#I drew all of these during school instead of doing work
underlordmenace · 1 year
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These r some of my characters I’ve made, I’ll be making their character sheets later
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angeldreamsoffanfic · 2 years
“What’s the deal with you and Harrington?”
Robin Buckley glanced up toward the question asker, her brows slightly furrowed as she cast an inquisitive look toward Eddie Munson. He’s leant up on one of his elbows, chin cradled in the palm of his hand. His eyes are on her, large and curious, instead of the usual half-lidded expression he wears during the “adult” hangouts.
They’d all started hanging out ever since Vecna was destroyed, taking time away from the younger members of The Party to spend time all together. Herself, Eddie, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle. Sometimes, every once in a while, it led them all to feel normal. As if they hadn’t all been dealing with more Upside Down crap just a few months prior.
“What do you mean?” Robin instead asked, her eyes moving from Eddie’s to dart out toward the Harrington’s pool. Steve is sitting on the edge of it with Jonathan, the two boys heads bent together as Argyle watched on- a dopey almost lovesick expression curled on his mouth. A spliff dangled from Jonathan’s fingertips, rolled by Eddie but the weed supplied by Jonathan.
“You’re… not together.” Eddie’s voice is soft, and barely spoken above a murmur. Robin nodded slowly, and turned her head towards him to try and indicate him to continue. “Nancy and the kids all repeat platonic with a capital P, but I just… how did you and Harrington even happen?”
“Scoops A’hoy,” Robin grinned wide, barely able to stifle the laugh that’s on the backend of her words. She was able to catch the widened look that Eddie threw her way, before his eyes darted out to look towards Steve, before his eyes moved back to her own. “He and I worked there back when the mall was open.”
“And… what? You instantly became best friends?”
“No, actually.” Robin shook her head with another soft laugh, before she paused so she could rub her palms together. She allowed herself to twist one of her rings around her finger, brows pinched for a moment. “I actually thought he was like the worst, y’know?” Robin scoffed to herself, before she sent Eddie a look. She knew what she must look like, her eyes wet with tears and her gaze all permanently soft.
“You know how he was in school, King Steve and all that.” Robin continued on, and she flicked her tongue out of her mouth to wet the corner of her lips for a second. “And when my manager told me that I’d be working with a Steve, well… there was only one Steve in Hawkins I could think of.”
“So how did your opinion of him change then, Buckley?” Eddie cocked his head again, one of his hands coming up to twirl a strand of hair around his pointer finger. His brows were furrowed taut, creating a worry line in between them. “The kids told me about the Russians-”
“It was sort of before then,” Robin admitted with a small shrug, and she twisted the corner of her lip into a shy smile. “He raved to me, y’know? About uh, these kids. These five kids he’d babysit and shit, and it was so… soft?” Robin watched as Eddie mouthed out names to himself as he ticked his fingers, before he cast a look to her. “But he always talked about this one, Ellie, who he’d call his little sister.”
Eddie drew in a sharp breath, eyes wide as Robin let out a soft hum.
“Yeah, and I don’t know if you submitted yourself to Harrington family lore-” Robin gestured behind her toward the Harrington house with a flick of her hand, before she continued. “But I knew that Dick and Helen Harrington didn’t have more than one kid.”
“Supergirl?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin let out a soft confirming hum as she watched Eddie’s eyes dart toward Steve. Steve was still talking to Jonathan, though Argyle had shifted forward so he was able to join in the conversation.
“And then imagine my surprise when one day our stupid sailor ice cream shop is visited by none other than the Chief.” Robin shook her head with a small laugh, before she continued on. “And he was so excited to see Steve, Eddie. Like genuinely excited to see him, ordered a couple tubs of ice cream togo and then said he’d see him at home.”
“Fuck.” Eddie breathed out, and Robin let out another sigh of a laugh.
“And I asked Steve why the Chief of the Hawkins police force was visiting him at work, and Steve just…” Robin shrugged slowly, shaking her head to clear her thoughts before she continued. “He just gave me this look, like… like he didn’t actually know either.”
“Then later, he told me why he watched all of the kids. He told me that he would’ve given anything for someone to just… to just care about him when he was their age. That all he wanted was for just a person to give a shit about his wellbeing.” Robin shook her head again, before she carded a hand through her still chlorine sticky hair. “And after that my opinion just… it just changed about him.”
“Then the Russians?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin hummed as she dipped her chin in a curt nod.
“Then the Russians, and he didn’t… he didn’t even hesitate to take the attention onto himself when they started questioning us.” Robin shook her head again, sniffling. “And after I asked him why he would do that, and he told me it was because he knew I had a family waiting on me to come back home.”
“Yeah, and then afterwards when we were getting seen by the EMTs? He didn’t have anyone to call Eddie. Because Hopper? Hopper was just… just presumed dead.” Robin let out a soft bitter laugh, and she twisted a strand of her hair around her finger. “My parents decided to take us both home after, and he stayed with us for a couple of days- until his concussion was okay enough for him to sleep through the night.”
“And that’s when you became best friends?”
“That’s when I decided that, Steve? He deserved way more from people than he seemed to ever fucking get.” Robin shrugged, before she cast a soft smile toward Eddie. Eddie’s eyes were glassy, wet with tears and Robin just patted her hand soft against his forearm. “That’s when I decided that he was my best friend.”
“Platonic with a capital P?”
Robin cast a look toward Steve, where the older teen already had his eyes on her. He had a hand extended, fingers wiggling toward her in a small way to beckon her toward his side. Robin stood without responding to Eddie, and she left her towel on the lounge chair she’d commandeered as her own. She took a moment though, cast a softer look toward Eddie- even as the corner of her lip twitched into a nervous smile.
“He’s not exactly my type, y’know?” Robin kept her admission soft, even when Eddie’s eyes were quick to flood with confusion. She instead cast a look toward the sunbathing Nancy Wheeler, who had one of her arms strewn over her face across the backyard where she laid in the grass.
When Robin let her eyes move to meet Eddie’s again, he has a look of pure understanding on his face.
“I think I get what you mean.” Eddie murmured and Robin simply flashed Eddie Munson a shy smile.
Eddie Munson watched as Robin Buckley walked away from him, quick to tuck herself into Steve’s side once she reached him. Steve threw his arm around Robin’s shoulders, tucking her further into his grasp- though the flow of conversation that he was having with Argyle and Jonathan didn’t even pause.
It’s in that moment when Eddie Munson realizes something extraordinarily fucking crucial.
He’s in love with Steve fucking Harrington.
this is gonna become a multipart fic i think btw! it will probably be on here / ao3, haven’t fully decided yet but hope you enjoyed nonetheless!
now with a part two! click here
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bratzforchris · 5 months
Inked Daisies (Chapter 1)
A series
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Summary: For the past year, you've been running the flower shop that's next door to your friend, Matt's, tattoo studio. But what happens when the feelings start to get more than friendly?
Pairing: Tattoo artist!Matt x floristfem!reader
Warnings: There will be individual warnings for each chapter. No warnings in this one!
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Soooo...my first series on here ♡ In this universe, Matt has a nose ring and his usual tattoos, plus some other tats and piercings that'll be added later hehe<3 Let me know how you like it!! 💐💐
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“Nope,” Matt shook his head as you stepped inside the shop, looking at you from behind the counter. “You can’t bring those in here.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, setting the small Mason jar of flowers down on the glass case that held a variety of glittering body jewelry. “They’re flowers, Matt. Not a bomb.”
“Don’t care, didn’t ask. Plus, they ruin the look.” Matt kept his eyes trained on whatever he was looking at on his laptop, but you could see a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“You’re so grumpy,” You tsked, maneuvering yourself behind the counter and peering over his shoulder. “Whatcha doin’?”
Matt sighed, running his hands through his hair and spinning himself around in his chair to look at you. “This dude keeps changing his fucking design even though he’s put his deposit down. And guess what? His appointment’s tomorrow,” he sighed again, brushing a hand across his nose. “Fuck, I forgot that’s a new piercing.” 
Your face dropped into a pout at Matt’s stress. You had known him since freshman year when you had become friends with Chris and the other two triplets by extension. Although you didn’t see all the inner workings of Matt’s mind, you knew that he struggled with anxiety and stress. A particular instance at Six Flags during your sophomore year had told you that much. 
“Let’s see the design,” You offered, filling up a paper cup from the water jug behind the counter. “I’m sure there’s something we can do to make him happy.”
“What? Give him the tattoo for free and then change once it’s already on his body?” Matt raised a brow at you as you poured the water into the jar of flowers. 
“You’re such a pessimist, Matt,” You shook your head, placing the now-full jar of flowers next to his computer. “If it helps take away the awful, vile sight of big, scary flowers, these are the outcasts. Their stems were too short and a few of them are missing some petals. They’re the rejects.”
Owning a florist’s shop had been your dream ever since you were a little girl. You had been captivated by flowers since the day your granny had taken you into her expertly tended garden, leading you around and telling you all the meanings for the different plants. In a way, it almost felt like you were carrying on her legacy by owning such a dainty, girly shop that sold her favorite things. Maybe she wouldn’t have liked the fact that your shop was directly across the street from an all black tattoo and piercing parlor that just so happened to be owned by your best friend’s brother, but she definitely would’ve liked the aesthetic of your business. 
You drew yourself out of your thoughts, pulling up the chair of another piercer who had left earlier in the day. “Let’s see what we’re working with.”
Matt moved a few things around on his laptop, opening up Procreate and clicking onto a design. In your opinion, it was absolutely gorgeous. The tall oak tree in the drawing had large branches that extended outwards, but instead of leaves, the tree held clocks that were all stuck at midnight. Underneath the actual drawing was the carefully lettered sentence ‘Until Time Stops’ in swirly letters that matched the chains of the clocks. 
“That’s beautiful,” You said softly, your eyes entranced by the drawing. “It’s…wow, it’s gorgeous.”
“I think so too.” Matt mumbled, clearly more lost in his artistic mind than here with you. 
This reminded you of the nights during high school sleepovers. Chris and Nick would pass out early, leaving just you and Matt. You both struggled with insomnia, so some nights you would both stay up, pouring over the brunette’s sketchbook together while Matt explained each and every drawing in great detail to you. You had noticed that, similar to you, Matt had an eye for the natural world. You’d never brought this notice up to him of course, but you often thought about it during the early morning hours when you were doing opening duties in the shop while waiting for your employees to arrive.
“But he doesn’t like it, so it’s a scrap,” Matt shrugged, closing out the application and leaning back in his chair, eyes closed. “God, I’m fucking tired.”
You sighed sympathetically, hopping out of the chair. “I understand. I guess I’d want something I really like if it’s going on my body permanently. Doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying, though.” You acknowledged, bustling around behind the counter as you stacked papers up, put pens back in their cups, and locked the jewelry case. 
“I get that you like flowers and animals and shit, but you don’t have to do that. You’re not Cinderella. I’ll do it later.” he sighed. 
“Later? Matt, it’s almost nine,” the only reason you had come into the shop in the first place was because you had finished cleaning and locking your own store rather early and had seen Matt sitting behind the counter. “You need to go home and eat and sleep. A) You gotta be hungry and B) No offense, but I wouldn’t want someone who’s sleep deprived to be giving me a tattoo or piercing.” You joked, bumping his shoulder lightly. 
As if on cue, Matt’s stomach growled audibly, making him fidget with embarrassment, but not so much that he couldn’t open one blue eye to glare at you. “Says you. How many times have you gotten Astrids and Hydrangeas mixed up because you stayed up all night reading.” the brunette chuckled to himself, remembering the time that you had employed the triplets’ help to create a brand new bouquet less than an hour before a certain bridezilla’s wedding. 
“Now that’s not fair and you know it.” You huffed. 
“Is too.”
“Is not.” 
“Is too.” Matt insisted, smirking triumphantly once he saw you sigh in defeat. 
“You’re annoying,” You grumbled. “I like Chris much better.”
“Sure ya do, sweetheart.” Matt didn’t even look in your direction as he closed his laptop, shoving it into his black tote bag.
Something about the way Matt said such a simple sentence had you fighting your blush, grabbing your own bag that you had sat down earlier. You tried to ignore the funny feeling in your stomach, fiddling with your phone while Matt finished the tasks you hadn’t completed. “You think Nick and Chris would kill me if I brought pizza over instead of their elaborate orders from five different restaurants?” You asked, eager to move your mind away from the implication of his words. 
“You’re coming over?” Matt turned to look at you, an expression you couldn’t read on his face. 
“Nick invited me. You know we don’t see each other as much as we did when we were kids. I miss our sleepovers.” You smiled softly. 
Matt’s eyes crinkled with nostalgia. “Yeah, I remember that. They were kind of nice, I guess.”
“You guess? Wow, way to treat us like chumps. You got a girlfriend you’d rather be hanging out with or something?”
“No.” it was a single word, yet the boy’s tone changed from one of fondness to something much deeper and almost angrier. 
“I’m sorry, I…” You trailed off, studying him as he picked up his bag, trying not to focus on the tattoos that snaked down his muscular arms and connected to the chunky, silver rings on his fingers. “I didn’t mean to hit a sore subject.” Even though you two were close, you knew Matt didn’t tell you everything about his life. 
“Let’s just go, okay? I’m sure the ruffians are hungry.” he grumbled, walking towards the door. 
You scrambled after your friend, each of his broad steps equaling four of yours. “They’re not so bad.”
“That’s because you don’t live with them,” Once you were both outside, Matt turned and locked the door to the shop behind him. “Trust me, when Chris burps in your face for the fiftieth time that day, it gets less funny and more annoying. Do you have a ride?”
“...no…” You admitted. 
“Can no one in my life get their license?” Matt sighed, not even waiting for you as he started the trek to his car. 
“Actually,” You corrected him, practically jogging to keep up. “I have my license. I’m just saving for a car.”
You believed city transportation was a perfectly valid form for getting from point A to point B, but as you slid into the passenger seat of Matt’s car, you couldn’t help but to admit that having your own personal vehicle was a much nicer alternative. Matt pulled out of the parking space without speaking, but you could feel his warm presence beside you in the car. As he migrated the car through the narrow city streets, you found yourself wondering what your life would be like if this is how every single day went for you. You knew Matt would drive you home in the evenings if you asked, but a part of you wanted to keep the rare occasion of rides together just that. Rare, special, something seemingly so mundane that it was almost silly you were even thinking about this. 
Time spent alone with Matt was rare, despite working across the street from each other. Between being a triplet and your friendship with Chris, the one-on-one actions were few and far between. But for some reason, on nights like tonight, when you thought about how he interacted with you, you wished that you could make them happen over and over and over again.  
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tags ♡:  @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
nobody sees, nobody knows
Alright, here we are, me adding my two cents into the dbf!Joel trope which we all love so much. I've read so many incredible fics like this so hopefully mine can stand up with them all. This will be a series, so strap in for more of our favourite neighbourhood DILF.
Pairing | dbf!Joel x female reader
Summary | Back to Texas with a degree under your belt and a school girl fantasy to fuck your dad's best friend. What could go wrong?
Warnings | I mean, dbf!Joel comes with his own warning right? Other than that, swearing, alcohol consumption, age gap (Reader is 25, Joel is 36), dirty talk, and fingering.
Word Count | 3.3K
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There was something about summer in Texas that just hit differently. The way the heat crawled on your skin from the moment you woke up to the moment you tried to sleep at night. The way your father used it as an excuse to cook primarily on the grill, regardless of the food, and the way your mother always made sure the fridge was stocked with cold drinks. The way traffic seemed to cease to exist during the high points of the day, meaning you went to the store every day at midday to buy ice cream. The haze you got from sipping cold beer by your parents’ pool which made you want to do reckless things like you’d done in New York before you realized that the beady eyes of your parents would be all over you if you tried. Reckless things like tell Joel Miller you’d wanted to fuck him for years. 
Every time you’d come home from school, and he’d be there you could have sworn he’d just gotten more and more attractive. The last time you were home, for Christmas and New Year’s, you could have sworn he’d started at the gym, his biceps bulging in the arms of his fitted t-shirt, when your dad commented on it, he's chalked it down to particularly heavy lifting on the job he was working then. He’d had his hair cut in a way that made his face even more handsome and you’re pretty sure the last few times you’d been home he’d noticed how you’d flourished too. 
There were moments where you’d catch his eyes as they drew themselves up your legs, or the time you decided to test your theory and wear a low-cut top and your best bra to a dinner party. His eyes had trained on your chest for most of the night, there was a moment where you’d stood up and leaned over the table to pick up the salt instead of asking him to pass it. He’d choked on his drink and your dad had slapped his back to try and help him. At least you knew he was thinking like you. 
Neither of you had tried crossing the line though. Past the point of no return. You wanted him to make the first move, save yourself the embarrassment of rejection if it came, but it felt like waiting for Joel Miller to kiss you was like waiting for rain in the drought Texas was currently experiencing. Useless and disappointing. You wished sometimes that you could burrow into his brain and figure out what it was that he was really thinking about you. You suspected there would be some code of honour he was sticking to because you were his best friend’s daughter – sure it might complicate things, but you weren’t going to be back in Texas forever – what was the worst that could happen during the secret, torrid affair you’d been cooking up in your head since you arrived back from college a week ago? 
 “Did you hear me when I spoke to you?” Your mother’s voice pulled you from the daydream you were having whilst polishing the cutlery. 
“Sorry mom, I was miles away.” 
“I know!” She exclaims, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you since you came back, you’ve been away with the fairies,” She sighs, “I said, once you’ve set the cutlery out back can you help your dad with filling the fridge with the beer, please?” 
You hum in agreement which is enough to send her back to the endless chopping she seems to be doing at the kitchen counter. It was just a cookout with the Millers and few other family friends to celebrate your return, but you think your mother thinks she’s catering for a garden party at the White House with the number of sides she’s preparing. 
You make quick work of the rest of the cutlery, wanting to avoid any more questions about why you seem miles away all the time – you can’t exactly tell your mother it’s because you’re thinking about how Joel might eat your pussy.
“Need any help, old man?” You greet your dad in the garage, he’s on his knee’s pulling out bottles of Budweiser to stack in the fridge. 
“Here, grab these and start putting them in,” He’s smiling, he’s always been an overly happy and laid-back man, “I hope we’ve got enough in.” 
“How many people are you expecting?” You chuckle, taking a bottle from him to add to the growing number already stacked on the shelves. 
“Probably ten or so,” Hu shrugs, “But one of those people is Tommy Miller and he’s not changed a bit since you’ve been away.” 
“Between your drinks and mom’s sides we could host the entire neighborhood.” You joke. 
You continue to fill the fridge up with drinks until there’s no room left. Your dad stores the leftover crates next to it for refilling throughout the evening, “Now, go and make yourself look nice, everyone’ll be here soon.” 
You’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t picked your shortest and lowest cut dress for the evening. It was a pale blue colour, with pink flowers dotted about the material. It fell to your mid-thigh and you had to keep reminded yourself to kneel down instead of bending over, in case people who you didn’t want to look caught an eyeful of the scant lace covering your ass. 
There are a few people milling around already, cold beers in hand, mainly some of your dad’s older friends, who have all congratulated you on graduating and then moved on to talk about mundane neighborhood gossip. 
“Now, where is that smartass?” You hear from the sliding doors; it’s Tommy and he’s bounding over to you to give you a hug. 
He scoops you up into a bone breaking hug, “Congratulation’s girl, your dad said you graduated top of the class!” 
He’s set you down and you can see Joel standing awkwardly next to him, “He’s exaggerating, I wasn’t top, although pretty close to it,” You turn to Joel, “Hey there.” He bends down to give you a one-armed hug and a peck on the cheek. 
“Good to see you back, sweetheart.” 
“Good to see you too, Joel,” You chirp in response, “Where’s Sarah?” 
“She’s at camp for the first part of the summer,” He explains, “Back in a couple’a weeks, she’ll be thrilled to see you again.” 
“Boys!” Your dad’s booming voice interrupts your conversation, “Good to see you both!” He turns to you, “Why don’t you go and get these two some beers, I need to speak to them about fixin’ up the attic.” 
You turn quietly and head for the garage. Of course, you’d become waitress at your own welcome home party. It takes no time at all for you to come back with three beers, two for the Miller brothers and one for yourself. You hand them off wordlessly, but you don’t miss how Joel grips the bottle just above your fingers, brushing against them. Of all the places for him to grab the bottle, that couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? 
The rest of the evening goes by as expected. You spend most of it running around helping your mom set the food out, fetching more beers for everyone and trying to field questions from everyone about what you’re going to do in Texas with an MA in Archival Studies. You bite your tongue every time, and reply with something like, “I think I’ll probably work in an archive.” 
The night is winding down, your mom already in bed having finished her wine too quickly, your dad sat outside in the quickly fading sunlight with Joel and Tommy and a few other stragglers. It fell to you to make aa start on the dishes, which is what you were currently doing. Rinsing them off over the sink before stacking them in the dishwasher, pausing long enough each time to take a sip of lukewarm beer. 
“They got you tidyin’ up your own party?” You hear from behind you. It’s Joel. 
“I’m the only one sober enough not to break anything.” You shrug without turning around to face him. 
“Seems a little unfair if you ask me, sweetheart.” 
“Well, why don’t you make yourself useful and help?” You counter, “Then I can be sat outside drinkin’ beer with you all.” 
You hear his boots on the floor and then he’s next to you, reaching around to grab the pile of cutlery on the side, he opens the dishwasher further to put the cutlery in their designated tray and then stop, “Has no-one ever taught you how to stack a dishwasher?” 
You pause in your rinsing to look up at him for the first time, “What do you mean?” 
“This is awful sweetheart,” He chuckles, “You’ve got the bowls and plates in the wrong place – you’ll be doing three washes if you carry on like this.” 
“Well, go on then, maestro, show me how to stack it.” 
He’s unloading everything you’ve put in so far, apart from what you suspect he thinks was his expertly placed cutlery, and you’re watching as he’s stacking in completely differently to you. Annoyingly he’s not wrong, the way he’s doing it means you’ll likely fit everything in at once, “Can’t believe you’ve lived on your own for five years and didn’t learn how to stack a dishwasher.” 
“Joel, I was in a dingy studio apartment in the ass end of New York, you think I had a dishwasher?” 
“Well, consider yourself taught now, I don’t ever wanna see a dishwasher looking anything less than perfect, you hear me?” 
“Loud and clear, Mr Miller.” You watch as his eyebrows raise at your new greeting, oh. He liked that. 
He picks up your almost empty beer bottle and hands it to you, “Go on, down the rest,” He’s grinning, “Then go and sit down and I’ll get you a fresh one.” 
You decide to push it a little further, “Yes, sir.” You watch as he swallows deeply at your words before you’re brushing past him, far too close than necessary to go and sit down. 
It’s another hour of sitting around in the garden before everyone else is gone – Tommy is finishing off his beer and telling Joel he’ll be heading to his to crash. 
“I’m going to call it a night too,” Your dad says, “Stay and finish your drink though Joel, there’s no rush, I’m sure this one can keep you company with her stories from New York.” 
And then you’re alone with him, finally. He’s taking a long drink from his beer bottle, which you mirror, realizing suddenly that you didn’t eat much, and you’ve drunk far more than you probably should. You’re not drunk, but there’s a pleasant buzz through your body that’s making your eyelids a little heavy. 
When the light goes off in your parents’ room, you figure it’s safe, “I’ve seen you staring at me, you know.” 
He doesn’t miss a beat, “You make it hard not to, sweetheart.” 
“Do you want me, Joel?” You don’t know where you’ve come from all of a sudden, but this confident girl isn’t someone you recognize. 
“It ain’t a question of wantin’ you sweetheart, it’s a question of doin’ the right thing.” You watch as he rubs his hand over his forehead in frustration. 
“But you do,” You push him, “Want me?” 
“Course I do,” He’s swallowing thickly again, just like he did in the kitchen, “But I can’t have you.” 
“Says who?” You pry. 
“Says the fact that I’m one’a your dad’s best friends, not to mention far too old for you.” He’s looking at you and taking another big drink from his bottle, like if he finishes, he can leave you alone. 
“No-one has to know,” You shrug, “Could be our little secret?” 
“You been readin’ too many of them romance novels,” He snorts, “It don’t work like that, if they find out they’ll fucking kill me.” He’s tilting his head to the window of your parents’ room.
You stand from your seat opposite him, walking around the table to stop just in front of Joel, “Come on Joel, have a little fun for once.” 
There’s a moment where you can see the cogs whirring in his brain, trying to weigh up being shot for touching his best friend’s little girl and finally satisfying the craving he’d wanted for a while now. Then, he’s putting his bottle down on the floor next to the chair he’s sat in. You watch closely as he shifts his position to sit more towards the edge of the chair, before one of his hands reaches out to grip the back of your thigh, just above the crease of your knee.
“You’ll be the death of me,” He mumbles before he looks up at you, “C’mere.” 
He’s pulling gently on your leg as he shifts back in the seat, guiding you so your hips are straddling his. You try not to press yourself too fully into him just yet, letting your clothed heat rest above his lap. One of his arms comes to wrap around the back of your waist, the other tangling in your hair at the back of your head whilst he looks at you with eyes that say he wants to devour you. 
“You gonna kiss me, Mr Miller?” You ask, innocently. 
“Oh darlin’, I’m gonna do so much more than that.” 
His head is tilting to the side and looking up at you from your higher ground, perched on his lap. Then his lips are on yours and God all those years of longing were worth it. They’re pressed tentatively against your own, but you can feel they’re slightly chapped. His hand resting in your hair grips a little tighter and he’s moving your head slightly so that when he opens his mouth against yours it’s the easiest thing for you to open yours right back and let his tongue into your mouth. 
You let out a gasp, swallowed into his own mouth when his hands drop back to your thighs before they’re trailing up the small skirt of your dress to cup the cheeks of your ass, “You wear this for me?” He pulls away, speaking before he’s trailing his lips along your jawline, “Thought you’d get me worked up in this tiny little thing, naughty girl?” 
“It worked, didn’t it?” 
He huffs a breath out of his nose as if to say, of course it did. He’s trailing his hot mouth down your neck now, dragging his teeth along your skin before licking with his tongue to soothe any red marks he might leave. Your head is thrown back as his hands drag you down so you’re sitting flush against him. You can’t help but notice the bulge in his jeans when your clothed pussy makes contact with him. 
You’re whining as his hands are on your hips under your dress, the hot skin of his hands setting fire to you, “What do you want, pretty girl?” He asks, his tongue trailing down to the valley between your tits. 
“Fingers,” You rasp, “Make me come with your fingers Joel.” 
He lets out a low chuckle against your skin, “Needy little thing, already beggin’ me to finger fuck her.” 
But he’s already obliging your request, one of his hands is moving down from your hip to the front of your panties, running his thumb over the material from top to bottom, “God, I can feel how wet you are already,” You look down and he’s grinning, “I’m gonna take these off, sweetheart, but you gotta promise to keep quiet okay?” 
You nod in agreement before you’re lifting your hips up, just enough for Joel to hook his fingers in the waistband of your underwear and pull them down enough so his hands can touch you. He mimics the same movement he’d done over the material, this time his fingers touching the bare skin of you seam and he’s groaning when he feels the slick gathered near your tight hole. 
“God, you really are wet, aren’t ya?” He chuckles, a flush creeping over your cheeks, “Ain’t nothing to be embarrassed about sweetheart,” He reassures, “Means I’m doin’ somethin’ right.” 
You feel one of his thick fingers slip inside you, just a little, before he’s dragging the slick he’s gathered up to run light touches over your clit. You bite down on your lip to keep you from crying out into the dark, hips bucking into his hand to try and get more friction from his fingers. He takes the hint and is pressing his finger more firmly into your bundle of nerves and it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to keep quiet. 
When Joel’s hand drops from your clit you almost cry from frustration, put then he’s sinking two of his fingers straight into your soaking pussy and the relief is palpable. He’s moving them in and out of you, curling them in just the right way that has your hips moving in time with him, literally fucking yourself on his fingers. You let your head fall into the crook of his neck, placing kisses to his skin as you ride his fingers. 
“This what you wanted, pretty girl?” He asks, his free hand coming to cup the back of your head against his neck, at least this way you could make some noise – testing out your theory you let out a throaty moan, listening carefully as his skin muffles most of the sound. 
“I need… god Joel, my clit, please.” 
With his fingers still buried inside you, working you to the edge, his thumb moves to your clit, resuming the circles his finger had been drawing over it before, “I can feel your pussy gettin’ tight around my fingers,” He’s turned his head so it’s buried in the hair at the side of your head, “You gonna come for me, sweetheart?” 
You push back from him a little, looking down between your bodies where you can see his hand working you and that’s really all it takes. Your legs are shaking and you’re biting down on your lip hard enough that you can taste blood as pleasure bursts through you – not even you had made yourself come like this. Ever. Joel’s fingers have stilled inside you, but he’s still tracing your clit with gentle movements of his thumb, reveling in the way you jerk through the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
“Did so well for me, pretty girl.” He coos at you once he’s pulled his hand from your pussy. 
You’ve collapsed onto his chest to catch your breath, but you’re already subconsciously grinding your hips into his, God you want more. You’re about to reach for his belt when you can feel something vibrating in the pocket of his jeans. 
He’s mumbling an apology, lifting you just enough to fish his phone from his pocket. He answers without looking at who is calling. You can hear Tommy’s voice through the phone from your place, draped over Joel’s lap. 
“You just turn it to the side, jackass,” Joel is mumbling in answer to Tommy’s question on how to work his shower, “You’ve used it a million times,” Tommy say’s something you can quite make out, “No, not that one, the one underneath it,” Joel is sighing, “You were not this drunk when you left, if I find you’ve finished the good whiskey I’m gonna kill you,” Another sigh to a question you couldn’t quite hear, “Fine, I’ll be there in a minute.” 
Disappointment is pooling in your stomach. You don’t want him to go, not when there’s so much unfinished business here, “I gotta go, sweetheart.” He’s mumbling, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. 
“But what about this?” You ask, reaching between you to cup his cock through his jeans, “Let me help you.” 
His hand is gripping your wrist, “I would love nothin’ more, but I gotta go before Tommy floods my house,” Another kiss to your lips, “Next time.” 
“You want to do this again?” You ask, almost surprised. 
He takes the hand that had been buried in your pussy not minutes before, lifting the fingers he’d fucked you with to his mouth before sucking them right in front of your face, “Now I’ve gotta taste for you, sweetheart?” He raises an eyebrow, “Of course I wanna do this again.” 
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the alchemy | i. the return (joel’s pov)
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pairing: no outbreak!dbf!joel miller x fem!reader
chapter rating: Mature [18+ only, minors dni, dbf/secret relationship, age gap (joel is 34, reader is 24), just joel pining in secret, mention of cheating (past relationship), one mention of joel fantasizing about a blowjob]
summary: joel takes us through his inner monologue the day of reader’s return.
wc: 1k
the masterlist
She was back.
The woman who’d starred in every depraved fantasy I’d had since the day I met her had made her return to Austin, this time to stay.
I’d been mentally preparing for our reunion for weeks now, ever since her father let the news slip. I told myself that this time I’d finally be done with my little crush on the woman nearly a decade younger than me, but I knew how this story went.
Every time she came home to visit during her breaks from school, I told myself the exact same bullshit. And every time I came face to face with her, it all went to hell again. All she had to do was walk into a room, and I was back to secretly pining over her like a lovesick boy.
This time was no different.
When her and her dad pulled into the restaurant parking lot, I was already sweating. When she stepped out in those denim cutoffs, I’d melted completely.
She was the type of beautiful that required no frills to make a man fall to his knees. She could wear a burlap sack and I’d have no choice but to believe she was nothing less than a goddess.
I tried not to let my tongue wag too much as she walked over to Sarah, hugging her tight and complimenting her on her new braids. Her dad offered me a bit of distraction as he complained about needing to change out the brake pads on his truck, but even that wasn’t enough to tear my eyes away from her. From the woman I knew he’d never approve of me being with.
I couldn’t say I’d do any different if it was my own daughter in question.
When her eyes met mine, I felt the need to justify my ogling with a greeting.
“Welcome home,” I said, instead of what I longed to say—things that would’ve earned me a punch in the gut from her dad.
She mumbled a thanks in response, but seemed entirely disinterested in any further conversation with me. So I let it end there as we walked into the mexican spot that was apparently her favorite, according to her dad. I made a mental note of this new information. For what reason, I had no clue. It wasn’t like I’d ever be taking her out.
She avoided me at all costs throughout dinner, leaving me with no choice but to coax her into paying me some attention by asking her if she was still interested in babysitting. It was a genuine enough question. Sarah did need someone to look after her over the summer, and the last babysitter just never managed to click with her the way that she had. But I’d be lying if I said that it was strictly business, my asking.
When she said yes, my heart all but leapt out of my chest with relief. If she had said no, I would’ve had no excuse to see her, no excuse to talk to her.
I watched with greedy eyes as she sipped her drink through a straw, her lips wrapping around the bit of plastic. I instinctively licked my lips as she pulled away, swiping her tongue over her lips to collect the bit of lime-flavored liquor that coated them.
God, that mouth.
I’d thought about it almost every night. Even when I was with Mia, my ex, it was her I imagined. Those plump lips wrapping around me, working me until I came. And as horrible as it was to say, I never felt guilty about the fantasy. Especially now, knowing that the entire time, Mia had been having her own fun on the side.
I couldn’t imagine that the girl in front of me would hurt anyone in that way, and that drew me towards her all the more. She was so kind, so good that it hurt. I hoped whoever she had been with in the past had treated her with the same sort of respect that I dreamed of giving her, but I knew all too well what it was like to be a twenty-something year old boy. They’d likely not even noticed the gem that they held in the palm of their hands.
At the end of dinner, she gave Sarah a thorough goodbye, promising to come over the next day for a swim. I thanked God that it was a weekend, that I’d be home to catch a glimpse of her.
When I stepped over to tell her goodnight, she blew me off completely. I tried not to let the rejection sting. I had no reason to feel slighted, to feel disappointed, but it cut through me nonetheless.
Her dad muttered an apology, saying that she was likely just tired from a long day of unpacking, and I let myself believe him. It was better than thinking that she wanted nothing to do with me.
Even if I knew it was true.
Why else would she have agreed to go out with Tommy last summer? And according to him, the date went well. He refrained from spilling all the details, but from what he let on, I could’ve only assumed it ended with her in his crumb-filled sheets. It took me weeks to get the image out of my head, to be able to look my brother in the eye again.
Maybe one of these days I’d ask her about it myself. I wouldn’t let on that I disapproved of the two of them being together, either. Instead, I’d play the role of a nosy older brother who simply just wanted to know whether his brother was treating her right, or if he was fucking things up like he so often liked to do when a good woman entered his life.
But truthfully, it didn’t matter what the two had going on. She could hate him or love him, I didn’t care.
My crush was here to stay.
Even if I had no chance in the world with her.
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sachirobabe · 2 months
Hiii i’ve seen all your works and wonder if you can do Kuroo n Sachiro hcs with y/n pranking him that “every girls need to shed their skin once a month” while using the peeling mask and ask if they want to peel “the old skin” for them?
You can search that trend on tik tok OMG it’s god damn hilarious 😂, old trend but still makes me laugh so hard whenever coming across the vid.
Thank you so much for reading my reqs n please just enjoy and take your time!!
these are hilarious omg i love watching these when they come up on my fyp, i hope i did an okay job, ty for requesting babes😊🫶🏽
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ᡣ𐭩 •。
Kuroo Tetsurou
You had been seeing this trend all over TikTok, now, your boyfriend was chronically online, but you’re hopeful he hadn’t seen it yet and would give you a funny reaction.
As you applied the thick layer of a peel-off mask, you impatiently wait for it to dry, checking your bedroom door to make sure he wasn’t coming in and catching you in the act.
Once it was finally dry, you went off to find him in the apartment. He was laying on the couch, his long legs dangling off the end, his hand lazily held up his phone and he scrolled through Instagram.
“Hey, Tetsu.” You do your best to smile, already feeling the mask peeling by your mouth. He returns your smile, turning off his phone and sitting up, bringing his arms out for you to cuddle with him. “Do you want to help me with something?”
“Sure, what’s up, babe?” He asks and slightly frowns when he sees you take a seat next to him instead of in his lap. He notices a shiny layer of…something on your face.
You took a deep breath, pretending to be nervous. His radar immediately went off and now he was worried something had happened. “You know how every girl needs to shed their skin once a month, right?”
His expression shifted from concerned to confusion, “Wait, what? What do you mean shed your skin?”
“Yeah,” You insisted, trying to keep a straight face, “like when a girl is near her period, she needs to shed.”
“Do you…mean the lining of the uterus?” He asks even more confused, because that’s the only shedding he knows…and he can’t really help much when it comes to that.
You shake your head and maintain composure, “No, I mean on my face. I need help peeling off my old skin, do you think you can help?”
He blinks, clearly baffled, “This wasn’t taught during school.”
“It’s kind of a secret with girls, you remember how they separated the girls and boys? Well, this is why.” You say.
“Okay…” he says skeptically, “I’ll help you, babe.”
You grew excited internally, “Here, start from the edge.” You guide his hand to your face, where it was already lifting. He looks at you cautiously, not wanting to hurt you. “It won’t hurt, don’t worry.” You chuckle.
He nods and decides to give it a shot, he hesitates for a moment, but then carefully takes the edge of the “skin” and began peeling it off. His expression is shocked, revealing the smooth skin underneath, “This isn’t real?!”
“Yes it is! I was just nervous to tell you, so I never asked you to help me.” You say, trying to prolong his reaction.
“This is so weird! Why does it come off like this?” He says baffled.
You laugh, not able to hold it in longer and he’s even more confused now. “Tetsu,” you laugh, holding your stomach, “It’s a face mask, babe.”
He froze, but then bursts out laughing, “I thought I had a lizard girlfriend for a second there.”
You grinned and hugged him, “Aww, did I get you?”
He wraps his arms around you securely and continues to chuckles, “I’ll get you back, babe. I won’t forget it.”
Hirugami Sachiro
Your boyfriend sat at the kitchen table, doing some homework. You had gotten the idea from a particularly funny TikTok and decided it’d be perfect to try on him.
You quickly apply the face mask and wait until it’s dry to go interrupt his productive work. “Hi, Sachiro.” You called softly.
You drew his attention from his books and laptop, “Hi, sweetheart.” He smiles, grateful for the well needed break. “Everything alright?” He opens his arms and you sit softly in his lap, his arms wrapped securely around you.
Your expression grew serious, catching him off guard, “You’re aware that every month girls need to shed their skin, right?”
He furrows his brows, not understanding, “What? I’ve never heard of that.”
“Yeah, every girl does it, but it’s supposed to be a secret.” You held in your laughter at his cute expression. “Do you think you could help me?”
“Help you…peel your skin?” He asks to confirm what you’re asking him to do.
You nod, he thinks you’re oddly calm about this, “It’s my time of the month, and I want my dear boyfriend to help me.” You smile at him, feeling the mask peel a little.
He notices the ring around your mouth, he’s even more confused than he is in organic chemistry currently. “Your dear boyfriend is confused.” He chuckles. You try your best to explain it to him again, and still, he looks at you as if you’re crazy. “Are you feeling well, sweetheart?” He asks
You softly laugh, “I feel fine. Here, let me guide you.” You offer and he nods, giving you permission to continue.
He can feel something ready to be peeled, “Is this normal? I think you’re lying.” He says skeptically.
“I’m serious! Please help.” You pout.
He can’t say no to that face, “Okay, okay.” He says and begins peeling the “skin”, his jaw drops open as he sees that it is indeed peeling off.
“Oh, this one’s a good one. Last month’s was very patchy.” You comment and he looks baffled that this is happening.
“I don’t even…is this supposed to—what is going on?” He stumbles over his words and continues peeling.
You could barely contain your laughter, his face contorts even more at your laugh, wondering what was so funny. “Honey,” you laugh uncontrollably, “it’s just a face mask.”
“I didn’t believe it for a second!” He tries to save himself, “I knew you were lying.”
“Oh sure.” You continue laughing.
“It’s true!” He pouts at you.
You hugged him tightly, “I saw it on TikTok.”
“I will be getting you back.” He points a finger at you in attempts to make you intimidated—it doesn’t work.
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strwbrryeyes · 8 months
𖦹°。⋆ hanamaki as a best friend
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⟡ cw: fluff, friends to lovers, matsukawa and makki fake dating, lmk if i missed anything
⟡ a/n: back from the dead ig i hate school. also im only doing the main four 3rd years for now bc yeah. i'll do any characters that i missed later on.
⟡ best friend series: matsukawa, iwaizumi, oikawa, || masterlist
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best friend hanamaki who you met in your first year of high school when he was sat in your seat when his seat was actually the one next to your desk.
best friend hanamaki who you got closer to when he was constantly asking for your notes. you didn't really mind though because he would get you sweets in return.
best friend hanamaki who introduced you to the rest of the aoba four one day after you kept asking him who his "boyfriend" was. apparently it was all four of them.
best friend hanamaki who got bonked on the head by you, oikawa, and iwaizumi. matsukawa actually acted all lovey dovey with him. jokingly of course.
best friend hanamaki who in your second year said that he was finally going to take his own notes. he did so for a week before he returned to asking you for them.
best friend hanamaki who would skip practice sometimes to go grab ice cream with you. this earned him a lecture from the coaches and even oikawa who just acted dramatic and told him that he was grounded.
best friend hanamaki who you and matsukawa would poke fun of after he got his haircut. during a sleepover one time matsukawa drew a pp on his forehead.
best friend hanamaki who chased you both down when he woke up the next morning.
best friend hanamaki who invited you to his volleyball games so he can brag to everyone else that he had someone watching him.
best friend hanamaki who invited you out to dinner after games they lost because oikawa always ended up paying for everyone's meals (against his will).
best friend hanamaki who didn't want to go to college so just moved in to an apartment with you and matsukawa since you both were going to the same school.
best friend hanamaki who got bored of being home alone during the weekdays so he got a job. multiple actually. mans hated working.
best friend hanamaki who would ocassionally take naps in your and mattsun's rooms while you were at classes.
best friend hanamaki who realized his feelings for you when he realized how much he adored the scent of your room and of you in general whenever he was near you. not in a creepy way though, he just found it comforting.
best friend hanamaki who told mattsun about his feelings one weekend while you were away visiting your family.
best friend hanamaki who internally died when the first thing mattsun said to you when you came back was "makki's in love with you"
best friend hanamaki who took a while to process what just happened before finally telling you that it wasn't a joke after you thought it was for aminute.
best friend hanamaki who dramatically hugged mattsun instead of you when you said you had feelings for him too. this was because he probably wouldn't have told you himself.
best friend hanamaki who properly asks to be your boyfriend after mattsun goes for a walk to give you guys some space.
best friend hanamaki who is now boyfriend hanamaki who staged a 'breakup' with matsukawa when he came back because his heart now belonged to another.
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precioustarkey · 11 months
journalism at its finest
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summary: you have made a career for yourself by interviewing celebrities, but are feeling a little uncomfortable when one hits close to home.
warnings: none
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i nervously climbed into my car. the engine only makes my nerves rattle more. growing up, i was infatuated with actors and musicians. i found myself watching movies for the actors instead of the plot. listening to songs for the singers instead of the message. i can't explain my relationship with the media. i guess being online a lot as a teenager is to blame.
regardless, i knew from an early age that i wanted to work in the industry. not as an entertainer, but in the background. i wanted to observe the lifestyle up close. going to college for journalism was the best decision i have made for myself because now i get to live out my fantasy. 
i get paid to interview these people. and though i find a lot of them uptight and spoiled, the nosy side of me loves picking them apart. because of my job, i try my best to stay neutral on these celebrities so that they don't feel uncomfortable. apart from the research i do in order to come up with my questions, of course.
today is different. there is a show called "outer banks" that came around during quarantine, so with my free time, i binge-watched the entire first season. as i mentioned, normally i watch tv shows and movies for the actors, but i hadn't seen anyone in this show. 
however, when i delved deeper into google, i found the name of one of the actors to be familiar. drew starkey. i quickly found out that he grew up in north carolina, as did i. confused, i pulled myself from my cocoon on my couch to find my old high school yearbooks. grabbing one at random, i see him grinning in his senior photo. how could i forget? 
ever since i discovered this, i avoided the show like the plague. even though i had been surrounded by celebrities for years now, i had never known one of them personally. it almost ruined the glamorous aura surrounding them. imagining him as a regular teenage boy in the classes we shared was humbling. he wasn't mean in high school, not at all. if anything, i remember finding it odd that he hung around the theater kids because he was a total jock.
because of quarantine, i knew that press would be difficult for the actors, and because of this, i never anticipated having to interview them. which helped ease my nerves. moving to los angeles meant that i would interview every celebrity on the new up-and-coming shows. part of me hoped the hype surrounding the show would die down before the lockdown did.
the entire ride to the studio, i told myself over and over again that there was no way he would remember me. he was a jock, and i barely spoke. it wasn't the fact that i was shy, high school just wasn't for me. i counted down the days to graduation. i was only there because i had to be. i put more focus on my studies than my social life. 
in the back of my mind, i can't help but fear that seeing him will bring back memories of being the closed-off kid i was back then. as long as no one mentions it, everything will be okay. i repeated that to myself a few times before parking my car in the lot. removing my seatbelt as slowly as possible to buy time.
my hands are shaking as i walk to my studio. i send passing smiles to my coworkers as i make my way to the bathroom. i confirm that my hair, face, and outfit look presentable, and read over my questions one last time. 
the cameraman walks up to me as i take my seat to wait for the cast to arrive. "i just got a call; austin and drew are going to be the only ones you're interviewing today. madelyn, rudy, and  madison will be interviewed tomorrow," he says, looking for any sort of confirmation. "that sounds perfect," i say, smiling, still looking at my cards. 
i hear footsteps coming from the hallway and quickly stand up. austin and drew emerged into the room with their crew. "hello! so nice to meet you, my name is y/n," i say with a grin as i hold out my hand to them. they do the same, introducing themselves as they take turns shaking my hand. 
all three seats are now filled, so we can begin the questions. the first fifteen minutes go perfectly; we're laughing, they're thoroughly interested in the questions, and they're giving great answers. turning my attention to drew, i ask, "has this sudden change in lifestyle been difficult for you at all? to go from putting your all into basketball, to then deciding on theater in college?" 
he looks taken aback by my question. that nervous feeling in my stomach is slowly creeping back. i made sure that his sports background was easy to find online, so i was confident he wouldn't be too surprised. "wait a second. y/n? y/n y/l/n?" i can feel my cheeks flush at his realization. 
"can i be honest? i was hoping you wouldn't notice," i said, covering my face with my note cards. we are now sharing smiles. "oh my god. i sat behind you in algebra, you're the only reason i passed that class," he says in between laughs. seeing him in person has brought all of those little memories flooding back. 
after a minute or so of catching up, their team urges us on. "we've got other interviews, guys," the man says impatiently. we carry on for an additional fifteen minutes or so before i have run out of questions to ask. we said our farewells, and i thanked them for coming.
just as they were leaving, drew turned around, brushing past the guys they had walked in with. "y/n can i get your number? i would love to catch up properly whenever we both have time," he says, pulling out his phone. "yes, of course!" i smile, quickly typing in the numbers before they are once again rushed away. 
it felt like no time before my phone started dinging.
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part two is here!
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annisassintchaska · 1 year
Daddy's Always Here: Lewis Hamilton X Black!Reader
NOTE: Lele is pronounced Lee-lee
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The night is very cold as the time was approaching Christmas, so everyone had to be covered up to keep warm. Lewis was able to be at home during the week to spend some time with Y/n and his daughter, Leah Hamilton; however he had to leave for the last few races of the season. The little Hamilton was very sad that her daddy was leaving again, but promised to still cheer for him while he was on the track.
It was a couple of minutes after 8pm when Lewis returned back to the apartment that was given to him for his stay while in Barcelona as he had some extra things to go over. He decided that since he was lonely from leaving Roscoe at home, he would call to speak with his family. Lewis retrieved the telephone from his pocket and clicked on his Y/n's number to start the facetime; however after a the call was answered he was surprised to see his daughter instead of his wife. "Hi daddy, how are you?!" Asked the fully-energized toddler. "Hi baby, daddy's doing great. How are you and where is mommy?" Lewis asked confused to why his wife was nowhere in sight. "Mommy went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. Should I give her the phone?" The smart baby asked as her father nodded his head yes.
Little footsteps could be heard until a voice broke out "Leah, you can't be running on the tiles with socks. You'll fall and hurt yourself" Y/n softly spoke to her daughter as she lifts her onto the counter. "Sorry mommy, daddy is on the phone and he wanted to see you" the toddler explains as she showed her mommy the phone. "Hi babe, you look tired. Why are you out in the cold?" Y/n questioned her husband. "Yeah, I'm a bit tired. Just got back from the track and thought I'd check in to see how my beautiful family is doing" Lewis answered causing Y/n to blush. "Well Sir Lewis, if I must have you know, your family is doing quite fine just sad because we miss you being here with us" She replied making a smile appear on his face.
"Daddy, when are you coming home?" Leah asked sadly as she took the phone from her mother's hand. "Why are you asking pumpkin?" Lewis asked suspiciously as she had never asked that particular question before. "I just wanna see you. You go away very quickly after coming home and we don't have enough time for bedtime stories or cuddles anymore cause you are never at home. Daddy, do you love me?" The toddler asked on the verge of tears, shocking both parents as the baby had never mentioned feeling this way before. "Of course I love you Lele, you're my daughter. As you know I have to work to be able to take care you and mommy so I'm away a lot which is why when I'm at home, I try to spend as much time with you as possible. Please don't doubt my love for you my baby. I love you with all my life" Lewis explained as his heart was breaking at the words he heard.
"Tell you what, daddy doesn't have work tomorrow so how about you both stay on the phone until you fall asleep. He can read you a bedtime story and you both can talk about your day at school and your drawings yeah?" Y/n suggested making the toddler become excited. Throughout the time, Leah showed her daddy some pictures she drew and painted in class as they spoke about the meanings behind them, then they talked about her new teddy that grandpa Anthony gave her and what she named it. Eventually things winded down as Leah was put into her crib with the phone because Lewis wanted to speak with his baby before she fell asleep. "Leah, I want to let you know that I love you very much and I know it's hard for you to understand now that I'm away most of the time but I promise you that you and your mommy are always on my mind. I wish I could take you with me everywhere I go but that is impossible due to you having school. I want you to know that no matter where in the world I am from home, my heart is always with you. Daddy will always be here ok?" He asked as he daughter nodded her head in response. They moved onto the bedtime story where Lewis read until Leah fell asleep when Y/n came to get the phone.
"She really needed that talk." Y/n said as she walked towards her bedroom. "Yeah I know. I'll be coming home on a three hours flight tomorrow for the Christmas break. So we'll be spending a lot of ime together with her alright?" Lewis responded as Y/n became excited to have her husband back home. "Yeah, I'll make sure to keep the secret. I love you Lew" Y/n said as Lewis replied "I love you too Y/n/n" before the call ended. This specific night, Lewis went to sleep feeling jittery at the mere thought of reuniting with his family.
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zinya · 6 months
How brothers would react to an MC with bad grades ?
Because we've all had bad grades one day and we all deserve to be comforted.
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Being one of the students in the exchange program he will look at your grades very closely , he may even be aware of your grade before you do.
If it's just one bad grade he will lecture you and probably ban you from certain activities so that you work more (You can say goodbye to video game nights with Levi)
If it's several bad grades he will start asking you questions about what you don't understand and will give you lessons.
Of course, if it's grades that start to weigh on your morale, once your homework is finished, you're welcome to his room to relax.
"I believe in you, don't be discouraged, my love"
welcome to the club
If it's a bad grade in math don't worry, The Great Mammon can help you.
Don't be discouraged human, he also has bad grades and lives very well
If he sees that you are depressed because of your grades he will suggest that you go out somewhere with him to take your mind off things. Do you prefer to go shopping or maybe go party somewhere?
If you don't want to go out then he will take you into his room and watch a movie in his arms while he comforts you and cuddle with you
I am convinced that he will show you anime with heroes at school to remotivate you "Hey I have a new anime called "I have bad grades and then everything changed the day I made friends"
If you don't want to, you can always watch TSL with him
But don't get me wrong he will encourage you to work too but he will come get you to take a break if it's been a long time
I don't know if devildom has computer science, but in any case if it's this subject that you're struggling with, he can help you.
Literally become your personal teacher after all, all his knowledge is yours.
Will lend you textbooks and workbooks
He will always encourage you to do your best
Like mammon he will also offer to go out and clear your mind: Do you want to buy new books? Go drink something at the cat cafe? Maybe the park?
Will read books to you or recite lessons at night in his room when you sleep together
Positive affirmations
Are you discouraged? Has your self-confidence taken a hit? Spend 10 minutes with him and none of this will happen
"Honey don't cry your pretty skin and your beautiful eyes will suffer "
Will ask you to go shopping with him and you will receive 2 or 3 gifts so he can see you smile
He will help you with the charms lessons (TP too perhaps XD)
You will have the right to take a bath in his bathroom with his products to relax
Will give you food to comfort you
Would like to help you with potions classes but we all know how it will end
Will give you hugs to comfort you and take you to exercise (if you want of course) to clear your mind
If you decide to study more he will come see you like Levi to take breaks and he will often bring you water or snacks
He will cheer you to death like you do during his matches
Maybe give you a kind of lucky charm to bring you luck for the next exams
Cuddle time
Since it concerns you, he will listen to you talk, like Asmo, about what is wrong
Then he will take you to the top of the Attic to sleep and relax with him
When you revise he comes and sleeps in your bed to keep you company
If you can't sleep because of stress you know where his room is , just kidding, he's already next to you in your bed, can't you see him?
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(I don't know who drew this but it's so beautiful.) Anyway, I wrote that instead of studying my exam for tomorrow haha 😅🥲
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language and sometimes I don't understand your abbreviations or expressions🤣
Tell me if you want the others
And don't forget that the most important thing is to do all you can and to be proud of yourself.
Have a Good day 💋
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cowboy-robooty · 3 months
something that i think is sooooo stupid is this obsession people have with being "good for their age" at art. i know a million people say this and talk about this sentiment being harmful already but i really do think it is a terrible way to think about things. Art is a skill just like being good at math or playing basketball and I think its stupid when people put the worth of their skillset in tandem with their age because also it completely disregards the notion of how everybody lives in different ways. Michaelangelo was so good at art not only because he was a genius but also because bro literally woke up every mf day and only drew since he was a little baby so no shit he could make amazing sculptures in his early 20s. Everyone lives with so many different responsibilities and different amounts of freetime, so really i think its quite stupid to say someone is "good for their age" because that doesnt say anything about their ability to budget their time or naturally progress or commit to the grind despite everything or really anything at all since you dont have any idea about what kind of life they live. There are crazy artists out there who go to cram school for 11 hours a day on top of extracirriculars + volunteer work and still manage to create with the same skill level as someone who is the president of going home club. You dont know the resource of time that is ACTUALLY avaliable to one person compared to others using their age, so its stupid to act as though that its such a big deal. I personally dont think ive ever been good at drawing for my age and thats fine because I dont care about that. I could be good at drawing for my age if i committed more freetime to practicing it, but i dont because i dont want to. just like how i could be a super scholar whiz at chemistry or something but im not because I dont want to spend all my freetime doing problems and reading textbooks. I dont think the progress id make in those kinds of skills are worth missing watching a movie with my friends or learning how to bake a cake or enjoying a walk on a trail. I think anybody can be a genius at anything if they put their mind to it, but it also comes at great suffering most of the time because a lot of sacrifices have to be made and being able to embrace the choices you make with the limited time you have is important to being happy with what you have. Like yknow celebrating the stuff you were able to collect instead of mourning all the things you wish you had. I think only very few people are actually good at art for their age, like how einstein is one of the few people who was for real smart for his age and that is okay because what matters is having something you feel passion in doing. For a lot of people if they actually forced themselves to sacrifice what they needed to in order to be "good for their age" they would probably lose the passion in their craft during that process; which is probably one of the only ways to make the skill of drawing useless.
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
Treated Like A Princess
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Gabe Perrault x Female Reader
Warning: fluff, cursing, Mention of ex, Mention of abuse from ex, Mention of alcohol
word count: 1.3k
let me know what you guys think🤍
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Gabe and I have been dating for the past 8 months. We met when Gabe played for the NTDP last year. We had to do a project together in school so we got close. I had broken up with my abusive boyfriend about 3 months earlier so I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, but Gabe made me change my mind.
After a month of knowing Gabe and him trying to ask me out on a date, I told him about my ex which isn’t something I like to talk about but for some reason I knew I could trust Gabe so I told him. Gabe was angry at my ex which is understandable, and he also promised me he would never hurt me and if I gave him a chance he could prove it. 
I ended up giving him a chance and it’s probably one of the best decisions I could have made, he treats me like a princess everyday. He asked me to be his girlfriend last May.
In high school we would go to some of the same places we just never saw each other, until we started working on a project together. We found out that we were both about to start our freshman year of College at Boston College.
We spent most of the time during summer that he wasn’t training together. When we got to Boston College at the end of August we saw each other as much as we could before he got too busy with hockey and me with school.
His teammates are all pretty great. Him and the rest of the Freshman all live in dorms close to each other so I've been spending a lot of time there instead of my dorm. I got pretty close to them, they're great guys, they’re always doing something stupid. 
Tonight the hockey team was throwing a party after their big win, since I’m dating Gabe I always go. 
Thankfully the party was at the Seniors house. Gabe told me he would meet me at my dorm room before going to the party. I had taken my car to the arena, I went back to my dorm room so I could change before making my way to Gabe’s dorm room. I was laying on Gabe’s bed scrolling through TikTok waiting for him to get home.
At around 10:00 p.m. his bedroom door opened and Gabe walked in. I looked up from my phone and smiled at him. He dropped his bag at the end of the bed on the floor, before he made his way to me, placing a kiss on my forehead.
“Sorry it took so long, some of the guys needed a drive so Ryan went to drive them to the dorms to get change before coming back here” he said.
“No worries. What time is everyone going to start showing up?” I asked.
“Soon we can make our way there as soon as I get changed.” he said
He was looking in his closet for jeans and a tee shirt, he turned around and chuckled at me.
“What?” I looked at him confused.
“The team is already there, they have been setting up for a little bit, did you not see the text in the group chat” he said laughing. I shrugged.
“I don’t know… I was scrolling through TikTok so I didn’t see it,” I said , smiling shyly. 
Was I that focussed on Tiktok that I didn’t realize they were texting in the group chat? 
I’ve been in a group chat with Ryan, Will and Gabe since the UNTDP days. 
Once Gabe was changed he grabbed my hand.
“Come on, let's go to the party” he said smiling.
I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before I let him walk us to the party.
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“This party is going to be pretty big tonight so stay by me please or if you go somewhere make sure you’re with one of the girls” he said and I nodded. 
I’ve always been scared that I might run into my ex boyfriend at Boston College parties since he also goes here, thankfully Gabe always keeps an I on me and most of the parties the guys throw they make sure he doesn’t get in, but tonight is also an open house, so anyone could show up.
We made our way to the kitchen, Gabe took a drink for himself then handed me one. I stayed with him as we talked with Drew and Will. Ryan and his girlfriend Julie made their way to us. 
I talked with Julie while the guys talked with Ryan.
Gabe had his arm around me, we stood in the kitchen next to the counter after the others left to talk to other people.
I was looking around to see if I could possibly see some of my other friends, until my eyes landed on my ex. 
I really hoped he wouldn’t be here, I hope that he knew I was dating one of the guys so wouldn’t come anywhere near me since Gabe could beat him up.
I stood still in shock with my eyes wide. Gabe noticed I wasn’t answering him so he looked at me concerned. He looked to try and find what I was looking at when I felt his body tensed. 
Gabe put his drink on the counter, took mine and did the same before taking my hand and leading me towards the stairs. 
He stopped by Cutter and Charlie before telling them something, I didn’t hear what he said. All I saw was them nodding before he dragged me out of the party and to his dorm room, thankfully it wasn’t far away, but I’m stuck in shock so I didn’t realize how fast the walk went.
He sat me down at the end of his bed before squatting down in front of me. He put both his hands on my cheeks so I could look him in the eyes.
“Hey beautiful, look at me, you have to breath” he said softly 
I took a deep breath. He nodded.
“Just like that… keep doing it”
I did it a few more times, Before I was able to calm down.
“Are you doing better?” He asked
I nodded.
“Thank you, I didn’t think I would actually see him here” I said slowly.
“You don’t have to thank me, Cutter and Charlie said they would handle it” he said and I nodded.
“Do you want to stay here and cuddle?” He asked again.
“Can we? It’s your team's party. I don't want you to have to stay here with me, when you should be celebrating with your team” I asked shyly. I didn’t want to ruin his night, just because mine was.
He shook his head before smiling at me. 
“Babe, I’d rather spend time with you,” he said leaning in and kissing my forehead. He got up and went to his closet and took out sweatpants and a hoodie along with my bag. He walked back to me and gave me the hoodie and my bag.
“Go change,” he said. I nodded and made my way to the bathroom. To do my skincare routine and change into comfy clothes. Once I slipped on my Pj shorts and Gabe's hoodie I went back to his room.
Gabe was laying under the bed covers scrolling through his phone. When he saw me, he put his phone on the nightstand before making a grabby hand at me.
“Come here,” he said. I made my own on the other side of the bed and god under the covers. Gabe pulled me to his chest holding me tight, I closed my eyes, with Gabe I always feel safe. 
He kissed my forehead.
“I love you so much, and I promise I will never let him hurt you again” he whispered.
“Thank you… for everything. I love you too” 
“You never have to thank me for anything. Now get some sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up” he said softly.
I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.
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Plastic Hearts - (15)
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Lazy Sunday morning
You were a go getter, a team player, one who knows what to do next all the time that you wished someone would just hold you down, to tell you to breathe. You jumped head first into the next big thing because that was how you survived in this hospitality business. That was how you survived in life in general. So the word lazy never existed in your world. You couldn’t understand the appeal.
Until today.
As you stretched under the covers watching sunlight filter through the blinds. Sunday morning gently coming alive and for the first time you were still in bed. Your usual routine was to head to the markets at five in the morning, to stock up the restaurant with fresh local produce. But instead, when you turned, you caught sight of him still asleep.
The details on his face were remarkable, that often times you only focus on his eyes when he was looking at you. He had that skill, to make you feel like the only girl to exist when his gaze was on you. But now, you caught the way his thick eyelashes curved up effortlessly. The subtle cupid’s bow and the scattered dark spots. The soft rhythm in which his chest rose and fell, his arm slung over you as his fingers twitched. He was dreaming, and just when you were going to question the subject of his dreams, he pulled you closer.
So it turns out, that even someone like you could do lazy mornings. You wrapped your arm around his torso and moved deeper into his hold. No one could take this away. This was all yours to enjoy.
He stirred next to you as he mumbled good morning, his voice husky and coarse. He placed his chin on the top of your head as he put his leg over yours, you couldn’t help but sigh with content.
“We have a lot of work to do today.”, you murmured into the skin of his chest with your eyes closed.
“What help do you need?”, he asked groggily.
“We have all these boxes to sort.”, you peeled away from where you had tucked your face into his neck.
“I haven’t been able to do it for awhile.”, you caught his eyes, contemplating if it was appropriate to tell him the reason behind it.
“Since Melissa’s passing?”, he asked gently, his hand rubbing your back as though he knew you needed comfort.
But all you could do was tilt your head to the side, bewildered how he knew about something you had never shared.
“I overhead bits and pieces about your story at school during lunch time. Teachers love to gossip.”, he gave you a lopsided grin.
“Ken Carson, you trust the rumor mill?”, you narrowed you eyes at him playfully.
“No but to be fair you were ignoring me then.”, he pouted and you couldn’t help but smile. You tucked your head under his chin and he very happily welcomed you into his embrace again.
“I know it’s been a while and I should have gotten over it. But I don’t know, she made me feel loved. Like I was a part of a family for a while.”, you said quietly. These secrets were never shared but confiding in him made the burden feel lighter.
“Grief takes time to heal.”, he said softly as he drew circles on your waist.
“When did you get this philosophical?”, you chuckled and he joined you but he sobered as though there was more to it.
“I knew this kid for a year. He was brilliant and kind but then stopped coming to school. When I found out he was getting treated for cancer, I didn’t know what it was. But I saw him, battle it out and lose against it. I didn’t cry then cause all these concepts that reality was bound by I had never experienced before. But one night as I sat to watch a show, I began to cry and continued to well into the night.”, he shared as he sighed.
“The toughest bit is when it catches you in the middle of a class or you see another kid play football that in turn makes you angry in how any of this is fair but that’s the stake of being here. It’s about every second and what you choose to do with it.”, he concluded to then softly place a kiss on your forehead.
“So if it catches you when we’re sorting the boxes, I’ll be there to hold you up.”, he said it with a confidence that it caused you to tear up.
“Thank you.”, you whispered as you held onto him.
“Now get up, lazy bones, I’ll make us a fresh batch of tea.”, he patted your back as you groaned when he began to slip away from you.
His skin a delight to look at in the morning light as he put on a Tshirt, his puffy sleep ridden eyes made him look all the more dreamier. You pushed away the blanket with a deep breath, the smell of fresh linen and fabric conditioner giving you the boost to get a move on. You had the world to save.
You walked into your place and knew the first thing you had to do. Walking up to the cookie jar, you popped open the lid and fetched one for him and yourself. His eyes lit up the moment he recognized it,
“I was supposed to give them to you yesterday but they were too hot to pack.”, you said as he took one from you.
He bit into it and you watched as his shoulder relaxed, his eyes closed and he groaned out of satisfaction.
“Brie, I had missed these.”, he mumbled with his mouth full as you lead him to the storage room, which had been Melissa’s room before.
Your hand hovered over the door knob and when you took a minute, his hand rested on your shoulder, to remind you that he was by your side. Taking a deep breath, you let your palm hold the cold metal and twist it.
The old residual smell of her perfume wafted over you and it brought back all the memories. You sitting by the vanity set as she gave you her antique jewelry set for the restaurant’s anniversary dinner. The side table that still held a half embroidered handkerchief. Pictures of you on one side of the wall, you grew nauseous. She had loved you like a mother even though you were no one’s daughter.
But Ken placed his palm on the small of your back, his lips touching the edge of your ear as he said, “You’re stronger than the past, Brie.”
It got you to stand still, to regain yourself. Because you were. You were stronger than all that had happened. So you turned to kiss his cheek as new found strength filled your system.
“Ok", you said as you inhaled deeply.
"Let’s start with this box here.”, you dusted your hands and got to work.
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Background details/me blabbing about my askblog yaaay!! Mostly because it's difficult for me to get motivated as it is! Plus maybe after being inactive for 2 years (rip 💀) this will help pique interest? Idk I just wanna talk about my sillies tbh. And the Axolotl needs a break you know? My guy's watching over an entire multiverse.
First off. The post about my LGBTQIA+ headcanons here: https://www.tumblr.com/craycray-wolf/737090570384703488/while-in-wait-for-the-book-of-bill-already-hard?source=share
It's still accurate to how I feel about the characters...mostly. In the time since I made this post, I have since been converted to "Grunkle Stan is bi" and I'm now preaching the Good Word 🤟
Anyway with that now amended, here's some stuff!
I originally made the majority of the posts about where everyone is now back in 2022, when I intended to have the blog launched as part of the 10th anniversary of Gravity Falls airing.
Well clearly that didn't pan (🩷💛💙🍳) out but maybe it was so it could instead coincide with all the revelations from TBoB! Life is kinda a beautiful thing sometimes.
Anyway point being, I'll have to tweak the timeline a bit. Which is fine because I wanted Dippin Dots and Mabes to hold some jobs before college anyway so really my lack of updating is just an excuse for this. That's the major point I could think of but if I didn't properly consider others please sound off 📣 (yes I'm a cringe emoji user AND I'M PROUD)
Soos and Melody are still attempting to conceive because they want at least one bio child if they can but they're working on adoption.
Many assume Gus Burnside to be missing or worse dead. But maybe... he's still out there somewhere...with his physical body fulfilling a deal. But y'know! No one can say for certain!
To be completely honest I'm still figuring out my interpretation of Bill's backstory. Sorry about that.
Though the reason the Axolotl has contacted our dimension to begin with has to do with his concern...about a certain someone. And who better to give a helping hand than the fandom and the Zodiac?
Since Stan taught Wendy how to hot wire vehicles and whatnot, they one day found a fairly intact Harley motorcycle in the dump. They fix it up together and Stan declares it hers. This is where her Harley previously mentioned in other posts comes from.
When did this happen? I've always assumed the Stans come back to land from time to time, including some summers. So likely during summer but a holiday could work too!
Mabel loves being a passenger. Dipper not so much unless he clings tight. Wendy installs a seat back at some point and this helps ease his anxiety. A little. He likes seeing the scenery though so he'll bare through it if asked to ride. Not to mention he cares for Wendy and thus doesn't want to deny her sharing her joy.
Robbie probably figured out he wanted to be an anime artist while doodling in college classes he wasn't paying attention to. Either he was in generals or some other degree at this point. He only drew in private during high school.
Pacifica during her high school/diner years thought she like liked Dipper. And well, she was Dipper's rebound crush so at around 15 or so they dated for a while. Pacifica however eventually realizes she's actually a lesbian and was misinterpreting her care for Dippin Dots, as well as thinking she only had so many options initially. Dipper realizes it was to cope with Wendy.
Therefore they cut off romantic ties on good terms and continue to be good friends.
(I have nothing against Dipcifica, it's cute. I'm just personally a Mabcifica person and enjoy my lesbian Pacifica hc)
In their early college years Mabel and Pacifica become girlfriends, LET'S GOOOOOO
Candy and Dipper have began to catch each other's eyes... they've healed from the events of Roadside Attraction in the years since and now they can have a healthier relationship in several ways. I WILL DIE FOR THIS SHIP OKAY
Fiddleford and Ford are sweet old man boyfriends. Though romance baffles Ford it makes enough sense with Fiddleford.
Stan is Stan. Though maybe all of his family coming out awakes something in him... something new to explore about himself...
Past Billford will likely be discussed at some point, though they haven't been a thing for decades and it was toxic to begin with.
Grenda and Marius are of course married ❤️ Candy, Mabel, and Pacifica were her bridesmaids. Mabel and Candy were piling over each other trying to get the bouquet, though Wendy catches it. Uninterested in marriage she throws it back out and reflexively Dipper catches it. After confused for a solid moment he tosses it and finally Pacifica then catches it.
The Pines Twins revisit Gravity Falls every summer until their high school graduation. Well *maybe* they go one more after graduation but then they have job schedules to contend with.
One of those summers (probably when the Mystery Twins are 15) their parents surprise them with a visit! But then they start to question everything because y'know. Weird town.
Eventually the truth comes out about everything, and they better understand their kids.
It wasn't the easiest summer but an important one.
They let their children return because they know how dearly they love their time there, albeit with ground rules established.
As for their jobs, Mabel was a barista and Dipper restocked shelves at a grocery store.
Dipper now has come to care for his birth name and birthmark. He still likes going by Dipper but he insists that only those close with him use the name. The only reason he still wears bangs is that his hairstyle is just comfortable and familiar. This also keeps his birthmark special as only some get to see it (in full).
Mabel still loves knitting and sweaters, but she's experimented a lot with fashion throughout the years. She now has more variety in her wardrobe than sweaters and skirts.
The twins live in dorms with a couple roommates and return back to their childhood home during holidays and summer. They intend to live in Gravity Falls once they get all their education/credentials.
Waddles is an old man but still kickin'. The parents were initially upset with his presence but were convinced by Stan to begrudgingly keep him. They grew to care for the piggy as well.
The family cat (Sniffles) has since passed :(
They have a dog (Honey) now though! She was a puppy from a dog Dipper once dogsat. The owners didn't realize said dog was preggo. It was a whole thing. Anyway Mabel loves putting her in cute outfits that match Waddles, something she used to do with Sniffles.
Mabel is a k-pop multistan (originating from Candy and Grenda introducing it to her) and absolutely loves drinking boba/jelly milk tea. Dipper likes the sound of k-pop music but isn't a fan the same way his sister is. He likes milk tea but the boba pearls themselves freak him the heck out.
There's a lot more but I'm blanking 🤪
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moosereblogsfics · 2 years
No Motive
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pairing: serial killer! steve x serial killer!bucky x reader 
warnings: DUBCON, kind of non con, serial killer au, horror, slight dacryphilia, violence, smut, p in v, manipulation/coercion, facial, creampie, mentions of virginity loss, masturbation, MINORS DNI, dead dove do not eat. read at your own risk
summary:  “Surprise, Sidney!” 
a/n: this is a Scream / Grease inspired entry for @boxofbonesfic​ Friday The 13th challenge for Serial Killer! this is my first time writing anything dark but I had a lot of fun (i love horror/horror movies so this was a fun exercise). thank you so much bones for hosting this super fun challenge and i hope everyone had an absolutely spooktacular Friday the 13th!
word count: 1287 (cutting it close whew)
“Doors locked. Windows and blinds shut. No trips to anywhere but the grocery store or work, during daylight hours. No one is permitted to be outside of their homes after dark.”
That was what the police said. So why the hell were you outside right now? You snuck a quick glance at your boyfriend, who was driving carefree with the windows down.
“You cold, babe?” He shouted over the wind, looking over at you to flash you a cocky smirk. He looked beautiful, and that’s why you were here.
“No,” you mustered, but it was a lie. The anxiety caused by your forbidden outing induced a tremor in your hands as you pressed down your skirt. Steve would be so disappointed if he knew how you were feeling. Wasn’t this romantic? In the very least, it was what all the other couples did at school. 
It was what Steve’s ex-girlfriends did with him. 
You fought the urge to flip down the little vanity mirror and check your lipstick, make sure you looked pretty enough for him. Instead, you looked over at him with a smile and reached over to squeeze his thigh suggestively. That’s how you were supposed to do it, right? 
The crunching of gravel under Steve’s tires drew your attention to the little road that you’ve pulled off onto. You’ve never been here, but you recognized it from its infamy— Lover’s Lake, where all the couples used to come to get a little… privacy. Nobody came here anymore, though.
Not since the killings started. 
Your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips nervously, and you felt your heart pounding in fear. 
“Steve, is this a good idea?” you eked out, taking your bottom lip between your teeth and nibbling at the flesh nervously. Without even looking at you, Steve grasped your chin in his forefinger and eased your lip out from your teeth before running over it with his thumb. 
He’s so good to you. He knew you so well. So why didn’t you feel safe right now? 
But your stomach roiled when he sighed, clearly disappointed in you as he spared an irritated look before pulling the car to stop facing the lake. “Babe, I told you this already, remember? We can’t let the killer win. When we let them control us, let them make us afraid, they win.” 
“But Steve, what if the killer shows up?”
“Hey,” he said, placing a warm hand on the back of your neck and letting his fingers press on your spine. “I’m here, baby. Now go get your cute ass in the backseat.” Steve laughed when you squeaked at the pat on your butt as you made your way to the backseat. 
As you sat down, you couldn’t get over how… wrong it felt. Like the ghosts of the three girls that died here were watching you, telling you to get out of here. It was disrespectful at best, dangerous for a fact. But you didn’t have it in you to say no to Steve. 
He settled next to you, slinging an arm over your shoulders as the two of you looked out to the lake. Your heart beat faster when his fingers toyed with the straps of your dress and bra, before he inched them off your shoulder. 
“Oops,” he laughed. It sounded harsher than you were used to, and you couldn’t hold back your discomfort anymore. You turned to him, ready to voice your objections when he captured your lips with his own. 
“Shh, baby,” he interrupted you, pulling down your top entirely to expose your tits to him. He kneaded the flesh between his palms, groaning and watching your nipples peak in response to his ministrations. “God, you’re so pretty. So innocent. Knew you’d be the best girlfriend a fella could ever have.” The pride that swelled within you at his words squashed the discomfort within you, and you leaned in to kiss him with a smile. 
You shut your eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in his kisses as his hands wandered up and down your body. You didn’t object when he pulled your dress and bra off, pulled your panties off and laid you down on the leather seats of his car. 
“You see how hard I am for you, baby?” Steve groans, grabbing your hand and putting it on his bulge as he rocked his clothed thigh against your bare core. Steve Rogers, the one guy that everyone wanted, the captain of the football team, the all-American golden boy wanted you. 
Steve slid his jeans off, sitting in one of the seats as he pumped his shaft twice and pulled your hips between his legs, aligning your slick cunt with his tip and driving his hips up to inch into you. You stifled your discomfort, trying to hide your winces and the tears that sprung in your eyes as he eased into your tight hole. You couldn’t let him know that you were a virgin, what would he think? 
But you knew when you met Steve’s wolfish gaze, it wasn’t something you could hide from him. 
“Are you a virgin, baby?” He cooed at you, condescension lacing his tone. You nodded and shut your eyes, when the sound of the door opening forced your eyes open.
Bucky, Steve’s best friend, slid into the seat next to yours. “Getting started without me, huh, pal?” Steve laughed harshly at that, exposing your body for Bucky to see. Mortification sent blood rushing through your body but Steve didn’t seem to care as he squeezed and flicked your tits, continuing to fuck into you. “You gonna let me join in, Stevie?” 
“Not this time,” Steve grunted, turning to Bucky as he used your body. “This one’s a virgin.” 
“Lucky,” Bucky asserted, unbuckling and sliding his already-hard cock out from his jeans. “Spit,” he instructed you, putting his hand in front of your mouth then using it as lubrication to stroke himself as he watched Steve fuck you. “You wanna cry, baby?” he asked you as he watched you, noting the stiffness of your body. “Yeah, I bet it hurts. C’mon, then, cry.” 
You let the tears flow freely from you as Steve picked up the pace, uncaring about your pain as he drove further into you. But it didn’t take long for the pain to shift to pleasure, the fullness from Steve making your head loll against his shoulder. 
Bucky pulled you down to face his cock, surprising you as he sprayed his release on your face, almost making you cry again as his cum mixed with your lipstick. Inexplicably, though, it triggered that blissful feeling that you’ve only felt on your own, clenching tighter on Steve’s cock as your vision whited out. 
“Shit, you like that?” Steve snickered, cumming into you as your body slacked. He pulled you off unceremoniously, swinging you into his arms only to dump your nude body in the passenger seat. “I gotta go piss,” he called out, slamming the door as Bucky trailed behind him. 
Bored, you opened the glovebox in search of napkins to clean your face, but when your fingers brushed against dainty metal, your heart stuttered. 
Inside Steve’s glovebox lay three bloodstained necklaces, ones that you knew belonged to the dead girls because you recognized each little pendant— Darla’s pink rhinestone, Charlotte’s teddy bear, Jeanie’s heart locket. 
“You weren’t supposed to see that, sweetheart,” Steve said from behind you. You saw the blood from your neck spray onto the windshield before you got the chance to scream.  
“That’s gonna be a pain to get out,” Bucky commented, before the darkness swallowed you whole.
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nobedofroses · 10 months
A Different Kind of Sleepover
Summary: Joel Miller x fem!reader (no use of y/n). You'd never dreamed chaperoning a school dance could've led to this. 18+
Word Count: 5.6k
Warnings: daddy kink, kind of brat tamer!joel, unprotected p-in-v sex, edging, pillow humping, forced alcohol consumption (but consensually still, you'll see), degradation (whore, slut), and... I think that's it!
A/N: hello, first post in a while, which is what happens with a full time job, I suppose. But I am gearing up to do some posting during December, possibly a writing challenge, so heads up on that! Hope you like this, and I'd love to hear what you think!! xx
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Joel and you had become friends just over a year ago. You had met while you were chaperoning the underclassmen spring fling. Joel was there because of his daughter and you were there because you worked in the library at the school. Not enough parents signed up so you were offered extra pay for doing more hours.
You were standing by the punch bowl to make sure no one spiked it. Mostly it meant you had easy access to the chips, but it was official enough to look like you were doing your part. 
About 20 minutes in, you saw a flash of metal out of the corner of your eye and turned in time to see someone pocketing a flash. You took a deep breath, ready to berate some 15 year old for sneaking in alcohol when you actually looked at who had been holding the flask. 
It was not a 15 year old, in fact you’d guess that the man was about two decades older. Your eyes raked up and down his body, taking in his broad shoulders, well-fitting t-shirt with a flannel over top of it that did not hide his well-defined biceps, straight leg jeans that hugged his legs just a little too well for your ability to think, and then back to the large hand that had tucked the flask into his waistband, giving you a quick glimpse of his slightly soft tummy. 
You were in the middle of a thick swallow when his voice drew your eyes to his face. 
“Um, can you pretend you didn’t just see that?” he said sheepishly with just about the most charming smile you had ever seen. Accompanied by a strong aquiline nose, warm brown eyes, and scruff and a mustache, it was enough to make your knees a little weak. 
It took a lot for you not to bat your lashes, and say, “Whatever you want, daddy.” 
Instead, you actually said, “Sure, long as you don’t give any to the minors,” with a little laugh that you hoped sounded casual. 
“Oh hell no, they don’t have the discernin’ palates it takes to appreciate this stuff,” he told you, patting where the flask was. “Jack Daniels is only for the most refined tastes.” 
You laughed again, relaxed by his joking. Deciding to be brave, you stuck your hand out to him and introduced yourself. His hand was strong and warm when he shook yours and told you his name was Joel. 
Coming to stand next to you facing the dancefloor, Joel started making conversation, inadvertently making your thought process slow due to his closeness and the way you could smell his spicy cologne. 
“So, you must find it easy to connect with your students. I remember always gettin’ along better with the younger teachers because they weren’t as condescending when I was in school,” Joel started. 
“Oh, I’m not a teacher, I work in the library. They were short on parents so that’s why I’m here,” you explained. 
“You work in the library? You’re a librarian? Aren’t chaperones supposed to keep things from gettin’ too sexual? How does that work when half the boys here and I’ll bet some of the girls view you as a sexy librarian?” Joel said incredulously, looking up and down at your admittedly very cute outfit. But, being at work, it wasn’t revealing at all.
Chuckling, you said, “Because this is real life, not porn. No one’s exchanging any sexual favors to get out of late fines.” 
“Oh, so you admit you watch porn?” Joel said with a straight face. 
And as you covered your mouth with one hand to keep from laughing out loud and hit his shoulder with the other as he gave you a shit-eating grin, you knew that this Joel guy was someone that would make you laugh like this every day if you’d let him. 
Since then, the two of you had stayed in touch, usually getting dinner and drinks at the dive bar he frequented with his brother. There was always an undercurrent of sexual tension and lots of flirting, but he had a 14 year old daughter at home and you worked early. But it all came to a head the first week after summer break started when, at the bar again, Joel told you about the multiple day sleepover that Sarah had planned with her best friend two towns over and you had bragged about getting able to sleep in on a weekday for the first time in months. 
You had excused yourself to go to the bathroom and splash some water on your neck because you were getting in over your head with all the flirting and the way he was checking you out and how you kept touching his arms and hands. He was waiting for you in the hallway and the two of you made out until the next person came stumbling down the hallway and then again in his car in the parking lot and then as soon as he parked until you were on his bed on your back and he was grabbing a condom out of his nightstand. It had actually taken a second for him to find them because he apparently hadn’t had the need for one in a while and that made you smile and you almost offered that you go without, but since it was your first time together, you figured that was for the best. 
Sex had been amazing, but neither of you were looking for a relationship right then. Again, he had a daughter in high school and you had started your job just the previous year and wanted to focus on that. Plus, you weren’t ready to be a teenager’s stepmom anytime soon. After a frank conversation along those lines, you decided to stay friends who had occasional mind blowing sex, a situation that was very agreeable to you both. 
Over that summer, basically any time that Sarah was at a friend’s house overnight you were at his place, so long as you didn’t have other plans. Once the school year started again, the frequency went way down and you switched back to mainly seeing each other at the bar every other week, but when Sarah had any school trip or the occasional weekend sleepover, you were over. 
Summer was coming up again and you were excited to start things up again more consistently. Over the past six months or so, the two of you had been experimenting with different dynamics, but hadn’t had the time to really delve deep and take your time with things. Because you were only having sex maybe once every month or two, things were pretty frantic when you did, trying to make each other have as many orgasms as possible in the time you had. 
Last time, when you had accidentally called him daddy, both of you had cum very, very quickly, but Sarah had called right after you finished to say she was coming home that night instead of the next morning because she didn’t feel well. 
You had rushed out and there hadn’t been a good time to talk about it because Sarah hadn’t had any more sleepovers and you didn’t want to talk about it in the bar where anyone could hear you. 
So, you were left hoping that Joel wasn’t weirded out, had actually liked it as much as you did, and would let you do it again. 
Your chance came just three days into summer break when Joel called you because Sarah was leaving the next morning for a week-long trip to her friend’s house on South Padre Island. They wanted to soak up the sun before the humidity and heat of July and August. 
Plans were quickly made for you to come over that afternoon and stay the night, but you packed for more like three nights, just in case. 
Joel had the tv going when you arrived and he had snacks out in case you were hungry before dinner, but what you were hungry for couldn’t be satisfied by food. 
“C’mon Joel, can’t we just skip all the lead-up? It’s been too long, I want you,” you told him, stepping close and running your hands up his chest to wrap around his neck. 
You could tell he liked the touch but he tried to hold firm, not touching you back. “I just spent 15 minutes takin’ all this out and I’m hungry. It’ll take just as long to put it away.” 
Humming, you leaned forward to kiss at his neck and say, “Well, you could always eat while I go and slip into something more comfortable.” 
Joel’s hands rested naturally on your waist as he scoffed a laugh, “And leave me to pack it all away too? Real nice, honey.” 
At this you did pull back, “I didn’t ask you to put all this out and you could’ve ate before I came. If you don’t want to put it away alone, leave it until we’re done, it won’t go bad.” 
The tension between you was way more about not having sex in so long than it was about snacks, but you were okay with it adding a little heat to your doings so long as it didn’t delay anything too much. 
And Joel’s eyes were getting dark like they did when he was going to fuck you good, and you were getting warm because of it. But instead of kissing you like you thought he would, he grabbed your ass roughly and told you, “I’m not sure I like your attitude, sweetheart. Aren’t girls like you supposed to be good for their daddy?” 
Your legs just about dropped out from under you as your head spun at the sudden shift. You tried to say something, but all that came out was a moan as your pussy throbbed. 
But then Joel smirked and you regained just enough brain power to not want to give in so easily. If he thought you were being bad, you would show him just how bad you could be. So you leaned in for what he was sure to think was another kiss on the neck, but you bit where his neck met his shoulder instead. It wasn’t too hard, but enough to sting, and definitely enough to surprise him when he had been expecting your soft lips instead. 
While he was still exclaiming in shock, you pulled away from him and said, “I don’t think you’ve given me a reason why I should have a better attitude, daddy.” 
Your skin burned with arousal and defiance as Joel stared daggers at you. But not harmful daggers, more like daggers to cut all of your clothes off so he could have you naked. 
Walking away from him, you put an extra little swing in your hips and headed towards where he kept his whiskey, knowing he liked the sight of you drinking out of the cups that were normally just his. The more riled up he got, the hotter you were hoping the sex would be. 
He stood in the same place, just watching you and rubbing where you had bit him with his big hand. There was a mirror on the wall next to the cabinet that you could see him in, and fuck, he looked good. 
Opening the cabinet door, you grabbed a crystal rocks glass, his fancy ones that he didn’t use for every day, and poured yourself a couple fingers of whiskey. You didn’t actually like it all that much, but this was for show. 
Turning and lifting the drink to him in a cheers, you said, “This is what you should’ve done when I first got here, daddy. Polite hosts offer their guests drinks.” 
This comment totally ignored that he had offered you beer when you first got there, but being a brat wasn’t based in logic, just provocation. You took a sip, humming at the burn that made its way down your throat, and hoping that Joel would step in before you had to drink the whole glass. 
This intervention came even quicker than you had hoped. Joel crossed over to you in three long strides and yanked the glass out of your hand. It spilled some on the floor, but Joel didn’t seem to care, getting up in your space and staring you down. 
“Good guests don’t help themselves to expensive whisky and crystal glasses without askin’. And good girls shouldn’t talk back. If you’re gonna be a brat then I’m gonna treat you like one, honey. Let’s just hope it cures that smart mouth of yours,” Joel said in a gruff voice. He held up the whiskey glass to look at it, and you thought he was going to drink it, but then he said, “In fact, let’s see if this whiskey will help wash it out first.” 
Before you could ask what he meant, he held the glass to your mouth and started tipping it, leaving you to open your mouth and start drinking or get your whole front covered in whiskey as it spilled out. You went with the first option, gulping the strong alcohol down until it was gone and then sputtering and gasping when he pulled the glass away. 
Since you couldn’t talk right away, Joel smiled condescendingly and said, “There, already behavin’ better.” 
Your legs had turned to jelly and you could feel a mess between them as your cunt throbbed at just how dominant and mean he was being. It was making you dizzy with desire and you wanted his next act of domination to be bending you over the kitchen counter and taking you. 
But you were not so lucky. 
“You know what, sweetheart? Your idea did sound good. I think I will have that snack while you put on your pretty lingerie. But it might take me longer than that, so here’s what I want you to do.” Joel leaned in close, his mouth at your ear and his presence large and intimidating, “You’re gonna get on my bed, pick a pillow, and hump it like the dirty little whore you are. I want you wet and desperate for daddy. But if your hand so much as touches your cunt from outside your panties, you’ll have hell to pay. Got it?” 
There was no way to stop the little whine you let out, swaying into him because you truly could not stand up straight anymore. 
You managed to say, “Y-yes, daddy,” hoping for some sort of reward for at least answering his question. But Joel just grabbed your shoulders, turned you around so you were facing away from him and towards the stairs, and then put your bag in your arms. You stood there for a second without moving so Joel swatted your ass to get you going. 
“Go on, then. I’ll be up when I’m good and ready.” 
It took you longer than normal to go up the stairs because you were so weak in the knees, but you made it into his bedroom and went through your bag to find the lingerie. Your hands were shaking as you took it out, and you had to take it slow to get everything on correctly, but your anticipation just grew stronger as you hoped that Joel would like it. You had picked it out specifically for him. 
Fifteen minutes later and your legs were burning from exertion. Not only had you not had sex for a while, but Joel liked to be on top, so grinding on top of the pillow was a lot more work than you were used to. You didn’t dare let up for even a second though, because Joel could walk in at any moment. 
While this was not your preferred method of getting off (mostly because you didn’t know how to angle the pressure and friction for it to be enough to get you off), you were ridiculously turned on. You wouldn’t be surprised if the pillow was getting damp. Just the idea of performing this ridiculously dirty task because Joel had told you to, because Joel wanted you ready for him was enough to get you feeling hot. Actually doing it and the physical sensations that followed were enough to get you desperate for him. Which had to be exactly what he wanted. 
Finally, just when you were really questioning how mad he would be if you stopped, Joel walked in the room. He looked the same as he did downstairs, which was devastatingly handsome and also very stern. 
“So I guess you can follow orders,” Joel commented, leaning against the doorframe. 
It was entirely too far away from you for your liking, not within reaching distance at all. Ignoring his question because you were too distracted by your need to listen well, you whined and entreated, “Joel, please.” 
Joel said a brow and looked at you harshly, “Don’t call me that. Either call me daddy or keep that whiny mouth shut.” 
Even though it proved him right, you whined, and stuttered out, “Y-yes, daddy. I-I’m sorry.” 
“That’s better.” As a reward, Joel took a few steps closer, standing at the edge of the bed but still so far away from you. It took a lot of willpower not to crawl across it to him, but you didn’t think you’d be able to keep humping the pillow at the same time, and he hadn’t told you to stop. 
Joel’s gaze raked over you and warmth spread over your cheeks and chest. His hand moved to his crotch to adjust his growing hardness and you were both flustered and gratified that he was getting hard by watching you. 
“Have you touched yourself?” His voice was quiet, but he didn’t need to be loud to hold your rapt attention. 
“No daddy.” 
“Good girl, now—” Joel was interrupted by your moan at the praise and he smirked. “Now honey, you’re gonna have to be quiet while daddy’s talking so you don’t miss any instructions. Can you handle that?” 
“I think so, daddy,” you said earnestly, looking at him with wide eyes. 
“Well, I appreciate the honesty, sweetheart, but you’d better or you’re gonna have another punishment to endure,” Joel said, casually reaching for his belt and undoing the buckle. You could’ve moaned, but you didn’t want to risk it in case he was about to talk. “Alright, honey, you can stop. And c’mere close to me at the edge of the bed.” 
You crawled over to where he was because you had a feeling he’d like that, and when he groaned watching you, you knew you were right. When you reached him, he helped you to kneel at full height so you were close to him. Intimidatingly close. 
His cologne was spicy and enticing and his handsome face made you all flustered and you were getting dizzy looking between his eyes and his lips, wanting to kiss him desperately. You didn’t realize, but you were leaning closer and closer and your breaths almost sounded like whines and you were pursing your lips a little bit, all nice and desperate how Joel wanted you. 
When he didn’t say anything and you couldn’t wait any longer, you said, “Daddy?” 
Joel felt his cock twitch at the word and how good you were being compared to how bratty you were earlier. He wondered if you’d be this good while he was fucking you. 
Instead of responding, Joel kissed you and you immediately melted into him, putting your hands on his chest for balance. Joel grabbed your waist and held you tight, his hard cock pressing against your stomach. After a bit, you’re hazy with lust and how good his kisses are and wanted more, so much more. You slid your hand down between you to palm his cock, moaning into the kiss so he would know how much you wanted it. 
He pulled back and smiled, “Yeah, honey? You want daddy’s cock? Why don’t you spread your legs nice and wide for daddy so I can check if this cunt is ready?” 
You swallowed thickly and nodded, parting your legs as Joel’s hand came between them, passing over the front of your panties and feeling how wet they were even from the outside. Joel cursed under his breath and pushed them to the side, sliding his fingers up your slit to your entrance. 
He lined up two fingers and started pushing them in, not fast enough to hurt but faster than you thought he would and you gasped at the stretch, “Daddy, oh—” 
Joel kissed you to distract you, and also because you were so fucking cute. After they were in all the way, he started fucking them into you firmly to make sure there’d be no resistance when it came to his cock. He was planning on fucking you hard. 
You could barely stay upright with what his fingers were doing to you, grabbing onto his strong shoulders tightly to try and keep steady. They just felt so good and you knew his cock would feel better and wanted to plead with him for it but you didn’t know if that would be wrong. If you would be punished. 
The idea of punishment was both very hot and scary. If it was something tolerable like spanking or overstimulation, you’d risk it, but who knows what Joel would do? Based on what he had you do before, you worried he might just edge you and then fuck you and then not let you cum all night. Which would truly be a travesty. If you were going to ask, you needed to be real, real good and careful about it. 
You moved your hand back down to his cock to remind him of how hard he was, and show him how good you were being to want to pleasure him too. 
Joel moaned and pressed his hips into your hand. You took the encouragement and squeezed more firmly, using your thumb to find his head and rub little circles on it.
“Shit, sweetheart,” he muttered, pulling back from the kiss to breathe deep. 
You took the opportunity to kiss his jaw and neck and then say sweetly in his ear, “Daddy, can I please have your cock now? I wanna feel you fill me.” 
Joel shuddered as your cunt clenched around his fingers, apparently just at the thought of having his cock. Which meant, of course, that he couldn’t make you wait any longer. Or himself. 
“Alright, honey,” he told you, pulling his fingers out of you quick enough you squeaked at the empty feeling. “Sorry, sweetheart, I know how slutty your cunt is. But why don’t you take off those cute panties and get back by the pillows for me. The one you used.” 
You whimpered quietly and moved away from him, doing as he said and feeling dirty when you had to lay on the pillow you had grinded on. You parted your legs and waited for him, hoping you looked patient because you sure didn’t feel it. 
Joel undid his belt buckle, switching between looking at you and your cunt. You squirmed but kept your legs open even though it was so hard. To distract yourself from feeling so flustered, you watched his hands instead. His hands that were so big and strong and touched you so well. His hands that were tugging down his pants and you could see how hard his cock was in his boxer-briefs. His hands that were pushing those down too. His hands that were wrapping around his hard cock, stroking it. His hands that you were incredibly jealous of. 
Even from across the bed, Joel could see your pussy clenching around nothing as you watched his hands on his cock. It was a terrible torture not to just fuck you immediately, but it was worth it that you were in worse agony of desire. He wanted you begging. He wanted you to admit that you were reliant on him, on pleasing him to get what you wanted most. He wanted you to be perfect and obedient for him, and he knew he would get it. 
“Tell me what you’re gonna do if I fuck you,” Joel commanded and he was rewarded for his threat of not following through with your shining, pleading eyes and a whine. 
“A-anything. Anything you want, d-daddy,” you said earnestly, chest heaving with how worried and turned on you were. 
“That’s right, good girl,” he said as he walked around the bed, pulling off his shirt and you just had to sit there and watch and not touch him even though you wanted nothing more. But thankfully, he started getting on top of you right away and you fisted your hands in the comforter so you didn’t touch, but you were getting light headed from holding back so much. He got settled, your only contact his thighs just barely against your ass and as he knelt above you. Even just that little touch made goosebumps spread out along your skin and you sighed in pleasure as if he was touching your clit. 
And then he shifted forward just a bit and his cock rested on your slit. A loud whine escaped your mouth and you winced but Joel just smirked. 
“It’s alright, honey. Now that I’m gonna take your pussy with my cock, I want to hear all your dirty sounds. It’ll get me off faster,” he told you and heaven help you, you whined again. 
Then he gently grabbed your hand and guided it to his cock, “Put it in, sweetheart, show me how much you want it.” 
You couldn’t help but stroke his length at least once, bumping your clit in the process and moaning in surprise. To keep from getting in trouble, you pushed his cock to slide down your folds until it notched at your entrance and then guided it inside as much as you could. Then it was up to Joel, but he wasn’t moving and his cock was only a couple inches inside of you. 
At first, you thought he was making sure you’d be obedient, but then you remembered that he wanted to see how much you wanted it. You got flustered as you realized that it probably meant he wanted to hear just how much you wanted it. 
“P-please, J— daddy, please fuck me. I need your cock s-so bad,” you ended your plea with a breathy whine and then each breath after made a little sound too as you waited impatiently for him to fuck you. You really felt that if he didn’t soon, you might throw a fit. Or start crying. 
But thankfully, thankfully, Joel smiled and said, “Well, if you need it.” He started pushing in the rest of the way and the way you sighed in relief, like his cock was what you had waited your whole life for, was sinful.
“Oh daddy–” what you were going to tell him you didn’t even know as you tightened around the perfect full feeling of his hot, hard cock. You didn’t even know what would be better, him staying inside of you like that forever or him starting to fuck you. Both sounded heavenly, but your mind was so muddled from desire that you couldn’t think straight long enough to think properly. 
Luckily, Joel did the deciding for you. He stayed fully seated inside of you for just long enough for you to relax around him just enough that he slipped just a little deeper and then started to fuck you. 
Joel always liked to fuck you as deep as he could. Instead of pulling out all or even half of the way, he thrusted into you shallowly as you moaned and writhed beneath him. The length of his cock would rub against your g-spot perfectly, stretching you out enough that your clit was more sensitive on the outside. The thick base of his cock grinded against it, and when you squeaked in surprise as if you were so dumb with pleasure that you didn’t remember the last time, Joel’s cock would twitch inside you. Your cunt would clench around him, he would groan, and the whole cycle would start over again until you were keening with pleasure.  
“I’m— oh— daddy!” you cried out as your orgasm came careening towards you. It was all you could do to breathe as you tried to hold on until he told you you could cum, one of the most horrible and mind-bogglingly hot things he made you do. 
Joel grunted above you, trying to keep his own orgasm under control. He liked being able to fully experience watching and hearing yours before he lost himself in his own, but damn was it nearly impossible sometimes. 
So his voice came out a little shaky as he said, “What honey? You gonna cum?” 
Since he didn’t have time to make you wait and honestly did not have the brainpower to come up with longer sentences, you serendipitously got straightforward questions that were much easier for your fucked out brain to understand. 
“Pl-e-e-ease,” you said through a long moan and then gasped, adding, “Daddy!”
Whether you had said it because you knew you were supposed to or because of the intense way your cunt clenched around him as it started to cum, Joel didn’t know. What he did know was that if he didn’t give you permission right this fucking second, he’d have to stop and give you a ruin. 
But it had been so fucking long since you came on his cock that as fantastic as that sounded, he couldn’t let it happen. 
“Cum, sweetheart, cum for your daddy,” he commanded softly, not needing to raise his voice at all to get you to feel that he had absolute and complete control over whether you did. 
You moaned so suddenly your voice broke and all you could do was silently sob as pleasure rained through every inch of your body out from your cunt. It was so intense that your legs squeezed, coming up and together until Joel was pushed halfway out of your cunt. But as much as this orgasm was for you, it was also for him, so he shoved your legs apart and pushed himself in deep again, watching your jaw go slack and eyes roll back as it sent another wave of pleasure through you. 
Joel watched each moment of your orgasm on your face, waiting until that moment where your eyes came just a fraction back into focus and looked at him with that look of disbelief. That’s when he came. He wanted you to feel every single second of him filling you up with his thick, hot cum. Because he knew you almost loved it more than him. 
He pushed into you as deep as he could go, grinded into you one more time until your broken voice managed a whimper when his pelvic bone brushed your clit, and then let himself go. Joel came, humping it into you while you basically came again, another, much smaller, round of pleasure pulsing in your pussy. 
Joel always, always, came with a moan of your name that bordered on a whine and it was the most gratifying thing in the entire world. To know that this fucking hot, sexy, prime-cut of a man was surrending himself to the pleasure that you created was easily as satisfying as any orgasm you had by your own hand (the ones made by Joel were ridiculous and didn’t count for this comparison). 
This time, as he finished cumming and started to come down, you were mostly through your aftershocks but sinking into the subspace where you literally never wanted to stop touching him. Luckily, since this happened every time things were more than a quickie, Joel knew exactly what to do before you even had to think about saying something. 
Bracing himself just enough to not cause either of you bodily harm, Joel let himself fall on top of you, crushing your body into the soft bed below you as you let out the happiest sigh of relief. 
Joel leaned his head to kiss your neck, moving up in a slow but steady line to your mouth. By the time he got there, you could breathe again, and were ready to kiss him back, slow like honey because he had worn you the fuck out. 
These types of kisses were only shared during aftercare, much too sensual and slow for how the two of you felt in the lead up to sex. But that’s partly why you loved them so much. They were always bathed in the post-orgasmic glow that you could feel radiating between you and Joel. They also didn’t require as much thought, which was good when your head was still fuzzy. 
After a bit, Joel pulled back and then kissed the corner of your mouth, “How do you feel, honey?” 
“Mmm, good. Maybe more kissing still,” you told him, which was also a subtle reminder that he was not allowed to pull out yet. 
Joel kissed you again, but not for as long. When he pulled away this time, you asked, “So you do like daddy then, huh?” 
He chuckled, “I thought that was obvious the first time. But you tell me, sweetheart, do you really like being’ a brat, or do you like being’ daddy’s good girl?”
If you could’ve moved underneath him, you would have squirmed, but since you were trapped, you had to reply, “I like it when daddy makes me his good girl.” 
The sound Joel made could only be described as a growl and it sent a thrill through you, “You just be careful not to be too bratty or you’ll have a hard time walkin’ for a week.” 
If your cunt clenched around his less than half hard cock, that really wasn’t your fault. But you couldn’t help asking, “Because you’ll spank me?” 
Joel gave you a dangerous look and your breath caught, “That won’t be the only reason, sweetheart.”
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