#I don't know if it's really okay to have voice claims of voice actors who passed away
sonyshock · 6 months
Faust Voice claim?👀
WAIT A SECOND THIS UNLOCKED A MEMORY. This is going to make the last ask VERY funny...
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Okay, jokes aside, let me explain: I don't really actually have a voice claim for Faust, but the closest that I've gotten to having one was while listening to 'You ain't got a friend like me', but (and here's the catch) only the spanish version from Spain. Which I guess would make it Josema Yuste. The high and energetic pitch sells it to me pretty well. Faust is antisocial and has with a very secluded life, but he has a showman spirit (mostly to feed his own fragile ego).
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tulipsforyourlips · 5 months
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (3)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 3K+
WARNINGS: none i can think of
PART 3✧˖°.
"What the fuck." Your heart beat thunderously in your ribcage. "Are you stalking me?"
The goth guy paid no heed to your question. "I am Dream."
You just stared at him. "Oh okay and I am a nightmare?"
He only became more stern if that was even possible. He took a step forward.
"Don't. I'll call the police," you threatened.
He continued on without paying any heed to your threat. Who the fuck does he think he is?
"I am King of Dreams-"
"Dude-I told you not working."
"Stop talking.” His voice was low but the words were sharp.
But you weren't going to turn down your sass because of a man? Cmon.
"I am Dream-"
"I think I got that bit.”
An imperceptible flare of his nostrils made you zip your mouth. Wow you really got under his skin.
"I am Dream of the Endless and you mortal, have been chosen for a destiny greater than your cause.”
You gawked at him and broke into a chuckle, "o-okay Dream, Wait." You straightened. "Did you say the Endless? Like Death?"
You didn't know much about the Endless but you for sure knew Death was one. He did not answer your question but he did not deny your claim, so you assumed it an affirmative from him.
"How do I know?"
"Know what?"
"That you are infact one of the Endless and not a serial killer concocting stories to trap his victim."
He stepped closer and this time you let him. "Oh I do concoct stories.” He brought his hand to his mouth and blew...sand particles?
However you had no time to asses that for certain because the next second you were suspended in the cosmos, your body pulling in all directions, vivid images clashed in your mind, touring you through the entire world and all in a blip of a second. You grabbed the rim of your bedstand as your mind spiraled, reeling itself back to reality. 
"Woah," you breathed out.
Had you just disrespected an Endless? And called him a stalker? You cringed.
"We will meet again," Dream said as he swooped his cloak over his head.
"Wait." He halted his actions.
"Why me?"
A flicker of emotion fired in his eyes, so brief you labeled it as your imagination.
"Goodnight mortal.”
You woke up with a start. And clutched your head in your hands, stupid dream. You glanced at your alarm clock and then realized it was broken, that you broke it and instead looked at the digits glowing on your phone screen, 5:00 am. Sleep would not come to you now, you knew that much so you put on your slippers and made your way to the kitchen, padding softly so as to not make any sound. You put on the stove and boiled the milk for some coffee, allowing your thoughts till now kept at bay to flood your mind. Okay so that was a dream, explains some stuff. But then those blurs in your dream, and you were sure you had seen him at the corridor yesterday. Unless you had watched a movie starring him and now you saw the actor everywhere. Nah that wasn’t true. But what about your dream? Ever since you were seventeen, you had dreamed only of that place with the mountains and the river. Or maybe before, it wasn't like you remembered anything before that, before your life here, with Edwin and Charles. Is something burning? Oh no. The milk was overflowing, dripping down the slab onto the floor.
"Fuck," you cursed.
How the heck did this even happen? You were staring right into the pot. You grabbed for a cloth, dabbing the milk away. The vessel was tarred black with the burnt milk inside. You couldn't do one bloody job properly.
"Turn around!"
You did, hands up in the air, heart beating exponentially fast yet again. Edwin was in his pajamas, a quizzical look adorning his face. The ghosts didn’t really need sleep but they still liked to bide the time away by resting when there were no immediate cases in need of solving. 
"Hazel?" he furrowed his brows and then examined the mess you were standing in. "What are you doing? I thought you were a thief or a ghost hunter or something.”
"Ghost hunters exist?" You were genuinely surprised.
"Dunno," he shrugged. "It's 5 in the morning, how are you up?"
"A dream.”
"A nightmare?"
"Not exactly.”
"A different one?"
You nodded. Edwin was taken aback at that. He knew about your dream, and that it was the only thing you ever dreamed about. Hell he knew everything about you. Both of them did. They were your only family.
The sun was slowly starting to emerge from underneath the cover of the dark. Edwin approached you at your place on the couch, two coffee mugs in his hand, steam ascending from them. He handed you your mug and took his place beside you.
You took a sip of your coffee. "Mmm.”
"Passable eh?" He teased.
"Yeah." You threw your head backwards.
A comfortable silence enveloped you both, your shoulders touching and knees budging each other.
"You want to talk about it?"
It took you a second to realize the context, "No." You shook your head. "It's nothing.”
"Okay." He didn't probe further and you were thankful for that.
You felt someone watching you and you glanced at the window, only to find a crow? a raven? looking back.
You both turned your head to the source where a jealous Charles stood. "Are you having coffee without me?" He was acting like you both were cheating on him.
"Oi calm your horses, its not like your body requires coffee."
"And I care why? Everything is not about survival loser." He flicked your forehead.
"Ouch.” You sent him a glare.
"Okay I don't have the energy nor the patience to sit through this." Edwin got up. "You two, be ready in fifteen. Cases await us."
The moon was beginning to appear in the sky and the wind blew some mischievous strands of your hair across your face as you stapled the posters in your hands on the poles around you. A boy was missing, and your client was sure it had to do with some supernatural activity. It paid well so the agency didn't question it further. While the both of them were searching the location of his disappearance for clues, you were seeking more information about him. The wind knocked some papers out of your hand, and you bent down to pick them up. Your body jerked back when you straightened up.
Hand on your heart, you exclaimed, "Jeez!"
The goth guy from your dream stood before you.
"You seriously need to stop doing that," you gritted out.
And then suddenly your mind clicked and the words left you before you could stop them. "Wait you are real?"
Ever so slightly, Dream's face morphed into a question mark.
Okay so that definitely wasn't a dream, it was real. Very real apparently you realized as you assessed the man, no Endless standing before you.
"You need to come with me," he said oblivious to the raging commotion happening inside your mind.
You didn't reply, instead widened your eyes for an elaboration.
"To the Dreaming, my realm.”
"I can't, I am on a case.”
"Your friends can manage without you," he stated as a matter of fact.
You scoffed, "first of all that's rude, secondly-"
But before you could finish, sand, yeah sand for sure, began to swirl around you, gaining more motion until it enwrapped your entire body and when you next opened your eyes, you were in the Dreaming.
"Holy mother of god," you breathed as your eyes took in the throne room, the magnificence of it all, the colours shimmering in the glass pane, the cosmos swirling above you, the vastness of where you stood. You felt trivial, a bug in the path of a jogger.
"Lucienne I would like you to meet somebody," Dream's voice rasped and you revolved your head to face the woman his words were directed to.
A woman with skin like chocolate, sporting fashionable coattails and wearing spectacles that made her look infinitely wise or perhaps the glasses were just an addition to her preexistent wisdom met your eyes.
She bowed her head. “Greetings your lady."
You returned her gesture. "Hello Lucienne."
"Lucienne is my most trusted advisor and the sole librarian of this realm," the Endless spoke.
"Wow, I wonder what the library of the dreaming would look like.”
She peered at you in bafflement for a moment before quickly collecting herself.
"It would be my honour to show you sometime.”
"The honour would be all mine, Lucienne,” you smiled.
"Lord Morpheus," she called to the Endless.
Morpheus? Who the heck is Morpheus?
"Um who is Morpheus?" You decided to voice your curiosity.
A knowing glance passed between the two.
"It's another name I am called by.”
"Lucienne go on,”
"There were further abruptions reported earlier around the house of mystery and..."
You were no longer paying attention to Lucienne's speech as your gaze travelled along the enormous cracks dividing the ground.
"Sorry to interrupt but is this part of the decor?" You asked the both of them.
"No," Morpheus sighed, "and that precisely is why you are here.”
"You don't have construction crew around here?"
Morpheus clenched his jaw, "We have Mervin, however this problem does not concern him. It runs deeper than you can comprehend.”
"Then help me comprehend," you said.
Morpheus eyes' pierced into yours, "All in time mortal."
Your legs dangled below you from where you sat in the library. As promised, Lucienne had shown you around and to say you were mesmerized beyond your wits would be a brutal understatement. You were in the dreaming, an entirely different realm, sitting in its library that towered even after you stretched your neck to its capacity, and were going through books that no mortal would have ever had the luxury of touching or even knowing that such pieces exist. Not to mention, having spoken with an Endless. An Endless? The king of Dreams himself. For a second you feared if you were dreaming again. But the old pinch sufficed to make you believe the opposite. But why? How? Your mind was a muddling mess. Guaranteed you had your fair share of weirdness working with the dead boy detectives but this was something entirely else. The librarian had introduced you to Mervin, who to your astonishment was actually a pumpkin head. You were after all in the realm of the dreams, if anything was possible, it was here. A sudden caw pulled you from your spiraling. A crow perched on your shoulders. No a raven? Was this…the raven from before? The one you had glanced in the living room's window?
"Hi kid, I am Matthew."
You weren't as taken aback as you thought you would be at the talking raven. You were slowly getting used to all the craziness.
"Hi Matthew, I am Hazel.”
"Pretty name.”
"Flattery doesn't work on me, just for your information," you stated, your gaze fixed on the words in the book propped open on your lap. "It might serve the goth guy you work for stalker.” You narrowed your eyes at the raven.
"Ooh, a feisty mortal, nice you and I would get along very well.”
And you both did. It would have been just minutes chatting away with Mathew but as your laughs erupted in the silence around you, you felt you had known the guy forever, the raven, oh the raven that had been a guy once.
"Matthew," Dream's cold tone quieted you both. “Leave us alone.”
"Yes boss," the raven obeyed.
"Accompany me,” Dream said as he turned away expecting you to follow behind.
You fell in with him, a question on your lips when the gates to the palace opened. The question forgotten, your mouth parted in amazement as you stared at the vast expanse of gardens before you. You exited the palace steps, incredulity lingering on your face as you inhaled the sheer exquisiteness of the place you were in.
Dream ushered his head in a direction. "Come," and continued that way.
You jogged to match up his pace.
"What do you know about the Endless?" He asked.
"Very little," you admitted, "I mean I know there are seven of them, Death being one and now you apparently, but I'm afraid that's about all the knowledge I have."
"It is still more than what humans generally know about us."
"Well it's the courtesy of my friends.”
"Ah, your ghost friends," he disclosed.
You stopped in your tracks. "You know?"
"That they are ghosts?" He walked on.
"Yeah I just wondered- I figured you didn't know and that's why you didn't tell Death.”
"Oh Death knows," he revealed the information with a glint in his eye, as if he was enjoying your reaction.
"What?" You cried. Gathering yourself, you said, "Then why doesn't she..go after them? Bring them to the sunless lands and whatever?" You joined him.
"Death has her reasons. She is far kinder than you know.”
"I, I don't know what to say."
Morpheus did not try to continue the conversation. You both walked in silence for some time. Questions ran rampant inside your head, but never left your lips.
"Ask," he said not tearing his eyes away from the path.
You didn't even realize he had sensed your hesitation. Questions grappled with each other to be released first and in that brawl you muttered the stupidest of them all. "How many names do you have?"
If Morpheus was surprised at the choice of your question, he didn't show it. "Many.”
Wow okay that was one elaborate answer if you heard any. Did it pain him to speak?
Just as you had accepted that's all you would get from him, he spoke, "Dream, Morpheus, Oneiros and Sandman to name a few.”
"The Sandman? As in the fable Sandman?"
"Tell me mortal, do I look like a fable to you?"
"Fair point," you mused.
Taking the opportunity of his answering mood, you exploited your luck further. "Can the mortals visit the dreaming anytime? I mean how does this even work?"
"Yes, whenever a mortal sleeps, he enters my realm where I contain the unconscious of the entire world.”
"That sounds…tough.”
"Does this mean I am sleeping right now?" You queried further.
"Exceptionally, no. I brought you here. Your soul and your body are both intact at the present and there is no trace of you in the waking world."
Your mouth opened once more to ask him another question, when his raspy voice cut through the air. “You get one more.”
The ego of this man, fine you insolent arse.
"Do you ever get lonely?"
If you were paying rapt attention you would have noticed the falter in his steps but your eyes were trained on his face.
"No," he answered.
"Seriously? Not ever?"
"You have run out of your questions and your friends must be waiting for you." He turned his body towards you. 
But before he could procure his pouch of sand from his cloak, the ground gave a sudden croak beneath you. Followed by a deafening cracking as the very ground you stood upon began parting into two.
"What the-," you started.
Dream grabbed your elbow and pulled his cloak over you both. The universe itself seemed to wrap around you and in the next moment you were in the waking world. He released his hold on your elbow as if your touch had burned him. He would probably need to wash his hands after touching a mortal.
"Stay here," he ordered.
Before you could object, he had vanished. You waited in the clearing, the stack of posters on the ground and the moon bathing you in its light. You were gone for more than half a day but only a few hours had passed back here. Times moves differently here, Lucienne's words entered your mind. After waiting another 10 minutes, you got up from your position on the ground, collected the posters in your hand, and began to make your way back to the apartment. He wasn't coming back.
Just as you were out the woods, Morpheus' voice reached your ears. "I told you to stay there.”
You turned back. Moonlight filtering through the trees illuminated his pale skin to ghastly pale. He looked beautiful. What? Shut up brain.
"I thought you weren't coming back."
Morpheus didn't say anything to that. This guy really needed to work on his communication skills.
"What was back there?"
"The realm is collapsing, at the rate of the damage we have very little time."
"For what?"
"To prevent it from happening.”
"Rest tonight mortal. We begin tomorrow." And with those obscure words he was gone in a blur.
You opened the door to the apartment and were immediately met with yelling. "Where the fuck were you?"
"You just totally vanished!"
"We searched for you everywhere!"
"Why weren't you answering your phone?"
"We were worried!"
Charles and Edwin's frenzied voices overlapped each other.
"Guys guys stop!"
They both fell silent.
"I am sorry I-I had to be somewhere on an urgent business and my phone died down."
"Next time the very least you can do is inform us beforehand," Edwin chided you.
"I swear the situation was out of my control, I promise it won't happen again."
Edwin's features softened and he asked, "Are you alright?"
You exhaled, "Yep I am aces."
"Get your own catchphrases," Charles muttered behind you and draped his arms around your neck from the back. "We are just glad you are back safe and in one piece.”
You leaned against his frame. "You can't even lie properly.”
"Hey sod off.” He broke apart the embrace.
You laughed at his tantrums.
"Anyways you wouldn't believe the adventure we had today. It was brills. Turns out the missing boy was actually..."
Yeah you wouldn't believe the adventure I had today either.  We begin tomorrow, the words scraped against the walls of your mind.
A/N: phew the stage is set. so lmk ur thoughts<3 i would love to hear em!! 
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sunnywalnut · 4 months
As someone who *was* a Helluva Boss fan for a really long time because of the obvious love and care that was put into the show by the animators and voice actors.... I really can't overlook the kind of things that Vivian has done.
And honestly?
Knowing that all of the money from views, likes, media, merch and so on goes into her pocket (and NONE of the people that actually put in the work to CREATE the show) just horrifies me to no end.
I know that all of us have heard about her tyrades on Twitter, or her tearing apart critics and cursing them out, or just her all around messy and rude attitude towards everyone and anyone who pokes even a LITTLE fun at her(like that one video of "The Amazing Digital Circus If It Was Written By Vivziepop). I know that we've all heard about it. And a lot of us have already made up our minds about her. Good or bad.
But the fact of the matter is that a lot of us don't have the full story. And for me, it was because a lot of it was either conspiracy, treated as a one off thing, or just an assholeish thing that happened years ago. And her fans defending her poor behavior and claiming she's apologized for it or that it's "okay" because she's been through trauma haven't really helped.
Plus. I'm a firm believer that you shouldn't have to put that much extensive research into figuring out if the person you are supporting(through watching videos, buying merch, etc etc) is a good person or not.
Which is why I want to share with you all a link to a post I found on Twitter. A compiled list of evidence of things that Vivziepop has said or done without additional commentary(besides simply just labeling what the screenshots consist of) so everyone can make their own decisions on what they want to believe or not.
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I for one am not the kind of guy to care about what kind of things you do with fictional characters(or at least. What you write with them. All of us are capable of writing shitty stories and posting them online) and honestly? I don't care about what personal things you have going on in your life.
A lot of people do.
And that's not wrong, of course. Some people believe that it is a way to see what kind of person you are based off of how you treat your fictional characters or the ways that you interact with sexuality. Which has some truth to it. To some extent.
However. It holds a problem when that is the ONLY evidence you find against a person.
Making a shitty joke 3 years ago doesn't condemn you to hell. Or at least. It shouldn't.
Making a sexualized character? I mean. Who doesn't?
But running a hierarchy where you are running your friends mental health into the ground for the sake of a show you aren't even animating for anymore? Now that is something that I would like to educate myself on.
And this thread does just that.
I definitely recommend you read. Or at least bookmark for later. Because it has a LOT of new information that people might not know yet.
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maybeamiles · 2 months
Okay so something happened in the Honkai Star Rail community that really bothered me and I'm trying to put into words what makes me so upset about it.
So Hoyoverse recently hired a new voice actor named Chris Niosi to voice one of their new characters. He is no longer voicing this character. The reason he is no longer voicing this character is because a bunch of people found out that in 2019 Niosi released a shitty internet apology for being abusive to people in his personal life in response to callout posts on Twitter and Tumblr. During this time he also violated an NDA about a role he played in Fire Emblem 3 Houses, and was replaced with Zach Aguilar. He did not face any criminal charges for this behavior, but it is a thing that happened. Naturally people are upset about this and kept asking for him to be fired, and some VA's stood up for him claiming he'd changed, and fans began to lash out against them too. Niosi ended up resigning, and Hoyoverse will hire a new voice actor.
So far, it seems this controversy has not affected his work. Since 2019 he's played Reigen Arataka in Season 3 of Mob Psycho 100 and was an NPC in Genshin Impact.
Now I have a few problems with the community reaction to all this:
Problem number 1: I spent way too much time in the Dream SMP fandom, and have heard way too much bullshit about people being abusers in their personal lives to be ok with any of this. Like part of the reason Dream SMP was so awful is that every other week there would be a new post along the lines of "Dream is the Worst! Here are 7 Heavily Censored Screenshots To Prove Why!" This stuff instantly activates my "I don't like this" senses, I have a very bad reaction to these things.
Problem Number 2: He's a fucking actor. Just because he now has a bit of fame in the community doesn't mean he's somehow more worthy of criticism than he was before. Hell, he still has work in the industry. Just go look up his IMDB. The only reason it matters more in Star Rail is because a lot of the Hoyoverse VA's make extra money off of being Hoyoverse VA's, like how Dan Heng's VA gets the other Star Rail VA's together to do music covers. Even then, he's WORKED WITH HOYOVERSE BEFORE. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT HE'S NOW VOICING A PLAYABLE CHARACTER INSTEAD OF AN NPC.
Problem number 3: Personally, I don't see what online abuse allegations from 2019 have to do with his role as a Voice Actor. Would working at McDonald's or in a less flashy job stop him from hurting people? No! Now, if I was hiring him, I would be nervous about that NDA violation, or that the abuse allegations might flare up into a PR disaster (like they ACTUALLY DID). I might not hire him for a major role. I might take concerns about his mistreatment of his colleagues more seriously. He might not be a Good Face for my company. But, at the end of the day, he is still a Guy Doing a Job, parasociality be dammned, and not doing This Job will not make anything better for the people he hurt.
(Also your (and my) favorite game has like, one not-pale dude in it and is made by a huge dev team that probably has shitty people in it just because that's what happens when you get a large enough group of people together but like heyyyyy let's all jump onto boogeyman of the week now shall we?)
(now, concerns about parasociality I do respect. Hoyoverse VA's are VERY parasocial, and tend to make a bit of extra money from fans by doing cool Hoyoverse VA things. But most people are like ABUSER = BAD AND GROSS and... ugh onto the next slide).
Problem number 4: ABUSER = BAD AND GROSS is a stupid black-and-white mindset and I think everyone who has this mindset should grow the fuck up. People can and do get better, I know people who have gotten better, people who it would be really fucked up of me to stop speaking to because of things I wasn't even alive for, when I don't even know the people who were hurt. People who have already had enough guilt and now need the space to live again. Hell, I've hurt people. You can't divide people into "good" and "bad" and you have to make room for change because if you do not you will hurt someone badly and that mindset will either break you with guilt or turn you into one of the "bad" people without even realizing it. (i reblogged earlier a comic about this exact phenomenon go read it)
At the end of the day I do think it was a good thing Niosi resigned because jesus fucking christ this was a PR disaster, and I would have hated to see him do something like Elliot Ghindi and use the parasociality of Hoyoverse fans to hurt more people (which is just a possibility, not something Niosi has actually done), but I don't think the internet Hate Mob was a good thing. I think bringing up someone's irrelevant personal details into their work life is a universally bad thing and even though he's a semi-public figure, nobody's private life should be exposed like that. There are court systems for a Fucking Reason and I know that they are flawed but also I genuinely believe that this whole internet tradition of making "callout posts" and stuff is incredibly toxic and abusive and I don't want it to keep happening in the fandoms I'm in.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
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Desperate times, desperate measures | ch. 7: It's all about the money
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: these two *talk*, parents beign absolute assholes, feelings, cuteness, fluff and a bit of angst as always.
A/N: i will introduce a new character in the next chapter, i just need to find the face claim. Initially, Michael B. Jordan was supposed to be a doctor, as in the movie, but as i planned the whole thing, the doctor made less and less sense... so now I need to find a face claim for an actor who will work with Page!
It's okay if you like it and all, but please... a comment is also welcomed and if you reblog it? I'll kiss you on the forehead.
If you want to be added, comment down!
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When you wake up the next morning, Jake is still in bed, his soft snores leaving his body through parted lips. You could take this moment as an advantage, run towards Emma’s room, and busy yourself to avoid the necessary talk that awaits you. But running away from the problems is not the best solution. 
You’ll have to face it sooner or later. 
The thing is, whatever the hell almost happened last night, it felt good. It’s weird, it’s rare and new, and you don’t want to dive in head first just yet. Not when there’s so much at risk. Not when you two have a baby to take care of. Maybe you can tell Jake how you feel about it, and he won’t feel like you’re rejecting him. He really seemed interested in exploring this feeling that arose between the two of you last night, but you had fallen asleep by the time he came back. Not on purpose, though. You were tired of all the activities of the day. 
“I thought you’d run away,” Jake mutters, eyes half open and voice hoarse and heavy due to the sleep. He stirs awake, the movement making the blanket fall from his chest and leaving his golden chest exposed to the morning sunlight entering through the window. 
“It wouldn’t be fair to you, right?” You question, more to yourself than to him, while sitting on the bed with your legs crossed under you. “Can we…talk?” 
Jake sighs, covering his face with his hands before sitting up and mimicking your posture. “Page, if you’re going to dump my ass, just be quick. I can take it.” 
You shake your head, catching his attention. “I don’t want to dump your ass, Jake. It doesn’t mean that I want to change our whole relationship just because of one kiss.” 
He nods, looking at his hands. “Yeah, you’re right. We should talk about it first. See what it meant to us? And how we feel.” The surprise in your face must be quite evident because he rolls his eyes and grabs a pillow that he throws at your head. “What? I can be rational too, you know.” 
“Don’t throw me a pillow, cowboy.” You warn him, sliding your hand from your lap to the pillow resting on your side. 
“What are you gonna do, darling?" 
"Hit you with a pillow." You say it matter-of-factly, raising the pillow over your head. Jake jumps off the bed and throws himself to the floor, along with the rest of the cushions that were over the bed last night. 
"You shouldn't announce your movements to the enemy." He looks at you, smirking like a hunter does when he has finally cornered his prey. 
“Enemy?” You huff, moving slowly backwards. “I thought we were a team!” 
“There’s no team in the pillow fight, Page. You should know that.” and before you even have time to answer, he's throwing all the other pillows your way, some of them—if not all—landing on your head. 
You raise your hands in surrender and only look at him when you hear him chuckle. "I give up." 
"I'll spare your life, then." Neither of you move from your spots. Not even an inch. You stay there, sitting on the floor and looking at each other, hundreds of unsaid words floating in the air between you. "I don't want us to fake that this didn't happen, Page." 
You place your arms on the mattress, needing to touch something that grounds you and assures you that this isn't a dream. Not only are you having a proper conversation with him, but he's also confessing his desire to pursue these feelings that you two seem to have for each other. 
It feels like a scene from one of your books. 
"We have Emma, Jake. This decision isn't about us anymore." 
"Emma deserves to have parents that like each other." Well, he's right on that. 
"And what do you think it is that we deserve, Jake?" You ask him, wanting to know what he truly thinks. 
You can see the corner of his lip twitching as he tries to conceal a smile. "We deserve to know what would have happened if I hadn't made that call." 
You smile softly, looking at your hands. The same ones that ache for touching his bare chest. "Maybe it was meant to happen, you know. Call it destiny."
"I don't believe in destiny, darling," he retorts, getting up from the floor and walking towards you, offering you a hand to help you stand up. "But I do believe that we can make this work."
Once you're back on two feet, you look at him, finding solace in his emerald eyes. "This doesn't even have a name."
"You're a writer, I'm sure you'll find a word for it." He mumbles, caressing your cheek and getting lost in the intensity of your eyes. He always loved them. "Can I kiss you to seal the deal?" 
You chuckle, moving your hands to rest on his shoulders. "You have been reading too many fairy tales lately." 
"Yeah, maybe it's time to start writing my own." He places his hands on your hips, bringing you closer, and leans down to press his lips against your soft ones. This kiss is different from the one you shared the night before. 
It's soft, sweet, and tender. And yet, it also leaves you craving for more. 
Jake's whole existence makes you crave more than you have. 
After a few seconds, he pulls away, licking his lips and smiling like he just won the biggest prize at the carnival. "I liked that." 
"Me too." You admit while your fingertips find their way to his neck, playing with the soft and short hairs that have been growing since he started his paternal leave. "Let's not rush it, please. It would only fuck things up, and we still have many months ahead of us…" 
He nods, kissing your forehead sweetly. "I'll try my best." 
You hear movement in the other room, letting you know that Emma is up and ready to start a new day. "Looks like the princess woke up." 
"Wait, if she's a princess, what are you? A king?" You laugh, feeling empty, when he moves away to go get Emma. 
"I'm just a peasant amazed by the presence of a princess and the beautiful queen." He says before disappearing through the door and making you smile when he uses his sweetest voice to say hi to the little girl. 
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Jake and Emma are sitting on a blanket in the grass at the back of the house hours later while you answer your emails when Olivia comes out giving you an iced tea. 
"Oh, thank you, Olivia. You didn’t have to!" She's been a sweetheart all day, and you think that maybe the initial awkwardness between Jake's family and you is over. "I didn't ask about your show. Was it good?" 
"I didn't watch it in the end," she says, sighing and sitting down next to you. "I lost track of time talking with my husband." 
"Oh, dear. I hope you get to see the chapter soon." 
"I hope so." 
The conversation ends there, and you keep answering your emails. You don't realize until a few minutes later that Olivia is still sitting there, but she's looking at the screen with gossiping intentions. "It's work stuff, you know." 
"Oh, yeah, that I gathered." 
Isn't she even a bit ashamed of having been caught snooping on someone's else's business? It doesn't seem like that, because she doesn't tear her eyes away from the screen even after being subtly called out. "Oh, you're gonna be an actress now?" 
You let out an incredulous sigh before answering. "Yeah, but I'm sure you know that already after… reading the whole mail." 
"We're family now! Your mail is my mail." She says with a gleeful expression that doesn't go well with the situation. 
"I don't think this works like that." You mutter, sending the email and closing the laptop before she can start reading another email that doesn't have to do anything with her. 
"A movie is a big opportunity, isn't it?" Olivia questions, taking a sip of her tea. 
"It's what I wanted to do before becoming a writer." You answer her as politely as you can, looking in Jake's direction and hoping that he gets to look your way and see your expression. 
"But you earn more money selling books, right?" She asks again, trying to learn more about the topic. Is she that interested in knowing how much money you earn? 
“I don’t sell books, Olivia. I write them.” 
She shakes her hand, waving it off. “You know what I mean.” 
“Can I ask why are you so interested in my… net worth?” 
She blinks, as if asking her that question surprises her. “Oh, I just want to know if you’ll have money to raise Emma alone once Jake gets tired of you.”
You stare into the distance for a solid thirty seconds before turning your whole body in your seat and looking at her. “Excuse me?” 
“Come on, dear. It’s evident that he just married you to prove something to us. He needed someone to date. He found you and the kid and saw a chance.”
You rise to your feet, making yourself big in front of her and trying to look intimidating. “Mrs. Seresin, your son and I knew each other way before you and your husband threw him an engagement ring and forced him to get engaged to someone he didn’t love.” 
Olivia scoffs, getting up from the chair, and showing in her face the same feelings that made you want to run away yesterday. “Honey, please. Don’t try to make yourself important. You’re just another pussy in my son’s dating history book.” 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You question her, tired of her antics and how she’s objectifying you. Your voice makes it to Jake’s ears, because as soon as the words leave your mouth, he’s walking in your direction with Emma in his arms. 
“Everything alright, ladies?” He asks it in plural, including his mother, but he only looks at you, worried about the possible absurdities that his mother could have said to you. 
“Oh, I don’t deserve that title, Jake. I’m just another pussy.” You repeat Olivia’s words, making her face go red. Now she’s getting embarrassed? 
“You did not say that to Page, right?” Jake asks, stepping closer to her. “Right?” 
Olivia throws the glass of ice tea to the floor, broken glass and ice cubes scattering all over the wooden floor of the patio. “And what if I did? She’s the reason why we’re going to lose the ranch! You decided to marry a famous whore rather than fulfill your duty as a son!” 
“Don’t talk about her like that, mother.” Jake warns her, raising his tone and making Emma cry a bit. She must be scared. “I didn’t want to marry someone I didn’t love, I told you.”
“We all have to marry someone we don’t love, son. Look at me and your father!” 
“Yeah, and how did that go? You hate him and us so much that you can’t even hang family pictures on the fucking walls. You hate your family!” 
“But at least I did what I was supposed to do!” Olivia is yelling at this point, making Emma cry out in fear. 
“I don’t want to form a family and hate my kids. I deserve better than that.” 
Joe walks out of the house, looking between all of you to see what is going on. “Can you stop the yelling? I can’t hear the fucking TV.” 
“Joe, can you tell your stupid son that he has to marry the Willer girl?” She keeps raising her voice, and it’s giving you a headache. You’re really close to slapping her. He just called Jake stupid, in front of you. She doesn’t care a bit about him. 
“You don’t even know her name.” Jake shakes his head in disbelief, and you can see how his heart breaks a bit more every second he keeps talking to them. He manages to soothe Emma, and she grabs his shirt in between her tiny fists. 
“I don’t need to know her fucking name because you won’t marry her! You only had one job, Jacob. You were supposed to inherit the ranch, but no, you had to go play the little soldier in the fucking plane!” Olivia is totally unhinged at this point, and you’re tired of her shit. 
“I would fucking appreciate it if you stopped talking about my husband like that.” You grab your bag that had been resting on the table next to you and rummage through it until you find the checkbook that you always carry around but don’t really use. “You want money? Is that why you were so interested in how much I gained as a writer? Say your number.” 
"Mom, you did what?” Jake shakes his head and places a hand over yours. “Please, Page. You don’t have to pay her anything.” 
“Jake, it’s nothing, I promise. I just want you to get rid of them.” You whisper, squeezing his hand. 
“Get rid of us? He should get rid of this fucking who—” Joe starts the sentence, but he stops halfway through it when Jake glares at him. 
“I’ve been waiting to punch you in the face since I was six. Give me a reason.” 
“Your number.” You repeat, looking only at Olivia. 
“750k.” She smirks, raising an eyebrow, seemingly thinking that you don’t have that amount of money. 
Little does she know that writing romance novels is more profitable than she thinks. You open your pen, swallowing a bit after you realize that this pen was Anne’s gift after you published your first novel. Seems like she’s still there for the important moments. 
You write down the amount she asked for, sign it, and before you give it to her, you take a step in her direction, raising a finger. “There’s a condition, though.” 
“What now?” She says, rolling her eyes. 
“If you talk shit about Jake one more time, I will come back, buy this fucking dunghill, and destroy everything you have fought so hard to keep.” You simply say, not raising your voice, and being as calm as you can. You’re not going to give them the satisfaction of looking affected by their actions in front of them. “Am I clear?” 
“Yes, now give me that fucking check.” Olivia mutters, not looking at you, her eyes fixed on the small piece of paper that put an end to all her problems. 
“If you grab that check,” Jake says, standing next to you, “you can forget that you have a son.” 
She raises an eyebrow, takes the check between her hands, and looks at him with scorn. “I’m sorry, who are you?” 
You place a hand on the back of Jake’s arm, grab your purse and your laptop, and move him inside the house. “Let’s get our things and leave this place.” 
“Page… I can’t return that money.” He whispers to Jake when you get to your room, looking embarrassed due to all this situation. 
You grab his face between your hands, making him look at him. “Honey, you don’t need to pay me back, okay? There’s no need to. I feel bad, though.” 
“Why?” He asks while packing the few little things you used this morning. 
“I kind of feel like I bought your freedom, you know? I just... I couldn’t stand there and see how they were treating you and how this wasn’t going to end once we were gone.” You rant while sitting down, watching as Jake takes a place next to you. 
“... would you be mad if I said my brain didn’t register anything after you said “my husband”?” He admits sheepishly looking at his hands. 
You snort at his confession. “Really, Jake?” 
“What? It was hot, okay?” 
“Did I make you horny, baby?” You joke, getting up from the bed and closing the suitcase. 
“Oh, yes, you did.” 
He grabs the two suitcases while you carry Emma in your arms. “And you were supposed to be celibate for a year?” 
“I swore fidelity, right?” He winks at you, trying to make things a bit easier. “I never said anything about us not doing things.”
“Cheeky bastard.”
You’re out of that ranch in fifteen minutes, not wanting to waste a single moment more there. They had what they always wanted. Maybe Jake would be able to live his life without having to worry about them. 
On the way home, you two finish posting the pictures on Instagram—the ones that will make your relationship public and that will let you know not only to the world but to social services as well—that you two are in a serious, loving, and real relationship. 
Now, the only thing you have to worry about is this new relationship that you two seem to be entering. 
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The instagrams
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alloveydovey · 8 months
Dramas from this past month. I'm having such a hard time finishing things 😭
The Forbidden Marriage (rewatch) (kdrama) 9 ⭐️
A broken-hearted king imposes a seven-year ban on marriage, and after claiming to be able to channel the deceased crown princess, the FL ends up as one of his court ladies. Both the king and the officer assigned to protect her (the king's closest friend) end up developing an interest in her.
I love it so much that it became a comfort drama. I’m not into love triangles (who is?), but I looved every aspect of it. It’s a bit crazy how they go from extreme comedy to extreme drama, I’ll admit, but the actors deal with it really well. Romance is 11/10, the usual historical visuals are stunning, and the comedy had me laughing hard.
Love Me, Love my Voice (cdrama) 7.5
Nothing more soft and warm than watching these two characters fall in love. There are no obstacles here, just a doctor/voice actor wooing a senior student/singer/composer with the magic of cooking.
On the other side, because there are no complications, it gets boring. The characters get together way too soon for a drama where nothing happens. Luckily the second couple is as entertaining (if not more) as the leads. So, the main reason I continued watching, honestly, was because of them.
Secret Playlist (kdrama) 7
Cute 8 episode drama about an internet music composer and an idol who join forces to create music. Romance was a bit mid, but the songs were cute as hell, and so were the leads.
And Yet, You Are So Sweet (jmovie) 7
This was adorable af. A little silly (as usual with school love) but I liked the vibes. Girl confesses to her crush, he turns her down harshly and popular boy offers himself as a replacement for the crush. They both start a game where he basically lends himself to her so she can have a fake crush on him and forget about the other guy, except he obviously has feelings for her and she starts having real feelings for him as well. It’s a weird premise, but it gave out a lot of cute moments.
D.P. Season 2 (kdrama) 10
I’ve never watched a season 2 from a drama, and from what I’ve gathered, most of them usually disappoint or are good but don’t come close to the first season. Well, for me, this one was not the case at all. It just felt like a continuation of the first part. I'd say I even enjoyed this one more. Also, I miss theeeeem.
Sixteen Shoukougun (jdrama) 7.5
Okay, so basically, a fuckboy with mommy issues wants to get in between a "tomboy" girl who is known among girls as a prince and her best friend, a girl suffering from severe PTSD. He initially tries to go for the PTSD one, but soon realizes that her friendship with the "tomboy" girl is a little... special. After a few interactions, though, he begins to actually like the "tomboy" girl. In between all this, a sensible boy who is deemed "feminine" is thrown into the mix.
I'll be honest, I went into this one thinking it'd be gl but got disappointed it wasn't the case. At the same time, I actually enjoyed tomboy and fuckboy's relationship too. It's all a bit crazy, especially the friendship between the girls, but I was low-key into it. Fuckboy redeems himself, so I was okay with it, I guess? I don't know, jdramas are extreme, man. What I liked a lot about this one (apart from the sick intro that goes really hard) was how they showed the characters' feelings and the overall theme of just being 16 and growing up around prejudice, abandonment, and liking someone regardless of gender.
Our Secret Diary (jmovie) 8.5
Girl finds a love confession note on her classroom desk from the popular guy in school. Confused about it, she decides to answer him and soon begins exchanging secret notes until she realizes that the note was actually meant for her best friend.
This cute little school movie was very cliché but absolutely perfect.
I am Not a Robot (kdrama) 8/8.5
Here's to me never adding this one to my list because I was not into robots and stuff like that at all, and then completely ignoring my watchlist and going for it since I've read it's very cute.
The comments were right. The storyline is a bit wack and unreliable buuuut, as usual, the main leads make up for it with good acting and adorable scenes.
I'm adding these ones even though I didn't really finish them he ⬇️
The Matchmakers (kdrama) 8/8.5, because it's actually good, just a bit heavy.
Another comedy with Rowoon, sign me up. This one took me a while to get into because even though it was clever, the comedy was really good, and the mockumentary style rocked, there were just too many politics in it for me to fully dive into. I’d get lost and bored at times. It picked up after episode 5, though, and by episode 7, it was definitely more fun. It's more entertaining when they focus on the leads and the ladies they are supposed to set up. I still haven't finished it yet because... I don't know. It is a kind of slow drama, and I don't think I fully get what's going on with the murder and politics.
I May Love You (cdrama) 6.5
Oof. I have so many opinions about this one. ML asks FL to help him woo her best friend not knowing that FL has been in love with him for the past four years. FL fails to help him (on purpose lol) and after spending some meaningful moments together decides to confess in what I like to call the lousiest confession ever. ML rejects her but regrets it later on.
I'm always a girls girl, but here... FL was testing me. The ML spends most of the drama groveling because the FL is mad and upset he asked her for help wooing her friend and then rejected her (also rejected her book project which is possibly the worst thing he did) But the thing is, ML didn't even know FL liked him when he asked for help in the first place, and I believe he had every right to reject her after she told him she liked him because he was rich and handsome. Like?? Who confesses like that? And that's basically the whole drama. I don't know why they thought it'd be cute for the FL to have a wall full of his pictures and then forcefully kiss him. Truly not a good-written character.
A Good Day to Be a Dog (kdrama) 8
I'm gonna finish this, I swear. The whole girl turns into a dog and boy has to kiss her in dog form to break the spell is a bit... weird. Buuut aside from that, these characters and their interactions are just the cutest. It works well because Park Gyu Young is amazing with comedy and her chemistry with Eun Woo is perfect.
Now, the past lives part of the story? A bit too much meh. Some aspects are interesting (the whole story of the mountain spirit and the lady. I thought I'd die of boredom, but they actually made it cute and sad lol). The revenge thing? Boring and so over it. Still gotta watch the last four episodes.
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grayintogreen · 3 months
Okay I've never done this for LitMoR because there's three times as many OCs and I always feel weird talking about "voice claims"" in a fandom that doesn't... do that. Or really have a huge OC culture in general, but since Hellaverse does and I HAVE seen people going "if my OC was real, they would be played by x" before, I wanted to provide the list and some references so you can hear them as I hear them.
This list is painfully biblically accurate to the casting pool Vivzie uses (either Broadway actors or voice actors who have done musicals), barring a couple exceptions. It also contains the Canon OC's, because lbr my interpretations of Eve, Crymini, Lilith, Baxter, and Arackniss are not going to be canon and I'm okay with that. Roseverse is an AU.
ANYWAY. BENEATH THE CUT ARE A BUNCH OF YOUTUBE CLIPS + long-winded explanations. ENJOY. I’ll have to do another one because there’s a ten video limit and I had more characters to cover plus there’s characters who haven’t been introduced yet.
Listen I will fully admit this decision was spurred on by "Nothing Left to Lose" but Eden Espinosa is hella good at playing resentful second fiddle bad girlies, given her entire career feels like it comes down to "Idina Menzel but affordable" (don't listen baby girl you're amazing).
I've gone over this one before, but I stand by it. I know Vivzie's hc voice for Lilith for real is Lady Gaga, but it wasn't vibing with how I've been writing her, so Lady Gaga plays her when she's singing (specifically the very raw, less sylized way she sings ASiB) and Liz plays her every other time. Watch that Blonde4Blonde love scene and tell me that isn't Lucillith reunion coded.
Now if Baxter appears in canon as more than a cameo, I would want him to be played by an actual trans actor because WE CANNOT IGNORE THE FACT THAT ONLY FEMALE ANGLERFISH HAVE LURES (and Viv denotes trans characters in imps by their horns so we know she's done this kind of thing to cue the audience in), but since this is just for fun and for me to have something to refer back to when I'm writing for vocal consistency, I gotta go with this nerd.
Note: I did NOT realize he played Kimiko Glenn's love interest in Waitress until I was looking up a video.
This one is actually at least marginally possible because BWW already voices Octavia. Part of the reason why she and Stolas have that cute little moment in Chapter Five of OWDLIF is because she shares a VA with his daughter and it was a dumb little moment for me, personally. (The clip in there with the live version of Dead Girl Walking where she sounds a little drunk and she's reading the lyrics off her phone is the exact energy for Crymini.)
Also “Fight For Me” from the Heathers musical is the Crinomini theme.
Here's one of our exceptions! This came out of nowhere because at first I was using Jeremy Jordan in Newsies as the basis for his voice, but it VERY QUICKLY- like while writing the first chapter- morphed into Sean, so that's what I'm stuck with. Also I'm sorry it's so long, but trust me it's worth it. Brennan is an improv god.
YEAH YEAH I KNOW. YOU LOVE CHANCE ANYWAY. I will say that Roseverse Chance is specifically closer to In the Heights!LMM, whereas LitMoR Chance is very specifically Lee Scoresby. Ergo In the Heights.
The third exception. Though Erika has been doing voice work and has been in a musical game, even if they didn't sing in it, so who knows.
Also this video clip is so Dianacore. The whole thing.
This is like the main reason I posted this, because I need everyone to be aware of just how hot Aamon sounds despite him being a giant toolbox.
Listen. LISTEN. She can sing. She's got a sexy voice. She's NOT LIKELY TO EVER BE CAST, but Rose the Hat is like 85% of my entire aesthetic for her. Her secondary aesthetic is Kate Shindle as the Mad Hatter in the Wonderland musical who is slightly more castable.
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poison-nekomimi · 3 months
Look, I know I said I was going to voice DTH all by myself but now I think I'll be open for volunteers.
This is just for people who actually want to participate for fun. I feel really guilty that I can't afford to pay people for this (which was one reason I wanted to do it myself in the first place) So it's okay if I can't find anyone, but at the same time don't be afraid to audition if you really want to. I have a lot of characters here so I think anyone who wants to participate should be able to find a role.
I have no requirements for experience or anything like that. These auditions are open to anyone no matter who you are. All I ask is that we're able to keep good communication and that you let me know if you are unable to continue.
Again, this is just for fun. Any character I can't find a role for I'll just voice them myself. Here are some small notes about which characters I need and don't need.
Characters I still want to voice myself
Cool friends
Milky ways
Characters that I would want a different voice actor for because my current voice can't achieve what I had in my head
Pretty much any male character
Granite (if anyone could do a slight British accent)
Any child characters (flowers of antimony, jumper, geometrical dominator, space pirates)
Characters that I will need sooner because I have some projects that involve them
First crush (female, cute, soft, anime girl like voice)
The lunar whale (non binary, not quite sure what kind of voice I'm looking for yet)
Tokyo skies (female, also not quite sure what kind of voice I'm looking for)
Fox (male, soft, shy)
Barracuda (female, maybe like a serious woman voice, I used to have a voice claim for her but it did not age well. If you ask I'll tell you who it was)
Corrupted (male, also has a voice claim except this one is just slightly embarrassing but again I'll tell you if you ask)
Chronos (male, also not sure what kind of voice I'm looking for but this characters will require a lot of yelling)
Milky ways (actually I'm voicing her so it doesn't matter)
Logic gatekeeper (male, also has a voice claim but same as the last two, if you ask privately I'll tell you who it was)
If you're interested then you can DM me. Any character is available except for the few listed in "characters I still want to voice myself"
Also sorry if this is really confusing or doesn't have enough information, I've never set up auditions nor did I originally plan on letting other actors in. If you need anything clarified, just ask me.
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roseonne · 10 months
shifted roles
Shift tries to perform his portrait, one more time.
for everyone's favorite little brother, shift ! ( ao3 link )
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"I've always wanted an older brother."
Shift pauses. He takes in a quick breath, the quiet air of the empty theater greeting his lungs. The vacant seats and balconies patiently wait for his next act in anticipation. A single spotlight hovers steadily above his head.
Training, rehearsals, and special private lessons exclusively intended for whoever holds the honorable title of 'top actor' had concluded hours ago. Staff members from almost every department begin taking their respective leaves, one after another. Last time he asked, even Reni and his two favorite seniors were already on their way homes, too.
Despite all that, however, Shift decides he still is miles away from calling it a day. (Talk about a hard worker; he claims to have inherited this trait from a certain someone.)
Hence, after clearing his throat one more time, GOD-za's top actor tries reciting his lines again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I've always wanted an older brother.
I thought it was cool... Having someone big and strong that I'd want to look up to while growing up. Maybe someone who could protect me when bad people decide to pick on me, one day. Someone I can talk to and rely on about literally anything and everything in the whole wide world.
Hearing a voice call out to me from outside the comforts of my small room, I poke my head through the door I just opened to catch the rest of the message. It's a little disappointing to have my favorite train of thoughts interrupted, but I do have responsibilities I must attend to. (They're quite big too, actually.)
"I'm about to go now. Take good care of your brother while I'm out, alright?"
Ah... It's a weekend today, so no classes for me. (Thank goodness!) But of course, mom has a job. She works really hard every day to provide for us, her family; to send meーher eldest childーto a decent school; and most importantly, to afford buying my baby brother's medicine.
The rusty old handles of the house gates shut and lock with a distinct clang. Mom is officially off to another day, another strive.
"...Okay, mom."
It's the exact same routine since... forever. But it's not like I have any right nor the luxury to complain, though.
With a sigh, I gather up all the energy I could muster to jump off of my bed and head out, as well. One, last glance filled with longing and a hint of regret is the parting gift I offer my room in the meantime.
"Until tonight," I bid my imaginary indestructible fortress of stacked pillows and tied blankets a semi-bitter farewell.
When I said I have quite the big shoes to fill, this is what I meant.
Arakawa Shift is not a typical school kid.
I don't only have to worry about homework and assessment tests. I can't stay out too late after class playing with my friends (well, I don't have plenty of them in the first place, anyway). What I do have though are personal duties at home that I cannot and must not set aside even for a millisecond.
Every desperate thought and possible attempt of prioritizing acts of self-centeredness in any form ought to be ignored, forgotten, and never be given into. I learned this by watching mom.
When she gets home every night, it looks to me as though she barely has any time left to spare for herself. Immediately fixing her attention onto my little brother, I volunteer to do the rest of the chores to help. Cooking simple meals for supper, washing used dishes, cleaning the houseーname it! I love my mom a whole lot, so if I could help her, I'd willingly do so in a heartbeat.
While on my way to my brother's room, my eyes get caught by the big window in the kitchen.
"Hm. That's odd."
Something tells me I should just look away and move on; but that just made me want to know what exactly is going on out there more badly. And sure enough, within mere moments did my curiosity indeed outweigh my instincts, prompting me to grab the nearest chair to climb onto and take a quick peek at the world spinning beyond my life as a dedicated homebody.
From the parted curtains of the kitchen window, kids around my age and range are running in circles, throwing all sorts of toys at each other and playing every kind of game I could think of (some of which, I have never seen nor heard).
A conflicted smile suddenly appears on my face, surprising even myself; but it didn't do so much as only make me resemble a sad young, dumb, and broke loner.
Wait a minute.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad though! And I'm certainly not a loner. Heh, why would I be? I mean, I have a cute, little baby brother who I love so much. I could just play with him, and we'd have a lot of fun together! Just the two of us, today. Tomorrow. And always.
Shaking my head at the mess outside, I finally ease myself down from the kitchen counter and move on; all the while defying the tiny sting in my chest by pretending as though I feel absolutely nothing about kids making the most out of their childhood years.
"It's alright, we all have our own timelines. I'll have mine some day..." I try my best to console myself. 
Speaking of timelines though, just a little more about my brother, the doctor said he's a little sickly at his current age but his body and condition will improve gradually as he grows. So until he can stand tall on his own two feet, I should act strong on his behalf. I have to. For aside from mom, I'm the only person my baby brother has.
I may not have a biologically-related big brother, but at least I can be that personーa reliable, older siblingーfor somebody else. And if I ever had a chance to go back and choose a life for myself? Nah. I really couldn't ask for a better familial circumstance to be in. Honestly.
"So... I'll do my best!"
That's the promise I made that day. How could I forget? It's the promise I'm more than ever ready to uphold and fulfill for as long as I live. It's... the sole, and same promise I failed to keep.
Starting the day off in a good mood is completely shattered, once inside the quarters of my baby brother. He seems fine, sleeping soundly at first glance; but the horrors of the worst scenario occurring right before my very eyes immediately dominated my entire sense of reason.
While holding my pinky finger close to his nostrils, time freezes.
He's not breathing.
In a state of panic, I frantically lean my ear onto his chest for a signーany signーof hope. Still.
I can't feel a pulse.
And all of a sudden, an ear-splitting scream. I'm not sure where it's coming from, considering I'm the only conscious person in the house.
Oh, wait.
I am screaming.
In that instant, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, I couldn't feel. Everything else is spinning in a blur, and the only thing I can recall afterwards is sitting alone by the nearest hospital bench; knees weak, fingers trembling, breaths heavily shaky and unsteady.
"This can't be happening. No. I won't forgive myself if anything bad happens to Oruto...!"
Mom had to excuse herself early from work (she had no choice but), immediately rushing home once the neighbors heard my inhumane cries and decided to phone her.
She walks out of the ward that my brother's confined in, together with his doctor, and upon seeing me, they both take a seat on either side of me.
"Don't worry. He's okay. He's okay," the doctor tells me, giving my head gentle pats every couple of seconds.
"It's not your fault, Shift," mom whispers straight into my ear, as she wraps me tightly in her embrace; each of her words carrying a different weight of assurance I badly need to believe... But somehow can't. "I'm just glad you both are safe..."
The tears can't and won't seem to be stopping any time soon.
It's a memoryーa living nightmareーthat'll haunt me in my dreams for the rest of my life; no matter how many days, weeks, months, or even years pass. The image of my brother's face, pale and limp, will forever be engraved at the back of my mind.
I don't think I'll ever fully recover from that. Even if my brother himself is all healed and grown.
But... I have to make it. We have to make it through together, one way or another.
"I'll always protect you, Oruto."
My little brother smiles. When he does that, all the scarring wounds in my heart feel a little lighter; a little better, even.
"Hehe... Nii-san, you can choose you now."
Five words. And after all those years of loving anybody first over me, it takes just five, simple words coming from his mouth to make me begin asking questions I never would have dared construct into actual sentences in the first place.
"Does my brother not need me anymore? Was there even any point in my own selflessness? What is my purpose now that I've been instructed to choose myself by the very person I sworn lifelong protection to?"
I'm lost. Confused. Unsure about where to go, from here. Unsure about a lot of other things. And unsure about the only new door that opened for me.
Direct Invitation for the position of: TOP ACTOR Regards, GOD-za
I had no actual background in theater nor acting; save for the limited knowledge I've gathered from reading plays and reciting lines in scripts I luckily manage to get my hands on at the local library. I'd borrow them, and immerse myself in the tiny universes created by a variety of multiple authors as a way to escape the cruelty life occasionally throws my way.
And although skeptic, initially crestfallen at having been casted aside when no longer needed, it's only upon my brother's very suggestion that I accepted the offer; as the most fabulous theater company in Veludo Way officially scouts me as their reigning top actor.
I couldn't believe it, at first. Receiving a paycheck, people's acknowledgements, and one-on-one special training to prepare me for an upcoming act off. My first show! Ever! With me as the lead! Yay!
The brief phase of adjustment is neither easy nor troublesome, if I say so myself. It's okay for the most part; save for things getting quite tough on some days. One thing's for sure thoughーthis whole, life-changing experience has seemingly helped me grow a new pair of wings to fly with.
I've also met a lot of cool people I now look up to, at GOD-za. Haruto-san, the top actor right after me. Madoka, our new playwright.
"Don't hold me back, newbie," Haruto-san often says.
"If... If there's anything you want to change in the script, you can tell me," Madoka often reminds.
Haruto-san's a little loud, but he's amazing in way more ways than one. Madoka too; extreme talent hiding underneath that soft spoken nature. I can't lose!
Such a tough challenge we had to take on; especially with all the controversies revolving it. And an equally harder acceptance of defeat, fair and square; but there is room for all three of us to grow, individually and collectively. So we did.
But for the first time in my life, I felt okay being myself. I may not have been able to be a child during my earlier years alive and kicking on this planet, but it's never too late to unleash the youthful charm of being unapologetically 'Shift Arakawa'.
"Hehe, I have my two favorite seniors to be grateful for too, of course!"
Hence, it's in GOD-za that my long-standing wish has finally been granted. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I'm... just not sure if they know this, but Haruto-san and Madoka are the closest to my heart than I ever was myself."
Shift relives every memory he has of the three of them togetherーcreating plays, performing etudes, and hanging out after a long day's worth of hard work in Haruto's apartment. He wouldn't have gotten thus far, if not for the both of them.
"I'm aware that I could be a mouthful sometimes... But, they never asked me to change," he stammers, voice wavering from the amount of emotions he's facing and pouring forth into the world. "They never made me feel that I was weird; and that I did not belong here."
The top actor breathes deeply. Feeling content and satisfaction not only for a successful attempt of doing his portrait, but at the particular shifting of his own roles throughout his fifteen years existing, thriving, and living.
"I've always wanted an older brother," Shift beams, the sparkle in his eyes barely visible now that his wide, signature smile has taken full effect all over his face, "but GOD-za gave me two." 
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thelostgirl21 · 1 year
So, guess who ended up watching the whole "Jobriath A.D." documentary, crying her eyes out over a guy singing about Sunday Brunch in his pyramid, and making a whole video dedicated to Jobriath and Hugh's performance as Radovid?
Actually, I also made another version (unlisted) for those of you that are already familiar with the artist, and might want to enjoy some of his music and the visuals without being distracted by the text at the bottom:
But yeah, I'm kind of so sad and upset that I never got to know about him before (given how huge of a fan of David Bowie I've been since my teenage years), and that the gay community totally failed to support him, back then.
I mean, I'm not blaming them. We've had the same issue with feminism where we used to make it all about women assuming more traditional men roles; until we finally realized that it was just as important to give more social value to traditionally perceived feminine qualities, traits, interests, and professions - in men, women, and any other gender, really - as well!
So, I can recognize that the gay community attempting to distance itself from the whole "flamboyant fairy" image likely came from the rest of society attempting to reduce them to it (among others), and creating some kind of convenient "right" vs "wrong" way to be gay narrative (a divided minority is much less powerful and loud than a united one).
Even today, we are facing a similar issue with some members of the LGBTQ+ community claiming to be part of the "LGB" without the "TQ+".
Note: the "B" of that "LGB" is often barely tolerated as a "temporary transitional phase", though; a "stepping stone" towards either the "L" or "G", or a return to being "straight".
Ultimately, it's about our survival instincts making us fear losing the relative safety we've acquired by being positively accepted and valued by those that hold the most power.
i.e. The "TQ+" is too controversial and different from the cisgender monosexual majority to be readily accepted?
Well, let's distance ourselves from it to keep us "LG"s safe, then!
While, of course, reassuring the dominant majority that the "B" will eventually choose a side, so its okay to let them come along while they are still "searching themselves". No worry! We're still as "normal" as you are!
It's all very, very binary.
No, it's not. The world is filled with beauty, diversity and nuance...
And sadly, by rejecting a part of our collective identity to better "fit in", we are sacrificing a part of our very own soul and culture. We are hurting ourselves and giving up power, not acquiring it.
So yeah, I'm not "blaming the victims" by accusing the gay community of any intentional wrongdoing back then, but JFC! It hurts.
It really hurts that he didn't receive comfort, love, and support from his very own people, at the very least, when the mainstream audience lashed out at him.
Yes, the publicity and the hype built around him made everything worse and gave off the wrong image (he probably came off as being a bit of a "self-absorbed prick", rather than someone in a position of great vulnerability), but they freaking ate him alive out there!
And he deserved better not because he was incredibly gifted and talented, but because he was a freaking human being.
What his talent and giftedness had to offer us was a voice, though, that we allowed to be silenced, and the world and our culture became lesser for it.
Jobriath did pave the way for others to then succeed, but I'm against the idea that someone needs to fall and sacrifice themselves so that others may rise. Yes, it happens, but it shouldn't have to.
I don't believe for one second that it is or was ever necessary.
But if it does happen, then yes, I say make it count for something, at the very least!
So, maybe that's why I'm so touched by the fact that Hugh listened to his music and drew inspiration from it while portraying his character.
40 years after his death, you now have a young openly gay actor being offered the role of an openly gay prince (that later becomes king) on a major fantasy show that isn't specifically about LGBTQ+ themes (like, say, "Sense8" could be considered to be), who is listening to Jobriath's music to help him connect with, build, and embody his character.
And, while I am genuinely glad that some artists are doing covers of his songs (ex: Adam Lambert with "Imaman") and bringing people's attention towards his work...
In Hugh's case, I think that what I find really touching is the fact that there's an element of "practicality" to it, if I'm making any sense? A connection that seems to be more internalized / intimate between the two artists...
Art is a means of self-expression, and sometimes you are trying to express a message, an emotion, or an idea that you wish to share with others in the world, and allow it to take a life of its own.
So, it's like the music Jobriath created - that little part of himself and the things he wished to communicate with the world that he left behind - is being listened to and welcomed by Hugh, and then combined with his own creative sensitivities to be integrated within a theatrical performance.
The spirit of what was initially shared lives on, while evolving and taking on a new form that will then go on to connect with people in a different way.
It's not so much about celebrating the songs themselves and paying tribute to the artist's work by covering them, but becomes about honoring the artist's spirit and the emotions, themes, ideas, etc. those songs were covering.
And I am genuinely not saying that one way of connecting with the artist's work or expressing appreciation for it is better than the other, not at all.
Just that as a non-professional artist myself, the idea of leaving anything behind that would have the power to touch a fellow artist's soul, help them grow as a performer, and continue to express and explore certain themes that I personally connected with at that time in my life - even if I would no longer be there to personally guide them - would be incredibly moving and make me feel like art really has the power to transcend boundaries and even death itself.
Because Jobriath's songs tackled issues related to identity, gender, relationships and self-discovery, among others...
And Radovid, as a character, is very gentle...
He's sensitive, empathetic, boyish, openly admits to being scared, freaking huddles himself in a corner to cry when he finds out his guards have been slaughtered...
I mean, when it comes down to it, all Radovid really wanted, this season, was a pretty song and someone to love and belong with...
Someone that could see him as he really is, and see some value in who he is, too...
So Jaskier, sweetheart, listen to Milva...
Because, let's be honest, you're a bit useless in the whole "rescuing Ciri" venture. I mean, you're not useless now, since Geralt is still recovering from his physical and emotional injuries, does greatly benefit from having his emotional support bard around, and you're not quite entirely done holding out interviews to find him new useful companions to watch after him and help him on his quest (don't think I didn't notice what you were doing with Milva!)...
But ultimately, this is going to involve a lot of fighting, and that's not where you're at your strongest.
However, there's a King in need of some serious rescuing, too, that could really use your wits, ability to know, influence and inspire people, and your Sandpiper connections.
You're not a hammer, you're a fellow spoon, luv; and the whole mess that Radovid has been thrown into is a situation that would most definitely requires two spoons, at the very least!
Thankfully, you've already proven that you know how to make two spoons work together very well, and become an effective weapon to annoy the hell out of those trying to keep people trapped!
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You and Radovid pooling your own respective resources and joining forces together?
Philippa and Dijkstra would be so fucked... So, so fucked... And not in the "fun way".
So, as soon as Geralt has sufficiently recovered and has enough people with him to watch his back out there, get back to Radovid ASAP and get your whole "spooning thing" on, alright?
Fair warning: He might specifically need a big spoon to help dig him out of the whole mess that's threatening to bury him alive right now... Just saying!
Anyway, getting sidetracked again!
I guess my point is that Radovid is displaying the kind of emotional intelligence, insightfulness, and empathetic qualities that are more traditionally associated with feminine characters.
And that, if they are to ever make him rise to a position of great power within the kingdom, the worst possible thing Netflix could do is probably make him lose those qualities.
If princesses, in fantasy, have been allowed to gain power and become beloved queens through their compassionate and nurturing nature, their ability to genuinely care about the fate of every living person (and even creature) on their land, and "triumph over evil" by building mutually beneficial alliances with said people and creatures, so should a freaking gentle and sensitive gay prince, I say!
There really is no need to "harden Radovid", and change the very core of who he is just to "give him power".
To have him become more confident and assertive in who he is and what he can do, absolutely!
But using his trauma as an excuse to make him become some kind of angry, "tough", paranoid, uncaring and controlling leader? No.
Especially in a context where Radovid is a character that people are expecting to become hard and cruel because of his videogame counterpart, please be brave enough to completely defy those expectations by letting him be his own person!
Because Netflix's version of Radovid, thus far, is a superb example of queer representation done right, too.
And I'm going to attempt to phrase that as best as I can, so hopefully what I'm saying won't be misunderstood, but having a queer actor portray a queer character does offer an added layer of authenticity to the role.
Don't get me wrong, I'm far from opposed to the idea of having straight actors portraying certain queer characters in a context where gay, bisexual, pansexual, etc. actors are also being offered straight roles.
I'm a huge fan of Malec (the pairing of Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood), and I think that Harry Shum Jr. and Matthew Daddario did an amazing job portraying a very realistic and domestic relationship between a bisexual man and a gay man.
They both approached the roles with lots of humility, openness, asked for the queer community's guidance and feedback on their portrayal of the relationship (the fact that some of their fellow cast members on the show are queer IRL - including Nicola Correia-Damude, that portrays Maryse Lightwood - likely helped), etc.
And, when it came to filming scenes requiring to show a lot of love and intimacy between their two characters, they didn't hold back, either.
So, I do think that you can definitely be straight IRL, and feel confident enough in your own sexuality and in who you are to explore and embrace other orientations through your acting.
Not to mention that having such actors show that they aren't afraid to portray queer characters on TV, and to openly support and associate with the LGBTQ+ community, is setting a positive example for other cisgender straight people out there.
It kind of goes to show that, just because one is exposed to diversity when it comes to love, romance and sexuality, it won't magically "turn them gay".
Because, trust me, if Matthew Daddario didn't magically "become gay" after all those steamy kisses and emotionally/physically intimate scenes he had to film with Harry Shum Jr., likely nothing will!
And most bisexuals I've personally discussed the character of Magnus Bane with did feel like he was an accurate representation of their own sexuality.
Just like, as a panromantic and pansexual person, I'm 100% "vibing" with Joey Batey's portrayal of Jaskier.
I have no idea what Joey's actual sexual orientation is, or why he decided to explore pansexuality with his character before they made it official, but I feel like "he gets me".
Even his decision to make Jaskier become specifically romantically attracted to the way he perceives Radovid's intellect (sapioromantic) - and swoon over how intelligent and insightful he is on screen - is something that I can viscerally connect with, since I'm personally exclusively romantically and sexually attracted towards geeks.
If you were to pay attention to the way I'm looking at my partner dungeon mastering a D&D game, you'd think I was watching him perform a freaking striptease! It's uncanny!
So, even if Joey was to tell me that he is straight, I'd be more than fine and happy to have my own romantic and sexual identity be represented by him. I feel like he truly "gets me", regardless of whether it's from personal experience, or because of his own ability to put himself in other people's shoes and intimately connect with their reality.
It's just that, in Hugh's case, knowing that he is gay, and that the role has a personal significance for him, offers another layer of appreciation for the character and the actor's performance.
He just seems to be so happy to be living at a time and age where you can get that kind of representation in a major fantasy show - where you can have queer characters that are complex, fleshed out, and not reduced to mere stereotypes - and to be given the chance to be a part of the people that are making it happen, that you can't help but feel it, too.
It almost makes me wonder if they cast Hugh Skinner specifically because they knew how different from the videogames their version of Radovid was going to be, and they needed someone that would look like he has such a wonderful time with this role, and is so grateful to be there and be given the opportunity to play him, that hating on the character would literally feel like kicking a puppy!
Me: I don't think I could ever feel as protective over a fictional character as I feel about Jaskier.
Hugh Skinner: Hold my - I mean Jaskier's lute, I've got this!
Me: Ah, crap. Here we go again...
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And the sad part is that, back when the whole controversial romance between Radovid and Jaskier was planned and filmed, no one had any idea that it would be Henry Cavill's last season.
But now, they bascially introduced a version of Prince Radovid that is the polar opposite of what the writers of "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" came up with, and paired him up with a character that has never been established as being queer in the books and the videogames (Jaskier)...
...right at the height of the angry toxic gaming community's "let's all assume that Henry Cavill is leaving because of the showrunner's blatant 'woke agenda', and all of these outrageous changes that were made to the source material the games (ex: OMG! They decided that a splendid full-figured black woman could fit the book description of "Margarita Laux-Antille emerged from the pool with a splash.. Ciri could not stop herself from taking a peek. She saw Yennefer in the nude many times and she didn't think anyone could have a more beautiful figure. She was wrong. At the sight of a naked Margarita Laux-Antille even marble statues of goddesses and nymphs would sob with jealousy"... HOW DARE THEY?!?!?!), and call for the boycott and cancellation of the series" movement!
Do you guys ever wish that the LGBTQ+ community had some kind of huge "bat signal" to let fellow queers - that, in this more specfic case, haven't seen "The Witcher" yet - know that there's this absolutely amazing queer romance happening on a show that totally deserves their love and attention?
And that said queer romance could really use their love and attention right about now - and throughout the next season - if we've any hope that the show will keep on running and remain popular for as long as humanly possible, given that it has just lost its biggest star (that was playing the main character, no less), and there's a bunch of people that have decided that they would no longer be watching it because of that.
Somehow, I'm just heartbroken over the prospect of the show not having the chance to really further develop Jaskier and Radovid's stories (both their romance, and each individual character's journeys), and the actors not having the chance to fully really portray and develop them.
Radskier is basically "Malec material" being introduced in a show that has a disproportionately high number of angry right-wing ideologists and incels gamers "fans" that are dedicating entire YouTube channels to trying to punish the TV show for daring to have a more inclusive cast and broader view of beauty standards than its videogame counterpart, and making a womanizer keep the same impulsive drive to love and sexually connect with a bunch of different people he becomes spontaneously enamored with, but without said sexual drive being motivated by them being women.
And bits and pieces of that narrative is bleeding into the more moderate audience, without realizing how problematic or nonsensical some of them are at their core.
I wish there was some kind of "Malec fans hotline" you could call to say "Guys! I know this may not be your usual TV show genre, but there's something exceptionally good happening right here that you need to come and checkout! You have two lovers from two different worlds experiencing an instant soul-deep connection in one of the most adorable "meet awkward cute" of TV history. And that connection throws one of them a bit out of a loop, because he's never romantically fallen in love before (he's greyromantic)... And one of them is expected to basically sacrifice all of his own wants and needs to honor his duty, because he was born into a highly regarded and powerful royal family... And he initially tries to conform to his family's expectations, but realizes that it is not who he is... And there's this situation where he keeps some information from the man he loves, and the other realizes it, he becomes scared that he made a mistake trusting him and pushes him away... But then..."
How do we get the audience that is usually into these types of stories to migrate towards "The Witcher"?
*Heavy sigh*
But yeah, all I hope is that Liam Hemsworth's performance as Geralt will be well-received, and that the show will be deemed successful enough for Netflix to continue investing in it so that these storylines and characters will be given the chance to continue to grow and develop...
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rainbowrenjun · 1 year
okay i haven’t said anything on the kpopblr whitewashing discourse bc i felt like i didn’t have anything to add that wasn’t already said and also i’m white so i didn’t think my voice was really needed since people were already dealing with the situation appropriately but i figured i should clarify that i do think content creators have a responsibility to not whitewash. i'm going to leave my thoughts below bc i decided even if my voice wasn't necessarily needed, i didn't want to be silent on the issue either and let people "get away" with continuing to whitewash.
I think it can be easy to get carried away with using highlights/contrast/etc and not realize on occasion that you’ve gone too far, but once people have made you aware of the problem and you keep doing it, it’s clearly not an accident anymore. You just evidently don’t care as much about POC as you do about your aesthetic. (Which... Why does making people paler seem aesthetic to you? A question I think anyone that whitewashes consistently (or the people who defend them) should ask themselves and think about.)
I also think for newer content creators who are still trying to learn photoshop and don’t have a good grasp of the basic layers for color and light manipulation it’s more understandable that you kind of just play with the sliders and post it without really realizing that you’ve whitewashed by accident. But if you’re a big creator that gifs often who clearly has a grasp on basic photoshop mechanics you need to take responsibility and make an effort to not whitewash in the name of your aesthetic. Especially once people have made you aware of the issue, you can't claim ignorance.
I’m sure some people will see this and go “omg it’s just gifs” but I'm begging you employ critical thinking skills. Tell me if you see a pattern of people continuously making POC whiter that that isn’t capable of unduly influencing people to equate paleness with beauty/aesthetic? If you’re someone with a similar skintone to an idol/actor/etc that’s been giffed and constantly see them with the exposure cranked up to make them pale, wouldn't that mess with your head and sense of self? It seems willfully ignorant to me to claim it’s “just” gifs.
I also want to say this, if farascha (the creator who sparked this discourse) happens to see this or if someone else gets into a similar situation sees this: I also think that in this situation as a creator with a callout post going around about you, it may feel like you're being cornered and have to defend yourself. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I'm sure you don't want to think of yourself as a racist and therefore your instinct may be to insist that what you're doing is fine. But just know that I think a lot of people would forgive you and even understand if in this situation you were able to admit that you got defensive at first but recognize that you do have a problem and show growth in making an effort to not whitewash future content. The people calling you out aren't trying to attack you (though I understand why it may feel that way), they just don't want to see whitewashed content being spread around.
Also on a personal note I do make an effort to not whitewash my content, as well as unwhitewash the original content, but of course mistakes can happen so if any of my content ever looks inappropriate to you please feel free to shoot me an ask or a message so I can correct it, I would highly appreciate it!
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jelliclekay · 2 years
now that its been a couple weeks to think, what are some standouts from the current tour cast?
Oooo what a good question!
Let me say this: Everyone in this cast is fantastic. All the new performers are incredible and all the returning cast members are really putting in their all. I don't have a complaint about any of them. Also I got to talk and meet almost all of them after the shows and they were so sweet.
Some standouts though:
Erica Lee as Bombalurina... I know I've raved about her MANY times but I am still not over her. I did not come back from all the shows expecting Erica to end up as my favorite Bombalurina, but here we are. She did Cats on Oasis so she has experience with the show already and it SHOWS in her performance. She moves so fluidly on stage and her VOICE. UGH HER VOICE. It's so unique, I literally blue-screened when I heard her perform Macavity for the first time. Erica Bombalurina is absolutely my new face and voice claim for Bombalurina, I cannot imagine any other voice for her anymore. Also the way she performs Macavity aligns so well with my own personal headcanons for Bomba's relationship with Macavity and Demeter. I'm really hoping Erica stays in the Junkyard for awhile because I can't imagine seeing any other Bombalurina (though I did see Ellie Bombalurina one show and she also did fantastic!)
Hank Santos as Tugger. Obviously I knew I was going to like him, but WOW, he is so Tugger? He plays Tugger more on the sexy, suave side, which I usually prefer my Tugger portrayals compared to the silly, vain Tuggers. Hank also has so many interactions with the audience? Like, he was constantly winking and making "call me" signs at the audience (a few times at me, which almost killed me outright). At one of the shows too he even took a woman's phone during the curtain calls and took a selfie with it (And he also apparently did the same thing at a show in Canada so I guess that's just a thing he's doing now which like. Total Tugger behavior). Also his voice is just so Good ugh. Absolutely in my top 3 Tuggers up there with John Partridge and Dominik Hees.
Kade Wright as Munkustrap. Okay I LOVE Kade!Munk. Kade is a fantastic actor, and that really comes out in his performance. I've never been more invested in the Mac fights until watching Kade, because he REALLY plays up Munk getting his ass beat and he really makes you feel like Munk is genuinely being hurt during the fight. I already much prefer the Broadway Revival Mac fight compared to the og fight because it actually feels like a fight, and Kade Munk and the entire cast really make the Mac fight feel so intense. Also Kade is just really sweet and I enjoy his voice a lot.
Ugh and so many others. Yuka Victoria is adorable and her moments with Samuel Plato are the cutest things in the world. Taryn Rumpleteazer is really good and she makes an awesome partner with Brian Jerrie (who is fucking INCREDIBLE as Jerrie and I'm so glad he is the principal Jerrie now). Brendan Tumble is super cute and also wow that boy can FLIP.
I just love this cast so much and even if you don't think you're a fan of the Broadway Revival, if you have the chance to see this cast for yourself. They are all so phenomenal.
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vanillahub · 2 years
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. [Accepting]
// 1 am rambling let's goooo
NGL, I'm kinda of sad most rules pages have shit like "DNI freaks" or some other variation of threat of violence towards others. I say I'm sad, but the reality is that it has never been this easy to dodge/avoid having certain types of people, orbiting my blogs. But still, it really sucks when you think you found a new blog to follow. Then you check their info, and that's plastered on it. And if that isn't bad enough, they never make a clear cut distinction between IC and OOC stuff. (So, are they uncomfortable with those subjects in RP? Is it okay for people who write darkfic to follow/engage with them?etc. You can never be sure with those people.).
I should probably add this to my rules later, I just keep forgetting about it. But like... Ever since I learned that there is some kind of RPC, for historical figures (Im not talking about series/show versions based on those historical figures). That's definetely something, I really don't want getting anywhere near. I love history, I'm not "bothered" by the fucked up world history. But I just find it overall, quite distasteful you know? No matter how "respectful", those muns try to claim to be. I just think that RPing as historical figures, once real life people who left their marks in history, isn't exactly a "good way" to show respect for them. They may be dead, but they aren't fictional characters.
There is some discourse in regards to using deceased actors as FCs, and how you shouldn't do it. But like... Do those not realise that, if they truly wished to honor the dead, then they should show appreciation for their work and not ommit them? Carrie Fisher is forever eternalized in her work as Leia Organa. Christopher Lee is forever eternalized, in his work as Count Dooku. To me, this feels like an attempt to do the right thing, but it is only doing harm. Because, let me remind people. A fan doesn't carry in any shape or form the same weight, a mega Corporation like Disney does. We are not making billions of dollars, off those actors works. A fan is first and foremost, an admirer and an observer. So, yeah. The discourse around deceased FCs is pretty stupid, IMO. Especially because, the same people who make a stinker out of it, remain dead silent when their favorite mega corporations keep milking any clout/influence/etc out of a deceased actor/content creator (Do I have to bring up Disney's piss poor attempt at a crypto NFT scam via using Stan Lee's image? Long after the man's death? [And they recently got into an agreement, to keep using Stan Lee's image/likeness for any future Marvel endeavors] Or how about them now using an AI to generate Vader's voice going forward, because his original VA is retiring?).
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yesterdanereviews · 2 months
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Invisible Mom II (1998)
Film review #622
Director: Fred Olen Ray
SYNOPSIS: When a millionaire passes away, his long-lost grandson Eddie becomes the heir of his fortune. Unbeknownst to him, he is stuck in an orphanage while the hunt for him goes on. He is fostered by the Griffin family, learning that Mrs Griffin has the ability to turn invisible when she is angry, thanks to one of her husband's inventions. However, Eddie's cousins take him away to adopt him so that they can claim the inheritance, and the Griffin's must conduct a rescue before it's too late...
THOUGHTS/ANALYSIS: Invisible Mom II is a 1999 sci-fi children's film, and the follow up to the 1996 film Invisible Mom. two years after the events of the first film, we open to...something completely different, as a man lies dying in bed. His nearest family members eagerly await his death so they can claim his vast fortune, but upon learning that their young cousin Eddie is alive somewhere in Foster care and he will get the entire fortune, they hatch a plan to find and adopt him...and eventually kill him like they have the rest of the family to get their hands on the fortune. The plot is a fairly standard one for a kid's film that's simple enough to follow, and has distinct, yet goofy villains. It should also be noted that it actually has a plot, unlike the first film, in which barely anything happens other than Mr Griffin's boss tries to take credit for the discovery.
Speaking of which, it turns out that the antidote Mrs Griffin took to turn visible again was only partially successful, and she still turns invisible when she gets angry...yes, I'm going to go for the obvious joke here: she's basically The Invisible Hulk. The ending of the first film is hand-waved away, with the formula apparently being taken by the U.S. military and that's the end of it. You might expect a familiar scenario of Eddie being angry or rebellious about his new foster home but...he seems to quite like it immediately: everyone is quite nice to each other all around, and there is no conflict anywhere: even when Eddie decides to try and clean a stain on Josh's jacket with a handheld buzzsaw (????), Josh just shrugs and says he didn't like it anyway. Again, I know this is a children's film, but I'm sure it's okay to have a bit of conflict and tension somewhere? The Griffin's themselves are mostly unchanged from the first film: all the same actors return, although Josh is notably older now as he is a teenager, but we don't get any exciting new character arcs or development for them.
Eddie's cousins turn up to adopt him as his only living relatives and to take him to their home, with the intent of killing him off and collecting the inheritance. Josh stows away in their car, and when his parents learn of it, they must conduct a rescue, and Mom has to turn invisible to rescue them. It's noteworthy that Mrs Griffin barely turns invisible: just three times, the first only happening half-way through the film. Eddie's cousins as the villains are probably the stand-out characters: they really chew the scenery every time they're on screen. Bernard is played by Micky Dolenz of The Monkees fame, and really has a voice that you can't help but listen to. The last part of the film is essentially just Eddie and Josh running about the villains mansion (why do they need the inheritance when they clearly live in a mansion?) while they try to off the children. It's not terribly exciting, and as mentioned, there's not much of any "invisible Mom" shenanigans that add anything to the formulaic plot. Despite all these criticisms, it is well acted, with Dee Wallace as invisible Mom, Micky Dolenz as mentioned, and Justin Berfield as Eddie, who would take the role of Reese in Malcolm in the Middle a year or so later. the film tries to have a bit of fun, but loses its way the moment it tries to veer outside the very formulaic plot. Nevertheless, it is an improvement over its predecessor, if only for the reason there is a bit of a story. Still not a great film, and certainly not for anyone other than young kids who can overlook the gaping plot-holes.
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centuriantalevevo · 2 years
I just watched Frozen (not Disney, its a pretty damn unknown movie, rated r, free with ads on youtube, and has pretty unknown actors as in they aren't known in the film industry, apparently this is a pow budget movie which I refuse to believe because it's so fucking good)
There's one scene that sticks with me. When Dan, one of the main characters, jumps down from the ski lift and breaks his legs, and gets eaten by wolves.
So we have 3 characters: Dan, Joe, and Parker. Dan and Parker are dating, for maybe about a year. Joe has been Dan's best friend since they first started elementary.
Well, I'm rewriting that scene but with Ike, Ivy, and Mysta. But Ike and Ivy are siblings instead if dating (Ike and Ivy replace Dan and Parker[Parker is a girl btw]), and we'll have this work as tho she came into our specific universe about a year ago and Ike and Ivy just claimed they were twins to everyone who asks.
Let's get this shit-
"Are you okay?!" "Uh... not really?... I broke my legs!!" Ike yells up, "How bad is it?!" Ivy calls down, "It's uh.... it's pretty bad..." "Well HOW bad?!" She repeated, "The bone's sticking out!!" He called up.
"Alright.... stay there! I'll try and get down to you! There are ladders on the poles!" Mysta called down, "Be careful Mysta! The cables are very sharp!" Ike yelled.
"Help me climb up," Mysta said to Ivy, getting up and grabbing the cable. "Even if you use a hold of my leg... it's not like you'll save me... but it's like.. psychological... I think.." He muttered, bracing himself. He started to shuffled across the cable, however he didn't get far before he paused and started going backwards... after seeing wolves show up under the ski lift.
'Shit.. shit... shit... shit...' he thought to himself as he got back to the seat. He sat down and looked at Ivy, "what's wrong?" She asked and he grabbed her face, covering her ears. "Don't look down. No matter what. Do. Not. Look. Down."
"What? Why? What happened?! Let me see!-" Ivy tried to look down as she heard wolves approach. Then Ike screamed out.
"DON'T LET HER LOOK, MYSTA! DO NOT LET HER FUCKING LOOK!" "I won't, man!" Mysta yelled back. Ivy started to scream and struggle, trying to look down at her brother who's fate was already sealed.
He covered his eyes with his hood, closing them as well. He kept his crying silent. The wolves started to attack him, ripping up his clothes and his skin.
Ivy kept struggling against Mysta, "PLEASE! LET ME SEE!" She cried, "No... don't look. Please don't look. You're better off not looking..." "MYSTA PLEASE!" Mysta closed his eyes and shook his head. "DON'T LET HER LOOK!!" Ike repeated.
His screaming slowly stopped, as did the gurgling coming from him. All that could be heard were the wolves growling and bones crunching.
Ivy cried, and when she was finally let go, she looked down and went silent, staring in shock.
Mysta did the same. He had to do something to distract her. He felt an obligation.
"Your cheeks are red..." Mysta pointed, "... s... sunburn?" She asked and then paused- no, that wasn't possible. "Worse... I think it'd Frostbite." It had to be. She lived in Sweden and dealt with snow long enough to know, but she couldn't but want to touch it, it was starting to itch.
"Why didn't you stop him?" She asked and Mysta looked at her "Are you blaming me?! Don't blame this on me, you didn't even try to stop him! I didn't see you jumping in front of him to stop him!" Mysta glared, "N..no... I'm not trying to blame you..." "you've been his 'sister' for what? A year? From somehow showing up in this world." He said with anger in his voice. "I just watched my best friend die... I knew him my entire life!" "He wouldn't listen to me..." "He wouldn't listen to me either!!"
Ivy sniffed some, "I'm... I'm sorry.." She said, "Shut up... if you hadn't insisted on coming, we wouldn't have been stuck on that amateur mountain, we would've gotten the harder mountains done and then we would be home already! But no! You had to try and insert yourself into every part of his fucking life!" Mysta yelled in frustration. "It's not fair!" She yelled back, "It ISN'T FAIR! I just wanted to join..." She said while looking at the ground below, seeing Ike's torn up lifeless body.
"I...." Mysta sighed, Ivy was doing her best to hold back tears as she saw what was left of her twin.
She scooted closer to Mysta and leaned against him, crying quietly.
"I'm... I'm sorry... I... didn't mean it.." Mysta hugged her, starting to cry again as well.
They were tired, and frostbite was setting in.
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captaintiny · 2 years
ok this has been bothering me for a long time and i never really knew how to put it in words until it suddenly came to me in a painkiller-induced nap
there are different levels of bad.
there is truly awful and problematic media, like h*rry p*tter for example. or awful people like pewdiepie. or greg ellis (for those unaware, he's a film and voice actor who claims he's a libertarian but his stances have become more aggressively and openly fascist over the past few years). these properties and people don't deserve a platform, money or attention.
but... not every piece of media or every person with problematic elements is as bad as those examples.
like. it just really bugs me when people see something like say, the umbrella academy season two, and see someone talking about the antisemitism in it. and then the immediate response is BOYCOTT THE SHOW NEVER WATCH IT, EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS BAD. and like. it's exhausting. it's false equivalency.
everyone will, of course have different lines about what is okay and what isn't. im jewish. i watched tua. sure, there were moments that made me uncomfortable, but it didn't ruin the show for me personally. i also know a lot of jews that said "it was too antisemitic for me so i didn't watch." both of these opinions are okay.
im also a rape survivor. black sails is incredibly violent, and has a particularly high incidence of sexual violence in season one. it also has issues with racism at times, and i know people who didn't watch it for either or both of these reasons. i still firmly maintain it's one of the greatest pieces of media made in the last 20 years. outlander, on the other hand, had too much sexual violence for me to handle, and the show framed it in a way that made me uncomfortable. but i don't believe that consuming outlander makes you a morally deplorable individual, nor do i believe that it should be banned or cancelled or removed from the social consciousness.
brennan lee mulligan, who runs dimension 20 - my all time favourite actual play RPG show - has views on religion that i think come from a very narrow mindset, and it's very obvious what helped formed those views, and i often get uncomfortable when he speaks about religion as a monolith. but having a questionable opinion on religion doesn't make him the same as someone like jkr.
it's crucial that you're critical of the media you consume, and the celebrities you are fans of. but finding a single flaw, or even two or three, or reading about a single shitty thing a person did, doesn't make them equivalent to fascists. it doesn't mean the media is irredeemable.
it also doesn't mean you should ignore those shitty things either. you should absolutely acknowledge when stuff you like has issues, and listen to people that they affect talking about them. and again, i will reiterate: there are people and pieces of media that are problematic in so many ways that it is universally reprehensible to try and continue to consume them. but not everything that has a flaw is automatically the highest possible tier of awful, and i'm kind of tired of everyone treating personal boundaries or lines w media/public figures as a moral litmus test that has a right and wrong answer. you can acknowledge something has flaws and still enjoy it.
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