#I dont know what else to tag this
random4fun · 8 months
When you don't even watch, play, or read the thing yet ship its characters UwU
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chiffsters · 2 months
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caught boosfer disease.
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smolavidreader · 5 months
Alright I really need tumblr's help on this. Today I had to explain to a dear friend that no a single day does not have 48 hours in it but 24. He insists that it's not a weird thing to assume. (He came to this assumption because some movies tell people to get things done in 48 hours. Also yes he thought 24/7 meant only open during daylight hours). Please reblog this and vote. I'm going insane.
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kuneko-kokono · 5 months
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hii guys welcome to my once in a blue moon art blog n recently i picked up making felt cutouts of my sckrumbles! im gonna be making john (and maybe mido) soon but in the meantime here's pocket sized mikoto (album for size reference. look at his barely halfway tall.)
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but also recently ive been watching/getting into south park... so i made craig as well! they have like almost the same colors so im like.. why not? i wanted to make tweek too but since i didnt have any green i just went for the wonder tweek ver. so now im kinda obligated to make super craig and bc of that im obligated to make 2 mikotos to balance it out. man.
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but here's the original sketches! i wanted to test out the colors so i color picked from the pics.. but they came out more more saturated so mikoto looked like a ginger for a while. whoops!
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jakeranda · 9 months
how to break inscryption: put the bees within sigil and the unkillable sigil on the same card
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they actually let you kill god in real life when you do this too
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barrydykebluejeans · 7 months
Hey do you ever think about the parallels between Lucretia and Amber. Do you ever think about how Lucretia gave up her friends in an attempt to save the universe from the force travelling from world to world consuming and corrupting everything and Amber sacrificed herself and allowed the force travelling from world to world corrupting everything to continue in order to save her friends. Do you ever think about how they both were isolating themselves from almost everyone and everything they knew but for Amber it was a split second decision and Lucretia thought long and hard about it. Do you ever think about how they made such different decisions thinking it was the right thing to do but really who can say whether either of them were in the right? Because I do
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get-more-bald · 1 day
I am a person who constantly tries to convince their friends that "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is actually named "The Witch, the Lion and the Wardrobe". I talk about it all the time and my friends associate it with me and remember it very well and they know for sure what the book is actually named.
Now, say I travel back in time to meet CS Lewis and I convince him to name the book "The Witch, the Lion and the Wardrobe". So now the book is actually retroactively named that instead of the "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".
What would my friends remember?
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ravennowithtea · 9 months
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[oc tag]
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b0ylik3r · 4 months
school is hard. wish i was in a fictional 2000s story where the school is comically spelled 'skool' on the front, where all my classmates are archetypes or the type of person they are is obvious based on their appearance, the world is wacky and things dont really make sense ever, almost everything that happens is cuz it's funny, also im a middle skool boy and i have no problems other than the episodic ones that move the story along. REALLY wish that was me.
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attic-saltsz · 22 days
Place i think we suould put Tadej where he definitely Should. Not. Be.
Please add your own
Please make them ridiculous
1. Olympic sharpshooting
2. Buckingham Palace
3. Mount Everest
4. Area 51
5. The white house
6. Not a Place he should be but we should give him a knife
7. A sprint
8. The cockpit of a fighter jet
9. Bermuda Triangle
Thats Salt's Thoughts for ya
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 2 months
I usually don't make posts like this because I tend to stay out of drama the best I can publicly but at this point I'm sick and tired and I need to put it out there.
I have a friend on here that goes by the username @arklayraven and the stuff I've seen go down with them is just straight up heartbreaking. I want to say for the record, if anyone writes anything that isn't your cup of tea or isn't the way you want it, just scroll, ignore, soft block or whatever you want to do.
But going as far as to send something on anon to them is just straight up rude, let along taking screenshots and apparently sharing them all over a crowd on Tumblr? Grow up, I'm so serious. Raven is now being harrased with this situation and is even leaving the fandom because of this. I won't say which game exactly because I have nothing agaisnt the creator and I'm not in the fandom myself closely.
People are allowed to have their own interpretations of characters, they are allowed to write characters in their own ways and their own headcanons. (As long as they fit creators boundaries of course.) So why harras somebody over the way they write a character?
This is an 18+ fandom. And over the years most of the anons I've seen do stuff like this act like children. Grow up.
Please go give Raven some love because they need it right now, I don't have much else to say but I really wanted to speak out on their behalf since I have a bigger following here.
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random4fun · 1 month
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Finished this piece a few days ago while listening to Pastra's Jeff the Killer rewrite.
This piece is fittingly named "Jeff the Killer will Jeff the Kill you".
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cowboybrunch · 25 days
the patio heater's resident mosquito
cw for underage drinking, suicide, general assholery
The parking garage is empty, but they left the lights on for us. Feet dangling off the edge, I swing my legs in circles, tracing the tops of trees. You click your lighter. Pinch out the flame. Tap the butt of it against your palm. We can’t buy cigarettes anymore because of some bullshit law meant to keep idiot kids like us from making bad decisions that we’ve already made. It bothers you more than it bothers me.
“Cam said he’s sorry,” you say.
“I don’t give a fuck about Cam.” I don’t give a fuck about you either, but you’re the closest warm body and the year’s almost over.
Click. Pinch. Tap.
I know you best in the middle of the night. You don’t know me at all except to know I’d rather you were someone else. Told you as much, and you laughed. I think you get off on the cruelty. Reminds you of your mother. That’s what I read on the internet, anyway.
You pocket the lighter. Press your palms against the railing, grip tight before you lean forward—coward. Tilt your head like a dog, cheek to shoulder, looking at me like I’m the carrot and the stick.
You say, “It’s cold.” It’s not. “Wanna head back?”
“When did you talk to Cam?”
“Last week.”
Which makes Cam a liar, which is not news. I’m not surprised that he didn’t follow through on his promise to off himself if I walked away. More surprised that he took so long to reach out to you. Ask what my deal is. As if you’d know.
“He said some shit went down. Wouldn’t say what, just that he was sorry for it.”
You want to ask, but you want me to want you to ask the way you want me to want to meet your parents or go to a nice restaurant or fuck you sober.
And Cam is always sorry, and you’re always laughing, and neither of you are enough like him for any of this to be worth it.
I twist. Hop down, right side— feet meet asphalt. Stumble. Your hand finds my lower back. “I’ve got a little weed left.” I didn’t ask. “And half a handle of Smirnoff from Thanksgiving. I think Mira’s sister has a fake if you want something else.”
“Adrian’s out for the night.”
Good news. Your roommate hates me.
everything taglist!
@saturnine-saturneight @gioiaalbanoart @tragedycoded @sableglass @the-golden-comet
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perlus-0 · 9 months
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I’m think I’m getting sick again and I don’t appreciate that
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readalyavailabletaggy · 2 months
i was laying in bed last night after having watched bfdia 13 when i made a horrifying revelation. i was gonna post this to the oscconfessions blog but since that is closed for the time being the only way to atone is to do it here (maybe for shits n giggles ill do it there anonymously when it reopens up). anyway.
i am deeply attracted to coiny bfdi. theres just something about him. if you think you can stand my rambles about this they’re under the cut. you have been warned. this doesnt get like suggestive or whatever btw (at a later date…. maybe… /J) but it does have bfdia 13 spoilers
i cant pinpoint what but i have good vague ideas. theres just something about him where like. hes so stupid but also so determimed and enthusiastic. the reason i made this revelation in the first place was bfdia 13. the way he helps try and save pin!??? he literally digs into the underworld to save her. find anyone else who will do this for you. only coiny willAND TO TOP IT ALL OFF??
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he fucking GRAPPLE-HOOKS HIMSELF OUT OF HELL?? HELLO??? i need him he would fix me.
it isnt just this either he does the most random cool stuff. LIKE. THE WAY HE UNSCREWS RHE PANEL IN BFB 14??
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he’s so silly. i need him. the fact that he also did this and SACRIFICED HIMSELF for cake naily and woody??? hes so. i need him
thank you for listening
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blazeismyname · 8 months
I'd, again, like to appreciate the Mechs. Although this one is part on me, part on my teachers and only abbit the Mechs, I still need to say thanks for helping me with my homework.
So. My ELA teacher makes us write sentences with our vocabulary words. At first, it was 863 related, but then Mechs hyperfixation hit like a train (pun intended).
I always use my vocab in a sentence related to The Mechanisms, and it's helped A LOT. When I'm doing my tests, I can recap the sentences in my head and even outside of tests. When I hear my new vocabulary in the wild, I think about The Mechs, and it helps me connect the meaning to the words.
In conclusion, Mechanisms helped me by being a hyperfixation. Weaponize and utilize your hyperfixations today!
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