#I fucking hate politics :/
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the-catmans-offical-2 · 4 months ago
It just got so fucking bad jfc. If I'm even more inactive than usual then I'm dealing with the stupid fucking shit that is America.
That being said, I will still try and be active here. To have some normalcy and to act as a safe space for those that need it.
Everyone who's also in America - stay safe, get what you need to get to protect yourselves and please for the love of fuck don't hurt yourselves or anything; Everyone in everywhere stay safe really.
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astridlikesmythology · 4 months ago
Oh my fucking God, i hate politics. The fear and dread I feel as a lesbian woman right now is to much.
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hallaburger · 1 year ago
yeah. you know what? yes.
i fucking hate it, and you fucking hate it, but it's true. because you know what the alternatives are. we got just a taste of them with trump. things can–and will–get so much worse if we don't keep this useless and terrible old man in the white house. it sucks, it hurts, it's an awful and brutal thing to have to do, and i don't want to do it any more than you do. but we have no choice.
trump or desantis will lead this country to its own destruction. if either of them gets elected, i genuinely fear the worst. there could be actual, real nuclear war, because the other candidates would be all too eager to press that button. and if we somehow survive that? they'll give fuel to everyone who owns a gun and thinks that another person doesn't deserve to live based on their race, or gender, or sexuality, or religion.
i'm scared enough as it is. i can endure another term of biden if i must. you should seriously–seriously–ask yourself why you won't consider doing the same.
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"lesser evil"
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luigicat117 · 4 months ago
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I couldn't have said it better myself.
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fyi if you're trying to use the fact that that rancid ass muskrat cunt is autistic to be like "oh he didn't know what he did was wrong" about the fact that he threw up a fucking nazi salute then you are one of the stupidest fucking cunts to walk the earth and since we're in a housing crisis you should start offering the massive amount of empty fucking space in your skull for rent
(signed, an autistic person)
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simplegenius042 · 7 months ago
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Oh look, another faceless empty blog with bot behaviour going onto the political reblogs and reposts of popular and well-regarded individuals, officials posts, official footage, official recordings and news given by people who are suffering in the country itself, all to spread misinformation, doubt, fearmongering and blatant lies in the comment section.
Oh whatever will I do-
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hostess-of-horror · 9 months ago
sleepless midnight vent below
What happened to my home?
A country that was proud of its freedom, of its accomplishments, of its people... now filled with divided strangers.
I hated being divided. I hate having to listen to every news channel, every agenda, every lecture or statement or comment, regardless of political party. I hate needing to not discuss certain things with my online friends, and if we do, I hate going through my past trauma afterwards. I hate being given the choice between one or the other, and no matter which one I choose, I cannot win. Choose this - make your family proud and lose your friends; choose that - keep your friends and let your parents down.
I've been told over and over again that there's a right and wrong choice. I've been given the same old talk, the same old agenda, the same old bullshit. And when I do make my choice, it's out of obligation. I do it for my family, at the risk of losing every single friend I have gained on this site. And I have been told by them that they would never abandon them for such things, yet deep down inside my mind and heart, I fear those promising words would be less so if I told them.
I've lost friends to all of this. I've had friends accuse me of being a shitty person for my beliefs, or at the very least, treat me like I'm just ignorant. More times than not I feel like an impostor - a traitor, almost. My family tells me that everything that is going on right now is important and I should pay attention, but I have already seen enough. I know the world is on fire, people are at war, riots and crimes fill city streets, families are losing their jobs, education, and money, and social media is a fucking cesspool of media illiteracy!
As much as I want to leave everything behind, I can't. It's all around me, around us all... and we do need money bad, after all.
All I want is peace. It's a naive thing to ask, but I just want peace. I understand that there are nasty, horrible people out there, but I want peace. The kind of peace where everyone sees everyone as individuals, not groups. No pointing fingers, no cancelling, no labels, no categorizing, nothing! The kind of peace where everyone is almost friends with everyone. Where hatred is forgotten, where judgment is a lost art, and where forgiveness is power.
But a part of me fears the worst.
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benevolenterrancy · 9 days ago
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A man needs a hobby while he's waiting for his beloved disciple to return from the dead and torture him!!!
(SQQ is a complete fucking freak and I love him so much)
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casvnny · 1 month ago
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I just got a youtube ad saying a certain anti-socialism presidential candidate is "a fan of one of our last dictators" (won't even dignify that batshit insane statement with a rebuttal), I checked the advertisers and it was paid by SinoInteractive Digital Marketing, a company from Hong Kong.
I don't think I have ever felt this much hatred for other people, the leftists in my country love to fill their mouths with talk of national sovereignty but are more than willing to have the elections be tampered with, as long as it's in favour of the Correct Party™. These people don't give a shit about democracy, I hope they are someday lucky enough to be part of the 50% of our population who can't afford to eat more than two meals per day.
They then have the audacity to call anyone who disagrees with them "neo-fascists" and "extreme right" when they don't have any moral qualms about doing anything that may further their political goals.
I think democracy is a flawed system precisely because a non trivial portion of any given population is comprised of morons and power hungry people who will resort to anything to convince those morons to vote for them. Even then I wouldn't tamper with democracy because in a society where the people in power aren't (nominally) chosen by a majority, there is no argument against overthrowing them with indiscriminate violence.
Ironically, I have been radicalized more by these far-left ads than any argument in favour of their opposition, I wish them a very socialist famine.
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thesinlesssinner · 1 month ago
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I will never let them take from me the peace of knowing who I am.
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brain-dead-bunny · 2 months ago
incase anyone tells you donald trump ISNT a rapist. remind them that the court found him liable for the 'sexual abuse' of Jean E. Caroll. because she could only prove he penetrated her with his fingers, rather than his dick. and the court defined rape as 'penetrating the vagina or other orifices (forcefully) with a penis' so to any self respecting human being, he is a rapist.
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silvermoon424 · 2 months ago
^^^ I hate billionaires so damn much.
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We DESPERATELY need to start educating Americans on the difference between for-profit businesses and government public services, I'm so fucking serious. The government should not be run like a business!!!
It's actually vile how the USPS- one of the few government services that's actually good- is constantly under attack by Republicans and their billionaire overlords and mouthbreathing conservative voters justify it because "well, the USPS loses a lot of money." You know what burns tons of money for a way worse outcome than the USPS? The fucking US military, but you never catch these bootlickers arguing that we should drop fewer bombs on brown people overseas.
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paranormeow7 · 6 months ago
reblog if you’re an illegal alien going in for transgender surgery in prison
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i know that when people say "hey we made it through the last four years! we can do it again!" it's usually because they're just trying to tell themselves it'll be fine because they're scared too so I don't want to be a dick about it but like. they didn't have a guy make a fucking nazi salute to a fucking cheering crowd in his inauguration on day fucking one eight fucking years ago. i mean not to damper down the optimism or nothing but. i feel like it's important to point out that it's not just going to be a Repeat of 2016-2020 All Over Again. it's probably going to be more like the Fucking Worst of it that we got in 2020 (or the 2021 Fucking Insurrection) will be the Starting Point for whatever the fuck happens next and we should. idk. plan for that
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gayestclarinet · 1 month ago
President's just don't get shot like they used to
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