#I genuinely love acting and sword fighting and etc.
mycological-mariner · 15 days
Guy Doing What He Loves Most voice: I fucking hate this so much I wanna die what the hell is this shit fuck this whole career path
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phntmeii · 1 year
♡ Dating Sandor Clegane Headcanons:
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❝ I could keep you safe. They're all afraid of me. No one would hurt you again, or I'd kill them.❝
[ SFW + No Gendered Terms ]
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> This is pure Grumpy x Sunshine & Sunshine x Sunshine Protector dynamic with this man.
> He absolutely keeps his gruff attitude even with you no matter how long you two have been together. He has a reputation to uphold you know!!
> His main Love Languages to give are: Acts of Service and Gift Giving. These show his love in a way that doesn’t feel too embarrassing for him.
> Like genuinely, you would come home and find that the chores that needed to be done are already completed mysteriously and he absolutely did them without saying anything.
> He’ll come home with a gift each time. Likely small things he’ll toss your way and claim he didn’t pick it even though he precisely planned what to give you and debated for a solid ten minutes as to whether you’d like it or not.
> His favorite Love Languages to receive are: Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. Hearing how well he’s doing, what you like that he does or how you love him makes him incredibly happy!
> He’ll likely brush you off because he’s embarrassed but inside, he’ll be all giddy, knowing he’s doing well by you!
> He rarely will say “I love you” before you do. He normally says it in response to whenever you say it since it’s less embarrassing in his head to respond rather than to initiate.
> He loves when you show your love physically! Please hold his hand and interlock your fingers with his and he’ll melt inside completely. If you are smaller than him, the feeling of your small hands in his makes him overjoyed.
> He especially enjoys tender affections while getting ready for bed or while cuddling. Your kisses, hugs and general warmth absolutely melts him entirely that he’ll completely forget about being the Hound and is just yours.
> If you’re out in public together, absolutely scary dog privileges. You sincerely do not have to worry when you have a 6’6 Hound following you everywhere.
> He tries to stay stoic and unaffected by you but it is hard to resist. Some people passing could swear that the only time they’d ever see the Hound crack a small smile would be when he’s beside you.
> If you ever point out that he smiled or laughed at something you did or said, he’d clear his throat and try to claim he didn’t. If you keep persisting (and likely giving him some smooches too), he’ll give in and admit to it.
> He’s incredibly perceptive so he’ll know if you’re upset without you even saying anything! He’ll simply bluntly ask “What’s the matter with you?” or which “cunt” he has to have a “chat” with.
> If it’s something small, he’ll give you small bits of affection like patting your head and caressing your cheek and telling you not to worry about “such silly little things”.
> If it’s something more serious or caused by someone else, INSTANT PROTECTION MODE. This man is INSANELY overprotective and if someone caused you to be upset, they better count their days.
> He enjoys watching you from afar as you are busy or distracted by your hobby or chores. Something about seeing you completely in the zone, unaware of him that allows him to simply admire you is amazing to him.
> If you’re ever interested in something he knows well, fighting, horseriding, etc. and you’re inexperienced, he’ll secretly be so happy about this!!
> He’ll likely encourage you to learn how to defend yourself in some capacity just because he is incredibly paranoid about your safety.
> When teaching you how to hold a sword or stances, he’ll stand beside you and adjust your posture with his hands. He’ll probably laugh a couple times if you get knocked down but will do so while helping you up and ensuring you that you’re doing fine.
> He’ll rarely, if ever, use pet names like “darling” or “love” but rather a specific, personal nickname to you. If you are a highborn, it’ll likely be related to your House in some way. (EX: Stark=Pup, Little wolf, etc.) If the House Sigil is a fearsome animal like Stark Wolves or Lannister Lions, he will always refer to you as the smaller version of that animal, (Pup, Cub, etc.), simply because he cannot see you as a threat in his eyes.
> Because he can put off his emotions and tends to be aggressive, fights can happen from time to time. He tries his best to keep calm but again—This is the Hound. He’s likely to raise his voice and yell.
> Regardless of if you are sensitive or not to such a thing, he feels AWFUL. This man would blame himself endlessly for treating you horribly like that.
> He is incapable of apologizing because he isn’t good at words. He’d close himself off for some time and revert to trying to do something to gain your favor again even if you say it’s unnecessary.
> Once he’s sure you’re alright, he holds onto you for a bit, just to make sure that everything truly is alright.
> You are likely to be the only person who could boss him around and he’d oblige happily. He’d complain under his breath while immediately heading off to do whatever you asked of him.
> In terms of marriage, he’s indifferent. If you wished to get married, he’d take some time to consider it before inevitably giving in to you as it’s impossible for him not to.
> With kids, he has a massive hesitance at first. Considering his own family, he has a massive fear of failing them by being too harsh or failing to protect them as his father failed to protect him against Gregor. Give him enough time to heal and encourage him that you trust him to be the father to your children and he’ll give it a chance. He’d call your children with him his “little pups” and if you had daughters, he would 10000% be the best girl dad you’ve ever seen.
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Marcille Takes Charge!
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You know what, this is actually a very fair answer to my earlier question of "why couldn't the ancients just kill the demon?" Points to you again, Ms. Kui.
Truly I can't wait to see, like, every single Mithrun fight scene in the anime. The whole First Floor Incident is presumably going to be Episode 1 of Season 2, and I'm sooo excited.
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At first, I thought the Lion was being snarky here, but in retrospect, knowing its whole story and nature, I think it genuinely is just fond of all its former dungeon lords. What wonderful meals they gave it!
That said, the Lion DOES have enough personality to Judge Marcille for her aesthetic choices; and I think that's beautiful :) <3
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MARCILLE, NO! You're showing how corrupted you've become/how you were never suited to this role in the first place by acting directly contrary to explicitly stated themes of the story!
There is, however, something very satisfyingly country-ruling foreshadowy about Laios (and Kabru!) looking down at all of this spread out, though.
It IS painful watching Kabru try desperately to play both sides, keeping Laios safe from the Canaries without letting him go side with Marcille. Bud, I'm sorry but you HAVE lost control of this situation. And Laios is smart enough to have put everything together about what happened while he was unconscious, even when you deliberately didn't tell him.
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[whispering sternly to myself] It's not fealty. It's NOT fealty. It's the start of a beautiful best-friendship which just so happens to include 1 guy looking at another guy and deciding that yeah, he has good potential to fill the king-shaped hole that guy #1 has been searching to fill - but just, like, on principle; genuinely NOT for any personal emotional need. The best-friendship is a completely unrelated emotional need. The ONLY fealting in this story is, so far as I can tell, between Shuro and his ninja squad, because they're from a completely different culture and, tbh, genre of anime.
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But Laios, conversation is his means and mode! His sword and shield! If he can't talk it out, how is he possibly going to convince you to do anything, including save the world and be his friend?!
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God I love this. It's this perfect combination of "You are my polar opposite; you love the thing (monsters) that I'm terrified of, and I want to know how so I can do that, too, because I'm so tired of terror" and "You love a thing (monsters), understanding it to the point of being very good at killing it, the same way I love a different thing (people); we are the same and I just want you to recognize that like I do so we can happily vibrate on the same frequency forever."
It's very tragic-funny that Kabru genuinely try to introduce himself to Laios in a normal way, before resorting to taking his entire party to stalk him to dangerous levels of the dungeon and eating monsters. It's not his fault that Laios is completely immune to small talk.
I DO think that every pair (or throuple, etc) of narrative foils in every piece of media ever should at least try making out. At a certain point of narrative foiling, you might as well, you know?
Note: Pattadol says she's "reporting" to Flamela, indicating that she's subordinate within the greater Canary structure even though she's 2nd in command of the most superior hunting party.
Also, it seems that the Canaries we know, the senior-most party, are genuinely the badassest of the badass and meant primarily for advanced dungeons including confronting dungeon lords and the demon directly. Tier-3 groups have less experienced guards, maybe criminals as well, and go on more scouting-type missions with no serious combat expected.
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She's not wrong, she's just a jerk about it!
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I get where the elves are coming from, I do. It's impossible to tell people people that there's a demon underground who'll grant their every wish while also communicating the dangers of this sufficiently that nobody goes searching for it. Even we the reader, don't entirely understand how bad it can get, how fast, until we watch Marcille do All Of That under the demon's active influence.
HOWEVER, it IS human nature to respond to this sort of thing with "well I/my friend won't go insane." There's gotta be a compromise wherein at SOME POINT far down the 'everything is going wrong in this dungeon' line, they just fucking tell people. They at least TRY. Otherwise they're just rolling their eyes at the short-lived races dangerous ignorance while actively refusing to reduce that ignorance.
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Again: Shuro is living in a slightly different, much cooler genre of manga than the rest of us. Also:
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The best part of this is that earlier, when our heroes were trying to figure out who might help them eat Falin's dragon half, I was like, 'hmm...they liked you, sure, but eating dragons is pretty weird...'
But now we are outright ALLYING AGAINST THE ELVES!
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Lmao. Classic adventuring party members, baffling NPCs as a team.
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oh this is cruel. this isn't fair.
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boys, focus.
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the comedic timing...
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lookit, that 30 seconds of desperate verbal flailing actually did help! Kinda!
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yeah, I DO really like that everyone looks to Chilchuck for his opinion on Marcille's 'make everyone live to 10,000' plan, as the guy with the shortest present lifespan and also the most age-wise of all of them.
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I Do Not Like This Visual. I Do Not Like the disproportionately large lion with human arms and hands shoving himself out of this book.
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Not to be pedantic, but I think if you're trying to entice a team of people into doing your will by calling out each of their individual strengths, I think you shouldn't make 2 of them as repetitive as "curiosity" and "inquisitive mind." That's not really what Senshi is bringing to the table anyway - I'd say "care" or maybe "sense of balance." Also, sorry Izutsumi but how tf is her "wildness" contributing to this mission?
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oh, Marcille, no...
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some of the things that apparently con has said are so ??? to me cause often he is such a gentlebeard shipper when talking about the show, and has had some pretty interesting comments about how izzy relates to seeing ed falling in love etc. like i totally appriciate him seeing izzy's perspecitve on things in the show, that is his job as an actor. but this seems like. not that? the 'beeing good at his job' thing has always been there though i think, and if we're being generous i think we could interpret it and agree that he is good at fighting?? and i assume he has some qualities we never saw in the show leading to ed wanting him as first mate in the first place
Eh, honestly, when I approach this from an angle assuming that Con's talking in good faith about a show he loves, I can kinda see where he's getting all the things he said.
He plays this role with a lot of conviction, and we know that Izzy, because he was not introduced in the pilot, doesn't have a concrete backstory (whereas we know the Revenge crew side character actors all came up with a backstory as part of the audition process), so I'm sure that Con's probably just built up these headcanons over time and never really thought about how they're contradicted by the show. He's invested in this one character and approaching the story through that viewpoint - which, again, that's fine. It's his job.
For what he said today...Izzy being a good sailor isn't true, but it's also shown to us under the layers of Izzy acting very hard like he's competent. I could see Con believing it, especially with Izzy genuinely being good at swords and shit like that. Izzy being there since the beginning is probably a headcanon he's formed as he's worked on building the character in his head. Benefit of the doubt, I think when he argues that "Ed's not as good a pirate without Izzy" he's getting at something about how Izzy pushes him to be a "better pirate," which isn't true but is also what Izzy himself would tell you.
I don't think Con has ever truly thought that any Ed/Izzy storyline was endgame. I think his "soulmates" comment was probably much more to the tune of "these people's lives are deeply intertwined in a very deep and fundamental way," which is, again, what I'm sure Izzy himself would say even if the extent of Ed's feelings on the matter are pretty clearly "this guy reminds me of my dad. i don't need to think about this in depth."
I get where you're coming from! And I definitely think that Con's comments today are almost definitely a bit more playing into the atmosphere of the class and what the audience would like to hear. I can understand why he would talk out of his ass to say things the audience would like to get that interaction in a space with his fans. I think that this guy really loved playing this character, and it seems that he genuinely loves the show but he's probably never going to be someone you'd go to for an objective viewpoint on the story just by nature of how Izzy is written and how invested he is in the character.
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dragon-queen21 · 4 months
im so happy you enjoy my ramblings! it means a lot to me, thank you🤍
Going off your recent mini fic, I DEFINITELY agree with the idea of zoro regressing, had that headcanon FOREVER but yeah sorry im a sucker for “big strong man being taken care of” he deserves it man. i feel like he’d be a older regressor normally (round 8) but if he needs to can slip really far (2-3, sometimes younger) like the idea of like regressed zoro just working himself up over something and stomping his feet and everyones like so surprised and hes so embarrassed about it idk i keep thinkin about it
i feel like the first time zoro FULLY regresses, he wakes up little. specifically after the crew leaves a island where he had to fight a huge battle and he doesnt realize he feels different until he goes to see his crew for breakfast, so now he one, has no idea whats going on and why he feels like this, and two, the poor baby is silently working himself up over it :(
i see zoro being strangly picky? sanji brings out breakfast for the crew and zoros just looking at it like its the grossest thing in the world. and sanji notices and its the strangest thing because sanji has MADE this dish for him before. sanji KNOWS zoro likes this ??? and now that sanji pointed it out everyones put their attention the zoro waitin for him to say something,
in my imagination, choppers the one to process that fact zoros regressing
and the kid is all overwhelmed with all the attention
in my head the end of this situation either ends up with zoro crying :( or him getting mad at everyone for thinkin theres somethin up (there is)
i dont see zoro as aomeone to get genuinely mad at the crew often but throw in overwhelmed kid factor and what do you get?
in another situation after both he and the crew accepts zoros a little, they make a rule that he cant use his swords little and that pisses him off because he got to use his swords when he was kid? why not when hes regressed and the crew has to explain that its because what if he slips younger all off a sudden? they cant control that, its too dangerous.
okay thats it for now, im sorry it was SO hard to put my thoughts on little! zoro into words, and ill be honest im not to happy about how i worded this, so i hope you understand what im trying to say and convey
but please if you have any little! zoro hcs id be happy to hear! no pressue at all though!
Mkay we are going to pretend this didn’t take me as long as it did to answer. I wanted to give you a proper well thought out response and my brain was fighting me for days 😭
~I have had so many thoughts about regressor Zoro (when my brain will cooperate). I swear I say this all the time but I WILL post that fic in full. Eventually. One day. >///< ahh too many projects.
~I have such a soft spot for a character who is always protecting those around them getting taken care of in return.
~Zoro would throw so many small temper tantrums over the silliest things.
~In love with the idea of Zoro being ever so slightly clueless about his own regression. Add injury and blood loss, post adrenaline haze, etc. and just so many reasons for him to make excuses that everything is fine, he’s just feeling a bit off that’s all… until it happens again and again and suddenly he starts to realize, hmm maybe something is up… maybe he needs to go to Chopper about this.
~Ooh okay, I’ve had that headcanon for awhile with Zoro being fussy when it comes to food. I think that Sanji would eventually get so fed up with trying to feed the little, because he liked eating this meal yesterday so why is he throwing a fit today???, that eventually Robin takes over for him just because she has more patience for the regressor. (Also just mama Robin my beloved.)
~Zoro acting funny, my first thought was, oh gosh Luffy would be just so- Luffy.
“There’s not’ing wrong alright?!”
“Yes there is. Zoro is acting funny.”
“‘m not!”
“Are too!”
~Telling Zoro he’s not allowed to use his swords also because no one knows how to properly watch over him. Unlike him as an actual kid there is no one to properly ‘train him’ does that make sense?
~Recently been on the kick of caregiver Luffy. Just loving the idea of him being oddly good with kids and highly responsible in his own way. Overly protective once he knows one of nakama is little. So just thinking about him watching over Zoro and realizing his first mate is small before Zoro realizes it himself.
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Blake 'only child' Belladonna suddenly finds herself with three new siblings
In my previous post, I talked about some headcanons I have fer the ship Snowleopard regarding how the parents would interact with the kids. Now, it's time to unleash some ideas I got fer how Blake and the Schneeblings would interact if their parents dated in a super healthy bi4bi4bi pilfish polycule, or as I like to call it, Bellaschneebling headcanon time >:)))
-First and foremost, poly pilfs = endless potential fer never before seen Winter and Blake shenanigans
-Can y'all imagine Winter acting 'weird' towards Blake- appearing outta nowhere to give advice like 'your form would be better if you did xyz' or randomly giving Blake water bottles throughout the day or glaring at strangers and being super tensed and serious when they're out in town together in an otherwise chill walk to meet up with the others- and when Blake goes to Weiss outta concern and explaining the situation Weiss is like, "Oh! Oh my dust! Blake, do you know what this means???"
"If I did, I wouldn't be asking you for help right now."
"Blake, my sister officially sees you as her own younger sibling!"
"Are, are you sure?"
"I'm positive! Winter is not the most conventional when it comes to showing it, but she really does care in her own way. When she gives you criticism, it's because she knows you can do better and she wants you to the best you can possibly be. The water thing is something she used to do for Whitley and I growing up, I've always believed it because she picked it up from Klein that making sure people stay hydrated is a form of love. The glaring thing is probably because people were staring at your ears, I know I do it all the time."
"...Excuse I think I need to lie down and cry a little."
-No because fer real it's so funny to think that the once snobbish Schneeblings are all ready to throw absolute h a n d s fer their new Faunus sister like, "Oh, you're a racist prick? Whitley, please call a paramedic because-" *gets into summoning form where Arma Gigas launches Winter at the asshole*
-Meanwhile instead of calling for medical staff to clean up the bloodbath that's about to ensue Whitley's just typing away on his scroll doxxing the shit outta the racist asshole's worst secrets and wow Blake feels so loved right now, like, kinda concerned, but very loved right now
-Anyways, it's funny to joke about Winter scolding Blake when she learns about her terrorist past, but overall after her growth in V8 I think she'd be more like, "While I still don't approve most of the stunts you pulled as a vigilante child, stealing from the hyper-exploiting SDC is... fairly understandable."
-After clearing the air about Blake's past, we get Winter being lowkey protective of Blake bc MANNN does that Eldest Daughter Older Sister Instinct ™ go crazyyyy sometimes like this shit does not discriminate. Winter sees a new younger sibling figure and BAM she's already taking the young Belladonna heir under her wing
-Blake has no idea how to handle having an older sibling figure looking out fer her because she grew up as an independent only child who could only count on herself. To make matters worse it's the eldest Schnee she was never personally close to now, uh, giving her almost backhanded compliments as advice fer fixing her form, suddenly popping up asking Blake if she's ate yet, small lectures on the importance of a balanced diet and how important it is that she takes care of herself, etc etc
-In the end, Blake can tell Weiss was right and these random interactions from Winter come from a genuine place of care and she's honestly super honored to be accepted as a younger sibling to the stern woman
-At one point, Winter asks Blake to spar with her because she wants to study her newest sibling's fighting style up close and personal and therefore assess any weaknesses she should strengthen. At first Winter's like "Oh she's mainly a sword user I'm an expert on swords alright I have a foundation on how to fight her" but then Blake switches over to chain scythe gun mode with her cleaver sheather in the other hand (see black trailer) and suddenly all that goes OUT THE WINDOW OKAY DANG
-I personally headcannon that Winter never really got to see Blake go all out in her fighting, and since Blake really wants to impress her new older sister she pulls out her best moves and tricks and Winter is really impressed!!! She still beats Blake bc she's a master huntsman with tonnnss of experience (not to mention maiden powers giving her boosted strength and endurance) but man she has never fought someone like her new sister before!! She's so!!! Versatile!! Especially with those dust infused clones that kept her guessing
-Winter doesn't outright say it but Blake can tell she's proud of her new sibling from that prideful glint in her eyes and wow okay is this how Ruby feels everytime Yang praises her because this feeling is GREAT
-Speaking of Yang, she teases Blake relentlessly at her becoming Winter's new target of Eldest Sister Protectiveness™ and Ruby joins in like, "Get used to it, Blake, trust me I'm the expert younger sibling here."
"Hey!!! I'm not as weird about it as Winter is!!"
-As Winter and Blake watch the Xiao Long-Rose sisters wrestle on the ground, the eldest Schnee daughter turns to her newest sibling and says, "While I accept you as my family, I don't believe our dynamic will ever reach that... level."
"Oh, agreed."
-Yang and Blake both being sisters to Weiss through relationships because I am a filthy, filthy Whiterose shipper. When the parents first told the gang that they were dating, Yang was like, "HAH! Sorry Blake, but imagine being a sister to the ice queen herself!" to which Blake just replied, "Uh, Yang..." and tosses a pointing thumb over to where Ruby is hugging and comforting a confused as all fuck Weiss with forehead kisses and everything and Yang is just like, "Damn, you got me there."
-(Weiss did come around to adoring the Pilfadonnas pretty quickly but she was just so confused and shocked at first like weiss.exe isn't working like my girl bluescreened so hard so just give her a minute to process please and thank you)
-What I'm saying is can we get Yang antagonizing Weiss on TWO (2!) separate fronts? "Hey you're dating my baby sister" shovel talk type shenanigans only turn around with such a shiteating grin that only "Hey I'm dating your sister and there's nothing you can do about it" bullshit can pull? Please? Suffering Weiss™ forever and ever
-But know what's better than Suffering Weiss™? Suffering Weiss™ AND Suffering Winter™ babbbyyy :DDD!!
-I really need Robyn teasing the utter shit outta Winter at how quickly she got attached to Blake in an Older Sister Must Protect™ way shortly after learning of her mother's relationship with Blake's parents. Why, you may ask? Because I am also filthy, filthy Schneewood Forest trash who is going to insert my Schneewood Forest Reconnecting Exes AU into any Winter related thing I can
-To add to the Suffering Schneeisters Agenda™, we're going to move on to the Whitley and Blake potential in my Snowleopard rotted brain
-At first, Whitley is 'testing' Blake to see if she's worthy as a sister (he's actually just being a little shit and already knows of Blake's many merits) and Weiss is telling him to knock it off because bro is borderline ANTAGONIZING her to see what he can get away with
-But then it's like oh damn are those ninja moves are actually cool as fuck okay yeah she's defo waayyy cooler than his other sibs and next thing you know Whitley is very publicly announcing Blake as his new favorite sister by far just to mess with Weiss and Winter and see their reaction
-They know he's just being a little shit and they roll their eyes and say, "I'm glad you're finally warming up to Blake as a sister" but like, deep down they're grumbling, "I could do those cool ninja flips too.. probably..."
-Just like how her token only child ass isn't used to the protective care of an older sibling, Blake isn't used to the lowkey hero worship that comes with a younger sibling looking up to her. It's a strange feeling at first, and takes a bit to get used to, but in no way bad. Whitley tries to act all above it all at first, but Blake easily catches the way his eyes sparkle when she recounts her White Fang adventures to him and finds herself rather fond of the younger boy since he's finally letting go of his old snobbish ways and shaping into a good kid. Yang is just so proud of her girlfriend and says, "Yeah, it's quite a bit of pressure to live up to their expectations of you, but that feeling of wanting to try for them anyways never really goes away."
-Once Whitley lets himself relax around Blake he actually comes up with epic prank ideas involving her clone semblance and oh my god bro they're absolute menaces together because let the kids be KIDS your honor
-Suffering Weiss™ is at an all time high especially when Yang joins in on the fun because she'll never miss out on an opportunity to flex her title as the CEO of Suffering Weiss™ Instigation
-Suffering shenanigans aside I think Blake would be a really good influence fer Whitley. He'd be super open to Blake's suggestions/guidance on how to use the SDC resources he's now in control of and together they can work on ways to help better the Faunus who have been exploited by the SDC fer so long
-Family bonding where Blake makes and pours some tea fer the Schneeblings, and she nonchalantly mentions how this tea recipe is the one she grew up with and often shared with her family and how some of her happiest childhood memories are laced with the warmth of this special tea and casually says, "I'm just so happy that I can make new memories with my new family- are you guys okay?!"
-No the Schneeblings aren't all in various state of Big Emotions right now whattttt (Weiss has tears in her eyes and a shaky smile, Winter is turned away staring at a random wall with her jaw visibly clenched, Whitley is trembling a little tryna process all of this because for so long he was alone and isolated)
-We all been knew that Weiss would not hesitate to kill fer Blake but it took Winter and Whitley like .2 seconds to throw themselves onto that same train once they really got to know her, making Blake Belladonna prolly one of the most protected people in all of Remnant (she's got all three of the Schneeblings and everything that the SDC can provide, her badass parents with all of Menagerie at their beck and call, the rest of her friends who are formidable warriors like Xiao Long-Rose sisters, JNR, Qrow, etc etc etc)
-In conclusion, the Bellaschneeblings have my whole entire heart and I hope y'all love 'em too, I'll prolly post more headcanons of 'em when I can :DD!!
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silvandar · 8 months
BG3 Durge run: casualty list, sunmary etc. Durge spoilers.
I absolutely loved this run. Durge is like playing a completely different game! The plot is fantastic, and the dialogues are hilarious and very clever.
My Durge looks almost exactly like this! Love this tattoo design.
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Party: Durge fighter, Astarion, Shart, random hireling sorcerer. Picking Duergar was a Choice, their movement is dogshit and they keep getting stuck on jumps 😭
Act 1
Gale: maimed, presumed dead. Unless Mystra took pity on him.
The Grove: bloodbath. Stole everything that wasn't nailed down.
Wyll: dead
Goblin leaders: dead. Minthara tried to shiv me when i picked Astarion over her, should have rerolled just to see her romance scene but it was late and I was tired.
Karlach: dead. Attacked me on sight yelling about the Grove massacre, which was weird but cool. How did she knowwwwww.
Laezel: dead, because she tried to shiv me when i was sick. Otherwise we were besties 😭
Act 2
Oliver: squished
He Who Was: openly likes me, headcanon dating.
Last Light Inn: bloodbath
Jahira: dead
Isobel: dead
Yurgir: freed from contract because i couldn’t trick him into yeeting himself
Nightsong: dead
Shart: Dark Justiciar mode.
Durge plot: think I'm figuring it out. Orin is getting slapped later.
Daddy Thorm: dead. Surprisingly easy to kill when everyone has misty step and range.
Githyanki plot: pretty much ignored.
Romances: dating Astarion, flirting with Shart.
Durge has slayer form which everyone else in the camp thinks is gross, but Durge absolutely loves it.
Act 3
Picking and choosing quests is fun! I'm already level 8 so can easily ignore stuff that feels too "good" to be of interest.
Somehow my general terribleness has made me Chronically Single. So I had to bang drow beef without the offer of a foursome. Sigh. Choosing the "kinky" options was hilarious.
Kissed and made up with Gortash. He's a good guy really, very swauve. Looking forward to killing him later.
Ascended Astarion. Went at level 10, fight was surprisingly easy now I know the mechanics of the power boosts. Also having Turn Undead is big and clever. Watching Cazador scuttle like a cockroach was very cathartic.
Murder tribunal: Met Saravok, he was fun! Chatted about the old days, killed an elephant, bathed in some blood. Good times.
Nightsong redux: Robbed Lorroakan while he sulked about the Nightsong being dead. Astarion can now summon Ghouls. (Genuinely, just hopped on downstairs and cleaned out the vault. Not a single combat reaction from anyone. Bugged? Or just wizarding hubris? Didn't try to take anything from the main tower tho as I didn't need the robes or staff.)
House of Grief: Shart turned about 1/4 of the adds to our side, so it was a surprisingly easy fight. Shart is now God's Extra Special Princess.
Orin: died in 3 turns, just went Slayer on her and ripped her apart. Fun! Astarion has a new sword.
Saravok redux: Durge has a nice new sword and hat. Although he did one-shot me at one point. Don't know why I expected anything other than a fight, honestly.
Gortash: roasted by the Netherbrain. Saves me killing him I guess. Bit annoyed that I couldn't loot him.
Ignored Raphael and Orpheus completely. Gave the Emperor the Netherstones. Pretty much zero Githyanki plot on this run, as it seemed pointless with Laezel dead.
Netherbrain: much harder with only 2 sets of allies! Blinding the dragon helped, and for some reason the mage got stuck and glitched, so I consider the fight Cheesed By Accident.
Ending: murdered the Emperor, dominated the Netherbrain, turned my party into thralls, ruled the world as Bhaal's Chosen. Epic end scene, absolutely brilliant. IN BHAAL'S NAME!
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vampirealpaca · 8 months
My thoughts on the pjo show (now that the season is over) (this is going to run long) Overall Rating: 8/10 :
Ok first of all, I actually LOVED the show and the cast is literally awesome; I do have some thoughts and feelings tho.
The visuals were eating ngl
THE CAST!!!! they literally were amazing cannot stress this enough
I think a lot of the changes were handled super well, especially Medusa (although I don't love all of the changes...see below in the next section lol)
I LOVED the set design for pretty much all of the scenes!!! Like the set & costuming was literally so good; sometimes it looked a little Volume-y but I think it's ok since they also clearly did a bunch of on-location stuff
Driving scene was literally so funny like no notes on that + the acting was On Point pretty much All of the Time.
I actually think they slayed with the special effects
Pretty accurate! (overall a waaaaaay better adaptation than the movies)
More Sally content was awesome!! And I cannot stress this enough the ACTORS WERE SO GOOD in their roles!! Like I think they were the perfect choices ngl and I hope to see more of them in season 2 (if we get one, idk if its greenlit yet)
I also liked how they focused on Grover's character more (lowkey my fav now)
Genuinely had a great time watching the scenes from the books I've loved since Forever come to life onscreen!
The character dynamics were GIVING
Loved getting more info about Percy's backstory
The way they showed the Mist was honestly so cool!! This might be filed under Visuals but still...it was so cool
Fight choreo fluctuated, but I liked the Percy vs Luke fight (altho the scorpion erasure ;-;)
Again the chemistry with the actors like adkjhfdkjdfkjhdfjkhk I think the acting may have been my fav part honestly lol
All of the easter eggs for the fans!!
Rick's subtle rewriting of the story was sometimes very cool! (Like with the water grabbing Percy etc) --- you can definitely tell that he's thinking about how he'd change the story if he were to write it today
...HOWEVER i have gripes :(
I feel like they should've fallen into like…at least one trap without Knowing Everything about it. Like, I get the Medusa change and am pretty on board with it, but I feel like a few of the other changes weren't really necessary & messed with the stakes. A lot of the time it felt like I was watching them explain "Oh you're THIS person so you will do THIS so I will do THIS" instead of like...showing me.
Not enough blood (this is prob a Disney problem, not the show creators fault but like...cmon Disney...they have swords, let the children get More Injured...they are Fighting for their Lives)
Felt kinda...dryer than the books? idk how to explain it...like it felt like there wasn't the same Vibes in some parts if that makes sense, like they switched out a lot of funny moments (esp with how they changed Charon and the Crusty scenes lowkey im bitter)
the tone was definitely sometimes waaay different from the books (like it was way more serious I think, which is good sometimes and less good other times)
Idk if this is 100% true bc my last reread was a few months ago, but I think they separated the main trio more than in the book (?), it felt like they were duo-ed with diff members for a lot rather than building off of their main dynamic -- they had some trio moments but ig i just wanted more (again, I could be wrong on this one tho)
Lotus Casino not really being as Fun (the pumping lotus flowers in the air was a cool detail tho!)
It generally felt like they took a lot of the funny parts in favor of talking more about how messed up the gods are (which I liked sometimes!! but the kids are 12 let them have more funny moments too yaknow) (Rip the Died in the Bathtub line...gone but not forgotten)
I really didn't love the changes that made the story feel more Cliche and Basic (the ones that annoyed me were changing the entire DOA to just Some Standard Death Eater Looking Fellow & Annabeth's interactions with Cerebus being completely changed)
Mixed feelings on Gabe...I wanted him to be more evil at the beginning but I get why they changed it ig. Plus he was literally so funny when he (spoilers?) got murdered by opening someone else's mail. That's what happens when you commit a federal crime ig.
General Character Thoughts:
PERCY: Walker Scobell was such a good casting call... like you can tell he really cares about the books & getting the character right. Acting was on point, sass was on point (but I do wish he got to be sassy a bit More); Really gives off the energy of Percy Jackson and definitely was AMAZING in this role!
ANNABETH: She was spectacular in this role!! Leah got literally all of Annabeth down to a T --- her kindness, her pride, her wisdom, etc etc without resorting to any kind of "stock smart girl" vibe. She was literally SO GOOD! I loved seeing her talk about her dad, and the detail about her not having seen a movie is such a mood and so in-character lowkey. Leah really nailed Annabeth's dry humor and general vibe like dfajkhfdjhkfdhjk
GROVER: He was my favorite! Like, his acting was AMAZING fr!!! They brought a lot of newer things into his character that I think worked really well & it definitely strengthened his characterization --- he was also really funny & so sincere I just loved his portrayal of Grover!
HOWEVER I think some of the arcs are shakier since the characters didn't struggle as much, since they were figuring out a Lot of things
Overall, I took 2 points from the rating because the Spirit and Humor weren't fully there and I felt some of the changes made it feel less like the OG and more cliche (looking at u Charon). However, the great acting, pretty slay writing (except for the tone stuff), Vibes, and all the other stuff I think they did right pulled through to get it ranked a little higher lol. Plus, I liked it, even if I didn't like all of it.
No hate if u loved the show adaptation tho!! Feel free to disagree, these are just my thoughts lol. I really genuinely hope there's going to be a season 2, although I would like if they fix a few of these problems in that potential season (please...let me see what's happening in the dark scenes...please...)
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johnnyhatesducks · 8 months
Nobody understands my vision about my crackship/crossover so I will give you headcanons that I made with my friend @little-keyra
1. Michael and Nandor met at night improv classes.
2. Michael with his super violent improvisations and Nandor kind of liked them and there they are both in a fighting improvisation. Nandor wants to fight with swords and win and Michael keeps killing him with guns
3. Michael wants to touch his hair all the time
4. Michael wants to try on Nandor's "extravagant" clothes
5. When Nandor told him that he was a vampire, Michael thought he was acting, just as he has his characters, he thought that Nandor had a character that was a vampire and he played along.
6. Michael sometimes makes jokes about Nandor's nationality, because Nandor is Persian and his kingdom was in Iran. So you expect a lot of jokes about terrorists.
7. Michael tries not to be offensive anymore with the topic that Nandor is a vampire, like, he gets offended when he sees people dressed as vampires (he dresses up as a vampire)
8. He puts on vampire teeth when he goes to Nandor's house, to understand the vampire culture/condition
9. Guillermo dislikes Michael
10. Guillermo tried to kill Michael several times, Michael does not know that Guillermo tried to kill him and wants to be his friend
11. Michael helps Guillermo with his family duties because he wants to be his little friend
12. Michael thinks that giving vials full of his blood to Nandor is a very good proof of love, but he faints every time he tries to draw blood.
13. He presumes that he has an "exotic" boyfriend due to Nandor's persian features.
14. He asked Oscar for advice to win him over and also to prepare because he knew he was going to be the bottom
15. While they were friends I bet they had friendship bracelets
16. Michael would definitely ask where the male clitoris is.
17. Michael and Nandor have nights for everything they do. A movie night, a karaoke night, a board game night, etc.
18. Michael bought a coffin to get used to when the time came. And he started sleeping during the day on the weekends. He put stikers on it, he has blankets and stuffed animals, in case Nandor comes too
19. Michael usually leaves work at 5 and goes home to do things, at 7-8 he goes to Nandor's house and probably returns home around 12 at night.
20. Nandor just wakes up at 8 and Michael is sleep-deprived, but generally he's just waiting for him like "😁", super happy and excited
21. In the end Guillermo warms up to him, because I'm genuinely sure that Michael thinks it's super cool to be a familiar. Think it's like being family or best friends
22. Michael tries to ensure that there are fewer people murdered for blood. He probably goes to blood banks to ask for blood or, failing that, he draws it himself. There have been many fainting
23. He has also tried to get Toby killed
24. When out with Nandor, Laszlo and Nadja, Michael tries to dress the same as them.
I'm so crazy about them that there are almost 50 HCs of them that me and my friend made
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stargazing-serpent · 9 months
now i'm curious, if crowley didn't want to provoke a fight between elsbeth and morag what did he wanna do? /genuine
First of all, if he'd wanted to provoke a fight, he'd gone about it differently. The scene plays out as follows:
Wee Morag sees the barrel, her expression darkens, telling us she already suspects what's in the barrel (and doesn't like it at all) before she even asks: "What's in the barrel, hen?" Then, there's complete silence for a few seconds before she adds: "Tell me you didn't. Please tell me you didn't" in a tone that suggests she knows a) exactly what's in that barrel and b) isn't angry but a mix of exasperated, upset and disappointed but in a mild way suggesting she knows Elspeth well enough for it not to have been a surprise, and as I stated in that reblog it's giving "we dicussed it, I asked you not to do the thing and then you went and specifically did the thing I asked you not to do".
Had Crowley wanted to cause trouble, there would have been a few seconds of silence in which he could have ratted Elspeth out to Morag, but at the point Crowley says "Oh, she absolutely did. Nice fresh body." it's clear Morag already knows what's in that barrel (Elspeth's guilty silence has already confirmed what she'd been suspecting).
So that was about why I think he didn't want to stir trouble between those two. Now to the actual question.
Crowley loves it when people fight back against oppressors or oppressive systems or in general break rules made up by said oppressors/oppressive systems. Take his reaction to Aziraphale giving Adam and Eve his flaming sword, for example, or his reaction when Aziraphale tells him he did the thing with the halo. He's delighted, and proud, and it always feels like the equivalent to this:
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He's been like that towards Elspeth in a nonverbal way since the moment they met her. He absolutely cracks when Azirapahle tries to introduce himself, already preparing for a sermon about Good and Bad, and Elspeth takes the metaphorical wind out of the angel's sails by interrupting his "I'm -" with a very curt, derisive, "English." which catches Aziraphale off-guard and absolutely delights Crowley. He tells her as much when he enters the conversation: "Oh, I like you!". It continues when Aziraphale, once more, tries to lecture Elspeth on the Wrongness of her actions (again) when they meet Wee Morag and Elspeth tells him "You can shove your morals up your arse, Mr McFell" which again - and understandably - absolutely delights Crowley.
So apart from Crowley seeing the complexities of Elspeth's actions and bodysnatching in general - something which, just like Elspeth already stated at that point, doesn't hurt anyone (remember Crowley's words in S1: "Nobody's going to get hurt. Wouldn't be any fun otherwise.") - unlike, for example, stealing from living people etc., he's also very into the whole bodysnatching thing because it's macabre (I said it time and time again, he's one of us true crime girlies), and it's not simply a harmless way of breaking the rules but also an act of rebellion against an oppressive system, too, in a way. All things Crowley enjoys very much.
So while Wee Morag is disgruntled, exasperated and really doesn't like what Elspeth has done, this little interjection is Crowley's way of telling Elspeth:
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aonokumura · 6 months
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FULL NAME. Rin Okumura / 奥村 燐 (Okumura Rin)
NICKNAME. Usually goes by either Rin or Okumura-kun. Yukio calls him nii-san.
ALIASES.‏ Son of Satan, Spawn of Satan, Satan's bastard child, the Blue Exorcist
PRONOUNS. he/him
HEIGHT.‎‏‏‎ 5'8"
AGE. 15
ZODIAC. Capricorn technically
SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Japanese, though he's known for mispronouncing/struggling to read things since my dude skipped too much school. he can understand some demons telepathically (like Kuro)
HAIR.‎‏‏‎ short, messy, raven black, long bangs that always get in his eyes. originally he was born with white/light-blue hair that temporarily returns when his demon heart is freed from the koma sword
FACIAL HAIR. ‎‏‏‎ none
EYES. large, intense, bright blue eyes, catlike in nature. pupils have a red glow to them.
BODY TYPE. scrawny
VOICE. Nobuhiko Okamoto
‎POSTURE. ‎tends to slouch a lot
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES. demon features such as pointy ears, sharp canine like teeth, long fluffy tail
PLACE OF BIRTH. uuuh I think it was at the Japan branch of the True Cross Order, which is technically in Tokyo?
HOMETOWN. Southern Cross, a (fictional) district of Tokyo
SIBLINGS. Yukio (younger twin brother). also technically all the demon kings, aka Mehpisto, Amaimon, Lucifer, etc.
PARENTS. Yuri Egin (mother, former exorcist, deceased), Satan/Rinka (demon father, God of Demons), technically Goro (Satan's former host body), Shiro Fujimoto (adoptive father, former exorcist/paladin, deceased). this guy has so many dads
OCCUPATION. ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎high school student, exwire (exorcist in training)
CLOSE FRIENDS. Shiemi Moriyama, Ryuji Suguro, Konekomaru Miwa, Renzo Shima, Izumo Kamiki, Shura Kirigakure (tbh she's more like family at this point)
FINANCIAL STATUS. absolutely broke. Mephisto gives him a pitiful allowance of 2000 yen a month.
DRIVER’S LICENSE. looool nobody wants this guy to get behind the wheel
CRIMINAL RECORD. constantly on the Vatican's shitlist. was notorious for getting into fights growing up. he was kind of like disney's hurcules where he didn't grasp his own strength and often destroyed things/hurt people because of this. technically killed a lot of people when he was a newborn infant, though this was to protect his mom/brother. 😕
VICES. pride, quick temper, act first think later, impulsive, forgetful, prone to not paying attention, prone to violent outbursts
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. he genuinely just wants to be loved
LOVE LANGUAGE. ‎‏‏‎ supporting/caring for others, cooking food for ppl, very protective, likes to hug and pat ppl on the head
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎if he has a crush he gets flustered very easily. mostly just interested in Shiemi, though there's a lot of miscommunication between them. she's not ready for a relationship and he respects that. he just likes to be around her.
‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒 ―
CHARACTER’S THEME TUNE. In My World, Call Me Later
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME. sleeping, cooking, eating, spacing out, reading manga, playing with Kuro, hanging out with his friends
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. ‎‏‏‎right-brained
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL. he's kind of a dichotomy. he can be foolishly confident, but also have low-self esteem. it's like he knows he's capable of great things, but unsure if he has the ability to not screw things up. he's also used to people assuming the worst of him, so this can trickle down into his own mindset.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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September 🐿️ 2023 Monthly - Cancer
Whole of your energy: King of Wands rev
The first thing I notice on every single Oracle card out here, is that the figures are not alone. All of them have someone else on the card with them, and you have 10 Wands with The Hermit. You may have acted or reacted impulsively, ending a connection between you and someone else. You both show up as Kings, could be platonic, family, friend, or lover. There is heavy Pentacle energy here, this could have been a spat over money or work. The Tower shows some action being shocking, spontaneous, and has changed everything between you and some other person very quickly.
For many of you, it’s your fault, but now you’re in King of Wands rev energy…not feeling confident enough to take control of the situation, take accountability, or apologize. It’s a mixture of pride and shame, because your point was probably valid, but how it’s come across or played out hasn’t been great. Or it’s possible this is predicting some chaotic impulsive energy from you, and warning you, that you need others to help you get where you’re wanting to go. This could also be the actions of another person, but now you’re not sure how you feel about them and haven’t really allowed them the chance to apologize, or they just haven’t.
What’s going on in September:
2 Swords:
You’re in two minds whether you want to apologize to this person or not, because you’re tempted to just give up on the situation. You could also be ignoring someone else’s apology for the time being, because you were hurt by something they’ve said or done that was a Tower in your life, and “I’m sorry” doesn’t exactly cut it. You’ve been in your head over this situation, unsure of how to proceed. For some of you, this is regarding work and feeling like you don’t have support in that area of your life right now.
The Moon:
You’re fearful, anxiety ridden, jumping to conclusions and imagining the worst case scenarios and outcomes with this situation, there could be things you don’t know, that confuse you. If you work this out, and try again, can this improve? It’s like you want to see the positives in this partnership but are having a hard time, based on whatever you don’t know, it causes you to lose the faith and confidence you need to put more effort into making this work. For some of you, it’s literally work. Or you/this person could be a night owl, The Moon being literal, and having opposite schedules makes it difficult to put much effort into togetherness, with anyone. Love, family, friends, etc. It’s like you’ve put a lot of time and effort into whatever you do for work, or they do, and you have dreams of reaching higher goals, something that’s a better fit…even if you do fear the unknown.
4 Cups:
You’re not happy with any form of competition, arguing, pitting people against each other or being jealous of another person. Or someone else with you, if they are. You’ve had an issue with this King of Pentacles that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and King of Wands rev can be jealous, domineering, bossy, rude…less favorable fire 🔥 qualities. You or them, could be you that’s acted in a Tower-like way and made things awkward. Someone may be putting another person in their place, or competing for the same position at work. But you are lacking enthusiasm, probably confidence, you just don’t care enough to get into anything like that. You want money, you want a promotion, something genuine. Not something you have to fight and claw your way through the muck to get, that’s not your style. Or theirs. Some of you just want a better job with real potential for long-term growth, and maybe you’ve faced a lot of competition already to where you’re risking burn out. Fk it. But you’re not happy about that decision either, because you’re over here doing everything solo. You want help, support, companionship, people on your side.
8 Cups:
This is a spontaneous Knight of Wands decision to just fk it and leave, we’re outta here, can’t slow me down - type of energy. This was in the past, you could have done this to others, or they’ve done this to you. You seem to have learned your lesson, and aren’t going to do this again because of it. Someone else may have just done this to you, and that’s The Tower in your world. Leaving you hanging. You don’t know how to say you’re sorry, even if you’ve learned, and you don’t know if someone else is genuine, if they’re saying it to you. If a job, you don’t want to just walk out…you’ve done that before, and it didn’t turn out well last time. But you don’t want to chase things. It’s a web of intricate excuses and things that keep you stuck in one place. Probably valid excuses, but if you have to fight for something, you’re just like no thanks.
3 Pentacles:
You will get to a point that you can’t do this anymore, doing everything alone. Or people may surprise you. Collaboration is here, 3 Pentacles is teamwork, every card here has another person on their card, even Growth has two leaves, two acorns. Being alone is like carrying 10 Wands on your back. I always say that phrase “it takes a village to raise a baby” applies to Cancer the most. You need family, friends, helpful coworkers, people boosting you up and cheering you on, generally being helpful. A soul tribe 💚 A Hermity kind of path is not for you, even if you embrace it for a bit, for growth, sanity, contemplation, spiritual awakening and such. Because of this, Judgement shows you being willing to have a new start with someone, or being willing to work with others that you’ve hesitated doing this with. Because 7 Wands rev, you don’t feel like you have a counter argument worth a damn, or you have no leg to stand on. You don’t want to fight. And you can’t do whatever this is - alone. Or if you can, you don’t want to.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus, Pisces & Scorpio
Oracles: ✨
57 - Worry
Worry is attachment to a particular outcome and the fear it will not come to pass.
47 - Enchantment
We are enchanted when the Muses sing the Art Spirit into us.
45 - Collaboration
Creative people can be inspired by sharing and stimulating creativity in others.
38 Growth 🪴
This situation or time is one of rapid growth. The seeds that have been planted have germinated and taken root. Go with the flow of this growing time. You may find people and situations falling away from your life, as now they do not serve who and what you are becoming. It may be that your vibration no longer resonates with theirs. It’s okay, wish them well, be grateful for what they brought to you and you to them, and send them on their way. Room has now been made for new experiences, people, and situations to help you to your next level. If you are not feeling this shift right now, be prepared because it will soon come to pass.
We enter into September as:
Navy Trail 🎑
“When I am somewhere else, my life will have meaning.”
Now is the time to let go of the feeling that you need to do something to learn a particular lesson. This may indicate you have already learned (or are in the process of learning) whatever it is you think you need. It is in self-truth that we face who we are, and allow ourselves to become who we’re meant to be. How often do we hide from something, fearing the pain that comes with awareness? You may be on a quest that is unnecessary. However, allow yourself the time to discover the lesson of self-discovery that is there for you. If Navy Trail is before you, it is time to look at all you have in your life. Perhaps you would do well to ask others how they perceive your life. You may be surprised to hear how successful you appear to the outside world. Navy Trail represents the difference between teachable and not. Do not miss this message.
What is to be learned in September:
Kelly the Green Dragon 🐉:
“The tempter is as guilty as the thief.”
When the need for something outweighs our desire to maintain integrity, we are out of balance. There are several factors to consider, first, are you being honest with yourself? Are you really giving everything you have to give in this situation, or are you just giving up? Are you expecting things to just come easily to you? Consider the motives behind greed, what has left you feeling cheated? Are you sure others let you down, or did you have a sense this was going to happen and ignored the signs? Have you mislead yourself? No matter where we are, we need friends. It could be time to cultivate some new friendships, things may be easier if you ask for help. Don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t come from where you want it to. Often, assistance comes from somewhere we least expect.
Green may be a lucky color 💚
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cassynite · 1 year
For Sparrow and Daeran: What was their first impression of each other? Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Aaaah thank you for the ask!!
What was their first impression of each other?
Not flattering on either side! Sparrow is irritated, discomfited, and off-balance around Daeran from the get-go--his cavalier disregard for others, his witty and caustic sense of humor, and the flashes of kindness he reveals are all deeply upsetting to Sparrow for reasons she can't articulate. He bothers her far more than any other person in her party does or even could. They crossed paths in Nerosyan while she played Evaethi and is therefore a threat; he deliberately sets himself up to be as offensive as possible which is tedious and off-putting, since it indicates to Sparrow a lack of concern to consequences. And yet she can't disregard him entirely--his healing skills are too valuable in Kenabres, and she just can't keep him from getting under her skin.
For Daeran's part, I actually started writing a piece in his perspective to get practice on his POV of their very first argument. It is, at this point, permanently trunked but I still like this section near the beginning and I think it encapsulates what Daeran thinks of Sparrow early on pretty well, before he sees past her reserved front:
Daeran has a rather tiring suspicion that Lady Evaethi Arvanxi, despite the rather absurd avian moniker she has adopted since he first met her skulking in the corners of Nerosyan ballrooms, finds very little amusing in general--indeed, that she finds very little of anything in anything. While Seelah is good for a bawdy joke and takes herself slightly less seriously than the typical devout, Woljif is fun to bully, Camellia is cold but intelligent in her barely-veiled barbs, Ember is a delight, and Lann is engaging in how little he clearly thinks of Daeran, Sparrow is--nothing.
Sparrow runs errands for the Eagle watch and fights against demons with the dead-eyed countenance of an automaton. She spends each rest around the fire, huddled away from the group and documenting rows of numbers in her tiny notebook. She makes no jokes, converses little and reacts less, provides no indication whatsoever on any thought or opinion that might exist between her ears beyond the fact that she would like to get through this demonic siege intact.
Even with her ability to pull a sword of heavenly light out of thin air at convenient moments, Daeran has no idea why the intrepid defenders of Kenabres decided to anoint such a stagnant puddle of a woman their leader.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Yes lol, they both sure did! Both Sparrow and Daeran are almost as terrified of intimacy as they crave it; they want to benefits of love without the mortification of being known, etc. Neither of them are really willing to try and take that plunge at first.
For Sparrow, she realizes she's starting to feel...something...as early as act 2, and she writes it off as her being very silly--because of course Daeran, if he was interested in a relationship with her, would only want something physical and shallow and she doesn't want something like that. It's only when she sees Daeran's past at Heaven's Edge does she get the understanding he might as alone as she is; it's what lets her accept his courtship. Even then, she tries to stay relatively guarded, because she thinks her feelings run far deeper than his. She hopes it can develop into something more, that they can find something with each other, and she wants it enough to take the chance, but she's nothing if not a realist.
On Daeran's end, he's insulated from genuine connection by his reputation, and it allows him to convince himself that he won't be hurt by their romance even if he subconsciously realizes what he has with Sparrow is very different from previous flings. He doesn't resist his feelings so much as ignore them--until Battlebliss, when Sparrow is taken and he's abruptly confronted with the possibility that she's gone, and he realizes just how much her loss terrifies him.
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
Beat TOTK. Wow that ending was so mediocre.
Like I feel like TOTK is trying super hard to be super impactful but it's just not...
Like. We never learn a genuine motivation for Ganondorf. Link just magically gets his old arm back, shouldn't he have just lost the Rauru arm and then had no arm??? Why does he get to keep the sword. Giving up the sword is...kind of a key thing. In Zelda. The Zelink was super cute though. Why does the game just end with Link shirtless? Was I supposed to not laugh about him being half nakey while he hugs Zelda and just kneels next to her? Ganondorf turning into a dragon was cool, I guess? But super cliche? NEITHER of the Ganondorf fights were fun. The dragon one just felt like waiting ages to fall to attack the thing.
It's not that I disliked the ending exactly, but like, I disliked the gameplay and some of the logic of it?? Why does Rauru's arm get to magically un-dragon Zelda??? And dear God the shading of the game that just makes everyone look like they only have nostrils and no sides of their nose from a front view is...so bad....
Even the fight before Ganondorf wasn't fun. It's like, supposed to be Hyrule Warriors esque but it isn't??? It's not hard. None of the fights are hard. They're just mechanically annoying.
I don't understand why, but despite all the new areas, content, etc, I just enjoy BOTW more? I like its story better, too. You only meet the Champions through memories but are so much more devestated when they die. But when Sonia and Rauru die it's like. Oh noooo...I'm supposed to be sad but I'm just not...besides you knew they'd die anyways because it's thousands of years in the past....
To be clear I've had fun playing TOTK and love it but the whole game really just feels like it's supposed to be making you have a glup shitto moment for the LOZ series. Which doesn't even work because half of BOTW fans aren't even LOZ fans!
I also couldn't stop giggling as you have to dive after Zelda's ragdolling body.
And plus they wouldn't survive a fall from that height...
And God the voice acting is so bad it ruins the mood half the time
Im supposed to be sad Mineru leaves/dies but. There's no attachment to her either
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
I genuinely think the most of the differences between the Pevensies in the books vs. the movies can be explained by one simple fact: the Movie!Pevensies are fully cognizant of and emotionally attached to their experiences in Narnia after returning to England, while the Book!Pevensies have a notable emotional distance to their memories of Narnia
It's an explicit plot point in the books that the longer you stay in one world, the easier it becomes to forget about the other one (or think of it as a dream). Additionally, while the Pevensies do remember what happened and are permanently changed by their experiences in Narnia, they seemingly forget a lot of their Narnian-learnt knowledge and skills. This gets briefly mentioned in Prince Caspian, when Lucy talks about swimming:
When they had drunk from the well and splashed their faces, they all went down the stream again to the shore and stared at the channel which divided them from the mainland. “We’ll have to swim,” said Edmund.
“It would be all right for Su,” said Peter (Susan had won prizes for swimming at school). “But I don’t know about the rest of us.” By “the rest of us” he really meant Edmund, who couldn’t yet do two lengths at the school baths, and Lucy, who could hardly swim at all.
“Anyway,” said Susan, “there may be currents. Father says it’s never wise to bathe in a place you don’t know.”
“But, Peter,” said Lucy, “look here. I know I can’t swim for nuts at home—in England, I mean. But couldn’t we all swim long ago—if it was long ago—when we were Kings and Queens in Narnia? We could ride then too, and do all sorts of things. Don’t you think—”
“Ah, but we were sort of grown-up then,” said Peter. “We reigned for years and years and learned to do things. Aren’t we just back at our proper ages again now?” -PC, Chapter 3
So she learned how to swim while growing up in Narnia, but forgot it again when she returned to her own world and was back at her proper age. But the longer the Pevensies stayed in Narnia, the more those previously-learned skills came back to them:
This was real broad-sword fighting. The great thing is to slash at your enemy’s legs and feet because they are the part that have no armor. And when he slashes at yours you jump with both feet off the ground so that his blow goes under them. This gave the Dwarf an advantage because Edmund, being much taller, had to be always stooping.
I don’t think Edmund would have had a chance if he had fought Trumpkin twenty-four hours earlier. But the air of Narnia had been working upon him ever since they arrived on the island, and all his old battles came back to him, and his arms and fingers remembered their old skill. He was King Edmund once more. -PC, Chapter 8
The same general principle appears to apply to their memories and the emotions attached to them (which I think is one of the main reasons why Book!Susan is so easily able to dismiss Narnia as a "silly children's game" when she gets older). Narnia's magic protects visitors from feeling the pain and suffering associated with being de-aged/losing their home/etc when they leave Narnia by forcing a mental and emotional distance from their experiences, and they're only able to re-forge those connections once they return.
By contrast, the Movie!Pevensies are acutely and painfully aware of what they've lost by returning to England, and it dramatically alters the equation for everyone involved.
It turns the level-headed, loving, tired Books!Peter into the angst-ridden, hotheaded Movie!Peter who's constantly trying to prove himself. It turns Susan's story inside out, because it gives her entirely different reasons and motivations for possibly wanting to forget about Narnia and dismiss it as a "silly game." It gives Edmund a narrative reason to retain the massive character growth he'd experienced in LWW, act as the steadying rock in the siblings' lives, and feel like he has something to prove in VDT without Peter around.
And while I think Lucy remains the least changed between the books and movies, there are several added dimensions to her fully remembering her first fifteen years in Narnia that really start to peek their heads out by the time we get to VDT (particularly her desire to feel grown up and desired by the men around her; if she's truly feeling her age, I think there's an additional nuance to that plot that goes beyond the vanity and "she wants to be like Susan" dimensions from the book).
Do I think this accounts for all of the characterization differences? No. But I think it's a massively understated difference that doesn't get talked about enough as being a major driver of how differently the Pevensies act and react to things in the later books vs. how they act and react in the movies.
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thenerdkingqueen · 3 years
an analysis/easter eggs/things that i've noticed on Tommyinnit's Unbeatable Method of Avoiding Sudden Death
spoilers, be aware psa: most of this was said by the creator themself on the final chapter, also this is a pretty long post
Easter Eggs:
the angel reaching tommy (the fic starts with angel approaching tommy and it end with the angel and tommy)
mention of how tommy is young (in his limbo he is 16 but in real life he is 12)
someone saying "tommy is not a hero"
mentions of how clementine is a blessing from the gods/his guardian/his saviour
a gun that cannot kill people
everytime that tommy is close to "dying" some miracle happens and he's saved (most, if not all, the times it happens with clementine present or because of clementine)
tommy avoiding the news
a lot of religious symbolism (tommy mentioning jesus, affirming that clementine is a gift from gods, calling michael a demon, etc)
clementine being "rebellious" (on my notes this started around chapter 5, starts to disagree more with tommy around chapter 14 and then this becomes prominent towards the end)
tommy subconsciously believing that he set fire to the building/city (mentioned in multiple chapters, first in chapter 6 and so on and on)
ranboo liking spaghetti
tommy childish behavior that can only be comprehended in the end of the fic
tommy playing with techno's sword (alluding to the real world were techno was into fencing)
tommy mentioning the five stages of grief
mentions of how the fic is supposed to follow the same ideas as cartoon shows about heroes (tubbo talking about how the characters don't have "plot armour" because they aren't the "main characters", tommy talking about a beach episode and bloopers, etc)
tommy always trying to be the one to save the others (how he reasures tubbo that hes the one supposed to save the others, saving techno on a mission, wilbur telling him that he saved them, etc)
the reality changing in a way that fits tommy the best (in my notes i said that the first time that we see this happening is when tommy goes to buy fast food and somehow got an order that they didn't have at first)
tommy missing the jump but wilbur catches him before he falls (it happens in chapter 9 and in chapter 28)
techno being defenestrated the most alluding to his death
techno not wanting to babysit tommy (chapter 10, chapter 14 and chapter 27)
tommy calling wilbur bald
chapters were is just a conversation between clementine and tommy
multiple mentions of how tommy is "not ready"
mentions of how tommy misses his family (chapter 18 with wilbur saying that "its okay" if tommy missed him, chapter 23 with tommy mentioning that he "missed this")
mentions of the world falling apart
tommy's mom loving clementines tea
the news on tv
tommy being a fan of vigilantes
wilbur singing
Paragraphs that are worth mentioning:
Tommy in chapter 6 about Tubbo:
“Shhh,” Tommy soothes calmly, “I’m reminiscing about our relationship. I’m grieving.” Tubbo stares at him in exasperation. “Grieving what?” “The end.”
Tommy about himself also in chapter 6:
Maybe he did die.
Now that he’s aware, he can feel the wind blowing through his hair, feels his soaked suit sticking to his body uncomfortably. He shivers."
Tubbo and Tommy in chapter 7:
"Tommy pouts, “Why are you leaving me?” Tubbo sighs, “Tommy you know I have to go at some point.”
also in chapter 7:
“No Ranboo slander in this household,” Tubbo says sternly, “I’ll be back soon Tom.” “You won’t,” Tommy sniffs, “You’re leaving forever.”
the world around Tommy while he's sick (foreshadowing):
"The world blurs for a second and he stabilizes himself against the wall."
Clementine in chapter 7:
“ Tommy ,” A voice croons for him. “ Wake up. Wake up Tommy,” It says, “ You need to wake up. This isn’t re-“
Tommy and Clementine in chapter 9, Tommy showing that he is on denial:
"Clementine does a flip. “No, no. We don’t talk about what happened. Nothing happened. I don’t even know what you are talking about, like I honestly have no idea what you are about. I don’t even know what heroes are. Who are heroes? That’s crazy, never heard of them. Do they even exist? That’s crazy. Clementine shut the fuck up,” He groans, shuddering as he relives the embarrassment of a lifetime. Clementine stares."
foreshadowing in chapter 11:
"Tommy glares at them. How do they not understand the severity of the situation? Children, the lot of them. “You will all understand soon enough,” Tommy sighs, shaking his head, “And then, you will feel deep, deep regret.”
foreshadowing again on chapter 23:
“Mhm,” He cries into the man’s chest, “Okay,” He believes. He chooses to believe Wilbur. “I’ve- I’ve missed this,” He confesses. I’ve missed you, he doesn’t say. “I know,” Wilbur hums. “It’s okay. Merry Christmas, Tommy.”
the narrative changing and the people around tommy realizing where they are/tommy and the people around him acting weird:
Wilbur in chapter 25:
“You can stop, if you want,” Wilbur looks him in the eye. Tommy’s grin freezes. “What?” “You can stop, Tommy. We don’t have to pretend anymore.”
Phil and Tommy on chapter 25:
"Phil frowns, offended, “You don’t like heroes.” “They don’t exist.” Phil laughs this time, slightly bewildered, “Mate, I’m a hero.” Tommy turns to him, eyes dulled, “Are you?”
Tommy and Jack on chapter 26:
“I mean, really, when have you actually helped someone? Other than yourself, that is,” Manifold scoffs. “You think you’re so above everyone here, above the world-“ “That’s because I am, ” Tommy stares, eyes hard."
my actual thoughts/analysis (this is very disorganized because it's literally just the notes the I made when i was re-reading):
Tommy's limbo is a world made by him, he aged himself up (he was 12 but 16 in the limbo) and i think thats one of the reasons of why swears a lot (in chapter 27 philza says that tommy could only swear in his adolescence)
Through the fic we can see how much Tommy resents and feels guilty about everything that happened, the multiple mentions of how he didn't know who "burned the building" are an example
i genuinely believe that the hoodie that he wears in the fic is wilbur's hoodie (in chapter 27 they are fighting because of a hoodie) and i think that is an indirect way of tommy saying "i love you" and "i miss you"
i also believe that the reason of why he lives in an apartment with tubbo is because he feels guilty for not being able to save him
In the beginning of the fic tommy deflects what happened and projects in a much lighter, much happier, way. He has a gun that cannot kill, he thinks that fire is "pogchamp", he jokes about defenestration, etc
At some point the world building start to get "weird", tommy being hired wouldn't make sense in the actual world but since it's a world made by a child with childish ideas he ends up getting hired anyways, a lot of times Tommy acts like a kid and not a teenager, later is explained that hes actually 12
Tommy also don't want to leave but he wants to be saved, this is shown when he begs for Clementine to save him in chapter 12, he wants his life back but he also wants Clementine to be part of it
Eneli starts to refer to the boys as brothers in cahpter 19, before this tommy was just an orphan (this fact is refuted in chapter 23, when tommy says that he "wasn't always a orphan")
Tommy struggles to say what Clementine is to him, probably because he realized that she is not his daughter but his mother, my best bet is that Tommy made Clementine to be his daughter because he couldn't bare the thought of having a mother, he mentions that "parents do the abandoning" and i feel like that its how he felt when his mother died, before he also mentioned how she already abandoned him once, he is also super protective of her, and in chapter 26 he almost lost her entirely. In some ways Clementine is death, and thats something that he cannot and does not want to deal with, but shes also his mother and he loves her (this can be see through the fic but especially in chapter 26)
I feel like Phil having wings is a red herring to fool the reader, this makes the reader believe that he is the one who saved Tommy in the beginning
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