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Recently divorced Steve is roped into attending an adult summer camp with Robin. She thinks it’ll get him out of his funk, and she’s probably right. At this point, he’s mostly given up on love. He’s put off moving forward long enough and agrees that this can be his fresh start. When Steve has a chance encounter with Nancy in the airport, he thinks it’s destiny, them both going to the same summer camp.
He has a vision of them together, the details of which he doesn’t reveal to anyone but Robin. It’s a fuzzy vision of curly brown hair, a bright smile, and a warm embrace. He fixates on it when they arrive at camp and Nancy is Robin’s roommate. It feels like the universe is aligning for him again, finally pushing him towards his destiny. Robin keeps setting up situations for them to be together, pushing them together for the team races, stepping aside so Nancy can be his partner on the ropes course.
It also leads him to Eddie. They’re roommates for the week, and he’s Nancy’s best friend. Apparently they spent many years attending this same summer camp as kids before it reopened years later as a camp for adults. They butt heads at first, but he’s quick witted and funny, and makes Steve laugh when he needs it most. He works his way right into Steve’s heart. There’s this fearlessness that guides his every move, unafraid to look silly or be an outcast. He reminds Steve of Robin in a way that feels like home.
They spend a lot of sleepless nights together, in separate bunks, talking across the darkness about all their hopes and fears. Eddie drags him to his thinking rock that overlooks the lake and Steve doesn’t think twice about pulling Eddie into the water and tangling their legs together in the moonlight. The paint smeared across Steve’s cheeks during arts and crafts is in the shape of Eddie’s fingers and the smile on his face feels permanent.
Steve’s never taken a lot of chances in life, always going down the easiest path, never putting up much resistance when things felt less than perfect. Nancy feels like much of the same, and it takes him too long to notice that there’s no spark there. Sure, they fit together in a way that makes sense, but it doesn’t bring him to life like Eddie does.
He doesn’t light up like Robin does around Nancy. He doesn’t elicit that coy smile or that fierce protectiveness from Nancy. After a while, he starts to think the universe was wrong. That his vision was about meeting Robin’s soulmate and how he wants her happiness just as much as he wants his.
Nancy doesn’t challenge him to try new things, or face his fears. Eddie does, helping him gain the confidence to sing karaoke while Eddie plays guitar for the whole camp to hear. Robin and Eddie are the ones by his side when Steve’s parents don’t show up for family day. Eddie’s the one he keeps finding himself pulled to, a thousand missed moments where he could’ve reeled Eddie in for a kiss but didn’t. All for a vision that doesn’t even feel real anymore.
And maybe Steve learns to let go of expectations. Accepts a part of himself that he avoided for so many years because it didn’t seem to matter when he was married and living the American dream. But now? He wants more. He wants to wake up from being a zombie in his own life.
When he kisses Eddie in the mess hall in front of the whole camp on the last day because he feels time slipping away, he suddenly understands. It all clicks into place with his arms around Eddie, who’s pressing their foreheads together with a grin, that his vision was never about Nancy (and yes he has a type). It was always about Eddie and how Eddie could be his home.
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Party Animal
Steve hated parties. And who could blame him? The infamous Halloween party of 1984 left more scars on his heart than he carried from all his other misadventures. Alcohol made people say thinks they buried deep inside, but then instead of owning up to them, they'd say "I was drunk", as if that was any excuse. So yes, Steve and parties didn't go together anymore.
And yet he stupidly decided to throw one anyway.
Look, they deserved it. All of them did - Eddie, Nancy, Robin, even Jonathan and Argyle, they all earned acting like actual teenagers for one evening. Steve wanted to see Eddie, now miraculously his boyfriend, just have fun, laugh, be silly. So a party it was.
It all went great - dancing, drinking, nibbling on mountains of Argyle's homemade pizza - but eventually they all got drunk. Not Steve, he just sipped one beer and kept an eye on everyone. Jonathan and Argyle were smoking outside, Nancy and Robin flirted in the most embarrassing way possible and Eddie...
Steve heard sniffling from the bathroom and his heart sank.
He didn't want to go there. He didn't want to be told that this was all a misunderstanding, that he pressured Eddie with his flirting, didn't want to hear he's bullshit again.
But no matter how terrified he was, he could never abandon Eddie. So he went in.
Eddie was leaning over the sink, wiping at his face and trying to control his breathing. "Shit..." he muttered and turned away from Steve. "Sorry, I...uh. I'll be there in a sec."
"Eddie..." It came out as a whisper. "Are...are you okay? Did I do something?"
Eddie just chuckled and pulled hair in front of his face. "Sure did," he mumbled.
And it made horrible sense to Steve. Of course he was the reason Eddie was crying. He couldn't help fucking up, he'd tried so hard to change but apparently it was 1984 all over again. So he took a deep breath and waited for the final blow.
"You're just perfect, Stevie."
That wasn't what being broken up with sounded like. In fact, Eddie didn't seem angry at him at all. "...sorry?"
Eddie laughed, wet and high in his throat. "Like, you...you are too good to be true, you know? You throw a party for us and then you even don't drink so we're all cared for if anything happens? You...you give your best friend a green light to date your ex who shredded your heart to pieces? You invite the guy that your ex cheated on you with and his friend? You're just so good about it. And you're funny and so bitchy that I want to kiss you all the time. And I just...I love you so much, you know? And I've never felt that way about anyone and it's fucking scary, man."
Steve's racing thoughts came to a screching halt. Where he was too busy panicking and praying he'd still have time to fix whatever he did, now his brain settled on maybe I'm not getting broken up with? "So, uh..." he muttered as he watched Eddie try fix his eyeliner, "...there's, like, nothing wrong? Or maybe...do you want me to go slower? I know I can be a lot."
His boyfriend gave an incredulous laugh. There was no salvaging the eyeliner now, it was getting caught in Eddie's early crow feet, and Steve had never seen a more beautiful sight. "No, Steve. You're not a lot. In fact, you're just enough in every single way, but knowing that you're it for me, that good things can happen...it makes me terrified. I've never put all my drugs in a single lunchbox, or whatever metaphor you want to use for it, but with you I'm just throwing all the caution into the wind. And for the first time, I..." he stopped, chewing on his lip, "...I don't want to run away when I mess up. I want to stay, face the music and fix it. You're re-writing the Munson doctrine again and again and I just...I don't want you to settle for me, Steve. You are the whole package and I'm still cleaning all my messes. I guess today showed me that and I...yeah. Sorry about all this," he pointed at his tear-streaked face.
Eddie suddenly seemed so small, so insecure, and that wouldn't do. It woke Steve up from his frozen state and he took a step forward, cradling Eddie's face in his palms. "I'm not. Settling for you, that is." He was probably smudging the black even more, but Eddie would have been beautiful to him even fully covered in grime, and there were more important things to focus on. "Eddie, you keep talking about the Munson doctrine and being work in progress, but you don't see how you've thrown all the stuff I used to do out of the window, and I'm better for it. With you, I don't feel rushed, I don't have to perform or pretend. I can just live in the moment."
As he continued his speech, something strange started happening. Seeing people cry normally had a guaranteed effect on Steve - just one tear, quiet sob and he pushed his emotions down to be dealt with later or possibly never, someone needed him, and that was the priority. But now, staring at Eddie's wet eyes and shaky hands? He felt his own face crumbling and what better place to hide it than in Eddie's Metallica t-shirt. It smelled of cigarettes, pizza and the cheap laundry detergent that had come to mean home to Steve. "Sorry," he choked out. "Shit. I was...sorry, I'm supposed to be...you know. Consoling you. But I heard you crying and I thought...I..."
Eddie shook his head and tightened his grip on Steve's waist. "Oh Stevie. Whatever that pretty head of yours thought of, it's not happening. Unless it's kissing me, which duh, that's happening, if you want to of course, and staying with me to the point that you're sick of me."
Steve just whimpered into Eddie's shoulder, something that suspiciously sounded like "Now who's perfect, huh?"
His boyfriend just chuckled. "I guess that in a way, we both are. Maybe for each other?" If he'd aimed for self-deprecating tone, he failed. Instead, it was hopeful.
Steve didn't answer, but his embrace said it all.
They remained wrapped around each other for a long while, until Eddie whispered in Steve's ear: "how about we let the others celebrate on their own, hm? They won't be driving, their stuff is already in the guest bedrooms, and I hear your bed is wonderful this time of the year."
There was a muffled "yes" coming from Eddie's shoulder, and a few adjustments and "Good night!"s later, they found themselves in Steve's bedroom. Eddie managed to remove most of the rogue eyeliner, which was lucky. The time in the bathroom wasn't the last time he shed a tear that day, because as they were falling asleep, Steve said:
"You might be the first person who is dating the real me, and I'd like you to be the last one as well."
Tomorrow, he'd hold a funeral for the Munson doctrine. But today, he was going to wrap himself around Steve like a cuddly octopus and know that even if he doesn't manage to hold on tight the whole night, Steve would be there in the morning.
#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie#steddie fanfiction#steddie drabble#background ronance#fluff and fluff and FLUFF#the first WIP out of a fuckton has been finished#yay#also I can't sleep who would have thought?
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It's a pretty dead day for Family Video with no customers for hours besides Eddie who stays around, "For your entertainment," he explains to Steve when he asks why he's still there. It's not that Steve minds, in fact, he really enjoys his company... like... really enjoys it.
Robin teases him about his crush, but Steve refuses to acknowledge it because he knows Robin might accidentally blab about it to Eddie. So he settles for casually brushing off the lighthearted teasing about his hopeless crush.
Sure, Eddie seems to flirt with him and spends a great deal of his time around him, but Steve isn't one hundred percent certain that he's into him. In fact, he seems to act the same way around Nancy who he is currently talking about.
A groan from Robin cuts Eddie off and has Steve confusedly looking at her. "Tell me how to win over Nancy!"
It comes to Steve as a bit of a shock, not the crush but the cry for help to not only him but Eddie, too.
Eddie weirdly doesn't seem as shocked though, and he even seems... excited.
"Buy her roses?" Steve suggests, but Eddie immediately scoffs.
"Nancy Wheeler, does not want roses. She wants someone who will listen to her. Try asking her about what she's writing for the paper and really stay invested," Eddie says.
Robin looks at him for a moment with narrowed eyes but nods. "That's... actually good advice. Thank you."
Steve pauses and considers it. It really is good advice. Great advice even. It's almost as if that's what Eddie wants...
"Surprised?" Eddie asks and Steve glances up at him from across the counter. "You look like you're deep in thought wondering how I thought of something like that," Eddie says as if he's about to let him in on some secret.
But before Steve can think about what it could be he replies, "No, I was just... wondering if you wanted to tell me about your most recent campaign. Dustin told me a little about what you have so far, so...fill me in on the rest?"
Steve hears Robin scoff behind him in disbelief as Eddie's jaw slightly drops and he stares at him. "You're serious?"
Steve nods in response and smiles.
"Okay, Harrington, but strap in and prepare to get your mind blown..." Eddie says and launches into the details. Steve is surprised when he genuinely gets taken by the story and starts asking him questions. But then he gets a bit distracted by the way Eddie keeps leaning into him with wide eyes gleaming with joy and an even wider smile.
Steve sincerely hopes that Robin keeps asking for advice because it's going to come in handy as he tries to win over Eddie.
"Eddie, could you possibly give me more of your wooing wisdom?" Robin asks a few days later.
Steve's almost surprised since the first piece of advice had gone so well it scored Robin a full day of hanging out and even a drop-in visit at Family Video by Nancy herself. But Eddie nonetheless is already leaning over the counter and saying, "She would love it if you complimented her. Just little things like her outfits, her hair, her writing especially though. She seems like a sucker for words of affirmation."
His response is so quick that Steve wonders how much Eddie craves those words of affirmation. "Speaking of hair, have I ever told you how great yours looks?" Steve asks Eddie.
Robin cackles as Eddie's eyes go a bit wide. "Uh, no, but thank you, Stevie."
Throughout the rest of the shift, Steve subtly throws Eddie little compliments such as how he looks in his infamous vest, his taste in movies, and even goes as far as complimenting how great he is with the kids. It makes the tips of his ears and the apples of his cheek a little pink, and that's exactly the reaction Steve was hoping for.
He wonders what else Eddie has up his sleeve.
After a few more days filled with compliments, lots of intentional listening, and quite a few visits from Nancy, Eddie finally hops over the counter and corners Robin. She continues to watch Nancy in the back of the store as she reads over what must be very interesting descriptions of movies because she's been in the store for quite a long time.
Steve keeps teasing Robin about it, but she refuses to listen. Maybe Eddie will make her.
"Final piece of advice," Eddie says to Robin quietly enough that Steve has to scoot closer to them to eavesdrop. "Just ask her out. She's over there waiting for you to make a move. Just... trust me, okay? If it goes wrong you can punch me in the face, chop off my hair, and even go after my guitar."
Steve's eyebrows raise. Eddie must be very confident in his advice.
Robin seems to actually listen as she carefully and very slowly makes her way toward Nancy.
Just ask her out... So, Steve should just... ask Eddie out. Simple.
"Hey, Edd-"
"I've been wa-"
The two glance at each other and smile. "Go ahead," Steve says and looks back toward Robin.
"I've been waiting to tell you this. I've gotten all those tips directly from Nancy. I made Robin her walking kryptonite," Eddie says excitedly.
Nancy's walking kryptonite. Not Eddie's. Shit.
"What were you saying?" Eddie asks.
Steve shakes his head. "Nothing... I just forgot."
Eddie nods and nudges Steve's shoulder as they watch Robin ramble out something to Nancy who stares at her with furrowed brows. There's a pause as Nancy says something that sounds like, "So a date?"
Robin nervously nods back, and there's a moment that makes Steve hold his breath.
"I'd love to," Nancy says back and Eddie nearly jumps for joy as Steve lets out a deep breath.
Eddie turns back to him and asks, "Are you sure there wasn't something you were going to say?"
Steve nods, and Eddie seems disappointed. He hesitates then turns around as if he's going to scale the counter again.
Steve glances around the basically empty store then reaches out and grabs his wrist. "Wait."
Eddie turns around and looks at him.
"This is so stupid, but I thought all the advice you were giving to Robin... Well, I thought it was what you wanted. So, I've been trying to use it to win you over, but turns out... it wasn't what you wanted. And I'm not sure why I'm admitting this to you, but I just wanted to let you know why I guess I've been so weird the past few days," Steve says and runs a hand through his hair.
Eddie gives him an incredulous look. "You wanted to win me over?"
Steve can feel himself begin to flush as he nods.
A wide smile spread over Eddie's face. "Well lucky for you, flattery works on me, but just asking me out works even better."
Steve takes a moment to process what Eddie means.
"Ask him out, dingus!" Robin says and Steve jumps a bit forgetting she was there.
"Do you want to go out sometime?" Steve asks quickly as he takes Robin's advice.
"Yes, my advice is that we go out tonight after your shift."
Steve laughs, "My advice is that instead of giving advice you just tell me what you want."
"Well, I advise you-"
"Oh my gosh, if either of you says advice one more time I'm letting Nancy use you for target practice," Robin says and Nancy laughs.
Eddie leans closer to Steve and stage whispers, "I think we should advise her to watch her temper."
"Eddie!" Robin says as she scales the counter.
Eddie easily gets away and runs out the front door. "I advise you to pick me up at seven!"
"I'll take your advice!" Steve yells back.
It's worth the lecture Steve gets from Robin for the rest of their shift, but she isn't too mad since Nancy stays (following Steve's advice).
#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#background ronance#stranger things#steddie ficlet#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#fruity four
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It took Robin three years to get her license. Which all things considered, the twice apocalyptic experiences, and, ya know, being poor, wasn’t too bad in her opinion.
20 was as good as any age to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Okay, if she was honest with herself, really honest, maybe her calculations were off. It wasn’t three years exactly. She could have gotten her license at 16; hell, she could have gotten her permit at 15. So it quite honestly had taken four, five years max to get her license.
But the first two years didn’t count to Robin.
She didn’t even give a thought to driving until she was 17, and Steve was driving her every day without question. She hadn’t thought about it until Steve threw his keys at her, telling her to drive, that Robin realized he was driving her every day because he wanted to, not because she was a license-less loser.
It cracked Robin open when she finally had time to think about it. After all the blood, and gore, and almost losing Steve several times, it hit her that this dingus really wanted her by his side.
So, Steve was really to blame if she ever got into a car accident. Sure, he didn’t push her to get behind the metal contraption, but Robin wanted to pay him back somehow, for all the rides and love over the years.
That was how now, Robin was seething in regret as she drove the rest of the way home, in the dark, from their road trip.
See, when Robin had pictured them doing things like this, it had just been the two of them. Steve in the passenger seat, arguing over music and the best car snacks. Windows down, yelling about who fucking cares, and just laughing their way through different states.
Robin hadn’t taken into account there might be other people involved in her bestie road trip fantasies. No, instead, it wasn’t the terrible two, platonic soulmate extravaganza she pictured. Instead it now involved them, Steve’s ex-turned-best friend, whom Robin had a horrible crush on, Nancy Wheeler, and a sweet metalhead who Robin saw as a brother, and Steve had a huge soul-consuming crush on Eddie Munson.
Robin begrudgingly would admit the additional two had made the trip better, so she didn’t have too many complaints. Actually, in reality, Robin only had one big hang-up about the whole thing.
Steve was in the back seat.
Which would have been fine if Robin had been there too, but she wasn’t. It was her stupid turn to drive in the home stretch of their way home. Instead, Robin had Nancy beside her. Which should have brought her joy but instead made her nervous and clammy and not at all suited to be behind the wheel of the death contraption they called a car. Plus, Nancy was asleep.
Her snores were pretty cute though.
Robin seethed silently; it was Eddie’s fault. He positively insisted on sitting with Steve in the back. Something which Robin would normally tease the both of them for, the oblivious idiots that they were, but Robin was a possessive little creature. It was a trait of hers she tried to bury deep down. She knew people didn’t like that; they didn’t like when people clung. Didn’t like that she felt like baring her teeth, even sometimes wanted to actually bite at people who tried to pry her people away from her.
It was funny, really; the only person who understood that part of her was Steve himself, which made her possessive side come out even more. Like seeks like, and crazy seeks crazy.
God, if she was every lucky enough to get a girlfriend, she was screwed.
Robin had resisted looking in the review mirror for twenty minutes. Probably not safe, but driving angrily wasn’t either, and if she saw the two of them giggling like school girls, she was gonna flip the car.
But Robin was never good at resisting temptation. She was most definitely the child who would touch the plate after someone told her it was too hot. So Robin took a glance, shoulders tense and mouth dry, and saw—
Well, shit. Robin melted. There in the back seat with their heads leaned against each other were Steve and Eddie, sound asleep.
The edges of Robin softened; she remembered Steve pinching his nose earlier, eyes squinting on his turn to drive. She had been in the passenger seat then. She had wanted to ask but instead said nothing, knowing he would wave her off. So she claimed her turn to drive, and then Eddie had been insistent that Steve come in the back with him and—
Robin was getting it now. Although Eddie had a big fat gay crush on Steve. That wasn’t why he wanted to be with Steve in the back. He had noticed, too. The edges of sleep deprivation creeping slowly into an oncoming migraine for Steve. Eddie had seen Steve pushing himself, and somehow also knew that if Steve stayed in the front, he would feel obligated to stay awake.
Robin hadn’t realized that, Eddie didn’t just want Steve; he paid attention to him. Eddie noticed Steve the way Robin noticed him.
Robin spared another glance at the two of them, wrapped around each other like vines snaking up an old oak tree. The last of her anger seemed to fade away. Even after all this time, none of them got a lot of sleep. Steve, most of all, seemed to run on fumes. Robin knew he couldn’t sleep soundly alone, but also couldn’t fall asleep around just anyone. For a long time, Robin had been his only cure for his insomnia. Steve never dared to fall asleep in front of strangers, afraid he’d scare them with his screams.
But here Steve was, in the arms of the man that he loves, not a single worry line on his face as he slept the rest of the trip away.
Robin knew, with certainty, Steve felt safe.
And because of that, Robin thought wistfully to herself, if Eddie Munson ever wants a turn at being a passenger, she wouldn’t mind taking the wheel for him, too.
a short lil thing to get me back in my writing grove. Is inspired by a friend of mine who is in her 20s and doesn’t drive. It’s totally okay and everyone moves at their own pace! And also I’m definitely a person who likes to drive others around as a sign of love (I am Steve coded I am beginning to realize)
Sorry if this isn’t any good, or seems rushed. Writers block is a bitch.
#steddie#stranger things#robin buckley#Robin is a feral gremlin just like the kids you can’t change my mind#steve harrington#eddie munson#platonic stobin#platonic soulmates#platonic soulmates stobin#POV Robin Buckley#outsider pov#background ronance#nancy wheeler#my writing#ficlet#steve x eddie
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steve is like... really good at laser tag.
it was supposed to be a fun double date that wasn't really a date because the kids were all with them too, but steve. he really took it seriously.
it was a wonder he was such a bad fighter, based on this, maybe they should give him a gun? no...
robin, nancy, and eddie watched in curious amazement as steve bobbed and weaved through the dark course. (eddie's not proud to admit that he may have drooled watching steve hop over one of the foam obstacles). "agh! steve, no!" they heard dustin whine in the distance, smiling when steve only cackles in response.
"oh! fuck you steve!" there was mike, "cmon man, i thought we were friends!" lucas, "you're really just gonna stand there and shoot me? im not even playing!" and max.
it was definitely comedic, and a little scary.
they heard his footsteps, "oh shit. he's coming, run!" robin squealed, grabbing nancy's hand and dragging her after her. eddie kept his place in the corner, it was fun but he wasn't really into all that... running or "exercise."
soon enough he was face to face with steve. "hey baby,"
"hey ed's."
"rob and nancy ran that way," eddie said pointing towards their direction. steve grinned, "thanks ed's." he said pressing a kiss to his lips before running away.
distantly, eddie heard nancy and robin shout, and he shook his head. soon enough the lights came back on and the game was over.
now steve wasn't a competitive person, however, he knows when he's good at something, so it wasn't a surprise to eddie when they all trailed out of the arena, a huge smile on steve's face.
the bored employee started, feigning excitement, "okay! the winner is steve ahoy, congratulations steve. yay." steve whooped, doing a stupid little dance, smacking a celebratory kiss on eddie's face, laughing at the kids disdain.
"that's not fair! steve didn't tell us he was super good at laser tag!"
"ha ha!" steve teased, smiling when eddie grabbed his hand. "don't worry, next time he's not allowed to play. only normal people." robin assured, smirking at steve. "oh, so you're not playing either?" he retorted. robin scoffed and rolled her eyes. "what ever laser rambo."
#steve harrington#eddie munson#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#dustin henderson#steve harrington headcanon#best friend robin#steddie ficlet#best friend robin buckley#steddie fic#steddie#steddie brainrot#background ronance#background steddie#brotherly steve harrington#steve is good at laser tag for some reason#stranger things
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it's finally here! one month late, and a couple thousand words more than i thought it'd be! happy leap yeap!
Here's my entry for Lex's (@thefreakandthehair) Spicy Six Winter Fanworks Challenge! I had dialogue prompt #22 "Guess we’re the only two without dates, huh?”
pairing: steddie | word count: 10,446 | rated: E | on AO3: hey you really turn me on
Why in the hell did he agree to this? It’s 20 fuckin’ degrees out and he’s outside?? In the snow?? Voluntarily?
If the boys could see him now.. “Who are you and what’ve you done with Eddie?”, “Since when do you do shit outside?”, “All this for Steve fuckin’ Harrington…”.
And that’s the rub, it is because of Steve. Hopeless crush aside, Steve is the reason he’s there. Why they’re all there in the first place.
When Steve got the call, Eddie and the other older teens of their world-saving group were just hanging out; movies, beer, snacks, a little weed, music playing low…all in all, a great kick-back.
Then the phone rang.
It was relatively late too, 10 maybe?
Steve went to answer it of course, the conversation muffled through the living room and kitchen walls, but after a minute or so he came back. The long phone line stretched across the hall back to the hook in the kitchen.
“When is this again?” Steve says into the receiver, waving towards the sound system. Robin had scrambled up immediately, nearly falling back on her face to turn the volume down.
“Uh huh. And you and Dad won’t be there? Mm hmm.” he nods.
Eddie looked over to Robin first, eyebrow raised. She only shrugged, as does Nancy when he turned the look to her.
“And how many rooms?” Whatever the answer is causes Steve’s brows to shoot up. “Wow, okay, yeah we–”
Eddie was closest to him, previously starfished out on the carpet, but had sat up and leaned back on his palms when Steve returned, so he could just barely hear the sound of another voice on the other end of the line.
“Yeah of course, that’d be great, we definitely will. Thanks Mom.”
Steve had sounded actually…happy to be talking to his mom. And here Eddie thought the Harringtons were objectively the worst.
“No, they’re going to love it, Mom, I promise.” another pause, “Nope. They’ll all be on their best behavior.” Steve glances down at Eddie, “We all will be.”
He scoffs up at Steve from his spot on the floor. Rude.
Steve only waves him off with a smile, “Yeah, the usual.” he says, “Rob, Nance, Jon, Jon’s friend Argyle–yeah, he’s the one from California, and Eddie.” Steve’s eyes flash down to Eddie again and his stomach twists sharply. Aw fuck, here it comes; the scolding, the yelling, the berating about how Eddie’s no good for him to be associating with, why are you stooping to his level, he’s a murderer, yadda yadda yadda.
“Yeah, he and Wayne are doin’ much better now, I’ll have to tell you about it next time, okay?”
“Yeah, that’d be great if you don’t mind! Yep, Wheeler, Henderson, Sinclair,” He looks again at the other people in the room, they’re still just as puzzled as he is. What do the kids have to do with this? “I’ll talk to Hopper and Joyce, and I’m sure Ms. Mayfield would let Max go. Oh absolutely,”
Steve starts back into the kitchen, and Eddie can hear him all the way back to the hook. “No–Nope, it’s fine, I actually have a couple people over right now so I want to–yeah. Yep. Okay, love you too. Bye mom.”
Eddie looks around at the others; Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, even Argyle, though he’s not looking around wide-eyed at what all just occurred like the others are.
Steve comes back into the living room. “So…” he lets out a long breath, “How do you all feel about skiing?”
So yeah. Here they all are, at some ski resort up in Michigan. Boyd Mountain…or Bowie? Something with a ‘B’.
Turns out, Steve’s parents had a four-room cabin rental set aside as a perk for some deal they were trying to barter. It fell through though, and they wouldn’t be back from Colorado themselves until after the reservation would’ve expired so they offered it to Steve and whoever he’d like to invite.
They took care of everything too; got lift passes, boot and ski rentals set aside for each of them, even sent a whole ass passenger van to be dropped off in the Harrington driveway for them to make the drive; A huge 15 passenger one that even with the three extra seats, still barely held all their crap for the long weekend.
All of them piled into the van in the dark on a Friday morning, sleepy-faced and crusty-eyed; Robin as Steve’s co-pilot, and each of the rest of the older teens and the party piling in wherever they could (they’d fight about their seats when they woke up more, Eddie was sure of it).
The first rest stop on the way up went by without incident, but by time they stopped for late breakfast/early lunch at another, everyone was stir crazy. Sandwiches were passed out, gas was gotten, bathroom breaks were taken, and almost as soon as they got back in the van, Robin was snoring.
“Damnit, if I knew she was gonna tank like that I would’ve had someone else sit up here.” Steve had groused.
“I’ve gotcha big guy, I won’t let you fall asleep.” Eddie said, now seated next to Dustin and El on the first bench behind the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, me either.” Dustin agreed.
He was snoring an hour later, El leaning into him for her own nap.
“That’s cute.” Was the first thing Robin said after waking back up.
All in all, not a bad drive. The worst part was tramping through the snow to the cabin after they’d arrived.
“Goddammit Steve, How am I supposed to get through this week in only my jeans?”
Steve sighs, “Eddie, you have made the same argument ever since my mom called; and every time you did, I told you everything would be here for you.”
He finally gets the door open, shoving it wide for them all and gesturing them in, “Get comfy guys, I’m going to grab the cooler with our groceries.”
“I’ll give you a hand,” Jonathan says, following Steve back out to the van.
The large open main floor has a full kitchen with a raised bar counter and four stools, tall peaked ceilings, a fireplace on one wall with two couches and a rocking chair situated around it, and a sliding glass door to a balcony off the back side of the building overlooking the trees below.
There’s stairs too, a set going up and a set going down, and at least one bathroom here on this floor, off the kitchen.
Eddie wanders into the living room, picks out some pieces of kindling from the bucket on the stone beside the fireplace and a couple logs from the stack nearby, and busies himself with starting the fire while the party pokes around the place.
He glances over his shoulder when he hears the fake leather of the couch cushions squeak together, only to see Argyle has perched himself on the backrest, squashing a cushion beneath his feet.
The fire takes less than no time at all, and once it’s going and he’s re-situated the trifold metal screen back in front of the fire, he sits down beside Argyle’s shins and is immediately entranced by the flames.
Steve and Jonathan return not long after, lugging their things with the cooler hanging between them.
“So how do y’guys want to split up the rooms?” Robin asks aloud, ignoring the yelling the other teens are already doing about the same thing.
“I’m not picky.” Eddie shrugs, standing up to stretch again, deciding he really did not want to be sitting anymore.
“Me either sister, whatever you decide is cool with me.” Argyle agrees. “What’re the rooms like?”
“There’s a master up here!” Max calls from above them, looming over the log railing at the top of the stairs with El.
“We walked right past it, but there’s a room with a queen off the front hall there,” Jonathan says, shuffling his bag against the kitchen bar.
“Hey! Assholes!” Steve yells down the steps, the boys must’ve gone down there. “Go get your shit out of the van and we’ll head over to the main lodge!”
The four thunder up the steps, how any of them can understand any other over the other is beyond him.
“Will,” Nancy calls as he rounds the stairs last, “There are bedrooms down there?”
“Yep!” he grins, “Two rooms with queen beds, and a bathroom.”
“I don’t mind taking one of the queens,” Nancy says, “Robin, wanna share with me?”
Robin starts to splutter, still somehow not convinced that Nancy’s got a thing for her. It’s obvious to him, but he and Steve have both tried to tell her this. To no avail. Even after Jonathan and her had confirmed they’d split and that he was moving back to California with Argyle come spring.
Steve rescues Robin from her spluttering. “It’s only fair that Argyle gets next dibs, since he’s the one that’s offered to cook for us.” he says, lugging the cooler over to the kitchen to unload it.
He’d insisted on picking up groceries for their stay, saying “There’s a restaurant, sure, but that’d get expensive quick and we’ll have a full kitchen so why not?”
“Appreciated my man; y’wanna bunk with me, Jonny?”
Eddie follows Steve, leaning on the bar across from the fridge from him, “So where’s all my snow gear, Stevie?” he asks the back of Steve’s head.
“Eddie, I swear to God.” Steve huffs in return, bending down into the cooler at his feet to fish out a couple of cartons of eggs.
Eddie does not watch how the denim of Steve’s jeans pulls tighter over any part of him, thank you very much.
“Mom called ahead and has everything we might need set aside in the main lodge, we’ll go there first before we hit the slopes.”
“Oh my god, did you really just say that?” Eddie asks as Steve stashes away two jars of jelly, one strawberry, one grape.
“Say what?” Bacon and some packs of lunch meat are next.
“Like, that’s an actual thing that people say? It’s not just in the movies?”
Steve sighs, finishing off the groceries with a couple 12 packs of pop stashed on the bottom shelf. “What is just like the movies?”
“‘Hit the slopes.’? Really?”
“You’re super annoying, you know that, right?” he says, closing the fridge and pushing the lid back onto their cooler.
“Awe, c’mon baby, you don’t mean that.” Eddie coos, slipping around the counter to cup Steve’s face in his hands, “What happened to the man who loves me for my antics, huh?”
“Get off me, dude,” Steve laughs, batting Eddie’s hands away, his cheeks tinged pink.
‘Yes! Success!’ When did he decide he was trying to fluster Steve? Eh, whatever. No harm, right?
“So, did you guys figure out the sleeping situation?” Steve asks the rest of the group, walking back around the bar.
Eddie follows, leaning back on the counter in his previously vacated spot.
Nancy nods, “Jon and Argyle will take the room on the main floor, us girls will take the two downstairs, you can take the master, and the boys will take the couches.”
The boys return with their bags then, and Mike immediately starts complaining about being relegated to the fold-outs. Eddie also hears Dustin and Lucas trying to talk him down, saying things like “Dude, that means we’ll be close to the fire!”, “We can throw things in it!,” and “We can make s’mores!”.
Steve doesn’t seem to hear them though, otherwise he’d be shutting that shit down. Instead, his face only scrunches in confusion, “What about Eddie?”
Nancy looks surprised for a blink, then disgruntled, like she’s pissed she forgot someone.
“I’ll just crash out here on the floor with these losers, no worries.” he shrugs.
Steve turns toward his voice, a deep crease between his brows. “That’s not fair.”
“I promise I’ll survive Stevie,” Eddie chuckles. At least he’ll be the warmest out here in front of the fireplace. “I’ve slept on worse, believe it or not, I’ll be sleeping like a king compared to then.”
Steve’s brows scrunch almost all the way together, then spring apart and settle into determined lines. “You’ll sleep with me.” he says with a nod, his arms folding across his chest.
A beat passes.
Eddie can’t resist.
He leans close to Steve’s side, “A bit presumptuous, Stevie darling,”
Steve’s face practically glows with the flush that appears in the next beat, mumbling something to himself as he walks to the door and starts to pull on his coat and boots.
Eddie pushes off the counter and follows, obnoxiously holding a hand up to one ear. “What’s that, sweetheart?” he teases, walking to his own tossed-aside boots, “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“We going to the lodge now?” he hears Lucas ask as he passes.
“Finally.” Mike adds, unhelpfully.
Steve huffs, standing up again and leaning close to Eddie’s cupped hand, “As if you hadn’t thought about it, darling.”
Four of the other ten are in their coats and boots and out the door after Steve before Eddie comes back online.
So here he is: outside. In the snow. With skis strapped to his feet. All because of Steve and his surprisingly generous parents.
He watches, amused, as Robin stands as still as she possibly can, arms spread wide, while Nancy helps strap her into her skis. As soon as the skis had gotten remotely close to being attached to her, it was discovered that no matter what section of ground they may be standing on, Robin would start to drift away. Sliding down some sort of unseen incline backwards, frontwards, and/or sideways.
Jon and Argyle are already almost to the closest lift, and Eddie watches as they do a weird half-jump onto the bench as it comes up behind them.
The gremlins had scattered after Steve’s ‘be careful’ lecture, telling them all when to be back to the van by, or back to the cabin if they will be coming off the slopes near there, telling them all to be safe and to keep to pairs or more so they can be radioed.
They’d all brought their walkies with them, and Eddie can see where the boys are still huddled together, swapping out their batteries.
He watches them split off soon after, Dustin and Lucas pushing off to where Max and El are waiting at the standing lift to the top of the training hill.
Mike and Will scoot off together in the opposite direction, toward the centermost lift a few dozen yards away.
“Guess we’re the only two without dates, huh?” He says as Steve slides to a stop on his own skis beside him.
He’d meant it jokingly, was probably going to follow it up with some jabs about being Steve’s wingman if he needed (there were already a few ladies he’d seen giving Steve some looks while they waited for their gear in the main lodge), but Steve shrugs and says: “I’ll be your date this weekend, Eds. Wouldn’t want you to feel left out or anything.”
Eddie whips his head around to look at him, “That’s not–” he starts, but cuts himself off at the look Steve is giving him. His goggles have been haphazardly pushed up his face, trapping a few loose locks of Steve’s hair between them and the roll of his beanie, his cheeks are already bitten red with the cold, and he’s smiling so painfully sincerely under that damn teasing smirk that all Eddie can do is acquiesce.
“You better be the best date here then, Stevie,” Eddie chides, starting off toward the lift Jonathan and Argyle had disappeared up, “I won’t settle for anyone other than the bes–” he pitches forward suddenly, one of his skis sticking to the snow under it more than it should’ve.
Steve catches him, of course, and says “Will I get points taken off as ‘Best Date Ever’ if I make you go on the training hill?”
They do go to the training hill, lovingly called the Bunny Hopper, but he and Robin are thankfully saved from the embarrassment of actually being taught by the volunteers there; Steve and Nancy taking them to the slightly taller ‘big kid’ hill and teaching them there.
Surprising even himself, Eddie picks up on the motions and the feeling of being on skis easily. The whole ‘pizza’ thing about stopping was still iffy but the rest is no problem. Fun, actually.
“That was great, man! You’re a natural!” Steve beams at him, his grin lopsided from the meat of his cheeks being squashed under his goggles.
“I just had a great teacher,” he brushes off the compliment, elbowing Steve playfully.
Steve somehow grins even bigger, and Eddie’s heart stammers.
“You ready to go to the real hill now?” “This isn’t a real hill?”
He’s positive Steve just rolled his eyes under his goggles. “C’mon smartass, let's get in line for the lift.”
Eddie bows him forward, “After you, sweetheart.”
He follows Steve to the end of the line; thankfully it’s not too long, now that it’s late afternoon and will be getting dark soon.
Steve seems to notice this as well, lifting his goggles off his face again. “We’ll have to call the gremlins back sooner than I thought. It’ll be dark soon.”
“Stop reading my mind, Stevie.”
Steve looks over at him, squinting hard and pursing his lips (Eddie’s stupid lizard brain has a split second thought of those lips pursed around something). “Ugh! Ew, gross Eddie, what would make you think about that?!”
He feels his face blanche and scrambles to recover. “I was only thinking about our good friend Robin, Steve-o, you saying Robin is gross?” He pitches his voice higher and glances down the line to where he can see Robin and Nancy.
Robin flips her mitten up at him, and he can infer the gesture just fine, thanks.
“Shut up, asshole.” Steve laughs, pushing him out of the line on his skis.
They’re the next to hop up on the moving bench, and Steve’s…everything…seems to seize up as soon as they’re seated and on their way.
“Could you imagine?”
“Hm?” He’s still looking down anxiously, so Eddie scoots just a bit closer, pressing what he hopes is comfortingly into Steve’s side.
“If we could read each other's minds? If the bats biting us both somehow linked us together?”
It works a little; Steve tears his eyes away from the ground as it drops away from them, huffing out a short laugh, “I don’t think I would survive inside your head, it’d be even more chaotic than you already are.”
“As if your head would be any better.”
“Hey, my head is great!”
Eddie grins wickedly, “You get told that a lot, Stevie?”
Steve seems unphased, smirking slowly. “I do, actually. Why? You tryin’ t’see if it’s true?”
His cheeks start to prickle, “You offering, big boy?”
“Maybe I am,” Steve shrugs then leans closer, “Now the real question is if you’re gonna take me up on it.”
Eddie’s head reels in the couple seconds he takes to respond.
Where in the hell is all this coming from? Is it just part of the ‘date’ thing? There’s no fuckin’ way Steve is actually into him, is there? He’s always been flirty, just like Eddie is himself, but there’s no way there are any actual feelings behind it… So there’s no harm in playing along.
“I’m gonna have to now, aren’t I?” he grins back, “Gotta see if it lives up to the hype.”
Steve smirks, his eyes hooded. He’s good at pretending, he’ll give him that.
His eyes glance away, then back to Eddie’s face. The sultry look he’d been hamming up for his sake is gone, just an easy smile remains. At least this sudden flirting Steve’s decided to do isn’t going to ruin their surprisingly solid post-apocalyptic friendship.
“It’s almost time to get off, ready?”
Eddie looks ahead to where the couple on the bench before them are hopping off. They stand up off the lift easily and don’t end up in a heap, but he is starting to feel the anxiety Steve was feeling only minutes ago. How’s he supposed to get out of the way fast enough, isn’t there a drop? That looked way too easy.
“As I’ll ever be,” he gulps.
“Give me your hand.” Steve says, not waiting for a response and snatching up Eddie’s hand in his, “Okay, when I say so, you just gotta stand up. Ready?”
“Stand up, what do you mea—” he feels his legs lift a bit as the ground rises to coast under his skis, and it makes sense.
Wait, no! He wasn’t ready!
He stands just a breath after Steve, but isn’t fast enough, the lift continues up on its path and catches him again, forcing his butt back into the seat.
“Eddie, you gotta–”
He tries again at the same time Steve pulls him forward and he pitches forward, landing with an “Oof–” on top of Steve and forcing the breath from the other man’s lungs.
“Aw fuck, sorry Stevie!” He rolls off of him and out of the path of the upcoming lift chairs. “That went exactly as well as I thought it would.”
Steve wheezes out a breathless laugh, standing back up on his skis with no problem at all. Wait, how did he do that? How’s he supposed to get up with these things on his feet?
“Here,” Steve arranges his skis for him, putting one long side of each onto the snow, “Give me your poles, and push yourself up with your hands. You want to get your feet under you.”
He does as he’s told and walks his weight around on his hands to the fronts of his skis until he’s bent forward at his hips, standing straight out of the bend.
“Good job, man!” Steve grins, handing him back his poles, “Getting up on skis can be a bitch and a half; way to catch on quick.”
Eddie grins mischievously, deciding to be a little shit. “I dunno, you’d think my date would like seeing me bent over for him, huh Stevie?”
Steve just rolls his eyes, snapping his goggles back down with a smile, “C’mon, asshole, let’s get out of the way; the run to the right of the lift looked shorter on the map.”
Thankfully, the chair behind them had been empty, but the next one had a full four people on it and it was coming up fast.
“‘Sides,” He says, pushing off toward the top of the run, waiting for Eddie to scoot in next to him at the crest before leaning in and murmuring low into his ear, “I’d rather wait ‘till we’re alone to bend you over properly.”
Steve’s a good 20 feet away by time Eddie comes back to himself enough to follow.
They get about an hour and a half in on the hills, a grand total of six wipeouts under Eddie’s belt, and a couple others under Steve’s, with one successful landing off one of the jumps on the main drag to finish off the day.
“Didja see that?!” Steve yells, pulling down the balaclava he’d unceremoniously added to his getup about an hour ago.
“Hell yes Stevie!” Eddie calls, breathless, still coasting to the bottom of the slope after him. “You landed it!”
“I landed it!”
Steve holds his arms open as Eddie once again fails to slow himself down properly, and catches him at the bottom in a crushing hug. His cheeks are flushed with adrenaline, bitten with the cold, his eyes bright in the setting sun and smile nearly as beautiful.
Damn he’s pretty.
Courteous as ever, Steve waits until Eddie’s arranged his feet the right way again before letting him go to spin the pack off his back for their assigned walkie.
Steve radios the party, and everyone is packed away in their van a scant ten minutes later. The older teens had already made it back to the cabin, letting themselves in off a run near there, so it was only the similarly flushed and excitement-filled younger teens babbling away in the back seats.
There’s overlapping stories of their own wipeouts (including one Robin took that Max swears was hilarious), Dustin insisting he saw a brown bear through the trees at one point, and all six debating whether or not they’d want to go to the main lodge for the waterpark tomorrow instead of back onto the hills.
They are still debating amongst themselves when they pull into the driveway. “Alright dorks,” Steve calls over the bickering, “Go inside and hang up your shit next to the fireplace so it can dry out.”
Eddie follows the troop into the living room and watches them pile all their outerwear together on the two hooks closest to the stone fireplace, then tear off downstairs where he heard there may have been a Nintendo stashed in one of the bedroom dressers.
Jonathan and Robin start methodically re-arranging the coats and snow pants on the hooks so they’ll dry easier, while Argyle pushes up off one of the couches to start on dinner.
“C’mon Eds, get comfy,” Steve says, coming up beside him and gesturing to the loveseat directly across from the roaring fire. Eddie can already feel the burn of it across his frigid skin, “I gotta make sure I get you unthawed before I get you into my bed.” Steve murmurs into Eddie’s ear.
And isn’t that a whole new type of torment. They will actually be sleeping in the same bed tonight…the next three nights!
Steve turns back to the kitchen when Eddie drops cross-legged onto the sofa, and the tingling feeling in his cheeks has nothing to do with the fire.
It’s half from Steve’s scarily earnest-sounding flirting, but also about half from the look Robin is giving him while she takes the spot next to Nancy on the other couch.
“What? What’s the look for?”
Robin shrugs, picking up what must’ve been her discarded book from the end table between them (which she’s got the already read half curled backward around its spine, like a heathen), “Nothin’ at all, Eds.”
His face is burning hotter than the fire by the time Steve returns.
He passes them each a mug of cocoa, then flops down on the floor in front of Eddie’s knees.
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” Eddie asks, surprised at the nonchalance he was able to muster up. He reaches forward and tugs on a lock of Steve’s hair without even thinking about it (and ignoring the muffled giggle coming from somewhere to Robin’s left. Oh great, Nancy’s in on his torment too?).
Steve lets out a contented hum, dropping his head back to lie heavily in Eddie’s lap, “Argyle’s whipping up some burgers.”
Eddie leaves his fingers in Steve’s hair, absentmindedly pulling them through a few tangles left behind by his hat.
Steve’s head lolls around in Eddie’s lap with the motions of his fingers for a whole thirty seconds before he snaps it back up, “Oh–ugh–wait, don’t do that,” Eddie pulls his hand away immediately, an apology on his tongue, but Steve continues, standing up and saying, “I’m all gross and sweaty, man, at least let me take a shower first. Be right back.” Steve grins, and heads upstairs to the master bedroom.
Eddie blinks into the space left behind by Steve’s departure, then Nancy is standing as well; “That’s a good idea,” she says, unfolding from her spot at Robin’s side and walking around the back of the couch, “I’ll be back up soon.” She gives Robin’s shoulder a squeeze, and heads downstairs.
Not a full five seconds pass before Robin says, “So...Steve’s super into you.”
Eddie balks at her, his eyes darting around the room automatically. Jon’s helping Argyle chop up toppings for their burgers, the two of them paying less than zero attention to him or Robin, there’s a yell from downstairs followed by laughter, the sound of a shower starting from the open balcony to the upstairs bedroom..
“You can’t just say shit like that, Birdie.” he whispers, his tone harried.
“What, the truth?”
“He is not into me.”
She nods in sarcastic understanding, “Ah, so you’re into him.”
“No I’m—” she levels him with a look. He sighs, glancing around at the no one around them, “Okay fine, yes, I am super into him. But he is not into me.”
Robin shrugs, going back to her book. “You don’t have to believe me, but I think he is. And I think you should make a move.”
“Make a mo—He’s straight as fuck, Robin!”
She gives him a glance, her brow furrowing for a split second then smoothing out. “Did he tell you that?”
“He didn’t have to.” he says, sinking back against the cushions.
She doesn’t say anything else, and he goes back to staring at the fire.
“If you make a move on Steve, I’ll finally make a move on Nancy.” she says a handful of minutes later.
He processes that slowly, takes a deep breath, then shoves his hand towards her without looking over.
She takes it, giving it one hard shake.
As soon as he takes his hand back, Argyle lopes into view with a plate in his hand, “Food’s ready my dudes.” He says, sinking into the armchair closest to the glass balcony door.
Robin snaps her book shut and sets it down on the little end table between them (the cover curls back up immediately, the poor thing), standing up and heading into the kitchen.
Eddie has just let his feet fall to the floor and has scooted to the edge of his seat to stand up himself, when Argyle yells out “Nice tits!”
“Whose tits are out?” Eddie asks, following his gaze automatically.
Argyle goes back to his plate. “Steve’s.”
Uh…Yeah…He can see that for himself now.
Steve is standing at the railing of the upper floor in nothing but a towel. One hand is flipping Argyle off, and the other is preoccupied with scrubbing a second towel over his damp hair.
The towel wrapped around him is slung low on his hips, and Eddie’s eyes start to roam on their own.
Steve’s stomach is solid yet soft-looking with all its faded pink scars, and it and his chest are still as hairy as Eddie remembers; strong shoulders, solid jaw, dusty lips that pull up into a smirk, all of him is so fucking perfect.
“Hurry it up, dingus, food’s ready!” Robin calls, startling Eddie out of his gawking.
His face goes hot with embarrassment, chancing another glance up to Steve and hoping he didn’t get caught…
Steve winks at him, then turns out of sight, disappearing just as his hand comes down to grab the towel twisted around him.
His face burns, and doesn’t stop burning until long after Steve returns from upstairs.
He makes up a burger for himself, and once each of them have theirs, they call the rest of the hoard upstairs. The six teens all but destroy the remaining burgers, two whole bags of chips, and would have gulped down at least one whole 12 pack of Coke if Nancy hadn’t relegated them to one can each.
Steve’s about to herd them back downstairs when El pipes up and says that they’ve decided they want to go to the waterpark in the main lodge tonight instead of tomorrow. Surprisingly, Steve agrees to drive them over there on the condition “you shitheads are careful, and are ready to go as soon as the pools close at midnight. Got it?”
“Agreed.” they say in unison, splitting off in all directions to grab their swim stuff.
“I’m surprised at you, Stevie, letting them go off on their own.”
He just shrugs, “There’s lifeguards.”
The troops are back in the living room within ten minutes, and in their boots and out the door in 12.
Once they’re out the door, Robin goes back to her book, Jon and Argyle step out onto the balcony to smoke, and Eddie follows Nancy into the kitchen without even thinking about it, grabbing up the hand towel hanging from the oven door and placing himself to her right.
“Thanks,” she says, handing him the first wet plate from the mess of suds in the sink.
They work in silence for a few minutes, listening to the crackling of the fire, the clanging of silverware in the sink, the muffled voices of the two on the porch.
“Yeah, Eddie?”
“If I–If Ste–” he wasn’t sure how to ask this, how to even approach the topic, “Robin said—”
“He’d be lucky to have you Eddie, and you him.” She says, not looking up from the sink.
“How’d you–?”
“Robin tends to ramble when she's nervous, have you noticed?”
He stares down at her, dumbfounded. Her lips quirk into a smile. “She’s like that around me a lot, actually.”
“I’ve noticed.”
They fall back into silence again; on the last plate, she says, “Robin’s already had this conversation with Steve about me, so I only assume it’s fair that you have it with me about him.” She passes the last plate to him and pulls the drain from the water.
“Just remember Eddie,” She pauses and turns to face him, one hip cocked over to lean on the edge of the counter. “If you’re gonna go for it..Steve loves with all of him at once. Don’t take it for granted.”
He sets the dried plate onto the rack beside the sink as she passes behind him, patting him on the shoulder as she does.
He wants to take a moment to process all that, but just his luck, Steve returns then, passing in behind him where Nancy just left to grab up a six-pack.
Steve hands one to Eddie as he leaves, “You okay, Eds?”
“I’m good, thanks Stevie.” he says, fixing his face into an easy smile.
The six of them lounge around the rest of the evening, slowly sipping on their drinks while they play cards in front of the fire, but there’s a catch: Eddie’s going absolutely insane.
Steve’s touching him everywhere. His thigh and foot are sitting comfortably under Eddie’s own thigh where it’s crossed above it, his arm is draped across the back of the couch behind Eddie’s shoulders and methodically twirling long lengths of dark hair between his fingers.
Eddie’s been doing his damndest to ignore it, and succeeds, actually, for short periods of time while they are playing Uno, but every time Steve leans back from dropping his next card on the coffee table, he casually puts his arm back where it was, and grabs up a new lock of Eddie’s hair to torture him with.
And each time he does, Robin gives him the same knowing look.
It’s. Agony.
He wants to relax, wants to scream, he wants to swing his leg over Steve’s lap and press him into the cushions with heated kisses, he wants to haul the other man upstairs and throw him onto the bed…be thrown onto the bed.
Finally, Nancy calls it, breaking their little bubble to stand into a long stretch around nine. Steve hops up off the couch after Robin to gather up all the rest of the cans, and Eddie helps Jon and Argyle pull apart the couches enough to fold out the beds for when the goblins come back.
He escapes upstairs after a short goodnight to the two, Robin and Steve are still bickering in hushed tones about something in the kitchen, and pulls out his bag. He’s fishing out a new pair of boxers when Steve finally gets upstairs, shutting the room’s double doors behind him and heading into the ensuite.
He left the door open in his wake, so Eddie grabs up the rest of his things and follows. He drops his pile of stuff onto the closed lid of the toilet and shucks his shirt unceremoniously, tossing it to the floor.
The glass door of the huge half-walled stone shower squeaks softly on its hinges when he opens it to start the water, squeaking again when it swings closed. He reaches up to a shelf above the toilet to pull down one of the provided towels, turning to hang it on the hook beside the shower.
It’s while he’s turning back to the hook that he chances a look at Steve.
Steve, frozen at the sink with his toothbrush hanging listlessly in the air and a glob of foamy toothpaste slowly drooping off his lip, is staring.
At Eddie’s bare torso.
Eddie caught and cataloged this in the split second it took Steve to realize Eddie was staring back, but it was enough.
The flirting had been one thing, a natural, goofy continuation of their friendship that led to their ‘date’ today, the soft touches and hair-playing had been another, something Eddie could explain away just as easily. Steve is a touchy guy once you get close to him, and had been with Eddie since they’d gotten closer after spring break.
But this?
He’s looking at him with the same wide-eyed look Eddie’d given him earlier: gobsmacked and slightly hungry.
Steve turns away quickly, spitting into the sink and mumbling something under his breath while he finishes rinsing out his mouth.
Eddie snorts, shaking his head and finally hanging up his towel.
“Oh, what, now you’re gonna be all shy?” he grouses, twisting around to scowl at the back of Steve’s head. Steve looks over his shoulder to glare at him in return, his cheeks glowing red. “Really? The guy who was joking about bending me over only a couple hours ago? The same guy who was winking at me in nothing but a towel earlier?”
Steve flushes darker, and it irritates him to no end. “Honestly Steve?” Eddie starts, turning back to the shower and pretending to fix how his towel is hanging, “If you’re into me, just do something about it. Otherwise, just…back off, okay? I’m super into you but I can be a big boy about it because honestly, I’d rather keep you around as a friend if nothing else and—”
His rambling is cut off by the click of the bathroom door closing.
Eddie lets out a long breath, “Yeah.. that’s about what I expected.” Robin was wrong.
He takes a moment to collect himself, but just as he pops open the button on his jeans, Steve’s voice breaks through the sound of rushing water.
“Were you being serious?”
“Jesus H. Christ!” Eddie yelps, spinning around to face the man who’s still very much in the bathroom with him. “What the fuck, Steve?”
“Were you?” he asks, pushing off from where he’d been leaning back on the door.
“...About what?”
“About how you’re ‘super into’ me?” he grins.
Eddie crosses his arms across his chest defensively, “You don’t get to be an ass about it, Steve.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Steve says softly, reaching out to unfold Eddie’s arms. His fingers follow the length of them and grasp Eddie’s in his, “I wasn’t trying to be, promise; I’m just surprised is all.”
“Well yeah,” he shrugs, “The super hot metalhead you’ve been mooning after since March confesses he thinks you’re also super hot? That’s kinda hard to believe.”
He can feel Steve’s shirt brushing faintly against his stomach now. “I never said you were super hot.” he manages to say.
Steve catches his eyes, smirking at him with an obnoxious head tilt, “Didja have to?”
“Shut up..” Eddie snorts out a laugh and pushes lightly at Steve’s chest; he’s laughing too. “Okay, okay, now leave me alone so I can shower.” he says, pushing a bit harder this time. “I’ll be out soon and you can do with me what you wish.”
Steve’s leaning his weight against him, fighting going back to the bedroom, “Or…”
“Or?” Damn, he’s heavy what the fuck!
“I could, maybe, if you want..Icouldgetinwithyou.”
Eddie stops pushing.
Steve scratches at the back of his head in embarrassment, “I mean, I’ve been wanting to get you naked for months now and there’s a perfectly good reason right there, and I think it’d be nice to shower, y’know…together.. and wow, I am being super awkward, actually..so I’m just gonna…yeah.”
Steve gestures over his shoulder toward the bedroom but he doesn’t even move to turn before Eddie is pulling him back the other way.
He lets him go a couple steps away from the glass shower door, “Better get t’stripping big boy, can’t shower very well with clothes on, can you?” he winks, then faces away from Steve to finally shed his jeans (and for his own sanity).
Eddie can hear the split second it takes for Steve to start pulling off his clothes, taking another second for himself before pushing his jeans and boxers off his hips.
He had been trying to be in the shower under the spray before Steve was even out of his clothes, but one of his legs got caught, then he had to pause further to pull off the stubborn sock that decided not to come off with his jeans.
Which of course led to him nearly toppling over.
He caught himself on the wall, but not before Steve’s hands caught him around the waist too. “Careful, Eds.”
Oh fuck. Steve’s hands should not feel that good against his skin..also, dammit! He was trying to be all suave and cool by getting in under the water before Steve could see him fully, and now his bare fuckin’ ass is out for all to see…
Eddie laughs to himself.
“Nothin’, I just thought I’d be…better? At this?”
“At what?”
“Stupid fuckin’—” Eddie finally gets his sock off, then sighs, “I dunno, being sexy, or mysterious I guess? Coy maybe?”
“Why would you need to be any of that?”
Eddie shrugs, stepping out of Steve’s hold and into the shower and under the spray, staying faced away from the door while Steve follows.
“Are you gonna look at me?” he asks, voice devoid of anything but concern.
Taking a breath, Eddie steels himself and turns to face Steve in the large shower.
Steve’s expression is calm, open, but skews slightly into concern under Eddie’s gaze.
The long lean lines of his torso are just the same as the other two times he’s seen them, but they’re close now, and in good lighting too; Eddie can see a few other scars other than the ones from the bats, others he’s gotten over the years protecting the heard of goblins they’ve been co-parenting since last September.
He watches rogue droplets of water slough down the now-damp hairs on his arms, his legs, his chest, the ones that follow the path of darkening hairs down his stomach to his—
Steve steps closer, sharing the warm, wide spray of the shower with him.
He lifts his hand and brushes the damp hair back from the scar that marrs Eddie’s face and neck, stepping forward fully and cupping the puckered flesh in his palm when the hair settles wetly behind his shoulder
Eddie feels time stop for a brief moment.
All of Steve is pressed into him and they line up perfectly, like they were made to share the same space. Steve’s other hand slides onto Eddie’s hip and it tugs him closer. Steve's half-hard length slots into place beside Eddie’s own, into the crevice where his crotch meets thigh.
Eddie shudders a breath at the feeling, opening his eyes to study the planes of Steve’s face and the way he is seemingly drooping forward into Eddie’s orbit.
Steve’s smiling softly at him, the soft spray of water reflecting off their chests is misting up onto his cheek and lashes. His eyes are so much more green than he’d thought before, besides how little of the color he can see around the much larger pupil.
“Gorgeous.” Steve says, his voice is breathy and low, full of admiration, of longing…and it takes Eddie out of his reverie.
“Wha?” He says, eloquent as ever.
“You’re gorgeous, Eddie.”
Then, Steve’s lips are on his, tentative and sweet; soft, but becoming heady fast.
The next time their lips meet, it’s punctuated with a short huff of air from Steve’s lungs when Eddie spins them, pressing Steve into the stone wall beside the shower knobs. He parts his lips to mumble out an apology, but Steve’s tongue decides to fill the space instead.
The hand Steve had on Eddie’s jaw snakes down to grab hold of his other hip and pulls him even closer, using the both of them to roll Eddie’s hips into his.
Their tongues slide languidly against the other, the fast pace they’d been building into falling off in exchange for slow, sanguine kisses instead.
Eddie lets out a shaky breath when they do part, blinking across the short distance between them at Steve’s kiss-bitten lips for only a second before letting his eyes fall shut with the exhale.
“Steve…is this—Is this real?”
Steve breathes out a shaky laugh of his own, “Why wouldn’t it be real, Eddie?” He asks, gently tracing the length of Eddie’s nose with his.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve had this exact dream before; are you sure I didn’t snap my neck during one of those falls earlier?”
The younger man laughs fully this time, and Eddie relishes in the slippery feeling of the wet skin of Steve’s stomach rippling against his own. He can’t help but grin in response to both the laughter and the funny feeling, his eyes opening without a second thought.
Steve looks like he’s floating, his face soft and dripping with a bright beaming smile..
“Do you need me to pinch you?” Steve asks, finally coming down from his brief fit of laughter.
“I don’t know if I want to find out this isn’t real.” Eddie grins in return.
One of Steve’s large hands leaves his hip then, snaking around to pinch the underside of Eddie’s asscheek.
He sucks in a short hiss of pain and lets out a soft whimper of something else (holy shit, when did that become a thing??) in the same breath.
“Okay…” he gulps down a mouthful of nothing, “Not a dream.”
“Not a dream..” Steve repeats.
There’s a beat, two full breaths of more nothing before Steve spins them around and pushes Eddie back into the cold stone instead, his arm wrapped around him and up to cup the back of his skull protectively against the tile.
He presses a thick thigh between Eddie’s and does three things almost simultaneously.
The first, a second before the other two: He locks his heavy-lidded gaze on Eddie’s; two and three: presses the thigh between Eddie’s legs up, and pulls the hand at the back of his skull down along with a fistful of dark curls.
“Aahhh—ohhh fuck, Steve…” The sting from his scalp pulls a moan from his exposed throat, and Eddie scrambles to grab hold of something.
His nails dig into the slick skin of Steve’s back automatically, and he opens his mouth to apologize the same moment Steve latches onto his neck with a low groan of his own.
The hand not tangled in Eddie’s hair is starting to pull him down in waves against Steve’s thigh and hips, both of them hissing in pleasure with each pass of the other’s length against theirs.
“Mmmm, Eddie..” Steve moans, unlatching from the bruise he’s sure to have left on Eddie’s throat to lave his tongue and lips against his jaw instead. “Baby, you feel so good against me.”
“Ooh, and you sound so sweet..” His lips trail down from his jaw back to the definitely sore spot on his neck, one that he prods lightly with the tip of his tongue before continuing on to nip at the taught skin of his collarbone, kiss lightly over the skin of his scarred pec, finally landing tongue first onto Eddie’s remaining nipple.
The reaction to this is immediate; Eddie arches his chest further into Steve’s mouth. Steve, the sonofabitch he is, suctions his lips away from Eddie’s flushed skin in response.
“Hhnng—what the actual fuck, Steve?” Eddie glares best he can though the panting, “Get that mouth back over here.”
Miraculously, Steve obliges, sliding forward into a saccharine kiss and pulling Eddie away from
the wall and back under the spray of water.
“C’mon Eds, tilt your head back before the hot water runs out.”
Eddie just gapes at him, at his dick, both their dicks, still standing at attention, back up to his face.
Steve just purses his lips together as if holding back a grin and tugs Eddie’s head back by his hair again, soaking the strands through under the water.
He lets Steve turn him this way and that, reveling in the feeling of the other man’s hands in his hair, slick with soap on his skin, the gentle nudges and pulls relaxing him further into this weird world where Steve’s totally into him and also they’re naked in the shower together.
Finally, when Steve tilts his head back for the final time to rinse the conditioner out of his hair, Eddie decides to be a little shit, pushing his hips forward to clash their (still half-hard) dicks together.
“What are you—really? A sword fight?”
Eddie lets out a long cackle, “What? You knew what you were getting into with me, didn’t’cha Stevie?”
Doubt crashes into Eddie’s chest the instant the words escape his mouth.
He did, didn’t he? He likes him for his antics right? Oh fuck…How long would it take for Steve to get sick of his shit?
Despite Eddie’s near-crushing doubts, Steve smiles and says, “That I did.” easy as breathing, then pulls Eddie flush against him in another heated kiss.
Steve walks him backward after a moment, and Eddie drops his hands behind him to feel for the inevitable press of cold stone on his back, shuddering when it finally makes contact.
His gasp from the cold tile only seems to egg the other man on, hunching down to grip him around the backs of his thighs.
Eddie’s legs lock around Steve’s waist in panic, but pleasure shoots through him with the motion too, the horny thrill of being picked up so effortlessly along with the pressure of Steve’s stomach against the underside of his dick.
“Mmph—Steve holy shit,” he’s only just managed to thread the fingers on one hand into those sleek brown locks when he has to stifle down a long groan with a bite to his knuckle. “Hnngh–Steve, Steve, you gotta—oh fuck..”
The muscles of Steve’s stomach bunch under him as he grinds up in slow, torturous rolls..
“Oh, fuck—” the words spill out of his mouth, loud and long; his palm snaps up to hold them in as Steve pushes his shoulders into the tile behind him and leans back, leaving Eddie’s body balanced between strong thighs and shower wall.
The tile hits hard on the back of his skull when Steve wraps one of those hands of his around both their lengths. Eddie manages to look down, only to knock his head back again at the sight.
Even with the added height of being on top of Steve’s thighs, their heads are exactly level, disappearing over and over again into the water-warmed skin of Steve’s fist.
Steve hunches forward again, pressing kisses into Eddie’s sternum. “Gorgeous.”
“Steve...” he whispers in return, grinding as much as he can against the length slotted along his.
Again, too soon, Steve is pulling away, releasing his grip on them both.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, already moving to drop his legs back to the floor.
Steve stops him, hoisting his legs back around him and lifting him off the wall. “I’m taking you up on your offer.” He says, twisting off the now-cold stream of water and carefully stepping over the lip of the doorway through the glass door.
“My offer?”
“You said that after your shower, you’d come back out here to the bedroom and I could have my way with you.”
A half whine, half moan curls out of Eddie’s throat to his utter embarrassment.
“D’ya like that idea, sweetheart?” Steve says, grinning mischievously.
Eddie manages to scowl at him as they leave the steamy bathroom, and is dropped down onto the mattress soon after.
“Aw shit!”
“What? What happened?”
It’s cold as shit, that’s what.” The air-cooled temperature of the covers against his skin has him breaking out in goosebumps.
Steve winces, “Sorry, I didn’t think about that.”
What was calm and collected confidence flickers off his face, and Eddie can’t have that. “Jus’ come over here and warm me up, big bo–wait,” He sits up and stops Steve when only one of his knees has made it onto the bed. “Lemme look at you.”
He looks down at Steve, and yep. Big Boy is very accurate. He’d felt it against him already, Steve’s too-gorgeous-to-be-real dick; he’s longer for sure, cut and curved up like something out of a wet dream.
“Oh, definitely big boy,” Eddie grins, looking up at Steve’s somewhat embarrassed expression.
“It’s nothing special.” he shrugs, his cheeks heating up as he climbs up Eddie’s damp body. He lowers himself down lay between his legs, his dick slotting itself beside Eddie’s once again.
He hunches over to kiss lightly up the scars on Eddie’s left side, lips brushing along the healed edge of the biggest one. It tickles, then it doesn’t, then does, then doesn’t, his lips pressing halfway onto skin and halfway onto puckered pink flesh.
“Yeah baby?” he responds after a few more kisses.
“You’re giving me more goosebumps.” Eddie says, somewhat breathless.
Another kiss, “Mmmm.. You’re welcome.”
That shocks a laugh out of him, “You’re such a dork.”
Steve takes one of Eddie’s hands where it lays on the mattress, lacing their fingers together and pressing them back into the mattress beside his head.
“Says you.” he affirms, locking those ridiculous hazel eyes on his.
Eddie’s about to crack off another one liner, say something to…all that, but it’s completely erased from his mind when Steve ducks his head down to find his nipple again.
“Oh fuckin–nnng..” his hips buck up hard into Steve’s, who presses down into him in return.
He can feel it when Steve grins against his skin. “Shut up, asshole, that fee–ee–els so good.”
“Hmm, tell me about it, baby.” He’s grinding down slowly now, adding to the exponentially increasing Steve-addled brain fog he’s currently experiencing.
“Ahhh—I want to but–”
“But what?” Steve’s breath over the spit-slick spot on his chest sends a chill through him.
“Oh fuck–If any of them hear us, we’re never going to hear the end of it.” he tries to warn around another stifled moan.
The Menace is undeterred, swirling his tongue around the little nub open-mouthed and hot once more before moving upwards, trailing his lips up Eddie’s breastbone until he’s sucking kisses into his throat once again. He continues up along the length of his neck until he reaches his ear, “Then you’d better keep it down, huh?”
Well that didn’t help. He lets out a long moan in response, clamping a hand over his mouth way too late.
“You sound so good though,” Steve says, continuing his slow grinding, “I can’t wait to get you alone so I can fuck you properly.”
That pulls another moan from behind Eddie’s palm. “Jesus H. Christ,” Eddie bucks his hips up as much as he can, but Steve's palms move down to hold him in place.
“Can’t have that now, can we?” Steve chides, trailing his lips down his stomach as he slides back to the edge of the bed, his eyes locked on Eddie’s.
“Wh–Why not?”
“Because I’d prefer,” a kiss above his belly button, “to choke,” a kiss below, “on my own accord.”, then swallows Eddie down in one go.
“Oh fffuuck—”
Steve hums in agreement around Eddie’s dick and the vibrations course up his spine to rattle around in his brain.
“Oh shit, Stevie, that feels so fuckin’ good.” He breathes, twisting his fingers into Steve’s hair.
In response, Steve starts to bob his head, swirling his tongue around Eddie’s on the upstroke, and sucking with fervor on the down.
“Steve, sweetheart–fuck–if you keep going I’m gonna—haah—”
“And what if I want you to?”
“And what if I want to to-together?”
Steve releases him with a wet pop, kissing his way back up to Eddie’s lips, humming in satisfaction when he reaches them, like kissing Eddie is the best part of all this.
And doesn’t that make his head spin.
“All you’d have to do is ask.”
Eddie pulls Steve back to his lips and bucks up into him again. “That’s me asking.”
Steve grins down at him and re-starts his slow, tortuous pace.
He’s rock hard against Eddie’s thigh, and this is getting fuckin’ ridiculous.
“Alright, you know what,” Eddie pushes his hips up hard and flips them over, straddling Steve’s thighs in no time at all.
“Holy shit—“ Steve blinks up at him in astonishment, like he’s surprised that he’s been flipped so easily.
Eddie grinds down onto Steve, “You don’t get to tease me like that, big boy.”
“Is that so?” He chuckles, then groans when Eddie wraps his hand around their lengths. His hands grip onto Eddie’s thighs, squeezing tight to match the hold on them.
Eddie fucks forward into his fist, pulling his hand down to meet each thrust and watching as Steve’s head drops back onto the mattress.
He lets out a long groan. “Eddie…”
“Yeah, Stevie?”
Eddie runs his fingers over both their heads, adding to the slight slip of pre with a well aimed glob of spit that makes Steve hum out a short breathy moan as it makes contact with his head.
More noises of appreciation are pulled from the man under him as he rubs the pad of his thumb through the mess and under the head of Steve’s cock in small circles.
“Mmhm oh fuck..”
“You like that?”
“Mmhmm,” he nods dazedly “Keep moving though, feels so good, Eds.”
“You got it, sweetheart.” Eddie grins, wrapping his palm around them again and pushes forward into his fist.
Steve’s head drops back onto the pillow beneath him, “Just like that Eddie, fuck.”
He gives them a few more strokes, then Steve’s hands start to move; his warm palms skirt along the wiry hair on his legs, one traveling around to grab onto Eddie’s horribly non-existent ass, and the other comes up to his remaining nipple, pinching it between two digits.
That did it. The hot coil of pleasure already broiling in his stomach twists even tighter. “Ahh—Stevie..I’m so close, Jesus Christ…”
“Me too..”
“Yeah? Well c’mon sweetheart, give it to me.”
A scant two passes of his hand later, Steve shoots hot across his stomach, and Eddie follows a half stroke later.
He sinks down to the bed against Steve’s heaving ribs, tucking his shoulder under the other man’s arm.
After a few more breaths, Steve pulls Eddie into him and presses his lips to Eddie’s still-damp forehead.
“Ew gross, don’t do that, I’m all sweaty.”
“Don't care.” Steve mumbles softly into his hairline.
In return, Eddie wipes his soiled hand off on Steve’s stomach.
“Ew! Gross!” Steve laughs, shoving Eddie away with no actual intent behind it.
A few minutes later, Steve breaks the comfortable silence. “So,”
The word sinks heavily into Eddie’s gut. “So?”
When Steve doesn’t continue, Eddie turns his head to find Steve gazing at him with soft eyes, and even softer smile.
It morphs into a teasing smirk. “Did it live up to the hype?”
One snooze and another heated shower later, Eddie crawls back into their bed and gets comfy while he listens to Steve pull his clothes back on to go down to the main lodge for the hellions.
He hears a short shuf when Steve’s leg skirts around the end of the bed. “I’ll be back in 15,” he says, kissing the damp hairs on Eddie’s temple. “Go to sleep, Eds.”
“Hmmm…” he hums in return, cozy as ever, and is out as soon as the door clicks shut.
Too soon, the sounds of the shitheads scrambling into the house interrupts his dozing, the door to the bedroom squeaking open not long after.
“Eds? You awake?”
Instead of answering, Eddie simply opens his arms.
He listens to Steve strip off his clothes, beckoning the man forward again when he feels the end of the mattress sink under the other man’s weight.
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’, hold your horses.”
“My horses have been patient enough.” Eddie grumbles as Steve finally shuffles between the sheets and into his waiting arms.
“Dude! What the hell happened to your neck?! Did you get attacked by a vampire?”
“Henderson, you are way too loud for how early it is.”
“It’s 10 am, Eddie.”
“Exactly.” the barstool creaks as he climbs onto it, gratefully accepting the plate of eggs and bacon Argyle passes him.
“Leave him alone, guys.” Steve says, coming up behind Eddie on his stool and kissing his cheek as he passes into the kitchen with his empty plate.
There’s three whole seconds of silence before the younger teens burst out into a cacophony of various outbursts.
“Aw, what? Eddie! Steve’s way too lame for you to be dating!”
“Steve, did you fuck my DM?!”
“I fuckin’ knew it. I told you they’d get together, didn’t I? Dustin, you owe me 10 bucks.”
“I don’t owe you shit, Maxine.”
“Holy shit, congrats guys.” Lucas is his new favorite… Will and El too, nodding along to Sinclair’s assessment.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough; All those heading back to the waterpark better be ready to go in T-minus three minutes otherwise I’m leavin’ without you.” Steve calls out over the noise.
The complaints follow him out of the kitchen and into the tiny laundry room off the entryway.
“Why don’t you guys get yelled at?” Eddie grumbles, poking up a forkful of egg.
Robin snorts a laugh, “Because none of us are sleeping with the babysitter.”
okay, some notes:
steve's mom is a lawyer in this canon and she's the one who paid for eddie's legal counsel/helped with clearing his name after s4
wha?? steve harrington has good parents?? insanity
"canon" hawkins is about an hour outside of indianapolis so i used shelbyville, indiana as my base and from there to boyne mountain is about a 7 hour drive. if they left at 6 am from hawkins, they'd get to the resort around 1 or 2 and have a good couple hours to ski before it gets dark again at 6 (daylight hours in the midwest during winter are a bitch.)
i did way too much research into the ski resort i based this at, only to realize that neither the cabin itself OR the waterpark were there in the 80s. so...let's all just pretend, okay?
the map above is a trail map of the resort from 1985
when i asked my husband what i should add to 'my most recent blorbos' he said 'nice tits!' so that's why that line lmao
who'da thought this'd go from skiing to shower sex? cause i didn't
i got stuck on the smut part of this for way too long and i am so glad i am a) done with it and b) that it actually turned out relatively coherent.
on that note though, i have been looking at this damn fic for so so long that i don't know if it's actually good or what. 'cause to me, it's complete garbled garbage
the title of this is from 'Object of My Desire' by Starpoint
lex i am so sorry this is late ilysm 🫶
#spicysixwinterfanworkschallenge#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve harrington x eddie munson#eddie munson x steve harrington#steveddie#eddeve#background ronance#background jargyle#i also implied:#lumax#henderhop#and#byler#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#jonathan byers#argyle#mike wheeler#will byers#lucas sinclair#max mayfield#el hopper#dustin henderson#st#stranger things#steddie fic#steddie fanfic#skiing
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driving in your car | chapter five | (explicit | 65k | wip)
It’s been a week since they defeated Vecna, and things are starting to get back to normal. Or as normal as they’ve ever been in a town built over multiple gates to inter-dimensional hell. They came back from hell and had to go back to school and work and life like nothing happened. Driving around has become a thing for the four of them, and they explore Hawkins in ways few others have. Finding backroads, cruising down country lanes. Seeing just how far they can go. Eventually Steve clocked Eddie’s whole deal as flirting, but it took an embarrassingly long time. And it is flirting, right? It’s got to be flirting, there’s no other word for it. Recent dry spell notwithstanding, Steve Harrington’s got game. If there’s one thing he knows, it’s flirting. So Steve knows it’s flirting, but he doesn’t know if it’s flirting. Because Eddie is straight, right?
peep that rating change, babes, things are gettin' spicy
so so much thanks to the absolutely delightful @judasofsuburbia for beta reading, @figthefruitfaeth for helping me pick out the perfect shirt, and @cheatghost for their unending support
teaser below the fold [full chapter on ao3]
The day stretches on, and between Robin’s foreign art house films and having to deal with John Q Public all day long, that weird, warm, welcome lightness in his chest starts to fade and he’s left with this clawing, gnawing, hungry ache.
Because it turns out, Eddie Munson sleeps on his side, curled into a tight little question mark. And what is Steve supposed to do with that knowledge now? Or the knowledge that at some point in the night, his body curved itself protectively around Eddie’s. Or was it because of the surprising amount of heat radiating off Eddie while he slept? Steve couldn’t help but gravitate to him, his chest to Eddie’s back, his knees fitting right behind Eddie’s. All while he finally had a blissful, dreamless sleep.
What is he supposed to do now he knows what Eddie looks like when he first wakes up in the morning? When he rolls over with his head on Steve’s arm like a pillow. A shy, slow, sleepy smile rising across his face like the sun.
Until the alarm on Steve’s watch went off, startling them apart, and out of bed, and across town.
#steddie#steve x eddie#steveddie#steddie fic#steddie fanfic#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things steve#stranger things eddie#stranger things fanfic#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#fruity four#background ronance#stranger things fic#platonic stobin#diyc#kk writes#writing#featuring:#platonic stancy divorced besties#steve being grumpy at a party#(again)#and the breaking point we've all been waiting for#it's my first time writing smut please be kind
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Robin lying on the carpeted floor of her bedroom playing with one of the fraying ends of her comforter. Steve sat next to her trying to catch her eye, which she has been expertly avoiding for the past forty five minutes. It wasn’t until Steve grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, that Robin finally looked at her friend.
“I’m scared Steve. This could go absolutely horrible.”
Steve gives a small hum indicating he was thinking hard, one of those Steve noises Robin has perfected as if it was another language she was studying. In a way it is she thinks to herself. “It’s okay to be scared,” he says after a beat. “I’m scared and it’s not even my parents. And if you don’t want to do this right now or ever, we don’t have to. We can back out right now, and enact Plan B.”
Robin gives a sarcastic snort, “Plan B is grabbing Nancy and Eddie, fleeing to Chicago and living out of your boyfriend’s van until we freeze to death.”
“I’d make it work, I’d do anything to keep you safe you know this babe.”
She sighs and rolls her eyes affectionately, “Yeah yeah ditto dingus.” She playfully shoves his shoulder and squirms as he turns the shove into an aggressive hug.
“No matter what we’ll be okay.” He smacks a kiss on her head.
“Let's do this,” Robin breathes out.
Robin had been sitting in this same seat for the past fourteen years give or take, eating dinner, agonizing over math homework, and having a million pointless conversations with her parents. Tonight the familiarity of a family dinner table was shriveled up and dead. From today on their family would never be the same. There would be the extra unsaid barrier between them. And that was best case scenario. Worst case scenario this would be the last dinner she’d ever have in this house, hell probably in the whole town. The thought made her stomach sink, she pushed her peas around her plate. Every bite she took tasted like flavorless mush. She chanced a glance at Steve, if she didn’t know him she would think he was acting perfectly normal, but she did know him. Better than anyone. She could tell how he was almost as nervous as she was. His shoulders tense, smile tight, and his hands had the slightest tremor, Robin gave his knee a squeeze in solidarity.
“Mom, dad, I– we. We have something to tell you.” Robin shakily revelas. In an instant she can feel her parents eyes, going back and forth between her and Steve, small smiles tugging at their lips. She’s going to be sick.
“Oh?” Her mom asks, wiggling her eyebrows and bringing the glass of cheap red wine to her lips. “I think we have an inclination, don’t we Rich?”
“Mom no, it’s not like that, actually I mean it is but not in the way you guys think– Okay, so– Oh my god okay I’m just going to say this. And please wait until we’re done to ask or say anything. Please don’t hate me.” Fuck why are there tears falling from her face? Robin had promised herself she wasn’t going to cry through this.
“Oh sweetheart, there’s nothing you could say that would make us hate you. You’re our little bird.” Her dad softly said, reaching across the table to give her a reassuring touch, until he saw her flinch away. Hurt flashed in his own eyes, before tucking his hands back by his side.
Her mom looks nervous now, and nearly breathlessly asks, “Robin Buckley you aren’t pregnant are you?”
Steve nearly chokes, Robin’s eyes are wide and now as big as plates, her mouth gapes open looking to Steve, wondering what the hell she was going to say to that accusation. She settles on the articulate, “Jesus Christ, Mom unless God themself has chosen me to be the bearer of their next miracle child or whatever that’s not even in the realm of possibilities. Maybe it's a possibility you guys would prefer to the actual truth but alas I am not with child. I’m just. I’m– Fuck! I’m gay okay? Just gay. That’s my big terrible secret, and why Steve and I aren’t dating, well except we are but we aren’t.” Tears are flowing down her face now, she can hardly even make out the shape of her parents, she’s just realizing how tight Steve is squeezing her hand now. That grounding pressure is enough for her to be able to clear her watery eyes, and get a good look at her parents’ facial reactions.
And huh, that wasn’t what she expected. They were…calm? Small, almost shy smiles. What the hell? Where was the yelling, the hatred, anything? Robin had expected nearly every reaction but this one. If it wasn’t for Steve’s continuous pressure in her hand, she’d be sure she was hallucinating.
It was her mom who broke the silence first, “Oh Robby.” She says with a sad sort of pity. “It’s okay baby. Dad and I would never, ever, hate you for who you love. Robin Lynn Buckley, I mean what kind of parents are we that you didn’t trust us to tell us this?”
“It’s not like that mom. It’s not you I guess, it’s like society. Society tells us we’re broken, and disgusting, I couldn’t mom, I couldn’t tell you guys and be completely one hundred and ten percent sure I’d still have a roof over my head if things went wrong.” Robin lets out an exhausted sigh. Her mother does this, makes everything about herself even when she means well. And the fact that she does mean well about her only daughter being a dyke, then she certainly isn’t going to point that out to her mom in this moment. It’s too monumental for a potentially petty argument. Which leads her to her next question, “So what? You and dad are just fine with it? No questions? Completely parent approved?”
It was her dad who piped up next. Good ole Richard Buckley known for his poise and tact, “Well actually I do have some questions. What does that mean, you and Steve are dating but also aren’t? That doesn’t seem conducive to your lifestyle.” Of course he’d say lifestyle, it's those tiny phrases like that, where Robin knows deep in her soul her dad knows it isn’t a choice, but lacks the verbiage to fully get it. She smiles at that a little, her parents are cool, but at the end of the day, they’re still her straight, old, lame parents they’ve always been.
Wait, her dad definitely asked her a question that she absolutely does not remember. Right as she started floundering a half assed non answer, Steve was talking. Oh she could kiss him, but she’s pretty sure she’d be sending her parents even more mixed signals. “Robin and I are not dating, and obviously we never would. We love each other though, more than anything, and I hope you know by now I’d do anything to keep her safe– ‘
“And I’d do anything to keep Steve safe,” Robin interjects. Not necessarily for her parents’ benefit, but because she knows that Steve should hear that this dynamic goes both ways as often as possible. And she’s glad she said something, because the bright, adoring look on his face is enough to calm her twisted guts, just a smidge.
Steve continues, “So no we aren’t dating, but to the general public we will be. Just to make it look like we are deemed acceptable to society. My partner is doing the same thing with one of our other friends.”
One of our other friends. That phrase sits in Robin like a giant slab of cement. Nancy Wheeler is so much more than another one of their friends. Steve had just been so brave then admitting he had a partner first, and she’s eternally grateful he didn’t up and say she has a girlfriend it has to be her to say it. “My partner actually, Steve’s boyfriend is pretending to date my girlfriend.
“Jesus, how many queer kids are there in Hawkins?”
Steve laughed earnestly, “I think Hawkins might be the most gay town in America. That’s why Reagan won’t visit.” Which in turn makes Richard Buckley laugh. Robin thinks not for the first time in their friendship, having their dad’s be so completely different with the same name, only adds to her and Steve’s soulmatism.
“Nancy?” Her mom asks apropos fucking nothing! “Is that the girl you’re going steady with?”
“H– How did you know that?” Robin sputters.
“Honey I mean now that, that I know it’s kinda. Not obvious! But the subtle signs are there. You look at Nancy the same way Aunt Anita looks at Aunt Rachel.” She says simply, as if that means anything.
“Why would Aunt Anita’s roommate–” The realization hits Robin like a Russian soldier with a mean slap. “Oh my god! I’m the most oblivious person on the planet, and I know Michael Wheeler!” Steve barks out a surprised laugh at that.
“You really didn’t know?” Her father asks with amusements written all over his stupid face. “I’ve known about my sister since we were in elementary school Birdie and I never loved her any less. Just like I’ll never love you any less and Steve for that matter. You kids are safe with us always, although you and Miss Wheeler are no longer permitted to sleepovers, unless one of you takes the couch.”
Well that was an unexpected side effect she hadn’t considered before, but she’ll take it, and just shrugs in agreement.
“Now son,” And Rich turns to Steve. “I know your folks aren’t the” he pauses and Robin knows he’s looking for the right words not to scare Steve off, “aren’t the most open minded, so I’ll say two things that I hope you listen to. First, please know that you always, always have a home here in case you need it, and honestly if I had it my way you’d already be sharing Robin’s room.” Steve nods his head at her dad, and she can tell if he were to say anything it would probably come out a little wobbly, then her dad continues and the mood sombers, “And secondly.” He takes a deep breath, “It’s a scary time for you boys right now, I know you know that, but Steve we love you like you’re our own little Buckley, just be safe and smart. Okay?”
Steve nods again more firmly this time, and lets out a quiet, “Okay.”
So that’s it. Robin and Steve are both out to her parents. They know about Nancy. This isn’t some Upside Down science/magic? Now that she thinks about it she never got the rundown on how all of that works, and frankly as long as it stays gone, she’d rather not think about it.
After their emotional conversation, the dinner went back to being business as usual. As if nothing changed, and in so many ways it didn’t, but it felt a little off, there was a little less pressure sitting tight in her chest. She felt loose in a way she hadn’t in years with her parents. And to top it off they were able to convince her parents to skip out on their weekly movie night, so they could be with Nancy and Eddie.
Nancy and Eddie had decided to wait for them at Steve’s house, either to relax, or to better be prepared if they had to ditch town. They were both crowding the door right as Steve pushed it open. Eddie was bouncing his feet, and twisting his hair, while Nancy was putting on a brave face, but Robin caught her tapping her foot with pent up anxiety. So they told them everything.
Eddie sags with relief, and before she can even look at Nancy to gauge her reaction, she’s being enveloped in a tight and somehow tender hug. Nancy starts whispering praise into her ear. Robin’s legs go nearly weak at them. She lets Nancy take hold of her face, they are both beaming at each other, and then they’re kissing. Like really kissing. Nancy has her pushed back up against the closed front door, and Robin gets lost in it. Lost in the way Nancy perfume smells, in the way her lips are a little bit chapped from nervously chewing on them tonight, lost in the way she was completely, head over heels in love with Nancy Edith Wheeler.
They break apart, and Robin notices thankfully they’re alone. Doesn’t matter much when Eddie yells from the kitchen, “If you two degenerates are done fornicating in the foyer you’re more than welcome to some cheesecake and wine.” Robin hears a dull oof come from the kitchen and she knows Steve smacked him in the chest.
Nancy scoff’s and starts walking to the kitchen, “You’re one to talk Munson, hands where I can see them, and not stuck to Steve’s ass all night.”
Robin sees Steve’s eyebrow shoot up knowing that this now is a competition they all need to destroy each other in, and that’s when Robin knows that they’re going to be okay.
#platonic stobin#robin buckly#my writing#stranger things#background steddie#background ronance#cross posted on ao3
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what’s that sound? (there’s a funny man at my door) — a spicy six text fic
tags: steddie, mutual pining, getting together, fluff and humor, gay eddie munson, bi steve harrington, idiots in love
featuring background ronance and jargyle!
#steddie#stranger things#eddie munson#steve harrington#steddie fanfic#steddie fic#steve x eddie#steddie headcanon#text fic#fluff#humor#background ronance#background jargyle#spicy six
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“What’s the deal with you and Harrington?”
Robin Buckley glanced up toward the question asker, her brows slightly furrowed as she cast an inquisitive look toward Eddie Munson. He’s leant up on one of his elbows, chin cradled in the palm of his hand. His eyes are on her, large and curious, instead of the usual half-lidded expression he wears during the “adult” hangouts.
They’d all started hanging out ever since Vecna was destroyed, taking time away from the younger members of The Party to spend time all together. Herself, Eddie, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle. Sometimes, every once in a while, it led them all to feel normal. As if they hadn’t all been dealing with more Upside Down crap just a few months prior.
“What do you mean?” Robin instead asked, her eyes moving from Eddie’s to dart out toward the Harrington’s pool. Steve is sitting on the edge of it with Jonathan, the two boys heads bent together as Argyle watched on- a dopey almost lovesick expression curled on his mouth. A spliff dangled from Jonathan’s fingertips, rolled by Eddie but the weed supplied by Jonathan.
“You’re… not together.” Eddie’s voice is soft, and barely spoken above a murmur. Robin nodded slowly, and turned her head towards him to try and indicate him to continue. “Nancy and the kids all repeat platonic with a capital P, but I just… how did you and Harrington even happen?”
“Scoops A’hoy,” Robin grinned wide, barely able to stifle the laugh that’s on the backend of her words. She was able to catch the widened look that Eddie threw her way, before his eyes darted out to look towards Steve, before his eyes moved back to her own. “He and I worked there back when the mall was open.”
“And… what? You instantly became best friends?”
“No, actually.” Robin shook her head with another soft laugh, before she paused so she could rub her palms together. She allowed herself to twist one of her rings around her finger, brows pinched for a moment. “I actually thought he was like the worst, y’know?” Robin scoffed to herself, before she sent Eddie a look. She knew what she must look like, her eyes wet with tears and her gaze all permanently soft.
“You know how he was in school, King Steve and all that.” Robin continued on, and she flicked her tongue out of her mouth to wet the corner of her lips for a second. “And when my manager told me that I’d be working with a Steve, well… there was only one Steve in Hawkins I could think of.”
“So how did your opinion of him change then, Buckley?” Eddie cocked his head again, one of his hands coming up to twirl a strand of hair around his pointer finger. His brows were furrowed taut, creating a worry line in between them. “The kids told me about the Russians-”
“It was sort of before then,” Robin admitted with a small shrug, and she twisted the corner of her lip into a shy smile. “He raved to me, y’know? About uh, these kids. These five kids he’d babysit and shit, and it was so… soft?” Robin watched as Eddie mouthed out names to himself as he ticked his fingers, before he cast a look to her. “But he always talked about this one, Ellie, who he’d call his little sister.”
Eddie drew in a sharp breath, eyes wide as Robin let out a soft hum.
“Yeah, and I don’t know if you submitted yourself to Harrington family lore-” Robin gestured behind her toward the Harrington house with a flick of her hand, before she continued. “But I knew that Dick and Helen Harrington didn’t have more than one kid.”
“Supergirl?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin let out a soft confirming hum as she watched Eddie’s eyes dart toward Steve. Steve was still talking to Jonathan, though Argyle had shifted forward so he was able to join in the conversation.
“And then imagine my surprise when one day our stupid sailor ice cream shop is visited by none other than the Chief.” Robin shook her head with a small laugh, before she continued on. “And he was so excited to see Steve, Eddie. Like genuinely excited to see him, ordered a couple tubs of ice cream togo and then said he’d see him at home.”
“Fuck.” Eddie breathed out, and Robin let out another sigh of a laugh.
“And I asked Steve why the Chief of the Hawkins police force was visiting him at work, and Steve just…” Robin shrugged slowly, shaking her head to clear her thoughts before she continued. “He just gave me this look, like… like he didn’t actually know either.”
“Then later, he told me why he watched all of the kids. He told me that he would’ve given anything for someone to just… to just care about him when he was their age. That all he wanted was for just a person to give a shit about his wellbeing.” Robin shook her head again, before she carded a hand through her still chlorine sticky hair. “And after that my opinion just… it just changed about him.”
“Then the Russians?” Eddie asked softly, and Robin hummed as she dipped her chin in a curt nod.
“Then the Russians, and he didn’t… he didn’t even hesitate to take the attention onto himself when they started questioning us.” Robin shook her head again, sniffling. “And after I asked him why he would do that, and he told me it was because he knew I had a family waiting on me to come back home.”
“Yeah, and then afterwards when we were getting seen by the EMTs? He didn’t have anyone to call Eddie. Because Hopper? Hopper was just… just presumed dead.” Robin let out a soft bitter laugh, and she twisted a strand of her hair around her finger. “My parents decided to take us both home after, and he stayed with us for a couple of days- until his concussion was okay enough for him to sleep through the night.”
“And that’s when you became best friends?”
“That’s when I decided that, Steve? He deserved way more from people than he seemed to ever fucking get.” Robin shrugged, before she cast a soft smile toward Eddie. Eddie’s eyes were glassy, wet with tears and Robin just patted her hand soft against his forearm. “That’s when I decided that he was my best friend.”
“Platonic with a capital P?”
Robin cast a look toward Steve, where the older teen already had his eyes on her. He had a hand extended, fingers wiggling toward her in a small way to beckon her toward his side. Robin stood without responding to Eddie, and she left her towel on the lounge chair she’d commandeered as her own. She took a moment though, cast a softer look toward Eddie- even as the corner of her lip twitched into a nervous smile.
“He’s not exactly my type, y’know?” Robin kept her admission soft, even when Eddie’s eyes were quick to flood with confusion. She instead cast a look toward the sunbathing Nancy Wheeler, who had one of her arms strewn over her face across the backyard where she laid in the grass.
When Robin let her eyes move to meet Eddie’s again, he has a look of pure understanding on his face.
“I think I get what you mean.” Eddie murmured and Robin simply flashed Eddie Munson a shy smile.
Eddie Munson watched as Robin Buckley walked away from him, quick to tuck herself into Steve’s side once she reached him. Steve threw his arm around Robin’s shoulders, tucking her further into his grasp- though the flow of conversation that he was having with Argyle and Jonathan didn’t even pause.
It’s in that moment when Eddie Munson realizes something extraordinarily fucking crucial.
He’s in love with Steve fucking Harrington.
this is gonna become a multipart fic i think btw! it will probably be on here / ao3, haven’t fully decided yet but hope you enjoyed nonetheless!
now with a part two! click here
#angeldreamsoffanfic#steddie#steddie ficlet#steddie fanfic#platonic stobin#background jargyle#background ronance#but it’s pre every relationship#steve harrington and robin buckley are bffs#robin would die for steve#steve harrington has bad parents#but jim hopper adopts him because i said so#steve and eleven have a sibling bond#he’s the only one allowed to call her ellie by the way#this is gonna become an ao3 fic i think
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Steddie Week Day 6: Misunderstandings
Part two
If anyone were to ask Eddie if he kissed Steve, it didn’t happen. Because that’s what he’s decided. It didn’t happen. They didn’t go to a party to get drunk and feel like dumb teenagers again. They didn’t get overwhelmed by all of the noise and found an open bedroom to calm down in. And Steve totally didn’t lock the door. Eddie didn’t start going into a panic attack, causing Steve to help him calm down. After calming down, they didn’t have a meaningful conversation which caused them to get super close. Steve didn’t lean in, and Eddie didn’t kiss him back.
Because it couldn’t have happened. At least it wasn’t supposed to. People like Steve weren’t supposed to kiss people like Eddie. It just wasn’t in the cards. And Eddie didn’t want to get his hopes just to get his heart broken when Steve realized that this was all one big mistake.
Especially when it already did
Steve left the bedroom first, wanting to make sure they went out separately to look like they weren’t doing anything. Eddie followed a few minutes later, wandering around the party looking for his friends. He spotted Steve and Nancy not too long after, heart dropping when he saw what was in front of him.
As much as Steve claimed that he was over Nancy, it certainly didn’t look like it. He looked at Nancy with love, wrapping her up in his arms, kissing her forehead when they pulled apart. Eddie didn’t need to see much more when he saw Nancy reciprocate the look.
So he left, ran away like he always does, pushing away all the feelings he was just starting to let out back in the box they came from. Because Steve didn’t like Eddie, it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing. Eddie would have to pretend like it didn’t happen if he was going to get over it.
He had to. This harboring crush on Steve had gone on for too long already, especially when he knew Steve was straight. Thought Steve was straight. After that night, Eddie was ready to rethink everything, because there was no way Steve kissed him like that and didn’t mean it. But after seeing what happened afterward, there was no way in hell Steve meant it.
So, Eddie was avoiding him. Not willing to face the rejection that a sober Steve would give him. Tell him that it was a mistake and that he’s back with Nancy. Honestly, he’s been waiting for it ever since she and Jonathan called it off. It had been months and Steve still hadn’t made a move, it was an appropriate time now for it to happen. He just wished he hadn’t gone and fucked himself over in the process.
Eddie’s been moping in his room for a week now, only emerging to grab something to eat and use the bathroom when he couldn’t ignore the urge anymore. It wasn’t worth leaving, the risk of seeing Steve was too great. He’d heard the other pulling up to the trailer a few times since the party, trying to get Eddie to open the door, saying he wants to talk. But Wayne was always there to shoo him away, tell him that Eddie didn’t want to see him. He only hoped that after all of this, Steve still wanted to see him.
There is a small knock on Eddie’s door, Wayne poking his head in. “Hey, there’s someone here for you.”
“Tell him I don’t want to see him,” Eddie grumbles from his pile of blankets.
“If it was him, he’d already be gone,” Wayne concludes, the disdain for Steve riddles in his gruff voice. “It’s his friend, the energetic one.”
Eddie scoffs. “You have to be more specific than that.”
“The girl. R something.”
“Tell her I don’t want to see her either.”
Wayne sighs. “It may be too late for that one, she’s already in the house.”
Eddie sits up, glaring at his uncle. “Why did you let her in?”
“I didn’t, she just came in. Nice girl, but very insistent. Might do you some good talking to her, can’t have you all locked up away in here forever.”
“Fine,” Eddie groans. “Let her in.”
Wayne nods, leaving the door open while he goes to get Robin. She bursts through the door almost immediately, energy bouncing off of her as she flails around with excitement. “You will never guess what happened?” She exclaims while shutting the door.
Eddie says a silent thank you that this isn’t a lecture. “And what would that be, Buckley.”
“Nancy and I were hanging out yesterday and it was like totally normal and all. But then she got really serious about stuff and talked about her future and what she wants with it. And the next thing I know,” she plops herself down on the bed, leaning forward on her arms to stop them from moving around, “she kisses me,” she squeals.
As happy as he wants to be for his friend, pain fills his heart knowing that he has to break the news. He can’t let her get strung along by Nancy like he was with Steve. “Robin, there’s something you should know.”
Her face falls immediately. “Is something wrong?”
“I saw Steve and Nancy at the party last week. Looked like they were back together.”
“What do you mean?” she asks concerned.
Eddie sighs and rubs his face. “Steve pulled her into a hug and then kissed her forehead. They both looked like they were half in love again.”
Robin’s face lights up with realization. “Wait, you don’t know.”
“Know what.”
“Some creepy guy was following Nance around at the party. She ran up to Steve for cover and they acted like they were together again so he would leave her alone. They’re not actually back together. He’s into someone else now,” she wiggles her eyebrows at Eddie.
Eddie’s face falls as he starts to panic. “Oh, I fucked up.”
“Steve and I kissed that night.” Robin’s eyes go wide while Eddie nods in confirmation. “We kissed and then I saw them and I haven’t talked to him since. Oh shit. He’s gotta hate me. Fuck.”
Robin slaps his arm. “Why would you do that? He’s been moping around all week. I thought his parents were finally back in town. I didn’t know it was because of you.”
“I thought he was back with Nancy, so I was trying to get over my massive crush on him before getting rejected.”
“Like he would reject you. Steve has been pining after you for months now. It’s all I can hear about and I’m sick of it.”
“Months,” Eddie yells. All this time of liking him and they could have done all of this a lot sooner. “I gotta make this right. How do I do this?”
Robin shrugs. “I don’t know. Unlike you, when people kiss me, I tend to not avoid them for a week.”
He gives her a blank stare. “Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same thing in my position.”
“Ugh, you’re right.” Robin reaches out and covers his shaking hand. “Hey, just talk to him. I’m sure he’ll understand, somewhat. He might hate you, just a little bit.”
“Yeah, talk to him. What could go wrong?” Eddie swallows the lump in his throat, mind racing with what to do.
#steddieweek2023#day six#day six misunderstandings#steddie#steddie ficlet#steddie fanfic#steve harrington#eddie muson#wayne munson#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#ronance#background ronance#stranger things#stranger things fanfic#stranger things ficlet
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Just discovered ur post o66 au im literally so so obsessed have you got any other headcanons or notes?? I literally want to know everything about this au haha
Tbh this is possibly the most self indulgent of my aus. The other ones I'm like Woah wouldn't this be funny/interesting/neat? And this one I'm like. This is something I need in existence. I'm so glad it also makes other people mildly unhinged :)
So! I know I said in the tags of one post but here are the species for the characters I've figured out so far and mild backstories for them! I have a weird half-baked part in my drafts but ehhh that's for later.
Robin-- she's actually Zelosian, a human-passing sentient plant people. Essentially blind at night, chlorophyll for blood, and bright green eyes. She was the grand-padawan of the master Archivist Jocasta Nu (whom she bragged made far superior tea than Steve's great-Grandmaster, which could be said for nearly anyone in the temple), and enjoyed the anthropological media studies. During the Clone wars she and her as yet unnamed master assisted affected planets with knowledge and artifact preservation. They were not permanently assigned to a squadron of Clones as they were frequently in the temple etc. In her youth, she was assigned a mission to assist a planet's heir (Nancy) in documenting culturally significant places/artifacts that were under threat from extreme modernists. They ended up on the run and falling in love, a brief but passionate affair. With differing opinions on their responsibilities and duties to each other, themselves, and their peoples, they did not continue the romantic aspect of their relationship. At the time, Robin was figuring out where she wanted to be within the order, leaving her family and culture (and Steve) was never an option, while Nancy wanted to run away together, at least for a little while. They remained occasional penpals.
Steve-- he's Balosar (near-human with antennapalps on his head that assist in sensing vibrations(?) And can tuck into his scalp, as seen as the death-stick dealer in AotC) and was born on Corellia. (This is because I want him to have bloodstripes. I debated making Robin Corellian but she wasn't on the frontlines and would be unlikely to get bloodstripes) he was a bit of a rough and tumble Padawan, passionate and open with his affections. He'd been spoken to about his connection to Robin, but had proven himself able to let her go should it be necessary. During the war, Master Claudia was a general and he was her commander. Their Clone captain/commander was Clicks, who got his name from batch mates because of the tsk and clicking noses he made while thinking. He was playful and a smidge cocky, but cared deeply for his siblings and held a love for botany. Steve eventually decided that after the war, possibly after his knighthood trials he wanted to begin working in the creche.
Claudia -- she was a nautolan master Jedi, who was Steve's master. Her master was Mace Windu, either before or after Depa Bilaba. Steve was probably her second Padawan, but he threw unique challenges at her. She was actually the second master Steve had, the first, who had asked him to become his Padawan a bit young, at thirteen, had quickly grown frustrated with Steve and his affections for Robin, saying they were attached and very un-jedi, and attempted to forcefully remove the force bond that had formed between the two which distressed both Steve and Robin so much that other Jedi could feel it. Claudia had offered herself to finish Steve's training, and to work with him to understand the bonds he had with Robin and work on non-attachment. They were a formidable pair that tended to throw people off and were often underestimated with Steve's playboy charms and Claudia's motherly nature. She was killed when order 66 went out.
Dustin-- rodian (bald green guys with biiig black eyes that seem to have pinpricks of stars in them) he was a youngling at the time the Republic fell, but had already formed a bit of a bond with Steve and Claudia, and the force was nudging them together. Many suspected that Dustin would either be Claudia's Padawan after Steve or perhaps even Steve's first Padawan. I fortunately, after nightfall and escaping the Temple, Dustin blocked out many of the family he knew, including Steve and Claudia. When he escaped, Lucas' family helped him, having been long time friends with Claudia and knowing the Jedi would never betray the Republic.
El-- she is a human. she was kidnapped from the temple during Knightfall, and was in training to be an inquisitor until she decided to escape. She does not remember her birth name, but was going to be eleventh sister, so goes by El (admittedly my knowledge of the nth sister/brother is limited just go with this). At some point, she helps Hopper, a wookie who is just trying to get by after everything the empire did to Kashyyyk.
Eddie-- he is an Iridonian Zabrak, maybe one of his parents was human though because his hairline is much closer to his forehead than others. He was raised by his uncle Wayne, who was killed by the Empire for resisting. Eventually he was able to join the rebellion as a mechanic, which he quite likes. Somewhere along the way he met Chrissy, who quickly became his best friend.
Chrissy--a Twi'lek spy for the rebellion, her skin is a powdery pink. She assists the Freedom Trail, and often goes undercover. Her mother sold her into slavery, but she was taken under the wing of other enslaved twileks and was able to Free herself and began assisting others. One of her mentors helped her find the Rebellion where she is using her disarming personality to take down slavers and the Empire.
#post o66 stobin au#stobin#steve harrington#robin Buckley#eddie munson#claudia henderson#dustin henderson#el hopper#jim hopper#chrissy cunningham#platonic stobin#stranger things#stranger things star wars au#findaanswers#finda writes stuff#anonasaurus#few people but me care about this au compared to my other ones but thats okay because *I* love it#background ronance#ronance#for my organization
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Thinking about Robin bursting into Steve’s house - he gave her a spare key long ago - and yelling, “I was just Nancy’s gay awakening!”
Steve is laying on the ground in the living room and sits up. “What?”
Robin launches into the story, “Well, I was just at Nancy’s as you know, and she insisted that she wanted to basically play dress up with me. So, she handed me some clothes and she jokingly changed into mine which were huge on her and so incredibly adorable. I mean-”
“Robin,” Steve says trying to cut off her inevitable Nancy ramble.
“Right. So, there I am in Nancy’s bra and pulling her really itchy shirt over my head, and when I finally get my head out, Nancy is staring at me in her panicked way. And I thought well, maybe I ripped one of her favorite shirts because it was tight and I may have heard a rip-”
Steve lightly taps her arm, and Robin nods. “But then, she just says, ‘Robin, when did you know that you were… you know… gay.’ And I didn’t think much of it, but I told her, and then she said asked if it can happen later in life. And the dots just connected, and I told her yes it can.” Robin finishes her rant in a frenzied state still as out of breath as when she got there.
“And then what happened?” Steve asks.
“I stole Mike’s bike and came here,” Robin says staring off with wide eyes.
Steve stares at her and blinks slowly. “So she’s had this gay awakening, and you ran away and left her to deal with it alone?”
Robin looks at Steve even more panicked. “Holy shit! Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit!” She stands up and runs to the door. “I’ll be back later!”
The front door slams shut and Steve sighs.
“I was wondering when Nancy would realize,” a voice over Steve’s shoulder says.
Steve jumps. “Shit, Eddie. I forgot you were here.”
Eddie puts a hand over his heart. “I’m hurt, Steve. Hurt. I’m always here.”
Steve looks off and questions his past relationship with Nancy. Yes, he got over her in a romantic way long ago especially when Robin told him she had feelings for Nance. And it’s been a weight off his shoulders but he can’t help but wonder…
“Hey, what’s going on?” Eddie asks already on the ground next to Steve.
Steve shakes his head, but he knows Eddie is stubborn so he gives in. “Do you think Nancy was gay when she dated me, and that’s why things never really worked out? I mean, I just feel bad for doing everything with her if she wasn’t happy.”
Eddie takes a moment and then shakes his head. “Steve, a person doesn’t just suddenly become gay, but I think what you’re missing is that I don’t think Nancy is a lesbian. I’m pretty sure she’s bisexual. Which means she likes both.”
Steve thinks for a second and realizes it makes sense. “So, she had more of a bisexual awakening than just a gay awakening.”
Eddie shrugs. “Yeah, you could put it that way. What I had was definitely a gay awakening though. It was in the gym and this one guy stripped off his shirt and it all suddenly hit that yes, I was definitely gay.”
Steve stares off and suddenly blurts out, “Do you think I could have a bisexual awakening?”
Eddie’s jaw drops before he stutters out, “Ye-yeah. I mean… I-I guess you could. But it’s not something you can just force yourself to do.”
“Take off your shirt,” Steve says seriously because he’s curious.
“Dude, I’m not going to force a gay or bisexual awakening on you.”
Steve looks Eddie up and down for a second. He’s always known he’s attractive, just like he knew Billy was attractive and even Tommy in his own way. But it was only fair to notice who would be potential rivals when Steve started dating. But… he knows Eddie is gay, so why would he note his attractiveness?
Eddie sighs and stands up to take off his shirt. “Okay, now you can go back to being your straight self,” Eddie says already pulling his shirt back on.
Steve takes a moment to process, but then he grabs Eddie’s hand and drags him up the stairs. “Steve, there is now way you’re about to do what I think you’re going to do.”
“I sure am!” Steve yells determined.
A few minutes and a lot of complaining later, Eddie has Steve’s jeans on and is pulling his yellow sweater over his head. Eddie even does a little spin.
Steve looks him over and realizes that he feels the same way towards Eddie as he always has. He definitely finds him attractive, and even has the thought in the back of his head that he wouldn’t mind kissing him. Plus, Eddie in his clothes is definitely adorable wait-
Since when has he always wanted to kiss Eddie?
“Oh shit. You cannot tell me that this actually worked,” Eddie says and then laughs. “Okay, very funny, Steve. You can cut it out now.” Steve feels Eddie grab his shoulders, “Steve?”
Steve turns to look at him and says, “Eddie, I really want to kiss you.”
Eddie steps back and says, “Steve, this really isn’t funny. Just knock it off.”
“I’m serious,” Steve says with as much conviction as he has. “And I don’t mean just right now, but I mean that it’s always been there in the back of my head, and I’ve been ignoring it. But, shit, I want to kiss you.”
“Why don’t you buy me dinner first?” Eddie jokes and then stops. “You’re serious?”
“One hundred percent.”
Eddie walks closer to Steve mumbling under his breath, “I cannot believe this worked. Must be a bisexual thing.”
Steve laughs and says, “Maybe it is.”
Eddie finally gets up in front of him and cups his jaw. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Not if I beat you to i-”
Eddie cuts him off with a soft kiss before pulling away and looking at Steve with a bit of fear in his eyes.
“Holy shit, I’m bisexual,” Steve says with a laugh before kissing Eddie again. He pulls back and says, “Wait, this isn’t just you helping me to realize, right? Like, I want to go on a date with you. Multiple if you wanted that…”
“Oh thank fuck,” Eddie says and kisses Steve again.
Steve will have to thank Nancy and Robin later.
#steddie#eddie munson#steve harrington#background ronance#robin buckley#steddie ficlet#stranger things#steddie brain rot is here today#🌹🌹
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“I don’t want kids.”
Nancy blurts it like she’s guilty, and the stress is plain on her face. She’s leaned over her lap, hands folded, eyes shut and brows furrowed. Robin’s never seen her so distressed, and that’s saying something.
Her wife blinks. “Okay.”
And Nancy lifts her head to Robin, the strawberry-blonde appearing confused. Now Nancy blinked in shock. “You’re not mad.”
It sounded like a statement of the obvious. Perhaps because it was.
Robin furrowed her brows. “No?” She shook her head slightly. “Of course not.”
“But-” Nancy tried. “You- you want kids, don’t you?”
The woman shrugs. “Not particularly.”
Nancy gapes at her for a moment. “But- you and Steve always talk about kids.”
“Yeah, but that’s me and Steve. Just because he and Eddie are gonna adopt soon doesn’t mean that we have to.” She offers a smile. “I honestly don’t care. I mean, sure, I’ve considered parenting before, but I think I’d rather be an aunt.”
Robin grins, waving a hand slowly through the air, as if to present a masterpiece before her. “Picture it now: the cool, lesbian aunt who takes them out for ice cream and has complete leeway around their dad.” She shot Nancy a knowing look. “I’m obviously talking about Steve. Eddie’s gonna have absolutely zero discipline over his kids.”
It drew a laugh from Nancy, agreeing and amused. “And what about her girlfriend?”
“Her wife, you mean? Just because we can’t legally get married doesn’t mean we aren’t. It’s a mindset, you know?” Robin taps her temple, beaming. “Their cool, bisexual aunt, who’ll actually understand how to deal with crushes on boys, and’ll teach ‘em how to shoot their very first guns. She’ll be the first person they think of when someone pushes them around, and they’ll be nearly as witty as her when any dangerous situation befalls them. Aunt Nancy, cool and collected, fast and funny.”
And Nancy feels like she’s falling in love with Robin for the first time again, heart beating harshly in her chest, smile reaching from ear to ear. She leans forwards, pressing a kiss to her wife’s cheek. “And auntie Robin, who’s sweet and hilarious, who’s eviscerated the notion of boredom when she’s around. Half as mischievous as their father, but twice as sarcastic.”
Robin’s face reddens out of habit, and she pulls Nancy in for a hug. “And they love each other.”
Nancy laughs. “And they love each other.”
#ronance#robin buckley#nancy wheeler#robin x nancy#nancy x robin#future ronance#steddie#background steddie#eddie x steve#steve x eddie#stranger things#stranger things 4#st4#lesbian#bisexual#ronance skit
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Love on Screen
Welcome to my Streamer au :-) Episode One, also on ao3 (Preferred format)
Steve sighed as he opened his laptop, clicking on the ‘Youtube’ icon and pulling up his channel. He likes his job, really he does. But so many people do the same thing that he’s honestly running out of ideas. Luckily, his subscribers seem to enjoy the weird ass shit he’s been putting out lately. In the last one, he’d made a bed out of cheese for his cat, the only issue was, was that she wanted to eat it, and if you don’t know, cat’s are lactose intolerant, so what started as a stupid video turned into him vlogging how to clean cat diarrhea of a carpet.
His subscribers thought it was hilarious, paying no mind to his discomfort, moreso worrying about piggy, his cat, and how her tummy was doing. She’s fine. Just a little dramatic. So with a lack of ideas, he goes lives. “Hey. How’s it going, chat? Look, I really need some new ideas because honestly, I’m bombing here.” And like always the chat blew up with responses, ‘call robin!’ and Steve snorted, “call Robin? Fine?” He picked up his phone, tapping Robin’s contact and waiting for it to ring.
“That’s real nice, Rob. What a way to answer your best friend.”
“You aren’t my best friend, Nancy is.”
Steve scoffs, “Whatever, say hi to chat!”
“Seriously? This is the content y’all like? God, give him good ones, like getting a life.”
“I have a life, okay? Just because I don’t-”
“Your life consists of bugging me and Nancy, now get off live and think of some real idea’s, Steve!” Her tone was accusatory and Steve didn’t have a chance to answer before she hung up on him. He sighed, looking into the webcam, “Well. You heard her. I’ll talk to you guys later. Bye chat!” He ended the live and shut his laptop with a huff. He pondered for a moment, before deciding to scroll, what better way to come up with ideas than to scan and see what’s trending, right?
He knows it’s a lazy tactic but, hey. He’s been doing this for years, there’s only so many ideas a brain could hatch. Maybe he could play a new game? Nah, he’s played all the good ones. Maybe he could play a really bad one just for giggles, maybe that’d be fun? It’s not fair! Robin and Nancy use their lives as content! Steve’s life was boring! Maybe it was worth a try, and so, a dumb little morning vlog was in the works.
And okay, so it turns out maybe his subscribers are somewhat interested in his life. How was he supposed to know? He wakes up, answers emails, makes breakfast, works out, and that’s it! It wasn’t anything special. He felt… Boring.
And yeah, the video did well but he still felt like he fell flat. He was supposed to be funny! So in his fit of doubt, he decides to scroll a little bit. (A bit of mindless scrolling didn't hurt anyone, right?) Wrong, Steve. It hurt a lot of people. But either way, in his attempt to bury his feelings he came across a video titled “Freak Rage Quits and Then Cries,” and Steve was a little apprehensive. He doesn’t really do the bullying, mean girl content, well, at least not like he used to. (He was a different person then). But he clicked on it anyways, and holy shit. He was funny. And really hot.
And soon enough, Steve fell down a rabbit hole. He couldn’t get enough of this guy, he was cute, and charming, and somehow chaotic in a way that made Steve weak in the knees. (And look, the liking guys thing was relatively new, but the whole ‘attracted to chaos thing’ came out of left field). Well, if he’s being honest, it really didn’t. When he thought he had a crush on Robin it was her chaotic energy that really got to him, which was surprising seeing as his ex before her was very much the opposite. But as it turns out, chaos is like this guys whole brand. Eddie. That’s his name by the way, goes by corrodededdie on twitch, which honestly, fit him perfectly,
Steve didn’t get the guys subscribing count at first, over 1.5 million (which is almost as many as Steve), but he gets it now. He doesn’t understand how someone could make him fall in love, over video. It was a bit ridiculous, really. Luckily for him, corrodededdie struck the inspiration bucket and Steve fell asleep with some new concepts floating around in his head. And yeah, maybe they were a bit more chaotic than what he usually did but… Oh well. Blame it on his new muse.
Eddie grinned as he waved goodbye to the stream, he’d just finished a 12 hour long long haul that he did on a dare because some troll in the chat said he wouldn’t be able to do it. And well, Eddie runs off spite, so of course he made sure to do it, and do it right.
So here he was, 12 hours later, absolutely exhausted. He’d started the stream at a nice time of 6pm. That meant he’d have to stay streaming and making actual content, not just farting around on his phone, for 12 hours. It seemed easy enough.
It wasn’t.
Right around the eight hour mark he started to get pretty restless. He’d already played all the games he had within his reach like, twice, and he was honestly really sick of talking about himself, so he made the courageous decision to ask the chat for suggestions on what he should do. (That was especially dangerous since at the time he was doing it, which was 2 am, was the time his especially creepy subscribers like to join and torment him by suggesting really gross stuff. And not like eating dog food gross). But luckily someone in the chat, named ‘dustybun04’ came through for him, suggesting a channel by the title of ‘Steve goes to Hell’ and well. Needless to say, it wasn’t what Eddie was expecting with a name like that.
It was mainly this guy doing different hair techniques and making weird shit for his cat. He has to be honest, ‘dustybun04’ really disappointed him. He was under the complete impression that this guy was going to be some metal badass that played COD and killed zombies. But… It wasn’t. “Oh come on, dustybun. This guy?” And the chat lit up.
Dustybun04: watch the one where he makes a chees bed for his cat it made me laugh so hard i threw up.
And that caught Eddie’s attention. So there he was, at 2 am, pseudo stalking this guys channel looking for a very specific video. And he makes sure he’s mic'd up so that the stream could catch his candid reaction. “Mr. Piggyyyy, look at what mommy made you,” and Eddie had to pause the video. The guy called himself ‘Mommy’? Oh god, who was this guy? He snorts, looking at the camera like he’s on ‘The Office’ before turning the video back on. And as much as he hates to admit it, he was crying with laughter by the end of the video.
And so the 12 hour long stream turned into him doing a deepdive review on ‘Steve goes to Hell.’ And he wasn’t disappointed. He could tell that his viewers were ready to move on to something else, but Eddie couldn’t help it. He was just… Enamored with the guy. Eventually though, around the 11 hour mark, Steve ran out of content for Eddie to watch. So he reluctantly decided to bother his best, dear, friend, Nancy. She ran a channel with her girlfriend and they were so disgustingly cute that it almost made Eddie want to barf. He picked up his phone and dialed Nancy, waiting with a mischievous smile on his face. “Eddie? It’s… 5 am, why are you calling me?”
“Say hi to chat!” He cheered, far too loud and excited for the early hour.
“Ugh, Eddie. You’re the worst.”
“You love me, Wheeler.”
“Wha’s goin’ on?” Oh shit. Did he wake up Robin? “It’s just Eddie baby, go back to sleep. You woke up Robin you fucking asshole. I’m going to kill you the next time I see you.” Yep.
She hung up on him with a huff, “Isn’t she a charmer, folks? Okay…. Let’s see.” Eddie muttered to himself, scrolling mindlessly, looking for something to get him through the last 30 minutes. “Okay… Thirty minute stretch guys. What should we do?” And then it happened. ‘Steve goes to Hell has uploaded a new video.’ “Awh, shit guys. Steve goes to Hell has another video,” He dragged out the ‘o’ far too excited for a channel he just found of a guy he knows virtually nothing about. “Wake up with me? Ew. God, he’s so cheesy. Let’s watch” And it turns out it was actually pretty cute.
And yup. There it is. Eddie has a new crush on a guy. A guy who happens to look super hot when he wakes up and by definition out of Eddie’s league. He sits and watches silently, enraptured with the way this guy lives his life, waking up so god damned early. As the video comes to an end, so does the 12 hour stream. “Well, shit guys. We did it. Actually, I did it. You guys did nothing. Anyways. It’s been fun. wheeliemike, suck my dick, and fuck you for saying I couldn’t do this. Alright. Thanks for chilling with me!”
And that brings us up to speed. Eddie slumped back into his gaming chair, breathing out deeply. “Shit. I am never doing that again.” He slid out of his chair and trudged over to his bed, flopping down onto it and groaning loudly. He was just about to succumb to the sweet release of sleep when his phone chimed. ‘Steve goes to hell just subscribed to your channel.’ And oh fuck. Oh fuck, was he watching? Shit. Well. His heart was beating too fast to go to sleep now, may as well instagram stalk the guy. Like all normal people do when they develop a new crush.
#seriously nervous about posting this#ngl#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie#best friend robin#robin buckley#minor ronance#streamer eddie munson#youtuber steve harrington#steddie fic#social media au#steddie streamers#steddie streamer au#streamer au#steddie fanfic#best friend robin buckley#background ronance#stranger things#no monsters
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