything to him, lost, his legacy gone.
For Touya who killed so many people without care, only to get back and his father. Who plotted to kill his little brother despite knowing he was abused. Not caring if his plans got his other innocent family members killed. After everything we've seen with other characters who did far less wrong and tried hard to amend those mistakes getting harsh consequences, I doubt it was ever the plan to have Touya sitting at the table with his family eating his favorite food with a smile, regardless of Enji being alive or not. To suggest that Hori only had Shoto fail because Hori needed Enji to be involved just isn't true. If Hori wanted to give Touya a happy ending he would have--many fans have already come up with how that could have happened even with Enji still alive.
The only criticism I agree with is Rei's ending. You can defiantly read how she wheels Enji around and answers his phone as them being back together or in the very least her becoming his caretaker. Now, That might not be the case--she could just doing those things because they were both going to see Touya and she's just helping him out that day, while they actually live separately, with Enji having a paid home assistant that couldn't or wouldn't go with him to see Touya (because of the stigma or visiting regulations). The issue is that we just don't know for sure and Rei has been shafted pretty badly.
That said, I wasn't expecting much from/for her anyway. I think getting a little blurb about what she was doing like Natsuo and Fuyumi did would have helped, but I sort of doubt Hori had any idea what to do with her character outside being Enji's abused wife and Shoto's mom. With him rushing to get these last chapters out I'm not shocked he just stuck her in the background, especially when Enji and Shoto as secondary characters needed the screen time.
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grimstrawberry · 9 months ago
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how does it feel to have a face like that? (how does it feel to be replaced like that?)
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willowser · 2 years ago
For the fanfic trope game: maybe Neighbour Touya and awful first meeting ?
I loved reading what you wrote for Bakugou Soulmate first time mashup ❤️
LOL OKAY THIS SOUNDS CUTE ! and tysm !!! i'm so glad you enjoyed it !!! 🥺✨💕
so you move in next door to the todoroki's and the first one you meet is fuyumi !!! she's getting out of her little cute car, bringing some groceries inside as you're hauling boxes up to your room from the moving van. and she's very nice ! very sweet ! about your age and you're excited about the possibility of having a friend already !
she tells you a little bit about her family later, when you two go walking around the neighborhood after the sun has started to set and the evening has begun to cool things down. her parents are divorced and she and her brothers live with her mother ! though she and the two younger ones still see their father for certain holidays and in small stints in the summer. she doesn't say much about her other brother, and you don't ask, trying to soak it all up like a sponge.
over the course of the first week, you meet all of them. all of them. little shouto who seems wholly uninterested in you — you can't tell if he's shy or just more interested in the little gaming system he keeps in his hands at all times — and natuso, who blushes when you introduce yourself. rei, who is so sweet ! and invites you to stay for dinner, which you do, and you and fuyumi help her in the kitchen and have a good time ! you meet enji for just a moment, near the end of the week when he comes to visit rei, a serious, withdrawn look on his face that sends you and the kiddos outside. you only barely catch him saying something about touya, but then yumi is rolling her eyes and natsuo is asking you something about having a boyfriend.
it's not until a little later that you're trying to sleep that you hear something OBNOXIOUS outside, like a fist against a window and some ridiculous noise that could be scary if you think too much about it. when you take a peek, there's some dark-haired guy trying to climb the side of the todoroki house, wobbling dangerously and barely hanging on. you spend a moment watching him, wondering if you should maybe call the police, but then the window opens and natsuo sticks his little head out — and plants a hand on his face and pushes him off the house afhahfahf
all the floodlights come on and he's stumbling to his feet just to face plant in the grass, and he looks up when you accidentally laugh out loud. even in the dark, you can see the face he makes at you, before he's getting to his feet and scaling the side of your house, too. you should probably be afraid, but natsuo is still looking out his own window, watching with his mouth open as this guy starts knocking and hissing to be let in.
you don't know why you do. maybe because he's a little cute up close and both natsuo and now shouto don't seem afraid as they watch you from across the yard. just as you yank open your window and he forces himself in, you catch rei coming around the side of the house with a flashlight, arms crossed as she calls out, "touya!" all exasperated. he just face plants into your room and groans into the carpet.
he doesn't move for a minute and when you lightly kick him in the arm, he sits up and is sort of drooling. the bitter smell of alcohol hits you terribly, looking at his handsome, scuffed up face, and he just blinks his bright blue eyes up at you slowly.
he slurs, "you th'neighbor?"
"uh, yeah," you raise an eyebrow, "that's why i'm in the house next door."
it makes him — touya — huff. "cute," he grins enough that his dimples show; the same ones shouto has, the one fuyumi has in her right cheek. and then he groans again, slumping back on your floor as he covers his mouth. "much as 'm enjoyin' this, 'm 'boutta hurl all over your rug."
you barely manage to drag him down the hall to your bathroom.
✨ trope game ! ✨
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clownantihero · 2 years ago
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i just think shiganatsu as a ship has the potential to be SO funny in regard to how much it will piss off people they know. tomura is like "babygirl i can make your dad SO upset-"
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