#I finally started 911
xiyade · 2 years
okay I'm being mean again but I will never treat the "I'll be super depressed and probably commit suicide because of my parents' divorce" thing seriously. You're telling me you believed in love in marriage after the age of 5?? Grow the fuck up
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chenfordsbee · 5 months
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EVAN BUCKLEY and EDDIE DIAZ in 9-1-1 s3ep18
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elliethefroggy · 15 days
Operation Seduction
One night when Buck is a bit tipsy, he takes one of those online sexuality tests. The internet informs him that he’s bisexual.
After he sobers up, he starts to consider the possibility that he’s not as straight as he’d previously thought. He takes a few weeks to discretely stare at pretty men. Reads through some forums. Wanders into a few gay bars. Has one very messy make-out session with a man in one of those gay bars (it’s for science).
Thanks to his very scientific research, he realises that not everything you read on the internet is a lie, and that yes, he’s bisexual.
But that realisation doesn’t change the fact that he’s looking for a long-term commitment, no longer interested in flings and one night stands. He wants to settle down.
Though thanks to his recent revelation, this does mean that his dating pool has significantly expanded, allowing room for a whole new gender.
Then in waltzes Tommy, here to save the day. Here to fly them into a literal hurricane. Tommy Kinard. Hot pilot extraordinaire with an amazing cleft chin, an even better ass, pecks Buck wants to smother himself with, and attractive amount of confidence to boot.
How could Buck resist?
But before he gets ahead of himself, Buck has to figure out if Tommy is actually attracted to men. This is rendered easy by the fact that Chimney can’t keep a secret to save his life and is always willing to wax poetic about how cool Tommy is. One not-so-subtle interrogation later, Buck is now aware that Tommy is both very gay and very single.
The next obvious step is to see if Tommy is attracted to Buck. Now Buck knows how to pick up woman. He’s very good at it. He imagines it can’t be that much different to pick up men (if his one make-out session with a man was anything to go by).
But Buck is a changed man. He is Buck 4.0. He doesn’t want to hook up with Tommy. He doesn’t want a one-night stand or a messy make out session in a dark corner of a bar. He doesn’t want to start dating Tommy immediately after sleeping with him only for their relationship to fizzle out a few months down the line because of lack of communication and a misunderstanding of each other’s wants and needs.
So he tests the waters first. Starts hanging out with Tommy more. Gets an invite to those pub quizzes. Takes Tommy up on those flying lessons. Invites Tommy out to as many pretentious craft breweries he can find (that’s another hot tip he weaseled out of Chim).
During all this, his shorts get smaller and smaller. His tops get skimpier and more form-fitting. He wears less sleeves. He starts discreetly flexing in Tommy’s company. He rushes to the gym area whenever Tommy visits the fire station, showing off how much he can lift. He also uses any excuse to take his shirt off around Tommy to the point of pretending to spill greek yogurt all over his front on two occasions.
Buck pays close attention to Tommy’s every expression. He notices when Tommy’s eyes linger on the almost indecent amount of skin Buck is showing. Notices Tommy staring at Buck’s biceps whenever Buck forgoes sleeves. Notices Tommy’s gaze slide down to Buck’s lips whenever they’ve had a little too much fancy craft beer.
Operation Seduction is a go.
Buck ever so slowly starts making their hangouts more and more romantic.
At first, it’s just sandwiches on a bench in a nice park after a shared workout session.
Yes, he did stake out the park beforehand.
Yes, he did choose a nice, secluded bench where they wouldn’t bothered by too many people.
Yes, the bench just so happens to be located next to a very nice flower bed.
And yes, he did spend an hour preparing these sandwiches before the gym, and they tasted fucking fantastic. Admittedly, the deliciousness of the sandwiches does become detrimental when Tommy bites into his and moans around his mouthful.
He takes Tommy out to a nice restaurant with low lighting, cosy booths and excellent pasta. No candles on the table yet, though; it’s too soon for candles. But, the tables are small enough that Buck and Tommy’s long legs are pressed together during the whole meal.
He starts carrying around Tommy’s favourite snacks whenever he has a flying lesson.
(Buck’s heard that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and Buck is taking that very seriously).
Buck thinks his plan is going brilliantly, that he’s the height of discretion.
Tommy being Tommy, he notices all of this. From Buck’s outfits losing more and more fabric to the ever-closing distance between their bodies. He lets it play out for while, wanting to see where Buck goes with whatever he’s doing, but all Buck does is shower him in ever more delicious sandwiches.
It’s not until they’re having a not-officially-romantic walk along the beach as the sun is setting that Tommy finally asks the question he’s been puzzling over for a few weeks.
“What exactly is going on here, Evan?” Tommy asks.
“What do you mean?” Buck asks back, knowing exactly what Tommy is referring to, but trying to buy himself a little time. He’s figuratively hitting himself over the head because of course a sunset walk along the beach was too obvious. They should have gone bowling instead; there’s nothing romantic about bowling shoes.
“Come on,” Tommy says, “The fancy dinners, the even fancier sandwiches, the sunset walks,” he says, waving at the beach they were standing on, the gentle orange rays turning everything soft and golden.
“Ah. Right. That.” Buck says, pondering what to say. He settles on honesty because he would have had to admit to his plan eventually though that was meant to be at the end of Part 3 of Operation Seduction, and he’s only half way through Part 2. “Well, I’m attempting to seduce you.”
It takes a moment for the words to truly register in Tommy’s mind. And then hope inches its way in.
Because Tommy had an inkling that Evan was attracted to him. But he hadn’t allowed the hope to grow; he’d been burned one too many times when it came to romance.
Tommy enjoys Evan’s company, enjoys it more than he probably should. Evan was a fun, lovable man with a beautiful personality and the face to match. What’s not to like. But Tommy hadn’t wanted to ruin their growing friendship by testing out if Evan really liked him or not.
And here’s Evan, having the courage to try what Tommy could not.
“If you’re not interested, I’ll stop immediately, of course. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Evan says when Tommy is quiet for too long.
“I never said I wasn’t interested.” Tommy says immediately, and then watches as a gigantic and oh so sincere smile blossoms on Evan’s face. Tommy can’t do anything but smile back.
“That’s good. Because I really like you,” Evan says.
“Yeah?” Tommy asks, trying to not sound as breathless as he feels because that hope that he has been beating down with a broom is rising up tenfold.
“Yeah,” Evan says, “Does this mean I can continue seducing you?”
“Seduce away,” Tommy says, then adds because he wants Evan to understand, “But you do know I don’t need all that?” Tommy is more than willing to start making out with Evan on the spot now that he knows he hasn’t been imagining all the wanting looks Evan’s been sending his way.
“But I want to,” Evan says, “It’s just, well, I’ve been told that I sometimes take things too fast, especially with dating, and I’m trying to be better about that. I want to be better. I want to do this properly. You’re the kind of person who deserves it. You deserve to be properly courted.”
“Courted? I’m being courted now.”
“Yes.” Evan nods. And Evan means every word, and Tommy sees that, and Tommy really wants that.
“Okay,” Tommy says because what else do you say when a hot, sincere, wonderful guy informs you that he wants to court you in the 21st century? You agree.
After that conversation, they are both on the same page. They’re not dancing around each other, they’re actively dancing towards one another. Though it’s less dancing and more Evan sashaying towards Tommy, a peacock strutting about with its tail feathers out on full display. They both know full well where this is going, how this dance ends, and they’re both happy to take their time on the journey there.
(Though Tommy is a bit impatient to get to the kissing part because he thinks he’ll enjoy kissing Evan quite a lot. But the joy on Evan’s face whenever Evan gets to do something even remotely romantic for Tommy makes the wait worthwhile.)
Once Buck has Tommy’s full permission to continue with seducing him, Operation Seduction goes to a whole new level. No longer needing to be subtle with his interest, Buck gleefully skips all the way to Part 5.
He goes on full seductor mode.
And Tommy has no idea what to do with himself. He hadn’t realised how much Evan was holding back until Tommy gave him the ‘go ahead’, but having Evan’s full attention on him is a thing to behold.
There are hikes in the hills surrounding LA accompanied by picnics at the very top with spectacular views and spectacular company (and also sandwiches that somehow get even fancier).
There is even more craft beer in places so obscure that even Tommy’s never heard of.
There are movie nights filled to the brim with some of Tommy’s favourite romcoms.
It’s not until Evan takes them to a drive-in movie of Love Actually that Tommy realises Evan has an informant, but Tommy is having so much fun that he doesn’t give Chim shit for revealing all his secrets to Evan.
Evan opens the door for Tommy at every opportunity he can get. When they drive somewhere together, Evan will ask Tommy to wait so that Evan can rush around the car to open Tommy’s door for him all the while Tommy stares at him bemused, but charmed all the same.
There are candle-lit dinners with rose petals scattered over the tablecloth. Tommy’s being showered in so many amazing home-cooked meals that he considers upping his work-outs just so he can eat more of them.
And flowers. There are so many flowers. The first time Evan offers him a bouquet, Tommy doesn't know what to say; no one has ever given him flowers before. Tommy couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. He’s sure Evan noticed because barely a week later, he gets another bouquet. Tommy had to go and buy himself a vase because he didn’t have anywhere to put them.
Throughout all of this, Evan is constantly asking Tommy if something is ok, checking in to make sure Tommy isn’t uncomfortable.
On their second sunset walk along a beach, Evan asks Tommy if he can hold Tommy’s hand. And of course, Tommy says yes. Evan’s hand is about as big as Tommy’s, and it’s so warm in Tommy’s own.
After that, Evan is always asking to hold Tommy’s hand no matter where they are or what they’re doing. Tommy says yes every single time. Even if it’s during a long hike or just after a gym session together when their hands are both sweaty and disgusting. And despite doing it so often, Evan always has that big smile on his face whenever Tommy agrees. Tommy is just the same.
But after a few weeks, the anxiety starts creeping in.
Because Tommy’s not used to this. Not used to so much effort being put into dating him (Are they even dating yet? Tommy’s not sure; it definitely feels like dating. But when in the courting process is Tommy allowed to call it dating? He should ask Evan for clarification.)
When it comes to romantic relationships, Tommy is usually the one doing all the work, coming up with all the outing ideas. He’s not used to the reverse, and he’s not completely sure how he’s meant to act in this situation.
When he asks Evan if he should be returning the seduction, Evan smiles at him and says, “You ask me that as though you haven’t already inadvertently seduced me. That terrible fake mouth static really did it for me.”
Evan informs him that he’s meant to sit back and enjoy the ride, nothing more. And so Tommy does.
(Tommy does also ask if they’re allowed to call it dating yet, but according to Evan’s clipboard and the very detailed spreadsheet attached to the clipboard, it is still too early call it dating. Tommy nods in agreement when Evan informs him of that, but Tommy still calls it dating in his head.)
(Tommy tries to ignore how hot and bothered it makes him to see Evan with the clipboard because, according to the spreadsheet, what he wants to do to Evan is not in the cards any time soon.)
But then it’s Buck’s turn to be anxious. The last time he took it this slow was with Abby, and that did not end well.
Despite the very detailed plan, despite all the thought he’s put into Operation Seduction, he wonders if maybe he’s taking it too far.
He knows not everyone likes this pedantic side of him, especially when he’s got a clipboard at hand.
When he shares these worries with Tommy, when he suggests that maybe they give up the plan entirely and just admit that they’ve basically already been dating for months, Tommy refuses.
“You made a colour-coded spreadsheet. Of course, we’re finishing the plan.” Tommy is invested now even though he has long since been seduced. Also, fuck knows how much time Evan took to make the spread-sheet. “What’s next?” He asks.
Evan smiles as he looks down at his phone to open said-spreadsheet (constantly carrying around a clipboard can be a hassle, so he also has a digital version on his phone. Tommy would not mind constantly seeing Evan with a clipboard).
“Uh, right. Next up is star-gazing.”
And so they go star-gazing, and they have an amazing time, just like they always do.
One day, Evan hesitantly asks Tommy if he wants to go on a hot air balloon ride. Like every time Evan asks him for something, Tommy says yes.
Even though Tommy is used to these heights, the hot air balloon ride is amazing (though that could have more to do with Evan than anything. Evan who handed him the largest bouquet of flowers yet before they lifted off and who packed them a whole bunch of Tommy’s favourite snacks for the ride.)
As they admire the view, Evan showers him in so many hot air balloon facts that even the person flying them is riveted.
Evan quiets down after a while because even he had to run out of facts eventually.
Instead, they quietly watch the small world beneath them, shoulders pressed against one another, not an inch of room between them. And it’s nice. It’s so wonderfully nice that Tommy’s starting to suspect that that he’s going to want to keep this, to keep Evan for a long, long while.
“So how far along in the plan are we?” Tommy asks instead of asking how much longer before he gets to kiss Evan.
“Actually, funny you should mention that. This is actually the before-last part of the plan.”
“What’s the last?” Tommy asks.
Evan turns to face him, their shoulders no longer pressed together, but their bodies still so close.
“Tommy Kinard,” Evans says, grabbing Tommy’s hand and interlacing his fingers with Tommy’s, “Will you do me the honour of dating me?”
“There is nothing I would love more,” Tommy says, because again, what else can he say?
They lean into each over even further. Tommy lets go of Evan’s hand and instead places two fingers underneath Evan’s chin, tilting Evan’s head up towards him. And finally, after all this time, they kiss.
Operation Seduction is a resounding success, and the infamous spreadsheet will one day be framed and hanging in a place of honour in their future home.
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like-the-rest-of-la · 2 months
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A Movie-Poster-esk present for @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (and also for @extasiswings because you both wrote the most exquisite 'Carbon Date Me, Excavate Me') for the 9-1-1 Fanworks Festival - @911fanworksfestival!
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
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I keep seeing people say buck has never gotten a breakdown moment and every time I have to reply well what's all this then
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buckera · 6 months
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9-1-1 SEASON 7: FAVORITE MOMENTS ↳ part 2/?
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flimsy-spine · 7 months
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my favorite madney scenes: [29/?] ⇢ What's Next?, 3.18
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star | Tarlos Wedding Pt. 2 -> TK's vows
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chronicowboy · 8 months
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trashendence · 6 months
what if i invited you to join me for a fun activity in the desert even though i know you are in a brand new relationship and what if i avoided telling you about my breakup until you specifically ask about it and what if i watched you defuse yet another explosive weapon that reminds me of our first actual call and what if i told you you turn women off so beautifully and that you marry them just because they were your first and like what if
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bloodsoakedbuckley · 1 month
5.4k words
Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Tags: Getting Together, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Comfort/Angst, POV Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Eddie Diaz Needs a Hug (9-1-1 TV), First Kiss
“Please, just talk to me…”
The crack in his voice would break Eddie’s heart, if there was anything left to break.
“I can’t do this Buck—” His voice is thick, straining out of him, “I can’t. I just…I just…” He has to stop, to pull in a shuddering breath. “I don’t want you here.”
He doesn’t mean it. As it’s coming out, he knows that it's not true. It hurts to form the words, and he can feel the hole in his chest growing bigger as he even considers Buck’s absence, but he can’t take it. He can’t endure the pain of Chris’ leaving with Buck’s eyes trained on his every move. That angel of mercy, radiating devotion, wouldn’t let him sink into the abyss of hurt that’s trying to swallow him whole, and he needs it, he needs it to take him. He needs to atone.
Christopher leaves, the door shuts, Eddie cracks open, spirals, falls, hates himself. Buck is there to pick up the pieces. No matter how hard Eddie tries to stop him.
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colebegins · 1 year
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“i never came to the beach or stood by the ocean;
but you brought be here, and i’m happy that you did
because now i’m as free as the birds catching the wind”
- herne bay malibu
thank you @aliceoseman for creating these characters <3
click image for better quality
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
👨‍👧 :D
“Okay, but why?” She reiterates. “Eddie has other family. You’ve mentioned his aunt and his sisters and parents and cousins and a girlfriend, why are you acting like it has to be you?” 
He stops where he’s throwing his charger into his bag and finally looks at her. “Because it is me, Nat. I am Christopher’s legal guardian if something happens to Eddie. Even before I knew that, Chris is my priority. You know how important he is to me.” He states, unable to understand where her wide-eyed shock is coming from. 
“You’re his godparent?!” She all but yells. 
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, Nat, that’s what I just said.” He huffs, a little annoyed by her continued questioning. He’s pretty sure he’s made it clear that Chris comes first. 
“Buck. You told me about Lucy and Taylor and the sperm donation, but you didn’t think that you having a whole ass child that you’re already responsible for would’ve been important information to share?! Not to mention, you’re apparently Eddie’s medical proxy?!” Buck doesn’t want to say that she shrieks, but that’s the best description he can use. 
“That’s- this- that’s a lot to just put on a person, Buck. I don’t- I think I might need some time to come to terms with that.” She continues. 
He stops dead in his tracks, turning around slowly to stare at her in disbelief. Is she serious? His best friend is fighting for his life in the hospital, his son is scared for his dad and all alone right now, and she’s asking for more time? She already walked out once. Is she going to walk away every single time she learns more about his life? He’s never hidden how important the Diaz’s are to him, it’s not like this is coming out of nowhere. 
He nods slowly, trying to keep the bitterness from consuming him. “If you walk out that door, Natalia, don’t come back.” He says quietly. 
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ofqueensandwitches · 4 months
To put a daddy kink joke there was just so fucking insensitive. Making jokes to cope with your childhood trauma doesn’t excuse the ill-timed daddy kink jokes being made right after your boyfriend told you how worried he was about almost losing his father figure
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imakatperson22 · 5 months
I hold everyone involved in making bi buck canon and then going on a 3 week hiatus at the end of the semester personally responsible for my grade in my stats course going from a B to a C.
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
I might have joked about it when it aired but Buck's subconscious's choice not to include Eddie in this alternate dream world of the s6 coma, to 'send him away', and - when given the opportunity TO see him through 'helping Chris find his dad' he promptly, sadly, ran away from Chris - was absolutely his brain suppressing his true feelings for Eddie as he wasn't ready to deal with them then AND if he HAD seen Eddie, and heard Eddie tell Buck he didn't know him, and hear THIS Eddie’s opinion of his relationship with Buck after having Buck explain it, having Buck actually think about who they are to each other, etc., it would work against him in his fighting for survival.
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