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starlight-eclipsed · 5 months ago
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I don't know who behind Cadence of Hyrule is responsible for making Shadow Link a playable character, but they have my eternal gratitude. I absolutely adore this lil' guy
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toseektoknoww · 7 years ago
log number 2544
heeeeeey beach its me again comin at you wwith some hot planet updates
i literal havve hated myself recently to the point wwhere i typed that nd had to stop nd laugh but no that wwas terrible im so sorry but im not deletin it please just accept the stupidity
onto the subject at hand i guess i should do my first actual formal update since ... wwoww fivve months ago accordin to my last log to this wwebsites clock geeze im sorry i really meant to get to these sooner i just ,,,, you dont care
you hate me draibe nd you knoww it but wwhatevver these are my logs nd my journals nd you just gotta deal wwith it its not like anyone else cares about jack diddily shit
planet wwise i must inform you that i havve not found any that are good enough for us to stay long term--the closest being one with creatures wwe couldnt handle nd i doubt wwould alloww any of the lusii to stay thusly that removves the mothergrubs survvivval a good bunches so that one out unfortunately
it is a lovvely picnic planet though wwould recommend as a pitstop to let the younglings run around ? just an idea ..... though keep them head counted
another thin to update is tester 8 has been poppin around on the radar but i cannot pinpoint wwhere she is she doesnt not seem to be one to care much for anythin other then her pushy spiderlusus gettin fed--understandable but she doesnt think a the bigger picture like i try to do .... not the best but i TRY at least
tech nd zeze havve both been gainin wweight easily nd ivve been wworkin to get the twwo in better condition zee has stopped eatin sopor nd instead eats a healthier fruit that wworks the same so they stay safer tech has just started gettin feelings back in their toes after the surgery on the mothership nd his psionics are comin back um .....
i had more but i cant think a it at the moment .... i guess thats evverythin ... oh !!! nd for the Empress i gots somefin for you ! um .... sorry if its stupid but its a thank ya [youdontgottakeepit.obj] 
this is eridan star ampora signin off until next time
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starlight-eclipsed · 1 month ago
The funniest thing about legato would be that he literally just has to slip up once when explaining
And the chain will grow ten times more concerned about him then they are already
Like telling them he has done adventure stuff for over 8 years (concerned as hell )
Explaining the situation off the hytopia gladiator thing in a tiny bit too little detail (concerned about the fighting pit legato could have grown up in if he did dangerous stuff since he was a toddler or something)
Telling them he died to a fairy because he tried to kill it (leaving out the Kamikaze part obviously) (very very concerned )
Telling them he knew links before… back track from the statement and now the chain thinks his family all called link are his dolls in hytopia and he doesn’t have a family (CONCERNED)
Accidentally mention romance and how destroyed he was afterwards to cheer someone up …. Forgets he is assumed as a child and then failing to notice the very pale and horrified faces of the chain … no way to backtrack …she dead anyway ? (it made things worse)(game over for him the chain ain’t gonna let him breathe by himself now)
Like if he tries to explain without revealing too much he going to shoot himself in the leg ten times over and then have to fight god to prove he can be left alone for more ten ten seconds lol
Oh yeah, you have no idea how much I've had to restrain myself from having Legato casually drop some absolutely brutal info about himself XD
Just consider: Legato has been a hero for around twelve years, which is coincidentally how old the others think he is. He has to be careful about mentioning literally anything about his past simply because something that happened four years ago carries very different implications for a kid than it does a young adult.
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starlight-eclipsed · 5 months ago
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starlight-eclipsed · 21 days ago
Hm, I don't think I have any weird--oh.
If I finish an olive or pickle jar, I'll drink some of the juice/brine/whatever you call it. Not all of it, since I've been told that it's bad for my health, but about half of whatever's left.
Oh, and string cheese/cubed cheese and pretzels are fantastic together. It's my default snack, in fact! The mildly weird part is that I store cheese sticks in the freezer (so they last longer if I take them out of the house), and will absolutely nibble on them while they're still frozen.
I'm just gonna open this to anyone who sees this and wants to answer, since otherwise I'll spend far too long figuring out who to tag XD
Gonna try starting a tag game!
Share your weird eating/drinking habits-I’ll start!
My favourite tea is not really tea at all, you see, I get your casual lemon flavoured tea and I put a whole tablespoon of honey in. ATP I just like drinking diluted honey
Oh and I also spread things onto bread using spoons instead of butter knives >:3
@youtry2replaceurself @just-some-random-anxious-bitch @starite-wishes @calverkeys @niemoc-niemoc @quamaii @lockinglooms1028 @pankakeperformer @arsonarena @happypot0001 @boxxie-does-art @nyxzn @theshakespearetrash @sailingseals @orange-theory-thinker8 @emilightniing @v0idcookies @dehydratedfluid @arcarerus @22bananapudding
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starlight-eclipsed · 2 months ago
Hello again—I come bearing another LU Doppelgänger AU question!
Hopefully this isn’t a spoiler or anything but I was curious about what age each member of the group thinks Legato is?
Like we know that they think he’s younger than Wind based on his diminutive stature so that sets up an age range of 12 and under. And based on Time’s experience, the lower range a hero appears is like 9-10 years old so we got our lower bound.
(I have no idea on how old Legend was in his very first adventure but he was also very young and given his relative age in the group—late teens to early twenties—he was probably around Time’s initial age at the start.)
So given these assumptions, the oldest he can be is 12 and the youngest is between the ages of 10-11. They know he’s been on two adventures which would take at LEAST a year minimum if he had bad luck and got hit with them one after another.
Wind’s journey starts off with him at 12 and by the time he’s finished both Hyrule Warriors and Phantom Hourglass—he’s anywhere from 13 1/2 to nearly 14. So entirely doable to do two quests in a year or so.
Legato’s behavior also works as a confounder since he’s a good mix of optimism, trust, and wisdom. Legato is very cheerful and has a lot of trust in the group at the start that from an outside perspective can make him appear really young and naive. However certain members have been exposed to Legato’s more mature qualities such as his ability to understand and articulate complex emotions (high emotional intelligence) and his worldly experience (magic knowledge, gladiator work, etc.).
So I think some members will view him closer to being around 12 (Four and Wind) and others closer to 10-11 (Twilight?) but I’m not sure on specifically where each member falls on this kind of scale.
Hello! You nailed it pretty much exactly on the head--the general consensus among the group is that he's 12. Both for the reasoning you used, and because of how the others see him in comparison to Wind (whose age is known). There's his size and disposition to take into account, but overall it's mostly that nobody wants to consider that he might be younger than that.
The Chain doesn't think about his age much beyond him being the 'youngest'. Out of everyone, Warriors and Twilight see him more on the young side (ie if asked they would guess the lowest ages for him).
Fun fact! Four is the one who sees him the oldest, mostly because he's judging purely based on Legato's knowledge and behavior. He is the only one who actually suspects that Legato might be the same age or older than Wind--he doesn't see appearance as a reliable measure. Time would also be here but ironically due to his own life experiences he thinks he's biased and doesn't trust his instincts on the matter.
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starlight-eclipsed · 2 months ago
Collectively, the group can figure out most of Legato’s secrets but individually, they are stuck. Certain members have more pieces than others but not enough pieces to figure out the whole thing.
(I don’t blame them for not talking about Legato’s oddities because Legato has been pretty good at diverting attention and people are only now realizing the extent of it and they’re trying to be respectful to each other’s experience by not trampling on old wounds. Pressing someone for their adventure details also opens up the possibility of others asking about there’s and no one wants that.)
Now onto groups that if they talked could figure out some of Legato’s everything!:
Legend and Four: Legato’s from Downfall Timeline and is probably after Legend and either before Hyrule or after him. Four heard Legato make a mention to hostile River Zoe’s back in Legend’s Hyrule and this type of Zora is most common in Pre-Time-split and in the Downfall Timeline. Furthermore, the way Legato brought it up—offhandedly like it’s common knowledge/phrasing in his era—means that Zora being aggressive is normal to him thus eliminating Wind, Time, and Wild from being close to his era. Legend figured out that Legato already knew that he could turn into a pink rabbit beforehand so that implies either time travel shenanigans or stories of that being passed down into Legato’s era—thus Legato has to come after him at some point.
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starlight-eclipsed · 18 days ago
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I know that the whole reason I kept my old laptop was for situations like this, but it still feels wrong.
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starlight-eclipsed · 11 months ago
This isn't at all what you're going for, but I love the concept that the shadow was traveling across the timeline for something unrelated to the heroes. Like, the shadow turns around and does a double take because each hero independently saw a weird portal and decided to walk through.
Everything happens afterwards seems haphazardly thrown together because the shadow decided to commit to this whole dramatic crossover event and is making it up as they go.
So, there's an important question that I (personally) haven't seen being asked yet, so I'm going to speculate, because that's the good and proper thing to do when you don't have information, context, or anything whatsoever to inform your thoughts on a matter 👍
So yes, my big question is: why is the shadow hopping times to begin with?
We know that the chain is following the shadow, so we know why they are hopping through eras and going through these gates, but why does the shadow make them? We've seen that he's the source of the gates, and the boys have recently figured that out too, but why? Why is he making them? Why does he need to travel through time and does he have any control over it?
So far, we've seen two portals opened. Once it was in an attempt to escape our boys, but the second time? They already thought he was dead, so there was nothing to run from. They're not existent as a form of escape from the boys, but the fact that they opened in all of the heroes' eras and timelines to bring them together at all would either imply that the shadow has gathered them on purpose (popular theory) or perhaps that there's something in their worlds that he wants/needs.
What is he up to while our boys are bonding and traveling? Is he on the worlds worst grocery/errand run For Evil while nine heroes constantly try to stop him? Is his reason for traveling across times perhaps to gather something? Pieces of a something?
It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the black blooded monsters are a distraction to keep the boys busy, but there's also just the chance that the shadow is trying to kill them and thus empowering his army as much as possible. Still, that doesn't explain why he'd use the gates, even if it was just to gather a monster army.
Is he working for someone? Is there a bigger bad somewhere? Is he doing this of his own free will, and in that case, what is he doing? Why do the boys matter in the equation?
Perhaps- and I'm just spit baling right now- the shadow is gathering some sort of supplies, pieces of something, some artifacts or tools. He's gathering something while the boys wander cluelessly after him. He needs them to follow, needs to keep them close, but not too close on his tail. Why? Because he needs their power, or something that can be only achieved with all of them at once, in one place.
Is he planning to use them like magical batteries for some purpose? Is he going to pit them against puzzles and dungeons and foes he can't handle himself, in order to sweep in and reap the rewards? Why bring the heroes with? Why leave a clear path to follow him if he really wanted to escape?
What is the shadow's goal here?
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starlight-eclipsed · 3 months ago
in honor of LU Doppelgänger AU’s most recent chapter—have some memes!
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I loved seeing the dynamic of the Colors in the story and I loved Red especially. That guy has been stewing for days in this issue and he finally got to express all his upset and it was V I C I O U S.
Fun to read, absolutely awful for Wild!
Thank you dearly but how on earth did you make these so quickly--
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starlight-eclipsed · 3 months ago
Already said this on ao3 but I must share it—there’s no way the Chain is going to keep Legato’s boots on while they put him to bed so they’re going to take them off and then a river of jewelry is going to come pouring out of it.
I just need everyone to have that mental image in these trying times because it made me laugh so hard.
XD As much as I love that mental image, I'm gonna have to disappoint. In the effort of making it at least theoretically possible for him to walk, the rings he has equipped are on his toes (their icons look like they're resizable so it's not too impossible. Hardest part would be getting used to it).
The pegasus anklet speaks for itself, and the chain with his medallions has also been repurposed as an anklet. Overall, lots of jewelry hidden under his socks--it's a bit more difficult to access casually, but he has a lot of other things in his arsenal and it serves as a useful backup in case he's separated from his bag ^-^
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starlight-eclipsed · 7 days ago
Thank you for the tag! ^-^
LU12 Duped
LU13 Ballistic Dummy
FSA Green Everyone's Left
Botw Time Loop
LoZ Unattended Children
LU Four Solitary
LU Neverland
Yeah I have literally dozens of other wips but these are the ones that I've worked on in the last month.
Okay this is bad tag game etiquette but I glanced at other reblogs and it seems like everyone that I immediately think of tagging for this has already been mentioned, so I'm just gonna open this to whoever is interested in joining.
Tagged by @waythroughtheice (but making a new post so the other one doesn't get bogged down with everyone's WIPs)
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Here's my WIPs I actively think about, all of which are LoZ based:
Chapter 8 (original legend AU)
Kakariko (original legend AU)
Lost Woods (original legend AU)
Scarabs and Scorpions (original legend AU)
Broken Vessel
BV Sequel
TeLink part iii
Anyway, as far as tagging... @mistresslrigtar @daemosdaen @mailrebel @poposusz @zolanort if you want to, but don't feel like you need to!
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starlight-eclipsed · 3 months ago
Is legato's bun form an adult bunny because of his age and legend's age being 16 at the time of the adventure so if 2 years passed then he would be an adult
Or still a toon beamified version of it
Hm...I think that since it's a reflection of your heart that the dark world shapes you into, he'd probably be an adult, no toon-beam involved. Not much bigger than Legend, but noticeably older if anyone were to look closer.
Luckily for him, rabbits are so rare in Hyrule that nobody would be able to tell age differences XD
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starlight-eclipsed · 4 months ago
A small question about your wonderful doppelganger au if you don't mind - why is Legato shorter than Legend now? Is it magic from Triforce Heroes or something else?
BTW I absolutely LOVED your last update, Legato being comforted by Hyrule and Warriors after dyeing his hair melted my heart🥹🥹🫶
Aw, thank you so much <33 To answer your question: he just shrunk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
XD Okay, but to be serious: I promise there is a reason. This is one of the points where Legato is an unreliable narrator. He does not want to think about the reason why, so he'll only mention it indirectly. Pay attention--there are clues if you want to try to figure it out before it's directly revealed :3
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starlight-eclipsed · 2 years ago
As a personal rule of thumb, the more powerful I write a character the objectively smaller their problems are.
An immortal? They're super hesitant to try new things because if they really like it they'll either have to buy dozens to preserve and have around after they get discontinued, OR have to reverse engineer make them from scratch so they can always have them in the future and it's a whole Thing. Their favorite brand of cereal adjusts the recipe and their entire life turns upside down as they try to figure out the old recipe before their person stockpile runs out.
A literal god? Look, they've been spending too much time around mortal people and genuinely forgot they could magic up a solution. Besides, conjured food just doesn't taste right, and they only have to make a quick grocery run! And then it was out of stock and they were too awkward to ask if there was more in the back, and so they went through every store in town to find the right spices and didn't return home until well after dinner time and they're upset but at least now they finally can make food and--wait. They don't need to eat. They literally could've just waited until the next day...or, you know. Snuck into the back of the first store to see the stock/teleported around stores until they found the right one.
In the case of Danny, I like stories where he tends to not think things through/defaults to worse case scenario, which is fair because that's often what's happening. He doesn't stop to explain himself because a)when has explaining things ever resolved a situation for him and b)nobody ever asks, even his parents are shoot-first-questions-later.
Like, of course he books it from the crime scene! He's going to get blamed either way, he might as well get some time to himself first. Yeah, he could put in the effort and get top scores in school, but no good test score is going to outweigh the number of unexcused absences he's racked up through hero work and at that point he might as well take his few hours spent not on ghosts hanging out with friends or relaxing.
Danny is more than willing to take an L and trash his civilian life when it comes down with it, even if explaining himself in the moment/a quick lie would've saved him so much trouble. He takes hits he doesn't have to simply because dodging doesn't occur to him, and when he does dodge he usually gets hit by something else entirely.
DP X DC Ramble OP Danny
It’s not that I don’t like Over Powered Danny period, but I have to say I don’t like how some people write OP Danny
It’s a common issue with OP characters, but sometimes the fact they’re op is used to get around actually telling a story. It’s about character conflict, personal struggles and goals. The story is often about trying to accomplish something and if the character can bypass the entire confpict of your story in two seconds, maybe that shouldn’t be the actual conflict of your story
It’s a big part of why OP characters are harder to write well, if they can accomplish their goals with no effort then it’s hard to be invested because it was obviously a non issue. It’s like a story about going to the fridge and getting milk. Is there an interesting way of telling it? Sure, the can be all sorts of ridiculous obstacles to getting that milk, most being unrelated to the milk itself. If the story is just walking to the fridge and grabbing it, then it’s not that interesting
I’m not saying stop writing OP Danny, but give him something to accomplish besides “snap, just froze the entire justice league in place and oh yeah I could destroy your entire world if I wanted to but I won’t” that pretty much ends your story right there
I honestly think that OP characters are just harder to write because you’re limiting what kind of stories you can tell. With physically powerful characters it’s harder to challenge that physical power, so interpersonal conflicts and goals are good ways to challenge them. Example: OP Danny being able to 1v1 half the justice league but trying to deescalate the situation because of a misunderstanding. The easy solution is for him to wreck their shit, the one that would challenge him is trying to talk it out while trying not to fight back
I probably haven’t said this well, but to summarize: you can have your OP characters but don’t let their OP ness bypass actual storytelling
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starlight-eclipsed · 3 months ago
Now that the Colors have appeared in the main series, do you have any more headcanons or lore you want to give out?
I find them super interesting and would like to know more about them!
Sure! I write the Colors differently in separate stories, so I'll divide my thoughts into sections:
In the Doppelgänger AU:
As I mentioned in the end notes, they are essentially the same base person with different priorities. They'll agree on things in the bigger picture--they're heroes, they care for their loved ones, etc--but it gets messy when they try to decide on a single course of action.
Four tends to put his feelings aside in times of stress, and this manifests in Red getting ignored by the others a lot. It's a bad habit of theirs that they're trying to break (normally Red gets louder so that he can be heard).
Their priorities, in regards to duty (towards the kingdom, their allies, as a hero), strength (against monsters, to prove themselves, to fiercely protect), strategy (to learn, to adapt, to solve problems), and heart (empathy, to keep fighting, personal wellbeing):
Green - Duty, Strategy, Heart, Strength
Blue - Strength, Heart, Duty, Strategy
Red - Heart, Strength, Strategy, Duty
Vio - Strategy, Duty, Strength, Heart
Specifically in this chapter, Blue was going to let off some steam fighting Wild without revealing why he was mad (though it is fully likely that he would have let something slip during it, which is why he was letting Vio and Green take over the conversation).
Vio was fully prepared to go this entire journey without directly confronting Wild or Hyrule. He had a whole plan which involved winning over Twilight and eventually getting the rancher to deal with it by subtly revealing what had happened on 'accident'. This would have made things significantly worse in the long run and we should be glad that Red ignored Vio's five hour long mental presentation and took matters into his own hands.
In general:
They have a decision-making system in place, where one will propose an idea and the others will vote on it. This works great in theory, but will quickly spiral out of control if everyone votes against all ideas in favor of their own.
It's not unusual for them to divide and conquer, with each of them taking things at their own pace. This inevitably annoys whoever hits a roadblock first and has to wait for everyone else to catch up.
Idea fragments to possibly be used in future fics:
Vio doesn't like reading, but it's a useful way to get information so he tolerates it. He'd much rather listen to someone explain something--over half of his conversations with Shadow was him listening attentively as Shadow rambled.
Blue will get competitive over anything, which is all fun and games until you realize that he's genuinely hurt when he loses. He does not take failure well, and will be harsh on himself afterwards. Thankfully he can always rely on beating Red no matter what they play.
(Red is the only one who consciously knows this. Losing stings, but he's okay with it if Blue feels better afterwards. Green and Vio are granted no such mercy.)
Green is the least secure about his identity as a Color, and often prefers being merged. While the others are recognized around town as Colors, nobody can tell the difference between Green and a merged Link unless he's seen with another Color. He'll pretend to be merged if he's running errands on his own (the villagers like him best, since he acts the closest to the boy they knew before he drew the Four Sword. Green refuses to think about it--it feels too much like a betrayal).
He's fully conscious within Link's shadow post-fsa. That said, he can't be perceived through normal means. Link doesn't know he's there, but will talk to him anyway.
He tried very hard to convince himself that he hated Link before they formally met, mostly because that hurt less than caring for someone he could never reach.
Shadow was thrilled to have Vio working with him, since that meant he didn't have to completely get rid of Link. He would've been happy to get all of the Colors to abandon the light if he thought he could've managed it.
Loves hugs. This guy took every opportunity in the manga to make physical contact with people while he still could, he's a very tactile person. Will trick people into bumping into him.
Adores cats. Yes, he understands why Link dislikes them. But they're soft and adorable and--most importantly--can see him inside Link's shadow. They'll bat at his hands when he makes fun shapes with them (he hopes that one day Link will notice or talk to one of his cat buddies when shrunk down and they'll hint at his continued existence).
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