#I found a new shop so my new plushies project can finally really get started!!!!!
bubblegumflavor · 2 months
At my last con, I think 2019? 2020? I bought very cool galaxy minky and I wanted to make sth with it all the time and I just stumbled over glow in the dark minky... I had no idea that was a thing but..... alien plushies here I come *___*
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ary-se · 4 years
Mankai with a cat
a few months ago, our cat scratched me right on my cheek and my first thought out of all things was "what if mankai had a cat" pls get me out of this brainrot 😣
on a side note, this got way TOO LONG so i'm putting it under the cut!! this also works as an apology since i was gone for too long without notice 🙇‍♀️ as always, thank you for reading!
🐾 having a pet for the dorm was a subject mankai always brought up. it definitely sounds like a good idea for a domestic setting, but actually getting a pet is out of the question. sakyo didn't allow it due to obvious reasons, and of course it involved the company's budget.
🐾 there was one time however when muku and yuki went back to the dorms with a white stray cat that had a sprain. that time, sakyo would've given them a lecture like usual, but he gave in anyways and told them that they can foster the cat and they'll let it go after its leg gets better.
🐾 unfortunately for sakyo, everyone got way too attached to the cat before its sprain healed, and sakyo also adored the cat but of course he wouldn't openly admit that. after a week, when the cat got better, it only took a few buttons to push before sakyo agreed to finally keeping the cat, under the condition that they are not getting another pet again.
🐾 no one knew who started calling the cat koko, though it just seemed so natural that everybody else started to follow suit, which was pretty convenient because they didn't have to fight over the cat's name when mankai will finally keep her as a pet. (fun fact coco is the name of our cat)
🐾 that week, tenma deadass acted like an expecting father having his very first child, it was really unnerving to see. taichi and juza would often join tenma in shopping for random cat toys after school, which usually lasts longer than girls shopping for a singular pair of heels and that already says a lot
🐾 the conversation usually goes like this
tenma: "what's the best color for this toy mouse?"
taichi: "i like the red one!"
juza: "that's fine too."
tenma, after 10 minutes: "i see, i'll just buy all 7 colors"
🐾 tenma spoiled koko a LOT. teasers? balls? lasers? plushies? you name it, and tenma literally had them in ALL available colors. he did not really care if some of the toys remained untouched, as long as koko had something to be busy with. tenma had a huge ass box of cat toys that he could open up his own damn store and he'd get a lot of profit
🐾 tasuku literally had no idea why, but koko never scratched anywhere but his legs. is there some sort of magic on his legs?? if there was, it wasn't something tasuku is aware of, and he isn't sure if he wants to know what it is either.
🐾 it actually didn't hurt or anything, it just annoyed him when he needs to go somewhere else and the cat would just pounce to his direction to scratch his legs. tasuku feels bad on walking away, so all he does is stand up and wait until koko is done scratching his leg so he can finally move on.
🐾 when a scratching post was delivered to the dorm, koko has been all over it ever since. when tasuku noticed that koko never scratched on his legs anymore, it then just occurred to him that koko used his legs as a temporary scratching post. if he was being conpletely honest, he doesn't know how to feel about this.
🐾 know the meme of people making their babies choose their pokemon starter? that's what itaru did to koko, except he used the figurines of his waifus instead of pokemon plushies. he'd carry koko to the table, and the figurine koko will knock over would determine who her best girl supposedly is.
🐾 what he didn't know was that koko wouldn't knock one figurine over, but ALL FIVE OF THEM, and they all went rolling from the table and fell down to the floor. he swore that one of the figurines easily gets broken since its glasses came off at some point, and until that moment his trust towards animals has never been tested so bad. gladly, none of the figurines broke so koko is not yet in itaru's hit list.
🐾 even with all the toys tenma showered her with, koko finds itaru's hair on a ponytail very entertaining. itaru doesn't really mind koko messing with his hair as long as his gaming stays uninterrupted, though he gets annoyed when koko pulls a part of his hair too hard. he also somehow gets pissed whenever his hairtie falls off during a crucial moment, but he doesn't have the heart to get mad at koko so he lets her off the hook for so many times.
🐾 if omi is already such a mom to mankai, he is even more of a mom to koko. there is a sack of cat kibbles stored away for weeks, but it still remains untouched up to this day because omi always whip up homemade meals for her.
🐾 there was a time when omi cooked up turkey, mashed potatoes and corn for koko's dinner, but he didn't prepare anything for the actual human beings in mankai. omi was just like, "oh haha, there is leftover curry in the fridge. we probably should finish that first"
🐾 in other words, koko isn't subjected to curry hell. never. cats actually aren't supposed to eat curry or else something would happen. even if cats were allowed to eat curry though, it is highly doubtful that omi will make koko eat curry on a daily basis. if omi is an actual mom, everyone would collectively agree that the favorite child is koko. no buts, no questions asked, that's it.
🐾 it was a given that cats don't like water, so everyone was really surprised when they learned that koko LOVES water. the first time they learned it was when sakuya went to wash the dishes like usual, only for koko to literally pounce by the sink. she waits for sakuya to turn on the faucet and everytime sakuya does, she just sticks her paw out to the water until he turns it off. it was an adorable sight.
🐾 it definitely made sakuya slower on washing the dishes, but he does not really mind one bit, he actually enjoys the company. he opted to use a bit more dishwashing soap after he noticed that koko also liked to play with the excessive foam and bubbles on the sink whenever he finishes doing the dishes.
🐾 everyone in mankai, especially sakuya, already made it a habit to call out to koko whenever they're about to do the dishes so koko wouldn't have to wait for the sound of the faucet before running to the sink. it already is a routine every after mealtime.
🐾 was it already mentioned that koko likes water? yes. whenever the boys get in the bath, koko also joins in the damn tub and REFUSES to leave. after some time, the boys already accepted it and just let the cat stay in the tub, losing their sense of privacy in the process. they also bought little rubber duckies and those bubble bath products so koko can play around with the excessive amount of bubbles and the rubber duckies in the tub.
🐾 there was one time when omi woke up super early to prepare breakfast, though he went to the bathroom first and nearly shit on his pants when he saw koko in the empty tub. no koko, he isn't going to fill the tub with water if you just stay there. get out of there and sleep in your own damn bed.
🐾 koko also follows anyone who is on their way to the bathroom, ALWAYS assuming that they'll fill up the tub every time they do get in the bathroom. sorry to break this to you koko, but taichi wouldn't get in the bathroom 8 times a day to take a bath every single time, he just really wants to pee... please give him a break
🐾 koko always joins tsumugi when he is in the garden, though it was only because she wants to drink on the water coming out of tsumugi's watering can. when there are water droplets on the leaves, she climbs up and licks them off. unfortunately, it is one of the reasons why tsumugi started to yell on a daily basis, "KOKO NO THAT PLANT IS POISONOUS DON'T LICK THAT—"
🐾 tsumugi wouldn't have to warn koko forever though, since she'd eventually memorize what plants are poisonous and what are not. sometimes, after tsumugi is done watering the plants, he'd fill the watering can with water again just so koko would get in the can and chill for who knows how long.
🐾 koko is attached to muku for obvious reasons (he picked her up when she was injured!!) so koko is often in their shared room with kazunari. sadly, there was a time when muku took a break from reading the shoujo manga to grab some water, and when he got back, koko was already tearing it into pieces.
🐾 muku did not get angry at koko, but the cat knew something was wrong when muku was trying to stop himself from crying that koko already knew not to tear any of muku's books in the future. koko still felt really bad about it even after muku bought a new copy of that specific volume.
🐾 whenever kazunari is rushing an art project that is to be passed the next day, muku holds koko close to him so koko wouldn't be able to somehow ruin the painting. there has already been an instance wherein koko stepped all over the painting when muku and kazunari wasn't in the room, and that better not happen ever again.
🐾 gladly, kazunari was calm about it and found a way to fix the blue pawprints all over the white paint, but only god knows what will happen once koko messes up the painting again when kazunari is getting SO close to breaking down because of the deadline.
🐾 there are times when kazunari prefers to eat bread with charcoal and drink his paint water than having koko step all over his artwork, and muku better make sure kazunari does none of that
🐾 banri is unfortunately one of those people who pretends to be a dick around their pets. more often than he would admit, he'd act like he is about to throw a punch to koko, only to actually give it gentle pats on the head. banri throwing the cat mid-air and catching her is already a common sight, too.
🐾 he finds it funny scaring koko in all sorts of ways, especially when it comes to heights. banri would carry koko up high, and pretend to drop her just to catch the cat again. sakyo has reprimanded him a lot of times regarding this situation, but he brushes it off.
🐾 there was one time however when banri just carries koko up high and stays that way. the cat was literally scared shitless of being high up on mid-air unmoving, she literally had no choice but to piss right on banri's face. ever since that time, banri toned down his tendencies of teasing the cat
🐾 koko ALWAYS sleeps with hisoka. it doesn't matter where, will it on top of the sink? on the tree? below the table of the living room? you name it, and you see koko and hisoka stuck to each other like glue. somehow it feels like koko became a replacement of penpen. the poor stuffed toy probably got messed up by the cat, waiting to finally get fixed in yuki's room
🐾 koko got hisoka's habit of sleeping literally everywhere that it became really concerning. there was a time when tsuzuru noticed that koko was nowhere to be found, and everyone went batshit looking at her all over the city. even sakyo got mad at everyone because they weren't keeping an eye out of the cat while everybody else is gone. after how many hours of searching, turns out the cat was just sleeping inside the fucking washing machine
🐾 funny enough, taichi and koko have the SAME eyes. like, actual striking blue. taichi usually carries her and parades around the dorm, announcing the news to everyone even though he has said it for like the 83rd time that day. nobody really minds though, the coincidence is still too unreal. the quote "like pet, like owner" doesn't really apply to koko and taichi though, because if anything, it feels more like comparing a cat to a puppy
🐾 taichi is also the one who plays with koko the most, which solely meant that he also used the cat toys tenma bought as much as the cat herself did. at this point, it wouldn't be wrong if they said that the toys were bought for BOTH koko and taichi because even taichi sometimes finds entertainment in using the teaser by himself whenever the cat is being held by somebody else.
🐾 as much as yuki refuses to admit it, he actually gets concerned when koko climbs up in all sorts of countertops, because that would mean koko would also NOT hesitate to climb up to his sewing machine. he is already meticulous when it comes to his materials for sewing, but even moreso now.
🐾 every after yuki finishes sewing, he tightly encloses the sewing machine with a case so that the cat wouldn't get to touch it and potentially get hurt. yuki also used to just leave his sewing materials on the desk, but nowadays he actually keeps them into somewhere secure so as to not harm anybody. he can't have koko's paws bleeding just because of some damn pin that rolled on the floor
🐾 yuki also somehow feels bad when he drives the cat away from him by force every time he is working on the costumes for the next play. he doesn't know what the cat is thinking, but he hopes that koko knows he is just trying not to actually make her bleed over some needles. as a repayment, yuki lets koko bother him all she wants whenever he does his homework with muku.
🐾 since masumi always used to be alone at home, he always thought of the possibility of adopting a pet cat that would keep him company. that constant thought he had already dissipated when he started living in the mankai dorm, so when they decided to take koko in, he remembered the specific reasons why he wanted to own a cat.
🐾 he never let anyone willingly in his personal bubble except for the cat, which he accepted pretty easily. masumi also found it kind of amusing to blast songs on shuffle from his phone because koko had her own way of showing if she likes the song or not. if she likes it, she doesn't do anything. if koko doesn't, she taps her paw on his phone a lot of times as if telling him to change the song. most of the time, masumi obliges.
🐾 every time tsuzuru opens the fridge really late at night, he has to double check if koko is inside the fridge or not before he closes it. there was one time when he didn't notice koko get in the fridge while getting energy drinks. the cat pretty much stayed in there for hours and hours until omi opened the fridge to make breakfast. tsuzuru was lectured by sakyo that morning because he would be ultimately responsible if the cat died in the fridge from freezing her ass off
🐾 whenever tsuzuru gets in a writing frenzy, koko keeps him company late at night. unfortunately for tsuzuru, if he stops typing for at least 10 seconds, koko takes that as a sign to pounce on his keyboard and just lay down there. tsuzuru already knew better than to carry her away from his keyboard since the cat will be insistent enough to return to his keyboard, so he usually gives up and goes to bed, saving the ideas in his head for the next time he wakes up.
🐾 because of that, every time tsuzuru finishes a script for the next play, his tendencies of passing out right after handing the script to somebody else significantly lessens. tsuzuru doesn't know if the cat is just trying to be annoying or if she just wants him to get some sleep, but either way he doesn't really mind because he gets to stop himself from overworking. well sorta
🐾 juza almost never approaches koko. like never. it feels like he is openly avoiding the cat for some apparent reason, and nobody knows why, but in reality he is just scared as shit of the damn cat. what if koko gets mad at him? what if she suddenly gets aggressive and scratches him? honey you're way bigger than her, and koko wouldn't hurt you... really it's okay
🐾 juza's way of offering affection to the cat is to give her some portions of his meal during dinner, sometimes breakfast. he tries to be sneaky about it, but he legitimately has no idea that everyone knows. it becomes more obvious when koko already made it a habit to sit on the chair behind juza every meal time to get more food. that still happens even after omi just filled up her fucking bowl. nobody comments about it though, they find it hilarious
🐾 koko always tries to test homare's patience, but for some reason homare literally doesn't give a single fuck. every time he is writing something down, high chances are koko would spread the ink all over his paper. sometimes she'd try to crawl her way in his coat sleeve, and homare, he just....... doesn't mind.
🐾 if homare is actually busy however, he'd take out his necktie from his vest if koko doesn't want to leave his lap. most of the time, she actually plays with it like it's a teaser. homare is fine if the necktie gets destroyed, he has a lot of neckties in his closet and some of them are specifically for the purpose of koko messing with them
🐾 not to mention that he also finds it really amusing that koko gets overly excited when it comes to lasers. homare is curious why this would be the case, so he usually uses the laser to play with koko when he has free time. he doesn't think of where he points the laser though, so his wooden desk ends up having a lot of scratches. again, he knows and he doesn't care in the slightest.
🐾 misumi adores koko so much. her ears are triangles, her paws are triangle, her nose is triangle. she is a fucking triangle. with the help of kazunari, he already has a whole album of koko's best pictures in polaroid films. most of them are in a photo book so that everyone has a physical copy to look at, while some of them are taped on misumi's wall. the ones on misumi's room are particularly the ones where her ears are especially prominent.
🐾 at least twice or thrice a week, misumi brings koko out of the dorm and brings her to other groups of stray cats that misumi deems trustworthy. nothing bad happens to koko gladly, because only god knows what would happen once misumi's instincts tell him something horrible is about to happen to their pet cat, and they're always spot on
🐾 citron has ZERO sense of personal space when it comes to koko. citron would literally touch koko anywhere, thinking she is fine with it. unfortunately, there are times when citron pets koko on parts she doesn't want to be touched, particularly the tail and the area around it. citron's hands always end up covered in scratches. over time, he memorized where he should and shouldn't touch like the back of his hand
🐾 citron made a koko jr. which was completely intended to be for display purposes. the cat saw it as a new mouse toy however, so it didn't take a whole day for koko jr. to look like a ball of messed up wool. it doesn't look like a damn cat anymore, though it passes as an extremely fluffy and distorted alpaca
🐾 sakyo never shows affection to the cat. no pets, no strokes, nothing. the most he does to koko is spare her a glance, and sometimes he even glares at her from a distance when sakyo gets too absorbed in his thoughts... despite that, everyone wonders why every time sakyo comes home, she gets more energetic greeting him compared to how she'd greet the rest of the boys when they come back to the dorm
🐾 azuma knows. he would sometimes stay up for late night talks with sakyo, and through their conversations that's when azuma learns how much sakyo cares. azuma often helps sakyo out on trimming koko's nails when they're getting kind of long, trying to be as careful as possible so as to not hurt her.
🐾 azuma is also amused at the fact that sakyo tries to ignore koko resting on his lap, or when he pretends not to notice the cat trying to slip in the pockets of his coat. knowing sakyo, he'll definitely complain about the white fur on his black coat later on. as funny as it is, azuma knows better than to say a word about it.
🐾 before kazunari realized it, his camera roll is pretty much filled with random pictures of koko. most of them are just derp pictures, though... kazunari captures her weird quirks, like how she likes to fall asleep with all fours spread out like a starfish, or how she constantly make noises on the door stopper if she wants to get in the room. the picture with koko's most horrified face on it was when banri threw her high up mid-air, and that is never going to get deleted.
🐾 they find everything the cat does very adorable, even though she is just drinking water from her bowl. or when her tongue gets stuck on the ice tray omi brought out from the fridge. or when she yawns and taichi sticks a finger in her mouth and she doesn't know what to do next. or when she squints her eyes at homare when he gets in a blabbering rampage. literally everything.
🐾 at some point, kazunari thought it'd be a good idea to have those cat tunnels mounted on walls so there will be more room for koko to play. he just said it out of nowhere, but everyone agreed on that idea. after a week or two, the whole dorm is basically a cat playground with a crapton of shelves, slides, and tunnels on the walls, save for the practice room, bathroom, and the bedrooms.
🐾 did sakyo said that they are never, ever getting another pet after koko? yeah right, there's no way that's actually happening. high chances are they got more cats so that the cat playground they all built together will get utilized. the more, the merrier!! even though sakyo complains a lot about the expenses, they all know he isn't against the idea, though they better not tease him for it or sakyo will definitely take it back
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greensword101 · 4 years
My secret santa was @freedom-barricades-bighero16! I am so sorry for the late gift, I tried to finish yesterday, but I had a sudden case of vertigo. But I am pleased with the final product and I hope you are as well. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
“No…” Hiro murmured again, balled up the paper and tossed it over his shoulder. He barely heard the thud of paper hitting paper; no doubt wondering that the wastebasket would need to be emptied again. He combed a hand through his tousled, jet-black hair and slipped another sheet of paper in front of him. The pencil scratched for a few minutes as he worked out what he wanted to draw before discouragement overcame him again and he crumbled the paper and threw it away without a second glance. He dared a glance at the clock and wanted to bang his head against the desk ad nauseum.
Wow. Washed up at fourteen. So sad. He almost heard the rustle of paper from behind before he remembered and scrunched up his eyes to keep the tears from forming. Tadashi wasn’t here to help him now, and he never would ever again. But it helped at times to think of what he would say were they living in a better world. It was effective when thinking of an idea, but every time he tried to imagine Tadashi’s voice now, it would not come to him. He tried to think of what he would say now, what sort of wisdom he would try to impart on Hiro, but he wasn’t sure if Tadashi had ever given him advice on a girl before.
Aunt Cass would be after his hide again if he didn’t put himself into bed, Hiro knew. Bitterness filled his mouth, and it was all he could do to not throw something. Instead, he pushed himself away from his desk and collapsed onto his bed in a dead heap, not bothering to change into pajamas. He just laid there, prone and tired. Seven days until Christmas, he told himself, another year without you, Big Brother.
He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep, but he knew that he hadn’t been underneath his blankets earlier. Now, Mochi was resting, curled up on Hiro’s stomach and a glance at his alarm told him it was just before eight o’clock in the morning. He managed to trudge his way downstairs for breakfast, still groggy with sleep as the hustle and clamor of the café washed over him. Aunt Cass had a plate of eggs and bacon set up for him at a single table with a tall glass of orange juice, which he began to wolf down fervently.
“How’s your little project going?” Aunt Cass asked. His mouth full of food, Hiro took a large swig of juice before he could respond.
“It’s…it’s going bad,” he said bluntly, “I got nothing that might work, and Christmas is in a few days.”
“You could always buy your Secret Santa a gift,” Aunt Cass suggested.
That would work…but I don’t it would be good enough. If it was anyone else he had to get a present for, Hiro would have leapt at the chance to go shopping. But he knew that it had to special, it had to be meaningful since it was coming from him. Tadashi still managed to get him one last Christmas gift even after passing on and it was a meaningful gift that he hoped to cherish for years. For Karmi, it had to be meaningful too.
But what could he get for her that wouldn’t come off as saying Hey, here’s a nice present for you? What’s that? Why does it have your initials engraved into it? It’s because I wanted to show off how much I like you now. Would she like jewelry? He never saw her wearing anything flashy, even during parties. Would she be alright with a stuffed toy? Hiro wasn’t certain if Karmi kept anything plushy around at her age. And what if she didn’t like the gift? Would that mean she would make fun of his efforts?
Suddenly, his appetite left him all at once. He pushed his plate away and looked down into his lap. What was he supposed to come up with in a few days as a gift?  Bells jingled as the entrance was opened and a jangle of voices came in with it. He could pick out a few of them, but the noise swallowed up the words too fast for him to follow. Thankfully, Fred was never capable of keeping his voice ‘room appropriate’ and that was the one Hiro was able to focus on.
“Come on, Wasabi! You gotta admit this was my best idea ever!”
“Fred,” Wasabi drawled, “All you did was tape mistletoe to a hat and wear it all day.”
“That didn’t stop you from kissing me!”
Wasabi chuckled deeply, “I guess it didn’t. Hey, little man. Feeling the reason for the season, yet?”
Hiro turned around and had to hold back a snort of laughter. Fred had decided that a fishing hat was most appropriate for his idea. The mistletoe dangled dangerously close to the edge and had a little strip of scotch tape keeping it there. Wasabi decided to wear a dark green, short-sleeved shirt with a Christmas tree embroidered into it instead of his usual sweater.
“Not really,” he admitted and noticed the two of them flushed, “Are you two feeling okay?”
“Yeah,” Wasabi’s voice went up a pitch as he replied, “We’re…we’re good. Really good –”
“Wasabi finally kissed me!” Fred shoved his face close to Hiro’s. He pointed to his hat, “I wish I knew sooner! I’m gonna wear this every year, now!”
“Huh?” It took a moment for Hiro to register what Fred had said, “Oh! Congrats, guys. Maybe you can double date with Honey Lemon and Go Go…”
“Or, we could triple date!” Fred smiled broadly. Hiro looked at him oddly and Fred rolled his eyes, “You know…us, them, you and…”
“It’s not a thing, alright?” Hiro grimaced, “It is certainly not a thing and I don’t think it will be a thing, ever. Forget I asked.” He made to stand up, thinking that Fred would take the hint and drop the matter.
“You’re her Secret Santa, aren’t you?” Hiro stared at him incredulously and Fred just smiled, “Just because I love comic books doesn’t mean I can’t notice these things, little dude.”
Hiro looked around quickly in case he caught sight of someone who shouldn’t have been listening. He looked at Fred, feeling exhausted just looking at his friend now, “You got me. Luckiest guy on Earth. Just a few days till Christmas and I got nothing to show for it.”
Wasabi looked sympathetically at him, “Is there anything we could do to help, Hiro?”
“Not unless you could pull a time machine out of Fred’s hat so I could get back to the start of the month and have more time to get something made for her.”
“I’m serious,” Wasabi grabbed a nearby chair and dragged it over to Hiro’s table. Hiro reluctantly took his place back at his own seat while Fred leaned over Wasabi’s shoulders like a monkey. “So, you still don’t have a gift yet. You can go simple.”
“Simple? For Karmi?” Hiro was incredulous, “Like, what? Show up at her house dressed as…” He did a quick scan around the café before leaning in and whispering, “You know…”
Both men looked at each other and grinned. Hiro gulped nervously; he was used to seeing Fred smile with impish delight, he just didn’t have any idea how scary Wasabi looked with the same kind of intent on his face. Before he could begin to protest, Fred took hold of his arms while Wasabi seized his legs and hoisted the boy into the air. He tried to kick and squirm in their grip, but it was iron clad. They carried him upstairs and into the first floor.
“What are you doing?!” Hiro felt Fred release his grip on his arms and found himself dangling upside down.
“We’re doing this in Tadashi’s stead,” Wasabi was supposed to be the one convincing Fred not to pull crazy stunts, not encouraging them! That was their dynamic. “Just do your thing, little man, and look for a new angle.”
Hiro stopped struggling and allowed himself to dangle, hoping that an idea would come before all the blood went to his head. He trusted that Wasabi wouldn’t let him fall to the hard floor, and he had to trust that he and Fred were on the right track. Baymax couldn’t do something like this for him; lifting a ton in weight didn’t mean that his body was able to do “looking for a new angle” safely without letting Hiro get hurt. It would have gone against his protocol altogether to let someone in his care get hurt.
Protocol…help…Hiro’s eyes lit up with inspiration and he let out a loud whoop of delight that almost had Wasabi dropping Hiro.
“I got it!” He cheered as Wasabi righted him and barreled into the larger man’s chest, hugging him as tightly as he could, “Thanks, Wasabi! I needed that!”
“Hey, what about me!” Fred pouted. Hiro turned to him and threw his arms around Fred’s neck, threatening to choke him. He made a dash for upstairs, “Gotta go, guys! Feel free to bum around!”
The moment he got into his bedroom, Hiro swept away the mess off his desk with one arm and laid down a large sheet of paper, taking careful measurements for the designs and hoping that Karmi would like it…
Karmi felt the beginnings of an agonizing headache coming upon her. It always happened when she was stressed or failed to get enough sleep. This was one of those times and no drink or medicine would prevent it from overcoming her at any rate. The best remedy was to usually fall asleep, but Christmas was almost here, and her gift still wasn’t ready yet! In any case, sleep was for the weak and weary. Karmi wasn’t weak or weary and she had faced more dangers than any sixteen-year-old ought to. It had taken much pleading with her parents and the crime rate in San Fransokyo to go down before they decided to move back. Now that she was home, she wasn’t going to waste a gift like that.
She looked down at her work and frowned. Half-finished patterns, torn pieces of fabric, and loose string caked her worktable. It was always in such an orderly state that Karmi wanted to tear her hair out in frustration. Part of her missed the days where she would recline on the couch and watch Christmas specials as a kid, free of worry or care for serious work while she cherished the sparce days away from school. School was never a happy place for her, truthfully. And it had taken three years of pleading with her parents before they conceded and hired tutors to come to the house. But all she did was exchange bullies for loneliness and Karmi had taken to writing and sewing to dull the ache.
It hadn’t come easy at first; her fingers bled from needlepoints and her hands struggled to create what she would imagine in her mind. The struggle still persisted to this day, but Karmi had learned simple tricks and techniques that made her projects easier. She just prayed that it would help her now as she struggled a few days before her gift needed to be made. Why couldn’t she find an idea that would stick?
Karmi wasn’t always nice to Hiro when they met. In fact, she had been overtly hostile, reeling back from the new threat that had made itself known in SFIT. He was the parasite to her ambitions as he took the honor of youngest student to ever enroll away from her. But, like swimming for a long period in cold water, she had grown used to the boy. In fact, she began to see him as a friend before the crisis with Sycorax forced her to move away. Returning briefly for the summer made her realize how much she missed Hiro. It had been like an early Christmas present when her parents told her that they’d be moving back to the city.
Part of her wished she got a chance to know Hiro more personally. She couldn’t think of anything she knew of the boy regarding personal interests. All she knew was that he was intelligent, cheeky, headstrong, stubborn, liked hanging out with talking robots and that he was the younger brother to the Legend of SFIT. How was she supposed to make a gift based on that alone?
Her head felt like someone had crammed a large bell inside of her head now and was ringing it endlessly. She tried pinching the edge of her palm to delay it, but all she rewarded herself with was more pain. Some part of her wanted to go to find Hiro and ask to see Baymax for help. There must be some protocol in his databanks that could help her deal with her headache…
Her eyes widened with realization and the dull agony in her head was briefly forgotten. A smile crept up on her face as she cleared off her table of waste and debris before laying down a fresh sheet of paper. The measurements had to be precise, she knew it. She wasn’t used to making anything from scratch before, there was usually a reference for her to go by. That thought brought cold prickles to her toes, but she brushed it aside.
As the process continued, her movements became less halted and smoother, like grooving into a fresh block of wood. Her hesitations had lessened, and new thoughts came to mind as she created the patterns for the plushie. And she knew that when Hiro caught sight of her gift to him, it would be a Merry Christmas indeed.
The music was pleasantly mellow and quiet a few days later in the large Exposition Hall of SFIT. Hiro had a fierce battle with his hair earlier that evening, fighting to untangle the gnarls and knots that had been developing overtime unattended. It had taken over an hour before it was decidedly flat and malleable for a comb to attend to. He decided to dress in a red dress shirt with a dark green tie and a pair of black slacks. Fred had suggested he wear a mistletoe on his head, but Hiro had dismissed the idea. He wasn’t going to willingly invite the mockery and teasing of others.
Fred and Wasabi were already there, arms linked together and laughing at something Honey Lemon was saying. She was with Go Go, who had decided to wear a formal suit like Hiro’s, but with a green shirt instead of a red one. Honey Lemon was dressed in a lemon-yellow dress that ended just below her knees. Fred and Wasabi were dressed as alike as a cat was a dog; Wasabi had a black bowtie while Fred had a white tie. Wasabi had a white dress shir Fred wore a black sweater.
Somehow, a pang of jealousy hit Hiro and he tried not to show it. He looked at Baymax warningly in case the robot decided to announce his emotional readings to the rest of world.
“Hiro!” Honey was the first to see him and glomped him, planting a peck on each cheek as they embraced. Once, that would have had his cheeks flaming, but now he just smiled and chuckled. Honey Lemon saw the roll of paper he held under one arm, “Is that your Secret Santa gift, Hiro?”
“Maybe,” Hiro chuckled nervously and tried finding Karmi’s face in the crowd, “I actually need to go find them right now. Catch you later!” And with that, he ran off into the crowd, muttering apologies and pardons to each person he accidentally rammed himself into.
Karmi slowly entered the hall just a moment later, holding a sloppily wrapped bundle in her arms. She was dressed in silvery and gold with long sleeves that ended just below her knees with a blue scarf draped around her shoulder. She had been hoping to see Hiro at the entrance when she came in, but only found his group of friends instead. She looked to Honey Lemon, the one she was most familiar with, “Hey, have you seen Hiro? …not that I’m interested in seeing him or anything, just wanted to know where he was so I could um…not be near him…?” Her smile in the end would have frightened children if they dared to look at her.
Go Go half smiled, “Try the crowd he just bodysurfed into. You might catch him there.”
Karmi looked at the audience of people with trepidation before her eyes hardened with resolve, “Wish me luck, everyone. I’m going fishing!”
“When you come back with Hiro, be sure to bring some sushi!” Fred called out to her as she entered the mob, cradling her present protectively. Wasabi looked at him funnily and Fred shrugged, “What? I’m hungry!”
“How about my lips? You hungry for them?” Wasabi pressed his lips lightly against Fred’s.
Fred’s face burned as he took a hold of the front of Wasabi’s shirt and began to drag his boyfriend away, “Um…excuse me, we need some privacy.” Wasabi’s eyes widened with surprise for a moment before he shrugged and let Fred carry him away without protest.
“Pardon me. Excuse me. Coming through. Really sorry! Nice dress. Love your shoes, wear them more often!” Hiro danced through the crowd, hopping on one foot to the next as he tried to catch a glimpse of Karmi. Hindsight told him that he should have just waited by the entrance or had Baymax scan the room for any sign of her. Stubbornness told him that determination rewarded the daring. His stomach told him that the food at the snack table must be worth skipping out earlier at home.
Meanwhile, Karmi was on the verge of screaming that she had a dangerous bacterium in her hands at the top of her lungs. If it didn’t get her thrown out of the party, quarantined or crushed under a frenzied mob, then it would allow some breathing room for her to move around with ease. She clutched her present tightly, horrified of dropping it to the floor and having some careless foot smash it underneath. After all of those hours of sewing, stitching, and nursing pricks on her finger, Karmi was not going to let it be demolished so easily. Someone bumped into her from behind and Karmi tightened her grip on her gift as she hit the floor.
Someone else tumbled to the floor next to her with a grunt and the crinkling of paper. Karmi got to her feet, reaching down to help the stranger to their feet when she saw that it was Hiro.
Hiro looked at her outstretched hand for a moment and hastily pulled himself to his feet. They sheepishly tried to avoid looking directly at one another. A moment of courage came to them at the same time and they both noticed how red their faces were. Hiro tried telling himself that it was pretty warm inside. Karmi dismissed what she saw as a trick of the light.
“Nice dress,” Hiro muttered weakly.
“Good color coordination,” Karmi mumbled in reply.
They stared at each other for a few more moments, trying to find the right words to say. They both tried desperately not to let the other see what they were holding in their hands.
“It’s kind of cramped,” Hiro observed, “Snack bar should have some more room.”
“Yeah!” Karmi eagerly leapt at the invitation, “Snacks! I’m hungry!”
They managed their way to the snack bar without difficulty before they both realized that their hands were linked together. Neither of them pushed away from the touch.
Give her the gift, Hiro thought to himself as he eagerly snacked on a plate of pigs in a blanket. This is the best chance you have, just give it to her already.
Shove it into his face and have him open it already! Karmi slowly nibbled on some cheese and crackers, barely tasting them at all. Just do it now.
They both looked at each other.
“You first,” Hiro smiled nervously.
Karmi flushed and fiddled with the gift in her hands, “I…some party, isn’t it?”
“I haven’t gone to a lot, to be honest,” Hiro rubbed the back of his neck, “Last time I went, the dance got cut off because of High Voltage. I thought Megan was going to get hurt…”
“Megan?” Karmi tried to keep the terror out of her voice.
Hiro looked at her with wide eyes and hastily added, “She’s just a friend! A friend with a really crazy cop for a dad…who wanted to hook up with Aunt Cass.”
Karmi winced, “Are they still seeing each other?”
Hiro’s smile grew mischievous, “They haven’t been on a date since Aunt Cass learned he was being a…”
“Jerk?” Karmi suggested.
“Yeah. A jerk.”
Karmi looked at her present and grew determined, “Hiro, I wanted to…”
“Karmi, I…”
“Merry Christmas,” they both said at once, shoving their gifts forward, eyes wide shut and braced for impact. When they both braved a look, however, they each stared in silence at what was being offered to one another.
“You first,” Hiro held out his gift to her, looking more fourteen than Karmi had ever seen him. She took the roll of paper from him and hastily gave him her poorly wrapped gift in exchange. She undid the wrapping and unrolled it. When she looked inside, Karmi saw a small Chibi design of herself looking back at her on blueprint. Measurements were inscribed as well as features that would be included in it. Her own personal aid in the lab, meant to be programmed with features to help keep her projects safe and monitored.
“It’s not finished yet,” Hiro murmured apologetically, “This is the final draft I made and it’s going to take a few weeks, and I figured…” He chuckled weakly before continuing, “Who else could you trust with your lab than yourself?”
You. She wanted to say it. I would trust you, Hiro.
“I love it already,” Karmi said instead, “Thank you…you should open your gift too. I didn’t think I could make a robot like you, but…this was the next best thing.”
Hiro ripped the present open and felt his mouth widen. He knew it was made with minky. He couldn’t help but think of Mochi as he caressed the fabric in his hands and sorely wanted to press it against his face. Two black button eyes stared back at him and Hiro was certain that it would sound just like Baymax if it could talk.
“Karmi…” He began, but words failed him.
“I like to sew in my freetime too,” Karmi blushed, “I didn’t know if this was your thing or not, but I know how much you love Baymax. Its like having a piece of your brother with you. You could have that in your room and it’d be like…having a piece of me with…”
The rest of her words were cut off as Hiro slammed into her and wound his arms tightly around her chest.
“Thank you, Karmi,” he whispered in his ear, “I love it.”
Karmi reached around with her arms and hugged him back fiercely. They stayed like this for a few minutes before pulling apart. Hiro reached out and grabbed her hand into his own and guided her through the crowd again without another word.
When they reached the entrance again, they saw Honey Lemon and Go Go waiting for them with knowing smiles on their faces. Wasabi was walking back to them, straightening out his mussed shirt and tie, hastily covering his neck with one large hand when he caught sight of the others. Fred came following afterwards with a blissful look on his face that came right off when he noticed Karmi and Hiro and said, “Hey! Where’s my sushi?!”
28 notes · View notes
ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: Sleepover Night
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~3k Rating: G Time Frame: During their 2nd year in high school Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: My µ’s muse is rebelling against the drama I’m trying to write for my PTX set. So here’s some more fluff.
Summary: Setsuna took a rain check on watching the anime series that inspired her Koppe Pan order back in Ne, Wanna Bite? Now it’s time to cash in.
“Uhm, Okaasan?” Nana asked trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice.
Why had she waited until the last possible minute to ask permission? What if she was denied? She’d have to cancel the plans to which she had looked forward all week.
“Yes, Nana?” Mrs. Nakagawa replied, looking up from her paperwork.
“Would it be alright if I stayed at a friend’s place tonight?”
“Oh? Someone from the student council?”
“No, a friend associated with the student council who is assisting with a project.” Nana explained. “There is a lot of preparation work that still needs to be done and I wasn���t the only one busy with tests this week.”
It wasn’t a complete lie. Ayumu had indeed helped her with student council work several times. So had Yuu, for that matter, as well as several other members of the idol club. Usually, their aid was reasoned away by them simply wishing to assist a friend, as well as allow her to more easily participate in club activities. This often led to her wondering if they knew how much their help was truly appreciated.
As for the mentioned project… Well, the club did have a Live coming up. And a member of the student council was participating. Granted that member was her, but…
“I see.” Mrs. Nakagawa nodded. “Very well then.”
Excitement bubbled up within Nana, but she quashed most of it, offering only a polite smile. “Thank you, Okaasan.”
Her mother offered a similar smile in return. “Have fun tonight.”
“I will.” Nana said before turning and heading to her room to pack.
Setsuna was giddy with excitement as she undid her braids on the train. Her first sleepover with friends!
It wasn’t her first time visiting a friend’s home, but she hadn’t even done that in years. She had lost track of her childhood friends over the years, due in no small part to increasing expectations from her parents as she advanced in grades. The ban on her favored pastimes had been the final blow as she had to sneak around to continue to indulge, and that was best done alone.
Then she joined the student council and managed to become its president. Suddenly she had an excuse to stay out later or even just be out on weekends. She hated having to lie to her parents and did strive to be as truthful as possible, though she knew full well that a lie by omission was still a lie. But that had become her only way to become a school idol, to join the new club, to shop for manga and doujin and to hang out with friends.
And to spend time with those two.
Ayumu and Yuu had quickly become her closest friends after she joined the idol club. They had graciously given her an outlet through which to focus much of her enthusiasm for her hobbies. And this weekend they had agreed to marathon one of her favorite anime series with her. For the second time, Setsuna would be able have an actual conversation with friends about a beloved story, instead of just a one-sided explanation; the first being earlier that week as the three hung out together and purchased the latest book of Heavenly Life.
And she couldn’t wait.
Honestly, the train couldn’t arrive at the station quickly enough. And Setsuna knew she would have to resist the urge to run to the apartment complex where Ayumu and Yuu lived. For the sooner she arrived, the sooner they could start watching. And the sooner they finished the series, the sooner they could start talking about it.
“Ah, Nakagawa-san.” Mrs. Uehara said upon opening the door. “Welcome. My daughters said you would be coming.”
“Daughters?” Setsuna couldn’t help repeating. Did Ayumu have a sister?
Mrs. Uehara chuckled. “I’m sorry.” She said shaking her head. “It’s a bit of a habit of mine. But Yuu is over here so often that she’s pretty much family at this point.”
A tiny flash of envy shot through Setsuna. How nice to be so close to someone. And not just them, but their family as well. Perhaps someday she could be that close to someone, or someones…? as well.
“Ah, pardon me.” Ayumu’s mother said after a slightly awkward moment. “Come in. Come in.” She opened the door fully and ushered Setsuna inside, introducing herself along the way. “Forgive my asking, but do you prefer to go by Nakagawa-san or Yuki-san?”
“Oh, uhm, actually,” She calls Yuu-san by her name, so maybe “Setsuna is fine.”
Mrs. Uehara smiled. “Setsuna it is then. I’ll go tell my daughters you’re here.” She laughed lightly again at her joke before taking a couple steps toward the hall. “Ayumu! Yuu! Setsuna is here!”
Before Setsuna could even finish removing her shoes, a twintailed girl was scampering around the corner.
“Setsuna-chan!” Yuu greeting joyously.
“I’m glad you could make it, Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu added, following at a more modest pace.
“I’ll have dinner ready soon.” Mrs. Uehara said, moving toward the kitchen. “I’ll send your father to fetch you once he’s home from work, Ayumu.”
“Thank you, Mama.” Ayumu replied.
“Thanks, Ayumama!” Yuu added, earning a blush from Ayumu and a chuckle from Mrs. Uehara. “C’mon, let’s go.” Yuu then said, grabbing both Ayumu and Setsuna’s hands before leading them down the hall.
Yuu opened a door, pulled the other two inside and…
That was the first thought that came to Setsuna’s mind upon entering Ayumu’s room. The walls were pink. The clock and lamp on the headboard were pink. Pink curtains framed the balcony door, pink cloth decorated the shelves on the wall and a pink blanket covered something under said shelves. And what wasn’t pink was still some other light, fluffy pastel color. It was all… very Ayumu. Yes, that was the best description Setsuna could think up based on what she knew about her friend.
But beyond the cute colors, it was also very comfy, soft and warm. And welcoming. Setsuna immediately felt at home in the room.
Then her eye caught something. Or rather, a lot of somethings.
“They’re so cute…” She said, finding herself drawn to a display of plush animals.
“I know, right?” Yuu was the one to respond. “Ayumu wanted to pack them away because she thought they were too childish.”
“Y-Yuu-chan…” Ayumu protested.
“I should show you my collection sometime.” Setsuna said, resisting the urge to grab several animals and hug them, as she did not yet have such permission. “I have Kirara, Kyubey, Tamago Onsen, Dera Michimazzi, Kuroneko-sama, Sakamoto, Taroumaru, Ryo-Ohki…
Yuu started to chuckle. “Aren’t those all anime animals?”
“Yes.” Setsuna affirmed with a nod.
“I thought your parents forbid anime? I mean that’s why we’re having the marathon here, right?”
“Oh, uhm… my parents… don’t know they’re all from anime…” Setsuna admitted. “I haven’t told them, and they don’t seem to have looked into things online or anything. Posters, figures, and the like would be too obvious, so they’re the only merchandise I can display openly; I can pass them off as just being cute plushies.”
“Ah, I see.”
“And they’re not all from anime. I have Toothless as well.”
Yuu grinned. “A good choice.” She declared.
“Anyway, these are really cute too, Ayumu-san.” Setsuna turned her attention to the redhead.
“Thank you.” Ayumu replied. “You can touch them if you want, Setsuna-chan.” She added with an amused tone in her voice.
Was my desire that obvious? Setsuna wondered to herself. How embarrassing…
Setsuna swallowed down a blush and offered a smile instead. “Thank you.” She said, reaching for a pink rabbit to inspect. A pink bear had also caught her eye, but the rabbit seemed so Ayumu-like that she couldn’t help picking it over the others. It really was very cute, and she could easily tell why Ayumu liked it.
I wonder if there is one like Yuu-san here… Setsuna thought to herself as she continued to investigate the display.
“So, should we get a couple episodes in before dinner?” Yuu suggested.
“Yes.” Setsuna agreed enthusiastically, her attention reverting back to the original reason she was visiting.
“What site is the show on?” The twintailed girl asked as she sat down on a green pillow and opening what Setsuna assumed to be Ayumu’s laptop. “My parents have several accounts, so if its on one of them, I can sign in to it.”
“Actually, the series is old enough to be on the free sites.” Setsuna explained, choosing the blue pillow, and leaving the pink one for Ayumu.
“Oh, alright, uhm… here.” Yuu slid the computer over.
Setsuna started typing in the address, though as she did, she noticed both Yuu and Ayumu moving their pillows to either side of her. “Hm?” She hummed quizzically as they sat down.
“Since this is one of Setsuna-chan’s favorite series, she should have the best view of the screen.” Yuu answered before she could actually give voice to her question.
“But I’ve already seen it…” Setsuna rebutted.
“Setsuna-chan is also our guest and should have the best seat.” Ayumu added.
“Oh, uhm… alright.” Setsuna conceded. “Will we all fit?” She noted the tiny table did not have room on any one side for three people.
“It’s fine if we do this.” Yuu scooted in until her shoulder touched Setsuna’s.
So close… Eh? As Setsuna’s focus was on Yuu, Ayumu slid in from the other side, though not quite close enough to touch like Yuu. Setsuna wondered how red her face was as she quickly typed the title of the anime and found the first episode.
Setsuna was very much not used to watching anime like this. For so long she had watched alone, hiding from her parents and anyone she worried might not keep her secret. But this was simultaneously comforting and distracting.
Distractingly comfortable… Was that even a thing? While most of Setsuna wanted to pay attention to the anime on screen as the opening title began, there was no denying the part that wanted to focus on the surprisingly soothing warmth radiating from her two friends. She had only sat this way with her parents as a child, and the frequency had decreased dramatically as she grew older and her parents became busier with work.
As Setsuna felt her heartrate start to return to normal and the heat dissipate from her cheeks, she started to settle into the idea that this was a nice arrangement. She could get used to watching anime like this. She could probably even get used to Ayumu leaning in closer.
Yuu giggled, bringing Setsuna’s attention back to reality.
Ah yes, the protagonist’s introduction. Definitely a humorous moment, but there were funnier scenes yet to come, even in the first episode. What would Yuu think of those? Well, they did intend to talk about everything afterward, so perhaps she should just enjoy the show for now.
Setsuna relaxed and turned the entirety of her focus on the anime.
Setsuna startled at the sound of knocking on the door. She turned her head to see said door open and a man she assumed to be Ayumu’s father poked his head into the room.
“Ayumu?” Mr. Uehara spoke. “Your mother sent me to say that dinner is ready.”
“Thank you, Papa.” Ayumu responded, starting to get up.
The man’s gaze shifted. “Hey, Yuu.” He greeted with a smile. “And… Setsuna, was it?”
“Yes.” Setsuna replied, getting up as well before bowing. “It is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for having me tonight.”
“The pleasure is ours.” Mr. Uehara’s smile grew. “Ayumu and Yuu have told us a lot about you. It is nice to finally meet you.”
Ayumu-san and Yuu-san talked about me? Setsuna hoped it had been at least more good than bad, though judging by both Ayumu’s parents’ actions towards her thus far, that had been the case. And that realization caused warmth to spread through Setsuna’s chest.
Setsuna couldn’t help smiling as well as she followed the other three out to the Uehara dining room.
The notification chime sounded on Setsuna’s phone as she got out of the bathtub. She padded one hand dry on her towel and unlocked the screen to find a message from Rina. The first-year was inviting the school idol club second-years to join a game she was playing. Well, except Ai, though Setsuna assumed she was already playing. She tapped the link so the app could download as she dried off, deciding the game might make for a fun activity to pass the time while Yuu and Ayumu took their turns bathing.
A few minutes later, Setsuna padded down the hall back to Ayumu’s room, already fully engrossed in the game’s tutorial.
“Yuu-san, Ayumu-san, this game… oh…” Setsuna cut off as the other two girls looked up from their own devices.
“It’s fun, isn’t it?” Yuu grinned as she set down her phone and stood before heading toward the door.
Ayumu had also put down her phone and traded it for a hair drier. “Come have a seat, Setsuna-chan.” She motioned to the pillow she was in the process of vacating before kneeling behind it. “I’ll dry your hair for you.”
“Oh, I can do that myself.” Setsuna declined. “Thank you for the offer though, Ayumu-san.”
“Are you sure?” Ayumu seemed confused and… disappointed? “I’d be happy to do it for you, Setsuna-chan.
“Ayumu just wants an excuse to play with your hair, Setsuna-chan.” Yuu chuckled.
Setsuna startled. She hadn’t realized Yuu was still in the room, apparently having stopped to watch. In response to the teasing, Ayumu’s cheeks flushed and Setsuna imagined her own were close to matching.
Although, why was she declining anyway? Memories of the braided bun lesson from earlier that week were still fresh in Setsuna’s mind had certainly caused her to want to accept, and yet she hadn’t. But accepting wasn’t forcing those desires on Ayumu or inconveniencing her or the like. Ayumu had made the offer.
“A-Alright…” Setsuna said after an awkward moment before taking a seat in front of Ayumu.
“Back in a few.” Yuu tossed over her shoulder as she left to head to the bath.
Ayumu flipped on the hairdryer and began running her fingers through Setsuna’s hair to spread out the strands for easier drying.
For her part, Setsuna was just about to relax into the session, when her phone pinged. She checked the screen to find Rina had sent an in-game gift. She accepted excitedly and began to play again.
“Uhm… Setsuna-chan.” Ayumu said after a moment. “I don’t mind if you play, but can you stop moving around while you do?”
“Oh… uhm… Sorry, Ayumu-san…” Setsuna replied, chastising herself for being rude while her host provided a wonderful service. Still, it would also be rude not to use Rina’s gift to the fullest, so she resumed her game, but made sure to remain still for Ayumu.
Setsuna stared up at the ceiling, laying on her back on one of Ayumu’s guest futons. As sleepy as she felt, she was still buzzing a bit with lingering excitement from the events of the night. The three of them had successfully powered through the entire season with a few breaks for snacks and stretching before spending the next couple hours talking about the story. It was well past midnight, but it was the weekend so they could sleep in late in the morning before having a late breakfast, or early lunch, before Setsuna would head home to study.
Or perhaps… maybe she could study here? She had brought her books, even though she didn’t really expect to use them. And she really liked the welcoming atmosphere of Ayumu’s room, though really her apartment and family as a whole, if she was being honest. However, she didn’t want to impose by overstaying her welcome, and she certainly wasn’t going to just invite herself to stay. Still, it was a nice idea. Perhaps someday…
“Yuu-chan?” Setsuna heard Ayumu murmur, distracting her from her thoughts.
She heard the mattress shift and turned her head to see Yuu’s silhouette sliding under the duvet. She couldn’t quite understand Yuu’s response, but both girls in the bed fell silent after.
Strange. While it didn’t surprise Setsuna that a dating couple would share a bed, she couldn’t help wondering why Ayumu would bother setting out a guest futon for Yuu. Or question Yuu joining her.
Perhaps they were hiding the fact that they were dating and setting out the futon was a visual prop to convince Ayumu’s parents? No, that didn’t seem right. Neither Ayumu nor Yuu seemed the type to hide much, if anything, from their parents. Unlike Setsuna herself… Also, if Yuu’s parents were anything like Ayumu’s, Setsuna believed they wouldn’t have much of an issue with their daughters dating. The Ueharas already considered Yuu part of their family after all.
Were they, perhaps, not actually dating? That would explain Ayumu’s protest. And knowing Yuu’s casual approach to personal space, it wouldn’t surprise Setsuna in the least if she just did as she pleased. And Ayumu would let her. Still, that didn’t seem quite right either. Setsuna was fairly certain they were a couple. Their close bond was obvious to anyone who spent more than five minutes with them.
In any case, whether they were dating or not really wasn’t any of Setsuna’s business. So perhaps pondering the possibilities was inappropriate.
What was far more worth her mental energy was focusing on memories of how much fun she had this evening. For the first time, she had been able to not only watch anime together with friends, but also talk about it with them. All in person. Not over the internet. She had shared a meal with her friends’ family and gotten to know them a little. Setsuna couldn’t remember the last time she had gone to bed feeling so welcomed, accepted and… loved? Was that the right word?
Surely, she didn’t mean to imply that she went to bed at home feeling unloved. She knew her parents loved her, even if their way of showing that love was apparently very different than Ayumu’s parents. But even having only been in the Uehara home for not even half a day, she felt loved here. They were all so kind and Setsuna hoped she could come back and experience it all again.
Setsuna closed her eyes, allowing her mind to begin yet another replay of the day. Sleep would come eventually, but right now she was content just being this happy.
Author’s Notes Continued in Followup Post
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Bright as a Diamond. Hitoshi Shinsou x Fem Reader: Chapter Six
Tumblr media
Warnings: Violence, Stalker, Drugged, Reader Injury, Blood
Series Summary:  When (Y/N)’s co-worker decided to send a picture of her making a diamond to the paper, her life was over. Gemstone based quirks weren’t all that rare, but being able to make a diamond put a target on her back. After years of hiding in the city, it’s time to hide in the countryside with her Uncle Shota Aizawa and his more than ‘roommate’ Hizashi Yamada. With the promise of training her to be self-sufficient, she’s ready to learn.
Chapter Summary: (Y/n) goes into town to meet up with her co-worker, but things do not go to plan.
Chapter Five: here or https://ambershaydeoffical.tumblr.com/post/612522066443436032/bright-as-a-diamond-hitoshi-shinsou-x-fem-reader
Chapter Seven: Seven. (I finally figured out the hyperlink)
Chapter Six
This Day was Going to be Perfect
   My morning bike ride had been refreshing. I had a chance to watch the sunrise, then make it to a café for breakfast. With my cat backpack from grade school, as the only purse I could find, I had my money tucked away safely. I looked ridiculous, but I wasn't trying to impress anyone. This was just two buds hanging out and mending the past. There was nothing for me to worry about, least of all my appearance.
   With my bike firmly chained to the gate, I ducked inside the quite cafe. The lobby wasn't super busy, and I found a booth to rest in while I prepared myself for the week. With my pastry and hot chocolate, I began reading over the requirements for my next project. School had been on the back burner for far too long, and it was time I try to get ahead.
        Taking a long swig of my hot cocoa, I choked it down. What shocked me wasn't the temperature, but Kira plopping down on the other side of my booth. I was supposed to see his apartment later in the day, but this wasn't planned. Damn it.
   "Good morning," he sang, holding two cups of coffee. "I say you drank yours, so I got us both one. You seem like a sweet girl, so I made sure there was extra sugar for you." He pushed one cup towards me, then pushed his long black hair back. His sullen eyes glancing at my bruised knuckles.  
   "Umm, good morning." I nursed my half-full hot chocolate and put my phone away. "My drink is still good, thanks though."
   "Oh nonsense, I paid for the premium blend." He pushed the cup to my side of the table. Leaning his elbows on the table, he propped his head on his hands and cocked it to the side. Waiting for me to drink.
   "Not a coffee girl," I admitted pushing it back, looking at my textbook. Maybe I could multi-task. "What are you doing here?"
   "Oh, this is my go-to shop." He pushed the cup across to my side. "What has you here so early, princess?" A shudder went down my spine.
   "Just studying." I pulled out my phone, trying to act unfazed. He was just trying to be nice. Stay calm, you have to work together, and he has always been odd.  
   "It's a good thing I ran into you; we can spend the morning together too." He sipped his own coffee, spitting some back out. His thin brows knitted together before he giggled. "Hot"
   "I really have to focus on this assignment, so t-" Pointing to my next book, he smacked his hands against the table.
   "Wait, there's this super cool comic book store down the street you'd love." He grabs my hands and pulls me up.  I grab my cup and he takes his, pulling us out of the café.
   He tugged me down the street like an excited child. He had lived in the city center and knew it better than me on any good day. The shop he had taken me two was filled with hero merch. Ground Zero, Deku, Allmight, Urvaity, Froppy, Chargebolt littered the walls and aisles.
   "You like that Eraser guy right, they have some vintage posters in the back." Never letting go of my hand, he caught the eye of several people. Some gushing at the cute couple, it made me want to peel back my skin and scurry home. "Here, I'll get whatever you want."  
   Tuning him out for a moment, I saw a small pin set on sale. It was the debut merch for Shinso. His little mask covering most of his face. I picked it up and turned it over to read the back. It was snatched from my hand before I could see the details.
   "He's a little too young for you to be fawning over." Kira sat it back on the shelf, taking my coffee cup, and placing a Midnight plushie in my hand. "You and Midnight have a lot in common. Beautiful, full-figured, and fierce."
   "I think you confuse curvy and full-figured. She's just blessed with a rocking body." I sat the plushie back down, now insecure of my outfit. It was just a long sleeve dorky otter tee shirt, a loose denim mini skirt with a peplum bottom, and some black legging. But I wished I had a sweater on and some jogging pants. I didn't dress like it was a date, but the way Kira's eyes wandered over my form, I felt exposed. This wasn't a date, why was he acting like this?
   "Oi, you're that girl," a shopkeeper came over and looked me up and down. "The one who can make crystals." With those words, the situation got that much worse.
   "You're got the wor-"
   "She is. Why ya want to know." Kira slung an arm around my shoulder, and I froze. He squeezed me to his side and shaking me a bit.
   "He's got it all wrong, I- I get confused for her a lot, but that's not me."I tried to smooth it over to no avail.
   "She makes the best gems in the world. The only known diamond crafter to be born." Kira grinned like a cat, sliding his hand down my back, dangerously close to my ass.    
   "I'm not her."
   "Can you make a replicate of kryptonite for me?" The boy asked, grabbing a comic like I didn't know Superman. "Like its green and glows. See, it's an organic shape or can you only do fancy shapes."
   "She can, but she doesn't make freebies." Kira kept talking for me, blood rushing through my ears. "Depending on the size, quality, and time frame, we'll need compensation." We? I stomped Kira's foot, and he lost his grip. Darting out of the store and back up the street, I paused, forgetting where I left my bike. I downed the rest of my drink but coughed, realizing it was Kira's coffee. Being a good citizen, I tossed it in the trash and went back on my way. What a fucking bastard.
   "(Y/n), please wait. Come on, I didn't mean to make you mad." He blocked my path and held up his hands. "Your quirk makes you special. You should get some perks for it. I was about to score us some free merch."
   "I don't want free stuff, I want to be safe. People knowing that I can do that sort of stuff makes my life harder." I snapped, crossing my arms, staying vague as possible for people on the street.
   "I like you," He blurts, reaching out to touch my cheek. "If we were together, I could protect you. I have a powerful quirk." His fingers turned to razor blades, and he pointed them at me. "Look at how special I am. No one would ever touch you with me around." He fisted the air, trying to show off.
   "Listen, I don't want a relationship right now." I pulled out my phone and sent my location to Shota, with a danger symbol. After I hit send, my phone was knocked to the ground.
   "Look at me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the alley. The urge to run coursed through me, but I couldn't do it. He was my work friend. He was frazzled and may be unstable, I had to play my cards right. "Good girl," he held my head up, the blade just under my chin.
   "I don't like you like that. Listen, let's pretend this didn't happen, and we go back to work like normal." I slurred my words, holding to the wall for support. "You need to let me go." An exhaustive fog spread over my body.
   "Make me one of your diamonds." He ran his blade down my throat, resting at the edge of my shirt. "Make it one of a kind, like our love."
   "I won't." My knees gave out, and he shoved his knee between my legs, but he wasn't strong enough to catch me. My knees busted against the concrete. "What- what's happening to me…"
   "You're sick, you need to rest darling." Kira returned his fingers to normal. Resting them against my chin, pushing my hair back. "Make me a diamond, and we can go home."
   "Fuck off," shoving his hands away, I clamored to my feet and staggered towards the street.
   "Wrong answer," his blades were on my throat again, he had his face buried in my hair. "Come on, walk with me."    
   "Stop-p it," I couldn't keep myself together, bending with his will, I followed him deeper into the alley. Small nicks against my skin. "Le-tt go."'    
   "You're almost home now." He purred. "We'll have a room of diamonds, you can display your best for me. You can cook and clean for me as thanks."
   "No," Stomping his foot again, I lurched forward when his hand went back. He cut my forehead while grasping for me. "Help." This time Kira pulled me up by my hair, a scream erupting from my throat.
        "Shh, darling," he cooed in my ear.
   "Who do you think you are?" A new voice entered the alley. Kira froze in his place and let me down, so my hair was slack again.
   "Shinso," my vision was blurry, but I could see his purple mop.  I reached out for his form, and a finger went across my arm. A searing pain throbbed over my body, but I refused to scream. I nursed my wound, trying to stop the bleeding. My eyes pleading for Shinso to save me.
   "Answer me, asshole," Shinso remained calm, walking closer. He wouldn't look at me, but I knew he was a pro that these situations. Even if this went down poorly, we'd be okay. Shinso was a pro, and I was banking on that training.
   "You're mine," the blades were resting on my throat. Kira was whispering in my ear. He jerked me up by hair again. Hot tears streaked my face as I tried to stay awake. The haze was starting to block out the sun.
   "What do you think you're doing with (Y/n)?" Shinso's voice was louder this time. He wouldn't let me die. He was a hero.
   "Let me go, Kira," I whispered, unable to keep my head up, dangerously close to falling on his sharp hand. "Shinso, please…"
   "Speak up, coward!" Shinso growled, tossing a rock at Kira.
   "She's m-"
   "Deactivate your quirk," Shinso ordered, and Kira retracted his blades. "Let her go. Then walk to the police station and turn yourself in."
   Crashing to the asphalt, I tried to stay upright but failed. Landing in my own blood. "Shinso?" I whimpered, closing my eyes. Kira hoovered over me a few moments.
   "Walk to the police station." Shinso spat, and this time he went.
   "Hitoshi?" I pulled my sticky arm from my chest and held my head up. Everything was spinning so fast.  
   "I'm right here." His boots crunched the earth; it sounded so much louder than the blood rushing in my ears. His shirt ripping echoed through the alley, and the fabric was tired around my arm. My body being pulled upright.
   "I don't feel right. I can't focus." His chest was so warm as he pulled me in his arms. He was more robust than I expected, so strong.
   "Did he offer you a drink? Could he have slipped you something?" Lips right by my ear, whispering. His fingers tied things over my injuries and worked to apply first aid.
   "Coffee," I was scooped up and carted back to the street. Was he always so strong? "I thought he was just kind of weird. I didn't t-" I shut down, ashamed it happened.
   "It's going to be okay. You did nothing wrong. " I could see his car hazard light still going, parked right in front of the café. He fumbled for his car keys and sat me in the passenger side. Buckling me in, then glancing around the street.
   "Don't leave me, Hitoshi." I clenched his shirt when he tried to go back to the driver's side.
   "I won't. I promise."
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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A week full of weaving, sewing, and embroidery
It’s been a while since I’ve done arts and crafts. Lately I’ve been focused on drawing - traditional and digital - and improving my skills in that area. Journaling helps a lot in terms of that, especially when I’m trying to come up with creative spreads so it’s not just a wall of scribbled words. It’s amazing to see how much your art style has shifted over the course of several months.
I don’t know if I’ve found my art style yet but I’m starting to see what I tend to gravitate towards. I still have a lot to learn and the possibilities are endless. Who knows what my illustration style will be like a year from now?
Until Cecelia came to visit the camp earlier this week I hadn’t realized that it’s been forever since I last touched my sewing machine. Back in the day I used to make plushies with Cecelia for her shop when it was just starting out. It was a lot of fun creating cute plushie designs and then bringing them to life with fabric, thread, and stuffing. 
That’s what I love about art - taking a bunch of stuff and creating something new and unique with it. With nothing but a pencil and paper, anything’s possible!
Daisy Jane and Cecelia have been working together a lot now that Daisy Jane’s becoming more serious about opening her own shop. Cecelia’s been running Coconut’s Grove for over seven years, selling handmade goodies like jewelry, keychains, art prints, pins, stationery, and knitted goods. It’s a lot of work running your own business so mad respect for Cecelia being a pro at it.
To help Daisy Jane get some exposure as well as have a taste at what it’s like being an independent business owner, Cecelia wants her help to release some limited products for the holiday season. So for the past few weeks they’ve been designing notepads, clay pins, and sticker sheets.
By now most of the designs have been finalized so they’re pretty much ready for Cecelia’s next shop update. Daisy Jane’s art has really flourished since coming to the camp! It’s hard to believe that what was once a pipe dream for her is slowly becoming a reality.
With Cecelia here, I figured we should have an arts and crafts week. Since campsite events became a regular thing, arts and crafts day has been kinda put on the back burner. I didn’t realize how much I missed doing them until we started planning out this week.
Since I wanted it to be chill and low-key, I decided to spread it out to a week instead of just a weekend. I actually like it better that way, probably since my inspiration tends to come in spurts. So spreading things out over the course of a week gives me time to really get inspired as I prefer to think things over before starting. Also that means we can take on crafts that’ll take more than a day to complete like ceramics and textiles. 
This week’s arts and crafts themes are embroidery, sewing, and weaving. Other than cross stitch, I’m a newbie when it comes to embroidery. I don’t know why, but I never got around to learning how to embroider. I mean, I can do some basic stitches like the running stitch and blanket stitch but for whatever reason I never actually made something. It’s just one of those things that’s always been on my to-do list but ends up getting lost in the shuffle. At least now I got to finally give it a whirl!
In a way it’s kinda like drawing. A lot more freeing and enjoyable than cross stitch - probably because I don’t have a pattern to follow. It’s been years since I’ve done cross stitch and maybe I’ll pick it up again someday, but it looks like today’s not the day. Speaking of which, my mom’s picked up the hobby again after taking a break for a couple years. Now she’s halfway done with the project she’s working on and it’s looking great!
Weaving’s a new thing for most of us, except Cecelia and Maple. I’ve done basic weaving like with paper and the elastic band thingies as a kid, but not like with legit looms and such. It’s fascinating to watch and learn about, as well as watching those threads weave together into fabric. It takes patience but the end result is worth it! 
I’m definitely going to look more into weaving and textile making. I wasn’t sure if it’s something I’d be into but it’s got my attention. Maybe if I’m brave enough, one day I’ll tackle making an entire roll of fabric or a rug or something big. Maybe I’ll even try to make some intricate patterns if I’m feeling extra courageous. That’s something to consider in the future once I master the basics of weaving.
Sewing’s one of those things I occasionally enjoy doing even though I’m not the best at it. My mom’s like a professional, as in people - family, friends, acquaintances -  used to pay her to alter clothes. She’s the reason why me and my friends never had to get our clothes taken to a professional - because she’d alter our clothes for free. For someone with short legs - like me and my mom - pretty much most of our pants have to be cut. Same with Daisy Jane, Emmaline, Robin, Serena, etc. - short people who would be constantly tripping over pant legs if it wasn’t for my mom.
Aside from making plushies, I rarely use my sewing machine. I’ve learned the basics of altering clothes from my mom so if I need to, then I’ll use the machine. For the most part I prefer sewing by hand just because it’s easier. Aside from fabrics the only other time I’d sew is for bookbinding, usually a basic saddle stitch or coptic stitch. I think I do a decent job at sewing but compared to my mom, my stitches aren’t the most straight or even.
I try, but sometimes it just doesn’t want to come out right. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so reluctant to try embroidery. At least with embroidery the crooked stitches add to the charm, which I quite like. I find myself drawn to an art style that’s imperfect and clearly handmade because I think it gives character.
In between crafting sessions, we enjoyed the fall weather as much as we could. It’s getting cold now and most of the leaves have fallen. Maybe I’ll pick up knitting again and make mittens, scarves, or hats. If I’m really feeling it, maybe I’ll finally try to make a pair of socks.
Is it weird that I’ve been knitting for like, what fifteen years, and never ever made socks. Like most people associate knitting with socks because socks are, well, knitted. Except a) I don’t really like knitting with four needles and b) I’m not into socks. Also the yarn I have on hand isn’t suited for socks. Speaking of which, what yarn type/weight do you use for socks?
The weather this week has been on the warm side, so I’ve been embroidering outside. I’m living out the cottagecore aesthetic - as if I wasn’t kinda already doing that by living at the camp. There’s just something so peaceful about doing needlework outside, especially when inspired by nature. I can now see why embroidery is associated with fall - it just feels right.
Think of all the possibilities one can do with a needle and thread! I’ve just opened the door.
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skyeliu · 5 years
[Part of the “Baby, I think I’m pregnant” Project! I know the name is very much cringeworthy and clickbaity, don’t judge me.]
Pair: Namjoon x Y/N [Check out other pairs at “Baby, I think I’m pregnant” Masterlist]
Genre: Cute, fluffy.
au’s: Namjoon and Y/N are dating underground. Word Counts: 779 words
Warnings: unplanned pregnancy‼️, PG13.
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You honestly have no idea what it’s gonna be like to have a child with Kim Namjoon. You thought about it a lot, and all you could see is them watching “Friends” together. It’d be nice if your child gets the intelligence from Namjoon, but it’d be rather worrisome if your child becomes the king of destruction jr..
The whole children thought wasn’t bothering you at all in the past since they were literally just thought, but now you are sitting on the toilet seeing the two lines on the pregnancy test you bought on your way back home.
So you are pregnant with Kim Namjoon’s baby. Your baby’s father is currently having a whole fan meeting in Busan, and will be having another one soon. He really really likes fan meetings, so delivering the news to him now might not be the best idea since you are 120% sure he will start acting weird during fan meetings. You know this by heart since that’s exactly what happened when you first started dating. Although you told him you are totally fine with him being cute with his fans, he was still so awkward that some fans started suspecting whether he was dating, and that ended up on some major newspapers, but luckily nobody found out who his secret girlfriend is and your relationship got to remain underground. You really would not like it to happen a second time.
You decide to keep it until his week off before the next tour. After all he can’t show much on the concerts.
Namjoon is currently staying in Seoul for the comeback shows, so you pretty much get to see him everyday after work. That makes you really happy, and being able to cook for two is something that you really enjoy.
You hear the doorbell while prepping for dinner, apparently he forgets his keys again. You welcome him with a big hug and a gentle kiss on his cheek, then close the door behind him.
“Dinner’s almost ready!!! Change up and go wash your hands. ”You help him with his coat and hang them up on the rack, then go back to the kitchen to bring the plates out.
He gives you a cute smile that he does with his dimples showing and gently squeezes your cheeks: “I can smell it already— I’m starving. ”
Once you get all settled down in the dinning room, you start telling each other the fun stuff that happened at work. Namjoon always gives you updates on the fans that he noticed and you really love hearing how much he’s loved by armies.
He’s telling you about a fan that is wearing 5 Koya plushies on her head while you putting a slice of mushroom in your mouth. Mushroom is your favorite vegetable, so you didn’t think twice before eating it. You are about to make a comment on what he’s saying, but this weird feeling rises up from your stomach and you start retching really hard before you can say anything.
Namjoon becomes worried real quick, and puts down the food to come check on you. The sickness you felt is only getting worse, so you have to run to the bathroom and start throwing up. Namjoon is super helpless at this point, he doesn’t know what to do other than handing you paper towels and patting on your back, so he just starts asking a series of questions: “Baby, are you ok? Are you sick or something? Should we get to the hospi- ”
“Kim Namjoon, ”You have to take a break from all the vomiting to calm him down. There’s no way you can cover this up at this point, so you might as well be honest: “I’m not sick, I’m pregnant. ”
You go back to throwing up while Namjoon comes to this long pause. He still looks in shock even after your sickness goes away.
You take a water cup and rinse your mouth with some water, then squeeze his cheek like he always does to you.
“What are you thinking president? Act more naturally in public this time alright? ”
Even though you told him it isn’t necessary, he insists to bring you to get your marriage certificate the second day while making multiple attempts to put his ear against your belly and telepathically communicate with the baby somehow on the way.
He is then caught shopping at a maternity store buying family matching kermit crab pajamas three days later, and thanks to that this time your face along with the picture of the two of you in the line for marriage certificate finally made it to the headline of all newspapers.
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💜Baby, I think I’m pregnant Project Masterlist💜
Check out my overall masterlist for more!
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thestaytinies · 6 years
Ateez: How you meet in college
Hello it took me some while but i finally finished this scenario. My vacation is also over so it might take some time before I finish a project but I will keep on doing my best! So now enjoy reading :)
Ps. Does someone know how to add a "keep reading" thing when you are on mobile? I tried a few things but it didn't work.
Your roommate just got a new boyfriend. There where never any problems with her previous boyfriends but this one had no shame and it started to affect your roommate. She invited you to watch a movie together but you couldn't enjoy it because they were heavily making out beside you. So you went back to your room and put on your headphones to listen to some music. After some time you looked at your clock and realized you had to sleep because college is a bitch and you had morning classes. You removed your headphones because you couldn't fall asleep like that and just before you reached the light switch you heard your roommate say: "So the save word is bananarama". You knew you had to get out of here or else you would be traumatized for life. You took your pillow and blanket and dashed out of your apartment. You didn't know where to go but then you saw a guy down the floor, trying to open the door to his apartment. It was probably a mixture of shock and tiredness to make you do this, but the next thing you did was to walk up to this stranger and say: "My roommate's boyfriend is staying over so can I please sleep on your floor?" He was startled because you came out of nowhere but then he laughed. "I know how that is! Come in and don't worry, you can sleep here but not on the floor. I have a spare bed. Oh and by the way my name is Hoongjoong, will you tell me your name cute stranger?" Let's just say that wasn't the last time you stayed over at his place.
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You always had a passion for animals and wanted to get one when you went to college but unfortunately your college did not permit any kind of animals in the dorms. Because you had a single room you often got kind of lonely, so when you saw that a pet shop was giving away 3 little hermit crabs with everything you need for them because no one wanted to buy them, you just had to take this opportunity and took them home with you. They were really cute and you had a lot of fun with them but you knew you had to be careful because the RA on your floor was very strict. At least that's what people told you. You never actually met him and the only thing you really knew was that he was strict and his name was Seonghwa. But hermit crabs were quiet so there was absolutely no chance that he was going to find out about them. Well that's at least what you thought. One day you let them out into your room so that you could clean their aquarium in peace. It wasn't too big so you could carry it with one hand and sneak it inside the dorms the they that you got them. When you were finished, you looked around your room and only saw 2 of your hermit crabs. That's when you noticed that your door was slightly open. You placed the other crabs back in the aquarium as fast as you could and dashed out of your room while still trying to be as careful as possible, because you were afraid that you might step on your little friend. You turned around the corner of your floor and that's when you saw a guy had just picked up your little crab. You didn't know what kind of person he was and what he would do next so you quickly spoke up. "Excuse me, that's my hermit crab". "Oh is that so? But you know that pets are prohibited right?" That's when you knew you fucked up because the very strict RA Seonghwa was standing in front of you, with your hermit crab in his hand that you clearly shouln't have. Just as you began to form an excuse in your head he spoke up again. "How about this, I'm not going to report you but you have to let me play with it for a little while". Oh so hermit crabs seemed to be his weakness. "Sure I have even 3 of them". "Is that so? Then I'm going to visit them whenever I want okay?" You agreed because even though he looked strict you could tell from his voice that he was actually kind of excited. And that's how you met the strict RA of your floor who really wasn't as strict as everyone believed him to be.
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It was 3 am and you were still in the library studying for finals. To say that you were losing your grip on reality was an understatement. As you mixed your coffee and your energy drink together, you saw something white flashing by in the corner of your eyes. You just imagined it right? You started to pack your things because you were obviously going insane. But then you heard something fall to the ground and when you looked in the direction of the sound, you saw the same white thing going to another aisle. At this point you were sure that this thing must be a ghost. So you did what every person in your situation would do. You took your book, ran to the aisle you saw the ghost went to and when you saw the white thing you striked it across the head. "AUUU!!", oh there was an impact, seems like the ghost was just another person. The guy looked at you like you were insane (which at this point you were) and asked you "why did you hit me with your book, what have I done to deserve this?" In your shock you replied with the first thing that came to your mind, the truth."I thought you were a ghost". "So the thirst thing you do when you see a ghost is strike it across the head?", "Yes". The guy thought for a while and you debated if you should just run away but then he spoke up again. "Well my name is Yunho and I'm not a ghost, and you are probably studying for finals because that would explain so much right now", "You are right and may I ask what you are doing here?", "I was looking for a book that I really wanted to read", "at 3 am in the morning?", don't judge me, at least I'm not going around hitting strangers". You had to laugh at his last sentence and he did too. He continued "how about this, you are going to sleep, cause you obviously need it and tomorrow we will meet again and you'll buy me some coffee to compensate for my head injury?". "Yeah let's do that". And this is how you became friends with the library ghost.
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You took the course in photography because you thought that it would be an easy way to earn some extra credit and if you improved yourself you might be able to earn some cash with it. But the project your teacher gave you was kind of an obstacle. You had to photograph someone. Doesn't sound so difficult but the teacher is very strict, you thought the only way to get a good grade was to photograph a celebrity. It was already hard enough to get a B in his class, so your hopes for extra credit were crushed. But if you were able to get a good grade on this project then your plan would succeed because the grade would count twice! That's why you couldn't think of anyone who passed your standarts for this photo. You're not arrogant but the person you choose holds your grade in his hand so you had to be picky. Days went by and you still haven't found anyone, the deadline was also getting closer so naturaly you started to panic. You were walking around the campus trying to clear your head when you laid eyes on the most beautiful beeing in the world. The boy was just sitting on a bench, reading a book but it seemed like he was doing something extraodinary. You knew, if you took his photo you would get an A for sure. You wanted to ask him if he would be your model but decided against it and just took his photo then and there. The best photos always come out when they're not forced you thought and thanked yourself for bringing your camera with you. The picture came out great but you felt guilty for taking it without his permission. So you walked up to him and just started to ramble "Hey I just took your picture because you are extremely beautiful and I have to take a picture of someone for my class and I really need this A so please don't make me delete it!" The boy looked puzzled for some seconds but then he smiled and looked even more angelic. "That's okay, I'm flattered that you think you will get an A for my picture. I'm Yeosang and if you feel so bad about it then you can just take me out for lunch if you want". Even the way he spoke was beautiful, so you introduced yourself and exchanged numbers with him to figure out a date for the promised lunch.
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Your college had a large computer room for students that didn't have one at home or just needed this place to do their projects in peace. You were really thankful for that because you didn't have a printer and your laptop decided to break down because apparently it didn't want you to finish your super important project. So you choose a computer that was in a peaceful corner and worked on your project. You were on a roll and finished almost the whole thing. As you saved your project you noticed that a USB drive was still on the computer. You didn't mean to spy but your curiosity got the best of you so you clicked on it and opened a file that was named "shiber". Whoever the person was, was obviously obsessed with their plushy but you had to admit it was pretty cute. You didn't want to intrude on the privacy of this person even more so you logged yourself out, unplugged the USB stick and went to the cafeteria to tread yourself for your hard work. You wanted to toss the USB stick into the "lost and found" box your college had but decided against it when you saw a boy with a cute plushy in his backpack. He was sitting alone munching on a sandwich. You knew you had to tell him that you looked into his file but it was better than dropping the USB into the box because there were some people who took some things even though they didn't belong to them. So you tapped him on the shoulder and started to speak: "Hi, I found your USB stick still plugged in one of the computers in the computer room. I didn't mean to spy but I clicked on the file named shiber that's how I knew it must be yours. I'm really sorry but I have to say that your shiber is very cute!" The boy smiled at the last statement. "Thank you, I didn't even notice that I lost it. And it's okay that you looked at it, honestly I like showing him off. I'm San by the way and I would like to buy you a sandwich or whatever you would like for giving me my USB back and for complimenting shiber". You accepted his offer and spend the rest of the evening and many following ones with him and shiber.
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College was stressful. You knew that before you decided to apply for it but you still got overwhelmed with the amount of work you had to do. So when you found a cookie shop not to far away from campus you were more than thrilled. The cookies looked so good and when you went inside you were greeted with a cute smile from the cashier. After you ordered your cookie you realized that they were not only pleasent to the eyes but also really tasty. From then on you went to the shop almost everyday and it was somehow always Mingi's (that's what his name tag said) shift even though you went there at different times. One might say it must be fate but you were just embarassed because he knew you came here everyday and was probably judging you. That still didn't stop you from going there though because you needed the cookies for your sanity. But then the day came you were long dreading. You tried all the cookies you had so today you had to decide which one you would buy for the second time. This wouldn't be such a problem if you didn't feel like crap today. You just couldn't think of one that would make you feel better. You entered the shop and stood a litte away from the display so that Mingi knew you had to think a bit, but to your suprise he spoke up: "Hey I can make you a new cookie you haven't tried yet if you want". So he knew that you tried every cookie in the shop, how embarassing but you still agreed and he went to the back just to return with the most delicious looking cookie you've ever seen. "Here it's for free since it's just something i was experimenting with, let me know how it tasted when you come here again". You thanked him and left the shop because you noticed that your face was getting tomato red. As you bit into the cookie you felt all your energy come back, probably because the cookie was so sweet but that was just the thing you needed today. Then you noticed something written one the napkin your cookie was wrapped in. "Hey you looked like you needed the extra sugar today so I hope you don't mind that I made this cookie for you, my loyal and cutest customer. Tell me your name the next time you visit our shop, I would really like to know you better :) - Mingi". You smiled and now you couldn't wait to return to the shop that saved you from the stressful days in college.
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You felt like a creep. 2 weeks ago you noticed that you can see the guy who lives in the hall opposite to yours through his window. It wasn't your intention to watch him but you had to admit that he was very attractive, so it was only natural that your eyes glanced to the window now and then. At first you only looked to get your daily dose of handsome man but after a while you somehow got some motivation from him. When you saw him study, you also got some energy to study for your classes. When you saw that he was drinking, you also remembered that you didn't drink something for a while. When he got some friends over at his place you also texted your friends to hangout. He somehow got his life together even though college could be hell and you took some inspiration from him to improve your life. You never spoke to him but he still helped you through rough days. Even though you had no bad intentions while watching him you still felt like a weirdo so you decided that today would be the last day of watching him and thanked him in your head for helping you so much. But you needed to learn to do this things by yourself, because he wouldn't be there your whole life. What you didn't expect though was him undressing in his room. He never did that, which you were very thankful for, so to say that you where shocked was an understatement. You just couldn't take your eyes off when he took his shirt off and you saw his slight muscular chest. But when his hands started to unbutten his trousers, you knew you couldn't keep watching and closed your curtains as fast as you could. Your heart was racing but at least you got the best out of this last day. You opened the curtains slightly when the next morning arrived but didn't dare to look at the direction of his window. When you opened your door you saw a piece of paper on the floor. You picked it up and started to read. "Hi, my name is Wooyoung but you probably know me as the hot guy from the window opposite to yours. I noticed you looking at me and found it kind of cute how I made you remember to do the same things that I did. But I liked it even more how you didn't intrude on my privacy when I was changing yesterday and closed your curtains. So how about you come over when you have time so I can give you some advice in person? ;)" You were embarassed but also quite happy about the message and when you turned around to look outside the window you saw him standing at his, waving at you and giving you a cheeky wink.
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You were on your way to the study hall in your college. Exams where just around the corner and you had to study a lot, you were unfortunately one of those people who couldn't study at home because you would get distracted by everything there. The study hall had many secluded desks where you could study in peace. They were small so only one person could sit there comfortably. As you entered the room you saw that every desk was occupied. You should have figured as much. You were almost losing hope but then you saw one desk that wasn't occupied. It was only 3 meters away from you! You cheered in your head and looked at the end of the hallway. That's when your eyes locked with another boy. The look in his eyes told you everything. He wanted the desk and he realized you wanted it too. He also had about 3 meters to the desk so you did what any logical person would have done and started to run! He had the same idea. You both reached the desk at the same time and grabed the chair. "I was the first one", you shouted. "No it was obviously me!", "I need to study for my exams", "What do you think am I here for?" The other students looked at you annoyed and you didn't want to disturb them more, so you whisper-shouted "we settle this with rock, paper, scissors!". He agreed and you played, only for you to lose. Not accepting your defeat you said: "You have to win 2 out of 3!" He rolled his eyes but complied. You lost again. This time you had to accept the results and you turned around feeling crushed. As you were walking away thinking about failing your exams, the guy spoke up: "Hey wait! I know how stressful it can be to study at home. It might be cramped but how about we just share this desk for now?" You thought about it but it was the best option at the moment. You somehow managed to share the desk without disturbing anyone around and as it turned out, it was really great to study like that. Jongho (as he had told you was his name) didn't distract you and even helped you with some subjects. After this incident you continued to share a desk with him for the next days, even though there where many unoccupied desks beside you.
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(Thats you fighting with him over the desk)
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dandelliongirl · 5 years
New year
And a new decade!
Wow, what an original title.
My Christmas vacation was amazingly cozy. I spent the 23rd-27th of December at home with mum and dad. On the 23rd me and mum went to the flea market to buy yarn and thin knitting needles for my bunny plushie project. We also found an adorable winter themed PowerPuff Girls duvet cover that I got to have in my bed for the holidays.♥
On Christmas Eve I got to watch morning cartoons on mum’s new sofa in my soft Oodie. We spent Christmas Eve traditionally having rice porrige for breakfast, going to take candles to the graves, going to the sauna and having a delicious dinner of smoked fish, salads, roast, mashed sweet potato, fried carrot and parsnip, and a dessert of home made gingerbread ice cream. Then we watched From all of us to all of you and handed out presents. My photo book was a big hit and made both mum and dad tear up. They both loved their moomin themed presents as well. I got Jamie Oliver’s VEG cook book, a radio for my summer house, a face wash from the Body Shop, and some gloves that got mixed up with dad’s at some point. Now mine are pink and mum has a purple pair. My dad also got me a 100 square meters of protected forest that will by law be kept in its natural state forever, which is an incredibly magical and special gift. ♥
On Christmas morning we woke up to the most beautiful snowy landscape and a calm little snowfall. Me and mum shovelled the driveway and went for a really long magical walk to the beach and around our area. The beach was full of little lanterns and candles burning in the snow. In the evening I started knitting my bunny plushie with the instructions found on the book I got at grandmum’s place. Mum helped me get started but I made her entirely by myself. By January 19th she already has a face too, with only a few details missing.
On Boxing Day me and dad drove to see the cousins and mum went to see granny and grandpa. It was really good seeing my cousins again for the first time since I think last Christmas (?), and dad’s cousin visited my aunt that day as well, so dad and his sister got to see their cousin as well. Me and my twin cousins finally made a Whatsapp group, which will make keeping in touch a lot easier.
On the 27th I came back to the apartment to spend some time working on my projects (and play some Sims..). My guy came back home on the 28th and we opened the rest of our presents. We got some cute kitty mugs and some (less cute) moomin pillowcases. I got new socks from my guy’s grandpa and my guy got me the brick oven bakery and the pizza delivery set of Sylvanian Families! ♥ My guy loved his Otamatone and we’ve had a lot of fun with it. ♫
We spent the day before New Years with my twin cousins who came over. We went to a trampoline park and Burger King, and played some Smash Bros Ultimate and Mario Kart. Then we spent about 4 hours until 2 am playing Overcooked. One of the twins works at a fast food restaurant so he was really damn good at coordinating our team. We decided that we would only accept 3 stars and had to spend a lot of time on some of the stages, but it was a blast. My guy is really bad at communication and team work though (heh, sorry) so it sucked for whoever was on his side. My cousins left on the morning of New Years Eve, and our friends came over around 6 pm. We made pizza, talked, went to see the mayor’s speech and watched the fireworks. For once the weather was completely clear and comfortably warm so the fireworks were a lot of fun. After midnight we spent the rest of the night until 6 am playing a quiz game, cards against humanity and Overcooked. I’m so glad I went back to work on the 7th and not on the 2nd.
My New Year’s resolutions this time are to continue working on my crafts and finish at least 2 of them, to only buy recycled items (apart from a couple things that I’ve planned on and needed to buy for a while), trying to spend a plastic free July (no single use plastics or plastic packaging), continuing my photo project with at least 3 photoshoots, working on my grimoire and finishing at least 12 pages, continuing to play the piano and get better at reading sheet music, spending the coziest and witchiest summer at my cottage/summer house, reading/listening to books and stretching/body care. A lot of these are things that are already habits and a part of my life so they aren’t that big of a deal even though the list is long. Mainly my resolutions are there just to push me to continue creating. I have set a date around midsummer/Litha to check my progress. So far piano has definitely already fallen behind so I need to try and pick that back up real soon. I have my new pile of sheet music books to start with.
So my winter has been filled with cottage visits nearly every weekend. At Christmas we went for a bonfire and carols. We have been feeding lots of little birds, walking in the nature and even went ice skating last weekend. This winter has been almost entirely snowless and very warm, and the birds are already singing and starting to nest even though it’s only January. There is no snow on the lake ice so last weekend my mum, dad and I had a perfect private skating rink with some magical sunshine and beautifully frosted trees. These are the moments that make winter worth it even though the lack of snow makes everything so dark, which makes me so incredibly sleepy. Luckily the days get about 7 minutes longer every day. It’s already almost light out when I leave work. Only 3-4 more months until we get to spend more time at the summer house, and soon I’ll be out there on that lake on my SUP board. That place truly heals me and helps me remember what's important in life. Nature is always beautiful no matter the weather, and everything over there has a purpose, unlike in the city.
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Almost all of my apple seeds sprouted, and every one of my first saplings has already died from what I suspect is the lack of light. Some of the second batch are still alive, and I’ve got a third batch to plant. Hopefully those will make it to be planted outside. I even picked up a board from our cottage shed to make a windowsill in the kitchen for the saplings.
My guy and I have been enjoying our second playthrough of the Witcher 3, this time on the Switch. I love laying on the sofa all warm and cozy in my Oodie and working on my crafts, or putting photos in an album while he plays. Our PC playthrough was tedious because I had to sit down and do nothing through hours of gwent or side quests. Now I get to lie down and work on my own projects during the side quests. The PS2 era graphics do bother me a bit, but the story is immersive enough and the cutscene quality is not reduced too bad.
The first 2 weeks of work have been pretty decent. I’ve even had a couple of good days. ☼ I’m about to start a rough spring of trainings for both staff and teachers, which will be mentally exhausting, but I will try to keep myself busy with hobbies, and enjoy the coming spring to the fullest. January has already flown by, which is both exciting and scary. As for working out, this spring I’ve got a lineup of body combat, the occasional 45 minute guided meditation class (which I love because last week we had a body scan meditation and that’s my favourite type), HIIT ‘45 whenever I can leave work early to go to class, and ballet.
Yesterday we celebrated grandad's 90th birthday. Lately I’ve been really sad thinking about my aging grandparents. I recently went through my old post cards because I’m planning on making some crafts with them, and while doing that I found all of granny and grandpa’s letters and post cards and got some very emotional flashbacks to my childhood and the stories grandmum used to tell me. After a few glasses of cognac grandpa gave me a really emotional and sweet speech about how proud he is of me and how he remembers the time the swing in their yard broke down from under me and the times he taught me how to ski. He has truly taught me to never give up and be resilient in everything I do. I love my grandparents so much and I want to try and spend as much time with them as possible. It is so unfair that we never get enough time to spend with all the loved ones... Regardless, happy 90th birthday to the best grandpa. ♥ ♥ I love you so much.
Speaking of family and celebrations, I was asked to be a bridesmaid to my friend whom I've known since kindergarten. It is an incredible honor and I really can’t put into words how special it is to have someone who’s known me since I was 4 years old - and now she’s getting married! I will do my best to make her day special, but it is a lot of stress and pressure on me - especially as I’ve never planned a wedding and I’ve only been to 2 in very recent years. Her other bridesmaid got engaged the same week as she did so they are both planning on getting married the same month. We’ll see how that goes, and if one of them has to postpone their wedding or not, but regardless the other bridesmaid won’t have as much time and focus for my friend as I will since she’ll be planning her own wedding at the same time.
I think we only have 61 or 62 days until Animal Crossing New Horizons, and still no AC direct. Instead we’ve had a Pokémon direct and a Smash Bros direct.. If preordering seems worth it and/or there is a Switch console bundle I’ll take the 20th of March off work to go get it in the morning. We were planning on taking a trip to Japan this spring but we’ve postponed it until the autumn since the Super Nintendo World will be opening in the summer, and my guy can earn some money at his summer job.
Me and my friend were going to have a photoshoot today but the weather isn’t great (it’s very windy) and she had a weird stomach bug last night so we postponed. Instead I’m trying to finish up some odd to-do list jobs so that I can start preparing for Imbolc. It’s coming up so fast, but that’s also very exciting. ☼
0 notes
daydreaming-ace · 4 years
Screw it, I’m making an info post for the human donors of the “Numbered 1 through 13″ group... Notes will either be about their relationship with their respective member of the group, or about the donor in general (if there’s information that wasn’t given before).
Note: I used this picrew (adrisona maker) for the pictures of the OCs, since I don’t have the ability to draw yet.
Under the cut!
1′s Donor = Dr. Benjamin “Ben” Lightman
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Full Name: Benjamin Henry “Ben” Lightman
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Orientation: Asexual Biromantic
Occupation: Scientist in the Crash Testing Department (pre-incident), College Professor (post-incident)
Note 1: Knows that he’s related to 1, but they weren’t really allowed to talk to her.
Note 1.5: When he’s finally given the chance to talk to 1, he’s mainly surprised that she’s taller than them. 
Note 2: He works in the Crash Testing Department, and is one of the last scientists to stop Viri from walking into something (if Meri, Winter, or someone else in Edibles hasn’t stopped him already).
Note 3: Yes, he’s American. Yes, they sound European. He’s listened/watched too many European podcasts/shows. 
Note 4: He’s the stressed dad of the Crash Testing Department. The Crash Testing Department shares 2 braincells, and he has one of them 24/7.
Note 5: He’s basically an uncle to a majority of a “Numbered 1 through 13″ group pre-incident (minus 1, 11, 8, 3, and 9), but he becomes an uncle to the rest of the group once he meets them. 
2′s Donor = Analyn Flores-Blanco
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Full Name: Analyn Rosa Flores-Blanco
Online Name: Retro_Heartz
Age: 37
Gender: Cassgender
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Orientation: Bisexual Aromantic
Occupation: Streamer, Voice Actor, Youtuber, Photographer
Note 1: They have never met 2, but she knows he exists. They know that he’s related to her, but they don’t know that 2 isn’t fully human.
Note 1.5: The two only meet after she moves near the Main Lab (after the Main Lab Incident). To say that “she was surprised by 2″ would be an understatement. 
Note 2: She’s friends with Meri. The two mainly talk to each other via text, though, before she moved. 
Note 3: They’re a great actor, and can easily change how her voice sounds. This has caused Meri confusion over Analyn‘s voice.
Note 4: She likes playing video games, and has made a job out of it. She's mostly known for her Minecraft Roleplay, though.
Note 5: She likes bright colors, mainly shades of pink. They wanted to dye her hair pink, but they just never around to doing it.
Note 5.5: Her online name came from her love of hearts and bright colors (she mainly likes the retro genre of bright colors).
3′s Donor = Dr. Eva Knightly-Scott
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Full Name: Eva Alya Knightly-Scott
Age: 41
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: She/Her, Xe/Xim
Orientation: Demisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Medical Doctor at the Main Lab (pre-incident), Medical Doctor at a Hospital (post-incident)
Note 1: Xe has met 3, main due to incidents where they passed out from inhaling too much smoke, but she hasn’t exactly gotten to know aer personally.
Note 2: Xe and Wally (8′s donor) don’t exactly get along. They’re not enemies, they just don’t agree on things like ice cream flavors, movies, or if night-lights are necessary.
Note 2.5: “And they were roommates!” “oh my god, they were roommates...”
Note 3: Her favorite character was EVE from Wall-E, so xe obviously had to pick “Eva” to be her name.
Note 4: She is terrified of fire, which is terrible when you’re friends with pyromaniacs. 
Note 5: She’s aware that xe wears stupid shirts, and purposely does it to annoy Wally. 
4′s Donor = Carter Maheswaran
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Full Name: Carter Maheswaran
Age: 40
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: They/Them, He/Him, She/Her
Orientation: Asexual Aromantic
Occupation: Teacher for the “Numbered 1 through 13″ Group (pre-incident), High School Teacher (pre-incident, post-incident), Podcaster (post-incident)
Note 1: He likes hanging out with 4, and likes teaching them new things. Xe is also very easy to teach, which is very surprising (she had expected aer to be more rowdy, if 13 had taught them anything).
Note 1.5: In all honesty, He’s kind of worried for 4, since they don’t ask any questions about subjects... at all.
Note 2: He often loses her glasses, and gets them mixed up with someone else’s glasses. This has caused situations where they have accidentally stolen someone else’s prescription. 
Note 2.5: He actually met many of her friends because they accidentally stole their glasses, and then needed to give back the stolen glasses. This has happened many times with Dr. Park!
Note 3: In all honesty, he has no idea how she got to work at a laboratory... The job’s nice, they just don’t know how he got there! 
Note 4: He is related to Viri (cousins). As cousins, the two will annoy each other because they have no siblings to annoy.
Note 4.5: Carter has been a model for some of Viri’s projects. He still has some of the outfits and cherishes all of them.
Note 5: He’s the type of person to know the lore of her favorite video games, but never play the video games. Especially horror games.
5′s Donor = Dr. Winter Miele (already mentioned in this info post and this post)
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Full Name: Winter Marion Miele
Age: 27
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: None
Orientation: Asexual Aromantic
Occupation: Scientist in the Edibles Department (pre-incident), Baker (post-incident)
Note 1: Didn’t learn about 5 until after the Main Lab Incident. Winter was upset that the lab using DNA to create children without anyone’s knowledge, but Winter still greatly cares about 5. 
Note 2: Winter is both strong and tall, which is useful in the Edibles Department.
Note 3: Musicals are Winter’s passion, and Winter will sing along if you start singing something from a musical Winter knows. 
Note 4: Since Winter can’t remember names, Winter always gives people nicknames. The only ones that don’t have nicknames are the ones that have nametags on them at all times (Charletta, Carter)
Note 5: Winter has no idea how the Main Lab got DNA from Winter, which annoys Winter to no end. It’s possible that it was because of the voluntary “DNA tests for a study”, but Winter doesn’t remember getting paid money for that (and Winter would’ve been 12 at the time...).
6′s Donor = Dr. Jericho “Moony” Tyler
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Full Name: Jericho “Moony” Tyler
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Orientation: Demisexual Homoromantic
Occupation: Scientist in the Chemistry Department (pre-incident), Photographer (pre-incident, post-incident), Chef (post-incident)
Note 1: 6 doesn’t really go near him, since they work in Chemistry and there’s a lot of fire there. 
Note 1.5: A majority of the time, Moony’s in Chemistry doing work. When they’re not in the Chemistry Department, they’re at their house that’s off-site.
Note 2: His nickname came from the fact that most of his photographs are of the moon, or (at least) includes the moon in the background. 
Note 3: They have nicknamed Wally “Zuko”, since he has parental issues and he likes rainbow fire. They use nicknames exclusively with him, and no one else, because Wally is annoyed by the nicknames.
Note 4: His main job is to mix chemicals together, and then to report what chemicals will explode to the Edibles Department so nothing bad happens. 
Note 5: They often send funny videos to their friends, and then giggle at their friends’ reactions. 
Note 5.5: The only time they didn’t giggle at a reaction was when Winter came over to their house to ask them if they were okay (they had sent a video of themself doing something stupid). They were okay, Winter was just worried about them. 
7′s Donor = Dr. Oliv Vinstock (already mentioned in this info post and this post)
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Full Name: Oliv Ine Vinstock
Age: 28 
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: They/Them
Orientation: Demisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Scientist in the Robotics Department (pre-incident), Security Guard (post-incident, temporarily), Engineer (post-incident)
Note 1: Has a great relationship with 7, but was unaware that 7 was biologically related to them. 
Note 1.5: They just saw a random kid in the Robotics Department and didn’t even question it. Their first thought was “Oh, nice! They’re finally touring down here now! :)”, and then never questioned why 7 kept returning.
Note 2: When they find out that 7 is related to them, their only reaction is “Neat!” before continuing with their life. They had already adopted 7 as their child at that point.
Note 3: After the Main Lab Incident, Oliv befriended new people. Some of their friendships had an odd start, but the friendships are improving!
Note 4: They have a collection of stuffed animals, either from the Main Lab souvenir shop or from other places. They literally have giant bear plushies from after Valentine’s Day.
Note 5: The only reason the Main Lab had Oliv’s DNA when they were 13 was because the lab was doing “DNA tests for a study”. These were voluntary, and the lab would give out money, so that’s the reason Oliv volunteered for the test.
Note 5.5: The Main Lab didn’t care about morals with the voluntary “DNA tests for a study”, so they didn’t care if a child volunteered at the time. The current head of the Main Lab hasn’t found out about this, so no investigations have been started.
8′s Donor = Dr. Wally Watanabe
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Full Name: Wally Watanabe
Age: 39
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Queer
Occupation: Medical Doctor at the Main Lab (pre-incident), High School Substitute Teacher (post-incident)
Note 1: He found out he was related to 8 because he had to look through the medical files. He relayed this information to 8 (she was right there when he read it), and then they started to hang out.
Note 1.5: Eva also found out when she found the two of them playing a Lego game. Now 8 has three loving parents (then 8 got more after the Main Lab Incident)!
Note 2: The Medical Station has a refrigerator, and he uses word magnets to make poetry. He also uses the bird magnets to make his own Troubled Birds.
Note 3: He has a pet parrot named Payne. The parrot is named Payne because he likes making the joke “You are now experiencing window, Payne” whenever Payne sits near a window.
Note 3.5: Eva will never admit it, but she thinks the pun is funny.
Note 4: His favorite movie is WALL-E, and he named himself after the main character! The movie is a thing that him and Eva bond over. 
Note 5: There’s a prank war in Mainland High (the local high school), and Wally has formed an alliance with Carter to prank the other teachers. 
9′s Donor = Martin Campbell
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Full Name: Martin Campbell
Age: Around 37*
Gender: Gendervague
Pronouns: They/Them, Ve/Vem (sometimes)
Orientation: Asexual Gray-romantic
Occupation: Painter, Parkour, Choreographer, Bookstore Cashier 
*: This is a joke relating to Jeff Blim’s age being listed as “About 37 years” when you search up his age. Martin can also be slightly immortal, as a treat.
Note 1: They aren’t fully aware of 9′s existence as a half-human half-humanoid lifeform, they just know that there’s a random kid who sends them emails on a daily basis.
Note 2: Yes, Martin is aware that they look like Jeff Blim with his hair dyed red, don’t repeat it. 
Note 3: They have no idea why they’re slightly immortal, but it’s nice to not feel pain when you accidentally knock you foot into a corner.
Note 3.5: “Slightly immortal”, in this case, means that the person can’t feel pain because the injury heals quickly. The person is only slightly immortal because they can die, they just heal quickly from injuries. 
Note 4: They are equally chaotic and caring, so they’re basically the fun auncle (aunt/uncle). 
Note 5: Sure, they can dance, but they can’t sing. Seriously, they insist that they can’t sing, don’t force them to sing.
10′s Donor = Josephine “Joey” Moore
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Full Name: Josephine “Joey” Moore
Online Name: ~Lavender_Sugar~
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her, He/Him
Orientation: Asexual Homoromantic
Occupation: Youtuber, Voice Actress, Bookstore Cashier
Note 1: She hasn’t figured out that 10 isn’t fully human yet, even with the odd “shadow” on ger face.
Note 2: She mainly plays stupid games, or does stupid roleplay sessions on her channel. The sessions are stupid, but they somehow have extreme depth. 
Note 2.5: Yes, he has played D&D with some of his friends. He has only gotten d20s when it didn’t really matter (mostly in flirting situations).  
Note 3: Even though her online name is “~Lavender_Sugar~”, she despises the smell and taste of lavender. She only likes the color.
Note 4: Joey has never met Martin because they’re not related. He also has never met Martin because they work at different times at the same bookstore. 
Note 4.5: They have only run into each other a few times, but have never talked because Martin was in a hurry to do something. 
Note 5: Joey has no idea why, but she fears open spaces. For some reason, she has a reoccurring dream/nightmare about an open field with someone in front of her. 
11′s Donor = Dr. Charletta Lin
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Full Name: Charletta “Charlotte” Lin
Online Name: JustCharlotte 
Age: 37
Gender: Egogender
Pronouns: She/Her, Ge/Gem
Orientation: Demisexual Polyromantic
Occupation: Scientist in the Extraterrestrial Department (pre-incident), Podcaster (post-incident), Youtuber (post-incident), Translator (post-incident)
Note 1: Ge has met 11, but hasn’t exactly gotten to personally know her. Most of the time, their interactions have been because 11 accidentally teleported into her office.
Note 2: Her main job was translating non-human messages into human languages (commonly from Morse Code into English). She’d sometimes have to translate directly so humans could have conversations with non-humans.
Note 2.5: Ge has struggled with ana’s language, since ana likes to give false translations as a joke. Ge has only gotten ana’s name correct, according to ana.
Note 3: She sort of knows ASL, but she doesn’t know enough to have a full conversation. She’s currently learning more ASL, and trying to memorize the signs.
Note 4: Ge used to date Joey, but now they’re only BFF’s. They sometimes meet up to have marathons and/or talk about mutual fandoms.
Note 5: Charletta once asked “Which left?” when asked to read something on the left side of her screen, and Joey has never let her life it down.
Note 5.5: Joey was gems only witness, but now many people are now aware of Charletta’s “Which left?” moment.
12′s Donor = Dr. Marian Santiago-Rodriguez
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Full Name: Marian Sixten* Santiago-Rodriguez
Online Name: MartianPink
Age: 39
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic (Poly)
Occupation: Scientist in the Crash Testing Department (pre-incident), Youtuber (post-incident), Podcaster (post-incident), Baker (post-incident)
*: Marian was born on June 10th, making “Sixten” mean that they were born on the tenth day of the sixth month.
Note 1: They have met 12, and they have a pretty nice relationship with xer. They don’t know that they’re specifically related to 12, but they know that they’re related to someone in the “Numbered 1 through 13″ group.
Note 2: Loves musicals! Specifically Starkid musicals! 
Note 3: Marian also loves cartoons, and will gladly talk about toons for hours if you let them.
Note 4: They're married to Dr. Cats Park <3. They love her very much, and the both of them love Sam (”an eldritch being that calls itself Sam”) very much.
Note 5: They used to work in the Crash Testing Department, and they got to use the whiteboard for Gay Crime >:).
Note 5.5: They now work in a bakery, and they still get to use the whiteboard for Gay Crime >:)!
13′s Donor = Dr. Catherine “Cats” Park
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Full Name: Catherine “Cats” Park
Online Name: KitKattySpooks
Age: 38
Gender: Genderqueer
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Queer (Poly)
Occupation: Scientist in the Crash Testing Department (pre-incident), Podcaster (post-incident), Streamer (post-incident)
Note 1: She doesn’t personally know 13, but she has been a victim to their pranks.
Note 1.5: 13 often uses the sticky-note prank on her. She responds to every single sticky note with her own sticky-notes...
Note 2: She’s known for knocking on the door to Marian’s office, before slamming the door open, and then excitedly talking to Marian about a new musical/podcast/TV show they introduced to her. 
Note 3: She has a lisp, and she always apologizes in advance to anyone that has an “s” sound in their name. (the most infamous apology was with her now-spouse, Dr. Santiago-Rodriguez)
Note 4: If you couldn’t tell, she’s married to Dr. Marian Santiago-Rodriguez. The both of them love Sam (”an eldritch being that calls itself Sam”) very much, also. <3
Note 5: She wanted to be a tour guide for the Main Lab, but they wouldn't let her due to her lisp.
Note 5.5: She has a podcast where she talks about ghosts and cryptids with Carter and Charletta. This is kind of like a small “Fuck you!” to the Main Lab, for her.
Notes About Everyone / Things to Clarify / Miscellaneous 
Note 1: The local high school is called Mainland High School. Their mascot is Nugget the Elf, and Nugget is a nuisance to everyone.
Note 2: Some members of the “Numbered 1 through 13″ group had their respective donor’s surnames given to them while others just stuck with “Ellie”. 
Note 3: There was a week in the Main Lab where everyone was allowed to burst into song whenever they liked. 
Note 3a: Obviously, Marian and Cats chose to sing duets and villain songs (”The villains are given more personality!” according to Marian)
Note 3b: Throughout this entire week, Marian and Winter have never met, seen, or heard each other. 
Note 4: Some of the adults are to blame for the “Numbered 1 through 13″ group’s cursing issues. The issue is most noticeable in Ilya, since they use “fuck you” an awful lot. 
Note 5: The Minecraft RP that Analyn is a part of includes Meri (screen name: Merily345), Charlie (screen name: GodlyPardner), and Joey (screen name: ~Lavender_Sugar~).
Note 5.5 (1): Charlie’s the most noticeable player, since he also streams. There was a time where he was called LonelyPardner.
Note 5.5 (2): This nickname was given due to the fact that another player blew up the entire town in a Doomsday Event. This event left Charlie homeless, and caused him to run away and live in the nearby forest for 5 months in RP canon.
Note 6: Analyn and Cats have only collabed once, and it ended up with everyone in the RP server dying from Cats’ Unlucky Lucky Blocks.
Note 7: The human donors that have some relation to eldritch beings (Cats, Marian, Charletta, Carter) have nightmares relating to the eldritch being they have a relation to.
Note 7.5 (1): Cats’ nightmares relate to being watched, being surrounded by darkness, and no one remembering her.
Note 7.5 (2): Marian’s nightmares relate to spiders, being unable to prevent terrible events, and being controlled by something else.
Note 7.5 (3): Charletta’s nightmares relate to an angelic figure, being in an endless white void with no exits, and the fear of being unable to wake up. 
Note 7.5 (4): Carter’s nightmares relate to being alone, constantly witnessing something even when their eyes are closed, and being unwanted.
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