#I feel like you may have already read these bc they're all a bit old or well known but fkshfks haven't read much lately!!Aaah exams yknow :
batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
im a trans boy who has grown up with very oppressive religious parents so ive never gotten the chance to experiment sexually or romantically with peers irl, im about to move to the city for college in the fall
(i will be living on campus with two roommates who i haven't met yet and i know basically nothing about, one of them i will be sharing a bunk bed with)
im really nervous about how im gonna do socially.. ive had a really hard time making and maintaining irl friends for like my entire life, which has been really upsetting for me obviously.
being able to experiment sexually is something im really wanting to do and im really really nervous about it, i know that the most straightforward advice is just "talk about it to people you wanna do sex stuff with" but like everything is new to me i havent had the chance to really socialize irl up until this point and now im being shoved into a group of other young adults who all have the prior experience of being well socialized and having complex interpersonal relationships with peers
i also feel extremely insecure about my lack of experience, like is it actually normal for someone my age to have never had a romantic or sexual encounter? are the things ive discovered and assumptions ive made about myself sexually through masturbating wrong?? i can't watch porn bc looking at strangers having sex grosses me out!! im pretty sure my front hole is like unnaturally tight?? anything wider than two of my fingers is uncomfortable and no matter how much prep and easing myself into it i do, it stays that way.. and i think my cervix is also lower than most, about 3-4 inches is the maximum that i can insert before i can feel it bump my cervix (which hurts REALLY BAD)
im just so nervous and scared about my own body and personality and all that andi don't know where to look for resources or reassurance. ive never been to the doctor for any kind of reproductive care and im really scared to!!! i live in a state that has completely outlawed abortion rights and im really scared that if i go to planned parenthood or something to get like a checkup that they will be mean and not gentle with me
i don't know, i guess im just looking to be heard and hopefully pointed towards some resources if anyone has any, thank you for the work you do and thank you for taking the time to read my panicked ramblings
hi anon,
there's a lot happening here so I'm just doing a numbered list
1.) man, how did the third guy luck out and avoid the bunk bed? you don't have to answer that, I'm just curious how you guys have already worked out that two of you are stuck with the bunk beds. unless you're into bunk beds (I was), in which case mazel tov.
2.) in the nicest way possible, I think you may be vastly overestimating how "well socialized" other students are going to be. reading between the lines a bit, it sounds like you were maybe home schooled, or at least don't have very much experience mingling with other people your age without adult supervision. I guarantee you every public school in the world is also full of introverted freak losers who rock up to college with no idea of what they're doing; I was one of them. the majority of first year college students are also running around panicking and trying to figure out how to be away from their parents for the first time; everyone is a loser and no one is cool.
would it comfort you at all to know that my day job is organizing events at my office's LGBT student resource center? I spend a lot of time hanging out with queer first year students, and I love them dearly, and they're all cringefail losers. it's unavoidable. every 18 year old is a cringefail loser. every single person on Earth looks back at their 18 year old self and goes "goddamn, what a cringefail loser." and it's fine! it's so normal! that's the entire point of your first year of college! you try things and you're socially awkward and you meet some of the most important people you will ever meet and you meet people whose opinions about you won't matter literally at all and you'll completely change how you think about everything for the rest of your life and you'll think you're going to die and everything will be fine!!!!
anyway moving on
3.) it's normal for anyone at any age to have never had a romantic or sexual encounter. I'm assuming you value my insight at least a little, since you sent this, so would it help you to know that I arrived at college as virginal as could be (wildly insecure about it, btw) and didn't have sex for the first time until I was almost 21? would it comfort you to hear from my housemate, also transmasculine, who gave me permission to share that they've never had sex and that none of their life problems really have anything to do with being a virgin?
4.) "are the things ive discovered and assumptions ive made about myself sexually through masturbating wrong??" hard to say, since I don't know what those things are, but probably not. it's extremely hard to get masturbating wrong, no one knows what feels good to you better than you. you're sort of an authority here. masturbating isn't exactly like partnered sex, of course, but it's a really good place to start learning about things that you like and make you feel good.
5.) everything you're describing about your front hole sounds very typical. two fingers is the max number of comfortable fingers for a lot of people, regardless of experience; often, taking something larger doesn't become easier until after having penetrative sex with a partner. average vaginal depth is about 3.6 inches, and while that can increase significantly with arousal, it's something that doesn't generally happen if you're not relaxed during sex. if I can be a bit presumptuous, it sounds like sex and masturbation are maybe a bit anxiety-inducing for you, in a way that is pretty much perfectly contradictory to comfortable penetration. if I can offer you some advice I wish I could give my younger self: calm the fuck down, buy some lube, stop worrying so much about making your body react the way you think it should and learn to appreciate what it's actually doing, and maybe see if your campus has some free therapy options available. anxiety meds probably wouldn't hurt this situation. also stop hitting your cervix if that hurts oh my god.
6.) Planned Parenthood is generally one of the best places to go if you're nervous; they're aggressively queer friendly and tend to be extremely accommodating of patients' needs. I personally do not care for penetration at all and have a difficult time with Pap smears, and every examiner I've ever had at PP has been an angel about letting me take breaks and swear my way through it. it ain't fun, but if you want to have an adventurous sex life you need to take care of the health of yourself and your prospective partners by getting STI tests and Pap smears.
you're so normal, calm down, I love you
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tellnotalespod · 5 months
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TNT S1 E1 - Not For Long came out on 2nd May 2022, which means Tell No Tales turns two today!
(and if we're being honest, TNT being in the terrible twos explains a lot about how emotionally fraught it's been recently)
Going ahead with this show is the best decision I've ever made, and it changed my life for the better. I'm so incredibly grateful for this community for welcoming me in 💜
I got a little nostalgic and found an old voice note (from almost three years ago!) that's posted under the cut. I sent this to Michaela (one of our ghostie VAs) almost immediately after having the idea for the show. It's edited a lil to keep it down to a reasonable length, because much like Leo Quinn, I sure can Yap.
[Image ID: A whatsapp voice note sent by me, followed by another message by me that reads "oh I think I've decided the name of the main character is going to be Leo, bc hell if I'm going to do this completely self-serving project for no other reason than the enjoyment of creating it then I'm damn well gonna use the name I'd use if I ever decide to change to a more masc sounding name." The following messages sent by Michaela on 4 July 2021 are sent in quick succession, "omggggggggg yesssss" "I want to listen to thisss" "I am 100% happy to help" "I love this idea" "so much" "pls do it" /.End ID]
Note: audio quality changes around a lot because I was, I think, dyeing my hair at the time
Voice note transcript:
 I have a… an idea. And it might be really stupid and it will probably never come to anything. However, I'm really excited about it. So... hear me out (LAUGHS). My idea is, uh, I want to write a podcast about an ex-employee of a ghost hunting company, and the- the basis of the podcast is... I literally just had this like half baked thought like five minutes ago, so bear with me while I talk this through. This character works for a quite renowned institute, company, whatever, organization that hunts ghosts. Uh, they destroy the ghosts whenever they're called to it, but the main character is starting to get suspicious of the fact that some of the ghosts that they're called to don't necessarily seem violent, and some of them are completely harmless and they just want to exist and so they have been working on a recording system that can capture the voices of ghosts. And they start off as an assistant to like the head of this company, but they're already starting to feel complicit in what they're becoming kind of more and more aware is potentially a very evil operation. And it's gonna alternate between like their their notes and the recordings of interviews with ghosts that they are sent to hunt, but don't. They sit down and they get their life story instead and then either leave them be or try to help them move on peacefully or whatever. And there's gonna be a bit of a, like a, an overarching plot in that the organization that they work for is corrupt, but not in the way that they think. And I'm thinking the main character is trying to, like, capture enough evidence, basically, before they can quit this organization- t hat's, that's, that's their intention, is they want to make sure that this recording system is completely functional. They want to capture enough evidence of completely harmless ghosts. They want to have like a huge backlog of stuff to use against the head of this company, and to do that, to have access to ghosts and all of that kind of stuff, they have to continue working for it, which they hate, but that's the only way that they see themselves being able to achieve good in the long run. So, the first season is going to be them, like, trying to work on this project in secret while you get glimpses of the boss doing some, like, shady shit. And like... who's to say that I need to finish my novel this month anyway? You know?? But fuck it, this is... I'm really excited about this, so I'm gonna give it a shot.
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your--isgayrights · 3 months
Outside of Lee Seolhwa and Lee Sookyung, do you have plans for any other character outside of Kim Dokja’s primary companions (like Gong Pildu or Han Doonghoon) for your soulmate fanfiction? Constellations like Persephone or Uriel or Sun Wukong probably wouldn’t make sense to exist in real life but maybe characters such as Han Myungoh/Han Dareum or Jang Hayoung could fit? If I recall correctly, Jang Hayoung in particular is the one responsible for the title of the fanfiction, right? I feel like she alongside the Unidentifiable Wall and the Fourth Wall would be so thematically appropriate but I couldn’t imagine how you would do it if at all. I also want to say that I’m impressed how you managed to seamlessly incorporate so many references to the original ORV into your work. It must have required you to reread and recheck the wiki.
Yess, I'm glad you asked this anon bc literally I just threw in a little reference to Han Doonghoon and Lee Sungkook in the 4.4 update and got worried people would think they had to remember the characters well to understand the surrounding plot point better than Kim Dokja does. But I think I should trust the reader a bit more lol.
Unfortunately my inclusion of Aileen and Jang Hayoung isn't going to be as big as the other kdjco members, but they're sort of already set up in the fic and have a role in chap 5. I think JHY doesn't appear directly bc to me the relationship between her and KDJ is harder to make 'real,' though I have some ideas depending on how much I decide to include in chap 5. In my plans 5 will have a gaming tourney featured, so other big 'wos players' may be referenced further there as well.
Of course like you mention the fic title and many of the chapter titles are coming directly from the mouth of Jang Hayoung, so in that way she is constantly being referenced, haha.
Han Myungoh and his daughter are referenced earlier in Chapter 4. It's sort of a drive by.
I do make use of the wiki (bless the editorsn🙏), though mostly just to check dates, numbers, and spellings of names. I like to think of myself as someone with a pretty decent memory tho, so a lot of the more specific story references are definitely just me pulling in stuff I remember from my novel read throughs. Like I might have to look at the wiki to remember Han Dareum's name, but I'll never forget Han Myungoh's entire Male Pregnancy that he had like that was a crazy random W to me on my first ORV read through I was like hello??? Also that being around when JHY was being confirmed trans haha. I think I was only out for like a year or so before reading orv so the little gender fucky moments really stuck out to me.
Sometimes rereading my old work I also remember things I forgot happened in ORV. I think part of the reason I'm struggling so much with chap 4 and onward is that now that the wall fic characters have sort of developed to where they are some of the scenes I had in mind are less 1 to 1 with the OG. For instance, I'm trying to rewrite a scene I have of YJH and KDJ having a rooftop chat that like parallels the one back before the seoul's strongest incarnation arc in the novel, but it's a bit difficult. At first I wanted to include a lot more of KDJ interacting with the rest of YJH's team, but the rooftop Scene makes more sense to put a cap on the themes explored in chap 4. But when I first wrote this scene it was less specifically addressing that theme, because it was in the outline of like right after I wrote chapter 1, so it was kind of just the OG ORV scene with the flavoring of my AU on top. A lot of the little things they do and say in the OG novel would have to be quite finagled to fit anymore, so reworking it is the big task rn.
Anyway I'm really appreciative of people like you who take note of these small details <3. it's kind of helping me remember and appreciate a lot of the parts of me that were behind a lot of Wall fic originally if that makes sense? I am like reintroducing myself to him and giving him a hug instead of running away cringing just because it's me lol.
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moonshineboyz · 2 years
Sun's update post ☀️
okay so, i just came back and felt like doing and update post (?) to whom it may concern
i'm sorry i just completely disappeared, i got really busy with college stuff and let things in here aside, but then even when i got a little more free time i just kept postponing my return (idk why i do this but unfortunately it's quite common for me to do things like that). but i really miss being online here and talking to you guys and writing of course, so even though i'm still kinda busy with college i came back. i have no idea when i'll be actually posting stuff i write but i for sure will be around and rambling so,,, hit me up 💖💖
no one asked but i just feel like telling things about myself and what's going on in my life right now
i've been doing a lot of new things in college and it's both stressful and fun, i'm having so many practices that sometimes i feel like freaking out but it's all good so far
i also started reading books again and it's been amazing, i missed that feeling. i'm on my 25th book of the year rn and i'm really proud of myself dkwkskwnd i think i've got some pretty good recommendations if anyone is interested
i changed my classes recently and they're really cute (not that many of you have seen my face before but-), pretty similar to my previous ones actually but cute nonetheless. and i bleached the bottom part of my hair and also some front pieces, i had dyed it red at first and then a light pink but since my hair is dark brown, the bleached part wasn't light enough for the pink and it faded quickly. now it's just a weird shade of blonde and i need to bleach it again to dye it but i keep postponing it 😭
my bff just moved to italy last month and i already miss her like crazy, i'm trying to meet some new people and make some new friends rn bc she is the only person i used to hangout with so it's about to be a bit lonely here, but we spent the past 2 months seeing each other a good amount of time and it was really nice. me and some of her other friends made a surprise picnic party for her on her bday and it was so much fun.
regarding kpop, i've been the same tbh zaksowkdow i just really got into onlyoneof and kingdom recently and they're amazing, i've also been listening to a lot of girl groups (i already stanned them but got into some 4th gen ones)
and of course eric's still my everything and i miss him 🥺
well, i think this is it, just some updates about me and i really missed you babes 💖💖 gonna tag my moots so we can get in contact again. my dms are always open and you can always hit me up, just bare with me a little till i can answer the old asks and messages
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@ohcheri @clueless-content-creator @poutykyu @minimultiestfandoms @kazooms @erics-mii @annyeongffs @moonieric @sluttysohn @newkyus-void @sainthwngs @lov3ric @cloverhaknyeon @tinisprout @flowerpotrenjun @smolcobie @multi-kpop-fanfics @velvetyh @badboyjuyeon @miniaturenuttaco
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abri-chan · 2 years
Reading SB BL chapter 34, where 1) Minho had decided to end his life, so he really said let me have a good fuck beforehand, 2) WK thinks Minho fucking him is an opening to make him fall for him, and acting like they're newlyweds (oh I love you, like that makes up for me raping you), 3) Minho deciding to kill himself instead of killing WK, at least take him with you, don't let him off the hook.
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That tie will break, or WK will get up to piss and catch Minho mid act, and then WK will make this all about himself again.
Minho, do one good thing in this SB universe: kill WK steal his money, then write your life story as a best-seller, I beg you.
(I already lost hope for WK once he started begging for men for pussy, instead of Doona. Not that Doona would take him, because he's trash. But Minho? Pathetic Minho?
And the fact Minho keeps being pathetic and directing his anger inwards? This time you're not in the wrong Minho--WK fucked you up. It's not your fault, you should make WK suffer, make him your sub bitch idk. But don't go thinking he really loves you (does WK even know what loving is, and no he does not love you), and now you can kill yourself and be at peace.)
In short, don't do it, Minho, you may survive.
(I do think he may survive bc we are shown the sounds right at the end... I think if he was gonna die for real, you would either show him dead by the end of the chapter or by the middle. Yes, this version builds suspense but it betrays that he will survive bc storywise, he would be dead by the opening of next chapter, so epilogue would be too short for the second half. Or you'd have to spend a whole chapter waiting if he died or not to find out he died at the end, and you feel the suspense is gone by one chapter prior. Maybe he has to be taken to the hospital or falls into a coma...
So to explain this better, storytelling wise, death of main character can happen at the end of the chapter as a very strong punch to the gut, or at the middle of the chapter to leave plenty space for an epilogue--say how others react to that death etc. The way it is set up right now, Minho will die at the beginning of next chapter, and that makes sense only for non main character bc 1) you wasted the chance to make the punch stronger by killing him right at the end of prior chapter, 2) there's 3/4 epilogue space let's say, and that's too much that you forgot the punch, or 3) worst case, you kill him at the end of next chapter but now the punch has no strength bc you dragged the death concept too long)
From the cover of the spinoff
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Is that the mark of the tie from the recent chapter? Of his failed suicide attempted (maybe he's depressed it didn't work...)? Or just the chain mark from the first few chapters (notice the bruised face from punching... either way foreshadowing)
Real quick from reading the English translation.
Minho's face is all of us right now.
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("this bitch serious?")
(In general, I noticed from the beginning of this manga to now, Minho's eyes get smaller and smaller and more and more tired. But since this chapter teases is to suicide possibly, it's also a metal for how his field-view of life is getting closer and closer, and more and more of the world turns dark.)
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WK is an idiot, and he shows he hasn't changed one bit. He tells Minho how much he loves him, and how he wants to change, but notice how his behavior speaks. He tries to kiss Minho after sex Minho pushes him away, Minho starts moaning and whining "I'm a changed man but please oh please let me kiss you. I won't shut up until you do." It is important to WK to get that kiss, to seal the sex that just happened as making love, bc he wants to believe it is intimate, and that he may have a chance with Minho now. As though, all is forgiven bc WK loves Minho now, so forget the rape, forget how he still won't respect Minho's boundaries of not wanting to kiss, plus also, how he goes back to his old ways to wear Minho down until Minho agrees. This is further cemented by Minho's answer "do as you want." So WK fails twice, by being the definition of Minho giving up an inch and WK taking a foot, and by lying to himself that if he gets the action of intimacy (a kiss after sex), this will equal the act of intimacy, as though the action itself will make it true.
There's another scene which I'm tired to find screenshots about but it goes as follows: WK holding on to Minho's shirt in bed, like a little child. So Minho says "don't cling to me", and at first I was excited bc I thought Minho meant "you are annoying", but the panel that follows "I don't want to have anything tying me to this world." It must be that the "..." during the scene of WK's love confession is Minho making a decision about WK's words, and his decision was to believe him, and as he says walking towards the door, knowing one person loved him was enough to fill he was worth something. I doubt WK loves Minho, but WK thinks he does, and Minho chooses to believe it bc he wants to be worth something and he thinks if one person can love him, he is not utter scum and he has some value. And now he can make peace that his life didn't go without leaving a mark on someone. (It is also that he sees WK clinging as something that tied him to the world, so something desirable as opposed to annoying, which as much as I think he should have hurt WK, I can't reason with a man about to commit suicide.)
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(I went and found the panels after all)
The panels denoting Minho's dark thoughts are very well drawn actually, and interesting too. The darkness, like ink flows into him, from his head (he made the decision), down his neck, and toward his body. And the light of the bathroom as the light of salvation, bc he wants to end it all. It's a nice play on dark and light, and also the way suicidal thoughts are presented visually.
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I'm also kinda annoyed with WK bc he's the annoying kind of clingy: he needs Minho for affirmation. He makes it all about himself, and even when extending an ounce of understanding to Minho getting raped by WK's friends, he forgets soon after they have sex, and acts as though they're lovers on a honey moon, as though Minho is in the right state of mind to tend to WK's emotional needs. And for what? So WK can use his as an experimental rat to test and figure out what he wants on? WK thinks that bc all is right in his head now: he knows what he wants, all must also be right with the world, and it doesn't work like that. He has yet to grow past that age when a child closes his eyes and thinks the world around them doesn't exist, because other people surely can't exist if he doesn't see them, and they can't feel if he doesn't witness.
I was reading/am reading Legs which cannot walk along with SB in the current timeline, and it is funny to me that as of right now Teasung (a mafia boss) and the uke there may have a happy ending (chapter 80), while SB BL spinoff is heading for suicide: a rich entitled kid can use more trouble, it seems, than a prostitute child who grew up in the streets and raised in ranks through murder (make of it what you will). There were so many parallels btw Taesung and WK in this spinoff, like chaining the "uke" to the bed, but one is a gangster, and the other is a rich kid that supposedly is a decent citizen, so again, make of it what you will.
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safyresky · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask: ALL the answers!
Got sent this ages ago, just found it again today and ah. Decided that I'm feeling especially unhinged and I will answer all of them, whether you like it or not (and whether it is asked or not). Sticking it under a read more so that I don't clog up dashes :)
😅 What’s a story or scene you’ve created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
Somewhere on one of my old harddrives. There exists a snippet of the start of a smut scene between two of my characters from my sim city I turned into a story. It is only about. 300 words. but it makes me blush very much these days
There also exists, in an old notebook, a draft of Crystal Springs in which PYROS was Jack/Jacqueline's real Dad and no, I will not elaborate
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Any sibling bonding. Makes me soft.
Same with the fucking uh, GIRLFRIENDS (Dite and Jacqueline). ANY time they are romantic I die.
And I wrote those bits
I am dying mySELF! Fuck!
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
So fucking many, but my all time favourite that nobody caught is the following:
"There's another thing," Curtis said. "The clause involves a sort of de-Santafication process. As we get closer to the date, Santa becomes less Santa and more, well, himself. Before the Santa thing happened. What do we do if Santa notices and finds out about the clause?"
"We send him to Utah," Bernard said. Curtis made an odd noise.
The joke here being that for WHATEVER reason in the Santa Clause 2, the marriage is valid anywhere EXCEPT for in the state of Utah. Why? Idk. But I thought this line was so funny and nobody seems to have picked up on it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
any Elle mentions in Frostmas are written with the intent to cause physical damage, especially to Ana (sorry not sorry boo ;)
When Jacqueline breaks out of Pyros's control and tells Jack to kick his ass, and promptly goes into magic coma >:)
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
No, I do not. I read everything three times before I post; and then a couple days after I post to catch typos I may have skimmed over
Do I want a beta? Not particularly! I already update in long increments of time as is, could you imagine if I had to wait for fics to be beta'd as well? YIKES
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Evil Uncles (idk why. My two uncles are not evil; one is weird in a bad way and the other is a jerk butt. But not evil.)
Families that communicate their issues; fuck miscommunication as a plotline, all my homies hate miscommunication as a plotline
Pathetic fallacy. I'm always a slut for pathetic fallacy >:)
Hurt/Comfort, Humour, healthy doses of angst
The most chaotic scenes you could ever imagine (perks to writing about magical beings!)
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
This fucking FIC I SWEAR
She has given me migranes. She is a game I play, in which I have to give the heroes a chance but also let them fail bc the real villain of Frostmas is ME
And like. We KNOW Frostmas happens for 12 years, ok, so like. BMan and Jacquie Beans cannot win! Not until Year 12 and even then, THEY DON'T DO THE WINNING
I have to stay three steps ahead of them at all times and it is EXHAUSTING, villains do NOT get paid enough/sppreciated enough, geezus
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
the dialogue is AMAZING
the humour fits in WELL
and man am I good at portraying siblings or WHAT
and why do tsc ocs i write fit so well into the universe, wtf is up with that
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
They're nice :)
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I do indeed!
Panic at the Disoc was on loop for Fusion AU as a fun fact
Usually it's instrumentals tho
LATELY Weezer's been on loop, with their SZNZ collection!
Frostmas has it's own playlist, and usually it's angry loud stuff :)
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Word/OneNote. Nothing fancy. I have it for free from work so, y'know, it gets used :)
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
They weren't so much as SCRAPPED as they were LOST TO THE VOID when my hard drive got dunked on by a stone floor in 2016
There were two I can recall off the top of my head:
1. When the Twins Met Jack: this one had a solid like. 1k to it. It was a smile shot about the day the Twins realized hey, there's this dude in old photos who looks very similar to us? Whomst tf is he? And rush to ask Jacqueline about it
2. A Trip to Gstaad: Jack takes Jacqueline to Gstaad for skiing/snowboarding. Nasty storm hits and they get stuck at the top with a handful of mortals. shenanigans ensue, mainly "do we magically poof off? stay with these guys? or magically help these guys? decisions, decisions. all of them mediocre. I think the Twins popped over at one point to help keep the humans warm. It was a wild ride
One that I completed then SCRAPPED was Jacqueline and Elle seeing Frozen. They go a lil crazy with the references, and it was funny to indulge in ages ago but when I went back and read it I was like wow! that's cringe, Dani! So it's being reworked to be less cringe. Instead of going full fandom, Elline decides to approach frozen with SCIENCE which, of course, gets everyone very interested.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
A handful, yes! My fiance, my best friend, my Mom, and my sister, too. I've opened up to a few other friends about writing fanfic but got poked fun at and it made me less inclined to share with IRL folks, so I don't do that as much 🙃. It took me a LOT to open up to my newer friends and they're so sweetly supportive lmao, I love it
🍦 What’s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
Probably the snippet where Dite Comes Out as Ace, or Diteline First Kiss, or an amalgamation of snippets from Crystal Springs's B Arc, which is Jack being home and making amends. OH there's also a Blinter fic that follows their meeting and courtship and shit. It's cute. And unfinished. And has been so for like. 5 years?
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Not frequently, no! Maybe done it once or twice.
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what’s your most popular nsfw fic?
Ha, no.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Yeah, during work hours. VERY inconvenient. Either then or well past midnight. Also inconvenient 🙃🙃
💖 What made you start writing?
This is a good question! I don't have an answer! I've made stories in my head as long as I can remember. My very first story was about a hippy who lost his magic button and had to find it. The hippy looked very much like Shaggy Scooby-Doo, lmao.
Once my cousin showed me ff.net, all hell broke loose. I made so many lil OCs for me to experience fun stories in various universes! I was too afraid to post and started with original content (not fantasy, think like. Debbie Macomber Cedar Valley or w/e it was called books) and that was a GOOD experience, but for WHATEVER REASON, it was the freaking Santa clause movies that really had me writing nonstop and posting. I've yet to know why, but I know that these blorbos are now mine and I love them very dearly lol
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
Love love LOVE them! All comments! I love paragraph long comments talking about fave parts or waxing poetic about different little allusions or similarities or symbols and shit I sneak in >:)
I've received ConCrit before and it was okay, but a lot of their criticism was because of like. Names for characters and such and why they were similar to place names and such, and things like. Like for example, someone being like "Why is Blaise still leading Crystal Springs? He abolished the monarchy? but is still leader?" And sometimes it's like, thanks for the crit, but like. Suspend ur disbelief/google Mayor Hazel McCallion lol. If I ever receive proper ConCrit I'll see how I feel about it then! I know it's supposed to be constructive, but the only ones I have seen forget the constructive bit and are just criticisms. Wild.
❌ What’s a trope you will never write?
ANYTHING to do with miscommunication. FUCK miscommunication, all my hommies hate miscommunication 😠😠
💲 Would you ever open commissions?
Ugh, that's a toughie. On the one hand, maybe! I'm decent enough a writer for decent fics and such. but on the other hand, I feel as though writing commissions are hard and I worry too much about getting other characters in character, you know? so probably no
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Not really, but when I do it's always something weird like, filing systems in the 1700s or weather patterns in Australia in the 2000s. that sorta shit.
🏆 What’s your most popular fic?
So if we base it on reviews, Crystal Springs definitely. But if we base it on QUALITY of reviews and readers, it's Frostmas. Frostmas has a lot of readers who don't read CS, so it's a bit more popular! I've also done some Danny Phantom one shots and those get a good amount of notes on tumblr :)
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
The only fic I write is for holidays, baybee. And it's Frostmas I think lol.
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
YES! One of them guessed like, in Year 6 that Jacqueline was gonna do the big freeze! That was excellent! Here's the moment in question:
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🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
I've only started getting fanart this year (that is, in big quantities) and I fucking LOVE it. It's been such an ego boost and helped em make new friends and feel really loved and appreciated! 💕💕💕
📈 How many fics do you have?
like 7 or 8 published on ff.net. But one is a collection of onehsots. So like, maybe more??? Also ItS exists but isn't posted and isn't written past Chapter 1 lol, though it is planned through to chapter 7 or 8 rn I believe. So maybe 9????
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Bit of both! I list scenes I wanna include, or the general idea I want to explore, and go from there! Lots of point form notes that are almost writing. For example:
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I am a srs writer, i swear (she claims after reading Blaise say "wtf is up son")
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Okay, so! We have the sequel to the Santa Dump, AND the proper sequel to the Clifton Manor incident: the highly anticipated Clifton SOCIETY Incident. you can look forward to lots of funky things, including:
Charlie/Jacqueline friendship and being badass mother fuckers!
GOD TIER Jack sass
Santa being sweet to kids
Jack and Jacqueline kicking ass and taking names
The sane Cliftons thinking Jack and Santa are married, courtesy of Jacqueline and Charlie flubbing their cover story lmao
BUT I ALSO HAVE A REWRITE OF THE CALL COMING UP! Along with the part 2 to the original. But with updated lore and ideas and some fun Mother Nature moments and BABY SEASON SISTERS? HELLO?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
Write for yourself, first and foremost
Mary Sues are FUN. Go crazy!
Double and triple check for grammar/typos :) They sneak by sometimes, and I know it's TEDIOUS but you'll thank yourself in the long run (war flashbacks to snow BOARDER)
Said is NOT dead. Said is invisible, that's the real secret :)
💞 Who’s your comfort character?
I don't have an answer for this one, lmao. I don't quite have comfort characters like most people seem to have them? I have comfort movies! Comfort VIBES! but no characters :) All of my babies give me comfort tbh!
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
This one's more of an ask box shenanigan so instead I'm just gonna casually put the Crystal Springs FACTS tag right here 👀👀
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
Blaise and the Twins! Though I am LIVING for the vibes Jack and Winter are giving in Chapter 18 >:). See:
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🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Another one? Well alright, if you insist 😏😏. Have some fucking uh,,,, Clifton Society Incident?? 😏😏
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😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
Probably The Clifton Society Incident. I mean, they're straight up myth hunters. The Head Dude wants to torture Santa and Jack. That's all shades of ah, fucked up lmao. You all saw what I did to him in the Santa Dump. It only gets worse >:)
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
Long ass reviews and a feeling of happiness with my me, unrelated to the reviews! If I post it and I like it and reading it makes ME happy, then the fic is a success :)
✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
Evil Uncles? Idk why? Communication, but I know why THAT is. Bad puns, and sass between siblings, and also, a lot of witty snapbacks. Which I can't do on the spot IRL so I guess they have to go somewhere :)
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
ABSOLUTELY! I'd love to separate Crystal Springs from it's very itty bitty fandom ties (at this point. this world is so developed y'all I'm. WHEW) and write it. I;ve got like 6?? Crystal Springs stories/spinoffs planned??
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
A week at my most productive, 3 months to a year at worst. A year or two for Frostmas. That thing is a monstrosity.
🤯 What’s a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
Definitely mystery and like. Drama/suspense! I don't vibe with those and they don't vibe with me.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
The Smile Shot "They Said it Couldn't be Done". That fucked me UP. ANYTHING with smol Jacqueline pre-Day of Darkness gets me heartbroken, but this one ESPECIALLY hits bc it's Jack's POV and hits home how bad curses do be ):
💥 How do you feel about criticism?
Can't live with it, can't live without it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And the gentler it is, the more it sticks! Being rude/cruel/dehumanizing in your crit makes the reciever less likely to take it and improve! If you're kind and gentle and remember the positives to mention, it'll stick more :)
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
Dani writes! That's where ALL the writing is!
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
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riverswater · 4 years
hello! do you think you could give me a larry fic to read? like any fic at all, 50k words or so? i can’t decide what to read and i’m super indecisive aksjjsjsjs
Hiiii deaaar!! I didn't know how to choose them and I'm also very tired so have a mix of my favorite and some I've read recently 💗💫
🌻 you and you are sure together, 48k
“I’m sorry to bother you twice in one day,” Harry says, settling on Louis’ beanbag—thankfully clear of dirty socks, as Louis had become keenly aware of his room’s being a tip after Harry’s stumbling departure and had gone on one of his intermittent tidying sprees right after he’d left, which consist mostly of shoving clothes into the hamper and papers into his rucksack or one of his desk drawers. Louis’ never been all that good with cleaning. He’d skipped lunch (which is absolutely not a problem) so thankfully all the dishes are clean, including the mug he’s designated for his residents in need of tea during a crisis.
Which—right, Harry’s here. Again.
AU. The first day of fall term, Louis hits one of his residents in the face with a door. Later that day, said resident seeks refuge after a fight with his roommate.
It becomes a thing.
And then it becomes something else.
🌻 May We Stay Lost On Our Way Home, 74k
Harry thought he had a handle on things. He hasn’t gotten papped in over a month, even the most zealous of fans have given up on finding his location, the Fortress is starting to look hospitable, and Niall just learned how to make shrimp bisque. Even having a massive crush on a gorgeous mythical woodland creature was working out for him.
Most of the time.
On March 31st, Harry Styles disappears. Though many speculate, only two people know where to find him: Niall, his former guitarist, and Zayn, who follows where Niall leads.
The fact the biggest boy band in the world broke up two weeks earlier might be related to the disappearance. The fact Harry meets a fairy named Louis in the woods is a whole other matter.
(Liam is a centaur.)
🌻 We're Okay, 153k
It's funny, really, that their lives hadn't intercepted before that point. That all it took was one little thing that set off a chain reaction of circumstances which led them all to each other. But it was for the best, really, because in the end, with each other, they were all okay.
And if you asked them, the whole thing could be blamed on Liam sleeping in, for once in his life.
🌻 We The Fireworks, 103k
It’s the morning after the night before and Louis doesn’t know how on earth he made it home in one piece but he reckons it maybe has something to do with the curly-haired stranger, standing half-naked in his kitchen. The problem is that this mysterious stranger, who has a huge secret and an even huger heart, doesn’t seem to plan on leaving Louis’ life anytime soon and doesn’t seem to be able to get it into his stupidly adorable, curly head that Louis is absolutely, utterly, completely, one hundred percent beyond help. Out of reach. Lost in the night.
Or: The AU where Louis needs saving and Harry wants to save him but doesn’t want to admit that maybe he needs saving a little bit too.
🌻 Amsterdam With You, 182k
In Louis’ opinion Amsterdam is so overrated, and now that he moved here he can see all its flaws: it’s always raining (even more than in London), he’s lonely and everyone he meets is unfriendly and distant; but, above all, he misses his family like crazy, confined here. Not surprising how being hit by a bike by a curly, pensive guy is the best thing that happens to him in three months (or maybe even in 27 years).
Or: how to fall in love in a city that you hate, featuring protests, lights, books, cuddles and a whole lot of growth (and tea).
🌻 heroes of the orange skies, 30k
Louis likes bathroom walls and Sharpies, Harry likes metal, Zayn likes Liam and Liam likes Zayn, Niall is wise, and they all go to the zoo.
🌻 you came into my life, 57k
They stand around talking for a minute and then Jonathan starts to ramble, “Has there ever been, like, an unrequited gay love story in here? Like a Brokeback Mountain moment where, like, someone just fell in love and they didn’t mean to?”
Louis feels bile rise in his throat as Jonathan’s eyes sparkle, pleading for a yes. He manages to look around and see thoughtful looks on his coworkers’ faces before their heads shake no.
“Not here,” Liam says finally.
When the Queer Eye cast and crew sweep into Louis’ small town and fire station to make over his best friend and coworker Liam, Louis’ carefully constructed walls start to fall down and he has to face his fears – and the only guy he’s ever been able to see a future with.
🌻 we were promised the world (but so was everyone else), 94k
Louis and Harry are young and broke. For their daughter, they figure it out together.
🌻 Under The Shimmering Surface, 61k
Louis thinks back on his small house full of high-voltage little sisters and his messy bedroom and the neighborhood kids he’d play with when the summer nights ran long and he loved being hugged by the sun. His mind shifts to when he left, ran away and into the dark of night. His bloodlust and sex crazed life lit only by the stars and lonely moons in different phases as he skipped from one town to the next across the country.
In hindsight, falling in love doesn’t sound so bad.
aka the fic where louis is a self-indulgent vampire, harry is smart and stronger than louis knows, and Seattle is just the perfect mix of mystery and alcohol and home for the right kind of love to brew (or maybe that’s just the witch’s potions fogging up the sky)
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Completely out of the blue, I know, but I'm curious and I need to know. What's your Shrek 3 reimagining?-Anon
Okay so I accidentally posted that question before giving the full answer so here it is! My Shrek the Third Rewrite!
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Be warned though this will be a doozy to read: Harold and Lillian go to the seaside bc the former thinks he's dying so they leave Fiona in Charge. By then she and Shrek already had the babies and Shrek is just trying hard not to let his fears consume him. Thinhs are going fine until the villains uprising starts. Fiona sends Shrek, Donkey Puss and the kids to Camelot to stay with her cousin while she and her Princesses handle things.
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At Camelot Artie is not a slacker but the quiet bookish type. He's into politics and diplomacy which clashes with the more physical Camelot ideals. He is shocked to see a family of ogres, a talking ass and a cat, show up at his school. Even more his cousin married that ogre. Because of his nonexistent relationship with his father (which was also the source of bullying as no one liked Uther and took their frustrations out on his kid) Artie struggles with trust issues.
With time and patience he and Shrek gets to know each other. Artie becomes comfortable with the idea of being related to ogres and learning of how bad the persecution was decided to do something about it to prove his worth as a person. So he agrees to help then take back FFW.
While all this going on Charming takes advantage of the situation by trying to be a hero (again); this time being aided by his recently revealed Father Bruce.
Now Bruce is your typical Dark Fantasy rougish protagonist who made it his mission to help Charming. He used to be a former Prince Charming so he knows the ropes though his past is still quite the secret. But Charming doesn't really care about all that he's just happy to see he has one living parent and support. He's so manly and badass and takes no shit from anyone and has lots of wealth from the times he raided dragon dens and hapless schmucks who caught him on a bad day! And his voice is fucking AWESOME courtesy of Bruce Campbell!
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Can't say the same for that loathesome barmaid Gwynn.
Gwynn is another player in our game. See she works at the the villain pub; at first confronted Charming for not really giving a shit about villains or general outcasts until it was convenient for him. She also wear a veil over her face and has touch aversion. Gwynn only joined of Charming helped her recover some of his dead mother's magic that she needs. They didn't get along at first.
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Eventually they get so fed up thay Gwynn challenges Chamring to a duel which he snubs at first then she cuts a bit of his hair and he's all "oh it's ON NOW!!" They fight but find they're quite enjoying themselves. However their antics piss off Bruce. He forces his son right back to etiquette training and kicks Gwynn out so she wouldn't distract him. That night Gwynn visits Charming to apologize, leading to a wholesome talk about experiencing similar feelings of inadequacy.
With Fiona she is trying to keep the resistance together but it's hard when you have ornery gingerbread cookies and apathetic Princesses. She gets intel about the uprising but also very curious revelation about her curse and that FG may have been behind it. She also learns Charming has taken over her castle and may be part of the coup.
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Back with the Shrek Clout Gang they're travelling through Camelot; Artie helping random people along the way, culminating in rescuing a maiden named Rhodanthe.. As a sign of thanks she leads them to Merlin, Artie's old mentor. They learn of the sword Calibur that can help stop the villains. Merlin tasks them with confronting their worse fears, and after passing this challenge they're able to move forward. He tells them he doesn't have the sword on himself but that it is located in the heart of one's kingdom. Realizing it's in FFW; the Shrek Clout Gang and Rhodanthe head to FFW using a magic map.
By then Fiona and her team manage to storm the castle and confront Charming. However he came prepared actually Bruce's doing and has them cornered. He throws them in the dungeon and waits on Shrek. In fact he's so excited about his prospects that he goes ti visit one of his mommy's old friends a fortune teller - the teller warns him an ominous fate awaits him (his canon fate from the movie). Putting him on edge. At this stage Bruce is also acting very weird especially when Godmother or Fiona gets brought up, causing Gwynn's suspicions to grow.
The Shrek Clout Gang enter FG'S abandoned factory to find potions to help them. However the villains and Charming catch up with them. Both Charming and Artie are taken aback to how similar they look but The latter quickly brushes is aside and has him put in tbe dungeon. Rhodanthe and the babies are taken prisoner inside the castle; everyone else gets thrown in the dungeons. Shrek is sent to the local Colosseum which is set up as a massive stage play - to put him on trial for treachery.
Which is just a bs excuse to execute him.
In the dungeon Artie finds Fiona but doesn't recognise the ogre lady before him. She tells them it is her that she was cursed as a baby but decided to stay an ogre. She thanks Artie for helping her, and after a pep talk Artie finds the strength to keep fighting and concocts an escape. He says he has FG's diary which Fiona concludes her as the responsible party for her curse.
Insert badass Princesses Fight Scene:
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Donkey and Puss free the rest of their friends and rounds them up to help Fiona.
At the castle Rhodanthe is sad. But seeing how oblivious the triplets cheer her up. A dressed up Gwynn comes in with food. Gwynn who by that point was regretting getting involved with the Charmings, is sympathetic and decides to help Rhodanthe escape. Gwynn shows them a secret exit, explaining that she is staying behind to keep an eye on Charming. Rhodanthe manages to catch uo with Fiona and reunites the Triplets with her. Fiona is thankful; Rhondanthe says she'll keep an eye on the sky. Once they secure triplets somewhere safe hands the entire Resistance heads to the colosseum.
The play begins: Gwynn gets into her damsel role as instructed. She can't help but laugh as Shrek proceeds to roast the heck out of the unlucky actor. Angered Charming attempts to kill the tied up monster The Resistance barges in and a massive battle is about to start but Artie intervenes and attempts to appeal to Charming's better nature. The misguided prince scoffs but then Artie pulls out something very interesting and hands it to Charming. In FG's diary - which her son was told was lost - she talks about finding and losing her true love; and had made Charming the inheritor of her estate. That's when Bruce appears and try to take FG's diary put his hands. Charming demands an explanation.
It turns out Bruce previously told him that there wasn't any documents for Charming. But there was. He lied solely so Charming wouldn't get anymore distracted. Feeling betrayed Charming questions why daddy would hide something so big when Artie speaks up to refer to Bruce as Uther. Everyone is shocked to find out that Uther & Bruce are one and the same.
His ruse broken Uther admits that he has been the one to curse Fiona years aho because he was mad ove getting passed over for a frog. Gwynn comes down and says she tried to warn Charming that daddy was a deadbeat. Fiona is saddened to learn that her own uncle was behind everything. Realizing that his father only saw him as a tool Charming takes off the crown is about to hand it to Fiona when Uther snatches it out his hands! He pulls a dagger out to finish the job.
Suddenly Rhodanthe as a black swan swoops in and tussles with Uther. In the commotion they knock over the tower. Artie pulls Charming out of the way just in time. The window part passes over Uther harmlessly, the stress of it all causing him to faint. The crown rolls out his hand and Fiona scoops it up to put it back on her head.
Everyone has a brief celebration but then Artie shouts Rhodanthe's name and cradles her dying body. She thanks him for helping her and passes in his arms. Artie begins to weep; everyone grieves her and Charming feels immense guilt. But then Gwynn notices she still has some of FG's magic powder on hand and decides to use the rest of it to heal Rhodanthe. But they need water first. Fiona deduces using the castle fountain - the very on her parents first met - as a vessel.
Immediately Artie and the heroes rush back the castle and head to the courtyard. Using Gwynn's powder Artie mixes it into water and place Rhodanthe's body in it. Everyone waits and just as they're about to give up the water starts to glow pink and lifts up- changing and healing Rhodanthe. She's back to being human complete with a beautiful gown and sword - Calibur. She hands Artie the sword and the two friends embrace.
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The next day Fiona gets right to work rebuilding the town. Uther gets thrown in jail and after much maneuvering she decides to forgive Charming BUT not without community service. The villains also reform and become more accepted into society. Finally she signs into law that things like slavery and persecution against magic creatures be illegal. Shrek finally got over his fears of being a parent. Harold and Lillian come back and resume their duties. Fiona decides to abdicate the throne to be a full time mother and protector of magical creatures; leaving Artie as the once and future king.
In the epilogue Shrek and Fiona celebrate the triplets first birthday at the swamp; with Harold Lillian and Artie visiting.
After serving his punishment Charming returns back to his mom's factory and with Gwynn's help turns it into a spa/theatre school so that EVERYONE gets chance to be beautiful and Gwynn is able to be a singer full time (and is slowly opening up about her past). Artie has Merlin become his advisor and, Rhodanthe is given title of Lady of the Lake. She also granted the ability to turn into a swan at will.
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Now everyone - including Charming - gets their happily ever after! Artie has an actual character arc and there's plenty of mushy found family fluff + romance to go around!
Except for Uther he lost Happily Ever After Rights <3
He does get a visit from an peculiarly odd stranger who offers him a deal....
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asmo-ds · 4 years
i have another one! so the mc is really into fantasy fiction with demons and angels, gore, horror and spooky things in general and when they arrive instead of being scared they're like finally i'm in my element and are having fun and are excited because they hate how boring the human realm is. how would the bros (and the side characters if you feel like doing them) react to them? i love your headcanons so much btw!!
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w/ Horror Fantasy Lover! MC
Warnings: mentions of spooky scary stuffs, CHAPTER 16 SPOILERS
Summary: How the Obey Me! Characters react to finding out MC has a particular interest in horror fantasy and feels more comfortable in the Devildom then they do in the human world aka where they aren’t surrounded by apex predators that want to eat their soul
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- After explaining the entire situation to the clueless human who stood in the student council room he could see a sort of sparkle in their eye and they smiled widely before shouting “FINALLY! MY TIME HAS COME HAHAH!”
- His first thought is “oh they won’t last a day”.
- He gets a headache when he realizes he put them with Mammon of all people.
- He is glad that MC has an interest in such things seeing as they will be living among the strongest demons for the next year
- I feel like Lucifer loves horror fantasy novels, so if he and MC have read any similar ones they are sure to discuss and recommend to each other 
- Lucifer enjoy when they come in to talk to him about things they saw that they had hear about before arriving at the Devildom because its cute to see the human so excited
- Overall finds it adorable how enthusiastic MC is about the subject
- But is also worried because they feel so comfortable around demons who can and will eat them
- BUT also glad you aren’t afraid of the demons because they can smell fear and it is overwhelming and easy to lose control when they smell it
- When MC wants to see his natural form ( bc I just know hey don’t stop at those half-human half-demon forms Solmare shows us) he worries he may scare them off, but shows them regardless and is relieved when their excited smile doesn’t falter
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- When he is first showing MC around the Devildom he considers just thowing the human over his shoulder because they wont stop running towards dangerous stuff to observe it
- Like oh my Diavolo, does this human have a death wish why would they WANT to drink the potions that can and will kill them in a matter of seconds
- If his hair wasn’t already white he’d be getting white hairs from stress, like WHAT KIND OF EXCUSE IS “I’ve never drank a potion but I’ve always heard about them”?! PLEASE GIVE HIM A BREAK
- Mammon isn’t big on horror stuff so he hates when MC brings it up
- If he sees horror fantasy related stuff for sale or being bet in a gamble you can bet your ass he’s bringing it home for MC no matter what
- Sometimes when they walk around the Devildom, MC will point out creatures they’d only heard of in their stories and he loves the way their eyes light up as everything they’d read about for so long came to life
- Tolerates the subject to make MC happy, even if he can’t sleep at night because of it.
- A bit worried about the fact he has to babysit the human who is way too casual around violent predators that want to eat them
- If MC asks to see his natural form he gets flustered for a second, but then gets cocky and goes off about how “oF cOuRsE tHe HuMaN WaNtS tO sEe ThE GREAT MaMmOn iN aLL HiS GloRy”
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- When MC walks into the House of Lamentation with Mammon and he introduces himself as Leviathan... their eyes light up
- They question him about all sorts of things they’d heard in old stories and if he could really turn into a giant sea monster
- After a while of knowing MC he finally promises that when they go to the beach next he will show them his natural form 
- He summons Lotan when he’s mad at Mammon and when he turns to Lotan to command him to attack the avatar of greed he sees Lotan is preoccupied with the human who was giving him belly rubs and talking to the giant sea monster in a baby voice
- He like horror fantasy animes so he is 100% willing to discuss them with MC 
- Whenever a new horror fantasy game or show comes out you won’t see MC and Levi for days because they’ll be holed up in his room on a mission to complete the anime or game
- He and MC like to cosplay as horror fantasy characters together as well just for fun
- Whenever he sees them look at a creature that may be normal around the Devildom but is very dangerous to interact with as a human he is immediately noping the heck out of there, dragging them away despite their cries of wanting to see the “little cute fluffy animal :(”
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- When they show up and their eyes light up at the explanation that they’d been summoned to hell, he can’t help but laugh because he already knows this human is gonna be a trouble maker and cause a lot of problems for his dad Lucifer :^)
- One of his favorite genres of movies and books by far
- Loves to watch MC grow curious and fascinated by all the things in the Devildom that they never thought would be real
- He takes MC to see creatures at the Devildom zoo that you would NEVER see in the human world 
- He could spend hours talking about the topic with MC and sometimes one of the brothers will walk in on them talking about scary fantasy stuff and just slowly back out bc they get SO INTO IT
- Is glad to help them learn more about creatures that reside in the Devildom
- By that I mean he hovers behind MC menacingly in demon form whenever a demon agrees to let the human examine and study them
- If MC wants to see his completely natural form he gets a bit blushy and a bit nervous as his form is the embodiment of wrath and meant to strike fear within humans
- After he finally transforms and they start to examine him enthusiastically without a shred of fear he thinks to himself “oh that’s right this is MC, my idiot human = who could crawl inside a demons mouth and still be unsettlingly happy”
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- Nope nope nope
- He doesn’t like scary stuff unless he’s allowed to cling onto a cute person for comfort
- Really likes the look of excitement in MC’s eyes though as they see creatures they never thought they’d get to see because they get a sort of glimmer that just makes him go so soft for the human
- Glad they feel comfortable around demons because it means they will be more willing to come clubbing with him
- But is still sure to hover around them while they enthusiastically examine and question demons around them
- Makes flirty comments about wanting MC to examine his natural assets (aka his naked demon dick is what he wants to show them)
- In all seriousness he is very proud of his natural form and is very willing to let MC study him
- Still worried that MC is gonna get hurt by one of his brothers or another demon if MC asks to see their natural forms because he knows how easy it is to go feral and lose all reason in such forms
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- He finds it cute how interested MC is in everything around the Devildom
- Very concerned about the easy going attitude around his brothers and every single being in the Devildom
- MC sometimes comes very close to eating foods that will make a human sick because they want to understand demons better and want to live just like one
- Sometimes forgets MC is only human because they just fit in so well with all the demons
- Shocked to learn how boring the human world has become as he always remembered it being exciting whenever Mammon would bring him, Belphie and Lilith down 
- He’s a bit shy about his demon form because he knows a lot of humans are afraid of bugs 
- But when MC so delicately yet enthusiastically examines his natural form he almost cries
- So soft for this human but so SO worried
- tries to warn them to be more cautious outside of the House of Lamentation, but knows that they aren’t gonna be because they get carried away with learning demon life
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- When MC first came through the attic wall and was able to see him they made eye contact and were both like o.O
- Then MC’s face lit up as they started to talk about how cool magic was that it could hide a whole entire person and floor of a house and he is just confused, but he knows he can easily manipulate them due to their enthusiasm towards this type of stuff
- Was shocked they weren’t even afraid of Lucifer and were actually excited to see his demon form up close if they got caught
- While he is still covered in their blood and stuff after getting out and stuff the future MC comes downstairs and is just like OMG YOU KILLED ME SO EASILY 
- MC gets dangerously close to him again asking questions about his claws and tail and powers etc.
- After that whole ~ordeal~  he grows protective over MC seeing how they trusted him so easily due to their enthusiasm because he knows there are people out there who still want to hurt the human
- He is surprised by the description Mc gives of the human world as he remembers it being so interesting, but he guesses that since it has been very long since he last went but is still sad to hear it’s less interesting’
- Can act like a brat whenever MC puts themselves in danger due to their curiosity
- If they ask to see his natural form he is a bit shy because he worried they might get scared by him seeing as how he killed them in only half demon form so how were they going to handle his whole entire self
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- Seeing their eyes light up at his explanation as to where they were made his heart leap with joy
- He knew this year would go smoothly with such an enthusiastic human!
- He was wrong. 
- It feels like every five seconds he will be getting a call from Lucifer about MC almost dying from getting too close to demons and other Devildom native creatures.
- Worried about the poor human but doesn’t want to ruin their fun so he scolds them very lightly and assigns familiars to protect them 24/7
- If MC wants to talk to him about any other creatures, rather than going to find them by themselves, he is glad to educate them on any false stories they’d heard
- When MC asks to see his final form he laughs it off at the time, afraid of hurting or frightening them
- But if MC insists enough he will show them and is rather shocked when they enthusiastically poke and prod at him while asking a bunch of questions.
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- He knew MC would be like this as he was one of the main people to  prepare for MC’s arrival
- He’d prepared a bunch of horror fantasy novels for the brothers to put in the human’s room
- Was a fan of reading those books as well, but mostly because he liked to see how the humans interpreted the existence of such creatures
- When Diavolo starts getting stressed about MC’s constant questioning to random demons who try to hurt them, Barbatos decides to entertain MC for a bit and offer them a crash course on demon foods so they could better understand the diets of the creatures around them
- Worries a bit for their safety as he knows Mammon isn’t the most reliable, but still decides to trust him for the sake of his own sanity
- If MC wants to see his natural form he hesitates for like a second before transforming
- Finds it cute how the human examines the big scary demon with so much enthusiasm
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- As a fellow human he can understand the dissatisfaction with the human world and it’s lack of interesting events
- But he also worries because he is comfortable going up to demons casually because he knows how to use magic and demon pacts, but MC goes up to demons casually with no way to protect themselves
- He finds it a bit funny to watch the demon brothers freak out over MC talking to other demons and putting themselves in danger
- Teaches MC all the ways to safely interact with creatures in the Devildom by using spells to protect themselves
- Forces some of his 72 demons to let MC study them and learn more about them
- Finds their enthusiasm cute but concerning
- He gets very protective every time they go to the Devildom, y’know since MC has a habit of literally chasing demons down to ask questions about their demon forms, powers and other creatures they see
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- He is a bit worried when he learns about the humans intense fascination with creatures such as himself and the demons that they are now surrounded by
- Is as protective over them as he normally is with Luke 
- Like the way Luke chases demons to insult them while MC chases them to ask questions and study them makes him consider getting a leash
- If MC wants to see his complete angel form he is more than happy to show them since he is meant to bring comfort to humans as an angel
- Still finds them absolutely adorable when their eyes light up as they see things they never thought they’d get to witness irl
- Tries to teach them more about those creatures they want to examine without the danger of being attacked by demons and such
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starilicious · 3 years
the bad batch shopping at the mall: a headcanon
》 word count: ~675 words
》 a/n: this is my first try at a hc, so i would certainly appreciate any feedback! i'm still trying to get a feel for each character's personality to improve my writing, which is why some of these may seem more ooc than i want it to. also, i have no idea how i even thought of this extremely random idea but nonetheless, i hope you like it!
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u can't change my mind about that
he's got soft boyfriend vibes but also the mom that has clementines/mandarins in their lunchbag no matter the time of day vibes
he's the one that looks fondly at his family and is so happy to be with them
he'll follow the batch wherever they go, to whatever store they want, and won't complain a bit
immediately beelines for the microsoft store to play around with their newest VR headset, change my mind
like he would 100% ditch his family with no hesitation (don’t all siblings do this tbh)
could stay in that xbox room in the back of the store for hours and not get bored
would definitely talk to the store representatives about the best new gadget to buy
but he’s already done his research and just wanted to experience the product and talk to someone knowledgeable about it because he’s so excited
then he goes to the apple store because it’s the sexy of the technology world
i said what i said
he’d ogle at all the latest updates and want to know everything about all the new products and how they can help him in his work (software engineer or computer systems analyst for sure)
would drag the entire bad batch to the build-a-bear workshop store and keep tugging on hunter’s hand to buy one
of course he would give in to her demand and then she squeals with excitement and runs into the store
like the sweetheart she is, she'd make one that was inclusive of everyone’s traits so that they could all share the bear together
she would accompany tech to the microsoft store and they would just play on the xbox together and make it a competition
and he would tell her about all the cool updates and she would be happy to listen to him
omega has so much energy that everyone would be tired running after her and just tell her to play in the play area with the other kids while they get some rest
crosshair would recommend getting her a leash
like those cute backpack animal ones even though omega is way too old for that HAHA
such a DAD
would carry omega’s backpack or purse (because she wants to feel grown up) but it hinders her ability to run around and play
honestly would follow omega around till the end of the world (galaxy)
definitely vibing and chilling with echo for a good duration of the trip
100% sticking with omega the entire time, there's no doubt about it
he would offer suggestions for how to dress up omega's bad batcher bear
it would be a very serious discussion
they’d discuss all the outfits, different activities they can do with the bear, etc.
BRO–anything omega shows mild interest in, wrecker would buy it for her because he just loves her so much and wants her to be happy (which is completely understandable)
lowkey had to be dragged out of the house to come shopping
i feel like he would stick with tech the whole time
but he’s VERY aware of his surroundings and his family–being attentive and tuned into his environment is very natural to him. it’s like breathing.
if anyone so much as looks their way to bother them in any manner while they're shopping, cross would give them his iconic death stare and that person (read: the store associate) would probably melt on the spot from sheer fright
after they leave one store or another, crosshair makes a mental list of what each person wanted to buy but ended up not doing so
and then at the end, he’ll say he wants to go check something out really fast, goes back to those stores, and buys it for them because he cares
he certainly wouldn’t ever admit that though
i dare say he would roll his eyes and wave it off if anyone voiced their appreciation and thanks LOL
please consider reblogging! it really helps me and is super encouraging ^_^
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tyunni · 3 years
(imma try to make my asks shorter lol cuz i feel bad for taking up sm room on your blog dkdjdkjd) oooh that’s fun! i love kids lol i have a job as a teacher assistant and i work with kids that are like 4-6 years old 🥺 oH which is where i got the inspo for that one riki drabble with lil yn kissing lil riki on the cheek and stuff lol. that actually happened in one of the classes 😭 it was so cute skdjsjsj
how did you learn english btw? and ugh i totally understand. english grammar is SUPER confusing. even as a native speaker, sometimes i question my own grammar lol. so i always admire ppl who learn english when it’s not their native language, esp when they’re as fluent as you! <3 srsly
and i’ve heard of georgia. idk much about it tho lol. i only know of it bc when i was in grade 8, for fun (literally FOR FUN 💀 SKSJSK), i memorized all of the countries of the world and where they’re located on a map lol i was a huge nerd ig skjdksjd so yeah i’m familiar with georgia but ik like nothing about it sksjsk and the alphabet is sooo pretty pLS. is it an easy alphabet to learn? like compared to english let’s say lol
naur really? my vocab has impressed you??! whEN?? sksjsdkjs i remember in your work there were words that impressed me lol which is another reason why i find it so hard to believe eng isn’t your first language!!!! naurrr thank you 🥺 your def one of the vv talented writers on here too, i’m serious. also also! the long hc in your drafts (did you say it was a hc? lol i can’t remember already skdjskd im soRRY) idk if you’ve talked about it more before bc i’m literally terrible at keeping up w things but mind me asking what it’s about? 👀😏
HELP PLS DONT WORRY ABT THE SPACE ON MY BLOG😞😞 i have over 1.5k posts alr and its literally just me screaming and crying so we're good dwdw
AND PLEASE THATS SO CUTE :( i love kids too but theyre such a pain in the ass sometimes, especially the very young ones like 2-5 years old cuz during that age they're more... actuve ig :/ HOW DO U EVEN TAKE CARE OF THEM I WOULD'VE GONE MAD HELSPSMNS
and we learn english at school, from grade 1 up until grade 12 but the level is VERY LOW. we use the same A2-3 or smth levels EVERY SINGLE YEAR so it gets very infuriating as someone who's i guess ahead of everyone else because i know all that stuff already 😭😭😭 and yeah english grammar is a bit confusing but it's nothing compared to russian AND ESPECIALLY GEORGIAN GRAMMAR. as a native speaker,,,, yeah georgian grammar is fucking hell. it may look simple but it's far more difficult than english, german, italian, french & all that jazz :/ its a very difficult langauge overall. sometimes even i'm not fluent in it, that's how difficult the grammar is 😭😭
also grade 8 u was insane bcuz WHY?? WOULD U DO THAT 😞😞 i can't even memorize the name of my own country were you okay??? and yeah our culture is actually very unique and just overall based more on the artistic side. we have our own dances, singing, our own food, clothing and a very very long history. we may be small but we have definitely kept our traditions throughout the centuries and i'm very proud of that, so that stuff is also very hard to get used to when it comes to foreigners visiting or even moving here because it's VERY different from other places. as for the alphabet oH GOD NO ITS DEFINITELY VERY HARD TO LEARN, we spend at least 4 years with different types of textbooks that are specifically made to learn how to write the letters with step-by-step tutorials and guides. we also have some letters shortened a bit like ლ,დ so it's even more confusing for people who aren't fluent to read what we write 😭😭 and as the years pass everyone develops their own calligraphy (which is even more unique because of our strange alphabet) yet we can still somehow understand what the other is writing? it's very weird and definitely not an easy language or an alphabet to learn for foreigners.
ALSO YEAH WHAT IM WRITING IS KINDA?? HEADCANONS??? bulletpoints? idfk atp its a mixture of drabble + headcanon + bulletpoint and i had the time of my life writing it but now im too lazy to proofread (which i probably wont do at the end of the day OOPS) and write for the two members that i have left :///// and i'll give sort of a hint (?) it has smth to do with enhypen and highschool 😋😋 the rest is up to your imagination (well until it's released ofc) its smth that i haven't really done before cuz i usually do normal bulletpoints so it's kinda hard for me but Oh well there's a first for everything and i need to step out of my comfort zone sometimes 😈💪
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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cuddlecave · 3 years
is xiphoid
first: you *are* good
next: alright thingrey au
how bout an alternate 'the team finds out the shapeshifter is still alive, whoops!' but in an utterly disastrous way
it's been a while since antarctica! a long while, and gord and benr *meant* to tell the team about them ages ago, when benr became human shaped again, but there just never seemed to be a good time? and really, whats one more day, week, month...
anyway the team is utterly oblivious of benr, but being aware of gord, means that's they've noticed he's not been spending as much time with them! been spending, like, a lot of time at home, actually--or away from town. sometimes even avoiding them! they're worried, bc really, this is not the way to deal with trauma, gord! you don't pull away from your friends, you get help! just bc you can't see a therapist doesn't mean you shouldn't try to process it!
anyway, gords generally cagey about where he is, but on a rare team night where he had come to hang over...they very much on purpose get him drunk. now, drunk gord is still pretty fucking cagey (he loves his boyf and would never endanger him if possible), which is a shame, but tom is able to ask a question casually enough that gord doesn't think about it...and ends up telling them he goes out to the [insert desert area here] sometimes. when pressed on why he goes, he seems to realize he made a mistake, and bolts, cutting the night short.
now, credit to gord, him and benr don't go back to that particular desert area after that. but the team are damn smart, and figure that just bc he's not at that area anymore, doesn't mean he's not in *any* desert area anymore.
takes some trial and error--figuring out when gord seems to be out (he never answers his phone when he's out, his car is not at home), and then checking a desert area (didn't get anything but desert the first few times). but eventually...they find his car.
things paint...a worrying picture. there's camping/chilling gear in the car (chairs and a shitty tent, left from when gord tried camping several years ago and never bothered to remove from his car) but they're not set up and gords not there? the doors arent locked and the keys are in ignition? (gord doesn't want to drop his keys running from benr, he did that once and it sucked. also why he doesn't bring his phone! but he's out like 55 miles from the nearest town, who's gonna steal his car?) there's torn up foliage around, as if something big came through (benr may give gord a head start, but he still likes to be big enough to a) chase well, and b) nom gord after), and most worryingly--a set of human footprints in the sand, clearly running based on stride. and some strange larger footprint *next to them*.
their friend was ambushed by something big, and is going to get got. (this is not entirely untrue. not ambushed, but definitely going to get got, lol.) they set off quickly following the footprints.
meanwhile-gord and benr are having a *great* time! the exercise feels nice for both of them, it's a cloudy day so it's shady, they're gonna order pizza and play playstation after this--its gonna be a wonderful day. it already is!
gord, at this point, is beginning to tire out. benr is getting closer. he pushes himself a bit farther, to stretch out the chase just a touch longer, and makes a sharp turn around a rock formation, causing benr to briefly crash into it, giving him a few more steps. but he's tired, and well, benr has better stamina--and agility. benr bounds over the rock formation and uses it's height to gain just a bit of an extra boost, and tackle-hugs gord. they nearly crash into some sharp shrubs, but they're fine.
gord turns and looks up at benr and grins, and benr leans down to him, and gives him a long kiss. gord hums in contentment and relaxes. he's gonna get to doze, now, before driving. naptime, hell yeah.
benr picks him up to swallow him and he just remains basically limp, exhausted, letting benr manhandle him, gently maneuvering him into his jaws. he's swallowed with little fanfare, and happily settles in his tum, almost immediately starting to doze as benr starts to walk.
then he hears screaming, and benr sharply moves, and suddenly he's wide awake.
the team follow the tracks. it's a long walk, even moving at speed--gord must have really been booking it, which means hopefully he's still safe, got away some how. surely nothing would chase him for too long, when he was outrunning it this well. the trail goes on and on and on--its looking less like this thing gave up. and gords footsteps are shorter, he's not managing a hard run anymore. they're coming up on a rock formation--its still several hundred feet away. close enough to see a figure that can only be gord run from behind it, but far, far to far away to do anything about what happens next.
they see him turn sharply, and something big hits the rocks, clearly taken off guard. he makes it a few steps. and the team look on in absolute horror as what can only be the shapeshifter jumps off the top of the rocks, and tackles gord to the ground. they're partially obscured by the desert plants, but it's enough to see, even at this distance, the rippling body parts of the creature, pinning gord down.
the thing leans its head down toward gord, and they can't see what's happening with the plants and distance. and then.
it picks a completely unmoving gord up, and swallows him whole.
oh, god. it snapped his neck. it ate him. it's going to try to finish what it started in antarctica oh fuck does anyone have a flamethrower?!
a seeing it stand and start to leisurely walk in the direction they came from, they're finally broken from they're spell of silence and horror. somebody starts screaming angrily, and bubby has a lighter and big spray, making a makeshift flamethrower--and they run towards it in vengeance.
it notices them and sharply turns, booking it in the opposite direction.
continued under the read more!
(cont) oh fuck, thinks benr. this is not good. Not Good at all. gord frantically asks what's going on?! and goes cold when benr says 'ur friends saw us. and buby has fire.' the good thing is, benr is bigger and faster than humans. the bad thing is that he's been running all morning and now has over 200 pounds of boyf swaying in him, even if he's holding gord as tight as possible so he's not getting thrown everywhere. he's not gonna last long, and there's nowhere to hide. gord is furiously thinking. but he's also exhausted, and panicking. the thoughts in his brain are sticky like drying glue when he tries do something with them, and he can feel benr slowing. it's not by much, but his alien bf getting hurt *at all* is unacceptable, so. he decides to stop thinking and start doing. he tells benr to 'stop and let me out! as fast as you can!' and benr skids to a stop and turns half facing the approaching team, and splits his abdomen open and gord comes tumbling out into the light, getting immediately covered in dust and mud sticking to the saliva covering him. it's kinda gross, but at the moment it's not even registering, bc in those moments buby has nearly caught up. gord stands, pushes benr behind him, who let's himself be pushed purely out of surprise, and holds his hands out. 'its me! I'm fine it's ok it's me, please I can explain, just turn off the fire! it's ok!' but the thing is, as far as they're concerned...'you fucking imposter we saw gord die! get a better lie!' and buby is still running full tilt at them. gord has enough time to think, *aw fuck, this is gonna hurt*, before buby lights his makeshift flamethrower and gord is suddenly extremely hot, in pain, and knocked on his back. he can see the sky for a quick moment, before what can only be benr is standing over him, protecting him from further fire. a few limbs quickly use the dirt to put out the couple embers on his shirt (well, what's left of his shirt...) buby jerks back at the large being leaping in his direction, but it stops as it stands over the gord-imposter. which... is not moving. or writhing like the shapeshifter, or trying to split off from the damaged part. it's just...lying there. shallowly breathing as if in shock. buby gets a bit of a sinking feeling. - I got tired after writing this but basically benr tries to angle around enough to protect gord and also use teal green on him from another mouth. the team quickly figure out something is fucky, and that gord...might not be a Thing?? gord is in zero shape to have a real conversation--burns are serious business, and he basically passes out during teal-green. so why was the creature... protecting gord?? especially if it ate him?!?! there's an uneasy (extremely uneasy) truce, and benr carries gord back to the car, flamethrower pointed at them the whole way. they leave gords car and take them both back to toms place, in the car they drove in. it is supremely awkward. especially when gord wakes up for half a minute, kisses benr, and passes out again. not sure how it would go from there,, .... didn't mean to accidentally write a minific but here we are!! I really like the 'extreme misunderstanding vore' trope, lol.
ohhhh man this is like an angsty version of a regular not-a-game au idea i've thought up before o: thinking about what would happen next... the whole car ride home, benb was hitting gord with more healing (tho he gave the guys ample warning first about what he was doing so they wouldn't think he was attacking or something), and thanks to that, gord's burns are healed up to the point where he doesn't need hospitalization, just some burn cream and good rest to finish it off. (and a hair cut. benb is very sad that he couldn't repair gord's burned hair and beard. when gord's awake again he's just "Dude it'll grow back, don't worry." "i knooowwww but it still sucks. your hair was SO pretty. and you look like a sixteen-year-old without facial hair. kinda weird. babyfaceman." "WOW shut up."). when gord's awake and aware enough again, they all have a sit down and get an explanation from him and benb. benb goes on to basically give a summary of his whole backstory; explain what exactly he his and how he got to earth, and what he was trying to do both at the b'mesa base and that first norwegian base he first thawed out in. when he gets to the part about why he never wanted to hurt the sciteam, that does a pretty good job of warming them up to him. "the thing about that frzn guy is he was a total asshole. HUGE douche canoe. and i was like 'maaaan i don't wanna be this guy, he suuuuucks', but then i noticed that he'd hardly ever interacted with anybody else there. new guy on the base. nobody knew him, or knew what he was like. so i figured i could get away with acting like myself instead of him, and nobody would notice. i've never been able to just be me around other people, only when alone. i didn't really... know how it was gonna turn out. but you guys ended up liking me! you invited me to come hang out on breaks, and play video games, and watch movies, and talk about soda and photography and it was fun and nice and good! you were nice to my dog body, too. giving me a name and everything... you're all great cools. i got attached to you guys. like, super attached. didn't wanna hurt you, ever. 's the reason i never touched the sled dogs, too- i knew tommy would be sad if something happened to the dogs, and i didn't wanna make him sad." (bubs probably acts like he's not touched by that, but he is :B and also, like i've said in a post on my main, bubs feels some sympathy towards benb after hearing about his origins as an unethical science experiment. bubs wasn't grown in a lab in this au, but he was still subjected to some painful "knowledge tubes" experiments due to his contract with b'mesa. so he still knows that feel, bro. unwilling lab rat solidarity.) benb apologizes for everything in antarctica, and bubs apologizes for torching gord, but then the team asks what the fuck? happened in the desert?? and gord explains the "one-sided tag" game they do to help benb burn up energy, and that benb was just carrying gord to let him rest from the run on the way back to the car. ("Carrying you in his stomach, though?" "nah i don't put him where food goes. it's the uhhhh *lip smack* nap organ. custom made for sleeping in. bedry time.") (they also at one point explain "also we're dating" to which gord gets accused of being a monsterfucker ha ha. and then benb's like "ew no i'm ace" and harold goes on about how beautiful interracial young love is.)
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syubub · 4 years
First of all, sorry about the pic. Second is the disclaimer. This is a tarot reading meant for entertainment only. Thirdly, I decided to do each member as an individual post bc I think it's less hassle that way 💕
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Okay. So. Wow.
I don't know where to start with Tae. His soulmate and him have the most ideal relationship. The cards for the relationship aspect is 100% soulmate vibes. I mean come on, the 2 of cups (soulmate card), 4 of wands (marriage) and the lovers all right next to eachother? Hot damn. They definitely travel together a lot and his Soul Bae might be a good entrepreneur? Idk but they are both financially set.
I think we should start with physical attributes first. I have a strong feeling that they will be naturally blonde or have blonde hair at the time they meet. The color yellow is also important (Taes energy is very yellowish gold to me. Coincidence?). I also get the sense that this is an old soul. May be older than Tae but definitely an old soul. A youthful face. Sort of fun yet intimidating look to them. They might have sharp features (specifically eyes which could be a grayish brown? Possibly even have heterochromia? Might have light freckles. Puts effort into the way they look but also just wakes up looking flawless. Might be from abroad. His soulmate might be very interested in France, have a very French aesthetic or lived in France. His soulmate is very much like him. Relatively tall? Modelish but unconventional, like kinda built, lanky, boxy. Strong legs. Wavy hair? Idk. A balance of masculine and feminine traits. The type to enjoy being fancy but also super down to play video games and can definitely out drink Tae. Definitely. Looks good in sweats lol.
onto how/where they'll meet. It might be when he is alone at a museum in France standing in front of a statue of Venus (It popped into my head and i couldn't not write it down) or perhaps when one party is traveling and they meet on a hike or in nature or something like that. Possibly even at a work function. As for when they meet. It is up to both parties to decide to come into union spiritually. If that makes sense? They both will be drawn to eachother when the time is right for them.
Onto this person's personality. Earthy influences. Romantic!!! Romantic. So romantic. Their love language is words of affirmation. This person is very chivalrous? Idk like this person is very gentlemanly? Like, they want to take care of tae and will open doors for him and stuff. Makes him chocolate covered strawberries. Also very intune to ~otherworldly~ things. Lowkey a psychic. Idk why but this person it like guided by Taes guides sometimes? Like, they'll just pop in. And like, when it's time for them to meet, Tae grandma will give him every fucking sign to be like, "THIS ONE!! THIS IS YOUR SOULMATE, KID!" (Also, topic for a different day but i have a mad feeling that Tae communicates with the dead, specifically his grandma, and that's why he trust/ relies on his "angels" so much.) I don't want to be insensitive or step on toes or anything but like Taes grandma probably communicates with Taes soulmate too? And like, I keep getting an image of Tae and his soulmate sharing dreams? Idk it's a lot. And I think I've said it before but Taes soulmate is... massive... like, energy wise. Theres almost like an archaic, out of this world feeling to this person and they have to be spiritual or imma shout. Like, this person. Is. Crazy. Idk what's up but it's almost like there's a wall? Like, I'm not privy to it because my small little fragile conciousness would shatter in its presence? Maybe a bit dramatic but there is a lot behind this person and their union with Tae. This person has been through a lot and might be closing an old chapter in their life when Tae comes in. This person might feel lost? Like, they have such massive energy but human life is stupid and confusing and they dont know how to channel energy into productivity? Might also fear abandonment and commitment so they have a hard time really connecting with people because they get attached easily and are afraid to lose them. An empath? Very creative and able to manifest pretty much anything. For archetype cards, I got: artist, shape-shifter, knight, messiah. Very very creative and can probably draw in experience from different levels of conciousness? Like this person is an artsy, spiritual Joan of Arc.
So. Cards about their situation are Soul Family and Inner Temple. Essentially they both need to awaken and call eachother in. They need to fully be themselves and just exist!
Cards to Tae from his Soul Bae: progress, not perfection, answered prayers, unconventionality, big bold vision, beyond the mind the heart beats, sacred fool.
Okay. His Soulmate is a funny one, I'll get to that soon, but also very genuine. Like this person wants to see him grow and Express full potential. Bae wants him to stop caring what others think and be weird! Theres stuff he doesn't talk about with other people (perhaps the fact that hes way more spiritually intune than most. Not by choice either though. He was born with this shit. He probably saw faeries as a kid and shit) Bae wants him to settle back and listen to his inner self and nurture what's already there. This is a line from the description of sacred fool, "Don't try to be appropriate, don't try to be socially acceptable and worry about what others may think about what you are doing-just be. If you want to wear a mad hat whilst doing so, fine." Bae wants him to have fun and do whatever the fuck he wants to do because Tae being happy is what's important. Like, if Tae went and bought a literal circus and was like, "this is my dream, its who I am" Bae would be like, "...are you sure?" And if he was sure, then his soulmate would double check everything, make sure hes safe and dive in head first with him. It's very supportive but also his soulmate is practical. Like, his soulmate wouldn't willingly let him do anything that would directly harm him or ruin his life, you know? This is his guardian angel. His love. His tried and true. One and only. It's ridiculous and they will have kids and a farm. Fight me on that.
I wanted to channel a message from his soulmate to him and I got a laugh, something about "our four leaf clover" "He needs a haircut" and, "Tell him he's dense but I'll love him forever in this life and the next. Forever."
Then I thought, well, Jimin is definitely Taes platonic soulmate so like Taes Bae and Chim have to get along and I got the cutest image of Tae, Taes Bae, Jimin and Jimins soulmate all sitting together in a garden drinking tea and laughing and all of their guides are watching them with smiles and the rest of Bangtan and their soulmates come into the garden with their soulmates and it's a cute Soul-party and now I'm super soft.
Theres so much to say about this soulmate union and really even just his soulmate because it's such a powerful energy and I think someday I want to do a part 2 for this because I have lots of questions. I feel like these two can have any sort of life together. Like they both hold the pen and are constantly writing and revising their life scripts. Also, I get the feeling that his soulmate is...hmm.. they give me the feeling that they might not exist? Like they do but at the same time they don't? Or maybe they're just like, deep. Like an onion. I'll put a pin in this for another time but it gives me a deep indigo type of feeling, you know? It's a whole thing. I'll do a part 2 for this.
Last comment. Taes Soul bae has great eyebrows? Idk why but that's a thing apparently.
Tae has a fantastic soulmate who is impressively cool, they have the cutest life together and they are definitely going to live the cutest domestic life ever? Also, Tae probably wants to have 6 kids so each kid can have a designated Bangtan Godfather lol. Think artsy-museum-farmer-millionaires who have a house made of Gucci and matching rocking chairs.
Cute cute cute. Like I said, I'll expand on this later! Also, I apologize if it isn't very cohesive or doesn't make a lot of sense. I've been busy and my life is a little messy but I wanted to get this out!
Stay safe💜
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youssefguedira · 3 years
Aaah I've been absolutely living for your zelda au posts!!! I want to know everything- there's too much I can't think of where to start!!! I'm gready for absolutely any more details you want to want to share!!! (also, thank you so much for puttling those posts out in the world- your writing is just amazing and beautiful and you're just fab)
anon this is so sweet i wasn't sure anyone was actually paying attention to that au bc it's uh. pretty specific to me personally. so it's really nice to hear that someone is actually reading them and enjoying them!!!!! so, here are some thoughts i have about how nicolo gets the master sword because this is one of the things ive been thinking about recently. along with how they actually get together romantically but i'm not going to tell you that i would like to keep some things a surprise. i also am putting it under a cut bc it got long:
- i know there's no triforce in breath of the wild but i don't care this is my zelda au and i'll do what i want. for non-zelda fans, the triforce is basically the ultimate power, usually split into three pieces, which are courage power and wisdom. princess zelda holds the triforce of wisdom, ganon holds power, and link holds courage. so in this case yusuf's got wisdom (well. not yet) and nicolo has courage.
- i know in botw link got the master sword when he was like 12 but again i'll do what i want. i still havent finalised how old they are yet but theyre not 17.
- so onto what actually happens. at this point, they don't know who has been chosen to be the hero. nicolo has already been assigned as yusuf's bodyguard, the divine beast pilots have been chosen and are currently staying at hyrule castle, and nicolo and yusuf are just about reaching the friends stage.
- so. one morning yusuf wakes up to find nicolo at his door looking a more than a little bit freaked out. yusuf is, you know, worried about this, and nicolo shows him the mark of the triforce on the back of his hand, which appeared during the night after a weirdly vivid dream he had about a forest and a sword in a stone pedestal.
- (now as a quick side note - while in the zelda games the triforce always just looks glowy and gold and cool on the back of link's hand, nicolo's mark looks like a burn mark or a brand. this is because one of the main points in this au is that the triforce/being chosen is a burden more than anything else. it is unwanted. it is stressful. it often results in painful death. the zelda games occasionally hint at this but they're made for children 7+ so don't go into it. i, however, very much do. the triforce can be considered both a blessing and a curse, as it grants you abilities but also forces you to fulfil a destiny you may never have wanted. yusuf's feelings on it are complicated but he mostly considers it to be a curse. we don't see nicolo's feelings on it directly as the first part is written from yusuf's point of view but i will tell you that he has a complicated relationship with it too. this will be hinted at in part 2 but that is... also complicated bc reasons. this was not a quick side note at all. oops)
- that aside, yusuf knows exactly what the mark means, of course. because when his mother died and his father got weird about training he made it a point to learn as much about all of this stuff to try and figure out how to access the sealing power. it didn't work, but this does mean he knows what it means
- so, he takes nicolo to see his father, because he's not quite sure what else to do. long story short they organise a journey to the lost woods, where the master sword is. i probably won't actually call it the master sword within the fic but i'm referring to it that way here. (for non zelda fans: the master sword is the only weapon that can harm calamity ganon. at least in this au, because technically anything can harm ganon in botw but again i do what i want) the champions go along because i like them.
- another important detail in this is that while the mark of the triforce means nicolo is the one destined to wield the master sword, but that does not automatically make him worthy of it. the master sword stands as a test. if you try to pull it from the stone and you are not worthy, you just straight up die. again with the idea of destiny being a curse i feel like i mention that a lot. (it's a test of courage, see: you have to be willing to try anyway, despite knowing you could die. you must also be like kind and not evil or whatever)
- nicolo's not going to die (yet) but you know. nobody knows that. so understandably it's a little stressful. yusuf maybe tries to talk him out of doing it or something idk yet. perhaps tries to call it off when he sees nicolo in pain. but nicolo does get the sword in the end
- and yusuf has... complicated feelings about this. because you see he has been training for years, and he has achieved nothing, and now nicolo has the master sword. in yusuf's eyes, he is everything he is supposed to be, and yusuf is still a failure. (his father also says something like "finally, we are making progress" because yusuf's father is kind of a jerk)
- he gets a little withdrawn after this but then nicolo comes to find him after he doesn't see him at dinner (with cake. this actually happens on two separate occasions in the fic because i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about nicolo acts of service di genova and food as an expression of love) and they like. talk and stuff
- this is an important stage in their relationship tho because before they have been pretty formal with each other and almost-friends but not quite there and this is what moves them past that stage. yusuf is finally able to actually talk to someone. so is nicolo. i am not describing all of it because i do want to leave some things as a vague surprise but yeah
- so that's how nicolo gets the master sword
#neon answers#anonymous#the zelda au which lives only in my head#seriously anon i am always down to talk about zelda au so if you are ever wondering about anything chances are i have thought about it#extensively. please feel free to ask any time. i am really happy you're enjoying my rambling#i am actively encouraging people to ask about my zelda au i have spent a lot of time thinking about it#anyway MORE rambles in the tags because i'm not done#nicolo of course has to get the master sword BACK 100 years later. which is a little more complicated#he goes straight for it because he isn't sure about a lot of things but he knows he needs it#but when he gets there and tries to pull the blade from the pedestal he can't do it#the attempt nearly kills him. he passes out and probably gets some kind of memory/dream/flashback kinda thing#i've also been thinking a lot about how he gets his memories back#he travels to each spring to try and become worthy of the sword again and is able to access each one after completing the divine beast#at each spring he is given some of his memories back (specifically of yusuf: the others he gains before each divine beast / after freeing#the champion trapped in the divine beast)#he doesn't regain them all but he regains enough#at the spring of courage he remembers showing yusuf lovers' pond / their first meeting / A Certain Other Event Which I Won't Talk About#(they go to lovers' pond before they're even together like that. yusuf mentions the legend and nicolo's like oh i found that i'll show you)#at the spring of wisdom he remembers traveling up mount lanayru#not sure about power yet. i havent thought as much about the eldin / zora parts yet#i think the zora will have some kind of connection to mount lanayru#because they value wisdom above all else + mount lanayru is sacred to the goddess of wisdom#i have a lot of worldbuilding ideas tbh. i've been toying with the idea of moving the gorons further from death mountain because i don't#want them to be rock people in this so they're just human. i might end up moving them to akkala but still near the mountain#three of the divine beasts will remain the same - i haven't figured out andromache's beast yet. i think a snake would be cool tho#(this is when i find my copy of creating a champion and use one of the unused concepts. the crab was cool)#anyway. anon this message made me insanely happy. i hope you are having a nice day
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kiannjwriting · 3 years
Rules and Masterlist
There aren't very many rules here. I write companion reacts and headcanons for Fallout 4 and Mass Effect Andromeda. I can write small fics, but I don’t have much experience. You may see @kiannj interact in the comments, or notes. That is me, just on my main account that I use for rebloging.
If you decide to send in a request (please do), follow these guidelines:
Specify which game AND character(s) you want me to write for. If you don't specify, I'll write for the characters and/or game I feel the request fits the best.
I will not write ANY material if it involves immoral or unethical acts/ideologies, such as pedpohila. Please use common sense when sending in requests, I’m perfectly fine with writing material that's N$FW but keep it consensual.
Specify if you want the react/headcanon done with gifs and/or writing. If it’s N$FW, gifs won’t be an option since the gifs will violate community guidelines. I can add images or links to adult websites, if you request that. If you don’t specify what you want, I’ll pick what I think fits the best.
If you are a minor (under the age of 18), you’re completely welcomed here. The only thing that I ask is that you don’t request N$FW content. I know that I can’t keep you from reading any of the N$FW content, and I’m not going to try to stop you, but please don’t request it. Those of you that are considered adults, feel free to request that content and, if it eases your mind, I am 18 years old.
There is a Masterlist for the requests I've already done. It can be found under the tag #Masterlist or the link below this paragraph. Check to make sure I haven't already written your request beforehand. If there was a request that I did for other characters and/or a different game, send in another one with the game and characters you want to see the react or headcanon for. Once the link limit is hit on the Masterlist, I'll make another post under the same tag.
Here's the link to the #Masterlist
Below is the current requests that are in my ask box, separated by game. Check and see if someone has already requested what you want. REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN:
Fallout 4 (#Fallout 4)
“First off, you’re amazing. Second off. How would FO:4 companions react to Sole being unnaturally lucky. Like, think that gauntlet in Nuka World but they just kinda fumble around and somehow get through unscathed.”
“Friend!Fo4 companions (+ Maxson) reacting to & dealing with a teen!Sole who has magick (like Elder Scrolls) &, instead of using it for good/evil, they use it to take the mick outta people. Literally, just to pull pranks, & get people to smile & laugh bc gods, this world is grim. They want to make people laugh in a world that's trying to drain them of all life, & they're rather good at it, too. They've made some serious people laugh b4 & they'll do it again. That's both a promise & a threat. For the previous Fo4 request; there wasn't room then I forgot after I sent in the ask, but could the it be in writing?”
“Could you do a written Fo4 react with the companions (+Maxson & Desdemona) acting accidentally parental to a young teen!Sole (think 14-16) and Sole snaps at them because they aren't their parent and they need to remember their place in Sole's life (as a leader/friend/right-hand)? The npc has repeatedly been doing this without realizing it or the affect it's been having on Sole (lots of trauma, poor kid). After Sole snaps, they leave pissed; the npc eventually finds them curled up next to their parents' cryo-pods with Shaun's pre-war teddy in Vault 111. This would be in two sections of the react: their reaction to Sole snapping, then the reaction to finding Sole. Also, I love, love, love your work. Please keep it up!”
“How would the fo4 companions (including strong) + faction leaders react to meeting the mysterious stranger? Like, he actually sticks around for a bit for once as opposed to vanishing like he always does.”
“Fo4 Male Romanced!Companions being flustered by a flirty sole? Like, maybe the companions will occasionally flirt with sole, but then they become flustered/embarrassed when they actually reciprocate”
“Could I get a drabble about Fo4 Gage being cuddly and cute with sole? I like to think he’s just a big softie underneath the rough, raider exterior. Could turn a little nsfw if thats where you think it might end up, either way I dont mind ^^”
Spare some fo4 companion sfw and nsfw (if you're comfortable with it) HCS pls?(excluding dogmeat,strong and ada ofc)I really like ur stuff so just wanted to say that I hope you keep writing! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Mass Effect Andromeda (#MEA)
“written request for reyes accidentally getting ryder pregnant?”
“how to tell when the MEA crew + reyes are lying? with romance too please <3”
“ME:A request: tempest crew, The moshae, and Evfra react to Jaal being exalted by the Kett?”
Both (#MEA #Fallout 4)
No Current Requests
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