#I don't actually care that much about it i swear
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Summary: After the death of your brother and his wife. You find yourself adjusting to a new role in your life. A single parent to your teenage nephew. How do you help him heal? How do you help yourself heal? You're not sure. You don't think you can, until an annoying basketball coach enters your life and turns everything around.
Pairing: Basketball Coach Yoongi x Single Aunt F. Reader
Genre: Romance, Angst, Smut, Strangers to Lovers,
Warnings: Death Of Parents / Brother/ Family, Car Accident (Cause), Swearing, Explicit Sex, Arguments, Physical Fighting, Past Abusive Relationship, Talks Of Domestic Violence, Gore (Horror Movie), Smoking, Use Of Word Slut. Grieving
With your tongue poking out of your mouth in concentration, you press the blue painters tape along the ceiling with as much precision as possible. Your mother had agreed to let Nicky paint his room, but of course, she had to have the final say. She quickly vetoed the colors that she didn't like. Dark blues and black were pushed aside as she gave him the options of Serene Green and Pastel Yellow. Needless to say, Serene Green was the winner. It wasn't awful. Nope. In fact, you actually like the color, but it didn't exactly scream that a teenager lived there. You don't think that he cares, though. It was just nice to see his room start to come to life.
“These brushes are nice,” you dad says from the step ladder as he paints a perfect line just under your tape. His hand was completely steady, and he probably didn't even need you to tape off the room. “Where did you get these?”
“Oh, one of your new potential vendors gave me some,” you say casually, causing your parents to give you a look. “What?”
“He just gave them to you?” Your mom asks. “He should have given them to your father or even Elly for that matter.”
“Well, maybe, I might have flirted a little bit with him,” you admit. “But look, it got us some good brushes.”
“Do you think you could flirt for some rollers?” Your dad asks jokingly, making your mom throw a water bottle at him. “I'm kidding. Unless, she really can. The good ones are expensive.”
“You can't do that, Y/N,” your mom scolds. “You need to keep things professional at work. How do you think that makes you look? How that makes you father look?”
“She gets it from you,” your dad cuts in while still painting his perfect line of Serene Green.
“Absolutely not,” she disagrees.
“Should I recount the story of when we first met?” He asks, smiling over his shoulder at her. “I believe it was when I was working for my own father.”
Your mother gives him a look and walks out of the bedroom. You laugh, throwing down your blue tape roll and watch as it rolls across the room. Climbing down your own ladder, you sit on Nicky's bed that was moved to the center of the bedroom. “Don't let her get to you. She means well.”
“I'm not so sure,” you say, watching him as he climbs down and approaches you.
“How are you doing, kiddo? Do you need any money? Food?” He asks, squatting in front of you. “You two aren't going hungry, right?”
“No, things have been good?” You say, giving him a small smile.
“Just give her some time, kiddo,” he says. “Things are hard for everyone. Emotions are really high, but you know that I won't let anything happen. Nicky isn't going anywhere.”
“I know,” you agree.
“Just try to keep some sort of peace between the two of you.” he tells you. “I know you two haven't really ever gotten along over the years, but she loves you. After what happened to you…”
“When will the room be done?” You ask, changing the subject. “I think Chris and Elly are bringing him back in a couple of hours. I would like to have everything done and the room put back together by then.”
“Yeah,” your dad says quietly as he studies you sadly. “We’ll get it done.”
You walk to the opposite side of the room, grabbing a paint roller to distract you. You don't like to talk about your past. If you don't talk about it, then you can almost pretend like it never happened. You watch as the roller spreads the green paint across the wall. Up and down, you drag it over the smooth surface repeatedly, covering any blotchiness that you created.
Up and down.
Up and down, as if everything was perfectly fine.
Up and down.
Up and down.
Nothing was all right.
Up, down and repeat.
Ignore and pretend.
You pick the stubborn green paint from out underneath your fingernails as you sit on the bleachers waiting for practice to start. Nicky, with as much enthusiasm as a teenage boy could muster, he thanked everyone for painting his room when he saw it. That night, you two sat down, ordering him shelves and an entertainment center that he liked. You told him that the choice was his to unpack his things or you could go shopping to decorate his room with brand new things. He asked to think about it. You hope he chooses his things that were boxed up in his closet. Things that once brought him comfort and held happy memories. You don't want him to be scared of those memories. Memories of his mom and dad. Memories that you don’t want him to forget. That was the last thing you wanted.
Giving up on your nails, you yawn. For once, you were one of the first adults in the gym, and it was boring. You'll have to make sure that it never happens again. Resting your elbow on your knee, you place your chin in your hand. You contemplate closing your eyes when the door opens loudly and both coaches walk in. You watch as Coach Min gives you a double take before looking down at his watch. Raising an eyebrow at you, he nods in satisfaction that you were actually there before him. You roll your eyes in response, making him laugh silently. You're so happy that you amused him. At least one of you was amused. All you were was tired.
“We need to decide where to meet for dinner tonight,” Ara speaks up during the middle of practice. “Any suggestions?”
“LUXE EAST,” a mom that you don't care to learn her name suggests. “They have the best wine choices.”
“That's probably too expensive for….some,” Ara says, and you can feel their stares turn to look at you.
“Ara,” Mark says warningly as he makes eye contact with you.
“What? I'm just trying to be thoughtful,” she says innocently. “Maybe we should stick to McDonald's.”
“You can take your fake concern and shove it,” you say, looking over your shoulder at her trying to act unbothered. “I'm not going anywhere with you anyway.”
“You have to,” she smirks. “It's a part of your responsibility as a parent on our team.”
“It's when we decide who's in charge of getting signs made, t-shirts made. You know, things like that,” Mark explains.
Mark was nice. You didn't want to be a bitch to him. Instead, you completely turn away from him and look at the group of women behind you. You wonder if they ever heard the word no before. You doubt it. Their aura screams spoiled. You are sure that they were the type of woman who always got what they wanted.
“I'd rather pull my eyelashes out one by one than go anywhere with you,” you say, standing up and giving her a fake smile. “Go team!”
Walking down the steps of the bleachers, you step onto the floor and head for the door. Well, you attempted to, that is. Coach Min's arm shot out, almost hitting you with his clipboard, stopping your escape.
“Where are you going?” He asks, eyes never leaving the boys on the court.
“Bathroom. Is that alright with you?” You ask, sarcastically. “Do I need a hall pass?”
He doesn't answer as he drops his arm, letting you pass by. Continuing on, you leave the gym and walk down the hall a little ways until you come to the girls' bathroom. Looking around, you notice frosted windows above a small ledge. You smile, climbing up on the counter, and you hold your breath as you pop the window open. You freeze for a moment, waiting to see if you set an alarm off. Thankfully, there was nothing.
Reaching into your bag, you pull out a singular cigarette and lighter. You haven't smoked in years. You had carried the little cancer stick around as a reminder that you were stronger than the bad habit. You were stronger now than your past self, but every now and then, you doubt yourself and your strength. Even though you don't show it, you have your limits, and right now, you are way past them. Maybe Ara and the others that pushed you into caving in. Maybe it was the conversation with your dad. Maybe you were never strong, like you thought.
Fuck it!
Bringing the cigarette to your lips, you light it, inhaling the disgusting chemicals that burn your lungs as you breathe it in. Turning your head toward the window, you blow out the smoke, trying not to cough. You're disappointed. You're not sure what you were hoping to feel, but the cigarette did not give it to you. Maybe you were hoping for a rush of dopamine. Maybe you were looking for a sense of calm and peace, but you got nothing. You still feel tense. You still feel weighed down. The nightmares will still be there when you close your eyes at night. Everything is exactly the same. Except now, you probably smell like an ashtray.
You don't bother with another puff. Snuffing the cigarette out, you close the window and hope down off the counter. Flushing the evidence, you walk back into the gym like nothing happened.
Sitting further away from the group, you take your earlier position. Elbow on knee, chin in hand, you wait. You wait, like you have been waiting almost every day since Nicky came into your life full time. You need to learn to have patience because waiting felt like torture. Maybe your mom was right all along. Maybe you weren't equipped to handle this type of life. The mom life. You need to change. Unfortunately, you don't know how to change, but you need to figure it out.
“What's the temperature you need to store hot food at?” Coach Min throws at you as you remain unmoving, waiting for your nephew as practice ends and everyone filters out of the gym.
“220 degrees,” you answer automatically, looking up at him as he looms over you, looking down at you.
It was a lie. You didn't know the answer, but you sure answered him with as much confidence as you could muster. He stares at you through narrowed eyes, scrutinizing your answer. You are sure he knows that you have yet to look over the paper he gave you on food safety practices.
“You don't know, do you?” He asks, calling your bluff and confirming what you thought.
“If that's wrong, then what's the answer?” You ask back. He chuckles and looks away from you. This time, you were the one to narrow your eyes as you study him. Standing up from your seat, you stare at him with astonishment. “You don't know either,” you accuse, pointing your finger at him.
“Of course I do,” he scoffs, crossing those arms of his. “I've been doing this for years.”
“Then what is it?” You ask, mimicking his stance.
“It's…..in the paper I gave you so you better learn it,” he answers and walks away from you. You shake your head as you watch him walk away and pat Nicky on the back as he passes him.
That motherfu…..chucker!
A/C is not working. Bring extra water.
Damn. The text that came through the team app did not lie. The gym was hot and stuffy as you entered through the double doors. A wall of heat from inside almost stops you in your tracks as it hits you in the face, wanting to tempt you into running your ass back to your car.
It just felt gross.
Nicky waves at you from where he was stretching on the court. You raise the water bottle in your hand in the air, indicating that you bought him an extra one. He points to his belongings sitting on an empty set of bleachers. You nod, walking over. You find his things easily and place his extra water down before joining the parents.
It's gotten easier the last few practices. Coming here almost every day is still just as awful, but keeping your head down and not paying attention to certain people made the time more bearable. It helps that you have been bringing your earbuds to drown out their yapping mouths, but unfortunately, today, you were in too big of a hurry to change. You forgot to grab them. Instead of an audio book or music, you had to listen to the squeaking shoes, whistles, and the yapping of the mothers mouths. Today, you just try to focus on the boys doing…whatever it was that they were doing, but the yappers wouldn't shut up.
“I need a new formal dress,” one of them says. “Hubby and I have dinner with his idiot boss next weekend.”
“At least you're able to get a new one. My husband says I have too many dresses that I don't need another one,” a new voice chimes in. “How ridiculous is that? He can buy a new boat, but I can't have a new dress.”
Dear god, you think as you roll your eyes. You wish those were the only problems you had.
“There's plenty of shops you can go to. Just don't shop where she does,” your shoulders stiffen as you fight the urge to turn around. You just know that the comment was directed at you. “Hey, you.”
“What?” You question, not even bothering to look over your shoulder at them.
“You should go and change,” Ara tells you.
You look down at yourself. You didn’t think the pair of cut-off shorts and a black and white striped tank top that you were wearing would be considered inappropriate. Your ass wasn't hanging out, and your boobs were where they belonged. If she thought this was bad, then she was faint if she saw what else you had in your closet.
“If your son can't keep his eyes to himself, then maybe you should teach him better,” you snap at her as you finally look at her. She, as always, was wearing too much makeup. You hoped that she would sweat it off and look like a drowned rat by the end of practice. “That's your problem, not mine.”
“Well if you didn't dress like a slut to begin with then we wouldn't have a problem,” Ara tells you with a sharp look. Her scowls have become harsher since you refused to go to the meeting with them, but nothing was ever said to you.
“What did you call me,” you demand ever so calmly, fully turning your body around to look at her.
“You heard me,” she smirks as her glossy lips shine under the gym lights.
“Say it again,” you say, standing up, but it only makes her laugh. “FUCKING SAY IT AGAIN BITCH!.”
“WHOA!” Coach Min says, blowing his whistle as he turns swiftly to see what the commotion was. “Get down here now.”
You don't listen as your eyes continue to zero in on Ara, your number one enemy at the moment. You don't plan on backing down. Ara's glossy little smile drops as she studies you when she realizes that you're not backing down. Good. Very good. You haven't fought anyone since high school, but you're sure you still have what it takes to kick her ass.
“Fucking say it again,” you growl, getting closer into her space, making her back up in her seat.
Yup, you still got it.
“Y/N, get down here now,” Coach Min demands, but again, you don't pay him any mind. Footsteps ascend the wooden stairs, and a hand grabs your arm, trying to pull you away. “Now.” You shake him off and follow him down the bleachers. “Three practice suspension,” he tells you as he points to the doors.
“I thought they needed a guardian here at all times,” you say smartly, testing his patience.
“Do you want to make it 6?” He asks, eyes hard as he studies you.
You look over to Nicky, who, like the rest of the boys, was watching the commotion that you were a part of. You shouldn't make such a scene in front of him. Squinting your eyes in a glare, you turn from him to head for the doors. However, before your feet actually were able to take off, you looked back at the smug woman, whose smirk was right back on her face. Staring directly at her, you flip her off with your hand held high for everyone to see.
“Jesus christ,” you hear Coach Min mutter.
Stomping out of the gym, you walk back to your car, slamming your door loudly after you climb in. Swearing at the top of your lungs, you hit the steering wheel with the heel of your hand. You can feel the burning of tears start to well behind your eyes. Rubbing them harshly, you stop them before they fully form. With a deep breath to calm your rapidly beating heart, you lean forward, pressing your forehead against the steering wheel, you exhale. 1….2….3… you slowly count as you focus on the rising of your chest. 4…5…6… Finally, you can feel your heart rate slow.
Your whole life, you were a wild child. Your brothers were steller students, great athletes, and never had detention. You, on the other hand, practically lived there. You never talked back to teachers, but boy, did the other students piss you off. You weren't one to back down when someone was running their mouth about you. Maybe you did it for attention. Your parents were always busy going into your teen years. Supporting you and your siblings plus Nicky and your sister-in-law, it was a lot. They both worked a lot, and their time at home was stretched thin with all the responsibilities in the household.
Unfortunately, you never really grew out of the rebelliousness. You were responsible around Nicky when you were with him, but otherwise, you didn't care. Skipping school, sneaking out, all became routine for you. Your self-esteem wasn't the best and sought attention from the wrong type of men as you grew older. Men, who would frequent the shady little bar you worked at. Who knew all the right things to say to draw in and make you fall in love with them. You fell for it every time, and every time you paid the price.
You were angry. You were angry when they would call you names. They made you feel bad and tore you down. You couldn't fight back. You tried once, and it didn't work out so well. You promised yourself that you would never let anyone make you feel like again. Make you feel insecure, weak. Make you feel like you were always…..wrong. You close your eyes, trying to convince yourself that you did nothing wrong. You shake your head slightly. You didn't do anything. Nope, you didn't do anything wrong. You stood up for yourself like anyone would. You didn't do anything wrong back then, and you didn't do anything wrong now. You hope that if you keep repeating it, you might actually start to believe it.
“I'm sorry,” you tell him softly. “I'm sorry if I embarrassed you.”
The car door opening has you looking over at Nicky from where you lay your head on the headrest of your seat. You let him throw his bag in the back seat and buckle himself in before you speak.
“I know what she called you. All the moms were laughing about it,” he tells you. “It's not fair that you got into trouble, but they don't.”
“I know,” you agree, nodding your head.
“I don't want to come back tomorrow,” he says, looking down at his hands in his lap. “I don't even like playing with half of them. Especially her son, he's a shithead.”
“Watch it! You can't quit,” you say, shaking your head at him. “Isn't like the number one rule for these things? You can’t let your team down. What's that saying? Never give up, never….something.”
“Coach is headed this way,” he tells you, and you follow his line of sight out the windshield. Everything in you hardens once more as you watch the blonde man make his way over to your car.
“The fuck he is,” you mutter under your breath.
You quickly start your car, throwing it in drive, taking off out of the parking lot with squealing tires. Absolutely not. There was no way you were going to talk to that man. If Nicky changes his mind about wanting to play, you'll have to send Chris or Elly to take your place. You know they would do it in a heartbeat, but as of right now…you're done.
《Chapter Four》
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I had a discussion with a friend on twitter about the fact –and consequences– of Sting killing the previous Sabertooth master, Jienma and possibly more people and I feel like throwing my two cents here and expanding a bit more. Long post ahead ✌🏽
First of all, I want to make clear that my opinion on the Magic Council is that they're soo stupidly incompetent throughout the manga, so much that it shouldn't come to anyone's surprise they did nothing to Sting after killing Jienma, like they had "criminals" doing their job at one point, c'mon.
With that out of the way let's being: I'm aware of what I just said about the council, but taking in the context of where and when it took place I don't think they genuinely could do much lmao.
Firstly, the only time I remember them actually doing their job decently was during Oracion Seis, the times before and after that they were more or less there just to add the comedic bit of "Shit, we destroyed another town and the council's here, let's scram." And like, whatever the fuck they were doing during Tower of Heaven –this itself could be on another analysis post, did they seriously never doubted Siegrain?? did they just buy his lame story of "Oh yeah my twin brother who did a massacre when he was 7 is still out there making a cult or something but I got nothing to do with it don't worry about it, also don't pay attention to that it's not important rn" ???– But that was more the 10 Magic Saints and not the council I guess? but also they're the rulers of the magic council so we're on the same boat. I also just remembered the fact that sometimes they do fake trials to appease the population with no actual punishments being ruled lmao, I swear I was trying to be impartial here but it's getting harder the more stuff I remember.
Anyways, back to the GMG: They were a mess, like literally within the context. The king himself was operating illegally under the radar for 7 years and I can only imagine the Council's reaction to that fact literally moments prior to seven fucking dragons appearing out of nowhere. (The fact that the king and princess were left with just a scolding from Mest by all this was wild, truly up to the medieval(? times FT is set up in, –also keeps proving my opinion right– and raises many fucking questions about what the monarchy in this country is doing????) So, in summary, I don't think they had time to care about Sting killing Jienma. ☠️
But if you want my longer analysis (this is rhetorical I'm doing it anyways.) Consider the history of Sabertooth, whatever methods Jienma (and Minerva) had of moving the guild forwards definitely included doing not so legal stuff swept under the rug, I'm guessing by Minerva or Jienma himself. I'm taking guesses here but it could've been by bribing the Council –given how gullible they are apparently ☠️– or the Council either being intimidated enough by Jienma or because the guild tangled with the legality of the magic world so well they couldn't really do/say much to the guild during those years Jienma was in charge.
That probably helped Sting in this case, we don't know if the Sabertooth members were aware of such methods or if they had a general idea, I could assume Sting only found the full of it when he became master and had full access to the guild's records. But honestly I don't think it's farfetched to think anyone in Saber has killed people under Jienma's command more than once, since Sabertooth was introduced as a direct opposite of what Fairy Tail stands for –value your comrades as family, vow to kill no one– I think it was set to be assumed.
Maybe not ordered in ways such as "Kill this guy." but since the motto of Sabertooth was to be the better than any guild through whatever means necessary, it's not unlikely they were ordered to "dispose" of the competence more than once, as the first scene in which Sting and Rogue are introduced is literally them massacring a Dark Guild and leaving (I'm assuming) only one guy alive.

Another part of the discussion we had was what would Fairy Tail's opinion on the fact that Sting killed the previous master be and honestly? I don't think they gave a fuck.
Throughout the GMG, Sabertooth did many things to the FT members that deserve no mercy and we saw that, how each of them reaped what they sowed. Even Natsu, to no one's surprised railed the Guild's motel just to shit talk and beat the crap out of the master for humiliating Yukino.
But then, (and pardon me if I overindulge here, because this is genuinely my favorite part of the arc) the finals arrive, every single member of Saber is defeated and given retribution and only Sting is left against Fairy Tail.
And he breaks down. All of the years worth of pressure and forcibly internalized overconfidence he had to learn in Sabertooth in order to survive, destroyed in a mere week. How do you take on all that? He was 19 at that time, as self-sufficient he was he was still a kid, a kid in a most definitely not healthy environment to grow up in. –Assuming, since the manga said Sabertooth became a top guild 5 years prior after their most powerful mages joined, meaning he'd have been 14 when he joined Saber– Sting had no way of knowing how to deal with loss of such shape, so he broke down in front of his enemies, and all that pilled-up pressure fell on him.
But of course as I mentioned, Sabertooth is a guild created to parallel everything Fairy Tail stands for, and that wouldn't be the first nor the last time they help someone from outside their guild, including former enemies. I specially adore how it was Erza who consoled him, Natsu was probably the first who realized the members of Sabertooth were molded to stain their hands in the name of the guild because of Jienma, and Erza likely realized too in that moment.
And we all know Sting strives to be like Natsu but I think Erza offering him solace in this moment was core to his growth later on, she was probably the first person other than Rogue and his father who was kind to him, –since he doesn't remember Anna yet– and it was the helping hand he needed to take the first step forwards after losing everything you've ever known.
Sorry I did say I was going to overindulge lol but I love this scene so much. But back to the original question, yes Fairy Tail values their vows passionately and fiercely and yet they also rebel against them a few times, –the recurring theme of young people breaking the outdated norm is also a constant in the manga– so I think, after learning the whole story they sort of decided to forgive and adopt/mentor the members of Sabertooth and mend all the trauma they had to deal with. I love the tiny bits we see of FT members being sort of overprotective towards Saber members, they're cute.
Sooo after all that the conclusion is: yeah, Sting has probably killed people, and Fairy Tail doesn't give a damn about it 👍🏼
(I'm seriously this close to make another long post on Sting's growth in character because he makes me sick I love him so much)
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E.M - The One That Got Away. SHORT
Hurt/No Comfort.
Please Reblog with hashtags. It helps! 💗
A/N: Not Proofread. Just wanted to write some hurt/no comfort angst. Asshole Big Shot Eddie. Not gendered (I think) and based around 1998. Eddie is in his thirties I believe.
Warnings/themes: Relationship ending, headache, accused cheating, strained relationship, long-term, neglect on Eddie's part, swearing.
Edit: I have made slight changes just so ik it's not gendered in Eddie's choices in partners. Making it gender neutral.
"What do you want from me, Eddie? Seriously- what do you expect?"
Your voice was filled with frustration and pain, months worth. Years even. The only sound that accompanied your defeated tone was the padding of your pacing steps followed by a drawn out sigh turned almost growl coming from your fiancé.
"I dunno. A bit of- of understanding maybe? You think this hasn't been hard for me-"
Eddie tried to bite back but, in all honesty, it just made you angrier.
"Understanding? Understanding! Wow- that's all this takes? Who would have known! All I've ever given is understanding, Eddie! Years of it!"
Your voice cut his cleanly off. Louder now. Standing just a few steps from him. But you didn't give up quite yet.
"When your tour went on longer because you added on shows, all I said was; yes darling, I understand. When you wanted to go sight-see in the cities on the way back, all I said was; sure, go ahead! When I couldn't get ahold of you for a week, I convinced myself you were just travelling. Just didn't have signal. You were just tired. But we both know the truth. Don't we, Eddie? Huh? I have always given you the benefit of the doubt. Always!"
The tears streamed now, your hands in fists as you let out all of the thoughts. Everything you had sworn to keep to yourself. But, in the moment that this argument had started, you realised you didn't need to keep it in. Not to protect him. Not to burden yourself.
"Everything. Everything, Eddie. I did for you! And all I ever asked for. Was for your love. For you to come home to me at the end of it all. To just be mine. And even that was too much to ask for..."
"I never- I swear I never even touched another woman-"
"Sure. Sure, Eddie. Let's say that's true. You Sure as hell looked though right? Or is it if you don't look it doesn't happen. So if you fucked those girls with your eyes closed, it didn't happen right? That's what you joked about with your band mates. Right?"
"Babe, it was just a joke- I would. I- I'd never. Please just- why do you always have to make things bigger than they actually are-"
You slipped the ring off your finger and practically launched it with murderous intent at his face before you walked away. And by the sound of it, you had made contact enough to hear a wince and hiss.
"Go marry one of those groupies. Then you can cheat on them and they wouldn't even care. Get out. You've got a show to do. Don't want to keep your fans waiting, Mr Big Shot. And don't ever call me again. A decade of my life wasted on you. I hope you rot Eddie Munson."
Your voice echoed in his mind that night, and years to follow. The years touring. The partners he had and pushed away all because he let the one he truly loved get away. All because he let it all get to his head. He had the fame. The fans. The world in his palm. But his world had slipped away. Fallen. Broken free. Rightfully so, but there wasn't a moment it didn't torment him to insanity.
#eddie munson#writing#fanfic#fanfiction#eddie munson imagine#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson imagines#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson x male reader#eddie munson x gender neutral reader#eddie munson hurt/no comfort#eddie munson angst
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Like people who yell, are disoriented in public, have obvious hygiene issues, or are like visibly actively using drugs in public deserve protection and care and autonomy just like anyone else. Are you really being harmed by any of those things?
And not to be too anticarceral on main but even people who harm others shouldn't be unpersoned for it, like obviously there are conversations to be had about how we can protect each other from further harm but that's still a human being in your community who deserves to have basic safety, food, shelter, autonomy, and all the other protections human beings should have a right to expect.
You shouldn't have to earn those things by never doing anything harmful in your life. They should not be revocable.
It's notable that those with the least power to do harm are the most harshly violated themselves in response to accusations of harm, regardless of the truth of the situation.
Is harm actually worse if the person who harmed you is a drug user? Or have you just bought the propaganda that there's an underclass of disposable deviants* who deserve as much brutality as we care to offer?
*I wanna bring up homelessness here, because the violence we do to people who do not have a safe & consistent home to stay in is most often justified with massive ableism and the assumption that these human beings use illegal substances or use legal ones to a stigmatized degree or with stigmatized results.
Like yes, Miss Maude the secretary at your church might have an illicit opioid habit, and you should be aware that substance use happens even among the nice normal people in your community. It's not rare, and it doesn't mean anything bad about the person who uses those substances.
But I don't want you to only be okay with substance users existing because some people who use illegal or stigmatized substances (or licit ones with stigmatized outcomes) can be indistinguishable from people who don't.
The guy on the corner begging for food money who's visibly intoxicated and sitting near his shopping cart of possessions and swearing and ranting is also part of your community, and he deserves protection and care and autonomy just as much as Miss Maude.
If you want to stand in solidarity with the oppressed, that man starving or having all his possessions thrown away or being trapped in a cell to be abused should be just as horrifying as it would be if someone did that to your friendly neighbor Tom whose high-volume daily alcohol use no one in the world but him is aware of.
"you probably know a lot of people who use criminalized/stigmatized substances without you realizing" is true and important for people to understand
but I just want to make sure we're all on the same page that people who aren't able to hide their substance use (even from random strangers!) still deserve the same solidarity as any other community member
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pairing/s: sung jinwoo x reader
genre/s: romance if you squint, long-time friends, teeny bit suggestive
wc: 2.1k (whoops)
warning/s: no beta we die like beru, this MIGHT not make sense im sorry lmao, mentions of alcohol and swearing, some mature themes
note/s: got inspired by rui mizuki from tokyo debunkers
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synopsis: you invite jinwoo to catch up with him at your bar
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“Care for a drink?” You offered to the newly announced S-rank hunter— your dear friend since highschool. Your eyes observing any change in his expression, which you admit was a bit hard to distinguish now but it was still possible.
You see, last time you saw him, he was the timid little E-rank working hard to provide for his family. It surprised you at how much he changed since then when you invited him to your newly opened resto bar.
It was just you and him as you only planned to officially open a week later with your family and other friends.
Meanwhile, Jinwoo was deliberating in accepting your offer since the system made him immune to the effects alcohol — basically rendering the essence of drinking useless.
You tilt your head at his apprehensiveness, a small pout forming on your lips from your position in front of him, separated by the counter.
“Earth to Jinwoo, hellooo? I remember we always drank cheap beer together when we weren't as busy, don't tell me you can't handle liquor anymore?” You raised an eyebrow, resting your hands on your hips as you teased him.
He sweat dropped, “That's…” he paused before sighing and ultimately just taking your offer since he loses nothing from it anyways. Additionally, you'd find a reason to bug him about it anyways— at least you haven't changed in that regard.
You grinned, “Don't worry about a thing,” you turned to the shelves behind you before you looked at him from over your shoulder.
“I'll be making a drink that I developed myself~” and you got to work.
Jinwoo doesn't know if he should be worried or not, you were always one to experiment on food and beverages. He'd been the subject to said experiments which were always a hit or miss, no in-between.
But he watches on with keen interest at the way you move with purpose to create the drinks. Your hands perfectly maneuvering with practiced ease as you focus your attention on the task.
His shadows make a commotion as they observe their liege’s expression shifting into a more soft and relaxed one.
‘My liege looks at her differently than everyone else'
‘This must be who our liege prefers as his queen?’
‘He has yet to attach one of us to her shadows’
‘Perhaps this is our liege’s love—’
Jinwoo feels his shadows rumbling around for a reason unknown to him but then he realizes why a huge misunderstanding, he actually doesn't know why.
What in the hell were you chucking in the drinks? He does not recognize the ingredients you were adding to your concoctions, and he hated to admit that it might've made him nervous a little not a little despite having the system.
He wouldn't die from consuming whatever you're making… right?
Sooner or later, you finished up preparing everything along with some food you made earlier, bringing them one by one to the countertop… and finally, the drinks.
The ravenette silently gulps but you noticed how his Adam’s apple bobbed from the action.
“Now, what's with that look? It's not like I'd poison you or anything.” You commented, maybe slightly aware of the close calls to the hospital maybe to hell you two experienced due to your “recipes”.
He shoots you an incredulous look, making you put up your hands in surrender.
“Okay! Fine, fine!” You took your glass, lifting it up to your lips as he eyed you with a poker face. You took a sip and put down the cup, teasing him a bit by delaying your reaction.
You sighed out in delight after a few seconds, making eye contact with his gray eyes.
“There, I'm still alive.” You gestured to his glass, “Now, drink.” you basically demanded, wanting to see his reaction to how much you've improved.
He doesn't break eye contact with you as he lifts his glass, still a bit suspicious, before taking a small, tentative sip.
Jinwoo’s eyes then widened a bit in surprise at the pleasant taste the beverage left on his tongue as he looked down at it. He lifted his gaze up to you only to find you donning this cheeky expression.
“Not bad right~?” You giggled at how taken aback he was, proud of yourself even. Only you had the balls to tease this scary man to such a degree.
The male stares at you, “... It's good…” trailing off.
You pout, feigning offense. “What makes you so skeptical about what I made, hmm?” You pointed a finger at him.
He blinks, as if telling you there's a lot of things he could say, but decides against it.
“Who wouldn't be skeptical after seeing you chuck in suspicious ingredients?” Jinwoo shot back at you, an amused expression gracing his features as you gasped at his words.
“Suspicious? I'll have you know I picked them myself!” You huffed at him, taking another sip.
“Hmmm… Where did you even procure them?” He raised the cup, observing the gradient liquid that seemed to sparkle as you moved it around, before slowly drinking it.
“From dungeons, where else?” You flippantly answered as he yet again gets taken aback.
He swallows the drink quickly, shooting you a look, setting the drink down.
“Since when have you ever entered dungeons?” Uh oh... You looked away from his intense gaze.
“Uhm… around the time you got hospitalized…?” You were honestly unsure of yourself.
He sighed, a palm coming in contact with his forehead.
“So that means you awakened?” Your friend interrogated further.
You circled your index finger on the rim of your glass, avoiding his eyes.
“...maybe?” Jinwoo could only sigh yet again, causing you to look up at him, he seemed stressed. By your answer, he guessed you hadn't gotten evaluated at all.
“So you're telling me you went into dungeons without having been evaluated nor permitted by the association? (Y/n), that's illegal and dangerous.”
“I assure you it's not those dangerous dungeons you're thinking about, and I don't think the association even knows about the existence of the dungeons I'm talking about.” You explained yourself to him, smiling sheepishly at Jinwoo in hopes of making him calm down.
“Keep talking, we have the whole night for you to convince me that wherever you got those weird ingredients and the ingredients themselves aren't unsafe”
You sigh, sipping your drink.
And so, you've finally fully explained what happened to you the past months. Summarizing it to awakening, getting sucked into a weird portal and in a quiet forest that had all sorts of mysterious plants and other stuff, and then discovering they could be used as ingredients. Then a glowing deer appeared before you and referred to you as the new guardian of the said forest, giving you a book about all the things you needed to know about it. The book had information about all the things in the forest, causing you to hyperfocus on the fact you could experiment with them.
And bringing you to now, both of you having gone through multiple rounds of drinks already from the lengthy storytelling.
Jinwoo takes another drink, a subtle pang hitting his brain as he just sighs for the nth time at your crazy story.
He turns his head to where you sat beside him on a stool, having seated yourself there due to how long your story got, feeling the air had become warmer.
“Show it to me next time.”
“Suree~” You slurred out, feeling a little bit tipsy and dopey.
He clicks his tongue, pinching your cheek on a whim. He thought how uncharacteristic it was of him to act so childish after all he'd gone through, but here you were, having just as eventful past months but not registering how risky it could've been.
Jinwoo's mind gets bogged down by an indescribable weight. His eyes trail towards your eyes before settling on your lips— thinking to himself how soft they seemed.
How he'd like to take a bite and see if it's as soft as it seemed—
He blinks and shakes his head, in disbelief that he just thought about that. Maybe the alcohol was getting to him? But that wouldn't make sense since it shouldn't have an effect on him— which makes it crazier that he had those thoughts while sober that's what you think bitch
“Do you want a different drink?” You asked, your palate growing tired of the beverage you two had been drinking the whole time, wanting a different taste this time.
“Sure.” The ravenette answered as if he just didn't have a mental breakdown, his ears were a little bit red but maybe you were imagining things.
“Okiieee~” You slid out of the barstool, sauntering over behind the counter to make something heavier.
You hummed and swayed as you prepared a new batch for you both. Jinwoo’s eyes being unable to stop themselves from settling on your hips, snapping himself out of it when he realized.
“God, you're heavy!” You heaved out as you hauled Jinwoo upstairs to your living space above the business, his arm slung around your shoulder and basically supporting all of his weight— you can shamefully admit you liked the proximity though.
"Smell nice..." Was what you heard from the drunken mutterings he directly said into your ears, making you a little conscious of your scent.
You settled him down carefully to lay on your large couch, pulling off his shoes so he'd be more comfortable. You disappeared beyond a hallway before reappearing a few minutes later in much more comfortable clothes, with a pillow, blanket, and change of clothes for the male to use.
“Jinwoo, here's a change of clothes.” You poked his cheek as he groaned in response, forcing himself to open an eye and take them from you. He then started undressing himself as if you weren't there, gaping at how well-built his body was.
The ravenette started unbuckling his pants, only then you decided to turn around before you witnessed something you shouldn't, heat rushing to your face. When you heard the rustling of clothes stop, you turned around to check that he went back to lay on the couch. You sighed at your friend and the effect of liquor on him, giggling to yourself at how he was reduced to this state despite being an S-rank as well as having the system but you didnt know that
As you turned to leave after putting the pillow under his head and the blanket on top of his body, you felt a tug on your wrist.
The world blurred before clearing again, and you realized that Jinwoo pulled you on top of him. You struggled to get out but his grasp was strong.
“Stop moving around.” His voice was tired… and sounded deeper, bringing another wave of warmth to your face. You eventually resigned to your fate, making yourself comfortable by nuzzling onto his chest and sighing in delight.
‘Problem for future me to handle now’
Sunlight streamed through the curtains of your living room window, directly landing on Jinwoo’s face as his face scrunched up in discomfort.
He uses his arm as a shield only to find out that said arm was under something. He squints his eyes open to investigate, widening when he processes that someone was lying with him.
The gray-eyed male gets jolted awake with that realization, the person on top of him groaning at the sudden movement.
He gets a closer look to find out it was you… in quite the revealing outfit you call you comfortable sleeping clothes— and you were not wearing a damned bra who tf wears a bra to sleep
Jinwoo tried to patch together what happened last night, only remembering that you two went for a few more rounds of the new drink you prepared. A few things were blank spots in his head, but then he also realizes it doesn't ache like it should when there's patches in his memories after drinking.
Speaking of, did he actually get drunk? With no hangover?
He looks at you, who was sleeping soundly, amazed. Whatever mystery ingredients you added to your beverages weren't considered as toxins by the system, but still had the same effect as any alcoholic drink save for the hangover.
You shifted in your sleep, your soft chest pressing against his as you nuzzled your face into his neck. He felt a drop of sweat precipitate against his cheek, his hand unknowingly squeezing itself on your waist.
He then chuckled to himself at the unexpected, but admittedly not unpleasant, turn of events.
In the future, he finds out that he can also get drunk on you
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note/s : yeah the ending seemed wonky, but I feel too lazy to fix anything wrong now
taglist: @justwinginglife, @ryescapades , @minasfwoopyponytail , @sabrina-senpai, + anyone else who wants to be added!
#sung jinwoo x reader#sung jinwoo#sung jinwoo x you#jinwoo sung#jinwoo sung x reader#solo leveling x reader#solo leveling fanfic#solo leveling imagine#solo leveling
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The Karai / Miwa character concept in tmnt is interesting- but I wish it was done well often or more (mainly in 2012)
The main character of Karai is to be known as shredder’s daughter, teen or adult, a fierce ninja warrior. It gives a branch of possibilities for how shredder’s like familial in relationships, is the shredder the type to use her as a weapon to fight off the turtles? Or does he actually care about her, but he doesn’t want to get too close to her. Because, if something happened to her, he would blame it on himself for it. or it would just make him blame on the turtles more, or more specifically hamato yoshi.
For the miwa hamato twist- it’s kinda a bit cliche? Like- oooo shredder’s daughter is actually yoshi’s kid, his main enemy all long! I mean yeah you don’t see that often- I think- but meh tbh? I mean it can be interesting, but idk how to explain a lot abt it more except the karai part.
Okay- No hate but, 2012 karai to me is just- there? Of course she’s a good character by herself and stuff- but story? It’s kinda lacking a bit- like- it’s not empty, but barely. But Of course that’s just me and how I think!
Karai as a character is cool- so I hope if future iterations use her, they take inspiration from 2003 or rise!, I like the gram gram karai LOL 💀
I 100% agree that the twist was super cliche and could be seen coming a mile away- LMAO
You're completely right about this being such an obvious opportunity to explore Shredder as a Father / parent and how that either does or doesn't influence certain aspects of Karai as a character ! I think honestly the most interesting take on this is the '03 version, considering what Shredder turned out to be in this version, you know? 👀✨
And I have to agree- I think you're right about Karai just existing for the lot part in 2012. This is why I say 2012 Karai deserved a lot better. In my opinion, I don't think that there wasn't a story going for her, but I think the show constantly took away focus from it,, So she really did end up being just there or being used as a replacement antagonistic plot device when Shredder wasn't available (Or other main villains-). This felt the most apparent in Seasons 3-4 to me personally. But I do think a story was there for her-
Being caught up in not only a sibling rivalry between her Father and her Uncle but a generational feud, being manipulated into almost assassinating her biological Father and by extension her younger brothers who she didn't even know she had, the fact that she was being encouraged to assassinate anyone as a 16 year old girl in general (And the long-lasting trauma that would be inflicted upon her if she had found out about the truth after she had assassinated them or just her Father-), being continuously hurt over and over again after finding out the truth via forced mutation AND forced mind control by her Uncle- Karai having to muster up the mental and emotional courage that it takes to unlearn a bunch of horrible shit that she were honestly trained to believe for 16 consecutive years of her life practically by herself, and even then having the people that she wants to prove herself to the most still not fully trusting her / fully accepting her as one of them (Their sister-).
All of these things are so captivating to me and had so much potential to give her a more thought out narrative within the series- But no. These writers don't care about Karai at all. If you're not the Turtles (Mainly Leo) or April, then "too bad". It makes me so pressed, I swear. 🙃 Lmao
I think the best way they could have developed Karai's relationship with her Brothers and vice versa is if they were able to find her during the Season 2 finale and take her with them to the O'Neil's Farmhouse (Also like a context for Splinter got to go with them as well, maybe even Irma with my interpretation of her character outside of canon too !). Having all of those months to really be around Karai and honestly be the reason why she started to regain her humanity would've been fantastic to see. I also think it would have been helpful if Leo was still in his coma (As messed up as it is to say- Lmao), since it would allow the other Brothers (Raph / Donnie / and Mikey-) to actually form a relationship with her without Leo kind of shoehorning his way in every time- 💀
I'm also super biased when it comes to Raph in this scenario, because I really feel like him and Karai share a lot of similarities as people and it would have been great if those two in particular were super close (in my opinion)- In pretty much every AU that I have, those two are either be super close off rip, or they have the most formative sibling relationship Arc (Like my Adventure Time + 2012 crossover AU for example-) ! I know I'm probably biased, but it's something I really really wanted to see and I'm really upset that it didn't happen, so I'm making it happen fanonly- 😤✨
I don't know if you guys have heard the song "Yucky Blucky Fruitcake" by Doechii but that song is literally 2012 Karai and Raph to me. The second half of that song?? I swear, I tear up thinking about it,, I want to make art or an animation for it so bad,, Showcasing how even though they didn't grow up together, they still feel like kindred spirits, you know? 😭
#q&a#q&a questions#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012#tmnt 2012#karai#karai hamato#miwa#miwa hamato#oroku saki#saki#the shredder#shredder
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queerplatonic narumitsu so good and important thank YOU
Thank YOU! My account is just me reaching frantically out into the void trying to find my fellow qpr enthusiasts, I am always happy to find more! Such a coincidence you sent an ask because I actually drew this kinda queerplatonic coded narumitsu after reading your fanfic, which maybe wasn't intended to be queerplatonic but it filled that niche for me! (everybody go read right it right now!!!) . It's not directly based on any of the scenes, just the emotions and vibes that you captured.
This drawing was also inspired by "Breathless on DVD" by Antarctigo Vespucci which is about two people missing different versions of eachother and only having an old version in their head to miss, someone please scream about these lyrics with me
I haven't seen you in a long time. Are you still 27 and mad at me?
You haven't seen me in a long time But I'm still 23 and worrying everyone I love is just pretending
#something something we care about eachother but it's hard to pin down how and i don't know how we can fit into eachothers lives like this#i actually really dislike how this turned out BUT since you helped inspire it i felt like i should share!#I didn't capture their personalities quite right...this is why i only write comedy *backflips away*#BUT EVERYONE GO READ THE FIC AND LISTEN TO THE SONG they are much better than the comic i swear#ace attorney#ask#narumitsu#queerplatonic narumitsu#phoenix wright#miles edgeworth#my art
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@ridiculous-hibiscus Awwww, Hibi!! 🥹🥹
No, seriously, the vibes are so warm! It's just so incredibly cozy. I swear it feels like a still from one of those Christmas movies (a romcom xmas movie perhaps? 🤭🥹) because of the vibes. You captured the energy so beautifully!
And about the background, I could see that it looked different from the rest, but I didn't want to assume it was a photograph beneath it because either way, I loved the vision you went with. You've made me realize that I could actually try and use this method in the future as I continue my own drawing journey, so thank you for teaching me that!
Also, omg, I love that you used the dancing hearts (using 'dancing hearts' alone is chef's kiss, I love that!) as a way to foreshadow that! Like, that's so SWEET and THOUGHTFUL. Thank you for sharing your thought process behind it! I already loved the detail alone and now knowing the reasoning, even more! Also, I did notice that the tree was a little bare, but I suspected it was because they were in the middle of decorating it and about to make their clear ornaments :') (I wish we could do that for real with Miguel *sighs*)
Hibi... My heart can't take this, but I understand what you mean and I appreciate you sharing it!😭 I just sat here, observing the pic of the room (the before) for a few minutes and honestly (maybe I'm extra and too emotional), I felt an overwhelming loneliness looking at it. It feels like I'm looking at one of those fake rooms in furniture stores, void of any life. It's exactly what life was like for Miguel before Dulzura! And then looking at the after... The same space screams WARMTH, PEACE, COMFORT -- HOME -- and all because of one single person who has changed Miguel's life forever (I'm not ok right now 😭).
HIBI, HIBI, HIBI, HIBI!!! You want to make me cry, don't you? You think of me as Dulzura?
That is SO SWEET -- I'M ABOUT TO CRY, HIBI, BUT HAPPY TEARS! 🥹🥹💖💖 It means so much to me that you tried to represent me and that you think of me as Dulzura! Thank you for that and for sharing the fact with me, also, it's not strange at all! It's very kind and thoughtful of you. 💕 Also, thank you for the sweet compliments! 🥺
Girl, you nailed the moment so wonderfully! And Miguel!🥰🥰 I just want to cuddle with him on the couch (still)! Omg, I'm always so interested in learning how people imagine Miguel's scent, so thank you for sharing that! I'm gonna need to go and find something similar to what you've described, but I feel like I'm imagining it decently and if it's how I'm imagining it...
I just know he smells AMAZING! There's no doubt about that!
Awww, hehe! I'm touched that my response made you happy! It's always so sweet knowing I've at least made one person happy with me being here on tumblr🥹
Also, I try, Hibi! I don't want to disrespect anyone, so that's why I always ask artists first!💕
Wait, a possible fanart of the ice skating scene...?
That would be SO SWEET SJKDFJKDJOSI I would literally scream at the top of my lungs because that's literally my second favorite scene of this chapter! I would be over the moon, but no pressure at all, pookie, and please take care of yourself first!! 🫵🏼😤 I am honored that you've drawn this beautiful fanart and even considering doing another one, like, THANK YOU!!!😭
Thank you SO MUCH, pookie! This fanart truly means so much to me!🥹 I hope you're having a great evening so far and that you have a wonderful and restful weekend! 🫶🏼💖
p.s. I've never been in one either, hehe, I just did some research to get an idea of the layout. It's funny how many things we writers look up for our fics sometimes.💀 And awww, I swear you're too sweet with all these compliments, I'm seriously about to cry! But oof, I'm just so grateful to be able to write and share my writing, and that you guys enjoy it! It's my honor, truly ❤️
Hiii, Alondra! 👋 🥰 I finally got some time due to a break from work to make some fanart for NC! This is inspired by Ch 22 (tbh, there are so many art-worthy moments in that chapter, but I only have so much time) 🥹!
Note: I know they don't actually have both trees up in the same room, but I found a little stamp on IbisPaintX that looked holographic to me, so I included it to show you how I pictured the futuristic holographic tree with the little ornaments.
Also: I loved how Miguel's white cable knit sweater turned out. Still learning to paint and render, but our muses Dulzura and Miguel are helping me! 💞😍
Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed reading your work, as always ❤️💙❤️💙
Love, Hibi 🫂

Hibi! What if I cry?!?!

THIS IS SO LOVELY, HIBI!!! 🥹🥹💖 The way the living room looks so COZY and WARM! I seriously love the way you decorated the space; from the couch to the coffee table to the curtains and art on the wall. The trees! I adore both so much and I love how you imagine the holographic tree! It looks so cute! I actually really love the little hearts effect, which I hadn’t thought about before, but would make so much sense for people to be able to add effects to their tree like raining hearts or stars, or something of the sort. That detail and the tree overall are so cute and cozy, Hibi! I appreciate you sharing your vision of it! 💕💕
Also, is this lovely girl your spidersona, or you? I know you said in a comment you've been struggling with your spidersona, too, so I'm curious if this is her, or it's you! Either way, she's so pretty and looks so sweet!🥹 I also love the expression on her face; she’s so immersed with the clear ornament and totally oblivious to the flustered Miguel at her side after calling him cute, haha!!🥹
Which by the way, FLUSTERED MIGUEL!!! AAAAAAAAA, I LOVE HIM SCRATCHING THE BACK OF HIS HEAD, HIS WIDE EYES, AND THE BLUSH ON HIS CHEEKS — SCREAMING FROM THE ROOFTOP!! And the freaking WHITE CABLE KNIT SWEATER — HIBI, YOU’VE BLESSED US!! 🥹🙏🏼 He looks so, so, so cute, handsome, toasty, and cuddly. 🥺😩 I just want to snuggle on the coach with him, head pressed to his chest and letting our warmth become one while I smell his comforting scent, augh! It turned out amazing, friend, you should 100% be happy (more than happy!!) with how the sweater turned out! It truly looks so cozy. I also want to talk about Miguel in his socks… WHY IS HE SO CUTE ?? 😭😭😭 It's such a small detail, but I feel like it further shows how comfy and open he is with Dulzura in their home (as best friends🙂). He just looks so freaking homey!🥺🥺
Also, the two coffee mugs! This is literally me when you guys include them in your art:

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS PRECIOUS FANART, HIBI!!! I swear it makes me want to go and read part 22 and pretend it's December and not March because the vibes in your art are pure peace, coziness, tenderness, and warmth!! ✨️🎄🎁🥹 It means so much to me that you drew this on your free time, too, seriously, thank you!! 😭🥺 I most definitely enjoy and LOVE this fanart, pookie! There's no way I don't!
I want to ask :)) Is it okay if I link this post to the NC fanart post and tag you on it? Please let me know if you're OK with that! I would love to add this beautiful fanart and you to the post! 🥰🥹
Thank you so much, Hibi! As always, I'm so grateful and honored that my fic inspires you guys to draw and that you feel comfortable to share it with me! 🥹 I swear, just thinking about it makes me want to cry each time. 😭I'm sending you a big and warm virtual hug right now!! Please take care and rest my dear, Hibi! 🫂💖
p.s. the penthouse is such a vibe, Hibi. Wishing I was there right now with our favorite Spider-Man 🥹💕
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Detroit Become Human and why does this game decide that the problem in society is individual people treating androids poorly because those androids are choking them out of the workforce and NOT the corporations and governments who deliberately designed the androids to do this
#AUGHHGHH#I promise you dbh is still one of my favourite games I really do#But ohhhhhhhjghh my GODDDD it makes me mad#Like ESPECIALLY this year. With artists and writers being so fucked by ai#Like the game has less than no sympathy for people who were screwed over by cyberlife deciding their labour wasn't worth anything#Like everybody has to be a strawman. Everybody has to be the violent 'android bad because (some vague reason that draws on the#'immigrants are stealing our jobs' line despite the fact that these things aren't equivalent at all)#Like yes. Robots being placed in positions where a real human would be paid a real wage to do that job is bad. This is a bad thing#But the game. Does not CARE#It's so morally neutral for cyberlife to be allowed to mass produce androids in the middle of a poverty epidemic that they created#It's fine! Says Detroit Become Human because everyone rendered homeless or struggling by this company's actions is a violent drug addict#Or something#It's like HUH#H U H#This game was so enamoured with it's weird bad civil rights allegory that it forgot that people do actually need jobs to uh. Pay to live#Because things are hell#And I think it could've been SO much better if the game acknowledged this AS WELL as acknowledging that no android chose this#Like a fresh deviant didn't ask to cause a real person to not have a job. The company who made them did#But dbh doesn't care. Cyberlife is morally neutral in this. I swear#Loses my mind this game is such a mess#Uhhh if anyone's reading this please don't get mad at me I promise I do really love this game. Like this game is the reason I#Met the love of my life. I am physically incapable of hating this game#I just think it's so worth discussing the ways it fails in (what I think is) a constructive manner#detroit become human#game analysis#I guess#If anyone has any contributions or disagrees with me I would LOVE love to hear. Genuinely I love talking about things like this#Essay in tags
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you know it's bad when i read svsss and tgcf, stories about just two guys falling in love and getting together, and think, "god i wish i were in between them."
gay little domestic cottage core life with binghe and qingqiu? please and thank you. being sandwiched by hua cheng and xie lian, two pretty men who are hundreds of years old? i am blushing, kicking my feet and giggling
and again, it's not even that i would want only one of them. like in both of the relationships, the two love each other too much to the point it'd feel wrong if they were separated! it wouldn't feel complete, so you gotta be with both of them!
but that's the thing; i just?? i feel so incredibly guilty whenever i think about being loved by these mxtx couples??? like it's so stupid but i feel like i'm intruding in on something and it's like, everyone else seems to just want them together only, not wanna be with them. like it's fuckin taboo or whatever
i feel like with any other character from any other media it'd be fine to simp for and write/read x readers of them, but when it comes to these books, it's off limits! no way, what are you, crazy? yes, yes i'm unhinged and desperately want their love and affection simultaneously. i want to be in a happy little poly relationship with these overpowered beautiful men with long hair.
i can't be the only guy or whoever to feel this way?? to wanna be kissed by these characters? sandwiched?? i have two hands for christ sake and they all look so happy together and im just like "lord i wanna be with them so much". someone tell me i'm not alone cmon <\3
#okay i havent read mdzs yet but i'll probably feel the same way#god i just wanna be in between shen qingqiu and binghe or hua cheng and xie lian please please#im sad im queer and im ready for a gay poly relationship with these mfs#i love them all#i remember seeing some post where it was like 'hua cheng x fem reader headcanons'#and i was like 'huh thats interesting. not fem but i'll check it out bc ive never rlly seen anything like that'#and then it was like 'he'd leave you for xie lian' and it was fucking hilarious actually#but then i saw the comments on that post and they were all like 'omg i was about to unfollow and block you' 'thank god' etc#and i was just like#'damn?? do people really not like this type of stuff when it comes to danmei novels or smth?'#i don't know if it was just bc it said fem reader or bc yk it's danmei and hua cheng and xie lian are very much in love and happy#but it lowkey kinda got me self conscious lmao and i was hella feeling bad#also no hate to that poster or those commenters im just a lonely queer man#'he would leave you for xie lian' was fucking brutal though i laughed my ass off at thag KAHSNZJ#please i swear i wont stand out too much i can fit in i have long luxurious hair too let me show you my hair care routine guys </3#svsss#mxtx svsss#luo binghe#bingqiu#tgcf#heavens official blessing#mxtx tgcf#mxtx novels#mxtx characters#hua cheng#xie lian#hualian#shen qingqiu#the scum villain's self saving system
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Something that people seem to have no conception of, unless they've experienced it themselves, is how fucking isolating it is to not be able to eat a lot of foods that most people can eat.
"People with allergies just shouldn't go out to eat, because it's selfish to make your allergies other people's problem."
Humans like to eat. Humans like to eat when they hang out. Humans go out to eat to hang out. Eating is incredibly important in social situations. It's just a thing that we do. Not being able to eat in these situations is incredibly fucking isolating.
I remember being a kid, sitting in one of my social groups, watching them all eat pizza, alone, while I got nothing, because my social group leader forgot to get me something to replace it. Again.
And this shit still happens to me, even now.
Disabled people deserve to experience luxuries just like everyone else, including going out to eat. Safely.
#also whenever i see things like this brought up#while most people in the comments are arguing “just stay home”#there's almost always a food service worker in the comments saying that they literally don't care if someone requests an allergy removal#that it’s not that much to just accommodate them#it's literally a part of their job to accommodate people with food restrictions#and they don't understand why people are always in such an uproar about it#food allergies#allergies#disability#disabled#actually disabled#ableism#swearing cw
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Semi-silly, semi-serious fic idea.
(I swear somebody has done something similar to this but I do not have the time nor spoons to sift through 20 years of jak fanfic)
Time travel shenanigans.
Jak, well into his adulthood at this point, finally accepts the fact that he's got to go back in time and become The Mar who builds Haven City and all that other stuff. And he's been dragging his feet because 1. We have time travel, what's the rush and 2. He Does Not want to uproot his life again and leave friends and family behind.
Unfortunately, he can't say No forever (idk maybe some back to the future type shit starts happening and stuff is disappearing)
So Jak and Co. go back in time (he is NOT doing this solo), and do some Sneaky Shenanigans to avoid getting caught by their younger time-selves. And by god is it SO tempting to just sabotage the rift gate and make it so the metal heads never come back this far into the past and Jak doesn't have to go through All That Shit. But, alas, the timeline must be preserved because Time Travel Reasons. So that sucks.
But anyways Jak and everyone he can convince to come back to the past begin sneaking in some fortifications to Sandover to ensure it survives the initial wave of metal heads. Tess has to come back to the past and go "Hello peaceful world! I have brought guns!"
There's a lot of "pay no mind to these weird middle-aged folks behind the curtain." Going on.
Eventually Jak has to enlist the Sages to help because Tess is a miracle worker but to fight the metal heads they need the power of eco. Which naturally leads to the realization that they'll even need a Sage of Dark Eco, and well... they did drop one in a big silo a little while ago.
So Jak goes to Gol's citadel, and fishes Gol and Maia out of the Dark Eco Silo. And that is just A Whole Thing.
(Let's pretend the dark eco preserved Gol and Maia ratherthan killed them, since Samos seemed unsure about their destruction at the end of TPL.)
It takes a minute for Gol to come to his senses and realize that he recognizes the man and the ottsel on his shoulder and has a whole "its you! The boy and his rat! You destroyed my plans! Wait... why are you old? What year is it!?"
And Jak, fully realized sage of light eco and absolutely confident in himself, ever so smugly says "calm down, it's been like six months for you. Chill. But listen. In a week or two something awful is going to be unleashed on the world and we need the power of all the sages to make sure everything is not fucking destroyed. Can we have a truce? Enemy of my enemy and all that? Or do i have to put you back in the fucking soup?"
After some deliberation Gol and Maia decide they play along with the truce and protect the world from the metal heads. Because no way in hell some stupid ass space bugs are going to destroy the world. That's their plot! They called first dibs!
And like. Naturally there's a betrayal at some point. But Jak's too busy trying to build up the mythos and legacy of Mar. And let's be honest, he sat down and studies history at some point and there was definitely tales of the great sages of Mar's era playing their part, even the dark eco sage so like, he knows how the story goes. He's got a schedule to keep to make history happen on time. If Gol's gonna attempt to kill him then he could at least hurry it up. Mar's a busy guy.
#jak and daxter#i swear this was a fic i read or a comic i saw AGES ago#like... back pre ao3 so either on fanficdotnet or deviant art?#there was so much stuff back then. i don't think I'd even found it even if I looked#god now I'm remembering a comic that was on dA thay was also time travely#but different timelines.#i feel like it only ever went like 2 or 3 pages#a beautiful and ambitious project that didn't get far#i remember jak doing something like going back in time with his infant son? crashing in sandover wrecking the time machine?#he hands his son off to someone else to take care of and then like a sick dog wandered off into the woods to die#i haven't thought about that in DECADES god i wonder if I actually remember any details correctly?
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I know in the grand scheme of things that this is by no means a lot, but it doesn't stop me from being FLOORED by the reception of my Rayllum Month stuff?!?! Like these PROPORTIONS are NUTS to me and I'm just over here in my bedroom sobbing my eyes out that my stuff (apparently) resonates with people the way I really want it to.
(^ the proportions in question)
Like, out of 895 people, and SO FAST (6 days, as of my posting this), 15 subscribed and I've got 79 kudos?! And 16 bookmarks?! AND 17 PEOPLE CARED ENOUGH TO COMMENT WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! I'm an emotional mess you guys and ik it's not a lot but it means EVERYTHING to me that people like my writing and I just CAN'T-
#side note if you saw me post ch4 of it NO YOU DIDN'T#it was an accident but it'll be up in a few hours i pinky promise#the people i've met in this fandom are so genuinely amazing#like i actually can't think too long about interactions i've had otherwise i'll start crying (happy tears i swear)#so THANK YOU guys#i'm just a small town girl livin' in a lonely world and frantically making rayllum stuff to cope#like writing is so much to me and the fact that people like it always makes my heart explode#we do this for free! because we like it! and people care enough to get personal and interact and I LOVE FANDOM SO MUCH#brb crying in the tub#tdp#the dragon prince#rayllum#my fic#fic: i'm gonna marry him if he keeps all this up... i might just be in love#yk what?#FANDOM APPRECIATION POST#APPRECIATE PPL WHO WRITE AND PPL WHO MAKE ART AND PPL WHO COMMENT#AND EVEN JUST SHY PPL WHO DON'T COMMENT I SEE AND RESPECT AND LOVE YOU
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Spoilers for the new digital circus episode
THE NEW EPISODE WAS SO GOOD OH MY GOD AAAAAAAA!!!!!!! They totally teased us with that Jax angst, but it was still amazing! They better bring back Gumigoo in a future adventure. Man did not deserve what happened to him. He had his entire reality crushed and just when things were going well for him again, he got deleted. And of course it was Pomni who had to get close to him. My poor girl just can't catch a break. ALSO, THEY HAD A FUNERAL FOR KAUFO. THEY HAVE FUNERALS. I AM NOT OKAY. THE ENDING WAS SO FUCKING SWEET MY GOD!!!! POMNI HAS FRIENDS NOW AAUGDKDVAJSG!!! All it took was for her to get trapped in a digital hell hole. Good for her! Also there's a Kinger plush. I must have it. I need to cuddle him.
#still got a little bit of Jax angst at the very least!#I saw his face when they were talking about the funeral he cares!#love idiot men that don't know how to deal with their emotions#Kinger has a father and daughter relatsonship with Ragatha and you cannot tell me otherwise#THAT SCENE THEY HAD ON TOP OF THE TRUCK WAS SO SWEET!!!!#this episode was just really sweet honestly#I swear I didn't intend that pun#Caine has absolutely no idea how much trauma he's causing these people and I fucking love it#he's so unhinged my god#I also love how the characters react in the worlds kinda show how different people play video games#there's the ones who treat the npcs as if they're actual people#and there's the ones who just want to cause chaos and bloodshed#and the ones in between either have no idea what they're doing or they're just goofing off#I love this show a lot can you tell#the amazing digital circus#tadc#tadc episode 2#spoilers#tadc spoilers
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Listen I'm a big shipper and you can ship pretty much whoever you want imo but if you insist on shipping a canonically aromantic character I do not fucking trust you
#just. don't.#“oh but aros can have relationships” okay?? great good for them#but do you actually care about arospecs or are you just using that as an excuse?#y'all hate romance-repulsed aros so goddamn much sometimes I swear#there's so many posts I've liked and thought were funny but didn't actually click like on because they were tagged with a ship for an aro#*cough* hazbin hotel fans *cough*#aromantic#aro#arospec#like I'm sorry. I love shipping. I really really do. I ship everyone under the sun.#but goddamn it there is worth in non-romantic relationships and non-romantic storylines#and fandoms are obsessed with just ignoring all of that in favour of romance#STAHP IT
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An example
( @quibble-auk your recent post inspired this, Im going to yell to the heavens about it soon I promise but alas, the worms.) Violence, blood gore, angst.
They had found Sunrazor. Found out about Sunrazor to be in alignment with reality.
Which means they found out that Comet had stolen a sparkling instead of allowing her to die.
Cometeater couldn't hold back his scream when the whip hit his back. He choked and gasped as the force snatched on his tied wrists. Blood had already soaked the ground beneath him, deep in the back of his mind he prayed the gladiators forced to watch the beating wrote off his odd yellow blood and sent it downstream with every other weird thing about him.
Another lash, the roar of pain bubbled in his throat. He received another twin cut from the handler for not allowing it out. It did escape his tortured raw throat that time.
He was hazy from blood loss, he could feel it, how long had he been tied here? Since that morning. Yes. He had overheard the rumors that the higher ups had gotten sick of his, “Flamboyant confidence in disrespecting authority.” That of course had nothing to do with what had been an almost riot the day before, two handlers dead because of some angry gladiators. Convenient, they just decided to have an example made of him that next day.
He felt his eyes start to water as another wave of agony ran up his spine, He couldn’t hold in his yell as the flesh was stripped off his back.
Comet had rushed quickly from the dining hall, allowing his old habits from back when he hid in the alleys of cybertron to coat him. In one minute he had Sunrazor.
Three minutes he was in the barred wing of the Arena of the upper quarters.
Five he was frantically shoving a terrified Sunrazor to the only mech he could trust her with.
Theremin hadn’t had time to ask him what was wrong.
Seven minutes later Comet was on the ground.
Ten minutes later he was an example.
Then they wouldn’t care about Sunrazor, if he gave them enough of a show.
Those stupid masters would leave him alone.
Comet could hear vaguely past the ringing in his head the master was yelling about insubordination. He slowly opened his eyes as the heat of the sun beat down on him, he met Theremin’s optics. Fear shot through his chest. He weakly grunted straining to look through the crowd, why wasn't he with Sunrazor? Where was his cub? Why- A boot snapped his head back with an audible crunch. His scream echoed through the crowd, his blood splattering in a nightmarish imitation of a halo around his battered body.
The pretender slowly blinked and hoped the handler wouldn't notice his flesh sticking to the whip.
And that his brothers would forgive him.
#concepts#Horns and Razors Au#He doesn't die I swear#I was attacked after I read your chapter#I was just feeling discouraged with my other project#Then you posted#your like magic I swear#Im so inspired#So yeah your never said they don't get whipped#and power trips are a big thing so....#I don't think the actually go after Sunrazor to get rid of her#they just use that as an excuse to beat the crap out of someone make a statement#As long as Com makes them money#who cares#Go play house#we have new things to dangle over your head#I use the gladiator grapevine so much hehe#They would know when stuff is about to go down#Im imagining the twins catch the tail end of it#angssssst#Hope you don't mind me sticking your boy in this#he feels right for it#My idea is the rumor about Comet is he's a failed frame design and that's why he's so weird.#blurb
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