#I don't know how to liveblog
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thewertsearch · 1 month ago
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You make a cautious motion toward a beckoning EXIT KNOB, when suddenly THE SAME WILD CHARACTER-SELECT SCREEN REAPPROACHES NONTHREATENINGLY!
I think we've got to go with Jake, unless one of the blondes is secretly clickable this time around.
...nope, doesn't look like it. Back to English class, then!
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What was it you were up to? Oh right, you were going to pick these dang guns up off the floor when you were interrupted by some fleeting imperceptible thought. You kind of space out sometimes.
A reference to Jake's 'spacing out' feels like it could be a hint that he's the session's new Space Player. I guess he is living beside the Forge, but I still think there's currently more evidence for Doom.
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You pick up your TWIN M9 BERETTAS, weapons of choice in an absurd arsenal inherited from an eccentric old woman.
I could absolutely see Grandma Jade rocking the Sassacre Slayers. She is a skilled markswoman, after all, and we've seen her abilities in action a couple of times.
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You think your bed is some sort of electronic gadget. You're pretty sure those bedpost globes are supposed to glow like light bulbs under certain circumstances. But you've never been able to figure out what purpose it serves. Just more mysterious junk inherited from your eclectic GRANDMA.
No Dreambot for Jake, I take it. Guess that makes sense - that bot was Crockertech, and Grandma Jade didn't inherit the company like Grandpa Jake did.
He's still got an upgraded bed, though, so my guess is that Jade attempted the Dreambot project, but simply didn't have the resources to complete it.
She also gave you these bedsheets when you were very young, which you adore, but only for sentimental reasons.
It looks like the only lusi depicted on Jake's bedsheets are the twelve we're already familiar with. That catlike silhouette in the center-bottom is a slight question mark, but I think it's supposed to be a very skinny Pounce De Leon.
I was going to ask where Jade got a bedsheet which references the Alternian Players, but then I remembered that her adoptive mother was an Alternian Player. Jade probably swiped some of her things on the way out, the cheeky minx.
You aren't too keen on monsters.
Yeesh, the Medium's not going to be much fun for our boy.
You'd expect an adventure-lover to be a lot more enthusiastic about fighting monsters, but I guess we all have our phobias. At least he has a ranged weapon, so he won't have to get up close and personal with his Underlings.
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A lot of these posters are fairly transparent references to Lord English. The Mummy alludes to the weird sarcophagus he summoned in his Intermission, Weekend at Bernie's is about corpse-puppeting someone like he did with Scratch, and The Incredible Hulk explains itself.
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Special shout out to this poster, though, which I'm pretty sure is literally titled Time-Travelling Demon. Subtle!
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psychopomp-namine · 1 month ago
the way everyone has a dislike in their profile that actually says something integral about their character. lu guang doesn't like plans getting messed up, cheng xiaoshi dislikes loneliness, xia fei with owing favors, vein with lying...
and then you have liu xiao, who dislikes... cilantro. and fish mint.
(shakes fist) (putting him in a glass jar and shaking vigorously) learn to be vulnerable!! tell me something about yourself!! I guess him liking movies lines up with the theater metaphors, and there's him liking chess, but that. doesn't count methinks
#mine musings#liveblogging link click#link click#okay the metaphor thing works out a little bit in that. it's on brand#70% of what we know about liu xiao are implicitly gained from other characters#e.g. how xf and ltc relate to him. how the liu family talk about him. how he thematically juxtaposes other characters like lg and cxs#the 30% are the things we know explicitly from him e.g. he's a rich kid with a sports car. he can hear heartbeats#he wants to merge the parallel lines or whatever#the rest are inferences like. oh okay no parallel lines? he doesn't like uncertainties i guess#the way he talks about friendship with xf and ltc? he values a transactional view of relationships#(maybe because transactions imply a certain level of certainty?)#he's the current favored child of the liu family but he wasn't before#he's a “manipulator” but really that's mostly from marketing stuff and implications from canon#like. we know a lot about him but at the same time we don't#the way we just know his uncertainty -> certainty thing contrasts with lg's certainty -> uncertainty thing#we know his heartbeat hearing implies he knows everyone's level of sincerity and both xf and cxs exist as foils to that#the hunter thing with ltc. why does he believe that?#lots of “bringing the darkness” lines in three of his songs for some reason#so like. i can't say that the show hasn't told us anything. they have but in circular ways#we don't know much about him from him directly but we do. know stuff. kinda. do you get me#all i want from YE6 is veinxiao friendship being shown so i can have new dimensions on how lx views friendship#and maybe like. a hint at what his motivations are. like why is he Like That#<- again funnier if he's just Like That from the womb. even if the liu family isn't fucked up he's still Like That#but that's not this show's style so probably not#lx notes#like the INSISTENCE of writing lx as a point of comparison or through other people's perspectives and very rarely from his own#is fascinating to me
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months ago
This might sound really odd but meeting Roger Clark has weirdly helped with the underlying grief you have for Arthur and his story like naw Arthur's not dead I met him the other day he's fine dw
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marshmallowgoop · 10 months ago
No matter how special it is, a kid's lunch is still just a kid's lunch.
I dunno, I liked "The Genius Restaurant" (Episode 1,089).
Happy (belated) birthday, Jimjam.
[Song link] [YouTube link]
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eerna · 14 days ago
Reading Hadestown criticisms is funny bc they're always like "this is a bad show because WHY are they CONSTANTLY talking about a TRAIN but WE NEVER SEE A SINGLE TRAIN"
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strink-family · 11 months ago
Dallon keeping it real
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travalerray · 11 months ago
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Li Lianhua: Expert at bs
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anachronistic-falsehood · 1 year ago
mouse: (to bad) well you're a demon...
cellbit: WAIT you're a demon??? oh that makes so much sense!!!!
bad: no no no no, it's a case of mistaken identity!!!
mouse: right right he's NOT a demon!! he just uses lotion, high quality lotion
cellbit: oh ok
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aparticularbandit · 22 days ago
I like that this era and the set of three games that ends the era ends with Vax and Keyleth.
But I'm not sure that I like that a campaign meant to be about Bell's Hells ends with them.
I don't know if that makes sense - and I know it doesn't matter if I like it or not because it's for them and they share it with us!
I just.
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pinkestpurple · 22 days ago
is so funny that Robbie gets nervous when liev'el appear, is Liam, again
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turnaboutstar · 3 months ago
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he's talking about apollo like oopsie almost forgot my employee who was injured in a courtroom bombing
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psychopomp-namine · 2 months ago
fixation so real I am about to enter my "the curtains are fucking blue" era of link click analysis, but I need yingdu to finish airing first before I can even feel confident about why I think every season of link click features someone wearing a yellow and blue jacket (i.e. the way cheng xiaoshi, the twins, and xia fei are foils of each other and how their character arcs when they wear the yellow and blue jacket are a small scale representation of the overarching story of shiguang, which are represented by, you guessed it, yellow and blue)
(and of course, the way shiguang, xiaochen, and veifei are foils of each other, etc etc)
but anyway. I'll be patient and wait for yingdu to finish or else I'm probably just clowning around here. but I am thinking many thoughts and have written many words in the drafts.
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arthursfuckinghat · 11 months ago
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So, turns out if you black out from being drunk, Arthur will actually bleed from where he collapsed and hit his head on the ground
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000marie198 · 1 year ago
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Permission to smack Sonic over the head?
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heartcircus · 3 months ago
here's what kab had to say abt her relationship with zam earlier btw
Kab: ...Because everyone I've trusted over the last four days has stabbed me in the back, viciously- Bacon: Except ClownPierce. Kab: Yeah, except ClownPierce but I don't trust him either. Bacon: [overlapping] and Zam. Kab: No, Zam has as well. But- Bacon: What'd he do to you? Kab: Um, Zam and I have a complicated relationship. He's very much... I don't know if Zam is really- Zam and I are like frenemies, I think. So, I don't trust him at all, equally as I don't trust ClownPierce. Trust, I've discovered, is not something you should give out so freely, so I'm, uh, being more careful with it.
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marenwithanm · 1 year ago
I'm watching my brother start playing Wind Waker, and I forgot how often Link gets slammed into walls?? I remembered the forsaken fortress, but then when the tower of gods rises he just gets flung into the stratosphere?? Not to mention him getting punched in the face by ganondorf like 5 times. The poor boy is lucky he doesn't have a concussion, or at the very least a broken nose!
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