#I don't know why I'm like this
charmwasjess · 6 months
*braiding your hair at the sleepover party* soo do you think Count Dooku ever accidentally called Asajj 'Padawan' or...?
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soot-and-salt · 10 days
Lucifer needs help, and fast. The royal palace needs to be re-opened and cleaned in three days for an important meeting with hellborn representatives of the other Sins. He has no clue, no staff, and no way to get this done in time.
Always on the hunt for new entertainment, Alastor agrees to take on the role of Lucifer's butler for a few days to ensure the meeting is a success.
The Radio Demon might just enjoy it a little too much though.
Or, Sebastian Michaelis, eat your heart out.
There is something very wrong with me, I think
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months
My favorite X-Men as a child were Professor X and Magneto. The rest I remembered, but never felt deep love for. I saw those X-Men movies, but all I remember are Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. I have apparently blocked out everything else. I've just always liked older characters, for some reason. And I can't picture the X-Men without those two. Without Professor X, I don't care as much. I love me an old mentor figure.
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sassypantsjaxon · 6 months
Every time I get a new Mic figure I always check to make sure he actually has eyes behind the sunglasses
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elizaellwrites · 2 months
It's kind of strange. I feel more connected to my chosen pen name Eliza/Elizabeth than my given name.
I attribute this to how drastically different my outlook on life and perspective on my life have shifted over the last couple years. Now, despite responding to my given name, it feels like the name of an old friend rather than my own.
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littlemissmanga · 1 year
Spicy Echo Thot
So, ever since @deejadabbles did her shipping ask, I've been plagued with Echo thots.
But this one just won't go away ...
Echo makes a grumpy face when he comes. Like, he furrows his brow and almost grimaces and groans low because it's overwhelming and the only thing he's ever felt that powerfully was pain so his reaction is similar.
But this is a pain he'll savor.
And you love watching it. How can you not when it's so sincere? For once, Echo isn't holding back and you revel in everything that is him.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 6 months
My horny ass could never work at the Magnus Institute.
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i-lavabean · 6 months
When one of my posts has only a few notes I'm like "yeah that tracks"
When one of my mutuals' posts has only a few notes I want to shake Tumblr by the collar like LOOK AT THEIR STUFF! IT'S GREAT YOU SHOULD LIKE IT!
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basuralindo · 11 months
"Uhg I keep getting all these little knots at the ends of my hair wtffff" I complain, as I continue to literally tie locks of my hair into knots as a fidget every time I read.
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soundwavefucker69 · 1 year
me: writing this for the smut
me: oh no i accidentally made a very deep and complex character again
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gravitywonagain · 1 year
the "alone on thanksgiving? mad at your dad?" craigslist ad post but it's chinese new year or something and mianmian invites "rude party guest" wei ying to be her Evil Beard, basically, so that when she shows up to the next thing with wen qing her family will be somewhat relieved that at least wen qing is Respectable. but at the party, wei ying meets lan zhan. he stays in character because he's a bro like that and internally grieves the loss of this beautiful man who is (rightfully) glaring at him the entire party as wei ying pretends to get more and more drunk and hits on many various women and finally does actually propose to mianmian in front of all the jins and lans and probably nies (idk who's all there, but jin guangshan does not throw small parties).
wei ying leaves that night having bonded deeply with mianmian and also having been banned from koi tower and all other jin properties and resorts. but most importantly, he is sad because lan zhan was super hot and totally into him for the half-a-second they shared by the bar before wei ying jumped back into character.
(what wei ying doesn't know is that lan zhan heard him tell the bar tender to pour him drinks that look alcoholic but that do not have any actual alcohol in them, and then watched him act progressively drunker and rowdier as the night went on. he hasn't put all the clues together just yet, but he knows something is going on.)
less than a week later, probably, lan zhan walks into the bookstore wei ying runs with the wens. wei ying is reading a book about the silk road aloud to the sleeping toddler curled tightly into his chest. it's like thirty minutes before closing. wei ying was definitely banking on nobody showing up anytime soon. but lan zhan is looking for a gift for his brother, and the store is open after all. so wei ying wraps a blanket around a'yuan, tying him to his chest as he and lan zhan wander around the bookstore, discussing possibilities in hushed voices and cooing at a'yuan's tiny snores. mostly wei ying is just praying to every god he can think of that lan zhan doesn't recognize him as the asshole from the jin party.
(lan zhan definitely does.)
unfortunately, mianmian's family didn't totally buy the act, or at least weren't quite scandalized enough to be open to lesbianism, so wei ying has to keep attending these awful parties for a little while and pretending to be The Worst and also pretending that he's not totally into lan zhan the entire fucking time. (this may open up an opportunity for wei ying to take a drink for lan zhan to piss off actual asshole jin zixun, and also cause problems with wei ying's sobriety, if we want to get angsty with it. or maybe he just tosses it in jin zixun's face. choose your own adventure.)
cue confusion about wei ying's actual relationship with mianmian, a series of awkward interactions as wei ying and lan zhan dance around each other to figure out if the other is even into men, and a'yuan (predictably) being the Best Boy and forcing his dads to get their collective shit together and become a happy little family! (nie huaisang might help, too.)
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soot-and-salt · 2 months
The gothic radioapple series has been named!
Introducing "We Should've Been Enemies": A lush, bloody radioapple gothic horror/romance that takes place in a strangely sentient Hazbin Hotel...
The title is taken from a song by dark industrial noise band HEALTH called "BODY/PRISON". It's a droning, eerie little piece of music about faith, pain, and betrayal. I thought the vibe of the song was fitting as well as the title, since by all rights Alastor and Lucifer shouldn't get close. It's dangerous. They SHOULD have stayed enemies. But, well, fate and a certain hotel conspire against them.
If you want to subscribe to the series, the link is below. A third fic should be coming out in the next few days and who knows what else might be on the horizon.
(Low key it feels a little silly to be like ta da~ here is a series for my dumb fanfiction but in my defense I'm very bored at work today and it was bothering me. Let me know what you think of the new title! And definitely give the song a listen if you've never heard it before, it's a real good time. Well, it is if you like dark brooding goth noise and ethereal, whispery vocals.)
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months
Is it weird that I've never really read any comics past 1979 or 1980? Because I have read some past that, but I've gone past 1985 or 1986. I don't know why. Probably partially an obsession with chronology, maybe also a preference for the old comics style, maybe also a dislike of some 80s writers. Because I've felt all those things before.
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reallyintoscience · 1 year
Not me looking through hundreds of images of the actual New Inn to try to find a dark corner for vampire!Dream to have a bit of an R rated time in.
The fucking thing's on a street corner and has no alleys. What is this rudeness. Blessings upon all the people who took pictures of the beer garden tho, that's workable.
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cinsilly · 20 days
me: I'm sweatinggggg.
me: i need to pull my sleves up, it's too hot.
me: *drinks hot chocolate*
Tumblr media
30⁰C+ and i still remain stupid 😔
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kidsomeday · 2 months
I'd like to request Medieval Magic Vashwood Thing for WIP Wednesday. Also know that there is no judgment from me on however long it takes to answer. I am happy to get more words whenever. If it's been a long time then it just ends up being a fun surprise in my notifications
Surprise! Here's an answer! I'm hoping this ask aged like fine wine, though the writing just now happened. Weep for me, this beast is 10k of Wolfwood and Vash getting to know each other in mundane moments in a cool (I think) AU that should be getting more use than it is. Wondering about my life choices aside, here's your snippet of it! Thank you for the ask.
They took servant corridors until Vash opened a door and revealed a large room; there were piles of linens and clothes, a tidy well-organized mess that reminded Wolfwood once again of the Orphanage. He knew what this room was even before Vash explained it was the pre-washroom, where dirty laundry was organized before going down to be properly cleaned, small messes taken care of, and where clean laundry stayed until folded and sent to their proper place.  At the orphanage the pre-washroom was a small room adjacent to the kitchen, but no matter the scale Wolfwood knew behind each clean and perfectly folded sheet there was a pair of chapped red hands and damp-frazzled hair and possibly a child eager to help, too young to know better than to avoid hard work. He looked over and saw Vash giving him one of those weird, small smiles. At that he raised an eyebrow but the prince just shrugged, caught but not giving anything away. Wolfwood narrowed his eyes but all the prince did was turn and open the door at the opposite end of the room; it took them out of the comforting warmth of honest work and into the cold, ostentatious hallways where nobility pretended no one else existed.  
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