#I ended up forgetting to put this up due to twitter
shamanofthewilds · 2 years
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Gotosh and Zargaron complimenting each other in form and color, dancing in the forest of Highmountain beneath the loving moon. A most fitting gradient as they waltz into the cool night...or into the morning? Either way, the flowers bloom from their love and joy as nature dances with them.
I had completely forgot to upload this, this is an ASTOUNDING commission between myself and @frostwolfshaman​ from the very talented and skilled @fabcrabart​ and /fabcrabART on Twitter.
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throwbackgaylor · 3 months
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june 2, 2024 — lyon, france
this is too meta for me, but it’s long-awaited i suppose! im not sure how to do this honestly, nor do i have the words for what happened. even still, none of it feels real and its all something im not sure i will ever fully process, but we’ll try this together
as most of you know, roughly an hour before my first show started, i tweeted a picture of my location on the floor with the caption, “they don’t know i’m gaylor throwbacks”! what most of you don’t know though is that one lurker on twitter, the biggest gaylor of us all, took that statement and made it her personal mission. standing within feet of the stage as one of the only people in the stadium wearing daisies and being with someone in a KWK cap, i stood out very distinctly, and the very moment she was able to, taylor began searching my section. after spotting my friend and i, taylor then took genuinely every opportunity she could throughout the night to interact with and sing to us. we weren’t able to find everything, but i fear the video several kind friends of mine have put together will have to speak for itself (although i will add commentary for a few things). side note: i’m so beyond thankful for them, the making of this video, and all of the livestreams/recordings in general as i did not have my phone out for most of the concert
after spotting us on the highest platform during the man, my friend held up their kode with klossy hat during fearless to which taylor mouthed, “AW,” before giving us the widest smile and scrunching her nose up at us. and once the song ended, she rushed back over to our side to toss me the lover guitar pick she had been using
enchanted is when the rain truly started and after pointing at us while singing the line, “walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy / vanished when i saw your face,” she excitedly turned back to us to comment on it
cardigan…? i can’t talk about it.
throughout the entirety of champagne problems (and a lot of the night, really), my friend and i held up heart hands (🫶) to taylor as a means of encouragement and way to send our love. most of the times she looked up while playing the song was to look directly at us. after she finished performing, taylor walked over to where we were standing, made eye contact with me, and mouthed, “i love you”
by the 1989 set, my disability had me feeling faint and thankfully, my friend got me to the front to sit against the barricade with security before i lost consciousness. i spent the rest of the show there, alternating between passing out, singing along from the floor, and forcing myself to stand once taylor was near. and that is where the anti-hero serenade took place: standing at the very front of the barricade
after the show, friends of mine also let me know what was being said during the livestream chats: swifties believed that travis must have been at the show due to the overwhelming amount of times she looked at one specific location. that location being mine.
my final, scattered thoughts: let this be a reminder that as much as we see taylor, she sees us as well. be kind, spread love. and taylor, if you’re seeing this, thank you endlessly for the night(s) of my life; i’ll never forget it. as a fan of ~15 years getting to see you for the first time, never in my wildest dreams could i have imagined the experience i would have. love you more than words. thank you for everything, and most importantly, for just being you
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shinakazami1 · 1 year
TSPUD: Symbolism of The Pink Room
@stelar-time asked in Twitter (I refuse to call it X) post about people's headcanons about the Pink Room and I thought I'd share this here, too
CW for some religious mentions
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First, I'd like you to look at the dialogues in this part.
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The fact that it's the fourth figurine is not a coincidence.
The Pink Room seems to serve as a symbol of nostalgia and of how memories can change with time. They tend to be rough and down the pipe you go, they do tend to lose details or get some added parts in, for your brain to make sense of them. That's why this room doesn't come at the first or last Figley and instead in the middle, as those are more often the parts we tend to forget.
What is interesting, though, is how Narrator questions it. Because a similar situation occurs somewhere else.
At the end of the Demo, Narrator starts to do a callbacks to the journey you had. However, at some point, he starts to mention and show parts you've never seen before. In contrast to the Pink Room though, there is not a single questioning involved. So, what's so special about that room?
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You could say it's only a symbol of a nostalgia and fragility of memory. That he is recalling some moments he felt halky about and due to it, puts rose-tinted glasses which show off in a form of this room. Why hadn't he done the same thing in the Demo, though?
Memory overall seems to have a bigger role in TSPUD.
Narrator overall seems to have memory issues - he tends to remember some of the previous resets (skipping parts of the Freedom run after going through it nth time in a row) and completely forgets others.
That's why he has Memory Zone. He uses it as a photo album, not knowing it's as unreliable as his own callbacks.
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But then, I did wonder... Why an apple? Why does this room show it and not anything else, any pink fruit?
And then, I looked at the architecture of the place and it reminded me of something.
Big window, a statue of some sort on a pedestal before it, pointed archs, to ribbed vaulting... It seems to match a typical church architecture. And then, it hit me.
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The Apple of Eden. Fruit of the forbidden knowledge. Of somebody being there, someone watching, listening. Of him not having fun control over his creation might have been bit when we were jsut skipping around, only seeing part of his struggle in the Skip Button.
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You might be then asking, why doesn't it have a bite mark then?
There are two possibilities I've considered:
1) it could shows Narrator's ignorance that he shows quite often. That could be true since he just tries to accept what had changed, trying to just say 'don't focus on it, it's a silly thing, let's move on'. He brings it up though since he already learnt from the Broom Closet that things untold seem to interest the Player more.
2) It's a memory within a memory. The apple before he bit in. It's the knowledge he beholds and shows us in a non direct way.
Just like the Bucket.
Nostalgia is supposed to give a good vibe but - it doesn't always succeed.
But this room can indirectly show Narrator's progress. The fact he knows more, the fact he can tell his memories get altered, the fact that - he changed.
In ways we misremember.
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thollandneedy · 19 days
Photobooth- Tom Holland
A/n: I had this idea for so long, like, not even kidding.
Warnings: Explicit language; hot make out between T.H, Y/n and Z
Summary: Y/n it's tired of the media commeting on her relashioship, then she decides to brake the internet
Don’t forget to share, like, comment and leave your ideas here
Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
“ Fuck me,” Y/n complains, throwing his cell phone on the armchair next to him in the living room.
The woman put her hands to her face, pulling it down in discontent. It wasn't the first time that the media had tried to destroy her image because she was dating a Hollywood star, who coincidentally is making a movie in which the famous actress Zendaya is taking part. From comments on her Instagram posts to people in the street when they saw her walking with her boyfriend and taking the dogs for a walk. All she heard was: “You're stealing him from her”.
Zendaya and Y/n were friends, and there was no relationship of jealousy or dispute over Holland, but the media always made it seem like they were in a constant fight for the attention of the year's hottest new thing, Thomas Holland.
“What's wrong?” Thomas approaches Y/n with a cup of tea in his hands and his hair in a mess. “It's seven in the morning, love. Let's not have another crisis over the building's wifi.”
“It's not the wifi.” The girl complains. “It's those… ugh.” The frustration is evident in her voice, and then her index finger points to the cell phone lying on the burgundy armchair next to the cream sofa.
The brunette bends down to pick up the cell phone, then reads the news out loud:
“Tom Holland and Zendaya Coleman. Off-screen romance? This afternoon, a photo of the two in a coffee shop in Los Angeles, California, was taken by fans who were present at the scene. According to the interviewees, the couple were talking about building a family and how they should improve their relationship. In 2019, Thomas Holland started dating his childhood best friend, Y/n L/n. Apparently, close sources say that they are going through a crisis in their relationship due to the fact that Holland has not yet asked her to marry him. This would have led to constant fights, and finally, a hidden romance with actress Zendaya Coleman. There has been no statement yet about these photos or the news being spread. Keep an eye out for more news, and leave us a comment on who you're most in love with.”
Thomas lowers his cell phone close to his face, letting a disgruntled grunt come out of the brunette's mouth.
“I didn't mind the comments on my photos before, or even the insults on Twitter, but this is too much!” The woman said dissatisfied, getting up from the sofa and heading towards the double bedroom.
“Love, I'm really sorry.” Holland tries to say. “We were going over the lines from the new movie, which, by the way, talks about building families and so on.” The brunette follows his girlfriend, managing to touch her fingers in an attempt to calm her down somehow.
“I know you were. I'm not suspicious of you, but these tabloids? What do they think I'm doing with my life?” The woman says, abruptly removing her pink pajamas with flowery details. “Fuck!”
“I can talk to my agent. Ask him to take down this report or even block the page for spreading fake news about us, me-” The actor follows her towards the closet.
“This isn't going to end any time soon. Not as long as people think there's a rivalry between the two of us, and you're the meat in the middle. We need something that really impacts people.” The girl opened her drawers, patiently picking out something she could wear to the gym.
“Like what? A text statement about the case. Or if you don't want to show up, I could choose someone to speak for us. Harry or Sam.” Holland tries to take charge of the situation, spreading his arms as a sign of disorientation. “Or we could post a photo together with a cheesy caption.
Y/n rests both hands between the clothes that have ended up in the drawer of gym tops, staring at nothing for a few seconds. The woman lifts her face, relaxing her tense shoulders and finally, having an enlightening moment, replies:
“I already know what I want to do, but you can't be jealous”
Weekends, for some, were a day of rest from a long day's work. But for the wealthy, it was synonymous with extravagant parties with big names used for networking or just getting a chance with people of great influence. The loud sound of the speakers positioned near the swimming pool of the large mansion meant that even from the water the pulse of the beat could be felt. The number of people started to become countless as soon as the clock struck ten. The various rooms were full of different activities, with the kitchen being the center of drinks and the living room the center of board games along with couples sitting on the sofa.
Thomas was drinking with some work colleagues, while admiring the expensive watches he wanted to buy one day to build a collection. While he seemed distracted, Y/n found himself in a group of women chatting about various subjects, in search of his real target. The brunette actress, with her hazel eyes and divine height, entered the room in a clingy dark blue dress and silver high heels, which didn't seem to affect her posture. Y/n focused his eyes on the actress, silently excusing himself from the women he was talking to and heading towards the brunette. Passing between the guests and the men who stared at her because of her provocative black outfit, Y/n's warm hands found the actress's back, touching it slowly
“Hi, Y/n!” Zendaya smiles as soon as she sees the image of the woman behind her, and greets her with a hug. “What's up? You look stressed.” “I'm fine actually.” Y/n comments, holding a drink in her hand and approaching the woman to say into her ear. “Can we talk in private?”
Zendaya narrows her eyes, with a confused face.
“Why?” The woman asks, only to receive a penetrating look in response.
The brunette decided to leave the conversation and follow in the footsteps of the woman in front of her, who was leading her towards a photo booth, where her boyfriend was already waiting for her, as if something was being planned between the couple. The actress smiled confusedly, sharing a look with Thomas, who was wearing a white dress shirt that showed off his muscles. The actor looked at his girlfriend, who stared at the actress determinedly, even though she was afraid of what she was about to do and ask.
“Did you see the news that came out this week? About our photo in the cafeteria?” Tom asked the woman, who quickly looked at him in confusion.
“Yes, I did. I'd asked them to take it down, but since the content of our conversation wasn't a lie, because we were talking about the script, they can't delete it. It wouldn't be considered fake news, just a double entendre because the teenagers who were watching us didn't know we were talking about the movie.” Zendaya loses her poise, crossing her arms and leaning against the photo booth door.
“I don't want you to take it off the air.” Y/n speaks up, taking a step forward. “I've had enough of all the times I've felt like a complete fraud, where we've all been the targets of lies and what they think we are.” Y/n says, expressing her discontent.
“We don't want to be talked about anymore. And that goes for you too.” Holland says to the actress leaning against the booth.
“Well?” The brunette asks, giving them room to explain what the plan is.
“We want to do worse. Something that's so surprising that it takes them by surprise and no one else will have any arguments to say about us. And I thought maybe we could get involved in something. The three of us.” Y/n approached the two of them, stepping into the middle of the small circle that had formed.
The air became dense, and their gazes hovered with the same density as a wave against the rocks of the sea. This had to end, and it would somehow, now.
“A sex scandal?” Holland frowns, wondering at his girlfriend's suggestive comment.
“I don't know yet. I was hoping you'd have better ideas than me.” Y/n is overcome by a lack of creativity.
Zendaya squints at the spot she was leaning on, and then an idea lights up her mind. The brunette turns away from the black wall and faces the booth, giving a smug smile as soon as it's finally possible to tangibly see what could put an end to all the rumors they've been suffering for the last few months. The brunette catches the eye of the couple who seemed lost, and then one of her hands finds the black velvet curtain used to cover the entrance to the cabin. Y/n silently agrees as soon as he sees the seductive smile of the woman in the blue dress.
That's what she wanted
Both women enter the cabin already feeling their bodies meeting each other, and then Thomas enters the cabin, closing the curtain behind him. The actors looked at each other as Y/n stood in the middle of them, feeling her breathing get heavier with each warm touch that found the waist of her body and the beginning of her back. The place seemed smaller than usual, and the heat began to become part of the environment they inhabited.
“What's up?” Thomas asks his girlfriend, who just watches him from the corner of her eye, giving a sideways smile in response. “And you?” The brunette stares at the actress who agrees with a somber look, stipulated to face the consequences that could come later.
Y/n touches the glowing screen in front of her, causing her eyes to shine with determination. The warm air of the actors' breathing hit the back of her neck, causing her hair to stand on end and her cheeks to turn redder than usual. Holland's jaw was clenched as he stared at Zendaya with worried eyes, even though she wasn't feeling pressured by the situation. It was all just a new way of getting into trouble while playing with each other. The countdown numbers began to appear on the screen, causing Y/n to turn away from the screen a little in an attempt to take one last look at the actress.
Y/n turns her body towards the actress
The brunette takes a step forward
Their eyes meet and their breaths merge
Their breasts touch
Their lips come together in a wet kiss, as the sound of the camera clicking is heard. Zendaya's tongue slides against Y/n's, letting out a brief moan as she feels her body being pressed against the wall of the small room.
Holland, for his part, gently touches his girlfriend's hip, who then leaves the older actress's kiss and attacks the lips of her boyfriend, who was watching the scene. The kiss quickly deepens, and he can even taste the drink that Zendaya was sipping before talking to both of them. The Brit takes one of his hands to the back of his girlfriend's neck, who grunts softly against the kiss.
Another click
Taking a deep breath after leaving the kiss, he pulls away from both of them, allowing an empty space to remain between the two actors. With a permissive look, Y/n's two hands find the backs of both of their hands in support of the intriguing atmosphere generated. Thomas nodded in agreement, taking a step forward and lowering his eyes to the dress that the brunette wore delicately with its fine linen features. The woman allowed herself to be touched, and finally both wet lips intertwined into one, tasting each other. Zendaya's hands playfully touch Holland's face, while the actor traces a line with his finger down the side of Coleman's waist
Another click
A strand of saliva is shared by both of them as they leave the kiss, and then, as a last shot, the three of them come together in a mixture of flavors and saliva while the photo was being uploaded. He was sloppy, inexperienced and completely dirty. Their lips made slippery sounds, and the sounds they shared were in tune. Their bodies were on fire, and although they hadn't talked about any kind of desire for threesomes, it was something that had certainly crossed their minds as they kissed in a naughty photo. The clicking sound was heard one last time, but the kiss hadn't stopped yet. It was only when the trio's hands began to descend to places beyond what was expected that Y/n leaned against the wall to catch his breath. His chest was heaving, and his lipstick, which had once been only on his mouth, was now down to his chin.
Thomas and Zendaya moved away from each other as soon as they missed Y/n, who stared at them laughing to herself.
“Holy shit” The woman fixed her hair, smiling at the couple in front of her.
“I didn't expect it to be… good.” The Briton said without thinking, causing a deafening silence that was broken by the women's laughter at the embarrassed look.
“Me neither,” Zendaya replied, smiling at the woman in black.
Finally, the sequence of four photos came out in black and white, eliciting a satisfied smile from Y/n. The woman nodded, showing the photo to the couple who also agreed with a drunken laugh.
1 day later
Breaking News! On Sunday morning (23), a photo was posted on Marvel actor @Tomholland2013's Instagram, which shows a sequence of four photos in which he, his girlfriend, Y/N L/N and actress Zendaya Coleman are seen kissing! Y/N L/N and Thomas Holland have been dating since 2019, but there were rumors that Zendaya was the main one in the relationship after fans started to ship the couple after the first “Spider-Man: Homecoming” movie. Sources close to the couple say that Thomas and Zendaya were uncomfortable with the rumors influencing their personal lives, and deny such an affectionate relationship off the set We had the pleasure of catching up with Y/N by phone, and the only thing she allowed us to put into this interview was:
“We're THE motherfucking trio”
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 1]
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(Joris waven warcriminal voice) "Our beautiful nation."
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69 sounds like the number of a case in an episode of Aux Tresors de Kerubim where Kerubim would be arrested for a twitter callout.
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NEVER forget that Kerubim and Atcham went to this war for some reason.
I mean, it is a likely place for them to be, — but some whacky events (the unmentioned rivalry between old man Kerubim, Atcham, and Indie, from the second to last episode of Aux Tresors?) had to have led here. Yes, I'm putting on the tinfoil hat this early in the post, and things will just get worse from here.
Anyway: Imagine going to war. Imagine killing many people. Imagine you're mostly there to beat the shit out of your brother (but you hide it behind a veneer of heroism, because that'd be kinda cringe, innit,) and then the two commanders start making out and tearing each other's clothes off. What would you do in that situation? Because personally, I have no fucking idea.
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My long-standing conspiracy theory, is that the Huppermage Temple, or someone from it, is behind framing Julith, — though it is probably due to my addiction to making characters who appear benevolent (but aren't) a hundred times worse.
Just like the conspiracy theory that Ecaflip killed Atcham and Kerubim's family so he could manipulate them for his own amusement, it's not canon, — but it should be.
Knowing Ankama it may very well be a random character who never appears in the movie, man...
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Out of everyone in the Huppermage order, I don't trust these cunty, "make-up youtuber" looking women the very most.
Them in Dofus 2 when they reveal to Joris that they killed his biological parents for political gains, idk.
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As we've seen from Dessous de Dofus, Bakara "earning" her robes is solely a political move.
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She looks dead inside.
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I'm still unsure how to fucking pronounce his name, but good for her that she does.
I will try to split these posts by the parts of the movie, and since we are now finished with the intro, I will end this post, despite it being relatively short.
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
I think we all saw the tightening up of her socials coming this year. Not only because she’s maturing in age and her career, but just from 2023 alone. She had a lot of negative backlash and fan discourse; practically going viral daily on the bird app. I tried to summarize the best I could from this past year:
Jan: fan accounts worried about her “well being” as she’s not seen for a couple of weeks and not as active on social. She feels the need to respond “I’m excellent thank you” from her vacation to calm them down.
Feb: fans losing it on socials as the rumors are true, she is an LV girl now. Many fans not supportive of the change.
Mar-Apr: Law’s surprise retirement and Z feeling the need to assist online with the negative feedback
May: Negative news about Sam Levinson comes out and Z is automatically tide to him .
Jun: Stans show their ugly faces online when Z is working in LA during Tom’s bday and TC is at the party. She claps back at Daily Mail for spreading fake news.
Jul: Fans upset with Z on how she grieves privately over costars death. She feels the need to post and remind fans about grieving in private.
Aug: a lot of negative talk online about Zs upcoming roles and people not being able to separate fact/fiction. A lot of spamming Tom’s account due to this and negative reaction to Tom’s gay sex scene online. Tom posts on IG and Z doesn’t like it causing another bird app rumor they broke up.
Sept: the “my haaaaaaattttt” saga with a guest appearance from Darnell’s live. “Fans” begin harassing Claire and Darnell’s lives and posts with accusations on Z and/or her private relationship.
Oct: More negative backlash as she stays silent during writers strike and Gaza/palestine conflict. She posts a link on her stories to aid victims in the war.
Nov - Dec: mums the word.
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Giiiiirrrrrl.... when you put it in a list like this, it's so easy to see how "fans" and ppl in the gc routinely cross the line and are just so negative online ALL the time. 😔
I'm not even surprised if Z feels like taking a break from social media is for the best at this point.
I've always said that it's such a shame how people on Twitter will treat celebrities... people they don't even KNOW personally 🙄.....and just say the meanest, most vilest things about them on Twitter or the internet.
Then, these same people will then complain online about how their faves "no longer visit or post on social media anymore..." 😒 Well gee, I wonder why! 🤔🤨
I think people forget that at the end of the day, celebrities are just HUMAN beings just like the rest of us. They have feelings too! 😔
I'm so glad that Z and Tom (and many others!) have decided to lessen their time on social media.
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littleseasalt · 1 year
I'm so interested in the idea of q!jaiden and q!forever being parallels, ive never considered that much before! Would you mind elaborating on why you think that?? Especially cause im a big jaiden fan but i don't watch forever much!!
Oh, sure!
The main thing you need to get between q! forever and q!jaiden parallels is q!forever's reason for mistrusting q!jaiden. Basically the whole heated thing the fandom does between them and brings up every once in a while. And q!forever's reason has always been that he knew that if he was in q!jaiden's place, he would have done worse. Had it been Richas the one who died, q!forever knew he would be doing anything to have Richas back, or to avenge him somehow. And we do see he was true to his word when he got extremely angry and wanted to blow up the island and everyone. Forever mistrusted Jaiden (will be dropping the q! because honestly tiresome to type it out everytime on the cellphone) because he was projecting, he wouldn't trust himself if he was in her place.
Also a small note but something that I see people bring out often- Forever is the most motherly father of Richas. Like literally you could make a list of all the scenes where he acted exactly like a Brazilian mom would act.
Then we get to the happy pills arc, where Forever, drugged to a illusional state, sees a rock as his own son. He builds a secret place at his home, where he hides richarlystone for his drugged mind happy delusional state, gets a bunch of pictures of richas' family and puts up on the wall. Isn't it somewhat similar to jaiden's house at bobby fields?
Now, I personally don't like comparing much drugged forever to jaiden because. hey he was fucking drugged and not in the control of his mind, but I can't deny there is somewhat of a parallel here.
It gets more clear when Jaiden herself ends up seeing the house, and at first she gets weirded out, then proceeds to say something along the lines of understanding it and everyone grieves on a different way (I can't remember exactly her words sorry, can't really check her vod rn too), THEN, she finds a secret waystone on the place that is named "forevers weird place". Now compare that to Forever following Jaiden and Cucurucho to bobby fields and putting up a waystone "Jaiden secret house", finding the place filled with Bobby pictures weird, then proceeding to say he would do worse if he was at her place. Aren't those two situations extremely familiar?
Now, the reason I put the parallels as an answer is because of something I've seeing some people point out on twitter, although I personally don't agree with it fully.
Forever is happy that he got put on drugs by Cucurucho because otherwise he would have blown up the island. Despite how horrible being forcibly drugged was, he is somewhat glad that it happened. (now this is the part where I don't fully agree with what people are pointing out) Immediately after he woke up, Cucurucho goes and check on him, ask how he's been doing, ask if he needs more of the drugs. Yesterday, Cucurucho asked him again how he's doing, about his health. Cucurucho is somewhat being nice towards him. This would be similar to Cucurucho approaching a grieving Jaiden and manipulating her. So I've seen some people who are expecting Forever to end up more fed friendly today, like what happened to Jaiden. I personally don't fully agree with this analysis of Forever accepting that due to the friendliness being showed, but oh well.
I'm sure there's probably a lot more I could point out that I'm missing or forgetting- maybe other fellow Jaiden and Forever enjoyers could add on to this post, but currently I'm typing this while working on a college work to write with two friends, so sorry if something crucial slipped out of my mind LMAO. hope this post was somewhat helpful!
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risette-blast · 1 year
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(oh there are also traitor spoilers for P5 in here, but I feel like anyone who has played P2 has also played P5 already lol)
so last night, I finished P2IS. the ending still hurts by the way lol. but i've had a bit of time since then to think about the game in retrospect. so i wrote up a thought dump with sort of my "initial" thoughts on the game on twitter. afterwards, i decided to repost it here but with more detail since i'm not constrained with a character limit the same way I am with twitter (it's still gonna be in bullet points bc I don't really want to structure this like an essay haha)
this game's ending really was brutal. this is the main thing I've commented on ever since finishing the game, but it truly is awful. Maya is stabbed and killed, Lisa can't even heal her with Dia no matter how much she tries. the Earth is destroyed by suddenly stopping its rotation, causing the resultant inertia to instantly kill everything. in the end, it just turns out to be a rigged game between Philemon and Nyarlathotep (god that name is hard to spell lol). and then the entire cast is forced to go back in time and forget their memories with each other and everything to prevent the world from ending again. it's truly a cruel fate for them, I really did want them to have a happy ending so it just really hurts. 😭
a lot of this game's moments hit hard due to how good the OST is. this has honestly gone up to being one of my favorite Persona OSTs, and given how strong its competition has been, that's a noteworthy feat.
the gameplay was ass lol. I can't pretend it was good, it's worse than P1 in some areas which is wild (still liked IS more overall though, 1 has some very questionable mechanics)
now apparently this is specific to the PSP version, but man the menus were so slow. thankfully I was playing on an emulator so I even had this option but I genuinely just sped up the game somewhat frequently just to get through the menus more quickly
it was also probably the easiest Persona game I've ever played. P5R is genuinely harder. i'm not even kidding. I've gone on and on about how easy P5R is (on twitter), but P2IS makes P5R look challenging in comparison.
the characters were great. i didn't think I'd care about them as much as I did. they all had wonderful bonds with each other. personally I felt like yukino was the "weak" link, and like she doesn't have the bonds the other do so it only makes sense. and even then? she has some great moments and is genuinely well written too. I had played P1 before this but yukino wasn't in my party so she essentially disappeared; it's nice to actually get to know her.
that said, I don't rly like how P1 and P2 both kinda hide extra character details behind very optional dialogue that's easy to miss. it's not nearly as bad in IS though bc they get more characterization in the main story, so a lot of the characters in IS resonated with me more on a first playthrough than 1's characters did.
I've heard some people say P2's shadow encounters are better than P4's. I'm not sure I agree with that at least just from IS, but I thought they were pretty competent. I did like that they built up to the shadow encounters throughout the game, it's an interesting approach.
...personally I still like the P4 shadow encounters more overall. I just also really like the way the IS shadow encounters were handled too especially in the context of the story.
the dialogue about personas and masks was really cool. I wish the new Persona games did acknowledge that everyone has multiple masks they put on. the only characters from P3-P5 who really explore this imo (as far as I can remember) are Rise and Akechi, and even then, it's not nearly as substantial as 1/2. Rise's arc is more about her accepting that she can have multiple selves that are all her, and with Akechi, while he has two different masks that represent both the facade he presents to society vs his true nature, it's just a case of facade vs true nature, whereas IS acknowledges that everyone has multiple masks they present to society that form a full self.
I personally wasn't too invested in the romance options, and the game clearly didn't consider them super important either seeing as they barely affect the story or interactions, but I really did like that Jun was presented as a genuine, serious option. also it's not like P3-5 where it's kinda subjective, I feel like Jun just fits the best especially in retrospect.
I now truly understand why newsona's mechanics (calendar, s.links, etc) wouldn't work at all. there's no room in the story for that.
I didn't think the pacing was the best tbh. it feels like not a lot happens at first, then they throw a ton of story at you halfway through the game, then a lot more near the end. it could've been distributed a little better. I hear EP is better with this though.
I do have a few issues with the way the plot was presented. tbh it was just a little absurd lol, and also revealing that the whole story was Philemon vs Nyarlathotep (again, tough name to spell lol) at the very end was kinda mid. maybe I'll like it more with the context of EP. but what really made the story for me was ultimately the characters and their development, not so much the actual events in the plot itself, if that makes sense.
I love the ending theme, kimi no tonari. when you realize that the sumaru city (and a lot of songs in the game) share the same general leitmotif it just makes you sad to hear them in retrospect 😔
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shiningwonderland · 9 months
Camus (All Star) Memorial
Translator: Mimi (Twitter: _mimisaurora)
Memorial 3 - Your Fur is Unlike Anything on this Earth
I am a dog. My name is Alexander. 
I am a male Borzoi breed.
One look at my lush, white coat and no one can doubt my pedigree.
I am a loyal dog who accompanied my master to this country from the distant Silk Palace.
“...We’re back.”
He immediately released me from my leash as soon as we walked through the front door of our home.
I, finally free, barked with joy and shook my head, feeling liberated.
I don't like restraints like leashes or reins.
Leashes, in particular, are a nuisance because they have to be worn every time I go outside.
There was never any need for such things back at the Silk Palace, and I believe a master's command alone would suffice to compel a dog such as myself to obey.
In the past, I did get a bit carried away and bumped into a passerby once, and ever since then I've always had to wear a leash.
…It’s truly a shame.
Today, I appeared on television along with my master.
There’s been more demand for this kind of work recently.
It appears it is trendy nowadays for celebrities to introduce their personal pets to the public.
I am proud to help my master in his work, and I welcome this trend.
My co-star for this occasion was the lion, Rodriguez-dono.
The work itself was simple, as I only needed to keep close to my master, but it was great to reconnect with old friends like Rodriguez-dono, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.
I generally don’t like felines, but Rodriguez-dono is an exception.
It hurts me to see how often he is misunderstood because of his appearance.
“Alexander, come.”
My master called for me, brush in hand.
Being the smart dog that I am, I immediately knew why I was summoned.
It’s time for a brushing!
“Arf! Bark bark bark bark!!”
“...Noble dogs shouldn't frolic around. It's unseemly.”
As soon as I settle in and quietly move closer to his feet, he begins to brush me.
He brushes my fur carefully with a hog-bristle brush.
I love brushing time very much.
He is a busy man, but has almost never missed a daily brushing.
My brushings are sometimes done at dog daycare facilities, but the people there are not nearly as skilled as my master. 
My master would never scrape my skin.
His gentle combing is so pleasant that it lulls me to sleep as soon as he starts.
This must be due to the difference in affection.
“...Mm. This should do nicely. Your fur is unlike anything in this world.”
He always ends our brushing session with a light pat on my back and a compliment on my fur.
I love these moments very much too.
Seeing my master's face as his eyes narrow slightly is priceless.
“Now then…”
Putting away the brush, my master rolled his shoulders and sat down on the sofa.
Is he feeling a bit down?
It seems so. He is a man who devotes every day of his life to his mission as the Queen's Sword.
It's a demanding assignment and no matter how resilient one is there are bound to be times when one feels drained.
This is where I come in. 
What is something I can do for him…?
…Got it.
On that note!
I would like to propose that we play some frisbee today!
I hurried over to my toy box, picked up the frisbee with my mouth and ran back to my master.
Frisbee makes for a wonderful pastime to help forget the sorrows of the world!
Come on, master!
Let's have fun together in the backyard!
“Bark! Bark bark bark bark!”
“...Hm? Today's not the day. I have a script I need to look over.”
He replied curtly and started reading a script as he had said he would.
How could this be….?
There’s no way… I never thought he’d turn me down for frisbee….
It comes as a great shock, but I cannot disturb my master.
I hung my head and sullenly curled up in a corner of the room一
“Um… Alexander.”
Someone called out to me.
It was the young girl who had been playing the piano just a few moments ago.
Her name is Something Nanami or other. 
She was recently brought to the tower.
I naturally hold a higher status in this house, and she primarily handles the housework.
However, this newcomer is incompetent.
Occasionally, when my master is too busy, she will brush my coat, but her hand is too weak.
On top of that, her cooking and laundry skills pale in comparison to the work of the maids back in Silk Palace.
And yet, she's still better than that Whatever Aijima cat from before.
That cat was big and useless.
He couldn't even properly prepare my meals.
“Alexander. If you’d like…”
The young girl went on to say more.
She may be considerably better than that cat, but I am not one to readily accept someone of lower rank.
It is true that this girl carries an air of elegance akin to that of the Queen back in our home country, which is something to be commended, but I have been ordered by my master not to get too close to her.
I chose to pretend I didn't hear her, turned away and closed my eyes.
“If you'd like, I could play some frisbee with you.”
I looked up without thinking, and Something Nanami was smiling at me.
“You really want to play, right? I have time today, so what do you think…?”
Nu… Nuu….
Is this… newbie trying to trick me?
I am, however, a loyal dog, and would never do anything to betray my master's order...!
“Alexander. This is perfect. Have that woman play with you.”
“Arf! Arfarfarfarfarf!!”
Really, master!? Really, really!?
I can play, I can play, I can play!!?
“Look at how you’re wagging that tail… I’m happy you’re happy. I know you love your frisbee.”
I was so overcome with joy that I lost control of myself.
This blunder is unbecoming as my master's dog. I must be self-disciplined.
“What's with that complicated look on your face? Just go. I can't concentrate with you barking.”
Yes, gladly!!
Ah, that’s right, master! Since you are here, you too can join us...!!
“I've already told you that I can't. You’re wasting my time.”
It was inevitable. I accompanied the young girl to the backyard.
She's not as athletic as one might imagine, and caused a tremendous amount of trouble for me as soon as we started playing, but… that’s a story for another time.
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yugiamaneisdead · 30 days
Quick post debunking those half-baked opinions I'm seeing on tiktok and Twitter using just Journal 3:
1. "Mabel was selfish/mean/ungrateful/ an awful person etc" let alone the fact she's a 13 yr old girl and also regularly risked her life for him... The point is that they grew and learned. They made mistakes and apologized for it, and they forgave. They moved on. (Something Stan and Ford could never do -- a contrast)
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2. "Stanford just used Fiddleford and was the sole reason for the falling out" Ford obviously cared a lot about Fiddleford, but the fact was that they didn't trust each other as much as they should've, and Ford was being manipulated 24/7 (add on sleep deprivation, mind manipulation, etc.) That's the point of the "TRUST NO ONE" message being debunked - there are things you can't do on your own, and you need someone you trust to fall back on. But they didn't have that. (Second pic is of Fiddleford talking to young Blind Ivan, and it's implied this is where he got the memory gun idea, due to his traumatic experience striking a cord in Fiddleford.)
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3. "Ford is a bad person, used Stan, etc, all that shit." Ford fucked up. Literally everyone knows that. But after seeing who Stan was, who he really was, Ford was forced to confront the fact that his image of his brother was warped from years and years of being on his own, running for his life, living in constant paranoia, being manipulated into trusting no one but a dream demon, and yes, his ego. He admits it himself. And Stan isn't a perfect person, but the image (in the beginning) of him is inaccurate in the Journal, because it's written from Ford's pov. He hasn't had to look from someone else's POV in years, so he sees Stan's actions as selfish and unreasonable. But later on, he realizes it. He's been living like he's simply better than others due to his intelligence, criticizing everything Stan does, but in the end, he realizes he was wrong, and the brother he loved has been there the whole time, risking his life readily and daily just for a chance to protect his family, giving up everything for them. He realizes he was unjust. And it's not an excuse -- but a reason, one that shouldn't be dumbed down to "Oh he's a bad person". And he recognizes that Stanley has every right to deny his dream after Ford belittled Stan's.
He kept films of when they were kids, and stayed by Stan's side constantly while his memory was returning. Stan is important to him, he was simply in an awful situation that caused him to act awful. Stan is Ford's hero.
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4. "Ford abandoned Fiddleford/Fiddleford got a bad ending". Be so fr, even disregarding the credits scene where Fiddleford is with his son, and the scene where Fiddleford says he can start forgiving instead of forgetting what Ford did and put him through, there are full pages of this guy's ramblings abt him. And he remembers such minute details about his friend, such as the rubix cube. He went out of his way to help rebuild Fiddleford's life.
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Bonus number 5: "The road trip episode wasn't logical to put into the second season because they were trying to be protected from Bill. " that was explained too! Though it was only in the Journal so I get it yk? But Ford's aim was the protect the kids in case he made a mistake.
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Anyways that's all for now, just a bunch of things I noticed ppl forgot or didnt know while reading Journal 3.
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nopointic · 2 years
there were so many problems wrong with bullet train and years ago i would have made a long ass post, but i'm gonna sum it up with this.
i watched the movie.
came to this hellsite and put in bullet train in the search bar
and 95% of the fan content centers on the white guy
when the cast had several non white actors who were fucking AMAZING.
i've been on tumblr since 2010. and watching people on this site praise each other for not being openly fucked up like twitter now due to musk owning it and letting white supremacy run rampant, has been wild. i'm like how quick to forget where it all started huh. how so many black artists were run off this site due to antiblackness but now it's BUY THE BLUE CHECK MARK TUMBLR IS TRYING.
no. they're absolutely not. they never have. they have always done the bare minimum and white users have always praised them for it. peak white privilege.
tumblr has literally always been a hub for antiblackness and anti people of color since the very beginning, and white tumblr users like to pride themselves for their snark on here which is mostly misused AAVE and making fun of black people.
like?? tumblr sat at the very table of the birth of a lot of these fascists you see NOW getting called out and y'all swear up and down oh it's just quirky memes over here and you gotta just prune your dash to see the content you wanna see.
funny how the content always centers on leaving black people out, and when we engage with the fandom, we're always told we're overreacting for seeing stereotypes and how y'all demonize or just straight up ignore the FEW black characters or actors we see.
can't forget the good old fashioned colorism of white tumblr users. can draw every fucking character but here comes the black character and they're drawn either 10x darker and aggressive looking or lightened completely. and then the crying when called out. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW BLACK PEOPLE. I DIDN'T KNOW! but you literally drew several fantasy characters in a fantasy world, but the black person was too much to learn? ok.
y'all can buy the blue check marks. you can buy the ad free version of this, but i'm absolutely not because at the end of the day i know my black ass doesn't matter on this site, never has, never will, and 95% of the fandom content on this site is fucking racist.
but it's always "oh we just gotta give the site and people another chance"
you're happy you get to see white boobs again on here but black users are still flagged immediately for their color for trying the same thing.
it's tiring.
but yeah, tumblr is soooooo much better than twitter.
i mean i guess so cos on twitter i can get called the n word with a hard er with a generic profile pic
at least here i can get called the n word with a hard er with a fandom pic with a pride flag and a link about mutual aid
and y'all swear it's progress.
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chaeinedup · 1 year
WEi and book reader y/n
You guys woud just be chilling in bed, you reading your book and Daehyeon scrolling through twitter;
"Hey what are you reading?";
You tried to give him a little summery but for such a simple task you were stuttering a lot and he of course found it suspicious:
So he snatched the book from your hands and your biggest fear was taking place;
He started reading out loud WHILE REANACTING IT;
So when his hands started playing with your hair and putting it behind your ear, your heart was about to burst out of your chest;
"... and after what it felt like an eternity, he finally took her breath away."
So he did the same to you <3.
You actually approached him excitedly, ranting about how good the plot was, how magical everything seemed;
And because he loves when you talk about stuff you like he just let you;
Until he had the brilliant idea of asking you what was so magical about it;
So you started to describe how the main lead was so charming and elegant, etc...
"I can be that too!!"
He got up from the couch, giving you a slight bow and extending his hand to you;
"Can I have this dance with the most beautiful woman in the room?"
You couldn't hide the bright redness on your cheeks, he actually got you with that;
"Yeah she's also the only one in the room."
You were loving this new book, couldn't stop reading it;
And Yongha could see that;
He's also very aware of the fact that when you enter this zone you forget everything else, including eating and he will never let you starve;
So he decided to get up and take matters into his own hands, he will be making lunch for you.... or ordering it for you;
After a while the doorbell rang and that finally snapped you out of it;
"Are you expecting someone?"
"Yeah our lunch!"
While he went to go grab the food you decided to set the table;
On his way back to the kitchen counter he saw the book opened where you had stopped your reading session;
Suddenly a very hungry Yohan and Donghan decided to join you two for lunch;
Everything was going well, no fights, no teasing, a little concerning but not too much;
UNTIL, he decided to sneakly put his hand on your thing and sweetly rubbing it;
You almost choked on your food, wondering what had gotten into him up until the moment you noticed your book layed out open;
It made you happy to know he was just as interested in the book as you were.
"Babe are you busy?"
Yohan immeadiately stopped what he was doing so he could help you with what you were about to ask;
"So I had this idea... but it might be a little stupid..."
"No it's not, whatever it is I will help you. C'mon spit it out!"
So you explained to him, how in this book you recently got addicted to, one of the male characters has this specific moment where he leans against the door frame while talking to the female lead;
And due to the height difference between you two (his smug attitude as well), you just knew it was gonna hit you like a truck;
He giggled a little, cause he had no idea if what he was doing but that just made it more endearing;
He was trying his absolute best to fulfill your request but he also thought it was coming off as awkward;
So in the end you two just stood there laughing at how unnatural it seemed.
Not even two seconds after you told him you were in love with this new romance and it's prince charming he scoffed;
Ranting on how he was way better;
Then he decided to just do a long sequence of acts of service throughout the day to prove it to you;
He opened every single door for you, payed for your food, carried your purse, tied your shoes for you and made dinner;
He will absolutely NOT leave you alone until you tell him he's much better than some fairy tell made up guy;
"That's what I thought."
He actually got you this book, when he went to japan;
It just screamed your name and after reading the back he was convinced;
You were so happy when he gifted it to you, it was so meaningful that he payed attention to what you liked and how you liked it;
So it's no surprise that when you get half way, something starts to sound familiar;
More like someone;
You could swear this was Junseo in book form, so the obvious choice is to test it out;
Channeling your inner actress persona, you decided to pretend to get hurt to see if he came running just like the guy in the book;
One kick at the door and a yelp was good enough to catch his attention;
Junseo came storming through the door just to find you sitting on the floor grabbing your foot;
"Are you okay???!!! What happened?!! Should we go to the hospital??!!"
It was so hard for you to surpress your laughter but you finally give in:
He looked so confused and kinda of upset you'd joke about something so serious;
But after you explained to him the reason he just said;
"Next time, just ask if'd love you forever or something please ahah."
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slimesaurian · 7 months
im gonna go on a rant in a sec. I'll try to cycle back and edit the top here to cw the post but if it takes too long and I forget or end up missing some im sorry
so a friend of mine just got outed to her ultra religious parents by her fucking shitty ex. it really fucking sucks and I so badly want to [redacted] the dude who did it. It especially sucks because like, I befriended this gal maybe a year into transition and she was still closeted/figuring stuff out at the time but would ask me some stuff about transition and I was happy to help. My first "baby trans" of being a woman who was out.
anyways her boyfriend seemed okay on twitter, tbh was always a bit annoying but then again who am I to judge. Our interactions were alright and it was just neat having some moots. Then twitter shat the bed and I made a lil friend server on discord for people I liked. I ended up sending a invite to both cuz they expressed interest and unfortunately the annoying vibes from boyf were correct. Dude would ping her in the server to get him to respond to their dms and say a buncha yikes things. I think he even mentioned being republican or smth which wasnt a hit in the "leftist tranny" discord server. Mostly he made peeps uncomfy but I was hesitant to give the boot to him because of his connection to someone I liked.
Then there was one point where I was in vc with him and baby trans messaged me saying "hey be careful with what you say around him" and then sent me a screenshot after he ended up going on a tirade against her for expressing interest in piercing her nipples at some point
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1: bullshit lmao
2: very clearly controlling behavior and an implicit threat
at this point, i basically just stopped interacting with the dude in the server. I very much wanted to kick him, both from the server and irl but I was worried about escalating things and putting my friend in danger so I kinda just bit my tongue. eventually they broke up and I asked whether she'd like me to kick him or not and she told me she I didnt have to if I were comfy with him. I still didnt kick cuz I was worried about retaliation but my man was on thin ice, especially because I had just settled into a new place after fleeing a controlling man so I was not pleased with him.
Anyways then I made a joke about being gay in my sapphic tranny server and he was like "Wait, you like MEN????". Honestly, I had never felt like you could hear a pin drop in a digital space before. Anyways yeah I pulled out the boot after that.
Then dude was insistent on vc'ing me to "talk about what happened" and wouldnt stop messaging me trying to set up this call rather than just explain in text. Honestly I got the vibe this was intentional, I've had too many HR meetings to really buy that shit any more. I decided to entertain him just to get him off my back but then he kept pushing me so I eventually said I'll think about it. dude kept pushing and pushing me over text for updates for the next three days where I honestly just fucking ghosted him because of other life shit. Eventually I caved and told him to give me some space because I needed it and he went off about "Do you see how thats better than no response?" and then went on to talk about how "this issue isnt that big in the first place"
At that point I just never talked to him again. I figured his beef was with me and he has no leverage so I'm safe and hopefully baby trans is safe. Anyways fast forward half a year and god damn this girl has blossomed in the presence of other folks helping her through this stuff (if you end up reading this somehow, love you girl 💗). Unfortunately she learns that shitty ex has told ppl she cheated on him and thats why they broke up (girl absolutely has been too timid to pursue anything since, this is 100% a boldfaced lie. But gosh you rly should ask alex out already). She ends up making a very calm post clearing the air about how this isnt the case and she didnt feel safe around him due to the threat of being outed (above). No @'s, no names, just a simple post.
And then her dad gets a text talking about every little thing that could be used against her, from her caffeine addiction (lmfao) to her not rly being christian and eats weed gummies. Oh and, you know, she "wants to identify as a woman and have started taking drugs for hormone replacement therapy". As an aside, the text mentions she's "been dating a man for a year now" and "have sucked a couple of dicks". but who's dick i wonder 🤔. Also she's "never liked women and is attracted to penises" if this werent so fucking awful id be laughing my ass off.
The text ends with "I'd suggest confronting [deadname] about this since they're clearly out of your control and could learn a lesson about insubordination and respect". Not rly being subtle there bud. Anyways, me and my friends have spent all fucking day making sure our gal is safe and has a place to stay and are emotionally supporting her and I'm just so fucking angry. Her entire life has been uprooted, her autonomy violated, her existence endangered because this fucking prick decided he wants to be a petty motherfucker. For the record, she has temporary housing and is safe right now, but she's going to come out of this with such deep scars.
I think the worst part is, is that he's got a lot of trans women friends/mutuals. He was practically bragging about it in my server. Other trans womrn are in danger around this man and his vindictive rage but I dont have the energy to do anything more than try being there for my friend and help her through this. I'm just angry and sad and worried and tired. I hate this man. I hate people like him. I hate the fact that he will more than likely never face any sort of consequences for ruining someone else's life. I hate that society makes him feel comfortable where he is. I fucking hate.
I'm trying so hard to not succumb to hate and become this jaded feral beast but it's just so hard. its so hard seeing everyone i care about in this fucked up world get hurt over and over and over again. It's so hard seeing all this violence and pain and choosing to fight back with love. Every time someone i love is hurt it feels like a chunk of my flesh is taken along with it. a core of my being is robbed because I need to help. i need to be there. i need to counterract the world. but its not enough and itll never be enough and ill just wear myself thinner and thinner each day until all thats left is my bones bleaching in the sun. but what else can i do? the rabid dog gets put down. i just want to be safe and help my friends be safe and i want us all to live.
i dont know any more.
I think one of the worst parts is knowing that it's within my power to hurt him back. Like, he's told me the general area where he lives in the past and it's honestly not hard to narrow details down from there if you're dedicated. I could realistically make this fucker fear for his life. But then I'd be one of those radical violent transgenders who dared to bare her teeth at the society that uses and beats and breaks and kills her kind. I have to rise past it. I have to choke this rising bile in my throat back down and be a good girl for a chance to be granted the fucking right to live. I have to sit and feel my heart break and break and break and break and break every single day so some smug white boys won't ever have to experience the fear of god for the slightest moment.
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nell0-0 · 1 year
I accept your offer, it’s great fanart lol. Given how popular the twins are, especially in Japan, the twitters for Bulbapedia and Pokémon like memeing what happened to Ingo every few months. So I guess I serve as a reminder. I myself have my own sad headcanons and due to multiverse being canon, technically any idea we have is canon in one of the worlds(like diner Ingo).
My first sad headcanon was Chandelure pulling a Hachiko, the loyal Japanese Akita who waited around 9 years at the train station his owner would come back from work on after his owner passed away. Just Chandelure staying by the Singles Line even though she knows Ingo isn’t emerging. Another was my thought that they wouldn’t have a perfect happy reunion ending but Emmet would get closure. Like Ingo’s ghost appearing at either Celestial Tower or Gear Station, most likely still having choppy memories but being pulled here because of that feeling. He could be a side quest ghost like the trainer school girl or vessa, a plot twist where at first it looked like he made it home but hen it’s revealed he’s a ghost, or even a Pokémon fight like Marowak(be it fighting him, Emmet, or even Ingo fighting alongside Emmet a final time) but any form ending with him being put to rest(unless you are that one dream I had where he stayed as a worker but his model was growing purple still) while Emmet gets closure, finally knowing what happened to Ingo while being comforted by him being at peace so he move forward himself.
Then there’s the fan favorite Yamask theory. Yamask’s dex entries go on about how it “game from a bygone age,” how it “is searching for someone who recognizes its face.” There’s also the mask having the constant frown, debuting in Unova, and little things like this line from Ingo: “it must be difficult being a Pokémon, don’t you think? Especially one as irritable as Electrode.” Or his ace being a ghost type(their aces types are supposed to represent the dragons. Ingo has fire for Reshiram since it’s the older brother who had truth, and Emmet has electric for Zekrom. Why they have opposite colors is because they are the circles inside yin and Yang, but because of it people tend to put Ingo with Zekrom and Emmet with Reshiram. But now that Ingo is centuries in the past, that ghost type is making sense now lol) or how Gamefreak likes showing some on the dex entries in the story like Cubone, Hypno, or Guzzlord. So the theory states that Ingo dies in the past and comes back as a Yamask, possibly appearing as one in the remakes(Cofagrigus is confirmed to forget its former life completely upon evolution, so everstone him) and having a lot of fanart on tumble and Twitter. What can I say, Gamefreak opened itself up to angst
Ah. I must admit I have seen the Yamask thing going around before, but I think that more than a theory it was just someone's AU that got a lot of traction bc, well. Angst. The submas fandom so loves its angst. Besides, you said it yourself. The Cofagrigus forgets all about its human life, so...
Altho, wasn't the Celestial tower's bell meant to let the spirits rest? Just, picture Emmet after they finally confirm Ingo as dead and he goes there to ring the bell, symbolizing the end of his grief (kinda), his determination to keep going even now when Ingo's not around, and Ingo's spirit/ghost being able to finally move on because it was due to Emmet that he was still lingering around.
Ah, so bittersweet, so sad. Darn.
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wackymaci · 10 months
I guess I’m using this as a casual oc posting blog now too?? cause this is from priv twt and I don’t necessarily wanna put it on the big blog since it’s an unorganized mess lmao
but so long as I’m posting convo snippets and related moments. allow me to transfer over a thread i’d made re:,, Eisa and Einmyria, Tory’s oopsie twins with Loki — if you don’t know from my twt (dm me for circumstances if you’re really curious and nosy lmfao) the elysiumverse IS undergoing some minor restructuring over the past few months & still now for.,,,, reasons. some of which involves some retconning to completely delete some obscure characters from the common consciousness & massively overhauling others -
THATS not super important but you’ll see why that’s sort of relevant, anyway for preservation purposes I am going to!! copy and paste a specific twitter thread as bullet points and it’s attached OOOO CANON CLIPS underneath the cut bc :-)))))) this is all about Loki obviously mwah
fuckin hello if I write lokikid Tobias out of existence that means the first of Loki’s children that HE didn’t carry HIMSELF like — EVER beforehand - were Eisa&Einmyria with Tory? he was a basketcase at the time for other reasons (accident babies, Maci was not happy,🤪) but if I retcon now it’s so much worse🤩
due to the series of tragic events befalling his first six children Loki has ALWAYS been highly anxious and cagey every time he’s been pregnant anyway and havin to trust someone else now w them was. oh god let me go back in time I feel like I didn’t give that enough wEIGHT AAHHHH
saying this wholeheartedly with the knowledge that even with or without *deliberately* devoting the proper amount of gravity to this Loki canonically was still so stressed out at the time he literally triggered the beginning of Ragnarok but, like, lmao meh,, EDIT to add that whole series of events with Thanatos happened DURING Tory’s pregnancy w them so that’s like. Loki: no i’m not psychologically affected from how that all went down at all :-) -*THE END OF THE WORLD ACCIDENTALLY BEGINS*
haha did I ever discuss how Eisa and Einmyria were conceived. well:
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and of course; the follow up part 8 (Bel and Ty were like,, idk age 6?)—
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kicky feet lmao reading this whooooole chain of events is so wild, just some of the most utterly delightfully vicious behavior cycling between Maci and Loki and Tory this was SO much scream fighting on and on, would get resolved and then exploded again, just SO unhinged—
so reading this now 10 years later where - Maci & Loki & Tory do successfully co-parent Eisa and Einmyria with zero issues lmao and. where lately Loki’s made a complete 180 re: Maci and Tory in.,,, an insanely nsfw domesticated way is so. wow the difference a decade makes,, SCREAM
at this point in this twitter thread, a brief several day interlude takes place during which the l0ki show finale premieres and pisses me off enough for me to return to this thread in a slightly different direction lmfao??? the following;
BACK 2 ELYSIUM. Ty & Bel when they were kiddos were obsessed with Loki - god whose every word out of his mouth is a lie VS mindreading “children” who could literally see all of his actual thoughts & deep insecurities, especially when Drama Occurred & Loki refused to fuckin talk to anyone—
when goin thru that Eisa Einmyria plot collection I found yet another huge scene tht Loki’d caused with Tory & Maci (dont forget this timeframe was SOOO VICIOUS) & found afterwards Bel finding him & talking to him with, quote—
“They can't understand that you wreck things when you're nervous”
ssso um, elysiumLoki thesis statement, oh hh,hhhHHHHH— 🥺🥺🥺
Yknow what I went back and retrieved that exact section again an d it’s. so. I think Bel was like age 6 here lmfao:
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collapses. just think this thread was recorded BEFORE I plunged myself into the 2012 section of the archives during Loki’s first entrance into Elysium so. honestly all these convo snippets I may or may not post MAY or MAY NOT be E!L related AAAHHHHHH— anyway. thoughts..,,,, thots…….,,
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neonapocalypta · 2 years
Minky Momo ep 4
CONTEXT: I'm a big fan of Takeshi Shudo's writing. You prob know him from his work on episodes and movies in the early years of the Pokemon anime. He's my favorite author, though I won't be going into that here. This post is from me watching one of his other creations: Minky Momo. (Specifically ep 4, which he wrote from what I understand.) Originally this was a thread on twitter from March 18th 2022. (when I was sick.) I'm putting it here since I'm trying to fill my tumblr with stuff I find important.
I prob won't post my other first impressions, as those slowed down when I started feeling better. (I actually need to finish this series.) To be honest, this ep is something else, thus another reason why I wanna share it.
Also, this will be edited from its original form for anything I don't think need to be here in hindsight and spelling stuff.
Minky Momo ep 4 might be one of the most wild and maybe even sad eps Takeshi Shudo has written (to my knowledge.) Go watch, for real, I'm about to spoil it.
It's starts out fine. Momo's ma is threatening to divorce her dad, Momo DGAF about her grades, just normal shit for Shudo. Then we meet the character of the day, Ken. At first he's just some kid staring out the window during class. Momo is so curious about why he's looking out at the sky, she pokes him with a pencil getting them both in trouble (and failing their tests I think.) She keeps trying to hang out with him and he's all like "fuck off." (my words) For some reason another student knows that his dad is an archeologist and his ma "works late so he has to go home and watch the house after school."
Momo stalks him to his place and he's like fuck off. (again.) Like a week later his bird is sick and he comes into the vet Momo's earth "dad" runs and momo cures it. He asks her to, and I'm not joking to "see his room" tho not in THAT way I promise. Anyway, his house is full of ancient artifacts his dad "found" which includes a map of the fairy world Momo come from. (Honestly this is interesting stuff, I'ma skip it for pacing.) We get to the kids room and find out he's beyond "I'm feeding these crows because they're my only friends". His toys are his friends. Legit. Not making it up. This kid is so lonely that he's resorted to this shit.
Then to make his life worse, but actually in the end not, the one time Ken didn't watch the house his entire apartment catches on fire. He goes inside to save his bird and friends, a cop is like "fine, I'm not gonna go save you kid." and Ken is like an inch away from Death. Really. Ovi Momo tried to save him, but she wasn't gonna get to him in time, so she used her magic to make the toys come alive and (I think?) create a barrier around him until she could get to his room.
At the end of the episode he's like "I know they saved me and now they're from the dream world. Even if no one believes me" ( I can't remember what Momo's land is called rn sorry.) At least he's happy I guess. You know what's wild? This would be the episode most people would remember from the series. The poor abused child grappling with a slipping mental state due to isolation from his parents to protect their stolen property almost dies in a fire to save his imaginary friends. But instead, (unless there's something else I don't know about.) the truck-kun episode happened to be in the same series.
Sad dark plotlines mixed with the wildest of scenarios is one of the reasons I love Takeshi Shudo's work so much. This is peak his work. Damn, I don't even think Ken and Momo became friends. He's Fren exclusive to Mr. Peanut. (A lot of his friends seem to be from other IPs.) I won't forget Ken or this episode for a while.
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